Year 6: You Shall be my Witnesses (Born in the Spirit: CCCB)

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1 Year 6: You Shall be my Witnesses (Born in the Spirit: CCCB) Outcomes by Units and Themes Cognitive Unit 1: You are my friends Know what a friend is and understand that God is present in our friendships Welcome everyone and share highlights of their summer vacation Identify what makes a space friendly and create a space where friendship can grow Identify traits of a friend and illustrate, through sculpture or drama, what friends do because of their friendship scriptural passages that describe how God wants us to live as friends (1 John 4:7-8, 11 and John 15:12, 15) and illustrate a favourite passage Value friendship by reaching out to new classmates and respecting the rights of everyone Revere the Word of God by respectfully listening to the scripture passages The Big Book of Friends will be used to gather their experiences and ideas throughout the year. The children set up a warm, friendly environment by sharing stories and participating in cooperative activities. Love comes from God. God is in our friendships. God wants to be our friends. Unit 1, Theme 1: Love is from God Know that friendship is a precious gift Understand what it Read and discuss stories about friendship with their families Read and discuss stories about responding as friends Value the Bible by taking time to read and reflect upon Scripture The symbol of the year is a lantern our good deeds are like a light to others and to the world. Our actions reflect Unit 1, Theme 2: You are the light of the world Outcomes Year 6: You Shall be my Witnesses (Born in the Spirit: CCCB) 1

2 means to be a light to others Understand why God is compared to a light Know what an icon is Describe how they were or are a light to someone scripture passages about light God's light and benefit others. Research and identify how lanterns were used across Canada Know that celebration and liturgy are an integral part of the catechism program Learn the format for celebrations Prepare for a celebration of friendship celebration of light Unit 2: I love you with an everlasting love Understand how people affect us by their actions Reflect on their celebration of light Learn how we are affected by others and how others come to us as the image and likeness of God Know what it means to have a moral conscience Create, act out and discuss endings to moral situations Identify a significant person in their lives and describe how this person is a light and is an image of God Value everyone as being the image of God by respecting the rights and dignity of everyone Strive to be a light to others by obeying their moral conscience Take time to pray, reflect and examine their moral conscience Celebration is an integral part of catechesis. Celebrations begin with a reflection on why we are celebrating, followed by a proclamation of the Word and a ritual response to the Word, and ending with the children being sent forth. What others do affects us and gives rise to deep feelings. Love is a gift from God. We experience this love in our friendships with one another. Our moral conscience is the voice that tells us to do what is right and avoid evil it helps us take responsibility for our actions. Unit 1, Theme 3: Lord, bless this fire and make it holy Unit 2, Theme 4: Created in the Image of God Outcomes Year 6: You Shall be my Witnesses (Born in the Spirit: CCCB) 2

3 Know that Moses was a light and prophet of God Understand that God wanted to redeem the Israelites Know that each of us is called to be a liberator Understand the importance and significance of their names Read and discuss Exodus 3: 7-10, 14: 5-31, and 15, 1-21 Read and discuss the story of Craig Kielburger "liberation" activity Research liberators of today, share the information with the class, and pray for them Research their name and read about names and naming ceremonies with their families Give thanks to God for the special people in their lives Appreciate freedom as a gift and seek justice and liberation for everyone by visiting the elderly and sick, helping and sharing with those in need, etc. Respect the holiness of a name by respectfully calling others by name Keep the name of God holy by not using his name in vain Teach others about God by sharing the lessons and doing the home activities with their families Unit 3: I shall be your God; you shall be my people Know what a covenant is and learn about the Sinai covenant celebration of their names Understand how relationships in their lives are like covenants Learn how to stay within a covenant Identify, describe in writing, and illustrate relationships in their lives that are like covenants Create possible endings Value the covenant relationships in their lives by striving to keep the covenant Honour the covenant of their baptism by attending Sunday Eucharist with their parish community Through Moses, God liberated the people of Israel from Egyptian slavery. Moses became a symbol of God's persistence in saving Israel. At the root of the Exodus story is Moses' experiences of God. The story communicates the wonder and gratitude of the Israelites God led them out of Egypt and saved them. Each of us is called to be a liberator. Covenants were agreements or treaties between two parties in which each assumed obligations toward the other. There are situations in our own lives that are similar to the covenants of Moses, Noah, and Abraham our baptism, relationships with our parents and friends, between a Unit 2, Theme 5: Set my people free Unit 3, Theme 6: I will make an everlasting covenant with you Outcomes Year 6: You Shall be my Witnesses (Born in the Spirit: CCCB) 3

4 Learn how Moses received the Ten Commandments on Mt Sinai to teach the Israelites how to live in a covenant Learn how Jesus summarizes the Ten Commandments for stories to show what happens when covenants are kept and the implications if the covenant relationship is broken Read and discuss, "The Sinai covenant story" discussion about the first three commandments Write a letter to God about how they love and honour God and express how they are faithful to the first three commandments Identify how they live out the commandments in their everyday life celebration of accepting the covenant Unit 4: God so loved the world *Season of Advent Value the ten commandments as a guide to live by and strive to keep the commandments Fulfill Jesus' first commandments of loving God by honouring him through prayer and celebrating Sunday Eucharist Keep Jesus' second commandment of loving our neighbour by reaching out to those in need, respecting the rights of everyone, and showing appreciation to the special people in their lives Know that the Israelites were constantly unfaithful to God's covenant with them Discuss what it means to sign a contract and the repercussions of breaking the contract Treasure Advent as season of hope by bringing light to others through good deeds husband and a wife. These relationships all have agreements between people and obligations and conditions attached to them. The commandments light our way and show us how to live. The first 3 commandments are the obligations for having been chosen. They touch on the love of God. They are summed up in Jesus' words, "You shall love your love the Lord your God with all your heart, and all your soul and with all your mind." The second set of commandments is summed up by Jesus' words, "Love your neighbour as yourself." The Ten Commandments were an invitation to the people of Israel to enter into a covenant with God. Unit 3, Theme 7: Love the Lord your God and love your neighbour Unit 4, Theme 8: I will make a new covenant with you Know that Jeremiah was a prophet who spoke on God's behalf Read and discuss the story about Jeremiah (Jeremiah 7:1-15) Appreciate the special women in their lives who work to bring light The people constantly breached the covenant with Moses and broke the Outcomes Year 6: You Shall be my Witnesses (Born in the Spirit: CCCB) 4

5 Understand that God will not abandon us, even when we are unfaithful to the covenant Learn about God's gift of holy women and how they are a sign of hope for us discussion about Advent and identify signs of Advent Research and share the information about women in the Bible who played a role in keeping alive the hope that God will dwell among us to them Anticipate and enjoy moments of prayer and celebration Value the covenant made by our ancestors by keeping the Ten Commandments commandments. Their unfaithfulness made the prophets speak out on God's behalf they were hopeful that the darkness would turn into light. As Christians we inherit the covenant that Israel received long ago, and we are expected to keep the commandments. Learn how Isaiah had a vision of God and spent the rest of his life bringing that vision to others Know what people of darkness and people of light are Know that Isaiah's message of hope is still proclaimed during Advent Know that Mary was the bearer of God's celebration of the promise of a covenant Read and discuss the story about Isaiah's experience in the Temple Identify acts of light and darkness Read about and illustrate, through picture, words or poem, Isaiah's message of hope (Isaiah 65:17-22) celebration of Advent's dawning light Read about and discuss what life was like in the Strive to be people of light by reaching out and helping others Accept the message of promise and hope and share the stories with their families Honour Mary as the mother of Jesus by Isaiah was a prophet in Judah between 740 and 701 BC. During Advent, the liturgy proclaims many of Isaiah's words. Isaiah predicted that terrible things would happen if the people did not change their ways. He was right the people were driven out of their homeland and were living in exile in Babylon. Throughout their suffering, they learned that God still loved them and still had plans for them. Because of this promise, the people regained hope and dreamed about how they might become a new people. Isaiah and other prophets preached the word of God and Unit 4, Theme 9: Advent s dawning light Unit 4, Theme 10: Let it be with me Outcomes Year 6: You Shall be my Witnesses (Born in the Spirit: CCCB) 5

6 promise Know how the Church remembers and honours Mary today Learn about Joseph's faith and obedience Holy Land in the first century the stories of the Annunciation and Visitation Pray together and discuss the Magnificat praying the Hail Mary and the Magnificat Honour and obey their parents reminded the people to remain faithful and live up to God's expectations. Mary is one who waited faithfully for the Emmanuel God-with-us. according to your word Conduct a scripture search to learn about Joseph Read the story of Our Lady of Guadalupe with their families celebration of the promise of Advent Unit 5: I am the way, the truth and the life Know that we are celebrating the liturgical season of Christmas and its signs and symbols Know that Christmas is a time to share and take care of others Know the Christmas story Know what epiphany Discuss their Christmas experiences Identify how we show love to others during Christmas John 3:16-21 Compare John's version of the Christmas story to Luke's and Matthew's accounts Appreciate the abundance of God's goodness Treasure the stories of the Epiphany by reverently reading the Bible Epiphany means manifestation. What we celebrate at Christmas becomes manifest at the feast of the Epiphany. John's gospel does not have an account of Jesus' birth it begins in heaven with God. John tires to understand Christmas from God's perspective, to see what God had in mind. Unit 5, Theme 11: You have kept the good wine until now Outcomes Year 6: You Shall be my Witnesses (Born in the Spirit: CCCB) 6

7 means and why we celebrate the feast of the Epiphany Know the events told in the story of the epiphany and their meaning Know what justice and injustice are Know that the covenant with God leads to justice Learn about justice on a global level Identify the three events that are told in the Epiphany story and explain what is revealed in each event the story of the Magi (Matthew 2:1-13), the Wedding Feast of Cana (John 2:1-1) celebration of life in the abundance of God's love Identify injustices in the world and describe their experiences with unfairness Identify just actions Micah's message of justice (Micah 6:1-4, 6-7, 8) Value the words of Micah by promoting justice in their lives The story of the Epiphany tells the story of the Magi, which reveals that God invites all people, the Baptism of Jesus, where the Spirit reveals that Jesus is God's son, and the wedding feast of Cana, where Jesus is a revelation of God's great generosity. At the wedding in Cana, Jesus began his public ministry. Jesus provides an abundance of the best wine, just as God gave us the gift of abundant love in Jesus. It is a fulfillment of God's promise of covenant. Injustice means unfairness or inequality. Examples of injustice are discrimination, racism and sexism. Through his covenant with us, God calls us to justice. He wants us to be kind and humble. The love of God implies the love of others. Unit 5, Theme 12: Let justice flow like water Describe what God would want us to do in situations of injustice Learn about local organizations that are n activity to explore injustice on a global level Identify organizations that are involved with Value and aid the work of local organizations to Justice means giving to others what is theirs by right. All Unit 5, Theme 13: Give to each other Outcomes Year 6: You Shall be my Witnesses (Born in the Spirit: CCCB) 7

8 involved with social justice issues Understand the difference between justice and charity social justice issues Identify basic human rights and explain the difference between justice and charity Identify what they can do to help local organizations promote justice by sharing their time, talents and treasure humans have the right to life, food, clothing, housing etc.). These rights are given because it is just and fair, not out of generosity. We carry the responsibility for others in justice. celebration of people who walk in justice Unit 6: Love your enemies Understand the moral message of Jesus and learn how they complete the moral laws given to Moses Learn how the Beatitudes reveal God's kingdom Understand what it Describe how Jesus would respond to situations of injustice Jesus' moral teachings (Matthew 5:21-22, 33-34, 37-45, 47-48) Describe how the teachings of Jesus were different than the laws of Moses Identify times when they responded with generosity the Beatitudes (Luke 6:20-23) Compare Luke's and Welcome the teachings of Jesus and willingly act with a generous heart Appreciate the gifts of the beatitudes and strive to be disciples of blessedness Jesus preached a morality based on his faith in God's love and goodness. God took on the yolk and burden of human existence in Jesus. He preached a morality based on generosity, not fear. Jesus is teaching what the kingdom of God is like if God is generous and good, so must we be generous and good. He gives us examples of what it would look like to follow the laws of Moses because we want to, not because we have to. The Beatitudes are the heart of the Sermon on the Mount. They are brief sayings in which someone is declared blessed or happy because of who they are Unit 6, Theme 14: But I say to you Unit 6, Theme 15: Blessed are you Outcomes Year 6: You Shall be my Witnesses (Born in the Spirit: CCCB) 8

9 means to be beatitude people and learn how to be disciples of blessedness Matthew's versions of the Beatitude (Luke 6:20-23 and Matthew 5:1-12) Describe what the world would look like if everyone followed the beatitudes celebration of thanks and praise for the goodness of God Unit 7- What you do to the least of my brothers, you do to me *Season of Lent Know that Lent is a time of prayer, fasting and almsgiving Identify the liturgical season and explain what Lent is Learn about the feast of St Joseph Understand God's overwhelming and generous love for us Know what the acclamation Kyrie eleison is Identify the three main Lenten activities Listen to, discuss and illustrate through art or dramatization, the story of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15: 11-32) Kyrie Thank God for his overwhelming and generous love through prayer Prepare for Easter with heightened prayer, fasting and alms giving or what they have done. The beatitudes are a guide to the way we should lead good Christian lives. They are a gift they tell us what the world would look like in the kingdom of God. They give us the hope that we belong. Jesus calls beatitude people to show the way for others. The word Lent means springtime, or change. Lent is a time to prepare for Easter, which is a time of renewal and rebirth. Christians use prayer, fasting and almsgiving to help get ready for Easter. Change can come about when we open our hearts to the Holy Spirit and allow the Spirit to guide us. St Joseph is the patron saint of workers and the poor. His feast day always falls within the Lenten season. Unit 7, Theme 16: When you pray The parable of the Prodigal Son is an illustration of God's Outcomes Year 6: You Shall be my Witnesses (Born in the Spirit: CCCB) 9

10 overwhelming and generous love for us. Understand the importance of food for life and how it is a gift meant to nourish us both physically and spiritually Learn how Lent is a time of covenant renewal Learn about the Christian tradition of fasting during Lent Learn about fasting traditions of other religions Know what corporal works of mercy are and understand how Christians are called to such works Mark 4:26-29 Identify ways in which they can show appreciation for all the food they are given the story of Jesus fasting in the desert (Luke 4:1-4) Jesus' response to why his disciples did not fast (Mark 2:18-22) discussion about fasting how Jesus judges people (Matthew 25:31-46) Appreciate the gift of food in all its varieties and abundance Appreciate the Lenten discipline of fasting Strive to follow the example of Jean Vanier and Mother Teresa by reaching out and generously helping the Hesed refers to a loving care that goes beyond what is required. In the liturgy it refers to the Lord's covenant love that is an absolutely faithful loving kindness. All food is a gift form God meant to nourish us both physically and spiritually. We are called to appreciate this gift by not wasting food, by giving thanks for what we have, and by sharing with others who have less. There is a Christian tradition of fasting that goes back to Jesus. While Jesus was with his disciples, he did not impose a fast. He responded to the questions about this by saying that it is not time to fast while Jesus was with them, but when he is gone. Fasting is a penance so that people become aware that life is not about eating and drinking. It is about strengthening our relationship with God and others. Jesus asks us to care for the poor. He says that what we do to others, we do to him. Feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, visiting the sick and Unit 7, Theme 17: When you fast Unit 7, Theme 18: When you give alms Outcomes Year 6: You Shall be my Witnesses (Born in the Spirit: CCCB) 10

11 Learn how people respond during a disaster Learn about the poor in their community and in the world, and people and organizations that help the poor n activity to explore works of mercy in the world today Illustrate works of mercy poor Seek to understand the plight of the poor by denying themselves through fasting Unit 8: No greater love Learn about the events of the night before Jesus died Understand the kind of person Jesus was Understand that Jesus was a symbol of God's new covenant with humanity Learn about the last minutes of Jesus' life and know that he forgave his own executioners Know that forgiveness is a gift and understand the story of the Last Supper (Luke 22:1-20) and the washing of the feet (John 13:1-15) Read and discuss stories of people who witness the power of the covenant love the story of the last few minutes of Jesus' life (Luke 23:32-42) Read stories about Jesus' forgiveness and share the stories with Celebrate the season of Lent through prayer and actively participating in Sunday Eucharist Acknowledge the spirit of the Last Supper by striving to be of service to others Give thanks for the gift of forgiveness in their lives Value the words of the Lord's prayer by Forgiving others as they are forgiven imprisoned are acts of kindness and charity. They are corporal works of mercy. Those who do not care for the poor break the covenant with God. During disasters, normal activities cease and people respond to those in need. We care for those in need and bring the light of God's love into their lives. The stories about the end of Jesus' life show his great capacity for love. Jesus wanted to leave an image of himself as one who loves people so much, that he literally breaks himself and pours himself for others. He wants to be of service. This gift of himself is a sign of a new covenant the cup is the cup of the new covenant. Jesus is God poured out for others. Forgiveness is a gift we give to those who have offended or hurt us. Forgiveness is more than forgetting it is letting go of the hurt. It means exploring and talking about what has Unit 8, Theme 19: My body given; my blood poured out Unit 8, Theme 20: Father, forgive them Outcomes Year 6: You Shall be my Witnesses (Born in the Spirit: CCCB) 11

12 what Jesus taught about forgiveness the class Identify times of forgiveness in their own lives happened. God's forgiveness depends on our forgiveness of one another. Understand the meaning of the Passion story Know that meaning of the cross Give thanks to God and pray for the special needs of others Listen to, discuss, dramatize and reflect upon the Passion story (John 18: 1-19: 42, Mark 14:43-15:47, Luke 22:47-23:56, or Matthew 26:47-27:66) Value the sacrifice Jesus made in dying by attending Holy Week celebrations The Passion story illustrates the extent to which God will go to show his love for us. The cross is the symbol of the death of Jesus and God's love. Unit 8, Theme 21: Behold the wood of the cross ritual of venerating the cross Unit 9: Do not be afraid *Easter season Know the meaning of the Triduum of Easter Know the signs and symbols of the Easter season Know the meaning of the Paschal mystery the story of the women at the tomb (Matthew 28:5-10) Identify how Jesus meets us today Read, discuss and illustrate stories of Jesus' appearances after his resurrection litany of praise Appreciate the risen Jesus and meet him weekly in Sunday Eucharist Follow the example of the disciples on the road to Emmaus by eagerly sharing the good news of Jesus' resurrection Strive to see with new eyes and appreciate all the signs of new life around them Easter is the great feast of Christianity, where we remember that God raised Jesus from the dead. We celebrate the Paschal mystery - the life, death, resurrection of Jesus and waiting until he comes in glory at Easter and every Sunday. Jesus still meets us today when we gather. The signs of the risen Jesus include the baptismal font, Paschal candle, lectern, altar, tabernacle, reconciliation room and the Unit 9, Theme 22: It s the Lord! Outcomes Year 6: You Shall be my Witnesses (Born in the Spirit: CCCB) 12

13 Know that God loves us unconditionally and forgives us Learn how God forgave Peter called Peter to follow him Know what reconciliation is and what it means to be an agent of reconciliation Know how the Church celebrates God's reconciliation Discuss stories of betrayal and feelings associated with betrayal nd discuss a guided imagery based on John 21:13-19 Read and discuss stories about people who were agents of reconciliation Identify how they can be agents of reconciliation at home, school, and in their community Appreciate all that God has done for them through prayers of praise Treasure God's gift of reconciling love by celebrating the sacrament of Reconciliation with their parish community Strive to be agents of reconciliation in their homes, schools and communities pews where we gather. The story of the travellers on the road to Emmaus is like the celebration of Sunday Eucharist Jesus joins the disciples, he explains the Scriptures, blesses and breaks the bread, and the disciples go to Jerusalem and share the good news of Jesus' resurrection. Easter is a feast of forgiveness. Jesus gave the disciples the power to forgive they became agents of reconciliation. Jesus wanted the forgiveness that heals broken relationships to be one of the main missions of the Church. Unit 9, Theme 23: Simon, son of John, do you love me? Know the meaning of the feast of Pentecost Understand how we are healing ritual choral reading of the story of Pentecost Appreciate the gifts of the Holy Spirit and strive to be faithful followers of Christ Baptism is our initiation into the Christian community. God makes a covenant with us, and we become children of God. Unit 9, Theme 24: What must we do? Outcomes Year 6: You Shall be my Witnesses (Born in the Spirit: CCCB) 13

14 initiated into the Christian community and grow in Christ Discuss how we are initiated into the Christian community at baptism Identify how they have grown in Christ celebration of a renewal of baptismal promises Value their Christian community by actively celebrating the Sunday Eucharist In Confirmation, we are anointed with the Holy Spirit to deepen this initiation and in Eucharist we enter more fully into the covenant with God. Read with their families about people who were witnesses to God Unit 10: You shall be my witnesses Understand what it means to be a witness of Christ Know what saints and martyrs are Know the structure of the Eucharist and the rituals and responses to Reflect upon the stories of witnesses they have read Identify qualities of Christian moral witnesses Identify their positive gifts and describe how they can be witnesses to their faith Identify how the Lord is present at the Eucharist Strive to be witnesses to their faith and live moral lives Appreciate their gifts and the positive gifts and qualities of others Treasure the gift of the Eucharist To be a witness is to speak or live a truth that is not appreciated by everyone. Christians give witness to God by their words and actions. Saints are holy people chosen by God. A martyr is someone who suffers and dies for his/her faith. We are all chosen by God we are all holy because the Holy Spirit dwells in us. We become a witness by living the promises of our covenant with God. When we gather to celebrate the Eucharist, it is the Holy Spirit who gathers us. We are Unit 10, Theme 25: Jesus is going ahead of you Unit 10, Theme 26: Follow me Outcomes Year 6: You Shall be my Witnesses (Born in the Spirit: CCCB) 14

15 each rite Know how the Lord is present during the Eucharist Identify the parts of the Mass and the ritual and responses to each Recite The Lord's prayer and The Lamb of God Prepare for and celebrate the Eucharist Appreciate the time spent together during the year invited to keep the Spirit alive. When we gather, we offer praise and thanks. The Lord is present in the people who gather, the presider, in the Word and the breaking of the bread. The four parts of the Mass are the Introductory rite, the Liturgy of the Word, the Liturgy of the Eucharist and the Concluding rite. Outcomes Year 6: You Shall be my Witnesses (Born in the Spirit: CCCB) 15

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