The 2 nd Sunday of Lent Year B Readings, Lectionary #26

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1 The 2 nd Sunday of Lent Year B Readings, Lectionary #26 Begin in prayer Spend a few moments in prayer before reading the Scripture. Ask the Lord to let his Word speak to your heart. Father, you have offered us your only Son, and through him, you give us all we need. Transfigure my words so that, as sparks through stubble, they may give the assembly a glimpse of your glory. Be with me now, Holy Spirit, as I prepare my homily for next weekend. Guide my words and my life to reflect the joy you bring. Amen. Liturgical Context Abraham is an important character in today s liturgy. He is considered the Father of Faith for Christians, Jews and Muslims. The promise and blessing given to Abraham continues throughout and for all generations. Abraham was promised that his descendants would be too numerous to count and indeed they were. Abraham s blessing is fulfilled in Jesus. With the call of Abraham so too a new people were called into being, the Chosen People, the People of God: those set apart to do God s bidding and live according to God s plan of salvation. Just like Abraham, we too are called by God to do the will of our Father in heaven. All three cycles celebrate the story of Jesus transfiguration on the Second Sunday of Lent. When the same story appears in every Gospel it is a sure sign that the Church regarded it as an authentic occurrence from the very beginning. This unique event follows Peter s confession and Jesus own prophetic words regarding his immanent passion, death and resurrection.

2 Celebration of the transfiguration is given to us in the liturgy in order to assist us in our preparation for plunging deeply into the Paschal Mystery we will celebrate at Easter and our own journey to Jerusalem--a journey he invites each of us to take. The transfiguration is an invitation to complete and total conversion. We too are called to take up our cross and follow Jesus to Jerusalem to offer the joys and sorrows of our lives for the ongoing redemption of the world. The readings of Lent prepare the faithful to renew their baptismal vows and yearly baptismal commitment of discipleship at Easter. Lent is a time-out for all the faithful to consciously engage in metanoia, a complete turning of one s life to God and a turning away from sin. Approach the Text Read the Scripture for this Sunday several times. Let its words and phrases truly affect you. Use the Lectio Divina method (available from as part of this homily kit) to allow the Word to fill your heart and excite you about the homily you are preparing. Begin by reading through all the readings for this weekend. FIRST READING: Genesis 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, "You did not withhold from me your own beloved son." We are dumbstruck as we try to favorite son, making the sacrifice all fathom God s request of Abraham. the greater. What kind of a God asks for so great Would Abraham be willing to give a sacrifice? up his greatest gift in life if God Do we really want a God who would asked? ask us to kill our own child? What is God had promised in an earlier going on in this story? chapter that it would be through Child sacrifice was a common, Isaac s progeny that a great nation though abhorrent practice at the time would be born: the Jewish people. this story was written. Some scholars Abraham could have asked God the have suggested that in addition to obvious question. He could have Abraham s test of faith this is also a asked: How is it that in chapter subliminal commentary on the twenty-one, verse twelve you abomination of child sacrifice. God in promised me that through my child the end DID NOT allow the child to Isaac a great nation would be born? be sacrificed. How can that possibly come to pass What this story is really about is the if I kill him? He is unmarried and has willingness of Abraham to trust God no children. If he dies now how will no matter what, to place his life your word be fulfilled? I thought completely in God s hands. your will is unchangeable, how is that It is an invitation to trust God s you now have changed your mind? wisdom and God s providence. But Abraham did not ask the The sacrifice of Abraham was all the question; he simply was obedient to more poignant because Isaac was not God s will. Abraham s only son; he was his Abraham would not be deterred by Preparing the Homily Mary Birmingham Page 2

3 such obvious difficulties in this encounter. He simply trusted God. God had a plan and that was all that mattered. Period. End of story. Abraham was prepared to do as God asked because God asked it. Early Christian interpretation suggested that the problem of God s earlier prophecy about Isaac would not pose a problem because God could simply restore Isaac back to life. Abraham passed the test and was ready to do as God commanded; his action demonstrated that his entire life was in God s hands. The Isaac story is understood in Christianity as a foreshadowing of the sacrifice of Jesus: God s Son. Jesus, too, was God s favored (beloved) Son. For your reflection: Can you even begin to wrap your head around the sacrifice that was asked of Abraham? We would have a difficult time responding to such a request. However God does invite us to relinquish control of our lives over to his care. In what area of your life or in what way might God be asking you to trust him more fully than you do? How does this relate to your own life at this time in your life? What might God be asking of you? How might this connect to events in your community or the wider world and how your people deal with horror and terror? SECOND READING: Romans 8:31b-34 If God is for us, who can be against us? Paul echoes the theme of the Abraham story by affirming that God does not want any of his children to die. God abhors murder; he abhorred the murder of Abel by his brother Cain. Yet God did send his Son to die and unlike Isaac he was not spared. God s wisdom is not our wisdom. Some scholars suggest that we must understand the nuance of the statement that God willed the death of his Son. The next logical conclusion would be that God then willed the murder of his Son. How could that be? Murder is an evil action and God cannot will an evil action. There is a solution to the problem insist scholars: what God willed was Jesus faithfulness. Jesus faithfulness led to his murder as it often does when martyrs and prophets are faithful to God s word. God did not will his murder; God willed his obedient faithfulness. God does not make people ill or ask them to kill in his name. He calls us to peer into the events of life, even the terrible ones, and be faithful in the face of them. Jesus gave up his life, but he never gave up his love. Jesus, the ultimate Prophet, Jesus, the Son of God, was faithful unto death. God s Son was handed over to be martyred. He was treated like a common criminal. God s Son took human form and out Preparing the Homily Mary Birmingham Page 3

4 of love for humanity sacrificed himself for the sake of all. He was the ultimate example of perfect obedient, faithful love to God s will. Death would not be the end however. Death would not be victorious. Jesus would rise again and return to his Father s throne, thus opening the gates of heaven for all believers. God already gave us everything when he gave us his Son. Indeed who could be against us since God is so incredibly in our corner? For your reflection: What evidence is there in your life that God is for you? What does it mean to you that death would not be victorious? What are the implications in this reading for the way you live your life? GOSPEL: Mark 9:2-10 "Rabbi, it is good that we are here!" Jesus was transfigured in glory before the disciples on Mount Tabor. The overall intention of this episode is for the benefit of the disciples, to definitively prove once and for all that he truly was the divine Son of God and the long awaited Messiah and to prepare them for his coming resurrection from the dead. Jesus takes us up into the mystery of his Cross and Resurrection in today s Gospel story. Both the Cross and Glory in Resurrection are Jesus paradigm for what it means to be a faithful disciple. Jesus takes up his cross; we must take up ours. Jesus enters into the Father s glory and rises from death; we enter into Jesus glory and rise to eternal life. What is Elijah s role in this event? The Book of Malachi insisted that Elijah would return before the final Day of the Lord when God would restore the original harmony of the Garden of Eden. Peter, James and John could point to Elijah and know that indeed the Day of the Lord had arrived. What is Elijah s role in this story? Elijah is a prototype of the future John the Baptist. Elijah heralded the coming of the future Messiah. He also looked forward to the coming of the new prophet, the new Elijah, John the Baptist, who then becomes the herald and prophet of Jesus death. We read in the Book of Exodus in the Old Testament that Moses went to the top of a mountain and begged God to see his glory. Moses could not directly see God s glory because no one looked upon God and lived. Moses however, was close enough to God s veiled glory that his face shone like the sun and thus reflected God s glory. Now many years after Moses encounter on Sinai we are taken to another lofty perch. The New Moses, Jesus, the Christ, reveals to his disciples and to us by extension his dazzling brilliance and glory. There is nothing left for speculation. Jesus is indeed the divine Lord and Master of the universe, the King of Kings and Savior of the world. Jesus is God s Son; of this there could no Preparing the Homily Mary Birmingham Page 4

5 longer be any question. Moses is also present in this miraculous event. This is not a repeat or retelling of the ancient encounter between God and Moses on Mount Sinai. Moses reflected God s glory just like the moon reflects the light of the sun. Jesus, on the other hand produced God s glory. The light came from him. Jesus did not point to God s glory as did the prophets before him (Moses, and Elijah for example); he embodied it. Jesus IS God s glory. Now, finally, we have been given access. We too can look upon the face of God through Christ and not die, but live, just as Peter, James, and John do in this amazing encounter. The implications are clear. The Transfiguration of Christ illustrates that Jesus is the means by which we look upon the face of God and do NOT die, but instead are shown the face of God. God s response was to tell the disciples that Jesus was his beloved Son and that they must listen to him. The Father s love, admiration, and consolation poured out upon his Son prepared and consoled Jesus for what lies ahead. For your reflection: What do think about our belief that Jesus is fully human and like us in all ways except sin? He knew hunger, frustration, exhaustion, and crankiness; he was tempted just like we are. How do think his divinity showed itself as he lived each day? What do his humanity and divinity have to do with the way you live your life of discipleship? How do they inform your preaching? Have you ever experienced worship in which you were brought deeply into God s presence and intimate union with him as were the disciples of Mount Tabor? This is the goal of all worship. In what way is this event preparation for the death and resurrection of Jesus? What are the struggles you face at this time in your life? In what way does this story shed light upon and give meaning to that suffering? Sharing about this may provide an image or story to help your people grapple with this amazing tale. Describe the ways in which you presently have abandoned your life to God s care. Describe the obstacles you face when it comes to abandoning your life to God s care. Take an inward glance Think about how the call to holiness is embedded in this week s liturgy: * [Genesis] "God put Abraham to the test." When have you felt put to the test by God? How have you fared in such tests? Are you comfortable with the theological interpretation of this story of Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son? * [Psalm] "My vows to the Lord I will pay in the presence of all his people." How public is your vow-keeping? How much do your parishioners' expectations of you Preparing the Homily Mary Birmingham Page 5

6 help you to keep your vows? Other than at Mass, do your parishioners see you praying? * [Romans] "Who will condemn?" Have you ever been condemned for something you've (unwittingly) done? How have you reacted to the strong criticism of others? In what ways could you become more hospitable to healthy criticism? * "By themselves." How often are you by yourself with the Lord? How much time do you spend in private prayer? Have you resolved, this Lent, to spend even more time? What needs to change in your life before such a resolution has a chance at success? * "They were so terrified." When have you been terrified? What terrifies you the most? How have you reacted in times of great fear? To whom do you turn when frightened? * "They kept the matter to themselves." Are you good at keeping others' confidences? Are there those in your life who keep your confidences, and to whom you feel at ease confiding your deepest thoughts and feelings? Are there things that you know which you should not keep to yourself? Take an outward glance Think about how the call to holiness is embedded in the daily experiences of the people to whom you will be speaking: * [Genesis] "All this because you obeyed my command." Are there parishioners who are suffering because they have obeyed the Lord's or the Church s commands? Who, amongst your brothers and sisters, can testify to the good things that have befallen them because of obedience? How can you help nuance this for your people, recalling that God does not call anyone to acts of evil? * [Romans] "How will he not also give us everything else?" What is the "everything else" that the members of your assembly are hoping for? Are there those in your parish who have lost a child in death and who need your assistance in dealing with their loss? * "It is good that we are here." Is this how most of your parishioners feel when they see you mount the steps of the pulpit? In what ways do the members of the assembly catch a glimpse of the Lord's glory in your preaching? * "Then a cloud came." Who among your sisters and brothers have recently come under a cloud--a cloud of misfortune, a cloud of disbelief, a cloud of loneliness? Speaking of Scripture Preparing the 8-minute homily Perhaps this week's preparation has helped you to appreciate your own dying and rising as you journey toward Easter. Try to preach a homily that flows from that appreciation: the faith of your brothers and sisters is a life-and-death issue--for them, and for you, their preacher. Speak to them as one who knows this. Preparing the Homily Mary Birmingham Page 6

7 We also experience Jesus glory whenever we experience the joy of love. Can you help your people see this more clearly and put themselves there on that mountain? Timing Homily notes Memo 30 seconds Greet everyone and say one thing to connect with what is on the mind of the community news, weather, sports, parish events, visitors, a special group which is present, or other. Humor is good here. God is sending his love through you to your listeners. 1-2 minutes Tell a story or provide an image that will fire the imagination of your listeners. Do not launch into a treatment of the readings. This image or story must be one that is easy to understand by everyone, young and old. Avoid using standard jokes here. Instead, as you prepare the homily, what comes to mind as illustrative of the message in the readings? 3-4 minutes Connect that image now to the message in today s readings. Again, avoid providing commentary on the readings or exegesis which is disconnected from your image. You want people to remember what you say and take it home. What hope does the message today offer to your listeners? 1-2 minutes Return to the liturgy. Gesture toward the altar and say, Let s come back here now to this liturgy You re setting the stage for what will follow. Make a quick connection between the message today and the Eucharist. 30 second Thank your listeners and end on a very positive note. Keep this very short. It takes any group of people a few seconds to get used to the sound of your voice in a room and this is a way to begin that will help your listeners hear you. Again, make sure this stays brief. The point of the homily is not you or your story but the Word of God and this image or story is a way to set the stage for that. Make two or three quick points here. Remember that the message must fit into the lives of the people in front of you. How will celebrating Eucharist and receiving communion change you and your listeners? How will it help them incorporate the message of today s readings into their daily lives? Sit down. Preparing the Homily Mary Birmingham Page 7

8 Conclude in prayer To conclude your preparation, think about the community for whom you ve just prepared to preach or teach, and spend a few moments in prayer. O Lord, we are your servants, and you have loosed our bonds. Bless us abundantly and take care of those we love. I open myself to the wisdom you alone can give and I offer myself as the earthen vessel which will carry your Word to these people. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. Preparing the Homily Mary Birmingham Page 8

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