Small Evening Service

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1 RLE SDA WITH SPECIAL THANKS TO READER ISAAC LAMBERTSEN, MOTHER MARY, AND AN ANONYMOUS MANUSCRIPT FOUND AT ST. TIKHON S SEMINARY The 20 th Day of January & Our Venerable and God-bearing Father among the Saints, Euthymius the Great. At Lord, I call..., 8 stikhera: Small Evening Service 4 stikhera in Tone 1: To the melody, Joy of the ranks of heaven... Thou didst sóar above the circles of heáven, / O blessed fáther, / And éntering the darkness thou didst truly shíne with light, / Not through decéption nor tríckery, /// But through the very gráce of God. (Twice) Having illúmined thy soul and mind with the vírtues / Thou didst present thyself to the Kingdom of Christ in heáven / Óffering to Him fruit of thine ascetic lábors, / And shining like a lamp, thou dost delight in etérnal sústenance, /// O thrice-blessed father Euthýmius. The consubstántial and unoriginate Trínity / Established the abode of the Spirit withín thee, / And revealed thee as a radiant beacon of light, / O God-bearing father Euthymius; / And having passed above the temporal things of this world /// Thou hast found thine abode in heaven. Glory..., in Tone 2: O ven rable father Euthýmius, / Diligently hast thou studied the virtues from thy chíldhood days / Thus becóming an instrument of the Holy Spírit. / Thou didst receiving from Him the gift of working míracles / And taught mankind to spurn the pleásures of this world. / Now, having been illúmined with the pure and divíne Light, /// Illumine thou our thoughts, O father Euthýmius. Now and ever, Theotokion. At the Apostikha, these stikhera, in Tone 2: To the melody, O house of Ephratha... Denouncing the deceptions of the démons / By the pówer of the Cross, / Thou didst proclaím the glóry of Christ, /// O father Euthýmius. Verse: Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints.

2 Thou didst ascend in a fiery cháriot, / Like Elijah, O bléssed one, / And thou stándest now before the Holy Trínity /// O great father Euthýmius! Verse: Blessèd is the man who fears the Lord, who greatly delights in His commandments. Bearing in thy hands the Cróss of the Lord, / O holy father Euthýmius, /// Thou dost utterly destroy the illusions of the énemy. Glory..., Theotokion, in the Same Tone: Rejoice, O Vírgin, / For thou didst receive in thy womb the Jóy of the world, / Chríst, the Gíver of life, /// Who hath eased the grief of our first móther, Eve. The Troparion of the Saint, in Tone 4: Rejoice, O barren désert! / Be glad, O ye who have not beén in travail! / For a man of spiritual desires hath multiplied thy chíldren / And planted them in píety. He reared them in ábstinence / To the perfection of vírtues; /// By his prayers, O Christ God; grant peáce to our lives. Glory..., now and ever... Dogmatic Theotokion, in the Same Tone: The mystery of all eternity... Great Evening Service After the Introductory Psalm, Blessèd is the man..., the first Kathisma. At Lord, I call..., 8 stikhera: 4 stikhera in Tone 1: To the melody, O all-praised martyrs... O fáther Euthýmius, / An angel sent from heaven pre-annóunced thy birth, / And like Jóhn, thy sprouting from a bárren womb. / In emulation of him, thou didst live without hóme or posséssions / Spúrning all wealth and sharing his wáy of life, / And sustaining thyself in the mountainous wílderness /// Thou didst shine forth with countless míracles. O fáther Euthýmius, 2

3 Thyself sprouting from a bárren womb, / Thou wast trúly the father of many chíldren / For from thy spiritual seed the once trackless and impássable désert / Became fílled with monástics. /// Pray now, that our souls be granted peace and great mércy. O fáther Euthýmius, / Magnificent was thy life and truly Órthodox was thy faith! / Thou didst attaín to the deepest contemplation throúgh thy deeds / Truly becoming an abóde of Wísdom, / Honoring Chríst in two natures and One in Trínity. /// Beseech Him now to grant our souls great mércy. O fáther Euthýmius, / Having become a partaker of the Pássion / Of Hím who was crucified ón the Cross / Through thy fásting and ábstinence, / Thou didst trúly come to emulate His resurrection and glóry. /// Beseech Him now, to grant our souls peace and great mércy. And 4 stikhera in Tone 4: To the melody, Called from on high... When the eye of Him who seéth all / Perceived thy resolute purpose and inclination to achieve the hígher things, / O thóu, who was sanctified from thy móther s womb, / He took away thy parents sórrow / And revealed thee to be a gíft from God, / The namesake of godly temperament and cháracter, / And from the cradle thou didst please God, our Benefáctor. /// Beseech Him now to save and enlíghten our souls. (Twice) Finding thee to be like a mirror reflecting divine revelátions / Christ made thee to shine with the radiant spléndor of His light, / O fáther, rich with the gífts of God. / Now thou art an abundant source of heáling / The feeder of the hungry, quenching with the waters of grace thóse who thirst. / And being one who can see the true disposítion of souls, / And by thy word, make them more pleásing to God. /// Beseech Him now to save and enlíghten our souls. Shining brightly in both action and contemplátion / 3

4 Thine angelic life became a precious model and a rule of vírtues / For thóse desiring to worship God in perféction. / And the divine wisdom of thy words, O Euthýmius, / Have taught all to worship the Holy Trínity / That Christ is known to be One in two nátures; / And the Councils equal in number to the four Góspels of Christ. /// Beseech Him now to save and enlíghten our souls. Glory..., in Tone 3: Consecrated to God from your mother s womb as another Sámuel, / O father Euthýmius, / Thou wast true in keéping with thy name: / An example of a godly character to the faíthful, / A staff and confirmation of the monástics, / And a pure abode of the Holy Spírit. /// Entreat Him to grant us honoring theé, great mércy. Now and ever, Dogmatic Theotokion, in the Same Tone: How shall we but marvel at thy divine-human gíving of birth / Most Holy Vírgin? / For without knówing a man / Thou gavest birth to a fatherless son in the flesh, O Most-pure Vírgin. / The Son born of the Father before etérnity / Was born of thee in the fúlness of time / He underwent no mingling, no change, no divísion / But preserved the fullness of each náture. / Entreat Him to save the souls, O Lady and Virgin and Móther, / Of those who confess thee in an Orthodox mánner /// To bé the Theotókos. / [Or the Dogmatic Theotokion in the Tone of the Week if a Resurrection Service] The Entrance and the Prokeimenon of the day. Three Readings: The Reading from the Wisdom of Solomon (5:15-6:3): 5:15 The righteous live for evermore; their reward also is with the Lord, and the care of them is with the most High. 16 Therefore shall they receive a glorious 4 kingdom and a beautiful crown from the Lord s hand; for with His right hand shall He cover them, and with His arm shall He protect them. 17 He shall take to him

5 His zeal for complete armor and make the creation His weapon for revenge upon his enemies. 18 He shall put on righteousness as a breastplate and indifferent judgment instead of a helmet. 19 He shall take holiness for an invincible shield. 20 His severe wrath shall he sharpen for a sword, and the creation shall fight with him against the unwise. 21 Then shall the right aiming thunderbolts go abroad; and from the clouds, as from a well-drawn bow, and they shall fly to the mark. 22 And hailstones full of wrath shall be cast out as a stone bow, and the water of the sea shall rage against them, and the floods shall cruelly drown them. 23 Yea, a mighty wind shall stand up against them, and like a storm shall blow them away; thus iniquity shall lay waste the whole earth, and ill dealing shall overthrow the thrones of the mighty. 6:1 Hear therefore, O ye kings, and understand; learn, ye that be judges of the ends of the earth. 2 Give ear, ye that rule the people, and glory in the multitude of nations. 3 For power is given to you of the Lord, and sovereignty from the Highest, who shall try your works, and search out your counsels. The Reading from the Wisdom of Solomon (3:1-9): 3:1 The souls of the righteous are in the hand of God, and there shall no torment touch them. 2 In the sight of the unwise they seemed to die: and their departure is taken for misery, 3 and their going from us to be utter destruction: but they are in peace. 4 For though they be punished in the sight of men yet is their hope full of immortality. 5 And having been a little chastised, they shall be greatly rewarded: for God proved them and found them worthy for Himself. 6 As gold The Reading from the Wisdom of Solomon (4:7-15): 4:7 The righteous man, though he die early yet shall he be at rest. 8 For old age is not honored for length of time, nor is it measured by number of years; 9 but wisdom is gray hair for men, and a blameless life is ripe old age. 10 There was one who pleased God and was so belovèd of Him, that while living among sinners he was taken up. 11 He was caught up lest evil change his understanding or guile deceive his soul. 12 For the fascination of wickedness 5 in the furnace hath He tried them and received them as a burnt offering. 7 And in the time of their visitation they shall shine and run to and fro like sparks among the stubble. 8 They shall judge the nations, and have dominion over the people, and their Lord shall reign forever. 9 They that put their trust in Him shall understand the truth: and such as be faithful in love shall abide with Him: for grace and mercy is to His saints, and He hath care for His elect. obscures that which is good, and roving desire perverts the innocent mind. 13 Being so perfected in a short time, he fulfilled long years; 14 for his soul was pleasing to the Lord; therefore He took him quickly from the midst of wickedness. 15 Yet this the peoples saw and did not understand, neither did they take such a thing to heart, that God s grace and mercy are upon His holy ones, and He hath care for His elect.

6 At the Litya, the stikhera of the temple, and these of the saint, in Tone 2: (The composition of Germanus) The angel of the Lord said to thy párents: / Be ye óf good cheer! / For yóu will give bírth to a child, / Who will be namesake of a godly disposition and cháracter! / According to this promise thóu wast conceived. /// And thus thou wast nurtured in prayer from thy swaddling clothes, O father Euthýmius. The composition of the Studite: Having strengthened thy mind with wísdom divine / Thou didst reject all the passing and témporal things / And wast néver surprised by anything occurring ón the earth. / In times of sorrow thou wast great in wisdom and válor, / And thou wast humble and meek in all thine ascetic lábors. / Wísely didst thou abandon the raging sea of life and attained the tranquil háven. /// Pray to Christ that He may have mércy on us. Thou didst spurn the thíngs of this world / For thou didst love the thíngs above; / Thou didst shéd the trappings of wealth and clothed thyself in humílity, / In place of food thou didst embrace ábstinence; / Rejecting injustice thou didst pursue ríghteousness. / Thérefore, O venerable father Euthýmius, /// We entreat thee to remember us in thy holy prayers befóre the Lord. Glory..., in Tone 4: Thy good deeds shine like the sun over the heávens and the earth, / O Euthymius, thou fávorite of Christ, / For in accórdance with the trúe doctrines of the Church / Thou didst preach to us the Orthodox and spótless Faith. / Thus, O venerable and God-bearing fáther, /// Entreat Christ to grant us great mercy on this day as we celebrate thy mémory. Now and ever, Theotokion, in the Same Tone: Look down, O all-pure Vírgin / Upon the supplications of thy sérvants; / Thou dost crúsh the savage assaults that besét us, / And dost calm áll our distress, / Thou art the only steadfast suppórt that we know. / 1 RLE SDA 3/20/2012

7 Suffer us not, O our Lady, to be pút to shame, / We who have found an intercessor in thee and who cáll upon thee / Speedily hearken to the entreaties of those who cry to theé in faith: / Rejoice, O our Lady, thou hélp and joy, /// Protection and salvátion of our souls. At the Apostikha, these stikhera, in Tone 5: To the melody, Rejoice... Rejoíce, O venerable fáther, / For thou art a source of great jóy to the Church! / For at thy bírth the assaults of heretics were repulsed by the próvidence of God, / Who námed thee Euthymius because of thy godly cháracter. / Thou didst fill the angelic choirs with joy by thy radiant lífe on the earth; / And dwélling with them now and enjoying the blessed and divine glóry of Christ, /// Entreat Him that He grant our soúls great mércy. Verse: Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints. Stréngthened by the stáff of the Cross, / Thou didst dry up the flood of transgréssion, / Reveáling a spring of salvation flowing in the wílderness / Wátered by the stream of divine sweetness from the fountain of Páradise. / And being enriched like a palm by the streams of the divine Spirit, O vén rable one, / Thou didst hásten to the heights of heáven / As a radiant pillar of fire, O Euthymius, wíse in God. /// Entreat Him that He grant our soúls great mercy. Verse: Blessèd is the man who fears the Lord, who greatly delights in His commandments. Jóyfully didst thou enter into the tabernacle and the hoúse of the Lord. / Truly didst thy soul rejoice in all its wónders / And the beáutiful sound of those celebrating with sweet voíces. / Thou didst táste of its ineffable and soul-pleásing delights / And desiring to obtain the same, O Euthymius, thou didst mortify the pássions of thy flesh, / Instructing thy soúl to adorn herself with ríghteousness divine. /// Pray to Christ God that He send down great mércy ón our souls. Glory..., in the Same Tone: O vén rable fáther / Thou gavest neither sleep to thine eyes nor slumber to thine eyélids, / Until both thy soúl and body were freed from pássions / And didst prepáre thyself as a dwelling place for the Spírit / Who with the Father and Son came and made His abóde in thee: / 7

8 O fávorite of the Trinity, One in Éssence, / O great preácher, Euthymius our fáther, /// Ceaselessly práy fór our souls Now and ever, Theotokion, in the Same Tone: We bléss thee, O Virgin Theotókos, / For Christ, the Sun of ríghteousness / Háth shone fórth from thee /// In Hís great mércy. After the blessing of the loaves, the Troparion of Saint Euthymius, in Tone 4: Rejoice, O barren desert! / Be glad, O ye who have not beén in travail! / For a man of spiritual desires hath multiplied thy chíldren / And planted them in píety. / He reared them in ábstinence / To the perfection of vírtues; /// By his prayers, O Christ God; grant peáce to our lives. And the Theotokion: Rejoice, O Virgin Theotókos... (Once) Morning Service At God is the Lord... the troparion of the saint, twice; Glory..., now and ever, the Theotokion, in Tone 4: The mystery of all etérnity / Unknown even by ángels / Through thee is revealed on earth, O Móther of God, / God incarnate by union without confúsion. / For our sake He voluntarily endúred the Cross, / By it He resurrected the first-created Ádam /// And saved our soúls from death. After the 1 st Kathisma, the Sessional Hymn, in Tone 4: To the melody, Thou hast appeared today. Thou didst shine for like a star in the désert / Shining with the unapproáchable light / Illúmining all who approached thee with a steádfast soul /// With thy teachings, O father Euthýmius. (Twice) Glory..., now and ever..., Theotokion: 8

9 Accept our prayers as we seek refuge under thy protéction, / O Holy Vírgin, / And cease not to intercede before Chríst our God /// That He save us, thy sérvants! After the 2 nd Kathisma, the Sessional Hymn, in Tone 5: To the melody: The co-unoriginate Word Láying aside all eárthly cares / And embracing the angelic wáy of life, / Thou didst adórn thy soul with the beauty of ábstinence / And didst receíve from God the abundant grace of working míracles. / O God-bearing father Euthýmius, /// Pray on behalf of us who píously praíse thee. (Twice) Glory..., now and ever..., Theotokion: O Móst Holy Vírgin / Have mercy on us who run to theé with faith, / Implóring thy fervent aid, O compassionate Lády; / For as the good Móther of Gód most High, / O thou, who art fúll of grace, / Thou ever práys that He may sáve us all /// Through thy matérnal supplicátions. Polyeley and Magnification: We bless thee, // O venerable father Euthymius, / and we honor thy holy memory, / instructor of monastics / and converser with the angels! Selected Psalm verses: I waited patiently for the Lord; He inclined to me and heard my prayer. He set my feet upon a rock and guided my footsteps. After the Polyeley, the Sessional Hymn, in Tone 8: Special melody: Of Wisdom... Trúly embracing the poverty of Him who was born of the Vírgin for our sake, / Thou didst come to disregard the passing thíngs of this life, / And having partaken of the treé of wísdom / Thou didst show thyself to be a godly instructor of monastics, O vén rable one. / Therefore, thou didst inspire them to have zeal for the angélic way of life / And the true understánding óf the Faith. / O father Euthymius, intercede with Christ God that He may grant the remíssion of sins /// To those who lovingly celebrate thy holy mémory. (Twice) 9

10 Glory..., now and ever..., Theotokion: Áll generations bless thee, O Vírgin, / As she who alone amongst wómen / Gavest birth to Gód in the flésh without seed; / For the fire of the Godhead came to dwéll in thee / And with thy milk thou didst feed thy Creátor and Lord. / So, together with the angels we wórthily glórify thee, / And we praise thine all-holy birthgiving, and crý to thee: / Entreat Christ God that He grants the remíssion of sins /// To those who faithfully honor His All-holy Natívity. 1st Antiphon of the 4 th Tone (The Song of Ascents), From my Youth... Prokeimenon, in Tone 4: Precious in the sight of the Lord / is the death of His saints. Verse: What shall I render unto the Lord for all His bounty to me? Gospel: (43) Matthew 11: After Psalm 50 (51), the Post-gospel stikheron, to the saint, in Tone 6: O holy Father Euthýmius, / The proclamation of thy teachings hath gone out into áll the world, / Therefore thou hast obtained the reward of thy labors in heáven; / Thou hast destroyed legions of démons, / And attained to the choirs of the ángels / Whose life thou didst blamelessly émulate, / Having now boldness before Chríst our God, /// Pray for the peace of the world and the salvátion of our souls. The Canon One canon of the Mother of God (the Paraklesis), with 6 troparia, including the irmos; and two of the saint, with 8 troparia. Ode 1 First canon of the saint, having the acrostic: Thou art a treasure from among the mortals, O Euthymius (the composition of John of Damascus), in Tone 4: Irmos: There is none like unto Thee, O all-glorious Lord, for by thy mighty arm Thou hast delivered the people whom Thou hast acquired, O Thou who lovest mankind. Refrain: Venerable father Euthymius, pray to God for us! 10

11 Most gloriously hast thou taken away the grief of thy parents, O namesake of godly character, having been promised to them by God as a gift before thy birth. The Church offers thee hymns of praise, O venerable one, for she hath received thee from God as a godly and peaceful gift as was foretold. Second canon of the saint, having the acrostic: By thy supplications grant me light, O most blessèd Euthymius (the composition of Theophanes), in Tone 8: Irmos: The staff of Moses performed miracles, striking the sea like the Cross, submerging Pharaoh with his chariots, saving the Israelites in their flight as they sang a song of victory. Dispel the gloomy clouds of my laziness, O most blessèd one, by thy supplications and entreaties before God, for thou art full of consolation and good cheer as thou standest now before Him. Having been promised by God like a new Samuel even before thy conception, O venerable father, thou hast been revealed to all the Church by the splendor of thy good nature, in accordance with thy name. Thy parents prayed and made their supplications before God and they received thee as a divine gift and radiant offspring, who by thy nativity, proclaims the splendor of piety and the denunciation of heresy. Glory, From childhood wast thou dedicated to God who hath given thee life, O venerable one, and looking to Him and being guided by His life-creating precepts, thou didst ascend to the very summit of the virtues by thy faith, O God-bearing father Euthymius. Now and ever, Theotokion: Having thee as our intercession, O Mother of God, we fear not the hordes of the enemy which assail those who glorify the God and lord of all who was born of thee, and we pray thee to intercede with Him on our behalf! Katavasia: The irmosi of the canon of the Meeting of the Christ. Ode 3 First canon of the saint Irmos: We glory not in wisdom nor in power, nor yet in riches, but in Thee, the hypostatic Wisdom of the Father, O Christ, for there is none more holy than Thee, O lover of mankind. She who gave thee birth emulated Hannah when she brought thee, like the venerable Samuel of old, as a living sacrifice to God, who had glorified thee even before thou wast conceived. Aflame with an ardent love for God, O venerable one, thou didst master thy passions with the most pious resolve. Therefore, the grace of God came to rest upon thee. 11

12 Second canon of the saint Irmos: O Christ who in the beginning established the heavens with wisdom and founded the earth upon the waters, establish thou me upon the rock of Thy commandments, for there is none more holy than Thee, O only lover of mankind. Born of a barren woman, thou wast shown to be a most skilled husbandman of spiritual fertility, cutting down the weeds of impiety and sowing the divine seed of piety, O venerable father Euthymius. As a sacred minister of the divine and mystical visions, thou didst lead unbelievers to Christ as believers instructed in the higher things. Having mortified thy flesh through abstinence, O Euthymius, and holding fast to the most chaste and pious thoughts, thou didst straightway prefer everlasting life and sweetness to the transitory and corrupt things of this world. Glory, Eluding the fiery pursuit of the demons by a soul aflame and wounded with the love of Christ, O father, thou wast illumined with dew-bearing grace, becoming a champion, bearing the sign of Victory. Now and ever, Theotokion: Thou didst place a seal on all the sayings of the prophets of God and their prophecies. Yea, thou didst fulfil all their divine foretellings, O blessèd and Most-pure Lady. Katavasia The Sessional Hymn, in Tone 8: To the melody, Of Wisdom. Desíring the radiant coming of the Bridegroom, O vénerable one, / Thou didst spiritually fill the lamp of thy soul with the oil of ábstinence / And kept wátch with thy vígilant prayers. / Thou didst make thine abode in His chambers, O bléssed one, / And hast truly received the sweet gift of working míracles, / O God-bearing fáther Euthýmius. / Therefore, we pray thee to entreat Chríst our God /// That He grant the remission of sins to those who lovingly celebrate thy holy mémory. (Twice) Glory..., now and ever..., Theotokion: Like the wídow I offer my meager offering of thánks to thee / As is due, O Lády, / For áll thy précious gifts; / For thou hast ever been my protéction and my aide / Rescuing me from trials and sórrows. / 12

13 Therefore from the midst of the furnace I eárnestly crý to thee: / Deliver me from all things that assaíl me, / Help me, O Mother of God, by thy prayers to Chríst God / That He grant the remíssion óf my sins /// For I thy servant have placed my hópe in thee. Ode 4 First canon of the saint Irmos: By Thy descent, O Christ, Thou didst bow down the heavens in wisdom and didst manifest Thyself incarnate on the earth. Therefore, we cry aloud to Thee: Glory to Thy power, O Thou who lovest mankind! Having preserved the purpose of thy mind unchanged from thine infancy, O father, by thy way of life thou didst steadily ascend to God, ever growing from strength to strength. Emulating the humility of Christ, thou didst follow him to the spiritual Jerusalem where thou wast crucified with Him who didst suffer for thy sake upon the Cross. It being thy desire to suffer under the law, thou didst strip thyself of this life and naked, wrestled, like Christ against the enemy, and attained the trophy of victory in the desert. Second canon of the saint Irmos: Thou art my strength, O Lord, my God, my power, my joy; without leaving Thy Father s bosom Thou hast visited our wretchedness. So with the prophet Habakkuk I cry to Thee: Glory to Thy Power, O Lover of mankind! Desiring eternal glory, O father, thou didst consecrate thyself wholly unto God, and by the splendor of thy blameless and ascetic life thou didst zealously hasten to Him, crying: Glory to Thy power, O Lover of mankind! Loving the Source of Goodness with all thy strength, O venerable one, thou became a wellspring of divine gifts for monastics, quenching the thirst of those in distress, for thou didst cause springs to gush forth in the desert as did Moses of old. Emerging from the hidden places of the Spirit, thou didst liberate the children of Hagar making them again worthy children of God by the baptism of adoption, for having emulated the life of the Forerunner, thou wast worthily revealed to be a baptized, O Euthymius. Glory, Illumined by God with grace, O Euthymius, thou wast recognized by the most ignorant, for truly, it did not befit thy virtue to hide and conceal thyself in the wilderness. Therefore, the Master has revealed thee to be a beacon for all. Now and ever, Theotokion: Rejoice, O honored Lady! Rejoice, O Most-pure Vírgin! Rejoice, mountain covered with grace! Rejoice, O holy tabernacle! Rejoice, O holy ark! Rejoice, thou 13

14 candlestand bearing the divine light! For thou art the Mediatrix of profound joy and gladness to the souls of the faithful! Ode 5 First canon of the saint Irmos: The impious do not perceive Thy glory, O Christ, but we, rising early in the night sing Thy praises, O only-begotten radiance of the Father s glory who lovest mankind. Thou didst submit thyself to the Law of God and wielded thy body like a spiritual weapon, O God-bearing father, subjecting the impulses of thy flesh to thy spirit. Joyfully didst thou complete the course of thy life, O father, and, conceiving within thyself the fear of God, thou gavest birth to salvation for the lost, shining like the sun, though covered by the sands of the desert. Second canon of the saint Irmos: Why have I been cast out from before Thy countenance, O never-setting Light? Why am I, a wretch, surrounded by a strange darkness? But return me again and guide me to the light of Thy commandments, I pray Thee. Revealed to be a pillar of fire and a cloud glowing with the radiance of the spirit, O Euthymius, thou didst lead the pious ascetics toward the heavenly path guiding them to the place of ever-lasting delights and the heights of heaven. Christ hath given thee to the world, O father, as an exceeding merciful physician of the sick, a glorious provider for the hungry, an instructor of the ignorant, a chastiser of the mindless, and a helper of orphans and the poor. Thou wast compassionate and merciful, possessing a humble-minded character, O father, uprooting the passions with divine teachings, enlightening and instructing thy disciples, and healing the afflictions of the soul. Glory, Thou hast illumined all with the rays of thy miracles, and like a magnet, thou hast drawn all to thy teachings, edifying the traits and the gifts of their souls by the surpassing purity of thine own soul. Now and ever, Theotokion: We all proclaim thee the true Theotokos, O thou who art bless t of God, for thou hast been delivered from the corruption of birth by thy divine birthgiving and recalled to a better life through the loving-kindness and mercy of our God. Ode 6 First canon of the saint Irmos: I have fallen into the depths of the sea, and the tempest of my many sins hath encompassed me; but, as Thou art God, lead my life up from the abyss, O greatly merciful one. 14

15 By thy supplications, O God-bearing father, break thou the yoke of our bondage through the baptism of adoption as thou hast done for the children of Hagar. The grace of God, O God-bearing father, actively dwells within thee, and hath appointed the as a wise builder of good renown, a chastiser of the mindless, and an expeller of evil spirits. Second canon of the saint Irmos: Cleanse me, O Savior, for many are my transgressions, and lead me from the depths of evil, I pray Thee, and I cry: Hear me, O God of my salvation. Receiving great authority from God, thou didst drive away the multitudes of demons healing the diseases of all who came to thee with faith. Truly thou art bless t, O venerable father Euthymius, for thou hast acquired the riches of poverty and tears of joy, and so, hast thou inherited the kingdom of heaven. Glory, Thou hast spurned fleeting honor and glory on earth, O most blessèd one, and hast received everlasting life and incorruptible delight dwelling now in the mansions of heaven. Now and ever, Theotokion: We call thee the Lady and Queen of all, for truly hast thou ineffably given birth to God who created, sustains and embraces all, O Most-immaculate one. Katavasia The Kontakion of Saint Euthymius, in Tone 8: The wilderness rejoiced at thy birth, O venerable father Euthýmius, / Remembering thee it harvests great rejoicing because of thy many míracles. / Richly grant of these to our souls and cleanse them from the filth of our mány sins /// So that we may sing to the Lord, Allelúia! Ikos: How can I, wretch that I am, offer thee praise from my slothful heart? I am filled with fear as I sing hymns to the great Euthymius. Yet, trusting in his prayers, I begin again with great courage and diligence and recount to all his birth and his life, and how his parents sang to God: Alleluia! Ode 7 First canon of the saint Irmos: The three youths in Babylon scorned the command of the king and cried out in the midst of the flames: Blessèd art Thou, O Lord God of our fathers! Thou wast seen within a cloud, O father, enveloped in a supernatural fire, crying out as a heavenly initiate of the mysteries of God: Blessèd art Thou, O Lord God of our fathers! The Creator of nature hath freely given thee supernatural powers, O father, and as a divine 15

16 initiate of the heavenly mysteries, thou dost cry: Blessèd art Thou, O Lord God of our fathers! Worshipping the one Only-begotten Son, One in two natures by His divine incarnation, O Euthymius, thou dost cry out: Blessèd art Thou, O Lord God of our fathers! Second canon of the saint Irmos: Once, in Babylon, the fiery flames stood in awe before the condescension of God; and the children, dancing in the furnace as though in a meadow sang in joy: Blessèd art Thou, O Lord God of our fathers! Uniting thyself to the bodiless powers through the practice of extreme abstinence, O father, thou didst show thy life to be a triumph of fasting and holiness, as thou didst sing: Blessèd art Thou, O Lord God of our fathers! Christ revealed thee to be a two-edged sword cutting down the hordes of demons and piercing the hearts of the enemy but making glad the souls of those who sing: Blessèd art Thou, O Lord God of our fathers! Glory, Filled with the light of the three-fold Sun, O father Euthymius, thou wast revealed as a second luminary reflecting the primal Light, shining upon those who sing: Blessèd art Thou, O Lord God of our fathers! Now and ever, Theotokion: Thou didst shine like the dawn having within thee the Sun of Righteousness who cleansed the world of the darkness of ignorance with the radiance of divine Wisdom. To Him we sing: Blessèd art Thou, O Lord God of our fathers! Ode 8 First canon of the saint Irmos: The Offspring of the Theotokos saved the God-fearing children in the furnace He who was then prefigured has since been born on earth, and He raises up all creation to sing: Praise the Lord, all ye works of the Lord, highly exalt Him throughout all ages! Having dedicated thyself to God and kindled the furnace of thy conscience, O Euthymius, thou didst set thy whole life on fire as a pure unblemished sacrifice, joyfully singing unto God: Praise the Lord, all ye works of the Lord, sing and exalt Him throughout all ages! Becoming a son by adoption through the grace of God, thou didst receive as an inheritance the knowledge of things to come, and mastering thy nature, thou didst transcend nature itself through this foreknowledge, thus hastening thy fulfillment, O father Euthymius, singing unto God: Praise the Lord, all ye works of the Lord, sing and exalt Him throughout all ages! Second canon of the saint Irmos: The Chaldean torturer became enraged; he ordered the furnace to be heated sevenfold; but seeing the godly youths saved by a greater might, he sang to the Creator and Redeemer: Bless Him, 16

17 O ye children, praise Him, O ye priests, exalt Him throughout all ages! Acquiring a most mighty way of life, O blessèd one, thou didst attain to the most exalted contemplation, becoming the receptacle of the gifts which abundantly flow from the life-creating Spirit and dost ceaselessly sing: O ye people, praise and exalt Him throughout all ages! At thy repose thou didst attain the heights of Sion and the everlasting mansions, O Euthymius, thus obtaining thine inheritance in heaven, and together with the angels thou dost now sing: Bless Him, O ye children, praise Him, O ye priests, praise and exalt Him throughout all ages! Thou dost illumine the wilderness with the radiance of the sun, expelling the dark demons, thyself becoming a brilliant pillar of fire reaching up to the heights of heaven, shining with the radiance of thy miracles, ever crying out to the Master: Bless Him, O ye people, praise Him, O ye priests, praise and exalt Him throughout all ages! Adorned with the accomplishments of thy holy life thou didst emulate the beauty of the virtues, shone forth with the radiance of thy orthodox teachings, expounding the excellence of thy theology ever crying out: Bless Him, O ye people, praise Him, O ye priests, praise and exalt Him throughout all ages! Let us bless the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Lord! Theotokion: O most pure and immaculate Bride of God, rescue from the captivity of the passions those who tome to thee for help, and grant peace and freedom to the Churches of the Orthodox faithful who sing with faith: Bless Him, O ye people, praise Him, O ye priests, praise and exalt Him throughout all ages! We praise, bless, and worship the Lord, singing and exalting Him throughout all ages. Katavasia Ode 9 First canon of the saint Irmos: Together with all Creation we magnify thee, O all-pure Lady, as true Theotokos who before and after giving birth alone art Virgin. Finding thee incorrupt within thy tomb, O venerable saint, we bless thee as a victorious champion who wast a well-spring of healings even before thy repose. He that dwelleth on-high hath made thee an ally for our earthly rulers against the armies of our enemies, O venerable father. and for thy flock against the countless attacks of the adversary. Second canon of the saint Irmos: The heavens were filled with fear, the ends the earth were filled with awe, for God revealed Himself in the flesh to men and thy womb became more spacious than the heavens, so the leaders of men and angels magnify thee, O Theotokos. Christ told thee of thy desired repose, O father, as He did to Moses, the Eye-witness of God 17

18 in days of old, whom thou didst emulate, for thou didst part the sea of the passions and passed over unhindered to the promised land, thus vanquishing the enemy. Like Elijah of old, thou didst ascend to the heavens on a chariot of virtues at thy repose, O venerable one, where the chronicle of thy life had been recorded. And now, standing before the Master, be thou mindful of those who with faith celebrate thy luminous and most sacred memory. The manner of they life was truly luminous and angelic, O father wise in God, and thy soul most godly; thy faith was truly pious, and thou didst teach the divine dogmas, O God-bearing Euthymius, truly preaching the Orthodox Faith. Glory, Made steadfast by thy prayers, O divinely-wise father, I earnestly set my hope on thee to be my advocate and intercessor praying before God, entreating the forgiveness of sins and the remission of my debts, O thou who hath obtained the rich compassions of God. Now and ever, Theotokion: Be thou a tower of salvation for me, O pure Lady; repel the hordes of demons and protect me against their temptations and tribulations; repulse the assaults of the passions, and bestow pure freedom upon me, and grant me an abundance of the gifts of God! Katavasia Exapostilarion of the Saint: God hath sanctified thee from thy mother s womb, O venerable father, revealing thee to be a divine prophet like Jeremiah and Samuel of old. With them, O wonder-working and Godbearing father Euthymius who dwellest with the angels, be thou ever mindful of those who sing to thee with faith. (Twice) Glory..., now and ever. Theotokion: Saved by thee, O Lady, we confess thee to be truly Theotokos, for thou gavest birth to God, who by the Cross destroyed death, and surrounded Himself with great multitudes of saints who are pleasing to God. Together with them, we praise thee, O Virgin. At the Praises, 4 stikhera, in Tone 8: To the melody, O most glorious wonder... O vénerable father Euthýmius, / Having forsaken the thíngs of the earth / Thou didst fóllow áfter Christ; / Thou preferred not that which is corrúptible / To the things that áre to come / And didst go to the desert and fílled it with monástics / And there, destroyed legions of démons. / 18

19 Who can help but recount thy soul s true zeál for the Lord, /// O ever-glórious one? (Twice) O vénerable father Euthýmius, / Thou wast the rule for monastics and theír delight / The boást of the Órthodox, / And a radiant beacon for the whóle world; / For thou wast not afraid of the terrors of the énemy / When thou went to dwéll withín the cave. / O, what glorious gifts came to dwéll with thee, / Through which thou was able to trample the arrogance of the démons, /// O ever-glórious one! O vénerable father Euthymius, / Thou didst truly take wing soaring alóft to God, / And having purified thy senses through fásting and ceáseless prayer / Thou was counted worthy of everlásting life. / O all-glorious adornment of monástics, / Truly Christ hath receíved thee, rejoícing, /// Into the immaterial mansions of heáven. Glory..., in the Same Tone: We hónor thee, O ven rable father Euthýmius, / As the instructor of a multitude of monástics, / Teaching us to walk trúthfully alóng the Way. / Thou didst labor for Christ, O bléssed one, / Denouncing the power of the énemy, / O converser with the angels and compánion of the ríghteous and just! /// Together with them, pray to the Lord that He will have mércy on our souls. Now and ever..., Theotokion, in the Same Tone: Accépt, O Sovereign Lády / The prayers of us, thy sérvants, /// And deliver us from every danger and necéssity. The Great Doxology; the troparion to the saint; the usual litanies and the dismissal She who gave thee birth emulated Hannah when she brought thee, like the venerable 19 Liturgy At the Beatitudes, 8 troparia: 4 from the Third Ode of the first canon of the saint, and 4 from the Sixth Ode of the second canon of the saint.

20 Samuel of old, as a living sacrifice to God, who had glorified thee even before thou wast conceived Aflame with an ardent love for God, O venerable one, thou didst master thy passions with the most pious resolve. Therefore, the grace of God came to rest upon thee Receiving great authority from God, thou didst drive away the multitudes of demons healing the diseases of all who came to thee with faith. 7. Truly thou art bless t, O venerable father Euthymius, for thou hast acquired the riches of poverty and tears of joy, and so, hast thou inherited the kingdom of heaven. 8. Thou hast spurned fleeting honor and glory on earth, O most blessèd one, and hast received everlasting life and incorruptible delight dwelling now in the mansions of heaven. The Troparion of Saint Euthymius, in Tone 4: Rejoice, O barren desert! / Be glad, O ye who have not beén in travail! / For a man of spiritual desires hath multiplied thy chíldren / And planted them in píety. / He reared them in ábstinence / To the perfection of vírtues; /// By his prayers, O Christ God; grant peáce to our lives. The Kontakion of Saint Euthymius, in Tone 8: The wilderness rejoiced at thy birth, O venerable father Euthýmius, / Remembering thee it harvests great rejoicing because of thy many míracles. / Richly grant of these to our souls and cleanse them from the filth of our mány sins /// So that we may sing to the Lord, Allelúia! The Prokeimenon, in Tone 7: Precious in the sight of the Lord / is the death of His saints. Verse: What shall I render to the Lord for all His bounty to me? The Epistle: (335) Hebrews 13:17-21 The Alleluia, in Tone 6: Blessèd is the man who fears the Lord, who greatly delights in His commandments. Verse: His seed shall be mighty in the land. The Gospel: (24) Luke 6:17-23 Communion Hymn: The righteous shall be in everlasting remembrance. He shall not be afraid of evil tidings. Alleluia. RLE 1/4/2019 SDA 20

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