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1 A n i n t r o d u c t i o n t o y o u r e n e r g e t i c s y s t e m, t h e C H A K R A S a n d h o w t h e y a f f e c t y o u r p h y s i c a l, e m o t i o n a l a n d s p i r i t u a l h e a l t h 1 0 K E Y S T O U N D E R S T A N D I N G Y O U R C H A K R A S Y S T E M B y C e r t i f i e d E n e r g y M e d i c i n e P r a c t i t i o n e r H e l e n C h i n L u i

2 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. Disclaimer The information from this Ebook, 10 Keys to Understanding Your Chakra System is solely for self-knowledge and NOT used as a substitution for traditional care. If you have any questions about the content, please check with your healthcare provider or you may us at support@healingplaceenergyschool.com

3 "It is my desire that this information will provide you with insights on how to support your energy for positive flow and with easy and simple action steps you can take NOW to promote good health." HELEN CHIN LUI Helen Chin Lui is a Certified Reflexologist, Certified Energy Medicine and Reiki Master/ teacher/ practitioner and the owner of the Healing Place LLC and Healing Place Energy School LLC, located in Medfield, Massachusetts. Helen specializes in helping adults and children find long-term relief from chronic digestive disorders, chronic pain and balance hormones naturally.

4 INTRODUCTION Congratulations on downloading this ebook and starting on your path to understanding your personal energy. You're not alone! Many clients have asked me what they can do to support their health outside of traditional care. I noticed clients asked much pretty the same questions about their energy and thought if they're asking, then other people want to know too! That's when this ebook 10 Keys to Understanding Your Chakra System was born. The focus of this ebook is to educate you about your energy and what you can do to adjust your energy flow for better physical, emotional and spiritual health. I have been collecting information from observing 13,000 healing sessions since 2006.

5 WHAT ARE CHAKRAS? All living things have seven energy centers called chakras. The word chakra has Hindu (Sanskrit) roots and means wheel or disk. As long as energy is flowing strongly, the body is healthy. When the chakra energy is interrupted or blocked, the area of the blockage is at risk for developing dis-ease or dis-association. Chakra balancing or energy medicine involves understanding how to ensure, and how to restore the energy flow in the body. Chakras are responsible for all of a person s physical, mental, and spiritul functions.

6 WHERE DO CHAKRAS LIVE? Your main seven chakras live in your spine from the tailbone to the crown. Chakras are identified by unique colors as mapped on the diagram. We also have 21 minor chakras located on the front and back of the body. The chakras located in front of the body operate from your emotions while the chakras located in your back operate from your will or your head. When chakras are balanced, they are operated evenly from your emotions and your will. Healthy chakras are bright in color, rotate clockwise at the same speed, energy is balanced in the front (emotions) and back of chakras (will)

7 HOW DOES YOUR CHAKRA ENERGY FLOW? Our energy runs from the top of our heads to the base of our spine and up again in a continuous cycle. If one or more chakras become blocked, this energy cannot move efficiently and the other chakras can become affected and energy deprived. Over time, with reduced or no energy flowing through, the weakened chakras can become the seed of illness and disease can set in. When we begin to feel off, the first thing we must do is to check-in with ourselves and feel our body. We can easily identify which chakras are blocked by the way we feel. Example, if you suffer from acid reflux, you know your stomach functions are not working properly; therefore, the third chakra (solar plexus) is either sluggish or blocked.

8 HOW DO CHAKRAS AFFECT US? The activities in the chakras influence our body shape, glandular processes, chronic physical ailments, thoughts, and behaviors. When one or more of the chakras are blocked, energy can't flow harmoniously. Consider people you know who are constantly getting sick, feeling emotionally drained or just feel stuck. That is indicative of a deficient chakra. If there is too much energy flowing through the chakras, it will result in an energy imbalance. This conversely would be apparent in a person who is overly nervous or flighty. BENEFITS OF HEALTHY CHAKRAS When chakras are balanced and opened they rotate clockwise and exhibit bright clean colors. We feel physical well and are emotionally happy; we are able to fight off illnesses and diseases. Without blockages and with maximized energy flow, balanced chakras enable the body, mind, and spirit to function optimally and peacefully. Learning to release anger and managing your stress are keys to releasing negative energies. There are many ways you can do this. You can exercise vigorously; listen to music, dance, or anything that will make you feel better afterwards to move sluggish energy.

9 HOW DO WE PREVENT PHYSICAL AND EMOTIONAL ILLNESSES? Most of us are taught from a young age that in order to have good health we must take care of ourselves by eating the right foods, exercising, getting good restful sleep, and breathing properly. But no one told us how to care for our emotional and spiritual health. As we go about our daily mundane tasks we often don't see how we lose our ability to connect with our inner self. We become becoming unconscious and/or "robotic", performing in the same regimented routine day-afterday. We overload our daily schedules with tasks that leave us feeling overburdened and stressed. When this happens, our bodies usually suffer too. Ignoring or even lacking awareness of our feelings of burden and stress can result in the sacrifice of our exercising, overeating, or finding ourselves with too many items left unaccomplished at the end of a day, thus re-creating the negative behavior cycle! We know that we are uncomfortable, but we do not know exactly why. Out of frustration, we feel angry or nervousness. Some people resort to eating, drinking, or other activities that are destructive to our bodies for comfort or to temporarily escape from uncomfortable feelings. Continued failure to consciously address our feelings almost guarantees negative energies will manifest into illnesses.

10 WHY DO CHAKRAS BECOME UNBALANCED? Since we are all physical beings with human feelings, thoughts and behavior, our emotions and DNA determine our overall health. Chakras are the spiritual powers that create a vortex of energies in the body. These can also become blocked from negative energy and psychic debris. This can lead to physical and emotional illnesses and uneasy feelings too. Our emotions are the electricity of the body. When an emotion is out of balance for an extended period of time, the energy (or electricity) either moves through the body too quickly, too slowly or not at all. Just imagine a sudden surge of power going through your microwave oven; eventually, a fuse will blow or the microwave itself will break. By checking in with your emotions, you can address the "disconnect" via your mind, body and spirit and balance your energy once more. If we are happy and able to let go of negative feelings and anger, we most likely can stay healthy and prevent or delay the onset of illnesses and diseases. If we are holding on to negative feelings or are living a stressful life, more often than not, these suppressed feelings can trigger physical and emotional illnesses.

11 CHAKRAS HAVE YOU CHECKED IN WITH YOURS TODAY? Ask yourself if you are breathing correctly. Most health issues begin with lack of proper breathing. Many people breathe shallowly from their diaphragm rather than from their stomach. Next, explore your feelings. Are you happy with yourself? Do you feel joy? Or are you angry, anxious and depressed? If you feel dark, how long have you felt this way and do you know why? Are you living the life you want? All feelings and emotions are stored somewhere in your body. Does your stomach bother you? Do you have respiratory issues? Does it seem you re always running to the bathroom? Do your neck and shoulders constantly ache? Do you have headaches, or worse, migraines? Are you having problems conceiving? Does your back hurt? Do you have problems taking or keeping weight off? Learning your body s messages is the first step to balancing your chakras. Think about where your feelings come from and how they are affecting you right now.

12 EACH CHAKRAS' FUNCTION AND IT'S RELATION TO THE MIND, BODY AND SPIRIT: First Chakra: The root chakra. Location: Base of the spine. Color: Red. Purpose: Being grounded, having strong survival instincts, family or tribal connections. Balanced Energy: Centered, grounded, healthy, unlimited physical energy, can manifest abundance. To Balance this Chakra: Dancing (helps with grounding), plant feet into the earth, kickboxing, hug a tree. Second Chakra: The "emotional" chakra. Location: Below the navel. Color: Orange, Purpose: Governs creativity and emotion; desire, pleasure, reproduction, how you feel about things in general and about yourself. Balanced Energy: Friendly, concerned for others, sense of belonging, positive feelings about oneself, radiates warmth and compassion, good sense of humor. To Balance this Chakra: Express your creativity, dance, move your hips, laughter, enjoy yourself.

13 Third Chakra: The "power" chakra. Location: Solar plexus -center below rib cage, in the "V" Color: Yellow. Purpose: Self-esteem, will, laughter, desire, anger. Balanced Energy: Outgoing, cheerful, possessing selfrespect, respectful of others, a strong sense of personal power, skillful, intelligent, relaxed, spontaneous, expressive, willing to take on new challenges, enjoy physical activities and good food. To Balance this Chakra: Rub your belly, visualize sunshine radiating out from your solar plexus, and breathe using your diaphragm. Fourth Chakra: The heart chakra. Location: Above the center of the chest/heart. Color: Green, and also the color rose, which is the color of love. Purpose: Emotion, self-love, harmony, trust, and growth. Loving others and, just as important, loving yourself. Balanced Energy: Compassionate, empathic, humanitarian, sees good in everyone, desire to nurture others, loves oneself, in touch with feelings. To Balance This Chakra: Give your services freely, watch tender movies, listen to romantic music, play with baby animals, hold a baby in your arms, give someone a hug, love and forgive yourself and others.

14 Fifth Chakra The voice chakra Location: Base of the throat Color: Light Blue Purpose: Expression of higher emotions and communication. Able to express oneself in everyday situations and voice ones inner truth. Balanced Energy: Content, centered, can live in the present, good sense of timing, good communicator, artistic, can meditate and experience divine energy, sexual energetic, can manifest. To Balance This Chakra: Sing, chant, hum, listen to music that you like, take a walk and enjoy nature and breathe consciously. Sixth Chakra: The "third eye" chakra. Location: Between the eyebrows at the center of the brow. Color: Dark Blue Purpose: The seat of the mind - center of personality, intuition, vision, and psychic vision, compassion, wisdom, dreaming. Balanced Energy: Charismatic, can receive guidance, not attached to material things, no fear of death, master of oneself, sexual energy- no need for another person to complete self. To Balance This Chakra: Meditation,place a crystal or small pyramid on your forehead, visualize an indigo blue flame.

15 Seventh Chakra: The "crown" chakra. Color: Violet Location: The top of the head. Purpose: The seat of the soul, bliss, higher will/self, connection to our higher selves and to the divine. Balanced Energy: Able to manifest anything, in balance with nature, total access to the unconscious and the subconscious. To Balance This Charka: Meditation, guided visualization, peaceful and quiet surroundings.

16 CHAKRA MEDITATION: TO GROUND, CLEAR, PROTECT AND CLEANSE This meditation video can also be viewed /2Al6wsG This grounding is to remove negative energies that you may have picked and also for balancing your chakras when they feel thick and heavy. Grounding can be done in the morning or the evening or anytime during the day as needed. You may sit quietly for whatever length of time is needed. You have complete control of how much energy it takes to cleanse and balance each chakra. 1. Sit quietly and undisturbed. Put your phone on silent or better yet, shut it off. 2. Be in the moment. Bring all of your consciousness back into your body. Let go of all thoughts, forget about what you have to do, where you have to go, or what is going on in your life right now. 3. Ask your guidance angels and spirit guides to guide you during the protecting and grounding process. 4. Take 3 deep cleansing breaths, breathing through your nose and exhaling out of your mouth. Each time you exhale, exhale anything you do not want in your body, i.e. anger, pain, fear, etc.

17 5. Now, take another deep breath, and then exhale. As you exhale imagine you are sending your roots into the earth. Your roots can be as wide as your body. Imagine these roots going through all the layers until you reach the center of the earth. The center of the earth is warm and inviting. Now imagine a boulder in the middle of the earth and wrap your roots around that boulder to anchor yourself to mother earth in the seat of her energy. 6. Bring this mother earth energy up through your entire body to the top of your head. Allow the energy to spill out and over the top of your head onto your entire being. 7. With the next inhale; imagine you are cocooning (or wrapping) your body with protection. Wrap yourself with the earth energy from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet. Wrap as many times as you feel necessary until you feel protected and safe. If there are isolated areas of your body, i.e. chest, upper back, stomach, etc., that need more layers of protection, make sure to amply cover them. Now we are going to balance the energy of each chakra.

18 First Chakra: Inhale again as though breathing through a straw bringing the earth energy back up into your body. As it comes up into your thigh, place each hand on your hips. Now envision bringing the color red into your first chakra. Imagine the first chakra is now turning clockwise and you are balancing the energy in the front of the chakra and then the back of the chakra. Stay here for a moment and fill this area with red energy. Be careful to take into consideration how much you want to fill any chakra, otherwise, you may become dizzy if you allow too much energy to enter. Second Chakra: Keep your right hand on your right hip, and move your left hand and place underneath your belly button for the second chakra. Envision bringing orange into your second chakra while visualizing it rotating clockwise. Fill the front of the chakra with orange and then the back of the chakra. Sit quietly until the chakra feels full and then move on to the third chakra.

19 Third Chakra: Keep your right hand on your right hip, and move your left hand and place underneath your rib cage. Visualize bringing the color yellow and filling your third chakra. Rotate the chakra clockwise and fill it with yellow energy from the front of your chakra and then to the back. Sit quietly until your chakra feels full and then move on to the fourth chakra. Fourth Chakra: Keep your right hand on your right hip, place your left hand in the middle of your chest. Envision bringing the color green or rose to your fourth chakra. Again rotate the chakra clockwise while filling it with green or pink energy, from the front of the chakra and then to the back until it feels full and move to the fifth chakra. Fifth Chakra: Keep your right hand on the right hip, and place your left hand on your throat. If you do not like having your neck touched, you may place both hands in your lap and envision touching your throat with your mind s eye. Fill this chakra with sky blue while rotate the chakra clockwise until it feels full from the front of the chakra and then to the back, and then move to the sixth chakra.

20 Sixth Chakra: Keep your right hand on the hip, and place your left hand on your third eye (between your eye brows) or place both hands in your lap while envisioning the color midnight blue filling your third eye. Rotate the energy clockwise from the front then to the back of the chakra until it feels full and then move to the seventh chakra. Seventh Chakra: Keep your right hand on the hip, and place your left hand on the crown of your head (or both hands on the lap while envisioning.) Fill the crown chakra with the color violet while rotating the chakra clockwise and filling the top of the head. Once your seventh chakra feels full, bring both hands and place one on each hip. Imagine all seven chakras are bright in color, rotating clockwise at the same speed and have the same vibrancy. Now sit quietly and integrate the energy and note how do you feel? If you feel you still have some of unused mother earth energy, send it back to her. Rest as needed throughout the day and drink plenty of water to flush out toxins.

21 This is only a short ebook,is wonderful starting point. a If you would like to learn in-depth about your energy so that it can support your life work, I offer a nine-part Chakra 101 Know Your Energy, online class; that you can take at your pace from home. Lesson 1: What are Chakras? Lesson 2: The Benefit of Healthy Chakras Lesson 3: How do Your Chakras Affect You Physically, Emotionally and Spiritually? Lesson 4: Know Your Seven Main Chakras Lesson 5: Organs and Emotions Associated with Each Chakra Lesson 6: Know Your Personal Energy Field Aura Lesson 7: Power Up Your Chakras Lesson 8: Be Your Chakras Best Friend Lesson 9 Protect Your Precious Energy Resources In addition to receiving nine lessons, you will also receive nine homework assignments to help integrate the energy from the on line series to your cellular memory, plus nine chakra healing meditations, mantras to support your transformation, and inspirations to motivate you. All this knowledge for $175. Best of all the program is yours forever and any updates will be automatically be ed to you. To more information and to register, For more information, write to us at support@healingplaceenergyschool.com Art work by Kelly Brown. Visit Kelly s art at


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