Session 5 Discerning Your Need for Deliverance

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1 Session 5 Discerning Your Need for Deliverance I. Demonization or Not 1. The purpose of this session is to help you determine if you are demonized and to bring clarity to common entry points that lead to demonization. a) For the bride to be ready for the Lord s return, as Ephesians 5:27 tells us she must have no spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but she should be holy and blameless. For a believer to achieve such a lofty goal, among other pursuits believers must passionately pursue freedom from all areas of demonization. Demonization is not the only thing required for purity, but it is a critical part of the journey toward being holy and blameless. b) Our goal must become to go free from every unclean spirit that might bring any dimension of impurity into our life. Terry Bennett in his book Why We Fight writes this, Page 1 of 17 God saying to us individually and as a body: My first work is to drive these things out of you that are hindering the full expression of Myself. This is necessary to have the fullness of My kingdom.: Isn t that what God is doing amongst us now? Isn t He driving out the Jebusites, the Amalekites? Isn t He driving out these various elements and what they represent in demonic strongholds and powers? i c) In the context of the bridal relationship, we must give special attention to any and all tentacles of the spirit of Jezebel since the objective of this spirit and her subsidiaries is to oppose and seduce believers from becoming the eternal wife of the Lamb. d) The global church is in a divine season in God in which He is doing a deep work of preparation of His bride, and deep deliverance is a part of this urgent work. Therefore, this session will focus on determining the need for deliverance. We will first examine how to tell if one is demonized or not and then we will address common entry points that often lead to demonization. As our focus is on preparing a bride, we will emphasize those entry points that we have observed that often lead to demonization by Jezebel. e) In this first section, we will attempt to answer two questions. First, is the attack external oppression or internal demonization and, second, is the root of the issue a flesh struggle or demonization? We will begin with an examination of whether the issue is the result of internal demonization or an external attack of the enemy. 2. Demons can only internally demonize a person if the demons have been given legal access to an individual. a) Ephesians 4:26-27 reads, BE ANGRY, AND yet DO NOT SIN; do not let the sun go down on your anger, and do not give the devil an opportunity. The word translated opportunity in this passage is literally the word place. Thayer s Greek Lexicon explains this word as any

2 portion of space marked off, as it were, from surrounding space such as an inhabited place like a city, village, or district. ii b) Summarizing this verse and the meaning of the word translated opportunity, we learn an important principle for deliverance. The devil must be given a place to occupy or inhabit within us. In writing to the Ephesians, Paul is saying to them that they must keep every door to the enemy closed; otherwise, the devil will go through the open door to occupy the place left open. There are several applications for this verse for sure; however, one is that the devil cannot just occupy a place internally within a person without a cause. c) In other words, a demon only has access to internally demonize an individual if it is given legal access to a person through an entry point. We will describe some entry points later in this session, but please note that some legal entry points for demonization are not the result of an individual s own personal actions. Instead, some are the result of the actions of another imposed on the individual and others are the result of the actions of prior generations. d) Just as important for us to understand is that if we have opened the door to the enemy for him to legally demonize us, he will do it! Satan has no mercy. If he is given an open door, he will go through it. Therefore, as we discuss later these entry points, think this way. If one or more of the entry points apply, then the person to which they apply is almost certainly demonized by the demons that come from that entry point. 3. The entry point can either result from an issue happening presently or something from the past. a) Another point we must understand is that the entry point does not have to be a door we have presently open. Let s use habitual sin as an example. We may have habitually sinned in one or more areas before coming to Christ. Many who have come to Christ as an adult have done so. When we came to Christ, we most likely deeply repented of our lifestyle and the specific actions of that lifestyle. Even so, if we haven t gone through deliverance for these issues, the entry point that has now been closed through our repentance has in the past allowed demonic entry. Thus, if we haven t been through deliverance, the demons are still there. b) Therefore, please do not think that just because you are no longer allowing the door to the enemy to be open you are free from his demonization. In fact, in our experience the majority of the deliverance we perform is on people who have previously closed the door to the demonic. The demons they have originated from their past actions, things done to them, or from prior generations. 4. Satan can externally oppress believers even if he has not been given legal access through an entry point. a) In Session 2, we addressed the issue of internal and external influence of demons in some detail showing that demonic influence can range from simple temptation to demonic Page 2 of 17

3 possession of one s spirit. In a moment, we will discuss temptation and the resulting flesh struggle. b) First, we want to address internal demonization versus external oppression. Whereas a demon only has internal access to an individual through a legal entry point, demons can attack an individual externally without an entry point. We see this clearly in the scriptures. Jezebel threatened to kill Elijah after he orchestrated the killing of her prophets. Her attack drove him to great fear so much so that he ran for his life. It led him into deep depression and self-pity. Even though Jezebel attacked viciously, Elijah had not opened a door to her counter attack. It came as a result of his obedience to the Lord. c) There are other examples in the scriptures where the devil and his demons attacked individuals externally with very real symptoms. In many cases, these attacks were not a result of an open door to the enemy but more likely because they were doing something for the Lord. Demons can attack individuals today in similar ways in our minds, emotions and body. d) Although I have experienced many such attacks in my life, I will share one example. When Bryan, his wife Angie and I traveled to the Ivory Coast in 2004, Bryan and I encountered the most severe attack that we have ever encountered. I won t take the space to recount every detail other than to say that we were severely attacked with very real physical symptoms. Both of us thought we were having either a heart attack or a stroke. We both spent virtually an entire night warring in prayer for what we believe was our very life. It was a horrible experience as the enemy attempted to counter what we were doing in Africa at that time. Thankfully, God prevailed as we prayed, declared the scriptures, and warred against the demonic attack. The point of sharing this story here is that this intense attack was external and was not the result of any entry point. It was merely the result of our being in enemy territory on assignment from the Lord. e) Even though we never want to go through anything like that again, we learned several valuable lessons from this attack such as the need to fast more before going on an assignment and to make sure we only go as a sent one and not on a whim. If we had not been sent there by the Lord, we might not have survived. f) Back to the point, we note from the scriptures and from our own experience that there can be external attacks without the enemy having legal access to demonize. We could say a lot about spiritual warfare at this point; however, the point for this module is to say that demonic oppression often is external. 5. How to do we know if we are demonized or externally oppressed. a) The question is important as it determines whether we need deliverance or to just stand firm in prayer and spiritual warfare against a demonic attack. This is not intended to be a complete analysis of the subject; nonetheless, I offer a few keys to understand if one is being externally oppressed or internally demonized. Page 3 of 17

4 b) One key to understanding which it is relates to its frequency. Is the oppression regular or is it periodic? Our experience has been that if one is continually harassed or tormented by the demonic, it is a good chance it relates to internal demonization. This is not always the case. For example, if there is an object in one s home that has a curse attached or if there is some other reason for a demon to have access to home or property, then at times oppression is intense and continuous but still external. However, a good rule to follow is that if it is regular without relief, it is probably demonization. c) Another key to understanding is there a reason for the oppression. In our example about the attack in the Ivory Coast, we knew why we were being oppressed. We were on assignment for the Lord in one of the darkest places in the earth from the standpoint of witchcraft. There was a specific reason for the attack and we knew it was coming from an external source. Even though in this case we knew the reason for the attack, in some cases we may not know the source. There have been several instances in which we returned from a ministry trip from another nation and upon return we encountered severe oppression. We did not know for sure exactly what the source was. Often, it took weeks to finally realize why the oppression and to deal with it. However, the point is when there is a reason whether we are aware of it or not, it is almost always external not requiring deliverance, but requiring spiritual warfare instead. d) A third key to knowing whether deliverance is needed or not is the connection between the oppression and an entry point. Let me explain. If a person has been deeply involved in sexual sin in the past but has repented of it yet is still continually bombarded with sexual lust, there is a connection between the area of struggle and an entry point in this case habitual sin. Most likely, the individual has dealt with the sin but not the demon behind the sin. e) A fourth key is has the individual been through effective deliverance in the particular area that they are now encountering oppression. For example, often people who have been through thorough deliverance for deep involvement in the occult still encounter periodic oppression. It seems that once entangled in the deep things of Satan, the devil does not want to let go. Many in cases like this still encounter external oppression. f) A fifth indicator as to whether the issue is external or internal is whether the oppression is related to an entry point or to the individual s position of authority in the body of Christ. The old saying that the higher the level, the higher the devils is certainly true. As people mature and take on greater God given responsibility for the Lord, they tend to attract the demonic in a more intense way. Normally encounters like these result from external issues not demonization. g) Our approach is that if there is not an apparent external reason for the oppression and if there is potentially an internal source, then it most likely is demonization requiring deliverance. Page 4 of 17

5 6. Next, let s evaluate how to determine whether the issue is a flesh struggle or an area of demonization. a) One statement I have made a lot over my years of ministering deliverance is that you cannot cast out the flesh and you cannot crucify a demon. Demons must be cast out and the flesh must be crucified. Because this is a true statement, it is important that we discern the difference between a flesh struggle and an area that needs deliverance. b) As we explore the scriptures and what they say about the flesh, we quickly see that the lists of deeds of the flesh are virtually identical to areas from which people need deliverance. For example, Paul writes the following about the deeds of the flesh, Now the deeds of the flesh are evident, which are: immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes, dissensions, factions, envying, drunkenness, carousing, and things like these, of which I forewarn you, just as I have forewarned you, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires (Gal. 5:19-24). c) One could make a list of demons to go free from drawing from virtually the same list. Therefore, how do we know if we have demons from which we must go free or flesh issues that we must crucify. The following are a few keys to help us discern if it is our flesh or demonization. d) First, we must understand that the flesh is a gateway to demonization. The enemy will regularly tempt us to sin. James writes, But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death (James 1:14-15, ESV). We could easily insert another step in the above process. When sin grows sufficiently it brings forth demonization. Then when it is fully matured it brings forth death. When a deed of the flesh is allowed to grow unchecked, it leads to demonization. The enemy tempts us in our natural desires to lure us into sin. If we give into the temptation, sin is conceived in our lives as a deed of the flesh whether we act on it or whether it consumes our thoughts or emotions. If it continues unabated, it will eventually lead to demonization and ultimately death either physical or spiritual. The scriptures urge us to resist temptation. Being tempted is not the sin or said another way a deed of the flesh, but if it is succumbed to then it becomes a deed of the flesh. If the deed of the flesh is permitted to go deep in our hearts or for a prolonged period, it results in demonization. In this pattern, the flesh becomes a major gateway to demonization. e) Another way to discern if an issue is flesh or demonization is whether or not we have acted on the issue. Not always the case but as you look through Paul s list above, if you have gone beyond thinking about or desiring one of those issues to actually participating in the issues, most likely you need deliverance. Page 5 of 17

6 f) A third way to discern if it is flesh or demonization is if you have gone deep into an issue or participated for a long period of time in this issue. If you have participated deeply or participated over a long time in an issue, you almost certainly need deliverance from that issue. g) A fourth way to determine if you need deliverance is if you can t stop doing it in other words, if you are addicted to it. If this is the case, you most likely need deliverance. If you have earnestly tried repeatedly to stop doing something and have not succeeded, then there is probably a demonic stronghold there from which you need to go free. h) A fifth way to determine if the issue is demonic is if the issue regularly torments you or lies to you or keeps you feeling condemned, then it is most likely demonization requiring deliverance. 7. A person can be demonized even if they do not know of a stronghold affecting them. a) As we have stated in earlier sessions, demons take on the character of the spirit. For example, a demon of anger makes you angry, fear makes you unnaturally fearful, lust leads you to lust. Thus, when you struggle with a particular issue like one mentioned above, you most likely know that you need deliverance from those spirits you struggle with. b) Therefore, in many cases you know from what demons you need deliverance. It is clear based on your behavior, your thought processes, and your emotional struggles. However, this is not always the case. Like we said about the queen of heaven, she says no one sees me. Often there are issues from which we need deliverance that we do not see based on our actions. c) For the most part, others see them even though we do not. Often many of the subsidiary spirits of the spirit of Jezebel are not seen clearly by the person needing deliverance from them. It is very common for someone with the spirit of control or the spirit of manipulation or spirits of judgmentalism and criticism not to see them in themselves. Usually others see them, but the person needing deliverance from them many times do not see the issues clearly themselves. d) Therefore, as we seek deliverance, it is important to ask the Lord for the discerning of spirits to reveal to us what demons are present and what we need to go free from. e) Now that we have addressed some of the issues related to determining whether we are demonized or not, let s next move into a discussion of entry points. We will discuss eleven common entry points leading to demonization. Since the subject of this module is preparing a bride through deliverance and as such we are dealing extensively with the spirit of Jezebel, we will divide the discussion of entry points into two sections entry points commonly leading to to the spirit of Jezebel and then a second section on other common entry points to demonization. Let s begin with six common entry points leading to the spirit of Jezebel. Page 6 of 17

7 II. Common Entry Points Leading to the Spirit of Jezebel 1. A very common entry point for the spirit of Jezebel is prolonged rejection. a) Over our years of doing deliverance ministry, we have very often observed that one of the most predominant open doors to Jezebel s snare is a person who has experienced rejection from a parent, spouse, or another authority figure. b) Jane Haase in her book Babylon is Falling writes, Rejection is basically the door that the enemy uses to link a life to the queen s [of heaven] false mother securities. iii This statement is so true. Rejection opens the door to the queen of heaven and Jezebel. c) I will use a few examples of the ways Jezebel manifests in the lives of believers to illustrate why rejection is such a common entry point. Control and manipulation are very common traits for someone demonized by the spirit of Jezebel and her subsidiaries. Most people control and manipulate others due to insecurities and a lack of trust in their own life. When a person has experienced deep or prolonged rejection either as a child or by a spouse, they develop an innate fear of the future. Since they have been torn down, abandoned, or accepted only if they perform correctly for most of their life, they wonder if God cares about them or if anything good can come to them so their response is to take matters into their own hands. They do so by controlling and manipulating others in an attempt to make circumstances work out as they desire. d) Critical and judgmental spirits also commonly emanate from the spirit of Jezebel. Such spirits are often birthed out of rejection. When a person has been rejected experiencing a lifetime of negative experiences, their natural tendency is to be negative, judgmental, and critical. Many times, children are unintentionally abused, criticized for everything they do, and even if they perform well, they are exhorted to do better. People who are rejected like this are open to a critical and judgmental spirit. e) Spiritual pride and hyper spirituality also often originate from rejection. People who have experienced rejection have been beaten down in some fashion. This has made them to feel unworthy, insecure, condemned, and unaccepted by God. Their natural response is to try to perform for God in order to be accepted by Him. This often leads to an attitude that comes across to others as spiritual pride or hyper spirituality. Many times people who struggle with rejection are very talented in music, the prophetic, and teaching. Thus, it is easy for them to become prideful or to do hyper spiritual actions that bring attention to themselves. Their motive although most often subconscious is to build themselves up because they have been rejected all of their lives f) As you can see from these three examples, rejection is a prime entry point for Jezebel and many of her subsidiaries. 2. A second very common entry point for the spirit of Jezebel is sexual sin. a) The modern church takes sexual sin very lightly winking at unmarried individuals involved in pre-marital sex, pornography, sexual perversion, and married couples defiling the marriage Page 7 of 17

8 bed. The church might take sexual sin lightly, but God does not. There is something about sexual sin that the Lord highlights above many other areas of sin. It is interesting that in Paul s lists of deeds of the flesh and sins that must be overcome, sexual sin is often listed first or emphasized more than other issues (Gal. 5:19-21, Eph. 4:19, Rom 13:13, and Col. 3:5). Paul writes quite a warning about sexual sin to the Corinthian Church (1 Cor. 6:12-20). The passage concludes with this about sexual sin, Page 8 of 17 Flee immorality. Every other sin that a man commits is outside the body, but the immoral man sins against his own body. Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? For you have been bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body (1 Cor. 6:18-20). b) Because of the Lord s desire for a sexually pure bride, a major work of the queen of heaven and her earthly cohort, the spirit of Jezebel, is to seduce people to commit acts of immorality (Rev. 2:20). c) Engaged in properly within the marriage covenant, sex is a beautiful gift from God; however, in our years of ministering deliverance, we have observed the devastating effect sexual sin has upon the lives of countless people. We can say without hesitation that sexual sin even if it has long ago been repented of and brought under the Lordship of Christ is a major entry point for the spirit of Jezebel and her subsidiary spirits. 3. Another major entry point for the spirit of Jezebel is involvement in the Catholic Church and any other religious movement which venerates Mary as the queen of heaven. a) Over the years of ministering deliverance, we have seen that for Catholics or former Catholics, their involvement in the Catholic Church and especially their adoration of Mary has led to their demonization by the spirit of Jezebel. b) Trice Hill, who is the wife of one of our church s leadership team, was raised as a Catholic and tells the following of her experience and need for deliverance from Jezebel, Before going through the Queen of the Heaven teaching that our church did several years ago, I never would have believed how much the Catholic Church had an influence on me. I was baptized in the Catholic Church as a baby. Because my parents believed that Catholic babies had to be given the name of a saint, I was given the name Patrice, after Saint Patrick. The entire meaning around the Catholic Baptism completely contradicts what I believe today. I also remember believing that I couldn t miss church because going to church and the sacraments I took there were my way to salvation. It was a controlling spirit that compelled me to go and not miss. I also developed what I call Catholic pride. I would get very defensive if anyone tried to talk to me about my infant baptism, communion and saints. I remember as a child wanting to be closer to my grandmother and how when we visited I would go to her room and sit and learn the rosary. When she died, I received her rosary and her prayer book. Below are some of the prayers I would pray not realizing how I was praying to the queen of heaven, and as a result opening myself up the Jezebel spirit.

9 Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, or sought thy intercession, was left unaided. Inspired by this confidence I fly unto thee, O Virgin of virgins, my Mother. To thee do I come, before thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in thy mercy hear and answer me. Amen. The Angel of the Lord declared unto Mary. And she conceived of the Holy Spirit. Hail, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen. Behold the handmaid of the Lord. Be it done unto me according to thy word. Hail Mary. And the Word was made flesh. And dwelt among us. Hail Mary. Pray for us, O holy Mother of God. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. Let us pray: Pour forth, we beseech thee, O Lord, thy grace into our hearts; that we, to whom the Incarnation of Christ, thy Son, was made known by the message of an angel, may by his Passion and Cross be brought to the glory of his Resurrection. Through the same Christ, our Lord. Amen. Queen of heaven, rejoice, alleluia. The Son whom you merited to bear, alleluia, has risen as he said, alleluia. Pray for us to God, alleluia. Page 9 of 17 When I went through deliverance I had to be delivered of the Jezebel, but I also had to be delivered of the names I had taken on, the entry points of actually participating in saying of the rosary and the generational issues of being born into a catholic family and being baptized as a Catholic. c) A few years ago, I ran across a scholarly work on the roots of the veneration of Mary in pagan goddess worship. The book entitled, The Virgin Goddess, Studies in the Pagan & Christian Roots of Mariology, by Stephen Benko, traces Mariology from its ancient roots in pagan goddess worship to its present exalted position in the Catholic Church. Here are a few points about the history of Mary worship in the Catholic Church drawn from this book. d) Shortly after the beginning of the New Testament Church, apocryphal works began to be written that began to give powerful expression of faith in the virgin mother. iv A work around the second century in an attempt to integrate Christianity with the pagan beliefs about goddess worship in the Greco-Roman world affirmed that Mary was a virgin prior to her conception of Jesus and that she remained so after his birth. The motivation was that in the midst of their pagan culture the mother of the Son of God should have no lower place than the Great Mother of the gods. v e) This view gradually became universally accepted and in 469 a.d. under Pope Martin I Mary was affirmed as holy and ever virgin and immaculate Mary and also affirmed as the mother of God. vi Although not affirmed by the Church until 1854, early on informally the

10 church was beginning to declare that Mary was immaculately conceived and preserved free from all stain of original sin. vii Mary was declared by the Catholic Church to be the mother of God by the First Council of Ephesus in the fifth century and as the queen of heaven by Pope Pius XII in 1954 and an annual feast established in her honor. viii Catholic Churches around the world display statues of Mary as a queen dressed regally and wearing a crown. Often she holds Jesus always a baby. f) Today, millions of Catholic worldwide pray the rosary offering prayers like the following, Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen and Hail, holy Queen, Mother of Mercy! our life, our sweetness, and our hope! To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve; to thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley, of tears. Turn, then, most gracious Advocate, thine eyes of mercy toward us; and after this our exile show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus; O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary. ix g) The point of sharing these things is to make the point that involvement in the Catholic Church and especially the adoration of Mary is a major entry point for the spirit of Jezebel. In our opinion, if one has ever been baptized into the Catholic Church, confirmed into it, taken a Catholic name, or faithfully used the rosary, then almost certainly they are demonized by the spirit of Jezebel. 4. Another major entry point for the spirit of Jezebel is involvement in witchcraft, the occult, a cult or a false religion. a) We shared a lot about the connection between involvement in a false religion, the occult, overt witchcraft, or a cult in the last session so we won t go through it again here. We will say, however, that involvement in some form of these things is a common entry point for Jezebel. b) I remember a few years back when we were traveling to India that I was asked to speak to a Methodist Church ladies group about India and Hinduism. I had listened to several of the leaders of the group share from official material published by their national office. Predominantly, the material took the position that Hinduism was a perfectly acceptable way to God and should be thought of that way by the Christian Church. By the time I got up to speak I had had my fill of their universalism and I said something to the effect that Hinduism is not an acceptable way to God but that the worship of it is in actuality the invoking of demons. As you can imagine, that did not go over that well. I was never asked back to speak. However, I have ministered to a number of people who have come out of Hinduism and they are demonized by a multitude of demons. It is due to their worship of their many false gods. c) Thus, from this example and from our experience in deliverance, false worship no matter what the form leads to demonization by the spirit of Jezebel and subsidiary spirits. d) From the people to whom we have ministered, involvement in freemasonary has also been a recurring theme of demonization. In some cases, involvement by the person themselves in Page 10 of 17

11 this cult has led to demonization by Jezebel, but more commonly involvement in freemasonry by someone from a prior generation has been passed on as a generational curse leading to demonization by Jezebel. e) Also, those involved in seemingly innocent witchcraft practices have been demonized by the spirit of Jezebel. It seems that many who have dabbled in things like horoscopes, fortune telling, Ouija boards, and tarot cards have found that to be the source of entry for the spirit of Jezebel. f) The following list are some groups and practices that often lead to demonization. Witchcraft Scientology Tarot Cards New Age Unitarianism Palm Reading Freemasonry Islam Astrology Mormanism Hinduism Blood Pacts Jenovah Witnesses Ouija Board Incubi and Succubi Christian Science Fortune Telling 5. A fifth major entry point for the spirit of Jezebel is generational sin that is passed on to the one seeking deliverance. a) Several places in the scriptures, the Lord speaks of visiting the inequity of the fathers on the children even to the fourth generation (Ex. 34:7, 20:5-6, Deut. 5:10). Whereas there is a lot of debate within the Christian community whether a curse from the sin of a prior generation can affect a subsequent generation or not, our experience has been that often a demon has been given legal entry into the life of a believer through the sin committed by a parent, grandparent, or even a great grandparent. b) Because Jesus redeemed all believers from the curse of sin, death, and the law (Gal. 3:13, Rom. 8:2), God does not curse us due to generational issues. However, our experience has been that our bloodline can be a source for demons to pass from one generation to another. c) In our experience of ministering deliverance, we have observed on many occasions demons being passed on from one generation to the next. There have been several times when we were having problems delivering someone and finally realized that the entry point was not something that they had done or had been done directly to them, but rather some manner of demonization passed on from a prior generation. d) While it doesn t seem fair, this is a common source of entry for the spirit of Jezebel. Page 11 of 17

12 6. A sixth major entry point for the spirit of Jezebel is abuse committed against the one seeking deliverance. a) Abuse incorporates a wide range of actions committed against a person. It includes physical, emotional, or sexual mistreatment of someone through insulting or offensive words, harmful or improper practices against someone, or physical harm perpetrated against someone. b) Many more people than we would ever imagine have been abused in any number of ways. For sure, the abuser is demonized, but also the person abused is demonized. Abuse is a major source of rejection, shame, unworthiness, condemnation, and similar types of issues. c) In our experience, we have seen that a lot of people who come to us after having encountered abuse even if it took place years before are demonized by the spirit of Jezebel. It seems that abuse opens the door to rejection and by doing so to the spirit of Jezebel too. d) Now that we have identified six common entry points for the spirit of Jezebel, we will now identify several other entry points that although not specifically connected to Jezebel, open the door to demonization. III. Other Common Entry Points 1. One of the most common entry points for internal demonization is habitual sin either being participated in currently or from the past. a) Let s refer once again to Paul s list of the deeds of the flesh in Galatians 5. As we have already discussed, sexual sin which is thoroughly included in the list opens the door to Jezebel. Moreover, the list has a lot of other issues other than the sexual ones idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, anger, disputes, dissension, factions, envy, drunkenness, and carousing. b) Just like sexual sin opens the door to demonization, any form of sin does likewise. Some sins are so grievous that one sinful act demonizes the individual. The decision of Judas Iscariot to betray Jesus was such an act. When he went out from the Last Supper with his intention to betray Jesus, then Satan entered him (Luke 22:3). c) However, for the most part, one sinful act will not lead to demonization. But if we continue in a sin without repentance, it will eventually lead to demonization. If we struggle with anger and repeatedly get angry, we will become demonized by a spirit of anger. If we are repeatedly jealous, we will take on a spirit of jealousy. d) Thus, sin and especially habitual sin opens the door to demonization and is a major entry point. Page 12 of 17

13 2. Another common entry point is prolonged unforgiveness and bitterness toward another. a) Another very common entry point for demonization is unforgiveness and bitterness. When prolonged unforgiveness exists, there is an opening for the enemy to come in. When prolonged unforgiveness leads to bitterness the opening widens even more. Jesus spoke of the importance of forgiveness in Matthew 18: Jesus words are in the form of a story in which a man was forgiven a large sum of money but refused to forgive another for a small sum. In the story, He said that the one who refuses to forgive is turned over to the tormentor. His point was that no matter how deep or how grievous the hurt, by the grace of God one should forgive and release the person who has offended. b) Neil Anderson, in his book The Bondage Breaker, writes that forgiveness is not just forgetting about the grievance committed against you, it is agreeing to live with the consequences of the other person s sin. x c) We all know all too well that people hurt people. Virtually everyone has been hurt, wounded, offended, and/or abused over their life. When this happens, often unforgiveness results. I shared in the last session about the lady who through her spirit of Jezebel deeply divided our church. Through our encounter with her, we lost over two-thirds of our church. She gave me a prophetic word and did other things that led me into deep depression. I confess, I was extremely hurt and very angry at her for what she did. And she did not even think she had done anything wrong. I knew I had to forgive her but it was hard. In fact, it took years to do so. I would say that my unforgiveness evolved into bitterness. Had I not eventually dealt with it, it would have led to demonization. d) Unforgiveness and bitterness opens the door to demonization and forgiveness releases the person by no longer holding them accountable for the consequences of their actions. Thus, we must forgive and release to close the door of bitterness and unforgiveness. 3. Another entry point is a traumatic event. a) The dictionary defines trauma as an extremely distressing experience that causes severe emotional shock and may have long-lasting psychological effects. Trauma can be caused by a wide variety of issues, such as an accident, an act of provocation against a person, a very fearful occurrence, a catastrophic natural disaster, or a near death experience. b) Traumatic incidents often open the door to the enemy for demonization. Many times people who suffer through a traumatic event will often be demonized by issues like fear, paranoia, torment, anger or rage. At times, traumatic actions trigger rejection and other demonic strongholds. c) Some traumatic events happen as a normal course of life and are not the result of any person s actions. Others are the result of the sin of another and some are the result of a person s own sin. Whatever the reason for it, trauma opens the door to the demonic and is an entry point for demonization. Page 13 of 17

14 4. Another entry point is prenatal issues that occurred to someone while in their mother s womb. a) As hard is this to imagine, issues that happen to a person while in their mother s womb can be an open door for the demonic. Issues like unwanted pregnancy, unwanted gender, uncertainty over whether to abort can cause rejection and other sorts of demonization. b) Dereck Prince shares this story, At one time in the U.S. I encountered an unusually large number of people in a certain age group who suffered from rejection. When I checked the birth dates, I discovered that these fell between 1929 and 1934 the Great Depression. I realized that mothers who were already having a hard time making ends meet resented the prospect of another mouth to feed. They may or may not have verbalized their resentment, but the sensitive little personalities in the womb felt it and came forth already carrying a spirit of rejection. c) We experienced an issue like this with our fourth child. When my wife was carrying him in the womb, we were just learning about the prophetic. We had three different people prophesy over him a name all the same name and all the name of a girl. Therefore, we thought and spoke before he was born that he would be a girl. I even spoke it from the pulpit in a message I had preached. Needless to say, he was not a girl but a boy. You would never have thought it by looking at him. He was an all-state basketball player and captain of his team. Even so, amazingly, as a young adult he had to go through a lot of deliverance focused around the issue of emasculation. d) Thus, from experience, we know that prenatal issues often create an open door for demonization. 5. Another entry point is a soul tie with another person. a) Paul wrote to the Corinthian Church, Or do you not know that the one who joins himself to a prostitute is one body with her? For He says, THE TWO SHALL BECOME ONE FLESH " (1 Cor. 6:16). When an immoral sexual act or an unhealthy emotional relationship takes place between two people, a soul tie often results. b) Soul ties are intimate bonds to another human being that were not of the spirit but of the soul and were never intended to be formed as they did. Peter Horrobin writes the following, If a person, for example, has had several sexual partners, he or she now has a soul tie with each one of them. Something of that unique person has been given away to each sexual partner, and something of the partner has become part of that person Instead of this union constituting a godly soul tie which brings great blessing into the lives of a husband and wife it becomes a chain of bondage through which people are influenced unknowingly by the life and personality of those to whom they have been sexually joined. xi Page 14 of 17

15 c) Soul ties can bring forth the transfer of demons from one party to the other at the time of sex. d) To be clear, it is not just sexual soul ties that can occur. Any ungodly emotional connection between two people can also result in a soul tie. We have seen this happen on more than one occasion and when it does, the weaker of the two people will come under the control of the other as though like Paul wrote to the Galatians they are bewitched (Gal. 3:1) by the one with the more dominant personality. e) However it might occur, soul ties open one to being demonized and in need of deliverance. f) Now that we have examined eleven potential entry points, let s next look at how to discern what demonizes you. IV. Discerning Your Need 1. The queen of heaven says that no one sees her. a) The scripture states about the queen of heaven : Yet you have said, I shall be a queen forever ; Who dwells securely ; I shall not sit as a widow, nor shall I know the loss of children ; You felt secure in your wickedness ; and no one sees me (Isa. 47:7-10). b) Much of the queen of heaven s and her earthly counterpart, the spirit of Jezebel s success in keeping people in bondage is that this spirit is often hidden from our recognition. As we mentioned earlier, some of her tentacles are easy to recognize but many are not. c) Therefore, if we really want to go free from her snare, we must discern how this spirit and all of its subordinate spirits manifest and how they have impacted your life. To go free from the snare of Jezebel will require a thorough look deep into our soul so as to know all with which she has demonized you. d) God does not want us to be naval gazers who look continually for sin and imperfections in our life. God is perfectly capable of letting us know when there are issues with which He wants us to address. Even so, in a season of deliverance like is happening now, it is a time to look deep into our life, our past, and our hurts, wounds, and brokenness and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to us the issues from which we must go free. 2. We suggest a six step process to pursue deliverance. a) We suggest six steps to discern your need and then go free from the snare of Jezebel, her subsidiaries, and from all other demonization that might be in your life. The first four steps are done by you alone in your secret place. The fifth step is done either in a group setting or in an individual counseling session with a deliverance team. b) The six steps are summarized as follows: i. Open your time in prayer praying protection over yourself and your family and asking the Holy Spirit to lead you into all truth. Page 15 of 17

16 Page 16 of 17 ii. Looking through the list of entry points identified in this session, determine which entry points pertain to you either through issues you are currently dealing with or doors you have opened in the past. Even if you have been through deliverance for a specific entry point in the past, we encourage you to do it again as the Lord probably wants to do a deeper cleansing in your soul. iii. Use the questionnaire in Attachment A located in the back of the notes to indicate what specific issues you have been involved with now or in the past. For example, if you realize you have been rejected (the entry point), then there are a lot of issues that go hand in hand with rejection. Issues like control, manipulation, criticism, judgment, etc. this list will become the starting point for demons we should address in the power encounter. iv. Go deeper in discerning the issues through prayer for discernment of what God wants you to go free from. v. Once you have made a thorough list, next comes the truth encounter. We will explain it in the next session, but essentially the truth encounter is to counter the reason for entry into your life. For example, if the entry point is your sin, the truth encounter is to specifically, deeply, and thoroughly repent of that sin. If the entry point is bitterness in your heart, then the truth encounter is to forgive and release the person who hurt you. If the entry point is involvement in some form of witchcraft, then the truth encounter is to renounce your involvement in that activity. vi. Finally, once you have done all of the above, you should go through the power encounter. The power encounter will be explained in Session 7, but in essence it is working with a deliverance team to evict the spirits following your removal of their legal grounds for entry into your life. You will find that some of the demons will leave as you deal with the truth issues, but normally not all of them. Some must be expelled by the power of the blood of Jesus and the authority of the name of Jesus and the Word of God. c) Now that you understand the process, we want to mention a little more about prayer. It is crucial to getting an effective deliverance, and much of the prayer must be you praying in your secret place as you discern the spirits and deal with the truth encounter. 3. Ask God to show you the entry points in your life and by what are you demonized. a) Since much of the queen s effect on your life is hidden from plain view, you must ask the Holy Spirit for revelation of what entry points have been opened in your life either by things you did or by actions done toward you or in prior generations. Knowing the entry points for your life will help greatly, but you still need to add fervent prayer to the discovery process. b) Many of Paul s apostolic prayers are very helpful tools to pray asking for wisdom and revelation, true knowledge of God and His will, for the enlightening of the eyes of our

17 understanding. You can find two very effective prayers of Paul in Ephesians 1:17-19 and Colossians 1:9-14. c) The scriptures tell us that one of the manifestations of the Holy Spirit is discerning of spirits (1 Cor. 12:10, NKJV). Ask God to release that gift to you as you search your heart for what might be there. We employ that gift extensively when we minister deliverance, and find it extremely helpful. d) Include fasting into your time of discerning the spirits, dealing with the truth encounter that we will discuss in the next session, and prior to meeting with the deliverance team for ministry. Remember Jesus said that some spirits do not come out except by prayer and fasting (Matt. 17:21). e) So, get started by beginning to work through the first four steps of the process we just mentioned. It might be a challenging time for you, but rest assured, it will be well worth it! i Terry Bennett, Why We Fight (Terry Bennett Ministries, Vanleer, TN: 2015), p ii Topos, Thayer's Greek Lexicon, Electronic Database. Copyright 2000, 2003, 2006 by Biblesoft, Inc. All rights reserved. iii Joan Haase, Babylon is Falling (Panorama Printing, Toowoomba, Australia), p.9. iv Benko, p v Ibid, p vi Ibid, p vii Ibid, p viii ix x Neil Anderson, The Bondage Breaker (Harvest House Publishers, Eugene, Oregon: 1993), p xi Doris Wagner, How to Minister Freedom (Regal Publishing, Ventura, CA: 2005), Article authored by Peter Horrobin, pp Page 17 of 17

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