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1 Healing the Inner conflict.


3 You must love your neighbour as yourself! Brendan Mc Crossan Dedicated to Elizabeth Johnson who inspired me to write this booklet Matthew Honour your father and your mother, and, you shall love your neighbour as [you do] yourself. {Amplified Bible} & NKJV One You shall love yourself As I prayed with a lady who suffered from a digestive tract problem, the lord told me she didn t like herself, she had resentment at herself, and when I told her this she replied after a few moments that she did not like the weight she was at, and in fact was resenting this. The lord spoke to me and said, You must love your neighbour as yourself, Then asked, Would she love her neighbour if they were fat. She replied, Of course. Then you must love yourself as you love that fat neighbour. I asked her if she would still love her husband if he got fat, and she replied, of course I would. Then love your husband as yourself. What the lord was showing both her and myself was that we are supposed to love ourselves no matter what we look like, if we can love a neighbour then we must begin to really love ourselves. God didn t make clones with every woman with a figure like Marlin Monroe or whoever you think has a fantastic figure, Or a man with a body like Charles Atlas a famous body builder in my day, or Sylvester Stallone. No! he made us all individuals, some of us will be fat, some thin, some small and some tall, we come in all different shapes and sizes, but God made us all to be different. No two people have the same fingerprints and now they have discovered that no two people have the same eyes, they are so unique that they are planning to use our eyes on our passports and security documents. We are unique to God and to each other. Millions of people on this planet and no two have the same fingerprint or the same eye iris. What a God we have who has made us completely different from others, no two being the exact same, not even twins. That s God for you, he s so loving he made us all special to himself. Were all different and that is awesome to think about. What attracts one man in a woman does not attract another man to the same woman, and vice versa. But God made us all and told us to love our neighbour, even if they are fat, thin, skinny, obese, tall, small, mini size or giant size, as ourselves. God didn t ask us to love our neighbour as ourselves he commanded it! He wrote it into the Ten Commandments, and then brought them forward to the time of Jesus and now to this very present day because the word of God is unchanging, and the two commandments mentioned later in chapter two are covered by one thing love. This was not a request by God to love him and second to love your neighbour as you are to love yourself, this was a direct order to do so it is a command a directive.

4 The Devil on the other hand has us looking at ourselves and encourages us to ridicule our shape or size, he sows discontentment into us, and as we stop loving ourselves we cause a reaction in our bodies, a conflict begins, because if we are overweight we try and diet and that is so depressing, because it is so difficult to keep to a strict diet. So Satan has us focus all our attention on the things about ourselves we don t like, and so we comfort eat; subconsciously eating and drinking to try and bring peace to ourselves. But if we do things God s way, by learning to love ourselves we accept ourselves and we don t need to comfort eat or drink too much for example. He has succeeded in getting our attention away from God for a while at least and focused us on to ourselves. He is out to destroy you any way that he can, through self destruction by rejecting the wonderful bodies God created for us, or any way he can, he has won this round in the battle. The inner conflict What was happening to this lady s body was subconsciously she was rejecting the food she was eating because she felt fat and her body reacted to this conflict inside her, and was causing the digestive problem, she wanted food but the body was reacting to what she really needed, to love herself and to eat less and so conflict occurred, hence the infection in the digestive tract. The spirit of God inside was telling her that we have to obey the commandment to love yourself and the soul {the mind} was saying I don t like you because? So there is inner conflict going on and the body suffers because of this, it is being pulled one way then another. Until we stop disliking our self for whatever reason we have going on inside us there will be inner conflict and the body suffers pain sickness disease because we are in dis ease, no ease inside, we are in conflict with the spirit of God in us as Christians. Listen to your body The body is smarter than we give it credit for, after all, remember who created it. Our bodies have a way of telling us that things aren t right with it. For example; I took a very bad case of hiccups one day and nothing I did could stop them, they got so bad I had to leave work and go to my doctor, who prescribed two tablets used to treat people with very serious mental problems, and one of the side effects found in that medication was it cured hiccups. I took one of the tablets and within a very short time I was totally spaced out, I felt like I was floating, I couldn t speak properly I walked like a drunk man and kept falling over. So my boss thought it best that my son in law drive me home and get me to bed. Next day I was as bad as ever with the hiccups but I wouldn t take the other tablet because of the effect it had on me, so I got rid of it, and went to work with my hiccups still as severe as the day before. Around lunch time I had this urge growing inside of me to go and buy the sweets Opal fruits, eventually I gave in to my urge and went across the street to the shop and bought a packet. I popped two Opal fruits in my mouth and with ten minutes my hiccups had disappeared. A week later I got the hiccups severe again and this time when the urge to buy Opel fruits came upon me I went and bought some and instantly the hiccups stopped. Sometime later I was suffering from stomach upsets regularly and I took this mad notion for ginger nut biscuits, and bought them and munched on them every so often.

5 Then I had an appointment with a stomach doctor and I told her of my craving for ginger nuts and also of my experience with the Opal fruits. She laughed and told me that the body knows exactly what it needs to heal itself and if we would learn to pay attention to our bodies we would be better off health wise. She explained that the ginger in ginger nuts counteracted the effects of the acid in my stomach and the Opel fruits were doing the same with the hiccups counteracting the natural stomach acids with the fruit acids. Many years later I began having severe pain in my upper legs as the tendons locked when I sat in the one place for a long time. Then I got this urge to stand with my leg stretching to the top of my banister rail on my landing and begin to bend over three or four time forcing my legs to stretch. I did this every day as I was urged three or four times a day for just a few minutes; I then went on a journey to visit my brother in Arizona, a fourteen hour flight, and a return flight of twenty four hours, and when I arrived in Arizona, changing planes three times, I had not so much as an ache or pain and I defiantly don t have any tendon problems anymore. I personally believe that it is the Holy Spirit within in me that was telling me these things through the cravings, I craved to stretch my legs further that they were stretched before, and I give him the glory for revealing the things that our body needs to be healthy. I listened to the Spirit of God within me and the problems with my legs was resolved, I still keep up the stretching and it is helping me in more ways than one, my back has eased from a pain in the lower back, I feel more flexible, I am listening to and obeying the prompting of the Holy Spirit who also prompts others to love themselves, The more I am listening to the spirit within and obeying the more peace inside I feel, I am not in conflict with myself anymore because I know I am loved by God and he knew everything about me from before time ever began and knew what type of man I would become and so I am at peace with my spirit within. We all know a pregnant woman will eat raw potatoes and even coal and other rare things because she gets a craving that she can t hold out against, and her body is telling her she needs these things for the health of her baby, again I believe that it is God s Holy Spirit telling the body to act this way, because God put us together in the mother s womb and knows what was deficient at that time or later on in life, and he wants us healthy as sickness and disease do not come from him but from the devil who comes to steal kill and destroy, while Jesus said he came to bring us life to the full. Chapter Two The conflict within The body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and he wants our bodies healthy because that is where he chose to live, and so you will get promptings to do this or that for the body s sake, because he desires to have us healthy. When we reject our bodies for whatever reason, be it, I don t like my weight or size or colour or whatever, we cause the body to be in conflict. If we would begin to accept that we are different, and some will be fat some thin etc and begin to love ourselves because God made us and loves us exactly as we are, then healing would begin happening in the body as acceptance

6 would be happening and the body would be in peace with its self and the weight would drop off us faster that any diet. We turn in on ourselves when we reject ourselves, we then begin to store up guilt that we are eating too much or drinking too much, and this causes conflict again between the spirit in you and the flesh in you. Guilt is a killer, it kills joy, peace, happiness, it destroys the emotions bringing them into condemnation, and continues a vicious circle of guilt, condemnation, overeating or drinking and then guilt begins again, and so on, all this is churning the body up, the acids which are designed to dissolve the food and drink we digest is distracted into doing something else, and that acid poured out goes to the weakest part of our body and settles there causing for one arthritis and many other diseases, including stomach trouble, and internal organ problems. Have you ever had a disagreement with someone and you see them a day or two later coming down the street in your direction, and instantly your body reacts, the muscles tighten up, your shoulders rise and you go stiff, and your stomach begins churning, your stomach is churning out acid, that is supposed to be dealing with food and drink, and instead it is pouring out acid and that acid goes to the weakest part of your body and settles there causing pain and sickness later on as it builds up, then as the person passes by your body reacts again and settles down again. Not loving our neighbour as ourselves causes many problems because our body gets wound up tight with anger, rage and resentment, bitterness, Unforgiveness, hate and taking offence at everything. Then we wonder why we suffer from things like arthritis and muscle problems and back problems and stomach problems, sore legs and painful feet. The body is tensed up even if you do not realise that consciously. If you think that you are not sitting or standing in tension, then right now drop your shoulders, do you see how much a difference that just dropping your shoulders make, they drop about three or four inches. That s because you are in tension subconsciously, the things in this world make us feel tension and tension causes muscle problems hard muscles tight muscles, sore legs. Where does all this tension and stress go? It goes to affect our body. God s word says try and ignore when someone does you wrong, let it go quickly, don t let it churn around in your mind going over and over things again and again, saying I should have said this or that, chose to let it go by handing it over to the lord. In other words love your neighbour as Jesus would do. The conflict within is again between the spirit of God within and our soul, {mind} the conflict can be resolved by acknowledging the hurt to God and then asking him to heal that hurt and ask that he fill you with light then forgive the people that hurt you so that Satan cannot use that hurt to keep your mind off the lord and on to your anger which by the way causes back trouble, the body suffers because of the conflicts within. If you do not obey God s command to love your neighbour as yourself then you will inevitably get problems in your body because you are rejecting god s commandment, thereby separating yourself from God s love and leaving yourself vulnerable to Satan s attacks, so remember who made your body and who gives you instruction for living a calm peaceful loving life, beginning with loving yourself first. God didn t tell us to just love our neighbour because that is the right thing to do because they are your brothers and sisters, his children; he

7 did it so that you would remain in a state of health. God is smarter than you or me; he knows what s best for us. Leviticus You shall not take revenge or bear any grudge against the sons of your people, but you shall love your neighbour as yourself. I am the Lord. {Amplified Bible} & NKJV We love to seek revenge, and to hear that someone who hurt us had something bad happen to them, but does God want us thinking like that? This word from God to love our neighbour goes back a long time, thousands of years. Do you think God knew what he was telling the people of that time? Well he repeated himself quite a lot of times regarding this commandment, Matthew And He replied to him, You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind (intellect). 38 This is the great (most important, principal) and first commandment. 39 And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbour as [you do] yourself. {Amplified bible} &NKJV Chapter three Resolving the inner conflict Let s just take the love yourself bit on its own, look at the previous scripture loving yourself is a divine commandment, it is not a request, it is a divine commandment. God ordered us to love ourselves, why? Because he loves us unconditionally, we reject ourselves and don t love ourselves unconditionally. Oh God if only I could lose a stone or four, or if only I was smaller, or if I had bigger or smaller breasts, or longer or shorter legs, if my lips were different or my nose or ears or mouth, or if I had hair, and teeth still, I would be satisfied. No! You would never be satisfied until you realise that God made you exactly as you are, the only people who care about your weight size or shape in this world is you! The person who loves you will accept you as you are, your husband / wife, love you even if you go bald, get fat, your teeth fall out, get age spots, we all get older, no one stays young even with Botox or the occasional nip and tuck, eventually everything heads south. Your enemy roams this world seeking whom he can destroy. We think Satan roams around trying to just get people into sin. No! He is the thief who comes to steal, {your acceptance of you} Kill {your enthusiasm for life} and destroy, you in every way possible, he is out to discourage you in every aspect of your life not just to get you to sin. He wants you hating your body no matter which part you don t like. He wants you attention away from God, to feel resentment at God for making you the way you are, and God says of you, you are precious to me and I love you, you see conflict. On the other hand God says, before I made the world, I chose you, to be the size and shape you would be, to have the features, that I gave you that are unique in this world. He created

8 you to be loved by him and for no other reason than to be an object of the divine love being poured out on you because you are you. God could have given you the hormones and DNA that would make you skinny or fatter if that is what you wished to be, or he could have made you much taller that you are or shorter or with a different face, but he didn t, because he loves you as you are and the amazing thing is when he laid out the ten commandments; the first commandment was to love the lord your God with all your heart, and the second was to love yourself, and your neighbour as you love yourself. You were ordered to love yourself, you cannot truly love your neighbour if you are at war with yourself because there is no peace inside you, if you are not at peace with you then there is conflict and conflict spreads to other things. A small conflict between a king and king in the old days led to total war with the loss of thousands of lives because conflict spreads like cancer eating everyone up with its anger. Think of what I just wrote here. You must love your neighbour but first you must love yourself, then you can begin to love your neighbour after you are resolved with yourself % of people don t love themselves if they were truly sincere and honest before God, almost every one of us would find fault within us, be it a secret sin or be it disliking our bodies. This is what the Devil wants; he wants you so engrossed in hating yourself that you don t have the time to really love your neighbour or to even think about them or God s love for you. And in the meantime your body is sick and in pain, infection rules where love is missing, because he has got you focused on your hatred of yourself rather than on how wonderful and complex your body is. Love heals, that is what the word of God tells us love working together with faith brings healing. We must love ourselves and we need to ask God for forgiveness for not loving the body he gave us. Asking forgiveness Not loving someone is sinful; not loving ourselves is also sinful, because we break the commands of God to love our neighbour as ourselves. That was a divine command, now resolve that sin and say forgive me lord for not loving myself and now I let that sin go and thank you that you fill me with light and love in the areas where I did not love me! For the love of God don t go and get caught up in the fact that not loving yourself is a sin, you have enough problems with yourself as it is. Sin is the easiest thing to resolve in the entire planet because Jesus already forgave us all our sin and wrong doing; all we need to do is acknowledge that sin of not loving ourselves. Just say sorry Lord I didn t know that not loving me was a sin, now I do forgive me please, and now I accept your forgiveness and forgive myself; and that s it, over and done with.

9 Now turn to your body and say, Body forgive me for not loving you, I promise from now on to change my thinking. Now ask the lord to fill you with his divine light so that Satan cannot return to torment you in these areas. When I First began writing this little booklet, the lord has been revealing areas where we harbour sin against ourselves, and areas where Satan can get at us and areas where God shows forth his great love for us, and I stand amazed by this simple thing that he has revealed to me, through those words he gave me for the lady I originally prayed with. I never thought of these things before in the same context that the Lord has revealed them to me; but isn t it so gracious of God to reveal these areas to us to get us to love ourselves as he loves us, unconditionally, as he loves us, so he expects us to love ourselves also. John For the Father Himself [tenderly] loves you because you have loved me and have believed that I came out from the Father. {Amplified bible} & NKJV The Father tenderly loves you, and desires to bring total healing to you in spirit soul and body, he desires you to become aware of the great love he has for you, and wants you to love yourself the way he loves you, with no strings attached, spots wrinkles and blemishes, that s you; loved just because your his child. If your child was born with spots wrinkles and blemishes and overweight or too thin or too long or to short, would you still love it? Be honest, no matter what your child looks like; it is your child and you are the proudest parent there ever could be, and that is exactly how God feels about you. These are the days when God is working in his children teaching them who they are in spirit soul and body, this is the time of the great awakening for the body of Christ Jesus and all Christians need to love themselves as Jesus the Holy Spirit and God their Father loves them, exactly as they are Galatians For the whole Law [concerning human relationships] is complied with in the one precept, you shall love your neighbour as [you do] yourself. {Amplified bible} & NKJV Our human relationship with ourselves is resolved by forgiveness and by accepting that we are whom God made, made in his divine image. James -2-8-If indeed you [really] fulfil the royal Law in accordance with the Scripture, You shall love your neighbour as [you love] yourself, you do well. {Amplified bible} & NKJV When you finally realise that you need to love yourself and accept yourself as you are, fat, thin, tall, black, white, yellow, red, short or whatever, then healing has begun in your spirit first, your soul second, and your body third and the healing of the whole person has begun, and Satan has lost another battle. As [you love] yourself, you do well. Amen

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