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1 Chapter 1 : Catalog Record: The discovery, exploration, and monuments of Hathi Trust Digital Library Note: Citations are based on reference standards. However, formatting rules can vary widely between applications and fields of interest or study. The specific requirements or preferences of your reviewing publisher, classroom teacher, institution or organization should be applied. Interlinear linguistic analysis of passage C1-D6 of the Tablet of the Sun. But this does not exclude the possibility that actual locations or structures in the city of Palenque or even nearby the shrine of GIII were perceived as such, and thus may have been addressed in the epithet. Thus the question arises: The area covered by the urban core of Palenque is divided by a number of perennial and seasonal streams that originate from springs within the urban settlement and farther uphill French,, Barnhart As is known from numerous Maya texts and images, bodies of water play an important role as places of origin in Classic Maya mythology. In this context, Palenque in particular has a detailed mythological record in which watery places play a crucial role cf. Such places are mentioned in the texts and depicted in the accompanying pictorial programmes. Furthermore, this and other streams have been managed by the Maya in various ways by means of man-made constructions like open channels, vaulted aqueducts and pools French,, French et al. Importantly, the Otulum stream which passes the Cross Group to the west, enters the artificial walled and partly vaulted channel at the height of the northern side of Temple of the Sun Barnhart It can be observed that the entry of the open channel, the centre of both the Temples of the Sun and the Foliated Cross, and the central platform in the Cross Group Plaza together define a straight NW-SE-axis roughly aligned with the top shrine on Mirador mountain see Barnhart An appropriate candidate would be a hydraulic structure that is closely associated with the Temple of the Sun and the spring of the Otulum stream, namely the channel and the vaulted aqueduct controlling the course of the Otulum stream along the Cross Group and the Palace. Wilbur, and Evelyn W. Settlement and Urbanism at an Ancient Maya City. In Continuity and Change: Anton Saurwein, Markt Schwaben. Canuto, and Robert J. Boot, Erik Of Serpents and Centipedes: Berlin, Heinrich The Palenque Triad. Middle American Research Institute Publication Academia de Lenguas Mayas de Guatemala, Guatemala. Latin American Antiquity 23 1: Water History Journal 5 1: Gronemeyer, Sven, Christian M. In The Maya Vase Book: Escobedo and David A. Supernatural Alter Egos as Personified Diseases. Acta Americana 17 2: Stuart, and John S. Robertson Disharmony in Maya Hieroglyphic Writing: Linguistic Change and Continuity in Classic Society. Publicaciones de la S. Kaufman, Terence El proto-tzeltal-tzotzil: Centro de Estudios Mayas, Cuaderno 5. Estudios de Cultura Maya 5: European Association of Mayanists, Bruxelles. University of Missouri Monographs in Anthropology 9. University of Missouri, Columbia, MO. Smithsonian Contributions to Anthropology Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. The Palenque Round Table Series 4. Memoria de la Primera Mesa Redonda de Palenque. Martin, Simon, and Nikolai K. Grube Chronicle of the Maya Kings and Queens: Deciphering the Dynasties of the Ancient Maya. Mendez, Alonso, Edwin L. Archaeoastronomy Journal of Astronomy in Culture Explanation of Conventionalized Spellings in Mayan Writing. Architecture and Ritual in Classic Maya Texts. A Review of the Hieroglyphic and Historical Evidence. Studies in Pre-Columbian Art and Archaeology Eternal City of the Maya. Instituto Linguistico Verano, Guatemala City. Wisdom, Charles Materials on the Chorti Language. University of Chicago, Chicago, IL. Page 1

2 Chapter 2 : Barbara MacLeod (Contributor of Heart of Creation) Find and Download Book â An Epigrapher's Annotated Index To Cholan And Yucatecan Verb Morphology. Additional Information In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content: Two Studies of the Lacandones of Mexico. Publications in Linguistics and Related Fields, University of Oklahoma, Summer Institute of Linguistics. Endangered Languages Academic Program. Institute for Mesoamerican Studies. The University of Albany. University of Utah Press. El Libro de Chan Kin. Towards the reconstruction of Proto-Yucatec. On Proto-Yucatecan Word Order. Journal of Mayan Linguistics 4 2: Possession and Ergativity in Itza Maya. International Journal of American Linguistics 56 4: En Los Mayas de Ayer y Hoy: Solar, Servicios Editoriales, S. International Journal of American Linguistics 73 3: Diccionario Maya Itzaj - Castellano. World Archaeology 8 1: England and Stephen R. Notes on the Structure of Yukateko and other Yukatekan languages. University of Missouri Monographs in Anthropology No. Watching Lacandon Maya Lives. Orie, Olanike Ola and Victoria R. Placeless and Historical Laryngeals in Yucatec Maya. International Journal of American Linguistics 66 3: Ethnohistory and Archaeology of Indigenous Culture Change. University of Florida Press. A Comparative Study of the Mayas and the Lacandones. First published in, London: You are not currently authenticated. View freely available titles: Page 2

3 Chapter 3 : The Living Maya by Robert Sitler, Ph.D. Buy Epigrapher's Annotated Index to Cholan and Yucatan Verb Morphology (UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI MONOGRAPHS IN ANTHROPOLOGY) by Barbara MacLeod (ISBN: ) from Amazon's Book Store. Prager The Affix Cluster T The monument and its calendar dates 2. Epigraphic analysis of the PE event 3. Linguistic Interpretation of the PE expression 4. Summary and implications Introduction The purpose of the present paper is to introduce and interpret the bound morpheme â h em, a hitherto unrecognized verbal affix in Classic Maya Language. Both sculptures form the typical stela-altar ensemble and are situated on the west side of Structure 9 Baudez and Riese The following epigraphic discussion is based on published photographs and roll-out drawings produced by Sylvanus G. The monument and its calendar dates The periphery of CPN 39 is engraved with a band of 12 hieroglyphic blocks A-L framed on the top and bottom by plain borders Fig. The middle portion of the text displaying a larger section of the Initial Series from now on abbreviated as IS is widely destroyed or severely eroded blocks D-H. Since the Long Count LC is thus incomplete, the reconstruction of the date starting at block A is open to alternative interpretations of the readable data: This information provides the reconstructed LC date [9]. Dates and texts on both monuments provide information that Ruler 12 Smoke Imix commissioned this stela-altar ensemble Martin and Grube J-L, blocks D-H are eligible. The ambiguous interpretation of the IS introducing phrase I has been discussed above. In block K follows the event expressed with the glyphs T On CPN 39 the completion hand is followed by the affix 3 cluster T Choosing between the alternatives is a matter of finding the most valuable interpretation. This most valuable interpretation must be linguistically and contextually plausible. The following subphrase in block L is introduced by a verb and comprises the three hieroglyphs T In classic Maya iconography this pair of supernatural agents is often depicted being enveloped in clouds wafting at the top of figural representations on Late Classic monuments. Images carved on bones from burials in Tikal portray them crowched in canoes and holding paddles. This canoe iconography has been interpreted as the journey of the deceased ruler to the realm of ancestors Stuart From a phenomenological view the Paddler Gods of the Classic Period are obviously closely associated with blood-sacrifice and period-ending activities carried out by the living rulers throughout the Maya area, the latter action mentioned in the text on CPN The Linguistic Interpretation of the PE expression This section comprises a phonological and grammatical interpretation of the completion expression and its affix cluster on CPN As specified above two alternative transliterations for the cluster -T The linguistic analysis of the verbal expression includes a discussion of the phonological and grammatical settings. Hruby and John S. Robertson distinguish four major patterns of affixation attached to the verbal root: With reference to these frequently occurring affix clusters Stuart concludes that the Classic Mayan tzutz- must be a root transitive verb Stuart To understand the nature of the affix ensemble â T on CPN 39, a functional analogy between this pattern and the above mentioned and other 5 affix clusters has to be assumed. Table 1 gives thus a summary and linguistic interpretation of the hitherto recognised affix patterns attached to the root transitive verb tzutz-. TABLE 1 Owing to the above postulated functional analogy between the affix cluster T and the other affixes attached to the transitive root tzutz there are now overwhelming grounds to hypothesize that the affix cluster under discussion is indeed a verbal suffix, too. Thus, a feasible linguistic interpretation of the affix pattern -T and its suggested transliterations, either -he-ma or -he-oob, must fulfil this basic assumption. Scanning the literature about verbal structure and affixation in Mayan languages e. Thus, the reading -he-oob for T seems unlikely. However, the transliteration of the disharmonic verbal suffix -he- ma and its interpretation as â he: On the basis of the two different hypotheses that explain harmonic and disharmonic spellings in Maya writing â he: According to the spelling rules proposed by Houston, Stuart and Robertson the disharmonic affix pattern â he- ma represents the bound morpheme â heem. Generally speaking, the bound morpheme â em marks the perfect or completive participle status for root transitive as well as 3 In the following I will use the symbol [: According to Kaufman and Norman Future participles are Page 3

4 attested in Maya writing. For a complete overview of participle morphology in Mayan languages see Kaufman The perfect status of verbs in Classic Mayan has been discussed elsewhere, the latest contribution comes from Barbara MacLeod She cites John Haviland commenting that 4 Spellings and language designations are adopted from Academia de las Lenguas Mayas de Guatemala Language abbreviations follow Kaufman and Wichman According to MacLeod writing poses a contrast between unmarked plain-status intransitive verbs and the marked perfect-status transitive verbs that follow them. This contrast is usually marked with the deictic clitic â iiy on the verbal root MacLeod Scanning the literature about perfect participle constructions in Mayan languages one notices that there has been an ongoing discussion about the nature of the verbs that employ the perfect participle thematic suffix â em. With reference to the colonial and modern language situation presented so far it appears that the suffix â em is solely used to mark the completive participle on intransitive verbs in Western Mayan languages. However, it has been shown by David Stuart that the the lexical morpheme tzutz in Classic Mayan is a root transitive verb Stuart Adding the suffix â 8 em to the root transitive verb tzutz seemingly contradicts the above presented linguistic evidence. His linguistic data includes the root transitive verbs, e. Additional and final support for this observation comes from the linguistic material compiled by Charles Wisdom Charles The number in the parentheses refer to the original page in Wisdoms dictionary. Summary and some implications A plausible interpretation of the affix cluster T Morphologically, the affix cluster T This condition, however, does not rule out the possibility that T The phonological nature of the spelling â he-ma, however, remains ambiguous. Nevertheless, it is presumably cognate with the bound morpheme â em and its allographs â eem or -en, a common status marker perfect participle for root intransitive and transitive verbs attested in Western Mayan languages. This interpretation complies with the preconditions postulated above: However, upcoming 10 debates on the nature of disharmonic spelling in Maya writing should consider the phonetic spelling â he-ma on CPN 39 which most probably is the classic form of the bound morpheme â em, the perfect participle marker on transitive and intransitive verbs in colonial and modern Western Mayan languages. On the basis of the observations and interpretations presented throughout the paper I am proposing that the affix cluster â he-ma in the inscription on the altar CPN 39 is a status marker denoting participle perfect of nouns or stative adjectives. Phonologically, the suffix can be interpreted as â he: Because of its uniqueness, implications of this interpretations as for the nature of the disharmonic spelling in Maya writing in general are not drawn in this paper. Thus, on CPN 39, we have: In order to test this hypothesis more spellings of this type need to be found and compared systematically. Wilbur, and Evelyn W. Research Reports on Ancient Maya Writing, 4. Charts and Formulas; 3 Chol Grammar: Kathryn Josserand and Nicholas Hopkins eds. Divinity and Rulership Among the Classic Maya. Linguistic Change and Continuity in Classic Society. A Case Study of the Verb Tzutz. Research Reports on Ancient Maya Writing, Kaufman, Terrence Mayan Comparative Studies. Kaufman, Terrence, and William M. John Justeson and Lyle Campbell eds. Monographs in Anthropology, 9. Columbia 12 A World in a Grain of Sand: The Classic Period Inscriptions. The Civilization of the American Indian Series, Deciphering the Dynasties of the Ancient Maya. A manuscript copied from the Libro Grande of fr. Facsimile edition by William Gates. Maya Society Publication, 9. Carnegie Institution of Washington Publication, Benson and Gillett G. Manuscript in possession of the authors, S. Page 4

5 Chapter 4 : ã ŠLIVING MAYA, THE(ISBN=)ã Robert Sitler Ph.D. è è ã æ è ä¹ è åœ çº é è» E. M. Forster An Annotated Bibliography Of Secondary Materials An Epigraphers Annotated Index To Cholan And Yucatecan Verb Morphology: = Philatelie. Additional Information In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content: The sound pattern of English. An introduction to Natural Generative Phonology. Research on Chinese characters: A call for interdisciplinary endeavor. Journal of Chinese Linguistics 5. Reading in a non-alphabetic writing system: Orthography, reading, and dyslexia, ed. Speech recoding in reading Chinese characters. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Learning and Memory 3. Reading the Chinese characters: Journal of Chinese Linguistics 6. Edited by John S. Justeson and Lyle Campbell. Institute for Mesoamerican Studies, publication 9. State University of New York, Reviewed by Victoria R. That conference marked a turning point in the history of Mayan epigraphy, for it was the first time that the phonetic basis of the script was taken for granted. Not a single paper in the volume that has resulted from that meeting mentions the acrimonious debate between J. Thompson and Yurij Knorozov over the nature ofmayan hieroglyphic writingâ a dispute that had retarded progress in decipherment for several decades. It is clear from the classification and geographical distribution of the colonial and modern Mayan languages that the most likely candidates are Cholan, Yucatecan, and Tzeltalan. The head variants of several numbers, the signs for eight months ofthe day year, and the glyph for the day called Manik all point to the development of the script among Cholan speakers. It is therefore possible that more than one Mayan language is represented in a single codex. He shows that the inventory of known syllabic signs corresponds closely to phonemic contrasts found in the Greater Lowland Mayan languages. The comparative analysis of verb morphology has some interesting implications for deciphering the hieroglyphic script: You are not currently authenticated. View freely available titles: Chapter 5 : Anthropology Library and Archives Museum of Anthropology FF6 Monograph No. 9 "An Epigrapher's Annotated Index to Cholan and Yucatecan Verb Morphology" (MacLeod)-originals Box 7 Miscellaneous Publications and Publications Records FF1 Miscellaneous Publication No. 1 "Pottery Making in Sinaloa, Mexico (Weakley & Griffith). Chapter 6 : Maya Hieroglyph Dictionary - Peter Mathews and Pà ter Bà rã³ MacLeod, Barbara "An epigrapher's annotated index to Cholan and Yucatecan verb morphology." University of Missouri Monographs in Anthropology No. 9. Department of Anthropology, University of Missouri, Columbia. Chapter 7 : Project MUSE - Lacandon Maya-Spanish-English Dictionary Barbara MacLeod is the author of An Epigrapher's Annotated Index To Cholan And Yucatecan Verb Morphology ( avg rating, 0 ratings, 0 reviews), Heart of. Chapter 8 : The Living Maya (ebook) by Robert Sitler Lacandon Maya-Spanish-English Dictionary On Proto-Yucatecan An Epigrapher's Annotated Index to Cholan and Yucatecan Verb Morphology. Page 5


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