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Download "中華民國九十二年歲次癸未國曆八月初三日印度涵德佛堂農曆七月初六日濟公活佛慈訓"


1 中華民國九十二年歲次癸未國曆八月初三日印度涵德佛堂農曆七月初六日濟公活佛慈訓 Surpass a differences and touch peope from the bottom of the heart. Sincerity and patience show on one s Tao spirit. Let trust and friendship break through a barriers and create mutua tacit understanding. Lay a firm foundation for the accompishment of this heaveny task. Despite the hardships in the process, these represent opportunities for us to grow and deveop (spirituay). Be gratefu for Heaven s bessings. Work hard to cutivate virtues and deveop merits; Let us bring a mankind, who are potentia Buddhas, To ascend the heaveny path to achieve Buddhahood. (By the meody of: Over Mountains and Rivers Just for Your Love) I am Ji-Gong Living Buddha, with the order of Amighty God, I have arrived at the secuar word and have bowed to Amighty God. Now I am asking my discipes: Are you peacefu? The Tao of fiia piety starts at taking care of one s parents, being with them at a times, showing obedience and respect to them. Bear in mind that we have to appy the basic virtues of respectfuness, propriety and joyfuness when we show fiia piety to our parents. Never show signs of tiredness, sorrowfuness or grievances. Not ony shoud we be fiia to our parents, we shoud aso be gratefu for what our country has done for us and shoud do our part in making contribution to our country. Obey the principes of Tao and fufi one s obigations. Never harm one s physica body, Aways be respectfu and obedient to one s parents, By doing so, we are fufiing our goa and ambition in ife. Traveing across mountains and rivers, I have witnessed numerous success and faiure, Have seen that sentient beings are sti attached to wordy peasures and are very much deuded, Unabe to get away from the entangements of the mundane word, Traveing around cities and suburban areas, I fee much grief and emotion; The burden and attachment of sentient beings are ever rising, showing no signs of abatement, I wonder when they are abe to escape from the suffering seas and cyces of reincarnation. Ji-Gong s heart is forever without regrets and compaints, Shoudering the tough responsibiity of savaging the Three Words. 1

2 Though I have to work hard days and nights, it is my ony wish that my ost discipes wi return home quicky, With no regrets and compaints, Ji-Gong wiingy traves back and forth for the sake of saving the sous of sentient beings in this ast era of White-Sun, inspiring and opening up the wisdom of sentient beings. (By the meody of: Mother s Hand) On the path of Tao cutivation, experiences of joy and sorrow enrich our memories. A those friends who share the same ambition with us and give mutua support to us, drive away much oneiness. Kinde the ight that is passed down from heart-to-heart, brightening the darkest corners of the word. Like a ighthouse standing in the foggy night, Guiding boats/iners safey to the harbor. Let us join hand in hand and heart to heart; Sharing moments of joys and sorrows. For every touching moment that we share, et us promise, We wi aways be together a the way. Let us join hand in hand and heart to heart; We sha persist to the ast moment. By experiencing stormy weather (ups and downs), We wi be more confident in waking towards peace and perfect harmony. (By the meody of: The Sun Aways Shines After Storms.) I am Ji-Gong Living Buddha, with the order of Amighty God, I have arrived at this Tempe and have bowed to Amighty God. 2

3 濟公活佛慈悲囑語 Ji-Gong Living Buddha s teachings 佛教徒法會 Buddhists Tao seminar (Dressed in this Tao robe) Is he ike Ji-Gong? You may have never seen Ji-Gong before, but you can start to know ME today. Do rest your mind here and cast away the thought of going home ok? Who is the Buddha you know best? (Cass repied: Gautama Buddha!) So you know Gautama Buddha, right? Then where is he now? Wi he come here? In fact, there are a ot of Buddhas here. Cam your mind and you can fee their hoy presence. Even if you are not abe to fee their presence, they are sti here nevertheess. Gautama Buddha s dharma has spread from here (India) to China and further to a around the word; that is why peope know a Buddha caed Gautama Buddha. The purpose of Gautama Buddha s dharma is to enighten a sentient beings, isn t it? You just said you know Gautama Buddha; however, are you sti vested with vexations? Do you sti get angry? You earn Buddhadharma and you know Gautama Buddha, but has he made you free from worries? Thus you have to ask yoursef this question: Where have you paced Buddha in your heart? So now I, by the name of Ji-Gong Living Buddha, want to te you the Buddha in your heart is the one who can reay free you from worries and who can reay hep you. This is something you have to aways keep in mind. If you have no money and you aways pray that Buddha wi bess you with money, do you think Buddha wi reay give the money to you? (Cass repied: No.) A that Buddha wants to give you is eterna peace and happiness; he wants to free you from worries. Do you want to know how to attain this bissfu state? (Cass repied: Yes.) So now I am teing you, I come here as a very good friend of the Buddha you know, and he is wondering why, though Buddhadharma has been around for so ong, the sentient beings here sti have so many worries. That is why I come here (to India); it is aso for this purpose that I have been to many paces. I am teing you this: it is because Gautama Buddha is too far away from you that I want to be very cose to you. I want to assure you that by receiving Tao, coming to the Tempe often to earn the way of Deities/Buddhas and to make obeisance (or kow tow), your worries and a ot of stray thoughts of yours can be graduay reduced. They (referring to the Tao Seniors from Taiwan) come from afar because they ike this pace. Their purpose is to make you understand Tao, the sages way. This Tempe is different from those you have seen before. However, in China, as we as in other paces around the word, as ong as Ji Gong is around, the Tempes a ook ike this. Thus do not fee ike a stranger, as ong as you begin to ike him (referring to any Buddha), you wi definitey fee the presence of Buddhas, Saints and Sages around you. Let your heart hods not ony those Buddhas you normay pray to, but aso these Buddhas, incuding me, Ji-Gong Living Buddha. 3

4 (Referring to the Tao Seniors from Taiwan) They are so eager to te you what they know, to hep the sentient beings here. Do you think this is good? (Cass repied: Yes.) When you come to the Tempe, you have to wash your hands first. (Hoy Teacher requested the vountary heper to prepare a pot of water for the cass members to wash their hands one at a time.) Wash your hands first foowed by making obeisance to Buddhas. Every time you come to the Tempe to attend Tao ectures, et your heart and sou be ceansed and purified. Therefore, you must hod a gratefu heart whenever you come to the Tempe. Look at the water now; it is not as cean as before. Who dirtied it? The water is dirty because you have washed your hands in it, but it does not matter because your hands are cean now. Come to this Tempe to be cose with Amighty God and Buddhas and your hands wi be ceansed, your heart and mind wi become purer and be free from worries. Don t you think you shoud come back more often? Just now you sang the song, Ji-Gong, Ji-Gong I ove you. You cannot ie to me; you must ove Ji-Gong Buddha from the very bottom of your heart. (A cass member is hoding a pot of water.) Is the water shaking? Why is it shaking so vioenty? (Cass member: Because my heart is not cam.) After drinking this water, do you fee very comfortabe? (Cass: Very comfortabe, just ike being showered by the rain.) This water is my bessing for you unike the rain from outside which is dirty. This water is abe to ceanse your heart from inside. If you fee worried, agitated, frustrated or sad, come to this Tempe to drink this hoy water, which wi not make you weathy, but it wi definitey make you rich and abundant spirituay. (Hoy Teacher is speaking to the interpreter.) Are you feeing tired now? We, now you are speaking on behaf of Buddha. At the same time, you are accumuating merits and improving your wisdom. You have to continuay hep me in the future. Every time I see you, I want to see you break your bad habits one after another. If you are abe to do this, you wi have ess burdens whenever you encounter difficuties in ife. 4

5 濟公活佛慈悲囑語 Ji-Gong Living Buddha s teachings 印度教徒法會 Hindus Tao seminar u Do you know who am I? (Cass repied: Ji-Gong Hoy Teacher.) Do you fee tired? (Cass repied: No!) So I come at the right time. Now, cast away the thought of going home. (Cass repied: OK!) u If someone hits you, wi you be angry? (Cass repied: Yes.) If someone kicks you, wi you be angry? If you have to go home ate today, wi you be angry? Since you are aready here, you might as we sette down your heart and cam your mind. u I have come from afar in order to see you. Are you aso happy to come from your house to see me here? (Cass repied: Yes!) When you are NOT in the Tempe, are you aways troubed by vexations and find ife a painfu and bitter experience? u Athough it is a bit hot here, yet with so many Buddhas around you, don t you fee happy? (Cass repied: Yes!) u Today, there are a ot of peope who come from far away paces. So which pace is coser to Heaven, here or Taiwan? (Cass repied: Same.) No, it is not the same. Wi you beieve if I say that here is coser to Heaven? Your mind is ike a Heaven. When your mind is free from worries, you are coser to Heaven and Buddhas, and you wi fee younger too. Right? u The Tao/Truth which the Taiwanese have been ecturing is to te you that a Buddhas, Saints and Sages are actuay preaching the same Truth, there is no difference at a. u (Hoy Teacher asked Master Peng.) Do you ike here? (Master Peng repied: Yes.) Do you ike this country? (Master Peng repied: Yes.) To what extent do you ike it? (Master Peng repied: I ove India. I ove a of you.) Are you sure you ike them this much? There is no doubt! If so, a of you shoud be ike him. He oves the peope here, you ove me and hence shoud extend the ove for me to a the peope in this country. u Now I am giving a the candies to you. Whie sowing the seeds, you must not think about how much effort you have put in or how must return you are going to get. Just work hard and put in your best effort! u After drinking this water, your heart wi be opened (open minded) and your wisdom wi grow. Do come back to this Tempe often! 5

6 u You must be wiing to accept the ove and compassion of Heaven before you can fee it. Likewise, now I am giving this hoy water to you, you must drink it in order to taste it. If you refuse to open your mouth, no matter how I pour it, you wi not be abe to drink it. Therefore, untie the knot of your heart and you wi fee the hoy presence of Buddhas around you and in your mind. u When you come to this Tempe, not ony can you can see Buddhas, but you wi aso find your worries and sadness gone in a sudden. Hence, you shoud continue to fee such joyfuness for each day of our ife and your home wi become a paradise. You wi be abe to enjoy this happiness every day at home. u Everyone wi encounter birth, od age, iness and death. Without the reaization of Tao, peope tend to ose themseves in the pursuit of money, in surviving in this word, in raising chidren and in worrying about their heath. That is why peope have so many worries and vexations. But once you come to this Tempe, you wi start to know yoursef and you wi open your mind to embrace a the Buddhas. Ok? (Cass repied: Yes.) Do come back to the Tempe tomorrow. I wi be here waiting for you. u Didn t you say you want to have a Ji-Gong Living Buddha s statue at your home? Now do you sti want it? (A cass member repied: Yes.) Be sure to ove me and take good care of me. Now pease put this statue in your home first. After you have earnt more about Tao and have more faith in Tao, et us set a tempe. I wi be waiting! Your tempe must be ike the tempe here. But before that, come back more often to earn the tempe s etiquette, such as, the offering of incense and the offering of hoy water/tea. Then you wi know how to do it when your tempe is ready. u I have to rey on you to teach and guide them, so that they wi have a better understanding of Tao. u For your business to go smoothy and your famiy to harmonize, you need to spare some time to come to the Tempe. When you fee frustrated and sad, come back here to make obeisance (kowtow) and to see me. By doing so, your worries wi become ess and your famiy members wi become heathier. u Put this Ji-Gong Living Buddha s statue in your home first to open your mind and inspire your wisdom. It wi essen your worries too. Learn more about Tao and you can set up a famiy tempe. Ok? I wish you a good and smooth ife! If you put in more efforts to earn Tao, Heaven wi definitey hep you. I hope you can foow me and reay hep the sentient beings here. I wi wait for you. Take good care of this statue. Wipe it cean everyday just ike ceansing your heart. u (Hoy Teacher invited ten cass members to come up to the front and sing.) Now imagine you are an ange happiy singing here. Cast away a the worries. Sing out oud and sing out the joy within you. We, you forgot to smie, et s sing again! Smie! 6

7 u An ange can be young or od; anyone can be an ange as ong as he/she has a joyfu heart, a smiing face and a wiingness to spread happiness to others. Now with smiing faces, don t you think they ook more beautifu and younger than before? So you shoud smie aways and come back to the Tempe often. u Now it is the Taiwanese s turn to sing. Let go of your serious posture. One shoud be serious and respectfu during a Tao Transmitting Ceremony but it is good to reax when it is time to reax. Look at them! Athough they have different ooks---some are young and some are edery with gray hair, some are short and some are ta---yet at this very moment, everyone is equay happy, just ike brothers and sisters. They are a here for the cause of knowing themseves and understand more about Tao. u Think often of yoursef as an ange; an ange who does not ony fee happy for himsef but is aso wiing to make others happy too. Is there any ange who is NOT happy? Every day when you ook at yoursef in the mirror, te yoursef you are the greatest in the word. If you can aways affirm yoursef, you can achieve a ot of success. u u (Hoy Teacher asked one of the cass members.) Have you ever met Ji-Gong Teacher before? (The cass member repied: No.) From now on, come more often to the Tempe, aways keep me in your mind and I wi aways stay by your side. (Hoy Teacher invited the edest member of the cass foowed by the second edest and so forth to stand in front, facing the cass.) Suppose there is a famiy here where a grandfather has four sons. The grandfather never smies as he is aways angry. The whoe famiy is afraid of him and dare not tak to him. What woud you do if you are part of the famiy? (A cass member repied: Make him happy.) How? (The cass member: You can ive up to one hundred years od.) We, an angry person can never ive up to one hundred years. u You have a TV set at home, right? Then who is aways watching? Who is aways hoding the remote contro? (Cass repied: The youngest one.) The whoe famiy gets angry because of a remote contro. What woud you do? (A cass member suggested: Se it off!) (Another cass member said: Purchase more TVs.) With more TVs at home, you wi be too busy watching TV and you wi not have time to tak to your grandfather and grandmother. Thus from today onwards, start to treat your famiy nicey and be friendy to them; this is what we caed Fiia Piety ---the act to honor your parents and isten to your eders. So what shoud you say to your grandparents? (Cass repied: I ove you!) Of course, in return, the grandfather shoud aso ove your famiy. In this manner, the whoe famiy wi be fied with aughter. When you return home, who shoud you earn to ove? (Cass repied: Mother, son, daughter,...) 7

8 u Is the TV at your home aways on or aways off? When you watch TV, you must have forgotten Ji-Gong Hoy Teacher, which means you ove TV more than you ove Ji-Gong Hoy Teacher, right? From now on, watch ess TV and spend more time in the Tempe. Devote more ove to the peope around you and extend more compiments to your famiy. u (Hoy Teacher wanted a cass member to praise his famiy.) It is because you sedom praise your famiy that you are not abe to say any words. From now on, say nice words to your famiy, praise and ove them; your famiy wi become more harmonious. This is what a the human beings shoud do, which is what we ca The Tao of Mankind. What shoud you say to your famiy when you go back? Love your famiy and bring to your home the happiness you earn from the Tempe. Then you are ike an ange spreading happiness to others. u Try your best to earn Tao and share with others what you have earned. u Pass this candy to your famiy. Devote more of your ove to your famiy, in the same way that I ove you. u Peope who have eaten my candies must come back to this Tempe more often. Eat the candies and your wisdom wi be inspired. u It is not easy for these friends to come from far away paces! u Remember Ji-Gong Hoy Teacher and remember to come back to the Tempe often. Heping the Tao Transmitting Masters is the same as heping Teacher. On the path of Tao cutivation, you must not ag behind and shoud aways try your best. Accumuate merits and cutivate virtues; your ancestors wi benefit from your hard work. The preciousness of Tao is beyond anguage and description. In the future, what you are going to experience wi prove that this Tao is the Truth and wi make a difference in your ife. u Put in more efforts to reaize Tao. I hope a of you wi take good care of yoursef. Cheer up ike a booming fower. If you aways keep Buddhas in your mind, you wi fee their presence around you. Whenever you fee confused and disturbed, come back to the Tempe often. 8

9 Afterword The summer time in India is steaming with scorching heat, the air is stuffy and everyone is perspiring hard. We coud not hep but worry whether the participants of Tao Seminar woud be drained of their passion to come and join us. However, when the seminar time draws near, the gradua arriva of the participants casts away our unnecessary worry. As the ectures proceed, though some of the content may not be grasped or understood by the participants immediatey (due to anguage barrier), their fu attention and spirit to earn is nevertheess inspiring and greaty admired by us. Soon afterwards, with the arriva of Ji-Gong Living Buddha, the Seminar reaches its cimax. Ji-Gong Living Buddha kindy encourages us to stay cam and be peacefu in order to fee the hoy presence of the Buddhas, and that a the Buddhas are appearing in various forms to fufi an everasting cause of freeing sentient beings from worries. He tes us that Buddhas are not here to give us weath or materia peasures, but to hep us obtain the true happiness from the bottom of our hearts, making us reaize the spiritua aw of cause and effect. Ony when we keep sowing good causes and get rid of bad ones, can we purify our sous and free ourseves from sufferings and worries. A sentient beings are equa; no one is superior or inferior to another. As ong as we surpass a differences and cutivate Tao with a heart-fet sincerity and perseverance, foow Ji-Gong Living Buddha s footsteps, we are a quaified to be his discipes. Ji-Gong Living Buddha does not have a nice appearance, but he has a truthfu heart and sincerity that can save us from despairs, cear our confused mind and gain us an insight into iving correcty in this word. By emuating the spirit of Saints and Sages, we can make this word a kind, better and more harmonious pace. 9

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