Unit 2 ن. ث ت ب Final or isolated: they are written under the line. Initial or medial: they are written as.

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1 Unit 2 ي ن Unit 2 ن n ي y ee Initial or medial: they are written as ث ت ب Final or isolated: they are written under the line. Page 29

2 ن نون Noon ال ق راء ة Al-qiraa'ah Phonetics Pronunciation: Like N in English. Exit: Between the tip of the tongue and the gums of the two upper central incisors. Noon is a light letter. ن = na Noon with Fat-hah is ن = ni Noon with Kasrah is ن Noon with Dammah is nu = قل Qul قول ي Qoolee ب ن with shaddah and Fat-hah) is banna = ن) ب + ن ب ن with shaddah and Kasrah) is banni = ن) ب + ن ب ن with shaddah and Dammah) is bannu = ن) ب + ن Page 30

3 نب ب ن naba buna ن = تث ن tathni bintu ن + ب = ب + ن = ت + ث + ت = بن ت ب + ن + ن = تب ن tabanna ت + ب + ن + ب + ت = نب ت nabbata = ن + ب ب ن bunni Remember: An Arabic word cannot start with Shaddah. Read Iqra'/Iqra'ee ا ق ر ي ي ا ق را / ثن ث ن ت ن ب ن ب ن -٦ (sittah = 6) بن ت نب ت نب ت تث ن ت ب ن -٧ (sab3ah = 7) نب ن نث ن تث ن ثب ت تب ن - ٨ (thamaaniyah = 8) نب تت نث ب ت تث ب ت تن ب ت -٩ (tes3ah = 9) ت ث نت ت نب ت تب ت ب ثت ب ن - ١٠ (3asharah =10) Page 31

4 ال ك تاب ة Al-kitaabah The Writing Isolated Final Medial Initial Ear Eye Human Fire ا ذن udhun ن 3ayn نار 'insaan ن ا ن س ان ن ع ي ن ن naar Notice that: 1- When ن is final or isolated it is in the full form beneath the line. 2- When ن is initial or medial, it's left side disappears and it becomes like ب ت ث on the line. sides. can be connected from both ن 3- Help! is like ن a ball North of a Net Page 32

5 Unit 2 تد ر ي با ت ن ي Tadreebaat insakh / insakhee ١ ا ن س خ ي ا ن س خ / ن+ن+ن +ن ن ن ن ن ن ن ن ننن نن Connect... ص ل / ص ل ي sil / sily ١- ب ن ت ٢ ن ب ت ث ن ت ت ث ن ت ب ن -٢-٣ -٤-٥ Page 33

6 Where is? ن ا ي ن ن ayna ن ٣ ط ي ن خال ق نو ر نص ر ف ق ه ب ن ت ن ب ي ع ب د ذن ب ذي ل نا س نب ت qul wa insakh /qoolee wa insakhee ١٠ قل و ان س خ / قول ي وان س خ ي ٩ ٨ ٧ ٦ ٤ Page 34

7 Say and Copy qul wa insakh /qulee wa insakhee قل و ا ن س خ / قول ي وان س خ ي ٥ نار naar ا ن س ان 'insaan ع ي ن 3ayn ا ذن udhun... Page 35

8 ي ياء Yaa' Consonant Y Long vowel ee 1- Yaa' as a Consonant ال ق ر اء ة Al-qiraa'ah Phonetics - Pronunciation: Like Y (yarn) in English. - Exit: The middle of the tongue with what corresponds from the roof of the mouth. - Yaa' is a light letter. ي Yaa' with Fat-hah is ya = ي = yi Yaa' with Kasrah is ي Yaa' with Dammah is yu = قل Qul قول ي Qoolee ني with shaddah and Fat-hah) is nayya = ي) ن + ي ني with shaddah and Kasrah is nayyi = ي) ن + ي ني with shaddah and Dammah) is nayyu = ي) ن + ي Page 36

9 + ي = ني ن naya = ب ي ي ب buyi + bayni = ب ي ن ن ب + ي + yabuth-thu = ي ب ث ث ي + ب + yuthanni = ي ثن ن ث ي + + bayyata = ب ي ت ت ب + ي + yubayyinu = ي ب ي ن ن ي + ب + ي + تد ر يبات Tadreebaat Read Iqra'/Iqra'ee ١ ا ق ر ي ي ا ق را / ثي ن ي ت ي ب ي -٥ ب ي ن ثن ي ثن ي -٦ ٧- ب ي ت ب ي ت تب ن ن ي ن ي ني - ٨ ي ب ت ن ب ي ن ب ي ن بي -٩ ب ي ن ي تب ي ن نب ي ن ي ب ي ن - ١٠ Page 37

10 Al-kitaabah ال ك تاب ة Isolated Final Medial Initial Tea شاي shaay Rich غن ي ghaniyy Good خي ر khayr Day ي وم yawm ي ي ي ي Notice that: 1- When ي is final or isolated it is in the full form under the line. 2- When ي is initial or medial, it's left side disappears and it becomes like ب ت ث on the line. can be connected from ي 3- both sides. Help! Looks like a Duck and has ي two Yolks Page 38

11 تد ر ي با ت Tadreebaat Copy ١ ا ن س خ insakh / insakhee ي+ي+ي ي+ي ي ي ي ي ي ي ييي يي ي ي ي ي ي ي Where is? ي ا ي ن ي ayna ي ٢ ع ي ن تق ي نو ر ي وس ف ف ق ه بي ت ن ب ي ي م ي ن ذن ب س ي و ن ي و م تح ت Page 39

12 Say and Copy qul wa insakh /qoolee wa insakhee وان س خ ي قول ي قل و ان س خ / ٣ ١٠ ٩ ٨ ٧ ٦ ٥ ٤ ٣ ٢ ١ Connect... ص ل / ص ل ي sil / sily بيت ب ي ت ب ن ت ٤... ب ث ت... ت ث ت... ن ب ن... ب ي ن... ي ب ت... ي ب ن... ن ب ث... ت ث ت... ن ب ت... ت ي ن... ن ب ي... ث ن ي Page 40

13 Say and Copy shaay qul wa insakh /qulee wa insakhee خي رkhayr غن ي ghaniyy قل و ا ن س خ / قول ي وان س خ ي ي وم yawm شاي ٤... ifsil / ifsilee al-ahruf ا ف ص ل / ٥ ا ف ص ل ي الا ح ر ف Separate the letters بنت ت ب تب تبن ثن نبت ثنت Page 41

14 Unit 2 ي ن Help! ن ي Two Yolks under a DUCK A ball North of a Net Page 42

15 Thank You شكر ا ع ف و ا (3afwan) Welcome (Shukran) Thanks OR خي ر ا ج ز اك ا الله (male) (Jazaaka-llaahu khayran) خي ر ا ج ز اك ا الله ج ز ا نا االله و ا ي ا كم (Jazaana-llaahu wa iyyaakum) May Allaah reward us and you all. (female) (Jazaaki-llaahu khayran) May Allaah reward you with Good. سو ل ر قا ل س ل م : و االله ص لى االله ع لي ه "م ن ع ص ن ه ا لي مع ف قا ل روف ه: ع ل ل فا ج ك الله زا ا خي ف قد را." غ ا ب ل ال ثنا ء في The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be on him, said: "To whomsoever good is done and he says to the doer of it, May Allah reward you, he has done his utmost in praising." Jazaaka-llaah khayran (may Allaah reward you with good) is the best form of thanking a man for any benefit or gift received from him. It is both an expression of thankfulness to him and a prayer for him, and it is the common form in which a Muslim thanks another. Page 43

16 2- Yaa as a Long Vowel ياء مد ي ة (Prolonged) Yaa' Maddiyyah ال ق راء ة Al-qiraa'ah Phonetics Pronunciation: Like ee (deed) in English. Exit: The interior or the chest area. Yaa' Maddiyah - If the letter Yaa' ( ي ) comes after a letter with Kasrah and has no mark above or below it, then this Yaa' will be pronounced like double Kasrah as ee in beep. bi ب is short but bee ب+ ي ( بي ) is long. - We call it "Maddiyah" (prolonged) because it is doubling the time of Kasrah - An Arabic word cannot start with Yaa' Maddiyah. بي = bee is ي+ ب ت ي = tee is ي+ ت ث ي = thee is ي + ث ن ي = nee is ي + ن يي = yee is ي + ي * (Yaa' Maddiyah has no mark) قل Qul قول ي Qoolee Page 44

17 ن + ي = ن ي ب + ن + ي = ت + ي + ن = nee ب ن ي ت ين banee teenu ي + ب + ي + ت = ي بي ت ب + ي + ت + ي = ب ي ت ي ب + ن + ت + ي = بن ت ي ب + ث + ي = ب ثي yabeetu baytee bintee bath-thee Read Iqra'/Iqra'e ا ق ر ي ي ا ق را / يي ن ي ث ي ت ي بي -١ يييي ن ين ي ث يث ي ت يت ي بي بي -٢ ت ي ب ث ي ن ت ي ن بي ن بي ت -٣ نث ن ي بن ت ي تب ن ي نب ن ي ي ث ن ي - ٤ ن ني ي ن ي نب ن ي تن ي ن بي ت -٥ Page 45

18 ال ك تاب ة Al-kitaabah Isolated* Final Medial Initial naadee Club 3aalee High teen Fig ت ين ي ع ال ي ي ناد ي ي Can not be initial Yaa' Maddiyah has same ruling of writing as Yaa' consonant تد ر ي با ت Tadreebaat Separate the letters ifsil / ifsilee al-ahruf ا ف ص ل / ١ ا ف ص ل ي الا ح ر ف بيت ني يبت نبي ب ي ت بني ينيب Page 46

19 ٢ ا ي ن ي م د ية Maddiyah? Ayna Yaa' د ين ب ي ن ي وس ف ي م ين تق ي ع ي ن ت ين ي و م ذي ل ن ب ي ع ظ يم ط ي ن ر ح ي م ع يس ى خي ر تح ت ك ريم غن ي Hal hathihi al_yaa' Maddiyah? Limaathaa? Is this yaa' Maddiyah? Why? ٣ ه ل ه ذ ه ال ياء م د ية ل م ا ذا The word Is it Maddiyah? The reason ت ين Yes Has no mark, preceded by kasrah (Teen) ب ي ت بن ت ي ن بي ي ب ن Page 47

20 qul wa insakh /qulee wa insakhee قل و ا ن س خ / قول ي وان س خ ي ٤ naadee 3aalee ناد ي ع ال ي ت ين teen Easy grammar lesson: Possessive pronouns in Arabic are letters attached to the end of nouns. Yaa' Maddiyah is the equivalent to the pronoun "my" So if we attach Yaa' Maddiyah to the end of a noun, it will mean "my" Ex. بن ت means girl or daughter & بن ت ي means my daughter means my house ب ي ت ي & house means ب ي ت Page 48

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