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1 Volume 2 Lesson 4

2 -., We've got a brand new memory verse this week, kids. Yep, and I know it this time. I've heard that before. You know today's memory verse? Sure do. It's an easy one. You're right. It is, and it's about something really good, isn't it? Sure is. Do you know where it's found? Sure, I do. It's found in the Bible. We know that. Where in the Bible? On page 547. No. What book, chapter and verse? Oh, James 4:7. You're right. Deputy, I'm proud of you. You should be. I've been practicing real hard. Go ahead and tell us what the verse says. Resist the devil... Yep, what else?...or he'll put fleas on you. Deputy, that's not how that verse goes. It's Resist the devil, and he will flee from you," not put fleas on you. Good. There for a minute that scripture was starting to bug me. James 4:7 says, "Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." That's a good verse to know. It's a great verse to know and say. This is going to be a great lesson today. It sure is. See you later. Let's say it together. (Lead cfass in repeating the memory verse.) Volume 2 1 Lesson 4

3 PO",R,-PA'''iD PUPP'T ~"IT "SAY 'NO' TO THE DEVil" CHARACTERS: Oogene, Jeanie Mae, Mama Greene, satan's voice SCENE I: OOGENE'S ~EDROOM (Oogene is looking at his baseball card collection.) Satan: Satan: Satan: Satan: Satan: (offstage) Oogene! Oogene! What do you want? I want you to come down here. I've got some chores for you to do. (to himself) I don't want to do chores. I just got all these baseball cards out. Why do moms always do that? Just when you start to have fun, they want you to work. (offstage) You shouldn't have to work until you're done having fun. Who said that? (offstage) This is your own mind, Kid. You're thinking this yourself. I ought to be able to have fun first and work when I want to. (offstage) You don't have to do what she says. I don't have to do everything my mom tells me. (offstage) Now you're talking, Kid. Tell her you're not feeling good and you can't come right now. You don't feel good about working, do you? I'm going to tell my mom I'm not feeling good right now and see if she'll let me out of doing those chores. I'm not really lying, because I don't feel good about doing chores. (offstage) Way to go, Oogene. Follow your feelings. This must be okay. All my feelings are telling me to do this. (offstage) Oogene! 1want you down here now! I'm not feeling good, Mom. I need to lay down for awhile. I'll do the chores some other time. (offstage) Are you okay? I'll be all right. You don't have to come up. 1just need a little extra rest. (offstage) All right. I'll check on you later. (to himself) Ifs amazing what you can get away with when you put your mind to it. SCENE 2: JEANIE MAE'S ~EDROOM (Jeanie Mae is doing homework. Oogene enters.) Hey, Jeanie, have you seen my Cal Ripken card anywhere? Volume 2 3 Lesson 4

4 I haven't seen your old card. What are you doing out of your room anyway? I thought you told Mom you weren't feeling good. I did and I'm not. You look fine to me. Does your stomach hurt? No. Is your head bothering you? Only when I look at you. There's nothing wrong with you. Yes, there is. What then? I don't feel good about doing chores. Work makes me sick. You lied to Mom just to get out of doing your chores. I didn't lie. I just explained it to you. It's a lie and you know it. I'm giving you five seconds to head downstairs and tell Mom the truth or I'm going to tell her myself. One-two-three... All right, snitch. I'll go. (He exits.) SCENE 3: THE LIVING ROOM (Mama Greene is cleaning. Jeanie Mae enters.). What 'cha doing, Mom? Just a lillie straightening up is all. Did Oogene come down and talk to you? I haven't heard a peep from him since he said he wasn't feeling good. Oogene lied to you, Mom. He told me he doesn't feel good about doing chores and that work makes him sick. Is that so? What's he been doing all this time? I'm not sure. When he came in my room he was looking for one of his baseball cards. Was it Cal Ripken? How did you know? I found it underneath the couch while I was cleaning. I think I'll pay Oogene a visit and return his card to him. SCENE 4-: OOGENE'S ~EDROOM (Oogene is still searching for his lost baseball card.) (to himself) It's golla be around here somewhere. I've looked in the closet, under my bed, and in my dresser. Where could it be? (Mama Greene enters holding the baseball card.) Volume 2 4 Lesson 4

5 Looking for this? (startled) Mom? uh...er... um... (coughs a little) I was just going to lay back down on my bed. I think bending over it would be a more appropriate position. Mom, I can explain. I'm listening. Uh...well...uh... (He hangs his head.) You lied to me, Oogene. I didn't want to stop having fun. chores. Your chores really wouldn't have taken that long. I'd just gotten all my baseball cards out when you called me to do I know. I just didn't want to stop what I was doing. All these thoughts kept coming to my mind saying I should be able to have fun first and do what I want to do. Even all my feelings told me I was right. The devil tempted you, Oogene. And when you gave in to him, you sinned by lying and disobeying. Those thoughts were the devil? I thought it was me thinking them. The devil tempts us by putting thoughts in our minds. He has to get us thinking about the wrong thing before he can talk us into doing it. But it even felt right to say and do those things. That was your flesh wanting to yield to the temptation. The devil works on areas in our lives he thinks he can have success in. He found one with me, didn't he? You should have resisted him with the Word of God, Oogene. When you put your foot down, say 'No" to the devil and speak God's Word to him, he'll leave you alone. The more you do it, the less trouble you'll have with temptation. I'll do better next time, Mom. I'm sorry. I believe you will, Oogene. And now, for that bend-over-the-bed position... (Oogene's mouth drops wide-open.) Volume 2 5 Lesson 4

6 ~\BiBlE ~ ILLII~T~ATiD ~E~MO" ~ "RESIST THE DEVIL" SCRIPTURES TO STUDY: Matthew 4:1-11 James 4:7 Ephesians 6:17 I Peter 5:8-9 Hebrews 4:12 NEEDED: Bible, machete, 4 or 5 large apples O~JECTS HOW TO PREPARE: Practice slicing apples in mid-air with the machete. MESSAGE: A. Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit into a desolate place so that satan could tempt Him. 1. Jesus was so close to God that satan had no regular chance to tempt Him. 2. Jesus had to become weak in order for satan to offer Him temptations. 3. The Holy Spirit does not lead us into temptation. B. Jesus was tempted in the three ways that all men are tempted. 1. He was tempted with the lust of the flesh when satan tried to get Him to turn stones into bread for food. 2. He was tempted with the lust of the eyes when satan offered Him the kingdoms of this world and their glory in exchange for His worship. 3. He was tempted with the pride of life when satan enticed Him to jump from the pinnacle of the Temple to prove He was the Son of God A. Sin always leads to death and destruction. 1. Sin offers pleasure for a short while, but it always leads to destruction. 2. When people are tempted to do wrong, they never stop to think about the end results of the sin. They think only of the immediate reward. B. The things satan presented to Jesus were designed to kill Him. 1. After a forty-day fast, Jesus would have died had He eaten solid food immediately. 2. If He had purposely jumped from the pinnacle of the Temple, He would have fallen to His death for tempting God.. 3. If He had turned from the Father God to worship satan, He would have become a sinner like all other men and the hope of salvation would be lost A. We have a weapon to use against our enemy, the devil. (Hold up Bible.) 1. We cannot resist satan with ordinary weapons. Volume 2 7 Lesson 4

7 2. We must resist him in the same way that Jesus resisted him. 3. Jesus resisted satan by quoting scriptures. B. When we speak God's Word in faith, our words become an invisible spiritual sword. (Pull out the machete and hold it in the air.) 1. Satan has no defense against the sword of the Spirit. 2. We cannot be defeated as long as we use the sword. (Swing the machete.) C. Satan must flee when we resist him. (Throw an apple into the air and cut it in half.) 1. God's Word says that satan flees, as in terror, when we resist him (James 4:7). (Throw another apple into the air and cut it in half.) 2. When he flees, his work stops. D. Jesus prepared Himself for combat with satan by learning the scriptures He would need in battle. (Throw another apple into the air and cut it in half. Repeat until all apples are used.) 1. Jesus needed more than one scripture to defeat satan. 2. We must learn scriptures that give us protection from every attack satan can throw at us. Volume 2 8 Lesson 4

8 ~) ROt"~'OM'~J TH' FAITH DOG t.;j (fa DAY OF RESISTING" THE LESSON: (Rovercomer enters the classroom. noises and barking.) Hello, Rovercomer. What are you doing? (barks, as if explaining) He is acting like he is in a sword fight with an imaginary opponent, making sword-like Oh, you're playing "sword fight." You say this sword fight reminds you of something that happened to you yesterday? What? (to children) Boys and girls, he's going to tell a story, and I will interpret for him. Go ahead, Rovercomer. Rovercomer says that yesterday his master woke him up to feed him and told him to be a good dog today. He said his master told him he would be alone in the house all day, because she would be at the mall shopping. It was very important that he be a good, obedient dog while she was gone. He says that she told him to remember all the good things she had taught him and she would return at six o'clock that evening. He says after being alone for a few hours, he got bored. He says he was looking for his chew toy, so he could play, but he couldn't find it. (barks, then stops suddenly, as if spotting something) He says all of a sudden, he was tempted to chew the legs on the new coffee table. That's something he used to do when he was a puppy. He says the temptation was so strong he just about did it. But right before he put that table leg in his mouth, he suddenly knew what was happening. (to Rovercomer) What was happening? It was the devil? Volume 2 9 Lesson 4

9 He was trying to get you to disobey your master with temptation? But you knew what to do? What did you do? You got out your sword? You have a real sword? (barks, as if to say, "Not a real sword') Oh, not a real sword. What kind of sword? You got out the sword of the Spirit and that's the Word of God? He says the only way to get rid of the devil is to speak the Word of God to him, and when you do that, it is like hitting him with a sword. He says the devil hates the Word of God. It scares him away. He says the Word of God says, "Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." So he started speaking the Word. What did you say? He told the devil, "I am being tempted to act disobediently, but the Bible says in Ephesians 6:1, 'Children obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right: and so I resist you with God's Word, Mr. Devil, and you must flee." He said it was not his parents that he was obeying. It was his master, but it all works the same. (to Rovercomer) That's right, Rovercomer. What happened next? He said temptation left him, but later in the day, something else happened? What? He said there was a freshly-baked chocolate cake on the kitchen countertop. He said from time-to-time his master would give him a small piece of cake and he loved it. He said he was tempted to jump up on that countertop and stick his face in that cake. Rovercomer, I've known dogs that would have done that. So what did you do? (barks and acts as ifhe's pulling out a sword) You got your sword out? Volume 2 10 Lesson 4

10 (to the children) Boys and girls, he said, "I know that's you again, devil." He said, "I recognize this temptation and I resist you with the Word of God" (barks while swinging the sword) He said, "The Bible says in James 4:7, 'Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.'" (barks and continues swinging the sword) He said, "I will obey my master. I refuse.to eat that cake." (to Rovercomer) That's great, Rovercomer. You were being a good dog. There's one more thing you were tempted with? But you have to whisper this one in my ear because it's embarrassing? All right, go ahead. (whispers in teacher's ear) You were tempted to do that? How will I say that to the boys and girls? (whispers again) All right. Boys and girls, this is something your pets might do on the carpet before they are housebroken. If you think you know what it is, don't say it out loud, because it will embarrass Rovercomer. (to Rovercomer) So what did you do? (barks and pulls out his imaginary sword again) You got out your sword again. (barks while swinging the sword) He said, "James 4:7 says, 'Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.' Now, you flee from me, in Jesus' Name." You said that you were an obedient dog and you would obey your master. About that time your master came home? She looked around the house and said, "Rovercomer, you have been such a good dog today, I'm going to give you a treat." She gave you three dog biscuits? That's right, it pays to resist the devil. Thanks for that great story. (exits) Volume 2 11 Lesson 4

11 ,,,, know who's behind this allack. The Word ofgod also lets us know, if we're submilled to the Lord, we can resist the devil and he has to flee. " The south winds were pushing the Salvation along at a good pace. Behind them, however, another ship appeared to be trying to catch them. "Who does she belong to?" Captain Faith asked Mr. Smith. Mr. Smith stared carefully through his spyglass. He looked over at Captain Faith with some concern. "She's flying the Jolly Roger, Captain. And she's headed our way. " "Full sail, Mr. Smith," ordered the Captain. see if we can outrun her." "Let's. "But how are we going to resist him if we don't fight with our guns?" blurted out a sailor. "Jesus resisted the devil by speaking the Word of God to him," responded the Captain, "and that's what we're going to do. Isaiah 54:17 says, 'No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper. ' Regardless ofwhat we have to face, I want us all to be speaking that scripttlre against the devil. " All the men agreed to speak the Word against the enemy. Captain Faith gave the order to stop trying to outrun the pirates and to put up the white flag. It didn't take long for the pirate ship to catch up to the Salvation and pull alongside. "Full sai!!" repeated Mr. Smith to the crew. make herfly!" "Let's "Put down all weapons!" came the callfrom the pirates. "We're going to board your ship'" The Salvation was a very fast ship, but even at full sail, the pirate ship still managed to shorten the distance between them. "She's going to catch us eventually," said Mr. Smith to the Captain. "Could we defeat her in bailie'" asked Captain Faith. "From what I can tell she's got more guns than us-more men, too. I don't think we could win, Captain. " Captain Faith thought things over for a few minutes. "Assemble the crew, Mr. Smith. I need to say something to them. " "Aye, Sir," said Mr. Smith. With all the crew on deck, Captain Faith addressed them from the ship's helm. "As you probably know by now, men, we're being pursued and overtaken by a pirate ship. You know I'm not afraid to fight in situations like this, but we're out-manned and out-gunned, so we're going to fight the Lord's way. The Bible tells us it's the devil who comes to steal, kill and destroy, so we The captain of the pirate ship was a tall, heavy-set man with a full beard. A huge scar ran the length of his cheek, and one hand had been replaced by a hook. He and several of his men boarded the Salvation. Looking things over, he boldly declared, "You have been captured by Captain John CUllhroat, the fiercest pirate to ever sail the Caribbean! My ship is called the Dark Ghost," he continued, waving his hook around. "My men are the meanest band ofscurvy naves to ever fly the Jolly Roger!" Captain Faith could sense the fear beginning to creep up in his men. He stepped forward and made a bold declaration of his own. "My name is Captain Faith, captain ofthe Salvation and the finest group ofsailors to sail the high seas. 'No weapon formed against us shall prosper" " Cutthroat and his men were taken off-guard by Captain Faith's boldness. He walked over to Captain Faith, wincing to hold back his anger and stared at him, eyeball to eyeball. Captain Faith refused to be intimidated and stared back at Captain Cutthroat. Volume 2 13 Lesson 4

12 Cutthroat raised his hook hand, placing it behind Captain Faith's neck. "You, my fellow caploin, are going 10 die!" "No weapon formed againsl me shall prosper," repealed Caplain Failh boldly. Cutthroat stepped back, his rage building. He pulled a pistol and fired it at Captain Faith's feet. Captain Faith never flinched. Cutthroat and his men returned to their ship and cut themselves loose from the Salvation. "What are you going to do, Mr. Smith?" asked one ofihe sailors. "They're aboulia fire their ship's guns. " "Keep speaking the Word, men!" said Mr. Smilh. "No weapon formed against us shall prosper'" "No weapon fanned againsl me shall prosper," he declared again.,,, BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! The sound of the cannons roared from the pirate ship. "lei me tell you somelhing!" Cutthroal shouted. "We're taking your supplies and anything else of value we can find on this ship. When we're done, we're going to blow yoil out ofthe water! All of you, excepl your captain here, have a choice. You can join the Dark Ghost and become a pirate under my command, or you can be blown lip with the ship. What'll it be?" The sailors on the Salvation looked at each other and began to speak it alit loud. "No weapon formed against us will prosper!" That sent Captain Cutthroat over the edge. ''I'm going to kill every last One ofyou! " he showed wilh rage. "Your captain will be Ihe firstl Ready me a plank, " he commanded his men. His mind clouded by fury, Cutthroat forgot all about taking the supplies and valuables from the Salvation. A plank was brought over from the pirate ship and secured to the opposite side of the Salvation. Captain Faith's hands were tied behind his back and he was told to step up on the plank. "We'll see how long those legs ofyours can keep you afloat," said Cutthroat. "What have yoil got to say for yourselfnow?" "No weapon fanned againsl me shall prosperi" declared Captain Faith. "Walk the plank!" ordered Cutthroat. lilaok a momenlfor Mr. Smilh to realize Ihal nolhing had happened to the Salvation. "They all must have misfired," he said out loud. Mr. Smith looked at the side of the Dark Ghost. The damage done by their own guns misfiring was causing her to take in too much water. "Shall we fire our guns and sink her, Mr. Smith?" asked a sailor. "Let Ihem be," said Mr. Smith. "Thev'll be fortunate if they haven't sunk themselves. Lei's locale the captain. " Mr. Smith turned the Salvation back to where the captain had walked off the plank. All the crew began to yell for him. "I see him!". yelled a sailo/: ', The rowboat was lowered, and Captain Faith was pulled from the sea. Back onboard the ship, the captain thanked Mr. Smith. "My legs couldn'l have lasted milch longer, Mr. Smilh. Howeve,; Ihey lasted long enough for Ihe Word ofgod 10 work-no weapon fanned againsills prospered." Captain Faith responded, walking the length of the plank, and then he stepped off. An evil smile crossed the face of Captain Cutthroat. "That's the end ofyour captain," he smirked. "Now I'm gonna take care ofthe bunch ofyou!" lume 2 14 Lesson 4

13 ,vaterials NEEDED: A bag of marshmallows, several cans of whipped cream, paper plates, 2 rolls of paper towels, and a table placed at the front of the classroom HOW TO PLAY THE GAME: 1. Divide the class into two teams. 2. Choose one child from each team to answer each review question. Have the chosen representatives form team lines at opposite ends of the table. 3. For each child's turn to answer a review question, cover a marshmallow completely with a mound of whipped cream on a paper plate. 4. When you say, "go," the kids must find the marshmallow with their mouth. The first child to find the marshmallow gets the first chance to answer the question. Award 10,000 points to the team who responds correctly. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins! REVIEW QUESTIONS: 1. Why did the Holy Spirit have to lead Jesus to a place so satan could tempt Him? 2. Does the Holy Spirit lead us into temptation? 3. In what three ways was Jesus tempted just like all men are tempted? 4. What will sin always lead a person to? 5. When people are tempted to do wrong, why don't they stop to think about the end results of the sin? 6. What was each temptation satan presented to Jesus designed to do? 7. How did Jesus resist each temptation satan brought against Him? 8. What happens to our words when we speak God's Word in faith? 9. What happens to satan when we resist him with God's Word? 10. How should we, like Jesus, prepare ourselves for combat with satan? Volume 2-15 Lesson 4

14 ROVERCOMER, THE FAITH DOG Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks? Rovercomer, The Faith Dog is a dog gone-good! He has a new master and he has been bone-again! And he is full of faith! Rovercomer wasn't always a Christian dog. He used to be in a bad dog gang and would chase boys and girls on bicycles. He would steal newspapers from people's homes and tear open their trash bags. He was a real bad dog. They say that a dog is man's best friend, but Rovercomer knows better. He found out that Jesus is man's Best Friend. Today Rovercomer, The Faith Dog is a great helper in churches all over the world. He loves telling boys and girls about the lessons he has learned and the faith he now has in the Lord. DEPUTY DUGAN Deputy Dugan is an old prospector from the mountains of Colorado. He:s been digging for the mother load for many a year now, but so far, nothing has ever really panned out. In fact, if the truth were known, Deputy Dugan's probably lost more than he's found up in those mountains, like his hair and his hearing. Most of the time you have to repeat yourself several times before he hears and understands what you're saying. But, underneath that crusty, temperamental, old rascal lies a heart of solid gold when it comes to kids. He's easily corrected and quick to repent when he sees the light from God's Word. He's found that God's Word is worth far more than gold or silver. Volume 2 Character Profiles

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