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1 Contributed by Father Paul S. Voisin, C.R. Father Paul is a Waterloo native, was ordained to the priesthood as a Resurrectionist on May 14, He has served in pastoral ministry in Kitchener and Brantford, Ontario, education and pastoral ministry in La Paz, and formation and pastoral ministry in Cochabamba, Bolivia. He served as Provincial Superior of the Ontario-Kentucky Province from 2005 to He is presently the Vicar General of the Diocese of Hamilton in Bermuda, and Rector of St. Theresa s Cathedral. FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER May 3, 2015 GATHERING TIME (10-15 minutes) Introduction to the Word: In the movie, 'Shadow of the Hawk, there is a young couple and a Native guide who are climbing a mountain. After a while, the woman slumps to the ground and says that she cannot take another step. She is utterly exhausted! The young man lifts her to her feet, but she continues to say she cannot go on. The guide tells him, "Hold her close to your heart. Let your strength and your courage flow out of your body into hers". He did this, and after a few minutes the woman smiled and said that now she could go on. What always strikes me in the gospel for this Sunday - the Fifth Sunday of Easter - is the image of the vine and the branches. Jesus is that vine, that source of spiritual life for us (especially now as we continue to celebrate his resurrection from the dead), and we are the branches, the 'appendages' that receive his life and grow and mature by the nourishment that comes from the vine (Jesus). I am a 'city boy, but my uncle and aunt lived on a farm near Formosa, Ontario, on a little corner called Ambleside. Not only did we visit regularly, but as their godson I was welcomed to stay with them, and my three cousins, for a week in the summer at least twice (that I remember). This was the most significant experience I had of farming and agriculture, and it really did help me to appreciate the work of farmers, and especially the wonders of crops that grow. It helped me to understand and appreciate many of the parables of Jesus, in which he uses images of agriculture. The scene from the movie 'Shadow of the Hawk' exemplifies how we have the potential to give life - in this case strength and courage - to one another. Holding her to his heart was the source of her 'second wind'. He was giving her life. So, too, with the vine and the branches, this life is mysteriously communicated. 1

2 Warm-up Activity: (about 8-10 minutes) Jesus wishes to 'communicate' his life to us, as the beautiful image of the vine and branches highlights. Take some time to reflect on, and share your reflection, on the following: i. How have you experienced God 'communicating' life to you, holding you to his heart? ii. How have you recognized that you have 'communicated' life to someone, holding them to your heart? iii. In your spiritual life, how have you (perhaps) experienced yourself as being cut off from the vine? How did you reconnect with the vine? The Table of the Lord Abide in Me If I asked you when was the last time you ever used the word 'abide' in a sentence, I would presume you would answer, "Never!" It is not part of our twenty-first century vocabulary, but yet it is central to our gospel of this weekend. According to the dictionary 'abide' means, "to stay or live somewhere, to remain or continue". God wants to abide in us, and us in him. That is what Jesus tells us in the gospel! The image in the opening story of the man giving his strength and courage to the woman helps me to understand 'abiding'. Jesus wishes to abide in us by the same manner - taking us close to his heart so that his life might pulsate through our veins. That is the vine giving life to the branches! As I reflected on these beautiful images, it became more and more apparent, though, that Jesus can only abide in us if we are willing to allow him to. Going back to the definition, if abiding means "to stay or live somewhere, to remain or continue, it has to be by mutual agreement. Just as someone cannot force themselves into your home "to stay or live" with you, Jesus will only "abide" in us if we allow him to. God has given us free will, and he will not force us into accepting him (against our will) or make us into some sort of puppet that does what he wants (in contrast to what we want!). He will even accept if we 'evict' him from our life - so great are the consequences of our free will. This 'abiding' implies an intimate closeness between ourselves and Jesus - a sharing of life the way to Siamese twins share their bodies, organs, and lives. This is the life that Jesus wants to share with us as our "vine, and we his "branches". Leader: May we bear abundant fruit, O Lord. Lord Jesus, you desire to take us to your heart Christ Jesus, you call us into union with you Lord Jesus, source of life and renewal of life. Let us pray (together) 2 Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Almighty ever-living God, constantly accomplish the Paschal Mystery within us, that those you pleased to make new in Holy Baptism may under your protective care, bear much fruit and come to the joys of life eternal. Through our Lord, Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

3 SCRIPTURE REFLECTION TIME (45 minutes) (As Christians we believe that the WORD of God we hear proclaimed each Sunday is an empowering Word, and that God is present in the Word proclaimed. This is the Word that God wants us to hear today.) FIRST READING (Acts 9:26-31) When Saul had come to Jerusalem, he attempted to join the disciples; and they were all afraid of him, for they did not believe that he was a disciple. But Barnabas took him, brought him to the apostles, and described for them how on the road he had seen the Lord, who had spoken to him, and how in Damascus Saul had spoken boldly in the name of Jesus. So Saul went in and out among them in Jerusalem, speaking boldly in the name of the Lord. He spoke and argued with the Hellenists; but they were attempting to kill him. When the believers learned of it, they brought Saul down to Caesarea and sent him off to Tarsus. Meanwhile, the Church throughout Judea, Galilee, and Samaria had peace and was built up. Living in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, it increased in numbers. The Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. SECOND READING (1 John 3:18-24) Little children, let us love, not in word or speech, but in truth and action. And by this we will know that we are from the truth and will reassure our hearts before him whenever our hearts condemn us; for God is greater than our hearts, and God knows everything. Beloved, if our hearts do not condemn us, we have boldness before God; and we receive from him whatever we ask, because we obey his commandments and do what pleases God. And this is God's commandment that we should believe in the name of his Son Jesus Christ and love one another, just as he has commanded us. All who obey his commandments abide in him, and he abides in them. And by this we know that he abides in us, by the spirit that he has given us. The Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. GOSPEL (John 15:1-8) A reading from the Holy Gospel according to John. Glory to you, O Lord. Jesus said to his disciples: "I am the true vine and my Father is the vine grower. He removes every branch in me that bears no fruit. Every branch that bears fruit he prunes and makes it bear more fruit. You have already been cleansed by the word that I have spoken to you. Abide in me as I abide in you. Just as the branch cannot bear fruit by itself unless it abides in the vine, neither can you unless you abide in me. I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who abide in me and me in them bear much fruit, because apart from me you can do nothing. Whoever does not abide in me is thrown away like a branch and withers; such branches are gathered, thrown into the fire, and burned. If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask for whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. My Father is gloried by this, that you bear much fruit and become my disciples." The Gospel of the Lord. Praise be to you, Lord Jesus Christ. 3

4 Lectio Divina means sacred prayer. It was a popular form of prayer in the early Church. This Word proclaimed today is God s own Word, God s way of speaking to you today through his own Spirit. So take a few moments to be quiet, allowing this Word you have just heard to touch you as you reflect quietly on the three readings. Is there a word or thought that somehow attracts you or has your interest? If so, simply identify it no need to explain it just identify it. COMMENTARY: Our First Reading shows so beautifully how Paul, converted and renewed through his encounter with the Risen Jesus on the road to Damascus, not only experienced that life of Christ 'abiding' in him, but shared it boldly with others. He went from being a persecutor of the Christians, to be an apostle to the Gentiles. Indeed, he had been transformed in Christ! His former ways were behind him, and now he was building - with Christ - the Church. The very life of St. Paul exemplifies this mystery of the vine and the branches! Our Second Reading continues to bear witness to Christ. St. John writes so beautifully about this life in Christ. He tells us that we are to love "not (only) in word or speech, but in deed and truth." Our love must be sincere and truly reflect the love of God for us. Only that love can heal and save us! Only that love can transform us and give us new life! John picks up the theme of the heart - just like in my story at the beginning. He says that "we belong to the truth and [this] reassures our hearts before him". Just like the man in the story shared his strength and courage with the woman by holding her close to his heart, Jesus the Lord shares his strength and courage with us as he holds us close to his heart. Indeed, he "reassures our heart" that he is with us. John speaks directly to our theme of the vine and branches because we do not - we should not - doubt that if we earnestly seek God's grace, he will give us his grace and life. That life in us, the branches, is abundant life, generous and full. This is God's will for us, and it will be achieved if we sincerely turn to him and open ourselves to the Spirit he gave us. The 'Good News' of the Gospel is that Jesus "abides" in us, and he (the vine) nourishes and sustains us (the branches). This image is encouraging, as we try daily to follow Christ faithfully. However, there is also 'Bad News'. In order for us to truly share in his life and be those branches, we must be pruned. In order for life to appear there must be a cutting away of that which is not of God. Otherwise we will not bear fruit. Images of withering, and being gathered up and burnt, is not 'Good News' to our ears! In this Easter season Jesus continues to call us to repentance, conversion, reconciliation and new life. We were not 'finished products' by Easter, but are continuing to grow and develop, as do the branches united to the vine. To be Christ's disciple means to be taken to his heart and receive true life from him. Then we will bear fruit, the fruit of the kingdom of God. Allow about 5-10 minutes for the participants to react to the Commentary to identify a newly discovered insight or new idea. Questions for Reflection and Discussion: 1. (Acts) "the Church... had peace and was built up" St. Paul definitely brought peace to the early Christian Community, and built it up. 4

5 a) How are we conscious of bringing peace to our Church (Parish, Diocese, Universal) and building it up? b) How do we "speak boldly in the name of the Lord"? c) How, and when, have we "seen the Lord"? 2. (1 John) "reassure our hearts" a) How has Jesus reassured our hearts? To do what? b) How have we/do we reassure the hearts of one another? c) How do people "know that he abides in us"? 3. (John) "I am the vine, you are the branches" a) How do we manifest our willingness to be the branches of the vine of Jesus, the Lord? b) How do we witness to others that indeed Jesus does "abide" in us? CARING-PRAYING TIME: (15-20 minutes) 1. Word for the Week: "Those who abide in me and me in them bear much fruit, because apart from me you can do nothing." 2. Suggestion for this Week: During this week, try to be more conscious of how you are a conduit of the life and grace of God in the life of others, just as the branches receive their life from the vine. Try to "prune" those attitudes, thoughts, feelings, activities, things, and even friendships that reduce or threaten that life of God within you. How can the life of God "abide" in such an environment, reticent or hostile to embracing the life he wants to share with us? Allow the joy of this Easter season to encourage and animate you to continue this process of development and growth in the Lord. 3. Intercessions: (Response: Lord, hear our prayer) That the Church, play a positive role in our life with God, helping us to be those branches, and to recognize Jesus Christ as the vine, we pray... That all civil authorities, and those with power over our society, may exercise charity with our brothers and sisters who are most vulnerable, we pray... That our daily witness to Christ, the vine, will attract others to adhere themselves to him and his teaching, as fruitful branches of the Church, we pray... That those who have been received into the Church at Easter may continue to receive the precious life of faith from God, through their continued prayer, study, worship, and sharing in the life of the community, we pray... 5

6 That Christ may abide anew in all our loved ones who have strayed from the life and practice of their faith, we pray... That Jesus will take to his heart all those who are weakened by illness and suffering, that the life of Christ will be made abundantly present to them in their need, we pray... That those who rest in the peace of Christ will receive their reward for their fruitfulness here among us, we pray... How can we help you in prayer this week? Let us Pray (together): Your love for us, O God, surpasses our restless hearts, and your command is only this: that we should become true disciples by believing in Jesus and loving one another. Grafted now as living branches of Christ the true Vine, may we be pruned and cultivated by your care and so glorify you by bearing much fruit for all those whose lives we touch. We ask this through the Lord Jesus, the True Vine, who lives and reign with you in oneness with the Holy Spirit, God forever. Amen Sharing in this life with God, who abides in us, let us unite our voice, and our hands, and pray with confidence in the words that Jesus taught us: OUR FATHER... Celebrating the Word, Resurrection Ministries of the Congregation of the Resurrection Ontario-Kentucky Province (including the former Resurrection Centre), 265 Westmount Road North, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G7. (Celebrating the Word was founded by Father Frank Ruetz, C.R. deceased 2012). For information: Toll Free: address: website: For all recent issues, please access the above website! The Scripture version used in this commentary is the New Revised Standard Version (copyrighted by the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA). 6

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