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2 We are designed and equipped to serve God in a unique way. It s quite satisfying to go through life with a purpose. Unfortunately, not all of us experience that satisfaction. Worse, we may even look at others and wonder what their purpose is. Sadly, our culture often determines a person s value by how much that person can contribute to society, or at least not be a burden to others. If an individual s purpose is not quickly apparent, others may question his very worth as a person. But God never sees us that way. Every person has inherent value and purpose as a human created in the image of God. Jeremiah discovered his purpose from God. As we look at the call God placed on Jeremiah s life, we discover principles that apply to all of us. Regardless of how the world sees us or how we see ourselves God has created us for a purpose. RON EDMONDSON Ron Edmondson pastors Immanuel Baptist Church in Lexington, Ky., a church full of people whom God fearfully and wonderfully made and is using in incredible ways. He admits that his favorite church member is his wife, Cheryl. Together they have two sons, a daughter-in-law, and an extremely spoiled Yorkiepoo. Ron blogs on leadership, church, and culture at BIBLE STUDIES FOR LIFE 83

3 84

4 SPECIAL FOCUS CREATED FOR A PURPOSE The Point Before you were born, God designed you with great value. The Passage Jeremiah 1:4-10 The Bible Meets Life Our culture often determines a person s value by how that person can contribute to society or not be a burden to others. Unfortunately, a lot of people including the unborn, the elderly, or those with special needs must depend on others. Some people question the value of a person who cannot stand on their own two feet, but God never does. Every person has value and purpose. The Setting Scholars generally agree that Jeremiah s message is the most personal and passionate of all the prophets. Jeremiah s passion is evident because of his love for God and God s people the people of Judah, the Southern Kingdom in Israel. What made Jeremiah s concern so intense was his central theme that God was going to allow another nation to destroy Judah as punishment for its continued failure to be faithful to God s covenant. BIBLE STUDIES FOR LIFE 85

5 What does the Bible say? Jeremiah 1:4-10 (HCSB) Formed (v. 5) To form something is to create or fashion it. This is the same word used in Genesis 2:7 to describe how God formed the man out of the dust from the ground. Youth (v. 6) This term is used of an infant (Exodus 2:6), older teen (Genesis 37:2), and young warrior (2 Samuel 2:14). Jeremiah was probably in his late teens when God called him. 4 The word of the Lord came to me: 5 I chose you before I formed you in the womb; I set you apart before you were born. I appointed you a prophet to the nations. 6 But I protested, Oh no, Lord, God! Look, I don t know how to speak since I am only a youth. 7 Then the Lord said to me: Do not say, I am only a youth, for you will go to everyone I send you to and speak whatever I tell you. 8 Do not be afraid of anyone, for I will be with you to deliver you. This is the Lord s declaration. 9 Then the Lord reached out His hand, touched my mouth, and told me: I have now filled your mouth with My words. 10 See, I have appointed you today over nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down, to destroy and demolish, to build and plant. 86 Special focus

6 THE POINT Before you were born, God designed you with great value. GET INTO THE STUDY 10 minutes ACTIVITY (OPTIONAL): In advance, obtain several examples of foreign currency. If possible, determine the value of that currency compared to the American dollar. Display the money and ask: How much do you think this coin/bill is worth? Explain how foreign currency value changes depending on the exchange rate. While this is true for money, it isn t true for people because God has made each of us for a purpose. DISCUSS: Invite your group members to discuss Question #1 on page 67 of the PSG (Personal Study Guide): What s the most valuable object you ve touched? TIP: Many churches observe January 15 as Sanctity of Human Life Sunday. The discussion of every person s worth in God s eyes is especially appropriate on this day. Notes SUMMARIZE THE PSG (PAGE 68): Our group was conducting a medical clinic and doing street evangelism in a very poor slum outside Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. Several days of fighting between the police and the gangs in the slum had created an intense situation, and the people we came to help were afraid to leave their houses. We made an appeal to the police to allow us to continue our work while keeping those in our group safe. I will never forget the response of the police officers to our request. One of the officers sneered, Why would anyone want to help those dogs in that slum? I felt nothing but love for these people. But how many times had I harbored prejudice in my own heart toward someone in my own country who wasn t exactly like me? Perhaps most sobering of all was the realization that I know what the Bible teaches. God loves everyone and He has a unique plan and purpose for each life. GUIDE: Call attention to The Point on page 68 of the PSG: Before you were born, God designed you with great value. PRAY: Transition into the discussion with prayer. Thank God for the plans He has for each person in your group and the ways He will use them for His purposes. Use Pack Item #8 with your discussion of Jeremiah 1:4-5. PLAYLIST PICK: Happiness by NEEDTOBREATHE BIBLE STUDIES FOR LIFE 87

7 10 minutes STUDY THE BIBLE Notes Jeremiah 1:4-5 (HCSB) 4 The word of the Lord came to me: 5 I chose you before I formed you in the womb; I set you apart before you were born. I appointed you a prophet to the nations. READ: Ask a group member to read aloud Jeremiah 1:4-5 LEADER PACK: Use Pack Item #8, Jeremiah poster, to give a brief introduction to Jeremiah the prophet and the context in which this book was written. SAY: Jeremiah was a prophet during a 40-year period of difficulty, about B.C. Judah was at a low point as a nation, and Babylon ultimately overran them and took the Jews into captivity. Jeremiah called the Jewish people to repent and turn to God. SUMMARIZE THE PSG (PAGE 69): Why would Jeremiah continue to preach in the face of such difficulty? Jeremiah knew God had a plan and purpose for his life. We see this plan in verse 5, and the plan centers on God and what He was doing. I chose you before I formed you in the womb (v. 5). The Hebrew word translated chose comes from a root that carries the idea of knowing someone and establishing a relationship. Notice, too, that this choosing and knowing came before God ever formed Jeremiah. God was involved in the course of Jeremiah s life and in his development before he was born. I set you apart before you were born (v. 5). Again, God set Jeremiah apart for a specific purpose even before anyone else could see that purpose. I appointed you a prophet to the nations (v. 5). God s plan was specific. Even from before he was born, Jeremiah had a specific assignment from God. ALTERNATE QUESTION: How do you respond to the truth that God knows you personally? DISCUSS: Question #2 on page 69 of the PSG: What makes us valuable as human beings? SUMMARIZE THE PSG (PAGE 69): God had a purpose for Jeremiah s life, and He has a purpose for every life. Our purpose flows from God s plan for our lives even if that plan and purpose are not immediately apparent. 88 Special focus

8 THE POINT Before you were born, God designed you with great value. Jeremiah 1:4-5 Commentary God has a purpose for every life. Verse 4: Jeremiah began describing God s call to serve as His prophet with the words, the word of the Lord came to me. Jeremiah wanted those who heard his messages to know that his words were truly God s words. Jeremiah s ministry began about 627 B.C. and lasted for over 40 years. Verse 5: The three terms God used to announce His call to Jeremiah all point to God s sovereign selection of Jeremiah to be His prophet. (1) God chose Jeremiah to be His prophet at this point in Israel s history. In His sovereignty God chooses individuals for specific roles of service. The fact that God chose Jeremiah to be a prophet even before God formed him in his mother s womb emphasizes that His choosing of Jeremiah had nothing to do with Jeremiah s knowledge or ability or righteous living. The term formed is the same word used in Genesis 2:7 to describe how God formed the man out of the dust from the ground. (2) God also set [Jeremiah] apart. The Bible often describes someone who has been set apart by God for His service as being holy. While we become holy because of our relationship (through faith in Jesus Christ) with God who is holy, we also become holy as God calls us and sets us apart for His service (Acts 13:3; 2 Timothy 2:21). (3) Finally, God appointed Jeremiah to be a prophet to the nations. While Jeremiah delivered most of his messages to the nation of Judah, God would also speak through him a message of judgment to all the nations that had oppressed His people (Jeremiah 46:1 51:64). The obvious implication is that God is not only sovereign over His chosen people but over all the peoples He has created. God makes each of us unique in terms of our bodies and personalities and circumstances and timing because He has a unique plan and purpose for each of us. Yes, His common plan for all of us is to know Him (2 Peter 3:9), to worship and serve Him (Psalm 138:4 5), and to bring Him the glory He deserves (1 Corinthians 10:31). But the individual stories of the men and women that fill the pages of God s story illustrate again and again that God sovereignly creates each of us to accomplish His unique plan for our individual lives. We all matter to God. We all have intrinsic value to Him, both because He created each of us in His image (Genesis 1:26 27) and also because He has designed each of us for our special part of His mission to make Himself known to all the peoples of the world (Matthew 28:18 20; Acts 13:46 47). BIBLE STUDIES FOR LIFE 89

9 10 minutes STUDY THE BIBLE Notes Jeremiah 1:6-8 (HCSB) 6 But I protested, Oh no, Lord, God! Look, I don t know how to speak since I am only a youth. 7 Then the Lord said to me: Do not say, I am only a youth, for you will go to everyone I send you to and speak whatever I tell you. 8 Do not be afraid of anyone, for I will be with you to deliver you. This is the Lord s declaration. READ: Ask a group member to read aloud Jeremiah 1:6-8. SUMMARIZE THE PSG (PAGE 70): How can we know God s plan for us? God s plan is found as we seek Him. God wants us to know His will for our lives (Psalm 145:18). God s plan is found as we follow His Word. So much of what God wants us to do is already revealed in Scripture. When we follow His Word, the details of God s specific plan for us will fall into place. ALTERNATE QUESTION: How would you describe the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives? DISCUSS: Question #3 on page 70 of the PSG: What are some excuses we use for not doing what God has called us to do? SUMMARIZE THE PSG (PAGES 70-71) : In verse 6, Jeremiah countered God s plan with two excuses: he didn t know how to speak and he was young. God would not accept these excuses; He simply repeated His commission. God also promised His very presence. I will be with you to deliver you (v. 8). Just as God promised to be with Jeremiah, God will be with us to carry out His purposes in our lives. God empowers us through the Holy Spirit who dwells inside each Christ-follower. Jesus promised that His Father would send the Counselor, the Holy Spirit (John 14:26) to help us. The same power who raised Jesus from the dead (Romans 8:11) lives in us. DISCUSS: Question #4 on page 71 of the PSG: What are some things all Christians are called to do? TRANSITION: God s presence isn t the only thing that s promised to believers. In the next verses we learn that He equips us with abilities equal to His tasks. 90 Special focus

10 THE POINT Before you were born, God designed you with great value. Jeremiah 1:6-8 Commentary God is with us to carry out His purpose. Verse 6: Jeremiah grasped the awesome responsibility to stand as God s spokesperson. His response, Oh no, Lord, God! demonstrated that sometimes God s call is so overwhelming that we respond without thinking and say no and Lord in the same breath. If God is truly our Lord, God, then we cannot oppose His command. The term translated youth is also used of an infant (Exodus 2:6), an older teen (Genesis 37:2), and a young warrior (2 Samuel 2:14). Jeremiah was probably in his late teens when God called him. Because of his young age and lack of experience, Jeremiah told God that he didn t know how to speak. Verses 7-8: While God did not agree with Jeremiah s point of view, neither did He chastise or condemn him. God simply pointed out that His call did not depend on Jeremiah s age or abilities. In reality, God s call never depends on us and our abilities. By choosing the young, inexperienced, and inarticulate Jeremiah to be His prophet, God would clearly demonstrate the message from His prophet was truly His message. God then assured Jeremiah that he would have the courage to go and stand before whomever God would send him. Not only would he have the courage to go but also the confidence to speak the words God would give him. While God at times revealed to His prophets knowledge about the future, most often He sent them to deliver messages about the present (the times they lived in). From the written account of Jeremiah s ministry, we know that the work God was calling him to would be a combination of bold condemnation for the people s present sins and foretelling about coming destruction and eventual restoration of their nation. God understood Jeremiah s primary problem was his fear about how people would respond to him and his message, so He gave him a two-fold word of encouragement. First, God told Jeremiah, Do not be afraid of anyone. Jeremiah was realistic. He saw the potential consequences of accepting God s call to be His prophet. He was tempted to allow his fear to prevent him from obeying. Second, God offered His solemn promise: for I will be with you to deliver you. God promised that His presence (and therefore His power) would be with Jeremiah to enable him to carry out God s purpose. In writing of his encounter with God, Jeremiah noted that God had said that these words were the Lord s declaration. This is the second time Jeremiah emphasized that these words were from the Lord (see Jeremiah 1:4). These words ( the Lord s declaration ) were intended for all who would hear and read Jeremiah s prophetic messages, but they were also possibly a reminder to encourage Jeremiah that he was not speaking on his own authority but on the basis of God s authority. BIBLE STUDIES FOR LIFE 91

11 10 minutes STUDY THE BIBLE Notes Jeremiah 1:9-10 (HCSB) 9 Then the Lord reached out His hand, touched my mouth, and told me: I have now filled your mouth with My words. 10 See, I have appointed you today over nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down, to destroy and demolish, to build and plant. READ: Ask a group member to read aloud Jeremiah 1:9-10. SUMMARIZE THE PSG (PAGE 72): God uniquely designs and makes each one of us and God makes no mistakes. In Psalm 139:14, the psalmist expressed it this way: I have been remarkably and wonderfully made. God took plenty of time crafting each of us just the way He wants us to be! Even with whatever challenges and limitations we think we have, God has crafted us and equipped us with what we need to bring glory to Him. Jeremiah saw himself as limited: he couldn t speak. But Jeremiah said, The Lord reached out His hand [and] touched my mouth (v. 9). God chose Jeremiah to be His prophet; then He equipped Jeremiah with both the words and the ability to speak those words. God works the same way today: giving each of us a distinct way and place to serve and glorify Him in the kingdom of God. ALTERNATE QUESTION: If you are unsure about God s purpose for your life, what can you do to discover His plans? DISCUSS: Question #5 on page 72 of the PSG: How has God equipped you to fulfill your purpose? ACTIVITY (OPTIONAL): In advance, enlist a group member to share (3-5 minutes) how God has equipped and used them for a mission trip, specific ministry in your church, ministry on their campus, and so on. DO: Instruct group members to complete the activity on page 73 of the PSG on their own. If time permits, encourage volunteers to share their responses. SEND ME: God speaks in a number of ways, guiding and equipping us to know and follow His will for our lives. What has God spoken to you through the following ways? His Word Prayer Other Christians Circumstances 92 Special focus

12 THE POINT Before you were born, God designed you with great value. Jeremiah 1:9-10 Commentary God equips us with what we need to carry out His purpose. Verse 9: God also gave Jeremiah a visual picture to reinforce what He was telling him. God reached out His hand and touched Jeremiah s mouth. When God called Isaiah to be His prophet, God sent one of His angels to touch Isaiah s mouth (Isaiah 6:6 7). When God called Ezekiel to be His prophet, He showed him a scroll and told him to eat it (Ezekiel 2:8 3:3). Ezekiel understood that what he saw meant that God was giving him the words to speak to the people of Israel. God used these visions to encourage Isaiah, Ezekiel, and Jeremiah that He was equipping them to fulfill their roles as His prophets. God also declared that He had put His words in Jeremiah s mouth. God was telling Jeremiah that from that point on He would put His words that Jeremiah was to speak as His prophet in Jeremiah s mouth. God spoke to Jeremiah through both the vision and the assuring words. He wanted Jeremiah to have absolute confidence that God had equipped him to serve as His prophet. Verse 10: At the beginning of His call, God told Jeremiah that He was appointing him to be a prophet to the nations (Jeremiah 1:5). At this point God emphasized that Jeremiah would not only speak to the people of Israel (Judah) but also to nations and kingdoms. Sadly, Jeremiah s message to those outside of Judah would not be one of hope but of judgment. God used two images to describe the major thrust of Jeremiah s collective message. The first image was that of a tree, and the first part of Jeremiah s message would be to announce God s judgment to his own people ( to uproot ). The second image was that of a building. Picturing the theme of judgment Jeremiah would proclaim, God described the building being torn down, destroyed, and demolished in other words, total destruction. That image became a reality for Judah in 586 B.C. when the Babylonians completely destroyed Jerusalem, including the temple. God s judgment would come on both Judah and her enemies. Yet Jeremiah s prophecy would also contain a message of hope. After carrying out His judgment, through His grace God would also build back the building that had been destroyed and plant the tree that had been uprooted. Though Judah would be in exile for 70 years, God would one day restore them to their homeland (Jeremiah 29:10 14). The message which Jeremiah was to declare would reflect both God s judgment and His grace. According to His sovereign plan and purpose, God chose Jeremiah to be His prophet even before Jeremiah was born. Then God called and equipped Jeremiah to carry out his difficult assignment of announcing God s judgment to his own people. The ways of God have not changed. God has a plan and a purpose for every person. BIBLE STUDIES FOR LIFE 93

13 5 minutes LIVE IT OUT Notes SAY: Every life matters because God designed each person for a unique purpose. How will this truth be evident in your life? GUIDE: Lead group members to consider the responses to the Bible study listed on page 74 of the PSG. Ask for God s direction. Pray and ask God to show you something specific He wants you to do. It may be as simple as inviting your neighbor to church or Bible study group. Then watch for Him to provide an opportunity. In one sentence, write out a purpose statement for your life. What do you sense God calling you to do? How has He gifted you to serve Him? If you re unsure, spend some time in the coming weeks seeking God on this matter. In the meantime, make it your goal to pursue God and His Word daily. Work to help others fulfill their purpose. Find an organization in your community that works with those who are often overlooked the unborn, the aged, or those with physical and/or mental challenges. Volunteer one Saturday to help this group live out their purpose and worth in Christ. Wrap It Up SAY: Our worth isn t measured by our socio-economic position, our abilities, or even our level of faith in God. Because we re created in God s image, we each hold immeasurable worth. We also have a God-given purpose for our lives. You could say we re each designed and equipped to serve God in a unique way. Get expert insights on weekly studies through the Ministry Grid. 94 Special focus

14 CREATING AHA MOMENTS: THE VALUE OF A GOOD QUESTION BY LYNN PRYOR I am lousy with math. I have trouble counting along with Big Bird. My extended family assumes that is why I married an accountant. I avoid numbers. This explains why high-school algebra frustrated me. I just wanted the teacher to tell me if my answer was right (or more likely wrong). What I didn t want to hear was, So, Lynn, why do you think that answer is right? Sigh. I would have to reason through the steps to justify my answer. In the process I learned something. What my teacher did was nothing new. Socrates, one seriously old Greek philosopher, was known for teaching by asking questions. We often think the quickest way to learn is to read a book or sit through a lecture, but Socrates would ask his pupils questions. The questions forced them to think critically and come up with their own insights. Teach by asking. Asking a good question that doesn t have a readily obvious answer requires group members to think. And when they think, they process and internalize the truth of Scripture. Let s admit it: we ve all sat through a Bible study lecture that we heard but didn t really think about. Questions will challenge your group to think... and get them talking about what they re thinking. Consider these questions tied to a study of James 1:1-4. (Note that you are not seeing these questions in the context of the study, but they would be BIBLE STUDIES FOR LIFE 95

15 They don t call for a short answer. They re designed to spark a conversation. They call for a personal response or answer. I love questions that begin What do you think? Even if you ask, What do you think Paul meant when he said, you re not asking for one right answer; you re asking what they think. Isn t that dangerous? What happens if their discussion and conclusions move away from biblical teaching? Your role as the group leader is to keep them tuned to what the Scripture says. Give the group the passage s context and background as necessary, and guide them to think through the Scripture. But never tell them something they can discover on their own. Which brings me to my last point. interwoven with the reading and studying of James 1:1-4.) What pressures squeeze the joy out of life? What keeps you from reacting joyfully when the pressure of life feels overwhelming? What emotions did you feel during your most recent trial? During your most recent trial, how did you see God walking with you? How have you been encouraged by the endurance of others during trials? Note some traits of these questions: They don t call for a single right answer. Questions with only one correct answer will feel like a school test question. They don t have an obvious answer. Group members may need to ponder it for a moment before they answer. We remember best what we discover on our own. You ve had this experience. In your own Bible reading, you read a passage that you ve read and heard preached a dozen times before. But on this particular morning, it s like you re reading it for the first time. The light comes on. You have a fresh insight, one that you discovered on your own. Ah, I get it. It s an aha moment, and those are the things we remember best. When we tell our group what the Bible says or how to apply it, we rob them of their own aha moments. On the other hand, a good question makes them think the passage through, and we lead them to create their own aha moments. Any questions? Lynn Pryor is a team leader for adult resources at LifeWay. He and his wife, Mary, lead a Bible study group for young adults and have survived raising two sons to adulthood. A graduate of Southwestern Seminary, Lynn previously pastored and served churches in Texas. Follow him on his blog at This article originally appeared at 96 BIBLE STUDIES FOR LIFE

16 5 REASONS WHY THEY AREN T COMING BACK BY CHRIS SURRATT Most leaders believe they have a great group, and a few of them wonder why people won t come back after the first visit. There are a million scenarios for why some people try out a group and it doesn t work, but here are five possible reasons they may be fleeing for their lives: 1. The group has been together for awhile and it s hard to see a place to fit in. This is why it is so important to start new groups instead of trying to shoehorn new people into existing groups. It s kind of like when your parents moved when you were in the 10th grade and you had to show up to a new school to try to fit in. Unless you re Ferris Bueller, it s going to be a rough year. 2. There s no time invested in community. I know you have the group that loves to go deep. Last week s two-hour discussion about whether regeneration begins before salvation was probably riveting conversation, but if you re not committing group time to developing lasting relationships, you re missing a key piece to discipleship. 3. There s no time invested in study. Community is important, but when the study is an afterthought (or non-existent), you basically have a social club. Lasting discipleship needs community and foundation. 4. The leader dominates the discussion. I know a small group where the study consisted of the leader acting out a scene from The Matrix each week. That may be a bit extreme, but a lot of leaders feel like they need to be the center of the show and have all of the answers. If leaders are talking more than 30% of the time, there is a problem. Awkward silence can be your friend. 5. The leader is unprepared. I once asked a group member to lead the discussion at our small group, and he started the study with asking his wife to print out the questions because he hadn t seen them yet. A leader who is not prepared is not really leading. It doesn t have to be hours of prep, but you should always be at least one step ahead of the group. Chris Surratt manages for LifeWay Christian Resources. You can follow his blog at or follow him on BIBLE STUDIES FOR LIFE 97

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