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1 RED BANK REGISTER ^ssrss VOLUME LXXDC, NO. 86 ^J r ffi'*cti;:^^a t fc i * t.ft! BEDBANK, N. J., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, c PER COPY PAGE ONE HMpaaiuoaraiiean _ rr«-/ ~ r^^s^mn Middletown Delays Rt. 35 SE^-fiSE* W^^jWm «Re«>ni"g After Hearing r ^ l K* ^. masting JaK nighttogthe goal will b. difficult, but «? Jf^B^./.V >j Ml^^flHll^. ^ i tha MM aolartum. hoard that If avsryon* get. behind It,»'< i?f '^ yk»t - «*'^j ^^l> M ^Ha^9 (BBBBBBBBBBBB^HKai ** t LuLdd.AouiS. buud- IM «U w»eh baa beta una.r- S ';.,.. -^^SM < <7''^. talhfr.flhi^^^^etf * ^ ^B1? WN 7 T"* r"** * had MJBMica for tb«hocpi- Uktr wul b* achieved. He ex- K.' isvssj*'."*. W ^ ^& ^ ^/' i l W/ ^ I H H l ^ l ^ H l ^ H ^ K ^ I ^ I ^ I K l H t' f L <t * ^ t w* vsrsial rt IS nnmliif ardlaami ^S^S^-JS^-^t^S^'^ K^:^^HHHH^^^Hil^ Taxpayers 9 Group Forms. ttttzzzszz F 7 Z^rrZ^ntorllfiOO,.ttSmMraMleha.1 Boat, prut- ft. ^ j ^ ^ r a H ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ V ^» * t.r. stormy three-hour pubht JO to flnanc* construction of dent of the hospital's Fair Haven B».'. AI,, <?^^^PJ ^L B ft,^^^^^^^^^^^bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbmflhy "fe ^"v V» V i M J» ""* ^-rsr^'u^e^*: TSff&JzssrJs. I ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ K ^ ^ ^ H H U Organizers Not Yet Named jfjr^&x***,diaaarfeb.t. ing fund to be ueed for one bed IW r^3^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^K>^^^^^^^^^HM< from the overflow audience of Th. board hoard: t ^ S m.r M r.f.'.x t ^^^^^ ^^^^^ H^^^^^^^KC «KB«W*BURT- A U*p.y.r.' ell... Abram Sanbom of»s ^ T"I!^»JM?2 rr«n J. Raymond DeKlddar, 3? %m thlra7o.p7ui 'pwg^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^b^m «~UP wu either bom or reborn Patter... a.. said he received " ^ o, Tn/f tn.t a S2E wading fund chairman, Oat, u» Utary l l ' u, far to make a pledge f ^>tm^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^m hcr * Mon(Uy n * ht *." " el0m Bo B. 00 **^ but heard about th* ea, rror d re-adv.rtwn f undi on hand now total about towud the building find. It was jb iwal^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^b^ibbbbbbbb. to M P^P 1 * attends* meet- meeting. Councilman Bernard B. neeenary Mayor Frtnk 7 mt IPO.000. at compared to the «JT«> ^ u n ^ twe week that T S PJ9H[^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H ">«in the grammar school. WhHe'e wife aaid no notice m Sen ^ 7 M that o^cto^'i hid "' t^^"" r.port«i at th. fund S^Sby^ auxiliary hat pledg*! jmjks^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^h The neetln* wat announced In plwed In the mailbox at her MlMd Mv(rel lmpor^nt,,», "Si. 0?^."S. # r*i!^/««««/ ana the Little Silver aukll- f^^^^h^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^i» «>"i>lar distributed laet week- home, but that the ni fiver. whlcn he wlihed tiitudy before That all but about 180,000 of the ^ 100 f^bbbbbbbbbbbbbbtabbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb^bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbi *nd to many local mallboxh and one m a ttore here whue shop- nna) acti on ie taken otal now on band came from the Mr* Boat alto reported her ^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^l signed "A Group of Taxpaven." pin*. If r. and lire. White live on Th omln. nr, «, lth fh.. hospital family"-from doctor., ^ ^ { /gjr* " h. ffl^^^^^^^^^^^^^h^^^^^^^^^^^^h when ouertloned by The Ret- Corn lane. The otittr councilman, COr^M wa. re^nuoouced^ fajbwtt. tel*0?^ X^u'w^Tlhool AprTfrom 10 ^^^ ^^^H^^^H Mer. some of those who attended Cigar W. H,...r Jr, and Mayor ^^"nd".'"^tejrl" asnbtra of the board of gov»r-,. m. to B p. m. {or o,, purp0m fl^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^h th* mectlnc were varue about th. HawMna, both of»«"»«;, u Mt for n«xt Wednteday at «" of raialnt money toward the ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H orranlzatlon, other than to pre- ooald not be reached laet night,. M m The #rror WM That M board membera thin ti0upi pledge. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H diet that qucatlona would ba for comment omlealon of two phruce in a fcr have pledged M0,«0. Mra. George 8. Toung, who re- WK^^^^K^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^M railed at Tueeday nlght> mayor M,_ p^u boundary deicrlptlon of one of the That the reaaon there hain't cctly waa elected pretldent of S ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H1^^^^^^^^^» nd v ^ meeting about the organization tracu Involved, the C-4 zone. The Man a bigger tncreaaetn the fund the Rumaon auxiliary, reported WWl^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^B^^^^B^^^M 1MT borourh budfrt - 1. nrj 2,X H«r M? ^ ".aid corrected ordinance le being a<l r»rart^^n t l o f^bṭ n h ;.ar^"* 11 "- ^SHH^^^^^HHMHDHI ^ EI^ '~- rt S y~««^-ssutf - «^ «**-. hat there hat been difficulty In j MO b Wyckoff, hoipiul treaa- * '~i^^^^^^*^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^*^^^^^^*^^^^^ Principal apeaker at Monday'i Monday a meeting reactivated the Three Attorney! " -l "«,, l!! r? n! wh0 '"" "* uw. "ported that in January, th. Member, of th. N.tionel Guard unit in Red Bank, the 444th Tank battalion, dii-»»%>* T" fc" eh^u1! e f. to m be..." a^ud h h. O^hd ti d a«iuud O with, ObJec h.v r ' ^r*"» t, tmnt i i "» lad aolictt funda, hcepital operated at almoet 122..,....,,,,, > >,.. «cording to the circular, a "ta«group he eald la amitaud witn three attorney!. Petition! of pro- From Jamee B Farlua board per cent of capacity Thla, aaid P»y«J " Of fh«ir combat Unkl latt weak-and in front of Th«RagUtat building. Tha expert." Late lait night, George the New Jeraey Taxpayer! aieo- t«it were preeented by Mr.. L T dmirman, that the hotpitai hat Mr Parkei,taa itron* Indica- mhfbitlon prov«d a plaaiuro to many ihoppin and ttrollan, who elimbad «bo«rd to take -»«.*.««w»«a at, wha "^j -,-. to, _ " rtle ' t. *'" ' ^""y; wh0» M. aubatantial amount of money to Uon of how much the hoapital i L if/* I u I I/ *»,»i.l«^*.h A. arranged for uae of the tohool «dwln R. Reed of W Jamei ane obtained 446 ilgnaturei, and a andthat It U uwrtant need* the new addltloa ' 00 «' L *- Ct> '- " ab * A> Ktitlar Of Rlvtr Plan, tho 644th «COtnmandar, allo roportod a for thi meeting, aaid he thought at. who waa deierlbed by Mr. William R. Blair, Pair Haven, an tat awryone. particularly board The board by resolution author- numbtr of onliltfflmtl both from rtcruitl and Vttwom of Army Mrvieo. ^ i ^ ^ S ^ Zf N * Uli "? SlfMt 'SLC'u nrltldem of * ttorn * y ; " r nii h( - "«" ' "*", A nembera, who feat they can giv«. teed tho aale of the property at 1 <* *<*, certibed public account- VM new group, ie president of represented property holdere or UeMew a a'u otattto how» ReckUai pi., left to thvhoepl- t from the Newark area. He the Neighborhood association. H«the eart aide of the highway froir uueh they ^Pledge tal by Mlat Bmma L. Holibaugh CltutUitd Ratf TL J I d. A d "» d th *t» m not kn<lw * "» " T»» iom y ">»swjelatlon 't Juit north of Froit ave. to Ju.i 'tts rjte*~»n? r*m*?' rtbiijlld Thousands Jam Shopping Area «*,f,--?&«. 3S-Srtt -iulwssi^vjglsr-^«2 -..,, MO Be mcretuea a t v correct name. ' the new organisation. Mr. Reed area. No Opposition as Eatontown J^XSSSZ For Washington's Birthday Sale J&rjrArtS 2 S r»h H ^ S S S---- Mayor r Coimcil Adopt Budget AiSlSSZ^i ~ ~» ~ ^^r h^bbr&z SStttT 1 " ^ «fflyr2 A 7 r S paper ha. -in- birthday tale, f«turln, ba^in. raml*wmm«i ictci 5?to2«M S M I. * brrt "«J - "^f * ' ^ wfitff ^ 111^w2f^ ATONTOWN-Thl. borough'/ %-» It. da«ifl««a***!,. Sj^waTSiJ-'. njss " n OVeSC LlStS b^^udget* "."' V t y ^STSS^ ^u"^i ""«' ''"X T#i 2 & -^L!d??i!f»Sht ^ L i a W i e y F l i e s anora «aaii row years. How- Taylor, executive vice president EileCtlOIl A i m S d ' d» U,, m 1M8 J,",** *f rott «. h»»lo Mr. Zagor wai appointed ' *«" * ten-acre, 600-foot front JasaSwe! in Middletown =1S 55^ ttsezz xsz-ja'ss w fv3r-«sfcsashh spprase "f- ««to eoae«a>lir rising labor ^..^y m,» attractionteawith the endorsement of tha "son p,., independent Bepubll- recenttoe s^prt Tuesday» "a*way frontage, although th, TSJUIi per $100 of ataeiaed val- liroptbtown _ Township and operating costs. waa evidenced by the thousand! Regular Republican organisation can who led the local ticket laet % * K MueU moetta "Mr. i r 'l I" XT* to conslderabl, S^! n a?««^* J?MK ^. J r.t S, n " n tt«««j»»w J. Lawley AiteTiia,. 1, tho minimum of.hoppers who poured In and of Holmdel township, today re- November In being elected to gr a ; BsgtaUi* Tue*?, epul J n '5 e U'^M 1.^" 11 "," 1 * om. $l?u W i? u $U i '.. r J tod * sr "»»"»"«> that he has filed ^ " "T 1 / Tr«out of ^ bualness areas moet leawd a autement outlining hi* council. Mr. Curdt clashed open dayhe waa at theiaetlng but <lon ; j 1!, "' d - " " d tn# on ' 1 " «. of the hlgheat ratei In the. Reguur Republican Candl- «~2«wuib. $}M for M of ^ ^ Mf T ^ ^ utf principles. ly at a meeting of tho planning " "ot^jauawo last^sght for wollld deprivt ^ ell«it and oth *! n i y ;,«. iieavan -.11 «dat * '"" rmllectlon wort< - " * ^ ^ *^* Uce ChieTFrank W. Reuther re- Also seeking th. Republican board a week ago laet night with comment. "* ' comm? '*' "" of. th «A total of»m«,mt» will go to wmh B,tM!eBt charge for each ported that white traffic during nominationto?commltteemantomayor John H. Hawkins and J Mmt_ properties an*, ha felt the aontei 00 for 1U purpoaee. By far the -.. UMMLW,, «««tamantb wut bo charged? n»^j r r^g'ssj t" *""* * V2>'1> */ "L Ml Ceo»«amas) Cm*»waent and Mr. Dale. Urt. William War- voiced by Benjamin V.nTlm Iggest portlon-«71,877.4»-wlll, ^ k,, at ao«bu rato, aa U the prao- h*,, ""''"' p> "" """ f -'*'' ^.sjl^.,'". l;;j The only, member of council dell of 44 Alameda et wai de*- Long Branch attorney. He e«l, 0 for aehool purpose!. The entire i ^SfJ*^mmHk""'' 1 **»»»»««* Th* charge fee Both Mr. Taylor and Chief k..^iiaaaaaaaaaak., J l» known to have attended Hon- erlbed a* active In the new or >> repreiented Mrs. Bartlett an< Mdgat la»161,8ttj» higher than < ^m&ll. : xiwsksm,«uaa af Tha ariasbr'a hax tar Reuther said H WM the blggeat f,''j^hmmbbbbbbbv & 'W> meeting wu Mr. Curdt. Mr. ganlmuoo. the has th* title of th * Plalnttfts In a recent mi ft jrew flp^ **?ts».» "-17 ^S^-^Lir shopping Friday In Red Bsak ^J^E^^sBk^ Dil#»** b W wt ' * «* ^ temporary tacrhary. Mrs. War- which weceeded In voiding a for In other action latt night: H E ' «r "»»wart» mimiin aavenue- -nc7boforo Christmas. BT^SHSBBBBBB ~< Curdt '««> f t one of the organ- deb aid T»a RagUrtsr aha dla Ing change which would have pei Council introduced an ordinance ^ R S l. W > " remata at U cents. Many itote, were crotmeo ajj * ^ p *»" ^^B Here for the meeting. He also not attend Monday's meeting, but rnkted Allen Brother! to build irovidlng for the appointment of fmhsabbbbbatabbbbm* If you are new running any day and. In tome Inttancet, <hoo K^^Mau<>B «j^h. said Charles J. Markham of 36 that hir husband did. She aaid hopping center on the highway iihadetree commlsikm here. The falsssv^bbsshv- > eaatstflad adtertumg oa a cos- owners had to close their doors f... JH^^BISBBBBBBKIS AlM"»da et. wasn't an erganlier Mr. Wardell was out of tow» last He termed the ordlnanve "vicious tody wttl codslat ol three mem-. W L 2 f j B i W «««- - - "- tjid let ihoppera enter one by L-BBBBBBBBBBv^BBBBBBBBBBK^i Hr - Markham alto was on Mr. night >nd "avrrymanderlng." an ten appointed by the mayor. s^^^bglmb&.lf - " TT*. T^ T? one. There were reporte that po- B4^^BO^BBBBBBBBV''I Cvrdfs campaign committee. Ear- Mr. DoJe. who paid tha Janl- charged It was "another meth«phey wul not be paid. However, ^ ^ P P H B t f mnahtlii dabartmsat at aay, lce had to be called out to at* MS^KSBm^^^m>, ller last night. Mr. 'Markham tor't fee for opining the aohool, «' wh "t j-ou attempted to do fo KM hat been provided in the.,,^^k^^hf ehsmgsa bates Var. 1. eral stom to regulate tho httgt ythbhhji told The Regltter Ha Attended said he did m w trosmrar of Mr Allen." The ordinance woul. aunlelpal budget far mtpensw,,, JK^EM crowdt. QuetUoned about this. T ^ MSBBBBBBBBBBF M the masting, but did not know the rielgnaarfcoad MMrtatliw. place the Allen tract area In bm IU pojrpo«t.w1 Ja to ragulato, i#m0^r.&ww Chief Rwther aaid no raquettt,.'^h^^^^^m «jj w»«eallad or conducted It. Aska* for details at^ha Hat*-»J" <^nm "*^.!»" _.,, Han, care and control tha plant-,^^hb-w '. a^ n I n l 'or police officers Were received l^^^bk^^^^m" "^ Mr. Dale declined to lay who Ing. Mr. Dale aaidft «a* aoshaa Hli «""i«*. Mr. VsnTlne sa» ng of traat and ahrubbery In ^^^^ i F DOard ivwtla "I" 11 " headquarter... ^E^M^^mdkl P«P*^1 the mlm«r «phvd - by Alfred Inydtr i.«mnm STt2t* i 2. th# ""I? 1!a'.J'" 1 Mrtate araat of tha borough. A ^^ k^abw.,, 'VOllI l3clcttiuu At any rate, tha sale was a ^K^BSSHBSBH ealutbui aaid theiwrtleei were at. who tatrodaesf Mr. Cabot W "auntl*! area. Need for, wbuo baaring^on the ordinance f^^^^ ^^Iv^^^." IT. fi awee«< niidwlll be repeated nast ^ ^^^ ^,^ 1 mppotadtohave been left "door AfUr Mr. Cabot'eta*. he aaid. j!!^"',.!? 1 " 1? 1 J 1?, "^ i^i 5? ^feisss ^ H ^ H sjat5s5v*2s M -*»* to^* r? w'v ttff-alrsjiyrss ss^sssrssj-m zsgeztftt SJSTraey wo«ld wf.toh"vl r Mr> ^r' 6 who "' IW ".2 J 2 S^ <T^i" - t Bt ^IC! 1OOli - Beri^Tpreiidenrof ujtfocs W E. Ooaa^o, : L, ^. ^ own."^^. a4i K nslrtont b^ni e^ed u / ^, A A t t»- ^ e - i A 1? t, deaertbsd. Hs said the provmc oad^eart bvroi^h«ll- * «"»«-«n MM when May- Ue reiultedfor one of three board aay nlkht MnOunc«d that new Mr. Oenovess ptadged to work ti g t n r^. /^ /ir«i«fin >iftlr«l F/fllfV «f ths ordlnancs eontrarts. rath «n^.«tat^l^in.- «Tn. * l*"rencs A. Carton, Jr., re- openings. Both Incumbent George «;«.». will be welcomed to tor nl «nt ' rtther thlul titernoon, f5f.rt VrwUlUUllU /toko t/ fiwy a er than expands the buslnen Co^eUwJ^on«Mrda!«ilf#d * htam ' township st- W. Johanson and Nathan A. ^^rough w a ijogntdwek eommlttaa meeting., so the pub- J,. J 9 ^. " thb \ n wstricu t bu*.^sfj^i^ts^ SIiUSi toni< y- " r Uwle y w " ***** rbi W rsglsurad 134 votea.!. "J?"S^A^Kre?»«««t1it attend. H. tald it elect- ^. * *> Sei depth fwrneriy esl^ at 4» aetaa^^mmho^of dtopo^to.j?*-*'? Urm? 1M4 ' He *> eandldatot had 15 days- ^yn.w^t1d t wstbo prs-»»>«1 "*«annual meet- P Pn pp AntMLtJ tflp DpmOrmtjt * 'tt ^t *2bm u^sbagv^omossd toiit I?" h fcv WOlU< L ru!. <?u th * tteot? ^^ *» tt *««^»ln*-to ask.jid a bwmwent^^orl ««of tha oommhu* in which * VWA5 SlillUlllL UIV L/VIUU^rUUf ^ j hmve, tdytr, iie^nms: Co^eBWnlnhifto - cu *»»» ll J * the BepubU- tot a Recount Board Secretary p^ta«i eeruft^ fc^ntmem.» PUN* buataest would be. ; sffeet on traffic conditions, defeat btms^rwaa^l^ o^^s ^J!^1^^.^proml^ **^,». «, * ^. «. «.. _ Ing another purpose of th. amend SS A SI«^ip *ASMi%waj s SlT^lTLtI ^^ O ""»^M- ^ si^s "'^^,;»sacfe H.^;^1^,^^ n. 7; tear mosquito oommisilon which '"^ W bucking thej^rty organliamon In p,. «Mr. Oiordano.», for BJ5,T^nl, t^ll.^«kfltllpr fitt «*» ""»» «munlclpall- -, ^. «. «. 5 primary battle for nomination the assembly, observer! saw an "f**' 8 '»? Blll «"J** 1 "JJj"" raiher llox Llttip TrePS to RenlaCC Biff One8 '" th * iuu **** nm^ » *»»» mth to woo the gthe srea be twjan Itaadden 1 1 /I If *mch the planning board and Ita SUIUIC 1 TeCB IO IVCpiBCC Dig VFHC8 And to make it "cryrtal eltar" voters. ^orner ind th. N w (J!j»**" SfnrKI*!! fit IwAlf»»«". th. Community Planning > -T4» > ' ~ \*>' ' v.«-r*«<r^ <- \ ^^'J>BBU4<^SKSB>B;»JX^SBBB.BBBBBBBBBBBBBB«that ha Is not tsklng that atand It wai remembered how Hi. SV,,""" ««S 3intss.Cn ill VUU AaaocUUt. have gone about J- ^7.?%*^ T" ' M ^^V/^ MiBml^^BB^aBBHslaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl <«*tostand In support of hla Bennett and Mr. PoUng went to» lt pj' l ''? e JF^*,.* 2?^, LONO BRANCH - Rer Leo tabuahtag proper toning regula- "P 1 ir-xs-fc, 4ti^ii\ ' ^ \ \. * >V^HMsW9HaBBBBBB^aBBBBBBBBBBl " * " John c - O 1 "*"'. " - W*'" 1 "»»«& » "»> fh^s?, fsttt.^ Smandmea tcosv44?s S a tss'bma «ons fo?futovriirt»r«rt ts, ^^r^.^^p-^/ys *AJ- O\\ >^<vvhih^hh^^^h * en of *" eoiiw > J "*«# ' tn «* n ol? ta tt# llfa» amlwy ' oniy!rss not nsrfsct ^t wat i^ks Stack mrttrdut a. hi TD- «lel.nt mannertawhich the > &\<! **«wftv '/ k VN&vY^HHtBBBBBBBBTCfBBBBBBBBBBBBBB. ^"C Brwlch 1 **'* r» UI: to * iown to dt/mt ^ e d the Wth g^en It OM eommittoe baa met th. problem. r \ ' ' \ w3 <*- > -Vvt^«a^L.BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl "i advised Mr. Bennett about her of that yaw. "> Novtm - ^ i^. tjtri!^ ilttinn- J» ^ ' ^ otcojntrvald ^hw? Countr/ oix Baton- <" lacrsasing demand for munld-,i '. ' "*. ^ \ ^W^T tt-^^ttsfl^maaaaaaaaaaaaam^abbbbbbbbbam t«o weeks ago-that was bofora Mr. Bennett's reepsnm to In- "* reeldenti of Countryald o ^ " "" "» <""'' *" ra paj aarvi em while at the same, ' < " 1 VI T. N^AaBBlaBHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBy^BBBBBBBBBBBBBBl tli! county organisauob.ndoreed formation of tha organisation en- (Continued on Paga J) Pastor of Our Lady, Star of time kesplng the tazpayar's obli- - laaav. I I tamisbbbb^bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbvbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbi John M a eandldab-that I dorsements waa that Mr. Qlorho Soa Cathone church since fatlon aatow aa posaibl..".\ ^#>^Hkk«sMHi>BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH wmu ** ^ ' «"«' <1» t» ">' dsi» and Mr. Keupor are youth- -. MB, Father Cox waa a native of Mr. Lawley pointed out that ',. 4' HH^H^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H will support tha regular organiia- ta. eneitetlc men, but were go- INDEX fonmouth county, having been "the police department now has ^^^^i^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^h tion." log to beta the batu." - urn In North CentervllU, eon of three patrol cars on the road at LBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB -Diiialasi Not New*, O, r (*»>tation at Red Bank * ha lato Michael and Anna Cos. all UmeiT * norcaaised esoar- BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHHHMBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBI " I """* ""^ also endorsed Hn. Katharine El- Aaranementa M Kaytal^^faV U m s C WWh Snced all OHUdsTpstrOl^Sm SBBH>BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB^P^^ i BBBBBi.M "' OlOrdaOO agtotd that ha kut White, that borough'a fotmer Birth. M had >rvn ik Luca^nd Bruce wfthm^m ofyumerouittrajnad ^^^^^^^^^^M*^^^^^^^^HS^«1I1.B^^LBBBBBBBBBBBB! b * (l> ^"S 1 '* 7" 1 or. fr ^ ***** '* Moto(r Urm «* m - Church tt4s {wiiy^j tua ptas, J^S" i W U» l e m S 7 t n phsbslbbbbbbbbbhall...kli^i>i...ha>bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbiabb bolder by Mr. Bennett, who la op- oeratlc state committeowoman. Classmed 4Mt Soxwei %w^^ stricken jistalter mak- tssttor amarfency.^4'p duty." W B K ^ K ^at^w$mf F ^ ^ ^ B K ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ B ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ f «* -'"SS" %^^ ^"H52^e «Bd H W» IO J W sss^ HlUI? F "-S 1 " 1 1M ' ntoi< 1^=** ' nc aa tenroaeh shot" ta «na n... w. i».. v. ^BBBBBBBBBBBBBfiaWLf^BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVlflBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBB! orcanlsatlon," But. h. Instated, Maiiasquan, for one of two frta- OMIsjarle. I s Zr^^iT^^mW Mr.'Lwisy";. pr.aid.nt at U,. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Q B B - ^ - ^ ' "* * "" ^"^ ""^ JSttSfe^Sf M^^upsfwork! "NCROFT ~The Lincrof ratumbleto mtvemm' wim ^ ^!f ^ MtaU " d tn>ur ' ^^^^^ ^^^^^B^r.j^HlLm^S.^^^H the Republican who can be «Mr. Oloramno new Is attorney CHURCH MEETING requent folting partner of the jionaouti, comty 3 ^ rf R,,,. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H ^ ^ H ^ % r na<1 b,, n, Mrnad in H, d *«" th. Mew J.reev ^Ilrtwav Community church will hold, ^^pronou^hrnidwi tori ' /' «» * «M"Monmouth pjjjjjjjjjjjjjjh^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^wl«s Bank that?h. BentSTgroup had Authority. ojn.r4pvr.tor 0? the eon.reg.tlon.l meeting n.k Th/b^y^l Jay in.ute in ^ ^ *""? ^S" 1^; 0, f lub bern '...H^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^l^^^^H»V»PKiaBBBl cl " ul»" n * P* ut >o"> '«Mr. Cardan Stats Parkway, of which T""^ "> p ; lor to th * " mr Lady Itar ofteasea church o!l^' d,^tn. 0 ' l tl> l? Mlddl ' tow " ^^^^^^^^^^H^^HB^ Oiordano. Th. Bennett combine, Mrs. Whit. U tha commissioner. ><»<. * eorwtd dlih lupper wll etinnlng at 3 p. m. Sunday A S^SiL ^ h?i """"?.' BaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBalBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBisalHI^^ Including Albert Poling of K.y- be wfvri at a :»0 o'clock. onuloal high mast of requiem Jf * 1 J? t0w i ^T"" 1? X" t J?' BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB^BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHMSBBBBBBBBBBBBBK';^ *Pt P rt ' alto ^l w the aaaembly, R«i but. W..tes till ha t l l f l M Unnih> I n U«h«. V.F.W., B l l l l M r Of the Mldle- BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBK^BBBBBB^aBBBBBBBTllS^lk:.'^'!^//. h a! namsd ltlalf t h. JeffarSOnlan "»<H««*Sle»t tt\tt ho»«. (aauet tktalm. Sor5:^"At lloii4 * jrbybtehoi> 1^!r^.^t ir!5' a u,. L# i?. < d B ^^^^^^^^^^^K^Mt^VHtmM "^^^^"^ v^^^1^^.^^ S^Z^-T^A^ rvt paatorat. waa In Allentown L l. c. < S^i ub J, a l 2?» m * mbtr otmw " ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ K K ^ K t K ^ K I ^ ^ K t ^ K ^ ^ ^to eoma up * th * '""..rt^advehko t Nw ywk THnp k( b(fma nd he also e.rved at St Mary'*, * «>*» Township firs company ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ EMB^I > BWSBSBBBBBBB^BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB^BBBBBBB13 '» meeting to have be.n w, Mmtk^ CMBb. o«nund trio. FrMiint t«i»jji rew MonmOUth, before COming N?l 1 -,,, ^ilbbbbbbbbbbb^bbbbbbbhihbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb^sb^bbbvb^hbaliffil^bbbbbbbbbbbbbb^bfl hm * l Btlford Tuesday. But Wk.a 7." e«ijltiimt*. 4H- >*<> I'll 1 "*,, P KH"Sil ^OJlT-A.VM ere. Ha was a member of the H * ' married to Roberta Ber- i BBBBBBBBBBBB B^H p9bll a BBBBBBBBVufl^aBBBBBBBBBBBB r abb^blmlbbbbbbbbb word from there was that the P U.<I.M..«. with,,n«,,.7, "^J^" h " i " 1 '- SH to*"-**"" ong Brmnoh juvenile conference mingham Lawley, from Beacon KaBgMREPHH.^^ f rmboirdt0r#plie- u tlollrt stsilon had been called off with J^' 1.''o ^ "^"'wlv" DI^.".' ommltta. and moderator and B«h. ><> daughter, Mar- planning Incomplete. I.T 10 W...'«. BH'. i Mei-A": Se.lslGai.wlMt otlve member of the Shore Ber- llvn ' *Mend* the River Flaza Workmen of tho BMl.r Tr». Export company, Rumton, plant a willow oak troo on Checking out talk among coun- wtlmsunt. B.pi»»..ati» '"primdi titiyi

2 WTf-TWraiir. Pat, 0, t«r RED BANK fbctttet 6 Anti-Smut' Rules Adopted; Study Near-Ban of Peddlers Salk Shot* for Red Bank Aid Squad BEA BRIGHT An ordinance against the sale or distribution of obscene and crime-glorifying literature waa adopted here Tuesday night. Ths measure particularly alma at keeping such trash out ot the bands ot children under 18 years of sga and Is similar to regulations put on the books of a dozen other county towns. Plrie J. Maloney, president tts He!r Nan: Society sf the Holy Cross Catholic church Rumaaa, and Frank Bhea, Keyport, chairman of ths clean literature committee of the Monmouth County Federation of Holy Name Sceaettes, both praised council for tts action. A Hely Name Move It was the Holy Name groupby putting before Mayor Thomas Farrell and other officials examples of objectionable reading matter purchased here that convinced the borough that a local law wo needed to keep so-called "smut" oft the stands. Last year, Bea Bright decided to rely on enforcement of state regulations in meeting this problem. Mayer Farrell said h* felt sure Bow, with the ordinance In effect, book sellers will be "particularly careful." The measure aete up maximum penalties of a $300 fins and/or 90 days In Jail for each violation. Mr. Maloney called it "admirable co-operation" for council to have acted unanimously In this move "to protect our children," and Mr. Shea called tha result "Important to your community." Also put through was a salary ordinance that absorbed a ten per cent bonus granted the police last year Into their regular pay and giving raises to certain other employee*. For Clarence Steven*, It created the new $S0O-a-y*ar poat aa treasurer. Mr. Stevena also receive* $2,150 aa clerk and $»,- SCO aa collector. Police Chief Bert Boyer gets th* added post of violations clerk, at $300 a year. Magistrate John P. Weir's pay was pushed up from $87* to $800 a jrear. CssMaai Peddler'a Sandy Councilman Nells Jacobsen had been given the task of looking Into a suitable ordinance to control peddling by transient merchants here, to protect local stores agalnat what asms had claimed waa unfair competition from visiting tradesmen. Hs brought In and had read the lengthy peddler'a ordinance of Fair Haven. Fair Haven'* rule* *et up a aeries of licenses that outsiders can secure to legally go about peddling or hawking their wares, that requires even workers on charitable drives to carry proper Identification cards and that apell* out penalties for violations. Councilman Walter Johnson aaw no uss in spending the money to advertise auch a long document, and said he believed it would not accomplish what waa wanted hare that Is, protect local merchants. Where the Fair Raven law tells outsiders how to da buaumss la town, "what ws want ia to keep aa many out as Hasslbl*." he said. Similar view* ware expressed by Councilman Charles Illenberger. At Mayor Farreu'a advice, the peddlers' rules wsrs held adds (or future atudy. Consensus seemed to ba that there ahould be no Interference with outalde salsssaea ilk* disabled war veterans, allowed by state law to make acor-tovjor sales, or with auch groups aa exempt firemen or agents for religious or qualified abaritable groups, but that, runof-the-mill transient salesmen ahould be kept out. Consideration also ia being given to some way to properly Identify persons allowed to canvas* th* homes. a-m.y Walks Bid* Pot Into motion waa machinery to get the eldewalka ot aide streets ta tha midtown area paved. Thar* kavs been delays as council weighed tha question of how to aasura those bom* owners who have already put la their own new walka that they will not be asssssej anew under the sidewalk program. But It waa believed Tuesday that this assurance will apell Itself out aa Engineer Otis It Seaman draws up his plans and specifications tor the job. It waa felt that If bids were not asked for aoon the work still would be going, on after tha reaort season started. Bo Mr. Sea- Bun waa given a go-ahead, and bids ara to be asked Boon. Another ordinance to be drawn «p ta time for the Mar. 13 meet- Ing has to do with installation of gasoline tanks by boat rental and aarvtea operators along ths Shrewsbury river. Council decided to limit to 1,000 gallon* th* *Ue Of tank* any one operator can Wat, that these must bs buried and not used for sal* of gasoline or automobiles. Cites New Vandalism Coming again before council Was Harold Solomon, 1018 Ocean ave, with a second complaint that teenage gangs had been damaging his building, this time by kicking out tiles below the atom windows of Cltrella's market Ba said hs waa handed names Of some of the boys involved by a storekeeper who asktd that his Own name not be used. Mr. Solomon said hs turned this Information over to Chief Boyer, only to be told that If he wanted action taken, "to swear out a complaint." 1 Ia asking for protection, he advised council to think over the possibilities of either an ordinance against loitering or a teenage ourfsw, such as some towns have. Criers Police Aottoa Mayor Farrell held th* police responsible for putting a stop to auch Incident* and asked Police Commissioner snd hla council committee to meet with the police and Insist on proper action. It was the mayor'a hope that once the borough can put to use the eld Hurt at. fire house aa a recreation center such street inataente will stop. He said that $8,000 had been put into the budget for this purpose and work will Cohen Opens Raritan Office CENTERVILLE Stanley Cohen, whoae resignation aa N. 1. deputy attorney general becomea effective tomorrow, haa anof flounced that he will open an of- #!~- W.-- # in a building adjacent to Loew's $5 theater. Stanley Cobaa Mr. Cohen resides and alio maintain* a law office at 309 Bath ava., Long Branch. Ha has served as deputy attorney general since August, 1WM. Born In Jersey CityBO years ago, Mr. Cohen waa educated tn schools there and at New York university. He received his law degree In 192» at Forflham university's law school. He became a counselor in 1982 and was certified for practice before the U. 8. Supreme court In 198T. tha same year that he waa appointed a N. J. Supreme court commissioner. He waa associate Long Branch city solicitor from 1B34 to MM and eounael to the Long Branch Housing Authority from 1W» to A World War n veteran, he aerved 3V4 years, 34 months of which were overseas. He resumed his law practice in Long Branch in 19M. Active In fraternal and veterans' organizations, Mr. Cohen also served as trustee of the Long Branch library board and secretary of the Liberty at. extension assessment commission. Mr. Cohen and his wife, the former LaVern* Roberta, have three daughters, Janet, User Ann and Kyle Alesandra. start aoon after the budget Is adopted next month. Councilman Ellenberger said that If the situation continues, It would be his advice that local teenagers are brought before council for a general discussion of their problems, to aee If they can be persuaded that rough stuff won't be tolerated here. Espials* Monday Fire Prior to tha council meeting, there waa a lengthy back room caucus. Later, Mayor Farrell came out to tell tli* press that this had to do with complaints made to the borough, by South Beach reeldenta a* tha result of a tire that had become "a bit out of hand Monday." That fire waa set to get rid of debris from two condemned buildings, the Stephen J. O'Connor "pilot house" and another structure, raaed on borough order by the Thomas Farrell Wrecking Co. of Shrewsbury, and a permit tor the blaze had been Issued by Firs Chief Oarwood Potter. At the caucus, council found that rules for permitted fires need tightening, the mayor said. He added that be bad instructed tha fire chief and council's fire committee to work out a new control ordinance, for Introduction at the Mar. 13 meeting. In general, however, tha work done by the wrecking firm in removing the condemned buildings waa pralned. "Tha area la clean and haa bem bulldned," It was reported. State Moves oa Damps Put aside here waa a report from the Bute Department of Health tolling of a public meeting Monday, Mar. 11. at which a proposed state code against the us* of dumping ground* particularly for combustible wast* will be discussed. The code would take effect nest June. The move la to permit dumping only in land-fill areas where earth ia placed over the waste. Maplewood asked for Inter-municipal support against tha code, In another letter, say- Ing it would push up its dlaposal costs. But the feeling here was that tha issue did not affect Sea Bright. A letter from Freeholder Director Joseph C. Irwln 'said his board Is studying the borough's request for a new survey for further sea wall Improvement*. Asks for Enforcement Thomaa W. Garland of the school board wrote in to aay that small attention Is being paid to the new no-parking sign* near the school and that enforcement of the rulea ia required (or the safety of the children. Mr. Carlson was asked to check into this. Councllmen said they will try to attend the Industrial development conference being eet up by the Monmouth county planning board at the Berkeley-Carteret hotel at Asbury Park, Tuesdaj, Mar. 26. Approved were requests that Robert Lovgren and Andrew E, Johnson ba granted exempt firemen's status. CIVIL DEFENSE TALK NEW SHREWSBURY _ Mel. Donald It. Adams of Fort Monmouth will address members of the Civil Defense. and Disaster Control council tomorrow at 8 p. in. In the Tlr.ton Fails school. All CD. volunteers and numbers of ths publlo are Invited. Holmdel Note Hat 2 'Regular 1 GOP Unto HOLMDEL Township BepohUeaae, who were wttheat a local erganliaman until leeetitly, now have twe ef the**, with names which may confuse some wo^vamsaaalgv vwvbfli IHul f srwupev ham "Ragalar BepsibUeaa" la The Regatar epabhean ergasuaaaon, formed after aa Is*. calved Ma charter la Jaaaary and endorsed Peter Oeneveae as It* madias** for township eeaunhaaa. Tha now group, the Begalar BepaHlean aseoelatioa, resolved He charter and elected etaeere last Saaday. It has endorsed Magistrate Stanley BtUwtU far tha committee aomhtattoa. Although sosne ef the charara reported to be among the mawbsta aad effeers ef we newer esm, each graap haa Its ewa state ef ameers and directors. OooTfi Klnkade la president *f the organisation and Winiaa W. Mulheron heads the association. Genovese Lists (Continued from Psgs 1) group, and would ba dominated by no one. Mr. Genovese said he believed in aonlng fair to all and In operation of a master plan. He said he will accept the decisions of th* court* aad professional planners In the controversy over lot slue. He concluded by pledging to uphold tha high atandards of the party and to strive for townahip betterment. The township Regular Republican organization, which supports Mr. Genbves*, was formed» December and received He charter Jan. 21. Its officer* are George Klnkade, president; Harold Holmes, vice prealdent; Mrs. Harold Cantrell, secretary, and Mrs. Ira Coons, treasurer. Directors are Mr. Oenovaae, William H. Potter, Jr., and William Cross. Mr. Stllwell I* supported by the Holmdel township Regular Republican Association, Inc., which received He Incorporation papers and elected officers last Sunday. Voters Question Salary Hikes UTLE SILVER Ths 1957 aalary ordinance was adopted by the borough council Tuesday night, although complaints wsre registered during a public hearing on ft. Sidney Lichter of 14 Prince pi. asked why the assessor's pay was increased "over 400 per cent," from fsco to SS.BOO. Councilman Lewi* R. Lowry, who wa* acting mayor, sail $900 Is neither commensurate with what is being paid assessors In nearby municipalities nor with "the type of work we expect to get." {Councilman Arthur L. Cone, Jr., said the borough paid 1900 before "and got nothing for it." Harvey Leeds ef 71 laurel dr. aald he favored the aasaasor's pay htks. He said a professional appraisal costs from floo to $200 a day. Assessor Louis S. Van- Brunt, he added, has been spending a lot Of time on the Job and has taken a epeclal course In assessing at Rutgers university. He described the previous aalary of Sis per week as "criminally treating the assessor and ths community." Paul C. French, Jr., of 37 King* rd. compallned about the five per cent Increases given all other borough employees, He said ha bellevea raise* ahould be paid where deserved, but council should use a "realistic," businesslike approach, based on what ths borough can afford. Mr. French aald he'd Ilka to see police paid S7,M0 per year, but such a sum would now be unreasonable. Red Cross Sets $124,237 Quota SHREWSBURY The county Red Croat chapter will start a oampalgo for both members and funds tomorrow. "On the Job When It Count*" la this year's campaign slogan. Anthony L. McKlm, chairman of tha 1967 campaign, aald a quote of $124,217 haa been set to enable the Red Cross to carry on local, national and International programs of service, education and relief. "Of this quota, $7,500 Is Mon mouth county's contribution to disaster relief right here In the southeastern part of the United States in the Kentucky-West Virginia area," Mr. MoKIm said, "Red Cross was there giving traditional disaster service of feed- Ing, housing and reconstruction and Instead of launching a separate disaster fund campaign. National Red Cross asks us to increase our gifts now In the regular March campaign. Disaster workers are still In the area, even though the news accent is focused on other parts of the nation." ' Mr. McKlm further noted that more than SO per cent of money railed In tha March campaign will bs retained In Monmouth county for service to those who need first aid training; home nunlng Instruction tn care of the sick in the home; promotion of the eight services through which uniformed women volunteers give service to the community including ths motor nervice and gray lady service volunteers eounael and financial assistance to active military and veterans' families and disaster relief. When a person contributes a dollar or more, he automatically becomes a Red Croaa member. / Frank Mana, a member of tha Red Bank firit aid squad, raeaivat Salk anti-polio Inoculation from Or. C. J. Scarpellino last Thursday night. Miu tatty Young, Rod lank public health nur«o, assists Dr. Scarpallino. Alto assisting was Mrs. Chadwick Hendriekt»n, a nun*, and wlfa of tha aid squad captain. In all, 25 squad members received their shots latt weak. Sacond and third shot* aro planned for tha future.. Middletown Delays (Continued From Page One) said the amendment would permit business commercial sons abutting their properties and would thereby devaluate It A number o! objectors said only a fsw ot the properties in tha business commercial sons are large enough to meet the size and frontage requirements. In addition to the bualneas commercial zone, tha ordinance sets up areas of business retail con* along the highway, with lesser requirement*. During th* lengthy bearing, argument arose as to refusal of Mayor Blaisdell f anawer questions from the flcjr. Seek Answers Kenneth Melnke, IS Llbby pi. and Paul McDonald, Kenneth Ter. West, objected to refusal of ths committee to answer Mr. Melnke'* and Mrs. Bartlett'a questions. Mayor Blaisdell said the ordinance represented the committee's and the planning board's recommendations. The meeting was a public hearing. In which feelings and objections of residents were to be heard and weighed by the committee. Details of the plan have been explained at length in hearings conducted over a period of months, he said, and time would not permit a review at one hearing. It waa decided, therefore, he said, to limit ths hearing to statements by Interested persons. Both ths mayor and Commlttaeman J. Crawford Compton offered to answer written questions from Mr. Melnke and Mr. McDonald. When Mr. McDonald Insisted that the questions ahould be answered publicly. Mayor Blaisdell said they could be read at next week's hearing. Recording of the objections also waa ths subject of a discussion. Mr. McDonald asked If all the statements wsre being recorded. Township Clerk Howard W. Roberts aald stenographic reports ot public hearlnga are not required. Much Inquiry on tha subject disclosed, he aald, that It to deemed Inadvisable to try to aummarlse statements In ths minutes. In the absence of a stenographic recorder, therefore, he said, only the names of those speaking, and their positions In the matter are recorded. Matthew Oill, a frequent critic and political opponent of commltteemen, said although tha ordinance waa not perfect, he favored Its general provisions. Comment- Ing that he would ba among "the last to give credit to tha committee where it wasn't due," he said he felt officials bad aired the matter thoroughly. Farrell Sees Good Chance For Added Beach Barriers SEA BRIGHT Mayor Thomas Farrell expressed optimism Tussday night that one or more new projecta to protect oceantront properties wilt be started here this year. Tha mayor aald he took that view after he and others on the governing body held a five-hour conference with James P. Rankin, state engineer, and Otis. R. Seaman, borough engineer, Monday. Fart of the day was given to a alts Inspection of ths beach-. "As a result," Mr. Farrell said, "we have placed necessary future work on a priority basis. Wa know what we want to do In order of Importance and Mr. Rankln la to make a report on this." The hop* is that, with these facts In hand, steps can be taken soon to set up new projecta to git tha needed work started. Boat* Beach Priority First priority wss given to a program to "fill in th* gaps" in ths South Beach sea wall, extending that wall across properties not provided for In the programs of 1955 and 19M. Repairs to the North Beach wall, In parts that have become weakened by stress, waa given tha sscond priority. Final work la now In progress on a 1690,000 section ot sea wall, set up In Monmouth Beach and Sea Bright tinder a matoh-funde atate-county, program laat, year. That well tlat into other sections built In 195s for about $400,000. To push tha wall north toward ths midtown area, across such open spots aa the Stephen J. O'Connor properties, would call for another project. Mayor Farrell and other local official* hop* that once the walla are In place and made aeeure work can be done to aet up a system of groins or Jetties that will build up more sand on ths local beach to add both to the protection and recreational value of the ahorefront. Council agreed with the mayor that the nest thing to do Is ask for a meeting with Freeholder Director Joseph C. Irwln and Ms board to go over findings made In Monday'* tour. At that session, he said, Mr. Rankin and Mr. Seaman would be able to explain the situation as they found it See C. S. Aid Belay Privately, the mayor aaw small chanca of getting any federal assistance on such work aa haa been proposed until Congress puts through a money bill that will aupport a federal shore aid law drawn up by Rep. James C. Auchlncloss (r.-sd Diet.) and passed laat year. Under that law, aid money representing one third of project cost, can corns from Washington. Such aid Is believed necessary If Installations liks jetties are to go in. But the governing body here says It Is convinced that more protection work is necessary, and for this purpose has set up In It* new budget $2,500 in the eapl tal Improvement fund. This adds to a similar amount set aside a year ago, and the money can ba used to float a bond Issue that would enable the borough to join the state and county In financing the new work. Sunday Openings For Bright Store A. K. Grudln, owner of the Bright stores, located at 80 Monmouth st, announced yesterday that hla establishment whl now open Sunday mornings. In a statement, Mr. Grudln said: "For many years, we have hesitated,to open. Sunday mornings, since there are many proa i and cons concerning auch a. procedure. "However, the prevailing opinion ameng the customers questioned was that an opening on Sunday morning would be an additional convenience to them Inasmuch as they would not have to buck Saturday traffic and would have ample parking facilities..." Mr. Grudln also said that the consensus of opinion was that "auch a Sunday opening would In no way Interfere with normal religious activity." CIVIC UNIT MEETS LINCROFT-Wllllamson Thomas of Locust, chairman of the Middletown township planning board, explained the objectives of the planning board and ths duties of Its members, at a meeting of the Uncroft-Bverett Civic association Tuesday at the fire house. The next meeting will ba Mar. Highlands Plans to Name Borough Works Foreman HIGHLAND* A plan to employ a foreman to coordinate the borough's physical operations streets and drains, garbage collection and parks and beacheswas announced by mayor and council Tuesday night. Mayor Cornelius J. Oulney, Jr., said there Is a great deal of street and road work to be completed early this year. It was decided, hs said, that the outdoor work departments could function most efdclently under an expert coordinator. Formal action consisted of Introduction, By title oniy, of salary ordinance amendment which will make provision for the new poet. Mayor Oulney said the salary and position could be Ailed at an adjourned meeting nest Tuesday night. The aalary will be made high enough to attract an experienced and competent man, the mayor added. Lacast Drala* The mayor told Locust st residents attending the meeting that their drainage problem has not been forgotten. It Is hoped, hs said, that the new foreman will be hired by Apr. 1 so that he may take charge of the necessary work there. Officials, hs said, have a prospective foreman In mind and have consulted with him on the problem. He has assured them he can correct the condition, the mayor said. John J. Torak, owner of the Locust st property where ths work must bs done, has given council permission to do any work necessary, ths mayor reported. Council will ask the Mate attorney general's office for a ruling on the eligibility of Alfred Horsy for permanent patrolman appointment Mr. Horay waa appointed a probationary patrolman in August, 1955, and would have automatically gained permanent status last August Meanwhile tt wa* learned, however, that state law prescribes a maximum age of 30 for such appointments. Mr. Horay waa M when appointed, oouncllmen said. Mr. Horay submitted a letter from hla attorneys. Wise * Wise, Red Bank, advising that he 'Is eligible because five yean of national service could be subtracted from his sge. Mayor Oulney said Mr. Horay served that time in the merchant marine. The borough's attorney, Benjamin Gruber, haa advised council that Mr. Horay la not eligible. Wants to Appoint Councilman Alexander BahrS said be would like to make Mr. Horay'a appointment permanent because he has been a good officer. Council does not want to make the move, however, if it will be subject to later attack. The policeman meanwhile la etlll serving on probationary statue at $3,800 a year. Permanent patrolmen receive M.2M- K he can be legally appointed to permanent position, councilman said, hs will receive the higher salary, retroactive to last August. John Freeman, owner of an Ocean ave. property, part-of which he found to be in neither Highlands or Atlantic Highlands, wss granted Highlands water service for hi* new homo there. He said the bouse formerly on tha property tapped Into tha Highlands main. Mr. Freeman said hs had consulted with Atlantic Highlands and Middletown township offleiala and both hold that tha questioned portion of his property ara not In their munlclpallue*. Part of hla property I* m Highlands, part In Atlantic Htghlande. Apparently because of some boundary drafting; error, a center portion is In neither. Th* local official* aald Highlands would he glad to absorb the property and accept his Named to Mayor Oulney reappolnted Councilman Robert O. Dlebold and John Rest aa members of the local assistance board for one year, effective Jan. 1 Mrs. Virginia Riitton waa named to tha Twin Light* commission. A suggestion by Councilman Red Cross Kick-off Meeting at Fort Monmouth At kick-off matting for 1*17 Fort Monmoutn Had Croit Fund drive last waak, rapratantatlvs* of voluntary larvieai administered through tha county chaptar reported activities to drive 'key man' repreientlng all poit organliatlom. Above, program plant ara baing completed prior to tha mtetlng. Settad, loft to fight: Mrt. Graham Aihmead, Locust, chairman of tha cintatn eommlttsa; Mrs. Orpha Hanson, R»d Bank, enterttlnmant and supply committee; Mn. Harold Rowland, Naptuna City, Gray LsdUi; Mn. Rich. ard Doalgar, Shrewsbury, motor sarvlca; Mrs. Alfred Tonnt, Saa Slrt, nunei' aldat; Mrs. Laonard Davidson, Fair Havan, social walfar* alda, and Mrt. Karats D. Benjamin, Elberon, staff aide. Standing: Anthony L. McKim, Little Silver, county drlv* chairman; Mrt. George R. Schneider, Wayslda, chairman of ttrvlca groups; Col. Royal S. Copaland, post Rad Cross driv* chairman, and Monroa Elsntr, Rad lank, county Rad Crou chairman. Dlebold that the borough accept an offer by Allls-Chalmers company to install a water pump for $544 waa discussed at length and action was delayed for one week. Mr. Diebold said the purpose of ths pump wa* to raise water Into tha borough's water tower In the hills section. Although Borough Engineer Otis R. Seaman feels the pump would not solve the problem, engineer* of live company guarantee that It will, he said. Ths pump would be Installed halfway up^the taellne from the the present pumps at ths well, he said, 10S pounds of pressure must be uaed to rasa* water to only partially m the tonka. Greater pressure, h* said, tears out the mains. The delay was asked by Oouneilman Bahrs to obtain Mr. fee. man's explanation of why hs feels the plan will not work. The planning board, Mayor Oulney reported, has recommended consolidation of ths planning and adjustment beards to make several members of taoee bodies available for other committee work. There h) a shortage, ths mayor said, of available volunteers for borough boards and committee*. Also nmrnuneaded by the planners, the mayor said, was early action on a survey of grades and drainage needs of the borough, and appointment of an outside work foreman, a suggestion on which action waa taken at the meeting. The hearing on the 19CT municipal budget, scheduled for the meeting, waa delayed for one week to the adjourned meeting. Budget OK'd; Rate Up 51c LITTLE SILVER A budget calling for a tax rate of $1148 per $100 ot assessed valuation.514 cent* per $100 more than lmw-was adopted Tuesday night by borough council The increase was shown as AM for school purposes; J0> for municipal purpose*. The county tax I* expected to be reduced J08. The vote waa unanimous, but It waa not recorded until council wa* subjected to lengthy questioning by local taxpayers. Mdney Lichter of 14 Prince pl asked why the borough. never forecloses on tax Hens although there I* an amount In the budget each year "reserve for uncolleeted taxes." This year's figure is $44, compared to last year's $29, Auditor Explains Elmer O. Stevens, borough auditor, explained that the reserve must, by state law, appear in the budget He said ths amount was computed on the basis of n per cent tax collection* as of Dec. U. That means, ha added, that eight per cent of this year's total assessments must be held in reserve. The auditor aald the reason there have been no forsclosares ia that delinquent taxpayers have until July 1 to pay and thus avoid foreclosures. He added th* borough has been fortunate In that Tax Collector Clark P. Kemp for several years haa been able to collect all delinquent land taxes prior to the deadline. Th* auditor and Councilman Arthur L. Cone said part of the "reserve for uneoueeted taxes" comes from personal property taxes which ara uoeoueetlbl*. Also questioning council and the auditor.were Paul C. French, Jr., of.37 Kings rd. and Maj. John A. Lucas of 14» North Sunnycrest dr. Mr. lichter, however, questioned almost every item in the budget which showed an increase. Councilman Lowry answered most of the questions. He told Mr. Lichter the reason the Item for assessment of tax** Is Increased other than a pay raise for the assessor Is the need for new office equipment, and new files which must be set up. The street appropriation is up, In part, Mr. Lowry said, to provide $8,000 for little Savers share of the coat of Improving Oakes rd.; $1,750 to correct drainage problem* on Amelia ct Mr, Lowry said Rumeon 1* paying th* other halt for Oakes rd. He also said ths borough still has hopes of being able to assets part of the $8,000 agalnat affected property owner*. Th* $1,800 Increase for street lighting, Mr. Lowry said, will be used to provide lights for many nsw streets, as well aa to Increase street light wattage at intersections. Mr. Lichter, a member of th* board of health, also asked why oouneil did not appropriate th* amount requested by th* board, Mr. Lowry said he advised health board members that council wants to meet with tha board about the matter. If council Is convinced the board needs more money, he said, it will be made available after November when state law permits transfer of accounts. Mr. French asked why Uut CivU Defense account went from $1,200 to $2,000. Mr. Lowry said the CD. council actually asked for $4,(00. He and Counoilman Charles W. Stephana praised the work of Civil Defense and Its volunteers, Mr Lowry saying council tried to go as far oa it could for th* organisation. They addsd that thu Increase ia for nonrecurring Itenu. Counoilman Cone aald part of tho money will be used for Civil Defence uniforms and ooveralu which ara needed "for morale." Zoning Change SHREWSBURY Ths planning board last night at a special meeting voted to recommend that th* mayor and council amend th* toning ordinance to create a new business-light Industry sons. The area Involved is along Shrewsbury ave., south of the Sycamore ave, residential ion«. The question has been before the planners for some time. Their action followed a atudy meeting with members of the industrial committee appointed by Mayor John H, Hawkins.

3 Middletown Motquito Board Maps 1957 War on PesU WDDLJETOWN Th* plan* of the townihlp volunteer moiquito eommlmlon (or 1HT n n outlined at a meeting of the commission at townehlp hall last week. Everett Holley, commission HCretary, (peaking for John A. Hurimy, the director. Mid the program haa been coordinated with atate and county effort* In a lone-term assault on the peata. The at*te, ha said, wul continue Ita airplane spraying program for ooastal and marsh area*. That program, he aaid, la primarily designed to combat the aalt mareh moaquitoea In their breeding area,!r?vrh e? r:i:*?h Is net ^ Cc««iu2«except from the air. The Belford and Leonardo artaa, particularly, ha aald, are achaduled (or repeated treatment The etata alao will make available the aervtcei of the New Jeraey Experimental ata* Uon tor trapping and typing work In connection with breeding studies. The atate already haa conducted a survey of the aouth branch of Compton creek, from rt. 18 to LeonardvUl* rd. The drainar* brook, which runt behind Central ecbool, haa been found to be a major breeding ground of fraehwater culex moaquitoea. The county to to continue, probably on an enlarged baile, Ita ditching and drainage operatlona, with much work of tbla type planned for the Belford aalt manh area, Mr. HoUey reported. The county's apraylng and fogging programi alao will continue. The townihip, however, will have fogging equipment at ita dlepoaal and may not require county work of thli eort Becauae local work will relieve the county of aome of thia burden, an arrangement haa been made for uae here of county ditching equipment (or work on the brook In the Central ichool area. The county alao wilt furntih technical aaelatance, training and oeruln material* to the townahip eommlaeion. Two-part Program The township'* program will be In two phases fogging and drainage and neighborhood control work, The townahip la to purchaae a fogging truck which la to be operated alx days a week. Start of operation of the truck to tenta- Jvely aet for about June 1. Early morning and early evening operation la planned. Drainage tincture* and oil druma which will permit alow dripping of oil into manh breeding aitea are planned. The neighborhood program calli for uaa of chemical control method! by community or development group* on lewen and mall stagnant poola. The commission will furnish the material! to local groups. It waa urged that groups wishing to participate eontact the commission at township hall as aoon a* possible so that operation plans can be drawn and materials obtained and distributed. Troop Visits In Philadelphia ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Members of Qlrl Scout troop 141 Friday went on a bus trip to Philadelphia. They visited Independence Hall and Franklin Institute and lunched at Horn and Hardart's restaurant. Chaperoaea were Mrs. Harold HadtteM, leader; Mrs. William Mount, assistant leader; Mlas ratncia HadtteM, program aide, and Mrs. James Bgldlo, Mrs. Eugene Allan, lira. Charles Leaner, Mr*. Stanley West, Mrs. Martin Kearney and Miss Ana Stone. Scouts attending were Judy Behr, Ann Danowltx, Alexis Feeney, Janto Hamlln, Carol Hlggins, Mary Kanwere, Sheila Kearney, Gloria Manganaelli, Anna May Smith, Blanche Tnietdale, Carol Wilson, Kathy Lesher, Mary Jane Elmer, Carol Rudd, Patricia Means, Carol Junkelman, Joanne Rlppke, Rachacl Lemberg, Sharon Maton, Julie Donoghue, a«nievave Conover, Kathy Heinlein, Marlene SantelU, AdeU Bhadtr, Jeaa Weet, Beverly Quackenbuih, Sandra Seeley. Mary Beth Allen and Valeria Bentoa. Attending as guests ware Miss Nancy Hadfleld, Sharon Shead, Jo-Carol West, Elaine Egidlo and Stanley West. Thieves Loot K of C Hall KKYPORT-Borough police are Investigating the entry and looting of the Knlgbta of Columbus hall on rt So, sometime Monday morn' Ing. Stolen, Police Chief Leroy proul said, were a 20-Inch television set, two peanut vending machines, cigarettes, ten or 16 bottles of liquor, the money from various vending machines and $90 from a money bos. The thieves also wrecked the cigarette and musis machines and a coin-operated pool game. Chief Sproul said. They overlooked tiro envelopes containing % total of $121 In cash, and a wrist watch, police added. The robbery took place after 1:30 a. m.. when the place waa closed, police were told. It waa discovered when the hall was opined later in the morning. Entry waa made by breaking a hup on a door on the south aide of the building, Chief Sproul reported, Mr*. Ernest Vanghan Given Stork Shower HIGHLANDS - Mrs. Erneet F. Vaughan of Enterprise, Ala., last week waa given a stork shower at Cummins tavern, Itt Bay ave. Mlas Lillian Vaughan, here, and Mra. E. D. Mueller, Leonardo, were hostesses. Mra. Vaughan is the former Miss Mary Lou Cummins. A buffet supper was served. Attending wen Mrs. Arthur Cummins, 8r., Mrs. Ernest A. Vaughan, Mra. Frank Congdon, Mra. John Bailey, Mm. Joseph Czarnecki, Mrs. Irvine Van Houten, Mrs. James L. Richard, Mra. Edwin B. Andrew*, Mra. Ralph Bennett, Mra. Harold Bill and Uri. William Brown, Highlands; Mrs. John Bauers and Mrs. Wallace Thompson, Belford; Mrs. Franklin Bobarts, Mrs. William Mueller and Mrs. Oraadin Chapman, Atlantic Highlands; Mrs. Martin Matula, New Moamouth; Mra. Oene Ruck, Fort lionmouth and Mrs. Stephen Adeskauti, Mrs. Gerard Reilly and Miss Kathleen Reilly, Leonardo. OAMES PARTY MIDDLETOWN Plans wara made for a game party at Manlo Park Mar. 13 by the Ladles' auxiliary of the Middletown townahip Veterans of Foreign Wars. Mrs. BJleaaor Courier will be chairnan. The meeting of the auxiliary was held recently at the hall. The members will entertain for the department president and district president Mar. 90. Nomination and election of officers will be held Wednesday, and a card party will be held Mar, 38 at the hall, with Mrs. Raymond Richardson aa hostess. PAJAMA PABTY BELFORD A lurprlie pajamt party wts given Friday for the 16th birthday of Diane Hallam, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. James Hallam, at the home of Hlis Loll potman, Main st. Attending were Misses Karen Hacker, Verna Salmoa, Patricia Zllly, Sharon Sage, Carol Heyer and Peggy Stays. PTA Sponfon Card Party PORT MONMOUTH A Founders' day program waa held at the Parent-Teacher association meeting recently at the school. Mrs. Virginia Borland, teacher, conducted the meeting. Mrs. Fred Wenzel led the guests in singing. Final plans tor the fair to be held at the local school June were made. Miss Alice Hendrickson announced that the teachers' baxar will be Mar. M at T p. m. at the Central school for the benefit of child welfare and the scholarship fund, A director of Family and Children's service of Monmouth county will speak at the April meeting. The next meeting will be held»!- Ctstrsl srhscl tlur.. It will be a combined meeting with ether P.T.A. Mrs. William Wlttle and Mrs. Raymond Brady were appointed to aerve with Mrs. Arthur Harney, Mrs. Fred Weasel and Mrs. John Collins oa the nominating committee. Mrs. Paul FKsgerald aad Mrs. Alas Lupahevtes were hostesses for the evening. Mrs. Bedford Installed HEADDEN-S CORNER The Ladles' auxiliary of Middletown fire company No. 1 Installed new officers at last Thursday's meeting at th* nr* company hall. Mrs. William Bedford wa* chosen president Others Inducted were Mrs, Frank Johnson, vie* president; Mr*. Lawrence Flanagan, treasurer; Mrs. William Dor, secretary; Mr*. Edward Finn, financial secretary, and Mr*. Charles Scott, chaplain. Trustee* ar* Mr*. John Gor- Mgner, Mrs. Gaylord Barto and Mra. Joseph Donate. Committee heads named by th* president were Mr*. Donate, sunahin*; Mrs. Barto and Mrs. Johnson, ways and mean*; Mrs. Richard O*Sh*ughne**y, scrapbook; Mr*. Qorsegner, Mr*. Barto and Mr*. Hsrkui Hogan, auditing, and Mrs. Bedford, publicity. New members welc i»*d were Mr*. John Harto and Mrs. John Horan. A tricky tray party will be held after the Mar. 21 meeting at the fire house. Other* preeent war* Mr*. Stanley Mldose, Mrs. Walter Patterson, Mr*, Ralph Barto, Mrs. William Frake, Mr*. Philip Mandla, Mr*. George Clark and Mra. Loul* Soden. Blue, Gold Dinner For Cob Pick 146 NEW MONMOUTH The annual Blue and Gold dinner of Cub pack 1*6 of the Baptist church was held Feb. It In Fellowship ball. Thomas Parrlsh, chairman, welcomed the guests. Rev. William E. Blsgrove gave the Invocation and spake briefly on the duties of toe parents. Thomas Bothwell, neighborhood commissioner, presented the charter aad spoke about the oamp at Foreetburg, N. X. Dr. Macy Good*, member of Shore Mystic circle, put oa a program entitled "Magic for Fun." Cubmaster DonaM Hammond presented awards. Donald Blsgrove was piano aeoompanlst for group singing. The program waa closed by Irvta Wetael, assistant cubmaster. Others associated with th* pack who were present were Oaylord Hanson, Institutional representative; Arthur Williams, Walter VanNortwlck, Sceva Whitney and Robert Oaten, committee members, and Mrs. Walter VaaNortwtek, Mrs. Thomas Psrrtoh, Mrs. Sceva Whitney, Mm. Wanda Jaacott, Mrs. Donald Ullmer and Mrs. Oeorge Hermey, den mothers. Needlecnft Work For Girl* of Troop 225 ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Members of Girl Scout troop *» were divided into two patrols when they met at the Legion hall last week. One patrol worked oa second class ratings; the other, noedlecratt badges. Mra. Raymond Shugard, leader, and Mrs. Kenneth Kelly, assistant leader, were In charge. Scouts attending were Ingrid Alban, Tanya Ashuck, Joy Brown, Kathy Camay, Donna Cook, Susan Duncan, Thelma Fielding, Janet Fisher, Bonnie Fox, Bar. bara Kelly, Susan LaMunyon, Linda, LUbeck, Carol McCurdy, Oale Uugard, Amy Weberalnn and Judy winters. Water Witch Social dob Haa Meeting HIGHLANDS Mrs. Edward Bunting and Mrs. Edgar Dennis were hostesses at a meeting of the Water Witch Social club last week at Charlie and Eddie's. Mra. John Corneliusen and Mrs. Charles O'Connor will be hostesses Wednesday, Also attending were Mra. Helen Fahrar, Mrs. Eaton Brink, Mrs. Edward F. LaMarr, Mrs. Charles Millar, Mrs. Walter Monahaa aad Mrs. O'Connor. WINS SCHOLASTIC HONOR RTVERDALB, N. T. - A Leonardo, N. J., girl la among nine students who have achieved top acholastlo rating at College of Mt. St. Vincent here with a straight A average. The student, Mary Maloney, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Jeaeph Maloney, alao was among 63 students named to the dean'a honor list for the eemeiter which ended In January, the college announced. Miss Maloney It a senior and was one of two members of her class who maintained the atralght A average for the semester. 100 Attend Legion Event UNION BEACH - More than 100 persons attended the American Legion past commanders' dinner dance Saturday at the poet home. Frank Downing waa chairman. Sugaae Stout prepared the roast beet dinner. Mrs. Rudolph Cherney, Mrs. Jack Fllllppo, lira. Harold Gundell, Mrs. Frank Downing, Mrs. Alfred Earl, Mrs. Emily Ernie and Mra. Joseph Cameron, members of the Lalas' auxiliary, assisted Mr. Downing. Maurice Oakley, past commander, was master of ceremonies. Past contenders honored were Ned Kearns, commander the first three years, Fred Schuler, Joseph Hoftarth, Peter Whltehead, Arthur Gray, Mr. Oakley and Chester Seaman. John Clark, commander, thankad Mr. Downing, the auxiliary members, Mr. Stout and others who helped to make the affair a success. He presented Mr. Gray a past commander's ring. Mrs. John McGrogan, auxiliary president, and Mayor Joseph Bcholer alao spoke. Charles Redfern of Union Beach, a Spanish American veteran, was Introduced. Mrs. Gray, past president of the Ladles' auxiliary and wife of the past commander, and Mrs. Clark, wife of the commander, were presented small container* of daffodils. Among others attending were Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Coffey, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Julian, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McGulrl. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Carr, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Feindt, Mr. and Mra. Stephen H. Faller, Mr. and Mra. William Fuehs. Mr. and Mra. Oeorge Renaming, Mr. and Mra. Andrew Nagrosst, Mr. and Mra. Frank Brauer, Mr. and Mra. Harold Robedee, Mr. and Mrs. Rod Burke, Mr. and Mra. Douglas Chapman, Mr. and Mr*. J. R. Wotton, Jr., Mr. and Mr*. V. E. Zweldlnger, Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Rawllns, Mr. and Mrs, Herman Fedder, Mr. aad Mra. Charles E. Hauser, Mr. and Mra. Andrew P, Adamecs, Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Wotton, Mr. and Mra. George Matthews, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Sacharanskl, Mr. aad Mrs. Edward J. Scullion, Mr. aad Mrs. Charles Cllwek, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Dolan, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Hackett, Joseph Coffey, K. R. Barber, Mra. Marlon Cotfey, Mrs. Flora Stark, T. H. Smith, Mrs. Wallmena Stark, Mrs. Gloria Loosen, C. T. Rawllns, Mra. Marion Raw- Una, W. H. Lohsen, William J. Vaughan, Oeorge W. Anderson, Timothy Foley, Mrs. Cora Des- Hen, Mrs. Jean Durst, Mra. Helen Foley, John Durst, John Me- Orogan, Mra. Fred Schuler, Ernest J. Wenkowskl. Adam A. Tapavlnskai, Hra. Lois Sclannlman- Ic, Philip Cassldy, Charles Goble, John Tanln, Mrs. Frank Brower, John Smith, Harold Gundell, Harold Look, Peter C. Walker, Mra. Jeaa Walker, lira. Clara Ollmartin, Janes Barry, Robert Barry, Mrs. Claire Barry, Mrs. Marlene Barry, W. C. Ross, Merrick Ross, Oeorge Ross, Mrs. Anna Ross, Mrs. Nellie Ross, Mrs, Scholar, Harold Stark, Mra. Maurice Oakley, Jack Filllppo, Alfred Earl, Mrs. Ned Kearns, Mrs. Alexra Ross and Mrs. Lcona Dunlela. Church to Mark 75th Anniversary ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS The 76th anniversary of th* Methodist church her* will be marked with a special program during the week of Mar Special services, with former pastors taking part, will be conducted morning and evening Mar. 10 and 17. On Thursday, Mar. 14, the ohunsh will hold Ita annual roil call service, with Rev. Dr. Roy E. Williams, Wilkes-Bam, Pa., a* guest speaker. Dr, William* was pastor of th* local church from tttt to IMS. An anniversary souvenir booklet containing a short history of the church, with picture* and the program, will be given to those attending. After the evening services there win be social meeting* with light refreshments In Fellowship ham. All services win be open to th* pubhc. Holmdel Republicans Organize Officers of the Ragular Rapublicani of Holmdel Tewnihip, Inc., were initalud at tha group's organization dinner mtating at Pleasant Valley inn Sunday night. In photo era, taatad, Mrs, John P. Wadifigton, left, racording secretary, and Mri. Charlei Cox, corresponding secretary; itanding, left to right, Stanley 0. Stilwell, candidate for townihip committee; William W. Mulheron, president, and Howard F, Potter, vice president. PTA Founders Honored Tonight ATLANTIC mohlands-the Founders' day program, with Mrs. Oeorge B. McCallum, Jr., vice president, In charge, will be held tonight at the Parent-Teacher association mttting In the school auditorium, Th* P.T.A. birthday this year will be a songfest and two groups of members will perform a* "Melody Mom*" and "Warbling Walters." Several members have rehearsed to prtaent an old fashioned waits and The Charleston in costumes depleting the era in which the dance* were popular. There also will be group singing of old favorites. Assisting Mr*. McCallum are Vincent Fox, prealdent, and Mr*. Fox, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rhodes, Mr. and Mr*. Hunter Pollock, Mr. and Mrs. William Connell, Mr. and Mrs. John Borsky, Mra. Allen Burke, Mra. Robert Means, Mrs. James Hoffman, Mrs. William Tolley. Mra. Charles Atkins, Mrs. Richard Bennett, Mrs. Jerome Mason, Mrs. William Spenguman, Mrs. Bam Brown, Hrs. Lee Parker, Mrs. Harold K. Merrltt and Mrs. John Button. BBOWNIE PABTV MEW MONMOUTH - A birthday party and candlelight ceremony waa conducted at Mary* parochial school Brownie troop 189 recently. Threeyear pin* were presented to Susan Fabian, Carol Krywats, Arline MeOowan, Donna VanDerwall and Claire Webster; twoyear pins U Jean Shelton and Judy Schnoor and world friendship pin* to Patricia Murray, Jane Duncan, Susan Shelton, Noreen MeOowan, Rosemary Hock- In*. Ann Marie Wilton, Linda Kirwan and Janet Supham. Sunn Carr waa invested a* a new Brownie. MBS. WOODS HONORED NEW MONMOUTH Mr*. Harry Holland of MeCormack pi. waa hostels Tuesday at a stork shower for Mr*. Fred Wood*, also of MeCormack pi. Attending were Mr*. Edward Tbayer, Mr*. William McKenxte, Mr*. John Pflager, Mrs. Joseph DIMaggio, Mrs. John Qulnn, Mr*. Oeorge Fennell, Mr*. Charles Healy, Mr*. Harold Conte, Mr*. Robert Wynne, Mr*. Albert Johnson, Mr*. James J. Calandriello, Mr*. Russell Fredericks, Mrs. Thomas Reilly and Mr*. George Baku. RVBPBIBB 0HOWEB NEW MONMOUTH - Mia* Donna Wood, Port Monmouth who will become th* bride of Donald Biagrove, ion of Rev. and Mr*. William E. BUgrovs of this place, waa tendered a kitchen shower Friday by Mis* Mildred Blsgrove at the Baptist personagi. The decoration* wer* in red, white and blue and carried out in George Washington motif. Quest* wer* Mri. H. Laurence Scott, Jr., Mrs. Walter Junle, Mra. dene Gullno, Mra. Gaylord Hauler, Mrs, William Roberts, Mri. John Wood, Hrs. William E. BIsgrov*. Mrs. James Will!, Mi*. Paul Eby, Mrs, Arthur Matey and Mrs. John Hllbert KNIT WITH VI MEETS LEONARDO - Mra. Charles Riley, Kelvin ave., entertained memtwr* of the Knit With Us club Fab. 1». Mr*. Douglas Foulk* was presented a prise. Ml** Doris Merken of Kaantburg will entertain next month. Also attending were Mr*. Harold Vaccerella, Mra. Paul Shaffery, Mr*. Raymond Robinson, Mr*. Ted Reilly, Mr*. Frank Peters, Mrs. Eugene MacDonald, Mr*. Paul Frisco, Mrs. Edward Croken, Mr*. Robart Campbell, Mr*. Frank Kool, Mra. Jam** Grant and Mis* Elleen Croken. BABY SBOWEB NEW MONMOUTH Mra. Robert Yard waa glv*n a *hower for her new daughter Deborah Fab.» st th* horn* of Mr*. George Fennell, Tlndall rd., by member* of the Tlndalllte club. Present were Mr*. Robert Wynne, Mrs. John Murray, Mrs. Thomas Reilly, Mr*. Edward Thayer, Mr*. Michael Orslnl and Mrs. Charles Healy. AT BOAT SHOW BELFORD Th* Mariner* ship 44 attended th* motor boat show in Aabury Park and stood watch from 1 until It p. m, A iwlmming party was held last night in Asbury Park to prepare for advancement Th* girls will hold a dinner In March at th* scout building and will plan, cook and serve the meal. 1 TENTH BIRTHDAY LEONARDO - Th* tenth birthday of Chonnle Lamberson, daughter of Mr. and Mr*. William Lamberson of Florence ave., was celebrated Saturday afternoon. Present wsrc Ellen Mary Sharkey, Patricia and Jack Murphy, Carol and Peggy Capenegro, Jama* McCoosy, Joyce Meyer* and William Lamberson. A family patty waa held that night. Day of Prayer Services Set ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS The women of five local churches will observe World Day of Prayer Friday, Mar. 8, at S p. m. In qulnn chapel. Tha purpose of the day Is to unite all Christians in a bond or prayer and to mak* an offering for Christian minion* at home and abroad. Women from 142 countries will hold service* during the day, beginning on th* Tonga Islands, west of the International Data line, where Queen Satote lead* her subjects in prayer, and doting with observances on Bt, Lawrence Island, Alaska. Mrs. John Scott 1* chairman of tha local World Day of Prayer committee. Women of Central Baptist. Presbyterian, Methodist and St. Paul's Baptist churches and Qulnn chapel will take part. The day Is sponsored In the United States by th* general department of United Church Women, National Council of Churches of Christ Thousands of churches In this country will participate in the observance. Legion Dance Termed Success HIGHLANDS Twinllght post, American Legion, mat Friday night at th* po*t bom*. John Acampera, commander, and Judt Durstewitz, vie* commander, reported that tha Valentine dance sponsored by th* post and Ladle*' auxiliary was a success. A "Breakfast In Hollywood party" sponsored by the post and auxiliary, will be held Saturday night, Mar. 23, at the poit home. Stephen H. Faller, Boys' State chairman, aald the 1957 session will be held from June 23 through June 30 at Rutgers university. Th* post will sponsor on* boy delegate. A paper drive will be conducted by the post Saturday, atartlng at 1 p. m. Residents contributing newspapers or old magazine* ar* asked to * them In secure bundle* and place them at the curb, Andrew J. Kelly of Roger* st. was reported aa having recently returned home from East Orange Veteran* hospital. 50 Attend Garden Club Smorgasbord ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Fifty members and guests attended th* tmorgasbord luncheon held by th* local garden dub Thursday afternoon at the fire house. Mr*. Philip Dlakelberg, chairman, was asslstei by Mrs. Waidron P. Smith and Mr*. Albert Hendrlckeon, co-chairmen. Mrs. Jack Weller was arrangements chairman. STOBK SHOWEB BELFORD Mr*. James Hallcm was given a stork shower Thursday at th* horn* of Mrs. William Meyer, Main at., with other co-worker* of the Central school cafeteria. Those who attended war* Mra. Anthony De- Stcfano, Mr*. Oeorge Gajenec, Mrs. Oliver Parry, Mra. Fred Bremeyer, Mr*. Frank Cretan, Mr*. Otto Hacker, Mr*. Helen Stewart, Mr*. Elmer Garretson, Mrs. John Anderson and Mr*. John Renton from th* school cafeteria, and Mr*. Ralph VanBrunt, Mr*. ROM Carbon*, Mr*. Stanley Hallam, Mr*. Marvin Hallam. Mrs. William Hallam, Mr*. Joseph Linhart, Mr». Jennie Cooper, Mrs. Alfred Marcellus, Mrs. Kenneth Hallam, Mrs. Olga Meek, Mr*. Adelaide Connor and Misses Eleanor Hallem and Wllma Meyer. LIBRARY BENEFIT SET ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - A library benefit show wilt be presented at the Atlantic theater Tuecday and WednMday, Mar. I and 6, under sponsorship of th* Atlantic Highlands Lion* club. Proceeds will be used to buy books for children for tha local library, the club announced. Clu* members and borough merchants ar* in charge of ticket sales. TO ARRANGE TABLES ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Th* local garden club will be among 14 participating in a table arrangsments contest at the China and Glass shop, Red Bsnk, Apr. IX. Mrs. Nelson Roberts and Mr*. Saul Shapiro will represent th* club. Mrs. John Langenberger, Naveslnk, Is general chairman and consultant. Bandits Steal $3,800Payroll WEST KEANSBURG - Theft of a 13,100 payroll from a stevedoring firm messenger here Thursday 1* being Investigated by state police. John Imperato, 4T, of Brooklyn laid he was delivering the payroll to the home ot Gus Balbach, union official, on Hudson st. here. When he stopped the car in front of Mr. Balbach's home at noon, he said, two men on foot opened the door of his car and got In. Both were armed, he re- BED BANK RET.ISTER ThurxUv, Feb. 28, Middletown Man on Antarctic Trip FORT MONMOUTH Aircraft were grounded recently at Me- ' Murdo Sound In the Antarctic because sun-bathing seal* completely littered th«local airport. The unique altuatlon was de-,,.._..,,,,., «cribed In a message received at HIGHLANDS - William Me- the Hex&gon (rom OUv. r D. p, r. Manu* of Keansburg, sixth dia-: kjn, mi tn unc consultant with the trlct chief of staff of the Veter-1 Ariny Slgnal rem, rch team * ans of Foreign Wars, «ru gue«t the v s Nlvy -, 'Operatic* at a recent meeting ot the local I Deepfreeze". VFW Chief Visits Post V.F.VV. post. Edward A. Kwik, :hairman of the dedication com- In his letter to H. W. Palmer, director of technical plan*, Mr. mittee, said that since Armed i ivrklns wrote: Forces day is to be observed I "Mall for the states close* is May 18 the day the coat build-1. «... jr.j-.ut,.,,, ;, u i there is ao ing will be dedicated a parade will be held. He alao reported that Charles Klnney of Newark, department commander, will speak. Mr. Kwlk is belnj; assisted by Robert U. Waters, Winston D. Rugg, Jont-ph flrasso and Stephen H. Falier. Nomination of officers will be held at the meeting Wednesday. Charles Gardner, commander and Mr. Kwlk, Mr. Waters. Charles Quant. George Johnson, Mr. Rugg, Joseph Grasso, James Leeaer and David Grasso attended the meeting. Induct Holy Name Juniors HIGHLANDS The Junior the money, which waa In a man- Ill envelope, then handcuffed him to the wheel of his car. The money, which was for payment of carpenters at the Leonardo Navy pier, was being brought to the union leader from the office of the Imparata Stevedoring company in Bayonne. John Imparata, head of the firm, told Sgt. John Smith, in charge of the Keyport state police station, that he believed the loss was insured. Mr. Imperato described the two mea as about 4S years old. One wore a lumber Jacket and the other a blue jacket, he said. Drivers Penalized On Point System TRENTON Revocation of licensee of five drivers from northern and central Monmoath Holy Name society ot Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic church held an installation ot officer* and reception of new members Sunday night in the church. Rev. Edward J. O'Connell, spiritual director, conducted bath ceremonies. Officers installed were James Kchoe, president; Peter McGough, vice president; Richard Gill, aecretary, and Neil O'Keefe, treasurer. In addition to the officers, the following charter members were Inducted: John McConnell, Wade Davis, Robert Anthony, Fred Griffith, Josoph Griffith, Ronald Creighton, John Monalun, William Moore, Harry Daino, Paul Gross, Edward Dooley, Herbert Longshore, Eugene Ciraolo. Frank Monahan, Kenneth Jones, Kevin Moran, Brian Moran, Michael Wolffe, Jame* Kelly, William Kelly and Gerald Ryznar. Father O'Connell waa assisted by Rev. James Connell of Marlth. men took I 5 state ho "" tal anrt county announced today by Frederick J. Gassert, Jr., state director of motor vehicle*. There were 10» revocation* In the itate under the point system, and nine in Monmouth county, Mr. Gasaert's office reported. Among those whose licenses wer* suspended, with the record of violation* and period of revocation, were the following: Steve Grabowikl, 37, Leonardvilla rd., V V.d; leaving scene of accident, :dess driving, two conviction* of no driver's license; indefinite period. Vincent Carbe, It, Long Branch; falling to keep to right, speeding, Improper passing, two careless driving; one year. John F. Clancy, U, Freehold; four apeeding violations; one year. David G. Huber, 20, Brown* Dock rd., Locuat; record of convlotlon Nov.», IBM, In Massachusetts for drunken driving; Indefinite period. Frederick S. Trotter, 30, Freehold, careless driving, speeding, and reckless driving; six months. Highlands Mrs. James L. Richard, Water Witch ave., celebrated her birthday Monday. Twinllght council, Son* and Daughter* of Liberty, will meet Monday night. Mrs. Vaughan resided at J2«Bay ave. until ah* left for Enterprise. Her husband la stationed at Camp Rutherford, Ala., with Army,. Mrs. Charles Gardner, Barberle ave., entertained member* of the Tuea-Nlte-Sew-Tens. Mrs. Nelson Smith, 33 Central sve., will entertain the group Tuesday night. Mr. and Mr*. Harvey Waters and daughter Carol, Rogers it., visited last week-end with Mrs. Water*' brother-in-law and slater. Mr. and Mrs. William Huben, Woodslde, L. I., and Mr*. Water*' brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John McCarthy of Valley Stream, L. I. Mrs. Ernest F. Vaughan of Enterprise, Ala., visited for a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cummins, 8r, Headden'i Corner Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Crawford of Sleepy Hollow rd. have returned from a vacation to the West Indie*. Mr*. Thomas Finn of Chapel Hill rd. ha* returned home from a visit with har daughter In Florida. Carol Henderson, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Barclay Henderson ot Harvard St., ha* recovered from Illness. Mr*. Muriel Bergeron of Louisiana is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin McGuIre of rt. 35. TWO BIRTHDAYS NEW MONMOUTH - The 18th John R. MacDonald of the county Catholic Youth Organization. Benediction of thv Slewed Sacrament was celebrated by Father O'Connell, assisted by the Holy Name choral group. Mrs. William Kohlenbush was organist and director. Refreshments were prepared by Mrs. Cornelius O'Keefe, Mrs. John McConnell, Mrs. Michael J. Monahan, Jr., and Mra. James McGough of the Altar and Rosary society. John Black, Michael J. Monahan, Jr., Howard Monahan, George L*hey, Joseph Bolger and Percy McDonald of the senior Holy Name, served. Father MacDona.Il congratulated the junior society on Its choice of officers and the number of charter member* attending. He said Our Lady of Perpetual Help Junior Holy Name society I* the first new unit to be organized In the county since the Inception of the Catholic Youth Organization. Father MacDonald said the Junior Holy Name I* a fast growing movement In Monmouth county. He also said he hopes that, in addition to the basketball league, there will be such other activities as bowling, box- Ing and»wlm meets. "The primary purpose of the Junior Holy Name society," Father MacDonald said, "Is basically the same aa the senior group assurance here from postal people as to when you may receive» aircraft are groaaded indefinitely because the lecal airport is littered with wall." Mr. Perkins, who live* at M Catherine ave., Middletown township, arrived at McMurdo on Jan. 21. He was en route lev join Arnory H. (Bud) Walt* aad the Signal Corps research team from the Fort Monmouth laboratories. "The weather her* ha* beautiful with temperature* as times abova freezing," th* letter said. Antarctic Ffcoae C*JI Mr. Perkins' wife Ruth I*M The Register yesterday ah* spoke to her husband last week «fct telephone. She was quick to add, howcv**, there is no telephone service eonnecting the Antarctic with tha United States. A "ham" radio operator as Clark townahip managed to pick up Mr. Perkins' transmission from the Antarctic. Th* Fort Monmouth scientist liked that anyone receiving the signal get in touch with his whe. The radio operator put the microphone next to th* telephone and the Perkinses engaged ia a conversation. "We couldn't get too private," Mrs. Perkins said, "became t knew the whole group there was listening In." She said *he is not at all worried about her husband's safety. "I know he la safe there," Mrs. Perkins explained. "My husband say* life there i* not bad at all. They have many modern conveniences. It certainly ia an adventure for him." Mr. Perkins I* expected to arrive on the West Coast next month. "To honor the Holy Name of Jesus You boys can do much good toward changing the atmosphere In which we live, by your good example in conduct and speech in all endeavors and activities. This is the aim of the Junior Holy Name." Percy McDonald, president of tha senior Holy Name, invited the Junior group to Holy Communion and breakfast with the seniors. The junior group wul meet the Brat Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p. m. In the pariah hall. 20 Club Fetes Mrs. John Newton HIGHLANDS Mr*. John Newton celebrated her birthday at the laat meeting of the "Twenty club" In the home of Mrs. Charlea Quasi, Center st. Mrs. Stephen H. Faller received a special gift. Mri. Harry E. SamDson, Highland ave., will entertain the group at her home Tuesday night. ENDORSE CANDIDATES The Middletown chapter of the Columbian League of New Jersey, at its regular membership meeting Monday night at Middletown Lanes, endorsed John T. Lawley and Elmer Hene for township committee In the forthcoming election In a resolution presented to the membership Squad Auxiliary Holds Monthly Card Parties HIGHLANDS - The monthly card party sponsored by the Ladles' auxiliary of the first aid squad was held last week at the first aid building. Mr*. George Lahey, chairman, was assisted by Mrs. William Beatty and Mrs. Martin D. Fehlh&ber. Speetsl prize winners were Mra. Frederick Voorhees, Mr*. Otto Ross and Mrs. Helen Kornek. Potted plants were given aa table prizes. Others present were Mrs. Laura Rubley, Mr*. Michael 8. Mendes, Frank Horan, Mrs. Alton Parker, Mrs. Walter Mewe*. Mrs. Luke Penta, Mrs. Michael J. Monahan. Jr.. Mr*. David E. Patterson, Mr*. John McConnell; Mrs. William Xohlenbusb, Mra. George Cann, Mr*. Fraak Thomas, Mrs. Josephine Hebandahl, Mrs. Harry E. Beyer and Mrs. Helen Barchi. The next card party will he held Wednesday, Mar. 30, at «p. m. PTA Sponsors Founders' Day Program HIGHLANDS _ Th* Parent- Teacher association of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic aeaool sponsored a card party Friday night in the ichool hall. Mr*. Harry E. Beyer, chairman, was assisted by Mrs. Hubert E. Ryan, Mrs. Michael J. Monahan, Jr., Mri. William S. Kornek and Mrs. Daniel J. Xslteher, Jr., president. Special prize winner* were Mrs. Michael S. Mend**, Mr*. Robert Anthony, Mr*. Robert Herokl, Mr*. Vincent Gorman, Mr*. John Olskl, Mrs. William R. Beatty and. Mr. aad Mra. John McConnell. Others attending were Mrs. Andrew Balback, Mra. George Araaro, Mr*. Edward Lenorth, 8r., Daniel J. Kelleher, Jr., Mrs. Edward Lenorth, Jr., Mr*. Michael J. Monahan, Sr., Mr*. Frank Card, Mr*. Laura Rubley, Mrs. Helen Kornek, Mrs. Helen J. Mrs. Andrew M. Dalno, Shea, Mis* Ardelth Cunnane, Miss Ann McGough, Mra. Helen Barchi, Mrs. George Cann, Mr*. Josephine Hebandahl, Mr*. Percy Maxson, Mr*. Rudolph Hcln, Mrs. William Kohlenbush, Mrs. Conrad Hall, Mrs. James Rugglano, Mra, Luke Penta, Mrs. M. J. Isaac*, Mrs. Rosemary Shield*, Mr*. Henry Featc, Mrs. P. E. Aldor* ail, Mr*. Arthur McMahon, Mrs, John Sciortlno, Jr., and Mrs. Edward Dooley. Need Shirt*, Tablecloths, Sheets for Cancer ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS A. C. Inclttl, president, also Mrs. Adolph Busch, chairman, stated the membership has, and Mra. Nelson Roberts, copledged active support to both I chairman, of the local 1957 Cancandidates, cei tund raising drive have mad* an appeal for clean used sheet*, white tablecloths ami shirts W make cancer dressings. Anyone wishing to contribute any of the articles can contact Mrs. Bunch or Mrs. Roberta. A box will be placed at the borough hall where the articles can be left. AT SERVICE IN NF.WARK BELFORD -Mr. and Mn. Stan ley Urblne, Turner dr., attended a ceremony Sunday of the Lithuanian-American veterani In memory of tin. Urbina'i father. John Simmons, and for John Arloff at at. George's hall, Newark. Mr. and Mr*. Urbtn* and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hennessey of Turner dr. attended a dance Saturday given dlnnerby the Blessed Virgin Mary sodality of Holy Trinity Catholic church at St. George's hall, Newark. BROWNIES TO TRAVEL BELFORD The CQmmltte* of Brownie troop 3 met Thursday st the home of Mrs. Melvin Strylter, Ninth at. Trips to Fort Monmouth and the Statue of Mbblrthday of Raymond Barbuto erty will b«made In the next wa* celebrated Feb. 30 and the ninth birthday of Robert Barbuto will be celebrated today by member* of the family of Mr. and Mra, Ah B b t t I l i Anthony Barbuto ot Irwln pi. 114»nd few months. The tfirls recently held a Valentine party and dance at the: scout building snd Invited cub scouts and Brownie troop* JULIETTE LOW DINNES MIPOLETOWN Plans discussed for the Juliette Low dinner to be held Mar. 1» at 6:30 p. m, at the New Monmouth Baptist church by th* members of the New Mon mouth-middle* 'town Neighborhood association. The meeting was held Feb. It at the Veterans of Foreign Wara hail. Two girls from each Brown* le, Intermediate and Girl Seoul troop, and troop leaders and com* mitten members will attend. A mobile' kit will be at Central school Mar. 38 from i to S p. at, for all scouts and their leader*. Girl Scout Sunday will b* ok* served Mar. 10 and tsoute will attend church in uniform..

4 m. «WIW»4«T, FV*,», WT HEP BASK KECISTKK Livestock Populations In State Show Decreiise For Fun! For School! BBONCO GENUINE GOODYEAft FOBMAL MONCO «ENUINI WRT MOTS ere Mt far ed <e» Mled hem - HKIUTY AND SUPPORT WITH KtSED SHANKS mu selieel ikes eemfeit ALLENS flmoadst. RIO BANK (Near reetofflee) Haven, has been promoted by the TRENTON Livestock popula-.has shown an increase during the Jersey Central Power * Light company from assistant engineer on New Jeney farms are name period, according to the to division engineer of the Coast dawn from a year ago, while the Ewing, di- sumber of poultry in the state this week. Agriculture. Sheep were the only exception in the livestock category, which also includes csttle, hogs, horses and mules. On Jan. 1, 1997, there were 18,000 head of sheep on New Jersey farms, a six per cent Increase over Jan. 1, 1956, and a 88 per cent increase over the tenyear average for lmft-lbss. Cattle numbers decreased one fleeted In a drop In total value., The average value per head was the same for the two years: 1280 for milk cows and an average f 1S4 for all types of eattle. Both figures are down substantially from the ten-year average. Hogs and pigs showed the largest drop in numbers during the year, there being 16 per cent fewer animals Jan. 1, 1957, than on the same date a year ago. The average value per head was I2S.9O compared with In 19M and the ten-year average of $ Horses and mules continued their downward trend In numbers. Only 11,000 animals In this class remained on New Jersey farms in This is a drop of 1,000 from the population a year ago. In 1(10, New Jersey farms had almost 89,- 000 horses. The poultry population showed a four per cent Increase over 19M, with 16H million birds on New Jersey farms Jan. 1, 196T. The total value of all poultry has dropped more than 1500,000 from a year ago. The average New Jersey chicken Is worth only $1.50 In 1M7, compared with $165 in 19M, and for the ten-year average. Turkeys Jumped five per cent In I numbers with a SO-cent drop in value per head to»«70. Promoted By JCP&L ASBURY PARK Richard A. Golden, 208 Dartmouth ave., Fair IK FLORIDA HUMSON-Mr. and Mrs. Joel M. Johnson of ( Circle dr., are spending a.vacation In Florida. They made the trip south by plane Sunday. lev ^iiet** 1? * * *. to * Richard A. OeMea Mr. Golden joined J. C. P et L. In January, 1951, as a cadet engineer in Asbury Park. In July of that year he transferred to Point Pleasant as a layout man. In 1982 he transferred to Allenhurst as a junior engineer. In 1934 he was promoted to aaeistant engineer. He is now located in di vision headquarters at Allenhurat. He will be responsible for dlstri button engineering in the area from Mlddletown to Seaside Park. Mr. Golden was born in Long Branch in 192S. Ha waa graduated from Long Branch high school. In World War he served as a U. 8. Naval Aviation cadet He attended Drew university, Madison; St. Mary's college, Oal, and Monmouth Junior college. Mr. Golden is an Instructor In a Petit Juror $ Christine Haug, Union Beach; course In "Bimplifled Electricity" Elvis R. Henderson, Neptune; sponsored by J.C P.JfcL. for Its employees. He Is an associate mem- Miss Dolores Herpin, Middletown; Andrew J. Holer, Red ber of the American Institute of Bank; Harold E. Honadle, Upper Electrical Engineers. Freehold; Mrs. Berniee L. Hope Belmar; Kenneth Y. Horrocks He is married to the former Neptune; Mrs. Mary Hudson, Shirley Kimbel of Long Branch. They have three children, William. S; Sharon, 5, and Donald, four months. They have resided In olyn Jones, Richard Klnney. Fair Haven eight years. Larry Krakowltch, Kathy Meyer, Bruce May, Matlland Olsen, Bank; Edward P. Kapal, Atlantic Highlands; Harry A. Kearney, Red Bank; Charles F. Kel- Renee Pittln, Don Ross, John Young Adults Sommer, Gene Scanlan, Kenneth ler, Union Beach; Mrs. Florence Button, Larry Segal!, Robert Taylor, Kenneth Wlegand and George S. Kennedy, Red Bank; Mrs. Hear Rev. Rugh Catherine B. Klnney, Little Sil- Weaton. ver; Mrs. Elsie Kreutner, Clarks- Charles J. Lambertson, Jr. The Toung Adults of the Redburg: Bank Methodist church heard an Keyport, and Arthur A, Lang' address by Rev. Donald E. Rugh, ford, Rumson. who has served ten years as a missionary to India, at a dinner Mrs. Edna Leaver, Asbury meeting last week. Rev. Mr. Park; Alfred J. Legath, New Rugh showed slides of India. Shrewsbury; Mrs. Marie Lemon, Attending were Mr. and Mrs. New Shrewsbury; Vemon Little, Steve Rider, Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Ymimans, Mr. and Mrs, B. J. Knuff, Mr. and Mrs. Russ Palumbo, Miss Florle Smith, Mrs. Marge Lancaster, Mrs. Jane Buzzell. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stout, Mr. and Mrs. James Feltrup, Mr. and Mrs. Art Hotallng, Miss Arllne C. Hahn, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Shaw, Mrs. Elizabeth Bllotta. Miss Alta H. Sehoettle, Miss Barbara Dunlevy, Charles Burrus, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Oraybeal, Miss Delores Voyaa, Miss Mildred Schmidt, Mr. and Mrs. Hayden Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Glaaer, Kenneth Shook, Dr. and Mrs. Dean Coddmaton. Rev. and Mrs. Roger J. Squire, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kohl, Mr. and Mm. Robert Jobbins, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lee, Miss Janet Schmidt and Mr. and Mrs. Don Anderson. Wsea Is aoutt akout anw Is sail awaates kouwkela gooes, solve Four prabltm with Tli. Resistor's <lsmia«l aas. AatsrMieaieat Mrs. Bessie Abrams, Asbury Park; Mrs. Florence W. Adams, Brielle; Mrs. Dorothea B. Ahlstrom, Oceanport; James P. Anderson, Manasquan; Herbert Anthony, Eatontown; Ralph W. Armstrong. Neptune; James G. Bailey, Highlands; Mrs. Minnie R. Beaman, Long Branch; Frederick J. Behlmer. Long Branch; Peter J. Bergenn, Belmar; Harry E. Beyer, Highlands; William F. Blschoff. Jr., Howell township; Richard L. Brennan, West Keansburg; David Me L. Bruce, Marlboro; John Bryan, Red Bank; Harry D. Burkett, Eaton-j Lake; Mrs. Kathryn C. Cawley, Freehold; Joseph P. Cere, Keansburg; William A. Claua, Neptune; William J. Coakley, Belmar ; George Conklin, New Shrewsbury; Mrs. Bertha Conover, Freehold, and Joseph N Cuseotti, Howell township. Lloyd E. Daley, Allenhurst Anthony Delbert, Marlboro Clement L. Despard, Jr., Rum son; Harry G. Dey, Cream Ridge; John H. Dilman, Belmar William A. Donnelly, Avon; Mis* Rosemary Dorey. How-ill township; Alfred W. Doirer, Sea dirt Andrew J. Dubay, Cllffwood FREEHOLD Following is the Robinson, Key port, Mrs. Eliza- petit jury list for Monmouth. county for the period beginning; Monday and ending Mar. 15. Mre. Margaret Abbott, Belmar; beth M. Roman, Raritaa township; Morton F. Roseman, Long Branch; Leonard G. Bydholm, Brielle; William A. Sandy, Freehold; Fred Schaller, Key port; Mrs. Ann ScMrger, Highlands; Christian K. chwara. Freehold; Martin Scbwerthoffer, Freehold; Samuel M. Segner, Long Branch; Frank W. Scibert, Shrewsbury; Clifford Shaekelton, Matawan township: Miss Elite Slocum. Long Branch; Arthur W. Smith, Asbury Park; William S. Imoek, Asbury Park; Chester Soden, Freehold; Theodora J. Soemer, Bradley Beach; Joseph J. Soffel, Red Bank; William H. Studky, Asbury Park, ana Mrs. Ana uluvan, Avoa. Robert Fischer, Shrewsbury son, Long Branch; Miss Lois township; Walter K. Fleary, Neptune; Weldman, Iaterlaken; Benjamin Miss Margaret Frank, As- R. Wllburn, Atlantic Highlands; bury Park; Kenneth Franklin Lewis C. Wilder, Freehold township; Wanamassa; Donald 8. Gaydos, Bradley Beach; Chester A. Ge ant, Keansburg; Daniel Gelber, Charles F. Williams, Free- hold; John F. Williams, Farra- Ingdale, and Mrs. Evelyn Woolbright, Millstone township: John Geo- Long Branch. ghan, Leonardo; Mrs. Lysbeth W. Geran, Marlboro; Winston R Gibson, Wanamaeaa; Donald B Gray, Wanamassa; Frank J Grleco, Jr., Long Branch; Wor den L. Grooms, Cliftwood; William R. Grosse, Cliffwood; Mrs. Helen Gruetzner, Asbury Park and Arthur C. Hall, Matawan. Mrs. Blanche H. Hamilton, Asbury Park; Russell C. Hampton Neptune; Mrs. Isabelle E. Hart, West Long Branch; William J Hart, Jr., Long Branch; Mrs Neptune; John F. Hutchins, Long: Branch; Mrs. Lily Inman, South Belmar; William C. Jehle, Brielle: Mrs. Katherlne Jenkins, Neptune; William Johnson, Jr., Red Fair Haven; James Loeb, West Long Branch; Mrs. Marie R. Lynn, Eatontown; George Mac- Donald, Manasquan; Fred Higee, Freehold; Mrs. Constance Maher, Highlands; Richard E. Marks, Manasquan; Harold L. Martensen, Neptune; Carl M Belmar; Mrs. Helen L. Miller, Long Branch; Louis H. Nahan, Asbury Park; Harry R. Newman, South Belmar; Harry A. Nielsen, Little Silver; Bernard F. O'Brien, Union Beach; Thomas R. O'Donnell. Long Branch; August Oehler, Wanamassa; Edward A. Ohm, Shrewsbury; Stanton L. Oppenhelmer, Jr., Rumson; Leonard K. Palmer, Holmdel; David Perlman, Neptune City; Arch T. Pettit, Jr., West Belmar; Mrs. Kathleen H. Phillips, Manasquan, and Richard B. Polling, Keyport. Thomas Pratt, Rumson; Mrs. Maxine W. Reap, Freehold township; Kenneth R. Reeves, Shrewsbury; Charles P, Robinson, Jr., Neptune township; James P. i. Martha Tamback, Neptune CliZizti J. 7tti, F«S«Ha-Vlrdniven; Arthur A. Tlee, Wayside; Lancendorf was sleeted chairman, and Mrs. George Adam Tomastlk, Freehold; William J.^ Trues, Rumson; Fred Worthtey, Jr., troop consultant. Membership Is open to any W. Turnbull, Asbury Park; Mrs. adult registered Girl Seeut Marian VanCleaf, Freehold; Mrs. worker. The next meeting win Dorothy D. Van Dyke, Long be held Monday, Mar. U, at the Branch; Percy VanKlrk, Alleatown; Marcus K. VanSchoick, home of Mrs. Henry Labrecque on 37 East Bergen pi. Others attending were Mrs. Louis RJbut- West Belmar; Henry P. Vaughan, Atlantic Highlands; Frank O. telll, Mrs. William Mahoney, Vlsone, Asbury Park; Edward W. Mrs. Edward Brager and Mrs, Vogel, Little Silver; Ivlns P. Joseph Rehm. Voorhees, Oceanport; Edward W. Wacyra, Marlboro; Carl Win. Vn nmh'~m S»4IH Uasats wkea To» aevwtlh Tk«IwMw mr. A4*er- Wallsten, AUentown; Howard H. Waddell, New Shrewsbury; Roy Warren, Neptune; Jack H. Wat- Science Students Visit Rutgers Thirty-four freshman science students of Red Bank high school Thursday attended the open house for the engineering department at Rutgers university. Mrs. Elsie MacLeod, science teacher, accompanied the group. Attending were Gary Burnham, Nickoll Bell, James Bahr, BUI Ciccone, Ronald Cohen, Richard Calbeck. Herbert Clark. Dave Cotten, Barry Berdahl, John CotUngham, Warner Coleman, John De- Santis, Richard Edwards, James Forest, Albert Flemer, Ashley Greenwood, Ronald Hulsart, Nancy Hamlln, Edward Jaeobi, Car- Adult Girl Scout Unit Organized A group of Red Bank women working In Girl Scout and Brownie activities met last Thursday at the Baptist Fellowship hall to form a Neighborhood Association for Girl Scout Leaders. Toe organisation ot such a unit and its objectives were explained by Miss Jean Cameron. executive director of the Northern Monmouth County Council of Girl ScouU. Mrs. John Ketchow of Port Monmouth. a council vice president, showed films of neighborhood association activities within the council. Mrs. Louie Dennis of Rumson, district one chairman, assisted with setting up the unit Mrs. - </ fj 1 { v *> i 1 IT 'J9 John Kronenberger G»" ru r CJI LU Ctf ic GENERAL ELECTRIC MIX OR MATCH COLOR KITCHENS LL" IOM DESIGNED CUSTOM IN^TAILED! B F f r' T I M & T F S Llll EATONTOWN TV EA^nfown KEogg DISTRICT MANAtlft Uft hutrmf Atjcuey is R«d tmk A New England Company over 110 years old has a real opportunity for a young man In Life Insurance Agency Management, Salary over-riding and time for personal production. Promotion to General Agent I to 5 years. Write Life Insurance, Box oil, Red Sank, stating qualifications, age, etc. Ail replies strictly confidential. tttobtuhti Q-rtn of m Ctntury ".TGLASS FOR YOUR HOME? CALL SH ALL WORK GUARANTEED Wt Carry a Complete Lin* off pun cuss SHAMD AUTO CLASS USSTOrSPM OUItt MIRIOKS PUINITUM 9 JALOUSS AUTO GLASS INSTAUJD WWU-U-WAIT MORRIS PLATE GLASS CO. 10 MAPLE AVE. RED BANK Otlt OM.Y flaci OP l VE Off AMMCA'S IfftfST SEUiMI EXTRUDED, on INCH WCK\ STORM DOOR tvmvnm twr tvutrmm m ixntm TO twr HFC helps solve your money problems! Ill* men at HFC are specialists in helping you with your money problems, whether you need a cash loan or merely advice on money matters. If a loan will help, you can get from $20 to 1500 in one day. But if there is another solution, you may be confident your HFC manager will recommend it. Thia service has made HFC the largest and moat recommended consumer finance company in America. So, borrow with confidence from HFC where millions of Americans have borrowed since Y0UMAYI0MOW WITH COWiMNCI IRON HFC CMk f tim * 3M 4M SM MONTWV AYMMT PUMM U «< S i«htrnh a Ptmh fmmu ( , NLY a few dollars more than the price of a O smaller car-for a big and brawny Bukk! But that's juat part of the news. Do you know this spanking iiuick is new from the rubber up? That it has an all-new body-ahd a windshield with over 200 square inches of ntw visibility? Do you know its roof line is inchtt lower-yet there's full headroom, legroom, footroora for all six passengen? All this took some great engineering, but wnere the engineers went all out was in making this tht irtam ear of th$ year to drive. New engine new Dynaflow* response-new steering-new ride-more man 150 other chassis changes that make this, in fact, the most completely new Buick in years-offered at a price level that makes it literally true: if you can afford any new ear you earn afford a Bukk. And what a buy you'll get for your money! See dealer, take the wheel and find out We» JMWNMS- fsrfatfs Klrt DyM/few ( Ms» (» D»M*ew Safe* Ml* tofty, f ( U tunuri en Jtearfmes <«r, Suft «Century - e*lbnel mt wudni MM eesl «Me SpttitL SHodyiMt i A OUSEHULtf FINANCE 710 CMsunan Ave., 2ml Fl*«r PHONIi PR****** MMO \ " " WHIN BlTTtt AUT0MO8IUI AH 9UI1T IUICK WILL SUO TMIM ThMiiEs Buick omtrrxmir mvrmn Torn Ate«lsevisi««B«iek l>«al«r

5 SCHOOL ISSUES U Doughty La. Fair Haven, N. J. Fen. U, 1WT Te the Editor: Is recent weeks thtra ha* bean great daal of attention, In tha local press, Justifiably given to tha Rumson-Fair Haven regional school problem both in the news column and on tha editorial pages' and In letters from readers. Many letters have appeared on both aides of tha Iwua and, unfortunately, faw have bean unemotional and factual in tone. Due to my own peraonal intercat In having a one high Khool available locally, at a cost within my meant, I have apent aome time and effort In studying the issues Involved and thereby have learned of tha height to which omotlona «! *«rs!:t4 and lictiil liiiu distorted. None, of tha many people who have expressed themselves on Ihia Issue to me, denlei that expanded faollltiea are badly needed. Faw eoutder that tha ultimate capacity of tho planned aebaol, Lo. «W students, la a precisely inwite pro)*euon but moat eanamar It a rsaeenabls 'guesstimate'. Though tha architecture baa been made controversial by a few, I personally *oubt that it hi a really vital Issue. Tha laniea moat people, who am not ramdly (or the school administration props** at any coat, come hell or high water, are considering are (1) eurrieulum, (1) coat and (I) and protect at tha hlcb Beboel I ahould Ilka to take tha opportunity afforded by your "betters" column to put forth the reaulte of a bit of private factflndlng that appeared necessary under preetnt dreumatanees: t The par student per year coat at present la tha highest of any similar community In tha toed area, I*. Ifonmouth county; In aome cases the excess lawoo and more. Sources Mr. Adamson's remarks at tha recent Rumson Improvement association forum and latter to tho editor, Long Branch Record, Feb. 7, 1167, by Harold Undemann. 1 Tha coat per atudent per year at present It no less than tha average of e> cross section of the best academies, preparatory schools, military schools and private technical and vocational achaola for day atudenta some of which are unendowed. Source 1MU7 school catalogs Andover, Katharine CMbbt. David Maants Oslleffs of Music. Bordentown Military, Blair academy, Hun school, Philips Exeter, Mercenburr academy. Westtown, etc. The only echools I noted In a rapid survey of private school catalogs for the earrent achool year, which had a hifher tuition rate for day students than Rumson high school were auch finishing schools as: Highland Manor, fl.obo; Kingswood school, W75. and some of the echools for correction or Intellectual defects, Le. schools for the ao-called "exceptional" child. 1. Aa far as I can determine from tha various reports Issued by Dr. Klnney, the education program at Rumson-Fair Haven regional la on the average Inferior to that of the average private schools and certainly not superior to that of the surrounding area public schools whose average tuition coat is $250 to $800 less per year. Source Dr. Klnney'a report on former students as best could be interpreted for the purpose ot this comparison. Dr. Klnney baast his plea for tha proposed new facilities on the premise that better educational. reaulte will M obtainable. Mr- Adamson's «etaparison of present eosto at eaeji schools as Milburn are'not considered relevant because (sj the community structure Is considerably different. I.e. there la a wide Industrial tax baas, (b) MUburn has neentto constructed, 'new achool bulldlngi tha construction cost and maintenance of which Is included In annual tuition otto. We have not yet incurred any capital coats faclmlee and the present structure has been paid for (except for the recent.and rather artntotat. Rumeon board of education, Fair Haven-Rumson regional " deal). 4. The highly controversial curriculum, which Dr. Klnney states, determined the design of the proposed new school building put firth by the school administration. It admittedly a catty one. Furthermore the educational *eauka can admittedly not be prodieted eince there are many experimental phases which have never been tested under local conditions and which admittedly require the very highest caliber of teaching personnel for an/ aueesssful results. Moreover oafleft admissions offices, tho prate- Ing the Idea, of tush a course as "Contemporary Uvmg"-aad the spirit which moves those who would like to have It part of the curriculum will not grant admissions credit for It 8oures-r-Mr. Kenny's remarks at the recent 5. With the recent Increase In salary schedules the Rumson-Fair Haven regional board brings this area In line with the surrounding local areas In recruiting of school personnel. This Is still gravely non-competitive with nearby a or with local Metropolitan ar Industry. Where and how do we get competent teachers? Dr. Kinnay In private conversation claims that tha proposed building will help turn the trick, a. The school administration has mads clear that it It hot particularly sympathetic to tha idea of supplying aome of Its baste financial requirements by means of outside help or by any action»f Its members leading toward a broader taxation base, I.e. Inviting business and light Industry Into tha area Including auch builneaaet aa Industrial.reaearch Jaboratoriet. private educational institutions, retell bus*, neu.etc. t. The federal government programa In education now bain* considered In Congress win, I brilevr, be pushed through by the administration In the near future since President Elsenhower has mode this Issue a mnior part of hi* over-all prot-ram. The nnestlon as to whether it would not be advlninle (or school boards planning mmltion* to their facilities to take" this factor Into consideration In their over-all school nrogram has not been clearly and completely discussed In the achool administrations public prssentetlons of Its case, * l. Tha money market is admittedly at one of the highest points In recant history. Locally we are fortunate In having the aid and advice of excellent people experienced In the municipal bond market and ths thought has occurred to me that a dearer delineation of the factors Involved might well be made by the school administration In Its publlo presentations of alternatives. On ths other hand, building costs will undoubtedly be going up In ths nsar future. These factors may balance out and the balance point should be dearly presented to the public, t. Lack of utilisation of prssent opportunities for snrlchlag the educational program hag raised serious questions la the minds of some people who have offered to make available auch help through parents croups, professional groups, etc. 10. Tha school board's Inaction In offering the voters any alternatives but the defeated plan or chaotic double session!, at "the same eoats or more as the addition" has raised the question of responsibilities of the school board. Are there not other possibilities to tide us over an emergency period than double sessions or a* capital Investment, the running caste of which will inevitably and markedly increase an already topheavy tuition rate? Many wonder why It is necessary to elect a school board and then have to to to the great trouble and expense of additional meet-!«e* <t*»«!blas f"ts. asking «S tematlve prapoaala to satisfy the obvious and well accepted needs Of the children of the area. In conclusion J am sure that test local reemente would agree that tha more light thrown en the question of how we can beat educate our future ciusens, at a eost which will not bankrupt many of at (and far this a thorough going economic survey of tha area showing what tuition costs can reasonably be barns by all the members of the community), the happier everyone oaneerasd will be. < Very truly yours, Milton Arenoff. CRITICIZES CURRICULUM eo Second 8t. Fair Haven. M. J. * 1 * Tha voters of Rumson and Fair Havtn were somewhat mtoltd at the recent panel discussion dealing with ths high school building problem. At thla meeting we were isd to believe that the subject, "Contemporary Living," waa only a very small part of tht proposed curriculum. Upon examining this eurrieulum, however, It la found that Contemporary Living, English and health and physical education are the only subjects required for all four years. Five periods of both English and Contemporary Living ara required each week fer all four years. Four periods of health and physical education are required each week of the four years, and flve pert " of history are required each watk durlng the junior and senior yean. Thla meant that 10 per esat of the student's time spent on required work to with the subjtct, Contemporary Living. That to much more Qua a small part of the curriculum. Just what thla subject offers by way of menial stimulation to difficult to ascertain. It* description In the school eurrieulum Indicates, generally, that It provides the opportunity for students to develop their personalities and all the other things that are so Important In the modern age. Out of the ft/no hours In a year, a student spends approximately l.oso hours in school. This to only about U per cent of hit time. Surely some of his remaining hours outside of school could be spent In developing hto personality and all these other thing* so necessary to modern living. At the rate man hat acquired knowledge and mads new discoveries hi the past few decades, It would seem that educators would be crying for more time In which to try to convey aome small bit of man's total understanding to the oncoming generation. Instead, we flnd a curriculum which requires no foreign language, in an age when foreign tongues are only hours distant; no required geography, when there to more opportunity for travel than ever before; no rewired tclenee, when new discoveries ara belnr mad* deity.about man's environment: no required mathematics, when all of man's material well-being to a result of hto mattery of mathematics; and only two yeart required of any of the social science* (history), whan man needs mom than ever before to study hto mistakes hi ths past In order to avoid them In the future. It teems that ths educators ara fearful that requiring a subject to be taught In tht Schools would be an admission that they had learned somethlng-^thtt they knew what should be taught. Or perhaoe some gumongutd. happy "educator" has said to them with a nourish: "Bine* we cant require students to team everything, well not require that they learn anything!" Sincerely. Harry Haustad RTJTJCATIOlf Humans Education Com- ^ea wjepiewserei ^^ ^^ ^ " ^ ^ t ^^^r^^m mlttee of N. J., In*. Fleets tell jour readers that tho Humana Education committee of N. J., a statewide chartered organisation. It supporting a Mil sponsored by Assemblyman Frederick H. Hauasr, which provides for the teaching of humane education in schools.. To be sure, many teachers have always inculcated such Ideas, but It was thought Sriss to have thla law on the statute books, thus allying Hew Jersey with many other states having the same law. Children theee days are presented aa much cruelty In so many ways that we hops making thla law a part ot their education may offset tha really horrible things presented to their Immature minds. Please request your readers to write their Assemblymen and Sen. Richard R. Stout to vote for this good law. The two aaaembhrman, atfton T. Barkalow aad Alfred N. Bsadlesten, have always been moat humane. Malcolm Forbes, who aspires to be governor. Is also rnott humane man and vary d of animals. Dumont tried two years ago to repeal our bill which prohibits the tale of single chicks. Thank you again. So many of oar members read yowpipw and tend us artidss. We pass 'em alor<r. Sincerely, Christiana Bertram, Secretary, Mill TO TOW THE NEW RADIOEAR Eyoflais Hnr.ii AM i 'jmsmaatl anaasnaajaa *T*S1*IJH H) Is M star **r SEE AND HEM IT NOW WIGHT L UMSTEMT 41 W.Pratt St. RoaHosI OtasaHsat «s «M Hard el Mark* Te the Editor I am sending herewith a copy of letter aad enclosures to Senator H. Alexander Smith which I thought might he of interest to your readers. Very truly yours, _. J. D. Tuller. Feb. M, MOT Hon. H. Alexander Smith Senate Office Building Washington, D. C., Detr Senator Smith: I greatly appreciate your extended letter of Feb. 2nd in reply to mine of Jan. list concerning the proposed federal budget and government spending. I am reluctant to burden you with further correspondence, but there are things that need to be laid to you and all members of ths House and Senate because you ara our l«.t ii-.»» icr CSii. It appears that spending has otten entirely out of control due to the tremendous power of various pressure groups some political, aome military, tome ideological, some bureaucratic, and aome Just plain selfleh. Unless the memben of Congres can summon sufficient courage aad Intestinal fortitude to tell these groups that the over-all good of the country must come first and follow this up with radical slashes in the budget, then I believe we are headed straight for eosootnte sulcms. This to?of course, Just what the Russians are waiting for Our fantastic expendltune lor Mease, economic aid, social welfare and all tha rest will not aave us but rather be among the causes of our downfall.. *l* 0!*L*' ;r l «" "»ur attenttan to tiro enclosures one re the unrealistic nature of the Income aide ot the proposed budget, the otherm..tract from Secret tary of Agriculture Benson's book, "Farmers at the Crossroads." It seema obvious we cannot continue to drift with the tide. With my very kindest peraonal regarda. Sincerely yours, J. D. Tuller. Tha Paternalistic Read to Dl»sl«r Htotonr Uaehes that when Indl- '"'" 'a.have given up looking after their own economic needs sad transferred a large share of * ""Wfattimy to the govern- ment, both they and the govern. ment have failed. At least JO great civilizations»** JHteppaared. The pattern to thooktoaly similar. AfiT before their eotlapte. showed a decline In spiritual values, in moral stamina 3ft STilX governmental paternalism and generally a rather elaborate set of tupperta, controls and regulations afreettng price*, wag**, production The** natloas which failed became so accustomed to a paternalistic course that they became Instnslbtt to the dangers confronting them until they were hopelessly engulfed. If we are to profit by the lesson* of history and avert the fate of that* other nations, we mutt steadfastly pursue and strengthen the course which leads toward greater Individual freedom and self-reliance. The fundamental principles and beliefs upon which this nation waa rounded and haa grown great are threatened today at never before. By whom are they threatened? First, of course, by outelde forces of evil, powerfully armed, under domination of the Soviet Union a threat too obvious and too widely known end appraised for what It Is to require further elaboration from me. But, In addition, we are confronted by threats from within. (Hveriuscat Finance M e a t Mai taflatteaary: Stabler Chairman Raymond 3. Saulnler of tit* Council of Economic Advtosrt told tha Congressional Joint Economic Committee that In hto opinion the new federal budget win not add to Inflationary pressures. The budget to not Inflationary, he said, because It to In balance. He Indicated a belief that the level of federal (pending to not dangerous aa long aa government revenues exceed outlays. Dr. Saulnler testified In a closed session. However, he hat agreed to permit publication of his testimony after he hat been given an opportunity to edit It (J. of Comm., 1/J». p. l) pending Rise Called A Threat Rtolng federal expenditures pose aa inflationary threat to the economy, tha first National City baak of Maw Tork tald in Ite monthly bank letter. The bank tald tt was no accldtnt that an upturn of occurred i taeraaaed. The bank said projected budget surplus** for fiscal Mara ending June 10, M67 and UN. are too tenuous aad too mud. They rest on postal rah meraaatt Congress hat been un willing to impose. They are Im periled by ths renewed tendency of expenditures of outrun original estimates, and will contlnn* to grow and prosper without cuts In the tax rate. (Times. 2/4, P. 2s) Excerpt from WEEKLY MEWS REVIEW. Vol. 7. No. 5, Week ended February 4, 1MT. Federal Reserve Baak of Ntw Tork. SCNDAT was no accident that an of Inflationary pressure as government spending d. The hank said prodt l f fi Merchantvllle, N. J. Feb. 30, IN* To the Editor: Tha Sunday closing of nonessentlal business in Nsw Jersey baa been a burning tome for tome months. Much haa been written In the newspapers about It Bills liavs been Introduced In the legislature to correct this situation which to beginning to change our by calling It "religtout." Everyone will grant that many of our "Bunday Laws" back over the years had a religious motivation. The leaders of state, mindful of the laws of God, wrote Into secular jurisprudence rules regarding the first dsv of the week. The earliest Sunday law waa decreed by Constantint. the first Christian emperor of Rome. The first Sunday law upon this continent was known at the Virginia law, passed in 1S10. Just three years after Virginia was colonized by Captain John Smith and. Gosnold. All of the states of the United States, with the exception of Nevadad, have some kind of Sunday laws. The Constitution of the United States give* recognition to the uniqueness of Sunday by reference in Article 1. Section T, paragraph 2, As our country grew, many people were blessed _ by these received protection from employers who might require dty after day of uninterrupted labor. Thus the Sunday law* moved into a new category. They were considered a* welfare measures and in 1883 the United State* ftuprame court ruled as follows: "Laws letting aside Sunday aa a day of rest are upheld not from any right of tha government to legislate for the promotion of religious observance, but from Ite right to protect all persons from the physical and moral debasement which comes from uninterrupted labor. Such laws have always been deemed beneficent and merciful laws, especially to tha poor and dependent, to the laborers In our factories and workshops, and In tht heated rooms of our cities, and their validity hat been sustained by highest courts of the states." To claim that these laws are un. constitution! to to plead ignorance of tha facto of our history. The courts have never declared them unconstitutional, and they have had repeated opportunity to so rule. It has been suggested that Sun day laws are tyrannical to those who observe another day of rest and worship. The word "tyrannical" Is a rather strong word to use. In every society that is well-organized. It must be recognised that then are places where we surrender aome rights to obtain some other rights. Tha operator of every motor vehicle recognizes that he must surrender his right to drive at an excessive tpeed for the good of all of the people and for hit own good as well. A man's liberty Is always subject to the rights of other* and the best Interests of the majority of the community. All or us are grateful for the gains that have been made by the rank and (lie of the people of our state In the field of labor. Without Sunday laws for their Protection, labor would be set back many years. Workers would discover that Sunday would no longer be the family day of rest, but just another work day. Even the auggestlon made by aome well-meaning people that we allow different days to be set aside as a day of rest to not really a workable one. We have made progress In the areas of fair employment practices. To allow this suggestion would defeat much of this progress. To follow that suggestion would mean that those who observe the first day might only employ first day observers, while those who observe another day might have to refrain from employing those who observe the first day. The suggestion might sound feasible, but mtny people would suffer should tt be followed. We would suggest that those who observe another day continue to support the day we now enjoy and at the same time work for recognition for their day as wall. The trend today Is for a five-day week, not six. and certainly not seven. They will flnd many supporters coming to their assistance. Assemblywoman Emma Newton of Ptasale county hat Introduced a bill. Assembly No. 181, which can correct the Sunday problem. The preamble to that bill atetet, "Whereas the sale and offering for sale on Sunday of certain goods, wares and merchandise te adversely affecting the proper observance of Sunday andtocausing traffic congestion and an undue Interference with tht peace and quiet of Sunday and with the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the State..." It Is our hope that this Mil will gain gnat support within the next few weekt and that tt win ultimately be enacted Into law, sincerely yc SamuefA ṿura, Jeanes, Oenenl Secretary, Lord's Day Alliance of Ntw Jersey Red Sank. N. J. Feb. ai, 1957 To the Editor: The Sisterhood of Congregation Bnal Israel to moat grateful to you for your invsluablt help in making our flrnt InUrfatth Institute th* success It was. The women who were our guests that day and represented almost avery church In Red Bank, have expressed their thanks to us and reported great interest and enthusiasm In similar events at future dates. If, la tome small measure, Sisterhood has brought about a keener realisation of the meaning 1 of Brotherhood week, we feel well rewarded. This reward wa must share with you, because your fine editorial, excellent newt stories and helpful pictures did what no amount of effort on our part could have dona. Again, our deepest gratitude. Moat alncsreir, Mrs. Irving Diamond FEBRUARY CLEARANCE SALE LOW STANDARD PlNANCf TERMS I MOUNT-ENGUSH to MONMOUTM STRUT SALES CO. UP lank, N. J. To tha Editor: Evidently at this juncture of history, Middle Eaat problems must be viewed on two levels. The first is rational, logical by objective standards. The other Is in the realm of power politics, which has a logic of ite own. On the level af reason and justice, th* basia of settlement is clear and ahould Include the following elements: Col. Nasser must accept Israel's right to exist. Israel waa formally established by the United Nations and it has become an important member «f the family of nations. It haa made indisputably clear ite will and capacity to, exist. Only the Arab nations refuse to face this fact. They announce and act on their determination to destroy Israel, thus making peace on any basis impossible. Therefore, the first step in any permanent settlement is for the UN to *»t iiaaser to accept Israel'* right to be. Other steps should logically follow. Acceptance of Israel should mean the end of harassment and Incitement. Israel has endured eight years of murder and pillage. This harassment was Incited and executed by Nasser and Arab leaders. There to a limit to the pattonoe of the people of Israel. The basic responsibilities He with the source of the provocation. Col. Nasser and th* Arab leaden should bo directed by UN to'cease and desist from what to In effect a constant state of war upon Iaraal. Stoppage of harassment should Include th* economic war. Ths Arab states have boycotted Israel In order to strangle It. Not only have thty refused to buy from or tell to Israel, but they have boycotted firms from whatever country which does business with Israel. In fact, they have ctrrltd this boycott to business of foreign firm* with Jewish employees or directors. Apart from ths disastrous effects on the Arabs themselves who would greatly benefit from Jewish products and markets, this economic warfare must be stopped If there Is to be peace, Egypt closed the Suez canal to all shipping to and from Israel. This was done In open violation of a UN resolution. Consequently, when Nasser nationalized the canal the precedent had already been established of the arbitrary, willful closing of It to the shipping of those 7 In his disfavor despite International law and commitments. The British and French saw this, as they had failed to see the warning when Hitler seized the Ruhr In There must be guarantee* giving equal rights to the shipping of all nations. Economic aid should be given to all Middle East nations ready to make peace, The real problem of the Arab peoples Is not Israel, but their own poverty. Nasser h u mortgaged the Egyptian economy for Communist arms. For example, the Jordan water project worked out by Eric Johnston would give unlimited aid to all peoples in this area. Ths plan was rejected by th«arab government because Ite acceptance, they felt, would be recognition of Israel's right to exist. The United States should be realistic about the whole situation. We should insist upon Arab-Israel negotiations a* the best and only method of securing a dependahle peace. Cease to appease Nasser and face Nasserlsm as the Middle East equivalent to Hltlerlsm. Strengthen the Western Alliance, which, In the face of Russia's penetration of the Middle East at Nasser's Invitation Is more necessary than aver. Offer a de fense alliance to Israel, the only Middle East, country unequivocally committed to the West and th* United States and which to militarily strong. The United Nations must not vote sanotlons against Israel for this would establish a precedent of fearing the strong and bullying th* weak. This procedure will never work and would most certainly tend to weaken the United Nations Itself down to Its very foundation. The people* of Israel have a long and rich culture to five Jo the world. Let us give them the opportunities, so all free, people* everywhere may benefit Tours sincerely, Martin L. Wachtel COMMUTER'S ALMANAC 14S Liberty St. New York a, N. T. Fab.»,1MT To tha Editor: I am glad you had an opportunity to look over the tevtrsfissuea of our "Jersey Central Commuter 1 * Almanac, which I tent along to you with my letter of Jan. and that you found they contained "aome Intonating readli build something of a case.. the railroad claim that commuting service to an out-of-pocket loss," a* noted In your editorial, "It the Far* Fair?" In last week's (Ftb. 14) Register, Inasmuch as I sent along several issue* of our almanac, you probably did not have th* time or opportunity to read completely the Travel Talk" columns In eaeb one. Therefore, I am taking th* liberty of enclosing anothtr copy of last November's almanac, In which you will flnd information that I believe answers your "demand that there be a criss-cross presentation of actual rallrtad earnings and losses that can directly attributed to commuter service." I know of no better er raflraed and our commuters arc faced as a result of them. I am disappointed that you still feel that we have not taken the public into our confidence with respect to our mutual problems. There may be other transportation companies which have done a better Job of this than we have, but none has coma to my attention. We would like to do an even better Job. and 1 would welcome any constructive suggestion* to that end. You are undoubtedly aware that communities In the New Jersey- New York metropolitan area which BOW have comnmur service have a very real stake in some adequate solution to the overall problem of continuing it. If you feel that It might be helpful In enabling the preas to cooperate In the interest of public service, as you point out that you are more than wiling to do, I would be very glad to discus* ttm >n«lr«nmhi.nwith you personally at a mutuallysatisfactory tlma and place. Sincerely, E. T. Moore President 1 MIR tnmbi Vmnhf, ftiv 9k m EAOLE TAFFKEAD 111 Park Rd., Fair Haven. N. J. Feb. 1», 1*57 Tt the Editor: Tha enclosed haa been brought to my attention and I would. Ilka to submit tt tor your consideration of printing same In your paper, provided you have not been previously informed of atme. Very truly yours, Mrs. Ethel Bowman One of Aesop's Fables tells of a bird, a Jay, which finding some peacock's feathers lying about, stuck them in its tail and started strutting around among its tribe, but which. In quick action, told it where it "got off." Similarly, I'm wondering if you would not treat with near-contempt a GI private you saw parading around with a general's five stars pinned to his shoulder straps? Very probably, you do not know that an eagle ataffhead on any civilian's flagstaff is no less than usurpation of a presidential prerogative, Army Reg. 1*17, devised that eagle staffhead solely for the flagstaff of a President's personal flag, which Is never a "Btars * Stripes." In a parade you never * ttie Army'a flag or the Navy's ensign with other than a spear staffhead. Primarily, flagstaff* were Implements of war, and were fixed with a epearhead, the only correct staffhead for all civilians' flagstaffs. Now that you have the facts I'm sun you will not be one of those Jay birds, and whenever you see an eagle staffhead you will take action to have It replaced with a spear. United States Flag Foundation American Flag Association Grldley Adams Director-General T*J Boulevard East Weekawken, N. J. INQUIRY ABOUT A CAT Naveslnk. N. J. Feb. 31, 1987 To the Editor: Just before Christmas I found a good home for a cat belonging to neighbors who were leaving. Unfortunately the animal escaped from the car at Sea Bright. As it it a handsome black Persian and a male. I have consoled myself by hoping that It found a good home. If anyone has It and wants to keep it I would be grateful to receive a postcard telling of the happy outcome of this unfortunate affair. I would have written about this earlier but I have been ill. Youn very truly, Marsant Ltnte Raoul Something More Than Just Bottle of Milk Purifwi MILK GO. i Tesalgaaaaat BraadMraat Are You in this Group? o Doctors, lawyers ind professional men o lutinest executives ana) telf-amployed o Salesmen and traveling men e Retiree) peep'* and widows a Armed forces and civil strvice personnel e Parents planning for children's future o Administrators of funds These ara the buyers ot most Mutual Fund shares old today. Why? Time-saving freedom from detail, leassned risk through diversification, professional management, and income opportunity. For our *uggestlons designed to fit you, return coupon today. K. R. HEYMAH & CO. Investment Securities HAMILTON MJILMN* SHadysida WIST MONT ST. U0 1AMK. M. JL K. R. HCYMAN * CO. 43 WEST FHONT ST. BED BANK. N. J. Please send me free Mutual Fund booklet: -Trie.. at,..ststt. look how new! Tha new tvbtu striping* in allwool shttltnds You'll appreciate tha naw look of bulky padding and* tha alliance of oppressive weight in thasa Spring Sport Coatt. Naturally trim with slim lapati... luxuriously comfortable.. \ tastefully colorful. Do yourself a good turn... choose yours todtyl SHUN* SPORT COATS 32.M te> SUCKS re 21.M SHOP FRIDAY 'TIL P. W. It Pays to Use Classified Disphy

6 r. T*». l«7 RED BAXK RECfSTKI RED BANK REGISTER 4MS evaai Ssnel, Bad Bank, M. J. ESTABLISHED 1171 sty J*hn a C<Mk a*)d Heary a»j ekerriptlaa frieee Is Advance OH HI MOO. fj* Mntht <! «. Simla rcpr at eountar, 1«eanta. TW Red Bank RafUtar I H U H H no financial raaponsjmiltiea for tjrpasrapmral arron In advertisements, but «J*)1 iprint wilhom china, that pin»t an edvtrtlatflaaat ia which tile typacrmphieel arror ocean. Ad>erejeen will plmm notify tha maftafamaht iwaiedlauly of ajar arror which mar occur. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1W7 Let's Keep It Clean! Once more we feel compelled to comment on the condition of streets in the business section, particularly Broad, Monmouth, White and Front HU. Tlie mount of trasli which is strewn about, waiting winds to blow it around, is a disgrace. It certainly is a disheartening condition caused by otherwise alert businessmen. The borough requires that trasli left st the curb lie securely bundled. Violators of that provision should suffer the penalties prescribed. Certainly, souie forceful act is in demand if Hroiid st. is to maintain its popularity among shoppers. The condition of tlie main thoroughfare the pant couple of Sundays was anything but desirable. We can't imagine window-shopping strollers taking kindly to the necessity of wading through store sweepings and assorted rubbish. Another sorry condition common to many borough streets is ordinary sidewalk cleanliness. There are a few business proprietors who haven't seen to it that the sidewalks in front of their stores were wept for at least a couple of months. Broken glass in the same place for weeks on end attest to that complaint. Perhaps the Red Bank Community Chamber of Commerce, which is quick to exploit the borough's many qualities, might take up this matter with offending tore owners in the interest of community pride. Community Spirit The position of provost (vice president) of Rutgers university is one that two men ordinarily would have much trouble filling. There is that much work involved. Add to that teaching a number of philosophy classes at the state university during the week and countless speaking engagements before civic, educational, church, alumni and student groups to name only a few types of organisations. That is just a small part of the busy schedule of Dr. Mason W. Gross, a Rum on resident, Now, we are interested to lean, he Is taking an active part in helping solve the deadlocked 91,200,000 Rumson-Fair Ha Ten regional high school expansion program proposed by the board of education. Dr. Gross served as a panel member at the Rumson Improvement association's forum on "The Relationship of the Tax payer to Public Education." He also is chairman of a 12-member "investigating" group, recently established by the Gitisens' committee for the Rumson-Fair Haven regional district The six Rumson and six Fair Haven residents who form toe unit will bring in a complete study of the high school building problem to be used as a guide for the committee, the board of education and district voters. It is a difficult, painstaking task one that requires special meetings and many hours of research. We warmly applaud the community spirit of Dr. Gross. Both Rumson and Fair Haven are fortunate in having a man of such high professional standing assist them in finding a solution to a vexing problem, A Code of Conduct Fair Haven's teenagers, like the teen agers in most communities today, have come in for-tlieir share of criticism. As the result most likely of the actions of a few, teenagers in general are condemned nd charged with juvenile delinquency vandalism and the like. Now as in the past, some oldsters point to the younger generation as "the lost gen ration" and hold up the actions of a mi nority as being typical of all in that age group. Seldom do we hear of the teenagers constructively answering their critics, and, even less frequently do we hear of effort being made to prove their critics wrong. In that vein, the eighth graders of Fair Haven't) schools seem to have set a precedent. Monday night, the eighth grade class, 75 strong, turned out to place before the mayor and council a code of con duct which they not only evolved themselves, but by which they have pledged to abide. Fair Haven'* eighth grader*, their teachers and their parents are to he con gratulated. The code lays down rule* of behavior, which if followed will prove not only to tlie resident* of Fair Huven but to this entire area that Fuir Haven teenagers are 11 credit to their community and to society. I J Only Themselves to Blame There's an old story that goes: "You'll have (o stay thirsty if you won't go to the well." It seems appropriate to remember in the light of the recent commuter tare In crease on the ruili'oadn. Many, it liucl appeared, were up in arms over the price boost. Tlio issue went for decniion to a public body, the Iuterxtat«Commerce Commission. Tlieu what happened? William H. Dinsinore of Holmdel, one who did take personal action against the increase, writes this: "iiiv iutiiitiiij, I Mia iiiuttftvu iu OK illformed by Rep. (James C.) Anchiiiclmw R.-X.J.) that the Interstate Commerce Commission has received only three or four protests from individual commuters." That's the way it goes. The commuters have a serious problem that upsets them. The fares soar higher, trains run late or dirty, and the riders are sore. Privately, von CUM hear them grumble all over the ;>lace. But they fail to do the one thing hey can do as citizens make their optu ions known in a way that they won't bi> wasted, for example, in writing letters to the l.c.c. The result is like the story of the citizen who denounced the way politics were going but forgot to vote on election day. Apathy is no vehicle to use iu riding to victor v. The YMCA's Summer Camp For much more than three-quarters of a century now the Red Bank Community Y.M.C.A. has rendered an invaluable service to the area. This organisation has provided many facilities for tbe leisure time activities of the youth and the adults so they may spend their free time in a constructive manner. Last year the 'Y' started a summer day camp, which enabled 310 boys and girls to have the benefit of summer camping, which they probably would not have had the joy of experiencing otherwise. This year the 'Y'.has announced that it will hold the summer camp once more. But this threatens to be the last year that it will be able to sponsor a tuunmer day camp, unless some charitable soul makes a contribution of some acres of land that could be used in the future for a campsite. Officials are hoping that there is someone in the area who will make such a grant because they feel that the summer camp program offers the prospect of several hundred children having part of their summer vacations planned and supervised for them in an atmosphere conducive to healthier growing. This year the camp will be conducted again on tbe same site as last year. This has been made possible through the generosity of Jacob R. V. M. Lefferts, who has offered the use of the land until he is ready to build on it, which is expected to be at the end of this year., If Camp Arrowhead is to become a permanent part of this area a contribution of some acres will have to lie made soon to the Red Bank Community Y.M.C.A. mciaioror INTHfOlOVfTEtAN 'A Shocking Record 1 President Eisenhower, disturbed for years by the continuing 'trend toward more fatalities on the nation's highways, recently described as "a shocking record the death of more than 40,000 Americans in traffic accidents in The President called for "an uphill fight to prevent a repetition" of such a record this year. He said, "While the basic authority for traffic control' rests with state and local officials, the responsibility for behaving sensibly in traffic is shared by ah of us... I hope that every organ iied group in every walk of life in America realises it can help promote safety on our roads and streets and stop thin wanton killing. There is no more worthwhile objective." It is important for everyone who drives a car or a truck, who rides a bike or motorcycle or who walks along the public streets and roads to know that traffic dangers have become so serious through out the country that they have caused the President to set up a 48-state safety committee, headed by the governors. When this committee met at tbe White House, much attention was given to tbe no-kill tickets and license suspensions in force in New Jersey and Connecticut. Gov. Abraham Rlbicoff of Connecticut, committee chairman, expressed the view that if enforced with vigor, such accident prevention methods might save 10,0(M) liven a year. "We have found," he said, "that a person who won't slow down to save his life will slow down to SOVR hi* license." This may be true. But even with it, the death toll ou the roads continue* to mount. More and more it liehooven the Individual on the road to do UH the President asks, share "the responsibility for behaving sensibly." Until the public accepts that policy as its own, an it must, our roads will continue to loiul to the graveyard. i By Attorney General Orovar C. Rlehman, Jr. (Thli li tbe fifth In a aerlei of rhelm on traffic rafaty baaed on extracti from the Driver'* Manual. It H hoped that knowledge of New Jereey'e traffic lawa will help reduce the number of casualties on the roadway* of the State.) PEDESTRIANS When It ii coneldercd that alraoat half the traffic deatha In New Jeney each year are pedeatrlani, the reeponalbllty of everyone concerned In preventing this type of accident le obvloui. The New Jertey traffic law require) that pedestrlani observe certain regulation* when eroiilnr or walking In the roadway and provides a penalty for violation!. These regulations Include: 1. Pedestrlitna aro required to observe traffic control signals. 2. At Intersections where traffic la controlled by a police officer or traffic signal, pedestrlana shall not cross a highway at point other than a crosswalk. Use Croiiwalks Only i. Where traffic Is not controlled by a police officer or traffic signals and pedestrians are crossing at an Intersection, they shall eroaa at the marked crosswalk or, If unmarked, within the area that would normally be marked for pedestrian uoo -i a crosswalk. When crossing at a paint other than an Intersection, pedestrians shall cross at right anglea to the curb or roadway after yielding the right of way to all vehicles. 4. Where sidewalks arc provided alongside a roadway, it Is unlawful tor pedestrians to walk ia the roadway. In the absence of sidewalks or footpaths where pedestrlsns must walk in the roadway, they are required to walk on tbe extreme left side facing approaching traffic. Death Over M Despite these regulations, persons on foot particularly the very young and the elderly are often careless about obeying the rules. In fact, almost two-thlrda of the pedestrians killed In traffic each year In New Jersey are over 60 yeara of age. And It Is the high casualty totals among the elderly and the very young which emphasize the great responilbllty of the motorist In protecting thobe who cannot be expected to be as alert and traffic conscious as the driver. Drivers should be particularly alert for pedestrians attempting to cross between Intersections. Almost half the pedestrian accidents result from this action. Parked vehicles aleng the side of the road, which often obstruct a driver's view of a pedestrian start- Ing to cross, should be a constant warning for driving caution and reduced speed. At intersection!, drivers should be alert for the pedestrian crossing against a traffic signal. And motorists should remember their responsibility under the law at such locations by reducing speed and being prepared to avoid an accident. Night Driving Night time is accident time for the pedestrian. The hours between I p. m. and midnight are the most perilous for the person on foot. When you drive at night, drive at reduced speeds. Don't over-drive your headlights that to, be sura you can stop within the distance you can see clearly ahead. Pedestrians in dark cloth- Ing are difficult to see when walking either within or at the side of a dark roadway. Motorists have) a responsibility for the protection of pedestrians. Although a pedestrian may be careless la observing the safe walking regulations. It is no Juatlilcatlon for a driver's claim of Innocence ia the event of an accident Editorial Views 0/Other Papers! FEDERAL "AID" TO TBS STATES Anyone who oppo*** any expenditure with the label "education" on it risk* bslng accused of opposing sducauon itsslf. But eartalnly a basic question needs to b* raised about tbe current Administration backed proposal for 'Increased aid to th* state* for school building. It would provide $1.1 billion of F*d*ral grants for, four years to states under a matching formula whereby the so-called poorer etate* would pay a smaller proportion of th* cost* than richer atatea. Thia formula perpetuates the fiction that through such Federal aid the etate* with highest p*r capita Incom* contribute 'heavily to th* needs of other states. Th* fact I*, a r*c*nt etudy shows, that:in* than one-quarter of mien fundi actually get channelled from aome atatea to other*, while nor* than thrae-quartera Just make a round trip to Washington and back to where th*y cam* from and ahrlnk on th* trip. The (tudy, by the New Jeraey Taxpayera' Association, shows that in 19M itat* "aid" distributed by Unel* Sam wa* $J.S billion. Of that, It la *stlmated that dnly $800 million actually went out of com* *tate* and Into other*. The other tt.b billion made the round trip. Even these figure* leave out two factors of cost. One of these Is th* administrative cost. There is no precise figure for It, aa these coat* ar* burled in the general expenditure* of the agencies' that do the handing out. In other words, the cltisene of stch state, aa they pay income and other Federal taxes, contribute another unknown number of cents in unallocated costs In order to get that dollar of "aid." The other cost which 1* not calculable lies In weakened local and state government*. Control over the use of the money Is lea* bscavse there are alway* Federal ctring* to any aid. There I* also a loss In tax reeourcea and In th* aenie ol local reaponilblllty. These are not Intangible le***s ust becauae they can't b* calculated. They are reflected in tha growth of the Federal budget a* compared with that of local budgeta. From 1929 to 1966 local expenditure* remained unchanged In relation to the nation'* total output of goods and aervlcg* at 7.S percent. But Federal expedtturea ballooned from 9,6 per cant to almost' It per cent. liven taking EVENTS OF YEARS AQO FROM REQISTER FILES out of the latter figure* the outlays for defense on the theory they're not our fault but that of the whole world, the Federal figure rose to t or per cent. It Is the habit of always running to Washington which threatens to put the Federal budget out of control, if the localities Insisted on handling their own affairs, of which school* are * prim* example, without Interiorence-or h«lp-f rom a centralised bureaucracy, the Federal government would not have grown so big. -WALL STREET JOURNAL. February 11, 1987 THE GOLDEN ROAD TO WASHINGTON While the excellent transportation and communications systems between the nation's capital and the rest of the country are obvious on various map* and charts, there's a highly significant and costly; but less known round-trip rout* that taxpayers' fund* take between the statoi aad Washington. Researchers of the New Jersey Taxpayers association have outlined this golden trail of tax funds In a brochure titled "Fedoral Aid-Quick Money or Quicksand." This shows how taxpayers' dollars go to the nation'! capital where some are peeled off, given the Washington treatment and transformed Into federal "aid." The Washington treatment inoludm the addition of administrative cost* and federal controls lover how the money Is to be spent on state and local protects through some 82 federal grants programs. Growing by leap* sod bounds, federal aid, which totaled leaa than a halt billion dollar* In 1M8, grew to $8,3 billion In fiscal 19M and is proposed In the amount of W.5 billion In the next fiscal year's budget. The studies repudiate the very popular argument that fsderal aid Is the means by which the rich areas of the country help the "poor" statee. Nationally, It la shown, only 3S cents out of the federal aid dollar Is transferred from the "aiding" to the "aided" state*. The major 7T per cent share of the federal "aid" program actually represent* tax monsy whleh Just "takes a round trip to Washington" and returns with strings attached. Railing the question of how mueh federal "aid" the country can afford, the Taxpayers study points out: "Trus oost I* not calculable In dollars alone. It Includes weakened state and local government, surrender of local determination and loan of the sense of local responsibility that Is the root of sound expenditure. These»r* costs whleh no government can bear and remain free." a* Years Age A party was held at John B. Stlllwagon's at Everett. The evening was apent playing games and dancing. Thomas Clark and on provided the music. A luncheon was served at midnight. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Luther Bchanck of Brookdale, Mr. and lira. Bernard Hicksy, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Hanklneon, Mr. and Mr*. Harold Stout, Mr. and Mrs. Lemuel Soden and Mis* Edith Stout of Trenton, Miss Eva Stlllwagon of Matewan, Misses Carrie, Myrtle and Fanny Antontufca,!ft*\Ci*ct St'!* *'a»wiu Mai jr and Katie Stlllwagon, Frank Fenton, Leroy and Howard Antonide*, Arthur Soden, Charles Stllrwagon, Eugene liagee, Charles Mack, C. V. Stlllwagon and Joseph Carton. The 18th anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and Mra. John P. Combs of South st. and aim Mra. Comb*'* birthday was celebrated by the couple by having la a few friends for the evening. It was somewhat in the nature of a euprise. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Minton, James H. Minton and family, Mra. Cecelia Lang, Elwood W. Minton and family and Mr. and Mra. Prentlss Minton. Miss Annie Teomans of Oceanic was unable to superintend her Sunday-school class at the Oceanic Presbyterian church because (he sustained a broken shoulder when she slipped on the ice and fell on the way to Sunday- School. Miss Roae Van Neat taught her claas that particular day. Farmers, ahlpplng produce to New York from Red Bank via New York and Long Branch railroad, petitioned the company for a separate switch near Its freight house and to have at least three freight ears on the switch dally during the summer. Under the present condition It la aid that fruit and vegetable* sent from here are often spoiled before they reach their destination. John L. Bennett led In the checker tournament at the Young Men'* Chrlatlan Aaaoclatlon with 19 game* to hi* credit. William Curchin was second, having won It game*. Mr. Bennett lost hi* first game to Mlllard F. Tetley. Joseph Kennedy, Andrew Wilson, and Frank Longatreet of Oceanic went out In the Iceboat Dixby for a moonlight sail. Everything waa all right until the boat struck a stake, when everything went wrong. Kennedy was thrown out of the boat and his mouth was cut, and several of his teeth were knocked loose. Dr. Wbltmore was summoned, and had to take several stitches to close the young man's wounds. Neither Wilson nor Longstreet received any aerlous Injuries. A surprise party was tendered Miss Isabel Orapel of Broad st. while eh* was home from the Trenton normal school. Music for dancing waa tarnished by Mies Grapel's father on the piano. Those present were Miaaea Mabel Wilbur, Marlon McQueen, Mabel Truex and Essie Coteman, and Rusaell Tilton, Lawrence Conover, Edward Davis, Lester Banco, Leon de la Reuasllle. Harry Malchow, Paul ds la Reusallle, Harry Obre and Adolph Orapel. CommlMloner Robert T. Smith and Miss Elisabeth T. Reed were united in marriage by Rev. Alfred Wagg, pastor of the First Methodist church, in the pressnes of only a few Intimate friends. The newly-elected officers of Independent engine oo. of the Red Bank lira department were Installed by Thomas Irving Brown, secretary of the company. At the table William A. Sweeney gave the Invocation. William Plntard made the principal addreaa of the evening relating many of the experieneea of tire volunteer firemen in the early day* of the village. Selections were given on the Oraphophone by Fred Bray. The "Labor Organisation of Shrewsbury Township" was a name given to a new organisation of men, most of whom were employed on the Rumson rd. properties. The officer* unanimously elected were Frank Fox, president; William Hlntletnenn, secretary; and William Mean, was elscted treasurer. The committee to draft bylaw* waa named, consisting of Alfred Brighton, William Porter, A. J. Drager and P. F. Shea, Jr. Rev. James A. Reynolds, rector of the St. Jamee church, waa vacationing in th* aouth,»t Plnehurat, North Carolina. Ha wrote to friend* In town that he waa having a wonderful time and was spending much of hi* time off from religious duties enjoying time on the golf course. There was a lot of "horse talk" at the Sheridan hotel one afternoon, and many terms of horaefleah cam* in for a share of attention. During the discussion Holly Olmstead of Ttnton Falls entered the hotel and. listening to th* conversation, said that he would trade horses with anybody thsrs. John Harvey, mall carrier between Red Bank and Phalanx, said he would swap horses If he, Mr. Olmatead, would give him 18 to boot. Olmstead was willing and the two men shook hand*. Both horses were blanketed when the swap was made and neither trader knew anything about the condition of the other's animal. Soon after the trade was mad* each man hitched up hie new horss to hi* wagon to start for home, When Mr. Harvey took the blanket off his horse, he found many running sorts on the hone's back. When Mr. Olmstead took the blanket off hi* horn, It (turn bled and nearly fell. Mr. Olmetead took a look at the animal'* head and found that the horse waa blind In both syes. Corliss Q. Bennett, aged, son of William Bennett and one of the oldest residents of Batontown, died of pneumonia. He had always lived at Batontown, and wa* born on the farm where he died, HI* wife, who passed sway nearly three year* previous, waa June B. Wolcott, daughter of Benjamin Wolcott, who also lived at Batontown many yeara. Petition* were being circulated about town, which were to be presented to the board of commissioners about Sunday closings, which allowed only drug stores to do business, confining their activities to selling medicine, and putt(ng up prescriptions. The movement waa headed by R«v. T. A. Beekman, pastor of th* Reformed church and Mre. James H. Sickle* and Mrs. Wayman Wilson. Mra. Harriet L. Brewer, wife of Wilso- B. Brower, died at the home of her brother Martin Van Buren Smock of Branch ave. She waa M year* old and had poor health for several months. For many year* ebe waa a teacher In the Red Bank Presbyterian Sundav aennnl Capt. George A. Sown*, who id charge of the Banjanln Origga farm at Port Monsswth several yean, decided to quit th* farming. Mr*. Bowne died about Ix month*, previous and' hi* daughter, being recently married, wae what prompted hlme to give up the farm. The place wa* conducted later by hi* two daughters. Mrs Harold Thompson and Lydia Wyckoff. His daughter Jessie who wa* married previous became the wife of Harold Thompson. The ceremony wa* performed at the bride'e home by Rev. Horace R. Gobdehlld, pastor of th* New Monmouth Baptist church. U Yean Ago Many Monmouth county people lost their money which they Inverted In HolIywood-by-the-Sea CO., a Florida real eatate speculative Investment which failed completely. For a very short time the company paid cash dividends. This was followed by paying dividends In scrip and then nothing. The Red Bank Rotary club observed it's 11th anniversary. Mort V. Pach, the club's tint president, wa* at th* meeting. He gave a ehort 'talk on the Rotary and its purposes. The Boro Bus co. celebrated It* 10th anniversary. It started business with its rolling stock consisting of three buee* and with a B*lt-llne through the buslneaa section of Red Bank and Shrewsbury ave.. and a Rumeoa line. On it* anniversary It had M mod. era buses which were used tor paaaenger purposes. A girl scout troop was organised at th* Red Bank Junior high school with Mrs. Howard Manning a* lieutenant, and Barbara Deckart aa captain. Member* were Doris Swift, Ruth Shepter, Dorothy Norcon, Marjorle Thomas Helen McOee, Marjorie Norcon, Davlna Maclnnea, Allayne Johnson, Betty Huhn, Madeline Hendrlckson, Lilly Hiavlland, Jans Hannah, Dorothy Griffin Vsra Durhan, Mlna Davis,,.:.V,lcent Chlnnock, Dorothy Weat, Ruth Walker, Virginia Lawrence, Elaine Gregory, Lillian Pflug, Marie CantlUlon, Adele Heppner and Marguerite Hayberry. The stock and fixture* of Samuel*' Shoe store conducted by Wllllan 8. Berkowita in tha Haddon block on Broad st. was sold under the hammer. Nearly SOW pain of shoe* were disposed of and they brought about $1,000. The sale was held In the interests of the creditor*. A bicentennial of the birthday of George Washington was observed by the Free-Mason* of Red Bank. Harold V. B. Veorhls, historian of th* Mystic Brotherhood lodge of Red Bank and one of the beat informed In this vountry on Masonic history, gave an address on "WasUagton, th* Mason". Th* Bnal Hebrew society wa* obaerving if* 10th anniversary. They were co-operating with Rabbi Nathan Wltkln, who gave a aerlea of film-slide lectures on "Th* Woman Pioneer ia Pale*. tine". The officer* of the society were Mra. Leon Reuckhaui, prealdent; Mn. Milton Siegfried, vice president; Mr*. Isaac Richmond, treasurer; Mra. Harry Feldt. recording secretary; Mr*. Samuel Greenblatt, financial eecretary; and Mr*. Max Leon, Mr*. Harry Kohn, > Mr*. Samuel Swarti, Mr*. Cohen, aad Mrs. Benjamin Adlsr,.trustees. Mrs, William Coma was in charge of th* oommttte* arranging for a monster card party to be given in the Red Bank Catholic Ugh aehool auditorium by th* Parent Teacher* association. Hh* waa assisted by Mr*. Harry Qulnn, Mr*. William Span**, Mrs. Edward McKeowen, Mrs. Harry Jackson, Mr*. Edward Healy and Miss Margaret Murphey. Wallace Jeffory, who was recently admitted to the bar, won hi* tint CM* whan he appeared before Juatle* Elmer C Wain- Wright of Shrewsbury. He was connected with the law office of Edward W. Wlae. Mra. Leon W. Conrow of SUverwhito Garden, costumed as a Spanish ssnora, was awarded first prise for th* Prettlaat Costume at a ball held at Albury Park. More thin 400 persons attended, and at Itast fifty oouplee participated in the grand inarch, Robert Wharton of Sea Bright, a prominent resident, died at a New York hospital of complication*. He wa* M years old and a contracting painter by trad*. - About 100 parson* attended a card party given at th* Red Bank Woman's club for th* benefit of the Braille blind fund. Forty table* were In play, and novelty aah tray* were th* prise*. Mr. and Mra..Henry Lent* of East Keansburg attendsd a *urprise party on the celebration of their Ktth wedding anniversary, A dinner wa* served, and dancing wa* enjoyed until th* very late hour*. Jo* Stryk.r, star pttofen for tbe Red Bank "Townen," gavs up hi* poaltlon with th* Broad at. National bank aad left for Orlando, Florida, where he began training with th* "Houae of David Nine". Before golnt south, Jo* acquired on* of th* "musts" that he rals* a beard. Oarrett F. Bmmon* of Kolmdal, aged 84 yean, waa a victim.of pneumonia, He wa* a farmer by occupation, but has been retired from active work several year*. Mrs. Jossphlne Curtis of Little Silver observed her tlnd birthday. Most of th* day wa* spent entertaining her children, grandchildren, other relatives, and friend*. Among her visitors were her two slstere and a brother raaldlng in' Rumson. They wars Mrs. Carolina Buchanan, N years WyeanoU. Beraoa S. PreaUc* of Ruauor, a prominent figure in th* tenn world, waa appointed chairmi of the Davi* Cup committee of th United Bute* Lawn Tennis aasot latlon. If iu Joiephine Lang of Shrew* bury waa hostess at a bridg* teat her horn* for Mia* Catherir McCarthy of Fr**koM. About gu**t* were preaent. A Nottln ham china vaa* decorated wi silver wa* praaented to Hit* He- Carthy, who** mgagement t> Edward Farnum at New Tork was recently annouaeod. Ml** Su* Welch, daughter C CouneUman and Mrs. Edward - Welch of Sea Bright, became tr bride of Ambers* Nelson, a coa guard at th* Sea Bright atttio Rev. Howard Raeh, pastor of ti Sea Bright Methodist church, pe formed tie eermony at it church paraonago. Mr. aad Mr Jerom* Welsh of Sea Bright we the attendant*. A debate on th* question "F olvad, that Christianity H Don* More for Civilisation th Science" wa* held at th* Mldd' town Baptist church. It was w. by Orac* Greenwood and Kannr, Franc!*, who upheld th* poskjv lid* of th* ojumtton. Th* a*gativ< Id* was argued by Rudolf Vogrl and Oeorge Seherff. Th* Judge* war* Thomas Morford aad Mabel Knight. John 3. Qulnn of Rod Bank was nominated by Governor A. Harry Moore, as a councilor of tfes port of New Tork authority. It wa«xpected that the senate would soon confirm the appointment. Mr*. Richard McAllister wan chairman of a committee f*r a card party tor th* offlctr* of the Fair Haven Woman'* Democratic club. Her assistants wsr* Mrs. Elisabeth Merrlman, Mrs. M. Munch, Miss Sarah Murphy. Mrs. Clannc* Legg. Mn. Walter Mill*, Mr*. Charlea Mast, Mr*. Thomas McOrath, Mrs. M. McNally, Mrs. John MulvihIU and Miss Margaret C. Manna. Th* Red Bank high school closed IU basketball season with a victory of over Lakewood After th* first quarter Red Bank'* team lead wa* n*v*r lost. Had Bank had won 1* out of 17 game* played that eeason, losing to Asbury Park twice and Long Branch one*. Sakowits, Oarattl, and Amalchenko did th* scoring for Red Bank. Mr*. Serena S. Reevey, widow of William H. Reevey of fair Haven, died of a heart attack at her horn*. Sh* was survived by a *on, Jerom* Reevey of New Tork, and a daughter, Eulalla Reevey of Aibury Park. Mi** Eleanor Bradford of Maple av*. entertained a numntr of friend* In celebration *f h*r birthday. Among th* game* played wa* bridge. Th* prise winners were Miss Lena MeCus of Red Bank and John Hammond of Freehold. R*fr«*hm*nt* w*r* served. HEALTH^HINTS (This column la contributed a* a public service by th* Medical society of Now Jsraey and the Monmouth County Medical society. Question* ihould be addreaaed to the Medical Society of New Jersey at $15 West State at, Tnnton i, N. J. Covriesy serf Health Health, Ilk* peace, depend* up on co-operation. ConalduaUon for othors and th* practice of oourtesy ar* Important factor* in community haalth and welfare. That la why placard* read: "Snem, cough and apit If you muet In your handkerchief." That I* why food I* displayed under glass, and why we are urged not to haadi* or breath* upon what ethers are to eat. Thoughtful people keep a proper distance from too** with whom they convene; they are reluctant to kla* then especially babies on the mouth, lost th* kl*a convey more of disease than affection. They o not expose others to th* turn** of their cigarette*, pip** and cigars, baoaum they know ahhmaoo and cardiac pmtlanta inhaled seook* can be Irritating sod daagttou*. Son* people do not absent thamstiv** from work when coming down with a cold or other InfosUon, far fear of Imposing upon th«lr fallow worken. Instead, Ilk* oarntst aad fovsrisa martyrs, they drag themselves to work and give their dltsas* to all with whom they com* in contact Th* practice of dally oourtcste* can add muoh to th* pl***anta*s* of life and th* maintenance of health. It la not charity to giv* to others *v*rything we hava. Let's keep our dlaeaae* to ourselve*. THE THREAT OF TETANUS Spring will soon b* her* to rale*** us from our winter** oonflnement indoors, and one* again Nature will glv* us "her flowws to love, h*r ways to roam." Tha proapeot Is always Idyllic, but there are certain ting** of danger that bewt It Not th* l*a*t I* th* danger of tetanu* from wound* auffered at work-or play outdoor*. Tstanu* still kill* from 1,000 to 1,»00 people a year in the United States. Penetrating ar puncture wounds *r* frequently the fororunnera of this dnad dice***. Since we cannot guard against casual Injurlea, we thould guard against th* development of tetanu*. Th* best method ia to be Immunised by mean* of Injection of tetanu* toxold. The procedure t* simple and effective. Be sure that you and your children are protected. Tetanu* I* a killer; let u* keep It caged. MttbMl a Newjonn, M. D. WINS HONOR SOCIETY Mlaa Roaemarle Braun, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Adolf Braun of Newman Springs rd., Llnerott, waa on* of ten students from Saint Jossph and Mount St Mary'* colleges, Emroltsburg, Md. who ware ncantly initiated into Omega ehapter of Pi Delta Phi, national French honor *ocl*ty. Admittance to th* society I* gslnad by maintaining an average of B In th* atudy of Frmoh, and a ganaral average of B in all aubjacte, Ml** Braun, a sophomore, I* taking course* which will lead to a bachelor of arts d*gm, with a major In biology.

7 Vital to Rail Progress HEWAKK Bart T. Moora. restdsat af the Jersey Central Lsaes sera "eaperte who have laced tke ran commutation problem r*alletlee!ty" acrae that any aolutiea to It asast involve some ami ef pubue aid. Speaking kafara tka RoaevlUe lions club here last week, Mr. Moors aam a start already haa keen mate as thla direction, mentioned reseat decisions to make substantial tax or other eeaeeaalona la tke interest ef eontiaued oeereuens, to tka Hudson and Manhattan tabes, the Long Island nitreed and the States Island rapid transit ayatem. "Until fairly recently," ' Mr. Moore aam. "ne aaa waa *«*? eeneeraei abaat tke future of ataaa treaspertauea by rail. It was ceneraliy Believed that thla term of traaaaartatlca would always be available to the pubue at ratee that were net tea burdeaassae. Aaa. ke elataes very few peapls betteowi thla service waa being fwnlskea at a east far beyead what tke sseeie were paying Fartfceraaara. aam Mr. Moore. AH eyes now RED BANK QFG no ana eared too much because there seemed to be the general feeling that so long sa we had the htghwaye this public transportation by rail waa dlapeneable. Today, however, after billions have been apent for highway construction and billions more slated for the same purpose there is a much keener appreciation of the idequacy of the highways to meet all future transportation requirements, be said, and added, "There Is a growing concern that unless something la done about It quickly wa may leas transportation facllltlea that are now considered to be essential in thla area." r«p#f»sve Figures Jersey Central's president cited some comparative figures Indicating that the answer to metropolitan area commuter problems dees not lie In more and more highway construction. A single Isne ef grade-separated highway, be said, can accommodate 3,M0 persons an hour riding In automobiles, and 0,000 persons aa hour riding in buses. A single Una ef railroad eaa COMING SOON! U tka aayreaimataly 7M00 Male who eommau dally to Mew Pie York from New Jersey by rail were to be accommodated in automobiles, Mr. Moore figured, "It would require the construction of 14 more grade-separated highway lanea to aay nothing of additional supplemental bridge or tunnel and parking facilities" Mr. Moore ottered these reasons for the claim that eommuter trane- portation by rall cannot be made to pay: "Idle time and exorbitant Mew Jersey railroad taxes" are the primary reason, ha said, and added, "Despite the (act that we make every possibls use of our expansive Diesel locomotives In both freight and passenger service, our englngaa are Idle IS per cent of tha time. Our passenger coaches are Idle si ner cent nt the time, and wa have no use for our ferryboats M per cent ot the time. Fifty-nine par cant of the wsgsa paid to passenger train employes represents time paid for so the men will ba available for peak hours. Now Jersey railroad taxea are five tlates higher than tha average of all the other states, Mr. Moora said. Ha figured taxes on the first two miles of the Jersey Central's railroad and faculties la Hudson county, assessed tor tax purposes at about Sl*,M0,00Q, amount to nearly one msllon dollars per mile per year. "In this same area," he pointed out, "tha New Jersey Turnpike extension from Port Newark to the Holland tunnel cost a average ot»u,- 800,000 per mile te build. It parallela the Jersey Central for ssvsral miles through Bayonna and Jersey City, and It pays no state or municipal taxes, its financing was free and It doea not pay any taxea on Income." Hlghwaya Poee Problem Publlcly-eubildtzed h I gh w a y systems have been the major fac tor in creating tha railroads' current need for some form of public aid, said Mr. Moors. "They have brought about a basic Changs in travel patterns a shift from rail to rubber and have left the railroads with a problem they cannot solve by themselves. "Aa a, result,'! he said, "the choice now is that of kesplng what rail eommuter service wa have, or getting something better." "Unless a fresh viewpoint la adopted, we can expect commuter fares to go up and, what la worss, a deterioration of commuter service at an accelerated rate," Mr. Moors warned, adding that the "only alternative I ean see Is Increasing acceptance of eommuter service as a public respomlbllty, with full recognition of the tremendous stake that any community baa In reliable transportation.' Jet* Madeira Concert Mar. 7 Jean Madeira, Metropolitan opera contralto, will be heard here In a concert next Thuredey under the auspicea of the Monmouth Arts Foundation, Civic Music association, at the Carlton Theater. Thle will make the final concert of the current season In tha conv munity. Mias Madeira made headlines in the 1M3-B3 season when»ched< uled to elng her first performance of Babe Tha Turk in "The Hake's Progrsss," she plnch-hlt for an ailing colleague and alao sang the role of Mother Goose, the brothel-keeper. It was tha first time one artist had sung two major roles In a performance at the Met, and the New York Times called It. "...»n lbijir»»«iv«<«pley of atage versatility and In addition some of the evening's most Impreealve singing." Jeaa Maderla Strangely enough. Miss Madeira made her musical debut aa a pianist, at 14 with the Saint Louis symphony under the direction ot Vladimir Oolachman. Later, when she auditioned at the JulUlard School ef Music for a piano scholarship with the tats great teacher Olga Bamaroff (which she won) she mentioned that she else sang. Madam Samaroff suggested aha sing for her, and when she had done so remarked, "Had.tflMr teak fter axev Attar graduating from JuUUard, lie made two nationwide tours with the Ban Carlo opera aa a eading contralto, then went to London and Paris with tha Menotti opera "The Medium" alternating in the title role with Maria Poweca. On her return, she made a successful audition at the Metropolitan opera and debuted there the following year. Bealdes her operatic appearancea in thla country, Jean Madeira haa sung opera in South America, Cuba and Europe. She kee mads guest appearances with It sere te ee>ertiie! Th«Is YOUR Monty Lying Wk? aad Bee Urn kear/et EHUd Ma's *twa Heed Dell, and New York's Lewtsohn stadium. New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, Bt. Louis. Kansas City. New Orleans. Hartford and Chattanooga In this country, Bogota. Call and Medellln In South America and music center! In Europe have heard her "Carmen ". Miaa Madeira particularly likes her annual concert appearances, (or she ssys that only in concert can you enjoy the intimacy of a personal rapport with the audience. Savings kept around the heuia don't yaw. Stvingt put in lew dividend paying uvinf account! grow slowly. Sevingt put in itvingt account at the Rod lank Savings and Loan grow FAST. Current Dividend per efyo annum Up to $10,000 of your savings here aro insured in full. We're opan from A. M. 'til 4 P. M. five dayi a week. RED BANK SAVINGS 10 BROAD ST. H A /b Stcur/fy RCD BANK NEW JtWBY HP 14HK UGtfTtt thank*, fat. M, for your handbag b PRINCESS GARDN;E] I The Continental French Purse. ; Roomy, coin purse, piek-s-bill slot, removable \ photo-card case. Chirgs-Plste pocket 7JO* ' The Cigsretle Cate, I sdjustable for king or regular tixe S3.9S The Eye Glaii Case (not illustrated) M.9S Th» K»y a.ra The Cigarette Lighter (not illuitrated) J All in matching California Saddle Leather with double rows of fine custom stitching. Rich-glow colors Get your money's worn for rour moaef... get PUNCESS GAKDNBX 17 MOAD ST. StMyiMe MB BAM Extra phones do mow than save steps *~. a lot of little pleasures make an extra phone a bargain in many ways TIM tmmof eaa Jeta la on family calls-- uaing the extra phones you can all get together for a real virit with grandmother, favorite aunt or wboever'a calling. 1M dry relegation... it's eaaier to take time out to chat with friends if the phone is elwaye handy. Tttnoy when ytm went It... thia ie especially welcome to teenagen and a relief to parent*. Dad for buabeai calls too. You stop ml ing oejls... the phone k always in earshot easy to reach without ruahlng. 2ft order-simply call your telephone business office. WlofUih Plata, Red Bank NSW JTUMNBY BKXX TSLMPHON* COilfANY Relaxing... Across America t Behind them ere the majestic mountain roadways of Southern California and tha picturesque desert drive through Arizona. And ahead lie tha broad hif hwajs of Tezaa... the scenic roads that wind through Oklahoma and Missouri.., and the great Midwestern turnpikea that lead to the Eastern Seaboard. What's it like to spend the better part of e week in a 1957 Cadillac? Well, first of all, there Sa the marvelous rvifulneu a Cadillac provides. The car is so incredibly smooth and quiet and comfortable that even the longest journey becomae an occasion for glorious relaxation. And for the lucky gentleman in the driver's east, there is the added reward of Cadillac's brilliant new performance. In fact, the car is so nimble and eager, eo responsive and alert that day'a end will usually find them well beyond their morning's destination 1 And then there will be (he many other Cadillac virtues to enhance the pleasure of their journey ita vast areas of vision to give them the full panorama of America's great beauty and grandeur... its extraordinary safety and dependability to add to their peace of mind... and ita remarkable economy of operation to remind them how practical their odyssey is. So there they are seeing our wonderful land from the finest vantage point on the American road: through the windshitld of a 1957Cadillac! a e e Of course, you don't have to (ravel 3,000 miles in this newest "car of can" to realize why its owners call it "the greatest of all Cadillacs". The evidence is waiting in our show* room now and an hour at the wheel will tell you the whole story. HOWLAND B. JONES MOTOR CO. 100 I Newm Spriest Read. Red tank SHedpMe 1-0*10

8 Play sparations Lord, has been named director vard, Butt Caetle, Classic Chls- Joan Hammer, Nancy radio advertising division of the In the combined sales operations served as Judges recently in theof the home service department preparauoae for theholm, last Thursday at Beau Rlvage ef the Raa Bark high Hura, elma Jonee, Nancy Lambertaon, Marianne Lo Blondo, contest of the Public Utilities Mth annual national Better Copv of Jersey Central Power * Light restauraat. tt UM plar, "Mother," arc bclbf eom- Ruth Lewie, Pat Martin, Janet company and New Jersey Power Speakers were Dr. Lawrence Advertising association. UM committees, under the McCracken, Linda Meietrlch, * Light company, George Englea, Burdge, d Red Baifle, president of The division drew 52 entries of the claaa advisers. Shirley Minor, Dorothea Nixon. residential sales manager of J.C. the American society ef Dentistry for Children and a member of and the results will be announced Brown mad Jack Needle, Carolyn O'lfalley, Roberta Polin, P.*L and N.J.P.4L. recently announced. the staff of the board of exam- at the P.U.A.A. national conven- with the sales and ad-stephanicampslyn. Hit pity will Weiton, Jackie Wheeler, Wllma Dr. Anson Hoyt, Fair Haven, di- Romeo, CynthU Wask- iners for the Dental society, and Thursday and Friday, Wlnrow. Barbara Wolff and Maureen Wolkom. of both Monmouth Memorial aad rector of the dental department T and t, la the River Street auditorium. "Mother U a Freshman" la a Rlvervlew hospitals. thr«e-act comedy. of the ticket eoramlt- The following officers of Us Aan Rovtto, chairman', dental society were guests: Dr. it Duttma and Penny Petrell, TOURNAMENT DIBECTOB David Alterman, Long Branch, ^chairmen, Beverly Browne, president; Dr. Robert Lamb, Asbury Park, president-elect; Dr. BRTN MAWR, Pa. Miae Joan rt MTtore, Gayle Qreenbcrc;, Pender Eldredce, daughter of ha Katcbel, LJnda llelstrich, David Barman, Long Branch, Mri. W. S. Harrington of Buena iberia roiin, x>iu>< Biephene, vice president; Ut. LAO* Keisner, Jr., Red Bank, recording sec- Vuta ave., Humson, wai director tthy BulUvan and Cynthia Washttoa. Beverly Browne and Gayle of the Bryn Mawr couefe team retary; Dr. Leonard Taffe, Lake- participating In the national Inter- enberc are In charge of the rtrttatlob of posters. Ando matt aad Harold Ollmore eo the dose edvertietae; project far the stay profreja. Uiaerettea Include Carmen Alleyaa, lone Blake, Mary Jo Bre- collegiate bridge tournament hell at Bryn Mawr Feb. 30. Mite Bidredgo li a eophomore. he* tanat capping ceremonies held at the New Slipcovers and Draperies Net juit any slipcovers and draperies, but fin* euitom madt covan that fit to perfection draperies that add graelouiiiaii to your rooms. Cama and the dlitlnctivenssi of tailoring, the oxclutiveneit of -fabriet that make The Interior Shop to outstandingly different. you tat, we're sure. You'll like what The INTERIOR SHOP Castem Male Slipcover* - Draperies Beiepreade VphoMery K IROAD ST. SHedytSde 7.230* RED BANK Gouty Group Judge* Contest ASBURT PARK A committee of Monmouth county residents tion in Cleveland May The radio advertising division was under the chairmanship of W. Daniel Williams, vice president of the New Jersey Natural Gal company, Judges were Richard C. Klein, publisher of five Monmouth coun ty newspapers; Peggy Curtis, commercial manager of station WJLK, Asbury Park, and Ifn. Jueeph Henderson, MavesMK River rd., Ifiddletown township. They listened to recording! and tapea of commercials, divided into Institution and sales promotion advertisements in categories of programs mors than flve minutes long and commercials used as spot announcements, station breaks, weather reports or other brief programs. Margaret Dublin Receives Her Cap NSW HAVEN, Conn. Miss Margaret Bublln, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Buhlln of Branch ave.. Little Silver, a student at Grace Memorial hospital, School of Nursing here, received her nurse's cap Saturday hospital. Miss Bublln, who started her nursing career In September, is graduate of Red Bank high school. For several years, during summer vacations, she worked as a nurse's aide at Blverview hospital. Mrs. Bublln and another daughter, Miss Annette Bub- Ito, attended the capping cere- monies, and later visited rela- tives at Middletown, Conn. GOLD STAB CONVENTION KEANSBURO Mra. John Altken will represent the local unit of the American Gold Star Mother* at a state convention in April at the Berkeley Carteret hotel, Asbury Park. Mrs. Altken has recently returned from Washington, D. C, where she attended national meetings of Veterans Administration and volunteer service organizations. Plans for Mrs. Altken to attend the state convention were made at a recent unit meet- afefvkt lobs Combined ASBURY PARK Miss Ethel ing at the Veterans of Foreign new school construction. Wars hall. Among other related activities, ference. John W. Applegate, Matawan, county chairman, and the department will lend its cooperation to the state of New Katharine Elkus White, Red D. A. B. WINDOW DISPLAY LAURENCE HARBOR A Jersey's home economic extension service. committee, will take leading Bank, vies chairman of the state window display centering around parts in the program. the lives of Washington and Lincoln and arranged by the junior Lord had IS years of experience draw M0 Democratic leaders and A native of Pennsylvania, Miss Ths conference Is expected to group of Monmouth chapter, in the home service field prior *o workera from five counties Monmouth, Daughters of the American Revolution, ie on view In the window attended Albright college in Penn- joining J.CP.4L. In 195a She, Ocean,, Cumberland, Capep of the Harbor Hardware store sylvania and during World War May and Atlantic. O Other topics toi here. Included an posters made served as field director In thewill Include registration, fund by members of the Junior American Cttisens clubs of the fourth, fifth and sixth grades of the Laurence Harbor school. MM B4M Lett Dental Anflfany Htt*«k feff Hears Doctors High Ratings SPRING LAKE Ths first official meeting of the Monmoutk County Dental auxiliary was held wood, secretary-treasurer, and Dr. Benjamin Rubin, Asbury Park, seeratary-treasurer-eleet. Tho auxiliary members signed the charter at the meeting. Elected were Mrs. S. J. Becht, Fair Haven, president; Mrs. David AlUrman, vice president; Mrs. Raymond Salm, Red Bank, recording secretary; Mrs. Lawrence Burdge, treasurer; Mrs. J. Alvln Parker, Red Bank, corresponding secretary, and Mrs. Bernard Wiener, Fair Haven, publicity. Meetings will be held every Miss Lord, formerly home service director of J.CP.etL. has had third Thursday from September duties expanded to include through May, with the exception of December. both New Jersey utilities' service areas. Mr. Ingles, In making the announcement, said Miss Lord's department will eventually contain nine Held home service representatives working In the six divisions of the oombined companies. "Horns service department personnel will explain to customers, _ Democrats Eye Monmouth Vote TRENTON Monmouth county's Independent vote will be a principal topic of discussion at a ths application and benefits of Democratic regional conference electricity in home living," Mr. < In Atlantic City Saturday. Bngles said. The department will present to students In home economic classes of schools In the area Aims and programs on the use of electric appliances. Group demonstrations of electric appliances for dealers will be featured also. Programs tor civic and service organisations will be offered upon request. Home calls will be answered for appliance demonstrations. When requested, recommendations and detailed plans and specifications will be offered to school boards for the Installation and operation of home economic departments In American Red Cross camp service m Europe and In the South Pacific. Miss Lord la now governor of the North-Atlantic region of the American Federation of SoroptlmUts Clubs, Incorporated. The North-Atlantic Region Includes New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware and a section of West Virginia. She la a member of the New Tork chapter of Beetrieal Women's Round table, Overseas Association of the Red Cross, and charter member of the Order of eastern Star, Reading, Pa, New Jersey Honey Crop Shows Increase in 19S6 TRENTON-New Jersey duced 870,000 pounds of honey during 19M, almost one-third more than ths amount. of the "sweet crop" of ths year before. Figures were compiled by the New Jersey crop reporting ice. The Increased production wat the result of the labors of a considerably smaller number of bees. Only»,000 colonies were reported for New Jersey in UM. This waa one thousand fswer colonies than the previous year aad the smallsst number since 1MI New Jersey's rise In production was net reflected In the national picture. For the nation aa whole, the honey crop waa ths smallest since IMS and IS per cent below In New Jersey, Increased total production wss the result of increased production per colony. Although the spring flow of honey started later than usual, yields turned out remarkably well. PHONE I Robert J. Burkhardt, executive director of the Democratic stats committee, painted out that in list Qov. Meyner trailed Paul Troaat by y only y 4.4J1 votes in Monmouth. Last year, however, Ad al E. Stevenson lost ths county to President Eisenhower by B1.4M, he aald. The swing of 18,- 000 votes, Mr. Burkhardt said, indicates ths tremendous job that faces ths party in winning back the independents who voted for Oov. Meyner. The governor, who this week announced his candidacy for reelection, will head a list of state party leaders attending the con- raising, public relations and election day organisation. N» sresltei Bnllnf teaaate wkta wsta»»»»tv.rt" M The. " * " tlsmnt. FORT HANCOCK-This post, which became an active class I Installation under ths Firat Army command last July 1. with Lt. Col. Anthony R. Bayer commanding, has been commended for Ms accomplishments In a short period of time. Just over a month ago, Mancock had Its annual command Inspection and received an overall rating of excellent. Last week, the results of the annual inspection cams back, and once again the post received aa overall rat Ing of excellent A few days ago, ths manpower toam from First Army finished post on Its "efficiency In operation, managerial know-how, and tts application of sound Judgment In the economical proficiency obtained." Fort Hancock is a unique Installation in many respects. Being located on a peninsula Jutting six miles into the Atlantic ocean, M has many diversified functions. It supports Navy, Coast Guard, Air Fere* and AAA units. So situated la an Isolated location, ths Special Services sctlvitlea of ths post are considered one of the beat in the Army area. When Fort Hancock became active, the commander proposed to the Army staff the idea of a claas I satelluatloa installation. Permission was granted to exercise this principle with reported savings "of many hundreds of thooasadesjsrtsrs, special p services ead ppest engii handled hdld personnel staffs with regard to Fort Hancock have net I neers. Everything else is p either at Fort Monmouth, Fort When a staff ef as Dix, Fort Wadsworth or Camp satellizauoa. satellizauoa outside installation la worusf en Kilmer. In the few months of Fort Hancock's problems, * Is, operation, and with the results for ell purposes, part ai the staff obtained from the recent Inspection, the basic concept "is con-to the post mauler ~ of Fert of Fort Hancock aad reepaaatble * sidered proficient" by the Army. Hancock. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeat-e YOUR DOLLARS WORK HARDtt HBtf *..became our CURRENT DMMND PER ANNUM 19* of Ik* U of the imarineview I fry A* frmtk* Atmui *av«f aa j» /0,MI. SAVINGS ATLANTIC HIOHLANOS. NEW JCRSCY NIESEN MUSIC CENTER reel om o* quitting tttim/ Find yowtiful fun fhtt #osy YcVUb«axMa«d at bow quickly you can play beautiful nmsk oa the Hammond Ofgaa. Doat hejttatt juat because you don't know Made. The organ Is the easiest of alt laftraamnto to play... and W» matha to karal U«I fctft ftjfeftif {ft fl/ty it. Hammond Organ ASxassT IM smbxeamat BBBV ^^ SSI TIMMI '.TIUMIiklOUTYOUR.MBrWJSSONrlAN w fwmims IY AFKMNTMIHT NIESEN MUSIC CENTER 123 BROAD STREET, RED BANK SHadyalde 14B56 PONTIAC IS GRAND NATIONAL CHAMP! 4U miff wonum HAWHS otharawoautioi! <M Activator 9 WsehinfAotioa VatsrStverfaiaaaniotda e Werner Cold Riaeet MO UNI MB ON CMMW liat is trapped is liter. Ssie sal toss *nua ire sttomticeuy iwmvai Wash water is deaaea ass 1 leolesaei e sjve yea slssier eletaeet AUTOMATIC WASHER BETTER HOUSEKEEPING SHOP 44 MomwonHi St. T«l. SH Rtd lank Heaty # Frew tefcitf in Roar of Store InrroMce on White St. OPIN MIDAY NWHT UNTIL * O'CLOCK NOTI WE SERVICE EVERYTHING WE SELL CLEVELAND M<* Nearby townsjust a few cents Phoning is a bargain wherever you call! 'Night and Sunday rau. 3-minutttatlonnttfron. Atkury Park. 10% tax not included. NEW JERSEY K U TELEPHONE COMPANY ns NASCAR Grand National Championship Race Against Regardless of Size, Power or Price-Setting New Ti Record in Biggest Stock Car Event of Year Following Clean Sweep of Its Class in Flying Mile and Acceleration Runs. Horo'f why U'$ Important lo you/ You can buy «ho aamo modal Ponttac right hoi* in town with Iho aamo niggodnosa, adoty end BNdalon-handllng that outclawod all tho othon at Daytonal Re> member, this waa a strictly production modal Chieftain Pontlae powered by tho ipoctacular 317 h.p. Strato-SHwak ongino-and introducing Pontiac'a revolutionary Tri-Powor Carfcuroftan, a groat now adyance, optional at axtra coat on any Pontiao modol This amaslng carburetion system llterauy flivei you 2 ong/noi /or too price of 1... tamo or terrific at a touch of your tool For normal driving tho engine operates on a itandard two-jot carburetor (tho aamo typo that won tho economy tests laet year). A little extra pressure automatically cuts In tour more carburetor jeu for Instant response when you need more power. Come on in and driye, America'a Number One Road Cat. You can easily afford It-prices actually start be/ow 30 models oi the low-price throe! - NOW IT'S OFFICIAL - Pontiac is America's Number 1 Road Cart NUMBER 11N PERFORMANGEI NUMBER 11N NOAOAMLITY! NUMBER 11N HANDLING! NUMBER U N SAFETY I YOUR POMTIAO DBALBtll DRIVB THB SUM-ISBI OAW OP TNB YBARI

9 Leaves for Duty HBADQDrS OORNUR - Mr. and Mrs. Join Brady, Sr, Head *>n pi., held osos bouse last aight la heaer of their son. CharUa Inward Brady. Charles, ) who Is a seaaaan apprentice In ike Navy, leavee today for two years' active duty. Ha had been employed by Prudential laouranca company ia Newark. Charles is the.third Member of the family to join the Navy. Mr. Brady ia a petty officer first I claaa, stationed at Port Newark, aad John Brady, Jr., who waa home on I*ave for tho patty, is s> gunner's mate third class, stationed aboard the repair ship Tuts!!* at NsrfeHi. Va. Miss Carol Dean of West Or- ago, television dagiag star, was present. ttsob AT FKTHICE MOMK NAVCSINK - Mr. and Mrs. FhUlp C. FrtMck at flrrt BY*., antortalnad laat waok-and for Mas Mildred McbeUaa at Jersey City. --.., e Express yosjr --. sympathy Send ' Flowers TMIttMSUU MSUaU HONEY SEE FLOWERS SH «4 MOAD ST. SHREWSBURY Tr*wf> Hews HAZLET Brownie troop It, with tha leader, Mrs. George R. mmoas, will meat beginning Friday from *:K> to 8:30 In the tire houae. Due to the Rarttan townahip achool using the fire home for two sessions for fifth grade pupile, a change was neceaaary. The primary grade which formerly held session* In the fire home U at St. John's Itethodlet church rooma. Senior Girl Scout troop 1M, with the leader, Mra. James will speak at a meeting of the " A, etter W ae read from a forni- Women'a association ol the Red er melnber, Mr*. Richard Jame«, Bank Presbyterian church Wed now residing In Huntington Park, the post's new home, soon to b«netiday at Westminster house. His Calif. constructed. Donations were approved for the Crusade for Free- Mrs. Vernon Ellison gave a report on the Installation dinner H. Ktaael, will meet In the basement of tha fire houae Wednes- and banner with stands have been ^PrUlat^ Mortal?. dom and Cancer drive. A flag held Feb.»t Cab'ln-ln-the-Sky, ice Program at the Mornlngalde Atlantic Highlands. Mrs. Rhea day afternoons. Cloverleaf Intermediate troop 25, with tha leader, of CMITwood, sponsored by the club will begin In March. purchased for Brownie troop 239 Longstraet announced that a new Mrs. Luther Hopler, have not auxiliary. The presentation will be Mrs. Charles Hauser, prealdent, made plans for their meetings. made later. presented money realized from Brownie troop It made favors for patient* at tha Brookdale nursing Mr*. Elisabeth Hubert, Mrs. the patchwork apron project to» a it. 35 Hi Si. Valentine's Mrs. William Formon won the day. The troop, leaden aad mothers are- planning a trip to tha Mra. Lawrence Walker aerved re- special prize. Mr*. Longstreet and circus at Madlaea Square Gardes May a. Senior Girl Scout elephant sale at the nest meeting. freshment*. There will be a white troap 164 la working on tha Good Oroemlng badge. HXABT FUND CAPTAINS MATAWAN Mrs. John Kane, chairman of the Hart fund here, has listed tha captains who have esstatad her la the house-to-house drive ending today. Co-workers with Mrs. Vans are Mrs. S. V. Maaiello, Mrs. H. J. Olrich, Mrs. Frisk Dug an, Mrs. William Ratelllfa, Mrs. Frenklyn Hunter, Mrs. Anthony Nuccio, Mrs. John Buck, Mrs. Harold Costello and Mrs. Everett Carlson. TO HOLD PABTT MXDDLBTOWN The Woman'a Republican club will bold a party Monday night in Baptlat Fellowship halt. Mra. Walter >. DeVoe Is chairman, with Mra. Fred Sehaeffer as cochairman. Assisting* ar* Mrs. Daniel P. Higglna, Mrs. Joseph 8. Guekert and Mn. Donald Plagued Day And rigktwittibladder alter*-on't watttans MteUaolu tf. s-a wesaarfalbr aiud ttaretle settoa tan Uw kmatnl teaalat te laenat* (he output e< tat BUM at smaer tabm. lo M tbe M S H kespjr rrilcf aiuueas h*m adored fer ewn real*. A**fer stmaadamaa most is getting my clothes cleaned by... DONAUPS LAUNDRY Don't you mitt the chanct to Ut us your cl6*h«i bandobox eltanl MON Y TIME You*B Wit our $peedy service, modest pricei. Wm «*Wy«P*«* «P p l end deliver <u per promue. CoN SHodyiWt DONALDS DELUXE LAUNDRY SERVICE 44 MMHON ST. fkone SH ASK ABOUT OUR EXPERT RUG CLEANING SERVICE PLENTY OF FREE PARKING SPACE $«20% On Vottr Laundry CM* i»»(ic*vry Auxiliary Gne*U Address Ladies BED BANK KECISTEt ThureJar, P<b,». M!~* HOLMDEL, - The board of directors of the Woman'* club of Reid, first vice president, who! son, Mrs. A. Edgar Palm, Mia, Two New Members MAT AWAN Mra. Nicholas Matawan met Monday afternoon presided; Mrs. Karl Heuser, Mrs. Elmore Kattner and Mra. Harry Francisco and Mrs. Joseph Rank!, ] at the home of Mra. John Kin- p CLIFFWOOO Past Commander Joseph Lovero and Mrs. Mar- Richard Louis Brock, program au l A. Egan, Mra. Bayard T. G. Koch. Jr., were welcomed as new members Monday night at the meet- William C. Noddings and Mrs. ton, Mrs. W. Rulon Smith. Mra. There are now more than 10 ney. Mra. Joseph Sheldon, Mra 1 Lamborn, Mrs. John C. Eggle- Jorie Concepclon, past department president of the Ladies' director of the Morningild* Com-1 (nf of tre Ladies' auxiliary of Klnney aerved refreshments. Oth- j Thurman C. Nsalia, lira. David million licenned driver* of auxiliary of the state ol New Jersey Veterana of Foreign Wars, housing project In New York city, pany in the borough hall, Main munlty center of the 8t. Nicholas the Hook and Ladder fire corn- era attending were Mis. Peter A. M. Bruce, Mrs. Allan J. Morrl- vehicles in toe UnlUd Stale*. Thursday addressed the auxiliary meeting of Guadalcanal post, V.- F.W. Mr. Lovero showed plans for Joseph atmia, ;. Eatfccriss Wladaa and Mra. Ethel ttgmund entertained patients at the Fort Monmouth hospital laat week. The next meeting will be held March 7, when nomination and election of officers will be hald., Mrs. George Bailsman won the special prise. Mrs. Irene Maehan, Mra. Rosa Coleman, Mra. Olivia Scott aad Mr*. Juaeph Blankowski were hostesses during the aortal hour which, fouowad. Porter Is Chairman Of Boy Seoul Drive HAZLET Tha annual Boy Scout drive for funds la being conducted ta thli area this weak, with Howard Porter, a* chairman, assisted by Mr*. Malcolm W. Peseux, William McFarland, Jack Jaandron and John Marells In charge of too new dtvelepmente. A klckotf dinner waa held Tuesday at Ya Cottage Inn, Keyport. Attending from Haslet were Howard Porter, Mrs. Malcolm W. Peaaux, Jack Jaandton, Ernest B. Paaeus and William M. Fried- Uender. Tha fund* an to be used to equip the Forestburg scout camp with additional sites, dining hall and kitchen to care for the 1,400 scouts enrolled for camping this summer and far tha operating budget of tha council headquarters at Oakhurst. "Keep the Campfirea Burning,' to tha tuna of "Keep the Home rtrea Burning," Is tha campaign theme. Methodist. Hold Father>Son Banquet HAZLET Tha 12th annual father-son banquet of the Men's club of St. John's Methodist church was held Thursday in the church rooms. Edmund Crossley was master of ceremonies. Tha Invocation was given by Rev. Norman R. Rlley. A turkey dinner was served by the Woman'a Society of Christian Service. Table decorations were in charge of Mr*. John Boyd. The officers for the year are: president, Mr. Crossley; vice preil dent, Roland Emmona; secretary, Robert Hausman, and treasurer, Frank Laughlln, Jr. The next meeting will be March 11. SHOWER QUEST MATAWAN Mrs. Andrew Di odato of Main at. was guest of honor at a surptfs* shower Feb. 20 tendered by *rs. Frank Mtrtto, Mrs. BioHirdLtwis, Mrs. WilUaa. Httlsart, MM. John'Hadgttn SAd Mrs. Lawrence Walker at Mr*. Walker's bom* on Maiden la. Others praaent were Mrs. Harry Ellenburg, New Monmouth; Mrs. Winston Van Note aad Mrs. Stanley Savtteky, Ksyport, and Mrs. Harry Slua*. M«. B, Story Hallock, Mrs. Frank Cordssco and Mis* Nadlae Walker, Mate wan ' FIND STOLEN CAB.ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS _p o. lice here Saturday recovered a ear that had bean reported stolen previous. Monday in Perth Amboy. The car was found parked la tha woods off Seaalo dr. at >:S0 a. m., police said. Although tha car had been taken five day* uuor; tm*m.not there tha previous dtyi,foneo reported. Country dob Estates Kennath Kaatle, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Kastla of Watt Wilson drele, celebrated his ltth birth, day with a party at Ma horn* last Thursday. Quests wen Linda Sever*, Connfe Makely, Sally Olson, Mary Alice Crum, Sharon Hawlsher, Patricia Cretin, Douglas Ego, Robert and Douglas Collms, Bruce Tomaao and Robert Masaey. Mr. and Mrs. John X. Harkln of Wilson pi, attended the wedding of Mia* Joanna Calpln and Henry Zalaokl at Seranton, Pa., Saturday. Ruaan Janat Korobow, daughter of Mr*. Iron* Korobow of Bait Wilson circle, eslebrated h*r tenth birthday Feb. SO with a «upp*r party at her horn*. Quest* were Jayn* Csttellano, Janat Oakdoa, Linda Sebllehtmg, Mary Aim Veejhla, Shirley Katt and Jay Koro- Beth Binder, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Binder of West wnson drcia, otlebrated her fourth birthday Feb. 31 with a party at her home. Praaent WON Jeffrey Judge, Robert Rsnfroe, Valerie Halsey, Lisa Castellans and Jay Korobow. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorg* Haekett of Iselln and Mr. and Mrs. L. Leonard Kenny of Bayonne, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jamas Waston of Cooper bhrd. ^V akattb\s1g Youth Service Work Discussion Richard I* Mr. Brock ha» worked with the T.M.C.A. in Ashevllle, N. C, and as director of boys' work at the larlton Avenue branch of the 'Y" in Brooklyn. He was also director of student personnel of Bishop college at Marshall, Tex. He waa graduated from South Carolina State A ft M college at Orangeburg, S. C, and raeeivad his master's degree in personnel admlnstration and guidance at Teachers college of Columbia university. Mr. Brock frequently serves as a speaker and consultant on the problems of teenagers and young adults for various organizations. He has served in New York city with such groups at the Greater New York Federal Credit unit tha West Sid* Gang committee, the Federation Of Protestant Welfare agendas, and the United Neighborhood Housaa of New York. H* also is vies president of the Church ol the Master crad it union In Naw York city. Members of circle two, directed by Mrs. John W. H. Castla and Mra. Rudolph W. May. will aerve lunch at 13:30 p. m. in the dining hall at Westminster House, Mrs. J. Harry Fiedler ol circle four will lead devotion*. DISTRICT OFFICERS VISIT KEANSBURO Mn. Eva Sylvester, district prealdent of the auxiliary of the Veteran* of Foreign Wars, made her official vmt to the auxiliary last Thursday at the hall with Mr*. Thomas Vivian, department color bearer, Mn. Rosemary Bommert, department chaplain, and Mrs. Frances LaSalle, district musician. A covered dish supper wa* served. A district meeting will be held at Manasquan Mar. 38. Officers will be elected nexl Thursday. FOURTH BIRTHDAY NEW MONMOUTH A family celebration was h*m Tuesday for the fourth birthday of Laura Pedee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pedee, Karen ter. Present were her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Schmidt of Leonardo and David Pedte..11 Don't pull v«««taw«f up o too how «hty'ro> dotn*. A«* * boit way «mtiivy.te yow i» to "Itsvt it lay" hero and aarn nlea SSOClAON Header Ufa frmay Osea a aj*. ta 4 SMB. Tat IHojayWo 7-Wl Camat TRAVEL tondio A AUTHORm? is HOAD tr. iidiank Ttl, SH av W ^s* ^B^^g^Oa^owSwwwPsw s^aj^f^p*fl ASWIt PARR Protect DONT INCONVENIENCE YOURSELF! W«Do If AM For You LOCALLY You con reierve and pick up airllno, itoamihip, but and tour tickets, hotd and raiort araa raiarvatlom. It eoiti you no moro to book through your local Travol Agent t wa ara bondad and authorliod te raprassnt you in Monmouth County and surrounding area. BAST KEANSBURG The fourth annual firemen'* dinner of Independent lira company of Belford waa held at Bachstadt'a restaurant Saturday. The wive* of the Bremen and ladle*' auxiliary were gueets. The McHose band supplied muelo for dancing. Guests were William Alt, Leonardo, are chief; William Vltelli, first asslatant; Newton Mallett, second asslatant, and Elwood Seeley, third aaaiatant fir* chief. Richard BchwarU waa master of ceremonle*. David Schnoor and David Plahn are charter member*. Mrs. Joseph HennellY, preeldent of the auxiliary, gave, abort talk. CARD PARTY MAR. 18 LEONARDO Plant for a card party to be held Mar. 19 at 8:S0 p. m. at the Brevent Park and Leonardo fire house were made by the Ladles' auxiliary Monday. The birthday of Mr*. Stephen Apanal waa celebrated. Hostesses were MUs Jessie Alverson, Mn. Elsie Alverson and Mrs. Wilbur Wire. Hostesses for the coming card party are Mrs. Herbert Haulbosky, Mrs, Hawkin Isaksen and Mrs. Thorns* Jennings. CALIFORNIA TRIP KEANBBURG Flan* for a trip to Clalfornla from June 28 until July 10 were made by members of St. Margaret of Scotland guild at Buck Smith's restaurant last Thursday. A. St. Patrick's dsy party I* planned for the next meeting and a card party will be held at the home of Mra. Walte Barnes, Fifth St., West Keanaburg. Mar. 8. Hosteases at th meeting were Mrs. Catherlni Knapp, Mrs. Nellie MacDonald, Mrs. Walter Barnea and Mrs. Thoman Canavan. MCA >$0 IT'S TNE GREATEST AUTO INSURANCE POLICY EVER OFFERED! FAMILY AUT^POLKY FIND OUT TODAY WHAT THE G# GIVES row M hllclis liajti i Milw CM si imriu IsnriKi C*. MOTOR CLUB off AMERICA (AANJ) PERTH AMIOY: 269 Smith St.-HI ASiURY PARK: 1309 Railroad Avt PR STEALING A MARCH ON SPRING BRIGHT STORE AT 30 MONMOUTH STREET OPEN SUNDAYS FROM 9 A. M. TO 1 P. M. free PARKING AT HUGE WHITE ST. PARKING LOT FREE ON SUNDAY ONLY 25c WORTH OF IURPEE SEEDS PLEASE ASK FOR THEM SPECIAL PRICES FOR FIRST SUNDAY MORNING OPENING ' LIME Blow acting, excellent for lawns. SO Ib. Rao: 3( By soakers of Agrioo. 0 Ib. log *2' 19 FREE SOIL TEST AT THE ACRE Dig Sampk with Trowal Do Net Touch tho Dirt RESULTS IN 24 HOURS * V/2 H.P. Brigtji & Stfatton ROTARY MOWER. JaL IM *, YbtWft mm kamk dlgigom a^sds! ksstt wlfll fflmsfmn l» Iwi inm 9K BSWIB WOTi m^ He with Mt-h nwtchof. $1.00 DVOSIT WIU HOLD UNTIL NUMD. IN CBATB Giant She Gym SKTCONTLETB WtthSUde NOW 000 ftag. $2111 NOW ALL 1 MmACLI 0IT1 *» IMT No Deliveries LARGE 23-LI. IOX *V7 tl SCOTTS TURF PncM Tor* - EeHpst - Jocobtcn FdriMmks-Morst - ShnpllcHy POWER MOWERS EXCLUSIVELY OURS IN RED RANK AND SURROUNDING AREAS * 3X -100% Perennial Grass Seed 40% Crwtfriwf Mwi PWSSSJW 20». Ro»fjl MM *fwm 20*/* PoraMlfJ Ry 20*/* Ktstwtky 31 P»>*]g«Btalnlesa Steel Rao; S NOW 24 VCMW $5.91 ONE OF A KIND S*AMPLE SPECIALS AT THE ACRE j GYM SET MNUINI MDWOOB 8-FT. SUDE V Tubing throagheat SowbuckSet * Swlag* aad OUder. 25% DISCOUNT ON ALL RRASS PLAQUES AND FERN POTS * AT IOTH STORI AND ACM» AT ACM ONLY *» AT ftori ONLY Bwarv Mla4t J AM Baw Saa B1WTT m^mt VltV >HI Hwl mwttt PHONI SHwsJyild* MONMOUTH ST., RID IANK OPIN FRIDAY NIOHT AND SUNDAY A. M. TO 1 P. M. PHONI SHsrfytWo

10 ts.rn.wi Gen. Harmon Of A. F. Dead BAN ANTONIO. Te*. <AP) Lt Gen Hubert Rellly Harmon, W«t Point classmate of Presldmt Elsenhower and the first gperintendent of the U. 8. Air Fere* Academy, died Friday of lung tumor at the Lackland Air Fore* Base hospital. He was M Ḟuneral services were h«ld Monday afternoon In the chapel at Randolph Air Force Base. His body will be cremated and the ashes Gown to Colorado Sprint* by Col. Thomas J. Hanley, deputy ehlef of staff for operations at the Air Academy. Memorial services Boon In Denver at the temporary alta of the Air Force Academy at the foot of the Rocky Mountain! even miles north of Colorado Springs. Burial will be delayed ntil a eemetery at the permanent lit* Is constructed. Cteseef»U The general was graduated from West Point in President Eisenhower's class In»15. He served la France and Germany in World War I and commanded the Gulf Coast Air Training Center, with headquarters at Randolph Field, Tec, In World War. He also commanded the «th and 13th Air Forces and was deputy commander, aircraft, In the Bouth Faclne during World War. He served as superintendent of the Air Force Academy from 1994 to MM. # Editor's note: During General Harmon's connections with the military, he was stationed for a while at Fort Hancock and his two sons attended Atlantic Highlands high school. A singular fact of General Harmon's family is thst he, as well as his two brotharm, were all United States Gen nil and as far as Is known, his family is the only one to have produced three boys, all of whom advanced to the rank of genera]. MBS. WILLIAM H. MABTIN OCBANPORT Hn. Anna OriUs Martin, widow of William H. Martin, died Wednesday of hut week at her home, 433 Morris pi. She waa born at Brook fyn and had lived here SB yean. Surviving are a sitter, Miss Minerva Marks, and a stepdaughter. Mrs. Charles Smith, both of Brooklyn. The funeral was Saturday at tarnoon at the John W. Flock funeral home, Long Branch, with Rev. Robert J. Judge, pastor of the Oceanport Methodist church, officiating. Burial was in Woodbin* cemetery. Oceanport Boy Dies of Injuries OCEANPORT Anthony Judc Laurlno, nine years old, of Ml Oceanport ave., who was struck by a car here Jan. 16, died Sunday at Memorial hospital In New York city, when he had been a patient 22 days. The boy, the son of Anthony and Lee Sacco Laurlno. had been transferred to the New York hospital from Monmouth Memorial hospital so that he might hare the uae of an artificial kidney. The boy was walking on Main st. when he was struck by a car driven by Mn. P. C. Smith, 1032 Broadway, West Long Branch, police said. He was born at Long Branch and waa a fourth grade pupil a Star of the flea school. He was a communicant of St. Dorothea's Catholic church, Eatontown. Surviving besides his parents are a brother, James Laurlno; a sister, Lorraine Laurlno, and his maternal grandmother, Mrs. Rachel Saeco, Long Branch. The funeral will be tomorrow at 8 a. m. at the Damlano funeral home, Long Branch, and at ( a. m. solemn high requiem mass will be offered at Star of th Sea Catholic church. Burial wl! be In Mt. Carmel cemetery, Weil Long Branch. in Red Bank ami Vifinityl RIVERA INFANT SHREWSBURY TOWNSHIP- The Infant son of Andres and Christina Crltpo Rivera, 1 Crawford St.. died Saturday at the post hospital, Fort Monmouth. Surviving, besides his parents are two brothers, Andres E, and Ronnie E. Rivera, living at home his paternal grandparents, Mr and Mrs. Andres E. Rivera, and his maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Bernandlno Criipo, Eatontown. \ The funeral was held Monday _ the John E. Day funeral home. Burial was In Mt. Olivet cemetery. MBS. DOMIMICK CERVADOBO NYA.CK, N. Y.~Mrs. Elisabeth Cervadoro of this place, formerly of Long Branch, slater ol Mrs, Michael Gigllo of Little 811. ver, died early Tuesday morning at the Nysck hospital, Mrs. Cervadoro was born Mlada, Italy, and was a resident of Long Branch until aboul 15 years ago. Surviving besides Mrs. Gigllo, are her husband, Dominlck Cervadoro; two brothers, Dominie and Nicola Quattrocchl, Long Branch; another sister, Mrs, Mary Fodaro, Buenos Aires, and a niece, Mrs. Edward Gelso, Re4 Bank. The funeral waa held in Nyack. ROBERT A. BRAUN "HOME BOB FUNERALS" One of the country's most modern funeral homes with a completely home-like atmosphere, IM BBOAO STBFJST EATONTOWN Mitt URMKBXT Of CAR OtANGB THE FUnERflL HOfHE Of PERSORRL SERVICE WILLIAM S. ANDERSON SO 32 Hudson Ave. Red Bank PHONE SHwysldt 1-240* The Adams Memorial Home Successor to Mount Memorial Home UNHAI DIMCTOM 110 Uitmk, N. J. Worden Funeral Home e HARRY C F. JAMES A. ROBERT F. SHadyside 74)557 M l MONT ITtW RID LANK "Ov.r Forty Years of Dependable, Economical Service" H. Lcwrence Scott & Son UNIRAL HOMI Surpassing. (^ A ^) Service Pfceee Kl M i l l 147 CHURCH ST. ' IELFORD, N. J. MI00LETOWN TOWNSHIP MBS. JEBOME HOCK, SB. Mrs. Margaret E. Hock, H, wife of Jerome Hock, Sr., 18 Manor dr., Red Bank, died Sunday at Monmouth Memorial hospital after a short illness. Mrs. Hock wmj born in Pittsburgh, Pa., daughter of tha late Thomas W. and Ellen Conley Mc- Klbbin. She was a member of St. James Catholic church. Surviving beside* her parents, are a son, Jerome Hock, Jr., SUtersvllle, Vs., and two brothers, Norman P. McKibbln, Ked Bank, and Howard M. McKibbln, Keansburg. A requiem ran was offered this morning at St. Mary's Catholic church, Pittsburgh. Burial was in caivary cemetery, misburgh. Local arrangements wen in charge of the Anderson funeral home. MISS FLOBBlfCE BODRIQCEZ RUMSON Mist Florence Rodriguez, 72, died Friday at her home on Ward ave. after a long Illness. MIM Rodriguez was born In St. Louis, dsughter of the late Raymond and Mary Roviro Rodriguez and had been a resident hare about 60 years. Surviving are a sister, Miss Fefa Rodriguez; a niece, Blanche L. Keator, and a nephew, Manuel Lopei, all living at home. A high requiem mast was offered Monday at Holy Cross Catholic church by Rev. John Connelly. Burial, under the direction of the John E. Day funeral home,.was in Mt Olivet cemetery where Father Connelly offered the blessing at the grave. Father Connelly recited thn rosary Sunday night at the funeral home. MBS, JACOB FBOWN Mrs. Esther Prawn, wife of Jacob Prown, died Friday night at her home, 41 Waverly pi., Red Bank, after aeveral months' Illness. Mn. Prown was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. David Shenker. Prior to coming to Red Bank 23 years ago, she was a resident of Lakewood. Mrs. Prown was a member of Red Bank chapter of Hadaasah, the Sisterhood of Congregation Bnal Israel of Red Bank, and tha Eastern Star of Lakewood. Surviving besides her husband, are a son, Max M. Prown, Plnekney rd.. Red Bank, president of Prown's National store on Broad t.; threi diushten, Mrs. Jamas! 8. Straus, Red Bank; Mrs. I. C. Levy, Cleveland, O., and Mrs. Samuel S. Stern, Jersey City; a brother, I. Shenker, Cleveland, O.; a sister, Mrs. I. Aeroneon, Washington, D. C, eight grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. The funeral was bald Sunday afternoon at the Adams memorial home, with Rabbi Arthur H. Herihon of Congregation Bnal Israel, officiating. Burial was In Bnal Israel eemetery. New Shrewsbury. Bearers ware Milton Abramoff. Harry C. Barnard, Percy Gray, Mehrin Lowenstetn, Percy Sherman and Morton Winer. V. Wffly Dies at 67 FAIR RAVEN S. Vincent Willis, 67, of Pompano Beach, Fie., formerly of Fair Havea, died Friday at the Point Pleasant ospttal after a Jong Illness. Bora la Naveslsk, Mr- Willis was a son of Mrs. Jennie Hopkins Willis of Naveslnk aad tha late Edward V. Willis. A resident of 1U Lexington ave.. Fair Haven for many years, ht moved to Pempans Beach about a year ago. Mr. Willis was a former member of the Fair Haven borough council aad beard of education. Prior MBS ELBA M. JOHNSON BELFORD Mrs. Elsa M. Johnson, 68. of MO Clinton pi., widow of Oscar Johnson, died Sunday at Monmouth Memorial hospital after a short Illness. Mrs. Johnson was born In Sweden and came to the United States 40 years ago. ' She had lived In Belford ten years. She was a member of the Belford Methodlit church and o«the Ladles' society of the church. Surviving are three sons, Ols Johnson, Chester, Pa.; John Johnson, at Veterans hospital. Lyons, and Willlain Johnson of Brooklyn; a daughter, Mrs. Leonard Parker, Belford, and seven grandchildren. The funeral waa yesterday afternoon at the Scott funeral home, with Rev. Robert L. Blackman of Belford Methodist church, officiating. Burial wai in Fair View eemetery. BOY DEPALMEB ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Roy DePalmer, 59, died Sunday at his home, 71 West Washington ave. Mr. DePalmer had been employed by the Jeney Central Power A Light company 31 years and had lived here 30 years. Hi was bom in Phoenix, Ariz. Mr. DePalmer was a charter member of the Atlantic Highlands first aid squad and an exempt member of the Hook and Ladder company of the borough Are departments Surviving are his wife. Mae De- Palmer; a daughter. Miss Lorraine DePalmer, at home; a eon, Roy DePalmer, Jr., Port Monmouth, and one granddaughter. The funeral waa yesterday afternoon at tha Posten funeral home, with Rev. William Tolly, of the Presbyterian church, officiating. Cremation waa at Rose Hill, Linden. MISS FRANCES C. COLLINS KEANSBURG Miss Frances Celeste Collins, 91, of IS Seeley ave., died Saturday at Monmouth Memorial hospital. She was resident of Keamburg all her life. Miss Collins waa a member of tha Keansburg Methodist church. She is survivled by several nieces and nephews. The funeral was Tuesday attarnoon at the Bedle funeral home, Keyport, with Rev. Otto C. T. Jsnke, of tha Keansburg Methodist church, officiating. Burial was in Fair Vlaw cemetery. SNIFFEN INFANT OCEANPORT The Infant son of Albert C. and Barbara L. Addle Sniffen of 28 Riverside ave. died at birth Friday at Monmouth Memorial hospital. Mr. Bnlffen la a painting contractor. Surviving are a slater, Patricia Louise Sniffen, and two brothers, A. Clark Snlffen, Jr., and John T. Sniffen, all living at home. The funeral was held Saturday. Burial, under the dlreotion of the Worden funeral home, was In Fair View cemetery. dedicated to INTEGRITY To larva reverently... with dignity and beauty alwayt, and offering the utmost in consideration. At no tima does creed or price maka any difference in the high standards we have upheld and shall continue to uphold in our sarvica and raspon. sibility to tha community. John E. Day Funeral Home IS Riverside Avetwe Phene SH Keyport Branch-Ml Mapls It Non-Sectarian Telephone MIM MABTIN i. MeMAHON FAIR HAVEN-Msrtin J. Me- Mahon, SS, of 217 Kemp ave., died Sunday night at Monmouth Memorial hospital where he had been a patient three weeks. Mr. McMahon waa born in Boston, Mass., son of the late Martin and Elisabeth MeMahon. Formerly of New Shrewsbury, he had been a resident here four years. Mr. MeMahon was associated with the Internal Revenue service for 87 years and was a group supervisor of the audit department of the Newark office. He was a member of Nativity Catholic church, Fair Haven. Mr. Mc- Mahon waa a veteran of World War I, during which he served In the Army. Surviving are his wife, Irene B. Dykeman McMahon; a daughter, Mrs. Arthur S. Jolce, Shrewsbury; a sister, Mrs. Martin P. Davis, Boston, and two grandchildren. A high requiem mass was offend this morning at Nativity church by Rev. Donald E. Hlekey, pastor. Burial, under the direction of the Worden funeral home, waa in ML Olivet cemetery. Bearers were Robert Klrkland, Richard Oage, Joseph Peyton and Ralph Hendrlckson. Father Hlckey officiated at Rosary services last night at the funeral home. yeara ago, Mrs. Willie was employed as supervisor of accounts the Public Service Corporaa of New Jersey at the Bayamnt office. He was a member of Trinity Episcopal ckureh and a past master of Mystic Brotherhood, Free and Accepted Masons of Red Bank. Surviving besides his mother, are his wife, Polly Cooke Willis; a daughter, Mn. Wlllam. Ltgg, Rumson; two sons, Edward V. WUIla, Kansas City, Mo., aad Harold V. Willis, ProvMsMs, R. I., and four grandchildren. The funeral was held Maaday night at the Adams memorial home, with Rev. Charles H. Best, rector of Trinity Episcopal church, officiating. Burial was In Fair View cemetery. Bearers were Eugene Magte, Harry L. Htavlland. Jamas Stout Jacob T. Zoldak, Frank Kingsland and Doylt Ertwme. Mystic Brotherhood lodge, " and A. M., held services at the funeral home Monday night) after religious services, with Past Matter Eugene Mages as master and John Brand sa chaplain. MRS. GEORGE B. SCHANCK WEST KEANSBURO Mn. Olive B. Sohanck, 56, wife of George B. Schanck, died Saturday at her home, 282 Laurel ave., after a lengthy Illness. Mrs. Sohanck was born In Middletown, daughter of the lat* William B. and Emma Trues Thome. She lived in thia area all her life. She was a member of St. Mark's Episcopal church, Keansburg. Besides her husband, she Is survived by a daughter, Mrs, Em-, A. Eastmond, Port Monmouth; two sons, William B. Schanck, Mlddletown, and Robert H. Schanck, Belford; a broth, er, William F. Thorns, West Keansburg, and eight grandchildren. The funeral was Tuesday attarnoon at the Bedle funeral home, Keyport Burial was In Shoreland Memorial Gardens, Haslet MRS. ELIZABETH SCOTT KEANSBURO Mrs. Elizabeth Scott, 78, of 15 St. James ave. died Wednesday of last week at her home. Mrs. Scott was tha widow of William Scott. She was born in Scotland and moved here from East Orange eight years ago. She was a member of Hazel Dean lodge, Daughters of Scotia, Newark. Surviving are a son, Charles Scott, and a daughter, Mrs. Betty Hay, both of Keansburg, and three sitters, Mrs. William Connors of Irvington, Mrs, Edward Schaumburg of Chatham, and Mrs. James Taylor of Kearny. The funeral was held Saturday morning at the Daniel A. Rellly funeral home. West Keansburg, with Rev. Edward Schaumburg of Chatham officiating. Burial waa in Fair View cemetery. CATHLEEN RAYMOND CLIFFWOOD BEACH Cathleen Raymond, 5, daughter of George and Arlene Weber Raymond, US Parva pi., died Sunday at Presbyterian hospital, New York. She was born in Orange. Surviving, besides her parents, are two brothers, George r»aymond, Id, and Guy Raymond, and a sister, Cindy Lu Raymond; her grandparent!, Mr. and Mrs. George Raymond and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Weber, all of West Orange, and her maternal greatgrandmother, Mrs. Louise Hauls, Irvington. The funeral was yesterday afternoon at the Day funeral home, Ktyport, with Rev. Francis R. Osterstock of the Cllftwood Presbyterian church officiating. Burial waa In Csdarwood cemetery, Keyport. JOHN C. MONTAG PORTsMONMOUTH - John C Montag, 78, dlsd Tuesday at his home, 186 Main st., after a long Illness. Mr. Stout was born a Brooklyn and had lived at Port Monmouth SS ytart. Ht was a member of Behlehem lodge 313, F * A.M., of Brooklyn, and of tht Port Monmouth fire company. Burvlving are hli wife, Mrs. Margaret Fitzgerald Montag; son, Wlnfred Montag, Union;. daughter, Mrs. William Clark, Jr., Roselle, and two grandchildren. The funeral will lie at the latt reildenca tomorrow at 2 p. m, with Rev. William E. Blsgrove, pastor of the New Monmouth Baptist church, officiating. Burial wilt be In Fair View csmetsry under direction of the Scott funeral home of Belford, ta his retirement two JOSEPH SAVITSKT CLIFFWOOD-Joseph Savltsky 77, of Matawaa rd., died Thursday at Perth Amboy Otntral hoipltal. Mr. Savltsky was bom In Poland. Ha was a communicant of St. Joseph's Catholic church, Keyport; a member ef St. Joseph's lodge of Sacred Heart W.A. Dies in Florida FAIR HAVEN William Albert Burege of 617 River rd, this place, retired owner rnd operator of Burdge dt Sons, movers, which flrm maintains salesrooms and warehouses on Clay st, Red Bank, disd suddenly Monday night at St Augustine, FU., where he and Mrs. Burdge were vacationing. Mr. Burdge was born at Locust son of the late Edwin E. and Luclnda H. Burdge, and had been a resident of this area all his life. In the transportation business almost 40. years, Mr. Burdge was the founder of Bora Buses and was its president until 1SJ», when he sold his Interests. Mr. Burdge started his moving business In 1600 at Locust Point and in 1S1> moved to Red Bank, st Ths firm grew, and later he purchased the property at 111 Broad st In 18*7 he sold tht large dwelling on the front of the property facing Broad st Mr. Burdge then erected a residence connecting the office and warehouse at ths rear of the Broad at property. In 168* when the business was at a peak, Mr. Bardge had algftl motorised vans making dally trips to distant points In the Bast Later he went into the business of shipping hunter and polo ponies to various points by modern van asivice. Mr. and Mrs. Burdge, the former Eleanor BelHngham, were married In 1804 at All Saint's Episcopal churoh, Navetlnk. The couple marked their 60th wedding anniversary in April, 1*54. Mr. Bardge was a member ef Mystic Brotherhood, Free and Accepted Masons of Red Bank. Surviving besides Mrs. Burdge are three sons, A. Edwin Burdge, Little Silver; Dalton Burdge, Shrewsbury, and Harry Burdge, Locust; a daughter. Mrs. Willis M. Rue. Little Sliver; a brother, Orover Burdge, Jersey City, and a sister, Miss Emma Burdge, Peters pi.. Red Bank. A Masonic service by Mystic brotherhood will be held tonight at 8 o'clock at the Adams memorial home, Red Bank. The fuchurch, South Amboy, and of Ka- n «" 1 t wl» " ew tomorrow at 2 of Perth Amboy I clock from * memorial home, i his wife. MrsJ* 1 * 11 *» ***** J. Squire, patsa Posmlsrtna Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Anna Zolmerski Sevittky; five sons. Frank and Jeasph Savttsky, at home, Michael Savltsky of Keyport, John Savltsky of Cliffwood and Stanley Savltsky of Keyport; two daughters, Miss Helen Savltsky, at home, and Mrs. Victoria Prtputnlk, Carteret; a brother, Stanley Savltsky, south River, and a sister, Mrs. Josephine fskltn, Poland, and grandchildren. At St. Joseph's church Monday, aev. Cornelius J. Kane offered a solemn high requiem mass, with Rev. John J. Hendricka as deacon and Rev. Charles O'Shaughnessy as sub-deacon. Bearers were Andrew Diadota, Stephen Derechialc, Stanley Dereehlalo, Ernest Copeman, Michael Preputnlk, Jr., and Michael Sawlcki. Burial, under the direction of tht Day funeral home, waa In St. Joseph's cemetery. FREDERICK VOM FAIR HAVEN - Frederick Vots, 71, of 212 Fair Haven rd., died Monday at Monmouth Memorial hospital. Mr. Voss was a retired master mechanic in tunnel eonstraetlon. He was born In Hoboktn. Ht was a member of Euclid lodge, F. * A. M., Hoboken, for 37 years, and was a member of Myttfc Brotherhood lodge In Red Services will be bold by the Euclid lodge at the Sharp* funeral home, Union City, tonight at 8 o'clock. Tha funeral will be at 2 p. m. tomorrow at the funeral home, with Rev, John Wagner, of the Lutheran church of Hudson Heights, officiating. Burial will be In Laurel Grove Memorial Park, Totowa. MIS. MARGARET A. BRADT MATAWAN - Mrs. Margaret A. Brady, 85, died Tuesday at her home, 188 Bread st. She waa the widow of John B. Brady. She was born la Everett, daughter of the late Patrick J. and Bridget Ftnneran Kelly. Mrs, Brady Is survived by son, John P. Brady of Matawaa, and several nephews and a niece. The funeral will be Saturday at 8:S0 a. m. at the Day funeral home, Keyport, and at a. as. at St. Joseph's Catholic church, Keyport, where R«v. Cemellua J. Kane will offer a Ugh requiem mats. Burial will be m St Joseph's eemetery. Keaneburg Jiffrty Thorns, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Thorns, Newman st, West Keansburg, celebrated his etventh birthday Feb. 30 at a party. Present wen Thomas and Edward Blsemann, Clifford Gelsler, Gregory Durka, Let Wentel, Richard and David Green and Deborah Thorns. Ted TUI, son of Mr. and Mrs. William'Till, Sixth St.. Wast Keansburg, was given a party Friday on his fourth birthday. Guests included John, Edward aad James Lang, John "Chipper" Powell, Kathtrine and Diane Till and Mrs. Edward Lang. Mrs. George DoUlnger of Park ave, entertained ths members of tht Silver Tea Social club at a hinohton fast Thursday. The hostess prise was won by Mrs. Salvatore Carlucdo. Present were Mrs. Floyd Gray, Mrs, Edward Ambrose, Mrs. Edward Kstlan, Mrs. Vincent MeNally, Mrs. J. Herman Petersen, Mrs. Michael Bermudas, Mn. John Marqust, Mrs. Georgt Callahan and Mrs. William Humphreys. Mrs. Carluoclo will entertain at the next meeting. JBdward Wilson, son ef Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson, Laurel ave., calibrated his 18th birthday with his classmates of ths fourth grade at the West Keanabarg tohool last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs, Edward Ambrose, Sunset st, visited their son, Edward Ambrose at St Joseph's college, Princeton, Sunday, The 11th birthday of Chester Ciarkowskl, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chister Csarkowski, Seventh st., WtH Ktansburg, was observed Feb. 30 with hit parents and Mr. and Mrs, Fred Sefolk and family. Mr. and Mrs. Cheater Csarkowski attended tha wedding of a relative In Branford, Conn,, Saturday, tor of the Red Bank Methodist church, officiating. Burial wul be In Fair View cemetery. MRS. OEBTBCDE C. KEATING MIDDLETOWN Mrs. Osrtrudt C. Keating, 76, of 840 Prospect pi., Brooklyn, dlsd Monday at tha Ivy House nursing home. She was the widow of Joseph H. Keating and was a retired achool teacher. Mrs. Keating had bttn 111 eight months. Surviving are a sister, Mrs. William F. Costtllo, Brooklyn, and six nephews, Lawrence A. Carton, Jr., Locust; Arthur B. Carton, Washington; J, Donald Carton, Island Park, L. I.;.Richard C. Carton, Millburn; John D. Carton, Springfield, and Maurice Cotter, Utiee, N. T. Mrs. Keating was a communl cant of St. Gregory's Catholic church, Brooklyn. The funeral waa held this morn- Ing at Our Lady of Perpetual Help church,, Highlands, where Rev, Joseph Donnelly offered a high requiem mass. Burial, under the direction of the Scott funeral home, was In Calvary cemetery, Brooklyn. Dies at 68 LONG BRANCH Services were held Saturday afternoon In Flock funeral home for Dr. Leon Reitner, Sr., 68, who died Thursday at hit home. 866 Broadway, after a short illnesi. A native of this city, Dr. Reisner was a son of tht late Roman J. and Mary R. Reisntr. He had been associated with Monmouth Memorial hospital 87 years, serving ss chief of the dental senior since 1851 when he beesroe senior attending dentlit and a member of the medical board. He had been a member of the Monmouth County Dental society 12 years. A graduate of Chattle high school In ISM, he was the star team there and played football and baseball. He was selected as forward en the All American team la ltls after letting an Eastern Intercollegiate scoring record while starring for the Uni' verslty of Pennsylvania. He also was outstanding as pitcher and halfback at Chattle. After graduating from Pennsylvania In 1818, where he was a member of the XI Pel fraternity, the Funnel society and the Truman Dental society, he Interned at ths state hospital In Trenton. He waa a member of tht titcutlve board of tht Monmouth County Legal Aid society, a charter member of the local American Legion pest and a member of Deal Country club and Round table. In World War I. Dr. Relsner volunteered and served overseas as a major in the Army Dental corps with tha 104th Engineers, 28th division. He entered tht service as a lieutenant, won recognition and became a member of a board comprised of three officers to meet at the call of President Wilton to examine officers in line for promotion. When promoted to captain, he waa tha youngest m the regiment and tht first to bt promoted to captaincy. Ht later was promoted to major. Surviving are his wife, Anna Lehman Relsner; a son Dr. Leon Reisner, Jr., of West Long Branch who practiced with his father and In Red Bank; two brothers, Edward, Relsner of Manasquan and Raymond Relsner of Philadelphia; a sister, Mrs. Cella Sparks of Little Silver, and two grandsons, Ronald and Wayne Relsner. Rev. Leo M. Coz, pastor of Star of the Sea Catholic church, officiated at the funeral. Interment was In Woodbine cemetery, Oceanport Bearers were John E. Mahtr, Jr., William Phllllpt, Dr. David Alterman, Charles Cohen, John Cooper and Alex Sparks. Honorary bearers were Park Mason, Stanley Bouse, Dr. Alexander Vlneburg, Henry Shaheen, Victor Shaheen, Maurice Potter, Paul Hintelmann, Dr. Edward Glazer, Dorman MeFaddln. Sr., John F. Kiely, Dr. Owen Woolley, Dr. Otto Holters and Dr. Frank J. Alteehul. DANIEL STOUT FORT MONMOUTH Daniel Stout, 80, of S Grace st, died unexpectedly Monday at Eatontown, whsra he had gone to look at a new bouse he planned to occupy. Mr. Stout was born In New Tork and had lived at Port Monmouth two years. He was a truck driver. Ht la survived by his wife. Elisabeth Hossr Stout; a sister, Mrs. Julia Smith, and a brother, Henry Stout, both of Oardtnla, Cal. Tks funeral waa held yesterday morning at the Scott funeral horns, Belford, with Rev. Robert L. Blackman, pastor of the Belford Methodist church, officiating. Burial waa in Bay View cemetery, Leonardo. BUS. ANNA R. STEVENSON WEST LONG BRANCH-Jsrs. Anna R. Stevenson, 74, of 8*5 Wall st, this place, widow of Frank J. Stevenson, died last Thursday at Monmouth Memorial hospital after several months' Ill- Mrs. Stevenson was born at Trenton, daughter of tht late Francis and Ida Reeder Rockhill, aad had been a resident of the shore area nine years. She was a member of tht Red Bank Presbyterian church. Surviving Is a niece, Mrs. George W. Grimm, with whom She had lived. The funeral waa htld Sunday afternoon at the Braun funeral home, with Rev. Dr. Charles S. Webster, pastor of tht Red Bank Presbyterian church, officiating. Burial Monday was In Riverview cemetery, Trenton. MM. CAROL ZAWESTOWSI JERSEY CITT Mrs. Carol Kane Zawestowskl, SS, of 45 Newkirk at, sister of George Kane ef Keyport was found dead Tuesday night In her apartment hsrt. She was a lifelong resident of Jerssy City and attended schools hen. Besides her brother, Mrs. Zawettowskl la survived by her children, Jan and Elisabeth; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Kant of Jersey City; two other brothers, Thomas Kant of Jersty City and F.F.C. Robert Kant, stationed with the Marine Corps at Okinawa, and a sister, Mrs. Dorothy Redding of Jersey City. WILLIAM r. BALDWIN WEST KEANSBURG-William F. Baldwin, 71, died Monday at his home, 55 Compton ave. He lived here the past four years and Is a former North Jsrssy resident Hi Is survived by a brother and two sisters, Theodore Baldwin of Keansburg; Mrs. Bsatrict Kiteman, Wast Keansburg, and Mrs. Florence Ardlno, New Tork city. Tha funeral was held this morning at St Rose of Lima Catholic church In East Orange. Burial, directed by the Ryan funeral home of Keansburg, was In Holy Cross cemetery, North Arlington. In Recent W! FREEHOLD Charles L. Brennan of Red Bank, who died Nov. 10; Andrew Johnson of Sea Bright, who died Feb. 8, and John G. Koppelmann of Port Monmouth, who died Dec. 23, left their estates to their respective widows., Their wills were among those filed for probate last week In the office of Surrogate Edward C. Broege. Among others filed, Mn. Anna Bolten of Rumson, who died Jan. 28. left her estate to her children, Mrs. Margaret Turpin of Eatontown and Fred Botton of Hoboken. Mathiaa Gatyat of Port Mon- ' mouth, who died Feb. 7, left jewelry to his sons, Joseph and Stephen Gatyai. The rest goes to a <UiirM*r, Mr*. Elizabeth Erubler. Richard E. Francis, 8r., of Holmdel, who died Oct. 28, 1858, left his estate to hie daughter, Harriet J. Francis. Edward E. Schiike of Matawan, who died Feb. 13, left his ertate to his daughter, Mrs. Louist S. Merrill ef Cranford., HOSPITAL PATIENTSj Surgical patients at Rlverriei (I hsopital this week include HUBson AUSB. Silverton ave., little Silver; Frank Biltotti, Fifth at, Matawan; Raymond Boyd,MO Lake ave.. Fair Haven; Vlncest Brand, 5 Shadysids pi., Port Monmouth; Paul Brugler, 60 Holly ave.. West Ktansburg; William Burmoator, 7 New Brunt- * wick ave., Uatawan; Mrs. Howard Carbeny, 15 Sears Landing rd., Atlantic Highlands; Mrs. Jamas DsLans, 173 Mitchell dr., Eatontown; Mrs. Leroy Gaub, Engliihtowa; Mrs. Mathilda Kempson, 6 Roosevelt tar., Mlddletown; Andrew Kerrigan, 2* Kenneth ter., Mlddletown; Mrs. «Edward Mslsler, rt. 85, Headden's Corner; Miss Judith Platt. 15 North Cherry lane, Rumsoa; Mrs. Bennett Salerno, 4*8 Laurel ave., West Keansburg, aad Dwight Young, 384 Garden rd., Shrewsbury. I Medical patients include Miss Sophie Antnopulos, Creek rd., 1 Port Monmouth; Carl Bitter, 61 Grtengrove ave., Keyport; Mrs. Joseph A. Derby, 38 Atlantic st., Highlands; Mrs. Leo Deslauriers, 204 White rd.. Little Sliver; John Furlsto, Water St., Tlnton Falls; Mrs. Elisabeth Hlggins, 35 Johnston tor., West Keansburg; Joseph Kelly, 0» Forrest avt.,' Keansburg; Mrs. Emll Ketolatnen, Deer tone, Llncroft; Harold Lee, 13 Willis pi., Keansburg; John O'Keefe, 481 Sherman blvd., Belford; George Prendsrgast, 414 Main St., Belford; Mrs. Mary Royal, 820 Center at, Union Beach; Charles Schaetzle, M Lu>, by pi., Mlddletown; WllUapi ' Strohklrch, 155 King's bwy.. M18- dletown; Mrs. Elmer VanBrunt, 528 River rd., Fair Haven; Mrs. Gordon Vanderwall, 14 Forrest dr., Mlddletown, and Mn. Mary Wyckoff, 500 Harding rd.. Fair Haven. FRANCIS BITOTTT MATAWAN - Francis Bilottl. 51, of 7 Fifth st, died yesterday at Riverview hospital after a long pineis. Mr. Bilottl was born at Brooklyn, son of Mrs. Maria Spejla Bllottl, now of Matawan. and tht iate John Bilottl. and dad been a resident of Matawan three years. He waa employed la the pigmint division of the National Lead company at SsyrevUli. Mr. Bttottt was a member of St Joseph's Catholic ehuroh, Keyport, and tha MorganvlU* first aid squad. Surviving besides his mother, are his wife, Una Forclnlto Blip ttl; two sons, John Bilottl, Matawan, and Francis BUottl, Jr., living at home; three daughters, Mrs. Marion Bsposlto, Matawan, and Misses Palma and Marlt Bllottl, living at home; four brothers, Anthony and Alfred BUottl, Matawan; John Bllottl, Union Beach, and Vlto BUottl, Italy; four sisters, Mrs. Constates Museatello and Mrs. Antlonette Gluglian, Matawan; Mrs. Mary Ferrara, Keansburg, and Mrs. Alvera Nappl, San Francisco, and four grandchildren. A high mass of requiem win be offered at I o'clock Monday by Rev. Cornelius J. Kane at St Joseph's church Burial, under the direction Of the Day funeral horns, will be In St. Joseph's cemetery, Keyport THREE DRIVERS FINED MIDDLETOWN-Thret drivers were fined last night by Magistrate W. Gilbert Manson. D. J. Flanagan, 80 Center st, Ktansburg, paid 116 on M. charge of driving an unsafe vehicle. Lansing T. Booth, 164 Port Monmouth rd.. East Keansburg, was assessed 810 on a faulty muffler charge, and Arthur E. Keller, 16 Rosewood ter., Middlttowrl, paid W for careless driving. Columbia university is providing ten scholarships for students who havej had to flee Hungry from the Soviet Invasion. IN MEMORIAM In lovins m«mory of my denr. _ lottd Bother. Mrs. Carolina J. Mintoi lond FMd. W»O "G b Cirola. «w«y Mar. 2, 1DI tte" "Gone, but not fowottm." And Mil? miistd by your Mn. Linda Minton. fr/or. Cars' ef Thuki Mn, Itrolyn. Complon. wl ef ike late Clifford 8. Conpton. wintm to h r titlr»e.»»if»r«ow.r.. ind kflidn! ame fti<t»tf«lppo» m«wl»f j«; net t bereavtsmat. aha Her. JUrotd Hoc -»^T H«l» TriMly Latkar i Bed Beak. Ntenl BtgiaeJ twa*#8»>6> Mt*) i them who Your ExpnuUm of \ True Remembranet ' No othtr act of a Doras! j man's Ufa gives htm more complete soul satlsfscuoa j than the building of a; Me- I mortal to bit loved wbo have gone on. Our select Barre Memorials bear the Guild mark of ap» proval, your guarantee of a finer Memorial at no ejhra cost Visit our sbswroom aad see our displays of these certified memorials. JOHNVMt RJA leu 10t, l«tj Ms* SH 1-«Jlt DISTINCTIVE ARTCRAFT MEMORIALS rerfecmaa ef Material and. Workmanship In BeauUral New Designs Our memorials are manufacturtd by sklllsd artisans In.our will equipped plant at, West Long Branch, LONG BRANCH MOHUiENT CO. Inc. Wall SI. Tel. GApilal Weal Long Branch" RANCH OFFICE and DISPLAY MONMOUTH MONUMENT CO. HEAUUENS COKNEB MIDDLETOWN, V. 1. HIUHWAV 88 SHadyside T-Mll

11 10th Aiifmiil m Show* Luncheon For Star of the Sea Guild LONG BRANCH A tsetlv* at* luncheon and for the faablon saesphar* la fraulsed for tht how, which will be preaented by tenth annual spring taewon «bow Dainty Apparel of Asbury Park. and luncheon of the guild of tba It alao will Include millinery by, Bur of the Sea, Academy. Th«fete, of which Mn. AMrad Juska la general chairman, will take place In the Vardi Graa room kfiaa Anna of Dainty Apparel. klra. Joaaph Cstalano heada the Invitation eommittee, which includes Mre. Ralph Todaro, Mrs. of HomeatMd Country club, Warren Budd and Mrs. Uaeoln print L«<" Helghta, Thuradey, Hay #, at 1 p. m. Proceeds will ba UKd t* purchase kitchen equipment. RobcrUhaw. Chairman of the committee on table prltea ia Mrs. John Brother, aaalated by Mra. Honorary chairmen ara Sister Balan Rita, the mother auperlor; Sistar Eleanor Thereaa, mmmw aehool principal, and Mrs. William Chlego, guild president Serving a* co-chairman with Hra. Juaka ( Mn. WiHtem Ltedhardt Music by tha Bentley Naaon trio will be played throughout tha house... Vou waai a too* tssdmr Car!«> wkaa ka goat KkooL Good taadmrf todtf art ia deaund. They tit kird «> Cad, karat* to tap. W«man pay food salaries to kttp and to gat eke wall. prepared, well-qualified teachers he will Mad. TeU tew ftitadt Md Baigkbott. our beard of educatioa ambus, tad roar latora (bit... "Wl*llt NT KfiMll ti MV ENimr Saw. tort jt MA Monmouth County Education Assedatioa Harold Kelly and Ifri. William Blmonelll. The contacting committee head ia Mrs. Chartea Ilvento with Mrs. Conway Cohalan, lira. Dale Otto, Mra. Frederick Balm«r. Hra. liuctan Coliert, Mra. Leroy McGraeyey, Mrs. Frank Faiaia, Via. Stanley Wortmann, Mra. Oeorge CQrady and Mra. Charles Heasa as ataiatanta. Mra. John Guirs ia chairman of the grab bag committee, with Mra. Hal GUIen aa co-chairman. Their aidea Include Mra. Joseph Mendree. Mra. J. D. Van Note, Hra. Lester Joate. Mrs. WUIlam Holland, Mrs. H. H. Colmorgan, Mra, Allan Hughea, Mra. Francia Juaka, Mra. Thomaa Budd, Mra. Charles Jennings, Mn. Warren Emley, Mra. Thomas S. White, Mrs. Edward McCormlck, Mra. Ward Kramer, Mra. Joaeph GUroy, Mrs. Dominic Lubrano and Mra. D. N. Quattrocchi. The special awards committee haa Mn. Mary Gaaton and Mra. John Hlggins as chairman and co-chairman, respectively, with an assist from Mrs. Waiter Llndhardt, Mra. Joaeph Shandrey, Mra. John Robbina, Mn. Edward Garrity, Mrs. Roy WhiU, Mrs. Anthony Farlnacel, Mra. Harry Waaaerman, Mn William Black, Mra. Dennis Cohalan, Mra. Louis Huys, Mn. P. Joaeph Sheehan, Mra. Edward McCormlck, Mrs. Nicholas Grasso and Mrs. Samuel Qraaao. Heading the prize committee la Mra. John McGreevey, with Mn. Arthur MeQlnnts as her co-chair- the Wharton survey, and Roland man. Their committee includea tion. Fire equipment would be assigned to the emergency fire sta- experienced In research for his- Wells Robbina, an archaeologist Mn. Gertrude Maxwell, Mrs. W. Daniel Williams, Mn. Sanders tions and remain there during the toric sites. Werthelm, Mra. Gregory LenUakla, Mrs. John Nulty, Mn. James of the llrst aid aquad would alert The participants will describe disaster emergency. The captain Qrodeaka, Mra. Joaeph Heimbold, all officers, and members for diaaater duty and be in charge ol their outcome and will Indicate the purpose of the diggings and Mra. Paul Grover, Mn. James Lynch and Mn. Walter Steinhauaer. the emergency hospitals. All pub-program on the Wharton. Jersey transporting Injured persons to future steps in the development Mrs. Joseph Rattt U in charge lic schools would remain closed Review la a weekly broadcast Of publicity. during a C. D. dlaaater emergency. Should such an emergency formation on conservation and re- designed to provide current In- The eommittee appointment* were announced at a recent meet- be declared during school hours, lated matters. Ing In tha school library, at which the teaching staff would remain time Mrs. Juaka diaeuaaed arrangements and stated that plans by the C. D. director or demit" neerlng school and the oldeat with their classes until dismissed Weat Point ia tha oldeat engl win be advanced for the show at director. The superintendent of permanent military post hi the various meetings of chairmen and streets would be in charge of nation. their aides. street clearance. The director or Among thoea present wan Mn. deputy director would, it necessary, requisition trucks and road Chlego, Mn. Juaka, Mn. Undhardt, Mrs. Catalano, Mrs. Nulty, equipment for'street clearance. Mra. McOlnnls, Mn. Williams, Motels would be taken over for Mra. Werthelm, Mrs. Quire. Mrs. emergency hospitals with resident doctors in charge. The Red Colmorgan, Mrs. Francis Juska, Mn. Holland, Mra. Robbina, Mra. Cross would be requested to send Cohalan, Mra. Nicholas Gnsao, registered nurses and medical Mn. Todaro, Mra. Black. Mrs. Bal- auppliea. Churches would be req< mer, Mn. RoberUhaw, Mrs. Warren Budd, Mn. Lubrano, Mra. Joats, Mrs. Thomaa Budd, Mra. Hughea, Mn. Shandrey, Mrs. I-eroy McGreevey, Mra. John Mc- Greevey, Mra. Kelly, Mra. Gerrity and Mra. Rattl. N. nofclaa inline- tnnti when jou aenrtlee Tka BatieU* e w U i» PLYWOOD IAIN PAINT vslaa*. to ealertav j,,, ^^m,», m p^. etfaaar«v&. ' traetlv* prteee. rail eeter MM. BLAISDELL lumsbt CO. WNW MIS MIVMI. Sartfe trmf«avt. SHtriyiMt Gvil Defense Setup Explained EATONTOWN Spencer Pattiraon, director of Civil Defense and Dlaaater Control, addreaaed tba Men'a club of Methodiat church Feb. 20 at the church. Alas present were members of the Civil Defence unit, in uniform, and representatives of the fire company and first aid aquad. Mr. Patterson explained that Civil Defense was organized not only for disaster in case of armed attack, but also for protection of lite and property in any local dlaaater such aa a hurricane, a large fire, unusually Urge automobile accident or a lost child. Mr. Patterson aaid Eatontown Is one of the few municipalities in ttie stale that haa filed with C. D. atate headquarters an approved plan of hurricane and disaster control. The disaster call is "t ( t" on tha fire company signal horn. When auch a signal goes out, It will mean that director of Civil Defense or his deputy has declared an emergency and the dlaaater plan is Invoked. Mr. Patterson said It Is his belief that all resldenta should be familiar with the plan so they would know their part and be able te act accordingly. He said the plan would etart with the chief of C. D. auxiliary police, who would alert all officers and patrolmen and police women for disaster duty. C. D. police radio cars would patrol the streets. A C. D. auxiliary police officer and four patrolmen would be assigned to each C. D. emergency housing unit, C. D. emergency hospital, C. D. emergency feeding unit and C. D. emergency evacuation convoy. All persona assigned to C. D. emergency hospitals and housing units would be registered by the C. p. auxiliary police. The chief of the fire company would alert all officers and firemen for disaster duty and assign ona officer and eight firemen to each C. D. emergency fire sta- ulsltloned for emergency housing, men being assigned to one unit and women and children to another. The commanding officer of Fort Monmouth would be requested to lend blankets and bedding for the homeless persons. Mem ben of the Salvation Army would be assigned to each emergency housing unit. All persons assigned to emergency housing units would receive food provided by the C. D. welfare officer. Churches, public schools, lodge halls and restaurants would be requisitioned for emergency feeding. Ladles of the local churches and mem' hers of the Salvation Army would serve the foad at the emergency centers. The C. D. police would call at each home and give instructions to the family to take no more clothing than will nil a pillow case, a flash light, blanket, Thermos jug of water and, If possible, food for 34 houn. All evacuated persona would be require* to carry on their persons an Identification tag. All persons assigned to an emergency evacuation convoy would he registered l by C. D. police. A C. D. car, two nurses, a clergyman, lour mem ben of the Salvation Army, a C. D. police officer and four pa. trolmen would be assigned to each emergency evacuation convoy. The C. D. communication officer would contact the C. D. disaster control center of Monmouth county, stating that a C. D. disaster emergency has been dadared. The C. D. disaster control center would be in contact with the C, D. communication center at all times during an emergency and C. D. radio ears would patrol the town and request help of any kind to the disaater control center. All gasoline service stations would remain open but will service C. D. cars only. All food markets would recaste tye*, M wmm sen a Us**- «*J amount of food to save* p*r> eon. All drug store* would remain open for medical supplies for emergency hospitals. Should help of any kind be needed by any person, a white cloth should ba displayed from a window or door facing the street All casualty Information will be releaaed by the C. D. director or his deputy. The chief of the communication section explained the workings of the six recently acquired radio transmitting and receiving sets and then put on a demonstration. One act, repreaentlng headquarters, waa in the church and two sets were In two cars patrolling Eatontown. A apeeial wave band his been given to Eatontown, which permits direct communication between C. D. headquarters and any patrol car and a direct report back to headauartera without having to pses through a central control point. Mr. Patterson aald when the new fire truck la accepted by the town, a discarded truck will be turned over to the Civil Defense unit to be equipped with tools for dlaaater work. For any rescue equipment purchased under specifications of the federal government, 80 per cent of the cost will up at approximately 1:10 a. m., b* discussed by the school's medi- to Sycamore school, will be picked Th* school health program will ha paid by the federal government, he added. will be picked up approximately and those going to Tinton Falls, cal staff at th* next meeting, Mar. JO. Mr. Patterson said: "There ara JO minutes later, :». 49 members in the Eatontown livery bus will duplleate Its unit, but more are needed. Meet- route. The flrst trip Is for Sycamore school pupils, th. second Inge are held the third Monday of each month at borough hall and anyone wiahtng to volunteer S r rsis 1 F» JI» «*«>. excepting his services is Invited. An application for memberahlp may be rri SHUMAUrS obtained from any member," McLean to Discuss Wharton Tract Diggings TRENTON Recent diggings New Shrewsbury Schools End Double Sessions TINTON FALLS - Starting Monday, all double sessions at both the Tinton Falls and Sycamore schools will be eliminated until June, according to an announcement made by George C. MaJone, principal, at a meeting of the Shrewabury Township Parent-Teacher association at the school here last week. The principal aaid that both Tinton Falls and Sycamore school* will be closed tomorrow, to facilitate moving the second and third grades from Tinton Falls to the Sycamore school. Under the new set-up, school start* at i:m m <» ~«3icrc, and g:w at Tinton Falls. Mr. Malon* then announced the following ehanfe in school bus schedules: All children south of Wayside will be picked up during the school week at approximately 7:48 a. m. by the Robblns buaes; north of Wayside, children going the Robbins rout*. Following the** announcements the annual Founders' day and Father's night program was conducted, with Mn. John Beebe u chairman. Nelson W. Holden Jr whose wife la president, presided, and th* other offices were fllltd by men member*. Chorus soloists were Mr. Malon* and Steven Hayden, and Mrs. on the Wharton tract will ba described during Jeraey Review broadcasts when Joseph E. Mc- Dorothy Greenbaum was pianist. Lean, commissioner of the New Mra. Elizabeth Conovar directed Jersey Department of Conservation and Economic Development, musical director. a sketch and Eugene Barth waa will have as his guests, Joseph Mrs. James F, Corcoran, ehairman, aald that ticket* were on J. Truncer, conservation staff member and chief engineer of sal* for the dance th* P.T.A. will WE HAVE OLD FASHION!* HOREHOUND DROPS OLD PASHIONID UCORICE DROPS ALSl KM SMCIAL DUTARY U» Cwgu Drtp> CHAMBERS PHARMACY Rtfjtr W. ifweb, Ffc.6. is PfcMt SH i "Truly a Drag Store" > St. GET AHEAD WITH A BILL CLEANUP» Oet tbt eaih yea esd teesy est leftover Milt. Then make only en* payment monthly fautea* of (event... have mar* con left over for your family each month. Thousands of people have fatten a Fivan Sltrl, ia their family kodpttag with a Bill a*** Up Lam here. Yam ca* do the ssmel Phtfl* BiMgrKML I n t... gi»* * f«w staple facts... thaa east* ia by appointment for cash la a/njf* trip to the eflcel Of, If yea prefer, yen may writ* or torn* in for your loan. You'll And fatting a lean hare s friendly matter,.. because Bsrancuu Ilk te say "Yet!" when yea ask to * lean. Why not phern... «wit*... or con* ia a*wr s) offic wfckh It nearest yew? MB SANK-aBreee-Street,me-near " '» MsMMY PARK 7MCe*kiMn«m.,ln*in...Hte*a*et(-TIM OWN IVININOI IT AffOINTMINT PHONI KM IVININO HOUH Um mt* k mlauli at ill iinnrtli Mm MM SM. %», lit Beneficial hold Saturday at Old Orchard Country club. ' Mr. Holden announced that Mrs. Doris Buck, fourth and fifth ; grade teacher, haa submitted her, resignation to the hoard of Edu-' cation because of iilneaa in her family. ' Pupils have been Invited to participate in an art contest I which tha Old Mill Art society is sponsoring for Monmouth county grammar and high aehool student*. Prises will be awarded at ceremonies at the Old Mill, Bunday afternoon, Mar. 10. The winning entries will then h* himud during the next two weeks at the mill. During the coffee hour which concluded the program, a oandlelight ceremony honored th* P.T.A. founden. Mothers of third grade pupils, directed by Mra. Henry Hull, were hostesses. O CUHTAl'lJS^ LIFETIME GUARANTEE Askmstiomtit e SLIP COVMt LINENS VENETIAN BLINDS WOVEN WOODS HEP BAWK REGISTER Feb. 28, 1957-H HKMne Process for C M * VENETIAN BUNDS e Tapes. C a r* aad Start 24 Htm Sarnie* CSMSBMC teas* Sarnie* Mr. Slat Happy Cilbt Isttaates MONMOUTH VENETIAN BUND CUANBIS 113 C Rim RsJ. t-0im 1 IJsaRT MONEY'9 TOP-DOLLAR VALM TOBAY! NIOH 9.A TOMORROW! OManbil* far "57 tiv*i yov e bio #**rmc* kl «*be etwdi e M*H difference in prka wwi law MVM HyWlJf Mltwt fmtotmt flwl Mi M0F9 p 1 perfanmtm. I* evr gixit far lodwt Tw)l COME INI YOU'RI ALWAYS WEICOMI AT - ROWLAND R. JONES MOTOR CO. sal I H S, Htw Jerwy, *H 1-1*1* Now on sale at new lower prices! 3-T SUPER-CUSHION GOOD Tire safety beyond compare at this rockbottom price! This tire is famous Goodyear quality inside and out! It has features you won't find in any other tire at the price. Goodyear'i exclusive triple-tempered 3-T Cord Body fights off the three main tire killers Heat, Shock and Fatigue. Tough, durable tread means longer [wear and extra safety. Famous Stop-Notch tread design meant better traction on starts, stops and turns. Get 3-T Super- Cushions now for tire safety beyond compare at thii rock-bottom price! See us today and savel Size flta most Plymouth*, Ford*, Chevrolet*, Hudson*, Nashea and Studebaker* Size 7.10 z 15 fit* Dodgei, Bulckt, Old*, Mercury*, Pontlac* and others As low at M.25 a wttk for a stt of FOURI EAR MORE PEOPLE* RIDE ON OOODYEAR TIRES THAN ON ANY OTHER KINDl MOUNT TIRE SERVICE COR. MAFU AVI. ft WHITE ST., RED BANK T PHONI SfedysM*

12 U-1hmbr. M>.». 1«7 RED BANK KECI8TE1 Shrewsbury's Traffic Light Request Being Studied TRENTON A request (or traffic lights on it. 35 at the Patteraon ave. and White at, intersections In Shrewsbury ia getting tht attention of Dwight G. Palmar, state highway commlhloner. At hit recent pren conference for weekly nawepapera, Governor Robert B. Mejrner aaid the comno.l specialist in long-distance moving ANDERSON BROS. Inc. Mate Mce ft IMS MadMric St. fte. laafc TEL SH MUUKM t f f l H «* WAMINOVM Ml MINMV S.VINUI missioner is itudying the propoaal and trying to arrive at a "proper decision." The governor cautioned, howtver, that the highway department must reconcile the need for a reasonable flow of traffic with the need to protect local traffic and pedestrians. He said traffic hazards quite often are greatest during certain hours of the day and sometimes can best be met by having patrols and part-time traffic supervision. Monev also may prove a (actor, the governor aaid. He estimated the cost of a traffic light at about (8,000 and aaid if the legislature doesn't approve hla requested one-cent-a-gallon gasoline tax liot only traffic lights, but all highway projects will be forsaken this year. Request! for traffic lights have been made by Shrewsbury for several years, tome councllmen there feel that lights would provide better safey for about 600 pupila going to and from achool, aa well as giving motorists a chance to enter rt. 36 from Patterson ave., Monroe ave. and White st. FIRST BIRTHDAY NEW SHREWSBURY The first birthday of Jacqullna Skidmore, daughter or Mr. and Mrs. Jack Skidmore, Spruce dr., waa observed Feb. 14 at the home of her grandmother, Mra. Thomas De8plelto of Newark. Attending were Thomas and Maryanna De gpitlt, Karen Medlon, Dennis Qulnn, Linda and Isabella Skidmore, Richard Testa, Tracy Testa and Thomas Skidmore. ATTEND CONCERT NEW SHREWSBURY Nancy, Adele and Elaine Ballly, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Philip E. Ballly of Holly dr., attended a concert of the West Point Glee club at Fort Monmouth Saturday night, accompanied by their grandparents, Mr. and Mra. John Ballly of Oceanport, and their cousins, Carol and Sandra Ballly of Little Silver. TIME MAKES MANY FRIENDSHIPS... We aa businessmen realize that good friends can only be made through time.. good busineu procedure. and congenial service to each and every perton. h the one year that we have been here we feel we have made many long and larttng friendihipi. I We with to sincerely thank all our friends for their patronage and thoughtfulneta since our opening and hope that our friendship will remain steadfast for many, many more years to come. Ludwig's Delicatessen 10 WALLACE ST. RED BANK Nancy Meets Fairy Tale Characters Four-year-old Nancy Smith of Butfonweod dr., Shrewsbury, i«(down above introducing herself to some members of the cast of 'Yung Lu, and tho Magic Pearl,' which the Children's theater of the Junior Service League of Red Bank will present for pupils of Monmouth county's school the next six weeks. Characters from the play, based on an encitnt Chinese fairy tale, include, left to right, Mrs. Esther Irwin, who will play the dragon; Mrs. William Wye, Yung Lu, and Mrs. William Jones, the rabbit. Sea Bright At the Valentine party given by the aeventh and eighth grades, prizes were won by Linda Levy, Eric Swenson, Julia Howe, Teddy Good, Dennis Wood and Joyce Fogarty. Judy Berry wai chairman of the game committee. 8he was assisted by Suzanne Chamberlain and Charlotte Swenson. Tht refreshment committee headed by Dorothy Miller also comprised Jean Watklns, Caroline Rock, Julia Howe, Catherine Rock and Evelyn Mtkulas. Valentines were distributed by Dennis Wood, Mra. Steven Rate and daughter! Martha, Wendy and Scenle Ann of Cento st. left recently for Weit Palm Beach, Fla., where they will make their home. Mr. and Mra. Richard Foreman have moved into their new home on Church st. The first aid squad will meet Monday night at squad headquarters. First and aecond Salk antipolio Inoculations will be given. The Lions club will meet Monday night at Harry's Lobster Houae. The Wormn's Democratic club will meet Wednesday night. Aaaessor Arthur O. Axelsen of Ocean ave, la vacationing In Florida. Mlas Patricia Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mri. Howard Miller of Ocean ave., spent Sunday visit- Ing trlenda In New Hope, Pa. Mrs. Robert F. Norton of Ocean ave. will attend the regional conference of Democratic party workers to be held at Atlantic City Saturday. Members of the Women's Democratic club of 8ea Bright will join members of the Women's Democratic club of Monmouth county when they visit Morven, the home of Gov. and Mra. Robert B. Meyner In Princeton Tuesday, Mar. 12. Those who plan to make the trip Include Mrs. Robert F. Norton, Mrs. J. Harry Robertson, Mrs. John T. Weir, Mrs. Walter Johnson, Mrs. Alois Will and Mri. Cattle Oreer. Rumson Group Plans Mother-Daughter Dinner RUMSON The Women's Association of ths Presbyterian church will hold a Mother- Daughter dinner next Wednesday at 1 p. m. in Fellowship bajl Rav. Robert Suable, pastor of the Eatontown Presbyterian church, will be guest speaker and will show slides on "World-Wide Youth Work." Entertainment will bt provided for younger children. Mrs. A. Kenneth Magner, Jr., chairman of the committee In charge, Is taking reservations. New Shrewsbury Mr. and Mrs. Stanley D. Margerum have returned to their home on Sylvan dr. after a twoweek trip to Palm Springs, Calif. Mrs. Harry Atwater of Milford, Conn., is visiting her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Alden Hammond of Rlveredge rd. Mr. and Mrs. Jack W. Skid, mora, Spruce dr., entertained last week-end for Thomu Kochls of El Cajon, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Phillips, dlenwood dr., celebrated their 25th wedding Roger Rock, Robert Faelton, Howard Schnabolk and Teddy Good. anniversary Thursday. They dined at the Beau Rlvage, Spring Lake Heights. Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Dibble, Farm Edge la., entertained last week-end for Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bayer of South Plalnfteld and Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Pinter of Middlesex. Mr. and Mrs. Fredrlk Eddowes, Rlveredge rd., attended the graduation Sunday of their son Fred from boot training at Balnbrldge, Md. Airman Eddowes will continue his atudles of Navy Aviation in Oklahoma. Mr. and Mra. Carl T. Bannwart, Rlveredge rd., are parents of a daughter, born last week at Presbyterian hospital In Newark. The P.T.A. will sponser a square dance Saturday at Cld Orchard Country club, Eatontown. Tickets may be obtained from Mrs. James F. Corcoran. Cochairmen are Mra. Robert Brandt and Mrs. William Canfleld. A spaghetti supper la being served tonight at 5:30 o'clock In White hall of the Reformed church, Hance ave., by members of the Couples club. WhM la asset about kow to sill BawMtad houmhole goods. towe yottr probltm with The eslster's.lamlnsa ass. Aafertlsssiaai Garden Ctr. HAZLET KE Electronics Co. To Build Plant LONG BRANCH Lloyd F. Chrlstlanson, president of Electronic Associates, Inc., has announced that his firm has bought a 30-acre tract of land at Broadway and Monmouth Park hwy., West Long Branch, on which it will build a new plant as part of its expansion program. The company, which now has four buildings In thia city, plana to erect a one-story structure that would have about 85,000 square feet of space. Mr. Chrlstlanson said work would begin as soon as possible. The property waa bought from John W. Flock and Is known ss the "Double Trouble farm." The house and buildings on the property were not Included In the sale. The firm, which started In business shortly after the completion of World War n, manufactures electronic components and analog computers. Borough Clerk J. Russell Woolley of West Long; Branch said the company would have to get a zoning variance before It can begin work on the building. Tim Leaves $441,500 Net NEW YORK CITY The late Louis B. Tim, prize-winning Long Branch amateur horticulturist, left gross asset* of STM.070 and a net estate of $441,537 at his death Jan. 10, 1954, according to a report filed here Monday by the New York state transfer taa department. Under terms of Mr. Tim's will, two daughters, Mra. Carolys Allen of New York and Mra. Mildred Vogel of Lahaska, Pa., each inherit about $33,000 outright plus the Income for life from trust funds comprised of halt the estate. Mr. Tim, who died at the age?f 75,?.*:? psr*?*^ '* **? ** Tork Stock Exchange firm of Salomon Bros. 4c Kutzler. He had extensive gardens at his Long Branch home and was director of the New York Horticultural clety. Mr. Tim also was a member of the advisory board of a branch of the Chemical Bank and Trust company here. Charity to Benefit From Card Party LONG BRANCH The third annual card party of the lid and Templars club of Monmouth county will be held Monday at S p. m. at the Kensington lounge. Proceeds will go to the children's charity fund. The party Is under the chairmanship of Irving L. Krakowitch of Red Bank and Walter Oberrelch of Little Silver. YOU FIND OUT SO MUCH MORE BY PHONE AH it costs so little to keep in touch in person. A 3-minute station call to Montreal is just 80* after 6 p.m. From Atbury Park. Taxnatiiuiudtd. a MM im.un.rasi AHO row MVOMI oursootmaaim NH PA1KIN0. FOft OUR CUSTOMIRS PUBLIC AUCTION SALE Having sem mjr home I will sell a* MUle AneHea aay Oeoat aaa Varalshlan ea the 111 sails m at At the meets. and on the streets ROSELD AVE. DEAL, N. J. SATURDAY, MARCH 2nd M:te A. M. Chlnawmre (Delft, Limoges, RosentheJ, Wedgwood, Dresden, Lane* Sevres, Royal Worcester, Harttand); Decorations, PeJoacrfs, Ruga (Oriental and Domestic) room and scatter aises, Dresden Boudoir Lamps, Brasses and Bronses, English, French and American Furniture; Crystals, Porcelains and Pottery, Curtains and Drapes, Antique China and Furniture, Handsome Table and Floor Lamps, China and Silver Vases, Fin* Linens (Bed and Table), Banquet Cloths, Bibelots, Oil Paintings, Pictures, Books complete set* by best known authors, Hand Cut Table (Mass, Georgian Silver, Table Porcelains, Objects of Art, SUverwar»-o*3 pieces of Table Silver, Trays, Bowls, Vases, Cups, etc., most all of which Is Sterling; Living Room, Bedroom and Dining Room Furniture; Modern Kitchen Electrical AppUaneas, Fins Porch and Lawn Furniture, Contents of the 11-room dwelling. In view of the large number of unusual Hems the sale will commence promptly at 10:00 A. M. and If necessary continue Into the evening; until every item la disposed of. Please come prepared te remove your purchases at conclusion of the sale. No ttems can be removed from the premises while the sale Is In progress unless paid for at Urns of sale and accepted by purchaser. Sale will be held regardless of weather conditions. By order oft E. EARL BREECE I. >. COATS, AscHssasr (Safe N«. tm) PHONE: Bus. CApital 2-SN9 Ras.-BHadyslds T-MS1 "National Auctioneers Association- "New Jersey Auctioneers A oclaaoo" FORD IS AMERICA'S WINNINGEST CAR! For 1957, ford's off to a flying start on the NASCAR Short Track, Coovertible and Grand National Race Circuit with more pointi than all other can combined! And now just in from Daytona seven more Ford tints! i A 300-hp 1957 Ford V-8 out-accelerated all other low-ptksd cats'hi the standing mile competition. A 1957 Ford Sunliner outclassed all other low-priced cari hi tht 160-aSk National Convertible Championship Race. A modified Ford Thunderbird, running in die Experimental Gass, out* accelerated every other car in NASCAR history. A modified Thunderbird topped every American Sports Car, finished first in its class and placed second to Europe's fastest sports car at th* National Amateur Sports Car Race. outperforming all sports cars made in America. A modified Thunderbird won the flying mile hi tht fastest time made by any car at Daytona this year. v # And a Ford Thunderbird topped the field in acceleration from a standing start in Modified Sports Car Clan B. Suits IUT! IUT! WAITI In the foshlon porado varied and very beautiful In endless silhouettes! what elegance! what design! what detail! YOUR PATIENCE WILL BE REWARDED SOONI Q coming to Rtd Bonk guarantied to satisfy with its mouth watering dtlicatt flavor! r COMING TO RED BANK! COMING TO RED BANK! T t It was Ford Thunderbird power that set a new stock car record at Indianapolis, too... and powered the '57 Ford to 458 world endurance records at Bonneville, Utah. PROVE TO YOURSELF WHY FORD GOES FIRST AT THE MEETS AND ON THE STREETS COME IN AND ACTION TEST THE NEW KIND OF FORD TODAY! MOUNT-ENGLISH SALES CO. 90 Monmouth Straot, Rod lank, N. J. SHadytMo

13 Mayor \*aac* m FloridaBound COLT* WWJK - Atlantic FORT MONMOUTH-When a Township luyor and Hn. Har-philosopher ry A. Xssaet left yesterday for man of thought look* at the United Btatei Army a pleasure and, fuhtnf tour of florid*. Mayor Isaacs aald Tuesday he and hla wife will atop two And when Dr. Mason W. Grots, provoet and professor of philosophy at Rutgers unlveratty, (poke vaaka at At Petersburg and then laet week before loldien enrolled will go below Naples on the wnt in the signal offlcera' advanced coast sod than to Stuart on thaclam at tha C. S. Army Signal east ooast. On* object will bs to chool here, no one wai disappointed. Bteh aallfuh. "The Army doe* not And an Conducting Uimutivw night's easy, natural resting place in our township "wniwttttf meeting wtll society," Dr. Orosa declared. "Our b* Oomotttcsmaa O«ort* J. society has as Ks foundation. Individualism and pltifngi, J», Buuaa Hiii nl, tue u>if-»n>n/>» etfnf super during Mr. Isaacs' absence. Lattla of Importance la expected to come up at that session, the mayor aald. Ha expect* to be back (or tha April aeaalon. L EASY MONEY For Your ORGANIZATIONS Church groupa, eluba and ihav organisations... Why not consider candy sales as your next profitsaaung project... FOR DETAILS WRITE OR CALL BIRNN CANDY 91 IROAD ST. RED IANK SH ueneuumej Yto, dtar I know that EMs took Hie town by storm but... Signal Offfern Hear Dr. Gross an organization of action you ean expect to hear lotne Intereating comment!. Bmaraon aald It In his assay 'Self Reliance': 'Who so ha man, would be a non-conformist.'" He added: "We have the problem of an organization that by Its very nature cannot be democratic and yet Is playing an increasing role In an ever (rowing democracy. Tour problem latodiscover where and how an essentially conformist Army canfltinto a social structure which la generally non-conformist." This marked the second time Dr. Gross, a Rumaon resident, spok. at tha Signal school. Retired Insurance Worker Honored ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS El- One of tha students who will participate Is Mlaa Sandra Le- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. bcrt D. Frimpter, IS Bast Gar-landfield ave., who has retired after Marshall Lelsnd of Point rd., Lit- Silver, "a typical student M yeara of servlea with thatie Travelers Insurance company. the school." Misa Leland attend New York, was honored at a family supper party at hla home last ed Bennlngton college in Vermont Thursday. Hosteaaea were Mra. Irena Frimpter and Mrs. Martin Mortenson. Othera attending wera Mrs. Elisabeth Frimpter, Mrs. Alice Mortenson, Mra. Sophia Coutto, Mlaa Bernice Coutts, Mr. and Mra. Clifford Klmmerle, Maple wood; Mr. and Mra. Howard Warren and Stanley Warren. Freehold; Blbert A. Frimpter, Martin Mortenson and five of Mr. Frimpter'* grandchildren, Bally, Jeffrey and Janice Frlmptar, and Dale and Christine Mor- Na»i«f School Open House Tonight LONO BRANCH Monmouth Memorial hospital's school o nursing program will be described in an illustrated lectun and "look-eee" tour of the hospl tal tonight for prospective students and the public. Faculty members and student* will par ticipate In the tour. A discussion period will follow In Borden au d at 1:10 o'clock. Miss before coming to Monmouth Memorial to work as a volunteer. Her experiences as a volunteer prompted hertoenter the school of nursing, 3:10 p. m. at the youth center on tenson. y Flsk ft Dsds of Fair Haven, Inc., the Mr. Frimpter receivad gifts unit's new sponsor, has Invited given by hla family and his co-alworkers of Traveler* Insurance boys who will be It years old company. Toil HMCNI fn# ttnfli b-l-g b-i-g M COMIN # TO UBIANKI SOONI SOON! WITH OK Sea Scout Ship To Reorganize FAIR HAVEN-fiea Scout ship M of this place, will hold a reorganization meeting Saturday at or older by June SO to attend the meeting with their father). Purpose of the meeting will bs to acquaint borough teenage boys and their parents with the sea aoautmg program and more epeelflcally with the plans being mada for ship 31's coming summer cruising schedule. A former U. *. Coast Guard 18- foot picket boat, with a new Chrysler MS horsepower engine, has been assigned to tha unit by Monmouth council, Boy Scouts. Work will begin shortly to equip the boat for a full season of activities. J. Fred BUIett, Monmouth council scout executive, will explain the council's part In the program at Saturday's meeting. Brownie Troop 73 Has 8th Anniversary RUMSON Brownie troop 73 celebrated Ma eighth anniversary hat Thursday with a Mother and Daughter dinner at the Willowbrook Inn, Fair Haven. The leader presented year pins to Janice Bradley, Deniss DeUuige, Leslie CHasaon, DOCKS, Horton, Kaihy Lore, Susan Mullar and Peggy Wilson. Other Brownies present wan Aadrsm King, Louise Potter, Cathy WWtfleM and Trudy Wood. Mother* present were Mrs. WUUam Bradley, Ura. Owen DaLangs, MM. Kenneth Horton, Mrs. Garrison King, Mrs. Robert MuUer, Mrs. Gordon Potter, Mrs. Paul WMtfltM. Mn. Raymond Wood and Mn. George F. Wilson, Jr. NOTICE OF REGISTRATION FOR MIDDLETOWN TOWNSHIP For the convenience of those who have not registered and who desire to do so before Primary on April 16,1957, the office of the Township Clerk will be open at the Township Hall the following evenings from 7i00 to 9>00 P. M. for the purpose of re* ceiving registrations! Monday, February 25, 1957 Thursday, February 28, 1957 Friday, March 1, 1957 TMMday, March 5, 1957 Wadmiday, March 6, 1957 Thursday, March 7, 1957 The last date to register for the Primary is on Thursday, March 7. Any person who has moved sinee General Election should notify the Clerk's office of their change of address. HOWARD W. ROBERTS, Township Clerk Cubs Receive New Charter MIDDLETOWN The charter of Mlddletown Cub Scout pack 142 was renewed at the pack's annual Blue and Gold dinner at Central school last Thursday night. Guests of honor included Rev. John Bates, pastor of the Middletown Baptist church, who gave the invocation; Morgan Knajjp, holder ol the Silver Beaver, Scouting's highest award; Mrs. Knapp; Robert chairman; George Jaeger, field Scout executive, and Robert Ricltei, neighborhood commissioner. Members of Middletown Girl Scout Mariner troop 2(10 w»r» hnm. lessee. After the charter award, Thomas Lynch, cubmaster, presented gold pins to all den mothers in recognition of their work. The following awards wera presented to the Cuba: Robert Wyman, lion badge, gold Horn book; Thomas Lynefe, service! RED BANK REGISTER star; Edward Payne, bobcat pin, bear book; James Scott, lion Thursday. Feb. 28, book, one silver arrow. Also, Billy Powlie, lion book; Douglas Covert, bear badge, gold arrow, service atari John Minor, bear badge, gold arrow, lion book; Philip Heery, wolf badge, ^oar book, gold arrow: Kenneth Parsells, wolf badge, gold arrow; James Morrlstey, wolf badge; David Kemp, denner'a badge; Terrence Burke, assistant denner'a badge; Ronald Hopkins, wolf book; William Pappas, bear Zerr wan trained In stock con- packaging methods and badge, lion book, gold arrow, twotrol, badge, bear book; Gene Kelly, storage procedures. Lyon. district wolf badge, gold arrow, two sti- Zerr entered the Army in Sept. ver arrows, bear book; 8tephen Parsell, wolf book; Richard Coblens, bear badge, four silver arrows; Thomas Kederaha. bear silver arrows; Donald Niece, wolf badge, two sliver arrows; Robert Rickner, silver arrow; Douglas Mamll, bobcat pin, wolf book; Royal McOraw, denner's badge; Stewart Miller, bear badge, service star; Bruce Williams, gold arrow; Bruce Cameron, bobcat pin, wolf book; Ralph VanHeusen, wolf bsdge, bear book; Robart Penbera, assistant denner's badge; Howard McOuire, denner'a badge, assistant denner's badge; Karl SwarUel, Lion book, three silver arrows, service star; Louis Camp, lion badge, gold arrow, four silver arrows; Russell arrow and four silver arrows; Ted Wyman, two silver arrows; Lockwood Reanlchak, service star; gold arrow, two silver arrows; Bruce Railton, wolf badge, gold arrow, two ailver arrows; William Kureu, Lion book, gold arrow, service star; Charles Baumgardt, hear book, servlea star; Frederick, wolf Herbert Schulstadt. bear book, service start; Joseph Penbera, wolf badge; Robert Henschel, WIN! Trip to IN book; George Serbe, service star, and Gregory Fennel], bear badge, gold arrow, two silver arrows, lion book. >«'ftf 2-Week VACATION ku\ ROME aid PARIS! CMIRSON 1 S Wsy PHM-RNMTV MS IWlS Wlll l«wtf*»lukh t» vtf*n»lukh m «s itf «! M O M & WHITE STS, RED BANK Ant tin SPONGES I PacMgo of UONULM Mmfe N PtfftMi UWIM smmire Robert Zerr Ends Course at Fort Knox FORT KNOX, Ky.-Pvt. Robert B. Zerr., Jr., 20 Second at. Rumaon, recently was graduated from the parts supply course at the Army's Armor Training center her*. During the eight-week course. 1»M, and completed basic training at Fort Dix. He is a graduate of Bumson high school. OH PAN AMERICAN WORLD AIRWAYS ftedmnr IT'S.HERMAN'S e CURTAINS e SUP COVERS S LINENS e VENETIAN M.INDS a WOVEN wonn' Skw-rt- VENORltpMi rih mam TAKREOMIER LAST 3 DAYS WINTER CLEARANCE SO Reg Ul T S - SAL! 3**0 47 W c Reg S ACCESSORIES ALSO REDUCED (Not entire stock at sulta) OAT Saassaa SAU 3**0 43 M AIM 23 MONMOUTH ST. RED IANK Jurt off Broad Street 1a«r1«c* ra 6* far is* Rr««s Yw Kasw VtnHeusen Shirts Hkkok Belts o Stetson Hats O McGregor Alligator Coats a Clipper Crsrf 7DayTRIPfir2 to alamorows NASSAU 5 Save with SUN RAY COUPONS! mi nit sums nom win it Mien nosocrt wu «MI UT mm MM m. n *. * m> vn tm itif i...,, fin M mn M«k s«s«s umm m m mm* Ut * fn*>m urn Mm»w*m. "*"*» «t IM NT lini WT KAMI AN Mill it ITM. *»v THRIFT COUPON U " " * * " THRIFT COUPON J»»«'v THRKT COUPON fun»«v THRIFT COUPON All ~ * W NYLON HAIR NETS by Nylon*! RiMtti Frith IMCHWOOO I REi. SUB twrarteel *E! COFFEE I/^v,AURM FiASHlt^a-aa-irliCLOCK BULBS %\n win cowow sooo mi MUCH t with COUPON sow nu KAKH t with count «oo«nu MMCN i I win COUPON oc* nu HAKH i i wm COUPON «OM nu HAKH t lllllllllimihwmihhihmtlhihhihtlllllthlllimilmimiwimlllmhihm IMmilHIMHIHHIUI m V/.jfev THRIFT COUPON Lr«r.«t.vTHRIFT Urft f*(k«t Size) Ctsils* '\ CHAMOIS [tijivalue Ntt riicki* 79* wm COWON *ao» tiu, MMCK t &, /*,<, THRIFT COUPON FACTORY SMOKERS U6ARS ox or * i {UN i WM COUPON eooe nu HA mi tun mourn JELLY AA I STAIR TREADS Mlf i COUPON HORSESHOE.0N0O4-MINT! ^PEPPERMINT ROLLS $1.00 Vahw I? 20 «34 ( wm COWON soft* m MACW I COUPON Cttttfcfct DIAL OBODOMNT SOAP 2-23 el wm COWOK soo» nu MMCN I FOLLOW ME! TOILET WATER LEARsm TISSUES i wmcom*too»tiu.mmcmi THRIFT COUPON r^««v*v THRIFT COUPON kru.f1.m LATEX RHRIER RAIN [BOOTS I'covpo* sooe nu KAKH J AJAX roaminq OLEANSER NawWHslLfaCH wan eowen sow mi HAKH I. THRIFT COUPON \ Sun*,u THRIFT COUPON \fun»., u THRIFT COUPON fi//.*«v T H RIF T COUPON SicValMlI-OIUItt ASPIRIN ITABLETS *)Htos)f If* wtm eotitoh «eo» nu HAMCM t 25'NERSHEYor! NESTLE 17c«FM dtoclarsl/ Me with count! eooe tiu UAKH t SUIViMlwlixa HOT PLATE sskaitls wim COWON coos nu UAUCH I iiwmmwhminimiimnmnii REiWPOID'S DUSTIRfi POWDER Mr 4? WITH CCUKM SOW Ml MMCN I T H R I F T C O U P O N r«"»**v T H R I F T C O U P O N S» " W T H R I f T C O U P O N J ^ «* v T H R I F T C O U P O N T ^ ^ v T H R I F T C O U P O N v Gtnuln* DUNCAN u TNnaMRt H YO-YO almht IM I IU0M TOILET TISSUES 17' ; WsrM 11s ltd PC WltH COUMN SOOt Ml MMCH t I WltH COUPON 4M» tlu HMCN I HIMMMIMMimnilllllllllllHHH $1.11 ValMl [TROUBLE LIGHT 20x40-ii. CORROR BATH TOWELS WtrtiMU m COUPON OOOD vu UAKH 11 with ZOUKH eoos nu MMCM I lllhmihi MMIMIMMItllllllllMMItHMHIMIM weafh sss WOiM LOVILTWTI HANDKERCHiEKiHANDKERCHIEF MTIia«IM,MmNMH ftuaranteid MADISON rwindproof LIONTER C WtlH COUWtf 600» TlU MAKH 1 I WITH COVK>K OOOO»U MAftCtf 2 1 WM COttfOM MM MltfAffCM * {I lumluiumuuuuuuiym * ji,»«.v THRIFT COUPON X^«*i*«/ THRIFT COUPON J"<"»*'v THRIFT COUPON f^*."/ THRIFT COUPON *» " * * ] H RIF T COUPON * Worth7tc M«s Ihrty NNTWirtstll VACUUM BOTTLE MMI IT TNIRMU $119 $19 VllM I- WltH COUPON $OOt VU MMCN I VHVV milllll lmilllt!**** Illlllllllll AUTO (MATS 44 C WltH COWON SOO9 tlu UAKH I ji/««nv THRIFT C O U P O N Xi"»*v»v T H R I F T C O U P O N t»n».,v THRI f T C O U P O N *«/.*.</ T H R I f T C O U P O N ALL METAL 2>CSLl Chroms NH FLASH LIGHT SHELF H i LININO M«>VALUI34 PAPER Whits OIHSSI lie VALUI. J WITH count* tooo nu nu MMCH I mtn COUPON «OOB mt mt MMCH > lllhihhmihhmmhlmillllllllllhimhhtimihitllhi HIHHMIHHMIMI millllllllllhimhhtimihitllh. Save *t Sun Hay FRICTION TAPE Ms Valss 'A.. ROLL I N YahHt IVURUIY L m WITH JVPOH»OOD mt MAKCH I IMHUU IUUIHJ11111HHIUIHUIMUM111 IWVslv W W If HIP s*iv Is HMI lie llh PI(PWIHI PHI Waaassjsjsja^ pa s. HB^ns^nv 11VI LIGHTER FLUID 15 C twr 1 n mmn SIJtVALIE DUREX BLADES WITH COUKN COO* tlu UAKH I THRIFT COUPON RftiUril* FLASHLIGHT BATTERIES f ml VslM WltH COUPON «O00 nil MMCN I

14 I Bat Buik. moat: Rod l a*.tore ope* Fridey 'til t; Asbwy fork ttoro of** Wedaotaley '«9 b Lone Branch: CApMl-MOt STB the Pure Silk Sheath brightens your spring afternoon! INCREDLY PRICED AT Spring brings forth flurry ef new silk*... extravagantly flittering fashions at far-from-axtravagant prices! You'll love the slim lines of ur silk (heaths ingeniously designed with details you'd oxpaet in much higher-priced drosses. I t i j i BMBBBBBBI Maar. Bael BBBBBI «M«Sized'tO'fit Proportioned Slacks in washable gabardine! with criss-cross tab to. form portrait collar. Navy or Dior blue. 12 to 16. Tako tho guesswork out of slack-buying... get yourself «pair of slim slacks ^proportioned for;your own heightl These are washable DMren-and-rayon gtbardlne with self bolt; side pockets. Navy, block or grey. hrt Ski Sfc tmn with bow tied <iraped back and peak a-boo neckline. Black or It lac. to IS. For at-home comfort * Carefree Cotton 1-pc "Jump Suit" 5.98 The Hand-Carved spring's prettiest optical illusion! You wouldn't believe your foot could look so tiny so shapely... until you wear this pump. Its lightly carved lines omphasiie tho natural grace of the shaped pump... make it look siiet smaller. (HOIS, SITMI Flw i Atkwry Polk A'Lure. WARNER'S Elastic Bra for active living! 3*95 The bra that's all buoyancy all stretch I Its completely elastic circle goes all around to end binding and riding. You'll feel "A'Lure" is custom-elasticiied to fit your figure. New Long-Lino A'Lure M COUNT SALON. S*Mt flaw an* Atkary *w* Just tho thing to slip into during your leisure hours... our one-piece "jump suit" of cotton that requires little or no ironing. Wear it for lounging, housework, gardening or shopping. Solid color trousen In mid-calf length... chocked top. Aqua, maiie or pink. Mack Patent tie Co* hi Pbs CaN Imported Italian Cowhide Bags for town and country! 14*98 (sketchl Other stylos:* to 14.91* Rich leather adds the perfect finishing touch to your twee and other Spring costumes. Handsomely tailored with hand stitching in the continental tradition. Roomy enough to hold MMS, Unt rimr Mrf Aikwy ovary thing I A. nfffl VBBVr * plui lax

15 «HB VOCB-WAY 4M the things we think. My w sa> L Is tt the TBUTHT 1UH ram to esaesrsisit «. wui it MM aoodwnx sat BCTTEB nukmhmt BCTTEB n *. m it he BINIFICIAL to a by Salary latenattoml RED 50 Persons at Hearing On Tidewaters Variance LOTUS SILVER The pros ad coos of a non-profit, private family club on the former Buck- Uft sitsto «; Scvcs BrliSiS ri. were dlaeussed at length hn Monday night TIM occasion was a sonlng board of adjustment meeting, st which Tidewaters Club, Inc., applied for a sonlng variance. On hand were some 60 people whose opinions were about equally divided. Red Banks Mayor George A. Gray was attorney for the club. One of the principal objections was voiced by Robert H. Malda of the Red Bank law Arm of Parsons, Labreequs, Ctniona and Combs, representing William Jdopman, an owner of property ear the proposed elub. Gray. Halda Argue Hr. Gray opened the meeting by explaining that Tidewaters wants to buy the 3O.»-eere former Buckbee estate from Its present owner John Rocco to promote "recreational benefits for local residents." He said the club would be limited to 800 families and that at least «0 per cent of ths membership must reside In Little Sliver. Hr. Ifalda aald the application for a variance Is "vlolativ* of the spirit of the sonlng ordinance." He added that his ellants and others In ths neighborhood purchased their property while relying on an ordinance classifying it as "top grade" residential He also aald too families would mean about 1,800 persons adding to traffic hazards and causing considerable noise in a high type area. He maintained that the best use of the property la residential. Hr. Gray countered that the Tariance sought by the club would be "closely phrased" and particularly restrictive. He insisted the variance could only be used by Tidewaters under those restrictions, or the property would revert to residential purposes. Legal Interpretations Hr. Malda said under no clreumstances could the property revert to residential use. if the variance la granted. He said It would become a "private club for all time." Mr. Gray said the variance would not mean "that eter nelly it must be used for club use." He said If the club should "fail," the property could again be residential because it could be used for any "higher use." Hr. Halda contended the board has no authority to recommend any other use of the property than residential. He said there waa "no shredof pro*" that "hardship, speeiu circumstances or special conditions" exist Tidewaters* case. Hr. Gray replied that the variance was not sought on the basis f hardship, but, rather, under "special reasons* specified m atste law. He said the club wants the variance because there la no place in the borough where residents are given "general access to the river." Tidewaters, he said, would provide the river and "supervised, controlled recreational facilities under Ideal circumstances." 'Votes of People* Others heard during the meet' tng were Gustava Bottner, Point rd.; E, Allaire Cornwell, Borden pi.; William a Howard, Point rd.; Marshall R Leland, Point rd. Joseph B. Mount, 78 Borden pi., and Ellwood D. Powers, 26 Crest dr. They opposed Issuance of the variance. Speaking In favor of Tidewaters were Karl M. Jacobl, 24 Monroe ave., Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Lepore, U Queens dr.; Frank P. Sohlra, 14 Queens dr.; Robert C. Winfield, «Queens dr., and Mrs. W. C. Todies, 78 Kings rd. Harold F. Meyer of Point rd. aald he thought the Idea of the elub was good and he would like it, If it were located somewhere else." He asked if restrictions imposed In the variance could ever be lessened. Proponents assured him there could be no lessening, but Hr. Malda disagreed. He said "none of these things" (restrictions) "can be written into the variance. The variance aolety to for use by 'a private lab. 1 " Robert L. Bahtton, board chairman, said the board would eonaider the application and announce Its decision later. Its recommendation for or against probably will be read at a future mayor and council meeting. Serving with Mr. Balnton on the board are John W. Borden, Jerome B. Drew, Raymond Fags* and Bdward C. Stokea. Early m the meeting, Mr. Drew and Mr. Stokea questioned Mr. Gray about technical aspects of the application and of the club's financial stniotur*. At one point, it was announced that the club intends to pay Mr. Rocco $80,000 for the site. Mr. Jacobl-outlining the club finances-told the board a down payment of 128,000 would be made the flret year, nothing the second or third years, and $10,000 a year thereafter to reduce the mortgsge. Interest the first three years, he said, would be $2,760 per year. Hs estimated the club would need $100,000 to operate In the first year, a figure he said would be available from dues and stock purchases required of the prospective membership. Objectors Speak Mr. Mount said the dub will be a detriment to the community and challenged the membership's ability to construct a swimming pool, tennis courts and a msrlns and maintain the building. "It doesn't look like a good business proposition to me," he said. Mr. Mount also submitted a petition signed by 114 residents objecting to the club. Mr. fkhlro, club president, later *Jd he eu- BANK REGISTER Thursday, JV«w Shore Semtonf UffUiclt Wonder lass week's waa February week^ad, net oao hi Isty. Bat ik f l A sbato»iia» their heads, ashing: -Where end As far aa the faraway waa» ^. J MA^J esw&*^a * * MMJSnwOTi WfeYwJ ITMBS SBW Jf*5W Jersey State Highway Authority, ewer aietatw of themm ever. Mayke Jty^foeple want to start aa- From Washington's Mrtheay, Friday, through today,»utv at la teus were fam la to the parkway booths, ifipitawallag aa estimated TtMW vehlelee. Friday's tolls were IwUn. Saturday's, Hun and Holiday's SS1J4L And at times in early evening traffic was at a near taadstul Condition at jersey's entrance to the Uaeeta tunnel were yet mere dlnvoh. Several lines of ears were see* backed up there for three at four smites. Uy could have had a petition of 230 names favoring the club If he had thought the board would be influenced by petition!. Mr. Btt p Bottner aald ld h he doesn't d ' t want "a Coney y Island" In t borough. the H He said id the t board would be letting "down the bars to a highly residential area." About the possibility that the borough would acquire the property If Tidewaters failed, Mr. Bottner said he doesn't want Little Silver "to come In and run an amusement park." Mr. Oornwell said the variance would not be to the best Interests of the borough. Mr. Powers, describing himself ae a former chairmen of Red Bank's board of adjustment, for ten yean, aald the variance would be the same as "spot son- Ing" and would act "an exceedingly bad precedent." Mr. Leland thought the dub might become a "horrible situation." He envisioned disturbances such ae "music coming across the stream from me for 48 hours on a week-end." Mr. Howard raised the question about whether the variance would end with the club, or If it would go with the elub. Then followed legal Interpretations by Mr. Gray and Mr. Malda. Beply 3eMr» cat* the dob la Mr. anxious to meet all eondkkms, Including- financial, that may be set by the board or by the mayor and council. He said the dub would be taking 100 family recreational problems away from the borough and compared Tidewaters to Ois borough's proposal»o buy Holly Tree farm for recreational needs. Mr. Wlnneld complained about -insinuations'' and "Insults" by some objectors to the effect that club members would be "rowdy." He said a primary need for the club stems from parental concern for children. Mr. Wlnneld also said most objections come from Point rd., where residents have "access to the water." He added that most Little Silver residents do not have access to the river. He Indicated that the club would assist scouting and other youth work in the borough. Mrs. Todlee complained that objectors "seem to doubt our Integrity." She said proponents of the club represent those who have long been active In errlo affairs, school board work and scouting. Mr. Lepore said the dub primarily Is to benefit children. Moat of those favoring the variance stressed that the dub would serve a community need; that liquor would not be sold, and that boating activities would be the principal activity. Early in the meeting, Mr. Gray said the dub has 110 members, SO of whom are paid up. 33 Join Local Church Thirty-three new members ware welcomed Into the fellowship of the Red Bank Presbyterian church Sunday. They were Mr. and Mrs. William C. Bennett, Louis A. Borsum, Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Dletsch, Jr., Ernest J. K. Fiedler, Mrs. Helen Fiedler, Mr. and Mrs. Norman V. Herbert, Mr. and Mrs. Royal H. Hintae, Mr. and Mrs. Btanlsy Morford and Bradford van Werthelm-Salomonson of Red Bank, Mr. and Mrs. George F. Bains, Mr. sad Mrs. W. Joseph Strubel, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert XT" Twlrg and OoL ~ and Mrs. Oustave re E, Vltt, Uttle SHver; Mr. and Mrs. John W. H. Castle, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Knudsen and Mrs. Ronald E. Lsvitan, Mlddletown; Worcester W. Beely, Rumson; Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Osborne, New Monmouth; Mrs. Lyebeth N. Geran, Matawan; Mrs. Stewart C. Hand, New Shrewsbury, and Richard V. Doll, Fort Hancock. During the past eight years 1,M» persons have united with the fellowship of the church. The growth necessitated the erection of the new edifice atop the hill at a cost of $500,000. In the near future a new BducaUonal and Fellowship hall building will be erected at an additional over-all cost of around tmo.000. Auxiliaries Aid Riverview Fund Rivervlew hospital building fund memorial chairman, Harry Venldorstine, Jr., receives pledget totaling $S,l0O from representative! of two hospital auxiliaries. Mrs. John E. Dean, Little Silver auxiliary vice president, pretentt with Mri. E. R. Weaver, chairman of the campaign committee, a $2,100 pledge, while on tha right, Mr*. Elmar Wainright gives a $3,000 pladge from the Shrewsbury auxiliary of Rivarviaw. Shoe Store To Open Here The Oliver Shoo store, operated by "01110" OUvoU, formerly of Locust, wul open Saturday at 10 Broad et and will feature children's, teens' and young men's styles. Mr. Ollvola returns to the Red Bank area after having spent many years In the shoe business. He began his career at Msey's and was formerly fitting supervisor at L. Bamberger A Co. in Newark. He served with the V. S. Coast Guard during World War U and shortly thereafter became a partner in Poatur-Une shoes on Long Island. While Bring In Great Neok, Mr. Ollvoia was active In the community. He served as chairman of the merchants' committee and secretary ot the Chamber of Commerce. He is past president of the Great Neck laong club. Mr. Ollvola said he Is "bringing a new type of children's shoe store to Red Bank featuring national brand shoes." He seid he will make an announcement about a special shoeprlnt research contest shortly after the tore opens. Mr. Ollvola waa Instrumental In the organisation of "the Juvenile Shoe guild, an organisation of shea stores dedicated to sponsor *ad aneourage the highest standards of ethics and Integrity among stores retailing children's shoes and to foster research and education and to gather and distribute information and data that win benefit both store members and their customers.'* He said he has been trying for some time to return to business In this area and by finally securing the proper location for his store,"he baa been able to make tha-move that brings him and nil family back to the part of the country they prefer the most. Middletown Night Reparation Hoars Set MIDDLBTOWN The township clerk's omce at township hall will be open five more nights tor the purpose of receiving voter registrations In time for the primary election, Howard W. Roberts, township clerk, has announced. Mr. Roberts said his office will be open from 7 to» tonight and tomorrow, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, Mar 7. The primary will be Apr. It. The registration deadline U Mar. Te Any voter who has moved since the general election should notify the clerk's office of his change of address, Mr. Roberta said. The new Mayfair supermarket, above, located on Newman Springs rd., will open Tuesday, Cane Oae Ceme All Mar. 8, at 9:10 a. m. Said to be To tha third annual Hhrova, one of ths most modern In ths jpinr of Uia Trlantla elun of Trinity Enluopal ehureh of Ril Hank, at tha state, the market consists of 26,- JVi'i parlih h hall i5" on n Tuaiday. Mar, L Md «. Her, S, I to 101 square feet and has ths following Innovations: Electronic 7 iao P. M. Ptraaku and uuiin, Do. nation. Advtrtlitnm, magic Mec-ese checkout*, msglc Inaoou u is«ntuni n tverr httuew I le I, 1011 Oteen»»«., Dee Bilsst carpet b'mt; doors, panoramlo wall directs: free parcel plek-up and Republican Civic Association Organized on the West Side The Republican Civic association of Red Bank consisting ot representatives of several organisations from the west side section of the borough wee recently organised. The Initial meeting wae held at the home of John Wertbrook on Bank st Elected officers of the organisation were: Mr. Weatbrook, chairman; Mrs. Juanita Doiier and Merrill Richardson, vice chairmen; Rev. Charles E. Bourne, secretary; Mrs. Shirley Williams and lire. Josephine Fuller, assistant*, and Mrs. Beatrice Brooks, treasurer. According to a statement released by the association, its purpose Is "to Improve conditions on the West side by helping to elect men and women to public office who are concerned with all the people, without special regard to class, section or color." To Increase Membership The current membership of the organisation waa listed as about 30 members, although Mr. Westbrook said he would like to see more than 200 members in the group. "Prospects for that number now look encouraging," he continued, "with the growing political Interest on the West side." Mr. Weitbrook also said the group, at the present time, Is not affiliated with any local or county organization. The next meeting ot the association hu been scheduled for Mir. 18 at ft p. m. at the meeting hall in the Carlton theater build- Ing on Monmouth st. Red Bank Discount Center Planned ior Eisner Building Red Beak MilU, parent etfu Isation of Druse toits. Ins, New York city, hu taken a ten-year lease on the Klsner factory building on Bridge avs., tt was made known yesterday by William Druse, president. He told The Register the organization plans to open a discount center there by May 1. "We will carry a complete line of Items for the entire fsmily as well as the house," Mr. Druet said. - Plans have been made to Include women's and children's departments as well se men's, boys' hardware, household appliances, footwear snd sporting good* departments. Mr. Druss said renovation work at the Burner building Is currently under way and should be completed soon. The Druss organisation operates a chain of women's apparel stores In ths New England and Middle Atlantic states. This is their first venture in New Jersey, Mr. Druse said. Survey Conducted Here He said a survey had been conducted In this area for the pest six months to determine the customer and business potential here. "We were very pleased with the results of the survey," Mr. Druss explained. "We think the Red Bank area has a lot to offer." He said the building will contain 80,000 square feet of space. The building was leased from the Sego Trading company of Red Bank through the Mitchell Realty company, New York city. Church Croup to Hold Spaghetti Dinner The youth fellowship of the Red Bank Methodist church will hold a spaghetti dinner tomorrow In the Methodist Fellowship hall from 8:30 to T p. m. The proceeds will be used by the M.7.F. for it* spring Held trip to Washington, D. C. Janet Blalsdell and Gordon Lindsay are co-chairmen of the dinner. Keith McDowell Is head of the clean-up committee, DUn* Fox, the set-up committee, and George Hessel, the serving committee. WINS TALENT CONTEST ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS P. F. C. George Michael Coleman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jamee Phillips, Memorial pkwy., has won first place In a talent contest among members of his regiment in Germany. Ooleman, who sings, is with the 17th regiment of the Tenth division. Mayfair to Open Supermarket Here Tuesday music. Other fsaturee include wide spacious aisles and ample free parking spsce. Stanley Kaufelt, president r>f Mayfair market, Mid It Is "truly a market designed with th» customer In mind." The local market Is the tenth In the organization's Independent food chain, There are 11 complete selfservice deparkntnts. The mint department Ir'Vuider the perstn- I a] eupervlslon of Jsek, Murray and Irving Kaufelt, whose com- I blned experience. total S7 years I of cattle and poultry buvlne. In addition Mayfair will hove a complete liquor and beer package department, to be managed by Clifford Keeler, and a llvalobster tank. Other Mayfair markets are located In New Brunswick, Kenllworth, Plalnfleld, Botri«rvlll«, Cr&B?orJ, Bound Brook, EJnden, OK Parkway Relief Lanes Work is now In progress, under a 638,410 contract with Middlesex Concrete Products and Excavating Co., Woodbridge, to..» in.. rm~rsz-zy u^c tliui lane on the northbound side of the Garden Btate Parkway. This was reported here Tuesday by the New Jersey Highway Authority, owner-operator of the toll road, which said that the work is being done to rid the superhighway of a bottleneck and prevent overcrowding:, such as developed last summer. "This will be no true third lane," an authority official said. "It Is being built on the shoulder of the road along an eight-mile stretch south of the Raritan river and north of the Matawan- Keyport exit. Its use will he at police discretion at times of crowding." Other Side, Too At the same time, It was announced that similar work In the same area will be done under a contract for which bids are to be aaked this week. Also authorized has been the spending of $15,000 for slope Im provement work near Keyport. Improvements take In the strengthening of the roadbed. The authority said that when the highway waa first built some sinking had been expected In the manhy areas near Keyport and Matawan "and this has occurred." Engineers studying the new Improvement plans have said that the work projected should "well take care" of this trouble and stabilize the road," It was pointed out. At a meeting here Monday, the authority approved spending $1,- 400 for a radio promotion program being set up by the State Department of Conservation and Economic Development but rejected other forms of seasonal promotional advertising;. It awarded a $35,934 contract to the Bergen Engineering Co. for an addition to the Bloomfield parkway pollco building and one of 152,504 to" Whltmyer Brothers, Inc., for work in North Jersey on guard rails. Moreau, Wylie Backed by Club COLT'S NECK The Atlantic Township Republican club met at the school auditorium Monday night and endorsed Joseph L. Moreau, Jr., for election to a full term as a township committeeman. Mr. Moreau, appointed to fill the committee seat vacated by the late David Tlmidaiakl, is a member of the governing body. The club also endorsed the election of Mrs. Anne Wylie as collector. She tills, also by appointment, that assignment aa successor to the resigned Walter Fields. Candidacy of Mr. Moreau and Mrs. Wylie as members of the county Republican committee also received club support. Both now hold those posts. Republican opposition to Mr. Moreau, for the township committee, and Mrs. Wylie, for county committeewoman, some weeks ago was announced formally by Mrs. Ward W. DeGroot, 8r., wife ot the former mayor. The De- Groots have been vacationing in Florida and could not be reached on this development. About 40 persons took part in the club meeting. LIKES OUR KDITOR1ALS Among the cards received at The Register office this week, there Is one from Edward Conway from Fair Haven, a tireless worker for the betterment of our area! He writes, "Llks your editorials on the Lions club, Chamber of Commerce and the Junior Chamber and I think they are wonderful. So few people realise the tremendous amount of good these organizations do In a community like Red Bank. Beat regards to all." Elisabeth and Perth Amboy. Last year the Mayfair chain was awarded the Brand Name Retaller-of-the-Year by the Brand Names Foundation, Mayfair alio received the certificate of merit from the New Jersey Press association for outstanding ncwipaper advertising. This yenr, Mnyfalr again Is a finalist In the Brand Names competition. Th«local market was bulk by Munay Rosen. Feb. 28, 1957 M Fair Haven Acts to Tax All Personal Property FAIR HAVEN - Action aimed, Nevertheless, council directed at taxing all personal property I that a conv at Mr T»fcuh»<»y'# In thin borough was taken by the letter be sent to W. Raymond mayor and council Monday night VaaHorn, assessor, with the recommendation that the thought of In answer to a letter from Emit Jakubecy. the letter be carried out. Mr. Jakubecy wrote that all DevldsoB Varlaace Fair Haven home owners who live Mayor Denise reported there In their homes are assessed personal property tax In addition to has been no further progresa OB real estate tax. He added he understands, however, that if a pri- the matter of a variance to psrmit Davidson Brothers to erect vate home la rented, the landlord a supermarket on River rd. adjacent to the fire house. The vari- does not pay the personal property tax, and that, In many instances, the assessment Is not dents of Lewis lane, whose propance has been opposed by resi- levied against the tenant. erties abut the proposed supermarket»he. Mr. Jakubecy continued: "If the personal property tax is legal, It should be assessed on ev- Mayor Denise said thus far ha has not been able to get the Interested persons together for ft ery occupied home in the borough, otherwiae those of us meeting, but he Is working on a living in our own homes should meeting of all persons concerned. not be so assessed." To Destroy Records In other business council also: Claims 'Injustice' Approved an application by tha Mr. Jakubecy also stated the ladies' auxiliary to the fire company to conduct a raffle Apr. 4. borough la missing an opportunity to assess a sizable amount of By resolution directed the borough clerk to apply to the state taxes that are readily collectible "to say nothing; of the injustice supervisor of records for approval to destroy old borough records) that is being Imposed on the taxpayers living In their own dating from 1012 through I960. homes." Heard a report by Koy W. Nelson, clerk, that 85 dog licensee It was pointed out by the mayor and council that Fair Haven Is have been Issued since last month, predominantly a community of bringing the total Issued thus far home owners who live In their this year to 222. own homes and that only about Observed a minute of silence three per cent of the homes in for S. Vincent Willis, former councilman, who died the borough are rentable. Friday. Holmdel G.O.P. Organizes. Endorses Stanley Stilwell HOLMDEL The newly-formed Regular Republicans of Holmdel Township, Inc., elected officers and endorsed the candidacy of Stanley Stilwell, Everett, for township commltteeman, at a dinner at Pleasant Valley Inn S'""'iv night. Stanley Btfhrefl Officers named for one year were William Mulheron, president; Howard F. Porter, vice president; Mrs. John Wadlngton, secretary; Mrs. Charles V. Cox, corresponding secretary, and Mrs. Harry Lubkert, treasurer. Directors named were Allen Avchen, Miss Laura Harding, John 8. Holmes, Alfred G. Poolc, Albert Flemmer, Frederick J. Noble, Dr. Robert P. Lawrence and E. Murray Todd. Many of the 100 guests, local officials and Republican leaders attending the din ner were admitted to membership. Record Cited Mr. Mulheron, in announcing the group's support of Mr. Stilwell In the Apr. 18 primary, said the candidate would resign the post of township magistrate, which he has held for ten years. Mr. Stilwell, he said, Is entirely familiar with township problems, having attended township committee meetings for ten yean, and having served as zoning board chairman, member of the school board 20 years, election board member 25 years, and tax collector four years. Mr. Stilwell is president of th«lincroft-holmdel Klwanls club and of the building firm of Stanley Stilwell ft Sons, Inc. Mr. Stilwell thanked the group's officers and local officials for their confidence and good will. He said he would strive to maintain current land values In the township, and would welcome the support of all party members In efforts to lower the tax rate. Tho rate, he said, has climbed from per $100 assessment in 1949 to an estimated $14 for The increase In the past year, he said, has been over 30 per cent. Master Plan The aim, Mr. Stilwell said, Is to obtain a master plan that would prevent a staggering tax burden on property owners. He mentioned the one-acre minimum lot requirement now In fores which is being attacked In tho courts In two suits. While the township has been without bonded debt, It now must spend $420,- 000 for a new school to meet tho demands of 200 new home* In one development In the Hazlet area, he said. There Is no dealre, the candidate said, to infringe on property sale rights of anyone. Undermln Ing the economic structure of the municipality to benefit a few Individuals at the expense of all others, however, would be poor Judgment, he said. He urged Republicans to Join the new group to form a strong, organization. Joseph. Serplco of Red Bank, a member of the county Republican steering committee, complimented tho association on Its accomplishments to dnte. Hurry D Pitcher anil Mrs. Mai'Karet Ryder, county conimlttceman and commltteewoman, expressed gratification at ths successful formation of a township Republican group after earlier efforts te> unite the party locally had failed, By-Laws Adopted E. Murray Todd, presiding at the dinner meeting, presented the group's formal Incorporation papers. By-laws were read and adopted. Mayor James H. Ackerson spoke on the master plan which he said would be designed to perm:, orderly development In homes and light Industry, and to protect township residents from wholesale project construction. Mrs. Anna Morford, vice chairman ot the county Republican committee, and Township Commttteeman John S. Holmes complimented the group on Its organization. John Mount, assessor, also wished the organization success. Mr. Lloyd addressed the group on the subject, "Republicans, tha Party of Salvation." He said butstanding citizens founded tha county party organization many years ago and the heritage of present membership Is a duty to strengthen and support ft." Science Award For Linzmayer Webb Linzmayer, senior at Red Bank Catholic high school, has been selected as the student to receive the Bausch * Lomb honor iry science award. Webb Linzmayer The award Is giveu to a graduating senior who has achieved the best record In science studies during high school years. While the science award medal is usually presented at graduation time, the winner is selected early in the year because of a MarcD deadline for applying for Bausch A Lomb scholarships. Only those with the honorary science award are eligible to compete for the Bausch A Lomb tcholarshlps at the University of Rochester. Webb, In his Junior year, took second place In * national chemistry test given by Kansas Stat* Teachers. He Is planning a. career in science and is particularly Interested in chemical engineering. Bausch A Lomb reports that a recent survey showed, after a study of individuals listed la "American Men of Science" who had been graduated from high schools tince the science award program waa started in 1932, that 148 relatively young men who had received the science award medal had subsequently gone on to scientific careers. Eighty-five per ceat of the winners of the award ara engaged In scientific or education* al careers and U per cent have received two or more degrees. Trsavriltr Uarfalas. All m.kt. ntw and rmsnslmed. A I) idciini muchinm, L«w ss IH.ISa Quiraniud Liberal trade-in allow* nu, Easy ttrmi. S«rplco'i, 101 Hea* moulh >t )ii Nut to Callton thwtar. Aiivtrllianuat Blasa Forma Application! fur nlntfo and rattle N- ariicu mnr b«ubialnid at tba Jeb prliililm department of Tho Roslslef. Wo hhvo all neuaiinrr forma on sasew Call Mil Advartlitmiat, It adds ui< I Moro and more H Haslatar ada aaoh iai Mima aomo laatar. Ad»»

16 U ThunStr. Feb. 28, 1957 RED BANK REGISTER Stavola's Black Top Plant Growing in New Shrewsbury COUNTY BIRTHS NEW SHREWSBURY One* f the state'* largest mobile "black top" mixing plants soon will be in full operation here. "It represents a long-lime dream of mine," Michael J. Stavola, contractor of Chapel Hill rd., Middletown township, said in ents of a son, born Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Frank Feirano of 10 Miriam dr., Matawan. are par- Interview. What is being done, he said, is j to add a major section to the plant now In operation off HamkiUm iu., iu Uie Fine I>imj»t Btttlon. What this will do will be to boost from a present capacity at 1,000 tons of black top road surfacing to 3,000 tons the daily output of the plant To Sell Material Mr. Stavola said (he bituminous surfacing material coming from the plant not only will be used by his own road crews but will be for sale to other of the area's contractors. Where this plant differs from other mass producers is that the what* thing can be packed up and shipped by truck trailers to any location, where there is a major road job to be done. Mr. Stavola said that prompting Mm to make a huge investment tor plant enlargement at this time Is the fact that "last year, with the- smaller plant, we produced 84,000 ton: of black top and could not take care of the demand." Too, he said, the Eisenhower program for big highway conetruction is now reaching into New Jersey "and I want to be ready to handle my share of It." The equipment is manufactured by the Madson Corp., makers ot the mobile black toppers used la construction of the New Jersey Turnpike. It is considered to lie America's "most modern," Mr. Stavola said. 'Feat Operation' Illustrating what will happen, be said, his present Madson plant "drops two tons of black top every 214 hours; the new plant will drop three tons every 1H hours." The operation is simple. Four men can run the plant because the process "works by push buttons." It heats up a mixture of sand, stone and other ingredients to 360 degrees, blends In the oil and out comes the road surfacing. A new railroad spur is being built from the main line shore tracks into the plant, so that up to tons of raw materials can be brought in at once. On the plant property, Mr. Stavola I Is building hie own tracks and! switches "enough to handle ten! full cars and ten empty ones at i on* time." ; 'Short on Gravel' j National studies, he said, show! that "America U running short I on gravel the big pita are running out." So road contractors have turned to various forms of crushed rock to find better replacements. Mr. Stavola said that he has. at his own cost, built ; "many thousands of dollars worth : ef test roads in Monmouth coun- ty developments" and ' keeps ; these 'under constant watch." i It is Mr. Stavola's opinion that i "roads and schools" make up the Hems of greatest cost in any mu- niclpal budget and that municl- : pal officials with whom he has to deal directly "often come un- der public fire when the roads f they build with the people's mon- ' oy fall to stand up under wear." : Ideas that have been put into the new "permanent" formulas. now in use, he said, have come, tn part, from the Asphalt Instl- \ tuts which, on request, has : worked up special mixes for this - climate and sent them Into this for practical application. ; Mr. Stavola said that he had advanced the "permanent roads' scheme to the Middletown towni ship planning board, saying that ; some of the surfacing produced should stand up without break- : should s d up tag for ten yean. J Calling his New Shrewsbury exi pansion program "well under I way," the contractor said he : gavt the job of putting in his private rail spurs and switches 9 to the Wagner Construction Co. of New York, one of the srea's I top track builders. Completion Is i expected to be soon enough for I stepped up production early this,- oprtot. Lack of Meetings Bothers Cone.' LITTLE SILVER Councll- "- nan Arthur L. Cone, Jr., Tues- clay night complained that the : planning board "has not met in j some time" and wondered If any- ; em* had asked the chairman for the reason. Councilman Lewis R. Lowry ; asked Borough Attorney Howard W. Roberts If a state or local law requires planning boards to meet 5 at regular times. Mr. Roberts said J he will check the local ordinance, but that he knew of no such state : taw. Mr, Cone, who Is council's rep ; resentatlve on the planning I board, recently complained about i the chairman ot the planning j board appearing as legal repre- J sentatlve (or someone seeking a J land subdivision. Daniel S. Wei (and, Red Bank attorney, li! chairman of the board. } Among the matters on which ; council wants planning board S action is a request by Otto Mey- S er to build a clubhouse on Birch I ave property zoned for business. I Fitkin hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Estes of 48 Spruce dr., Shrewsbury, are parents of a daughter, born Saturday at Fitkin hoepital. Mr. and Mrs. James Mathison of 3 Charles St., Port Monmouth, are parents of a daughter, born Monday at Riverview hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Cooper of 70 Bay ave., East Keansburg, are parents of a daughter, born Monday at Riverview hospital. Mr. and Mrs. William Goldle of 202 Ohio ave., East Keansburg. are parents of a son, born Monday at Riverview hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Shea nf 103 Blngham ave., Rumson, are parents of a son, born Sunday tt Riverview hospital. Mr. and Mrs. James Osborn* of 10 Hudson ave., East Keansburg, are parents of a son, born Sunday st Riverview hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Zaleck ol 13 Woody ter., West Keansburg, are parents of a daughter, born Sunday at Riverview hospital. Mr. and Mrs. William Bishop of 334 East Broadway, Union Beach, are parents of a son, born Saturday at Rivprview hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Incardone of 48 Seventh st., Belford, are parents of a son, born Saturday at Riverview hospital. Mr. and Mra. George Duckers of 131 Hudson ave.. Best Keansburg, are parents of a daughter, born Friday at Monmouth Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Urbetta of Maple ave., Cllffwood, are parents of a daughter, born Friday at Monmouth Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. James Clifton ot 28 Cedar st., Matawan, are parents of a son, born Saturday tt Monmouth Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pryor, Jr., of 124 Lake ave., Fair Haven, are parents of a daughter, born Sunday at Monmouth Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. John Morella of 7 Parkview dr., Hazlet, are parents of a son, born Monday at Monmouth Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cross of 14 Francis st., Shrewsbury, are parents of a daughter, born last Thursday at Monmouth Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stevens of 78 Branford dr.. New Shrewsbury, are parents of a son, born Friday at Riverview hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McGowsn of 267 Main St., Matawan, are parents of a son, born Friday at Riverview hospital. Mr. and Mrs. George Pelose ot 8 Octavlus pi., Keyport, are parents of a daughter, born Friday at Riverview hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Grlgeor of 98 Patterson ave., Shrewsbury, are parents of a daughter, born Friday at Riverview hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smith of < Simpson ave., Atlantic Highlands, are parents of a son, born last Thursday at Riverview hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jenson of 331 Andover at., Matawan, are parents of a daughter, bom Friday at MOT,mouth Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. George Kressner of 24 Elizabeth pkway., Eatontown, are parents of a daughter, born Friday at Monmouth Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Herman of 517 West Front St., Keyport, are parents ot a son, born Friday at Riverview hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Caulfield ot B2 River rd., Fair Haven, are parents of a son, born Friday at Riverview hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Elton of 46 Rose St., Brown Mills, are parents of a son, born Friday at Riverview hospital. Mr. and Mrs. John Feehan of 135 Cloverdale dr., New Shrewsbury, are parents of a daughter, born Saturday at Riverview hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Martin of 12 West Richard st., K.yport, are parents of a son, born Saturday at Riverview hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Nils Hansen of 8 Henry dr., New Monmouth, are parents of a son, Peter Andrew born Feb. 6 at Monmouth Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Louis M. Dorlck Jr., of 488 Shrewsbury ave., New Shrewsbury, are parents of a son born Sunday at Riverview hospital. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Johnston of 8 Heathcllff rd., Rumson, ars parents of a son, born Monday at Fitkin hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Fox of 24 Foster St., River Plaia, are parents of a daughter, born Mon day at Riverview hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Davis of 33 Lawrle dr., Atlantic High lands, are parents of a son. born Monday at Riverview hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Bayers of 165 Laurel ave., West Keansburg, are parents of a son, born Monday at Riverview hospital. Mr. and Mra. Frederick Mnllnka of 478 Shrewsbury ave., New Shrewsbury, are parents of a daughter, born Monday at Monmouth Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Whittles of 2 Louise pi., New Monmouth, are parents of a son born Tuesday at Monmouth Memorial hospital. Inducts Local Democrats Paul Kiernan, Long Branch city commissioner snd state Democratic committeeman, Installed officers of the local Democratic club Tuesday at the Old Union house. They were Frederic Baar, president; Ray J. Coreale and Mrs. J. Henry O'Hern, vice presidents: Mrs. Joseph O. E»chelbach. recording secretary; Mrs. William Domidion, financial secretary; Mrs. MsrgarPt Connolly, corresponding secretary: Josepn Holiday, treasurer, and Daniel Logan, sergeant-at-arms. Elected trustees were Mrs. Katharine Elkus White, James LoBlondo and John A. Petlllo. Theodore J. Labrecque of Fair Haven, president of the state division of (ax appeals, was guest speaker. Urging the re-election of Gov. Robert B. Meyner, he said, "He was elected when people were looking for something;! better, and he will be re-elected on his record." The speaker also told the group that their party is the "party of the people." Of politics he said, "politics Is the science of government. Select good men to run for office, and you will have good office holders." Mrs. White Invited members to attend a regional conference Saturday In Atlantic City. Gov. Meyner will be one of the speaker* Mrs. Gordon Wilson urged the members to join the Women's Democratic club of Monmouth county A new member, Mrs. Ambrose Marks, was introduced. Mr. Baar made the following committee appointments: Mrs. Frank Cannavo, Mrs. Thomas Flaherty, Mr*. Brands X. Murphy, Mrs. Leo F. O'Connor, Edward Sutphln and Mrs. Wilson, ways and means; Mrs. Bruce Crlspell, Mrs. Arnold Boden, Mrs. Arnold Horn, Mrs. Bruno Maixa, Mrs. Earl Stout and Mrs. Grace Mott, refreshments; Mr. Domldion, Patsy Spagnuolo, Miss Elisabeth Kelley, Miss Jane Parks and Mrs. Norman DILetto, legislation. Mra. William Rudrow, Mrs. Rita Haley Douglas, Mrs. Joseph H. Cooper, Miss July Ftnelll and Post Office in New Home p p y The contemplated 24 by 48-foot Mr." and 'Mrs. Joseph Mahoney structure would be for youth ac-. o f Woodhrook dr., Matawan, are Uvltles, provided it also can be t used by the Seaboard Homing I Pigeon club, a non-profit organi- : station. Councllmen Lowry and Lord also said they want the pub- He to know the building will not house pigeons. In another matter, Mr. Cone parents of a daughter, horn Friday at Riverview hospital. Mr. and Mrs. James Duck of West Front St., Llncroft, are parents of a son, born Tuesday at Riverview hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Karllk of 36 Washington St., Keyport, are aald he believes the building code parents of a aon, born Tuesday "needs tightening up." He also,at Rlvorvlew hospital. Mrs. Mr*. Petlllo, social activities; Escheltiach, Mr. Crlspell and Mrs. Anthony Flnelli, publicity; Ralph Smith, Benedict R. Nicosia, Alex Rento, Arthur J. White snd Mr, Petlllo, speakers, and Mrs. William Wormley, Mrs. Donald Wlckllne and Mrs. Connolly, welfare. The Mar. 28 meeting will be held at Union hall on the corner of Broad and Mechanic sts. WEDDINGS HOUSES M AHON * LINCROFT - Joseph W. Mouser of Swimming River rd. has announced the marriage of his daughter. Miss Elizabeth A. Mouser, to Joseph F. Mahoney, son of Michael Mahoney. The bride Is the daughter of the late Mrs. Mouser. Rev. John J. Nowak officiated at a double-ring ceremony and nuptial mass Saturday, Feb. 16, at St. Catherine's Catholic church, Everett. St. Anthony's PTA To Entertain Teens Members of St. Anthony's Parent-Teacher association will be hostesses tomorrow night at a dance for parish teenagers and their guests In St. Anthony's Catholic hall. Mrs. Mary Carluccl, chairman, said these events are held every two weeks under the P.T.A. sponsorship. Also serving are Mrs. Anthony Malencanico and Mra. Angelo Gelso, assisted by Miss Marls Soviero and Miss Josephine Philips, representing the Children of Mary sodality. Mrs. Philip SakowlU, president, said that the group will honor the late Gregory Figaro, whose widow Is a member of the group, at the 8 a. m. mass Sunday, Mar, 10. She named Mrs. Anthony Ciambrone chairman of a committee to make plans for a calendar party, to be assisted by Mrs. John A. Petlllo. The next meeting will be Mar. 21. Four Drivers Fined $65 by Schaefer WAYSIDE Four driven were fined S6S hers last night by Magistrate Marvin E. Schaefer. Included were Willie McDarlei, Asbury Park, speeding, $2S; James A. Garfleld Belvitt, Asbury Park, no driver's license, $20, and no registration in possession, $5; Raymond P. Maytr, West Point Pleasant, parking on parkway for a non-emergency, suspended fine and $3 costs, and ZorbeH Williams, Neptune, stop street violation, 110. Thompson ave., Eaat Xeamburg, are parent* of a daughter, born Tuesday at Monmouth Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jeter ot 58 Buttonwood dr., Fair Haven, are parents of a son, born Tuesday at Monmouth Memorial hospital. Mr, and Mrs. Bobble Williams ot 39 Center st., MaUwan, are parents ot a son, born Tuesday at Monmouth Memorlsl hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Latham of 153 Wright st., Shrawsbury, ara parents of a daughter, born yesterday at Monmouth Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Conteglacomo of 18 Francis St., Shrewsbury, are parents of a son, born yesterday at Monmouth Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Worden of 5 Deane way, River Plaza, are parents of a son, born yesterday at Monmouth Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Louis Ramos of 68 Main st., Keaniburg, are parents of a daughter, born yesterday at Monmouth Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fann of Colt's Neck are parents of a son, born yesterday at Monmouth Memorial hospital. John Schalble of 275 Broad st, Emoiuown, are parunu oi a on, born yesterday at Monmouth Memorial hospital. Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Emmons ot 27 Seventh st., Beltord, ars parents of a daughter, born today at Monmouth Memorial hospital. Tha Shrewsbury poit offica, which for 31 yoari was located in tha center of Sycamora ave. a fact that gainod mention in Bob Ripley's famad Baliava It or Not* it now operating from a modern mite in Ray H. Stillmen'i Shrewsbury Shops on rt. 35. Top photo shows postal man Jack Kaney, left, and Bill Holit removing sign from tha old building. At bottom, Hoist, loft, brings first pioca of equipment into now offica as Red Bank Postmastar Frederick Crino looki on. Mrs. Jamas Riordan is superintendent of mails at tha Shrawsbury offica, a post sha hold ni tho Syeamora «ve. location. She was Shrewsbury's postmaster until a few yaars ago, whan Shrawsbury officially baeama a post offico branch of Rad Bank. CHURCH NEWS REFORMED New Shrewsbury "Worship ths King" will be the title of the sermon by Rev. Robert M. Runge at the 11 a. m. service Sunday. The theme will be on why we worship the way we do. The anthem will be by the senior choir under the direction of Mrs. T. J. Brereton, organist. The theme for the 9:30 a. m. family service will be "Building the Kingdom." This service, conducted by Harry Ingalls, superintendent ot the church school, is held as a part of the Sundayschool program. The sermon by the pastor will be entitled, "Foundation for Building." Family worship Is followed by classes for all ages including an adult class- Classes for nursery, beginners, and primary are held in the Beekman house and cottage. Church nursery held during the 11 a. m. service will be supervised Sunday by Mrs. R. M. Runge. Sunday at 4 p. m. a new Reformed church will be organized at Brlelle. Members and friends of the church will attend and share In a historic hour of the new neighbor church. Cars of those attending the service will leave the church at 3:15 p. m. Sunday night at 7 o'clock, the pastor's communicants' class meets In the cottage for Instruction In church membership. At 7:45 p. m. Sunday, the first session ot a six weeks' teacher training course will be held In the cottage. Special training films will bt used presenting the best methods ot Christian training of children. Boys and girls ot the church and community from 12 to 14 years of age have been Invited to attend the first meeting ot a Junlor-Hl Christian Endeavor society to be held In the cottage from 7 to 8 o'clock Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Thlesing ars adult advisers. The new youth program will Include studies in the Christian faith and lite and a special social and recreational program. The senior Christian Endeavor will meet Monday at 7:15 p. m. In the church for worship, study and a social hour, with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ganson as adult advisers. The Ladles' Aid society will meet Tuesday night In White hall at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Harry Carter will preside. The first of a lertei ot midweek Lenten services will be held next Wednesday at 7; 45 p. m. The services will be held In cooperation with the Reformed churches of the area, with the pastors ot the churches conducting services and exchanging pul Mr, and Mis. Warren Hill ef ' ltm - P»»tors of the Reformed complained that copies of the eode are not available. Mr. l.nw- Edgemora rd., Beltora, ait J ents of a daughter, born todty at Riverview hospital. Mr. and Mrs. David LaConte of 75 St. George pi., Keyport, are parents of a daughter, born to- Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence White ' day at Riverview hospital. 2BS Church St Fair Havn M d M St F of 2BS Church St., Fair Haven, 2 WUB air nui ikvaimuii'. «u. JAJW- OI XDD unurcn si., rair naven, Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Franey» ry aald one of the masons for arc parnnts of a son, born Tuen- of 82 Blandish rd., Little Silver, the lack of copies Is that the oil-day at Monmouth Memorial ho*->ir<t parent* of a son, born yes-.' glnsl code and its iimrmltn<ntn pliai. _... ; fcave not been brought up to (lute. Mr. and Mrs. John V. Wilson ; Tme borough attorney said hn will of Biookdale farm, Llncroft, are pile an accurate codn If the borougih clerk provides him all tha amendments. parents of a non, born Tuenday at Monmouth Memorial hospital. pare txrday at Rlvorvisw hospital! A Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Walsh of muscle*. Opera star Elaine Malbln devotes one hour dally In a gymnasium to strengthen her abdominal churches of Freehold, Bpotswood, Middletown, Long Branch, Colt'a Neck and Red Bank will conduct the Lenten series on the theme, "The Beatitudes and the Cross." The service next week will be conducted by the pastor on the theme, "The Cross and Righteousness," The Women's Unity guild will meet Wednesday at 8:30 p. m. after the Lenten service, in White hall. Th«senior choir rehearses at 8:30 p, the church under the direction of Mrs. T. J. Br«reton. i EMBURY METHODIST Little Stiver The pastor's class for training in church membership will meet In the parsonage Saturday at 1:80 p. m. and e»ery Saturday thereafter until Easter. The class Is open to children 12 years of age or older. Sunday school Is at «:45 and 11 a. m. A Sunday morning worship service with Communion will be held at 11 a. m. with "The Cup of Blessing" as the sermon topic of Rev. Edmund Carlisle, pastor. Music will include Prelude No. I and Prelude No. 32 by Bach; introlt "Morning Watch" by Price; anthem by the chancel choir, "Bread of the World" by Williams; offlertory "Andante" by Schumann, and 'Poetlude on Bach" by Liszt. The high school Sunday school elaae taught by William Asman will leave from the church Sunday at 1 p. m. to visit the Buddhist temple at Freewood Acres near Farmlngdale. A "family night" program will bs held in fellowship hall Sunday at 5:30 o'clock featuring a covered dish supper. The program will be preeented by members of the Methodist Youth fellowship, including a review of "Albert Bchweltxer" by Galomb, presented by Connie Wright and Sue Maroney, and a film. Those attending are asked to bring a covered dish. The devotions will be led by Robert Papon. The afternoon circle ot the W. S. C. S. will meet Wednesday at 1:30 p. m. at the home of Mrs. W. Harrison Shampanore on Willow dr. with Miss Marie Wilby as co-hostess. The theme will be 'The Church and Mental Health." The principal speaker will be Morris Lattman, head of the Pollack clinic at Monmouth Memorial hospital. The commission on education will meet at tha church Wednesday at I p. m. Bnai Brith Women Sponsor Brotherhood Panel Discussion "Brotherhood means wishing your neighbor well," Rev. Alan UoFarlane, vicar at St Thomas Episcopal church, said Tuesday night during a panel discussion sponsored by Red Bank chapt f Bi Bith W t C y of Bnai Brith Women at Con- Orcgation Bnai Israel. Pev. Mr. McFarlane, who emphasized that brotherhood is lm- Escorted by her father, the j r:icit in every religion, was the.u _.,.,..<flt f f k d i c i g bride wore a gown of Chantllly lace over white satin with a cathedral train. She had a fingertip veil and carried a prayerbook ««vttti»rfth whits hl Mrs. John Mahoney, sister of the bride, was matron of honor. Her gown was orchid nylon tulle over taffeta, and she carried a bouquet of orchid gladioli. John Mahoney was his brother's best man. Ushering were the brothers of the bridegroom, Michael and Lawrence Mahoney. After a reception at Crystal Brook inn, Eatontown, the couple left on a wedding trip to Florida. The bride, is a graduate of Middletown Township high school and is employed by the New Jersey Bell Telephone company In Red Bank. The bridegroom was graduated from Red Bank Catholic high school and Is employed by the New Jereey Turnpike Authority. fl j. t y f(jur speakerg discussing p "How can we prevent racial and religious tensions in our community?' U2 i \ K HKNDRICK8ON F(JI.SCHER KEYPORT -Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Hendrickson, Beers St., announce the marriage of their daughter. Miss Gretchen Ann Hendrickson, to Raymond Folscher, son of Mrs. Raymond Price, First St., and the late Frederick Folscher. Rev. John Hendricks officiated at a double ring ceremony In Bt. Joseph's Catholic rectory Saturday, Feb.. Given In marriage by her father, the bride wore a pink wool dress, with matching hat.' She had a corsage of white rosebuds. Mrs. Anthony Davlno, Keyport, was matron of honor for her sist Fk PTA Schedules Language Talk SHREWSBURY- A discussion on "Should We Teach Foreign Languagee in elementary Schools" will be led by Mrs. George Blair at tonight's meeting of the Parent-Teacher association at» o'clock' In the school. A representative from the Mon mouth County Organization for Social Service also will show a dim on the nursinjr services available to Shrewsbury restdents. Mrs, Jerome Silver of the P.' T.A.'s ways and means committee announced today that the P.T.A.'e sponsorship of the showing of the Him "The Silent World" at the Carlton theater had been sue cessful, with the PT.A, realizing its complete annual budget from the proceeds from tha receipts. In addition to her commutes, she lauded Mrs, Rlchsrd Kray bill, Mrs, Joseph Bmythe, Mrs Joseph Gauss, Mrs. Richard Lees Mrs. William Bell, Mrs. Francis Walnrlght and Mm. Howell Wai ton for their iiulatance In making the fund-raising project * success. Seventh snd eighth grade students who won prizes for selling ter. Frank Folscher brother's best man. was his A reception followed at the home of the bridegroom's aunt, Miss Ella Wallace, Fulton st. When they return from a wedding trip to New York city, the couple will live on Fulton st. Both Mr. and Mrs. Folscher are graduates of Keyport high school. Mrs. Folscher is employed by the New Jersey Bell Telephone company in the Keyport office. Mr. Folscher is an airman third class in the U. S. Air Force. He is stationed at Westover Air Force base in Massachusetts. ELKINS CALANDRIELLO Miss Joan Elizabeth Elkins, daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Elkins, 37 Forman St., Fair Haven, became the bride of Victor Anthony Calandriello, son of Mr. and Mra. Frank Calandirello, 70 John st., Saturday at St. James Catholic church. Rev. Joseph A. Biscboff officiated at a double-ring ceremony and nuptial mass. Mrs- Georgia Mason was organist, and Mrs. Joseph Calandlrello, aunt of the bridegroom, was soloist. Escorted by her father, the bride wore a full-length gown of white Chantllly lace over nylon tulle with a Sabrina neckline and long pointed sleeves. Her tulle veil fell from a crown of seed pearls and rhineatones, and she carried a cascade bouquet of white roses on a prayer book. Mrs. Bernard Leventhal, Port Monmouth, was her sister's matron of honor. She wore a ballerina-length gown ot iridescent green satin and a short veil fastened to a crown of pearls. She carried a cascade bouquet of pink and white pompons and carnations. Miss Rita Perri, Long Branch, and Miss Gertrude Calandriello, Red Bank, sister of the bridegroom, were bridesmaids. They wore similar gowns of lavender and rose and carried matching cascade bouquets of prompons and carnations. The mother of the bride wore a dress ot lavender lace over taffeta, with matching accessories. The bridegroom's mother was attired In peacock blue taffeta, with white accessories. Frank Calandriello, Jr., was his brother's best man. Ushering were Edward Tomalni, Long Branch, and Marco Ciaglia, Red Bank. After a reception at the Paddock lounge, Long Branch, the couple left for a wedding trip in the South. When they return they will reside at 142 East End ave., Shrewsbury. For traveling the bride chose a Dior blue suit, with navy blue accessories. The bride Is a graduate of dletown Township high school. The bridegroom, a graduate ot Red Bank Catholic high school, served tour years with the U. 8. Navy Medical corps. He Is employed with the Garden State Parkway Authority. oi*et''*** Wuijk Mimeu itjf ittu Bank school children In celebration of Brotherhood month was presented by William Paxlcky, principal of the River Street school. He explained and praised tile program initiated in the school system to further the children's understanding of their schoolmates' racial, religious and cultural backgrounds. Donald Babcock, general secretary of the Red Bank Y, pointed up the part played by rumor in furthering racial and religious tensions. He noted the responsibility of each Individual to halt rumcrs at the source. Mr. Babcock also discussed the T camps, youth and adult groups, and their success In fostsrlng better human relations In the community. "We must help our children find constructive ways to express their hostilities if they are to have no need to find scapegoats for their rtpressed anger," said Dr. Edward Dengrove, Asbury Park psychiatrist who cited psychological studies to show that "a happy home, in which a child Is reared with love. Is the best safeguard against the prejudiced personality." The panelists concluded that likenesses among people must be emphasized, rather than the difference!. Mra Aubrey Raffalovich moderated the panel and the question and answer period that followed. Cliurchwomen of Red Bank and surrounding communities were guests. Mrs. Fred Boyd, president of th* United Church Women of Greater Red Bank, lighted the candles, and Rabbi Arthur H. Hershon gave the Invocation. The meeting was opened by Mrs. Louis Kiemer, president. The program was arranged by the chairmen of the Anti-Dtfamatlon league committee, Mrs. Warren Jailer and Mr*. Raffaloyich. Mrs. Howard Sherman announced plans for a basar to be hck' at the Red Bank armory Sunday, Mar. 31. Mrs. Marvin Fink Is chairman of the nominating committee. Nominations were made at Tuesday's meeting, and officers will ba elected st the March meeting. Mra Jailer reported that the Anti-Defamation league committee had been invited to present the Rumor clinic at the March meeting of the young adult group of the Red Bank Methodist church. Says Dredging Assured For Little Silver Creek LITTLE SILVER Councilman Lewis R. Lowry told council members Tuesday night he had received sssurances that Little Silver creek will be dredged this year. Mr. Lowry's remarks followed a comment by Sidney Llchter of 14 Prince pi. that the creek might not be dredged because of pressure upon the state from communities nearer Navenlnk and Shark rivers. At Mr. Lowry's suggestion. Borough Engineer Otis R. Seaman was authoriied to survey the tributaries of Little Silver creek from Seven Bridge rd. west to the railroad. Purpose ot the survsy Is to estimate the cost of eventually getting a drainage brook the entire width of the borough. Mr. Lowry also said he hopes the state will be able to dump lit in spoil areas west of Seven Bridge rd. as well as enst of it. The project Is expected to be under way "in early spring." Mottle* of nhniupiik»' > n»d other the most tickets for the presents-1 wines ate stored on their siles tlon were Holly Staples, CynthiaI to keep the cork, from drying Palladlno and Elaine) Honkonen. out. Scout Drive Nets $24,975 OAKHUR3T Monmouth Council ot Boy Scouts reported Monday *24,975 of a 1S57 quota of 1141AM had been raised. The council said it needs MS.00O ot the quota to complete construction work at the (US-acre Forestburg camp reservation In New York state. The rest, 176,500, Is needed for operations of the (,- 000-scout council. Chairman Leslie Rice, Jr., Middletown, said the money drive Is going on In all parts of the county where the council Is not represented In community appeals. From the appeals, $4,M0.S4 was reported. The drive which opened Feb. 16 closes Wednesday. Participating are 1,300 scout worker! and some 600 volunteers who went to training sesalons in Freehold, Keyport, Long Branch, Middletown township and Sea Girt last week. Needs An Cited Urging fullest support for the council, Mr. Rice called attention to activities Including camping at Forestburg and the 385-acre Farmlngdale training center and a wide range of valuable experiences afforded boys In cub, scout, explorer, sea and air units in a membership that hss tripled In five years. The century plant blooms once In its lifetime; not once In 100 years as Its name seems to indicate. WHEN SPEAKING OF HEALTH IT IS NOT TRUfc TO SAY "WE DID EVERYTHING POSSIBLE" UNLESS CHIROPRACTIC WAS INCLUDED. DR. WARREN FOWLER Chiropractor 303 BROAD STREET RED IANK, N. J. HMM SH MOSS GERTRUDE'S BEAUTY SHOP REEVYTOWN For Appointment PHONE PR GIRTRU9I RAMSIY Owner Operator Campers Hold Reunion FLEMINGTON Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lechner, owners and directors of Camp Echo Hill, were hosts Saturday at the Grange hall for the camp's 21st annual reunion. The camp's owners are former Red Bank high school!*y;!-e! rf^eatiun Jmtracters. Residents of the Red Bank area assisting were Mr. and Mrs. George C. Worthley of Manor dr, Red Bank; William Pailcky, Rumson, River Street achool principal who hss been a member of the camp staff 15 years, and Miss Anns Dugan, Fair Haven, a teacher tt Willow Street school, who has been associated with the camp 20 years. Others attending from the Red Bank area were Mr. and Mrs. Worthley and their children Pamela, Nancy and George, Jr., Hubert M. Farrow, Jr.. and aon Bruce, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Germond, Sd, and daughter Debbie, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Rowe and daughter Melinda, and Charlotte Haywood, all of Little Stiver, and Thomas Handy, Fair Haven. Mrs. Worthley Is in charge of a neighborhood party to be held Friday afternoon, Mar. 8, at Mechanic Street school for children of the area who attend Camp Echo Hill and guests. The program starts at 3:30. MONMOUTH COUNTY SUMOCATE-S COUMT N*ti«t* Crtoilors to Pruut Clalsu AftlMt Eiuu SSL Funuant to t«a ordtr of IDWABD C. BBOBQE. Surro«ata of th«coxntr of Monmouth. this dmr appllntio Monmouth on ths ppntion of tha undartlsntd, Tha onmouth National Bank. Bad Bank (forratrlr Tha Saeond National Bank of Red Bank) and James E. Harvey, Jr. Eueutori of tha tita of tha aid Honntt A. Cola, daceaatd, nattca la nenby given to th«eraditon of aaid dtcuied to present to tha said Executors their elaimi under oath within I months from this date, Datad: February 8th. 1»57. The Monraouth Count; National Bank, Red Bank By: George F. B«ine, Jr. Truat Officer, SI Broad St.. Bed Bank, Jamai K. Hsr»y. Jr. M 18 Fitter PI., Bed Bank, Caniona * Conbs Attorneys. MONMOUTH COUNTY SURROGATE'S COURT N*Uce I. Creditor* t* Freee.t Ctalaae Afalasl Eatata X3TATE OF BAMUIL A. WEI!* Deceaaad. Pursuant to the order of EDWARD C. BRUEGE. Surrogate of th* County of Monmouth, thla day made, on th* application of the undersigned. Alfred Weil, aole executor of the eetate of the said Samuel A. Weil, deceased, notice is hereby»l»*n to the creditor! of id deceased to present to th* Sole (ecutor their claims under oath with, la six Months from thia date Dated: Fobruerr lit*. HIT. ALFRED WKU, fji.iilhme'ai Wle* ft Wiae, 14 freed es'basv' N, J. Attoruye NOTICE or KTTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT Notice is hereo. live* that tas a*. eounta of the subscriber. Adalnlatra. trlx of tk* eelate ot sail Deceased will ke audited snd atatad by the Surrogate af U>* Count; of lionnouth and reported for sotueoient to The Monmouth County Court, Probst* Division, on Friday, to* twelfth day of April. A. D., 1H7. M»:»0 o'clock A. il.. at the County Court House. Monument and Court streets. Freehold. New Jersey, at which time application will be made for tha allowance of ConuBisalons and Counsel fees. Dated: February 21, AD AGNES STatFFEtV 19 Bit-nth Avenue Atlantic Highlands N. I. Administratrix. Katsrt.' Karkua. Kantoi ft Burns. Attorneys at Law. 41 Broad Street, Keyport. N. J, NOTICE Th* following entitled ordinance tie I "An Ordinance Authorising the Township at Middletown to Contract for th* Preparation of a Tax Map of the Real Property In the Township of Middletown," was a maotli on Wadneeday. February""l7,"ai»7 and was thereupon I>rr»v.H ky the Chairman of tile Townahlp Committee. Dated: February 11. If SI. FRANK K. BLAISDELL. Chairman of tk* Township Committee. ng of Tmrnal. on final reeding at Townahlp Committee ihip of Middletown, held i peaaed o/ the 1 Chairman of the HOWARD W. ROB: Townahlp Clerk. Townshr BERTS. IS.01 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS The Townahip Committee of tfie Townahip of Middletawn will receive blda on March IS at 1:10 o'clock at the Townahlp hall. Kings Highway, Middletown. N. J., (or approximately 800 torn of patch material for Tar Roada. This material will be rockit* or equal delirwed to the Townahip Garase. in truck load lota as ordered by the Townahlp Road Supenrleor. The Townthlp Conmitt** reserves Ui* right to accept or reject any or all Specifications nay be obtained from Crais Kinnosan. Township engineer, 119 Bast End Avenue. BoMord. Mew * Da fed: February 17. 1U7. HOWARD W. EOBBRTs. I.7S Townahl* Clerk. COMMON-LAW I-M4 SHERIFF'S SALE:-Br virtu* *f a writ of execution to a* dlreated, iteued out of the MonmeaUl County Court (Uw Division) there wim ba *xpoaed to eale at nubile vendue, on Monday, the ISth day ol March. t»»1 between the noun oil 11 o'clock and 4:30 o'clock (at 2 o'clock Eastern. Standard Time) in the afternoon of said day. at the Court Houee In t*«borough ot Freehold. County of Mon. mouth New lereer to aatlety a iud<< moot of Mid court amounting to approximately All Die defendants right, title and Inttraat. if any. la and to til* following: All that certain lot. tract etc. and being In ttie Township of Middletown, County of Monmouth and State ot* New "BEOINNINO at a poi.l > the eaat. erly tin* ot Harmony Road and th* southerly line of the George Heath property: thane* (I) anuth 74 decraes, 3> minutes east '278,17 feet alone; th* southerly Una of George Heath property to a point; thence (2) north deeroew 21 mlnutee aaet 122,50 feet to tha aouuiarly Una of a rliht-*f-war running through the George Heath property: thence (I) north 74 deireee. 19 minutes weat along the southerly line of eald right-of-way J74.H feet to th* *sst*rly Una of Harmony Roadt thence 14) south 14 dwreea 41 minutes, so seconds west fact alonst the easterly line of Harmony Road to a point: thence (5) aouth IT detraoe, 17 minutet 90 aeeonda weat still along the eaiterly line of Harmony Road IS.4(1 ftet to tha point or nlar.e of Benlnnlm. Containing.777 arree. Heiaed aa ><ie property of Ernest Alfred Heath, taken in execution at th* euit of Mnnmmith I.\tnib«r Cnmpnny, a body enrpnrnta niirt tn ha anih hy IA K, WUI.CUTT Hharllt. Dated: Nov. in I Mil. AbramnfT t Pr!(<* Attya. (!» lines) lill.m) When In how to aell unwanttd houaahold fonda lolve yoer problem with The Rtgletar's classified ads. Adowtlset) it \

17 rdgvrtn«i Leadc Fellowship The Women'* fellowship of the Red Bank Baptist church met Monday in Fellowship hall, / lisa Bather Welghtsnaa Bower was In charge of the prayer group meeting preceding the fellowship meeting. Mn. Fred Conover, spiritual life chairman, waa in charge of the meditation period. Mra. John Crouthamel, soloist, was accompanied at the piano by Mn. Francis Bwartz. A film "Again, Pioneers" was shown. Mn. Elbcrt Sates of Wcstfleld will apeak at the March meeting on her trip to Southeast Asia last year. Mn. Charles Moore told of the! *» faainr. 1Mn. Aftwt ntt kmr, MffKw WHHMHJ,] ww rate' Mra. * O. Muter. Kn. P*rey' tfcma cfcairmaa, CMi&m acwouaeed that Baxter, Mn. William Cooper, the World Day of Prayer program will be at the Religious So- Mrs. William Schanck, Mrs. Mre. William Morgan. ciety of Friends, Shrewsbury, Charles Schanck, Mra. Cecil Lediard, Mre. Charles Hammell. Mrs. Friday. Mar. I. The Bible book for March will Ellwood powers, Mre. Omar Ball, be Joshua. Mrs. Thomas Wilson, Mra. Elmer Cottrell, Mrs. Donald Crawford, Mrs. Walter Can- leadership training chairman, announced that the school of Christian service will begin Sunday Dewey Barr, Mrs. Charles Moore, field, Mrs. Paul Apgar, Mr*. and continue for elx consecutive Mra. Patrick Bailey, Mrs. Walter Sundays at 7:80 p. m. White, Mrs. Thomas Maloney, Clrlce two (Mrs. Charles Schanck, leader) were hostesses for bert Laehder, Mies Esther Bow- Mra. Albert Newman, Mrs. Al- the evening. er, Mrs. William Graves, Mrs. Attending were Mrs. Henry Mc- Harry Chamberlain, Mrs. Glenn Lean, Mn. Edward Clayon, Miss Bowling, Mn. Fred Warwick, Tlllie Bendrickaon, Mrs. Arthur Mn. Robert Kelly, Mrs. Kenneth Newmler, Mrs. Edith Worth, MIM Coleman, and a guest, Miaa Emma Mason from Ella Davis, Mra. William True*. Somervllle. Y POPULAR DEMAND! ill*) Decorating Deportment of BALLANTINE'S CHINA and GLASS SHOP 1$ MJASID TO ANNOUNCI A STAFF. Jean Ann Ctiilton, Director Rmmtry Fortyth, AitiiUnt H«p«Kialland. Assistant B*rtr«nd d* Laptrouit, Assistant New Counselling Service MGINNING MARCH 1ST CONSULTATION IY APfOKTMIHT ONLY. $1040 AT OUR STUDIO $1540 AT YOUR HOME 147 MOAD STREET RED BANK SHodysMt CUSTOM MADE PINCH : PLEATED UNUNED Draw Prejptrfal heluded Os OOCOtTnfVO OropOty VQDfiCS ill Plow jorsoye pioni titon! our woffi* room 1 WM mono up your owponos FREE (72" or loiigar)... tarn- SpOCittCOtlOM. YON Pay Only for tho Fabrics res* set) el reel «e Im. TOs eehr elees aet I SUPtOKISUE 4 Cushions * Hoavy Daly Ztppm CompfcM* - AN Soft Ovorioekod! t NOTE: No affiliation with any otter floras on tho Jor- 1 ' soy Shoro with similar Mints. BE SURE you art in an 5 [ EAST ORANGE Mia END SHOP. \ \ MILL END SHOPS Playlet Given For Gleaners EATONTOWN The Gleaners of the Presbyterian cburcb met at the chapel Monday night, preceded by an executive board meeting. A playlet was given by Mrs. Anson V. Ransom. Mrs. William Emmons and Mrs. Herbert Anthony. Mrs. Madeleine Brower. Mrs. Raymond C. Tupper. Mrs. Robert Hannan, Mrs. A. C. Smith and Mrs. Clarence G. Meeks read articles. While five members appeared in costumes of five foreign countries, Mrs. Mark Manks described the countries and reminded the groups of the World Day of Prayer to be held Mar. I at the church at 8 p. m. After devotions, reports were given by all officers and committees. The fellowship committee reported that SS calls were made during the month. The World Service committee outlined the Goals for Giving" in the coming year and gave out Lenten envelopes, to b«returned at the meeting of the Preebyterlal In April. Missionary's Talk Set for March 8 EATONTOWN Rev. Edward Smith will sptak at the World Day of Prayer Friday, March B, at the Presbyterian church. He and Mrs. Smith have been doing missionary work in the Umtali area of Soutlera Rhodeedia the past fiva years. Rev. Mr. Smith will tell about his work In the Christian school at Rtsltu and aa superintendent of the "outatatlon" work. Upon hia return to Africa from this home furlough, he will be assigned to the. teacher training school at BlrlrT. Rev. and Mra. Smith, who are ataying at West Farms, near Farmlngdale, will leave their son here when they return as that he can attend Freehold Regional high school. Rev. Mr. Smith aayi one of hia ambitions Is to establish a high school for African children, as there Is now no study for them beyond elementary school. OPEN FRIDAY UNTIL 9 P. 137-B BROAD ST. BANK OTHER STORK: UST ORANOE MORRBTOWN - FAM LAWN n f 0 Speak HW» Jamet A. Wecfcsler James A. Wechjler, editor of the New York Post, will speak at the Roosevelt Day dinner of the Americana for Democratic Action tomorrow at the Molly PKrtier hotel. Mr. Wechsler, in addition to his newspaper poet, la the author of several books, most recent of which are "The Age of Suspicion" and "War Propaganda in the United States." The dinner of the Monmouth county chapter of A.D.A. also will mark the tenth anniversary of the founding of the national organization. Ira Kitchen, Long Branch attorney, will be toastmaster for the evening. Norman Dorfman chairman of the Monmouth county chapter. Horganville The Methodist Sunday-school will hold a food aala In Betty's dreas shop, Mala at., Matawan, Saturday beginning at 10 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kocovsky and children Tommy and Carol and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sweeny and children Suzanne and Dentse visited the Bronx zoo and Chinatown Friday. The Ladies' auxiliary of Morganvllle fire company has changed its meeting night to the third Wednesday of each month. The group is planning a dance at the lire house for Saturday, Mar. 16. Mra. Florence Eckel and Mrs. MaryShead are in charge. Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Holmes spent the holiday week-end, in the Adirondack* In New York state. Miss Charlene Holmes spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ratcliffe and Robert Holmes visited at the home of Mrs. Margaret Holmes at Freehold. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ludemann, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Anttsell and Harold C. Quackenbush attended the kick-off dinner lor the workers on the Boy Scout finance drive, held Tuesday at Ye Cottage inn, Keyport. Other workers in the area are Thomas Kocovsky, Walter Johansen, Mrs. Edward Becker, Mrs. Charles L. Holmes and Mrs. Leroy VanPelt. Robert Bwanson, aon of Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Swanson, celebrated bis ninth birthday Tuesday at a meeting of den four, Cub Scouts, at th> home of Mrs. Thomas Antlsell. Present ware Robert Quackenbuah, Tommy Corrado, Steve Vota, Fred Mara William Baker, Douglas Johan- en, Noel Utcbfleld and carl, Donald and Douglas Antlsell. Wayne Ludemann, son ot Mr, and Mn. Fred Ludemann, celebrated bis ninth brlthday Friday when the family had dinner at the Ranch bouse at Convent Station. Also present were Steven and Karen Ludemann. A week-end guest at the Ludemann home was Mrs. Ludemann'a brother, Robert Moffltt of New York city. Mr. and Mn. Lester Bond, Blossom Heights, had as guests on Saturday Mr. and Mrs. John Opper and Misses Mlml and Carol Opper of Bayilde, L. I. Fred Marz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Marz, celebrated his Uth birthday Sunday, when the following were guest*: Mr. and Mrs. F. Q. Eckhardt and Mr. and Mrs, George R. Eckhardt and daughter Diane of Cliffwood Beach and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Xenworthy and children Paula, Beverley and Paul of Colt'* Neck. Members and friends of the auxiliary of Morganvllle fire company attended a performance of "Mr. Wonderful" In New York city recently. Attending were Mrs. Florence Farrell, Mn. Mary Sbead, Mlsa Jane Bennett, Mias Isabelle Demery, Mn. Frances Pollchak, Mrs. Lucy Eckel, Mite Barbara Pollchak, Mias Betty Beat, Mn. Florence Eckel, Mra. Judy Eckel, Mrs. Isabel Sickles, Mrs. Lulu Beal, Mias Sarah Ane Seber, Mra. Con Wilson, Mn. Elizabeth Bowne, Mlsa Nellie Welsh, Mrs. Leona LaMura, Mrs. Tlllie Jameson, Mrs. Vera Brown, Miaa Mabel Beal, Mrs. Blanche Emmons and Mrs. Beverley Bhead. The two fire companies and the firat aid squad answered several calls last week. Monday evening they were called to the E. Allan Henderson barn fire on Boundary rd., Atlantic township. Thursday afternoon they put out a fire at the Marlboro dumps. Friday they were called with other township companies to a fire at the Fred Demareit farm on the Gordon's Corner rd. Bunday evening both companies were called to extinguish a grass Are at the Hope farm on Nolan's Corner rd. Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson Jr. were surprised at their new residence when the following visited them recently: Mr. and Mn. Martin Smith, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Robert Owen and daughter Vivien, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Miller and eons Donald and Thomas and Mr. and Mra. Thomas Smith and son Willie. SEE TBOG PRINCE' EATONTOWN - Sponsored by Olrl Scout troop 140, the Red Bank Service League entertained all the local Olrl Kcout troopa In a puppet show, "The Frog Prince," at Memorial school. Tnu puppets were carved and dressed by member*, who also made all the scenery and performed the roles. League members who took part were Mn. James Young, Mrs. Edward Thompson, Mra. L. 0. Tlllotson, Mn. Clyde Huthroff and Mrs. William Zlllger. Employment Up; Losses Noted TRENTON Total employment of 1,101,200 persons in January established an all-time record for New Jersey, it was reported Monday by Carl Holdtrman, commissioner of labor and Industry January, he said, saw the return of non-agricultural employment to normal levels, with the dropping of 5,000 job holders. Such employment stood at 816,- 400 in the month engaged in durable goods industries and 368,800 in non-durable goods There was a drop of 51,500 jobs in non-manulacturing industries last month, mainly due to the laying off of extra holiday workers la the stores and postal services. Commissioner Holderman aaid a shortened work-week resulted in a decrease of 85 cent, per week for Jersey's production workers In January. For those with no dependents* the average was 4».74, with three dependents, 77. The general average was tss.65. GLEANERS HAVE PARTY EATONTOWN A covered dish aupper and game party given by circle three of the Gleaners of the Presbyterian church Saturday night was well-attended. Mrs. Harold Llndemann and Mrs. David Armant were In charge of games. Mrs. Elmer Simpson waa in charge of supper arrangements. Mrs. William Emmons and Mrs. Kenneth Payieur were in charge of coordinating the covered dishes for the aupper. MD SAW ttosttm Vmnbr. f«v 9S, WT-tT Harry, all is forgiven STANLEY COHEN is pleased to announce of his law office in Raritan Township, N. J. <Jn Route 35, Centerville Adjacent to Loew'i Theatre Offic*. Long Iranch, N. J. Telephone KE * Bath Av«. CA P. O., Kayport. N. J. ONE STOP SERVICE Dry Ctaming Laundry Dyting Fur Cleaning and Repairing Rug Cleaning 24 Hour Shot Repairing Pillow Renovating Cert. CoM Storage Vaults Vi Hr. Quft Wash Modern living reojuires so many filings that take up your time Club Meetings, Hospital Worki Charity Drives, tune for the children and well there just aren't enough hours hi tho day for all our activities. HERE'S A PRACTICAL, SENSIBLE WAY TO SAVE TIME "LET ONE CALL DO IT ALL" Stop In or call us today for any of the services listed above. You'll be delighted with our work and there's same day service too. Free Pickup and Delivery of Course TEL SH LEON'S INCC 1012 Clemen O Launderen % Rut Cleaner* ALWAYS AMPLE FREE farking WHITE ST. RED RANK

18 * jt-jfcmlsr. Teh. *, 1*T Uncle Herbie" Write* Again BED BANK BCCISTEB tury ago till science or some- or somebody spaled the Over a period of years It hasthing m tli* pleasure of Th«Regls- 1 charm of oddity and added another leaf. Host "leafage" ap- to publish from time to time ma supplied us by Dr. Herbert pears in odd numbers, single leaf, Williams of Broad it. and threes, fives, etc. Poison ivy hap- to carry single leaves, rrn pi., who In known to In-pens which timate frienda aa "Uncle Herbie" ad generally known throughout the town and ration aa the "Sag* e* Red Bank.' It gives ua pleasure to present the lattet from the doctor's p«n. you odd? I am. Those daring to be different are termed odd guys. ateur dialers Ilka myself get their Although there la a bit of tun-then aren't odd numben In hu-fingermans as natural as odd numbers In the wrong holes, any- Mine, the paragraph* below contain miteli humor and wt know In other forms of life? If we w» have. Nature lovee Odd numbers. We have one noae, five fingers on each hand, five toes on each foot nd flv«ssnaes, (If we have sense enough to we them all.) GET READY TO ENJOY SUMMER UNDER Cool. Comfortobrt CANVAS AWNINGS Toko Advantage OF OUR Spoeial Pro>Soason 10% Discount OFFER NOW m er pr'itri fakrlu. Our hitter w e e m i l* ere well Suva la M»nn»utk C*. tor FIT, BEAUTY AND STYLE. Tkar'n LONC LASTING, k*. nil w. REINFORCE th< MUM a«e MM awry ORLON THREAD. a AH mr frum work It HOT GALVANIZED nd will rout nut Call w ler u Mtlault WIUINI ekltiamea. At year raeumt we will ale* krtat a Mantle U new»ow eur awalaat an ll GLOBE AWNING S SHADE Co., Inc. 117 W. MONT ST. RID IANK TaL SHadysid. 74IM fre* rarkmg la sttwrt aad Bear of Store You'll notice, too, your middle finger is a direct continuation at the arm to give the beauty of balance to th* hand. A fourleafed clover was a rarity a cen- you'll not have to recognize beeauf it will find you drat with something to scratch that itches! Are person! odd numbers? Are "must" be different, unorthodox, unpredictable, or inimitable. For if we aren't different then we're the same and the woods are full of nice and good "same" people who sit and rock, peeping out through the Venetian blinds, wondering why life doesn't give them a break once In a while. Funny we expect people and things to come to us to whom and which we should already be going. Dr. Marshall R.«Smith, New Jersey State Department of Education, calculated that by 1971 (odd date), 88,000 college-bent prospects, all dressed up In book learnln', will have no place to go.«back In 1W4 Zane Gray and I grot all the dental teaming our heads would hold, shifting from one building to another of other departments. Fact Is we had no dental buildings or dormitories at Penn at all in MM. Zane practiced dentistry only a abort time until his urge and literary talent overwhelmed him. Tls said he iiad no use for typewriters, doing all his copy with pencil and pad for his dozen or more books. Classmate Zane Qray cleaned up a couple million. I'm still en my first Leap year with rt* SI days Is another oddity wherein th* "gals" eta or may gat their leap-year man, and If proposing doesn't work, newspaper advertising used to do the trick in olden times. Could be the very Brat issue of Th* Us* B«iik Register, Jim* V, MTI, might have helped find a good-looking male. What's more, during 1967 we still are due for two mw» cold winter months following February. Yes, that's right November and December. And February is odd being one of the very beet month* of the year. Lees sin, fewer murders, fewer accidents, less everything objectionable. Under the caption of -Oddities «f that dill," appearing In The Register not long ago, depleting mlxups, many encountered with dialing. To me the holes seem too for arthritic fingers, and too big for Hollywood slies. Am- way. Preeeott Robinson radioed that todav 21 (odd number) million women are employed In the United States alone. Used to be, before everything Jumped eky high, that (we "He" fellers) could turn In a right good pay envelope. Just suppose all these ambitious female workers In Ocean and Monmouth counties went on a rtrike tomorrow. Wow!! This la an ad lib. Someone piped up, "Doe. Tour weight keeps about the same, What do you do? What do you eat?" Well. "I try not to underett nor overeat, but try to eat the right things right." And remember. "No food Is good food unless It Is good for you and me." Why do we have to eat Just certain things lust In compliance with customs empty enough to rattle when the average super market has over three thousand Items waiting for us. A southpaw,' Charlie Shlnn, Red Bank's veteran team bowler, a few months back hit the Jackpot for that coveted 300. Seems a bit odd, for a left-hander like Charlie to roll himself into greatnesr with a perfect score. Such big shotf u Big Texas Bill Welu, (a college grad,) little Joe Wllman, Chicago's bent, are not to forget our own Joe Menzzopane, wizard of the lane, who, of course, hu tapped the tricky triangle* for quite a few 300's. Upstate Lou Campi, one of our greats, is an unorthodox. Yes, he's aa odd roller, taking off on [MONEYTbrREMT "tawting Money" k on old, old axpranlon mad by our forefathsrt whan they rafarrad la "borrowii»g"-lf i an accurate owiptkm, loo. vtln*m awn and Individual man and women, married and ting!* Rent Money: To toy all kind*, of merchandlw... product* and Mrvicai. Ta Pay currant and ovardiw bilk and *Ms*tai*i* them Into 1 obligation. To Rafinanca axbting Installment contractu Auto TV Sat Homeheld AppUonce* ond th* like in order la kove tmollw Ta lay what you need whir a loan from rhk office ond pay (or your purchom the tome way you pay your Kent... 1 month at a DIM Ul... whh this very real dutmrnct: WHIN YOU COMPUTI THI "MNTAL" PAYMENTS, YOU OWN THI MOtCHANOISI It's Yourt...Not Rented...But Owned! Get mm tmumt **Q. 'SO 'IOO '2OO «*, mo* ajsbbbsl ayayaeuuaaaajbss) shaiajats^bib' m i s a i i TsUPHOM e WMTI VISIT ThoOrrkoNawtstYawHoiaoorwark BELL FINANCE wnn COMPANY MINUS US.1H ' MMUMH nun MM* null MIM RedIBank Hi g Of Mr, and Mr*. R*b*rt Re** of «Bord«a St., Shrewsbury, has also been named New Jersey state runner-up in the 1H7 merit scholarship competition. Set for Fall Senior Honored LITTLE SILVER Mrs. Wil "The seniors honored today are Marfretta Reed, a senior at Ham Todlce, troop organizer of among the top one or two par Red Bank high school, has been the Little Silver Girl Bcou' eent in ability In the state," according to John M. Stalnaker, commended by the National Merit Scholarship corporation for disported that three new Brownie Neighborhood service teem, re- president of N.M.S.C. "While they tinguished performance in Its nationwide March for student* of Ths service team met Monday troops will be tet up next fall. did not quite reach th* finals of unusual ability, accordingtoroyal H. Hints*, Red Bank principal. the 1957 merit scholarship com-apetition, their unusual promise the old post office on Church de- Margrett* Baoi his right leg Instead of the left, but boy, can he bowl: Back In the early 80's, the late assessor, George Bray, and George Dentil* were about aa hot on the alleys ae they oome. George was imbued with versatility galore. Among his achievements were bowling, music and Mr*. Daniel Dondl, Mr*. Otis R. helping "Undo Bam" at the RedSeaman, Mrs. F. Everett Place Bank post office out, warming and Mis* Sally Lyons. the bench of the pipe organ* at Christ church, Shrewsbury, and the Red Bank Baptist church Holmdd George Dennis used to delight In Mr. and Mrs. Sdwln Uebenow playing the hymn, "Holy, Holy, Holy," taking a sly glance at me. Ooshl A feller can't get away from his profession even In the Church of Ood. Superstitious bowlers fondle and carets with tenderness their pet bowling ball, as if no other ball would keep in the pocket. Perhaps until they spotted this news Item. Viz, "Forgot ball, rolls 100." St. Louis (AP). Bill McDonald, a bowler for ten ytars, forgot hie ball an! was forced to pick one off the traek at a bowling alley. Bill, a ITS average shooter, ended up with a perfect 800 game. "Wo have a right to kid ourselves, haven't we?- They tell me the magle of the lanes la capturing the fancy of a raft of young and older bowlers, evidenced by the enthusiasm of the Mlddletown VFW Beginners Bowling league, and other localities. However, without the inspiration and guidance of the community service officers, Alfrel P. Lench of The Red Bank Register and Albert E. Allen, Commander Mlddletown P.O. 2TM, VFW, the cupwlnnlng gals couldn't have done what they did do. Keeping In the groove and pocket* In the bantam division of the National Junior League Bowl- Ing Handicap Tournament, Gal* Shugard from Atlantic Highlands feels proud and Justly so, having won a couple of eupa, one of which was a reward Incident to finishing ljth nationally Iri competition with the youngster! participating. Other awards (oups) for league honors wets won by Phyllis Harding, Virginia Alverson, Lynne Richmond, Oslo Khrys Jacobson and Priscllla Miller. serves recognition." Aa state runner-up, Miss Reed will be sent a letter of recommendation for use In applying to any eollege ah* may wish to attend. Th* national merit scholarship competition provide* th* largest system of privately financed scholarships offered In the United State*. High schools may enter their most outstsadla* students In th* annual competition. This year, more than 111,000 outstanding seniors from U,M0 schools entered, withtoofour-year eollege scholarships worth aa estimated $1,710,000 at Make. Card Party Aids DAR-Approved Schoob More than in guest* attended a card party aad fashion show Thursday at Trinity Bplscopal church parish hall for the benefit of the Daughter! of the American Revolution approved schools program. It was sponsored by Shrewsbury Town* ohapter, DAR. also presented a Aim entitled, "Play It Safe." Sherman X. Strong and Mr*. Horton B. Oarriaon were party chair- Mar. t at the parish hall In con- A juke box dance will be held men. Spring fashion* for sports, nection with work done on the afternoon, cocktails and evening dancer*' badge. were shown by Town and Country shop of Red Bank. Models were Mrs. Edelmann William*, are spending a week with their son, Robert Uebeaow, a teaman stationed at Great Lake* Training station, I. The Ladles' auxiliary of the Holmdel fire company will meat next Monday at T:M p. m. at ths fire house. Election of officers will be held.. The fire company was called out on Sunday morning to put out a grass fir* on Cloverhlll rd. Mr. and Mr*. Tbomaa Thurkuff of Qlestonbury, Vt., are the parante of a son, bora Fsb. IS. Ml** Thurkuff I* thf daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Olorg* Cross. The fire company, at a meeting last Thursday night, mad* plans for the 43th anniversary dinner, which will be held at Crystal Brook Inn, Batontown, Mar. IS. The Couple* club of Holmdd Federated church attended a bowling party at Wayside Saturday night. In the group were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clausen, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Nsihaus, Mr. and Mr*. William Stevenson, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Haseman, Mr. and Mr*. Douglas Fromm, Mr. and Mr*. John Jeffrey, Mr. and Mr*. Joseph Phillips, Mr. and Mr*. George Scaanck, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pitcher, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Buck, Mr. and Mrs. Walker Sutphm and Mr. and Mrs. J. R. HulMbot. "Mountain of Hope" will be the sermon topic of the pastor Rev. Andrew A. Burkhardt, at the 11 a. m. service Sunday. 3 New Troop* st Mr*. Frank Lepor*, chairman, presided and reported on the district one meeting. The new leaders are Mrs. John VanKIrk, Mrs. Charles Carew aad Mrs. John P. Herr Neckar Assistants are Mrs. Herman Huber, tin. R. S. Ashley, Mrs. W. A. Madnn, Mrs. William J. Me Roberto, Mrs. Al Werner aad M Paiil Rrurar. Mrs. VanKIrk, Mrs. Ashley, Mr*. Carew, Ifrs. Maginn. Mrs. Werner and Mrs. Brsgar will be taking Girl Scout leadership course* In ths spring. Girl Scout week will begin Mar. 10 The annual sale of cookie* will start Mar.» The nest service team meeting will be Apr. JS. Intermediate troop US met Monday In Embury parish hsil A state trooper from the department of law and public safety, division of State Police, Trenton. discussed state regulations and safety equipment for bicycler He Severin Baby It Christened NEW SHREWSBURY- Kewl Lynn Beverln, Infant daughter vt Mr. and Mr*. Roger Severin, William st, was christened by Rev. Robert M. Runge, at the Reformed church here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Turner, Elmhurst, L. 1, brother-in-law and slater of Mrs. Severin, were the godparents. Twenty-elx relatives and friends attended a reception at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A. Ford, Best Bergen pi., Red Bank. GOING TO NEWARK? iij. wuws) BORO BUSES You gel"mom toyou'll take extra pride in the way h be proud of in a Chevrolet! Mara tami/a* M b mi Omm ft-*. M AJr Spor. Ceep* Onlyjmt&mi OmroUt dealers looks the way it acts and the way it's put together. Chevrolet'! more beautifully built and shows it It brings you the extra solidity of Body by Fisher fine construction and finishing touches that give you more to be proud of. Come in and let a sweet, smooth and sassy Chevy show 1 USA you what we mean. display this famous tradmark CIRCLE CHEVROLET CO S1I MAPI! AVINW. HD IANK. H A \ SH 1-J11O HE CARRIES THE BRAND YOU WANT Whatevertyptproduct Power Took* Paint Rang**) It Stovss a TW Building Materials dunces art you'll fiitd the brand you're looking for-and a nearby dealer Itftha YELLOW PAGES of your pkoms book HWJOUY UiTLUPrlWI COMPANY Sculptured WILTON BROADIOOM Wa'va tlktn our most luxuriously loomad Sculpturtd Wilton CarpaHng that ordinarily sails for $ I S.95 a iquara yard and ara doting it out at a praeadontthattaring $9.98. This it all-wool, first quality broadloom al extraordinary boauty and durability. Its lush, daap pila Is stylad in a gracaful pattarn that daeoratas qually wall with pariod or eontomporary furnishings. In Suntan laiga, Nutria, Spruea Sraan, Mist Gray. A marvalous earpotlng for wall-to-wall or... W t WIN cut and finish raom-slit mas to yowr mmiraimiitt. Typical Stats and Savings: Six* Ragular Ssto Slis Ragular Solo f«l2' $ SU7.40 V*IV Si4».«t...l S1S11B I2VIB* IS'xIB' 40S.75 ISS.7S 12'xir M..I0 IJ'xIl' 4IS.S0 30S.SO IUDGET TWMS mom IA i-owi PM "HOMI SHOWN* snvieir Oar rsvnseatauv* will brlag saaales te M«ae»e...wlll ameswre aae eetuaate, wliae.l eblltatles SANDLER & -WORTH L

19 6 Enlist In Guard The (MUi Tank battalion enlisted sis men in the three-day reeruiting drive last week-end, according to Lt. Col. Hans A. Keasler, battalion commander. Enlisted were Pvt. John T. Maleney, 41 Peters pi.. Red Bank; Pvt. Robert W. Hyer, 35 Collins at., Keansburg, and Pvt. Robert J. Martin, Swimming River rd., Mew Shrewsbury. They joined Headquarters-Service company. Joining the medical detachment was Pvt. Patrick G. Conte, 28 Vranklia ter., bong Branch. Joining Company B were Pvt. William D. Cpps. 380 Shrewsbury vs., Red Bank, and Pvt George B>. Brand, Toms River. The local campaign is part of *Mre «mitt lav 000 yountr men who have bad previous military training or who agree to take basic training with the Army. All young men IT through 38, in good health and' looking for the opportunity to *erve while continuing civilian careen were invited by Col. Kesaler to join the 44th with units drilling Monday, Wednesday and Thursday at Red Bank: Tuesday at Freehold, and Wednesday at Toms River, all drills commencing at eight p. m. During the recruiting drive, personnel will be on duty at all stations from a. m. until S p. m. dally and drill nights from 7:30 through 10:30 p. m., except Saturday and Sunday. Col. Kessler said a number of choice assignments are still open, but they were expected to be fill- <t «< He advised otca "sinking extra pay, free schooling, advancement and opportunity for leadership to join the New Jersey National Guard today." see your FORD DEALER'S USED CARS LOW STANDARD FlNANCB TEQMS MOUNT-ENGLISH SALES CO. MONMOUTH STMaT RID IANK, N. J. in mr nun... miaous FBCHEI'S GORNTUSTIES WNEY BRAN HMSTES O tw IMMI Mlsj b. Mm*, Ml. S* ess* to sane put then la your toaster just like bread, sat tier pea JM Ilk* lent Int. tworful, rtsdjr far >wr I to» "to.» w eromblisgl Oi isle at yarn ejcliboihaea toad ton. Made by UM bakers of tke popnlar Buttercup Bread PUBLIC AUCTION SALE Having satd my aome aad now residing in Florida, I will dispose f ab mr Hatncfcold Goods and ramtahlngs on the premises at: 229 ALLEN AVE. ALLENHVRST, N. J. SATURDAY, MARCH 9th U:M A. M. Beautiful Oriental and Domestic Rug* Room and Scatter Sizes, Television Jl-moh (RCA), Oil Paintings, Pictures, Crystals, chinaware, Klteheaware, Twin and Double Bedroom Seta complete with Box Springs and Innersprlng Mattresses, Occasional Tables and Chairs, Ten-Piece Mahogany Dining Room Bet consisting of six Chain with Needlepoint seats, Breakfront-Buffet-Server Table (Duncan-Phyfe) Lounging Chairs, Mirrors, Pictures, Books, Nursery Furniture, Children's Books and Toys, Skates, Skiing Equipment, Boudoir Chairs, End TabTes, Coffee Tables, Secretary, Curtains and Drapes, Fine Sun Room Furniture, Cheats of Drawers, Dressers, Bureaus, Night Tables, Unens (Bed and Table), Objects at Art, Sterling Silver, large collection of unusual Cut Glass, Exceptional China Cabinet of Mahogany with Mirror back and Plate Glass shelving, Olassware, Hand-painted China, Vases, Pottery, Card Tables, Bric-a-brac, Ladies' Fur Coats, Porch and Lawn Furniture, Automatic Electric Washing Machine, Refrigerator and modern Kitchen Electrical Appliances, Hand and Garden Tools and entire contents of the beautiful ten-room house. The offerings may be viewed on date of sals from 9:00 A. M. unui sale Urns. Bale will be held regardless of weather conditions. Every Item must be removed from the premises at conclusion of «ale and none shall be removed while the sale la in progress unless paid for at time of sale and Kern accepted by purchaser. The Auctioneer exceedingly regrets his Inability to have a preview of these fine offerings prior to sale date as time does not permit. Come early sad look them over but don't overlook them. By Order oft S. B. ICKES I. «. COATS, Aactfawtw ISaW Me). * ) PHONE: Bus. CApltal 2-369» Res. BHulyslde Member: "National Auctioneers Association" "New Jersey Auctioneers Association" The Log Angeles on Her Nose Life magazine, In this week's Issue, will run the above photo of the dirigible Los Angeles floating on her nose hitched to a high mooring mast at the. Lakehurst Naval Air station. The photo was run for the first time In Red Bank author John Toland's book, "Ships in the Sky," recently released by Henry Holt and company, New York city publishers. Mr. Toltnd said the picture of the freak event was taken by a Navy enlisted man In IMS. Life's editors, he said, after seeing the hot In his book, decided to use it to this week's "Speaking of Pictures" section. "Burprlelngly enough, none of the 25 men aboard the Los Angeles were injured," Mr. Toland explained. The dirigible thtn dipped, bottom side up, to the other side Dinner Held for Cub Pack 15 ' LITTLE SILVER Cub Scout pack 15 held its Blue and Qold dinner Saturday at the school. More than 300 Cubs and their parents attended the covered dish supper. The new pack charter was presented to Herbert Butler, who represented the Little Silver Youth Activities, sponsors of the scouts, Mr. Butler spoke of the rapid growth of the scouting movement in the town sad the need of more fathers to help with the boys. At Hagen, chairman of the Cub Scout committee, turned the meeting over to Scott Shivea, cubmaster, who made the following awards: Roy Gelbhaus, Ronald Kreni and Harmon Hart won bobcat awards. Robert Clark, Robert Glassey, Brian Keetaugh and Allan Butler won Webeloa awards. The "Do Your Beef award went to den IS. Others receiving awards were Robert Michel, Dean Ayen, Frank Newton, Days Stives, William Nivlson, John MacBvoy, James Blaine. Fred Muller, Jurl Muller, Ken Miller, Ray Brager, Bernle Olsen, Tom Harrison, Robert Coben, Michael Sedlak, Louie Meyer. Philip Laws, Vernon Jullaro, Robert Hartman, Joseph Clambroni. Gary Vltt, Nick Soviero, Richard Sherman, WUUam Horlacher, Raymond Boeckel, Gary Leads, Ward Stokes, John Merrill, Gordon Mair, Louie Campanella, Robbie Wright, Gregoqr Strand, Lance Massey, Robert Huaerk, Robert Dull, Dave Hanellne, Richard Newton, Peter Feakes, Ricky Farley and Ricky Balmer. YOUNG ARTIST RECITAU NEW SHREWSBURY Auditions for the second concert ot the young artists' reclule will be held at the Old Mill gallery Saturday, Mar. M, at 2 p. m. The Old Mill Mualc society will sponsor the artist selected in a recital Apr. 27. PianlaU and other Instrumentalists; from the state, through the age of It, are eligible. Artists still to be presented at the Old Mill this year are Leonid Hambro. pianist, Mar. M, and Joyce Fllssler, violinist, Apr. 2. \ I i "Thanks for : : thtstft" j f "Get well \ soon" V "-V YOU SAY IT SO MUCH BETTER BY PHONE And it costs so Utt)«. A 3-minuta call to Washington D. C. ia just 56* after 8 p.m. Station rota from Anbury Park. Tax MUnehutmL of the mast, making a 1W degree semi-circle. Ui>-uual wind currents were cited as the reason for the accident. Foar Months to Find It took Mr. Toland four mouths to locate the picture, which, he said, was believed to have been destroyed by the Navy. Mr. Toland expects to leave this week for Oermany. He has already begun work on his second book, this one dealing with the "Battle of the Bulge." He plans to interview persons there who were directly connected with the last-ditch attempt by the German Army to swing the tide of World War n in their favor. He said he baa already spoken to numerous Red Bank area rest dents who fought In the battle and will Incorporate that mater-, ial in this book, the tiue of which has not been selected as yet. CIMS of 1937 Plans Reunion Members of the Red Bank high school February and June classes of 1937 will hold their 20th reunion, an Informal dinner-dance at Crystal Brook Inn, Eatontown, May lt. Mrs. Harold Goldberg of South at.. Red Bank, is chairman. The reunion committee is seeking address o( the class adviser, Henry Fisher, and the following class members: Judge Ben Daniels, Harry Stubbs, Harry Van- Note. Watson Bennett, Harold Berk, Coreen Howell, Alice Jenkins, Armand Klein, William Metier, Mabel Mitchell, Harold Pollack, Doris Ragh, Marjorle Reckless, Alberta Schoeck, Ann Sherman, George C. Southworth, Dorothy West and Richard Hobbs. Anyone knowing the addresses of the people Is asked to call Mrs. Goldberg. Rumson Appeal Is $29,650; Exceeds Goal for 4th Year RUMSON The IMS' Runuon Community Appeal fund drive totaled MM05.50, exceeding the goal of (26,000. The final sum was announced by Geoffrey M Azoy, president, at an organization meeting of the appeal's executive committee for 1957 Monday night at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Mason W. Orosi, Shrewsbury dr. This was the fourth consecutive year that the Community Appeal drive In this borough haa exceeded ita budget goal, although the goal has been raised eaeh year. In announcing the total, Mr. Any, who has been re-elected to serve for another year, addressed a letter of thanks to the 200 fund drive workers for their part in iking the drive a success. Carlos D. Kelly was fund drive chairman, and Mrs. John Sinnott was the organization chairman. Other officer* serving with Mr. Communications Course Is Set NEW SHREWSBURY-Robert H. Brandt, 221 Newman Springs rd.. the communicationa chief, will open a course In civil defense and disaster control communications at Tinton Falls school at 1 p. m. Tuesday. Mr. Brandt said there will be eight sessions, each of them two hours long, to be conducted on the first and third Tuesdays of each month. All borough realdents aged over 16 are eligible for the course and graduates will be able to operate the disaster communicationa system In simulated or actual emergencies, Since it Is not known when, day or night, such emergency periods may occur, Mr. Brandt called lt "especially urgent to have available trained personnel who can respond to calls during normal working hours." He called upon women and retired men to take part In the course. To be taught are fundamentals of speech communication, microphone technique, messsge handling and operation of mobile and fixed radio station and network equipment. The only requirement one must have for admission Is to be able to read, apeak and understand English and have no serious speech impediment. As training ends, classroom practice emergency drills will be held under simulated operating difficulties. Air operations will follow. Rev. A. M. Tingue Will Lecture Here Rev. Arthur M. Tingue, chaplain at the Greystone Park hospital at Morris Plains, will apeak at a meeting ot the Women's Society of Christian Service of the Red Bank Methodist chruch Wednesday at t p. m. in fellowship hall. The chaplain, former assistant pastor at the church, will use "The Church and Mental Health" as his subject. Members of circle H, of which Mrs. BeKord Trultt is leader, will be In charge of hospitality. Circle one, directed by the leader, Mrs. Bruce Nord, will serve refreshments. Azoy for 1997 Include Mr*. Sinnott, vice president; Mrs. Louis M. Hague, treasurer; Mn. Henry Minster, assistant treasurer; Mrs. Gross, executive secretary, and Mrs. Jerome (Jorlin, recording secretary. Trustees elected for three-yesr terms were Mia. Peter Cartmell. Mrs. A. Gardner Fox. Mrs. Hague. Jay E. Holly, Mr. Kelly. Mayor Francis J. Nary. Mra. R«b»rt G. Pearse and Frederick P. Tompkine. Continuing trustees include Mra. Hugh V. Aleasandroni, wui** V. J«i«lin«, iuugiaud t. Kilpatriek, Jr.. John Kinney, Jr., Mra. William B. Leonard 3d, William W. Robinson, Mrs. Sinnott, Stuart A. Young, Jr., Raweon Atwood, Mr. Atoy, Mra. Oorltn, Mrs. Cross, Robert McKee, John H. Miller Id, Mrs. Minster and Robert L. Reynolds..AROUND More mothers give their children Borden'sMilk than any other brand o Getsomefor your family soon at your store or from your Borden milk man Fef 100 years /oflt* tans been saying, IP ft, BoftCENS be good! FOR ALL HOME OWNERS' ADD A NEW ROOM Your family deserves the extra space that it needs and now is the tine to add that new room while our iowerthatvusual early bird prices are in effect. Lower than ever new* room addition prices... terms that are the easiest anywhere, leave no reason to delay. Call right now for your free estimate. County's OMtft - Lorgtst Specialists ^^asbsmasi MSMBBBBsBtBaas>A safef tfsb^maasb^^a^ ea^bbbswessbb^tva^asvi ^uajat I A A M jfnti #f ltrvh»<9 t# ptopm #f flw flfmt TIM eaflaf-imuf Meefera Bathroom Phuabtag-HesUaf Maaeewy Here is a chance for all home owners to save even more on their home improvements. Call now, before March IS, and get an even bigger discount on your plans. Same fine workmanship, same fine materials... even lower prices for those who call now. No obligation; you simply call for a free estimate. Do it now! 5 YRS TO PAY MONMOUTH CONSTRUCTION CO. HIGHWAY i) AT HEADDONS CORNER MlDDLETOWN SHADYSIDE I 5060 Call Fir 1 -. N. n[, D :> PROSPECT RED BANK RECISTER Thumlar. Feb.». 1«7 V» New Ctfoirafjif 0* 661k NAWSCO CHOCOUTI CHI* Cookies- 25 C Nobitco Sociol Tta Biscuits 2 35c Keebler Townhouse Crackers! * 35c Burry Moonlight Mallows ^T 33c Sunshine Hydrox Cookies 29c Devonsheer Bread Crumbs ' '16c Ideal Cider Vinegar "~ r- N '25c Durkee Cocoanut,J. 29c Log Cabin Syrup.T 31c 59c Downyflake Waffles 2 31c Kraft Oil OTT-IOI Pa. Dutch Noodles IJ-es. *1A_ M*-. 29C Gerber Baby Foods I.tU0 ^T 99c Herb-Ox nstant Beef Bouillion*r31c Shortening *7i MEAT DEPARTMENT 12-wi. 69c Snow-Crop ftozim Orange Juice 2 35c Libby's PEAS Herb-Ox Bouillion Cubes 2 ^ 39c Ideal Brand Salad Oil tl. beme 59C FEATURES Claridge Veal Steaks 59c Eatwell Small Link Sausage X Bleu Cheese 69c COMUfM iralion Kifcnsn Grated Cheese tit* Red Cheek Apple Juice Gem Salad Oil 69 C * 9 s Sundae Toppiip Walnvt 39c fwaa 49c Swift's Baby Meats IN GUSSt KLMIX TobU Napkins t*»- Kleenex Tissues «a7c Borax Soap -*. 10c Soap Flakes -"",-, 33c Kirkman Cleanser ""*,w-8c f> Cakes ^f* COMMUWN P Detergent COLGATE FF.ATtlRF.S Palmolive Soap 3.Z 26c 2 ^ 25c Cashmere^T ^T* c 3JL26c«2r. 2 r.25c Octagon Laundry Soap <* 10c Super Suds S T r *?.rr Ad Dtttrgent Detergent '^ ' 30c r73c %/ Stud UgpU S. Mi *! WAl awes ^^waasj gsf #n M U^. "57c ei..««,.,. sic. Fab»* 31c v ~ -75c Ajax Cleanser 2,r:25c 2 35c Florient Deodorant»^ -79c Ah Priet$ *//**<*«, Mmttk f,,

20 -, Locke Become* Sole Owner of Nursery HIGHTSTOWN Jo*eph B. Locke thu week became the sole owner of Village nurseries, located near here. He! the third generation to ecri7 on the business, begun In uss At the *ame time, Walter C. Black. Mr. Locke's grardfather, w'l retire after 81 yean in the burineu. However, he laid he»i!l ftay on as bookkeeper and correspondent until arrangements can ba made to replace htm. OMITTED DIVORCE TRENTON Peter Mattel, 200 Maple ave., Red Bank, waa (ranted s. divorce lit.* itctntly fo"sv.< tan t hearing before Superior Court Judfe Gene R. Mariano. Mr. Maffei charged hla wife, Margaret B. Mafrel, 131 Pearl at., Red Bank, with desertion. RED BANK 7*. I9S7 WED BANK BECISTEK Junior* Aid Scholarship Fund LITTLE SILVER Mn. Jamej Smythe, muale chairman for the Little Silver Junior Woman'! club, directed the game party held at the clubhouse Monday night for the bencat of the Meta Thome music scholarship for a Dougrlasg college ttudent. Thin acholarahlp is supported annual ly by the State Federation of Women's dubi. Prize winner! were Mrs. William Gardens, Mn. Raymond Sergeant. Jr.. Mn. J. P. Murphy Mn. Robert Wickman, Mra. Kenneth Walker, Jr., Mra. John Fenton, Mn. Andrew Colandro, Mrs. Y/illlaai Bartlctt. Mrs. Arthur Wade, Mn. John Herrmann, Mn. Carol Eggcrt, Mn. Louis De- Maio, Mra. Jack Skakandy, Mn. Malcolm Bahrenburg, Mn. John Fouratt and Mra. Jack Probert. WALTER A. HAGEMAN MASTER CLOCKMAKER 35 Yean of Training and Experience Restoration of Antiques a Specialty Grandfather, Chiming and Complicated Clocks C«i Caias Sla Mojit Sanisa ASBURY PARK SHOE SALE ENDS SAT. MARCH 2nd River Plaza Unit Hat New Officen Naw officers of tha River Plata fire company auxiliary were installed at a dinnar meeting Tuaiday at Patanon'i raitaurant. Above, Itft to right, ara Mrs. Stanlay Gilbertten, corresponding itcratiry; Mn. Harbart Iradthaw, financial secretary; Mn. W. Irwin Handricki, praiidant; Mn. William Oltan, vico praiidant; Mn. Harold Young, chaplain; Mn. Raymond O'Nail, treasurer, and Mrs. Charlat McLaughlin, tacratary. 'Blister' Murphy Retiring Today; Served Local Schools for 30 Years Edward "Butter" Murphy of 711 said. Newman Springs rd., Red Bank, kids. a janitor In tha local public schools for the pa«t SO years, will retire today. "It's been a good 30 years," Mr. Murphy, who was head custodian at the senior high school, said jy yesterday. "I've really enjoyed being associated with the Red Bank school system." It was back In Jan., 1927, when Mt. Murphy first cams to work here 'And things have really changed stnce then," he recalled. Actually, Mr. Murphy, who is 83 years old, has spent seven months more than 10 years with local schools. A total of 23 years of service went Into the high school. 'Ho knew the children so well," said a high school teacher. Another commented, "the youngsters were very fond of him. We will all hate to see him leave." Groups Pay Tribute Different segments of the school population and board of education all honored Mr. Murphy. The student body presented him with a gift. The women members of the faculty and administration held a coffee party in hin honor while a stag affair was given him at Old Orchard restaurant recently. The board of education also plans to hold a dinner for Mr. Murphy, What ara the highlights of his SO-year career? "There are many," Mr. Murphy WANT TO SAVE MONEY? WANT TO SEE THE FULL LINE IN RUG SIZES, NOT SWATCHES? 6ULISTAN CARPETIN6 AT McKELVEY'S! A rug or carpat ii often a lifetime investment. So why havo any doubts about your selection. Sao tha complete OUUSTAN line of patterns and colon. And tea than in large room-iiio uniti imtaad of small swatchei. You can't get a good picture of tha ovarall affect of a pattern or color from a iwatch. You can bo turo at McKelvey'i for you lee them at they ara and can judge how they will look and live with your furnishings. Our close proximity to the mill haro in Freehold offers you rare but obvious savings not found elsewhere, lafora you buy any carpet anywhere it will pay you to investigate eur spocial values in famous Gulistan 100% wool carpeting In room sites or for wall-to-wall use. la Sura to Sea Thasa "EXTRA-SPECIALS" Now at McKELVEY'S I Luurioai, Rtaln-Rnliunt TWEED BROADLOOM by GULISTAN New olutioa-dysd yarn ah.da tolas Ilka mule. Food, bav raft, Ink, lodint, tv«n pat tains whlik a*ar without daauslnc carp.t. R,,. Now fi t.7d ( q. yd. 6ULISTAN 9'xl2' RUGS each Limited quantity We anselallse In Wall-to-Wsll Cerpoting Gat McKalvay eatlnsto before yoa buy I No Mall or Phono Orders! All Salos Finall CLEARANCE Discounts as high as 50% on throw rugs, roll-ends, remnants, discontinued patterns and colors, ate. and browse. Coma in No obligation to buy, but a roal chanca to saval Please Bring Room Measurements. A Small Depoiit Will Hold Any Purchase for Future Delivery of Freehold Mesrooms fat GulUtan's Famoui Rugi Mads in Freehold And for Fine Furniture from America'i Beit Mnktre 21 WEST MAIN STREET, FREEHOLD, N. J. Hour*.- Monday thru Saturday 1:00 A.M. to I.'JO P.M. ^^*^BI "^BB11 * B Hifl Ojeta rtrmys tt T r, Mjsassi < nuhhold NIA* OUR STUM rrsa Waeklr Dallvtrr Within It Mll» of Itort I liked being with the I tried to help them as much as I could... Many happy moments were given me by Red Bank athletic teams. Those kids sure played some wonderful games over the enjoyed them." years. I really A member b of f Union Hosa company and a former chief of ths ReC Bank fire department, Mr. Murphy is himself an athlete. Ha has played baseball and Is still an artlve bowler. His immediate plans are a month's vacation with Mra. Murphy in Florida. Then, he will return to Bed Bank. I'm still undecided as to what I'll do," satd. "But whatever It Is, sure miss thoss kids." Garden Lecture For Clubwomen LITTLE SILVER An Illustrated lecture, "This Is Living,' which showed a series of photographs roads of Monmouth county homes and gardens, was) shown by Stanley Melntosh of Turner Brothers Nursery of West Long Branch, at a meeting of the garden department of the Little Sil- Woman's club yesterday at he -e of Mrs. C-corge H. Merrill on Prospect ave. Mrs. William Sherwood, chairman, said the department will charter a bus Apr. 8 for a trip to the International Flower show in New York city. She also announced that members will participate in a table setting contest Apr. 13 at ths China and Glass shop for members of clubs of zone ten of the Garden club of New Jersey. The chairman also said that Mrs. L, S. Brown had made floral arrangements for th«tea tables at the Little Silver Woman's club meeting earlier this month, and that Mrs. Frank O. Anderson will do the arrangements for tha March club meeting. Miss Rosina Foggia of the Foggla Flower shop of Portaupeek will speak on 'The Art of Corsage Making," at the Mar. XI meeting at ths home of Mrs. Edward J. Davtes, Gooseneck Point Plans will be completed for a garden exchange program to be held at the Little Silver clubhouse in May. Tea was served by the hostess, assisted by Mn. J. K. KaUachmid, Mrs. Chester R. Haig, Mrs. Albert Morhart and Mn. Wlnn M. Rose. PLAN FOR AUCTION SHREWSBURY The auxiliary of the Red Bank branch of the National Association of Letter Carriers met last week at the home of Mrs. Isadora Catalans; on Patterson court Mn. William Knight, president said that plans Include an auction. The Mar. 21 meeting will ba at the horns of Mn. Ernest Boskey on Sunnycrest dr., Little Silver. It adds up! Mora aa4 "or. svaple eta Ratiatfr sds sash issue because remits cone faetar. AdvertlsesMat KIRSCH WITN VALANCE NOW hare a not draw draperies fa any noes. Thai"eDcalamUoa"trevene rod with TakuwrodauaswtosKlrsch dependabbqiislsty.awe»m*up(oaiyone slms»l»sofcstatesjisa»r)...s»4lt aajsi to M yew wtadow sate*. 4 AVJVSTABll SlZ MOST ANY WINDOW SWARTZEL'S Garden Cantor Holt* Kayajtrt Scout Leaders Have Workshop SHREWSBURY - A workshop for leaden of Senior Girl Scout troops, including Marlnen, was held Tueaday night and yesterday morning at the new Girl Scout office at 100 Broad at The session Tuesday Included talks by James M. Long, executive director of tha Family and Children's Service of Monmouth county, and Mrs, Henry Cook of West Point Pleasant, trainer, shore council. Mn. W. B. Sllfer, Jr.. district director and co-leader of a senior troop in Plalnfleld, spoke yesterday. Mn. Leonard Temko of New Shrewsbury, chairman of ths international Juliette Low committee, Northern Monmouth county council, discussed senior opportunities. Miss Jean Cameron, executive director of tht local council, announced that Mn. Donald F. Me- Murray of Pair Haven has agreed to work as senior adviser with girl delegates to a senior planning board from the various senior and Mariner troops.. Brownies gelling Peanuts NEW SHREWSBURY Memben of Brownie troop JJJ of this place are selling peanuts to raise money for tha troop's activities. Members expact to begin soon making their buddy burners and learning the fundamentals of building a fire. Thzy alao are planning an Easter play to oe given for other troops In the borough and for their younger brothen and surten. BRIGHT ACRE BEOrBNS SHREWSBURY The Bright Acre, located at the corner of Broad st and Queen Anne dr., has reopened for the summer season. Ths store, which Is open seven days a week, sells power mowers, grass seed, fertiliser and summer furniture. Ianrino Often To Clean Brook LITTLE SILVER - Bunnfcreit association Tuesday night informed the mayor and council that Robert Laurino, Lon* Branch contractor, haa offered to clean and dig out the Sunnycre»t brook along hli land. In a letter signed by Robert C. Wood, laudation preaident. Mr. Laurino'e land waa described as beginning near the end of South Sunnycrect dr. and extending west for feet. Mr. Wood wrote that Mr. Laurino'f offer represents a "potential aaving of thouianda of dollars" to Little Silver. He added that It la contingent on the borthe White rd. brook downatream from hla land and cleaning off the borough-owned tract opposite hla property. Mr. Wood laid Mr. Laurino greed to the work after conferring with John A. Lucae, chair- White - Beige - Nutmeg Turquoise Pink MM* * Me aajflatlwa dvtc affain ttmmuu*. Councilman Lewia R, Lowry, who read the letter, termed it "a very worthwhile offer" and praised the association's co-cpcration. He added that the borough "will pursue It" Later in the meeting, Council DIXON OIL COMPANY Kwfl HOMta N«J* MM /a»* * r. Ur4 MM tt* ae> aoetattoa should b*»4vlmd that council Is getting bida for the brook cleaning. Wh«n la doubt about sow to sail snwantad k.umhold s o4i wl»«yenr proklsk with Th. ludttsr's clsisiasd s4s. Aarsrtisnunt FUEL OIL MITfllP BtUVHIV 24 HOOK SfRVie! Veal etpeafi Street- DRAPERY SALE Pinch-Plaatad Opaque Plain Draperies EXTRA M" LOU* SPECIAL! tt" LON«Itetj Reg ' 6 90" long-reg " 98 Clip several pair together for widtr windows. Just rinse and hang dries in minutes It's that easy. SHOP FRIDAY TILL 9 P. M. 'S The Most Complete Home Decorator Store on the Shore 45 Broad Street Red Bank follow the crowds and Come See Us! Coma MO Had tank's newest and most unusual shot store - and matt "Ollie." Saa tha wonderful now shoes ho has for youngsters from tha scientifically aeeurato first shot through mad high school fashions and rugged brogans. Casuals for mother too, and ibove all, fit and comfort that comos from a unique, axperiencod knowledge of shoes and thoir construction. opening Saturday, Man 2nd featuring SPECIALIZED FITTING.., In tht most wanted footwear, in the top nationally branded linas you profer for your youngsters and for yourself. MAINE AIRES YOUNG CAPEZIOS BATES LAZY BONES GERBERICH-PAYNE GAMBIT J JTIZH. FOOT FLEX SHOES Exclusive in Red Bankl Wo aro ono of tha original mambars of the Juvenile Shoe Guild, whoso adoption of rigidly high fitting standards has made history in tht shoo field. Wo also ara tha exclusive distributor for tht famous S a b a I shoe end can supply ^* ***» )* orthopadic requirements that your doctor may prescribe. 29: FREE QIFTS For ALL! This is our chance tt get acquainted and we'd ba happy to see as many naw faces as possible for our opening day. As a memento, we're giving away CHILDREN'S ACTIVITY BOOKS PLASTIC ROLLER SKATES BALLOONS AND ROSES There's a gift for every boy and girl and for mothers, too. Don't miss It! Metlculotu Attention to Preicrlptton Fitting oliver shoes 9tf9#t Red Ua'A

21 For Old Time Recreation FREEHOLD - Capt. H. E. Webber her* is having a 60-foot replica of the famed Mississippi river paddle wheel steamers built in South Tom* River for use u sifhtteeinf and excursion craft. It* name will be The River Queen. The captain uyi paddle wheel- n are nothing new to Tomi River that oldtimers of the area recall them passing by. A search through old record! ia now being made for information. Capt. Webber laid hit craft ia BOW about 10 per cent complete and already h u cost 30 per cent more than the $20,000 he thought it would. A Diesel engine will turn item paddles by meant of a chain drive. The boat's wheel OIKC was on an Ohio river dredge. In summer, Capt. Webber laid he plans to operate three daily tripe between Hathli plaza, South Toms River, end Barnegat bay, making stops along the way. In winter, excursion sailings will be made out of Fort Pierce, Fla. Capt Webber will take the boat South via the inland waterway. MONTHLY INVESTMENT... out of monthly earnings you can now accumulate Investment holdings in over 40 American Industries. Throe** DM FtauKuU-lndustrial Fund Capital Accumulation InwMiMM Pisa you eta share i* the owiwnhtp fovcr *0 common stocks taltdmtraitbuk taduttrim. Monthly invwtimms may b* SI09.!». $25 or km UftCI Molt coupon today Citr MANAOIMINT CORPORATION EASTERN INVUTMINT CO. 1ST * «IT., RID MM, N. I. ' I wotrid Kk«to need* a Bookkt-rmtMdw de*rlwn month* iavcstimnt plus. SPECTACULAR, SENSATIONAL Finrt BM Miftzvah «t New Synagogue Judy Cohan, daughter of Mr. «nd Mn. Jack Cehtn, it pictured at ht>r bat mitivah tarvica Sunday at Congregation lath Shelem, new Rad lank synagogue en Monmeuth tt. Han wat tha first bat mittvah tarvica at tha naw tynagogua. Alto picturad from laft ta right ara Eliot Tarlin, president of the synagogue, Mrs. Cohan, A. Dadik, religious instructor of Congregation lath Sholem, and Mr. Cohen. Eatontowu Mr. and Mrs. Andrew G. Becker have returned from two wetks In Florida. Their daughter Carol and niece, Laura Adams, also accompanied them. A slot has recently been put in the library door tor the convenience of those who wish to return books when the library Is closed. Dr. and Mrs). Norman D. Thetfoid and children are vacationing In the Virgin Islands. They will return by freighter in two weeks. Cordle Ileeks, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence O. Meeks of Reynolds dr., celebrated her tenth birthday with a party for 15 friends. Mr. and Mrs. Peder 3. Glsleson of Elizabeth pkwy. celebrated their Mth wedding anniversary last week. A surprise farewell party for Valerie Erb was held at the home of Susan If cglnnsss, daughter of Mr. and Mn. Theodora W. Me Qinness of Wyckoff rd. Valerie, who lived on Reynold* dr., hat moved to Roawell, New Mexico, with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Poer of South it. returned recently from a visit In Florida. Mrs. Usuries Adams and her daughters Bandy and Ann and Mrs. Wesley Crosier and daughter Carol of Fair Haven. The Methodist church finance commission met Tuesday at the church. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Frost of South at. attended the wedding In Hackensack of Albert Berth* and Miss Dorothy Yock. Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert Scott and daughter Karen of Broad st. were guests of Mn. Soott's mother, Mrs. Howard Frost and Mr. Frost Monday at a family party celebrating Mrs. Frost's birthday. Recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford N. Cadman were members of tha "Jolly Tea" club: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cotgteave, Mr. and Mra. Robert E. Dangler, Mr and Mra. John M. Dletx, Jr., and Mr. and Mra. John Smock. Mra. Russell F. Anderson spent Monday In New York, where she saw Mr. Anderson and their daughter Bonnie off by train to Chicago. Bonnie will visit her grandmother, Mrs. Marie Llndquut, while her father Is on business. John Anderson recently returned from a rlalt to Ann Arbor and Cleveland. Memben of tha Westminster Adult confirmation fellowship of the Presbyterian church bowled Saturday night In Red Bank. Susan Caughman of Pine at. is recuperating at home from a tonjillectomy. Mr. and Mra. Daniel Lamb and Family of Saugertles, N. Y., spent last week-end with Mr. and Mra. James N. Wolcott, Jr., of Buttonwood ave. Mm. Raymond Alton of Byrnes week-end la. and daughter Linda left Washington's birthday to spend two weeks in Miami. The executive board of the Woman'i Community club met Monday at tha library, with Mra Curtis E. Adams In charge. Mr. and Mra. W. Lester Whltfleld and son Bobby and Mrs Anna Btaata vlalted relatives la Audubon Sunday. Mrs. Leslie D. Beely entertained at luncheon Thursday for her daughter, Mrs. Franklyn Besland and thrt children of Mountainside, classes of the St. Jamea Memorial Episcopal church begin Tuesday night. 8gt. and Mn. Morris Robinson of Stirrup la. have Mrs. Robinson's nephew, Charles Morrell, Jr., of Plainfleld with them for an extended visit. His mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Morrell, Br., and their mother, Mrs. Adelaide Morrell, spent the week-end here. Also here for the were Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Sundstrom ot Silver Springs»» ^! M r i - F " nk McSorley of Elizabeth also visited the Robinsons. The Robinson family spent Monday at Ellenvllle, N. Y. visit- Ing Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Robinson. An informal Bible study group meets every Wednesday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James White. Hay Presented Troops 77, 58 RUMSON A combination flyup and investiture tervlce»aa held by troopa 77 and 58 at St George's by-the-river Episcopal church Monday. An original ploy also was pieaented at the meeting. It dramatized the Manriarda of both the Brownies and Girl Scouts. Mra. William Robertson wrote the play. Included In the caat were Lea Olsen, Sandra Robert on. Carol Tucker, Paige and Nancy Haaren and Sunn Boyd Nancy Haaren was invested in troon 77 nnrl Mii«Rnyri flow nr> to troop 58. The new scout was received by Donna Brogle and Brenda Tanner. Mn. Louis Cooke is the troop leader. Color guard for the ceremony Included Andrea Brogle. Miss Boyd, Judith Balladln and Jill Kingdon. In charge was Mrs. John Tucker, assistant leader of troop 77. Serving as hostess was Mrs. David Freeman, assisted by her daughter Simmie. Official Family Night Mar. 13 at C. B. I. LITTLE SILVER Assemblyman Alfred N. Beadleiton will deliver the principal talk at Crystal Brook Inn. Eatontown,' Wednesday, Mar. 13, when officials of this borough hold a "gettogether" dinner. Assessor Louis S. VanBrunt, who is arranging the dinner, aaid the "official family" night will be for Little Silver's (0 elected and appointed officials. A "Dutch treat" affair, the dinner is to be non-political. Wives or husbands It para to serertlm la The feilstw. officials also ara expected to -Aanitlieamt. attend. of Workmanship of tha highait quality... Prices to suit tha moit modern budget* and tyling that is unsurpassed. That is what you'll fine] heia. Step in and look around today! Wa'ra tura you'll ba pleased. Designs For Living Budget Terms Arranged a Open Tues. and Frl. 'til 1:00 34S MAPI! AVE. (NEXT To SAFCWAV) MD IANK BED BANK KECtSTEB TWahy. Feb.». W5T-M -^^^_ ^ V ^ B. ^ v ^HSBssssi ssssssaa*' ^ssssssser ^ LEON'S (JOOD FASHION NEWS! Have your outdated fur coat madt Into a jacket, capt or stole. AT VERY SPECIAL, LOW PRICES Right now toko advantage off our lowf nim'wintof rates for roniodclliigj and rostyhng. PRICES FROM LION'S White St. Tel. SH 7-28O0 Red Bask ALWAYS AMPLE FREE PARKING tt Pays to Use Classified Display ft New as tomorrow's sunrise So writes Mechanix Illustrated's famous auto critic, Tom McCahill, about The Big M. "It has more new features than any car tested in over 10 years". And all for a low, low price. Come in today! v Joshua Trent imports silky, lustrous, wor«it«d gabardine, tailors it for the changing season, in his preferred three-button, center vent jacket, tapered pleated trousers. Natural only, Other midweight Joshua Trent spring suits, from Open a Kridel 90-day charge account. Pay i/3 April 10, >/ 3 May 10, /> June 10.! '57 MERCURY I I I l ENGLISH MOTORS Maple Av«. Rod Bank, N. J. Phont SH ZttkUll aao * 'SKINT ITS. m» a*nn, M,. IN i-saee

22 . F«b.», MCT BED BAXK BEGtSTEK Services for Churches in Red Bank and Surrounding Communities PRESBYTERIAN Red Bank "A Modern Interpretation of the Twenty-Third Pialm" will be tkt sermon topic of Rev. Or. Charles 8. Webster at the 9:30 and 11 o'clock service* Sunday. Dr. Carl F. Mueller, minister of music, will preside at the organ console. Hia organ meditation wiu be "Andantino" and "Pastorale," and bis poeujde, "Cortege." At ths 0:30 service, a double quartet consisting of Carl A. Borgeson. Edward N. Fields, Ron E. King and George Reid guml ikitsi A' IClUfl, jaito. Xk*u, M.La. Paul Miles and Mrs. Edward Bwikart, Jr., will sing "The Lard's My Shepherd," by Carl F. Mueller. Ushers will be in charge of Evan R. Beecher, assisted by J. William Badger, Walter B. Gillette and Douglas W. McCrum. Philip E. Bailly and Joseph C., Davison will comprise the welcoming committee. At the 11 o'clock service, the Tnwer Hill choir will sing "My Shepherd Will Supply My Need" and "The Lord's My Shepherd." Ushers will be in charge of Robert W. Maccubbin, assisted by A. Wesley Olson, Donald W. Mc- Oee, Dr. Raymond W. Salm, Jr. and John Steel. William J. Barnes and Robert L, Reynolds will comprise the welcoming committee. At 9:30 and 11 o'clock, identical cessions of the church school will be held in Westminster house, At 7 p. m., the junior high department of the church school will meet In Westminster houne, nd the senior high freshmen in the studio. At 7:30 p. m., the Westminster youth fellowship will meet In Westminster house. Miss Valerie Covert will lead a discussion on U There LJ/e After Death?" At a o'clock, meeting of the TNT club in Westminster house. Edward Swikart, Jr., will be in charge of the program. Tomorrow at 8: SO p. m., ballroom dancing Instruction under the sponsorship of the Couples club will be held in Westminster house. Monday at 3:45 p. m. meeting f Girl Scout troop 72 in Westminster house under the leadership of Mrs. George Worthley, Jr., assisted by Mrs. Robert H. Bhelly and Mrs. Walter L. Huhn. Monday through Wednesday at 7:30 p. m., sixth annual Protestant Preaching Mission In the field house at Fort Monmouth. Tuesday at 1:30 p. m., the executive committee of the Women's association will meet In Westminster house, with Mrs. Jared Kenyon presiding. Tuesday at 8 p. m. monthly meeting of the session in the Combs-DeVoe memorial room. Wednesday al 10 a." m., the women's prayer and study group will meet in the chapel. Wednesday at 12:30 p. m., the Women's association will hold Its monthly luncheon meeting. Guest speaker will be Richard Brock, who will speak on the youth service program at the Morningside community center. Circle two (Mrs. John W. H. Castle-Mr*. Rudolph W. May) will ct as hostesses and devotions will be led by circle four (Mrs. Robert W. Teegarden-Mrs. Chester B. Loeklin). Spiritualist Services Teessai, >. M. IS Highland Avc. Rumson Ml BAPAIST Red Bank Rev. John Crouthamel will speak on the first in a series of sermons on the Last Seven Words entitled "Father, Forgive Them." The Lord's Supper will be observed with the reception of new members. A special offering will be received for Home Mission Work in the American Baptist convention. The chancel choir, under the direction of Robert A. Ivey, Jr., minister of music, will sing several anthems. Flowers will be given ty Mr. ar.d Mr=. Charles Hammell in memory of their son, John Hammell. The ushers will be Howard Young, Wellington Kennedy, Fred Warwick, Lieut. Col. Charles Moore and Tillman Lane. Deacon Kenneth Brower Is chairman of the ushers committee. The deacons' greeting com mittee will be Harry Klausmann, Francis SwarU and William Magee, assisted by members of Mrs. Charles Schanck's Circle two. An expanded session of the church school will be held for those In the nursery, kindergarten and primary departments. Church school will convene at 9:45 a. m., preceded by the lead' ers' prayer group meeting In the parlor at 9:30 a. m. The pastor will conduct a dlscipleship class for junior and senior high youth at 9:45 a. m. Junior high fellowship will meet at 6 p. m. with counselors Robert Ivey and Miss Shirley Moore, This will be followed by the senior high and Roger Williams fel lowship meetings at 7:30 p. m. The youth choirs will rehearse Saturday with the boys' choir at 9 a. m., cherub choir at 10 a. m. and carol choir at 11 a. m. The pastor's disclpleshlp class for junior department children will also be held at 9:15 a. m. The Lenten youth breakfast will be held Monday at 7:30 a. m. There will be a round table discussion of the Boy Scout leaders at 8 p. m.; also a meeting of the church council. The church executive board will meet In ths pastor's study Tuesday at 8 p. m. The chancel choir rehearses Wed' nesday at 7:15 p. m. Grace Clayton fellowship guild will meet tonight at 7:30 o'clock. Boy Scout troop 23 also will meet at 7:30 p. m. In the church basement. World Day of Prayer will bs observed tomorrow afternoon from 1:30 to S p. m. at the Religious Society of Friends church In Shrewsbury. The theme will be "Who Shall Separate Us?" Mr. and Mrs. W. Eugene BOBserman presented their son, Don Martin Bosserman, In a service of parental dedication Sunday. A service of baptism was held for Captain Pak, Kyu Sik and Lieut. Song, Sang Bum. Also received Into church membership were Mr. and Mrs. William West and Mr. and Mrs. William Lanzer. A special service of dedication was held to dedicate the Junior doers' missionary offering. Participating were Dawn Crawford, Sally Domldion and Terry Harkin. The offering will be used toward a scholarship to send Miss Emma Solivan, a Puerto Rlcan, to the Baptist Missionary Traintog school In Chicago. A tea was held Sunday afternoon In honor of the Chinese Allied officers who will conclude their training at Fort Monmouth this week. SHBITCAL Belford Rev. Phoebe Dallsy will eonduet services Sunday at 8 p. m. and Tuesday at 2:80 and Sum. percentage The percentage return that your savings dollar* earn makes en important difference in the speed with which your money frows. The difference is In your favor when you save her*,., where your money earns more, grows faster... with complete safety! Come in and gat the complete story. A Dividend at the Rate of 3% PER ANNUM was paid on Dec. 31st, MAINSTAY FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION MONMOUTH STRUT RID IANK METHODIST Red Bank Holy Communion will be administered at 9:30 and 11 a. m. Sunday. Rev. Roger J. Squirs will preach on "The Grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ Be with You" at both services. Music for the service includes tower chimes; vocal duet, "Unto the Hills," David, sung by Elizabeth Kohl and Kenneth Shook; offertory quartet, ''Lord, for Thy Tender Mercies' Sake." Farrant, sung by Elizabeth Kohl, Ruth Bell, Kenneth Shook and John Turner, and offertory anthem, "How Lovely Is Thy Dwelling Place," Brahms. Rev. Iverson Graham, Jr., will preach on "Pialms of Waiting and Longing" at -8 p. m. in the fireplace room. Youth activities for Sunday include the intermediate youth fellowship at 4:30 p. m.; youth choir rehearsal at p. m.; Methodist youth fellowship at 6:45 p. m. in the chapel, and Wesley fellowship at V p. m. in the fireplace room, with Rev. David Mitchell addressing the group on "World Methodism." Altar flowers for Sunday will honor the memory of Mr. and Mrs. William Dennis, presented hy their daughters. Mrs. Robert Wilson, Mrs. Harry Mazza and Mrs. Carl Hansen. The Married Couples class will have a dinner meeting tonight in Fellowship hall. The youth choir will rehearse at 7:15 p. m. In the music room. The M. Y. F. will have a spaghetti dinner In Fellowship hall tomorrow from 5:30 to 7 p. m. The chancel choir will rehearse tomorrow at 8 p. m. They will preient St. Matthew Passion of Bach Palm Sunday. The Junior choir will rehearse Saturday at 9:30 a. m. The Weeley group will have a party in Fellowship hall Saturday at 8 p. m. There will be folk dancing in the Wesley room at 8:30 p. m. The Methodist board of education will conduct a camp train- Ing course In the educational building Saturday tram 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. Intermediate youth fellowship will have a swimming party Saturday, meeting at the church at 6:30 p. m. and then going; to the Asbury Park natatorium. Prayer and study group meets Tuesday at 10 a. m. The sewing group for supply work of the Woman's society will also meet at 10 a. m. Boy Scout troop 17 meets at their headquarters Tuesday at 7:30 p. m. There will be volleyball playing Tuesdsy at 8 p. m. The Woman's Society of Christian Service will hear Rev. Arthur M. Tlngue Wednesday at 8 p. m. He will speak on "The Church and Mental Health." The- annual tatr, and mission* rally will be held Mar. 8 at 8 p. m. at Ballard Methodist church, Asbury Park. Rev. Rafael Bolssen, pastor of the University church in Rio Pedrai, Puerto Rico, will be the speaker. During the 8:30 and 11 a. m. church services each" 8unday child care Is provided for Infants and one-year-old children. Older children are enrolled In the Sunday school classes. Circle I of the Woman's society will have a bake sale Mar. 9 In Davidson's market, Uttle Silver, from 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. The Wesleyan Service guild will hold an auction. In Fellowship hall Mar. 19. The guild will visit Briar Hill welfare home March 9. Received into membership of the church Sunday were Miss Barbara Dunlevy, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Lorenz, Jr., Mr. and Mn. Richard Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schoenlank and Mr. and Mrs. Ian If. Hemming. THE CATHOLIC CHURCH OF NATIVITY Fair Haven Sunday masses are at 7, 8,1 and 10 o'clock, with high mass at 11 o'clock. Weekday masses are at 7:45 o'clock. Confessions are heard Saturday! and eves of holy days from 4 to 5:30 p. m. and 7:30 to 9 p. m. The sacrament of Baptism Is administered Sunday at 1 p. m. Arrangements must be made during the previous week at the rectory with the pastor, Rev. Donald E. Hlckey. Parish children attending pub- He school! are given religious Instruction Saturdays from 9:80 to 10:30 a. m. The perpetual novena In honor of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Is held Monday! at 8 p. m. Choir rehearsals are held Thursdxvs at 8 p. m. METHODIST Navsslnk Morning service at 9:30. Church school meets at 10:41 a. av ran CMUBCB or VHRIST SCIENTIST Red Bank Services la the First Church of Christ Scientist, 211 Broad St., are held Sundays at 11 a. m. Sunday school meets at 11 a. m. Wednesday evening testimonial meetings are at 8:15. The reading room, 209 Broad St., is open dally from noon to 4:80 p. m., Friday evening from 7:30 to 9:30, and Sundays from 2 to 4 p. m. The vital significance for people today of Jesus' healing works will VM *tnnhnff#h mi nhrifltign Science services this Sunday. Scriptural passages in the Lesson-Sermon entitled "Christ Jesus" will include the Master's reply to the disciples of John Baptist who questioned his mission (Luke 7:22): "Then Jesus answering said unto them, Go your way, and tell John what things ys have seen and heard; how that the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, to the poor the gospel la preached." From "Science and Health with Key to the Serlptwi*n" hy Mary Baker Eddy, the following passage will be among those real (131:2«-S0): "The mission of Jesus confirmed prophecy, and explained the so-called miracles of olden time as natural demonstrations of the divine power, demonstrations which were not understood. Jesus' works established his claim to the Mesalahship." JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES Red Bank The Theocratic Ministry school will be followed by the service meeting tonight at 7:30 o'clock. N. W. Kelley, a representative of the Watchtower society, will speak at a p. m. Sunday on the subject, "Can Persons Now Living Never Die Off Earth?" At 7:15, the Watchtower article, "Sharing Things With Others" will be studied. Tuesday at 8:15 p. m. Bible meetings will be held at 8 Mapla ave. and 10 St. Mary's pi.. Red Bank; 89 Lincoln St., Headden's Comer, and at the WUllsmi' home. Seventh ave., Atlantic Highlands. EPISCOPAL Fair Haven Services Sunday will Include Holy Communion at 8 and 11 a. m., and chapel school service at 9:30 a. m. At 8 p. m. th» young peoples fellowship will meet In the parish halt for a short business meeting followed by a treasure hunt. Junior guild will meet Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the parish hall. The guest speaker will be Rev. Canon Horace Emlle Perret- Gentll. president of the board of trustees of The Evergreens. Members have been asked to bring guests and to advise the hostesses how many persons will attend the meeting. Ash Wednesday, the blessing of ashes will follow Holy Communion at 9:80 a. m. In the chapel. At 8 p. m., the evening office will be read, folbw>j by the penitential office. Confirmation classes for adults and juniors will start this week. First meeting for adults is Mar. 7 at 8 p.m. In the rectory and for Juniors, Mar. 8 at 4 p. m. In the chapel. Chapel officers Include Rev. Charles L. Wood, vicar; Peter Hahn, licensed lay reader, and Dr. Frank Ekman, school superintendent. ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL Keyport Rev. Henry A. Male Is rector. Sunday services include: Holy Communion, 8 s. m.; church school and family service 9:80 a. m., and Choral Eucharist and sermon each Sunday'at H a. m. except the second Sunday, when there will be prayer and sermon at U a. m. Weekdays services include Holy Communion at 9 a, m. Wednesdays and Fridays. For Holy days. Holy Communion ii at 9 a. m. FIRST MCNTECOSIAL Long Branch Rev. Norman B. Nethers will lead the 11 a. m. service Sunday. Sunday-school will start at 9:45. The evangelistic service will be held at 7:80 p. m. The young people's service will be held at 7:30 tonight A BlbU study Is held every Wednesday at 8 p. m. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY Atlantio Highlands Church service and Sundayschool are at 11 a. m. Wednesday evening testimony service Is at 8:15. Reading room hours are 2 to 4 p. m. Tuesdays and Saturdays, except holidays. HOLY TRINITY LUTHERAN Red Bank Matins will be held at 8:80 a. m. Sunday. Tke children's choir will rehearse at the church at 9:11 a. m., and Sunday-school will begin at 9:45 a. m. The regular service Is at 11 a. m. Holy Communion service to commemorate the beginning of Lent will be held next Wednesday at 8 p. m. The Luther leagu* will bold a pre-lenten dance hi the parish house tomorrow. Circle A will hear the tape recording's of the devotlonala from the past state conventions tonight. Boy Scout troop 133 will meet In the parish bouse tomorrow at 7:30 p. m. There will be confirmation Instruction tomorrow and Wednesday at 4:15 p. m. to the parish Senior choir will rehearse next Wednesday at 8 p. m. to the church. T. THOMAS EPISCOPAL Rsd Bank Holy Eucharist at 8 a. m and solemn Eucharist at 9:30 a m. Sunday. A celebration of Holy kiuchar- 1st will be bsm at 7 a. m Wednesday. SHAKER-QUAKES Red Bank Elder Frankllu C. Moyan, teacher, will conduct a service of Instruction and guidance at 10 a, m, Sunday at the church, IS Nirth Bridge ave. PRESBYTERIAN Shrewsbury Sunday worship services will be at 9:80 and 11 a. m. Rev. Arthur S. Jolee, pastor, will continue the study of the Bibls for his sermon. Music will Include the organ prelude by Miss Doris Frame, minister of music, "Melody In E" by Rachmaninoff. Ronald Clark, baritone, will be the soloist. At the 9:30 a. m. service, the choristers will sing "Lead Me, Lord" by Wesley. At the 11 a. m. service, the senior choir will sing "O Love of God" by Thinman and the primary choir will sing "For our Father in Heaven." Mils Frame will play as her postluda "Allegretto" by Beethoven. Sunday church school will be at 9:30 and 11 a. m. The kindergarten and primary departments will meet at 9:30 and the junior and senior departments will meet at 11 a. m. All departments will meet in the church house. Westminster Fellowship will meet at 6 p. m. Sunday the junior high group in the social room of the church and the senior high group In the church house. All young people from the seventh grade through high school and above will be welcome. Boy Scout troop 50 will meet tonight at 7:30 o'clock tn the social room with William Deckert, scoutmaster. The regular monthly meeting of the women's association will be held tonight at 8 o'clock at the church house. Rev. Mr. Jotce will speak on the subject "The History of Our Church." Junior choir rehearsal, directed by Mrs. William Shoemaker, will be held in the social room of the church at 9 a. m. Saturday. Sunday-school boys and girls between the ages of nine and 12 will be welcome. Immediately after the junior choir rehearsal, Mrs. Shoemaker will rehearse the primary choir for children seven and eight years old at 9:45 a. m. The choristers rehearse Wednesday from 7 to 7:45 p. m. under the direction of Miss Frame, following; which the senior choir will rehearse. New member! are invited. Small children may be left at the nursery and story hour in the church house during the 11 a. m. service by parents desiring to attend the worship service. ST. JAMES MEMORIAL EFIMOFAL - Eatoatowa Church school Ss at 9:30 a. u. At 7:30 a. m. ths second and fourth 8undays, th«holy Eucharist At 11 a, m. the nrs» and third Sundays. Holy Eucharist and sermon. At 11 a. m. tlia second and, fourth Sundays, morning prayer and sermon. A nursery Is conducted each Sunday a* U a. m. In ths parish house. Holy Eucharist at 7:80 a. m. Wednesdays and Holy days. Rev Alan 8. Tongue Is vicar la charge. ST. JANE* CATHOLIC Red Bank Sunday misses are at 6, 8, 9, 10 and 11 o'clock In the church and and 11 o'cock to the high school auditorium. Confessions are beard Saturdays from 4 to p. m., and from 7:80 Baptisms every Sunday at 1 p. m. in ths church. A baptism blank must be obtained from the rectory and Oiled out before the baptism takes place Novena devotions to honor of Our Lady of ths Miraculous Medal every Monday at» p. IU. iu Ui«church. Religious Instruction for all parish children attending public schools is held Saturdays from 9:80 to 10:80 a. m. to the grammar ntesbytebian Rumson The topic of the sermon by Rev. A. Kenneth Magner, Jr., at both 9:80 and 11 a. an. services Sunday will bs "Thy Will Bs Dons." Barrett Rudd, seminary assistant, will take part in the leadership ol worship. John H. Watson, 3d, minister of music, will play as prelude at both services Bach's "Prelude In Q Minor," as organ offertory, Dupre's "Antlphon 1" and as postlude, Nevln'a "Scherio-Toccatlna." A solo, to be sung by Miss Florence Fogelson, will be Bach's "Aria" from "My 8pirit Was in Heaviness." The musical selection at the 11 o'clock service will be an anthem by the chanel choir, Thiman's "Immortal, Invisible." Church school for those three through 16 will be held at 9:80 a. m. la Fellowship hall. A church hour nursery is provided at both services In the nursery area of Fellowship hall. Mrs. John Newman Is in charge at the 9:30 service and Mrs. Walti.- Kerr and daughter Maldee at the 11 o'clock servlee. Junior Ugh Westminster fellowship will meet at 6 p. m. in ths lounge, and the program will Include the showing of a film, "The Outsiders." Senior high Westminster fellowship wilt mest at 7:80 p. m. to ths lounge, with a film presentation of "You and Tour Family," followed by a discussion period. The Junior high yough communicants' class will meet today at 4 p. m. In the lounge. Senior high choir will rehearse tonight at 7 o'clock. Chancel choir will rehearse tonight at 8 o'clock, and Junior choir will rehearse tomorrow at 8:30 p. m. Youth recreation night will be held tomorrow from 7:30 p. m. to 9 p. m. for young people from fourth through eighth grades. The board of deacons will meet tomorrow at 8 p. m. In the pastor's study. The youth committee will meet tomorrow at 9 p. m. in the lounge. Boy Scout troop 11, sponsored by the church, will meet at 7:30 p. m. Monday In Blngham hall. Prayer group will meet at 10 a. m. next Tuesday, la the lounge. The senior high youth communicants' class will meet next Tuesday, at 4 p. m. In the lounge. Teacher conference period will be held in the pastor's study next Tuesday, at 8 p. m. The adult Bible class will meet at 9 p. m. nest Tuesday, to the lounge. MISSION COMMUNITY Port Monmouth "The Second Coming of Christ" will be the sermon topic of Rev. Donald Magaw, pastor, at the 11 a. m. service Sunday. Sundayschool will meet at 9:80 a. m. At the 7:45 evening service, Rev. Mr. Magaw will begin a new series of sermons on "Night Scenes from ths Bible." The first message in the series will be "The Last Night of Sodom." The prayer meeting will be held next Wednesday at 7:45 p. m. when (he sermon topic will be the beginning of a "Study of the Book of James." The children's choir will rehearse Saturday, Feb. 16, under the direction of Mn. Howard Smith. FIRST CHURCH OP CHRIST SCIENTIST Kevport The morning services will bs held Sunday at 11 o'clock, Sunday school will meet at 11 a m. A testimonial service will be held next Wednesday at p. m. AN ESSENTIAL SERVICE Jor BANKS TRUST COMPANIES ATTORNEYS ESTATES. INDIVIDUALS - EXECUTORS ADMINISTRATORS INSTITUTIONS The B. O. Coats Agency, specializing In the liquidation of estates ANYWHERE, Ii In a position to render unique service to the disposition of real and personal property at PUBLIC AUCTION.* A large permanent staff, expert in every phase of auction presentation, facilities and a large clientele of Important collectors and buyers combine to achieve for our clients the most effective, efficient and successful method of liquidation. Consultation and advice on your particular problem may bs arranged without obligation and to strict professional confidence. B. G. COATS AGENCY Auctioneer! Appraisers 490 lath Avenue Long Branch, New Jersey rhonel Boh CApltal S-356V. kdyslda 7*611 TRINITY EPISCOPAL Red Bank Holy Eucharist will be observed at 8 a. m., followed by the family service and church school at 9:15. Holy Eucharist with address will be held at 11 a. m. The second kindergarten for the children of parents who wish to attend the service will be at 11 o'clock. Hoi? Eucharist for Ash Wedaesdsy. Mar. 6, will be observed at 7 a. m., and the service of healing at 7:80. Holy Eucharist at 8 and 10 a. m. The litany, penitential office and address will be st 8 p. -s. Imposition sf ashes Is available at all services. Mlddletown Rev. John K. Bates will preach on the topic, "The Gift and Us Giver" at the 11 o'clock service Sunday. The "America for Christ Offering" will be received, proceeds-of which will be used to support the ministry of the Americas Baptist Convention to home missions and Christian teaching. Flowers will be placed to the church by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brsmyer la memory of Mrs. Gladys Melsler Porter. Ushers will be Thomas Morford, Jr. and James Ronaldson. There will be a supervised nursery In the kindergarten room for small children dren during the service. The senior choir will present an anthem under the direction of Mn. George Hartmann, organist. The junior choir will meet In the church at 9 a. m. under the direction of Mrs. Luther Bryant. Church school will meet at 9:45 a. m. In the education building under the supervision of Clement Barlow. The "America for Christ Children's Offering" will be received at this time. The following meetings of the Woman's fellowship have been scheduled: Circle four, Mrs. Gaylord Barto, leader, next Monday, 1:80 p. m.; circle three, Mrs. Edwin Parsells, leader, Monday evening, 8 o'clock; circle two, Mrs. Edward Osborne, leader, Tuesday, t p. m., and circle one, Mn. Leonard Bergmann, leader, Thursday, Feb. 7, 8 p. m. All meetings will be held In Fellowship hall. Youth fellowship will meet at a o'clock Sunday evening in the Fellowship hall. Following the supper meeting, Daniel Kesler, guest speaker, will discuss "Mental Health." Arrangements for the supper and meeting- are In charge of William VanDyke. The church will conduct Its Every Member canvass Sunday, Mar. 24, at wh!ch time pledges will be received for the support of church and missions for tke church fiscal year which begins May 1. Training sessions for the canvass will be held at 8 p. m. Tuesday. Mar. 13, and Wednesday, Mar. 30. Both sessions will be held In Fellowship hall. The test session will be led by Rev. Joseph Burnett, director of Missionary Co-operation of the N. J. Baptist Convention. George Coolldge is chairman of ths canvass. Boy Scout troop 85 will meet next Wedneeday at 7:80 p. m. In Fellowship hall, under the leadership of Richard-Garrison, scoutmaster. Senior choir will meet for rehearsal at the church Friday at 8 p. m.! There will be a special service of dedication of children at the Sunday morning service. Parents who wish to have their children dedicated are asked to contact the pastor before Saturday. ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC Red Bask Masses are celebrated Sunday at 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 o'clock. Confessions are heard Saturdays from 4:30 to 8 p. m. and from 7:80 to 9 p. m. Baptisms are at 11:45 a. m. Sundays The Miraculous Medal novsna Is neld Mondays at 7:10 p. m. and the perpetual novena to St Anthony Tuesdays at 7:30 p. ss. CALVARY BAPTIST Long Branch S«v. Psy! N. SmJtti w«! p at the 11 a. m. Communion service Sunday. New members will be received into the church. A vocal duet, "Jesus. Rose of Sharon," will be rendered by Mrs. Paul N. Smith and Mrs. J. Howard Nilsen. Bible school will meet at 9:46 a. m. under the direction of Rev. Laurence Lufburrow, superintendent, with classes for all ags Croups. The youth fellowship will meet at a p. m. under the direction of Mr. and Mrs. James Amstutz. The pastor will continue the series on "Bible Doctrines of the Faith" at the 7 p. m. evangelistic service. Midweek prayer service will be held Wednesday at 7:80 p. m. The Bible study will be continued to the Book of Colosslans. aucutuotm SOCIETY or ntlends (Qukcn) Shrewsbury The Shrewsbury meeting of Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), meets for worship at 11 a. m. the First day (Sunday), tn the meeting house at Broad st and Sycamore ave., preceded at 10 a. m. by the First-day ichool All are welcome. ST. ANDREW EPISCOPAL Highlands At 9 a. m. the third Sunday of each month. Holy Eucharist and sermon. At 9 s, tn other Sundays, morning prayer and sermon. Church school is at 10 a. m. Holy Eucharist at 9:30 a. m Wednesdays and Holy Days Rev Alasj H. Tongue Is vicar to charge. METHODIST Highlands Church school meets at 1:80 a. m. Morntog service at 11 o'clock. Evening service at 7:80. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7:80 p tn. CLAYTON'S Surgical Sorvic* Qualified Male and Trussoi-Beltf Artificial Limbs. Braces-Crutches Supporteri Elastic Hosiery,' ate ON INSURANCE! 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BUILDING 3* White Street, Red Bank, Now Jarsoy SHadyside and SHadyside Main Street, Asbury Park, New Jersey Ph.: PRospoet 4-I9M Y 'n hi eeesi hones wnk, T ^ O C K C O M P A N V F H O T I C T I O N

23 CHURCH NEWS AM.*. ZION Bed Bank Rev. Charlea E. Bourne will preach at tha 11 a. m. Holy Communion service Sunday. The sentor choir will sing. Mrs. Teresa Daniel Is organist. Sunday-school meets at t:w a. ra. The weekly prayer service t* held Wednesday* at I p. m. The Zion Travelers chorus rehearsal 1* helii at» p. m. The senior choir will rehearse tomorrow at 1:30 p. m. A Ouy* and OoUa popularity contest will be held Mar. at p. m. to benefit the Sundaywhooi. R»v. V, X' P*»\>, >» «* of St. Paul'* Baptist church, AUantie Highlands, will be guest speaker Sunday. Mar. 10, at VM p. m. Hat Progressive club will spon' oor the program. Music will be provided by the Atlantic Highland* choir. NOT MUNDWSOW!... ON TOP4TAJOE BBAHD CAJaFBTINO. U l OVB WIDE. IW» SELECTION. CAKPST CLEANING rimtt OH MONMOUTH CARPET * Co., tat. Mb U(M)OA «-l«tl 8T. GKOBOK'S EPISCOPAL Rumeon Holy Communion will be celebrated in the chantry at 8 e. m. Sunday, and at S:30 a. m. when the girls' choir will ing. Robert D, itckee, carllloneur, will present t- recital at 10:30 a. m. Holy Communion and sermon by the rector at 11 a. m. The organ prelude, played by Marthell past grand chaplain of the grano lodge of New Jersey and present C. Bush, will be "Aria" by Petten, and the postlude will be grand chaplain of grand council of New Jersey, will spesk. All Prelude In G Major" by Bach. Masonic lodges of the shore area The choir will sing "Ave Verum' have been invited. by acosert. Flowers for the pulpit will be Church ichool -neeta at J:IO given by Mr. and Mrs. Bernard p. m. under the direction of Rob-preacert Foley. Sunday, when Holy Communion at the 11 a. m, service a. m. Spiwak. The blessings on the candles will be offered by Marilyn The Wednesday Bibls study '11 be celebrate The Seven Choir rehearsals each week are u lulluwsi GUia, Waiiueaiiay at Per! utt:r, i D». L:;u..«u. aiudent. The Kldduah will be chant- p. m. Rev. Mr. Deegan will con- ministers of the Seacoast asso- and prayer service begins at I JUS will be presented by seven 1 p. m.; boys, today at 4 p. m. and Saturday at 11 a. m.; mened by Robert Morris, a Bar Mttavah student. Doctrines of the Bible." fit the pastor's aid. Mrs. Lindsey tinue the studies on the "Greet ciation at 3 p. m. Sunday, to bene- and boye, tomorrow at 7:30 p. tn., and carol, tomorrow at 4 p. m. Memorial remembrancei will The Ladies' Prayer group meet* Sim*, Jr., ia president. Music will Junior veatry dinner and meeting will be held Saturday at i:30 Mrs. Edward Jacob, brother of der the direction ot Mrs. John Mkuld p. Clay is pianist. be given for the grandmother of this afternoon at 1:M o'clock un- be presented by the church choir. p. m. Mrs. Mae Newman, mother of St. Mary'i guild will meet Harry Feldt, mother of Maurice BAPTIST Wednesday. Stalberg, father of Nathan Kra PRESBYTERIAN New Monmouth Holy Communion will be celebrated next Wednesday at T:K> mother of Samuel Walsman and vata. father of Percy Sherman, Eatontown Church Bible school meets Sunday at»:4& a. m. mother of Mrs. Maurice Stal- Sunday Is the last before the beginning of Lent. Materials for Rev. William E. Blsgrove will and 10:10 a. m. In obaervance of Ash Wedneedey. The girls' choir will star at 10:30 a. m. and U» reotor will five a abort addresi. v FEDERATED Holmdel Rev. Andrew A. Burkhardt will preach on "Mountain of Hope" Sunday at the 11 a. m. service. The organist, Mre. Frank Z. Bindlinger, will present ae prelude, "A Florentine lorn;" offertory, "Twilight," and poitlude, "Grandioao." Bunday-echool la held at S:46 a. m. In the Reformed chapel and Fellowship ball. Choir rehearaal will be held In the ckurcn tonight at 7:30 o'clock. Young People'! Christian Endeavor meeting tomorrow at 7:30 p. m. M E N e e e MANICURING now being done ATPOINTMINTS SHodysM* MOREY LA RUE SPECIALS OPHR eooo MAR. 4* TO MI. SLIP COVERS SANITOM1 DRY-CUANID ANY CUSHION COVER ay IACH Chok Covtrt.... *l Jf Couth Covtrt...! " HorpylaSae 141 MOAD STRUT SHADYVM MOST NOTICE Take nottee tfcat the paraona whoa, naaaea appear aftw. are d.llnquent In lytnent of ptraonal proserty Uiaa dae the Boreus-h of Red 'Bens, is tha aounts and for the years Indicated.' la tka event the aam taxes are not Pali ot before March It. 1WT, th» BorMlsh of Bed Bank will pracwd to collect M taxes.reeaalats a>s«m eeeerdtaf to sre*l*leae as per M, i. Bet-lie* UNPAID rsmonal TAX its Naaae Addraw Year Aawaiat A Batty Baldwin * Blwrald. D Adala Daanond M Rlveraide Avanua D CheJrles Krumml - 11 KWeralde Arenue A Julia Paului Itad Bank Manor #» B Rarnend Mannar, leal Beak Manor #11 Raymond Tlann.ry....Red Ban* Manor Raymond Klannery...,.M Bank Manor B Earl Broueell..._ Rod Bank Manor #11 erl Bfousail.«...*...w..w...*...a>ea Beak Manor Earl Brous.ll».»...Bad Bank Manor B John Bbwa.... Sad Bank Manor #4S B Harrjr Tracy Bad Bank Manor #51 O C John B. Phillips p s -...Bad...Red Bank Manor #61 0 Lewlt D. Rlihl Lnlt D. Hlfht Lewis D. Hlsht Uwli B. Hliht Lewli D. Hlsht..._. -.*ed Bank Manet #(( Bd Bank Minor Red: Bank Minor Bad Bank Manor C Rofcart Kaatt... Bad Bank Manor # 57 D John C. Anaeraoa.. Bed Bank Manor # «D Bernard Brenntr _. Bed Bank Manor # 111 Bernard Brenner Bed Bank Manor Bernard Branntr Bad Bernard Brenner Bed Benk Manor IVltua T. Feeht Sr. - Bed Benk Manor #111 I Goodwyn.. Bad Bank Manor #110 G.orn Osedwya " " Corse Goodwya lad Bank Man-, F John Brdcknar... ^... tad Bank Manor #111 F Enitna V. Praeeay... led Bank Manor #141 I Robart Curclo - ted Bank Manor #144 Robart Curclo led Bank Manor Bobart Curelo lad Bank Manor P Samual Naldorf _... R.d Bank Manor... #141 0 Jairiaa Crale Jr. Bad Bank Manor #151 i»r,4 0 Hush MtKlttrklc Bad Bank Manor #161 1*8* Mra. Katherlna BltUr»0 Mechanic gt. 8 Mra. B. D, Lewis Prosixct Hill Ant, B BtauiUjr sluerol ProaMct Hill Apt. B Vtncant Saeco rroaeact Hill Ant, B Crawford Grin A. Proapwl Hill Apt, B Harold Pryor..._ - Pro. «*t Hill AH. C G.orf. Hoffman. ProapMt Hill Apt, D Blsatid Pain. Proapact Hill AM. B Mlldrad riald Sprlni Tarraea Apt, Mlldrad rtaid Sprint Tarraea Ant, B David Bannlck Sprint Tarraea Apt. B Mlldrad Corn.Ur Spring Tarraea Apt, C Ralph Reynoldi...n..H HprlnK Tarraea Apt, 0 William D, Maf Hprlnir Tarraea Apt 0 William D. May - D Vlrsinia Uaddlntton Sprln«Tarrara Apt, Snrlni Tarmra Apt, D Vlrfinia Coddlnatoa Sprlnn Tarraet Apt. 1 Vlrsinia Slon Spring Tarraea Apt Vlrfinia Mora fiprln» Tarrata Apt, 4 I Baaay. LaRa.:_ Sprlni Tarraea Apt, (May. laar.a Sprlnir Tarraea Apt, I I Gartnrae Anderaon» Spring Tarraea Apt, Gtrtrud. Gertrude Andenon Andtn Sprint Tarraee Ant I A Mn.. C, -, - K«tilar rfolly Molly Plwhac Pluh.c Vlll««a Vlllag. Mrt G. Ktialtr Mly Molly Pltch.r t r Vlllaga : L. MeDonild MDld 19 Hudun Ava, A t. MoDon.M l«hl Hwlion Av«. h. MeDonald 19 Hudaon Aw. 14 I Barnard Glaaaar Sprint Tarract Apt. Battdt Fakruary 1>, ltd. its* IBS* 1*66 1I6«less 1*64 1I5( im 1*94 1J5I its* last mi lass S2 lltt 1»5«last SI SI last SI lost last last laii SI ltd 1(5* last us* list 115* mi last S* 1I5S last last lass l H.->«1965 1(IS«US! lait ins SI I»«l 1»B«I9SS ID5 taut ias4 lass 10.4* 10.4C 10.4* 10.4* «2 a U.4I I.SI ls!l I.S7 MS t ST.ll « M an 10.4* * tolti , « A. T. MAC DONALD, Collector. 0W0MB0AWMV WAI UBAIX Red Bank The annual Maaonic aerviee will be held tomorrow at 1:15 p. m. Lewis D. Hight, worshipful master, and Charles H. Clarendon, senior warden of the Red Bank Masonic lodge, will participate in the service with Rabbi Arthur H, Hershon, chaplain of the lodge. Rev. Harry Pine of Atlantic City, formerly of Long Branch, the Reformed church in Kentucky, and in AnnvtUe Institute. S. Judge, pastor, at the service rw«ria«j Our Own Sunday. The first mid-week Lenten service will be held at 8 p. m. Wednes- The Methodist youth fellowship NAP! CONTOUR STYLING will meet Sunday at 6:30 p.m. day. The general theme for the They will discuss the subject, INCLUDES berg. mid-week series will be "The Beatitudes and the Cross." The pas- "What Can I Expect of the ttamsee Treatment the "One Great Hour of Sharing" preach on "DlsclBleshlp" at the Seat* on the pulpit will ba occupied by Morris Portner and will be distributed to all families Communion service at 10:80 a. m. Church?' ltrb Cat Lees* Naa» P*tm Carle this Sunday. During Lent, each The senior choir will sing "Jesus, tor will begin the series with ttrta tal Herman H. Koroar, trustees of family will be asked to make a to Thy Table Led," under the "Tho Cross and the Pure In the congregation. sacrifice: give up dessert, a sesond vegetable or some activity. organist, the pastor's choir also will be presented by ministers direction of Mrs. Marian Tatem, Heart." The balance of tiie series Junior Sabbath services will be held at»:1» a. m. Saturday, Taken together, these will allow will sing at the morning service. of neighboring Reformed $5-00 under the direction of Mrs. Ju- churches. our churches to share our abund- "He Who Searches the Hearts" lia Segall. Adult Sabbath asrvices are at 10 a. m. Rabbi Herahon will apeak on the portion of the waek. Daily services are being held at 7:30 p. m. and Sundays at» a. m. METHODIST Fair Haven "The Challenge of World Missions" will be the topic of Miss Gertrude Baumbavoh, guest speak ar, Sunday. Miss Baumbach, a student at Drew sanlnary, has served as a missionary In Mexi co three years and has worked with Mexican migrant workers la the United States. Music for Sunday will Include the prelude, "Meditation," and the offertory, "Prayer." Mrs. Alma Baker, organiit, will direct the senior choir singing "Jesus Is a Rock." The Junior choir, under the direction of Mr*. Gladys Comber, will sing; next Sunday. '.Rev. Mr. Gandek continue* to conduct the adult Bible class which meets In the parsonage. The study of the Prophets will be continued. The Women'e Society for Christian Service will meet In the Sunday-school room* next Monday at 8 p. m. The nominating committee will meet next Tuesday at t p. m. for the purpose of making nomlna. tions to be presented at the forthcoming conference. Mrs. Clara Lockwood, chairman of our commission on missions, has announcud that the Week of Dedication will be Mar. 3 through 10. Voluntary offerings received will be distributed to national and world mission, Methodist Committee tor Overseas Relief and the Crusade Scholarship prograns.. Calendar for, the church week: Sunday, church school, 9:15 a. m. adult Bible class, 10 a. m.; nursery, 10:4.5 a, m.; morning wor ship, 11 a. m.;. youth fellowship, 7 p. m.; Monday, Brownie troop 234, 8:18 p. m.; W.C.S.C. meeting, 8 p. m.; Tuesday, Brownie troop 323, 3:18 p. m., nominating committee meeting;,» p. m.; Wednesday,' Junior choir rehearsal, «:30 p. m.; Thursday, Girl Scout troop H, 3:16 p. m., Senior choir rehearsal, 7:30 p. m,, and Saturday, membership, class 10 a. m. e e e e <«*.e.e.eeet Sunburst Cblltction Warner's tmaerinatlve new group of wallpaper* with an International flavor, many with fabrics to match. Single roll t, to fl.*». COtVOBBST CO. U Broad Bt, BM Bank SBBBBaMBB^BBSBB ^SJBSBMa^h^BBBBBV BBS* 1 ^BBSBBl ^ ^BfeSBBa M FlBJarT HBnEMmJT Ow OtnP I CAaVf/ART WOTWf FED BANK REGISTER Red Bank Red Bank Middletown ASKKMBI.Y OF GOD -What Meaneth Thie?" ia the Rev. John B. Gllchrist will Rev. Frederick Mold, Jr., will North Ccntei'Vlllc Thursday, Feb. 28, sermon topic Rev. John Oeegas preach at the 11 a. m. service preach on "The Desperate Cry' Sundaj-achoo'. is at 9:45 a. m. has chosen for the 11 a. m. wor-sundayship service Sunday. William will direct the choir. Sunday Sunday. The preparatory ollica be at 11 a. m. The evangelistic Mrs. Vilma Melbourne at the 11 a. m. worship service Cumrnunion Sunday spi-vlce will Robblni will assist the pastor 'n school Is at 0:30 a. m. Baptism for Holy Communion will be read meeting will be at 7:30 p. m. The TAILE PADS serving Communion following will be at 10 a. m. Holy communion will be celebrated at 3:30 10, the flrtt Sunday in Lent. Mr-, Tuesday at 7:30 p. m. The pray?;- for the Communion service Mar. Christ Ambassador service Is Beit wcrkmnnnhlp M»rt«ni f*»«- the sermon. ifm plaxtic All colon. Sunday-school convenes at 10 p. m. harleg B. Gallagher, Jr., organ- will direct the choir. nigrht at 8 o'clock. Thn Christ CLOU AWNINft and Bible study will he held tu a. m. with claaees for all a(ei. B.T.U. meets at 6 p. m. Theist, Mis. Elizabeth Whalen will be Junior choir will sponsor the Gospel Four of Jersey City Sunday ichool children will meet in Dieannual banquet Mar. s. 117 W. Fronl.St. SH Mill The sermon topic for the eve-at t p. m. The nursery class for prc- Ambassadors will attend their ft SHAN CO. in charge of the adult class. ning evangelistic service will be The choir will rehearse tonight. "Building for the Future." Spe- Bible class and prayer service cial music will be supplied by the church orchestra and ladles' quintet The Christ'i Ambassadors Touth service will begin Tuesday at I ance with many in need throughout the world. The sermon topic at the 11 a. m. worship service will be "What Is Important to You?" The senior and Junior high Westminster fellowship groups will meet in the chapel Sunday at 6:30 p. m. A film strip about the World Day ot Prayer will bs shown. Barbara Stilwell will leal the worship service. At the 7:30 p. m. service In the church sanctuary, the discussion will bs based on Mark 19, where Jesus tells His disciples of the destruction of Jerusalem and of His second coming. Is held Wednesday nights. o'clock, The pastor will preach shown. The young people are the on "Night Scenes from the Bible." guests of the evening. Mrs. William Roberta, Mrs. Jsck Hllbert will be held at 7:48 p. m. The Ladles' Missionary meeting The Gleaners, Presbyterian women's organization of the and Mrs. Larry Scott are in Midweek prayer meeting Wednesday at 7:46 p. m. The group Is church, will hold Its circle meetcharge of refreshment*. Ing* Tuesday. Circle one will meet at the home of Mrs. Robert The Ladlea' Aid society will studying the Epistle ot James. Hannon; circle two, Mr*. Benjamin Van Keuren, and circle meet in Fellowship hall at 10 a. Men's Brotherhood will meet throe, Mrs. Raymond Tupper. The pastor will speak at a mother-daughter banquet Wedneaday at the Rumson Presbvterian church. He will show slides taken during his 1S54 trip to the World Assembly of Youth In Slngapoie. The church school staff will meet next Thursday at the home of the superintendent, Clarence G. Meeks, Jr. The staff will continue its discussion of the questionnaire from the board of Christian education. REFORMED Keyport Sunday-school will be at 9:JO a. m), under the supervision of Garrett Post and Warren Bertv hardt. Nursery for children of those who attend church service starts at 10:30. At the 10:45 a. m. T. ralx BAPTIST Red Bank Rev. Walter T. Hawkes will will be the pastor's topic for the The choir will rehearse following the service Wednesday night. evening service at 7:46 o'clock The young people will have charge of the music. MISSION COMMUNITY The mid-week service of prayer Port Monmouth and Bible study is held at 7:30 Rev. A, Donald Magaw will p. m. Wednesdays. The senior choir rehearses at 8:30. The Bykota groups will meet aftei school today, and the pas- Supper at 11 a, m. Sunday. Family night at the church tor's choir will rehearse after tbe (the first Sunday night of each Bykota. The young people will month has been designated as meet In the church at T:30 p. m. family night and each member The Christian Couples club will of the church and congregation meat In the church in Fellowship has been requested to bring a hall Tuesday. A Christian film, member of the family) I* at 7:45 The Stones Cry Out," will be m. Wednesday to continue the work on the cancer dressings project. The hostesses are Mrs. Rose Rauch, Mrs. Ralph Mulford, and Miss Mildred Morris. ing verses are held Wednesday at 7:45 p. m. The adult choir re- at 8:30 p. m. ' Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. Rev. de-hearses Lattre will preach on "Blessed The Women's Missionary society will meet at the home of service the pastor, Rev. Roderick Are the Merciful." The senior N. Qeyoung, will preach on "Thechoir will sing the background Time for Choosing Is Past." music. The weekday services will Mrs. T. A. L. Davis. Memorial continue each Wednesday pkway., next Thursday st 2 p. m. Junior youth fellowship will throughout Lent. conduct a dance at the church' house tomorrow at 7:30 p. m. The Ladies' Aid society will meet Monday at 8 p. m. The chapel choir will rehearse next Wednesday at 7 p. m. un der the direction of Mrs. Edwin O'Hanlon and Mrs. Roderick Deyoung In the church. Holy Communion will be administered to begin the Lenten season Wednasday at 7:30 p. m. There will bs a consistory meeting Wednesday at 8:80 p. m. in the churchhouae. Confirmation class will meet In the parsonage next Thursday at 9 a. m. The following schedule of Lenten services was announced, with each service scheduled for 7:30 p. m. Mar. 8, Ash Wednesday service; Mar. 13, Rev. Arthur Voerman, guest speaker; Mar. 20, annual congregational dinner; Mar. 27, Lenten worship presented by the League for Service; Apr. 3, color «lm,"i Beheld His Glory"; Apr. 10, Easter music by choir and congregation; Apr. IS, Rev. Mr. Deyoung will preach as Holy Week union urvlces begin at Second Baptist church: Apr. 16, Holy Week union service at Re formed church; Apr. 18 (Maundy Thursday), Holy Communion, EMMANUEL BAPTIST Attaatlo Highlands Rev. Howard M. Brvln will preach at the Communion service at 11 a. m. and at the evening service at 7:30 Sunday, Church school meats at 1:48 a. m. Bible atudy class next Monday at 8 p. m. at the church. The midweek prayer service wilt be held Wednesday at 8 p. m. Junior Bible hour Wednesday at 3 p. m. and Thursday at a. m. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Bleibdrey, 344 Springfield ave., Belford, for all children five years of age through the eighth grade. > Junior Bible hour for AUantie Highlands children will be held today Immediately after school. The young people will meet tonight at T o'clock. FEED COMPARE G.LP. Starting mash. ~ «.18 Growing maah ".» HHMM..»... n 1.15 Super laying mash I.M AM 10c for pellets N. *. All maah layer - 8.7» 18% Dairy ration _ _ % Dairy crunch Fitting ration ~ BM 14% Hog ration.. «. 40% Hog supp. - 4J0 Heavy oats ; _.,..» 4.10 Horse feed 4.15 Bag exchange bads for cash. Big Red dog meal «.75 Big Red Klb. biscuit _ t-oo Rabbit pellets._ 8.75 FerHllaer Fertiliser _ 3.15 HANCE & DAVIS TIL. SH ,T REFORMED Colt's Neck Rev. Elie F. delattre will preach on "Under the Shadow of the Cross" 8unday at 11 a. m. A new cross and candlesticks for tho Communion table, donated by Mr*. Charles Flock, will be dedicated at the service. The Junior choir will furnish special music for this portion of the service. The senior choir, under the direction of Mrs. delattre, will sing "The Cross" and "Light Thou for Us." Miss Betty Ellis will be at the console. A Lenten service will beglt. Sunday-school will meet at 9:45 a. m. and adult Bible class at 9:30. The Junior youth fellowship group will go on a ro'ler skating party at the Roller Drome at Neptune tomorrow night with their senior advisers. The senior youth fellowship will meet Sunday in the church at 7:30 p. m. Release school Bible classes will meet at the church Tuesday st 2 p. m. The junior choir will rehearse Tuesday at 7:30 p. m. The intermediate choir will meet Wednesday night»t 7:30 pj m. at the home of the director Mrs. William Flock. PRESBYTERIAN Atlantic Highlands Rev. William G. Tolley will preach on "Death in Perspec- pariah house during the worship service for the convenience of parents who wish to attenj chuich services. The church school will meet al 0:30 a. m. in the parish houa,-. under the direction of Ka:l Helwlg. The senior high youth fellowship will meet at 7 p. m. in the Baptist church The communicants' class will meet at 10:30 a. m. Saturday In the parish house. The Missionary society will meet at 8 p. m. Tuesday at the parish house. The program will be "Mountain Musings," a series of slides depicting the work of Mr. Lloyd la conducting a class tive" Sunday at 9:30 and 11 a. m. In religious Instruction Sundays Sunday-school will meet at 9:30starting at 10 a. m. a. m. A congregational meeting will Westminster fellowship will be held Mar. 13 at 6:80 p. m., in meet at 8:30 p. m. In the church the church hall combined with a basement. The communicant*' covered dish supper. class will meet Monday at 4:30 p. m. Members of the church havs been Invited to attend the preaching mission at Fort Monmouth Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday METHODIST Belford Rev. Robert L. Blackman will conduct a short meditation service at 10:45 a. m. Sunday. Holy nights. The music will be bycommunion will be obterved. The the choir ot Westminster choir college. The Presbyterian Women's organisation will meet Tuesday at 1:30 p. m. The choir will rchcar*e Tuesday at 7:30 p. m. preach on "Plain Christianity" after the observance of the Lord's next Thursday at 7 p. m. The children's choir will meet for rehearsal Saturday at 3 p. m. under the direction of Mrs. Howard Smith. CENTRAL BAPTIST Atlantic Highlands Rev Harry W. Kraft will preach at the Communion service Sunday at 11 a. m. Sunday-school meets at 9:45 a. m. Touth fellowship will meet at 7 p. m. and the evening service will Communion will be held at 8 o'clock. The World Wide guild girls will meet at the home of Miss Barbara Gould, Columbia and Navesink aves., Tuesday at 8 p. m. Prayer meeting and Bible bless- METHODIST Tinton Falls Church school will meet at 9:45 a. m. Rev. Milton F. LeCompte will preach on "Our Stewardship" at the 10:45 a. m. worship service Sunday. The sacrament of baptism will be administered and new members will be received into the church. Arthur Jacobus Is pianist. The choir will rehearse tonight at 8 o'clock at the home of Mr. Jacobus. COMMUNITY Llncroft P. Howard Lloyd, lay minister, will preach the sermon at the 11 a. m. service. Sunday school services are held In the church hall at 9:46 a. m. official board meeting will be next Monday at 8 p. m. The senior choir will Mhearse Tuesday st 7:15 p. m. and the Junior choir today at 3 p. m. A family night program for Ash Wednesday will be held Wednesday at 8 p. m. BAPTIST FELLOWSHIP Port Monmouth CHRIST EPISCOPAL Rev. Ernest W. Zimmerman Mlddletown will prateh at the 11 a. m. service Sunday at the Bayshore Oun served at 8 a. m. Sunday-school Holy Communion will be ob- club, Harmony rd. Bible school rotef* at 9:45 a.,m. and the family service Is at 10 'clock. Holy meets at»:45 a. m. Bibls atudy and prayer hour tonight at 8 Communion and sermon by Rev. o'clock at the home of Mr. andandrew M. VanDyke I* at 11 Mrs. Albert E. Mahoney, U Ver-o'clockmont ave., Port Monmouth. Wednesday la at 7:15 a. Holy Communion for Ash m. FROM BANK DAILY TURNPIKE EXPRESS BUSES TO NEW YORK CITY "Tkt Smart Privar Takos tho Iw" MOLINB, TM.U ANB MBRINI COIT TWICI THB BUB 'ABB tv. Bjsd sail Bally A.M>»fiia, Bita, Bit*, taiia, line p.m. tiie. * *i»*. file, <*>* at. Hm. t*4 HelMere Tie* A.M. rrl.. let, «.. H.lldaya Itis* P.m. Sam. saal M.lisaya mis P.M. Atbwy Nrh.N«w YBT* Trwnlt Corp. M» y la _. ajaja> Tavesalaaat lotntlsfajl.' SH 1-.2 OCEANVIEW COMMUNITY Leonardo Rev. Kenneth N. Gamble, Jr., will preach»t the 11 a. m. Communion service Sunday. Richard Egedy is organist. Sunday-school meets at 9:45 a. m. Rev. Mr. Gamble will preach at the 7:30 I), m. Hi^rviro. Th» MWWMV P'-y er and Bible hour is held Wednesdays at g p. m. METHODIST Sea Bright "Level of living" will be the title of the sermon by Rev. Robert PRESBYTERIAN Long Branch Rev. Robert Hugh Reed will continue the aeries of sermons on Chrlatian undemtandina; of God Sunday at 11 a. m. He will preach on "Angels and Anxiety." Church school will meet at 0:45 a. m. METHODIST Ocean port "Level of Living" will be the title of the sermon at the 8:30 a. m. service Sunday. Preparatory classes will meet this afternoon at 3:15. BENOWITZ & LAYTON AGENCY REAl ISTATI AN* CASUALTV-riSJI INSURANCE see SHVM MAS MSI aumh, H. j. M l-4tts PiaimAndl)r ultts«m AT YOUI HOMI fn4 A. WoMforth, I.SX4. Inatruclinf In Ut4 Bank Lea* Branch Elb.ron Allaaaimt Dial Araa. PHONE KEasr IMS HAIRDRESSERS f MONMOUTH ST. (Next to Carlton Theatre) MD IANK Only SHfjsjytMt THREE TABLES Two Stop En. TaMM md Cocktail TsMt YOU* CHSICC Of rinmh MAMOaANV, M.ONM. OAK AM IMMV e Italia ealatael Tee* e Brass Ferrule Leas HY'S $T.95 VX! ta.ta Veers te fay FURNITURI Ram* 3S Ofea stall* la I. M, swsey 1 V. M.. P>, M. FOR SALE! SACRIFICE SION4V POSTS US' k i p]' hie,*). Mt*Jo of lo*g tnttag tjejivmltt. mot*). OrlajMl cent, S Salt. SBBBWIA flassaal smsaveisaal ^aai abat^sa! A4BSa i l^aa asses BBsm^Baaaaa* aehsbsaa^hsb BWA wif TVT MW Vr mw Hr IVT VT INRy VtffWT M MAKI AN Omil Coll Aiawry Auto Sake PRosptct BE AN INFORMED INVESTOR I. GEORGE WESTON & SONS KNOWS MUTUAL FUNDS Check With Us and Compare 160 Different Funds for CAPITAL GROWTH INCOMI STAMUTY FIND OUT WHICH IS BETTER FOR YOU VOLUNTARY PUNS CONTRACTUAL PUNS WRITE OR CALL, FOR atkeb BOOKLET Address _ I. GEORGE WESTON & SONS INVESTMENT SECURITIES to rwav, Lam M A N M C* a-esu-ti OMH SAT. SMUN. Don't Sue me Mary I'd maha wool H Mka yoa fair city. It's tfca aroatoft! BRIDGE MIX 69; SPICE DROPS BURNT ALMONDS SCOTCH MINTS JORDAN CASHEWS JELLELLE5 LICORICE BUTTONS A colorful array of tarty tidbits for company nibblink and party fun. Fill up your candy dlslioj at our feature price this weak. tl BBO *D ST. BIRNN CANDY You are Invited to sample our candy BANK JS5.1

24 »-TW»IT, T+ tcp tawk WECtWEl Legislators to Seek Means To Slash Governor's Budget TRENTON, N. J. (AP) Re-plupublican of 11,800,000 to M,TO0,000 leaden in the New Jer-sufficient to pay the state's share sey legislature have let them- clvei a tuk which would make of the federal highway program without new taxes. any budget-weary houaewile'a Both ends of the coin are filled trouble* pale Into insignificance. with bumps and holes which the Their Job, a* they see it, is to 1-member assembly-senate appropriations chop at least two and a half million dollar! from Gov. Robert B. steer around. committee must Meyner's record high spending When the committee starts profram of SM million dollars twice-a-week tor 1KT-M. ' At the aam* time they want to V»»w oaoufh added Income to open up Meyner's ettimated iur- SEE US FOI ALL YOUR PHOTO NEEOS W» carry a complete line of famous brand cameras and accessor-!. Iring your camara* hara for axpirt rapair service. We Have Everything for the CAMERA FAN HORN'S Photo Shop IS SH aw SH 7-3M0 meetings on the budget Mar. «, It will face these hurdles: Meyner's proposed outlay Is very tight....h. for spading *SiS,is3, M2 during the year starting this coming June, and $2,Mt,0M on bills due from this fiscal year. Up 11 MlUieas It approved, the spending program would thus be Jl million dollars higher than last year. The lion's share of that Increase comes from a 114,700,000 rise in state aid to education, required under a formula established by the legislature Itself. It cannot be trimmed. Other heavy increases are 14,- 00,000 for added welfare, hospital and mental health costs; nnd $4,100,000 for pay raises and fringe benefit* for state employees. The legislature probably will take * long hard took at that pay raise Item. Those three Increases alone add to $U,aO0,O0O. The reason the budget Is only 11 million dollars higher is that six million dollars was spent In the 1NUT budget for "one-shot" items which sirs not repeated. But Meyner aald that if he had Included all the items asked for next year by his department heads, the state would spend $ 10,000,000. Among those items he cut were appropriations for new permanent motor vehicle Inspection stations and national guard armorlea, long-range building projects, and state highway projects. Meyner said that if the Republicans want highway projects not included in the federal plan, they'll have to come up with some added Income source for example, his suggested penny hike In the gasoline tax. Select Clothe* for Bfar. 12 Farfiion Shmr Republican legislative leaders were almost unanimous In declaring they were going to do a which runs from July through sales and use ol bull'' June. This means that the funds thorough pruning job on the. NIESEN MUSIC CENTER Play beautiful music in a few minutes... ON TNI HAMMOND CHOtD OMAN you can't reed sundtrd that shows yea which keys le Instead ol uainf SleSfinfera, Cloa press with i one Safer el year left hind to play full, rich oriasi chorda. No lanom to take! In few minute* you'll play a cunplete election «the Hammond Chord Organ, eren if yoo know nothing about music. Thousands have done it And a few week* later you'll be playing sang* of all kiada even elastic*. Imagine the good time* your whole family can have with the Hammond Chord Organ. And the beat part: everyone can play it Hoirin) is Why not visit our More toon and let the way you play be iht judge of what we My. cane IN, Mane a* MAIL TNI$ COUPON I Alt INTERESTED IN A FREI DEMONSTRATION. NAME.._ STREET CITY EVENINGS I Y APPOINTMENT NIESEN MUSIC CENTER, INC. SHodyslde IROAD STREET RED IANK (Next to Stoaskeea) Th* Rotary and Altar society of St. Dorothea's Catholic church of Eatontown will hold a fashion show and card party Saturday afternoon at Memorial school, Eatontown. Shown above selecting clothes for the (how, left fa right, ar<; Mrs. Vincent O'Mahonoy, chairman; Mrs. Joseph Cassidy, who will be a modal, and Mrs. F. Kermit herdling, owner of The Clothes Tree of Shrewsbury, who will show feihioni for resort and spring wear. items the governor did recommend. Rag Started It Last Year Their experience last year was a key to the problem. The joint appropriations committee started poring over the budget line by line and couldn't cut a dollar for several weeks. Then they found an expendable item a new rug for their own chambers. When the dust settled, they had cut a total of five million dollars, mostly in salaries and fringe benefits for state employee*. Ben. Wesley L. Lance (B-Hunterdon), chairman of the Joint appropriations committee. Indicated this week the Republicans believe Meyner was on the shy side In his income estimates. Lance said he felt Meyner was 1.1 million dollars low on his estimated surplus left over from this year, and four million short on his estimates of revenue from taxes next year. Meyner took revenue from unexpected sources to balance his budget. He asked transfer of»,- 500,000 from veterans' h?'mln«: up in profits In the teachers' pension fund, Comments by two legislators one Democratic and the other Republican indicated a future furor over the budget In this election year. Assemblyman Alfred N. Beadleston (R-Monmouth) said, "The governor assigned money to projects which appeal to various groups large enough so that (or so he hopes) we won't dare take it away... for fear of being accused by those groups and by him of playing what he calls cheap politics." to be placed on the dean's list for Assemblyman William V. Mus-outstandinto (D-Hudson) said, "The gover- ment at Simmons college. Miss scholastic achieve nor's done all he can to present Gehlhaus Is enrolled a* a sophomore In the School of Business. a balanced budget. By 1MW we'll either have to have new taxes or raise money the painless way by a state lottery." March Proclaimed Jersey Egg Month TRENTON-lfarch has been designated New Jersey Egg month In a proclamation made by Gov. Robert B. Meyner. Eggs are New Jersey's foremoat farm product, the proclamation states pointing out that March la "an appropriate season to call attention to their plenitude and exellent quality." Last year eggs accounted for 100 million dollars of gross farm Income In New Jersey, more than onequarter of the farm value of all agricultural production. Th* governor's proclamation praises the state's "large and competent poultry Industry" which "takes care of the egg requirement* of our own state as well as exporting Urge supplies to other consuming areas." It call* eggs "one of our most nutritious foods, deserving of * place In the dally menus of every household." The proclamation stresses th* advantages of a good breakfast, Including eggs In some form. Those who start the day with such a meal, It states, are "our most efficient students and workers, our best athletes, and our healthiest cltliena". In It* 400 years of history, Fernandlna Beach, Fla, has been under the rule of eight flags. Today It I* a peaceful, prosperous community of 7,000 reaping a rich and peaceful, livelihood from paper and chemical cellulose manufacturing. Tax Rate Rise Of $4 Averted WEST LONG BRANCH Borough council converted the school assessment frpm a fiscal year to calendar year basis In computing Its budget and came up with Mrs. Richard A. Klrby are co- of the committee in an estimated saving of Ci per $100chairmen of assessment In the tax rate, charge, assisted by Mrs. E. W. It was disclosed as the budget Copeland, Mrs. Thomas F. Perrine and Mrs. Bryan L. Syer. waa introduced last Thursday night. It will cone up for public Pancakes and sausage will he hearing Mar. 31. served from S to 7:30 p. m. by Under the proposed budget the the Deltas, the young people's total appropriations eomt to $358,- group of the church. The proceeds will go towards the dub'* T8», an Increase of S77.SO5. The tax rate computed on this schedule Is I10.SS per 100 of assess- Ing fund. contribution to the church buildment, an Increase of 32 cent* per A business meeting of the club $100 of assessment. It was explained that most of the budget- o'clock in the parish hall. Mr. will be held tonight at 8:15 ary Increase Is In the appropriations of $71,000 for two drainage Klrby, president, is In charge. projects to be completed. The board made Its saving by collecting taxes for schools only for the calendar year 1S67. Previously, funds for the school board were collected on the fiscal year to operate the schools through June of this year have already been collected or levied. Thus, the council cut down the need for collections to only six months Instead of a year. This also eliminates the necessity of collecting the taxes six months in advance of when they are needed. ON DEAN'S LIST BOSTON, Mass. Mis* Elizabeth Ann Gthlhtus, daughter of Mrs. M. H. Goodlier, 137 North Bunnycrest dr., Little Silver, Is one of the first group of students PITTSBURGH 7S<* Nearby townsjust a few cents It costs little to call anywhere. 'S-miiutU tuuioh ralm from Attury Park, nitktt and Sundayt. 10% tax not indudtd. NEW JERSEY TELEPHONE COMPANY Triangle Club to Have Shrove Tuesday Supper Toe third annual Shrove Tuesday supper, sponsored by the Triangle club of Trinity Episcopal church, will be held next Tuesday night in the new parish hall. Mr*. Robert F. Worden and Efcjbt M 4 Card Party Mar. IS Members of lfonmouth County salon, Eight and Forty, meeting last week at the home of Mrs. Thomas Mead on West Front St., made plans to bold a "parcel post" sale and card party Mar. IS at the Bally Ann in Ocean Grove. Letters were read from offl clala of the National Jewish hospital in Denver, Colo., thanking members for contributions and for the monthly birthday cards sent to patient*, all ol whom are children. Mrs". Alice Baldwin also said ber committee has collected contributions and clothing for several needy tubercular children living in Monmouth county m nnwliewt bwyora are making Rambler faatoit-frowinf in nice, baeaoaa only Rambler giveeyou the room, comfort and performaneo _ of big coatly can, with eaaiaat parking and top economy (eoaet-to-eoatt NASCAR record, 32 miles per gallon with overdrive). It'a toweat-priced of all, flrat in traomn value. Fun-teat a Rambler V-8 or 6. La Freda Hash Sales ft Seivke lhisiiiilt Cft sfs*af Ba^safc U J MVOTHWTssI «Pfi M l suvjmhf n* W* Tilipfciai IHa4ytMt 7-17U CLEAN WHISTLE! MAYFAIR -IU» CUAMttS" For Often Rags m d Storage SH LOOK FOR THE MAROON AND CRAY TRUCK Go Rambler» MM MMON, MC- SMaT IMS Sf. HOSJ BMsIt * ' TesOsaBOsM SHaahiMa 7*0040 Somebody must have told her about a FLAMELESS ELECTRIC RANGE The pot can't call the kettle black on a flameless electric range! No Ma'am. Pots, pans, kettles and skillets stay mirror-bright without scrubbing or scouring when you cook electrically. That's because electric heat like electric light is clean. What's more, an electric oven can be fully insulated on all six sideal No heat leaks out to carry greasy cooking vapors to your kitchen walls and ceiling. So, why not get off the kitchen scrub team? Ask your Authorized Reddy Kilowatt Dealer for the facts about a dean-cooking electric range. JCP*L Jereaj Central FMrar a Llgkt LIVE WXKW... Electrically! See Your Authorized Reddy Kilowatt Dealer

25 Table Setting Contest Apr. 13 Naveaink, Bumson, BFD of Holm- Shrewsbury, Long Branch, A table setting contest for thedel, tubs which make up zone ten Shore Garden club of Elberon, at the Garden Club of New Jer-Groaey will be held Saturday, Apr. Asbury Park and Sea Girt and and Show Garden club of It, In tha China and Glan (hop Toms River Garden clubs. on Broad it. Bin. John N. Lan- Members of the garden depart- genberger of Navesink, the shop's table design consultant,! In charge. A committee of authorities on floral arrangement design and flower ihow Judging will gelect the winning entries. The winning club will receive a tea aervlce from the (hop own*? John Ballantlne. Um ten tact*** rv*m dwbt from Atlantic Highland!, west to Holmdel, and eouth to Tone River. Participating club* include Atlantic Highlands, Fair Haven, ments of the Evening department of the Red Bank Woman's club, and of the Little Silver and Point Pleasant Woman's cluba have been Invited. tuawc The ftflei««r't lamiflatf dvtrtim- BMBts aava nor* rtadarft which mtani mutm results 8OSBM*«baa what roa mat i will»h7 wkat roa kit* ta sail. GEMERM- DISHWASHER mnmvwmmmam NO MttlUTNN - HaWr -» ealeesatef es> aacavavarr - isr ea**s, Mas «> t, at jmm. COaVUTRT MTOsUlK. N*. Us* bsnma fmm tab- Ham, LOW-LOW PRICE A* Mia as$o.0oporwooi IfiEORGE C. KOEPPEL & SON me. AT FIRST AVft ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS T. coumous sitvici cost of living. electricity., RBCH Team Debates at NYU Tha R»d Bank Catholic hiqh school d abating team it ihown at New York univariity Fab. 16 whare it competed in tha fourth annual NYU Hall of Fame interteholaitic debating tournament. Of 67 schools from New York, Now Jorsay, Connecticut and Pennsylvania, Red Bank Catholic was among tha 16 finalitts. The team received a bronxe plaque and each mamber received tha NYU Hall of Fame debating medal. Seatad with Sister Mary Vincent, their faculty adviser, are, left to right, Peter Barrett, Jamas M. Rhoadet, Paul Cullen and Max J. Keck. Winning school wai Chaminade high school of Hinoola, Long Island. Stork Shower for Mr*. Colendio NEW SHREWSBURY Mrs. Joseph Colendio of Port Monmouth was tendered a stork shower recently at the home of Mrs. Eugene Reardon, Jr. Mrs Paul Naughton was co-hostess. Attending were Mrs. Robert Ruet, Atlantic Highlands; Mrs Robert MacLaughlin, New York Mrs. Jerry Reilly, Mrs. Agnes Mueller, Mrs. John Tieraan, Mrs. Harry Hayden, Mrs. Jean Ruck, Mrs. Margaret Brown and Mlsi Irene Naughton, Port Monmouth Mrs. Danny Casey, Allenhurst, nd Mrs. Loulie Streets and Mrs Jack O'Keefe, Mew Shrewsbury. The R«lwer'» alaailsad advertise* auata ha» awn raadm walcb saaai era neults tornaom hat what ro«want or will ear whet ree have ta tall Adnrtlstawit Big Men of the Hexagon FORT MONMOUTH Clarence L. Francis, chief of the liaison division, Army Signal Engineering laboratories, is from a long line of Monmouth county Francises, the flrit of whom settled around Adelphla In the late 1800's. Ctareace I* Franeia Mr, Francta was born in Adelpbia, lived In Ocean Grove, went to achool in Neptune, and now resides with his family on Deal lake (gurnet ave.,) Asbury Park. He met bis wife, Josephine, a native of East Orange, when both were attending school in Neptune. Their three daughters are married, and their son. William A, li attending; Newark College of Engineering. The daughters are lira. Helen Weeden, Asbury Park; Mrs. Virginia Forsyth, Fair Haven, and Mrs. Josephine Hayes, Asbury Park. There are five grandchildren. Before Joining the Signal laboratories 15 years ago this October, he served many prominent nonmilitary firms, among them the Thomas A. Edison laboratories ing deadline at t p. m. Instead la West Orange, when Mr. Edi-oson was still alive and active. quested by the clerks, who said midnight. This, too, was re- He was engaged in cost engineering; there. midnight at their municipal halls in the past they had to wait until Other previous positions were to aee if any petitions were to as chief accountant for John T. be filed. Rowland, who was architect-engineer for the War department Candidates now have 35 days for tht design and construction more In which to make up their of the Watson area and Evans minds as to whether they will laboratory buildings at Fort file. The election for municipal Monmouth, the Mathleson Alkali manager governing bodies Is May works, the Royal Insurance company and others. 14. The 40-day deadline is the same as that used for municipal elections in whii/h other forms of In World War I, as Sgt. Franels, he was attached to a large government apply. Army medical center In Vichy, France, in charge of evacuations. NAMED TO DEAN'S LIST During his school days in Neptune he played a lot of baseball. He held down second base in both school and sandlot semi-pro games. His studies after high school Included accounting, audit- Ing and commercial law. He devotes a great deal o( his off-time to his family, particularly his grandchildren. He takes them (all but the baby) on Iceskating expeditions on Deal lake. He is also a "Do It Yourself" devotee. He manages to fix almost anything around the house or grounds. These chores have Included building a bulkhead and some Interior decorating. For reading, he prefers articles and books on the Civil War, and other historical novels. He has visited Gettysburg and other battlefields. For family outings Mr. and Mrs. Francis prefer trips to New England. They know most of the better restaurants in New Jersey, New Yorn and New England. For personal relaxation he has followed a good many spectator sports, Including boxing, baseball, football and tennis. He formerly played a lot of golf, and still is a bridge addict. Governor Signs Election Bill,PTA Endorses Salary Scale FREEHOLD The executive board of the Freehold Regional High School Parent-Teacher association, SPECIALIZING JOBBING meeting at the school! SCREEN AND MTOBM KNCI.O8C BBS last week, passed a resolution S I..M FLACK supporting the falary scale»s requested TEL. SH 14MS by tiie Teachers' associ- ation. This will he presented for membership approval at the Mar. 27 meeting. Open Your Garage Door Thp resolution reads: "KHKOIVed that tht* executive committee lot the Freehold high school PTA wholeheartedly supports thu salary scale as requested by the Teachers' association o( the Freehold Regional hi^h irjtwi! " ft; c resolution was drawn up after' study and general discussion of salary schedules of high schools in nearby districts. Michael Isaacs, program chair j man, aald the March meeting will From THE Your Car!! feature a panel discussion in keeping with the unit's program theme. "In Partnership With; Youth." by Parents and Students. I The discussion will cover finances, drehft, outside activity, home responsibility, d r I n k i ng, smoking, dating and driving. Mrs. Edwin Bachman, parenteducation chairman, gave a report of the remedial reading conference she attended recently in New Brunswick, with Mrs. Kenneth Gordon, high school faculty member. The organization also sent Its founders' day contribution to the National Congress of Parents and Teachers. The P.T.A. sponsored a facultyvarsity basketball same arid dance at the high school Saturday night, for the benefit of the scholarship awards program. Mrs. Michael Santokas was chairman. Students gave a gymnastic exhibition between halves of the games, supervised by Emerson Dunton. Barbara Stroger, a hl,(h school student, was a guest at the session. She represented the school's Future Teachers of America organization and explained program. their TRENTON Candidates for of Capri hotel on Ocean ave. municipal council in Keansburg Mrs. Alfred Mlndnlch and Mrs. and Asbury Park now have until Harry Poatet are active chairmen, with Rev. Lewis A. Hayes, Apr. 4 to file their petitions as the result of a bill signed laat pastor, and Mn. Thomas Budd, Thursday by Gov. Robert B. Mey-societner. chairmen. There will be both president, as honorary The deadline for filing would square and ballroom dancing, have expired today under a law with music and calling by Stanley that has been in effect since. Mclntosh. World War. During the war an emergency bill wag passed setting deadline 78 days before the election, but through an oversight it was never rescinded. Recently, Borough Clerk Richard A. Jessen of keansburg, and City Clerk Mary V. Martin, of Asbury Park requested State Sen. Richard R. Stout to introduce a bill which would revert the deadline to 40 days. Clerks in other municipalities also asked that the bill be passed. It applies to six other municipalities which have the manager form of government. The new law also sets the fil- TRENTON Five Monmouth county residents who are students at Rider college were named to the Dean's list recently after winter term examinations. They ars Joseph Hughes, 90-A Linden pi.. Red Bank; Martin Selfrldge, U Oak pi., Fair Haven; Audrsy Schtrerthoffer and James Laird, Jr., Freehold, and David Egbert UM Tllton pl. ( Neptune. HONOR STUDENTS LEWISBURG. Pa. Three Bucknell university students from the Red Bank area have been cited on the dean's honors list for scholastic achievement during the first semester of the current academic year. They are Fredrlc P. Olsen, ion of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Olsen, Chapel Hill; Miss Carol M. I.e. Fever, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. LeFever, 12 Belleview ave., Leonardo, and Miss Cynthia F. DIelman, daughter of Mr and Mm. Albert S. DIelman, 41 Laurelwood dr., Little Silver. Olsen and Miss DIelman ars members of the sophomore clans at Bucknell, while Miss LeFever was graduated this month with the degree of bachelor of aru. MARDI GRA8 DANCE LONG BRANCH The Rosary and Altar society of St. Michael's Catholic church, West End, will hold an Informal Mardl Gras dance tomorrow night at the Isle RED BANK REGISTER Thiir=f)av. Feh TIMOTHY R. HOUNIHAN Contractor and Builder WITH A RADIO CONTROLLED ELECTRIC OPERATOR PRESS A BUTTON ON THE DASH OF YOUR CAR Tht OVIRHIAD DOOR wlocas«. opoas, tfct Ityti cwnt ON. Ofiet wltma you arm again. Tht door roh» smoothly down m i locks. Electric Operation Prolongs tht Ufo of Your Door IT'S CONVENIENT. SAFE, MODERATE COST BUY NOW-PAY LATER Easy Charge: Budget Plan Monmouth and Ocean Counties'! Leading Door Distributor Overhead Garage Doers Electric Operators Folding Doors - Partitions Visit Our Showroom See Our Display* OVER 30 YEARS o/ CONTINUOUS SERVICE Overhead Door Products Corp. ' P. O. Sox 4M, M talk, N. J. 4*5 SHRIWMURT AVENUI RID IANK, N. X Cal SHadyside "SO CONVENIENT! a personal checking account" You won't find a bigger bargain than electricity. While your electric bill may be higher, because you're using more about twice as much as 10 years ago if you're an average user the cost per kilowatt hour has steadily decreased. Today, your electric dollar buys nearly one>third more electricity than it did 10 years ago. Yes, electricity i$ a bargain. And the men and women of your electric company work constantly to keep it the bargain it is today. Jersey Centra) lower & Light (OMMNI fk T W$rthy of the Occasion is coming fo RedBonk There it nothing quite so convenient as having your own personal checking account. Pay bills from the comfort of your own home never worry about the weather; no running all over town. Convenient too, when you have a per«nunent record of all your payments! Be a good idea if you were to start a personal checking account today. MONMOUTH COUNTY NATIONAL ftlo Msmbtr FccUrsi Deposit Inturanct Corporation RED BANK LITTLE SILVER / KEYPORT / ENGLISHTOWN All Offlew Optn»:30 to t:00 P. M. on Friday HRVINO THI COMMUNITY FOR MORI THAN 92 V1ARS \

26 H-Tnundty, Feb. 28,1957 Girl Scouts May Fix Campsite RUMSON-MUs Jew Cameras, Girl Soout executive) of Northern Honmoutk eounty, ipoke befare memben of th«runuon Heifhborhood association recently at the home of lin Charle* Callman of Circle dr. be discussed plana to establish a eunptns site to be located In dmriet one. However, no deflatte fit* ha* u yet b»u decided Rfr) BANK REGISTER Mrs. Norman Buczek, program chairman lor Northern lionmouth county council, alao ni premnt. Plan* for a community-wide rally were discussed. It will be held in obaervtnce of the late Juliette Low'i birthdsy next month. She wai the founder of the Girl Scouti. The nominating committee presented its slate for the coming year. Named were llr*. George Clayton, chairman; Mrs. Louii Cooke, recording Meretary; Ilrt. Robert Thaler, corresponding ecretary, and Mn. Louie Deanl*. cookie ohairmaa. Smart, GALS... Q.F.G. IS COMIN* TO RID IANKI New Shrewsbury CD Talk Slated FORT MONMOUTH lfa. Donald K. Adams will be the guest speaker at tomorrow night's civil defeme meeting at New Shrewsbury. The aiaembly of the local organization will he held in the Tinton Falls school at I p. m. Directly connected with the over-all civil defense program, llaj. Adams' talk will be on "Communications In Support of Civil Defense from the National in the taral I-v»l " Hn alin will show a film on "Civil Communications for Civil Defense." Civil disaster control also will be covered In his talk. A native of Seattle, HaJ. Adams Is currently assistant chief of the signal plans and operations branch in the Signal school's officers' department. Col. (ret) Holmei G. Paul!in li director of the civil defense program In New Shrewsbury. VISIT MUSEUM, ZOO More than 100 students at Red Bank high school took a field trip to New Tork city Monday to Visit places of interest in their field of study. The students, all biology students, went to the American Museum of Natural History and the Central Park zoo. They were accompanied by Clement Jablonskl and Thomas Karlo, biology Instructors at Red Bank high. Cartoon Work To Be Shown NEW SHREWSBURY William Canfleld, Wayside rd., sports d editorial cartoonist for the Newark Evening News and teacher at the Newark Arts high school, will demonstrate cartooning at the meeting ot the Old Mill Art association here at B:30 p. m. next Monday. WUUaaa CaafleM Mr. Canfleld li a member of the National Cartoonists association of New Tork, comprising some of the nation's best known cartoonists and comic strip artists. At the meeting, Eleanor Gruler and Gertrude Tollman, will appear In a comedy performance of "The Hat Shop," produced by the Old Mill Drama group, tinder the direction of Anthony Carbone. Members also will see a Aim, "The Moor's Pa vane, " a variation on the theme of Othello, with dancing by Jose Limon and his group. More Babies- More Teachers TRENTON "New Jersey's galloping birth rate is to blame for the acute shortage of teachers," Miss Mule V. Scanlon of Atlantis City, vice president of the New Jersey Education association, told the association's executive board here last w-fc. Nearly twice as many babies are being born each year as there were 20 years ago, Miss Scanlon reported. As a result, she predicted that school enrollments will continue to rise, and with them the need for more and more teachen. Miss Scanlon uid "During th* 1930s, about 8S.0OO babies were born each year in our state. During the 40's, the average was about 74,000 a year. But In every year since 1980, mor«than 100,000 babies have been born In New Jersey, and for 1955, the figure was 121,000. "That Is why," eh. added, "the state department of education is already predicting school enrollments well over the million mark by IBM and as high as 1,TM,000 by 19W. Every 26 to SO more pupils means another teaching position, in a period when teachers are harder and harder to find." Parkway Settles For Rue Land Settlement In the amount of 140,000 for 47 acres of the Jacob Rue, Jr., dairy farm, used in construction of the Garden State Parkway was approved by the New Jersey Highway Authority at a meeting here last Thursday. Approval followed lengthy legal proceedings. The property is located in the Telegraph Hill section of Holmdel township. Representing Mr. Rue and hie wlfo wu Al«* > R»»Wm«n IT Red Bank attorney. Also approved was a $110,000 settlement for land formerly owned by subsidiaries of the R. H. Macy and Co., Inc., department store of New Tork city. Thle was located in the Paramus area of North Jersey. And a settlement for ISO.OOO was allowed for land in East Paterson. belonging to George and Anna Kami nsky. SCBAT DHVK SUNDAY HEADDEN'S CORNER MMdletown township fire company No. 1 of this place will conduct a scrap and paper drive Sunday at»:s0 a. m. The area to be covered Includes developments on both sides of rt 15 from Cooper's bridge to Five Corners. Material to be collected Includes paper, rags and scrap metal. William Bedford is chairman, and Joseph Donato, co-chairman. I DO NOT DISTURB! No, they're not sleepint^-they're pitying "JOTTO" Tha ehallangino, iuw word «amo avarybady li playlnf. at Home, an tripi aiiywhara rwo ar mara paopla flat tafjathar. Compactly portakla in ih map-apart twr cwnplata with pencil* and ««ara padt "JOTTO" naadt " tawa. M baard, «racks ar tllat. Juit map it apm and trait to playl Yau win at "JOTTO" by d!»eavari««yaur ** * < sacrat fiva4atrar ward thrauf h ellmimtiaa and daduetian., Tha pew#ct «ift far tha ward-hound at homo or abroad. I \ PLAY IT TONMMTI WHtTl ST. MDIANK SH. **! Utf Me* FAMOUS MAND LAMM SCION 21" TV NORSE AUTOMATIC WASHER 149 UVi CU. FT. MLUXI AUTOMATIC 2-DOOt tilt S49.9S J. 88 WASHER and DRYER 288 ONI FULL 30" DEUMI ELECTRIC RANGE 99 Lbt MM 299.fl FULLY AUTOMATIC WASHER COMPAMS WITH ANY SM.0O WASHIR TOP BRAND 17" PORTABLE TV 14" PORTABLE TV FLOOR POLISHER WESIMOHOUSE STEAM Ful Mb. Wrfagar WASHER 5 8 DORMEYER 1 All prices plus service warraatjr aad deliver? OPEN EVENINGS TILL 9 P 25 Monmouth St Red Bank SHadysfde Food Chopper I DOWN ^ PAYMENT TO ASBURY PARK LONG BRANCH KEYPORT FREEHOLD TOMS RIVER LAKEWOOD 2 SUCI AUTO. TOASTER 7 4 FT. ALUMINUM LADDER 7 " RCA PoftaM# TV68 No. I PL WEBCOR YEARS TO PAY BORDENTOWN TRENTON

27 RED BANK REGISTER Thursday. Feb. 28, Weddings, Engagements and Other Social News of Community Interest Meinert Pereinger Nuptials MIH Virginia Ann Melnert and Karl J. Penlnger, were married Saturday at the Red Bank Methodlet church by Rev. Roger J. quire, pattor. The bride ii the daughter of Mr. and Mra. Herbert ft. Melnert of East Waihlngton»ve., Atlantic Highland!, and the bridegroom's parents 'are Mr. and Mra. John W. Penlnger of ChiUleothe, O. The brlde'i gown was white lace, dealgned with a fitted bodice which bad long ileevai, and a floor length eklrt made of panels of lace. The bride's veil was fingertrip length, and the carried a cascade bouquet of white roses. Mrs. Harold McConnell of Springfield, Vs., Was matron of honor, and her gown m gold lace, cocktail length, worn with a matching gold tulle headpiece. She carried a small basket, tilled with yellow carnations and small yellow chrysanthemum*. The bridal attendants included Mrs. Summer Plunkett of Westpart, Conn., the bride's sister, Install Officers For Hazard Unit SHREWSBURY -i"lbs. Anth- S*y J. Ftaanl w*a Installed as president of the-new Rumson auxiliary of the Dr. B. C. Hazard Memorial hospital of Long Branch at a luncheon Thursday t Shadowbrook. Mra. David Feld, president of the combined auxiliaries of the hospital and representative to the hospital board of directors, conducted the installation. Also Installed were Mrs. Vincent McCarthy, Mn. W. Joseph Strubl* and Mrs. James Oravanf, vice presidents; Mrs. Marshad R. Stoeeker, recording seertfry; Miss Marie Hlntelmann,. itrrespondlng secretary; Mrs. Grace J. Coeentlno, financial sec? rotary, and Mrs. Lawrence Dolaa, treasurer. As its flrst project, the new unit will raise funds to purchase a basal metabolism machine for the hospital. Mrs. Oravany recently gave a tea In her home for that purpose end two-thirds of the oat ot the gift was raised. Quest speaker was Miss Florenoe Murphy, director of nurses at Hasard, who pointed out services an organisation of this type cm provide for patients and the hospital. Miss Murphy received her training at Jersey City Medical Center and Is a former director of nurses at the Pollack ollnle there. Others present were Mrs. J. D. Albaaese. Mrs. "Earl 8. Balrd, Mrs. William BoUnd, Mrs. O. Van Z. Bottrill, Mra. William F. Burks, Jr., Mrs. Elbert S. Camp, Mrs. Ralph A. Corley, Jr., Mrs. Chrta Blaster, Mrs. John R. Doisler, Mrs. Raymond Desmond, Mrs. John DUon, Mn. James J. Dooley, Mrs. Dennis J. Dougherty. Mrs. T. A. Dowd, Mrs. Thomas A, Dromgool, Mrs. T. A. Dowd, Mrs. Thomas A. Dromgool, Mrs. Joseph M. FlUgsrald, Mrs. James P. Fltsslmasons, Mrs. Thomas Fltutmmons, Mrs. Kenneth M. Fried*, Mrs. Ernest Oardella, Jr., Mrs. John Oardella, Jr., Mrs. Paul R. OlUen. Mrs. Alfred J. (Jelling. Jr., Mrs! Michael Ouartno, Mrs. Edwin M. Hardy, Mrs. Lyman Johnson, Mrs. G. C. Kelly, Mrs. William Lynch, Mrs. Robert Mao- Farlaos, Mrs. Ronald McCarthy, Mrs.. John McCauley, Mrs. William MeRoberts, Mn. Louis Mellaet, Mrs. Raymond A. Montemat, Mrs. Frank X. O'Connor, Mrs. John O'Rourke, Mrs. Frank C. Peuutl, Mrs. Louis B. Prentice, Mrs. Robert P. Russell, Mrs. Frederic Simon, Mrs. Ray Imtth, Mrs. Leo Stapleton, Mrs. James C. Streeter/ Mrs. Robert L. Thornton, Mrs. Lawrence 8, Wilkinson, Mrs. Daniel Winters and Mrs. Charlss L. Wood. MR.. MM. MOTn TRAVEL NVW SHREWSBURY -Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Moyes of Hops rd, sir* touring the southwest, on a vacation and pleasure trip following Mr. Moyes' resent retirement as a rural postal oarrler for the Eatontown post office, Mr. and Mrs, Moyea were guests I Bl Paso, Tex., and visited Juarez, on the Mexican border. Before returning, they plan to visit San Diego, Calif., and parts of Florida and the southern states.,. / Ft Mr. ana Mrs. Bart I. Ferslager and Misses Lola Mulr and Mary Lou Shaw, both of Atlantic Highlands. Their cocktail length dresses were mint green lace, worn with matching tulle headpieces. They too carried baskets filled with yellow Bowers. Louis Robertson of Avenel, specialist second class, was best man and the ushers were Llngle Triplett of Avenel and Joseph Keane, Long Branch, both specialists second class, and all stationed at Fort Monmouth, and John Persinger, Atlantic Highlands, the bridegroom's brother. A reception followed at the Leonardo American Legion hall. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Melnert chose a navy blue afternoon dress, with pink accessories. The bridegroom'! mother also wore navy blue, with white accessories. After Mar. 10, the couple will be at home at Navesink ave., Atlantic Highlands. The bridegroom Is stationed at Fort Monmoutb. Bapti tg Hear Harold Ashby LONG BRANCH Speaking on the subject of'' "Emancipation Continues What of Understanding?" Harold Ashby, Newark attorney, said "The emancipation of the Negro and other minorities in the country Is a continuing process." Mr. Ashby spoke Friday night at the Second Baptist church at the annual Negro history program. He pointed out that the battle for civil rights will not really be won until the majority of people have accepted democratic principles and discrimination has ceased not only because It is unlawful, but also because prejudice has been dispelled by understanding. According to Mr. Ashby, brotherhood Implies a community of interest which Is developed and maintained by using that which each ha! to share, "regardless of the bigness or the smallness of the contribution." MARCH CARDPABTT tlttle SILVER Bayview Forest Cedarettes, meeting recently at the fire Souse, completed plans for a card party to be held Wednesday night, Mar. It, at the Kensington lounge In Long Branch. Mrs. Karry Bktmgren and Mrs. Melton Worley will purchase Easter baskets for three Monmouth county children, muscular dystrophy victims. Mra. Edwin Jessup received a price. Chestnut Hill Unit Plans Benefit Party NEW SHREWSBURY The Monmouth club of the Chestnut Hill College Alumna* association will hold its'annual bridge luncheon Aug. W at Shadowbrook, Shrewsbury. Arrangements for It were made when th* group met at the home of the benefit chairman. Mrs. William R. Mahon, on Wyckham dr. The event will feature a fashion show by Btelnbaeh's. Committee chairmen include Mrs. James G, Ham, Fair Haven, fashions; Mrs Osrard F. Lee, Atlantic Highlands, table prises; Miss Martha Amend, Deal, prises, and Mrs. William Cantwell Fay, Jr., Spring Lake, tieksts. Margaret Powell, I. Thomas Cundiff FAIR HAVEN Mr. ud Mrs. John H. Powtll of 111 Park la. announce the engagement of their daughter, Miu Margaret Jean Powell, to I. Thomas Cundiff, Jr., eon of Mr. and Hn Ir) Cundiff <u Kaiamasoo, Mien. A June wedding la planned. Miss Margaret 9. Powell Miss Powell, a graduate of the Springfield, 111., high school, is a senior at Douglass college. Mr. Cundiff was graduated from Massachusetts Institute of Technology and attended Princeton university's graduate school, where he Is a candidate for his doctorate In mathematics. Ha Is a member of Sigma XI fraternity, the American Mathematical society, and an Instructor at St. Peter's college In Jersey City. Dorothy Kovact, George Nelson FORDS Mr. and Mrs. William V. Kovacs of 293 New Brunswick ave., announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Dorothy A. Kovacs, to George C. Nelson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nelson of Forest ave., Laurence Harbor. Miss Kovacs Is a Woodbrldge Ugh schoi senior. Mr. Nelson was graduated from Sayrevllle high school, and s In th* Navy. Masons to Hear Rev. Harry Pine Rev. Harry R, Fins, pastor of St Paul's Methodist church, Atlantic City, will be th* guest speaker at the annual Masonic service at Congregation Bnal Israel, Riverside ave., at»:15 p. m. tomorrow. Rev. Harry B. Rev. Mr. Pine, who was pastor at Old First Methodist church, West Long Branch, from 1(36 to IMS, was pastor at th* Greenwood Avenue Methodist church, Trenton, betoro going to Atlantic City In 1MB. His many top-ranking Masonic posts have placed him as past thrice illustrious master, field council 13, Royal and Select Mastors, Red Bank; past master, Long Branch lodge 78; past high priest, standard chapter 15, Royal Arch Masons. Long Branch; past grand high priest, grand chapter of New Jersey; present grand chaplain, grand council of Nw Jersey; past commander, Corsoa Commander? IS, Knights Templar, Long Branch; past associate grand prslate, Grand Commandery of New Jersey; member, Shrewsbury Priory, Knights of the York, cross of honor; member, Excelsior Consistory, Valley of Camdsn; Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, and member of Crescent tempi*, Trenton, A.A.- O.N.M.8. 2 New Members Aid RiverWew UTLE SILVER Mrs. F. M Holsten and Mrs. W. H. Richmond joined the' local auxiliary of Rlvervlew hospital at its recent meeting at St. John's Episcopal parish beuse. John Seddtn outlined Riverview's fund-raising program,and explained Its alms, Introductions ware made by Mrs. E. R. Weav- ty. Refreshments-were served by Mrs. Theodore Caffyn and Mrs. Henry Bnyder. Attending were Mrs. George Is made up of representatives of Fary, Mrs. Richard Wldrlch, the borough's social, religious Mrs. Raymor.i Hill, Mrs. Douglass Burkett, Mrs. William White, Mrs. Raymond Tomalno, Mra. er, chairman of the auxiliary Pster Tomalno, Mrs. Fred Wolf, committee arranging for a contribution to the new wing at Rlv- Kaufmann, Mrs. Robert Hayes Mrs. Ernest Whalen, Mrs. James ervlew. Following th* business and Mrs. Carolyn Haggaman. meeting, surgical dressings wsrs mad*.. BROWNIES BKATB EATONTOWN-Brownle Scouts of district one took part In a skating- party at the Neptune Roller rink on Washington's birthday. The rink was reserved for Brownies and several special skating events wws arranged.. Anniversary Party For Legion Auxiliary EATONTOWN The Ladle*' auxiliary of the American Legion met at the Legion hall last week for a secret pal anniversary par- PUPILS SURPRISE TEACHER NEW BHREWBBURY-Fourth grade pupils at TliUon Falls school recently gave their teacher, Mrs. W. Grandln Van Note, a surprise birthday party. Judy Wilde, Linda DeAngella, Debbls Dunn, Susan Banner, Nancy Ball ly, Judy Hull and Honey Baer made the arrangements. Married at St. Anthony's Mr. aad Mrs. Joseph Oeerge Makely At St. Anthony's Catholic church Sunday, Miss Audrey Alberta, Theresa Burns, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P.. E. Burns of Staten Island, became the bride of Joseph George Makely, son of Mrs. Mary Makely of Shadow Lake dr., River Plaza. Msgr. Salvatore DiLorenio, pastor, officiated. Bouquets of pink and white chrysanthemums, carnations and daisies, decorated the church. Mrs. John Famulary was organist, and Miss Rose Plngatoro, soloist. A reception was held at Buck Smith's restaurant at Eaat Keansburg. The bride was given In marriage by Frank -Gibbons of Brooklyn, and were a princess styled gown of Italian silk, trimmed on the neckline and sleeve* with lac* inserts. She had a three-tier veil, and carried a white orchid on a prayer book, with streamers of valley lilies. Miss Marlon Blye of Staten Island was matron of honor, and Mrs. Elizabeth Doscher of River Plaza was the bridesmaid. Both were dressed alike. in taffeta gowns, the honor attendant in green, and the bridesmaid in University Croap To Meet Monday RUMSON Dr. Ruth Z. Temple of the English department of Brooklyn college, who has dona graduate study on a fellowship grant from the American Association of University Women, will speak on the subject, "No Wife so Wonderful As Thirst," at a meeting of the Northern Monmouth county branch, A.A.U.W., next Monday night at Presbyterian Fellowship hall here. Members of the association's recent graduate group will hold a cake sale at th* meeting to raise funds to award a 2S government bond to a Red Bank high school senior planning to enter college next September. The winner will b* chosen by the high school {acuity, and will receive her award at graduation exercises in June. At a branch board meeting Tuesday at the horn* of Mrs. Robert E. Billings at Nsw Shrewsbury, th* following meetings and activities war* announced: Literature group, Monday, Mar. 11, 3 p. m., bom* of Mrs. Lei and Crafts* 170 Hudson ave.. Red Bank; oil painting, Thursday, Mar. It and Thursday, Mar. 26, both at 1 p. m., and both at the home of Mrs. Richard. Marsen, Oak Hill rd., Mlddletown township; gourmet group, Tuesday, Mar. 13, 8:15 p. m., home of Mrs. Danish Huebner, 103 Queen's dr., Little -Silver,-' with a demonstration on French pastry; International relations, Wednesday, Mar. 13, (:1S p. m.. home of Mrs. 8. B. Miller, 61 King's highway, Mlddletown, Miss Mary Virginia Gavsr, associate professor at Rutgsrs university, who will give an Illustrated lecture, "A Visit to Iran." Drama group, Tuesday, Mar.», t:l5 p. m., meeting place to be announcsd, discussion on Voltaire's "Candid*" and Rostand's "Cyrano ds Bergerac;" French conversation group, Thursday, Mar. 14, S p. m., boms of Mrs. B. 8. Sanderson, 1«Winding way, Little Silver, and Wednesday, Mar. 27, meeting place to be announced, and a lecture tour of the French aad English period rooms of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Apr. IT. 11 a. m. Final Instructions For Square Dancers EATONTOWN The final tostruction meeting for the local squsre dance group will be held tonight at 8 o'clock at Memorial school auditorium, sponsored by the recreation commission, which and fraternal organizations. George Krassner of Elisabeth pkwy. Is ths group's caller and teacher. Sessions have been attended by local residents and those of surrounding areas. Th* present group will conclude Its program at a square dance party at the school Mar. 14, whan members of square dance clubs of the county, as well as a group of well-known callers, will be guests, Another class for beginners starts Mar. 29. It will concluda activities In May. No problem Unitlni ttnantl whin rou dvartli* Th. RtdiMr w»». Adver. tluutnt. f pink. They wore horsehair crown caps, trimmed with veils matching their gowns, and carried bouquets of pink and whit* chrysanthemums, carnations and daisies. Valerie Makely was the llower girl, and her frock was pink taffeta, styled with a bustle back. She wore a matching crown cap, and carried pink and white flowers Ṫhe bridegroom's mother wss dressed In gray lace over pink taffeta, with matching gray accessories and orchids. ' Martin Moylan of the Bronx, was best man, and Mr. Gibbons was the usher. For her wedding trip to the Poconos, the bride wore a black wool suit trimmed with mink and all white accessories. The couple will stay at the High Point inn, and upon their return will reside at» Shadow Lake dr., Rtver Plaza. The bride, a secretary in the offices of the Telephone company in New York city, was graduated from Prospect Heights high school, Brooklyn. The bridegroom is a fire marshal, employed by the Pennsylvania Railroad. St. James PTA Faculty Party Mrs. Charles W. Lyon and Mrs. John Movelle were chairmen of a card party and fashion show Thursday at Red Bank Catholic high school, sponsored by Bt. James Parent-Teacher association. Funds raised will provide graduate summer study for faculty members at colleges and universities. Fashions were shown by Mustillo'a and the Bob and Betty shop. Mrs. William A. Lee was commentator. Models for the Mustlllo clothes were the following Red Bank Catholic high school students, Frances Goff, Clyde Fitzgerald, Elizabeth McVey, Patricia Hlntelmann, Mary Jo Rocco, Marie Harding, Patricia Bruciek, Maria Kerbs, Eileen Ziglsr and Carol Shaheen. The Bob and Betty shop clothes were for small children to preteen age. Models were Jeffrey Little, Bruce Ryan, Lawrence McGough, Carol Jordan, Mary Ann Thorpe, Patricia Lang, Arllne Wlerzbickl, Mary Matera, Barbara Nelson, Eileen Sagurton, Elisabeth Movelle, Deborah Learn Christine Oswald, Claire Rocco, Kathleen McKenna, Nancy Stefftn, Barbara Thorpe, Nina Lyon, Ann Marie Copperthwalte, Nina Lyon, Elisabeth Mulligan, Dale Cecero, Lynn Angerole, Patricia Keaveney, Constance Rice and Carol Kretowlcz. Alumnae Club Plang Benefit FAIR HAVEN At the first meeting of the year of the Shore Wing of the New Jersey Manhattanvllle Alumnae club, held last week at the home of Mrs. Philip Bowers, Grange ave., plans were mads for a buffet supper and dance to be held at the Union house Sunday. May It, to benefit the college's development fund. The committee for the affair consists of Mrs. Richard Shanley, Red Bank, and Mn. Edmund Sullivan, Mrs. Richard Emery and Mrs. John Dixon, Rumson, Mrs. Frank Kldwell, Uncroft, reed a letter of appreciation from St. Catherine's parish for the Christmas gift which the group had presented. Plans were made to send a spiritual bouquet to' th* college at Purchase, N. Y., to notify officials of the part that the local group Is taking In the world's crusade for freedom, especially In regard to Hungary. Others present were Mrs. Edward O'Mara, Jr., Mrs. Hoffman Smith and Miss Corbln Smith, Little Silver; Mrs. James Walters, Fair Haven; Mrs. Lulgl Dlonlsl, Mrs. Charles Meehan, Mrs. William Glover, Mrs. J. Frank Holland, Mrs. John J. Kanner and Mrs. Daniel McCoy Winters, Rumson; Mrs. Arnold McCaffrey, Spring Lake; Mrs. August Bchweers, Shrewsbury, and Mrs. Frank McHugh, Red Bank. FLORIDA SOJOURN LONG BRANCH Mr, and Mrs. Dorman McFaddln of 290 Broadway left Monday for a two months' stay at Miami Beach, Fla. Mr. McFaddln Is a' former surrogate of Monmouth icounty. DAVIEfl- SOUTH ARBOY- Miss Agnes Theresa Davies, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Davies of Cliffwood Beach, became the bride of Robert F. Leslie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Leslie of South Amboy, Saturday In St. Mary'i Catholic church. Rev. Thomas Carnev, pastor of Holy Angels Catholic church, Trenton, officiated at the double-ring ceremony and celebrated the nuptial mass which followed. Joseph Davits, father of the bride, was soloist. Mrs. Robert Dimsey of Laurence Harbor was organist. Given In marriage by her father, the bride wore a full-length gown of Spanish lace re-embroldered with sequins and pearls with a chapel-lengfli train. H«r fingertip-length veil fell from a crown of pearii and ahe carried wine-colored roses. Miss Edna Komlnklewlcs of South Amboy wss maid of honor. Her waltx length gown was. whits lace over aqua taffeta. Her flowers were aqua and white carnations. ' Mies Barbara Luiohlnger of Cllffwood was bridesmaid. Her gown and headpiece were styled Ilk* that of the honor attendant, on whit* lace over pink taffeta. She carried pink and white carnations. Rosemary Harrigan, Woodbrldge, cousin of the bridegroom, was flower girl. Her whit* lac* gown was worn over yellow taffeta. She wore a yellow bonnet and carried a small bouquet of yellow and white carnations. Paul Vail was best man. Martin Hetzger ushered. Both reside here. The bride's mother wore Dior blue lace and a white orchid corsage. Ths bridegroom's mother chose a royal blue taffeta dress and a white orchid corsage. A reception followed at the Bel-Air, Perth Amboy,' after which the couple flew to Miami Beach. For traveling, the bride wore a gold lace and taffeta dress with dark brown accessories and a corsage of white orchids. The bride was graduated from St. Mary's high school and is employed by the Bell Telephone company In South Amboy. The bridegroom also was graduated from St Mary's high school and attended Belmont Abbey, N. C. He Is employed in the photo division of DuPont d* Nemours company, Parlln. They will reside on Raritan St., South Amboy. TOMBS MC GOWAlf KBYPORT Mlu Joyc* Dorothy Tombs, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tombs of Atlantic St., and Thomas Martin McGowan, son of M>. and Mrs. Thomas McGowan, also of Atlantic st., wet* married Saturday In the rectory of St. Joseph's CathoUe church. Rev. Charles O'Shaughnessey officiated at the doublering ceremony. Escorted by her father, th* bride wore a ballerina-length gown, designed with a lac* bodice and a tulle skirt, trlmed with appliques of lace. Her vlel was attached to a half-hat of lace and her crescent shape bouquet waa camellias and roses. Mrs. Harold McKenna of Matawan was her only attendant. Her gown was orchid nylon tulle over taffeta, made ballerinalength, and worn with a matchtap heart-sahped hat. Her bouquet waa orchid rose* and carnations. Robert McGowan of Matawan of Matawan was his aaphsw's best man. The brlds's mother wore a black dress trimmed with rhinestones, a white hat and pink roses. The bridegroom's ntther wore powder blue lace, a brown velevet hat aad yellow roses. After a reception at the borne of th* bridegroom's parents, th* couple left for a wadding trip to Canada. Upon their return, they will live in Union Beach. The bride's travalng suit waa beige with matching hat, back accessories and a corsage of pink roses. Both the bride and bridegroom attended Keyport high schoo. Mrs. McGowan Is empoyed by J. J. Ntwberry at Keyport. Mr. McGowan Is employed at the Acme Market In Keyport He Is a member of the Lakewood Natlone.1 Ouard unit. MARVEL-PANKO MATAWAN Miss Valerie Mona Marvel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Marvel of Broad St., and John Panto, son of Mrs. Alex Panko of Clarksburg, and th* late Mr. Panko, were married last Thursday at th* Matawan Baptist parsonage. Rev. Lawrence Bailey, pastor, officiated at a double ring ceremony. Mr. Marvel gave his daughter In marriage, and her princess designed gown was crystalctta, mad* with a scoop neckline and long full sleeves. She had a matching headband covered with forget-me-nots, and she carried a white prayer book with spraya of orchids. Miss Shirley Marvel was her sister's only attendant, and her pals pink princess styled crystalette gown had a sweetheart neckline and short sleeves. She wore a matching pink headband, and carried sprsys of white orchids. Alex Fanko of Woodbrmga was best man for bis brother. When the couple return from a wedding trip to Florida and Cuba, they will reside in Matawan. Th* bride's traveling costume was a tweed suit with bittersweet colored accessories. The bride was graduated from Matawaa Ugh school, and Is employed at the Signal Corps laoratorlss at Fart Monmouth. Th* bridegroom was graduated from Freehold high school, and attended Rutgsrs university. He operates his own poultry business In Woodbrtdg* and Perth Amboy, and served In ths Navy four years. It <!* up I Mere»4 isoft ptoplt JM R«sl»t.i adi weh Iwiit b«aum retullt» ta«tar. AS>*T>IHMI>«. Bayshore Couple Wed Mr. aad Mrs. Jeba ABea L*tkr**> BELrORD-Mla* Barbara Ann Harriett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Harnett, 8r., 843 Garfleld ave., Belford, became the bride of John All** Lathrop, son of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Lathrop of Carteret, Saturday at the Methodist church. Rev. Robert A. Blackman, pastor, officiated at the double ring ceremony. Mr*. Xdna Melon* was the soloist; Mrs. John Lenti, organist. Given In marriage by her father, the bride wore a gown designed with a rosepolnt lace bodice with a portrait neckline of hand-clipped lac* edged with pleated nylon tulle and short sleeves. The bouffant skirt of nylon tulle had a flounce of lace which made a chapel-length train. Her fingertip-length veil fell from a coronet of nesrls and she carried white roses and chrysanthemums. Miss Arietta Spear* of Leonardo, maid of honor, wore a gown of periwinkle crystaliaed taffeta. Her small hat was made >f matching material and she carried pink rose* and chrysanthemums. Miss Alice M. Hartman of Port Monmeuth and Mis* Diane Newman of Carteret, sister of the bridegroom, were bridesmaids. They war* th* tame style gown FLEMING-SEXTON NEW MONMOUTH Miss Joan Mary Fleming, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Emmet Fleming of King's highway, Mlddletown, and Richard John Sexton, eon of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cantwell Sexton of Madison, Wl*.. were married Saturday at St. Mary's CathoUe church. Rev. Thomas Fleming, 8.J., officiated at the ceremony and celebrated the nuptial mas* which followed. Escorted by her father, the bride wore a gown of ivory peaude-sole, fashioned with a fitted bodice and sleeves of Ivory lace and a bell-shaped shut which ended in a chapel train. Her fingertip Illusion vsll was attached to a cap of matching lace and sh* carried a prayerbook with white orchids and stephanotl*. Mrs. George A. Sheehan of Rumson, th* bride'* sister, ud Mis* Cialr* Murphy, New York city, were th* honor attendants. Th* bridesmaids were Hisses Ruth Rigney, Red Bank; Joan Sexton, th* bridegroom's sister, and Bally Ann dessert, Harrison. All wore gowns of cerulean blue peau-de-sole and carried white tulips. Janes J. Sexton was his brother's best man. The ushsrs were Peter E. Fleming, Jr., of New Haven, Conn., and John L. Fleming, Mlddletown, the bride's brothers, William L. F. Fslstlner, New Haven, Conn., and Charles Trttsler, Chicago, 111. A wedding reception and breakfast wss held at Shadowbrook, Shrewsbury. Mn. Sexton was graduated from Manhattanvill* College of th* Sacred Heart at Purchase, N. Y. Mr. Sexton was graduated from the University of Wisconsin and served in th* Navy three and a half years. Hs Is a student at Yale university's law school in New Haven, Conn. STANKO-JOHNSON KEANSBURG- Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Btanko of Church st. announce the marriage of their daughter, Miss Carol Stanko, to William Edward Johnson, ion of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Johnion of Oak Hill rd., Mlddletown. The wadding took place Feb. 1«at Manassas, Va. Women's Evening Group To Hold Spring Dance and headpiece aa th* honor attendant, In blue, aad carried cascade pink carnations and chrysanthemum*. William H. Young, Jr., of Carteret, uncle of the bridegroom. was best man. Ushering were John Young of Carteret, uncle of j the bridegroom, and William R. Harnett, Jr., Belford, brother at the bride. The bride's mother wore slat* blue lace over rose beige taffeta with a navy blue hat and corsag* of pink roses. Mrs. Lathrop wore a dusty rose lace gown with a pink velvet hat and a corsage of pink roses. A reception followed at Buck Smith's restaurant, 3ast Keensburg, after which the couple left for Washington, D. C. For traveling, the bride wore a beige wool dress with dark brown accessories and a eorsag* of ptnk carnations. The bride graduated from Mlddletown township high school and I* employed -by th* Fidelity Union Trust company, Newark. Th* bridegroom waa graduated from Henry Snyder high school, Jersey City, and attended Jersey City junior college. He served In the Army m Korea. He I* a draftsman with the telephone company at Newark. They Will reside at T5 Oil** ave., Jersey City. BABBITT WHITE JERSEY CITY Announcement is made of the marriage of Mis* Margaret Babbitt, daugher of James Babbitt of 813 Ocean ave. and th* late Mrs. Babbitt, to John Joseph White of Atlantic ave., Matawan, Fab. at BL Patrick's Catholic church. Rev. Adam Kearns officiated at th* double-ring ceremony. The bride, given In marriage by her father, wore a gown of Chaatllly lace and tulle, with a fingertip-length veil aad she carried a prayer book with orchids. Miss Ann Babbitt waa her sister's maid of honor. David Shaw, Windsor, Conn., was best man. After a reception at tha Hotel Fairmount In Jersey City, the couple left for a wedding trip to Washington, D. C. Tha bride waa graduated from All Salute high school in Jersey City aad Is employed by Western-Electric, at Kearny. Tha bridegroom was graduated from St. Marys high school In South Amboy and th* Newark School of Fin* and Industrial Arts. He Is attending New York university, and is employed by Graphic Commertclal Art Service in New York city. Scouts Attain Jamboree Coal OAKHURST Chairman Kendall Lee, Aabury Park, announced this wsek that ths full quota of IBS scouts and Isader* for the national Jamboree and world encampment had been filled by the Monmouth Council of Boy Scouts. Five county boys, whose names were not disclosed, will attend th* world encampment or "Jamboree Jubilee" in England, to be followed by a visit to France, Belgium, Wast Germany and Switzerland. They will leave N*w York City July 2, returning Sept. 4. Scout Executive J. Fred Blllett said 6u county troop* will be represented at the national Jamboree, at Valley Forge, Pa., Jaining some 49,00 others from throughout the United States and from a number of foreign countries. While reservations are now fllled, Mr. Blllett said alternates ars being signed up should any ot th* boy* have to cancel plan* or become transferred. The county group will leave here by bus several days prior to the opeaing of the national Jamboree and will It*»t V*ll*y Forge a full tea days, As to the European tour, Mr. BlUitt eald the boys will pay their own way and are earning NEW SHREWSBURY - Ths evening group of the Women's Community club met Thursday at the home of Urs. Charlss B. Long of Gleiiwood dr. to plan for a spring dance. Refreshments were served. New members welcomed were Mrs. George Brennan, Mrs. Casstus F. Whltehlll, Mrs. Francis {this money. The encampmtnt In, Mrs. Glen Appleyard, Mrs. Warren Carrlgan, Mrs. Albert Goldstein and Mrs. Louis Ansyarek. i England will mark scouting'* Mta anniversary and th* 150th birthday ot Its founder, Lord Baden- Powell. t

28 Meyner Often firemen Hope Gaming Laws May Be Changed LONG BRANCH Fire- BMn who are disappointed over Boor returns from bingo and raffles came* were told here Monday that Gov. Robert B. Meyner believe* ctaancee can be made in Ike gaming laws. The governor, unable to come himself, sent his executive secretary, Brandon T. Byrne, here to talk to the Monmouth County Firemen's aasodation on the istat. Addressing ISO of the county's lore than 4,000 firemen, Mr. Byrne aaid: "The governor feels that blnxo and raffles legislation now on the books does not necessarily have to stay on the books." Also at tha meeting were Sen. Richard R. Stout <R.-Monmouth), Atsemblyman Clifton T. Barkalow (R.'-Jtonmouth), Arthur A. Weller, executive director, Legalized Garnet of Chance commission, and Merritt Lane, commission member. 'Education Is a Need' Sen. Stout told the firemen that some legislators and voters fear changes in the gaming laws 'might turn New Jersey into another Las Vegas," and aaid these people do not see the problem in the same light as firemen of this area who depend upon Income rum the games to iiuancs their companies. "They must be educated to all phases of tha probl " h id Cheer up hut-in or sick friend with beautiful bouquet 1 flowe*». SFECIAX THIS WEEK MM* «. Iris UTTUSILVIR 141 MOAD ST. RIOIANK SH SH p lem," he said. Mr. Barkalow problem Is one to be dealt with on a state-wide basis" and that people in other counties need to become "acquainted with probl fti lt fi also said tha P. WadlaurUa, Haslet, vice chairman, bingo and raffles committee. rrottem Former Chief Dominic Figaro of Red Bank said the people, once happy to vote for the legalized games, had become disappointed to find they work out as they do. Less than 1*00 per company went 4HL each Red Bank company as a result of last year's raffle of a car, he said, adding "that is no money to run fire company with." Ernest Walling, Keyport, association president, asked why firemen who put in thousands of hours a year, ruin their clothes and lose sleep should be deprived of making money to pay for equipment." When CommliSioner Weller said it might be best to put a stop to the draw raffle tor money or restrict it only to drawing nights, the firemen objected vigorously, saying they should have at least BO days to sell chances. The Monmouth group was given support by visitor* headed by a delegation from Mercer county. It put forth the itand that either the firemen should be allowed to do the gaming at a profit or face ruin. Norman Wright, president of the Mercer County Firemen's aasodation said that, as things are, "pretty soon we'll be raffling off Mro engines to pay for fire houses." p lem* confronting volunteer fire departments." If changea are to be made, said Mr. Lane and Mr. Weller, It will be up to the legislature to make them. What They Waal The officials heard proposals by the firemen's association to revise the rules in ways that would make gaming bring in greater returns. The group wanu applications for permission to run mv. been spending two weeks the games simplified, unlimited wltn their son and daughter-inuse of advertising, permission to lawi Mr, ^4 Mrs. John Baylor Colt's Neck Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Baylor been spending two weeks award free door prizes up to a value of 11,800 a month and tha right to give cash prizes In onpremlses play. It also wants to legalise bus transportation to the games within a radius of 80 roles, outdoor bingo, off-premiss sals or club tickets 30 days prior to draw- Ing time, display of raffle prizes and the right to sell more than on* rams ticket at a discount price. And it asks that the total of prizes awarded In any calendar year be increased to 120,000, call- Ing it "not equitable that bingo games msy award prizes up to S2,O0O total per year In cash while raffles are limited to 18,000 In merchandise alone," A document on these change requests was ottered up by Ed- Special ot the Week! FAMOUS HELBROS and GRUEN WATCHES MsW'Ssml LAWK 1 Up to 70IiOFF ALS DISCOUNT HOUSE Ths Star* That It DMFarMt OFIN MRY DAY 11 t* «FRIDAY TILL t AB R n t QnsJItr MeftfcaasUss Hooey Cheerfully BsftwsM 62 Whit* St. R«d Icmk (Barn tsars sal Lesa's) and family at Penn State college. Pa. John Baylor It a professor at Fenn State. The Junior youth fellowship of the Reformed church will hold a roller skating party tomorrow night at Neptune. Ash Wednesday services will be held Mar. 6 at 7:30 p, m. at the Reformed church directed by the pastor. Rev. Bile F. deuttre. Altar flowers will be given Sunday in memory cf John M. Rencken, by Ms daughter, Mrs. T. N. Parmly. John Dymterko of New st. Is building and addition to his home. Mrs. Irving Gemmell, chairman, has announced that the Heart fund drive In Atlantic township will be concluded today. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bahrenburg were host* Friday at a dinner meeting for members of the Mr. and Mrs. club. Members voted a $50 contribution to ths Reformed church to repaint ths Sunday-school rooms, Attending wers R«v. and Mrs, Kile F. delattra. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Herbert, Mr. and Mrs. Oarrett Thompson, Mr. and Henry Hammond, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Philip Matthews and Mr. and MM. William MUai. The club will bold a bowling party in March. East Keaniburg The birthday of Mrs. Lena Candelora was observed by the Secret Pal club Saturday at ths horns of Mrs. Joseph Vesper on Kentucky ave. Attending wers Mrs. Clifford Oamache, Mrs. OHver Holland, Mrs. Thomas Gorman, Mrs. Fred Veth, Mrs. Henry Stover, Mrs. Vincent Calabrese, Mrs. James Paraey and Mrs. Harold Cruse. Mrs. Oaroache win be the nest hostess. The first Neighborhood association meeting was, held at the Bayshore Community church Monday. Mrs. William Krueger la chairman and Mrs. Frank Rita was mads head of pubhelty. The members discussed holding day trips to ths Ctrl Scout camp and other activities for the Brownie and <Hrl Beout troops. Meetings are to be held monthly at the church. CLEARANCE! Floor Models - AS LOW AS OUR COST DE LUXE AUTO WASHER KHOW Regularly $ SALE.- lervlee sad delivery extra. 32"x32 "WAS Shower Stall Regularly $5M5 SALE... DELUXE REFRIGERATOR 11 CUMC FT. CAPACITY NwtiMwXy KMWI MfjM S YMT Warranty Regularly $ A L C. 'lyy' lerrlm e«4 delivery extra. DE LUXE ELECTRIC DRYER NofiOfiwiy Known Regularly $ SALE lerrlea and deliver? extra, "HARDWirTatotopfias Regularly... $t3».»s SALE. '104-7 * DE LUXE REFRIGERATOR with UPAIATI 10.1 CUC FOOT CAPACITY Regularly $ *W et"! Bel..e *>» slt**l S) eabfw JV lervloe and d.llvery ealra. RARITAN SUPPLY CO. 41 MONMOUTH ST. PHONE SH 7-U56 RED IANK *Vfcsw tbbbhfbbaribabt sal ss. f^tabpv absf sssbi jbsbbs^bbanu ed ordinance that wulatroduced at a regularly held meeting of the Town.hlp Committee of th* Township of Middletown on February 27. 1W7. end passed flrat rutting and was laid over for further «on«ideratlup upon second and linal passage to a meeting of the eald Town-.hlp Committee to be held et the Commute. Meeting Rooms in th. Middletown Township Hall, at State Highway Route 35 and King. Highway. Middletown, N. J., on Wedneaday, March 0. 1MS7 at 3:30 o'clock p.m.. at which Urn..11 person! Interested will bs given aa opportunity to be heard. HOWARD W. ROBERTS Township Clerk. AN ORDINANCE FURTHER AMEND- ING AND SUPPLEMENTING "AN ORDINANCE LIMITING AND RE- STRICTING TO BPBCmC DISTRICTS AM) REGULATING THEREIN LAND. BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES AC CORLINQ TO THR USE IN THB TOWNSHIP OF MIDDLETOWN, COUNTY OF MONMOUTH AND PRO- VID1NQ FOR THE ADMINISTRA- TION AND ENFORCEMENT OF TUB PROVISIONS CONTAINED HEREIN. CONTAINING AND FIXINO PENAL- TIBS FOR THE VIOLATION THERE- OF," APPROVED APRIL 36, AND AS FURTHER AMENDED AF- A «V M&eA/iiD neadziiv SY T11S TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE ON FEB- RUARY IT, 1S5T. WHBRBAS. the Townahlp Committee of the Township of Mlddletown recogniaes that It Is In harmony with the public interest and within ths police power aa eel forth In enabling leguia. lion of thi Bute of New Jersey, sad In accordance with a comprehensive plan for the development ol the municipality, to promote health,, and general welfare; to prevent the overcrowding ol land end-or buildings; to secure aafety from fire, panic or other denser.: to provlda light and air; to lasssn congestion In the etreeta, roads and al*hways; to avoid undue concentration of population; to conserve the value of property: and to encourage th. approprlate uae or lend and buildings throughout the municipality; by dividing the Townahlp into lone, or dletrlcts e» e> to limit; restrict, ana regulate therein th. UM of land and Uw construction end use ot buildings and structures accord- Ing to their construction and nature of their uae; aad WHEREAS, In order to uterus, the efficiency of hlghweye end to Insure their serving their primary function ol moving vehicular traffic, It Is deemed essential to the general welfare to see thai every effort Is made to protect highway frontage from haphazard development; and that any land use slant major highway! should be guided In luch e way aa to reduce to a minimum the friction between moving traffic and vehicle, that are entering or leaving the moving stream of traffic; and lessening of congestion on highways will contribute to public safety and ths ganerel well-being of the Township, the state; and imperative that the Township provide for well planned and Industrial development which, by the nature ot Ita use, must ba related to tha highway and transportation arterlei; and that auch uses can ba appropriately and compatibly Intermixed with the normal agricultural and residential use. only under speclel standards and by proper guld' anca front local authorities. THEREFORE, It li hereby declared br the Township Committee that the proper utilisation of land, along highway, to meet these end! should be encouraged by the eilabllahment of appropriate uses therefor, now therefore BE IT ORDAINED by the Townihlp Committee cf trie Townihlp of Middletown, County of Monmouth and Stats ol New Jersey, that the above entitled ordinance be further amended and supplemented as follows: SBCTION ONB: Article. lection 1 Is emended and supplemented to rsad aa follows: For the purpos. of promoting the heelth, safety, moral! and general waller, of th. community, tor the purpose of lessening congestion in the streets, tor the purpose ol securing lately from fire, panic and other dsngera for the purpose of preventing the ovarerewdlng of land and avoiding undue concentre, tun of population, for tha purpose ol facilitating adequate provisions of transportation, water, sewerage, schools, park, and other public requirement., for the purpes. ol consenting the value ef bulldlnga and encouraging the moat appropriate use of lanj throughout ins Townahlp, tor the purpose ol providing for publlo health, comfort and general welfare In living and working conditions, and for Ihe purposes of regulating and restricting the location of tradca and Industries and location ot bulldlnga designed for specific uaea, for the purpose ot regulating and limiting th. height and the bulk of the bulldlngi which are hereafter erected, aad for th. purpos. of regulating and determining of yard., court, and other open at/acea tor buildlcga hereafter erected, the Townsntp of Mlddletown Is hereby divided into eleven (11) aaasea of Zone.: 'AA' 1 Residence Zone. "A" Residence Sone. "B-'-Reildenoe Zone. "C" Residence Zone. "D" Residence Zone. "B" Residence Zone. "F" Business Zone. 'FBC Business Commercial. 'FBR" Business Retail. "Q" Industrial Zone. 'B"-Undtveloped. as described In partlculer herein and as shown In part on the Zoning Map filed In the Mlddletown Township Hall, and entitled "Zoning Map of the Township of Mlddletown, August 1, UM". and ai later amended. SBCTION TWO; Two new article, shall be added to snd made a part of tha abovs entitled ordinance and inserted, at the end of Articl. Vlll thereof and Immediately praeedlnt Artiel* IX, entum and rasa- Ing st follows: ABTICLB VTH <A> BOUNDARIES OF IONB BUSINESS COMMERCIAL SECTION 1. For greater certainty, ton. FBC Ruelnees commercial. Is hereby described aa follows: TRACT 1. All that area located on Uu Easterly aid. ol Sew larsey State Highway Route 35 and bounded and descrlbed aa follows: On the North by the southerly line of Crestvlsw Drive and a projection Easterly thereof; on the Eaat by a line SOD feet distant Easterly from tha Easterly Una of New Jersey Stat. Highway Rout. No. M and parallel thereto; on the south by a llie J00 feet North of th; Northerly Une of Chapel Hill Road and parallel thereto; on ths Welt br the Easterly line of (taw Jarsty State Hlgtl- "tbjecr 1. An that area located on uw Westerly aid. of New Jersey State Highway. Rout. Na M and bounded ana dej North by the Southerly line of the Naval Ammunition Depot rlfht-ofway: on the Bast by the Westerly line of New Jersey state Highway Rout* No. : on the South br the Northerly llns of the rairview Cemetery property. TRACT 1. All that area located on tha Baaterly aloe ot New Jeraey Mate Highway Route No. 35 and more pertlcuriy described as follows: BEOINN1NQ at a point marklns the Intersection ol the Southerly Una of Kings Highway (Mountain Hill Road) and the latterly aid. ot former New Jeraey Ruts Highway Rout* No. 4 and running Ihsnca U> In a generally southerly direction along tht Easterly sld. of formerly, alao known aa tha Old Klnga Highway, to Ita Intersection with the Easterly Una ot State Highway Rout. No. 35; thence (J) In a generally southeasterly direction along the Easterly line of New Jersey state Highway Rout* No. a) to the Northerly line ot tt. rlgf.t-afway of the U. a Naval Ammunition Depot; thence (I) In a generally Zaeterly direction along tha Northerly line of tht U. s. Naval Ammunition Depot rlsht-of. war to a point which Is distant tin leet acrltoed aa BEOINNINO at a point marked by the Intersection ol the Weeterly sld. ot the Mlddietown-N.w Monmouth Road.nd the Northerly side of New Jeraey Stat. Highway Route No. 36 and running thence (1) Northeasterly along the Westerly aide of MMdlelown-New Monmouth P.oad a distance ot too feet to a point; thence (2) Northerly at right angles to the Westerly line ef the Middlelown-New Monmouth Roe* a distance of 100 feet: thence (3) Northeasterly parallel with the 'Westerly line of Mlddletown-New Monmauth Road and M0 feet therefrom a dletence of 200 feet,.aid point Ming SOO feet distant from the Northerly sld*- of New Jersey State Highway Rout. No. 35; thence (4} Northwesterly and parallel with the Northerly line of Mew Jersey State Highway Rout. No. 35 and distant 500 feet therefrom, continuing aero*. Harmony Road to a it, Mid point being MO test Southerly n tha Southerly aide ef formerly Route No. i. ale* known a. the Old Kings Highway; thence (I) Westerly and par.ll.l to the Southerly line of former Route No. t and distant W0 test therefrom to a brook which forms a part of the brook bounding the weeurtr aid. of property known as "Harmony Terrace" [hence (I) Northerly and across former *)IM>*» Wft 4 ev,4 tin*.»hp witef Wi«* at aaid brook and the Westerly Use ot party known as "Haraonr Terrae."... comer thereof: Iboac* <f> WoaUrty along Ihs Southerly lino of the Manmouth Hardens Traet and projection thereof to New Jersey Hate Highway Route Ho. M: thence (a) In a generally Southerly direction along th* Northeasterly aide of New Jerter State Highway Route Ma IS to Ihe pout or pise* of Beginning. TSUkCT 1. All that area totaled on th. Northerly aid. of New Jsrsey stat* Highway Route No. 15 and bounded and deacrlbed aa follow!: Oa the North by a brook or ditch distant approilmateiy feet North of the Northerly line el New Jeraey state Highway Route No. 15; on tha East by the "Mari of Churry Tree Terrace" end a projection northerly thereof; on the South br th* Northerly Una of New Jersey SUte Highway Route No. M and the Northerly line «t th. KeypsR-New MonmoUh Road; on tha Weit by th. Easterly lint of Palmer Avenue. TRACT a. All that area located on the southerly tide of New Jersey SUte Highway Route No. 35 and bounded and deacrlbed aa follow!: On the North in part by the Southerly Una of N.w Jersey state Klshwar Route No. IS and tha Northerly line of Butternut Drive: on the But by th* Westerly line of "Map of Lone Pin. Eetetei"; on th* southwest by th* right-of-way ot th. N.w York end Long Branch Railroad; and on th* West by the Holmdel Township Una. ABTICLB Vin (B) BOUNDARIES OF BONE FSB BUSINESS UTAH. SECTION l, For greater certainty. Cons FBB Builnen Retail, It hereby described es follows: TBAOT L All that traet located en tha Bastarlr ama ef New J.rsey t u t. Hlghw.r Bout* Na IS and bounded and described as follow!: On Uie North by a line MO feet North of the Northerly line of Chapel Hill Road and parallel thereto; on th. West by th. Easterly Une ot New Jersey SUM Highway Route No. 35; on the South br. line 100 f«el North of and par.11.1 to the Northerly line of Froit Avenue; and on the Bast by th. following various course, and boundaries: (a) By a line 150 taet Easterly of tha Easterly sld. of New Jersey State Highway Route No. M running Southerly from a point M0 feat North of tha Northerly line of Chapel Hill Road to the Northerly tide of Cooper Road. Ih) By a Una between tha Southerly line of Cooper Road and th. Northerly line of Oak Street denoting Ihe rear lot Unea of tote facing New Jersey But. Highway Rout. No. J» aa shown on Map of Olendal. Park, D. H. Cosby, Inc., dated August 1. 15% oeorge M. & Taylor, C. «%* (c) By a Una US feet West of the Waattrly line of Walnut Avenue between Oak Street and a point In the Una of the third course. TBAOT 3. All that ana located on the Westerly ame ot New Jersey SUte Highway Route Na H and bounded tad described as follow!: On the North by th* Southerly Una of th* Falrvlew Cemetery property on the East by the Westerly line of New Jereey Stats Hl hway Route No. 35; on th. South br the Northerly Una of Longwood Avenue; on tht west by a Una distant Eaattrly WO test from the Easterly line of Brighton Avenue end parallel thereto and projected Northerly to the Falrvlew Cemetery property and Southerly to Longwood Avenue. TRACT 3. All that area located on tha Westerly sld. ot New Jersey SUte Highway Routs No. S3 and bounded and deat right anglta from State Highway No. if: thsnee <«> la a generally Northwesterly direction and parallel to the irly Una of New Jersey Mat. Haute No. and distant got westerly direction Northeasterly " Highway Rou fatt therefrom to thi Southerly boundary of ths former Shoemaker property i thence (5) baglnntnt again at th? beglnnlngv point and running aouth T«doirsitbs minutei tan.long In. souther, ly aids ol aaid Kings Highway, a dielane, el M1.70 feet to Ihe wesurir boundary of tht former Shoemaker property i (I) South I defres* 04 mln. uttt weit along the awetarly boundary of the former fhosmaktr property IS2.CT feet to tha Northerly boundary of tha property shown on Map ot Monmouth Heights; thence <T> South S4 degree! 02 minuet east along the aouthsrly boundary of tht former Shoemaker property to tht ending point of Ihe fourth courae. TRACT 4. All that are*, located on tht westerly aid. of Nsw Jsrsey SUte High, way Route No. 35 and bounded and da scribed as follows: On the Norm by the southerly lint of King! Highway; on tht Northeast by tht Souihweiterly Una ef New Jersey Stat. Highway Route No. 35; on the Southeaat by the Northerly Una of Olllvllle Une and a projection Weettrly thereof, to point m fact distant at rliht aneli.. Irom Stats Highway Route No. 95; on th. Southwest by a line too leet dletant Irom th. Southwestsrly line of Ne* Jersey Stale Highway Rout. No. 35 and running parallel tnereto from th* terminus of the Southerly boundary ol this tract to a protection southerly et th. easterly um ot LOCUM Avtnus: tnd on th. West br Locust Avanut and a projection Southsrly to th* termination el tha fourth eourtt herein. TRACT a, All that ana located on the Northerly side of hate Highway No. 35 and bounded and described aa follows: On the North by a line KM feat dlstsnt Northerly from the Northerly aide ot New Jersey State Highway tlouto No. 31 and parallel thereto; on the East by the Westerly line of property known a. "Map of UMilletown Ketateu" and the Southerly projection of a.ld Una to Slat. Highway Rout! No. 35; on the South by Ih. Northerly line of New Jereey Slate Highway Route No. 55; and on Ihs West by Ihe B.iterly lint ol tht Mlddlttowa- Nsw Monmouth Road. TBAC* a, All that area located oa the»/ the Westerly Uu of New Jersey State Highway Route No.»: on the South by th. Northerly line of the map of property known as "Mlnnlsink Park, flection "H" and eitenalon of aaid line Westerly; en the West by the following courses: BIOINNINO at a point In the Southerly line of Longwood Avenue, which point marks the rear lot line of lot facing New Jeriey State Highway Rout. No. si as shown on Map of Wtlmort Park, dated November 1, MI. Ensley M. White. Surveyor, and running thence <l> at right angles to Longwcoa Avenue along th. rear property line of lots facing on th«weiterly aide or New Jersey state Highway Route No. H. a dlatance ot 174 feet; thence (1) continuing southerly and parallel to the westerly side of New Jersey state Highway fteuto No. W to smator ' Uw iouth " w boubilir>r On the North br the (touth.rly Una ot th. Naval Ammunition Depot right-ofway: on the But by the Westerly llna of Map ol Maneon Manor. Section One" and a projection Southerly thereof to Crertvlew Drtvi; on the South br the South.irly line of Crestvlew Drive; on the West by the Easterly line of New Jerser State Highway Route No. at TRACT s. All that area on the Westv!>...«l\ "iisr r».'.%wthw.j Southerly line i Bast by tht Ilghway Route On the North hy th* jf aillvllle Lane; on the, Wetterrr lint of tut* Highway Route No. 35; on th. South by the Northerly line of the right-of-way of the Naval Ammunition Depot; on Ih* West bv Una 300 teat distant from thi Westerly line of New Jersey SUM Highway Rout* parallel thereto. line ot'tmdairroaa^an? an tnenl on Westerly thereof to the Mew JerMy State Highway Route No.»; on the North ana Earl br a line distant am feel Easterly from th* Easterly lint of the former state Highway: on the South by th. Northerly line ot Mountain HU1Road and the SoJthtrlr oitenx ot msser State Highway; on the Wast br th. last- Route No. «* *** Hitaw *> TRACTT On thi Northwest br a projection ef th. NorthMiUrir I ne - A'thaJvajtSriy s. All that area on the South- On the North and Beat br th* Southerly line ol New Jsrsey Stale; -" Route No. 35; on the West br Route no. it; oa the Wast br the 1!"' avijlvvu?' proptrtt known aa Map - line and parallel thereto: on'lh* SouuT ft roe oi jung* mgnway. _.VT3" -, 4P»}* area on the South.»Sr. *'3i. "i W#w '«" '' ' «Highway 2? tallows- Bounded and dworibad On th. North by the Southsrlr tins of 3i* W on J '.rb.rbv?h! h W. y «.5 y llt i :n. N J> property known aa "Map of Lenap. Estates"; on the South br a llns distant JM a^!*. 1!"'.'? J~». sosthsi? Rout. West hlf JM feet Southerly from the Southerly line of New Jersey State Highway Rout. No, 35 and parallel thereto, on tf. W <"e {"terly.ide ot Klnga Hlghw TRACT 10 All that area on the Sou «.teriy elde of New J.r..r»Ute H :«" Ss" 4 **** -- On ttit Nortti«ut by th«afoul*.*...* i«' "» i''»l»we HIthw'iVX*! 1! No. 31 tnd tha Weiterly line of Kins. Highway, on the south by the Norther" Une of property knnwn a. "Map oi Brookview"; on the Southwest by a line ZZi" i 00,' ' outhwesunr from the Bouthweiterly eld. of New Jersey Stats Highway Route No. It and parallel thereto; on th. North by th. Southerly ns ot Butternut Drlv. aa thowtfon fit "Map ol Lone Pin* Eitatti." TRACT 11. All that area located an the Easterly aide of New Jersey tut! Highway Route No, 35 and bounded and deib.lbed aa follows: On the North by Ih. Southerly line of Keypcrt-Nsw Monmouth Road; In part on the last end In part on the North by the easterly end Southerly boundaries of property known aa "Map of Monninuth Oardeni"; on the south by a Westerly eitemion ol tha Southerlr line ol the property known aa "Map ol Monmouth Onrdeni"; on Ihe We«by In. llns of Hew J.ney mats Highway Rout. Na 35. SECTION THREE: Twn new articles shall he arlrted to and made a part of Ih. above entitled ordinance and Inserted at th. and of Article XVI and Immediately pneed Ing Article XIX and jeadtnf aa follows: Section 1. Permitted Lars: Within any Business-Commercial Zone th. following a are permitted: Office Bulldlnga for elmutlve or administrative purposes, scientific or research laborsturiea devoted to research, design and-or eaperlmentation, integrated regional ahopfiing centers, light Industrial uses provided that such activity shall not by Ita own Inherent characterlstici or Industrial prorcssei be noxious or injurious to adjacent propertiei by reason of the production or emission of dust, smoke, smog, obaervahle gas, tumes or odors, or other atmoipheric pollution, noise or vibration, ruuard of fire or exploilon or other physical hazard to any adjacent building or to any plant growth on any land adjacent to the site of the use. No uae permitted in e residential sone ehail be excluded from thli Zone. Section'2. PreklUted llaee: The following usee are specifically prohibited Iron) this Zone. a. Billboards end outdoor advertising signs except those advertising a use or product of the particular premise on which It Is located and meeting all other requirements of this Ordinance. b. Drive-in Theatres, Carousels, RoUer Co a s t a r a, Merry-go-Rounds, Ferris Wheels snd other similar ami c. Commercial Public Auctions. d. Oolf Driving Ranges, miniature Oolt Courses and other such open land commercial uaea. e. Junk yards, automobile wracking yards or dll-assembly yards, or the sort- Ing or baling of scrap metal, paper, rag. or other scrap material. f. Used ear lots, outdoor stores. 9l cara and other almilar open land uses. g. Trailer parka, court, or trailer storage. lection J feaaaserds sad Beaatoe. -Mad: The following standards shall apply to all uses in this Zone: a. Minimum lot size Ten (10) acres. b. Minimum frontage Ftv. Hundred (500) feel upon New Jeraey Route Ne. c. Minimum yard requirements No structure or perking aree ahall be permitted nearer than one hundred (100) feet from any street or property llns or nearer than two hundred (200) feet from any esiatlng residential dwelling, except for the following: (1) Fences or wall, not eaceedlsg four (4) feet in height may ba located on the property line, (J) Parking areas may be located in the required aide and rear yard areaa provided they are at least twenty-fiv. (25) feet from any reildentlal property Una and on. hundred iloo) feet from any street or existing residential dwelling and further provided that adjacent realdenllsl properties are properly shielded from headlight glare. (3) Signs aa permitted elsewhere in this section may b. located within the required yard area. d. Maximum lot coverage the combined area of all structure! ihall not exceed 20 per cent of the entire land area. Twenty per cent of the land area shall be aeeded and graded and used for no other purpose. e. Maximum height of bulldlnie-flfty (60) leet. r. Loading and unloading facilities each building or use shall provide loading and unloading facilities which murt be located upon th. Mine lot and shall not ba located in the required front yard. g. Parties laclbhfe The following standards shall govern the provision of off-atreet parking facilities: (1) Shopping centers one (1) parking space for each one hundred (100) aquare feet of sales floor area. (2> Office building., research laboratories, and Industrial uses, One (1) parking space for each employee. A maximum ot two (2) driveways on New Jersey State Highwey Route No. 35 shall be permitted to provide access and egreia to said parking areas except where the frontage on said highway exceeds five hundred (SOO) feet. In such ease, two (2) additional driveways may be provided for each additional flv. hundred (500) feet ot frontage. Any such driveways provided shall be at least twenty (30) but no more than thirty (30) feet in width, and shall be Illuminated during operating houra If they occur after sunset. Illumination ahall be properly shielded from the street and from any adjoining residential properties. If an existing local strei-t adjoins the properly, acee» may be provided to eald property from said local street provided that no more than two driveways are provided for each five hundred (500) feet on said local street. In no event shall any driveway be located nearer than two hundred (200) feet from the Intersection of New Jersey State Highway Route No. 35 with any existing local street, or clofer than on. hundred fifty (150) feet to any existing residence. h. Slgas Signs are permitted which relate to the buslneflb on the same lot provided that; (1) Only one (l) sign ahall be permitted on on. (1) facade of a building for each permuted raininess use. Such signs may be Illuminated but shall not be ot the flashing type and.hall not exceed In the aggregate ten (10) per cent of the area ot the wall surface. Including window and door area on which or In front ot which they are dlaplayed. Such signs shall not extend more than fifteen (18) inches from the building line, nor shall any part of any lifrn extend above the top or beyond the ends ot the wall surface on which it li placed. No sign, except such, directional device, aa may he required by the Fed-ral aeronautical authorities, ihall be placed. Inscribed or supported upon the roof or upon any building which extends above the roof of any building. (3) On. free standing sign msy ba permitted for each office facility, scientific or laboratory facility, shopping center or light industrial area developed under the provisions ot this ordinance. Said sign shall ba tor no other purpose than Identifying tha faculty and may list the names ol Individual occupants ot the facility. Such signs shall not eiceed one hundred (100) square feet In area on eny on. (1) side. Ten (10) square feet In area may be added to such signs for each Individual occupant In the faculty If then la more thin one, provided that In no ease shall any such algn exceed two hundred (200) square feet on any one side. Such sign* may be illuminated but shall not be of the flashing type. Any such signs erected shall not exceed titty <»( feet tn height,.hall not be located cloaer than fifty (50) feet from any street or property line, and shall In no way Interfere with ths safe functioning of any traffic control signal or directional device. L General Reaalrenwart: (1) Business uses or ilructurei ahall not display goods for sale purposes outside ot the structure In which such uae is carried on. nor shall goods be stored outside structures to which suet use is carried on. (2) In the case of gasoline stations or public garages, all editing Towmhlp regulations ahatl be met and In addition said use shall not be located on a lot whosa tot lines are lesi than three nun- Section 4. RMIaewUau Uses: Residential uses sr. permitted In the Business Commercial Zone providing th. following standards and regulations ara met: a. Th. proposed development.hall comply with all the standards and regulations enumerated for ths adjacent Ree- Memai zones. b. In the event that more than one reeldentlal sone.but. the tract bell!, developed for residential use, the regulations of Ih. least restrictive residential m^psy^sfdentuu ptsss In U» BusirKat-Ommerctal Zone requirea the subdivision of two or more lots which face upon State Highway Na J5, a aervlce roatahall be Ktovld." adjacent Mjljhjs Mtdtwur to «.,, «c(!tl Property. Such service roadway ahall be arranged ae aa to proud, a minimum MParatlon ot tw.nty.five (J5) feel from Sf. h L thw V fuhl-of-w.y. Bald sepsra- Ion shall be planted and landscaped by thei developer. As an alternative! thi J"" "> be» arranged aa to back upon h!j 1 nwlllf J' <ucn "> '">" * «there la no direct access thereto other than an approved local street. In such case, however, a rear yard of at Heat (75) test shall DeprivMed. section a, Piscedavei a Application for a building permit J in. provliions of this arttcl. ahall fe mad. to the Building Inspector. Material to be auhmltted with th. appll- 2h/3? " ". '"J"" 1 * «etall.d alle plan wnlch ahall show such Information aa boundaries ot the tract, all applicable dimension! and anas aa set forth In hi. article all.treeta and V-H '"f.""" 1.-?' " B "P «d tnicture. t^.*'i?sk' n 7 etructur.. within five hundred (SOO) test ot th. tract, slins. fences sn1 walla, landscaped aria, parking areas and acceas thereto and egress therefrom.... f M. l " approving 'he application, the Bunding Inspector shall forward the application together with all pertinent!sr..*sl '"'"""anon to the Planning Board. The Planning Board, shall within 45 days after receipt of the same, review the entire matter in relation to the 5USS' * ' M C 1 "" «<»e community and with a view toward ascertaining whether the above requirements end standard, have beer m«t, and the relation of the proposed project to the comprehensive plin if the Town, hip at it [. developed; ana shall make a written report thereon to the Bulldlns nspector. go" building, $$,"?& Issued by Building Inspector upon such application before the wplratlon ol auch 45 day period until after tha receipt of such report; If no report la t«cclv.d during that period. Building Inspector may tnereiipon Issue such permit without receipt ol sny report from the Planning Board, Any applicant wishing to makfi a change In a duly approved application ihail follow the same procedure for obtaining approval thereof as In ths original application. ARTICLE XVI IB) USE REOULATIONN CONTROLLINO EONB FI4R-BIJS1NEWI RETAIL Section 1. PermHttd Uses! Th. follow. Ing uses ara permitted la tola Zonal similar uses. No tie* permitted in a Re.ldentlal Zone stall be excluded from thia Zone. Section 3. Th. following uses ar..peclfioally excluded from the a. Billboard, and outdoor advertising signs except ibom advertlaing a use or product of the particular premuw on which it li located and meting all other requlremenu of this ordinance. b. Drlve-ia theatre*, carrousel., roller.oast.ra, merry-go-rounds. ferrla wheels aad other similar amusement devices. c. Commercial public auctions. d. Oolf driving ranges, miniature golf course!.nd other euch open land commercial uses. e. Junk. ysrdi, automoblls wieckioa yards or nli-eeeembly yards, or tht sort- Ing or baling of scrap instil, pei**i. rag. or other ecrap malsrui. I. Used car lots, outdoor aiu'aae of eera and other similar op*n land uses. g. Trailer parka, courts ar trailer tur b? M.nul meurlala or semi sal* other thai to en ths premises. piy to an busioeat was at tsis uae a. Minimum Lot * ~ and (W.IH0) L. ^^inlnmni fct frcouge-oe. hundred No. 1 c. Minima*) yard ntiulremtats. (1) front Tart Tw.Dty-rtv. () feet. (*) One aid* yard Fifteen (15) feet. (3) Two aide rfcus-forty (10) Stet. (4) Rear Tare) fflw <» <eetd. Mlnlsmm Nat ai structure-on, thousand (1,900) wuare Itet e. Minimum lot cov.rage w per cent f. Maximum height ef bulldwf>-twenty-elght (Ml fast g. Loading and unloading faelirmts Bach building or use shall provide loadlot and unloading facilities which must be located upon the earn, let and shall of la* lshes products for Uw patwral ei»uc Mi! deke awtfap. equer. feet n fct freeuge On. * upon StetT^HIghw.y located In the raauind (nail not to yard. h Parkins Otf-atreet parking facilities shall ba provided at the rat!* of on* (» parking space tor each two hundred (MO) square fast of salts floor area. Parking facllttlai mar be located la any yard spaea but anall not be eleeer than twenty (90) feet from any "reel line or property line of a lot used for retlden- Hal purpotm. Intress snd eartat shall be provided br mean, of no more than one (1) driveway for each 100 feet of highwiy frontage or fraction thereof; each driveway to be not leaa than twenty (10) feet nor more than thirty (M) feet in width. Ingreti and etreta waya ahall not cauae a haaardou* condition to exist and shall be Illuminated curing operating hours If they occur alter sunset. Illumination ahall be properly ehmded from the street and from adjoining r.tldsnal properties. If ear- 1. Slgna-algns are permitted which relau to Ih. Vuslneas UM on the tame lot subject to UM following provisions (1) Only on* (1) sign shall be permitted en one (1) faced* of a building for auch permitted business use. tueh signs may tie Illuminated but shall not bt cf the rushing type and ahall not auted In thi aggregate 10 per cent of th* area ot the wall aurface. Including window and door area an which or In front ot!*'.<*_?_.» flepjeyed^ luchi.ign. mall not enend more Such signs fifteen An lnchei from the building line, nor shall any part of any sign extend above the lop or beyond tha ends of UK wall aurface on which It It placed. No algn, eicept luch directional devices a* may bt required by the Federal aeronautical authoritlea th.ll be plac.d, inscribed or supported upon tht roof or upon any building which extends.hove tha roof of any building. (2) One Ire. Handing sign is permitted far each parcel or lot provided that any aueh ilgn shall not eiceed titty (50) feet In ana on any on* aide. Any aueh free-standing algn mar ba illuminated but than not bs of the flashing type, than not eiced fifty (SO) feet In height and ahall not ba located within any t«(j\ilreo. yard space and shall In no way Interfere with the tare functioning of any traffic control Ugnal or directional dt- J. General Requlremenu: (1) Butlniss uses or ttructuns than not dlaplay goods for sale outsld* ef Ih* structurt hi which tuck nit It carried on, nor shall nods be tiered out.lde structures In which such us* Is carried o*. (2) In the ca*. of ganllne stations or public garages, all existing Townihlp regulations shell be met and In addition said use shall not be located on a lot whoae lot linn are leal than three (100) feet from eny existing dwelling and not lea. than one thousand ( fest from any public, parochial or private achool Filling pumps shall not ha located In the required yard spaces. Section 4. ReeldeaUal Uaee: Residential usea may be permitted tn thi Builnen- Retall zone provided the following itandirdt and regulations are met: a. in the cast of tht development or subdivision of a single or sroup of residential structure!, the tract for such subdivision or development being entirely, or partly within thi boundaries of the Bualmaa-Ketatl Ion., aaid structures ar structure shall meet all th. requtr.- menu and standard, enumerated tor the adjacent residential sone. b. In Ihe event that mon than on residential tone ahuta the tract being eubdlvlded, the regulations ot the least reitrlctlv. son. shall apply to tha Bustnita-Reull Zone. c. Whin the lubdlvlsloa or development of property tor residential purposes In the Business Retell Bone requires tht subdivision at two or mon lots which face upon lute Highway Rout. No.». a Mrvlee road ihall he provided adjacent to the highway to permit access to th. properly, luoh service roadway ahau be arranged so a* to provide a minimum separation of twenty-five IJ5) feet from th. highway rlsbl-ol-way. Said aeparatlon Mall ba planted and landscaped by the developer. A* an alternative, the lota mar be so.rranged to manner that there Is no direct ^ueee* thereto other than an approved local treet. In such ease, how.ver. a rear yard of at lean Mventy-flve (T5) feet shall ba provided. SECTION FOUR: Tract 11. Traet I and Tract IS et Section 1, Article I, (Boundary af lone F) art hereby repealed tnd the treat within aaid tracts eliminated tram tone SECTION F1VB:, Tract 4 of Section 1, Article IV (Boundaries of Cone B) Is hereby emended to read u follows: All.that area on th* West aids of SSCTiOM SIX: Tract I of Section I. Anlcle rv VSttSl*"* VSSttSSl, All that arts aa the Bait aid* of New Jeraey Suta Hlshway Route Na I* bounded and dejorwad as follow.: On the Norm br the Southerly Una ot the Naval Anuaunttlon Depot rlghtofth l t b U Weitirlv lin the Naval Anuaunttl war: on the last br of Zone A Tiact «e n Dep Uw We d Bon. th N p rghtof eitirlv lines. AA Tract of Zoo. A, Tiact d and lone AA. Tract 1; on the South br the Northerly line of Bone B, Tract 1; and on the Wen m Article vm (B) me Northerly. BestboundarlM if Tract SBCTION UVXN: Tract 4 of Section 1, Article V (Boundaries ot tone <5) Is harrty u n«, ad to read as follows: All that area en the Weal aid. of Nsw LSXrtB»S JftLX Long Branch Railroad, which line begin, at a point LOW test NorthwesUr from In* bride* oa the read from M.. dletown Village to Holmdel, and which line runs Vt a point In the Weitirly aide of Kings Highway marking us Northeast corner ol properly known as "Rrookvlaw"; or, th. M l and Northeast by ths southerlr and Southwesterly boundarlsi of Tract. I, I and a. Zone FBR Buslnaai R.uil. aa described In Article VI (B) heroin nubllehed. and the Weit.rly Southwesterly and Southerlr boundaries of Tract 4. lone FBC Business Commercial, as described In Article Vlll (A) heroin established: alao In part bit tlw soutlitrlr line of SUt* Highway Rout. No. U between th. Westerly ud Baturlr llnei ot property known aa "Map of Lenape Eitaili;" on the southiaat by Ihe right of way ol th. U. S. Naval Ammunition Depot Millroad, and on the Southweel by ihe right ol way of lite Niw York and Long Branch Railroad. SECTION BIOHT: Tract I of Section 1, Artiel. V (Boundarlee of Eooa C) la hen" amended to read aj follow!: All that area on th* last side Niw Jiraey stall Hlghwar Itouta no. boundeo and deserlbsd as follow!: On the North aad Baal In part br th. Southerly and Westerly boundaries cf Trait 4, Eons A, Article I; on tht south and Cast by the right-of-way of the Naval Ammunition CXpot; on th* West by the Easterly boundary of Traet 3, Zone FBC Builniat Commsrcial, aa n»rrlt>ed In Article VI (A) herein astaliilaiieii. SECTION MINK Trnot ID ot B.ctlon 1, Articl. V (Boundaries of Zone Cl Is hereby amendad to read as follows; All that area on th. Southwesterly and Lone Branca Railroad; which line begins at a point feet Northwesterly from the bridge on the road from Mlddletown Village to Holmdel. and which line runs to a polnl in th«weeterly aide oi Kings Highway marking the Northeast corner of property known at Brookview" (which line constitute, the boundary of Zone C, Tract 4 as detcrlb. ed herein); on the South by the rightof-way of the New York and Long Branch Railroad: and on the West by the Easterly and Southerly boundary ot Tract 6, lone FBC Business Commercial, a. described In Article Vlll (A) herein established. SECTION TEN: Tract H of Section 1. Article V (Boundarlei of Zone C) it hereby amended to read a. follow!: All that area on the Northeasterly lldl af New Jersey State Highway Route No. M bounded and described aa follows: Oa the North by the Southerly bounderica of Tract U. Con. C; Tract 2, tone D; Tract 1, Zone B; and Tract I, ton. D; on the Eaat by th. Weeterly boundary of Traet i. Zone C: on the South la part by the Northarly boundary f Tract ~Zon* Re4.ll, a*.described In Article Vlll (B) eaub- Uahed a*r.» and In «art by the Northerly boundary of Tract i. tone A. and also la part by the Northerly boundary f Tract 1, Zen* FBC Business Commercial, a* described in Articl* VI (A) herein.subllsbed; ea th. Southweal by tbe Motthassurtf bousdarl** ot ~- : Traet T snd u, Retail aa described la Article VI (B) herein established and Tracts 1, Eon. FBC-BuaUMaa Commtrclsl, aa described la Artleli VI (A) herein eaubuthed. SBCTION ELEVEN: Tract 15 of Section 1, Article V (Boundarie. of Bone C> U hereby amended I* read as followi: All that area oa th. ef Hew Jeroey SUU Highway Route No. 15 founded and described aa follow.: On the North by tht Soutnerly boundnet el Tract T, zone B: Tract 3. Zone ; and Tract g, toa* B; on th. East by th. Westerly bound.ry of Tract 3, tone D; on tha South by the Northarlr PMendarr of Tract. lone c as dascribed In Section 1* hereof and»y tha Northarlr boundary of Tract T. Zone FBC BuslneH Commercial, aa dhcrlbid la Articl. VI (A) herein established; end on lit. Wen br Paunei Avenue. SECTION TWELVE: If any section, peragraph, subdivision, clause, provision or tract of Ihl* ordinance ahall be adjudged Invalid, such adjudication shall apply only to that portion ot thla ordinance which shall bet* adjudged, end th. remainder of thle ordinance ahall be deemed separable from uch portion and snail bt deemed valid and effective. IECTI0N THIRTEEN: This ordinance ahall take effect immediately upon lu pee***, snd publication according to law. NOTICE TO ABSENT DEFENDANTS SUPEMOB COURT OP NEW JIMEY CHANCERY DIVISION MONMOUTH COUNTY CASE NO. r-llts-ss STATS OF NEW JERSEY THOMAS JAMES GRIFFITH, alia known as HARRY GRIFFITH, and ELIZABETH GRIFFITH. You ar. h.raby.ummonad end respired to serve upon F. BUfiS PRICE, plaintiff's attorney, whosa address ii 14 Monmouth Street Bed Bank, New Jersey, and answer to tha amended complaint filed jn a civil action in which PRESTON DAVI.SON ii plaintiff and THOMAS IAMES GRIFFITH, alae known as HARRY GRIFFITH, and Elisabeth GRIFFITH, are defendants, pend. Ins in the Superior Court of Mew Jersey within IS days attar March 7, 1*57. sxcluslvo of auch date. If you fail te do ao. Judgment by default mar be ran. dared against you for the relief demanded in the amended complaint. You ahall HI. your answer and proof of service In duplicate with the Clerk of the Superior Comrt. State House Annex. Trenton. New Jersey,' in accordance wltn tha rulea ol Civil practice and procedure. Tha action has keen Instituted for the p.rpos. of foreclosing a tax sale certificate dated December 10, mi, made by Albert C. Wolcott. the thea Collector of Taxes of the Borough of Eatontown. County of Monmouth. and State of N.w Jeraey to the Borough of Eatontown. and which certlacete of tax sal. waa assigned by th. Mid Borough of Eatontown to SELMA DAVISON, which.alignment was dated Ftbruary 25, 1953, and waa recorded m the Monmouth County Clerk 1. Office on November 1«. 1*51, in Book ISO ot Assignments of Martgage, for s.ld County et peg. lit, and was thereafter asaignad to PBES- TOM DAVISON by two aeelgnmente, one dated the llta day of July. 1(51 br PRESTON DAVISON. asmlnisaa.isiun.nt wee recorded an the list day of Jenuarr 19(7. In th. ODel of thi Clerk of tht County of Mon. month In Book lot of Assignment* of Mortgages for aaid County at pan and by.i.i.nni.nt of DOROTHV... et day of Jau uary 1157, in th* OAe. of th. Clark of Monmouth County In Book J0» of Aailgnmtnta ol Mortgagit at Pai 111. and eoviri real Mttt* located the Borough ot Ba tout own. County '<.. Monmout* and State of Mew Jersey. known as lou. 80 and 51 In block tl st shown on Uie Tax fiimsmtnt Map and Tax Dullest* of Ua Borough.of Eatontown. Ton. and each of you are mad* de. fendante In tha above eatitlad acuos because you mar Jravs or mar claim ta h.v. some right, title, lien or other.interest affecting the real eatat. be- In* foreclotid. hy virtue of ownership. Ishtritanct, deie.nt. Intettscy, devise, dower curteiy. mortgage, dett or other conveyance entry of Judg- ant. or oth.r legal or lawful right. The nature of which, and the reason that roe: and each of you ere joined as defendant, la alt forth particularly la thi Complaint, a eopy of which will b* furnlehed you on request, ad. droeatd to the Attorney for the Plala- MM. 0,.* «l H J?ZU IDS RECEIVED N0TICB 18 HnXBY OIVXN tha* seeled >ld< wul be received br t*l* Board of FraehoMlrs. of the County of Monmouth. for cleaning windows In the County Library Building. Court House Building. Hall of Record!, and to HalT of Records. Briar Hill tort.. Briar Hill re Horn.. Polio Radio Room, the Childrsna' Shatter Identlflestioa Baraau Building and Public Health Bar. vice Building adjoining Hall of Record, and opened ana teao in pumie oa Wednesday. March «. 1»I7 at l:0«p. M. ( Standard Time) at tea meeting place of the Beeird, In the Hell of Raeorda, Freehold, New Jener. CorarHet. «p«ineations and form et Mo. contract and bond tor proposed work have been filed an tbe omce el the aerk ot the Board of Freeholder, ana sociies may be received by pro.- pectlv. bidden upon application. Bids must be made on standard* nroooeal forms In the manner deelgn.tad thersia and reauires br tha apeelflcatlans: mutt be eaelosed In MaJed envelop., bearing the name snd addresi of the bidder, d..lgnatlng th. name of the work en tha outalda. addreeeed to th. Board of Chosen Freeholders of tae County of MoiunovtJi and must be accompanied by a certified check to th. ord.r ot tha County Treennr for not less than ten (10) per cant of the amount hid snd nroat 1>. accompanied by e earttfteate from a responsible bonding eompeny that they will provide a bond If the bidder la successful, and be delivered at the place and tha hour above named. Right la reserted to reject any or all bid. If rieemed t«the of the county so to do. By order of ttia Beard of Chosea Freoholden of tha County of Mon. mouth, JOSEPH C. ntwin, Director. Attest t IRVINO C. BENNETT Clerk of the Boerd Freehold. New Jeriey. 110.( NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Take notice that a meeting of ta< Mlddletown Township Planning Board will he held oti Monday av.nlns. Mereh 4th. 1SS7, at I P. It. at t*l. Town Hall, Mlddletown, at which, tin), among oth-.r thlngi. a Development Map of Shadow Lake Batatas Section # t. Nut. swamp Rosd, River Plasa," will ba presented to said Board for approval. The abave map hai neretolere heea th* subjadt of an open mtmlns; hem en gept. Uth. llll and approval taeraot haa already been granted by the Plan, nlng Board and the Townihlp Committee However, due to the feet that th* aid map was not Wed with tha County Clerk within 10 days ef said approval, th. said map must again he presented to th. Rnird and ertm upon. All pinon! Intirestsd may attend isid meeting and voice thslr fselingi In th. matter. LEON ZUCKBRHAN. IMO Secretary. aids of New Jerity Male Highway Rout. No. at bounded and described.. ful- When In doubt about how to nil Iowa: unwanted household goon's solve your On th. Northeast by ths Southwest- problem with Tha Register's classified,erly tad Southerly Boundaries ef Tiacl ads.-adverus.m.nt.»»»«\ T

29 ' RED BANK REGISTER Thursdsr. FeB. 28, We have been making people happy for 66 yean with Acme's high quality and low prices. Get in on the many sensational 66th anniversary vclues that are waiting for you. Lancaster Brand "U. S. Choice" Beef RIB ROAST.59 Famous Supreme Bread and Virginia Lee Oven-Fresh Bale* Good* earn* to you from the world's largest and nmrtk bakery! Sold only In your friendly super fnanconi Get acquainted whh the larga bakery department in your Acns) Market! OVEN READY! Guaranteed the most beautiful, savory, succulent roast* that ever graced a platter. Fresh, Finest Pan-Ready FRYERS Rushed right from nearby farms to your local Acme. Enjoy that "down-on-the-farm" flavor. SERFS UVER * BACON! Fresh Ground BEEF lbs. 98 C Fancy B««f Liver Acme GROCERY VALUES * 33 C Lancaster Brand Sliced Bacon *s 35e& 67< Beef Kidneys»25 39 FROSTED FISH FEATURES Taste O'Saa Fillet Whiting ;, Taste O'Sea FRIED Birds Eye Fillet Cod t-ob. ek. 39«Supreme 100% Whole Wheat, Seeded Rye, or Sandwich BREAD Mix or Match TJtom/ 2 = 35 < "Doted" for freshness! You save 3c. Virginia Lee Large Sim, Apple Pies 49 Urge size. Oven fresh. ;H»] i GREEN GIANT Peas 2 FRANCO-AMERICAN Spaghetti 2 Pineapple Juice ««Tomato Juice -* Tomato Soup ES 6 Hershey Syrup «««2 Chicken Noodl* 'Mushroom Heinz Baked Beans e t / Acme DAIRY BAR Sharp Cheese FROZEN FOOD SALE Beans %f Broccoli "SL!" 2 IS 45«IDIAL Sliced * Strawberries 2 \ C 49< RED i Acme Produce. Guaranteed Fresh Frmh Spring Crap Swwt Corn 6-35 Fresh from-the-fields flavor. Full, sweet kernels. Serve with Looello butter! Crisp, California Iceberg Lettuce 2 Fresh Western Carrots Fancy Fresh Radishes 2 cellepk'it. 15< Cracrjr, Dmtry, Froiud Food Price* //MUM Through Wo4n*$d*y, Mveh 6th t «j othtr prku e//ecli M through Sturdy, Mmreh * IANK Open MM. Mm Thwi. M 9 P. M Friday 'HI 10 P. M. (- FAIR HAVEN Open Tiws. thru Thurt. 'til 9 P. M. Friday W 10 P. M. cello pfceji

30 H I M b i J i T. FA M. 195T BED BANK REGISTER Church Women To Convene I at 10:15 a. m.. will be "Go Quickly and Tell." rewmunteaj a*rvfea conducted. Mrs. Emerson Gardiner of Westville, conference vice president, i» program chairman. Delegates The main speaker will be Mrs. will bring their own luncheons. Emll Hartl of Boston,, Mass., The lunch hour will be held in North Eastern jurisdiction secretary of Christian social relations. Jameson auditorium. The afternoon session starts at 1:30 o'clock. NEW BRUNSWICK The 17th annual spring meeting or the New Representatives from Methodist Jersey Conference of the Wom-churchean'* Society of Christian Service attend. Mrs. George Marple of throughout the state will Tobacco alto is a flourishing crop on the cold northern shores of the Methodist church will be Hsdford, conference president, of Lake Erie, producing a J74 held Wednesday in Voorheei chapel it Douglasi college here. The Officers will be elected, annual will preside. million dollars annual crop. theme of the sessions, which start reports read and a pledge and It IOJTI to lilmrtim In Th«Rtrlst> -MnrtiHimt. I've missed you - - have you missed me? ERNIE MAYER'S TAVERN Re-Opening FRIDAY MARCH 1st AVE. OF TWO RIVERS RUMSON RESERVATIONS Ml Day of Prayer Set for Mar. % The United Church Women of the greater Red Bank area will hold the annual World Day of Prayer observances Friday, Mar. I, at 1 p. m. at the Friends Meeting Houae in Shrewsbury. Who Shall Separate Us?" is tha tteme. The principal prayer to be used at the event was written behind the "Iron Curtain" by a Hungarian woman, Serena Wasaady. This observance has been held by churchwomen ot the world on the first Friday <n Lent since its establishment in Its purpoue is to unite Christians in a bond of prayer and to make otferines for Christian mission work at home and abroad. Similar programs will be held throughout the United States and In 142 foreign countries. Contributions will go to a world Christian mission fund, for mission programs sponsored by the general department of the United Churchwomen of the National Council of the Churches of Christ. Horns mission funds will be used to aid agricultural migrants low income farming communities and Indian Americans. Foreign mission funds will bs used for education, Christian literature for women and children, special children's projects, rehabilitation and village improvement plans, Christian broadcasting, and promoting friendly relations with foreign students. Miss Sara Fussell and Mrs. Frank Priebe ara program chairmen. PANCAKE SUPPER The second annual Shrove Tuesday pancake supper ipronsored by the Triangle club ot Trinity Episcopal church will be held Tuesday from * to 7:30 p. m. in the parish hall. Supper will be served by the Deltas.., TOOAYI PLUNDER'!" PAJSIONI CINEMASCOPE «! COIOS. WIN MM HOW MUM Ml HUN Ins* BTWWrlrl W fwlrfo HI. I*" TUtS. THE GIRL CANT HELP IT' CINEMUCOTC VHJ COLOR D CHILDREN under 12 MIDGET RAILROAD. VICTORY.MARKET - RED BANK OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 PJH 11 WEST FRONT ST. DELIVERY TEL SHadyiide ALL GRINDS «>* COFFEE 89* WL SCALLOPPINES 79* CHUCK GROUND 59!. CHUCK GROUND 49 c k FRKH KILLED MAINE FRYING CHICKENS 23 SWIFTS 10 INCH CUT CAPONS45 S TOM TURKEYS 4to5lbs. ROASTING CHICKENS 39 C. FANCY N. Y. DRESSED FOWL 29 RIBSBEEF39 I ROAST 69& B L - *BEEF DUMOMCO ROAST 69! T-BONE STEAK rrs EGGS2Qoz. BACON 3 lbs.$ 100 SAUSAGE 3 lbs. PLATE BEEF 9 lbs. CELERY BUNCH U. S. No. 1 GREEN MOUNTAIN POTATOES 50 Lb. BAG ORANGES $ Ib SIRLOIN STEAK 4 lbs. CHOPPED BEEF 4 lbs. WILSON OLEO 3 Cans M «TUNA FISH 3 lbs. SHORT MBS BEEF 5 rupjmmcy CRflPEFRUlT 5 ' 2 9 Bound for Bermuda Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Sfrykar el Unerofr «r* (how* on tha deck «f rh» Furneii liner Ocean Monarch juir bafer* ailing Irem Now York lor a vacation in lermuda. Mr. Strykar operates a roal eitato and inturanco offica at Holmd.l. New Auxiliary For Society RUMSON A new auxiliary for tha Family and Children'! Service of Monmouth county was formed Tuesday at the home of Mrs. David Van Iderttlne on Blossom rd. The purpose of the auxiliary will foe to educate the people of Red Bank and vicinity as to the work done by the organization, and to aid In fund-raisingtor this privately run organization. This tt-year-old community service agency provides consultation and planning service with families or individuals who want help. Services Include marriage counseling, foster home finding and supervision, adoption service, service to unmarried mothers, and Travelers Aid aervlce. Any family or Individual, regardless of creed or economic status, may use Us services. It* main offices ara In Long Branch, but In June, 1950, Red Bank offices were opened In the Carlton theater building on Monmouth at. Mrs. Raymond Moore ot Fair Haven was elected temporary chairman; Mrs. John Stewart, Rumson, temporary secretary; Mrs. Daniel Lenthe, Rumson, temporary treasurer, and Mrs. H. Ernest Thompson, Fair Haven, temporary publicity chairman. Others present were Mrs. Gar- the safety patrol. Square dancing was led by William Clark, physical education instructor at the rison King, Mrs. Gordon Potter, Mrs. George Tamblyn, Jr., MrB. school. Capt. William Jackson Cheater Levy and Mrs. William was hop chairman. Prizes for E. Fogelson, Rumson; Mrs. novelty dancing were given and James J. Hogan, Rtd Bank; Mrs. refreshments were served. Sherman Hoyt and Mrs. Richard Dahlman, Fair Haven; Mrs. Thomas 8. Beers, Shrewsbury, and Mrs. Ruth Whitehead, New Shrewsbury. Auliting In the organization of this new auxiliary were Mrs. Alton V. Evans of Long Branch, president of the Family and Children's Service; Mrs. Howard Dutcher, Fair Haven, second vice president, and Mrs. John H. Wataon, Rumson, a member of the executive board. The next auxiliary meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Stewart on Brlarwooj rd., Rumton, Mar. 14 at 10 a. m. Haslet Mr. and Mrs. Lester Homer, Beers St., are parents ot a BOB, George Robert, born Thursday at the Perth Amboy General hospital. Mrs. Homer is the former Misa Patricia Bmmoni. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore G. Balley, Holmdel rd., and Mrs. Frank McCleaiter apant tha week-end visiting relatives In Balnbrldge and Mlddletown, Pa. Airman and Mrs. Philip Walling recently returned from Bermuda, where the airman was stationed tha past two yean. He la stationed at McGulre Air force base at Fort Dix. Mr. and Mn. Frank Hertle and daughter. Miss Shirley Hertle, ot Bethany rd.. have left by automobile for a vacation in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Richards, Mr. and Mra. James H. Ackerson and son Gary attended tha funeral of Mr. Richards' brother, Loul» Richards, ia Newark Thursday. Hake n a proauoie bit ts aw rt>. Rtgltur-i olassiles te 111 rest wants. Advertls a< EATONTOWN DRIVE-IN Guild to Hear Fr. Perret-Gentil FAIR RAVEN Rev. Canon Horace E. Ferret-Gentll, rector of St. James Episcopal church, Atlantic City, will speak Tuesday at 8 p. m. at the Junior guild meeting of the Chapel of Holy Communion church. Father Parret-Gentil is a graduate of the University ot Pennsylvania and Philadelphia Divinity aeitool. He was ordained deacon In 1I3J and ordained to the priesthood In Besides being active in church work, Father Perret-Gentil la president of the board of trustees of the Evergreens, home for women In Moorestown. He will speak on "Our work with older peopl* of tha Episcopal church." Hostesses for the meeting in the parish hall will be Mn. Hodge Boulware, Mrs. William L. Bally, Jr., Mrs. Thomas Blair and Mn. Jack Peckmors. PTA'a WINTER HOP EATONTOWN A winter hop sponsored by the Vetter school was held Friday in the auditorium of Memorial school. The dance, which had been previously postponed because of a snowstorm, was held to raise funds to purchase raincoats for members of FLOWER COURSE NEW BRUNSWICK In preparation for a season of flower gardening, 10» persons are taking Rutgers university's course In the subject at the college of agriculture. Local persons enrolled are Mn. Joseph A. Dernberger and Lillian and Marie Keney, Matawan; Mrs. Georgi W. Johanson and Mr. and Mrs. Webster MeClellan, New Shrewsbury, and Harold J. Simmons, Keyport ATURMY SJATtNli NAN MARTIN JURY LIWIS ANITA "HOLLYWOOD OR BUST* RORIRT RYAN ANITA HMRO "RACK PROM RNITY AH* "THI NAKIO SIA" THS VKAB JtOtJHD, SUECTB1O IN-CAB FRIDAY AND SATURDAY PLUS TDM AOVMTUROM CO-HIT RUTH ROMAN ITRRLM* HAYOIN In "RYESTEPS TO DANGER" -SUNDAY. MONDAY. TUESDAY M.U* ixcitma eo.ri*tusji HU«H MARLOWR mi COLRRN MAY "THE BUCK WHIP oxorrici OPINI AT ene ON WKO»YS BIRD IMOW" SUNDAY ANB HOLIBAVS AT I* MAN TO f AT OUT AT Oil* MOMM * THURSDAY FRIDAY SAT. * "MEOFTHEIuKST FILMS OF THE YEAR!" EUAKiM mpoucnon of TBtNeSSEEWILUAMSr CAIftOUIAKM MttMt tor t MM yowl m MtowPrizn and UtrM N.Y.DWM Critics Aw*rd»! KARL MALDEN CARROLL BAKER ELI WALLACH ItotftllnKt I SPEDAL PREVIEW SAT. AT 11 P. M. OP A COMIN* HOLLYWOOD ATTRACTION EXTRA-EXTRA THI JUNIOR ADVRNTURI CLUI wiu PRKRNT A SPRCIAI SIUCTIO DOUMJ NATURI PRIOR TO THI MAIN PROMAM SATURDAY. 1 >. M. YOU'LL SIR "ABBOTT AND COSTELLO GO TO MARS" plus OWHtY ROYS to 'THE JAIL MISTERS" SUN. - MON. - TOES. MAT. ONLY TUESDAY, MARCH 5 "IY ALL MIANS ATTRNDI" N. Y. Post RORftB UMINON'S "THE SNOW WAS BLACK" Doaltl Gdln - Mori* Mcmiart THMVOH THI O O W T I B T OT RMHTIHMN'a WR WL «*«eorm IN oun LOUNOI MIOM TO THI (HOW HE MAYFAIR "WINGS OF EAGLES" 5T JAMES "RDM OP THR CIYT' B«,HS "RIDR THR Hr»H IRON" PARAMOUNT NOW CARROLL RAKIR 'BAIY DOLL"

31 ED 14WK UGmtM Vmntt. T*. U. WT-tl Wife StbctiM tf FREE GIFTS ON SAFEWAY SAVE-A-TAPE PLAN Save th* pink cmh regfcf* receipts you receive with eoch purchase ert Safeway. Encloie th*m in envelop* until they total $25 to purchomt. Fill th* nombtr of OftVOiOpOft fm Uir#fl 1O # QOt the Free Gift of your choke. See display and get full ov taib at th* Gift Cmttr of your nearby Safeway. Htro art ju*t a few of the many Items QVQQDW FREE!- 1 Cannon BATH TOWEL wniy * FREE! EiMtflC HAND MIXER WHh Only 20 EnvokpM FREE! Waatinajhous* STEAM IRON lifuov f\mum 4 Waltl Wffliy A FREE! 6-Quart DUTCH OVEN vfnti Only 4 EnvwopM FREE! 3-Piac* Combination ALUMINUM COOKWARE With Only 4 Envelope* FREE! lmnch CHICKEN FRYER Witfi wnly 4 Envelopes FREE! 3-Quart SAUCE PAN Only 3 Envelopes FREE! 1-Quart SAUCE PAN With Only 2 Envtlopw FREE! FRYING PAN wniy m Envelopes FREE! 5*Pioco PMMO Sotting GENUINE HUNCH DINNERWARE WHh Only 2 EnvolopM FREE! S-Pioc«Plae* SoNina STAINLESS TARUWARE: With Only 2 Envlopi Ehlers Grade A Coffee Ib. can Matt* MtkMTb* BlfflTMN Green Giant Peas OAT MO TINDIRMA5 rag. 2 cm 39c SAVI 17c 617 oz. cans Corned Beef Hash LIMY'S MIATYMCH rag. 32c SAVI lit lib. cans Pineapple Juice DOLTS HAWAAN rag. 29c SAVI 16c Pet Milk Evaporated DOUM.Y RICH oz. cans 1 W eans^^ Ad Dotorgant >««- lf «* 30«Soap Ftorient Woodbury Jt^S^ 3Z;29c Raisin Cookies -» Hydrox Ctoktos Pretzels E Oranfe Juice **-.*-*' 3 50«Rival Pet Food ^^ 3-38c OUNDS CAKE 95 TSY-GOID or MARIli J F 1 0 Stewed Tomatoos ««-»». 21«Mayonnaise ^35^ *X45c Heinz Ketchup w««.»«^,*«.w». 25* Noodles NM.AMMT'LWU.»»»*»33 e White Bread ^IT* ' 20«Grade A Eggs ^ST.1-53c Peanut Butter **'s 39c - 49c TeHet Tissue ^.^L, 3 * 37c FRK! AY OIPOUT ONLY 1 family-iise bottle of COCA-COIA when you buy 2 at regular prieel 2 ooti. e^ ay pluid«p.«f' Onw OOOO PON LIMITED TIMK ONLY ITALIAN DRESSING KRAFTS-Sc OFF UIR. ex. eel.22 KRAFT'S 7% ex. pfcg Pure Preserves SntAWMRRY OLD VIRGINIA rag. 29c SAVI 16c 412 oz. jars Fancy Tuna iish IUMMJ N I WHITI rag. 39c SAVI 17c 37 or cans Highway Corn WHOLE KERNEL RtlSHIR FLAVOR rag. 2 cans 29c SAVI 43c oz. cans 1012 Freestone Peaches RUSH CRK in heavy syrup rag. 29c SAVI 16c 429 oz. cans Rex Dog Food IXCIUINT FOR CATS TOO I I M label for special offar on dog training record Chicken «Beef Pie COUNTY FAIR FROZIN Reg. 4** 89c SAVI 12c SAFEWAY GUARANTEED TS. BUY WITH CONFIDENCE I T M DPI Pork Loins CUT MOM LIGHT WHONT PORK LOIN 33* Ib. ^^ ^0 T RIB HALF *45«FOWL SEAFOOD VALUES 39 REAIY-TO-COOK OOrT OMOE A Ib. OOVT IHSPECTEO Swordfish Steaks Fresh Scallops Ib LOIN HALF 5Sc ANCY eeuctous 69<, 79c! SAFEWAY SELLS ONLY THE BEST PRODUCE SHOP SAFEWAY CONVINCE YOURSELF LEYTUCE CRISP - ICEBERG larga haad\l POTATOES U. S. No. 1 - SIZE A STEAK ORMEt Rag. Cut SALE TIP VF-.E& ib 'Superior Trim' M»^ SAFEWAY STEAKS fc 95 BROCCOLI CALIFORNIA'S FINEST large bunch25 ORANGES FLORIDA'S FINEST GRAPEFRUIT, 4-29c YELLOW ONIONS 4-25c CARROTS 1 2 YELLOW TURNIPS - -5c KRAFTS 23 SWISS CMEESI KRAFTS - NATURAL SLICED ft Ib. pkg. 41 an Inn Ivwiif Mn. tan Ttart. 'tu I P.M.-q PRIDAVe TIL 10 P.M. Ucxcarr ATLANTIC HiaHLANOt) RED IANK, 362 ITMNI Strttt "a 11*4 t -_-» t.i- ai i> Ml MfltM Itwewp aatwc WIMIMI AM SWIFTS PREMIUM FROZEN Loin Luncheon Starts -S9«SWIFT'S PREMIUM FROZEN laaf Sandwich Starts 8 or pkg. 59«SWIFT'S PREMIUM FROZEN Hamburger Putties 12 57«SWIFT'S PREMIUM FROZEN Chopped Beef Steaks prkm M D*H«r Ipthk (HMlivt «w 10 Bar Irwn Thun., F«b. JHt( Thra $!., Mar. fth. AN Mlnr ^ tftatllv* TfciPf.., frl. M4 to»., r.k. Itlk, Mar. la) ant* 1*4. W. rawna rla>m» UaiH ajuamltlai. N«M wm ta Jailaw. Shop O SAFEWAY

32 , y«t», 9, On MonmoutWx Campus fcy fata rorter Harry Britton and Frank Con- ever have been busy auditioning Town," a three-act play, to be presented Feb. 2S and Mar. 1; cast Includes Ralph Strait, Sylvia Cloud. Ira at Monmouth will start its early i epring training In March. Ron Connelly, club president, anaounced tentative plans of a sum- Bier climb on Mt, Mitchell. New members are now being- trained for tbe club's future excursions lord chancellor; Bob Evers, exalted chancellor; Bob Brooks,. Dr. Charles A. Wolbach of ltfvnanni *n*th»fnatlr«prrtf at chancellor exchequer; Roger Hegewairi, ciianteilur \ti twcuiiis, Monmouth, recently gave" a talk and Gary Mitchell, pro chancellor.. Mu Alpha Phi to have a to the Manasquan Kiwanis club. It Is reported that his dissertation was extremely Interesting,.The spring enrollment has lopped the It hundred mark... The student nurses of Monmouth Memorial are planning to preaant a musical comedy, "The Turnabout," at the Lyceum in Long Branch Mar "Our When They Get like This It Would Bo Cheaper to.. New Can Ntw Truck* PHIL WALDMAN Car «) Track ftatrtoj Maala Are. tod W. Front St. OVLF HSBWICE STATION SHarfysMa 7-O3M Opaa Dally and Sunday 7 A. M, t* 10 r. M. UP TO 20a 00 ON CmtaWalli GAUGE Attic ft«oms Bcblaefer, Barbara Lambert, an planning an excursion to New James Cook. Albert Park, Anita York sometime In the near future...the Mountaineering Longo, Joseph Buccierl and Rich- club announced this week that his group will participate In the eighth annual one-act play tournament which the New Jersey Theatre League opens tomorrow. The Players will present "Storm," by Florence Ryerson ard Plunkett. Konneth Knapp, director, has invited the public to witt Barlow school In Plainfteld and Colin Clements, at the Da attend a performance at the College theater...sigma Phi Delta Saturday, Mar. H, at p. m. held an election Tuesday evening with George Voehl voted grand ly Fansler, Headden's Cerner, ;e sale at Steinbachs in As-Jibury Park Mar. SO for the bene- Rumsosi, Will Harvey. Robert Jordan, and Michael Mvona, fit of tbe Monmouth county unit Poarae of Rumson is production for tbe New Jersey Association coordinator, assisted by Miss for Retarded Children... Sigma Barbara Warwick, Leonardo, Delta Kappa sorority la now working on iu newly proposed conlands, sound, and Donald Davis, sets; Robert Earle, Atlantic Highstitution. Monmouth Hills, lights. My choice for student of the Mr. Hemleb studied radio production and acting in college, af- week this week is Middletuwner James Morford. A graduate of ter which he wrote and produced Leonardo in 1»M, he has aspir- his own radio show. He has been ations to be a history prof in college. At Monmouth ha has been a member, and past president, of the student council for three years; a member of the Lambda Sigma Tau, and currently he is playing a major part In the school play. Jimmy is also working approximately 40 hours a week teaching the fifth grade at Port Monmouth grammar school. Then on Sundays he teaches Sundayschool at the Baptist church In Mlddletown. Along with his cur- American Academy of Dramatic Arts, and the Feagln School of riculum at Monmouth this history Drama and Radio. She has done majorer is taking a science course summer stock at the Ivy Tower at the extension division of New-Playhousark State Teachers college in Red pearing last season with Signs In Spring Lake, ap- Bank. Jimmy's lighter moments Hasso in "AnasUsia" and with are spent playing tennis and Jeffrey Lynn In "The Seven Year horseback riding; the latter se< Itch." She was In "The Male Ani- given by the Ing the reason, I guess, for hiemal" Monmouth FREE ESTIMATES UP TO w» ON BOOM ADDITIONB summer job at the race track Congratulations to a boy who la really getting a well rounded education, this week's student of the week at Monmouth, James Morford. UP TO»20O ON ALUMINUM Clapboard Siding ALSO SPECIALIZING IN: RfRoofaf o Pr«>Cant Stwi* Praatt - msskskl^sm MTCM CcHor No Monty Down 5 Yrs. to Pay! i J L» ll SUtiiBaii MM W - Arassjsjsj sji n*v mvusy wt TOW TUM IS YOVB OVAJUNTBB OF PBOTECTION... Prompt, Cowtaaas Service aad Oaoi Wsrkmaashlp BUNGS SUCCESS TO.... PETNICK CONSTRUCTION CO. P. O. MX 121. ROUTI MIDDUTOWN. N. J. DAT raonsfr-mddixtown s-hm SIGHTTOONK-MIDDLETOWN MtU Players Enter State Contest Robert Ooodman of Naveslnk, president of Monmouth Players, whoa they will participate against the Community Players of Westfield, and the Kenyon Players of Piainileld. Joha Hemleb of Rumson is the director. The cast includes Miss Virginia Wlthington of folnt Pleasant as Maggie Jordaa; Bil- production manager and has done sound and lighting for many of tbe play* given by the group. He directed "Heat Llghning" and "The Severed Cord" in previous one-act play competitions, and "Nlgnt Must Fall." He has acted In "Theatre," "Cuckoo* on the Hearth," "You can't Take it With You," "The Male Animal" and "The Filth Season." Miss Withington studied at the Players, and was. active In Its work-shop. Mr. Fansler began theatricals In high school and continued at John Brown university, taking courses in dramatics and radio. In the Army, ha was officer In charge of radio, servlne at the Yorker was sentenced to 60 days LITTLE SILVER The RedIn jail here Tuesday for stealing Cross drive opens here tomor- an overcoat from James Donnelly of 55 Chestnut St., Headden's More Polio Funds Aleutian Islands directing and row, when a large committee of training actors, for which he received a special commendation, volunteers starts a house-to-house Needed to Meet Quota Corner, supervisor of the Mt. Sinai hospital children's pavilion In EATONTOWN Mrs. George canvass for funds. Mrs. Miles Two years in summer stock followed at the Hilltop theater in Shlppee Is chairman. Collections New York. Sauerweln, general chairman of In the business areas will be made Mr. Donnelly's coat was al-thlegedly stolen from a ward coat- that the drive quota of $1,300 has polio drive here, said today Baltimore. With Monmouth Players, he acted In "The Male Ani- by Frank OeMarla and Arthur P. Muelberger. room of the hospital, 100th st. be-notween Fifth and Madison Aves., She said if there Is anyone In quite been reached. mal" and directed "Light Up the Voitinteere received work kits Sky". at a kickoft meeting Thursday at New York city, Feb. 9. Eatontown who has been intending to donate to the drive, they Tidewaters, home of Mrs. Joseph Mr. Btvona has appeared In A New York detective arrested John Rodriguez, 24, or 23 East can still do so by sending their Mount on Point rd. Mrs. Steven many Monmouth Players productions including "Theatre," "Cuck- 107th st., New York, sentenced contributions to her. The Ouiy Is drive co-chairmen. drive on the Hearth." Savage," ''The Male The Fifth Season," and "Light Up the Sky." H> also appeared In "Heat Lightning" In a previous competition and, in addition, has been active in back stage work. The board of directors of the Porter, Mrs. Benjamin Dlckerson, Mrs. Jonn McGuire, Mrs. Edward Playera will mast Monday, Mar. Hennessey, Mrs. William Sullivan; Mrs. George Brown, Mrs. 11, at the home of Mr. Earlo in Atlantic Highlands. The nest Albert Moore, Mrs. Frederick group meeting will be In Navesink library Mar. ll, with the David Lawrence, Mrs. William Bliss, Mrs. Kenneth Layton, Mm. dress rehearsal of "Storm" as Watts. the program. Mrs. Louis T. Cboquette, Mrs. The group's spring production Frank Schlro, Mrs. John B. Dashling, Mrs. Ross Kilgore, Mrs. will be "Laura," a mystery, to be given Apr.», «, and T In the Atlanta City sir station. Hs had spent a month at homo attar a year** service at the Keflavlk, IcUsnd, air bass. MONMOUTH MEATS QUALITY MEATS FROM SELECTED GENUINE STEERS t, FRESH KILLED POULTRY 110 Monmouth St.,,, U :;::r-;:j, y» Red Bank EYE ROUND RQ m rax AMMO TUMM OONILISS BOAST ^ ^ ^kdv FRESHLY KILLED Preparing Communion Breakfast Harry C. Barnard, left, of Rad lank, and Arthur Hotaling, eantar at table, of Littla Silvor, who aetad at chart for tho Protaitant Man's Communion breakfast, propara tha maal sarvad at fellowship hall of tha Rad Bank Mathodist church Friday. George Sturmfalt, right, tamplas tha offering as Richard Kohli, raar, editor of tho local church's publication, Mathodist Outlook, looks on. Mon of tha churchas of tha community astistad in serving tha maal. Rav. Jasso Lyons of Riverside church of Now York was braakfait ipoakor. Dr. Jamas W. Parkar was chairman of tho arrangements committee. Drive Begins For Red Cross Workers Include Mrs. Albert "Curious oday, and Robert Esplno, 35, ofhas been extended into March so Lowres, Mrs. William Owens, Animal," 68 Uast 88th at., New York, athat business firms who have not Mrs. Edward C. Stokes, Mrs. Wil-blocliam Reisen, Mrs. Ralph Ribustcl- shortly after the coat was stolen. may do so. away from the hospital yet returned their contributions li, Mrs. Edward Kenyon, Mrs. Edward Ostrander, Mrs. F. A. DeGennaro, Mrs. Richard D. Robert Wlnfleld, Mrs. Frank Lepore, Mrs. Lester W. Taylor, Naveslnk library, directed by Mr. Fansler. Mrs. Clifford H. Oakenon, Mrs. Clancy H. Boynton, Mrs. William BOYNTON AT NEW ASK B. Heatley, Mrs. Russell Cooper, Mrs. Jerome B. Drew, Mrs. Henry Clark, Mrs. Walter E. Ingram, Airman Rhett C, Boynton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Boynton, LaRoy pi., left Sunday to ard Farley, Mrs. Joseph Dris- Mrs. Donald Cheney, Mrs. Rich- take up new duties at tha Navy's eoll, Mrs. Donald Asay, Mrs. I Benjamin Clevenger, Mrs. Henry H. Hart. Jr., Mrs. Harry KIUM and Mrs. John R. Palumbo. Matawan Leon Christlnat, a resident of Matawan on a four-year contract Peru for Price, Waterhouse 1 company, la spending this week visiting his mother, Mrs. Robert Christlnat, Washington at. The local auxiliary of Monmouth Memorial hospital will hold dessert-card party this afternoon at the home of Mrs. Edwin H. Domlnlck, Park ave. Miss Dolores Halthcock, Maple at., Cliffwood, has been selected to represent Matawan high school next month In the 19th earn reading of poetry contest sponsored by Rutgers Newark college of aru and aciences, humanities di- FRYING QC! home in Canton, Mass., after a CHICKENS ZO awirra snims snia MIF aet» AN* MAMMW ^ aj _ GRADE PORTERHOUSE STEAK 65* 3 lbs. FRANKFURTERS 2 Joz. URGE EG6S 3 lbs., mm CHUCK GROUND 59ib $1.00 CMOlOg, OINUINI LEGS OF LAMB 59Ib as*culi PULL eur ta LB. Avaaaai rresk, a.? Is. Slat FOWL lbs. CHOPPED BEEF 4 lbs. WILSON OLEO 6 lbs. PI6S FEET Wkele er a* NS! LOIN OF PORK 49. EM ^% ft TOP SIRLOIN ROAST 59* Mr* Floyd T. Taylor, Columbus, Ohio, a former Matawan resident. Is enjoying a M-day cruise to South America. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Rabel are entertaining Mrs. James M Braden, Jersey city,, and Mrs. John B. Collins, Keansburg. Mrs. Charles H. Jones, Sd, and son Daniel have returned to their ten-day visit with Mrs. Jones' parents, Mr. and Mrs. George F. Sampson. Leroy H. Sickles has returned to his home on Main st. after a business trip to Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Mr. and Mrs. William R. Craig have returned home after a visit to Boston, Mais. A dinner-dance sponsored by the United Hebrew congregation will be held at Peterson's Buttonwood Manor Saturday night. Music will be furnished by Homer Gerlufsen and his orchestra Entertainment will be presented by the Arthur Murray dance studios. Raymond E c k e r t, Laurence Harbor, young dancer who won the Walt Disney Enterprlsee na tionwide talent contest, will be featured Sunday mornings on the children's television program sponsored by Horn and Hardart. Donald H. Knoell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Knoell, was In mated last week Into the Delta Delta chapter of the Delta Sigma Phi, International fraternity al Purdue university, Lafayette, Ind Mrs. Frank Gray, Br., presided at a meeting of the Ladies' auxiliary of the M. E. Haley hose company recently, Plans were made for a drive for new members and announcement made o the meeting of the Matawan Borough Ladlei auxiliary Mar. 21 Midway hose company, Thomas Walker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Walker, Maiden la., has.recovered lrom the mumps. He was confined to his homt a, New Yorker failed In Theft of Coat NEW YORK CITY - A New The charge against Esplno was dismissed two days later. Rodrlguei pleaded guilty earlier this month. He was sentenced In Special Sessions court. in f McCallum nylon hosiery to flattering... you jutt know the mean them! 1.35 pair 60/15 ihear 61/30 tarvice short, madium and long lengths J. YANKO r~*jw Isttlssk SUrfLIMENTARY CLASSES IN READING ENGLISH MATHEMATICS STUDY HABITS SPEECH KM MiAm sucens m SCHOOL AND COUIM. RUMSON READING INSTITUTE RMMI ft. tamty. Dfcwtsr KltaMM Milt j '/ll( ( f)> i ill! I i sv* * 7 7! Quickest Service Anywhere Ye,, hara you'll find tha QUICKEST SERV- ICE ANYWHERE, as a mahar of fact, it only talcas ONE HOUR to hava your clothes cloened by ena of tha nawait and most modarn proeatsas. And thara is NO EXTRA CHARGE! You'll Notice the Difference! MARTINIZED GARMENT is & Martiniiing Solvent, the finest thara Is, gives you garments cleaner and more beautiful than aver before.. with colors frash, true and glowing. Martinixing Solvent Is fast drying, odorless and germicid a l... to assure yoii thoroughly sanitised, germ-free clothes IT'S Without Set Stains All spots are treated BEFORE cleaning. AND IT STAYS Pressed Longer memostlndtcfcleahlng if ;!?' :.** BRING THIS AD AND RECEIVE A DURABLE TRANSPARENT PLASTIC TRAVEL BAG FREE OUR STORE IS NOW UNDER THE DIRECT SUPERVISION OF A NORTH.. JERSEY SUPERVISOR OF ONE HOUR MARTIMZING. ' AS ADVERTISED I ( IN LIFE AND ESQUIRE 176 MONMOUTH ST. RED BANK (OPPOSITE RAILROAD STATION) SH

33 "Qua iy/foot/ ROAST or STEAK - (*-*»- <M TOP SIRLOIN TOP ROUND BOTTOM ROUND At At* Yaw Chtkt a* AIL tf Thaft Cuff tl Wmmi ar Taf SMafa atoajuw Meal WMI-tlOMT' QUALITY Ground Beef * *»*- < -IUMRRICHT" QUALITY IMF Cubed Steaks IOMUU *79< "SUPIt-mCHT" QUALITY Veal Shoulders "SUPM-MONT" QUAUTY Beef Tongues *M M If i w MtrclwM «f any AflrP "SvMr- Wl^lH IHVav * SWnfy SUV VwVV^M t MtMy in»!> way, A0rP wih» «"DMftte Y#yr Mmy lack"! "SUflR-RICHT" QUALITY Pork Chops»»?«.* 33c%r«- 69c SWIFTS PREMIUM Sausage *-' «V 6.4b fcjm'jfetfh OIL MONTI IRAND ind CraiMfruiff Drink Pink Salmon Straa IM Golden Corn Shredded Chocolate Chip Brillo Soap Pads Frenn food ValMs{ GrttaPeas ««. 3«f Mi* Ep StmtoriM "^ t' llkwhl ^r I 4 ItPlml CrtM Ityk 29< -53< 4.~43< 29.2^35< 2=39 Outitanding Dairy Buy$! «ek-fnil Irak A Large White Eggs 4 imnfitm- Fwi Fr»tfc CnaMry J), Butter *«- "J»M Sharp Cheddar Cheese <t:49c i BLUEBERRY PIE I Heat this Jtne Parker Blueberry Pie to bring oat it* rich flavor! Everyone in the family will love it. I "^^*SWSM^^* Everyone iitthe family will love it. VMh jgs ^ T^ I "^' [^Bi^kfiiTt Rolls 1T9-31c P^ndCake-- ^57cJ unuce POTATOES BROCCOLI SWEET CORN EIMIN' Qhtmbnitn Stnfrin MMMni Qbmt l fr OraanObaaia 2 & Mort Big Grocery Vo/ues.'* SaaiaiRaMaa > W BraaiMtt Rtdl-ltot Jm w. tottr ;:» im Goatti'iaa t f TTanate t o faafa f. U:» MM. Barry's Oxford Oraams... ^»«Q.T.IattaaiOaktFrattJa.. l**u* Evaaarated Milk ^^ *» S ' It* Guu klink C*M^.^ JoraaaAlmeids c ^ T ^ c.^ ^21* Dlamaad Waliaii 1^' Nattli]i So«i-Swott IkrMli. ;-!! MaraalPaaarNapklia -» 2^' W ^.39c«-69c A&P Inslanl Coffee '-'I WISE Potato Chins 2* Dexo ~. i32c -*-* West Pine Deodorant «20«Tomato Soap «4 ~*35 Uikltt Knffi Knffi Htiiz vbvuvs ipjwie MIX. i t., ^j 9F PkiaaaviA raviii iwhvi iffiggcv ^ ^ wv Orngi JN Dtlixt Slim IHHMlQIaaBar » ThratUttlaKHIaaaOatFaatf^S' M : 2t«Pirktjf Margarlit TMMtt Ktfahl AnwriMii, Km»irt», Swh) HaxNMaUINIMi * Orint LiiH Ivtrf FlakM Ivcry SMW Spli I Jay Liquid Dttergtat Rai Naart fcf F FM «1ilw> 1*4 flu* UbrUt Starch S ' «llmlat OK Alaaa Wrap Aluminum M Camay Soap Oanay Saap ipawilqf f^f tn# Bath 2J12S' Swaaaa TallatTlawa swaaaa Paper Tiwala teaanoit M M aatauaa.. aaui h Wmtmmm atll^ait>lii1 ABiaaUBflk ^altllem^aw 44aHJ"fc 4 rftcfjfi fjllvvtlvfj nlifl )i wenwtwwjf»*w In Sypar Mtrkttt and Stlf-Sarvkt Mw A&t>'S NEWEST MARKET PROSPECT AVE. & CHURCH ST., LITTLE SILVER FREE PARKING 121 MONMOUTH ST., RED BANK HIGHWAY 36, KEANSBU

34 lft I. I Service* lullyill Trtafttj at Rtorviow Persons treated at Riverview hospital during the past week Inciuded Arnold Vincent, 13, of 27 Uurna pi., Red Bank, poaaible broken left arm, it ruck by a soc- Wlaona E. enr ball; Paul Zennario, 12, of a, ssjeeatlve director ef sertlm MMmsath County left hand, tripped ov«r a rug and Craig pi.. Mew Monmouth, cut a for lodal Service, put band through a storm door: at a mectlnf of theleopold Letter, 72, of t Ocean MxUiuy ef tht state View rd., Highlands, possible I ten ant Wednesday afi at 1:M o'ctott In MM Anger in a Venetian blind; Ken- broken left third finger, caught f Immgt. M» will explain Meat her erauliauon itves i discharged patients tgirt patients from * M M cllnle at lfonmouth»frl iafttal, which auopron* (IgrtftfaMe cart. Dr. & Darrak tlm utwarjr will be First at, Keyport, broken Ml Mar. n it * t«for thi newwrist, fell; Thomas James, 10,» of student nurau who will of 112 Bpringdale ave., New tht psychiatric nursing part Shrewsbury, Injured lett eye, hit tha)r stadias at Marlboro. Mrs. by a stone thrown by another boy (kodwin of Rumson it I Mr*. WBUam Jones of Holmdel, VMsnbertklp and education eheir- M wduary will hold _.Sa* «w l t h Mr»- y TM-j^.of Rwnaon at chetr- " *»»1tfet, explaining tht aoa WaHitH members play In I». M. y"i proiram, has been MMBlfn. Ixnile H. Robert-.. Mkabtth, and Uluatrated Him Virginia B. Stofflet of HMM, a membtr of the AID SOCIETY MEETING LXMCROirr- The Ladiee' Aid tfca Community church V jltat thuredey night,mar «I o'atoek. at tht home of ^ "Mtaallr SUlwell, Penelope Ilia. Charles Cox neth Hansen, 26, of 42 Park View dr, Hailet, injured right arm, hit In the arm by a crank; Paul Emerson, 2, of 148 Bray ave. East Keansburg, cut lip, fell on a chair; Robert Warwick, 11, of Lr.onardville rd., Leonardo, possible broken right collarbone, Injured while playing in school yard. Buaan Carew, 14, of 111) IMtshaw ave., Shrewsbury township, Injured his right wrlit tumbling at school; Elizabeth Relnhart, 40, of 24 Park ave., Rumson, possible broken right foot, tripped over a rubber mat; William 8. Haxleton, 43 of First ave., Atlantic Highlands, possible broken left foot, twlrted ankle; Vincent Maloney, T. ot 13 Mill Brook rd., Middletown, Injured right foot, fell into a ditch; Pritcllla Wright, 8, of 41 Delaware ave., West Long Brtnch, broken light wrist, fel! while roller akatlng; John Matak, 3, of 90 Hendrlckson pi, Fair Haven, bitten by dog; War ren Wilkinson,, Auldwood lane, Rumson, cut left second linger, caught Anger In a door; Stephen Bayers, 2, of 1«S Laurel ave,west Kcanaburg, cut left eye, ran Into the edge of a table. Stanley Reid, 14, of W Plum St., New Shrewsbury, bitten by dog; Karen Walsh, 12, ot W Charles Bennett, 48, of 8 North Bridge ave.. Red Bank, cut left thumb; Arthur Schenk, M, of 90 Woodland ave., Pair Haven, bruised left knee, sprained left ankle, slipped and fell; Julia VIt torla, 72, of 1S2 Shrewsbury ave.. Red Bank, broken left ankle, fell down stairs; Frederick Guyon, 86, of 30 Valley at, Highland!, Injured right hand; Maureen Schllfer, % ot 21 Colllnson dr, New Monmouth. cut Up In fall, Helen Sandqutst, 52, of» Wharf ave., Red Bank, cut left hand on a broken teapot; Harry Hoffman, ttrrlet League of Red a waiting with the auxiliary. Mr* Lewis E. Brook! of Red 51, of 149 Branoh ave., Red Bank, president, at an auxiliary bruited left third finger, struck netting yeiterday at thehand against dith washing ma- Jttal, fetid that Thomas Irving Brawn, publisher of The Reglittr, ha* eonblknted a year't subscription to ttij paper for tht patients' library. -7' & chine; Theodore King, 3, of rt. W, West Keansburg, cut nil scalp with a glass ornament; Kenneth Marass, 2, of 85 Lafayette it, Rumson, cut scalp, fell from a high chair; Ann Marie Knott, The" be NMUnk Garden club thtrf, Ja fatien work. Colored pie- 3, of 57 Manor dr.. Red Bank, *Mf Will entertain today at cut right, hand, fell on a Jar; kwpmn for patient! Intereat- Randolph Paton, 4, of 1 Twilight t*wm atttf gardtni at Williamskwff, Va, wlu be ahown. NTf* TUTS IB pl., Port Monmouth, cut left index finger on a toy truck; Philip Brown, X ot 10 Carmen St., West Keansburg. caught finger In a door; William Mabbltt, 14, of Cllffwood, head injury, fell on pavement; Arthur Bulger, Jr., 12, of 23 Ward ave., Rumson, cut left eyelid; Mri. Agnea Catdwell. 12, of Belford, Injured toe. fell on stairs; Joseph McCurrin, IS, of Port Monmoutii, injured his right hand, hit desk with the.roosevelt In Newback of his hand, and Louise 1 a Bib Boom restauonly roast beef burg, broken right elbow, fell Breyer, 49, of 46 Creek rd., Keans- hours. ' roller skating. SALE WWuMJKIW IpgeJuice *-* 7t 99< Juke * 7 99< ipefniit Juice *-» 7^99* iitocs FTWICH PrMfl fffl KHthtnGardm Kitdwwftofdow French StyW ween Deans $«*** t PM.. TY* jt» Piffles POjdl ChapBtdwUaf 3 lbs. B & Carrots ub * e«#«ibfook fcraw 2to Com 3 lbs. Wax Beans, uu, k ^ CHIT gpjjjoes Au Cratin Farmi s * * G«t your "Bosk Seven" Chart free at od He*/** te price/egq " Ml AIAUNCID MR #tff AIAIANCID HJDMT shop LiitrinTi^iiiiiu L;[JIF; jebijiiinimiimiiiiimiitan^iiijifiiiuuinrujiijjirtiimjrttfifii^^ Extru Special Femtmre Orand Union Made. Quality Quick Frozen Southern FRYING CHICKENS u. t CHICKEN IREASTS I CHICKEN THIGHS ltlhe«muiluufl»ll<>llliw^ 89, 1.,H79, MO6EN DAVID MIDGET SALAMI DEEMOOT FARMS-Ttp Quality. SUnltu FRANKFURTERS HAND UNION Selected Polity COO or PERCH FUiTS 2^77 Crisp Fresh Fruits & Vegetables Qrtii Fnta-Nncliii with Tmkutt litur SWEET CORN BROCCOLI LETTUCE GRAPEFRUIT 6 Marvelous Variety of Grocery Bargains 2-25/ SACRAMENTO TOMATO JUKE 29 SILVER SKIUET HASH «.».«SILVER SKIUET BEEF STEW FRESHPAK CREEN PEAS GRAND UNION PEARS STOKELY SLICED BEETS CHUN KING SWANSDOWN TEA BAGS SPRY McCORMICK CAKE MIXES-Y«lk>w, Whit., Df>Vll $ roofl# «9tlttt}ftC0)tCn NESTLE SEMI-SWEH MORSELS NABISCO GRAHAM CRACKERS THRIVO DOG FOOD (Doil Paek) cam 29 ox. CM 227/ 89/ 2 37/ 3199/ Colorod and HUDSON TOILET TISSUE Whit* BLUE RIBBON NAPKINS 2 STA-PUF MIRACLE RINSE m*** Bab-0 l4ox.«jo# 21 WONW cam LLl etn L\ Rinso Blue lh 12 o can Lux LIQUID DETERGENT "37' Lifebuoy 3Z 29. 2^29. Keebler Saltines Twinkle * Cl "«' "jfg, Ivory Soap 4C25 # Uncle Ben's Rice Grand Union SWIFTS PREMIUM, ARMOUR STAR AND U.S. CHOICE UND ROAST TMt Low Price Phn TrlpiVS MM Stamp* Too... 6RAH0 UMON-SeJtthd QMH* SAUSAGE MEAT FUV-O-RICH-ltiielMi 9«lct Fren* -1 Sen. BEEFSTEAK >/>'»*a9 MESH SLICED lessltit M i er Irel SWORDHSN STEAK»6 9 8kmp ike Mmitr* Way Swift Prtmhm loatrtst MMH l«mtm m Itttt COFFEE Prices Reduced! GRAND UNION BRANDS EARLY MORN I T»» FRESHPAK INSTANT COFFEES MAXWELL Radut»dw< fashpak Instant R f Martinsons Instant l* Nesafe hstant "t VACUUM PACKED COFFEE Haxwel House ENers Martinsons Chock MMMMs Sanka Smtin Beechnt Hthnd House Chase 1 Sanbwn OH Dutch 3* 3«Roduetd 6ox. $139 1 XI H>$1.10 Chocolate Bon-Bons r- a 35' Mazola Oil bs:7l* Mazola Oil ^ 29< Tuna : 39, Sofskin HAND CREAM Fret Comb It Evtry rw» Brylcreemft 59' VELVEETA CHWISPtlAD ONMSIASSM Muenster ^53* Noaey Lyaa AssorittJ Danish Pistry 4*35' Nitty IMM Jelly Donuts 6*29* Kraft UPTOM sou* Morn TiMffYt«laMt To R*c*ivf Sp«elfll Grand Union Labtltv ttlonm TRIPLI-S STAMPS ForUb.1. Savt Triples Stampi Thli Wotk and Evtry Wook For WEI Olfts <tim*4 UIOM Ortitry fri«t M**1» Tkim. he. lllkrimhtd, Msr. Mh - Meet, *re*m 4 Bdrr M«e Dwrs. tt*. Ittk Ikra M, Mer. Ui, t* M K. Y. mi M. j. torn Ostyi Wt bum It* Nat* It tmt Qsaiillllti.

35 SALE State Highway 36, KEANSBURG N.J OPEN MM. THRU TK. TIL 9 FRIDAY 'Tl 1 0P.M. LOOK! Toil can have a Complete Outfit COAT,HARHANDBAG PRE GIRLS' TOPPERS Min4tt!4 Jlf/arW ONLY A new eerlita Mnt ef beautiful nylen tspmrs, several stylet U chtett»rewi. Ceme I* pink, white, and blue. Cemplttely washable. Buy new ens' "Isy. GIRLS' HATS GIRLS' I1M Sim 7 to U lacnomly $]74 «-%w." OACTA$1.50 HANDBAGS7U 10 PRE-EASTER SALE GIRLS' SUITS Sizes 3 to 14 ONLY Modish spring tfytes In assorted colon' A grand toittr wtt, uy now pay lot* «r» Grind Union's "Uy-Awoy Plon." MitW TOPPERS SiiHlOtoiS Uwclly $14.91 ONLY Th» MNI Bring «oot. A mutt for every wordrobil Stvtrol ttyjisi to croon from. Nylon* and wooli. Beautifully tailored. Buy now-pay later on Grand Union'* "Loy-owoy" Plan, Girls' DRESSES ONLY That* oie, beautiful nylon, polished cotton and chromt-spun 4mm. All weehobl*. Com* in auorred itylei and colors. Just»or your spring.vftjrarobe. WESTINGHOUSE STEAM fc DRY Usually S16.9I IRON ONLY 9 A terriflo buy. A boautlful chroma Iron. Optn handle. Reduces hond fatigue. IS iltom vmtt glvt mor«mam ot«r wtdor path. UIM ordinary top water. feeemre * ** )) 20-GALLON, OALVANIZID STL UteeHy GARBAGE CANS \* *?" WITH COVsK ' United Quantity Only 110 " ' rt Your latter Wardrobe Now ond Poy Por It On rand UrtWi Lay Away Plan Ask tfct MoiM or Por Dofoilt I Two Auxiliaries Pledge Total of $5,100 to Hospital IftmorUl pledges to the Riverview hospital $1,170,000 buildinf fund by the Little Silver and the Shrewabury auxiliaries of the hospital have been received, It was announced this week by the memorial subscription committee chairman, Harry Vanlderstlne, Jr Ṁrs. Elmer Watnrlght, president of the Shrewsbury auxiliary, announced that a pledge amounting to (3,000 waa voted by the membership o( her group. The Little Silver auxiliary selected a 12,100 memorial suggested by Mrs. E. R. Weaver, chairman ef a special committee appointed to find ways and mtans of sharing in the building fund program, according to Mrs. John B. Dtan, vice president of the organisation and presiding officer at the meeting when the action was taken. The hospital's president, James 8. Parkes, said be anticipate* that the other auxiliaries of the hospital will la the near future decide on the extent of participation. In the case of the two auxiliaries that have pledged a combined total of 45,100 to be paid over the next few years, each group will have the privilege of electing a memorial unit In the new wing. "A hospital building fund is different," declared Mr. Vanlder- tine. "It Is not an annual appeal for operating funds. Blnce individuals, families and businesses a* well a* dvlo groups are being aaked to give only once, a high standard of giving is necessary. "Naturally," he continued, "gift* of substantial amounts can, but need not, be in cash, but conveniently pledged tor a period extending over three tax years. Only In this way can we be assured of success in this urgently needed building program. "Both the Little Silver and Shrewsbury hospital auxlllarlea ore well aware of this fact," he concluded, "and I am delighted to have received these two splendid examples." Everett Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Caprion and ions Michael and Joseph pent Friday at Port Deposit, Bainhrldge, Md., with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Connelly and daughter Laurie. Capt. Viola Warneker, who has been stationed in England two years with the Nurses Corps., 1* home on a 30-day leave. Mrs. Bernard Warneker has returned home from Hatard hospital, where she was a medical patient several weeks with injuries suffered In a fall. Mr. and Mr«. Charles Conover have left for Topeka. Kan. They will attend the wedding of their on, Lieut. Charles A. Conover, to Miss Blllie Jo Schuetz, at First Methodist church, Bison, Kan. Mr. and Mrs. John Licht are the parents of a son, born Saturday at Monmouth Memorial hospital. YES, WE HAZ-ET! iifcs«d [ InstctickrM Organic* Httrdwarv URW Product* Paints lasktts " flt MOSI Took Coal Purina Chows fencing Klndi Draws RENTALS Tractors Saws Brass Warts Gadgets Rosts Shrubs Chixt Nocks, #tc SWARIZEfS f i r a i Garden Ctr. (by BX X) HAZLET. N. J. KB 1-im (OM. Snailar ' PJi.) VVa'l From the PRR Harry X. French, 115 Branch we., last week retired after 44 years' service with the Penneyl vania railroad. He waa a ticket seller at Pennsylvania station, New York city. Mr. French started with the offense for a total of ft. Michael lt,, w,., nor,,, P.R.R. as a clerk In Newark Oct. Labrlola of Sheraton lane waa UM Keg!it«i>»<< uch iuu«i«iuh t, 1»1J. When World War I atari fined ft for his second violation I tnvwt eoau faster. Ady«rtii.m«nt ed, ha enlisted in the Navy. When of the dog ordinance. Fined (3 he returned, he was given the each tor dog violations were John tlnltat «ai1*r post la Kctr Yerk. arton *ni Ann O'Hhefi, Refcin Mr. sad Mra. French have five children and IS grandchildren. Uncroft The Llneroft 4-H club will meat next Tuesday at 7:10 p. m. at the fire house. The eighth anniversary of the atarting of the club will be celebrated. Leaders will supply the refreshments. The club will have a 4-H display In the window of Frank's barber shop Mar. 2 to t. The Women's association of the first aid squad will meet at the fire' house next Wednesday at 1:15 p. m. The Uncroft-Holmdel Klwanls club met at Uncroft inn laat Thursday night. Gabriel Molnar, supervisor of the technical department of Bell Telephone Co., gave a talk on the dial system. Plans were discussed for Ladles' night, Mar. 21, which will be a corned beef and cabbage dinner at Lincroft inn. Jack Lamken la chairman. A member of the Truckmen's Association of New Jersey wilt give a talk and show a movie Mar. 7. Stanley Stllwel will be in charge of the program Mr*. Harry Seylan and daugh t«r Claire, accompanied by Mr, and Mr*. George Dlmm of Laurel ton, are on a trip to Florida, where they will spend two weeks. New members of Lincroft Sunday-school are Carl Moffler, Den Ise Charlton, Cindy Cook, Steven and Vivian Hobaon and Linda Cushman. Lincroft fire company was call ed out Saturday to put out a car tire on the Garden State Park way. Sunday they put out a grass fire along the edges o! the park way. Nick Perna of Long Branch la Peddler Fined $10 at Rumson RUMSON Tony Nolles of Liv- ingston, charged with peddling without a llcenat. wu lined (10 by Magistrate Stuart A. Young in municipal court here Monday night. In traffic court, A. J. Gizzl of Long Branch waa fined Hi for speeding. Q AS. McKean of West River rd. was fined 3 for a first offense violation of the borough dog ordinance, and ft for the second rd.; lira. Charles Callmati, Circle dr.; J. F. Eadea, Avenue of Two Rivers; Ann O'Brien, U Washington ave., and Orrin Anderson, West Cherry lane. All were charged with permitting their dog* to run at large. Mrs. Charles J. Malloy of Buena Vista ave. wu fined t5 by Magistrate Young for violating the borough brush nre ordinance. Persons who waived court hearings on traffic charge* and paid tinea to the violations clerk during g the past wsek included Mrs. A. Jacoubs,, 2 BasanU p Red Bank, speeding, $12, and M. W. Marsh, U East River rd., Rumson, failure to atop at a ttop sign and blinker light,». Recreation Committee Schedule* Square Dance NEW SHREWSBURY - A meeting of the recreation committee waa held Thursday to discus* a broad program of activities for borough residents of all ages. The first event will be a square dance tomorrow night at the Tloton Falls school gymnasium. Plans also are being formulated for the development of recreational areaa in the borough. Peter Cook i* chairman of the dance. Other members of the committee are Mrs. Norman Hoiden, William Miller, Anson Peckham, R. T. Morris, Richard Cborllna, Gordon Battle and Raymond J. Adklns. CIBCLE E MEETS SHREWSBURY Circle E of the Red Bank Methodist church met recently at the home o( Mra. Albert E. Youmans. Attending employed at Frank's barber shop. were Mrs. H. F. Rlcbman, Mrs. He formerly worked at Sam A. P Lindsay, Cardner's shop in Red Bank. Mrs. Florence Mrs. Kenneth Stewart and Brown, Mrs. M Wl William Crispell, p, daughter Laura of Maplewood Mrs. Hilde Doblscheck, Mrs. Fred Dugan, Mrs. Florence Golden, spent the week-end with Mr, Mrs. E. Douglas Brandt. Mrs. A. R. Gilman and daugh ter and Mrs. William Johnson of Colt's Neck, Mrs. Gllman's mother, are spending a vacation at Palm Beach, Fla. Mrs. Joseph Farrell and chit dren Jimmy and Emily have re turned from Towanda, Pa., wher they spent a week with Mra. Far rell'a mother, Mrs. Cynthia Turner. The regular Lincroft P.T.A. meeting will be omitted this month. Member* will Attend a joint P.T.A. meeting at Central school Wednesday, Mar. 13. ' Mrs. Emil Koetolenen of Spring Garden rd. Is a medical patient at Rlvervlew hospital. Mr. and Mr*. George Mauser and son Ray have left for Montgomery, Ala., where they will spend six weeks with Mr. and Mrs. George Mauser, Jr. Arthur Johnson has left for Miami Shores, Fla., whtre he will spend a month. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stryker are on a cruise to Bermuda. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mr*. John Morgan were Mr, and Mrs. John Morgan, Sr., of Point Pleasant, Mrs. Ralph Ullrich and Miss Lillian Rheinlander of Irvington and Mr. and Mrs. William Kler-' nan of Cranford. Mr. and Mr*. Jack Morgan gave a combined birthday party Friday for their sons, John and Patrick, who wer* four and five ysar* old, respectively. Guest* wer* Bernard Wagnir, Lisa Denko, Peter Ben, Sue Carol Prvbylowskl, Terry Wentworth, Lincoln Davis, Kathie and Denis Monohan, Adrian Snair, Karen and Elizabeth Colao, Sherry Tisalere, Frank Moss, Kathie Lennert and James Stewart. The Ladles' auxiliary of the Lincroft Are company met Monday night at the fire house. Mr*. Carl Rosen, vice president, conducted the meeting in the absence of the president, Mrs. Harry Seylax. Final plan* wer* made for the Wednesday card party at Lincroft Inn. On the committee are Mra. John Johnson, Mrs. Emil Stewart and Mrs. N. J. Tortorella, ticket*, and Mrs. Edward Boylan, Mr*. Richard Baronowaki and Mis* Phyllis Tortorella, hostesses. Other* attending the meeting were Mra. Harold Cook, Mrs. Adolf Braun, Mra. Robert Nimon, Mr*. John Morgan, Mr*. Andrew Lennert. Mrs. William Kennedy, Mrs. Woodrow Dlas, Mr*. Kenneth TIsstera, Mrs. E. D. FlUgerald, Mrs. Steve Woodward, Mrs. Robert Imlay, Mrs. Edward Balll and Mrs. William Diem. The Doctors of the Monmouth County Mediecri Society Urgt You to Obtain SALK VACCINE POLIOMYELITIS IMMUNIZATIONS Protect tht Entire Family Now! Mra. Hugh Maydole, Mri. George Schmidt, Mrs. Lillian Tucker, Mra. Robert Sadler, Mrs. Clinton Wllber, Mr*. Emma 8. Youmana and Mlasea Carolyn Hance, Florle Smith and Irene VonGlahn. Mrs. Richman presided and Mrs. Dugan gave devotions and explained the origin of St. Valentine's day. Dri :f Gel RUMSON The Rumson Heart) fund drive has pasted Its goal of 12,000, according to Mrs. Norman Smith, co-chairmen. Mrs. Toerge reported this week th?t thua far the drive has nettedi more than $2,200, and that more receipts are expected. Slie at-1 trlbuti>d the iuec#u of the drive to the workers who took part! and this week expressed appreciation to those who were reaponsl-. bit for putting the borough over the top In its annual drive. RED BANK ItECTSTDI MORRIS WESTERMAN lifo Underwrite Member of New Jarioy lor Member of the Top Club NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCI COMPANY WINDOW SHADES Wl MANUPACTUU ON PRIMISIS. CUSTOM SIN HIMMI0 WINDOW SHADIS ALL M A M S AM* COLORS AT MODttATI MICIS. MY OltlCT. NO WAITIN*. Iring your eld rolun or wa will supply you with Mw Hartihorne rollari. K H ISTIMATiS NO OILIOATION GLOBE AWNING & SHADE CO., Inc. TIL SttodyiM* 7-3IM 117 WIST MONT ST. MO IANK n a imjuuwo IN ntont AND BCAB or STOBX Try aw bcaefi MrfanaaM*... eitcever Ike lew srlcel leke S» t l n l There'! leefcet to IN few socket... awbs yew stoics aewl DVI A '57 OUMMOUM AT HOWLAND I. JONIS MOTOR CO. M Bank, New Jeney, «H I-ee the shoe that understands children... understands that Easter shoes are every bit at important as those for every dayt Knows that even drtss-up styles mostfit jmt so, must hold their shape and go on fitting, too. The Stride Rite shoe knows and does this... and mothers everywhere know that it dots. r<the J-KTRIDERITE SHOE PRICED FROM 4.95 TO 8.9S ACCORDING TO SIZE DOCTORS' PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY FOLLOWED SHOE CO. 18 BROAD STREET RED BANK

36 r+.a HW wo Oberlin Scholarship Set Up For the Late Dr. Wager president at Oberlin (O.) recently announced an aaenysaous gift at $18,000 to establish a scholarship honoring the late Dr. Charles H. A. Wager, tor SI yean (ltlkvls) head at that aeboot'a English department. Dr. SteveMon said the gift win provide aa annual Income of apprexlmately $1,000 to be awarded this siton is qualified to give Softest Widest- Natml- Longest LaiHng! to a young man, graduate of a mall town or city of tbe Midwest. The grant will be known the Charlei Wager scholarahlp. ^ locally, Dr. Wager wa«better known» the husband of tbe former Annie Applegate, wbo wu born in Red Bank. She U a deter of the late John 8. Applegate, NO KINK! NO FRIZZ! NODRYNESS! NO RELAXATION! Phone for Appointment and Further Information John's Beauty Salon CLOSIO MONDAYS SH MONMOUTH ST. RED IANK llmrfv» Mrs. Wacer, who Is s*w M years old, is still living In Oberlin. Dr. Stevenson and hie wile called on Mrs. Wager to tell her of the anonymous gift before releasing the information to the public. The donors, a New York alumnus and his wife, made the gift, they said, in gratitude for the enrichment of their own lives and the life of Oberlin college by Dr. Wager's contribution as a great teacher, and friend. learned scholar Colgate Graduate Dr. Wager was a graduate of Colgate university with a PhD degree ftom Yale. Before joining the Oberlin faculty, be had taught it Colgate, Centre college and Kenyon college, He died in In IMS, the Wager room, in Ui«Obeilin uuiiege 'library, was opened, a tribute to him by appreciative former students and colleagues. Mrs. Wager is a graduate of Vasear college, where she was elected to Phi Beta Kappa as an undergraduate. She is friendly with the Stevenson family and attended the recent wedding ceremony of the former Helen Day Stevenson and New Jersey Oov ernor Robert B. Meyner. April Activities For Auxiliary SHREWSBURY A series of April activities, Including a cake sale, theater party and a pancake branch, were arranged when members of the auxiliary of Shrewsbury Hose company met Tuesday at the Are house. The cake sale will be held Friday, Apr. 5, with Mrs. Charles E. Moraller, Jr., as chairman, assisted by Mrs. Frank Dancey, Mrs. Raymond Mass and Mm. Alfred Cooney. The theater party will be held Apr. IS, when members will see "The Happiest Mil- Ilonaire" in New York city. The brunch will be directed by Mrs. Fred Bruno, Mrs. Carl N1U, Mrs. Walter Wilson and Mrs. George Longe, Jr. Final plans will be> made at the March meeting. A new member, Mrs. James Seymour, was Introduced. Mrs. Patrick D'Alola won a "white elephant" prize. Hostesses were Mrs. Man, Mrs. Moraller, Mrs. Bernard Marx and Mrs. George Marx. With 36 new Installations, Turkey Is building an extensive meatpacking Induitry. «& LIQUORS 39V 2 Broad St RedBanMJ. SHodyiidc ft Porting Frt«Dtlivtry DAVIDSON'S BLENDED WHISKEY Local Democrat!* dub Hat Inftorilatioii Commiitienar Paul Neman of UM9 trandi, state Democratic eommlheemee, m- stalled new officer* of tka Roe* lank Democrat^ el Tyesdey at the Old Union house. Abeva, front row, loft to right, Mrt. Margarat Connelly, correspondlng secretary; Mra. Josoph O. Eschelbech, recording secretary, and Mrs. Ketharine Elkus White, state Demeeratie committeowoman, a gutst at the event, lack row, left to right, Ray J. Coreale, first vice president; Theodore J. Lebrecque, Fair Haven, a number of the stete division of tax appteli, else a gees*; Mr. Kiernan and FreoVic latr, president. Per Pupil Costs Are Cited At Regional Board Meeting RUMBON The Rumaon-Falr Haven r f tonal high school board of education further learned Tuesday night the difference between per pupil cut in an expanded Mth school and per pupil coat as a result of double session classes In the existing building. The figures, projected through tbe school year, were released by Dr. John F. Klnnsy, Jr. high school principal, at ths board's monthly meeting. They reveal that double s'on coats would be higher between the school years of ltm-sf and 1M0-61 while the costs In an expanded high school would be slightly higher during ths two academic years following. The board has predicted double sessions here If a high school expansion program does not begin soon. A 11,200,000 building plan was defeated by voters in a December referendum. Daly Announces Figures The per pupil cost discussion was originally brought up at the rf cent panel discussion sponsored ry the Rumson Improvement association. At that time, Thomas F. Daly, wbo has criticized the board's expansion program, said It currently costs more than $800 to educate a pupil here. He termed the figure "excessively high." Board President Arthur L. Adamson, also a panel member, countered with the costs of other high schools-indicating the local school is not out of line. The figures were based on the total budget, which Includes current expenses, repairs and replacements, capital outlay and debt service. Later In the discussion, Mr. Adamson quoted Dr. Klnney as saying a more valid means of comparison woejd be current expenses costs or the day-to-day expenses of educating a pupil. Here, too, the regional school was in line with other schools. $tt!m Per Pupil The figures released Tuesday night which Dr. Klnney said he prepared tor the fact-finding unit of the Cltiiens 1 committee for the Rumson-Falr Haven regional district showed the current cost per pupil as MJ7.M. Based en completion of ths expansion program, the costs would be In 1SSS-5I, W93.W; 1MM0, *t»-»; 1N041, IMO.06; lttl-tt, 1871*1 anl 1M2-«S, ISW.U. With double sessions, ths costs projected were, for the same period*, WS2.11, tmo.73, W44, fjm.14 and $ The reason for the dip In easts u the years go by, according to Dr. Kinney, is a. result of Increased enrollments. There are W5 students In the high school now and 100 ire expected to be enrolled In 1M2. Meanwhile, Mr. Adamson reported that the fact-finding group expects to complete Its study progtam soon. Its findings and recommendations win then go to the entire Citizens' committee for approval or disapproval and then to the board of education. He aaid the finished report will probably be presented to the board at its Mar. M meeting. It It U ready sooner he will call a special meeting, he said. The Citizens' committee Is an Independent group recently set up to assist the board In studying IU expansion program, as well as possible alternatives and other aspects of the school situation. A. Gardner Fox of Rumson Is the head of ths committee, while Dr. Mason W.'Oross, provost of Rutg<TL university and a Rumson resident, Is chairman of the factfinding group. BIRTHDAY CSLSBBATIOIf BBLFOBD Mr. and Mrs. Theodore O. Akerlund of Seventh St., and their ton Clifford marked their birthdays at a triple birthday party Sunday at their horn* hen. Mr. Akerlund's birthday is Saturday, his wife's Sunday, and Clifford was ten years old Tuesday. The party was attended by the Immediate family and Mrs. Jessie Eula of Sea fright. Addre»te$ Dtdtn, Albert T. Berick CHATHAM Albert T. Berich, Little Silvsr attorney, was gusit speaker hen last week at a meet- Ing of the National Lawn Dealers association. Speaking; on such subjscts aj transfer of business interests, (- fects of taxes, ana administration of estates, Mr. Berich represented the O. W. Holt agency on insurance and taxation matters for two years prior to opening his office at 18 Church St., Little Silver. A. graduate of Rutgers university, he received his. law degree from ths University" of Virginia and studied at Practicing Law Institute and estate planning courses. Among tte Monmouth county dealers who heard ths talk wars representatives of Monmouth Mowers, Mlddletown, and Barg and Morford, Freehold. CABDPABTT LONG BRANCH -A card party to benefit the Long Branch Holy Trinity church and nursery school will be held at ths Kensington lounge Tuesday at % p. m. There will be a showing of hats by 8tf inhach's. Mrs. John Ward is in chares of the affair. Ne snkleat aaelas, dferuse Tke Reslster my.- Mvertk Open Tonitc Til 10 P. Mi Every Mte'tU9... Sunday 12 to 6 P. M. Route 31 only our personalited slim skin of Msg More Faille Pims, [Your initials embroidered free of charge In Navy or Black, sites 8 through 18. Ample FREE Parking New Sams* Ave., Asbwy ftrfc (Osw-HaU Mils Worth of Asbury Circle) For Fast Results Use dasslfifd Display WU QUART 40% 6 YEARS OLD OR OLDER Comparable to Any $6.35 WhWcty SSI gxclusivi WHft OAVIOSON'S PUNCH, IMPOtTU), nnm UtOI ; IMPOtTID, FAVORITA Elii ORDEAUX 79 _ J I ; CHILEAN. REISUNG m ^ WINE 49 lwvtatooe-hfrii -.**»»»!**» t«clumvg WHa 100-/. PUM CALIFORNIA COMSTOCK WM 2 29 Gallon DAVIDSON'S VODKA vlttinifl frmi wram.75 Full Quarts 3«eeve I1*M. IXCLUSIVI With AVIMON'S 100% PUM CAUFORNIA MO. DRY WINE Zlntadel. IwgiMtJy teroita 39 Galton 1WllkML HERTZ RENT* CAR -TRUCK,; HERTZ 1 SYSTEM HERTZ ; "Everything Furnished but the Driver" The Atlantic Service Station COftNfR Or* MONT AND MAM SH

37 FWMM to Wet Vmm New Apparatus Sunday SHREWSBURY Fire Chief Georfe C. Marx yesterday announced a«"open house" Sunday, befinninf at 1 p. m., at the fir* home for "wetting down" ceremonies for Shrewsbury Hose ompany'a new fir* truck. Chief Marx said hi* brother. Monroe G. Marx, Is in chare* of the committee in charge. Borough resident! are invited to inspect the truck. Firunen from neighboring municipalities also an «- pccud to visit her* that day. NURSERY STOCK IVOM EVERGREENS POTTED ROSES ORDER NOW 1 ntii VILLAGE NURSERIES la ssa* hailr due* 1*61 Oa SM M*r«r * End*-Aviation Training ECHTEKDINGEN, Germany F C. WalUr J. Jordan, son of Mr. and Mrs. WalUr Jordan of 2M Oeeanport are., Oceanport, N. J., was recently graduated from the Seventh Array aviation training center here. Jordan completed the center's non-commissioned otlicer operations course, which trained him in the operation and control of landing strip fields. Me entered the Army in IMS, received basic training at Fort Lee, Va., and arrived in Europe last July. He also Is a veteran of service in the Far Cast. Hirer Plan W John H. Fowler of Carpenter St. spent the holiday weekend *> the guest of her son-inlaw and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Tober, and Mrs. Fowler** granddaughter, Linda, at their home in Leomtnester, Mass. Miss Betty Young of Carpenter St., who accompanied Mrs. Fowler, also was a week-end guest. Mrs. Tober Is the former Miss Edna Fowler of River Plaaa. Mr. Tober Dimw campaign director for this announced lut week that he eeffe* parties and similar affair* held here and In ths Country Club Estates area netted for the campaign., Volunt««ra la the area were Mrs. Ern- rhen he came here to help his irother with the hospital man Township Democrats Cement. H» retired tred In Nov, est R. Sodan, Jr.. Mrs. W. Irwin M, after Dr. Hasard's death. Hear Mayor Ackernon Hendrlcks, Mrs. John Hafner, Surviving are his wife of on* to stationed at Fort Devens, Mrs. J. Edward Harvey, Mrs. Albert Siegfried, Mrs. Grandln M. n, William Nesbltt, with the ship Dsmocratie club met her* ' &f, Eleanor G. Haiard; a step. HAZUET Th* Holmdel Town- Mass. Brownl* troops 1M and 1M arejohnson, Mrs. Thomas Child and rmy at Ft. Belvoir, Va., and two Monday at the horn* of Mrs. scheduling a roller skating party listers, Mrs. John J. Murphy and Ethel Smale, Holmdel rd. Mayor at th* Asbury rink Mar. 9. 'r». Harry Lord Powers, both James H. Ackerson prtslded. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Schaffrsn of Applegate at. entertained ><s. Sarah A. Hazard, ard, died In Governor Robert B. Meyner to New York. His former wife An Invitation was read from at a family buffet party Saturday The T Powers family a regional conference in Atlantic (or their daughter Carolyn on ved at Shrewsbury several City Saturday at a. m. Th* ths occasion of her third birthday ears. governor and soms cabinet member* are to attend. Mayor Acker Feb. St. A four-tier birthday cake The funeral waa Monday afteroon at Christ Episcopal church, son will explain the muter plan was a centerpiece. Guest* were Carolyn's grandfather, Thomas hrewsbury, with Rev. Theodore at the Mar. 1 meeting of tha club DeVlvo, Harrison; Mrs. Frances A. Ls Van officiating. Burial at Mra. Bmals'a home. Moskus and sons Joseph and Gary, Ksarny; Frank DeVlvo and son Frank, Harrison; John DeVlvo and daughters Diane and To lottor Sorvo Yoo ot All HIM. THI SHREWSBURY BARBER SHOP 2 OKI PI. SHRIWMURY Now Has Two Berbers In Attendance SHORE READING CENTER ADULT MADINO CUSS Short int.miv. coun* starting March evaning sessions, 2 hours each. READING CLASSES From grades I to high school. V»ry small groups qualified reading instructors latoit reading aidss spacial attention. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: PHONE RUmsee M4M DAILY. S:SM P. M. SAT. - f A. M. -1 P. M. SEND FOR IULLETIN: e/e Mrs. R. Steea. 9 tsrreaweed Lase. Rsmsea. N. J. -RED BANK YOUTH Thank You, Mrs.. i m tor Schaffrtn *n4 children Edward and Horenee, Mstawan, and Chris ajid Msdlyn BchaHren ol this place. Dr. and MM. A. J. Perrotta and on of Alexander dr., spent ths week-end with ths doctor's parenta at Burlington, Vt. Mrs. Daniel Wulff of Davis lane has been nsmed River Plaza chairman for the Bed Cross fund drive, which will be conducted in March. Mrs. Wulff aaid volunteer assistants are needed. Mr. and Mrs. Wsrren DeBrown of Sunrise pi- returned Sundsy from a two weeks' vacation on the Virgin Islands. Mr. and Mrs. Bdwin H. Breach of Nutswamp rd. have left for a vacation In West Palm Beach, Fla. KB tout* they visited Capt. Mrs. H, A, lulchstctui at Petersburg, Va. Mr*. Anna DeJmeter, March ot Mrs. Ronald Clark. Burton Douglac Rochelle, son of Mr. and Mn. Burton D. Rochell* of Applegata st, celebrated his seventh birthday Feb. 18 with party Saturdsy. Colorful hats representing grown-up professions were featured. Gueits were Emmett Walling, Leon Witiver, Glenn Hendrlcks, Buddy Homefield, Francis Pelo, Bill Hendricks and Rlckl Creswtck. A roller skating party was held Friday by intermediate Girl Scout troop 1M at the K*an*bur» arena. Accompanying tha girls wero Mrs. Harry Williamson, Mra. James Weston, Mri. Ralph Rand and Mrs. Anthony Citarel la. Guestj were Csrol Frink, Mary Lou Soeolchtk, Diane Wsston and Patricia Williamson. Others attending were Csrol Devlin, Mary Anna Bender, Joan and Patricia Cltarella, Lynn Rand Shirley Katt. Gas Weston, Carol Hendrlcks, Elaine Matthews, Jerry Morehouse, Jane Schweers Joan Williamson, Joyanns Socolchlk and Judy Krlll. Two fires were extinguished bv the fire company during the past week. Fire Chief Clifford A Smith said the first at I a. m. Wednesday of last week was at Tramp Hollow when burning weeds threatened tha nearby homes for two hours. The second call yrtm Sunday afternoon to put out a fire In a pile of lumber at the Koleda greenhouies on Hubbard ave. A special meeting of the lire company will b* held Mar. S at 7:30 p. m. at the fire house when a proposed summer firemen's fair will be discussed. The St. Patrick's day dance is scheduled for Mar. IS at McGuire's grove. A performance of "My Fair Lady" was attended In New York city last week by Mrs. John Soeolchlk, Mrs. William Gerecke, Mrs. Raymond Lacy, Mrs. Joseph Wildanger and Mrs. Elwood Meyers, preceded by dinner at the Pent House club. Barbara Ethel Marko of Nutley spent the holiday week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Mark of Alexander dr. Also guests Sat urday were Mr. and Mrs. Neil Marko and daughters Bette Ann and Janice of Nutley and Mra. Oscar Llndstrom of Arlington. Smith... Bowdoin Hazard Killed in Crash LONG B R A NCM Bowdoin Haxsrd, 79, of 525 Bath ave., was killed Saturday morning when his car was struck by a train at the Joline ave. crossing here. Mr. Hazard, brother of the lata Dr. E. C. Hazard, founder of Hasard Memorial hospital, was a former assistant in the management of the hospital. Long Branch police said his car was stopped on the eroasins, and was struck by a southbound Pennsylvania passenger train at 2 a. m An Investigation of the accident is continuing. Mr. Hazard was born in New oik ami lived in Shrewsbury at boy. He attended the brlcv school on Mechanic st., Red Bank, in the late 1880's. He workas an insurance salesman and tanager of apartment buildings i New York until years ago, IM tfc* dwrek caouury, «ejder direction of th* John W. Flock funeral home. Fair Haven Cubs Graduate to Scouting TWO r u n TOKOMOW LITTLE SILVER 'This Way ] to Heaven" and "8uppr«ss«d De-I sire" will be presented by the Little Silver Players tomorrow at S SO p. n). at the school. The Parent - Teacher association is sponsoring; the two one-act plays. FAIR HAVKN - Six members Milton Finley and Charles Tabor of Cub pack 24 graduated into are directing; the production. scouting st the pack's annual "This Way to Heaven" is a comedy Blue and Gold dinner Saturday night at the Knollwood school. Graduating cubs included Corey fantasy. "Suppressed Desire" is a comedy in two episodes. Mrs. Robert Maven Is chairman of the Rich, Terry Manning; Rich- P.T.A. committee, assisted by ard Pest, James Young, Fred Dickson and Philip Roy. Mrs. A. P. Hagen and Mrs. W. H. Hack. Student and adult tickets Introduced as guest* were will be sold at ths door, as Charles H*ward, superintendent will aa in advance. of Fair Haven school*; Philip Coan, a member of ths board o< Make s»ro«ibl» aablt! w education, and James Davison, TV Esalsler!* ><* l» *"» «district boy scout commissioner. mats. A««rtiiMM*t. Commissioner Daviaea piescnted tha pack's charter to Mrs. Drew Brinkerhoff, president of th* For All Your Parent-Teacher association, th* pack's sponsor. Ths charter then waa turned over to John Beers, LAWN chairman of th* pack committee. ANO GARDEN SUPPLIES S BAIRODAVISON CO., INC. SH * W. heat St. todies* As the curtain rifts M a bright MVJ tpoch in 4a>aM*JBkAaSiSfjSuaB.ailWAsal avlaskbbmaskxabmaj JWJBftJ ahs%s*>2*mbb>, MAfM smasmsa sammatjbi^l fojswniiniit Moppiiip, vjira QtsvjRf yofj ore IHYITMI \ ' l ' *iov to VNW MM shop tht BNirkft nut woi 0* with you M MIMI CoMtf lot MM txcitinji now fmtvroi * You bt Mnllod of this woodorfcuid of food* 1 DON'T MISS IT. WATCH f M DfTAILS ALV PCTSOMI Imheihn to Yet.*- RED BANK REGISTER Thursday. Feb. 28, PRODUCT Or INTERNATIONAL SALT CO.. INC. 7 h glvos mo a graet daol of plaasura to oxtand to you an Invitation to visit this wondorful, now Mayfair Market, your complota ch/ of Quality Foods. I know you'll find in this nowost Mayfair a complotoly now and thrillingly dhforont typo of food shopping. Evory latest refinement In food shopping has been incorporated in this "City of Quality Foods." Wtrti our staff of over 100 employees, we are ready to render the most efficient service you have ever enjoyed. We look forward to the pleasure of meeting you and serving your t^wry need* Krs. Jean Smith of 41 Patterson Ct, Shrewsbury, her son Bruce, S, and daughter Gail,». Yet, thank you, Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Miller and the hundreds of other mothers that made our Washington's Birthday Sale the biggest sale day we ever had. lut we particularly want to thank Mrs. Jean Smith because she wai No. I In lino when we opened our doers et 9:30. Wo leter found out that she arose et e:00 a. m.. so that she'd bo able to get here at 7:30. We asked her if it was worth the two hour wait that celd Friday morning and this is what she said, "Well, I picked out a snowsuit for trace at only 1.22, two wonderful car coats at I.»., a 6.91 lumper for Gail also 1.22, and many other grand bargains. I spent 1.11, but the pin ticket prices figured to Was it worth it? I'll say it was!" Frankly, Mrs. Smith, it's only possible te run a sale like that onto in a great while. Hundrods of wise mothers and you, Mrs. Smith, woll know that we're tho best (pardon the lack of medtstyll children's shop for tens of miles around. We'vo made something of a name for ourselves as shop where you con get really good children's wsar at reasonable prices, not cheap clothing cheep but better children's wsar at hard-to-boat prices. NEIL SACCAROI Genera/ Managtr Come Neil Saccardi General Manager See what Mayfair has to offer you in Red Bank's largest super market! This is the tenth sjf Mayfek's Supers in New Jersey seme 25,103 square feet ever en I H has many innovations for the shopper; electric speedy checkout stands, magic carpet exit doors (there's no need to jockey packages), } free parking, wide aisles for your convenience, wide variety of top-quality ility frozen foods, healthful famous quality dairy and delicatessen products, fresher-by-for fruits and vegetables, and famous QFO (Quality Fully Guaranteed) meats and poultry. And of course, a No purchase b Now, Mrs. Smith, our winter things are all cleared out and our racks and counters ere chock-full of adorable spring clothes. Stop in to see us toon you may use our layawiy plan or charge It, you know. SQtisnod must be or your money a YOUR COMPLETE CITY OP QUALITY FOODS 20 BROAD ST.! f tetuet RED BANK, N. J. t

38 Essay Contest Winners Named LONO BRANCH Four student* from Star of the Sea Acad- «ny and another from Red Bank Catholic high school recently won th* essay contest sponsored by toe Monmouth County Heart association. They are: Barbara McOreevey, Jacqueline Shaheen, Patricia White and Susan Sherman of Star of the Sea and lliohael Dowell of Red Bank Catholic. The winnen were each award' od a $25 uvlngi bond by Dr. States distributors of the Denver, Colo. fund. Mr. Skakandy aaid the iranrhiw covers all of New Jersey south of and Including New William Koch, president of thtbrunswick. He added his company will continue its brokerage heart association. The ceremony took plat* Sitmday al Uie auoetatkn'i headquarter! in Mon- in the Red Bsnk area. "One of and mutual tund retail operations SBOUth Memorial hospital here. our most important aervicea to To* eootett wu open to atudsnts la county public, private be to help them build effective these firms," he explained, "will and parochial schools. The themes selling organizations and to conduct periodic sales meetings dealt with various atpecta of heart dlteaae. on their behalf." Judges were Dr. William Herbert, Dr. Koch, Mrs. Bernard graduate of Lehlgh university, A native o! Red Bank and a Welter, Oscar F. Welles and Benjamin Reese, all members of the and two sons at 17 Hubbard ave.. Mr. Skakandy lives with his wifs aeoclatloa's public education River Plaia. His father, 8tephen committee, and Min Lois Baldl- Skakandy, Is an economics teacher at Red Bank high school and BO, an English teacher at Rumoon-Fair Haven regional high a part-time sales representative chool. for Eastern Investment. The company was established by the younger Skakandy in UN DIflinoiICi As advertised In Saturday Eve Post " ROTARY LAWN MOWER Complete with t- cyele CUnton engine e Leaf mulrher attachment «* $10.95 tu No OP-. JACOBS HARDWARE SHWytM* Cor. Bergen PL and Shrewsbury Ave, RIO RANK Industrial Fund Picks Wholesaler Eastern Investment company of 157 Broad st., Red Bank, has been appointed central and southern New Jersey wholesaler of Financial Industrial Fund, a $6.5,- 000,000 mutual investment trust, Jack Skakandy, Eastern's president, announced here Monday. The franchise was granted by E.I.F. Investing associates, Inc. of New York city, Eastern United Women to Serve At Baby Clinic NEW SHREWSBURY Five members of the New Shrewsbury Community club are serving as volunteer workers at the township's new well-baby clinic, it wu reported at the club's board meeting this week at the home of Mrs. Frank DIBlase on Glenwood dr. They are Mrs. Charles Long, president; Mrs. Arthur Phillips, Mrs. Fred Eddowes, Mrs. Letter Hodsjt and Mrs. Vincent Mrs.\ong said that Miss Ruth Zerbe a public health nurse of the staff of the Monmouth County Orgsnization for Social Service, will discuss their health program at the club's next luncheon meeting. Mar. 11, at Joseph's restaurant at West Long Branch. The club will hold a card party Tuesday, Mar. 1», at the home of Mrs. Larew Wheaton on River Edge rd., to raise funds to purchase mimeographing equipment. Since 1918 RAY STILLMAN FOR INSURANCE SHADYSIDE State Highway 35 Shrewsbury, N. J. for fun in the Sun Summer 1957 OROIR YOUR CONTOUR POOL NOWI Built mywhen regardleu of water tablm } REE ESTIMATES - FREE MOCHURE «VD #1. AWY PARK - Man 14U1 ' ATLANTIC MASS CO. SAYS 1 Congratulate YourQelf! YOU HAVE FOUND THE STORE WHERE YOU CAN SAVE 2 0 ^ 0 ON ALL READY-MADE MIRRORS 3 DAYS ONLY! ATLANTIC GLASS CO. "OLAM AMD MIMOM IN BVEBV ZI YOU CAN BREAK" MAPLR AVINUI Oer. WkMs M. Maple Ave. IB MNH W. SHWytM* 7-3M0 ltll H STR2IT le. el talk ave., Hoy, Tl (4N) MLMAtJ M. MUlMl 1-OflO A D«y Sctar* HOMES FOR AMERICANS A COLONIAL exterior hu been wrapped around a modem interior arrangement In this three-bedroom, two-bath home with a central gable wing. The tie-in of the garage doora with porch lengthena apparent alze of the atructure. Outdoor living is aided by large rear terrace overlooked by allding glaaa doora of living room. The plan ia M4AP-9S40, by Budolph A. Matern, st St., Jamaica, New York. The house, excluding garage and porch, covera 1,661 square feet. Benowitz, Layton Form Partnership Mas Beaowlts The Benowitz and Layton agency has been formed here by Max Benowitz, who has been operatins; a real estate and Insurance business at 200 River rd., and Bernard Craig Layton, who until recently was construction superintendent for Malmons Brothers, Little Silver housing developers. Mr. Benowlti has devoted full time to his real estate and Insurance business since 1800, when he resigned after 25 years as comptroller and office manager for Leon's cleaners, dyers and launderers. Prior to that, he waa associated part-time for five years with the B.V.R.H. Stout agency. A graduate of Perth Amboy high school, he received his degree ot bachelor of commercial science from New York university's school of commerce, accounts and finance In T.M.HJL, Founder Long active In civic affairs, Mr. Benowiti was a founder and first treasurer of the T.M.H.A. In Red Bank and served as its second president. He was financial secretary of Congregation Baal Israel 17 years and then was elected to the presidency In IMS and Residents OK Mutual By-Laws SHREWSBURY TOWNSHIP Residents ot thfci township at a general meeting Tuesday night approved the by-laws end certlfl cate of membership of the Alfred Vail Mutual association. The mutual was formed by residents of the township to buy the housing units here from the federal government tor $700,000, The by-laws and certificate of membership were presented Tuesday night by the group's attorney, Milton Kosene. All that remains to be dons now to consummate the sale Is payment by the mutual to tht federal government of eight per cent of the $700,000 purchase price. B. Craig Layton He then became treasurer ot the congregation and still serves in that capacity. He also has been treasurer of the United Jewish appeal campaigns In Red Bank since their inception In 1MB. A 27-year member of the Red Bank lodge of Elks, Mr. Benowlti is married to the former Fanny Llpack, a native Red Banker. Was With StUlman Mr. Layton, a native of Red Bank, was graduated from Red Bank Catholic high school. Hs waa employed for many years at tho Albert S. Miller shoe store on Broad st. He Joined the Army in 1943 and served in the infantry, being discharged In 1946 In the rank ot first lieutenant. Following Army service, Mr. Layton became assocated with Ray H. Stlllman Associates as real estate salesman and later as a broker. In 1951, he left the Stlllman firm to Join Malmone. In a statement released this week by t»e partners, lt is announced that the firm Is actively engaged in soliciting listings of vacant land and dwellings. In addition, the agency also wilt feature a business brokerage and management. Money for the down payment will come from occupants ot the housing units. A breakdown of the down payments being required is as follows: Three rooms, $177.12; four rooms, $208.48, and five rooms, $238. To these figures, respectively, are added the following amounts to cover settlement costs, attorney's fees, prepaid taxes, insurance and the llrst month's operating capital: $104.53, $ and $ The totals therefore that a resident must pay Immediately are as follows: For three room*, $281,65; four rooms, $323.95, and live room*, $ The elgbt per cent down payment must be paid to the federal government by Mar. 15. The first Bible for the blind was published by the American Bible Society in 183S In raised lettering, not Braille. "BEST BUY W FEMCE That's what piopk say about CYCLONE with thf attnxtivt), IMW Gait. Let ue show you this sturdy, nswly designed gets that makes Cyclone Fence a better buy than aver. Heavy frame, adjustable automatic latch, attractive, modern design. Oet Cyclone Fence now. And remember-it casts no more to have the best SHodyslde rvellngliuymtn Ave, Newark S, N. J. enr mm mm nut i i cram nmt( \ Elks Contest Deadline Tonight Tonight is the deadline for applications In the National Elks club scholarship contest. The announcement was made by Victor Lorch, exalted ruler of the Red Bank club. The contest Is open to students attending Matawan, Keyport, Rumson-Falr Haven regional, Mlddletown township, Red Bank, Red Bank Catholic and Atlantic Highlands high schools. An area winner will be selected by Wk group of Judges and will then compete In a state contest to select a New Jersey winner. Brigadoon Home Model Opened NEW MONMOUTH Formal opening of Brigadoon Village, a new 59-home development here, has been announced by Middletown Homes, Inc. Kenwood dr., a new access road to Brigadoon through property of Hugh J. Garnett, also has been opened to the public. The road, built by the developers, was ordered by the Mlddletown township planning board after residents of the adjoining developments, Lone Oak Village and Millbrook Gardens, objected to the e A tension of roads In their developments into the Brigadoon tract. The road, which gives access from Mlddletown-New Monmouth rd., Is tamed in memory of the Garnett*' son, First Lt. 3. Kenneth Garnett, a fighter pilot who was killed In the Europen Theater in World War n. The first Brigadoon model Is a front-to-back split-level with four bedrooms, two full baths, family room, living room, dining IS YOUR PROPERTY FOR SALE? We are Interested In listing choice properties in the Red Bank area. An extenslvs advertising campaign will be undertaken to sell your property. Our experienced and courteous sales personnel are awaiting the opportunity to serve you. For free appraisal without obligation, call or write: BAHLAV Real brat* IMMM 42* Ian* Ave. Atbwy Park PR Ivenlnis KE 1-I4S0 a n* srvt MUfce*. The on lots of half-acre minimum and sell for {17,300. The eight-room house was designed by Frank Amodlo, Red Bank architect. Furniture and carpeting In the model home are by Sterling furniture shop, draperies by East Orange Mill End shop; pottery by the China and Glass shop and wall papers by guests of Mrs. Kleva's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Stryker of Colorest company, all of Red Bank. Harry A. Kearney and Washington ave. company, Red Bank and Middletown, are sales agents. WOLFKAMTS BOMB Exteriors are of brick and cedar siding with louvered shutters and brick and flag son* entrance steps. The kitchen features a snack bar, built-in oven and rangetop la color, knotty pine or birch cabinets. The tomes are on a former fruit farm site. Many e< (ft* teta «f* to fee** «ad #" pie orchards, *nd som«are along a tree-lined brook. VISIT BBLATIVES ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - Lieut, and Mrs. Richard Kle»» of Quantico, Va,, were week-end SHREW8BURY-Mr. and Mrs. Victor Wolfkamp, Beeehwood dr.. have returned home from a vacation at Hollywood, Fla. Mr. Wolfktmp Is owner of the Vletory market, tt West Front st. Red Bank. CUSTOM-MADE SLIP COVERS & DRAPERIES SHERMAN'S offer* the meit complete decorator showroom end workroom in Monmouth County for Slip Covers end Draperies. Give your home a froth new look. Have one of our four trained Dacoratort come to your home with freih new ide«i. Over 2,000 new fabrics to select from Modern, Contemporary or Provincial. EARLY BIRD SPECIAL! 3-PC. CUSTOM SLIP COVERS Re,. HIM 99' 50 o Cut and pin fitted in your home by expert cutters o Sewn and meticulously finished ia our own workroom O An stains overloeked o Tailored with heavy duty tippers, klckpleat, box pleat or shirred ruffle O Custom installed en your furniture in three weeks IUDGET TERMS ARRANGED AMPLE FREE PARKING OPEN WEDNESDAT AND FRIDAY EVENINGS SHERMAN'S WORK ROOMS, inc. SHREWSBURY «tt BROAD STREET M«t U> Bon/ Bee Hovers SHadyslde DOWNTOWN STORE-45 BROAD STREET, RED IANK SHadyslde 1-MM Don't worry about TIGHT MONEY! n Buy a Plymouth U Home NO MORTGAGE PROBLEM! NO DOWN PAYMENT! NO PAYMENTS FOR 6 MONTHS! SU MODIL HOMIS ATi Plymouth PHoraes HOUMi Weekdays, lt A. M. to I T. SI sat, and Mn. 1S:M A. M. to iim r.m. RED BANK Bread St. (Rent* 35) Comtr Newman Springs Road PhoM SHady.ldt M022 OTHIR OWCIS AT: Hllhld«, Swartiwe**, fmmm, Udt, st^lmsbu H^uft ssl Jssi el-- * "*- l/a»jlijljm* BjvJfsSssV HVJNWVyi MHHlwifkHi WW*Jtfrlw*JV NHW H TfMfOH VfJHIMRi TOM RlVflft vmi#mm* Thh $11,000 honw, on yomr t^ja. s i Js» SISWA BBasiB^smamMalsk IOT1 no#r ihw nyinowni 0KB9* 7.495eompUtef* U. : o Hetpolnt MUMn batch Oven o Hotpalnt Burner Top Bange o Ceagoleuso-Naln linoleum o Youngstowa Kitchen o American Standard numbing and Heating U. S. Orpsum Book Wed InMlatiw L ntatkote Heavy D**T Shtaftes o Anmlnsm Weatherstrip Window* Plumbing lines S' out from foundation. Oarage and breeieway optional, extra. ( PLYMOUTH HOMB, Rim,., Re«rte M, HUMo, N. i. flem Mfttf m Mw fro pmun portfolio of mm (owstm Whiff,, Where IpUntoMK. Addrm.. CHy PtaN Dell...

39 Warning for Ttrdy Ttxptyers CAlfDEN Additional afcnti f Uw Camden district. Internal luvanu* service, have been designated to conduct an Intensive drive to a«eui«delinquent federal wage and excise tax returns. The announcement came today. from Chrii L. Groat, director > «f tba district. Mr. OroM stated that a number of taxpayer* have become delinquent on their quarterly employment and excue tax rcturne. Wank copies of the return* are automatically mailed before due data to taxpayer* on record with taa Internal Revenue service. Then mint be filed for each quarter, unlea* a final return ha* been aubmltted. In addition, he (aid, aome taxpayer* become delinquent because they fail to til* a blank return with the ctatemeat that no liability existed. Buch statement must be filed for each quarter In which no tax wti Incurred. The diatrict director reminded taxpayer* who have not filed delinquent return* on which delinquent taxe* are due. He said they should Immediately file with full payment in order to avoid further penalty and interest as- Htiv art th«tuaions why YOU PAY LESS! macmnvm AMTT mmuamvb AMIUIU»AU USUAL SRRVtCI POR YOUR OIL OUR CHARM SltMO Tsi. SH or HOtasM M441 CtANI nilmmng 4 MATING SIZE "0" to "EEE" WIDTHS ONLY! WE RELIEVE WE HAVE THE PRETTIEST SELECTION OF SHOES IN THE WIDER WIDTHS. YOU WILL FIND REAL COMFORT AND SMART, SLIM STYLIN AT ANGELA'S. IN 74*11 Angela's Ittat amosa* M^^lmt (Cor. trf Chart**) (UKOU8BL EISELE & KING, UBAIRE, STOUT & CO. INN MUM! MMMCAN Oft** CMICAOO M U i 0* T U N HAW wfflml M 08OA0WAY. NIW VOM OTV 101 IAST FRONT STRUT RID IANK, N. J. Ties*** H. J. IMensskN. J. ISMBneaMy.inC TEL SH 1-ONB STOCKS BONDS Ml CLVt Ms* Bnaeakh, K J, nashla* I. L Mew Hues, Ceam. Bbaketh. ft J. at. femebsrf. Fie. Msrmla, Cssa. Perth Aaher. N. J. PERSONAL WXTSM (TOU. Rose. Morris is frantic Wwna him quick. Ha wants to tall you about QF6, that's coming to Rod lank... It'i utt great, loth of you will toon onjoy Its mouth, watering dtlicafo flavor. run OaMV SOM*O > < (ftot tft* low aim > prffrtf** srsttsvsfrr far penaltiea for wilful failure to Ble». returns. The additional afents asslfned to conduct thl* drive are calllnat upon taxpayers and issuing summons to those who hav* not cooperated In the Mini of their return*, Mr. Gross laid. Bank Deposits Up in County NEW YORK CITY To the extent that money in the bank I* an indicator of economic welfare, residents of Moamouth county are In comparatively good financial shape. ' Figure* bearing this out hav* just beta released by the Federal Reeerve system In a biennial report showing bank deposits as of the end of the past fiscal ysar. The data la given for every county in the United BtaU*. The combined deposits la the local savings and commercial banks reached n total of $»S,US, 000. The figure Include* time deposits (savings accounts) and demand deposits (checking accounts) o( Individual!, partnerships and corporations. Governmental and Interbank accounts are excluded. Divided by the local population, It Is equivalent to $700 on dsposit for every man. woman and child In Monmouth county. Money on deposit In the local banks marks a gate ' * P*r cent over the listed In the previous Federal Reserve report. For some time, concern has been expressed over the amount of installment debt being accumulated by people throughout the country. In this regard, the news from Washington I* reassuring. Ths economic report of the President, presented last month, notsd that while bank account* were bigger than aver, savings accounts bad grown almost four times as fast as checking accounts. Thus, the people are saving at a high rate, even though they bay* been spending more than ever before. Bigger Incomes art ths answsr. What of the debt position? It has been found that people hav* been taking on new debt a little less freely In ths past year. A larger part of their income la being used for saving and for re tiring old debt. Government officials vltw tots situation with satisfaction. They feel It serves to curb Inflationary tendencies and, at the same time, U> provide funds to meet the rising capital requirements of our expanding economy. Belford Arthur Markel. son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthar Merkel of West Park ave., waa glvan a party Sunday for his seventh birthday. Attending were John Naughton, Arthur Verpent, Junes Moran, Robert Downes, Mark Ellenberger, Jonathan Rogmw and Maitie and Evelyn Merkel. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Leek, Edwards ave., and Mr. and Mrs. John Barratta ec Jersey City hav* returned from a two-week vacation in Hollywood, Fla. Ths ninth birthday of Gaye Walling, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Walling of Church si, was observed Saturday with members of the family. Rev. John Euler, Church st., Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Neil Bluh of Miami, Fla. Rev. Mr. Euler mads the trip to attend the wedding Saturday el hi* grandson, Robert Bluh. Miss Louise Lukar, daughter of Mr. and Mr*. Edward Luker of Walling av*., cemwatod her 17th birthday Monday with Mends and members of her family. OLEANEM' FELLOWSHIP EATONTOWN The fellowship committee of the Gleaners of the Presbyterian church met Monday at ths horn* of Mrs. Benjamin Van Keuran, South st. Among those present wers Mis* Lillian Dangler. Mist Alberta Smock, Mrs. Guy Stevens, Mrs. Arthur Pierce, Mrs. Eustacs White, Mrs. Ray Tupper and Mrs. Mary Chaa** factories in the United States make more than a billion Scouts to Hear Religious Talk OAKHURST. Rev. Albert X. Ivarson, member of the division of Christian education, National Council of Churches, and newlyappointed co-ordinator of religious activities at this year's scout jamborees, will meet with county scout leader* here at 2 o'clock this afternoon. Rev. Albert E. Iverson Rev. Mr. Iverson will addreei county clergymen on the "God and Country" award program of the Protestant church for scout) Ing In He also will outline the program for,the national jamboree for scouts at Vally Forge, Pa., In July and tell of the world jubilee in England that will follow. Among church leaders who havs announced they plan to attend the meeting are Rev. Harold Hornberger, Holy Trinity Lutheran, Bed Bank; Rev. Robert M. Snable, Presbyterian, and Rev. C. R. Bearmore. Methodist, Eaton town; Rev. Joseph R. Faith, Baptist, and Rev. Henry J. Male, St. Mary's Episcopal, Keyport; Rev. C. P. Williams, Liberty Community, and Rev. Hugh Reed, Presbyterian, Long Branch. A number of others from county churches will be preient. Colt's Neck Cow High in Production PETERSBOROUGH, N. H. The American Guernsey Cattle club announced this week that the registered cow, Hominy Hill Princess Verna, senior two-year-old owned by Hominy Hill farms division, Pleasant Farms Dairy, Inc., Colts Neck, N. J., has set a new record by placing fifth In fat production among the ten highest of the Guernsey breed in her class. In a test period supervised by Rutgeri university, Verna produced 12,601 pound* of milk and 878 pounds in 305 day* on three dally mllkings and was bred to meet calving requirements. Bred for production, this cow's dam -was Hominy Hill Vera and her lire waa Hominy Hill Coronation Prince. Vera, as a five-yearold In the 385-3X division had a record of producing 11,671 pounds of milk and 644 pounds of fat. Coronation Prince sired four sons and IS tested daughters listed in the Guernsey club register. performance M«k. It « himt to ass Ta< Resliter <l>ultu4 to 111 roar wants AdTtrtlueuat. Of* For Registration FAIR HAVEN Roy W. Kelson borough clerk, announced thii week that bis office on Fair Haven rd. will be open from 7 to 9 p. m. Tuesdey and Wednesday for registration of voters for the April IS primary election. Thursday I* the deadline for voter registration. Voter*, according to Mr. Nelson, may register during the night hour* In addition to the regular clerk's office hours from» a. m. to 5 p. m. weekday* and from * a. m. to noon Saturday!. Next Thursday also U the deadline for filing petitions as candidates In the primary election. Mr. Nelson said this week that uadar a new public law the deadline for filing petition* I* now 4 p. m. Instead of midnight a* In ths past. Graff Promoted By Prudential NEWARK William R. Graff, Jr., at Sllvtralde and Rlverview aves.. Little Sliver, has been promoted by the Prudential Insurance company to assistant methods analyst In ths company'* electronic* research division. Mr. Graff joined Prudential's home office staff In He has been assigned to methods and electronic* research work sines Joining th company. He Is a graduate of Rutgers university and an Army veteran of the Korean war. FELLOWSHIPS MEET EATONTOWN The Sunday morning sermon, "Paradls* Pursued,' beard at the Presbyterian church Sunday was the culmination of a celebration of Brotherhood wsek. That svenlng the junior high and senior Westminster fellowships met at the church to discuss a social code of ethics. Lawrenc* Valant led the discussion. KNTJCM COUNCIL RACE ASBURY PARK Irving B. Cohen, operator of a boardwalk stationery and novelty concession and father of Patrolman Harold Cohen, filed a* an Independent candidate for city council here last Thursday. He has bsen an actlvs county Kepubll-j can. ' Boro Orders Speed Timer f AIR HAVE N This hor- RFD BANK REGISTER Thursday. Feb. 28, lure. City officials entimated a crowd of from 55, <X> hera Sunday, and other shore towns oufh has ordered a Speed Watch,' '.?*?*'? i *.?" time of the year. 1 *"* electric device for use by the police department In detecting the Next speed of cars pacing a given point, It was announced this week i by Councilman Arthur H. Rle-j man, chairman of the borough \ police committee. Tht device, it was explained by Police Chief Carl Jakubecy, will I be a portable unit that can be used In any area where it ts needed. It can be used not only to prove the speed of an auto as It passes the machine, but can be used for survey work to determine the number of cars passing a given spot in a given period of j Urn* and the average speed of cars passing that spot. The machine, said Chief Jakubecy, will be ustd In specific areas at specific times as the need arises. Signs will be posted notifying the driving public that speed In the borough is being electrically timed. BOUDAY DRAW8 CROWD ASBURY PARK - Large crowds over the Washington birthday three-day week-end were reported in all shore reaorts by official*. Highways were crowded as good weather proved an added ip^nlfaa 'MOTHBR-TO-RE UNftlK MISSES SLACRS SHORTS JACKITS THI STORK SET ISIMOIH. SECOND ALL WOOL - 3 PLY TWIST CARPETING Saw '3 per Sq. Yd. "" ""' MOLLY PITCHER HOTEL '» «!» U ATTflYjnVKI sliictiic t CAST wmmn OTOUT to MM Tll.i M T-OtSS * Good Food ' Good Friend. Good Win* Incidental Entsrtainmant Niahtiy Till Closing Cocktail LeuHgt Dttighituily Air-CondUumtd ALLEN ELECTRIC SHOP fr REPAIRS INSTALLATION STOP BULJ SNATCHING Brighten Up Your Horn* with GENERAL ELECTRIC LAMPS It TEL SH WHITI ANNIVERSARY ANK If you're planning HOME IMPROVEMENTS. may we come in? It It our bwinaii to lona* monoy for all typsi of homo improvamonti, and wo'd Ilko to put our yaan of oxporlonea at your isrvlet by haloing you plan tho bait way to finansa your homa improvamanta. Our tarviea li prompt and our inforait rata roaiontblo. Of eourio, ropaymontt aro dotlgnod to fit your budgot. So If you aro planning "thtngi" for your homo, may wo coma in and ba af larviea to you? ERCHMTS Member Federal Deposit Insurant* Corporation LADIES' DAY ONE-DAY ROUND-TRIP COACH NEW YORK end NEWARK vary Wednesday MMMMRtt T*> To MOM Ntwsrii HVH Yttfc Mat HaHavt $2.40 $115 tofcw»rwfc...t.w 2.50 2J0 Rodloni IKUISHO Ssesm) U* IKKinMIMT U SWCNMN SWOtl tomtmo HAM No H*» rani fw CMIsVss IMiek ww be «ce*t*4 trelm el emier rsmraes frm sh itstfosi te ass i aey trots arhvlat News* Her aill AM. at New Yeik after 10 A.M. tftmmn*, OR say Irate ssaw say at sam IMI A.M. Itam New Veriu iltio AM. ftem News* ** Hi a>00 A.M. hem New Terti eit jenev Central (Tlwratfaytl. C«w* Tidal Agenti v 17m feust TfJT TFBM a W t f V> J.rsty Central Lints Pennsylvania Railroad REG Beautiful long-wearing rugs in nine lovely colors and at a price that will let you afford to carpet the entire house. Yours in 9', 12' and IS' widths. Don't delay! If you are thinking of getting new carpet'ng for your home now is the time to buy at this outstandingly low price. NO DOWN PAYMENT! UP TO 36 MOS. TO PAY THROW RUGS 27 M x54" Vaftaas ta $15.00 XT' i " VoJaoi ta 1.S0 a.. SAMPLE RUGS 1.50 $ 1 a. IHS MUSTAN IOXIURY MASLAND HlftHTSTOWN NRTH SHOP AT HOME SERVICE SHADYSIDE The WEAVE SHOP 568 MOAD ST. SHREWSIURY SHOPS SHREWSBURY MONMOUTH COUNTY'S LEAPING CARPET STORE NO PARKING PROILIM Other stores In New Brunswick and HaddonHrld, N. 1., and Une*wt«r, r*.

40 Women Start Plans for County Community Welfare Council AUJCNHUHST-Jotui L. Montgomery, 8r., lloamouth county'i nlbra director, will be lh«principal upt»k*t at a meeting- next Moaday "if" at I o'clock at the Alleohunt National bank here. Plaas will bo made to establish ft Community Welfare Council In Moamouth county. Mr. Montgomery will explain tko desirability of barinf eucb a OUBCU operating here. lln. Bally King, director of»tl Car* of MorrU county, will c* plain the work accomplished by tfc* Morris County Welfare coun- «U, and will link up what bai beea done there with what can be «os* In tale county to increaae the efficiency and coverage of health, welfare, and recreation rgaaisattons. The meeting li iponiored by both breaches of the American A»soct»tifl*j at University Worn a, tha Junior Service league of Bad B*ak, Aabury Park section, MatkasJ Council of.'swish Worn' *», Child ttudy association ol Long Breach. Woman's club of Aabury Park, and the League of Women Voters, Asbury Park region. The sponsoring organlza- Hans are lay groups which contribute funds or volunteer assist Mies ta county health and wel far* agencies. At the present time the many health, welfare and recreational agenda*, both public and private, Vhleh serve this county, have no ommon organisation or meeting lace where they can discuss problems of mutual interest. Individuals or municipalities in many Instances do not know thi proper agencies to contact In tltn f need because there is no up SBBs)MN ALL VIM33SS LIZ AMBROSE SPRING LAKE for CASUAL DAYTIMI and DINNIft CLOTHIS KNITWIAR Our Specialty» Early for Bait SelceUea S ais* THim avihui s Prompt Service! MNNDAMJ WOtK Y out m m REISSILLES 14 ItOAD ST. REMEMBER.. WHEN IT COMES TO REMODELING YOUR OLD KITCHEN OR PLANNING A NEW ONE... CALL US. FREE ESTIMATES! Cm URCHIN CINTR i la SH to-dite directory of services availble. Duplication of effort and :pense eiists at the present time. At a recent meeting of the sponsoring group the question of «growth of Monmouth county nd its effect upon the agencies raised. Monmouth county ilanning board figures were ited, which showed a county jopuletlon of 1W.OO0 in IMS;,100 In 1990, In 19M, and projected figures of 160,000 1*57 with an ultimate (00,000 19*7. The effect of county expansion la showing already in the urgent need for expansion of failtles In our local hospitals. Tha iponsorlng group believes that the proposed council can help tha agencies extend their funds by. limlnatlng wasteful duplications of time and money. The sponsoring group also discussed the advantage to the indlidual of being able to call on* telephone number in a time of iritis, with the asuuranc* of being given Immediate referral to the proper agency to handle the caie in question, whether it be a matter of needing RH negative blood, or family counseling service, help for an alcoholic, or an unwed mother, or any of the numerous problem* which arise in any society. James LoBlondo, business representative of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, was asked his opinion of the value of the Community Welfare Council to Monmoutb county. He replied that "a county the aiae of Monmouth really needs an organization that will plan ahead for the welfare of the people living in It, upeclally when you consider the health problems that are bound to arise as the county continues to grow." County Judge John C. Giordano said, "It is a good thing to plan ahead tar the purpose of co-ordinating Information available from all our health and welfare agencies. Such planning will give bettar service to residents of lionmouth county and to. the agencies themselves." Paul Brown, industrial relations director at Bendix Aviation corporation at Eatontown stated, "In our complex society, knowing whera and how to find specialized professional car* Is often a major factor in solving health or welfare problem*. A welfare council would provide that knowledge promptly Whan it is needed. In addition a council would aerve to coordinate the work of the Individual agencies, which are doing *uch fine work on their own, tor even greater usefulness." Rigaud B. Paine, president of the Red Bank Community Cham' ber of Commerce, remarked that "it is my opinion, and I feel sure will be the opinion of the directors and members of the Chamber of Commerce, that there is a crying need tor a central information bureau for welfare work in the county. It is my hope that when the newspapers, banks and merchants of this and nearby communities become cognizant of tha details that they will lend their full backing to the Community Welfare council in their effort* to establish a central acrviea for the co-ordination of information pertaining to social agencies in the county. This Is a service we have long needed." Donald Babcock, executive director of the Red Bank Community T, In expressing his approval said, "A council of social and welfare agencies is something we have long needed in our area. It would bring about more understanding among our agencies; H would save us a great deal of time with proper referrals, and would certainly help coordinate all of our work so we could do thing* more effectively. I am 100 per cant for it." Invitation* have been extended to au county health, welfare and recreation agencies to attend the melting. FULL PIANO HINGE MABBOCD I* TEAM LEONARDO Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Jensen of BT Monmouth *w, marked their 15th wedding anniversary at a party at their home. The party was given by their children, Christian, Arnold, George and Judith Jensen. Mr. Jensen was born in Denmark and cam* to this country when he was a young man. Mrs. Jensen was born In Middletown, N. T. Mr. Jensen and his son Arnold are In the meat business. t BETTER SUflRMAPKtr MIMBIR OP TWIN COUNTY M0CIRS MM. SWIFT'S SWIFT'S PREMIUM RIB ROAST ttfawkort STEAKS IB. 79* U. S. CHOICE BONELESS ALL MEAT I DAVIDSON'S LEAN ALL BEEF FKESHLY LEG OF VEAL ROAST...Ib. 39cJ GROUND NIP 3 lbs. Wr.Chocolite Chip Cookies SumhineHydr M Cookie. DAVIDSON'S COFFEE fcmum.j..*,!,, BBBsBk i4h, t H.. r**m*rt 79C ««, " X...9D0 1 *. I frhhly OnusJ I* Y*wr Order "ti 33c '^ 33c 1? 35c DAVIDSON'S INSTANT COFFEE l-oz. JAR 45c MM. JAR 1.25 DAVIDSON'S OWN INRICHID WHITE BREAD- 1 " CASCADE ALL nxacm rractive TH BOUGH UMUUBAX, MABCH I CHEER» 31c'.._ «. 75c DREFT R«f. KM oi^ita. OZC 77c SPIC & SPAN Res. Ib* 2/C Otow»Sh» OOC BLUIDOT DUZ Rt. Ufa ounf six* 32C 77c "PASSPORT TO PLEASURE' CONTEST M i l VACATION TO SWITZIRLAND FRESH CALIFORNIA ICTIKE WITH LAL PROM md$ IYI mower HOLLYMOOK CRIAMHtY BNDIOO DOMESTIC SWISS CHRSE SLICIS 35c HEAD KEDUSS FLORIDA Grapefruit 6 '29 SWEET CALIFORNIA NAVEL OMNGESlO'" 39 1 WK aucueve THB BIGHT TO LOOT QDANTITIBS 1 1/U" THICK AU HIT SIHS IN STOCK COMPLETE-NOTHING EXTRA TO RUY FREE DELIVERY 47 Broad Strwt SNadytidt STORE HOURS Wt-., Sat. sun. ta i pjm. Twm. M. I ajn. ta t MH. 93 IROAD ST. RED BANK 506 PROSPECT AVI. LITTLE SILVER FREE PARKING REAR OF STORE In Our New & Larger Parking Lot ENTRANCE ON LINDEN PLACE

41 Want Ad Section RED BANK REGISTER Sports Thursday, Feb. 28, Manasquan Slams Bucs to Win Conference Crown # Spotting Sports By Hy Cunningham FOOTBALL IN CANADA DREW ATTENTION IN THW COUN- TRY tho first year it was televised to tho states, but died a horribls death when sponsors won harder to flnd than needles in haystacks tho following year. In fact, we haven't heard hardly a word about football ta Canada until a week ago today when listening with groat interest to a talk given by a quartorbaek playing In Canada's football pro league. It was Tla*taday at a exaaer ghrasi by ska itaabjramaa pake, who qatrttrkashil Notre Daato for throe yoan la tho late ofa, Tripaka was Ait-Asterlota talsat la Ittt aad, when his codeg* days wen over, ho JUnoa the Detroit lisas. rraat ths liens ho wet* to the Si Lsatt CaTdtatata whoto bo played tans years. His ass* move was to faasda la ths IMt seasea where, he Is now eoaaectod wtta the waa Bough Klden. It was tlit first time wa received a first hand account of football In Canada, and we found tbo reason why grid fans In ths states arc missing It on television. According to Tripuka, Canada I* dlvldsd Into two divisions when tt comes to football oast and wast Football In the east hat very few big name players, while tho west has tht biggest majority of name players. In tho oast, ths clubs have Individual owners who hart an eye on expenses. On tho other hand, ths west clubs are owned by several individuals and a board of directors of about 30 men run an organisation. Service clubs aid la raising money by selling chances on a Cadillac ear. Clubs will take ten per cant of tho profit and tho rest will go toward supporting tht respective football dub. They also bars boosters at 10 a membership and eaeh year money it raised as It a club were just starting. Along with tht chances on a Cadillac ear, plus $100 plate dinners, a elub might start a now season with a surplus of HT Tripaka sam tho enthusiasm el Caaadtaa football faas would be bar* to mat* anywhere. Vettaell Is a big thing far them sad they never miss a gams despite tho temperature being dewn to aero oa moot gams aught*. No._ what the temperature might be, they'll be aa hand aad of thorn bring along their ewa little flask wtth their owa warm-an braad. ; There are some grldders who go to Canada to play In tha proteague but return In short order. Tripuka, said that generally a player in this league plays both offensive and defensive ball. You night' have a terrlne defensive man in tha loop and hell not gat as much action at a grldder who plays both. Thlt cuts Into his Interest when he does not get at much competition as he would like. It be Is from the states, hell return In a short time. He then explained that he Isn't against the two platoon system and that he favored It because It gives more boys a chance to play tho gams. All garnet re played at night because Canadian ball players work during tht day. (They are not as well paid aa American players.) Csaadiaa football is played under different rules la eonv parltoa with pro-football In the states. Major dufereaees are the men on the Held aad only tares downs. Frank Albert, one of the goat quarterbacks m las Canadian league, found tha three downs tough to cope wtth. Albert was a gambler aad he generally gambled away two dowas fat order to take a Ng gamble ea. the third down when playing la tho states. vtkea Joining north of the border, he had hto troubles boeaate the lost of oae dowa aad his gambftag oa the irtslna waa shortened. Kenny Carpenter, former member of the Browns, It playing m Canada and Tripuka considers him one of tho best football player* lie hat ever seen. Carpenter was leading scorer up ttitro tht past two years. At Tripaka says, Americas people dmat get tho true picture at Canadian football The only way they'll ho able to watch tt on TV Is to and a spoasor to televise games treat Tripuka has been pjaylag In Canada four years aa he certainly must knew what ha Is preaching when talklag aa tab paruoular 1oothalL The west won the past three ahamaueahlpe, aa than matt ha gritnara tram tha state* playing In tha west. Of course, money la a big factor la getting hat cattege players ta go north. With the grldders ta the states If s na longer ga waat yeaag nan, kejt go north SHORE CONFERENCE BASKETBALL CAME TO A CONCLU- SION for another year Tuesday night aad the way It concluded all bands In tht Atbury Park high school received a big surprise. Ws even think Manasquan players were quite surprised when they upset Red Bank high school, 7*-ot. The reason the Big Blue team was surprised was the fact Bed Bank dafeatad this club throe times during (he season. However, despite tho loss, nothing eea bo takes away from this Wswasjiaa victory. The Big Brae cagers eaaght the Barnes off their regular pace, hat they sttfl played red am basketball from the time they took ths early lead aatu the last basket was tooted by one of the reserves way dowa the Uaa when tt came to getttag late a ball game, Jerry Barnett, tht forward with tht height, and Los Neary, the enter matching, the forward with height, made it rough for tha Buca all night long when It came to stealing rebounds. According to one count, Barnett had approximately 30 rebounds to his credit In the flrat half. And that alone could be a lot of extra snots If Rod Bank wen getting tht ball. When Coack Harry Morris dug dowa ktte hto beach for reserve help, the sabs came to Jast as hot as the Ngaton who left the ban game. Whsa a coach to gotttog that type f ball staying from hto beach, how are yea going ta heat emf We're not making excuses tor the Buca. They ware off their gams. Coach Lloyd Bolton knowt It, the cagen know It, and the Cans who watched them play It games know it Grant Tata" Jones was the only one who waa up to par, Jones' marksmanship was regular, but ths othtr two of tht Big Three-Doug Fatten aad rmak Aumtck-wore having their troubles getting the ball through tho hoop. Wo think the oaa twag abent tht game Is ths tact that Bed Bank beat Ma itjssn la tha Bound Bebia aad then knocked off the Big Bias twice la regular Shore Coafereace sstbsstttloa. When the championship wae ex the Has, Masassuaa, wtth a bat Bight, coaled off the Baas to asp the Mtta aad ths trophy. Oases that's Jast the way Mae art beaneeell In tht B division flnait, Keyport eamt through ta grand fashion by trimming Matawan, rivals of the Bad Balden from years back. This was another surprise, as it was expected the Raiders would fall prey to the rugged, hustling Huskies. Bob Alnslla was at his bast aad to was Harold O'Brien and Harold Ruth. The latter two picked ff rtbound after rebound and eventually tola work around the boaifta brought tha Red Raiders tho championship. DteaHe sstss* ths cabsbattasala. Coach BSMOJB ajtd Ms cagers aaa sttb hold their heads Ugh with a 1M-1 record. - Tho tie SHORT SNORTS FROM SPORTS-Bob Ollsaon, Red Bank high school's football coach, will be among 700 high and prep aobool aad college coachti attending the tenth annual National rootball clinic In the Atlantic City Convention hall March 11,12, and It. Expert* on pass detente and offenie; the T and single wing attack and defense; Una technique* and fundamentals; the psychology of coaching, and the numerous othtr development* In tho (part are Included In this year's lineup. Forest Bvashevskl of Iowa will be among the top name speakers. Herbert O. "Frlta" Critter, director of athletics at the University of Michigan, will M guest apeaker at the annual clinic banquet. 'S Hoyt to Hoyt sounds like a gaol double play, bat In this oat* It waant an oat Dr. C Deugba Heyt, pad commodore, tamed ever the commodore'e hat to Dr. Anton O. Hoyt, 1M7 bos* of the Shrewsbury River Yacht dab. It happened at one of tha Orat official function! of the etab fei this season, It wa* a mid-winter dlaner-dance at Joseph's reeuurant Saturday night In which most of the yachtsmen of the dub anchored for the evening. Recreation*.! boating will have Iti biggest year In ltst with more than 10,000,000 persons using at many aa S,MO,000 boats on the nation'* waterways. Shrewsbury River Tacht club It already feeling the surge. It ha* twice aa many application* for slip* aa It haa slips, Therf fl be a lot of koatt at anchor comta lummtr. fr Canadian Gridder Speaks at Rumson Frank Tripuka, at tha mike, it shown explaining Canadian football to a group of Human Presbyterian man at a dinner at Fallowihip hall Thuridiy night. Tripuka, a quarterback far Notre Dame in tha lat* 4O'i, quarterbacks for tha Saskatchewan Rough Riders In the Canadian pro footbtll laagu*. Ha explained tha operation, organixttion nd type of play north of the border. Tripuka played with the Detroit Lions and St. Louis Cerdinilt before joining the pro ranks in Canada. Others in the photo, left to right, are dinner eommittaemen Jack Clark, J. Edward Wilson and Charles Ctllman. Bucs, Manasquan Win S.C Opening Tournament Games FREEHOLD Opening night of the annual Shore Conference playoffs went according to schedule when Red Bank high school poked Matawan, 81-33, and Manasquan smashed Keyport, 8-47, on the spacious new Freehold Regional high school gym. Coach Lloyd Betton'a Buccoe again wore stow starters in their contest with the Huskies. Matawan took an early first quarter lead and then wound up trailing Bet Bank by two points, U-10, at the end of the first chapter. Tha Bucs didnt take long to warm up to Freehold's excellent gym sad by half tine they had racked up a advantage. Matawan stuck close until about midway In the quarter. Steve AUkaa shot a one-htnder that knotted the score, 13-13, at the atart of the period. Frank Aumaek and Doug Patton connected with Held goals and Matawan was still fighting back. The Huskies pulled to within two points three times during the lesslon with tie last count being at Then ths Bucs practically wrapped up tha issue at that point by scoring the last tan points of the quarter. Grant "Fete'* Jonee, Frank Aumaek and Doug Patton combined their marksmanship for the spurt Matawan played almost basket for basket with tht Buct in the third quarter when the Huskies trailed by another period. Red Bank had a 4440 margin after three quartan. Beaton's crow mopped up the Huskies In the final chapter with a 16-» quarter, AUkas scored on a hook shot and Keith Plcuri scored the foul shot. Rod Bank's Big Three Patton, Jones and Aumaek scored 60 of tht «0 points, Patton leading the way with 31 Aumaek dunked in 14. Jones had 13. Jones, playing a fine defensive game, gave special attention to Uatevwan's star Alike., and held tht big man to eight points. Bob Delta led MaUwaa'e scoring with ten pacnts, one of Ms best scoring performances of the season. In tha KeyporUManaeqiitn tilt, tht Red Raiders battled too much hetghth. After an excellent first half, they were finally worn dewn In tht second half. Daily In the contest, Keyport surprised about 1,000 fans by taking the lead In the first quarter, losing K, and then coming right back to build up a 3S-17 lead about midway in the second quarter. Manasquan rallied in the closing minutes of the quarter by racking op eight straight points to take a 3S-33 lead at the half. In the second half, Maaasquan'ahtlghth told ths story when the IttUt Red Raiders were worn to a point where all their Jumping ability had disappeared. In the third session, the Big Blue rolled up a period to lead, 4S-SI, and then finished off Keyport with a final quar tor. Lanky Lee Neary scored 30 points to combine with hie rebound work to spark the Big Blue triumph. Bob Alnille, Keyport's point producer, almost matched Neary when he finished the night wtth» point*. 10 BANK A»ou«k""~I r.""-."~"."?- Cltf O Kaehtt - 0 Valsnt - 1 Dupn* «Pttton 10 Cirrlco 1 Chrlittans 1 Aren «Pteuri 3«it». Pt.ler 7 Scare by Quarters Rail Bank l0 Matavan I MANASQUAN 1 1 I. 2 t 10, Barnatt Robbiru MUM Banham Wood Harvar... L. Naarr i. Naarr _. Mtlkon tsl t»sal». Gilford Kannr Slmar Pailama SUmer a v r 4 KEVPORT 17 Ruth Ainitl* OehlnMTo Lrnnon Kurdyla U> Pmto Johnaon O'Biian Golden Kannadr Arehar... Sulllran. IT 47 Seen br Quartan Manaiquan tz (I Kayport Caseys Lose To Camden OAMDBW Red Bank Catholic high eehool oonduded IU ltsm7 basketball aeaton Tuesday night when tha Casey* absorbed a beating lrom Camden Catholic on tha victors' court. The Cawys went into action minus four varsity members which made It easy for the Camden quintet. Camden came up with a hot offendve In the second half to ouucore the Casey*, 40- U. Camden had two 30-point periods while the Caseys hit for only eeven m the third, and nine point* In the fourth chapter. Red Bank Catholic wa* In the nght for ths first hdt when It trailed, 3S-31, at Intermlaiton Camden jumped Into the lead, 30-18, and were then outscored by the Cateys, 30-U, in the second chapter. Bill Naughton Dated the Canye with 14 points. BUI Kennedy had 11. They were the only two vanity cagers In action. Reserves Kae- and Hollywood contributed eight points each. Slover had four, and Lynch, two. For the season, it waa the 11th loot for Red Bank Catholic against eight triumphs. Camden also racked up the preliminary contest with a M-M> win over the Green and Gold Junior vanity. ED BANK CATHOLIC Kmntdr... Slovar Natichton. Lynch Kaall Hollywood Cltrl Conrad «n Bauaah CAMDEN CATHOLIC OFF It 47 Hunt Ohtnt Bantlvlsllo O'Brlan Krift O'Donnall Yoit 1 Sttanuan 0 art Scare >r Parlo Rfil Hank Catholic 20 Rathollo..20 IK n it n it 7» ID Whan In doubt about how to nil aawtntad hoiuahold aooda icwa rout problm with U» XaaliUr't alawim *. AdvartlidsW Navaink Dredging To Start Soon Among the hutlneta transactions at the February meet- Ing of the North Shrewsbury Ice Boat and Yacht club, a resolution ni unanimously passed requeatlnt; the Corps of Engineer*, United State* Army, New York district, which ban Jurisdiction over the Navnslnk river for a betterment ol the channel of the Naveelnk river and particularly in the vicinity of Red Bank.. The club has received an acknowledgment of the communication with a paragraph ae follows: "The authorited Federal project for the Improvement of the Bhrewtbary river provide*. In part, for a channel In the North Branch (Navesink River) $ feet deep at mean low water and 1M feet wide from the Junction of the North and South Branches to Bed Bank. Maintenance dredging operations In this waterway win be undertaken this spring and will result In restoration of the channel to the authorised dimensions." 400 Attend Alumni Game ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - About 400 persons attended the second annual alumri basketball scholarship game Thursday night at the school auditorium, sponsored by the Parent-Teacher association and the Teachers' association. Mr*. Raymond Shugard, P.TA. scholarship chairman, was In charge. Mrs. William Thome chairman of grammar school home room mothers, and Mrs. Edward A. Flnlay, chairman of the high school mothers, were in charge of advance >ale of tickets Raymond Shugard, Bam Brown and John Patterion were in charge of tickets at the door. Mrs. Blbert Frlmpter and lira. Lee Parker were in charge of the cloak room. Vincent Fox, P.T.A. president, Martin Jensen. Bruno Rippke, Robert Behntbel and A. D. Butch were guards at the door*. Members of the faculty played the seniors and won, Faculty members were Vincent Finn, two points; William Connell, four; William O'Nell, two; George WueathofT, none; John A. Palumbo, ten; Joseph Koyansky, one Allen Tracy, four,' and Albert Loux, eight. Members of the senior team were Richard Ferry, none; Rich ard Reiher, eight; Jack Seeley, seven; Richard Knochel, ten, Richard Rippke,,three; Mamie Oreco, none; James Cassidy, none, and Jan Jenson, none. Jerry Motley and Pat Calandrlello were officials. The alumni group defeated the varsity, 62 to 59. On the alunin team were Charles Hart, 19; Joseph Ciarnecki, nine; Rober Letts, none; Joseph Bellevance none; Maynard Reed, two; Spen cer Keyes, two; James Kehoe. four; Edward Moore, two, Robert Leonard, eight; Robert Duncan, two; James Snyder, two, and Joseph Quovia, 13. On the varsity team were Richard Morgan, none; Wyndtm Reed, one; Pat Calandrlello none; Richard Rippke, none Gregory Heath, 19; Henry Runge, 19; Gerald Motley, six; Andrew Carlitrom, none; Ned McLaugh tin, none; William O'Hara, none Arnold Lane, eight, and Peter Murray, six. Jack Malonaon was the official, The Highlands grammar school defeated Atlantic Highland* grammar school, 30 to ]L Red Bank Loses Tilt After Three Wins Over Rivals Red Bank Catholic to Play Rumson Thanksgiving Day RUM8OK For the first time In several yean, Rumson-Falr Haven Regional high school will play nine football games. The announcement was made Tuesday night at the Regional board of education meeting when athletic schedule* were approved by the board. The biggest item on the 1997 grid schedule is the booking of Red Bank Catholic high sohool for a Thanksgiving day affair, starting at 11:30, Last year, Regional opened with Red Bank, but this year the Buc game is number two on the slate with the Bulldogs opening against Allentown. New opponents are Lakewood and Toms River, Metuchen, a long time opponent of Regional, has been dropped. Both Red Bank Catholic and the Bulldogs will profit by the Thanksgiving day game. Th«Caseys will no longer have to trek to Brldgeton, In south Jersey, and the Bulldogs will be able to fill Borden stadium for a holiday game that has been missed here for years. Other schedules approved were iprlng sports of baseball, both varsity and Junior varsity, track and tennis. Ths schedules: BASEBALL Apr. I South Amboj H Apr. I Point Flaaiant H Apr. I R«d Btnk Catholic H Apr. 12 Atlantic Hithlandi A Apr. 1«Centra! Reslonal A Apr. Xtyport H Apr. 21 HtUma A Apr. 2«Tomt Rlvar H Apr. 10 Ltktwosi! A May I South Ambor A Mar 7 Point Plaaunt A May 10 R«d Bunk Catholic H Mar U Atlantic Highlands H May 17 Central Regional H Ma; S! Keypurt A Ma? 2< Matawan Mar 28 Toma Rivar A Mar >1 Ukawood H J.V. BASEBALL Apr. 10 Lakawocid A Mar 2 Red Bank Catholic H Mar «Keyport l( Mar 7 Point Flaaunt Mar 1.1 Long Branch H May 17 Rad Bank A May 20 Rad Bank Catholic Mar 2,1 Keyport A TRACK Apr. 10 RumKun-LctinHrdo-Kerport at taonartta Apr. 17 Rumirin-R«d Bank-Kayport it Red Bank Apr. 24 Central Regional at Point Pleaiant Mar 1 Rumion-Matawan at Matawan Mar 4 Monmouth - Ocean Countr Meet (Individual Entrlei) at Aabury Park Rumion.Kayport at Keyport Long Branch Relaya (Relay Entries) at Long Branch Mar Mar 11 Mar Rumion-Polnt Pleasant at Point Fleaeant Hay 18 Shore Conference Meet at Red Bank Xar 2» Central Jersir (Individual Entrlee) at Aebury Park June 1 State Meet at New Brunnlelt TENNIS Apr. 10 Red Bank A Mar 2 Leonardo Mar t Princeton H Mar 14 Aibury Park A May 21 Freehold A Mar 2» R«l Bank Catholic H May 27 Plar-ftff'i - top four teams May 19 Finale - two wlnnlnf teams FOOTBALL Sent. I* Allentown A Oct. I Red Bank A Oct. 12 Ukawood A Oct. It Matawan H Oct. 2* Toms Ri»er A NOT. 2 Cintrat Restonal H Nov. * Point Pleaiant H Nov. IS Keyport Nov. 21 Rfd Bank Cathollo (at 11:10 A. M.I Keyport Beats Matawan, 6749, for 'B' Loop Title ASBURT PARK-Coach Frank ZambellCt's Keyport Red Raiders did it a*ain Tuesday night. Keyport high sohool handed their neighboring rivals, Ma'twan, a sound, 67-tf thrashing to wind up with the B division championship of tha Shore Conference In the finals of the playoff at Asbury Park high school. For a quarter and a half, It looked aa If It was going to be a nip and tuck tussle all ths way. Gu«Ehrler and William Keller, In the early stages, the leaj \ chefs. Edward Hess, president, 50 Dine On Venison HIGHLANDS There werebo persons at the annual venison dinner of the Rod and Gun club at Charlie and Eddie's tavern for members and their wives. The dinner was prepared by Edward Bunting, chairman, and changed hands seven times. The score was knotted four times during the late minutes of the period. At ths end of the stanza, Matawan took a three-point lead, 18-15, but Keyport knotted the score shortly after the second quarter started, 10-lt. An exchange of baskets had the score In another knot before the Raiders exploded with 12 straight points. This run put the position Huskies for the In trailing remainder of the game and they never did recover. It was In this second chapter that Matawan was stunned when the Raiders went on a scoring spree to rack up a 23-6 quarter. In the fourth period, the Raiders held the upper hand again by taking a 1S-9 edge. After this session Keyport had a 20-polnt lead In the first period, Keyport took the first lead, 1-0, on Lenny Golden's foul. Later Keyport had leads of 3-2, 5-4 and 7-6, while Matawan was out front by scores of 2-1, 4-3, «-S, and wound up with a 18-1S margin at the end of the session. Keyport's run in the second quarter broke up a deadlock and practically iced the Issue, Bob Alnille started the run with a pair of fouls and before it was over he added five other points. Harold O'Brien had two baskets and Golden a foul shot Uatawan had personal foul troubles in the contest and lost Nelll Scully about midway In tha third quarter, tt also lost the services of Steve Alikaa for almost a period In the first half. However, he returned In the second half to score eight, points. Ainslle led the Keyporters with 24 points. Kennedy was runnerup with 18. AJlkoi dunked in 16 for the Huskies. Keith Plcurl was right behind with IS tallies. KEYPORT Ruth. Ainille O'Rrlen. Kurdyla Kennedy Johnnon ( olden Oehlengrn Hulllvan Archai Heully... Johnton MATAWAN O V P HI F P Bannett... 0 Allkaa _ 4 O'Neill... Pleurl... Diet!. Jonei, (I 1, S, 2 I 9 2 I 1 1«0 l lr, Score by Perloae Keypnrl...<. IU 211 IS Matawan 1H » 14- «7 1«40 The Cincinnati Redlegs feel that with a heavy hitting team behind him, ex-cub pitcher Warren Hacker will Improve on his S-1S record made with Chicago I MM* presented gifts to Mr. Bunting, Mr. Keller, Gus Ehrler and John Stern for "their outstanding work the past year In all club activities." Films of club activities at the hunting lodge during the deer hunting season were shown by Edward Ryznar. Also attending were Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Kwlk, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lcnorth, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Longendyck, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ely, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hadficld, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Nordpn Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Merker, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Porbansky, Mr. and Mrs. John Olien, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kllander, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hull, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert V. Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Dennis, Mr. and Mrs. William Hall, Mr. and Mrs. William Dennis, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wieczoreck, Mr. and Mrs. Boris Belchek, Mrs. Edward Ryznar, Mrs. Edward Bunting, Miss Julia Donovan, Mrs. Helen Fahrer, Wade Davis, Charles Ehrler, Anton J. Kornek, George Strohsahl and Joseph Thompson. ASBURY PARK-If you meet up with a red hot ball dab enough times during a teases). you're bound to catch the eluk t a cooling point on ths lbm somewhere. This happened Tuesday night when Manasquan hlgk achool trounced Red Bank, T»- M, to win the Shore Conference championship on tha Asburjr Park high school court. The two clubs met in three) previous battles along the war In the 1MC-S7 season and on ooeh occasion Red Bank hung up victories. The situation was in reverse Tuesday when the Bis; Bluo was hotter than a pistol after police shoot tt a target ranee. Coach Harry Morris' club waa up for this one and there was nothing anyone could do about It from Coach Lloyd Belton of tho Bucs riffht down to Allan DreJ. belbls, manager. Jerry Barnett and Lee Neary, the height of the Big Blue team, were u rough around the backboards as a goat trail over a mountain. When those two osont men weren't grabbing rebounds, Doug Gilford, Ralph LaSala and Billy Robbins were running circles around the Bucs and their defense. Time after time, they roared right down through tho middle and went all the way m for baskets. When the Bucs were watching the big mtn, the little men, dribbling like students of the Globe Trotters, bounced their way through the Bue defense and either shot a basket or mado a beautiful pass for an assist of a two-pointer. Red Bank held tho lead only once In the ball game and that - was a 4-2 margin. Lee Neary opened the game with a one hinder and Jones matched that basket from underneath the basket. After John Kachel missed a foul, Jones tapped In ths rebound to make the count 4-2. Leo Neary tied the count from under the basket and Doug Glfford't foul gave Manasquan the lead. Glflord scored from under tho basket and Barnett dunked two fouls for a 9-7 lead. Bob Carrie* scored for the Bucs from underneath and then a few seconds later he stole the ball, dribbled In and sunk a two-pointer. Thli basket pulled the Bucs up to within atrlklng distance, M. Manasquan had a aeren-point run with Lee Neary scoring two baskets, Robblns a foul and Lo- Sala a bwket. Jonee. Patton and Aumaek hit with field goals to close the gap to Again, Manasquan struck with Barnett and Gifford hitting for goals. Patton had two fouls and, after La- Sala scored a two pointer, Jones ended the scoring for the flret quarter with two fouls for a 23-H score. In the second period, the Bues probably had their lowest scoring period of the year, tlx points, while Manasquan racked up It to lead, ST-24, at the half. Barnett, Robblns and GHfford continued the scoring attack on the Bucs In the third chapter and at the end of the session the Bankers trailed, 28-14, to so behind, «5-38. " The shock troops for both clubs taw most of ths action in the final period with the Bucs outscorlngr Manasquan, 1S-14. Early in the period, the Buca trailing by 25 points. Jones took scoring honors of the contest with 24. Gifford ltd the winners with IS, with Barnett right behind at 17. What hurt Red Bank waa tho lack of consistent scoring by Rachel, Aumaek and Patton. Generally hitting in the 2O's, Pattoo had only 12 points; Aumaek scored only four, and the Buo big man, Kachel, was blanked. Dnit to Start Boating Course The sixth annual United Statee Coast Guard auxiliary public Instruction course in safe boating will get underway Tuesday at t p. m., Edward J. Davles, Jr., of Red Bank flotilla No. 22 said this week. The ten-week course will be conducted it building 178, Fort Monmouth. In addition to flotilla 22, the lectures also will be sponsored by Monmouth Bench flotilla M. Lecture titles and instructors announced were: Preview and prospectus, Charles H. Hall; seamanship, Philip 1. Bowers; nautical language, Fred' erick Lozler; knots and splices Victor Fox; aids to navigation OIuT I. Nordrum; elementary piloting, Henry S. Germond 3d, rules of the road, Richard T Clark; safety In boating, Walter A. Morton and review and examination, Mr. Davles. Last year, more than 100 persons attending the course were awarded Coast Guard certificates. RED BANK Aumaek Joraa... itiia ;;;;.;;; Valant..._ Karhel _ "~!Z!~" Dupree. Paltoa "_IZT Carrieo Ayera _ Chrlitlano Barwett Robhlni Bewham Paiiema Kenny L. Neary J. Nearr Rlflord Mauee LaSala Melkow Samara MANASQUAN It r T 14 e 9I It 4 It Manatquan Red Bank Scare by Qvarten It * 14 It fa Caiey Frosh Squad Edges Asbury Park Red Bank Catholic's Ireshman cage team defeated Anbury Park fiosh Friday, 59-53, at the Red Bank Catholic court. {protect the fish while they are Eddie Kennedy scored 35 polnta belnk transported and transto lead the way for the Green Slate's Trout Stocking If* Radio Topic TRENTON - Prospects far trout fishermen and the state's fish otocklnn program for the spring months will be dttcuiaod during next week's Jersey Review. Joseph E. McLean, commissioner of the New Jersey Department of Conservation and Economic Pevelopment, and Robert Hayford, from the division of fish and game, will participate. Mr. Hayford Is principal fisheries biologist and superintendent of the state fish hatchery at Hackettstown. The conservation representative will tell how streams and lakes are selected and what is done to and Gold yearlings, Kennedy was hot at the charity lanr, dunking In IS of 14 foul attempts. Bar ry 8haplro was high man for ths Bishops wtth IS marksr feneil from state ponds to public wntcrs. Sixteen radio atatloat cany tlie wackly broadcast aa a public Interest texture, dealgaod to provide conservation news for pu«uu«>a In all parts ot thtfstau.

42 i 41 ThttmUr, Feb. 28, 1957 Splits and Misses By F&UL A. ALBRECHT MO BANK fficfstr Th* Atlantic Highlands Recreation United Wednesday Night league is all but over, as far as first place is concerned. Albertson's restaurant seems to have set the best table through the season and IS sporting 4» and 17. This is much better than two out of every three and should keep them out in front. At the ssme time we may Ala a bit premature In awarding the waiters the winner's trophy. ^fhe Leonardo American Legion 1 team also has a better than aver. jjf* record with 45 and 21, for a four-game deficit. Four games is fkrt a comfortable lead and could be lost In as little as two weeks. JRowevcr, at the rate these two teams are bowling it looks as though -fills Is just the way they will end up. Both teams won all three last #eek, so do not appear to be slowing down. Third place la another aatter: five teams are battling for this spot. Atlantic Highlands creation and Erlte's Cleaners occupy this floor as co-tenants, ten fames below the leaders. A. C. Radio & Television ia Just one game Below these two teams, one game above New Jersey Tilecraft and on* and a hslf above LaBella Construction. This leaves a three and half game spread for five teams. Rassas Pontiac appears to have eighth place all set, three and a half back of seventh snd seven up an ninth place Leonardo American Legion 2. The Legion 2 team ratjably will not change position for the rest of the season either, nor will tenth place Isaksen's Television Service. Isaksen's Is four and a half behind the Legion 2 and a like number ahead of ths Legion t team. Guilianl Construction Is sole owner of ths basement, for* last week's action, the Legion 3 and Gulliani teams were ce- wmers of th* basement, but the Legion came through In two games While the construction men took the night off. Four teams have topped the MO single game mark led by Atlantic Highlands Recreation with». The others an Albertson's, MS; American Legion 1, KI8, and LaBeUa Construction, M4. Only three 2.<00 counts have been rolled: The Recreation I* first this time with t,(m, followed by the Legion 1 with 2,«R and Albertson's with 2,(14. In the In- ; dividual races Frank Pinto Is fighting to stay on top of the '* average scramble with a 175, Just two pins per game better. than Henry Karl, who In turn Is one up on Dick Perrinl. 1 Art Cummins, with 171, and Jack Albertson, at 170, round out the 170 men. Ottle Oanorn's t45 I* the best single game to date, just beating Joe McCoy's 142. Third place Is held by Joe Wyman with a US. Looking over the top half of the average men we sec that only five of the 85 men have failed to collect at least one MO game. Three men have totaled fjm or better. Henry Karl just did make It. Moe Coned paased It by aeven pins and John Nepp Is tops with m. Secretary Tom LaPare sent us a little note that may make us change our mind as to the outcome of this league. It seems that Albertson's restaurant may not be sitting as pretty a* It would seem. Just three weeks ago this team held a commanding lead of ten games and then lost six straight, until last week when It won three. This lowered the lead to Just the present four lengths. As this league rolls bumper night every third week there will be four more before the end of the season so the waiters will have to serve them up In top style If they Intend to remain on top. This league was a brand new one only last season and had but eight teams. It blossomed Into 12 this season and the '< averages have risen at the same time. The top team average ; at the cessation of hostilities last spring was 769 with second place 745. So far this season, 813 Is the high average and a total of eight teams sport better than 745. We would call this progress. It looks like this league will make Its mark In bowling. Also there will be about six teams entered In the county tournament A good record even for an older league. It looks like a knock down and drag-out fight In the Red Bank Recreation Wednesday Night league. The fight is down to two teams, A. C, Radio * Television and Atlantic hotel. These two teams have been swapping the lead for the past month or two and currently are separated by one slim game, with the radio boys on the beam. Third place also is a two-team race. Layton's Hardwood Floors is seven and a half games out of second and one and a half up on Marx Bros. Four games back are two more teams, Marine bar and Mil Garment, tied for fifth place. Overhead Door Products and Bernard J. Marx agency keep this loop from being completely paired off. The Marx agency has the basement all to itself, being five and a half games behind Overhead Door, which in turn is 3% behind Mil Garment. Just shows how the fortunes of bowling compare with any Other phase of life. For three seasons, Mil Garment dominated this loop. No other team seemed to have a chance for first place. Now Mil Garment Is doing well just staying out of last place. A. C. Radio * Television Is the only team to roll a 1,700 aeries, 2,748. At the same time, all except the bottom two teams have rolled at least one MO game, ted by Atlantic hotel with Ht. Five of the eight teams are averaging over MO with A. C. Radio the best at Ml. As might be expected, It Is the bottom three teams that haven't quite made It The Bernard J. Marx agency weighs In at 771. Floyd* Schlafone of Mil Garment Is the average leader with a nice 17*. Monte Oeronl Is next In Hue with 174, followed by Ed Sickles and Claude Borchardt at 172 each. The others over the 170 mark are BUI Horiadter, Jim Westmoreland and Joe Talerlco, with 171, and Lew Davlson right on the nose. Lew comes In for his share of honors as the high game man with a neat 257. Phil Gattls placed Us name among the stars with a 138 series, the best rolled to date. From new on, all Interest wlu 1 he centered about A. C. Radio *> Television and Atlantic ho- tel to see which team can best stand up under the strain of I the remaining few weeks. It Is too lat* to enter the 15th annual Monmouth county bowling 4*hampionahlps. Last Monday was the deadline, and. If you have not Tasnt In your entry blank you are just out of luck. On the other band, you still have a few days to enter the state tournament. The ;state entries close Sunday at midnight. For thosa of you who may,.'soll be a little undecided, this Uth annual state event will be held at Felbel't Recreation in Teaneck. As In the county tournament, the bowler's highest average for the season is ths one that must ba used. This means the highest, not a composite average of all the leagues he may have rolled In last season. All the rules of the state tournament are the same as those of tht county tournament: scratch Igurt is 200; handicap is 100 per cent. All events Is based on the cratch scores rolled for nine games. One main difference la that all bowlers must- report one hour before scheduled to bowl so that th* tournament committee can weigh and check the balance of each all. This Is Important because no one will be allowed to bowl unless Is ball baa been cheeked. That hour leeway Is also Important, for If th* ball ia off It will give the kegler time to get a new one, borrow Dne, or g«t his own fixed. Also, that hour will assure that each squad tarts on time. We have news for you habitual latecomers. If you are late one of two things will happen. You will start bowling in the trams ths rest of the squad Is then rolling, or you will not be allowed to roll ths first game at all. So you see, It behooves us all to to there on time. This same condition exists in th* county tournansnt as well. Be on time. Bad news has hit us again. Onee more within year that old devil "fire- has struck at one of the county establishment*. This time the damage was not too extensive as far as the alleys are concerned as the Ore failed to get to them. Oa the other hand, the building Itself waa damaged sufficiently so that the West Long Branch alleys win be out of commission for at least two months. We stopped at West Long Branch Saturday and surveyed the damage. It Is surprising how much havoc just a little water can do. Even thourh very little water actually touched the alleys them- elves, aad Immediate steps were taken to dry them oil, some boards had begun to warp. A reunishlng job will take aare of the alleys, but complete new approaches will be required. The building Itself will be the major job. We believe It would be a good Idea were every person to examine a building after a Ore to be shown what fire can do, what water can do. We do not mean that a whole town should look at very building that has a flre, but If you get a chance and know the owner ask him to let you see the Inside. We believe this would be a big stop toward many people being more careful around their own homes and places of business. tire Is net pretty and always strikes at the careless. The Wednesday Night Highlands league Is divided Into three arts: ths leader the Lobster Pot; a second place battle between lahltr's Trimmers and Bahrs' Landing, and a last place battle beween Julian's Sport shop, Mewes' dairy and Cedar inn. The Lob- Mr Pot has the loop practically In the net with a *V,i and ISM record, eight gamea abead of Mahler's Trimmers. Bahrs' Landing Is LtUmptlng v> that second place berth and is in a good position, hut a kilt game behind Mahler's, Julian's Sport shop, Mewes' dairy and Cedar inn are battling for last place honors. Julian's has won 15 games, Mewes 24 and Cedar inn 23. Julian's is eight games out Of third. It teems to us that the Bayahoi e end of the county Is making our best-two-of-three rule look sick. On the other hand if a team or two In all these loops up there did compile such a record, the leading team would not have such a lead. The Lobster Pot also Its daws on the high team game and series of 980 and 2,785. Harrv Mahler Is (he average leader of this loop with a tig. Aee Mewes Is second with 177, followed by Dick Nelson at HI and Andy Hornek with 175. The oddity here Is that MM of the high average boys have the high game and series. These honors are presently held by Walt Anderson, with 141, and Merrlck Bruno, with OSB. The high men for the Lobster Pot are Dick Nelson, Joe Renio, Don Worth, John Rorentlno and Merrlck Bruno. ' Last Sunday the county aanoclation held its last meeting until after the tournament. At the very start of the meeting, Buz Fazio Was Introduced to those present nnd punned on a hit of information that was news to your correspondent. In the first place, Bur. is busy travel!na; iibout the east InatruntliiK various peihonn how to teach towllng. Televlnlon has really Increased the populnrlly of bowling. la fart, It has Increased to the extent that it outnumber* nil other participant sports combined. Bus also pointed out that In order to "Joy t) i gam*, organization Is the%>lg factor and only through such BOWLING MONMOUTH COUNTY CATHOLIC LEAGUE W L 8t. Joaeph's Holy Famll» 1 41» St. Joaeph'a J J»tt tt% C. W. V St. Amu 2 16 Vi 2614 St. Catherine'! 2 S5 28 St. Arnea 1 32V* to'/i St. Ann's 32 ai St. J.m.t 27 >i St. Afnea I 2«17 Holy Family 2 25!8 St. Mary'e IS 40 St. Catherine's 1 20 Vi 42'4 C. W V INDIVIDUAL AVERAGES Sum C'Hpalbo 41 Jnmd McCoy 61) R. N.aci S8 lienrife M*y*r IS John Davino 51 Frank Davino... 2» John Byrne 62 Stanley Komeliki SI Wm Harria 61 Vinee Halltran 58 Bob Waldmann S» John Urick 67 J. Belletti 45 Ed Jaeobaen 42 Win. Senn 57 Jo* Coffer 2» Ed Flecollle James Comey Jo«McCoy... Tom Hiecina N. Napni B. Ballwaa- R. HaeMillan A. Btlletti... Ed. Shelly... R. Stroupa... J. Carroll Pat Coffer tl S3 « SI < 12 C. Orlerakl 46 Pete Bradjt 6S J. Fries «J Ton Kranrey M J. Burnt B«0. Kennedy 4«Jo* Sijrsilo 51 Jamea Carton 52 Uene Stout 58 Charlea DeFaslo 58 AI Pennetti 60 Nail Devlno 55 Wm. ZiHr.uinaa 60 Wm. Spill* SI V. ftampino 4K Pat McftonoiiKh 40 Martin Uwlor 47.loa MeNee 40 Mia* Soper 47 Roy Bauar»0 Pat Cook 40 John Conror 61 Tad Moaa _ 61 Tad Lake «t C Dtlla Platro 4t Arthur Scott 68 Carl Hlllmann. Jr 6* Jamae Gerlaeh IS Vines Jaekwies 41 Paul Forest 4t Vine* Arnon* il Fred* Schmidt 61 J. Hall 60 Andy Coss*. «r. l«b. K»py 58 Dan Oalp «Nell McGlnley ts C. Baclnalupl 61 T. Grennan 58 W. Lcako 511 H. Manajarelll Ii6 V. Arnon* 52 Ray Eekert 87 Gorakl 60 I>. Eekert 46 Lang «Wm. Kohlbecker 60 Carl Hillmann. Sr 6.1 Martin McCoy 2 Buonanno 29 W. Allan 4«Jo* Koloditea 6J Wm. LaV* S7 D. Soldo I* Wm. Anderaon 86 John Purnlen 69 L. Carton 44 L. Samooll 42 E. DeWeever» S t J71.SJ U * (1.41 UI.2I 16H U2.2S l.4f il 157.S , It 151.t 155.2ft ! ».S4 1ST.Z2 18H.4I U Mayer 207, L Parlanan 204. R. Carhart 202 D Peaa* 202. J. Hallifan RED BANK RECREATION TUESDAY NIGHT LEAGUE W Hancock's Radio Ser. 49 Korrara Liquors 41 Ballantlnt a Eons 17 Oil Delivery Ine 84 Raaaas Brother* : 84 L IS 411* * Roml's Club Metra Rad Bank Reejlatar 24% J. H. Kelly Co 1»H IO«Serlea Domenlek Clementl 146, 217, 174 sat; Fred Lonseoy lto, tit. 200 Club O. Gusther til, 101: J. Maiia 200. J. Aetrra. Sr., 223. R. Fleeher 201, H. Iaaae 101, M. Tome, ins 101. T. Rlcel 201. R. HrmMIng 200, J. Defaleo lot, D. Aearra 201. Hlfh team, thre* games Forrar'a Llquora 1,767: With team ttama For. rar'a LlquerB, 9tt: High aarlaa Domeniek Clementl t8f; Hlfh game Domanlek Clementl 245. L Cadar Inn IK 2(1 Grand Plaia riiuria ib'i 24'.«Jackion Hotel 38 Vs Mlj Edith's Beauty Salon Kadenbach'a Hardware Bahrs' Landing MIDDLETOWN MIXED MAJOR LEAGUE W L Baron Coffee Shop Cypreaa Inn L. Grandinetli, Buildar Middlatown Lan*a Willow Wood Inn Wilaon Plumbing tt 15 T V. Leavy Martini'a Diner (iU Club imenl Don Peck 204, Done Miller 212. Lou Annime Club I Women) Charlotte Miller 180, Ignore Uattia 21C, 1S2. MIDDLETOWN "A" LEAGUE W MM tl W Thunderbolta 4«Farmer* 39',«Sea Gulls B'jnkera 81 Wolv** 3(1 Harolda Port Monmouth 11% Guys 4 Dolla 2» Lucky Strikea 27 At. Hishlanda R«c. Canter 18 L 17 23' , High Inn, three-cam** * Gulla 1,933: High, team same Sea Gulla 686 : High, three-gamea - Halleran,.62, Manser 49o. INDIVIDUAL AVERAGES Charlea Schmidt 1» Jack Hallaran 60 Carl Hillmann « L Eatontown T.V 20 % Thor-Balma AI Wolfe. Sr Luigi'B.. Charlea Gallagher < 2«<i Burlaw'a 2s 28 David Hull If Red Bank Rootng 2( it Wm. Dailey 1 Lafayette* 2a 29 Wm. Senn, Jr. Majeatie AmuMBseats 2t 29 Jo* Maxaon IT Bars' Agency Walter Janaeako Ben Hillmann I too Beries Stan Savage 201, 214Tony Guui tut; Ckubhy DeFaai* Itt. 18* Betty Steal* : Luke Merer l»0, 214, 204 Mae Holdaworth It 60S; Kiore Coreiono 287, 188, 196 Hermine Klenert S8 21; Roeky Noeei 100, 14S. 117 Kay Ford Joan Mayer Club Joe Ruffinl 217, Doug Sigrid Manger It Miller 201, Jo* Menatopane 203. Jo Ann O'Brien 28 Chufabr D*Faslo 251, Tonjr Gladya Grlmea tl 208, Stan Savas* 209, HI. 241; John Palandrano 202, Tonr Caprlonl 241 Dolorea Hanf to Ted Cslk 201, Bob Smith 105, Dan Marge Marchetti 61 Fornataro?«9, Luke Mirer Ann Alvereon 14 Flore Coreieme 217. Angelo Murdico Jane Joiko , Ralph Menaces 111, John Aechettino 106, Rocky Nesel 200, 24S. 217 Marl* Hillmann 41 Koeemary Cheaner. li Dick Markish 201, 204; Thompson Dolly P.tera ( Martjr Cassia til, 2»t; Frank Betty Davis M Lafayette 211, Tom Farls 110. Phil Ann Dailey tl Sskowlts 100. laola Gallagher 57 WEDNESDAY NIGHT LEAGUE LobaUr Pot 4m Mahler's Trimmers SJVi 2t> Bahrt' Landing Julian'a Sport Shop Mew«'a Bros. Dairy Cedar Inn : BAYSHORE LEAGUE Angler*' Landing Packard Hlshlendl R*e It 12 Cabln-ln-the-Sky 10 Mewa'a Dairy Cummlna' Tavern It 17 WAYSIDE THURSDAY NIGHT LEAGUE W L E. W. Motor Maehlnai Shop SI 16 Monmouth Vacuum H Krahnart Broa Th* Sportman'a Shop Pete * Elda'a Bar 40 Vt 2*1, Charlie's a Jaek'a Bowl-O-Drome 88 IS Th* Happy Five 2«41 Nat'l Jeweler's Woodworker^ Air Crulaera Wheeloek Signal* Sarlen Tom LoPreatl 192, 191, , 200 Club Edward Archer 227, Tom LoPreatl 231. Joe Shields 207, Dink Henry 203, Bob Carton 219, John Adams 226, Leon Robblna 216, Sam Richarda 209, Jack Allcorn 211. ELECTRONIC CENTER LEAGUE STANDINGS Nitedyere W 4t SpertB 41 Old Timers 46 Dynamotora 44 Jeta 88 Wildeata 88 Upnatome 87 Ramblera 35 Flippers 84 L SK',4 39 Va 4H4 42 Vi 41 KeHenrr 207, J. Oaborna 207, E. Hood 204, G. Coraon 201. INDIVIDUAL AVERAGES 1. Gullllam A. Fletrovich 171. E. Webb lit, J. Holden 118. R. Pickens 147. E. Falaettl 1(7. J. Oaborno 167. G. Coraon 167, K. Shibla 161. J, MeHenry 164, G. Darragh 1(1, R. Crane 161, R. Carter lto, J. Pantalao 110, D. Hernandes 161, K. Sutphen 169, R. Taylor 158, A. Cardomoni 164, N. Eldridge 154, J. English 154. C. Leek! 153, E. Wesselman 152. F. Dugan 152, W. Trevors 161, R. Hendriekaon 110, G. Rouvell 150, L. Slddens 141. C. Shearer 141, B. Murray 149. G. Huitey 141. J. Ervia 149, J. Waxier 141, C. Golombiewaki 147, M. Leah 147, O. Balla 14t, Z. Fartmlter 144, O. Opsal 148, B. Koehler 148. F. Fatten 142, A. Popok 142, H. Buchanan. 140, R. Morcroia 139. C. Calahro 188, D. Va. fiadaa US. J. Motto lift, E. Conklln *. F. Schafar 182. W. Nattraaa 110. J. Parker 180, N. Shay 129. T. Mahon 12S. F. Elinat 125. L. Thorn* 124, A. Ford 120. N. Ciecone 117, J. Kuensai 117. C. Martin 115, A. Black 114. (jrime Joe Julian Wm. tiem., Kr Charlea Hull 24 Bob Ma>er 14 <;< m. lulcheul 46 George fielding 21 Vine* Carqua 64 Ann Carqua 10 Joan Maxaon I RED BANK BUSINESSMEN'S LEAGUE DeFeleo'e Hardware 44 Crata'B Beverairea 48 Red Bank Roofing 40 Sal'a Barber Shop 3«hk Monmouth Lumber Co 88 Red Bank Recreation 88 Sal'a Tavern 8S Arnone'a Texaeo Berviee.. 84 ^ Cryatal Bar 14 Grllli Construction Co 38 % Nat's Jewelers 12 Man Broa Alvlno'e Tnaeo Service John Daniel's Men's Shop o (8.3 15D Hl.i ! 128.H 128.S lt lit. 114.H S.6I L 21 :« It 4 84H Proireaalve Life Insurance 21H 48 tt Sherwood'e Sporting Goads Serlet Fat Rlccl 101, ill J04 61*: Stanley Savage 111, HI 204 «08; Fred i. Bruno 211, «07. HlKh game Ralph Maiaueeo til Ed. Klilln 226; Hllh seriea Pat Rice 119: High, t)am gam* Sal's Barber Shop 964: High, team aeries Sal's Barber Shop Club Denny Arnone 20t. How< ard Iaaac 223. Chick Forbea 221, Ei) Klslin 225, Phil Hancini 207. Jack Slaniack 218, Harry Greenwood 211, Scratchy Palandrano 224, Rocco N»ci 220, John Hovendon 210, Ed Archer 201. Bob Lanfrank 202, Paul Albrecht 210, Tony Caprloni 210, Sonny Acarra 204. Boh Worden 110, Ralph Maizucc* 212, MATAWAN - KEYPORT LADIES- WEDNESDAY NIGHT LEACUE Natalie'a Dresa Shop 44 H Crate'a Baveragcs 39 Flamingo Bar 38 Ulrlekaon'a Boat Worka Scott's Funerat Home 87 El-Mo-Ki 34 <i Matawan-Keyport Rec. Cen. S4 Martini'e Diner 34 BAYSHORE TAVERN LEAGUE Manuel', Lunch 30 % W L Baehetadt'a Tavern IKV, FranV'a Tavern Lanitford'a Lanitfrda B Val'a Tavern Bar Champa Moonbeama 83 H WOMEN'S COMMERCIAL LEAGUE Vl' Recreation T Bar V% 58H Short Circulta 32>,j W L Loori'a Bar 85H SO!, Snafua 3014 A. H. Recreation Leonardo r C Four Blanka 29'4 Tumena Dent. Store Jaek'a Inn Nitehawka 2» Koeppel ft.sona Club "75' 2«88 Knights W W. Brook Paul'a Tavern 2t 4S High team, three gamea Nlteflycra Sparkle'a Electric Homeatead Inn ,211: High, team game Nitenyera Albartaon'a Rest S«H 82' 600 Seriee James Jones , 790: High, three gsmea-e. Webb 145; Lyneh'a Pept. Store 3f\« High, same O. Coraon 245. Atlantic Hardware Club P. Garoatalo 114, V. Can. 209 Club: F. Dugan 220, O. Opsal Hotneatead Inn talice 212, 202: H Patera 208. R E. Fane 212. K. Shibla 211. J. Romeo'a 22 H organlzationa as the county association could we continue to enjoy the game. The meeting was mainly to obtain the last minute entries to the county tournament. At the same time, It was nice to see an old-timer at the meeting Evert Anderson. Evert was one of the first presidents of this organization and since he moved to Rome, N. Y., we do not see much of him. It was fun talking over old times. Seeing Evert mads us count ths past presidents present and we found that there were ten on hand. This means that only two were misting. A vary good percentage. A. H. National Bank 21 Car'uao Eaao 1»H L 27 "A " i\v, 41 tt U Bid Smith, 31, Is the only member of the Toronto Maple Leaf hockey team over 30 years of age. Wl HAVI Everything TOP th* PHOTO Fan! MtWl* CWMNI Niton ft SpNcan Wle» A iiaafchailht w rum si nebbajsjenava) PAGE Photo Sorvico M Hi,--...ate O at SH TIRE SALE! GENERAL SAF-T-MILERS U.M. ft M0-U <W TUBE-TYPE Black YV/WaU HIM»m5 M.M. SMS KM WM IMS M.M H.tO ts.7o tl.» M.U and recappable tire YOU GET THIS: * Plus tax and recappable tire.95* Tt-U TIMELESS Site Black W/Wall.TCxlS $11.71 gtl.m 7.10*15 ll.w I4.M TJOxlS S1.M tf.70 Plus tax k rteappabl* casing BIG SAVINGS! SEVENRIBBED TREAD JET-CM TREAD AND SIDEWALL 2448 OPPOSED ANGLES SHOCK ABSORBER CONSTRUCTION McMANUS & HSK Inc. 20,000 Square teet of Parking Open 'til 6 P. M. Mon. thru Hat. ROUTE 35 PA s-0806 t ASBURY PARK»/10 Ml. North of Sunset Ava. Rod, Gun Club Lists Activities HIGHLAND* - The Rod and Gun club met at Charlie and Eddies Thursday night to hear recommendations (or the yesr'a appropriations for fishing, hunting, entertainment and lodge maintenance. Harold Longendytk, fishing committee chairman, said trips will be held In July and August. Edward Bunting, entertainment chairman, said a dinner-dance il scheduled in May. A report was given on the activities of the Monmouth County Federation of All THIS! SPECIALS FOt THURSDAY f riubs. Wothnrtttf Uu meeting, a dinner prepared by Mr. Bunting was served to celebrate the 80th wedding anniversary of Frank Germaine, vies president Cage Honor Goes To Post's Gola FORT MONMOUTH- Named to the Helms foundation hall of fame, Tom Cola, a three-time All American at La Salle college, will receive the award in Philadelphia Wednesday night. ' The basketball great, stationed here, will be honored between f«r «2r/ Phont SHidytklf Open Frldajr Evenings til OTHER STOREH IN FEHTH RADIO and TV TUBES TESTED rnrn FREE! AMIMIY. NKW BIM1N8WKJK. THKNTON, KMZABETH, AMI NEWARK. W. FRONT ST ths tulres <«the ftt. /asesh'sv Templt game at the Palestra, Philadelphia. LaSalle will oppose Fordham in the opener. The 26th player in the nation to be so honored, the presentation to Mr. Cola will be made by Brother E. Stanislaus, F.S.C., president of LaSalle. The cage star ended a brilliant college career in 1955 and last year was a big factor in the pro Philadelphia Warriors winning the division title and the subsequent NBA. championship playoffs. Acclaimed one of the greatest players of all time, he was voted to the college basketball hall of fame by the Helms foundation of Loa Angeles a few weeks ago.

43 412 Points Jack Ardon, Lakewood high school's cage ace who ha* posei- Mlitles of AlUAmeric* material If he goes on to college, finished the Shore Conference A division coring with 412 points, more than 100 points in front of his nearest rival, Dutch Unrig of ICiddletown township high school. Uhrig took second honors with SOS pointa. Doug Btvtton, Red Bank's ace, was third with Ml markers. Grant "Pete" Jones, alao of the Buccaneer squad, grabbed fourth with 227. Ardon alao took honor* for the most field goals, IM. He finished second In the free throw dapart ment, 104, and had the highest scoring performance in a singi* game, 51 point*. Uhrig took the free throw honors with 110 in his 12 games. Patton lipped through W foul* Whit* hi* teammate Jonc* finished with 51. A" division coring: C FO F r Ardon. Laktweod lid likria, Mlddleuwa, 11»4 u. lea fatten, Bad Beak IK it I Jonee, Bed Bank It 117 MahlaV, Naptuna IS SI I. 11* L. Neery. kteoaiquaa S7 111 BaraatU Maaatquaa.. il il 7* 11* OrlaUk. Fratkald It 17* Auauek. Red Beak... 7«111 Kariaae, Lakawoo4.. It 47 IS lit Bruaaer, Middlttowa to IS Hi Gilford, Mtnaequea. di I.. Rlckatts, To» Rif.r.. 11 l«it 11* Bobbin, Mtnamuaa. tl IX 118 Falk, Middletotrn SO 1. Geaaer. Torn Rlftr... It * Cuthbertaon,. Mldd..._ d«u 147 Gragar, Tone River.. t 2< Ramaai. Naptuat IX 101 LaSala, Maaaaauta... It «J 17 Brrn*. Tom Rinr I li sealtk. Torn RWtr _ It 14 It rudder, Fretkold SI Riband. Mlddtetown.. It IS U Youafblood, Toeu R, I* I* Kaehel. Red Bank... It *d 1* Id PtalUlpt, Neptune... It t* it 14 baaes, Fretkold 11 U C Mere, Neptune... It I* Matthews, Lakewtod. It Id 7S DTIo, Laktweod It 77 - " Neptune It 14 It Neptune Clark, Lakeraod MeMshen. Neptune.. 11 ntstsnm, Neptune - It BuHUi4, freehold... Carriee, Red Bank 4. Neary, KenaiQua* 11 firoii, Lakawood It Lout. Freaheld ~ X. Surtent, Freehold Melneeke. Ten* River 11 apian, La I.wood 10 Benhan. Heaaaauaa - 10 Selaert, Hinsequn _ " Starry, Neptune... Val.nt, Bed Bank CaikUni, Fnebeld Atare. lad Bank Braunli, Mlddletowa.. Cannlff, Teat Hirer Xoblnaen. freehold... Chrlttleno, Red Bank W. Haera. Naptuna... I tvtf. Bad Bank... It O'D.nn.11. MlddlMown Vea Okktn. Mlddletowa Cenever, Freehold Celaaar. Freaheld... Stanwood. Tame River Cla.tla, Red Bank... Bobbins. Tern Rl»er _ Cannlnghaia, R. I,... Shutiar. Fraaheld.. Key, Freehold Moore, Lakeweod.. Woda. Neptune Pailenie, Manaaquan Hiker, Freehold Elmer. Manitautn... Van Denbers, Fnebold Truax. Mlddl»to«n... Stenhenton. Kiptune.. MeCooer. Middletown Jonei. Neptune Valente, Lak.wood.. ntxen. Freahold Mtlkon. Manaiquan Freehold Wnitt. Mlddlrtown... Wlllama. Mtddletowa Roorira. Freehold Behenk. Lakevood... Young. Tomt River... Dawaon. Lakamod... R. Surcent. Freehold - Middlrtown.. Glaver. Freehold _ Hantmati, Freehold... Shilling. Lakavaad._ HUM. Ukavood _ Flynn, Red Bank...w Bloonv Tame River... It 1 1* 41 It T 45 1* t 11 It * Bob Lemon, CleveUnd pitching ce, hit 91 home runt in IMS for Baltimore when the Oriole* were In the International league. Lemon piayed its game* that year as a third baseman and ahort- top. lion Yearling! Defeated, LEONARDO lfiddlctown township high school's yearling squad dropped a 44-S9 cage tilt to Neptune on the Lions' court here last week. Bob Watson scored 17 point! for the winners as he aparked the victory all the way. The Scarlet Flicri were never behind in the contest McCooey and Buttone scored ten points each to pace the losera NEPTUNE Bultord ,.'.".'. 0 Calearete I G r r w.ttoa _. Tajlor _... _ 8 1 IT Hammer.7. a I t o0 atai.r.... i Green i o Kurf...- Sehtaei MeCooer Battone Feeter Auer d< MIDDLBTOWN G P P... 1 I... e o 4 I It 4 it I Z!~Z" 4 i * 7 Scare ay Quarlare Neptune Froth Fraah I t IS Toms River Wins Foul Shooting ASBURY PARK - Toms River high school's cagera totaled 124 fouti Monday night to win the fifth annual Monmouth-Ocean county free throw tournament at Asbury Park high school. Grabbing individual honors v u Andy Higglni of Long Branch high school with M converts out of K shots. Tn* Indians, not making a good showing In Shore Conference competition this season, nipped Long Branch and Asbury Park high sehools, who tied for second place with a US total. Jim Toungblood of Toms River missed knotting Hlgrins by one shot, converting <B of his 60 attempts. Bub Falk, Middletown township high school, had the most consecutive run of fouls, dunked In 27 between his ninth and 37th shou. Kenny Coining of Rumson-Fair Haven Regional had the next beat run with 28 ahou. Falk managed to tie for third In th* contest with Nate Bruno of Asbury Park. Both converted 44 foul*. TOMS BIVER (114) Tonjr Bjrme - IS Jim YoumMood 4t Tom Greser. 41 LONG BRANCH (lts> ddle Touhj l«spanky Van Drke.. 41 Andr Hlnlna 44 ASBURV PARK (US) Nat* Bruno 44 Jim Hector tt Sam DILieto « RUMSON (111) Tonjr CanUliee 41 Kan Couilm 42 Lauren Wood IT ST ROSE (111) Richie Powers Tom Coghan.. it Mike Farren RED BANK (116) Dous Patton... IS Grant Jonet Robert Carrleo MANASqtMN (114) H«lph USala. Deu* GIKonl at Jerrj _ 42 MIDDLETOWN (111) Dutch Uhrir - Joe Brunaer,.".."."... 3«Bud Falk _ 44 MATAWAN (l«t) Steve Allkai. tt Keltk Pleurl 17 Pet* Beaaett -..._ NEPTUNE (IM) Rennle Pbllllpe It Rannie Frlek st Charlie Mehler RED BANK CATHOLIC (101) Bill Xflnnedr Bill Ntuihton «d 8lo»er tl FREEHOLD (S4) Rennle GrinUh J«Fred Keith t» Dave Caablan.-... « SUPER CHAMPION NEW TREAD 88 Mmwmthb^ttoCmpett With Four-Year Schools LONG BRANCH College*- sports will be something new for the ihore area in a few years when Monmouth college swings into competition with other fouryear college!, mostly from this state. The announcement was made Tuesday at a pres* conference here with Coach William Boyland. Mr. Boyland, who ia In charge of physical education at th* college, said the decision was reached last week and became effective this week. To start the spring sporta seaeon, th* college will compete in track and swimming on a club basis and will compete in tennis and baseball on a team basis. The college will compete In swimming meets by entering Individual* instead of a team because of th* newness of the sport to the college. Track also will be on the n* basis, by entering Just certain event*. "We win Join the AA.U. and enter their meets In order to hew* Individual* represented," Boylan said. In regard* to football, Ooaoh Boylan said: "Football Is out for the jwesent as we ars not big enough for the sport. However, we'll have soccer at a later date If we can get enough soccer playera out for the sport." Basketball will be the first major iport in the four-year college competition. This sport will start In the 1W7-M eeaaon. Coach Boylan'* face brightened when mentioning the cage aport, because IS per cent of his (quad this past season were freshmen. "If we can hold the group together for a ooupl* of yean, we'll have a good team. The starting team averaged six foot, four, which Isn't bad considering pro teams average six foot, five," th* coach stated. One* th* scheduling of other four-year college* get* under way, Monmouth win compete with such sohoola as Psnxer, Upsala, Rider, Rutgera, Trenton Teachers and Montclalr. At present, the playing area is a problem at the college, but plans are already drawn for baseball fields, tennis courts, track and other recreation areaa. The college will continue to use th* Y.M.CA. basketball court here, with the possibility or play- Ing court games In the Convention hall, Asbury Park, In 1983 OF '». Boylan said the community and student body la Interested in getting the four-year athletic protram under way. The college has been contemplating the move for torn* time and the final decision by college official* got the ball rolling, he said. The school alao will stay on the Junior college circuit with its Junior vanity teams. St Rose Takes Caseys, Red Bank Catholic high school's cagers absorbed a 72-B6 trimming Thursday night from their old rivals, the Purple Rose* of St Rose of Belmar. The Caaeys, hearing the end of the road of the 'S7 season minus a couple of Its early season regulars, trailed In every quarter. Tony Bevacqua and Bill Corcoran were missing from th* lineup. Coaeh BUI "Doc" Creamer's quintet managed to hold on for one quarter when the Caaeys trailed, The Purple Roses then started spreading the margin when they racked up a 13-7 second quarter to lead, 81-28, at the half. St Rose, with Joe Schaad, Mike Farren, Richie Powers and tee Carr pacing the scoring, pulled away in th* third period, 8S-4O, after outscorlng the Caseys, In the final sestlon It was a 17-1«battle with th* Rows taking the edge. Bill Naughton sparked the Caaeys with 19 points, Naughton caught on fire In the second half when he made 18 of hi* 1» marken. Bill Kennedy was the only other Casey to hit two column fig urea. He scored 12 tallies. The St Rose jayvees defeated the Red Bank Catholic Junior squad, 62-M. Bill Kaell led the Casey reserves with 22 tallies, while BUI Juska topped the Roses with U points. RED BANK CATHOLICS Kennedy. I Bhwer. i,. Welllaae. f _.. Hollywood, t. Shir f. Goodwjn e. Clerl. e _. Curtis..._...._., Lynch (. Naarh'ton. > Bauaeh, t 0 T P ~ S «a a o o a s 0 o 1» 0 t 7 It 1 I it io si ST. ROSt F P Csfhan. f. Perrjr, t. 04 a Sch.a*. f 4 Ohllek. f. _ e in Farren. e.. 4 Gunnall. e, 1 12 Powera r.'. Oobb. 0 0 Carr, * «l«torch!*, t 1 i I* 71 Scar* ay Quarters Red Rank Catholic «SI St. Rote H MIDDLETOWN BOWLERETTES >aevt Claenera 4(1 it "«>i Tavern ^14 J»ii White Route Store «'* SO'J Caruto'a Ette Senleenter I IS TAD. Altantli 14 It Bahr't Rettaurant _»2H t*h Middletown Unit 30 I* Momeatead Inn U 41 tl Fort Dix Slams Monmouth Five FORT MONMOL'TH-The undefeated Fort Dix "Burros," with the longest service baaketball win streak on record this season, won their Mth consecutive game last week by defeating Fort Monmoutb, ga-7t, before a crowd of 1,000 at the Held house here. The DU men broke ahead early In the first half and led by a comfortable margin the rest of th* way, with 81 Oreen, the former Ouquesne Ail-American, pacing the Burros' scoring with SO points. Monmouth gave It a battle with an outstanding performance by Tom Gola, both on offense and dsfenee. The Warrior and threetime All American from L* Salle, tallied M points and kept the game from being one-elded rout Th* free throw line was the big difference. Both team* hit for SO Held coals, but the visitors capitalized on Monmouth foul* to sink 2t out of tt from the charity stripe. The Signalmen had» personals called agalnet them with with Don Neddenrlep the only player to foul out' FORT MONMOUTH G F P Barbur t t» WMr.l«r McDonald Neddenriep Gola... Hertonntli.'. Bolir.r Green Choice... 8SLr:_ Cllnkaea-las ijcehr Mennlx Catlno Ortlt Seharet O'OonneH FORT MX 10 r r It 14Ị 14 I n 10 W Shrewsbury 5 Defeated SHREWSBURY Shrewsbury grammar school lost a 6243 decision to Weit Long Branch Friday a* the winning quintet posted It* 15th consecutive victory of the season. Weat Long Branch Iced the Issue In th* first quarter with a 24-2 quarter. Bryan led Shrewsbury with IS points. Dosleam dunked tn 13 and Clayton scored ten marker*. WEST U>N0 BRANCH DIGiaeomo Parrottlno 1 2 DeBruIn 10 4 Endiah - MeGendjr 3 " Atehettfno Ari. - J Thorne - 1 J Achilla K * SO Johneon * Evana Bryan Dalr Doalaan... Ksbblna... Garten... lalln -.. Wolf UBIondo SHREWSBURY 10 2 I I! * Scare br Perlede W. Lon* Brand. U I JJ-" ghrewiburr % U»«51 In Johnny Kucks' only World Series start he blanked the Dodgers. t-0, winning the IBM series for the Yankees. to d.llght th. mat* of our moat confirmed trencher Open till P. M. MONDAY Corned Brltkat of Beef and Cabbage TUESDAY Southern»rled Cklekes, Corn Fritter WEDNESDAY with Potate Dunplln* THURSDAY Boiled Beef with Herttradlak Sau'e FRIDAY a«oratls rreih Uhiter Newhotf Shttk Kebab with Rita SUNDAY tlomt Prime Kike < Beel >» J»t rratk Ubiter Newborf Served Daily ashamskw B*V*tsaB*L. AH SStrlslTand 5B? WWW Tournament Basketball STATE TOURNAMENT (At New Brunswick Gym) Bound Brook vt. South River (1:15 Bum.) Keyport va. Carteret (»:15 p.m.) At Trenton Junior H. 8. No. Z) Central Regional vs. AlleaUmn (7.U p.m.) E»lm Twp. vs. SayKvUle.IM. ) TOMORROW (At Freehold Regional H. 8. Gym) Asbury Park vs. Plainacld (7:15 p. m.) Treaton vs. Perth Ambejr (I:M p.m.) (At Convention Hall, Asbury Park) Bt Mary's (8A) vs. Qloaeeeter CMholle C):1S p.*>.) Lakewooa vs. winner *f Metuehea- Neptune (I:M pju.) SATURDAY (At Atburjr Park Convention Hall) 8t Rose vs. St Mary's (PA) (7:U JB.) Leag BraacB vs. Middletown Twp. (s:u pjn.) (At Rutgers University Gym) Dtuuutiea vs. winner of HoSasaaamesbarg (1:15 p.m.) Met Bank vs. Highland Park (» ) Little Silver Cub Scout Loop Rueh rinerman Horlacher Locilento Merrill B. Glaaaar. Salmert. Stlvea R. ClaiMjr Ln^fat BJ, Arraa «Julieno Hasan - Balne Vltt Murvj R. Ayvei TIGERS GIANTS EAGLES BLUE DEVILS G... *.. 1 z» 0.. I Butler 8 Wrlirht 0 Tuttle... 0 Marlnall I Scanlon 1 C K P T «14 Kalines Oinch Cage Title The Kallnes trounced the Royals, tt-48, In the high school division of the Community YMCA basketball league'to clinch the championship and keep their slate clean. Bill Bennett led the Kallnes to their title, scoring 22 point*. Dtetar Wasshausen contributed 19 markers to the cause. The victors had the contest sewed up at the end of the half with a lead. The Lions, paced by Richie few, n. W7-4S RED BAJWC legfsteft Malta's 15 points, sunk the Slow Pokes, Bud Gopel's 13 points failed to help the losers. In a protested game, the Celtics edged the Ramblers, 87-60, in the adult league. Flamingos stretched their winning skein to five by bleating the Hot ShoU, 40-22, In Junior high league play. Elwood Fields scored 20. Elton Morris had 12 polnu to spark the birds. John Moncrief led the Shots with se/en points. The Knights won from the Royals, 4S-35, to keep pace with the Flamingos. Melvan Morris, with 11 tallies, and Jack Jackson, with ten point*, paced th* winner*. L S. Boys'lM Cage League Kallr Sawyer Wtrntl Clark LsKlleato... HAWKS WARRIOR! Bthlenker Olaen Wllaoa, Yodice. Butltr... L O'Mallar K O'Mallt* Maacolo Valant... Uakeraon. Straelen. Munaon Palunka Arere... Farrow M. Arere Webtter REBELS UONS, 1 0 I. t 1* """ I (1( I 10 S Virginia Tech has had only 1} losing football seaaona out of U. when v o ui T V CALL SH B4.HR. SIRVICg eauabahtis* HPAIM gxmrt RgPMMMN ALCt AN* SERVICE NTINNAI INITAHEB Mm AUT9 RABIO AN* MRVWg HAROLD'S RADIO & H1CTKIC SHOP U W. *Mt St. R««J TaVI * <*r t» OsMta teekat M-Vt tw rakje cw *f aw yeerl MO-CAR wnwl WO-CAI»a>lar<aawl A»d at«setofce^lteaeeyratekalthafa'iaaerbtlfaryawa^cfcat CMM la-*rm», price * sewl - OUVI A '17 OtOSMOMil AT HOWLAND. JOMIS MOTOR CO., Mew lera*t, I ELECTRONIC ASSOCIATES. INC. manufacturtr of... offers career opportunities for ENGINEERS CHALLENCWn AMIGNMEHTS FOR ELEC TRONIO AND MECHANICAL ENOINIEM ON NEWLY CONCEIVED COMPUTE* CIR- CUITS. DESIGN DRAFTSMEN FOR LAYOUT Of COMPLEX ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS AND ASSEMBLIES. FIELD ENGINEERS DESIRABLE POSITIONS IN CUSTOMER RELA- TIONS. HELD INSTALLATION AND BErAIB Or COMPUTING EQUIPMENT. MINIMUM TWO YEARS ELECTRONIC ICHOOUNO rlus PRAC- TICAL EXPERIENCE. tai'a eavuble seeltla* at tha UaJIn* enafeeturer ef teaeral pursoea asalac.on.put.rt avallt autttandinr e»pertgnltl*e la tke.ten area out»tandlnl opportunltlm. aalsrlat sad seaelts ferautlr etere* eat? la tke smtrepollua area. EA1 *«ar* la amiuen t. an mutually liberal kenalt *>a«t*a>, aa exelaelve tteek option plan an< a 100% tuition rerun* plea for taose wke with te ana'trttke s«vsn<e4 arofenlonal etudlea. CONTIDENTIAL INTCTVtEWS DAILY AT OUR MAIN PLANT LONG BRANCH AVENUt OR SEND RESUME TO W, D. POTTER. Dlr. or fartonnel LONG IRANCH, N. J. SPECIAL PURCHASE NOW YOU PAY ONLY Ui. ROYAL 8 MSKMD FOR 0WMAL MUVMMT ON 1MIMBTW19S6CAIS LOWT PRICIf IVIRI AIL son sa..7o>u IXCHANM H.US TAX. TtADl 'N' SAVE POMI«N CAR T»V SHARPE TIRE CO. 101 Oakland Sn t SH M747 OPFOTE K. B. STATION Jane. Jack has flipped He has seen the plans for the big tenth... swears it's most exciting... He's going to take you there when open. Live it up and join him? U. S. ROYAL TIRES - BATTERIES WHEEL ALIGNMENT - BRAKE SERVICE RED BANK TIRE CO SHREWSBURY AVE. (1 mi. to. of Airport) SHREWSBURY CALL SHADYSIDE

44 . FA. M. HIT R» WUfC ila K Id Riunson, Atlantic Highlands Knocked.Out of State Play MEW BRUNSWICK Three from this area latt night aatnpeted in the New Jersey State laurscholasue Athletic assoclatt*a basketball tournament and when the dust cleared for the evening, only oa* school remained la the tournty. Coach Rosy Flnn'e Atlantic Hlglandt Tlf an met Hlghtstown in tha opener at th* New Brunswick high aehaol aad waa th* nt Shore team to get knocked eut ef play. Hlghtatown won, atm, Ait in winning had to light eft a fourth quarter attack by th* Tigers. la the nightcap, Kumson-Falr Save* Regional met Matawan in a alp and tuck battle with the Huskies edging the Bulldogs, 60- U. ffhls contest provided the thrills of the evening with both dubs exchanging the lead several times. Riuason had th* lead about midway in the third quarter , but the Buakiti aeortd tha latt tea pointa of thi quarter to take a IMS lead. This spurt did the trick as the regional team never reoovtred. Tht Bulldogt cloted tht gap to 4*-tl early in the fourth, but that was the best the Caaeh Don Trotter squad couli do. Regional'* first lead came tht atcond quarter after trailing, 8J-1T. Anthony Cantallce dunked a one-hander, Fred Tharin score. two Vault and Kenny Cousins hi tram the corner to make thi eount at the half. The Trottcrmtn had the lead three Urn** in the third, the first tits* at and the second time waa «-», when Couiini hit whh a one-hander and J. C. Williams sunk a clear tet shot. Later Reftenal moved out to a 8541 advantage wnen Cousins and Wllllama hit with field goals. Then cam* the end, Matawan't ten points In a row. Bob Deli* cam* up with best-game of the year for Matawan, scoring 17 points, Steve Allkaa had If and Nelll Scully scored 11. Cousin* led Regional'! scoring with It points. Bob Austin, m hit bstt scoring of tht ytar, alt for 11, and J. C. Williams contributed ten points.. Tlgera Behind by 18 Atlantic Highlands waa telnet behind at the start of the fourth quarter, but fell short of knotting the score with its final rally of tht year, Paced by Gregory Heath and Arnold Lane In this period, the Tigers outscored Hlghtstown, Tht big turge came when th Tigers tcored 11 straight points la the middle of the period. The Tigers trailed, 80-28, at the half and then were outscored, 19-8, In the third. Heath was the big man for At lantlc scoring 21 potato. Lane, who came in during the second half, scored a basket in the third quarter and four in the fourth for ton points. Ed Levin while John Weeks and Bob Chew had is tach. MATAWAN Nelll Jeullr Peittr Johneon > Km Alikee 'Keith 'Piesrl lob Delt. M J acored 18 points mnuon-fair HAVEN REGIONAL 18. _ tl 11 ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS G lath - ~- ~~ 10 erieilo * krlitfom 0 Scere ky Periede HlchUndi h ' IT It f f I r r u Port Monmonth Bruce Walling, son of Mr. aad Mr*. Jams* Walling, Wilson avt., who observed his tenth birthday last Thursday, was given a party FrldeV. Present wen Judith D«- Orate, Gall Rathburn, Sandra Stsley, Dennis Powell, Charles Thome, Mark Phelhelmer, Roy Bredsjtll. Rudy Grssso, Charles Gallagher and James Walling af thlt laee and Robert Kolas Atlantic Highlands. Bgt and Mn. Kenneth Hyneamann and ton Douglas, who were living near Stewart Air Fore* tats, Newburgh, N. Y, moved to Denver, Col., where Sgt. Hyne- 1* attending th* guided school. Mrs, Robert Hynemann waa entertained Sunday in celebration at her birthday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Abram, Col- Una ave., with Mr. Hynemann, Robert Hynemann, Jr., Miss Barkara,Jk>mma of this place an< Mlse Thyliss Ann Murphy of Atlantic Highlands, present. Mrj.and Mn. Richard Helnke, Campbell ave., and Mrt. Helen Hllllgt of New York city havt returns", home after tpendlng three Weeks' at Miami Beaoh, Fie, Girl Scout troops 177 and 137 held a skating party at the Velvet arena, Belvedera Beach, Friday. They were accompanied by their leaden, Mn. Charles Green, Mrs. Raymond Ashman, Hn. Raymond Toynbee and Mrs. Edward McLennon. A family party was htld Monday night In observance of the aacond birthday of Olenn Nelatann, son of Mr. and Mn. Leslie Nelmann of Gordon ct. Mis..Paul Xosabo of Freehold was among those present. Mn. Irene Alebach of Main st. Was surprised Monday at a birthday celebration given for her hy tor ahlldren, Mr. and Mrs. Bamaal Alsbach and daughter Karen af Rdherford, and Mr. and Mrs. Letto} Loekwood and fanily af tlfok Lyon Tied In Rio Race RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) Jorg* F. Geyer of Rio de Janeiro brought Tupl across the line li fiont yesterday to win the thin of five regattas and Jump into i tto for first place in the Bout; American Star dees yachtln; ciiampionthlp. Mr. Geyer, whe picked up 16 points with the victory, now is tied with - Unit*! State Olympic «Ur Charlea W Lyon, Jr., of Red Bank, N. whose Anin cam* in third today. Jimmy Donato On Furlough MIDDLETOWN-Sargetnt First Cltaa James A. Donato, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Donato of Navetlnk River rd,. returned home latt week after a 80-month tour of duty In Germany wltn the Army. Following a 40-day leave hero, Donato will report to Fort Jackson, 8. C, where ht will Join supply unit. Donato Joined the service in 1042 and re-enlisted I 1917 at Red Bank. Followlni service at Fort Monmouth, he went oversea* for thn* years' service in France. After a short leave) at home, he was reassigned to Germany. Donato It wtll known In Mon mouth county to followers of thi boxing profession, particular] tho«* familiar to th* early USO'i When Mickey Walker wat train big in Summit for hla heavyweight light with Max Schmel ing, Donato worked in the "Toj Bulldog" camp. Among Donato't mott Important lights before hit retirement from the with "Tippy" Larkln. ring was Truck Purchase Again OK'd LITTLE SILVER Councilman Lewis R. Lowry and hi* street committee again were authorized to proceed with th* purchase of a truck, plow and dump body at Tuesday night's council meeting. Mr. Lowry waa given the green light at the Feb. 12 meeting, but he again brought It to council's attention because a bid waa recelved from GMC of Bradley Beach. That firm quoted a figure of $4,1*1 Councilman Arthur L. Cone, Jr. said the street department expressed preference for ah International truck, which has been the make In use here for yean. A comparison of specifications was not available, but Mr. Lowry tald the street committee will consider the offer, along with two received from International dealers. Borough Attorney Howard W. Roberts said the street committee la not restricted to any bid, nor must It advertise for bids. He said ha saw "no harm" In reading the GMC offer. 2 Trenton Hearings Councilman Lowry urged council attendance at two hearings In Trenton; next Thursday at 11:80 a. m. for the local school's construction program; March 11, for a state board of health ruling about land All programs for gardumps. Mr. Lowry asked tha borough clerk to request information from th* board of health about state health laws affecting council's Jurisdiction. An sight-foot wide strip of land going south from Rumson rd. was sold to William F. Smld for There ware no ether bidders at the public auction held on tha March was proclaimed Red Cross month by Mr. Lowry. Councilman Jeaaph F. Lord reported there were 184 calls made by the first aid aquad last year, including TO emergencies. The squad traveled 1,100 miles and worked 128 man hours. The local auxiliary to Rlverview hospital was granted permission to bold tag days Apr. 12 and IS. Paul C. French, Jr., of 27 Kings rd., told council It should be proud of the local police department, which he said hat "won the support of our children." Proud of Police Councilman Lord said his remarks about Investing 1100,000 in borough money should not be construed aa surplus funds. Ha said the money Is that which is paid th* borough In taxes early in the year, but not spent by tha borough until later in the year. Councilman Charles W. Stephens, chairman of the police committee, said 424 dogs have been registered. Police Chief Fred Zleglar this morning amended that figure to 441 Th* chief added that owners of doge without licenses will begin receiving summonses Monday. Owners of dogs running at large, with or without licenses, alto are due for sum monses, he said. Councilman Stephens reported on his attendance at th* Mon mouth Municipal association meeting lut week and urged other councilman to attend future meetings of the group. 3 Drivers Fined, One Loses License HIGHLANDS Three drivers were fined a total of $100 on careless driving chacgaa and the license of on* was revoked tor 80 deya by Magistrate Irving B. Znlchner Monday. Dale E. Dlehl of the Twin Lights Air Force station waa fined $40 and his license was MMpi.nae<J. Police charged his car si ruck the curb on the Shrewsbury river bridge here, blowing jut two tires. The driver contlnua to drive with his wheels on hs bridge sldtwtlk. Nelson Moore, of the Air Force station, and Roy W. Maxson, $4 Ssa Drift ave., ware assessed $30 iih. Both drivers were Involvid In accidents, police said. f Regional, Atlantic Highland* Lofe In State Tourney SURF, FIELD AND STREAM Timely Note* On TIM Urml Outdoors Rumton-Fair Haven Regional and Atlantic Highlands high ickeeli wara kneekad out el tha first round ef tha New Jartay State Intarichelaitic Athletic ttieeittion laskerbalt tournament latt night, Ragienal leit to Matawan, 40-51, and tha Tigers wara defeated by Hightitewn, 63-SS. In the photoi, right, leb Austin, No. 25, Regional canter, eutreichti Ntill Scully ef Matawan, te tap away Huskia rebound. At the left, Andy Cerlstrem, Ne. 4, end Henry Rung*, Ne. 2, Atlantic Highlands, fight for a rebeund with Higjthtew* center, Chuck Weidnar. leb Chaw, Hightitew'n star, is at far left. Pupils Combat Delinquency, Adopt Own Code of Conduct FAIR HAVEN Eighth graders of Fair Haven's schools have coma up with what the mayor and council teem to feel may be the antwtr to this borough's juvenile problems a code of conductdeveloped by th* youngsters themselves. In rtotnt months, council on several occasions has devoted time to discussion of vandalism In the borough. Teenagers, allegedly responsible for the vandalism, have come under criticism from time to time by the mayor and council. There was no criticism Monday night though. Mayor Edgar V. Denlse and members of council had nothing but praise for th* eighth grader* and were enthusiastic in their response to the code. Speaking for her 75-member class, moat af whom were present Monday night, Janet Turner told council that members of the class wet's "disturbed" over "unpleasant publicity" given juveniles here, and that members of the eighth grade feel they can do much toward eliminating Juvenile delinquency. James Turner, a member of the eighth grade, explsined that the code presented Monday night *vas evolved at an Interclass meeting from Individual codes drawn up In each classroom. Members of th* eighth grade. It 'as explained by Janet Turner, pledged, at a meeting with their parent* last week, to abide by the new code. The code, read by Bonnie Laird, as follows: We the students of the ighth grade of the Fair Haven schools, In order to form a more perfect community, do hereby establish this code of conduct to be a standard for our behavior. We resolve to abide by these rules. Personal behavior: We will observe high standards In our personal behavior by avoiding smoking In public Iven with parents' content; not drinking alcoholic honest in our iiiiij, inn using discourteous, profane or obscene language; observing the general rules of courtesy; avoiding public dlsbeverages; being community; not play of affection. Family: We will respect our parents' Judgment hi our behavior by having parents call for us after social events, and If this is impossible * we should go straight home; telling our parents where we are going and telephoning home, if our plant change; being off the streets by 10:80 p. m. on week-ends and I p. that our behavior reflect* oh our parent*; talking over things that bother us with our parents. Friends: We will strive to form worthwhile friendships by associating with people who use Mod Judgment In their behavior; Join- Ing only worthwhile clubs and organizations; respecting the dignity of people regardless of age race, color, or creed; not asioclatinfr in disorderly groups or gangs; not taking rides In ears with strange people. or questionable Property: We will respect the property of other people by net destroying public or private property; not trespassing unless given permission; not stealing, regardless of value; staying away from new construction. Society: We will not use any weapon which is Illegal; we will not use any article In such a way that It would Injure or endanger someone's life; we will not turn In false alarms of any kind. Mayor Denlse termed the code "wonderful," adding "You deserve credit for taking It on yourselves. It's certainly a step In the. right direction and will do a world of good. Speaking for myself and members of council, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts." Councilman Russell H. Mlnton declared, "You have done more with this net of rules than anything we or the police department could have done." He added, I'm very proud of them and am sure their parents are proud ef them." addreaslng th* pupils, he said, "If you endeavor to follow the coda, you'll be proud of yourselves." Councilman Tony Hunting, added his congratulations. He said he thought the code an excellent one. Pupils In other towns, he said may follow suit, "but you'll have the satisfaction of havingbeen first." Congratulations also were extended by Councilman Jesse J. Mcllray, who commented, "Next year wall aae the fruit of your code depending on your actions." Mr. Mcllray, a strong advocate of* a curfew for the borough, said ha would apologise for his curfew recommendation It future behavior warrants It The pupils also were commended by Councllmen John C. Damlco and Arthur H. Rlemtn. Questioned after the meeting, Charles Howsrd, superintendent of schools, said the Idea for the code originated with both teachers and pupils, but the code waa darn, on we*k-d«y nights; reelliingveloped by pupils themselves. School District Split Under Study FREEHOLD The county superintendent of schools said yesterday he is studying New Shrewsbury's request to separate itself from the Shrewsbury township school district. Earl B. Garrison told The Register It will take him another two weeks to fully study the proposal, recently endorsed by the New Shrewsbury borough council. Prompting the council move la action now under way for private interests to buy the apartment buildings and land at th* federal government's Vail Homes residential community. When New Shrewsbury pulled out In 1950, all that remained of the township was Vail. Mr. Garrison said ht has been ttudylng the matter for two weeks already, but did not consider himself deep enough Into the proposal to know all tit* answers. He did tay, however, that If th* split were okayed, th* alternatives existing for Shrewsbury township would be to either tend its children to New Shrewsbury at tuition students or build its own schools. Mayor Blgby Cemmenta Mayor J. Lester RIgby of New Shrewsbury said it was his belief that once council receives figures from sir. Garrison, it will act to ret the superintendents office to LUthorlie another separation refirendum. Once this is sst up, tha matter will be put before th* New Shrewsbury voters for action. Vail voters will not be permitted to share in this vote. Meanwhile, an interesting de- elopment occurred her* last v«ek when th* Shrewsbury townhip board cf education elected Iteven F. Hayden of Vail Homes.a Its president. He d*feat«d lordon W. Bartle of New ghrewsury. Contacted yesterday, Mr. Haylen said he was concerned about he proposed division but added e would "wait and see" what Last time this matter waa up, in reierendum form, some tlva years ago, decision was to keep the school district In township information comta arrlson't office. out of Mr. Woman Held In Stabbing KEYPORT -John Oolden, 00, of 215 Atlantic at., ws* admitted to Monmouth Memorial hospital Saturday night with five stab wounda of the body and face. A local woman is being held as hla assailant. The hospital reported today that Mr. Oelaen't condition la ciltictl, but that ha ipent a good night. Miss Ellen WUklns, M, was arrslgned before Magistrate Seymoui Kltlnberg Tuesday night oa a charge of atrocious aasault in th* Incident. She waa sent to county Jail In default of 110,000 bull and tha charge waa referred to the grand Jury. Police Chief LeRoy Sproul quoted Miss Wllkln* aa saying thsl Oolden and another man made remark! which she resented in the hallway at th* apartment house at 21B Atlantic it., where both live. She attacked them with lingtht of pipe, which Oolden took away from her, and tha other man fled, Chief Sproul tald. Mr. Oolden said the then attacked him with a paring knife with a three-inch blade. He was stabbed sovtral times, one* In th* abdomm. causing a wound which requlied an emergency operation. Miss Wllklns fled the scene and wat sought by Iocs! and state police She wits arrested neveral hours later on Prospect St., Cliffwood, by Trouper A, G. Piparata New Jersey Farmers Beset With Nematode Problems FREEHOLD A new researeh prelect at th* College of Agrleulturt, Rutgers university, hat discovered that there are at least 13 different group* of plant-parasltlc nematodes commonly found in New Jersey. Dr. Martin T. Hutchlnson, who It In charge of the nematode research project, reports that of these doten or moce types of nematodes, tha so-called meadow nematoda Is tha most common. Unlike Oil familiar root-knot nematode, the meadow nematode does not produce conspicuous galls or swellings on tha root* of plants. More often, tha roots of plants attacked by the meadow nematode show loaf of small nbrou* roots and a reddening of the main roots which is produced by the feeding of tha small round worms. A newly-discovered pest In New Jersey Is the sting nematode. This pest wat reported from Burlington county, where it destroyed a Held of corn. Most of the major nematode pests, Including the stem and bulb nematode, stylet nematode, spiral nematode and others which are found In th* temperate tone of North America are also active In Mew Jersey. According ta Dr. Leland O. Merrill, extension entomologist at Rutrert, one of the major factors contributing to the build-up o( plant-parasitic nematodes le the intensive cultivation practices followed under New Jersey conditions. Irrigation and cover-cropping tend to favor many nematode speles, he says. Soil moisture Is Important to nematodes and irrigation when it la practiced during the dry period* will tend to support nematode populations where In years past, population* were severely reduced by dry weather. Growth of a cover-crop during fall, winter and spring also tends to keep certain nematodes fairly numerous. Soil fumigation with cms of the recommended chemical* Is an excellent means of controlling these pests on acreages which produce high value crept, Dr. Merrill says. Rotation of crops to keep out susceptible plants from the various nematode species Is not a new development In view of the fact that new species are being recornlied all the time, then It still need for research In this field. Varieties of certain vegetables have been developed which are resistant to the activity of nematodei. Recommendations for nematoda control art available from M. A. Clark, county agricultural agent Tree Pnajag Job Many Christmas tree growers through the state have yet to do their pruning before the spring Towing season gets under way in April, observes A. N. Lents, extension forester at Rutgers university. Th* sprucei and Art lend themselves to winter grooming and grower* of Christmas tress who don't prune will find themselves minus buyen for their trees, he predicts. Latt Chrlstmat allowed that customers want high-quality «es, Pruning is dent with hand clippert, making th* cut Just above PERSONALS Mr. and Mn. Fat Morrtatt of Xlt Mechanic it arc parent* of a daughter, born Friday at Monmouth Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrt. Lloyd Davit of 101 Sunaet ave. are parents of a son, born Friday at Monmouth Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Penny of 3(0 Spring st. are parents of a daughter, born Saturday at Riverview hospital. Mrt. Eltlt MacLeod, Linden pi.. Red Bank high school science teacher and a member,of the N. J. Science Teachers' association, visited th* Ball Telephone laboratory In Murray Hill recently. The association members attended a morning and afternoon session. Leon Zuckerman, 43 Hendrlckson ave., Riverside Heights, returned last night from a two-day trip ta Chicago whera ha attended a meeting of the public Information committee of the American Gas association at the Sheratoii-Blackstone hotel. Mr. Zuckerman is publlo relations director of the Mew Jersey Natural Gas company. Miss Dee Maddux of Silverwhite Gardens and her escort, Milton Cloud, Jr., a student at Westminster choir college, Princeton, were recent guest* of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Phillip* at the Metropolitan Opera House. New York city, */hen "Arabella," an opera by Richard Strauss, was presented. Mr. and Mn. William D. Boyd, who until recently have reilded at 47 Mechanic it, are now making their home at 17 Barker ave., Shrewsbury township.. y Nelsoa Beaedlct Did striped bass winter over li the Navesink and Shrewsbury rivers? We doubt It, and we'll tell you why. Tht twin rivtn havt too much salinity. Thtre Is not enough freth water in either to satisfy the needs of striped bass, a species which has a strong tendency to seek out brackish water during cold weather. All of the major bass river, have tremendous outflows of fresh water. The Mulllca it an excellent ease in point. As. of course, is the Hudson. Like shad and salmon, striped baas aaadramous, meaning fish which leave the ocean to tpawn in aweet water. Unlike salmon and shad, howaver, striped baas do not disappear for months at a time Into Stygian depths of the sea. We know whsre stripers ar* most of tht ytar. If they ar* not In th* surf, they will almost certainly be located in a bay or tidal river. True, striped bass have been caught In mackanl gill nets 15 mllea aad more offshore. Fish so caught were migrants. They were probably making a straight shot from, say, Cape May to Mon tauk. But bulk of the bast tend to remain pretty well inshore. They eeldom stray more than a couple or three miles off the beach. Which brings ut to tht Interesting fact that th* Hudson makes handsome contributions to th* prosperity of our local base fishing. Ptopl* who should know art reasonably convinced that the school stripers which appear at Highlands and Sea Bright bridges In early April are vanguards of a major bass mavament down- Hudaon. We are reliably informed that Hudson stripers ar* on th* move now. They ar* reported to be schooling in Nyack cove, virtually under th* shadow of the New York Thruway bridge. Some will almost certainly appear in th* gill nets of shad fishermen in another couple of weoki, while others win iitouoh through the Narrows to enter Jertey waters. It would be mistaken to assume all the Hudson bass are of the school variety. Veteran Sandy Hook bass guides well know of the difference in appearance and coloration of the cowt they tangle with in May and June. Blue-backed and silvery are the streamlined migratory lunkert from thi south, whereas Hudson bast art prone to be chunky In conformation and somewhat washed out in appearance. Whatever tha caat, wa may safely assume that bass from somewhere west of the Narrows will provide whatever fishing we will come by in the weeks ahead. Indeed, more venturesome anglers will be out tomorrow when the season opens in an effort to discover if the bass in th* lower harbor are willing to play. Bottom fishing with worms, preferably blood worms, may produce at Bedloe Island and-qr.fort Wadsworth. Several rowboat liveries In Bayonne provide limited facilities for anglers who may want to take an early whack at Hudaon llnetldert. of bass action in this Immediate locality. It's a little too premature to figure on making tense in either the Navesink or the Shrewsbury much less the Sea Bright and Sandy Hook turf. are eternally so is Capt. fisherman optimistic, Charity Fossani, Port Monmouth tackle dealer. Not only is Charley laying In a supply of blood worms for tomorrow's inaugural, but he Is also offering a handsome trophy to tha tint angler who weighs in a striper at hit stand. If chasing down erosive atripen Isn't your dish of tea, bettor investigate the whiting fishing at Ambrose and Scotland Ltjfctt. That's meat on the table! Not only it the frshlng consituauy good, but the whiting are running up to four pounds. Occasional cod are also picked up by the talent on party boats putting out from Highlands and Atlantic Highlands. Or duck down to the upper Manasquan where rowboaters this week caught up to IS winter flatfish to the rowboat Best fishing hai been on th* making tide is the word from Chapman's In Riviera Beach. Long Branch Sportsmen's club dined In state at Crten Grove manor, Long Branch, Saturday night. Two club members, Joe Renzo and Tlnky Rusto, told us at the party they wtre opening a tackle and bait shop on Ocean Avt. Both are wall known surf fishermen. Forsgats Preserve at Jamesburg will be the sit* of tht upcoming ihoot-to-kul field trail for German short hair pointer!. Heats will be run Saturday and Sunday from 1 a. m. on, and the public Is Invited to attend. Which remlndt ut that tha preserve hunting season will continue through Mar, 16. Preserve operator* have enjoyed an excellent year for the most part. Indeed, tome say they already have exhausted their invtntorits of blrdt and an buying replacements wherever they can. Horace K. Hornar of Rumton will soon be on hit way to Masatlan, Mexico. His arrival there will be timed with th* height of what is possibly the greatest martin run in the Pacific. Light tackle angler Homer should find all tht atrlped marlln ht can handle. Mazatlan It one of those storybook places where realisation outpaces anticipation Instead of the cither way around. The fli Incredibly good. Nor can any be said for tht hunting. Wbea you tire of marlln fishing, you hoot ducks, quail, whltewlng and mourning doves and big gam*. This reporter was In Mazatlan last April, the month which annually witnesses a confluence of blllfish visitations. Striped marlln school up In the Gulf of California prior to making tracks for LaPaz and subsequently Southern California waters. Meanwhile sallfish are moving up from Acapulco. There you have It Pacific sails and striped marlln all tangled up in a chaotic maelstrom of birds, bait and blllflsn. Homer will miss the satis, but he cannot help but rawhide stripers. And Matatlan Is one of those thing ta any less In this still ha. world some few places left The Bogs of Staten Island, just I where a buck a hop, skip and Jump from th* value. Boats charter at W par Outerbridge crossing at Perth!day, A ballroom-aiia bedroom Amboy, reprettnt another fishing : with a balcony overlooking tht groundi where, baa* and weather, Pacific costs tu weekly. Two- Mr. and Mr*. Richard A. O'Con- wiu m r, early fishing is occasion- inch-thick tenderloins ar* -.,-._.». ^_._ > " apiece, and a ttqullla marttallt ally worth th* effort. Frankly speaking, we do not nor of John st, obaerved their 30th wedding anniversary Monday. Samuel M. Tilton of 68 Fisher pi., received first prize in the Newark Sunday Newt amateur photographers conttat. Hit winning tntry wat printed in last Sunday's edition of the paper, Second plaoe winner was Mr*. Edward Norkut of Freehold. Robert B. Gullliams, who It serving In the Navy on the Saratoga, hat returned to hit ship after spending a ton-day leave with hla mother, Mrs. Mary Quinisms of Monmouth it. Mrs. William Ovtrton and her daughter,- Miss Bevtrly Ovtrton, of Hartshorn* pi.. Mlddletown ownahlp, ware recent guests at... El Rancho motel at Myrtle Beach, i morning in a three-car crash at a bargain at two bits. look for much of anything In way Thing over that prospectus! Bound Only By Oath to Uphold Constitution Says Brennan Ht. 35 Crash Injures Two HEADDEN'S CORNER Two driven were slightly Injured this S. C. of Keyport tttta police. Mr. Golden told police, Sproul said, that he had poken to the woman, Chltf nevtr Both masts on tht U.8.S. tar. atoga art hinged so that It can put benitth tht Brooklyn brtdgt. a bud growth. on M. the current year's A. Clark, Monmouth cour.ty agricultural agent, will arrange ts demonstrate the technique of pruning on your farm, if requested. Extension bulletin J»t, "Growing Christmas Trees In New Jertey." describe pruning methods. Ask the agents for a copy. MaattuTcheck Before the day of antibiotic drugs, dairymen dreaded mastitis infection in their cows' udders and carried on a constructive program of prevention. Many have succeeded, but since the discovery of antibiotic* with their miraculous results In check- Ing mastitis, some dairymen havt been content to depend on drugt completely. Frank A. Wright, extension dairy apeciallst at Rutgera unlvtrtlty, urges dairymen to havt a sound management program to prevent mastitis, rather thsn to rely on "shotgun treatments" of antibiotics. He suggest! use of plentiful bedding, keeping animal* out of drafts, dipping teat cup* between cows, and other familiar pracmeani of preventing tlcea as a mastitis and keeping cows In production longer. In 198S the mutltls bill of the American dairy farmer came to 1130,000,000, according to Wright. Tha disease results In a IB per cent Increase In herd replacements and t to 90 per etnt deersat* In milk production. Mr. and Mrs. J. Joseph Connor of Branch ave., ar* vacationing at th* Cloister on Sea Itland. Oa. Mr. and Mrt. John H. Bowers and Mr. and Mn. Fred Compltr, all of Rumson, are guests at the Carolina hotel, Ptnehurst, N. C. Mr. and Mrs, Jaaeph Presti and daughttr* Denlaa and Barbara Ann of 48 Monmouth st, and Mrt. Prestl's sister, Miss Louise Lepori of Louis Circle, Middletown township, left Friday on a motor trip to Florida. Harry Plslenko, 218 Monmouth st, and Mr*. Winston VanNote, West Front it., art medical patients at Rlverview hospital. Mr. and Mn. Bernard I, Kitsin of 88 Madison ave. have re turned from a month's stay at Miami Beaoh, Fla. Mr. and Mrt. Leo Gavin of *> Arthur pi. are parents of a daughter, born yetterday at Rlverview hospital. Charlei N. VanLeer of IN Maple ave. entered Monmouth Memorial hospital Feb. 5 and it still on the critical list Hs spent a "good" night the It 35-Cooper rd. intersection here at 7:27 a. tn. today, Middletown police reported. Heavy morning traffic on the highway waa disrupted for 80 minutes while the damaged can were being removed from tha roadway. Treated at Rlverview hospital and nlessed wart Robert A. Decker, «, of South Laurel avt., Wttt Keaniburg, who had cuts of tht chin and lips, and Charles Garon, TOT Wayside rd., Neptune, who had a knee bruise and complained of back pain. Tha Fairview lint aid squad took th*m to th* hospital. Polls* said a southbound ear drlvtn by R 3. Bethunt, Third ave.,* Cliff wood, stopped in the left lant to make a left turn Into Cooper rd. and waa atruek In the rear by Decker's ear, which alto, was southbound. The Decker car' wat drlvtn across th* road Into the side of a northbound car driven by Mr. Oaron, police were told. SDWABD KEIX1* TAW NEW SHREWSBURT Edward M Kelly of Sycamore ave. Is a put lent In Monmouth Memorial hospital. He was taken there Tuesday by members of th* local first aid squad. His condition thi* morning It reported aa "fair" following a "fair night." Hs is tlit president of J. H. Kelly company, Red Bank. gan State's stadium Is named, coached the Spartan* to 29 vlotorlee in 3t games during rive seasons 1911 through 1910, Challedon, now famous as a sire, won the Plmlico Special twice and also won the Futurity and th* Pratkness over the Baltimore track. The "bald" eagle really Isn't Those few whit* feathers on top of his head Just maice him look "bald," WASHINGTON. D. C, (AP) William J. Brtnnan, Jr., of Rumson, says hit actions as a supreme court Justice will be governed only by hi* oath to uphold the constitution not by obligation* to uphold hi* CathoHs faith. Justice Brennan made this statement at yesterday* closing session of a senate Judiciary committee hearing, called to consider his appointment to the nation's highest tribunal. "It Is the oath and that oath alone-that governs," he declared. "There Isn't any obligation of our faith superior to that" The 60-year-old former N. J. Supreme Court JutUct la tht drat Catholic to be appointed to tha Supreme Court sine* th* death of Frank Murphy In 1M». Senator Joseph R. McCarthy, Republican of Wisconsin, whe has fought President Eisenhow er*s recess appointment of Justie* Brennan, did not attend th* closing ssssion of the two-day hearing. In a letter te Senator Eattland, Dtmocrat of Mississippi, McCarthy said he believed "the record of thi* committee confirms that Justice Brennan harbors an underlying hostility to Congressional attempts to Investigate and expose the Communist oontpiraey." Justice Brennan had tald hs It "Very, very much" In favor of congressional exposure of subversives. Missing Woman's Body Identified MIDDLETOWN-Townihlp police yesterday cancelled a missing j p oa.l Service person alarm for Mn. Florlnt r o m l service Helen Bocceiia. M of old Ridge, Described by Crine Manor. Llncroft. utter Rrooklawn, N. J.. and Philadelphia nollm reported a body found In the D*la-. ware river yesterday had bean Identified by a relative of th* mixing woman. Mrt. Voecella wat rtported misting here Jan. 14, pollci said, JEWISH CONVOCATION FORT MONMOUTH-Dr. Loud M. Levltukv of Ohtb temple In Newark, will Shalom h* th* ruest snesker at the sixth nnnual Jewlsli convocation to be h*m tt the post next Thurxlav- «t R p. m. In chape' Four. Th» Torih service will begin at 8 n. m with Cantor Edgar Mills of the asm* Newark congregation In charge of tha music. Also officiating at th* service will be Rabbi Arthur H. Kcrshon t>f Congregation Bnal Israel of hed Bank. Frederick Crlne, local postmaster tinea 10M, spoke before the Klwanls club Monday night at tht Mcll> Pitcher hotel. He said line* 1J37 tht receipt! Jumped from (130,000 to 8481,000 In 18M. Eleven routes plus two Itrcel post trucks were In existence in 1(27. Now there ar* 28 routes and isven parcel tracks. He further stated Red Bank It now a distribution outer which means that mail la dim vend more promptly in tht ctorr arts. Ben Ashln, chairman of th* bu«ln*m and public affairs committee, aald July CO was set for 't<e presentation of the OutaUndlijg Cltlsen award to Justice William J. Brennan. E2 Passsnger oars account for 80 per ctnt of all motor vehicle miles traveled in th* United States.

45 Heart Fund Receives Check WD BANK RKISTER Tfe.urs.lty. Feb.», NEWS FLASH! HUNDREDS OF TICKETS & FINES ISSUED TO REGULAR MERCHANDISE FOR OVERTIME Joe Ruffini, center, of Middlttown Lenei preienti a check te> Robert Jee k>»ew, C9>eh«irma«of the Monmouth County Haart fund drive, from contribution* received at the Unei. Otheri, left to right, are F. R. McGuigtn, chairman of Middletown'i Haart fund drive; Doug Millar, director of bowlers' Heart fund drive; Ruffini, and Nick Grandinettl of Middletown La net. COPTOfO TBIP HAZLBT Twelve member* of Boy Scout troop Bl of Keansburg had their flrat camping experience of the new year when they pent lut week-end here. Joseph Griswiniai and George Roeaaner, scoutmaster and assistant, accompanied the. boys. Attending were Frank Barricelli, Roy Bernhardt, Vincent Cllli, Joseph Colwell, William Greig, Edward Fox, James Jarvls, Ralph Mirabella, George Roeasner, Ruaaell Bchultz, Allan Vogel and Ruaeell Wampler. LOANS o Wetdw*. BAIL'S -* srsst * You wouldn't buy e hat without hotd to don'1 iheda without your buy your lemp LAMM HMINB W. Fraat St at atar M. WHk 0«r ta arkbw Let Speaking Contest Here Tomorrow Red Bank high school will play hoat to the Southern sectional* of the New Jersey high school extemporaneous speaking contest tomorrow at 4 p. m. It will be under the direction of Clair Bailey, Red Bank Englldh instructor and adviser to the high school's public speaking club. Kenneth Ashln, a Red Bank High sophomore, will represent the local school. Each school in the section is allowed to send one contestant. Sectional winners will compete at CHHside Mar. 8. Other schools and their representatives are Red Bank Catholic, Pamela Marzulla; St. Mary's of South Amboy, Peter Palmadeaao; Trenton Central, Guy Roamarin; Villa Victoria academy. Jeanne Mullawney; Camden Catholic, William Lynch; Cathedral, Patricia Banks; Hamilton, Ellen Delate; Monaignor Bonner, Terry Stratman. and South River, Philip 8totter. Membera of the Red Bank public speaking club will assist Mr. Bailey with contest details. Other regional tryouta are being held at Kearny and Rutherford. FIBEMEM'S BALL MAB. 10 SHREWSBURY Fire Chief George C. Marx la chairman of Shrewsbury Hose company's annual ball, which will be held Saturday, Mar. 30, at Crystal ballroom, 129 Monmouth St., Red Bank. The hall formerly was Red Bank Bowling Center. Damaged by fire, the center's bowling alleys are being rebuilt as a ballroom. DINKY TOYS MUERTON RUGS * 130 IROAD ST. RED IANK No Monty Down 36 Mo*, to Pay termites? /! IWMT M»AM or mmn O*MMI wemsmmetf eltmintirilirim iim Our tntk to tiuaranteeo by I«f«ll. CiMnlMimliitloiir i-r I I. «,.i hr L, Brae* C«. Tab fumc* MmeMt. f CuatutM b INSURED»r Sua Imnraiie. Mu. Ltd. MOM M WMTf MM MAKST OFFICE. H.J. COIF. hwiuwj, Wlhitlntl««1«MSO» in Red lank, pfemt SH M344 FOOTCRAFT'S Legion Accepts 23 New Members Shrewsbury post, American Legion of Red Bank, Monday night accepted 23 new members who will be initiated at the post's meeting Monday night. Mar. 11. New members Include Frederick Sampson, Andrew Nelson, James B. Ayers, Karl K. Baron, Aaron Breslow, Peter DeBona, Richard P. T. Dsrderlan. Thomas J. Dolley, George E. Fink, Anthony Irene, Ernest Oliver, Alley D. Palmer, Vernon M. Patterson, Frank Plea, Leon Brown, Abraham W. RabinowlU, Benjamin Roas, Frank O. Tufarelll, Joaeph Tylukl, Thomas E. Watson, William da la Motte, Edmund Talarico and Alfred E. Pound. Saccoi Convert Bowling Alleys to Ballroom Conversion or Red Bank Bowl- Ing Center at 1» Monmouth st. into Crystal ballroom waa announced yesterday by Mr. and Mrs. Vincent T. Sacco, proprietors. They expect It to be formally opened in time for St. Patrick's day. The bowling alleys were damaged by fire Sept. 39. causing the establishment to close down. Besides the ballroom, Mr. and Mrs. Sacco will continue to operate the luncheonette which ia in that building. Crystal bar, which ia a tenant at the same address, Is operated by James and Fred Bruno. Among the first events scheduled for Crystal ballroom la Shrewsbury Hose company's annual ball Mar. 30. S Public Speakers Compete in Debate Five members of the Red Bank high school public speaking club participated In a debate last weak at Springfield high school. Representing Red Bank were Graydon Tunstall, John D'Amlco, Greg Caldwell, Bob Papon and Jeff Stives. The Tunstall and D'- Amlco youths argued for the afftrmattvi. The other three represented the negative. Red Bank won on* round and lost ftve In this debate. Sea Bright Robert Keehn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Keehn ol Surf at., celebrated his eighth birthday last week with a party at home. Guests Included Keith Bets, Gary Wood, Oakley Ttlton, George Stratford, Gloria Jean Watklns, Gloria Wood, Robert Boegel, Roger Rock, Dennis Wood, Elaine Wood, Rhett Boynton. Rosa Vaecarelli, Bruce Keebn and Mrs. Rosa Oubloilata. Miss Marlon Lovgren, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Inar Lovgren of Church St., entertained at her home Saturday night, i Quests were Susan Chamberlain, Dorothy MlUer and Joy Drake. The Sea Bright Affiliated Republican club will meet Monday night at Harry's Lobster House. Aetlont Taat'i wkat Tee ktslsta luilstd a«. k»e bee* i«ulng tm their MvertlMn for am taref-qua* ten at a eeatury. MvarUtasMaV. FINAL SHOE SALE! LAST THREE DAYS PR. MEN & WOMEN'S HIGH GRADE SHOES FOOTCRAFT Fine Shoe for the Entire Family Since 189$ 96 IROAD ST. RED BANK 24 ONLY ALL STEEL UTILITY 3-TIER TABLE WITH ELECTRICAL OUTLET BAKED ENAMEL FINISH $*>". ^ White *B? YeUsw Tarsuels* Reg PARKING CUSTOMERS SUMMONED TO PROVIDE BAIL! A store-wide "lineup" by our department managers has resulted in countless "arresting values"... all regular merchandise "guilty" of "overtime parking"... and "tagged" with "heavy fines." Most are ''first offenders." Some have been "booked" before... all are wonderful bargains at our "bail-out" prices. We emphasize that the "fines" declared below are but a few of the many at Newberry's. We suggest you "patrol" our value-packed sales floor. They are yours for "bail"... SALE STARTS FRDAY AT ± ± 36" REMNANTS mil & SICONDS INCLUDES SOLID COLOR MOADCLOTH POUSHID COTTONS DIMITY DRIP DRY PRINTS 0 SOUARI PIRCAltS IMIOSSID COTTONS ONLY 300 YARDS VALUES TO.69 YARD BOYS' WEAR 121 Boys' Combed Cotton Brief?, 72 Boys' Combed Cotton Polo Shirts, Short Sleeves, Stripes and solids Values to 3 Boys' Thickset Corduroy Shirt 52 Boys' Cotton Long Sleeve Sport Shirts 15 Boys' Jersey Knit Sport Shirts 9 Boys' Lone Sleeve Sport Shirt 5 Boys' WoolTurtlene«k Sweater 11 Boys' Flannel Lined 2-pc. Suits 4 Boys' Flannel Lined 2-pc. Suits 40 Boys' 2-pc. Twill Pants and Polo Set 8 Boys' 2-pc. Cowboy Suit Size 10 8 Boys' Suede Flannel Sport Shirts 8 Boys' Cotton Sport Shirts 2 Turtleneck Long Sleeve Sweaters 72 Boys' Combed Cotton Long Sleeve Polo 2 Boys' Cotton Coat Sweaters 8 Boys' Sleeveless Orion Slipover Sweaters 8 Boys' Orion Slipover Sweaters 1 Boys' Orion Long Sleeve Sweater 8 Boys' 2-pc. Knit Ski Pajamas 83 Boys' 2-pc. Knit Ski Pajamas 3 Boys' 2-pc. Flannel Pajamas 17 Boys' 2-pc. Printed Flannel Pajamas 9 Boys' Winter Weight T-Shirts 1 Boys' Winter Weight Briefs 8 Boys' Poplin Flannel Lined Jackets 3 Boys' Flannel Jacket Style Shirt 5 Boys' Flannel Lined Pants 10 Boys' Wool Ivy League Caps Her MEN'S WEAR 16 Men's Genuine Leather Western Belts Men's Genuine Leather Caps with Muffs Men's Leather and Gabardine Caps Men's Beacon Flannel Bathrobe Men's Chino Work Shirts Men's Oxford Weave Dress Shirts Men's Broadcloth Dress. Shirts Dan River Combed Cotton Dress Shirts White Dress Shirts 2x2 Pima Men's Cotton Long Sleeve Sport Shirts Men's Better Quality Long Sleeve Sport Shirts Men's Luxury Fabric L S. Sport Shirts Men's L. S. Polo Sport Shirt Men's L. S. Flannel Sport Shirts Men's Flannel Pajamas Men's Tie and Cuff Link Sets Reg. to Men's Regular and Bow Ties Reg. to 1.00 SALE $.23 $.50 $.66 $.88 $.88 $.88 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $.88 $1.00 $.50 $.50 $.50 $.50 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.33 $.88. $.88 $1.00 $ 33 $.33 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $.25 $.19 $.77 $.44 $1.97 $.97 $1.33 $133 $133 $133 $.99 $1.47 $1.77 $1.00 $.99 $.99 $.33 $.07 HOSIERY 129 Misses' Cotton and Nylon Socks.59 $ Girls'Cotton and Nylon Socks.59 $ Boys' Slack Hose.49 $ Ladies' Full Fashioned Nylons YARD 20 YDS. LIMIT PRR CUSTOMIR 74 ONLY GIRLS' SMART COTTON DRESSES SIZIS3-ex Large Variety of STYLES AND COLOM 4 Quilted Ladies' Bed Jackets 2.98 $ Ladies' 7 Ladies' 29 Ladies' 15 Ladies' 28 Ladies' 86 Ladies' 22 Ladies' 100 Ladies' 21 Ladies' 10 Ladies' 24 Ladies' 30 Ladies' 4 Ladies' 49 Ladies' 27 Ladies' 10 Ladies' LADIES' WEARABLES Ret SALE Better Nylon Half Slips 2.98 $.73 Cotton Slips 1.98 $.44 Cotton and Tuckstitch Panties.49 $.19 Bras 1.59 $.44 Flannel Pajamas 1.98 and 2.29 $.99 Flannel Gowns 1.79 $.66 Nylonized Slips 1.39 $.44 Genuine Leather Belts Reg. to 1.29 $.07 Velvet Caps Pearl Trim Reg $.17 Suede Flannel Sport Blouse 1.98 $.33 Plaid Popover Blouse < 1.29 $ 33 Better Quality Dresses Reg $1.57 Poplin Flannel Lined Jackets 3.98 $1.57 Better Blouses, Nylons, Dacrons 3.98 $.99 Maternity Outfits 4.98 $ % Dacron Uniforms 5.98 $3.66 GIRLS' WEARABLES 56 Girls' Cotton Polo Blouses Reg..79 to 1.29 $ Girls' Dressy Blouses 1.98 $ Twill Longies, Flannel Lined 1.00 $ Girls' Corduroy Coveralls, Slacks Reg. to 1.98 $.99 5 Girls' Lined Slack Set Reg. to 3.98 $ Girls' Poplin Flannel Lined Jackets > 2.99 $ Girls' Pajamas 2.98 $ Girls' Slumber Knit Pajamas 1.49 $.99 SHOES AND SLIPPERS 16 Child's Suedine Fleece Lined Moccasin 1.00 $ Boys' Korktred Shoes with Crepe Sole 8.49 $ Ladies' and Child's Leather Moccasins 1.09 $ Ladies' Satin Slippers 1.98 $.77 HOUSEWARES 25 Pints Beacon Wax.65 $ Quarts Beacon Wax" 1.10 $ Cellu-Tex Sponges.29 $ qt. Poly Plastic Utility Bucket 1.39 $ P. O. F. Fire Extinguishers 1.98 $.99 4 Boudoir Lamps with Shades 3.29 $ Plastic Window Shades 1.59 $.66 4 Famous Make Pop-up Toaster $ Gallon Oil Base Wall Paint 3.19 $ Embossed Plastic Window Shades 1.59 $.66 PROVINCIAL and DUNDEE PLAID DINNERWARE 108 9" Plates, Fruits, Oatmeal Dishes Reg. to.39 $ Pickle Platters, Creamer Reg. to.69 $ Sugar, 14" Platter, Gravy Boat Reg. to.98 $ Assorted Glassware, Bon-Bon Dishes, etc. Reg. to.29 $.07 NOVELTIES 88 Demi-Tasse Cups, Candy Dishes, 10 Cherrywood Salt and Pepper Sets 24 Hand-Painted Figurines 26 Imported Salt and Pepper Sets THERE ARE NUMEROUS ITEMS NOT USTED ABOVE THAT ARE REDUCED THROUGHOUT THE STORE J. J. NEWBERRY CO., RED BANK $ $

46 MDIANK 46-Tbundar, FA. 28, 1957 BIOMTBY AK» ELECTION NOTICE B0MC6B OF BED BANK, K. I. Notice le hereby given that District Board! of Election and Reentry In and tor Uie Borough of Ral Bank. County ef Monmouth. State ef New Jersey, will teat at the placei hereafter deiignated en TUESDAY. APRIL 1«, 1M7 between the houra of 7:00 a. m- and 1:00 p. in, leeatern Standard Time), tor the purpose of conducting the Primary Election for the nomination of Candidates. Salo Primary Election will be held ta the eald municipality for the purpoie af nominating a Governor for the gtate of New Jereey. twe membere of Hi* Oeneral Aiaembly from the County ol Monmouth, two membera o( the Beard of Chosen Freeholders tor the County of Monmouth, and for thi follow Sag municipal officea, via: Two Councilman lor Ihe lull term ol Said Primary Election will ba held for the purpoee ol nominating persona ol UM respective partlea to the offlcei above asattoaol and alao te elect one ule aad ani female member for each et tha two major polltleal partlea from each dlatrlet In Monmouth County ai atmberl et the MonmouUi County Ei CUtlve committee. Notice ll hereby given that qualified wen of the Bornueh of Red Bank, not already regletered in aald municipality, under Uw etate lawe et New Jeraey governing permanent registration may register or transfer with the clerk ol the said municipality tt her office Bor ugh Hall. Monmouth Street. Red Bank, tt any time up to and Including Tr.uri day. March 7. 10B7. during the follow tag houn: Dally 9:00 a. m. to o:m> p. in., Saturday!. Sundaya and Holidays ei opted. All* at Permanent Registration Bunau. Courthouse. Freehold, New Jer er. at any time up to and Including Thunday. March 7. 1N7, during tht following hoara: Dally l:tt> a. m. to 4:30 p. m.. Saturdays 9:00 a. m. to 12:00 Soon. Sundayi and Holiday! eicepted. Alao March I and 7. 1M7. from 7:00 B. m. to 9:00 p. m. On Thuriday, March the regli- ration book* will be closed until after the forthcoming Primary Electiontobe kwld on Tueaday, April D7. Notlca Oi «h»m«of residence or ap. plication tor tranafer of reglatratlon hall be made either by written re- uest. forwarded to the Municipal Clerk er the County Board of Elections on gsrmi provided by said Municipal Clerk r Board or tiy calling In person at She office of the Municipal Clerk or County Board of Electlona up te and Ineluding March 7, _ Thi laid Boirrti of Reglilry and Elee- Men will meet on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 9. INT between tha houn ot 7:00 a. tn. and S:00 P. m. (Eaatern Standard Time), Sir uw purpoee of conducting Uw Oen- * r Sald Bl oeneral Election will be held In the aald municipality for the purpose f electing Oovernc* for the State ol New Jeraey. two membera ol the Oen- ral Ataembly ot New Jeraey from tha County of Moommith. two membera of the Board of Choeen Freeholder! for the County of Monmouth, and for tha allowing municipal offices, vli: Two Councilman for the full term of Notlce**i*'hereby liven that Jellified veten of the Borough ol Red Bank, County of Monmouth, State of New Jar- Sty, not tlready registered In said municipality under Uie lawt ot New Jeriey governing permanent registration m«y reglrter or transfer with the clerk of afd municipality at her office. Borough Hall. Monmouth Street, Red Bank, New fereey. at any time between Wednei. day. April 17, IN7. and Thursday, September M, during the following hours: Dilly 9:00 a. t:00 p. m.; Saturdays Sunday* and Holldayi «- anted. Alao September M, N and 91, 1947 Iran 9:00 a. m.tot:o0 p. m., or tt rermatent Riglatratlon Bureau, Courtbouse. Freehold, at any time between Wrtneaday. April IMSJJ, and Thurj. day, September M, INT. during the following houre: Dally. 9:00 a. m.to4:30 p. m. Saturday!, 9:00 a. in. to 12:00 Soon. Sundayi and Holiday! ejuepted. Also September 24, 15. and as, 1N7, from 1:00 p. m. to 9:00 P. m. On Thuraday. September 2S. 1987, the teglrttitlon book! will ba rioted mill Sfter the forthcoming Oeneral Election n Tueidty. Novtmbtr 9. INT. Notice of change ol reildmee or application for tranifcr of nglttratlon hall be made either hy written re- Hues! forwarded to the Municipal Clirk nr tht County Board of Election! on tormi provided by aald Municipal Clark sr Board or by calling In peraon at the met of the Municipal Clerk or County Board of Election! up to tnd Including September X Thi following li t complete ceierlpt)on of the Election District! In the Borough ot Red Bank and the location If polling piacee tor each ol the aald dlttrlcu, to wit: First EtocUea tmttrlel Beginning tt a point on tht short ol the Naveilnk Rlvir directly between the lertlet owned by thi Monmouth Boit _._j and tht property el the Borough it Red Bank. Ihence Southwardly to the enter llm of Broad Strati to Hi Inter- tetlea with Uw center line Af Mechanic traet, thence attwudly ilori tht center line ct Mechanic street to a pout One Hundred feet from Ite Intersection with the Weaterly line et Harrleon Avenue. thin SoutheajUrly along and parallel thereto, a ll» One Hundred feet beck from the Weatarly line ol Harrison Avenue lo lha curved boundary line oi the Borough tf Red Bank (to Include all that part of Hirrkua Avenue belonging te the Borough of Red Bank) Uwnee Northieatwerdly and Northwardly foltowing the curved boundary Una of Uie Borough of Red Bank te the ahora of the Nevellnk River: thence Northwestwardly and Weatwardly along the ahote ex the Naveilnk River to the point abova mentioned at the than lint of the seu ttver directly between thi propertm owned by Uu Monmouth Boat Club and property ot Uie Borough tt Red Bank. SI Iht point er place ef beginning. The palling place for thi Plrel Xlec ton District li Naveelnk Hook tnd Ladder Fin House. Mechanic Strict. Meted eaeottoa Dkttrlct Beginning it a point whin tht con tor Tint of Mechanic Street la Intersected with the center line of Broad Btreet. thence Southwardly along the enter line et Broad Strait to fu Intersectlon with the center llm al Wallace Street, thmee Bestwardly along tlw enter Hne ol Wallace Street to Uw reir ot the property at the Southeast oner ef Broad and Wallace Street! (tpproi. ont hundred teat East and tha Beat line of Broad Strut), thenee Southwardly along the rear of said property one hundred leet from the center line of Wallace Street, thence Bastwardly by a straight lint and parallel to Wallaet it*, to lu Interaeetlon with the crater of McLaren street, thence North. outwardly along the center lln* of Mc- Laren Street to tie lnteraectton with the Una ot Prospect Avenue thtnee iterly along tht center Hne e I Avinue te the Southerly curve. y line of Uie Borough ol Red _nk, thence Northwardly along the curved boundary line ol the Borough of Red Bank to Ite Intersection with a Una ane hundred feet from the Westerly Una at Harrlion Avenue. Ihence Northwestwardly along the aald Una te the eentir Ime at Mechanic Street, thence Wiltwardly along the center line of Michanle Street to it Interaeetlon with the center the el Broad Street, th* point or place ef Beginning. The twlllng placetor the Second Else- S RI Dlatrlet Is Independent Fire House. tetwnlc Street. Third EMCBMB District Beginning tt a pelrit when thi eentor line of Wallace street la Intersected with Uie center line of Broad Street, thance Southerly along the center lln ef Broad "treat to Hi interaeetlon will fhe eenter Hm of Harding Road, thence Bettwardly along tht cmter line c Harding Road to lu Interaeetlon wit the center Hne of Branch Avenue Ihenc feuthtaetwardly along the center line of Branch Avinue to Iti Intersection wit She curved boundary line of the Borough ef Red Bank, thener North^netwardly long the curved boundary line of Ite tatenectlon with a line One Hundred feet back tram the Southerly line of Harding Read, thence Weiterly and Northwesterly to Uw Intersection with a line one undred leel South of the Southerly line f Tower Hill Avenue, thence Westerly erilltl to Tower Hill Avenue and One Hundred toot therefrom to the intersection with Ihe center line or Sprint Street thenee Northirly along ths center ISM of Spring Street to the Interaction with Uw llm Ont Hundrtd ftel from the earner of Willtce strati, thence direct] weatwardly and parallel to Willie Street by a itraltnt line to the rear o tha property en thi Smithesit eorntr ol Broad Street (approximately One Hundred feet from Brood street), thence Northwardly to the center line of Wailaee Street, thence Weiterly to the center line of Broad Btnet. thi pile* or feint ef Beginning. The palling plac. for thi Third Elie. ton rxttrlet is it the Senior High school building. Harding road. 'earth ElerHea Dlitrlct Beginning at a point where the cento ' 1 el Brotd Street ll Intersected with i orator llm of Harding Roid. thence ttwirdly along the cemir of Harding " > lu Intersection wllh Brand tnsnci Southeastwerdly along j center ihia of Branch Avenue to the Mrvad boundsry line of the Borouih of Bad Bash, thence Southwtilerly along He curved boundary line ol the Horourl I Rao Bulk lo I Inleriecllnn wllh the «r line of Broad Street, thi ihwardly Hong thi cmter Una. id street to the Intenectlon with Ihe eater line of Harding Road the point riltr* of Beginning. The polling place for the Fourth ISM Metric! Is at ths Junior Illsh School. HUM* Avenue. nnb EH-CIHM IHilrlcl Beginning at a Mint on the ihore BM at/the North Shrewsbury river dl raelly ifftetween the properties owned by MS Mninouth Boat Club and Iht proa, B 1 mouth street, thence Weitwardly along the center line of Monmomh P./ett to Ita Interaeetlon with the center lint ef the track! or road bed of the New Jereey Southern railroad thence Northwardly along the center of the tracita of the Kew Jeriry Southern railroad, to the ihore of the North ghrewibury river, lnavealnk> thence Southeaatwardly and Northeaitwardly along the ihore of the North Shrewsbury river to the center line between the property belonging to the Monmouth Boat Club and property known «i the Red Bank Lyceum, the point or place of Beginning. The polling place for the Fifth Elecion District ll Liberty Engine Houee, White Btreet Milk ElerlUa District Beginning at a point where the center line of Monmouth Street la interceded with the center line of Broad Street, tuence Southwardly along tha center line of Broad Street to 111 Interaectlon with the center line of Reckleaa Place thence WeitwaHly along the center line of Reckleil Place to ttl Intersection with the center line of Maple Avenue, thence Northwardly along the center line of Maple Avenue to Ita Interaactlon with the center line of Cheatnut Btreet, thence Weetwardly along the t U f Chstnt Street to Me New h center Una of Chestnut Street, t Intersection with the traeke of the Jeriey Southern railroad, thenee Northwardly along the tracks or road bad of the New Jersey Southern rlalroadtoim Intersection with the center line of Monmouth Street, thence Eaatwtrdly long tht center line of Monmouth Street to I intenectlon with the center line of Broad Strae'., the point er place of Beginning. The polling place for the Slith Eleei-n Dietrict ta Relief Engine Home. Drummond Place. he center line of Recklui Place, Ounce kmthwardly along tho center line of B d Stt t the Suthrly boundary he Na ropert Club a T Rd ST. i.._ hereby liven that District Board* ef Election and Regiilry in and for tha Townahlp of Middletown. County ef Monmouth. Stale of New Jeraey, will meet at the reapectlve polling places aa published htrttrter on TUESDAY. APRIL. 1N7 betweea tha noun of 7:00 a. at. and 1:00 p. m, (Eaatern Standard Time), for Uw purpoee of conducting tha Prlmsry Election tor nomlnetloa of Candidate!. bid Primary Election will be held In said municipality for the purpoee >f nominating a Governor for the State of New Jersey, two member! of the General Assembly from the County of Monmouth, two members of the Board of Choeen Freholdere for Ihe County of Monmouth, and for the following municipal offices, vli: Two Township Committemen for the full term of three years. Said Primary Election will be hell jr the purpose of nominating persons of the respective parlies to the offlcei abova mentioned and also to elect one mate and one female member for each of Uw two major each diitrlct In political parties from _ Menraouth County al memberl of the Mon mouth County Bi- cutlve Committee. Notlee It htreby given that qualified voter! of Uie Townehlp ot Mlddletown, County of Monmouth, Beginning at a point where the center line of Broad Street le Interaected with li f Rkl Pl Ou aey, not already registered In aald municipality under the laws of New Jcreer governing permanent registration may register or tranafer with the clerk of eald municipality at hie office. Townehlp Hall. Kings Highway, Mlddletown. New Jeriey at any time up to and Including Thuraday. March T, 1MT, during the following hours: Dally 9:«1 a. m. to 1:00 p. m., Saturdays 1:00. m. to 13:09 noon. Sunday! and Holl laya aieepted, t P m a t Regii alien Bureau, J t line of Broad Street le Iteae he center line of Recklui Pla hdl l th t e with, Ounce li f kmthwady a g Broad Strmt to the of the Borough of Northwestwardly of the tiaeka or along road Southerly boundary Red Bank, thence the center Hne _. bed el lha New York and Long Branch railroad company to Its Intersection wllh the center HM of Chestnut Stnet. thence Eattwardlr tlong tht center line ol Chestnut Street to Ite Intenectlon with the center line of Mtpli Avenue, thence Southwardly along the eenter Inle of Maple Avenue to the Interaction with the center line of Reckleei Place, thence Eaitwardly along thi center line of Reckless Plica to tht center lint of Brotd Stnet. tht point or placi ef Beginning. The polling place for the Sevet lion District Is Relllf Engine Drummond Place. Eighth Etoeaiaa DwtrlH Beginning In Uw center line ef Lecuat Avmui at high water lint el tht Worth Shrewsbury rivsr, thine* Easterly tlong center Una af Locust Avinue to the center line of Shrewsbury Avanue; thenee. southerly along Uw center lint ol Chestnut Street: thence Eatterty to thi center lint of thi C. R. R. Co't tlong Ihe center line ef Chettnut Street right of wey; thence Northerly along emttr Una of C. R. R. Co.'i right of way to high water line af the North Shrewsbury River, thence Southweiterly along high water Hne of North Shrewsbury river to the center line of Locust Avenue Ihe point er place of Beginning. The polling place for tht Eighth Election Dlitrlct U Union Fire Rout*, Shrewsbury Avenue. Nan* Ewcliaa Dtotrlct Beginning In the eenter line of Locust Avenue at high water line ef tht North Shrewthury River, thence Sisterly along center line of Locust Avenue to UM era- Mr line ol Shriwibury Avenue; thence Southerly tlong center lint of Shriwibury Avenue to thi center line of Chestnut Strait; thence Easterly along center Hm of Chestnut Street to the center line et right ot way el the New York and Long Branch railroad: "- * - latterly " way of. road to thi center lint Niw Jsresy, at any time up to and Including Thuraday, March 7, 1N7. during the following houn: Dally 9:00 a. m. to 4:90 p. m.. Saturdays 8:00 a. m. to 12:00 noon. Sundayi and Holldayi eicepted. Alto Much 9. t and T. 194?, from 7:09 p. m. to 9:00 p. m. representative sf the Towmhip Clerk will tit at the Middletown Towmhlp Hall, wvns«mownirly along center tine ol right ol of New Tork and Long Branch railme, Brane of River gtrett (produced): thence Weiterly along tha center line ol North Shrewahury River: thence Northerly along high water Una of North Shrewsbury rlvir to thi center line of Locuit Avenue, the point or place of Beginning. The wiling place of thi Ninth Bitem Dlitrlct ll Union Fire House wiling place of th m Dlitrlct ll Union Shrewebury Avenue. Ninth Bite Fire House, Beginning In the center line ol River Strict at high water Una af North Shrewabury River, thence easterly along center Una of River Street (produced) to the center line of right of way of the New Tork and Long Brench railroad: thence Southeasterly along the center line of right ot way of New Tork and Long Branch rlalroad to a point distant Seven Hundred and Ninety Four feet from the Southerly ilde of Bergen Place, meaaured at right anglei thereto; thence Westerly and parallel with Weil Birgen Place to the center line of right at way of C. ft. R of N. J.; thence Northerly along tha center lint al right ol way of the O. R. R. of N. J. to a point dlitant One Hundred and Fifty feet Southerly from thi South aide of West Birgen Place mearurid at right anglei thereto: thence Weatarly and parallel with Witt Bergen Face ta high water Una of thi North ghrewiburr river; thence Northwesterly along high water lint at thi North Sbrewibury river to the center line of River Street, lha point or pltct of Beginning. The polling pltct for tht Tenth Eleokn District It tht River Strait school. Beginning In the enter line ol Niw man Springs road at high water tine of the North Shnwibuty river, thence Easterly along the centtr Una at Newman sprlngi road ta tha center af Broaa Hreet; thence Northerly akmg canter ol Broad Knit to the center lint of right of way af New York and railroad: thence ~- ik and Lens Northwesterly Branch along I BallgSJBBiU. lauvhvv ewji IWVBIVI t# amvtiaj canter Hoe of tha right of way af thi Niw York and Long Branch railroad to a point distant Sevan Hundred sad Ninetv Four f«t from the Southirly aide ef Witt Bergen Place, measured at rlghl aniies thereto; thence westerly and parallel to West Bergen Plan ta thi center line of right of way of C. R. R. af N. J.: thence Northerly along atater lint ef right of war of C. R. R. ol N. J.. to a point distant One Hundred end Flftv feet southerly from the South Hdt ol Wait Btrgen Place; thane Westerly end parallel with Watt Bergen Place to high water line of the Forth Shrews, bury river: thenct Southirly along thi high water line of tht North Shrewsbury river ta the center Hne af the Newman Swinge road, the point or place of The polling place for the Eleventh Electioni District la WeMtlda Englni Route. Lelghton Avenue. Beginning it s point when the canttr lint of Wallace Street mleraacti the center llm of McLaren Street. Uwnee Nerthiaitwardlv along tha eenter line ol McLaren Street to the tnteneeiloa with Un center line ot Prospect Avenue. theaee Southeaatirly aleag tha center line ef Prospect Avenue to Uie Southerly curved boundary lint ef th* Borough ef Red Bank and Ite Interiectlon with i lint Ont Hundred feet South ^of the center Hm cf Herding Road, thence in a general lhirafrjm'te"iht"lnterteetlon with One Hundrtd feet South ef the So line ef Tower Hill Avinue. thinci Southwesterly parallel to Tower Hill Avenut to tht mtinectlon with the center tint ot Spring Strut, thenca Northerly aloni Iht Intension with iht center Una ef Spring Street to an Intiroeetlon with a line parallel to Wallace Street and One Hundred feet South thiraf, Ihence Ban along the aame line parallel to Wallace tract Stnet place line tne aame ime paraiwi IO wauaee I to the Inttrtectlon of Wallace t and McLann Street, the potnt er The polling plaee lion Dlitrlct la tht Harding Road. laee tar the Twelfth Blee- ' Senior High School. Februtry 21. INT. Any ana r Faraon PROBATE DIVISION DOCKET NO. UdSS STATI Or NIW IDWIYi To any and all Possible Helre. Divl seei and Persona! leprttentttlvii el John Bowira dsteiud ml «All Unknown Dlitrlhutttl er and Firaoni tntltlad te ptrtlilptti In the distribution of Uie Batata of John Bowen lite known n Mlhtll Palti. eeeated. Nolle* li htrtsy given that the ateounti of the nbtorlber. Admlnlttrator of thi aetiti of slid John Bowira, deemed will be audited and luttd by the flurrogate of the County ef Henmouth and reported for aettlamint te Thi Monmouth County Court, Frebite Dlvlalon on Friday, the Eighth day ol March. A. D.. HIT, it tlio o'eloel A M, at the County Court Houie, Monument ind Court tneli. Freehold. Ntw Jtney, it which time apnlleition will be made for the alowtnci of Commlssloni and Counasl fees, Dll* charge of Administrator ana Direction for Illitrlbutlon. The eald John Bowtn dltd Intsttttt without known Hilri, ptvlteei aad Pirsontl RtpritantatlvH atrvlvlng. And notlie li further given that any and ill of tht ibovi mm* ahoum fill their claim with the Admlnlatrator prior te tht data hinln tbovt set forth or enter an appearanca on tha dite hinln abova n forth Ittt you bl herein eftir barrel from any right, title ind Intereit Is aald eitate. Dltldi Jthruir/ 14th JOHN M. CAWLER, Administrator of tht Estate of John Rowers, Dttllltd.!l K. airfield eve.. Atlantic Hl*hlandi, N. I. Robirli, Plllihurr Carton, 9S-17 rintave.. Atlantic Hllhlindi, N ilp of State of New Jeion. Sunday! and Holl at Permanent Regii- Courthouse. Freehold, i t d For the convenience of thepublic, ilp Cl Tiweday evenl ley evening, ] mng, Mitch f, published. Mar. ilng, Mi irch t; 0 p. m. ai at tha fl: nlhlp L_._ March t; Wedneii; Thursday eve M7. between the houra m. and 9:00 p. m "Ire housei. datss te be Oa'Thureday, March T. 1957, the registration booka will be closed until after the forthcoming Primary Election to be held on Tuesday, April U. 1HS7. Notice of change of reildmce or application for tranafer of registration shall he made either by written request forwarded to the Municipal Clerk or the Couoty Board of Elections on forms provided by aald Municipal Clerk or Board >r by calling In person at the office t the Municipal Clerk or County Board if Elemlona up to and Including March Tha aald Boardi at Reglttry win met TUESDAY. NOVEMBER S, 1917 between the houn of 1:00 a. m. e_- 1:00 p. m. lor tht purpose of conducting the Oeniral Election. Said Oineral Election wul tie held In the aald municipality for the purpose ot electing a Governor for the State of New Jeriey two memberl of the aeneral Aissmbly of New Jeraey from the County of Monmouth, two memben of the Board of Chosen Freholders lor ttit County ol Monmouth, tnd lor tht follow- : municipal offleei, vli:.two TowDihlp Commltttimen for tha full term at three years each, Notice li hereby given that qualified Hira ef the Townehlp ol Mlddletown, County of Monmouth, Itate of New Jerasy, not already registered In aald municipality under the laws of New Jeraey governing permanent registration may register or tramter with the clerk ol aald municipality at oil office, Townehlp iall, King's Highway, Mlddletown, New leney, at any lima between wedneiday, April *7. and Thunday. Sepember X during the following lourt: Dally 9:00 a. m. to 5:00 p. m., laturdayi 4:00 a.ra. to 11:00 noon, Sundays and Holidays auipted, or al Permanent Reintratloa Bureau. Courthouse. FreehoM, New Jeriey, at any time between Wednesday. April 17, l»l and Thursday. September M during the fallowing houra: Dally 9:00 a. m. to 4:10 pm Saturdays 9:00 a m to ing the fllo to 4:10 p.m. It n Sun y p wing hou.. Saturd d d ra: Day 9:00 a. m. ays, 9:00 a. m. to Holldsy cptd 12 noon, Sundaya and Holldsys eicepted. Also September 24, 29 and 24, 1997, from 7:00 p. m. to 1:09 p. m. On Thursday, September at, INT. the registration book! will ba closed until after Uie forthcoming Oeneral Election s ba held en Tuaedly. November a. Notice ef change el mldtnet er application for tranafer of reglttrttlon ahall bt mad* either by written request orwardtd to the Municipal Clerk or thi County Board of Election! on formi provided hy laid Municipal Clirk er Board or by calling In person al the office ol he Municipal Clirk or County Board of Electloni up te and Including September The following Is a description ot tht Election Dinrleti.In thi Townahlp tl Mlddletown, to wit: ecsia Bntrlet Boundarlae at UM eame follow. Reid; "thence" (I) along Bam lollow Roe! and continuing on the Oik UU read to lha V. s. Navy Railroad; htnee (4) Northeasterly along the eald (avy Railroad to tht New York ant -ong Branch Railroad; Uwnee (5) Northerly along the New Tork ind Long Iranch Railroad right of way te Uw fortherly line of the now or formerly Thomai S. Field farm; thence (I) Buttrly and Southeasterly along the Northerly and Northeasterly line et the aald now or formerly Thomaa S Field property to the Navy Railroad; Ihence (?) (ertherly along th* nld Navy Railroad o Ita Intersection with Mountain Hill Road; thence ISI Westerly and Northy akmg Mounum Hill Read, OM llghwiy Route No. 29 and praient "-*- ' Route No. N to the point Ike boundaries ef the follows, via.. BEGINNING at the IMereeclioa af tka right of way Has ot the Garden SUM Parkway and Swlmeaing River running thence (1) Easterly along Swimming River to the boundary line between the Township ot Mlddletown and the Township of Holmdel: thence (2) Northerly alona the boundary line between the Township of Holmdel and the Township of Middletown to the right of war Una of the Garden State Parkway: thence 3) Southeasterly along the right of way line ol the Garden ', Parkway te the point or place of Beginning. The polling placetor the Fifth ElecUea Dlitrlct Is (tie Li^croft Fire House. MIPJ Etoeaee DMrlct The boundarlee of Uie aame an aa followi. via. BEGINNINO at the high water Una of Raritan or Sandy Hook Bay aad at the intersection with the Westerly boundary llm of Dlitrlcl No. 1 running thenee (1) Southerly along the boundary Mne of Election District No. Ito the Intersection of Uw brook which branches off at Comptoa'a Creek to Uw Weal being the Northerly boundary Juw ot n. $. Notice la Hereby (Ivaa that Diatrtet Boards al EwcUaa wd Registry la aad for the Borough ol Belentewn. County of Monawuta. State af Mew Jeraay, will mart at tha places hereinafter aealg- TUESUAV, APRIL M, 19S7 between the houre ol 7:00 a. as. aad l:os v. m. icaaurn standard Time), lor tha purpose el conducting lha Primary Election, tar nomination of CaBaldatss. Said Primary Election will be held IB Uw aald municipality far the purpose of nominating a Governortortho itate of Nsw Jereey. two menbera of the Oenaral Aescmbly from tho County af Monmouth. two memberl of the Board ol Choeen freeholder! lor Ike County of Monmouth. and far the toilewlng municipal olflcee. via.: Two Counellmea for Uw full term ef three yean. One Councilman far aa unaipind tent ef two yean. Said Primary Election will be MM for Uw purpoee ec nominating pareoaa of the ntpeetlve parties la the offices ehov* meatlanad aad alee la eltet oaa being the N o r y District No. ll; thence ST ong ti luthera tha tald boundary eek to boundary nce (I) line ot Waaterly brook and along UM ry line of the treat af Uw twe BUJer jtettuetl partial fnm each diatrwt fa MMBMUUI county aa f th M t h C t B known ti Mapiewood Terrace, to a point when boundary lima betwea Reiidence lone D-2; Retldtnct lone C- IS tnd Residence Sane B-l meat: Intact (3) in a Northwesterly tnd Westerly direction along tha boundary lino betweea Residence Zone B-4 and Residence Zone C-1S to Murphy Road; thtnee (4) Northerly along Murphy Road a abort dietance to a drainage ditch which la tht beginning of Pew's Creek; theaee (S) In a general Northerly direction Usng the same to Main Street: thenee (a) Northeaiterly along tald Pawl Creek to Raritan Bay. (the aald coureaa No. 4 and No. 9 being boundary ef Dlatrlet each diatrw fa membera af tha acuuvs committee. Ntl U hrb kiunty of MonmouUi, State el New arsey aat already ragiatered kt aald municipality under Uw lawa of New Jersey governing permanent nglatratloa may register or transfer with the clerk el aald municipality t i hit office. Borough Hall, Broad atreet. Beloolowa, New Jersey Monday, March 4; Tuatday, March S. and Thuraday, March 7. ~ ' - -i., and from 7:99 from i:m ta 4 te 9:O> p. m._at No. 7). ta ginning. tha point or place of Be- The polling place for tha Slith Elee- Ion District la Uw Port Monmouth Fin The bounderiee ol the aame an at follows, BEGINNING at tha Creek In Sandy Hook er IS, ef Pew's Bay and running thinco (1) Southerly along Pew'i Creek (being along Uw boundary line ot Dlatrlet No. I)tothe Intersection of Residential Zones B-d, B-7 and E-2, thence (2) Weaterly tlong tht boundary line betwttn Resldenct Zone B-7 and Residence Zone C-15 and along Uie boundary line between the Township of Middletown and Ihe Townahlp Dlatrlet No. 11 to Palmer Avenue and of Holmdel: thence (3) Northerly along Palmer Avenue and th* boundary Una between the Townahlp of Mlddletown and the Towathlp of Holmdel to thi boundtry llm between the Townehlp of Middletown and the Townahlp ot Raritan to the boundary lino between the borough of Xeansburg and; thsnee (4) Northerly and Easterly along the boundary line between the Townahlp ol Mlddletown and the Borough ol Keaneburg to the high witer lint el Rirlten or Sandy Hook Bay; thence ( ) Easterly along Ihe said hay to tht point er plaee ef Beginning. The polling plaee for the Seventh Election District la the Seat Keansburg Fire House Elgklk Election Htlrtet The boundirlei ef the umi in tl BEoiNNINO at Iht point of interaectlon of Naveilnk River with SUM Hlghwty Route No. M. Ihence (1) Northerly along State Highway Route No. ly along St 3*. also Twlnj the now* or formerly" Tbo"maa"S. "Field farm; thence (1) Ealterly along the laid ig tl t to the boundary line ef the Northerly line ot Norther! merly vy Ri Navy rly line Tnoraaa ng Park Avenue (alto HI Road) to the private ough the Hoeford propline of the aald now or forjraaa S, mid property to Hi Intersection with the Navy Railroad: thenca (3) Northerly along Uw aald Na- Railroad to tht Southerly aide ot thi. ry Reservation; thence (4) along Uw Navy Reservation, Southeasterly tnd and Easterly to Park Avenue; thence (S) Easterly along Park Avenue (alto known as Still*ell Ro road running through _ arty; thence (S) Southerly along the private rotd running through the Hosford property to Mountain Hill Road: Ihence (7) Easterly along Mountain Hill Road to It! Intersection with WhlppoorwIU Valley Road: thence (I) southerly along Whlppoorwlll Valley Road to a road som-tlmes known as Bchoolhouae Lane which It the road leading from Chapel Hill to Brown's Dock Road; thence (I) along tame Southeasterly to Brown's Dock Road; thence (Ml Southerly along Brown's Dock Road le the Naveslak River (courses Not. I. 9 and 10. being along the boundary of District No. I); thence (111 Westerly along the high wtat Perroaaent Regiatratlea Bureau, Courthouae. Freehold. New Jeriey. at any time up to and Including Thuraday, March T, 1997, duringttwfollownv houra: Dally 1:09 a. m.to1:99 p. m., Saturday! 9:00 a. m. to 12M oon. Sundaya and Holiday! eaetpted. AJat March 5, S and T, INT. from f :00 p. ra. to 9:M a. m. On Thunday, March T, INT, tht tratlea hooka will be cloaed until ht torthcomlng Primary Electiontoba held on Tueaday, Apriltt,INT. Notice ef change of residence er application tor transfer of regntratiea shtll be mode either by written raduett forwarded to the Municipal Clerk or the County Board of Electloni on formi provided hy laid Municipal Clerk er Board or by calllnl In person at Uw office ot the Municipal Clerk or County Board of Electlona up to and Including (arch T, INT. Tha aald Bnarda of Registry and Citation will meet en TUESDAY, NOVEMBER I, INT between the houn of 7:00 t, m. ind :00 p. m. for Uie purpose ef conducting the oineral lection. laid dentral election will bt htld In thi eald municipalitytor tht purpoee el electing a Oovirnor for Uie state ef tew Jeriey, tw* memben of the oea> ral Aaeembly of New Joney from the County cf Monmouth. two membera ef the Beard ol Choaen FnehoMen far the Ceuaty of Monmouth andtorum following municipal offices, vli: Tw* CounellmentorUw funterm ef three yeert. One Councilmantor aa unespind torn ef two yean. Notice ii niraby givea that outlined voten of the Borough of Eatontown, not already retlstered In said Municipality, under Ihe lawi ot New Jersey lovemlng permanent registration may register or tranifor with the Clerk ef the itlil Munlclpallly at hli office. Borough Hall, Broad itreet, Eatontown, New Jersey. Monday. Tueidty and huraday. Sept. 22, 21 and 99, between the houn of 2:00 to 4:00 p. m. and T:M p. m. ta 9:00 p. m. or at Permanent Registration Buretu, Courthouee. Fret- Also 7:00 ter line of tha point or place Mevteink I el Begtnnlm River le Uw Registration Burttu, Courthoute. Free hold. New Jeraey, tt any time betweea Wedneeday. April 17, ind Thunday. September M, 1M7. during the totlowlng IOUM: Dally 9:09 a.ra. lo 4:19 p. m.. laturdayi 9:00 a. m. to lt:m neon, hindaya and Holldayt eicepted. ' optember 14. M and M, INT. fnm.. m. to 9:W p. m. On Thuraday. September M Uw regtitratlon books will be cloaed until after Uw forthcoming Otaeral Election on Tueaday, NovemNr a. 19ST. Notice ef change af residence er ap- ' " lor tranafir of rtalitratlon made either by written request forwarded Jo tha Municipal Clerk ar the County Beard of Elections en terms provided by eald Municipal Cltrk or Board er by calling In peraon al tht office of the Municipal Clerk er County Board ol Election! up ta and Including September N The following to a ducrlptlon of Uw lection Dlitrleti In the Borough el Eatontown and tha polling placll hi ine Tit: lleallon than be Tht polling plact for the Eighth Elee-, n,»,!! schol oiling pll itrlct Is t fo House en Cooper Read. ighth Elee,,. school Nlath Elaettoa Dietrict The boundarlm ef Uw aame a n u follows, vis.: BEGINNING at the Interaeetlon of tht Eiiterly line of tht Navy Ressrvttlon end Dandy Hook Bay, running thenee ( Southerly aleag the easterly line ef end Dandy Hook Bay, ( Southerly aleag the the Navy Reeervetlon te thenee (tl easterly along 4 f j a * 1 A a A * aa> - running easterly Park Avenue; Park Avinue *m\ BBasfeflkBaW&aAae> \wj l B J v JnaneTTw 7 he New Men thee line ef Avenue; A law nvjevets ATVnili a Ulf#es7e9V \wj ljjnanett along Hoaford Avenue Is the New Menmouth aad Atlantic Hlghlanda Baa* mouth aad Atlantic Hlihianda ly No, IMVtbim Avenue; tktnca (I) Northirly along Leonard Avenue to Rarltaa or Sandy Hook Bay; thence ( ) Westerly along Raman or Sandy Hook Bay te the point er place of Beginning. The polling place for the Ninth Election District li Uw Community Fin Route, Leonardo. The boundaries ef the aunt an at allows, via.: BEOINNINO at a point ef tnteneeturn ol Oardon State Parkway aad Uw Naveilnk River or Swimming River running thence (1) Northwesterly along Uw right of way lint et UM atrden Kate Parkway and along the boundary Una of atone til tto Iht.. the nrst Blee- Mlddletown Torn- The boundarlei at Uw lama art at lli vi: The bound bllowi, via: BEGINNING at the Intersection of the boundary line of tht Borough ef Atlantic Highlands and Seventh Avenue, and mm thinci running (1) Southerly along hence (i) Westerly tlmg'hulaldt'avv nut to Serpentine Drive and SoutnMM Avenue; thence (I) south le Hllltldt Road; thence (4) Southerly along the Whlppoorwlll Valley Road to the read leading from Mountain Hill Road te BrowaTa Dock Road, and along eald road until It IntenecU with the Brewa-e Deck Read: Uwnee_.») Southerly along boundtry line besrsrssrjsbs SLrsnar' SSWJgL3Rie\«m'tXLlow Road: thence (4) Sombaeettrly tlong Bam Hollow Road and continuing along line al Dlatrlet No. 1toI road: thenee (5) Beater!* I Railroad to tba New Ti Iranch Railroad: Uwnee long aald New Tork and tallroad to Nevellnk RU Westerly along NaveMnk point or place.1 Bei tlon DMrlct the Brown'i Sock Real le Uw Immdanr ll"a of No. or Naveitak River ttl mtertectloa with ths boundary line ef et Highlands; thence <t)' loutherly lohowing tho boundary Una bttwtin thi Borough el Atlantic Highlaade and tha Towmhlp of Mlddletown. to the point er place ef Beginni Tha polling place for the secon tion District la tho Ntveilnk Fin Third Election Dlitrlrt I the Borough Westerly and dletown. ning, nd Elec- H BEotNNlNO it the Interiectlon ol tha old right ot wty ef tht Ntw Jertey Southern Railroad with thi Southerly line al Raritan Bay: thance running (1) Southerly along tba laid Ntw Jeriey Southirn Railroad right of wty to Cempton'a Creek to a point which te Ont'Hundnd fill SouthirfTol mi prs Jected Southerly line al Union Avenue! thmot (2) In an latterly direction parallel with the Southirly Una of Union Avinue and one Hundred fea Southerly therefrom te the centtr lint of Main Strm: thenct (I) In a Northerly dinettes along thi center lint cf Main Street te a point Ons Hundred feet Southerly from the Southerly lint ot Clanmont Avenue; thenee 111 In an Easterly direction on Souther!? line of Clai parallel wllh lha, _. iremont Avenue and Ont Hundred Met Southirly therefrom lo - point In the atterly lint ol Ctldwill venue: thence (I) In a straight lint and In an Easterly direction to Ocian Vliw Avenue; thence (T) along oetta View Avenue and a protection of tba aame to the line ol the Naval Ammunition Depot' thmee (I) in Northirly direction along, the Weaterly line of the Naval Ammunition Depot to Sandy Hook Bay; Ihinca IS) Westerly along the high witer mark to tha point or place af Beginning. The polling place for the Third Election Dlitrlct i! the Fin House ol Belford Engine Company. Fearta Election Dutrlet The boundarlii ol tha lama a n aa followi, VIL: BEOINNINO at the Intenectlon -. seventh Avenue with the boundtry Una of the Borough of Atlantic Highland! and running Westerly ito lion District. igh thiimca (1) Southei and ig tht boundary of Eleot, to Mountain Hill Road; thanoa (9) Westsrly along Mountain H Road to an anils In aald roal In tha property formtrly known ti lha HoenrC prtpirty; thinci (2) Northerly along Iht prlvtle rnan through tht Hnsford property to Ihi interiictlon of Park Avenue and'hotlord Avanue; Ihence (I) Northerly along Hoaford Avanui to Ihe Counrunning from Atlantic Highland!._... Monmouth. being County Road No, 119; thenct 19) Bitterly along nld Coumv Road to Leonard Aventli: Thtnee it) Northerly aloni onard Av I Leonan (I Avenue lo Sandy Hook Bty; tuence (7) Eiatirly and Southirly Hook Bty aloni Bandy, Bty ind along tin boundary line bttwiin thi Towmhlp of Mlddlelown and. Borouih el Atlantic Hlghli he point or place of Beginning far lha Fourt River, thai Ink River River Pitaa Pin The bnoadaiws ef UM aami an as ollowa, via.. BBOINNINO at a point al jf State Highway Route No. N and Palmar Avtnva running tntnta (U rjrss? wty Route Sii to ML... Iwnee (S) Easterly along Mountain Head to the Navy Railroad: Ihence (4) in a Northeaiterly direction te the Navy Ruervitlon: thince (I) Northwesterly along Uie Navy Reservation to Park Avenue: thenee (9) Northwiaurl Park Avenue to County Read 1, thence (Tl Northirly along County Reai No. 619 to Church street; thence (I) tlong Church stnet to the brook which li the continuation ol Compton'i Creek: thence (I) along laid continuation e Compton'i Creek; ta thi boundtry ' ol Watrlct No. s, (aald aourett g, f, S and 9, being lha bou line ef Dlatrlet NeT ); Uwnee JIAI * - *,..akh*_ Mm a. _.. llttab fa boundary ng the bound and DMrlct ; thence (11) to th Una ef Dlatrlet iu» Westerly along Dlitrlct No. g an Palmtr Avenue; thence (11) letithar!] along Palmtr Avenue to the sab* ar place of Beginning. The polling place for the Election Dlitrlct la the Cent as Tiodall Road. DMrlH BBOINNINO at tat Mew fork and " Tha boundarlei et the same an ta follows, via.: i«o at the tnteneeuon of tha and Long Branch Railroad link ar Shrawibar/ River: thence (1) Northwesterly along aald New Tork and Long Branch Railroad and alao along tha boundary Una of District No. 10 to the Northerly line ot the now er formerly Thomaa s. Field property also being tnt boundary Una al Dlttrin No, i te Stan Highway Route No,»; thence (2) Southerly along State Hl h way Route No. S> and along Iht boundtry line of District No. 8 to the Neva- Ink er Shrewsbury River; thtnee (I) Westerly along the aatd River to the point or plaee cf Begini The polling place lor >ad ruaalag thence if) Southerly. tba center ime of Neptune Highind along Uw dividing line beiwea DMricia He. I and No. 4. be Uw distance MW K BartoCranberry Brook and the dividing Una between the Towaaklp el Ocean and the Borough of Beteatowa aad runalng thence (» Weatarly. akmg the dividing line betweea uie Townanlp ef Ocean and Uw. 1 Baualown to the center line Read; these* (I) Northerly, aitag Uw center Hne ef Hope Road to ite utereectlon with tha center line ef Wyckoff Road: and the dividing line between Districts No. 4 and No 1; thence (4) In a Northeasterly, Northerly and easterly direction along the dividing line between Districts No. I and No. 4. be lha dlttanca what tt may ta tha point er place ef Beginning The place of meeting if Board et Election and polling place for Uw Fourth Election Metric! It at UM Margaret Vet- ' O. BBCKI Baraughi February tl, MSI, I county aa Ceuaty BauUvs committee. Notlca U hereby givea that qualified Men «UM Boroagh ' BalsBlewB, BMNTBY AUBBLECTIOW NOItCB MF UTTLB 9UVEB. M. I. Haliet la hanky givea uut Dietrict are* ef Bjaetlen and RegKry -td tar Uw Borough of LHUe gilvtr. Ceuaty ef MonsMUth. atate al New Jiraty, wiu meet M UM plaoea banbwnar detlgnattd on TUESDAY, APRIL M. 19S7 betwaan the houra ef 7:09 a. al. IM (Et Stdd Ti Borough Hall, or :M p. m. (Etittrn Standard Time), tor UM purpose of conducting, the Primary Election tor the BWBUHUMB el Candidate!. SaM Primary IlectKm wul ke Bald In Uw aald muaielpallty tor the purpest ol nominating a governor for Uw Stale ot New Jertey. two memben ot the Oenertt Aattmbly from lha County of onmouth, twe memben ef Uw oard ef Chosen Freeholder! far Uw Jounty ot MonmouUi. and for the leitowing municipal affleti, vu: A Mayor tor Uw full term tf Two Counrllmeator thi fuutornu if iret ytara. Said Primary Election will be held tor UM purpose tt nominating persons al Uie respective parties to tht offices abova mentioned and aim to llect one male end one female member for etch el the twe major political parties from each dlatrlet la Monmouth County al memben of the MonmouUi County Eiecutlve committee. Notice li hereby given that qualified votert of tht Borough of Little Silver. County el Monmouth. S U M ol New Jersey, not already registered In etld muilclpallty under the laws of New Jeraey governing permanent reglatratlon may register or transfer with the clerk of aid munlclpallly tt hit office. Borough said mnlclpallly tt kit offic. Borough all. Prospect Avenue. Little Silver, Naw and Holidays excspted, or at Bureau, Courthouse, Free-.tney. at any llm* up ta and Including Thursday. March T, INT, during the following houra: Dally 9:00 a. m. to 4:30 p. m., Saturdiyi, 9:00 a. m. to 12 noon. Sundayi and Hell- mmptod. AIM March I, J and T. Notlee ef change of residence or ip- plication for tranifir of reglitratlon ' hall be made either by written re-. qutit torwardtd to tha Municipal Clirk or UM County Board of Election* on formi provided by aald Munlelpil Clerk er Beard er. by calling In person at M olflct cf Iht Muni!ounty Board of Elections up ta and Including March 7, INT. The laid Boards ol Registry and Election will mttt on TUESDAY. NOVEMBER i, 1997 'the houra of 7:06 a. m. tnd m. for tht purpose of conducting at line, Tit: Flnt DMrlet lection District One ll hereby de- Fined and deeenbed ee that section and :erritory of the Borough designated as Mtowt: BEGINNING at the Interiectlon of the te li f Stf " " " ~ Said Oineral Election will be held In the laid municipality for the purpose ef electing a Oonmor for the State ot New Jtraty. two membera of the General Aaaembly ef Ntw Jtrsty from the County of Manmouth, two membera of thi Board ol Choaen Freeholders for he County of Monmouth, and lor the following municipal offices, vli: A Mayor for Uw full term of two years. Twe Councilman for tha full terma et three yean. Notice ft hereby given that qualified n<»n el the Borough ot Little Silver, not already registered In laid Municipality under the laws of New Jersey governing permtntnt registration may register or transfer with the Clerk of the aald Municipality at his otflce. Borough Hall, Prospect Avenue, Little Silver New Jey t any time between at any time between IT. 19ST. end Thurs- 19ST di th fl BEGINNING center line of Staf Neptune Highway. at the I State HI i Highwt: at It It >y No. JJ or li bt ca"lie«\ "and "the"noundarv line between the Borough of Eatootown and running hence (1) Southerly, aleris aald center Int el SUM Highway N t H or Neptune llghway as tt te alee known, to Ow irook which mam * HtShway Ns. touth ( Kramer avetiue; Uwnee Northeasterly ' " " ver. New Jersey, Wednesday.. April... _. day. September 26. INT. during the following houn: Dally 9:00 a. m. to 12:00 neon and 2:00to9:10 p. m.. lundiyi and Holiday! txetpttd. or it Permanent Reglatratlon Bureau. Ceurtnouae. Frit- Bid. New Jeriey tt any time between rednesday. April IT. 19ST. and Thuraday, September N, durllg the following houn: Daily 9:09 a. m. to 4:90 p. m., Saturday! 9:00 a. m. to 12:00 along boundary line ol Election District* Nft 1 and I to another brook which nml In in Easterly direction South el Irook tvenue and Bllsaheth Parkway; thenee 13) running eaterly. along uw ait named brook and continuing on In a straight ims to tht mlddls of Wrckefl oad eppmltl mtireeeuen ef Meadowirook avenue; thence (4) Nortneaittrty. tlong eentir tlaa ef Wyekorf read, to tht ctntor Ito* ef Breu street; thence (9) Easterly, along the oentor line el Broad atreet to Main street, the dividing Broad street to Main street, th* dividing line between Uw Borough of and Berough or Oeeanport:... Jorthirlv along tha Boundary Una he- WoWfe wlm VorOUgala 9C 4StltMI t*5 9r li aaflfl Semlsh ef Oetanpart to thi Southerly tin of Fort Monmouth tract; thence (T) Wetterly and NorUwrly. along Uw boundary Mat ef th* Oovtrnment Rettrvatton known ta Fort Monmouth, bt tht dlttanea what It miytouw point er place ef Beginning. Plac* ef meeting ef Beard et Election Plata of eetin and oiling plane Dlttrlct la the Fire ef Bau tor Uw e Rouet, d et Election First Election Broad street ieetlon DMrlct Twe hi hereby defined and described aa that aactlon and lerrlttry af UM Borough designated s i BBOINNIN0) at HM Intersection af Uw TA'' t J28SJi STiA rlj28r&siji ot Batantowa and Ule Borouah of New Shrewsbury and running thence (1) Wetterly a the dividin f t t alone I ng fine Ltfretra'i tba dividing Hi of atontewn and ihe Borough ef New Snnwibury. be the dlattnct irnat H may tha center line et Wyeiort road, and the dividing line between Dlttrlct Ho. 9 and nttrict No. 4t to (2) Northerly, along tha center ol Wyekntf road aad the dlvldlni... between District! No, 2 and No. < o tha tntentetlen el tht canter line el Jrant Avenue; thenei (41 Northerly long the eenter line af Grant Aveme and along UM dividing llm el Districts No. 1 and No. 4. be the dliune* what It may to tht center line of Richtrdton Avtnut: thenei (i) Bitterly, along Rlchardton Avenue to the center line e l South Street at an angle bi Uie saint; thence (I) NorthtaMtrir along tha Mid break to Hi mtentrtkm with the eenter ma ef Neptune HlgheviBr%w ev'fal^b'ga bt l the boundary reptune Hlg> Hlghway Nfc 99, betng almg the boundary line DMrloU Mot. l. 2, I and 4 oonvi Uitnee (D Northerly, along the Una el Niplune HlghwayT ind S Plaee el meeting tl Beard el Bleetlon and nolrtni place of the Second Election Retrial To the Fin Houee. BTBaBatejaaaaaa a*s SBe.v/*JSBBi lactlon District three It hereby defined and deeerlbed aa that aactlon aad teit ol th B h ftt aactlon a fattewt: fined and deeerlbed aa that territory ol tht Borough it fattewt: BEOINNINO at the common corner el Ulslrlcu Ha. 1, 3. I and 4 In tlw eentir line el Heptane Highway am running thence (1) southerly, along Uw center lino ef Neptoaa Highway troll oint The tlon dlt td River nning. Uw Twelf H i polling plantoruw Twtlflh Elee- Clilrlct la tht Fin Houn ef Midan Towmhlp Fin Companv, No. t Thlrtoralk ElecUea DlelrM Tht boundarltt ot iht tamt an ai BEoiNNINO al tht Southwwttrtt corner ol Dlitrlct No. 9. which b en Compton'i Creek; thinci (J) Easterly along the boundary line ol Dlalricl No. 3 to the line ol the Navy Ammunition Depot; thence (2) South and Southwesterly tlong UM property of the Naval Ammunition Depot to Park Avinue; Ihtnei (3) tn Ihi Northwesterly direction aloni Park Avenue to the Intersection of County Road No. til and Ihe Middlelown-New MonmouUi Road: thtnet <4> Northiaatlrly along line ef county Route No. S to Church gtntt; Ihence IS) Northerly tlong Church Street to Comatons Creek, Ihence (41.long r I, I ai Borough of Batontown and Township of, Ocean; thance (I) Bttterly. along UH dlvldlni line between the Borouah of Batntown and the Township el Ocean, be UM distance whit It may to the dl vldlng Una between tha Borough of Weal Imi Branch and lha Borough of Bat Pltft...,..._..,wp rl0ta*lwt* l BH*)Tllv' Compton'i Creak (eouriee Noa. 1 nd I, being along boundary llm - '- *-- to Uw point and I. I and I. b of Dlitrlct No. a.' C B.i being (o. ill, i ginning. Thi polling placi for Iht Thlrtunth Election District ll Lent! Body Work! Building, Main Street, Ctmpbell'l Jtma- Fourth Ellt- Februaw HOWARD W, ROBBRTS,. UST. vldlng Una between tha Borough of Weal Imi Branch and lha Borough of Batontown; thence (I) Northerly, along the dividing llm belwin the Borough Wn C B h d Hit Borougr Read: th th ontown; thence (I) Nort dividing llm belwin Win Cong Branch tnd Eatentown te Mnmot ttentown te Monmouth Read: i (4) Northerly, along Monmouth and the dividing line bttwttn thi... ough ot West Long Branch ind tht Bareugh of Eatontown and am being Uw dividing lint between thi Beraugf Betontown and the Berough af port, be the dir '- " Bread Street: th tht tlnter llm vtunu&... sti'ssssr&t t ind He. a to a point opposite Meidowbrook Avenue; Uienee (T) eontlnulng Northerly, and Northweitirly. along th dividing line between Districts No. I an No. I. he tht distant! whit It may " tht Btglnnlng. Tht pltce of mttllng ef Board e suction and polhng plan for thi Thin illation Dlitrlct la at thi ginttntl Buildlag. Brotd Strut. ilongwrekoff Road between Dlitrtcta No, and ) and 2:01 to 1:00 ^ y 9:00 a. m.to11:00 m., I it Pel Sundays irmanent m. *, Ketiea la Btraby Urea IBM Wetrtct Kotiae it htrabr givea mat Metric* Board of Election and Registry in and I Board of Election and Registry In and tor tha Borough ol Sea Bright. County for uw Towmhlp ot Shrewabury. Coun- 01 MonmouUi, State of New Jersey, will meet al the place hereinafter designated *" TUESDAY, APRIL Id. UST betweaa th» hours of 7:00 a. m. aad 9:00 p. ra. (Eaaurn Standard Time), or the pupoee of conducting the Prl. mary Elaetloa tor Uw nomlnauon of CeUldidefttt I. tald Primary ElecUea will he bold ta tht aald municipality tor the puposa of nominating a Governortorthe state of New Jeriey, two membera of the Oeneral Aaaembly from Uw County of Monmouth. two memberl of the Board of CDoaen Freeholders for the County of Monmouth, end for the following municipal office*, vis: A Mayor tor tha MU term el twe years. Two CounellmentorUw full tern ef three yean. Said Primary Election will be acid purpose el nommiltig person! nipeetlvt pertlet to Uw offices ty of Monmouth. state of New Jersey, will meet at Uw place hereinafter dee- Knaied on TUESDAY, APRIL, 1M7 between the houra of 7:00 a. m. ind 1:00 p. m. (Eaatern Itandara Time), lor the purpoee mary Election mate aad oaa female memter for each af the Iwe major pautleal partita from each district h Menmouth County aa aumben el Uw Monaeauth Oaaaty Ba- VSrSE ecbtlve eemmlllae. PMtot to hereby givea that *aten af tba Borough ' " aot already ragtotand pallty. uadoi Ihe Uwi ef New Janey governing permanent regutrauea, nay raguttr or tranaler with Uw Clerk ol lha said munlelpalhy at Ma tfflce, Bar. eugh Hall. 10M amat Ocean Avenue. Sea Bright, Naw Jeraey, at any lima up to and Including Thursday. March during Uw tallowing heun: Dally. 9:00 a. m. to 19:09 noon, 2:00 to 4:00 p. m. Saturday!, Sundayi aad Holidays ei- Saturdayi, Sundaya ceated. ' - - Bureau. Courthoute, Freehold, New Jertey, at any time up to aad Including Thunday. March T, UST. durtag lha following noun: Dally 1:00 a. m. to 4:30 p.ra- Saturday! 9:90 to 11:00 noon. Sundtya and Holiday! excepted. Alto March I, S and T, Ml, tram 7:00 p. m. to 9:00 p. m. On Thuraday, March T, the rtg. Istretkm booka will M cloaed until alter the forthcoming Primary Electiontobe htld on Tuttdiy, April 14, Notice of change of residence or application for transfer ol registration than he made either by wrltin request forwarded to thi Municipal Clark or tha County Board ef Election! on forms provided by said Municipal Clerk or Board or by calling In person it tht office of the Municipal Clerk or County Board of Electlona to and Including March T. Thi laid Board ef Rtglttry tnd Election will meet on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER I between the houra of 7:00 a. m. ind 1:00 p.m. for UM purpoee ol conducting Uw General Election. Bald General lection will be hell In tha aald municipality for the pupoei of ' ' a Governor tor the state et Candidatae SaM Primary Election wul be held IB the said municipality for the purpoee el nominating a Governor lor the SUM of New Jersey, two members of the General Assembly from the County of ktonmouth, two membere of tha Board of Crioaen Freeholders for th* County of Monmouth. and for the folwing municipal offices vis: One Townahlp Commltteiman for UM full term of three yean. An Aasetsor tor thi full term. Said Primary Election will be held Hf Uw purpoee of nominating persona of Uw respective parties to the office* above mentioned and alto to sleet one male and out female member lor each af the two major political partlea from each dlatrlet In Monmouth County at ""._*._ -* Uw MeamouUl County Ea- Uttee. Notice H hereby liven Uut auallbad votere of Ihe Townahlp af Shnwibury, OMMy af Monmouth, State ef New Insay. net already registered In said mu- leiapiuy under the laws ef New Jeriey governing permaaenlraglatratlon may rtlmtr ar tranafer with.the clerk of eald municipality a* her office, realdenee, 111 Belahaw Avenue, at u y time up to and Including Thursday, March [. ourlnr the following hours: Dally 10:00 a. m. to 4:00 p. m.. Saturday!, lundaya and HoUdaya axcehed, or at nrmanent Reglatratlon Bureau, courthouse. Freehold. New jereey. at any ime up to and Including Thuraday. Karen. T. INT. during the following houn: Dally 9:09 a. mlto4:30 p. m" Saturdaye. 9:00 a. m.to4:90 p. m, Saturdaya. 9:00 a. m. to 12:00 noon, Sundaye and Holldtyi aieepted. Alio March I. S and T, INT, from T:09 p. m. to On Thuriday. March T. INT, Uw reg- itlon boon will be cloaed until after forthcoming Primary Election to be held on Tuetdiy. April Ig. INT. Notice ol change of residence or eppllcatlon for tramfer or reglitratlon ahall be made either by written request forwarded to tha Municipal Clerk or the County Board of Elaetlona on forma provided by aald Municipal Clerk or eliding Niw Joiraey. two numbers of the Oeneral Aaaembly ef New Jirsey from the County or Monmouth. two mcmbirl of the Board ef Choeen Freholdero for the County of Monmouth tnd tor Uw following municipal office!, vti: A Mayor tor lha full urm of two i~ ra. to 1:09 p. m. j Tw0 counellmen tor Uw full terra ef On Thunday. March 1, 1997, tht thro yitn.?t *' M^TsuS f NST ES,, ngittend In laid inuunder the" awi of New JtrTiy iidptl Qtrk er op. m. t General Election. afd municipality at hla office, Borough Hall, 1099 Baal Ocean Avenue. Sea Bright, New Jersey, at any time between Wednesday, April 17, and Thursday. September 29, US7. during the following hours: Dally 9:00 a. m. to 12:00 noon. 2:00 to 4:00 p. ra; Sundaya and Holiday! eiecpwd. or al Permanant Registration Burttu. Courthoute, Freehold. Ntw Jeriey. tt any time between Wednesday. April IT, tnd Including Thursday, September as, 1937, during tha following houra: Dally 9:00 a, m. to 4:30 p. m. Saturdays 9:00 to 13:00 noon. Sundtyl tnd Holiday! ticented. Alto September It. 39 and X. 19ST. from 7:00 p. m.to9:09 p. m. On Thuraday. September 20, 1S5T. the ngutratlon book! will be eioaed until efter the fortheomlni General Election on Tuisday. November S, Notice ef change of realdenee or application for transfer of registration hall be made either by written request forwarded to the Municipal Clerk or the County Board of Elections on forms provided by said Municipal Clerk or Board or by calling In person at the office ol thi Municipal Clerk or county Board of Blections up to tnd Including Setmbr X 1M7 September The pol Sea Brlgt Hail, IM N. M97. Ini t t Bright, New February 31, place for the Borough of ll located on thi Borough Eaat Ociin avenue. Sea Jiney. CLARBNCB STEVENS. Berough Clerk. INT. BEGISTtY AMD ELECTION NOTKE TOWNSHIP OF ATLANTIC, K. I. SS*fi. "& ^"ili ifttu»»»rd»f Bitettoa and Reghttrr In and Sepumaer J4,» and N. INT, nr,, Townthlp of AUtntteT Seunty el T:oj p. m. to 9:09 p. BI..Monmouth. State ol New Jenay will On Thanday, September N, 196T. the met at the Placi henlntfter dm'.gnatod ragtatntlan boeki will be eleaad unul. an iffer Uie tertncemlng Central lictloa on Tuieday. November 9. 1»T. Notlee of change ef naidanct er application toi tramfir ol riglitrttlon hall be made llther by written racusst forwarded to Ihe Municipal Clerk r Uie County Board of Electlona on TUESDAT, APRIL U, INT the houra of 7:00 a. m. and ~ irn Standard Tims )for th* Primary noni'mac OF B>JT Ih. ft Eltl oad T CftlllllB ttl ldpt Cl Or DOttTa OF B>JT CftlllllB ttl P*f*X>B Al the I of nnmla&tlflbt & office of Ih. ftunldpat Clerk or County 5 N «Jerae* Board pt Electloni up le ind Including o e r l Aasemb «,,i primary Election will be '" «" saw munto^y teflhi,$» 5 N Jrae* 1w7 membe K«?mi.,'2.' i lnt " P " " 4 U>C ' Ud " li Th* following la a description of the lection dlitrlcti tn tht Berough ef Llttlt llrar and tha polling places la UM erne, to wit: Flrat Etocttaa Btolrln loetlon Dlitrlct No. I li henby dln Dlitct aaeaid B ^ I a eaga- ~- * IDQ QWCTlDM fined and describe Beginning st the ef tha center MM d is fol point of Rm followi of tht cmter~"lmvofrtumion road wtlh UM center Una af Proapeet Avenue and running those* (1) Southeasterly along he eenter Una ot Prospect Avenue to Jttle silver Point read; thtnee (2) continuing en the eamt course In a straight me to the center cl Parktr'i Creik: Uwnct (3) tlong tht center ol Parker'i Creak Weeterty to tht boundtry line ol W^IrtT*" " "W*- ««"* (4> ~ «.... members of Uie Oeneral Assembly from the County of Monmouth. two memberl ol the Board el Choaen Freeholder!tortha County of Monraouth and for thi following municipal otfleti, vli: One Townihlp CommlUetmiBtor the full term et thru ytara. A Townahlp Collector tor full term. Said Primary Election will be held for UM purpose el nominating ptraeaa of UM reipectlvi partlei to tnt omen above mentioned and alao to elect one male ind one femilt member for each ot UM twe major political partite from each district In Monmouth County aa mtmbera of tht MonmouUi County ExteiiUvt eoramlttle. Notlot la htnby given, that aualltled lenugh ef Oeeanport to a point; thenee 9) Northerly and Wetterly along IM mmdarv line bttwttn tht Berough ol Jttl* Sliver aad Uie Berough ol Shrew*- lury. be the duuaet what tt may to the center ime af White road: thenee (J) Southeasterly along the eenter line ef White read., be the distance what It SBtrtet.... thanee (T) NorUwaitirty tn the ditertptlen ef BwctloB No 9 it htratnafttr described: the tald BSBrs Beginning. P g Polling Mace tor Ihli dlatrlet ll the Borough Hall. Prospect avenue. Election District No. t Is henby defined and described ai followi: Beginning it iht intenectlon of cener Hne of Protpecl Avenue wllh the leandary line of the Borough of Red Bank sad ruaamg thanoa (1) Seuthtuterly along Uw eenter lino of aald Proapeet Avenue te lu mmraettton wllh the center ime ef Rumeen road: thence (3) touuiweeterly along the center line of Rumton Road to Branch Avenue and ontlnung an m a straight Hm an Uw tame eawie ta Uw earner Una ef White t» Nemwwtirty along ttw J White Road lo the boundary Una betwen the Borough of Shrtwt- Miry and Ihe Borough of Little silver; thenee (4) In a Northerly direction along Mid boundary Una to tha boundary line - Uie Borough af Red Bank: thence Nerthiattarly. alone the boundary of the (91 N( line af Uw Borough lions tl of Red Bank te the point or place of Beginning. Polling place for thli district la UM Fin Houae on Prospect avenoe. Third lectton mttrm lection District No. 3 It henby dinned and described aa followi: Beginning i t the point at Intersection the boundary line of the Boreui' " Beginnin ef the bo Red Bank, A ning i t the point at boundary line of the k ith th t l the Borough of ler Hne «f Pro«- wlth th* cent< Avenue and running thinet (1) irly along thi ctnttr lint ol avenue to tht centtr llm ol Sliver Point Read; thence (2) eon- - on the n i l course In a straight the center of Parker's Crick: e la he of the f M hereby gi t the Township onraouth, SUte d hat auallfled ol Atlantic. ef New Jer- I lid voters County of Monraouth, I... aey not already reglatertd In said mu nlclptllty under Uie Itwi ef New Jlrtty goviralag permamnt regletratkm may rtgletoi or tranlttr with Uw eltrk et aid munlclrjallty of hli office, reiidence, nolmdtl-vandirburg Road, Vandtrburg. New Jlrtay. at any lime aptoand In- " 'Slay, Mareh T. 199T. during..., Hoon: Dally 9:00 a. m. to ra., Saturdaya S:00 a, m. te eluding Thun th* tenawlns t:ot pi cepted, or al Parmuent Registration' Bureau CoirthmiM, Freehold. Mew Jtrsay, tt any time BB to and Including Thunday. March T.^sr during thi pjj. of conducting the Pritor UM nomination ol %f Ti.' K by. c» llln P«aon at the office of the Municipal Clirk or County 5? "! "' 51J? 1 0 " 1 UD tb» r 1 I l d i ffce of the Munic 5?"! ",' 51J? 10 " 1 March Sfrjs to and Including Reglltry ind Elecr» will AVfftTlj fjla TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 9, INT irit"" "..>»»". '»!.«"> tnd electing a Oovernor f«, th. iwt7t New Jereey, two memben of the Central Aaeembly of New Jeriey from the S""aL J *J immout "' tw " "Mmhers ol *e Board of Chosen Fraholden for the County of Monmouth and for the following municipal ofllcei.vli: One Townahlp Commlttetmu for tht full term of throe yean. An Asseiaor for Ihi full term. Notice Is hereby given that ouatffled votera of the Towmnlp ol Shnwibury. not alreadv rejlatered In Mid Municipality, under the lawa of New Jtrtey governlni permanent registration may r ssm raunyetaaltt "» Strk «S la i*a O«l%* «A *.-~ ^.* l ' c 'l * " dence. 111 Belahaw Avenue, tl any time between Wednesday. April and Thursday, September 20. 1M7 durlni thi following hours: Dally 10:00 a! m. :o 4:00 p. m.. Saturday!, Sundiya and Holldayi eicepted, or at Permanent Reg- Ijlration Bureau, Courthouse. Freehold 1. rtw " 1 w «< ana Thuraday, Bt»w.ffw!^^ra. Saturday! *:00 a. m. to 12*0 noon* lunnayi and Holidays «xeeptf'a. Aim after the forthcoming aene^nl Election on Tueidiy. November S, 19JT. Notice of ehanee of reiidence or application for tramfer ol reglitrallon hall be made either by written "equeat forwarded to the Municipal Clerk or the County Board of Electlone on forme provided by laid Municipal Clerk or County S2CL!' «i: cll "r" P ««" including September M The soiling place for the Town.hlp of Bhrewabury la the Recreation Hall entrance. Alfred Vail Homes. MRS. ANNE BWITEK. February Towmhlp Clirk. BEOIHTRV AND ELECTION NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF HOMIDEI,. N. *. Notice le hereby given tint DIBlrlct i Board of Election tnd Rtglstrv In and for the Township of Holmdel. County of Monmouth. State of New Jeraev. will mitt tt tha plaea hereinafter delimited TUESDAT. APRIL IS. INT. dttei. laid Primary lictlon win be held In the tald municipality for Ihi purpott of nomlattlng a Oovernor for the gtate ol New Jeraey, two members of the General Aeetmbly m m tht County of I Monmouth. two members ol tht Board I of Chosen Freeholder! for the County I ot Monmouth and for ttw following municipal orileet, vli: " Out Township Cemmitttamtntor the full term el three yean. I Said Primary Suction will be held I for the purpoie of nominating persons I of the respec.ive partlei to the olflcei I above mintloned and alto lo aleet one I male and ont ftmtla member for each I on Ihe two major nautical partlea from I each dlitrlcl in MonmouUi County ail memben of the Monmouth County Ex. ecutive committee. Notice ll herabv given that outlined I votera et the Township of Holmdel, I County el Monmouth. state ot New Jer-1 ear. not already registered In Mid mu-l nlclptllty undtr th* lawt of New Jeraev I governing permanent registration may I reilite- or tramfer with thi cltrk of I Mid municipality at hli office, mldlncel Red Bank-Holmdel Road, Holmdel, New I Jtraey. it any timt upto tnd Including I Thundtv. March T. INT. during the fol" I lowing houn: Dally. 9:00 a. m. to 4:091 p. m. Saturday*. Sunday! and Holiday! eicepted. er al Permanent AiglMrillon. Bureau, Courthouse. Freehold. New I Thursday. Mtreh T. : during the fol-1 tewing houn: Dally 9:00 a. mt ii 4:30 p. m.. Saturdays 9:09 A. m. tn 13:OO noon. Sundayt and Hollda d. *:N a. avto4:30 9:00 a. m. to held m Timday, Aprtt'lS. 19S7. Notice ol change of raaldenci or application tor tranafer et nglatratlon idt etlher by written requeit l UM Municipal Cltrk or the - formi proer County I kkluding Reglitry ssd Eitothe forthcoming Primary Election to be I ktld en Tuttday, April ts. liet I Netloe ef chtnge of nridenee er na-l plleitlon for tramfer of nglstrailonl lhall be made tlther by written requ forwarded to the Municipal Clerk or i County Board of Elections on forms l Tided by tald Municipal Clerk or r or by riiilnt; In nerson at tht ef the Municipal Clerk or County of ft'-"tlons up to and Including ' T. INT. The.*ald Roard of Registry and Eli tlon will meet on TUESDAY. NOVEMBER I. INT between the heun of 7:00 a. m. Uea TUBSDAY. NOVBMRsm t, tnt fi between UM Boars ef ItSO a. av and 1:09 p. m.tor lha pwpom ol enduotlng tb lakl"oenerallllectlon will bl Mid In UM aald munlaleelltytor the purpoee of lectlng a Oovernor for Uw "late ol New Jersey, two membera ef UM Oen- ral AMtnbly of New Jeney from ihe County of MonmouUi, two membera ef Ihe Board of Chosen Freeholders ror K ^... * ai ^^ - *" ^^^! ab>^ lha County tt ty tt Monmouth, and I muntolpal offloei. vbii.... Commltteeman for the full urm of three yean.... A Township Collsclor lor full term. Notice It hereby given voters of the Townihlp ot already und.f-th. N «aws f ot l that qualified in aald munlclpallly Ntw Jtraey governing Hornrssk ottict. and following the Borough of Littl line of the t feit Bnrough of Little Silver to a feint whan the'center line ' " (tormerly Oakei Road) torecctl thi center line Creek: thenee MI1NT, "illy I 00 9:00 a. m. Hlld dirtag Iht foll a. m. to 9:09 p. m. to 1200 noon S honn lurday; y! d ( u.*r. i«.d a:ou noon. Sundayi and i'r UiBSJiS'. Holldayi.. ticepled. or it.p«mar,ent Cnek: th the center _. Hanee Road (formtrly Otkea Roadi and still along Uie boundtry llm htlwiea Uw Borough of Ultlt Sllvir and In* Berough el Rum- on te UM ctntir of Rumson Road; thinet (5) Northeaiterly Hong the ntntor line of Rumeon Raed and mil along Oil boundary line betwen tin Borough ef Runwon and tha Borouah of Little silver le Ihi center line ef Hanoi Road Iformarly oakil Road), being tba portion thereof Northweitirly ol Rumton «ad: thinet,(g) Northweitirly Hong i center line of Mind Road and atoni... center lin lha boundary of Littl Sli int* Rad tnd akmg between thi Borough nd Ihi Borough ol orough rough ol t It may d thne Blaetlon Dlitrlet Four li titrthy.. eaed sad etnrltidgm Ikal aacuoa aad Februiry 21, lha boundary lint between thi of Little Sliver and Ihi Bor Rumson, be the dlitance what It may to the center line of Ridge Road: thenee IT) Wutirh along the center llm of Ridge Rmd and the continuation of the me on Harding Road, to thi point er place cf Beginning. Pulllni pun for tint dlitrlcl ll tht lira Houn, Ptotptcl avinue. FRED u. AVERS, Borough Clerk, nvy%«jm6.r»«inttdttrrni" tli."fojlowing houn: Dally 9:00 a. m.to4:20 B m Satufdari 9:00 a. m.to11:00 noon? Sundaya art Holiday! ntepted. Alas September 14. N and is, INT, from 7:00 p. m. to 9:09 P. m. On Thuraday, September N. INT. Ihe reglelratku? book* will be elottd until after Uw fo,incoming general Elicllon en Tuetdiy. Notrambtr 9, INT. Notice of change ot retldtnci or application for tramltr of ritlitritlnn enlu be made illher bv witttin requisl nrwardtd to Iht Municipal Clerk or County Board of Blecllona on forms provided or saio municipal cltrk or board er by calling In person tt Ihs nttlct of tht Munlclptl Olirk or County Board of Rlei-tlnns up to ind Including September N. 1N7. The polllni place for the Towmhlp nl... i.,u. Towmhlp Hall, Colt's HARH1 CRINB, Townahlp Clerk. Atlanlla la Uie Nick, New Jen ensy. 8:00 o. tor Uie purpoee of conduct In* tha Oineral Ellctleo. Said oeneral Election will he held the laid municipality for tht purpa of electing a Governor for thi Slate Naw Jenay, twe mtmbera ol tht a m l Aieimbrv ef Ntw Jiney from County or MonmouUi, two memberl Ihe Board of. Choaen Freeholdera the County ot Monmouth and for foilewln* municipal offlcei. vli: one Tewnahlp Commltteeman tor full term of three yean, Notice la hereby given that quaiili votiri ol tho Tnwmhln of Holmdel. i. already reglatered In said munlclpallt: sglit lawi inrter the laws nf New.leney rovernln: permanent registration may register n, transfer wllh tht cltrk of the said mu] nlclpn'ltv at hla nfflr». rmldprce. Re Bank-Holmdtl Road. Holmdel, New Jei ley, at any time between wedneidi Atrll n. INT and Thursday. Bepteml.. S6, 1937, during the following houri Dallv 9:00 a. m. to 4:00 p. m. Saturdi Sundava and Holldayi eveepled nr. Permanent Reglitratlon Bureau Court, houll. FreehoM. New Jeraey, at anl llmt hetwean Wedneiday Anrll IT. 1M ind Thuraday, September M. 19ST. du Ing the following hours: Dal!" 9:00 i. i lo 1:30 p. m.. Saturdayl 9:00 a. m. 12:00 noon Sunday! and Holiday* eentcd. Allo Keptemhlr 24?K and 1MT. from 7:00 p. m. lo 9:M p. m. On Thurmay. September M. fbst.... revlitrntlnn hooka will be olnem untl after the lorthromlng OenerM BleetK on Tuesday. November 9. 1M7. Notice ef change ot nsidenei or nllcmirm lot tre."*fsr of reirtstratlnl lhall be made either by written r guilt forwartlid to thi Munkiiml Cle er the County Board of Biictloni i formi provided by said Munldnal Cle or Board or by calling In nenon at " office ot the Municipal Clerk or Cou. Board of Electloni uptoand Inoludli Sexlember M, Ftbrusry T. Hol'md DANIEL S. ELY, Townihlp Clert February IL 19ST. NOTICE OF ANNUAL MUTING Thi annual meltlnr uf the polk)) holden of the Proa-riiilve Life Inm a.nce Company will be held at the oftl of Ihe Company. IKA llroid stnel. Ri Bank, New Jeriey on Thuririay Mart 2". 1917, at 9i00 o'clock In thi mon '*' WILLIAM I KRANIt. IT.ti Vice Prilldint and Stcr*tar ef

47 Msmjuat * raw SJAVSK, H, I. Notice ia hereby given that District Board! of election and Regiatry in and lor the Borough el Fair Haven. County of Montnoutii, State of New Jeraey. will meet at the places hereinafter designated on TUESDAY, APRIL It. 1S67 petweea the houra of 7:00 a. m. and S:0fi p. m. (Eaatern Standard Time>, lor tht purpoae ot conducting th* Primary Electloa for tbe nomination of Candidate!. Said Primary Election will be Held In the aald municipality for the purpose ol nominating a Governor for the State f New Jeraey, two member! of the General Akfelnliiy from tne County of Monmcuth, two roembera of the Board o[ Chosen Freeholder! for tha County of Monmouth and for the following municipal offices, viz: Two Councllmen for the full term! ef three years. Said Primary Election will be held for tne purpoae of nominating, peraona ef the respective partiei to the offset above mentioned and alao to elect one male and one female member for each Of toe two major polltcal partiei from each district In Monmouth County aa membera of the Monmouth County Xaecutlv* committee. Nolle* la hereby given Dial qualified voters ot the Borough of Pair Haven, County ol Monmouth. State of New Jers*y, not already registered la aald municipality under the lawa ot New Jersey governing permanent registration mar reglater or transfer with the clerk I laid municipality at tali oinea. Borough Hall, lit Fair Haven Road. Fair Raven. New Jeraey, at any lima up to and Including Thureday. March 7, U*i. during the fallowing houra: Dally *:M a. m. to o:00 p. m. Saturdays. Suadaya and Holiday* cacepvad, alao Harts i, t and 7, 1857 from 7:00 to COO p. m., or at Permanent Reglatratlon Bureau, Courlhoufte. Freehold, New Jertey. st any time up to and including Thuraday, March 7. 1M7. during toe following houra: Dairy 0:00 a. ra. t«4:m p. ra. Saturdaya S:SO a. m. to 11:0* noon. Sundaya and Holidays eaeepted. Alio March S, < and 7, US7, from 7:00 p. aa. to S:0a p. m. On Thursday, lfarch 7, ISM, the reglltratlon book! will be closed until after the forthcoming Primary Election to be aald on Tuesday, April lg, 1N7. Notice of change of residence or ap* plication lor transfer of registration shall be made either hy written requeat forwarded to th* Municipal Clerk or the County Board of Election* on forma pro- Tided by aald Municipal Clerk or Board or by canine; in person at the oine«ot the Municipal Clerk or County Board of Freeholdera to and Including lfarch T The laid Boarda ot Regletry and Election wilt meet on TUEtDAY. NOVEMBER i, 1MT between the hour! cf 7:00 a. m. and 1:00 p. m.. for the purpose of conducting the General Election. Bald Qeneral election will be bell In tb* said municipality lor th* purpos* of electing a Governor for the State of New Jersey, two members ol the Oeneral Assembly of New Jeraey from tha County of Monmouth. two members of tha Board ot Chosen Freeholders tor the County of Monmouth and for tha following municipal officer via: Two Councllmen for the full term* at three yeara. Notice Is hereby given that Qualified voter! of the Borough of Fair Haven, not already registered In said municipality, under the laws of New Jetaey governing permanent registration may regiater or tranafer with the Clerk of the said municipality at his offlee, Borough Hall. US Pair Haven Roan, Fair Haven, New Jersey, at any time between Wednesday, April 17. IH7. and Thuraday. September M. 1W7. during the following hours: Dally *:00 a. m. to 1:00 p. m. Saturday! S:0O a. m. to 11:00 noon. Bundaya and Holidays «eepted, alao September and M, 1957, from 7:00 to»:m> p. m., or at Permanent Registration Bureau, Courthome, Freehold. New Jersey at any time between Wednesdsy. April 17, 1M7, and Thuraday. September M, 1M7, fur- Ing the following houra: Dally»:00 a. m. to 4:30 p. m. Saturday! p;oo a. m. to 13:00 noon. Sundays and Holldaya excented. Alao September 24, 25 and 26, from 1:00 p. m. to 1:00». m. On Thursday. September M the registration hooka will be closed until after the forthcoming Oeneral election on Tuesday, November S, Notice of change or residence or application for tranater of reglitratlon ahall be made either by written request forwarded to the Municipal Clerk or tha Countv Board of Elections on forma provided by sain Municipal Cltrk or Riqrd or hy ratlin? In person at the office of the Muntclpftl Clerk or County ftiprri of Election!* up to and Including g-itrabcr ii* follower la a description of the E">ctlon Districts In the Borough of F-i 1 " Haven and the polling places In same, tn wit. I'lral Electloa District All that part of the Borough of Fair Haven bounded on th* East by the ceme' line of Buena Vista Avenue, on Pi* We«t by the center tine of Fair Haven Road on tne south by the eeni*r!<"» o r Rldre Road and on the north by lli» Navealnk (North Shrewiburyt R'ver. Th- nolllng place for tha First Election Platrlct la tha Willow Street school. toeoad Kleettaa District All that part ot th* Borough ol Fair Raven bounded oa ths T't by the center line of Fair Haven Road, on the South by th* Northerly boundary Una ot th* Borougn of Rumson. on the West by the center line of Hanc* Road aad on the North tjy the Navatnfc <N=«h Shrewsbury) River. The polling place for th* Second Elee- Man Diatrict la the Flra House, Rivet aad Battln Roads. TMrd ElecUea District All that part of the Borough et Fair Haven bounded on tha East by tha center line nf Hance Road, on tie south by the Northerly boundary line of the Borouch of Little Sliver, on the West by the boundary line of Ihe Borough of Ken Bank ana on th* North by a Una ex'endin* as follows: to wit: BEGINNING at a point where the writer line ot Beekman Place tnursacta the boundary line of the Borough ot Red Bank, thenee (1) In an easterly direction along the center tin* ot B***> man Place to a point where said center line of Beakman Place Intersects the center line sf Forreit Avenue, thenee (1) In an Easterly direction to a point where the center line of Poplar Avenue Intersects the eonter line of Chestnut Street, thence <3> tn an sfrsterty direction along tha center line ol Poplar Avenue to a point where the aame Intersects the center line) ol Hance Rosrt. Th* nolllng place for the Third Eteetlon District is ths Knollwood school, Hanc* Road. tstratlon books aril! b* Cl*ae4 until after the forthcoming Primary Election tg be held on Tuesday. April If. 1M7. Notice of change of realdence or application for transfer of registration anal! be made either by written request forwarded to tne Municipal Clerk or tha County Board of Eleetlone oa forma provided by said Municipal Clerk or Board or by calling In peraon at the office of the Municipal Clerk cr County Board of Electiona up to and Including March 7. 1M7. The aald Boarda of Registry and Election will meet on TUESDAY. NOVEMBER I, 1(97 between the hours of 7:00 a. tn. and 6:00 p. m. for the purpose of conduct ins tha General Election. laid General Election will be neld In the aald municipality for the purpose of electing a Governor for the State ot New Jersey, two members of the General Assembly of New Jersey from the County of Monmouth, two membera of the Board of Chosen Freeholders for the County of Monmouth, an] for the following municipal offices, vli: A Mayor for th* full term ef two "TWO Councilman for tke lull tins ol three years An Assessor lor Ihe lull term of tour Notle* I* nereby given that voters tor the Borough of Rumaon, not already registered In aald municipality wider the ton ot Mew Jeraey governing permanent reglatratlon may register or transfer with the Clerk ef the said mu alelpaltty at his office. Memorial Bor ough Hall, River Road, Rurnson. New Jeraey, at any tint* between Wednesday, April 11, lsftf, and Thursday. September 5f 1MT during the following hours: Dally COO a. m. to 8:00 p. ra. or at Permanent Kegletratlon Bureau, Courthouse. Freehold. Mew Jeraey. at any lime between Wednesday, April 17, lmf. aad Thursday. September 2o during the following houra: Dally 1:00 a. m. to 4:» p. m., Saturday!»:00 a. m. to 12:00 noon, Sundays and Holidays aseepttd. Also September 24, 2S and Jt. ISM from 7:00 p. m. te 1:00 p. m. On Thursday. September M. IMT. the registration books will be closed uatl registration books will e alter the forthcoming Oeneral on Tuesday, November I, 1HT. Nti l h l i d n Election Notice of change of raeltenee or application for tranafer of registration shall be made either by written request lorwaided to the Municipal Clerk or tha County Board or Elections on forms provided by said Municipal Clark or Board or by calling In peraon at the office of the Municipal Clerk or County Board of Election* up to and Including September M, 1M7. Boundaries of th«election Districts In the Borough of Rumion and tha polling place In each district are aa follows, to wit: First Eleetlsa District Election District No. 1 ti hereby ds fined and described as follows: All thst portion of the Borough of Rumson situate North ot Ridge Road, bounded on the East by Blngham Avenue and on the West by Buena Vlata Avenue. The polling place for the First Election District is Oceanic Fire Company's Fire House, comer River Road and Allen Street, Rumson, Election Diatrict No. S In hereby de fined and described aa follows: All that portion of the Borough of Rumaon aituate North of Ridge Road, bounded on the East by Naveslnk Avenue and on the West by Blngham Avenue, Rumaon. The polling place for the a>eond Election District is Rumion Fire Companv'a Fire Hcuu*, River Road ana Black Point Road, Rumaon. Talri Eleetlea DIMrlet lection District No. 3 I' hereby defined and described as follows: All tbat portion of the Borough of Rumaon aituate South of the Ridge Roa«and East of Navealnk Avenue and bounded on the West by Hance Road. The polling place tar the Third Election District Is Ralph Hall, at Lincoln avenue aod Packer avenue, Rumion. AU3SRT A. KEKK, Jit. Borough Clerk, February Jl, 1KT. MBOISTBV AND EMOTION NOTICE BoaopuH or tumewsbrov, *r. J. Nolle* I* hereby given that District Boards of Election and Retistry in and for tho Borough of Shrewsbury, County of Monmouth. State of New Jersey, will meet at tha place hereinafter designated TUESDAY. APRIL It, 1SJ7 between th* hours of 7:00 a. m. 8:00 p. m.. (Eastern standard Time), :00 p. m for the pur mary Elect date!. Sid rpose o tion for atern standard Time), of conducting the Prinomination of Candi- All that part of the Borough ol Fait Raven bounaed an the Cast by the center line of Hance Road, on the) North by Naveslnk (North Shrewsbury) River, en the Wen by the boundary line ol the Borough of Red Bank and on the mith by a line extending aa follows: to Wit! BEOINNDHJ at a point where the center line of Beekmin Place Intersect! the boundary line of the Borough ol Red Bank, thence (1) In an Easterly direction along the center line ot Beckman Place to a point where aald center line of Beekman Place Intersect! me canter line or Forrert Avenue, thenee O) In an easterly direction to a point where the center line of Poplar Avinue Internet! the center line of Chestnut Street, thence (» In aa Caaterly direction along the center Una cf Poplar Avenue to a point where the aame interaeete the center Hue of Hance Read. The polling place for the Fourth Election District U th K l l d d " " " "' nor w. NIUO, February*.,«T. """^ C "" t I the Knollwood school. aim* AND EiEcno!» NOTICE OROttOB OF BCMSON, N. M. Notice It hereby given that District Boards cf Elaetlon and Registry in and for the Borough of Rumeon. County eif Monmouth, (Ufa of New Jersey, will meet at the placei hereinafter dealgnatad on TUSIDAT. APRIL U, 1MT between the noun of 7:00 a. m. and g:oo p. m. (Keetern standard Time), far the purnoee ol conducting the Prt* m»ry Election for nomination of Candidates. Said Primary Election will be netd In the ealj municipality for the purpoae of nominating a Governor for the state of New Jeriey, two member! ol the General Assembly from the County of Monmouth. two members of the Board of Chosen Freeholders for the County of Monmouth. and for the following municipal offices, vis: A Mayer for the lull term of two years. Two Councllmen for the lull term of thru vearr An MI yean Bald for the purpose of nominating persona or the retpettlve parties to the offices above mentioned and also to elect one male and on* (amale member tot each of the two major political partlea from each district In Monmouth County aa membera o( the atonmoutb County Bv ecutlve commutes. Notice li hereby given that qualified voters of the Borough ot Rumson, County.of Monmoum. state of New Jerney, not already registered In laid municipality under Ilia lawa of New Jersey gov* arrrlng permanent regulation may reg. later or tramfer with the clerk of laid municipality at his office. Memorial Borougn Hall, River Roail, Rumson, New Jersey, at any time up to and Including Thursday, Marcn 7. 1(97, during the following hours: Pally fi:m a. m. to a:m p. m.. flaliiiiiays. SiM'iaya ami Hnlldaya aaeaptad, or at Permanent Registration Rurtau, Courtliouae. VreehcvM, Ntm Jersey at any lime up to anil Including Thursday. March 7. 1IS7. during th! following noun: Dally D'.OO a. m. to 4:30 p. m. gatiirrfaya 9:00 a. m. to 19:00 noon, tundaya ana Holidays siiiaeiaor for tne full lerm of tour Primary Election will be Mid Said Primary Election will be held In the said municipality for the purpose o: nominating a Governor for the State ol New Jeraey. two members of the Gen era! Assembly from tha County ot lion mouth, two members or the Board ef Chosen Freeholders for ths County ef Monmouth. and for th* following municipal offices, vis: Two Councllmen Mr th* full tarm * three yeara An Assessor for the lull term. Said Primary Election will be held tor th* purpose ol nominating persons of the respective parties to the offices above mentioned ana also to elect one male and one female member for each ol th* two major political partiei from each district in Monmouth county as members of the Monmouth County Eaecutlve committee. Nolle* I* hereby given that qualified voters ot the Borough of Shrewsbury, County ot Monmouth, state of New Jersey, not alresdy registered in said municipality under the laws ot New Jersey governing permanent registration may register or transfer with the clerk of said municipality at her office, residence Sycamore avenue, Shrewsbury, New Jer- ThWayMfVU dlflftt lowing houra: Dally»:K> a. m. to 4:00 p. ra., Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays exeepted, or at Permanent Registration Bureau. Courthouse. Freehold, New Jersey, at any time up to and Including Thursday. March t 1987, during the following (nun: Daily a.00 a.m. to 4:M p m Satud i:m t M00 log (nn: D p. m.. Saturday noon Sunday! aily a! i:m d H 00 a.m. to 4:M a. m. to M:00 lidays eaeeted p. m. Saturday! i:m a. m. to M:00 noon, Sunday! and Holidays eaeepted. Also March 5. I and T. ltot, from T.00 p. ra. to»:00 p. rn. On Thursday. March 1. MM. the reg. letrellon books will be closed until alter the forthcoming Primary Election to be hew on Tuesday. April IS, 1U7. Notice of change of residence or application for transfer of registration shall be made either by written request forwarded to the Municipal Clerk or the County Board of Elections on forma provided»y said Municipal Clerk or Board or by calling In perron at the office ot the Municipal Clerk or Comity Board ot Elections up to and Including March 1. SMT. The aald Boards ot Registry tag Melton will meet on TUESDAY. NOVEMBER a, 1HT between the hours cf 7:00 a m. and 1:00 p. m. tor the purpoae of conducting the Oeneral lection, id Oneral Eltio Oeneral lection. Oeneral Election will be held m d muiiplit f th up f "Ifff the said municipality for the pupose *f electing a Governor For the Stale ol New Jersey, two member* ef th* Oeneral Assembly of New Jersey from the County of Monmouth, two members ef th* Board ot Chosen Freeholders for the County of Monmouth. and for the M- lowing municipal offices, vli: Two Councilman for the full torsi ot AD Assessor tor ths lull term. Notice la hereby given that qualified In sail mualollaws ol Niw Jersey ntm of the not already paltty. under governing permanent registration.. register or tranafer with ths Clerk th* sata Municipality at her ~ dene* ayeam - ' New Jersey, i ASTfl office, reel- ~ er "" "- ' noun: Dall Saturdays, ad, or at u Ct "^ ^J***!?! 'Slat's, m. lo 4:M p. as; tyg and Holidays axeapw _ -- anent Registration Bureau. Courthouse, Freehold! New Jsreer st any urns between Wednesday, April 17, 1HT. and Thursday. S*pumb*r V INT. during th* following Mmn: Dally 1:00 a. m. ts-4:m p. m.. Saturdays :0O a. m. to 11:M noon. SUMfays and list, :0O 1:00 a. m. tc l!:m men. mdayg and Holidays eieepted. Also September U, n and M, lwtvtrom ttot p. m. to»-m p. m. r On Thursday, September M, INT, the registration books will be eieaed until after the forthcoming Oeneral Election on Tuesday, November a. IM7, Notlea of ehange of residenee or ap. ication fo tranafsr or rgialrall Ntlea of e plication foi hll b d ange of tranafsr ith ap sr or regialrallon by wrltttn rcciwet plication foi tranafsr or regialrallon shall be made either by wrltttn rcciwet forwarded is the Municipal Clerk or the County Board ef Bleetlons on forma provided by gain Municipal Clark or Board or by calling In person at tits office ct the Municipal Clerk «r County Board of Unctions up to and including September M. 1H7. The following la a deacrltnlon of me election districts In the Borough of Shrswibury and the polling places tn tha aame, to wit: first Etoetlea msmet lection District No. 1 It hmby defined and described aa followi: All that portion of the Borough sf Shrewsbury south ct a line beguinini at a point Thirty-four Hundred feel south of Newman Springs Road on Shrewsbury Avenue and running alralght and last along the center line ol Obrs Place, then diagonally across Broad street, and then Kan along the canter line ct White llraet and continuing North ot Ceurt Prlva to tha New Tort and Long Branch Railroad tracka. Tha polling place tor this nlstrlol Ig the Fire House on Broad Strut. Seneca 1 BtooMea IMatrlel Election District No. t u hireby defined and described as follows: All that portion ol the Borough of ghrewahury North ef Dlitrlct No. 1. The polling place for this district fa the Midway Motors Burning, 450 Broad Itrcat, opposite Slate Police Haadquar- ORTRUUB C. VAN VlialT, orr ' - otutvcfg or»» NEW Notlce la hereby given that Diatrict Boarda cf Election and Registry In and for tha Borough of New Shrewsbury, County of Monmeutli. State of New Jersey, will meet at tfce places Scrtlnafter dealgnated on TUESDAY. APRIL M. Ml betweeu the hours ot 7:M a. at. and g:00 p. m. (Eastern Standard Time), tor Uu purpose ol conducting tha Primary Election for the nemlnef Candldatea. Said Primary Elaetloa will ee held tn the aald municipality for the purpose cf nominating a Governor for the Itate of New Jersey, two members of the Oeneral Assembly from the County of Monmouth. two members of (he Board of Chosen Freeholders for the County of Monmouth, and for the following municipal offices, vli: Two Councllmen for the full term of three years. An Aascasor for tne full term. A Collector for th* full term. Said Pii.imrj lieclion wi) be hem for the purpose ef nominating persons of the respective partln to the office! above tnentloaed aa«ale* to aleet one male and one female member for each of th* two major political partlea from each district In aionnwuta County aa members of the MoaBuutb County Elective committee. Notice la hereby alvea that aualisirt votera of tha Borough of New Shrewsbury. County of Monmouth, state of New Jersey, not alreair registered tn aald municipality tinder the lawa ol New Jeraey governing permanent reglitration may register or transfer with the clerk of aald municipality at hla office, residence, Wayside Road, Tlnton Falls, New Jeaey at any time up to and Incldin Jersey, at any time up to and Includl Thursday, March 7. Ian. " e and Including during the forlowing hours: Dally, 10;JO a. ra. to 4:00 p. m.. Saturdays, sundara and Holldaya excepted, or at Permanent Rsglitretlon Bureau. Courthouse, Vrsthold. New Jer ley, at I Thuraday,.. following hours: Dally»:00 a. m. to 4:30 p. m.. Saturdays 0:00 a, m. to 11:00 noon, Sundays aad Holidays excepted. Also March >, «ant 7, US7, rthouse, f s d. Ne Jer any time up to and including y, March 1, Ml. during the g hus: Dally CM a t cepted. Also March Irom 7:00 P. m. to»: On Thuraday, March sttin noks will be i >, «and :» p. m. h T, 1MT, l d the regtil after ury,,, eg istration nooks will be closed until after the forthcoming Primary Electlea Is be held on Tueiday. April It. leaf. Notice of change of residence or application for transfer of reglitration shall be made either by written requell forwarded to the Municipal Clerk or the County Board ol Elections en forms provided by satd Municipal Clerk or Board or by calllns In person at the office of the Municipal Clerk or County Board of Election! up te and Including March 7. 1M7. The eeid Boards of Registry and Election will meet on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER >. 1N7 between Ih* hours of 7:00 a. m. and 1:00 p. m. tor tha purwaa of coniuet- Ing tha Oeneral Election. laid Oeneral Eltction will bo hell tn the eatd municipality tor the purpoae ef electing a Governor lor the State et New Jeraey, two members ot tbe Oeneral Aaaembly of Near lereey from tha County of Monmouth. two members cf the Board ot Chosen Freeholders for the County of Monmouth, and tor tha following municipal offices, vis: Two Councllmen for ike full term of three years each. An Assessor for the tun term. A Collector for the lull term. Notice is hereby given that qualified voters of the Borough el New Shrewsbury, not already registered In eald municipality, under the laws cf Ni Jeriey governing permanent reglsti_ lion may register or transfer with the clerk of the said municipality at hla office, residence. Wayaldi Road. Tlnton Flls Nw Jrsey at any time b office, residence. Wayaldi Ro Falls, New Jersey, at any tween Wednesday, April 17. Thsda Sptember N 1 d. Tlnton time be- 1*87, and 7 di Thursday, September N, 1H7, during Ih* following hours: Bally 10:00 a, m. to 4:00 p. m.. Saturdays, Sundays ana Holldaya excepted, or at Permanent Registration Bureau, Courthouse. Freehold, New Jersey, st euiy Urns between WnlnMuay, April 17, 1st), and Toursday, September M, HOT during th* following houra: Daily *:00 a. m. to 4:10 p. m.. Saturday* t:m a. m. to noon. Bundaya and Holidays acestad. Also September 24.» and M, ISS7. bom 7:00 p. m. to 00 p. m. On Thursday. September M, 1N7, th* registration books will be elooed until attar th* forthcoming OMtral on Tuesday. November I, MSI. Notice of ehange ef rename* or application for tranafer ol riflatratlon ihall be made either hy written requeet forwarded to the Municipal Clerk or the County Board of Elections on forma provided by said Municipal Clerk or Board or by calling In peraon at the office ol the Municipal clerk or County Boars or Electlona up to and Including September 30. 1U7. The following Is a deiorlptlen of th* Election Districts in the Borough ot New Shrewsbury and tha poluag placu in aame. to wit: First Eleetlsa DllUtd All that portion ol the Borough of New Shrewsbury aituate north ol the Central Railroad tracks. The polling place for tht First A**- tlon District In Ih* Borough el New Shrewsbury, I* th* Fir* House, Tlnton Falls, Nsw Jeraey. All that portion el the Borough «f New Shrewsbury situate south of the Central Railroad traeks. Tha polling ptsce arr Election District in th* Bo. Shrewsbury la th* WaysU. House, WaysMe, N*w Jemy. Tairt BIHH DHIrM All that portion ef tha Borough ef New Shrewsbury situate (OeeeMstlea I* be advertiaed as soon aa <«mal«t*d>. Th* polling place tor UK Third aus*. tlon District In tbe Borough ol New Shrewibury Is th* Fir* Ho***, Moris Side Xo», Sprtngdal* Avenui. WALTBP. U CANPTatLD. MroaEa Clark. February Jl, INT. CHANCERY 8-4*1 SHU1FT9 SALE: ty virtu* o( a writ ot execution to n* dlrktad. issued out ot th* Superior Court ol New Jeney (Chancery Division) there will be *xpo**d to sal* at publla venatu*, oa Monday, th* tstk da* af Mama. lilt, between the hours of 11 o'clock and 4:10.o'clock (at I o'tlmk Baltera Standard Time) In the aftaraoea ol said da*, at the Court Houie in th* Borough M FrsehoH County of Ham. mouth. New Jersey, to satisfy a judgment of eaid court amounting to approximately Ill,ll4.iv. All ta* following tract or ami at land and premiss* hereinafter particularly dmcrikod situat*. Iting and * Ing In Ui* Borough of Shrewsbury, ia th* County of Monesoath ind State of Now J*rs*r { BB1NC Lot N*. 41. on asp ef lands known at "Th* Parker Tract," arklea CI*?k'i OMe* at raekoktbounded sss described aa follows i BEGINNING at a point ea tk* Bank, arty aid* of Whit* Avenas. sals pom being tfc* oouthoam eormr of Lot M*. 441 U»ne* (1) northitly sleng th* east Ida of Lot No tut. nor* or I***. te> th* southerly aide of th* N*w York sad Long Braooi Ball roe*: thoaco (1)»n a aouthoaiterly court* aloag Uu New York anal Long Branca Xallroad. Sttt fast, mar* or less, te th* 1 ' "lo. 4Z:thtne* westerly lids -... illtl with th* Drat *oaree. IS* feet, more or less, t* th* northerly side of Whit* Avenui these* (4(.westerly along the northerly sld* of Whit* Avenai (0 feet t* th* place of Baglanlag. Stisad a* Wwterberg kuabaad a«nortkwcot corner of Lot No. 41: (I) southerly along th* welter of Lot No, 41 and parallel wl a* the property of iths t. rs aad Dorta A. Weatarbarg, and wife. John S. Day ana Atlas Credit CorporaUsn. s Pean. corporation take* la eaeentlos at th* salt of Bad Bank Seringa and Loaa Association a corporation of ths State ef New Jersey aad to he soli hy IBA E. W0L0OTT, Bhirlf. Dated: rib. a. 11(7. rarsone. lakncqu*. Oaniona Comb*. Attrs. lin) Comb* ( lines) I. February Jl. lmf. lorougb Clirk. STATE OF NEW JEMEY DEPARTMENT OF STATE OkWTIr'ICATC OP DISSOLUTION To all to whoat thh* prtaantg saay coma. Graetin«> WHCMEA8, It appear* te my aauifaetlon. ky duly autkntleattd retort ef tke proceeding} for ths volontarif alsaolutlon thereof ky the ananlmoul tonamt of all th. ttoakaoum, d*< poaltod In my efrloa that Cantanwll Realty Company a corporation ef thll State, whoa* primlpal ofnc* li altnatea at No, ll Wallaea Street. In tks Borough of led Bank. County of Monmouth, State ol New Jsraer (Vera V. Kaney being the agent therdn tad in charge thereof, upon whom proeew aaay be earved). has cool D) I id with tkl requlremtntt of Title 14, Corporaticnt, Oeneral of Revised Statute, of New Jersey, preliminary to the Iwulng of tkia CertlfUate of DSOIMIOB, NOW TRtmEFOU, 1. tkt aoereury of th* State of New Jsney Do Honks Certify that tb* aald corporation did, on tk* thirteenth day at yokreary, HIT. file in my ode* a duly executed and attoatad eonaent in writing te ike dissolution ol sold corporation, executed by all tha etoekholderi thereof, whlek tald «on lent and tke racerd of tke prccmdlngi aforesaid an now en file la my said ernes as provided ky IN TESTIMONY WHBREOF, I have hereto eat 1 my hand ana SEAL affixed ray official eeal, at Trenton this Thirteenth dar of F*kruary, A D,, on* thouiand aim hundred ana nfty-c*ven, SOWAltD I. FATTEN. St f It Social Security Describes Best Time to Retire AgJBURY PARK Retirement: A word that has com* te mean s (rest deal for most people. But do you know when is It best to retire? Do you real lie exsctly how the provisions of th* Social Security set retarding- retirement may have an effect upon your future planning? These questions were asked by Benjamin Bandberg-, district manager of the local office of the Social Security Administration. Persons retired or Hearing retirement age who may wish to supplement their old-age insurance benefit! with some esrn- Ings should learn their rights and obligations under ths social security "retirement tsst." For instance, they should know that earning* from any type employment or solf-employmant subject a person to tha retirement test. This is > change from the provision in the previous law when "earnings," au used here, Includes all remuneration from employment and self-employment, it does not Include Income from Investments, dividends. Interest, annuities or pensions. Rentals from real estate are not earnings, except when received by a real estate dealer In his buslneu. Sl,tM Exempt Earnings of 200 or less In your tsxabl* year will subject you to no deductions your taxable year Is the ssms 12-month period for which you report your Income for income tax purposes (for most people the taxable year is the same as the calendar year). If your total earnings from employment and self-employment exceed 1,300 In any full year, then for each $M (or fraction of M0) over the $1,200 exemption you loss one month's retirement benefit. If, for example, you worked In every month, earned $1,100 in a year, you would have excess earnings of $300. You would lose four monthly benefit checks since the excess earnings divided by K would result in three and a fraction units, and call tor the withholding of benefits for four months In thst year. Three special pravlstoni apply to this retirement test. ' After Ago 7» If the beneficiary should die during the year, then the amount of earnings permitted before deductions is no longer (1,300, but Is $100 times the number of months in the taxable year through the month of death. In spite of the total earnings for ths year, a person csn receive monthly beneflti for (1) any month in which he is age 72 or over (2) any month under age 72 in which he earni $S0 or leu In employment and does not render substantial service! in a trade or business aa * self-employed person. Since it is the duty of a beneficiary to Inform the Social Security AdmlnUtrallon whenever he expect* his total earnings for the year to exceed $1,200, each beneficiary should keep an exact record of his earnings, and of hli working activltes. If you want more information on this subject, get in touch with social security office at 620 Bants ave. Society Enrolls loatrbch Red Bank Catholic students received into the Marian chapter of the National Honor society at s special assembly Feb. 19 were Linda Albert, Helen Golsy, Lynn Lawrence, Elena Marzulla, Pamela Manulla, Margaret Mooney, Mary Notaro, Pauline Novak, Annette Sicilians), Mary Anne Spaeth and Mary Alice Waasmer. Sophomores who are probationary members are Marie Bladei, Michael Dowel), Mae Malmone, Vincent Peters, Mary Jo Rocco and Hans Zlegler. Purposes of the National Honor society were presented by Mary Ann Klrwan and the cardinal principles of character by Mary Alice Waasmer; service, Peter Barrett; leadership, Jamei Rhodes, and scholarship, Christians Keck. New members were presented by James Rhodes. Max Keck as chairman. Awsrds of pins and membership cards were made at the special candlelight ceremony by Sister Msry Agnese, principal. To became a member, a student at Red Bank Catholic must attain a scholastic average of W> per cent and be recommended by the faculty for character, leadbershlp and service, seniors who are current members are Peter Barrett. Ingeborg Both, Christlane Keck, Max Keck, Anna Mat Klernan, Mary Ann Klrwan, Frances Peluso, Jsmes Rhode*, Eva Belgfrled and Marlon Ztieiky. Six of the National Honor society members are from Red Bank. They are Lynn Lawrence, Mary Jo Rocco, Anna Ma* Kiernan, James Rhodes, Mary Anne Spaeth, Marion Zalesky. Cassert Revokes Eight Licenses TRENTON Frederick J. Cassert, Jr., director of motor vehicles, lalt week announced eight license revocations for Monmouth county drivers under the point system. Marguerite C. McVarish,»9, of Sea Girt lost her license for an indefinite period. She was involved in a fatal accident last Oct. 2 In Wall townnhlp, in which Harry F. Weaverllng of Trenton was killed. Division investigation concluded that the woman failed to ascertain it was fe to start from a stopped position. Alfonm F. Rispolt, 28, of Neptune, one-year revocation. Improper passing; passed red light and three speeding; Johnnie Williams, 24, of Allentown, one-year revocation, reckues driving, speed- Ing and two careless driving; Robert P. Joyce, 30, ot Long Branch, Indefinite revocation, conviction in December in Florida for operating motor vehicle while under Influence of liquor; Hoiea L. Flagg, U of Freehold, two-month revocation, failed to yield right of way, careless driving and leaving scene of accident; Dulan J. Burnett, 3S, of Fort Monmouth, six-month revocation, reckless driving and two careless driving; Clyde W. Relnhardt, 34, of Neptune, operating privilege and registration revoked Indefinitely, careless driving and four no driver's license, and Arthur O. Yancy, S3, of Cliff wood, six-month revocation, passed red light, leaving scene of accident and speeding. RED BANK REGISTER TTiursdaf. Feb W.S.CS. TO MEKT LITTLE BILVER-Ths Women'i Society for Christian Service of th* Embury Methodist church will meet Wednesday, Mar. «, at 1:90 p. m. at ths home of Mrs. W. H. Shampanore, Willow dr. Miss Msrie Wllby will be co-hostess. A representative from the Monmouth County Mental Health association will speak on "Tht Church and Mental Health." KISLINS, Bedl Bank GOING SOUTH t BATHING SUITS Rose Marie Reid of California, Oantner, Sea Nymph, Grata Plattry, Besilyne. Cataltna, Cols of Calrfomls. Mies U to M, It to U Also Maternity Batting Suite KISLIN'S, Red Bank Broad * Frsat Sts, Mf 1-Hgs Distinguished Interiors Start With SILBERSTEIN Wrier* STYLE i* your first consideration Wrier* Function follows closely Where Distinction anei Durability mutt blend rhers SILBERSTEIN i. your first choice. At the Poet.sey., "THERE IS ALWAYS ROOM FOR IEAUTY." A picture window settincj, well fitted dip cover, an upholstered pises to match your docor. Thai* ere our specialties. Why not visit us and seo what wa hava to offer? May wa sea you toon? M. SILBERSTEIN Interior De ign$ CELEBRATING OUR 37TH YEAR M MKHANIC ST. SH 1-17*1 AIX WORK DONE ON OUR rkemiserl COMING TO RED BANK QFG COMING TO RED BANK] AltD I. FATTEN. Secretary of ItaU. BETTER Be first at HOUSEKEEPING SHOP to see the new Westinghouse SPACE-MATES! Do laundry doubb-qulck In Just 2b* ff *oacol At a awiaatlontl low prlctl BIG TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE NO DOWN PAYMENT Wnk mi dry tt tha BUM ttaa... Tw* S pound loads. Itonous N Way to. Washto Lwmdwratt-Thrifty Diraei AlrFJowtoDrrarl Just OM wmhlng»pa»d dota awry Job... stialy, ohnpltttty, DonaadloraclwoiaolipaedtvaveT. UBI 1M IMP, IM witsr, IM alaetrldtjrl Stack thorn up or us* them dde-by-eki*! IitfteO uirwhtftt la vbite tad beautiful Contacts Colon! IASY TIRMS ARRANMO M s«emr4n»*uratf WAFOHWBSTtNQHOUSE WHERE 919 TWNQ8 ARE HAPPENING FOR YOU* BETTER HOUSEKEEPING SHOP 44 MONMOUTH STRICT RED IANK TEL SHADYSIDE M310 Plenty of Free Parking Space In Rear of Store Entrance on White Street OWN MiDAY NI«NT UNTIL t O'CLOCK NOTE WE SERVICE EVERYTHING WE SELL T

48 *» Thursday, Feb. 28, 1957 ettcistel CUSSIHEO RATES Tkr*. C#t*» WtvtJ MlBlBmtl CtMFf*: $1.00 Double Rate for Doable Ss Ug- Blind ada. ueing Tke Register's F 0 Box 26c extra Right to elasaifr. edit f reject ear advertisement is reserved by The Register. We will not be reeponeible for errors unless they era detected before ths escond Insertion. No cancellation! will be accepts* er changes made In advertisements eao hour after reeaint at office. DEADUNEi Rsal Eetatei Tuesday Noea. Claael d Display i Wedaesday Hm JSi Otacrai S P M Waeaaeday. CU aaified SH 1*0010 FORtALI LOST AND FOUND tost-femsle beagle "SnuHy.." years. hollm vet. Vlcin ' thre. einitr Lincroft, pear Garden State.' Sept reward. SH 1-0H2. LOST Passbook No on Monnouth County National Bank. Red Bank. Finder please return to above bank T bank... T/nsT Grmy male eat between Shrewsbury and Eatontown. firit week in February. Reward. Any formation. SH 1-SS52. Lillian I j j j t? o n k y Wil ltamsjj_j t_?o JOST Blacifinale don. Medium lonu hair, part.hit. feet «nd chest. Friendly. Name "Boon." Reward. KE a.0035 after 4 P. M ' "U>ST Passbook # Muurooiitl 1 County N»tion«l B«nk. Red Bank. ' Under return to above hank. FOR SALE BENT A PIANO Find out befort you buy If your chill la adaptable by emitinc a brand new apintt piano A few dolltri a week, no extras, esrtagee. Every dime you par esrtagee. Beery dime you pay..- lowed if you purchase Limited oner at lusting Piano Co.. 1«Monmouth it Bed Banks Home of Stelnwar. "nickering Sohmar. Everett and Wurlltier, OST AND RAIL FENCING Indian and close woven cedar picket fences. < Sold and ereeted. No chin, for sii thtates. Used tsne. rails 60c Fire- lace wood. Charles T. Leonard. SH CONK'S BICYCLE SHOP Sinclair km. lion Brotd St.. Shrewsbury. Nsw aid ueed blcycles^rejpsjrj_an*lpartj WE BUY AND SELL ANYTHING. Contents of homes, stores, es-! tattl, sellers, titles, chins, glassi ware, antiques, art objects and all ' kric-s-brss, Ruscll't. tt East Front t. SH EGZER OWNERS For your good health and enjoyment, we offer our earefully selected meat and freeier "ids 'credit up to six month.. 01* Village Foods. Hit-away tt. MI I- t"94 flres RETREADING, vulcanising our specialty Your car tlsd up only 15 minutes to put loaners on while we recap your tires No chtrge for loansr service. Mount Tire Servlee 11 Maple at... Re* Bsnk. Phone SH TOUE FURNITURE Repairs*, reflnished or rebuilt. For Immediate attention, call EH Ask for Mr. Wilms or stop In at out shop, Pearl st. Be* Bank. T-4020 T ROSIN. JEWELER For col tims Expert wstch an* clock popular artists. All Mw anueed popular artists. A p le Mew anueed. many collectors' Items Booths tor listening Tuitlnje. If Monmouth at.. Red Bank. lifrigeratorb ANb washsrs. Heditid nnlshed Guarsntss* ifrigeratorb ANb washsrs. He conditioned, rennlshed. Guarsntss*. f to choose from. CA _-4»»4. conditione, Fifty to choose from. CA _-4»»4.?TTBNT1ON HOMt OWNERSI Bay' money by modsrnlilnf your house weursell. We are eauippt* to aupply you with all the materials necessary. Small monthly payments arrange* on Burchaae of any mttarials. Hsre.are sums of the Joba yoo can *oi Attte tasulatlon. application ( tllebosr* In kitchen or bath, nnish yeur basement ar attle Into a playroom bedroom or en. Complsta Uns of lumber, millork, hardware, paint, wall boar*, ti idig, piywoo*. doors, win. ion etc Free estimates American Lumber * Hih 15 t H work, ha tooting, siding, slows Insulation a your nee*a. American Lu Building Supply. Highway 15 at Headpen's Corner. Mlddletown. SH OsfcO LUNCHEONETTE, res»uran t it Fi Bi U store equipment. Marie griddles, sflesrs. ld ti h TTE, es» Fountains. Bain ff u ntains. coffee urns, l t Marie griddes, sflesrs. coee urns, sslsd sections cash registers, largest la New Jersey. Ws buy for eaah. Immediate removal Kal's. 17 South Main at. Neptune. PR t iouse MEAt. 18 cent, per pound. Packed In live-pound package, -0 snts. Swartsel's Garden Center, Faint SMI* Hardware. Hailet. QUALITY LAMPS AND SHADES Sale of showroom samples an* Iscontlnue* numbers tt fsr bslow soit. May be seen at factory dnily ntil I P. M. Fridays until», Saturdays until 1, Towsr Craftsmen. Inc, loi Chastnut St., Re* Bank. FlVE-GALLON FAILS with handle 15 cents each. Guarantee* not to leak. Pick them up at Aabury Park Window Cleaning Co.. office. Building «tl. Fort Monmouth. BUYS SUCK AS THESE make our shop the popular place it is. Five-piece kitchen let 119, utility cabinet 14.75, rocker 14.76, chests f.10, etc, R-ecils,!- E, Front st. MARE. OLD BOOKS maps prints re itting to strly Amsrica, New Jorsej at* Monmouth county. Out-of-print classics and fins bindings. Oricntalla. Curlott, firat editions, tutogrtphed eoples f«the reader, collector. Apliaals. China an< Glass Shop, Red ft T-N-TBAR Five feet. Ideal your "wreck" room, SH 1- E BUY ANYTHING and everything aad Bwirtii l l e the best prices. Call Leff Furniture, Highway... fernltura tt GOOD trade-ins oa your old have an outlet for Swtrts ajleff Furniture. Highway 8H I-I2U. PHONB BH W. E. De- Nyss, Your local Electrolui representative. %ORLD BOOK Encyclopedia for the whole family. Officially approved. Nationally recommended Aik any likrarian Convenient buditet payment plan. Free booklet on request. Write, Dorothy Stoll. 605 Grassmere ave. Interleken. N. ).. or KE I-2H2. TCMCO 7B,00<l btu's floor furnace, Complete. Thermostat, governor, transforms!-! Include*. ICO. KE 6- ttni PIANOS Save 1100 or more o* lilt price on brand new 88-not«Spinet pianos. Five-year guarantee. Com* eec and aava. Oeoan county Piano Exchange. I0< Main St., Lakowooa Open cvsnings by appointment. GENERATORS snd nt.rtera for automobiles rebuilt. 488 Main at., Belford, TOP SOIL. TOP SOIL Very food and tented. From farm to you. Lawna graded and aeeded. Gravel fill dirt. Call after < P M. MI S-0IH8. ',* H. P. ELECTRIC MOTORS Reconditioned IS and up 488 Main it., BelFord AfrENflONTBCVERS^New and uaed office equipment, lurh a* letter and legal filei. wood and metal deski, chaira tablet metal ehelving-. blueprint cabinets at unlimited savings. Ralph Rncci 299 Wsshingtos it.. Keyport. KE SEE THE MODEL Weyarhauier home decorated by Foamart on rt, 25. All diaplay furniture sold at reduced price. EA THE PEOPLE'S CHOICE Cy and Art'a Anniversary first quality rya or gin 12.9H a fifth Open until 7 P. M. dally. Friday and Saturday until P M. Cy and Art'a Ocean eve.. Sea BnBlvL. TROMBERG-CARLSON 12' Uble' model TV with I'M radio. Good Working condition 25. Vail Shrewabury Radio * TV Of.en tvt., Set Bright. RU "dl FERGUSON TRACTOR Motor overhauled laat spring Front and roar lights, battery ' Hood rubber In tip-top ehsps with plow, disk and harrow Call eveninva or Sunday. THATOKR KURNACE-ln opersttng condition with oil burner aurl con. troll, ronplete. Excellent value, AT»11H6-H, SALE UHEI" HUGH-tilr, «xl«, 9x19, I'ixH. Hooked ruit. 9x12. Aasort- Bleiil of other aleea: ruir iiada, manlu thrrr-piers living room set, odd chairs, oribi mst'le Iteda. tea wagon small Ununatand. two aeta of lamp tahlei, Msortin.nt of hrlr-a-brar. Shors Fur. If-(",.. Hl.fcwsr 16, Uurencs Harbor. X CUSTOM LAMP SHADES Silk fabric, parchment, fibre glsss. Lamps wired tn* mounted. Hile gteiner Studio, J44 West Front su SH 1-5S62. FOR THE BEST DEAL ta s u e* signs, contact Breach Supply Service, Broadmeedow Farm, Re* Bank. SH 1-Z108. OFFICE SUPPUES Ribbons and carbon parsr Typewriters an* adding machines sol*, rented an* rspaired. Serpico's. 101 Monmoulh st. next to Carltnn theater. SH PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS All makes. New snd reconditioned Alandint* machines Guaranteed Baey budget terms Serpico's, 101 Monmouth st. SH Next to Carlton theater. WEAR K.NAPP Aerotred shoos for comfor., quality end long service. Made ith built-in arches and cushion inner soles^ Priced from tt.fts an* sip. Call C. j. Clayton. CA WHEELCHAIRS, HOSPITAL BEDS for rent or sals by week or month. Call Clayton Surgical Service. SH LLE' FAN BELTI D PUL trie motore in stock. tys for else Douglas Electric Co.. 35 Eaat Front at. Phone SH T-012B. OLYMPIC 16' CONSOLE TV. mahogany. Excellent aecond set 110, Call RU 1-110(1. Shrewsbury Radio 4 TV, 1070 Ocean ave. Sea Bright. TOPSOIL Manure. Ltrgt loads. Still delivered et winter rate* Conrad Smith Nursery EA Pleats sail evenings. HOSPITAL BEDS Wheel thslrs. Bant or buy. New or used. SH 7-2«14. Free delivery Soath Jersey Surgical Supply Co., It East Froct at. Be* Bank. BRAND NEW 1957 Zenith 21* Space Command TV. List for Our one dsy speeisl, Call RU Shrewsbury Radio 4 TV, 1070 Occsn ave,. Sea Bright. TRUSSET ~" toml SttlngTVy "quaiffled'mafe "and female fitters. Also carry complete line of tlckroom neeeialtiss Incltdlng canes, crutches tnd raottl Items Clayton Surgical Service. SH SSES BELTS, elastls stockings, tlnelal limbs braces an* ets. Per- VERY GOOD CONDITION Low Priced. «1" cow pen panel, It' cow pen gates, 17' bull psn psnsl, i' bull pen gates, 2' bull pen stanchions, 2' breeding gstes, 8" water bowls. Singe vacuum pump type BB I, corn shelter, Harvey Cylinder: front end loader for Farmeyi tractor, silo crane 14/30 an* waion sides, top and bottom 14', Riverflelds Farm, Rum ion rd., Rumaon. RU 1-0S76. AN ANTIQUE to be real fun must be _a bargain 1 Have you bean to Soho Housst You'll be Intrigue* an* pleated with the stock an* the tabs. Shop open evenings aftsr «. Saturday after 1, and all day Sunday. SH 7- S78«or 74 Shrewsbury an.. Re* Bank. STERUNG AND Sllverplite Shopping Service Fittwara and hollowsre. Nationally famous brands at a saving. Betty Johnson. CA Call bttwesn t tnd t P. M WATER SOFTENERS Using Dowsx, high capacity watsr softening ruin. Easy Instillation for do It yourself Only 189 complete. Water Conditioner- Ing. EA AFRICAN VIOLETS Hundreds of the but varieties, superb foliage, profuse blooms. Greenhouse at 121 West En* Lilt price Our one day epeeial till. Call RU Shrewsbury Radio4V Television Ocean ave. UPHOUTKRY SUPPLIES sold retail. Fabrics, twinsi, cotton bitting, fun rubbtr, webbing, ticks, muslin, braid ing. etc. Furniture polishes and elsan ers. Estimates given on reupholster. Ing. Easy charge. Glglio'e Upholster, ing Shop. 41 Fourth ave.. Long Branch, CA 9-19O. STOVES. RANGES repair parti. Stove store. Ingwood ave.. Asbury Park. E FEjiCING wholesale prices. n i ll Selling reull at We have in stock, i bd i fence win scroll win. border wire, chicken wire. etc. gstes and posts. Also cedar post snd rail fenelng per section Myron P. Koilcky tnd Aimeiatea. Highway 15 Eatontown BABIES AND CHILDREN, photo, graphed In your own home. Jack 4 Jill Studios, Red Bank. SH PIANO With tons that only Stein. way can give In a gleaming ma. hoginy Louis XV cass. The answer to decorator'! dream. All this for the unbelievably low pries of 11,500. Inspection lnvlted. SH_ NEW 21" CROSLEY TV console, on swivel baae. List price I2C0. Our one day eptcial Call RU Shrewsbury Radio * Television, 1070 Ocean eve.. Sea Bright. ANTIQUES All kinds from all over. Gift boi and wrluen Identification accompanyi all gifts. Decorative ae. cessories coniultsnt Alice Sand. 217 River rd.. Red Banli. FACTORY OUTLET Clearance sale. Corner Worth Bridge ave. and West Front It. Children's poplin car costs, alses 3 4, Lsdiss' raincoats, 116 value for Men's fleece and cashmere suburban* value, Girl's coats value, _H FR_. ILLUSTRATED BOOKLET - "Your Child's Success In Tomorrow'i World." Courtesy of Worl* Book Encyclopedia. No obligation. No home demonstration call, except by appointment. Write or phone Dean Riggina. 98 Standleh rd.. Little Silver. SH , More people buy Worl* Book thanjiny other Encyclopedia. SHOPSMITH-Brand new condttlbs; Uied leia than 10 houn. Complete with bench: 12" sanding disc tnd all acceuoriei, EA after I cillvome 1-ohMICA TOt TABLE, 30x«o. one leaf, gray and red two Ide chain, dinette let. junior atyle. Walnut French provincial two Isavas, four chain, aerver to match Rug, 12x11. light green, undertuft. Radio- >hont>gra ih console, Zenith blond. Hunter elxtrlc two-apeed 18" fan ventilating and oscillating. SH after 7 P, M. week-day..* KITCHEN SET Yellow porcelain top table with pull-out extension, illver drawer, chrome legi: two yejlow chairs chrome lege SH WEAREVER STROLLER Baby's earbed and bathmette Like new C22 complete. SH after 4 P. M.* BENDIX Fully automatic. Economat washer, hot or warm washing action and two full rinainge Owner moving. Beat offer. SHI ^95 4, TWO WOOD FRAMED wall mi rron, large; five ash doors, ons with glsas panels: ons rsdiator. Phone RU 1- I0«7 for djiaenaiom BEDROOM FURNiSHINGS Antiques snd miscellsneous pieces. Ml S J ANTIQUE SHOW AND~SALE Msrct S. 4 snd 5. Jswish Community Center Si Main St.. South Rivsr. 1 to 10 P. M daily. Snack bar. Admission to cents.. FURNITURE MADE TO ORDER Foam rubber eectionals. Resdy to finish rock msple. Furniture making auppliea. Foamart, rt. SS, Eatontown, MAROON RUG 7' CxC. goo* condltion Also Msgie Chef ttove. Can be seen st 1 or I Beach St.. Sea Bright.' BABY GRAND PIANO Goo* condition. Call after t P. M. No dealers, SH , NINE-PIECE MAHOGANY dining room aet. KE e «" RADIAL 8KIL SAW With I h. p. motor. 220.V or 11«*V. Liks iw. Uaed only once. MI s Ueed only )AIKE 1 FRIGIDAIRE It cu. ft., doubls door, frseier top, Phlics electric range, four burners, two ovens. Bendix washdryer combination. Radiator eovera, 28 Inches high, various lengths. Phone PR for appointment. LARGE BROADLOOM RUG!2'xS4\ worn, will cut into two goo* 12*xl2'. Allen's Shoe Store. 91 Broad st.. Bed Bank. Phone SH ' OVERCOAT Lady's dreeeee. suits; kit«hsn set f6. three lawn chsirs 95, combinstion desk, club chair, 16; Irons 1.50: wardrobe consols TV MS. consols Philco radio 110. Miscellaneous 1)8 Port Monmouth rd.. Port Monmouth." PLAYPEN Exceptionally sturdy. Very good condition 110. SH , OMEGA BNLARGBR Model D-2. MO. Inauire 74 First at. Keyport. DUNCAN PHYFE dining room set. Two leathsr top occasional tables, two twin beds, all for $160. SH Classified Rates to Be tacreased The Keel steak MtgUUr wui ImeKmM IU dasmlflei «4v«rtWaf charge* ««««Mar. 1, INT. Ymut favarito h«sm >ewtf»fr htw hcem gm«to Bsalmtsvte Ma fhmuta, g4ver«alar; rntet) at the gsum levd ftr s»of» tfcaa faar fmn. Hawcvcr, It was ItaaUjr cwsaacueti to IMKSVM th. cstswlfle. ehmr-ei *M to ee*ataatljr rtttag faagwr a a. ope>ra>ttnc eomu. After Mar. 1, the «imlb»un emarg. will ha HM t t SS worela ar leas, ainfto tpacod, with va-eemt eharga tor caek additional word. Double spaced adverttmswato will ha charfed at douhie rate, aa U the practtea at regeat. The charge far u* ml The eiister'a box for aaawen to tlawlfled aaverttaesacato will reouoa at (I ceatg. > If yea are gmtr nusalaf aajr ebmslfled adrrrtltlai ea a eantlbuow hasm, pleaaa aanfjr ear cuaojfled iepahnieal of aajr ehaagca hefare Mar. 1. CAKOTEMUTO BBOS. Builders. Al types W work. letlmate given. M l-»tie ETPEBT~ FOR SALE PAINT Pewter gray Door and deck enamel for concrete or wood. Sale price 4.t6 per gallon, regular price (.98 At Little Silver Lumber * Supply Co. 16 Sycamore ave.. Little Silver. SH FANS Miami Carey, I* eiheust fan, ssle price , regular price At Little Sllvsr Lumber * Supply Co.. 16 Sycamore tvs.. Little Sllvsr. SH in»h CAULKINU 8ALB WnUe or gray, gallon tubas lie, guns At Little Silver Lumber Supply Co., Sycamore are.. Little Silver. SH RCA COLOR TV New an* used, st right prices, Anderson Music, 21 res* St.. Be* Bsnk SOUTH Sell MOVING SOUTH Sell Hotpoint refrigerator, like nsw. 1190; double day be* rock wool insulation, reasonable; fur coat, else 10: men's sport jacket, sine»«bh 1-U97." DINETTE SET Bendix washing machins, gas ranajs. slngls snd double beda Simmons boxsprlng an* mattrsu. china closet and other itemi. SH 7-2B20.' in! uwvaw BBIB *.*«m ear m lew e^am a DELUXE MAYTAG wringer-type wash sr. ISO, Excellent condition. Frig I- dalre all porcelain. (26, Phone EA 307J7 r BBAUttFUL'l.* EHERSON TV recon dltioned console. I2», Uks it wltl you. Call RU Shrewebury Radio 4 TV, 1070 Ocean ave.. Set BHsht, li-gauge SHOTGUN Like new, ISO, 88 Willow st.. Port Monmouth, MOVING Rock maple bedroom euits 1176, four limed oak and black tables 116 each. A.B.C. automatic washsr MS. Johnston, 21 red type power mowsr 165, Seth Thomas 8-day mantel clock 120, Lewyt vacuum cleaner 115. two living ronm lamps 15 two bedroom chsirs 125. limed oak phone bench tlo, limed oak mageilne nek 15. ama coffee table 15. live wood tilt pore hades ' window fan 15, 20-qt. preaauro cooker 17.50, miseehaneoue lawn, garden tools 10; Hollywood bed. complete : brass umbrella sund t*. three, bedroom lampe 115, phono cabinet 15, toastsr. electric juicer, each 15; plaque SH * BRAND NEW 17" mahogany Croslay, Uble model. List Our ons dsy special, 177. Call RU Shrewsbury Radio * Television. 107 Ocesn svs.. Sea Bright. GAS RT»TUGERATOR Reatonabls. 40 Byrnee lane, Eatontown. EA t M.* MAPLE TWIN BEDS Spring an* mattress. In good condition. SH after «P. M. HOUSE TRAILER Due to the natui of my recent job. I am forced to sell my 196i, >0' Marietta trailer. Approximately six months old. Can not tell from new. This trailsr Is fully equipped with bsth and shower, Llttl cash required and take ovsr pay msnts. AT W or HI»-H»«-ll VACUUM CLEANER Hoover, model 26, ( Prsmisr-FR-2, Fins shape. Call afternoons er eveis. 8H 7-m».' THE BUY OF A LIFETIME Croslr duo-shelvador freeier and refrigerator. Lilt Our prlee Call RU Shrewsbury Radio a Televlslon Ocean ave. Boa Bright. FOUR SCALE MODEL "O"-geuge loeomotlves. Also some rolling stock. _ - RACTICALLY bed boxsprlng CAO-KSB ' NEW maple douwe nd mattrees. CaH YOUR E.ST BUY in use* furniture. Our block-long assortmsnt offsrs you ths best for the lesst. Coins in, browse. Ruse ill, 25 E. Front tt. AUTOMATIC WASHER Typewriter; combination radio-record player, Child's ileik. two-piece living room luite bedroom mite, doubls or twin i«di. Two small matching wool rugs, 'hllro cabinet radio. Venetian blinds. luvlng. Will sscrlhcs. It Hudson svs. led Bank.* -INK BRONZES Bngllal, Tiffany grandfather's clock with Westminster hlmis OrlenUl Jsrillnierea 600-gal. «inforced ualvanized tank, for oil Kaa or water: Simplex gai and electric Ironer, lane Hill ssnltary clothes drier, irae <H>*rnt*4l: new deluxe electric itove Slmmiuii folding bed. snd other Items, Mu.t be sold bsfors mov. Inir Weet A. K. Stern. RU I Bellevus avs., an* Runson rd.. Bum- GAS AND OIL combination stove. White enamel. Also Wtetlnghouss automatic washer, like new. Please eall at 4 8aeond St.. Rnmson.* HAY First cut alfalfa. S psr ton. WH i-8211 or WH HAY FIBLD ISO acres alfalfa mixes standing. SH TRAILER Two-wheel, one ton capac- Ity stake bed, good condition. SH 7-118t after 5:10 P. M. HOUSE SHUTTIBS All slses. Marfsletop tables, desk tsble pine chests, oil lamps, glassware, ete. Reasonable. Antique Shop, (nssr Are house) Main st.. Port Monmouth. Open dally. Sundare KE S-I900-J. Off rt. >«,' GAS RANGE Good condition. Ji Jackson tt.. Long Branch, CA I 0128, THRBfi-PtECE MAPLE living n set. Slipcovers. Good condition. 8H 1189«' fir_sl ww gag-yuji resr* 1 Ataswvwsv irtywa vi a tar tsr-typo. with pump. Cheap. Cal after t P. M. BH CHINA ANTIQUES Oil paintings, bow front chests, matching mirror, sea chest, bric-a-brac household articles, etc.. after 10 A. M, Saturday an* Bun. day only. Warran st. entrance, lot Main St.. Keyport.* NAME BRAND RADfOS fllres-way portables sssorte* colors. 50% orl Call RU Shrewsbury Radio * Tslsvlslon, 1070 Ocean avo.. Sea Bright. MAPLE BEDROOM and dinette tett. Sectionals, soft and chair, studio coueh convertible sofa, gas itove. refrigerator, porch rockers wicker let, wishing machine, chrome and mapls kitchen set. wardrobe closet, oil better. crib, playpen television chest, Hollywood bed electric itove. Singer tewing machine, piano, mahogany and maple twin beds. EA 1-U7t, naple PENN PENNSYLVANIA power lawn mower. Model deluxe. Type # Blue. Hardly used. Cost Will tell for Rotary lawa boy. " pow er mower, model 1 F 10 K. In excel lent working condition. Cost Will ssll for 185. Both for H after 1:10 P. M. NORGE AUTOMATIC 18 months Largs. old four poster bed. 150; chrome an* plastic high chair 110. typewriter ( Sycamore ave.. New Shrewsbury.* HAR'LEY-DAVIDSOrf motorcycle Model 115. Perfect condition. Ideal for going to work. SO mllai to gallon, W. Roiebtrry. rt. 1. Box ft A. Mttawan. or 98 Harrison ave.. Fair Haven.' tuk'» TTTENCH COAT Sits, tl white shoe roller ikatei. girl's, ilss 7. «7; carpet sweeper. Btstells, Hi Wonder Worl* encyclopedia, 11 vol. umea. 110; Und Mark books, toe sach: phonogrspa records 711; threepiece carving set $1, eleetrlc bettsr tt, deep well electric cooker It. SH 1-710, SELLING OUT Csrmsn clocks, eightdsy msntel chimes eight-day mambrans, sight-day wall chimes, eight-day wrought Iron clocks. 400-day clocks, cuckoo clocks, wrought iron wsll electric clocks, alsrm clocks, electric shavers, olive wood religious goods from Jerusalem, Muet be sold. SOI John, stone it.. Perth Amboy, Closed Mondays. Sundtys, 1 to P. M. until Mar 17. ' REFRlGEitATOR Kins cu. fttcrlii dalra. Good condition. Best rets, onsbls offer. SH " GAS RANGE Divided burners, broiler.»95. One-ton Hotpoint air conditioner 115. MI , TWIN BEDS Maple, new mattressss, excellent condition. Pries ISO. 44 Howard tvs,. Red Btnk. Two block! wsit of Shrewsbury avs. snd Newman Springs rd ROYAL PORTABLE typswrltsr 140. Very miud sondjt!gn,jly_j^0_7 J!* OPPORTUNITY SHOP ANTIQUES Ssvsrsl mahogany O.Cse mirrors. Oil paintings, hanging lamp with prisms. Isrgs Canton blus and whits plstter, Austrian tea set for six, four msple, cane eeated cottage chairs. Beautiful, tufted lovs isst. arm chair, two allpiisr chslra, aoft, roas figured mtln trimmed with long fringe Dec- >rstsd pins furniture, Majolica, cut an* atternsd glasa, Dolls, Jswslry, sllvsr. If you ars aelllng, call us, you will Ilks our prlrss. Ths Mstthsws, IU Broadway, Koypoat. KE 7-1(41. DWARF APPLE TREES Eight fsst, Tandy to bear a full crop; smsller lists dwarf, appla and psar. Standard apple, peach, plum and cherry Rsspbsrry and strawberry plants, Aanaragus an* rhubarb roots. Bucklln Fruit Farm and Nurseries, Phalanx rd.. Lincroft. 8H HAY Fine mixed, bale*, about 12 torn 115 a ton. Call after * P. M. BA ' KITCHEN STOVE Good condition, 120. Call HI SIGN AND POSTS 116' long. 1 high. Made of long lasting galvanised metal. Original cost 14,000. Suitable for new or used car lot or many other businesses. Make am offer. Call Asbury Auto Salea PR PAINT-UP, FIX-UP With "Rain. bow's" BPS paint. Over 800 colors. Lasting beauty. Wallpapers. Costs lets at "Rainbow," 171 Broad et., (opposite Acme) led Bank. 8 * H stsmps. HI-FI'S WERE 1*4.95. now New tl' TV, was , now TV ssrvies. SH "Rainbow," 175 Broad St., (op. votite Aeme) Red Btnk. 8 4 H ttmps given, WeVftAJlOLn NEON roadside sign. Hand truck. Miscellaneous Bird snd animal cages. Phone MI 5-0S80 sfter» P. M. NEW AND USED FURNACES 01 burners, blowen, controls. Duct work, registers, tanks snd stainlsss steel. W. Bennett. SH_lI68tt!. ANnSNNXS*REPAlKED end installed. We service all make television reeelvers. We arc tuthorlsed tnd prompt. Call now, RU Shrew.bur: Radio 4 Television Ocean sve Sea Bright. THE PERFECT PAIR Crosier 11 cu. ft. refrigerator and cu. ft. freeier, 1800 combination for Call RU Shrawabury Radio * Television, 1070 Ocesn tve. Sea Bright. BABY CARRIAGES New, from Stroller, from cribs, play, yards, msttressss. etc. Save tt R«< Bank Carriage Shop. I Eaat Front st ~ " ~ ink. r BUSINESS NOTICES PAINTEK DECORATOR aad. hangar: laterior aad exterior I years experience animates eseerfull given Louis Casean 441 Shrewsbury T«s_Bank4_8H 1-170J. CABBUBfcioiW AND magaetoe rebuilt Quick factory workmanship. Douglss Bleetris Co Eaat front at. Red Bank. 8H_7-012a. _ ^ FOE fxpebt CARPET ana linoleum imtahatloa. It years experience. POO_ CLEANED aad built: i tls tanks cleaned aad -stalled, drains uatilled. TelepaoM aay time day er algkt RU Hsrvsy C. THton 17 Highland ave. Rumsoa lammcan DESIGN tad Htntlag. Fine lawns, thade trees, distinctive elsntlng. I. H. Smyths, Laadacape Design and planting. 8H PAINTER DECORATOR- letn perlence in Metropolitan area Plja. taring window fitting ete tt Sells, tt Shrewsbury ave. Highlandi H TILING Floor and wall. Samplee _ thowr^ tree estimates given, Rady EPTIC TAHKS cesspools laterals, dry wells; rumplng and balidlng. Jtcob Perl trading at -Atlantis Cess. pool Service.- Shrewsbury dr.. Bum aoa. EU 1-10H EXPERT DBIVINO Imtruttlont, Learn la aafety to drive safely. Leek (at the tar with two steering wheels, ploaeere la auto driving Inttraetliat since Easy Method. Aute Driver Training School, East Front st. SH or CA I»W~CONTRAC*lNCrcO. Custom built homes. Altsratlons. additions and taiagei. 48-hour approval en financing. AT J t ^ Z X f I -^^^^B.e» m CftNBRAL CONTRACTOR and pooli cleaned: carting and grading, top toll stanurs All dirt, cinders, K vel and land Bttlmttes given Oscar Bscksr.-47 Seeow st.. Fair Haven. HOT WATER OR stesm heating boiler and oil burner for four to six-room house. Supplies Its gallons per minute of domestic hot water. Includes controls All in goo* condition. Compact unit. A bargain at lit! cash, Call MI R.* NnOUEFURTU-lU Maple avo.. Rod Bank.' ELECTRIC RANGE Three burners and deep well, automatic oven timer, clock. Excellent condition. 17*. SH after 5:10 P. M, ill Beechwood, 8hrewabnry.«OFFICE FURNITURE Seven beautiful condition 00* double pedestal deeki and swivel ehtirs, bench, Ale tnd locker. Ruselli, E, Front It. RUBBER STAMPS Super livings. Three lines. for hoase ant but> Insss. AH stamps cushioned mounted aad knob handles. Money back gutrantee. Mlddletown Rubber Stamps, Poet Omee Box»l Mlddlstown.' MAGIC CHEF GA8~8TOVIr^Practleal- Large, Slattei with oven control, lit. Wrlngsr-type, 110. heater, wlcklcst. tlo. Slattcry gti _e*b_... _.._».*-a SB at ^_B A HILCO Radio combination. 111 chrome kitchen tot til. Philco re. rlftrator. needi repair.. KE t TWO-PIECE LIVING ROOM 8ET Mahogany bedroom suite, tables. dressing tsblss. All in good condition. RU 1-im.* SINGBR ELECTRIC nwlng machine. Lovely, like new, blond oak cabinet, modernistic console round bobbin, S tail. Modern Bleetrolux tank vacuum with attachments. 110; taps recorder with ease 110, Royal portable typewriter til. Mutual BUSINESS NOTICES CESSPOOLS and septlt Unit cleaned. Low ratee Michael U Mahoaoy Litcraft. 8H ACUUM CLEANERS raptlrod aay mike Allen ElsMrtc Shop It White it.. Red Bank, SH FIRST SECOND and third mortgages placed and purcktsed RE-nntnte rour property «nd git needed cash, plui reduced monthly payments. If you owa lay type of property and delira mortgage assiitanee of any kind, eall ua for Immediate aad eenndentla unite Jeroms J Kirts lit* Broad t. Ntwarh N. J (Suite ttt). Open dally t ta I. Market 4-tttl Mon. day and Wednesday evcalngl ittll BgjsiviCas. axeaat laid elsarlag drlvswayt built tnd id Ml dirt d l t ld jvod Grading aa CA Ml dirt elndert Gading vswayt built tnd and gravel, top Trees and stumps d Medlar, of lawat UCK'S CABINET SHOP tit Rlvar rd. Fair Havtn. Furniture rednlihej aad reptlred and wood work of all types. SH OIL LAMPS converted for tleolrlf Ity. Lsmps rewired. Bring your't In todty. Hsrold'i Radio an* leetrle Shop, Wail Front it. Re* Btnk. SH ELECTRIC MOTOR rebuilding It our business Cell ui for quick tervlct. Douglae Bleetrlr Co. 16 East Froat St.. Red Bink. SH T-01Z8. FLOOR WAXING-Call SH Superior Floor Watlng Co Prism homes our ipsclsltr PR1MERANO "The Carpenter " Experlsnced alteration and rtpalr work done outside end Intldt, Also ctblntt work. SH CESSPOOL AND SEPTIC tank seatractor Ctsavools dug an* cleaned. ptle tanka and dralne Inetalled earl 1 eiper enct Howard Tllton 10 " ter tt Rumtoii Phone RU ffi R7)OVER Cl.liArJehs repaired bru.n.. rehrlstled. Mien Elaoerlr Shop 18 White st. SH 7-OIH. BUILDING CONTRACTOR Sew construction alteration! repairs Her. liert Elgenrauch. BH , ELECTRICAL WORK By hour or contract. No Job too big or too tmtll. For prompt service, call ths A. H. Elsetrls Us., Mills ave,, Port Monmouth. KB INCOME "TAX RBfBRNo prt completely by competent tutlsticlsn. Individual tuilntit or firm. Thorough background on u i law requirement: compliance for maximum legal rtfum or laving inured. Business establishsd In this area for six years. Reference! furnished. Your home or mine. Margcry Trovtto. Ml t-ltlt. BUCrn TKRKEIlY-U.dsc.p. Con" tractlag Co Tractor heavy duty retotllllrg and rotary mowing Recon. Itlonlng and aew lawm ihrubt Rill and win fencing Laid during prun. Ing and tret removal t t William et. Red Bank 14-HOUR SERVICB on tke repair of radios and electrical appliances. Hirold't Radio and Electric Shop, West Front it.. Red Bsnk. 8H TRUCKING AND odd jobbing. Cellars, attics, yards cleaned. Painting, carpentry, mason work. Winter rates. W -_A JahrtM. EA 1-O79I-W. MAS0lrCNTR"=" AS0lrC0NTRACT0RPlss< foundltlons. irepltces, ttoria and brick work. Payments can be made oa time. AT FUELS If you want tie best. Call SH Fuel ou meters* delivery. Prompt service, Haslebrook eoal. Frank B Lawei. Newman Spring* rd. Our only location riouroalrh INCOME TAX URNS IUOHE TAX RETURNS prspsred by former Internal revenue tgtnt, Frank Blake 14 East Washington art. Atlantlc Highlands, AT INCOME TAX SlRVTCE By ta experieneed tax accountant st yonr homo or omce. Retarai prepared in full compliance with tax regulations ta enable yen to obtain all possible ssvlngs. SH J. H. Gil AIR CANING Pickup and delivery. 8If l**8t84s ROOFING, RAIN PIPES, gutters. rotft rtpalred. New roofs. Rain pipes aad roof gotten cleaned, repaired, replaced. Drain tile and dry wells Intullsd to aolve year «rtlnage prebltma. oatlsfsctloa guar. anteed. Freo.lataeetlen and ettltattt for prompt tanlte. Call R. Gibson, MI I-Olll. DANCE CLASSES Ballet, toe Up, Music, sccordlon, guitar, piano, rjnst trumpet, sax. violin. Davis?f»olos. Norwood ave., Long Branek. CA t-otli. jluj KOLEDA CONSmUcTIoN CO., INC.-» General contracting. Building, rt- - Flaanelng arranged. 8H 1 O B 141 Red Bak Flaanelng a O Box 141 ged. 8 Baak. WARM AIR HEATING Compute heating systems Installed lilt.. Repairs te want air famaees. Duct work, all kinds. Cold air returns. Sheet tttttl work. Lot at modernlie yaw present keatlag slant. Bertolette. Km l-lltl-r. PHILIP CAWPO^ - Watoary, stone,,,.brick work aad general extracting. Little and big Joba. Twsntr-ive yean thing UBB Bi thing aarwhsrs Art work. Oil Pt'otlngt Theatrical aeeaery. Phetot l d T k lettering Bllt t work aa any Art work. Oil Ph Pt'otlng colored Truck lettering Blglsst rat. lag ftdsrtl Civil Service Etukllshsd 41 years Red Baak N h Bd SH years Red Ba ave. SH Theatrical aeeaery. Pheto Truck lettering Blglsst rat l Cii Sice Etukllshsd North Bridge pairs, ettl! HOMES garaim tlteratlons rtqusllty work. ~ k. For an SH TOP SOIL, MANURE-1 Still dellvirod at wlnmr ratta. Con. rad Smith N.rtery BA I-1410 Pleats paperham day o L Est or cootraet. Alto tlmttst ehnrfully....^orsssn AT 1.0IU.J. ^,TREE SERViOE=ATrtypti of trot trimming and removal. Poles set an* ttrlsl work done. Full Insurmot covings on equlpmsnt ana prop. erty damagi. SH OUAkANTttb TttLIVIBloU Wrvl.ln, within two hours from row call. A C. Radio and Television Company. Armand A. Irupl. owner S Ihrewtbury ivt. 8H PAINTING-DECORATINtrSiperhi ing Interior at* txterlor. Wi guaranteed, nrst-clais. Frts estlmtt Call evsnlngs, SH i Dsslturlert. 04 Whltt rd. Little VST PAlKTlNG" AND btfloraf INO-In:' torior and exterior: alto panerhang- Ing iormlea counter tops. Twenty 'tart sxperlsnce. Free eitlmatss. BH ARPINTER Altiritlons kitchen cabinet work. Reasonable prlcee. T. Hlrrllon. SH SEPTIC TANKS and cesspools slstaod. Alto dry well!, drains Installsd Ettlmttee glvtn. Oaear Becker 47 teeond tt., Fair Haven. SH AINTINQ raperhangino fensrsl Routs repsirlng high grade work At rsssonabls prlsss Established 1911 Bell of rsfsrenree from long standing ttomers are available. William ihacht tl Tenth et Welt leensburg 4 04 W, E DAVIS CO. Bull-builders. Hueclalists «all kinds of fins Interior stairways Prices reasonable. Estak- ^ " VdU "WAIT-Re. b kll Wrt^vYTltlJ. VdU WAITRe duae service charges by krlnglni your radio or television tat In fur repairs A. C Radio and Tolevlilu Cum. ny Armtns A Crupl owner. HI Ihrewtba/y svs. BH l-tftl. CARE Have your tract la perfect condition for summer. Tree removal, prunlag. braeine* and feeding done promptly at sonablc coat. AT J. PXlNtER~!atcr!or or exterior papcrhanging. Call Clark, CA t-lttl or Nspoll SH 1-4H7. ATLANTIC LAWN SERVICE Arrange now for early spring iswa rolling, fertilising and liming. Lawns rolled with metorlsed Tandem rollers wnies eliminate tiro or traction markings. AT M after 1:10 P. M. through S W J4-HOUR SERVICE On cleaning Ve astian bllads. Complete renovsting service and new euitom mtde linel. Monmoeth Veaetitt BUnd Clsai lit _at River rd RU 1-tttt. WOOD VENETIAN BUNDS Painted, new tape and cord. Moamoulh Venetlaa Blind Cleanere.~ lit East River rd. RU BUSINESS OPPORTUNmf HIGHWAY BUSINESS properties for tile or lease. Ideal diner, luncheonette location. Also two service station locations, permits available, located at railroad station. Many ethers. George V. Ilmensee rt. 14. Colt's Neck. PR HUP WANTED BXPERftNCED TV RlPAlRMAN-In. tide int. outside work. Top pay. Harold's Rtdit tnd Eltetrlt Skev. It W. Front st. SH STENOGRAPHER Write, stating age, experisnes If sny and salary expeetoi te "L. 8.." Box 611 Red Bank, AD~IO ASD PHONOGRAPH»p.irmtn. Part-tlmt. EA Ask TELEviri5S~BIP*lRMAN-Vicitl and holidays with pty. EA NURSES NEE JEEDED Registered nurse. 7 to I per month; I to 11. lit* per month; 11 to 7, 1210 per month. Two operating nurses needed. State policies are bting adhered to. Contact director of nurses. Hsisrd Memorial Hospital, Waahingtoa St.. Long Branch. BARBERS White or colored. Apply Building 701, Fort Monmouth. _^_T-~full-tlmo wages for pirt time work. No expcrltnct ns tary Car sissntisl. Inquire nboui free lllverwtrs. EA t q l-0»» Will LOCAL SALESMAN Will tetch yo our line. Earn while leerning to b a creative ttlssman. Must htvs car, PR for sppoliitraent. BAiiES Full of psrt-tlme. txper leneed only. Apply In person to Acctrdl't Barber Shop 7(1 River rd Fair Htvcn. THRB* AVON SALtS repretentitivot needed in Rumson. Fair Haven and Middlatown. For further Information, cat! SH MU8IC TEACHER Experisnsed, needs* to help with our sxpsndlng anrollmsnt. Especially piano an* accordion teacher or wind instrumsnt speeialiit. Drum or voles teacher could start new department. Davit Studios, 12 Norwood tve.. Long Branch. CA I-09B9. HOME SERVICE representative. Large, local business eoncern in Union Beach tret. Degree in Home Economics or equivalent required. Single preferred. Duties will include demonstrations, customer service contacts and other related sotlvltlea. Salary opsn. Writs, "Rtpreeentatlve," Box - S_5_. MAH-To.or. In. garden center ai t talesmtn. Please reply in writing to "Garden," Box 511, Red Bank atatlng background, expsr- Isncc expected salary ind houn.* SERVICE REPAIRMAN^For electrical appliance.. Must have sxpevisnes. Stsady work. Apply G A D Appliance Service Co.. 10 White St.. Red Bsnk fypist, OENEfiALOFl.'ICE work for accounting office. Call SH Mr. Mankoff for appointment. MALE OR FEMALE Active reel eitate olnee ii interested In expending their salsa fores. Malt or ftmali. with real sstate background or apprentice. Call SH WOMANC"Over IS pletilng person illty. Salei experience helpful, but not neccttary. Flexible hours. Fer in< tervlew. cah BA :10 A. M, - noon Except Saturday. MAN For general housework Haursdars ar. hour Referencee required. SH TEACHER8 For remedial reading, EngUth and arithmetic week-days, 1:11 to 1:10. Reply. staung tge, ejutlltcatlont and experience to "Teaehin," Box 511. Red Bank. DUNG MAN To work In market. In tareetod In meat. From vlelnlty of Mlddletown townthlp. Apply. Hirry't Mirket Otmpbtll's Junction,. Belford. LADY Earn 140 to 140 a wsek. Pleasant nart-tims evening work. Car necessary. Call KE 4-147t. TifilfTvnnaTIr OH practlctl nurss. Interested in part-time work. Physicians offiee. Mutt type. Write stating age and qualifications to "P. T.," Box 111 lad Bank. SALESLADY Women's wearing apparel. Stan y work, advancement. Apply Slmoa "Nice Things," It Broad tt., Rod Bank. TVWJ FLOOR GIRU ^No experience nscetsary. Robin-Wendy Co.. 17 " ink. TALtsHAN-Hsl..I Full-time only. With oi without experience. Mlddletown Real. t C Hih IS Cll M ithout expeence. Mlddle ty Company. Highway IS for appointment. T f t r l ^ n Real Call MI Ing department. Experience helpful, accuracy with figures essential Apply I to 4:10. Architectural Tiling Co., Cass and Jackson stl.. Keyport. EXPERIENCED MAN Part-time. Steam cleaning an* painting, spray painting. Construction equipment. SH.I4t4. STENOGRAPHER Female. Perttime secretarial. Other time tt relief in builnses office, If ntosssary. straight typing, telephone messages tn* counter assistance. 1:10 ta I P. M. daily, no Saturdays. Must be neat, but not glamorous. Accuracy In transcribing, rather than speed. One living In or near Red Bank preferred. Would consider married lady If hotel dutlea will net conflict Hetlth certificate desired. Immediate end ptrmantnt position te ctnabls party. Write, giving age, addrsss, txptrlencc, single or married and salary expected to "Office Seentary," Box I, Red Bink. ' MACHINIST Firtt-etits, to work at bench milling machine and Isthee. Experienced on expetimen- Ul parts and components. Intsrview Saturday, 10 to 11 A. M, Wthtol Industries, Ltwls st.( opposlu Maple ave., Batontown. NEW* BOYrTAT i Ta»TreNT=^fe rboy or retired man to operate news ittnd in Shrewsbury Shopping Csntcr, Irotd St.. corner Meadow dr. Inquire >t drug store ROUTE 8ALB8MAN For established laundry an* dry elesnlng route, Ave *sys. Minimum wage I. Hoeplttlliitlon. Apply Dontld't Uundry, 44 Mtrlon it., Red Bank between 4 and I P, M. REQABLH WOMAN Sleep in er eut. Now home. All aiodtm convenience!. Saliry can be arranged. Call EA I- ILDERLY WOMAN fer babysitting, la. 9_lre_»IH_ I -7»44 Itimed la11lv_. WE ARE BEGINNING to manufacture paper cupt and lenttlniri la eur rand new air conditioned plant In Cersret, Ws need ssversl men who hive ltd txperlence In tht mtlntananet of lutomatir maehlnsry In ths papsr eonsrtlng Industry. Including a working mowlsdgs of machine tools tnd mthlne shop practice. Apply week-ssys i to 12 and 2 to 4 tt our employment irace. Hudson Pulp snd Pspsr Corp, Jerterel. N. J. H-mlls south of Rsoss. elt ave. (exit It d j t t N J lk) n Pulp. H-mlls south of Rsoss. xit It. adjacent to N. J. ll KI f velt ave. (exit It. adjacent to N. J. urnplke) or ctll KI for tppolntment, FEMALS CLERK Fer dry cleaning store in Middletewa. Must be pleasant, eonaclaatlous aad dependable. Ap- C Star Getners and Laundercrs, 112 tl L Bh at C y yrtia eve LE r Getners and Lau evs.. Long Branch. Excel lent opportunity for aggreoeive route salesman with the couaty'a tnest laundry and eleaakng plant. Oasy those cincerely interested in long term employment need apply Star Cleaners aad Laundarcrs, It! a rtle svr. Long Branch. tl HTk«BAUsttAH-ror AL MTAT«BALESMAWror velonenent Agent needs full-tlntm salesman for development in Middle* town. Quality construction, excellent location for rapid ssls of 10 homes. C i i bi Wi "Dl ion for rapid mission basis. S l " B 6 ss of 10 homes. Write. "Develop- 1. Red Bank. Hiht mant Sales." Box 111, PRE88 OPERATORS Highest wage seel, in county. Free hospitalisatioa. paid vacation, etc. Apply Star Clean- ' ' " Myrtle ave.. Long R ft sleep In. Cooking. and bath. Television. Muet have driver's license. Twe adulta. Farm, near Rsd Bank. Write, stating salary expected tnd refereneei to Meusehoepsr." Box 111. Bed Bank, art aad Lauaderera, Branch. SALESGIRL - Permaneat posltlos la ladles' sportswear department. Applieanti must be ever tnd permanent retidentt of thlt tret. Selling experience is preferred, but not neeeettry. Apply in ptrtoa to Mr Kislin's. Broad and Front. St., ENERAL HOUSE WORKER Throe half days tnd all day Saturday. Re. bl and reference. 8H R H A W is will! uaeful ng te Would * ssinr te make ATJDYWAK Who i hlassejf generally prefer a man whe Is semi-retired, tnd who hit had experience in growing lowert tnd vegetables. Telephone yeur application it'"?'"" SECRETASY WIte kkowltdgeof shorthand for office work. Four s a week. Moaday, Tuesday, irsday snd Friday. Seven-hour day days Thur REAL ll TATE BALES PEOPLE To ld lh fi h EAL ESTATE BAES PEOPLETo sell for old established firm in the Red Bank area Full-time Commiasion basil. Glvs full qualification!. Write. "Sales People." Box 511. Red Bank.* YOUNG MAN Single, to lear li bi Stti g, to learn dry cleaning business. Starting at approximately 150 a week. Apply Top Hat Drive-In Cleaners. Highway 15, r.ear Five Corners Middletovrn. CLEANING WOMAN Muat be thorough. for steady, two days a week, preferably Thursday tnd Fridsy. EA MAN Who can paint and Is handy it all types of work. Will exchange seven-room tpartment, furnished or un f i h d l ll l SH 7 furnished tpartment, furnished or un plus smtll salary. SH 7- WOMAN For week WC homework Vi-day a In Old Farm Village. RU 1- OMAN Over 21. to kelp in kitchen and liquor store three nights Houra 1:10 P. M. to 10 P M. Apply in person, Brookside Liquors, Brotd it.. Shrewsbury Highway IS. APARTMENTS TWO-ROOM for couple, FURNISHED apartment tt West Bergca pi. Red for UV r ER8IDl"MO~TEl7~E~ffielsncy aptrtments Roome by tke week. Include all utilities Foot of Coopsr's Bridge. Red Bank. TWIN GABLES t l Riverside ave.. Red Bank. Three and four roome. unfurnished slsvstor. boat dock tsrcaee on river. 8H APARTMENTS Furnished or un. famlehs*. Two roomt an* bath, I. Three rooms and bath, 7i. Heat and hot water tupplisd. Apply to Apsrtment 7, IS Mtin it., Oceanport. or call CA LEONARDO Three-room furnlih.d Sibl f bi FURNISHED Two rea arst leer apartment, bath. Red Bank. h Private entreace lutomatk- gas heat, good location 140 a month Can be paid 110 on 1st and It. Call Thursday and Friday after 5 P M. Week-ends sll dsy. AT M. TWO.ROOM APARTMENT New eppllancee. newly decorated. Parking space. Convenient to railroad station, stores, etc. Nevtr eompltin ea heat or hot water, beautiful tile bath. SH TWO OR THREE roosns. unfurnithoz SH UNFURNISHED Garage apartmsnt. Immediate oceupaney. Four roome and^batk. Ill Lsighton avs.. Bel ROOMS OMB BLOCK OFT Bread et, Cleat sad eeasfenakle rveaao. eaable par.,. «.7tab ~irniit.'tt t w!!h MlCkU rvtmuflfb tlagis aid douhie rooms with eessplete koasetooplag privileaes. Private ettranee sad gangs Parklag apace. Floaty of heat and kot waur. Couple child wojeeme. 17 Morford pi. 8H 1-OIM. LARGE7 WARM, private hoase Adjaeeat W bau with shower pa the bua line. Oontlt. man prsferrsd. 411 River rd. Fair ^t"orsh7o4i«well famished d tb C t l E, WELL famished rtims. Boower tad tub. Cottral Ictatloa. Holea( Carshla, tt Harding rd. M *? BANK Oat large bedroom. doable bod; one medium bedroom. ngle bed Biht ftbl l doable b single bed resfdeatltl bi od; one Bright, Bolgkbora l edium bedroom, comfortable. la d Ideal for resfdeatltl Bolgkboraood Ideal for business people, teachers or nonet. && {ra5itr?y DOUtXI ROOkTWlTrt BOAKP-UJy i' Comfcrtablo home. COPMTAIUE MOH-Prl., veto entrsnee and bath. Coavenleat to bus line. SH or SH rurntshli) ROOMS-O. hut lint, la 8H Pr 7*l49l " Klithm I"l»''og0t. SINGLE~At>B DOUBUt ROOMS..With or without kitchen prirlleget. All utilities Keaeonabls rates. CaH er write. AT 1-10I4J or Ckat. A. Und"' *"' AU * Btle Hl k * furnlthod, I. AT 1- furnished; C_5frT W. W. Emery. 17 Bwckpolnt rd.. Rumson. RU W. RGiTcLSSAN KOOM-For two. with or without board. Homelike. Tele- ''r tn* ptrklng space. KE «sirj t URNIS klh lisj FURNISHED BOOMS with or without kltehon privileges. Homer atmceshsre Plenty of hot water. Single or doubls. Call at 271 Mothanle St Rod Twin beds. Near botch. Suitable for ana or two gentlemen. Privilege M W".«'t» - *» '"fht at ipirtment Suiuble for business I dsslred extra - Irits entrance. AT " - UaMtalltooU - fltche, prlv. lieges If dsslred. Oar accommoda. tions. Nice neighborhood. One mlaute to all transportation. Semi-private home. Reasonable. Nonaan. Shrewabury avt. Re* Bink. SH I. HlRNjSH»b 860MS- With kitchen Jtnx "' "* Shr * 1 " b " r '» * «C6MR»K1>ABLE per week. Kitchen privllegee If Also com- HREE ROOMS AND BATH Beautifully furnished. Opposite bus stop. All stllltl.i. HI t-llll. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - Furnlihed. three-room tptrtmtnt. Private bath modern kitchen Two block! to trantpartatloa and ahopping Utilltlas laeladed In rtnt. Call AT FOUR-ROOM UNFURNISHED apirtmint. Located at ISO Monmouth at. For further Information, eel) Joseph Sesta. 114 Bodman pi., Red Bank. 8H ' 10 LEROY PL. Four large, furnished, sunny rooms Bath. Oil burasr heat, continuous hot wtttr, Frigidalrt, Garage. Buiiness couple preferred. Rcft A.. tnd 1 P. M. or ". HONT Fully furnished. Two bedrooms large living room, kltehen tad bath.. Two blocks from railroad tad blt station To blocka No pets M 0 UNFURNISHED a Rd Bk N railroad th, year mbloom UNFURNISHE mant. Broad it.. Red Bink td 8H 111SI 8H apirtmant. Broad it.. Red Bink. Newly decorated. 8H 1-11SI or 8H A~TLANTIC~HIGHLAND8=Four large roomt. furnithed or unfurnished. All newly decorated. All utilities IUPplled. AT or SH Bank. Within one Separate entrance. Including garage; RREE R>6M8 nlshed. In Red bloek of Brotd st. yomplsto privtcy H THREE-ROOM AND TWO-ROOM apartments In good location. Prlvste entrance. Ample hot water, heat, well furnished. SH , 17 Morford KRdBk EWLx EQUIPPED Four roomt tn* blth. hett Included. Ideal countn atmoaphen. Tea minutes to Red Bin) tatlon. Adulti preferred. AT 1»tt-M ter 5 P. M.» RViTROOMS^Well furnished, firs floor. Conveniently locate*. All utilities eappllad. SH or SH 1- RED BANK Three rooms, partly furnlshsd. Heat and hot wattr supplied. First door. KE 7-01lt-J. First Boor. KE jJ. fhrbatrooms Well furni fl C l HRBaTROOMSWell furnished. First floor. Convsnlently located. All tiliti lid SH SH oor. Convsn utilities supplied ently located. All SH or SH 1- ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Beautifully furnished apartment living room, two bsdroomi. kitchen and bath. Unfurnished living room, two bedrooms, kitchtn aad bsth 186. F. A. lehlhtui. Retl Estate It Highway, Leonardo. AT wont service. 14-hour tele- FURNISHED Three-room and bath garage apartmsnt. S per month, plus utilities. Good location. Vera M. (orris. Realtor. 884 Salra ave.. Long Branch. CA t-ltlt. TWO.ROOM FURNISHED apirtmsnt with kitchen. Good locttion. lint. 21 South it. Rod Bank. 8H GARAGE APARTMENT Smtll. Suitablt for working person or couple. lot water and gat heat. On bus line. IU THKIi:RO0M~FUItNl9Htt> apart. ment. Refrigerator, clectrle range, eontlnuoua hot water, dean. rtaaon> U K_ t I-Ottt I. UN..FURNISHED apartment. Newly decorated. Heat acid lot water lupplled Maple'aVc 170 «r month. Call SH or inquire t Harding rd. Red Bank fol)rlloori3=unfurlilaheo. blth; tt. ran; t85 month For couplt. Ill Pearl it.. Red _Bank. 8K THREE^ROOM. UNFURNISHED apartment. Heat and hot wattr luppllid. Private entrance. First floor. Ja«kroom kitehsn bsdroata lea. Living Heat and water suppileef Immediate oecuptney, Joseph L Carions eornsr Bridge and Osklsnd. SH FOUR-ROOM. UNFURNISHED, sunny apartment, first floor, Prlvttt tntrance yard. Call tfttr t P. M. 8H 4_J OUR.ROOM FORNISHBD tpirtxtnt". Adulti pnfwred^ No pets. SH 1- UROtrbNt; ROOM- Nearbus^and station Privets sntranes. Lavatory, lowsr rofrlgsrator twin beds large louts Sultthlt for light houititeping for two people or business loupls. Parking. Rofsrsneet exchsngad. SH 7-14Ot. f a.ttbntiot( SING US perion or couple. Just decorated clean and cosy. Two-room furnlshsd spsrtmsnt. Moot convtnltnt location, Utilltlss, athtr end car specs suppllsd. 8H»l_Pj_Jed_B.j!k ANMH1HT. three-room, unfurnished apirtmtnt first floor, front nd back snlrsnee. Urge yard, near each, storsi, etc, Reasonable rent. For nformation, call SE ' TtRBrRBfeM Rllg MFUlgHBD mint. Prlvitt bsth and ill utilities. KH !6NVEH»_HTLV ' IMkVKb In B.d Bank, Three-room unfumlshsd partmsnt with hstt suppllsd. Vsry easonsbla Csll SH f f apartmst hstt reasonsbla. Csll SH Informatlorr.' rkttit spplsd. Vsry for furwith ines, itfuftnlbhkil) apsrtmsnt bath Arst floor. Prlvtte enconveniently located. Two l 14 Nth Bld idults only, 14 North Brldgt tvt., Rsd Btnk. -. _ wnw^ PVr ^Vv f9ele fortable. fumlihed room. It per week. Near Fort Monmouth and - " t per week. Bendix. ea F Sliver. ROOMS In Little Parking available. Conven- or train. 171 Willow dr. PRIVA'TE" BEDROOM - Shrewsbury. 1 Ideal for buaineas Isdy, Use of ilxroom ranch, ihtrlng with lady owntr ome week-ends. 180 weekly. Write, private Bedroom," Box Sll, Red LAjtoE DOUBLE, furnished room. Plenty of heat, hot watsr. Closet spice Ptrking. Ideal for butlasss '- A-l neighborhood. Phon, SH B.» t.ft?rtpm Mgg_!~_\R. 1-Secoaq i.or, front Three wlndowe, ssml-prtvsto bsth. Light housekeeping and laun. * l»»«i N bl sth. Light h of Red Bank. usekeeping and laun. Near builn.u eenter Boalaeaa woman proroom all utilities fuitntthed* Alio fur- _f sht-ty CCRS*. CXRAN. well 7urnl.ned"roome.: Single or double. Men only. Reasonable rates. Worth looking at. Ample SITUATIONS WANTED M k.m Bl1 mo ***»'«to mind children In her name lor working mothers W,l hoard theu! Ir desire/ «»ouo rates. 117 Miplo tvt. SH B"lLUNG~TYPINCt and clerleol'work RS OF-KPBRlBKt In..nsralrardenlng, pruning, landscaping, cesspool troubles waterprooflng wet wills tnd dtmp bitcments. Also good " dr "; n V*""" Hltto t. god _ V*""" Hl-ttot. etc _i w «S"* to uk» «" of your property, gardening tnd grata cut for tied firms, taks no> I am an efficient bookkeeper tied I am in efllclent bookkeeper who wishes to become associate* with *!*Z I 011 " (lnb * that * not require a full charge bookkeeper on a full-time kails. Experience, Includes general ledger, statistical and tax work. Send business card or replies to "Boole wishes to csre for children by the kour. Experience tnd goo* references. JV l t a I *" BOOKKEEFING-Payroll preparation, billing and clerical work to do at ;««. Will pick up and deliver Write, "J. B. N.l" Box nil Red Bank* BABYSITTING Any houn. own car. Rofe ~" Have mjf GARDENING Lawns gardens, kedgeg cared for hourly or contract, Experience*. Lawn seeding and land' raping. George J. Wldly. mn and gardening lervice. EA 1 ev.nlns..' d land noieape -0S18-M UOHT TRUCKING Also will _yar*r celltra. attics. 8H T- WOMAN AND high school girl with g babyslttlng Job. Call SH l-tlll aa4 MAINTENANCE wlshei lumbing. HANDYMAN, It, steady position, painting. plumbing, etc., reps Ira Industrlsl If tltutlon astatt or apartment build- Ing. Owt tools. Alto supervisory ex. psrlenco. MA J.' LICENSED PRACTICAL nurse wl*hta cars of convalescent or elderly son in or around Rad Bink. S 2114.' YOUNG LADY WISH* Job as moth, tr't helper. Sleep om. Full er part..t i-ir** tlmj.1111.* EXPERIENCED CARPENTER wlabaa full or part-time work. Also will t«painting. Repairs reasonable. Charlie loopcr. CA * YOUNG LADY WISHES days work. I l l Mechanic it. Rsd Bank. SH le WOMAN WOULD LIKE clerical salsa or almllir work In Red Btnk. Please sail SE a-1711.' COMPETENT MAN will clear sellers, attics and ytrdt. Csrt trttk t*ty. Also specialises In wallpapering. Call In 7-lttO.*. YOUNG WOMAN dtslrts houstworl four day. a week. Hours 10 unbf after dinner, 8H evenlngi? WOULD OKfTbTSlT^t VOMAN WILL MIND child by the ay or week for working mother rassonahly, Alao consider boir*i. on. child. C.ll SH 7-H10.* * RODUCK MAN-20 yean experleaota Referencei SH ' MAN Desire lew permanent politic*, Now emnloysd, but Immediately available Mature business and sslsi sxperlenee, College graduate, army veteran, mechanleil aptitude aceurata n*_depen* No door lo door. - ^*_w ^ ^^. ^ iwtt ^^as s e svu igu P. O, Box 111. Mlddletown.*

49 ^ 3 i M«_t sjt)*ni_a arvewi»t1t.*ieiept) twvi«reaodae- asrsiee etatje- freak V.n trcu.. MJ Wtr. tw t*. ttjl atonkjsreet e»_iu»!a_aea»h_l-i2»fc HIGHEST ruces "for rout old tar. We bur. - e tell, we trad*. Ce*et Auto tale* Jne 14* aft-aso.tli it- CAB tttej Wai 5" L/_B IUUA \jt%a «b*«* _, jrour wheel, ihian *t *«ui th* trouble *m»our Aear ail* and frame ttnlahtaiilu l^uipnen* Frank Van Sjeklt U» West Front M. lad Bank _eat of If.pla are Our o n building. Asa for Jack Harden. SHJ_1*» _ l (T~CHaiTS «WUIDSOR 0»T. Low mileage, Must be eeen to be appreciated, tflll eonilder trade. 104 Atborx ave. Atlantle Hil-lands. *T 1-O»5t-J.. ratia aid nbanlat. Bowlini boat * su.plies Kattion Boil ; Shop. 93 f. Ri»er_rdu Rumton paints mil balls sh ft Sport Shop. _.- -._ OAT SUPPLIES All raur haatitg naaat under on roof. Enrrtkltg far tat btaitvu New Jeraer't largest marine e»p»>> lose*., Tb* Boatman's Shop. 14 Wharf art. SH 1-J780. Open^week-daje t_to_*. OUTBOARD MOTOR REPAIRS - All makes Author ind Evlnrude Salet A Service See the new 1SS7 lln* of Evlnruda outboard aotort. Th* Boat ITS" CMC KCMfP-ln good eonditim 488 Main at.. Belford. Inquire V-S. radio and Water. 127 **.«.'>- «Ns» Sevenpaessngar. - client condition, _eaa onab SHT r Radio, heater, good tires. SH 7 ewtionallr d*aol Radio, heater. Dynelow, SK T-iaU or can he eeen at Sandr't Service Button Uttle SI1- railroad station. -, CAJl FonJ, I»S5. Tuaor. Owner-driven. EMallent eenaltlon. Raitr ater; tot. SH t-l l»ia rotu> i-stoea line two-door. gundard treta_lt_e«., Four i wbrtewalls. Eiceptlonallr elean ear, in ranting evndiuon. Ml <- - 6AJtofcu t _.» tw. driver., Must sail. H«l Csdlllu eonvertlme. xceptionajlr elean. pewer ton and wm. «owi radio, htattr. elock. automatic shift. For «ulek wit. IMi or kttt efter. F Hslmn. 100 Conovar Una. fed Bank. SH UF 3 KEK If SO STUB-BAKER "Oltrapion c vertlble. Now rims and clutch reaantlr. Radio and kaatir. Top abnt,,a rear old. MFl-lIM, S* DODGE V-l etatlon wagm. Power «l«ht. power stearin*. kaaur. IheaUtnt eondltton. Fsrcad ml: Call CA i-4«l>. Aftar I T, M., call CA MSB!. lt4» OreVHoLBT toar-door wdkn Baolo and hwtar. Ctaan, pw<act r»nnlnc condition M0 Oharrelat lub coup., mdlo kaatar. now tlmi. loan, runt atrfaet. UH. A PJ>'««" Garata eonar An. 0 and Lavnmrd Ilia M. I '- tllla w. Laonardo. lttl CHEVROLET,TS» CHEVBOLaTT f.ur-do»r delmt, Power (MO. radio, heatar, whitevails Very aturdr. atoaotalcal. nit. poking ear Good condition throughcut. Atklng U45. Lejnardt Sunoco Servlee. Rlv«r rd- Fair Haven. TFii liubsbn PJcKtf «uc_.~=- Ptssed Inspection. ISO. Alto 1MT Chevrolet four-door sedsn Phon* Ui'lNTErmAttoNAL H-ton plcll- 17,000 milei. Mvi tubeleas tires. All accessorial, custom cab. A-l condition. Best offer. Inquire Hudson A WAG6H - 1»4 Cba, 110" Hwtar no* tlrat. claan, 850, MAJ.887I l iis: STUD_BAk_* Champion ^~. pickup. 27,00* miles, rood tires, Call RU_i^04O91M_after_S_P.J!." lt5j DODGE HAEDTOP Alto Chrill»r. Both In excellent condition. Rea.son.blr priced. No dealera. RU lillio "BUiCK ROADMASTEK Riviera four-door tadan. Original owner, mllet In sorfect condition. Iprlet U00L_WH e-<»47. i Il941 DODGE In good runninir order. Good tlrae. Pasied December Iniptction, 1100, Call after ( P. M. RU U FOSb FICKUP-V«rr rood cor7 ditlon all m r. Et HOUM Antl«ut hop Rout* A San av«,. Atlantic nghl.nd.. IODEL "A" SPORT roadat,r VitK rambler acat. A real clastic. Ex Mllcnt condition ISIS. PhoM SH 1' IB!».* r DODCJE «o»d con. d sricingsway D O D C d ditlon. Chaxia bulll for rugmd over.» driving. Poaalbllltlaa for crow ountry or itock car rtelnf. Call IE CADILLAC COUPE DEVILLB Fully powered 12,200. Call KE I- 72-J htmi. r, and 7 P. M. «S» AUSTIN 1150 caih. Ph»u KI 7-57S? aftw P. M.* r 6PSM»L 7- b rr» 6LPSMOB»LLE «i-pour.d<ai, bydramatie Fully cqulppad. Raainably prlcid: SH 1-9S73. t\> STUDEBAKER four-aoor aodan. Radio and hattar. Emallant con Itlon MI 8-0M5-J. til FORD TUDOR Slx-erllndat. Radio. he*t«r. Good condition Harn.ll «.. Oakhunt. KE 1 08t.. 10 FORD TUDOR Radio, heater, now tint ind batter/. Quiet en- Ine. EA t-oltl-b. QUICK SALE df* four-door i 1827H' R QUICK Dodf* fourd r SH 1-827H.' U50 BH WEESTYOU'RE JUST plain erair about naw an, don't apand the ax-,i money. Thlt la a I»B0 Packard, ro-door aadw. olfiluctundar, ov«r. rlr*. radio and hatter roll? equipped, bl BA i-1000, axt. Z142I»S5 CHBVROLBT Two-ton* Ral-alr, l-ejundar. four-door. Power ateer- low nllaan. One owner. BH 701.T_ 1147 C»_ Ilka* convertible. Runt well. Oood p 1115: 1(51 Ford V-8 Tudor, Fort-»tlc. I J»l; US J Dedtj. Tttdoi, IMS. Mercury Tudor, overdrive till. :e Auto tales. Hlchwsr M. West lanaburtj. KJB,i»O124. [EVROLLM' Itba eon«ertlble. 3t condition. For information. SH attar I P. M ' attar I >. M.» ir DODGB3 Con tt' DODOB3 Coronit t»d«n. Four, door, tlx-crllndar, Oood condition, 100. KE.Q«U a<tcf i t. M. 41 FORD CONVEMtlllLB S race. lubnllt block, now ctuteh and partly atomiied. 8H 1-M10. Aak for Cor. OLDSMOBILE tonrtruble. Fun rer. Il.tlO. Call 8K 1.0* to K M. and'sh after P. M.«41 FORb TftUCtf Wlth~l^ird body at li l-t«0>.» WANTED D nmntuu, aatl«s*a, thin*, flumr*. «t akjwt*»nd brica- M luedlale eaak far rthlat 4 *»enrt«lii» RnaU-a, Iwt ont it. SH ITUeUES WMurtkM msrlo* palotlnt*. kooka of New Jersey. pa woexa aartrlnii faraitare Ei* M parrhtmd ud appraleed Phon* ; 7-JOOI. The HuJion Shov. Int. I Bread el Hhrewcburi. at prltea n Tei- C-A-BRAC Fumltare in Indi of antique*, allter. Una (laee. itlry. book* palntlnil Una ilneni )E Froea Mlddlstown ta Newra. East Orange Harriion or Ire u» 'roof sets: gold eommemoritlv* half dolltrs rtr* elttt earlr t.\ also ttampt. Gtt top pfiee. at encre't only full tint and comtt *oln ihop. afonnouth Stamp and > thop, «0 Mmmovth tt. (Oppotlte '» " ' >. g H '» aclullitv toltvalue paid fo> Id runt powder flieki antique!. lau oil palntlniti fln«furnlturt, rriedman aallaritt. Soutk n at Aabury Park M ar 1*7482, B r Or other good make of itno for reetorv. Statt make and j -l-iagcj»» ">.»«l>bant, oa HI. ed Bank. AT T6 BUY oia faahn b«i»» huttera. mtrbletop Ublel, n. ploture frebh. oil lampe. Look our attlei, berne, eta. Write, Boi Port Monaouth. or tall KB M.hoi.ny. Spinet or btkr irand. Mutt ba In excellent dltlob. Stati loweit etih prlco abl*. BH l-vt.* EINWAY OR OTHER rood make piano*. Call VA a-4060 or rite, R. Mortcrart, 181 Second, Perth Am boy. C'teh paid and noved, QUES prleaa. ollt. funi. china eutfuii. illrar, ry furniture bran. Monmouth rly book*, clocki and rlfurinh. Be. wlllnf. eail Ollnta, li Sprint at. 17*1141. I * good il Ai!.v rt *; w ': 578( - ANTED All typei good used boati. Inboard, outboard, sail. etc. Harold Kofoed. broker. 164 W. frost it.. Keyport. KE 7-0U0.. FOB SALE 7 H outboard, 17-ft. lap- treak hull Lineman hull. Sailboat. Boat trailer. Prices very low. Call between «and 12 P. M. SE 2-284».» FLAT BOTTOM 17' long T beam, draft «* Tine for eiamming on bar or river. Has auxiliary eloop rlr with new < h. p. Lauion outboard not broken in. priee Also rakei. tongl crab neti ind lot! of other river Oall RU l-0«9».jt after 5 t. H. near. and Oall RU l04 fore» P. M 14'. CUNKER BUILTThompion out board and la h. p. Evinrude motor for sale. Like new. AT I-0I45-J,* 14' THOMPSON OUTBqARD runabout (S. Harold Kofaod. Ill Weit Front St.. Keyport. KE 7-O43O." 14' RHODES BANTAM aallboat with oflor; racing sslls and trailer. Call 8M , ext. 14. or 1*«Wen Front *».*_ ; WANTED Comet or ilmllar 12MC ttilboat. Sound, well kept, late model. Write "Sailboat." Box 111, Bad Bank, i r OHRlS-ORArT RUNABOUT 10 h. p, Super Mercury. 28 m-p h. Forward and center dock, at«ering wheel, speedometer and extras. Can ba used for water aklinc. Very good condition, I2»> RU »5«MERCURY MARK h. p. out. board Motor with remote gas tank Used four timei New condition SH i»ss JOHNSON 10 h P. See Hone engine Excellent condition. Leu thin 10 hours use. With six-gal, tank, 8175._RU : GRAY MARINE light four h. p. en vine. Reverie gear. Mechanically excallent, 11(0. Alio 1tt h. p. with Wii. eonlin air-cooled with dutch ISO. AT l-qgta-w. ' MAHOGAlfY clinker built Terry sea skiff. <»' betm. with 25 h, p. Johnson outboard motor. Price SM l»01» EVINBUDE SALES A SERVICE Thompson. Harbour, Majrcraft, Wood-Puuv. Tea Nee tralleri. Gnaranteed used boats and motors. H. J. Wilson, «7( Atlantle ave., Long Branch. CA / BOAT Kns Save over S0% and have the thrill of taring "I made it myself." Thirty tested models to choose from. S'-23' All parts precissioned machined, easy to assemble. Mo cfteh down, up to three yean tn pay. Authorised dealer for "U-Mak-It" boat kits. Commander Marina Co. MI o- mi. SEW 14' DELUXE outboard runabout, sleek, rureed. fatt ready to paint, IZ45. No cash down per month. '-143' VP~ CltStbll 6ir*BOAltt) runabout center deck, roomy fait. Ready to K 'nt. No eaih down per month >-14ll, TWO ONLY Brand litw 1»58 Scott- Atwater outboard motors. 10 h, p. B.ilamatlc, sear shift, separata (as tank full factory guarantee. Save 25*%. no cath down. MI 5-U3«. 25<%. no < NSW 18" hull. Real- _.. _J' CABIN outboai onable_sh l-tsfl. 12' RUNABOUT New teerlnn wheel and hardware Mercury Mark 20 motor with controls Bill Brown, 11 Monmouth ave.. Fort Monmouth, KE 8-08l«.«rB-~CORRBCT CRArT Atom SkieTTST) h p. Chris-Craft engine, complete with cover ekha and gator traller,- I1.OIS._PR 4-I4IS. EVINRUDE OUTBOARD MOTOR Vi h. p. In excellent condition. Alk ln«188. Phone SH * PETS UVESTOCK DACHSHUND PUPPIBB-Real beiuties AKC, Inoculated. Mrs. A Swsn- on. Hlghwar 35. near Five Corners, Mlddletown. MI K-02B3. OJiBB Fsmale. 18 months. AKC re-- istered. Lovable. Good natured. Will sacrifce for a good hornt. Call SH j-mi afttr 1 t. M.' ' PIN5CHE MINIATURE PIN5CHER PUPPIES Black and tsn. Reds. AKC regietend. Stud, service AJM baby rab* blta. Moun. ISC Wilson ave.. Port Monmouth. J «-4.I4I*. :" BEAUTIFUL SABLE W^lflie^llle pups AKC registered, champion stock. Fox terrier, female. Adoralil* French poodle toy, seven months. Call evening! week-ends. Kg 4-20ltr ClSXRtMCrKBNNEL Will give away f*mal* beagle three yeere. Will tell two springer aranlels. one 2H yean, field trained. On* nine months, started In field Female champion stock. 8K I-»O46. 4 BROWN ANp WrTrTB mil* dog. Nine months old. Housebrolten. Good natured. Can have free for a good ho»e._ke_7i»49«, COMPLETE AQUARIUM OUTFITS Aquarium service: selected, aquarium grown plants. Helen Miller _ Son. Highway 85. between Palmer and Lau< rtl avet. Open Fridays from 10 to S or by appointment. Phona Ml 5-01l«tfUr I P. M. COOtBR Beautiful, black, female. AKC. Thre* yean om. Outdoor dog. Lorlnr dltnotltion. Reaeonsble. KE 7 " " * ' ' _ fflppieb For fret, to good hont. Small cocker type, mixed breed, mil*.lee. MI»-04W-J. Ine months old' Female. Spayed. Beautifully marked. All akota. With paper. Wonderful with lldren. Reitonahle Call SH J COCKmrgPiNIEL l>up. plet. Red Bank Pet Shop. MonmouUi st. SH COCKfcHi apawllll'puppim for sale. Eight weeks old. AKC rcglstarld. 8H 1-71.* MISCELLANEOUS GtOKGE WASHINGTON - Our first president, foundsr of our "Four Freedoms" said, "we mutt keen oat of foreign tatangltments." Lit the reit of the world go by. and mind our ahlpwrecked bmlntia.. Franklin C. Movan.' _ >(TTR.S- WILL BOARD eldirly person. Sensed chrlttlan home Mrs. Grace Dsckfr 7«Second it. Keypart. SHB_BY Do veu really love _turst What about Joyce. Mtk. up your SUiOnss WOMXNdeilrn woman to hare modern horn* m K*d B»nk Evningt SH 1-4HJ. Dtytlme KE REAL ESTATE WANTED ATTENTION atomb OWNERS Have yoa thought at aelllng your hsmtt Thar* art very many Pecpl* ta thh) HCtlon who need and can afford to boy a home. Lit at tell yatr hem* or butln«ts property Chtmn Aavnsy Highway Call 1A ADAMS AGENCY More elientt than listings' Hit* Immediate buyers for led Bank itirougb Rumson area!!, 000 to I8J.000 range Par quick results snvlent eervlec free price estl. mates. SH 1-IOtl. Eatt Bergen nl "24-hoar service." WE HAVE SBRK'tJS prosptctt for all lypts of listings Prompt and *f- lent "rvic- Allaire m Ron* Agtncy Inc. SH.»4»0. MORE CLIENTS thaa listings Ws ntvs many buyers In llt.000-lll.000 rani* Lltt your horn* with at for union Russell M Bnrut Aeantv 400 River id,. Talr Haven SK T-48M, fi" - _ T In or near Red Bank. Reply full particulars. Including price to "X, F.," Box ill. Had ng Bank - YoTJHcinro*sTQfwi hay* many terlout clients In any phee range over 118,10*: Kindly call W ill f tl t phe nge over 118,10*: Kindly call at. We will gfv* you aetlvo. conrt*oui serrlc* Thompson A UfTene. to Whit* it. SH , Open 14 hours a day -. RANCH OR RANCH-SPLIT- Three bedrooms btaament, garage. Muit it sltusted on* a woodul plot, preferably about one air*. July I occupancy Pletie write or call to elate particulars. Fred Schallar 710 So. 18th st,. Newark. N, J,_ EIKI B.007I. ARE YOU ielllnu'or r.ntlng! Good prospects for homss In price range over 115,000, Call us today for " Garriaon, 77 uick d Bank. WML 0TATZ WAfTTED ISM, EfTATE MM MiE VBBCPWKTM HOMZ WKh bath aad a half end dining room Mutt have additional usable space tuch el bsseotiit or attic. Half-acre plot minimum. No axenti. Write "Four," Box 511. Red Bank. THOMPSON AGENCY. REALTORS Lilt your property with oa for rent or SBIC We offer prompt and eourteoui erviee backed by more than 20 yean experience Hrvintc Red Bank «n<i vicinity. 8! East Front it. SH 1.JC WE WOULD LIKE to Uk. ov«r mortkage on a three or four-bedroom house with a low down payment. In the vicinity of Red Btnk. EA FOR QUICK KALE of your homa. contact us now at SH We have manr buyer* who are a>nxioui to take over GI and FHA mortgagee with low doton payment. Murphy a Sohwaare 157 Broad St.. Red Bank. RUMSON. LITTLE SILVaS. Shrewibury. Several elicits greatly m- tereited In homes east of Red Bsnk, preferably in the llt,o00-f 21,000 elftil. Adanls Agency SH l-50#s. 1< East Bergen p].. Red Bank. "24-hour service/' RUMSON liots Heve^eevereT pur. chaaera desirous of locating in Rum ion. Top dollar for premium loca tlom and Holy Croii school vicinity, Adams Agancy. SH l-50»». East Bergen pi.. Red Bank. "24-hour ear, vice.".. COUPLE, WITH CASH, want a , clesn, modern bung-alow with full cellar aad carafe. Fleau call Redden Agency, SH 1-ttto. LITTLE SILVER. Shrewsbury. Rumion. Fslr Hsven area. 115,000 to price range. Vera M. Morris, Realtor. SSI Salrt ave., Long Branch. CA t REAL ESTATE FOR RENT OFFICE SPACE Olnees from 30 up. For further Information call SH Edward M, Kelly Co. 157 Biotd St. Bed Bank_ MODERN OFFICE SPACE Good lo cation and parking facilities One or three roomi Reasonabls rsnt. H HONEYMOON KANCH snrewibury, Two bedrooms, pin* paneled den, master bedroom air conditioned; dishwasher, two-door refrigerator, clothes washer and dryer Partially fur. nlshed; 1175 monthly. Write. "Shrews. ESTATE Sycamore av«.. Shrewsbury. Five rooms, two baths: garage. Availabl. Apr. 1st. SH or SH 1-I57S. _0HSON^=rurnllhad. Ground floor, H of doublt houae, Living room din- Ing room, kitchen, bedroom, bath and encloied poroh; l«5 monthly, plus heat and utilities Mlnugh A*ancr. Rumeon rd. Phone RU YEAR ROUND Small bungalow. Living room, two bedroomi, kitchen and bathroom. All modern eomforts, oil burner, hot and cold water, electric, telephone. Less* for one yesr. Inquire SH APPLatBROOK Five-room ranch, on H-acre. Living room with fire piece. One-ear attached ttsrage. Ex cellent location Leass recjulred per month Thompson m Le'erts. 80 Whits st. SH UNFURNISHED Cap. Cod. Large llv. Ing room and fireplace, deluxe kltch en arid dining area two nice sise bed. roomi and bath, full basement, hot air oil heat, ample storage epace aplc and span. Only 1110 a month, Yetr't leme Elwood A Arraiitronff. Realtors, Little Silver RH OFFICE 8PACE Avallabla In midtown SH_7-1100_for appointment. AlR CONDITIONED OFFICES Single or nuite Avsilable immediately. SH or write. P. O. Box 191, Red Bank, LODGE OR MEETING room available in midtown. SH for appoint' merit LEONARDO tin- Nicely furnished small house. Living room wtth fire, place bedroom kitchen and bath. At. la,nt!c Highlands 185. beautifully furniihed small house, living room with nreptsce. dinlnc room, kitchen, bedroom end bath F. A. Gehlhaus. Real Estate KHIarhway 86. Leonardo. AT l-04"l._s4-hoar telephone; service. FOUTrROOM~BUNaX_OW In. Fair Haven. Oil teat. Garage. Close to school. Neat ind clean. Yaarljr lease. lils per month. Apr, 1 occupancy. SH Lawtsy A«tnc». LawleyAgency tentalb Buns' 8UMMHK RENTAL" Bunimlowi and dwelling's. 'Two to alx dedrooms. #700 t" (pr season. DMIT>(S K. Byrne Realtors-lneurori. 8 wsst River rd.. Rumeon. -RP 1-lUS. I Ji BLIJ ^is^ Mit * - aei' ' ^-^^ VATUBUS APR l targ. rooms. Finished attic and cellar. Everything leparata. Oil burner. Its Maple ave. Red Bank. Mrs. Smith. ATTkACVE THREE-ROOM bunga. low Unfurnlihad. Convenlentlv located i til per month. Call 8H 7- ls^dm HoU«E-4«Oakland it.. ink. SH,1-M*.* Two-bedroom cottage on estate. Available Mar 15. Nice letting with privacy. No ehlhren or peti References required; Sao per month Rav Stlllmsn. Shrewsbury. SH 18HO0 FARM HOME Seven roomi ell heat, gae hot water. Llncroft ana: 1100 rer month. SH WE HAVE 11 HOMES end aptrtmants for rsnt. From 190 to I2S0 per month. Walker A Walker, Realtors, Highway 18, Shrewsbury. SH 1-lilt, Open T days. BUNGALOW Uving room, largt mod- ra kitchen, two bedrooms and bath. Automatic heat, lull cellar. Niar bus; 110 per month. Occupancy Apr S Sehanck Aganey. 8 LMen pi.. Bed Bank. SH 7.O817. FOUR-ROOM BUNGALOW Automatic gas heat. Will be shown at t P. M. Friday. 150 a month. 181 Brty avt.. Idoal Beach. SIX ROOMS Bath; gsrage. In Red Bank. Available now. Adulla only, 110 a month. Call SH aftar I P, M.«EAST KEANSBURG Bungalow. Four rooms and.bath, 148. MI (-0878-W. RKO SANK Attractive hout*. Very nice location, dose to schools ind hopping. Living room, dining room, kitchen three bedrooms, bsth. Urge yard Occupancy Mtr. 15. Attic. Full cellar, oil heat. SH COUNTRY LIVING Within minutes of Bad Bank. Three-bedroom dwellings private garden; geraie an large firm Unfurnished. Telephone evenimi' only. EA I-1447-R-2. UNFURNISHED BUNGALOW Living room, flreplace: modern kitchen, two bedrooms and bath. Full baiement. oil heat. Immediate occupancy. Joseph h. Carlont fhrner Brldt* and Oakland, SH , UNFURNISHED HALT HOUSE Living room, dlnrna room, modern kitchen, three bedrooms and bath. Full baiement. oil heat. Immediate occupancy. Joseph L, Carton* corner Brldgs and Oakland. SH UNFURNI8HBD BUNGALOW Four rooms and bath. Refrigerator, electric range. Venetian blinds. 181 a month Available Apr. 1. SH Call after 5 Anytime weak-ends. INDUSTRIAL REAL ESTATE CONSULT RAT STILLMAN for Industrial real estate and buslneis opportunities throughout fast growing Monmouth county Office State Highwiy 88. Shrewsbury. SH 1-J400. Drive- In parkin* OmOB FOR RENT la center of towa. SK BUILDING Suitable for store offlee or ebon. Approximately l,«100 H. ft. Next' to Riv.rview hoinltel. Immadlate occupancy. Will ass*. Call Mr. Jeroltmon, SH I WANTED TO RENT BACHBLOK APARTMENT Hot water heat, modern plumbing preferably u/furnlshsd, by non.smokinat Fort Monmouth Instructor. EA M m W l t t r g s modirn'tsoms. All utlutles. Near railroad tramportatltxi. Year round. Edward Ehrllch, 20«l cropiey ave, BrooWyn, 14', New York. Phon* OO ' MAE1C COX AGENCY, realtors sod lasurore. Salee yearly and tsw renule. Commaneh* dr, Portaupeck. CA Lincroft. 180' front by 200" Bank cer.- FLOT..... deep. J% wiiles from Red Bi ter Besutiful. rettrlcied residential neighborhood A-l zone. Price CaH evenings. AT 1;2»95. r'ranklyn D HAVILAND Real estate broker Residential acreage. farma an<l commercial properties. Eetata appraisals Listinga solirl'ad 10 Weat Front St.. Red Bsnk. SH 1-083* or SH PAUL R. STRYKER. Realtor. Fara» and farm eatataa, State Highway 14. Holmdel. Phona Whitney BEE OUR ADVERTISEMENTS oa classified dlsplsy pages. Weert- Neneth Agency, 101 Was* Front (t, SH V s. STEEL HOMES Wide chela* of plans, 11,400 to *. Model, Red Hill rd., Mlddletown, Saturday and Sunday afternoon. Evsratt H. Thorse. SEE US--We ar* very halpful. Cnarlte Shrodu. Real EsttU Agency. 114 Main at. Keansburi, WEST RED BANK AREA Whit* or colored. We hsv* juit what you want, tiaat borne with living room, dininf room, modern kitchan on flnt Door. Modern kith and two bedrooms on second soar. Completely rebuilt with all Bodtrn facilities. Cellar and ona-car ga. rave. On* block from tehool. Reas. onsbly priced. Call us and ssa for yourself. Ayers-Trufolo Agency, Little Silver. SH CONSTANCE SMITH Real tstttt nnd imurance. Maple ave. Fair Haven. SH Have good lutings on all types of real estats, OWNER TRAMStEKBED Three bedroom ranch, two btths nroplacs: two-esr gsrave, hardtop driveway. Full basement; ^-acra, full/ landeeiped. Part woods, dead and ttrast. many «._ru_.f!*j!po. Ml 6-0U8. FOR SA_B Income property Store. with four beautiful windows and apartmentt Two minutes from Red Bank on rt. 16. corner fine >t. For Information. SH 7-O7H. If no an. «wer. call evenings. HTDEAWAY~LOCATION Seven-scrV, wooded tract In eountry. Only H- mlle from Highway 85, off Deal rd.. In Oeesn township. Five mlnutei to Aibury Park, 15 minutes to Red Bank. One of th* best locations in county for convenience to ihore towns, beach, highwsy shopping csntsrs, yst In ths eountry. Terms can bo arranged: 14,500. SHJ UTtLE~SILVER Immediate avails". bility. Dutch colonial. Near school and bus Six roomi and bath, sunporch laundry and lavatory in full basement. SH 7-0 lit. INVESTMENT PROPERTY Priced f, quick sale. Seven apartments, total net over 95,000. completely furnlshod. Including five practically new ranges and refrigerators, fairly new maple furniture. Completely redecorated, Have been fully rented all winter; 418,500. BH 1-H4O8. ^ ^ ^ ^ RAY 8TILLMAN REALTOR State Highway <(, Shrewsbury sine* It 18 Large and competent staff to iirvt you. Complete listings of homes I all prices), farms, tststes, waterfront, acreage bualneatsts throughout Monmouth county. Consult Ray Stillman, State Highway 86. Shrewsbury. SH UK600 Driye-ln parking. BLLA" WILTSHlfitrXGENCY ReaU tors and Insurers. Established 11 years. Sales, mortgsges. summer snd y*srly rentals. Your listings solicited Ocean ave. Sea Bright. SE Wharf ave.. Red Bank. SH 7j^3jlO6. Open* seve-n days VALUE PACKED modmt home. Land aekped ftpacious lot. itood neighbor^ hood. L-living room, nreplsce; three bedrooms; attached gamre patio Kuil basement. Excellent plumbing and hot water automatic heat. Can occupy short notice Sacrifice. Private sale. 28 McCtrter ave.. Fair Haven. SH F1VE-ROOM HOUSE In~Hoimdifare«". Thre* KedrAoms. plenty of eleaat pace: 811,000. WH FOUR-BEDROOM HOUSE With living ' room, dining room modern kitchen, laundry room, basement Hi baths; two-car garage Hot water oil-fired heat. Near tehool, bus stop and shop ping center. Long Branch. Leaving town, must sacrifice at 112,(00. Call OA 2.87«8. POUR-BEDKOOM ranch atyle. Rew. Immediate occupancy Two bathe, "replace: two-ear garagei Isrgs basement. Corner of Edison eve. ud Stratford rd Naw Shrewsbtryi t>0 too RU or SH 7-»»U OR LEASE Large home. Can be used ai boarding homa sanitarium or nursing homo. Call or write. AT 1. D0I4-J or Charlaa A Sutter. 8> Center sv«. Atlantic Highlands STONE CHURCH VICINITY Hi-ser* plot Brook large trelt. Six-raom bungalow. Bath fireplace, screened porch cellar, oil heat. Guam 4.00O. Minugh Agency, ftumeon rd. Phone RU RUMSON Near parochial aehool. Llv. ing room, fireplace; dining room, icreened porch kitchen, four badroont. two baths. Hot water oil-fired heat; John Mlnugh Agansy Rumaon rd Phone RU hone : RIV NAVESINK RIVERFRONT Ettat* area 180.foot riverfrontag*. Ap. proxlmately thre* aerts. Slx-roott cottage. two baths hot air oil hsat, lire, place. Outbulldlnge needing renovation; Minugh Agency. Rum ion rd Phone RU RUMSON WATERFRONT Practically new white Cap* Cod Colonial mar parochial school and ocean Smart csdar. paneled kltchen-dlning ' room, living room acreened porch four bid* rooms, two tiled baths hot water bassboard heat. gai-ared Garage: Minugb Aganey. Rusuon rd. SU RUMSON Center hall. Colonial, in parochial tehool district. Living room 15'xlO' fireplace; dinlm room, sunroem, lavatory, breakfast room, epacious kitchen downstaira. Four bed. looms, two tiled baths upstaira. Hot water oil heat Two-ear garage. Cor. tier plots S.OOO. Mlnuirh Aganey, Rumion rd, Phone RU RUMSON WATETSFONT Five bed' rooms, two batht. living room din< Ing room, kitchen, jaloutltd porch: hot water heat olt-ared Two-ear aarago. Tax*i 1200, Price S.OOO. Mlnugh Agency Rumtot rd. Phont RU I SUMSON Spacious two-story, nineroom residsnee. Thr** vathl. screened porch, wood-burning fireplace hot water gae heat; H-acra plot near ocean, but and paroihlal school. Two-ear garage: S.OOO. Htnugh Agtney Rumson rd. Phbn* RU , RANCH HOME ftiddlstown. Earfe living room, wood-burning flreplase. automatic heat, three badroom*. tiled bathroom carpeting Included. Taut ,100. Financing available. Sehanck Agency, Realtor. I Llndsn pi. SW t_ TT I *U0_ t COLONIAL HOME Littla Sflvar. Llv. Ini room, flrcrilaea: thrtc trtdroomi, bath and half Flowtr ftrdtn. Childr.n nn with to irhnol. Low tiixti. Finanelnir our problem;.t,500, flkhanek Ag.ncy 8 Llndan pi, 8H 7-08,7. nve-year-old RANCH Neat and clean, with elx rooms and full cellar; 4H% 01 mortgagt can b* asaumed: 14,800 down; 171 monthly to esrry: 115,000, Red* dan Agency, 801 Maple tvt., Red Bank. SH , NEW SPLIT-LEVEL In Rid Bsnk, Thru bedroomi. Fin. Ished recreation room, Ultra modern kitchen with wall oven. One. car garage: 117,500. Ridden Agency, 801 Maple eve., Red Sank. SH 1-HI80. ATrEnuVfiRT«BrmortgagsrKu7. year old ranch house Eatontown. Thre* bedrooms one ntriroom combination dlnlntf room full haiemtnt; oil ht*t, ttoim windows t 12,000 cash needed, Total prlct f 11,21)0, Stein. 1H I-77B0.' RlW CUSTOM-tHllL* HOtrt-Wrtt budrrmtfni, two tilt b«ttii full (n* If room, kitchen, nook, flrvptac* In living rcmnbi, Two-car «- rft «. Full e.llar. patio, tcrmm, ttorm Wlndowt Itw4udtd. UK 125x225. SH li* If UI.CHOKT <:u»toai built ranefa. on* year old; H-acr_. on quiet d«a«j end atr«et. ^J-t roomi, 1',_ bath_. fir_- plae«: girag*; i»1oii»i# porch, fall, dry bn*«m»nt built-in Hotpolnt "njft ami dirhwanher. Aluminum irreem i storm windowi. Venetian blind! throughout 121. floo. SH RIVER-SIDE HEIGHTS Thrce-b-rt room ranch. Large kitchen, t it. bath it replace ftr. Recreation and laundry roomi. Full, dry basement : SH 1-2 JUS. RED BANK Alt mrtive rwnch h»ui. Brick, front. Six roomi ft replace, utility room, large attar had trarage; H-acr«. landscaped. Scream fid itorm windowi. wall bookctsei. iwrch, N-tr Garden 6tat«parkway entranc*. _th SHREWSBURY Moit deiirable location. Cape Cud, Attached garafe, Living room, nreplace; formal dining room, three bedrooma and finished basement. Priced to sell. Ho agenti. SH evenings. 8PUT.LEVEL IN LINCROlT Seven roomi. ceramic bath; attached K«- raue. Two jreari old No r_dflh-»rhting nttd*d, Yotl ran divide ground l«v*l r*cra_.tion room, 12x_4, into fourth tkadroom. plut puyroom. Cathedral liviitf room, 12' pictur* window, nrhit* *rou_rht iron bileony, natural birch e-kbinati, S' Formica «nack bar, aluminum atormi-aeraeni; ^-acre fulljr Lan<_Kap*d, waita aplit-rail fenca. Two 15' ayc»inorei ahade house 60' blacktop driveway. Cedar aiding all around. Maroon, with yellow trim; 100% inaulaud Taxea $147. Haya secured morttacm. FHA (12.800) and Gf (St.- 700) iown payment avuilable im* mediate'7 if d«aired; 116,900. Owner telling. SH fol?l5ft' 1 riri-l--fbclng H.rdlnn rd. Thli lot would make your new home a -how place. SH 7-0^25 HANDSOME CUSTOM RANCH On fully landscaped 10O'xl50' plot. Barn red. trimmed in white. New Orleans type grillwork. This charming, modern, perched high on s hill, hai far reaching view; 30' living room with fireplace, pine kitchen with refrigerator and washer, glassed and screened 12'xlS' room In rear. Three lame bedrooms deluxe tiled bath, extra ital] hower in utility room. Automatic beet. Attached garage. Only $20,50ft. Rolston Wtterbury. Kenltor-Insuror, 18 West Front st. BH DELIGllTFUL, PRtVWAlC colonial FineBt location. Through center hall. powder room, two guest closets, large living room with fireplace, many nookshelves, screened porch full dining room handsome tiled kitchen, dishwasher, three big bedrooms, two luxury tiled baths, excellent closet space, attic, full basement, hot water oil heat. Two-car gsrage. Real value at 82H,. 1)00 Rolston Waterbury RMttor-Insuror. If Went Front «t. SH , RED BANK Three bedroomi, twn baths. Walking dltttnre to tchool, church and atorei, Excellent value. Price Schwarts Agency. SH LITTLE SILVER Like new. Quiet, no traffic area, Four bedroomi, bstb and lavatory, full cellar. Oarage; trees and shrubs. Asking Schwarts Agency. H OPEN FOR PUBLIC inspection. In Sllverwhlte Gardens, Little Silver. (Off of Plnckney rd.) Tree covered plots. Colonial homes with tour bedrooms, 1'j tile hauia, forms! dining room, built-in oven, range, dlihwaaher; full cellar; attached garage. 5% mortgage available; 122,500. Schwartz Aattncy. SH OWNER TRANSFERRED Spaclous split-level. Three bedrooms, 1H ^>atha, huge recroation room, beautiful kitchen, Two.ctr garage: patio. Farm fence. High mortgage available. A»kir>!« Schwarts Agency. SH FOUR BEDROOMS Sunpoich, full cellar, hot water oil heat; 2V>- «ar garatre with room for we.rkahop. Plenty of trees. Asking Schwarts Agency. EH , SHREWSBURY RANCH With lovely porch. Three bedroomi. living room with brick flreplace, dining area, lovely kitchen: garage ; large landscaped plot. Owner transferred. Alklng Schwarts Agency. SH 7-JU1. SPRING OCCUPANCY Three bedrooms, 1H baths. 28' llvinfc room, dining room kitchen, built-in oven, tableton range family room, den or a-utit room; attached garage: basement. You chooee decoratlom: down payment; 30-year mortgage: 117,990, Cardinal Agency Incorporated 84 West Front St.. Bed Bank, SH 1-UC'O. THREE-BBDROOM RANCH Tile hath. large living room fireplace; dining room. den. divided kitchen built-in oleetrle ov*n; attached garage. Owner wilt assist with financing. Available April; ^Cardinal Agency. Inc. SH RIVERVIEW DELUXE Llvinir room. fireplace: dining room overlooking river, til* Powder room with shower, cadar kitchen, breakfast nook, utility room, thre* bedrooms all with view of river, superb tile bath, terrace: attached garage. Deep water. bulkheadml. Once In a lifetime buy: Cardinal Agency. Int. SK I WATERFRONT PROPBRT1ES»1 «,000 to 188,000. Call ui for further In. formation regarding homes.and building lots. Cardinal Aglncy, Inc. 8H FOUR ACRES OF eholce building alt* In Holmdel. High and dry. torn* wooded area. Delightfully secluded. Aakln* 17,100. Reel Es. tate Associates, Realtors-InBurori, Harding rd., Red Bank. SK 1- I. LITTLE SILVER Studio cottage. Ideal for business couple. Living room, kltchsn, bedroom and bath. One-car garage. Shade trees. Close to but lint. Moderately priced at 19,500. Walker _ Walker. Realtors, Highway IS. Shrewsbury, SH Open 7 days. NEW CAPE COD With living room, kltchsn, two bedrooms, til* bath and full cellar. Large Dutch dormer makaa tha tecond floor ipaclout enough for two 12x14 bedrooms, plus loads of closet snacs. Price FHA terms; 11,140 down; 2S.year mortgage! per month, plus taxes and Are Insurance, Wslkir - Walker, Realtors, Highway 8K, Shrewsbury, SH Open f dtys, SHREWSBURY Four bedroomi, l',i baths; attached giragi. Living room, avtrtt* kilchen. hot water htat, tcr*ent snd storm window!. Near eehooli and bul line. A lacrlact tt 114,200. Walker - Walkei, Reallnm, Highway 85, Shrewsbury. SH , Open 7 days. RUMHON Attention hsndy men I Koll iin your sleeves nnn finish the lnteri«r of a large, older home, featuring four he<lr<iomi with plenty of closet spscs, Newly Installed hot water baselmaril heal, Thla home Is a bargeln el 111,- BOO. Walker _ Walker, Realtors, Highway SI, Shrewsbury. SH 1-111!. Open 7 days, REAL.ESTATE FOB SALt HZAL EfTATf FOR UU\ RED BANK RECLWOt Thursday. FVb. 28, REN BANK Urger. o'rfer in e_t*_ lithed n%ighboihuti Close to nrhoolg and tratinpod ti(»li. J'eMturinif th ree nice he room, kitchfn. and full cellar. Jn the place for R ihrae fnmily. *i prir-erf rifcrht at» In* 513. <>t. Walker L, Realtor*. Hi* way 3.-1, Shrewnifury. SH J-->- Oi>_n 7 dftji. 12. _5ryntion7. Plots fi'»m one Her*? _rwl u;i Somt lots 100x2(>0, Fmnk W, MpK«nn;i.1 r R_iijtor. -76 Broad!.. Red Bank. SI, ture«que ttintr. IMTK* livinic room four bedroomi. 2'/«battii. Near rlepni and school.: S_h_nek Agency Realtor. S Linden pi. H_d J'ank..SH 7-om, YOU WILL BE dflighted with this erxitlem, tinee-he«lroom. tko-b»th ranch hom«in the ideal location. The necemary two-ct\r f_i-«tt«; full cellar, acr_ene_ porch, piinet dininjr room ire all included, 13.,.00. Redden \g*ncy, Map)* ave, and fiercer, pi, SH low. Acr«tract, flft.oon, Also Ihi-e-bwdrootn colonlnl, on beaut if u! 1hr*«.«cr«plot. Buildinm ot, 100x20rt. Eietptional location. Genree V, IlJmen- It* broker. Route 84, Colt's' Neck. FR R-81T2 fwo I^fS=lS~Hkidfitown"On H#Tr. v_rd it. Frice 2,r>00, 'For infor< mation < 1LCA _ HR.* ATLANTIC HiGHI-ANPS Three»e«froomi, modtrn kitchen, full celln r with laundry room, oil heat: <*nt-< garage, Taxti low. Excellent lo tion. near»choo]i and convenient railroad and.hopping area R«m Kbit, AT , MIDDXET'OWN Ppiif.i.veT." Eight looidi. Carport. Mnhogany recreation room wall-to-wall n*, -torms and blinds. Prlra 116,100. Cnnh ti.hiio $H9 per month pay* All. Annum. 4 \f r /r 25-yenr FHA t KE fi00frrw I LOOKFN<; FOR THAT wood*". lot" I>_t ; ' n-m-k *ith tivinst ro*>m modf-rt, V,*cn- ] i en Hnd _uil cellar }{"it\t> fimme 1.*^ j I tiurmuruled by i rcea. is ro. vpiiiera W! j i»iyiri4ynf f.nly %2,10<i Kull' pri'<*» *M.- I j 4"<i. H.-ify A Kearnpv _t Co I'.f-Jtl- i r-t 3-".. Ml rt-ofioo. ' YOU TtiS _.XPAVtiIN«"~FAMlI.y -"! Juiar five minutea from the center >A I Rff Hun 'fi this pic' tit'f»f U(> i > rm Cud \ Is11< hf-ri»nd moftern hat.k p!u^ I*M 'intininhcil hedrnnmii a full re!l«r nn<\ j a month pttyi RI. N OH -vet a J-.O'iO down. A«^in(t price * 1 4.0IUI. HHTI y A Kenmfy & I o. KfTi!tnm r 1. I!.',. MI ".-»^H 16 THls~WHAT YOU'n.V'l.rnkinir for? A fhrcp-h»»drof>m ran^hpr with living 1 kitchen rernmir. tile bath full cellar and nt.tarhed unrrnre in H \nve\y rest- Hentiai HI**.of Mi<lrilftr>wn An re-ntionnl valun at ff 1 H.300. nn*nrinjr Arranged. Harrv A Ket A To, renltorw. rt 3-">. Ml r/.ndnf 1NCOI.16 MUWBm Iwo-Vpartrneiit dwellifit*, in line o«ean areh, renidential section. West Eml. near beach and bus line. Private entrance* to fourroom apartment rented, and f!v«-room apartnent arailabla for occurhinry. Owner moving muet laerlflre CA after 5 P. M, Monday-Friday. Afttr 10 A, M week-endi. FkEBHOfl) AREA Retired man'e dream. 1H arres. Spic and span four-room cottage, open porch. All improvements, oil h#at. Dry cellar. Good outbulldlnffe, including two-car Rarage. workshop and chicken home. Fine rarden. S00 feet of rnspberrlsa, ISO feet of strawberries asparagus, mess. Shade trees and picnic grove of oaki. Full price 115,00(1. Ray Stillman. Highway 35. Shrewsbury. SH 1-SfOO. FAIR HAVEN Owner eellini due to position relocation. Attractive onefamily frnme, bunitalpw type dwelling, 1 % stories, containing four rooma, bath hot air oil hcatink syhtem nnd full cellar. Lot.V,\xl00 Uet. Fully landscaped. Walking distance to shop, ping nuiee and school!. SH _ FOUR SUBSTANTIAL HOMES with four bedrooms, three with detached garages. Good school iystern. Priced low. Call E. R. Snyder * Co., Realtors, 135 First ave. Phone AT RESTORED EARIA' AMERICAN Ten rooma Five lovely bedrooms, three modern baths, beamed celling* in huge living room and flreplace; I.TXIS din* ing room with beamed ceilings and maanlve log burning fireplace, huge porch hot water oil heat. Attached two-car garage. Over an acre of parklike grnundu. offered lit fdt.500. Elwood A. Armstrong. Realtors. Little Silver SH FAIR HAVEN. COLONIAL 100' front. 20' living room, cute atresrnlined kitchen. Urge dinnetta, three bedroomi. many walk-in clonets, stornfre room, basement, porch, hot water oil heat. Only asking 114,4011, Elwood A. Armstrong. Realtors. Little Silver. SH SENSATIONAL RANCHER Six rooma. Three large, bedroomi, tile bnth. 20' living room and flreplace pine paneled dining room deluxe kitchen, full baaement with recreation room: attached artrage: flag patio, rail fencing. Offered at 120,00a, Elwood A. Armstrong, Heeltars. Lltt e gllvsr. SH TOniO RANCH In flue area. in; living room, deluxi kitchen with breakfast area, bedroom and lovely bath: garage Unuiual, particularly for the retired touple. Priced at a low IM00. Bl«ood A. Armstrong. Realtors Little Silver. SH ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Sky-Hi, overlooking bay and ocean. Lot 0x490. Small bouts with atmosphere. Ideal for a,rtiitle pcrion or couple, Liv- Inc room with fireplace and cloiet. tiny kitchen, bathroom, two large bed. rooms, one with extra large closst. dry utility room, ample storage apace, oil furnace. Beautifully landeeaped property with super-duper grape arbor. Firm priee, f 12.S00 Seen by appointment only. r. A. Gahlhaui. Seal Estate, It Highwir St. Leonardo. AT 1-04S8. 24-hour telephone aervl ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS-.View.anma home. Lot 137x411. Living room with fireplace. TV porch, two bedrooms with ample closet npacs two baths, unny kitchen dlnlr.a- room utility room, oil furnace. Summer homa with patio, young orchard; 122,000, Firm price. Seen by appointment only F, A Oehlhaui Real Eitate fil Highway IS. Leonardo. AT hour ' lephone service... PROPER Yei walk to school, church storei, City sewerage. New sput.ievel. Three lsrst be_rooms. "Recreation room, large kitchen, ttlcct personal colors: 117,500, Call now. Adems Agencr. SH I-IO >. If East Screen pi,. Red Bank. '74. hour service," '_ 1.»4H DdWN Purchaus new Cape colonial Cellar, two bedrooms, txpunslon area. Trees. Only one left: 180 monthly pnys all Reil Rank area, Adama Ageney. 8H l-s0>8. East Bergen pi.. Red Btnk. "24-hour service." ONE? f-to DOWN Yea. vetenns. Just one left: $78 monthly rmys all. Ce-lnr, new Cape colonial Red Bsnk area. Two bedrooms large expansion attic. Select coleri, Occupancy on approval, Adams Agency SH 1-5A0K East Bergen pi.. Rad Bank. "14- hour aervlec." ROlils''N SACRIFICE Designed for family Interested In youngsters walking to Holy Crost Khosl. Ideal for dentist, doctor or offica home professional man, Immaculnte) condition, Four bedrooms three baths, cellar, sunnorch. large dining room. Many One features. Unparallel at fz&.fton Adsmt Ageney SH l.sook. Rest' Bergen pi. _Red_ Bank^ 24^hour larvicej RETIREMENT OR.SECLUSION Red Bank. Unique, three-room home. Porch, cellar with recreation room and bar. Lovely swimming pool. Trees >» We. Aiklng lg,r>uft. Terma armnued Adams Aeenry SH I.BOJH 1» Kast Bergen pi,, Red Bank. '24-hour iervice." _ WKsf~EotiO "BRANCH RanchTiouTa. Nix roomi. I ',> bathi. full basement; attached garage. Large corner lot. Includes wall-to-wall earpsting. Aluminum ttoriri saah and screens, Venetian blinds electric itove Stone front split-rail fence two patios, CA PORT MONMOUTH vi-room houie. Three bedrooms, large ixpanslon attic hot water oil hunt. Corner lot, 100x11)0 Ownir needs I4.S00 rain. Will sisume mortgage balmca. KG I- nzzn-w. Nfi YP8 RUifrTAXc1WKaven rooms Thi'M hpdroomii. Ailnrhcd garhg*. Very In r«p iilnt, lhndf*cn >D<l. Ilargain at I^A.Ooo. Kestl \tter,vy. 1^44 ^vc^5morej*v_«sh 7-11_.",." INtE'RAi:lALTrKI(irlB<)»ll4>OI> One yrnr old. Thrre-lirrimom much home. Large living room, dining room modern kitchen, tile bnth, fireplace. Built-in garage. Call H 1-501» OLTTBK HoMB^Uut good, ' Thr«." bidrmims living room dining room, lltrtisn bath, full cellar, One ecre. lull prlct 112,0110, GI down Harry A, Kearney A Co., Realtors, rt. It. Ml S FAIK HAVEN CAPE CO_> Livinf rotini, hi Irk fi rapture, pint ptn*>!c(l, Kif.rhcn-iiininfr sren. RaiiKe and Bc>n<Iix. Den.,Scr**n«d I>arrh I2'x22'. Two bedrodbii «nd bath on thr first floor, Sp«o for two additional hfdrofimn, N#»r firhonl, Fln» rnmm unify. Only iiiO. StanUy K. Downa, Realtor, Shrtwi-bury, SH 1-l.K.* NOTICE T_k«no'ic. t>]_* Mi.dletown Town- W»m of U. S. ha«hi-j>lied V> the State i»ir«->-(nr of Hi- L>ivi_ior; of Alcoholic Upvent,-* t >mrr>( fi,r a (>,b Licenna for w.m\m>* lit-iafed at State Highway Rr((.t. :'.',._ north of Lhe Tttwn Hail. immpfliately id wri'inrf lo.slate Dire«a i*»r Uiviiior, of.\)---/noiic Bevera^t Ton. trnl \\n') Haymond J_o-ilevar4 Newark N. J. MIUDLKTOW."',' TOWNSHIP POST NO -179 V F W of U. S. Officer. Albrrt E AI-fi. Cnmmnr..]pr. Vl'i W'illiamd ave.. J t Keamburft F Beriian'i Ijfinn_lly..Senior \k9 Com- I mnndci-. The Trail. Middietown N, J. John S'.nrker. Junior Vice Comm*rider, i AI her'.* av«. ttist Ksan»bui_, N. J.. Walter <i RurkhenJt. QuartermaBter, -7 <.ampbpi ave.. Tort Monmouth( Truateee Alfred P. L->neli 4Ci S war tie. Drive. Adttm McKulchyk, iiox 11, Mi_dletown, Walter A. DcVne IS Sw_rtnel Drive, Mlddletown N J. truttee and coenairnutn of Bar Committee. Vincent A. *;, Itoyle. 7 Melrui, T#rraee, Midttletoyn, N, J. Co-Chairmivn B»f Comnaittee, $14.52 'ive hedrootni, two hathn. Fireplace in the living room, <t!aii-*>nr1oied pnrch. Benullful view. Oil hrat, Two-ra- g*muf. A_k!n», 119,000 Stanley h. I»o«nH Realtor. Shrewsbury _ fih ".- RIVtR OAKS RANCH HOME- Pine paneled Ilvlnf rtmm. fireplnee: dinlnn room, eleftrir kite ha i, Three bed* roomn. lilad bath, R*crt*n(lori room. Attached KSi-Bfre. Esrtilrnt value; *20.0(if> Stanley K. Dnwni Re«ltor, Shrewfthury. SH J-lfllT.* UTTLE SILVER CAPE' part, find eaov to mhlntain. four bedrooms two.mthn. Or Soreeua and utorm *n*h Choke K. Down* Realtor Shrewsbury SH MANI>~S"BW~*RA 1 VCit~-f0ftE :: " Spa^ cioua Vivintt room flrer»lace; diiiin* room. drn.!>eltixe kltrhen. brenkfant araa. Powder room. Thr»*> Inrire h*hroomi. tiled bath, (".drupe, {tnil f#-<*!n«. Onlv nnet t-o,rflo. Stanlev K. Howns. Rewltor Shrewsbury SH / home Seven rooms, Three b*droomi 1'4 bathi. Wall oven i-ountertop range 100% inaiulation.'attached Rsrapp. Convenient to school, shopnlni?; $19,900. Stanlev K. Downi, Realtor Shrewihvirv SH * MUST HE SOLD"I Th it alt met i ve Cape Cod hut pine paneling tn tha upntalra bedroom forma! din in* rnnm, 11 v i n _r room w*th brick flreplnre. rumpui room in cellar. Many tree* and irood tanrtncapiii_. VHernnn morta-atrn avnllnble. Price Call Murphy A Srhweem «1 _ $2,700 TAKES* OVER Uia mortimre"on Kfven-room hotiu In Atlnnttr Hiirlilnmls. HD TV room, two bftthf: two. CHT R-ftrupe: and new roof, LfwMetl in *rood ne.phborhood, pri*e $12,000, Call Murnhv ft Schweeri SH 1-414!. THtitTEEN TREES pa with thin "law. ix-room ranch. Alto iroei the Irv- [nir room, private bath in the matter bedroom. c»har; two-ear frarp-'e and verv nice locution. A-klntr f2^.9o0. Cal_I_Murnh^ * SchweaM RH 1-4M1, VIEW OP'THB RIVER ro»;*w[th'*thle tprcioufl ranch. An lm> preaiive home of quality and ireneroua dlmtnulonn. tocated on n dead end street In Rumnon. Rntranc* hall, fireplace of "Tenn-iiee" field atone, formal dininjr room. MxiS: private bath In the inn** mmiter bedroom, itt well ai three other bedroomi and h>tth ex. trn Inrir* cellar, nil heat, two flfn_nton# patloa nnd th«moat dei'rahle nei«hborhood in Rimmnn. Call iii in see this beautiful home. Murphy _. Krhween, SH , $13,900, IiTOfcE OF Red R_,nk! VhftU_r neirhborhoodn. Not fanrv and yet,. It! a really fine home H«n formnl dining room, 3 M bedrooms full cellar. Large yard and two-eer carntre A leader tn the low prlred hvm Call now It tr.n'1 Inftt. Murphy ft Srhweer. SH i-41-n TWO PAttOS JTiWkiT^A dlatlnctiv* two-atory rolonlal, near town, yet off tha beaten path on quiet Head *nd utreet. Thla i«a een ter hrl! with a wnod-burnjnr ffr*i>iav a c and full "French" doora leadln* to the natio bmutlfullv l«nd»»caped, A new Ilnttrg at $19,ton. Call now to M«thtt unuaiml hofnt. Murphy 4 Schweert, SHJMI41. 4% GI MORTGAGE can b* taken over on thla ranch hoiiaa r.fvlnsr ronm. kitchen three bedrooma. *Um n*tb. full cellar, oil heat. Aiklnff $U.*flfl. C*\] now. MnrnHr 4 Schweers SH 1*4141. FAIR HAVEN Choire location. Three bed room R ruitfe tlvlna* room with flreplnce dining area, modem kitchen, tile batht flfiffitona putio. lartrt, lot, room for fxixtnulon SH INCOME PROPERTY--ComniatelV Uif. niihed. 12-room home three bathe. full petlar with laundry a-nd workahop. Oil *twutt heat and hot water, A-l neighborhood inoxton Beat offer AT 1-2S«.'). # BREATHTAKING VIBW rboitmiiwil The moat, nerfecttv located home in At. Untie Htarhlanda. MaRpiflrfnt vint* of ocean M far nn the eye can reach. An older home ot a pure and charm with nicturenqvi* ttroundn (or a tarn* fsmfly Stately prorortlop-nl livintr room, dtnlntr room, kitchen, three bath rooms, cellar; gamire»ind extra* *o d*h(rht inyone:!g,0rtn Kuxieil M, Rorua, Renltori (100 River rd. Fair Hnven. SH.%4m KED BANK CiH^oNIAL V,Vii IfxntedT An older home of apaelouinetia and chttrm. The flnetit Hvln? room end fireplace In Red Rnnk. UrKe dintntr room, kitchen with p«ntrv. Threa vary large bedroomi and tile bath: 2ft' loner heated nui>porrh. Twoear frnrage. Oi! heat. Full cellur, r*"»ve outitundlng homa: I'S.sno. Rua- Kel! M. Bonn Reiltorx 00 River rd., Fair HUVMI. PH T I_ITtU-~SaVEn- Lovely colonial. *\C uated on a high large. Urdn'-upe'. dot tn ton residential nelnnhorhoott. Chnrininir tlvinrr room, flrtmiaca; full dininfr room UP- kitchen. thr»»«behroffma. both Full c^'tftr. oil heat. 12x20 acra*ne<l porch. Near school and bus line. Home In flne condition. Own. r transferred Aaking 92O.r.f)ft, Rna. aell M. Boms, F*altorn 600 River rd.. PWrJUvan. Rl ji4y«. IttTMSON Three-yearrold ranch homt In Immaculate condition. I_ar(r«llv- Ing room, three be>lrooma tiled *M>th n4 powder room. Dining room. huge. modern kitchen, breakfait nook. Full cellar with finished room Flaarii'ona rmtio Twn-cfl" attarh»«l pnrngt, \»V- In* Runnel! M. Bonn Be***»or* «00 River rd.. Fair Haven. SH 7.J.K32. _ FAIR HAVEN AttriirtW. Cant Cod. Llvinir room with flr»nlap»», CflUpHh-..tlon kltchen.dlnette. Two lovaly n»droom* with bul!t>^4. Stain to hug* xpinalon attic. rinn# to school, A rent viimie at $1M0n RiifKe'I M. Borun Rtx-Uorn R0O River rd. F«Ir Haven. _RH 7-4S32. _ EVrC ESTATE-~In the men* Idealle ruiuc iwtting poiaiblp to imnfflne. The ruihinif trout-fllled brook, nn nirler'i delight Aptly Uhelt4 the most beautiful ground* and woodf In New Jeney»H IS ncrei. The beau* tlful ranch houaa of lov«l* prooor. tlona will fhnrm everyone. Two bedroomi center hall J*rfe MvIn room. mtftint 'arm kitrhsii. Pari»di»i! for $HJ>.- non. RutaeM M Rorui R*»«1tor<i "00 Rlv«-r rd, Kair_Haven ^ J_-*-l^}^ BKANI> NE"W CA'P'E COfi W h tre. mendout expanaion athc. Hone to Reil Rank. Two fin* he'1roomn. living rnoin pciincp kitchen, ft>">r<reoi,n eel*. Alicnmera %?.,d(\n _<i«h d^wn. Vow th«time tn btiv while thev In*'. Hne value: 911 tm". RusneM M. R*>'torn «0(» River rd. Fnlr Hnver. SH T-4R.S2S. Slim)LETflWV VJ_A(.R Tncnma property. Duplex, Separata utilities. I ',i aer««: near e*hooln _hurche» and.ranaportation. Take over S 1 * wortirast*: nee find mortgaga available. A"V- Ing $20,000 Make an innneclioii. No raaionahle offer rafuitd. For appoint. SH 748R7 Rorn BAST KBAN8BURG-Nine-room houie Automatic me heit. Aluminum comhlnation windows, latfdrv room, \ix\q H vlntr room drrfcnsd porfh. Num's minor repali-n:»«.m(1. KK H-U71-R. Thr Rr(ri«li'r'» claiwifird ndvcrtisomcntu have more renilcrs. which means mnrr results. Someone has what you want or will buy what you have to sell. Advertisement. NOTICE SUPER I OK COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHAJMCERY DIVISION MONMOUTH COUNTY DOCKET NO. M-3M3-f8 TO: MATTHEW t>e SIO Defendant. By virtua of an Order of the.superior Court of New Jetney. Ch_T\c«ry t)iviaion mad* on the '.3d dny of January 19:. 7 in «civil art I nn wherein Evelyn Dorothy I) Sin n the nlilntllff and you»rt- the defendant, you ara hereby reriuiind f> in.iwrr the Comptfttnl of th.*»>laintiit on or before tha 2.1th diy of March. IH.17, hv n^rvinr an nn«wnr vn John A. PeliHo, Krf'iuire, plulntlff'b at tornvy who** eddr'ti it # U Broad Street. Red Brink, New Jer- ey and In tie fan It thereof iuch jud*- itiexit shall lie rendered atfttinat you aa the Court shall think equitable and just. Ymi flhall file your answer an4 proof «f aervice in duplicate with th* Clerk of tl»«^ut>f>nur Court. Stat«House Anntx, Trenton. New Jeriey. la accordance with the mlei of civil praetice and procedure, The ohjert of laid action it to obtain a judktmtnt of divorce the aaid plflinlift ind you. Dated; January JOHN A PETILLO. Attorney (or Plaintiff. 1. Broad Street. 122,«l R*4 Bank. New J.rsar. NOTICE CERTIFICATE OF RETIREMENT OP CAPITAL STOCK OF RED 0ANK MANOR. INC. The locution of the principal offic* of the corporation in thin utate Ei R«d Barik Mitnnr. Red Hank, New Jeraey. The name of th. Hirent therein and in eharu. thereof upoo whom pr*>ces«axftinit thin corporation tuny b«lervcdi i. ft. Thr>mnii DowerM. Ked Btink Manor Inc.. a corporation orjinnhed and existing undac the I«HW of the State of New Jersey hereby CERTIFIES; That the I.48S -hire* of Ctrnis B Preferred Stock of the corporation I»- nued nnd outatandlnk IR reduced by 121 linrea thereof now held by the corporation to 1,342 ihnrei thereof and the M«iharca of Clui C Preferred Stock of the torpnratio>n isnued and outrtdndintr is reduced by th> «hrrea thereof now held by the corporation, to 461 itharei thereof: that the man* ner tti which such reduction \» accom* plifthed in by retiring absolutely an4 definitively unld 121 shiiras of Clnns Preferreil Stork and said 80 shares of ('IBBS C Preferred Stock now held by the corporation and hy reducing tha Capital Stock of the corporation to 1,342 fthfirci of Clnss B Preferred Stock and to 463 aha ret of CAnnn C, Preferred Stock, by approprifite ind pnnier net ion of the I'irectori and StnekhnlderA of I e rorporntion. IN WITNESS WH&REOt'. Red Bank, Manor Inc.. has caused this Ctrttflrata to be sikned by Its President and S e c retary an4 tha seal of the corporation to be hereunto annexed this 4th day of February. 1957, (SEAt) KPD BANK MANOR INC. By PHILIP J. BOWERS, President. ROBERT EISNER Secretary. STATE OF NEW JERSEY) COtfNTY OF MONMOUTH) BE IT REMEMBERED. That on thtt 4th day of February. Nineteen hundred and flfiy-wvi'n feafort ma tj_«ubwriber. a Notary Public of Naw Jereey personally appeared ROBERT EISNER, who being by ma duly iworn on hii oath saya th_.l ha la tha Secretary of R«d Bank Manor, Inc. tha corporation named In the foregoing Certificate; that he wall knows tha corporate stal of said corporation; that the saal affixed to wild Certificate la the corporate seal of aaid corporation; that the aaid ««al was to affixed and th* said Certificate liifned and delivered hy Phltio J, Bowers, who w»» at th* date thereof th* President of said corporation, in the presence of this deponent, and.aid President at the same time acknowledged that ba signed, sealed and delivered the same as hii voluntary act and Uted. and tt the voluntary act and dead of said corporation by virtue of authority from Ita Board of Directors, And that deponent, at th* aame time tubscribed hid nama to aaid Certificate an an attesting 1 wltnees to th«execution thereof. Sworn and Subscribed before SEAL m* at R*d Bank. Naw Jersey, tht data aforesaid. ROBERT EISNKH. ' Agnes H. Broman, Notary Public of N. J. My commission expires May NOTICE Miss L. Andtnon. Mr. Andrew Brown Mrs. Earle Balgh. Mrs. W. Bothwell Mr. Rolund Hillsttln Mrs. Hattie BaakerviJls. Mrs Ray A. Davis. Mr Harold F. Early. Mrs. Eva B. Elltaon. Mr TboitiRB Fitmera.d. Mr. J. Fuller, M.\ Ulyases Creei. Mrs Irving Creen Lillian Greenwood. W. J Graham, Ru.aell Hay ward. Mr. Ernest Hampton Mr. */or Mrs. W. D. Her- hey. Mr ft/or Mrs John Kiely, Sit. Henry Ughtiey. Mr.. W T U*. Mrs. L Meade. Mn. Von Mehlhoff. Mrs. Thomas A. Mannion Jr (Slconekf), Mr and Mrs, ROM Clayton Mr. John Nelll. Mrs E Ostbsrg. Mrs. E. Kich-»rd»on, Sift Harry Berir. Minn Judy Hurtis. Mrs.. KitEfrerald Kathryn G. Maul Miss S B MscDonald. Mr. Albert H. O'Brien Mrs Irene Olah, Muriel K. Palmer Sir. F. Pintard. Mr. M. Richer, Mrs. Nona C. Ronp. Mr. and Mr*. John Splg«imy*r. Mary Spi»cl\«ab A/or John Stumer Mm. Anna Heath Spradley. Mrs. R. K. Vanttrunt. you and each of you are hereby notified that th* time for the payment of our Hen upon the property hereinafter described havinit expired alter due notice thtreof had bten given you we will eiust) such property to wit: Bureaus, chiffoniers, beds, chairs, rockers dressing tables dlrans dininjr room furniture. parlor and library furniture kitchen utensils ref rig tra tors trunks con tent a. rutrs. carpets heddin'- lin«n, hanirings. lilverwara wearing apptre. pictures, piano* paintings contents of barrelt and boxes suppo»*d to be books china, glasswar* bric*-brac content*»f bureau drawers and all other roods known as household fleets, stored by you in your name or on your account or In which yott claim* an interest in ths ANDERSON BROS.. INC. Storage WurehoUM 19H-_Q4 Monmouth Street, Ked Bank New Jersey to be "old at public auction on.saturday March H ANDERSON BROS. INC, 51-,'- Mechanic Street f Red Bank New Jersey. MONMOUTH COUNTY SURROGATE'S COURT N#ti_* te Creditor* te Present Claims Against Eatatt ESTATE OF SARA V. WEBSTER (also known us SADIE F, WEBSTKR) DECEASED. rur-iinnt to th* order of EDWARD C HKIH-X1K 5urri.nat* of the County of Monmouth this duy mude. on th* application <if the undemitttied. Anthony T. Woulley Ailminiatralni vt the _ntnte of the siiid Siu'H K. Wnhitn. HiUo kiuiwii HS S»dle V. Weh- Mlei). i\t>iviime'j notu'e IK hereby given to ih_ vitditth'm of Hai it deceased to M-fHenl to the KHM AdmlnlHttitior their rlaimt* untlfi' oath within tix months from thin dtttv Datedi Keliruwry 1.1th. 11*57 ANTHONY T. WOOLLKY, n_ i llnth Av«. l_ou«..ranch, N, J, Anthony T. Wo<>Il*y, E qh HO Ur.adway Lonii Brunch N, J.. Attorntr v

50 Jbef AM* /br Mb n.1hn*>, FA A 1917 JCM/ Estate for Sale ALLAIRE & SON AGENCY, INC. Uoomouth County's Oldest Rul Estate Firm 199 Broad Strert SHady-ide HIGHWAY FRONTAGE Wall located > > Highwar IS, Middle tewa. 150 f«t frontage bjr 150 lee aeep. Priced at Just 122,500. CENTER OF RED BANK A* old" houm in good tound condition. Center tall, livinr room, big alining room, large kitchen, den, end lavatorv. Second door, I bedrooms, lleoplnt porch, bath. A ml opportun Itjr tl 111,000. ALMOST NEW Close to town end located on a bui lint. RKtption hill, epacious living room with pine-paneled fireplace, full aise dinim room. Complete modern kitchen with electric rinnc, I bedroom., tilt b»th, nice light n J I n basement, breesewav and gerags. 121,- 00. EATONTOWN Benovated and newlr decorated 1. SI Itorr. nicely locate!. Living room, dintat room, kltehan, dem, ona bedroom 14 and bath on arat «oer. Second floor, two bedroom, full baeement end ge-it Ml, It IS INCOME PROPBRTT 4* 41 Twa apartmenu nicelv located In the Jant.r.1 Red Bank «the b»t M. All ia load found condition, Onlr 111, ioe. RUMSON-6 BBDR00U8 Beautifully located on IK aerea. nea tha river, with men, magnlfeaatim All brick, spacious reception hall. llv. Ing room, dining room, ultre-modern kitchen with aaparata breakfalt roam. I badroomi and 2 bathe plui larfe aunroom oa flrat floor. Saeond Soar I maeter bedroomi and bath. Two-car ante. ALLAIRE & SON AGENCY, INC. REALTORS 199 Broad Street SHadytid THE MEISTRICH AGENCY 97 Monmouth Street Red Bank, N. J. SH FEATURE OF THE WEEK EATONTOWN Two-bedroom ranch, which baa a twenty (JO) jeer GI aesumptlan. Vet or Non-Vet 11,890. down. 1l.«t month pare all. MIDDLETOWN *15,000 VJL. AMumpUon Bencher, thraa bedrooms, full "Weegtent. atuched tarate, plaeter walli. A real bur for tho money. Proamt mortgage hat cleat to twenty (to: yean to' run at MO. a month. All theee faaturea eur with new buyer, etorm windowa and eereent, tltte. re. rrlgeretor and eutomttle Ira alarm *"**"" RED BANK 911,100 Aa oldar home centrally located. Thll twe-itorr hoata c»n aatllir bo eeaverted Into furnlehed apertmente. You til live on ono floor and rant tha other, and lira rant fraa. 1JNCROFT *21,M0 A one-year-old, baautiful tkree-kedroom ranch on a half acre of wall landiceped tround. There la a fireplace, full cellar, attach*) (arete and patle. Tha kitchen haa t Hotpolnt built-in electric over, etove, and dlth waahar. Tall home muat be aaan to appreciate. 1DDLETOWN $U,35O Three-bedroom ranch.with a host nreslace In tha living room. Thlt home la Coated with radiant heat, and haa attllt* room, aunporeh. large kitchen, and cloee to half acre tround. Thll aa won't latt lont. HAROLD A. MEI8TRICH JACK CORCORAN, Balei Mar. CALL NOW SH HOUR SERVICE STANLEY K. DOWNS REALTOR "Hornet ol Charm and Value" SHadyiide BXCEFTIONAL HOME IN Bl'MSON. Out and one-half acrae. Shade trees. Five bedroome. thraa tiled bathe. Llvln«room. fireplace, larie den, Dining room, Deluxe kitchen, dithwaeher, wall van, counter-top range. Breakfaet ant. Two-ctr ttraie. Outetandim value. HI.000. Fireplace. Pltittr wallt. Tiled bath """" f,»» haeament. Attttkod fa- Oil haat. Ovenli.d plat. Exeal- CHARM AND PRESTIGE for tha die-ran. Hmlnttlnt home owner. Cultnm built l«t location for childran. Offered at ranch home In aatata area. Rumeon. 114,100, Huge living room. Hone flreplaee. Din- Int room, tile kltehan. Pine paneled dan ll-ft. Three large Manter bedroomi, two tiled bathi. Biument. Thraa-car terete, phone for appointru* BEDROOM COLONIAL. Onefear-old, it.ft. living room, fireplace.»ne den. Large dlnlnt room, science aitcnen, dlihwathar. Tile powder room. HtloV *"*** '""""'"e poetattlon, lua4 Our Adi in tht Clantfled action TO SELL OR BUY PHONE STANLEY K. DOWNS Sycamore Ave. REALTOR SHadyside Shrewtbury No. No. IS 2" S 2«27 2H 2t SAVE YOUR TIME... LOOK HERE PARTIAL LIST RIVEBFROCT PBOrEBTIBS Urns. Ba. "a 137t «7 ( 7 8 K I I IVi l'i t'i l'i 4I IV, 2'* >!s Lois. 10x1It 70x141 I ac. 100x111 12SX2BI Mac. l'i ac. H5l2S«112x101 lac. 1 ac. IViar. 111x front RANCH HOUSES Beaa. Ba. No. Km. Ba. dt No. 4* IS Lota 10*111 Ittec. Mxlzl 7iiim Mlltl ltsultt I It t*o>m 2tilIS 71x x114!«I>ITI lltxiso Kac. 1 ac. HOitOO litiiia lac. tae. Ullisl «ac. tac. lllxlll lhac. PUT LEVELS \\\ 41 gold. I Lota ItitOI Itxlll Mac. 109x171 '4ae. lodxtoo tie, «ac. CONVENTIONAL TOWN HOUSES Nt, tat. Ba. 11 It No, IT IS SI It S4 1 IT SI T* Tl Utt 8exl*il 1 I 10x11* lltlll U -Sold. 71x214 11x111 i I *4ae. 7x11* IV 1*0x11* 10x11* 10x171 I* llox 71 IV 100x101 I TSxttl 1 ^ Hae. I I10x1*4 I*«xll4 \\ 71x11* 1 141x111 1 IV 4ac. 1*0x10* 1 ] \ Mac lac. lllxll* IV lac. 1 *M 1H ac. No. Said. a.p. 111.«ot «.00» * It.tOt lo.oot ) ll.oot tl.oot P. it.tot , * 1I.I0I 20,100 20, ,»0» , * IM JI.KOI 11,000 IT.000 It.OOO 41,000 8.P. lt K0 17, », ,00» 17.(00 I.P. MOO ,100 18,100 10,000 22, , ,000 21,700 2M00 2MO0 S ( Let ui take the worry out ofsh EA house hunting for you. Tell us whit you want and well find i Roliton Wuterbury Realtor Imuror Appraiiali Mortgage* 16 Weat Front Street SHadytide HALL BROS. of REALTORS 813 River Road SH L7686 Fair Haven EXECUTIVE'S COLONIAL SIX BEDROOMS Thraa tiled hatha. Cantor hall. Pine dan, Una tun room. Tiled powder room, Huto kaeement tameroon with bar and lavatory. Heated treanhouee. Attached three-car laraia. Three acre hilltop tettlnrv Unutual value tt only 141,000. Br appointment only. I HOLT CROSS AREA FIVE BEDROOMS Jolonial for trowint family. Huce llvin» room. Screened porch. Den. FanllT atyla kltehan with hroakftet tlcove' 2H hatha. Half acre of ihaded rroundi. Two-car tarasa. A lovelr home at 117,500. TOWERING TREES-STREAM FOUR BEDROOMS Ow Mr nla,t M. Large llvlna; room. I'wtaca. Dlnlnt room. Knelaatd porch. Two tim fcathi. Urte batemant with lied Roar. Attached two-ctr ftraft. Bait location. Aiklnt llt.iot. SHREWSBURY CAPE COD FOUR BEDROOMS RIVERSIDE HEIGHTS BUNGALOW FOUR BEDROOMS 'went* four-foot llvln, room with itona (Ireplace. Haatad eunroom. Pull lnlnt room. Modern kitchen. Baae- RUMSON HILLSIDE THREE BEDROOMS Ettite area with river view, Owner transferred. 10-foot livlng-dlnlng tret with large flreplace, Dishwasher. Tiled bath room. Deep baiement with latin- Iry and dark room. Terrace, Attached [arige. Best bur In area at 121,100.. MONTEREY COLONIAL THREE BEDROOMS letting of graceful willow treae with Iver view and rights. Den. i% baths. Ireplice. Dlehwtiher, French doors rom dining room to enclosed porch. *lgh fence surrounds brick terrace for rivicy, Full basement, Attached two. '" garage. First time offered. 121, For Dependability and Qualit Harry A. Keerney & Co. Rt. 35 REALTOR MI Middletowi NON-VET NEEDS $2,300 Why pay rent T 8pacioua living In this 3-bedroom ranch with full baaement Living room with picture window. Din. ing room. Largo cheerful kitchen. Heat jng coats 110 year. Convenient loea< tion. Good neighborhood. Alklng lit, 100. SHREWSBURY Purchase tafety and security; build your equity ia this 3-bedroom ranch in a neighborhood of well planned homes. Living room, dining area, btth. Hreplaee. incloaed porch, and car garage. We mill arrange convenient Intnclng. Pricl 117,000. LITTLE SILVER Four bedroomi. Two bathl. If you trt budget-minded but socially conscious you will approve this house. Molt charming location, presenting good construction and convenience. Living at. Dining room. Full baaement. Garaga. The prlcet RUMSON WATERFRONT You'll be proud to own thll home your family will be happy here. Fom bedrooms, 2 baths, living room. din. int area, kitchen. 1-ear attached garage, utility room, eereened-in porch. Lota of living room In this espaeiallj attractive nearly new waterfront houie. Price. I2I.SO0. OLD SHREWSBURY Ona aere of tall traea and privacy. Cuitom-hullt diatinctiva ranch. Matnlfl. cent view from plctura window in largo living roam. Dining room. Kitchen featuring wall ovan, dlehwaaher, and breakfttt bar. Three bodroome. California atyla room tltad glaat porch overlooking patio and barbecue. Suburban living at itt nneet. Prlea. I, 100. RUMSON xeeutive with a growing family wl find thll brand naw houae an ideal. Located In one of Rumaon'a molt axclutive arait thle 5-badroom brick veneer home It topi In every reepeet. Beautlfally deiigned and praeialo built to Insure tho owner yean of uea fulnail tnd tatltftctlani. Price, 142, Harry A. Kearney & Co. Rt. 35, Middletown MIddletown J. LESTER RIGBY ASSOCIATES 658 TINTON AVENUE Real Estale Insurance NEW SHREWSBURY MIDDLITOWN VILLAGE Attractive now elx-room ranch homo on aacludad residential itraat. Contalna thraa bedroomi. two hatha. brick Ire. pltco flanked by bookcaaae and al taeto little extrai appreciated by the kuiy modern homimaker. Added faaturea include two-ear garage, covered patio euitable for teratning. full cellar with built-in cloatti, tnd partially woadad lot ef ovar one-half acre. Atk. Ing 111,(00. RID BANK Recently redecorated alder homo In excellent condition «n thtdy rmidintlal itraat. Two-ttory. thrta-hodroom houea with tiled bath and lavatory. Nineteen by twentv-rlvefoot living room with open lulrwey and brick leadt to heated eunporch. Full dining room, large kitchen, full dry eellir and two-ear garaga. All platter walli, Ono of our boat value! at 121,000. RED BANK Exceptional value! Twoitory ilx-roem home in excellent condition with, complete bath on etch aoer. Preaently uaed aa two apartmente etch with private entrance, but equally ultabla for oat family. All bedroomi have walk-in cloect.. Full dry cellar. Ont-ctr garage. Mttr high echool. Priced at LINCROFT Three-bedroom home In nlct.residential area. Living and dining rooms. Tile bath. Full cellar that'i high and dry. Storm sash and icrocni. Lew ttxes. Only *. LONG BRANCH For the family thtt would Ilk* tn Income and a hone tt tht same time. Wt have iust tha house at the right price. Plenty of family living area and an extra apartment for rental. Call now! Price only 12,000. WM. S. GARRISON REAL ESTATE SHtdyiM. 1-0*04-5 INSURANCE 24-HOUR SERVICE FIRST TIME OFFERED tumaon ranch home, only 2 yaare old, I badroomt, 1H bathe, dining room, Iving room. Tenneettt atone fireplace,, till bteement, atttchtd garage, over 16 treea Including 21 dogwood. Alklng 82,600. FAIR HAVEN WOODED LOT I U ncrc-i hut reetdentlal area. Many different varietiei of treat and ahrubi. 18,000. LOCUST ESTATE AREA I ACRE WOODED LOT New rambitnt brlek rtneh home, ntaring completion. <0' living room, family In dlnint room, 2 \i tile bathi, I twin lite bedroomi, maittr ISxl7, baee* board holt, recreation room, full bailment, 2-car attached garaga 140,000. OWNER WANTS QUICK ACTION Three-bedroom ranch home, knotty pine living room with fireplace, din- Inn room, modern kitchen, tile hath, full b.i.ment,»atlon room. Thia home priced rikht tt MORE VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY Three-bedroom. Cape Cod. Excellent condition, paneled, living room, fireplace. Larva modern kitchen, tile bath, Recently decorated. Mult tell by Mareh ,100. ' LAWLEY AGENCY REALTORS SHadyside OUR BEST VALUE Spotl.i. IJtil. Silver home. Truly adequate for large family. Nina roome, t4 bedroome>, l\k bathe. Gamiroom, laundry room. Hot water haat. Plot nearly acre. Like naw. 110,110. GARDENER'S DREAM Actually over (1.000 worth ef Im. ported di domoatlc evergreen. * lowerinf thrubt tnhtaca the aattlag of thit cute ranch hoaw: providea aeclualoa. 120xllo-foot let. Home include! living room, llreplaeo. dlnfng room, acreened porch, kitchen. 2 badroomi. tile bath. Two-car garage. All appliancea. 111,100, ON THE RIVERFRONT Top tuallty, top condition, fratte hi_ deiigned for family growth. Living room with tripled, huge atttona vorea. dialog area. 2 badroomi. tila bath. Second floor for expaniioa. Full dry baeement. partially nniahed for gamoroom. Terrace t«dock. Aaking 0.I00. TRUE COLONIAL APPEAL Fair Haven, little more than one)earold. Spotla.t condition, decorated In toft neutral toaet. Living room with (replace, large dan, formal dining room, 4 bedroome. Dry cellar. OH heat. Applianeee. Two-ear garage. Lane to river FAIR HAVEN Niat eeven-room reeidenre. Kir aetablilhed neighborhood. Kirtpltcc. Oil heat. Baaement. Carat.. Immediate occupancy. Aeking 111,000. LAWLEY AGENCY 100 Sute Hwy. 35 Red Bank SH.dy.ide THOMPSON and TALL TREES AND BROOK LEPFERTS. INC. 30 White St. Red Ba-k, N. J SH NEW COUNTRY RANCH Large paneled living room with Andtr- on window walli facing river. Two THREE BEDROOMS. On large let. Bigtiled bathi, Birch kitchen. Automatic modern kitchen with nook. ltttt. Two-car garage, Tr«ti. 100 fait A lovely location yet convenient to f 118,000. aehooll and Ihopplng area. Price (,- 00. LARGE FAMILY? DESIGNED FOR COMFORT THREE BEDROOMS. 1»i bath home with lane dan. Brick and clapboard construction. Lot 100x250 with many txpenslve ihrubs and trees. A friendly neighborhood. Asking price llt.200. OLD COLONIAL LOVERS FIVE BEDROOMS. 2Vs baths. Beamed celling in living room. Pine pinelei den. Kitchen modernised. One acre wal latdteaped lot. Thll home has retained SPEAKING OF BARGAINS FOUR BEDROOMS, l'i batha on I'. tent. Fireplace In large living room. Enclosed breetewty. Two-car attached garage. A rail country estate yet within 1* mlnutet of Red Bank. Price ENGLISH TUDOR F1VC BEDROOMS. Three bathl. Living room of dignity and charm with theory colonial ((replace. Dining room lied for medern furniture and llv-..j Open terrace that Invites eating In the garden. Two-car atttehed garate. Rene richly decorated. Alking 7.S0*. OPEN FOR INSPECTION SATURDAY 1 TO I STEVENVILLE BLVD MIDDLETOWN V. 8. TO OASIS DRIVE-IN. TURN AT COOPER'S ROAD FOR THREE BLOCKS AND TURN RIGHT AT STEVENVILLE BLVD. ulate three-bedroom ranch Featuring hot water haaaboard heat, ipaeioua living room-dining room and flnlihad recreation bai.ra.nt with dtn. tltuated on large lot 7Sxl(l'. MORTGAGE ASSUMPTION AVAIL- ABLE FOR IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY. ALL THIS FOR 114,110. Tomaito-Berragana AGENCY Realtors Imuron 1355 Oak Tree Road, Iielin Liberty WALKER & WALKER SHadyside EATONTOWN Charm and comfort leet deteribe thia oldar two-ltory tome. Large living room with fireplace nd beam ceiling, dining room, kitchen and breakfaat nook. Thrte Urge bedroome and bath on tha lecond floor. 'ull bailment with a recreation room. Largo tree ihaded lot. Alklng IK.OOO. ONTENTMENT Home with a river lew. Center hall, newly conetructed of irlek and cedar ahlnglei. Largt llvng room and dining room, modern onvtnltnt kitchen, thrte bedroomi nd two tilt batha. Wonderful neighion. Low tixei. Half aere plot. Twor garage. 124,000, ' WALKER & WALKER Highway 35 Realtor! SHadyiide Open 7 diyi. Shrewsbury RAY VAN HORN AGENCY A Fine Name in Reil Eetate Our 23rd Year Fair Haven, N. J. SHadyiide RENTALS Throa-bedraom, l'i bath furnlahed aparttaant, Three-room furniahed apartmaat. (75. Studio apartment, IfiO. Large houie, eavan room, garage, near water, lilt. Riverfront, 10 roomt, 2',i bathe, 12(1. RIVER OAKS Tkrae-badroom rancher. Living rooai -with flreplaca wall in pine paneling. Tile bath. Recreation room, aiphalt tile floor. Garage. Early poi- PRIVATE DOCK Waterfront. Holly and evergreens. Two big bedrooms. Two beautiful baths Bunkroom with lavatory. Den. Sundeck. Two-ear garage NEW RANCH Jmmediate poieeieion. Near echool. Throe bedroomi. \'n tiled bathe. Birch kitchen. Fireplace. Full baiement. Oil it. Garage, llt.200. RIVER VIEW. HALF ACRE Briek and ahlngloa. Big center hall ranch houet. Two tiled bttht. I bed. rooau. eloeiti. Knotty pine den, 2 ear garaga, Formica kitchen. Hotpolnt wall even FOUR BEDROOM COLONIAL Owner tramfirred, Almait new. Center hall. Formic, kitchen, dlahwalher. Pantltd dtn. 24-foot living roomvnrcplace. Hot water oil heat, Pinter walli. >ry baaement. Two-ear garage. Half acre. ( NINE-YEAR OLD COLONIAL Early occupancy. Five roomt. Baae mint, ment, ol oil haat, tool houta, garage. Atre fenced yard. tractive Colonial. Four badroomi. 2 tiled bathe/ Oil heat, full baaement, tiltd floor, Encloaed porch, 2-car garaga. Large plot. 121.(00. RIVERFRONT 3-YEAR OLD RANCHER Exceptionally roomy houie. Quiet area. Near ehoola. Large living-room. Fireplace. Den. Five bedroomi. 2' 2 bathi. )ouble garage. Well landicaped half re. IS7.S0O. RAY VAN HORN. REALTORS its charm through many yeart of happy ownerahlp. Price ItS.OdO. 8M River Rd. SHidytlde WOODED COUNTRY ACRE AND HALF ESTATE Two-year-old Crtftsmen-bult Luxury Home. Set in perfect lurroundings, rolling Itwt and century old trees. Your summer end winter quarters combined; two miles to ocean bathini and deep lea fishing; one block to boating on South 8hrewebury River. Thia exceptional value at ' la ready for immediate occupancy with overall carpeting on the first floor. A Iberal long term mortgage pltn is vailablt. There art four bldroomt, two tiled bathi. otntlr hall with powder room. Domeitie atienca kitchen, ecrtened-in terrace, paneled recreation room and large two-ctr garage. ipen for inapection dally. Directions: ska Rumaon Road to Heathcote Farms, el RU C. i. Heath. Broken rotectcd. JOSEPH G. McCUE AGENCY REALTORS 30 Ridge Road RU "TUKRE NO 8UB8TITUTI t'uk VEK 10 YBARS RUM8ON. Set amidst etntury old trees, on aristocratic Rumion Road and surrounded entirely by ins Bnsat estates, thlt older house priced to allow [or 'our particular restoration needs. Center hall, living and dining rooms, Itn, panto, kitchen, 4 muter bedoosns, (others third floor), I batha. pprox. I seres, Asking JSJ.OOO. UMUON. Almost ntw brick and frame neher. 1 % acres. Four bedrooms. 1 led bathi. living and dining roumt, tehen, recreation room. Pull-down Hire to attic. Attached garage U re). Acceia to tht rivtr. Unbeatable alue at RUM8ON. Safe and aound property on beautiful Mhrtwtbury River. Uood lulkhead. Center hall, living and dinng roomi, modtrn kitchen, pint tnaltd gltttid tunporch, powder oom, Second fioort hedrnnma, draiang room, I tiled baths. Two-car attchod garage. A compact eailly maintained houie In excellent condition. Alklng 141,100, UMHON. New rancher. Located peactll, aerene, ehaded sres. Bird lover's aradltt. Large living room (fireplace), planted dining area, canter hall. 3 bedrooms, 2 tiled bathe, den, utility im, overilted 2-car taraae. Accees rlvsr. IDT.nOI). FAIR HAVEN. Majsstlc view entire Hhrtwibury River. Urn living room (beamed calling). glassed-in den (Thermopane picture window), din- Ing mem. tiled pantry, l.lichen and lavatory, acreened front patio porch, 4 badroomi, 1 tlltd baths, full basement, attic, artenhouu. Ona aere, J2Sft. new bullhead. Cueeptlontl 111,500. MIDDLETOWN REALTY C O. 4 STAR LISTINGS STORE IN HEART OF RED BANK $7,500-SPECIAL Can also be used as oflea. Frame on story building 17'xlO'. including plot. Almoit an acre of land will Taxee Asking 111,000. Will alto rent at 1180 per month. Leaee. Hae large lawn, holly t. aorts of other full grown aver partial rental recapture feature. greena and flowering* ebrubi Picturesque older house, kitchen, living room with open INTERESTED? CALL replace, 2 badroomi and ftath plus a 10x11 outar building ail in. good condition. Located in scenic Chapel Hill, ideal country living ret asiauta* from DENNIS K. BYRNE town. ARE THEY IN RUMSON, FAIR HAVEN, APPLEBROOK a e e NO.they are not because these two hornet with 7 rooms are priced it IM00 and Both have 4 badroomi, living room, dining room, kitchen and bath and one nae a garage, both have oil haat and are in tiptop condition. GI terms down, 1(4.70 per month, 1250 down, per month. ABK ANT BUILDER! If you dreamed you had lot 140x140 in one of the finest sections of Middletown. the appraisal value was IS,. 500, the shrubbery, trees and lawn cost , could custom build it white rancher with black trim set-back 100 fftet from K paved street, with gas heat, open fireplace, two- ' car garage with overhead doom, a brick barbecue set between an enclosed patio and the tnraiic. for I10.O00T Believe it or not, we have jusl listed thie beautiful home, - years old, I minutea from Red Bank - especially for you, for 111,600. BOLD BY MIDDLETOWN REALTY CO. Up tnd down Highway IS you ace., these large signs! Yes, these properties and many more 'to follow, when doled, have been negotiated by IM, The seller has made a profit, the buyer hns reaped dollars in value. We are not Monmouth County's largert realty Arm but we are alivel We nell t that's our business Several taverns, service sta tfons. soft ice cream, motel and other types of aucceesful businesses are on our listings. When you want to buy or tell eee us. Gill and Kirwan Bid. Highway No..15 Middletown, N. J. OPEN WEEK ENDS MI FRAME RANCH Living, dlnint. kitchen, hath. I bed rooms. Utility room, poreh. Insuinted. oil heat, 4 acres. Good location. Price 11,000. Aleo wide teleetion HOMES LOTS ACREAGE Sea Edwin H. Martin Agency Real Estate Insurance Newman Spring! Rd., P.O. Bei 141 SHadyside Lincrofl, N. J. 1 Mile West Red Bank Eilt Garden State Parkway BERG VETERANS Up to six month, to pay J220 DOWN $67 PER MONTH 10 to 10 days free from paymente after doling A euro cure for claustrophobia that will hardly dent your pocketbook. A apotleti Cape Cod with two large bedrooms, fireplace in living room, large kitchen. California dining area, full basement, expansion attic, plastered walli. steam heat, attached garage, wall-to-wall carpeting, storm windows and screens. Very targe landscaped lot tnd immediate possession. $10,990 FULL PRICE NONVET $1,690 DOWN Monmouth County Office The Berg Agency "Perionallzed Service" MIddletown Route 35 Middletown. N. J. Daily 9-9 Sat. - Sun WEART-NEMETH AGENCY 102 W. FRONT ST. (Amplt Parking) SHadyiidt HOUR SERVICE LINCROFT - Two-bedroom taml-bun. alow with large tapaneion attic. Living room, full dining room, kitchen and bath, baiement and two-car garage Muat ull, reduced to 111,000. Will consider contract of ssle. FAIR HAVEN Two-bedroom bungalow In good condition. Dry basement, one car garage. Priced for fast sals 110,100. BED BANK New three-bedroom apllt with basement and flniehed reorestion room. Finished girafft and concrete drive. Price 114,500. Qusllflsd buyer neede is little al 13,000 down FAIR HAVEN Three-bedioum laticher built IBfiO. Living ronm, ncparate dlnlntr mom beautifully pine paneled, flreplhc* with bookchsea. Full dry hakcmctit with finished reeretitinn mom, attached uarnke, corner lot. Price 120,. 000 Ineludee many costly extras. PORTAVPECK Enjoy river rights. Nsw three or fnur-bedroom home, Living room, dining room and large kitchen with one or I <^ haths, attached garage. Prlcad from 114,100 to Jw»V ATTRACTIVE FBAME and brick ca! nial. 4 bedroome: 1 baths, hot wet oil heat, atuched garage. Nicely Ian scaped plot. Asking CONVENIENT HILLTOP LOCALE Interesting broad view. Recently built 3-bedroom.frame ranch. Fireplace. Full cellar. Attached garage. Over ae nicely planted plot. Asking Realtors Imuron 8 WeK River Road Rumion, New Jertey Telephone: RUmwn w. p. scon BUILDER & OWNER 74 MONMOUTH STREET RED BANK SH SH NEW HOUSES ON LEWIS LANE FAIR HAVEN UNDER CONSTRUCTION Reedy for oeeupaacy April llta telect your own decorations. Four badroomi, two tilt bttht, gutter bedroom with bath. Living room with (replace, through hall, knotty Plaa dta with trtplace. full dining room, large kltshea. Formiea eounttri. llnoltum loor. elettrit range and dlihwaiher, eihaust (aa, hot water baseboard circulating heat, powder room oa Arit floor. Largo porch, two-car garage, full eelltr. Landieaped with drivtwty. OFTEN ADMIRED Monterey colonial ovarlooklna; Shrtwi bury River. Excellent condition. Living room with ft replace, dining room h*i doora opening* onto enetomd porch. Attractive kltehan, powder room, dan, 3 badroomi. 2 tile batha, bamfnent Two-car farage. Charming anelcwd patio. j $28,00G Ellen S. Hazelton 16 Weit River Road RUmoon FAIR HAVEN Cape Cod. two bed. rooms, living room with fireplace, kit. chen, dining aret, expansion attic, full cellar, oil haat. Four per cent G.I. mortgage, many extras. 114,500. RUMSON Ranch, living room, two bedrooms, large kltehen, electric.range. Oil fired, hot air heat. Partly finished basement with laundry, lot 50x160, taxet approximately APPLEBROOK FARM Living room with fireplace, kitchen, dining area, two bedroome, attached gartgt. 111,000. REAL ESTATE 18 AN INVESTMENT. BEFORE YOU BUY Oil SELL CONSULT A REAL ESTATE BROKER, ROLAND PIERSON AGENCY For Sdm 77 Broad St. RED BANK SHadvside GENERAL ELECTRIC APPLIANCES Low sale prices, etiy terme. oa all walhare. dryers, refrigerators, rantfta. etc Authorised O-E ealse ft service. Open Daily 'til p.m.. Sat. 'til I p. PARKWAY APPLIANCE CENTER 41 BWAY LONG BRANCH CA Call LO 4-OSIO or ALAN'S UPHOLSTERY 70 South Seventh Avenue LOB- Branch Honmouth County'i Largest Rtupholittry Fictory WE GIVE 8 a H STAMPS WED. FBI. NITES TIX UttS A&lt$ jtr Sdb LITTLE SILVER IM» Chsv. Bel Air 4-dr.. and deep green. Radio, he Lumber & Supply Co. back-up lights, white wall matching seat coveie; with Chargei per day erg-lids. Treat yourself to ALUMINUM LADDERS TO taste! RENT 24 KT 2.00 TWO-DOOR ;»2 FT 275 SAFER FOR YOUNGSTER! 6" PORTABLE SAW Chev. deluxe 2-dr. Dark ;,] FLOOR SANDER 5.00 Heater. Ready to go on and HAND PLANER CHAIN SAW HEAVY BELT SANDER LIGHT JELT SANDER /IBHATOR SANDER..._ DISC SANDER POST HOLE DIGGER Thr Register's classified advertisements have more readers, which mraiis more result*. Someone haa what you wint or will buy what you have to sell. Advertisement. ED SULLIVAN'S A. I SAFE BUYS MONMOUTH COUNTY'S FINEST SELECTION OF LOCAL \ OME-OWNER CARS GREATLY REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE '49 Mercury 4-Dr. Sed. 325 '50 Ford Convertible 350 '50 Buick 2-dr. Dynaflow 350 '51 Chevrolet Convertible 395 Powergllde. '51 Ford 4-Dr. Sedan 395 '51 Mercury Cl. Coupe OD 4 '52 Plymouth Coupe S25, '52 Chev. 2-Dr. P-Glide 595 '52 Ford Victoria '54 Ford 2-dr. Sedan 950 '53 Ljncoln 4-Dr. Sedan.107 '53 Monterey Hardtop 1095 '55 Plymouth 4-dr. P'Flite 1 '55 F600 Dump Truck 1395 '54 Merc. Coupe*, Sedans 139$ '55 Monterey 4-dr., MOM. 175< '56 Ford Curt. 2-dr. FOM 179S '55 Country Squire 189J Ferdlomatie. '56 Ranch Wagon 19M '55 Monterey Coupe 195( Mercomatlc, Power Steering. '55 Merc. Convert. 199! Mercomatlc, Power Steering. '56 Mercury 2-Dr. MOM. 199J '56 Old*. Super 88 4-Dr. Hardtop. Full Power. '56 Montclair 4-dr. Hardtop, fully powered. '55 Cadillac 4-dr. Sedan Air conditioned, 11,000 allot. '57 Montclair Coupe Full/ Powered. 1.71* lfltea. ENGLISH AGENC Reprufntlnf Ford Product! for 82 Tfan Monmouth Strut Opposite Carlton Theater Used car Lot Open Wttkdayg 'til 1:00 Circle Chevrolet's "OK" SPECIALS These bargains have been L ditioned by our expert mech ics. We stand back of every with our OK warranty!, UP-TO-THE-MINUTE MODij OF SUCCESS! 1MM Chev. Bel Air 4-dr.. top ivory and naihint; red. dlo, hntter, rear seat spca padded daah, power win power brake*, white wall The famous corvette «. teamed with power gild*, than 3,000 miles and never. iitersd. It's tven bettor than scribed! YOUR FAMILY'S SURE j Biuineu Notice$ TO LIKE THIS ONE! ' rattan Upholstery. Dip Cavers 1(52 DeSoto deluxe 4-dr. tone blue, Radio, heater, dome V-* with fluid drive, SLIP COVERS. DRAPES to a-eu today! Largest Selection of l»»l Fabrin THRILL TO THE "LIKE NEi FEEL! 1908 Chev. Del-Ray coups, and flashing red. Radio, white wall tires, V-8 with glide. Packed with power, lined with shine. ROOMY INTERIOR SEATi FAMILY OF SIX! MANY MORE VALUE PACKED CARS IN STOcj CIRCLE CHEYROI Little Silver Lumbar Tool Rental Dept. 125 Maple Ave. Red ycaiuure Ave. At the Itailrnad,iltlp Silver.. RE Open Evening! 9 P. M. SH CMAC TERMS

51 U-d Auu» for Mr SPRING IS AROUND THE CORNER MAKE YOUR MOVE NOW BEFORE PRICES ADVANCE! You Can R«ly On th» Following IMS CADILLAC SEDAN DsVille. Full power. Light blue, vary low mileage; new tire*. As tnafnltle«nt i ( w u could be found. MM CADIUAC "V coup* Full power, ivory, low mileage. "Jectrk frent ee«t and electric wlndowf which are unusual In the coupe. Tfceee are both one-owner eari, old originally by ui and serviced at our establishment. COME FIND OUT ABOUT OUR CARS THAT CARRY A1 FULL YEAR GUARANTEE HOWLAND B. JONES Motor Company 100 Newmin Springs Road SH Dealers of Quality Used Cars In Red Bank for 27 Yean BUT WHCKE REPUTATION AND YOUR PROTECTION ARE PARAMOUNT -OPEN BVXNIMOS- Help Wanted Male ASSEMBLERS ELECTRON DEVICE ASSEMBLERS For career openings, investigate expanding Bell Telephone Laboratories MURRAY HILL. N. J. Uadr. salarltd poaitlona for developaunt work on axparlnental aleetroa devices eueh «electron tubas end tmuliton. Graduates of watchmakini Mhooli or eauwaltnt, wltll»-»» *" «P«ri«ne» l eauwaltnt, wltll»-»» *" «P«ri«ne» repairing w»tch«. or experience la tn«miemblr»< nram tukm. optical Instruments, aircraft Initrumenti or mall m.t.rim dnlnl. Somt machtn- Inc or ehenleal tralnln* deilrable far some openingi. OPPORTUNITIES FOR TRAIKINO AND ADVANCEMENT STANDARD BELL SYSTEM BENEFITS CALL COLLECT OR VISIT DAILY, 9 AM. 3 P.M. MURRAY HILL (Near Summit) On Mountain Avenue CRestview ExU ASBURY PARK INTERVIEWS Thursday, Feb to 9 P.M. Hotol Berkel«y-Cart*r«t Ocean & Sunset St. Call PRospact DURING ABOVI HOUR! ONLY BELL TELEPHONE LABORATORIES PART-TIME MAN...who need! to add or more j*r month to praaint Income. Mult be able to work i aval, or IS houn during weak In local school dlitrlet. Bom. college background or equivalent necaiiarjr* Excellent opportunity for advanceneat to full time poiltloa, For Interview, writ, giving age. education, experience and phone number to i OPPORTUNITY, BOX til, R. B. Action! That's what The Register classified ado havr been getting for their advertisers for over three-quarters of ayentury Advertisement. No Milk Shortage Predicted For the Red Bank Area Opening Shoe Stan A spot check of dairy farmers and milk plant operator* in the Red Bank area Indicated yesterday that no milk ehortare ia contemplated here. A tri-etate gtrike by a minority ol dairy farmers hit Northern New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania early this week. The etrike was called to enforce producer demands for a higher (arm price for milk. Farmers participating In the gtrike had picket linea around creameries in Northern New Jersey, Central and Eastern Pennsylvania and New York's Hudson valley in an effort to halt the flow of milk. The striker* are estimated at 7,000 of the 52,000 Bilk-producing; larmer* in the three state*. The atrike call was issued Bunday by the Trl-State Master Dairy Farmer* guild, headed by Rev. John W. Dorney of Baleville. He said hi* organization seeks milk price of {5.75 a hundredweight. Fries) Good Hers Area plant operators, who get their milk from local farms, said the strike should not affect them at all. "We already pay our farmers Help Wanted Male MACHINISTS EXPERIMENTAL MACHINISTS for a steady, salaried job join expanding BELL TELEPHONE LABORATORIES HIGHER STARTING RATES STANDARD BILL SYSTEM BENEFITS 4-10 raara all-round experience, preferably including format apprenticeship. Mult be able to work from bluaprlnta and akatehee on new development, in amallar experimental components and Instrument!. CALL COLLECT OR VISIT DAILY, 9 A.M.-3 P.M. In Ifurrr Hill In Whippany (Near Summit) (Near Morriitown) On Mountain AT. HMI-» * «tt. «CReltTlew TUcker fata. 1O7«-17«I-J«O4 gxti. I40I-17K ASBURY PARK INTERVIEWS Thursday, Feb to 9 P.M. Bcrk.Uy-Cart.ret Hptel Ocean & Sunset St. Call PRospect DURING ABOVE HOURS ONLY BELL TELEPHONE LABORATORIES ELECTRONIC TECHNICAL WRITERS Experienced In any pheie af ANALOG COMPUTORS DIGITAL COMPUTORS TRANSISTORS PULSE CIRCUITRY IMMEDIATE OPENINGS ox Broadway, V. Y. C. Help Wanted Female ATTRACTIVE POSITION...for alert personable woman t» aaslat Child Development fregran. Applicant nuit be ef eicallent character, aubltlmii, end available Experlenc. in teaching, tales or club work an eieet. Write giving age. education, experience and telephone auiaber tar CHILD DEVELOPMENT BOX 111. R. B. Instruction, MEN AND WOMEN FOR PUBLIC RELATIONS IN COMMERCIAL AIRLINES We ara now int.rvi.wluv men and women, 18 to It, to train for high grade public relation! po«itlom «Airline Reaervatlonlita, Ticket Aiienta, Paeaangor Aiianti. Station Agente. etc, Mult be at laait hlxh echool graduate, public contact experience deilrable but not neceiaary. Beit of working condition!. Congenial atmoiphere, good advancement poeiibilltlea. Training fermuleted under guidance of adviaory board ol tepteeentatlvei o< major commercial airllnei and need not Interfere with your p>.etnt pollties. Approval! for KoMan vaterana, Oat full Information at once. Intervlewe will be held at the Roger Smith hotel. New Brumwlek, Friday, Mar. I, I to», and Hat.. Mar, J. t to 2 P. M. At the Mollr Pitcher hotel, Red Bank. Tueidoy, Mar. 5, from S to». At the Hotel Pncker, Perth Amhoy, Thureday. Mar. 7, A to 0. At the Rerk.ley- ('nrter«t lintel. Anbury Park, Hatiirday. Mar. t, frnm» in «P, M. Write HtattniE <tny <m<i time you will appear. AltlLINKH TRAINING HIV.. Central Inet., Dent. PI7-31, P. O. Box 2S1S, Patoraon 2«, N. 3. about $5.87 a hundredweight,' said one operator. "The price is a good one.' Another creamery owner said the milk supply here Is plentiful and there is no cauae for alarm among consumers. Area distributor of Sheffield and Borden's milk products said they get much of their milk from the striking area, but said they did not expect a shortage here. "At any rate, we have enough milk for the next three days,' said one distributor. Area farmera, too, said the milk atrike would not affect them. Many of the area milk producers belong to the United Milk Producers of New Jeraey. Meanwhile, the head of that organization Benjamin Hart condemned tha "violent actlona" taken by the members of the trlstate group. Low of Market He said he "deplores" the fact that the strike effort might cause the permanent loss of market for New Jersey dairy farmers. In answer to queries about what position United takes over tha milk strike, Mr. Hart said his organization will aaslst any and all of its members who desire to bring their milk to the market. He did not elaborate on what steps United would take but said, "any farmer has the unalienable democratic right to sell and deliver his milk If he wants to and on this basis United will leek nil lawful means to protect this right."- Mr. Hart asserted that a milk strike could only be effective if all the producers who supply the New Jersey market were willing to cut off the milk supply. "This Is not the ease," he said, "for many producers In New York state have eyed the New Jersey market with envy for several years and would take tali opportunity to gain a foothold in it.' Board Approves School Calendar RUM8ON The school calendar for the 1*57-58 academio year was adopted by the Rumson-Fair Haven regional high school board of education Tuesday night. It lists 1M school days, with daises beginning Sept. 4 and end- Ing June 13, IBM. Dr. John F. Klnney, Jr., high school principal, said the calendar was worked out together with the Rumson elementary school and the Fair Haven schools. Also approved by the board were the spring sports schedule and the fall football schedule. The first shots in the Salk antipolio vaccination program at the high school will begin the last week In March, Dr. Kinney reported. About 225 students have received their parents' permission to have the shota taken, he said. The appointment of teachers and other school personnel was okayed and their salary schedule for the next academic year was approved by the board. Tcawa Granted At the same time, on the recommendation of Dr. Kinney, tenure was granted Clifford Applegate of Neptune, a science teacher, and Joseph Lynch of Rumson, a shop teacher. The board authorized the advertising of bids for general and art supplies, physical education supplies, janitor supplies, library books, Industrial art supplies, home economic supplies, health supplies, band uniforms, coal and the painting of several rooms. Textbooks and typewriters were permitted to be purchased without bids. Approval was granted to have a summer school conducted at the high school. It Is a six weeks' session, run by several high school teachers. Students from other districts are also accepted at the summer school. Tuition teas pay the talerles of the teachers who conduct the courses, Dr. Kinney said. OUto OUvata OUie OUvola, owner of the Ollvola shoe store which will open Saturday at SO Broad st. Planning Aid Pact Approved MIDDLETOWN A contract with the State Department of Conservation and Economic Development for federal and state aid in Middletown planning costb was approved by the township committee yesterday. Under the contract, the township will bear $5,100 of total planning costs of $14,320. The state has allocated half the cost, or $7,100. in federal funds to the township and added a state grant of $2,000. The contract is subject to final federal approval of its grant to the state, which administers the fund. The planning, which will result In an over-all master plan for tha township, will be completed during the next two years. The township's share of the cost will be paid over that period. Advertisement for bids for 800 tons of road patch material was ordered by the committee. Bids are returnable Mar, 13. The committee ordered work halted on a new service station at Newman Springs and Phalanx rds. until a check can be made as to compliance with requirements. The Lincroft-Everett Civic association, in a letter, pointed out that the intersection is dangerous and near a school and aaked that a check as to sufficient setback and other safeguards be made. The Lincroft-Everett civic unit also notified the committee of its approval of the suggested names of Mlddletown-Llncroft rd., and Sunnyslde rd. for two streets In Its area. No action was taken on street name ordinances because, Lawrence A. Carton, Jr., township attorney said, although they were drafted, they were not brought to the meeting through an oversight. One of the ordinances deals with the controversial matter of a name lor the portion of rt. 816 between rt. 35 and New Monmouth. Opposing factions seek the names of Keyport rd. and Cherry Tree Farm rd. On the request of Committeeman John T. Lawiey, a letter was directed to the Monmouth Sanitation company, Westfield, operators of the Shore Crest Sewerage system. Mr. Lawiey said the company is permitting; sediment to be dumped along the east fence line of Its property and asked that the condition be corrected. Beach Gub Plans Okayed In Sea Bright Work to Start On $200,000 Installation SEA BRIOHT The mayor and council Tuesday night ap-; proved plans for a private beach Rnunil Table Type for FT A KLU BANK RLGISTLR Thursday. Feb A round table discussion, "Youth Face* a Changing, World," will be held at a mert- Ing of the Red Bank senior hik.i school Parent-Teacher associa tion next Tuesday night. Arranstf ments will be completed when thc executive board meets this afternoon at 3 o'clock in tho school library. History class students will participate, as also will Dr. Stanley Sprung, psychologist for the Commuter Scanlan Opens Drive ito Block New RR Fare Boost First Graders Present Show club and Uve'rn rjt Mteh«T J.! "* P rtu " d M "' i!1 8nd A t SHREWSBURY -The Btavola, Chapel Hill rd., Middletown township, will build on the South Beach. Mr. Stavola later told a reporter that he plans an eventual investment of 1200,000, to put up the buildings, a veranda boardwalk, swimming pool, tennis courts and other improvements. Construction will start this week of the main structures a 70x200-foot bathing pavilion containing 3M> "oversize" bathhouses, hot and cold showers 20 or more cabanas and a 80xt)0-foot tavern building, containing a large bar, two fireplaces and facilities for future restaurant uae he said. Along Bulkhead The pavilion facing north will go up along a return bulkhead reaching back toward the ocean from the new South Beach sea wall. The local board ol adjustment notified council that It fully approved of the plans in grantham " rudḷn '. pom Mr the in Mia* Mnrie Harmn 1.*first ^u otht-r first The Choralettes, directed by j ond grade children, an well as pi il>l<- Edward Brown, will render pop-: many parents and friends, in tin*. Mr UTTI.E ail.vkr - Edwin L. Scanlan. 51 North Sunnycrest dr., today has n word fnr railroad ronumii.-is who aip opposed to s' l.-ri/mswl r.jw far* hike. It ii this: "I.M'rf ail, now, together, and Modi it said I'.rp Jam,, r;. Auchinrloss Mt. :ui iii-i i informed him th;it H stay in Ihe fare boost if ular music. Drapeau Gets Reserve Duty ASBURY PARK Lieut. Col. Harry G. Drapeau, 168 Rutledge dr., Middletown township, last week was assigned to the Asbury Park Air Reserve center, It was announced by Lieut. Col. Irving F. Francis. Commissioned a second lieutenant in 1M4, Col. Drapeau has served 23 years In active and reserve service. On hi* last active duty tour, he was commanding officer oc an air baa* squadron In Korea. Before Joining the local center. Col, Drapeau was air inspector! for the MMSth Air Reserve group,' New York city. He Is sales manager of the Federal Mining and Manufacturing Co., Jersey City, and is a member of the Monmouth county S2d and Templars club. Sisterhood Holdi Membenhip Tea SHREWSBURY- Mrs. Morris Phillips of Canterbury lane w u hosteaa recently at a membership tea, sponsored by the Sisterhood of Congregation Bnai Israel. Mrs. Jesse J. Greenberg, membership chairman, was in charge, and Mrs. Irving Diamond, president, was the speaker. Board members attending were Mrs. Morris Weaterman, Mrs. Wilfred Howitt and Mrs. Al Fink. Guests were Mrs. Irving Chernow, Mrs. Albert Golden, Mrs. Julius Oreenberger, Mrs. Milton Katcher, Mrs. Ely Koplll, Mrs. Harold Keltelman, Mrs. Milton Nelson, Mrs. Leonard Nass, Mrs. Raymond Phillips, Mrs. Otto Saslow, Mra. Lester Scheirer, Mrs. Milton Spiro, Mrs. Morris Schneider, Mrs. Robert Schulmah and Mrs. Jerome Yellln. Pleads No Defense To Bigamy Charge FREEHOLD Lester Horton, 47 Beachwood ave,, Keansburg, who allegedly had two wives, both ef whom he told he was a sea captain so he would have an excuse to spend periods of time with each, yesterday retracted a plea of not guilty to a bigamy charge and entered a plea of no defense. Horton has a wife, Oeraldine, at the Beachwood ave. address and a second, Marguerite Mulcahy Horton, Sherwood dr., Cliffwood. Horton, according to Prosecutor Vincent P. Keuper, married Geraldlne In 1934, and Marguerite In Oct., IBM. For some time the defendant was confined to the Vioom building, a division for the criminally Insane ot the state hospital Trenton, after he staged n hunger strike at the county jnll here. He will be sentenced Mnr. 1!). The plea was entered before County Judge John C. Giordano, The only sun-cured tobacco market In ths world is In Richmond, Va. Attorney's Viewpoint Heard by Appraisers Thomas J. Smith of the Red Bank law firm of Parsons, Labrecque. Canzone and Combs last night spoke before members of the Central Jersey chapter. Society of Residential appraisers, at the Old Union house, Red Bank. His subject was "The Expert Appraisers Part In the Preparation and Trial of a Condemnation Case from the Owner's Attorney's Point of View.", Harty W, Betgh of the Harry Bergh agency, Adamston, is president of the organization. ; Youths Arrested,' For Auto Theft, HIGHLANDS Two Newark Juveniles were apprehended In Middletown township Saturday and turned over to Newark authorities by local police on car itheft charges... j Police Chief Howard Monshan ing a structure. A variance was asked so that the end of the building could conform with the center line of the new wall instead of exacting zoning setback ruins. Council supported the variance, but expressed the view one likely wasn't needed since the wall's top is now back beyond the 15-foot-from curb limit. There waa a delay in getting the council work done, however, in.he absence of a drawing of the plan. Then Anthony R. DeStaf&no, Mr. Stavola'a engineer, was called in to explain the details. It was explained that actual construction would be done by Mr. Stavola, who is a contractor, from plans by Frank Amodio, Red Bank architect. The design i<i American colonial. Once the bar is up, a liquor license held inoperative by Mr. Stavola since he obtained it from John J. Picknally after the Edgewater Beach hotel fire, can be transferred to the new location. Fate of this license has hung In balance because of its idle status. Earlier this month, the state had auditorium of the school Kridsv Adopt Ordinance On Revaluation LITTLE SILVER An ordinance authorizing a $25000 enirr- (rency appropriation for rcvalu ation of the borouph and revision th* worldly duck: Michael Clark of the tax map was adopted Tucs-, th«big billy goat; Richard Hill day night by borough council. Sidney Lichtcr of 14 Prince pi. questioned why $25,000 is being appropriated when previous information showed the revaluation would cost (11,2.10 and the tax map, $10,000. Sciinl:in, (akin? the 6:1S J. in. shon- train out of Pennsyl- Patliotic and devotional oxer- VRUUI Station. Npw York city, cises were In charj,-e of Susan yestrnlay aftennun started the Davey and Susan Krayblll.ball rolling hy calculating a peti- "The fjinf(thread Boy" was lion on the matter, presented, with Leslie rjwyn Wil- J Addresser! to the rate-deciding lirniii as narrator. William Lees Interstate Cnmnierce Commit. was the RinKci'bresrl hoy; Ell"nnion ih'c'l in Washington and Meyers, the old lady: Cur*'.-; the New.Jrr.Hry Hosrd of Public ijtjjj.y Commissioners ipuc) in Nun-ark, the petition said: "W«commuters urite open hearing b» held on the Pennsylvania railthe fat littln pin; Jesse McNeal, road's lequimt for another fare thn big cat. and Jurty Bennett, Increase wilh nothing olfered to Kluhr, the old man: Wendy Bell the little red hen: Jeanne Feitt the bluebird. "Over in the the. commuters in return In the Meadow" was w*y of improved service. Also sung 1 by Jeanne Feltt, Jesse Me- we urge that this Increase which Neal, Sandi-a Trufolo. Susan Ot- the milroiut wants to became efto. Patricia Johnston, K^thv : fective Mar. If) he postponed Councilman Lewis R. Lowry,: Tones. Robin Blair, Thomas For-! pending the outcome, of a full Inpieslding in the absence of May- son plane Hyer. Billy Or,.f"" cph C - navlson.»» ld the Balmer. Suann Krnvhill,.,,,. s,.,,,-,.f p. Bin, Balmer. Suann Krnvhill zoning variance for the lul<lltidnal money win added to i r.osli*- Owvn Williams, ratline vrstlgation into the situation.".ma-riiih Signer. 1 cover contingencies. He unld there is a possibility of ndded engineering fees, as well as additional work by the assessor.,,,, (Mayor Davison was carrying out olv Dock asked authorities here to put through new motions it they wanted to keep the license alive, not- Barmnnn. Paul Lombnrrl. Eili-ri Meyers, Patricia Brooks, Amy : take n; yg j a speaking engagement at a Red Bank church.) Borough attorney Howard W. Roberts also explained that the appropriation will be paid off in five years, but only the money sctually spent not necessarily the 125,000. Mr. Llchter also questioned why A. E. Wdler of Municipal Evaluation, Inc., Maplewood, had been selected to do the work when George R, Woodhead, a former councilman, indicated the alone, starting to at.newark, I got Ohristensrn nnd David Crnme. more than 50(1 signatures from ps "Hir'inry. Hick! residents of more than a cozen "Three Little Pun- I towns before wi* reached Red said Mr. Sc;tnian, adding would fi'l out an immedi- Thr lln h in ples," and "Four and Twenty j Bunk,' Blackbirds" were performed by Richard Rehm, Paul Balmert, Thomas Forson, Michael Clark, Richard Hill, Curtis Fluhr. David Crome and Billy Gretft;. and Susan Davey, Bonnie Holland, Su»nn Otto, Diane Hyer, Wendy Bell, Kathy Jones. Diane Uruton and Nancy Flood. The "Virginia Reel" wa«daneod by Jeanne Feltt, Sandra Trufolo, Sara Drna Diamond. Ellen Meyate telegram on this retiult to Harold D, McCoy, ICC secretary i W h i t d ld y and would work up other petitions today. Word from Ftpp. Auchinclosa, snid Mr. Scanlan, IH that Mr. Mc- Coy had agreed that if enough t l i protests g the Increase are received In time by the ICC in Waxtilngton, a public hearing will be bold on the Issue. Job could be done for less. Mr. I Kravbill, ' Robin Blair.' Lowry id th Wil fi Lowry said the Wcilcr firm was chosen from among five companies because council felt it would best perform the job Little Silver wants done. er*, Amy Ohrlst"nsen, Susan ( This would tend to delay the * T ;inc?v timing of the increase, it was Flood, Jesse McNeal, Mark j pointed out by Mr. Scanlan, who Adams, Billy Lees, Billy Rainier, I added: Billy C.vpgs. Pnul Lombard,!., ><- \ "Immediate action on thu part UP Owyn Williams and Michael of every commuter and every in- Clark. d organization Prior to the ordinance s read- Announcements were made hy [ is therefore imperative "as the ing, Harvey Leeds of 71 Laurel B!Mv Balmer, Richard Rehm, dr. asked why there was no ltem! Sara Dcns Diamond and Carin the budget for the revaluation, j,,.,, Barmann. At the conclusion t He has been an advocate of assessment equalization at recent council meetings. Mr. Roberts answered that the borough used a state-authorized method to ;~ spread the coat over a longer J j period, rather than. have it paid of the program,, the children exm-essed appreciation to Miss Lois Eben for help with scenery and costumes; to Mrs. Joseph Clayton for help with music; to Dousln" MeCrtlm, for help with dances ICC in about to consider the railroad's rcquent that the fare boost take effect Mar. 10. "CongresHmuii Auchlncloss was a former New York commuter himself, and Is aware of our problems. He has taken a deep interest in our situation following the recent publication In the pres be renewed. The club's buildings, and a 600- car parking lot, all will be on the former Costa property, north of the bulkhead. and for arranging rrhfiisrl per-j of my statements relating to thia ld I th dii i League Hears Voting Topic MIDDLETOWN Members of the county board of elections and Jay Hatfleld, county superintend; ent of elections, described their duties and responsibilities to members of the local League of Women Voters last Thursday', night. A general membership meeting was held at the township high ichool and attended by morn than 30 members or the league. Mr. Hatfleld said that his primary duty is to see that elections are carried out on a bl-partlsan b* sis with fear or favor to none. A revision in the administration of state election laws is advocated by the state League it Women Voters with a direct line of responsibility to a state department of elections and a single county superintendent instead of the present four-man boards. It was pointed out that at present each of the 21 counties interprets the election laws to its own satisfaction with resultant confusion and lack of consistency. Monmouth county is one of only five counties which has a superintendent of elections and as a result is one of the better organized, according to a representative of the state league. Other sneakers were Mrs. Fred Jones, Red Bank, and Mr>. Thomas Morford, Middletown, members of the county board af elections. They explained that in one year. The first payment \ o d.,,. Hiiditorlum, and to' outrageous request for another will not be due until 1988, he said. Robert Robson, David Holmes The whole project will take about s n d Harry Inealls for help in a year. Sorority Plans Dessert-Bridge [ Beta Lambda chapter of Beta j Sigma phi sorority will hold a dessert-bridge tomorrow at Lincroft inn, with Mrs. David Anthony, ways and means chairman netting up scenery. Four Held In Attack EATONTOWN-The speedy apprehension,of three adults and w ~" w - ' ^ t *v "* J ** t*»*i*ii* *» «* «* 1*1 * «>. ^ H** M TTlir. 4 I QIU r^'s. till *. WJ H U VI B.O SK1IU and Mrs. Harvey Dengler and one l'-year-old on charges of Mra. Carl Game), in charge. The i rape of a 17-year-old t(ih was party was arranged when ths madi- by local police yesterday. chapter met recently at the ~ hjme of Mra, Russell' M in ton on Spring st. A crazy-hat party followed the business meeting, and Miss Evelyn Shan* won the prize for the best I-it. A new member, Mrs. Eliglo Valente of Shark River Hills, a transfer from the Muskogee, Okla., chapter of the sorority, was Introduced. Guests were Mrs. George Massell and Mrs. Hubert Crockett, Police Chief William Zadorozny said the attack occurred Tuesday about 11 p. m. on Orant ave. In county jail in default of $5.- (100 ball me Charles Thornton of g q Increase with nothing offered to the commuter In the way o! improved service, ulus the fact that, In my opinion, the Pennsylvania's North Jersey Const division Is being operated at a prof- It." Asks Quick Action Crediting Mr. Auchlncloss for taking HWift action and the newspapers for "doing their part," Mr. Scanlan aaid this effort "will he wasted and this fare increase will be granted anil more to follow unless each commuter takes just a few short minutes of his time, right now, to write his individual protest" to the ICC snd PUC in a letter or telegram. vm nan me unaries mormon or char(rink that with such 29 Church st. and Oeorge «,,d f Mkpt tne me piopoaeit Lester Rlley of 34 Victor ave. The chief.described them as In their "early 20's" "many commuters are going to be priced right out of suburban I living," Mr. Scanlan urged all According to the police, the I j c r g e v H hore towns, groups and girl, a hich school student, was In a parked oar with her boy friend when a car came along Rtd Bank; Mrs. Edward Asay, I tide. Chief Zadorozny said tv.-o e t auectly affected. The lo- Middletown township, and Misa of the men pulled tha boy from ; c.i merchant, too, should join in organizations "to join In a massive protest...even the housewife should lend her voice as her budgaffected." The lo- Jane A. Hilftker, Rumson. New Shrewsbury Gives $1, to 'March' NEW SHREWSBURY - Mrs. Walter N. Truslow, chairman of this borough's March of Dimes campaign, this week presented a check in the amount of $1, representing the receipt of the March of Dimes collections here, to Roland J. Hines, countv! March of Dimes chairman. the car, clubbed him and held t h c bmict n c said. him on the ground. Each of the j jtr. Scanlan said he had Inmen then attacked the girl, thc formation that in Washington sevchlcf salrl. enil blr Eastern railroads, in- After thc, attack, the boy and cludlnr Pennsylvania "are laying girl drove to police headquarters. I t h c groundwork for an enormous The chief said the girl identified i 4 0 p e r c e n t (a r e increase request those arrested after they wera. on f rilt c i al, passenger fares ovplcked up by police as suspects. er competing rail lines. This will He praiaed the work on the case : give gome idea of what might bs jwsrformed by Sst, Harry Leo ami \ in ltore j or the commuter for the Patrolmen William Hutting, Hen- future ry Riddle and Robert Fary. Th Ṛ MV^ "ceding?«"«* Investigate Robbery at Tavern amount, $ Students at th«two schools here contributed I1M.43. Mail returns brought 'n $212, and coin collectors in buslthey are in charge of countln? ne " s establishments totaled J89.33 absentee ballots, places of election, challenges snd badges. Mrs. M. A. Vreeland, King'i highway, conducted the meeting. Advertising Company Gives Sign to Red Cross SHREWSBURY-Monroe Sismt, chairman of the county Red Ci'pas, announced this week 'he pi esentatlon by Councilman Charles W. Stephens of Little Silvci, vice president and general manager of the American Advertising company, of the first of a scries of 24-sheet posters to be displayed through the '.'ourtesy of Arntrlcan Advertising In prominent places In the county during the Red Cross campaign. The campaign starts tomorrow with a goal ot $124,237. The poster shows a large red cross with tro slogan: "On ths Job When It Counts" "Join snd Serve Thru Ten Service Programs." PTA Entertains Police Chief Howard Monsnan > O _ L salt] a resident of Bay av*, re- rflr I»nOmore» ported a car parked on that Street Members of Red Bank two youths sleeping In it BV.urday morning Thc yuutrii Intel drove awny, but police! saw the car parked near Vaugpans charcoal grill on Navesink ; ave. County police radio advised I that the car hsd not been reported stolen. ' Later, howevor, the police radio operator called to say a report hxj just come in of theft of the car. Chief Monahan and Putrolman.Tdhn Macxu! found One ixr lie high school Parent-Teacher as- Mrs. Trualow this week expressed appreciation to all borough residents who contributed and to those who took part in the Mothers' march. She also praised patrons of the Airport inn on Shrewsbury ave., where more than half the money received in coin collectors, was collected. Lions Hear S&L Head MATAWAN TOWNSHIP The! fart that the Cllffwood inn at rt. 35 and Cliffwood ave. here was open and doing buaineas, didn't faze, a thief who last night made oft* with a case of brandy, two cases of whiskey, K wrist watch, A. Gallman, president Of the New Jersey Savings A Loan league, spoke to the Lions club Tuesday at the Molly Pitcher hotel on the functions of Saving* Sc Loan organizations and the rapid development of the league woman's poekotbook and two sets through the years. of keys to the tavern. rg y A technicolor film entitled. The theft, according to police, i "Houso Building," was shown, occurred between 8 o'clock last, Mi 1 - Gallman was introduced by night and 1 o'clock this morning. During that time, police said, the place was occupied by the bartender and several patrons, They were unaware of the theft. The theft was discovered by Edwin R. Conovcr. president of the Red Bank Savings A Loan association. Noel J. Lartaud of Fair Haven and G. Paul Kennedy of Lincroi't were- introduced as guests. Jo- George Pou/.enc. owner of the inn,! seph F- Hunter of Fair Haven, when he returned to the tavern! *»' manager of theray Van- Horn agency were taken from a storeroom at Pntrnlmin John Klnnane is Investigating. flpfrnvs Par! Of Student's Tuition and M. Vincent Tinton Falls Cpl. Roger WIllKcrodt. who Is. _,,. stationed at Fort Dlx, spent the at x *'"', The ml «* in * * r week-end at home. The local fire company extinguiahed a graaa fire Friday in Branford circle. A meeting will be held at 8:30 o'clock tonight In ths local ichool i for the New Shrewsbury country I /air. i Mr. and Mrs. Harrv Mavberrv i are reported to be Improving st! WEST LONG BRANCH - A " their home on Squankum rd. scholarship grant by the Northern j Co-WorklTB Fete They have been confined home Monmouth county branch of the.. by Illness since November. Rela- American Association of Univer-1 Rlr». I A. t-.ihbiel tlves from Massachusetts vinited slty Women to Miss Suzanne A. I.,_ BRANCH Mrs Theothem last weak-end. " "- *- < I LONG BRANCH Mis. Theo- SRI. and spent the wee? l Lcs"er P *Rieby' The'sorm-ant"" a Voi-nell's tuition H. she enters the i l " a0 " ' u"«^ * "*' cl T w? 1, 1 '-!:._!:!.. X.V «..?_!!?" ',. «n,l «eni..ter nf her.nnhnn.n,.. ev,- In the civilian )«-rnnu offica Canavan of Rumson, of the Consumer Service bureau were welcomed as new members. James 8. Wells, a plant propagationiit, will speak at next week's meeting on the subject "Adventures In Gardening." He will be Introduced by J. Raymond DeRldder. itniit:u nmp RRAN H - nft'm ThAlV ak-end. Voegeli is helping her prepare to- L. A,'hn.lel oi 301 Pine Brook Mrs. Paul Riffby w«'d a career In education at' '^lf,.!' tt,^ fendefed a ITation were Zter" memb " of the Marine Corps, I. Bnsl semester of her aophon.orc " fzll tefdatc e y in" t the!«^0ncd ; n «Nor 'i r"""" "'" " h " ^ '" """ ' ^ school auditorium for the aophoni'ru class. More than 200 studrntc were present. Music was provided by the Four Teens. In the receiving line were Bister Mary Agnese, school principal; Slrter Mary Charitus, Assistant principal; Mrs. John Walters, I'T.A representative', Mrs. Jo- Hrrn Collins, CIRSM representative, Horns is nnni semesier oi ner aornoniore, ;.Una ' vear. She planh to take a bach- "' b ' on Mo""'"" 1 ' McClel- elor of arts in English at Mon- Cucsts. VICK». Raymond lohanson I mouth eoiie-,. She the,, will take P'^"''- ««"«>»m Jaml^a. still parked on Navesink avej, but ro'd Mix. Kdimind S. Buc/.ek and n chuck ut the til I diacloxcil the loys had left»o hitch-hike (buck t> Newark. A search wits stunted and Police chlnf Esrl N. I ioyer picked the youths up st the dm ml Lnlon market on rt. 3*, tkast Keansburg.? \ MIH Leo Hou-io, chairmen. PicildtiiK lit thn t«a tubu'h, v/hich wci<> tlccoiftterl with Nprinj,' gifoiin and flow*in, wmn Mra Allen Gallflgher, Mia. J'nul Hinteltiwjfin Mm, Walter Conrad and Mr*. Joseph Fitzgerald. \ Mr. and Mrs. W. Jay Ian and Mrs. George Joha are taking a course In gardening studies in elementary education. at Rutgers university. "'"" Voegell lives st It South Dr. Gordon Smith administered Pf»r st., Highlands, and Is a ftradthe second Salk antl-pollo vac- unt" of Atlantic Highlands high cine Inoculation to flrat aid auuad school.,. members Tuesday night In the; The giant is one of several : G«rtr u ««Krily, Ml»- die house here 'awarded annually to Monmouth, Ooldibcrry, Mrs. Warn James Furlato, Sr., who was! college students by orsaniiatlonx Mi> Rlchnt-d On.-sldy, \ laying with Joseph Jullann of!»nd Indlvlduuls in the Shore area.' Humpoll. Mrs. John Creadon. Vater st, is a patlont in River- I Thi> follene accepts grants In any Mi'it Hobl>li> Parker Hnrt Misses lew hospital. He WH< Ukeu i amount, and dlnhurses them to i Klsnabeth <!i«n im, (ii«ce Storrar, Mik Fred ComBtocd, Mrs. Cuiliart, Mrs. Edward Beyer, Mrs. Alleri Harris, Mn. Bernle Probert, Mw-. Angclo VHlcnzano, Mra. Betty Thomas, Mrs. June Smith, Mra. - Robert en Long, Mrs. Louis thnrn Tursilny by the New worthy students uu tli. Shrewslnuy lirht aid n( uad. i MCMUI tlons. Julius Caesar Imported the first from giraffe to Europe In 46 B. C. ft wu exhibited in Rome. I Suniiiiontc Margmcl Bis- -.11i). niic. utliei iiiniilfii'ii- * Hetty Mnriii, Joan Wnloh, Lor- One inn ml Kraiit coined!rulm Hei'Klwrc. June Audrettch, the Hluilei.t body, which I Hiirbiini nosa. Nnncy Ferraro, rslses the money IhiouKh campus i Kdith (ianlenor, Reta Clifford and] social events.

52 M-Tnursaay, F«b. «, W5T Doctors Urge Salk Shots Emphasizing the importance of ouomyrlltu immunization before tht warmer months, the MonmouUi County Medic*) society ad the Monmouth County Health MATERNITY \ 1 Comfortabla, Adjuttabls UM 2-Wcy e>lr*fa 80O For All Your i Nods Dial. SHadysMt 7- DRUG* Ton Cant Forget Our Number! UMytMt 7-JTM Parke Drug Co. asa BotwiB, Bag. I*. MCnp BED BAWK MOWER Officers association in a joint announcement today urged that children and adults up to 80 yean receive the Balk vaccine now. The Medical eoclety if distributing placard! (or display In physicians' office! urging immunizations now and stating day* and hours the vaccine will be administered in each individual office. In addition, parents of school children are urged to have their children immunized by their family physician and it is recommended that those who cannot pay consult with their local school physician cncernlng arrangements for the vaccine. It also is planned, the announcement said, to reactivate the seven regional clinics during May at Monmouth Memorial hospital, Fltkin hospital. Freehold health center, Red Bank health department, Middletown health center. Manasquan health center and Matawan health center. At the regional clinics, third Injections of the vaccine will be offered to those who previously received their inoculations at the clinics. The vaccine also is available to those who cannot pay at infant and preschool clinics throughout I the county as well as at the regular pediatric, prenatal and medical clinics at Fitkin and Monmouth Memorial hospitals. ChHdron's Forties rmmtd TOT YOU Let us plan your com' plete party-entertaiu' meat, decorations, games and food for a successful and funfllled party for your next occasion. DIMM 4411 HOW TO C-ET INVESTMENT FAC1S ABOUT THESE MUTUAL FUNDS D D D D Fundfintfitol Invtstofs, Inc. I bl CORMMfl i growth «Divintfrtd Irtvestmwt Fund, Inc. swatting In a balanctd Iht ol bonds, pra- (anad stocks and common ilacki. tanbatton Bond Fund, Int ^S^BIVVBBw ajbjsjw SsvSj vjs^ajv 9SSS9 6rowth Stockrand; h e stocks tawoad far K. R. HEYMAN & CO. Invmrmant Sacuritias HAMILTON IHILMN* SHidysida WBT PRONT ST. RID RANK. N. J. DELUXE PROTECTO SECURITY BOX PMONI IH IROA0 STRUT % RID RANK ^ Fair Haven Firemen's Ball Set for Mar. 9 Mambart ol tho Fair Havan firt company ara picturad at a maating Monday night at the fira houta whan plant wara complattd for tha annual firemen's ball to ba held at tha fira houta Saturday, Mar. 9. Laft to right ara Barnard Roienbarg, dacoratincj chairman; Dominick Paolueci, ganoral chairman; Lawrence Farlay, publicity, and Josaph Dritcoll, ratarvationt chairman. This will ba tha fourth annual ball tinea tha fira company colabratad itt 50th annivarury in Pata. Galatro'i orchoitra will provida muiic for dancing from?:30 p. m. to 2 a. m. Rafrathmenti will ba served. Orhars on -tho committoa aro Robort Lundy, tickatt; Jamoi Stalfa and Thomai Carleck, rafraihmanh, and John Clark, decorating. School Board, Planners Join EATONTOWN _ The planning board met Monday night with school authorities to discuss the effects of the recent population study made by Community Planning Associates upon future school board planning. Kenneth Hampton, president ot the board of education, had two main questions, one concerning land purchase; the other, taxes. Hs wanted to know If it would be advisable for the board of education to purchase now the land which will be needed for future schools. Population growth figures projected by planning associates indicate a population ot 7,500 in January, 1(17; about 9,500 by 19W, and about 11,000 when Eatontown is fully developed. The board thus can forsee an Increasing school age population, The percentage of school-age children per family, however, has not yet been determined. This figure will be known after the school study has been underaken by the Community Planning Associates. It was brought out that at the present time, almost 80 per cent of the population is domiciled north ot the parkway spur and that future growth will have to come from other areas which are not now provided with schools. Tha other major question asked by Mr. Hampton was whether there will be a balance between the number of children to be educated and the taxable property In then undeveloped areas. Tha planning board declined to give a dlrsct answer to the question, but pointed out that a considerable proportion of the undeveloped araai Is now zoned for business. The board discussed at some length means which might be used to attract businesses to this area. Other business covered by the planning board included a decision to postpone adoption of the by-laws until all members have a chance to study them. Lt. Col. George A. Morgan, chairman ot tha sewerage commission, announced that the commission has applied for federal assistance for the proposed sewerage tor Eatontown. Maria Farm Cow Wins Gold Medal system COLUMBUS, O. - A registered Jersey cow, Commando Design Gloria, owned by Marlu farm of Uneroft, N. J., has earned the gold medal award ot the American Jersey Cattle club. She recently completed a production record of J2.MS pounds of milk and TOS pounds of butterfat in 105 days at the age of six years and five months. All tests on the official production record were made under the supervision of Rutgers university and were verified by the American Jersey Cattle club. Mrs. Copeland New President NEPTUNE Mrs. Louise 8. Copeland of West Long Branch was elected president of the Monmouth chapter of the National Secretaries association Sunday at ceremonies at Fitkin hospital. The new chapter, seventh to be chartered in New Jersey, Is sponsored by the N. J. division. Miss Ethel Ambler of Philadelphia, the Northeastern vice president, installed the charter members. Miss Susanne W. Martin of Newark, New Jersey division president, Installed chapter officers. The following secretaries were also initiated: Miss Lydla P. Bernhardt of Lavallette, vice president; Mrs. Daniel P. Gaul of Red Bank, treasurer; Mrs. Ruth E. Collins of Navesink, corresponding secretary; Mm. Annina S. Moran of Spring Lake, record- Ing secretary, and Miss Frances M. Andross, Klberon; Mrs. Marie Davison, Asbury Park; Mrs. Alice H. Furnlss, Freehold; Mies Mina Kaneshiro, Asbury Park; Mrs. Marion C. Koempel, Neptune; Miss Elizabeth A. Mc- Knight, Asbury Park; Mrs. Elizabeth D. Pokus. Middletown; Mrs. Helen F. Pratt, Belmar; Miss Mary F. Riccardella, Asbury Park, and Misa Celeste Kusso, Asbury Park. Approximately 75 secretaries throughout the state and Philadelphia were present at the ceremonies. Other New Jersey chapters are located in Carnden, Hackehsack, Newark, Pasaalc, Paterson and Trenton. The National Secretaries association is the largest organization for women of one profession In the world. It was started In It is devoted primarily to the improvement of the secretarial profession by uniting women who are engaged In that particular field. At present its membership totals about 15,000. There were approximately 4,- 100,000 babies born In the United States In 1955, according to life insurance statistics. Newett Spring Stylai... up A complata lina of ladies' accaiionat. the Bag Shop K*. ^U Can I vi nialcd in CnristiM Scknct? SCIENCE AND HEALTH with Krj to the Scriptures by MARY BAKER EDDY the Christian Science textbook ha> answered this question completely for a multitude of honest seekers. Its remarkable final chapter, "Fruitage," consists of one hundred pages of unsolicited testimonials, all carefully authenticated, from those who have been heated through the perusal or thoughtful' study of this book alone. You are free to go to the quiet study room open to the public in any one of the Christian Science Reading Rooms listed below and investigate for yourself. Here you can read this great book, which has restored the science of Christian healing. Science and Health may be read, borrowed, or purchased at any Christian Science Reading Room, or ~ und%l and a copy will be mailed postpaid. Christian Science READ ING ROOM 209 BHOAD STREET HKD BANK OPEN DAILY 12-4:30 FRIDAY EVENINGS, 7:30 to 8:3O-SUNDAY, 2 to 4 P. M. H Information concerning frit public > taiuni, am'foob. church unicu ani Sunday Sthool ii aim t ifc ' FINED AT FAIR HAVEN FAIR HAVEN - Carol Trtfford, 38 DeNormandie ave., charged with speeding, was fined 118 by Magistrate John V. Crowcll in traffic court Tuesday morning. Jack Olexa, 18 Locust ave., Fair Haven, was fined SB for permitting his dog to run at large. It was his third offense. Samuel Farmer, 185 Kemp ave., was fined tt on a similar charge. He's the only MAMiJOWM, that dotui't know about Q.F.G. Rtd Imk CjFG! Q.FQ! QFG! CJFC! <JFG! QFO! SAVE j llf Included: DHMI DratMr 4-Draww Chat '. Nlabl TaWa jlwx Ssrinf \- Blue and Gold Dinner for Cubs Cub pack 17 held its blue and gold dinner Thursday at the Methodist church fellowship hall. Isaac Pratt, Boy Scout neighborhood commissioner, gave the pastor, Rev. Roger J. Squire, a charter from the National Council of Boy Scout*. William H. Mahoney, troop committee chairman, introduced Reynold! C. Masaey, institutional commissioner; Edward Brager, cubmaster, and John W. Vincent, a former cubtnajter. Other committee members attending were Councilman Harold E. Williams, William Egolf, Charles Benion, Edward Keefer and Irving Rubin. Bobcat Induction for George Forbes was conducted by a Wtbelos den, directed by Mr. Williams. Cub receiving various awards were John Wopat, Jerome Brtger, Lester Smith, Peter Gale, Robert Chadwick, Charles Netterman, 8am Blast, William Egolf, Thomas Watson, Ralph Acquaro. George Belovuss, William Brooks, Robert Carlone, James Clayton, Chester Crabtree, Richard Fox, George Keefer, William Mahoney, John Mottlne, Douglas Raynor, George Roberts, Norman Roberts, Mark Rubin, Jerold Benlon, Craig Sergeant, Earl Stout, David Wiley, Robert WUIUSM, l*e WtsrfhasB s*i Ootvald Wood. Thomas Watson. Robert Williams aad James Clayton received special awards for sailing the most peanut brittle, which members sold to raise funds for psck activities. Members ot the Harried Couples class of the church served the dinner, directed by Mrs. Williams. jrowbewt or tnm TOM RUMSON Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Bnowden, of Fair Haven rd., left yesterday for New York city, where Mr. Snowden will participate in a three-day biuiness conference of officials and district managers of the Metropolitan Life Insurance company. Mr. ftnowden is manager of the company's Red Bank district office at 12 Broad st. [ you don't iave to Sit up and l>eg f or it M9 fwim Or ItB HsM MM OVWyfMMJ e CMHIM soon! Jamaica walkers, slightly shorter than Bermudas, in doeskin chino, specially" finished to require little or no ironing. Beige, black, mint, Ivy shirt, I This Tremendous Buy Is! Available At Both Stores! 10-Pc. Gray Mahogany Bedroom Outfit Complete EvtrythiMj you ne«d to make your DOCsTOOHl MMUTe MMMSOItWi OMIC) comfortable IHCKMCI ot OM SJIMH prlco and on Terms (not moko IT cny TO Biiy. WHITE ipe«mi '25 Down BOTH STORES OPEN MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY TO 9 P. M. A very! ' J7 238 It! 147 MAIN ST. ASBURY PARK * 170 MONMOUTH RED BANK

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