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1 LIFE BIBLE STUDY OLD TESTAMENT SURVEY TABLE OF CONTENTS Index of Studies in the Old Testament Survey Introduction to Life Studies Adult Personal Study Guide The Old Testament Periods From the Fall of Jerusalem to the Close of the Old Testament Page a b c d e TOPICAL SERIES UNIT I GODS SELFREVELATION Lesson GOD CREATES OTSURVEY Genesis Nehemiah Job Psalms GOD BLESSES HIS CREATION OTSURVEY Genesis Isaiah Psalm GOD REDEEMS OTSURVEY Exodus Habakkuk Psalms UNIT RESPONDING TO GODS REVELATION LIVING WITH WRONG CHOICES OTSURVEY I Samuel I Kings II Kings RECEIVING THE PROMISE OF GOD OTSURVEY II Samuel I Chronicles b Ezekiel THE LORD REJECTS MISPLACED TRUST OTSURVEY Isaiah II Kings SIN JUDGMENT AND HOPE OTSURVEY Jeremiah to REVIVING MY RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD OTSURVEY Daniel Nehemiah to Jeremiah Passages For This Study Supplemented by Other Scripture a

2 INTRODUCTION TO LIFE BIBLE STUDY Life Bible Study provides Bible lessons for adults young people and children These lessons can be used in Sunday School or in other Bible classes Our Bible lessons have been developed for personal study by individual members of a class Children make their Bible discoveries in a class setting under the leadership of a trained teacher Youth should spend several weeks in class learning to do the lessons correctly as they use the YOUTH PERSONAL STUDY GUIDE After an introduction period young people can be challenged to study at home On class day they should bring their completed lessons and a Bible to class Adults should be trained to do the lessons using the ADULT PERSONAL STUDY GUIDE They should begin by studying the lesson prior to class day Youth and adults who do the personal study before class will spend about two hours each week reading the INTRODUCTION learning the MEMORY VERSE answering the PERSONAL STUDY QUESTIONS and considering the brief APPLICATION Each lesson has one or two Personal Application Questions which challenge the members to make spiritual decisions After completing the lessons members are to bring their Bible and lessons to class where they can discuss their researched answers The Life Bible Study format utilizes methods that can maximize retention of the biblical materials studied An adult young person or child will retain about percent of the biblical content they learned at the end of the third day after the lesson was studied if they Read the Bible text Write answers to the questions from that text Reinforce the truth of those answers by using the Bible as its own commentary Verbalize the answer to others in a comfortable setting Hear others verbalize their answers and discoveries to the same question In a class setting where a teacher lectures over a text less than twenty percent of what has been studied is retained after three days The Life Bible Study method of learning the Scripture by doing and sharing is spiritually beneficial because it stimulates learning and encourages independent Bible research Youth and adults will gain an overview of the Bible books studied and deeper insight into Scripture when they do the lessons as suggested Children will have a much better understanding of the Scripture passage they study as they do research and answer questions from an open Bible Arts and crafts are utilized by Childrens teachers but Life Bible Study places emphasis on children learning the Bible Learning retention is greatly improved by the answering of questions followed by sharing the discoveries they made during their study Learning can be enhanced and more spiritual decisions can be made when the leader of a class lectures over the lessons Bible text This should be done after the lesson has been studied by the members However significant learning can take place without a lecture b

3 Questions and answers are interspersed throughout the Bible This method was used to lead the hearers to respond internally and in many instances verbally As an example Jesus the Master Teacher sometimes challenged His followers with questions that prompted a response Jesus asked His disciples Who do people say the Son of Man is Jesus disciples responded Some say John the Baptist others say Elijah still others Jeremiah or one of the prophets He then asked a personal application question But what about you who do you say I am Peter responded You are the Christ the Son of the living God Matthew He asked Peter What do you think Simon From whom do the kings of the earth collect duty and taxes from their own sons or from others From others Peter answered Matthew He asked a question that led two blind beggars to express their faith in Him for healing Do you believe that I am able to do this Yes LORD they replied Then He touched their eyes and said According to your faith will it be done to you and their sight was restored Matthew Each Bible lesson has been prayerfully developed by writing and editing teams who love the Scripture have been followers of Jesus Christ for many years and love His church We have been involved not only in lesson preparation but in class development having used this format over a period of twenty years We also have been privileged to observe members mature and learn to walk with the Lord as they hide Gods Word in their hearts Youth and adult classes small groups should be led by trained Study Leaders as class members discuss their responses to the questions The childrens teachers should be trained to lead children to discover Bible truths record their responses and share their discoveries The childrens teachers have a Teachers Guide and other study helps that they use to enhance the childrens learning Each class or small group should have a trained associate who can lead the group in the absence of the Study Leader A church s Sunday School does not have to provide a different structure for supporting Life Bible Study classes When a church chooses to use Life Bible Study LBS for their children youth and adults it unifies their curriculum The church that unifies their Bible study materials can set goals and then plan strategy for outreach and growth around those goals Another benefit for churches that unify their Bible studies by using the LBS curriculum is that leaders can meet prior to the class day for prayer bonding planning for the study day and reviewing the questions Leaders also should try to meet briefly before the Sunday School hour for prayer to arrange their rooms and to be present when the fist member arrives The Teachers and Study Leaders should have servant hearts be sensitive and caring to all members of the class joyfully fulfill all obligations accepted and have a sense of Gods call to lead Training helps can be provided for churches or groups who wish to begin children youth and adult classes using Life Bible Study lessons If you need additional information please contact us by E Mailing lifegmxcom Leon Taylor Editor b

4 ADULT PERSONAL STUDY GUIDE FOR THE LIFE BIBLE STUDY LESSONS Always be faithful to do your lesson every week Find a quiet place and ask the Lord to open your understanding of the biblical materials Pray for wisdom to understand the Word of God and for power to live out all the Holy Spirit teaches you from the Scripture Read the entire lesson passage first listed under the title or the subtitle All biblical quotes are from the Bible Translation used to prepare this lesson unless noted Read the INTRODUCTION of the lesson This will help prepare you for your study Memorize the MEMORY VERSE You should repeat the memory verse daily either to yourself or to family members When there is an opportunity in class share the memory verse Do the PERSONAL STUDY QUESTIONS by first rereading the subsection passage A B etc Carefully read the questions before answering them As you write the answers down always record the verse where you find your response Questions with an Asterisk denote an application question requiring a personal response Please answer it prayerfully In doing so you are making a commitment in writing to your Lord You may want to share your response in class If there are no verses recorded in the question you will find the answer in the subsection passage A B etc When there is additional Scripture in parentheses without also preceding it that means the answer or a part of it is found in the added passage If there is additional Scripture in parentheses that is preceded by the word also this means the study passage contains the answer and the additional passage has information that will increase your understanding Some questions may ask you to explain an answer share your response or tell what you think These are deeper thought questions that are more challenging and the answers may vary according to members research These lessons contain NOTES which will help you understand background information related to your study of a passage This information is provided to give you brief helpful and sometimes challenging information which enhances your understanding of the biblical material As you read the APPLICATION and complete your lesson ask the Lord to help you respond to the message of that lesson After you have pondered the personal applications resolve to live out your commitments in your daily walk Be faithful to attend weekly Bible Study and worship in your church Bring your Bible and completed lesson and share at least one discovery that you made with your class Make a commitment to the Lord to personally do your LBS lesson even when you cannot attend class In doing so you will be enriched by the personal study of Scripture and be ready to do the next lesson before the next class day c

5 THE OLD TESTAMENT PERIODS Dates are approximate information not allinclusive BEGINNINGS From Creation to Abram to BC Genesis to THE PATRIARCHS Abraham Isaac Jacob Jacobs twelve sons to BC Genesis to SLAVERY DELIVERANCE AND WANDERINGS From Josephs death to Moses death to BC Moses writes the Pentateuch Exodus to Deuteronomy THE PROMISED LAND Israel enters Canaan and lives under Judges to BC Joshua and the Levites write Joshua and Samuel writes Judges and Ruth Prophet Samuel Joshua to I Samuel ISRAEL UNDER KINGS Reigns of Saul David and Solomon to BC Prophets Nathan and Gad I Samuel to I Kings THE DIVIDED KINGDOM Judah and Israel divide to the fall of Israel to BC I Kings to II Kings SIGNIFICANT EVENTS The creation fall of man great flood and Tower of Babel Abraham man of faith in Canaan birth of Isaac son of promise birth and boyhood of Jacob and Esau deceit of Jacob and his life in Haran Jacob and his family return to Canaan where Jacob meets God and Esau the story of Jacobs twelve sons Joseph sold into slavery Jacob and his family go to Egypt Israel enslaved in Egypt for years the call of Moses to deliver Israel the ten plagues on Egypt Pharaoh lets Israel go Israel journeys to Sinai to receive the Ten Commandments and the Law Israel worships a golden calf Israel doubts Gods ability to bring them into Canaan God consigns them to wander forty years in the wilderness Moses brings Israel near Canaan After Moses death Joshua takes Israel into Canaan Israel conquers much of the land and portions it out Joshua challenges Israel to serve the Lord Joshua and his generation die Israel influenced by paganism period of Judges begins with Othniel and ends with Samuel Saul of the tribe of Benjamin chosen as the first king young David was anointed to replace disobedient Saul David slays Goliath David leads Israel in defeating their enemy Saul turns on David and pursues him for over ten years Saul killed by the Philistines David is anointed king of Judah and then king of all Israel David sins by committing adultery with Bathsheba and having her husband killed David confesses his sin and God forgives him After Davids death Solomon his son is anointed as king Solomon marries pagan wives and introduces idolatry to Israel Israel divides into two kingdoms the Southern Judah and the Northern Israel Israels kings lead the northern kingdom away from God because of their sin against the Lord Israel falls and is dispersed in pagan nations Prophets to Israel were Elijah Elisha and Amos prophets to Judah were Hosea and Joel prophet to both was Micah d

6 THE KINGDOM OF JUDAH Judah alone until her fall to BC II Kings to EXILE OF THE JEWS Judah exiled in Babylon to BC Prophets Daniel and Ezekiel Book of Esther JEWS RESTORED Return to Canaan Rebuilding of Jerusalem and the Temple to BC Books of Ezra Nehemiah Haggai Zechariah and Malachi Prophets during this period were Zephaniah Jeremiah Habakkuk and Obadiah The Kingdom of Judah continued but fell into idolatry Kings Hezekiah and Josiah were the only two godly kings to rule Judah lasted for about years after Israels fall Babylon the first world power overthrew Judah destroyed Jerusalem and the temple King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon carried Jews into captivity in three stages Jeremiah b Nebuchadnezzar carried the remnant of Jews into exile they stayed in exile for seventy years to fulfill the words of Jeremiah II Chronicles the forced exile ended when the kingdom of Persia came to power Daniel and Ezekiel were two of Gods prophets exiled with their people in Babylon The Medes and Persians conquered Babylon and Cyrus king of Persia decreed that the Jews be allowed to return to Canaan Zerubbabel brought the first group to Jerusalem which numbered about total Ezra Until the close of the Old Testament men like Haggai and Nehemiah moved the people to complete the building of the temple build Jerusalem and the walls around the city Nehemiah the Jewish governor and the prophets Haggai Zechariah and Malachi instituted religious reform leading in periods of revival d

7 TIME CHART OF KINGDOMS KINGS AND EVENTS FROM THE FALL OF JERUSALEM TO THE CLOSE OF THE OLD TESTAMENT Some years are approximate and some names cannot be positively identified BC BC BC BC BC BC BC BC BC BC BC BC BC BC BC BC BC BC BC BC BC BC BC Nebuchadnezzars first invasion of Judah II Kings Nebuchadnezzar destroys Jerusalem and burns the temple II Kings Obadiah prophesies from Babylonian captivity Obadiah Cyrus II The Great reigns as king of Persia Cyrus II conquers Babylon and issues decree for the Jews to return to Jerusalem Ezra Temple construction started Ezra Cambyses II king of Persia reigns Work on the temple is stopped Ezra Darius I reigns as king of Persia Ezra b Haggai spurs on the rebuilding of the temple Haggai Zechariah prophesies in Jerusalem Zechariah Work on the temple resumed under Darius I Ezra Temple completed Ezra Xerxes Ahasuerus reigns as king of Persia Esther Esther becomes Xerxes queen Esther The Feast of Purim is instituted Esther Artaxerxes I Longimanus reigns as king of Persia Ezra Nehemiah Ezra arrives in Jerusalem with second group of exiles Ezra Nehemiah arrives in Jerusalem Nehemiah Nehemiah returns to Babylon Nehemiah a Nehemiah returns to Jerusalem Nehemiah b Darius II Ochus the son of Artaxerxes I reigned in Persia Nehemiah Malachi prophesies from Jerusalem Malachi NOTE The seventy years of exile Jeremiah II Chronicles could be figured from Nebuchadnezzars first invasion of Judah to the decree of Cyrus or from the destruction of the temple to its reconstruction LBS e

8 Lesson LIFE BIBLE STUDY GOD CREATES Selected Bible Passages The New International Version Bible Translation was used to prepare this lesson INTRODUCTION OLD TESTAMENT SURVEY The Bible is the only authentic source from which we can learn the truth about God The word of God claims divine authority and inspiration for itself assuring us that it is not just a truth but THE TRUTH King David said in one of his psalms And the words of the LORD are flawless like silver refined in a furnace of clay purified seven times Psalm Agur son of Jakeh said Every word of God is flawless He is a shield to those who take refuge in Him Do not add to His words or He will rebuke you and prove you a liar Proverbs Regarding the Old Testament Scripture the Lord Jesus Christ told the Jews Is it not written in your Law I have said you are gods If He called them gods to whom the word of God came ౼ and the Scripture cannot be broken ౼ what about the One whom the Father set apart as His very own and sent into the world John The Apostle Paul boldly proclaimed All Scripture is Godbreathed and is useful for teaching rebuking correcting and training in righteousness II Timothy The Apostle Peter pointed out the inspiration of the prophets in the Bible And we have the word of the prophets made more certain Above all you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophets own interpretation For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit II Peter The title OLD TESTAMENT is not found in that section of the Bible from Genesis to Malachi The designation OLD COVENANT is found in one of the Apostle Pauls letters to the church at Corinth II Corinthians The King James Bible translated Pauls words OLD TESTAMENT Jesus spoke of the new covenant in My blood which is poured out for you Luke Again the King James Translation used the phrase New Testament instead of covenant Both Jesus and Paul distinguished between the old and the new covenants God spoke through the Prophet Jeremiah and revealed the distinction between the old and new covenants The Lord said that the old covenant could not bring sinful Israel into a permanent relationship with Him Therefore He would make a new covenant with them one in which He would put His Law in their minds and write it on their hearts They will be His people and He will be their God and all will know Him Jeremiah Christ referred to the Old Testament as The Law of Moses the Prophets and the Psalms Luke and Dr Luke called the Old Testament the Scriptures Luke The old covenant or Old Testament then was the revelation of God given to mankind through Israel Theirs is the adoption as sons theirs the divine glory the covenants the receiving of the Law the temple worship and the promises Theirs are the patriarchs and from them is traced the human ancestry of Christ who is God over all forever praised Amen Romans Indeed Jesus may have introduced both the old and new covenants as one in these words This is My blood of the covenant which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins Matthew Jerome AD to an early church leader who translated the Bible into Latin said There would be no impropriety in terming the two main portions of the Scriptures the Old and New Covenants implying thereby not two distinct and unrelated covenants but merely the former and the latter dispensation of the one grand covenant of mercy of which the Prophet Jeremiah as expounded by the apostles Hebrews gives so ample a description Smiths Bible Dictionary Therefore we will approach this survey of the Old Testament not as the first covenant but as the Old Covenant that found its fulfillment in the New Covenant of Jesus blood OT Survey

9 In our Survey of the Old Testament we will review New Testament passages that validate and fulfill Old Testament prophecies and promises Just as the Old Testament may be interpreted in light of the New Testament the New Testament contains the fulfillment of the promises of the Old Testament This series of eight lessons over the Old Testament will help us understand in more detail the revelation of God to man how He chose to reveal Himself and why From time to time we will use passages in the New Testament that will disclose in greater detail what the sacred writers in the Old Testament were conveying to their readers It will help to remember that the plan of God for the ages unfolded slowly over thousands of years The deliberate but longrange plan of the Creator contrasts sharply with the impatience of man His crowing creation who wants everything good to happen now Almighty Gods perfect plan for our redemption was completed in Jesus Christ thousands of years from creation and it was in Gods perfect time You see at just the right time when we were still powerless Christ died for the ungodly Romans The formation of the Old Testament itself was gradual and its writings were revealed over many centuries Genesis was handed down to Israel through the patriarchs men such as Noah Abraham Jacob and Jacobs descendants The other four books that formed the fivevolume Pentateuch were given to Moses by God All five books were placed in the ark After Moses finished writing in a book the words of this law from beginning to end he gave this command to the Levites who carried the ark of the covenant of the LORD Take this Book of the Law and place it beside the ark of the covenant of the LORD your God Deuteronomy Later the Book of Joshua was added Joshua As Gods revelation unfolded it was written down by Jewish kings priests Levites prophets and others whom God selected The Old Testament Canon was closed about BC after which there was a period of silence until the first coming of Jesus Christ the Messiah This period is called the intertestamental period The completed Old Testament contained twentyfour books and they are listed in Smiths Bible Dictionary as BOOKS a LAW Genesis to Deuteronomy also called The Pentateuch b PROPHETS Former Joshua Judges Samuel Kings PROPHETS Later Isaiah Jeremiah Ezekiel The Twelve c WRITINGS Poetry Job Psalms Proverbs WRITINGS Rolls Song of Solomon Ruth Lamentations Ecclesiastes Esther WRITINGS Books Daniel EzraNehemiah Chronicles The Jewish scholars who translated the Hebrew Old Testament into Greek Septuagint ౼ to BC divided Samuel Kings Chronicles and EzraNehemiah into two books each The Twelve shown above were listed in the prophetic books They are known by us as the Minor Prophets All of these now total thirtynine books in the Old Testament Canon To prepare for this survey of the Old Testament will you look to Him who alone is God who alone created all things and who alone redeemed you He is worthy of all your praise and devotion He is worthy of honor power and glory MEMORY VERSE This is what the LORD says ౼ Israels King and Redeemer the LORD Almighty I am the first and I am the last apart from Me there is no God Isaiah OT Survey

10 PERSONAL STUDY QUESTIONS Denotes personal application Show the verse where you find your answer A IN THE BEGINNING GOD CREATED Genesis From Genesis and I Timothy how would you describe what God was doing in creation After speaking light into existence God created the heavens the earth and all the creatures that inhabited the earth Genesis a What is unique about the creation of man and woman Genesis b How did God view His creation in light of Genesis b Read Genesis and explain the implications of the Creator Gods instructions to the man He had created Tell what Colossians reveals about creation What does Isaiah teach us about the Creator NOTE John also tells us that in the beginning Jesus was the Word ౼ the perfect expression of Gods Son Not only was Jesus with God but He the Word was God The Apostle Paul called this the mystery of godliness Paul said Beyond all question the mystery of godliness is great He God appeared in a body was vindicated by the Spirit was seen by angels was preached among the nations was believed on in the world OT Survey

11 was taken up in glory I Timothy Neither can we understand this great mystery but Jesus Christ is God and He is the Son of God God is Creator Genesis and Jesus Christ is Creator John Paul explained this mystery in these words Yet for us there is but one God the Father from whom all things came and for whom we live and there is but one LORD Jesus Christ through whom all things came and through whom we live I Corinthians see also Hebrews B TESTIMONIES TO GODS CREATION Nehemiah Job Over years after God called Abram Abraham to Canaan Nehemiah led in restoring true worship in Israel Why did the people express their worship to the Creator God Nehemiah It is believed Job lived during the time of Abraham Even while Job suffered terribly what did Job understand and testify about to his friend who accused him of being a sinner receiving his just rewards from God Job The Israelites who had suffered in captivity because of sin returned to Jerusalem to praise the Creator God And Job who was suffering terribly reminded his friend that he was in the hands of his Creator For a moment forget your circumstances and focus on the Creator List some ways you will praise Him before others C PSALMS AND GODS CREATION Psalms Explain what Psalms and teach you According to Psalm what should be the natural response of those who understand that the Lord is the great God and Creator of all things OT Survey

12 Summarize what we should understand about creation and our relationship with the Creator Psalm How can we be assured that we will be among those who live eternally in the presence of the Creator John D GOD CHOOSES TO CONTINUE CREATING Isaiah Daniel In question we learned that the created order is wearing out and eventually will be discarded at the end of the age What has God chosen to do then Isaiah God is already creating new things How does the Apostle Paul help us understand the importance of Gods new creation taking place now II Corinthians Tell how Daniel the prophet spoke of those who are Gods new creation Daniel As we conclude the questions concerning Gods creation tell how enduring the subject of God creation will be in eternity Revelation Now that you have surveyed some truths about God creating please answer these questions a How has this lesson reinforced or changed your thinking about creation OT Survey

13 b What would you tell someone who does not believe that God created the heavens and the earth and all things on it c Share your response to Him who creates us anew in Jesus Christ the Lord APPLICATION God chooses to continue to create so that we can enjoy our relationship with Him by becoming a new creation in Christ Jesus Let us join in all creation and praise the Lord Praise the LORD Praise the LORD from the heavens Praise Him in the heights above Praise Him all His angels praise Him all His heavenly hosts Praise Him sun and moon praise Him all you shining stars Praise Him you highest heavens and you waters above the skies Let them praise the name of the LORD for He commanded and they were created kings of the earth and all nations you princes and all rulers on earth young men and maidens old men and children Let them praise the name of the LORD for His name alone is exalted His splendor is above the earth and the heavens Psalm LBS OT Survey

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