BISM-ILLAH-IR-RAHMAN-lR-RAHIM In The Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful

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1 BISM-ILLAH-IR-RAHMAN-lR-RAHIM In The Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful Kufa Center of Islamic Knowledge (KCIK) النبي أ لا م ي ) Al-Nabiy Al-Ommiy محمد :( Muhammad مبروك مولد سيد البشر النبي الا مي (ص ( by Amer A. AL-Zubaidi ولد الرسول الا آرم محم د عبد المطلب فارق الحياة قبل ولادة الرسول الا آرم ( في عام الفيل قبل الهجرة باثنتين وخمسين سن ة. أبوه عبد االله ابن ( فكفله جد ه عبد المطلب إلى حليمة السعدية لتقوم با رضاعه ورعايته. أم ا أمه ا منة بنت وهب فانها انتقلت إلى رحمة رب ها بعد ولادت الرسول الا آرم ( بست سنوات وعندما توف ي عبد المطلب أخذه عمه أبوطال ب إلى بيته وتكف ل برعايته وتربيته. عرف عن الرسول محم د ( قبل البعثة با مانته واستقامته واشتهر بين الجميع ب «محمد الصادق الا مين». اختار االله سبحانه وتعاله محمد ا ( للنبو ة وهو في سن الا ربعين وآل فه با ن يقوم بهداية الناس إذ ارسل جبراي يل (ع) بالبعثة عندما آان مشغولا بعبادته في الغارقاي لا: (اقرأ). لكن محمد ا يحسن القراءة أو الكتابة. ( لم يكن قد تلق ى أ ي تعلي م وهو لا In Arabic, Ommi أ م ي literally means illiterate, i.e., a person who can neither read nor write الذي لا يقرأ ولا يكتب. الشخص Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta Ala) says 1 Muhammad: Al-Nabiy Al-Ommiy Amer A. AL-Zubaidi

2 in Surah Al-Araf سورة الا عراف (7:157-8), Those who follow the Messenger, Prophet, the Ummi, so believe ye in Allah and His messenger, the Prophet Ummi who believeth in Allah and His Words. So ye follow him (the Apostle, Rasool Muhammad) that ye may be guided. The Almighty Lord, Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta Ala) sent Anbiya and Rasul to each nation on earth in every age (2:87 & 151; 4:164-5; 6:42 & 48; 7:35, 53 & 59; 10:47; 13:38; 14:4-5; 16:36; 21:25; 23:32 & 44 and 57:25-6). To each Rasool, He gave clear miracles to facilitate delivering their Scriptures ( Risalats ( الرسالات to their people. These Rasul taught their people to apply Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta Ala) s Laws in words and actions and to attain spiritual bliss and happiness in both the worlds 3:81; 4:64; 14:34; 18:56; 28:73 and 46:15). The Almighty Lord, Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta Ala) taught and tutored Nabiy Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Waalihi Wa Salam). He was under Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta Ala) s divine care all the time since his birth, and was fully resplendent in the task of teaching through example and noble conduct. He was thus entrusted by Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala) to carry His Divine Message and bring the ignorant ( Jahiliyya ( الجاهلية from darkness into light, and reform them and teach them the Glorious Qur'an (4:113 & 163; 5:3 & 67; 26: 178 & 192-6; and 62:2). Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta Ala) blessed Nabiy Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Waalihi Wa Salam) with divine wisdom, mercy, and guidance, so that he could guide human beings along the right path (3:158 and 33:21). His mission was to prevent the people of the world, in all times, from going 2 Muhammad: Al-Nabiy Al-Ommiy Amer A. AL-Zubaidi

3 astray on account of the dictates of their vain desires, and to teach mankind to apply the universal message of Islam in their day-to-day lives (21:107; 8:20; 5:92; and 33:45). Nabiy Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Waalihi Wa Salam) was the Seal of the Prophets - the Last Messenger of Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta Ala) (33:40). He said, I am the last to follow, after whom there shall be no other (prophet), (the seal)." During the time of Ignorance ( Jahiliyya,( الجاهلية the people used to worship multiple god, idols, and other things. At that time, Nabiy Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Waalihi Wa Salam) was born in Makkah in the year 570 AD, the year of the Elephant ( Fil ), on the 12 th or 17 th of the month of Rabi AlAwwal (105:1-5). This occasion is called Mawlid Al Nabiy, a great blessed day for all genuine Muslims (2:212; 3:26; 4:32; 13:26 and 24:38). Praise to the Lord of the worlds, and so do praise His angels and the prophets sent by Him. O my Lord! I seek Thy help to keep me steadfast in service to Thee to the utmost degree, which shall please Thee the most, Ameen. The Almighty Lord, Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta Ala) says of Nabiy القلم Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Waalihi Wa Salam) in Surah Al-Qalam And most certainly you are of sublime morality (exalted (68:4), سورة standard of character). Nabiy Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Waalihi Wa Salam) upheld the highest standard of morality and ethics (2:177; 33:35 and 39:60). Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala) described him as the Noblest Example for the human race (2:285; 40:78 and 94:4). He was also a spiritual and 3 Muhammad: Al-Nabiy Al-Ommiy Amer A. AL-Zubaidi

4 political leader دينيا (روحي) وسياسي وعسكري قاي د who struggled to spread the message of Islam. However, those who remain true believers and behave in a manner worthy of being followers of Nabiy Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Waalihi Wa Salam) will InSha Allah lead a prosperous and happy life in this world and be redeemed from disgrace in the hereafter. On them Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala) has bestowed His highest grace in Paradise (19:63). Belief and faith are spiritual characteristics that cannot be created by force and coercion (2:256; 4:6; 14:51 and 6:153). People have a freedom of choice, and there should not be any compulsion for them to follow any religion or way of life. Islam, in fact put an end to the oppression of oppressors (14:42; 23:94; 31:11 and 40:52). Muslims should be permitted live and practice their religion in peace (3:102; 8:61; 47:35 and 49:9). Unfortunately, in many places of the world, they have been subjected to neglect, religious persecution and discrimination (2:264; 7:23; 23:60-61; 25:68 and 29:6). Moreover, those who have laid claims to be Muslim leaders have harmed, abused, tortured, killed, suppressed good opportunities and actions, and have perpetuated unfairness and injustice (2:263-4; 42:30 and 74:6). Shamefully, the ones who lead the prayers attack each other with hate and accusations; even use profanity without any justifiable reason against ones who act righteously with goodness to serve humanity (4:75; 16:125; 20:131 and 25:20 & 63). Such people are morally deficient and selfishly pursue lust for power and prestige only as a means to gratify their low desires. This is strictly forbidden by well-known verses from the Qur an and traditions from the Sunnah (2:156-7; 33:58; 39:18 and 60:6-7). Religion differences should form the basis for cooperation. The Christian 4 Muhammad: Al-Nabiy Al-Ommiy Amer A. AL-Zubaidi

5 ruler, King Negus, extended his protection to Muslims and granted them permission to live in his country for as long as they wished to escape the persecution (19:33). Nabiy Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Waalihi Wasalam) insured peace and tranquility. He formulated peace treaties between Muslim tribes, and between Muslims and non-muslim in Madinah. Nabiy Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Waalihi Wa Salam) made a treaty with non- Muslims in Makkah, namely the Treaty of Hudaibiyah الحديبية, صلح in the year of six AH (2:216; 4:170 and 48:1, 10 & 27). It is noteworthy to report that during the days of Ignorance ( Jahiliyya,( الجاهلية there were treaties between clans to stop oppression and to give back to the weak and the oppressed their rights, but yet ( Jahiliyya ( الجاهلية continued with rampant oppression and corruption. We are all brothers and sisters in humanity and also brothers and sisters in faith. The unjust treatments have continued in different forms, including harassment, abuses, torture, and murder. Moreover, the oppression takes other forms by preventing opportunities for others and instilling suffering and hardships. This should be brought to an end where such perversions prevail since this is without doubt ( Jahiliyya There is no reason to deny the other s existence; otherwise, people.( الجاهلية are all doomed to annihilation and the destruction of the world (3:145; 14:27; 28:77; 30:7; 25:32 and 69:20). In closing, man-made laws and principle should not interfere with the rights of the people s freedom of conscience and belief to follow their own religion. Human beings should have the compassion to be cognizant of the basic requirements of humanity. The world of today shows off their ignorance via oppression, corruption, and unjust treatments of different forms, including ill-treatment, discrimination, harassment, abuses, torture 5 Muhammad: Al-Nabiy Al-Ommiy Amer A. AL-Zubaidi

6 and murder of innocent people. The truth and reality has been afflicted by daily tragedies and has resulted in weakening of good human instincts, and in the disappearance of deep knowledge and high morality from our society. This must stop, and a non-violent and peaceful environment according to the Universal Divine Law should prevail (2:186 and 40:60). O Lord, help me in training, educating, and in doing good to society and the world. Bless Your servant Muhammad and bless the Ale-Muhammad (Household of Muhammad) and those who do good with goodness, and protect them from any harm. Grant us togetherness peace with respect, justice, and equality for all the people of the world on the occasion of this birthday of our beloved Nabiy and always, Ameen. Articles signed represent the author's opinion and not necessarily the opinion of the administration and/or staff of KCIK, or the Editors of the AL-KUFA Newsletter. For those who would like to use the publications of the AL-KUFA for some useful purpose, you are welcome to do so, but quote this source as a reference to avoid copyright infringements. However, all material is copyrighted and any use of it requires the express (written or verbal) permission of the editors. Publisher: Published in the AL-KUFA Newsletter Vol.11 No.05 April Muhammad: Al-Nabiy Al-Ommiy Amer A. AL-Zubaidi

7 الكوفة للمعارف الاسلامية مرآز Kufa Center of Islamic Knowledge P.O. Box 11771; Roanoke, Virginia ; USA امريكا رونوك فرجينيا صندوق بريد تلفون / فاآس -8471) 563 ( (540) /Fax: Tel. address البريد الاآتروني) :(عنوان Web page addresses الموقع) (عنوان & المرآز مو سسة غير حكومية KCIK Is an Islamic Non-Profit Organization طوعية وغير نفعية Federal Tax Exempt Under Section 501(c) Article (3), Employer Identification Number (EIN) of IRS Code 7 Muhammad: Al-Nabiy Al-Ommiy Amer A. AL-Zubaidi

1 Muhammad: AlNabiy AlRaoof AlRaheem AL-KUFA Publications Amer A. AL-Zubaidi

1 Muhammad: AlNabiy AlRaoof AlRaheem AL-KUFA Publications Amer A. AL-Zubaidi BISM-ILLAH-IR-RAHMAN-lR-RAHIM In The Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful Kufa Center Of Islamic Knowledge (KCIK) Muhammad: Al-Nabiy Al-Raoof Al-Raheem مبروك مولد ألرسول ص By Amer A. AL-Zubaidi

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