INTRODUCTORY RITES. 5:00; 7:30; 9:30 O Lord, Be Merciful Unto Me Johann Sebastian Bach ( ) Erbarm dich mein, O Herre Gott BWV 721

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2 INTRODUCTORY RITES Prelude Introit 2 5:00; 7:30; 9:30 O Lord, Be Merciful Unto Me Johann Sebastian Bach ( ) Erbarm dich mein, O Herre Gott BWV 721 5:00 Bist du bei mir / If Thou Art with Me Gottfried Heinrich Stölzel ( ) Julia Vikesland, soloist 11:30 Kyrie Uģis Prauliņš (b.1957) from Missa Rigensis Processional & # # c. & # # lei Invocabit me, * et ego exaudiam eum: eripiam eum, et glorificabo eum: longitudine dierum adimplebo eum. Qui habitat in adiutorio Altissimi, in protectione Dei caeli commorabitur. When he calls to me, I will answer him; I will rescue him and honor him; with long life will I satisfy him. He who abides in the shelter of the Most High, shall remain under the protection of the God in Heaven. Psalm 90:15, 16 and 1 Please turn toward the cross in the center of the church. Ky ri e, e lei son. Chri ste, e. son. Ky ri e, e lei Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy Setting: Mass in Honor of Mary, Mother of God, Donald Krubsack 2010, Liturgical Press. All rights reserved. Used with permission under A w son. Kyrie Eleison

3 Greeting Penitential Act I confess to almighty God and to you, my brothers and sisters, that I have greatly sinned, in my thoughts and in my words, in what I have done and in what I have failed to do, (All strike their chest.) through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault; therefore I ask blessed Mary evervirgin, all the Angels and Saints, and you, my brothers and sisters, to pray for me to the Lord, our God. Kyrie Litany Collect & # # c. & # # lei Sending of the Children (11:30) Ky ri e, e lei son. Chri ste, e. son. Ky ri e, e lei Setting: Mass in Honor of Mary, Mother of God, Donald Krubsack 2010, Liturgical Press. All rights reserved. Used with permission under A After responding Amen to the collect, please be seated. & b b b b b c Please kneel at the invitation of the priest.. w son. Children in grades 1 through 5 are invited to the Saint Joseph Chapel to share the Word of God. Children are supervised by Basilica staff and qualified catechists. The children will return to the main church during the Preparation of the Altar and the Gifts. Go in the peace of Christ to be nourished by the Word of You are God s chosen ones. Learn the way of Christ. w God. & bb b b b Go in the peace of. Christ to be nourished by the Word of God. Setting: Donald Krubsack, composerinresidence The Basilica of Saint Mary. All rights reserved. Used with permission. w 3

4 LITURGY OF THE WORD A reading from the Book of Genesis 9:815 I set my bow in the clouds to serve as a sign of the covenant between me and the earth. Cantor: & Assembly: Ver bum Do mi ni. De o gra ti as. The word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. Responsorial psalm (5:00; 7:30; 9:30) Psalm 25 &4 3 Your. ways, O Lord, are love and. truth, & to those who keep your cov e nant. O Lord, make me know your ways. Teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth, and teach me; for you are the God of my salvation. Refrain Remember your compassion, O Lord, and your merciful love, for they are from of old. In your merciful love remember me, because of your goodness, O Lord. Refrain Good and upright is the Lord; he shows the way to sinners. He guides the humble in right udgment; to the humble he teaches his way. Refrain Text: Verses, The Revised Grail Psalms, 2010, Conception Abbey and The Grail, admin. by GIA Publications, Inc.; refrain, Lectionary for Mass, 1969, 1981, 1997, ICEL. Music: Refrain, Norah Duncan IV, 2011, GIA Publications, Inc.; verses, Joseph Gelineau, SJ, 1963, The Grail, GIA Publications, Inc., agent, and Michel Guimont, 1994, GIA Publications, Inc.; All rights reserved. Used with permission under A

5 Responsorial Psalm (11:30; 4:30; 6:30) Psalm 25 & b b b 4 3 Your ways, & bb b to those who O Lord, are love and keep your cov enant. truth O Lord, make me know your ways. Teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth, and teach me; for you are the God of my salvation. Refrain Remember your compassion, O Lord, and your merciful love, for they are from of old. In your merciful love remember me, because of your goodness, O Lord. Refrain Good and upright is the Lord; he shows the way to sinners. He guides the humble in right udgement; to the humble he teaches his way. Refrain Text: Psalm 25:45ab, 67bc, 89, The Revised Grail Psalms. Verses 2010, Conception Abbey/The Grail, administered by GIA Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission under A Tune: Marty Haugen, 1982, 2014, GIA Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission under A A reading from the First Letter of Saint Peter 3:1822 Put to death in the flesh, he was brought to life in the Spirit. Cantor: & Assembly: Ver bum Do mi ni. De o gra ti as. The word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. 5

6 Gospel Acclamation (Please stand.) &4 3 Praise & end to.. you,. Lord Je less glo ry, Sav One does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes forth from the mouth of God. Setting: Donald Krubsack, composerinresidence The Basilica of Saint Mary. All rights reserved. Used with permission. sus ior. Christ, of the King. world. of A reading from the Holy Gospel according to Mark 1:1215 This is the time of fulfillment. & Cantor: Homily (Please be seated.) Verbum Do mi ni. Laus ti bi, Chri ste. The Gospel of the Lord. Enrollment of Names and Rite of Sending (5:00) & b b b b b c Assembly: Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.. Go in the peace of Christ to be nourished by the Word of You are God s chosen ones. Learn the way of Christ. w God. & b b b b b Go in the peace of. Christ to be nourished by the Word of w God. Setting: Donald Krubsack, composerinresidence The Basilica of Saint Mary. All rights reserved. Used with permission. After the dismissal of the catechumens, please stand for the recitation of the Apostles Creed. 6

7 Apostles Creed (All bow at the words in bold.) I believe in God, the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried; he descended into hell; on the third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty; from there he will come to udge the living and the dead. Intercessions I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen. # & c? # c Please respond at the bidding of the cantor. Hear, O Lord, en fold us in your mer cy... Text: Gabe Huck, 2004, CIA Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission under A Music: Tony Alonso, 2004, GIA Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission under A Collection As the Body of Christ, you and I face daily needs in the world we live in. Your generous financial gift helps The Basilica you and me to support those most in need through the many programs and outreach we offer here. Please be as generous as you are able. To text your weekly contribution during the collection or another convenient time, text GIVE to When prompted, click on the link and follow the steps to complete your transaction. WiFi is available in the church under BSM Guest. No password is required. 7

8 LITURGY OF THE EUCHARIST Preparation of the Altar & the Gifts Meditation Please stand as the offerings of bread and wine are brought forward. 5:00 Ave Regina coelorum Anton Bruckner ( ) Julia Vikesland, soloist Ave, Regina coelorum, Ave, Domina Angelorum: Salve, radix, salve, porta Ex qua mundo lux est orta: Gaude, Virgo gloriosa, Super omnes speciosa, Vale, o valde decora, Et pro nobis Christum exora. Hail, O Queen of Heaven enthroned. Hail, by angels mistress owned. Root of Jesse, Gate of Morn Whence the world s true light was born: Glorious Virgin, Joy to thee, Loveliest whom in heaven they see; Fairest thou, where all are fair, Plead with Christ our souls to spare. 9:30 For God Commanded Angels Felix Mendelssohn ( ) For God commanded angels to watch over you, that they shall protect you, in all your living keep you; for their hands will uphold and guide you, lest you dash your foot against a stone, stumbling; for God commanded angels to watch over you; they will uphold and guide you, for they shall protect you, protect and keep you. 11:30 Mercy Craig Courtney Mundus I dare not lift my guilty eye. I hide my lips in trembling shame. And in the darkness of my soul, I shrink from Your rekindling flame. Kyrie eleison, Kyrie eleison, have mercy. In mercy cover me with grace and blot out my iniquity. Renew my heart and wash me clean; grant with Your pardon, purity. Kyrie eleison, Kyrie eleison, have mercy. In equal measure of Your love, You promise mercy, tender compassion to the one who seeks Your face. A broken heart, a fainting soul, a contrite spirit, together cry for Your forgiveness and Your grace. Against You only have I sinned. My deeds are evil in your sight. Of Your forgiveness let me sing, and in my singing take delight. Kyrie eleison, Kyrie eleison, have mercy. 8 4:30; 6:30 Turn Our Hearts Around Trevor Thompson

9 Meditation Nada te turbe & c? c &? &? Na da te tur be, na da teies pan Nothing can trou ble, noth ing can fright J quien those a who Dios seek J J J te; en, tie ne nada le fal ta. Na da te tur be, God shall never go wanting. Nothing can trouble, # J J na da teies pan te; só lo Dios bas noth ing can fright en, God a lone fills J J J J # ta. us. Music: Les Presses de Taizé (France). Used with permission of GIA Publications, Inc., exclusive agent. All rights reserved. Used with permission under A Prayer over the Offerings Priest: Assembly: Eucharistic Prayer Pray, brothers and sisters, that my sacrifice and yours may be acceptable to God, the almighty Father. May the Lord accept the sacrifice at your hands for the praise and glory of his name, for our good and the good of all his holy Church. 9

10 Preface Acclamation & b Memorial Acclamation San ctus, San ctus, Sanctus Dominus Deus Sabaoth. & b Ple ni sunt cae li et ter ra glo ri a tu a. Hosan na & b in ex cel sis. Be ne di ctus qui ve nit in no mi ne & b Ho san na in ex cel sis. Do mi ni. Setting: Vatican Edition VIII. Holy, holy, holy Lord God of hosts. Heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest. Please kneel. & Save us, Sav ior of the world, for by your Cross and & Res ur rec tion you have set us free. Great Amen Setting: Latin Text, Libera Editrice, Vatcian City, All rights reserved. Used with permission. Tune: The English Translation and chants of the Roman Missal, 2010, ICEL. All rights reserved. Used with permission. &. A men, a men, a men. 10 Setting: Vatican Edition VIII.

11 COMMUNION RITE The Lord s Prayer (Please stand.) Greeting of Peace The sharing of the peace has been an integral and valued part of the worship of the Church for centuries in the form of a kiss of peace or handshake. As it is the cold and flu season, you may acknowledge your brother or sister with a smile or slight nod of the head. The Breaking of the Bread & Agnus De i, qui tollis peccata mundi: miserere no bis. & Setting: Vatican Edition VIII. Agnus De i, qui tollis peccata mundi: miserere no bis. & Agnus De i, qui tollis peccata mundi: dona nobis pacem. Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us. Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us. Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, grant us peace. Invitation to Communion Priest: Assembly: Please kneel. Behold the Lamb of God, behold him who takes aways the sins of the world. Blessed are those called to the supper of the Lamb. Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed. 11

12 If you are suffering from a cold or the flu, please consider receiving only the host for the reception of Holy Communion. Communion Procession & bb b b c This is the time of ful & bb b b reign of God is at This Is the Time of Fulfillment fill ment! The. hand! Œ Text: Mark 1:15; James J. Chepponis, b Tune: James J. Chepponis, b.1956, 1994, GIA Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission under A Meditation 5:00 Panis Angelicus César Franck ( ) Julia Vikesland, soloist 9:30 Deus tu convertens Josef Rheinberger ( ) Op. 176, no. 5 [1893] The Basilica Cathedral Choir Deus tu convertens vivificabis nos, et plebs tua laetabitur in te: ostende nobis, Domine, misericordiam tuam, et salutare tuum da nobis. You will turn toward us, O God, and restore our life again, and your people will reoice in you. Show us, Lord, your mercy and grant us your salvation. Psalm 85(84):78 11:30 I Want Jesus to Walk with Me Traditional Spiritual arr. Raymond Haan Mundus 4:30; 6:30 Strength for the Journey Michael John Poirier Prayer after Communion (Please stand.) 12

13 Blessing and Sending Recessional Hymn (5:00; 7:30; 9:30) Forty Days and Forty Nights & b 4 4 & b 1. For ty days and for ty nights You were fast ing 2. Shall not we your sor row share And from world ly 3. Then, if Sa tan on us press, Flesh or spir it 4. So shall we have peace di vine; Ho lier glad ness 5. Keep, O keep us, Sav ior dear, Ev er con stant n in oys to ours by the ab as shall your wild; For ty days and for ty nights stain, Fast ing with un ceas ing prayer, sail, Vic tor in the wil der ness, be. side, Round That us, with too, you shall we an may gels ap shine, pear & b Tempt Strong Grant Such At ed, with we and you may yet to not un suf faint de fer nor as theie served ter you nal faith East ful er filed. pain? fail! ly. tide. Text: George H. Smyttan, , alt. Tune: HEINLEIN, ; attr. to Martin Herbst, , Nürnbergisches Gesangbuch,

14 Recessional Hymn (11:30; 4:30; 6:30) Beyond the Days REFRAIN & bc Be yond the days of hope and mys t ry & b see a light of faith re newed, and in our long ing & b we thirst for VERSES & b 1. For 2. Not 3. In ty on your & b Πguid ance to days bread hands, and a O walk with you day by nights, lone God, you are we. guide we feel our ney. May your pres our ney. Speak the words guid ance. Keep us safe & b Πin to may the the your whis per yearn ings gen tle of of ness w day. the to the 3 ence that in your our be steps walk touch be give your voice. hearts. there. of on of felt life care: we our this your ΠText and tune: Ricky Manalo, CSP, 1997, OCP. All rights reserved. Used with permission under A All depart in silence. 14

15 Presiders Saturday, 5:00pm: Rev. John Bauer Fr. John is the pastor of The Basilica of Saint Mary. Sunday, 7:30 and 9:30am: Rev. Peter Brandenhoff Fr. Peter is a retired priest of the Diocese of Winona. Sunday, 11:30am: Rev. Harry Tasto Fr. Harry is a retired priest of the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis. Sunday, 4:30 and 6:30pm: Rev. Joseph Gillespie, OP Fr. Joe is the pastor of Saint Albert the Great Church in South Minneapolis. Please return the worship leaflet to the back of the church for the next Mass. Your help is greatly appreciated. 15

16 FIRST SUNDAY IN LENT IN THE YEAR OF SALVATION TWO THOUSAND EIGHTEEN COME CELEBRATE WITH US AGAIN Saturday 5:00pm Mass of Anticipation Sunday 7:30am, 9:30am, 11:30am 4:30pm, 6:30pm Cover: Steve Erspamer, SM Text: ICEL. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Sacred Text Confraternity of Christian Doctrine. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Introit Translation: The Gregorian Missal for Sundays, Abbaye SaintPierre, Solemses, France 1990, ICEL. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Sunday, February 18, 2018

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