Kundalini Activator. Mind Persuasion

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1 Kundalini Activator Mind Persuasion

2 Kundalini Kundalini can be described in many different ways. As this course is designed to produce real world results, rather than an esoteric understanding, any particular meaning behind the Chakras and Kundalini awakening will only be briefly touched upon. According to traditional teachings, Kundalini represents the energy body, rather than the physical body. The more "awakened" the energy body becomes, the easier and more automatic many aspects of life will become. This listening guide will give a brief overview of Kundalini, the Chakras and how to best listen for maximum results. Because many people have many different belief systems, these background descriptions will be necessarily vague. The ultimate goal of this program is to enhance your life. What is Kundalini? As mentioned previously, Kundalini can be thought of as an energy presence, rather than a physical presence. This energy manifests itself in many ways, and in healthy expressions it has been described as feelings of bliss, spiritual connection, oneness, and wholeness.

3 Benefits of Kundalini Awakening Complete awakening of the Kundalini can also manifest in many ways. Social ease, natural magnetism and charisma, a relaxed fearlessness when moving through various life situations. Feelings of absolute peace and connection with the Divine, however described, are also common benefits. A Process Rather Than a Destination For many, absolute Kundalini Awakening is an ideal, rather than a goal. As you move through life and increase your skills, your physical reality will be changing, as will your response to it. However, it is indeed possible with sufficient meditation and breathing, aided by these listening sessions, to achieve a full awakening. Keep in mind that a full awakening is certainly not required to enjoy a massive increase in happiness, life skills, and overall feelings of peace and abundance.

4 Chakras The process of Kundalini awakening involves a movement of Kundalini energy up through the seven Chakras. With all chakras open and free, you will achieve a maximum of Kundalini energy. What Are Chakras? The Chakras themselves can be associated with several physical body glands. Indeed, the Chakras themselves and their discussion can quickly become too esoteric for any real world application. Suffice it to say that the Chakras are related to certain clusters of behaviors, capabilities and personality traits. How they affect them is the subject of intense debate. On the one hand, they are thought to be metaphysical energy centers of the "energy body" and interact with different frequencies and energy states. On the other hand, they are thought to be directly related to biological glands and their functions. From a metaphysical aspect, the more "open" they are, the more prana, or life energy can move through them, and the more one can enjoy the benefits. From a medical-biological aspect, the "healthier" the biological associations are, the more one can enjoy the benefits. For the purposes of this course, we are not so much concerned with the esoteric properties and definitions as we are with getting concrete, real world results.

5 Below we'll discuss the aspects of each particular Chakra, or energy center, and its related frequencies and colors. First Chakra - Root Chakra Traditional Name: Muladhara Color: Red Symbol: Four Petal Red Lotus Frequency: C, Hz Biological Association: Adrenal Cortex Emotional Associations: Fight or flight instinct. Also with concerns for safety, health, getting enough to eat, shelter from the elements. Questions: Am I worried about money? Do I fear for my safety? Am I worried about my immediate future? Do I feel a sense of lack?

6 Second Chakra - Sacral Chakra Traditional Name: Color: Symbol: Svadhishthana Orange White Lotus With Orange Petals Frequency: D, Biological Association: Ovaries / Testes Associated Emotions: Sexual pleasure, relationships, emotional needs, pleasure, violence and addictions. Questions: Do I feel emotionally closed off from others? Do I feel uneasy expression my sexual needs? Am I uncomfortable feeling sexual pleasure? Am I prone to violent thoughts or actions? Do I hold any negative addictions like alcohol, drugs, tobacco, food or gambling?

7 Third Chakra - Solar Plexus Traditional Name: Color: Symbol: Manipura Yellow Triangle with Ten Petals Frequency: E, Biological Association: Pancreas Associated Emotions: Personal power, fear, anxiety, forming and expressing opinions, introversion, social anxiety, and self-esteem. Questions: Do I express my opinions without fear? Am I worried about being taken seriously? Do I keep to myself around strangers? Do I speak my mind when I have a counter opinion?

8 Fourth Chakra - Heart Chakra Traditional Name: Color: Symbol: Anahata Green Circular Flower with Twelve Green Petals Frequency: F, Biological Association: Thymus Associated Emotions: Compassion, tenderness, unconditional love, equilibrium, rejection, wellbeing, love of self and others, passion, devotion. Questions: Do I love myself completely? Do I often reject myself or others? Do I feel true passion for my life and my purpose? Can I express love without fear of rejection?

9 Fifth Chakra - Throat Chakra Traditional Name: Color: Symbol: Vishuddha Blue Lotus with Sixteen Petals Frequency: G, Biological Association: Thyroid Associated Emotions: Communication, fluent thought, independence, persuasion, influence. Questions: Do I speak clearly and loudly? Can I influence others with my words? Can I accurately translate my deep thoughts into words that others understand and respect?

10 Sixth Chakra - Third Eye Traditional Name: Color: Symbol: Anja Indigo Lotus with Two Petals Frequency: A, Biological Association: Pituitary Associated Emotions: balancing higher and lower selves, inner guidance, intuition, visual consciousness. Questions: Do I take guidance from my intuition? Do I feel balanced? Can I visualize with clarity and vibrancy?

11 Seventh Chakra - Crown Chakra Traditional Name: Color: Symbol: Sahasrara Violet Thousand Petal Lotus Frequency: B, Biological Association: Pineal Gland Associated Emotions: Consciousness, meditation, connection to universal consciousness, unity, timeless being, spirituality Questions: Do I feel connected to the Divine? Do I feel deep feelings of peace and serenity? Can I easily let go of thoughts and focus with great clarity?


13 Listening Instructions To begin with, listening in order, from the first Chakra or root Chakra, to the seventh or Crown Chakra is recommended. Listen once a day for one week. It's best to listen when you are relaxed and won't be disturbed. The sessions are mix of background binaural beats specifically tuned to the respective Chakra frequency, as well as several affirmations, repeated in 256 voices, in both male and female, and first person and second person (I... and You...). The affirmations, or more accurately subliminal messages, will assist with the opening of each individual Chakra. Since there are so many voices, you won't be able to understand any of them. Your subconscious, however, can process far more information per second than your conscious mind. Simply choose an appropriate visualization (more on that below) and generate a positive emotion related to that Chakra, and then simply close your eyes and relax. The background sounds are designed to bring your brainwaves down to the Theta state, where you'll be the most open to accepting the subliminal messages. After you listen to each one for a week, you can return to any particular session that you feel is needed the most. To decide which session is best, simply take a few moments to review your most recent day. Glance through the questions listed for each Chakra above. Which would

14 you benefit the most from? Which areas would you like to improve? Your own intuition is your best guide in many things. Not only will these sessions help open your intuition, but when you use that intuition to guide you further, you'll become even more awakened. Below are listening instructions for each individual Chakra.

15 First Chakra - Root Focus on the color red, with a vortex of red energy emanating from in between your anus and your sex organ. Choose a visualization that represents perfect safety, comfort and protection. Plenty of food, plenty of safety, plenty of protection, and plenty of money to buy the things you need. As you drift into the session, see yourself completely safe, secure and happy. Imagine this image and your energetic presence is surrounded by a powerful vortex of red energy, coming from the very base of your spine. As you move through the session, imagine this red vortex of energy is surrounding and protecting you, and providing you with all the essentials you need. How to Look For Evidence In the first 24 hours after listening, be sure to look for evidence that you are safe. Look for proof that you have enough food, and enough safety. Physically touch the inner walls of your dwelling and feel appreciation. Physically touch the food in your home and feel appreciation for the nourishment. Walk through crowds of people and feel appreciation for your physical safety.

16 Second Chakra - Sacral Focus on the color orange, with a vortex of orange energy coming from your sex organ. Feel the sexual energy and magnetism of your reproductive powers. Feel a connection with every living being on Earth going all the way back to the first presence of life, however you believe it came into being. Feel the orange vortex of sexual power surround and protect you. As you do so, imagine your ideal situation, with regards to the expression of your sexual energy. What are you doing? Who are you with? How does it feel? What do others say? See this in as full of a representation as you can. Feel the incredible sexual power grow and mix with the sounds of the session. How to Look For Evidence Within 24 hours of listening, go out into the world and find proof of your sexual energy. Find opportunities to express it as appreciation for those around you. Ask yourself: "What evidence can I find today that will demonstrate that I am an awakened, sexual being?" Notice the sexual energy in others. Notice others noticing the sexual energy in you.

17 Third Chakra - Solar Plexus Focus on the color yellow, with a vortex of yellow energy coming from the top of your solar plexus. Feel the powerful yellow energy grow and vibrate around you. Feel deep love and appreciation for yourself. See yourself being outgoing, confident and happy in social situations. See yourself as the center of attention, expressing your ideas and thoughts. Notice the expressions on the faces of others as they listen intently. Notice how much others appreciate and understand you. Notice your posture, how you walk with strength and magnetism. Notice your immense personal power, however you represent that. Notice how you easily and fearlessly express any thought that enters your mind. Feel the strong pulsating yellow energy as you see yourself, in your mind's eye, with immense self-confidence and self-esteem. How to Look For Evidence Within 24 hours of listening, go where you can interact with others. Notice the eye contact, facial expressions and energy of others. Notice how they notice your energy. Notice how easy it is to speak up. Ask strangers for the time, and feel appreciation for your ability to fearlessly interact with others. Feel appreciation for all the times in the past when you've spoken up when you wanted to.

18 Fourth Chakra - Heart Chakra Focus on the color green, as a vortex coming out of your chest, directly from your heart. Feel the vortex spinning and growing as it surrounds you with pure love energy. From within this sphere of pure love and protection, visualize the meaning of love, as you define it. See your own representation of love, kindness, forgiveness and empathy toward and from others. See a pure chord of love energy emanating from your chest into theirs, and see their physical expressions, body language, and energy lighten up because of your presence. How to Look For Evidence Within 24 hours of listening, go out and feel love for others. Find evidence of kindness, compassion, and any way where you can help others, while bringing as little attention to yourself as possible. Make a small purchase and feel the acceptance from the shop clerk. Practice accepting others exactly the way they are.

19 Fifth Chakra - Throat Imagine a pure vortex of blue energy coming from your throat energy. It can help if you "hum" slightly as you exhale, feeling the actual vibrations in your physical throat. Imagine this protective vortex of blue energy is growing and surrounding your entire body. Visualize a situation where you are speaking clearly and effectively to one person or to a group. See them as they agree with whatever you are saying. See yourself using effective facial expressions and gestures. See them growing happier and happier as they listen to you speak. How to Look For Evidence Within the next 24 hours, communicate with anybody and notice how they respond to you. Notice as they stop their train of thought and pay attention to whatever you are saying. Notice how they begin to match and mirror your body language. Try ending a few sentences with "tag questions" (aren't you... doesn't it...isn't it... etc.) and nod your head slightly as you do. Notice how they do the same. Notice how easily others fall into rapport with you and then follow you.

20 Sixth Chakra - Third Eye Visualize a deep indigo vortex of energy coming from just above the center of your eyes, in the middle of your forehead. Notice this pure energy grow and surround you with a protective force. Within this protective shield of indigo energy, imagine the connection of your higher and lower selves. Imagine you can see your spiritual self come down and merge with your physical body. Allow your intuition to open up completely, and feel any sensations or messages you are ready for. How to Look For Evidence Within 24 hours, pay close attention to your instinct. If you are somewhere, and your "gut feeling" tells you to try something new, don't hesitate. Take some time walking around following only your instinct, go places you've never been. Drive on roads you've never driven on before. If you see a stranger that seems interesting, talk to them immediately. Walk up to a friend and start a conversation without thinking of the words. Speak purely from an intuitive sense.

21 Seventh Chakra - Crown Imagine a powerful and ancient vortex of purple or white (whichever you prefer) energy streaming from your crown. Feel this energy swirl around you and within you. From within this energy, feel a deep connection to the Divine. Open yourself up completely and allow yourself to become completely obedient to divine energy. Allow the channel from the Super Conscious Mind to fill you with deep insight from beyond history. Allow any images, feelings, thoughts and messages to flow through uninterrupted. How to Look For Evidence Within 24 hours, begin to see all people as part of the same manifestation of pure thought energy, starting from the infinite divine, down to the smallest spec of matter. Feel a deep sense of connection to and through everybody you come across. Feel familiar with the unknown. Look for evidence of the imprint of the divine in and through all things. Find a place of nature and contemplate the miracle of all that is.

22 Ramping Session Once you ve gone through each session at least once, and have generated some visualizations and intentions for each session, you re ready for the ramping session. This starts off with the Root Chakra, and spends ten minutes on each Chakra. A metal bowl will chime as the sounds and subliminal messages slowly shift up to the next Chakra. Ideally, the best way to listen would be sitting upright, while focusing your intentions for each visualization, changing as the Chakras change. This can be very difficult, however, with practice, this can be an incredibly powerful way to open all of your Chakras in one sitting. You will be consciously visualizing while in the Theta brainwave state, which is ideal for subconscious change.

23 Master Mix This session is a combination of all the affirmations from all the sessions, combined with the frequencies based on the Crown Chakra. Since this is hitting all your Chakras at once, you can think of any visualization you d like. You may come up with an image of your absolute Perfect Self, in every way, and visualize communing with this Perfect Self while listening to this session. Play around, experiment, and see what happens!

24 General Guidelines As with any personal change program, it's crucial to expect and look for evidence of deep personal change. Often times, changes happen on a deep, belief level, or even deeper. However, one may not notice the changes as everything still feels "normal." Consider somebody who quits smoking. Before quitting smoking, they feel "normal" by feeling a need for a cigarette. If they quit using only willpower, or by only using their conscious mind, they will certainly feel "not normal" when they are not smoking. However, if they were to eliminate their desire completely, either through hypnosis or other subconscious programming, the desire to smoke would be eliminated on a subconscious level. So they wouldn't feel a "need" to smoke. And this lack of "needing to smoke" after having done the change work would feel just as "normal" as feeling the need to smoke before the change work. They may very well not feel any results of the hypnosis or programming, yet they know longer smoke. This is precisely what happened when Milton Erickson begun miraculously healing patients. They would leave his office not "feeling" any different, and they wouldn't actually notice that their problems had vanished for some time. Sometimes even years! That's why there are two very crucial elements when doing any kind of change work.

25 One is to have a very clear and very measurable intention before starting. The descriptions above, for each particular listening session, are a guide to get your started. The more clear and specific you can visualize, the better. Imagine that you are seeing an actual picture or video of proof of your success that you'll later need to show to others to "prove" that you've changed. Take some time and be as detailed as you possibly can. The second crucial element is to specifically look for success. Actually start the day off by asking yourself: "What kind of evidence can I find today that I'm getting closer to my desires?" A great way to facilitate this is to keep a journal, and write in it every night. Take a few moments to write down any particular event or circumstance that is congruent with the ideals you are manifesting using these listening sessions. This will give you a solid boost to your belief system, so you'll be able to create even more results on a daily basis. It can be tempting to simply listen to these without holding an intention. To be sure, you will manifest changes doing this. Your Chakras will open up and you will amplify your Kundalini Energy, but in a very non-specific way. If that's what you'd like, that's fine.

26 However, you will get a lot better, stronger, and faster results by choosing a specific outcome, and actively looking for evidence that it is coming true.

27 The Power of Patience It's been said that with infinite patience, results are instantaneous. Some of us want to change, and we want to change right now. Not one minute later. But consider that your desire to change now may be what may be keeping you from manifesting the changes you desire. Remember, the Kundalini Energy within you is very subtle, and very sensitive to negative emotions. Impatience, frustration, feelings of lack can impede the process. Relax, let go, and allow the results to happen.

28 Other Considerations There are several other things you can do besides listening to these sessions that will greatly enhance your progress. Eating a Natural Diet Foods laced with chemicals, preservatives, genetically modified organisms (GMO's), alcohol, caffeine and overly process foods can also keep your Kundalini from fully awakening. Do whatever you can to slowly remove any of these from your diet that you can. But be careful of going too far. Remove them slowly, and comfortably. The stress generated (more on that later) of using super-human amounts of will-power to avoid your favorite foods can be just as inhibiting to Kundalini Awakening as the foods themselves. Stress Stress has been linked to a huge percentage of illnesses today. Luckily, these sessions themselves will do a great deal to lessen your stress considerably. Even without holding an intention, or creating a visualization, the backing binaural sounds will bring your brainwaves down to a low level that is naturally stress reductive. Other ways to reduce stress include exercise, simple stretching exercises (more on that below) and yoga. Also some calm, focused breathing focus is a great way to

29 immediately lower stress. Simply close your eyes, find a quit place to sit or stand, and breathe in deeply through your nose. Breathe in by expanding your abdomen rather than your chest. Breathe out through your mouth, while holding the tip of your tongue in the roof of your mouth. Exhale so that the length of time is slightly longer than the inhale. Visualize stress and negative energy leaving your body as brown or gray smoke. As you inhale, imagine you are inhaling pure prana energy that is filled with cleansing light. Imagine the energy scours your entire body, both biological and ethereal, and cleans out and removes all the gunk. Stretching Being limber will be of great assistance in awakening your Kundalini. Any way you can, any time you can, stretch out your large muscle groups, preferably on a daily basis. A great way to do this is first thing in the morning when you wake up. Lean over and grab your toes while still in bed (if you can!). Since there are unlimited ways to stretch and loosen your muscles, we'll leave it up to you to find the best way. Suffice it to say that stretching will definitely enhance your ability to activate your Kundalini.

30 How To Decide Which Chakra is Best You may decide to simply listen to one session a day, in order, for a period of several weeks or even months. Other times, you may choose a specific Chakra to focus on. It is completely up to you. Sometimes your daily behaviors can help you decide. If you have a specific time of listening, you may ask yourself out loud, "Which Chakra would benefit the most from opening?" And then simply listen to your intuition. Going Forward Kundalini Energy is not like a switch. It can be opened, closed, or partway in between. Your diet, levels of stress, income levels and the quality of your relationships can all have an impact on your Kundalini Energy levels. There will be times when you feel fantastic, and you can go for weeks without listening. Other times you ll need to revert back to a daily listening schedule to find your center. Ultimately, it s up to you. Life is meant to be lived fully, consciously, and lovingly. The listening sessions in this course will help you do that.

31 Contact Please feel free to contact Mind Persuasion with any questions or concerns. Also please drop by the Mind Persuasion Forum and discuss your results with other users. We d love to hear about your success! Forum: support@

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