EXPOSING THE GRAVE PERIL OF FREEMASONRY (Seminar at Hope BPC, Adelaide on 22 Jun 2003)

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1 MARANATHA MESSENGER Weekly Newsletter of Private Circulation Only MARANATHA BIBLE-PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 29 June 2003 Present every man perfect in Christ Jesus (Colossians 1:28). Address: 63 Cranwell Road, Singapore Tel: (65) Fax: (65) Website: * Sunday School: 9.45 am Worship Service: am Wednesday Prayer Meeting: 8.00 pm Pastor: Rev Jack Sin (Pager: ) EXPOSING THE GRAVE PERIL OF FREEMASONRY (Seminar at Hope BPC, Adelaide on 22 Jun 2003) Introduction You may or may not hear about the word Freemason or the Lodge, but it is important that you know something about it, for to be forewarned is to be forearmed. Freemasonry is alive in Singapore, Australia, NZ, US, UK, Canada and Malaysia and beyond although it may not be widely published in the media. (NB: The Freemasons in Singapore had an Open House in June 2002). Let us consider briefly the history, the practice and beliefs of Freemasonry and appraise it objectively in the light of Scriptures. There is a secret and clandestine religion that is gaining in popularity in both the East and the West (famous members include Norman Vincent Peale and George Washington. Look at the $US1 bill). It comes across to many as just a harmless business fraternity to join but there is more than meets the eye. It is estimated that there are about 5 million followers worldwide or perhaps even more as many of the members are unknown to others. Freemasonry comes across like a fraternal organisation that is deceptive and has lured many unsuspecting members including Christians to join them and not knowing fully what they are entering in. Is Masonry a Cult? Is Masonry a cult? Dr John Ankerberg, a noted cult expert, says yes. Theologically, Masonry may be classified as a cult from the perspective of biblical revelation. If we define a cult as a religious group, which claims compatibility with Christian faith but deviates seriously from orthodox Christianity in doctrine and practice, Masonry qualifies. In addition, there are certain historic associations, levels of initiation and levels of interpretation of Masonry that reveal a more broad-based cultic nature. Consider the more outlandish characteristics of a cult such as: (1) a more or less complete withdrawal from all non-cultic social and family contact; (2) the physical or spiritual mistreating or abuse of cult members; (3) the inhibition of independent thinking and deliberate cultivation of dependency upon an authoritarian leader and (4) indoctrination reinforced through intimidation such as threats of reprisal by physical violence or severe spiritual consequence. Masonry contains elements of some of these characteristics. It keeps Masonic secrets from family members, its oaths can be spiritually abusive, manipulative and intimidating and they imply retribution for their violation. The ritual may in certain ways function to suppress independent thinking and dependency on Masonry. Masons must obey Lodge authority and Masonry itself.

2 The distortion of Scripture: Cults often cite Scripture, sometimes extensively, but the manner in which Scripture is interpreted involves a deliberate distortion to make them conform to the beliefs of a particular group. Many illustrations are found in the book Secret Teachings and in James Sire s Scripture Twisting. Masonry engages in similar quoting and misuse of the Scriptures. As one official Presbyterian inquiry noted: It is significant, however, that in Masonic ritual in use in so called Christian lands, as Great Britain, Australia, Canada and the United States, quotations from Holy Scripture abound. It cannot be doubted that this fact has blinded the eyes of many to the real character of the Masonic order... [The Masonic rituals and practices (eg blood oaths in initiation) are contrary to the clear teachings of the Word of God]. Masonry does most serious violence to the inscripturated Word of God and does the gravest to Jesus Christ, the personal Word. Theologically, the denial of Christian truth and blaspheming God. In our theological analysis and elsewhere (Secret Teachings, chapters 5-16) we have seen that Masonry: (1) denies the deity of Christ; (2) rejects the nature of God; (3) denies salvation by grace and teaches salvation by works; (4) distorts the Scriptures; (reinterprets the Bible to teach the truths of Masonry); (5) replaces allegiance to God with allegiance to Masonry, (6) contains contradictory theology and (7) blasphemes God. All these are characteristics of allegedly biblical cults. What these characteristics represent are (1) a rejection of God s interests and (2) a corruption of the Church. The late Dr Walter Martin, an acknowledged authority on comparative religion and cultism, observed: I think there is a motivation in Masonry as there is in the entire cultic structure that we study in The Kingdom of the Cults. Human nature is perfectible by an intensive process of purification and initiation. That is the Masonic initiation. Good works is the pathway to salvation in all pagan religions and the pathway to justification. What we are dealing with in Masonry is a non-christian cult with a lot of very nice people in it who are very sincere and very dedicated but very mistaken. In the words of Scripture, There is a way that seems right unto a man but the end thereof are the ways of death. If the supreme allegiance of the Mason must be to Masonry, then it cannot be to God, particularly if the teachings and goals of the two are at variance. Masonry does not add membership to the Christian Church; rather, it lures members away and corrupts their faith. In a sense, it is parasitic, nurturing itself by draining the life from another living organism. All of these indicate that Masonry, in various ways and at various levels, contains many of the characteristics of a cult and is therefore properly classified as a cult, or at least cultic. Today we shall consider the secrets and the dangers of the Freemasonry cult and the Christian response to it. Firstly some facts and history about them. Firstly, what is Freemasonry in the first place? Basically, Freemasonry or the Lodge is a fraternal organisation with secret rites and ceremonies that supposedly teach men good moral principles officially. Masonry is defined as consisting of a course of moral instructions illustrated by types, emblems and allegorical figures. The old English

3 Constitution states it in this manner: as a system of morality veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols. It seeks to make good man better through the form of belief in the fatherhood of God, the brotherhood of man and the immortality of the soul. There are various degrees (ie ranks and rites and organisation) within Freemasonry. There are two appendant bodies through which a Master Mason may advance in degrees. They are the York R. H. and the Scottish Rite. In the Scottish Rite, a Mason may advance to the earned 32nd degree. There is also a 33rd degree which is an honorary degree bestowed upon especially worthy Masons who have accomplished outstanding work in such fields like religion and politics. For example, former President Gerald Ford and Norman Vincent Peale are both 33rd degree Masons. Secondly, what are the roots of Masonry? One of Masonry s recognised historians is H. L. Haywood who wrote a very interesting article, A History of Freemasonry. In it, he argues that the roots of Freemasonry far preceded Freemasonry works through the operative Masons of the Middle Ages to the Roman Collegium in which religious and social purposes were combined. Beyond this, he traces the roots of the Lodge to the mystery religions which emphasised religious experience and finally to the Ancient Religion of the East, primarily the worship of the sun. It is to pagan worship that Masonry must attribute its source. It was through false worship that the Lodge blossomed forth. Traces of earliest forms of sun worship were found in some of the ceremonies of the Lodge rooms. A Brief History Freemasonry started in the 18th century in Europe as a kind of both physical and speculative masons but later evolved in the latter with a religious and philosophical orientation. They followed the ancient Egyptian religion as well as some pagan and heathenistic worship practices. Joining a Lodge will break the 3 rd commandment on the revering the name of God and not taking it in vain. The supposed quest of the Blue Lodge Masons is the search for The Lost Word. Most Masonic ritual is concerned with the recovery of this lost word, presumed to be the name of God-supposedly lost through the murder of the architect, Hiram Abiff, during the building of Solomon s Temple. This quest is allegedly attained during the ritual of the ROYAL ARCH DEGREE. It is here that the SECRET NAME of the DEITY OF MASONRY is revealed. That name is JAHBULON. JAH is the short form of the Hebrew name of God, Yahweh, or Jehovah. BUL is a rendering of the name, BAAL. ON is the term used in the Babylonian mysteries to call upon the deity, OSIRIS! The secret ritual book of the Craft prints the letters J.B.O. It states that: We three do meet and agree-in peace, love and unity-the Sacred Word to keep and never to divulge the same-until we three, or three such as we do meet and agree. No Royal Arch Mason can pronounce the sacred name by himself. What is represented as the god of Masonry is a three-headed monster, so remote from the Christian Trinity and so blasphemous as to damn the soul of anyone who would dare to pronounce its name in a ritual of worship. Christians should have nothing to do with free masons at all. The simple Christian NO list has been enough for most truly Bible based Churches to take a stand regarding Masons holding membership in their Church.

4 First, if the Mason is a Christian, Christ s admonition to swear no oaths at all should be all one would need to stay clear. The secrets of Masonry are protected by the most vile of blood oaths, every one of which is an offence to our Lord Jesus. Second, the name and nature of the Masonic deity is an offence to the one true God. It is taught in the Royal Arch degree that Masonry draws its teachings and powers from three great teachers and gods. The combined deity is represented as a three-headed snake, whose name is Joa:Bul:On, which stands for Jehovah, Baal and Osiris. Now the Mason who pronounces that name in the Masonic prayer of worship has just simply defiled the Holy name of God. Third, At the Apron lecture, the foolish mason is usually told that the lambskin apron will be his covering at the great white throne judgement of God. The prayer and dedicatory sounds great, but there is only one Great white throne judgement and it is the judgement of the damned (Rev 20:11). Fourth, the promise of godhood through the Lodge, the usurping of Christ s Melchizedek Priesthood, the Holy Communion of the dead, drinking wine from the carved out top of a human skull. Thirdly, how does Freemasonry view the Bible? The Lodge s own teaching rejects the authority of the Bible as the only God s given Book. To the Lodge, the Bible means nothing more than the Koran, Vedas or any other book of other religions. The Bible is not the authority but merely a symbol, the same as the compass in the Emblem. Freemasonry has no sacred book of its own. It adopts the Bible as a symbol of all sacred books (Dale Myers, I Left the Lodge, p 30). In other words, the Bible is used as a disguise. They do not believe nor obey the teachings of Holy Scriptures. Freemasonry is more than a social constitution. It is deeply religious in its precepts and practices and it is totally incompatible with the Protestant faith. Why can t a Christian properly belong to an organisation like the Freemason? On the surface, it seems so innocent, so doctrinally sound, and so philanthropic? But Freemasonry is a part of the system of the world which worships Lucifer and is in opposition and rebellion to the living and true God. This ungodly system is powered, designed and controlled by Satan who is called the god of this world (2 Cor 4:4, 5), giving an appearance of good. Masonry is part of that diabolical system. It appears to be a ministry of light but it is downright spiritual darkness. No amount of good works and social endeavours can conceal the darkness of Masonry. There is more power and influence in this system than most of us think or imagine. No believer should fellowship or associates himself with the Freemason movement nor be sympathetic towards it. An irregular print of the periods shows that Masonry craft ritual contained many Christian allusions. But look carefully at what was being said. It spoke of the Lodge as being of the Holy St John, of Free Grace, of our Holy Secret, and that the 12 lights are the Father, Son, Holy Ghost, Sun, Moon, Master and so on. (Bernard Jones, Freemason s Book of the Royal Arch [London: Harrap Books Ltd, 1990]; p 30). It has a semblance of Christianity but does not worship the Christ of the Bible. This is why it is most dangerous, for even well meaning Christians can be deceived by it.

5 The symbolism of the Royal Arch Jewel gives us a clue to what Masons really believe. On the jewel is a sun within a triangle representing an emblem of Deity. Enclosing the interlaced triangles are two concentric circles: the inner one denoting the Deity and His omni-presence and the outer one eternity. At the bottom of the jewel is a small circle; an emblem of eternity and within the circle is a triple Badge of a Royal Arch Mason, representing the completion of a candidate s spiritual journey in Masonry. The symbols in Freemasonry betray a satanic influence and a belief that is anti-biblical, superstitious and is totally inconsistent with historic Christianity (Freemason s Book of the Royal Arch; 34). The Scriptures tell us clearly to not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers; for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? Or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? Come out from among them and be ye separate, saith the Lord and touch not the unclean thing and I will receive you (2 Cor 6:14; 15,17). We have to heed this advice today and be separate from such uncanny associations. We do not want to belong to any religious organisation that does not acknowledge Christ as the only Saviour and the depravity of man that require salvation through the death of Christ alone (John 14:6; Acts 4:12). For those who unwittingly joined and make the initiation vow out of ignorance, one has to renounce it and to make a stand for Christ by leaving the group immediately. We are to honour and fear God than men. There is to be no accommodation of error nor compromise with those who oppose the doctrines of grace found in the Bible. Pray for discernment and courage to do the right thing that is pleasing to God and abstain from all appearance of evil (1 Thes 5:21,22). Conclusion We live in a world of declension and deception. One needs to be vigilant and watchful against the wiles of the evil one in these last days. Let us seek the Word and be equipped and be able to discern truth from error as Elijah called out on Mount Carmel, You have abandoned the LORD s commands and have followed the Baals. How long will you halt between two opinions? If the LORD is God, follow him; but if Baal is God, follow him (1 Kings 18:18; 21). Let us not hesitate nor sit on the fence but be resolved not to have any dealings or fellowship with free masons and warn others of these grave perils that have been affecting many believers today. Finally, Do not be deceived by the attractive viles of the devil that camouflage himself as an angel of light (2 Cor 11:14). Freemasonry is the devil s invention and is contradictory to the clear teachings of the Word of God. God s blessings will be on the person who separates himself from all error and all appearance of evil (2 Tim 2:22). One needs to examine our associations (1 Cor 15:33) clearly before God. Seek Him humbly for guidance, forgiveness, and repentance. Flee and fight and be far removed from all the stronghold of the prince of this world (2 Cor 4:4) and be not incarcerated in the pernicious secretive system. Many of them have infiltrated into the main line denominational churches as leaders (Act 20:28-32). Let the whole church be on full guard and vigilant in these last perilous days of great declension and deception. (cf read John Ankerberg, John Weldon, The Secret Teachings of the Masonic Lodge, (Chicago IL: Moody Press, 1990); Martin L. Wagner, Freemasonry: An Interpretation, nd. np. (Distributed by Missionary Service and Supply, Route 2, Columbiana, OH, 44408); Manly P. HaIl, The Lost Keys of Freemasonry or the Secret of Hiram Abiff

6 (Richmond, VA: Macoy Publishing and Masonic Supply Co, Inc, 1976); Carl. H. Claudy, Introduction to Freemasonry, Vol. II (Washington, DC: The Temple Publishers, 1984; and Jack Sin, Examining and Exposing Cultic and Occultic Movements (Singapore: Maranatha BP Church, 2000). Jack Sin ******** THANKSGIVING FOR MYAF / MYF CAMP Dear All Brothers and Sisters-In Christ I greet you all in the blessed name of our Saviour Jesus Christ. Thank God for the Maranatha YAF, YF Camp. The camp has not only benefited me spiritually but also allowed me to get to know more people from other churches. Travelling from one side of Singapore to another was well-worth. Although the theme of the camp is about Commitment and Missions, it does not mean that the lessons learnt can be applied only on the mission field. For a start, it can be applied at home and at school. For those who haven t gone for tracting before, I think it s time you all start to win souls for Christ with the strength of your youth and with the lessons you have learnt at camp. I m sure many people around you have asked, what is the difference between Christianity and other religions? Aren t they all the same telling us to do good works and be saved? No, Christianity is different. Christ paid the price of sin for us on the cross. The good works have already been done by Christ. It is finished John 19:30. We do not need to do anything but to have faith in Him now. The lessons learnt at the retreat have highlighted ways of conveying the gospel to someone else who doesn t know about Christ. Well, in the principal of evangelism, one has to take initiative, overcome cultural barrier, create an interest in the person, test his knowledge on the Truth, correct if there s a misunderstanding, share the gospel and if the person accepts the gospel, be sure to follow up on the new convert. This is certainly very practical in tracting. For those who have gone tracting or join evangelistic bands before, do you have trouble getting someone else to know about Christ? A situation where you approach a person on the street with a tract in hand, straight-forwardly tell the person about the gospel and then stopped in the midst of your talking and he tells you that he is busy. I m sure that happens rather often that people keep rejecting the tract or walk away as soon as you tell them that you are a Christian. Don t be discouraged and neither be shy about it. For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth Rom 1:16. Rather than using John 3:16 to present the gospel all the time, there is the Epistle of the Romans. It is called the Roman Road. It highlights that everyone is a sinner, the price of sin, Jesus paying the debt of sin on the cross and showing the person that he must receive Christ by an act of faith. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved Rom 10:13. Witnessing for the Lord takes full time and commitment. A mature believer will have to follow up on the new Christian after evangelism, aiding the new Christian to grow spiritually in His Word. Along the way, there will be trials faced and problems arise. Would you still continue to be fervent in service or shun the person aside? Would you move on to another service thinking that evangelism is not for you? Would you carry the Old Rugged Cross for Christ no matter what trials come your way? I leave you all to answer those questions with your conviction for Christ. Pray and Set your

7 objectives right, all for Christ. To God Be The Glory Shawn Sin Calvary Jurong Bible-Presbyterian Church Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity 1 Tim 4:12. * * * * * * * * * APPRECIATION ON NBC NOTE Thanks for the Bible study notes on Judges and 1 Samuel. It has been a great pleasure going through for there is a very strong emphasis on applications throughout. That makes reading refreshing, thinking provocative and learning enjoyable. When we have finally finished with the notes, we hope to have some deep reflections as well and try to capture it in written form. By the time you receive this, you probably would have been through all the planned engagements and back in Singapore. We hope you have a spiritually fulfilling and rewarding trip. The joy of the Lord is indeed our strength (Neh 8:10). Regards, Victor, Ashley and Ashton Ho * * * * * * * * * APPRECIATION OF MYAF/MYF RETREAT Thank God for making it possible for me to join the camp part-time. It was truly spiritually meaningful and edifying. Though only being able to join the camp for one day, I thank God for the warm Christian fellowship and encouragement from like-minded brethren. The discussion and singing of hymns were a time for personal reflection on my spiritual growth, have I done my best for Jesus? May the Lord help us to be faithful SAF (soldiers, athletes, farmers) for Him. May He help us run the race with endurance till we receive the incorruptible crown in heaven. Love in Christ Yu Jie * * * * * * * * * At the Pulpit Theme for the Quarter: Victorious Christian Service for the Lord (Studies in Ezra) Dr Tow Siang Hwa "Why am I a Christian? (1 Tim 1:12-17) Gospel Sunday *These hyperlinks work with Word 97 and later version. [End of MM, 29 June 2003]

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