12 RAYS ~ Retreat Requirements

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1 Ray No. 1 ~ Learning that Strength & Power is Allowing Tolerance & Patience to Be Within Definition ~ Will & Power Color: Deep Blue Chakra: Throat Elders from the Throne of Grace: Alura & Aluri Chohan: Master El Morya Elohim Masters: Hercules & Amazonia Archangels: Michael & Faith Toning Sound: HAM, HE The Elders from the Throne of Grace are the designated energies from the God Force to direct the Ray Spectrum of Light. Each of the first 12 rays have a male and female aspect Elder assigned to each ray. This is new information that has come to us from one of our visits to the Etheric Golden Cities. We will include their energies in each of the decrees and attunements. The Ray Chohan is considered the leader of the ray. The energy is directed from the Elders to the Ray Chohan; the Elohim Masters assist in the process of activating the ray along with the Archangels. An individual may call upon any of the Light Beings to assist in receiving the frequency of the ray. When working with the ray color always feel the light come directly from the Source to your physical body in a clock-wise manner while breathing deeply at least three times. Characteristics of the ray represents the qualities that are infused when activating the frequency; Virtues to be Aspired to represent the qualities that are in the Higher Expression; and Aspects to Avoid represent the Lower Expression of this ray. This ray represents the ability to fully accept your Will and Power within the physical body. Characteristics: Strength, Courage, Truthfulness, Fearlessness, and Learning to Handle People Virtues To Be Aspired To: Tenderness, Humility, Sympathy, Tolerance, Protection, Faith, Initiative, and Patience Aspects To Avoid: Pride, Ambition, Willfulness, Hardness, Arrogance, Desire to Control Others, Obstinacy and Anger. Ray 1 ~ Learning that Strength & Power is Truly Tolerance of the Soul Decree: Infusing Will & Power I Am an initiate upon the Pathway of Mastery, I Am learning to fully command all the Rays of God, Along this pathway I see in front of me, The Supreme Beings of Light that direct the frequencies, Of Will and Power; In the Color of Deep Blue. I look ahead and see them beckoning me towards them, I see Alura & Aluri the 1 st and 2 nd Elders from the Throne of Grace; Then I am acknowledged by Master El Morya, With Elohim Masters Hercules & Amazonia, Archangels Michael & Faith now join them. Each of them represents a creative piece of activating the Ray of Will and Power. As I move forward I feel their essences summoning me closer, Alura and Aluri share with me their deepest humility, patience and strength; Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Rev. Michael Hayden Page 1 of 44

2 I breathe deeper as the Deep Blue flows into the Throat Chakra, I feel is spinning deeper and deeper. I am then met by Master El Morya, As he walks with me I feel the deepest strength of his Will and Protection, It is so very strong but so very soft in the presence of his light, It expands within me as I walk further with each of them along my side; I see Elohim Masters Hercules and Amazonia, Hercules shares with me the deepest strength I have ever experienced; He says Be courageous in everything you do and always make the right decision from within, I am honored deeply by their presence within my life in this moment. I walk with a Will within me that I did not feel previously; Amazonia shows me her ability to be very tolerant and patient, It runs through my veins deeply as I walk further down the pathway. I then see Archangels Michael and Faith, Michael shows me how to bring forth protection within my world, While Faith shows me the ability to believe deeply in each moment. The swirling energies of the Blue Flame now run through me, I am fully embodied with the qualities of, Love, Compassion, Unselfishness in all my endeavors, While allowing the pathway of endurance to keep me strong, I feel my intuition expanding as I feel so very serene. I know stand with each of these beautiful beings of Light, Lord Alura & Lady Aluri now combine the essence of the Blue Flame, Through my Throat chakra and into all aspects of my Being; I now see each of them before me, As I become One with Them. I now have Will, Power, fearlessness and the ability to work with the masses of people, I have fully accepted the Light of God s Will fully within my Being; I accept the Divine Will and Love within me; As I walk into the New Earth with deep confidence of Who I AM, I AM that I AM that I AM. Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Rev. Michael Hayden Page 2 of 44

3 Ray 2 ~ Love & Wisdom Representing Compassionate Love For All Beings Definition~ Love & Wisdom Color: Golden Yellow Chakra: Crown Elders from the Throne of Grace: Lord Ralya & Lady Ralyio Chohan: Ascended Master Djwhal Khul, Master Joshua David Stone Elohim Masters: Apollo & Lumina Archangels: Jophiel & Christine Toning Sound: I - AUM When working with the Ray of Love & Wisdom you may find an essence of great love being embellished within your Physical Being. This essence is so very powerful in a different way than Will and Power of the 1 st Ray. Whereas, the first ray is very intense and can take us awhile to fully accept it and embody the frequencies; this ray of Love and Wisdom brings forth an essence to be softer in our approach. We also want to clarify that it brings forth great strength in knowing that you are being completely fair and honest with yourself and others. It brings to us a state of this is the way it is and should always be. This ray is represented by other Beings beside the Ray Chohan of Master Kuthumi and Djwhal Khul. Lord Buddha along with Lord Maitreya, The Office of the Christ are representatives of Love & Wisdom. These masters step forward to assist each of us in fully acquiring these characteristics within our physical existence. Incorporating Love and Wisdom is allowing an individual to fully embrace the Love within but yet access the deepest Wisdom from the Will of God. Characteristics: Expanding beyond what the Mind can understand, Radiance of the Self, having abilities to access your Insight and Intuition, Loyalty, Generosity, being calm with great endurance, while being very patient in all endeavors. Virtues To Be Aspired To: Love of Truth, Faithfulness, Ernest Spiritual Study especially concerning the process of Initiations and the Science of Ascension as taught by the Ascended Masters, Unselfishness, and exhibiting a serene temper. Aspects To Avoid: Over Absorption in Studies without balance, Coldness, Indifference to Others, following a strict religious practice and not connecting to Universal Consciousness, and contempt of Mental Limitations in others. Ray 2 ~ Love & Wisdom Representing Compassionate Love For All Beings Decree: Accepting Love through the Wisdom of God I now step into a new doorway, Through the 22 Rays of God, I walk and feel the essence of Love & Wisdom, Coming towards me. I feel and embrace the color of Golden Yellow, As I feel its essence flowing within my Crown Chakra; I stop and reflect the essence of this Ray, Fully sharing its beauty within my world. As I take a deep breath, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Rev. Michael Hayden Page 3 of 44

4 I now experience the depthness of the vibratory frequencies flowing within, I see in front of me Lord Ralya & Lady Ralyio, Who represent Elders No. 3 & 4 of the Throne of Grace, Their frequency is running through my Crown chakra, Into the rest of my Central Column of Light, They hand me a beautiful flower of Golden Yellow hues. Lady Ralyio tells me, Breathe deeply within the flower essence; Feel the beauty that is there for you to behold, It is your Soul expressing to you through the bud of its essence; Then Lord Ralya hands me a beautiful wand of Golden hues, I turn it up and down and see the flame reflecting in my face, As it flows within the crystalline wand; He says, This is your flame of your Wisdom of Light, Let it permeate within your Heart as it blends with your Crown Chakra. I now see before me the great Masters of this beautiful Ray, Master Kuthumi and Ascended Master Djwhal Kuhl, Embrace their essence upon me, I feel their power but yet the deepest love I could ever imagine. Master Kuthumi stands on my left and Dhjwal Kuhl on my right, Their message to me is very clear, Embrace the love that is within you from your God Essence, Feel the compassionate thoughts run through your mind, You are radiating with the essence of Universal Love, Let it shine to others, It is your Divine Right to fully embrace the Being that You Are. I take a step forward and then am met, By the Elohim Masters of Apollo & Lumina, Their light is blinding my physical eyes, So I look within; I am amazed at the spiraling frequencies being directed at me, They embrace me and share with me the essence of their beauty; It is not in the perfection of the moment, But in many moments of perfection; Perfection does not mean harsh criticism of the self, It represents learning how to be unselfish, By receiving the love within, This creates an ability to fully understand Universal Love; In its purest forms of Patience, Calmness and great strength. I take another deep breath, As the Archangels of Jophiel & Christine embrace me deeply, I feel their essence deeply within me, As the expansiveness of their light shines so brightly; I feel as if I am a huge ball of Golden Light, That is illuminating inside my Being; At first, it is a self reflection, And then I see each of these amazing beings, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Rev. Michael Hayden Page 4 of 44

5 Smiling at me very deeply, As I am illuminating myself to them, And I see their reflection of me, Shining ever so brightly. I feel the illumination of my Love & Wisdom, Blazing the light so deeply through me; As I express all these elements they have shared, And Expand it outwards to others. I AM Universal Love, I Feel Calm and Very Serene, But yet, my wisdom is expanding within this moment; Of Great Reflection, I AM Love, I AM Wisdom, And so much more; I AM that I AM that I AM. Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Rev. Michael Hayden Page 5 of 44

6 Ray No. 3 ~ Learning to Express Gratitude of the Self to Create the Manifestation Desired Definition ~Creative & Active Intelligence Color: Pink Chakra: Heart Elders from the Throne of Grace: Lord Seelea and Lady Seeleo Chohan: Master Paul the Venetian and Mahachohan, St. Germain Elohim Masters: Heros & Amora Archangels: Chamuel & Charity Toning Sound: YAM, A Active Intelligence represents Creative and Physical action within an individual s pathway. The Ray Chohan is Paul the Venetian along with St. Germain who is now the Mahachohan (Oversee-er of All the Rays). Additionally, Paul the Venetian and Serapis Bey have worked within the 3 rd and 4 th rays at different times so an individual may feel the essence of Master Serapis Bey also. When we look at this ray on the Planetary level, it represents the color of Yellow within the Throat Center. This can be confusing as it seems so much more sense within the Heart Chakra of the Pink Flame, but let s think about that for a moment as we reflect within those areas. The Throat represents speaking clearly from the Heart and accessing those elements that seem to get lost in the process. If we speak in tones of the Creative Intelligence, it allows others to see us in the ability to understand the project, thought process, or idea through the ability to produce it with clear understanding. As this ray integrates within us and allows the frequency to change from the Yellow to the Pink it takes on a new essence of frequency. It then represents the qualities of Divine Love and Adoration by being able to express it within the Heart and then to others. This creates the Action necessary to allow the energy to manifest in our lives. So when we are accessing this flame from the Pink resonance, it directly is allowing our frequencies to receive from its Highest Essence of the God Force through the physical creation. This, in turn, takes the old aspects that did not allow an individual to fully acquire the truest part of them-selves within to create the manifestation desired. The type of person the Pink Flame represents is full of action and manipulation of energies but with the deepness of their soul expressing it from the Essence of God. The Higher Expression is represented through communication or interaction which can be via voice, internet, or forms of media which could also include channeling energies for the means of expressing the highest form of creation (this could also include artists who share their creations). The Lower Expression represents the use and spread of money for selfish reasons. Characteristics: The Power to be able to Create the ideas to Manifest along with Evolving continually, having Mental Illumination, Perseverance, and Clear Mindedness, accessing the power to produce while having great Understanding. Virtues To Be Aspired To: Acquiring deep Compassion, Tolerance and Devotion in the Self and Others which will manifest into Accuracy of the process of allowing elements to flow; this creates higher energy and accessing Common Sense in each moment along with integrating an individual s Divinity Within which represents Gratitude, Charity, and Reverence. Aspects To Avoid: Possessing Intellectual Pride and Coldness which creates Isolation, being Obstinate, Selfish, overly Critical of Others, and seeing too many details which may Paralyze the Creative Action. Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Rev. Michael Hayden Page 6 of 44

7 Ray No. 3 ~ Learning to Express Gratitude of the Self to Create the Manifestation Desired Decree ~ Divine Love Expressed through the Self Creates Physical Action I call upon the energies of the Golden Pathway, The journey of the 22 Rays of God, To be fully embodied within my Physical Self. Within this pathway I arrive at the doorway, To Ray No. 3, Which represents the ability to Create My Desires in my physical world, I embrace the Flame of the Pink Light as it resonates within me, I feel a warmth and desire within my Heart Center to learn more; I start to feel an essence of warmth permeating my entire Being, As I feel as if I am walking on a Pink Cloud of Light; I stop and I see the beautiful beings that work with this Ray of Light. I see before me the beautiful essences of Lord Seelea & Lady Seeleo, Who represent the Pink Flame from the Elders From the Throne of Grace, I am shaking as they reach out their essence into mine, With a warmth and expression of Divine Love. Lord Seelea and Lady Seelo both blend their energies into One, As I stand before them, Do not be afraid, just allow the transformation to occur, Were their words to me; I stop and feel the pink flame burning within me the desires my soul has wanted to share, But yet, I must look within they say, To fully remove old times which have gotten in the way; I now feel their essences changing my thoughts, I start to feel the Mental Illumination I have been searching for, Wow, the lights are coming on, And all is revealed within me. I then am met by Master Paul the Venetian, Who shares with me his beautiful essence of the Divine; He says unto me, You must have Gratitude for where you have come from, Allow it to be within your Being as it has molded you to become WHO YOU ARE ; It is almost like he is holding me deeply within his own Heart, I feel his essence allowing my lifestream to be blessed in ways, I could only imagine in the deepest of my meditations. Then before me are the Elohim Masters Heros & Amora, Their essence is beyond what the eyes can behold, I feel each of them embodying it within me, Sharing their Sacred Heart Within Mine; Once again, I am in awe of the joy and charity that is exalted from their frequency, The words I hear ring so very true within me, It is time to fully allow your Divinity to be expressed within your Physical Reality Without allowing your Highest Essence to be Embodied, You cannot manifest your desires unto the world, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Rev. Michael Hayden Page 7 of 44

8 And this Earth needs your ideas to become manifest Now; I then feel the Pink Flame glowing from their essence, Unto Mine, It is burning the deepest sacred fire within, As I feel the essence of deep gratitude and tolerance of where I have been; I feel my devotion growing within my physical existence. Then before me I see the most beautiful pink angels I have ever envisioned, It is the Archangels Chamuel & Charity, They embrace my essence with their Wings of Pure Delight; I feel where I have been before, They accept all parts of myself, But yet allow me to see what is to come; I am in deep love with the essence of God, Both Chamuel & Charity exhibit this presence deeply in all they express to me; Without the God Essence permeating within your thoughts, You cannot have the clear intent or the power to produce fully in your existence, Your mind can be cluttered with too many thoughts, It is important to fully feel the essence of Purity within your Heart Center, This is the expression of God s Love showing you the way. I am now very excited, I am still shaking but not from fear, I feel the essence of God s Love within me; Divine Mother & Father show me that without all of these elements, I am just creating more problems within my pathway; I call upon my I AM Presence to fully be my guide. I Am Love and express this love within me, I Am excited by all I am experiencing; I want to put it into practice, So that my ideas will become manifest, To share with everyone I meet. I feel the clarity of my mental thoughts, I feel the exaltation within my emotional feelings; I Am Whole and Complete, By Allowing the Divine Love I Am to be fully embodied within my existence; I know walk with illumination of my Divine Light, I AM that I AM that I AM. Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Rev. Michael Hayden Page 8 of 44

9 Ray No. 4 ~ Experiencing Pure Joy in Each Moment Definition ~Harmony & Balance Through Conflict Color: Crystalline Chakra: Root Elders from the Throne of Grace: Lord Esteela & Lady Esteelo Chohan: Master Serapis Bey Elohim Masters: Purity & Astrea Archangels: Gabriel & Hope Toning Sound: LAM, OH Working with the 4 th Ray of Harmony and Balance is essential to every individual that walks unto the pathway of Mastery. This ray will assist in the process of Resurrecting the old into the new which is an essential component of Ascension. On the Planetary level the ray represents the color of Green and can be very helpful in grounding while allowing the old parts of the Self to be removed and replaced with the essence of Purity. On the Universal level of the Crystalline color an individual is accessing the highest frequency of the light to be infused within the Root Chakra. It will allow the expansion of a person s I AM to be fully revealed as the lower aspects are removed completely. Since this ray is integrated within the Root Chakra whether it is on the Planetary or Universal level it truly aligns with the lower frequencies that can be held within the Root area such as fears, anger, frustration, jealousy, and all those lower energies that we do not like to think we hold within us. Working with this ray will totally assist an individual in fully changing these parts of the Self that can be lodged deeply within the Etheric Body, or Cellular Structure. Lord Esteela & Lady Esteelo truly bring forth this perfected grace as they embody the creative essence of God s Divinity allowing it to be imbued upon each individual that accesses this frequency of light. The power of the Crystalline energies is a force that cannot be matched by any of the other rays. Whatever a person is dealing with in their life that seems insurmountable will be fully transformed when utilizing this ray of Harmony and Beauty. The Higher Expression represents planning based on the blueprints of the Ascended Masters as in working with the New Earth Golden Cities and the Lower Expression would indicate working with the planning of the present Earth energies. A person that embodies this ray on a physical level would be very artistic in their pathway. Characteristics: The ability to have an artistic development with creative ideas flowing; represents balance and equilibrium within an individual s pathway while expressing Divinity and Growth; a deep compassionate nature that is very generous but yet is able to have the power to reveal the true path imbued with great physical courage. Virtues To Be Aspired To: The pathway of resurrection, changing elements within Oneself for the Greater Whole, thereby allowing God s purity of light to be fully within one s thoughts and emotions, having a balanced four-body system to create One Body of Light; has the optimal ability to always have Hope no matter what the circumstances may be; great artistic development which can present itself in many areas of interest (painting, singing, and creating projects in various ways) along with flowing with the harmony of life. In turn these attributes allow an individual to be serene, mentally and morally balanced which helps them to gain self confidence and control.. Aspects to Avoid: Feelings of worry, lack of moral courage, being self-centered which creates an individual feel inadequate when dealing with others. This tends to create disharmony and discord. Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Rev. Michael Hayden Page 9 of 44

10 Ray No. 4 ~ Experiencing Pure Joy in Each Moment Decree: Flowing with the Harmony of the Light I AM It is now time for me to imbue the Crystalline Light, Of Harmony & Beauty of the 4 th Ray; As I walk on the Golden Pathway of the 22 Rays of God; The Essence of this Ray is very powerful, As it comes within my Root Chakra representing the Resurrection of My Being. I call upon the energies of the Crystalline Light, To full embrace me deeply; It helps to remove all parts that do not fit with my new Reality, That will be represented upon the New Earth of Terra Christa. I see before me the beautiful Elders of Lord Esteela & Lady Esteelo, Representing the Elders from the Throne of Grace; With a breath from their essence, I feel their Crystalline White Lights coming towards me, I stop and allow their essence to blend within mine; My Child, please do not stop, Flow with the energies as that is what they represent; Breathe in the pure white light, Breath out, The aspects of Disharmony, Worry about Your-Self, Lack of Inner Respect; While you feel the fluidness of Light, Blend within and around you, As it molds you into the Divine Being You Are. I feel the parts of myself fully intertwined with the higher frequencies, As I allow my I AM to fully be my guide; I know this is just the beginning. I continue further and see Master Serapis Bey, Hold out his hands unto mine; I feel his ecstatic personality shining deeply in my Heart, And permeating through every aspect of my physical existence; He now scans my body as he prepares me for my next initiation, I feel the impurity of my existence now being removed; As he extends to me his deep compassion, For stepping into the world of Beauty and Harmony; He says to me, You are now ready for the next step; This phase is your present Resurrection, Of What has been; Is now gone, To prepare you for the Moment of your Rebirth. Swirling colors of lights in crystalline forms Are now blending within my Root area; Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Rev. Michael Hayden Page 10 of 44

11 The old me is being readjusted, To prepare for the next phase of my journey. I then see the Elohim Masters of Purity & Astrea, Standing before me; With outstretched Arms of Light. I feel their essence of the Cosmic Blue Lightning of Divine Love, Now shatter all that I have been unable to accomplish on my own; It is taking all my discomfort in all levels, To be replaced by the Purity and Light That They Are. They say unto me, Just stand and hold onto the parts of your-self that you know are true, Blend within the frequency of perfection that You Are. I feel this essence now become my essence, Of the Purity and Divine Love; As it flows within me, In Waves of Beauty that I AM. I am deeply honored to feel these beautiful Beings assist me in my physical creation, It is flowing through me as I allow the changes to occur; I cannot stop it, It is now continuing and spinning me in many directions. Then at this point, When I think I have received it all; I see the Archangels of Gabriel and Hope, Embracing me with their Wings of Pure Light; It seems as if Gabriel knows exactly what I need, I feel my emotions changing deeply; What was confusing before, Now becomes totally clear; He shows me the greatest Joy that I could ever imagine. Then Archangel Hope shows me deeply the essence that I AM, I Am radiating with the Deep Love of my Eternal Light that I AM; She shares with me, Every time you have a moment, When it is not the true reflection of YOU; Stop and expand within the Crystalline frequencies of God coming to you, You must remember you are a Child of God, In this amazing omnipresent Universe; Expand this Light through you and around you, Which will not only to balance your own life circumstances, But all the parts that have made you in this form. In this moment, Feel your Creation; Flowing with the Artistic rhythms of the Universe; In the waves of the ocean, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Rev. Michael Hayden Page 11 of 44

12 In the movement of the wind, In the warmth of the sun, And upon the strength of the Earth. I feel all of these elements within me, I AM One and not separate as it may seem; I feel the serenity flowing within me, My mind stops and allows the fluids of all of this beauty, To completely blend within me. I stand with the sound of OH running through my head, I allow it to come through to my voice; As the purity of the Light of God, Within the Crystalline Rays flow in and out of me, OH, OH, OH, OH, I deeply sing; I feel the equilibrium, Between My Heart and My Mind; Are now fully accepting, God s Purity Within Me. I AM that I AM that I AM. Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Rev. Michael Hayden Page 12 of 44

13 Ray No. 5 ~Allowing Harmony Within to Guide the Knowledge of My Higher Mind Definition ~ Scientific Knowledge & Research Color: White, Green, Gold Chakra: Third Eye Elders from the Throne of Grace: Lord Zartheeah and Lady Zatheeia Chohan: Master Hilarion Elohim Masters: Cyclopea & Virginia Archangels: Raphel & Mother Mary Toning Sound: OM, HUE The Ray of Scientific Knowledge is one that can be difficult to understand if you are not embodied with one of these rays within the six aspects as discussed earlier. For individuals that have this ray within their composition of the Body, Mind, or Spirit the understanding can be very simple. We tend to think of individuals activating this ray to be very meticulous and possibly a challenge to work with as they seem to delve deeper for more answers than any other Ray type personality. As we go deeper into the understanding of this ray, we learn that it is those that are of the scientific minds and not flowing with their communicative practices are truly the lower aspect of the Scientific Knowledge. On the higher level it is an individual that has these wonderful attributes to delve deeper but with great understanding within themselves. There is great power within this ray as it resides within the Third Eye. On a planetary level it represents the color of orange, but moving into the Universal level it blends with a golden hue, greens, and pure white light. This shows how the movement of this ray fully embodies knowledge that is hidden from us planetarily and now becomes fully manifest with the pure essence of White Light. Master Hilarion is the Chohan for the 5 th Ray. He truly embodies the essence of staying strong within a pathway as his first and foremost essence represents PRESERVERANCE. He assists each initiate greatly in clearing the old elements that stop from believing in God s Love within. Along with these energies are the Elohim and Archangels that bring consecration and deep healing. It is a very powerful ray that will allow the Higher Mind to be fully activated. The beauty of each of these rays is that the Elders That Surround the Throne of Grace embody all of these qualities and send it to us in one stream of White Light mixed with the Green and Gold. Utilizing this ray within your Third Eye will allow the essences to make the necessary changes and open the psychic abilities more deeply by moving out of the lower mind and into the Higher Mind. Each of us has a scientific mind from our Higher Self; it is just about learning how to access it and this is the ray for you to do so. It also incorporates the Harmony of the Spheres through the Elohim Masters and Archangels so it represents the ability to flow with the knowledge that is given and more will be acknowledged within. The Higher Expression represents studying the Science of the Soul and Spirit, i.e. Spiritual Psychology, and the Lower Expression would represent the modern educational system. This type of person lives only with the science of the mind that has lots of ideas, knows their causes, and the effect upon society; but does not go behind their mental activity into the higher levels of their God Light within. Characteristics: Having the ability to research and pay attention to detail with extreme thoroughness in repeated examination of intricate, minute details. Within these qualities an individual allows him/herself to be very truthful allowing unwavering patience. The scientific development allows for great dedication, a sacred pathway of truth, love, and healing. Accessing the Harmony of the Spheres allows for the greatest healing capacity; thereby, accessing the deepest knowledge is a fluid movement. It also represents the ability to see beyond what others cannot see thereby breaking the silence to show the world otherwise by manifesting the Great White Light in any endeavor or project that is created. Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Rev. Michael Hayden Page 13 of 44

14 Virtues To Be Aspired To: Acquiring the ability to be honorable in all situations with devotion, compassion, and allowing open-mindedness with deep love and reverence in all situations. Flowing with the knowledge that is received through inner truth allows for the healing of the self. Aspects To Avoid: Harsh criticism of the self and others including being very narrow-minded, an unforgiving temper, and lack of compassion with a strong tendency to be very arrogant. Ray No. 5 ~Allowing Harmony Within to Guide the Knowledge of My Higher Mind Decree: Flowing Into the Deepness of My Inner Truth I now embrace the 5 th Ray of Scientific Knowledge, As I walk upon the Journey of the 22 Rays of God; I feel its essence spinning within me, Of colors of White, Green and Gold; Centering upon my Third Eye, I start to see my inner truths being revealed; As I continue the pathway deeper into the Essence of my Soul. I am met by two beautiful Beings of Light, Lord Zatheeah and Lady Zatheeia;, The Elders that Surround the Throne of Grace, Representing the 5 th Ray of White, Green and Gold. Their essence is exquisite with the beauty of perfection; Within their breath they send to me this amazing Light, I stand and feel my Third Eye tingling, With my own wisdom and truth; The feelings are beyond what I can describe, So I just embrace their essence deeply within mine. I then see Master Hilarion, The Ray Chohan of the 5 th Ray of Scientific Knowledge, He embraces me with a deepness of knowing exactly what I need in this moment; I stop and feel this essence embodying within me, As I hear his words ring through my veins. I Am only a mere reflection of your Light, Breathe, deeply, Dearest One to see the truth within you, It is time to just persevere through all your trials, The world is much bigger than you see in this moment. I feel this essence he speaks of that is me, At first, I feel insecure; But then I see the truth of my victory, Lies before me; As I accept my own inner self with all its perceptions gone by. I almost fall to my knees, With the pure knowledge of what I have seen, done, and accepted, In the past and now my future, As it blends into my present awareness. The Light of this Ray is so purifying, With its essence of Green and Gold, Intertwined within the White Light. Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Rev. Michael Hayden Page 14 of 44

15 I now am able to delve deeper, To understand the Me and Accept the I AM. I am honored and pleased by my transition with the 5 th Ray; Thank you, Master Hilarion. I then see before me the Elohim Masters Cyclopia & Virginia, Again, I feel overwhelmed by the frequency of Light; They Share unto me, It swirls around me, And I hear very faintly by with great admiration; Yes, You Can Do It, My Child, It is your destiny to fulfill your mission on Earth; Delve Deeper, Concentrate Further. I do as they ask, Then I hear music of the most beautiful spheres, It seems to be dancing around me. Virginia then hands me a beautiful goblet of Crystalline substance, I drink it and feel its effervescing qualities within me; I feel light the purest crystal you could see, As I am now in the frequency of perfection of God s Light Within. I now am met by Archangels Raphael and Mother Mary, Their wings are spread completely around my physical body; We share with you the Living Heart of the Universe, Bless yourself with this heart as it is your Heart of Hearts; It is our Divine Blessing to give to you all You Deserve, Allow the four lower bodies to heal deeply from the wounds of your past. I then am struck deeply with the honor of these beautiful Beings of Light, I feel the essence of this Ray run through every part of my creation; As I allow the fluidness of the Love, Honorability, and Dedication, Flow through me; It is swirling within me, The lights, the love, the honor, the truth, and Deep Dedication; I feel it expanding within me, As I now fully embody this beautiful ray; Expansion is my guide, With the deepest truth of All That I AM, My pathway is now revealed to me; As I walk with all of these Beings of Light, Of the 5 th Ray of Concrete Science and Knowledge; I AM all of these and more. I AM that I AM that I AM. Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Rev. Michael Hayden Page 15 of 44

16 Ray No. 6 ~ Learning the Pathway of Peace is Forgiveness of the Self Definition ~ Inner Devotion, Spiritual Idealism Color: Ruby Red Chakra: Solar Plexus Elders from the Throne of Grace: Lord Astia & Lady Fratia Chohan: Lord Sananda Elohim Masters: Peace & Aloha Archangels: Uriel & Aurora Toning Sound: AAH-OOOH (EWWW)-MMM This Ray is overlighted with Lord Sananda who is the Higher Self of Jeshua. It is very interesting to note that this ray has not been active on the Planetary level for many years as it represented the religious fervor of the churches and religious organizations in our society. So we only activate this ray from the Universal level of the Ruby Red mixed with Gold. We only want to create the higher frequency to be embodied within each of us. Working within the elements of Inner Devotion can truly bring an individual to a much higher state of peacefulness as we learn to forgive ourselves so much more than others. We have a tendency to be so judgmental to the Self and forget to allow Mercy to be upon us. This is where this ray will assist when an initiate cannot truly understand the process. The frequency of the Ray will do it for you. It also can have a tendency to make individuals go overboard with the New Age movement though; we must always aspire to the highest aspects in order to bring forth the goal of being in Oneness. So this ray teaches us deeply on how we need to be within our own pathway of spirituality. In order to devote ourselves to others, we first need to be fully ready to accept forgiving love and grace in our lives on a continual basis. Lord Sananda is a perfect example of this energy as his self as Jeshua had the planetary qualities, but now he exhibits through the ray frequencies how to move it through the dimensional levels to the Universal concepts. This ray is also overlighted with Lady Nada who is his Twin Ray (and was Mary Magadalene). It is a perfect combination of balance of love and grace. Both the Elohim and the Archangels exhibit beautiful energies to assist in the full creation of this Ray within the Solar Plexus. Lord Astia & Fratia will assist in allowing the full spectrum of this ray to be imbued within your Being. The Higher Expression represents understanding the Ascension and New Age Movement Guided by the Ascended Masters, and the Lower Expression represents the movement of Churches and Religious Organizations. Characteristics: Learning to devote oneself to the cause of forgiving love and grace which can manifest itself as Devotional Worship in the highest sense. It represents the ability to have great enthusiasm for a cause while exhibiting great sympathy for the suffering of others with a selfless devotion and adoration for the greater whole. It represents strong spiritually-based ideals and being able to overcome the waters of emotional nature which results in tenderness. A strong intuition assists in acquiring a keen instinct in life. Virtues To Be Aspired To: Finding a deep strength by accessing spiritual ideals which leads to truth, tolerance, finding serenity, balance, and common sense. It also includes the pathway of great sacrifice of the self. Aspects To Avoid: Selfish and jealous attitude toward others with a tendency of leaning too much while not realizing inner boundaries. This includes not understanding another s viewpoint fully which can lead to selfdeception, superstitions, prejudice, anger issues resulting in fiery confrontations, and overly rapid conclusions. Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Rev. Michael Hayden Page 16 of 44

17 Ray No. 6 ~ Learning the Pathway of Peace is Forgiveness of the Self Decree: As I Devote to My Inner Being, I Am Devoted to the One I Am fully allowing the Light of God to be within me, I accept that I need deep healing in all of my four-bodies; I call upon the 6 th Ray of Inner Devotion, To help me understand and accept the process of Forgiveness. The Journey of the 22 Rays of God has been very powerful for me, I have felt the joy, ecstasy, and purity within my Heart; Now it is time to fully awaken my Self to all that I Am, I call upon the energies of the Ruby-Golden Light, Of the Devotional Ray of God. I see before me the Elders That Surround the Throne of Grace, They call themselves Lord Astia & Lady Fratia; The reflection of their Light is astounding to my Being, As they embrace me with their essence of Love and Grace. It astounds me deeply what this ray feels like within my Solar Plexus, It relaxes and purifies the deepest part of my Inner Power; They share with me thoughts of Devotion, Allowing their Truth to shine within my Truth, I now see there is a doorway of pure reflection. I walk further and then call upon, Lord Sananda with Lady Nada, The Ray Chohans of Inner Devotion; Their light is so bright, I close my eyes, As I listen to their message of love; Please My Dearest One, Just embrace all that You are, Allow the Ruby Red within the Golden Hue, To balance the beauty that is you; Whatever you are feeling, Let it go; This moment is for you, Your inner devotion of your Soul. I then start to feel this warmth of peace flowing within me, All that I felt or thought before, Has now been washed away; I feel detached from the problem, Filling my Heart with a deep tenderness within. I am then approached by two more beautiful Beings of Light, They are the Elohim Masters, Peace & Aloha; Just the sound of their names, Brings me serenity within me; I feel their essence blending within my Solar Plexus, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Rev. Michael Hayden Page 17 of 44

18 It is being purified into its original state of Grace; It then moves through the rest of my chakras, Aligning them into the pure perfection that I AM. I thank both of them for assisting me deeply, Please, they say, Thank you s are not required; Just relax and feel the tranquility of the moment, This is the blessing we share with you NOW; And forever more. I almost feel like a sponge that cannot take any more essence, But then I am met by the Angels of this Ray; Uriel & Aurora now join me in their presence, Of healing my physical body; They spread their wings and flap their essence into mine, I feel an energy surge run through all parts of my body; What has been dis-eased, Is now pure in God s Light. Archangel Uriel says to me; I Am with You, Always Ask for Me; We will heal the body, the mind, and the Spirit, Of all the discordant thoughts you have held onto. Archangel Aurora then brings to me, The most amazing essence of God s Light, I represent to you the Divine Mother s Grace; Accept it within you, Allow it to flow; As it is now time for you to be, The Angel, the Master, and the Divine Being; Of Light That You Are. I am now fully enamored with all the qualities shared with me; I Am Peace; I Am Grace; I AM Love; I Am Totally Devoted to All that I AM. Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Rev. Michael Hayden Page 18 of 44

19 Ray No. 7 ~ Creating Magic by Accessing Purification & Transformation of the Self Definition ~ Ceremonial Order & Discipline, Sacred Living, Spiritual Tradition & Protocol Color: Deep Purple with Hues of Violet Chakra: Sacral Elders from the Throne of Grace: Lord Teesian & Lady Teesio Chohan: Saint Germain & Lady Portia Elohim Masters: Arcturus & Victoria Archangels: Zadkiel & Amethyst Toning Sound: OOO The Ray of Ceremonial Order and Discipline represents St. Germain in his fullest creation. The beauty of this ray allows an individual to exhibit so many wonderful qualities within their life. Lady Portia, Saint Germain s Twin Ray, is also represented within this ray very recently. She brings about the essence of purity and light when the Violet Flame is invoked. Call upon her to assist in acquiring the higher aspects when your lower aspects have been removed. Some individuals feel that they do not have the qualities of this ray as it represents the ability to create ritual within one s life. But if you are an organized person and like things done in a certain manner, then you are truly exhibiting these qualities. Accessing this ray is a must for a transformative process as the Violet/Purple essence will remove any elements that do not fit your Highest Purpose. When working with the Universal colors it truly represents the frequency of light to automatically change our composition without even thinking about it. It truly exhibits a power of purification that is unmatched to any other ray. The more you work with this ray the more your life will adjust into the order that you choose to create it. Lord Teesian & Lady Teesio bring forth the magic as you allow the creation of a Divine space within your activities. Both the Elohim and Archangels also exhibit an amazing energy of utilizing the Violet Flame in our daily lives. The Higher Expression represents all forms of Ascension & Ascended Master Teachings, and the Lower Expression represents the pathway of psychics and not moving past the wanting to know along with fragmented and nonintegrated wisdom teachings.. Individuals that have this ray within any of their aspects tend to be Priests, Priestesses, and those that exhibit ritualistic ceremony which includes shamans, and healers. Characteristics: Walking a pathway of creating order in life through sacredness of Divine Structure, Spiritual Grounding, Violet Flame Invocation, Spiritual Tradition, and Protocol. A person would have the ability to be a true alchemist who brings forth characteristics of precision, skill, grace, dignity, diplomacy, tact, and discipline. It will bring about the ability to transform and purify one s life with diplomacy, refinement, and learning to have control over the forces of nature. An individual that fully incorporates this ray will find an order within their life which results in the power to create, cooperate with others, think clearly with strong mental powers, and have great self reliance. Magic happens when this ray is full evolved within an individual. Virtues To Be Aspired To: Exhibiting great gentleness, love and tolerance which brings forth realization of unity in all creations of this Earth. Allowing the mind to be completely open to all avenues of thought and perspective will be exhibited within a person. Aspects To Avoid: Having a very narrow-minded attitude with tendency to have feelings of superficial judgments, overindulgence in all areas, too much pride, and being too formal in dealings with others. An individual that has a very opinionated view of the self expressing bigotry toward others are characteristics considered the lower frequency of this ray. Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Rev. Michael Hayden Page 19 of 44

20 Ray No. 7 ~ Creating Magic by Accessing Purification & Transformation of the Self Decree: Learning to Create Sacred Living through Spiritual Protocol The process of incorporating the Rays of God, Has taken me on a journey of the self; I am learning and growing through accessing these beautiful rays, I now am ready to integrate the 7 th Ray of Ceremonial Magic and Order. As I walk through the pathway of this beautiful ray, I am honored to meet the Elders of the Throne of Grace, Lord Teesian & Lady Teesio; With a breath of fresh air, Amidst a warm breeze, I sense the Purple Ray infusing within me, The ability to feel deep magic within my Heart; I am confused as I am unsure how to acquire this magic, They share, Just listen to the breeze, feel the warmth of the purple, Emanating through your Entire Being; Then all will come into perfect order, You will feel the balance; Acquire the Discipline, And Discover you have more within you than you ever, Thought you would. I feel the swirls of the purple and violet within me, Around me, And through me; I now accept the deep transformation, That I require, To acquire magic in my world. I see St. Germain and Lady Portia offering me their beautiful light, Saint Germain represents the Violet Flame; But within the Universal Level I see so much more. I feel hues of the Violet within the deepness of purple. The colors are flowing around me and through me, As I reflect on where I have been. St. Germain shows me that there are pockets of elements, That I have been unable to perceive; The Purple flame infused with the Violet is allowing me to fully, Accept and Change what no longer befits my purpose. The changes are occurring within me now, As I start to feel my abilities and skills rising to the surface; My past timelines are now being removed, As the hidden ones are revealed to me; I discover that I am quite the alchemist, In all areas of my life; I am excited to learn about all that had been lost, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Rev. Michael Hayden Page 20 of 44

21 I have great humility and gentleness with everything I do. Lady Portia exhibits a beautiful essence within me, She extends her hands unto mine; I feel a deepness of compassion, Then I exhibit a balance within me; She whispers in my ear, Freedom reigns, my child; Express your heart deeply, And you shall feel the equilibrium, Between your soul and personality, As you exhibit the deep gentleness of your Love. I asked and I have received, I feel that the confusion I had, Is now replaced with Precision and Skill, Within the Power of Grace and Dignity; I now invoke all that I have received, In the purification of my Light. I am now introduced to The Elohim Masters, Arcturus and Virginia; They invoke with me the Violet Fire, To purge all lifetimes, And issues of my past, So I can accept the freedom that I AM. Their energies surge through me, I am swirling within and without; The past is now removed, And my future will be revealed. I then see before me Archangels Zadkiel & Amethyst, Their beauty is astounding, As I feel their wings surround me with great love; Please, Dearest One, Just relax and feel our angelic presence, Intertwine with yours; We take away your suffering, pain, and deep struggles, We replace them the Goodness of God; Breathe and feel the rebirth of your existence, You are now free from all you held deeply within you. I now feel the power within me, It was not lost, Just forgotten; I am completely transformed, As I take what I have learned, To others who need to do the same. I Am that I Am that I Am. Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Rev. Michael Hayden Page 21 of 44

22 Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Rev. Michael Hayden Page 22 of 44

23 Ray No. 8 ~ The Perception and Clarification of What Has Been Definition ~ Higher Cleansing Ray Color: Sea-Foam Green - Aquamarine Chakra: Thymus (in between Heart and Throat) ~ Representing the Seat of the Soul Toning Sound: AAHHH Elders from the Throne of Grace: Lord Ahelioah & Lady Ahelieoh Overlighting Beings: Lady Isis & Lord Osiris with Angel Ramiel, Representing Hope and Clarity. We have now reached the Higher Rays up through 12 which mean that there are no longer Chohans, Elohim, or Archangels specifically for each ray but a group of one to three beings. There are only higher aspects included and no lower aspects. These rays now start to create the 4 th dimensional chakra grid with Ray 8 of the Higher Cleansing, the first ray and chakra on the 4 th dimensional level. The rays from this point forward also create the upper chakras as they will blend with the lower chakras, wheels within wheels of color. The 22 Rays incorporate the 3 rd, 4 th, and 5 th dimensional chakra grids which is just a beginning. We do have the availability to have 330 chakras in our God-Essence Self which is only actualized by attaining the 49 th dimension of reality. The 8 th Ray of Higher Cleansing is a high frequency of Sea-Foam Green which illuminates Aquamarine. Lady Isis was originally thought the only overlighting energy but her Twin Ray is Lord Osiris is part of these energies. This chakra represents the Higher Self activation so it makes perfect sense that both of them should be included within the characteristics of this ray. Our Higher Self represents our Divine Feminine and Masculine in complete balance. Isis and Osiris typify these qualities as they are representatives of the Divine Mother and Father God. They assist us in finding the balance within our physical creation. Angel Ramiel represents Hope and Clarity. When we purify our essence, then Ramiel steps in to allow the essence of Hope and seeing the clearer picture of our present pathway gives forth the clarity to move forward. This ray brings in the color of Sea Foam Green, a higher cleansing energy. What has not been able to be cleared through the other rays, the Sea Foam Green assists in transmuting and creating higher frequencies. Working with this ray will fully assist an individual in grounding their Higher Self. Special Qualities Include: the ability to have Clarity and Discernment in all situations, thereby, seeing all levels of Truth in any given thought or feeling. It will Vivify all the other chakras by increasing the frequency of the energies which brings forth Divine Perception. Ray 8 ~ The Perception and Clarification of What Has Been Decree: The Divine Union of the Higher Self is Now Activated Within I have traveled through the seven Rays of God, I am now ready to experience the Higher Rays, Up through 12; This journey has been very mystical and magical for my Being, I now understand how to fully intuit each of the first seven rays; I am excited to take the next part of my journey, As I connect with the 8 th Ray of Higher Cleansing. I am met by Lord Ahelioah & Lady Ahelieoh, The 15 th and 16 th Elders that Surround the Throne of Grace; They embrace me with the Sea Foam Green, As I allow the essence that is me, To be fully activated within. Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Rev. Michael Hayden Page 23 of 44

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