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7 PREFACE. The Yale Babylonian Collection contains at the present time about ten thousand tablets, about half of them belonging to the period usually referred to as that of the First Dynasty of Babylon, in the latter part of the third millennium B. C. A large number of the Yale texts are dated in the Larsa Dynasty, whose power in Babylonia was brought to an end by Uammurabi's conquest of this kingdom. The kings of Larsa and the length of their reigns are known from the dynastic tablet published in 191 in Miscellaneous Inscriptions in the Yale Babylonian Collection (Yale Oriental Series, Babylonian Texts, Vol. I). In this large collection of texts of this period there is a group of one hundred and thirty-six which were found at Mugheir, or Muqayyar, on the site of the ancient city of Ur. The first one hundred and ten texts in the present volume have been selected from this group, and form the first considerable number of texts to be published from this site. The remaining one hundred and forty-three texts have been selected from the large number of tablets in the Yale Babylonian Collection coming from Senkereh, the site of the ancient city of Larsa (the Biblical Ellasar of Gen. 14: 1). The texts in this second group have been chosen with the purpose of collecting the data offered by the Yale tablets for a study of the Dynasty of Larsa, which covers a period of more than two hundred and fifty years in the latter part of the third millennium B. C., and which was for a time the ruling power in southern Babylonia, until its sovereignty was brought to an end by the rise of Babylon and the conquest of Larsa by Uammurabi, the great king and lawgiver of Babylon (called in Gen. 14:1 Amraphel, king of Shinar). An attempt has been made to include most of the valuable texts in the Yale Collection which are dated in the reigns of the Larsa kings previous to the beginning of the reign of Rim-Sin, the last king of the dynasty (who is regarded by some as Arioch, king of Ellasar, mentioned in Gen. 14:1). To these have been added one text of each of the first thirty years of Rim-Sin's reign, and a few texts containing representative date formula of the last thirty-one years of his reign, a period which was known as the Isin era because the dates refer to the number of years after the fall of the city of Isin, an event which marked the rise of Larsa to the suzerainty of southern Babylonia. In some cases where no complete or unmutilated date could (7)

8 YALE BABYLONIAN TEXTS, VOL. V be found, it has been necessary to copy more than one text of a given year of Rim-Sin. In a few cases, where tablets were badly injured, or where they were so large that they would have required too much space, only the date formula have been copied. There have also been included a larger number of texts of four of the years of Rim-Sin, probably the fifth year to the eighth year inclusive, two of which are designated by formulae which have hitherto been regarded as of Sin-idinnam. I desire to express my gratitude and appreciation to Professor Albert T. Clay, under whose direction I have been permitted to study, for his unfailing kindness and generosity in making my work possible. I take this opportunity of expressing my thanks also to Professor Charles C. Torrey, Professor George A. Barton, Dr. James B. Nies, and Dr. Clarence E. Keiser, a member of the Yale Babylonian Seminary, for valuable help and suggestions. It gives me pleasure to thank also in this way my friend Deaconess Ethel Percy, who has devoted much time and labor to assisting me with tedious details in connection with my manuscript, as well as Miss Lucile Graham, who kindly assisted in arranging the catalogue of the texts. NEW HAVEN, JUNE, ETTALENE M. GRICE.

9 CONTENTS. Introduction General Character of the Texts... : 13 Gods and Personal Names Paleographical Notes The Archive of Balmunamie The Oath Form ula The Date Formulae Name Indices Personal Names Gods and Substitutes or Epithets Tem ples Officials and Occupations... 4 Countries and Cities Canals Catalogue Page Autographed Texts Plates I-XXXVIII (9)




13 INTRODUCTION. There are two kinds of business documents in this volume, Nos , 242, and 23 being legal contracts, the rest being temple records of various kinds, from brief notes to elaborate inventories. The contracts include deeds for lands or houses; promissory notes for grain, oil, or silver; partition contracts; and agreements regarding the sale or hire of slaves;-no. 13 even recording the purchase of the right to serve as priest for five days. (For a full description of the contents, see the Catalogue.) The temple records cover a great variety of subjects, including inventories of the large flocks of sheep which belonged to the temples, and records concerning receipts at the temple or payments from the temple property, referring to gold, silver, dates, wool, grain, bitumen, etc. Hardly any two of them are of exactly the same nature. Nearly all the texts in the volume are written in Sumerian, or in a mixture of Sumerian and Semitic in which Sumerian predominates. Yet there are a few exceptions to the rule, Nos. 90, 8, 1, 179, 224 (?), 231, 234, and 239, for example, being Semitic except for the date formulae. It is interesting to note that some of the numerals were probably called by their Semitic names. For in the texts from Ur the scribes occasionally wrote in full the Semitic loan-words for 00, li-im (Nos. 19:30; 30:39); 0, me-at or me-a-at (Nos. VII:17; 19:32, 33; 30:39); and 60, su' i (:8, 32; 7:9; 1:1). In the Larsa tablets the totals are occasionally named in a similar way, though for 00 the sign ii is used, for 0 the sign me. (See Nos. 196:9; :13, 19; IV:2; 212:69, etc.) The texts from Ur are nearly all official records from the principal temple of the city, B-nun-mah, the temple of the moon-god Nannar or Sin and his consort Ningal. But there are five contracts, Nos. 6-1, which are similar to the contracts from Larsa. No. 98 is possibly an exercise tablet. On any other hypothesis it would be difficult to understand the large number of erasures and the fact that the salutation of a letter appears on one side of a tablet the other side of which contains a list of women's names. This text, together with No., an exercise tablet containing names of places, suggests that there was probably a temple school at Ur like the one at Nippur. The many exercise tablets among the large collection of tablets from Larsa in the Yale Babylonian Collection proves the existence of such (13)

14 14 YALE BABYLONIAN TEXTS, VOL. V a school at Larsa. It seems likely that there were schools in connection with all the principal temples in Babylonia. The Larsa texts are similar in general character to those from Ur, though somewhat more varied in form and subject matter. Several different standard weights are mentioned among the texts. In the Larsa texts are used the standard of the merchants (No. 14:2, 6, 8, 11) and the standard of the temple of Nannar (No. 122: 11). In No. 1 I: 3, from Ur, the standard shekel is that of the god Nannar, in No. 69:3, that of the sun-god Babbar or Shamash, the patron god of Larsa. The use in Ur of the standard weight of Shamash and of the date formulae of the Larsa Dynasty is due to the fact that the documents were written at a period when Ur was not independent, but was subject to its neighboring city of Larsa. Seven texts, Nos. 33, 46, 47, 0-3, record the delivery of sheep to "SA-GAZ, the ideogram used in the Amarna letters for the Habiri. Perhaps the SA-GAZ of these texts may have been mercenary soldiers, according to the suggestion of Scheil in the Retvue d'assyriologie XII, pp. 114, 11. The purpose of the series being mainly the presentation of the texts that they may be accessible to scholars, a full discussion of the texts, transliterations, and translations are omitted. Nevertheless certain points of unusual interest may be briefly mentioned. A list of gods, including also some epithets, is included for the convenience of those who are interested in the study of the gods of the period. In any effort to use the texts in the present volume to determine the gods most venerated in southern Babylonia during the latter part of the Larsa Dynasty, it should be remembered that Texts 1-1 are from Ur, according to both the testimony of those from whom they were bought, and the contents of the texts themselves; while Nos are for the most part from Larsa. It is noteworthy that the personal names contain West- Semitic gods. These gods, and other Amorite elements in the personal names, show that there were at this time many Western Semites in southern Babylonia, as well as in Babylon and other cities farther north. Still more interesting is the fact that the god Marduk, who a few years later was made by Hammurabi the head of the Babylonian pantheon, is not once mentioned in these texts. In spite of the fact, shown by the variety of gods in the names, that the people of Ur and Larsa had wide intercourse with other cities and countries, they had not yet felt the quietly growing power of Babylon, which within a few years was raised by its great king Ijammurabi to a position of such importance that its name was given to the entire land. It has been very difficult to identify with any of the signs which were commonly used to describe lambs, the sign i-, found after sal-sil and sil in most of the lists

15 GRICE-RECORDS FROM UR AND LARSA 1 of sheep. On account of the frequency with which the' sign appears (sal-sil, and sil L. are, next to ganam and udu-nita, by far the most numerous kinds of sheep in the lists), it must refer to some very common variety of sheep. The form, together with the facts that nu-9r, a term which appears constantly in the lists of flocks of the period of the Ur Dynasty, is not found in these Larsa Dynasty lists, and that sal-sil L- and sil- 4 are mentioned in the lists between the full-grown animals, ganam and udu-nita, and the sucklings, sal-stl-ga and sil-ga, leads us to conjecture that this sign is a ligature for nu-ir, and means "sterile" or "immature." As evidence that ligatures for familiar phrases were actually in use, we may refer to the expression lal-ni, "balance," which is always written as a ligature q-. See Nos. 13: 1, 23; 8:7; 168:12; 209:4; etc. The writing of gugkin, "gold," in these texts, varies. More commonly than the ordinary AZAG-GI is used AZAG-ZI. (See Nos. 41:11; 4:7; 140:24; 168:22; et multa. Compare in these texts the forms of GI and ZI used in other connections.) Occasionally we have instead AZAG-MU. (Nos. 114:17; 124:26.) The variation may have arisen from the general similarity of the three signs GI, ZI, and MU, or it may be that we have here variants of the GI sign. An analogous example of the wide latitude regarding the making of signs in this period is seen in the sign registered as LAGAB+KUL in the ideogram for bitumen (Brinnow 11673, 11674). See Nos. 90: 2, 4; 231:1, 2, etc.; 234: 1, 6, etc.; 239: 1, 2. The sign e has the value rabui, "to be great." In such passages as Nos. 13:18; 1 1:; 193:8; 207:7; etc., it must mean "be as great as," "be worth." The fact that occasionally the names of certain kinds of sheep are included in the inventories of flocks, with blanks before these names indicating that there were no sheep of these kinds in the flocks there listed (see Nos. II: 2, 4, 20, 22; IV: 2, 4; V: 2, 4; 6 II:21, 22) leads us to believe that the scribe copied a regular form, as was done in the Cassite Period. (See Clay, Bab. Exp. XV, pp. 96, 111.) The diagonal marks in No. 1 were not for the purpose of cancellation, because the text is beautifully preserved, and was found in the archives. Perhaps they take the place of check marks,1 such as those marking separate items in YBC 7260, etc. The marks on Nos. 31, 32, etc., were probably caused by their being tied to objects. Because of the number and the character of the many Yale texts from Larsa which refer to a certain Balmunamie, we are led to believe that he was a prominent business man of the city whose private archive has been unearthed. This seems to be indicated by the Yale texts in the present volume, in twenty-five of which he 1 See Clay, Bab. Exp. XIV, p. 16.

16 16 YALE BABYLONIAN TEXTS, VOL. V appears, not'as a witness, but as a active party to the transactions.' Ten of these texts record his purchase or exchange of lands or houses; in six he appears as the purchaser or owner of slaves; in four he lends grain or silver;- in two he is mentioned' as the official in charge; in three he is represented as the owner of property, one of these texts (No. 132) being a tax receipt. It is to be noted that in Nos. 122 and 181 he is mentioned with his father, Sin-ntr-matim. The documents recording all these transactions are such as a business man would keep among his own records, while those recording his selling property or borrowing money would have been kept by the other party to the contract. His activity was continued during a long period; for his name occurs on Yale documents from the reign of Warad-Sin and throughout the reign of Rim-Sin, the latest which has been observed (YBC 676) being date-d in the forty-second year of Uammurabi. A very common form of the oath formula in contracts from IJr and Larsa of the Larsa Dynasty is like that of the contracts from Nippur of the same period (see Chiera, Legal Documents from Nippur, p. 18), mu lugal-bi. Yet there is some variation in the Ur and Larsa contracts. Of the contracts among the present texts, sixteen have no oath formula, thirteen have mu lugal-bi, six have mu dnannar dbabbar it (the name of the king) lugal. Two case tablets; Nos. 121, 12, have mu Warad-dSin ' lugal on the case and mu lugal-bi on the tablet, while a third case tablet has mu lugal-bi in both places. No. 130 has mu Warad-dSin lugal, No. 124 has the oath by two kings, Warad-Sin of Larsa and Sin-iribam of Erech, 2 while in No. 127 the oath is by Warad- Sin and his father, Kudur-Mabuk. With the data at hand it is possible to come to no conclusion other than that at Ur and Larsa there was no adherence to a single stereotyped form of oath. THE DATE FORMULAE. The chief importance of the texts assigned for publication here lies in the historical data furnished by the date formula. The full discussion of the chronological material of these and other texts of the Larsa Dynasty is to be found in the monograph entitled "Chronology of the Larsa Dynasty" (Yale Oriental Series, Researches, Vol. IV, Part 1); it seems appropriate, however, to mention here a few facts concerning the new chronological material of this volume. For the names of the kings and the length of their reigns, see the dynastic tablet published in Clay, Miscellaneous Inscriptions, p. 30 f. 1 See List of Personal Names for references. 2 This new king of Erech, who bears the same name as one of the kings of Larsa, is of especial interest.

17 GRICE-RECORDS FROM UK AND LARSA All the texts in the volume whichl can be placed with certainty are from the time of seven rulers of the Larsa Dynasty, from Nir-IM to Rim-Sin. About twenty of the date formulae have not appeared before, others enable us to expand or correct the readings of formulae which have been previously published. In the first number of the Revue d'assyriologie for' 1918, Thureau-Dangin will publish the inscription of a four-sided prism which if uninjured would have given a complete scheme of the Larsa Dynasty. In its perfect form, it gave for the first four rulers only the length of their reigns; beginning with the fifth king, it gave the formula for each year, to the end of Rim-Sin's reign. The lengths of the reigns of the first four kings, which are broken from the prism, can be supplied from the Yale dynastic list, mentioned above. Unfortunately the second' face of the prism is entirely destroyed, and'the inscription is otherwise considerably injured. An advance copy' of most of the text, which has been kindly sent by Thureau-Dangin, shows that there are preserved more or less complete formulae for the years from the beginning of Gungunu through the twenty-fifth year of Sumu-ilu, and from the seventh' year of Rim-Sin to the close of his reign. In contrast to most date-lists, the prism gives full formulae, several of those of Rim-Sin occupying six or seven lines each. There is thus one gap of about fifty-four years, which together with the many fragmentary formulae of the prism, must be supplied, as far as possible, from dated documents of the period. Of the fifty-four years which are missing from the Louvre prism, twenty-nine have been restored, some of them tentatively, from published texts or new forniulae from Yale tablets. Several unidentified formulae of the Larsa Dynasty probably belong also in this gap, but cannot be definitely placed until more evidence is discovered. (See Catalogue.) Though according to' the dynastic list published by Professor Clay, Sili-IM reigned only one year, two date formulae mention him. Besides the usual formula for his first year (see No. 117), eight texts 2 are dated mu $i-li-dim nam-lugal-ta sir-ra. Since sir has the value nasa4iu, "to wrench out," the meaning is probably "The year when Sili-IM was deposed from the kingship." Since all the texts which bear this year-name are dated in the twelfth month, while 'the ne which refers to Sili-IM's first year was dated in the ninth month, it seems reasonable to suppose, Since the total number of years in the reign is given by the prism as sixty, whereas the Yale dynastic list gives sixty-one, the testimony of the prism would be that the first formula on the fourth face of the prism is that of the sixth year. However, since there are two formula of Rim-Sin for which there is no place in his reign except the fifth and sixth years, it seems best to regard the number of years given by the Yale tablet as correct. - 2 Nos. 8-11, 4-7.

18 18 YALE BABYLONIAN TEXTS, VOL. V accordingly, that Kudur-Mabuk conquered Larsa and placed his son Warad-Sin on the throne during the last four months of the year; and that he preferred not to change the year-name entirely, but allowed it still to contain the name of $ili-im, stating that he was no longer king. In this case "The year when Sili-IM was deposed from the kingship" might be called the accession year of Warad-Sin, as distinguished from his first (complete) year, a terminology used in the Neo-Babylonian Period. A new formula, found on twenty-two Yale texts, reads more or less fully "The year when he built the lofty platform for the temple of Shamash in Larsa." This is proved to be of Warad-Sin, not in the usual way by the mention of the king in the date or the oath formula, but by the seal impression. No. 16 states that it is sealed with the seal of the king. The seal impression has slight traces of a standing figure, and a clear inscription: "Warad-Sin, king of Larsa, son of Kudur-Mabuk." From this no conclusion can be drawn other than that the new formula is of Warad-Sin. The greatest single contribution furnished by the temple records to our knowledge of the chronology of the dynasty is given by Nos. 202 and 207, which give us the order of the formulae for the last five years of WaradrSin and the first four of Rim-Sin, his brother and successor. Since in each text the date formulae occur twice in the same order, and since we know independently of these texts, from oath or date formulae which mention the name of the king, that the second, third, fourth, and fifth belong to the reign of Warad-Sin (although the order was not known), and that the sixth is the first year of Rim-Sin, it is possible to conclude that we have here the date formulae for nine consecutive years, beginning with the eighth year of Warad- Sin, and ending with the fourth of Rim-Sin. The contribution of these two texts is especially important because they give nine years which have been broken from the Louvre prism, which contains no formulae of Warad-Sin's reign, but begins, after the missing second face, with a badly mutilated formula for the seventh year of Rim-Sin. For the reign of Rim-Sin the Louvre date-list and the dated business documents of the period furnish abundant material. For the order of the formulae from the seventh to the thirtieth years of Rim-Sin we must depend on the date-list; from published texts and the dated tablets of the Yale Collection, which furnish many examples of the formulae of Rim-Sin, with many variants, it is possible to restore most of the fragmentary formulae of the prism, about one third of the formulae appearing here for the first time. Unfortunately in one or two instances the same part of the formula is injured on the tablets as in the prism, while in three cases

19 GRICE-RECORDS FROM UR AND LARSA 19 the mutilated form of the prism suggests a fuller form than has yet been found on a dated tablet. A number of conclusions concerning the dates of Rim-Sin's reign which had been reached before the contents of Thureau-Dangin's prism were known, are confirmed by the prism. For example, it had been concluded from evidence such as is offered by a text which contains records for three years; by the names of persons mentioned in the texts, especially shepherds and a certain Balmunamle,l whose private archive seems to have been unearthed by the Arabs; as well as from the general appearance of the tablets, that two date formulae which have hitherto been regarded as of Sin4dinnam, record achievements of Rim-Sin instead. 2 The new date-list of Thureau-Dangin confirms this conclusion, showing them to be the formule for the seventh and the eighth years of his reign. Another fact of more general interest can be learned from the two texts which record formulae for nine and five years respectively., It has been questioned by scholars when the date formula for a year was determined. Now text No. 207, dated in the first month of the fourth year of Rim-Sin, carries the record as far as the year then beginning; while No. 202, dated in the twelfth month of the third year, refers to grain for the succeeding year, using the date formula for the fourth year. Hence it is shown conclusively that at some time during the twelfth month (the exact day is not mentioned), the date formula for the succeeding year had been determined and announced, so that it was used by the scribe. How much earlier the date formula for the following year may have been fixed can be determined only by the discovery of new data. The Yale texts furnish three synchronisms between kings of Larsa and those of other dynasties. The oath formula of No. 124 mentions a hitherto unknown king of Erech 3 as a contemporary of Warad-Sin. The formula for the fifteenth year 1See above. 2 The formulae are: mu db^r-ul-e-gar-ra Mg Adabk mu-un-dt-a it alam guskin Sini-din-nam lugal Ararmak(-ma) mu-un-dim-ma The year when he built the temple of Bar-ul-e-gar-ra, in Adab, and finished a golden statue of Sin-idinnam, king of Larsa; and mu k-gal a-a-a-bi MaA-gan-Sabral mu-un-du-a t e a-mg.ag-tum-ma 4 kaskal-gid mu-un-si-ig-ga The year when he built the city gate and its adornment in Mashganshabra, and enlarged the canal of field and meadow for four double leagues. They have been regarded as belonging to the reign of Sin-idinnam, as stated; the former because of the reference to his statue, the latter because it has been regarded as a variant of the formula mu d Sni-din-nam bdd-gal Mag-gan-gabra" ba-ds The year when Sin-idinnam built the great wall of Mashganshabra. 3 See above.

20 20. YALE BABYLONIAN TEXTS, VOL. V of Rim-Sin (see Nos. 141, 147) celebrates his victory over the armies of Erech, Isin, Babylon, Rabiqum, Sutium, and Warad-NE-NE, king of Erech. Though this formula is badly mutilated in Thureau-Dangin's prism, the full form is found on several Yale documents. Accordingly we have the relative position of Sin-iribam, a contemporary of Warad-Sin, and Warad-NE-NE, who was reigning in the fifteenth year of Rim-Sin, welcome new.material for the Dynasty of Erech, which like the Larsa Dynasty, was unfortunately broken from the king-list found at Nippur. Another new date formula (see Text No. 3), which cannot yet be placed, reads: mu ugnim Nim"i-ma u Za-am-bi-ia lugal I-si-inkii gitukul ba-an-sig. The.year when with his weapon he smote the army of Elam and Zambia, king of Isin. When it is learned to what reign this formula belongs, we can determine positively the question of the overlapping of the dynasties of Larsa and Isin, and calculate accurately the chronology as far back as the beginning of the Ur Dynasty. It is possible that this formula belongs to the reign of Sin-idinnam. As stated above, in the monograph Chronology of the Larsa Dynasty the reasons for some of these and other conclusions will be given more fully, and there will be a more complete discussion of the materials for reconstructing the history of the dynasty.

21 NAME INDICES. The following abbreviations are used: b., brother; d., daughter; f., father; gf., grandfather; gs., grandson; h., husband; m., mother; p.n., (?) perhaps not a personal name; w., wife; YIC, Yale Babylonian Collection. f is written before some feminine names: other names which are probably feminine are given without being so indicated. A-ab-ba-a, A-ab-ba, A-ba-a 1. s. of ddumu-zi-ba-ni, na-kid, 2 V:26 / 4 VII: 11, 17 / 111:30 / 6 III: s. of EN-d...-ma, en WNannar, 46: Seal / 0:Seal / 1:Seal. 3. s. of Ka-..., 2IV:8. 4. f. of dsin-i-din-nam, d Sin-i-din-na, 1 111:20 / 4 VI:8 / 2:6.. gir, 17: nin-dingir, 249: Tablet:2, 13; Case: / 171: / 181:23 / 19:9 / YBC : / YBC 784:3. A-ba-am, 1: 14. Ab-di-ra-ah, f. of 4 Sin-na-id, 137:20. A-bi-ia-...-a, 6:9. A-bi-i-li 1. f. of I-ba-dA-~i-ili, 4 V:23 / 1 IV:24 / 0:6. 2. pa KA (?), 141: :24. A-bil-a-hi 1. f. of E-la-li, 74:3. 2. f. of Im-gur- 4 Sin, 4 1:28 / 16 11:2 / 1:6. A-bil-dAmurru 1. s. of A-+i-Sd-gi-ig, IS, arad damurru, 6:2, Seal. 2. 8:. A-bi-li-i, :. A-bil-i-l-94, 9:1 / 138:17. A-bil-ku-bi 1. s. of dim-na-i-ir, b. of dsin-oril, 1:27. Personal Names. (21) 2. s. of dim-na-si-ir, 18: s. of dim-tab-ba-ni, na-kid, 6 IV: s. of Nu-ur-dSin, 76: :48/ 242:. A-bi-il-la-lum, 147:14. A-bil-dSin, - 4 Sin(ES) 1. dim, 123:26 / 127:16 / 134:24 / 143 Tablet: 24; Case: dib-sar, 133:21 / 134:2. 3. engar, 112: gir, 169:16 / 170:11 / 182: 13.. mu, 122:19 / 191: :3 / 120:13 / 130:17 / 140:16 / YBC 470 V:11 / YBC :42. A-bi-ma-ra-aq, 48:14. A-bi-sa-ri-e. See List of Cities. A-bi-ta-bu-um 1. s. of Mdr-Uruma, - 4 VIII: 12 / 13:9, s. of Warad-Sitn, 3:4. 3. b. of U-bar- 4 Sin, na-kid, 1 V: 6 / 9:4, :27, 28; IV:39 / 1 111:23 / 16 IV:13 / 30:11, 30 / 178:7. A-bi-um-mu, f. of dsin-ga-mi-il, 131:27. A-bu-ilu, A-bu-um-ilu 1. f. of Um-mi-a-bu-um, 13: YBC 7260 III:39. A-bu-um-6a-lum, 117:12. A-bu-ni, f. of U-bar-ru-um, 2 IV:27 / 18: 36 / 2:31. A-bu-ra-bi, A-bu-um-ra-bz 1. gir, 10:0. 2. na-kid, YBC 76: :8 / 184:4 / 200:7.

22 22 YALE BABYLONIAN TEXTS, VOL. V A-bu-ta-bu-um, 46:. A-bu-u-a-tum, YBC :40. A-bu-wa-qar 1. s. of I-din-tr-ra, dam-qar, 141: dam-qar, 203: :4 / 138:3, 6 / 147:4 / 194:8 / 221: 9 / 224:14, 30, 32 / 236:2 / YBC :8. A-da-a-a, 148:1. A-da-ldl, 130:3,, 11. A-dan-ni-i-i-li, A-dan-ni-is-ili, A-a-dan-niiS-i-lI 1. f. of I-bi-dNin-kubur, 4 V: na-kid, 1 IV: IV:12. Ad-da-ilu, 40:6. Ad-da-kal-la, s. of dda-mu-hl-ti, 141:29. A-da-a-a-tum 1. "simug, 119: :21. A-di-ma-ti-ili, Ad-ma-ti-i-li, 138:4, / 140:8. A-du-ki-s, 114:11. A-gu-u-a 1. s. of Bi-in-Na-ru-um, na-kid, 1 II: s. of I-di-ia, na-kid, 2 IV:4 / 11:31 / 6 II:8. 3. s. of Ka-na-a-a, b. of A-at-ta-a, 4 V: 39, s. of Ka-na-a, na-kid, 1 IV:.. s. of Pi-i-ir-Na-ru-um, II: 12: 6. dim, YBC 6278 Case: :12. A-ta-mar-Si 1. f. of iui-li-ba-tu, 141:2 / 147: arad, 40:3. 3. YBC 4748 II:21; VII:7. A-6a-tum, -A-4a-a-tum 1. w. of Sd-ub-na-AN, 1:3, Seal. 2. nin-dingir, YBC : g-ge, YBC 4726:1. A-ta-tu(?)-(?), 87:8. A-&i-a-a-am-i, 34: / 131:29. A-hbi-l-a, 68:2. A-,i-l-li-ka-am, gir, 20:. A-6i-ma-a-a, 20:1 / 21:2 / 24:6 / 32:4 / 42: 12 / 66:4 / 82:4. A-&i-d-qi-its 1. f. of A-bil-OAmurru, 6:Seal. 2. b. of dsinn-.ar-ri, YBC 4726:4. 3. na-kid, 6 I:1 / 30: :14 / 4 IV:23 / YBC 470 V:13. A-bi-Sd-ilu, YBC :29. A-tu-4u-a-tum, YBC 4748 II: 14. A-6u-ki-nu-um, 4-tul, 3 V:4 / 63:6. A-6u-la-ab-..., 44:14. A-ju-um, Ab-6u-um 1. dib-sar, 126: na-kid, 1 III:9. 3. YBC 7238:32. A-6u-um-ma. See List of Cities. A-.u-um-ASin, 49:11. A-hu-ni 1. f. of Im-gur-dSin, 1 IV: 1 / 2 111:26 / 3 III:32 / 4 IX:23 / 9:18, 26 / 1 IV: :6 / 2:19. A-bu-ai-na, tlmi-ld6, 118:19. A-!u-su, s. of Ka-na-a-a, 3 11:7. A-!u-m-nu 1. s. of Awil-dNin-subur, gir, 17: s. of Awll-dNin-'ubur, na-kid, 1 III: 2/2V:3/6II:1. 3. s. of Ka-na-a-a, 1 IV:32 / 2 V:1. 4. da-gdl, 6: IV: / YBC 483:27. A-6u-ta-bu-um, A-.u-tdbum (DOG) 1. dumu lugal, 13:7, NI-SUR, 204: :28. A-6u-wa-qar 1. h. of rfsin-nu-ri, 88:1. 2. du-gab mu, 141:31. A-ia-a-ni, 42:19. Ak-be-la, 19:6. Ak-be-lum, IS, 112:27 / 123:27. A-ki-ia-&-a-A-a 1. na-kid, 233:3, i-tul, 193:11. A-lam-ma-li-a-at, 127:6. A-li-i, f. of dsin-i-qi-id-am, 3 II: 13/4 I:23/ 6 1:26 / 19:17 / 2:13. A-lt-a-bu-gd, YBC 4744:18.

23 GRICE-RECORDS FROM UR AND LARSA 23 A-lU-a-a-ti, 8:2. A-lt-a-6u-fi-a 1. arad, 23:1, :1 / 88:6 / 117:1. ra-u-ba-a" -ti 1. ggme, 73:1. 2. YBC 470 IV:4. A-li-ellati, -ellati(-ti) 1. gir, 18: :29 / 122: / 249:3 / YBC 7260 V:3. A-li-mu-gd-li, -mu-sd-al-li 1. f. of Nu-ur-i-li-S, dsin-ra-bi, 2 VI: f. of Nu-ur-i-li-S, 4 VIII:9 / 6 VI:4 / 2:3. 3. f. of dsin-se-mi, 6 VI: 16 / 2:28. ra-li-tum, 98: 13. A-li-wa-aq-ru, -wa-aq-rum, -wa-aq-ru-um 1. f. of Im-gur.-Sin, 132: : / 76:9 / YBC 4861:1. dal-lazun-zi-mu, 97:3. A-lu-u-um, YBC 4748 VII:3. /A-ma-at.-.Itar, 98:12. 'A-ma-at-ku-bi, i-ge, YBC 4739:. 'Amat.-Nannar, YBC 4739:24. fa-ma-at-dsin 1. d. of 'Um-mi-ta-ba-at, 28: :1 /88:11 / 171:27 / YBC 4726:9/ YBC 4739:37. IA-ma-at-dZa-md-md, m. of fmu- d-at-dsin, 67:. fa-ma-..., d. of dsin-ri-..., 88:4. 'A-ma-at-..., 88:2. A-mur-dSin, f. of A-na-dSin-tak-la-ku, 18:8. f A-na-ad-da-adSamag, game, 9:7. A-na-t-a-tak-la-ku 1. s. of A-za-ni-tum, b. of dsin-ms (A-ZU), V: b. of dsin-a-ba, Ur-dNin-gir-su, na-kid, 6 11: :26. A-na-t-a-..., 118:13. 'A-Una-Itar-ad-gal, 72:4. A-na- Sin-tak-la-ku 1. s. of A-mur-dSin, 18:8. 2. s. of Vr-ra-ni-d'ig, tir-ra-ni-d'g, nakid, 2 V:21 / 3 11:26/411:28 / III: 17 / 6 1: IV:9 / 16 I:14 / YBC 4739:4. A-na- Samaa-tak-la-ku 1. arad, 42: Case:3, 29; Tablet:3, 21. A-na-tum, An-na-tum 1. s. of Ma-a-nu-um, mu, 141: :7. A-ap-pa-a, s. of ddumu-zi-ba-ni, na-kid 1 1:30. A-ap-pa-..., 122:29 / 242:13. A p-pa-tum, s. of dsin-mu-ba4-l-it, YBC 6278 Case: 18. Ap-lum, YBC 4748 II:16. A-qar-ti, f. of Nu-.ir-a-hi, 13:19. A-ra-al-la, 201:2. Ararmar-na-.ir, 23:16. Ar-bi-..., 122:27. Ar-.i-a-nu-um, f. of Da-qum, 34:4. Ar-wi-tum, 243:3. A- al-li-tum, f. of Ur-.Nin-gir-su, 3 IV:. A -lu-, f. of dsin-mu-ba-li4t, 2:32. A-at-ta-a 1. s. of Bi-in-Na-ru-um, na-kid, 1 II: s. of Ka-na-a-a, b. of A-gu-iA-a, 4 V: s. of Ur-t-an-na, b. of Ib-ni-2-a, dsin-ra-bi, na-kid, 1 II:1. 4. s. of Ur-R-an-na, 2 1:18 / 3 1:37.. dim, YBC 6278 Case: 8, II:14 / 174:. A-at-ta-.., 139:16. A-ta-na-af-i-li, -ili 1. b. of dsin-i-me-a-ni, 1 V: na-kid, 4 IV: 31, 36 / VI: 16/6 III: 9/1 111: :26, 29 / 16 IV:7 / 124:19 / 189: 11 / 19:6. A-ta-ni, 127:2. A-ta-tum, i-6a, 174:13. A-wa-at-Sin, 120:4. A-wi-ia 1. nu-gi-sar, 146:7, :11.

24 24 YALE BABYLONIAN TEXTS, VOL. V A-wi-ia-tum, 12 Case:28; Tablet:28 / (?) 139:2. Awtl-dAmurru 1. gir, 166:12, mi-d1&, 123:18 / 126:22 / 129:13. Awtl-dAgnan, YBC 7260 VI:3. AwtlW-dDumu-zi-da, -ddumu-zi 1. f. of Nu-uir-i-li-s6, dsin-pi-la-aq, 6 III:2. 2. f. of Nu-ir-i-li-su, 3 1:28 / 1:9. Awulga(?)-tum, 147:11. A-wi-li-ia, 120:2. A-unwi-il-ili, A-wi-il-i-li, A-wi-el-ili, A-wi-el-i-li 1. s. of Ka-na-a-a, b. of Nu-.r-Wi-li-, 3 1:38 / 1: s. of Ka-na-a-a, na-kid, 1 11:21 / 2 V: 4 / 11:, 14 / 30:20, s. of 12-ba-a-a, 121:, Seal. 4. arad, 71:1.. dam-qar, 129:2, 4, II1:39; IV:6 / 16 IV:9 / (?) 76:8 / 8:8 / 113:4 / 138:2 / YBC 7238: 31. A-wi-lim, 171:2 / 172:2, 8, 12 / 204:2. Awtl-dMa-ma, 80:4 / 2:2. Awtl-dMa-.., s. of Gimil(St)-dLugal, arad dnannar-g8, dib-sar, 47:Seal. Awutl.-Nannar 1. s. of Nu-uir-i-l-ut, 119:22 / 126:26 / 129:14 / 134: b. of Azag-[dInnina(?)], 202: :8 / 2:6 / 128:8. Awtl-dNIN-IB, 224:13. Awil-dNin-ubur, f. of A-pu-si-nu, 1 111:26 / 2 V:3 / 6 II:1 / 17:21. Awtl-Ad-Nin-a-zu, f. of I-ba-dsi-i-ili, 18:11. 'A-wi-il-ti-i-li, w. of TI-i-tu-ra-am, YBC 487:11. A-wi-il-..., A-wi-el-..., 194:2 / :9. A-wi-lum, 207:32. Azag-En-ki, 149:2. Azag-dInnina 1. f. of Ur-dEn-ki-ka, 128: b. of Awil-dNannar(?), 202:27(?), 31, 40(?), :19, 21, 22. Azag-dNannar 1. s. of dnannar-ta-bi-.., arad g dnannargb, dub-sar A-RU-A, 47:Seal / 1: Seal / 2:Seal. 2. f. of Gimil(S[)-..., 0:Seal :6/1 02:11. Azag-ni-ia, 49:12. Azag-dNin-gal 1. f. of Se-ii-lum, 141: f. of Ur-4Nannar, 46: Seal / 47: Seal / 0:Seal / 1: Seal / 2:Seal / 3:Seal/ 122: Seal :3. Azag-Nin-subur, YBC 7620 IV:32. Azagd..., 171:19. A-za-ni-tum, f. of A-na-R-a-tak-la-ku, dsindsa(a-zu), V:27. A-zi-ia, YBC 483:9. dbabbar-ma-an-si, 111:14. dbabbar-zi-ma-an-si, 23:20. dbabbar-zi-mu, 114:. Bal-mu-nam-he 1. s. of dsin-nu-ur-ma-tim, 122:9. 2. Written Bal-la-mu-he-thi, 12 Tablet:. 3. gir, 10:1 / 227: : / 114:3/ 11:2, 3 / 116:2, 3 / 118:6/119:7 / 123: / 124:6 / 12 Case:11 / 126: / 128:3 / 129: / 132:4 / 134:8 / 141:6 / 143 Tablet:7; Case:4 / 14:4 / 146:11, 12 / 147:3 / 193: / 23:2, 3 / YBC :7. See also List of Cities. Ba-la-(?)-.., 246:2. Ba-an-nau-um, 201:1. Ba-ni-ilu, na-kid, 19:13. dba-dga-mi-la-[tum], YBC 4726:13. Ba-a-zu-um, na-kid, 196:7 / 233:,. Be-gu-um, dam-qar, YBC :32. Be-l-i, Be-li, s. of Da-da-a, 142:8 / YBC 6278 Case: 3, 7. Be-l-ia, 82:3. Be-liba-d-ti, YBC 7260 III:30. Be-lii-din-nam, s. of Azag-dEn-ki, 149:2. Be-li-ki-matim, 4 VII:23. Be-l-ki-in-i-ma-tim, 18:21.

25 GRICE-RECORDS FROM UR AND LARSA 2 Be-l-ta-a-a-ar, SY-QA-GAB-A lugal, 141: 24. Be-lum-ki-im-ma-tim, 39:9. Be-ta-tum, 171: / 172: / 178: /20:2. Bi-na-a. See List of Cities. Bi-in-Na-ru-um 1. f. of A-gu-i-a, 1 11: f. of A-at-ta-a, 1 11:27. Bi-tim, 171:3 / 172:3 / 194:3, p.n.(?) Bi-tu-i-a, 128:9. Btu(P')-ra-bi, 127:22. Bu-bi-qum, 2 II1:9. Btlr-ia, f. of den-..., 112:Seal / 129:Seal. B2r-dNu-nu, YBC 7260 II:28. Bur-ra-tum, 129:27. Blr-dSin 1. s. of dnannar-ma-an-si, 118: :11 / 2: / 214:4. Bu-ur-tim, YBC 4748 I:. Bu-ru-um-mu, 224:2, p.n.(?) Bi.r- d..., 242:12. Bu-uz-bu-zu-um 1. f. of Is-medIM, 1I11: f. of ii-i-dsin, 126:6, 8. Bu-zi-ia 1. pa, 80: id-tam, 144: :4 / 2:20 / 130:18. Da-bi-tum, 127:4,,. Da-da-a, Da-da 1. s. of Ig-me-lr-ra, 1 VI:22 / 18: f. of Be-li-i, Be-li, 142:8 / YBC 6278 Case: :4. Dam-qi-i-lSi-, 223:8. dda-mu-li-ti, f. of Ad-da-kal-la, 141:29. dda-mu-ma-an-si, YBC :47. Da-an-ni-a, dim, 113:1. Ddn-dLartaa-aak 1. na-kid, 1 1:9 / 1 1:26; 11: :7 / 4 1:9, 14; IX:17 / VI:32 / 16 I:18 / 19:19 / 36:6. Ddn-INin-gal, YBC 489:. Dan-nu-li, 130:6. Dn-ddnSbu-la 1. mu, 124': pa mu, 119: :14 / 137:21 / 161:1. Da-aq-qum, Da-qum 1. s. of Ar-.i-a-nu-um, 34:3. 2. na-kid, 6 11: V:43 / 16 1:26 / 26: / 39:8. Da-ar-ri-ku, 132:9. Di-ba-bu-um, s. of Za-an-gu-um, 13:3, 4. Di-di-i, YBC :41. Di-ma-Sum, 4 II: 16. Du-ga-qum, kd(?), 140:17 / 143 Tablet:2; Case: 22. ddumu-zi-ba-ni 1. f. of A-ab-ba-a, 2 V:26 / 4 VII: 12/ III:30 / 6 III: f. of A-ap-pa-a, 1 11:31. ddumu-zi-i-..., 171:2. P-a-be-gdl 1. b. of P-a-mu-ba-lU-it, na-kid, 1 111: na-kid, 30: II: / 4 VII:38, 39 / 111:36 / 7:3 / :23. P-a-mu-ba-li-it 1. b. of P-a-e-gdl, na-kid, 1 IV: II:19/ / IV:6 / 138:1. P-a-na--ir 1. s. of Ib-ku-TE-a, gd-tam, 141: gir, 169:20 / 170: YBC :1; III:2. P-a-i-li, 221:4 / YBC 4748 III:19. P-a- e-mi, 14:3 / 120:12. P-a-tu-kfl-ti 1. na-kid, 6 III: IV:28 / 2 IV:39 / IV:18 / 130:1. j-a-..., :2. E-gdl-li-ia, ir, 26:8. E-la-a, 9:. E-la-Ul, s. of A-bil-a-&z, 74:2. El-la-tum, s. of Wa-tar-dSin, 137:16. E-mu-i, 129:22. EN-AN-E-UL, en dnannar' Sdg Urumac T, 20:8 / 21:. E-en-da-a, f. of Warad- d Nannar, 119:23. den-ki-ra-..., 6:60. den-lil-be-elli, YBC 7260 II1:. den-4i-gamil, YBC 4864:1.1.

26 26 den-lil.it-math 1. na-kid, 1 111:1 / 1 11: :4 /4 VI:3 / 111: / 6 1:2 / 16 III: 17. den-lil-i-zu, 7:17. den-lil-ma-lik 1. dim(?), 137: :3. den-lik-ma-an-si, 111:16. den-lil-na-id 1. s. of dsin-ia, gs. of Ila-ba-tum, 131:4,, 13, pa gtme ug-bar, 112:23 / 129:16. den-lil-na-kid, pa game us-bar, 123:24. den-lil-se-mi, 127: 23. 'EN s. of Blr-ia, 129: Seal. 2. IV:24. EN-4...-ma, f. of A-ab-ba, 46:Seal / 0: Seal / 1:Seal. En-m-dSin, gir, 0:6. En-nam-dIM, 1: 1. E-nu-um-li-bur, f. of Ti-iz-qa-ru-um, Za-arri-qum, 112:3, 6, 16. 'E-ri-i-tum 1. d. of dsin-ga-mi-il, 12 Case: 6, 9; Tablet: 6, YBC 4726:7. E-te-el-pt(KA)-Itar, a-bal, 140:. E-te-el-pt(KA)-dNin-ubur, 146:21. E-te-el-pt(KA)-dSin, 2:3. Ee-el-pt(KA).Samag, 6:11. Ga-gu-um, h. of 'Ma-ba-ni-tum, arad 9-gal, 117:3. tga-mi-la-tum, 88:9 / YBC 4726:12. Ga-mi-lum, Ga-mi-ilum 1. s. of d Sin-ulili(AN-KUS), 18: na-kid, 6 III: Tablet:2, 12; Case:3, 9. Gar-ra-dBabbar. See List of Cities. Gar-ra-dNergal. See List of Cities. Gi-bil, lug-bar, 147:12. Gi-ma-nu-um, 118:21. Gi-i-lum, Gi-mi-il-um Gi-mi-el-lum 1. s. of 'Sin-n r-a-tim, 240:4, Seal. YALE BABYLONIAN TEXTS, VOL. V 2. s. of dsin-pi-la-a, b. of Sin-na-tum, 6:6. 3. s. of Ur-A-tuk-tuk, 131: dam-qar, 129:18.. gir, 168: VI:28 / 97:1 / 127:14 / 166:6, 1, 31, 44 / 176:2 / 200:6 / 207:4 / 208 1:3 / 217 II:7, 40; 111:28 / 218:29 / 221:2, 8 / 232:3 / YBC :27. Gimil(S7)-d.Da-mu, 14:4. Gimil(SO)..Dumu-zi, 133:20. Gimil(SO)-dEn-lil1-d. See List of Cities. Gi-mi-lum-i-din, 78:2. Gi-mi-il-ili, 134:4. Gimil(ScJ)i--lit'u, YBC 7260 III:34. Gi-mil-ki-nu-um, 41:. Gimil(SO)-Lugal, f. of Awil-dMa-..., 47: Seal. Gimil(s)dNa-na-a-a, -Na-na-a, f. of dsin-i--me-ni, -isme-a-ni, 4 VII: 16 / 16 III:19 / 18:39 / 42:22 / 43:6. Gimil(SlTJ)-Nin-mar-ki, 41:1. Gimil(SJ)-dNin-ubur, 71:2. Gi-mil-..., 14:13. Gimil(SOt)-a..., s. of Azag-aNannar, dib-sar, 0: Seal. Gimil(SJ)-....,u IS, 6:3. Gub-ba-ni-dug 1. f. of dsin-ma-gir, 13: f. of dsin-se-mi, 1 1:33 / 2 V:9 / 3 11:29 / 11:38 /6 IV:16 / 16 I:. fa-ba-tum, f. of dsin-ia, gf. of denn-lil-na-id, 131:3. aa-ab-di-a-ra-al, 18:3. fa-a-di-(?)-()-(?)), arad, 77:4. J:a-am-mi-a-tar, 140:3. ja-na-b-..., f. of dsin-i-gt-d-[am], 12 Case: 7.!Ja-zi-rum, J]a-zi-ru-um 1. s. of d Sin-i-ri-ba-am, b. of I-li-i-dinnam, aradnin-subur, 6:49, Seal. 2. UM(?) nagar, 143 Case:23; Tablet: 26 / 147: :18.

27 GRICE-RECORDS FROM UR AND LARSA Ui-ba-lum, YBC 4748 II: 13; III: 11; IV: 17; VI:8; VII:29.!fi-ni-ir-g, 2:13. ]i-fi-la-9, 17: / 184:6. f iis-sid-tum 1. w. of dsamai-6a-zi-r, 143 Tablet:6, 16; Case:2, :8 / YBC 4748 I:20; II:; 111:8; IV:13; VI:4, 26; VII:24. 'iju-na-ba-tum, 98:3, 14. igu-na-a-bi, 97:14. J:u-nu-bu-um 1. s. of dsamag-ii-ki, 13: f. of dsn-mu-ba-l-it, 126: f. of 6i-U-I-tar, 126:2. J[u-nu-ub-tum, w. of dsin-ga-mi-il, nmd-lal, 161:4. tju-pa-tum 1. s. of dsin-na- ir, 119: kil-dim, 14:8. 3. gd-tam, 144: : / 190:1 / 19:3 / YBC 7260 II:7. Hu-zi-ra-nu-um, YBC :4; IV:22; V:23, 28, 32. thu-zi-ru-um, 179:7. Ia-a, YBC 4748 II:18; VII:3. Ia-a-a-nu-um, f. of I-li-multli(AN-KUS) (-i), 134:16. Ia-ba-nu-m, f. of Im-gu-u-a, 124:22. Ia-da-a-a-tum, 189:9. Ia-di-du-um 1. na-kid, 11: :26 / 3 111:36 / 4 IV:3. Ia-ia-um, 16:2. Ia-ta-ru-um, 11:. la-4-zi-lum, arad, 72: 1. I-ba-lu-..., 242: 11. I-ba-da-gi-ili 1. s. of A-bi-i-li, na-kid, 1 IV: s. of A-bi-i-l, 4 V:22, 3 / 0:. 3. s. of Awtl-gd-dNin-a-zu, 18: s. of Ku-na-ti, Ku-na-tumn, V:19 / :13 / 2:.. gir, 166: lmi-ld6, 126: na-kid, 1 1: :16 / 4 II:6, 17; 111:21 / 7:1 / 1 1:21/ 16 1:3, 16 / 19:31 / 21: / 22:4 / 23: / 26:6 / 27:4. Ib-ga-tum, YBC :14. I-bi-ilu, 22:3. I-bi-ik-dNu-nu, -Nu-nu 1. f. of dnannar-me-du, 3:Seal. 2. f. of dsn-pi-la-a, 122:Seal. 1-bi-ik-..., d4b-sar, 1: Seal. I-bi-dNin-Sibur, I-dbiNin-Bubur 1. s. of A-dan-ni-ig-i-li, 4 V: s. of I-di-Itar, na-kid, 16 1: / 47:. 3. "1i, 126:3. 4. kw-dim, 118:18 / 119: II: / 14:9 / 23:19 / YBC :21. I-bi-Sin 1. f. of (-ba-a-a, 144: :3. I-bi-Sad-a-an, 114:2. Ib-ku-A-ba, f. of Zi-ki-ir-i-li-&, 1:Seal. Ib-ku-dBa-i, 131:22. Ib-ku-dDa-mu, 160:4, 8. Ib-ku-P-a, f. of P-a-na-qir, 141:14. Ib-ku-tIM 1. gir...4-tul, 4 X:7 / 9:31 / :29 / 11:33 / 13:24/ 1 IV:31 / 16 IV: 18/ 30:42/:6/7: :4 / 22:6 / 39:6 / 7:4, / YBC 4748 III: 14; IV:22. Ib-ku-Ir-ra, 147:. Ib-ku-ir-ii-tim, 6:61. Ib-ku-IStar 1. s. of Ur-Lugal-ban-da, na-kid, 1 III:. 2. gir, 170: :11/127:19. Ib-ku-Na-.., f. of dsin-ra-bi, 3:. Ib-ku-Sin, dim, 14:14. Ib-ku-gd 1. s. of I-ku-un-pt(KA)-Sin, 118: s. of Ka-ap-sa-nu-um, 18: NI-SUR, 204: :24 / 122:16 / 129:21 / 14: f 17:2 / YBO 7260 IV: 23.

28 28 YALE BABYLONIAN TEXTS, VOL. V Ib-na-tum 1. ktl-dtm, 123:21 / 132:13 / Case:26; Tablet:26 140:18. lb-ni-r-a 1. s. of dnannar-me-du, 149:4. 2. s. of Ur-R-an-na, b. of dsin-ra-bi, A-atta-a, na-kid, 1 II:4. 3. s. of Ur-'-an-na, b. of Ur-dBara, dsin-ra-bi, 2: s. of Ur-i-an-na, 9:27 / 4 Tablet: 7; Case:6.. b. of dsin-ra-bi, 3 1: na-kid, 1 IV: V:4; VI:11 / 13: / 1 IV:26 / 0:7. Ib-ni-ia, s. of dnannar-me-du, arad dsin-i-qid-am, 123: Seal. Ib-ni.dSin 1. f. of I-l1-uq-ra-an-ni, 123:Seal / 126: Seal. 2. gir, 17: :3. lb-..., 122:34. I-dam-ar-si, 120:3. I-di-du-lm, 16 IV:8. I-di-ia 1. f. of A-gu-i-a, 2 IV:4 / 11:31 / 6 11:8. 2. f. of dim-ra-bi, 4 V:34 /-13:3. I-di-Igiar, f. of I-i-dNin-gubur, 16 1:6 / 47:6. I-din-dDa-mu, 68:3 / 72: / 78:3 / 92:3. I-din-l-a 1. gir, 221:3. 2. YBC 4748 III:2. I-din-rEn-lil, s. of Si-lI-Uruk,- 126:37. I-din-ia-tum, YBC 7249 IV: 8. I-din-ilu 1 s. of Mu-tum-e-el, arad di-gum, pa game ug-bar, 123:23, Seal / 126:29, Seal / 129:1, Seal. 2. pa gome ug-bar, 112: nagar, 202: Case:22; Tablet:20. I-din- 4 IM 1. f. of U-bar-Samai, 6:Seat. 2. f. of U-bar-ru-,um, 6: :3. I-din-lr-ra 1. f. of A-bu-wa-qar, 141: f. of dnannar-ma-an-si, 0: :1, 4 / 7:1. I-din-dNa-na-a 1. sangu dinnina, YBC 487: :9. I-din-Nin-4ubur, 2 11:22. I-diStn j's 1. dwb-sar, 121: :. I-din-d..., f. of KA-id-Ammurru, 116: Seal. Id-ki-te, 146: / 246:4, p.n.(?) I-ga-ia, 189:2. Ig-mi-ilu, 7:3. Ig-mi-il-dSin, Ig-mil-dSin 1. s. of dsin-zi-me-a-ni, fdma-mi-ia, 123:9. 2. nu-banda, 6: :2. Ik(?)-kuz-a-4u-um, 1:. I-ku-ka.dIM, 121:22. I-ku-un-pl(KA)-dStn, f. of Ib-ku-id, 118:20. I-la-li-..., 174:7. I-la-ni(or li), f. of dsin-ma-gir, 141:21. I-li-ddn, pa grme u-bar; 126:23. I:-ti-.-a (or I-lig-a), pa geme ug-bar, 112:21. i-li-e-mu-qi, f. of dsin-ma-gir, 34:7. I-li-eri-ba, 3:6. -l-ga-mi-e[l], 202:47. -li-.a-[zil-ri, YBC 470 V:12. I-li-i-din-nam 1. b. of Ja-zi-rum, IS, 6:49, gir, YBC 60: :1 / 16:3 / 17:3 / 18:2 / YBC 4748 IV:26 / YBC 470 V:7 / YBC 7260 II:9. I-li-i-ma, YBC :36. -li-i-mi-ti, 113:13. I-l-ip-pa-al-za-am, 6:36. I-l-ig-me-ni, 133:19. I-li-ki-im-ti, 117:13. I-li.ma-a-bi, 238:3 / YBC :22; VII:4. f-litmu-d-al-li, 92:1.

29 GRICE-RECORDS FROM UR' AND LARSA 29 I-li'pi-di-ma, arad; 40:2.. I-lt-pu-ut-ra-am 1. engar, 112: Tablet:29; Case:26. 1-i-t4ulai (AN-KUS) (-"I" - 1. s. of Ia-a-a-nu-um, 134:16. ' 2. 9:13. l-li-ar-ra, YBC 4786:4. I-l--su-mu-ur, YBC 470 VI: 6. -li-tab-ba-e, YBC :21. I-lim-ta-ma-ilu, :4, p.n.(?) I-li-tu-kul-ti 1. f. of dnannar-ma--an-si, 137: :13. 1-li-tu-ra-am 1. h. of 'A-wi-il-ti-ili, dam-qar, YBC 487:; 2. YBC 7260 III: 1. I-li-u, 113:16. I-l-us-ra-an-ni 1. s. of Ib-ni-dSin, simug gir arad, 123: 19, Seal / 126:21, Seal. 2. simug gir arad, 119:17. -l-...,gir, 171:17. Ilu-a-hu-u-a-tum, nu-gi -sar, 146:3, 13. Ilu-da-mi-iq, 120: / (?)129:19. Ilu-la-at-tu, 97:13. Il-lu-lu, 12:4 / 42: / 67:4 / 73: / 77:3.' Ilu-mah-um-mi, 89:3. Ilu-pi(KA )-Ba-u, s. of Ur-dNin-subur, fsd-at-dsin, b. of Li-dingir-ra, YBC 420: 1,, 9, 1, 19, 27. Ilu-pi(KA)-dSin, 202:24, 70. Ilu-p(KA)-su 1. s. of Ur-mes-un(?)-na, arad WaraddSin, 122: Seal :. Ilu-rg'4 1. f. of Nu-uir-a-li, 1 I: na-kid, 2 VI:6 / VII:4 / 6 VI:8. Ilu-g -ba-ni, 148: / YBC 6278 Case: 19. Ilu-Mba-..., gir, 168:13. Ilu-s9-i-bi-u, Ilu-M-i-bi- f4 1. s. of dnin-si-an-na-me-du, arad dninsi-an-na, pa gtme ug-bar, 123:22, Seal / 129:17, Seal. 2;. pa gnm ug-bar, 126: :2 / YBC :48. Ilu-itna-i-rir; s. of dnannar-ma-an-si; arad dnin-ubur, 47:Seal / 0: Seal. Ilu-st-ra-bi, 80:11 / 81: / 2:22. Ilu-i-..., f. of U-badr-dSamaS, 122:24. Ilu-um-ma, 86:2. dim-ba-ni, mu, 198:2. Im-gu-i-a, s. of Ia-ba-nu-um, 124:22. Im-gurdGirru(BIL-GI). See List of Cities. Im-gur-IM, sd-tam, 14:20. Im-gur-dSin 1. s. of A-bil-a-&i, 4 I127 / 16 11:2 / 1:. 2. s. of A-6u-ni, na-kid 1 IV: 14 / 9:18, 26 / 1 IV: s. of A-&u-ni, 2 III:26 / 3 III:32 4 IX:22, s. of A-li-wa-aq-rum, 132:1.. s. of KJ-gd-Sin, b. of Nui-ur-..., 3 IV: s. of KA--d-Sin, na-kid, 1 111: s. of KA-- 1Sin, 1 V:1 / 4 VIII:4, '14 / 111: s. of Na-ra-am-dSin, 77:7. 9. s. of Nu-ir-i-li-si, na-kid, 1 II: 17 / 6:3,.. s. of Nu-zir-iUi-i, 4 VI:1, 20 / 1 III: 11 / 16 III: 1, s. of Ur-6-gal, b. of...- ta-a-a-ar, 3 II: s. of Ur-t-gal, 2 II: f. of dsin-mu-ba-li-it, 13: f. of U-bar-dI-sum, 141: f. of Warad-dSin, 1 V:19 / 2 111:46 / 4 IX:29 / 9: b.(?) of dsin-ri-me-ni, Ta-ri-bu-um, 148:, 12, 28, 31, 33, BIR-S3 1-BU-BU, 171: gir, 168:17, 18 / 18:14 / 209: utug dnin-gi.-zi-da, 132: l BADkf, 124:3, VII:2 / 7:6 / 39: / 80:6 / 2:/ 113:12 / 11:11 / 116:11 / 122:18 / 129:2 /140:19 / 213:4. Im-gur-rum, Im-gur-ru-um, 2 11:44 / 127:2.

30 30 Im-gur-..., 16 1: / 112:30 / 174:6.. Im-gur-.., s. of...-dosamaf, 174:16. 'IM-tbe-gdl, nagar, 191:6 / 194:9. 'IM-i-din-nam, 129:26. "'IM-la-ma-zi, 78:1. Im-lik-6-a, 127:17 / 130:16. Im-lik-'Sin, f. of Ur-..., 3 111:40. dim-ma-an-sf, 114:13. dim mu-ba-li-it, dam-qar, 139:18. JIM-na-i-tir 1. f. of 'Sin-,vi(PIN), dsin-a-ba, 4 VII: 3 / 2:38, f. of dsin-rin(pin), A-bil-ku-bi, I: 21 / 18: f. of $dsn-ri(pin), 6 11:20 / 1 II: 24 / 6: :. dim-ra-bi 1. s. of I-di-ia, 4 V:33 / 13:3. 2. s. of Ur-dLugal-ban-da, 4 111:13, 19 / 2:9. 3. s. of Ur-mS-ban-da, b. of U-bardSamas, 3 III:8. 4. s. of Ur-me-ban-da, na-kid, :4, 12.. na-kid, 1 I:. dim-ge-mi, 202:32. "IM-tab-ba-ni, f. of A-bil-kubi, 6 IV:20. I-na-g-me-e-wa-uu, 2:29 / YBC 7260 III:7. In-ba-ba, 123:4. dinnina-za-at, 9:6. I-ni-i--nu, na-kid, 30:. Ip-fu-rum, 127:18. I-ri-ba-am-.Sin 1. simug, 119: :3 / 98:18 / 189:. I-ri-gd, iutug, 137:19. Ir-ra-ba-ni, gir, 166:38. Ir-ra-ga-mil, gir.. sib, 244:3. Ir-ra-ga(?)-e-ir, YBC 7260 II:. Ir-i.-a, YBC 4748 II:20; VII:8. I-Qi-ia-tum, 121:2. I-fi-nu-nr-um, 144:3 If-ru-pa-an-ni, 120:. I-rar-a-li-ki, d-tam, 122:22. il-gw-um-ir-ra, 189:3 / YBC :32. YALE BABYLONIAN TEXTS, VOL. V IS-ku-un--a. See List of Cities. I-ku-un-dNergal. See List of Cities. ISkun-.Sama. See List of Cities. I-me.dI M 1. s. of Bu-uz-bu-zu-um, na-kid, 1 111: VI:19. IS-me-r-ra, f. of Da-da-a, 1 VI:22 / 18:14. dg(f)-pi-um-mi, 98:4. figtar-ellati, Wfe], 132:1 / 14:1. Igtar-ilu 1. gir, 121: :7 / 118:14. /Iltar-ri-im-t-i-lt, YBC 4739:11. /itar-tap-pa-..., d. of..., 42:6. 'iltar-um-mi, 88:12. I-ta-na-a-Uruk t, lt-ti-re-a-mi-i---ki, -mil-ki, -mi-il-ku 1. gutug En-ki, 143 Tablet:22; Case: Tablet:29; Case:30 / 140:14. It-t i- d Sin-i--el-ki, -mil-ki 1. pa dam-qar Zar-b{-lum ~, 207:21, :20 / YBC :23. It-ti-... -mil-ki, 14:1. I-i-ia-tum, 129:3. 4Ka-di-dur-ri, 121:18 / 129:20. KAl-En-ki, YBC :, 13, 36; II:3, 16; 11:17. Ka-la-!a, 122:2. dkal-^d-dsamas, f. of...-bi, 79:4. Ka-na-a-a, Ka-na-a 1. f. of A-gu-4-a, A-at-ta-a, 4 V: f. of A-gu-i-a, 1 IV:. 3. f. of A-bu-J4, 3 II: f. of A-6tu-4i-nu, 1 IV:33 / 2 V: 1.. f. of A-wi-il-i-l, (-ili), Nu-,ir-i-l-g S, 3 11:38 / 1: f. of A-wi-il-i-li, (-ili), 1 11:22 / 2 V:4 / 11:6, 14 / 30:20, f. of Nu-tur-i-li-.u, 13:1 / 44:7, 16 / 48:17. Ka-na-ra-tum, YBC 470 V;3. Ka-ap-bu-ma, 167:7. Ka-pi-ia-lum, 48:. Ka-ap-sa-nu-um, f. of Ib-ku-Sd, 18:17. Ka-ra-na-tum, 8:4. Kag-qi-la-a, 13:21.

31 GRICE-RECORDS FROM UR AND LARSA 31 KAIsd-dAmurru 1. s. of I-din-..., 116: Seal :3. KA-sa-daItar, -Istar 1. s. of Sin-be-el--lt, 137:2, s. of Su-mi-a-bi-ia, 131: :11. KA-dSamas, 40: 11./ YBC 489:6. KA-sA-dNu-mus-da, f. of dsin-ma-gir, h. of fta-ri-ba-tum, 141:2, 4. KAJ-d-dS in 1. f. of Im-gur-4Sin, Nu-ur-.., 3 IV: f. of Jm-gur-dSin, 1 V:2 / 4 VIII:, 1 / 1 II: 1; 111: f. of Nu-ur-dSin, 2 III:4. Ka f. of A-ab-ba-a, 2 IV:8. 2. f. of Nu-uir-dSin, 19:9. Ki-es-i-din-nam, 202:3. Ki-ma-bi-li, 2 IV: 1. Ki-ma-tim, na-kid, 6 IV:3. Kin-na-tum, IS, 6:47. Ki-is-tHi-r-ra 1. f. of...-i-din-na-am, 162:Seal / 20: Seal / 21:Seal. 2. YBC :8; 111:26; V:37. Ku-bi-na-id, nagar, 141:17. Ku-du-ur-Ma-bu-uk 1. f. of WaraddSin. 16:Seal :17 / 119:30 / 122:37 / 127:12 / 1.28:1 / 137:22 / 167: / 202:4, 16, 29, 61, 72 / 207:1, 0 / 216:4. Kui-uk-dSu-gal-li-it, 191:2. Ku(or As)-lu-u, f. of dsin-mu-ba-li-it, 2:32. Ku-li-..., DU-GAB, 6:4. Ku-na-bu-um, nu-banda, 126:4, 32. Ku-na-a-nu-um, 119:4,, 12. Ku-na-ti 1. f. of I-ba-ds-si-ili, V:20 / 2:. 2. f. of dsin-ma-gir, 16 1:12 / 2:16 / 4:6. Ku-na-tum 1. f. of I-ba-ds'-si-ili, : f. of dsin-ma-gir, 1 1:27. Ku-un-nu-rum, YBC 4748 IV: 19; VI: 1; VII:31. Ku-ru-um, YBC 4748 IV:23. Ku-fr-sd-nu-um, 24:2. Ku-s-ul-lum 1. s. of Li-it-tum, na-kid, :9. 2. s. of Li-it-tum, 6 T1:11 / 18: III: 18 / 13:11. Ku-u-zu-um, 140:4. La-gi-ma, 97:. La-ki-bu-um 1. gir. 182:1 / 209: :. dlatarak(ll-ilal)-qar-ra-ad, 117:16. Li-bi-it-I'tar, 178:1 / YBC :22. Li-bi-it-dSin, 3:3. Li-bur-ba-ni, f. in-law of dsin-i-din-nam, 141:28. Li-ik-tum, 171:4 / 172:4 / 194: / YBC 47481:21; II:11; 111:9; IV:14; VI:, 27; VII:26, p.n.(?) dli-lum-ddn, 131:20. Lim-ma.s-dNannar 1. pa gemme us-bar, 123: Case:23; Tablet:27. Li-sa-tum, 238:2 / YBC :24: III: 13. Li-it-tum, f. of Ku-su-ul-lum, 6 II: 12 / :9 / 18:. Li-za-qar-ilu, 12:4. Li-dingir-ra, s. of UrdNin-sbur, 'Sd-atdSin; b. of Ilu-pi(KA)-dBa-u; sutug., YBC 420:2,, 16, 20, 28, 30. Lu-ud-lu-ul-dSin, 2 VI:33 / VI:37 / 127: 24 / 142:. La-GA-a-a, f. of dsin-mu-ba-li-it, 1: Seal. Lugal-ban-da, 111:3. Lugal-gi-na, 13:6. Lugal-Guskin, f. of SAG-lugal(?)-..., 46: Seal / 0:Seal / 3:Seal. Lugal-lu-ti-na(?), s. of dnannar-me-a-... diub-sar, 47:Seal / 1:Seal / 2:Seal. Lugal-nig-gi-na, 149:1. Lu-ti-la-di-bi, 12 Case: 19: Tablet: 18. Ma-di-ia, 1:12. Ma-di-ka-ar-ku-te-im, YBC 470 IV:. Ma-gur-dSin, VI:26. Ma-ha-ni-tum, w. of Ga-gu-um, 117:4.

32 32 YALE BABYLONIAN TEXTS, VOL. V Ma-ku-ur-dSin 1. na-kid, 30:34, 3, IV:23 / 3 1:41 / 4 VII:32, 33: VIII:26 / 7:2 / :18, 24 / 1 IV:2 / 16 III:11. Ma-ma-nu-um, 2:2. dma-mi-ia, w. of Ig-mi-il.-Sin, 123:8. lla-mi-tum-ri-me-ni, m. of 'Um-mi-..., 42:9. Ma-a-nu-um, f. of An-na-tum, 141:30. Ma-na-a-nu-um. See Ku-na-a-nu-um. Ma-nu-i-um, 32:3. Mdr-dAmurru, 41:7, 8. Mdr--li, YBC :2. Ma-ri-IStar, 8:7. Mdr-dSin-be-el-..., 2:9. Mr-dSin-tu-kW-ti, gir, 17:14. 'Ma-ri-tum, 88:14. Mdr-UrumaM 1. f. of A-bi-ta-bu-um, 4 VIII: 13 / 13: :. Ma-sa-bu-um. See List of Cities. IMa-ta-tum, YBC 4726:14. Ma-ti-ilu, 39:7. Ma-ti-nu-ru-um 1. s. of dsin-iq-be-i, b. of dsin-oris(pin), na-kid, 1 111:. 2. s. of dsin-iq-be-e, 11: b. of dsin-rif(pin), 3 111: na-kid, 1 1:19 / 19:23, I:8. Me-ni-..., 44:11. WMe-s'-iH-ba-tum, g~me, 117:1. Me-es-(?)-dGu-la, 98:. IMu-ba-li-it-tum, m. of IS-at-dNu-mu,-da, 70:1. Mu-da-du-um, s. of Ur-dNin-gi-na, 148:48. Mu-kin-ilu, 49:13. Mu-na-na-nu-um, 3 111:39. Mu-na-nu-um, 2 11:30. Mu-nu-tuk, 27:3 / 31:4. Mu-na-wi-rum, -ru-um, 143 Tablet: 4, 14; Case: 11 / YBC 7260 V:4. IMu- d-at-dsn, d. of Ama-at-dZa-md-md, 67:6. msin-i-me-a-ni, m. of dmug-dingir-ka-ni, p.n.(?), 42:18. Mu-ta-bu-um, Ad-tam, 122:23. Mu-ti-a-ba-al, YBC 470 V: 9. Mu-tum-e-el, Mu-tum-ilu 1. s. of dsin-erig(pin), 4 111:6. 2. s. of...,-mi, na-kid, 19: f. of I-din-ilu, 123: Seal / 126:Seal V: 1 /2 III:39. Na-bi-dEn-lil 1. s. of dsin-na-si-ir, arad damurru, 12 Case: 18; Tablet: 17; Seal. 2. f. of "Sin-ri-me-ni, 9: simug, 134: :6 /72:6 / 160:4. Na-bi-zi-li-.u 1. s. of Nu-ur-dSin, 1 VI: s. of 'd-at-.sin, 144: , dud, 132: :, 6 / 11:3. Na-bi-dSin, YBC 7260 I: 24. Na-bi-...,122:2. Na(?)-ab-tum, 98:1. Na-bu-um-MER(?), 19:2. Na-din-ilu, 3 111:20 / 7:4 / 1 111:36. Na-din-i.S-ta-al-mu-um, h. of 'Si-ba-a-a, f. of dsin-aris(pin),. 121:4, 7. Na-din-tum-dNin-gal, YBC 483:21. Na-ab-lum 1. na-kid, 6 IV: VII:42. Na-ki-mu-um, 20:. dna-na-a-a-im-gur, su-ge, YBC 4726:. dnannar-a-a 1. s. of A-bi-id-dSin, 2 IV: s. of Nu-ur-ma.s-ku-ku(?), 2 IV:3. 3. f. of dsin-be-eli-li, (-ili), 2 IV:47 / 6 IV:8. 4. na-kid, 1 IV:24 / IV:12 / 6 IV:12 / 33:8. dnannar-agarid(igi-gub), 73:9. dnannar-e-ra-mu-4i, YBC :26. 'Nannar-ma-an-si 1. s. of I-din-ir-ra, ld Zararma", 0:3. 2. s. of -li-tu-kfil-ti, 137: s. of d Sin-be-el-i-l, 80:2. 4. f. of Btr-dSin, 118:17.

33 GRICE-RECORDS FROM UR AND LARSA 33. f. of Ilu-.-na-qi-ir, 47:Seal / 0: Seal. 6. dim, 143 Tablet:28; Case:2 / 172: engar, 112:2. 8. gir, 168: IKID, 129: :4 / 113:9 / 122:6 / 144:4,, 13 / 148:3 / YBC 4739:43 / YBC 7260 I:23. dnannar-me-a-..., f. of Lugal-lu-ti-na(?), 47: Seal / 1:Seal / 2:Seal. dnannar-me-du 1. s. of I-bi-ik-Nu-nu, 3:Seal. 2. s. of Warad-P-a, 11:8, 9, Seal. 3. f. of Ib-ni-l.-a, 149:4. 4. f. of Ib-ni-ia, 123:Seal. dnannar-ni-ma= 1. DU-GAB, 141: :3 / 10:39 / 176:6 / 184:21. dnannar-ni-zu, 133:16. dnannar-sag-gal, 133:2. dnannar-si-ga, YBC :40. dnannar-tab-ba 1. s. of Nu-ir-i-if-s, 12 Case:20; Tablet: 19; Seal :22. dnannar-ta-bi-... f. of Azag-Nannar, 47: Seal/ 1:Seal / 2:Seal. Na(?)-an-na-tum, 143 Tablet:27; Case:24. Na-an-..., 122:26. Na-ap-li-iq-ilu 1. gir, YBC 60: YBC 4748 III:12; IV:18; VII:30. Na-ra-am-L-a, YBC 4748 I:1; 11:27, 3; 111:3, 30; IV:8; VI:21; VII:21. Na-ra-am-dSin 1. f. of Im-gur-dSin, 77:8. 2. YBC 7260 II:19; IV:12; V:18. Na-ra-am-ta-am, 1:2. Na-ra-am-tum, 202:46. Na-ar-bu-um, dib-sar, 126:24. Na-wi-ru-um-i-li, 122:4. dna-..., 2 II:18. Na-...-im, f. of Warad-dNannar, 132:11. dnergal-ki-i, f. of dsin-ma-gir, 126:34. dnergal-ku-ub, 133:18. Ni-bu-um, 201:3, p.n.(?) Ni-di-it-tum, 39:2. Ni-ig-ma-nu-um, 1:4. Ni-ik-ka-a, 88:8. Ni-ki-..., 118:2, 3. dnind(?)-u-ra-bi, 8:6 / 2:1. fdnin-gal-la-ma-zl, 9-g6, YBC 4739:13. fdnin-gal-mu-ba-li-it, YBC 4739:2. dnin-gi.-i-da-ga-midl, 80:9 / 81:2 / 2:26/ 161:7. dnin-kar-ra-ag-ba-la-tu; Sti, 124:20. dnin-kar-ra-ag-mu-ba-la-it, YBC 4739:40. fdnin-kar-ra-ag-um-mi, YBC 4739:6. dnin-si-an-na-me-du, f. of Ilu-S-i-bi-6, 123:Seal / 129:Seal. dnin-subur, 133:7. Ni-in-nu-u-a, 178:3 / YBC 4748 IV:21; VI:17; VII:33. Ni-Ki-i-ni-su, nin-dingir, YBC :28. Nu-na-a 1. f. of dsin-ma-gir, 2 VI:37 / VII: na-kid, 6 VI:19. Nu-na-bu-um, f. of Zi-zi-bu, 117:14. Nu-nu-u, 148:4. Nu-ilr-a-6i 1. s. of A-qar-ti, 13: s. of Ilu-r',, 1 1: IX: 14, 1. Nu-ur-dAmurru 1. gir, 169:18 / 170:14 / 246: :3. Nu-ra-tum, 44:. Nu-uir-Ba-i, na-kid, 33:9. Nu-ur-dDa-gan, 3:4. Nu-ur-_E-a, YBC 7260 V:38. Nu-ur-i-i-su 1. s. of -lu-mu--i -i, b. Sin-ra-bi, 2 VI:. 2. s. of A-li-mu-Ad-li, na-kid, 6 VI:3. 3. s. of A-li-mu-sd-al-li, 4 VIII:8 / 2: s. of Awil-dDumu-zi-da, b. of dsin-pila-ah, 6 III:1.. s. of AwUl-dDumu-zi-da, 3 1: s. of Awtl-dDumu-zi, na-kid, 1:8.

34 34 YALE BABYLONIAN TEXTS, VOL. V 7. s. of Ka-na-a-a, Ka-na-a, b. of A-wi-ili-l., -ili, 3 11:41 / II:6. 8. s. of Ka-na-a-a, 13:1 / 44:6, 1 / 48: f. of Awil-dNannar, 119:22 / 126:26 / 134:20.. f. of Im-gur-dSin, 4 VI: 16, 21 / 1 II: 18; III:11 / 16 III:1, 22 / 6:4, f. of...- NI-dNannar, 129: f. of dnannar-tab-ba, 12: Seal. 13. na-kid, 212:42, :7 / 97:8 / 128:Seal. Nu-uir-i-..., 14:12. Nu-ur-dIM 1. lugal, 12 Case: 11 / 13:1 / 14:1. 2. master of Zi-ki-ir-i-lf-iu (=lugal?), 1: Seal. See also List of Cities. Nu-ir-dKab-ta 1. gir, 126:39 / 246: :12. Nu-&r-ku-bi, 148: 0. Nu-ur-ma.f-ku-ku(?), f. of dnannar-a-a, 2 IV: 3. Nu-uir-dNin-Subur, 77:6. Nu-4r-dSin 1. s. of KA-4-dSin, 2 III:4. 2. s. of Ka-..., na-kid, 19: f. of A-bil-ku-bi, 76:6. 4. f. of Na-bit-lt-.Su, 1 VI: :29 / 162: / 16:4 / 21:6. Nu-ur-dSamag, 23:2 / 227:16 / YBC 4748 II: 19. Nu-ur-ub-tum, 171:32. Nu-r s. of KA-gd-Sin, b. of Im-gur-dSin, 3 IV: :30. Nu-ur-d..., f. of Ta-ri-bu-um, 149:3. Pa-lu-lu-tum, 98:. Pa-a-qum, 4-t0a, 97:7. Pa-ti-..., 122:32. Pi-i-ir-Na-ru-um, f. of A-gu-A-a, II:12. Pi-ir-ni-du-um, 41:9 / 42:2 / 73:. Pi-qu-lr-ra, 137:6. Pi-i -ti-ia, 171:8. Pi-it-ti-ia, 171:31. Pu-ut-ra-am-i-U, 189:6 / 190:2 / 19:4. Ra-bi-a-nu-um, 133:4. Ra-bi-a-(?).at-dSamag, 6:. Ra-bu-utdSfn, gir, YBC 60:40. Ra-ba-bu, Ra-ha-bu-um. See List of Cities. Ri-'-(?), b. of dsama'-ga-mil, 134:19. Ri-ba-am-dSin, na-kid, 6 II1:30. Ri-ba-tum, 23:, 12. Ri-im-.Sin, dri-im- Sin, dri-im-sin(es) 1. f. of U-bar-dSamas, 12 Case: Seal. 2. lugal, 3:16 / 6:43, 67 / 7:12 / 137:12 / 138:14 / 149:11 / 10:, 11, 6 / 200: / 202:14, 4 / 207: 9, 36 / 217 I:, 2; IV:29 / 218:4, 43 / 220:3 / 221:1 / 222:3 / 223: / 224:37 / 22: / 226:2 / 227:19 / 228: / 246:20 / 248: / YBC 487:16. Ri-ig-Ir-ra, 121:20. 'Ru-ba-tum, 88:16. Sa-bi-a-nu-um, 1:3. Sa-bu-um-ga-mil, 11: / 116:1C. SAG-lugal(?)-..., s. of Lugal-dGuskin, dubsar, pisan dub-ba dnannar, 46:Seal / 0:Seal / 3: Seal. fsa-la-tum, 8: / 29:3 / 88:. Sa-mu-um 1. na-kid, 208 1:11; 11:1; IV:13 / 217 I:19: I1: :, 13 / 212:12, 42, 73 / 218:38. Sa-pi-ra-tum, 89:2. Si-'-mu-ug-ra, f. of ii-li-dsamas, 172:7 / 174:9. Si-di-un-ma-na, d-tam, 119:16. Si(?)-lam-ni-du-a, 147:8. dsin-a-ba 1. s. of dim-na-.i-ir, h. of dsin-grig (PIN), 4 VII:6. 2. s. of dim-na-i-ir, 2: s. of dsama-&e-gdl, nagar, 141: b. of Ur-dNin-gir-su, A-na-P-a-takla-ku, na-kid, 6 11: :4. dsin-a-bil-den-lil, gir, 170:1. dsin-a-bu-i. 12:7/67:9/72:7/74:4,/2:23.

35 GRICE-RECORDS FROM UR AND LARSA dsin-a-da-ldl, 7:16. dsin-a-hi-i-din-nam, YBC 4864:2. dsin-am-ta-ha-ar, 98:20. dsin-4dsu(a-zu), s. of A-za-ni-tum, b. of A-na-L-a-tak-la-ku, V:33. d Sin-a-sd-ri-id, Sin(ES)-a-sd-ri-id 1. pa mu, 141: :23. dsin-ba-la-ti 1. na-kid, 1 IV:19 / 6 II:4 / 11:11 / 30: IV:/ III:24 / 16 IV:11. dsin-ba-li-it, 6:6 / 120:11. dstn-ba-ni 1. na-kid, 6 111: IV:16 /16 IV:6. dsin-ba-..., 1 V:31. dsin-be-el-ap-lim, 241:2. dsin-be-el-i-li, -ili 1. s. of dnannar-a-a, na-kid, 2 IV:47 / 6 IV:7. 2. f. of KA-sd-Istar, 137: f. of dnannar-ma-an-si, 80: :2. dsin-bi-..- ki, 139:17. dsin-eri (PIN) 1. s. of dim-na-si-ir, b. of A-bil-ku-bi, 1: s. of dim-na-si-ir, b. of dsin-a-ba, 4 VII:2, s. of dim-na-ii-ir, na-kid, 6 11:19 / 1 11: s. of dim-na-qi-ir, 2:41 / 6:8.. s. of Na-din-is-ta-al-mu-um, 'Si-baa-a, 121:6, s. of dsin-iq-be-i, na-kid, 1 11:36 / 211:1 /4:. 7. s. of dsin-na-be-i, 4 11: f. of Mu-tum-ilu, 4 111:7. 9. b. of Ma-ti-nu-ru-um, 3 111:28.. na-kid, 1 1:19 / 19:23, liu Umma, 166: I:8 / 17:9 / 184: / 209:2. dsin-ga-mi-il, -ga-mi-el, -ga-mil 1. s. of A-bi-um-mu, dim, i31: s. of Ti-..., 122: h. of fiu-nu-ub-tum, md-lal &-db(?), 161:. 4. f. of 'E-ri-ig-tum, 12 Case:7, ; Tablet: 9.. f. of Zi-ia-tum, 123: Seal : / 134:3, 9, 11, 1. dsin-ga-ti-sa-ba-at, gir, 169:17 / 170:12 / 182:14 / 18:1. dsin-ha-zi-ir, YBC 470 V:8. dsinia, s. of Ha-ba-tum, f. of En-lil-na-id, 131:3, 4,, 13, 17. dsin-ia-tum, 1 "SE, 123:20. Cf. Zi-ia-tum, 123: Seal. dsin-i-din-na, s. of A-ab-ba, 4 VI: 7, 9. dsin-i-din-nam 1. s. of A-ab-ba, na-kid, 1 III: s. of A-ab-ba, 2:. 3. f. in law of Li-bur-ha-ni, 141: lugal Zararmak, 140:24 / 168:22 / 173:9 / 174:29 / 212:4.. lugal, 111:19 / 169:24 / 170:21 / 213:8. 6. dumu lugal, 13: :7 / 194: / YBC 4748 VII:1. dsn-i-din-na-dg, gir arad, 12 Tablet: 4, 6; Case: 4. d Sin-i-din-na-s'u, 11:1. dsin-i-din-..., 16 II:. dsin-ilu, 191:4 / 23:3. dsin-im-gur-ra-an-ni, -im-gur-an-ni, YBC 470 V: / YBC :26 / YBC 7260 IV:20. dsnn-i-mi-ti, s. of.. -i-din(?), arad dsin-i-riba-am, 1:Seal. dsinip-pa-al-za-am, 144:19. dsin-iq-be-i, -iq-be-e 1. f. of Ma-ti-nu-ru-um, 1 111:6 / II:2. 2. f. of dsin-(ri(pin), 1 11:37 / 2 11:2 / 4:11. dsin-i-qi-qd-am 1 s. of A-li-i, na-kid, 6 1:2 / 19: s. of A-li-i, 3 II:13 / 4 1:22 / 2: s. of Ha-na-bi, 12 Case:6. 4. s. of Ur-mM- un(?)-na, 2 1:32.. lugal, 62:14 / 160:14.

36 36 YALE BABYLONIAN TEXTS, VOL. V 6. master of Ib-ni-ia, 123: Seal. (= lugal?) 7. a-bal(?). 140:6. 8& 1 VI:9 / 64: / 81:3 / 2:18 / YBC 7260 II: 18; IV:7. dsin-i-qi-gam (written C) (?), lugal, 19:7. dsin-i-ri-ba-am, -e-ri-ba-am 1 s. of Za-a-a, 134:18. 2 f. of Lga-zi-ru-um, 6:Seal. 3. lugal, 133:14, 24 / 1:8 / 16:7 / 17:7 / 18:6 / master of dsin-i-miti, 1: Seal. 4. lugal Unugt, 124:1.. na-kid, 196: / 233:4, nu-gis'-sar, 146:4, : / 69: / 80:12 / 118:16 / 131:7/ 138: 16 / 189:4 / YBC :33, 0. d Sin-ig-me-ni, 4iS-me-a-ni 1. s. of Gimil(St)-Na-na-a-a, (-.Nana-a), 4 VII: 1 / :19 / 18:39/ 42:21 / 43:. 2. s. of dstn-ri-me-ni, 126: s. of dsamag-na-si-ir, 126: h. of IdMa-mi-ia, f. of Ig-mi-il-dSin, 123:6, 7.. b. of A-ta-na-ab-i-li, 1 V:3. 6. lsimug, 119:2, :48 / 20:6 / 49:4 / 2:8 / 139:4 / :36 / YBC :26. dsin-it-ti, 76:7. dsn--..., 148:6. dsin-ki-ma-i-li-a, 133:17. dsin-li-ta-la-al, 84:6. dsin-li-ta-am, 9:4. dsin-ma-gir 1. s. of Gub-ba-ni-d4g, 13: s. of I-la-ni (or Ui), nagar, 141: s. of I-li-e-mu-qi, 34:7. 4. s. of KA- d-dnu-mus-da, ITa-ri-batum, 141:1.. s. of Ku-na-ti nakid, 4:6. 6. s. of Ku-na-ti, 16 I: 12 / 2: s. of Ku-na-tum, na-kid, 1 I: s. of dnergal-ki-i, 126: s. of Nu-na-a, 2 VI:37 / VII: 14.. s. of [Um]-mi-a-&i-ia, 162:Seal. 11. s. of Ur-dNin-a-zu, na-kid, 6 III: s. of Wi(Pi)-ra-a-a, arad den-ki, 6: Seal. 13. dam-qar, YBC : na-kid, 1 I: simug, 114: II:4/ 4 II:24, 30 / 6 IV:24 / 4:3/ 82:2 / 97: / 17:3 / 176:7 / 184:20, 22 / 23:17 / YBC 7260 II: 12, 24. d Sin-ma-ha-as (perhaps dsin-ma-gir) 1. gabra, YBC 7260 III: :11. Sitn-ma-ilu, 242:3. dsin-ma-an-s.i 136:11. d Sin-ma-(), 73:8. d Sin-mu-ba-l -it 1. s. of Ap-pa-tum, YBC 6278 Case: s. of Hu-nu-bu-um, 126: s. of Im-gur-dSin, 13: s. of Ku (or Ag)-lu-u, 2:32.. s. of la-ga-a-a, arad dsin-..., 1: Seal. 6. na-kid, 6 VI:12 / 1 II:. 7 2VI:29/4IX:7,8/VII:8/67:3/ 224:16. d Sfn-mu-pa-bi-ir 1. na-kid, 4 Tablet: 6; Case:. 2. 4V:12 / 132:8. dsin-mu-ug-ta-al, sd-pi-ir Zararma", 227: 12. dsin-na-be-i, f. of dsin-8ris(pin), 4 II:3. d Sin-na.id, s. of Ab-di-ra-ab, 137:20. d Sin-na-kid, 146:22. d Sin-na-qi-ir, -na- ir 1- f. of Iu-pa-tum, 119: f. of Na-bi-dEn-lil, 12:Seal. 3. f. of Warad-dNannar, 144: III: 13 / (?) 246:1. dsin-na-i, 2 111:30 / 139:3 / YBC :20. dsirnna-tum 1. s. of dsin-pi-la-ab, b. of Gi-mi-lum, 6: VI:2, 32 / 43:4. d Sin-na-wi-ir, 113:3, 6 / 174:8.

37 GRICE-RECORDS FROM UR AND LARSA 37 dsin-na-.., 34:. fdsin-nu-ri, w. of A-hu-wa-qar, 88:1. dsin-nu-ur-ma-tim 1. f. of Bal-mu-nam-he, 122:8. 2. f. of Gi-mi-il-lum, 240: Seal :4 / 16:3 / 20: / 21:3. See also List of Cities. dsin-pa-la-su 1. f. of Ta-a-tum, 126: f. of Za-a-.u-ug(?), 147: I:13. dsin-pa-te-ir, 121:21 / YBC :31; VI:. dsin-pi-la-aa 1. s. of Awil-dDumu-zi-da, b. of Nu-ur-ili-su, na-kid, 6 III:. 2. s. of I-bi-ik-dNu-nu, pa dam-qar, 122: Seal. 3. f. of dsin-na-tum, Gi-mi-lum, 6:. 4. f. of Zi-na-tum, 1 IV:38 / 3 11:22 / 4:.. 131:28. dsin-ra-bi 1. s. of A-li-mu-sd-li, b. of Nu-ur-i-li-gt, 2 VI: s. of Ib-ku-Na-..., 3:. 3. s. of Ur-P-an-na, b. of Ib-ni-R-a, A-at-ta-a, na-kid, 1 II:. 4 s. of Ur-t-an-na, b. of Ib-ni-e-a, Ur-dBara, 2:2.. f. of Ti-iz-qar-ru-um, 137:1. 6. b. of Ib-ni-R-a, 3 I: I:13 /64:11 / 123:. dsin-ri-me-ni 1 s. of Na-bi-dEn-lil, 9: f. of Sin-is-me-ni, 126: f. of qi-li-igtar, 141: b. (?) of Im-gur-dSin, Ta-ri-bu-um, 148:13, 17, 22, 41, 43. YBC 4748 IV:20; VI:16; VII:32. dsin-ri-im-urumaki, 28:6. dsin-ri-..., f. (?) of 'A-ma-..., 88:. dsin-utzli(an-kus) 1 f. of Ga-mi-lum, 18: :3 / 2:24. ds n-gd-mu-ft, 224:1. dsin-d-mu-..., 218:2. dsin-gar-ri, b. of A-hi-Md-gi-i, YBC 4726:3. Sin-.ar-i-li, 66:3. dsin-.ar-urumak, 127:1. dsin-e-mi, -e-e-mei, -e 1. s. of A-li-mu-sd-li, na-kid, 6 VI: s. of A-li-mu-ad-al-li, 2: s. of Gub-ba-ni-dug, na-kid, 1 1:32 / 2 V:9 / 3 11:29 / 11:37 / 6 IV:16 / 16 I:. 4. b. of Sd-gAmurru, 2 VI:24.. dim, YBC 6278 Case: gir, 13: :4/180:4/ 199:/YBC 470 VI:4. dsin-ta-a-a-ar 1. na-kid, 6 I: ukus lugal, 144: I1: / V:6. dsin master of dsin-mu-ba-li-it, 1:Seal. (= dsin-i-ri-ba-am?) :40 / 3 IV: 12 / 4 11:47 /217 1:2. dsin-.. -NI, na-kid, I: 1. Su-ka-ki-ia, 14:7. Su-um-ma-ilu, 222:28 / YBC 4748 III:16; IV:24. Su-mu-a-ra-ad 1. gir, 17: :40 /7:8. Su-mu-...,16 111:6. ~a-ab-..., 122:33. )i-ia-tum, ki-dim, 14:16. $i-li-damurru, 2 IV: 18 / 6:4. Si-li-dBa-4 1. s. of A-ha-mar-si, dam-qar, 141:2. 2. s. of A-ha-mar-.i, 147:16. 6i-li-dt-nim-ma, 20:3. qi-li-ilu, na-kid, 217 1:21; 111:36. fi-li-dlm 1. lugal, 9:34 / :31 / 11:36 / 1 I:8. IV:28 / 4:19 / :9 / 6:16 / 7:9 / 117:19 / 167:4 / YBC 4726:L.E :21 / YBC 7260 II:27. qi-l-istar 1. s. of gju-nu-bu-um, 126:2. 2. s. of dsin-ri-me-ni, gd-tam, 141:13.

38 38 YALE BABYLONIAN TEXTS, VOL. V 3. nu-banda, 6: :9 / 234:3 / YBC 784:2. ii-li-dsin 1. s. of Bu-uz-bu-zu-um, 126:7, :12 / 116:12 / YBC 4739:36. ji-li-dsamas 1. s. of Si-'-mu-ug-ra, 172:7 / 174:9. 2. gir, 166: 12, :12 / 176:6 / 181:30 / 182:4 / 186:2 / 191: / YBC 4864:8. ii-li-urukk, f. of I-din-dEn-lil, 126:37. ii-li-urumalk, DIN, 148:49. Sd-dAmurru, b. of dsin-se-mi, 2 VI:20. Sd-ma-a-a, 24:3 / 7:14. Sd-ma-al-lu-um, 144:2, 20. dsamas-ga-mil, -ga-mi-il, -ga-mi-el 1. b. of Ri-'-(?), 134: :3 / 121:23 / YBC :17; IV: 2. 4 Samas-ha-zi-ir 1. h. of 'fli-is-sd-tum, 143 Tablet:, 1; Case: 1, gir, 246: YBC 4748 VII:36 / YBC 7260 III: 19. dsamas-he-gdl, f. of dsin-a-ba, 141:18. dsamas-idinnam(ma-an-si). See dbabbarma-an-si. dsamas-ilu, 242:4. dsamas-i-pu-ug, IS, 6:0. dsamas-is-ki, f. of Hu-nu-bu-um. 13:16. dsamas-iskun. See List of Cities. damas-ki-ma-ili-su, 3:7 / YBC 7260 IV:33. dsama.-mu-se-zi-ib, YBC 4864:7,. dsamas-napisti-idinnam. See dbabbar-zimu, dbabbar-zi-ma-an-si. d Samas-na-i-ir, -na-qir 1. f. of dsin-is-me-ni, 126: :19. dsamas-nu-ri, YBC 4744:7. dsamas-ra-bi, 139:. dsamas-.e-mi, 12 Case: 2; Tablet:23. dsamas-tu-kul-ti 1. nu-banda, 6: YBC 4748 II: 17; VII:2. Sd-ma-a-a-tum, Sd-a-ma-a-a-tum 1. na-kid, 212:68, :, 14 / 208 1:12; 111:8; IV:14. Sar-hi-ilu, na-kid, 1 VI: 19 / 6 11:2. Sar-hu-um, 1 VI:1 / 3 11:46 / 4 VI:31 / II:18 / 6:7. Sarru-aplu(TUR-US), 112:2. Sarru-daidn, 9: / 111:13. Sarru-ra-..., 122:31. Sar-ru-ut-dSin, md-lah(du), 143 Tablet:23: Case: 21. Sarru-ut-d(?), 2:1. vsd-at-i-an-na, 88:13. Sd-at-dEn-lil, YBC 4748 IV:1; VI:6, 28; VII:27. Sd-at-ib-bi, 171:6 / 172:6 / 194:4 / 19:7. Sd-at-Istar, w. of t-ma-a-a-tum, 137:. Sd-at-dMd-an-na, dmd-na, 127:4,,. Sd-at-Nin-Subur, 194:7. (dumu-sal.) f Sd-at-dNu-mus-da, d. of f Mu-ba-li-it-tum, 70:2. fsd-at-dsin 1. w. of Ur-dNin-subur, m. of Ilu-pi (KA)-dBa-u, Lu-dingir-ra, YBC 420: 4, 17, m. of Na-bi-i-li-su, 144:7. 3. YBC 4744:14. Se-in-gdl-lum, YBC :29. Se-ru-um-i-li 1. gir, 169: :34. Se-si-lum, s. of Azag-dNin-gal, nagar, 141:19. Ses-pa-tuk, 8:3 / 2:14 / 111:4 / YBC 7260 I:12. SES-...-PAD, 111: 1. dse-(?)-gal-ga, s. of Warad-dNannar, 20: Seal. 'Si-ba-a-a, w. of Na-din-is-ta-al-mu-um, m. of dsin-eris(pin), 121:, 8. Si-bar(mag)-. See Lim-mas-. Si-ip-dSin 1. gu-za-lal, 119:1 / 122:17 / 124: l(?), 131: :4. Si-ri-im-tum. See List of Cities. Si-ub-na-AN, h. of fa-a-a-tum, 1:4, Seal.

39 GRICE-RECORDS FROM UR AND LARSA 39 Su-ka-6i-ia, 213:. Su-mi-a-bi-ia 1. s. of U-bar-dSamag, 18: s. of U-'a-du, 6 111: f. of KA-s-dIstar, 131: V: 12. Sum-ma-a, 138:18. Sum-ma-ilu, 131:21 / YBC 7260 III:18. Su-um-ru-za-ku, 148:2. Su-um-su-nu, 2 1:9 / 127:3. 'Tab-bi-ni-Istar, 88:7. Ta-ha-la-su, 113:. fta-ri-ba-tum, m. of dsin-ma-gir, w. of KA-sd-dNu-mus-da, 141:3,. Ta-ri-bu-um 1. s. of Nu-ur-..., 149:3. 2. s. of Ur-dNin-a-zu, b. of U-bar-ru-um, 1 V: s. of Ur-dNin-a-zu, 13:7. 4. b. of Im-gur-dSin, dsin-ri-me-ni, 148: 11, 14, 29, 36, 41.. gir, 17:6. 6. na-kid, 6 III:27 / 1 III: IV:12, 24/ VI:12 / 16 IV:4 / 30:16 / 46:4/ 12 Case:, 8; Tablet:, 7 / 126: / 128:4 / 169:4 / 191:8. Ta-a-tum, s. of dsin-pa-la-su, 126:33. Ta-wi-i-la-at-ilu-sU, 6:6. Ti-iz-qa-ru-um, Ti-iz-qar-ru-um 1. s. of E-nu-um-li-bur, b. of Za-ar-riqum, 112:4, 7, s. of dsin-ra-bi, 137:3, 1. (f-ba-a-a 1. s. of I-bi-dSin, 144: f. of A-wi-il-i-li, 121:Seal. 3. YBC :4. U-bar-dBa-u, YBC 7260 V: 3. U-bar-dDumu-zi 1. gir, 244:4. 2. YBC :16; 1:28, 36; III:4, 31; IV:9; VI:22; VII:22. U-bar-dGu-la, 11:, Seal. U-bar-ri-ia, 167:6. U-bar-d-sum, s. of Im-gur-dSin, nagar, 141:20. U-bar-dNin-subur, YBC :20. U-bar-dSin 1. s. of Warad-dSin, na-kid, V:39 / 30:, b. of A-bi-ta-bu-um, na-kid, 1 V: 11 / 2 111:17 / 9: :34, 3. U-bar-dSamaS 1. s. of I-din-dIM, arad dm, 6:Seal. 2. s. of Ilu-su-..., 122: s. of Ri-im-dSin, 12 Case:21; Tablet: 24; Seal. 4. s. of Ur-dLugal-ban-da, na-kid, 4 VIII:22, 24 / 1 II1:28.. s. of Ur-mes-ban-da, b. of dim-ra-bi, 3 II1: f. of Su-mi-a-bi-ia, 18: arad damurru u dgo-an-na, 129: Seal. 8. arad damurru, 126: Seal :8 / 98:14 / YBC :12; III:; IV:16; VI:7, 29; VII:6, 28. U-bar-ru-um, U-bar-rum, U-bar-um 1. s. of A-bu-ni, 2 IV:27 / 18:36 / 2: s. of I-din-dIM, 6: s. of Ur-dNin-a-zu, b. of Ta-ri-bu-um, 1 V:23. ' 4. s. of Ur-dNin-a-zu, na-kid, 2 V:12 / 6 III 19.. arad, 40:1. 6. gir, 168: V:4 / 24: / 11:2 / YBC 4748 VII: 13, 37 / YBC :, 38. U-bar-dZU-GAL, 114:. CJ-ga-a-a-nim-ma, 117:2. S-la-a-ra-an-dSin, S1 -QA-GAB-A lugal, 141: 27. (t-ma-a-a-tum, h. of Sid-at-Igtar, 137: 4. Um-mi-a-bu-um 1. s. of A-bu-ilu, 13: :8, p.n.(?) [Um]-mi-a-ii-ia, f. of dsin-ma-gir, 162:Seal. JUm-mi-ta-ba-at 1. m. of fa-ma-at-dsin, geme, 28: :1 / 98:2 / YBC 4726:16. fum-mi-..., d. of f 4 Ma-mi-tum-ri-me-ni, 42:8.

40 40 YALE BABYLONIAN TEXTS, VOL. V Un-nu-ba-tum, 179:3 / 211:3. Ur-dAmurru, 92:2. Ur-dA-tuk-tuk, f. of Gi-mi-il-lum, 131:2. Ur-dBara 1. s. of Ur-J-an-na, b. of Ib-ni-P-a, dsin-ra-bi, 2: s. of Ur-tf-an-na, 34: :4. Ur-S-an-na 1. f. of A-at-ta-a, Ib-ni-P -a, dsin-ra-bi, 1 II:. 2. f. of A-at-ta-a, 2 I: 19 / 3 1: f. of Ib-ni- -a, dsin-ra-bi, Ur-dBara, 2: f. of Ib-ni-l-a, 9:27 / 4:8.. f. of Ur-dBara, 34: I:20. Ur-&-gal 1. f. of Im-gurdSin,... -ta-a-a-ar, 3 II: f. of Im-gur-dSin, 2 11:6. Ur-dEn-ki-ka, s. of Azag-dInnina, 128:12. Ur-dGAL-..., 4 V:3. Ur-dLugal-ban-da, Ur-Lugal-ban-da 1. f. of Ib-ku-star, 1 III: f. of dim-ra-bi, 4 III: 14 / 2:9. 3. f. of U-bar-dSamag, 4 VIII:23 / 1 III: 28. Ur-mS-ban-da 1. f. of dim-ra-bi, U-bar-dSamag, 3 111:8. 2. f. of dim-a-bi, :, 12. Ur-mrn-Sun(?)-na 1. f. of Ilu-pt(KA)-i, 122:Seal. 2. f. of din-i-qi-gd-am, 2 1: VI: / 3 II:17. Ur-dNannar 1. s. of Azag-dNin-gal, gutug simug(1) dnannar, pisan dib-ba dnannar, arad Warad-dSin, 46:Seal / 47: Seal / 0: Seal / 1:Seal / 2:Seal / 3:Seal. 2. s. of Azag-dNin-gal, gutug simug(?) pisan dtb-ba dnannar, 122:Seal :48 (dumu-sal) :8 / 69:7 / 72:3 / 76:2 / 97:12. Ur-dNin-a-zu 1. f. of dsfn-ma-gir, 6 111: f. of Ta-ri-bu-um, U-bar-ru-um, 1 V: f. of Ta-ri-bu-um, 13:7. 4. f. of U-bar-ru-um, 2 V: 12 / 6 III: 19. Ur-dNin-gi-na, f. of Mu-da-du-um, 148:48. Ur-dNin-gir-su 1. s. of A-sal-li-tum, 3 IV:4. 2. b. of A-na-P-a-tak-la-ku, dsin-a-ba, na-kid, 6 II:33. Ur-Nin-gig-zi-da, 142:6. Ur-dNin-si-an-na, 14:9. Ur-dNin-gubur, h. of fsd-at-dsin, f. of Ilupi(KA)-dBa-i, La-dingir-ra, iutug dba-u, arad dnergal (Nr-Uru-Gal), YBC 420:3, 17, 21 (written here Nin-ZU), 26, Seal. Ur-dNun-gal 1. gu-za-lal, YBC 6278 Case: YBC :19. tr-ra-ni-dig, 2r-ra-ni-dug, f. of A-na-dSintak-la-ku, 2 V:22 / 3 11:26 / 4 11:29 / III:18 /6 I:7. Ur s. of Im-lik-dSin, 3 III: :8. l- ur-a-a, 89:4. U- a-du, f. of Su-mi-a-bi-ia, 6 111:23. CJ-zu-a-a, 113: 11. Wa-qar-a-bu-su, 149:. Wa-qar-tum. See List of Cities. Warad-dAmurru l.na-kid, 217 1:20 / YBC 7249 III: :9 / 74:1 / 81:7 / 2:21 / 240:. Warad-dBa-u, 189:8 / 190:4. Warad-6-a, f. of dnannar-me-du, 11: Seal. Warad-i-li, pa g6me us-bar, 146:19. Warad-i-li-gu, 7:2. Warad-Igtar, 49:9. Warad-ku-bi, 97:2. Warad-dNannar 1. s. of E-en-da-a, 119: s. of Na-...-im, 132: s. of dsin-na-ir, 144: f. of dse-(?)-gal-ga, 20:Seal.. nagar, 141: na-kid, 196:3, 12 / 233:2, simug, 14: '%simug d 8 A-ab-ba-a, 19:9.

41 GRICE-RECORDS FROM UR AND LARSA :11 / 12 Case:27; Tablet:2 / 126:31/ 136:/ 140:1/ 142:7 / 143 Tablet:21; Case:18 / 14:18 / 147: / 17:20 / 180:2 / 186:12 / 199:4 / 23:1 / YBC 4748 II: 1. Warad-NE-NE, lugal Unug", Unugk(-ga), 141:36 /147:21. Wa-ra-ad-dNin-gal, 86:3. Warad-dNin-subur, 140:2. Warad-dSin 1. s. of Im-gurdSin, na-kid, 1 V:19 / 2 III:46 / 4 IX:28 / 9: s. of Ku-du-ur-Ma-bu-uk, lugal Zararmank(-ma), 16: Seal. 3. lugal Zararmar, 124: lugal, 12:11 / 1 IV:34 / 121:17 / 12 Case: 17 / 126:19'/ 130:13 / 161: / 199:.. [lugal], 122:Seal/ 127: master of Ur-dNannar, 46:Seal / 47: Seal / 0:Seal / 1:Seal / 2:Seal / 3: Seal, (lugal?). 7. f. of A-bi-ta-bu-um, 3:. 8. f. of U-bar-dSin, V:39 / 30:. 9. arad, 69:1.. 48: 11 / YBC 4726:19 / 470 VI:. Warad-dSamas, YBC :30. Warad-sarri, 41:6. Warad-ti-tu-ri-im, 89: / 91:8 / 94:19. Warad-d..., 242:14. Wa-ar-da-a-ni, Wa-ar-da-ni, Warda(-da)-ni 1. pa geme us-bar, 134: :3 / 12 Case:24; Tablet:22. Wa-ar-da-nu-um, 11:4. Wa-tar-dSin, f. of El-la-tum, 137:16. Wa-tar-dSamag, nagar, 141:16. Wi(PI)-ra-a-a, f. of dsin-ma-gir, 6:Seal. Wu-it-ur-ru-ki-im, 212:3. Za-a-a, f. of dsin-i-ri-ba-am, 134:18. Za-li-lum 1. na-kid, 1 1:22 / 6 I: I:36 / VI:6 /64:9. dza-md-m-mu-9d-lim, 189:7 / 190:3 / 19:. Za-am-ma-a-nu-um, S-i, 122:3, 28. Za-am-bi-ia, lugal I-si-in', 3 V:9. Za-an-gu-um, f. of Di-ba-bu-um, 13:, Za-ni-ik-pi(KA)-dSamas, IS, 6:48, Seal. Za-pi-i-pi, Za-pi-i-pi-i 1. na-kid, 6 1: VI: 20. Za-ar ri-qum, s. of E-nu-um-li-bur, b. of Ti-iz-qa-ru-um, 112:, 8, 18. Za-ar-ri-..., 139:1. Za-a-.u-u(?), s. of dsin-pa-la-iu, 147:1. Zer-ia-kul-ti, l Unugk, 124:21. Zi-ba-tum, YBC 470 IV:. Zi-ib-na-tum. See List of Cities. Zi-ia-tum 1. s. of dsin-ga-mi-il, 123: Seal. (=dsinia-tum, 123:20.) 2. "SE, 132:12 / 143 Tablet:20; Case: 17 / 146: :2/23:18. Zi-ki-ir--li-s 1. s. of Ib-ku-dA-ba, arad Nu-ir-dIM, 1:Seal. 2. 1:2 / YBC :24. Zi-li-..., 140:1. Zi-na-tum 1. s. of dsin-pi-la-a, 1 IV:37 / 3 11:22 / 4:4. 2. (?)-na lugal, 113:. Zi-zi-bu, s. of Nu-na-bu-um, 117:14. Zu(?)-~a-a-a, 140:7. Zu-ki-im, 121:3. Zu-ni-ba-la-..., 122:21. Zu-ru-um, YBC 4748 III: a-a, f. of Nu-ur-i-li-9g, 13:1..., -bi 1. s. of dm-na-qi-ir, 18: s. of dkal-sd-dsamag, 79:4.... ri(pin), 6 VI: ga-dnannar, 136: i-din-na-am, s. of Ki-i-ti-Ir-ra, arad dnergal(n6r-ur-gal), 162: Seal /20: Seal / 21:Seal...- la-ti, 3 III: ma-lum, 7:6... -na-id, pa grmen u-bar, 129: nuu-um, 81: ra-bi, s. of Ur-mr-ban-da, b. of U-bardSama, 3 111:8.

42 42 YALE BABYLONIAN TEXTS, VOL. V...-ru-um, 4 IX:3.... dsin 1. dam-qar, 1:Seal :38 / 16 IV:2 / 19:18 / 202:9 / 212: Samas, f. of Im-gur - d..., 174: ta-a-a-ar, s. of Ur-6-gal, b. of Im-gurdSin, 3 II: ti-ilu, 142: tum, 98:9... -ta-bu-um, 2 III: ut-tum, 98: Gods and Substitutes or Epithets. da-ba, in names under Ib-ku-. A-bi, A-bu, in names under A-bi-, A-bu-. Ad-da, in names under Ad-da-. A-hi, in names under A-bil-, A-hii-, Nu-ur-. A-li, in names under A-li-. dal-la-zun, in names under dal-la-zun-. damurru, 6:Seal / 12:Seal / 126:Seal / 129:Seal; and in names under A-bil-, Awil-, KA-d-, Ma-, Nu-ur, qi-l-, S-, Ur-, Warad-. Ana, 6:64 / 139:21 / 149:8 / 10:9, 3 / 218:40/219:24/221:12/222:32/223: 2, 7 / 224:34 / 22:2 / 229:2 / 230: 2 / 242:16 / 246:17 / 247:2 / 248:2. A-nu-um, in names under Ar-si-, Ku-na-, Ma-, Ma-na-, Ra-bi-, Sa-bi-. dasnan(se-tir), 221:14 / 222:34; and in names under Awtl-. da-tuk-tuk, in names under Ur-. dbabbar, 69:3 / 6:42 / 7:12 / 126:18 / 133:13 / 137:12 / 138:13 / 167:13; in List of Temples; in List of Officials and Occupations; and in names under dbabbar-, Gar-ra-. dbara, in List of Temples; and in names under Ur-. Bdr-ul-e-gar-ra, in List of Temples. dba-u, in Mutug dba-u in List of Officials and Occupations; and in names under dba-u--, Ib-ku-, Ilu-pt-, Nu-ar-, i-i--, U-bar-, Warad-. Be-li, Bi-li, Be-lum, in names under Be-lU-, Be-lum-, Ki-ma-. dda-gan, in names under Nu-ur-. dda-mu, in names under dda-mu-, Gimil-, Ib-ku-, I-din-. dingir-ra, in names under La-. ddumu-zi-da, ddumu-zi, in names under Awtl-,dDumu-zi-, Gimil-, U-bar-. i-a, in names under A-na-, s-a-, Ib-ku-, Ib-ni-, l-din-, i-li-, Im-lik-, Is-ku-un-, It-ti-, Na-ra-am-, Nu-ur--, Wai ad-. dr-nim-ma, in names under 6i-lt-. den-ki, 46:Seal / 47:Seal / 0:Seal / 1: Seal / 2:Seal / 3:Seal / 6:64, Seal/ 122:Seal/ 139:21 / 149:8/ 10: 3, 9, 3 / 217 1:8, 23; IV:27 / 218: 2 / 219:24 / 220:1 / 221:12 / 222: 32 / 223:2, 7 / 224:34 / 22:2 / 229: 2 / 230:2 / 242:16 / 246:17 / 247:2 / 248:2; in List of Temples; in List of Officials and Occupations; and in names under Azag-, den-ki-, KA-, Ur-. den-lil, den-lil-ld, 79:28 / 6:64 / 139:21 / 149:8 / 10:3, 9, 3 / (?) 167:13 / 203:6 / 204:11 / 217 1:3, 8, 23; IV: 27 / 218:2, 40 / 219:24 / 220:1 / 221:12 / 222:32 / 223:2, 7 / 224:34 / 22:2 / 229:2 / 230:2 / 242:16 / 246:17 / 247:2 / 248:2; and in names under den-lil-, Gimil-, I-din-, Na-bi-, dsin-a-bil-, Sd-at-. E nu-um, in names under E-nu-umr-. dgiru (BIL-GI), in names under Im-gur-. dg8-an-na, 129:Seal. dgu-la, in names under Me-eS-(?)-, U-bar-.

43 GRICE-RECORDS FROM UR AND LARSA 43 dguskin, in names under Lugal-. Ha-am-mi, in names under Ha-am-mi--. Ia, Ia-a, in names under Ia-. Ia-u, in names under A-ki-, Ia-ui-. Ib-bi, in names under Sd-at-. i-li, ili, in names under A-bi-, A-dan-niis,-, A-di-ma-ti-, A-ta-na-ah-, A-wi-il-, A-wi-il-ti-, Gi-mi-il-, I-ba-ds-si-, I-li-, Istar-ri-im-ti-, Mdr-, Na-wi-ru-um-, Pu-ut-raam-, dsin-be-el-, Sin-ki-ma--, Snsar-, Se-ru-um-, Warad-. i-li-su, in names under A-bil-, Dam-qi-, Gimil-, Na-bi-, Nu-ur--, dsamaski-ma-, Warad-, Zi-ki-ir-. ilu, e-el, in names under A-bu-, Ad-da-, Ba-ni-, I-din-, Ig-mi-, I-limta-ma-, Ilu-, Idfar-, Li-za-qar-, Ma-ti-, Mu-kin-, Mu-tum-, Na-din-, Na-ap-li-is-, Su-um-ma-, i-l--,samas-,sar-hi-, Sum-ma-. ilu-sii, in names under Ilu-su-, Ta-wi-ila-at-. ilu-mah, in names under Ilu-ma--. dlm3, 6:Seal / 218:26; in List of Temples; in List of Officials and Occupations; and in names under En-nam-, Ibku-, I-din-, I-ku-ka-, dlm-, Imgur-, Is-me-, Nu-ur-, Si-l-. dinnina, 171:1 / 172:1, 11 / 194:1 / 207: 7; in List of Temples; and in names under Azag-, dinnina-. Ir-ra, in names under Ib-ku-, I-din-, Ir-ra-, Is gu-um--, Is-me-, Kiis-ti-, Pi-u-.- Ri-is--. Ir-si-tim, in names under Ib-ku-. dls(?)-pi, in names under dis(?)-pi-. Istar, Istar, in names under A-ma-at-, A-na-, E-te-el-pi-, Ib-ku-, I-di-, RIta -, KA-sd-, Li-bi-it-, Ma-ri-, $i-li-, Sd-at-, Tab-bi-ni-, Warad-. 126:Seal / 129:Seal; dl-sum, 123:Seal / and in names under U-bar-. dkab-ta, in names under Nu-tr-. "Ka-di, in names under dka-di-. dkal sd dbabbar, 79:4. dkal d dnin-..., 79:16. Ki-e, in names under Ki-eds-. ku-bi, in names under A-bil-, A-ma-at-, Ku-bi-, Nu-ulr-, Warad-. dla-ta-ra-ak, dlatarak(l-lial), in names under Ddn-, dlatarak-. dli-lum, in names under d Li-lum--. dlugal, Lugal, in names under Gimil-, Lugal-. Lugal-ban-da, Lugal-ban-da, in names under Lugal-ban-da, Ur-. Ma-bu-uk, in name Ku-du-ur-. dma-ma, in names under Awil-. dma-mi, in names under dma-mi--. dma-mi-tum, in names under laa-mi-tum-. dmd-an-na. dmd-na, in names under Sa-at-. mas-ku-ku(?), in names under Nu-ur-. Mes (-ban-da, -sun(?)-na), in names under Ur-. dmu, 46:Seal / 47:Seal / 0:Seal / 1:Seal / 2:Seal / 3:Seal / 122:Seal; and in names under dmu-. dna-na-a, dna-na-a-a, 171:1 / 172:1; and in names under Gimil-, I-din-, dna-na-a-a-. dnannar, 12:3 / 28: / 38:7 / 47:Seal / 1:Seal / 2:Seal / 69:6 / 71: / 72: 2 / 84:2 / 6:42 / 7:12 / 122: 7 / 126:18 / 133:13 / 137:12 / 138: 13 / 149:9 / 10:, 4; in List of Temples; in List of Officials and Occupations; and in names under Amat-, Awil-, Azag-, Lim-mas-, dnannar-, Ur-, Warad-. Na-ru-um, in names under Bi-in-, Pi-i-ir-. NE-NE, in name Warad-. dnergal (Ner-Uru-Gal), dnergal (UGUR), 178:6 / 202:3 / 20:Seal / 21:Seal / YBC 420:Seal; and in names under Gar-ra, Is-ku-un-, dnergal-. ni-du-um, in names under Pi-ir-. dnind(?), in names under "Nind-. dnin-azag-nun-na. See sutug dnin-azagnun-na, in List of Officials and Occupations. dnin-a-zu, in names under Awil-sd--, Ur-.

44 44 YALE BABYLONIAN TEXTS, VOL. V dnin--gal. See List of Temples. dnin-gal, 70:9; in List of Temples; and in names under Azag-, Ddn-, Na-din-tum-, dnin-gal-, Wa-raad-. dnin-gi-na, in names under Ur-. dnin-gir-su, in names under Ur-. dnin-gis-zi-da, in List of Officials; and in names under dnin-gis-zi-da-, Ur-. dnin-ib, in names under Awil-. dnin-kar-ra-ag, in names under dnin-karra-ag-. dnin-lil. In List of Temples. dnin-mal, 22:3. dnin-mar-ki, in List of Temples; and in names under Gimil--. dnin-si-an-na, 123:Seal / 129: Seal; and in names under dnin-si-an-na-, Ur-. dnin-subur, 46:Seal / 47:Seal / 0:Seal / 3:Seal / 6:Seal; and in names under Awtl-, Azag-, E-te-el-pt-, Gimil-, I-bi-, I-din-, dnin-subur-, Nu-ir--, Sd-at-, U-bar-, Ur-, Warad-. dnu-mus-da, in names under KA-gd-, Sd-at-. dnun-gal, in names under Ur-. dnu-nu, Nu-nu, in names under Br--, I-bi-ik-. Sa-bi, in name Sa-bi-a-nu-um. Sa-bu-um, in name Sa-bu-um-ga-mil. S. ) n n e * u e *-. Si-' ( = Sin?), in names under Si-'-. dsin, dsin(es), Sin(ES), in List'of Temples; and in names under A-bil-, A-kuum-, A-ma-at-, A-mur-, A-na-, A-wa-at-, Buir-- En-mUS-, E-te-elpi-, I-bi-, Ib-ku-, Ib-ni-, I-din-, Ig-mi-il-, I-ku-un-p--, Ilu-pt-, Im-gur-, Im-lik-, I-ri-ba-am-, It-ti-, K-sd--, Li-bi-it-, Lu-udlu-ul-, Ma-gur-, Ma-ku-ur-, Mtr-, Mu-sd-at-, Na-bi-, Na-raam-, Nu-ur-, Ra-bu-ut-, Ri-baam-, Ri-im-, dsin- i-i--, Sarru-ut-, Sd- at-, Si-ip-, U-bar-, r-la-a-ra-an-, Warad-, Wa-tar-. dsu-gal-li-it. in name Ku-uk-. Su-mu, in names under Su-mu-. dsd-&a-an, in names under I-bi--. dsamas. 98:21 / 132:; and in names under A-na-ad-da-, A-na-, E-teel-p--, Iskun-, dkal-d--, KI-, Nu-ur-, Ra-bi-a-(?)-at-, ii---, dsamas-, U-bar-, Warad-, Watar-, Za-ni-ik-pt-. Sarru, in names under Sarru-, Warad-. dse-(?), in names under dse-(?)-. dsu-bu-la, in names under Ddn-. Si-mi, in names under Su-mi-. dsu-nir-da, 61:12. dza-md-md, in names under A-ma-at-, dza-md-md-. Z U-GAL, in names under U-bar-. -an-na, in names under Sd-at-, Ur-. R-babbar, R-babbar-ra, 2-bdr-bdr-ra, VII: 28 / 38:3 / 44:18 / 63:11 / 69:9 / 7:6 / 80:17. t dbabbar, 13:27 / 20:18/ 21: / 23:7 / 37: 7 / 40:14 / 41:12 / 4:8 / 64:14/ 74: 6/82:7 / 84:11 / 86:6 / 92:6 / 93:8/ 0: / 9:19 / 114:18 / 119:32 / 122:39/128:16/131:32/13:26/148: Temples. 8 / 11:3 / 160:16 /16:8 / 166:, 30, 3, 43, 49 / 200:11 / 202: / 237:2. 9 dbdr-ul-e-gar-ra, 140:22 / 143 Tablet:31 / 144:26 / 168:20 / 169:22 / 170:19 / 171:36/172:13/173:7/174:27/17: 38 / 199:8 / 212:3. l-gal-bar-ra, 137:23 / 199: 11. e den-ki, 201:8. b djim, 199:7 / 202:1, 7 / 207:12, 44.

45 GRICE-RECORDS FROM UR AND LARSA 4 dinnina, 171:16 / 172:8. I dlnnina dnannar a den-ki, 202:18 / 207: 19, 63. R-kalam-ta-ni-gir 0 dinnina Zabalam^, 23: 2-6. t Keg t, 226:3. P!-kur, 149: / 10:,. N dnannar, 2:L.E.; VI:1 / 4 VIII:28; X:, 9 / VI:33; VII:20 / 6 V:2 / 1 1:3 / 16 IV:17 / 18:41 / 47:Seal / 1:Seal / 2:Seal / 4:17 / 6:14 / 7:7 / 9:9 / 60: / 61:8 / 122:11 / 162:8 / 173:2 / 202:2, 17, 61, 72 / 207:1, 0. 8 dnannar dnin-.. dbabbar-ra, 124:27-8. dnin-g-gal, 237:4. dnin-gal, 4 IX:39; X:6 / VII:16, 21. djnin-gal dbabbar, 12 Case:34-. dnin-lil 4,, 127:29 / 202:13, 49 / 207: 6. & dnin-lil nim-ma, 201:9. 9 dnin-mar-ki, 201: / 202:73. R-nun-ma6, R-nun-mab 6 dnannar(- ), 1 I:4 / 122:14 / 23:24. dsin, 169:9. kisal-ma6 dbabbar, 7:12 / 22:8 / 24:8 / 26:12 / 27:6 / 33:12 / 39:11 /42:24/ 43:8 / 47:9 / 48:19 / 67:11 /70:13 / 73:12 / 77: / 8:7 / 4:14. kisal-mab dnannar, 118:24 / 120:16. l"a-bal, 42:4 / 140:9. Ita-balme, 40:8. arad, 40:1, 2, 3 / 42:1 / 46:Seal / 47:Seal / 0:Seal / 1:Seal / 2:Seal / 3: Seal / 71:1 / 72:1 / 77:4 / 6:Seal / 11:2 / 116:2 / 122:Seal / 123:Seal / 12:Seal / 126:Seal / 129:Seal / 1: Seal / 222:1 / 20:Seal / 21:Seal / 23:2 / YBC 420:Seal. See also sag arad. arad 6-gal, 117:3. '"BIL(?), 219:16. BIR-SCT-BU-BU(=bar4), 171:26. DA-GAL, 6:4. dam-qar, 1:Seal / 129:4, 22 / 139:18 / 141:2, 26 / 14:2, 6, 8, 11 / 203:3. dam-qarwm, 186:7. dim, 113:1 / 123:26 / 127:16 / 131:27 / 134:24 / (?) 137:17 / 143 Case:20, 2 / 14:14 / 172:14 / YBC 6278 Case: DIN (muttaggi~u), 148:49. dimb-sar, 46:Seal / 47:Seal / 0:Seal /1: Seal / 2:Seal / 3:Seal / 121:26 / 126:24, 40 / 133:21 / 134:2 / 1: Seal. Officials and Occupations. dib-sar A-RU-A(?), 47:Seal / 1:Seal / 2: Seal. DU-GAB, 6:4 / 141:1. DU-GAB mu, 141:31. en dbabbar, 12 Tablet:8; Case:12 / 13: 16 / 14:16. en dcb dim, 177:4, 12 / 183:8. en den-ki, 194:11. en dnannar, 28: / 29:6 / 46:Seal / 0: Seal / 1:Seal / 20:9 / 21:11. engar, 112:24, 2. erim dumu lugal, 11:7. erim sdg-ga. See 'ldg-ga. game, 73:1 / 117:2, / 194:6 / 207:39 / 222:2, 8-11, 1, 18. gnmeu "", 178:9 / 207:27 / 222:19, 23, 26. geme-aradzu", 17:2 / 178:2 / 184: / 222: 3,. gdme us-bar, 77:2. See also pa ggme us-bar. gir, 17:6, 12, 21 / 26:8 / 0:6 / 121:19 / 126:39 / 10:0 / 13:8 / 166:12, 27, 38 / 168:13 / 169:16 / 170:11 / 171:17 / 182:13 / 18:14 / 20: / 209:12 / 221:3 / 227:1 / 246:13. gir arad (=- akkannakku), 12:4. gir dam-qum, 166:8.

46 46 YALE BABYLONIAN TEXTS, VOL. V gir lugal, 232:2. gir ma-ld4-gg, 17:4, 11 (?), 19 / 61:6 (?) / 161:3. gir nagar, 166:9, 16. gir..., sb, 244:3. gir..., i-tul, 3 V: / 4 X:7 / 9:31 / :29 / 11:33 / 13:24 / 1 IV:31 / 16 IV:18 / 30:42 /:6 / 7:6/ 63:6. gu-za-lal, 119:1 / 122:17 / 124:17 / YBC 6278 Case: 17. hal, "ahal, 26:7 / 62:3: 9. il, 126:3. inim-ma, 6:62 / 7:19 / 9:14 / 111: 17 / 112:31 / 113:17 / 114:1 / 11:13 / 116:13 / 117:17 / 118:22 / 119:28 / 120:14 / 121:27 / 123:28 / 124:24 / 12 Case:31; Tablet:30 / 126:41 / 127:26 / 128:13 / 129:28 / 131:30 / 133:22 / 134:26 / 13:22 / 136:12 / 138:20 / 139:19 / 140:20 / 141:32 / 142:9 / 144:24 / 14:21 / 146:23 / 147:17 / 148:6 / 23:22. IS, 6:47, 48, 0-3 / 112:27 / 123:27. KA(?), 140:17 / 143 Case:22. KAL, 40:4. KA-zi-(?), 184:14. "'KID, 129:23. ki-dim, 118:18 / 119:24 / 123:21 / 14:8, 16, 17. ',KU-MAL, 4:3 / 166:22, 32 / 174:19. l'ku-malm", 174:21. '&KU-MAL ds al-ta-ra-am, 181:26. UK U-MAL sd sig il-bi-nu, 181:2. 1~kur 'fhul-gdl, 227: 20. lii, followed by personal name, 178:1. lugal, lugal-e, 3 V: / 12:11 / 1 IV:34 / 62:14 / 3:16 / 6:43 / 7:13 / 9:9 / 111:20 / 112:20 / 113:8 / 11:4/ 116:4/ 117:19 / 118:, 12 / 119:6 / 121:17 / 123:17 / 124:, 14, 1 / 12 Case:17; Tablet:16 / 126:18 / 129:12 / 130:4, 13 / 131:6, 18 / 133:14, 24 / 134:13 / 13:1 / 136:8 / 137:12 / 138:14 / 139:12 / 140:2 / 141:36 / 143 Tablet:19; Case: 16 / 144:16 / 147:21 / 148:47 / 12 Case:11 / 13:7, 11, 13, 1 / 14:1 / 1:8 / 16:8 / 17:7 / 18:7 / 19:7 / 160:14 / 161:11 / 16:6, Seal / 168:23 / 170:21 / 173: / 174:30 / 199: / 202:14, 4 / 207:9, 32, 36 / 212:4/ 226:2 / 227:19 / 228: / 23:4 / YBC 420: 32. Ima-i(?), 181:24. md-ld, 143 Case:21. nimd-lal 6(?), 161:6. mi-ldh), 118:19 / 123:18 / 126:22, 38 / 129: 13. mu, 124:23 / 141:30 / 191:3 / 198:2. nagar, 141: na-kid, 1 1:3, 18, etc. / 1:8, 1, etc. / 6 I: 6, 11, etc. / 9:4, 9, etc. / :4, 9, etc. / 11:, 11, etc. / 1 I:, 16, etc. / 16 I: / 19:, 9, etc. / 30:,, etc. / 33:7 / 47: / 4:6, / 6:3 / 4 Tablet:6; Case: / 196:3,, 7, 12 / 208 I:11; 11:1; 111:8; IV:13 / 212:12, 13, 42, 68, 73, 74 / 217 I: 19-21; II:17; 111:6, 36 / 218:38 / 233: 7- / YBC 7249 III:. NI-GAB, 1:3 / 163:23. nin-dingir, 249:2. nin-dingir dim, 232:6 / 233:13. NI-SUR, 204:4,. NI-SUR-e-ne, 40: / 93:. nu-banda, 6:4, 8, 11, 12 / 126:32. pa, 124:19 / 11:8. pa dam-qar, 122: Seal. pa dam-qar Zar-bi lum", 207:21. pa g6me ug-bar, pa geme (SAL) ug-bar, 80:7 / 2:17, 31 / 112:21-23 / 123:22-2 / 126:23, 28, 29 / 129:1-17 / 134:17 / 146:19. pa KA(?), 141:23. pa mu, 119:18 / 141:12. pisan duib-ba dnannar, 46:Seal / 47:Seal / 0:Seal / 1:Seal / 2:Seal / 3: Seal. pisan disb-ba sdg 9-gal(?), 227:17. sag arad, 1 II:13; 111:29 / 6:17 / 11:1 / 116:1 / 124:1 / 140:11 / 23:1.

47 GRICE-RECORDS FROM UR AND LARSA 47 ZSA-GAZ, 33:7 / 46:2 / 47:4 / 0:4 / 1:4/ 2:4 / 3:3. sangu dlnnina, YBC 487:13 sib, 6:67 / 149:11 / 10:, 11, 6 / 217 I:, 2; IV:29 / 218:4, 43 / 220:3 / 221:1 / 222:3 / 224:37 / 22: / 246:20 / 247: / 248:. stb-e-ne, 3 V:4 / 4 X:4 / 13:1, 23 / 1 IV: 30 / 16 IV:16 / : / 7: / 61:7 / 63: / 181:20. sib db-udu-e-ne. 17:11 / 184:7. simug, 114:14 / 119:21, 26, 27 / 134:21 / 14:19. simug gir arad, 119:17 / 123:19 / 126: simug Sd 6 A-ab-ba-a, 19:9. sabra, YBC 7260 III:27. 'sdg-ga, erms'dg-ga, 17:6 / 181:4,, 16 / 184:3. sd-pi-ir Ararmal, 227:13. sar-ra-ni(?), 149:6. sar-ri-im, 208 1:31 / 212:32, 61 / 217 II: 36; IV:1. Md-tam, 119:16 / 122:22, 23 / 141:13, 14 / 144:17, 18, 20 / 163:14. Sd-tam-e-ne, 1 VI:30 / 3 V:6 / VII:22 / 9:32 / :28 / 11:34 / 13:24 / 1 IV:32 / 16 IV:19 / 19:34 / 2:43 / 30:43 / 33: / 46:6 / 47:7 / 0:8 / 1:7 / 2:7 / 3:6 / :7 / 9:6 / 9:11 / 2:32 / 4:12 / 1:6 / 162:6 / 214:6/ 20:6 / 21:8. %S.E, 123:20 / 132:12 / 143 Case:17 / 146: 20. `SE-il, 166:18, 23, 34 / 170:8 / 18: / 209:8. 1 SE-KIN-KUD, 181:, 11, 17. &SJE m e Sd Ni-in-nu-u-a, 178:3. u2-ge, YBC 4726: / YBC 4739:13. t-/-4a, liu-.ha, 97:7 / 174:13. gi-ha-e-ne, 97:9. gu-i, 122:3 / 124:20 / 163:24. STJ-QA-GAB-A lugal, 141:24, 27. sutug, 13:11 / 137:19. sutug..., YBC 420:2,, 16. sutug dba-u, YBC 420:Seal. gutug den-ki, 143 Case: 19. sutug dnin-azag-nun-na, 13:1. sutug dnin-gig-zi-da, 132:14. sutug simug(?) dnannar, 46:Seal / 47:Seal / 0: Seal / 1: Seal / 2: Seal / 3: Seal. Sutug simug(?) pisan dub-ba dnannar, 122: Seal. ukus lugal, 144:22. UM(?) nagar, 143 Case:23 / 147:13. us-bar, Laug-bar, 147:12 / 177:6. i4-tul, 193:11. See also gir... i.-tul. urut A-bi-sa-ri-e, 17:32 / 184:16. Adabk, 140:23 / 143 Tablet:32 / 144:27 / 168:21 / 169:23 / 170:20 / 171:36 / 172:19 / 173:8 / 174:28 / 17:39 / 212:3. uru" A-hu-um-ma, 6:8,. uru Al-gu-um, 17:2. uru" AN-BAR, 13:2. AN-ZA-QAR Bal-mu-nam-ke, 181:13. Ararma t, Ararmak" (-ma), 16 IV:22 / 17: / 48:20 / 80:1 / 8:8 / 0: / 6:3 / 9:16 / 124:14 / 140:2 / To be read BAD(?). in Babyloniaca, VII, p. 43. Countries and Cities. 164:6 / 16:Seal / 168:23 / 172:21/ 173: / 174:30 / 186:3 / 199:7 / 202:1, 7 / 203: / 207:12, 19, 44, 63 / 208 1:34 / 212:4, 34 / 227:11; and in sd-pi-ir ArarmaA" in List of Officials and Occupations. Bdbilu (DIN-TIR-KI), uruk Bdbilu (KA- DINGIR), 38:, 13 / 141:3 / 147: 20 / 181:13. BAD1(?)k ', lh BAD", 124:4 / 204:12. Bal-mu-nam-6e. See AN-ZA-QAR Balmu-nam-&e. Cf. Strassmaier Warka, No. 18; Meissner Alt-Bab. Privatrecht, No. 8; Langdon

48 48 YALE BABYLONIAN TEXTS, VOL. V urui Bi-na-a, 196:13. Du-un-nu-um", 218:41 / 219:2. -R-S -tsin-na, t--dsin-nna, 243:6 / 22:2. uru" Gar-ra-dBabbar, 132:17 / 14:23 / 146:2 / 192:16 / 193:13 / 194:16 / 19:14 / 196:1 / 197:6 / 198:6 / 208 1:,32; 11:34; IV:16 /231:13. uruk ' Gar-ra-dNergal (Ner-Uriu-Gal), 23:. u u' Gimil (St )-den-lil-ld, 202:7. uru" HAL, 10:7 / 217 1:12, 27; IV:31 / 220:. uruni I-di-dIB, 166:40. IMki, 232:7 / 233:14. uru"k Im-gur-dGirrm (BIL-GI), 7:21. l-si-ink, I-si-in", -si-in-na, I-si-in-na", l-si-in.-na, 3 V: / 83:7 / 9:16 / 6:6 / 139:22 / 141:34 / 147:19 / 20:8 / 206:6 / 218:42 / 219:26 / 223:9 / 249:. uru k Is-ku-un-4-a, 17:27 / 184:12 / 188: 4 / 193:9 / 201:6 / 244:2. uru" Is-ku-un-dNergal (GIR-UNU-GAL), 234:14. Igkun-dSamas. See Gar-ra-dBabbar. uruk KA, 148:3. uru, KAd -..., 168:2. uruk KAB-EN(?)..., 38:9. Ka-al-luki, 4 X:11 / 14:6 / 16 IV:21 / 30:4/ 31:7 / 32:6 / 46:8/ 49:1/ 0: / 1:9 / 2: / 3:8 / 6:21 / 68: / 72:9 / 78: / 81:12 / 88:18. Ki-sur-rak, 203: / 204:9. urun Ma-sa-bu-um, 170:17 / 18:2. Mas-gan-sabra', Ma{-gan-sabra, 99:2 / 112: 33 / 113:20 / 127:30 / 16: / 176: 11 /-177:14 / 178:14 / 179: / 180:8 / 181:32 / 182:18 / 183:/ 184:2 / 18:20 / 186:14 / 202:13, 49 / 207:6 / 209:16 / 2:7/ 211: / 212:6, 76 / 213:9 / 214:8 / 21:3 / 216:. uru" ' Na-za-rum, u""na-za-rum, 236:4 / 237: 9 / 238:8. dnergal-i.kun. See Gar-ra-dNergal, IS-kuun-dNergal. Nibruk, VII:2 / 2:4 / 61: / 63:9 / 71:9 / 13:24 / 167:11. turnimlk, Nim"t-ma, kurnimk-ma, 2 L.E. / 3 V:8 / 18:43 / 36:9 / 60:7 / 76:12. uru" Nu-ur-dlM, 212:32, 61. Ra-bi-qum", 141:3 / 147:20. uruk Ra-)a-bu-um, "rura-ha-bu, 6: / 172:12 / 217 IV:18. Ru-um-ma, uru k Ru-umk1, 12: / 202:73. urut sag mah. See Du-un-nu-um k. uruk SAG-PA-KAB-DU-GA, "uusag-pa- KAB-DU, "U"SAG-PA-KAB-DU tt, uruk SAG-PA-KAB-GA, 8:12 / 11:1 / 116:1 / 126:43 / 129:31 / 164:9 / 202:11, 43. uru" dsin-nu-ur-ma-tim, 181:7 / 182:2 / 212:72 / :2, 3; 111:23. Su-ti-um k ", 141:3 / 147:20. dsamas-itkun. See Gar-ra-dBabbar. Sir-bur-la. See List of Canals. uruk Si-ri-im-tumk, zuru Si-ri-im-tun, 114: 7/181:19. Umma t, lu Ummak, 166:7 / 233:11. UNUk (-ma) =Zararma" k (-ma)(?), 22:9 / 39:12. Unzug, Unugk (-ga), Unug(?), lu Unug', 79:29 / 124:1, 21 / 141:34, 36 / 147:19, 21 / 149:12 / 10:11, 7 / 172:9 / 217 1:4. Urukt, k in personal names under I-ta-na-a -, ~i-li-. Uruma"(-ma), Uruma t, 3:2 / 121:29 / 123:31 / 149:1 / 10:12, 9 / 163: 28 / 174:12, 17, 19 / 201:8 / 202:8, 38 / 214:3 / 20:9 / 21:11; and in personal names under Mar-, dsinri-im-, d Sin-sar-, ~i-l-. t-zar-pa-ra k, 1-za-ar-bar-ra, 243:7 / 22:3. uru" Wa-qar-tum, 6:7, 12. Zabalamk,l 172:11 / 207:7 / 23:26. Zar-bi-lum", 26:7 / 199:9 / 207:33 / 218:3 / 224:3 / 22:3; and in pa dam-qar Zar-bi-lumr Occupations. urut Zi-ib-na-tum, 7:22. in List of Officials and So read Delitzsch Sumerisches Glossar, p. 218.

49 GRICE-RECORDS FROM UR AND LARSA 49 IdBuranun-na, 149:9 / 10:, 4. IdDA, 236:4 / IdDA-KI-MES, 237:8 / dda- MES-KI, 238:7. id edin-na Id je-gdl(-la), 239:6/240:8 / 241:4. IdIdigna id dingir-ri-e-ne, 244:9 / 24:. 'dka-nuln-sa, 246:18 / 247:3 / 248:3. 'dma'-tab-ba, 221:13 / 222:33. I 4 NIG-SI-SA, 138:22 / 229:3 / 230:3. Canals. fdsir-bur-laf, rdsir-bur-la, 136:14 / 142:11 / 187:9 / 188: / 189:16 / 190:9 / 191:11 / 208 1:3. id ul-di-a-ta, etc...'.tdel-la, 10:4, 6 / 217 1:9, 11; 24, 26; IV:28, 30. id ud ul-a-ta, etc... del-la-a-ta, 220:2, 4. id ul-ta ba-ra gdl, 242:17. dza-ar(-ge), 133:3.

50 CATALOGUE. The following system of notations and abbreviations for the list of dates has been adopted: Figures indicate known years of definite reigns; as, W-S 1 is the first year of Warad-Sin. Dates with Roman letters, like W-S a, belong to Warad-Sin; but the order in the reign is undetermined. Dates with a Greek letter, like W-S a are only conjecturally assigned to the reign. U a, U b, etc., indicate unindentified formulae which probably belong to the Larsa Dynasty. Text. Reign. 1Year. Month. 1 Sin-idinnam(?) a 7 2 Sin-idinnam(?) a 12 3 Sin-idinnam(?) 4 Warad-Sin Warad-Sin 6 Date broken off 7 Warad-Sin 8 6ili-IM(f) 9 6ili-IM Sili-IM 11 6ili-IM 12 Warad-Sin 13 U 14 Warad-Sin 1 Warad-Sin 16 Warad-Sin(?) 17 U 18 Sin-idinnam(?) 19 Date broken off 20 Warad-Sin 21 U 22 U(W-St) 23 U 24 Warad-Sin 2 Warad-Sin(?) 26 Warad-Sin 27 Warad-Sin 28 Warad-Sin 29 Warad-Sin 30 Warad-Sin a 11 a 12 b(?) 1 c 13 a a 12 a 12 a f 4 a 1 8 a 2 e a 12 c 8 f 9 i 6 f 4 c 8 b(?) 1 c 4 c 4 d 8 d 3 a 12 Day. YBC. Description. 472 Record of sheep and their shepherds Record of sheep belonging to the temple of Nannar Record of sheep brought in by shepherds Account of sheep belonging to the temples of Nannar and Ningal Account of sheep belonging to the temples of Nannar and Ningal Record of sheep and their shepherds Summary of sheep Round tag for dates. 473 Record of flocks and their shepherds Record of flocks and their shepherds Record of flocks and their shepherds Receipt for dates Balance of sheep brought in by shepherds Note concerning a calf Shepherds' account for one year Summary of sheep brought in by shepherds Account of payments in sheep Temple record of sheep Account of sheep and their shepherds. 48 Record of sheep and cattle for sacrifice Note concerning cattle Note concerning cattle Note concerning cattle Record of cattle for sacrifice Record of sheep brought by shepherds Account of payments in cattle Note regarding cattle Note regarding two female slaves Note concerning a goat Record of flocks. (0)

51 GRICE-RECORDS FROM UR AND LARSA 1 Text. Reign. Yealr. Month. Day. 31 Warad-Sin a Warad-Sin a 4 33 Warad-Sin c Warad-Sin b 1 3 U f Sin-idinnam(?) a U f 6 38 U(Sin-idinnam?) d U(W-S?) U U Warad-Sin Warad-Sin Warad-Sin U Warad-Sin Warad-Sin Warad-Sin Warad-Sin Warad-Sin Warad-Sin Warad-Sin Warad-Sin $ili-im qili-im 6ili-IM qili-im Warad-Sin Gungunu(?) Sin-idinnam(?) Sin-iqisham Sin-iqsham Warad-Sin U Warad-Sin Warad-Sin Warad-Sin Warad-Sin U Warad-Sin 71 Warad-Sin(?) 72 Warad-Sin i 6 f 7 f 12 c 8 c 9 c 2 g 1 a 9 c c 3 a 7 a 9 a 7 a 7 a 7 a 12 a 12 a 12 a a c a(?) 1-12 f 12 a 8 b 1 c 11 a 7 f 9 c 4 b(?) 1 a 7 YBC. Description Note regarding sheep Note concerning two cows Note in regard to sheep for SA-GAZ Record of sheep Note regarding a sheep Account of payment in goats Note regarding sheep Certificate of inspection of sheep for sacrifice Note concerning cattle and sheep Record concerning three slaves Account of slaves Account of slaves, cattle, and sheep Note concerning sheep. 1(?) 4783 Record of sheep and cattle Note regarding sheep. 484 Square tag for sheep for SA-GAZ Square tag for sheep for SA-GAZ Account of sheep Account of sheep Square tag for sheep for SA-GAZ Square tag for sheep for SA-GAZ Square tag for sheep for SA-GAZ Square tag for sheep for SA-GAZ Account of wool Round tag for records of shepherds. 476 Account of wool Round tag for records of shepherds Round tag for reeds Round tag for records of sheep Round tag for records of sheep Round tag for records of sheep. 481 Round tag for the receipt of sacrificial sheep Round tag for records of sheep Account of sheep Account of laborers. 484 Note regarding a cow Note concerning female slaves Note in regard to a female slave. 486 Note regarding a slave Record of female slaves and silver brought for Ningal Note concerning a slave. 481 Note concerning a slave.

52 2 YALE BABYLONIAN TEXTS, VOL. V Text. Reign. 73 Warad-Sin 74 U II 7 U(Sin-idinnam?) 76 Sin-idinnam(?) I 77 Warad-Sin 78 Warad-Sin 79 Rim-Sin 80 U 81 Warad-Sin 82 Warad-Sin 83 Rim-Sin 84 Warad-Sin 8 Warad-Sin 86 U Warad-Sin Broken 91 Undated 92 U 93 Warad-Sin 94 Undated 9 Rim-Sin 96 Undated 97 Undated 98 Undated 99 Rim-Sin 0 U 1 Date broken 2 Date broken 3 Rim-Sin 4 Warad-Sin Undated 6 Rim-Sin 7 Rim-Sin U 1 Undated 111 Sin-idinnam 112 Rtm-Sin 113 Rim-Sin Year. Month. Day. YBC. Description. c Account of female slaves. f Receipt for a slave. c Temple record. a Receipt for slaves. c Receipt for slaves. a Note concerning a female slave Account of silver and gold for gods. f List of payments. a List of payments in grain. a 13 Broken 4787 Temple record Receipt for silver. c(?) Broken 482 Receipt for grain. c 9 7(?) 4806 Temple record. f Note with regard to a cow Receipt for grain paid for reeds. a Account of dates paid to women Temple record Record of bitumen Temple record. f Note concerning a slave. c Account of sesame List of garments. 33(?) Account of sesame, oil, etc List of garments List of laborers Obverse, list of payments to women; Reverse, beginning of a letter Date formula. f Note concerning a boat Record concerning reeds Account of grain paid to overseers of women weavers Account of grain for various cities. c Account of wool delivered. 474 Exercise tablet Partition contract Deed for storehouse Promissory note for grain and oil. f Promissory note for loan, without interest, of silver and sesame Contract respecting penalty for nondelivery of slaves Contract for the return of a boat Deed for improved property Partition contract.

53 GRICE-RECORDS FROM UR AND LARSA Text. Reign. 114 Warad-Sin War ad-sin Warad-Sin aili-im Warad-Sin Warad-Sin Warad-Sin Warad-Sin Warad-Sin Warad-Sin Warad-Sin Warad-Sin Warad-Sin Warad-Sin Warad-Sin Warad-Sin Warad-Sin Warad-Sin Rim-Sin Sin-iribam Warad-Sin Warad-Sin(?) Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin U Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Nur-IM Nur-IM Ngr-IM Nur-IM Year. Month a a (?) c 11 1 a a(?) f b c c c Day. YBC. Description Contract for the payment of a debt in sesame. 622 Contract for the hire of a slave Contract for the hire of a'slave Contract for the transfer of a female slave Deed for real estate. 686 Deed for improved property Deed for an orchard. 612 Deed for improved property. 709 Deed for a storehouse. 613 Deed for real estate Slave sale contract. 747 Deed for real estate Deed for real estate Deed for improved property. 698 Contract for loan of grain without interest Deed for improved property. Brc)ken 8763 Deed for real estate Deed for an orchard Receipt for a female slave paid for taxes. 87 Contract for purchase of orchards. 721 Contract for exchange of real estate. 369 Contract for purchase of right to serve as priest for five days. 427 Contract for loan of silver without interest Deed for granary Deed for unimproved property Deed for a field Contract for the transfer of slaves Contract for the purchase of a slave from his parents. 448 Deed for improved real estate Deed for granary. 879 Deed for real estate. 84 Contract for the transfer of a female slave Contract for delivery of produce of orchards. 620 Promissory note for silver Partition contract. 363 Witnesses, etc., from contract for hire of a. slave. x Record of cattle for two years. 326 Receipt for slaves Receipt for silver Receipt for sesame Record of payments in silver.

54 4 YALE BABYLONIAN TEXTS, VOL. V Text Reign. Sin-iribam Sin-iribam Sin-iribam Sin-iribam Sin-iqtsham(?) Sin-iqtsham Warad-Sin Warad-Sin Warad-Sin Warad-Sin Warad-Sin Warad-Sin Warad-Sin(?) Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin iim-sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Year. Month. Day b 2(?) c c 4 a(?) x Broken YBC Description. Receipt for lambs. Receipt for silver (?) in payment of a debt. Receipt for grain in payment of a debt. Receipt for silver in payment of a debt. Record of payment in grain. Record of payments in silver. Record of the transfer of a slave. Note concerning garments. Account of food and drink for workmen. Record of grain paid out. Receipt for garments. Balanced account of grain. Record of payments of drink. Balanced account of grain. Balanced account of grain. Balanced account of grain. List of payments in oil. List of payments in oil. Record of receipt and delivery of grain. Record of payments in grain. Account of payments in grain. Record of grain paid out. Receipt for wool. Record of silver paid to laborers. Receipt. Receipt for wool. Account of grain paid out in one year. Balanced account of grain. Receipt for grain. Account of grain for one year. Balanced account of grain. Receipt for sesame, wool, and sheep. Record of grain paid out. Record of grain paid out. Record of grain paid out. Record of grain paid out. Record of grain paid out. Record of balances of sheep and wool. Record of payments in sheep and wool. Record of payments in oil. Record of grain paid out. Account of sheep and their wool. Note recording the receipt and delivery of silver.

55 GRICE-RECORDS FROM UR AND LARSA Text. Reign. 198 Rim-Sin 199 Rim-Sin 200 Rim-Sin 201 Rim-Sin 202 Rim-Sin 203 Rim-Sin 204 Rim-Sin 20 Rim-Sin 206 Rim-Sin 207 Rim-Sin 208 Rim-Sin 209 Rim-Sin 2 Rim-Sin 211 Rim-Sin 212 Rim-Sin 213 Sin-idinnam 214 Sin-idinnam 21 Sin-idinnam 216 Sin-idinnam 217 Rim-Sin 218 Rim-Sin 219 Rim-Sin 220 Rim-Sin 221 Rim-Sin 222 Rim-Sin 223 Rim-Sin 224 Rim-Sin 22 Rim-Sin 226 Rim-Sin II. 227 Rim-Sin II. 228 Rim-Sin 229 Rim-Sin 230 Rim-Sin 231 Rim-Sin 232 Rim-Sin 233 Rim-Sin 234 Rim-Sin 23 Rim-Sin 236 Rim-Sin 237 Rim-Sin 238 Rim-Sin Year. Month. Day. YBC. Description Note recording the receipt and delivery of silver Receipt for wool for garments Receipt for cattle List of payments in grain Account of grain delivered during nine years Receipt given by a merchant Record of sesame paid out Receipt for silver (?) Receipt for silver Account of sesame, slaves, garments, etc., delivered during five years Annual account of sheep and their wool Balanced account of grain Receipt for wool Receipt for wool for garments Annual account of sheep and their wool. a 1(?) Receipt. a 1(?) Note concerning payment of sheep. a Date formula. a Record of payments Annual account of sheep and their wool Broken 7099 Annual account of sheep and their wool Broken 7183 Account of food for cattle and sheep for one , c c ' day. Date formula. Receipt for gold. Annual account concerning slaves. Date formulae from an annual account. Account of garments. Date formula. Date formula. Temple record. Note from temple records. Date formula. Date formula. Record of bitumen. Record of payment. Account of receipts from shepherds. Record of bitumen. Receipt for bronze. Note recording the delivery of silver. Note recording the delivery of silver. Record of payments in silver.

56 6 YALE BABYLONIAN TEXTS, VOL. V Text Reign. Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Warad-Sin Warad-Sin Rim-Sin Warad-Sin Year. Month. Day d d 19 e (?) (?) YBC Description. Note concerning bitumen. Receipt for sheep. Receipt for one talent of wool Promissory note for silver. Temple record. Record of the delivery of sheep. Record of payments. Balanced account of dates. Date formula. Date formula. Receipt for dates. Record of a payment. Record of payments. Date formula. Contract for hire of a slave.


58 - - - PLATE I CoL. I. 1 OBVERSE %~~3 _41t A>PT3;Pqqqv I ~-( --mrly k% X., m A4 441i~ T Tiwar -- f - t. WcY.411,Y ~ i, - - I - -- P 4 4 -Nf-- v vt 1 r b I ytz It'", J7-1T.-L, _ V- I._ -.-. Mly IVT 1 I.,.,., - V rr/lll% I== - Tl TT-1 - I -A& fwat k -... "! I COL. II. w~~t~-vt 1 -V - - y --I F-m -- I. I - L. -I I I ~ I, fff ibk ff 41a F -~`PPY Y I.~ ar-- ~~ nitfx -twel ZI, - z TL T k I l~ rr~i rx of- vlv- I I wvrnts f,_ I - IVVY34 m -Aff W- f I yr - 4I r r.., t_ i * - v, Tf I ~ - OE- ~ I 1'1 r~~~~~~~4., y tl) 1 Mxt- I i t t 1 i I t bit -. - _.,.,. t- i ' ri -V -A -. h I v v. -, /I r y. - ;- - I. 11 I V ~4Y~~ A~Em~Rp; i.-- t -T COL. Ill. 1 4 A"N $- T Y ~ L 4 r r ~ fr.~/~;; r.. _'. P.. -s I A V -Y-JL XK TTT - M.-O I ~~~t~$~~ ~l1~i IR-17-Yvrgg- P)ff X-H P9 4 OM: ff Ea tt4 ---,,. -1-, /_ -V- I -- I I - b" ---- ' - I ir., S 20 )VM7 WT I, Tvr ~A- 0t9a A T kkyyrb' t47-i I 6k wgq k.a lk -V Vr--V -X -I -b- VV "' -- 1~ 2t~ XIF tr AAW/Ilt ""mol MI, ARK 0 : Al Fig I--/r. I-,, -,- l _ v 7 i k777y I +A 9`7-4 \ f g 36 wpn^ ^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-." 6 frvq lw- IVIV vvw i Omit, mistake of acribe.

59 -s-r 'SXSt't \XIss f L-f -~ v. _ PLATE II 1 COL VI. Z -7 4lM t 't<0 L "; " ".," A / ~y~~~~r^^4^^~~~~"i ',,//~/Ml ~ /, //,i.. "I, I/ A.-.n... 1._ r b~l i '^r^^ff^ )6 L7YTW-re IT - P~-711 TU-! r L', /A//// //./ pa 7,(A" R/ 'O tkqi~%m VVYVV- ~Yly lh N 4 YU 111 -"" I --- ~ - - -~~ _ K,YjT" _ III / XYLYS r~~ I1 ' y,r _ MCI,-l" A -]kj '/////-,;:,/t/ill Ll/ I plrj I IP -" r- M,1,l I1 -,~"N~, H~-~ idq-c c-~;\ AKTI th, P~c~P b-%a-if-- Fr 20 I I 1 Pt I1l//P/II// ( ~~L;~;L- ~~t) ///NI////N/%//// : ~~V~~P~/ ~ - 3 ~'T,-; ',T, 1 TFR-k wf Y - 1 '1'... _ } _ S_. 2 TI "NORA "/'' 1 REVERSE COL. V. I / TIwT J. v 'I vv r kv U v tiit-ts=?, rr K /"P/lN~lrll X,, II. "w" Y/ L ~ - I A ^ll I "t-f/,//' L A. r, I//Y. /,./. f I L; ~ fl/f/i 1 7/, "",&,, "',% I/ 1~I////,~ / MOKRA, - Y _ I S V Iw -X-X *by L- J I _I TT ITQRm TT'T HA --OL-ff t, _ * g s~~~~~. _;-,,1Z- 17 " qlzw -, I- I,, ~~~~~~~~~~~~41 COL. IV. Oa lk. - r -* f --r l b4 4 -;r[ RTr II [~ ffl I i MM. -~t? vupt, i I. vv I Iff 4~P~b-r' I~ [, v.,:. / l l " : it,,,,,?i[!,,' -k4 k I - '~~!~~~i i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a~ ~~i q ~ ~ ~~~~~~. I lift V - K T -V v - -7 L--rI I "7//1 I ////// /~///;;/b a I ~h~ce- Pf /1/(//1 P--~ AN' _A.- ', V--u_ I /// /-..I[ -... T s~~~lp l J ~~~~~~- ke 44 r-v-"" F/ti J.^//, w 41.,A, I -- PL I v - u.: I..- -,,,,/////////l/r;,// C/~ 1TL Yf K / I I - - vvvaa. - Illl/////l/j/~rI L - 11 ~~~ P 4W'/,//111,1 PV IILI iiv. -q s Vr-=r I N i / 0 - L.-, ////////////// /'///, ' - Y mygvv.y V-V. I//////////////'////, /N1// it P V~ I i - -~ -.r P i 6' W=I T q -4f p~ f4:g rrr 7 m-,//l,////(/ i:,i ////l, z 4,f -AlxJ,"T ATr M-ff IIIIA ff q IVVIIII - I - - I - - I- -- I ir4-.!-',.-it-im I T - I /If/ ~~~+ j vl IE ~- - I- - -, 11ffft 11 p IT 'V v y I ~~ I II T---j T t i- V. WV Yu frm t k, -v V ttf ,, pg T i a -o Omit, mistake of scribe. _ IN//, 9//,/1 Nl ///1 // //f i/ /I l//r-lt I\ bgkb PPf//% -- I/ ''-; VI////fq////1/H//l - I i I-, - -fw / ~ A lo-wi I Hl I q, ////// T 1FW, K~~~i N L~ KUr ~4~~r~ I ~I 4 s~i$k~ OF -A 9F7 9 A~ ~6-1s.- s0 3 I, 40

60 PLATE HI 2 OBVERSE COL. 1. COL. II is g is~s s4 11,& A.,T, 4. E. y W,~~E~frk b

61 PLATE IV COL.. VI. 2 REVERSE Col.. V. Co.. IV. S JO s

62 PLATE V COL. I. 3 OBVERSE COL. It. ic 1 2, 3 4


64 PLATE VII Co. II.- 4 OBVERSE Cow. IV. Co.. V. 0 1 Mistake of scrbe fo, Aff 7 20 i )

65 4 REVERSE Co L -. X COL.. IX. CoL. VCo. vie. CoI. V. PLATE VIII To 20 fr I ea4l- ff -4x. O


67 PLATE X. REVERSE COL. Vl(. COL. Vl. COl. V..-,-.el', ". 111i - I _ V 1s'- <Ss "'t zvv7 Ow. i I.~.r l t.-~. i AT I. - COL. IV. - T Af r c/," /. 4r~""- #--- p l _ Vv VIP I Or V. tro V M W--i n~n AL 9sr3 'ITY -lo 11 ^^ b T ~$~r 7n--^ - > 21~ -rtty ^ti TW r 2. if~rra-j aw- ws -1 I 1 1 -I I. -.! I V -- r -. vd v I YM A 2 VM rkas I v[vv/% V/IV M/l7v - I I[I Iw ly -- 1%~ 17 VI 'M I f A WI&T.tt X IV i /- f- V \V,?'lUtr k,---''-, 'w-ef I... ~ -~-~.{rr -T p 9 ~TN a>ff *- M-- ~~~~~~~I/ W11.E,,,,f,,~,,,/ ~ ~~~e~~~~.--c -ff -- ili4 IJ~iA- viajl Vv _ Cr _ L 2. i..., W I"~~.IB ly'tt~~ 9y S--- -l-- --y.-~~~~~~~~t ^ m Tr miff jtba W g 1 ~~11l i isay um ///^ I I so nrh Y H J... 1= ~ 11 I "' 4


69 ,., PLATE XII 6 REVeRSE ATpiot em IT " -i ITT list I 7$ Irit- t 7-1 n bk Jr 1 ;4Jij 4, ifj i A/f/l,// 0 ~~ft T-9/1 ~,w W-Mql/lt I-z

70 - PLATE XIII fr4t4 2M -slaro. YITl'~~ 2. PO Iiil ff'k-'t R1 1II "F4 I ~ -., ffvrm kq I tmff X m ~- --- gwxsaar~r 30 ^z ~ """!//, Jtf/( 4ekb,~ 3 t t ^sc i. 'I.' _ omitted by scribe.

71 PLATE XIV Indistinct seal impressions. Ri If -I- * 1. ff Y/7, y / X -I I -K re7 v - I -, _.J/4., t I I Imm I q-;sr, 13 o. Th Y ant^ w&tfir^^ TT^-Trr P ^i >H 4 Anr^^^^XT 1 4- )I ~ + *- 2Oj~~ KkJ ~YfP~i 11~"~~ 2 A p/" ' P a skt~fi4a II L



74 16 COL-.. I. COL. It PLATE XVII Obo.1. is Re 1C

75 PLATE XVIII COL. IV. CONTI NU ED COL. III. 7 i 2C myt2 Ii~ I ji,lf x ~, OBVERSE 17 REVERSE 1 em exam~i 7 a~r=t i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~7~ ~~~~~~ 20 ma Alm -ni KiT ^^ n U e An'' af FIN,, t 2

76 PLATE XIX 18 r a~~4t 1~4 C P-~~~ Oli ~ ~ 0~~4--~ omitted P-- FP ~~~~~~~~~~~~by~leoi~b* 4irr ~~r~r _ ~20 rro_ ~ ~ ~ I d; :7 Xe blo -i.e. lg r ta T 4 30 R 3 /fraonr^^tx^ omitted by iclbe. z_ *-^=^: AdF^ rotbeg ts s i W ' vvv 4 O$J\\ \11\ i I F 1 ' ' I ~hw~crat-

77 PLATE XX l O. / /fl'!- O./ -~--- '"1I'1,/'NL.Z.,g-/,; //?).I, 1i11 /l- -T ~l II /,,,." T" ax W~iN-, wins^^ >^ --,ftvr -Vb 20 g. v a I I i -m ~- --, rrqff ~999 q ^T i4 T-- PF - I A.Bet z ^-WLo. E. I0 4 -Il v R,',, 7F 't I -,/ ' i f fil i, W41, ff 1 e1/"b I-' T " -x= O E:T i-%?t %.H > "I A41 fxv-- Xcc ps; > O Erasure. Lo. E ti li~i -y,~i,.ff ^ ^0^ a o ^t 7- A X ^ V

78 PLATE XXI 2 2 C 0.I T 0a I tt -- ~~~~~~~~~~~/ll ritl ;,I/1-1,11 F.0-4 dvup~rl ~ 0s ITT 2 ~~. k±-v T w > b ;f i4!r/\f'i//i 1J t b~ Erasure. 23 yo. :. h. T. 7 ^ -*N/rrby " C-s ribe... X - X 1 - -, - f..._, -.. a 'Rti -- -' 'rr _,~, ~...,I,,,,,S,,,, ~,,t -',omitted 24 2 ~ r ~es wg~s-~ 30 '- ;- /, / mii/, / y I,, Tr-TenAbm7v, ^ fl x R*X >4 3 W~~~~~~~~~~~~IIIU

79 PLATE XXII CONTINUED it ure W4+ b >b 28 T^^T^S"KA -~ ^JT ""^ "^ :'S Tl~nrlxlrll SSSS wa,.i %^H^^.70B ^ ^P^ ( ^ ^ u ^:T-ictP tv^-^^.^~i~ A'. s+< LN F'XY H E9A^^ o. amsx,29 O Eraur WF- ^[ ^y^^ ^^rearwutr ' 6? ^ptt^<ffi n ^3^g1~a

80 PLATE XXIII 30 O. mzvi Ui"Slzrr 36 T -- qj g- ^ ^4 ; a ing^^^.4\tm mq 40 --,W-- I4 X t?. -1YY-- 1y-]- ~-~ V - T q~l~tt- ~ ~ - u - Vl T~~~~r A4- \,z, 7140~4q, YT q~ ~jq I k~q rr 4g"i 1 O. 31 T X'7 Im - - I A I/ if z /11, 20 Lo. E. 2 I o. X f I ~ / r b ~ ~ ~ ~ v 30~~~~~~~~~I// m l// y I, /'/.'//' // ~ ~ /// I li/i//l /Ir // '/~1 1 A'QgV.- ''/l// V-1/i/////il I 32 -^z_>y 4W I, - 7-r--T I~bqvm IB 44f~ E. H%^B4

81 PLATE XXIV.. $p TW wut 33 N? ^t-- TT^F-r 3 Lo... X b - Iq -~~~~~~~' ~4 i U 34 h, 36 0ȯ. ff'wft^ ' 4 fi- -- ' -_ n 34,k T 0. P't-. 7 T f \';P-FVPnP "pl-"-9l /' 14P ti/// r -k ^^ f///m ///,,,,,///////,//////// 1t' ;, '(t_/,/11.11 /// ~ 37 o. TT rr X I R h~gu--- - T n _f4 " /Y / % -. t== -. 1!r yry i ~l 4 -w-. -rl ~E pr4 A-T,,--Ty j f T

82 . PLATE XXV 38 0.m a k TA 40 D. - A_ I' ret eraure. rest erasure. L e V v-.-- * Ptlm w a I, Lo.-. E o - I... t -...,ly,,#r,,,,,,,,,,/,,,/lll. 'iarl illlililr BlA, 1(111~y ' [ I , -. erasure. e4 b 4Li X Al a~~~~~~ ^A ^~b A'kX-' $ M^, I.

83 -Ag-t> T '. -, PLATE XXVI 4- ^-3 -ae A f r o s Iq'4 - Erasure. I,,'.l/, 'T,,I F~1 ib,,,,... ea 'pt-"f,!~*t, ~_-- Lo. E. Lo. E. 1, _1 4 lah'kttv 20 U. E. 4t l il h 17 a a,,;," U. E T. 43 U -- - I I- -' tt _an 4. w -,t W^ A> - j~ ~ ~~~7 I/ '.. - st ~z~ ~jg~q; ~ B~i f I rkk~~~-csjf~~

84 46 48 PLATE XXVII Lo- E Ṙ -. -X K- A ' tl oeiad, 1 Contain als1o Seals '0c, S 3 -,, S 'q,~~ I '.,ot ft w t^wr.o~ns^to^ 20 a q XK t-r[t ft. tf_ at Wa^an ography. Al i4 I - T;I.0.~'.. x ^ - i "_. ^^>- jt w Contains also Seatls l1,,,c,, ~1Z., '., b 1 bl Y^ igl XTP4A

85 01-4-~f 0 2 PLATE XXVIII ^rtg> ^^7-- >F it= I x -~T ~K. ~eqe~4 Tra NT~g.'//l?.Z4J~-q,. -a A$,,,-: Contains also seals i4>, f 6-, S-I,, Contains also seals 1G14 ',1 I,, also indistinct 3 iml ressions. 1 o. ~ X o te He. 4 TV 61~~~~~~~~~-,am ~41.^ 1TP>A^^ TW 7~~~ W4-01,/Igu 'i!~'=.,,,~,',,,. E I/// " tf Contains also Seals 46o t, o, S0c Contains also Seals t6 a-, q'l b~ $, a-.:-3,2

86 PLATE XXIX O.,g4i 4 6 0o. ape i g And 4Fen~ * &4$SA~- i, hfat 7 0 Jvf~-ltFf1 4ff e^ ffn- )k->j' f /? * TFT A fiht I/// 1?~^--^~&-- 16 ) 7glEk ws ^E I k$ k ^ ^^ : = L 7 J _ Ai 4 -r:, r-, t I I" 4!zil I'I 7 y Z ll- - I* ll-$ ~ 4 OT11-4 pqf 4 ~ ~~~ ~o-;ff 4 4-~ff'E +~ 4-0,,, ', f>^1 //-s

87 PLATE XXX Ss /~ ~ ~~~ //vl Al~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ w i b~~at~~- 4a~pl s )P IE $11L -Y N "rl///. L/-9 ' 9 a~~~~q ~~~"- /"(// 'I % Fpi~~~~F-AFIT 1 6 I I, i't - r62.,~,-, ~.L, -v k iq i 4 4 IP!~ 1O B 4 / /-A 60 I Erasure. +1 9fai -

88 PLATE XXXI 63 6 _ -I I ww~~~~~~~ n~~ f4 kfff,o ^V y^4 Pp g~-~~$-lps,~~t o Ut^^enam r r~-4 r-a Pr-4 M-A =A ri I. 1 I l I 'lo<-i *1 ' I 1 64 o.w 7 9f-h 20 o--0 Erasure. 66,o. T at -1A"' e 'dew^ ^ffiim:fy I..

89 PLATE XXXII 67 F S S k ;,.i,,,'2,.. -.,' f t_, vz- I R^ ~ 4 q i * -~ om q OT tv 41: %P4--TT7.- A Hei! ' IV,,,, /illi~~~iow //~~~~~~~~~~~~/ 68 o. n~teift 1~~~/1~~~/-t I~/l///l/ll//Il/// l4tt 71 '/I /~~//~//1 1! V-T~/ ^1 ad T -? T ^ 1 ^ Lo. E. A1. t L--l vv,. -" L -I -Mr la ^^4 R - io +ii> * pfi' I v I ' A -

90 o. _- - - Tr PLATE XXXIII.. P s ' -?43f 0.. Erara~uur ~2~g, ~~a~p$ q II~±Iw Z~4I ~g~ff - t dr;~;~ '' I - - I ~ 74 o- *.- y, -- In it r K 4P-^ ot--: 7 0o. : eti Fb~F~ t~ ~Vi q v1 ~-, ti 34, 4-h ) W -Ti 6 4sQ4X- 4I, i/ I 41 ^< ^^-^ Wi 11- I.P /1111)L-L I i I III'

91 .. PLATE XXXIV /i,' /I,l.'/ i I--- I.% 1 1 U. E i rst erasure. L_ t 2 -I -, I -l, ~ r~ V M;4eAX-4~9V i! r 11 _ I ' l ', I '' f A Lkgv 177 angry f X4 H T F -s; q L-It7

92 PLATE XXXV Li '/it fi, w ' lli//i, 'II/ l A R *, I4^ -+ PI 44i AA%9 83 To.TT~ kthffi t / / W b* g^- U E.u m 0. ^ ^^^~~i 11-1 k^- T I 84 H. z 0. // I If /I///// ""'I e t-'-f q+.»/- t^,- w 87 V F F.... I 6 Lo..-E. A L-'T- T ~~a np~it VT a s - 9s 'f*11

93 - w - PLATE XXXVI 'f41/ If / XI' "(~1 ',',"j./, 'Eradsure 'I/1 //////////I////// ' '///lll'//{ll/ f///////.// / /» '.'///I;'t/i;//////!/-//^/// L- M"//.//////11//////////... sj/^/ I-o *"v -- '- t- E rasur f/lif//1//!/ I ~.././ / - p/iiai, 4 ffier,,/1 _////,, au-re. f// f', // WaX T//I ^^Mi - # _/,!, >, 11/ i,!/; I ro _ P-= a<a---44bja4.... I ^ - al- I - ^ 92 'ii~ l /ii'//,.// / I/I~:~ 0 * A -Okj4 rest erasure. 89 o. M W ^I 1b// if g' / I~J~~TA~ 'W e If,,T 1tI O1i ^pt X4===i,i &%^^-,^^ft^ ei ). vw l $ 744iaI "'.+ it t^i -I 1: l -g ' ^^1^ n^^xu v -s OT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ri Indistinct seal impressions.

94 VI,I-. -1 "I ,I PLATE XXXVII it-h4 -- In b, ~~~r/ / ~ 1 4 A4~Cf~ I A I~ t "I',l tiii 11 4 ~, ~4 ". 1 / 9 9 o., ~s S^^A~fe, 0. 6~-"-~~~~~1 ^ 4^.. Erasure. /////,/ o 1R0 - 'R.,bT m, -"-1 O F' - f_ j e\ * 1 g I A VT"A -" vrrr I - I 1 -- kl

95 -- PLATE XXXVIII 98 OBVERS E , --, C O) P sar t\i w si 'I Ck 1* It I Erasure. 47 1raNur )" /I~~~//// /11"' ~I /N/~~~~~~/~~ ~ AArT ', I Ir 'A~r I rkt y -f &4,f- -- _ z:! " )-p 1 m i I.,! '//,Ii'j~ 11 q,: ii/i~~~~~~~~~~~~// ~ / "i i/ifa111",,. I _ ~ ~ ~ ~ - '1, ", 6i,/ ~ -~ 1 Il/jill I f/ 1. '/IIUlyl" \ - n dis't/ i '/,111/ eai/,frys~, a II~~~~~~~~~I Indistinct seal impressions.

96 0. I n o PLATE XXXIX 1 Lo. E. e I

97 3 PLATE XL TABLET 4 CASE b~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~hz~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

98 PLATE XLI 0. 6 I'l 1?/If// I///j/:

99 - OBVERSE 6 REVERSE PLATE XLII ^4^^ -ma^7-- T w WTWTf ;q T WrAFL,,'W ^-ty R^ 1 ^ 0 W [ ^^^^^ fi <^^-^[ ^ a^^^^i^^^~~~rt.,o^^ wb~r^^^^^ws(~f ^-^w 4 3.~6i/~9~~'lfyfw~ Si^^mao 40ar q 4 T7b I T ~~~~-ni~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ li~~~~~~~~ '-T ze OPILI~ 6 ^ ^ Irv-^ t, Trmh r;~e~%~~s>_~~ I<Kq~A I I : ~fb4 4- p~~~- t - IX bl~apep9_4a~~ P4 41~4Pp ~~ m "-tr~~ ~~p~ ~C~i~~i~~jt~:9~b$ pel 11 r 11 * q - -If ~.is * o... -a. L^^%S34"E~+ t I,,/ ~1! ^ ^. ^T^ S~^ trzgvm7 [I,

100 PLATE XLIII I 1 I j 1 r~~~~~~- fr k 4~ 44 p~ti ~ - 41I ;!/!!!!!~~~,T// t:~gi Z ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I L. E Lo. E. 6 t A d Indistinct aeal impresaion Indistinct seal impressions. 1

101 111 PLATE XLIV 0.. U. 1 Indistinct aeal impresaiona. 2( l/11/'t/i/if// Ik//l /'.,//// I Al ^t// N, IT,,. p4/ahw 112 W %--7 ' 0. ^- 0" If /1/ 1 d~-st~i~ P~-b~q I 1t U/. E. /'S?^ y1 Indistinct seal impressions.

102 PLATE XLV ' S* T w k T ^ TT^" ^ N^ h ' T '^^_4 rxx_4 ^ ~AA.io04~- AT- &^- ^^[^ ^~Q MTL- 99- :111 -I I/li4iF ^ 1 11 ^ g 1 Indistinct seal impressions. O. 'f,*'/// / /"i//// /Ifl/,~'. /</,// ///////////// ul//ff/////i/////f / //// ' /." -,,. /. 4 ~~~t~~~ ~ b~ ~bs 4~ ~ 4 ~~B~~i~~:~~~~~s-~~"~~tiiii~~ s '-,. S 1 'T^-^d' ^ % ^>^ ^s ^ i pgpqb 7 b^ia& I= 1c.AI/ I!/ 4bP~ 4- t l 1 Al^ I b~" ~ b r4~ YY f^- Ss~~b~ n1 Ii' Indistinct seal impressions. -7 V^ s tpi^ ~~~P~i~bat~~FT ^94^>t~ 9t i. -7 >-'742 - a abs~~f~tc~

103 PLATE XLVI 0. I 4 r,.,,,...,.,,,,,.-,,.,,, VI,,,,,,,.1.6-r,.,, 'II,'1,,,,,,,,,, If Id I.,,,, l d^~gv-c ' ' Name omitted by scribe. 4n- tig imlreito. a Lo. R i9-4 ksls Is- kea<-mpre Initrc ff al impresion ^ Indistinct seal impressions. U Indistinct seal impressions ) M; titrt Pt-y V-r-~ TVAV -, ~ 1vV.?~,., 4 M7 o'"" " ,~2Il. IT Il r;\3 A r crasu ie ^ ^ v 6 4 t4%a^ ^n^ b? ^' ^>^ ^ ^^' ^A^ ^ ^~ q^ ~~ g^ti^^~~~ ^ ^ ^ rt:^~ o[^»r eomitted ^ ^ * b( b;fg T ^ mittd 1 C pt Y 7 by scribe. Indistinct seal impresscons.

104 CASE 4 ~~b~~9 - e I 0 r I s R, ~ 3~ PLATE XLVII -Tb ~L 1 Al/i/a AUK- 4-W~ W/ 201N/ //l/ I / ~/7 /l/////n /.////// : 20 3I~~,/ l, 2 30 Indistinct seal impressioi.bu P1S. P-T rllll/lf////l///c/lli 11/1/1/11 Ilr/,l//'llr/r I I /////////////// ///V//I//////I/I/////// I/ i ////!///I/////I.//////// I/I////1/1 lll//llr/lll 1.//,I,,. Ii////I/" l'/li"i/i//i///i 11/(//111! ;i,/./i, I;r/// 1.,,:I/ r,,l '/j' /i/l/'i/ 'l IJII, rl/ II111 /I/j/jf///'///j/'f fr'/llll/lllll/ill'!/lll'! /1/11111 l/jl,'i'ii/i//i/ I/,/l////ll//l,;/i// /I /It//I ljl/ )/ I I/l/l/ /I) ////////ii r '/ I I IY# E, O.9 IPP I ^%L * Other indistnct T r S, -- _ seal impressions. : :^, nk Z-tT Srr I. I,

105 PLATE XLVIII ai ~~ I r 16,.-AE- YI' I i - \ - " Nl i 1 / 'i I pi I -- Also variant All, k ^ ^i on case j4 ~2k ITT1 "".'.. 4^2- ^ Mmg -, 204- ^4 At- _rti 20 j b : ^- ^^^ ^W^- 4k1 2 t / AA fc- i I'^w '2r r ^y^-^a^ ^ 2 2i b4:~1-c 09IIr' - l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ R CT,," 3 I~~~ Y-Ii3 ~:ft - lt; ki ft v^grq T^^r ^D^ -n7^7^ ^ ^^^^^^~~~~~~~Ir '. ' A,:.. ~/ /,,, ba6w^d ^f^^ g ijis^ ^-^ >^~~~~ 30 A, ^ p^n^ Sk m b4 g ^ ^Y mindia stinct seal implressions. Line 1 The case reads Mk g / //#/X//Z///g W!1//// V;7 ^^> ~^ ^-^ ~f^ ^W~ v- ^^W^f~,L)~i;~~:TCl I,-- Tr ft--- ~K~ iok-f t 4i ~w -T'I?I P, 0, /// n. 'TX tlt4 F- tl VW ;Uf V3>41- 'r-w"

106 PLATE XLIX CASE 12 -VI a, I al Io-t. CI O E 30 U a1 _o ~ F t7,^ *.-g V *- 4 4 EII>ItI- i T>l

107 PLATE L,,,,r,,;i "I', v ^ - ^*^^^- ^ 127 lo T 1 Erasure. Lo. E. ^a -- %^^^[^ M^^^ ^^ ^f4 - "if ^IH^^^afd 2 A t X 41- hi 'Lq 4-4r-11 f.^^- 4~ Psp_;c.-^,^S ^^^^N Z b4r^^ ^yp-^-^^ ^p i~ <V^^J^W»N[^^4,J~gp ^^^rtest=!^ft QO4 ^E^W%^i^T^l~~i i-*i~b ^^^^^^[ ^@fc^^ dp~~ -6-^^ 204, 2 ^ -/-- ^H g ^/ +%K 1 ^^'^ T- ^^! P^L, V^~~~ *. IS^^^^ -~w ^^^^^^- Initntsalipesos Inditinct aeal imprssions. "If. >^^i _

108 PLATE LI o., 128.' X 2 Erasure., ti- A- in- a sa ^^^- ^ 1 b^ t ^W~e r' v ^~~Bf~R ^^'^^ b^^s»%^^t ^^^H! 44:-e>,vi3t1 s< v^-^^ C ^^- zr 4, y-i^v ~^~~ >*W'S1L ^rt k tgb CX pts l e Indiatinct seal impressions. A. 130 I I k. 0aI-1 Indistinct seal impressions.

109 PLATE LI ~u!a~!'.v- u A ~ f Z~M\= PVnN V~-;AVq~ _I ~i~b~g ~~P~bb~b~ E. // bi E q U. E. 30 L. E T 1!A^[^-^^t g U.* m E ^u.e.q V( ^^^^L - ^^^^H^U^-

110 PLATE LIll E. 2-7 IHIklxlk4, - omitted by scribe. Indistinct seal impressions ,,,,AW/,,,, U.E.; -~~l Indistinct setl impressions. T 4m lffi4 -e q~k -7 * T The case adds Tf" 13 o. +>. H^%^^ ~ m I I^ bf b ^TT^ ^Y- _ L W tm-rvzt-e fwv - 1 Jl.,1 -f ors 1> lr~ a _ U. E. 1 Indistinct seal impressions n case.

111 PLATE LIV 137 o. XT a T~g <T&W 1 kj- 7t t U. E. Lk~bb- b~ TT 20 ~Y kz4~.- AIJ.Z) % 20 9 gg L. re. btnip~i i _ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~f P -/rr I,'" yl :11'1:1 ta::::t4 1/1111:/ $--4 ^4^^^^ qy alj~t~-i r- ~~>40T I 'L~/I & i 20 Lo. E. r p,.~'. ^;,, Indistinct seal impressions.

112 140 )Ztl--%3P~ g~~s~- PLATE LV 20~s4~ p. ttpk-~es~ PE~~~d 89~-bta-i 3~F I A 0. I 141 o. a_ Indistinct aeal impressions. -~~~~-~~C~, 142 6y-^ ^f l~ t. I 1% U.E. Indistinct seatl impressions

113 PLATE LVI TABLET 143 CASE 0. L I a ' f Lo. E..E.g,, 1 1 S;_ 4i > tqx dg b^^^a^4w &~~;aa ^ b^-^p$?f ap ^^an~ ~' a^^;" ^A^^Lb^W JL ^- / y a 7 c Indistinct se(l impressionl. 30 ~a~- P~~i - ~~/" ~ ~ P-

114 PLATE LVII 144 I I 1 20 U. E. Indistinct seal impressions ^te^ ^1^'^P7 1 4 r V L lo ^ vt ^v 0. I I di I II tra fm a t61, 1 \I 4-- C j B r I tq ~nt 7~ be 20 tf 4f b4 A-Kb.l~~hl~ t ~ 4 i tta lr b-~ \ 'b-9 b" );\ V\T byw--t U.E. a Indistinct seal impressions

115 PLATE LVIII i/ ll' ;hl/i/ll l,// //u i //1t'' tt t'f'// ;'/ / 2 * Lo. "',, /4.. if;r'/'/.g g_ ^, t 30 g 1 U.,, 'E. 20 U. E. 0. Iff~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~1f,/T, t~&q p/ )i~) Indistinct seal impressions 148 i1~^ Il: //1 -'..I...M.~.1 m,_~ 4.,,, ^- ^tts^^^^^^n^~~ L. E.ul "' a ^^< I 70 1 ss,.? - u.,. E... ig '"'',,'2 '~ a~ L. E.- ^3- \1Tv

116 C, spj, V ;PLATE G oi~y. a;;;tcj 10 be'/ 149 LIX "I I - l yk; "a, I lll Indistinct seal impressions i

117 }/1%, m a o A~~~~~~~~~~~1/1/ PLATE LX I 11 b~ a Indistinct seal impressions on case. 1 1~"~ T Yw@^c \W b"* ^ ^^tu 0. MgA74kX 0. a; 'e ta ^S bd-^^- 'o ^^^yq<^llh ///Ib ^^ ^^^1/rt~ti- -ffrr, 12 9c^^ TABL LET a! gy^^^^g-; L, $ f. 0.(7/A Ah ~~~~~1 t~~~~i~~~~4~~l ~11/1 /~ 1/1 // /l 44 7 e 14 0 ~i ~ b~t- -Y7 gtlta s I L- IV~ ~P- q b CASE 0. 1

118 PLATE LXI 1 Itr 18 '1/ I 1 - /"l, // e l~~// I rt 1 9~3b~Pa P l "It /fit/. i~ ~ ~'' B ~ »*' ^. -.^l 16 o~~- i4 i >omitted > O.,I' b,, "o I!,/!jW 'IIlj~i~JIIII~ti" //X s~ by scribe I - *.i11up'"" = '",,a a,,,,,,,,,, 0. lo 'S /g,'.4 A,,~ I,,,,,,~,,,, bsk~p;r~v~/z~g~i~g~p-~c~-iiv&x~o*oistted -'~v/111i- I, ' ~r-,[,- bi scribe. t /.':,^ /,,,'",,,.. -,111/!lI

119 PLATE LXII 161 O. /iv o. > > +i$'i; 1. ^^>- ^gst[ v U.E Other i ndistinct 8eal mressa 11ions. 164 o.,'.. ":,.T Other indistinct seal Impressions AT 4^T- T1k KI In nct sel Indistinct seal impressions

120 l~ll~l PLATE LXIII 16 o. " L^^IP air II/ t4 ~~~~~~b-~~~~~~ll 40~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' AT l//l/llr ' ll 4 LAL Lti Rg III~ 166 U. E.~~~~~~~~~~~~"""~::::::~, i. o / 'I, I, -\' ^ -I I C^ ^^ >-,,i~, ~~~~~~~... ~"-~-.~:, ',, I^. ^--yrk^s^^l^^i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t,,, 1 rh e 1t~^ ~~~~f' ^^^^gg^w^ > S'-I 'T-- " ' , t~,atkt,, 1

121 tf CL.rllf /'Ii(I,' p-f! - "".. i I " iff A 93 C=- f7v = r -- k ~ i LI " / //. ff I ~~x /' 1, Y/ Y / ft, k,11 I 1fi "I~~~I PLATE LXIV 20 //,/, III Ii ~ N/ _~I U. E. e a~ k 2 all bq 'L., I I rit Do. if = I - 1-1myr- IE~l ga~g )q 20'-, L--mlt:'tf - b~$c~ia~c~.sf~~~k 14i-bha " ~~iq 6 --mq~~ I I ilk y ~ ~ *.1 _ 1& 1( ( -. "fett S %Ftit zrfitj.g^u^^tr R t $6X ES9Hit~ 169 ff^ fl ^- At f.,ifv t1 w d.11.. II w ^I4^ 16 7, w. '. E. '-tt p.111t-~~~i - ~gil - t I I 9 I 9 -MAA W., vkttl - - V Lt- -17tv ff Lrv ;r-,gl, AA sf~tt Tp "KI. - -I -- t. ~ -mi~~ 20. s~6itl~~~ i

122 PLATE LXV 171 O y4-v _ I 1 1 b v- l w 8z Lo. E. j 20 ii PWi/ mt Illl~l~ /'/N i~'ifu/////// j 'q/i/(/i(// / (, ''(' I /pi(l I I/ f l /11/~~~///1/111~ Ifi/v,I ~~/I -T///1/1//1I/N// l 20~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/// ~//W/'IN~~J/" ~! ' ^WPkl 3 m \?- b t-- fj -& i qft P4 B )nq 1 P t P4//Il N/n~/I i ' ( 4f

123 PLATE LXVI , F - -. I, 'I) 1,tl -- I - - I "II ~% I 20 I, f/,hf//^ j,"' //" /i,', 30 2 U. E I ~ qd - Q> qt.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - /i d'i/j I t~it# 40 III ""ii, ~~9 ~

124 ... PLATE LXVII 176 W=4 0 I.v rt~'a7 7r)I7 lll-./1/~ 1 A lo \f NlYAI,. z L A i} li ^ ^ wwws,, I IIr-I %\_ I = -\-7 T- & A ^I) t78 w 178 Cg 180 af 7.F '-~ Ste. V 'z,_ n I t -~i ~,..k- i g t _,,,,I L I II II t..... I. s \\_~w~ ^t- i^to r

125 TIT ~ I 182 o. N-.-I, vto 4 AX - B4 PrA AM 4 g(4 m PLATE LXVIII I ) 'U~ t~k~ql ~f rr ull/l/l/ 'I IV i 7lll In ~ ( / Iiw0(II ~ quu/q,4. 1''' f~%tt~ g 1 - I 201 K- it~nw14~b-bti f~ "f~~ ff TM ~~~4t+ 4~g~>Tf~ A& I// $- I fa'w t - - I~1N t y V. vv Vtr 8-$~ tn n i t, 4c~ w?d vwiz 80H~ tv v 1 / ' vvw ki, I M~. I )k 1.'YU -- Tt u 38 I'lIl, 1, R- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ~~~~~~114k( tt/if u- f, f t9k ~~t~~slmt~ 19 xtl ' III R to^

126 - PLATE LXIX 184 X -.E ti. --.[-.. t - T a,o da4,~ Y-m "~~ e^ ~~'~:r ~f(~; I Al I "Al 'I - \ bb- p, J E-t ta-, V4 A D~A " 4ff4 P t :4 I T T /I/ aid ff 4m. "- z4 r _ P_ ---~/p/ii r 1 _ 1 i ti-vt. 1 Wrt= ~~~~~LI ~ ~ L YU - Iw dd~ ~~ 7 V+4 't-p 1 20, 2 iti,i b-t b -a-p P - ^a~ftjifirfww^ '.~ MT 18 o. N 'd t -A t i g- ~P ryfg~g m- d\g bffjpt ii t AR- a n 2 'L.--0 T I f X 18 6 tm I I-M et^w;t ^W~~p;T~ ~-i"""w ' 1-rI"j k, I,1, - A r9 r,, Z-11 I I ,.. T lk m~9~ 1k g i-li~~~i~ap V 'Ty ~ ka x Rf..o r ff w yy_ I- t. - - I s gg 'x'i.ak PM '"' i;f ' gct A40W-,, I.- vsmwwei^^- R

127 - PLATE LXX 187 o. k 41e W Wy 0 AL' E18 4l^tTk ffj r?-.. I. -_ -- - L- r-v kv-- 4 %R 9,. I t-..--, m F wl 9g 4- WP \T T-wkWA El K~t k--r F E " I I I. I i %--Lb~g V-I ~~; bab ;, ///Y/!//?i//SI /f / I:-Af gvq ~ g~t~i ~ ~ ~gow bjb~~bb64,vr-i- 190 o - S. ^' y m -L^^ =-W (r F b ^if? %^^1b ^^ 'g~e~~ r t ii Ia 09 I qfji ~ ~ 3/ 1o 0s,,,r.~~ f:,- ~!,, ~~~~~~~~~ * f9 e 191,bt ~>r 189,,;~ 4,,WF/~~~~~ ^ ^ 4^^:^^ ^w«4acg 4^«F$ w a J( b-&,,-- g# m ~~H^y~ b^m^,o ^_<w. ~ ^w t4w ~'~w~ b^tff'g~r

128 K14MA- 192 PA4v;j~3~t 194 PLATE LXXI /1 I /,f 1//(1/ 1 'IfI TT~~~~~~~~~/i/~/II ~~~b`p~ ~TT..,, I., L 7 - Vk ailk..v~b-a~ 4w ltv ~4 ~.I. g ~4q ft b# "K/ N- ~I&t 47 %, - an,, 1 )~* b q ti~~~~f1.k I -UV L-g 1 wtc AWW r P7F-vF/f,4I 1 Lo. E. W 4.k 7 ; SyF,, 4\ 1 't,i,i... 1 S ' '.1 v( 1, - IIII JIjl; ffitwi f 70 Td-v :w van bt- --,o ~{~ i-^^^xteg^ -- 1,_ BA,-I tklk I I, I I r m.[ bb~i~~~ W ~~~~3~~~~~~I~~~~~ nvg-q~ b~pq

129 PLATE LXXII 0 -jai. ~B, -FT-rI 196 WR ~ -p^ p4.w, II ta LTAT. _,',',T F't 'I t1 -K ;^4t VTI 1 7V ms I -~- e 1 V 171 i t~i flt/ X v VV i i- J -- i i i i i I, -.y TT T1-..- " -t i f 4, TX I- ~--t f hf til k LWH Ir S4 7T - I _.._ - 4I k.,.., x Jt I tf_^,, ~- ~."' k /V i i i i i i i......%. ~.7 x t l e, l l i _ I i I k.. i i IlrvTTTf-V I 7w / I -vvt, TITTT-,,, si 1 T-r J 7. I" - -- L a \1 v[/ I~~'t v ~W~gs~u -4 k-tt 9--l (-Aab~~~~~~~-~~~~~... b~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ irr~~~~~~~~~~~w-~~~~~~~cre:~~~~ " W^^-^H 1A^ k $ g o' ' ao ~ e t^^f ^ ^i ^^^i^^gl ^ q1" a HL-9 ^"[0 r<a ^Tgln^^ A4

130 PLATE LXXIII ff /"Ue 1/ o. 11^^$kt l3#//11 T ^^fc^^^^^^w^ ^^^^ I~il IKZ A f qes-- 0. ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~m~~~~~l~ B:~f,,,,7:I4~ B~~ ~F! i*_,j J^V^ "'o ~ ~~~A -- ~ ~ ~~ f?. R4 - ^wtw^^w^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ iw w^ ^ra <k g aq 201 n^ ^&1 ^^n^^ha.^ fftigfi>t4

131 CONTINUED 203 '40 / i/ii ' I... t il i f/ tnlt/ff/ ffyfss /// / ;^W^f^/isX//t////A/zza{vXA/zxtfi // I 1 /// i/ Ijr<ii i ' i/i lt////////// il//i tlf// l/// i U if z iii/fll/./ /// li f/f / ///f//,// i /'-'//// ~ Ii//f/ftlr It//// i/f/ t 1f ifllfii fl //1// / // / i//i f if//i /lll/ f/ii/~4t /i/////////f/1i// /If1t1{1/ I 4~ PLATE LXXIV ff/ J/M///fj/f//I////////// '/////////;f///f//u/ LY Y.f;//M 1 / i (-/fi/^lil/[/t/l//^i /t/,//'/f//f///////f/l[t : ~ /'4N f - ^ ' ''d ~ I/f//l/ f//////w//// // ik 4 x ~~~~~~~-, N/.kU B' 4 ///i/ ////l//,/, I f/i [?l lf 1 / i/{/i/if/il /f /1/i ////l,~ 40 m 407 '"- //, / _/t/ / f \ / 1~ ~/j/:~ 204 ih/7'//" //, //i,, ^-m?. h 2'ff ^rasure.,4 N-- Y/II/8/I,'''' /llt F/f/f/f/,i iiiiiiiiii itii/i /i/m//i/ \ \ ///l/: "'L _ a 'S t/hi// i,' ~~~~~~~~q/1 ^^-^^- '/1, //^ :c /'// %^^^, Y,. /ll ~ ( n i</f///nf-,.l/./////////,i/ 1 /f// fi / / /// ff/ t/ / //// ////// 1/1//f,/, 2! ^ AY///(/i1/^w/y////f////////////////z////J/ a',l 812fr 1u /ft 4F/zzIAR //////~I//I/if/ //,. E.. '-1// #///-j! ~te --,'1/,t/, //~ /S// / rh4 Y// Ift/z/{///g/y/////z// / l///i///// ^%@,_ '///''//i _1 //'/ I //// I//u ' '~"'ff/, ~1.(././ f..q~ I"Y / /./.4l ~ ^w ft l l(111/(11h/l (///t/i;//{/f, /H"l t )f////n l iw l '/~,,{{{{/~ 'Itl'/l! i [l/ i///1t// / / tl/,llftft '~ / +4z,,~) ~ [!!Sl~lfl/llf~l//t~l/(// l/f//fw ( t/ l///// N//////,/////~/, 1, //////L/H/// l///f ll///m/l f, J \-/ 1 1/{1 Rl f /j/ ll! /1~t~tf/if /t/i/ 1 ],///.///7/.,/,0 ////f.//f////// //il //////////////,/ //f////////, /f/,\/f/i /t/itftitiii / I/i///t/f/ll / /////fl//// ^/^ I /,/,f/i//// ///////////////i/ //f// ///f// / / /1, // //,////i,.j///,/f ' ////./ f///// ///// ///,//,1"1H//f////////// ////N/////// /////fl/f/l ////l//// l ///i"///^///b/ / l /z// f ///////////////// // // / / "/ / I'. I t H 6 '/ fwf'l/// l /. / I / /l/f ///,/,/ /// f/////f // ///////f /lt /f R /[l /11/l l/t/ { // / l l/ l l / t//l // / / f //z //I/t/ / (, '.f. m7/~////"/i1i1t/z/~/^///////////////j////,/ 6 I////////'fl//I~// f^ /f//gt li//wl ' (f (. II! / /u x ' 6 '# u 1,, / / / // ' // / // /Z////////r//////N, /i ///// ll ///// i//// ////I I/// /f/il! '.~ lh/{///,/tl~ t' / t i-/fr 1/'f/f//'//,_._/f/^/ /f R - 20 ~w ^^ Wp ^^WH^p~, ^T?^^^^[^,+ ////////f/ /////ff;/ ^^ i^/'' fi~; '///l//////~ Iif, i //////(// fll /I///// //uf,, I'l /,/I /////// l//, if 1//If///1I,//////I//////f // -A i//l //// f////// f/// 0. / llf// / //// l////,//~/ I ^1 in ^3^8 b 70 r H 4 ^ 9 *i ~ ^ 1 1 t - i, hi, V /// -'//l/l////////'lltf(l ^/// /////, //'/A//// l//,{/ / P 4;a4 -X9 ia4tg~~~~s~ //i v -1//I v f///ii ////1/'/ \ r//i,//////// f////z / f,/i //// f //{// i,,/ ' 1//Vff - R T4 ~Z~-~\ ~bi-i4 %a^^^»%^b~g Indistinct aenl impressions

132 ._ :.~~--- PLATE LXXV 7 OBVERSE ~~~~~; PA- ' 4V Yff Vdli 207 REVERSE bl- ~. 4-1 I -- 60I FTa E II 1- '-V.. v1- I. )111.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ''r~~~~~~rb~~~~pp~~~~~~~-~~~i///i///~~17/tf/

133 _. 2 PLATE LXXVI 208 JffA4., J,., 1LA/mI OBVERS COL II 1 I

134 PLATE LXXVII REVERSE COL. IV. COL. III. ; I l I1 1 7 ~-, t 20 I/i

135 PLATE LXXVIII ka &.A - A17'--A A -J A -' I& A. et (#VALL4j VLEM~~j io~e~-4 +~fql - t: ff ~ ~- 1 4~w I )q ff & vi9 )a--ms-t4t~ 0. 2 o.,tr 211 g11,i tt--sf~-e 9 "- -,,.. Cohn

136 CONTINUED _. : A _-. %_, 7 t -1,.._ 4" ~ I me; T ~~ H 1/1 213 PLATE LXXIX 0 t ye ^ ~. fil I/i xi A, ~, I i// // llllr~li,~~~~~~~~~~~~/ II ~IlRn~//://I /I/Il, 1+Ace > W Indistinct seal impressions 214 # -.M P^ , i ;.^ ^.'C ~. \ K ^t.... Rfl I rli ~~ i~~j I - T7 s k4& P A-~ *11.1 I 70 P. 9 -Mk~Allgm ka 71~~~~~~~~~-q~~~~1..., 0 -,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4 vxl -~ ~_ r4 b, -tta r ~~~~~~~~~-~ tiff I k7 I t~~~~~~~~~~p "Ir I - j 1~ Iv- 9-49t * I; t li / 1 1 I/ I ff"';

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