Can I Believe in the Resurrection Luke 24:1-12 Rev. Min J. Chung (Lord s Day Service, April 16, 2017)

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1 Can I Believe in the Resurrection Luke 24:1-12 Rev. Min J. Chung (Lord s Day Service, April 16, 2017) Luke 24:1-12 The Resurrection But on the first day of the week, at early dawn, they went to the tomb, taking the spices they had prepared. 2 And they found the stone rolled away from the tomb, 3 but when they went in they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. 4 While they were perplexed about this, behold, two men stood by them in dazzling apparel. 5 And as they were frightened and bowed their faces to the ground, the men said to them, Why do you seek the living among the dead? 6 He is not here, but has risen. Remember how he told you, while he was still in Galilee, 7 that the Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men and be crucified and on the third day rise. 8 And they remembered his words, 9 and returning from the tomb they told all these things to the eleven and to all the rest. 10 Now it was Mary Magdalene and Joanna and Mary the mother of James and the other women with them who told these things to the apostles, 11 but these words seemed to them an idle tale, and they did not believe them. 12 But Peter rose and ran to the tomb; stooping and looking in, he saw the linen cloths by themselves; and he went home marveling at what had happened. Introduction Amen. Let s pray. Lord we pray for your blessings. Use your word to speak to us in such a way that we can experience the resurrected Lord this afternoon. Be with every single heart in this place. In Jesus name, we pray, Amen. Some of you have problem believing in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. If someone you knew was physically raised from the dead, you would share the event on social media. A smaller group of people will probably talk about it for two weeks and it would die down. Some people will find reasons to justify and discredit the credibility of what you re saying and say well there must be some explanation. Well the resurrection of Jesus Christ has been talked about for 2000 years now. Most doubts are related to three aspects: historical reasons, scientific reasons, or personal reasons. We will talk about historical and personal reasons, and a few comments on scientific reasons will be scattered here and there. Now, we ll make 4 suggestions to all of us who are here in relation to the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and what to do with this. The following are groups of people categorized in their viewpoints of the resurrection: (1) some people have doubts with the validity of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. (2) Some believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ but do not know what it means or don t know what to do with the resurrection. Four suggestions so that we will know what to do with the resurrection in our relationship with the resurrection: (1) Check the facts. (2) Consider believing. (3) Know what it means, and know the implication. (4) Live to tell the resurrection.

2 I. Check the Facts Luke 24:1 says but on the first day of the week. Luke writes it as if it was a historical fact early dawn. There are descriptions like this that talk about the experiences stone rolled away from the tomb - they knew exactly what tomb he was talking about. In fact, the New Testament says it was a man named Josephs tomb. At the time, when the tomb was referenced, everyone knew where that was. Luke 24:3 they did not find the body of the Lord, Jesus Christ Luke writes it as if these were historical fact. Because some people have problems with the historical aspect of Christianity or even resurrection, we ll talk about historicity of the resurrection. The following are a few things to give credibility to the resurrection account, the New Testament, the gospel of Luke, and the Bible as well. Historicity of Luke. Verse 1 the first day of the week : this was a specific period of time. Now, man named William Ramsey started to doubt about the historicity and fact about Luke s writing. This is because Luke wrote the books of Luke and Acts, and the accounts were very different. In Acts, Luke describes places with extensive detail, describing the time period, who the Roman Emperor was at that time, etc. Ramsey, talking about the credibility of Luke as a historian, writes: it did not lie then in my line of life to investigate the subject minutely. But more recently I found myself brought into the contact with the book of Acts as an authority for the topography, antiquities, and society of Asia minor, it was gradually born and upon me that in various details the narrative showed marvelous truth. In fact, many historians say things like that I m just choosing one. Historicity of the New Testament Here, we ll use supporting evidence using historians who were not Christians of the time to give even more credibility to the historicity of the Bible. Again, Luke 24:1- first day of the week. Tacitus, a first century Roman, considered one of the more accurate historians of the ancient world. He gives account of the great fire of Rome that happened in AD 64, which was related to the martyring of Paul and Peter. Tacitus writes that some Romans blamed emperor Nero for the fire and Nero blames Christians for this. He touched on the fact that Nero tried to pass the blame for the fire by blaming the Christians who got their name from Christos. That means somebody from Christ existed during that time. Just make sure this is Jesus Christ, the one who Pontius Pilate put to death. But after his death, the followers gained new momentum due to the most mischievous superstition. According to this secular, unbelieving historian (Tacitus), this superstition, which broke out not only in Judea, but also first place of evil, but even in Rome. This superstition written by Tacitus refers to the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

3 This means that during that time in the first century, there were rumor and news about the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the missing body. We cannot prove whether Jesus Christ resurrected or not, but everybody knew at the time that Jesus body was missing. Once this news of the tomb and missing body broke out, many people started the believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Josephus, a Pharisee and Jew, a was against Christianity. He was a very famous Pharisee of the priestly line of Jewish historians. He recorded many statements that verify either generally or in specific terms the historical nature of both the Old and New Testament of the Bible. His writings also confirmed the New Testament reports that Jesus was a real person in the first century, and that others identified him as the Christ. Though we cannot prove whether he died and rose again through these historical accounts, we can note that he lived, existed, and everybody knew him during the first century. Evidence from archeology. Verse 2 and 3 says that stone is rolled away from THE tomb. They knew the tomb and the stone was rolled away. This was known fact in the first century. They didn t find the body of the Lord Jesus Christ, so many historical accounts say the body was missing. Nelson Glueck, a well-known and respected Jewish archeologist, wrote: it maybe stated categorically that no archeological discovery has every controverted a Biblical reference. Even I am to assert that of the almost incredibly accurate historical memory of the Bible and the particularly so, when it is fortified by archeological facts. So through these archeological facts you cannot prove that everything in the Bible is true, but you can say there is a lot of credibility to the Bible in terms of historicity. At least it can discredit the people who are saying Bible is not historically accurate or archeologically accurate. These facts may not prove the Bible or Christianity, but it gives credibility to the Bible. There s incredible credibility to the Bible which is different than any other religious book because of its historicity and archeology. Fourth thing is the beginning of Sunday worship celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Verse 1 it says on the first day of the week. Sundays were the first day of the week, and Saturdays were the last. Up to that time, Jews worshipped God on Saturday. But suddenly in the first century, after the resurrection of Jesus Christ, they started to worship Jesus on Sunday. The Gospel emphasizes the resurrection occurred on Sunday. The fact that the early church changed the day of worship from Jewish Sabbath, which is Saturday, to Sunday can only be explained by the fact that at least bunch of people at the time, in the first century, believed in the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and that he rose from the dead on Sunday morning. It s as if thousands of us suddenly changed our worship to Monday for some reason. Can that happen if they did not see something with their eyes? Another thing is historical evidence is now getting into specific resurrection. Verse 2 says the stone was rolled away and they did not find the body of Jesus Christ. To most people, the resurrection is not scientific. But science and the Bible do not need to contradict. Well, I believe the laws of science are the laws of God instituted in the universe. There are laws how do you think it works? Everything is working, everything has laws. Who instituted these laws? Who made these laws? If you examine it carefully there s incredible miracle in some of the laws. For

4 example, a tree comes out of a tiny seed planted. Whenever children are born, my goodness. Isn t that a miracle? It s just unbelievable when you see the birth of a human being. Who instituted these laws? I think even if you think about scientific laws, there s probably far more unknown laws than there are known. There are so many laws that we don t even know. There s probably infinite amount of scientific laws in this world, and we only have a glimpse of them. Even the knowledge of science knows the physical world. There s a lot more than the physical world. Just look at our body, look at human beings. Now when we re sick, we eat medicine, because we re biological beings at least. But as you know, if there are many psychological sickness, emotional sickness, and pain. I don t know if you ll agree but I ve seen many demonic possessions. There are many sicknesses that medicine cannot cure because human beings are not merely biological being there are spiritual beings inside! Only through talking, counseling, and comforting hearts can be cured. Why? Because there s also the spiritual, metaphysical realm which science cannot understand. That means science can prove some things but science cannot prove everything. So, the resurrection account must be treated as a historical aspect and we need to determine whether there is some historical validity to the resurrection account of Jesus Christ. Nobody has been there so we can only prove history through credible records, which are words written by a few people. Through their research, their thinking process, logic, interpretation, and testimonies. Testimonies are a lot more important than we think. Credible historical accounts written by non- Christians make a historical fact of the events of the resurrection. In the first century, everyone knew that at least the body was missing so they created all these theories that Jewish people, disciples, stole the body of Christ. Or that he didn t die. People tried to make rumors so that they can cover up the fact that the tomb was empty. However, 1 Corinthians 15 says 500 people at least saw the resurrection of Jesus Christ. So, the empty tomb could ve been easily verified by people. The gospel of Luke was created because Luke, a medical doctor and scientist, drew from testimonies, personal accounts, and stories from people who could tell Jesus s story. If the tomb hadn t been empty, when the apostles began preaching the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, the Jewish leaders would have marched to the tomb, found the body, and the disciples would ve been laughed out of town. But they preached the Gospel to the end. These people preached the gospel in the first century to hundreds of witnesses. So, first century people thought they were either lying, maybe 500 people gathered together and decided hey let s lie about the resurrection of Jesus Christ, or they were deluded. But the New Testament and New Testament is one of the most well-documented, well-respected documents in the world. It s not likely it was written by deluded people. How about did they all lie together? The problem is these disciples all lived and died, rest of their lives, died for preaching the, not only the crucifixion, but the resurrection of Jesus Christ. These disciples lived and died for preaching the crucifixion and resurrection. Would you die for a lie? Follow the trails of what happened to these disciples who claimed to have seen the resurrected Lord: James was executed by the sword. Thomas was speared to death in India. Matthew speared to death. Philip tortured, crucified upside down. Bartholomew skinned alive, crucified upside down. Andrew crucified. James crucified. Thaddeus crucified. Simon crucified. Peter crucified upside-down. When Peter was about to die on the cross he said, I am so unworthy to die like

5 Jesus, please let me die upside down, and he died for Jesus, preaching the resurrection of Jesus Christ. They were preaching what they believed was truth. Years ago, an attorney named Frank Morrison, Harvard law professor, set out to refute the evidence for the resurrection. But as he examined the facts with his legal background and training, he eventually wrote the best-selling book called for Who Moved the Stone in which he set forth the evidence for the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Simon Greenleaf, a distinguished law professor at Harvard discovered the evidence was so overwhelming as he did the research on his own, that he concluded it takes more faith not to believe Jesus rose from the dead, than it takes faith to believe it. Books outside of Bible to investigate the fact of the resurrection: Who Moved the Stone, English journalist named Fred Morrison. Case for Christ Lee Strobel, he was a journalist. Case for Faith very good guy Lee Strobel. More than a Carpenter, Evidence that Demands a Verdict by Josh McDowell. Reason for God. Time Keller Again, these are, these facts do not necessarily prove the bible or the resurrection, but at least gives credibility to Christianity and the Bible so that you can do personal investigation in the word of God. It still takes faith and the gospel of Jesus Christ for you to be born again to be saved, but it ll get you there. II. Consider Believing This point is for people who have personal problem of believing. So, some helpful suggestions Even the disciples had period of unbelief and they were led to believe. In verse 4, they were perplexed and frightened. And then remember how he told you and they remembered his words, first two things talk about the period of unbelief and the last two things talk about the period of belief. We will discuss doubt and faith and how doubt can lead to faith and how we can be led from doubt to faith using this passage. In this chapter, hearts were mentioned twice. In verse 25, there was disciples and the slow heart. In verse 32, burning heart. How was slow heart led to have a burning heart? Now, let s look at what slow heart means that will be helpful to us. A. Slow Heart Luke 24:25 how foolish you are and how slow of heart to believe. James 1:9 used the same phrase. This is what it said, my dear brothers, take note of this, everyone should be quick to listen then slow to speak. Slow to become angry. Slow to speak means make sure you control yourself, and then speak wisely. Be intentional. An slow, unbelieving heart makes a decision not to believe, and refutes all possible challenges to believe. Conversely, a believing heart that is quick to believe decides to believe and to be open and try to believe and investigate and be open to possibly challenge unbelief. An analogy would be like a debate team: You pick a point, and

6 argue it, though you might not even believe in it. You simply argue your point to change others rather than being open to change. Before meeting the resurrected Lord, the disciples had hearts that were slow to believe. So, if you have a doubt in your heart, how can you be led to faith? 1. Doubt Your Doubt Check the facts of your doubt. Is there validity to your doubt? You might not have all the proof for faith, but often you don t have proof for your doubts either. Discredit your doubt is it valid? 2. Study the Book Check the historical records and credibility of the book of Luke some people consider it the greatest book ever written. Just study of the Bible too so you can gain respect and credibility for the Bible. 3. Study the Bible Even pray as you study the Bible, and see how amazing it is. And then you can say God, I know you re not there, I doubt you re there, but if your there, tell me make sure you let me know for sure. Pray to him using the Bible, study the Bible. I ve been studying the Bible for about 40 years 10 years casually, 30 years seriously and studying the Bible has not only been my profession but also my passion. Sometimes I sit for 10 hours and study, and it only feels like 30 minutes. It s amazing. Just study the bible! Study the bible, even pray. 4. Church If you join CFC, you come, we will preach everything from the bible, explain what it says and derive our lives from the Bible. Or if you join our small group, that s like doubly good because we study the Bible and you can study the people. If the Bible is true, there will be some change in people. Judge the leaders. Check their credibility, and listen to their testimony of their faith. However, no Christian is perfect, except for Jesus. Seek not for their perfection, but progression through time. Relate with people and learn. There are Bible studies, there are different things you can go to at our church, and we can help address your intellectual or relational problem. Slowly as you uncover your questions, your mind becomes defenseless against the claim of the cross. People that are trying to help you with it we cannot do anything more, but we should not do anything less until that happens. And then when you get there, you ll encounter Jesus Christ. Faith grows in various stages. Faith grows in different forms and different ways, just be patient. Keep going. You ll get there. III. Know what it means Some of us don t know how the crucifixion and resurrection relate with us. Simple things here - verse 8 and 9, they remembered his words, returned from the tomb and the implication of the resurrection for them was amazing after that. A. Resurrection means that our sins are forgiven Roman 4:25: Jesus was delivered up Jesus died

7 for our trespasses, he died for our sins and then raised resurrection for our justification. Christ died on the cross, baring all our sin, and received the wrath of God that we deserved. God poured his wrath on Jesus and had none left. No wrath left = our sins are forgiven. B. We can be spiritually resurrected 1 Peter 1:3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, We become spiritually alive by the resurrection power of Jesus Christ. Jesus didn t come to make bad people good. Jesus came to make dead people alive. C. There will be the day of resurrection Our sins are forgiven, so we spiritually become resurrected. One day, there will be physical resurrection that will take place for everyone. 1 Corinthians 15:51-52 says the dead will be raised imperishable. one day when Jesus returns, all will be raised and there ll be judgment for believers and unbelievers, and we will be judged according to what we ve done. Without Christ, you are defenseless against God. With Christ, all sins are forgiven. Sin divided heaven and earth. Jesus is bringing the two together again through his death and resurrection. When Jesus enters into us, heaven is breaking into the sinful world. Heaven is in your heartbeat, and your body. The final resurrection is coming. According to the bible, praise the Lord, aging is good. You know, the body ages like milk. Our soul ages like fine wine. Even when we get old, we become more like Jesus Christ. You are headed for eternity and your best days are ahead because of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. D. Live to tell It says, these women who saw the resurrection of Jesus Christ told these things to the apostles. History is really the testimony of certain people. Testimonies are powerful in Christian life, so live to tell testimonies to other people. Three things here. 1. The one who tells these things are alive A sign of spiritual resurrection is that you would tell about it to other people. A resurrected heart is a heart that is on fire, in love, and alive. 2. Tell it with fire Think about the process of resurrection that happens. Jesus keeps entering tombs: after his death into a physical tomb, and then resurrected and goes into our hearts (another tomb), and we come alive. When he left the light of his grave, he entered into the grave of our hearts to erase us and resurrect us spiritually to turn our heart into his home. Through us, he goes to other people. When we tell it with the Word of God with fire, when we re answering questions, speaking, sharing testimonies, people can see the genuineness of our hearts. Then it becomes conviction in their hearts and leads to spiritual resurrection. 3. Tell it with patience

8 Even to the disciples, these words seemed like an idle tale from the women. Peter had to research for himself stooping and looking into the empty tomb. Even this great apostle had to consider it for himself. To give time for people to stoop and look in for themselves. When you witness, sometimes birth may take place, but could be slow to manifest. Let s consider an analogy between a baby and a dog: A baby first begins crawling on 4 legs, much like a dog. They aren t able to talk, either, just like dogs. They don t seem to function like normal humans until they start to grow and begin waling on two legs. That s when you know they re not a dog, but a human being. People s growth is not like escalator, but more like a rollercoaster ride, so be patient. It takes time for fruit to be born. The Bible describes our growth as the fruit of the Holy Spirit. Consider farmers. They don t check for fruit every hour, every day. They know it takes time. These disciples were all in fear, locked into a room, even after encountering the resurrected Lord. But in less than a hundred years, the whole world will be changed because of these resurrected hearts. He has risen, and he is the reason the change took place. For us, death is not a destination, but a door. We are being led to eternal and blessed life, and get to heaven. What is heaven like? I remember many years ago, how Keith Green, a famous Christian singer in my time, was describing it. He had this one song about how God created the earth in 6 days, and how beautiful it is. And then he talks about how Jesus has been preparing a place for us for 2000 years, and he just can t wait to heaven and see what it ll be like. If God could create something so beautiful in 6 days, what would heaven look like if it s been prepared for 2000 years? Not only this, we ll have a resurrection body. Some of you have deficiencies and weaknesses and old bodies like me, but in heaven we re going to have a healthy body. I remember when a paraplegic lady giving an amazing testimony said I ll be dancing with Jesus. And then you re going to see all the people that you loved on earth. You re going to see them, you re going to meet them. I m going to see my dad, my father, my grandmother, face to face. Some of you will see your parents, some of you will see your children. And then we ll probably worship and have a huge party. Nothing can be compared, not even Chicago Cubs celebration in the park. We re headed for that.

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