Clarity & Purpose and the Three Little Known Secrets of Manifestation

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1 Clarity & Purpose and the Three Little Known Secrets of Manifestation Substance is the raw material out of which everything visible is formed, and love is the animating force that forms it. 1 In the Science of Getting Rich, Wallace D. Wattles puts forth that there is a Thinking Substance in the universe, which is the substance out of which everything becomes manifested. It may be considered as the intelligent universal force of creation that is everywhere: There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made, and which, in its original state, permeates, penetrates, and fills the interspaces of the universe. 2 A number of requirements must be met in order to effectively manifest in partnership with this Thinking Substance. And the extent to which your thoughts harmonize with this Thinking Substance determines the ease with which you will manifest. These thoughts are echoed in many other sources. 3 If you would like to read additional background information on harmonizing with Thinking Substance, download the free article The Greater Secret at In this article, you will learn to harmonize with this Substance by purifying your desires of neediness and lack so that they are a purer expression of true desire. This purification process relates to the third of seven steps of the full creation cycle as implemented by the Affirmation Enhancer Tool. The AET implements the clearing through body codings and activations that restore fulfillment and wholeness, so all neediness is fulfilled from within. The purification process also puts you in alignment with your highest good, which further increases the power of attraction you exert on Thinking Substance. As a starting point, the most important requirements that must be met in order to effectively manifest in partnership with Thinking Substance are as follows: 1- That you harmonize with the purpose or creative impulse of the Thinking Substance, which includes love (upholding the good of all), the continual increase of life, and the expression of true essence in infinite variations. 2- That you convey to Substance your desires with clarity and detail and continually have those desires fulfilled mentally and emotionally in order to receive from it. The articles on gratitude showed you a very important energy that can put you quickly in harmony with the Thinking Substance. Full expression of gratitude, in all its varied aspects including sincere gratitude in advance of manifestation, is so comprehensive that it can put you in complete and continual alignment. But there is still the need to desire as an individual being with your own unique viewpoint, and be clear on the motivation and purpose of those desires so they can act as a mobilizing force to the Substance. 1

2 The subject of this article is a method to gain clarity on your desires, purify them to harmonize with the impulses of creation and your highest good, and generate a sense of being that is a strong vibrational match in thought and emotion to your purified desires, ensuring that you are in synchrony for the law of Attraction to deliver these desires in form. The next article, which is sequel to this one, will teach you how to optimize your creation statement, accept and know you have your desires fulfilled, and will give you an exercise to support you in being continually in harmony with the energies of your desires fulfilled, as the spiritual energies down step further into physicality. Having and Manifesting Desire is The Purpose of Life Desire is necessary for change and creation in life. Your desire is the first impulse to purposeful, creative action. Without desire stirring within your being, nothing would change in life, as there would be no motive force to drive change. All true desire is God or Spirit seeking expression in you. The fundamental impulse of Spirit is the increase of life, and expression through you as love is how life is increased. We were created as an extension of infinity, in order to generate what might be called stereophonic infinity 4. God may be regarded as singular infinity, and the creation of His children as enabling the generation of a stereophonic universe where infinity is extended from every point of divine essence that has been seeded in each of His children. But in order to tap into this immense creative power we ve been granted, we must restore the image of God in ourselves by being our essence of love. The power of the universe is wielded by love. Being love is a concept that will take on greater meaning as you study the many concepts presented in these article series, which teach about manifesting for the Immortal Self. You are thus the richness of the universe, the depth and completion of it all. It is crucial that you respect your individuality and self-awareness. From selfawareness, you derive the capacity for thought and imagination. Contained within it is your right to be an additional source for infinity and creation. The Master, in Love Without End 4 Our main purpose in life is to envision what we desire to experience as an expression of the truth of our being, which in essence is love. The human being is a microcosm of the macrocosmic universe within each of us is contained all the energies in the universe. And when we dwell in our love, which is the infinity of our being, all the energies of the universe are within our command. "You are a spiritual being embodying all of the Power of the Universe within you. Will you not accept the Truth and start living as the Light of the world that you are? The Dawn is is time to awaken to your Inheritance." John Randolph Price 2

3 The Spirituality of Wealth Program elaborates on these principles and helps a person awaken and embody these principles at deep levels of being. But it will suffice to say at present, that your role as a human being is to determine what you desire and define your life experiences in co-creation with God. There is no question about deservability the you who feels undeserving of great things is not the truth of your being, and you would do well to nurture more expansive thoughts about yourself and fellow-beings that will allow you to live from a truer more empowered state. When you decide that your desires are worthy of being manifested and are good for your forward movement in life, you can champion your right to create your life experience, and all the divine universal laws will support you, as this is the will of God. For when you are love, all that you put forth in life augments creation as well as furthers your personal evolution. When you are happy, prosperous and fulfilled, are you not more open, generous, supportive, and inspiring to others? This is what we are meant to be to one another. We ve not been taught to dream and to dream big, so most people just imagine more of what they have. Couple that with the human tendency to focus on the negative, and you see how a lot of human imagination power is wasted on perpetuating current dysfunction into the future. Imagining what we want with clarity is a big hurdle for many people, as imagination power has atrophied in most human beings. But it s not too late to start. And when you begin to consciously create passion and excitement energies, the whole process will accelerate. This article will show you how to start imagining your desires from where you are. Not many people operate from their essential self, and so desires will reflect this. If you re somewhere in-between the true self and the lower ego, true desire gets distorted with perceived neediness for things outside of you. Empowering these distorted desires brings about further dysfunction and pain as the universe in perfection supports your evolution fully. And so initiating creational energies on desires that are not for your highest good will simultaneously initiate energies that will be the undoing of your creation. All that is created from less-than-love impulses has a beginning and an end it is ephemeral and will pass in time and in order for this to be so, the undoing of these creations appears in tandem with the creation although these will not play out at the same point in time. So while it is critical to know what you desire with clarity, it is equally important to purify these desires so that they are aligned to your highest good, lest you also create the undoing of all that you manifest. 3

4 Clarity and Purpose If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy, and inspires your hopes. ~ Andrew Carnegie The more clarity and detail you bring to your thoughts about your desires, the more you can feel and participate with positive emotion, which increases your passion and desire for these things. And with ever greater desire, your commitment level and ability to follow through in life increases. As you will learn in the last article of this series, The Power of Feeling and Expectancy in Accelerated Manifestation, feeling and positive emotion compel the thinking Substance into formation, and passion acts as an urgent message to the universe to mobilize events and resources to you. But there is an even more important subtle shift that occurs when you have complete clarity, and that is that you connect to the purpose in your desires. With clarity about what you are energizing with your precious thought vibrations, and about your motivation for doing so, you will find expression of what is stirring in you in every moment of the day you will feel connected to the present moment in a new way. THAT is the meaning and purpose of life and there is no feeling more delightful or exquisite. With clarity and purpose you will live with passion and excitement in the now, filled with joyous expectancy for what is to come And with a high level of clarity and understanding of your motives and purpose, you can identify all that these desires give in terms of feeling-states (referred to as positive energies in this context) and begin to integrate those positive energies now in this manner, you move towards being in the energy of your desires fulfilled. This is a key component of accelerated manifestation. When you repeatedly go into the feeling-state of your desires fulfilled, your expectancy that they will manifest in form naturally follows because your body starts to believe it, which in turn increases your faith in the creation process. Convincing Your Subconscious Mind Your subconscious mind makes no distinction between what is real and what is imagined; it will absorb information from what you habitually pay attention to in your outer world as much as from what you habitually imagine in your inner world. The subconscious mind learns by repetition and emotion/feeling. The strongest emotions and images you uphold will be supported to expression in your outer life. The subconscious mind has incredible power to produce according to what you feed it in this manner. 4

5 Therefore, you must never leave the energies of fulfilment to the future, because that leaves you wanting. Your subconscious mind, which serves you faithfully, will then find ways to support you in feeling wanting. In wanting, you wait for things to happen to you before you can be fulfilled; this is a disempowered and not a creative state to be in. Wanting is based on the belief that something outside of you can make you feel fulfilled or whole. And this brings us to a discussion of hidden wants or agendas and unmet needs, which will reveal the three little known secrets of manifestation. The Three Little Known Secrets of Manifestation Hidden Agendas Having hidden agendas is a state of being that is enmeshed in outside things. For example, I may be kind to someone with a hidden agenda that I want something from them. This is manipulation a surrogate power that blocks true empowerment. As another example, I may not speak my mind in order to keep the peace at any cost. What I get is a surrogate peace that is on tenuous ground as it depends upon outside conditions. Again, this blocks a sense of true empowerment and sovereignty over my reality. A third example might be that I stifle dreams and stay in work that I dislike or feel stagnant with in order to secure a pension. I am compromising present fulfillment for future financial security that is uncertain at best. I trade reality and purpose for illusion, and am left in a state where any challenges in health or wealth will unravel a precarious sense of security. Hidden agendas always deny the self, as they do not recognize true empowerment that is always in the present moment. Whenever you use a circuitous route rather than your direct power in the now to get what you want, you are not empowered. Moreover, the fulfillment lies in outer circumstances being a certain way or future events taking place, so you are never in certainty in the now. Thus you will perceive with uncertainty and your subconscious mind will deliver more with which to feel uncertain, powerless, and unfulfilled. Furthermore, having hidden agendas means that you are taking care of the how in life and thus are without faith. When your desires have hidden agendas, they are no longer instructions to the universe as to what to deliver, but rather how to deliver things to you. This puts unnecessary constraints on what may come to you. Your job is to define the what, not to figure out the how leave the implementation details to your subconscious mind, which is connected to All That Is and is Thinking Substance. For example, you may desire great wealth with the hidden agenda that you will feel successful, worthy, validated, and more powerful. So long as that agenda is not fully brought to consciousness, your fear-based desire is really to avoid a sense of failure, unworthiness, and powerlessness and you are telling the universe it must come in the way 5

6 of money. Focusing on great wealth will block your clarity, since you are focusing on something that is effect rather than cause, and moreover, you are vibrating the underlying fear. Each time you energize your desire, you also energize the fears associated with not having that desire. The fact is that great wealth will not give you a sense of lasting success, worth, and personal power. However, having your true desires fulfilled that is, feeling successful, worthy, valid, and empowered will eventually lead to abundant Supply in your life. Nothing on the outside can cause you to feel a certain way, because matter (outer reality) is not causative, it is only effect. Matter has a beginning and an end, and is thus an effect. Inner reality acts upon the formless Thinking Substance to produce the things in your outer reality, and not the other way around. The solution is to examine your desires and see what you feel they will give you. From that, you can address all the hidden agendas, and your desires can then shift and become aligned to your true desires. A true sense of success will likely come from fulfilling other capacities in you, which will eventually open you to receiving wealth. Until then, you will not be in synchrony with receiving great wealth from the One Substance that responds only to the love that you are. It will deliver learning that has the potential to reveal to you sources of true success and power but the learning will not be easy because it arises from your unconscious intentions. It is always to our advantage to bring things to conscious awareness and engage the power of choice, as the scenarios attracted by unconscious intentions are not the most pleasant. The irony of the situation is that what you think you desire identifies the path that would cause you to bypass your lessons, or to skip over the issue that needs your attention in order to grow. In the example above, great wealth would obscure your ability to face your sense of failure and unworthiness in life, and is precisely what you are resisting energetically by your belief that it has the power to resolve things for you. Unmet Needs A similar thing happens with unmet needs that get deeply buried in the psyche. Unmet needs play out as hidden agendas, but are much more hidden to us. These unmet needs create cravings for something else we erroneously think can meet the deeply buried need. Whether the craving is for a substance, a feeling, or an object, that something else becomes a surrogate source of fulfillment that is temporary at best. In time, when the temporary hit is no longer there, we generally crave more intensely and aggressively as we feel even deeper emptiness and despair. 6

7 When our desires hold unmet needs we set the stage for continued dysfunction and pain. For example, you may have been unloved and abandoned in childhood and are now seeking the approval of partners who are always wrong for you (and much like the rejecting parent). You may desire a loving relationship, but your idea of love may be needy of approval, controlling and enmeshed. Unless you sort through your desire and get to the unmet needs, you will energize all the dysfunction and pain of your childhood each time you energize your desire. Again, the irony is that you are energetically resisting what you think you desire with as much force as you desire it. In the Abraham-Hicks teachings, this is described as accelerating your vehicle to 100 mph (desire) right into a tree (resistance and contradictory thoughts). 5 The ensuing big crash is the unpleasant result of holding powerful desires in the midst of great resistance. In this state of affairs, desire is really wishful thinking in disguise rather than true creative endeavor, as it can so easily turn into despair. The notion that something you don t have that is external to you can cause you to feel a certain way is reality creation backwards it is trying to make effect into cause. The truth of the matter is that the outer form of life can t change your inner reality. It only appears this way, because there is a feedback loop, from (a) inner reality to (b) expression of that inner reality in the outer world, to an (a) inner experience of the outer world expression. But the tail end of that loop the inner experience of the outer expression (from b to a) is not creative of anything; it is merely the completion of a creation cycle. You can t force the tail end of creation to instigate a full creation cycle. In the example above, you can t get a relationship to make you feel worthy of love and acceptable as you are. An intimate relationship will only stir up your fear of abandonment and rejection, and you will desperately cling to all your dysfunctional patterns around love. But if you will welcome of change of heart such that you allow yourself to feel worthy of love and come to self-acceptance, this will naturally express in a loving relationship in which you can safely clear up any remnants of childhood fears. The reason we often fall into the illusion that outer reality causes how we feel is that our creative impulses (inner reality), which caused the dysfunction on the outside, are often unconscious to us. We don t know we re creating the dysfunction; all we see are the effects in outer reality and then feel bad, thinking that outer reality caused us to feel bad. But really our feeling bad already happened from our unconscious intention that was dysfunctional, but we didn t register it consciously yet and it then went on to create the unwanted stuff in our outer reality. 7

8 This attempt to create backwards a phenomenon of both hidden agendas and unmet needs leaves fulfillment of the desire to the future, as you end up waiting (in desperation sometimes) for that future to deliver what you want so you can feel okay. But while you re waiting, your feelings are not in sync with your desires and are creating a reality where you are always left wanting. But there is only the now, and leaving fulfillment to the future is leaving it nowhere! Paraphrasing Napoleon Hill, we can only get what we want when we stop wanting it. In other words, when we release our neediness of something to make us feel a certain way, and feel that way by our own inner changes, then we easily get what we want. In the above example, you will need to realize self-acceptance and self-love before you will manifest a healthy, loving relationship. As another example, suppose you desire a wonderful new home, as big and beautiful as all your friends homes. What you really may be after is self-respect and a sense of validation or worthiness. The new home won t give you what you want, yet there are endless ways in which the universe may deliver a growing sense of self-respect and worth when you are consciously open to it. Once you establish these energies within yourself, if the new home is still part of a happy story you wish to experience, then it and even more, is likely to manifest. The third little known secret of manifestation is that you can only have what you are conscious of having. 6 This is because you are spirit in essence, and spirit knows itself by what it expresses. As spirit, you have what is your consciousness, and cannot have what is not your consciousness having and being conscious of having are one and the same at the level of pure consciousness. This translates to having in your manifested reality, what is active in your consciousness, or in your aware consciousness. So the process of making conscious what is unconscious in order to manifest is a very important one. When you purify your desires by processing hidden agendas and unmet needs, you will get to know the true purpose of your desires. And the true purpose is always a state of consciousness we never desire external things for their own sake; ultimately, all desire is for a feeling state related to feeling better and expanded in some way. Knowing your true purpose will lend greater power to your desires, as you will feel that they are a true expression of your being. When you resonate to your true desires, your level of commitment, engagement, passion, and faith will all increase. But also, you can generate the energies of your purpose or motives in order to become conscious of having. In the above example, when you are conscious of your need for self-respect, a sense of validation and worthiness you can address it by various means (see exercise below for a very effective way) and begin to shift into those energies. This is being in the energies of your desires fulfilled, and that s what gets you fully in vibrational match to your true desires and aligned to receiving them in form. A surprising discovery is that the energy of your desires fulfilled is always frightening or challenging to some extent. The reason you did not have that in your reality is because 8

9 you were resisting it. For everything in your current reality that you are discontent with, you are simultaneously resisting it and resisting what you think you want instead. But the resistance to what you really want is hidden and you only get to discover and feel it by immersing in the energies of your desires fulfilled. It may be subtle or not but there is always some fear involved. In the example of wanting self-respect/validation/worthiness via the new home, you may fear having that because it is too great a responsibility and that you ll have to be more accountable to yourself, or that people will see you differently. But the fears are always manageable with the new feelings of strength and aliveness that come from true desire fulfilled. And with an internal shift towards those desired energies that comes from consciously immersing in them, the universe will easily come through with things that uphold that as reality for you. So knowing the purpose of your desires and reaching for them energetically is like getting on the same page with the universe (and the subconscious mind) it gives you and the universe a clear path to realizing that purpose. So you can only have what you are conscious of having means that you can only have in visible form an expression of what you are conscious of having as consciousness. If you have wealth consciousness, you will have visible wealth. If you have self-respect consciousness, you will have visible self-respect and your life will appear dignified. If you have inner beauty consciousness, you will have visible beauty expressed in your life. You will have visibly what you know yourself to be inwardly. A writer never thinks of how to be a writer and a wealthy person never thinks about how to be wealthy they simply know they are that. You must never concern yourself with how to get things outwardly; always with what things you want to get you then find the purpose for the what and become that in consciousness. Being must always come before doing; all doings must emerge exclusively from a sense of being in order that they be effective. When doing precedes being, you are attempting to create backwards, using force rather than power. Therefore, in order to manifest your desires you must be in the energy of those desires fulfilled and be that which you seek. To recap, the three little secrets of manifestation are: Nothing on the outside can cause you to feel a certain way, so stop looking for a surrogate on the outside and find the real thing inside. You can only get what you want when you stop wanting it and the way to stop wanting it is to fulfill the want on the inside. You can only have what you are conscious of having and so whatever you want must be fulfilled in consciousness in order for it to become your visible Supply. 9

10 Solution to the Three Little Secrets The solution to the secrets is simply to be in the energy of your desires fulfilled. It is to realize cause and effect all at once. The chicken and the egg appeared simultaneously as thought there is no chicken without an egg, and no egg without a potential chicken the cause is the creative thought that contains the wholeness. Chicken and egg are one thought expressed at different levels of creation in time. But time is illusion created for the sake of experience. Let time be there for the sake of savoring experience only it is a tool that is not to be made master, and you ensure it is not made master by always seeing the whole cause and effect simultaneously. If you wait for time and externals to change your mind, you wait for nothing. Realizing desire and its completion simultaneously corresponds to the step of having in the ten steps of manifestation. Error! Bookmark not defined. Knowing you have is like recognizing the chicken in the egg. The egg is not an egg without the potential for chicken. Likewise, your true desires contain the realization or completion in form. They will unfold if given the proper medium for gestation and growth and that medium is you your body that is in harmony with the completion. When you realize all levels of creation in the now, the cause (creative desire or thought) and its full cycle to completion become one. In life, the end can be no different from the means, so make real that end energetically, and you will be in complete synchrony with the whole, and thus with the means. In other words, when you engage in the energies of fulfilment of your desire, you tap into the wholeness of your creation and you become the means for that outcome. Though you work with processes of creation in time that may be more yin (being) or more yang (doing) in nature at any given point, each is contained within the other and neither exists outside the one thought or the Tao. These concepts are very important to grasp you cannot take things apart and work with individual pieces out of context because the only reality is the whole existing in the now. So you must always connect to the whole throughout the creative process that unfolds in time, and never let outer appearance sway you from knowing the whole or the fulfilment as a reality. Inner and outer life, like means and outcome, are a seamless reality without breaks. A good visual for this is given by the Möbius strip (see the box below), where inner and outer edges flow one into the other. So when you become seamless and make the outer (outcome) the inner (the means), you are in synchrony with the original creative thought (i.e. your desire). You fulfill your outward desires inwardly in consciousness by identifying their purpose and working to internally generate, integrate and engage those energies. In doing this, you become a vibrational match to the creative thought as a whole, and you attract those desires expressed outwardly. Another way of looking at it is that you are then aligned with the seamlessness of the whole and your inner reality becomes outward reality within the creative cycle of time. By engaging the energies of fulfilment of your desires, you enter into full enjoyment of the things you want in the mental realm 2. 10

11 The Möbius Strip Take a simple strip of paper and connect the two ends. The link you ve created has an inner edge and an outer edge that are separate and never meet. Now do a half-twist to one end of the strip and connect the ends. Run your finger along one edge and see how inner and outer edges are now one there is no longer separation. The half-twist represents a consciousness shift out of the lower ego mind that sees separation, and into the true self that recognizes consciousness as the One creative thought of its reality. The Möbius strip represents single-sided non-duality, and symbolizes that inner and outer worlds are aspects of a single reality. Another interesting property is that the Möbius strip remains in one piece when split down the middle. Consciousness or thought may be made into the thousand things, but it is always connected to the One. Being in the energy of your desires in their fulfilled state is what the Affirmation Enhancer Tool achieves in a person through body codings and activations that restore fulfillment and wholeness from within. And when you are fulfilled within, you no longer connect to the future with neediness and are fully empowered in the present. Furthermore, by radiating the vibrations of all your desires in their fulfilled state, you naturally attract these to you in outer reality. The following is a processing exercise to purify your desires of neediness and to reveal their purpose, so that you can begin aligning with the energies of your purified desires in their fulfilled state. Exercise: Purifying Desires to Reveal Purpose & Internally Generating the Energies of Purpose and Fulfilment As Wattles states in the Science of Getting Rich, Behind your clear vision must be the purpose to realize it to bring it out in tangible expression. This exercise will help you to become much clearer on your desires and find their true purpose so that you can bring it to tangible expression by integrating those energies and being in synchrony with the fulfilment of your desires. The exercise will take the neediness out of what you think you want by aligning you internally with the energies you are now seeking from outside sources. Once you begin to engage those energies internally, you will be a vibrational match to receive your true desires in form. Give yourself time with it. It is a key exercise in manifestation and worth doing well. 11

12 1. Make a list of at least 5 item categories describing what you want in your reality that would impart a sense of thriving and growth or advancement in life. Choose categories for which you are seeking improvement. An item category might include home, career, marriage, friendships, leisure activities, children, particular relationships, health, fitness, and so forth. For each category, list specific items that you desire. Cover as much as you can from detailed things you may want, to states of being, to things you may want to do or experience in that context. Push yourself to include many items and details. Once done, go over the list and elaborate or expand even further. When you are done, proceed to the next steps for each item category on your list. Find the Positive Energies You re Looking For: Ponder on each category and items listed and ask yourself the following: Why do I want that? or What would that give me? You are looking for energies or traits that having that desire fulfilled would give you (e.g. security, self-respect, power, confidence, feeling blessed, successful, supported, content, unlimited, etc.) Keep asking until you ve exhausted all that you would get from having your desires in that category. Process out all negative energies (e.g. revenge, vindication, control or power over others, escape from the past). To do this, find the unmet needs under the negative energies these will be positive. For example, you may desire wealth to feel vindicated, whereas you are really seeking validation and respect. You may want success in your business in an attempt to make up for past failures. In this case, you are seeking to be free of your past, which will come with self-forgiveness, self-acceptance, and a sense of innocence that will free you to learn from the past. Write all these positive energies or traits in the left margin for each category on your list. 2. Find the Positive Capacities You Need to Awaken: Next, ask yourself the following: What capacities of character or sensitivities of soul do I need to have in order to feel comfortable or adequate to that reality? You may find a lot of overlap with the questions of step 2, because it is really looking at the same thing but from another angle. In this regard, it is helpful in revealing new insights. Continuing with the vindication example, you may find you need self-respect and self-acceptance to sustain the wealth desired. With the past failure example, you may need courage to really assess the situation and to make changes within so that you can do things differently, which may require faith in yourself, an ability to take responsibility, and so forth. (A more substantial example is given after the description of the exercise.) Again, write these positive capacities in the left margin for each category. 12

13 3. Be in the Energy of Your Desires Fulfilled: Now immerse in the positive energies that you are seeking (identified in steps 2 and 3) by whatever means you can. (If you have the Affirmation Enhancer Tool, use it and state a number of affirmations around those energies.) Imagine and feel those energies in you, and then imagine that area of your life with those energies fully integrated and accessible to you. How does it change the way you present yourself, your self-image, confidence, etc.? Really let yourself feel it. Then move on to imagining how having those energies would affect other areas of your life. How would your overall life be impacted? Be specific and give yourself time to really explore and feel things. Spend as much time as needed to really feel the impact fully. If you have difficulty imagining having any one of those energies or if you need to strengthen your connection to any one of the energies, then use the Reflective Meditation (see the suggestion for Accelerated Integration, below) over the next few days, as you practice being in the energy of your desires fulfilled. 4. Purify Your Desires Now ask yourself, With those positive energies (that you immersed in) do I still desire what I originally wrote down under that category? And, How might that desire be different now? Continuing with the previous first example, with a sense of feeling validated, acceptable, self-respect, confident, etc. your desire for wealth will lose its desperation and you may feel a more important use of your energy right now is to generate greater success in your home life and marriage. Or you may experience a subtler change, so that you still desire wealth but your relationship to that desire is healthier and more positive. You may find yourself focusing more on what opportunities that wealth will translate into, rather than leaving it at abstract wealth. With the second example, having forgiven yourself and accepted the past failure, you will feel less blindly driven to succeed and more able to respond to the present opportunities; you may feel you are becoming successful and can now focus your creative energies on specific areas of your business. If your desire would change somewhat by having those positive traits now, this means your desire had hidden motives and was not quite pure. So adjust the desire and/or positive energies to what is a better match to you now that you are integrating the energies you needed. Don t worry if you don t quite understand your hidden motives, as they will completely clear away as you continue to immerse in and integrate the energies you are seeking. In order to heal, you don t have to understand details of what you are leaving behind it s far better to focus on the new expansive reality. In time, you can look back and derive greater insight. 5. Synthesis of Positive Energies 13

14 Look at the lists of positive energies and capacities for all the different categories. Can you see overlap? You may notice certain themes running through the categories. You may notice that your soul longings, i.e. dormant potential capacities express in all areas of life, albeit slightly differently in each. See if you can combine or refine the positive energies, traits and capacities that you are seeking. It s easier to work with integrating fewer rather than more energies. So if you can combine certain energies into a larger complex, when you target these for integration, you will get changes in all areas. 6. Repetition to Entrain the Subconscious Mind Carry your list with you and read the items in each category once or more daily. Imagine each category, as you desire it in specific detail. Now connect to and immerse in all the positive energies listed in the left margins for each of the categories statements you made. Feel those energies while you imagine your desires fulfilled in detail. And be sure to feel grateful in advance for the fulfillment of your desires. Understand that all these positive energies hold your intentions and purpose in seeking the experiences you desire. Feel those energies as sufficient purpose to motivate you to persevere in your manifestation work. The more thoroughly you immerse in these energies, the more powerful an attractor point you become for the realization of those desires. If you have the Affirmation Enhancer Tool, formulate statements declaring those positive energies, as this will further clear all that is in opposition to them and deepen their integration in you. As well, feel yourself in those energies and use the AET Create my desired reality command. Feel excited over your desired creation throughout the day, and use the AET Boost Creational Energies and amplify excitement command, to accelerate the manifestation process further. In the next lesson, we will add another important step and some powerful creation exercises that can accelerate manifestation for you. * * * * * Below is an example of steps 2 and 3 from my personal creation list: Item Category: Home I desire great beauty in my surroundings my home is organized and spacious everywhere I turn is beauty beautiful colors, textures, objects of art, furnishings, beautiful landscaping, sunroom addition and deck overlooking the river valley, new flooring, perfect functional lighting, thriving plant life, sense of peace and 14

15 serenity that comes from all the detailed care put into the décor (There are more details but these are not important here.) Upon immersing in this desire and seeing all the many details in my mind, I find it gives me (step 2) a sense of being graceful, refined, calm, competent, successful, caring and connected to everything around me, able to pay attention to detail without overwhelm, purposeful, and present to the moment. The capacities needed to hold that reality (step 3) are a sense of caring about detail and slowing down to just be, being at peace with tending to detail and finding meaning and purpose in every action in other words, an ability to be Zen-like with my life and surroundings. Another capacity needed for me to hold this is a sense of grace and refinement. I ve always felt that the details are unimportant because I have greater or loftier things to occupy my mind, and this has taken away from my power and ability to just be and to honor the importance of detail. Processing the question in step 3 has enlarged my understanding of the desire, and helps me to understand that not only do I need to engage these energies in order to be aligned to the desired outcome, but my soul is longing for this Zen-like way of being independently from this desire. It has really struck home that as much as I know that being comes before doing, I was subtly transferring a compulsion to do into a way of being and so not mastering this element to a sufficient depth. I knew intellectually that how you do one thing is how you do all things but had not let that sink in to an organic knowing. So doing both steps has been revealing for me. From the above processing, I have formulated affirmations to support the capacities of soul that I need to be able to hold this reality and some to get me to integrate the wonderful feelings I am seeking through this desire. By doing these affirmations, I ve noticed that I ve slowed down and am paying attention to detail in my surroundings, surprisingly, without being overwhelmed at all the things that need to be addressed and without loss of productivity. I ve done the Reflective Meditation on many of my desired traits, and this has added to the overall shift. I have found a lot of overlap in energies I need to integrate and engage across different areas or categories for which I ve done this exercise. So our soul longings and deficiencies express in all areas of life. And when these are targeted for reprogramming, major life changes will occur. * * * * * 15

16 Consistent and repetitive action towards being in the energy of your desires fulfilled is KEY in manifesting consistently. Once you begin to manifest things on your list, your confidence and belief in your power at conscious co-creation will increase. But it won t happen overnight. Be prepared to persevere and be especially prepared to emancipate your belief from outer appearances at the start. The dysfunction or lack you may be perceiving in your outer reality reflects your past thoughts and beliefs it is your past energy made manifest. Don t waste another moment of precious thought energy on the past remain exclusively focused on the desires you are now choosing to create. Our body s cells are continually renewing this is the gift of life! We are forever made anew and the impulse of creation is to make things better and better. When your thoughts are ever more expansive, joyful, infinite, and loving, you will harmonize even more completely with the plan of creation, and your life will begin to unfold gracefully. In the next report, you will be focusing on one or two goals of manifestation and working those consistently and repeatedly every day with very powerful creation exercises, for as long as it takes until they become your new reality. * * * * * Below is a vibrationally encoded image that will help you clear blocks that may be impeding the energetic integration of the principles presented. This image can assist in accelerating inner transformation and understanding/awakening to greater clarity and focus in your desires. It responds to the individual and will begin to work in you from your current point of consciousness. As soon as you look at the image the clearing commences. The more frequently and the longer that you look at it, the more clearing you receive. Once the healing frequencies have been integrated, then looking briefly or even a glance at the images can reinforce them. It is suggested that you look at the image for a few minutes to begin with, and then for seconds or so a few times through the day thereafter. 16

17 Encoded Image: Enhancing Clarity and Focus in Manifesting Desires 17

18 About the Author: With over 20 years of esoteric study and a strong vision and commitment to human freedom, Anita Briggs has been counseling clients and supporting emotional healing with Rapid Eye therapy and energy psychology for over 7 years. Anita has recently co-developed Inner Mastery Tools for accelerated clearing and rescripting of dysfunction, for use by therapists or individuals. She is working on several products: a major upgrade to the Affirmation Enhancer Tool that will greatly accelerate manifestation and awakening, The 40-day Prosperity Consciousness Program, Ten Steps, Three States, and Five Principles of Accelerated Manifestation from the Co-creative Mind, and The Divine Rights Reclaimer Module are but a few of the exciting upcoming products. This report was partly excerpted from The Spirituality of Wealth, a program to develop the consciousness of abundance that contains activations of the Inner Mastery Tools and the Affirmation Enhancer Tool. Visit for details on the Spirituality of Wealth Program or to download a free copy of the Science of Getting Rich, by Wallace D. Wattles (go to Links). To find out about the Affirmation Enhancer Tool, visit 1 John Randolph Price. The Love Book. Hay House Inc p.31 2 Wallace D. Wattles. The Science of Getting Rich. Public Domain book. The book is available with the Spirituality of Wealth program, and may also be downloaded on its own for free from our website, (go to Links, then click on There is a Science to Getting Rich ) 3 For example in Love Without End (referenced below), in The Love Book, by John Randolph Price, in the Art of Spiritual Healing, by Joel Goldsmith, in the Divine Matrix by Greg Braden, and many others. 4 Glenda Green. Love Without End, Jesus Speaks. Spiritis Publishing p Esther and Jerry Hicks. Ask and It is Given. P John Randolph Price. The Love Book. Hay House Inc p

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