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1 BONUS TEACHING HOUR for 3s Pre-K Unit 1. Do I Matter? COORDINATOR S PAGE SESSION 1 SESSION 2 SESSION 3 MIRIAM AND MOSES MOSES LED THE PEOPLE CROSSING THE RED SEA VOLUNTEERS WILL NEED paper large shallow pan glue sticks, scissors outdated family magazines play dough straw baby items, diaper bag ball VOLUNTEERS WILL NEED paper crayons blocks play dishes play food VOLUNTEERS WILL NEED stamp pad, stamps paper pencils, crayons blue, brown construction paper blocks markers, scissors cardboard tubes boxes or bags SESSION 4 SESSION 5 SESSION 6 THE TEN COMMANDMENTS MOSES SPOKE TO FAMILIES MOSES TALKED TO GOD VOLUNTEERS WILL NEED paper pencils, crayons table covering sticks cardboard tubes red or orange tissue painters tape, glue small blocks VOLUNTEERS WILL NEED several Bibles books about kindness dolls paper index cards, marker masking tape beanbag blocks VOLUNTEERS WILL NEED sticky notes wooden blocks paper, construction paper markers, tape shoe boxes craft sticks, glue sticks large beads, yarn BIBLE STUDIES FOR LIFE 3s PRE-K BTH-1

2 VOLUNTEERS SUGGESTED SCHEDULE UNIT 1 Session 1: Sept. 7 Session 2: Sept. 14 Session 3: Sept. 21 Session 4: Sept. 28 Session 5: Oct. 5 Session 6: Oct. 12 Restroom Break/Wash Hands (5 minutes) Enjoy a Snack (5 minutes) Group Time/Bible Story (10 15 minutes) Bible-Learning Activities (35 minutes) Clean Up (5 minutes) Closing Activity (10 minutes) Dismiss (5 minutes) REMINDERS Use a calm, quiet voice. Focus attention on the children. Review parents instructions and medical information for each child. Release children to authorized adults only. Thank families for bringing their children to church. 2-BTH 2014 LifeWay.

3 BONUS TEACHING HOUR for 3s Pre-K UNIT 1. SESSION 1 Room Your teaching partner(s) Thank you for serving! Miriam and Moses Exodus 1:8 2:10 LIFE POINT God is with us. LIFE VERSE You are saved. Ephesians 2:5 DATE OF USE BIBLE FUN ACTIVITIES SNACK Include the children in the snack distribution. Ask for one or more volunteers to pray. Lead the children to clean up after the snack. Thank them for their help. MOVE TO GROUP TIME Whisper, You matter to God in each child s ear as she moves to group time. TALK ABOUT THE BIBLE STORY Open your Bible to Exodus 1 and tell the Bible story. Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, did not like the Hebrews; he thought there were too many of them. He wanted to harm Hebrew baby boys. One mother wanted to protect her baby boy. She hid him for three months; then she could not hide him any longer. She made a basket from reeds that grew near the river. She coated the inside and outside of the basket to keep the water out. Then she put the baby in the basket and set the basket in the tall grass by the edge of the river. The mother told the baby s sister, Miriam, to watch what would happen next. Pharaoh s daughter came to the river. She saw the basket among the reeds and sent a servant to get the basket. When she saw the baby in the basket, he was crying. She felt sorry for him and said, This is one of the Hebrew boys. Miriam said, Should I go and call one of the Hebrew women to take care of the baby? Go, Pharaoh s daughter said. I will pay her to take care of this baby. So the baby s mother took him home. When he was older she took him to Pharaoh s daughter, and he became her son. She named him Moses. BIBLE STUDIES FOR LIFE 3s PRE-K BTH-3

4 SING TOGETHER To the tune Are You Sleeping? sing: God will help me; God will help me, And keep me safe, And keep me safe. God protects me; God protects me. Yes, He does. Yes, He does. SAY THE LIFE VERSE Say the Life Verse: You are saved. Ephesians 2:5. Show the children how to find Ephesians 2:5 in the Bible. Lead them to stand and march in place as they say the verse with you. PRAY Pray, thanking God for loving us, being with us, and taking care of us. BIBLE-LEARNING ACTIVITIES Talk about the Bible story as the preschoolers work, and emphasize that people matter to God. A. Play Sink or Float. Provide a large shallow pan of water. Invite the children to search the room for a few items that can be placed in water. Hold up one item at a time. Ask the children to guess whether the item will stay at the top of the water or sink to the bottom. Test the item to discover if it sinks or floats. Mention that God protected Moses when he was in a basket in the water. Ask the preschoolers to describe Moses basket. B. Create a people collage. Give each child a sheet of paper and a glue stick. Fold the sheet of paper in half. Place outdated family-friendly magazines on the table. Help each child find and cut out a few pictures of people. Guide him to glue his pictures to the top half of the paper. Tell the children that people matter to God and God is with us. Print the Life Verse on the bottom half of the page. C. Punch play dough letters. Flatten a medium-size piece of play dough. Using a sharp object, print the first letter of a child s first name in the play dough. Give the child a straw. Guide him to punch holes in the play dough along the lines of the letter. Identify the letter as the first letter of the child s name. Mention that the child matters to God. Note: This activity is geared for pre-kindergartners. Younger children can enjoy making shapes with the play dough. D. Pack a diaper bag. Hide baby items around the room. Invite the children to search for the items and place them in a diaper bag. Play again. Select a volunteer to hide the items while the other children close their eyes. Talk about how baby Moses mattered to God. Mention that God protected Moses and kept him safe. Note that God is with each of us. CLEAN UP Walk around the room and assign a cleanup task to each child. Play music, if available, as the children clean. Thank them for their help. PLAY A BALL ROLLING GAME Invite the children to sit in a circle. Give a ball to a child. Teach the group the following rhyme: God loves me. He keeps me safe. He helps me. My name is. Say the name of the child holding the ball. Then tell the child to roll the ball to another child in the circle. Say the rhyme again. Continue playing until each child has had a turn. DISMISS Make sure the preschoolers have gathered all of their personal belongings. Greet each parent. Distribute the Kids Activity Page. Point out the One Conversation and explain its use for family Bible study this week. 4-BTH SESSION LifeWay.

5 BONUS TEACHING HOUR for 3s Pre-K UNIT 1. SESSION 2 Room Your teaching partner(s) Thank you for serving! Moses Led the People Exodus 5 12 LIFE POINT God has a plan for each of us. LIFE VERSE You are saved. Ephesians 2:5 DATE OF USE BIBLE FUN ACTIVITIES SNACK Include the children in the distribution of the snack. Ask for one or more volunteers to pray. Lead the children to clean up after the snack. Thank them for their help. MOVE TO GROUP TIME Guide the preschoolers to toss any trash and tiptoe to the group-time area. TALK ABOUT THE BIBLE STORY Open your Bible to Exodus 5 and tell the Bible story. The Israelites worked hard for Pharaoh (the king). Moses took his brother Aaron to see Pharaoh. Moses said, God says, Let My people go. No! said Pharaoh. They do too much work for me. They must stay and work. God spoke to Moses, Go again and tell Pharaoh to let My people go. I will show Pharaoh My power. Tell the people that I will free them. Moses and Aaron went again to speak to Pharaoh. God says, Let My people go! said Moses. Again Pharaoh said, No! To show His power, God made all the water in the Nile River undrinkable. But Pharaoh would not listen. He did not let the people go. Eight more times Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh. Each time God made something happen to the Egyptians frogs, gnats, flies, hail, locusts, and no sunlight during the day. But Pharaoh still would not let the people go. Moses told the people to get ready. God knew that Pharaoh would soon allow them to leave. The people did everything God said. The next morning, Pharaoh let the people leave Egypt. BIBLE STUDIES FOR LIFE 3s PRE-K BTH-5

6 SING TOGETHER To the tune God Is So Good, sing: God has a plan, God has a plan, God has a plan, For each one of us. SAY THE LIFE VERSE Open the Bible to Ephesians 2:5 and read the verse: You are saved. Ephesians 2:5. Say the verse as you clap on each word. Repeat the verse and clap with the preschoolers. PRAY Pray and thank God for his plans for each person. Allow any volunteers to pray, too. BIBLE-LEARNING ACTIVITIES Talk about the Bible story and Life Point as preschoolers do these activities. A. Draw self-portraits. Provide paper and crayons for the preschoolers to draw pictures of themselves. As they draw, comment that God has a plan for each of them. Talk about the plan God had for Moses. B. Build a path. Encourage the children to use blocks to make a path. They can carefully walk on the path when they finish it. Challenge them to make a path to a particular place in the room or make a path in a particular shape (like a square). Talk about the people leaving Egypt as the children work and walk. C. Play a moving game. Stand and face a group of children. Tell them to do what you do without making a sound. Touch your head; touch your hips; touch your knees. Encourage the children to copy you. Move slowly from one position to another; then speed up your actions. D. Eat a meal. Lead the children to use the play dishes, play food, and other items to pretend to cook and eat a meal. Mention that the people ate a meal before they left Egypt. CLEAN UP Walk around the room and assign a cleanup task to each child. Play music, if available, as the children clean. Thank them for their help. PLAY A COLOR GAME Call out a color and ask the children to touch something in the room that is that color. Call out another color and direct the children to move to touch that color. Continue with more colors. DISMISS Make sure the children have gathered all of their personal belongings. Greet each parent. Distribute the Kids Activity Page. Point out the One Conversation and explain its use for family Bible study this week. 6-BTH SESSION LifeWay.

7 BONUS TEACHING HOUR for 3s Pre-K UNIT 1. SESSION 3 Room Your teaching partner(s) Thank you for serving! Crossing the Red Sea Exodus 13:17 15:21 LIFE POINT I can trust God. LIFE VERSE You are saved. Ephesians 2:5 DATE OF USE BIBLE FUN ACTIVITIES SNACK Include the children in the distribution of the snack. Ask for volunteers to pray. Help the children clean up. MOVE TO GROUP TIME Guide the children to pretend to walk on sand as they move to group time. TALK ABOUT THE BIBLE STORY Open the Bible to Exodus 13 and tell the Bible story. Pharaoh, the king, told the Israelites to leave Egypt. So Moses led the people as God showed the way. God led them with a tall cloud in the day and a tall fire at night. God told Moses to tell the people to camp. God knew Pharaoh would chase them. The Egyptians would see God s power and know that God was the only God. Pharaoh came after the Israelites to bring them back to Egypt. When the people saw the Egyptians coming, they were frightened. Moses said, Do not be afraid! Watch and see how God will save you today! Stretch your staff across the sea, God told Moses. Moses obeyed, and God divided the sea with a great wind. The waters were piled up on either side, and the people walked across the sea on dry land! When the people were across, Pharaoh and his men began to cross. God told Moses to stretch his hand out again. The waters of the sea came back together. God had saved the Israelites. The people were happy and sang a song of thanks to God. BIBLE STUDIES FOR LIFE 3s PRE-K BTH-7

8 SING TOGETHER To the tune The Muffin Man, sing: Do you know that God helps us, God helps us, God helps us? Do you know that God helps us, Because He loves us so? SAY THE LIFE VERSE Tell the children to dance or hop when you say, Move. After about 10 seconds, say, Freeze. When the children stop, say the first word of the Life Verse, You. Lead the children to repeat what you say. Dance, hop, and freeze again; then add in the next word of the verse, You are, for the children to repeat. Continue playing until they repeat the entire verse and Scripture reference, You are saved. Ephesians 2:5. PRAY Pray, thanking God for helping and loving people. BIBLE-LEARNING ACTIVITIES As the children complete the activities, emphasize that we can always trust God. A. Draw circles and stamp. Invite each child to draw several large circles on a piece of paper. Provide a stamp and stamp pad. Lead the child to stamp inside each circle. As the children work, tell the Bible story. B. Create a Bible story scene. Provide blue construction paper, brown blocks or construction paper, scissors, markers, and cardboard tubes. Tell the Bible story. Guide the children to use the materials to create the scene of the people crossing the Red Sea on dry land. Suggest they use the cardboard tubes to make people figures by drawing a face, hair, and clothing. C. Make marks on paper. Provide paper, pencils, crayons, and markers. Invite the children to practice making marks on the paper. Note: Do not expect letters. Just allow the children to use the crayons and markers to make marks (a prewriting skill). D. Pack for a trip. Pair up the children. Give each pair a box or bag. Guide them to walk around the room and pack items for a trip. Use your Bible to tell the Bible story. Talk about how the Israelites had to quickly pack as they left Egypt. Mention that God protected the Israelites and He protects us. CLEAN UP Walk around the room and assign a cleanup task to each child. Thank the children for their help. PLAY CROSS THE SEA Give each child two sheets of construction paper. Tell the children to move from one side of the sea to the other by stepping on the dry land (paper). The children can tear the paper into pieces and create a path to walk on. Or they can place both papers on the floor, walk on both of them, pick up the one behind and move it forward, step on it, pick up the one behind and move it forward, step on it, and so forth to cross the room. Ask how God helped the Israelites. DISMISS Send home the Kids Activity Page. Call attention to the One Conversation and explain its use for family Bible study this week. 8-BTH SESSION LifeWay.

9 BONUS TEACHING HOUR UNIT 1. SESSION 4 Room Your teaching partner(s) Thank you for serving! for 3s Pre-K The Ten Commandments Exodus 19:25; 20; 31:18 LIFE POINT Obey God s words. LIFE VERSE Learn what God wants you to do. Ephesians 5:17 DATE OF USE BIBLE FUN ACTIVITIES SNACK Include the children in the distribution of the snack. Ask for one or more volunteers to pray. Lead the children to clean up after the snack. Thank them for their help. MOVE TO GROUP TIME Lead the children to walk gently to group time. God wanted His people to obey Him. He gave them ten commandments (special rules) to help them know what to do. These are the commandments God spoke. I am God. There is no other God. Love only Me. Do not make anything of gold or wood to worship. Worship only Me. Always say My name with respect. Work on six days; rest on the seventh. It is a special day to God. Obey your father and mother. Do not kill anyone. Keep your marriage promises. Do not take anything that is not yours. Always tell the truth. Do not want other people s things. When the people heard the thunder and saw lightning, they were afraid. Moses said, Do not be afraid. God wants you to love and obey Him. TALK ABOUT THE BIBLE STORY Open your Bible to Exodus 19 and tell the Bible story. BIBLE STUDIES FOR LIFE 3s PRE-K BTH-9

10 SING TOGETHER To the tune Skip to My Lou sing: Walk in a circle; hold hands with me. Walk in a circle; hold hands with me. Walk in a circle; hold hands with me. Be as kind as you can be. God has rules for you and me. God has rules for you and me. God has rules for you and me. Be as kind as you can be. SAY THE LIFE VERSE Talk about what God wants people to do. Say the Life Verse: Learn what God wants you to do. Ephesians 5:17. Form three teams. Assign each team part of the Life Verse. The first team will remember the first half, Learn what God. The second team can learn the second half, wants you to do. The third team can learn the Scripture reference, Ephesians 5:17. The children in each team will jump up and say their portion of the verse when you point to them. Repeat several times. PRAY Pray and thank God for giving us rules to keep us happy and safe. BIBLE-LEARNING ACTIVITIES As the children work, emphasize that God wants us to obey His commandments. A. Make and decorate circles. Provide paper, pencils, and crayons for the children to draw and decorate circles. As they work, talk about ways to worship. B. Set up a campsite. Place a table covering over a few chairs or a table to make a tent. Guide the children to make a pretend campfire using sticks (or blocks), cardboard tubes, and orange or red tissue. Talk about how the Israelites traveled through the desert and camped by a mountain. C. Trace a word. Print the word OBEY on paper. Help each child trace the word using liquid glue. Lead the children to cover the letters with tiny pieces of torn paper. Talk about the meaning of the word obey. Mention that we obey God when we do what He tells us to do. Talk about ways we can obey God. D. Fill in shapes. Using painters tape, make shapes (rectangle or square with a triangle on top) to create the look of buildings. Tape a cross to the top of one triangle (roof) to make it look like a church. Guide the children to fill in the taped shapes with small blocks to make houses and a church. Invite the children to talk about how God wants us to act at home and at church. Review the Ten Commandments. CLEAN UP Lead the children to clean up the activity area and place supplies in their proper places. PLAY DO WHAT I DO Invite the children to sit in a circle. Select a volunteer to stand in the middle and do a motion, sing a song, or clap a rhythm. The children will try to copy the action. Play several times. Talk about how Jesus, God s Son, obeyed God s Ten Commandments. Mention that Jesus showed us how we should live. DISMISS Make sure the children have gathered all of their personal belongings. Greet each parent. Distribute the Kids Activity Page. Point out the One Conversation and explain its use for family Bible study this week. 10-BTH SESSION LifeWay.

11 BONUS TEACHING HOUR for 3s Pre-K UNIT 1. SESSION 5 Room Your teaching partner(s) Thank you for serving! Moses Spoke to Families Deuteronomy 4 6 LIFE POINT Help your family. LIFE VERSE Learn what God wants you to do. Ephesians 5:17 DATE OF USE BIBLE FUN ACTIVITIES SNACK Include the children in the distribution of the snack. Ask for one or more volunteers to pray. Lead the children to clean up after the snack. Thank them for their help. MOVE TO GROUP TIME Lead the preschoolers to form a line and follow you to group time. TALK ABOUT THE BIBLE STORY Open your Bible to Deuteronomy 4 and tell the Bible story. The Israelites were getting ready to go into the land that God had promised them. Moses spoke to the people before they went into the land. Moses told the people to remember everything that God had done for them. Moses reminded the people of the Ten Commandments that God had given them. Moses told the people they must worship only the One true God. Moses said, And this commandment is the greatest: love God with all your heart and all your strength. Teach these words to your children so that they will love God. God will bless your families for many years if you keep His commandments. BIBLE STUDIES FOR LIFE 3s PRE-K BTH-11

12 SING TOGETHER To the tune Mary Had a Little Lamb sing: This is what the Bible says, Bible says, Bible says; This is what the Bible says, Obey your mom and dad. SAY THE LIFE VERSE Read Ephesians 5:17 to the children. Form two teams. Team 1 says, Learn what God and team 2 says, wants you to do. You say the Scripture reference, Ephesians 5:17. Point to each team to say its part of the verse; then you add the Scripture reference. Repeat two times. PRAY Pray and thank God for parents and families who help preschoolers learn about God and the Bible. BIBLE-LEARNING ACTIVITIES As the children complete the activities, talk about ways they can help their families. A. Read to dolls. Gather a few Bibles and books about kindness. Insert a paper strip at the Life Verse and the Bible story in each Bible. Place the Bibles by the dolls. Encourage the children to read the Bible story and Life Verse to the dolls. Suggest they read some of the other books as well. Talk about ways family members help each other. B. Make tape art. Provide cut pieces of masking tape. Lead the children to press the cut pieces on a piece of paper to make a design. Thank them for showing kindness as they wait their turn for more tape. Talk about the Bible story as they work. C. Play a tossing game. Print on index cards or paper the names of different locations such as home, store, playground, park, church, restaurant, and work. Tape the cards or paper to the floor. A preschooler can toss a paper wad (or beanbag) onto one of the cards. Read the card the beanbag lands on. Ask the child to tell a way to obey his parents in that place. D. Build a park. As the children use blocks to build a park, mention that sometimes families go together to a park. Talk about things they might see at a park. (playground, birds, squirrels, water fountain, trees, other families) Mention things that Moses taught to families. Read the Life Verse and talk about the Life Point. CLEAN UP Walk around the room and assign a cleanup task to each child. Play music, if available, as the children clean. Thank them for their help. SING AND THINK Sing the song on this page about obeying parents. Toss a beanbag to a preschooler and ask him to name a way he can obey his parents. Sing the song again and toss the beanbag to another child. Continue until each child has had a turn to tell a way to obey parents. DISMISS Make sure the children have gathered all of their personal belongings. Greet each parent. Distribute the Kids Activity Page. Point out the One Conversation and explain its use for family Bible study this week. 12-BTH SESSION LifeWay.

13 BONUS TEACHING HOUR for 3s Pre-K UNIT 1. SESSION 6 Room Your teaching partner(s) Thank you for serving! Moses Talked to God Exodus 3:1 4:17 LIFE POINT I can talk to God when I pray. LIFE VERSE Learn what God wants you to do. Ephesians 5:17 DATE OF USE BIBLE FUN ACTIVITIES SNACK Include the children in the distribution of the snack. Ask for one or more volunteers to pray. Lead the children to clean up after the snack. Thank them for their help. MOVE TO GROUP TIME Ask each child to pretend to climb a mountain as she moves to group time. TALK ABOUT THE BIBLE STORY Open your Bible to Exodus 3 and tell the Bible story. Before Moses led the Israelite people out of Egypt, before he led the Israelites to cross the Red Sea, before God gave the Ten Commandments, and before Moses spoke to families, Moses talked to God. Here is what the Bible says: One day Moses was tending his father-in-law s sheep. He was far away from everyone, in the wilderness by a mountain. Moses saw a bush that was on fire. But the bush did not burn up! Moses went closer to see this amazing sight. Then God spoke to Moses from the bush. God called Moses name, and Moses answered. God told Moses to remove his sandals because this was a special place. Then God told Moses His plans to bring the Israelite people out of Egypt. Moses spoke with God and tried to make excuses. But God told Moses, You will be the one to do this! After talking with God, Moses obeyed. BIBLE STUDIES FOR LIFE 3s PRE-K BTH-13

14 SING TOGETHER To the tune Row, Row, Row Your Boat sing: May I pray for you, May I pray for you? May I pray for you, May I pray for you? SAY THE LIFE VERSE Lead the girls to stand and say the Life Verse, Learn what God wants you to do. Lead the boys to say the Scripture reference, Ephesians 5:17. Reverse the assignments and lead the children to say the verse and Scripture reference again. PRAY Pray, thanking God for hearing our prayers. BIBLE-LEARNING ACTIVITIES Talk about the Bible story as the children work at each activity. Review the Life Verse. A. Spell a word. Lead younger preschoolers to build places where they can pray. For pre-kindergartners, print on sticky notes the letters P, R, A, Y. Make a set for every two children. Gather a pile of wooden blocks. Stick a letter on each block. Print the word PRAY on a large sheet of paper and place it next to the blocks. Guide the older preschoolers to use the blocks to form the word. Mention that we talk to God when we pray. B. Color a place you go. Wrap a shoe box or a wooden block in brown or white paper. Give a covered box or block to each child. Challenge the children to use markers to make the box or block look like a place they go (backyard, church, park, grocery store, etc.). Comment that Moses talked to God after he had gone up a mountain to take care of sheep. Note that we can talk to God anywhere we go. C. Make craft stick people. Give each child a large craft stick and markers. Lead the children to draw a person on their craft sticks. Provide paper towels, fabric scraps, or yarn to wrap around the craft stick for clothing. Tell the Bible story as the children work. D. Make friendship bracelets. Provide large beads and yarn to make bracelets. Lead each child to make a bracelet for a friend. As the children work, tell the Bible story. Encourage them to pray for the friend who will receive their bracelet. Note: Closely supervise 3-yearolds as they handle the large beads. CLEAN UP Assign each child a cleanup task. Thank the preschoolers for their help. GO ON A SCAVENGER HUNT Wad scrap paper of different colors. Hide the paper wads in obvious places around the room. Challenge the children to find the red paper wad, the blue paper wad, and so forth. After the children regroup, ask any child wearing red (hold up the red paper wad) to hop three times. Ask any child wearing blue (hold up the blue paper wad) to touch toes three times. Continue with other colors and commands. Thank God for the children wearing red, blue, green (include all of the children). Thank God for the opportunity to talk to Him when we pray. Invite the children to add to the prayer. Comment that prayer is talking to God. DISMISS Make sure the children have gathered their personal belongings. Greet each parent. Distribute the Kids Activity Page. Point out the One Conversation and explain its use for family Bible study this week. 14-BTH SESSION LifeWay.

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