Jesus Eats With Tax Collectors

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1 Sunday, January 10, 2016 Jesus Eats With Tax Collectors Mark 1:1-45 Mark 2:1-22 Jesus heals a paralyzed man. Jesus eats with Levi the tax collector and other sinners. Jesus heals us, inside and out. The Gospel of Mark Fellowship After completing this lesson, students will be able to: Identify the importance of the work of Jesus as demonstrated throughout the Gospel of Mark through the creation of a dinner invitation. Reproduce the main points of the Bible passage of the day through a reenactment of the story of Jesus and the tax collector named Levi. Demonstrate the spiritual practice of fellowship by creating and giving edible gifts Spirit and Truth Publishing - All Rights Reserved 1

2 Activities a la Carte Activities Into the Story Everyone is Welcome! Gather at the table for prayer and conversation about the story of the day including who was welcome at Jesus s table (everyone!), And what mealtime invitations Jesus accepted (all!). Bible Nuts and Bolts Dinner Invitations Create simple invitations for Jesus to come to dinner! Learning the Story Jesus Goes to Dinner A reenactment of the story of Jesus and the tax collector named Levi. Living the Story Food for Fellowship Measure, mix, stir, and sift ingredients to create and give delicious gifts made with a spirit of faith and fellowship. Supplies 5 min. Nothing 5 min. Crayons Paper Activity Sheet #2-17.A 10 min. Activity Sheet #2-17.B Robes Long strips of blue tissue paper stretched along the floor to represent the seaside. Chair near the seaside to represent the tax collectors booth. Table and chairs to represent Levi s dinner table. 15 min. Clean quart sized glass jars, enough for each student Measuring cups and measuring spoons Food ingredients: (for one jar - multiply each amount times the number of students in the class so each student is able to create one jar.) 1 2/3 cups all-purpose flour ¾ teaspoon baking soda ½ cup white sugar 2 cups semisweet chocolate chips ½ cup packed brown sugar Notecards Pens Spirit and Truth Publishing - All Rights Reserved 2

3 Activities a la Carte Activities Additional Activities Woven Placemats Create a mat to represent the mat used to carry out the paralyzed man from his home, and to represent the places set around Levi s table. Follow Me A follow-the-leader style game where students will follow the teacher s lead in a series of simple movements just as Levi followed Jesus in the passage of the day! Supplies 10 min. Scissors Glue Ruler Pencil One large piece of construction paper per student (approx. 18 x 12 ) 16 strips of colored construction paper per student (approx. 1 x 12 ) Optional: clear contact paper 10 min. Nothing Student Bible Book: Jesus Eats with Tax Collectors Students continue their own Bible story book! Closing Prayer 10 min. Each student s binder Copies of Activity Sheet #2-17.C A three-hole punch Pens Markers and/or crayons A sample page 5 min Spirit and Truth Publishing - All Rights Reserved 3

4 Background for Teachers Story Connections Last week your students looked at early verses in the book of Mark, focusing on the beginning of Jesus ministry and on Jesus s preaching and actions (Mark 1: 1-45). This week your students will continue in the book of Mark, learning more about forgiveness of sins through stories involving Jesus and a paralytic man, and Jesus and a tax collector (Mark 2: 1-22). Next week, your students will continue exploring the book of Mark, learning four parables shared by Jesus (Mark 4:1-34). Story Summary Jesus was questioned and second-guessed by the Pharisees as he healed the paralyzed man, as he dined with tax collectors, and as he expressed his opinion on feasts and fasting. Jesus persisted in doing God s work, and healing his followers inside and out. Bible Nuts and Bolts: The Gospel of Mark The Gospel of Mark is about the work of Jesus. It is about Jesus as a healer, as a teacher, and as an example for all in answering God s call to serve others with faith and fellowship. Set during a time of economic and social instability, the Gospel of Mark is more than a narrative about the teachings of Jesus. It is an instruction manual for us as we labor in love and faith to follow God with our words and deeds, and a chronicle of the final weeks of Jesus s life, his death and his resurrection. The Gospel of Mark invites us in, just as we invite Jesus into our hearts. Learning the Story Any passage of Scripture has innumerable themes and lessons for the student. However, a single lesson cannot cover everything. The following themes are the focus of this lesson. Jesus heals a paralyzed man: When a paralyzed man is lowered on a mat to Jesus for healing, Jesus surprises others by forgiving the sins of the paralyzed man before healing him physically as well. Knowing that he is speaking on God s behalf, Jesus puts aside the doubts of nearby scribes and tells the paralyzed man to stand up and walk, and when he does, the crowd responds by giving glory and praise to God. Jesus eats with Levi the tax collector and other sinners: Jesus moves from the house to the sea where he meets a tax collector, but instead of shunning him as a sinner, Jesus simply says, Follow me. The tax collector, Levi, does just that. Others are shocked and amazed, for as a tax collector, Levi was considered to be unclean, and even a collaborator with the Roman occupiers. But Jesus does not listen to the critics. Jesus chooses to share a meal with Levi and other sinners, reminding everyone that it is the sick, not the well, most in need of healing. Jesus heals us, inside and out: Jesus loves us unconditionally. Jesus tells us, The sabbath was made for humankind, and not humankind for the sabbath. Jesus breaks through boundaries and upends expectations. By healing based on the testimony of friends, and dining with unclean tax collectors and sinners, Jesus brings God s word to life. Jesus breaks down social boundaries and exemplifies the healing power of God s love through kindness and forgiveness showing the power of love and forgiveness even when faced with doubt and disapproval. Spiritual Practice: Fellowship At the beginning of the passage for this week, four friends demonstrated the power of faithful fellowship by carrying their paralyzed friends to Jesus. Later in the passage, Jesus demonstrates the power of fellowship by sharing a table with those considered unclean and traitorous. In different ways, we are all called to show faithful fellowship through our words and actions towards others in our deeds and dialogues. Today, your students will act in fellowship with classmates and the greater congregation by creating cookie mixes to give as gifts to others Spirit and Truth Publishing - All Rights Reserved 4

5 Lesson #2-17 (3rd-6th) January 10, 2016 Lesson Plan Into the Story (10 minutes) Everyone is Welcome Gather at the table for prayer and conversation about the story of the day including who was welcome at Jesus s table (everyone!), and what mealtime invitations Jesus accepted (all!). You will need: Nothing Before class: 1. Set a table in the classroom with enough places for all students (plus extra seats for additional students). During class: 1. Gather the class around a table set with simple paper or plastic silverware and dishes. 2. Lead the class in a prayer thanking God for fellowship and food and for the opportunity to gather together at Jesus s table. 3. An important part of our story today is about Jesus going to dinner at the house of a man named Levi. 4. Levi was a tax collector, and during this time in the Bible, lots of people did not like tax collectors. 5. In fact, there were some people, called Pharisees, who were worried about Jesus s behavior when he told Levi to follow him. 6. Jesus gathered more tax collectors and other people as well, and brought them all to Levi s house where they shared a meal together. 7. When asked why he would eat with such disliked people such as Levi and the others, Jesus reminded them that it is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the hurting who need a healer. 8. Jesus showed the people that everyone is welcome at his table. 9. Who is welcome at Jesus s table? [Everyone!] 10. Jesus shows us through his actions that we are all welcome at his table, no matter who we are or what we have done Spirit and Truth Publishing - All Rights Reserved 5

6 11. Jesus shows us through his actions that he accepts all dinner invitations. 12. Whose invitations does Jesus accept? [Everyone s!] Bible Nuts and Bolts Dinner Invitation (10 minutes) Creating simple invitation for Jesus to come to dinner! You will need: Crayons Paper Activity Sheet #2-17.A Before class: 1. Print copies of Activity Sheet #2-17.A for each student. During class: 1. The Gospel of Mark is immediately welcoming, inviting us in with the opening verse: "The beginning of the good news of Jesus Christ, the Son of God." 2. The Gospel of Mark then goes on to show and tell us in a variety of ways, about the works of Jesus as a healer, as a teacher, and as a good example for us to follow. 3. Like a series of stories about Jesus, the Gospel of Mark shows us Jesus acting and interacting with a variety of people, even people that were not liked by others. 4. During the time of this story, many people were poor and suffering, confused and lonely. The Gospel of Mark follows Jesus as he reaches out to help the struggling, the confused, the sick, and the poor. 5. Just as Jesus helped others, we too have the opportunity to help the sick and the poor through donations and good deeds. What are some ways in which we can help people in need today? [Answers will vary but may include: Donating clothing, volunteering at a food shelter, etc.] 6. By telling stories that show Jesus s teaching, the Gospel of Mark is like an instruction manual for us, showing us positive ways to interact with others. In many ways, it is also like a personal invitation from Jesus for us to join him at his table of faith and fellowship. 7. Just as Jesus invites us to his table, we can invite Jesus to ours! 8. Have you ever invited someone to a party or to share a meal with you? Spirit and Truth Publishing - All Rights Reserved 6

7 9. Jesus shares a meal with Levi in the story today, and although he did not give out written invitation, Jesus welcomed a wide variety of people to the table with him. 10. Let s welcome Jesus to our tables by writing invitations for him to come to dinner at our homes! 11. Pass out Activity Sheet #2-17.A and crayons. For younger students, encourage them to color in the invitation. For older students, encourage them to add words, sign their names, and add any other embellishments as desired. 12. After the invitations are completed, send them home with the students and encourage them to set the invitations at their table during their next family meal and say a prayer with their parents inviting Jesus to dinner! Learning the Story (15 minutes) Jesus Goes to Dinner A reenactment of the story of Jesus and the tax collector named Levi. You will need: Activity Sheet #2-17.B Robes Long strips of blue tissue paper stretched along the floor to represent the seaside. Chair near the seaside to represent the tax collectors booth. Table and chairs to represent Levi s dinner table. Before class: 1. Print copies of Activity Sheet #2-17.B. During class: 1. We know that Jesus came for us to heal us inside and out. There were times when Jesus did simple things, like dining with other people, when other people would question Jesus s actions and wonder why Jesus would associated with known sinners. 2. This is one example of a situation where Jesus s actions were questioned, but Jesus stuck to his purpose, and acted according to God s word. 3. Choose roles and pass out Activity Sheet #2-17.C along with props and costumes to students. 4. Actors perform the skit for the rest of the class. 5. After the skit, gather all students together for a short discussion Spirit and Truth Publishing - All Rights Reserved 7

8 6. Jesus forgives us our sins, and shows us love and forgiveness through acts such as these. Can you imagine a similar situation happening today, where Jesus might invite someone considered by others to a sinner to follow him and then share in a meal together? [Answers will vary.] 7. How could you follow Jesus s example and show fellowship to someone who may be on the outskirts of society through a simple act such as sharing in a meal together? [Answers will vary.] 8. Jesus came as a healer, and Jesus helped others inside and out. What does Levi s story show us about the power of forgiveness? [Answers will vary.] Living the Story (20 minutes) Food for Fellowship Measure, mix, stir, and sift ingredients to create and give delicious gifts made with a spirit of faith and fellowship. You will need: Clean quart sized glass jars, enough for each student Notecards Pens Measuring cups and measuring spoons Food Ingredients: (for one jar multiply each amount times the number of students in the class so each student is able to create one jar) 1 2/3 cups all-purpose flour 3/4 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 cup white sugar 2 cups semisweet chocolate chips 1/2 cup packed brown sugar Before class: 1. Arrange ingredients on a long table with the appropriate measuring cups and spoons in place beside them. 2. Prepare one index card with the following instructions written on it for students to use as a template when writing their own index cards. CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE BAKING INSTRUCTIONS: Empty contents of jar into a large bowl. In separate bowl combine 3/4 cup of butter, 1 1/2 eggs, and 1 teaspoon vanilla. Beat until creamy. Add to dry mixture. Drop by tablespoonful onto an ungreased cookie sheet, and bake in a preheated 375 degrees F (190 degrees C) oven for 8 to 10 minutes Spirit and Truth Publishing - All Rights Reserved 8

9 During class: 1. From four friends helping their paralyzed friend to get to Jesus and showing their love through their actions, to Jesus sharing a table with people who were considered to be unclean and traitors, the verses today show us through Jesus s actions that we are all called to show acceptance and fellowship to others in our own lives just as Jesus showed acceptance and fellowship to the people in his. 2. Jesus gives us love and life and forgiveness. Jesus sets an example for us, to treat each other with love and respect and with a spirit of loving kindness in truth, faith, and fellowship. 3. By working together and giving gifts to each other, we too can express faithful fellowship to our family, friends, and each other. 4. By creating an edible gift as a group, we share in fellowship twice over; once in the creation of the treat together, and again in the giving of the gift to others. 5. Just as Jesus welcomed Levi, other tax collectors, and people of all kinds to the table to share a meal together, so too do we welcome each other to the table to spend time in fellowship together. 6. But remember, we are creating, not partaking, so no taste-tasting while we work! 7. Gather all students around a table set with the ingredients to create Chocolate Chip Cookie Jars. 8. Step one is the mixing of most of our ingredients. 9. Combine the flour, baking soda, white sugar, and the chocolate chips. 10. Place 1/2 of the mixture in a clean quart sized glass jar, and pack firmly. 11. Place the brown sugar on top, again packing firmly. 12. Place the remaining flour mixture on top. 13. Cover with a lid. 14. Using the directions template, make an index card to add to your jar. 15. When the direction card is complete, attach it to your jar. 16. Now that we have mixed and measured and created delicious cookie concoctions, let s gather them up and make plans to pass them out to friends or family. 17. Optional: Ask your pastor before class if it would be acceptable for students to pass out their cookie creations to the congregation after the next church service Spirit and Truth Publishing - All Rights Reserved 9

10 Additional Activities Woven Placemat (10 minutes) Create a mat to represent the mat used to carry out the paralyzed man from his home, and to represent the places set around Levi s table. You will need: Scissors Glue Ruler Pencil One large piece of construction paper per student (approx. 18" x 12") 16 strips of colored construction paper per student (approx. 1 x 12 ) Optional: clear contact paper. Before class: 1. Cut strips of constructions paper. 2. Optional: Mark the large pieces of construction paper as noted below, or create the loom as indicated in steps 1-9 below. During class: 1. When four friends helped a paralyzed man out of his house so he could meet Jesus, one of the things they used was a mat to carry their friend. 2. When Jesus shared a meal with Levi and other sinners, they each had a place at Levi s table. When we are planning for a meal, we might use placemats to set our table. 3. Today we will create woven mats to help us remember both of these stories about Jesus. 4. Take the large piece of construction paper and fold it in half across the width. Note: Help younger students if needed to fold this paper in the proper direction. 5. Use your ruler to mark inch wide spaces all along the folded edge. 6. Using your ruler again, mark one-inch wide spaces along the open edge at a distance of one inch from the edge of the paper. 7. Draw a line connecting the marks. 8. With the paper still folded and starting at the fold cut along the lines being careful to stop one inch from the open edge. 9. Unfold the paper to reveal the loom that you have created Spirit and Truth Publishing - All Rights Reserved 10

11 10. Note: If you are short on time, these steps may be done before class begins. 11. Weave the one-inch strips through your handmade loom. 12. If you are using multiple colors be sure to alternate them for the most colorful effect. 13. Glue the ends of the strips to the edges of the loom paper to hold them in place. 14. Optional: Clear contact paper may be used to cover the paper and laminate it to keep it looking great for future uses. Follow Me (10 minutes) A follow-the-leader style game where students will follow the teacher s lead in a series of simple movements just as Levi followed Jesus in the passage of the day! You will need: Nothing Before class: 1. Print or copy the words Child of God on the bottom fourth of a piece of cardstock placed in a landscape orientation for each student. During class: 1. Four friends brought their paralyzed friend to Jesus so their friend could follow Jesus in faith. 2. Levi followed Jesus when Jesus said, Follow me. 3. We can follow Jesus too, with our words and actions. 4. Let s practice being followers of faith with a fun and simple game. 5. When I say, Follow me, do what I do, or say what I say! 6. Lead the students in a variety of simple actions and simple words and phrases such as nodding, marching in place, jumping, clapping, and singing. 7. For the final action, lead the students to sit in a loose group of chairs or on the floor. 8. Did you think it was easy or hard to follow me just now? [Easy!] 9. It s not always easy to follow Jesus, but it is the right thing to do. 10. Remember the story of Levi and the story of the paralyzed man, and try to act as Levi and the paralyzed man s friends this week by following Jesus in word and deed Spirit and Truth Publishing - All Rights Reserved 11

12 Student Bible Book: Jesus Eats With Tax Collectors (10 min) Students continue their own Bible story book! You will need: Each student s binder Copies of Activity Sheet #2-17.C on 8.5 x 11 cardstock paper or plain paper A three-hole punch Pens Markers and/or crayons A sample page (See below) Before class: 1. Create a sample page using the instructions below to demonstrate to students approximately what their page should look like. 2. You may copy the activity sheet onto the cardstock, or just have students write it all themselves. During class: 1. Hand out one piece of cardstock paper and a pen to each student. 2. Show students the sample page you made before class. 3. Today we are going to continue making our own Bible book! 4. If you did not copy the activity sheet onto the cardstock, instruct students to write the name of the story on the top of their page (in portrait orientation) and write the passage underneath the title. 5. What are some of the important things we have learned from this story? [Answers will vary, see story themes for suggested answers] 6. On the bottom of your page, please write one or two important things that you have learned from this story. In the middle of the page, draw a picture from the story or illustrate one of your important things you ve learned. 7. When students are finished, have them put their names on the back and collect the pages. Three-hole punch the papers and put them in individual binders for each student to be kept at church until the end of the year Spirit and Truth Publishing - All Rights Reserved 12

13 Closing Prayer Before ending class, make a point to come together to pray. Use the following or say your own prayer. Allow any students who would like to include a personal prayer to do so at the appropriate time Spirit and Truth Publishing - All Rights Reserved 13

14 Lesson #2-17 (3rd-6th) January 10, 2016 Dinner Invitations Spirit and Truth Publishing - All Rights Reserved

15 Lesson #2-17 (3rd-6th) January 10, 2016 Jesus Goes to Dinner Characters: Narrator Jesus Levi Peter James John Pharisee #1 Pharisee #2 Costumes: Robes Props: Long strips of blue tissue paper stretched along the floor to represent the seaside. Chair near the seaside to represent the tax collectors booth. Table and chairs to represent Levi s dinner table. Narrator: (Moves to where Jesus is walking along the seaside. ) Down by the seaside, Jesus came across a tax collector sitting in his tax booth. Jesus: Levi! Levi! Narrator: Tax collectors such as Levi were not normally looked upon with much kindness, and so many people nearby wondered why Jesus would be calling to Levi. Peter: Is that really Jesus calling to that tax collector? James: It sure sounds like it, but why would Jesus want to associate with him? John: Who knows? Jesus: Levi, follow me! Levi: Here I come, Jesus. Peter: Look at that, Jesus and Levi are going into his house. James: And look at all those other people joining them Spirit and Truth Publishing - All Rights Reserved

16 Lesson #2-17 (3rd-6th) January 10, 2016 John: Tax collectors, thieves, and liars too! Jesus: Bless this food and bless all of you, for you are all forgiven by God, you are all loved. Narrator: Inside Levi s house, Jesus shared a meal with Levi and many other people too. Levi: Thank you, Jesus, for being with us. Thank you for your love and forgiveness. Narrator: Jesus knew that other people were questioning his actions and intentions. When Jesus overheard the Pharisees ask Peter, James, and John why he would be sharing a meal with known sinners, Jesus answered their doubt and questions with a simple answer. Pharisee #1: Why would Jesus want to be with people such as these? Pharisee #2: Why would Jesus break his bread at a table full of liars and thieves? Jesus: It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners. Narrator: Jesus came to forgive us our sins and heal us inside and out. We give thanks to God and praise God s name for the love and forgiveness and faith of Jesus Spirit and Truth Publishing - All Rights Reserved

17 Lesson #2-17 (3rd-6th) January 10, 2016 Jesus Eats With Tax Collectors Mark 2:1-22 I learned: Spirit and Truth Publishing - All Rights Reserved

18 The Home Narrative Lectionary, Year 2 Story Connections Last week your child looked at early verses in the book of Mark, focusing on the beginning of Jesus ministry and on Jesus s preaching and actions (Mark 1: 1-45). This week your child continued in the book of Mark, learning more about forgiveness of sins through stories involving Jesus and a paralytic man, and Jesus and a tax collector (Mark 2: 1-22). Next week, your child will continue exploring the book of Mark, learning four parables shared by Jesus (Mark 4:1-34). Story Summary Jesus was questioned and second-guessed by the Pharisees as he healed the paralyzed man, as he dined with tax collectors, and as he expressed his opinion on feasts and fasting. Jesus persisted in doing God s work, and healing his followers inside and out. Bible Nuts and Bolts: The Gospel of Mark The Gospel of Mark is about the work of Jesus. It is about Jesus as a healer, as a teacher, and as an example for all in answering God s call to serve others with faith and fellowship. Set during a time of economic and social instability, the Gospel of Mark is more than a narrative about the teachings of Jesus. It is an instruction manual for us as we labor in love and faith to follow God with our words and deeds, and a chronicle of the final weeks of Jesus s life, his death and his resurrection. The Gospel of Mark invites us in, just as we invite Jesus into our hearts. Learning the Story Jesus heals a paralyzed man: When a paralyzed man is lowered on a mat to Jesus for healing, Jesus surprises others by forgiving the sins of the paralyzed man before healing him physically as well. Knowing that he is speaking on God s behalf, Jesus puts aside the doubts of nearby scribes and tells the paralyzed man to stand up and walk, and when he does, the crowd responds by giving glory and praise to God. Jesus eats with Levi the tax collector and other sinners: Jesus moves from the house to the sea where he meets a tax collector, but instead of shunning him as a sinner, Jesus simply says, Follow me. The tax collector, Levi, does just that. Others are shocked and amazed, for as a tax collector, Levi was considered to be unclean, and even a collaborator with the Roman occupiers. But Jesus does not listen to the critics. Jesus chooses to share a meal with Levi and other sinners, reminding everyone that it is the sick, not the well, most in need of healing. Jesus heals us, inside and out: Jesus loves us unconditionally. Jesus tells us, The sabbath was made for humankind, and not humankind for the sabbath. Jesus breaks through boundaries and upends expectations. By healing based on the testimony of friends, and dining with unclean tax collectors and sinners, Jesus brings God s word to life. Jesus breaks down social boundaries and exemplifies the healing power of God s love through kindness and forgiveness showing the power of love and forgiveness even when faced with doubt and disapproval. Spiritual Practice: Fellowship At the beginning of the passage for this week, four friends demonstrated the power of faithful fellowship by carrying their paralyzed friends to Jesus. Later in the passage, Jesus demonstrates the power of fellowship by sharing a table with those considered unclean and traitorous. In different ways, we are all called to show faithful fellowship through our words and actions towards others in our deeds and dialogues. Today, your child acted in fellowship with classmates and the greater congregation by creating cookie mixes to give as gifts to others Spirit and Truth Publishing - All Rights Reserved

19 LIVING THE WORD Try HOME Last week your child learned about the beginnings of Jesus s ministry and Jesus s preaching and actions (Mark 1: 1-45). This week your child continued in the book of Mark, learning more about Jesus s love and forgiveness for all of us through the stories of a paralyzed man and a tax collector. Next week, your child will continue in the book of Mark, learning four parables shared by Jesus (Mark 4:1-34). As you learn the stories this week and every week, reflect upon what God has to say to you and your family. Let the power of prayer in your heart and in this story help bring your family closer together this week, perhaps with these prompts below. Sing praises to God and proclaim God s glory as you celebrate the truth of God together. Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Luke 5:31 Matthew 4:23-24 Luke 15:2 2 Corinthians 5:7 John 1:29 James 1:23-25 Matthew 22:37-40 Remember, it is the sick who need healing. Wrap a simple bandage around your index finger to help you remember that everyone needs the healing love of Jesus. Jesus heals people in many ways, by making us feel better inside and out. Share a story about a time you were hurt and someone else helped make you feel better. Sometimes doing the right thing, such as being a friend to someone who is lonely and alone, will make other people question you. Practice saying, It s the right thing to do. Seeing is not always believing. Some people still didn t believe even after seeing Jesus s acts of healing. Close your eyes and tell Jesus that even without seeing, you believe. Grace is given to us through the mercy of God and the forgiveness of Jesus. Bow your head and give thanks for the grace of God before breakfast, lunch, and dinner today Spirit and Truth Publishing - All Rights Reserved Jesus could heal in the blink of an eye, but it takes us a bit longer to learn how to follow Jesus s example. Take a deep breath, and spend at least one full minute simply sitting quietly and listening to the silence, thinking about how to best follow Jesus this week. Jesus demonstrates fellowship in many Bible verses. Show your fellowship with God and family by sharing in a group hug together.

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