Gandhi: Overview from a Bible Perspective

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1 Gandhi: Overview from a Bible Perspective A Temcat study There is much misinformation and propaganda with us these days about the legendary life of Mahatma Gandhi. We are going to look at some of the propaganda that the One World Government people are promoting to people in regard s to Gandhi and his life. It is not the purpose of this article to act as judge over the Motives of this man. He is dead. His motives are sealed and will be dealt with by God who does not err in judgment. However, the affects of his teachings and the propaganda based on his life is very much alive and with us today. They are having an influence that has perverted the thinking of many people who have not sought first to compare them to the solid foundation, the Bible. Many mistakenly think that Gandhi believed in the Bible but this is very misleading and we will look at it later in this brief study. Now this is from the back cover of the book "Gandhi s Life in His Own Words" published by Navajivan Publishing House, which was his own official publisher. I had the book sent from India. Please notice with me this statement he made in his own autobiography: "My uniform experience has convinced me that there is no other God than Truth. And if every page of these chapters does not proclaim to the reader that the only means for the realization of Truth is Ahimsa, I shall deem all my labour in writing these chapters to have been in vain. And, even though my efforts in this behalf may prove fruitless, let the readers know that the vehicle, not the great principle is at fault." M. K. Gandhi. (emphasis mine) Friends he is saying there is NO GOD except for abstract spiritualistic philosophies! Gandhi did NOT believe in a personal God! Here it is from his own lips. It is our duty to judge the fruits of this influence and the claims that it makes not to do so is to endanger one s soul and to be led into dragon paths. It is so easy to make excuses and say that he lived out the principles of Christianity better that most Christians Did he?? Really?? You d better take another look. I am not going to quote from biographies and things as the facts here can be easily found in popular literature and there are many biographies and accounts of Gandhi s life and they get more embroidered and sparkling with each one that is put out. One of the greatest propaganda accomplishments was the movie put out about 20 years ago. Gandhi s Work is the Same as the Pope s Before we look in detail at aspects of Gandhi and his influence; I wish to point out that the last Pope was declared to be the second Gandhi. What was the Pope doing? He was going everywhere to 1

2 try and get people to unify and come into one religion and who is going to lead that religion? The Pope! He is called the Prince of Peace by the world, but what does the Bible say about it? "Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God." 2 Thessalonians 2:4 "For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, [which] go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty." Revelation 16:14 The Bible shows that this power that is seeking to unify all religions is the power of the devil the Dragon Power! Where did he come from? Gandhi was educated in England as a lawyer; we tend to forget this, when we see the sweet little fellow in the loincloth. He was well off financially and highly educated in England. He was given his first job as a lawyer in South Africa and there we begin to see the influence of some of the behind the scenes players in the life of Gandhi. His work in South Africa He was brought to South Africa by some of the rich Moslems and Hindus who had come to the country but were still held as second-class citizens by the British. They were classed as colored and so didn t have the rights as a white person. Often though, it is forgotten when people look at this history, that when the Indians were brought there, it was with the understanding that their place was to work in the jobs the British brought them in to work at. Now this is not really as unreasonable as some think it is today. However some of these Indians were wealthy and merchants and they brought Gandhi in to fight for their rights against the British system. His work with the backing of these conspirators proved very successful, and they realized that here was a man who had great charisma and could influence people in ways they could make use of in their plans to discomfit and overthrow British rule. The military road was impossible for these strategists but the religious influence of the Dragon religions, especially Hindu Yoga, with its outward show of spirituality, had great influence on the masses. Just as the Pope today, these conspirators learned how to tap into the power that popular religion could exert on the masses. So Gandhi laid aside his hard earned educated British ways for the front of the humble Yogi seeking truth. Ashram life What is an Ashram? It is the Hindu equivalent of a commune or a monastery. In fact it is sort of a mix of these two things. It fits in with the idea that you can become more spiritual by afflicting the body, it is the same concept as nuns and monks who wear painful devices and uncomfortable garments to afflict the body as they believe that as the body is weakened, the spirit is strengthened. What does the Bible say? What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost [which is] in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's. 1 Corinthians 6:19,20 The people at the ashram give up all personal direction and yield themselves to the direction of the Guru that heads the Ashram. In this case it was Gandhi he was known to his followers as Bapu which means Father, and this is meant in a spiritual sense what does the Bible say? "And call no [man] your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven." Matthew 23:9 They obey this Guru implicitly it is kind of a spiritual dictatorship. They are taught to revere this leader as a god a holy man. Mahatma means Great Soul and is used to refer to the Avatars Hindu god s that appear on earth as men. God says; Thou shalt have no other gods before me! But Hindus have hundreds! 2

3 This Ashram was on the outside a spiritual commune, but behind it, supporting it and promoting it were powers that conspired to use Gandhi to bring down the British rule both in Africa and later in India. What does the Bible say about the Powers that be? It says Christians are to respect them and cooperate with them, unless to do so would cause you to break God s commandments Christians can have no part in revolution, peaceful or any other kind! Work in India The powers behind the scenes had done their homework well and as Gandhi alighted from the train on returning to India he was welcomed by hundreds of thousands of Indian people. Whether the same group that was using him in South Africa is the same as what was using him in India, I am not sure but their aims were the same conspiracy to overthrow the British Rajh, or rule in India. Their influence honeycombed and weakened law and order all over India as a way of discomfiting the British. Despite what people are told now, the British presence in India was a mercy from God it allowed the Bible and Protestant religion to come into this great country whose evil dragon religions had made to be a cesspool of human misery. Gandhi was a figurehead for an underhanded and conspiratory, political movement. He was used to further the purpose of rebellion and achieve through numbers what could not be achieved through military power. Gandhi once cynically said to a reporter, Many people spend a lot of money to keep me in poverty. The British system brought law and education and even though it was by no means perfect, it was better than under the old Indian Rajahs! We don t have time to consider all aspects of this tremendous influence that the conspirators used Gandhi to build up in his years in India, which led to the over throw of British rule in India but will look at a few points often misunderstood. Gandhi and the Bible Gandhi was a good man because he read the Bible and could quote it this is often said but let s look again at this. How could a man read the Bible and believe the Bible and still remain a Hindu worshipping devil gods and seeking to save himself by his own good works?? He couldn t! What does the Bible say? Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name (than Jesus) under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. Acts 4:12 So you see obviously, if Gandhi could read the Bible, and he did, and quote it, and he did, he is without excuse to have remained a heathen! So obviously he did not believe it. Gandhi used to read all the holy books, he used to say I read the Bible, the Koran, the Bhagavad-Gita, Buddha whatever it was all the same to him; Just an exercise in holy acts to give him merit; like saying the rosary. Gandhi and religions Gandhi s main assignment was to promote ecumenism in India; because one of the reasons (a valid one I think) that the British were leery about giving self-rule to India was its huge problem of different warring heathen religions. They felt that without their controlling presence there would be civil war. (By the way when India did get home rule there was terrible civil war and much blood shed blood that inadvertently, Gandhi was responsible for.) So he promoted ecumenism with a passion only exceeded by the pope today. Gandhi said I am a Hindu, I am a Moslem, I am a Jew, I am a Christian. I am a Buddhist! It was all the same to him he could also have said I am a liar and a very unrealistic dreamer! 3

4 Does it make a difference?? Anyone who knows his Bible knows it makes a difference. God is particular but there are gods many and lords many. Gandhi s teachings are absolutely opposite to the Bible. The ecumenical spirit is the Dragon s spirit The spirit of ecumenism and everyone uniting to accomplish a goal, is the spirit of the dragon and was first demonstrated at the Tower of Babel. It is going forth in the earth today with lightening speed and its purpose is to gather all of the people of the earth together to Armageddon, in rebellion against God s law! Gandhi and his family One of the marks of real Godliness is that a person will lovingly support his family. What was Gandhi s relation to his family? His wife had to live in circumstances very hard on her as she was from a wealthy family and didn t wish to live in the squalor and ascetism of the ashrams. But she had no say in it, and was not considered. His sons despised him because of his neglect to their needs and wishes. His wife was deprived of the proper man and wife relationships through most of their married life as he was celibate taking vows of chastity. However he chose to live and sleep with two young girls with which it was claimed he had no relations but did this to prove how chaste he was and how far beyond being tempted. He used them as walking sticks in his older years. The Bible says a man and his wife should not fail to provide each other with proper marriage relations chastity, celibacy in this form is not right in the eyes of God. And as far as young ladies sharing his bed from which his lawful wedded wife was excluded I m not arguing whether anything occurred between them and him or not but none the less What does the Bible say? Abstain from all appearance of evil. 1 Thessalonians 5:22 Gandhi and his followers What was Gandhi s relation to his followers they worshipped him. Plain and simple he was an Avatar a god on earth. They would kiss the ground he had walked over and he never discouraged this behavior. On the contrary it was nourished and traded upon and everything was done to promote his influence over the masses of people. If you go to Hindu shrines today you can see pictures of Gandhi, Jesus and other gods all hung up together for people to worship. Jesus is just another holy-man to a Hindu. What does the Bible say "Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God and Him only shalt thou serve." Results of the Indian coup The full results of the Indian coup and their finally winning their home rule only God knows but the British presence in India was a link to the Protestant faith and missionary endeavor was promoted freely in those years. The Bible was brought in by the British and the education system did much to lift the people from darkness. With home-rule the country was split and we have Pakistan where Christianity is outlawed and if a person becomes a Christian he will likely be killed by his family with no civil penalty. Evidently they don t believe as Gandhi that its all the same. Was he truly non violent? Gandhi is said to be a man of peace and to be the symbol of non-violence but was he really non-violent? There are many forms of violence and just because you don t go and blow a man s head off, does not mean you are not violent in your treatment of him. Threats and interference to law and order are surely forms of violence. As are psychological and religious tyranny. 4

5 Manipulation, the worse form of violence If a family member says to you if you don t give me what I want I m going to kill myself is that the right way to deal with others? Is that what the Bible condones? Do you see anywhere that we are given that example in the scriptures? Well that is what Gandhi promoted. He chose to starve himself to death to force people to listen to what he wanted. We all know how galling it is when people manipulate you for their own ends. Psychological manipulation is one of the worse forms of violence! Civil disobedience is it right according to the Bible? The Bible is clear that our duty is to obey and respect those in authority, unless it was contrary to God s law to obey them. It tells servants to respect their Masters and obey them. Strikes and marches to force governments out of power, is not right in the sight of God. Labor unions are a good example the SOP forbids our joining them. It is just another form of Mob rule. This getting millions of people together and then forcing their will by shear weight of numbers is from the Dragon, these were the same tactics the Jews used to have Jesus killed. If you gather thousands of people together and you march over and you take something away from someone else that is no less violent just because you weren t carrying a gun when you did it. Did he really live by the sermon on the mount'?? The golden rule says 'do unto others as you would have them do unto you' well if you would like a big bunch of people to get together to force you by weight of numbers to give up what is rightfully yours, then you can truly say Gandhi lived by the sermon on the mount. If you would like someone to tell you that you had to do what they wanted or they would sit down and starve themselves to death outside your door, then you can say this is so. If you like to be manipulated and coerced than Gandhi lived by the golden rule. Danger for the unconverted heart in religion of externals. Heathenism is the ultimate in righteousness by works religion If you have the belief that you can improve yourself by practice, ritual, self discipline, self neglect, ascetism, diet, exercise or any other external thing, than you are a sucker for the pagan religions! They are the ultimate self-help group. The New Age is full of it. If you are a Christian but are not really converted; you can easily be deceived by these outward forms of religion. They seem so good. The people make such high and lofty claims and advocate such noble sentiments; the only thing is what they say and what they do are not the same. Mother Theresa got along so well in India, because Hinduism and Catholicism have the same roots Babylon! They are almost identical in every way. Can a person truly serve God and reject Christ? I don t need to say much here what does the Bible say? Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. John 14:6. If you think it s all the same and religions all lead the same way then you are a heathen not a Christian. Hindu Yoga, Gandhi s religion what it is really? Yoga means the path there are different types and they are all forms of religion that tell you that you can get to be a god if you discipline and afflict your body here in this life. The more you live unnaturally and deny all human attachments the better you are spiritually. They also have a lovely series of little steps so you can become a god by taking one step at a time The Bible does not teach anything of the sort and it all comes from the devil s first lie Ye shall not surely die" and Ye shall be as gods. 5

6 The type of yoga Gandhi practiced was Karma yoga where you earn Karma or merit by good works and self denial. There is the better known type of yoga, Hatha yoga, that seeks to develop health through diet and exercise postures; there is even a type of yoga called Tantric yoga that seeks to become gods through sex. Kundalini yoga seeks to become devil possessed through the serpent power. Believe me, they all become devil possessed! What is Hinduism? Hinduism is sort of a super-dragon religion it has hundreds of demon gods and everything you want to do is fine in some branch of Hinduism. It teaches that you are born again and again and if you have it hard and do much suffering now you will be sure to be born as something much better next life. So you don t want to help people because if they are poor it s because they deserved to be and if you help them, they ll have to come back and do it again, so nobody is inclined to help others. It is a cesspool of demons and human priest craft that degrades you and teaches you to rejoice in your degradation. The Pope, the new Gandhi As I said above the pope was now doing the same underhanded work that was used by the people behind Mahatma Gandhi you ll notice many similarities and they are not pretty if you know what it is leading to. By the way, there are some of the same forces behind the Pope in his march to unite the world under Catholicism as was behind Gandhi and the removal of the British from India. How was the Vatican served by Gandhi? Heathen religions are not really much of a threat to Catholicism as it simply adapts to whatever heathen country it is in, and absorbs the religion. It is Paganism with a thin veneer of Christianity spread over it. The only real threat to the Vatican is the same threat that the dragon religions fear the Bible, read by the people. True Protestantism is the only real threat to the Vatican or the dragon religions like Hinduism. By getting Britain out of India, both much of the Protestant influence was removed from India and also Britain was weakened by loss of much income. It is a long-range plan for the Vatican to destroy the British monarchy and commonwealth as this was a tremendous power for the spread of the Bible and the Protestant faith throughout the world. Wherever Britain went she took education and the Bible! The Pope don t like that neither does the dragon. My testimony and appeal A long time ago I was led into the darkness and confusion of Paganism through the Movie Gandhi. I became a yogi sanyasin and teacher. I read the sutras of Patanjali. I meditated and learned Hatha Yoga. I studied the writings of Gandhiji, the name he is called by his followers. I practiced many of his ways and thought his teachings were compatible with Seventh-day Adventism. I thought he was a 'Good Man'! I became controlled by the devil and the more I would seek to serve God in these ways the more I would become like Satan. Later I went into Taoism, Buddhism and the Martial arts all much the same all dragon religions. I was a Postulant and Novice in a New Age order that combined these religious practices into a delightful cocktail of deception. The Master of our order would teach us from the Bible, the writings of Buddha, or the Koran, it was all the same to him it was almost all the same to me. What kept me from going all the way with them? God s Ten Commandments and the Sabbath Remember Isaiah 8:20 To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, [it is] because [there is] no light in them. Believe it friend NO LIGHT AT ALL! You can t mix light with darkness. You can t eat at the table of the Lord and devils also. 6

7 Please take the Bible and weigh all things by that. Ask for the Holy Spirit and surrender all to Christ so you can be reborn now not re-incarnated. Once you see the real light you will see clearly the darkness of these counterfeits. There is not many ways to heaven there is one right way a very narrow and straight road stained by the blood of our Savior. You can t earn your way home. Lord, whence are these blood drops all the way That mark out the mountain track? They were shed for the one who had gone astray- Err the Shepherd could bring him back! Here is a letter to someone who was promoting Gandhi as another christ and role model and protested the above article. Dear ; I feel sad that you seem to regard one who points out Bible Truth as someone full of hate this is one of Satan's most effective lies and deceives many into thinking that to hold up God's Word as authority is hatemongering. I have no wish to shoot bullets at anyone. I will let you know that I felt as you do in the past that very deceiving propaganda movie was what took me in, and led to me incorporating Hindu philosophy into my life it SOUNDED so good it SEEMED so true. But it is a gold-plated lie. The damage that this caused in my life and my family, damage that can never be fully undone, you wouldn't want to know! You see, what you have written and you sincerely believe true at this point is just repeating a deception that was set up and pawned off on the world. You state Gandhi was a man of love truth and peace He was a living lie and yet you compare him with the Son of God! Even on the movie in one place they actually repeat his words that "It costs some people a lot of money to maintain me in my poverty". He was living a lie. Even in the early part of the movie it is brought out that wealthy backers, who were determined to overthrow Britain for their own personal gain, approached Mohandas and actually hired him to act out a part that he was not even familiar with. Gandhi came from a high cast, well off family and was educated as a lawyer, he was not a poor yogi but he adopted this front as a way to influence the heathen people of India. The material I have presented in the article is TRUE, I actually sent to Gandhi s publishing house in India and bought his books! I still have a few; and as I read them, it is clear that he did not even believe in God, just abstract forces. Please open your eyes and take a good look at what I said there, it is the real Gandhi and not the made up propaganda image. It was the same in communism, those who promoted it spoke of helping the poor downtrodden masses, but all they really wanted was to erase knowledge of God from the hearts of man, blot it out with the very blood of those who believed in Him. Research shows Marx, in reality was a Satanist, who's highest aim was to destroy civilization. You say LOVE no one can truly love unless he first loves and promotes TRUTH; lies are the worse form of hate. God is a God of truth, Jesus did not teach to accept everyone no matter what they promote he accepted them to come to Him and be forgiven yes, and then He said 'Go and SIN no more!' Jesus taught, 'If ye love me, keep my commandments.' What is the first commandment? "Thou shalt have NO other god's before ME." Do you know what Mahatma means? It was not Gandhi s name his name was Mohandas. Mahatma means that he is a god incarnate in human flesh he is to be worshipped and he is worshipped all over the world today. You said peace this is the biggest of the lies, Mohandas actually used the worse form of violence, mob terrorism, to get his ways, the result of the movement for self rule in India was just what Britain had feared and warned about, some of the bloodiest civil wars. You see when Britain was in India, sure they made mistakes sure some of them were pompous donkeys BUT Britain brought education to the masses 7

8 and above all, they brought the Protestant Bible to set free the souls of men steeped in centuries of devil worship. India is still a country that displays the most wretched poverty, and also has some of the richest men in the world! Hinduism is a cruel religion, it teaches that it is actually wrong to relieve the suffering poor, as they are but reaping what they earned in a former life. The God of heaven tells Christians to have mercy on the poor! Gandhi s movement resulted in Christianity being persecuted now in India and in Pakistan, if even a child learns of Jesus and decides to be a Christian, he will likely be murdered by his family with no civil penalty. All this is the fruit of Gandhi s 'love and peace'. Jesus said, by their fruits ye shall know them. Gandhi was too busy during the revolution to think much, but later it was different: Some 15 years before his death, Mohandas K. Gandhi wrote: "I must tell you in all humility that Hinduism, as I know it, entirely satisfies my soul, fills my whole being, and I find a solace in the Bhagavad and Upanishads." Just before his death, Gandhi wrote: "My days are numbered. I am not likely to live very long perhaps a year or a little more. For the first time in fifty years I find myself in the slough of despond. All about me is darkness; I am praying for light." I realize you may cast this aside as 'hate', but did you know God hates? Yes, He hates every false way because falsehood harms His children. "The fear of the LORD is to hate evil: pride, and arrogancy, and the evil way, and the froward mouth, do I hate." Proverbs 8:13 8

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