Modern DNA Icons of Evolution. Basic Physical Laws. Evidence of God.

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2 Topics Covered Intelligent Design Modern DNA Icons of Evolution Anthropic Principle Basic Physical Laws Nature s Curiosities iti Evidence of God

3 Bf Before We Begin What do we mean by a cursory review? Why are we talking about evolution? What is your definition of evolution? Is evolution compatible with Christianity? it

4 What do we mean by a cursory review? The subject of evolution is very complex and diverse. There are literally thousands of aspects of evolution that can be refuted. This presentation will only touch on a few of them. This will not be an exhaustive study. However, during the presentation, please try to find an airtight alibi that you can remember when talking to a friend about evolution in the future.

5 Airtight Alibi? Just like a court case, if you know the defendant has an airtight alibi then regardless of other evidence contrary the plaintiff still needs to explain around the airtight alibi. Even if you remember just one point (your airtight alibi) it may be enough to convince someone to start t looking for other solutions.

6 Why are we talking about evolution? The theory of evolution attempts t to drive a wedge between Christians and d science-minded i d individuals. id Evolution rejects the need for God. Instead, you must worship Christ as Lord of your life. And if you are asked about your Christian hope, always be ready to explain it. (1 Peter 3:15 NLT) Christians, to do the job of a Christian, must be able to tell others why yyou believe the way yyou do. The NIV translation adds But do this with gentleness and respect to the above verse. We must lovingly explain the problems and holes of evolution to non-believers when required.


8 What is your definition of evolution? In 1859 Charles Darwin published his book Oi Origin i of Species by Means of Natural Selection. ect Darwin was not an atheist, he regularly referenced the Creator in his work. His primary motivation for seeking a naturalistic process for life comes from his own theology or misunderstanding of what a divine i being should be.

9 What is your definition of evolution? After publishing Origin of Species Darwin wrote a friend: There seems to me too much misery in the world. I cannot persuade myself that a beneficent and Omnipotent God would have designedly created [the parasitic wasp] with the express intention of their feeding within the living bodies of caterpillars, or that the cat should play with mice.

10 What is your definition of evolution? Darwin had a long list of theological quandaries and believing an Omnipotent God couldn t be responsible for these anomalies there had to be another answer.

11 What is your definition of evolution? What Charles Darwin forgot was what happened after the Fall of Mankind. All of creation was cursed! What exists today is not the same world and life that existed at the time of creation. Paul reminds us in Romans: Against its will, everything on earth was subjected to God s curse. All creation anticipates the day when it will join God s children in glorious freedom from death and decay. For we know that all creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. (Romans 8:20-22 NLT)

12 What is your definition of evolution? The whole world and everything in it is still under the curse pronounced by God (See Genesis 3:13-19) 19) after sin was introduced to all of mankind by Adam and Eve. That is why life today is not perfect. Darwin tried to distance God from having to be responsible for life today and as a result wrote The Origin i of Species by Means of Natural Selection.

13 What is your definition of evolution? Within 50 years Darwin s theory was embraced by most of the scientific community as it was considered the best naturalistic explanation for life. In this theory all living things are interrelated. The theory depends upon four factors.

14 Factor 1: Spontaneous Generation Life initially came from inanimate (dead) material (AKA abiogenesis). Requires a perfect combination of carbon-based based molecules to be present at the same time (nucleus, cell wall, DNA code, and some form of energy-generating device randomly brought together).

15 Factor 2: Random Mutation Minor changes in the DNA code Caused by either natural occurrence or by external influence such as chemical or radiation exposure

16 Factor 3: Natural Selection Any random mutation that resulted in a weaker creature would soon face elimination. However, if that mutation resulted in a stronger creature it would have a better chance to survive.

17 Factor 4: Time Random mutations do not occur very often. Time is needed to make the process work, a VERY long period of time

18 Variations i of a Theme Microevolution Is a process that allows small adaptive changes within some species (example: differences between een poodles and collies, but both are dogs) A process that all scientists agree occurs and should not be confused with Macroevolution or Evolution Referring to one species changing into another species. This will be the definition of evolution for the purpose of this presentation.

19 Variations of a Theme That s NDT to you! During Charles Darwin s time the method of information storage used by living systems was not known. The DNA molecule was discovered in 1953, providing for the molecular basis for inheritance, requiring Darwin s theory to be slightly reformulated into the neo- Darwinian theory.

20 Neo-Darwinian Theory The principles of the neo-darwinian synthesis: 1. Random changes in the DNA molecule are sometimes beneficial to an organism. 2. Such beneficial mutations are passed to the next generation and increase the fitness of an organism s offspring. 3. This increased fitness means that an organism will compete more effectively for resources. 4. Such mutations will increase the likelihood that an organism will live to reproductive maturity. 5. Over long time periods the accumulation of such beneficial mutations will result in an entirely new species which is genetically distinct.

21 Is evolution compatible with Christianity? Did God use evolution to create life? AKA Theistic Evolution God created the universe and all life using the process of evolution (a design by chance seems like an oxymoron!). Regardless of Darwin s original intention it requires believers to view the Bible in a figurative way. Genesis would then be viewed as a fairy tale not literal. We begin to question God s Word Did God really say, You can t eat from any tree in the garden (Gen 3:1 HCSB) The Devil questioned Eve if that was what God really said back then in the Garden, guess what? He is still up to his old tricks, he still wants us to question God s Word today!

22 Theistic Evolution However, if you believe in the Bible there is an even BIGGER problem!

23 Theistic Evolution Evolution not only requires chance, it also requires massive death and destruction through the survival of the fittest. Romans 5:12 says Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all men, because all sinned (NIV) meaning that there was no death prior to sin. How H could you have massive death and destruction over millions of years to get to Adam if there was no death prior to sin?

24 Theistic Evolution

25 Intelligent Design Design: to conceive and plan out generally implies the use of intelligence Design is essentially the opposite of something occurring randomly, therefore intelligent design would be considered the opposite of evolution.

26 Intelligent Design Basic design concepts in order of complexity: Open loop systems Closed loop systems Adaptive systems

27 Intelligent Design Open loop systems: Basic process machines Energy is applied to some form of mechanism and some form of result is generated. Example: Electric fan is plugged in and turned on. The fan blades rotate and air movement begins.

28 Intelligent Design Closed loop system: Same basic sequence as open loop except the result is directly coupled to process. The information obtained from the process now influences the process. Example: An airconditioning system monitors air temperature and determines when to heat and when to cool. It can even turn itself on and off.

29 Intelligent Design Adaptive systems These are intelligent machines. Depending on design they can self-modify, self-repair, self-diagnose, selfprogram, and even self-reproduce. Obviously very complex, requiring substantial knowledge. Example: Satellite systems, complex industrial manufacturing systems

30 Intelligent Design Your Watch versus Your Wrist How many would believe the watch on your wrist simply evolved? Over a period of time the various molecules gathered to form the gears, the case and the face plate. Other molecules managed to paint the surface and the appropriate numbers formed on the face. No? Even though the watch is only a simple open loop system, it would be absurd to think its construction a random act of evolution. Yet the wrist it is on, an extremely complex adaptive system, is considered the result of a random act!

31 Intelligent Design The Role of Language Language is what we use to convey an idea from one person to another. It only works because we all understand the same language. Language g and the use of language g is the result of intelligent design.

32 Intelligent Design Example of how language is used in design: Personal computers are essentially simple open loop systems. They primarily consist of a processor, memory and and a series of input/output devices (I/O s). The processor (hardware) responds to a programming language (software) that was created BEFORE the processor was made. The computer would not know what to do if the processor s language was different than the programming language.

33 Intelligent Design In 1953 the DNA molecule was discovered. Biologists learned that all living systems are also comprised of both hardware (DNA, RNA, proteins, etc.) as well as software (over three billion rungs of digital error- correcting code on a doublehelix). If done by random, which came first?

34 Modern DNA Deoxyribonucleic Acid (or DNA) determines what structures a cell will build, what chemicals or hormones it will produce, and where the cell will locate itself in the body. DNA also directs the burning of energy, disposal of waste products, and reproduction of the cell.

35 Modern DNA There is enough information capacity in a single human cell to store all 30 volumes of the Encyclopedia Britannica three or fours times over. Living things require enormous amounts of information, meaning there really is no such thing as a simple cell. Where did all this information come from?

36 Modern DNA Be careful - FRAGILE! For any living cell to function properly it is absolutely necessary for it to contain the correct three-dimensional structure in its DNA and proteins. The three-dimensional structure is then dependent upon the proteins built from a pure mixture of left-handed amino acids and the DNA from right-handed nucleotides. If the wrong handedness inserted in a DNA or protein molecule the entire three-dimensional structure will be annihilated immediately. This would be very difficult to do randomly!

37 Modern DNA

38 Modern DNA It has been frequently stated that if a succession of monkeys were set before a typewriter with limitless paper and limitless time, eventually the complete works of Shakespeare would be repeated by chance.

39 Modern DNA If there are 50 keys on the typewriter, the probability of the monkey getting Shakespeare correct is raised to the power of the number of characters (letters and spaces) in Shakespeare plus the adjustments of the typewriter needed for capitals and punctuation. On this basis the chance of the monkey simply typing the name 'Hamlet' correctly is one in 15,625,000,000, what would be the odds if every other key was fatal to the monkey?

40 Modern DNA That is what would happen if only one right-handed amino acid molecule was introduced to a primordial soup while trying to find the right combination for life, it would terminate immediately. One single DNA strand produced by chance not alone the variety of life found around us today seems to be against all possible odds!

41 Modern DNA The minimal number of components necessary for a machine to function is called irreducible complexity. This requires all cells to be what they need to be all at the same time otherwise the system will not work. Every cell needs to be in place before the curtain goes up!

42 Modern DNA DNA seems to point to irreducible complexity which in turn points to intelligent design If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down. Charles Darwin Origin of Species

43 Modern DNA Impossible Odds! Spontaneous generation is said to have been a random chance event with no outside purposeful influence. We W are all familiar with the concept of chance - A person has a one-in-two chance to get heads when flipping a coin or a one-in-six chance in getting a 1 when rolling dice.

44 Modern DNA Impossible Odds! The odds of rolling nine straight 1 s would be one chance in 10,000,000 (10 6 ). The odds of rolling 50 straight 1 s would be one chance in The odds of flipping 100 straight heads on a coin would be one chance in

45 Modern DNA Impossible Odds! There have been many scientists and mathematicians who have determined the odds of spontaneous generation. Sir Fred Hoyle: 1 in 10 40,000 (Hoyle added that these odds would be similar to believing a tornado could sweep through a junkyard and form a Boeing 747.) Professor Harold Morowitz: 1 in ,000,000 Dr. Emile Borel states that anything with a 1 in chance would never happen no matter how much time there is, stating it would be absolutely emphatically impossible!

46 Modern DNA Impossible Odds! Evolutionists claim the universe is about five or ten billion years old. There are less than seconds in 20 billion years. This means that the odds of a SINGLE functional DNA molecule coming together at random are about the same odds that you could fill a billion universes with golf balls and put a small red dot on the bottom of one and somehow a blindfolded baby could find that ball while rummaging through the hundred billion galaxies on the very first try!

47 Icons of Evolution The Stanley Miller Experiment Darwin s Tree of Life Ernest Haeckel s Drawings of Embryos The Missing Link

48 The Stanley Miller Experiment In 1953 Stanley Miller conducted an experiment where he claimed to have created amino acids by shooting electricity through an atmosphere believed to be like the one on the primitive earth. This experiment, even though not considered accurate, is still in current textbooks.

49 The Stanley Miller Experiment Miller used a hydrogen-rich mixture of methane, ammonia and water vapor for his atmosphere. By the mid-1970 s many, including Belgian biochemist Marcel Florkin, abandoned Miller s theory of the early atmosphere, the early atmosphere looked nothing like the Miller-Urey simulation.

50 The Stanley Miller Experiment The best hypothesis now is that there was very little hydrogen in the atmosphere because it would have escaped into space. Instead, the atmosphere probably consisted of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and water vapor.

51 The Stanley Miller Experiment In this atmosphere no amino acids could be formed. Some organic molecules may be formed, but they would be formaldehyde and cyanide, both very toxic to life.

52 Darwin s Tree of Life Darwin sketched a tree to help explain his theory. This drawing seemingly answered nearly every question one could ask about natural history. This sketch is still used in many textbooks today. Now, over one century later, does current evidence support his theory and his tree of life?

53 Darwin s Tree of Life A key aspect of his theory was that natural selection would act slowly l by accumulating slight, successive, favorable variations and that t no great or sudden modifications were possible. Darwin thought that future fossil records would show this gradual variation.

54 Darwin s Tree of Life In reality the fossil records for the last 150 years show the opposite. They support a rapid appearance of phylum-level differences in what has become known as the Cambrian Explosion.

55 Cambrian Explosion The Cambrian was a geological period that is believed, by some geologists, to have started more than 540 million years ago. The Cambrian explosion has been called the Biological Big Bang because it gave rise to the sudden appearance of most of the major animal phyla that are still alive today as well as some that are now extinct.

56 Darwin s Tree of Life The fossils show the sudden appearance of fully developed eloped animals, including the major groups of animals. The fossil evidence stands contrary to Darwin s Tree of Life.

57 Darwin s Tree of Life Present Day TIME Evolutionist s Idea Origin of Life Reality

58 Haeckel s Embryos Ernest Haeckel drew a comparative drawing of fish, salamander, tortoise, t chicken, hog, calf, rabbit and human embryos each in the same three stages of development. The drawing was to show how similar the embryos were, supporting the concept that they were from a common ancestor. This drawing can also be seen in many textbooks.

59 Haeckel s Embryos However, when compared to actual photos of the embryos there are several differences. Plus, it appears Haeckel hand selected which embryos to draw showing only the animals that have the least differences. Vertebrate embryos look very different from each other in early cell division stages. There is no way to mix them up.

60 Haeckel s Embyros Haeckel s drawing of embryos appears to have been faked. Sadly, these drawings are still used in today s textbooks, even upper-division textbooks. tboo The deception has been known since the late 1860 s when Haeckel s colleagues accused him of fraud.

61 Haeckel s Embyros MYTH: Certain similarities in development of animal embryos indicates that t they share a common ancestry. This representation, common in biology textbooks, is based on the faked data of 19 th century embryologist Ernst Haeckel.

62 Haeckel s Embyros FACT: Different organisms show developmental patterns unique from conception onward. The phrase, ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny (development reflects some evolutionary history) is not supported by the evidence.

63 The Missing Link When Darwin s The Origin of Species was published in 1859, he conceded that the most obvious and serious objection which can be urged against the theory was that the fossil record failed to back up his evolutionary hypothesis.

64 The Missing Link Darwin asked why, if species have descended from other species by insensibly fine graduations, do we not everywhere see innumerable transitional forms? He attributed the problem to the fossil record being incomplete and predicted that future discoveries would vindicate his theory.

65 The Missing Link Say hi to the Archaeopteryx! (pronounced ar- key-opt-er-icks) k discovered d in a quarry in Germany just a few years after Darwin s comments. Considered Darwin s missing link, this prehistoric fossil record was believed to be half bird and half reptile, the limestone image of an animal in transition.

66 The Missing Link Considered by science today as a bird that even had bird feathers. The differences between the Archaeopteryx and modern day birds do not support those of being part reptile, but instead as a member of a totally extinct group of birds.

67 The Missing Link? Open a biology textbook, or go to any museum of natural history, and you will find the classic evolutionary line of so-called human evolution showing the various transitional forms to today s homo sapien (human). However, a little research will reveal that this is merely wishful thinking and a lot of creative accounting on the part of those who desperately want to make evolution true. It takes more faith to believe in evolution than it does to believe in special creation by a divine designer.

68 The Missing Link? Homo Habilis Name means handy man because pieces of skeleton found with stone tools. However, closer look shows pieces of hand to be chimpanzee, female gorilla, or orangutan. Even evolutionists agree this is another example of bad science.

69 The Missing Link? Australopithicus Known as Lucy, highly hl controversial even among evolutionists, only 40% complete skeleton. 13 years later, modern man found UNDER place where Lucy found. How can modern man have existed BEFORE his ancestor? Most likely a southern ape. Only evidence of a so-called missing link that has not been completely disproved to date.

70 The Missing Link? Sianthropus (Peking Man) Skulls found with tools. No other parts of skeleton found. All skulls bashed in at the rear. Even evolutionists now conclude these were not man s relatives, but man s meal. Human hunters had eaten monkey brains. Bones have now mysteriously disappeared.

71 The Missing Link? Pithecanthropus (Java Man) In 1894, only skull cap and femur found in a gravel pit, which is subject to erosion and mixing. Later discovered these bones found a year and 46 feet apart. Much later revealed a human skull also found there, but kept secret. Since been determined d that t skull cap was from giant gibbon and thigh bone human. Bad science taught as fact.

72 The Missing Link? Hesperopithecus (Nebraska Man) Discovery in 1922 heavily influenced Scopes trial in This drawing was based on the find a single tooth. Rest of skeleton found a few years later, determined to be from an extinct pig. Has since been discovered that the pig is NOT extinct he lives happily in Paraquay.

73 The Missing Link? Eonthropus (Piltdown Man) Part of skull and jaw found in England, Now known as Piltdown Forgery. Ape jaw, human skull stained to appear old. This was deliberate fraud. Hoax was believed for over 40 years, and can still be found in textbooks as fact. Perpetrator not known, but why is easy people want to believe in evolution so they don t have to believe in or be accountable to God.

74 The Missing Link? Homo sapiens neanderthanlensis (Neanderthal Man) Accepted for years as last link before man. Still seen in museums and textbooks. Science has revealed, however, that this was a race of humans, not a link. Most likely had vitamin deficiencies, disease-related abnormalities found in area (west Germany) where these diseases were common.

75 The Anthropic Principle It seems as though somebody has fine-tuned nature s numbers to make the Universe the impression of design is overwhelming. Professor Paul Davies, Author and Cosmologist

76 The Anthropic Principle Four basic forces: Gravity: keeps our feet on the floor, plus it binds together our Solar System Electromagnetic: holds the atom together and determines the structure of the orbits of electrons (includes x-rays, radio waves and light) Strong Nuclear Force: binds together the protons and neutrons in the nucleus of the atom Weak Nuclear Force: governs atomic instability and radioactivity (the source of heat from nuclear power plants)

77 The Anthropic Principle As scientists begin to understand the interactions of these basic forces, they discover an unending series of incredible interdependencies which are all delicately balanced in order for life to occur here on Earth.

78 The Anthropic Principle Example: If gravity was just slightly weaker we would not have an adequate atmosphere. If it were stronger our atmosphere would contain too much ammonia.

79 The Anthropic Principle Anthropic Factors (a brief list) Surface gravity Rotation period Magnetic M field Axial tilt Oxygen to Nitrogen ratio Ozone level Stability of the proton Distance between the Sun and Earth Carbon dioxide and water vapor levels

80 The Anthropic Principle The issues raised by the overwhelming proof that our world is unique, and as such able to support life, adds another level of burden to scientists to explain how it became unique. Essentially the question becomes what super-natural force (or person) performed the necessary fine-tuning?

81 Basic Physical Laws Energy exists in many forms, such as heat, light, chemical energy, and electrical energy. Energy is the ability to bring about change or to do work. Thermodynamics is the study of energy. These laws are well proven and are accepted by all sciences except when relating to evolution. We will examine two of them

82 1st Law of Thermodynamics Energy can be changed from one form to another, but it cannot be created or destroyed. The total amount of energy and matter in the Universe remains constant, merely changing from one form to another. This law is also known as the Law of Conservation. And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; (Genesis 2:2a KJV) Only God can create something out of nothing and it is He who also preserves. You alone are the LORD. You made the skies and the heavens and all the stars. You made the earth and the seas and everything in them. You preserve and give life to everything, and all the angels of heaven worship you. (Nehemiah 9:6 NLT)

83 2nd Law of Thermodynamics The second law states that in all energy exchanges, if no energy enters or leaves the system, the potential energy of the state will always be less than that of the initial state. Also known as entropy, this law states that all processes will experience some form of decay or loss of energy. Long ago You established the earth, and the heavens are the work of Your hands. They will perish, but You will endure; all of them will wear out like clothing. You will change them like a garment, and they will pass away. (Psalm 102:25-26 HCSB)

84 Basic Physics Evolutionists say that everything is going from disorder (chaos) to order (increasing complexity); however, our physical laws say the opposite! Everything is going from order to disorder, everything ultimately falls apart and disintegrates over time. Evolution in itself violates the basic Laws of Thermodynamics.

85 Explain These: Some of Nature s Curiosities Water Lilies Bombardier Beetles Beavers Honeybees Monarch Butterflies Penguins Dolphins

86 Water Lilies The Amazon Water Lily starts to grow in thick mud at the bottom of the Amazon River. Requiring sunlight, the plant quickly grows up to as much as 35 feet to the surface.

87 Water Lilies The lily depends on the actions of a water beetle that has a unique attraction to the lily. The plant then entraps the beetle for one night, forcing it to be exposed to the plant s pollen. After being released in the morning the beetle then proceeds to pollinate other water lilies.

88 Bombardier Beetles This beetle has an enormously complex defensive system. It precisely mixes two volatile chemicals that produces a small, but effective explosion to defend itself. No room for error here!

89 Bombardier Beetles Just the right mix of hydrogen peroxide and hydroquinone or else!

90 Beavers Everyone knows how the beaver builds dams to create the water level needed to build a nest. Why do the beaver s back teeth th not grow during its life while the front four teeth continue to grow as they are constantly being worn throughout their lives?

91 Honeybees These bees live in hives that are almost always constantly under construction. Each hive can have from 10 to 75 thousand bees working in it at any given time. The final structure is so perfectly engineered that it rivals modern architecture. Scientists can not determine how this remarkable feat is done.

92 Monarch Butterflies The Monarch butterfly has an unusual annual cycle of life. The first three generations of butterflies live only six weeks from the time they develop out of the caterpillar stage. The fourth generation born in late summer will migrate from Canada three thousand miles south to the mountainous plateaus of Mexico and then home again on the night of the autumn equinox (September 21).

93 Penguins The Antarctic Penguin s reproductive cycle has the female laying her single egg as much as 60 miles away from the ocean, its only source for food. The male incubates and protects the egg for four months while the mother goes back to the ocean. The mother comes back precisely when the egg begins to crack open to feed its young.

94 Dolphins The dolphin uses a specialized ultrasonic producing organ to navigate and assess the surrounding environment. Necessary to find food! Three totally unconnected species use echo-location sonar which could not have developed accidentally.

95 Sonar

96 In Summary: We See the Evidence of God! The evidence of design What are the odds? Our privileged planet If not by chance, then?

97 The Evidence of Design The complexity of even the simplest living cell is overwhelming, much less the complexity of a human being that has eyes, ears, smell, touch and taste and then makes sense of it all! This point alone has brought several atheists to believe in some form of intelligent t design. The most recent was British Professor Antony Flew.

98 What are the Odds? DNA and its many billions of bits of data software is hard enough to comprehend, not to mention that the hardware system will selfdestruct if one molecule of amino acid is the wrong shape. All components had to be present from the beginning. i Besides where did the information (the data stored) come from?

99 Our Privileged Planet How is it that the Earth, the moon, the sun, the stars and many other intricately balanced aspects make life possible here? Literally hundreds of different factors make life possible on our planet. Who did the fine-tuning?

100 If not by Chance, then The Kalam Cosmological Argument (named by William Lane Craig, PhD) Whatever begins to exist has a cause. The universe had a beginning. i Therefore the universe has a cause. The cause had to be of supernatural origin. Starting the universe had to be an act of free will (not an arbitrary impersonal act). Therefore the universe was created by a personal supernatural being

101 If not by Chance, then Who? The Bible says In the beginning God created the heavens and dthe earth th(genesis 1:11 NLT) God, the LORD, created the heavens and stretched t them out. He created the earth and everything in it. He gives breath and life to everyone in all the world (Isaiah 42:5 NLT).

102 We See the Evidence of a Creator For God s wrath is revealed from heaven against all godlessness and unrighteousness of people who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth, since what can be known about God is evident among them, because God has shown it to them. From the creation of the world His invisible attributes, that is, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what He has made. As a result, people are without excuse. Romans 1:18-20 HCSB

103 Not a result of an accident Many support evolution, some even though they know it s wrong, because if life was an accident then there would not be any accountability necessary to a higher being If there is no accountability there is no moral code, no moral right or wrong. One evolutionist put it this way: As long as I believe I am nothing but an animal, I can live any way I choose. But as soon as I admit there is a creator, then I become morally responsible to that creator, and frankly, I don t want to be morally responsible to anyone!

104 No accident here If you believe you were an accident Potentially the result would be poor selfesteem. A bad self image is believed to directly cause drug abuse, suicide, crime and violence. If you believe you were a special creation of a good and powerful God You are a unique creation only you have your combination of DNA and chromosomes! Your creator loves you so much and so intensely desires your companionship and affection that, despite your rebellion, He gave the life of His only son that you might spend eternity with Him!

105 If you are willing Jesus wants you to believe in Him and accept tthe free gift of salvation and dbecome a child of God! If you are willing, do it now Lord Jesus, I want to know you personally. Thank You for dying on the cross for my sins. I open the door of my life and receive You as my Savior and Lord. Thank You for forgiving me of my sins and giving me eternal life. Take control of the throne of my life. Make me the kind of person You want me to be. Amen

106 References for Further Study Listed by Author John Ankerberg, John Weldon, Darwin s Leap of Faith, (Eugene, Oregon: Harvest House Publishers, 1998) Michael J. Behe, Darwin s Black Box, (New York, New York: Simon & Schuster, 1996) Michael J. Behe, William A. Dembski and Stephen C. Meyer, Science and Evidence for Design in the Universe, (San Francisco, California: Ignatius Press, 2000) Francis J. Beckwith, William Lane Craig and J.P. Moreland, To Everyone an Answer, (Downers Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity Press, 2004)

107 References - Continued Ron Carlson, Ed Decker, Fast Facts on False Teachings, (Eugene, Oregon: Harvest House Publishers, 1994) William A. Dembski, Intelligent Design-The Bridge Between Science & Theology, (Downers Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity Press, 1999) Mark Eastman MD, Chuck Missler, The Creator Beyond Time and Space, (Costa Mesa, California: The Word for Today, 1996) Ken Ham, Jonathan Sarfati and Carl Wieland.The Revised & Expanded Answers Book, (Green Forest, AR: Master Books, 2004) Ken Ham, Creation Evangelism for the New Millennium, i (Green Forest, AR: Master Books, 1998)

108 References - Continued Ken Ham, The Lie: Evolution, (Green Forest, AR: Master Books, 1987) Cornelius Hunter, Darwin s God-Evolution and the Problem of Evil (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Brazos Press, 2001) Cornelius Hunter, Darwin s Proof-The Triumph of Religion over Science (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Brazos Press, 2003) Grant R. Jeffrey, Creation-Remarkable Evidence of God s Design,, (Toronto, Ontario: Frontier Research Publications, 2003) Phillip E. Johnson, Defeating Darwinism by Opening Minds, (Madison, Wisconsin: InterVarsity Press, 1997)

109 References - Continued Gregory Koukl, Why I m Not an Evolutionist, (Stand to Reason, 1999) Josh McDowell, The New Evidence That Demands a Verdict, (Nashville, Tennessee: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1999) Chuck Missler, Cosmic Codes, (Coeur d Alene, Idaho: Koinonia House, 1999) David T. Moore, Five Lies of the Century, (Wheaton, Illinois: Tyndale House Publishers, 1995) J.P. Moreland, Christianity and the Nature of Science, (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Book House, 1989)

110 References - Continued Fazale Rana and Hugh Ross, Origins of Life- Biblical and Evolutionary Models Face Off, (Colorado Springs, Colorado: NavPress, 2004) Ron Rhodes, The 10 Things You Should Know About The Creation vs. Evolution Debate, (Eugene, Oregon: Harvest House Publisher, 2004) Jonathan Sarfati, Refuting Evolution, (Green Forest, AR: Master Books, 1999) Jonathan Sarfati, Refuting Evolution 2, (Green Forest, AR: Master Books, 2003) Geoffrey Simmons MD, What Darwin Didn t Know, (Eugene, Oregon: Harvest House Publishers, 2004)

111 References - Continued R.C Sproul, Not a Chance, (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Books, 1994) Lee Strobel, The Case for a Creator, (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan, 2004) Ravi Zacharias and Norman Geisler General Editors, Who Made God? And Answers to Over 100 Other Tough Questions of Faith, (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan, 2003) Joe White EdD, Nicholas Comninellis MD, Darwin s Demise, (Green Forest, AR: Master Books, 2001)

112 References - Continued Video presentations to consider Icons of Evolution, ColdWater Media The Privileged Planet and Unlocking the Mystery of Life, Illustra Media, Incredible Creatures That Defy Evolution I, II & III and Life s Story, Exploration Films, Christian Training & Development Services,, Several DVD and VHS presentations available by Mike Riddle, Answers in Genesis, Several DVD and VHS presentations available by Ken Ham, Tas Walker and Jonathan Sarfati, Creation Science Evangelism, Several DVD and VHS presentations available by Kent Hovind, to order

113 Web sites of interest Apologetic Ministries (From Greek "apologia," " a legal term meaning "defense." Christian apologetics is the intelligent presentation and defense of the historical Christian faith) Stand to Reason - Apologetics Information g - C.S. Lewis Society - Christian Apologetics - Apologetics Publications Philosophia Christi -

114 Websites - Continued Christian Outreach Ministries with emphasis on Christian Apologetics Ravi Zacharias International Josh McDowell - Koinonia House - Apologetics Books Lee Strobel -

115 Websites - Continued Creation Ministries Institute for Creation Research - Creation Research Society - Creation Science Evangelism - Christian Training & Development Services - Answers in Genesis -

116 Where do we go from here? The battle is not over, a lot of work needs to be done. Rhetoric is not refutation! Must lovingly respond. Learn as much as possible, read, Bible study, classes, etc. Take a stand, letters to editors, etc.

117 Contact Us: Any questions? f Page 1 Page 1 Page 1 Table of Contents Overview... 3 Evolution... 4 Intelligent Design... 8 Modern DNA... 10 Icons of Evolution... 13 The Missing Link... 17 Anthropic Principle... 20 Basic Physical Laws... 21 Nature

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