A letter to the Rented Donkeys

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1 A letter to the Rented Donkeys By Sheikh Hussein Mahmud

2 )' (' Verily, in the last moments, people who would become bold to speak against the best of Muslims and their leaders from the Amīr s of borders (Thughūr) and the leaders of the Mujāhidīn, have become visible The tone of a voice, the worst of voices in the lands which is thrown at the leaders of the people with different accusations from which the scum s laughs the devils of the humans got together in the Dār ul Nadwah Al Amrīkiyyah (The American house of gathering), so that they may agree to a word they may say to accuse the believers of it, as their predecessors did who said: a lying magician. And when the good people where at the borders stopping the enemies of Islām and hitting the climax of the head of kufr and transgression, the worshippers of the cross, with nails, and verily they have become involved in conquering the sides and arranging the lines and defending the borders from these idiots, it is obligatory upon us due to their right over us that we write these words which explains the stupidity of these rented donkeys and this deception which came out from the heads of the sons of Iblīs so that they may stop the people from getting near to Allāh with their love for the leaders of the people from the great mujāhidīn who walks on the fountains of the religion We ask Allāh that He grant them victory and power The rented donkeys say, on whose back the leaders (tawāghīt) and the Americans sit, steering it to the pit of destruction with what they forge upon the Believers with lies from where they perceive not, they say: because of these Mujāhidīn and whoever befriends them: they are from the Khawārij who came against the religion!! So I say, seeking help from Allāh: First: from the clear characteristics of the Khawārij is that verily they make takfīr of the one who does a kabīrah!! And we do not make takfīr of the one who does a Kabīrah, and we neither make takfīr of the one who does what repels (Nāqidh) from the Nawāgidh (nullifiers) of Islām until we explain to him and establish the hujjah upon him. Secondly: The Khawārij makes the blood of the Muslims to be lawful, and we do not make the blood of the Muslims to be lawful except the intentional killer and the married adulterator and the one who comes out from his religion, the one who leaves the group of the Muslims, AND these are the rulings which your rulers have invalidated. Thirdly: The rented donkeys said the Mujāhidīn makes takfīr of the guardians of the affairs of the Muslims (wulātul Umūr, tawāghīt); they say this for a need in their selves: thus they want to make these rulers look like Alī and Mu āwiyah and Amr bin Al Aas * ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' & % ا # " ر, both are so far apart verily the Mujāhidīn did not make takfīr on Ali or Mu āwiyah or Umar * ) ( ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' & % ا # " ر but they made takfīr of the one who allied with the Mushrikīn and fought against the religion and put the law of Allāh aside and made the law of the Kuffār to be the law, BECAUSE the One to

3 رك- ه 9 Whom the Judgment and Command belongs have said { And those who do not judge + ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ', و + ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 0-1 # He with what Allāh has revealed are disbelievers } (Al Mā idah 44), and said { And whoever befriends them from you, then he is of them } (Al Mā idah 51), so these are rulings of Allāh from above the seven skies, but the donkeys do not understand. Fourthly: The khawārij takes the proofs where it does not belong!! And we have come to you with proofs from the Qur ān and Sunnah and Ijmā and the sayings of the Imām s of the scholars from the salaf and khalaf, in regard of the kufr of the one who does legislate for people besides the law of Allāh, and regarding the disbelief of the who allies with the enemies of Allāh; as for you, you have changed the proofs of the Qur ān and Sunnah and Ijmā in the matter of jihād and Hākimiyyah to where it doesn t change and taken in to where it doesn t hold from making interpretations, to please your Lords besides Allāh!! Fifthly: The Khawārij views the obligation rebelling against the rulers due to committing fisq or oppression, and we do not view to rebel against the ruler except when we see a open kufr from him, in which we have a clear proof from Allāh, in which, the people of knowledge and understanding from the great scholars judges from those who say truth and do not fear in regards of Allāh a criticizing of the critics. Sixthly: The Khawārij denies shafā ah (interceding in the day of judgment) and we agree to it and we pray to Allāh to make us firm upon His religion until we meet the Prophet * 3 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' # 3 ا % & ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' و ' 6 2, thus we reach it (Shafā ah), as for the changers, the innovators in the religion it would be said to them away, away, stay far, stay far. Seventhly: the Khawārij got effected by the sayings of Jahamiyyah regarding the Qur ān and Seeing of Allāh, and the saying Mu tazilah in attributions, and said that there is no proof in the khabar ul Aahād (the narration in which there is a narrator in a part of the chain), and they do not view to follow the Sunnah which is against the Qur ān [like stoning and the amount of theft and others besides it] and we say what the Salaf of this Ummah said about the Qur ān and Seeing of Allāh and validity of khabar Ahād and that the Sunnah explains the Qurān, so we are upon the creed of the Messenger of Allāh * 3 ' ' ' ' # 3 ا % & ' ' ' ' ' و ' 6 2 and Abu Bakr and Umar and Uthmān and Alī and all the Sahābah and the great Imām s and those who walked upon their path. And from here it becomes clear that those who rented these donkeys have made a great mistake to rent these donkeys, for these donkeys are more donkeyish (invented word for D 4 ) C'' - ) 1'' # ا B 1 A = < '?' ) ' ا ;' 1 ' < 4 = أ 8 ) than the one which can bray. Because if they had brains, they would choose other than Khawārij as a characteristic for the Mujāhidīn. So these people don t know the meaning of that word

4 رك- As for you O rented donkey and your rulers: Verily you have become like the Al Qādiyāniyyah in the creed of Jihād: the Al Qādiyāniyyah did invalidate the Jihād against the Britons in specific, and you have invalidated the Jihād against America in specific!! And your rulers are Qādiyānīs regarding their American leaders, the worshipers of the cross: because the Qādiyāniyyah said verily the Britons are leaders and here your leaders are making America to be the owner of your affairs and they only rule you in their name!! And your rulers are like the Sikhs: who wanted to gather between the rulings of Islām and Christianity and Judaism. So your leaders have mixed the law of Islāmī personal status (or some of it) with the law of the Christians and the trading with that of Jews and the Law of punishment being effected by the views of Jews and Christians; in this there is a touch from the Jahamiyyah who got effected with the views of the Jew Ibān bin Sam ān and with the philosophers. And in it they went similar with the Jews who believed in a part of the Book and disbelieved in a part. But your leaders, as it is their nature, surpassed the Jews in this. Thus they believe in a part of it and they disbelieve in most of it: verily they have kept some of the laws of personal status [rulings of marriage] in their legislation and they left most of the rulings of Allāh like the rulings of dealings [and changed it with the Economic laws of Kuffār] and the rulings of the people of kufr and the Shar ī politics [and they have changed it with the state rulings of the people of kufr], and the punishment [they have changed it with the kufr law of punishments] and they invalidated the rulings of Jihād and apostasy and others besides it from the Shar ī matters, to please their gods Christ-Jewish And your rulers are like Al Jibirriyah: in their creed about America, thus they believe; verily there is nothing upon the earth except with the content of America and their command and upon their desire and they are with them like the Abdāl and Aqtāb which is with the Sūfiyyah and your leaders are like Al Qadariyyah regarding Allāh, thus they do things as if there is no power for Allāh in their actions!! So see that they have gathered between two contradictions, so welcome to you and them!! And you are like the Rāfidhah: in your belief regarding your rulers. As for the Rāfidhah, they believe in the innocence ( Ismah; being away from all misguidance, false proof) of their Imāms and you believe in the ismah of your rulers and the Rāfidhah believes in the hidden Imām and your leaders believe in their hidden Imām who rules them and he is Sharon and behind that is the international Zionism and the Rāfidhah, they have the creed of Wilāyatul Faqīh (the alliance of the jurist), and your ruler s hidden friend is Bush, but your leaders have surpassed the Rāfidhah in the creed of Wilāyatul Faqīh: the Rāfidhah did not hold the view of Khumeinī being m asūm (free of mistakes), as for your rulers, thus the saying of Bush, in front of them, is ahead of the word of the Rabb of the Worlds. Thus verily Allāh # 1 - ' 0 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' + و ', ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' + said: { O who believes, do not take the Kuffār as friends besides Allāh } (Nisā 144). And Bush said to them whoever is not with us is against us, so they said to Bush But we are with you and they threw the book of Allāh

5 behind their backs which they knew and the Rāfidhah are far better than your rulers as they believe that verily Imāmah is in the house of prophecy, as for your rulers, thus the Imāmah near them is in their houses!! And your rulers are like Al Hulūliyyah: Whereas their gods come into the Jews and Christians who they (rulers) have made their law to be the law, and put the law of Allah to a side due to it. But they have surpassed their predecessors from the hulūliyyah who believe that the god will come in to everything even Muslims as for your rulers, thus their gods doesn t come in to except the Jews and Christians!! And you are like the Al Ashā irah and the Al M utazilah: in your rejecting the Nusūs of the Qur ān and Sunnah with examples of intellect and talk and argument. And you are like Al Yazīdiyyah: in your praising your rulers as the Yazīdīs praised Yazīd bin Mu āwiyah 5 ( ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' & % ا # " ر, and if you say we do not believe that but we are soft for them in fear of Fitnah, then you have gathered between Yazīdī Nāsibīyyah and Rāfidhī Taqiyyah; it means you have gathered two contradictory (creeds). And you are like the Khawārij: in regard of making takfīr of the leaders of the Muslims from the leaders of the mujāhidīn and the guards at the borders. And your leaders are like the khawārij as they have made the blood of Muslims to be Halāl and left the blood of the Kuffār, but you have preceded the Khawārij as you have not only made the blood of the Mujāhidīn to be Halāl for yourselves only, but you have made it lawful for the American Christians, the enemies of Allāh!! And you are like the Khawārij for changing the Nusūs to where it is not changed: like the Nusūs of Jihād and Hākimiyyah and Walā and Barā ah and the rulings of Dār ul Harb and the rulings of Kuffār!! And you are like the Sofstāiyyah (I really don t know who these are, are they soviets?): for your use of fabrications and falsehood to shut the opponent and obligating the proof upon them and you have left the constant proofs and clear understandings which are safe and the felt reality in which the people live, and you have entered into an uncertain fruitless argument!! And your rulers are like the Al Mazdakiyyah and Al Qarāmitah and Al Zanādiqah: in spreading low behavior and shameful deeds between the Muslims using the media which has entered all the houses which has entered all the houses to demolish the last remaining behavior and Islāmic values. They have opened the houses of shamelessness and adultery and spread the magazines and spread falling low stories in the name of development. And you are like the Ad Darūz: for their making Al Hākim Bi Amrillāhi Al Ubeidī (Al Fātimī as a lie) to be as their Ilāh, thus you have made your rulers to be as Ilāh s, by obeying them in their legalizing what Allāh prohibited and their prohibition of what Allāh has legalized and their alliance to the Jews and Christians, then the enemies of Allāh and their enmity to Islām and the Muslims. And if you say: verily we have not made them as Ilāhs, so we say to them as the Prophet * 3 ' 6 و ' & % ا # 3 2

6 said: { Do they not prohibit what Allāh has legalized, thus you consider it Harām? And do they not legalize what Allāh has prohibited thus you consider it to be Halāl? so this is worshiping them } [Ahmed and At Tirmidhī]. And you are like the Qawmiyyīn (nationalists): for your not caring for what is happening for the Muslims in the other lands from killing and torture and destroying, following your rulers who have announced that these difficulties are internal in other lands which is not for you, and your leaders are like Bathists who gives importance to Arabs and Islām and do not care about what happens in other non-arabic Islāmic lands. And you are like the Murji ah: in your not making takfīr with actions and limited it to belief only. So near you is verily one who: makes a legislation which is against the Law of Allāh and forces people to make tahākum to it, and who befriends the enemies of Allāh and fights the allies of Allāh and gives power to the Kuffār in the lands of Muslims, is not a kāfir, if he doesn t consider it permissible from his heart (Isti hlāl) all of it!! And you are like the communist: in distributing wealth, except that the communists seek to distribute it between all the community and you seek to distribute it between the rulers only; so the wealth of the people are permissible upon them, they distribute it between one another, and spend it as they wish, thus they are communists within themselves and capitalists between them and their people!! And you are like ghulāt of Sūfiyyah and Bātiniyyah (the most high levels of them): to drop the burdens of Sharī ah from your rulers, thus they do not judge with what Allāh has revealed and they do not help the religion of Allāh and from them are those who do not pray, and with that they are in front you, from the friends of Allāh!! And you are like the Christians and the Jews: that you have ascribed the believers with labels like fundamentalists and terrorists and strict and transgressing to those who seek to bring the law of Allāh and return to the reality of the religion which is clean which was brought by the Prophet * 3 ' 6 و ' & % ا # 3 2 upon the path of the salaf of this Ummah!! And you are like the Bātiniyyah because you have said: verily the Nusūs has explanations which are not known but to the specialists from your scholars. And it is not appropriate to go deep in to it or to interpret it, except for the Batātiqah (scholars of Christians; the name used to as they Christians also monopoly their religion like the scholars of these deviants) who have invalidated the proofs of jihād and Hākimiyyah and Walā and Barā ah and the rulings of the people of Kufr!! And you are like the catholic Christians: as you have made highest religious organizations and bodies, which whoever is out of it cannot go against it, and you have given it the authority of the Vatican pope from the rights upon his followers, and you have gathered between this and between the protestants who left the

7 management of the organizations in the hands of atheists and you have the scholars to manage the seasonal matters (the occasions and the celebrations). O the renters of these donkeys: Verily the people have refuted your doubts and explained the invalidity of your sayings and opened your hidden matters, and it did not increase you except in defeat so after the invalidity of your attribution against the lovers of the Highest peak of Islām (Jihād) has become clear, of them being khawārij, your biggest Idol has commanded you to search something which would divert people from its plan and plot and their plans to conquer the lands of Islām, so your Satan has inspired you to make the Muslims clash with one another, thus you have fabricated upon some Islamic groups, and you have made the people busy with the arguments of school of thoughts and sects, and you have burdened your rented donkeys to look after the blazing of the fire of Fitnah and disunity between the Muslims, so that the enemies of Islām can be capable upon the slaves and lands. But be it far away, be it far away, By Allāh you will not come with a word except the Muslims will refute it with words and words. And you can never say a Bātil except the believers will hurl the Truth against falsehood, and it knocks out its brain, and behold, falsehood will perish! Ah! Woe be to you for the (false) things you ascribe They (the disbelievers, the Jews and the Christians) want to extinguish Allah s Light (with which Muhammad SAW has been sent Islamic Monotheism) with their mouths, but Allāh will not allow except that His Light should be perfected even though the Kāfirūn (disbelievers) hate (it). Tawbah 32. And we shall refute you with our tongues and our leaders will refute the plot of your biggest Idol, through crushing. & ا E 1 مF it, piece by piece with the axe of Al Khalīl Ibrāhīm And after that: Thus these are words which are directed towards the misguided group which has bought its world with a few rubbish dirham s in the path of making people stay back and betray them from helping the Islām and the Muslims [and specially the Mujāhidīn] with the prompting from the rulers of some lands who take their command from their Hubal America, which in its turn takes its plans from the Jews so these people have worshipped the Dirhams and Posts which is in the hands of their rulers who worship the American government which worships the Jews who worship the Satan So these RENTED DONKEYS sold their selves to slaves who worship slaves who worship slaves who worship the Satan! O Sadness towards Allāh, how donkeyish are they!! I say to the rented donkeys : Stop! It s better for you, for by Allāh these people will never be of benefit to you in a day where neither wealth nor children will be of benefit. And as for what you are in, it is a gradual punishment of Allāh who has announced war against the one who takes His friends as enemies. As for those whom you have followed, they are the first who will make barā ah from you in the way they would see the torment of

8 Allāh, the day all the resources would be cut from them Verily you will die, thus will meet your Rabb, and He will ask you of what you have written or said or done; Nay By Allāh! Your philosophy will never be of benefit to you, and neither your false doing or neither your changing of saying (ta hrīf), with the One Who knows the secret and what is more hidden! Verily Allāh will see what is in your hearts and what you have translated from actions and sayings which would tell of what was in those hearts from the fright and fear of Allāh, or not wanting what is with Allāh { And be afraid of the Day when you shall be brought back to Allah. Then every person shall be paid what he earned, and they shall not be dealt with unjustly. } (2:281) Husayn Ibn Mahmud 27 Ramadhān 1423 Source: %20the%20rented%20donkeys%20by%20Al-Sheikh%20Hussein%20Ma %E2%80%99hmud.htm

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