lat, DBdpBBR 81» 1920

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1 . -,.. ' ii>i?-.s 'A CLAU8 AT BAPTIST <»UBCH MBT NIGBT fkfb CUMran Ifekc The large attendance at ti Baptist Chureh last evening W»A jfiutifiad in the veiy inteivstinff tfwamjemikfdby the Sunday pehool in a hdiday oilartatd- > Bright Uttl(i elmured lisped ttmb vordi merriiy amid a setftag of evwrgreena and flowers, frtule tlmie more mature added,.0mem to theoecatibn fe sonr ipcl recital. (Vh mfflrrimeni reigned, the r0mt bdls was heard lm ireiajlih Sttle nest jregistered rii j' jtn tension «at the l»wi is4hint, when Jta Glaus himself sauntered in "" " theyioorwayi bearing a 'padjc ipttainlng gifts to ithaltiirtsofall. After Santr had "distributed lil gifts to the children, Mr. C. Sinclair presented to the pasihr inte name (rf the cohlfre llto, a present, in rememfaranee *f faithful SMfrices, faithfuuy MCfonjMlpH ifai token of the Ji estieii iff «ch i&e minister is held. r. Hfe Clark expressed in a brief ' aag response his apprethe kindly feng of - ntiontdwardsa. -li'the exercises came to a dose f aol and h«dicti<hi. *DiW OOVNCIL IN tegular SSSaiON -"* )rtan (Mfawiim PluMd By Mwben AttJMdiiW. M the reguliir momtiily mset> in«9( the Town Cundl, on Ifeonday; December 27 Kessrs. Lar Icin, Anij3«ton, Moacr, HiUbs and Burke bebig present, with the Hen. W. Hfll Brown, mayor of Manassas, presiding, the fouowing business was'transacted A permit was granted to Mrs.' Etta V. Brown to erect hen house. The mayor reported fines to the amount of collected during the mdath. Bills weore ordered paid. The wr of the supetendent of pumic workis embodied collections for oil and meten. On motio of Qouncilman J- H. Biurke, unanimels consent was given to consider a measure to leyy a graduated transformer charge on perifons, firms, etc, without, fte c<mrpon limiti using liafc.9r power from the town plant. After due consideration the following mrdinanee was passed, viz:. '.,.,.', Be it ordain l the Council the town of Msnsaeag that ax and after the first day of Febnv ary,.!! all persons, firms or co: '* MANASSAS. Bfag out, tfd beos. to the wild skr, The flyinfclou the frosty Ught: The year & dying in the n[i«ht i Ring wit. wid bdb, and let hlmjdie. lat, DBdpBBR 81» 1920 Ring out thelold, ring in the new, Rhig, hplr bells, across Uie 8D0WJ- Theye»liB»oi«g;letlmtt,g«>; Ring oat tl»isfcki%ring:i kl.;ij-spayson. STATE TO GET 2.2M,00t THROUGH M'ARTHUR BILL Highway CewitMJe r Rati, pates Beaeita if Mmmnn (ABAociatioti of State High JCmiSatA&JSEDVOi TO MKET way.ofiicials..-j,,;>;., and».. a xuxnicf fonaer yrew-1 presi '. wedding mafeh was readent of the association, estimates '* * by-mrs. Cbaos, and t»ttp[ Graaiwieh Ghareh theseeps r 11 at Fazpera Wm Hold Meetftv to that the enactment of this meas- P** o' DeKoven's "0, Pnnar Beantlfnl Onrcnony. Perfect Organisation. ure will meiai 120,000 annual- '" "' ' added chant ly to the State c VirgWa, the voice of Miss Louise M*- The GrSepwich Presbytan (W. L. Browning, Connty A««nt) Commissioner Coleman at- 'oey, the,hs jpy pair pledged Church was the scene of a vry i There will be a meeting in the tended a meeting of the associa- themseltee aceordini: to the fa»j pretty wedding on Tuesday ew- directors' room of the National tion in Washington last week Pi* ritual of the B 7sse<H>al ing, December 28th, wh«i Mbs Bank of Manassas, Friday, Jani- when the McArthur bol was Ch»«- May House became ihe brid Mr. BipiBond L. Ellis. The. eony was performed by mirr. It. Cook, pastor of the xhu ledal party entoed to t% get to irork, and put onr prodiict sistanceto members of the asso- -Tho-newly married palr W* stalahis of tiie Lohengrin MandJl,! on the market as an organiza- datidn in the-hearings before the **' " extend*! twxr hitile S DC jtion. ctsmnittee. He and others who ** 'vhkb they will be at htnpt [We are anxious ix> have every were presait at the hearing were *» «freinds M Wasbrngti* farmo* in tiie county who Is interested in bettor seed com, and BREEDEN GRIFFtN who has seed, com for sale, to be 1 ' - < -. pay a monthly transformer ijoggoajs and she carried a at this meeting. We are not organizing for fun, but mean bns- Secae of icbristnums Napttda. Hmne of Mr. Albert chargeflraduated as follows: er bouquet of brides roses, FingM'Prints, One E.W. transformer ; Mrs. J. B. Prices sister <rf tii,ine8s, so yu should be tiiere. chairman of the Senate Commiti%?Lr'-J T"I i " matron ef henoiewe wffl have at this m»ui» *«onpostofficeajuulpostbaadi?"**y wedding t»ok pbos.-w; fc'w.trimsforn«r$225,v?kw. trfiformer 3B;X Misses Lynn LymijK Wuiikms andlsiwj* V«*»-sej com grading demonstration before SSSXlJSm-»» which the McArthur bill.,»,. Cl _r. twnsftyinwr *2a0j > f / W.iatfera, at WashingtoDC, by a government, expjjtttl Help wid come in the upper branch of Albert Breeden, of Manasae<i, HeadHnrtan \ Detective Bur ttansfonner.60; 10 K W,{ were bridesmaids. The three us put foinee Wiffiam conntjr on gongress. They went fully mto!s"5l**«j, *«* WNhMJon,dn ji, additloh tte iwbft the map as a seed com growing the provisions of the. bill with - f "fj Rand, of the isoiitlmn With Imts to match, in pink, ]wle iiow ib ct for lig aid power. county.' Senator Townsend th the ex- S?* T l?""' Company, arrfy Wedto take jdiotographs and carried bouquets of green and gold r«q>ectiv, and We esteet to hvwe a Hg puire pectatioh of expediting candder- T 'VlJ' Two M06BYS PIE WITfflN bred dairy calf dub -this year, la of the measure after ithas, t*j!,?*'«***'«*!? iprints of the Baan amsted Mr. M. M. Ellis, brother (rf the md I win ipreciitte it if any [come from the tower brsndi:- ' f:?*j T : hmt-tot atteoptilif to sell auto- TWENTY-FOUR HOIJBS groom, was best ian; Messrs! Richmond Times-Dispatch. sobfle tirapi fs the streets, Sat- sister and Ncplitw «f IX W.aBd mpsm were Wiay, DeeiBilmr 11»»s noted hi Coaf«iesate Cavahy MRS. MART PATNE IHEB coltnaas of Tlw Journ of amcubb taleik ta aomb OF PAHMiam " srlt. is thought that the tires stolen from a railroad ear, ad tike Washington detective, «nned witii the photofmidi and iftger pri8t# of tha-gmtlemab iiigtveahjb aa as GWIMMB W '#snim>, wlb eidptvor to nsi- SNTIBXAINlfENT A qoiet wedding l*ed on Monday at the parsonage «< Ife Methodist Bpteeopal Qttreh, Sooth, when Mtss Lola MM*, daofhiaral Mt. and lbs. J. a Fntiah. beeam the >rtde of Mr.». L. B«ffield,Va. After the ceremony, which J*» performed by the Rev. Wiln»m Stevens, Mr. and Mr*. Tom- Bnson left for Duffidd, Mr " ~ where and a simple, but effective ration of ferns and greens adorned the ahar. rendered hy Mrs. M. M. Was hght or power j ington, of GreenwidL The tc hght lines without, was becomingly dressed fat the corporate limits of the town n of ivory satin, her tube v Jit Manassas, shall be'required to: as hdd by a coronet of 0 Withtn tweotylber )u»an of each other, the rirter tmj aephaw of Col. John S. Mbiby,, it accanung to word leoeived here today. Miss lrgnda Bhdcely Moshy ded at hsr home in Ghaikttea- flle Va., at the age of eiiity' fdz. Vatcid Ifost, forty years old* a pugtiinrftlimwflis lih His past fifteen yeaiib IM yeiterday thebolidiv& GOVMB were Ud forfifteen. TiMeMtervfaeefar the ning time was a dhnhntlee GhiMBas tree, attmetively decorated, under whkh Snta AH Gtons was seen apparentty ready to rise hi Us tiny asrovhum fthb a bank of trajunf ftam «t the base or the tree. -Mr. arid Mrs. R. Hardy Du- ; ]\y, were in town to- ary 7th, at 10 o'clock to perfect the organization of the Prince William Pure Bred Seed Growers' Associaticm. At this meeting a constitution and by-laws will be adopted, and working plans put on foot, so.that we may. The Virginia Stats Highway Department here is squar be- Mnd the licarthur bill, now before the committees of Congrus, which cmitemplates the exsion of Federal aid to the states for highway construction to the extent of 1100, annually* according to announcement last night from headquarters of the department. Commissioner Geo. P. Coleman, chairman of the executive committee of the Ameri- CBRIsniAS WEDIHNQ AT i>aagkl«r of FoWMter fiir JewMl Bslde ef SOB of the ' The hcune of Mrs. W. H. Moran was the seene of a <>ut impressive wadidhnf mony at 7 p. ra..en CbristmNf day, when Mist Portia Moran became the bride of Mr. Reseoi ]3aas. the Rev. A. S. Gibson, reetor ot Trinity Church. officiatin» The interior of the home approinriately decorated with < ergreens and powers making «most betamttil Mttiiv for th«occaaiaib -* '>'' ndiers.., The Mde Eifs a teadier in Ftce William Ibr several years and fur the fsait two ymn ba hdd a govenunsil poattkn Washington.. Mr. Ellis is the ofmr. JMnesEOta,* fbrmer d thl»eoun. fmmediateiy after the inooy tile yeas eoiole kit for ft tri» to Hotripd, Va.- J lb- tertahunent will take fhwe at fta Pdaee Pod Boom at 8 pk m. nighty when Tenng Seotty, mote, wib give quirinf bending sfdcee, tearing cardir chains and hnreeehoes Mo ehhxge for admisston See te httle deaf mute. fanner in the comity i4io. has a bdfer calf (pqie fared) and wih ouuider seuing it for a fidr prke to be naed fa: dob work will get in teodi with me. tt poaaible, we. want to get ab of the odvaa bonie as possible. AIXKK-MALES NUP1IAU nw. fuuy ducussed with Congressmen, Smitors and the road committee 4 the House. Congressman R. Walton Moore, of the Eighth "rginia District, is a Miss Moran is the. deughteref the late W. H. W. Monm; fottth' der of The Manassas Jomrafd who WiB 'a brilliant author i journalist. Mr. Bass is a nattie "»"»"»*»»«.xlsmlvk, IB B ' _ " _.-, member of the House "Committee **' MisfissiMfi, and is assocmted on Roads, and was of great as- '".** *«United Cigar CompmiVp assured by the <iommittee that the bill would be reported oat fa* ywauy-some time this wedu Tlie comsuttee was also in conference with Senator Townsend, at the Age el Ti widowof the late WahamGnflhi* The groom is a brethibr of Ifib Alb«rtH.Breed»i in additimi to the hramntiatn family of lir, AAert Bkeedeiw those present iaduded lb. Hs»> vey Breedm, of Chestsr, Att nd Mr. J. 8. Hottle, father of Ihn bridfc r «..'.,. «Mr. Srieden to enqdograd as Mrs. MaiT Eltoabeth Pvns, BannMi by the Sonthem Rd ngedw,awd»-<nownrendentflf wayconiponk w. r ' i*9f vihhiaa» acskiepe rgfaito, <hed Fnday morning at dedentolditodjfrl 10:80 m tiw hone of bar da& ManMWii "."''" '" t«r, Mrs. Eppa Hunton, ir., in ''.-;' V - ***i'' BNTlWPA»aB& liagr NieWP General IRDiam H. -. W was s dtotiagntohed 'tolltoconfederate Anny» Wniiam J. AUen and Mies NaOs were oaitedla matl» the Rev. B. P. Jaeh- GJUtmti Pssfram AttiadifeaA Jn BoAbon, Mais> -HSTHbeby, wtibtimwtmf r known in Washia [i(m, had txaetive daughter of Mr. Biyaiit Aaaoancenient has e was ariiaiiirtlisidsiice ldk. of GafaMsvOk, awl Ifr. Al. drab,of -ttss-msmbtarmreofr whidi'threejraw.harrr K. and 1b%. J. L. her horns at CauofottesviDe dnrr edved t4 the marriage, Deeeokber 23, of MisB E8a Marie Pok L VaOey Wehttng Ca, of Wfaieheo- and one daoiter; Mrs. ipa lad niii their Sonday flchod len, who to assoristsd wioi the F., Jd9_Wh»tonjida Btond, eatertahm at., M. B: Cfaitoith. on ing the past year. Funond lichmby evening thg vices aifd iatsnnait wib be at ofhsmarfcet, Va., to Mr. P ter; is a SOD of Mr. and Mr*. W. Honton, survive. daseeer together wtth s4v*ial Ckriatmas exeieiaeafor thecfaflp Bedfoid aty. bflrmities ineideut to (dd age were the cause of The bride is the elder daughter & Harvey, of Pittsbptrgfa, Fk T.ABsn,«rNokesvflle. Fonend aerricea were hdd fai visiterb. wb9 were hdd. Tie program whi consisted death. Arrangements for Mr. Aftsr a diort stay with Warrenton Simday at 2:80 G«nee and omtests were e». of Mrs. Cecelia Polen and tlie ef son and redtiuucuf, jmji Moebgr's - funoral. have not yet tives and friends in PrhMo Wilham» they WiB leave for thdr fn' Warroiton cemetery. some enjoyed dmmhv to Vietreht o***** *.*/ * * teredlwtofaia»wlyspktt.wwto late Peter Pdea, of Haymarket tnetitiigr rendered, aad the ive»> ISeenownpteted. After a short tistt to rdativm hmne in Winchester. lbs. Payne waa bqm in Al». mndc ents diirtitbuted made im VM in Pittsborgh awl Virgfaiia Mr. aie.was the draiter of Thoee.preeent were Misssn imarts of the little ones.. BNTBBTAINS AT MNNK and Mn. Harvey left fer an e>tended Ixmeymooe in Florida. ter, who was fonnestrlc«dred Cred, Mary Knevde, Lato MBS MATIHBW IMPBaVDf6 CokndWnBam Winter and Mrs. Beolah Bak. iumie Cred, Mil- A short addiecs was ddivemd by Rev. MrrStevoMi. the pastor CI. After March fnt they will be Vston. <*- Ahibwiiiff Thnw Aiey, Ebto Rosenboger, Messrs. fa whkh he paid a Iwiitifiil tribote to tddumrof the "Washington, P. Ct j [Jtoe Lewis, Nod Lynn. James of heme, 608 aet Capitd St, Lnird Arey, Wttw-Rosenberger, daysrim Mr. and Mrs. C J On her wa;f to take theraia CBKInUS SOCIAL [wtoder, Marvhi Redman. Wdtoco WhtaMCi Badbhih Whk- ttftained at dhumt last Monday aoffrrr, TSB BBAF MUTB for Wash&igtett to vistt her si*, fai honor of Mr. and Mrs. J. WOhs MeetH and Mr. sml Mn. Oar- To tixiee of oa who tor. tost Itasadiv, 1 * inter thew sestsliiei a pahafal enee L. MMlM who an here for estedfaifeatiof jvy to bir knee im ahnggrnnrthe MB Jl ACCnNDfT Miss Lou Moxley visited relatives in Warrenton Christmas ("lav. Joaraey bnt on nnddnf WaA> ttonttwaafooid can a phyeiciaa to iqxm her. Her condition to much improved and she to now resting comfortauy at tiw home of her sister. Mrs. Eva Meredith is the tat of ineads in W A Christaus SondaySdMdi of the IVsAyterian OMOch held at ths hom of Mn. B. L. An iwigriwidn proof ineitatioaa and Bongs was rendsna. Throng the kindness of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Meetze, many selections on the vietrola were hugely enjoyed. A treat was given the children, after which refreshments were served. Town Sergeent R. M. Wdr narrowly missed a buuet froea his own revolver on Thursday when the gun fdl from hii< cx" k.- et and was discharged. «h< i» was stooping over to IUMI - tirea on hi.* -vr. ~'. passed tnrr-.>. :: :*: --": "t and iiaii'.- > 3 *s- -'

2 - --">Tii>-'h«t'ff"-i.tfi-'n»-.lMi-M<ftg,-ri,-.-y-'"»y!*if ' X'-P''.? lipwiwililippipip IW-PC- -it.-'-v PA(»TWO NOT CANDIDA1X Bc9r«M«taliT«Flood NooML fai CongnH Svr HIa Un«< Not to Ran. RepraMntative Henry D.Flood will not be a candidate tot Governor of Virginia in opposition to * : Herry St. George Tucker, acc- Ing to tba following cmreapaidence given out for piuication: Washington, Dec. 18,1920. T. Freeman Epea, Esq., Blacksborg, Va. My dear Mr. Bpes: I have received your letter of a fev days ago aslg me to become a candidate for the democratic nomination -for Governor of Virginia. I have' received similar letters from filends throughout the state and have been urged personally by a gnta number of other friends to miike this race. 1 appreciate most highly the confidence and frimdship which these lettcars and personal visits indicate. I am greatly moved that I should be regarded hy so many people in Virginia as wortiiy of this high office. I would feel much honored to be GovertMW of my native state, which I love and which I have tried to sfove to the best of my humble ability for thje past thirty years. Entertaining the views I da-on questions of state policy, which are the out- owth of this service, I believe I could at this time be of some service 4o the state and hee people. This belief would make the service as Grovemor. partieulaiiy pleasing to me. I must consider, however, that I have just been elected to the Sixty-seventh Congress from the Tenth Virginia District, and many of my friends and constituents have urged m6 to ranain in Congress-. I owe these people much for tfeir lalty to me ui the past, and particularly in the recent election. The rublicans in the district endorsed a farmer, prominoit in the Farmen Union, who until recently claimed to be a democrat, irainst me, to whose support tiey expected to draw a large number Of democratic farmers, but althous the republicans were better orgaraoed and more money was spt in the (Ustrict in behalf of this umdidate than has been the case aince I have been in Congress my ma jority was the lat I have ever received. I feel deeply grateful t*' the democrats of tlie Tenth District, and do not feel that I could sever. my connection with them as' their Reprntative in C«igress against the wishes olso many of them. I am also obliged to have in mind the need of the dqnoeratic party for representatives of ek' perience in the next House. TiaM matter has been pressed opon my attention by many of my colleagues with whbm I have served in the past. Some time ago I received a letter from Htm. Claude A. Kitchin, formerly demooatic leader ofthe House, a position he will again occupy when the new Conh gress convenes, whicblitidrper mission I venture to quote in full and which I think will persuade you that my obligations'to my party and my country require me to remafat in Congress. Mr. KitekVs Pks. Hoose of Representatives, WaahtegtoB, D. C Noveobar Qi Hon. H. D. Flood, jppomattox, Va. - idear Hal: 1 am sorry I.was not able to see you last week, before you left Washington, to discuss with yon the matter about which I am now writing you. I have had intima tlon from some of your fneods in Virginia that they desire you to retire from Congress and make for Governor. While pefwnml rdsuoft vrtik lus Wr istod betvew na sinee w«fin otteivd CMCNia toflstbsr tsimw; ty years ago, I would, be OiaA to see any ambition you may hav* gratified to th«fuuest, stio I do hope that you can forago any ambition t)>at yon or your tiieadb may have of being Governor of srour state, and remain in the House for the next four During your whole Congressipnal career you were never needed as badly in the House aa you are'now. By the result of the last election we have lost many stnmg democrats in the House. We need you in the coming Congress. You csoi serve your party and your country more in the next four years in the House than even during the war period, as conspicuous and helpful as was your service then. "To be candid with you, it seems that I will be the unanimous choice of the democrats for minority leader in the next Congress. If such men as you are thinldn of going out of Congress, I would hesitcie a long time before accepting the minority leadership. In consenting to be a camdidatib f or it, T was esi eially counting on the helpful cooperation of yon and a few other of our mutud friends in organizing ami keeping organized the democrats in the House. On the good record to be made and wise policy to be pursued by thcdenrocrats in the House in the next two Congresses, the demociratic party must depend for its restoration to power. Upon the record of tlw d«noerats made and policy pursued in the Sixty-first and Sixty-second Congreiues,the democrats swept the connbr in 191?. "In my judgment, the next four years in the House will ve you an opportunity to sorve your country and your party such as you never had before. "I h»ve talkecmihe last two or three day with all th&4emqr cratic membcars who we now in Washington'and every one joins me in urging' and insisting upon your remaining in the House. "I want to tiqk with you about this mttter just as.soon as yon return to Washington. "With my warm eateon lind best wishes, I am,. Sihcerdbr yours,. "Oaude Ai Kitchin," Sadne S«nt m«it in District. I find the sentiments expressed in Mr. Eitchin's letw very general among those with whom I have served in Congress. This sentiment of my colleagues and respect for the wishes of my own district require me to remanl In Congress and impd me to forego at this time any opp(»rtuni1y which I may have to be Govemw of Virginia. GratefuUy* thanking yon, and through yotf my many other warm friends, to all of whom I cannot write, for their confidence in nie aad their kind interest fai my persoaud fortunes, and r grettihg that my 9itaatkm is such that I cinnot eomj mth their snggedtkma, I am, with much respect, Very dncerely yours, (Signed) H.D. Floed. AN APPRECIATION It faqs to me again to have tiie unspeakaue ideasure of thanking the good people whom I aem aa pastor for their remembrance of me and my wife at Christmas. We received boxes of good thinfi to est, soeh as meat, cams, ingar and many tunga too wmterous. to ttcn&b, and alao a turkey. At Hatcher's Memorial we received fifteen d<dlar8 in gm and another member ef the same church gave me a five dcs»r bih. Many, many thanks to the good people for their way of remembering us, assuring them of our appreciation, and wishing for them a prosperous and Happy New Year. * TBI MANASSAS louttlial. ltfri»«rab. VgOlWA 10 #Bf ANC3AJU PB0QSBS8 Do To«Know for Sofa WiNither Yoa Ara Gofaw or CaiJM la What is tha jut worthl your fum boaineaa? Is it ihore <a less than one would magine from a casual inspieetion your farm?- Do you. know for sura whether yon are going or coming in financial standing t Thesie are important questions to the farmer tatd questions that are not so easily answered as would at first pear. Farmmg is an intricate business and one in which returns from investment are aometimes long delayed, o that laogress can not be accurate measured by the amount of money taken in in a given time. Sometimes cai income may be almost wholly attributable to reduction in other sssets, so that in reality the result is like taking mcmey frop one podeet-andirat&ig4tjnandther. The farm inventory, or property list, offers the only practicar bie way of uurahering these qu»- tions. Once the farmor has made a complete list of all his assets and liabilities and has balanced them he knows just what his net worth is, and when he has made such a list annually he knows each year whetiior he has gone forward back and just how much has been the increase or decreaise in the net-worth of hi business. The ITnited States Department of Agriculture has just issued Famters' Bulletin 1182, entitled, *Ftam Inventories," in which are given detailed instructionb for making an inventory of farm property and revising such a list from year to year. By lumng tiie simple system described in this bulletin any farmer can determ ine exactly his financial status and lay tiie f oundatitm f or a per manent systein of accountings Withimt the farm inventory as a basis no ssrstem of acc>ounting thatmiit be chosen would be o lemy great use to the farmer. Awmul St«iddMUi»' MeOmgV To tlm*stodchad«a «f tb«nstknwl Bank of Manaasu: :* name take Botiee that Ow aanoal mmfttag of Uw Btoddwldan of th* Nsdonal Bank of Mnimiiiw, Manas- Ma, Va., wili: be fa at ita baakibg; honae in the town of.maaaasas, Va.. on Toeadar, January' 11, 1921, at 11 o'ek>dca._ m., for-tlia parpoaejfldleleetiag «&«dtora aad for tiie traaaaetion fovp- oi any other bdaineaa that 'may. erty cemm before tiie MuaHiig. Deeanbar 10,,tMQ. U-4 Awaal odjmlderi' Meedmtt To the StodAoUera of Peiaa Natioiial Bank of MaMuaaa: trice aotfea that & aamuu of the BtoeUidtes of the dca Natfowa Bank of the teim ef Ifiiiiw, Va., ea day, Jaana>7 11. Ittl, at 11 odock a. m.; &r Oe p«n>eae ef eurtfns «ree. ton and for the tranaa'rhwi «f uttiii boaincaa aa awy ftifralj botoe the iiieellns. G. RAYMOND XATGUFFX. la, IMS. Hopwooiys POPULAR PRIC HIRNITURE AND STOVE STORL.- KUST&6IILISS REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE HAYMARKET TVr inr cii>ir-«*. iocs.1 VIRGINIA m tm mmm m ' 111,1 iiiiwiir - ri LR CONNER & CO. CASH STORE- THE STOBB WHERE YOU GBt QUALITY MEATS THE RIGHT PRICES. WB SWJ* FOR CASH AN Pork Chops id Quota FrMh FraShovidan j Frasli Sides ««*' Bast SsiBBCs PrisM Rib Roast.. Caiolee RMt... Good BoiUag Beef. CAN GIVE YOULOW PRICES PORK I * -». I e e At 25«. 25a 2Se- soa MOC 28e tb m 18e tv20e- A FULL LINE OF FR AND SALT MEATS GIVB US A CALL BEOBE YOU K7T Beginning Januaiy 1, 11,1 will do a strictly ca business. Those indetit< to me are requested tqt come forward and setde their aocounts, I appreciate your business and hope to have you ccmtinue your patronage after January 1st on a cash basis, which will enable me to serve you better and at a lower pnce. _. _- --:. AGNEWVILLE, VA. c a- #' y

3 rsfipspwff «***?» '. * * >?;'; m- ly. EataltaMJfaqti' futaiwrta Sl,lf2»' ; LEST WE FORfiET >kw VaarDi will be luhec 44 is liuii, the w<»td is new doad of devastation j«nmin>7 the great war which Iwe kung like a pall over the n»- BoBS of tlie earth is diaipear- W>ef(»e the snn of the New 'Af=*-ts%.-e!,t.a.*ac~..K.: *.- tcnns of th«trwtv inpomd upob it TU9.«imo«po«aMBt «ffl-«i: pmbtiodauy «vvmd to AM itai i<)r>dii iame e( ite riiitfnlm. piratiom. Pttrliapr tiw tegttt mate dodn of BulurU for territorial aiec8m to tlie'aageaii SM DMb <9 year lips aad now b«more tavorik 1t«tiqryiMurti3rMatuqr*air, fiyregardece 8Ui»( Greece will now be fozved to Old Ttma is faat»-flyiac imn. ljibon itftjctwn resoureee of Go nay'am wu)» y«ca% strength & the war in which it ia If ye be coy yt will in taan engaged with the Turldah Na> laaabml tionalista. More and more as eventi shatter its ambitions, will the eohntry be made to realize how big is the price it most pay for Ck>n8tantine. Bk h m o n d Times4)ispateh, laugh AND LIVE '*ii>0*i0mti*i00*0i*000it0m TiiMV embodied in wisdom lul inunanity. Nations are gradually coming '" * *** Smjiatt Frm Tlu light bin 50 per cent" Mlnnefpdii Tribune. ',/ n )o ttadantadd eaa other anew4''i*«* PMaHom «f th«cmitry «id happiness and prosperity ' ' lork evoi now in the not tant AMBITION Not What She Meaat fnture for peoples who have sufffered much i the hands of mis- flowers with n4>ture. ' She had recdved his gift of HQ yearned to rim to WMHII and fum. iuided.brrants. "Oh, they are perfectly lovely I" she exclaimed." And there's ' The United States < America vneges from the catastrophe, even a little dew <m them stfll*' jpreemineot in the glory 61 her "Er-y-yes," he staminered, atrength and proudly- takes her >lace as the world's foremost nsp ll<m; and while our country rests. -.,j>on thts prominent pinnatilo, let jis bear'in nuad the respcmsibility, 'neh is of necessitjr a part (rf the burden imposed upon leadership, and let us set an example fai justice and humanity to all the natkma of the ewth. 'Xet we forget, left we forgetr THE PSICE OF CONSTATINE llie Greeks have tuul their own way iq making dioice of a ruler and Ck>n8tantine has beetf reseats. fld on the throne from which he was ejected beeause of perfidy l s the eause. of the allies when world dvilizion- faced the fteiuest men»m in recorded hia» tory. "rtey «fe jamantly ceie- _bfating his return,'andin the exabowice of their joy have not ret stoiq>ed to reflect on the price' they win have to pay t<x him. finder the premienhip of Veni- elm, whom their hostility forced to gait tjie country to escape 4he indigmties ihey would have - keyed on hin/the country waft heiiig guided into a greatoi deeliny than it had known for many flenturies. Out of gratitude for the purt.he indnced Greece to take mi the vinnhiir of the Chreat War, tte Uiea anranged a peace which. Ifted tbe kingdnn to a pontkm «f insnebee amoog the powers of Warapt. At the oniduneii of ittie WW it was pxtvosed that the itraita together wifli Eastern Shaiet, ahoold be intarnaiioiialbed oer the control of flie league of niona. But theconideoee inqiired by M. Venixdoe -Indaeed the allies to hand over Easten Tbraee to Greece, thus feringfav its toritory to the gates of GoBStantinople and the hosett of the Sea of Marmraa. ft was xwognised then that this was a li arrangement It ow becomes an impoesbde one. Havinc bat little confidence in fhe ikw order, tiie allied powers. irwildllmipi to be fully justified fa taking sihne necessary preeaotkma. Already they have decided to eetauish what th describe as a "financial Udekade." France and Great Britain had placed at the difimeal of 1 late Gredc govemnent certain ereditstib Paris and London. The noiainder of these noiw He had ambition. He dreamed of haviaf a great luune, ' And U poatttob. He thonght bow 4ne twoold be to riaa Above hi* neighbar And reach a etatiod where be would NothiTi to tabor. E«yearned and dreamed HM wboh _. Ufa long,, But Fame paaaed by him And poverty kept taxias Urn - With ilk to try him. Why did not kind Fate lift Um op Abore hia neijiibert The reason'! plain: H«only yearned, He wonld not labor. -Somervillejlfiuw.) lonrtial..» "~, - ' RMdWoric. Old Slton had strong- ideas on many things, and never hesitated jto voice them.. One day he was accosted by a healthy kxdp 1 dividual, who begged for a copper to buy food. HQton eyed the man sternly. "Why do you waste your time begging?" 1M said,coldly. "Tou ought to be wmkfaijs.'':._i. The sqpidiairt drew himsdf arect "Have you ever begged?" he demanded, in return. "Of course notr suiied dd Hintonrans?' "Then you dcm't know what work is r the beggar retorted London Tit-Bits. Agree Eisactly. Husband (newl, married) 'Don't you think, ktve, if I were to smoke it would spdl the eortainsr.-: i Wife "Ah, JOB Jffe thamoet PT»«>tff jiaia thooghtfnl hoabuid in tfett WBcldiserliiBlr it woum." Haabaacl "WeB. then take tlm eprtafaiit downj Tar Baby. e OpIalesHor "Blio has hb offb ogin- *1 ddi't blame him for that' replied Mr. Growchair. "Opinkma Bunctimes happen to men the same. as biiwlegs or lecoliiig chms. What I object to is & euggrated oidniob BKggiBsenttftains of the importance of hw (ffidona." Washmgton Star: Trae Cantien. «<What--4s Wmiamd>outr asked Mrs. Smith of the new nurse. "WeU, ma'am, he wanted to go everto Tommy Brown'*,"."Why didnt you let hnn gon They- were having charadea,! he sdd, ma'am, and I wan't as he'd had 'te ywtr-aarpw'a ffifowobiica? "Fine looking bevy of stenog raphera you have here." "Thanks." "But why are they all red headedr "Just an jdea of our eadency expert. He says th redaee the "there's a little, but I intend to pay it on Saturday night"' 4<oi)- don Ideas. e» e _liot Hia Name. "Why did you break off your engagement with Mildred V "Because her parrot was al ways saying',0h. Jack, dco't'" 'Bwt'what differmce did that make?" Your engagement was nota secret?" "But my name is not Jaek."- LimdoQTit-Bits. - ' yetarian. First Tramp Ifa no good calling at that there house. Tlmn people's vegetarians. Second Tramp That so? First Tramp Yes; and they have got a dert wa tisai'%fi-j$br dob'-tdeaa. ' ' '""t y- Trae.. -' Sade "Papa, what makedia man dways give a woman a Esmond aigagement riir? Her Father "The womaa." Ebnrgh Scotsman. Thrift "Oh, joy," add the co-ed as she ttrost ha bare foot into-n cofafwd), "now I w<hi't have to pnt on any-btoddngs." Pdiean.. NOW BIHTIHB. uata»i»aflfc&itl.w,>hsaitg; v 'i iiteiifi-iii.... (.;afa<m»bfcfe».....i..., p(f«ip(jip: HAYMARiT GARAGE a R BOLAND. Preirietor, HAYMARKET, VA.-. I At titrehwe of aiy list y my friends, to whom my Img to knew that the ' ee«bts> U wlb eentinne to in.the Gsraga.BaahM a iatwalins te dne. i hns grown and if I want to Uiadi It la very natify* and work f I carry a eompleto. stock of Ford Parts. I alee sdl New and Used Cars, and the fanmos Lee Panctare Proof Cadags. Thcsecaaings are backed by a gaaraatee that is a gbsraatee. Ail yoa have to do if they are not as repreeented Is to retara them to BM and get yonr BMney The Lee Fabric Caainga are aa good aa any on the nuurfcet and. prices are right f Badwl by twenty years ot actad madilbe ahop experience, yea wtt telt kv coming any reasonable distanea to have year repidra nrnde natar py penond sivervishm. 11 also rebbfii*and paint cars. All woric gnaranteed. A FEW 1CSTIM0NIAU3: Haynuuket Va December 8, It givea me pleason to stoto that my Fiord did net half pna mtb ovwhaaled by the HAYMARKET GARAGE, since which time H paoa to 'eal the band." Very traly yours. CHAS. J. GILUSS. Mans www, Ya., December 8, To Whom It May Concern: I met Mr. C. B. Roland soon after coming to the county and he haa done qdte a bit at work for me, which has dways bcm poeetly satt isfactory, and his charges have been less than any I have found In the cennty. Anyone having any work in Mr. Roland's line will make no mistake. I am sure, in going to him. A Policy in Hand IS WORTH A HUNDRED IN THB MIND, therefore don't say ydb wifl iamire yonr property, bat do it and do tt NOW. ELECTRICAL STORM SEASON IS HERE. J AN YOU AFFORD TO TAKE THE RISK? -ftomorrow MAY BR TOO LATE. FOR THE FHtE FIEND IS NO RESPECTER OF PERSONS (Ht OF PROPERTY. WE CAN BE OF GREAT ASSISTANCE IN HELPING YOU TO COVER YOUR PR(MPERTY nt(h*erly AND RIGHT. CAN PLACE YOUR POLICIES TO THE BEST ADVANTAGE AND IN THE BIOST RELIABLE COBIPANIES, AND IF A FIRE SHOULD DO YOU DAMAGE, -CAN SEE THAT YOU ARE PRQMPTLYPAID. - I THIS IS AN OLD AND FIRMLY ESTAB LISHED AGENCY UNDER A NEW NAME. LET US CONTINUE TO SERVE YOU. GOMPTON &Ca KQfAaoB, vnoiaa Very respcetfdiy; M. BRUCE WHITMORE...V m 1 iblsndibgi tea -nmfa pscfsbtijr IvMiy eoat Ltotraat Moreoter.Aef ntooghttobc: ivb gene a step farther and iadieatad that tke flrigfad pibb of X MB three tie 'a i the Thmdan torritory which rwff* them was flte SHgktlyOf. tfti shoqy be redded, fa Whaf s th prohtaaid' <QM meantime, Greece's traditibod entemy, Bulgari*.!»» "f g what the rtralioita as rend about in thepbl***» Mike Bounced ite intaitkn of wholehearted compliabce with the ketch wiwhorsea, y*ig»oir»bas" Exchange.

4 i 1 ij! <>, NEWS rio[njrttru-lni~ij''y~i~ii''''--' -- r -----' "--, (kimw and sn an visiting Mn. J. G. Lunaford. -Mr. Boy Rexrode, of Detroit, Mich., ia viaiting tlm home of liia father, Mr. Roawell Bound ia visiting the home of his mother, Mrs. Emily C. Round. Mr. Cornelius Harrell is the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob HarrelL Mr. and Mrs. Beuben Clark are guests at the home pt Mr. a{id Mrs. B. L. Bryant. Mr. Roy Flaherty, of Washington, is the guest of his nnde, Mr. J. Robert Flaherty. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Larldn «itertained friends and relatives at dinner Christmas iy. Mr. Herman L. Bryant, of Roanoke, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B.L. Bryant. Mr. James B. Nels<m is spending the holidays with his sister, Mrs. Albert Speiden. Mr. W. Harold Lipscomb is a visitqr at the home of his mother, Mrs. Mary W. Lipscomb. Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Jenkins left Christmas day for«visit to relatives in Madison county. Mr.' Gilbert Whitmer, qf Baltimore, is the guest of his father, Mr. Frank Whitmer. Mr. George W. Hixson is the guest of his daughter, Mrs. Mollie H. Larldn, in*washington. Mr. Clark Johnson is spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. C. Johnson. Mrs. H. D. Wenrich visited her son, Charles C. Wenrich, in Washington, on Christmas day, Mr. and Mrs. P'rederick H. Cox, of Washington were the guest of relatives hiere Qiristmas. Mr. CarroB Rice, of Baltimore, is speiding tte holidays at the home of his mother Vn.W. M.Rice. Mr. James L. Heoff, of Altoona, Pa. was the week-end guest ( hisoister, 1. W. Hill Brown.-" -.=-. - > - ;, - Mrs. Annie J. Adams, of Washington, is the guest otthe home of her daughter, Mnu R., B. Larkin. Mr. Cari J. Allensworth left for his home in Vienna Tuesday, after a visit of several days with friends here. ' Dr. V. V. GiUum left Friday to join Mrs. Gillum who is spending the hcdidays at her M home near RoancAs. "-Hr. K. W. Arey, of Greettaboro, N. C. Bpmt ChriatiBaa day ttna Sunday with his pannts, Mr. aadmrs.r,s.are9r. Mr. Alliscn. Hooff. visited relativea of Mr. Booif at Marboro, Md., during the hdidaysr Iha i&bcila «#«r Ifondanr.'' -4tev. W. Q. Monday, of Hat-' erstown, Md., hai been assigoad to th«princa William Circuit ci. andmrs. A. A. Hooff atid; U. B. Oivrohnid wiildaliv«r: his.tial serm<m hwe at 11 a. m. January 2. Vough, of-du Mrs. G. Raymond Ratdiffe Jus cousin, j and'mnucr. C. JohnsoBwiS be Mrs. Charles Beavers, near town. hostess at a dance to be given tof nis atijie h<n&e of Mrs. Ratcliffe on Grant aycaiue. o-misses Sallie and Catherine Larldn, of Waahingttm, are spending the weekmid with friends and rdatives here. Misses Goldie ind Daisy Pote, of Clarendon,- are the gveats for the week of their aunt, Mrs. Carrie Lawrence. Miss Elsie Rdsenberger and bcpthers, Bennett and Warren Rosenberger, were the guests of Mrs. E< L. Hombaker Sunday. Miss Bertha Grey Rolwison, editor of the Orange Obaerver, was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. H. Lion, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. S. L. I4ahj3ier, of Clifton Forge, Vs., spent Christmas day and Sunday with tile former's sist«r, Ifirs. R. S. Arey.. Mr. and Mrs. G. Raymond Ratcliffe. #uid children spent The Manassas High School Christmas day at the home of basketball tea will meet tlw Mr. Ratcliffe's father,in Dumfries. *, ' th /annual game Saturday Manassas High School Alumni in Mr. Elmer Metz will leave night, Jlumary.l at the Eastwa Monday for Washington, where Gymnasium, at<7:80 o'doek. he expectstotmde an.)bj,; ) jj Clarence W tion at-< Sibley Hospital for hernia. Mr. Walter L. Hombaker is spending the holidays at the home of Mrs. R(dl)ert8 as the guest' of Mish Lena Weger, of Laurenceville, BL Mr. and Mrs. Lin wood La renbe,, Washington, RobertlatwremjeT (Jl Bter, Pa.,.spent Christmas day with Mr. Albert Lawrence. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Harrell and Mr. Comedos HarrdI spent Christmas day. in. ibayiaartcet with frienda. Mr. and Mrs. Fontaine Hooff and son, arrived Christmas day to visit friends and rdatives here during the hididays. The Presbytorian Sunday School was the redpfeot of MW hundred hymn bo(dcs, the gift of Prof. Jose H. Dod ' Mr. and Mrs. Clarenoe Meetze, of Cheater, P are viaiting the home of Mr. Meetses father, Mr. C. J, The Ladiea' Aid Seder-ef the Grace M.. Oiareh, apath wifijbeetat the home of Mrs. E. Wod WA Thursday Jamary 5 at 8 p. m. Secretary.. Miss: Annie Creel, Miss Vickers.. Mary Enevels gnd Ifr. Joseirttf Lewis were guests this wedc at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. L. RosenI)ager of Henid<m. The firm of Hixson & Merchant, autobile-tire repairers and vulcanizers, has been dis- SQlved, Mr. Merdiant halving sold.his int»:«st to Mr. Hixson..',. By invitation of the Haymarket BiQitist Church, the Rev Westwood Hutchi8<m wid hold soce for tiiem cm the first Sunday in Janxiary;at 11 fu.m, The Rev. A. B. Janaesos, the taewly appofoted pfl S)h»- of 1_ Presbytoian taiureh, win conduct the morning.and eveniiv services on Sunday, Jantuury 2. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Whitmore, of Martinsvilie,wha spent CiuiKtBsas bfln as IhfrgvestLiif Mn, Whitmer's mother, Mrs. A. E. Sples returned liirane Monday, Mr. ud Mrs. Chas. H. Doing, jr., Mr. A. T. Holtzman and Mr. Wm. Doui Oark, all of Washingt spent the Christ-' mas with Biev. and yrs. T. D. D; Oark. Mr.and Mrs. A. M. Crigler arrived here yesterday after a short visit to Mr. Criis relatrvea m Culpeper county. They leave today for their home in Baltimofe. -J. P. lifnchman kft Ghristmfes dky for C Ginfirdeao, Mo., where he In viittittg tte and tlmlr hodiandb WIM nride' taithat Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Breeden had as tiwir guests Suncbiy, Mr.; The "Christmas Gift" from and Mrs. Cnsiek and tb mm Manassas Chapter, U. D. C, 1» snd nqdiew, of Washington. Lee Camp Home, C. V., of Richmondr consisted 'JQJ a barrel of] return if Ifiss-Eva Breeden, They were aceompanim on their fruit and canned goo a turkey who will visit retotives te Wash' and a nine-pouodcate made hy ington, Bidtimore and Upper the Judith Henry.Juni<MrB. Marboro. Mr. i»nrm».tx G. Griffltt and daughter, Miss Eleanor, of Wadiiagton, siient the holidays aa tha guests of Mrs. GriiRth's siater, Mrs. D. H. Prasoott, of MedfoRl. Masfw - j Mr. Edward Lynch, who is empjoyed by the Emerson Company as engineer in cliarge of pump instaumoit in the oil fields of Okoma, is visiting his mother, Mra. Mai Lynch. Among ' the. Chris tmas guests at "Bethshan" were Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Ryiand, of Washington, who spent several days with their parents, Rev. and; Mrs. Westwood Hutchison. Mr. Leonard Utterback, who is employed by the Fisher Com- pany, automobile body naakers of Detroit, is spending his vacati<m: at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mi!*-_Bmest Utterback. Wageiier and bwt>y daughter, Marguerette, spetlt - Chrtsimas and the past Week-«nd with Mrs. Wagener's relatives, Mr. and Mrs. G. J. RusseU, at Marshall. The New Year meeting of Manassa at the hometof Mrs. R S H3mson, January 5, at 3 p. m. This is the time for paymoit of annua] dues, which are $1.00 for 192L Mr. and Mrs. Sl S. GaBehue spent Christmas in Waslungton with thdr daughters and; sonsin-laws, Mr. and Mrs. E. E.' Kincheioe, M. and Mrs. J., "f. Lowe and Ifr. and Mrs. William -Mr. J. L RandaH- returned Saturday from Detroit, Mich.; where he haa been pursuing an advanced course in antomobfle biulding. and repairing. He left Wedaesday for Leesburg, where j he has accepted a position as service manager in the John. Hill CartM'Company. ' Mr. and Mrb Walter Merchaivt /had as their Christmas guests Mr. and Mrs. Henry White, of Baltimore; Mr. and Mrs. dward Dumbarton, of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Smsrt, of Wauiigioflii; Hn. 8. R. libard, of Alexandria, m»i, Mt. Ddusto Merchant. Mrs. Emily Tyler Lawler had. as her guests Qirikmas MMS MM7 Bttmani, of Win-' Chester; Miss Sarah T. Carter. of Leesburg; Ttr. and Mrs. J.! diesky Lawler and daaghtw Emily Cavdl, of Baltimore; Hr. Tyler B. Ladder, of Washington, and Mr. Bobeart A. LAwler, of be-i teoit,]fieh. 'r Mr. and Mrs. Geo. D. Baker entertained at dinner xm We(&tesday. Anumg those present were Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Meetse and little dauflter, Ifiss Cfaristm Mr. and Mrs.. WS Meetxe, of Marcus Hook. Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. Oarence L. Meetze, of Chester, Pa.; Mrs. J. R. Hombakv, Mrs. E. L. Hombaker and Mn. J. G. imtsttson. - tmaesimsanbbiei 9Psmm ~ I ', ii. I'lUE OUR FLOUR MILL IS CLOSED DOWK FOR THE INSTALLA* TION OP NEW MACHINERY, WHICH WILL MATBRIALLtlN- CRlASE THE CAPACITY WHEN COMPLETED. WE HAVE PURCHASED FLOUR MANUFACTURED ACCQRD- ING TO 0U9 INSTBUCnONS OUT OF CHOICE SOFT WINTKK JSTHOBAT, AND WHICH WE GUABAljnrBB TO GBAPBJgLTg: OUR HIGH STANDARD OF FLOUR» KNOWN AS White Rose Flour Hienowwof Rours ' ' '' OUR EXGHANC AND MEBCHANT BUSINESS IN WHEAT AND CORN PRODUCTS WILL BE CONTINUED WITHOUT IN- TERBUPnON. WE WISH ALL OUR EEUEliiDS A HAPPY AND PROSPBBOUB NEW YEAS. L~, 1 t'3l, w-m Mrs. Woodrow Wilson, wtfe of the President, has been m- <.<'4<dii>gly kind and gradeos to Mrs. Margaret H. Bowen tirthe kmg illneas and death, of her brother, Mr. W.. Here. At her request the Postmaster General granted Mn. Bowen anhmited leave from oflke to nurse her im-other, and at the death of the latttf Mrs. WilBon wrote Ifan. Bowoi«personal letter of sympathy. Is Your Subscription to The JOURNAL Paid in Advance?

5 " WT/ $f V k. I «l i:.* ".'% rfrfnpfrr-'r -.j«*.««* CATHABPOr ii.u.j.;i -41L-, / I>leasant suinse was whan S. vm, M Saturday «nd Monday. :m4tamn. Stewart TUUOM Smt John Barton. aooon «nied Messrs: C. B. Clarin, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. S. T.Matthew, of iil from WtpUncMi <bir- Iuton. Fairfax county, the organ with his violib, whidt Atexaadw, and Johtf BoasaU., jcimvi.«i t««te «f Mr. horn. Af M. are giieeta at the ~ A t «enjoyed so much. Mr. tond to Waahington last P«day Mrsn: iir. y, S. K.Lsonwrd,' of near nourg. WW ilmrffaect; of PACffinpns rine Band at Quantico and we Mr. W. Holmpji hrtaon vie, Mrs. Dane and MM. Fttit «xt«d-a-tery hwrty Invitrtfcm ited Washingtwi this week. Vere guests of Mrs. J. L. Hinton to him to come again. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. p»ttie and Sunday. Our jtopular drundst, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Chandler Mr. WilUe Windsor, of Baltimore, visited his home hers Tuesday, January 4 E.)tamily and Mr. N. C. Pattie, of B. Bosit pe t tlw houdajrs with spent a very i)leasant Sanday Alexandria' were guests at the y/itmu, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Evening at the Colbert home, Christmaa. home of Mr. and Mrs, L. B. Pattie (» Christmas day. tained with very excellent muaic. «Dd prosperous New Year. Bt ar., at th horns near where Sergeant Barton enter. We wish The Journal a hiwy "Motbert of Men'' Mrs. Augusta Webb is spending the holiday season with her heart iatanat aad atiob, with plenty of eoaiedy to rsltevo the 1% An Edward JoaeProduetloii. "Motksrs of Men"toa Msf 0gitaia» tb year was the Mrs. George Farquhar rscved the sad news of her father's BRENTSVILLB 8t«rt and most same.known mother, Mrs. Etta Lynn. death one day last week. He aitaatioaa. Yon wiu enjoy the clover p«rf(»auuico am K«in many years. We are refbmted by a citizen to say that Mr. Frank Williams, of Shenandpah Junctioft-, W. Va., is vis 'state. Washington. «p**p< was a resident of Washington Dr. Wm. J. Belf is visiting in stage sottiagb in tusietuo. AdaUasion, llc-17e. 0g0tT one deserves great credit iting friends in this neighborhood. School will open Monday next Miss Daisy McKay entertabied ftupnwt CSurisbnasieotertainaMQts in both churches inch and we hope for a good attend-, a numbei pf friends last Monday Thursday, January 6 Appropriate Chriatmas exercises were held at Sudley.Cl}urch. e past month on account rf the Pauline, offrpnt Royal» who is VV anoa fiawiey Ul rooq FOr OCanuaiS w«rs largely attended and enjoyed by young and old. - on Christmas Eve, at 1, o'clock, I scarlet fever scare, which we spending the holidays at her ance. The average has fallen off evening in hon<i*-ol her sister, n/j. U.fsr :««l7..v«%«l lw. QAMIa*' Ijias Ruth' Hulfish accomfriends jm relatives near Bich- among the children and sent* to after which candy, onmges and A story of poverty, love, loyalty and a giri who Joat eoaun't mako hope; has subsided..1 home. other dainties were distributed her sensf of luunor behave. She thoit she wanted a divorce, n Mrs. Linaweaver visited at t Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Hedrick psnnucaa biwyer, who knew her, needed a client; a deserted Imaband, who tbooght he ought to hire a co-respondent and a ndsehlvrr George Hensley home last Tues- visited friends inexandria this gm»a for the houdfys. those who were unable to be day. week. Mr, C. D. S. CaiUrksoh -spent present 008 giri who stirred op a pedi of tronuo trying to aufco ovstyiuig Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Jamison Christmas with his family here eonm ont rfat..admiami, lle-17c \ MINNIEVILLE «Dd wiu remain until after the are receiving congratulations s upon the arrival of a fine baby lo«r Year. c Mr. Arthur Boatwriit, of girl, last Thursday. Mr. A. B. Rust spost several day'b in Washington this week. Mi*. John Rmtt and family, of nrfsz Court House, were guests of Mr. Riufs mother dudstmas.. Mr. L U. Wittig' is moving to tiie lirley jmerty in this village recently purchased by him. Mrs. C. L. Rector has returned hme fnnn Washington mudi inproved-in heaufa. Mr. Edward Welch, of Bfiddleborg, was the guest of his breth- «-, Richard Welch, during the holidays. Mr. Jack Pierson a former merehant now of Washington, was a guest of relatives here. Mr*. Pierson, who has been visiting her pftrsits, Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Brady, returned home with Mm. Mr. Nim ligfatner is home for the New Year holidis. New lights have beoi installed in the Mt FJsasani Btist CtUDdi (eokiirtbd) and oic'toiawvements make it vury' attrae-..miss Frances Thcotiton,, the danghta' of Mr. and Mrs. S. 6- llnniton, of Balboa, Canal Zone, if/fo has been attending the lthem Seminary at Buena ilirta, Va., has beat spending the vtotmas holidays at the home If her aunt, Mrs. J. W. Garrett imias Virginia BeU, < Washhas bem spaidin her Ijrith bar mother, Mrs, W. Belfc iheestk Woodford and Eknef t, of Lynchburg, are visitth parents, Mr. and BIrs, Pii ket-(«seim80eld. / Proffram at Tkorooghfare : *Ih Thoroughfare sc, ool ek>»- ii <(«' the Christmas holidays on Vieoember 2S. Miss AniU Shuante, teacher, arranged a beau- 'Uttai inogram for the oeeasimt, Hme w«rt a good mai pnetsa fiwiding the pntrons of Qte.acUoL The program was read by Mr, ftaurt Rast, riddi was as f< ibfws: 9oi, O Little Town o< Bethlehem, by the school. Who Is It? Chrif Lambert Merry Chztetmaa, Da Car. *er., What If it Happens?. Agnes Kdwania.. Christmaa Presents, Lacy Inmbert. Song, Christmas Carol, by the IMologae, by throe boya, Odie bitia(«, Robert\ Carter and Panrice Edwards. iuanging Up TST Sodine Carter. BiHairt'ddnQirtJarter, Alssta hmpbob, Chriatino HoweB, Panykm Chztetvaa Tree, May Bar- : A Letter To Santa Claua,Do««tky Carter. >ee Tho Jonmal $1.50 a y< ' * Mr. and Mrs. C. F, Brower, jr., and their little daughter, Eleanor, and Mrs. M. E. Wilkins motoredrom Round Hill oh Christmas day and were guests of Dr. and Mrs. C. F. Brower at dinner. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Brower, jr., left on Sunday for Sudlersville, Md., where they will spend a few Richmond, visited his wife and little son for the holidays. Miss Pauline and Mr. WlOie Fterence, who have been woriting in the city, spent' the h<di- week in Washington. Miss in the English tangnage. Miss Mint«r takes the name of Lavender Smith expects to visit relatives in ttis ptaiy; she Is very shy and hmely, bnt when yon get her atart- days with their parents here.' days as guests of Dr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Clarke and in Baltimore before returning «d She eonm behave like a red pper box; hvc loyalty toiha nun Haydon Metcalfe. Mr. J. T. Clarke returned frmn home. ahe toyed was very stubborn. Don't fail to eommjggtrtad see tun Mrs. M. E. Wilkins is spending' Stafford, accompanied by Mrs. J. Misses Hazel and Elmyna'great Nay. Adnii8skMi,ile-22e.,..- theweekwithherson-in-lawand T.larke, who has been spenddaughter, Mr. and Mrs. E. N. ing some time with her relatives Christmas with their sister, Young, of Manassas, spent Saturday, January 8 Fat*ie. 1 at her old home in Toluca.. Mrs. Paul Cooksey. Mrs. Lewis Jamison and small J. PARKER READ, JR, PRESENTS Our school closed on Wednes-j Mrs. Raymond Curtis had as day, December 22, wtth appro- hgr guests on Tuesday Mrs. C.B. priate exercises by the Juniorjare, Mrs Boatwright, Mra. League and will reopen on Janu- ghackelford and Miss LucQe ary 4. The school ia accredited Qjarjjg iting MissTracie itzer, who Daughter" teaches at Woodbridge, is spending the holidays at her home. You will enjoy this famous production, where Louise Gbumi taken with more, than three thousand itiere will services at the Bapmouse and rat tails in the recent ist Church here Sunday, Miss Sallie Cooper, of Wash- thepart of the Ixme Wolfe's laughter. There will be amny interington, spent the houdays with esttog scenes and tots of re disvpointmoit ar during the ay» campaign on these rodents, little jjjg. John T. Dewey, of Aa- Miss Virginia Patton securing newvillej called on Mrs. W.. H. her mother, Mrs. Marian Ck>oper. and at the md yon wio see where real hawinesa retgns. Pathn the. highest number in the prin- gniith Tuesday evening, Mr. «id Mrs. Marshal Stretton News and Review. Matineey 3 p.>«, cc-iic Night, lle-c. cipal's room, "with 910, and Mas- Mrs. E. J. Alexmder -had as spent Christmas with Mr. Strat-j. _.,J,..._ [,." '', ' _ ' ' ter Edward Pattie leading" in the ijer visitors during Christmaa ton's mother, Mrs. Kibler. primary room with 682 to his jjg j. L, Hinton, Mrs. G- E* credit Clarke, Mrs. Shackdford, MiM Earthquakes Repmrt to Him! Miss Edmonia Pattie was the Lucile Clark Mid her soiji-m-law'ti We Carry a Compkie Lpe of guest of her cousin, Mrs._Augus-Mr. Boatwright ta Webb, thefirstof the week, i Messrs. Emory and Gilbert MBsMarjorie Brower, who is Comstock, of Indian Head, Md., attending high sdiool in Boan-iyere guests of their sister, Mrs. oke, is spending the holidays fiorence, of this place.. r - with her pwwts. Dr. and Mrs, Miss Lucile CUurke visited the C.F. Brower. Misses Pauline and Clara Carter Messrs. Wni. Pn, of Clarks- while they were home visiting burg, W.Va., and Meredith Po- their parents during Christn len, of New York, spent Christ- j Mr, and Mrs. Boatwright and mas with their parents, Mr. and gn, Sinclair, visited the Messrs. Mrs. Wni. H. Polen. Mr, Frederick Ellison, of Wabigton, visited Brp&rents.l Mr; and Mrs! C.,E. Ellison, dihr4 ing Christmas.: BUCKHAUi Mr. and Mrs. HiUsaiy Speakes, of Hemdon, are visiting Mr. gpeiaes' parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Speakes. Mr. Anton Lund is building a meat house. Mr. Philip Bnchetoe, of HamglHtrg, Is visiting his fethm, Mr. D: E. EJnchetoe. Mrs H. H. Koontz and httle son and Miss Ette Colbert au of Baltimore, are spending the holidays with Miss Colberfs parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Colbert The Christmas entertainment at the Methodist Church passed off very pleasantly, everyj>ne bein«proud of the way the duldren rendered their parts. Master Fred Hensley, of Alexandria, is visiting his cousin, Ira Brawner, this week.. Mr Wifl Brawner is spending the-holidays with home fcto Mr. and MrS. W. R Wmstow, Mr. and Mrs. F. Gue and son. Ferris, the Chandl«spent homo.. Chrifhnaa Ay " Sergt. John Bartas, ot (» at the Colbert tico, is visiting.'r**-?*- *tsb«*- MMtcrHSey B-«- with Vans Ghandte". Bev. Wm Stevens, of Manas- s, filled his regular apdjantn«ait at the Methodist liere last Sunday and a very awe Church delivered Anetbtr! Russell and Davis, of Agnew- Januarys. Mr. Harvey Woodyard was a recent Axandriavisi]tor. Misses Florence GKrens and Muinie Smith ar*»tpending the Sweet Lavmder isuadmtation of onoof the BMwtappealingpiayn IMK- Friday, January 7 Mary Miles Minter in ''Sweet Layender*' SSSltf'Sw.t Louise Claum in "The Lone Wolfe*. There is a scientist in Washuigton whose specialty is earth-v quakes. He Aa called upon from au over the world whaiever there is an earth tremor. Then, he tells just what he knows about that particular quake -and he knows all about it, too! -Read tiie interesting story of this famous scientist in the Magaarine Section of The Washington Star> Sunday, We take thto portnidly to ihasa evr friend* for the iibcral patronage tealaed na ta the past aad to Han? and Praavcrons Nnr T«ur. f Wo ahah cenfinnr to vke possible and hope they togatkcrabont toaffpatnasthobcbt firftttotlwintcnac SANITARY LUNCH Down by the OH Depot S Tim ire BiscririMlBg Pecple la 9f*&. SI Thw Good J«rigi»en EDMONDS O PTiCIAli r 8PBCTA< Mi ETBGLASSn MO Flftaa*th SlrMS WASnNGTON. a c tlm 5 s WATCHES,. ;V- " CLOCKS : ' JEWELRY' CUT dlass OPTICAL GOODS MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS SPORTING GOODS ALL KINDS AMMUNITION :. DAYLO POCKET LIGHTS BULBS AflO BATTERIES VICTROLAS AND CURRENT RECOROSh- COME AND HEAR THEM 7 Im Watdi ad (ktk Repajrug a Spedai ir WE DO NOT HAVE WHAT YOU WANT WE CAN GET IT ON SHORT NOTICE :, SPECIAL OROEFTS SOLICITED H. D. Wenrich CoJ, Inc. CENTRE STREET. MANASSAS, VA. We Have It I You Need It! TBE ANSWER IS: OOMK AND SEE OUR RE MARKABLE LINB or STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES. BEADQUAKTEIU WH EvntiTMiwit rok THE CBRfiTMAS DDINEE. CASH BUYERS or COUNTRY PBOiWCV. Manassas "1LM.HABLIP, MANAiSAflk YA. BRANCH HOtSE: Sn-M TENTHm, N. W., WASNfiTON. D. C "mmmmm' 'fi-

6 adnima-a-i-r %f*.i/,it: i.iiiiiitfnwrtrtiili(il as.. i*.«dsj'sw.'iji'.>«i tat»:tf PPMrlililt Smday at 11'*. ik and 9 LvranuN B«th«I Latbmui Onn Bit. gu Z. BHIM, pmtor. Sondax SelMol at 10 a. at. PrMchiBC at 11 a.». CATHOUC AU SalBti' CatboHe Ctarek. Maa. PMiMr Willfam GtU. pastor. MaM at T:M a. m., iint, third aad tfth Sodara. Saeoiul and favtii Bondajni at 10:M a. m feuowad bf Wnadktiaa of tho BIMBIJ Sacramit. On tho flnt Ssaday o( avdr; aimdal dovotlob to hwok < end doart of JasM. MBTBODIST M. K. diiueh. South, SOT. WOUaai Btovona, paatmr. Ifamiwi Snaday School at 9-M. ProaehiBc at 11 a. m. aad SKW p. m. Homar foorth OiDFIGffriS TOBEREHBHED SMMtor MMW Attanptf to Cft Soathon B4ipi Thoui tbe tepublieaiu of the Houae of RepnaenUtiTaa, by re> cuat actiaa in caikus, wmt on record in favor of reapportioniiur the seats in their lt{o<i and enlarging its siaefrom 485 to 488 members, their project will not have such smooth sailinf whan it eomes up before the Senate. Senator George Moses, at New Hampshire, it is e3q>ected, will lead the fight in the ypper house to keep the lower chuiber at its preset size, and will, it is under-.n:"ws.;;si;;::;t5ls.»*~ PHH.idong jhe.«ne p. m. ProachiiiB fint and tuvd Smtdaya t Brmdley at 8 p. m. Preaching at Btiekball fourth Sundmya at S p. m. Epworth LeagnM at 6:80 p. Sadloj Charge. The appointmenta of Bov. Welch fouow: '' Sudley Fifst, aoeond and Sundayi, lt"w. n. Gainesvillo First Sanday,8 p m. Third Sunday, 11 a. m. Fairview Socond and fourth Sunday*, 3 p. m. Woodlawn Third Sunday, 9 p. m. EPISCOPAL Trinity Episcopal Oiureh, Bav A. Stuart Giboon, Roetor. Sunday School at 10 o'clock a. m. Service flnt, second aad foorth Sunday at 11 a. ta.; ovary Sunday at 7:30 p. m.. St. Ann's Uemmrial Chapel, MokaarUle. Serrice first Sunday at S p. m.; third Sundayat 11a. ai. BAPTIST. Manassas Baptist Chnrdi, Bar. T. D. D. Claris, pastor. Sunday Sunday School a. m.; Btomini; service, 11 o'cloelr: B. T. P. XJ., 9:46; evening aervieo at 7:M. I7edneaday-Pray«r iinsliin at t:80 p. ni. Kev. Baraett CMiidey'li Hatcher's Meaiorial, Secmid Sunday, I p. m.; fourth Sunday. 8 p, m. Broad Ron, second and fourtii Son. day, 11 a. m... Mt. HoUy third Snaday, 11 a. m., and Saturday preceding. - Sununerdnek, first Snaday, 11 a. m., aad Saturday preceding. XcT. J, A. GoUiMw*s Appointaiata- Preaching servicea at the WoodUaa and associated Baptist Cburehea, Bav. J. A. Golihav, pastar: Woodbine Every second Sunday at U a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday Sdiool at IS a. m. Young Peopla'a maeiing avcry Sunday at 8 p. preaching day. Prayer Wednesday at 8 p. m. BoUahavmr-Kwr fast OiiaJaj at 11 a. m. and 8 p>. as. New Hopa-Crery tuid Snaday at 11 a. ni. aad 8 p. nk CHUBCH W Bsv. C. B. Hlnagli, MMr; «. il IL Qiaa, mlitiat. BAaal at Proadiiag trat aad «Ur) at 11 a.,m. -r Chriatiaa WorkwB at t fl a. Bra4 JBuiwIay SAaol at W a. m. PreaeUag aaeaad aad imttk *mdays at 11 a. m. PVDlinTB BArnBT Pranitiva Baptiat Chiafc. Viar T. n nsttiin. ihmai ''" Services avaty foar(a Pandaj at U a. m. and tha SftaiJay 8:80 p. M. tarda M. B. Geou & WarCcM. First National Bank ALBXANimiA. VA. DBSVNATBD DSPOSTTORT OW THE CNITBD STAIVS CapiUl tl jetjit SarphM aad Profits Proaipt atteaoaa givea ta ab aeaa. tadatfag timuaitad MBS. HODGX has a Urn vaeaneim for at** dmta in pfeubo, vok* aad «x- PTCggK. Mn. HadtyhM. both at home aad ahraad. Mm Hod wa VftMBd ai " Oa- Va. J(anissa<5 Transfer Co. W. S. ATHBT, wasadopted by Representative George holdm of Massachusetts, a member of the House Census Ck>mmittee. Tinkham's idea, in brief, was to hold down the size of the House by cutting down the represejut*- tion of the Southern states because, of alleged disfranchisement of negroes. Tiakham Fought ard. Tinkham fought hard forchis proposal in the recent caucus, but was voted down, 95 to 42. The "secrecy rule" as to caucus proceedings, which has become more or less of a dead letter, was rigorously stressed by tiie republican leaders in the Souse, who did not wish to offend the "Solid South," into which they made such important inroads at the last eleetion, by allowing Tinkham too FOBMBUKG much publicity for hia views. But Tinkham's ideas as -to comidlance a few days. with the fourteenth and fifteenth Mr. R. W. Abdl cau at the amendments to the Federal Constitution will, it is understood, be home of Mr. and Mrs. W. EL King championed by Senator Moses when the reapportionment InD, soon to be framed in the House, goes over to the Saute wing of the GapitoL There is tways afinefree-forall when the question of reapportioning seats in the House, on the basis of the decennial census, comes up for action, and this year promises to be no exception. Only once in history has le House fased to increase its membership as a result of the census gains, dehte the often expressed eomvietions of sueh leaders as Speaker Gyiett, ex - leakor Champ C3ari and ex-senator T%eo«e E. Biirt(m,of (Aio,who' win be a member of the incoming Hous fiiat the House ia idready. tiittiftfltn T>r hor V Naw-YnTlr BrentaviSe Ukatx en Friday* too unwieldy in nnmbera, and Mr. Noah and Ifiaa Famiy that tlm haltransibe eaded acme Dove wore goeata at the borne of time. Mr. J. M. Ruaaega, of Cteofva, He Up Fatare Ceagrt ea. btft Sunday. Thia year thoae same leaden and trthora have been just aa bood attended Chriatmaa enter Many people of thia noiuwr- vocal in tirging-that the House tainments at Brmtavflle. memberahip be not inereaaed, Mr. and Mrs. R. A Armentrout bat again they have been bowled and family are spending their over pcditdy, but none the leaa Chriatmaa boli<biy in Wadiing flmily. nusir wffl, it ia under toai, "" ' ""' : stood, be gii a scfp in.that the Cawus CmBmittee, which ia diarged with brining out the reapporti<himent bib, wiu Sfeek to fix the siae of the Home at 488 members by-adding on a daom that thia number ahail not be exceeded by ftiture Congreaaea, no matttf what the pcqwlatiod r»- tuma on tlie for-eight statca may draw. That propeaitwa, however, is not apt iofindmodi favor with the Senate. One factsoh of tlie Hooae repuhhcana has soot to poawoe aetkm-ob reappralioomeat until after March 4. aiaeeft is the Cooof two yaara' benea, aod tha taxsmiac SiztTSemnth, -no* wfcieii woold ba aifaetad by tba «bai. BaktkavotojB iadieated baroad a fldi rnmwi waate to of tbaflsattarbow, aad tba pnbheaa dadalob wffl flad plsafy of dsbmcratie' gupiwit to bi p it along. '«0NG8 OF LOVE AND WAV E Dr. H. M. Cfauluoa SUN. Paatpay Addnaa. THE JOURNAL. Jtanatman. Va. Mrs. 8u Davall, of Waahingtoo, qient tb* inafc wijot bar pai«ats,mrraad Mrs. J. El Tapacott \ Mr. Clayton C. Dunn spent Christmas dajr with hia mother, Mrs. BeDe Dunn. Mr. Dnnn raturned home the following evening. Mrs. Frank Davia and daoghttf, Helea, of Waaltington, are visiting her parents Ifir. and Mra. J. E. Tw»tt, of Oak Grove. ~ Mrs. J(rim Anderson and three daughters, Elsie, Fannie and Mary, called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Abel Tuesday. Bfr. Elmer Comwell, of Washington, spent the week-end vrith his motiier, Mn. Georgia Cornwell. Mr. and Mrs, J. C. Dunn and AlviUjd Mr. Sigsbee Keys spent Christmai eyeninrm t home of Mrs.'Belle. Dunn, and daughter, Arzullah.' Misses Myrtle and Beatrice Abel, of Washington, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Abel Saturday and Sunday, returning home Siuday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Anderson called at the home of BCr. and Mrs. Richard Anderson Sunday afternoon, at Quantko. Mr. Eastern Taylor and Mias Edith Anderson are. visiting relatives and frienda in Tairtta Va., this wedc Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Bandall, of Quantico, are visitfaigxda* tiyes and friends in ForestilHirg and Joplinthis week. Mr. GecHrge Ashby ia viaiting, liis*father, Mr. R. t. Ashby, tor Saturday. Mrs. L. E. Andersmi visited at the home of Mr. Fush Abel Toea- day., Mrs. Natlian Lmsky has re- after a two-weeks' viait With her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. AbtSL BRAIHJ Y Mr, Grady Cooper, of Washington, spent his Christmaa vacation at his home hare. Mrs. E. E. Molair left lday for New Jersiy, wh««she wiu visit rdatfves andfrioida. i Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Dove and family were tiie gtraatsif Mr. S. C. Hiieast Saturday. Mr. H. B. Whitmoxe waa a Rector & Co. H HAYMARKCt, VA. UNDERTAKERS SatiafactMy Sarrlea; far Aay Diataaca. SMART FOOTWEAR -br< Styfa RKffS BLC Geo. Da Baker Undertaker tarial wk Joat&y CanMtaauek.»iBlk> ihtoiubgabfeirag' Mamox>Co* BUSYCORNEir PENNA.WUT 8 TH. ftlslji WASHINGTON, D.C. Ommf.fL A COLD WIND BLOWING AROUND TBB HOUSE. SO SHARP AND KEEN IT TO HAY! POLKHBD UP 1HB BtlLLIANTHSTASS. YOU OPEN THE WINDOWHT NIGHT TO LET THE CRlSP AIK DiTOOUR BEDROOM, JUMP INTO RID AND PULL UP AROUND YOU. SOFT -WARM - FLEECY AND_ fnyigorated BY THE COOL BREEZ AND SOOTHED BY THE WARM COV ERING, SLIP OFF INTO SOUL SATISFYING SLEEP. THIS IS THE KIND TO BUT FOR YCfUR OWN USE OR FOR CIISTMAS GIFTS. $15.00 PART WOOL BLANKETS, 72x84 in. AD handsome plaids, made of aeieetad matoridb, doa woven, wuk a aoft aad downy finiah.. Ritft cdhmrbws, a pair...9i2m -JJ} hl?,:*" *«iwuted giay, with piak and Uoe b<>rd«r>,faia aaft beaatifal aajah. Atapair,./...lloISS --ALL WOOL KjANraiTS, fafl bwl aiae, andeby the North Star WoeMa MOIa. whichfaa g«a>antoe«f4«ality:j Afaa whit, with pb* MdKbSdSi As a pair 2B.# WpOU BLANKETS, 72x84 hi, aa extra large aiia, Naabaa braad,faiwblta, giay,aadtaa, witiieatoiad b«ri«r, aad beaai with wbita braid, a pst:.7..$«]» FANCY WOOL NAVAJO BLANKETS, fafiiriking IndW dastgaa, aaltable far eooeb?'*2ii?-2 'fe?!r/?**'l2»'««' Wanketa. Pwa wod With a.eattaa war* for added atxaagtb. Sfaa MsSO fau Tkraa qaabtiea at. #. W, tutmita UiireslTO ' KANN'S-filBEET FOOR v<r A raospecnve RJRCHASER OF Tan inhvsaaa& caa AvtoinolHlea and Tract<»«Anywliea Caa Now Buy Frpna Ua. PWc»: Saul Payment CHASSIS RUNABOUT. - $46$ TOURING CAR - $510 COUPE $745 SEDAN $795 TRUCK CHASSIS $545 TRACTOR $790 va. f.. h FactoTf, with Startar *ai if -,=,=,_ -..,i _utl ElaetfieliblBferTnKhs Balance Montkly InttaBnwnts W. E McCOY kiamiti Sales an Serrice Maiassas, Yirgina

7 ygip43i;i»ceifl«e. itt "WJ*# *M4iheiracceptance thereo -«i all the tten I new hv to give them of myjove for fiochbit ttuon. In witness whereof, I have f of ismxffwmm* Unim- ikiieantc ietmy banstsnd seal «l jibtoag the Idstoric doeuments &t«rmt registered in the Cleric OifBce at Fredniduburg, i, the frilowing wid o* Mary Washington, mother of the iuiuk trious "Fathwr of Our Country:" In the name of QodI Amen. 1, Mary Washington, of Freder kkflburg, in the Ck)unty pf Spot- ylvania, b«ing in good heai, but eallbtg to min4 the uncer- Ijinjty of Uiis life. *nd wiuing to dispose of F.hat remains ot my worldljr estate, do make and publish this, my last will, recommending my soul into the hands f my Creator, hoping fiw a renissioa of as my sins through the merits jmd mediation of Je- 08 Christ,.the Savitmr of manr kind; I dispose of nty worldly estate as folkwa: Imprimifl.r-1 give to my son. General Gaegi Washingtcm, all My land in Aeeokeek Bun, in the County of StaffordHOKl alao my aegio boy, George, to him and his heirs f<nrever. Also my best bed, bedstead, and Virginia doth ortains (the same that stands in By best bedroom, my quoted Mue-and-white <iaut, and my best dressing-glaim. Iteni. I give and devisetomy en, Charles Washington, my Begro man, Tomato him $nd his assigns forever. Item, I give and devisetomy daughter, Bjetty Lewis, my phaeton and my bay lionm. 4 Item. I give and devisetomy daustep-hlaw, Bamoah Wadiington, n ptpjflis Sldlh do hned with shag. Item.- give and devise to my grandson, Corbin' Washington,. my%t»waidi, old Bet, nqr ridiag dtair, and two Uadc bwses, to him and Ids asaigmi f<ffever. ly afte the outlwedc of the war Item. I give and devisetomy she jtaned the army of war workers in Washington, serving in the grsndscm, Fidding Le#ia, my n.egn man, Frederidc, to him and Adjutant General's oflsce, where his assigns forever; abo eit she earned rapid promotion' aqver tablexwos, half of my The sn*om is the eldest son of erodct ware and tiie Uue-andwhite tea diina, with book case, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. HiU, of Canova. He was a student at Eastern College. At he opening of aval taue, one bedstead, me imor sheets, one pair blankets and th Mexican border troublea, in white\ cotton comiterpaine, two 10l6, he enlisted in the First iaue doths, dx red leather Iowa Infantry, serving on the hairs, haff my pewter Kid onehalf of my iron kitidben fumi- war with Germany waa declared iuo Grande aeven months. When *«re Item. I give and devise to my grandson; Lawrence Lewis my ya awrisnii fcn«ver. Item. I giv«andfeviaetomy fryaddaugiitei:. Bettie Carter,my megro wdmwa, littl» Bet, and her itdwre incroaaa. to her and laee atjilgna forever; alao my largert llftiiint iilihh. iiij whint irritinir iedirith drawera, a square din- % table, onehed, bedftead, bol- tmr.pne pilhm, one liianket and idr of aheeta, iridte Virginia ilotii eoanterpidne and purple esrtaina, ray red-and-white tea <Una, teaapoeoa. and tbt other half of my pewter, crockenr ware this 20th day of May, MABY WASHINGTON. Witness, JOHN FERNEYHOUGri. Sign, sealjbd and published in our prnence, and signed by us in the presence of the said Mary Washkirton, and at her desire. J.MERCER. JOSEPH WALKER. BRILLIANT WEDDING AT HOBJE OF L. F. MERRILL Hise Biyille M. Men Becomes Bride of Mr. Fiauk E. nid Wffl Live in Chicago. (Contributed) A beautiful wedding, was solemnized at "Springdale," the THB MANASSAS J0URNAU MANASSAis; VOGaNIA ChiisbBas gifts wcxe distiftated. ChmtinsB night the happy pair were tendered a receptimi, at which were present *. Iwrm mim. ber of k>cal friends. The high esteem in which the young couie were held waa manifested by the large number of elegant and useful wedding presents, which filled several ti>le8. Mr. and Mrs. HiU left for, Chicago Sunday afternoon, carrying with n.the good wishes of a host Si friends both here and in Washington. They w escorted as far as WasliingUm by a group of merry friends, who made the trip interesting. They will be at home after January 1, at 1204 North U SaUe Street. Chicago; My line emtmraces Sti4>le and Fancy Groeems Queensware, Tin and Enaroelwan ceil D.J.ARRINGTi UANASSA&, >t VIKCWLA DR. V. V. OILLUM DENTIST Offlee Hibta ft Giddings Buikliag ' Virgtiya Farmers ExAangc home of-the bride's parents, at high noon, Christmas Day, when Myrtle Marie Merrill became the teide <rf Franlt-Edwin Hift, of Chicago, a veteran of the Bain' bow Division...Following the sweet song, ": Love You Truly," the bridal party entered the artistically decorated parlortothe strains of L6- hoigpn's wedding march, wfaach was rendered by Miss Mae Gotten,, of Minneapolis. The groom was attended by his brother, Carlton Y. Hill. The bride entered on her father's arm with Miss Dorothy Merrill, her sister, acting as bridesmaid,.taking their places under the wedding bell with a well laden Christmas tree' as a background. The impressive ring ceremotiy was performed by Rev.Rolland T. Hayes, of Pendleton, Va. -'Rfrlmtfe is-thft lovely Mz compiished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Llewellyn F. Merrill, of Independent Hill. She is a graduate of the Manassas Hij School and for two yeaits was a Prince William school teacher. Short he answered the cau in. joming 168th Infantry and served bride's roses and lilies-of-the-vallev Her bridesmaid wore a and the remalwto ot mj * ddiity dress of blue organdieand kitchen furniture..corsage bouquet of pink rj Item. I give to my.gran<lk». Guest? from away were IbM George Waalungtoa, my next jtoe Gotten. «filmp<j«l beet dreaaing-glaai, ooe bed, bed- Btanche Cair, of Ashtabutt; Btead, bolster, one piuow, one i, «d Mrs.,Gregory Hffl and lidr sheets, one bjaalm* and JJgS Misses Evelja-«d osnterpaina. 3 of Washington; Mr. and Item. I devise ah nay wearing STwaH Kraft and d j. a»pard to be equally divided be- Miss Anna Marie,- of Baltonore, twees ray granddaughters. Bettie Carter, Fainie BaDi andmitty Waahinftoa; hot ahoold my '?daught«r(t Jtetty Lewia, fancy battle of Chateau Thiery he was struck with a piece of shrapnd imd sever wounded. On returning to the States he spent a y«r in Bliss Electrical School in Washington. He 19 now ployed as an electrical engmeer S the Commonwealth Edison Company in Chicago. - The bride «3«J beautrfully gowned in white «repe meteor. She wore.a long white vrf tulle «id carried a bouquet of.?h««. ysis, Barian T>organ, R ps-dalbert Hayesof S T Beside, the memb -ya oaeftn BeifH«M oc o» three articles. 'ITftTlomwcfiate familiea and. is Wlhve th«b Wof» «-j«jj 7 Siiffiem. te!islbymr.andlto...laatly. I nominate «djpj! point my said son. General G. v- Wen<Wl korge tua. my Washington, will, and as I executor owe few or I and '>h\:'si*uidvmbar»ir- Misses i!a_, _._ debts. I direclmv executor to! Mrs*- ' " give no security nor to»pp"i pliig the ceremony the Tif-«tetP ' ie.r. the.n-yt mav d<>vn8e 8,,TaT"Springdale," sruests were _,,_,y,ni- later assem- av as GENERAL MRCHANDISE FEEDi AN0F This is the Farmers' tlnion Store It U open to do business with all who come, on thebasi* of A ReasonaWe Profit FARM MACHINERY. BINDERS,. MOWERS, RAm; DISC. SPRINGTOOTH AND DRAG HARROWS; WHIPPOOR- WILL AND mzed PEAS, SOY BENS, ftc re in the S p Nwik Ihii Sfareel, laiassai, Ya. our Dte IMind MA tke Pride <rf obr flmoe: m»t modeni.nmng*" for the HOME. It wein btotterly impossible for as to enoimimto the SSuw tswisaiidisfferent rtkfcs we carry ttal are Mwefidtoyov. Ify»«have«ota8yetraadeiiB» Msrible ur gwer year ImyMmiy afli torily tmm a partial, tf «temirtiih ««' COMXTOSBBUS DUUN & MARTIN CO F StreM aad G 8*nH, Wa*l«ku«. D. C. [lioticesifpjs TVl YOU wmat Mor«miQE SUMI enmml If so, l/u dils?e«l EUREKA DAIRY RATION, tlm hkm m qoaitr audi mi to me for Iwat d«w yi. AA y««j««* *r**l±tls2 I { what yoa Uv* loof hem Im/tmgtm. MANUTACTDBXD BT f J «m TIE VSfflOA FEED AND milngcorfmilm I ALEXANDRIA. VIRGINIA Arc yoa tot MANASSAS '# PAfiB'eKVEn; WliiteTMlh,lfeaItli3rGaBti fhonae XtaMo Dental Cnaenflolaitr* teb «tiuikit keep* tfadr teetb vhte their gnma firm and tiietr mootha hcaltliy, dean, and comfbrtabk, with that Cod, Ckan. Kleqid And Kkaso is a aafe dmtifirloe, appioved hf tiie dental piroftsdon because it dose all that any dentifrioe ought Tlryit. Pharmacy DENTAL CREMB TDUaNU AND OUR MEAT PRODUCTS HAVE JOINED THE PROCESSION. IT HAS EVER BEEN OUR POLICY TO GIVE OUR PATRONS THE BENEFIT OP THB MARKET AND WE NOW OFFER "rmr A SAVING OF FROM FIVE CENTS TO _PIFTEBN CENTS PER POUND ON BEEF, PORK" AND LAMR IT HAS AL WAYS BEEN OUR AW TO KEEP THB QUALITY UP AND BEARING THIS IN MIND YOU WILL APRECIATB IT THE MdRE QUANTITY OF THE KROP. HOW ABOUT YOUR CmaSIMAS TURKEY? * Sawidefi THE SANITARY WAY MANASSAS lagisfrinr vmcanu J>ETUATE die sacred memories ofioaeyoac krred one* who h ive passed, by the -erection of ait en&uring There v nodung 1 i GEORGIA JiARBLE suck ana eternal' koatiraa IM m tmkt > im Am t* M. J. HOTTLE

8 P * VJ«%' ly SHWV' l»«j.l'. AcrietdUml SBOUCD WEH»ii i:<i PBit Fgwlicto. The United States Department ef Agriculture has issued a warnagainst eating pork or any product cobtaioiivporlc unless It ti ell cooked. At thiis sesson, especially, quantities of certain kinds of pork products which numy porsona are accustomed to eat uncooked are prepared in homes and oa farms, as well as commercially. Uncooked pork frequently coqtains parasites of microscopic size known as trichinae, and persons who eat uncooked pork run the risk of ctmtncu ing trichinosis, a noost pfufiful and distressing disease, which sometimes ends fatally in spite of any treatment. The health of patients who recover from the acute stages of the disease is often permanently impaired What U. SJnqpeted Pork Heatas It is important to remember that uncooked pork is likely to contain live trichinae no matter how healthy the animal from which it came may have appeared, or how excellent the meat looks. A satisfactory method tff beer or illicit beverages of any kind'seized'as evidence by prohibition inspectors working under, meat inspection to discover these S. R. Brame, 8 i4>ervising'inspector for six states, with head parasites has not yet been devilled. Hence, with certain exceptions, it is dangerous to eat untrict, must be turned promptly quarters in Richmond, in this discooked pork even though it h«s over to United States Marshal been "U. 5. Inspected and Passed." V In order to safeguard consumers who may be ignorant or careless of the dangers of raw pork, the Department of Agriculture, requires that certaui kinds of. ham, sausage, and other poric products prepared in estafaliiments operating under Fed»»l meat inspection be subjected to processes that are knowp to destroy trichinae Such processes, however, are required only in the case of those, products that-are customarily eaten without cooking. In the case < other products such as fresh pork and ordinary varieties of ham, sausage and bacon which in the United States are customarily cooked by the consumer before they are eaten, special procc»8«to despot inio cold miter dtdoet Mr th«itam reqnfred lb May the water to a boil Ikamptes: Hem long ahouu a iound ham be boiled if placed in boiling wafar? Tan miltii to-18 equals'18ft niindtas, or i hours. Hovrbnir stioiild a KVpouQd ham be boiled If placed in cold water and if 1 hour, is required "to bcfhf the water to a boil? Ten multiplied by 18 minus 30 equals 160 minutes, or 2 hoars, titer boiling begins.' In nilying the riue given above, the 18 minutjef per pound allowance should be f<dlowed in sununer as well tm in winter it the meat is taken from a refrigerator and cooking begun before it has had time to reach the ordinary house temperature. For high altitudes, where the temperature of boilfnf water ii considerate less than at sea level, the time of cooking ihust be lgthened.. '- ltfe MASAPfiAS JCSNAL, UAfiASSAfs VIRGINIA, ' - - istkikl ipcttal Mrs. Bmigu DRY AGENTS MUST TURN UQUQR OVER TO BfARSHAL of the afternoon wens'the moth idsre Ednond Waddifl Enters * «students and Mrs.-Bal ~ lantyne Fiattenon. This is the Order Affecting DisposiUon of Seized Intoxieaiits. " T'iJrj:"!!!-.-!!!: John 6. Saunders. This was an order entered yesterday moriiing in United States Distri< Court by Judge Edmund Wad<l and of which Mr. Brame was no tified at once by court ofiscials. This order comes as the climax of a case which came before the District Court recently while in sessioq- in Norfolk, when a prisoner at the bar was dismissed because inteamal revenue inspectors working under Mr. Brame were unable to produce sevend cases of idiiskey which, it was chained, were seized in a motor launch on Chesapeake Bay by prohilntion agents.; The launch. and contents were brought to Rich i'mwnioiia»m»iai IcrredatAaOodu <By 0«r HaynwrJut CorrMpoMlmt) (Contributed) lest; Oenelia Club mot at tte ~ Th* rwnakifre* Tliomas the tobt WUl tile party who may home of Mrs. B. T. H. Hodge on 'o«rteen-ye«ixrfd-«<m of our for- have been lucky enough t'have West street, PWday afternoon, *»**' townmnan, Mr. J. W. Dun- found the httie box containing my jewelry and 2S in money be Deeember 17. A successful pro- ber* were broujghthere f uesslay kind enough to return e jewelry to Eliza Reeves or leave same gram was given Sy Mrs. Hodge's from Qiumtico, and takm to pupils, showing what pregreni Antioch where an impressive at Journal oflkie? They can have can be made,by beginners after a fuaenil seirvice was conducted by the n»mey if th«y wiu be Jdnd fewmcmths' tsaching. Thestudents whe had been tonger in vuie M. E. Church. Rev, Hom«- Wekb, of Ckdnea- enough to return the jewelry. White Leghorn Coekerelsrom tniohiff. gave evidooce of much Tom, as he was familiarly Owen Farais stock, price, progress. known to..., his K«.».»«playmates and wu each. Mrs. T. S. Mere<fith, After the program was con eklw frieadsr was isi exenplitfy twaesville, Va. 82-t eluded, Mrs. Hodge read a short original story, intnxhieing the ordinary terms used in the rudiments'of music. Hie pupil whe Ailed in the greatest number of mis«ing blanks, Christine Beavers, received a prise, a box (rf paper; next to her was Elvere Cour ner. Following this, came a social hour, with light refrneshments much enjoyed by' all. The guests first ot a series tff recitals to h given by the club. Wednesday afternoon Decent- >-S: an entertainment, beginnipg with Christmas carols and recitations, which the singers and readers rendered creditably,c<msidering the brief lime they had been training. The Christmas sirit pervaded au, and ths pret-' ty Christmas tree and wreaths at the windows made a very attractive room. The tree yielded some, delicious ijpiea and homemade candy, made by the imnclpal and her assistant These ladies and Mrs. Hodge wiere tiie recipients of some very I»«tty. Christmas gifts. Hie 'eaaaaxt time came to a <ddee amid exclamat»>ns- df 'Meny C3tristmas sad Bappy New Vest'l "INVISIBLE GUESTS" Foida Raised to AainopcB Stervjng ChiUrai, boy always having a kind tpord " for every one and ready to do a Iddd act whenever he could. ' He is not dead; he is but deq»- ingi and has merely step'd from the darkness of tus world into tbe> light of tl'eternal where the morning it* tnroken cl for him. Uttle friend we Mdly mim yoiiu And your life work M tnw; To be in Botvea trith yonr Sftvk» -. We kaowia beet for you. MOTOR TTOJCKS EQUIPPED - WITH MQriB OUTFITS eed Reads AasodathMi Haas to $hew Rqad CmtdijUon in Bfoving HeiiKasu s urn Lost Will the party who found Mrs. Patterson's sealskin muff kindly leave it at her apartment at Miss Osboum's home? A suitable reward will be\givea. E!ar com for sale inrices are right. Manass Feed and MiUiag Company Farmers and their uniliea- Thousands of starving cml benefit specially from the Iren in Eastern and Central Europe are being taken/care of of having to journey to town to sad I shall do. - ' showing of the pictures. Instead mond by the mspectors and th liquor turned over to Mr. ibrame through the entertainment of see nootion, pictures, the trucks for safe keeping. Before time "invisible gruests" in homes in w ahttost o(hne to their front, -,.~».«,- r...,».«bb«, w ucb- for the -~~ trd "r- came, "-""Jrifc it was w«, stolen. avunsu., sv&cy soction of Virginia this dears. Officers ot the Virginia troy trichinae are not used iil end when the ease came up jie Christmas. Throuf the esorta ;;*<!** «eeeeaeea* Good Roads Assodatitm brieve *MMi MMJii;;;;;;;; meat-packing '' '"* ewtwhlithments i-l'--' ob» evidence could be produced of "'""'"" the Virginia those who dwdl in riinl der Federal inspeeticm. Accord-' against the man on trial European Relief Council funds communities are most interested infi, unless the im)doet;j!.definitdy known to have been spe- have cowured thejkgwts daring of these children until the next any otim- dan in the state and Judge Waddill is reported to have been raised for tbe feeding in betiw roads tluui probauy INSURANCE sdy procesecd to destaroy trichinae, it b MiMy inqmrtaat liquor to be stolen, and the ordiat number provided for cannot be I wib <;p9 a geaaral linaiaiiiii at' the tmi tot having allowed tiie harvest of crops, bat. the exact the fflipadiowq fnm the truekii irs jhm J anoac-otherf that the.constimer n«ke sore issuedtoday is thought to be the determined until ctmpleto reports are received from au local in the best condition iritii the thiteb> bow roada can be kqit flw fa the M. t C Bii»W(wiazy 1. that pork is prcerly cooked before it is eaten. The most effec the liquor in quefftion was rcvort- committees. least ;ort One of the fbns IMSL irailmgiadtoeanaadapkib sftennath of the ease. WIMB tive and simidest,_._. iwecantiott ed stttan it was the first intiraaagainst trichinosis is to avoid tion tiiat thefte of ittieit qdzita ing assisted bj' Red Cross chap dr«ir in sbainng iq) roads. These load committees are be will allow the use of a «ttt4off H<e peuv hm Rritad te ym eating uncoerced or iavroperly; bad been going oo hi ttiepost-ofters and other organizations in Immediate efferte wifl be made AU «M line inaanaee.' B Ufu eookedpork. jficebtdlding. placingr,. _ v.indow card? in homes,, to bring the membership of the The trichina parasites e and Directiy dfter being hotifiedj'id ba<«{ms9 ebtablinhmfnt.s, and Assedatitin up to 76,000 menk become hanaless wbsa «q»sed that the judge had altered, the!!*>her wrk, while couectiops berrj, following the passage <rf writei to sufficient beat They are so nileinooart, Mr. Braawmrdered aro "'" '''"" being ' taken ' '- in churches -v. the Urood roads ammdmoit on small that even tboofl pneeeat injectors to turn qpnsttomar Su>i< large numbers tiiey do not ap- dud Svuders seven cases at ganixations and other srroups show that 11,306 votes were cast Schools* by fraternal or-j'novtfnber 2. Offldal returns preciably affect the value m de- whiskey wudi, it is alleged, were Contrib;iti.-,.i.s are cominir in for the amendment and <rfb«al8!. sirability of the meat for food seized oo the Lake Sterling, idten steadfl.v fo the Virpinia Cnmniita.of the Association'believe that ajl jte»pfato purposes, provided it is noteatea searched at the RichnKad dock raw or imperfectly cooked. but we by prohibition inspee- In the case of uncured pork tors.' This was done, and Marthe thoroughness of tw cooking ehsl Saunders had the liquor can be judged by whether the locked in a vault for safe keepmeat clear to the center of the ioc Richmood llmes-dispicb. piece has lost ite redduh, bkodr - ~ ~ appearance and has become mors Ibrrfaige Lieeane Beeevi. or less white in-chor; Katpen-' etrates slowly into pteeea of ojeat during cooking, and the temper- stlhe.leric's office here, MonatoR near the center otdinarily day, December 27th to Mr. Fornever npiiisibui vety dossly rest Fazr.aad Miss Lacy tkyte, that of HM. amtec air or both of Faoqaier cooatj. water. Is CsskFiMk. Tile following mis for eoeuaff pork by boiling is based oa ful eserimente canted oat jears S_ r.4- gator: f Cook the meat IS minutes (summer) to 18 minutes (winter) for each pound of weight if A marriage licensie was issued ben)? sen. h. to '."»-(,& j A BcsBse m* also issusd i Mr. Bvsrett S. Cboy, of ' wfek eomilt. Hril Miss NeMt H. St maii '!" \h Wirt.f ; '> tr?. ; vt-i TCadi V. f rk. in r.!.'.r'.nir lild bo men-.bers of the ASPO chair-'cia- Ton 9i\x\ arid thri" inoaencc to'!f','. ha;' nfir-venrerit for better high- a re- 'iiivisjli'ie arc r.mnv Hi-tir Do- S<:ro Fifzfferald in RHhTr>,-jnf". / In thai city the Rod rro= chapter Ijipt. we«k cor.tributed S for the entertainment of.000 "invisible guests," women WMrhers sold window and postal cards tram seventy-five neightborbood "eentern," and spedal of GMfaupia... ' cobsctiwis were tafcen-rn-,.._»v-- Rsfv. Harwoed P. Ifyen uid **y ** church and Sunday Httle mm aie tbe gnsatr of Mr. bool. Symilar work was un- Myers', pioeats, Mr. and Mrs. ''en in several other cities W. R. Myers. * " *be state, hil as yetfir>alre-. TWlfti! fyniri t"kr-fi nmvutf-iyr W«*.» Mrs, N B. Hensley and lit- not been receive"'? pot into boiling - water, keeping. _ tie daughter, Loiiise. of Alexantbe water boiling throughout the dria, are the guests of relativea 0ooking process. If the meat ia here todav Virginians will be more accu rate inlprmed oh the care, con structipn and- baefits of good highways than the citizens of vny' ether state, when plans which hav«beoi made by: tte Tirginia Good Roads Assodation are carried out These ptans provide for the equipiang of mr trucks with motion picture machines to go into every community in the stete and show films bearing on better roads. The trucks mh 3iave porljdde screens which can be erected in opoi spaces and permit of an eaiuliition whoreever peojde gathra*. Schoolhouses #in be used fireely. Electric lwators on the tracks vnll f nrlifah the power for: tile movintr picture machines. t( the hpadaiiartern in Rich-:\vho voted for'the -imendniftnti ooaooo Th* Jouri ' '.av:-;. 'n\ a;ion I'tuii-cted uith Th* Afi'iuiaMon js an or 11 e T-*><r,]e and i 1-0?tate depart r.-f"ii nor tirnier!he inflncfu-* of :r,y in"oiip or sp.cial iiitere.<l.'it' ;.- iv'tkinfr ir> the ir.tcicst of the' P''pie in the CTPtractior; of' hijrhv ays in Virsrinia aa soon as possime. When your subanlirtleb paymentie made bf mail. pl«««c do not aak vm fe 8ea(3 a recoipt. Watch lb* amreea aljp on yobtjpaper to M» that th«label H cha74g*d witij eac)) payment. Inj bstur time* it our policy to make «ijcr, c»rr«<:ti'ir5 on tji» nuiihr,? liit A-e*\;T "t tbey occur, bor in timm-'fke i'* i~t tr.t vhfn tc» *re".!;-.jtiy h -.i-i c -vped h. 'a.- For Sale One 16 hand dark bay gelding horse; weight 1060; in perfect condition. Trained to saddle «nd steeplechasing. For particars ackfaess J. J. Sh«ishan, QuMitico, Va., Box * Our new gun shells are here. All kinds and sizees. We- have plenty of Timethy seed best quality; lowest price. We are booking orders now for Qover seed. February shipment; talk it over with us. J; H. Burite' & Company. 24 Wanted 60,000 white oak cross ties. See us and get prices. M. LynchACo. 28tf ATTENTION; BBAL BSTATB OWNERS! Ihe Local Bowrd of Review will be -in Beaaion at the eonrthonae January 11 and 12, 1921, at which time the. c«i8«of any taxpayer! wiu be heard M to ti» reasaeaament of their land, (Sqtnad) Weatwood Hntchiaon,,W-8 > Chairman, DR. FAHRNY - MACwosncBui, What b your weakness? Any kind of Chronic Disease or Deformity. I fltody tfacaeieciai cases itod can tdl what fbe trouble is. It is my aim to diagnose difficnlt cases and tell yot what to do, and bow to do it..send meyournstteaadaddnaab Bce you want, we have it Pboao or at Manaaaaa, Va. ~. Yov fatcreat will ahniya be oar flnt «miaklfr«ti4m. Whaa fa' town. R.CHEREFaRD m GKNBEAL INSUKANCB *tfifrtti>a>eeaeee>a««««««aeeiimmeeimmiieeetttn - -teftais?- Ugkta the bam. Mne. Rune FRIDAY, tpy, DBCEMBKR 81, lt TlWnKIAi ' b ty cankvoms «r «c _. of PriMe WUUaai, M the IMk 4«( DeeaaUMr IIML va. ' KLSOE DAYBERRYJ}ef«ndai THCOAHCtXr The oliieet of lia anit ia to aaaae an iaolite dtvree (a Tiacolo matii. lonii) by dio plaintiff from tbm t' feodaat on tim trons of wufoi 4*. a«rti«b and abudoaamat si tfca pwit. tiff by the da«eadaat an tba»m i of May, 1917, and over liime eoatftnins, And an afldarit liavtnr bean ma4s and filed that tibe dalsiteat ia tie above oatttled caoa* ia a noa-iwi. dmt of the atate of Virginia. And apphtaiioa for thia order of pnbliaa. tioa Mttinar fortii that th* laat knowa iriaee of abode of tiie aaid defaodaat waa Ansoata, Ga., havinf baaa aui4a in writing and oly granted by tks cleric of tua coort, it ia thar«foi«m- dwad that tte aaid defendant do aypear here within tan &ya after daa publication af thia order and do wimi ia neeeaaary to protect her lntet«amia thiaaqit It ia farther ordered that aeopy..«c thia order be pabliahed <mce a week Ule tout aneeeaaive weeka in the M""yw JctBmal, a newapsper pabliahod aa4 cireolatad in th* county of Pria Wit liam, Virginia; that a copy of tti* aame be ant by regred nttii by the deck of thia court, addreaaed to lot D*f. berry, Augusta, Ga., and tiiat a eoir be poated at the front door of OA courtlioni* of the aaid county en ar before ttia 20tii day of Decwsber, IMt, that twing the next aoeceeding Sob Day after thia order waa entered. ' :, GEO. G. TYLER, Cttk. A Coi9Tcat«:. _.. GEO. d. TYLER, OeA. P: W. COLEHAN, p. q. 8t-t act- PRETtY BEPS A beautiful, w«a,dtn)h«d bed favita* repealling aleep,''» Thit bed JtaeSUmtjId be attraeuw; the aivittga and mattri comfoitauis and darable.' v Theae fundamental pieeaa, aa wee at other j>ed roob» fttraiutre, we can s fataab* varimr. Inti ima...9».n t» $17M : 8pria $8.1S to flus *«M*ip».. $S.88U UJl W. Gi WAGENEll AuilwaM Pmrftan IIANASSAS, VA.' IWaHithed ISM ATONIC ~Aaa«SftrminfJ BAmoObtta toad* p. DOWBLL. riaaaaiaa. Va.!* snanal meeting of tim mem- n < the bdependaot Mutaal Fire laauraaee Company of Fairfax Cooa, rgtaia, win fake phm» at tka oace of tile company,.eoyal aai P»*»~ Straefa, Afaaadr, Vir«taW oa Monday? tamb,, 11. Ml. at M o'clock a. m.'»14d JOHN W. MAT. PtmiimA. PUBUC AUCTION! I wax. SBLL AT PUBUC AUCTKMT Ow THB PAITM or THB LATB r. BAIUT. NXAS'' S4TDRDAT, JANUAST 8, UB '* ' aus A.1I. Mrs. Ballantyne Patterson»»«. etorae, etc, aa4 ieft Wednesday mbrmng for New ** "n-wwm to m York, where she was called on j,] * *=««account of the Illness of h» " dauprhter-jn-law, Mrs. Geoffrey»> «** -> Pattt-rson, CHARLES I. BAILEY. X,v a' /7

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