2-How old was the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) when the Qurán was revealed to him?

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1 Grade 8 Islamic Education in English Summer School International School of Arts and Sciences ISAS Name: Exercise 1: Review Questions: 1- What is Al Wahy? 2-How old was the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) when the Qurán was revealed to him? 3- How old was he when the Qurán was completely revealed? 4-List the books of Allah and the prophets they were sent to? 5-Who is the only woman mentioned in the Qurán? Exercise 2: Matching Match the prophets to the holy books they represented. Prophet Musa Prophet Ibrahim Prophet Dawood Prophet Isa Prophet Muhammad As- Suhuf Al-Qurán Al Tawrah Al Injeel Az- Zaboor 1

2 Exercise 3: 1-When was the Qur an first revealed and where? 2-Who was the angel who brought the Qur an from Allah to Prophet Muhammad (SAW)? 3-Why should we feel scared when reading a description of Hellfire and Judgment Day? What should we say we read that? 4-Why is recommended to have Wudoo when reading the Qurán? 5-How can we show our love and respect for the Qurán? Explain Exercise 4: or Answer each question with either true of false. It is easy to learn the Qurán at any age. Those who memorize the Qurán and practice it will be granted Jannah. According to Arab custom, fighting of any kind was prohibited during the month Muharram, Rajab, Thul Qidah and Thul HIjah. Hadiy is sacrificed animals. The name of the Surah that shows the success gained from Sulh Al Hudaybiyah was Surat Al Fateh. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was sent as mercy to whole mankind. There are seven pillars of faith (Iman). What are the six pillars of Faith (Iman)? a b c d e 2

3 f Write true or false: The relations between the Muslims and Quraysh were very difficult. Sulh Ul Hudaybiyah means the Peace Treaty with Quraysh. The prophet and the Muslims were mistreated and disrespected by the pagans of Quraysh. عمره In the 6 th year after the Hijrah, the Prophet set out to make Umrah The prophet Mohammad (p) was the last and final prophet that Allah sent. During the month of Ramadan the prophet (SAW) had very special vision. The prophet was kind and merciful enough to look for peace between Muslims and the Pagans. The peace treaty was made to last for ten years. Between Makkah and Madina Allah told the prophet in the revelation or Surat al fateh that he would have a series of victories. What are the Sacred Months or Al Ashur Al Hurum? a.. b. c. d. What vision did the prophet Muhammad have during the month of Shawal six year of Hijrah?.. 3

4 Qur an: Complete the following Verses (Ayat) : ب س م ه للا ال هرح م ن ال هرح يم 1. ي ا أ ي ه ا ق م... إ ا ل ق ل يل... أ و ان ق ص من ه ق ل ي ل أ و ز د ع ل ي ه و ر ت ل... ت ر ت يل إ ناا س ن ل قي... ق و ل ث ق يل 1- Where was Surat ul-muzzammil- revealed? 2- Name two topics the Surat ul- Muzzammil talks about? a- b- 3-Who is Ul Muzzammil? Explain. 4

5 ... 4-What did Allah send down to his Prophet Muhammad (p)? Match the suitable complements: A ي ا أ ي ه ا ال م ز م ل و ر ت ل ال ق ر آن ت ر ت يل ل ث ق يل إ ن ا س ن ل ق ي ع ل ي ك ق و B I will be giving you some words of weights (heavy words). O you who is covered in garment. Read the Qur án in a nice proper way. " إ ن ل ك ف ي ا لن ه ار س ب ح ا ط و ي ل "(5 What topic does this verse refer to? a) Night prayers. b) Fasting. c) Day time praising. 6) Which of the following statements concerning the concept of Al Muzzammil is INCORRECT?) a) The hypocrite B The one who wraps himself up. c) The believers. 7)-Write the meaning of these terms: a-al-muzzammil:... b- Qawlan Thaqeelan: c- Tarteel:.. d- Qiyam Ul-layl: 5

6 8-What does Al Serat Al Mustaqeem ( المستقيم )الصراط mean? What are the benefits of the Treaty of Hudaybiyah? a b.. c.. d Why do you think Allah called the treaty of Al Hudaybiyah a victory? Where was the first trip of Um Salamah to? Why did she travel?. 12- Describe the efforts Abu Salamah did for Islam in Madinah The worst of people is the one who has double personalities. He appears to people in one personality and to others in an opposite personality Explain briefly

7 14 -Write true or false: Some Muslims migrated to Abyssinia. There are five sacred months. Um Salamah was very devout Muslim. Um Salamah is Hind Bint Abi Umayyah Al Makhzoomy. Critical Thinking/ Study Questions Q.1 Give the Arabic definition of prophet and the Arabic definition of messenger. Q.2 What message did all messengers bring? Q.3 How many prophets are mentioned in the Qur an. Q.4 Explain the importance of belief in the prophets. Q.5 How many Messengers of Allah and how many Prophets of Allah are there mentioned in the Qur an? _ Q.6 Discuss how Muslims, Christians and Jews view prophets. Q.7 What are the differences one will find in the Qur an and Bible regarding the Prophets? Give at least one example. Q.8 Briefly discuss at least two other possible prophets mentioned in the Sunnah. Q.9 Discuss the uniqueness of the Prophet Muhammad s (SAW) mission in at least three sentences. 7

8 Exercise: 1-Match between the word and its meaning: Fat-han Mubeena ا فتحا مبين ذنبك Thanbeka الشهيد Shaheed حكيم Hakeem Your sin Martyr wise A clear victory-clear conquest 2- What are the major signs of a hypocrite? What did Allah send down into the hearts of the believers that they would increase in faith along with their faith? (see the above verses)

9 (Surat As- Saff ) Read the following verses and answer the questions: ب س م الل ه الر ح م ن الر ح يم ال ح ك يم) 1 ( ي ا أ ي ه ا ال ذ ين آم ن وا ل م ت ق ول ون م ا ل س ب ح ل ل ه م ا ف ي الس م او ات و م ا ف ي ا ل ر ض و ه و ال ع ز يز ت ف ع ل ون )2( ك ب ر م ق ت ا ع ن د الل ه أ ن ت ق ول وا م ا ل ت ف ع ل ون )3( إ ن الل ه ي ح ب ال ذ ين ي ق ات ل ون ف ي س ب يل ه ص ف ا ك أ ن ه م م ل م ت ؤ ذ ون ن ي و ق د ت ع ل م ون أ ن ي ر س ول الل ه إ ل ي ك م ف ل م ا ز ا وا ب ن ي ان م ر ص وص )4( و ا ذ ق ال م وس ى ل ق و م ه ي ا ق و م ال ف اس ق ي ن )5( أ ز اغ الل ه ق ل وب ه م و الل ه ل ي ه د ي ا ل ق و 1) Where was this Surah revealed? a) In Madinah b) In Makah c) In At- Taef 2) This Surah talks about: a) Struggling for the sake of Allah b) Tasbeeh and glorifying Allah c) Allah does not guide the sinners d) All the above - " ي ا أ ي ه ا ال ذ ين آم ن وا ل م ت ق ول ون م ا ل ت ف ع ل ون " (3 This verse means: a) Oh disbelievers, why do you say what you do not do?. b) Oh Believers, why do you say what you do not do? 4) Which of the following statements concerning the concept of Al Fasiqeen is INCORRECT? ) a) They are loyal to Allah. b) They are disobedient. c) They are disbelievers. 5) What did Allah say about his creatures in above Surah? a) They are doing Tasbeeh (glorifying Allah) b) Allah loves those who struggle for His sake c) All the above 6) Explain verse 4: إ ن الل ه ي ح ب ال ذ ين ي ق ات ل ون ف ي س ب يل ه ص ف ا ك أ ن ه م ب ن ي ان م ر ص وص 9

10 Questions: Q1. What is the meaning of Tasbeeh? Q2. How do other creations of Allah praise Him if since they cannot speak, read Qur an and pray, Remember the story of Prophet Suleyman and how he communicated with the other creations of Allah(creatures)? Q3. What is a double personality? Q4. What are the dangers of having a double personality? Q5. What are the three signs of a hypocrite? Q6. What is As Sirat Al Mustaqeem? Prayers: Salat or prayer is one of the pillars of Islam. There are five pillars in Islam. These pillars are: belief in one god, prayer, fasting, charity, and pilgrimage. They are also known as: Shahadah, Salat, Sawm, Zakat, and Hajj. How many times does a Muslim pray in a day? _ What do you call the funeral prayer? 10

11 When do you pray Maghrib? What is Fard Prayer? What is said to announce the time of prayer? _ When do you pray Tahyatul' Masjid? Which Surah must you say in every rakat? Towards what do you pray? How many mandatory rakats are in Fajr? 11

12 Test Your Knowledge: 1) The Qur'an refers to people, places, things and events which are nowhere explained or defined within the Qur'an itself. 2) Makka was a pre-islamic pagan center of worship. 3) The Kabah in Makka was a pre-islamic pagan temple, filled with 360 idols. 4) Archaeologists have found three other ancient Kabahs in Arabia. 5) The pre-islamic pagan Arabs prayed by bowing down toward Mecca several times a day. 6) Pre-Islamic pagan Arabs made pilgrimages to Makka. 7) When pre-islamic pagan Arabs came to Makka, they ran between two hills. 8) Pre-Islamic pagan Arabs ran around the Kabah seven times. 9) Pre-Islamic pagan Arabs kissed and caressed a large black stone on the wall of the Kabah. 10) Pre-Islamic pagan Arabs sacrificed animals at the Kabah. 11) Pre-Islamic pagan Arabs threw a magical number of stones at a pillar of the Devil. 12

13 12) Pre-Islamic pagan Arabs held their public meetings on Friday instead of Saturday or Sunday. 13) Pre-Islamic pagan Arabs fasted during the day and feasted at night for one month. 14) The pre-islamic pagan Arab fast began and ended with the moon in its crescent phase. 15) Pre-Islamic pagan Arabs gave alms to the poor. 16) Muslims performed ritual washings before prayers. 17) In Islam Arabs prohibited marrying sisters. 18) Muslims prohibited the eating of swine flesh. 19) Abraham, the father of Ishmael, was not an Arab. 20) Hagar, the mother of Ishmael, was an Egyptian and not an Arab. 21) Since his mother and father were not Arabs, Ishmael was not an Arab. 22) Ishmael could not possibly be the "father of the Arabs" because the Arabs already existed before Ishmael was born. 13

14 23) According to the historical and literary evidence, Abraham and Ishmael lived in Palestine, not Arabia. 24) Abraham and Ishmael never lived in Mekka. 25) Abraham and Ishmael never built the Kabah. 26) Al-lat, Al-uzza, and Manat were worshiped by the pre-islamic pagan Arabs as "the daughters of Allah". 27) Mohammed's father lived and died as a pre-islamic pagan, and yet the word "Allah" was part of his name. 28) Yusuf Ali points out in his translation of the Qur'an that the moon was worshiped as a god by pagan Arabs. 29) Many of the pre-islamic pagan Arab rituals associated with the worship of Allah and his daughters were incorporated into the Qur'an and are now a part of Islam. 30) The religion of Islam has adopted the name, the rituals, and the crescent moon symbol of the pagan Arab moon-god. 31) Some of the material found in the Qur'an can be traced back to pre-islamic pagan Arab religions. 32) The people of Mohammed's day are recorded in the Qur'an as saying that Mohammed took old wives tales and myths and put them into the Qur'an. 14

15 33) The Qur'an warns against asking questions about Islam because if the answers are revealed, you will lose your faith in Islam. 34) According to the Qur'an, Jesus was not crucified; an impostor died in the place of Jesus on the cross. 35) Muslims are told in the Quran to read the other holy books: the Torah (which is the first five books of the Old Testament), the Zabur (which are the Psams of David), and the Injeel (the gospel of Christ). Fill in the blanks: Muslims pray and recite the Qur an in the language. 1. One of the Five Pillars of Islam is during the month of Ramadan. 2. After his death, the first four successors to Muhammad are called. 3. refers to Islamic law. 4. The reports tell about the life of Muhammad. 5. The basic religious duties incumbent upon Muslims are known as the. 6. The hajj refers to the pilgrimage to. 7. The martyrdom of was a very important historical event, particularly to Shia Muslims. 8. The were the first Muslim dynasty. 9. The person who calls Muslims to prayer is known as the. 10. The country of has the largest Muslim population today. 11. Sufi meditation is known as recollection or. 12. The early Sufi named emphasized the importance of love for God. 13. The conservative movement has been very influential in Saudi Arabia. 15

16 A- Fill in the spaces with the correct word: mistreated - revelation pagan - honor - peace a- The relations between the Muslims and the.. Quraysh were very difficult. b- Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and the Muslims were and disrespected by Quraysh. c-the goal of Sulh Al Hudaybiyah was to have..for ten years. d-between Makkah and Madinah Allah told his Prophet in..of Surat al Fateh that he would have a series of victories. e-when you sign a contact, keep promise and. your contract whether with Muslims and non- Muslims. B-Fill in the spaces with the suitable words: sustenance hostile submission - praise a-allah revealed to His messenger Muhammad (SAW) that the most beloved things to Him at that time were: true faith and Jihad against enemies of Muslims. b- And do not think whoever killed in Allah s way as dead; nay, they are alive and are provided with from their Lord. c- All creations Allah and glorify Him. d- Allah s path is Islam, and Islam is the total to God and following his guidance. -Explain the impact of hypocrisy on individuals and society


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