Biblical Standards on Homosexuality a discussion resource for individuals and families

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1 Biblical Standards on Homosexuality a discussion resource for individuals and families

2 Introduction This resource has been prepared on the topic of homosexuality and same-sex activity to encourage and equip the redeemed people of God to share His truth, love and grace as He has called us to do. Like most of the hot topics from this summer s series, the subject of same-sex attraction and activity brings out a great deal of emotion on both sides of the conversation. For many, there is personal experience behind their understanding and perspective. For others, the emotions they feel towards the subject, or from an experience with somebody they know, has influenced the perspective they now have positive or negative. Because of the emotions behind this hot topic, an encouraging conversation in light of God s Word, and our Savior Jesus Christ, is not easily had. It is also quite easy to talk about homosexuality and same-sex activity as a cultural issue, or a theological issue, and forget that it involves real people, with real struggles. This is a topic that concerns the very people our Savior loves and gave His life up for people like you and me. It is one that is to be approached prayerfully and with great sensitivity because of the painful experiences and struggles many individuals and families have had as they have tried to faithfully live according to our Lord s desire. There has been a great deal spoken and written about the topic of homosexuality and the truth of God s Word from all perspectives. What follows is our effort, as the baptized, marked and redeemed people of God at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, to turn to God s Word for our understanding concerning homosexuality and same-sex activity. This is not an intellectual experience, but an opportunity to see how God s truth, in our Savior Jesus Christ, has broken into our reality to bring us freedom, hope and life. What follows is not the final word in this discussion, but an opportunity to let God s Word of truth and grace frame and encourage our conversations within our homes, with our friends and neighbors, and with the very people that God has placed around us. We, as the people of God at Gloria Dei, will remain faithful to the truth and authority of God s Word, and its application to our lives, and loving those He has placed around us with His same amazing love and grace that God has shown to us in His Son Jesus Christ. This resource is not intended to highlight one sin over another, nor ostracize any person struggling in this sin from the rest of the Body of Christ. As the family of God at Gloria Dei, we welcome ALL people, in any stage of life, seeking the love and grace of our Savior Jesus Christ. If you are questioning your own sexuality, struggling through a personal experience or just have more questions, please do not hesitate to contact our pastoral staff at , or visit and send us an . Better yet, please join us for worship on Sunday mornings. As you learn more about us, you'll find there is that we are part of a larger conservative church body called the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. One of our pastors would love to meet with you, to speak directly to any questions you have and how we live out our beliefs and values, as the body of Christ at Gloria Dei. May our Savior s abundant mercy and grace envelop you, as you share in His love and the freedom, hope and life that is each of ours in Christ.

3 What is homosexuality? The sexual orientation and desire for another person of the same gender. What is same-sex activity? The physical act of sexual intercourse or sexual acts with a person of the same gender. What does LGBTQ mean? It is an acronym for the lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgender, or questioning community, representing diverse ages, racial, ethnic, and socio-economic backgrounds and religious beliefs. Why should the Church speak into this topic? To some, it sounds like the church is adapting to the ways of the world and culture. In our American culture, and throughout the world, homosexuality, transgenderism, bi-sexuality, and any sexual activity outside of a marriage relationship- such as adultery, extra-marital affairs, pornography and other forms of sexuality -are becoming more culturally acceptable. It has been the Church s understanding and teaching from its beginnings that this is contrary to what God s Word says about appropriate human sexuality, according to His design and creation. However, as our culture has accepted these different forms of human sexuality, it has raised questions in the Church and its teachings if God s Word actually speaks of homosexuality, same-sex activity, and other forms of sexuality as a sin. The question has also been raised that if it is a sin, is it a sin worthy of condemnation, or is it a sin that is forgivable in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Often in contemporary conversation, the question is asked, Why is this sin (homosexuality, transgenderism, bisexuality, etc.) any different from the sins of gluttony, alcoholism, adultery, and the like? This is also a topic we should discuss because it concerns those many consider their closest friends, or their siblings, or children, or relatives. This is not just a cultural issue we can stand back and analyze. No, this is an opportunity to love with Christ s grace and truth, the very people our Savior has put around us. As Jesus calls us to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world, (Matthew 5:13-16) the Church has the opportunity to inform the conscience of our community and speak God s word of Truth- freedom, hope and life into conversations that are happening within and outside the Christian community. As we all live in a sin-filled world in which each of struggle with sin and its effects, the Bible reminds us that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. (Romans 3:23-24) And, that there is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. (Romans 8:1)

4 What should we remember in approaching this conversation? This is a conversation that best happens in the built trust of a developed relationship. Without this trust and relationship, it too easily offends one or both people; it does not lead to a conversation saturated with God s love and grace and it causes people to assume a defensive position, thereby relegating people into issues and objects, instead of people created by God and loved unconditionally by Him. A healthy place to start with this conversation is to reflect within and ask the tough questions of yourself: have I treated others with contempt, resentment or prejudice because of their race, religion, and/or sexual orientation or activity? If so, confess this as a sin and ask God to give you the strength and grace to begin with an apology for any offense, misunderstanding or lack of love you may have shown to someone at some time in your relationship. Starting with confession and forgiveness begins your conversation in the reality of our Savior s grace instead of our natural, sinful defensiveness. It is in these Hot Topic conversations we are able to have with our family, our friends, or co-workers, that we are able to do justice, love kindness, walk humbly with our God (Micah 6:8 ESV) knowing that without His amazing love, all of us would be lost. We have all sinned in some way (Romans 3:23-24), but it is only in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ that we are forgiven and redeemed. We are called, above all things, to love one another (1 John 3; 1 Corinthians 13; Matthew 7:12-13; Luke 6:27-42). We are called to be slow to speak and quick to listen (James 1:19-20). Avoid clichés you do not want to assume the person you are talking with has the same perspective as you, or understands everything you are saying. In loving others as Christ loves us, we are responsible for bearing the burden of awkwardness or judgment from others (1 Peter 4:1-11; 1 Corinthians 13). It is because our Savior did this very thing throughout the Gospels that the sinners and tax-collectors drew near to him, the people the religious leaders had deemed outside of morality. It is because Jesus lived this way and did His ministry this way, that the very people He came to save were drawn to His amazing love and grace. We do not have to condone a person s actions to show them respect and dignity as fellow people that our God madly loves (John 4). It is in the development of a relationship in our Savior s love and grace that we then have the opportunity to turn to His Word together to seek after His desire for us to live our lives according to His will and design. While God s Word does call homosexuality a sin (see Scripture passages below) it does not say it is greater than others, or an unforgivable sin. It is a sin just as all other sins and is forgiven in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, as are all sins. Throughout the Gospels, Jesus called out sinful behavior and activity according to His teaching of the Law, but Jesus was not permissive in His love (Matthew 5-7), nor was His love and grace conditional on one s correct behavior (Luke 23:39-43).

5 The Bible does not address whether homosexuality is a choice, or a genetic issue. Nor does it address this in other sins such as drunkenness (most likely what we consider alcoholism). But, it does say all are born sinful and are in need of God s grace and mercy. Ultimately, sin separates us from our loving God, whether genetic or not, and requires His abundant grace to bring us back into relationship with Him and give us eternal life. We all experience this separation (2 Corinthians 5) and our Savior did what was necessary to bring us back to Him. Just because Jesus does not explicitly speak to homosexuality in the four Gospels, does not mean it is not a sin in God s Word. Both the Old and New Testament writers do speak to this sexual sin, as well as all sexual sins and all sin in general, in light of God s grace and mercy in the Promised Messiah, Jesus Christ. As Christians, as people redeemed in Jesus Christ, we do not believe our identity is in our sinfulness no matter what that sinfulness may be (same-sex activity, adultery, greed, selfishness, drunkenness, etc...). Our identity is in our redemption in Jesus Christ and our baptism into His death and resurrection (Romans 6, 1 Corinthians 6:11, 2 Corinthians 5:17). This also directly impacts how we view others. Do we identify them by their sinfulness, or do we seek to see them in the love, grace and redemption of Jesus Christ? What is the role and importance of confession, forgiveness and repentance? As the redeemed people of God in Jesus Christ we know our sins are all forgiven in the death and resurrection of Jesus. But, throughout our life here on earth, we are called to confess our sinfulness, seek Christ s forgiveness, and then live a life of repentance turning away from our sinfulness and seeking to live as God desires us to live. 1 John 1:5-9 speaks directly to this. To not confess our sins, or to think we are without sin, is to actually call our Lord a liar since His Word clearly says that each of us is sinful by nature and in our actions. But, in the confession of these sins, in the death and resurrection of our Savior, there is the promise of forgiveness of these sins both those we confess and those we don t even realize we are doing. Throughout the New Testament, and even the Old Testament, the forgiven people of God are called to repent, to turn away from their sins, in the love of God. Paul speaks directly to this in Romans 6. As the redeemed people of God, to continually and knowingly carry out the same sin over and over again calls into question our confession and seeking of God s forgiveness. Repentance does not mean one will not commit that sin again. But, repentance is our response to God s forgiveness in Jesus Christ and seeking to follow after His desire and will for our lives. It is an act of faith, that by the Spirit of God, our lives will reflect the new, redeemed person we have become in our Savior s grace and in our baptism.

6 What are the Scripture passages concerning homosexuality or same-sex activity? Each of the texts below is a common Scripture passage used when discussing this hot topic. However, not all of them directly reference homosexuality or same-sex activity. But, they do help form our understanding and perspective concerning the overall topic of human sexuality according to God s design and desire. It is important to look at these Scripture passages in their entire context to actually glean what the author of each passage is speaking to and the truth of God s Word that we can use in our conversations. Much of the disagreement that has arisen in our culture today is from taking these texts out of their full context and trying to proof-text in an effort to win the conversation/argument. Genesis 2:4-25 This is creation of man and woman in the Garden of Eden in paradise, before the Fall into Sin and its consequence of brokenness, destruction and death (Genesis 3). It is important to note in this text that God created Adam and Eve for a specific purpose. Adam to work in the Garden, care for it and his family, and to lead them according to God s desire and command. Eve was created for the companionship of Adam, to help him serve in his role in God s Creation, as well as, together, to bring about the next generation through sex and procreation. Eve was the designated person in God s design and creation to carry children in her womb through pregnancy. The relationship between Adam and Eve was to be unique, different than either of their relationships with any other part of Creation. God designed the relationship between man and woman, husband and wife, to be unique and different. No other relationship in all of creation would reflect, or should reflect, what the relationship of a husband and wife does in God s Creation. The Apostle Paul speaks directly to this in Ephesians 5: From the beginning, God s design and desire was for marriage, between one man and one woman for one life, to be the foundation of a healthy and flourishing community, society and world. Genesis This is the account of the destruction of Sodom, and consequently Gomorrah and the other cities of the valley. It is especially pertinent to this Hot Topic because of Genesis 19:5, And they called to Lot, Where are the men that came to you tonight? Bring them out to us, that we may know them. (ESV) The Hebrew word, yada, to know, does mean to know intellectually, to understand a concept. However, throughout the Old Testament, it is most often used in a sexual manner, as a husband knows his wife through their sexual intimacy and relationship. It is the same word used in Genesis 4 when Adam knew Eve and she conceived and gave birth to Cain, their first born.

7 There is debate as to why God destroyed Sodom and the other cities of the valley. Was it because of their sexual immorality (same-sex activity) or because of their overall sinfulness? The text does not explicitly answer this question, but it does certainly tie the sinful actions of the men of Sodom seeking to know the visitors at Lot s house, angels of the Lord, Genesis 19:1, to the ultimate destruction of Sodom and all the cities of that valley, Genesis 19:20. This text deals specifically with same-sex activity, not same-sex attraction (homosexuality). This distinction is important moving forward throughout the rest of Scripture with regards to any sin. Leviticus Leviticus 18 speaks directly to God s commands concerning human sexuality and what He deems are holy, sexual relations and activity. It is important to note this does not mean homosexuality wasn t accepted before this (go back to Genesis 18-19). But, what it does tell us is that God in His desire to have a people set apart, holy, from all other people of the world, commands human sexuality to take place in a certain way and in a certain relationship (go back to Genesis 2). According to His design, it is in the relationship of one man and one woman for one lifetime (marriage) that human sexual activity is lived out in a God-pleasing manner. Notice all of the sexual sins that are listed in this passage. At no point in the history of God s people does God explicitly label homosexuality or same-sex activity as the condemning sexual sin. It is always put in the context of all sins of sexuality that go against God s desire and design for His people. While the actions of the men of Sodom seem to lead to their destruction (Genesis 19), it is never explicitly said that it was the only reason. The consequences of sinful action that God proclaims throughout Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy, are in His effort to set His people apart from every other nation around them, including the very nations of people in the land He has promised they will inhabit (the Promised Land). In Exodus 20 we have the 10 Commandments first spoken. It is important to know Exodus 20:1-3 where God says to Moses, I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. You shall have no other gods before me. God puts the commandments that Moses is to speak to the people in the context of His redemption and freedom. They are to obey His commands because He has freed them from slavery. These are not commands of oppression, but commands for a life of freedom lived according to His Word and in His love. What follows from Exodus 20 through the Book of Leviticus, are commandments, not of oppression, but of freedom so that God s people can live abundant lives as He desired, created, and redeemed them to live.

8 John 7:53-8:38 Early manuscripts of the original Greek texts do not have this section of Scripture. However, the Church at large has been using them for many centuries, and they do proclaim the over-all message of God s mercy and grace in Jesus Christ. The woman in this story was caught in adultery, a sexual sin that could result in a condemnation of death (as did all the sexual sins of Leviticus 18-19). What is important in this text for the Hot Topic of homosexuality is Jesus actions and words towards the woman and her accusers. He says in 8:7, Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her. (ESV). Nobody is able to do such a thing. So, Jesus then says, Neither do I condemn you; go, and from now on sin no more. As followers of Christ, how He responds to situations throughout the Gospel accounts should be our example of how we respond. Jesus did not condemn the woman. Instead, He highlighted for everyone in this situation that not a single person is without sin. Not a single person has standing over another on the basis of sinfulness and holiness. All have sinned and therefore all are worthy of condemnation. However, He came to bring life and salvation (John 3:16-17), not condemnation. This text, and many others throughout the Gospels, should shape our perspective on how we approach this Hot Topic and all topics with humility. While one person s sin may not be our own (yes, throughout Old Testament and New Testament it is clearly outlined what are sins), we all have them, and therefore we are all deserving of condemnation. But, just as Jesus did not condemn the woman in this passage because of her sinfulness, neither does He condemn us. Instead He points to His death and resurrection for our forgiveness and the forgiveness of all people. Notice though, even though He did not condemn her in her act of sin, He did not condone it either. In fact, His final statement to her was a call to live her life as one of His redeemed children. He said to her, Go and sin no more. This example in the Gospel of John shows us how we can respect and love an individual and not actually condone the sin they are committing. But, it starts in the unconditional love of our Savior for each of His people.

9 Romans 1 The Apostle Paul begins this letter to the Christians in Rome with a clear distinction and understanding of the consequence of one s sinful nature and sinful acts unrighteousness in God s judgment and condemnation according to His Law. Romans 1:24-32 have been used in various ways, especially 1:26-27 concerning samesex activity and homosexuality. These verses have even been used to explain the HIV/AIDS epidemic throughout the homosexual community in the later part of the 1900s. While same-sex activity and homosexuality is spoken of in this passage, 1:26-27, this is not the main intent of Paul s list of sins and their ultimate consequence. Instead, 1:32 speaks to what Paul was trying to address, Though they know God s righteous decree that those who practice such things deserve to die, they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them. (ESV). Paul is addressing those who know the truth of God and His commands and still, unrepentantly, live and act opposite of what God desires. It is vitally important that this section is one part of Paul s argument that our salvation is through Christ s death and resurrection alone, the amazing love and grace of our Savior (see Romans 3 below). Apart from the overall context of Paul s letter to the Romans, this does not speak the truth of our Lord in Jesus Christ that in His death resurrection we have freedom, hope and life. Romans 3:9-31 Paul makes several important points in this section of his letter to the Romans. First, he makes it quite clear that one s heritage or upbringing does not make one any more righteous or holy than anybody else. In our context we could argue that growing up in the Church and knowing the Scriptures doesn t make us any better than somebody who has just come to faith in Jesus Christ. Secondly, in 3:19-20, Paul makes clear that nobody can be considered justified righteous by keeping the Law perfectly simply because nobody can do it. This goes back to John 8 and Jesus proclamation to the adulterous woman and those trying to condemn her. Thirdly, it is the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, nothing else, that makes a person righteous, 3: It is not Jesus death and resurrection plus a person s good works. It is only Jesus death and resurrection that brings the forgiveness of sins and a new, redeemed life in Him. So, while nobody can be justified by keeping the Law perfectly, neither can we expect the Law to change a person or bring them freedom, hope and life. It is the good news of Jesus death and resurrection that brings freedom, hope and life to a person, and ultimately brings about a new life (see 2 Corinthians 5:11-21 below).

10 1 Corinthians 6 This passage is often used in the discussion of homosexuality as a proof-text that it is wrong, against God s Law, and even condemnable (along with Romans 1 above). But, what are the sins of sexual immorality Paul is referring to? Go through the letter of 1 Corinthians and look for the sins of sexual immorality that Paul highlights. Look closely at 6: Paul says to flee these sins of sexual immorality (as he lists them throughout his letter to the Corinthians) because they have been redeemed in Jesus Christ. Paul, throughout his letters in the New Testament, makes the argument that one s life should change because of the good news that they have been redeemed in Jesus Christ. This is much like what God says to the people of Israel in Exodus 20:1-3 as He gives the commands to Moses. The section where Paul calls the Corinthian Church to flee from the sins of sexual immorality is sandwiched between 1 Corinthians 6:11 which says, And such were some of you. But you were washed (baptized), you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God. (ESV), and 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, you are not your own. You were bought at a price. So glorify God with your body. (ESV) To demand a person change their life outside of redemption in Jesus Christ s death and resurrection is only going to cause shame, anger, and possibly even hatred. As people redeemed in Christ Jesus, we are to first seek to change our own lives by His grace and mercy, and in so doing, then help others do the same. While Paul addresses sexual immorality throughout his first letter to the Corinthians, that does not mean he thinks it s a worse sin than others. However, he recognizes, that sins of sexual immorality affect more than just one individual because they are done with two or more people! The fallout from sexual sins impacts entire families and sometimes even entire communities (Genesis 18-19). He calls out all sins of sexual immorality in his letter to the Corinthian Church because these were the very sins this community was experiencing as they were seeking to live as redeemed people of God in Jesus Christ. Ephesians 2:1-10 It is important that we all remember how each of us has been justified and brought into the Kingdom of our Savior Jesus Christ by His death and resurrection. It is His grace and mercy that has declared us forgiven of sin and made new in Him (2 Corinthians 5:17). The imagery that Paul uses here is quite vivid. He says we were dead in our sins. We could not do anything to remove them, or our guilt, from ourselves. A dead person cannot do anything for themselves. But, in His grace, God brought us back to life in His love. God is the one who breathes life into us, who shapes and molds us, who changes and removes those very things that are not as He desires them to be.

11 Galatians 5:1-6:10 Paul, in his letter to the Galatians, speaks directly to how our lives should be lived in light of our redemption in Jesus Christ and the truth that His Spirit now dwells within us. Our lives, how we speak and act, should be unique and different from that of the culture we live in, because we are set apart, made holy, in Jesus Christ. Look at 5: Paul says explicitly how we should act and speak in light of who we now are in Jesus Christ. When it comes to this Hot Topic, have we as the Church reflected love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness or self-control? Too often we have not. This does not mean we are silent on what God s Word says about this Hot Topic or other hot topics that our culture faces. But, it does mean we speak and live in a manner that reflects our Savior Jesus Christ, and how He approached these very issues like in John 8. Where we have failed, we should confess and seek forgiveness. And, in repentance, seek to approach those God has placed around us bearing the fruit of the Spirit that the Apostle Paul highlights in Galatians 5. When we are able to have conversations in this way, it reminds us that we are not trying to win an argument, but to proclaim freedom, hope and life to a person whose life is not one lived in Christ s freedom, hope or life. Ultimately, it is the Spirit of God that turns a person s heart and mind to the truth of our Savior Jesus Christ not us. We are called to simply live our lives, and speak, in such a way that we proclaim His good news. 1 Timothy 1:3-17 Paul actually uses the word, homosexuality, in this passage 1:10. But, it is important to realize why. He is speaking to Timothy, a young pastor, whom Paul is sending to a certain context. He is preparing Timothy for what he is going to face as he proclaims the good news of Jesus Christ to the people he is ministering. Paul s main point in this passage is that Timothy is not to swerve from the Word of God that he has been taught, and what the Word of God proclaims that all are sinful and in need of God s mercy and grace. Through the promised Messiah Jesus Christ, in His death and resurrection, there is forgiveness, salvation and life everlasting. In Jesus Christ, there is not condemnation, but life eternal. Paul is also reminding Timothy, and us as we now read his letter, that our lives and speech should be what we know to be true in Jesus Christ that in His death and resurrection there is redemption for all people, no matter their sin or upbringing.

12 Resources The following list is not an exhaustive list of resources on this very struggle in our walk of faith, but these are resources that speak to our understanding of God s Word His truth and grace and provide valuable insight for us as we seek to love those God has placed around us. From the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod the following resources are available: Frequently Asked Questions: Family, Marriage and Human Sexuality Ministry Plan to Homosexuals and the Families, A. Human Sexuality: A Theological Perspective Books and other resources: Homosexuality and the Christian. Mark A. Yarhouse, Psy. D., Bethany House Publishers: People to be Loved: Why homosexuality is not just an issue. Preston Sprinkle. Zondervan: Washed and Waiting: Reflections on Christian faithfulness and homosexuality. Wesley Hill. Zondervan: Welcoming But Not Affirming: An Evangelical response to homosexuality. Stanley J.

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