peruse this volume as you would a weekly magazine or novel, or perhaps slightly more slowly as though it were a book of poetry? Is that the way you

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1 Dhammapada PREFACE Here are the sayings of the Buddha, the Enlightened One. Had you but ears to hear, these very words could awaken you and through them you could realize your Buddha nature. These words come to you in purity; for them to touch you they must be received in purity. These words come out of divine simplicity; to liberate you they must be heard in simplicity. These words come from the soul; to feed that in you which thirsts, these words, which are words of wisdom, not knowledge, must be heard by the soul, not the intellect. For that which feeds only the intellect entraps, while that which feeds the soul liberates. And it is the soul that thirsts for truth. The intellect thirsts only to satiate its fascination. A transmission of truth is poured from one vessel into another. If you as a vessel are impure in body, heart or mind, the truth cannot be contained... what is pure becomes impure... the power of the truth is too much... the cup is smashed... the transmission lost, and man continues to walk in darkness. In your lifetime you have read thousands of words such as those contained in this volume: the words of the Christ, of Lao Tsu, of the Patriarchs of Zen, of Rumi or Kabir or Saint Theresa or John, of Solomon and Abraham, of Mohammed, of Krishna or the Vedic Rishis... words that bespeak the secrets of the Universe. But how few you have received, how many transmissions you have lost again and again because you were not ready to hear. Is it sufficient preparation, having purchased this book, to sit in a comfortable chair, to make your reading light ready, and then to ix

2 X peruse this volume as you would a weekly magazine or novel, or perhaps slightly more slowly as though it were a book of poetry? Is that the way you prepare to hear the word of the Buddha, of the Christ, of Lao Tsu? Is that the way you prepare yourself to sit before a holy man and receive that jewel which could possibly liberate you from thousands oflifetimes on the. wheel of birth and death? Were you going to meet the Buddha, might you not bathe in the river to make your body clean? Might you not come bearing a gift of a fruit or a coconut? Might you not sit with the wind and the trees and the heavens until your mind is calm? Might you not acknowledge the suffering of your fellow beings with an open heart and give alms? Might you not come forward and bow deeply in humility and surrender? Would these not be suitable preparations for receiving the greatest truths? And when you heard the words, would you not set aside judging and allow the words to caress your being... to play with your consciousness as a gentle stream plays with your body, its healing waters washing away the tensions created by your models of who you are and how you think it is? Imagine the Buddha were on earth at this moment somewhere in India. And you set out on a pilgrimage to receive a teaching from him. Perhaps you might arrive at a village such as Samath, where rumor has it that the Buddha is discoursing daily in the Deer Park to the gathered monks. But there they say, "No, it is too late in the season. The Buddha has gone north to the mountains." And so you set out, sometimes traveling by ox cart, more often on foot, day after day, week after week... from village to village, asking at each tea stop for news of the Buddha. "Yes, he was here but a week ago. He has gone toward the east." "Yes, he was here but five days ago. He went toward the village in the north." A word here, a gesture there... and you know you are getting closer. Excitement of anticipating the meeting becomes all but unbearable ecstasy. As you get closer, you can tell from the light in the eyes and faces of the people that you meet that they have tasted the nectar of darshan (meeting) with the Buddha. Each wants to tell you of his or her experience, of the Grace: of how he walked, what he said, how he smiled. You are reminded of the Gopis who sought Krishna and said of the creeper, "Krishna has certainly been here, for see how this creeper bears the shiver of delight in its blossoms." As you get closer, the joy in anything other than meeting

3 the Buddha becomes pale. You are single-minded in your determination. Even food and rest bow before your.impatience to proceed. And finally you come to the spot on the path where the women in shawls who tend-the sheep point and say, "Yes, he is up on that hill." Quickly you bathe, and then with your offering in hand you rush up the hill, stumbling over rocks and shrubs... but you care not for your feet because you are about to see the Holy Man. The landscape has taken on an unnatural radiance. Your body shakes; your breath comes fast. And there under a tree sits the Buddha, perfect tranquillity. You do dundapranam, stretching out completely before him, three times... and then you offer your gift of fruit for the teachings. With the slightest nod of his head, the Buddha motions for you to sit before him. You have been accepted. Never before have you felt such peace. Seated with the Buddha you qre out of time, out of space. You feel only the moment... the breeze upon your cheek, the dog barking in the distance. It is as if the world has stopped. After some time the Buddha speaks: "We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts we make the world." He continues to speak a few more words. Each word bums into your soul, for these are your keys to liberation. These words are both the goal of one journey and the beginning of the next... After more silence he motions for you to leave. Again you bow and go your way. By how many campfires, by how many streams, in how many meditation rooms will each ofhis words feed you anew? Precious words so dearly obtained. But more than the words... the boundless space, the simplicity, the compassion, the peace from which the words spring. In your hand you hold a book of the sayings of the Buddha. Read them slowly... a phrase at a time. Let them feed your soul. I wish you the purity of body, mind and heart to hear them. -Ram Dass New York March 1, 1976 XI

4 A HISTORICAL NOTE The Dhammapada is a collection of the sayings of the Buddha ( B.C.). They were probably first gathered in northern India in the third century before Christ, and originally written down in Ceylon in the first century before Christ. Dhamma means law, justice, righteousness, discipline, truth; pada means path, step, foot, foundation. The Dhammapada was transmitted and recorded in Pali, the canonical language of southern Buddhism, and it has become the principal scripture for Buddhists in Ceylon and Southeast Asia. xiii


6 1 CHOICES We are what we think. All that we are arises with our though s. With our thoughts we make the world. Speak or act with an impure mind And trouble will follow you As the wheel follows the ox that draws the cart. We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts we make the world. Speak or act with a pure mind And happiness will follow you As your shadow, Unshakable. 3

7 "Look how he abused me and beat me, How he threw me down and robbed me." Live with such thoughts and you live in hate. "Look how he abused me and beat me, How he threw me down and robbed me." Abandn such thoughts, and live in love. In this world Hate never yet dispelled hate. Only love dispels hate. This is the law, Ancient and inexhaustible. You too shall pass away. Knowing this, how can you quarrel? How easily the wind overturns a frail tree. Seek happiness in the senses, Indulge in food and sleep, And you too will be uprooted. The wind cannot overturn a mountain. Temptation cannot touch the man Who is awake, strong and humble, Who masters himself and minds the law. If a man's thoughts are muddy, If he is reckless and full of deceit, How can he wear the yellow robe? I I ' ii I' I' Whoever is master of his own nature, Bright, clear and true, He may indeed wear the yellow robe. 4

8 "I Mistaking the false for the true And the true for the false, You overlook the heart And fill yourself with desire. See the false as false, The true as true. Look into your heart. Follow your nature. An unreflecting mind is a poor roof. Passion, like the rain, floods the house. But if the roof is strong, there is shelter. Whoever follows impure thoughts Suffers in this world and the next. In both worlds he suffers And how greatly When he sees the wrong he has done. But whoever follows the law Is joyful here and joyful there. In both worlds he rejoices And how greatly When he sees the good he has done. For great is the harvest in this world, And greater still in the next. 6

9 However many holy words you read, However many you speak, What good will they do you If you do not act upon them? Are you a shepherd Who counts another man's sheep, Never sharing the way? Read as few words as you like And speak fewer. But act upon the law. Give up the old ways Passion, enmity, folly. Know the truth and find peace. Share the way. 7

10 2 WAKEFULNESS Wakefulness is the way to life. The fool sleeps As if he were already dead, But the master is awake And he lives forever. He watches. He is clear. How happy he is! For he sees that wakefulness is life. How happy he is, Following the path of the awakened. With great perseverance He meditates, seeking Freedom and happiness. 9

11 'II l l ' So awake, reflect, watch. Work with care and attention. Live in the way And the light will grow in you. By watching and working The master makes for himself an island Which the flood cannot overwhelm. 10

12 The fool is careless. But the master guards his watching. It is his most precious treasure. He never gives in to desire. He meditates. And in the strength ofhis resolve He discovers true happiness. He overcomes desire- And from the tower of wisdom He looks down with dispassion Upon the sorrowing crowd. From the mountaintop He looks down on those Who live close to the ground. Mindful among the mindless, Awake while others dream, Swift as the race horse He outstrips the field. By watching Indra became king of the gods. How wonderful it is to watch, How foolish to sleep. The beggar who guards his mind And fears the waywardness ofhis thoughts Burns through every bond With the fire ofhis vigilance. The beggar who guards his mind And fears his own confusion Cannot fall. He has found the way to peace. (note Indra (/ˈɪndrə/), also known as Śakra in the Vedas, is the leader of the Devas or gods and the lord of Svargaloka or heaven in Hinduism. He is the god of rain and thunderstorms. [1] He wields a lightning thunderbolt known as vajra and rides on a white elephant known as Airavata. Indra is the most important deity worshiped by the Rigvedic tribes and is the son of Dyaus and the goddess Savasi. His home is situated on Mount Meru in the heaven

13 11

14 3 MIND As the fletcher whittles And makes straight his arrows, So the master directs His straying thoughts. Like a fish out of water, Stranded on the shore, Thoughts thrash and quiver. For how can they shake off desire? They tremble, they are unsteady, They wander at their will. It is good to control them, And to master them brings happiness. But how subtle they are, How elusive! The task is to quieten them, And by ruling them to find happiness. With single-mindedness The master quells his thoughts. He ends their wandering. Seated in the cave of the heart, He finds freedom. 13

15 How can a troubled mind Understand the way? If a man is disturbed He will never be filled with knowledge. An untroubled mind, No longer seeking to consider What is right and what is wrong, A mind beyond judgments, Watches and understands. Know that the body is a fragile jar, And make a castle of your mind. In every trial Let understanding fight for you To defend what you have won II' II": 11',II II For soon the body is discarded. Then what does it feel? A useless log of wood, it lies on the ground. Then what does it know? Your worst enemy cannot harm you As much as your own thoughts, unguarded. But once mastered, No one can help you as much, Not even your father or your mother. I,/.: 'I 14

16 4 FLOWERS Who shall conquer this world And the world of death with all its gods? Who shall discover The shining way of the law? You shall, even as the man Who seeks flowers Finds the most beautiful, The rarest. Understand that the body Is merely the foam of a wave, The shadow of a shadow. Snap the flower arrows of desire And then, unseen, Escape the king of death. And travel on. 17

17 - liii 1 Death overtakes the man Who gathers flowers When with distracted mind and thirsty senses He searches vainly for happiness In the pleasures of the world. Death fetches him away As a flood carries off a sleeping village. The bee gathers nectar from the flower Without marring its beauty or perfume. So let the master settle, and wander. Look to your own faults, What you have done or left undone. Overlook the faults of others. Death overcomes him When with distracted mind and thirsty senses He gathers flowers. He will never have his fill Of the pleasures of the world. ' i ' 18

18 Like a lovely flower, Bright but scentless, Are the fine but empty words Of the man who does not mean what he says. Like a lovely flower, Bright and fragrant, Are the fine and truthful words Of the man who means what he says. Like garlands woven from a heap of flowers, Fashion from your life as many good deeds. 19

19 The perfume of sandalwood, Rosebay or jasmine Cannot travel against the wind. But the fragrance of virtue Travels even against the wind, As far as the ends of the world. How much finer Is the fragrance of virtue Than of sandalwood, rosebay, Of the blue lotus or jasmine! The fragrance of sandalwood and rosebay Does not travel far. But the fragrance of virtue Rises to the heavens. 21

20 Desire never crosses the path Of virtuous and wakeful men. Their brightness sets them free. How sweetly the lotus grows In the litter of the wayside. Its pure fragrance delights the heart. Follow the awakened And from among the blind The light of your wisdom Will shine out, purely. 1 ill.1: i! 22

1 Wakefulness 1. 3 The Sage 3. 2 Luminous Mind 2

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