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1 A simple chant Mass by Jeff Ostrowski (2011) To print organ accompaniment, modern notation vocalist score, practice videos, and more, please visit: This PDF packet contains: 1. Organ Accompaniments 2. Vocalist Scores (Gregorian Notation) 3. Vocalist Scores (Modern Notation) 4. Congregational bookles (Modern & Gregorian) Mass in honor of Saint Ralph Sherwin ( 1581)... using the new ICEL translation of the Roman Missal featured in the Vatican II Hymnal [ ] Excerpts from the English translation of The Roman Missal 2010 International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.

2 KYRIE in honor of Saint Ralph Sherwin ( 1581)... using the new ICEL translation of the Mass Lord, have mer - cy. Lord, have mer - cy. Christ, have mer - cy. - Lord, have mer - cy. Lord, have mer - cy. Christ, have mer cy. OR: - - e e - lé - i - son. Ký - ri - e e - lé - i - son. Ký ri Chri - ste e - lé - i - son. Chri - ste e - lé i - - son. - ri - e e - lé - i - son. Ký - ri - e e - lé - i - son. Ký

3 GLORIA in honor of Saint Ralph Sherwin ( 1581)... using the new ICEL translation of the Mass Glo -ry to God in the high - est, and on earth peace to peo-ple of good will. We praise you, we bless you, we a - dore you, we glo - ri - fy you, we give you thanks for your great glo - ry, Lord God, heav -en - ly King, O God, al - might - y Fa - ther. Lord Je - sus Christ, On ly - Be - got - ten Son, Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Fa - ther,

4 you take a -way the sins of the world, have mer-cy on us; you take a - way the sins of the world, re-ceive our prayer; you are seat - ed at the right hand of the Fa - ther, have mer - cy on us. For you a - lone are the Ho - ly One, you a - lone are the Lord, you a - lone are the Most High, Je - sus Christ, with the Ho - ly Spir - it in the glo - ry of God the Fa ther. - A - men. men. OR:

5 SANCTUS in honor of Saint Ralph Sherwin ( 1581)... using the new ICEL translation of the Mass Ho - ly, Ho - ly, Ho - ly Lord God of hosts. Heav - en and earth are full of your glo - ry. Ho - san - na in the high - est. Bless - ed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Ho - san - na in the high - est.

6 MYSTERIUM & AGNUS DEI in honor of Saint Ralph Sherwin ( 1581)... using the new ICEL translation of the Mass We pro-claim your Death, O Lord, and pro - fess your Res - ur - rec - tion un - til you come a - gain. A - men, a - men. - the sins of the world, have mer - cy on us. Lamb of God, you take a way Lamb of God, you take a - way the sins of the world, have mer - cy on us. Lamb of God, you take a - way the sins of the world, grant us peace.

7 A simple chant Mass by Jeff Ostrowski (2011) To print organ accompaniment, modern notation vocalist score, practice videos, and more, please visit: KYRIE in honor of Saint Ralph Sherwin ( 1581) L 5d=== 23P=====4p====== 45P=== 4p 4.==== =====23P====== 4p====== 45P=== 4p 4.=== ======= === ord, have mer-cy. Lord, have mer-cy. 5d====== 6v 6v=====56P===== 43C== 4p 4.==== ====== 6v 6v=====56P====== 43C== 4p 4.==== ============ ==== Christ, have mer-cy. Christ, have mer-cy. 5d==== 23P====== 5p===== 54C== 2p 2.==== ===== 23P====== 5p===== 54C== 2p 2.=== ================ ==== Lord, have mer-cy. Lord, have mer-cy. OR: K 5d== 2p== 34P==4p= 3p== 45P== 4p===4p 4.==== ===== 2p== 34P==4p= 3p== 45P== 4p===4p 4.==== ==== = ý- ri- e e- lé- i- son. Ký- ri- e e- lé- i- son. 5d======= 6p===6p 65C== 6p== 4p== 3p===4p 4.==== ========= 6p== 6p 65C== 6p== 4p== 3p===4p 4.==== ========== Chri-ste e- lé- i- son. Chri-ste e- lé- i- son. 5d==== 2p===2p==3p==5p== 5p== 4p===2p 2.==== ===== 2p== 2p==3p== 5p== 5p== 4p===2p 2.=== ================= Ký- ri- e e- lé- i- son. Ký- ri- e e- lé- i- son.

8 GLORIA in honor of Saint Ralph Sherwin ( 1581) G 7d= ==5p== 5p== 7p=== 76C== 5p=== 4p=== 45P===5p 5.=== === 5p=== 4p=== 57P======76C==== 4p=== 3p====4p== 4p====5p===== 4u lo-ry to God in the highest, and on earth peace to peo-ple of good 7d ==== 4p 4.== = ==== 2p==== 45P===== 56P==== 7p==== 78P=====6p 6.=== ===7p== 8p===87C==== 6p==== 5p=== 4p== 6p== 67P=== 5p 5.==== ======2u will. We praise you, we bless you, we a-dore you, we glo-ri- fy you, 7d ====2p===4p=====5p===== 76C===== 6p==== 7p===== 53C==== 34P===4p 4.=== ==== 54C===== 57P======7p== 8p=== 7p== 6p 6p======+====== 7u we give you thanks for your great glo-ry, Lord God, heaven-ly King, 7d == 7p==== 78P==== 7p== 76C=== 5p=== 34P=== 4p 4.=== =====2p==== 1p== 2p====== 45P==== 5p== 6p== 7p== 7p== 8p==== 6p 6.==== ======= =7u O God, almighty Father. Lord Je-sus Christ, Only Begotten Son, 7d ====76C===== 78P===== 8p===== 7p=== 6p 6p===+=== 5p=== 3p===4p====45P==== 4p 4.=== === 5p====4p====5p=== 5p====6p=== 78P=== 7p===7p== 6u Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Fa-ther, you take a-way the sins of the 7d ====6p 6p=====+==== 7p====== 7p=== 5p===7p===6p 6.=== === 5p====4p====5p=== 5p====6p=== 78P=== 7p===7p==== 6p 6p====+==== 7u world, have mer-cy on us; you take a-way the sins of the world, 7d === 7p== 5p===== 7p=====6p 6.=== = ===7p====6p====67P====5p=== 3p=== 4p====4p======5p==== 5p=== 7p=== 78P===6p 6p==+====7p==== 7u receive our prayer; you are seat-ed at the right hand of the Father, have 7d =====7p=== 6p== 5p== 4p 4.=== === 3p=== 5p=== 7p== 76C====5p====4p=== 3p===4p== 4p 4p==+== 5p===7p== 76C==== 7p=== 8p====6p 6.=== = ==5u mer-cy on us. For you a-lone are the Ho-ly One, you a-lone are the Lord, 7d ====5p===7p== 76C==== 5p=== 4p===== 56P=====4p 4p==== 3p=== 4p======4p 4.==== ==== 2p=====1p==== 2p== 4p==== 45P==5p== 4p===5p==== 7u you a-lone are the Most High, Je-sus Christ, with the Ho-ly Spir-it, in the 7d ====7p== 6p== 7p=== 54C=== 3p=== 34P====4p 4.=== ====76C 78P== 6p 6.==== glo-ry of God the Fa-ther. A- men. A simple chant Gloria by Jeff Ostrowski (2011) For Organ Accompaniment, Modern Notation Vocalist Score, and practice videos, please visit:

9 A simple chant Mass by Jeff Ostrowski (2011) To print organ accompaniment, modern notation vocalist score, practice videos, and more, please visit: SANCTUS in honor of Saint Ralph Sherwin ( 1581) H 5d == 56P===6p=== 67P== 8p=== 76C== 5p 5.== +== 32C===== 56P=== 5p=== 4p 4.=== = ==== 6p====5p=== 8p==== 87C==== 5p=== 65C== 3u o- ly, Ho-ly, Ho-ly Lord God of hosts. Heav-en and earth are full 5d == 3p=== 2p====4b 34P== 3p 3.=== ====2p===26P=== 6p== 5p=== 8p=== 87C====6p 6.== == 6p====5p=== 8p=== 89P====8p=== 76C===== 5p===3p=== 4u of your glo-ry. Ho-sanna in the high-est. Bless-ëd is he who comes in the 5d === 4b 45P=====3p===2p==== 3p 3.===== ==== 2p== 26P=== 6p== 5p== 8p==== 87C=== 6p 6.===== ==================================== name of the Lord. Ho-sanna in the high-est. W e MYSTERIUM in honor of Saint Ralph Sherwin ( 1581) 5d ===2p== 26P===6p==== 5p==== 7p=== 6p 6.=== ========= 7p== 65C== 56P== 7p=== 67P===6p 6.==== === 65C== 67P 6.7.==== 56P 5n4n=== 3p 3.=== ======== until you come a-gain.... for ev- er and ev- er. Amen, a- men. L amb 5d == 6p=== 6p=== 5p=====6p=======8p===== 7p== 6p 6p===+===7p==== 8p=== 76C==== 5p==== 3p= 2p==4b 34P===3p 3.==== ==== 2u proclaim your Death, O Lord, and pro-fess your Resur-rection AGNUS DEI in honor of Saint Ralph Sherwin ( 1581) 5d ====23P====5p====4p 4.= =+= 5p=== 6p====6p== 5p=== 3p=== 54C===2p===1p=====3p 3.====;== 5p====== 5p== 3p== 5p== 4p 4.== = 2u of God, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us. 5d =====23P==== 5p==== 4p 4.= ==+= 5p=== 6p====6p== 5p=== 3p=== 54C===2p===1p=====3p 3.=====;== 5p====== 5p== 3p== 5p== 4p 4.=== ====== 2u Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, have mer-cy on us. 5d =====23P==== 5p==== 4p 4.= ==+= 5p=== 6p====6p== 5p=== 3p=== 54C===2p===1p=====3p 3.=====;===3p45P=== 3p====3p 34P 4.===== ============ Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, grant us peace.

10 KYRIE in honor of Saint Ralph Sherwin ( 1581)... using the new ICEL translation of the Mass Lord, have mer - cy. Lord, have mer - cy. Christ, have mer - cy. Christ, have mer - cy. Lord, have mer - cy. Lord, have mer - cy. OR: Ký - ri - e e - lé - i - son. Ký - ri - e e - lé - i - son. Chri - ste e - lé - i - son. Chri - ste e - lé - i - son. Ký - ri - e e - lé - i - son. Ký - ri - e e - lé - i - son. To obtain free organ accompaniments, practice videos, and more, please visit:

11 GLORIA in honor of Saint Ralph Sherwin ( 1581)... using the new ICEL translation of the Mass Glo - ry to God in the high - est, and on earth peace to peo -ple of good will. We praise you, we bless you, we a - dore you, we glo - ri fy - you, we give you thanks for your great glo - ry, Lord God, heav - en - ly King, O God, al - might - y Fa - ther. Lord Je - sus Christ, On - ly Be - got - ten Son, Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Fa - ther, you take a - way the sins of the world, have mer - cy on us; you take a - way the sins of the world, re - ceive our prayer; you are seat - ed at the right hand of the Fa - ther, have mer - cy on us. For you a - lone are the Ho - ly One, you a - lone are the Lord, you a - lone are the Most High, Je - sus Christ, with the Ho - ly Spir - it in the glo - ry of God the Fa - ther. A - - men.

12 SANCTUS in honor of Saint Ralph Sherwin ( 1581)... using the new ICEL translation of the Mass Ho - ly, Ho - ly, Ho - ly Lord God of hosts. Heav - en and earth are full of your glo - ry. Ho - san - na in the high - est. Bless - ed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Ho - san - na in the high - est. To obtain free organ accompaniments, practice videos, and more, please visit:

13 MYSTERIUM FIDEI in honor of Saint Ralph Sherwin ( 1581)... using the new ICEL translation of the Mass We pro -claim your Death, O Lord, and pro - fess your Res - ur - rec - tion un - til you come a - gain. A - men, a - men. AGNUS DEI in honor of Saint Ralph Sherwin ( 1581)... using the new ICEL translation of the Mass Lamb of God, you take a - way the sins of the world, have mer cy Lamb of God, you take a - way the sins of the world, have mer cy - on us. - on us. Lamb of God, you take a - way the sins of the world, grant us peace. To obtain free organ accompaniments, practice videos, and more, please visit:

14 4 A simple chant Mass by Jeff Ostrowski (2011) To print organ accompaniment, modern notation vocalist score, practice videos, and more, please visit: SANCTUS in honor of Saint Ralph Sherwin ( 1581) H 5d == 56P===6p=== 67P== 8p=== 76C== 5p 5.== +== 32C===== 56P=== 5p=== 4p 4.=== = ==== 6p====5p=== 8p==== 87C==== 5p=== 65C== 3u o- ly, Ho-ly, Ho-ly Lord God of hosts. Heav-en and earth are full 5d == 3p=== 2p====4b 34P== 3p 3.=== ====2p===26P=== 6p== 5p=== 8p=== 87C====6p 6.== == 6p====5p=== 8p=== 89P====8p=== 76C===== 5p===3p=== 4u of your glo-ry. Ho-sanna in the high-est. Bless-ëd is he who comes in the 5d === 4b 45P=====3p===2p==== 3p 3.===== ==== 2p== 26P=== 6p== 5p== 8p==== 87C=== 6p 6.===== ==================================== name of the Lord. Ho-sanna in the high-est. W e MYSTERIUM in honor of Saint Ralph Sherwin ( 1581) 5d == 6p=== 6p=== 5p=====6p=======8p===== 7p== 6p 6p===+===7p==== 8p=== 76C==== 5p==== 3p= 2p==4b 34P===3p 3.==== ==== 2u proclaim your Death, O Lord, and pro-fess your Resur-rection 5d ===2p== 26P===6p==== 5p==== 7p=== 6p 6.=== ========= 7p== 65C== 56P== 7p=== 67P===6p 6.==== === 65C== 67P 6.7.==== 56P 5n4n=== 3p 3.=== ======== until you come a-gain.... for ev- er and ev- er. Amen, a- men. CHANT MASS in honor of SAINT RALPH SHERWIN... using the new ICEL translation of the Roman Missal Excerpts from the English translation of The Roman Missal 1973, International Committee on English in the Liturgy, Inc. All rights reserved. L amb AGNUS DEI in honor of Saint Ralph Sherwin ( 1581) 5d ====23P====5p====4p 4.= =+= 5p=== 6p====6p== 5p=== 3p=== 54C===2p===1p=====3p 3.====;== 5p====== 5p== 3p== 5p== 4p 4.== = 2u of God, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us. 5d =====23P==== 5p==== 4p 4.= ==+= 5p=== 6p====6p== 5p=== 3p=== 54C===2p===1p=====3p 3.=====;== 5p====== 5p== 3p== 5p== 4p 4.=== ====== 2u Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, have mer-cy on us. 5d =====23P==== 5p==== 4p 4.= ==+= 5p=== 6p====6p== 5p=== 3p=== 54C===2p===1p=====3p 3.=====;===3p45P=== 3p====3p 34P 4.===== ============ Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, grant us peace. St. Ralph Sherwin ( ) was a Martyr. He suffered greatly for our Savior, Jesus Christ, and now enjoys the reward Christ promised (Matthew 5:11-12)

15 2 3 KYRIE ( Lord Have Mercy ) in honor of St. Ralph Sherwin GLORIA ( Glory to God ) in honor of St. Ralph Sherwin L5d=== 23P=====4p====== 45P=== 4p 4.==== =====23P====== 4p====== 45P=== 4p 4.=== ======= === ord, have mer-cy. Lord, have mer-cy. G 5d====== 6v 6v=====56P===== 43C== 4p 4.==== ====== 6v 6v=====56P====== 43C== 4p 4.==== ============ ==== Christ, have mer-cy. Christ, have mer-cy. 5d==== 23P====== 5p===== 54C== 2p 2.==== ===== 23P====== 5p===== 54C== 2p 2.=== ================ ==== Lord, have mer-cy. Lord, have mer-cy. K OR: 5d== 2p== 34P==4p= 3p== 45P== 4p===4p 4.==== ===== 2p== 34P==4p= 3p== 45P== 4p===4p 4.==== ==== = ý- ri- e e- lé- i- son. Ký- ri- e e- lé- i- son. 5d======= 6p===6p 65C== 6p== 4p== 3p===4p 4.==== ========= 6p== 6p 65C== 6p== 4p== 3p===4p 4.==== ========== Chri-ste e- lé- i- son. Chri-ste e- lé- i- son. 5d==== 2p===2p==3p==5p== 5p== 4p===2p 2.==== ===== 2p== 2p==3p== 5p== 5p== 4p===2p 2.=== ================= Ký- ri- e e- lé- i- son. Ký- ri- e e- lé- i- son. To obtain free organ accompaniments, practice videos, and more, please visit: 7d= ==5p== 5p== 7p=== 76C== 5p=== 4p=== 45P===5p 5.=== === 5p=== 4p=== 57P======76C==== 4p=== 3p====4p== 4p====5p===== 4u lo-ry to God in the highest, and on earth peace to peo-ple of good 7d ==== 4p 4.== = ==== 2p==== 45P===== 56P==== 7p==== 78P=====6p 6.=== ===7p== 8p===87C==== 6p==== 5p=== 4p== 6p== 67P=== 5p 5.==== ======2u will. We praise you, we bless you, we a-dore you, we glo-ri- fy you, 7d ====2p===4p=====5p===== 76C===== 6p==== 7p===== 53C==== 34P===4p 4.=== ==== 54C===== 57P======7p== 8p=== 7p== 6p 6p======+====== 7u we give you thanks for your great glo-ry, Lord God, heaven-ly King, 7d == 7p==== 78P==== 7p== 76C=== 5p=== 34P=== 4p 4.=== =====2p==== 1p== 2p====== 45P==== 5p== 6p== 7p== 7p== 8p==== 6p 6.==== ======= =7u O God, almighty Father. Lord Je-sus Christ, Only Begotten Son, 7d ====76C===== 78P===== 8p===== 7p=== 6p 6p===+=== 5p=== 3p===4p====45P==== 4p 4.=== === 5p====4p====5p=== 5p====6p=== 78P=== 7p===7p== 6u Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Fa-ther, you take a-way the sins of the 7d ====6p 6p=====+==== 7p====== 7p=== 5p===7p===6p 6.=== === 5p====4p====5p=== 5p====6p=== 78P=== 7p===7p==== 6p 6p====+==== 7u world, have mer-cy on us; you take a-way the sins of the world, 7d === 7p== 5p===== 7p=====6p 6.=== = ===7p====6p====67P====5p=== 3p=== 4p====4p======5p==== 5p=== 7p=== 78P===6p 6p==+====7p==== 7u receive our prayer; you are seat-ed at the right hand of the Father, have 7d =====7p=== 6p== 5p== 4p 4.=== === 3p=== 5p=== 7p== 76C====5p====4p=== 3p===4p== 4p 4p==+== 5p===7p== 76C==== 7p=== 8p====6p 6.=== = ==5u mer-cy on us. For you a-lone are the Ho-ly One, you a-lone are the Lord, 7d ====5p===7p== 76C==== 5p=== 4p===== 56P=====4p 4p==== 3p=== 4p======4p 4.==== ==== 2p=====1p==== 2p== 4p==== 45P==5p== 4p===5p==== 7u you a-lone are the Most High, Je-sus Christ, with the Ho-ly Spir-it, in the 7d ====7p== 6p== 7p=== 54C=== 3p=== 34P====4p 4.=== ====76C 78P== 6p 6.==== glo-ry of God the Fa-ther. A- men. A simple chant Gloria by Jeff Ostrowski (2011) For Organ Accompaniment, Modern Notation Vocalist Score, and practice videos, please visit:

16 4 SANCTUS ( Holy Holy Holy ) in honor of St. Ralph Sherwin Ho - l y, Ho - l y, Ho - ly Lord God of hosts. Heav - en and earth are full of your glo - r y. Ho - san - na in the high - est. Bless - ed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Ho - san - na in the high - est. CHANT MASS in honor of SAINT RALPH SHERWIN... using the new ICEL translation of the Roman Missal Excerpts from the English translation of The Roman Missal 1973, International Committee on English in the Liturgy, Inc. All rights reserved. MYSTERIUM ( The Mystery of Faith ) in honor of St. Ralph Sherwin W e pro-claim your Death, O Lord, and pro - fess your Res -ur - rec - tion un - til you come a-gain. A - men, a - men. AGNUS DEI ( Lamb of God ) in honor of St. Ralph Sherwin Lamb of God, you take a-way the sins of the world, have mer-cy on us. Lamb of God, you take a-way the sins of the world, grant us peace. St. Ralph Sherwin ( ) was a Martyr. He suffered greatly for our Savior, Jesus Christ, and now enjoys the reward Christ promised (Matthew 5:11-12)

17 2 3 KYRIE in honor of Saint Ralph Sherwin ( 1581) GLORIA in honor of Saint Ralph Sherwin ( 1581) OR: Lord, have mer - c y. Lord, have mer - c y. Christ, have mer - c y. Christ, have mer - c y. Lord, have mer - c y. Lord, have mer - c y. Ký - ri - e e - lé - i - son. Ký - ri - e e - lé - i - son. Chri - ste e - lé - i - son. Chri - ste e - lé i - - son. Ký - ri - e e - lé - i - son. Ký - ri - e e - lé i - - son. To obtain free organ accompaniments, practice videos, and more, please visit: Glo-ry to God in the high - est, and on earth peace to peo ple - of good will. W e praise you, we bless you, we a - dore you, we glo -ri fy - you, we give you thanks for your great glo r y, - Lord God, heav-en - ly King, O God, al - might - y Fa - ther. Lord Je - sus Christ, On ly - Be-got-ten Son, Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Fa - ther, you take a - way the sins of the world, have mer - cy on us; you take a - way the sins of the world, re - ceive our prayer; you are seat - ed at the right hand of the Fa - ther, have mer -cy on us. For you a - lone are the Ho - ly One, you a lone - are the Lord, you a - lone are the Most High, Je -sus Christ, with the Ho -ly Spir - it in the glo - ry of God the Fa - ther. A - men.

SAMPLE & # # 4. œ œ nœ. œ œ. 3 œ œ œ. œ œ œ. & # # œ œ. & # # œ œ nœ & # # # œ. MASS OF REDEMPTION Steven R. Janco. Kyrie

SAMPLE & # # 4. œ œ nœ. œ œ. 3 œ œ œ. œ œ œ. & # # œ œ. & # # œ œ nœ & # # # œ. MASS OF REDEMPTION Steven R. Janco. Kyrie & # # 4 3 MASS OF REDEMPTION le - i - son. n le - i - mer - son. cy. le - i- son. Chris - te, e - Christ, have Kyrie le - i - son. n le - i - mer - Litany of Praise for God s Mercy son. cy. 4 3 & # # (Invocation)

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