THE FUNERAL SERVICE Byzantine Chant Version

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1 THE FNERAL SERVICE Byzantine Chant Version Blessed is our God alays, no and ever, and unto ages of ages. Reader: Amen. Psalm 90 Whoso delleth under the defense of the Most High, shall abide under the shado of the Almighty. I ill say unto the Lord, Thou art my hope, and my stronghold; my God, in Him ill I trust. For He shall deliver thee from the snare of the hunter, and from the noisome pestilence. He shall defend thee under His ings, and thou shalt be safe under His feathers; His faithfulness and truth shall be thy shield and buckler. Thou shalt not be afraid for any terror by night, nor for the arro that flieth by day; for the pestilence that alketh in darkness, nor for the sickness that destroyeth in the noon-day. A thousand shall fall beside thee, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee. Yea, ith thine eyes shalt thou behold, and see the reard of the ungodly. For Thou, Lord, art my hope; Thou hast set Thine house of defense very high. There shall no evil happen unto thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy delling. For He shall give His angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ays. They shall bear thee in their hands, that thou hurt not thy foot against a stone. Thou shalt go upon the lion and adder: the young lion and the dragon shalt thou tread under thy feet. Because he hath set his love upon Me, therefore ill I deliver him; I ill set him up, because he hath knon my Name. He shall call upon Me, and I ill hear him; yea, I am ith him in trouble; I ill deliver him, and bring him to honour. With long life ill I satisfy him, and sho him My salvation. Copyright 2008, by the Antiochian rthodox Christian Archdiocese. Permission granted to copy for liturgical use only.

2 Funeral Service - Page 2 Evlogitaria Byzantine Chant Tone 5 & Ison b Bless - ed art n thou Lord, teach me thy Basil Kazan ( ) stat - utes. & ΠΠThe Choir of the Saints have found the Foun - tain of & Life and the Door of Par - a - dise. May I al - so find the &. right ay through re - pen - tance. I am a lost sheep. & & Call me, b Bless - ed art Sav - iour, and n thou, Lord, save teach me thy me. stat - utes. & Πthou ho of old didst cre - ate me from & noth - ing - ness, and didst ho - nor me ith thine im - age di - vine,

3 Funeral Service - Page 3 & but be-cause I trans-gressed thy com-man - ments hast re - turned me a - & b gain un - to the earth from hich I as ta - ken. Bring me back to that & Πb n & like - ness, b Bless - ed art to be re - n shaped in that thou, Lord, teach me thy pris-tine beau - ty. stat - utes. & ΠI am an im - age of thy glo - ry in - ef - fa - ble though I & bear the brands of trans-gress - ions. Sho thy com-pas - sions up-on thy & Πb n crea - ture, Mas - ter, and pu - ri - fy me by thy lov - ing & Πb b Πb kind - ness; and grant un-to me the home coun-try of my heart's de-sire, & n. mak-ing me a - gain a cit - i - zen of Par - a - dise.

4 Funeral Service - Page 4 & b n Bless - ed art thou, Lord, teach me thy stat - utes. & Œ.. Ye ho - ly Mar - tyrs, ho preached the lamb of God, and & like & b un - to life e - ter - & & He ill grant b Bless - ed art lambs ere slain, nal, hich gro - Œ and are trans - n eth not old; us n re - mis - sion thou, Lord, b lat - pray ye un - to of our teach me thy ed Him sins. stat - utes. in - to Œ that & Œ Give rest, Lord, to the soul(s) of thy ser - vant(s), & b n and es - tab - lish & Saints, and of the him in Par-a - her Just, shine dise; here the like the stars of Choirs of the heav - en.

5 & Give rest to thy & Π& re - gard - ing b Bless - ed art ser - vant(s) not all the n thou, Lord, ho hath have fall - char - ges a - gainst teach me thy Funeral Service - Page 5 en a - sleep, him. her. stat - utes. & Ye ho have trod the nar - ro ay most sad, all ye ho in & J J life have tak - en up-on you the Cross as a yoke, and have & # b #. b Πn & n fol - loed hon - ors & Glo-ry to the me through faith, dra and the crons hich Fa - ther and to near. En - I have pre - pared for the Son and to the Ho - ly oy ye the you. Spir - it. & ΠDe - vout - ly do e hymn the tri - ple splen-dor of the

6 Funeral Service - Page 6 & b n one God - head, cry - ing a - loud: Ho - ly art thou, & Πb b Fa - ther, ho art from ev-er-last - ing; Son, Co-e - ter - nal; and & Πn ΠSpir - it di - vine! Il - lu-mine us ho ith faith do or-ship thee, and & Πres - cue us from & ΠBoth no and ev - er and un - to fire e - ter - nal. a - ges of a - ges. A - men. & Hail, Ho - ly ne, ho for the sal - va - tion of all men & ΠΠb b didst bring forth God in the flesh through hom the race of men hath & found sal - va - & The - o - to - Πn tion.. kos, Through thee pure have e and found par - a - bless - ed dise, one.

7 Funeral Service - Page 7 &. b n. Al-le - lu - ia. Al-le - lu - ia. Al-le - lu - ia. Glo - ry to thee,god. 214 & b n Al-le - lu - ia. Al-le - lu - ia. Al-le - lu - ia. Glo - ry to thee, 222 &. b n God. Give rest, Lord, to the soul of thy ser - vant. Litany (The Priest [or Deacon], standing at his place to the head of the casket, censes the Departed hile intoning the folloing petitions:) Again and again, in peace, let us pray to the Lord. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. (Music is on the next page.) Again e pray for the repose of the soul of the servant of God, N., departed this life; and that Thou ilt pardon his every transgression, both voluntary and involuntary. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. That the Lord God ill establish his soul here the ust repose. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. The mercies of God, the kingdom of heaven and remission of his sins, let us ask of Christ, our Immortal King and our God. Grant this, Lord. For Thou art the Resurrection, and the Life, and the Repose of Thy departed servant, N., Christ our God, and unto Thee e ascribe glory, together ith Thy Father ho is from everlasting, and Thine all-holy, and good, and life-giving Spirit: no and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

8 Funeral Service - Page 8 & Ison Lord, have mer - cy. Lord, have mer - cy. Lord, have mer - cy. & Grant this, Lord. A - men. Byzantine Chant Tone 5 Christopher Holey & Ison & ΠGive rest ith the Just, our Sav - iour, un - to thy ser - vant, n. and make him to dell in thy courts, as it is rit - ten, her & n b n o - ver-look - ing, as thou art good, his her & and in - vol - un - tar - y, sins both vol-un - tar - y Πand all things done ith knol-edge & or in ig - nor-ance, ΠThou ho lov - est man-kind. & Glo - ry to the Fa - ther and to the Son and to the Ho - ly Spir - it. & ΠAnd all things done ith knol-edge or in ig - nor - ance,

9 Funeral Service - Page 9 & Œ Thou ho lov - est man-kind. Œ Both no and ev - er, and & Œ un - to a - ges of a - ges. A - men. Christ our &. God, ho from the Vir - gin didst dan forth up - on the orld, & through Her mak - ing us child - ren of the light, rit. & Œ.. have mer - cy up - on us. Byzantine Chant Tone 6 & Œ There is none A Canon of Theophanes de 3 - Heirmos b ho - ly like b un - to thee, Adapted by Christopher Holey from the music of Basil Kazan b Lord my & Œ # b b # # b God, ho hast ex - alt - ed the horn of thy faith - ful, & good n one; Œ and hast es - tab - lished them, Œ up - on the & rock of thy con - b fess ion.

10 & b Tru - ly, all things are Kathisma (Tone 6) b van - i - ty, and Funeral Service - Page 10 Christopher Holey b life is but a & b b shad - o and a dream. For in vain doth ev' - ry one & b. b # born of earth dis - qui - et him - self as & # b sa - ith the n Scrip - ture. When e have ac - quired the orld, & Πb b. then do e take up our dell-ing in the grave, here & kings and b b beg - gars are the same. Πb Where-fore, Christ our &. b b God, give rest to thy serv - ant de - part - ed this & life; for-as - much as thou b lov - est man - kind.

11 Funeral Service - Page 11 & b b Glo - ry to the Fa - ther and to the Son and 298 & b to the Ho - ly Spir - it; Πboth no and ev - er, and & b b un - to ag - es of ag - es. A - men. & b Πb All - ho - ly The - o - to - kos, for - sake me & b b Πnot dur - ing the years of my life, nor & b b make me de - pend - ent up - on & # b hu - man pro - n tec - tion: But do thou de - & b fend me and have mer - cy up - on me.

12 & As b I be - hold the de 6 - Heirmos sea of life, Funeral Service - Page 12 b surg - ing Kazan & # high ith the b tem - pest of temp - n ta - tions, ΠI set my & b b. # b n course toard thy tran - quil ha - ven and cry a - loud to & Πb b b Πthee, lead thou my life forth from cor - rup - tion, & most b mer - ci - ful one. Byzantine Tone 8 & Kontakion Adapted by Christopher Holey from the music of Basil Kazan ( ) 3 With the saints give rest, Christ, to the soul & of thy. ser - vant, here there is nei - ther & b sick - ness, nor. # b sor - ro, nor sigh -. ing, but & life ev - er - last - ing.

13 ikos Funeral Service - Page 13 Reader: Thou alone art immortal, ho hast created and fashioned man. For out of the earth ere e mortals made, and unto the same earth shall e return again, as thou didst command hen thou didst fashion me, saying unto me: Earth thou art, and unto the earth shalt thou return. Whither, also, all e mortals end our ay, making of our funeral dirge the song: Alleluia. & Πb. It is not de 9 - Heirmos pos - si - ble that men should b see &. & # God, up - b n An - gels dare not b on hom the b gaze. But through b r - ders. thee, of # the b All - im - & b # b b ma - cu - late one as the Word in - car - nate made & # b vi - si - ble to n mor - tal men Πand mag - ni - b fy - ing &. b # b. him to - geth - er ith the heav'n - ly hosts, e & b. b call thee bless - ed.

14 Funeral Service - Page 14 Litany (The Priest [or Deacon], standing at his place to the head of the casket, censes the Departed hile intoning the folloing petitions:) Again and again, in peace, let us pray to the Lord. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. (Music is given belo.) Again e pray for the repose of the soul of the servant of God, N., departed this life; and that Thou ilt pardon his every transgression, both voluntary and involuntary. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. That the Lord God ill establish his soul here the ust repose. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. The mercies of God, the kingdom of heaven and remission of his sins, let us ask of Christ, our Immortal King and our God. Grant this, Lord. For Thou art the Resurrection, and the Life, and the Repose of Thy departed servant, N., Christ our God, and unto Thee e ascribe glory, together ith Thy Father ho is from everlasting, and Thine all-holy, and good, and life-giving Spirit: no and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. & Ison Lord, have mer - cy. Lord, have mer - cy. Lord, have mer - cy. & Grant this, Lord. A - men.

15 Funeral Service - 15 While it is appointed that the folloing troparia (Idiomela), by St. John of Damascus, are to be chanted (stichiraric style), it is customary that the first seven are simply read by the Reader. Tone I. What earthly seetness remaineth unmixed ith grief? What glory standeth immutable on earth? All things are but feeble shados, all things are most deluding dreams: yet one moment only, and Death shall supplant them all. But in the light of thy countenance, Christ, and in the seetness of thy beauty, give rest unto him hom thou hast chosen: forasmuch as thou lovest mankind. Tone II. Woe is me! What manner of ordeal doth the soul endure hen it is parted from the body! Woe is me! Ho many then are its tears, and there is none to sho compassion! Turning its eyes to the angels, it supplicates in vain; stretching out its hands to men, it findeth none to succour. Wherefore, my beloved brethren, meditating on the brevity of our life, let us beseech of Christ rest for him ho hath departed hence; and for our souls great mercy. Tone III. All mortal things are vanity and exist not after death. Riches endure not, neither doth glory accompany on the ay: for hen death cometh, all these things vanish utterly. Wherefore let us cry unto Christ the Immortal King: Give rest, in the delling-place of all those ho reoice to him ho is departed from among us. Tone IV. Where is the desire for the orld? Where is the display of transient mortals? Where are the gold and the silver? Where is the multitude of household servants and their clamour? All are dust, all are ashes, all are shados. But come, let us cry aloud unto the deathless King: Lord, of thine eternal good things account him orthy ho hath departed from among us, giving unto him rest in thy blessedness hich groth not old. Tone V. I called to mind the Prophet, as he cried: I am earth, and ashes; and I looked again into the graves and beheld the bones laid bare, and I said: Who then is the king or the arrior, the rich man or the needy, the upright or the sinner? Yet, Lord, give rest unto thy servant ith the righteous. Tone VI. Thy creating command as my origin and my foundation: for it as thy pleasure to fashion me out of nature visible and invisible, a living creature. From the earth thou didst shape my body, and didst give me a soul by thy divine and quickening breath. Wherefore, Christ, give rest to thy servant in the land of the living, in the habitation of the Just. Tone VII. When in the beginning, thou didst create man after thine on image and likeness, thou didst set him in Paradise to reign over thy creatures. But hen, beguiled by the malice of the Devil, he tasted of the food, he became a transgressor of thy commandment. For hich cause, Lord, thou didst condemn him to return again unto the earth hence he as taken, and to entreat repose.

16 Funeral Service - Page 16 Tone VIII & p Ison I eep and & death, and be - b hold our beau - I ail hen I think up - on Christopher Holey ty, fash-ioned af - ter the im - age of & God, b ly - ing in the tomb dis - fig -. ured, dis - & hon - ored, be - & What is this. reft of mys - ter -. form. Πb y hich doth be - mar - fall vel! us? & b Why have e been giv-en n o - ver un - to cor - rup -. tion, and & hy have e been. ed - ded un - to death? Tru - ly, & b as it is rit -. ten, by the com -. mand of God, ho & giv -. p eth the de - rit. part - ed. rest. Rev. 1, 6/8/08

17 & Πb & b Re - mem-ber us, Bless-ed are the b Lord, hen thou b poor in spir -. it: for com - est b theirs is the b b in thy king - king - dom of Funeral Service - Page 17 The Beatitudes (It is permissible for the folloing verses to be chanted in troparic Tone 6 ith the accompanying troparia simply intoned in that same melody; or for it all to be sung as follos.) Byzantine Chant Tone 6 Adapted by Christopher Holey from the music of Basil Kazan ( ) dom. heav - en. & b. b Bless - ed are they that mourn: for they shall be com - fort - ed. & b. b b Bless-ed are the meek: for they shall in - her - it the earth. & b Bless - ed are they that do b b hun - ger and & thirst for & b Bless-ed are the & ΠA cit - i-zen of righ - teous-ness' mer-ci- ful b Par-a-dise, Πfor sake: Πfor they # b they shall ob - b Christ,thoudidst make shall be tain mer - b of the filled. cy. Thief,ho, be - & b cause of his re - b pen - tance,up - on the cross # cried un - to b n thee: Re-mem-ber me! Rev. 1, 6/8/08

18 & Make thou # me, & b Bless - ed are the & Πb thou ho a sin - ner, pure b in heart reign - est ov - er or - thy al-so Πfor life and death, b of the they b in the Funeral Service - Page 18 shall see courts same. God. b of thy & Πb Saints grant & things, and ho & b Lord, hen thou b # rest un - to # him her cri - eth un- to hom thou com - est in thy Πb thee: Re - b hast re-moved from b mem- ber me b king - b temp - o - ral al - so, dom. & b Bless-ed are the peace - mak -. ers: # for they b shall be called the & Π# b b b chil - dren of God. thou ho rul - est o - ver souls and & b b bod - ies, in hose hand is our breath, Rev. 1, 6/8/08

19 Funeral Service - Page 19 & Π& the Con-so - b rest un-to thy # la - tion of b b the af-flict - serv - ant hom ed: In the thou hast land of the b tak - en from. # Just give us. & b b Bless - ed are they hich are per - se- cut - ed for right - eous-ness' & Πb b sake: for theirs is the king - dom of heav - en. & Πb b # b n May Christ give thee rest in the land of the liv - ing, & Πb b. b Πand o - pen un - to thee the gates of Par - a - dise, and & b b Πmake thee a cit - i - zen of his king - dom; and & # b b b b give thee re - miss - ion of those & Πthou in life hast sinned, thou ho b things lov - est here - in Christ. Rev. 1, 6/8/08

20 Funeral Service - Page 20 & b. b b Bless - ed are ye hen men shall re - vile you, and per-se-cute & you, and shall say all man - ner of b e - vil a - gainst b you, & false-ly, for my sake. # Let us b go. forth, and gaze in-to the tombs: 200 & man & b is na- ked b learn hat are bones, b rich - b food for the es, and orms, and stench; come - li-ness,and b beau - ty, and Œ b and e shall strength. & Œ. b b Œ # # b Re - oice, and be ex-ceed-ing glad: for great is your re-ard in & heav - ven: & ere be-fore Œ b you. for so Let us heark - per - se - cut - ed b en un - to b they the b pro - phets hich hat the Al - might-y cri - b eth: & b. b b Woe un-to those ho seek to be - hold the ter - ri-ble day of the Lord! Rev. 1, 6/8/08

21 & Π& For lo, b # b Glo - ry to the it is dark - ness: b Fa - ther, and b for all things to the Son, and shall be b b tried to the Ho-ly Funeral Service - Page 21 ith fire. Spir - it. & b Him ho hath & or - ship;. no be-gin - Him ho # is the ning b b in birth or n - ly- be -. # cause, the # b got - ten Son, I b Fa - ther I glo-ri - fy; & # b b b b and un-to the Ho - ly Spir - it ho shin - eth to - geth - er ith the & b Fa- ther and the Son, ΠI sing b prais - es. & Πb b b b Both no and ev - er, and un - to ag - es of ag - es. A - men. & Ho dost b thou press b milk in a - b bun - dance # from thy b breasts, Vir - & gin?ho dost b thou b nour - ish the # Nour - ish - er b of cre- a - tion? Rev. 1, 6/8/08

22 Funeral Service - Page 22 & Π# b b b b He kno - eth it ho made the a - ter to ell forth from the & b b b b Πrock; streams of & a - ter for a peo - b ple that ere a -. b thirst, as it as rit - ten. Let us attend. Special Melody Tone 3 & b 4 3 Bless - ed is The Prokeimenon (before the Epistle) the. J ay. & b thou, soul, shalt alk to - day; for a & b. J. place of re - pose & b.. has been pre - pared for thee. & b Verse. n - to thee ill I cry, Lord my God. NTE: The Prokeimenon is chanted tice, folloed by the Verse, and then chanted a third and final time. Rev. 1, 6/8/08

23 PRIEST: Let us attend. READER: Prokeimenon. Blessed is the ay in hich thou shalt alk today; for a place of rest is prepared for thee. Verse: nto thee ill I cry, Lord my God. PRIEST: Wisdom. READER: The Reading is from the First Epistle of the Holy Apostle Paul to the Thessalonians (4:13-17). PRIEST: Let us attend. READER: 13 Brethren: I ould not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them hich are asleep, that ye sorro not, even as others hich have no hope. 14 For if e believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also hich sleep in Jesus ill God bring ith him. 15 For this e say unto you by the ord of the Lord, that e hich are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them hich are asleep. 16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven ith a shout, ith the voice of the archangel, and ith the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: 17 Then e hich are alive and remain shall be caught up together ith them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall e ever be ith the Lord.

24 Peace be to thee that readest. & n Al - le - b lu - ia! b Al - le - b lu - b ia! Al - le - Funeral Service - Page 23 lu - ia! - & Verse Blessed is he hom thou hast chosen and tak - en, Lord. b Second and Final Time & b b b b. b Al-le - lu - ia! Al - le - lu - ia! Al-le - lu - ia! The Gospel Wisdom! Attend! Let us hear the holy Gospel. Peace be to all. & & b And to thy spir - it. After the Gospel is concluded: b J The Reading is from the Holy Gospel according to St. John. b J b Glo - ry to thee, Lord, glo - ry to thee. b Glo - ry to thee, Lord, glo - ry to thee. Rev. 1, 6/8/08

25 Funeral Service - Page 24 Litany (The Priest [or Deacon], standing at his place to the head of the casket, censes the Departed hile intoning the folloing petitions:) Have mercy on us, God, according to thy great goodness, e pray thee: hearken and have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Again e pray for the repose of the soul of the servant of God, N., departed this life; and that Thou ilt pardon his every transgression, both voluntary and involuntary. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. That the Lord God ill establish his soul here the ust repose. The mercies of God, the kingdom of heaven and remission of his sins, let us ask of Christ, our Immortal King and our God. Grant this, Lord. The Prayer of Absolution Let us pray to the Lord. Lord, have mercy. 336 & Lord, have mer - cy. Lord, have mer - cy. Lord, have mer - cy. 337 & Grant this, Lord. Lord, have mer - cy. Rev. 1, 6/8/08

26 Funeral Service - Page & A - men. ur Lord Jesus Christ, by his divine grace, as also by the gift and poer vouchsafed unto his holy Disciples and Apostles, that they should bind and loose the sins of men: (For he said unto them: Receive ye the Holy Spirit: Whosesoever sins ye remit, they are remitted; and hosesoever sins ye retain they are retained. And hatsoever ye shall bind or loose upon earth shall be bound or loosed also in heaven.) By that same poer, also transmitted unto us from them, this my spiritual child, N., is absolved, through me, unorthy though I be, from all things herein, as mortal, he hath sinned against God, hether in ord, or deed, or thought, and ith all his senses, hether voluntary or involuntary; hether ith knoledge or through ignorance. If he be under the ban or excommunication of a Bishop, or of a Priest; or hath sinned by any oath; or hath been bound, as man, by any sins hatsoever, but hath repented him thereof, ith contrition of heart: he is no obsolved from all those faults and bonds. May all those things hich have proceeded from the eakness of his mortal nature be consigned to oblivion, and be remitted unto him: Through His lovingkindness; through the prayers of our most holy, and blessed, and glorious Lady Theotokos and ever-virgin Mary; of the holy, glorious, and all-laudable Apostles, and of all the Saints. Glory Both After the Amen, the eulogy/homily is preached. Then, the Priest continues ith Glory to Thee, Christ our God and our hope, glory to Thee. to no the and Father ever and and to the un - to Son and ag - es to of the Holy ag - es. Spir - it, A-men. & Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mer- cy. Fa - Mas - ther, ter, bless. bless. May He ho rose again from the dead, Christ our true God: through the intercessions of his all-immaculate and all-blameless holy Mother; of the holy, glorious, and all-laudable Apostles, of our venerable and God-bearing Fathers, and of all the Saints, establish in the mansions of the righteous the soul of his servant, N., ho hath been taken from us, and number him among the Just; and have mercy upon us, forasmuch as He is good and loveth mankind. NTE: Memory Eternal is no chanted three times, folloed by the Priest saying, "Through the prayers...", and the chanter responding ith the final Amen. Rev. 1, 6/8/08

THE FUNERAL SERVICE Byzantine Chant Version

THE FUNERAL SERVICE Byzantine Chant Version TH FUNRAL SRVIC Byzantine Chant Version Blessed is our od always, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Reader: Amen. Psalm 90 Whoso dwelleth under the defense of the Most High, shall abide under the shadow

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