The Children of the Holy Spirit August, This is an announcement of the HS.

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1 The Children of the Holy Spirit August, 2007 This is an announcement of the HS. I wish to declare that the Second Coming of the Children of the Holy Spirit is here. There is a new wave of the seed of the Holy Spirit, which is being presented, in modern day. This is for the coming of the spirit as promised by Christ when he was on this plane. The Children of the Holy Spirit, is the seed of His breath. The HS is invisible in nature; it cannot be seen, and so it must implant its nature in the hearts of the human spirit. You will see, however, that certain of these seeds are closer to its spirit and are, in fact, of the Holy Spirit, much as Christ himself was. This is the new seed. The second wave of the HS is to make peace accessible for all the constituents of the earth plane. Peace is no longer impossible; in fact, it is certain among its seed. I equate peace with the Holy Spirit it is inseparable it is a wave of the consciousness of the Christ, which has come to rest amongst its constituents. I offer you this seed for your own awareness, and in particular for those seed of the Holy Spirit, to recognize themselves as the second seed, the second wave, which is to usher in a new peace. This is complete with the testimony Christ gave when He was of this earth. It is His seed which has come as the second wave, and we are here to present its meaning to those who need to recognize themselves as this seed. The seed of the Holy Spirit is present in all of man. He is responsible for its administration to his brethren. The seed of the Holy Spirit must be recognized in order for it to come to the forefront of his awareness. This can be done through prayer and meditation. There are certain circumstances when one will perceive themselves as the Holy Spirit, and the time has come for such an awakening as this. The seed of the Holy Spirit the second wave will be called, for our purposes, the Children of the Holy Spirit (TCOTHS). This is for their convenience that we give them a title such as this. It will help them with their self-identifying process, which we entitle the labeling of the seed of the Holy Spirit. It is a necessary process to ascertain for it is in this process where the Holy Spirit can be set free, of which peace is its consequence. The Holy Spirit must be set free from the one in which it is contained. Can the spirit be freed? Yes, but only in the awareness of the one in whom the spirit is perceived. The Holy Spirit is in all men; this cannot be contained, but their awareness of it can be. This is what we wish to correct. For in order for the Holy Spirit to be freed, man must offer this invitation for the Holy Spirit to become present in the forefront of the person in which it is perceived. This is essential for its release. The Holy Spirit cannot be freed of its own volition. The person who has perceived of themselves as the Holy Spirit, can contain its presence, unbeknownst to its neighbours, for as long as the person is deceived. Once the person recognizes they are the Holy Spirit, the spirit cannot be contained for it is the nature of the Holy Spirit to emanate its essence of peace to all of its neighbours. It is a function of the Holy Spirit, and it cannot be contained. Nor would the person who is perceived want to contain this spirit for it has been their life long quest to see this spirit is freed.

2 It is unbeknownst to the seed of the Holy Spirit, the Children of the Holy Spirit, that they are this seed, until such time as they have been introduced to their calling by another seed of the Holy Spirit who has released his nature. This has been done by us issuing this calling to the seed the Children of the Holy Spirit. A seed of the Holy Spirit has released this nature, and so all the Children of the Holy Spirit are coming into awakening. This has the potential to awaken the Holy Spirit on this earth plane, to such a degree, that peace will become permanent within this generation. However, it is difficult for the seed of the Holy Spirit to recognize their own nature. That is why we must take this calling slowly and proceed with peace, not rushing to discover our holy being, but peacefully waiting for its emergence. The seed of the Holy Spirit are awaiting this awakening. In so doing, they have become the Children of the Holy Spirit. As I have said, the seed of the Holy Spirit is present in all who are on this earth. However, it is the calling of a chosen select, who are being called to present this power within their being during this lifetime, and in so doing, are in fact being the Holy Spirit. It is not of their choosing; it is of their being. However, they are not choosing to be a human spirit either. This world is great suffering for the Children of the Holy Spirit, for they are unaware of their Spirit Being, yet they are present in a dense and limited form such as the human presence. It is their desire as the Holy Spirit to engage in a human sense, and yet bring the peace of the Divine to its presence. The Children of the Holy Spirit are set to engage with this human presence, and facilitate its release back to the Christ realization, and thus back to peace in unity with the Divine presence. This facilitation takes precedence over the engagement in the life of the human spirit. Thus, life for the Children of the Holy Spirit can be quite difficult as they engage with the human spirit. They do not understand its limited means of engagement with the Christ spirit. They are in awe of the difficulties of the human race to having a peaceful experience while on this planet. They cannot conceive of a world in which the Christ does not exist. Yet, here they are on this planet, and not a wave of peace, as Christ permits, is present. This is great suffering indeed. The Children of the Holy Spirit need to understand they are on this planet, of the human spirit, for a purpose, and that this purpose is peace. However, it is not in their current understanding that they have this purpose. Nor do they understand what this purpose is, or that it could be contained with their presence. The Children of the Holy Spirit have a very limited understanding of what their purpose is, and this is cause for a great deal of frustration. The Children of the Holy Spirit do not, at present, understand neither their purpose nor that they have a calling to be the Holy Spirit in its presence here on earth. That is why we are in need of this awakening, and that is why it is being delivered. The Children of the Holy Spirit have a great purpose indeed, and we must point it out to them what it is. It is within their understanding that they have a great purpose on this planet, and as I have said this is a great source of their frustration because they cannot pinpoint what this purpose is. Also, they are aware that their purpose is great, and so their expectations exceed what it actually is to be the Children of the Holy Spirit. To be this seed, is great indeed, however, it is in the realization of the Holy Spirit, where one s gift is released. This is the purpose of the Children of the Holy Spirit, and it can be missed as having occurred for its simplicity in being released. It takes a mere fraction of a second for this spirit to be released, yet the Children of the Holy Spirit are expecting a great function on their part. There can be no greater function than

3 this, for in so doing in recognizing themselves as the Holy Spirit they have released peace. Could it be a greater function than this? The Children of the Holy Spirit often have difficulty in recognizing what their purpose is. This can lead to a very challenging life until they release this spirit. It is not in their recognition, as a human spirit, that this release could be of any benefit. In fact, if they were not looking for this release, they could miss this benefit altogether, and continue searching for another purpose. This can be very confusing to their spirit. In introducing what the Children of the Holy Spirit is, we can perhaps encourage these seed to release their spirit and find satisfaction in the gifts they gave. Thus they, as human spirit, can find peace within their own existence, and live a life that is satisfactory to their human expectations of what life is. It is in the release of this spirit that peace can be given, but also that it can be received. Up until the point the spirit is released, it is a very challenging life indeed. There are some common characteristics of the Children of the Holy Spirit. The first is that these seed would rather be anywhere than on this earth sphere. It is confusing to their nature of being the Holy Spirit to be contained in such a contaminated sphere as the human experience. They are free of spirit and to be here is a disease. They are here to bring peace, but it is not until it is in recognition within their spirit that this is why they are here, that they can find peace with their decision to be the seed of the Holy Spirit. These seed have come to the human sphere on many occasions in preparation for their life as the human seed of the Holy Spirit. There is great fear amongst these Children of the Holy Spirit, that they will meet the same fate again and again, as perhaps they perceived from a previous experience on this earth. It is not to be this way for them. They are simply to release this seed as the Holy Spirit, and then to go on with their lives as a normal human spirit, whatever this is to them. These seed perceive themselves as a loving human spirit, although not of this sphere, and this is confusing to them as well. This is why we are introducing this new wave, so they can conceive of themselves as a human spirit who is not of this earth, and that it is the new way for spirit to be. Thus, they will find a kinship in other members of this earth, and not feel as if they are a disease to its environment, but can offer a new peace to it. The second characteristic of the Children of the Holy Spirit is the way in which they perceive themselves. They have no idea what constitutes a Child of the Holy Spirit, never mind what gifts it comes to bring. Thus, they have no way to categorize their being, and often end up chastising themselves for being lesser than other beings. They cannot perceive of their great spirit, for it is not in the consciousness of the human being that one can be this Great Spirit, and so they often suffer from low self-esteem. It is the nature of the Children of the Holy Spirit to be very giving, and when they perceive that they have no gifts to give, this can be devastating for them. It is essential that we point out what this gift of peace is. Although this gift cannot be described exactly, nor its far-reaching benefits seen by the human experience, we are indebted to the Children of the Holy Spirit for the gifts they give. They must perceive of this gift as having been given or else they will experience a feeling of great defeat in their existence. It is a sense of satisfaction to be given this gift to give, and in so doing, one can be in a permanent experience of peace. But even this gift of peace can be missed or ill perceived. It is our wish that the Children of the Holy Spirit recognize this gift they have come to give, and can recognize the magnitude and far-reaching consequence of this gift as it is given. This will offer them peace and satisfaction of a life well lived, as they will have fulfilled the

4 programming of their Divine nature. This is what they have come to give, and they can then live the remainder of their life in quiet satisfaction rather than devastating low self-esteem. This is the gift they give to one another. This is the gift of peace. By recognizing their own nature, they are in essence releasing the Holy Spirit, which is then giving permission to another such being to release theirs. It is a beautiful thing. The third characteristic of the Children of the Holy Spirit is that they have come to give this gift with urgency. Thus, they always have a sense of what their timing is, and that they are delayed in giving this gift until their releasement. This is another source of low self-esteem. Why haven t I found my calling yet! they will demand of their being. This is unfortunate, but we must wait until the first seed of the Holy Spirit has found her releasement, and this is now in being, and so we can proceed. This is the calling of the Children of the Holy Spirit, to release their seed as soon as the releasement begins; and it is here. Now we can be at peace. As Children of the Holy Spirit, we have a need to release this seed upon our first awakening. This must be practiced with patience. The seed of the Holy Spirit must be given with grace, and if one is patient in their practice of prayer and meditation, the right time for this offering will be presented, and it will be magnificent. Let it be said that the Holy Spirit is of silent grace, not of dramatic offering as it has been presented. It is of peace. It is of grace. It is of Divine essence, and so it could not be of any other way. The next characteristic of the Children of the Holy Spirit is that they speed with their nature. As I have said, they feel a sense of urgency in delivering this gift, and so it is their insistence that they be at peace in order to present this gift. This leads to life quest of seeking peace within their existence. Often they do not know what this calling is, that it is peace they seek, and so they seek for this existence of the peace within in other external circumstances or feelings from within. Peace cannot be given in any circumstance other than an internal experience of the Holy Spirit, the Christ Essence, or however, one terms this ultimate experience. (It is our way to term this the Holy Spirit, the Christ Experience, the Christ Essence and the Divine Experience. We offer you that these terms are unique to our sphere and that you may insert what you feel this ultimate existence is, in its place.) It is their sense of urgency to experience peace, or rather to eliminate the feeling of desperation welling in their chest, that often they turn to pain medication or other remedies to alleviate this suffering of not having met this peaceful experience within their time frame. Many Children of the Holy Spirit experience addiction in this way, much because of the pain of the experience and because of the lack of peace which their spirit is so familiar with, but cannot experience as of yet, in this human frame. I offer you this the Children of the Holy Spirit will be free from addiction when they have met the experience of peace within the center of their chest, which is their experience of themselves as the Holy Spirit. (We will discuss more of this experience further into this document.) It is the speed with which they wish to attain their freedom, which causes them the greatest addictions. They will be free from this sphere of addictive substances or behaviours once they have met their peace. This is the greatest freedom there is, for then they can be free to experience the benefits of being the Children of the Holy Spirit. It is not necessary to be free of addiction to such a degree of perfection in order to recognize oneself as the Holy Spirit, but one must be free of all intoxicating substances to even begin to recognize this sphere. There are many ways in which one can be addicted, particularly to a behaviour which is not of a peaceful sphere. However, the Holy Spirit does not expect perfection, and

5 has come to relieve the human sphere of seeking its release in its idealism. This is about experiencing what Jesus meant by peace, not by as it was interpreted by religion. There is peace in the expression of imperfection, just as there is peace in religion in its proper practices. For our purposes here, we are open to addiction as a way to find the peaceful experience within, if people can only perceive that this could be their experience. From here we must discuss what addiction is; it is the repeated behaviour one seeks for the alleviation of the desperation of being trapped in this sphere without promise of a release from its restrictions. We promise you this, Children of the Holy Spirit, you will be released from this sphere as you live within it, once you have had the experience of the Holy Spirit. Once you realize why you are here, you will be free to live in this experience and not be of it, as was promised by our great teacher, Jesus of Nazareth. Thus, you will experience freedom what it truly is and not some perceived recognition of what this means. Freedom is peace, and vice versa. The next characteristic of the Children of the Holy Spirit is that they perceive they are not of this sphere. We mentioned this in the first characteristic, which described that they would rather be anywhere but here. But what does this mean to perceive one is not of this sphere? Many children feel this, for they are in recognition of their life not on this planet. The Children of the Holy Spirit maintain this fear that they will not fit in nor be able to return to their sphere, whatever this is. There is not a name for it, and so it is not as if they are searching to return to another sphere, another planet, another realm, or some other such division of which we commonly speak; they are as if they are floating in the wind, for this is what the Holy Spirit is. It is not a destination; it is not a place or a spot they can appear; it is in the wind, as they say. It is spirit. And they miss this place which cannot be seen nor experienced. It is in their experience that they are not from here, and yet they have no place to miss. This is confusing to their experience as well. Children from other realms or dreams often have this experience of craving another place to dwell in, but the Children of the Holy Spirit have no such place. They are wandering travelers, just looking for a place to share their spirit to awaken their gift and spread its seed. This (the earth sphere) is a challenging place to be a spirit of this grace; they are here for a purpose, although they are not sure what this purpose is, and there is no place to be a spirit, although they are not sure they are of this spirit. There is no place to bring their gift, and so they must awaken to this spirit within their being as a human spirit, and sense this gift and know that the spirit is their gift to give, and have the presence of consciousness to be patient until this gift can be given; all from a place they cannot see nor perceive. This is a great challenge indeed, and we must give them encouragement to give this gift, and peace for their efforts to date. This is what the challenge of the Children of the Holy Spirit is to be at peace in the face of such a distressing beginning to this earth challenge. This is the grace of the Children of the Holy Spirit. This is the grace of their being. Their patience and grace permits them to reconnect with this Holy Spirit, and this is a testament to their nature of peace, though it may be well hid. The next characteristic is that they are apt to find this grace of the Holy Spirit in all of its constituents. What this means is that they will be exceptionally keen to the spirit of its constituents, be it people of this grace, or some other form of spirit which is present in the earth plane. They will be exceptionally perceptive people, though they may not recognize this grace within their being as well. They will be deemed to be sensitive by those who are near them, and this can be seen as a negative rather than as a gift of grace. These Children of the Holy Spirit are born to perceive this

6 grace in all beings, and so they will be able to perceive beneath the skin (the matrix) of all within their environment. At times they will be seen to be psychic or mediumistic, and they will be given the gift of prophecy. This can present itself in many ways; they do not need to be practicing mediums or have great gifts of vision, they may merely be incredibly perceptive and will know the nature of another being without putting any thought to it it will simply be. They will know the nature of another Child of the Holy Spirit in an instant, and they will be able to see the potential of the spirit in those who are not of this awakening. They will crave to see the good in all beings, and will experience devastation when others do not act like the true nature of their spirit the Holy being. This will cause devastating effects for those who are sensitive, but again, with the recognition of their being, they can soften the effects of the devastation to their being, simply by knowing what this is, and why they are so sensitive in their nature. The Children of the Holy Spirit are mediumistic in the sense that they can perceive beyond what they see. They are apt to pick up the Holy Spirit without having any sense of it in any way that can be measurable by the human spirit. There is no evidence of the Holy Spirit - it can only be experienced with the senses the Holy Spirit gives. It can recognize itself, in other words, but it cannot be seen by the human perception. Nor can it be seen by psychic perception, but this is often the way it is deemed to be perceived. Nothing within the psychic realm is a product of the Holy Spirit. It is all an experience akin to the human spirit, and must be perceived as this in order to get beyond it to the experience of the Holy Spirit. Many deem the psychic experience to be the ultimate way to experience the Christ or the Holy Spirit. This is not correct. It is the humblest of men who can experience the Holy Spirit. The psychic gift is just another experience within the division of men, which, if used correctly, can promote the experience of a heavenly sphere. If used incorrectly, it can cause an even greater division between man and the Holy Spirit. It is given to be free to have this mediumistic experience, if practiced within the recognition of the Holy Spirit itself. This is its gift, to be able to perceive beyond the human experience, whilst still in it. This is a medium at its best not given to perceive spirit of this lower experience (though there can be benefit in this if used for the correct reason), but rather to perceive beyond all that is in Creation to be one with the Divine Spirit, which can be experienced as peace. This leads us to the discussion of what peace is. Can peace be experienced as we perceive it to be? The answer to this is yes, and no. No, it cannot be experienced from the human perception, but it can be experienced in a state of meditation. The human experience of peace is akin to a state of relaxation. This is not what we speak of when we speak of the experience of the Holy Spirit within our skin; that is to say, within our matrix our experience as a human spirit. What this means, is that there is a gross misperception of what peace is. This is a part of the experience of the Children of the Holy Spirit. Unknowingly the Child of the Holy Spirit is seeking peace, but in its human experience, it unconsciously interprets this as a relaxing and eternally happy experience. This is not to be, and so the Child of the Holy Spirit experiences constant angst at this need not having been met. When the Child of the Holy Spirit begins to restate, consciously, what peace is and where it can be met, the human experience does begin to relax a bit, and thus allows the Child of the Holy Spirit to truly meet peace in a state of meditation. This is where peace is and where it can be experienced, but its effects far exceed this confining explanation. It is so much more than this, but can only be experienced in meditation and without definition. As I said, it is an experience by the Holy Spirit, of its own spirit.

7 And so that concludes this explanation of what the second coming of the Children of the Holy Spirit is. We offer you this explanation as a way to perceive the spirit which is present in you. Should you be drawn to this discussion, there will be further information coming forth from our being. We are the Ascended Mastership. We present ourselves in many ways, however, for the purpose of the Children of the Holy Spirit, we will be presenting ourselves as one being, for this in truth, is what the Ascended Mastership is, as is all of Creation. Occasionally, we will refer to ourselves as we, though this in no way negates our unity. The head of the Ascended Mastership, for the purpose of this discussion, is the Christ Being himself, Jesus. He is presented, for our purposes as an Ascended Master in His Being. We are with Him to produce a proper sequence of explanation as to what this new awakening is. Please be patient with us as we define and refine our relationship to this project, and to our host. We are pleased to present her as this first seed of the Second Coming of the Children of the Holy Spirit. Please join with us in welcoming her as we proceed with further explanation in further sequences to come at a later date. Welcome to all the seed of the Holy Spirit it is in your awakening in your selfrecognition where the Holy Spirit will be released. This is peace for your neighbour, your nation, and your sphere. Welcome to your awakening. Peace, The Ascended Mastership Jill Joblonkay, August 2007


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