DISCUSSION QUESTION: What is the difference between history and geography? Why is it important to study both?

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1 OWH C1 P1 CHAPTER 1: AN INTRODUCTION TO HISTORY & GEOGRAPHY I. (1.1) GETTING STARTED A. History is the written record of humanity. It is the true story of what mankind has done with the time God has given him and how God has sovereignly intervened with (involved himself with) and guided it. B. Geography is the study of the earth s surface, including continents, oceans, rivers, mountains, islands, and other features of the earth. DISCUSSION QUESTION: What is the difference between history and geography? Why is it important to study both? Figure 1: The Eastern Hemisphere, or Eastern half of the world, where most of the "Old World" resides. (Add Copyright) C. In this class we will be learning about Old World or Eastern Hemisphere history. Old World refers to the part of the world where history began and where history has lasted for the oldest and longest time. The Eastern Hemisphere is the half of the world where most of the Old World continents are. This includes the continents of Asia, Europe, Africa, Australia, and Antarctica. D. The New World or Western Hemisphere, which includes North and South America was settled much later by the first Native Americans and by colonists from the Old World. That is why it is called New. E. Since Asia is where history begins, we will start by studying that continent. MAPPING ACTIVITY: Look at your Old World/New World map in your notebook. Find the 5 continents in the Old World section? Do you notice anything about them?

2 OWH C1 P2

3 Continents & Oceans Map Mnemonics: OWH C1 P3 Directions: Practice reading and saying these mnemonics, a device to help you remember something, while looking at our chapter map and touching the places we are talking about. Eventually try to say and remember the mnemonics while only looking at the map without looking at the words. CONTINENTS: 1. Never Stop Eating Apples, Apples, Apples, Apples! Never North America, Stop South America, Eating Europe, Apples Africa, Apples Asia, Apples Australia, Apples Antarctica. OCEANS: 2. I Ate Some Apple Pie! I Indian Ocean, Ate Atlantic Ocean, Some Southern Ocean, Apple Arctic Ocean, Pie Pacific Ocean CARDINAL DIRECTIONS: 3. Never Eat Slimy Worms! Never North, Eat East, Slimy South, Worms West (Other Variations: Naughty Elephants Spray Water, Never Eat Shredded

4 OWH C1 P4 Wheat, Never Eat Soggy Waffles, Never Ever Smoke Weed)

5 II. (1.2) IMPORTANCE OF UNDERSTANDING GEOGRAPHY OWH C1 P5 A. Understanding Geography is important because even though we often don t realize it, the surface of the earth has a huge impact on history both in the past and the present. Generally, where something happened in history is just as important as when it happened and who was involved. COMPREHENSION CHECK 1A: DIRECTIONS: Use your notes (and textbook if needed) to answer the following questions. 1. What is the definition of history? The written record of humanity 2. What is the definition of geography? The study of the earth s surface 3. Which continents make up the Old World? Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, Antarctica 4. Which continents make up the New World? North America, South America 5. What are the five oceans? Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Arctic Ocean, Southern Ocean, Indian Ocean III. (1.3a) THE BEGINNINGS OF HUMAN HISTORY A. THE CREATION OF MAN - Even though History can be complicated, confusing, and uncertain, the Bible outlines the most important events in history for us, past, present and future. A great and simple Christian outline of history can be made using the ideas of 1. Creation, 2. Fall, 3. Redemption, and 4. Restoration.

6 a a OWH C1 P6 CHRISTIAN OUTLINE OF HISTORY: As we go through the following sections, fill in this outline of history. 1. CREATION 3. REDEMPTION 4. RESTORATION 2. FALL B.C. / B.C.E.? A.D. / C.E. God made all things out of nothing. Humans bring sin into the world. Jesus comes, lives, and dies to save us. Jesus returns to make all things new. When you are finis hed, put a? where you think we are living on this outline. B. CREATION - History begins with God s creation of the world. Almost all scientists agree today that the universe had a beginning and that everything that there is came into being from nothing. As Christians we believe that there is a good explanation for this, God made it all. C. Genesis tells us the story of Adam and Eve who were some of the first people on earth. God gave human beings special abilities that no other creatures on earth have. We call this the Image of God. BIBLE CONNECTION: Look up and read Genesis 1:27. Discuss the following questions. 1. What do you think the image of God is? 2. Who are the only beings created in the image of God? 3. What about humans is special or different from other creations? D. The image of God may include abilities like 1. Speaking and Thinking 2. Knowing Right and Wrong 3. Having a relationship with God

7 OWH C1 P7 E. FALL - Genesis also describes the fall of man. Because of human s choice to sin we became separated from God and the curse of sin became a regular part of our human lives and the world. Sin prevents us from having a relationship with God and fills ourselves and our world with evils. Because of the fall history is filled with stories of War, Sickness, Poverty, Crime, and Death. DISCUSSION QUESTION: What are some of the bad things in our world that are the result of sin? F. In spite of our sin, because of the image of God in humans and God s gracious blessings, history is also filled with stories of good things such as the Making of great nations, great learning and discoveries in wisdom and science, great works of art, and great human achievements. DISCUSSION QUESTION: What are some are the good things you see in history that show God s image? G. REDEMPTION God did not leave humans to suffer forever for their sins. God promised a Savior. The coming of Jesus Christ is the most important event in history. Jesus was the hope that people waited for in the past and he is the reason we can live with hope in the present and future. 1. NOTE ON DATES Old historians recognized the importance of Jesus to world history and our dating system is even built around him! The terms B.C. and A.D. or B.C.E. and C.E. are often used when referring to dates in history. 2. B.C. Means Before Christ and refers to events that happened before the birth of Christ.

8 OWH C1 P8 3. A.D. Means Anno Domini which is latin for in the year of our Lord meaning events that happened after Jesus came. 4. Since historians now work with others from around the world and from many different religions, many now use the letters B.C.E. which means Before the Common Era and C.E. which means Common Era. These terms are used out of respect for nonchristian historians and cultures, but they really mean the same thing as B.C. and A.D. H. RESTORATION The Bible tells us that history has a purpose. God is building his church and one day Jesus Christ will return to rescue his people from all sin and evil, rule everything as the perfect king, and remake all into a beautiful and perfect new creation. As Christians we are blessed to have an idea of the future! CLASS ACTIVITY: 1. Make sure your outline is filled in with the four parts of history. 2. Write down the brief summary of each part. 3. Put a? where we think we are currently living on the timeline. 4. Add B.C., A.D., B.C.E. and C.E. to your Christian outline of history. CLASS DISCUSSION: Discuss and write down any thoughts you have. 1. What do we mean when we say evolution? 2. Can a Christian believe that humans and animals evolved from other animals? What does the Bible say? 3. Do you think the earth/universe is only a couple thousand years old or millions and billions of years old?

9 IV. (1.3b) THE AGE OF THE EARTH AND EVOLUTION OWH C1 P9 A. There is a big debate in Christianity about the age of the earth and evolution. Most scientists and non-christians believe that the earth is very old (millions of years old), that the universe is very old (billions of years old), and that humans as well as all other plants and animals evolved, or gradually changed over long periods to time from simple things to more complex. This is the idea of evolution. B. Many Christians don t believe in evolution and think that according to the Bible and science, the earth is relatively young (about 6,000-10,000 years old) and that it was created during seven 24 hour days, just like it talks about in the Bible in Genesis chapter 1. C. Other Christians don t have a problem with the earth being very old and think that God just created it that way. Some of these Christians also feel that the idea of evolution is not against the teachings of the Bible. God could have just created many things using the process of evolution. D. Some non-christians who believe in evolution think that you don t need to believe in a God if evolution is true since everything just happens naturally. However, even believing in evolution does not change the need for a creator who would make everything from nothing and order the natural process of evolution. Also it does not change the amazing design of nature and its systems which points to there being a designer. PICTURE ANALYSIS: This picture is a common one shown when talking about the idea of evolution. How does it show this idea? DISCUSSION QUESTION: Which of these views do you think you agree with? What about your church?

10 OWH C1 P10 E. This is an issue which Christians disagree about but can be very passionate about. Since all Christians agree God is the creator and most agree that it is not a core Christian belief, most would agree that we can respect Christians of different views even if we disagree with them. CHRISTIANS DISAGREE YOUNG EARTH CREATION / CREATIONISM Christianity: Both groups have committed Christians. The Bible: Both believe the Bible is the true word of God. OLD EARTH CREATION / THEISTIC EVOLUTION Creation: Both believe God alone is the creator who made everything. What They Believe: God created the world about 6,000-10,000 years ago during seven 24 hour days. Genesis: The creation story in Genesis 1-2 is true and a scientific description of creation. Evolution: Most disagree with evolution. Noah s Flood: The flood was global and covered the entire earth. The flood caused many changes to the earth. Science: Many Christian scientists often called creation scientists believe this view. Adam and Eve: Adam and Eve were the first people to be specially created. All people come from them. Concerns About Other View: Evolutionists don t take the Bible seriously and misunderstand science. WANT MORE?: Answersingenesis.org What They Believe: God created the universe millions to billions of years ago. Genesis: The story of creation in Genesis is true, but not scientific. It is probably a poem. Evolution: Many agree with evolution. Noah s Flood: The flood was local, meaning it covered all the land that Noah could see but not the whole planet. Science: Many Christian scientists and most NonChristian scientists, believe this view. Adam and Eve: God may have used evolution to create Adam and Eve and other people. Concerns About Other View: Creation scientists don t take science seriously and make the Bible say things that it really does not say. WANT MORE?: Biologos.org

11 OWH C1 P11 DISCUSSION QUESTION: What do you think of the different views? Which makes more sense to you? Do you think Christians need to agree on this or is it possible to disagree respectfully? EXTENSION: Create a Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting the two views on evolution. V. (1.3c) The Beginning of Human Government A. Government is a very important part of history. The word government means the setting up of authorities to rule a city, state, or nation. God instructed men to set up governments to promote good and punish evil. There have been many different kinds of government throughout history. Here are some important ones. BIBLE CONNECTION: Look up and read Romans 13:1-7. Answer the following questions. 1. Why do you think we have government? Why is it important? Answers will vary. 2. Who does this passage say gave government it s authority? God gave government its authority. He instituted it. 3. What is government supposed to do to those who do good and bad? It is supposed to protect and reward the good and punish the bad 4. What does it say we pay to government so they can do their job? Taxes, Respect, Honor 1. Tribe A group of people banded together, often led by a chief.

12 OWH C1 P12 2. Absolute Monarchy This government often has a king! A person is born into power and rules until their death. Absolute means they have absolute power to rule, or do what they want. Monarchs are often known by other names such as kings, sultans, czars, emperors, and shahs. Many kings of the past and bible were absolute monarchs. 3. Constitutional Monarchy This is a government where a person is born into power, but their power is limited. Unlike an absolute monarch, the cannot do whatever they want. They usually share power with other leaders. Most kings and queens today are constitutional monarchs. Figure 3: Kim Jong Un, the dictator and leader of North Korea. (Add Copyright) 4. Dictatorship A dictator is similar to an absolute monarch in that it is rule by one person who has a lot of power, but it is usually rule by force. Dictators are often military leaders who use the power of the army or police to control their countries. 5. Republic This is a government that is run by representatives of the people who are usually elected when the people vote for them. They also usually don t serve for life but only for a few years. Most free countries in world today, like the United States, are republics. No one person or group has all the power but it is shared. The ruler of a republic is often called a president. This is a newer form of government that is very popular today. Figure 2: Queen Elizabeth, the current queen of England, is a constitutional monarch. She has some power but she shares power with other parts of the government. (Add Copyright)

13 DISCUSSION QUESTION: 1. The United states is a Republic. How do our leaders come to power? Who shares power in the government? 2. How are some of the other types of government different from what we have in the United States? 1. OWH C1 P13 VI. (1.3d) The Beginning of Nations A. As humans began spreading around the world they began to organize themselves and form nations. under one ruler and subject to the same general laws. C. The land in which a nation dwells is called a country. B. Nations are a large body of people who think of themselves as one and are united D. When people come together as nations it can produce good results and evil results. In the story of the Tower of Babel, a group of people stay together and build a tower so that they can keep themselves safe, bring glory to themselves, and bring themselves to God by their own works. God instead confused the languages of the people at Babel and scattered them. E. The story of Babel is an example of Humanism when man makes himself what is most important rather than God. F. While we don t know exactly where the tower of Babel was, the land of Shinar (Sumer) is in modern day Iraq and the tower of Babel was probably a ziggurat, which was a popular stepped temple structure in those days. Figure 4: The Ruins of the Ziggurat at Ur. The tower of Babel was probably a ziggurat.

14 OWH C1 P14 COMPREHENSION CHECK 1C: DIRECTIONS: Use your notes (and textbook if needed) to answer the following questions. 1. What are the names of the two different Christian views on the age of the earth and evolution? Briefly summarize each view in your own words. Young Earth Creationist Believes that the earth is about 6,000-10,000 years old. They do not believe in evolution but instead believe that God directly created everything. They also don t believe in a universe that is millions or billions of years old. They say their view is the biblical view. Old Earth Creationists or Theistic Evolutionists Believe the earth is millions of years old and the universe is billions of years old. They often believe in evolution and don t have a problem with it and think it does not contradict the teachings of the Bible. 2. Which view of the age of the earth and evolution do you believe? Why? Answers will vary. 3. What is government? The setting up of authorities to rule a city, state, or nation 4. Why did God establish government or what is its purpose? The protect and reward good and punish evil 5. What kinds of rulers have absolute authority over his subjects? Absolute Monarchs, Dictators 6. A king can be a ruler of what kinds of governments? Absolute Monarchy, Constitutional Monarchy 7. What is a nation? What is a country? A nation is a large body of people who think of themselves as one and are united under one ruler and subject to the same general laws. A country is the land in which a nation dwells.

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