Angel Number 1 is a reminder from your angels that we are all connected and we are all associated by our thoughts.

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1 ANGEL NUMBER 1 The number 1 carries the vibrations and energies of adventures, new ideas, new beginnings and new projects, the desire for expansion, motivation, progress, achievement and success. Angel Number 1 is a reminder from your angels that we are all connected and we are all associated by our thoughts. The repeating Angel Number 1 asks you to be aware of your thoughts and focus upon your true heart s desires so that they are able to positively manifest your desires into your life. Do not focus on your fears and what you don t want as these can also manifest. Angel Number 1 encourages you to look to new beginnings, opportunities and projects with a positive and optimistic attitude as these are appearing in your life for very good reason. Your angels want you to achieve and succeed with your desired goals and aspirations so do not hesitate in taking positive steps and striving forward. Do not allow fears, doubts or concerns to hold you back from living and serving your Divine life purpose and soul mission. Angel Number 1 also encourages you to take up challenges with total faith and trust in yourself and the Universal Energies. ANGEL NUMBER 11 The karmic Master Number 11 symbolizes the principles of spiritual awakening and enlightenment, high energy, idealism, inspiration and intuition, illumination, visionary, enthusiasm, creative/creativity, self-expression and sensitivity, and mysticism. Number 11 tells us that to connect with our higher-selves is to know and live our soul mission and life purpose. Angel Number 11 is a message from your angels to pay special attention to your thoughts and ideas as these are revealing the answers to your prayers. Your positive affirmations and optimistic attitude will manifest your desires and help you to achieve your goals and aspirations. They will also assist you upon your spiritual life purpose and soul mission. Angel Number 11 encourages you to assist and inspire the human race via your natural abilities, relying upon your inner-wisdom and intuition to guide you. Repeating Angel Number 11 encourages you to be an inspirational guiding light to bring illumination to others and to help raise spiritual awareness. Trust that the angels support you in your light work. ANGEL NUMBER 111 Number 111 is a powerful number of manifesting and manifestation, and carries the combined attributes and energies of number 1 and the karmic Master Number 11. Number 1 resonates with assertiveness, independence and uniqueness, motivation, new beginnings and striving forward, insight, self-leadership and inspiration, positivity and achieving success. Number 11 tells us that to connect with our higher-selves is to know and live our soul mission and life purpose.

2 Number 111 symbolizes the principles of spiritual awakening and enlightenment, high energy, inspiration and intuition, self-expression and sensitivity. Angel Number 111 is a message from your angels to be very aware of your persistent thoughts and ideas as these are manifesting quickly into your reality. Ensure that your beliefs, thoughts and mind-sets are positive and optimistic in order to draw the energies of abundance and balance into your life. Angel Number 111 signifies that an energetic gateway has opened up for you, and this will rapidly manifest your thoughts into your reality. When you recognize an Angel Number 111 sequence appearing to you frequently, take note of your thoughts at the time that they occur. When a series of 111's appear, monitor your thoughts carefully and be sure to only think about what it is you really want, not what you don't want. Choose your thoughts wisely, and do not put your focus towards your fears, as they may manifest. Pay special attention to your thoughts and ideas as these are revealing the answers to your prayers. Your positive affirmations and optimistic attitude will help to manifest your desires and help you to achieve your goals and aspirations. They will also assist you with serving your spiritual life purpose and soul mission. Angel Number 111 also encourages you to assist and inspire the human race via your natural abilities, relying upon your inner-wisdom and intuition to guide you. Be an inspirational guiding light to bring illumination to others and to help raise spiritual awareness. Trust that the angels support you in your lightwork. Once Angel Number 111 appears and is recognized and acknowledged, the repetitive number sequences generally progresses onto other numbers and messages as your angels then have new and different messages to send you. Number 111 also relates to the number 3 (1+1+1=3) and Angel Number 3. ANGEL NUMBER 2 Number 2 resonates with the vibrations and attributes of service and duty, balance and harmony, adaptability and diplomacy, co-operation and consideration, receptivity and love. Number 2 also relates to partnerships and relationships, intuition and insight, faith and trust and your Divine life purpose and soul mission. Angel Number 2 is a message to have courage, faith and trust in the angels and Universal Energies as the answers to your prayers are manifesting for you, although it may not be obvious just yet. It may be a test of your patience, but rest assured that all will come to pass in Divine right time. The repeating Angel Number 2 may also be a message to display compassion, diplomacy, consideration and adaptability as you passionately serve others in your day to day life. Your angels are encouraging you to pursue your life purpose and soul mission with faith and trust in

3 the Divine. Angel Number 2 also encourages you to be diplomatic, co-operative and loving when relating to others. ANGEL NUMBER 22 The Master Number 22 carries the energies and attributes of diplomacy, intuition and emotion, balance and harmony, adaptability, diplomacy, personal power, redemption, idealism, expansion and evolution, idealism, philanthropy and service and duty and manifesting your highest ideals and desires. Number 22 is a number of power and accomplishment. Angel Number 22 is made up of the number 2 appearing twice, amplifying its attributes. Number 2 relates to your Divine life purpose and soul mission, and the Angel Number 22 encourages you to work diligently on your spiritual life path and soul purpose. Angel Number 22 is a message from your angels that you are to take a balanced, harmonious and peaceful stance in all areas of your life. Stand strong in your personal convictions and act accordingly. You have a great deal to achieve, and with devotion and inner-wisdom you will be able to successfully manifest your desired results. Angel Number 22 can turn the most ambitious of dreams into reality. The repeating Angel Number 22 asks you to see the larger picture, and to work with the details necessary to complete that picture. Angel Number 22 encourages you to bring things through to fruition on both the spiritual and material planes. The repeating Angel Number 22 is a message from your angels to maintain your convictions and keep an optimistic outlook and a positive attitude as your desires are currently being manifested for you. ANGEL NUMBER 222 Number 222 is made up of the attributes of and energies of the number 2 tripled, making number 222 a very powerful vibration. This number carries the attributes of the numbers 2 and 22, the Master Builder Number that resonates with ancient wisdom, vision, idealism and transformation. Number 2 lends its influences of faith and trust, encouragement, attainment and success, adaptability, diplomacy and co-operation, duality, service and duty, balance and harmony, selflessness, faith and trust and your Divine life purpose and soul mission. Number 222 has to do with balance, manifesting miracles and new auspicious and timely opportunities. When Angel Number 222 repeats in your life you are asked to take a balanced, harmonious and peaceful stance in all areas of your life. The message is to keep the faith and stand strong in your personal truths. The message of repeating Angel Number 222 is that everything will turn out for the best in the long-term. Do not put your energies into negativity be aware that all is being working out by spirit for the highest good of all involved. Angel Number 222 is also reminding you to keep up the good work you are doing, as the evidence of your manifestations are coming to fruition.

4 Angel Number 222 is a message of faith and trust from your angels. Know that all is being worked out for the highest good of all involved. Remember that nothing happens by chance and everything happens for a reason. Maintain a positive attitude and you will find that everything will have positive results and you will receive abundant blessings in Divine right timing. ANGEL NUMBER 3 The number 3 carries the vibrations of communication and self-expression, adventure, inspiration and creativity, humour, optimism and joy, spontaneity and enthusiasm. Number 3 also symbolizes the principle of increase and growth, expansion and abundance on the mental, emotional, financial and spiritual levels. Number 3 is the number of manifesting and manifestation and carries the vibration of the Ascended Masters. The Ascended Masters help you to focus on the Divine spark within yourself and others, and assist with manifesting your desires. They are helping you to find peace, clarity and love within. Angel Number 3 is an indication that your angels are trying to get your attention. The angels and Ascended Masters want you to follow your intuition and inner-wisdom so that you are able to take appropriate action/s at this time. Use your creative skills and abilities to manifest your desires and enhance your life and that of others. The angels encourage you to follow your life path and soul mission with optimism and enthusiasm. When the Angel Number 3 appears repeatedly, it suggests that your prayers and positive affirmations have been heard and are being responded to by the Universal Energies. Have faith that your goals and desires will manifest in your life in Divine right time. Trust your angels and the Universe. Angel Number 3 encourages you to be communicative and social with others and to live your life with joy, optimism and spontenaity. ANGEL NUMBER 33 Number 33 is made up of the vibrations of the number 3, with the number 3 appearing twice, amplifying and magnifying its influences. Number 3 relates to the attributes of expansion and the principles of increase, spontaneity, broad-minded thinking, encouragement, assistance, talent and skills, self-expression and communication, manifesting and manifestation. Number 3 also resonates with the energies of the Ascended Masters, and indicates that the Ascended Masters are around you, assisting when asked. They are helping you to find peace, clarity and love within. The Ascended Masters help you to focus on the Divine spark within yourself and others, and assist with manifesting your desires. Number 33 is a Master Number (Master Teacher) and resonates with the energies of compassion, blessings, inspiration, honesty, discipline, bravery and courage. Number 33 tells us that all things are possible. 33 is also the number that symbolizes guidance. The Master Number 33 is connected to the Ascended Masters, and the repeating Angel Number 33 is a message that many Ascended Masters surround you and are offering their assistance. All you need to do is ask, as the Ascended Masters are waiting to answer your prayers. The Angel Number 33 is a message from your angels that any positive changes or projects you

5 are considering right now will be well worth your while, and you will be assisted in the undertaking. Angel Number 33 gives you the courage to live your life with enthusiasm and optimism, safe in the knowledge that you are well blessed, loved and supported in all that you do. Live your life with joy, passion and purpose as this will manifest your true desires. Be prepared to expand and increase your spiritual development and awareness. Number 33 also relates to the number 6 (3+3=6) and Angel Number 6. ANGEL NUMBER 333 Number 333 resonates with the vibrations and energies of number 3, appearing three times, tripling its influences. Number 3 relates to encouragement, assistance, communication, freedom, adventure, exuberance, inspiration, creativity, social, easy-going, the visionary, humour, energy, growth, expansion, the principles of increase, expression, openness, spontaneity, broadminded thinking, optimism, kindness, speech, faith, hope and charity, culture, wit, fun-loving, freedom-seeking, brave, adventurous, exuberant, brilliant, non-confrontational, an open-channel, free-form, rhythm, love of pleasure, joy, art, passion, surprise, intelligence, sensitivity, psychic ability, society and being socially conscious, self-expression, affability, enthusiasm, youthfulness, enlivening, imagination, manifestation and manifesting your desires. Number 3 is the essence of the Trinity - mind, body, spirit and is the threefold nature of Divinity. The number 3 symbolizes the principle of 'growth' and signifies that there is a synthesis present that imagination and an outpouring of energy is in action. Number 3 represents the principle of increase, expansion, growth and abundance on the physical, emotional, mental, financial and spiritual levels. Number 3 also resonates with the Ascended Masters (great spiritual teachers who once walked upon the Earth, as well as various religions deities.) Number 3 = the Jesus connection. When Angel Number 333 appears consistently it implies that the Ascended Masters are near you. They have responded to your prayers and wish to help and assist you in your endeavours and with serving your Divine life purpose and soul mission. The message of Angel Number 333 is to have faith in humanity and the Universal Energies. The angels and Ascended Masters are working with you on all levels. They love, guide and protect you always. When the Angel Number 333 repeats in your life you are asked to call upon the angels and Masters for love, help and companionship. They will give you guidance along your path, and if feeling perplexed or confused as to your life purpose, call upon the angels and Ascended Masters to assist. They are waiting for your call. Use your natural communicative and lightworking skills to aid, assist and serve others in a positive and uplifting way. Number 333 relates to number 9 (3+3+3=9) and Angel Number 9.

6 ANGEL NUMBER 4 Number 4 resonates with the vibrations of practicality and responsibility, illumination and initiation, building solid foundations, stability and ability, determination and endurance, hard work and progress. Number 4 also represents our passion and drive and encourages us to work harmoniously yet diligently to achieve our goals and aspirations. Number 4 is the number that represents the four elements of Air, Fire, Water and Earth, and the four sacred directions, North, South, East and West. Angel Number 4 is an indication that your angels are offering you love, support, encouragement and inner-strength, enabling you to do what you need to do and achieve your goals with diligence and proficiency. When you take positive action towards your highest intentions, aspirations and goals, the Universe works in your favour and helps you to establish solid foundations and advance you along your path. Repeating Angel Number 4 indicates that your angels are around you and that you are able to call upon them for help, guidance and assistance whenever you feel the need. Trust that you have all the skills, talents and abilities to overcome any obstacles and achieve your highest aspirations. Angel Number 4 also encourages you to set things in motion with system and order so that you can achieve your goals and aspirations. ANGEL NUMBER 44 Number 44 carries the doubled vibrations of the number 4, making its energies and influences magnified. Number 4 resonates with the attributes of support and stability, establishing solid foundations for the self and others, willpower and effort, ability and worthiness, hard work and achieving success, wholeness and inner-wisdom. Number 4 is associated with our passions and drive. Angel Number 44 asks that you pay attention to your intuition and inner-wisdom as your connection with your angels and the angelic realm is very strong at this time. You are encouraged to continue on your current path as your drive and determination will lead to success and fulfilment. When the Angel Number 44 appears repeatedly, it is a message that you are being surrounded by helpful, loving angels who wish to bring you peace of mind and joy of heart. The repeating Angel Number 44 indicates that you are being given support and encouragement along your path, and when faced with an obstacle, rest assured that your angels are most willing to assist. Be assured that solutions to any issues or problems will soon be revealed. Angel Number 44 is a message that the angels and Archangels are with you, encouraging and guiding you. They are offering you inner-strength and support to enable you to get the work done that you need to in order to attain and achieve your goals and aspirations. They know and understand that you have been toiling diligently towards your goals, and encourage you to continue on your current path to achieve the success and results you desire. Work with the angels to ensure success in all of your endeavours.

7 Angel Number 44 is a message that you have nothing to fear in regards to your life, work and Divine life purpose and soul mission. The angels surround and support you, encouraging you to keep up the good work you have been doing. The angels and Archangels are always available for help and guidance - all you need to do is ask. ANGEL NUMBER 444 Number 4 resonates with the vibrations of the Archangels, practicality and responsibility, productivity, illumination and initiation, building solid foundations, stability and ability, honesty and inner-wisdom, determination and endurance, hard work and progress. Number 4 also represents our passion and drive and encourages us to work harmoniously yet diligently to achieve our goals and aspirations. Number 4 is also the number that represents the four elements of Air, Fire, Water and Earth, and the four sacred directions, North, South, East and West. With three 4 s appearing, the influences and energies of the number 4 are magnified and enhanced. Angel Number 444 asks that you pay attention to your intuition and inner-wisdom as your connection with your angels and the angelic realm is very strong at this time. You are encouraged to continue on your current path as your drive and determination will lead to success and fulfilment. Angel Number 444 is a message that the angels and Archangels are with you, encouraging and guiding you. They are offering you positive energies, inner-strength and support to enable you to get the work done that you need to. They know and understand that you have been toiling diligently towards your goals, and encourage you to continue on your current path to achieve the success and results you desire. Use your strong connection with the angelic realm to your benefit and be open to their promptings and messages. Listen to your intuition and follow its guidance. Angel Number 444 is a message that you have nothing to fear in regards to your life, work and Divine life purpose and soul mission. When you take positive action towards your highest intentions, aspirations and goals, the Universe works in your favour and helps you to establish solid foundations and advance you along your path. Know that the angels surround and support you, encouraging you to keep up the good work you have been doing. The repeating Angel Number 444 is a message that all is well. Trust that you are on your correct life path and are doing a great job. The angels and Archangels are available for help and guidance - all you need to do is ask. Number 444 relates to number 3 (4+4+4=12, 1+2=3) and Angel Number 3. ANGEL NUMBER 5 The vibrations of the number 5 are those of personal freedom and individuality, motivation, making positive life choices and major changes, transformation, adaptability and versatility,

8 resourcefulness and auspicious opportunities. Angel Number 5 is a message from the angels that important life changes are upon you and these changes will bring about many positive opportunities for you. The angels ask that you look upon these changes with an optimistic and positive attitude as they are destined to bring you many long-term benefits. Remember to be grateful for the auspicious opportunities ahead of you. When Angel Number 5 appears repeatedly it is a message from your angels to do with your health and wellbeing. Your angels are helping you to make positive, healthy lifestyle choices and changes that will enhance and benefit you in many ways; physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Rest assured that your angels love, support and encourage you through these transitions, and if feeling any fears, ask for angelic guidance any time you feel the need. The repeating Angel Number 5 tells you that only you know your true heart s desires, and only you can fulfil your own destiny. ANGEL NUMBER 55 Number 55 is comprised of two 5 s, making 55 a powerful number as the energies and attributes of number 5 are doubled, amplified and reinforced. Number 55 carries the vibrations of adventure and versatility, curiosity, facing challenges, learning life lessons through experience, auspicious opportunities, idealism and activity, making positive life choices and important changes. Angel Number 55 is a message from your angels that it is time to let go of the old that is no longer positively serving you, and get ready for big changes to take place in your life. Release old doubts, fears and perceived obstacles and look forward to wonderful new opportunities. The repeating Angel Number 55 tells you to keep a positive attitude about the new entering your life and keep an open mind as to the opportunities presenting to you. Keep in mind that everything happens for a reason and nothing happens by chance, so eventhough the reason/s for the changes may not be clear at this point, trust that all will fall into place for you. These changes have come about so that you can break free from old restraints and constraints and freely pursue your soul mission and life purpose as a spiritual being. The angels ask that you cast off old shackles and constraints, be true to yourself and live your life with passion and purpose. Be prepared for huge changes when repeating Angel Number 55 appears. ANGEL NUMBER 555 Number 555 is comprised of the number 5 appearing tripled, making 555 a powerful number with its energies and attributes of being three-fold, amplified and reinforced. 555 carries the strong vibrations of making decisions and choices, life changes and new opportunities, adventure, curiosity, challenges, idealism and activity. Angel Number 555 tells of significant and necessary changes happening in your life that have been Divinely inspired and guided. These changes will bring about long-awaited circumstances

9 and results and will fully align you with your true Divine life purpose and soul mission. Angel Number 555 is a message from your angels that it is time to let go of the old that is no longer positively serving you. Trust that they will be replaced with better. Release old doubts, fears and perceived obstacles, and if feeling any fears or confusion, ask for support and guidance from your angels. Know that your angels are with you, always. Keep a positive attitude and mind-set about the new entering your life and keep an open mind as to the opportunities presenting themselves. Remember that everything happens for a reason and nothing happens by chance. Even though the reason/s for the changes may not be clear at this point in time, trust that all will fall into place for you. These changes have come about so that you can break free from old restraints and constraints and freely pursue your soul purpose as a spiritual being. Repeating Angel Number 555 suggests that major life changes are taking place in many areas of your life. Trust that these changes are for both your immediate and long-term benefit. The angels ask that you go with the flow... ANGEL NUMBER 6 The number 6 vibrates to the energies of ownership, possessions and material wealth, love of home and family, care of others and nurturing, empathy and sympathy, responsibility and selflessness, provision and providing for the self and others. Number 6 signifies the need for stability in all aspects of your life. Angel Number 6 is a message from the angels to keep a balance between your material goals and aspirations, and your spiritual, inner-self. Be grateful for what you have already, as an attitude of gratitude encourages further positive abundance. When the Angel Number 6 appears repeatedly it tells of the ability to use the intellect to bring about positive outcomes in your life. Be open to angelic signs and signals, maintain a positive attitude, and trust that opportunities will present themselves that will allow you to meet your material and financial needs. Trust that all will be provided for as you take care of and serve yourself and others, and live your Divine life purpose and soul mission. Angel Number 6 encourages you to be loving, caring and nurturing of yourself and others. ANGEL NUMBER 66 Number 66 is comprised of the vibrations and energies of the number 6 doubled and amplified. Number 6 carries the attributes of humanitarianism, community, service to others, home and family, domesticity and social responsibility, grace and simplicity. Number 6 also relates to material issues and provision. Number 66 is a powerful number of unconditional love, healing and faith and trust in the Divine. Angel Number 66 is a message from your angels to put your faith and trust in the benevolence of

10 the Universe as your daily needs are continually met. The angels are assisting, guiding and supporting you with manifesting your goals, desires and wishes. Keep your thoughts positive when the Angel Number 66 appears repeatedly. Angel Number 66 also asks you to balance your physical, material and spiritual lives. Focusing on your spirituality and living a conscientious and purposeful lifestyle will ensure that your material needs are met as you serve your Divine life mission. Give any fears or anxieties about your monetary and material issues to the angels for healing and transmutation, and trust that as you live your spiritual truths all of your needs will be provided for. Be open to receiving and accepting help and assistance from your angels, the spiritual realm and other people in your life. Angel Number 66 also suggests that all is well in regards to your home and family life. Enjoy your relationships and the companionship of those close to you and give love freely and unconditionally. Number 66 also relates to number 3 (6+6=12, 1+2=3) and Angel Number 3. ANGEL NUMBER 666 Number 666 is a compilation of the energies attributes to the number 6, including honesty, justice, integrity, charity, faith, love, humanity, service, balance and peace, domesticity, responsibility, care, the teacher, conventional, the provider, protection, idealism, selflessness, charity, faithfulness, the nurturer, truth, order, economy, emotional depth, curiosity, deep love of home and family, humanitarianism, service, unselfishness, balance, peace, self-sacrifice, empathy, sympathy, unconditional love, circulation, agriculture, grace, simplicity, compromise, reliability, social responsibility, compassion, beauty, the arts, generosity, concern, children, family, home, community service, self-harmony. The energy of the number 6 symbolizes the principle of nurturing, caring and harmony and signifies the need for stability in all areas of your life and relates to home and family, society, possessions, planetary issues and concrete tangibles. Number 6 also symbolizes responsibility and service which needs to be achieved through love, nurturing, protection and self-less service to humanity. Angel Number 666 tells of the ability to use the imagination and the intellect combined to bring about positive outcomes. When 6 s appear repeatedly your angels are telling you to be aware to balance your thoughts, worries or concerns about material and financial issues, with a focus and faith in the spiritual. A positive vibration and focus will bring about positive results. Angel Number 666 is a message to trust the Universe and your angels with supporting and assisting you in achieving your desires in regards to your home, family, social and personal life. Keep your thoughts and feelings focused on achieving your goals, and you will attain your desires with the help of your angels. Angel Number 666 tells us that it is time to focus on your personal spirituality in order to balance and heal any issues in your life. Tell the angels about any fears you may have concerning your material supply or lack there of. They are listening and wanting to help you feel prosperous and abundant. Be open to receiving help, love and support from both humans and the angels as it is there for the offering. You need to be receptive in order to receive the help you need.

11 Angel Number 666 may be indicating that your thoughts are out of balance at this time and you are asked to look to all aspects of your life making sure that all is as you feel it should be. Look to service and humanitarian aspects including volunteering your time, donating money to charity, doing conscious random acts of kindness and/or being of service to those in need in some way. The angels and Universe will reward you accordingly and your needs will always be met. Angel Number 666 is an indication that your thoughts are out of balance, and you are focused too much on the material aspects of your life. The energies of abundance and prosperity are being deflected and resisted as worry and anxiety cause a barrier to balance, spirit, harmony and receptivity on your behalf. Angel Number 666 asks you to balance your thoughts between the spiritual and the material aspects and to maintain faith and trust that your needs will always be met. The angels are asking you to focus on spirit and service, and to know that your material and emotional needs will automatically be met as a result. Angel Number 666 suggests that you may be focusing on the material and monetary world, rather than your personal spirituality and family life. Your angels ask that you raise your vibration and maintain a positive attitude and mind-set in regards to all aspects of your life to ensure that all goes according to Divine plan. Trust that improvements are on the way into your life. Angel Number 666 prompts you to focus upon your inner spirituality and Divine life purpose and soul mission, rather than on earthly, material concerns. Give any fears of loss or lack to the angels to heal and transmute, and be open to receiving and accepting help and assistance from your angels and other people in your life. All you need to do is ask. Number 666 relates to number 9 (6+6+6=18, 1+8=9) and Angel Number 9. ANGEL NUMBER 7 The mystical number 7 resonates with the energies of spiritual awakening, accepting and developing spiritual gifts and enlightenment, intuition and inner-knowing, introspection and understanding others, determination and persistence of purpose, good fortune and inner-wisdom. Angel Number 7 tells of a beneficial time with obstacles overcome and successes realized. Your angels are happy with your life choices and are telling you that you are currently on the right path. You are encouraged to keep up the good work you have been doing as you are successfully serving your soul purpose and life mission and your angels are supporting you all the way. Positive things will flow freely towards you, and this will assist you along your journey. Angel Number 7 also suggests that you look to further developing your personal spirituality and encourage others to do the same. Angel Number 7 encourages you to take up a spiritually-based practice, profession and/or career if you are so inclined.

12 ANGEL NUMBER 77 Number 77 is made up of the vibrations and energies of the number 7, doubled and amplified. Number 7 relates to inner- wisdom and intuition, contemplation and discernment, understanding of others, inner-strength and tenacity, psychic abilities, endurance and determination, spiritual enlightenment, development and spiritual awakening, and your Divine life purpose. Number 7 also relates to good fortune. Angel Number 77 indicates that you have listened to Divine guidance and are now putting that wisdom to work in your day-to-day life. Your desires and wishes are coming to fruition in your life as a direct result of your actions and positive attitude to life, and the time has come to reap the rewards for your diligence and determined efforts. You are being commended by the angels as your successes are inspiring and uplifting. You are helping and teaching others by being a positive example for others to follow. The repeating Angel Number 77 indicates that you are being congratulated and your efforts have been well noted by the angelic and spiritual realms. You are on the right life path and are living and serving your Divine life purpose as guided. Due to your efforts, discernment and good choices, your just rewards are on the way into your life. Your angels ask you to keep up the great work! Angel Number 77 is a very positive sign and tells you to expect miracles to occur in your life. Number 77 also relates to number 5 (7+7=14, 1+4=5) and Angel Number 5. ANGEL NUMBER 777 Number 777 is a highly spiritual number with the mystical number 7 appearing tripled, making its influences most powerful. Number 7 resonates with the attributes of spiritual enlightenment, development and spiritual awakening, persistence of purpose, intuition and the inner voice of wisdom, mysticism, contemplation, knowledge and understanding, discernment and consideration, and good fortune. Angel Number 777 indicates that you have listened to Divine Guidance and are now putting that wisdom to work in your life, and the time has come to reap the rewards for your hard work and efforts. You are being commended by the angels as your successes are inspiring, helping and teaching others by example. Angel Number 777 informs you that you are being congratulated and your efforts have been well noted by the angelic and spiritual realms. Know that your wishes are coming to fruition in your life as a direct result of your positive efforts and attitude to life. 777 is a very positive sign and means that you should expect miracles to occur in your life. The 777 repeating number sequence (or Angel Number 777) is a message from your angels that you are on the right path and living and serving your Divine life purpose. The Universe is happy

13 with your progress and due to your positive efforts and hard work you have earned your rewards. Angel Number 777 is an extremely positive sign and means that you should expect many more miracles to occur for you, both large and small. ANGEL NUMBER 8 The vibration and energy of the number 8 are those of authority, personal power and inner-strength, inner-wisdom, manifesting abundance and prosperity, giving and receiving, self-reliance and dependability and achieving success. Number 8 is also the number of Karma, the Universal Spiritual Law of Cause and Effect - so you sow, so shall you reap. Angel Number 8 is a message from the angels that financial abundance is on its way to you. You have worked diligently and intelligently towards achieving your goals and aspirations, and your just rewards will be yours. Be grateful for the blessings in your life, and for those yet to come. The repeating Angel Number 8 may be suggesting that your rewards are being brought to you due to some positive work and past efforts on your behalf. What you put out to the Universe comes back to you, as per the Spiritual Law of Karma. Angel Number 8 tells you to have faith and trust in your own abilities, skills and talents, and to use them to their highest potential. ANGEL NUMBER 88 Number 88 is a powerful number as it is made up of the energies of the number 8, doubled and amplified. Number 8 carries the vibrations and attributes of patience, practicality and dependability, personal authority and power, ambition and potential, business acumen, finding success and manifesting wealth and abundance, self-discipline and responsibility, inner-wisdom, justice and Karma the Universal Spiritual Law of Cause and Effect. Angel Number 88 is a powerful vibration telling of achievements, success, striving forward, progress and attainment. Angel Number 88 is a message that you are to keep your finances in check to ensure that you have set yourself solid foundations for yourself and your loved ones. This will ensure your future prosperity. You are to be responsible for your own income, abundance and well-being. The Universe and your angels will always support you, but it is your responsibility to ensure that you put in the proper work and effort. You are asked to live up to your full potential. Angel Number 88 is also telling you that your life purpose and soul mission are fully supported by your angels and the Universe. Financial and material abundance is on its way into your life and may be suggesting that you will receive unexpected rewards for past good work. The Universe is abundant and generous and wishes to reward you. Great financial prosperity is yours, now and

14 in the future. Karma re-paid in kind. Repeating Angel Number 88 may also suggest that a phase, circumstance or situation in your life is about to end and is a sign of forewarning to enable you to prepare yourself and your life accordingly. It may also indicate that you are winding up an emotional, career or relationship phase in your life. Number 88 also relates to number 7 (8+8=16, 1+6=7) and Angel Number 7. ANGEL NUMBER 888 Number 888 is a powerful number as it carries the vibrations and attributes of the number 8, which include patience, practicality and dependability, personal authority and power, business acumen, finding success and manifesting wealth and abundance, self-discipline and responsibility, inner-wisdom, justice and Karma the Universal Spiritual Law of Cause and Effect. Angel Number 888 is a message for you to keep your finances in check ensuring that you have set solid foundations for yourself and your loved ones. The Universe and your angels will always ensure that you are supported, but it is your responsibility to make sure that you are living up to your full potential in order to tread your right life path. Angel Number 888 indicates that financial and material abundance is on its way into your life and may be suggesting that you will receive unexpected rewards for past good work. Karma re-paid in kind. Angel Number 888 is telling you that your Life Purpose is fully supported by the Universe. The Universe is abundant and generous and wishes to reward you. Great financial prosperity is yours, now and in the future. Angel Number 888 may also suggest that a phase in your life is about to end and is a sign of forewarning to enable you to prepare yourself and your life accordingly. It may also indicate that you are winding up an emotional, career or relationship phase in your life. ANGEL NUMBER 9 Number 9 resonates with the vibrations and attributes of the Universal Spiritual Laws, Karma, spiritual enlightenment and awakening, being a positive example for others, Lightworking, leadership, inner-wisdom and your soul mission. Number 9 also relates to conclusions and endings. Angel Number 9 is a sign from the angels that your life path and soul mission involve being of service to humanity through the use of your natural skills and talents. Angel Number 9 suggests that you are a natural Lightworker. The repeating Angel Number 9 may be indicating that it is time to end a phase, situation or relationship that is no longer serving you in a positive way. Rest assured that new will enter your life that will enhance and benefit your life and lifestyle in many ways. Prepare yourself

15 today as there is much work for you to do. Angel Number 9 encourages you to be compassionate, thoughtful, philanthropic and of service to others and humanity as a whole. ANGEL NUMBER 99 Number 99 is comprised of the vibrations of the double number 9. This gives number 99 the attributes and energies of communication, inner-strength, leadership and leading by positive example, selflessness, a higher perspective, intuition and inner-wisdom, humanitarianism and altruism, spiritual awakening and enlightenment, serving others and lightworking, the Universal Spiritual Laws and your Divine life purpose. Number 9 also relates to endings and conclusions. As the number 9 resonates with endings and closures, the message of repeating Angel Number 99 may be that certain aspects of your life are coming to a close and/or an important phase or cycle is coming to an end. Trust that this is happening for very karmic reasons which will become evident in the very near future. Fear not as this is preparing you to begin a wonderful new life and lifestyle that will see all fall into place for you in most positive ways. These endings are clearing the way for you to fully pursue your Divine life purpose and soul mission as your soul s destiny dictates. Trust that all the information, guidance and assistance you will need upon your path will be supplied by the angels and Universal Energies. Angel Number 99 is a message from your angels that you are to get to work on your Divine life purpose and soul mission. Angel Number 99 is a sign that Lightworkers are to step up to their duties and work for the benefit of humanity and the world as a whole. Have faith and trust that your angels are always available for guidance, motivation, support and love. All you need to do is ask. Repeating Angel Number 99 is a strong message to fully devote yourself to your life s mission without delay. Listen to your intuition and the guidance from the angels if feeling any fears or doubts about your path and/or purpose. Number 99 also relates to number 9 (9+9=18, 1+8=9) and Angel Number 9. ANGEL NUMBER 999 Number 999 is comprised of the vibrations of the number 9 appearing three times, amplifying and magnifying its powerful influences. The attributes and energies of the triple number 9 are those of communication, inner-strength, conclusions and endings, humility and humanity, leadership and leading by positive example, intuition and insight, spiritual awakening and enlightenment, lightworking and serving others, setting a positive example, the Universal Spiritual Laws and your Divine life purpose and soul mission. As the number 9 resonates with endings and closures, the message of repeating Angel Number 999 may be that certain aspects of your life are coming to a close and/or an important phase or cycle is ending. Trust that this is happening for very karmic reasons which will become evident in the very near future. It is clearing the way for you to fully pursue your Divine life purpose and

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