Shrewsbury To Aid Its Ancestral Town

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1 AIX THK NEWS OF BANK TH BED BANK tf T na Tewne na Burrmiatff ToM Fearlessly urf Without MM RED BANK REGISTER SECTION ONE VOLUME LXIII, NO. 19. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, PAGES 1 TO 12, DAR Chapter Outlines Programs For Year Year Books Distributed Five New Members Are Introduced An interesting and active program for 1M0 and 1041 has been arranged for members of llonmouth chapter, Daughtera of the American Revolution. Tear books, Hating the program, were distributed at a meeting Thuriday afternoon at the Red Bank Woman'! club. The itate chairman of junior American cltltena, Mri. C, C. Baldwin will ipeak at the Thursday, Novem her 28, meeting. Mra. John J. Qulnn and Mrs. Minor B. Tllton will be hostesses. Alao scheduled for No vember Is an open meeting being arranged by the chapter junior group. Thia meeting will be held Wedneaday, November 13, at the Woman's club. Sergeant Clifford A. Poutre of Fort Mon mouth, army plgton expert, will be the apeaker. lira. William H. Pouch, candidate for president general of the n tlonal aoclety and Mrs. William Ives Kimm, state president of the Children of the American Revolution aocieues, will lie speakers at the Friday, December 27, meeting. Thia meeting will be a combined one with membera of Mary Stlllwell aoctety C. A. R. The C. A. R. group will celebrate Ua sixth birthday at this time and Mrs. J. B. Rue, Sr. and Mra. Bruce Campbell will be boat esses. A program of American music will be given at the January meeting. Mrs. J. Warren Perkins, atate regent, will be the apeaker. The program will be given by Mrs. Dawson Olmatead, vice regent of the Oeeanport D. A. R. chapter. Mri A. L. Ivlns and Mra. Ehrlck Parmly will be the apeakera. Chapter member!' gu*«t day will be held in February. Mra. Jacob N. C. ries, atate) chairman of national defenae through patrlotlo education, will speak. Mrs. E. W Fields, Mri. Margaret Conover, Misa Elisabeth Cooper and Mlas Viola Patterson will be hosteaaei. Report! of the itata conference will ba heard at the March meeting. Mri. R. W. Strong and Mri. Lillian C. VanBuakirk will be hoateaaes The obapur will hav* a garden meeting In May and Dr. Forman T McLean will apeak. Mri. Erneat M, Swingle and Mra. H. B. Sherman will be-hoalesiei. The chapter will celebrate Its 41st anniversary June At th* bualneas meeting last week membera voted to give a good clt- Izanihlp pilgrimage pin to the Red Bank Catholic high achool for the outstanding aenlor girl. This medal will be awarded In June. The chapter will also give $8 to a Real Daughter, a daughter of a Revolutionary soldier. Mra. Swingle gave a report of a vlait ahe had had with a "real daughter" In New England last Auguat. Mill Ruth Dibben, registrar, introduced five new membera, Miaa lone VanBusklrk, Miss Caro Qulnn, Mlsa Wanita Thome, Mra. Eugene Howland and Mra. Merrit D. Palmer. Mlaa Dibben aleo reported on the national aoclety golden jubilee celebration which ahe attended earlier this month at Washington. Mrs. William H. Martin announced that the history reading group will meet Thursday, November 7, at Mlaa Dlbben'i home on Maple avenue. The national defense study group, under the direction of Mra. A. W. Smith, will meet Thursday, November 14, at the home of Mrs..T. Halsey S. Reid at Cranbury. Thia ntudy group will wejjt for the passaga of the Reynoldsblll, calling for the outlawing of the Communist party, and will alao work tor the continuance of the Dies committee. A report, written by Miss Catherine Child, listing activities of the Junior group, was read by Mrs. Richard Lawlor. Other reports were given by Mrs. Kenneth F. Dietz, junior American citizenship clubs; Mrs. J. B. Rue, Sr., state autumn meeting of C. A. R. societies; and Mra. Margaret Conover, state autumn conference. Following the business meeting, Mrs. Ralph Decker uf Sussex, state historian, waa guest speaker, Mrs. J. William Helm sang solos, accompanied by Miss Sadie Child. Mrs. Martin and Mrs. James Seller were the hoetesses. Friday afternoon, 11 members of the chapter attended a dress parade and tea at Fort Monmoulh. Tea was aerved at the home of Mrs. Olmstead, wife of the commanding officer of the post. Guests from Monmouth chapter were Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Lawlor, Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Rue, Sr., Mrs. Swingle, Miss Child, Miss Dibben, Mrs. Fred Moller, Mrs. Theodore N. Parmly, Mrs. Paul Ryder and Mrs. W. Hugh Ryder. Rummage Sale To Benefit D. A. R. Mrs Frank Kuhl la chairman of the rummage sale which the junior group of Monmouth chapter, Daughtera American Revolution, nre hold- Ing today and tomorrqw at 12 West Front street. Pouters advertising the salo were made, and distributed by Mrs. Kenneth F. Diets and Mrs. Fred Moller. Other committee members arc Mra. Edward J. Roehl, Mrs. Paul Ryder, Mrs. Harvey Leuln, Mrs. Richard Lawlor, Mlas Catherine Child and Mlsa Frances Sherwood. For a Limited Time. Genuine Columbln-Manor Venetian blinds $2.98; In stock, all sizes up to.".8 Inchps. Dont miss this opportunity. National 8 * 10. Prown's.-AdvertlseiBfBt, Road Program About Finished, At Fair Haven Cost So Far Hat Been $50,896 Labor Cost Government $32,300 A report on the drainage and road Improvement project, prepared by the borough engineer, lionet W. Lancaster, waa read at Monday night's meeting of the Fair Haven mayor and council by Councilman Peter J. Eichele, chairman of tha road committee. The project, which has cost $60, to date, la completed with the exception of minor work on three streeta. Tha project consisted chiefly of the Installation of a atorm sewer on Hance road; drainage work on other roads and the resurfacing of roads In varioui parti of the borough. The borough, county, state and federal government snared in the coat, with the federal government providing the largeat ahare. The borough contributed $4,500 through a bond Issue and $820 in a dlract appropriation, and also applied tha aum of $8,300 allocated to the borough by the county from the itate dirt road Improvement fund, making a total of $13,520. The federal government's share so far has been MT.SM.30, of which $32,300 waa expended for labor. Finishing touchea will be mad* this week to McCarter* avenue, Hendrlckaon place and Mapla avenue, and then the project will be completed. In his report, Mr. Lancaster referred to the flne co-operation given by the county in donating the use of machinery. Permlaaion for children to ride their blcyclea on sidewalks to and from achool was recommended by Councilman Tony Hunting, chairman of tbt police committee. Some of the children attending the Willow street achool live a considerable distance from th* school, said Mr. Hunting, and were In danger of being hit by cars If forced to ride In the street The matter was referred to th* borough attorney, Theodore D. Parsons. H. Edgar Smith, building Inspector, submitted his report for September and October, showing permits total- Ing $17,147. Mr. Hunting made a request for special officers to report for duty Halloween. Conover * Sutphln of submitted the loweat bid for making Improvements to streets not Included in the recent program. The bid was $4, Fred McDowell bid $4,455, Charles Hesse, Jr., $4,795, and A. P. Thompson, $6$ An ordinance Reserve Corps Holdi Seventh Annual Dinner Major F. E. Hailer Host to Large Gathering Th* largest turnout in seven yean attended the annual dinner of the Monmouth county chapter of the Reicrve Officers' association Thursday night given at the Roievelt tea room at Little Silver by Major Frederick E. Hasler, vice president of the Pan- American Union. The major, an internationally known figure In military clrclea, received a watch charm wtlh tha Insignia of the reserve corps. Lieutenant Colonel Norman E. Titus, of Rumson wu toastmaater ai he i president of the association. He announced that the neat meeting would be held in Russell Hall, Fort Monmouth, Wedneaday night, November 11. Major Haaler thanked all present and said that the large attendance wai probobly due to world condition!. He said that Mr. Hitler must have had a sad time when he learned of the compulsory registration in this country. He added that the United States had proved its strength 25 yeara ago and la doing ao again today. Brigadier General Dawaon Olmatead, commandant at Fort Monmouth, spoke briefly and invited the association to continue to use th* Fort Monmouth quarters for it! meeting place. Lieutenant Colonel Holmes O. Paulln, reception officer at Fort Dix, told of hli association with the reserve officers of Monmouth county and praised the work which they have done. Captain Loren B. Thompson told of a recent conference held at Washington with various army leaden attending. The meeting was held to deviie a plan of claiatfying the registrants and making use of them in the line In which they are beet fitted. He said each man will be given six teats and from these he will be given a special rating and classification. He said that a filing system Is being put into use that Is one of the most unique in existnee. He alao apoke of how induatry must be compenaated for the losi they will sustain whan a man is Captain of th* Shrewsbury To Aid Its Ancestral Town Campaign Soon To Be Started To Raise Funds For Stricken Shrewsbury, England lost for a y«*r'a Thompson laid It army to "send back to industry man ' trtlalm. < It Is the auty who are superior ( because of their ycar'i training." ' Lieutenant Colonel Arthur Cowan, former poet commandant at' Fort Hancock, laid that til* preiant Job is to get men Holng what they do beat. Ha said that the mistake of 1917 In training men wilt not happen again. ' Other apeakera were Lieutenant Colonel Charles M. Ifilllken, chief signal officer at Fort Monmouth; Colonel Forrest E. Wllllford, post commandant at Fort Hancock; lieutenant Colonel T. E. Jeffords, of Fort Hancock and Captain Joseph Bennett of Trenton, who was general chairman of the dinner. Following the dinner motion picture! of the army and navy were shown authorizing a bond issue of $5,000 to D y Sergeant Paul Adams of Tren finance the cost was adopted. Dressing Unit Needs Workers Red Croti Head for Volunteers Mrs. Akin Starke, head of the Monmouth County American Red Crosb chapter surgical dreaiing units, has announced that additional volunteer workera will be needed to maintain the new schedule of production just received by the headquarters at the Weat Bergen place school. The national headquarters has set Friday, November 15, as the date of completion for Monmouth county's second quota of essential surgical dresalngs. Unit heads report that material for» quota of the more advanced type of secondary dressings has been received. Mrs. Stark:) explained that essential dreaslnrs are made only with gauze and may be turned out rapidly In large quantities and that secondary dressings are made also with gauze and muslin and require considerable more work per dreaalng. The present number of volunteers Is nsufflclent to maintain production schedules and additional workera are needed. The surgical dressing* unit head pointed out that no special training or skill Is necessary to participate in this work and that the assistance of every woman In the county would be gres.tly appreciated. All surgical dressing work la done at the workrooms at the West' Bergen placo school. The work-rooms are open rom 9 a. m. until 12 noon Mondays through Fridays for volunteers. Board Your Dog. Large, well ventilated kennel*. heated or not heated; excellent food; ll fenced-ln exercise unwnyf. ; t ; fields, no small ton. Pictures of the group were taken by Herbert S. Ifeinert, principal of high school. Thote present included Brig. Gen. Dawson Olmatead, Col. Forrest B. Wllllford, Col. Arthur Cowan, Lt. Col. Charles If. Mllllken, Lt. Col. William O. Reeder, Lt. Col. Edgar L. Cle'well, Lt. Col. Norman E. Titus, Lt. Col. Eugene H. Valla, U. Col. A. W. Sweet, Lt. Col. T. E. Jeffords, Lt. Col. D. H. Russell, IX Col. Harry Thomas, Lt. Col. Holmes, G. Paullin, Col. Philander Betta, Major J. M. England, Major J. D. Leonard, Major Frederick E. Haaler, Major Edwin F. Stewart, Jamea R. Anderson, Lt. Philip E. Bailly, Capt. Joseph R. Bennett, Capt. Harvey C. Boyd, Lt Joseph R. Brown, Cspt. N. N. Frankel, Capt H. C. Johnson, Capt. Irwln L. Kaufman, Capt. O. Loeser, Capt. George W. McCarter, Cecil MacCloud, Lt. A. H. Parker, Lt. Raymond S. Pettibone, Lt. Benjamin R. Prague, Lt H. A. Rltterman, Capt. Robert H. Rogers, Lt. Vernon A. Statesir, Lt. A. W. Sweet, Capt. Loren B. Thompson, Lt. Harry T. Van Note, Lt. Robert R. Voorhees, Lt. Isaiah A. Wiles, M. H. Stalburg, Lt. W. H. Bowes, Lt. A. D. Bolce und Sgt, Paul Adams. Quad Dance Saturday Night Final Plana Set for Draft Social Final plans have been completed for the conscription dance Saturday night by the Quadrangle club at Pleasant Inn for all young men between the ages of 22 and 35. Bill Ooode'a orchestra will play for dancing. The Informal get-together has been arrange as a farewell party for Na-,. tlonal Guardsmen and others select- H e l" ox S^.^ai 't^..' I td for the draft - Ev «r V 6ffolt ' he-... _._ ^ made to honor members of the Quadrangle club > well aa other young men before leaving for one yesr'a military training. Members of the local 112th Field Artillery are expected to be called In January, and members of this organization are urged to attend to be honored by the Quad club. Decorations will be In keeping with the occasion. Patriotic colors will make up the decorative scheme. Games and special dances have also been arranged. Muslo With the Norachord at Mayer's.Tavern, Rumson. Advex Uatmeat.. «- nues. Look for the sign, K. F. Dowslra. Phone Humson Advert lsemem\^^ Notice. Until further notice Dr. Edmund S. Kanses, 82 Blngham avenue, Rumson, will have office hours every evening from 6 until 9 p. m. Advertisement ^^ Notice to Gunner*. Gunning is prohibited by ordinance n the borough of Little Silver, except n written permission from property iwners. Fred L. Ayers, Borough Clerk. -AdvjrUsmeat. As * reiult of an appeal made by the Mayor of Shrewsbury, England, to tha Mayor of Shrewebury, New Jersey, for aid for its stricken people, many of whoie homes have been destroyed, and who are now In want for food and clothing, Mayor Frederick W. Robinion haa aaked Mrs. L. 8. Tlvisaker of Shrewsbury to organize a campaign te raise funds and other material help for this purposs, The nature of the campaign has not yet been fully decided, but the first meeting will be held in Christ church, Shrewsbury, Sunday afternoon, November 10, at 4:30 o'clock. Thii meeting will be in the nature of an evening service at which a well known quartet and F. N. Lawrence White, ai lololst, will ling. During the urvice, Rev. Herbert S. Craig, rector of Trinity church, Red Bank, who wai educated at Oxford and ipent many yean In England will talk on the subject. As at one time most of the surrounding communities were a part of Shrewabury, all of them are Invited to attend as well as au those who retain their love for Shrewsbury and dealre to participate in this noble and.'worthy undertaking. A proclamation by Mayor Roblnaon and full details of the campaign will be published later. The letter received by Mayor Robinson from Shrewibury, England, follow!: SHREWSBURY RED CROSS AGBL CULTURE APPEAL. For the Lord Mayor'! Red Ore** and St. John Fund. 17 Pride Hill, Shrewabury, England, 27th September, l»40. Th* Mayor, or Chief Citizen, Shrewsbury, New Jersey, U. 8. A. Dear Sir:, It la my privilege and honour to send greetings from Shrewabury In England, to Shrewibury In New Jeraey, and in doing so, I send best wlahei from thii ancient borough for th* continued prosperity of Shrewsbury In New Jersey. My reaion for writing to you ia a apecial on*, at a special time in the history of Great Britain, and for this reason, t i n confident th*t my word! will hay* your sympathetic eonildf ra- ' In Shrewabury here, we are trying to raia* a aum of money by aubacrlptloni and auction sale* for the country's Red Cross funds, which are in urgent need of aupport, and it ia not without considerable thought, that I am writing to ask if we may have th* co-operation of our namesake in New Jersey in our efforts. Ii it possible for you to raise a subscription fund In your district which could be added to our fund, and ao enable ul to reach a total which will head the Hat of the efforts which are being made In every other agricultural town in Great Britain? If you could help ua In this way, we should ever be grateful to you, and I have the hope that your co-operation at thia critical time in our history, may be the means of closer tiea between our two towns, which may ba further cemented when we have won th* War. You will be interested to hear that Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth, has been graciously pleased to give ui a doll, to be sold for bur Red Croaa fund, and I hope thai this will realize at leaae five hundred pounda. Toura aincerely, J. O. Wilding, Jt. Hon. Secretary Parade Tonight At Fair Haven Starts at 7 O'Clock Prizes for Costume* Fair Haven's Halloween party tonight has every Indication of being bigger and better than last year'i affair, reported the chairman, Councilman Tony Hunting, to the mayor and council Monday night. Mr. Hunting is being assisted by members of the council. Councilman Edgar V. DenLae reported on the contributions made for the refreshments and Councilman Peter J. Eichele reported 14 prizes had been donated. The parade will itart at 7 o'clock at the corner of River road and Lake parade la folks, Mr. avenue. Although the chiefly for the young Hunting announced that adults in costume are alao invited to participate. He made a request that participants be on hand at the starting point at 6:30. Mr. Hunting also announced that music will be provided by the Junior Fife * Drum corpa of the Tall Cedars of Perth Amboy. The corps ia donating ita services, he aaid, and the committee was able to aecure their services through the efforts of Joseph Serpico of Red. The parade will disband at the firemen's fair grounds, where prizes for costumes will be awarded. Refreshments will be served by members of the various women's organization of the borough. W> Got Your Number! Draftees and student* can now buy brand new Royal portable typewriter* for only J23.95, formerly $ or rent any 1941 model for $1.95 per month, Tetley's, Broad street. Advertlaement. Sale of used books from our library, odds and enda of stationery, tallies and books. Red Rank Book Store, 6 Linden plaos -Advertisement. Don't Neglect Your Rug«! Rugs when thoroughly cleaned outwear rugs not properly cared for. UCB'*. fe laotwaati ' "What A Life" To Be Presented By The Brotherhood Play Will Be Given Tomorrow Night at St. James Auditorium "What a Life," the popular Clifford Goldimlth play of a few seasons ago, will be presented by a group of talented amateurs at the Catholic high school tomorrow night. The entertainment i» being sponsored by the Brotherhood of the Preabyterlan church. The play, which deals with a typical American boy's antics and a typical American family known as the Aldrlch family,, ia being directed by Mrs. Edmund vomsteeg, Jr. The part of Henry Aldrlch, who la a youth who just can't memorize the dates in Roman history and who tries to sell anything he owns In order to raiae two dollars to take his girl to the achool spring dance, Is played by Fred O. Comatock, Jr. His mother, who insists that Henry should go to Princeton, is played by Mrs. Karl Jansky. The part of Barbara Pearson, Henry's girl, is played by Miss Jane Mc- Hugh. Others who will take part include Mr. and Mrs. W. Albert Doremus, Mr. and Mrs. Clark E. Wallace, Mrs. Harold Lartaud, Misses Barbara Bergen, Martha M, Hayes, Jean Foster, Bessie E, Thorne, Catherine E. Cross, Betty Doremus, Helen Schomo, Helen Clay, Harriet Jones, Grace Woodhead, Gloria Moore, Barbara Doremus, Gladys Cottrell and May Down DeVoe, John Ritter, Whitney W. Burst, William Slngdahlsen, R. L. Hadaway, Emily Singdahlsen, Samuel T. Harvey, Jr., James L. Davlson and Alex Belchek. This will be the first entertainment since 1931 to be given by the Brotherhood. The last entertainment was "The Bat," by Mary Roberts Rinehaii and Avery Hepwood. Membari of the entertainment committee are Karl G. Janaky, general chairman; Joseph C. Davlson, Brotherhood president; Edmund vom- Steeg, Jr., Arthur B. White and Harry C. F. Worden. Dancing will follow the play, with music by William H. Crawford'a orchestra. Angelbeck In Sticker Campaign At Eatontown Five Now in Race For Council Higginson Unopposed for Mayor Election returns in the borough son, rair naven ano sea tsrigm of Eatontown will be interesting to Public Health association was deep watch next Tuesday with the laat ly indebted to the borough offlc 1 ' minute announcement of a candi- and to Councilman James P. Br Colt's Neck Farm Sold The Joseph G. McCue Agency of Rumaon announces the sale of the Jamea Barry farm at Colt's Neck,! to Fred H. Stout of Newark, There are 72 acres of flne rolling land, most of which is under cultivation, excluding only a small por- tion In orchard and pasture. The old farm house is situated on a high knoll commanding a panoramic view of the surrounding countryside. Nearby are several other farm estates, including the former Winant farm purchased by wilmer G. Slaight a short time ago through the same broker. Mr. Stout who is vice president of Heller Brothers company of Newark, intends to make several improvements before occupying the farm. Ordinance To Fix Salaries' Of Rumson Police Does Not Mean All Offices Named Will Be Filled Contests In Borough Limited To Council Degenring-O'Brien V«. Doremut-* Randall Contests In Other Places Mrs. Bodman Tells Why She Is For Hendrickson Tells Register Publisher Hagueiim Muit Be Thrown Out of State Mrs. Louise C. Bodman of Navesink River road, president of the United Women's Republican clubs of Monmouth county, paid a most pleasant call at The Register office Monday afternoon and had a talk with the publisher In regard to the present campaign. In the course of the An ordinance designating the sal-! conversation Mrs. Bodman said: arlea of themembera of the Rumson j "The coming election has rightly police department was passed on its i been called by Wendell L. Willkie, a first reading at the meeting of the mayor and council of that place last Thursday night. The salaries are aa follows: chief, $2,280; captain, $1,980; lieutenant, $1,920; sergeant, $1,860, mid patrolman, $1,800. Public hearing on the ordinance will be held at the next meeting, November 14. It was explained by Mayor j James C. Auchincloss it was necessary to file a salary ordinance along with the recently adopted polico department ordinance, but it does not mean that all these offices are to be filled, Rumson has no chief at present. A letter was received from Richard A. Moeller, a former resident of Rumson, relative to a suit brought against him after one of his children had allegedly been bitten by a dog owned by Robert Norton, another former resident. Mr. Moeller stated he was aued for $60,000 for falae arrest after a complaint of disorderly conduct signed by him had been served on the owner of I the dog. tlement now be position to pay that sum. He said he understood that the borough had agreed to aid him and. he believed Crusade. It Is both In the United States and In the State of v-,, jersey.. Mr. Moeller added that setin the amount of $200 can L effected, but that he is in no r the borough should pay the cost of settling the suit. Mayor Auchincloss informed the council that no aid had been promised by the borough council and the borough waa In no way responsible. The letter was referred to the borough attorney, who will send a reply to Mr. Moeller, stating the borough's poaltion In the matter. The* resignation of Nicholas G. Rutgers, Jr., as a. member of the hade tree commission was received with regret. Mr. Rutgers is moving to Naveslnk River road in Middletown township and therefore will be unable to serve on the commission. A tavern license was granted to Rocco Federal o for premises at 111 East River road. Council also approved a rebate of $60.41 to Thorn- MRS. LOUISE C. BODMAN "There Is an unholy alliance between the New Deal and five corrupt Democratic political machines out to re-elect the self-drafted, Third Term candidate and to substitute Boss control for our Democratic way of life, "These five machines are in Tennessee, with the Crump Machine, In Missouri with what is left of the old Pendergast Machine, In Illinois with the Kelly-Nash Machine, in the Bronx with Flynn and in New Jersey with Hague. There is little we, in New Jersey, can do about the other four states, but in our own state, on November 5, 'We The People' have a choice to make as to which system of government we prefer. Do we want to continue under Boss rule by Hague and the New Deal candidate for Governor, or do we want to throw date running on a sticker campaign. He is Councilman Christoph O. Angelbeck, whose term expires this aa Sorrentlno, who relinquished his off these shackles and go forward license for the premises. under common honesty and decency A letter was received from Mrs. with our Republican candidate for Charles R. Beattle stating the Rum-1 governor Robert C, Hendrickson. son, Fair Haven and Sea Bright I,, why js Hague maklng. hls grcat. «\it effort in "New Jersey to elect the New Deal candidate for Governor? Because the Governor of New Jersey has more powers of appointment than any man in the United States, clals in particular for the greatly Improved facilities provided for the association in the borough hall. In the election Mat Tuesday we find only tw o contests, Mayor Charles R. English, Republican, will again be elected to the e)fflee of chief executive of th* borough as he wax the only candldat* aoajsinated. Mrs. Julia Keough, who ia running for re-election as collector on the Democratic ticket, llkewije has no opposition. The two contests are for councilmanic offlces for full terms of three years. Running for re-election on th* Democratic ticket la Harry G. Dagenring and his running mate ia William O'Brien. The candidates for these two offices on the Republican ticket are Burton T. Doremui and Dr. Allan B. Randall. Two Republicans and one Democrat are running for the office of justice of peace, but there are no eonteats, unless a sticker candidate appears, for three are to be elected. The candidates are Colon S. Dixon and Charles B. Robinson, Republicans, and Fred Fischer, Democrat. is expected to give a big vote to Its native son, Joseph C. Irwin, who ia running for the offlc* of Congressman for the third dlatrlct. Another resident running for office it Joseph P. Hintelmann, who is a candidate for the assembly on the Democratic ticket. Although he is not expected to do as well as Mr. Irwin, hi., friends predict that h* will make a nice run In this borough. Fair Haven All Republican. To have been nominated on tfe* Republican ticket at Fair Haven thii year Is virtually tantamount to being elected. The only nominee! for municipal offices are Republicans, no nominations having been mad* by the Democrats, Fair Haven will have Auguitui If. Minton, former mayor, in tha mayor's chair after January 1. Mayor Arthur B. Sickles, incumbent, announced some time ago that he would not be a candidate for re-electloa, Edgar V. Denise end S, Vincent Willis are running for re-election aa cou.ncilmen and Ray VanHorn ia '*> candidate for re-election as aasaater There are two vacanclea for justice of the peace, but the oflvcee ar* geing begging as there ***Y<*«) candidates on either ticket. Little Silver's Ticket. The Republicans apparently baveat a lot to worry about in Ljttle SUvar, either. Thia is a Republican stronghold and there is not likely to be any change. Running on the Republican) ticket are Fred L. Ayers, {or re-election as assessor; Clark P. Kemp, for re-election as collector; William H. Carhart, Sr., for re-election aa councilman, and Kenneth L, Walker, for election as councilman to succeed John L. Kemp, who U not running again. The only Democratic candidate is Harry J. Sullivan, who is running for councilman. The Situation at Rumaon Rumson is another community which has a large Republican vote. The Republican club of that place 1* one of the largest in the state, with a membership last month of 725. It is a well-organized unit, meeting regularly once a month throughout Lh* year. An organization like that Is hard to beat. Candidates on the Republican ticket for local offices have been elected repeatedly, with few exceptions, and the borough has been ;.n control of a Republican adminieyear, but who was defeated In the The election of Republican primary last spring. Nominated on the Republican ticket were Robert H. Maida and Walter E. Green, who are running for office for the first time. Mr. Angelbeck was Appointed to the council for a one-year term and was elected in 1937 for a three-year term. He has served as road commiaaioner and fire commissioner. Mr. Green, a resident of the borough for the past three yeara, ii prealdent of the National Theater j Shlnn as a member company was approved. It was announced that Albert A. Kerr, Jr., the borough clerk, will attend a conference called for November 7 at Trenton by Walter R, Darby, state commissioner of local government. Councilman J. Edward Wilson reported the high reeds have been cut down in West Park. AUXILIARY MEETING. Walter 'firover banln B the President. What are 11ration tar a. number of years. The HumsonTe» ".*?^? f J^" Supply company of New York. Mr. auxiliary of Fitkla hos- ST A 1 J A ^ _» II _ m»^ _ i. j '.. ^ m m. «_ * -m*.1 i Malda, a native of Eatontown, graduated from high school and Dartmouth college as well as from Columbia law school. He Is affiliated with the law firm of Paraona, Labrecque and Borden of Red Bank. The Democratic candidates for the two exlatlng vacancies on the council are Elzie Chaffin and Kenneth VanErunt. men. Both are local buslnesspital will meet Monday, November i, at the home of Mrs. V. Parker Wilkinson on Little Silver Point. Members will bring box lunches and ths afternoon will be spent in sewing articles for the hospital. All members are urged to attend... - ary - borough has one of the loweat tax In the next three years 64 judges, as- rate, tne county, nd ils financial slstant judges, district court judges, prosecutors and assistant prosecutors will be appointed by the New Jersey Governor. "Shall these appointments be made by the New Deal candidates, dictated to by Hague with his unsavory record of stuffing ballot boxes and burning of poll books, or shall they be made by the unbossed, fearless, honest Republican candidate for Governor, Robert C. Hendrickson? "The choice lies before us, the voters of New Jersey, by which system we want to be governed Boss rule or the democratic way of life. Let us recall the words of Wendell L. Willkie, and apply them to New Jersey: Blitzkreig Hits. Conscripted men can get new typewriters for $18.75 to $23.50; any make 1941 models; regular $ Easy 'I ask of you to join with me in this great crusade. I call upon you ' to join me, help me. The cause is great. We must win. We cannot fail ",,,,. terms; moratorium while training, if we stand together in one united Acting Mayor Robert H. Higgin- Wc.,, bc there too You don't have j flf, h t.' ion, who has served In that capa- to be 100 years old to bc successful.,...,. wlllkie in his crusade and free New Jersey from Boss Conby electing as our next Covercity aince the firat of the year when, We've proven that, by having some- j Democratic Mayor Edward J. Dodd I thing better and at lower prices. Su-i II resigned, la running on the Rcpub-1 parlor Typewriter Service, 107 Mon-1 troi c lican ticket for the mayoralty, un-j mouth street, phone 485. Advertise-j nor. nnnnivri. Mr t-ttircrinann whn Vi»«men*. opposed. Mr. Higginson, who has been a member of the governing body for about 10 years, served the council as Ha president for several years and during that time was chairman of the finance committee. Albert C. Wolcott la running for re-election on the Republican ticket is collector, unopposed. Superior Typewriter Service. Expert repairing by Serpico, fac-.ory specialist, typewriters and machines. Service charge 76c, includes cleaning-, oiling; and adjusting. Bargain* In new and rebuilt machines, 1941 models. Buy or rent nt 5 cents a day. from a real typewriter house at 107 Monmouth street, phone 485. Advertisement. Sanitary clean rugs will protect your family health. We remove all grime and dirt Imbedded In the base of your rugs. Phone Leon's, Red Bank Advertisement. Bring Your Rollers. Genuine Holland window shades put on them while you wait; some as low as threir Jor II. National 6 * 10. Blatchlc.v's Ducks are ready, as good as ever; 29 cents pound. Call or wc ship parcel post. Blatchley's Poultry Farm, East Freehold, phone Freehold 104-J-l. Advertisement. "No Gunning" Signs on sale at The Register office. Cardboard, 50 cents itr dozen; muslin, $ per dozen. Owner's name imprinted at small extra cost. Advertisement. Ttent Our New Floor Sander $2.50 per day you can have brand new natural woodfloor.morris Becker's Hardware Store, 197 Shrewsbury avenue, corner Catherine street, phone 165. Advertisement. Dr. Joseph J. Hawkins, Dentist, announces the removal of his office to Broad street (over Newberry's store),, phone 240. Advertisement. Fuel Oil to suit vour burner; best grades and prices. Unexcelled service. Kred D. Wlkoff Co..., phon* 552. * * Robert C. Hendrickson, Vote "Yes." To the Voters of Shrewsbury Borough; On Tuesday. November 5, Shrewsbury will have tho opportunity of joining the ever-increasing ranks of progressive municipalities which have adopted New Jersey s policemen's pension system. This system, which is operated on a budget basis, requires that each member of the polico department, in older to participate in its bcnrfus, must portion part of his salary i-ach pay day. The board ip composed of the mayor, chief financial officer, a policeman and n. oitizen not holding any public nlilcp. Each member of the police department in order tn be eligible, to receive benefits must have completed at least twenty yeara of duty. Inasmuch as the benefits of the Social Security Act doo not apply to us, wc urge the good people of Shrewsbury to vote "Yes," on tho bottom public question on your ballot next Tuesday, November 5th. Respectfully. Shrewsbury Borough Police ^ n*ria t-t mafit condition is one of the best in the state. The trend this year appear! to be toward a larger Republican vote than ever, with the Presidential race showing a marked Influence. Rumaon will elect two councllmen and a collector this year. Robert G. Ilsley is running for re-election on the Republican ticket. Also a candidate on the Republican ticket for councilman Is George Dwight, who Councilman Mr. Hague Advertisement, Department. is running to succeed man Louis M. Hague. ai,nounced before the primary last May that he will relinquish tho office at the expiration of his term this year, The Republican candidate for collector is Miss Mary T. Murphy, who was appointed collector several months ago following the resignation of Charles B. Ward. Miss Murphy has been associated with the municipal government In other capacities, having served as acting clerk prior to her appointment ns collector and also as secretary In the borough clerk's othce. Tho candidates on the Democratic ticket are Joseph Clancy, for councilman and Dennis K. Byrne, for collector. Mr. Byrne li a former member of "tho board of education. Sea Bright* Candidate*. Sea Bright will elect two councilmen, a collector and two justicea of tho peace next Tuesday. Jack White and John R. Dcckard, Democrats, and Charles Kllenberger and Harry Peterson, Republicans, ar«running for councilrnen. Edmund W. dine, who is seeking re-election aji collector on'tho Democratic ticket, has everything his own way, ns no one was nnminnled for thn office on th* Republican ticket. Thn two candidates for Justice of the peace are Mayor Walter J. Bweeney nrul Assessor Arthur O. Aielsen, but they haven't anything to worry about for Ihwie posltlri/in as two are to bo elected.. Shrewsbury Borough There will be only on* contest In thi borough nf Shrewsbury th ay«ar and that wiu prov* A-

2 lican candidate. Mr. Layton l«lire commissioner. Councilman Alfred N. Beadlcston, The Fair Haven auxiliary of Riverview hospital entertained at a cov- chairman of the finance committee, Is seeking election a* mayor to fiu elet dish lunoheon and card party the vacancy left by the 1 resignation jn onc jay afternoon ai the Episcopa' th* Democratic party ia making every last effort to place Lester Mc- Knight on the borough council. Councilman William D. Layton, Sr., and former Councilman F. N. Lawrence White, who defeated Councilman Frederick J. Thumm in the primary election, will run a«repub- Bridge Luncheon Well Attended Mrs. W. B. Rankin Is General Chairman of Mayor Frederick W. Robinson. Mr, Beadleston, -whn! running on the Republican ticket, will be unopposed. Also running on the Republican ticket for re-election Is Mrs. Ortrude VanVllet, collector. 8hn>w*hury Tnwnnhlp. A contest for the elertion of two Juslires of Peace will he staged in Shrewsbury township ne*t Tuesday. Recorder Silas F. Clonk and William Bradley are running for re-election on the Republican ticket against Leon Williams and Joseph Knutney, Democrats. Township Committeemnn Wellington Wllkins, Sr., Is running for reelection on the Republican ticket, unopposed, Henry Salt, who was named in the primary to run as a Democratic candidate for township tonimltteeman In opposition to Mr. W1Ipp kini, has withdrawn from the election. Highland* Contest*. has local contests for mayor and councilman, Harry N Johnson, present mayor, is not a candidate for re-election. Running on the Democratic ticket for the office it Fred P. Bedle, who ia a former mayor, while the Republican candidate ia Frederick Kieferdorf, who la»lao a former mayor. Two councilman are to be elected for full term* and one for a ahort term. The full term candidates on the Republican ticket are A. Meade Robertson, who 1* running for election, and Dr. Henry Rltterman. Opposing them on the Democratic ticket are Frank Martin and former Mayor Harry A. Brown. For the ahort term, the candidates are Michael Mendee, Republican, and Dr. BarUett Ahem, Democat. The R«puMlcan* will hold a rally and dinner next Monday nlgtit at Cedar inn.. Local Interest at Atlantis centers on the election of two councilmen. The candidate* are James Welch and Thomu Jennings, Democrats, and William T. Dunphy and James VanMater, lupuhilcana. Mr. Jennings la the only ene s*»v- Ing re-election. The ether councll- Bian whoae term expires ia Anthony J. ForskleviM, who la now living at Detroit, Holmdel Townahlp There will be only one contest In Holmdel township next Tuesday. John Mount, Republican, Is opposing Jamea Ackeraon, 1 Democrat, for the asseasorshlp. John VanMater, Republican, is seeking re-election as township commltteeman. Legion Auxiliary Pays Allotment* State and county allotment* were paid at the meeting of the Ladies' auxiliary of Braxton Merrit American Legion poet Monday night at the home of Mr*. Martha Madison at Fair Haven. The members will assist the oounty Legion auxiliary at the football game to be given at Fort Monmouth Sunday, November 10. The next meeting will be Monday, November 25, at the home of Mrs. Vera Brown on Sunset avenue. Others present were Mrs. Julia Jones, Mrs. Carolyn Merrltt, Mra. ChrlsLian Richardson, Mrs. Hennie Winston, Mrs. Lillian Williams, Mrs.. Emma Reevey, Mrs. Elizabeth Moore, Mrs. Gladys Jones and Mra. Alllta Montague. parlsh house at that place. Mrs Wallace B. Rankin wan general chairman. Sterling silver costume pins were table awards and there were a number of special prizes. Prizes were selected by Mrs. John J. Knodell, auxiliary president, and Mrs. S. J. Kessler. Those assisting were Mrs. P«ter J. Ekhelc, Mre. Richard McAllister, Sr., Mis. Charles Edelmann, Mrs. Tony Hunting, Mra. Leon VanBrunt, Mrs. Walter B. Connor and Mrs. Noel Lartaud, Others present were Mra. George. Union, Mra. Henry E. Tilton, is. James T. Clayton, Mrs. G. W. George g B. Mox Mrs. S. C. Corae, Mrs. Hairy i A. Hubbard, Mrs. Howard Mackenzie, Mrs. Stephen Nempsh, Mrs. George Woodward, Mrs. Russell H. Minton, Mra. John Hawkins, Mrs. William Goode, Mra, Warren Doughty, Mrs. C. C. Perrlne, Mrs. Kdward O'Flaherty, Mrs. Andrew Watts, Mra. Harry J. Robertaon, Mrs. Philip Peters, Mrs. Frederlrk W. Opper, Mrs. John Mulvlhlll, Mrs. Warren Bookwalter. Mrs. H. L. Burdge, Mrs. Austin B. McKnlRht, Mrs. C. Powell Beyland, Mra. Frcderock Little, Mrs. H. H. Nagle, Mrs. Robert M. Cadman, Mrs. C. N. Cadman, Mrs. M. J. Moll, Mra. E. F. Tounger, Mrs. R. G. Cherry, Mrs. Stanley Barrow, Mrs. William Overton, Mrs. Stanley A, Haviland, Mrs. Frank Leslie, Mrs. May Wulflng, Mrs. E. G. Miller, Mra. Harry Malchow, Mrs. J. William Helm, Sr., Mrs. Richard Tllton, Mrs. William Longstreet, Mra. Edward Magee, Mrs. Llewellyn A. Griffin, Mrs. Ledyard Avery, Mrs. Philip Walnwright and Miss Margaret Christian. W.S.CS. To Hold District Meeting Rev. A. L. Baner to Open Session The New Brunswick district organizational meeting of the newly formed Women's society of Christian service la the Methodist church will be held tomorrow In the First Methodist ehurch at New Brunswick. Mm. A. C. Brady of Woodbury, president of the state organization, will preaide. Devotions preceding the business meeting will be in charge of Rer. A. L. Baner of, former pastor here and recently-appointed district superintendent. Mrs. George B. Whitfleld of Eatontown will present a report of the literature of the society and Mrs. H. D. Ebner of New Brunswick will give the report of the research committee. Officers will be elected and Installed by Rev. Mr. Baner. The Ladies' Aid society of the New Brunswick church will serve a luncheon at noon and the meeting will be recessed until 2 o'clock In the afternoon. In the afternoon session member* of the organization will give ahort talks on the vsrlous works of the society. B1UEIXF, 4-I.EAF CLOVER. The 4-Leaf Clover club of Brielle met October 21 at the Brielle school with IS members and the two leaders, Mrs. Aeuwaertar and Mrs. Wolt, present. Work was continued on the baby sacks guild. for the Needle Work GOOD HOUSEKEEPING - SHOP - 46 Monmouth St., - PHONE me B/& RAO/0 CROSLEY Compare In* radio you ewn with the super-faithful reproduction of Croslty GLAMOR- TONE. MODEL 13 AE-A S-tube, including rectifier, AC-DC superheterodyne with 2 bands Broadcast and International Shortwave. $ Heliicope loop aerial, illuminated "Gold-Glow" dial, in mottled brown bakelite cabinet. ITEMS OF YESTERYEARS RED BANK REGISTER, OCTOBER 31, FROM REGISTER FILES Happenings of 50 and 25 Years Ago Culled From the News and Editorial Columns for Entertainment of Today's Readers Fifty Year* Ago. Although the rain fell in torrents and the wind blew a gale from the northeast, the trot between Richard Campbell's LitUe Daisy and George Wood, Jr., John F., took place at Stoutwood Park, and Wood's horse won. The race waa for ISO a side. The judges were Mr. Smith of Little Silver and Henry H. Curtis and Millard F. Cornwell of. Joseph D. Hughes of waa elected lieutenant-colonel of amuel T. Sleeper camp of. Miss Emma Cooper, daughter of homas W. Cooper, was married to. Leslie VanSant, the editor of the ong Branch Times. Ths Monmouth County Drum Corp* association was organized at ong Branch. Ellas McGee of the nyx Drum Corps of was lected secretary. The Vanderbilt homestead at eonardvill* waa the scene of a very retty wedding when Miss Florence!. Vanderbilt, daughter of Hendrlck anderbilt, became the bride of Lewi S. Sculthorp, a prominent business nan of Atlantio. They rere attended by Mlaa Ella Vanderlt and Dr. H. A. Clark. Professor L. E. Dare waa back In own and waa to meet all his former mplls at Concert Hall to arrange for lancing classes for th«coming seain. Mra, Amy H. Minton, wife of Capaln Obadlah L. Minton, died in her loui year at her home in Asbury "ark. She formerly lived in Red ank, where ahe had a host of 'riends. Patrick Smith, who for many years ad been employed in Joseph A. hrockmorton's lumber yard on West Front street, died from a cancer of the leg. He was survived by wo daughter*, one of whom was the wife of John Carroll. He was a member of Relief Engine company nd the fire houses of the town were raped In mourning as a mark of reepeet to hi* memory. Mr. and Mr*. C. V. Golden of Long ranch were visiting their (laugher, Mr*. J. Alex Guy of Holmdel, In RSO Mr. Golden earn* to Holmdel to arn the tailoring trade and after lervlng hi* apprenticeship moved to led Bank, where he took up the rade for himself and later moved to Long Branch. The pigeon coop of John Cullingon, Jr., of South street was visited ind his entire flock of 14 choice birds as stolen. Rev. and Mr*. E. Everett Jones of tfiddletown celebrated the 2Mb aniversary of their marriage. Mr, Jones waa pastor of the Middletown Baptist church and almost all the membera joinett in to help the couple make the celebration a success. The Middletown Game Protctive association met in Middletown village and elected Joseph T. Field, president; Jacob C. Taylor, vice president; T. Dey Conover, secretary, and John S. Hendrickson, t reasurer. Other member* of the board of directors besides the above named officers were Charle* H. Morford, Charles CoiMert, Henry Field, John We*t, W. W. Con- over, Jr., J and d Or. D Ned N Taylor. Daniel H. Applegate was host to the members of the Democratic county executive committee at his home on Leroy place. Besides the executive committee, many other prominent Democrats of the county were present E. C. Richardson stated that the persons who took the red plush jewel case from the bureau In the upper hall of the Globe hotel were known and that they had better return it to save further trouble. Parties wanting Ice cream during he winter season could be supplied at John Beck's Opera House block confectionery store, according to an advertisement in The Register. Application was made for the eoninuatlon of the road through the property of Thomas H. Leonard, Richard Leonard and William J. Leonard to Old Woman's Hill, which would give a nearly direct route from New Monmouth to Chapel Hill and Navesink. The hotel of Louis Despreaux of Middletown was entered by thieves. They took $15 in cash and several cases of beer, together with cigars and eatables. The bank had deposits of «4,4«8.41 and the loans and discounts amounted to B9, The sloop Emma J., parted her chains and drifted shoreward at Brcvent Park. The boat was gotten Into deeper water by the hard work of William Herr, George and Moses At- water, John Wagner and George Miller. A movement was started to have a new railroad station on the New York and route at a point on.the old railroad between Hopping Station and Port Monmouth, where there had been a wagon crossing many yearn. An Ancient Order of Hercules, almilar to the Knights of Pythias, was to be Instituted at, with S. T. Champion as grand master and William M. Foster as grand scribe. Conover Applegate of the was accidentally shot in the leg with his own weapon while engaged in a friendly fracas with Nathan Colemsn of Navwlnk. The. wound was not serious. Registration of voters showed there were 1,552 In Middletown township. There were 422 in the Port Monmouth district, 50i In Navesink, 429 in Middletown and 200 In Parltertown. The Shield ot Honor of the Navealnk Episcopal church held a very pleasant entertainment at Henri' Wright's hotel at Clayplt Creek, Locust Point. Miss Lily WhltUnjham of Brevcnt Park waa engaged to teach the primary department at the Atlantic school. Murray Foster and Will Conover of went to New York to take instruction. a course of business Twenty-Fir* Tear* Af* An enormous wooden building waa being put up on West Wont street on what was formerly known as the Cutter property. It wae to b* used ss a tabernacle for a revival in which 32 churches of th* county would participate. Th* building was to have a seating capacity exceeding 2,000. Henry C. McLean, Willis A. Clayton and Martin Van Buren Smock were in charge of the evangelistic campaign and Rev. Robert E. Johnson, who had conducted a very successful revival In Ocean county, was engaged as th* general speaker. The use of the property was donated by Newton Doremus, Warren H. Smock and Rufu* S. Merrltt, who had acquired the property a short time previous. The Parents and Teachers association tendered a reception to Professor and Mrs. Paul R. Radcliffe at the high school building. Mr. Radcliffe was the new superintendent of the public schools. J. Oakley Cooper and H. Norman Hoyt left for a six weeks' hunting trip In Canada. George D. Cooper and Dr. Blddle H. Garrison war* making arrangement* to join them within a week or so, Rev. and Mra. Arthur A. ifackay of Oceanic celebrated the loth anniversary of their marriage and were entertained at the pariah house by the congregation of the Presbyterian church. The 18th annual exhibition of th* Monmouth County Horticultural society opened in St James hall. Th* exhibition was In charge of Philip Bonner, Wellington W. Kennedy, Harry A. Kettel, Percy Hicks, Harry Collis and William Dowllng. James Anderson of Tlnton falls, who operated a jitney line between and Long Branch added another car to hi* business, making three in all. Harry Doughty, son of Oeorg* Doughty of Fair Haven, waa la Long Branch hospital minus two toes on his right foot, as thg result of an accidental discharge ot hi* gun. James Mara*clo, who conducted a barber shop on Front street, notified the nolle* that a former employe* left town taking with him a gold watch and chain and 111 In cash belonging to Mr. Marasclo. Robert Johnson, who wa* employed by the Postal Telegraph company, used a motorcycle to a greater extent than any other resident of the county. He rod* an average ot 85 miles a day a* a trouble Under in the company'* lines. Judge Edward R. Adam* of Fair Haven and Frederick Proctor of, while in their respective automobiles, collided on Eaat Front street. Mr. Adams suffered a broken collarbone. A display of tobacco leave* waa In Ui* window of th* Regiater. It was sent to tli* Register by George B. Moxley, advanc* agent for th* "Twin Beds" company, who was then in North Carolina. Mr.' and Mrs. Phillip** Green of Shrewsbury returned from their wedding trip and, were given a royal serenade by the villager*. Th* groom sent the serenader* to town, where he treated them to refreshments. Alonzo DuBols gave up his position at New Tork, which he had held for 30 years, and began leading retired life. Charier A., Hauser of was laid up with Injuries received in a fall down stairs, and Captain Charles Foster of the same place was recovering from Injuries received In a fall from an apple tree. A large Cadillac automobile, owned by Thome* N. McCarter of Rumson, waa struck by a locomotive at the Little Silver atatlon crossing. The engine of the auto atopped go- Ing while the machine wa* on th* tracks and the chauffeur got out of the way juat In time to save his life as the train crashed into th* machine. The Alantlo Highland* lodge of Foresters held Its semi-annual public installation. Alexander Martin was chief ranger, William McKenney lecturer, Hugh Grant Johnson treasurer, James T. Davis recording secretary and Theodore MIsdorf financial secretary. A musical given at the home of Captain Charles E. Throckmorton on Broad street for the benefit of th* Ladles' Aid society of Grace Methodist church was attended by 150 persons and $36 was cleared. Taking part In the Instrumental and vocal program were Elmer E. Carlisle, Eugene Magee, Fred Oonklln, Miss Alma Walling, Dr. Herbert E. Williams, Alvln Waiting, Mrs. Kenneth Wyckoff, Mrs. Leon de la Reussille, Mrs. Japhia Clayton, Mr*. John Ely, Mrs. Catherine Throckmorton, Miss Josephine Weeks, Mrs. Simon M. Seeley, Miss Margaret Wyckoff and Professor H. K. Allitrom. J. M. Huber of New Tork, who bought the late Andrew Brown's property on Riverside drive, was moving the old homestead to another location preparatory to build- Ing a pretentious residence for his own occupancy on the site. Mrs. Lillian R. Maehl sold her farm near Middletown village to Russell J. Tlerney of New Tork for $26,000. The place waa known a* Twin Brook farm ar.d Mr. Tierney bought it for his own occupancy. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Brown of Fair Haven celebrated their golden wedding by entertaining a large number of relatives and friend*. They received as an anniversary gift from those present a purse containing quite a sum of money. John Anderson, a lobster fisherman of Sea Bright, was stricken with a heart attack while a mile at sea and died just as his boat reached shore. He was 60 years of age and was survived by a widow and five daughters. MUM Nelli* O. Robert*,, efcufhur of William 8. Roberts, and George Acker, both of New Monmouth, were married at the Roberts home by Rev. A. H. Sutphln. party of eight ers went up the river In two rowboats and spent practically a full Sunday moving logs, mussel beds and other abstractions to navigation. In the party were Reuben and Ensley White, Frank Crawford, Luther Savage, Stephen Hoffman, Thomas Springsteen, George Frick and Donald Johnson. A visiting auras association was organised at Rumson for Rumson, Sea Bright and Fair Haven. Rev. Arthur A. McKay wae president, Mrs. Raymond Hoagland vice president, Miss Nellie A. Porter secretary and Rev. W. Dutton Dale treasurer, A masquerade dance was given at the Monmouth Boat club house by the Dancing club of, with Miss Vivian Otterson and Shanley Danaer heading the committee in charge. Mlsa Margaret Flatley of Rumson and Thomas Anjbro of Sea Bright were married at Holy Cross church, Rumson, by Rev. Michael H. Oallahan. They were attended by Miss Marion Flatley and Richard Flatley, both of New York, sister and brother of the bride. Thomas and Jama* J. Porter were ushers. MM Lillian Quackenbush, daughter of J. S. Quackenbush of Marlboro, became the bride of Dr. Louis Melnzer, Jr., of South Amboy. The wedding took place at the bride's home, with Rev. C. L. Palmer performing the ceremony. Miss Louella VanBrunt, daughter of William VanBrunt of Keansburg, and Arthur Soden, son of Lemuel Boden of Everett, were married by Rev. Charles G. Book of Keansburg and began housekeeping at the home of th* groom's parents. Mrs. Margaret H. C. Sickles of Shrewsbury, widow of Charles Sickles, and Charles McClaskey of were married at Trinity rectory by Rev. Robert MacKellar. Mr. MoCloskey was a prosperous milk dealer at, Mra. Harriet R. Dalton, mother of Mrs. Horace R. Goodchlld of Middletown, died in her 85th year. She had been confined to her room for the past 26 years. Her Illness relulted from a shock at the time of he Johnstown flood, of which she a* a survivor. William H. H. Mount, Sr., of Locust Point died of diabetes after an Illness of only four weeks. He ras 62 years old. Edgar L. Pope, aged 71 years, died at th* horn* of his sister, Mrs. irah Scobey of Eatontown. Th* borough council of Rumson adopted a resolution closing Waterlan avenue, leading through the J. Horace Harding property. Leon Little of Fair Haven was granted an exempt fireman's certlflite for serving seven years as a volunteer fireman. Miss Anna Cross resumed her dules as teacher In the Llncroft. pubio school after having been confined to the house with typhoid fever for several month*. The Navesink Methodist Sunday!hool reorganized, with J. M. Johnson a* superintendent and Lyle Patterson assistant superintendent. Sterling Hopkins was secretary and Miss Mayme Mount treasurer. Got Impromptu Bath When Boat Capsized Insisting upon going out alone In sailboat Sunday morning resulted i th* craft capsizing and giving Robert Boekey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Boskey of Worthley street, an impromptu bath. Toung Boskey was at the float of the Monmouth Boat club watch- Ing the demonstration of Stewart Cook's new Penguin class sailboat when he spied Benjamin L. At water's dinghy with its sails up moored it the club float He commandeered the craft and set out all by himself, although his brother thought it unwise due to the itlff and extremely puffy breoze. After sailing around a bit the nturesome skipper jibed his craft and In doing so a heavy puff at the same time caught him unawares. In an instant he was in the chilly waters of the North Shrewsbury, Th* accident happened within a short distance of the club float and rescuers were hauling him Into a rowboat within a very few minutes. He was quickly taken home for dry clothes none th* worse for his extrlenc*. m i e» If you want printing done on time give Th* Register a trial. For over 0 year* The Register has been delivering printing when promised. Advertisement. Lets Visit HEW YORK OR NIWAMC BRRcnin EHIURilOllS Wednctdayi, NoTcmbcr 13 I $ 25 and Round Trip Lv..9:11 A.M. Returning, UekeU (rood on any Jertay Central train except the "BLUB COMET" on date of sale. The Wonders of the World's Greatest City... the Skyline... Radio City... llroadway...fifth Avenue's mart shops..'. the latcat iliowe and motif*! CM I A Y The adrantagw of EN JU I J c reey Central service... soliil comfort... safety... rontenienee...*'nn-time arrival I CemullJerMyCenlrollkketogenliforoddltkaial lefeueotlon. Children under 5 yeeri cenled»eve«under l},red.iiied (me. JERSEY CENTRAL It A I L R O A D Rev. H. S. Craig To Review Books Trinity Guild Sponsoring Series of Three Lectures The Woman's Guild of Trinity Episcopal church will give a series of three lecture* at the church parish house. Rev, Herbert 8. Craig. church lector, will review current literature. REV. HERBERT S. CRAIG. The first lecture will be Thursday night, November 28, at 8 o'clock. Others are scheduled for Thursday, December 5, and Thursday, December 12. Mrs. Thomas Lewie and Mrs. J. D. Williams are co-chairmen of the lecture*. embers of the assisting commit* tee include Mr*. Walter A. Rullman, Mrs. William C. Longstreet, Mrs. Arnold E. Bowcn, Mrs. Walter A. French, Mr*. Harry H. Button, Mr*. Lyman W. Croasman, Mrs. Harrison Bance, Mr*. Warren Bookwalter, Mrs. Lester C. Ross, Mrs. W. Raymond Johnson, Mrs. Otto F. Eeutell, Mrs. Frank F. Curtis and Mr*. Henry C. Mecklem, Sr. Party Aids British War Relief Fund William Stryker was chairman of a card party held Friday night at the parish house of All Sainta Episcopal church, Navesink, by the church choir. The proceeds will b* given to British war relief. The chairman reported that a number of large contributions have been received front the parishioners for the relief fund. Members of the assisting committee Included Mrs. Martin Connor, Misses Louis* and Jennie Hallam, Hobert Tiederman, Donald VVyman and Jack Daniels. Others attending were Rev. and Mrs. Charles F. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth H, Melnert, Mrs. Ada Hallam, Mrs. Harley Wyman, Mr*. Carlcton Walling, Mra. Alfred Brower, Mrs. Holmes Crawford, Mrs, Herbert Slch, Mrs. Martin Fielding, Mrs. John McNully, Mrs. John Lemberg, Mrs. Ablsha Warrlngtqri, Mrs. Earle DeV«sty, Mrs. Howard DeVesty, Mr*. Fred Wcllcr, Mrs. Karl Davis, Mrs. Lewis Williams, Misses Dorothy Johnson and Mildred DeVeaty and Kenneth Hallam, Violated Parole. John E. Keefe, 26, of Marlboro, was committed to state prison for a term of onn to three year* by Judge J. Edward Knight last week. Kecfe had been sentenced to that term by Judge John C. Giordano last May on a charge of forgery but sentence was suspended and he waa placed on parole. He was brought into court last week for violating hi* parole. * Church Auxiliary Has Silver T«a Mr*. Abner H. West and Miss Ruth Parker were eo~ehalrm*n of the silver tea, cake sale and linen display given by the Woman'* auxiliary of Chrlet Episcopal ehurch Friday afternoon at the pariah house on Sycamore avenue, Shrewsbury. Th* parish hou*e was decorated with autumn leaves. Mrs. Herbert Inroen presided at the tea table, asslated by Mi**, Emma Jackson and Mrs. Eva* F. Jon**. Th* table wa* deoorated wltii yellow chrysanthemums. A card party for th* benefit of the ehurch will be held Thursday alght, November 14. Mrs. Pierce N. Poole, the chairman, reported Friday that tour special awards have been donated for the event Mr*. Jonea and Mr*. Louts Hayward ar* eo» chairmen. es>»e» Mr*. Frank Lawes Is Party Hostess Mr*. Frank Law** of Shrewsbury was hostess Thursday night at a card party for th* benefit of the Woman'* guild of Christ Episcopal church, Shrewsbury, held at bar home. Decorative match boa** were table awards. Attending wer* Mr. and lira. Pierce N. Poole, Colonel and Mra. David Wood, Mr. and Mrs. John Parker, Mr. and Mra. Cyril lawes, Mr*. Agnes Barker, Mr*. I. N. Williams, Mrs. Ada B. Nafew, Mrs. Archie C. Mosby, Mrs. Evan F. Jon**, Mr*. Louis Hayward, Mrs. George Silver, Jr., Mrs. Abaer H. West, Mrs. Stewart VanVliet, Mra. Herbert Inman, Mrs. Dorothy Ivsraon, Mis* Cora Jennings, Mis* Helen C. Lang, Miss Ruth Parker, Frank Law**, Robert Williams, General R. C. VanVllet and Rev. Carroll M. Burek. MASQCEM ELECT HAYS. The Masquer* club ot th* Red Bank high school will preasnt two short comedy play* in the near future. Mrs. Barbara D. Kane, adviser, ha* announced those who will oppear In the Ant play, "Jacob!otnea Home." Member* of th* cast ar* Victoria DeVoe, Dolores Tabor, Jean Wtlby, Robert Lonaner and Jo* Cicero. The club al*o discussed the presentation ot th* play, "Violet Move* In." RED BANK Prepare Your Oar far Driving Now SEE OUB SPECIALS F.G.JAUDY RED BANK PHONE H«Christian Science Reading Room T M* Street NeUeael steak Si**, U Broad Street, ' ft** * * Tel. * Seat M40-J. OPEN DAILY ItiM M 4iM f. at Tuaaaay aae) FrMar t>e*i***i TiM te *:U. ft"jftf ft!* U * Warkt tt *» Baker Eddr, Dlecenrer a>* Few*** o< OkrUtlaa Sclent*, ins all eta*t uthurlied Ckrlitlan Science. UUr*> ture mar be read, borrowed «*» chaied. Readlns ROOM MalnUlaei k> M* MOAO STRUT. MO BANK The PufcMi la Wele**w SHERMAN'S TWO-DAY SALE Friday and Saturday Only! GENUINE SURE-FIT Knitted Furniture Patterns la/veltw CeUra For Chair and Cushion For Davenport and S Cushion* FIT PERFECTLY JUST LIKE UPHOLSTEBT The Sherman Shop H BROAD ST, HED BANK Re-Elect To Congress WILLIAM H. SUTPHIN For Continued Experienced Service (Paid for by William H. Sutphln Campaign Committee) VOTERS! Tfiese Candidates on Your Local Ticket Respectfully SOLICIT YOUR SUPPORT NEXT TUESDAY HARRY G. DEGENRING For Councilman JULIA M. KEOUGH For Collector POLLS OPEN 7 A. M. to 8 P. M. They pledge to give their very best in cooperating for efficient government in our Borough. PLACE A CROSS IN FRONT OF THEIR NAMES ON YOUR BALLOT YOU CANNOT GO WRONG BY DOING SO Paid for by Democratic Committee WILLIAM O'BRIEN For Councilman FRED FISCHER For Justice of the Peace

3 ALSTON BKKKMAN, COUNSELLOR AT LAW Joe. P. Hialalaiann. Aletja ".kama. Jr. OMcae. 10 Broad St.. BED BANK. N. J. Qcnra * DOHKMUS, COUNSELLORS AT LAW, Wklin.ld Building. fat) John J. Qulnn, Tbomje f, IJorei Vincent J. McCu. H?, w \ rd " William U gumll. Jr. ranoiw, i*bi*>oiu» a Horde*. COUNSELLORS AT LAW. It W.II.C. SI.. * Theodore D. I'ar>one Edmund J. Caoaona Thaodor. J. Ubraeou. U>ran 0. Uwll Eliton C Combi frank F, GroB Rob.rt H. Malda. William ft Blair. Jr., John T. Lovatt, Ill ALTO O. WI1AUU8S, COUNSEI.LOH AT LAW (New Jcrioy and Naw York Ban) I El* Place, U Park Maw. «... Bank. N. J. Na» Vark IfOBBIS FOHTNKB, Cerllfiid Public AUDITS TAX KEFOHTS II Mraad Streal, Had Bank. N. J. Tel lied Bank 2(24 DR. L W. CARLBON SURGEON CHIBOl'ODIST FOOT AILMENTS Office Houri: Dully 9:30 a.m. to 5:10 v.m. Evcnlngi; Tuesday and Thurtdar For >ppolntment phone iu* M BROAD ST., RED BANK, N. I. DR. MILDRED HULSART BURAEON CUIROI'ODIST, Foot Orthopedic* {Metro-Therapy OUIca Hourti Dally a. m, to I p. a», Evtnlngi: Tunday, Thundij. Saturday CloMtd Wednesday afternoon. Phone ill 1M BROAD ST., RED BANK. N. 4. HEALTH SERVICE DR. WARREN FOWLER, Chiropractor 300 Braatl SI., Tel. Rtd Bank 3013 Max., Wtd., Frl., 1 p. m. la p. m. Other haura by appelnlatnt., Former Faculty Associate, Palmer School of Chiropractic Large Card Party Benefits Two Rumson Churches Hold Card Party- Boxes of Writing Paper Are Prises Boxu ot writing paper were table) prices at the card party held Friday night at Holy Cro«j hall, Rumgon, for the benefit of Holy Crosg and Holy Rosary churches. Mr*. John Porter was general chairman, as- lated by member* of both parishes. More than 20 apeclal prizes, donated by friends and local merchant!, were awarded. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. John Dolan, Mr. and Mra. Randolph Jacobsen, Mr. and Mra. William Naulty, Mr. and Mra. Gils Welsh, Mr. and J. M. Anderson, Helen Murphy, Mary Mrs. Joseph Mazza, Mr. and Mrs. Banan, Helen S. Smith, Mary E. James Porter, Jr., Mrs. John Kelly, Naughton, Mary Ann Naughton, Patricia Porter, Matilda Strohmenger, Mra. Peter Hemachoot, Mrs. Andrew Strohmenger, Mrs. Ralph Johnson, Isabclle Schumann, Janet Enstice, Mrs. Will Ward, Mra. Fred Flnnerty, Josephine F. Ligler, Helen Lacey, Mrs. Charles Kupcr, Mrs. Raymond Margaret McHuzh, Elizabeth Kalnond and Clayre Martin, John D. Pullen, Mm. Jessie Purdy, Mrs. Wil- Sul- liam Morrell, Mrs. Mary Morrell, Mrs. Edward Hammond. %Mrs. Lyall R. Enstice, Mrs. Edwin Cnamplin, Mra. Martin Fleming, Mrs. Q. A. Hawkins, Mra. Hubert Gaul, Mrs. Teresa Hawkins, Mrs. H. C. Hawkins, Mra. David Kinney, Mrs. Ira D. Emery, Mm, Otto Strohmenger, Mrs. Patrick Coffey, Mrs. James Shea, Mrs. John Madden, Mrs, Joseph Smith, Mrs, P. H. Radford, Mrs. Fred Benson, Mrs. William Jeffrey, Mra. Stephen Kuharakl, Mrs. Joseph Strohmenger, Mrs, P. J. Leach, Mrs. S. E. THE SURPRISE STORE BGA or-iooj- Concluding Our Greatest Thomas, Mrs. John Carton, Mrs. William Decker, Mrs. Marie Weber. Mrg. Thomas J. Hackett, Mrs. Harry J. Qulnn, Mrs. Frank J. Nary, Mrs. P. J. Mulvlhlll, Mrs. M. L. Connors, Mrs. Jacob Jeffrey, Mrs. William H. Porter, Mrs. William Carlock, Mrs. George Harvey, Mrs. William Hoag, Mrs. Paul Kemp, Mrs. William Allen, Mrs. James Tanner, Mrs. Edward Andre, Mrs. John Stout, Robert R..Blackman of Arthur Mrs. Barton -Chamberlin, Mrs. Wil-placliam Lake, Mrs. Joseph Cooper, Mrs. class of (he Presbyterian church Sun- spoke to the Young Men's Bible Harry McCormlck, Mrs. George Conrad, Mrs. John Flnni-gan, Mrs. Carrie Judge, the Pharisee and the Publiday on the parable, "The Unjust R. Knight. can." Afterward the young men Mrs. William J. Roswell, Mrs. Harry Morgan, Mr*. James Dugan, Mrs. Robert McCue, Mrs, Henry Foeney, Mrs. John Dean, Mrs. William Bonn, Mrs, T. J. Oakes, Mrs. Walter Carle, Mrs. Patrick Wad^, Mrs. D. K. Byrne, Mrs. Martin Kennedy. Misses Agnes Fanning, Evelyn Porter, Mae Porter, Doris Potter, Rita Massey, Mary Hcmschoot, Mollie Nolan, Grace Wood, Margaret Kelly, Marguerite Ward, Helen O'Rourke, Mary T. Murphy, Louise R. Ghezzl, livan, Harry Crlne, Thomas Hemschoot, Leonard Marthens, Martin Doherty, Gerard Kennedy, Walter Carle, William Bonn, W. H. Porter, Patrick Malone, Jacob Jeffrey, John Dolan, John Bannan, James Shea, Ralph J. Wozeh and Andrew Strohmenger, Don't Miss This Opportunity!! Here Is a Chance for Some Real Savings!!! Just Look at These Few Sample Bargains!! Hosiery Event ^LADIES' SNEER!! FULL FASHIONED!! RINGLESS!! FIRST QUALITY!! 35 All Litest FaU and Winter Tones. Should Bell for Much More. Site* «tt to WA. Dress Shirts MEN!! LOOK 'EM OVER!! Many Sanforized Shrunk FANCIES WHITES STRIPES Sizes 14 to 17. VALVES TO 1 59 A huge nurchuiw of a manufacturer's overstock makes thli amazingly low price possible. Certified 4-Yr. Wear Stock up and Save! SHEETS Guaranteed First Quality 81x90 72x99 Free From Sizing or Filling-. Value ( Certtned «-Yr. Wear PILLOW GASES 45 x x 36 Value 290 First Quality19 Sale ends In a few dn,v». SURPRISE STORE B0 Broad St. Neat to Woolworth'. RED BANK REGISTER, OCTOBER 31, «e)ii» Gray, Roslyn King, John, Jane and People who want to live In desirable homes read The Register want Frank I3ordcn, I J atty and Bobby ads regularly. That's why you will Those present were Ralph R. Eckert, Dr. U F. MacKenzle, Frank N. Clink. Combs, Cynthia Dielman and Dotty get your IIOUEO filled quicker with the right kind of roomers when you uselinderoth, Jr., Frank A. Rogers,. Others attending were Mrs. Philip The Register want ad columns. Advertisement. Boys' Corduroy KNICKERS Full Twill lining. The Perfect Pant* for School or Play. Washable f/k. Sizes 8 to IS I Hi! Boys' Fancy Corduroy SUITS Zipper Jacket and Knickers, Zipper Breast Pocket*. Size* 8 to IS. Ladles' House Dresses AND House Coats A tremendous variety of colors and Sties 16 to 52. Vnl- Men! WORK PANTS ^ Whipcord. Sanforized Shrunk. - Size* 28 to 42. Money Refunded on Bequest No Red Tape In Making- Adjustments. Bible Class Hears Robert Blackmail George H. Taylor Is Speaker Next Sunday took part in a general discussion. Frank N. Linderoth, Jr., presided at the meeting of the Bible group and Dr. L. F. llackenzie gave the opening prayer. Hubert M- Farrow, Jr., read the) scriptural lesson. Charles Conover of Mechanic street was enrolled as a new member. W. Albert Doremus, chairman of the program committee and superintendent of the Sunday-school, announced that George H. Taylor of Princeton, naw aasistant secretary of the Young Hen's Christian association, in charge of the Westalde "Y" branch, would speak to the group next Sunday morning at 10 the occasion. All the children prejs-1 cnt were dressed in costumes, Members of the assisting committee were Miss Margaret Supp, Miss Vera Norcros.s, Mrs. Donald Needham, Mrs. Charles Kdelmann, Mrs. Wallace liennclt, Mrs. Claud Ruch, Mrs. R. Theodore Bixler, Mrs. Walter Dorhn, Mrs. Rajph K. Mulfoid. Mrs. Edgar V. Denise and Mrs. Edward Leddy. The children present were Jean Feldman, Barbara Smith, Peggy Mc- Donald, Jean and 'Susanne Botkin, Carol Lee Weir, Gall Arndall, Jean Denise, Beverly liixlcr, Billy Wolf- Harold GoeUchlus, Mrs. Raymond Pullen, Mrs. Arthur Dolbey, Mrs. kanip, Billy and Bariy Sherwood, Charles Kuper, Mrs. J. E. W. Kuper, Lany Schilling, Karl Haviland, Joan o'clock. Mr. Doremus said the Mrs, Marion M. Stommel and Miss I Smith, Philip Minton, Shirley and church school activities are increasing and the young people are taking trand, Joan and Teddy Leddy, Betty Adele Bauer. Constance Pcrrinc, Andrea Van Nos- more interest In the religious studies. and Helen Langler, Jimmie Thorne, He stated the attendance at the recent Sunday-school rally day was the Billy Dowstra, Audrey Gray, Irwin largest the church has had In ten years. The Bible class met at Ralph R. Eckert's home on Navesink River road Tuesday night. William Van- Pelt and Harry Rader have volunteered to act as ushers In the church for November. Philip E. Ballly, Robert R. Blackman, W. Albert Doremus, Stuart Edington, Robert Elchman, William Ford, Samuel T. Harvey, Jr., Carl Lyons, Wallace Heyer, Jack Allen, Harland Gray, James L. Davlson, Hubert M. Farrow, Jr., Helmer and Raymond MartenB, Harry Rader, William VanPelt, William Wlkoff, Jack Worthley and John Hudsebos. Stamp* <N THE NEWS!» 4W XF FaMhtrt MtnmmM Berlin Stamp prices in Germany are booming. The new German standard catalogue for 1941 which just appeared noted higher price* throughout. In some cases jumps by 300 per cent were recorded, Expert philatelists In Berlin explain this upward trend by an unexpected increase in the ranks of collectors. This In turn, they say, la an Indirect result of Germany', strict war economy. Th. Reich sharply curtailed investments in stocks and bonds. Philatelic gamblers have been hoardlng postage stamps, especially the rarer specimens. In anticipation of further price, increases. On the other hand, the amateur collector, similarly having his purse locked for other worldly goods, today can spend more money on his hobby. The demand for stamps and complete collections has increased by leaps) and bounds. The declining sales offers no longer meet the situation. The same rigid restrictions which govern the export of currency have been invoked to prevent an illegal trade in postage stamps, at least as for as "swapping^' with collectors abroad Is concerned. government is reaping good profits from the stamp boom. It Is estimated many million marks have been obtained from revenues in surcharges on special Issues. Stamps like the two semi-postals celebrating th* reclamation of Eupen and Malmedy are arriving in the United States a few at a tune. Those pictured above are a 6-plus-4 green and a 12-pIue-S of reddish brown. Scenes in the two areas are included in the stamp designs. RIVER STREET SCHOOL NEWS. In the "Game and Puzzle club" the members are playing dominoes, swing checkers, pollyanna and Chinese checker!. i The members of tht "Gift Club"! are making cord belts, macaroni necklaces, doll furniture and crew hat*. Bowling and ping-pong tourna- ments are being conducted in the "sports club'' during this month. A game warden will give a talk to the members of the "Rod and Gun club" preceding the hunting season. In the meantime discussions have been held on the "Do's and Dont's of Using a Gun.' The following members of Frank J. Pingitore'a V. M. C. A. group saw the Princeton university football team defeat Rutger's team in the Princeton stadium Saturday afternoon. Those attending were Dicky and Raymond Lamberaon, Robert and Raymond Hembllng, Ted Murphy, Bobby Loversidge, Ralph Clambrone, Anthony Chlaravalottl, Ray Catalana, Burton Crelin, Billy Story, Fred Terrlgna, James Vaccarelli, Ralph Marina, Vincent Baldasarl, Patay and John Geroni, Michael Gallela, Tony Caprloni, B'.lly Marcelll, Harold Clayton, Albert and Kenneth Pope, John Palendrana, Tony Ariozzi, Sam Galassi, Sam Colosima, Arthur VanNote, Maria Tomalna and Ralph Mazzucca. Asburr Park olrl Miu Ruth A. Conklln, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Randall W. Conklln of Asbury Park, and Dr. Frederick W. Hummell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hummell of West Belraar, wore married Friday night in Trinity Episcopal < church at Asbury Park. The bride's father ofllciated. After a trip through Virginia the couple will live at Philadelphia. Halloween Party Held For Children Miss Catherine Rogers and Miss Evelyn Porter were co-chairmen ot the annual kiddies' Halloween party given by Lho evening group of the Bed Bank Woman's club Saturday afternoon at the rlubhous*. More than 50 children and several members attended. The afternoon was spent In- playing games. The clubhouse was gaily decorated in a Halloween motif for I and Mary Ellen Campbell, Margie Joan Goff, Dorothy Lorenzo, Barbara Hubbard, Marilyn and Phyllis Moskowitz, David Jansky, Ann Morrow Jansky, Marion Wallace, Beverly and Nancy Ann Hilton, Arthur Bennett, Gail Gilbert, Betty Keeland,' Lee SCHULTE UNITED 3J BROAD ST., RED BANK LIQUOR DEPARTMENT SPECIALS I r '!% CRUSADER London Dry Distilled DO PROOF GIN 100% GRAIN $1.19 J QUART 4-YEAR-OLD RYE ROYAL RESERVE 85c $1.69 PT. M Proof QUART PIEDMONTCLUB 3-YEAR-OLD STRAIGHT BOURBON I tfc Pint $lit)tquart WILKEN FAMILY RLENDKD WHISKEY $1.15"* $1-49 Fifth HUNTER BALTIMORE RYE 4 Blend of 51% Straight Bye WHISKEY $1-55 1Fifth WEE BURN SCOTCH TYPE BLENDED WHISKY $1.89 FIFTH MISSION BELL CaUforria Wl NES Port, Sherry, Muwatol, Tokay, White Tort, Cocktail Sherry 25c, f 98c Gnl. 49c Q $1.79 Gal. EBLINGS BEER 3 Cant Case C $ 1 7S Greendale APPLE Brandy 90 PROOF $ FUIX QUAUT Smith, Mrs. Louise Hubbard, Mrs. Herbert Langler, Mrs. William Sherwood, Mrs. Edward Leddy. Mrs. Edgar V. Denise, Mrs. C. C. Perrine, Mi's. Karl Jansky, Mrs. Elston Combe, Mrs. John Borden, Mra. Irwin Campbell, Mrs. Franklin Gray, Mrs. Ross King and Mrs. Noel Lartaud. Three Members Join Auxiliary Plans for winter activities were made at the meeting of Rumson auxiliary of Monmouth Memorial hospital Thursday at the Rumson high school. Members sewed on hospital supplies after the business session. Mrs. Louis Cook, Mrs. F. W. Bailey and Mrs. Stanley Barrow were welcomed as new members. Refreshments were served by the hostesses, Mra. Russell Hendrickson, Mrs. Albert Niederer and Miss Josephine Llgier. The next meeting will be Thursday, November 28. Others present were Mrs. Chester Aumack president, Mrs. Sheer Wool FIRST SEMESTER ENROLL NOW in This School ad Uka adveatefe alike vaat apportunltr In A irefeeiloii that will eecure Specialize Then Earn FOSITIONS ASSURED NEW JERSEY BEAUTY CULTURE afba*«lutura anil Kctll.nt Income Easy Payments Arranged FREE INSTRUMENTS BEAUTY CULTURE ACADEMY THIS. ELEANOR t. ROWERS Farmtrlr Haas 1 Teackar aa4 luatnictar of Tka Willr.d Acaaiar Hobart Bldg. PERTH AMBOY Hobart St. AUa ni.k-ua Catiraaa In Uc«nua auticians TEL. r. A MONEY LOANED Jewelry, Silver, Musical Instrument., Cameras, Binoculars, etc. I Uteaeed and kanded by State of N. J. WE PAT CASH FOR OLD GOLD AND SILVER Broadway Loan Co. Mt Broadway (o». j.cak Si.l.b.cb'.) Long Branch J. YANKO 30 BROAD STREET RED BANK 5.95 REGULAR 7.9S Dresses Lightweight woolens iii smart new itylci, many with long ulceres and the new three* quarter length. Flared skirts to flatter your figure. In high shades, plaids, checks and olid colors. Iu sizes from 12 to 40 / Adjustable Lace 69c Regular l.oo pair. pair 2ND FLOOR You can make three lengths without cutting or hemming. Four new patterns in border patte'rns and all-over designs. SPARKLING STEMWARE 29 GOOSE DOWN FILLED COMFORTERS Full slit Well filled with goose down. Covered with eelanes. taffeta In Monte Blue, Rust, Cedar, Dusty Rose, Royal Blue, Golden Browa and Wine. Ruffled Curtains l.oo P air Regular 1.36 pair, cushion dot ruffled curtalm with plcwt edge. Full 2',i yards long and each half 36 inches wide. Cream only. Fine crystal stemware in a new cutting and shape. Water goblets, aherberts, cocktails and cordials, all at the same price. Open stock. Buy them by the dozen and save dozen price $3.00. Silk Marquisette l.oo P air Regular 1.25 pair, full width and standard length, fine quality silk marquisette. Both sides hemmed, headed, ready to hang. Cream only. KLEINERTS FLEECENAP SHOWER CURTAINS The perfect shower curtnin. Will not ' crack, peel, stiffen or stick togcthor. In luscious prints, yellow, blue, punch, blue, and gre.n. Standard slis.

4 i An Fflur Genealogy Ifn. WUliaat R. Conover, Co-Ed- tor, member of Oia Genealogical nittta of ths Motunouth Conn. *y Historical Association, Freehold, X. J. QUESTIONS 1183 BREWER. Adam (1J )»on of Jacob Brawtr and Anna. Boganius, and. «M, 1682, Deborah Allen, dnu. of OtOTg* Allen and Elisabeth Hsllett <whom fathers were (ienrge Allen and Thomas Hailed, respectively.) Would appreciate it if the ancestry of these Aliens and Hallettvs wnc erivsn me for my family tree. Jacob i<«c Jacobm) Brewer was the son of Adeus) Srouwer and ilagdalena Ver- Jon. Anna Bogardui was the dau. of William Bogardiig (son of Kov. Evsradus Bogardua and Anneke Webber-JaiMe-n-"Annek«Jans") and IWynts* Bybranta dau. of Sybrants Jansen, or in Dutch style: Syhrant, on of Jansen and Lysbeth Adrians, atybrant Janien was son of Jan Syfcnusta and Sarah Webber sister of "Anneke Jans." (N.K.N.) WALTON. Would like all historical and genealogical information M*jible concerning William Walton Who lived In Mon. Co., at the time of (lie Revolution. Who were his ancestors? Whom did he marry? Who rere hia ohn., and whom did they fcurrsj? (L.M.V.) Covenhoven Jana Covenhovfn fcwldow) md, John H, Schenck, August 2, Would like the name of her first husband and the names of her parents? Also the names of the parents of John H. Schenck, ami a list of their chn. and whom they married, (E. 11. B.) Tilton. Pater Gilman Tilton b. abt. 1770, s. of Nathaniel at Abigail Tilton of Sanbornton, N, H., was supposad to have moved into N. Y, state where he died. Can it be possible that he moved into Pennsylvania, instead of N. Y., and ia the Peter Gilman Tilton who md. Elizabeth Wagn«r, of Ea»ton, Penn. abt. 1799? This Ptrtsr G. Tilton went across the river to Greenwich Twp., now the Philiptburg; district, where he attended the Old Presbyterian church, whose recorda are burned. My gt. Brandt's baptism certificate gives hia parent! as Peter Gilman and Elitabeth Tilton. They were of Eaiton, Penn, (E. H. T.) 1387 BREWER (BROWER) John I. Brower b. 17» or 1791 at Blue Ball, and went to western New York, where he d. in Wanted parents of. John L Brewer? (F.E. H.) ANSWKRS IRONS - LONGSTREET - WHITE. Continuation of ans James Irons Jr.'s inventory was taken liar. 15, 1766 by Ko. S John Grant & Gabriel Woofmansee, his wife Ellen Irons being Admi 1. His ohn, are not. named, hut the three below Irons are believed sons of Ko. 7 or No. 11 John, namely No. 14 James of Silverton, No. 15 Garret of Cedar firove and No. 10 John of Toma Hiver, all near Toms River. No. 14 Jamrs of Rev. War, who had cim. No. -M to 45, per stone wvis b. Jan. 31, 1757, SSI, AUK. 2!>, 1833 and wife lildamla Feb. 20, 1759 Silv. Cem. Keb. 4, 181iO. See Hension case \V No. 15 Garret of Hev. War liad rhn., No. 20 to 26, per Cedar Grove Cem. stone b. Feb. 14, 1759 OOG Juno 14, 1838 and wife Hester RED BANK REGISTER, OCTOBER 31, S9O LAWRENCE. Confd from Ans (7) James Lawrence, a. ol Arms Erected a tablet of anpreclalon. Jan. 1st, tc.c.l.) Applegate 1). Apr. 5, 1781 C6G Anr. p p William Lawrence (1) md. his step 4, 18i7. Garrett Longstreet g wae jiiter Mehitable, dau. of John 1391 surety for No. 7 Ellen Irons, Ad d Elizabeth (Scudder) Alburtls. 'issue afonmoutlfe County Marriage. Jiecords ministrator, find may have been her (91 Elizabeth b. Feb. 23, 16W. (10' Court Iloux-, Freehold, N. J. bro. or uncle. Jacob, b. July 28, (11) John, No. John Irons mention* his bro. b. Keb. 14, (12) Hannah b, Applegate, Joseph and Catherine Garrett in his will. His chn. were June 8, (13) Mary b. Mar. 12, Lucar. James Frost 1814, Aug. 10. No. 26 to Nu. 30 and per Toms River Methodist Cem. stone, he was b. (15) James b. Dec. 28, 171S. (16' (14) Rebecca b. May «, Little, William and Ann Knott Mar. 26, 1766 T2R June 14, 1821 fc Deborah b. Aug. 5, H700, wife Hannah Wilber (dau. of Ed- James Lawrence aold 10 acrea of ivard of item No. SS4) b T2R Apr. 23, Chn. of No. 14 James Irons were No. 40 Gilbert Feb. 5, 1787 SSL Feb ; No. 41 William C; No. 42 Jamea (wife Catherine?) went west,? 1835; No. 43 Mary Job Cox; No. 44 John C. and. No. 45 Rachel David Halsey: Chn. of No. 15 Garrett Irons were James A. July 11, 1789 C10G Apr. 15, 1877, wife Nancy Phillips 1792 CG Mar. 11, 1859; No. 21 Benj. L.; No. 22 Mary Edwin Jackson; No. 23 Eleanor Francis Jeffrey; No. 24 Aaron B.; No. 25 Garrett U; No. 26 Jacob d. infancy; No. 27 Ann (Mrs. Rev. Robert) Sutcllff; Chn. of No. 16 John Irons were No. 28 Edward Nov. 25, 1789 T3R July 30, 1845; No. 29 Francis No. 30 Sarali Vincent Heirs; No. 31 John Wilbur Irons Feb. 29, 1797 T3R Mar ; No. 32 Garrett \V.; No. 33 Gilbert W.; No. 34 William; No. 35 Miller and No. 36 James W.; inventory Jan. 'i, 1835, grandfather of George N. Irons of Adelphia. (J, W. C.) Ana, to 1317, Aug. 8, MORRIS by Mrs. E.C.A. Concerning Patterson Morris being the son of Ellsha Morris. It is very probable as Ellsha Morris' parents were Samuel Morris (son of Lewis, «. of Lew- Is, s. of Thomas, s. of William Morris) and Healer Patten son (dau. of Robert and Elizabeth Patterson,) They were md. In The will of Samuel Morris proved Mar. 28, 1780 rlah, dail. Joanna. My ancestor was Zephaniah Morris (1744-?), whose) Revolutionary War record mentlom his bro. Elieha who wae woundei while serving; as private in Cap' Barnes Smock's New Jersey Com pany. Their bro. Colonel John Mo rls Joined the British and forfeits: his farm in Shrewsbury. Pensioi was not allowed Zephaniah Morr hpcausa he did not have six month of military service, although he hai spent eleven months in the "Sugai Home" jail In New Tork before h was exchanged for another prisoner. He served under Colonel Asher Holmes and Major Elieha Walton. I have no data on the ancestry of Robert Patterson or hia wife, Eilsa belh. Would appreciate information also on the ancestors of Mary Dawi who md. Zephaniah Morris Jan (N.K.N." land (Rec'd from his father, Wll liam Lawrence). 1722, James Lawrence was Ex. to the will of hli Bro. Ellsha Lawrence, Will of Jamea Lawrence dated Mar. 6, By Dr. Stilhvell History Vol. 3, P. 399 (2) William Lawrence b. d. age 92 yrs. md. June 24, 1686, Ruth Gib- -on, Chn. (17) William Lawrence b, Nov. 5, 1688, d. Sept (18) Eliza b. Dec. 3, (19) Robert b. Sept 25, 1092 d (20) Richard b. July 11, (21) John, b. Aug. 22, (22) Mary b. Dec. 28, (23) Hannah. (24) Thomaa William Lawrence, a. of William * Ruth Gibbon) Lawrence md. Mercey Hartshorne b. May 12, 1693 dau. of Richard Hartshorne the 1st. Chn, Richard Lawrence, b md. let Ellbeth Still, md. 2nd Alice Bunting. (55) Catherine not md. (56) Margaret md. Mr. Lloyd. (57) Elizabeth md. Caleb Lawrence of N. Y. ft L. I. June 20, (59) Mary md. Mr, Campbell. (60) William, md. (?) ienjamin, s. of William Lawrence (1) (Dr. Stilhvell Vol. J, p. 401.) enjamin Lawrence md. not known. Chn. (25) Mary. (26) Elizabeth md. Robert Hutchinson. (27) Joseph. Ellsha Lawrence, son of Wm. Lawence (1) md. Lucy Stout. Chn. (28) William Lawrence (d. young not md.) (29) Hannah b (30) Elian li. Oct d. Apr. 1772, aged 62 yra. t m. Bd. Ye Old Yellow Meeting House. (31) Sarah. (32) Reecca. (33) Joseph. (34) Elisha b. Aug. 5, 1701 d. Mar. 7, 1791 aged»0 Monmouth Co., md. Elizabeth Jef-1 mentions sons James, Robert, Isaac, frays. Ha fought In the War of Zephaniah, John Ellsha and Ama- yrs. Bd. Ye Old Yellow Meeting House, (so) John b. Jan. 28, d June 1», 1795 In 86th yr. Bd. "Ye Old Yellow Meeting House." Elista Lawrence, son of Ellsha I^awrenco (5th) b. Aug. 5, 1701, d. Mar. 7, 1791 md. Elizabeth Brown, dau. of >r, John Brown. Chn. (122) Elizabeth b. 172«. U23) Ellsha b. 1716, d. July 29, 17W (Gen. Elisha Lawrence) (124) Lucy b Gen. Elisha Lawrence aged 53 yrs. md. Mary Redmand b d. Oct. 5, 1802, In 20th yd. (Died suddenly in tbe bloom of Health). Both bd. "Ye Old Yellow Meeting House." On Stone of Oen. Ellsha Lawrence. A Stringer to ambition, but that of being useful. He was twice Vice President of New Jersey. For several years presiding Judge of the Please, and after a series of faithfull and gallent service in tho Kcvoutlonary War, he was appointed by hia Country, Bijg. General of Monmouth Militia. By indulgence of Genl's Family his Companions in 814, Apr. 30. Thorn, Joseph and Fanny Newman 1814, June 4. John Davison, Justice. (178) Boger, John and Catherine Emmona 1814, Aug. 7. MeGIll, William and Mary Genner.814, Sept. 25. By Halstcad Walnrlght. Chambers, Ellick Andrew and Eliza Hopkins, 1812, Sept. 7. Grover, John and Catherine Wllgui 1812, Oct. 25. Fowler, John and Elizabeth Buckalew 1812, Nov. 14. Van Horn, James and Mary Hopkins 1812, Nov. 26. Richard, John and Elizabeth Parker 1813, June 9. McCulley, George and Sarah Janeway 1813, June 17. Thorp, Samuel and Susan Allen 813, Nov. 27. Taylor, John, Jr. and Sarah C'raword 1813, Dee. 9. Parker, Richard and Mary aveepy 1813, Deo. IS. Tilton, Abraham Jr. and Martha Meirs 1814, Jan. IS. Moore, Thomas and Franeea Blake 1814, Aug. 14. McCoy, Kzekie] and Hannah Applrgato 1814, Sept. 10. Uritton, Benjamin and Rody Wll gua 1814, Sept. 17. Oragery, John Jr. and Edith Chamhe ill n 1814, Oct. 6. By William Burtis, Justice. Conowr, John and Elisabeth Emmons 1814, Sept. 16. By Davis Gorden, Justice. (179) Vanhise, John and Mrs. Jane West 1814, July 3. Schenck, John and lira, Margaret Schenck 1814, Oct. IT. John Hull, Justice. These recorda were copied by Monmouth Court House Chapter D.A.R. and published through the Monmouth Historical Association, l>eerold, N. J., and released by (Mrs. William R.) Laura V. Conover, Registrar. «a» i ea» WAYSIDE CLUB MEETS. The regular meeting of the Wayaide 4-H Poultry club* was held Thursday evening at the home of Russell and Mildred Voorhees of Wayside. Russell Voorhees, president of the club, conducted the meeting, with Daniel Covert aervlng as secretary. During the business meeting County Club Agent Stollo chocked on the status of various club members' projects for the year. Frank Drout made an Interesting report of his participation In the Neppeo exhibit at Atlantic City October and 4, at which time he was a member of the New Jersey poultry udging team. Plans for the 4-H club "ally in December were discussed, and the president appointed a committee of Frank Drout and Robert Roche to plan and set up an exhibit. Club Agent Stelle then distributed the new poultry club record books for this year and discussed in deail keeping of i-h club poultry records. The next meeting of the club I be held Thursday evening, November 28, at the home of Robert Roche at Wayside. County Registration! Are Up 16,554 An lncreaaa of 16,554 voters were) registered In Monmouth county at the «wid of registration day on October 16, E. I, Vanderveer, clerk of elections, announced. The total stands at 114,066, compared to 97,512 last year. Increases were noted in every one of the county districts. This year's registration is an increase of 18,890 over Accordnlg to Mr. Vanderveer, the increase is due mostly to the Proctor law, which went into effect Jt year, and bans registering election day. A comparative table of registrations tor 1939 and 1940: Allenhurst, Boro. 482 Allentown, Boro fi06 Aahury l'lrk, City s. S845 AI lu nt io Township. 748, Hiiro Avon, Boro Belmur, Boro Bradley Beach, Boro 2098 Bridle. Uoro Deal, Iluro 704 Eatontowli, Boro 11»2 Kiwllthtown, lloro. 602 Kalr Haven, Boro 1547 Katmingdali?, Doro 425 Freehold, lloro Freehold Township... _, 1210, Boto 14»» Holmdcl Township 6»0 Howcll Township - 82" lnterlftlum, Boro Jersey Homesteads, Boro... Keantburif, Boro, Boro MUle Silver, Boro -. Long llranch. City - Manalapau Township Manaeqiian, lloro Hatnwan, Uoro - Matawan Township - Marllumi Township Middle-town Township Millstone Township - Monmuuth Hcsrh. Boro Ni-ptunu City, Bo'o Ni'Utune Towiuhlp Ureanport, Boro - - Ucenu Township - llnrltan Township Ki'il llnnk, lloro ItuniMin, lloro Sea llriiihl, Boro lea (iirt, Born ihriiwblniry Township -..Ihrewshury, Boro.South Belmar, Boro... Spring Lake, Boro inn Lake Heights. Boro 809 union Beach, lloro 1811 Upper Freehold Township Wall Township " r -" l^ost l.onk Brunch, Bon Tntuls 11141) man ,, ill) Ml )7 s;ur. 8( ) IS till ;il F, las. 1, )76 11)18 7UH ebli a )1! «;1S 1)03 27M K S77 1K74 2ll,*i3 «:,!> 871) 581 1,54 CH'.I 7G6 «or, 60S tea «SS ) , ,066 TroX We will tend special operator to color-clean one large rug end one piece of upholstered furniture without charge, *nd without obligation. The work will take about 30 minutes and will be done by the Hoover Cleaning Ensemble to demonstrate the new Hoover Color- method. It is an amazing way to keep new color in your home new, and to brighten old color The next time you are in the store, register at the Hoover color-cleaning table^for this free service. Or better still, telephone today and we will send one of our color-cleaning experts at a convenient time tomorrow. \W\HA JHI8EY CEfflML POWER ft LIGHT CO. SEE HOW LITTLE THESE NEW LIGHTING MODERNIZERS COST THINK of it! All the benefits of modern light-conditioning' in every room of your house s i > quickly, inexpensively with ne fuss or bother! The secret is a whole new line of clever lighting adaptors -. > ; scientifically designed to provide Better Light for Better Sight. They screw right" into present sockets. And equipped with right size MAZDA lamps, they give you modern lighting at m twist of tbt wrist/ SEE THESE INEXPENSIVE ADAPTORS TODAY Amailtig Ntw Sllvorad Bowl Lamp* give soft, indirect light; Many new fixtures cipeciallf designed for use with these bulbjj OUR BIG-4 OFFER on Automatic GAS Watet Heating Now, Gas Costs No More lhan my other fo*\ End famfljr complaints of cold water shave* and dishwashing /rigid baths and showers. Put a stop to waiting, fuss, and moss forever. Take advantage of our FREE Trial. Then you he the judge of the convenience aad low e»«. M>-DAY! FREE TRIAL Use an automatic Gas water heater FREE for 2 full months. Prove the low cose No charge for Ae beater. Pay only a few cents a. day for gas used. ASK VOUt NEIGHBORS Don't take our word /or rhc low cost. Ask TOOT friends and neighbors. FRR TAP HST We make this test right in yoaf* own home. Analyzes your hot water needs and coses. Show* yost how to get more for four money. No obligation. SPECIAL G-4 RATf All the Gas you use for inf, purpose at this special wholesale rate. Ask about it. Special FREE Trail offer for a thtrrt time only. Stop m or fh«m«. JERSEY CENTRAL POWER & LIGHT CO. B U Y N O W S E E Y O U R P L U M B E R O R S E E U S Tern GM Company, Telephone Bad Bank 1MI MERE'S THE WAV to transform old OLAMlEHCLOtlMO SLOBE adaptor P/LAITIC ADAPTOR!» pltaslrj. alarin, floor and table lamps into in- sites a good glarcless light for the serru.indirect light for btdroora and direct better-iight-type lamps. Plastic kitchen, with too- or Ho-watt inside hallways..other smart salts foe using howl simplr screws into socket. frost MAZDA ' room and dining Use with nunimnm of lamp,, 100 watts. 65c $1.80 loom - ' $1.50 SHADES LIKE THESI should cover hare bulbs on csndle-trpe ceiling fistores or wall brackets. Attractive designs in parchment or plastic.... PIN UP LAMP like this wherever ftxi need more liaht. Just isclt it up oo the wall, over chairs, desks, tables, davtoport... at just lh«height +. c n ronaeedit..... $ U p SIMPLE SCREW-IN AOAPTOR gi, M modern glarcless celitag lighting for kitchens or bedrooms. Us«with ISOwatt Siltcrcd Bowl MAZDA Lamp $2.49 SIGHT IS PRICELESS.. Never before lias good light cost so little. MAZDA lunp prices are lowest in history. Lighting modernize and adaptors are now available at low cost to transform old lamps aad fixtures into new modern light-conditioning units. And electric current rates are lower than ever before. Remember sight is priceless ; -..- light is cheap! JERSEY CENTRAL POWER & LIGHT CO. TELEPHONE RED BANK 1900.

5 RED BANK REGISTER. OCTOBER Sensational Climax of RAY'S 11th Anniversary Sale!!! g 5&"««i illllllp '< «.* OVIHSIH PRinTS * 'f'-tii KLEER-VUE 6X8 ENLARGEMENT _, 'Ikcsiri white jf seyia; tlsu. fs _; or deckled tin. Made from any PRU6 Co? > MESeRIPTIONS ACCURATELY FILLED ' Our Prtscrlptlon Dept. is first In Importance Only Registered Graduate " Pharmacist! fill ancj double check prescriptions (or Accuracy. We stack only linest drufa, Including new mediclnea detailed to phyiici.ns. In kstpini with Sun Ray Policy, moderate prices prevsill 54 Broad Street RED SANK OPEN EVENINGS ^#p^ii ' *:>mxfi&8&-m BAMBINO CANDY BAR Delicioui cocoa flavored ^ ^ food candy. Rich in «f*bk energy «building L De«-, M troje. - NOW our Tend,, <m* ^ OITIedicine [hesf Essentials mw. JEWEL BOX ' % ' sparkli.,:,. S-n ''1 simulated cut glass,' Buy V,i.*\ now for tidal. POPULAR MEDICINES IRONIZED h YEAST TABLETS INSULIN, LILLY'S U20. locc 49!,35c FREEZONE TTU For Corm, Now>-.rrls7, 1,25 PERUNA HEALTH TONIC I 25c ANACIN TABLETS, Tin of SERUTAN 1.25 Pkf IjiSKp 1 LAXATIVE. HOME REMEDIES MINERAL OIL 50c PINT BOTTLE PEROXIDE (U.S.P. 25c PINT BOT. WNITE FINE AND TAR VITAMIN Pint Nordland COD LIVER OIL 69 Drake BREWERS YcailTabt., loo'i 49' MEADS OLEUM Cl* PERCOMORPHUMlOf VI-PENTA Pcrlei * Box of Box of 25 Nordland A.B.D. & G. CAPS SQUIBB'S C7c NAVlTOL,]10ee,- Dl j COLD 35c HILL'S NOSE DROPS 6Oc REM For Coughs *->-. VALUES RELIEFS i BORIC ACID FU.S.P. Ib Pkf. 'ADHESIVE. Tape Vt in. x 5 yd. roll LISTERINE Antiieptic, 75c Sixet 60c Father. Johns Medicine '. 6OOO5 WITCH HAZEL DISTILLED, Pint Bot tvicks VAPO-RUB! 35e J«r, Now? c IDELEX ITOOTH PASTE, 1 NOW ABSORBINE Jr Bottle fiel" ^ f J NAIL POLISH Beautiful rail Shades "TAN 10c Mason's SHOE POLISH I Black *r Brown 100 MARVEL ALARM CLOCKS j Cat This Cannot.., IP YOU USI CARBONA CLEANING FLUID MM lasoldat 1 UNIURNAIU k > NON-imOSIVI Imm dim (fits Ic AMAZED E I FEELS YEARS YOUNGER "Iin 8«, LKkxl vim ud d wp. OKI-M O tatileu tluj K ma pep that mako m> le«f yjsn ynunjfr." B. O. I Oarmr. New Wublmton. O. O3TRF.X conmt nmtiu tonln, lilmulinn olttn o«bd«d»tt«bodltt I lacilnir Iron, I calcium, pboipbyui. lodlm^vlumta B,. Tor men ma wnmra. A 73-vear old DOCTOR wrllen: "It dw noraucs forntlmtt, 1 i»»k It m»- MM. Reaulli One." Get 95s O8THEX today lor We. If not dillihlod, makn rftukm tbu prim. You doolrlik r start leltlni new pqitoday. MYSTIC.HAND CREAM. A Quick, Rellablt Way to Soften and Whiten Rouih, Red, Chapped Hands, «j(a; 65e*Vilu», OFF^GOES * YM.atlaat.reductlonwKhoutpunlnhmentl No,.llntlne. Noenrrclsing. Knrjrnsdocslt! Poalllvely I take. or ugly and stubborn lat easily without I Injury U> health. Thousands nnw testify tn it. 1 Just take one Korjena tahlpt after each meal. I Do nothins el». See >nur weight so down. See It Ion your acalts. Feel it In your clothn. Koriena J TAKES OFF FAT by dissolve* It Intollquld so I It f aasea from your system in daily elimination. I. Make this teat at our risk! Get a package ol I.KorJena. at this stare. Welsh yourself before 1 starting. Then weigh yourself again in 2 weeks. I and sea the results. If you are not more than' I dellihted and satisfied, money back In full. Don't I pa called FAT any longer! Get Korjena today. - SPRINGTIME^ IN PARIS PERFUME Purse Flacon Keg. «5c, (Dtac.) NOW 29s Marie de Medicis SCALP i^ood sssassssssssl 60c MARY 1, PICKFORD K'Qt or "TICK T»r Caolee EKk 19s SUNMASTER CARBON ARC LAMP Beneficial (or toldi and'. muscular aches. Clvei I a Florida suntan. Comi fuu with $0$</»*, rerrwr Saw Mutt SAVE NOW! EQUIPJTOUR NOME WITH GUARANTEED ELECTRICALS! ill! COIOKEI tiiriiitiel ELECTRIC HEATER Quickly warns room, to-tn. reflector, non-tilt s>sse..complete with cord. T 94 WarHi H.SO NOW "CAPITOL" 2-SLICE ELECTRIC TOASTER Guaranteed ^ mica clement. Sell loan turner. 1 NOW REFLECTOR 3-Way ElKtric HEAT PAD Beaullful boudoir colors with 3-way switch lust control, - 99 NOW ONtT 1.50 Hand M«d*l THERAPEUTIC LAMP Relieves dlitreii from colds md achins muiclef. Complect with 260- watt Bulb. NOW ONLY HEADQUARTERS FOR SMOKERS' VALUES TOW S-ox. TOP CIOARKTTE JTOBACCO BOOK MATCHES C Carton of ' ^^ SO Padi SMOKCMASTKR ASH TII'AY 25c Value Now...;.4 ox. Can EtSO LIOHTKK FLUID Cutt* 10e PIPE.CLEANERS of It I 2Bc TOBACCO POUCH Blaisr' Stripe WE RHfRVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITES 'KWIKWAY', ELECTRIC IRON New blunccd nonfttteue model. Ltrgt ironing surftce. Guarsn* tted. 79- NOW ONLY SHUBS Qualify pjpi TOBACCO 10c V«l. WASH CLOTHS P«el Colon/ 25* ELECTRIC COUD Jumbo 11 oi.cake P.'& G. *** 16c For.Grtortr Cemftrf! KOTEX 2 WEEKS' 22* SUPPLY, HAND LOTION ' twitk 3,1^ f to«ill* -I-1, BOTH FOR 39 _ r nea). anoth.r ate tottla at rstvlal trios. Ml US Srt I.T-Me «lrvt, 1 DRANO

6 Page Sir RED BANK REGISTER, OCTOBER RED BANK REGISTER ESTABLISHED 1178 THOMAS IBVING BBOWN Editor and Publisher JAKES J. HOGAN, Associate Editor M. HABOLO KELLY, Assistant Editor CHESTER J. BEAMAN, AMUtant Editor FBEDKItlC S. HAYES, Managing Editor MEMBER THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Th» Associated Press la exclusively entitled to the uu for republicatioo of til new* dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited In this piper and also the local news publuhed therein. Member Audit Bureau of Circulation*. Member National Editorial Association. Member New Jersey press Association. Member Mownouth County Freei Club. Member Chamber of Commerce The American rreae Half Century Club Tfc* Bad Bank Reglsttr uiumei no flnsncul responsibilities 1m trpoenphleal jrrors In advertisem«ms but will reprinl that pert of an advertisement in which the typographical error Occam. Advartlaera will please notify the management immealaselff as? anj *rror which may occur. MaBf p«opl«do not seem to understand that communlct- Vtm SSHarins" in The Register i n nut written by MOffts eonnt-eted with The Regiiter. The statements made anil jtae #wimele»b made art merely the expressions of the individual! wae satwiit the communications or articles bearing their respec- Vva pants. The Kepister invites any one who 10 leplitt ls> smke reply to any or all of thest ecmmunicatlona. OMfMT Subscription Price* In Advance: ataymtha. J2.00 Three months Single copy. J lane* Weekly, enter.d u Stcond-Clau Matter at me Post' <4 a* Rid Bank, N. J.. under tht Act of March THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, The Governorship and the Choice to Be Made by Voter* Next Tuesday. Next Tuesday the people of New Jersey will elect a Governor. They will choose between Robert C. Hendrickson, state senator from Gloucester county, who defeatad Harold Hoffman for the Republican nomination, and Charlaa Edison of Essex county, the Democratic eandidau, son of th«inventor, president of the Industrie* Ilia father established and former secretary of the navy. The chcloe Is not an easy one for seldom have the voter* in thla state had an opportunity to choose from twa auch candidate* for Governor. Tht election of either will give New Jersey a Governor who is a man of honor, independent and ability, pledged to redeem the state government and the judiciary from the sorry atate Into which years of bl-partisan corruption have plunged them. Against Mr. Edison Is held the evil political power kaswa aj the Hague machine, and his defeat is advocated aa a means of destroying that machine. It Is claimed thai Mr. Edison is not Hague's candidate. Mayer Hague they say didn't want him, but Wat forced to aoeept him by the more respectable leaders in the party, Than tan be no doubt of Mr. Edison's sincerity in the declaration of independence he delivered to Mayor Hafue'a face at the Sea Girt rally. But the question ia if elected can Mr. Edison maintain his independence Irons the little "I Am The Law" boas of Jeraey City. If Mr. Edison's Hague sponsorship embarrasses his candidacy, Mr. Hendrickson la no leai burdened by the Rouib Jersey Republican machine of State Treasurer Albright, whose protege he \t, Mr. Hendrickson is handicapped, too, by the existence ia the Republican party ftf such odorous outfit* aa the Mathla machine in Ocean and the Taggart and Johnson organizations In Atlantic. lo comparing Mr. Edison and Mr, Hendrickson the factor of experience cax.not be ignored. Mr. Hendrickeon hat been is public office since he was 28 years old. Hk haa be«n an honorable career. He is young, intelligent and progressive. He was born in this state and has lived and worked here all his life. He knows New Jeraey and it* people. He haa served six years in the ttte senate ar.d was senate president and acting Governor Ia 1938; He Is qualified by experience and training to aerve as chief executive of our state. Against this record Mr. Edison can boast only of a short term aa secretary of the navy, a job given him to advance his gubernatorial candidacy. Because Senator Hendrlckaon comes before the voters of New Jersey with a reputation as a hard worker and honest leader In the state senate and because he Is pledged to smash the Hague machine and to a tomp/ehensive ten-point program for the Improvement of state government, the Red Ba.nk Register, according full recognition to the admirable qualities of his opponent, commends to the independent voter his candidacy for governor of this state. o - o-o-o-o-o Joseph Mayer Should Be Returned At Freeholder. Joseph Mayer, present director of the board of fchosen freeholders of Monmouth county ia a candidate for re-election. Mr. Mayer is receiving the support of independent voters throughout the county because of his independent position on the board. He has headed the financial department aince the board became Republican and has often been called the "Watch-dog of 1 the Treasury.' 1 i It was through his ability to work out the ' financial details that enabled the county to build the new Oceanic bridge that was so sorely needed and of which the people of our locality are justly proud. Mr. Mayer was mayor of his home town of Belmar for ten years prior to his taking office on the board of freeholders. People of this locality regardless of party affiliations, are anxious to see Mr. Mayer returned to the board. o-o-o-o-o-o Riverview in Dire Need of New Hospital Building. A movement is underway at for a new building for Riverview hospital. The reason that the American College of Surgeons did not approve the hospital recently was that the building now housing the hospital is not a modern structure. Representatives of the American College of Surgeons who Investigated the hospital spoke highly of its personnel and equipment. They mentioned the strides imnde by the hospital in recent years and stated that the most urgent need now was a new hospital building. A modern building and tha addition of a nursing home would advance the institution to a high ranking among hospitals in the state. Every er should get behind the new building proposition In the interest of the hospital and in the Interest of this community. son it could seriously injure or jnaim a man, woman or ohtld for life. The average shotgun scatters «00 or more pellet! over, a wide area and the pattern of almost every shell varies. For these reasons the average hunter does not know where the pellets are going to when he shoots. Here la some good advice hunters should read, remember and follow: Treat every gun with the reaped due,'a loaded gun. This Is the cardinal rule of gun safety. Carry only empty guns, taken down or with the action open, into your automobile, camp or home. Always be sure the barrel and action are clear of obstructions. Always carry your gun so you can control the direction of the muzzle even If you stumble. Be sure of your target before you pull the trigger. Never point the gun at anything you do not want to shoot. Never leave your gun unattended unless you unload it first. Never climb a tree or fence with a loaded gun. Never shoot at a flat, hard surface or the surface of water. Do not mix gunpowder and alcohol. Editorial Views of Other Papers -o-o-o-o-o-o- (Tht oplnona aiprtiitt la tht Editorial Views hereundtr do not ntcaasarlljr carry tht cndoritmtnt of Tbe Rtaister). BACK ON THE AIR. Having observed that Wendell Wlllkie is coming along dangerously fast, President Roosevelt last week decided to admit that he Is running for re-election. Abandoning the pose of lofty Indifference which waa giving his managers the jitters, he began a series of honest-to-goodneas political speeches, which are to be sandwiched between some more trips to Inspect this and that. The speeches are Intended to prove that everything is just hotsy-totsy in a land which would have gone to smash if Mr, Roosevelt hadn't happened along just then to save it. If anyone interrupts to call atteni tlon to the millions of unemployed, the unbalanced budget, the staggering national debt and.similar flaws in the 1490 picture he will be called a reactionary falsifier and told to Remember, the Draft Board Members Serve Without Pay. The work of the varioue draft boards throughout the United States has just begun. These boards as far! stand in the corner, as we have been able to ascertain are made up of cit-1 At Philadelphia last izens of good repute who do not obtain a penny's compensation for their services, It is a thankless job at week Mr, J Roosevelt was pretty bitter about the opposition's appeal to voters' fears, from hunting accidents. Last year In the nation 1,100 persona were killed In such mishaps during the three months of October, November and December, and scores of thousands were Injured. Most of this tragedy could be avoided if every man who shoots would make certain what he was shooting at bofore ho fired, would follow the rule of making sure that the breech was empty before climbing fences or getting Into boats, and never be in a position to have to say In sorrow: 'I didn't know It was loaded." New York Times. best in view of the fact that the local board members but that didn't prevent him from spreading some fears himself, nor know so many of the persons who will apply for ex- j d' ocs he "discourage the New Deal emptions. The board members are forced to be im-1 argument that something frightful Is partial but it is questionable whether or not their im- j going to hapen to the U. S. A. if he partiality will be understood and appreciated by all ^" no "'* " t'f *«h harii those who apply for exemptions on various grounds. The duties of the boards will be long and arduous and those persons who have dealings with them should take into consideration the fact that these men are donating their time and efforts to help their government in these trying times. The various draft boards deserve a great deal of credit and we sincerely hope that they will receive the consideration and co-operation they deserve. o-o-o-o-o-o "Negligent and Blind" Driving and the Right-of-Way. Motor Vehicle Commissioner Arthur W. Magee i issuing a series of articles to assist prospective automobile drivers and to familiarize licensed drivers with legal requirements and common sense rules of the road. He stresses two important points. Regarding Intersections of main and secondary highways he states "it is the duty of the driver on the secondary road not only to come to a full stop at the intersection, but to enter carefully so as to avoid any possibility of collision with the faster traffic on the more heavily traveled highway." j How many times do we aee drivers come out of side j of f«p-t». but, however doesn't Ket his job back. His Indignation over an assortment of Republican falsehoods was mighty, but didn't restrain him from resorting to slick evasions here and there, to comparing unlike things and to presenting opinion as fact. To ordinary mortals the most amazing thing about Mr. Roosevelt is his boundless self-confidence and after that his gift for concealing failure. Less subtle, more straightforward men hear his nimble tongue with envy and men who know humility regard his atiblime ego with awe. Mr. Roosevelt on the radio is always a joy. Even those who dislike him concede his mastery of the *nlcrophone. Until now something has been missing In this campaign. Mr. Roosevelt has supplied it by adding his golden voice to the debate, although he's going to lose a lot of votes If he crowds Fred Allen off the air again. He is, he says, calling the nation's attention to "deliberate falsification" he describes BOOSTING HOLMDEL'8 SQUIRE. Horny-handed Theron McCampbell, squire of Holmdel, is getting a lot of unexpected support in his campaign for return to the state assembly as representative from Monmouth county. His colorful and vigorous Independence seems, Indeed, to have won him Increased backing since he departed some years ago from legislative halls. It is not hard to understand. These are days when the people look favor upon hard-hitting assaults on intrenched bureaucracy, whether the latter be a product of boss rule or dictatorial idealism. Some critics have contended that Theron McCampbell was too outspoken for his own good, that his shirt-sleeved non-conformity did not measure up to high standard! of legislative dignity. However, there's no denying the fact that McCampbell never hedged or pussyfooted on basic issues ranging all the way from proportional representation to a new state constitution. His lusty Influence upon the lawmaklng processes of New Jersey was good even when it failed. Trenton Evening TlmeB. Answers Quinn On Registration Sol Neimark Refers to Glati Houses To the Editor, Sea Bright, N. J., October 28, Register,, N. J. Dear Sir: As a constant reader of your publication, and even more than that, as the party responsible for making your paper the official publication for the Borough of Sea Bright, I would appreciate your giving me a bit of Historical Film Shown To Junior High Student! Seventh Grade Gives Assembly Program in School "The Eva of tht Revolution," a hlstnrlcal movie presented by the Tale University Press nim Mnrlct, was shown Monday afternoor. to students of the Junior High school in the school auditorium. The film, which concerns the period leading up to and including the early stages of the Revolutionary war, la guaranteed to be historically correct by. Tale university,, The program was the nret In a aeries of IS which makes up Tha Chronlcle of America. All programs will with be given at the junior high school I'tip-1 In accordnace with plans of the board of education. The, same plan la In effect In several other junior high schools In the state. The neit film will be "Tht Declaration of Independence." It Is scheduled to be shown Monday afurnoon but arrangements ara tentative. The seventh grade of Rtd Bank junior high school presented a unique assembly program last week In the school auditorium. The scene represented a television broadcast of a public interviewing program. Jennie Thompson was In charge of the sketch, which was directed by Theodore Blxler, class teacher. Patricia Powers Interviewed Thornlief Hansen, a native of Norway, who told of the customs of his homeland, and James Oilman, whose father la a member of the United States Army and la stationed at Fort Monmouth. He spoke of his experiences while In the Philippines when his father waa stationed there. Lla Herns. Interviewed Alice Belknap, a United States eltlten who WHS born and brought up In China, She received her primary education In the American schools In China and she spoke on various activities In the Orient. Leslie VanSant, winner of the 1940 Soap Box derby at and local representative In the National derby at Akron, Ohio, was Interviewed by Shirley Melttrlch on the various highlights of his trip to Ohio, Oeorgetta Emmons Interviewed Ray Martin, one of twins, on the topic, "How It Feels to be a Twin." Exclusive: French Spurn Nazi Demands itreeu"and""s 1 wing"mto U hlghwi>"s"at'a recklms'rau'of '' h f s campaigning, and on the de- space for the following criticism of.,,..,,.,......,..,, >,!.,..,.,, fenslve, an unaccustomed place for son of the Political Big Wigs of this speed? Some look and are aware of approaching cars, but make no attempt to stop, while others dont even look. However, Just as dangerous as these drivers, are be. py because he has hauled his contemptuously aloof opponent from his pedestal. The radio networks those who want to hog the road because they are on are getting rich selling speaking the main highway. "The important thing," says Mr.! time. The campaign hurries to its Magee, "is not to Insist on the right-of-way If there is climax, on a wave of oratory, conrisk, of an accident in so doing. You are never justi-; troversy recrimination and ugly fled in driving fast through an intersection or falling j "*/. '"tti. ^hu. ng to notice other cars, regardless of whether in a technical sense you have the right-of-way. The right-of-way rule does not authorize negligent or blind driving at intersections." The last sentence Is vary important one. "Neg- But a little while and It will be all over. On the morning after Election Day the sun will rise, the defeated will smilingly offer their hands to the victors and life In these United States will go on to whatligent or blind driving" Is the result of a selfish desire i ever fate has In store. not to let the other motorist get ahead at any cost. Law enforcement officials must accept some blame for the apparent increase of crazy drivers, because there is no attempt to enforce the stop street regulations in this locality. In some cities strict enforcement has reduced accidents. But the cause of most of the trouble is the lack of common sense in operation and a. selfish desire to rule the road, regardless of who hag the right-of-way Tonight It Halloween; Let's Have Fun Without the Damage. Tonight is Halloween. Some will go out, have a good time and return home without having done any damage. But there will be others who will not "have any fun' 1 and who will not consider the evening "well spent," unless they destroy or damage someone else's property. Their own property i 8 sacred and not to be disturbed. Woe to anyone who attempts to harm their property, but such persons have no regard for the rights of others. The average citizen Is naturally willing to lean a little bit backward in permitting young folks to enjoy the Halloweeeji spirit, and we are sure the average officer wont be too strict tonight. It's a great night for the kids; it's their night to howl, hut It is not necessary for anyone to damage property in order to fulfill the spirit of the evening. There is an American way of celebrating Halloween and there Is another way. The American way is to respect the rights and property of others. The other way, that of wanton destruction, belongs to the dictators of Europe and Asia. Let's keep It there. -o-o-o-o-o-o- -o-o-o-o-o-c- Hunters, Please Be Careful How You Handle Your Gun. The waterfowl hunting season has opened in this state with the usual tragic consequence. A young man, crouched in a duck-blind on the Delaware river, was accidentally killed when he was shot in the head by his companion. Tragedies such as this occur from year to year, not only during the duck season, but also later when the upland hunting scaaon opens. For weeks prior to the hunting seasons, hunters are warned to be careful how they handle their guns, but despite these earnings a peason hardly passes without one or more Jragedios. If more hunters realized the actual number of BB pellets the*, are discharged every time a shotgun is fired they would bs more careful. It takes only one pt Lhasa pellets to kill a bird or a rabbit if hit In the flklm sjld whaxeu > pellet might not kill a per- Schoo: Band Cant Play Because Chet Arthur Objects. Councilman Tony Hunting has been worried about music for the Halloween parade in Fair Haven tonight. He was unsuccessful in getting {he Rumson high school hand, which played in last year's parade, but finally he secured the Junior Fife and Drums corps of the Tall Cedars of Perth Amboy. Now why was Mr. Hunting unsuccessful in his efforts to get the Rumson band? Were the students unwilling to play? No! Mr. Hunting was balked by Chet Arthur of the musicians' union. Mr. Arthur had com- 'plained to educational authorities at Trenton that the band, by playing at Fair Haven, would be depriving union members of work. Mr. Arthur made the same protest about a year ago for the cornerstone laying of the new fire house of Oceanic Honk and Ladder company. He wasn't so successful then for the Rumson board of education Ignored his protest to the state authorities at Trenton and gave permission to the band to play. The cornerstone laying was a non-school function, as is the Halloween party tonight, but they are community affairs and not run for profit. Both are the outgrowth of a form of civic? spirit which apparently is lacking In Mr. Arthur and those members of the musicians' union who happen to agree with him. We can see the justice of certain protests when rights or privileges may be violated, but to seek to deprive a group of boys and girls in their teens from playing at a cornerstone laying in their homo town or in a Halloween parade In a neighboring community, in our opinion, takes the cake. We are not sure if Don Quixote Arthur has the support of any or all his fellow members of the musicians' union. We want to believe that he stands alone and we think he stands almost alone because, if reports nre true, Mr. Arthur could not get a local uniformed union band together if he tried. However, just supposing he could manage it. we should be very much disappointed if the musicians did not repudiate Mr. Ar- That peaceful acceptance of the results of bitterly contested elections is the glory of American democracy. To preserve it is something worth dying for. Newark Sunday CalL ing is worth fighting wars have been more nomio wars. Behind DRAFT DODGERS MUST BE DEALT WITH, SUMMARILY. A dozen or so draft dodgers, or rather pre-draft dodgers, have been indicted in New York, and upon conviction face severe punishment. Eight of the young men are theology students who refused to register, on principle. Others are various types of radicals. All of them are apparently glad to enjoy the privileges of this free country, without assuming any of the responsibilities. Standing up for principles against the laws of the nation is a dangerous business in these times. Any form of religion that is worth havfor. Other or less ecothe present war in Europe there is a definite plan to stamp out religion. If Hitlerism wins In Europe, religion loses in Europe. And If religion loses in Europe, religion in America will be threatened. That is not the only Issue, but It is an important issue in this Godloving country. That Is the Issue that should appeal to students of theology who expect to devote their lives to teaching God's word. For the Socialists, the issue is different. Many of them are not interested in religion, many of them, like Hitler, are fighting religion. But whatever their religious views, Socialists, who are enjoying the freedom of this country, should be willing to fight for it. Socialists are fighting In Europe, under compulsion. Those who defied the laws of the land by not registering should be dealt with unsparingly. Hudson Dispatch, HUNTERS AFIELD, Along the hedgerows where the shocked corn gives way to woodland, stanch setters and pointers are freezing Into that immobility which spells to the eager hunter the presence of pheasant or of grouse. In low places, where the alders and the swamp maples grow, the soft ground is drilled with the beak marks of that oddest and most erratic of game birds, the woodcock. On the Great South Bay, at Barncgal and along the mouth of the Delaware, teal, black ducks, mallard and pintails wheel in /rom windy skies toward the decoys, either to pitch satisfactorily down among their false friends In range of the waiting guns or, far more oftrn, exercising that strange sixth duck sense, to flare off and wine away out of gunshot. In the memory of oldest Inhabitants there has not been a season In which so many broadbills were In the chain of bays along Long Island's southern shore. Abundance of game Is cause for satisfaction. It marks a return, at least In part, of a rich heritage which senseless waste and pot-hunting almost had destroyed. But it thur and offered their services free on such occasions. haa iu P e n a l tle *. too. For much. If Uaey didn't. th«n it would be a new,ov, in civic spirit. %Z*T 1 ot^eath^nl county, Slandering Good Old Monmouth Democratic Leader Quinn last week made the serious charge publicly against the Republicans that they were padding the Registry List In Monmouth, stating that 70, 80 and in one instance 90 per cent of the total population of localities are on the Registration Books. He singled out Mlddletown township for special attack. Now the official figures show that Middletown township has a percentage- of 72, which In this period of a steadily falling birth rate and a greatly Increased longevity, Is not excessive for a Presidential election. As bury Park has the highest percentage of 74; but nowhere are the 80 and 90 percentages mentioned by Mr. Quinn even approached. Confronted with the facts, the gentleman says he "will check up." In fairness to the good name of this historic county would have one would think he checked first before broadcasting the misinformation to the county's discredit. Next best thing for him to do, Is apologize for the blunder; but he manifests no sign of doing even that. Since he Is the Prosecutor of the Pleas and Wi an ample detective staff, to say nothing of party workers galore, If he suspected any irregularities, why didn't he go to work getting the evidence and making arrests? That would have been more to the point than talking about It. One must wonder whether his blast was simply an effort by Irresponsible accusations, to supply the lack of arguments for voting for his ticket by a sort of smoke screen scandal, or has the gentleman lost his head In the face of his party's darkening prospects? Possibly the loose talk characteristic of Golden Boy Cromwell and Mc- Campbell and other Higher Ups on his ticket is proving contagious and the Monmouth Democratic leader and Hague lieutenant has fallen victim to it. In closing, let me state that the old adage of "People living In glass houses shouldn't throw stones" still rings true, although I am tempted to change it to read, that "People living in glass houses should not undress in the day time." Before any accusations are again made, let him first put his "house" in order. Not just another Republican, but an American citizen who believes In the American system of Fair Play. Sea Bright, N. J. Solomon J. Neimark. SEEING THE PRESIDENT. C. L. CHINNOCK,, New Jersey October 28th, Mr. Thomas Irving Brown, Register,, New Jersey. My dear Mr. Brown: I do not know your political afllllntlons, however, as a non-political man myself, and owing no allegiance to any particular party, I am watch- Ing the tactics and campaign speeches dt both parties and needless to state, I have come pretty close to making my personal choice and using my own ballot as I see fit. I am prompted at this writing to call your attention to an article appearing In the Jersey Journal of today's Issue. "To So* the Indispensable One." "How come? The school children were denied a holiday to see Willklo when he was in Jersey City and were told If they were r.bsent they would be picked up by truancy olllcers. But the schools along the line of march got time out today to sec Mr. Roosevelt. Maybe the Bonrrl of Education Is of the opinion that it Is a proper part of the education of a child of school age to see an Indispensable man." You are perhaps well awarn of the fact that the Jersey Journal Is the only Republican paper in Hudson county and I congratulate them upon bringing attention to the wonderful machine work demonstrated by Hudson county's one and only "boss." With kind personal regards, and best of luck to a really good paper, I KNOW YOUR AUTOMOBILE AND TRAFFIC LAWS. By Arthur W. Magee, N. J. Comnilsalooer of Motor Vehicle*. Driving Regulations. Keeping to the Right You must keep to tne right of >ht road. Stay In the extreme) right lane, not merely to the right of the center line, On bills and curves be especially cartful to keep well on your own side of the road. Emergency Vehicles Emergency vehicles have the right-of-way, If you hear a police, fire engine or ambulance siren or bell at any time, pull over to the curb and atop. If,thls la not possible, get aa far to the right hand side as you can and give the emergency vehicle enough room to get by. RIght-of-Way: Tht Average Intersection The law provides that If two cars are approaching an Intersection on different roads the vehicle reaching it first has the right-of-way. In case two cars arrive at an Intersection at the same moment the car on the right has the right-of-way. A car turning left at an Intersection across the path of an oncoming car has the right-of-way If It has itarted to turn before the oncoming ear has reached the Intersection. If both cars reach the Intersection at the same time, the car going atralght ahead has the right-of-way. Intersections of Main and Secondary Highways At Intersections which are protected by a Stop'sign the car on the main thoroughfare has the right-of-way If it has entered the Intersection or Is close enough that the necessity of a sudden stop might cause an accident. It Is the duty of the driver on the secondary road not only to come to a full stop at the Intersection, but to enter carefully so as to avoid any possibility of collision with the faster traffic orr the more heavily traveled highway. The Fundamental Rule About RIght-of-Way The Important thing Is not to Insist on the right-of-way if there is risk of an accident in so doing. You arc never justified In driving fast through an Intersection or failing to notice other cars, regardless of whether in a technical sense you have the right-of-way. The right-of-way rule does not authorize negligent or blind driving at Intersections. Passing When another driver ia trying to pass you, never increase your speed. Keep to the right and let him by. If you wish to drive slowly and road conditions are such that other drivers cannot past you safely because of oncoming traffic, curves or hills, It is a courteous act to pull over to the right, off the road, and signal the line of drivers behind you to come past. Be sure there is ample space ahead before passing other vehicles. Pass on the left of cars going In the same direction. Passing on the right Is only permitted when the driver you wish to pass has Indicated his Intention to make a left turn and has moved Into position leaving you enough space to get by on the right. According to the New Jersey law before passing another car outside of a business or residential district you must sound your horn to inform the driver ahead that you Intend to pass. Passing is not only dangerous but Is forbidden by law on hills and curves, nt Intersections and other dangerous places. Making Turns All hand signals should be given at a distance of at least 100 feet from the place of making the turn. In very cold or rainy weather, or at night when your car windows are closed be especially careful to watch the approach of cara from the rear before you alow down to make a turn. Ltu-f* crop «Something has act wits, fore* if Tha Christian Uelenca Monitor vouches for tht authoritative aourct of tht following dispatch. Circumstances o* tht Continent, which art readily understandable, make It Impossible to disclose the.point of origia of tht message. Coprriikt. IM',»r Tat Christian Bclanc* Publlsklns etleir, The Christian fclmee Monitor. FROM BUROPB (by radio to Tht Christian Science Monitor) Oct. M Something has gont wrong with Berlln't plaaa for Jfiance. What lies behind tht chaagt or how long It will endure is completely uncertain, but it can be stated oa high French authority that aa of today tha French Government haa taktn a firm attnd against Oerman proposals for "collaboration for European peace" between Franca aid Oermany. In fact, It Is learned authoritatively that aa of today tht petition at Vichy Is aa follows: 1. AH rumora concerning peace art untrue., 2. All rumors concerning preliminaries of peace ara untrut. S. All rumora concerning tha cession of colonies or any part of any colony to any Axlj country or any other country are untrue. 4. All rumors concerning tht surrender of strategic military or a*val buss In France, Africa, or any other French territory art untrue, 5. All reports conctrnlng permission for tht passagt of Ails troops through unoccupied French territory ra untrut.. i. All Information concerning possible collaboration of the French fleet against England are unturt. T. All rumors concerning the voluntary surrender of any part of France Itself ara untrue. iltjua Not Tht fact that tht German press did not publish the Vichy Governments communique on tha conversations between Relchsfuhrer Hitler and Marshal Petaln, provided the first hint that tomtthlng had gont wrong In tha German-French negatlatlont. This la further confirmed by Indications In Berlin that the communique fell short of German wishes. Obviously the s/idden stiffening of Vichy's attitude may be only a momentary maneuver In the tense dlp- Vichy'. wrramur to An* to halt trawl Britain praparwd to»y French to collaborate with lomatic dutl Involving moat of Europe which haa apparently brought new factors Into the Vichy situation. Informed quarters suggest three factors aa Important probable elements In the change, Tha first was tht week-end speech of Secretary of tale Cordsll Hull at the National Press club on October 2«again vigorously aligning the United States with those nations standing for Individual rights and International Integrity. Tht ttcond was President Rooeevslt's message to Marshal Petaln. Tht third Is reported to have been a blunt English warning to Vichy that thould It capitulate all the great Industrial centers of France would be Immediately bombed to the fullest power of tht Royal Air Force. Atawrlcsw EtmUona WatchaC These three factors probably coincided with domestlo factors In France to produce a audden shifting In the Internal Vichy balance of power which for the moment at least haa halted tht movement toward "collaboration" with Berlin. The Incident attests the importance which the American elections are playing In the current European scene with Ails Powers striving to present the American people with the appearance of a continent united under Axis leadership on November S. Nothing In the situation precludes an equally drastic shift of Vichy's position backward to Axis collaboration. It could happen tomorrow. But the fact remains that as of today Vichy for the first time since tha armistice has suddenly risen from Its prostration and taken a firm stand against the eweeplng tide of Axis success, going so far In Its momentary position to' suggest even a refusal to sign a peace which might cede Alsace-Lorraine to Oermany, although this cession had until now been taken for granted In all quarters. It may be only a final ganp or a revival of French will to mist, but today Vichy has halted the trend toward submission to Berlin. (Tha Register la very grateful to The Christian Science Publishing Society and The Christian Science Monitor for the special privilege oxtended to us In reprinting this copyrighted exclusive article. Ed.) Short Course For Poultrymen Recent word from Professor F. O. Mtlyar, director of Short Courses at Rutgers University, assures Monmouth county of a community ahort courat In poultry management during tht next few weeks, according to an announctment by M. A. Clark, County Agricultural agtnt. I A committee of leading poultrymen In Monmouth county have been work- Ing on this project for tome time, and their success la assured by notification from Professor Helyar.. The course, as outlined by Professor Helyar and Dr. Wlllard C, Thompson, head of the Poultry Department at the College, goes under i tht name of "Problems of Present Day Poultry Farming." There will be eight sessions, one per week on Monday evenings at 8 p. m. In the Court House. The first lecture will be on November IS, with subsequent meetings on November 2B, December 2, December 9, December It, December 30, January «and January 18. Experts from the College and Experiment station will be tht speakers. Tht topics will deal with managing poultry flocks, Involving the problems of feeding, breeding, housing, culling, diseases, poultry house equipment, use of electricity on the poultry farm, brooding and rearing, and the Interpretation of poultry records. The course will be operated as a school with a small registration fee for each person who participates. At the end of the course, each student will be given a certificate If he successfully paases an examination. Only those who register In advance will be eligible to attend. Working with the county agent to get the school for Monmouth county Is a committee composed of Henry Rapp of Farmlngdale, Howard L. Woodward of Tennent, Fred Daum of Engllshtown, Samuel Llpitz of West Farms and Eugene Bobrovnlchy of Maxim Station. I am Sincerely yours, C. h. Chlnnock, One of the smallest big game fish on record was an eight-pound sword- Ash caught near Havana. APPRECIATION. Mechanic Street School,, New Jeraey, October 28, l»40. Miss Louella Frey, Register,, New Jersey. My dear Miss Frey: The Better Entertainment Committee Is ready to begin IU seventh season of Better Entertainments for the children of and the surrounding communities. The committee appreciates the splendid publicity given too Its programs by the Register during the past six years. We wish to express to you at this time our thanks for the very able manner In which you have handled the publicity for the entertainments. May we enlist your Interest and help again this year In making this worth-while project a success? Tours very truly, Beulah Brecklnridge, Chairman. APPRECIATION. October 29, Editor, Register,, N. J. Dear Sir: We would like to take this opportunity to express to you our sincere thanks for the co-operation which you rendered to us recently In connection with our participation in Nationally Advertised Brands Week. Most sincerely, Clark-Cleveland Incorporated, R. Crosby Coughlla, i Viet President. P.T.A. Changes Meeting Dates Fair Haven Members Attend County Session Change! of dates of the Fair Haven Parent-Teacher association meeting wert announced at a special executive board meeting Thursday at the Willow street school, Fair Haven. Mrs. John O'Keefe, program chairman, reported that the Monday January IS, meeting has been changed to Tuesday, January 14. Thomas B. Harper, county superintendent of schools, will be the speaker. The April 14 meeting was advanced to April 7. Tear books for the association are completed and will be decorated with patriotic designs by the program chairman. Mrs. Berkeley Cater, study group chairman, reported that afternoon meetings will be held at the Willow street school and evening meetings at. members' hon'es. Afc*the sugesgtlon of Miss Jennie E. Worthley, school nurse, the P.-T. A. will provide cod liver oil and milk dally for three children in the achool system. Mrs. Ledyard Avery, welfare chairman Is In charge of this activity. Delegates who attended the meet- Ing of Monmouth County council of Parents and Teachers yesterday at Howell township school were Mrs. Arthur Rleman president, Mrs. Emil Baumann, Mrs. Sidney J. Wain, Mrs. Edgar V. Denlse, Mrs. George Woodward, Mrs. Cater, Miss Worthley and Roland Fennlmore, Sr. The executive board meeting will be Monday, November 4. District Deputy Conducts Service Mrs. Elizabeth Thlesmeyer of Fair Haven, worthy district deputy of the -16th New Jersey district, Eastern Star, was In charge of the special church service at the Presbyterian church Sunday night. Mrs. Thlesmeyer was matron of chapter during the year. Throughout the state this month each worthy district deputy arranges a church service for the chapter under her jurisdiction. There are 14 chapters In this district and all sent delegates. Rev. John A. Hayes had as his sermon text, "The Romance of Ruth." The church organist and quartet participated In the service. The Craft Choristers, under the direction of Allan Woolley of Long Branch, sang several numbers. Francis Kodama of Shrewsbury was pianist for the Choristers. NAMED ON COMMITTEE. James B. McAfee, president of the Monmouth County Board of Realtors, and Percy A. Gaddls of Red Bank, president of the Jersey City Board of Realtors, have been appointed as mmebers of the commitpolnted as members of the commitbig attendance of realtors at tho National Association of Real Estate Boards convention to be held in Philadelphia the week of November 11. The oldest agricultural college In the United States li Michigan State, established Is 1853.

7 Lutherans' New Chapel The proposed chapel and educational unit which Gethsemane Evangelical Lutheran church of looks forward to conatructing In obiervance of iti 10th annlveriiry. Approaching the tenth anniversary of Ita organization, Gethsemane Evangelical Lutheran church of Key' port looks forward optimlttically to the construction of ita own House of Worship. The building will be of English design and ia to be constructed on the Unit Plan constating of a chapel wing and a Parish House wing for religious educational purposes, Leading from the Chancel which la located In the East end of the chapel is a wing to h» used as the pastor's study and on the opposite side of the chancel la a wing for the future Installation of an organ. The interior of the chapel i, of open roof trust construction and appointments are in keeping with the traditions, teachings And practice! of the Lutheran church. The overall dimensions are 8A feet from the East nd of the chapel to the West end of the parish house wing and 57 feet from the South end to the North end of the parish house. From an attractive and well appointed entrance on Maple place, one enters a vestibule from which he may go directly Into the chapel or the pariah house. The seating capacity of the chapel is 12S with choir eating arrangements in the chancel for 18, Provisions are also made for an overgow attendance In the adjoining parish house which will seat ap- Hada&sah Hears Broadway Player Gordon Merrick Is Speaker at Meeting Gordon Merrick, who was a member of the cast of the play "Th< Man Who Came to Dinner," spok< at a meeting of the Jersey Shor chapter, Hadassah, Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Jacob Yanko on Peters place. Mr, Merrick, who has served as actor and director at the Princeton university theater, spoke on "Th Broadway Drama Since 1920." In "The Mnn who Came to Dinner," which had a long and succesjfu run on Broadway last season, thi speaker played the role of the critic's son. He has played several sea sons at the Spring Lake Community theater, iind with the Farragui Players In New Hampshire. Mrs. Alexander C. Hubert, of Fair Haven, president, announced the Joint Hadassah Sabbath at Temple Beth Miriam, Long Branch, Friday, proximately 110. There will be no basement contraction and provision la made for finishing up the second floor over the pariah house thus providing an additional meeting room ishlng extension service in East about 20x40 feet. The building is designed by Frederic Fessler, architect of Hazlet, and has been approved by the Board of Architecture of the United 'Lutheran church In America and the committee Keansburg where it promotes a Sunday-school for children and holds Vesper services every Sunday evening. In 1937 the congregation extended a call to the Rev. Russell I... McCul- on Home Missions of the United lough to become its pastor. Pastor Lutheran Synod of New York. The organizing of a Lutheran congregation in was the result of Interest by the Rev, Paul J. Trltschler and the church council of Holy Trinity Evangelical Lutheran church,, in Upon request to the Home Missions committee of the United Lutheran Synod of New York, the Rev. Ellis R, Buirgeu, missionary superintendent of the Metropolitan area, directed a canvass of the territory embracing, Matawaii, and Keansburg: The flrst church' service was held September 13, 1981 and the congregation was formerly organized September 27, 1931, under the leadership of Dr. Burgess. The flrst church council consisted of August Muehlhausen, Jr., John H. B&hrenburg, Br., Gunner Olsen, Rudolf Vogel, Robert A. Johnson, G. C. H. Thomsen and Richard J. Guderjahn. In 1932 the congregation extended a call to Rev. William T. Hell to become its pastor and entering upon his pastoral duties June 1, 1932 pastor Hcli served until March 31, In 1932 the congregation was incorporated in from which center it was to serve adherents of the Lutheran faith from neighboring communities. Since 1935 the congregation has been carrying on a flour- Carpenter, Joyct Conway, 1'engy DeLanoy, Joyce Dixon, Lola England, Florence Fo- Uel*ou, Frank Howiand, Dorothy Jones, Marylyn Jordan, Albert Laehdtr. Marcella November 8. Mrs. Sidney Komar Maclntoiih, Jerry Maf>en, William McCue. of rend a report on cur-mariorent events prepared by Mrs. Her-rtck Richardson, Sally Albright, Thomas O'Connor, Theodore Keilly, Frank Scott, Harry S«n»<!*man, Elsie Stone, Pat* man Komar of Little Silver. Bestlrk. Marshall Crlser, Janet Kniitice, Madeline Thompion, Raymond Went, Fay Other reports were given by Mrs, Widerstrom, Gwendolyn Witkoski, Mary Louis Farb of Long Branch on jun-anior Hadassah group activities. Mrs, (icorfe DeLanoy, Robert Ens t ice, Hetty Byrne, Jtre Carew, Viola Carter, Harry linger of Asbury Park also Ftit, Madeline Harding-. Veronica Ilraly, gave a report. Mrs. Harry Strausi of Long Branch has given a gave' to the organization. itaw members to join the organization Include Mrs. A. Kamber, Mrs Steve Brodle, Mrs. C. Simon and Mrs. Jacob Stern. Guests were Mrs, Sidney Hodaa, Mrs. Leonard Gettclson and Mrs. Irving Goldman. C. A. R. To Knit For Red Cross Year books were distributed at the meeting of Hannah Baldwin society, Children of the American Revolution, Friday afternoon at the home of Miss Dorothy Cadman at Knollwood. The society also voted to knit for the Red Cross. The girls of tho society will knit squares to be combined into an afghan to be given to tho Red Cross organization. Tho boy members of tho group will make crossword puzzle books. Mrs. Ehrick Parmly of Fair Haven, state chairman of conservation and thrift, spoke on C. A. R. work. She outlined Red Cross projects and suggested various things which the C. A. R. members could do. The society will hold a dance at Christmas time. Bnrbnro. Knapp is chairman o,f the dance committee. At the next meeting In November, members of the Mary Stlliwel! impiety, C. A. R., will meet with tho group. Aftor a buffet Bupper a roller pkating party will be held. Others present were Mnrlon Bnllly, Annntlc Johnson, Shirley Conover, SnmiiPl Harvey, Jr.. president, Jackpnn CnnovPr, Mrs. R. M. Cadman and Mrs. Charles C. Conover. Register want nds are read by so many readers that you can be sure of Interesting replies. Get what you need through The. Register's want ad columns.---advertisement Scholastic Honor Lilt at Runuon McCullough entered upon his pastoral duties October 1, During the first seven years the congregation held its services in the Masonic Temple, and in the Fall of 1(11)8 it continued services in the Presbyterian church, Broad street,. In, 1B39 property on the South West corner of Mapln place and Main street,, was purchased for building purposes and the congrega- RED BANK REGISTER, OCTOBER 31, Norman K. Stolftet, Henry A.» Morgan, John Redaelll and S. M. Gilberttion looks /oryvurd anxiously to the construction of its own house of worship, with adequate facilities for The following are patrons and associate members: Mrs. Thomas carrying on the program of the congregation. Brown, Mrs. Campbell Clark, Mrs. The congregation and pastor wishes to express their sincere appreciation to the following friends and business men^of who have either contributed or subscribed to contribute $500 toward the erection of their church home, Conover Lumber company, Harry Thomas, Louis Kottenbeig, Mrs. W. D. Swartzel, Amos Jirown, Louis Costa, Frank Wclgund, H. S. Bcdle, W. S. Wallace, R. T. Hopkins, Atlantic and Pacific Tea company, Mr. Cohen, L. Schuttenberg, P. Feigensen, I. Prager, T. J. Ward, Conklln's, Quality Bakery, Surprize Store, J. Westreich, Hubert Market, American Stores Company, Newberry Stores, Stanley Diner, Mr. Sussman and Rollo Transportation. Eleanor Porcelli Engaged To Wed General mathematics Charles Brister. Art Viola Carter, Patricia Hnida. Jaru Woodruff, Jerry Mepea, John Malloy, firacr McGirr, Betty Ottmttn, Madeline '1'hompe.on. J'hyllU Vinci, Gwendolyn Witkoski. Mechanical drawing Martin Van!)runt, Oshorn Patten, Karl Krlstlansen, Albert I.iiehder, Jean Walton. Marshal] Crlser, Harold llallliran, Rerl Laird, Jack Macintosh, Wolfred Went. Shop Clinton Osier, Stanley Kerr, Lnwii Davit on, Kark Krlstlanaen, Jark Macintosh, a c n. ThomaB Bestlck, WI Ilium (Jay- nor, Harold Hallla;an, Hygiene Mary Ann Byrne, Veronica H«Vfyi l Patricia Ptii H'Hnida., Muilcal appreciation James Stalfa Doris Allen, Joyce Conway, Ronald Jeffrey, Mary Ann VanHorn, Mary Ann Byrne, Viola Carter, Madeline Hnrdinjr, Veronica Healy, Patricia Hnida, Hetty Maine, Rosemary Seigl. Patricia Hsihla, Patricia Ryan, Frank Scott, Walter Scott. English Helen Black. Card Bruce, Fritia Bullwinkle, Madelyn Carew, Barbara David Hicks, Patricia Hnida, Robert Lnuher, Mary Moran, Patricia Ryan, Rosemary Sergl, Rosemary Stanley, Chailivi Krister, Ronald Jeffrey, Rodney Lancuter, Dorian, Ross. Doris Allen, Freda Brabln, Kenneth I Coakler, Donald G*hn. Betty Ottman, j Sheiln Roy, Barbara Strgl, Nathalie Titus, ' Kenneth SoRKerman, Leonard Feldt, Bioloijy Jane Woodruff, Leonard Feldt, i Kenneth Se«, Latin Ken nrth SeKK*rmtn. Helen Black, Dorothy JOUM, > General aclrncc Patricia Hnida, Chnrlei Briater, Harold Emmom, Ralph Evam, Florence Fnnrlson, Ronald Jeffrey, Mary Ann Van Horn. Chtmktry Jack Delator, Ann* Stommpl. Physic* Charles Rahrlf, Harvty Marcell UP, History Thomas Bastick, Wolfred West, Helen Black, Carol Bruce, Frank Howiand, Ronald Jeffrey, Patricia Hnida, Patricia Ryan, Rosemary Stanley, David Hlcki, Veronica Healy, Jack Deliier, Ella Ryan, Annt Stommel, Charles Rehrtf. Economics Erneit Gardella, Helen Rle< rrlman. French Ernest Gardella, Allct Moll, _an* Woodruff, K*nn«th Se^gennan, Anne Stomroel, Allc* Mana. Aliebra Helen Black, Carol Bo wen, Carol Bruce, W11 lard Emmons, Ronald Jeffrey, Albert Laehder, Rodney Lancaster, Harvey Mareellus, Marlon O'Connor, Theodora Rellly, Harry Sesierman, Edwin PeUn, Charlotte Rellly, Jack Del«1er, Brendn Smith. Spanish June Anderson, Dila Coakley, 'onard Feldt, 'Camcla Pasijua, Emily Seraftni. Arithmetic Mary Ann Byrne, Veronica Healy, David Hick*, Patricia Hnida, Paircia Ryan. Ronemsry Stanley, Shorthand Hetty Maclntnsh. Plane Reometry June Anderson, Lron* -rd Frldt, Muriel Fowler, Shirley KIIIKS- Innd, Dorothy Little, Franklin Little, Har- >py MRrcrllun, Kenneth SegKcrmnti. Jane rt'oodruit. Typewrit ink Barbara Williamson, Eve* yn Bennett, Rorothy Cadtnan, June An- Irrson. Betty Wett. Home economic* Phyllis Vinci, Sally \tbrinht, Grace Frfccli, Betty Buntpus, Mary Ann Byrne, Viola Carter, Roit Foiie- nro, Veronica Healy, Patricia Hnidn, letty Maine. F*f*ry DeLanoy. Joyce DlXon,, irncn Acker. Doris Allen, Fretla FiaMn, r'ritir Bullwlnkfl. Joyce Conway. Ixils EiiKUnd, Doris Hallenbiike, KHiabeth Har- \*. Hetty Ottmnn, Dorian Rons, Elsio [tone, Mary Ann Van Horn. Dorothy Hny-,rd, Gertrude Booker, Phyllis Boyce, Frank odetnro, Ella J«an Conkley, Helen Relr.t>l< inn, Anna WlHlamn. More than a million American fam- Ucs are using commercial lockers In froaud Xood plt-nts. The following pupils of Rumson Mrs. Maria Porcelli of River street high school received the highest announced the engagement of her mark of "A" In the subjects listed 1 daughter. Miss Eleanor Porcelli, to Stanley O. Wllklns, Harry A. Wilson, J. Frederick Talcott, John below. Thi* mark represent* the Augustus Del Vecchia, son of Mrs. pupil'* achievement at the end of the Ada Mattacclo of, Sun- Carey, J. S. Parkes and E. W. Scudder. eix-week marking period. day at a family dinner party at the Porcelli home. No date has been set for the wedding. Miss Porcelli 1B a graduate of Red Bank high school and is employed in the offices of the Globe Oil company. Mr. DclVecchia is also a Red Bank high school graduate and is employed by a roofing company here in. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Adolf Mattacclo, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Slgnorclli, Misses Angela Mattacclo, Phyllis and Gcncvleve Porcelli, Angclo Del Vecchia, John Mattacclo and Fred Porcelli. VOTE FOR JOSEPH P. HINTELMANN THERON McCAMPBELL DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES Oratorio Society To Give Concert November 28 Active and Associate Membership It Large- Arthur Gibb President The members of the Monmouth Oratorio society ate now making plans for winter activltlei. Thursday night, November 28, the society will give a recital of sacred music at Trinity Episcopal church, Asbury Park. J. Stanley Farrar, organist and choirmaster at St. George's Episcopal church, Ruinson, conducts the chorus. Arthur Gibb of Rumson la president of the society. Other ofliceifi include R. W. Morgan, vicepresident; Mrs. Gladys Bovle, secretary, and J. S. Knott, treasurer. Mrs. Stanley Nichols and Dr. Henry Dorr of Long Kranch are cochairmen of the patronb and associate members committee. Other committee members include Mre. Ruth Campbell, Mrs. Inger FHIB, Mil. E. J. Parker, Mn. William D. Sayte, Mrs. F. E. Barker, Mrs. M. J. Connelly, Mrs. C. J. Greenfield, Mrs. Emil Uardell, Miss Mabel Thompson, Miss Mai-y K. Kmlth, Arthur Fawcctt, George Gray and Walter B. Ludwig. The society has an active menibeibhip of more than 90 membera. Anyone desirous of joining the organization should contact Mr. Gibb or members of the patrons and associate members committee. Members who joined the society this fall include Mrs. Helen Gcnnert, Mrs. W. A. Robbins, Mrs. Philip Wainwright, Misses Lillian Jordan, Joffrette Corre, Pauline E, Pinkard, Helen McKee, Doris Hurst, Sarah Porter, Coi-ene Howell, Betty McGregor, Patience Shankland and Helen Jones, Richard Wilkinson, Ernest Fahnestock, Mrs. H. E. Gibb, Mis. Inmo Gulden, Mrs. Paul Harrison, Mrs. William S. Haskell, Mrs. Evan F. Jones, Mrs. Florence W. Lucdcr, Mrs. Gurdon M. Maynard, Mrs. Thomas N. McCartcr, Mr«, Henry I. Riker, Mrs. Samuel Rlker, Mrs. P. Sanford Ross, Mrs. Andrew V. Stout, Mrs. Olive Wyckoff, Mrs. William B. Kinney, Mrs. William G. Lawrence, Mrs. Edgar A. Knapp, Mrs. E. A. Stat-ks, Mrs. J. Daniel Tuller, Mrs. George Gray Ward, Mrs. Dexter Blagden. Miss Matilda A. Pillot, Miss Rhoda Southall, Clarence A. Bettman, George M, Bodman, Thomas Brown, Henry E. Butler, George V. Coe, L, W. T. Colcman, Frederick H. Douglas, Henry R. Dwight, Neilson Edwards, Van R. Halsey, Amory L. Haskell, William 3. Haskell, J. Lewis Hay, William H. Hlntelmann, Frank B. Hurd, John Prentice Kel logg, Gurdon M. Maynard, Robert H. McCarter, Thomas N, McCarter, J. K. Rice, 3rd, Nicholas G. Rut gers, Jr., J. Sanford Shanley, Dr. Supported by Merchants. The Register Is supported by local as well as out-oftown business men, Advertisements appearing regularly tell the story, Advertisement. Check Radiator Connections Install Anti-Freexe F.G.JAUDYINC RED'BANK PHONE 1709 FOR MEMBERS OF General Assembly * JOSEPH P. HINTELMANN ELECTION DAY TUESDAY, NOVEMBER Sth, 1940 POLLS OPEN 7 A. M. TO 8 P. M. Pali] for liy Red Bnnk Democratic CommitUe FUEL OIL Special Cash Plan 200 Gals, or More. Do you pay 9% more for your fuel oil! For what a little fancy tales talk. You know "sales talk" won't put any beans on your table, and that's what counts. Buy the sensible, thrifty way. Hance & Davis Tel Civil Service Positions Open The United States Civil Service commi»slon has announred open competitive examinations for the positions listed below. Applications must be filed with the commission's Washington office not later than November 25, if received from states east of Colorado, and not later than November 28 if received from Colorado and statea westward. The salaries are subject to a retirement deduction of 3'i percent. Senior specialist in higher education, $4,600 a year, office of education, Federal Security agency. The duties of this position Include making studies of problems in the field of higher education involving curricula, methods of Instruction, faculty welfare, student personnel, financial support, etc. Applicants must have completed a four-ye;ir college course and in addition must have had progressive experience In the field of higher education, including experience in making or supervising normative and comparative studies of higher institutions of learning. Superintendent of clothing factory, salaries ranging from $2,600 a year to (3,800 a year; foreman tailor, salaries ranging from $1,860 a year to $2,300 a year. The salaries vary with the establishment to which assigned. Employment is under the bureau of pruon Industries, department of Justice. Applicants must have had experience in the clothing manufacture business sufficiently broad to render them familiar with materials and processes used. Part of the experience for either position must have been in an appropriate supervisory capacity. No written examinations will be given for these positions. Applicants will be rated on their qualifications as shown in their applications and on corroborative evidence. Full Information as to the requirements for these examinations, and application forms, may be obtained from P. J. Gisleson, secretary of the board of U. S. Civil Service examiners, at the postofflce. Mr*. Jonaason Get* Divorce. Mrs, VivLan Johnson Jonusson of Monmouth Beach has been granted a divorce from Robert Jonasson, for desertion. Mrs. Johnson, known along the shore as operator of the Monmouth Beach Inn, which was destroyed by fire several years ago, and Mr. Jonasson were married at New York November 3, The desertion took place in are no children. There Page Seven Change Old Rooms To New Ones... Be Proud Of Your Home! Save Time, Money and Energy. Why hop around! I.<>t us help you refurnish your living room, dining room, kitchen and bathroom and bring your home up-to-date in comfort, heuuty and convenience. l^et Sherman's show you how! We have plans, advice and e»perienc«... everything t o make your horn* new! This service costs you nothing. Free Estimates! The economy of refurnishing will amaze you! You, too, can afford to make your home modern and convenient. See ua soon for estimates or let ua come to sea you. Plan now to increase your comfort... add to your home pleasures now! Phone 2646 for other information The Sherman Shop Inc. 56 Broad St., The Style Center for the Home VENETIAN BUNDS - OKAPKIUES - CURTAIN* BEDSPREADS. SLIP COVERS THE"HOT"NUMBER " [TOT" price and "hot" car that's Xl why the 1941 Oldsmobiles are elling like hot cakes all o\ - er America! Compare prices and you'll find the beautiful big Olds Special is right down in the low-price field. Compare cars and you'll find nothing at anywhere near the price that matches Olds in value. Check again Olds prices begin at $852 for Special Six Business Coupe. Sedan prices start at $898, ^delivered at sing, Mich. State tax, optional equipment and accessories e.vfra. Prices subject to change without notice. A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE THE CARjf in the fields of popular and medium price. You'll agree that Oldsmobile's stunning Dynamic Cruiser is the stand-out "buy"in one the magnificent Olds Custom Cruiser in the other. See these great new cars with their choice of a 100 H, P. Six or a 110 H. P. Straight-Eight Engine and you'll be "hot" for Oldsl flqw PRICE! -THE MOST * ^mmmarkable PRICE EVER $JOTED TOR A guality CAR! ALL OLDS MODELS OFFER HYDRA-MAT1C DRIVE* Hydra-Matic Drive U man than just a fluid coupling, aven more than an automatic four-speed transmission. It's R thrilling combination of bothl It eliminates clutch, clutch pedal und all Rear shifting. It steps up performance and SFIVPS money on gasoline. Come in today for a demonstuiion drivel ^Optional at Extra Cost SMOBILE HOWLAND B. JONES MOTOR CO. 8 MAPLE AVENUE, RED BANK, NEW JERSEY

8 Effihl RED BANK REGISTER, OCTOBER 81,19?0. Last of MiddletownDist. Selective Service Registrants 1393 Robert Sidney Smith, 74 Writ Highland avenue, Atlantic Highland* 1894 Elvin Thomas Kenning. 127 Ridge road, Belford im Joseph August Bichler, RFD,! Kcvtiort. yj 1191 fit in)ry Altari, UrJnn Union Beach 1SS7 Alfred Knil. BOX»5, Hatlet lf" Cameluie Manconica, RFD, 1 port avenue. Key James J Henry Arker*on, Haslet 1400 Lnui» Martin Lftwenskr, IM'O Florence avrmir, Unicn Reach 14*1 Ralph Kelsey Coward, 34 Center Ireel, Union Bench 1493 Louts W. Fur man, Newman Jane, Wot K earn burg 1408 Albion Claud** Rrjdeau, S3 WasMngton street, 1404 Joseph Thomas McCarthy, Columbia avenue, Union Hpach 1405 Wilbur Harare Hammond, Holmdel J40«Rol>ert Gerard Parker, 197 Broadway, H07 Melvin George Ullmeyer, Liberty lane, West Keansburg 1408 Robert Mortimer Johnson, 4 Weddelt avenu«, 1401 Everett Ellsworth Carhart, Franklin avenue, Keansbuiv 1410 Waller Mitchell Wlu.-l:«r. 38 Bfachwood avenue, Keansburg 1111 Donald Mclaughlin. Lincroft 1412 Joseph Ray field lrftls. Valley drive, Atlantic Highland* 1411 Raymond Thomaa Wallace, Middletown 1414 John Horare Fleming, 46 Bay avenue Edward Joaeph Harbison, Half MMi road, Rtd Bank 1411 Robert Cowlci Howland, 115 Bay view avenue, 1417 Stanley J. Thompson, Main road Lincroft 1411 Thomas Joteph Britton, Peak street Highlandt 1419 Frederick Parkerson Reed, Jr., 139 Highland avenue, 1420 George Frederick Cook, 15 Pint atreet, 1421 Italic Thomas Muigrove, Brtty ave> nue, East Keansburg 14:2 Edward Blair Dobsou, Center avenue, 1428 Harold Westley Hallett. Fort Han Wealey Daniel Hcndricks, 4 Pros, pect avenue, Atlantic High land i 1426 Max Leonard Huethlein, 75 Odai atreet, East Keamburg 1421 Frank Boyce, 238 Main street, 1427 Paul Franklin Fowler, Sean avenue, Navesink 1421 Eugene Madden Bahms, 8 Grandview avenue, Keansburjt 142t Joseph James Quail. Bray avenue, East Keansburg 1410 Harvty Vincent Brown, 36 Fulton street, * 1411 Jamea Aloyiious Brady, 65 West Highland avenue, 1411 Robert Woodrow King, Fort Hancock 1433 Michael Wallace. Middletown 1484 Leonard J. Morin, Fort Hancock 1435 George Martin Morgan, Beers street, Keypori 1484 Russell Inland McCulbugh, First street, 14IT Robert Canady Harrit. Fort Han- HII Harold John Martin, 127 Osborn street, 14SI^~Henrr.lames. Brook avtnue, Atlan Uc 1441 Francis Sylvester Kennedy, 284 First atreet, 1441 Edward John Morrissej, Grand evenu*. It4t Daniel Milton Clark. 417 Atlantic street, 1441 James Thompson, (I Fulton street, 1444 Jnniout Earl Laws on, It Hurley treat. Key port 1441 Theodore Harris, Jr., Henry place, East Keansburg 1444 Kenneth Christian Debele, Kentucky avenue. East Keaneburg Mtchael Joseph Kerchner, St. Peteri place, 1448 John Francis Rauch, South End avenue, Fort Monmouth 1449 William John Sutherland, Main street, Belford 1450 Kenneth Herman Meinert, 34 Nave. sink avenue, 1451 William Chandler Patterson, 561 Everett road, 1452 Patrick Joseph Shcehan, HMford avenue, 1468 Elbert Harmon Peteier. 151 First treat, 1414 Robert Herbert Lot an, Box 241, At- lantle" 1411 Henry Paul Hanson, Chapel road. Navesink Hill MM Martin Mortenson. 108 Third avenue, 14M Mkha*l G. Stavola, Navwlnk River load. Bad Bank 4ll Winfleld Franca Maurer, Beers tract, Mil James Letts, Jr., Mountain avenue, Leonard* I4tf Joseph Louts Whitney, Chureh street, Belford 1491 Frank Emil Byrne, II Manchester avenue,, 14tt William John MaeFhee, 182 Flomar avenue, Uflt Kenneth Chalmers Murray, 105 Memorial Parkway, 1414 May Duane Whitney, Navesink River road Theodore Funk Barbor. 298 First street, ltat Webster Luuia Wnnife, l,inrrnft 1467 Fernand Jean Liot, 119 Seabreeze avenue, Keansburff 14*1 John Reuben Cromwell, Nutswamp road, 1411 John Cook Cooper, Navesink avenue, Navesink 1471 John Henry Kelly, Nutswamp road, Louis Ralph Mar tie, Palmer avenue, Raritan township 1472 Reimer Severen Lputh, 76 Manning place, Keamburg 1471 Eueene Edward Barrett. 96 Fulton trtet, 1474 Donald Quaekenbuih. Valley drive. Naves ink 1476 Charles Comfort Redfern. Jr., 200 Creed road, Keansburc 1474 Frank Matthew Johnson. Harvard atreet, 1477 Leroy CloBe Aumack, 52 Kearney street, 1471 Samuel Frank Septen, 24 Fultnn atreet, 1479 Herbert Hugo Sehulstadt, Sandy Hook road, Belford 14SI William A. Fltterer, Church street, Belford 1481 Victor Thomas Yankoskl. Washington avenue. Union Bench 1482 Charles Albert Bennett, Church atreet. Belford 14gg K0y Seaman Matthews, - Amboy road, 1484 William Carl Schlichenmaier, Laurel avenue, 1488 Fred Charles Van Clief, 26 Laurel avenue, Kearnburg I486 William Harrison White. Foole avenue, 1487 Albert Fitzgerald Hill. 78 Fulton atreet, 1411 John Denny Dale, Nsveslnk River mad, Middletown 1489 Charles August Ols*n, 94 Broad street, 14»0 Ralph Matthews Thorpe. Leonard. ville road. Belford 1491 Douglas Fromtn, Ho] aid el' 1492 John Anthony Ptroizi, 92 Main atreet, 149S Clifford Stout Compton, WallinR avenue, Belford 14S4 Joseph Randall Kleckn^r, Atlantic atreet, 14PS William Henry Hubert, Navesink avenue, Navenink 1496 Martin Harold Kelly. Lincroft 1497 John Leon Schanck, Jr Maple place. Keynort 1491 Aldridge Gabrile Hill, SI FinevUw avenue, Keansburg 1499 Thomas Matthew Cunn, (ireenjtrovc avenue, Keyporl IK 00 Sylventer ThomaR Sheppard, Port Monmouth ro^il. Keansburg 1681 Carl Robert F.nglund. Jr., Box P8, Holmdrl U02 Karl Clark S'.ultt, Atlantic street, 1603 Thoman Jom>ph Snlmon, Chapel Hill road, 1604 William Raymond Richardson, Thomaa street, BHfnrd 1505 Robert Jacob Helfrich, it Seabreeie Way. KcanHburn Uflfi Charles Felix Gotschalk, Riverside Heights, 1G07- Elic Leon Berjoncln, road, New Monmouth K0S Stephen Berentea, RFD, 1, Red Bank 160B Jumea Calhoun Sheldon, 112 ront street. Keyporfc IS 10 Alexander William Robertson, Box R21. llill Walter EverlnRham, Clinton avenue, Rust-ell Grover Leonard, Box 197, Line reft 1618 Jonrph Hansrr, Church street, Belford 1614 Harold William Purrus, 898 First Ulroot. Kcypnrt 1M4 Michael l.uncttn. 4S Grand avenue, Atlantic Hiphland* 1616 William Henry Pitts. Box 71. Atlantic Hiirhlands 1517 Norman Charles Piney, 90 Fulton street, Kpyport I51g.fohii Jo<ti<ph Stern, 106 J-frmorial Park way, 1M9--Matthew I*nn Muilin, Lincroft 15-0 Hpnjnmin ]»aac Jlfiwiey, Mablc avenuo, William Hnyce flaitney. Lincroft 1622 Hind Conant Sppar, 23 Huhbard R\ en UP, J(rd Hank I52S-- Rich ii nl Ilfl.vmoiid Thompson, 42 Hubharit avenup, Krd Hank l,.c Aloysius I'arkor, Valley avenue Kolicit I'm skit'vir*. 4-1 Prospect 1526 John Josi-ph Speziale, 61 Navesink avenue, 152" irviiik Jtittermnn, 140 Bay avenue, 1528 Joseph Venion Bogart, Manning street, River Plaza S2f» Kdpar Charles Downs, Box 47, Navi pink Jinny Stocum rircamp, 49 H"bbai Hvcituc. Kf d Bank 1531 AIPX Koloda, 41 Hubbnrd avenu 1532 Kdwarii Francis Eustace, Msin roa Everett, Kryport Patrick Boyle, 140 Bay avenue, A Jantic 1534 Austin James Kly, RKD, 2. Kfypor 1685 William L. Wheat ley, Thlrtcenf street, West Keimsbtirg 15SS Virtur Klli.-t Un'k, Twilight terrace JliKhlands 1&87 Joseph Adolph Derby, 249 Bay HUP, 15S8 Joxtph Jolin Kankaiifikai, Victoi place, Union Beach 1639 John Laurence Hoyd, Eighth streei Wr?t Kpansburir William Lroiiard Clark, Seventl street, Union Beach 1541 John Aloyslus (iallagher. Ccntc avenur, 1542 Thomns Michael Daly, Box S12, R«Bank 1643 Frank John Let teller. Highlam avenue, 1544 Jamrs Andrew White, SB Shrews bury avenue, High lands 1545 Edwin H. LaRue, 10 Second street, ili^hlands 1546 Charles Edward Williams, 69 Wate; Witch avenue, 1547 Kussi-ll Kverham, Atlnnttc Gardens John Adam KtUichel, Washington Hvcnue, 1549 FrHiuMs " Kay Kehoe, street, 1550 tlarrt-tt Alfred Carson, Spring!) road. 120 Millei Newman 1551 Peter Hupeski, Wilson avenue, Porl Monmoulh 1652 Frank Richard Wetland. Tench avenue, Box 51, 1B53 Wallace Douglas 1'arker, 148 Bay avenue Ferdinand Leopold Aaller, 76 Miller street Francis John Dolnney, Mills avenue, 1666 Krnpst Harrow Anderson. Box 2, 1567 Thomns Bartlrtt: Ahorn, 44 South Bay avenue, Hijrhlands I Bpnjamin Phillips, 11 Miller street 1559 Charles Woodrow Dempsey. 200 Linden avenue, 1560 Paul Cornelius Schoellner, Viola venue, 1561 William Cllbprt Manion, Holmdel road, Lincroft 1662 Robert.lamen Flanagan, 30 Cornwall street, 1563 William Lawrence Wolf, 82 Foster street, Red Dank 1664 John Roderick Mason, Mable ave mie, 1665 Harold Hopgon, Maple avenue, Key 1566 Raymond Francis Hull, Highland avenue, 1567 Robert Aloyaius Cooney, 7 Fifth street, Raymond Britton Franklin, 78 Carpenter street, 1669 William Thompson Alexander, Lin rroft road, Lincroft 1670 Richard Chnrlpa Coblens, Red Hill road. Middletown 571 Milton Joseph Horlock, Broad street, HJffhway Jtfi, Middletown.871 Guntinc John Abarno, RFD, 1,,571 fiporge Robert Frans, RFD, 1, Holmdel 574 Valentine Joseph Baslch, Stone road, 575 Harold Christopher Hallowell, Hamilton avenue, ljeonanio 57 6 Bernard Mount, 9 Fourth atreet, Hlnhlands 677 Barnard Joseph Crpijthton, 35 Fortland road,.678 Firman flrover Mount, 33 Fourth otropt, 579 Arthur Klnnngan, Stone Church rond.,680 Andrew John McCiownn, 24 Second street. SSI Wallace Loyal* Hnrti»grove, if, Miller Ptrpet. Highlnncln 5B2 William Carson McNally, 1 Burtina place, 588 Albeit Alwood Eastmond, Aumach avenue, Union Beach 584--Vincent Astnr Taylor, 45 YanDom ntreet, Kryport 585 William Arnold Lcuttchaw, Bayvlcw avenue, Union Bench.58B Raymond Ernest IMerson, 133 Main street, Kcyport.587 Barclay Augustun Henderson, Bethatiy rond, Uuzirt 588 Harold Jolin Behr, Poole avenue, Union Bench 689 Andivw Mikic Eeblo, Box 112,.590 Howant Michael Mowery, RFD, road, Hnrlet.601 Edward Wcstendorf. WMUB place, KennsburB 592 Wllbcrt I'HUI Grothilsen, 19 Bay Shore linulrvard, Keanshurg 598 Peter Muhaluk, Victoria place, Union Bffich 594 Rorrn Cnrtano Peace, road, Hamlet.K95 William Henry VanBrunt, Holmdel.596 Mfldon Vanlliper Stultx, Elizabeth - street, Kryport 597 Krrd.Inmc Rollar. RFD. Atlantic 698 Thnrmis,In-<erh Perno, Broadway, Uninn Bench,509 Alvin AlHm Adams, 404 Carr avenue, KcaiiMturg fioo Wnlter Strvenson Ackerstjn, Hazlet dol Terpgrino Nnvnn Romero, 75 Port Monmmith rond. Keansburg 602 DnnCnlvin Porter, 2*2 Broad itrett, Kpyport 60S Edward Martin, 10 Lohspn place, 604 Hcrtrnm Matthews. Depot streit, Kfanshu 80S William Ralph Maher, Box 25, HolnuM 606~Krnnpthh mt Conklin, Jr., 228 Mi Main plrctt. l 607 Kilward Rappleyea, RKD,, KazlPt 1608 Christopher August Japger, RFD, 1, 1 GO? Walter 1'ny Swartie], Jr.. Maple place, Kpyport 1610 Herbert Bniley. K Leonard avenue, 1611 John Purvis Whiiehead, Bay View avenue, Union Beach 1612 Benedict Mione, Holmdel road. Hat- Irt 1618 Thomas MUIIUPI Cnlden, 285 Church ntrert, 1614 t-p.roy Francis Kmrnonn, Box 206, Kryport 1816 Iinmenick Anthony CnrUsn. 69 avenup P.. Atlantic Hluhland* 1610 Peter Paul Seuirkie, Florence avenup, Union Reach 1617 Edmund Cniften Hill. 215 Atlantic avenur, Kpyport lfi 18 August PlnRer, Bay avenue, Union Bench lfilfl_thnman Anthnny PiVc, Raritan avenue, Htchlands 1620 Potrr Charlen Karlton. US street, Kpyport 1621 Richard Klihu Rowe, 201 street, Kryport 1622 Charles S. Fne«, Route 36, West Kpanslmrir 1623 Michael Hnrmylc. Holmilel Ifi2 4 Norman Nathaniel Sprub mouth HilM. Main Beers Mon- 162Ti Gordon Allan Marshall, VanBrunt place, Keansburg 1626 Julius Alpine, 420 Main street, 1627 Andrew Dickey, Seventh street, West Keansburg 1628 Ellsworth Randolph Parker, Raritan avrnur Robert Purceil Ball, VanDorn street, 1630 William Henry Dare. Holmdel 1747 Harry Dowl. D«WinUr. Cha»el 1631 Daniel Francis Collopy. Navesink Hill road, Headden's Corner avenue Emil Edward Kittman. 7 Dlrlelon 16S2 Charlea R»land Johnson. Beers street, street, Hailet 1740 Howard Francis Porter, Tool* *xtuup. Union Reach 1683 Henry Hughes, Henry stri-et. Union Beach 17fiO--Jnhn Sheridan O'Neill. 12 Park venue, Keansburg 1684 Walter Jamra McGratl. 42 Second street Hsrry Louis Stryker, KFP, 1, Kerport, Harold Frederick Elmer. West Highland avenue, 1 "b 2 Ant hony Gaetano LabattagUa, /.niton Koyi, 7 Lint«*n place. KeansburB James Vincent Cuiano, 17 First Twilight avenue, Keanaau>rg 1687 Trilioua Malandn Roberts, Jr., 125 street, Atlantic street, Kf.vpi"»rt 17fi4 Edward Joseph Kelm, 111 Cr««k 1636 JtnbiTL Aslmry Mount. 45 Church I road, Keanshurg streft, Keyjiort 163P Edward William Duheiky, 301 Main 1640 Kobert I'fljran Brai lane, Hazlet 1641 Hirhard Mortimort Hopkins, 86 Shadyside HVIIIUI-, K^an^burg 1642 J/tToy Bruce Smith, Warren street, 1643 Anthony Edward Nagmski. Twelfth utreet, W'vti Keur.sluii-i; Kenneth William HolrrU, Lupatcong «venue, Krypuit 1645 William Howard Matthews, 61 Secoint it rett, Jlighlands 'hillip HoberL Fucco, Front street, Union Beach John Joseph Da vino, Fooie aven 1 Kcyport 1648 James Jnckson. 90 Scadrift avenu< Highland! 1649 Chris Koeaelar Kohlenbusch. 2 Bay avenue, 1650 Matthew Joseph fihoupp, 175 Fro - street, 1651 Melvin l^roy Covert, Fourth stre* West Kransburg 1652 Edward Kvea-tt Lockwood, 75 Elii abeth street, Kryport 1658 SyJvaniu Salvatory Sheppard, avenue. West Keanaburg Kobert Andrew i'oling, 11 Thii street, 1655 Joseph Yahara, Box, New Monmou John Peter Keeley, Thompson av niu\ East Keansburg 1657 Kugenu Sebastian Etskom, Montan: avenue, l'urt Monmouth 1658 Clair Metliel, 121 Second street t 1668 Luther Henry Jackson, Jr. 7 Hu; Jey slreirt, 1660-William Marshall Roche, Centt avenue, Kast Keansburg 1661 Watson William Hern, York ave nue, l'ort Monmouth 1662 LemuHl Davis Kastmond, 88 Broai street, 1668 William Henry Oliver, Main strce 1664 Elwood Smith Wilson, Bethan; road, HH7.ltt 1665 Joseph Kmile Ralph, Main stree 1 i'ort Monmouth 1666 Danivl Henjamin Biunner, Box 126 Navvsink 1667 William Thomas KUkon, Montan avenue, l'ort Monmouth L66S George W, Wilson, Z'Jb Broad stree 1669 Francis Joseph Donnelly, Jr., 28 As bury avenue, 1670 Matthew Karl Mul]inn, 150 Chin garora avenue. L671 John Corky, 380 Broadway, Keypor :672 Richard Melancthon Hurd, Jr, Browns Dock road, Navesink 678 George Frank Uritanak, 231 Atlan tic street, 874 George Henry Herbert, 11 Mon mouth Parkway, East Keansburg 675 William Henry Bowne, 30 Asbur; avenue, 676 Chester Jrwin Wilhelm, RFD, Re. Bank 677 Leonard Reya Huylar, 57 Fulton street, 678 Angelo Theodore Rapolla, 102, Been street, 679 Allsha Collins Warrington, Nave ink Adam James Linzmayer, Valle; drive, Navcsink 681 Herbert William Dieti, Country Club Estates. 682 Arthur Dennis Heidel, Locust Poinl road, Navesink 683 Anton Mikkal Halvorsen. 34 South avenue, 684 Carlton Henderson Poling, 32 Cedi atreet, 685 James Joseph Zinner, Sycamon avenue. East Keansburg 68S Carl Henry Winters, Chapel Hi road, 667 Emmanuel Thnmns Moore, Suni«avenue, 683 Arnold Jacob Wessler, Box 107, 689_Edward Tilton, Kings highway, Middletown 690 Edward Anthony Cross, Box 196, Middletown. Daniel Peter Patterson, Chapel Hill, Middletown 892 George Wilson Young, Kings high way, Middletown 698 Peler Joseph Meletto, 32 Mannlm utreet, River Plaza 694 Thomas Edward Fallone, Jr., 41 Fulton street, 69S Paul Norman Rockafellow, Jtoute 7, 696 Ray Watson Hazelwood, Hartshorne place, Middletown 697 Woodrow Wilson Francis, Kingi highway, Middletown 698 Anthony Citarclla, 10 May Ct, River Plaza 690 Kenneth Irvln Robinson. Kingi Highway, Middletown 700 Fred William Stahlbaum, 63 Applegate street, River Plaza 701 Clnrence- Winterton Hyer, Washing ton street, 702 AlbcrL I'rud Johnion, Wilmort Park, 703 Charles Vandervecr, 215 Atlantic street, 704 Joseph Henry Sherwood, road. New Monmouth 705 Jamea Lawrence Kennedy, 284 First street, 706 Sidney David Becker, 140 Maple placp,,707 Herbert Richard Rothenberg, 4 Wailen street, 70S William Francis Bott, Wilson Circle, 709 John Joseph Cunn, Jr., Green Grove avenue, 71-0 Joseph Tescro, 60 Collins avenue, Keansburg 711 Woodrow Willis Alston, 19 Van Dorn street, 712 Joseph Francis Scott, 19 Campview avenue, Keansburg 713 John Joseph Murphy, 88 Maplewood avenue, Keanaburg 714 Charles Edward Strickland, 370 Atlantic street. Kcyport 715 Lawrence Vincent Laniaro, 45 church street, Kcyport Chester Conover Walling, South Main street, 717 Amiel Zimmer, 5 East Third street, Kcyport 718 Dirk Hoffman, Main street, Belford 719_Oeorco Vincent Carroll. 1 Fulton street, Kcyport 720 Leo Vincent Zehnich, Highway 26, Belford 721 William Delmar Welts, Conover lane. Rod Bank 722 Stanley John Janeakl, Highway 728 Irving Sickles, 41 Middletown avc> nue,.724 William Dayton Wilson. Wilson place, Keansburg 725 Martin Cecil Cllnchard, 16 Park avenue, Keansburg 726 Leonard James Conway, Beers street, 727 Frans Seraf Kprschbaumer, 72 Bayview avenue, Keannbunc 728 Joseph Cumo Furista, RFD, 326, 729 Charles Gerard Walling, East road, Belford 73 0 Curtis Ludlow, Railroad avenue, Belford 781 Jack Cohen, 26 West Front street, 82 Lawrence Vccchio, 46 East Front atreet, 738 Wilbur Francis Symington, Jr. County Club Estates, 73< Henry Joseph Fix, Conover plate. Red Hank 735 Joseph Lawrence Wabisky, Wllmont Park, Red Rank 86 Francis Carl Meade, Statesir place, Red Rank 737 Joseph Gottfried Munch, West Morrls avenue, Belford i88 Charles I. Young, Jr., 74 Atlantic atreet, (39 Caesar Duva, 95 Seadrift Way, Kr mis burg "40 William Nailic Meyer. Main street, Relford '41 George William Henn. 187 Second atreet, '*2 Kenneth Brown Thompson, Wilmot Park, r 43 Winston Vernard VanNote, Jefferaon street, '44 Alfred Charles Smith, 84 Third street, '45 Irving Lawrence Walling, 126 Broad utreet, 46 Arthur fjenrse Jacobs. 45 Second street. jj7*5 Hohert John fialrd, St. Ann's r«e- 1 lory, Keansburg 17J>«Churles Edgar Unrig. It Church street, 1767 Frank William Applegat«, 167 First sheet, 175? George Edgar Thorn*, State Highway 35, 1759 Frank Joseph Klausa, II Lincoln avenue, Keansburff 1760_<'hristoi>her Bernard Blum, 16 Maple Rvenue, Keansburg Williiun Arthur Blum. Blun 14 Ma pit avenue, Keansburg 1762 Joseph Burke. 19 W«t Tront street. Key port 1763 Theodora Raphael Palumbo, 71 Broad street, 1764 Milton Edward Carhart, 10 Birchwood avenue, Keansburg 1765 William Samuel Hill, 157 Twlilrht avenue, Keansburg 1766 <Garrett Kerr Slab, Conover lans, 1767 Cecil Leroy Truax, 151 Maple avtnue, Kennsburg 1768 Jtisrph CanFke Mallty, Howard avenue, Keanaburg 1769 Geoi-Ke Charles Sappah, Jr., «inth Btreet, Union Beach 1770-^John Kohrbach, 22 Monmouth Parkway, East Keansburg 1771 Edward Shlpyen Geer, RFD 1, Red Bank 1772 Kay Charles Williams, Box 116, 1773 Hugh Murray Glllespie, Jr., 424 South Broad atreet, Valentine Charles Bernhardt, Asbury avenue, Atlantic Highland* 1775 Chailea Seabrook Hopla, 12 Wainut street, 177«George Robert Acker, New Monmou t.h 1777 Philip Leroy Krug, Monmouth avanue, 1778 Albert Mallett, Main atieet, Port moulu 1779 John Joseph Walling, II Green Grove, 1780 George Clinton Castleman, 52 Hubbnrd avenue, River Plaza 1781 Albert Hennessey. Michigan avenue, 1782 Gerald Stephen Casey, 46 Pine street, 1783 Ralph Krnest Martin, Jr., Grand avenue, Atluntlc 1784 John Gregory Westwood, Palmer and Thompson avenues, East Keansburg 1785 Lester Colby Dick, 425 Main street, 1786 Daniel Robert Bern, South End avenue, East Keansburg i 1787 Kobert Henry Krebs, Center aveic, 1788 ugens John Babourdin, Swan avenue, Box 73, Navesink 1789_WilHam Henry Mallett, Jr., Central and Monmouth avenues. Port Monmouth :79«Harry Card, First avenue, Atlantic,791 William Jansen Mason, 24 Proipect street,.702 Daniel Cornelius Hcndrickson, 149 Broad street, 798 Daniel William Olrich, Main Btreet, Bclford 79 4 Joseph Francis Boywltt, Holmdtl 795 Martin Alfred Olflen, Hop Creek farm, Holmdel 796 Walter Thomas Johnson, 12 St. James avenue, Keansburg 797 James Hcitly, 49 Sea Breeie way, Keanaburg 798 Harry Milton Walling, 7 Collins street, Keanaburg 799 Howard Nicholas Leonard, Atlan tic street, goo William Bedford Schenck, Holmdel.801 Milton William Febrer, IB Ninth street, Belford SO2 John Francis Lintmayer, 21 East Highland avenue, 803 Cheater Henry Bronion, Belford 804 Henry John Lenti, Main street, Belford 805 Howard Braxton Kountree. RFD 1, 806 Joseph Tkach, Mlnniiink Park, RFD, 807 Peter James Kipp, 89 Pelton street. 808 William Arnold Toysbee, Wilson Pott Monmouth 809 imlchael Nicholan En card one, 14 Maplewood avenua, Keanaburg 810 Harold Bertram Tarnow, Main street, Belford 811 Herbert Otto Johnson, Main street Belford 912.Harold Jsv Stout, T Third atreet, 818 William Braua, Jr.. Wilson avenue, Fort Monmouth 814 Kenneth Grey Young, II Broal atreet, S15 Christopher Albert Thurtr, It) Manchester avenue, 816 Edward Frank Pinklewicz, Railroad avenue, Belford 817 A nth on John i'icola, 80 Appleg**e Htirtt, River Plaza 818 Ernest Elgrlm, Edward avenue, Belford 819 Archibald Thomas Humphries. 112 Church street, 820 Joseph S. Cccere, 88 Beachway, Kean&burK 821 Herbert William Eigenrauch, Chapel Hill road, Box 86, &22 Clair Ruasell Went worth, Railroad avenue, Belford 828 Wilbur John Nordt. 15 Manning place,- Keansburg 824 John Em a nu el Meycher, 58 Third atrcet, 825 Wallace Cameron Edington, Box 44, Middletown 826 William Frederick Sicklei. 242 Tint atreet, B27 John Leo Bwasich, Jr., Leomrdvllie road, Belford 828 Thomas Jean Funk* Conover plaee, RFD, 820 William Joseph Balhach, 16 Oak «treet, Keansburg.830 Joseph Metier Truex. 78 Fultoa atreet, 831 Douglas) Hoagland MacEwan, SO Maple park, 832 Hv-Md Edward Kite, S Main street, 838 I,eo Joseph Finn, Cooper road, Headden'n Corner 8S4 Georgo Edmund Fowsll, 44 Chureh street, 835 Patrick Joseph Deturo, Jr., 20 John street, Keansburg 8S6 Francis Henry Dalley, 88 Ridge avenue, Belford 837 Louis Soden. RFD 3S, 838 Harold Edwin Warnock, 221 Maple place, 839 William Henry Smith, RFD 1. Red Bank 840 Leo Waivers, 295 Florence avenue* 1 Arthur Lemuel Kodcn, Jr., Lincroft 842 Frederick Conrad Williamson, Roop avenue, I^eonardo 848 Lewis Victor AuKustine, Hudson place, 844 Sandy Vincent Cunumano, RFD Box 21, Nuts warn p road. 845 Kenneth Peseux Stryker, 187 Beats street, 848 John Henry Patten, Hillside avenot. Naveaink 847 Harry MeKonlgal, Jr.. 29 Well avenue. 848 Clillord Eldsworth Bryan, Center avenue, 649 George John Walenta, Prospset avenue. Navosink 850 Samuel Richard Poiten, Monmouti avenue, Naveaink 851 Jamea Henry Bennett, Hillside avenue, Atlantic Illghlanda 852 Frederick Howard Quemer, Greentree farm, Lincroft 868 Morris Wolf, 31 Walling Terrace, K51 Lloyd Melvin Hopla, 299 Brood street, 55 John Jacob Knohle. 159 Hudios avenue, Ea«t KeansburR 56 Daniel Jnp.fph Connolly, 301 Foreet avenue. East Keansburg 157 Frederick Paul Sieben, Jr., 12 War- ren atreet, 58 Louis Heyer, Jr., 268 Firat street, 59 Henry Rudolph Chromciek. Ill Beers, street, XeypoiL 60 Robert AloyB Eustace, RFD X, 61 Gerald Thomas McCann, 299 Fiwt street, 62 Angelo Samuel Petrdslia, Rout* If, Atlantic HJgblands H«l Raymond John Mauser, Foitoffle*, Lincroft 1814 Francin Joseph CisBcskl, NuUwamt 1 road, RFD 45, 1S«S Moon Walling, Jr., Route 96, Key port 1866 <Edward Reuben Mason, Bilarwoori avenue, Atlantic iilirhundii 1867 Edward ShinKtc, Walling terruce 18«8 Myron Ernest Dallenbach, RFD 1 18*9 William Thomas Hyer, Edmund* avenue. Union Beach 1170 Vincent Sanfnrd Oliver, 126 Main street, 1871 Jerry Cinque, Box RFD, Kcyport 1872 Curtis nienenwald. 89 Smith ave- Atlantio 1871 Frank Joseph K ore tic, Jr., 34 Loon ard avenue, Atlantic Highland* 1874 Thomas Edward McElhone, i'ark avenue. Union Heath 1176 Edward Eaitmonri, Herbert street, Union Beach 1871 Frederick Lewis Van Note, 7 Park place, Keunttburu: 1177 Leun Harold Matthews. 81 Broadway, Key port 1871 Walter Kudolph Hintelmann, Connera hotel, 1171 Charles Hmvey Hyer, Edmunds avenue, Union Jieach 1880 Kobert Carl llausmann. Washington street, 1881 Georgn Till, Laurel avenue, West Kcansburg 1882 Henry Jacob Hautbman, 66 Broadway, Keansbuny IMS Victor Joseph DiBissl, RFD 1884 Arthur George Walling, 34 Washington street, 1885 Frederick Wilbur Heat. Leola avenue, Kcanflburg 1881 Thomaa Conroy Connolly, Route 3ft, WeH Keansburg 1887 William Euum.; Kuhlvnbusch, 43 Sea Drift avenue. Highland* 1888 Clower Malachf Gray, SG I'ort Monmouth road, KeansburK 1889 James Evi'rvtt King, 267 Main atreet, K pans burg 1890 Norman Alton Dailry, DO road, KeanshuiK 1891 Arthur Raymond Lamp, Hancock street, Kvansburg 1892 Kenneth Christian Behr, Henry street, Union Bench 18&S Stephen William Rennak, Brook evs< nup, Union Beach 1894 Henjimin Louis 'i'ojnbee, Jr.. Mon. tana avenue, ' 1895 Jnhn Jfenry Hyer, 4 Barnci street 1896 Jamt's A. Pecker. Ninth street and.holly avenuue. West Kfansburg 18B7 Walter Charka Sinclair, 107 First street, Keypurt 1898 Hert Ralph Williamson, 190 Linden avmue Thomas Kaymond HlnM, 21 locust itrpet, Keanahurg 1900 Hnli«>i-t Kobertaou liartsgrove, 64 Fourth street, l(i(l! William Lloyd Reys, Bethany road, liaelet li") 2 Harold John Keller, I4B Main strret, Keansburg Myron Edward Pailey. FFD, 1, Kayport 1904 Kmanuel Francis Reamussen, Snyder line.,, 1905 Joseph Sebastian flcacco, Holmilet rosd, Haitct 1906 William John Hedl*y. Mornlnfisidc avenue, Union Beach 1907 Alfred Enoa Sylvia, Highway 35, RFD, Red Hank 1908 Clifford Jamea WUaon, Orchard (reel, Georgo Joseph Cuiano, 87 First ctruet, 1910 *>orge Frederick Johnson, Florence nvrnut' Gabriel Simpllcio, RFD, Box 74, Red Bank 1112 William Leonard, Union avenue, Union Beach, 1918 Char rs J, Hotean, 810 Broadway, 11H4 Morion Hanson Walling, 84 Oshorn strrd, Kcyport 1015 KtMlh Ounsaulls, Trospect avenue, Union lleiich 1916 Thomaa Francis Welch, Vox 425, Iti'd Hank 1917 Otto Thomns Schnoor, Lee avenuo, llclford 018 Jumea Hiinilltou Cadoo, 70 Urondwny, Kcyport 019 Milton I invi.l Camimky, 140 Itrnad Htroft, Kuyport 02O-'Itcnjamin Hnbt-rt Morris, Main utreet. Dntford 921- Richard Ullny Qiilnn, 28 Washington street, Heed Cash Before Winter Comes? LOANS UP TO $ e D«lay Friendly Service PUnry ei Tim* To Repay YOU CAN GIT MONEY For Cold Weafner Neeess/Hes HERE TODAY! II you are wondering hew lo buy winter clolhee ler the family and youri»lf-41 you lack ca,h te m thai coal bin U unpaid fall bills are bothering you i«e u* todayl A prompt caih loan here will prepare you for winter before winter Cornell General Household Credit Broad St. PHONE 260 (Ov " > J - Nc W berr>» R e d Bank PERSONAL AND AUTO LOANS Monthly Char,. 2Va% On Unpaid Balance. Llcenu No. 72S A Call to the Republicans of MONMOUTH COUNTY DO YOU VOTE? You My that taxel are too hljh, But do you votet About extravaeranea you ilfh, Eut do you vote? "How long," you wall, "muet we endure Thin etate of thing! that keepa ue poor!" How long? I do not know, I'm eurel BUT DO YOU VOTET The water la bad, The (treeti, a men, Eut do you vote? ' ' Your indignation you aipreu, But do you vote? You Bay that boaaei rule the ehow, That graft id reaching high and low! And doubtless all you lay li o, BUT DO YOU VOTE? You growl at rotten politic!, Eut do you vote? You howl at the bosiei and their trlckl, Eut do you vote7 You say, O Decent Citizen, (We've hoard you time and time again) "Wo wnnt thlnga run by buslnr««men," BUT DO YOU VOTE? TJnlrsi you do, (I wonder, do you?) You've got just what la coming to you, FIVE Women out of every ten NEVER VOTB. THREE Men out of every ten NEVER VOTE. Good Government Begins IN YOUH OWN Election District. REMEMBER! YOUR BALLOT IS SECRET ONLY YOU WILL KNOW HOW YOU VOTE INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS Who May Vote Any Citiien who will be 21 years of age or over on or before November 5th, 1940, who has been a resident of the State for one year and the County for five (5) months and who is registered. Transfers You may obtain a transfer from your OLD election board on Election Day and then vote in your new district. You cannot transfer from One County to Another. Polls Open November 5th, 7 A. M. to 8 P. M. TO MAKE YOUR BALLOT LEGAL Mark Only with (x) or ( + ) sign in Space to left of each name. Do Not Check (/) names or make any other pencil marks on your ballot or it will be thrown out. VOTE for All Your Republican Candidates. MAKE IT REPUBLICAN STRAIGHT (Pnid for by Louisa C, Hodman, President of Th«United Women's Republican Chins of Monmouth County,) Join the crowds at our showroom and see the new Sixty-One appointed with matchless Flettwood luxury... powered by the mightiest and thriftiest Cadillac V-8 engine ever built. *. and priced lower than a Cadillac V-8 has ever been before! Together with the five additional Cadillacs and Cadillac- Fleetwoods if presents the industry'sareatest advancements fodatel For the Cadillac Sixty-One Five-Passenger Coupe delivered at Detroit. State tax, optional equipment and accessories extra. Prices subject to change without notice. A GENERAL MOTORS VALUI HOWLAND B. JONES MOTOR CO. 8 MAPLE AVENUE, RED BANK, NEW JERSEY.A

9 RED BANK REGISTER, OCTOBER 31, Nin» Last of Middletown Dist. Selective Service Registrants Pierre Froal Blmpion. 101 Firs avenue, Atlautlo 1921 Harrison Aaa Vail, 76 Church atree Koyvort 1914 Mlchsel gpsreda, 1)1 Lapptacon avenue, 19f Henry Jerome Egtn, it Sceoni etreet, 1926* Anthony John Smith. 127 Chlngavora avenue, 1917 Louis Baunders Kosenthal, 7 firca treet, 191«Hardlcy Wilmot geott, Churc street, Relford 1929 Charles Prager, 28 Main atreet. Key port 1910 Harvey Reo l^aikerion, Idobert atreet, 1911 Iiuwayna 1. Koss, 17 Osborn street, 19»J Jolm J. Centlesole. III roadway, 1981 Carl Martin Ksliey. 11 ('rent street 1914 itaymoiid William Sehuater, lit Second street. Keypurt 1915 Tlmmas Stanley, KFD, Jlank 1916 Joseph Uichael Hmllh. garrora avenue, < 1087 Gregory Joseph Seinensa plucu, 116, He. 1J7 Chin 226 Map] 1938 Clm Louis Nuppl, 6 Kearney, Key. purl 10H9 LuuU Francis Kappl, Luppatatcong avenue, 1040 Lcruy Kicker Brown, A Barnes street, 1941 Alexander Richard atajfa, li Kaar ncy street, 1912 Frederick V. Chamberlain, Bayview avenue, Union Beach 1943 Joseph John Brcnnan, Middle road, Keypurt 1U44 'i'hunws Stabrook Anderson, lil Hroitii street, William Frederick VsnNott, Jr., Weepy Hollow road, BFD, 1, Ked Hank 194«Jlarold J, Cohen, 71 Broad street, 1947 Frank Joseph Nunsante, F. O. Bex 208, Uelforii 1948 Tennyson rhllllpi, Chestnut street, KFll, Kryport ,illhi:r Walling, Jr., Church street, Helford 1950-Jumes Henry He-lie, Urd, 42 Atluntic street, Ke>i>ort 1961 Hubert Edward Kirk, 14 Frail atreet, 1952 Howard Austin Johnson, Walling nvouuc, Helford 195«Kdward Sloun Luker. Walling ave lllle, Bolford 1964 John Thomas Lewley, Jr., Conover Isne, UF1), Hed Bank 1955 Ilarvcy Garrison Jtartnan, 80 Oahorn ilriiut, Keyfort 1956 Juliii lluuglaas Kite. II Franeli place, Kenneburg 1(67 Ueurtni Herbert Oleott, Murray I>lucu, Kcansburg 1968 (iublut Adolf Ulunuran, Woodlawn i I'arm, liui 688, Ked Bank 1969 Olto Fred Malinka, II ghote ioule vard, Kvanaburg I960 Harvey itoas, 17 Oiborn (Ueet, Key port 1X1 Harold Joseph Fill, Tl Ferest avenue, Keanaburc 1662 James l)eamon<! Sbevlln, Naveelnk Klver road, Hci Bank 19(111 Wllllsm Alexander Williams, 74 Washington avenue, Keamburg 19«4_Wil!ism Edward Firth, gtataiir place, KKI). 1. Ked Bank 1915 Marich A, Slyarlo, 212 Stone road, Keypurt 1MI Frank Joaeph Beaeleh,, Stone road, Keypurt 19«7 Hubert Gooigu Buhler, Broad and Third streets, 19(8 Walter F. NoBkey, Middle road, Keypurt 1919.Stephen Stanley Koveleikl, Natco lane, Union Beach 1970 George, l,ouls Mott, RFD, Box 45, Mlddlctown township 1971 Joseph Vincent licrnldl, 6 West Front street, Kerport 1972 Jnmcs Paul llobltnon. Union ave inn. Union lleach 1878 Albert York, Jr., 120 Woodland avenue, Kcaneburg 1974 (iornld Anthony Spoer, Route) Id KFll, Stanley Hritton Kollock, BD, 1, Kod Dank 197«Herbert Schumann. II State sir plate, Ited Uank la.77 Fred Wlllurd iteen, Conover Jane, lied Bunk.,. U78 Harrison Jactufl, Mlddletown road, 1979 J^ohn^Josoph Walling, Hanover street, l»«0 Kdward Harold Zahn. Jeriey ave nue, Union Beach 1981 John Simmon*, Flortne* avenue, 1982 w'in'am Thomas Nltt, Aumack avenue. Union lleach 1981 Joseph Hen Hand. 171 Main treet, Koansburg,,,. 19»4 Raymond Kverett Burlew, Railroad avenue, Helford 1985 Andrew Jnckson Bloomer, Hancock street, Kcansburg ]9S( Willnrd Moran Johnson. Main itreet, ld87-j'o! h f n r i>nul Goets. 24 West Front street, Koyport 1981 IUBIUB Havld Shugard. Bayview avenue. Union Beach 1989 Normnn H. Lnureen. Third and Division street, Kryport 1(190 Fcnlimind Albert SSIegler, Cooper 1991 Louis Henry Vetapek, Union avenue, M»l-J J.!ck U M 1!"l 1 mou,. II Maple.»»«.. Kennaburg.,. -..,H 1991 Alfred Clayton Kslph, RrD 448, 19B4-"um 1 u"shur N.v.slnk Rivor road Joseph l'aul TBnski, Nalco lane, 1996 AUun Or i)urrus Walling. «7 Broad street, 1B97 William JnrnoB Mulder, Main street, 1998 Walter Slanskl, Natco road, Key 1IM Kdward Albert Kisler, Broadway 2000 CurmTne Slelllano, Naveeink River roiul, Hed Hunk 2001 Ilnskun Miknl ChriBtensen, Box Vernon Allen Bennett. 75 First 2001 I'limip James Kellly. Main street Port. Monmouth 2004 Hurry C. Morris, East road, Bel Oorw Francis Fennlnit, Monmouth nvenue. l'urt Monmouth 2006 Olnv Crefatad Olson, 22 Osborn Hlruot, 2007 Harry John Mnaon, Mercer avenui, aool Henry "urer" Schwan. 178 Front street, Kcyiiort CeoiHO Waller Solknek, 62 Front street, 2010 Mm-old Milton Tombs, 8 Broad street. Koyport 2011 Enrl Roy Snodos, 19 West Front Ktreet, 2012 Edward Frnncls Donahue, Oak Mill road, Red Hfink 2011 Ralph Smith VanNote, RFD 1. Red Unnk _, 2014 Harvey S. llodle, Jr., 61 Broad atrect, 2015 Frederick ltudolph Etikorn, Jr., Montana avenue, l'ort Monmoutr 201«Carl Frederick Mount, 54 Flrstavenue, _^ 2017 Allied John Ry<l«r. 23» «Dnt street, Koyport Harold Joseph MilBnnto. Central and llray avenues. Tort Monmoulh 2019 Chnrles Joseph Cross, 18 bast Front street, 2020 Kdward Stnnley Raymond, 25 Hohurt avenue, Koyport 2021 Kdward Jerome Slover, 14 Provost street, 2022 Mlchntl Nick Kappl. 7 Kearnjr sticcl. Kayimrt 2028 Wiillnce Junior Miller. Morris avenue, llelford 2024 Curl Edward Thorne, East End avenue, llelford 2025 Edwnrd Herman Burns. Commonwealth nvenue John Cornell Gardner, street, Joseph Ua< >y Maxson, Hlehlands, r.l'd, llelford n Beers Atlantic JOIB,l,,hn KuakoBky. Natco lane. Union llr-nrh 2029 Alnx Forrar, 41 First street. Kfy- poit 2030 Vernon Ktnitb, Chlnqarors. avanue, 2081 Vvin'ton'a'pn'dor lmdo Osborn, 113 Brond- wny Allen Hubert White. LM street. I trd l d 2003 Ilev. Henry Rldgway Fell, 23 Main street, 20S4 William Frederick Hogan, Navealnk rond. RFD 1, 2035 Edward Evans Byrne, 210 Washing- ton street, :o,16 Kelscy Armstrong Ctrhart. Peary street, 2017 Jolm W,.»l..y Heed, ClKremont av nue. Relfnrd '2088 Walter Albert S,»niin, H Ma street, Keyporl 2019 Pnul Slr-warl FHl,ry, Frost avenui Hcndden's Corner 2040 Alfred Tracy, 17 Atlantic stree 2041 Clinton James Conover, Ohlniuaro; avenue, Keyporl 2042 Stanley Willnugliby Walling, 7: First street, 2018 John 1'tter Flsler, Enst rosd, Be! ford 2044 HMelvln Edward Rsrnes, Morris ave nue. Helford 2046 William I*,, O'Neill, 197 Sen Breei way, Keanshilrg 204«-Clarence. Wlllnim Skillman, M slrect and MorrU avenue, Belfoi 2047 Adnni Krnei.1 -J-eoda, 127 Br< street, 2048 William Milton Hesse, Palmer stree llelford 20(1 Lawrence Brune Carmor, 93 Firs! street, Kuyport 2060 Wllllsm Jli<verldge, 126 Curr av nue, Keansburg 2061 James Moore Connolly, Ed'-vai avenue, llelford 2062 Joseph Clair Winter, First at Prospect, 2051 Marlon Philip Grinnldl, Florence avenue, 2064 Lawrence living Clarke, Kavesln! River road, lied Bank 2056 John Henry Hycr, 104 Third (tree 2066 George B. Johnson, 100 Rarlta avenue, Keansburi; 2067 John Feslunsy, Clinton street, Bel ford 2068 Edward Arthur Finn, Albert sires' HID 1, Red Hank 2069 Kenneth Edwnrd Llnir, 61 Mai utrcet, Ktiyport 2010 Nicholas Joseph Russo, 74 DM, inni street, 2061 William Muson Ceorve Leonar, Park avenue, llelford 2062 George Fredeilck Young, Coliovei lane, Red UanU 2*61 Jacob Wotman, 41 Main atreul 2064 Ceome Vnumcerkuke, 131 East El nvenue, Helford 2066 irobert Joseph Park. Corner lie. Hill road, Mlddletown 2066 l'ei- Oscar Swensou, Box 31S, lte< Bank 8017 Arthur WafTenfeld, 4G Churc! street, KeypoiL 2068 Wlllliim IItiny Morrell, 41 Fultol Htjeel, 2060 ^1101 Vincent Fuecl, 178 Oente: avenue, Kounshurif 2070 (JeurKe Edwnrd Collins, Campbell': Junction, Helford 2071 Kenneth Alfred Norton, Mull treet, llelford 2072 Clemenro Adeskavlts, Watervlew atreet, llelford 2071 John Abhinuntl Finn, Atlantic ava nue, KuyliorL 2974 ilooker ThumfiB Anderson, 60 Fill' ton street, 2071 Wilson.Albun Miller, Church slree Belford 2176 John Ceome Strauss, 8 Manchester avenue, 2077 Lemuel Vunl.onnap Davis, Box Kobert Trent Rush, Jr., Route 36, Union Beavli 8079 Frederick F.dwnrd Wright, U Stat sir place, Ked Bank 2080 Joseph JiuneB Noone, Conovcr lane, Keil Bank 20B1 I'IIIII Gerald Tarnow, Mnln street Belford 2082 Wllliur Cnrllon Huylnr, 169 Flrsl Blreet, 2083 JinncB Thoinus Collins, 110 Wesl Front Btrcut, 2084 Arthur Hubert (Jomlo, Route 96 Hed Unnk 2085 Wuudrow Wilson Lulck, 34 Mi: rond, Atlulitir. JliKhlands 2086 'Robert Joseph Anthony, 25 Fourt treet, HlKhlnnds 2087 >Edwurd Joseph Bryk, Brainard av«' nue, l'ort Monmouth 2«8I Jack Alfred 1'oBt, 208 Broadway 2081) Woodrow Wilson Matthows, Depol stlveet, KcnnsburK 1090 Frulent Poppe, 73 First avenue, At Untie 2091 Harry iinnbrook Rose, 17 Oskorn treet, Koyport 2»92 Enrle William Sriydcr, 202 Cente: avenue, Kcnn.sburK 2098 Alfred Yoiinifs Hlrhnrdaon, 220 At latitio street, Keyiiort 2004 William Arose, Snyder lans, Key port 1096 I'nul Holger I. Pederson, 188 Firs street, 2096 Robert Bornnrd Foster, Palmer ave nue. Belford 1017 Harry H. Tuthlll, 168 Second street, 1098 Alfred Hnrold Complon, 42 Washington street, 1099 Hnlph Clayton Draper, Navesink Itlver road, Hed Hank 100 Casper Smith Juslin, 67 Vn drive, Allnnllc HiKhlands 101 Ralph Allocca, Laurel avenue, ' 102 AiiHtln Maxwell Crosble, Laure avenue, Keansburg 108 Carl Kaplan, 201) ForeBt avenue KcnnBburK 104 LOUIB Slielbrlck, Poole avenue, Kay- 106 Arthur Wilklns Sprnsue, 21 Avenue. I), Allanlic 108 Ellwood MatthewB, Fourth street, WeBt KeansburK 107 Edward U. Preston, 104 Broadway, Keypnrt 108 dxmls Mnndia, 117 First avenue, Atlantic Hlirhlnuds 109 Joseph Michael CrOKini, fift East Garfleld nvenue, Atlnntlo 110 Peter Anthony Flsrhler, 77 West Front street, 2111 Stephen Norwood Patterson, Stone road, Koyport 2112 JIUKO Oscnr Dalura, Box 38, Kcyport 2118 William Henry Totter, RFD, 1, 2114 Nlel Maekay Baxter, Laurel avenue. Union Beach 2115 Jesse Stuart Maynard, 34 Wlllli avenue, Kpanphui-K 211«Malcolm Slinw Miller. 13 Washington avenue 2117 Leo l'aul forsklevies, 44 Frespect avenuo, Atlantic HlEhlnnds 2118 James Thomas Hnycr, 37 Washing, ton street, 2119 Joseph Francis Finchler. Jr., 77 WcBt First street Georp;e John Robertson, John street, Highland* 2121 ThomnB Schlcltnno, HnrtBhorn ro»d, 2122 William Stanley Jones. 40 Central avenue, Atlantic HighlandB 2128 James Fred Martin, Lnurel avenue, Keansbure 2114 Harry 1). Thomas, 125 Maple road, I1JB Krank Alfred Kuns, Jr West Front street, 2126 Alexander John Zarkivach, 362 Broadway, 2127 Thomas Lynwood Kelly, 217 Broadway Harold Sin.i. Park place. KeansburK 2129 Knrl P. Strohin, 62 Seadrlft ave-. HiKhlands 2130 Joseph Michael Dickey, Thirteenth street. Keanskurir 2181 Louis Edmund Bueckel, Locust 2132 Raymond Thomim Ijembom. 113 Chingarora Btruct, 2118 Raymond Anthony Porskievles, 44 Prospect street Harold Woodrow Wnllins, 1C2 Washington street, 2185 Erich KnrW, Locust 2136 Daniel lllchnrd_ Wagner. Florence Broadavenue. Union Beach 2137 Vernon Rucker lloulle, 2 way Ralph Vnldmer KrltsberB. 11 Third avenue, 2119 Rudolph Niiuyoks, Eighth street. Union Heach 2140 James Juhn Ek-idlo. 83 West lliuhland nvenue, 2141 Stanley I'lnter, Poole nvenue, Union Beach 2142 Kobert Ernest llhlig. 11 Memorial drive Alexander Mark Snukklc, Florence avenue. Union Beach ^i 2144 Edgar Lawrence Kocbler. 47 Mount avrnur. Atlantir Vincent Andrew Vnccnrella. Essex street, KennsburB 2146 Msurlre A. Smith. 141 Broad street, 2147 JnmeM Tllilrles Lnrnp, Hancock street, Kratisburg 2148 Phillip M»c Srward. 110 Prospect avenue, 2148 Clnude Lucat, 34 l^irllelil avenue, Atlantic Hluhland.i 2150 Lois Rernard Konrad. Prospect avenue. Union Beach 2151 Charles Maxon Kllnget. 7 Broadway, 2152 Earle Byron Henschi I. 22-7th avenue, 21(1 Albert Edward Cowling, Bayview avenue. Union Beach 2154 John Francis O'Keefe, 18 Moun< avenue, 2156 Andrew Caesrr Nunsiato, 24t Atlan, lice street Charles Edward Miller. Fourth street, Union Hesch 2167 Dominick Joseph Allocco, BFD, 1 21K8 Charln Arthur Bennett, Ckepel Hill rna.i. Atlantir 2159-Hnrold Kofed, 170 Front street, 2160 William John Kanovsky, 14 Ftfta street Kichurd tschumacher, Jr., au'd, I, Matawan 2162 Kuymond Joseph O'Rourke, 20 E. IllKhland avenue, Atlantic Highlanda 2163 Louis Varca, 131 Washington street, 2164 Anthony Joseph Allocco. 244 Broadway, 2165 <ieor«e William Harris, (tone road, Union lleach 21««Herbert Curtis Burrowee, li Me*le place, 2167 Ueorttu Kdward Coons, I lasond avenue, 2168 Michael Arthur Kllnsky, Washington nvenue. Union Beach 2169 Normnn Kobert Scott. West Fire' street, 2170 Thomas James Gillen. K»clory, Muple place, 2171 Raymond Lemberg, 79 First ave< nun, Harry Augustus Maxson, 15-Stk street, 2178 (icorge W. Wagner, Lorillard eve, nue, Union Beach 2174 John Wellington Foster. Jr Main street, 2175 Guido Giuseppe 1'lllio, li East WaBhlngltm avenue, Attantie High. lands 2176 Joseph Michael Williams, Cambridge avenue, Union lieach 2177 Arthur Johnson, 212 Navealnk avenue, Highland* 2178 Ralph Herbert Sweeney, It Seat Highland avenue, Atiantie High 2179 Willium Vernon Rauscher, 129 Bar avenue Waller Joseph Clark, Jr., 1CI Washington Btreut Thomas Joseph KelBo, 15 East High lurid avenue, 2182 Dominick Alleccu, Box 68, 2183 Michael Joseph Durko, Natet, lane, Union Beach 2181 John Evuld Hanson, 37 Avenue D 2185 Herman Marlon Jones, RFD, 1, Key ilc'nry Francis Weber, >IO Maple place, Kiypurt 2187 Millon Livingston Device, 9 Joka street, Highluuds John Henry Conklin, 190 Ellsebetk street, 2189 Flunk Paul Kursk. 17 Aveaue 0., Atlantic Jiighlands 2190 Fred Harry Buthrmsli. Central ave nue. Union Beach 2101 Robert Franklin, Mlchigaa avebue, l'ort Moumouth 2102 Harold D. Raymond, 214 Washington avenue, Kcyport 2193 Alexander Peter Durko, N«Uo Union Beach l'uul Francis Foulkt, Fort Moemouth road, Keaneburg 2196 Donald Lester Wheeler, IS Fifth street 'Ihomas John Dlllen, Central ave nue, Union Beach 2107 John Henderson Olivet, JWD, 1, 2108 Ira Itnymond Nelson, 69 8th avenue, Atlantic Highlanda 2109 Edward Sollenck, ruud, KcatiBburg 2200 Roland Matthews, Depot itreet Keansburg 2201 Foster Kenneth Cranshaw, 46 Ful ton Htrect, 2202 Leonard Francis Walling, Laura! avenue, West Keansburg 2203 JudHOii l'almer Bennett, Conupton streut, Belford 2204 Anthony Frank Dohrr, itfd, Holasdel 2205 Thomas Watson Calrm, Park avenue, 2200 Itnymond George Woolfe. Llncrolt 2207 Frank FrancU Zlellnakl, Llncrolt 2208 Louis l'oter Huy«, Leonard avanua, 2209 Hurold Meeker. Mulberry lane, Nave&ink 2210 James Paul Wallace, II Mjrrtle ave. nue, 2211 William JnmcB Hanlon, Mllli avenue l'ort Monmouth 2212 Harold Edward Perkins, Franklin Square, Atluntic Highlanda 2218 Vincent Applegate, 161 Dl»i»Ieel street, 22U Wellington Brunner, Jr., Box 121, NaveBlnk 2215 Thomat Lowrle Fhlpvi, 401 BreM street, Kcyport 2216 Leroy Golden, Chureh atreet, Bel- 2J17 James Frederick Tolly. Aibury ave. nue, Atlantic Carlcton Reid Wharton, 118 Boutk Main street, 2219 Joaeph Clifford Lull, 2211 Waverlr street, 2220 Frank Spires, 38 Ea«t Lincoln atanuo, Atlantic llfehlinda 1221 Herald Edward Osborna, Hudaon avenue, Atlantic Highland William Henry Jurman, Jr., (I Uscoin Court, Keansburg 228 Courtland Douglas Hudaon, Second street, Union Beach 224 Nellnnce Gustave Jacobean, Eaaex street, Kcanskurg 226 Edward Carl Lc Beds. Dock street, Union Beach 226 William 1, 227 George 11. Davis, Hi llorsett DellenBecn. BFD, Maple place, 228 Roger Desmond Ruseell, RFD, I, Matawan, 229 Peter Loronce Fail, 42 Second street, 280 Frank C. Cothers, 27 Aebury avenue. 231 Charles Frederick Lynch, 21 Center nvenue, Atlantic Highland! 1282 CheBton Morrell Layton, Mornlag nldc avenue. K«ansburg 1233 William NolBOn Hendrlckion, BJ/D, 234 Vincent Miele, 46 State Highway 30, KennsburK 285 Albert Hudson, Second etreet, Union Bench ;236 Gcurfto Bcnlco Schanck, Main street, Holmdel 1237 Howard Joseph Callahen,»FD 1, 238 George 1 Stanley KowaUkl. RFD 1, 230 John Bailey Voorhcei, Jr., Leroy place, Keansburg 240 Winfrcd Lewis, Florence avenue, 241 David Max Feldman, 197 Bay a»enue, / _ 242 Frederick Lewis Evenon, Floreaee avenue. Union Beach 248 Ell«worth Elmer Lasher, 79 Moraingslde avenue, Keansburg 244 Francis Peter Mauser, Holmdel road, Lincroft 245 Leroy Russell Maxson, 201 Linden avenue, 246.Henry Laurence Scott, Church Htreet, Belford 247 Milton Taylor Bennett, Ballock pluce. Red Hank 248 Gilbert Juy Smock, 8 South avenue, 249 Frank Enrlc Pansk. 41 First avenue. 260 Warren Mlfflln Young, 2 4 West First street, Kryport 251 Mantel Frank Barhetta, 4S West Front street, 252 Krwln Theodore Irons, 265 Brosdway, 261 Floyd (Iryill Gulllaudeu, RFD, Atlantic 2ii4 Arthur George Robinson, 170 Forest avenue, Keanshurg 256 Thumns Kobert Walling, Church street, Belford 25G George ThomiiB Curtlfl, 39 Asbury nvenue, 257 Francis Joseph Joyce, Jr., 6 Wait terrnrn Koyport 258 Matthew Feldman, 85 First street, 2.13 Edward Lube, Church street, Belford 2260 Verdi Dalioll Currier, 8 Broad street, 2261 Melvln Russell Poling, 28 Kearny street, 2262 ivter Joseph Anaslasla, Box 100, lied Bank 2263 Fred Marx, Florence avenue, Leenanln 2264 Itmiald Earl Lukcr, Glenwood plaee, John James Suggs, Thompson HUI, Mlddletown William Russell Hartsell, Second streit, Union Beach 2267 George Carney, 140 Third street, " 3268 Joseph Voilr, 108 First street, Key Ellsworth Frank Wilson, Wavarlr treat, Kcyport 2170 Moi Carney, Jr., State Highway (, 2171 DeWItt Clinton Beyer, Jr.. RFD Pine street tf'rank Joseph Mendla, 71 Mount avenue, 2271 Edwsrd Joseph Bilderback, 104 Atlantic street, 22f4 Julian Clarenra Worrell, 1 Powell avenue, Atiantie 227s.Peter Stlma, Box 308, 2171 George William Lawson, 15 Hurley atreet, HIT Peter Kncardone, 14 Maplewood avenue, Keamburg 1171 George Charles Huppel, 1E1 Navesink avenue. lilt Hlllster Kclft Green, 41 Jackaon, 2II«Albert Robert Hunter. II High. land boulevard, Keamburg till Relnsheld Karl Nieklason, ll«third street, Ilia Robert John Endllck, 41 Carpenter atreet, River Plata 1111 John Martin Olsen, P. O. Ml, Bed Bank 2114 Ralph Cherry Maurer, leera street, till Leo Francis Lacy, 221 geeler av,. nue, Keanaburg Jilt Marry Milton Hughion, Jr., II Elisabeth street, 2117 Msthew Thomas Joseph Schmidt, RFD Frank Thomas Leonardls, 242 Main street, 2111 David Basle Weiu, II Bay avenue, Keansburg I1M -George Charles Rotuner, 14* Cerr avenue, Keanaburg 1211 Adolf Wank Funk, Pine place, Red Bank 1212 Bradford Klngslay Johnson, Chureh atreet, Belford 1291 ltussall Edward Butler, 14 Pine treet, 1194 Samuel Bakerman, 92 B.a Breeik way, Keansburg lill Lester Willis Horner, Atlantic street,»*» Vincent William Petrusky, Holmdel 2297 Anthony Slialmatli, Holmdel road, Holmdel 2298 Frederick Russell Stover, 73 Sea Breeie way, Keansburg 1299 Francis Armande Perry, 402 South Atlantic street, 1110 Donald Bernard Hlcker, RFD 1, 1111 Joseph George Carney, 19 George atreet, River Plaza 1801 Uarlton Luntzel Ludewlg, 16 Third treet, Bel Lloyd Halltday, Main street, ford 180< Qeorge Louis Abran treet, Keansburg 21 John 1191 J/ei mil Bernard Tully, 172 Center avenue, Keansburg 2101 James Ketcham Moreau, Holmdel HOT Angelo James la Fresto. 128 Church treet, 1191 William Henry Johnson, 89 Pros Pect atrcet, Kerport 2111 William Thomas Heller., Holaadel 1110 Stephen Urust, Campbell avenue, llelford Illl John Raymond Mart, 1ST feeler avenue, Keansburg 2111 John Raymond Croei, 72 Jaekion treet, Kerport 2111 Tommle Lee Walden, Holmdel 2114 William Joseph Nell, East re-ad, Belford lllf Vardon Byrd Dandrldge, 48 Fulton treat, 2116 William Dor, Palmer avenue, Belford 2817 traiieu Joseph Siaym, Unuott 2318 Angelo N. Rapolla, 12 Eighth treet, 2111 Albert N. Uedls, 41 Elisabeth street, Kcyport 2120 Cosmer Kowalskl, Mlddletown 2821 Harold Augustus Woolcy, 804 Broad treet, 2122 Joseph Wildanger, Box 108, Red Illl Earl Albert Lewis, 271 First street ' Ktyport 2124 Thomas Nick Psrno. Warren street >I25 Albert MeBrlde, 11 dcorge street Ked Bank Illl Harold Michael Noone, BFD, Red Bank 2117 Sheldon George Whiting, Highway Illl Be'nJam*li O Hlll, Ked Hill road. Mid 1119 Robert Gerald Hackett, 64 Forest treet, Keansburg 1110 Elwood Sutphen Taylor, Mlddletown road, New Monmouth 2111 Elmer Tipton VanScholck, Everett road. Mlddletown Illl Edwin William Rampo. Mlddletown 2llt Charles Miller Dietrich, li Man. Chester avenue, Kerport 1114 Robert Andrew Stockton. 40 Navesink avenue, Atlantic Highlanda 1141 Kobert Edgar Hartman, 158 Broad trcet, 2 S Joseph Ewaskiewieh, Box 68, Mlddletown 2117 George William Sanborn, 47 Manning street, Illl Edmond Kelly Worn, 51 Grand avenue, Illl Gordon William Davison. I Walnut Terrace, 1141 Patrick Edward Walsh, Box 141, Middletown 1141 Frank Anthony Caisone, 11 Valley drive, Atlantic Highland! 1842 George Milton Brown, 268 First treet, 1141 Alphonsus Mark McGrath, 25 Pineview avenue, Keaniburg 144 Jeftenon Graddock. 14 VanDorn atreet, I4( Umbcrto Thomas Arcola, 178 Bej avenue. 141 William Michael Noone, RFD, Red Bank, Mlddletown 147 James Albert Flatler, 8 Walnut Terrace, 141 Robert Percy Hawkins, Palmer avenue, Mtddletown Illl Richard Kuns, Hailet 2150 Charles Raymond Carney, 29 George street. River Plsia 2851 Pernell Johnnon, Waverly street 2862 Jerry Kenneth Robinson, P. O. 9», New Monmoulh 2868 Daniel llnrdaychik, 492 West Front street, Ked Hank 2D54 Ch»rle«Cejjir.l Em«ry. Hurley treet, 2165 Carl Hernurrt.Smith. Thompson avenue. East Keansburg 2156 John Frederick Siols, Burlington avenue, 2387 Robert Benjamin Brittinghsm. 76 Wesley avenue John Kraiiris Apptti^al, Thompson avenue, New Monmouth 2159 Harry Nelson Ooptr, Navesink avenue, Nnveaink 2I«8 John T. llemlrickson. Highway 15, Mlddletown 21(1 Ensley Jusepli Hro»er, 74 Wesley avenue. J Raymond Itlake. Beers, 181* Broad street. Keypurt 2168 William Richard Leonard, 84 Momorinl Parkway, Atlantic Highland* 2864 Alfred D. Whil#, Talmer avenus, 2865 LUUIB Uroy Stulu, Warren stre't, 2866 Kenneth Irving Donahue, 273 First treet, 2367 Walter Meyer Herntson. 137 Nep. tune place, Ku«t Keansburg 2868 Clarence Leroy Taylor. 213 Atlan. tlce street, Keyporl 2319 Kobert L. Veth. 120 Ocean avenue, East Keansburg 2179 Leon Lewis Hlllyer, Box 6, Navesink 2871 Theodore George Strobel, Cast street, 2872 Thomas Robert Winthers, Dakota avenue. East Keansburg 2873 Richard Anthony Maloney, 22 Moumouth Parkway, East Keansburg 2874 Harry Brooks Knight, Kings High. way, Mlddli'town 2376 Arthur J. Cunnolly, 47 Monmouth Parkway, Kuat Keansburg 2876 John Arthur HomllBh, Viola avenue, 2877 Hans Olaf Nielsen, Jr.. White street, East Keansbung 2171 Frank (iroeling, Jr.. Burlington avenue, 2879 Chris Edwards. Thompson avenue, East KcansburK 2380 Henry J. Kuftel. Stone Church road, 2881 Joseph Churlcj largo, Hillside avenue, Navesink 2882 Stanley Neil NorcroBs, Hilton Park, Highlanda 2888 Frank Joseph Campbell, Ocean avenue, East Keansburg!8I4 Melvin Augustus Ryan, 68 Washington avenue, NOW /Aar Daringly different when it was V ' first introduced a year ago, Pontiac's "Torpedo" styling is today the recognized vogue in modern motor car design. Why, therefore, should you be satisfied with anything less, especially when "Torpedo" styling is now yours on every model of Pontiac's 1941 line even the Mechanic St., work formfth.i've changed to 2386 Charles Richard DavUon, Jr., I Walnut Terrace. 28B7 Robert Henri Williams, 10 First street, 2888 Michael Josoeph Veneiis. 58 Asbury avenue, 2889 Conrad Dayton Sayre, GO Asbury avenue, 2390 Frederick Herbert Klkins, 17 West Lincoln avenue, 2881 Richard Lewis Harwood, 29 St Nicholas Swerfiuke, 47 roster Blreet, Peters place, 2892 Alfonso Esposito, 34;, Broad street Charles Patrick Salduttl. Box 264, l'ort Monmouth 2894 Hsrold Hudson Robt-dts, SI Greengrove avenue, Kryport 2895 Frank Stevens, b6 Ilrosd ctreet, 2896 T'homae Michael Lathery, 129 Ocean avenue, East Keamburg 2897 Stanley Harry Phraner, Washington avenue, 2898 llominic Joseph DeStefano. 21 Pacific street. East Keansburg 2899 Irvine Francis Heswe, East road, Belford 2400 Robert Jjunw Smith, Headden's Corner, 2401 John JoBeph Byrne, 70 Monmouth I'arkway, 2402 Leon Forrest Garrison. 83 Main treet Harold Hund Hudson. 116 Neptune place, East Keansburg 2404 George Daniel Unrig, Thompson avenue. East Keansburg 2406 Arvard Dudley Bedle, 224 Second street, 2406 Henry Edward Velcamp, 192 Broad street, 2407 l'aul Mansfield Freeborn, Center svvnue, ]*eonardo 2408 liubsell Wllcott Phillips, 16 Navesink avenue Howard Herman Wcler, Hosford avenue, I,eonardo 2410 Edward Leslie Helwlg, 52 Raynor avenue. East Keanaburg 2411 Lindsay Vowels, Central avenue, 2412 Honry E. Currie, Jackson street, Kcyport 2418 Leroy John Doran, 6 Shoreland Terrace, East Keansburg 2414 Carrett Edmond Post, Eighth street, 2415 William Schultz, Harmony road, Keansburg 2416 Fred E. Veth, 120 Ocean avenue. East Keansburg 2417 Leon Downes, Florence avenue, 2418 John Frank Maraacio, 127 Second treet, 2419 Keith Foster Burge, Highland avenue, 2420 Myron VanBrunt, Mulberry lane, Naveelnk A MONTH CHANGES YOUR FURNACE TC G A S/ Think of it! As littlt «i 10c day chingn your furnace to the matchless comfort and cleanliness of GAS-tht world's finest heating fuel. Thu'i not til! You get this ironclad Guarantee of your fuel costs on our low AII-PurpoM Gas rate. No wonder hundreds more are switching to CAS. Ask for a FREE Guaranteed Estimate today. JERSEY CENTRAL POWER* LIGHT CO. B U Y N O W S E E V O U R P L U M B i R O H S E E U S ' Your Gas Company Telephone 1900 new low-priced De Luxe "Torpedoes'! any new car buyer can afford! See these new "Torpedoes" today. You'll find them longer, wider, more powerful yet with no sacrifice of Pontiac's famous economy. And you can take ycn.f choice of a Six or Eight in any model for only $25 difference in price! Only $25 mora for an Eight 2421 Jame* Peter Phillips. 120 Monmouth Parkway, Atlantic Highland! Z4Z2 E'iwin Frank Sieh, Hillside avenue, Navesink 2421 Henry Levl Bragg, Rtdgcwood avenue, 2424 Cheater Winfield Englemann. Vineyard avenue, East Keaniburg 2425 Wilbur Orland Opdyke, Oak Hill roud. Heiidrien'si Corner 2426 Robert C. Itedfield, Thompson avenue, East Kean^hurg 2427 John Thoman Waleh, Ht Highland avenue, 2428 John Patrick 'Gillette, Jr., 81 Thompson avenue. East Keansburg 2429 John Henry Kinney, 10 Navesink avenue, EiiM Keanslturg 2»J3(} Elmer Meeker (iawler, M7 W. Highland avenue, Atlantic* 2481 Michael Vincent Cox, Maple avenue, 2482 Kdward Anthony Malawikey, Nateo lane. Union Bench Z4 88 Benjumin Ochinejtio, I Kaarney atreet, 2484 peter Michael Dtml, Taylor avenue, East Kcaiirtburg 24SS Victor Louis DeLuna, RO 1. Kerport Kenneth I^onard Bell, fl Third avenue, Atlantic Hltrhlandi 24S7 (Jeoifte Jonas Platt, 70 Atlantic Btreet, Kenneth Lettn, Atlantic Gardena, YOU'RE ALWAYS AT YOUI IEST IN 2419 Edward Utti, Atlantic Garden*, 2440 Robert Edward Jackion, IS Ftrtt atreet, 2441 Harvey William Hoer, Jr.. 0e4f avtnuc. Belford 2441 Clar«Spaiford, S8Q Wa»hli»UB itreet, 2443 Henry Phillip KJ«tb. E HlgMe«4 avenue, Atlantic HiKhlatula 2444 Kranrii Joseph Moora, 111 Mel* street. Keansburif 2*45 Jam OH Andrew Ve*>em», 1 Ma**e place, 2444 Edward Warr«n T. Yean* Jr.,!! FIrit street, Ktyport 2447 Russell Albert Scheeefc, 1«1 Mil End avenus, JMford 2448 Albert Carltoa White, Malm Belford S4«ft (ieorge Franklin Kanarup. kw 2460 Charlea J. Roblneen, VD 1, port Siora Your Omr (n Our Slotmfe for WhH*r F.G.JAUDY IN< RED BANK PHONE I1t» WINTER PASTELS OF SUTTANA (IEPE A MUIC DISTIKTIVIIT Style 326. Sizes Cadet blue. Crushed rose. Tarnished gold, Aquatone, Black. Hit. U.S. Ptl. Of. 26 Broad St., *Delivered at Pontiac, Michigan. State tax, optional equipment and accessories extra. Prices subject ti change without notice. General Motors Terms to Suit Your Purse, //s ///fofaer firy te WOVU Of IUIIII* ACifATI IAVM EXCLUSIVE WITH JACEY'S Style 311. Siia.iJ.HV Cn*mk rote. Cadet l T^ nished gold. ZIPPER PLACKET IN EVERY'.WOMfK. Mfi lk> 195 B'way, Long Branch OfTWHfNrOUWA 1. INCtOSR lunmnt OAIDS On Twe fersst I. GMAni OVn-All UNGTH 4. maiasn MWB S.UC0»GASAW Oil ICONOMY OK aeessw *. UIGW.SAFniODIO 7. NfW,T«U-«CSAFnT SnilING S NIWINnUORLUXUDY 9. nutaio CUJHONiD-IIOl 10.CHOKIOFAJUOR ANDGNTMANY MOOil iti mete ler em I«M RASSAS BROTHERS, N. f. fe«

10 Pace Ten RED BANK REGISTER, OCTOBER 31,1940. Last of MiddletownDist. Selective Service Registrants..«! Nelson Mages Walling, 26 Pool! avtoue, 8tl! John J. Sfer, Union avenue, Union Beach Isll William ChrUMsn Fullinii. 101 Seabraeie avenue, East Keunsbui'tt jfis Joseph Francis Thorson, Box HI iielford 1411 Dominic John Cu»no, 87 first street, 2t < William Ulen Nelhart, Middle road, Keypqrt!«H Junes Chester Kir I, Church street, Belford 3tel Jerry William Julian, Central avenuf. Union Beach 3411 Bichard Taylor Clark, Glenmary pack, Kid Bank 24M Joseph Roman, Jr. Highland avenue, 14(1 Raymond Cortland Hodge*, 15 W. rrodt Itreet, 24 Albert I. Bennett, Laurel avenue, ltfl John Erneit Werner, Main itreet, Belford 2414 Mauro BrliceM, Manchester avenue, 244 Donald George Abrantu, Jerery avenue, Union Beach 24H William Elegcl, 26 E. Front street, J44T Herbert N. Stryker, Jr., Comiilon trtet, Bfliord 2441 Charles Milton McCulIough, 120 Chlngarora avenue, Ktyriort 2l t Qulntlllo Attillo loul, 40 First avenue. J4I» John Gtrard McKenile. 72 Ocean boulevard, Atlantic Highland! 2411 Martin Matula, Jr., Leonardville road, New Monmouth 24fl Harry Franklin Robert!, 60 Church etreet, Ktyport tlfl Charles Edward Behr, Broadway, elford 1414 John Nichols Darling, Conover lane, 14t4 WalUr Henry Compton, 42 Waih- Ington etrmt, SfTe Stanley Joseph Balfra, Natco lane, Union Beach 14TT Jar Colgrove Atwater, HI Center svenue, 14tl Frederick Andrew Harrison, Holmdel J,1 William Walaltls, Star Route, Holmdel 3440 Fred Walter Horsfall, Star Route 1, 1411 Aurello Joseph GeraMI, Main street, Fort Monmouth 1412 Edward Lincoln Duncan, Fourth street, Michael Vitelli, 141 Forest avenue, Keanaburg 1414 John Robert Wilson, 9 Randall place, Keansburg 1411 Meltin Eric Kelm, 83 Church street, Keansburg 1411 William John Koerkey, 18 Port Monmouth road, Keansburg MIT Ralph Harry Pugllsl. 22 Fark avenue, Keansburg t 1411 Davle Perria Carmen, Church street, Keuiiburff 1411 Robert Harold MacGrlndle, Montana venue, 14I» Robert Elgenrauch, Chapel Hill road, 1411 Andrew Russell Bennett, Francis trtet, 1411 Norman Marvin Elmlnter, 10 Dlvleton street, 1411 Robert Seton McTague, 88 Third vanue, 14(4 Elmer Slater Roberts, 125 Atlantic street, 2411 Samuel John Papa, Jr., 30 Valley drive, 2411 David Welnraub, 60 Walling terrace, I4IT Louis Joseph DICirolano, Clark etreet, 24M Robert Emmett Murphy, Warren place, East Keansburff 24(( Robert Theodore Huylar, 67 Fulton street, llllt Dallas Jordan, 8» Cherry street, 2H1 Charlea Jeese Anderson, 99 Third avenue, Iiet Anthony Vincent Blldttl, RD 1, Union Beech HM Laror Thompson. Dermott avenue, Naveslnk 2104 James AUonee Bembrlclt, 4«Manchester avenue, 1HI Anthony J. Tanulevlelue, Holmdel road, Holmdal III* Arthur Albert Koelich, Railroad avenue, Belford HIT Frank Vtrnon Unite. Division treat. Kevport IIM Charles Robert Patterson, Highland avenue, 1I«F Jen"ry Vowls, Central avenue, Atlantic 2111 Joaeph J, Moore, Jr., Carolina avenue, till diaries Anthony Dougherty, 82 Manchester avenue, till Edward Rickee, Franklin venae, till Hugo Leonard Kalma, Kearney avenue, 1114 Allan Henry Frenchman, 92 Ocean venue, East Keansburg 1111 Cleonard Fred Harms, 124 Ocean avenue. East Keansburg till Charlee Rogers, Harmony road, Port Monmouth 1111 Alfred Johnson, White street, East Kaansburv 1111 Lawrence James Beatty, 2S2 Broad tract, Keanaburs: lilt John Wallace Simpson, Fort Han. lilt William Victor Norton. Highland venue, 1111 Gilbert Werlco Grlseo, 117 Osborn street, 2111 Curtis Wella Clayton, 132 Osborn traett - I 2623 Itayinund Vincent Wallace, 181 Sec on*l street, Keypurt 25*4 Kobert KuRin'r Uurahty, High Inn Thomas Km hum, Atlantic Gardens, Atlantic Hit-Mauds 2«26 Samuel Kikei, Jr., Crawford's Corner, jniiddletown 2527 Harold Kdiwr Green, Division Mrei't, Kcyimit 252$ Joseph Ihida, Monmouth avenue, 2529 John Jlcm Stryker, 7 Walnut terrace, Keypoit Kenneth Hejle Wliiuton, 123 St I'liire, Kt\v ioil 2531 William Kninl Mason. Lighthouse l-'ort ilancock 2532 Kobert Wither Martin, Viola ave- Uonard 2533 Huj:hie Jjimes KitiR, 75 (trecngrove treet, Kcyport 2534 Arthur Kmil Maier, Monmouth av. ime. 535 Andrew A. Man.h, Hljchlund BVI nne, 2536 Ja s William street, KeyjioM Hrown, :tfi Fulton 2537 James Strange Hnllam, Division street, Navesink 253S Hubert Stanley Holdaworth. Florence avenue Herbert PeWitt I'ole, Latham avenue, Naveslnk 54D Mervin Hiuvey Hallam, Navesink avenue, Navesink 2541 Leslie Madloueall, 90 Seabreeie avenue, East Keansburg 2542 Theodore Edward Bryan, Appleton avenue,!54s Daniel Kdnar Byrne, Jr., St. George place, Harold. Thomas Hart, Burlington avenue, 254S Sam SieBel, 25 Front street, 254'i Henry Leonard Brink, 200 Carter avenue, East Kennsnurn 2C47 Jean Peter Ruck, Ilosford avenue, Ijeonnrdo 2548 Wt'ston Dlckerson, 72 Chestnut avenue 2649 Harold Erick Kclmn, 210 Mnln street. Keypoit 2550 Harold Joseph Wallace, 63 Fulton street, 2551 Walter Kudelmnn, HolmeB place. East Keansburg 2552 Harold Clinton Donald, 12S Church street, " 2553 William James Mordecal, 186 First street, 2S64 r'red Henry Jackson, 61 Atlantic street, 2555 Percy Francis Naughton, Thompson avenue Nett Edmund Hammond, Day avenue, Joseph Henry Duze, Fort ilancock 2558 Cheater L. Vanderbllt, 205 Second street, 2559 Elbert Andrew Frimpter, Asbury avenue, 2560 Joseph Phillips Crasso, 192 Maple place, 2561 John V. Irwin, 52 Garfleld avenue, 2562 Edward Deigoit, 132 Second street, 2663 Robert Sidney Smale. 37 East Lincoin, " 2564 Leonard James Brown, Brotherton avenue, Nnvesink 2565 Herman Hurry Seddig, 56 Foster street, Red Bunk 2666 William Matthew Sproul. 76 Man- Chester avenue, 2567 Benjamin Franklin Ward, Compton Hit-out, BtiUord 2568 William Hartnitrove, 21 Miller street, 2569 John Pnul Nnughton, Main street, 2570 Frederic Julius Wallace. Holmdel road, Mlddletown 2571 Henry Schenck Maxson, Navesink 2672 Harold Stokes Schanck, 87 Second street, 2573 Cornelius Arkeriun, 66 Elisabeth street, 2674 Vincent Joseph Dlmlceli, 7 GarAe! avenue Prod Thpodore Dennett. 43 El plm-e, lied Hank 2576 Uutijnmin Layton, Jr., 29 Centn avenue, 2577 Harry Littleton Ilrittlnghani, Divis. ion street, Navcwink 257S Jt'tonie Lee Travers. Church (tree Middletown 2579 Arthur LonKtttreet Card, 11 Fourth Mroet, Highland* 25S0 Charle» John Stava, Walada avenue, 1 Uaorne I)ritton layton, 21 Mill*; Btreet. 2 5S2 Leslie Waller LaBsr, Wilson ave Hue, 2388 Talliot Nicholas Travel», King'e Highway, Middletown 25S4 t Ilutt, Campbell avenue, Tort Monmouth 2585 William Strawn Fchlhaber, 126 Bay avenue, 2 5?6 Verne Crown hart Janta. 75 Miller street. Hinhlands 1567 John Kaye Locke, King's Highway, Middletown 5SS Jost'i'h John Mulrain, Bray avtnue f,s9 Kulph Herbert Pease, King's Hlghway, Middletown 590 Howard Kastmond, Eastmond place, I'ort Monmouth 591 Daniel Melvin Layton, King's High' way, Middietown 2592 Geoth'o A. Von Giesan. Jr., Carter a venue, East Keansburir 2593 Thomas Aloysius Petit, Jr., 15 Foist reet, 2691 Frederick Thaler Schoellner, Wilson avenue Walter N. Haynes, Main street, Tort Monmouth 2596 Orris D. Steelman, 158 Highland avenue, 2597 Anthony Joaeph Romandettl, 20 Fourth street, 25SB Kdwtinl Anthony Minor, 46 South Hay iivenue, 2599 George Humphrey Leddy, Main street, 2600 Alexander John Adalr, Portland road, 2G01 Walter MacLennon, Ohio avtnue, East Keansburg 2602 John Joseph Janosko, Hendrickaon road, New Monmouth 2608 Harry Leroy Martin, RFD 1, Red Bank 2604 George Wilson Knight, Locust 2605 Walter Howard Jones, King's Highway, Middletown 2606 Christian Hanson Martinson, Llnrroft 2607 Harry Snyder, Jr., Harmony avenue, Keansbure 2608 Carl Itusscll Spain, Hudson avenue, 2609 Cornelius Thomas Sharkey, Box 186 Roop avenue, 2610 Thomas Grant, Hamilton avenue Willard Henry Robertson, Eighth street, 2612 Joseph George Korpon, Roop avenue, 2G13 Michael Henry Harrington, Red Hill road, Mlddletown 2614 Francis William Melando, Monmouth avenue, 2615 Paul Frank Lefever, Bellevlew avenue, 2616 Frank Schuman, Bowne avenue, Atlantic 2G17 Frank Henry Rsmminsten, 12 Fifth street, 2C1S Joseph McKay Collins, Red Hill road, Middletown 2619 Walter Thomas Keene, Ocean View avenue, 2620 Walter Henry Lambertson, 1 Ho* bart street, 2G21 Ronald Joseph Keehan, Bay avenue, YES Our Personal Loan Plan is the answer to your questions as to how and where you can borrow money and have time to pay it back. The First National Bank of Eatontown, New Jersey Member Federal Reserve System Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation For'41...Studebaker startles the nation with the itatptafebodlti yu Interior*. l*»w*f mechanical upb««p RotlM rmnig Easy handling ONLY LOWEST PRICE GAR Wim ALL THESE FEATURES Automatic choke... Shockproofed variable ratio steering... Economatic shirt with overdrive*... Angle-set ventilating vanes... Fresh-air Climatiier with windshield defroster*... Planar independent suspension... Glove compartment lock... Front seat ash tray... Nonslam door latches... etc., etc. ejlvailaaje at mntrm eoer. coim wen IIOIN AT 690 tksavih CM Situ «n tnsk J730 Caaafei Crakaf Mai tits tntt $770 AH»ri<es4sMveiea'e1fec«ery,Seii1ti*eiid, M. kittoeemml tax, lubiedto change BAILLY BROTHERS i Maple Am. Big, roomy, beautiful, new 1941 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION LEE'S GARAGE Tfl. 59fl 853 Broadway Tel Branch 2622 Albert Raymond Quackenbush, Ma street, 26V* Cothard Vincent Kadenbach, E Shrewsbury avenue, 262* Harry Monil Keevey, Red H.ll roai Middletown 2625 George l>oug!as Fallon, Hillsidt ave< nue, 2626 William Ke ninth Megill, Be* 78, Iieoflardo 2627 Joseph Taylor Gulick, Holland road,. Middletown 262ft Arthur Edward Collim, Monmout avenue Robert J a rats Been. 19 Sunsit avt nue, 26s0 Mlchael Chandwich, Rtd Hill road, Middletown William James Gill, RFD 1, Re Uank 2682 John Bryan, Heachview avsnue Michael Stanley Cross. Middletowit 2684 Charles William KoKen, 45 Btrinard avenue, Gilbert Barton Parker, 49 Fourth avenue, 26S6 William Roger McCormack, Atlantic. RFD 2687 Frank William Jackson, Tindal road, Atlantic Highlitndi 2638 Mahlon Francis Drake, 29 Cornwall street Thomas John Fitzgerald, Monmouth avenue Robert Maison, Campbell avinue, 2641 Edward William Frelbott, Port road, 2642 Lawrence Raymond Moiler, 70 Monmouth avenue William Edgar Bland, Middletown 2644 Wendell Underwood Spain, Hudson avenue Jose]>h Gilitras, 238 Bay avsnue, 2646 William Arnold Nicks, Magnolia lane, Mlddletown 2647 Stanley Vosk, Box 232, Middletown 2C4S Martin Vincent Lawlur, Montana avenue, I'ort Monmouth Benjamin John 1'Uk, Valley street, 2660 Stephen Henry Faller, 45 Fourth street, 2651 William Melsonbacher, Jr., Venus lane Harry Raupp, MonmouU. avenue George Henry Quast, II Fourtl street, 2654 John Peter Hafltelll, New Monmout 2655 Richard Ellsworth Poole, Tlenc avenue, 2656 James Henry Glstfson, Tlencb»vt nue, 2657 Arthur WadsworU Acker, Cheitnui street, 8 Paul Ludlow. Walnut street, Poi Monmouth 2659 John Bruce Gibson, Wilson avenue Warren Lawrence Cobb, Box lit, 2661 Vincent Ernest Worth, 61 Fourth street Michael U. Patterson, 2U Bar aveavenue Jack Bradford Miles, 122 Miller street,!664 Edward Thomas Horn, 16 Peak street, 1665 John Melvin Koroandetti, Valley street, :666~<icorgU Alfred Brockton Field, Pop. lar street. Port Monayolitb 667 Donald Elsworth Hodson, 27 Atlantic direct, 668 John Clinton Walling, 118 Miller street. 669 Norman Hendrlckaon Roberts, Wilson avenue. 670 Thorn*. Frederick Hanlon, Mills avenue. 671 Edward Sylvester Burke, Bar atreet, 672 Hobert Martin KobarUoa, 17 Mllltf street, 1678 August Andei-son, Tleneca avenue, 674 Hubert Edward Ryan, «Cedar street, Highland! 676 Stephen Francis Griffin, Jr., 141 Highland avenue, Highland! 671 John Joseph Mackel, fig Snug Harbor 677 Charlea Augustus Quackenbuah, Main street, 678 Edward Aloysius Dougherty, Jr., Hamilton avenue, 679 Charles Reuben Harts*rove, street, Highland! 80 John V. Gurniak, Mlddletown Miller 2411 Freddy -Freddy ShearAeld Shearl Boynton, Route 85, Middletow 268! Clarence Edward Burdge. 66 Cornwall street, 2688 John Franklin Summers, Center svenue, 2184 Charles Miller Ksie. 1 Rice lane, 2185 Willlsm Jerome Finn, Bellvicw avenue, l()6 Ernest Allen Vaughsn, 1 First street, J6i7 Newton Arthur Mallett, Wilson street Kenneth Francla Luker, Wilson avenue Henry Fred Luti, Wilson avenue,!lv0 Frank August Daytun, Ttench avenue, Chester Vincent Suplenskl, Brevenl avenue, 2602 Charles McCall, H Fifth stree 2698 Henry Ernest Fox, Beebrook avenue, 2694 Alfred Albert Mount, 49 Shrews bury avenue. 26»6 Fred Edward Mahnken, Burllngtoi avenue, 2694 James Harrison Hllli, Wilson avenue, Richard Clayton Best, Wilsoa ave nue, 2608 Aaron Pttn«y Nuckle, Tindall road Now Monotnouth 2690 Robert Francis Glenn, 49 Miller itreet. J. Jackson, Maple flics 2700 Strother Htm* «f Ptp(i>Col«Ccmpany: tatf Mmni City, N. Y. SMASH BOSS HAGUE'S RULE! BEAT THE THIRD TERM and KEEP AMERICA OUT OF WAR! Elect Wendell L. Willkie Trade in Mnootli tir** Drive uhly this winter F.G.JAUDY IN, HEII HANK PHONE UN FREE $3,500 IN CASH FOR COMPLETE DETAILS See Our Ad in the October 28 Iuiie of LIFE Magazine. PAGE LEON'S IVORY LAUNDRY PHONE 2800 Voters of Monmouth County: The Republican Party offers you candidates who have shown by their experience and ability that they are qualified to serve you. Let's SMASH the Hague machine in New Jersey by an overwhelming vote for WENDELL L. WILLKIE AND THE ENTIRE REPUBLICAN TICKET e The Democratic candidates for President, Governor, United State Senate and Congress are Hague-endorsed candidates. Show your distaste for the burning of the poll books by rebuking the Hague machine's candidates at the polls. BEAT the THIRD TERM and uphold the tradition established and respected by Washington, Jefferson, Cleveland and Wilson. KEEP AMERICA OUT OF WAR! Elect a LEADER Instead of a MASTER! Cast Your Ballot for These Republican Candidates Wendell L WILLKIE for President W. Warren BARBOUR for U. S.Senate Robert C. HENDRICKSON for Governor Joseph C. IRWIN for Congress Harold C Me DERMOTT for Assembly J. Stanley HERBERT for Assembly Joseph MAYER for Freeholder. When You Go to the Polls November 5th VOTE REPUBLICAN BEAT THE THIRD TERM KEEP AMERICA OUT OF WAR Polls Open 7 A. M. to 8 P. M. _ (Psld «?r by Monmouth County Republics n Camp. Com.)

11 RED BANK REGISTER, OCTOBER 81, Faee Eleven Last of Middletown Dist. Selective Service Registrants 2TII Edwatd gchenek, uos.ll B.nnatl, RFD. 1 HUlilda avenue, itm Paul Joha Yunek, Jr., Eighth ilrett. Union Heath ITII lalvatora Anthonr LaBalla, 10 Park avanue, Keaniburs; ITII William Howard Terr/. Haslet avi nue, Haslet ITII Edward Mariner Springatean, Jr. I Jackion itreet, Kerport ITIT Charles Henry Foler, J'c-rr, (treat, Kerport JTII Srlveiter Donaruna, HFD, Kerport, Haillt ITM Herbert Andrew Hand, Fifth itraat, Union Beach ITU Charlaa Herman Klota, 111 Main itraat, Hi/port ITU Harold Italph Dean. Haslet ITII Joieph Carlton Klnhafer, H ITII Melvln Card. 240 Flnt avenue, At Untie ITU James Howard Hyer, Bean itreet, till Edward L. Collini, Park avenue, Unlaaj Biaeh JTII Carl August flekles, II ElliakeU itreet, Kerport ITIT David Leon Page, 110 Maple plui, JTII Charlei Lawrence W. gpltsnae. Ill road, Koensburg ITII Edward Matthew Cahll, Prospee itraat, Highland! ITM Charles T. Uonard, RFD. I, B«Baak ITII Lymea Mlddledlteh, Jr., Water. wiuh, Highland! JTII Manila Oiarga SquerUee. Montana avanue, Part Monmouth ITtl Jamei Edward Smith, Willow street. Highland. 2TII Daymond Edward Brown, Powell avenua, Atlantla Highland! ITII Malcolm Walling Luker, Wllsea avenue. ITII William Henrr Boland, Half-Mlla road, RFI), ITIT Edward Jatnei Schumann, Boof avanue, ITII Francli John Nearr, III Br! avanue, I^onardo ITII Oeorge Hoblmoa, Jr., avenue, ITII Naraun John WlllaU. Mala straat Port Monmoutk JTII Herman Burten, cleawsti laae, Laonardo ITII Clerihew Treat Conover, III First avanue, Atlantle Highland! ITM John Andrew Sheehan, Chestnut venue, ITII Adrian Schnoor, Vierlng lane. Part Monmouth ITII Charlai Tarlor, JUrlUn avenua, ITII Johl'curtle Walling. Kernort-Atlantla Highland! road, New Mon. Mouth ITIT Jullui Felio, Burlington avenue, ITII Edward Rapp Woodward, lot II, Hamilton avenue, Laonardo ITII Alvln Miller Meiion, Himlltoa avanue, Leonards tth Joseph Orselke, tl Valler street, Highland! JT41 Janes Henrr McCough, 111 High land avenue. ITII Oscar Herman Dreieheel, Leonard villa road. ITII Thomai Henry Miller, Michigan evenue, mi William Faul Irrgang, RFD, Boi I. Atlantle HIghlandl ITU-Frank Coouor Irvln, Valley Drl»e> and Avenue D, lxonarde ITII Lewie Joseph Agnlme, 02 Naveemk avenue, ITIf Nathan Rltterman, lit Bar avenue. If«Lloyd WUllam Cottrell, II Atlantle etreet, Hlghlanda ]V,e Joseph Frederick Patterson, Zl Miller itreot, Highland! ITM John Richard Bennnlt, Hillside ave. nut, Atlantle ITII Jamee Lowell Gallagher, 2 Mar Court, _ ITII Ralph Liyton, 19 Mar Court, Had ITM Fernand Joaeph Steppe, JTH4 Nave. Ink avenue, Highland! 2TII Harold Gardner Shoemaker, II Chureh itreet, Keeniburg JT6I Walter Stanton Smith, 67 Waihlngton itreet, 2TII Allen Staler Uehr. Lorlllard avenae, Union Be«ch JUT Floyd Alfred King. Naveilnk River road, RFI), ITII Franc. Clinton Eaetmond, 04 Atlantle street, Kerport ITII Joioph Nelson Hudson. «8 Haplewood avenue, Keaniburg ITU orvllla Kermlt Reynold!. 7 ColHno avanue, Keaniburg ITII Ctanler Joieph Baitelll, General Delivery, New Monmouth ITII William J, Oelger, 44 Chureh itnet, ITM Hanlion Hcullt MacDonald. Bo«III, Stateilr place. ITI4 Stephen Olnai. Naveilnk River row, Middletown township HII Harrr Arthur Brown, 100 Wairon atreet, Keypnrt ITM John William Smith, Jr., PoatofHee Box 10S, Red ISank ITIT Jimae Paul t.ucai. II Sea Breoaa War, Keansburg _. ITM Jamei Lswronco Sullivan, RFD, I, P. O. ITM Leon Abbott Iloechel, Leonardvllle road, ITTI Clarinta Fmnklrn Moore, Fort HaBcock ITtt Nleholaa Paul Egldle, ThMnpeon avenua, i>on«rr!n ffti Marrla William Berntion, 1IT Neptuno place. Eait Keanaburg 177 William Brown Wllliami. Navtilnk 2TT4 Harrr Jamei Manton, II Myrtle venue, Kerport ITTI Edward Eos worth Conover. Hudsen avenue, Atlantle 2771 Qnnvllle Aloyiloui Smith, Waverlr atraet, Kervort J77T Thomas Jeraii Sharkey, Florenee avenui, Lionardo 2778 Nilion Jamei Morrlsir, Grand avinue. Atlantic Highland! JT7I Edward Hirry Martin, Viola Con. cord ivenua, 2710 Edward Jtmei Sicklci, Falser avenue, Keaniburg 2781-Knderlck Fellehir. II Fultoa street, Kerpgrt 27>l Warren Elbert Scott, Monmoutk avenui, Naveilnk 2781 Frank Leonard Karleson, Carter avenue, Eut Keansburg 2714 John Aloysioui Klidurf. Monmouth avenui, 1711-John Robert Weldaaaa, Jr., Che- one avenue, Lsenordo 1711 Harola Inydir, Hanaiaar avenue, Eait Keaniburg ITIT William Henrr Woolek, Brookeidi road, Looaerdo 1711 John Waller lorden, II Eait Gar- «eld svanue, AtUntlc Hlghlendi 2781 Thoeaai Francla Maher. 60 Manning itreet, River Plaia 1711 Laureate C. Flannaaan, Fine itreet, BFD, Bod Bank ITII John Ruuell Kepler, RFD 1, Eait ITI2 W*IUtaa >1 fraf, Piaa itroet, Rid Bank ITM Frank Dunlap Boiwoll, Hillside an nus, MldeUtowa 1714 Kranili Alexander Ckogauler, Oreen- ' tree farm, Lincroft ITII George Weitliy Wrckolt, 21 Proi pait itroot, ITII Egbert Mughal, fcaaa'a Ian*. Middletowa ITIT Elwoo4 Jokn Murrar, I Cherry itreet, mod Bank ITII Peter Biehard Celll, Itate Highway. II, Middletown 1711 William Aurnaek Browar, 111 Flnt itrett, Kerport I III George Evan lader, Mona>outh ave nus. JUveilnk Mil Boy Knight Flanagan, II Mar eourt, Bod Bank IMI Frank atari WlHwaPl, fourth itraot, Keaniburg IMI William A Peiie, Ocean Qrovo ave nue, Kerport Illl William Henrr Kane. RFD 111, Illl Gabriel Jiraei Hlshde, Middletown IMI Anthonr Albert Tenikl, Nateo, Union Beach HIT Marvin Miller, Bel ford IIM IAIOMO William BarbeUi, Westly avsnui, Union Beach IIM Joieph Noirler, II Flrlt Itrect, Key port Illl John Pater Brouwar, Main etrool, Bslford Illl Ouitave Hanrr Dlraar, Jr, Shore road. Union Beach Illl Albert Curt Weasel. Henrr atreet, Union Beach till Thomsi Johnion, Mala street, Belford 2811 Arnold David Wentworth, Railroad avenue, Belford Ilia Auitln Kernsit Burns, RFD Boi 141, Illl Konrad Straussberger, 71 Flrlt aveavenue, Atlantic Highland! HIT Arthur Kauteen, II First avenue, Illl Joieph William Canning, II Bar avanus, Illl Olsronee Walter Hauph, II Broad- WA)T. Key port Illl Albert Joiep* Venrllt, II Central avenua, Highland! Illl Herbert Miison Sleh. Naveilnk avanue, Locuit 2III William Sandirs, II Valley drive, Atlantic Hlghlindi Illl Richard Ruassll Thomai, Navailnk River road, Locuit Illl Homar Merkle Barlhold. II Second avenue, Atlantic Highland! Illl Knnrll Yahlrl, Tenth itreot, Keaniburg Illl Alvle. Louis Rldak, toi Horton tar race, Kerport 2817 DOUKUI Irving Fltsgerild, Fourth street, Union Beach lltl Anthonr Qlrard Vaecarslla, Eiiel street, Keinsburg 1811 Thomai Joiaph Thonpion, 15 Bar itreet, 2111 Joseph Anthonr Natale, I Avenue B, Atlantic Highland! IMI Erneit Helmut Nearanbarg, Tl Broadwar, Kerport Illl Henrr Kissnreueh, Laurel avenuo, Keaniburg 2111 William Dotr Edourdo, Loeuit Point road, Locmt Illl Sabaatlano Frank Rleclardilli, II Cantar avenue, Atlantio Highland! tail Nolf Wallaeh, Brothcrton avenue, > Locuat IlliWames Joieph Grsgarson, Jr, Palmar avenue, Kiamburg HIT Gharlai F Helm, South Laurel avanue, Keaniburg Illl Louie Floretti, Tl Center avenue, Atlantle Highland! till Edwin Harrr Hiynei, Laurel avenue, Keaniburg 1141 Richard V Hsnnesaar. 114 Neva- Ink avenue. Hlghlande 1141 Oeorge William Teasdala, Dock itreet, Union Beach 2142 George Henrr Origenon, II Leonard avenui, Atlantle Highland!?Ma Everett Howarth Baxter, Laurel avenue, Union Beach J844 Harold Irwln Doyle, Hth Itreot, Keanaburg 284i Raymond Gny Boeckal, Locuit 2*46 Nathan Zuckerman, 2114 Main treat, Koaneburg 1147 Corwln Edwin Kllarvder, SFD J, Atlantle 1848 Nathaniel Cheek, Holmdel 1841 William Sorar Huleton, Box 111, AtUntlc HIghlandl 850 Thomil McKnlght, Holmdel 811 Vincent Jamil Maura, Kerport- Hailat III ihonrr Joiiph Knoehel, tl Orand avenue, Atlantla.(I Raymond Charles Schwarl, II Twilight avenue. Keansburg 814 Raymond Clifford Hawkins, It Second street, Welt Keaniburg 2116 Vlneant William Baauaond, Holes Uliarlci Koiter, Fnsor place Keaniburg 2867 Edward Joieph Porikliviei,»roi. piet avanue, Atlantle Hlghlindi 2868 Hinry Louli Wlgglnton, 27 Highland avanue, Atlentic HIghlandl 286» Samuel Nathaniel Tlbbe, NtUo lane. Union ijeach 2111 Wllaon Bard Wright. II Pint avenue, Atlantic Highland! 1861 Hurry Tenlan, Kev, Pine atreet 2882 Gilbert Marvel, 71 Wait Front treet, Illl Auguit John Balhach, 111 Carr avanue, Keaniburg 1114 Norman Stenlor Tooker, HI I and itroet, JB6B John Donald Kobertaon, Countrr Club Estatei, Jill Chasay Edward Coward, Rutland Park, Keanaburg 2817 Joseph Cucclnello, I John street Keaniburg 2868 Stephen James Kelly, 26 ManchaS' tsr avenue, 2I6» Ernest Jamei Cottrell, 31 Mala treet, 2870 Wllliara Gustav Newman, First treet, 2871 Hurry Munroe Wells, McClees road Red Dank 2871 Stacy Ira Carhart, 17 Sicone atreet, 1171 Leroy Dorge Huylar, 101 Third treet, 1174 John Theodore Node. Itene road Eut Keaneburg 1171 Clifford Leland Bny, II Oreea. grove avanue, Keraort IITI Jack Boyd Hamond, 2«I llmlioe Atlantio Hlghlanda 2177 Carmen MUhael Bwaous, 114 Mspla place, 1171 Kiyrnond Moiher Tarlor, I Navealnk avanue, Atlantle Highland! 1171 Donald Thomaa Rellly, alllaaia avenue. Illl Charlei Smith Roberta, 41 Atlietll atraat, Illl Peter Edward. Caaevees. BFD I, 2882 Martln rt Sake, II I. avxiovard, Atlantio 2181 Anthony toward Amhroieno, RU 1, Kiyporl 2884 Frank Walter Suplcnikl, 79 Avsnua I), Atlantic Highland! «8S6 Donald Edwin Hlckey, Mapls place, 2886 Italph Anthonr llato, 56 Cantor IV nue, Atlantic Highland! 2*87 Clmence August Hacht, Melon place, Keambuitf I88B Kinnalh Uar Hudson, 88 Church atreet, Keanaburg 1881 Joieph Neleon Marlnacclo, IS W. Highland avenue, 1810 Ira Henry Dennett, 14 St. Johns place, Keaniburg 21'1 Walter John Ball, II lecond avanue, Atlantic Highland!!8» Charlai Burlngton Sllcol, II Front street, 1118 Owen Eugene O'Donnell. Hudsoa avenue. Box 881. Port Moamouta 1814 Elbert James Mason, 17 Mount avonue Rollln Armstrong Caugher, Lovrlo road, Atlantle Highland! Illl John Jamee Bielodokl, Naw Menmouth HIT Calvin George Coonatt, Port Hancock 2898 Vlncant Joieph Kelier, Palmer and Thonu>ion avenuaa, E. Keansburg 1891 Joieph Hinry King, 171 Main street, Ksamburg 8»00 Nelson Bdwin Finch, Red Hill read, Mlddlotown 2901 Stanliy Joieph Kovaliki, Bravent avinue, 2001 Joiiph Sloveni, Plreaoulh aveaua, 2908 Fred Leroy Beam, Plymouth avoauo, 2904 John B. Bailer, II Millar atraat, 2108 George Walter Anderaon, tl LupaVacong avenue, Kerport 2101 Kenneth Henrr Relllr, Hudson avanue, 2907 LOUIB Conrad Becker, Railroad avenue, Keaniburg 8808 Philip Alfred Mendii, 71 Mount avi nue, 2909 fieorsis Man, High street, Union Reach 2910 Joseph Julius Maklowikl, Jireer avenue,' Union Beach 2911 Phlletus J. Wilbur, 14 Main atraat, 2(11 Charles Frederick Meaen. Merear avenue, 2911 Anthonr Georga Rappl, at Oraan Grove avenue, Kerport 1114 Myron Franklrn Smith, II Kearney street, Korport 2911 Robert Samuel Seeler. Wilson avenue, ' Illl Frederick Auguit Heckelmaa, Tenth street, Union Beach 2117 Charlei John Vask, P. O. Box III, Middletown 2018 Edward Anthonr Shkoda, 71 Applesate street, River Plasa 2911 John William Wallace, 111 Baeeaa street, 2920 John Joseph Verbout, King's Hlghway, Middletown illl Russell Albert Munion, Nuurwaaap road, RFD 1, Rod Bank 2921 Joieph Edwin Dunn, Walling avanue, Belford 2921 Arnold Faul Horn,, Llbirtr atreat, Middletown «J4 Leille Bennett Udell, 7T Cantor avenue, Atlantic Highlanda 2921 GeorEO Henrr Gillesnla, W. Front street. RFD, 2926 Douglas Earl Stanler* HarUhoraa place, Middletown 29IT Leon Lambertson, II Cedar etreet,»!«john Roger Wtlllami, RD 111, Atlantic HIghlandl, Middletown 1921 Edward Milton Minor, 410 Flrat street, 1110 Frederick Auguitui Brink. Highway Si, Wl), Kid Bank 2911 Thomai C. (jarrlion, Albury avenue, Atlantic Highland! 2911 Charlei Moore Cubblgl, Chipil Mill road, Middlltown 2IJI Hubtri, Uidliy Cubbag!, Shore road, Belford 2114 John JoMph Johnion, 19 Weehawken avenue. ait Keamburg Illl Joieph Paul ile<iuglimo, ltt Pint avenue, 2911 Charlea Alexander Newpo, Harmony road, Mlddletowa 1987 John W. Carroll, M atatcalr Itreet, Middletown 2918 Dominic Olccone, 41 Briawooe avenue, Keanaburg 1189 Charlei Hanrr Oeaever, varatt. HFD Alexander Joeesh XonewJU, Wee ley anue, Atlantic Highland! 1141 Harold Harrlioa Foulki, dot amghth street, Balford 1141 Melvln Arthur Philo, II Atlantle treat, Kerport 1141 Manuel Anthonr Meiciale. I laoaad avonue, Atlantle Highland! 1144 Kirmlt Boyd Robertwn. I Fifth itraet, HIghlandl 1141 George Gideon Brown, II Columbia avenue. Union Beach 2144 Howard Frederick Woolley, Raalet 1147 John Jacob Denier, Jr., II Grand avenue, Atlantle 1141 Joaeph Tarlor, II Avenue B, AUantie 1141 Evarett Francis Taft, III Uaa road, Matawan Illl William Heerr agurtea, Jr., liebille itreet. Union Beech 2181 Alexander John Pennettl, 111 Atlantic avenue, 1151 Leror Baldwin Sehnusk, II Kearney street, Kerport Illl Joieph Carmen Rappl, Flrlt itraet, Kerport Illl Carmen Edward Oedrhe, 14 Charlee straat, Keaniburg Illl Arthur Wallace Palmer, 71 Uror place, Kiansburg Illl Frank Rsorge Carhart, (I W. Highland avenue, Atlantic Hlehlande 1187 Harold Mclford Shcppurd, Church street, Middletown I9B8 Raymond Wextervelt, 18 Highland avenue, Keamhurg 2989 Aloy«lus Albert Pennettl, 183 Bears street, ZHO Joseph Richard Wlluk, Shore road Union Beach 1961 (leorge Ramon Aurnaek, Floi avenue, 2062 Harold John Paynor, Roop avenue, 2S6I Michael Charlci Skrlppo, III gloli avenui, Keamhurg 2914 Joseph Handr, 171 Firit itroa 1 Kerport Illl Frank John Meiiaroi, RFD 1, Union Beach Illl William Mills Pettereon, Jr., U Rarltan avenue, Keansburg HIT Robert M. Cottrell, II Atlantic itreet, Illl Dr. Joieph Bernard Radnlek, I Front atroot, Kerpart Illl Robert Jonph Trualr, II Bayvlow avonue, Keanaburg IIT«Arthur SchauDer, BJghta itraat, West Keansburg IITJ flunuel Wasllovltch Dolgepol,.. W. Highland avenue, Atlantle High' lands IITI Hsrold Norman Krogstad, Bet 411, IITI John Meeker Cowler, 41 W. WasV Inirton avenue, Atlentle ntlffhlandi r.corst Hebioir, tux 51B, Mlddll 1178 John Anthy Luts, Bghth atr West Keamhurg t Cmrtoai with Purta* Lmynm To luthoriud ptoductfi of Liyetu E t, vc tumish i lupply olccct Lty- «at Egg Ononi»ith each kg ef Puriiu Liycni. Ltytna produoi top- jbalitr cfgi theic CUWM aukc it tttkt w KU thtot Drop in- let > tell jtm IDOtt nst complete Purim Plm fcf producing >nd nut* keiiof Ltyeni egga. LawesCoalCo.,lnc SHREWSBURY, N. J J. 71 Jimn Chirlii Sullivan, Union Beach J977 Theodore Henry Wagner, Jr., 7i Grove street, Kftst Keanaburg 2971 Axel Alli*rt. Nelson. 52 Greengrovi svenue Mathtw Newton.Stevenjon. Florence avenue, laonardo IIM) Charles Webley Lawii, Route 4>, Keaniburg 1911 John Ami! Flitcroft. li lieond avenue, Illl Clifton Anthony UUchofT, Box 227, Middletown till Kenneth Townsend Aekerion, RFD( 1. Kerport Illl Ralph Freicotl Sanborn, 6S Barearn avinue, 2111 Joieph Mllle, Holmdel road. Haslet till Harry Bernard i'odelefikr. S5 Welt Front itreet, Kerport HIT Frank Edward White, Garden itreet, Middletown Illl Thomas Ijclijamin Brown, 82 Center avenue, Keanaburg MM Raymond Abbott Urown, II Center etreet, Kunmuurg* Jill Eugene Everett Drckir, 61 Oeborne etreet, Kerport SHI William Johnion, Jr.. Waihlngtoa till John Edgar Hoose, Eait road. Belford 2918 Harvey Ward Smith, Port Mon Thomas Hendnck Collini, Middle road,. till Harold Phillip Foil, 201 Iroaawar. Kerport Hi; Charles Anthonr Rettlno. I Fourth street, Union Beach III? Elliot Heraey Goodwin, Chapel HU1, Atlantle Highland! IMI Clarence Vanderbilt Walling, T Collins street, Keansburg Illl Francis Woolley Lawler, Conover lane, Middletown 1011 Georgo Albert Harris, Hlghwar No. 5, Middletown Mil Robert Walsh, Manchester avenue, Kerport 3011 Edward Jamei Huritin. 87 Washington avenue, 1011 William Rich Kicclardelll. II Avanue A, Atlantic Highland! 1014 Jerry Rlcardi Hicclardelli. It Avanue A, Atlantic Highland* 8001 (loorite Kishard Ricciardclli, 76 Avenue A, 1011 Harrr Shulman, 264 road. Kast Keansburg 8007 Ellsworth William Lewis. 73 Naveilnk avenue, Kast Keansburg 1011 Thomas Joieph Johnion, Tiylor avenue, Eait Keaneburg 8001 Joieph Benjamin Gerval, No home, Rover 8911 Rev. Robert Thomai Bulman. St. Mary'a Rectory, New Monmouth till Frank Leroy Tape, Scan avenue, Box 13, Navnink Illl Harold Firihlng Mahnken. Ill Weihlngton avenue, Illl Arnold Fedorsen, 44 Fourth itreet, Haj-hlandi 111 Hraun KoKbraw, II Walling Terrace, Kerport Mil Joseph Francla Kelsa, 111 Chlngarora avenue, Kerport III John Henrr Welll, 1M First straat, Kerport MIT Douglaa Aloralus Lochs, III Main straat. Kr/yort Illl Benjamin Joseph Yoaag, ill Itoae road, Kerport Oil Harold Mathiaa Haltsch, Ml Center street, Keanaburg III! Rnymond Francis Bawls, I Burtlna place, 1021 Clarence William Morgan, H7 Seel; avenue, Keansburg 8022 Michael Arcano Mitle. li State Jiiehn-ey!)«. Kcaniburg J023 Frank Thomae Jones. RFD, Middlctown 3024 Conway Aldren Jaekion, 8& Kirit treet, 1025 Daniel Franklin Everhan, Jr., 326 Firit itreet, Kayport 1011 Charlei Zigmund GoldiUin, Wall- Ing Terrace, 8027 Charlei Rogers Ferr, Middletown flo28~-char]ei Kobert Simon, Sydney eve. nue, Union Beach 1011 Richard Victor Norten, Central Avenue, Union Beacb Illl Thomae Franeie Bolger, South Park trect. Highland! Illl Thoasas Joieph Sommeri. 411 Carr avanue, Keaneburg Oil Charlee Deitrich U»no». 62 Seidrifl avenue. Highland! 8011 ^Edward Jamei Corric, II Watervlew plaee. Keansburg I0K John Adrian Miller. Canter Itreet, Union Beach I0IS Franell John UiMlino. 10 Scabrceie avenue, Eest Keanaburg 8018 Robert Langford Scott, Ijcurel avenua. Kceneburg I0H Howard 1, Engelhardt. 164 Ocean boulevard, Atlantic Kighlandu 1011 Janea Grant MetBier, Florence avinue, Kerport 1011 Edgar Van Voarhlt Clou, Matawan Beech, Kerport AL-MASQUE Ikaetrical a«4 awetcaaajcail Center COSTUMES Wifa-Makeep let laetr It.. Aikarr Paim PUILIC NOTICE. Notice U herebr given that aaaled bldi will be received by the Council of the Borough of Bed Bank lor one motor-driven treet I weeper end opened and read in public at the roomi of the laid Council, rtorough Hall,, N. i., en Monday, November 4th, at or about 8:30 p. m. Specification* for laid iweeper era on file in the office of the Borough Clerk and mny be Impacted by prospective bidders during office hours. Bids muit be encloied In icalcd envelopei bearing name and addreai of biddtr and name of propoied work on th* outilde, addreued to the Meyor and Council of the Borough ef Keel Bank, and muit be accompanied hr a certified check for the vpa of ten per cent ef the amount of th«bid, parable to the ereer of the Borounh Collector, ana muit be delivered at the plaee and before the hour above named. The Council of the Borough of remrvee the right to reject anr or all bids If deemd to the belt Intereet ef the Borough go ta go. By order of the Oonnefl ef tfee Borough tt lea Bank, K. J. OHARLW B. ENGLISH. Mayor. Atteett AMY E. SRINN, Bnrough Clark. Ocwber 21it, ! William Kenrr Posten, 52 Memorial parkway, Atlantic Hlghlanda 3048 Dennis Philip Sheehan, Leonard avenue, I,eonardn 3044 Joseph Nappi. Holmdel road. Haiiet 3046 Frank Joseph Barnei, Bay VJCW are. nue. Union Beach 3048 William Edward Gorman, Leonard avenue, BE Sl'RE OF STARTING TTJWal UP YOUR KNG1NE T.G.JAUDY IN( JirU BANK PHONE UN BUT IT'S EASIER TO BUY AN -V Oil Burner Initallaa-, tarvlcaa', «uwrmtaa., uu Puala.bylfcaM.rk.Mri.fl.MO.wUMi ITANDAJ,D 0IL COMPANY. OF NEW JERSEY. Mala c\ Field Su., Avon, N. J. Asburr Park wmok Tirbout ofcugatloa, lead full I* formation about the Cao OM 9M& ar and roar T It Pays to Advertise in The Register THE BEAUTIFUL C H R YSLER TWO VETERANS for Good Government! Enlieted as a pri- Tite in the Army the day war wai declared in Anigned to offi- «eri' training amp; eommiiaioned a Lieutenant. Received ipeciil training in artillery gnn fire. Serred in France with the Ei^itrfourth DiViiion. Received honorable dageharge af- WENDELL L. WILLKIE ter being promoted to Captaincy..After the Armirtice, Willkie eitablished a reputation for hii defenie of American doughboys before court-martial, ferring witrioat pay. Charter member and twice Commander of Summit Post No. 19, American Legion, and charter member and Jndgc-Advocate, Port No. 967, Veteran" of Foreign Wan. Willkie has alwayi fought for religions liberty»nd political freedom for all. He iinow waging earnest fight for NO THIRD TERM. WILLKIE for PRESIDENT These men are known fighters for good government md political freedom. They deierve your active tupport. Work and Vote or Left high school to enlist in the Army in In France, "Bob" He n d r ickion served infivemajor engagements. He was decorated for bravery under fire. He is a member of the William Stokes Bontall Post No. 133, Woodbnry, Anierj ican Legion ROBERT C. HENDRICKSON (named after hii wife's brother, who was killed in action). In 1929 and 1930, he served aa Vice-Commander of the Gloucester County Committee for the Legion. For his heroic rescue of a friend in a heavy running sea, he received, in 1938, the highest award of the American Legion, Department of New Jersey, the MEDAL OF VALOR. Senator Hendrickson is a veteran legislator; a fighter for COOD GOVERNMENT. He served as Senate President; in 1939, was Acting-Governor of New Jency. HENDRICKSON for GOVERNOR TMAGINE the magic of Fluid Drive with Chrysler's new Vaca.- Xinatic Transmission, which gives automatic safety control! About all the driver has to do is to operate throttle, wheel and brakes! Gears adjust themselves automatically to all normal driving conditions. Jerki and labors of gear shifting become a mere memory! The car flows along as smoothly as a quiet stream... always under complete control. Fluid Drive has been proved by thousands of enthusiastic Chrysler owners, in many millions of miles of driving, since its introduction in With Vacamatic Transmission, it h available on all 1941 Chryslers. ' The more powerful Spitfire engines have 112 and 137 horsepower. They have multiple-jet carburetors, with separate jets for different driving speeds and a Spitfire jetfora great rush of power whea you need it. The result is amazing getaway, superb performance, and the economy for which Chrysler has become famous. The dasiest-handling Chrysler ever built.,..packed with exclusive engineering features. Come in and drive it! EAUTIFUL new Airflow bodies, space-flared for B greater roominess! New radiator design... new, longer hood... new graceful rear) Lower, stronger, double-channel frame brings the body closer to the ground, improving appearance, balance and easy handling. Groat roominess everywhere! Bodies belled out t the window line to make room forfive-footcushions! Extra head room, leg room, shoulder room! The button-tufted upholstery is real, not just ornamental. And the whole interior is tailored to your taste! A wide selection of rich broadcloths, pile fabrics, Bedford cords, novel new materials, leathers. Many different color schemes, including the handsome Chrysler two-tone combinations. Plastics in many colors to match th* color scheme you select. Airfoam cushions...bigger windows and windshield... beautiful new instrument panel... clear vision steering wheel. Luxury, comfort, completeness... beyond the power of words to describe! So see for yourself... examine... compare! You be the judge. -ATune In oo Malor Bowel, CBS, Thun* 9 to 10P.M.. E. S.T. Her* ara the Keys-Take a Rid* I Chrysler dealers are the most enthusiastic dealers in Ainef" ica today. They know that one ride in the 1941 Chrysler! will tell you more than a million words. Accept your Chrysler dealer's invitation to see for yourself... try for yourself... decide for yourself. The kevs to it demonstrator nre waiting for you. Make a date today! BE MODERN BUY C H H Y S IL E R T MAURICE SCHWARTZ W. FRONT STREET, PHONE 787 BRANCH RARITAN GARAGE BUILDING ROUTE 35 PHONE 361 RED BANK KEYPORT. N.J.

12 Page Twelve RED BANK REGISTER, OCTOBER 31, INSULATION S I D I N G I4M0NM0UTH St RED BANK, N. J. MAGAZINE October 28 You may win a cash prize $3500 GIVEN AWAY FREE! LEON'S IVORY LAUNDRY PHONE 2800 Legion Group To Hold Card Party Th«Ladles' auxiliary of Shrewi bury American Legion post will ho] a card party Tuesday night, Novem ber 26, at the post home on Riversidi avenue. Mrs. Moe Gordon wa: named party chslrman st a meetinj Thursday night. Mrs. Carl Bremer conducted (hi first in a series of study group lectures. Mrs. Bremer gave a brie( resume of the duties of each officer. Commutee chairmen were given suggestions as to how they could be ol greater assistance to the various departments of the auxiliary and the county organization. Mrs. Victor Wolfcamp was wel corned as a new member. The nex meeting will b«thursdsy, Novem ber 14. Others present were Mrs. Sarah Skillman president, Mrs. Kenneth R Smith, Mrs. Jack Norell, Mrs. Daniel Bedford, Mrs. Vincent Moyes, Mrs John E. Day, Mrs. Margaret File, Mrs. Fred Boyd and Mrs. Fred L. Jones. More Than 300 Attend Club Fair More than S0O psreon* attended the imple fair given by the 'Oman's club Friday afternoon and vening. A total of 1,500 samples of atlonally known brands of food fere given out during the afternoon,nd evening; as well as many special irizes, donated by club members and Deal merchants. Mrs. Leon de la Reussllle, Sr., was ;eneral chairman. Mrs. Tony Huntng was in charge of the entertainnent. All club departments particilated In the event. It Dave to advertise In The Rttister. OVERCOATS BY BUFFIR CHAFT As sure u "merit wtu win," you'll be hearing acclaim of Ganado. For, exwpt In the high price brackets, there'! never been an overcoat no silky-soft, 10 richly radiant, o warm-yet-light. The luxurious nap holds millions of Insulating air pockets, that keep chlu from your body. Tor this headline value, thank the nation-wide CLir- PER CRAFT PLAN... a group ofboo leading storei with which we pool purchases, to give you the savings of larcje-scaln "wlentlarally planned production." Se- Scet yours from a grand assortment of new mndeli, colors and weaves. EXCLUSIVE WITH J. KRIDEL It Pays to Advertise in The Register Rotarians To Try Chris Berge On Several Charges Mock Trial to Be Held Today at Molly Pitcher Hotel U. S. G. Conduct* Scavenger Hunt There were 12 guesta at the Scavenger hunt conducted by U. S. G. club Friday night. Guests assembled at the home of Miss Dorothy Brown on Wallace street and were given lists of 25 articles which they were to procure in the shortest possible time and then return to the Brown home. The four guestj working with Dew- ')' Williams were the winners of the hunt. After the "hunters" returned At the meetinit of the o the Brown houce a buffet supper Rotary club at the Molly Pitclipr ho-, was served. The table was decorated el Thursday, Edwin C. Gilland an with Halloween designs. nounced tentative plans for the In Those present were Mr. and Mrs. er-city meet to be hpld here, wit Herbert Barber, Mr. and Mrs. Walter he invited dubs comins from Long Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Branch, Asbury Park. Point Pleas Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Brower, nt, Lakewood and Freehold. The Mr. and Mn. Kenneth Brower, late has been postponed from 'hursday, November 2S, to Thurs.ay, December 5. The attendance prize was donated y Chris Berge and won by Danie CHRIS L. BERGE Dr. Samuel W. Hausman and Mauice Schwartz described their trip the precedins week-end with Albert S. Miller to Ithaca, New York, for the Cornell-Syracuse foot- I ball same, i William Leddy, Jr., and Lionel W. Lancaster will be admitted to membership at the meeting today, coming under the classifications of golf club manager and civil engineer, respectively. A special feature of the meeting Thursday was the mock indictment of Chris Berjre on charges "f carrying concealed weapons, threatening the lives of various members, commission of various nuisances anil other criminal charges. The defenj dant entered a plea of not guilty and then requested John V. Crowell I and E. Allaire Cornwcll to undertake his defense, and both lawyers asked leave to be excused so that the de- j fendant will have to be counsel on his own behalf. The trial of his I case will be held at today's meeting. I Various committee charmen were called on by resident Harry Crawford to report their various activities. The visitors and jruests included Al Rushton of Asbury Park, Jacob O. Herr of Deal. Wiliiam Smith of Long Branch, Stewart Crowell of Metuchen, W. Taylor Dale of Point Pleasant, Edwin Beckett of Middletown township and Orson Voorhees of Royal Oak, Michigan. Shore You7h~Killed In Southern Accident I Harry J. Bodine, 17, a senior at i Asbury Park high school, died of j accident injuries Sunday night at ' the University of Virginia hospital I at Charlottesville, Virginia, while his mother, Mrs. Wilma Bodine, Asbury Park funeral director, -wab speeding ' southward by train to reach his bed- j side. The youth was fatally injured j in an auto accident in which three other Asbury Park high school stu- I dents were involved. James Corru-! bia suffered a fracture at the base ; of the spine and concussion. I The four youths had attended a j house party at Washington and Lee university and on their way back decided to run into Charlottesvillo! to see Robert McKinley of Avon, freshman at the University of Virginia, who had been injured in a football game. Bodine was driving Corrubla's car when It hit a rut and turnpd completely over, Mrs, Bodine took over the operation of her husband's business four years ago following his sudden death. She was notified of the accident and took a train after failing to make piano connections. Her son died before she arrived at Charlottesville. Young Bodine was a star basketball player at Asbury Park school. high CLARKSBURG JUNIOR HUST- LERS MEET. Harold Ha.vlland, newly elected president of the Clarksburg 4-H Junior Hustlers club, presided over their regular meeting Friday afternoon which was held in the Clarksburg school. The newly elected officers for the year are: vice president, Marjorie Clark; secretary, Dorothea Anderson; treasurer, John Mezlrka and reporter, Albert Abate. After reports of the secretary and the treasurer were made, County Club Agent Stelle checked on the completion of club members for the year. Some record books were turned in at this meeting and the balance are to be brought in by the end of the month. Those members who do not submit their record book today will be considered incomplete and will not receive an achievement pin which recognizes their having completed satisfactorily their club work for the current year. The club voted to make an award from their treasury to the member turning in the best garden club record book. The award is to be used to buy garden supplies next spring. Judging of the books will be done by the county club agent and the local leader, Mrs. David Rooney. a i ^ Farm Employee Dies. Fred Halpin, 56, an employee of Ihe Kali-lawn fauns at Adelphln, died Sunday of lasl wi-i-k In Filkin hospital. Mr. Hnlpin ii survived by a widow, four children, one. sister and three brothers. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Loud, Mr. and Mrs. Franklyn Gray, Mr. and Mrs. Williams, Mr. and Mr*. Walter Mc- Coach, Mr. and Mrs. George Anderson, Mr. and Mre. Floyd King, Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Rehrig, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Quackenbiuh, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Herbert, Mrs. Edith Worth, Mrs. Donald Oakley and Misses Dorothy West, Elsie Minton and Muriel Merty. LEADERS' ASSOCIATION. At a county-wide meeting- of 4-H club leaders Monday evening of last week, held in Liberty Grange hall at Marlboro, it waa voted to form a leaders' organization of Monmouth county 4-H club leaders for both home economics and agricultural clubs. Mrs. John Polhemui of Summerfleld waa elected temporary chairman to be In charge of the next ^neeting of the leaders when officers will be elected and policies will be formulated. This meeting will be held In connection with the annual Monmouth County 4-H club rally Saturday, December 7. The meeting Monday night folowed the annual covered dish super of leaders. Other matters presented for discussion to the group of eadcrs by Home Demonstration gent Margery L. Bessom and Couny club Agent H. J. Stelle were plans 'or the 1940 rally, the use of 4-H lub charters, 4-H club constitutions ind by-laws and the use of ritual In -H club meetings. The ritual in- :ludes an initiation ceremony and retaliation of officers' ceremony and candle-lighting- ceremony. New Baptistry Dedicated. A new baptistry was dedicated In he First Pentecostal church at Long 3ranch Sunday. Heretofore the con- ;regation has been using neighboring Baptist churches and nearby streams for the baptism of Its candidates. YftS HAZLKT CLUB PLANS EXHIBIT. plained their use, and a!«o showec the members a poultry tattooing out At the regular meeting of the fit. The next meeting of the clut Hulet Hard Heads 4-H Poultry club will be held Thursday afternoon the group planned to set up an exhibit at the 1940 Monmouth County November IB, In the Hillcrest schoo 4-H club rally and appointed Donald Peseux and Daniel Enfanti as Check Your Heater Now to the committee to plan the exhibit. Inwrc Comfort All Winter Jack Welgand, secretary of tho club, served as president in the absence r.c.jaudy. IN( of the president and vice president. County Club Agent Stelle distributed the new 1940 record books and ex- RED BANK FIIONE 170* And Fanny Farmer Candict art alwoyi froth always dtliciout, loo They're made in (hat oldtime "homemade" way from only the very finest of foods then rushed by fast truck from the studio direct to your Fanny Farmer hop every 48 hours or oftener. They taste fresh because they art fresh. Qmetuo will always win "HER" vote! Met* art surprisingly moderate: 2-lb. boxes or larger, 5Off the pound. 1-lb. boxes arc 60^. Snopi Open tvtningt for Your Conven/ence THE FRESH CANDIES 44 Broad Street, Corner White Street [SCHOOL PRESSURE"cftOUPS Shall "Vocational Schools be established in the County of Monmouth the costs of buildings and operation according to * s -18:15*55 et stf are raised t>y County taxes and that the amount raised by taxation for the year 1940 in the ad- Joining County of Middlesex for Vocational Schools is the following: Operation for year $181,730.00; Interest on Vo-.. rational School Bonds $19,177.50; Vocational School Bonds N 0 due in 1940 $20, total for the year 1940 $220,907.50; (his amount la In addition to any Federal Aid or State contributions," be adopted? JCoolt For TMM Question At The Bottom 0/ Your Ballot On Election Day, Nov. 5th VOTE NO! BECAUSE: 1. Nobody Knows the Cost 2. Publie School Enrollment Is Declining Eyery Yeor and School Costs Are Going Up Every Year i. Present Facilities Are Adequate to Absorb Vocational ' Training 4. Taxes Are Already Too High-Don't Add to Your Burden This Is Your Chance To Call A Halt On Public Spending Vote NO on Election Day! lordercd»nd pi Id for br Honmouth Oountj Tupiytri Commute.) Drastic Reductions off 20 % - 50 % # In This Swttping FURNITURE CLEARANCE Suite*, Occasional Pieces of Quality Furniture. Profit By The Savings. No Down Payment Until January th Century Living Room Breakfrout Bookcases, Wai. k Mali Walnut Bookcase. v 10, Mahogany Bookcase " Walnut Kneehole Desk Walnut Kueeholc Desk Mahogany Commode, 9, Mahogany Secretary 29, Maple Slumlwr Choir Mahoganv Secretary Velvet Suite, 2-1'c Automatic Bridge Set (as is) Mahogany Tier Table Mohair, 2-Pt\ Set Mahogany Smoker Mahogany Console Table Pillow-Back Sofa, Green th Century Dining Room Walnut 10-Pc. Set (as is) 98, Walnut Chairs, 4, (OH is) 19, Mahogany China Closet Mahogany Cliair 4,05 Maple Dining Room Maple Welsh Cabinet Maple Welsh Cabinet 19, Maple Welsh Table Maple Bedroom Maple Chest, Maple Chest! 19, Maple Desk-Chest 19, Maple Bench 2, Maple Bench Maple Bench : Maple Bench >. 1, Maple Bench, 2,95 fi.95 Maple Chair 3, Maple Bed ,50 Modern Furniture Modern Set, 2-Pc Walnut Dressers (2)...:..; Walnut Vanity G.75 Walnut Bench Walnut Chnir 4, Walnut Bench Walnut Night Table Walnut Chuir ' Monterey Living Room Canela Bar k Back Sofa Book Case Canela Secretary Club Chair...' Monterey Dining Room Dining Room Set, 8-Pc Dining Room Sot, 8-Pc...' Corner Cupboard, Canela Side Chairs Canela Buffet Side Chairs, Canela : Monterey Bedroom Twin Beds, Indian Corn Full Size Bed, Indian Corn..." Twin Bed Suite, 4-I'c : Four-Drawer Chest li.iio Fruitwood Suite, 6-Pc Rose Provincial Suite, 6-Pc Rawhide Dresser Modern Chest x 19^ Canela and White 7-Pc. Suite Chest, 5 Drawers Adobe Rust 6-Pc. Suite THIRD FLOOR Skinlmcn ASBURY PARK (jg

13 BED BANK Aa Meal Maeu to Uv«Located OB the Beautiful Nranhu; «. * fty ma Mew V»rk ao4 Provldlag E»er» City C I RED BANK REGISTER SECTION TWO VOLUME LXIII, NO. 19. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, PAGES 1 TO 12. New Judges Have No Power In Election Law Cases Decision It Another Collapse in Effort* Against Mayor Hague Trenton, October 2» Another major part In the Republican-controlled legislature'* program to cut customary huge Democratic vote majorities In the Hudson county foitrese of Frank Hague collapsed this week when the New Jersey Supreme Court held four new Hudson judges had no power to hear election law violation cases. In the same opinion by Justice Charles W. Parker, the court ruled unconstitutional another companion act to permit summary conviction and sentenclnx by the judges of election act offenders. Justice Parker wrote that the alleged offenders ware entitled to indictment by * grand jury and trial by jury before coming up for sentence. Included In the program w«j a measure to compel the use of vote machines in Hudson during next Tuesday's general election, but the move bogged down when the machine manufacturers said they could not fill the orders. During the past few months, in their political campaign, Republicans have Intensified charges of "dictator" ngalnst Hague, and renewed allegations that includued in the big Democratic pluralities in Hudson were thousands of fraudulent votes. Under the Supreme Court's decision the juriats named in joint meeting of 4 he legislature early thla month were left with jurisdiction only over minor criminal cases previously heard In municipal policevourts. Even though the actual creation or the courts by the legislature, and their election rather than appointment by the governor, was not upset, the ruling was considered by many observers as a setback to OOP leaders who put across the election revision program. A spokesman for Robert C. Hendrickaon, Republican state senator, running for governor, haj claimed for him a major share of credit for enactment of the measures, many of them pasted over the veto of Demo- New YWCA Group Advisors Begin Special Tasks Much Work Under, Way by County Leaden and Memben in cratic Oovernor Moore. Meanwhile, the four judges who New group advisors interested the Young Women's Christian elation Include Mrs. Norman Taylor, Asbury Park, who will take over the Happy group; Mrs. Harry Truap of Neptune City, who has accepted the leadership of the Link-a-Lassis group of Asbury Park; Mrs. Kenneth Bruce, who is In charge of the Co-T of Rumson and sirs. Clarisse Fetter and Mrs. Ruth Borden of Atlantic, who are In charge of the Young Women's club. Requests have come In for a great many new groups and these will be 1 organised as soon as leadership csn be secured. Any young woman interested In help- Ing with this work may contact the county secretary, Mrs. Carl Meyer of Deal. The Neptune Y. W. C. A. group, under the leadership of Mrs. Marjorle Meglll, met at her home Thursday night. It was decided to held meetings hereafter Wednesday evenings at the home of Mrs. Megill. Miss Doris Fauver, president, opened the meeting and led the devotional period. Officers were elected and In addition to Miss Fauver they are Miss Harriet Johnson, vice president; Miss Pearl Layton, secretary, and Miss Dorothy Carley, treasurer. Other members are Misses Betty Alexander, Harriet Clark, Laura House, Esther Layton, Agnes Tyma and Betty Houec The Young Married Women's dub of Tennent held a Halloween party at the home of Mrs. Oustave Dreyer Thursday night. Mrs. Wllkes Davis and Mrs. William Belth were the hostesses. Miss Doris Johnson entertained had planned to alt to hear appeals ot persons seeking removal from a new "blacklist" of Hudson voters, recessed to study the opinion after receiv I Spring ing word of the court's action. / th(! r p Attorney General David T. Wilentz, acting at ths request of the governor, tested the right of the Judges to office. The Jurists are Ashley Garrick and Cyril Galvin, Jersey City anti-hague Democrats, and Republicans John H. Cooper of Keary and Cyrus Lunn of Weehawken, Several years ago the legislature set up in Passalc and Bergen counties criminal district courts similar to the Hudson benches, but not until the new acts were enacted were the Passaic and Bergen courts given election law violation Jurisdiction. Like the Hudson courts, they too lost the right to hear election cases which would remain in the Jurisdiction of county common pleas courts. While the court's opinion was being written and afterward Republicans and Democrats began their final campaign flings, with candidates for national and state-wide offices making their last tour of the circuit which most began to travel many months A record breaking New Jersey voter registration approximately 2,382,- 926 presaged a precedent making the Gamma Nu Mi girls of Manasquan Wednesday night of last week. The devotional period was In charge of Miss Edith Gundaker and the business session was in charge of the president, Miss Peggy Cook. Mrs. Wilbur Crosiey was a guest at the meeting. The girls will attend the covered dish supper at the home of Mrs. C. V. Shropshire of Wednesday night, November 6. This group will welcome the guests and have charge of the games. A Halloween party was held Mon-,iay night by the Komoko group of ~ ' g Lake Heights at the home of president, Miss Elisabeth Voorhees. The Gamma Nu Ml girls of Manasquan were guests. Games were played and a social time enjoyed. Refreshments were served. Six members of the group will attend the gettogether at Wednesday night. Roll Call Head Names Workers Mrs. R. -F. Mount It Middletown Director Proclamation Whereas, last year SO state governors endorsed and proclaimed art week; Whereas, over 500 city mayors did the same thing; Now, therefore, I do heartily recommend that through this section we likewise proclaim November 1 to 7 for the recognition of American Art, by American artists, for the Amarerlcan people. Signed, Charles R. English, Mayor. Accident Stops Sunday Traffic turnout of soldiers ballots. Again, in the battle of in many years past, the state's most populous counties Essex and Hudson held the major roles in deciding how the state would vote. Complicating factors, however, enter the picture in both counties, and make plurality predictions rash at best. Democrats do not concede normally Republican Essex to the opposition, reciting two major reasons: strength of President Roosevelt in Newark, the state's largest city, and the "tremendous following" of Charles Edison, Democratic candidate for governor, In the suburban area, where he resides. Edison lives In West Orange. I Republicans said they had no fear of losing Essex, and talked of keeping Democratic majorities In Hudson to an ebb which would not offset Republican triumphs elsewhere In the state. Roosevelt In his 1936 landslide Into office blanketed Hudson by a 188,- 000 majority, and Democrats this year predicted a victory ranging between 150,000 and 160,000. Atlantic, Bergen, Cumberlaed, Capo May, Olouceater, Monmouth, Morris, Ocean, Salem and Somerset, were, judging by sentiment indentions, safely In the Republican column. Cumden, Middlesex and Hudson were the Democratic hotbeds, but Essex, Burlington., Hunterdon, Mercer, Passale, Warren, Sussex and Union were hotly disputed. _ Education Head To Speak To P. T. A. John N. McCarthy ot- Trenton, assistant commissioner o' education, will speak on the needs and costs of vocational schools at a community meeting of the Little Silver Parent- Teacher association Monday at S o'clock at tho Little Silver grammar school. Members of the Llttlo Silver board of education, borough council, fire company and Interested residents of the community have been Invited to attend tho meeting. Tho Little Silver P. T. A. has gone on record In favor of a vocational school in this county. Mrs. George Ruddy Is P. T. A. president. Mrs. Rachael Field Mount, who has been named chairman ot the annual Red Cross Roll Call drive In Middletown township, has announced assisting captains. The roll call will open Monday, November 11. Captains are Mrs. George Dunn, Middletown village; Mrs. Joseph E. Johnson, Navcsink; Miss Elizabeth Roberts, New Monmouth; Mrs. Thomas Ueland, River Plaza; Miss Marion Force, Llncroft; Mrs. Leslie Whitney, Conover lane; Mrs. Charles Rutt, ; Mrs. A. H. Lcderhaus, East Keansburg; Mrs. Craig Flnnegan, Belford; Mrs. Frank Wadsworth, ; Mrs. Harvey III Little Silver Four Can Collide on Branch Avenue; No Serious Injuries Heavy traffic on Branch avenue following the football game at Fort Monmouth Sunday afternoon was held up for more than an hour when four oars came together near th«corner of Woodbine and Branch avenues In the Foxwood park area at Little Silver. Four persons received minor Injuries and were treated at Rivervitw hospital. The drivers of all cars involved were given subpoenas by Chief Fred Zelgler to appear in court tomorrow night. The injured were Elmer W. Ralph, 14, Bridge avenue,, laceration* above and below the left eye, admitted to Rlvervlew and released Monday; Gladys Emmone, 32, Monmouth Park, Eatontown, contusions and abrasions of the forehead; Nina March, 14, Bigelow street, Newark, lacerated scalp; John Cuslck, It, West Front street,, sprained index finger of left hand. All, excepting Ralph, were released from the hospital following treatment. An eye witness account of the accident was given by Luke Murphy of Catherine street, whose automobile was involved in the collision. According to Murphy a car driven by Robert H. Tiedman, 30, of Newark, was proceeding north and swerved to the center of the road In attempting to pass a parked truck owned by Max Cloth, a 1U4 Bank painter. In so doing he stdeswiped a car driven by Miss Isabelle M. Kettle of Buena Vista avenue, Rumson, which was go- Ing south. The Kettel car then hit a car driven by Mrs. Florence Carroll, Lake avenue, Rumson, who was In back of the Tiedman auto and proceeding north. The Kettel car then crashed Into a or driven by Murphy, also proceeding north and following the Carroll car, Elmer Ralph and John Cusick, two of the Injured boys, were passengers in the Murphy car; Gladys Emmons was accompanying Mrs. Carroll and Miss March was with Robert Eeidemann. Chief Zelgler was assisted In clear- Ing traffic congestion by Charles M. Erlcksen of the police force. The ambulance j brought the injured women to the hospital while Ralph anil Cusick were taken to the hospital by Fred Johnston. Halloween Party For Sea Scout Ship A Halloween party was held for members of Sea Scout ship 6 of Atlantic Thursday night at DeWlnter, Headden's ' Corner; Miss Bob Crawford, Muriel Drueen, Bob Florence Ruthrauff and Mrs. Bourne Ruthraff, Naveslnk River road, and Mrs. Martin McGuIre, state highway. The Middletown emergency Red Cross relief workers met Monday morning at the home of the chairman, Mrs. Albln Swenson on Navesing River road, Middletown. A display of the garments completed by the group was exhibited and 4he new quota was read, members attended. More than 30 Shower Given For fcvelyn Layton A surprise miscellaneous shower was given for Miss Evelyn Layton of Sea Bright last week by Mrs. Leila Reid at her home at Sea Bright. Miss Layton will be married Saturday, November 23, to Charles L. Van- Dorn. Those attending were Mrs. John Olsen, Mrs. William Rodney, *Mrs. Basil Layton, Mrs. Alvin Donaldson, Mrs. John Klenan, Mrs. William West, Mjrs. James Layton, Mrs. Reuben Taylor, Mrs. Steve Ran, Mrs. Elizabeth Thomas, Mrs. Frank Manzl, Mrs. Travis Thomas and Misses Dorothy Reid, Peggy Ryan, Reba Spero, Maurlta Carson, Valerie Nelson, Ann Dcvereaux, Adele Rodney and Alma Madsen. Halloween Dance At Colt's Neck The Ladles' auxiliary of the Atlantic township fire company will ho!<1 th«lr first dance of the season tomorrow night at Colt's Neck ut the school house. Mrs. George Illmensee la chairman. Bob Wilson's orchestra from Rumson will furnish the music. The hall will be decorated In orange and black In keeping: with Halloween. The Ladles' auxiliary held a special meeting at the home of Mrs. Illmensee Monday night to complete plena tor the dance. Skipper R. Kennedy that place, Preaent <he home of Carpenter of were Joan Fay, Frank Horan, Kay Miller, Albert Quackenbush, Rose Jones, Robert Runge, Gloria Jones, Crawford Johnson, Antoinette Caso, Hughes, Gloria Jay, Ray Edwards Mary Jay, George Fielding, Jean Edwards, Bobby Douglass, Verna Andrews, William Andrews, Eleanor Cavalls, George Lehmann, Louise Koeller, Teddy Davis, Betty Mc- Laughlln, Joe Minor, Francis Lockwood, Daniel Blacksmith, Eileen Rlordan, Kenneth Mount, Patsy Oakes, Charles Martlnck, Ruth Ernnars, Jack Farren and Joyce Mount. Rainbow Chapter Meeting Sunday Plans for the national reunion at Atlantic City July 12, 13 and 14 will be discussed at ti f N Jersey chapter, Veterans, next Sunday afternoon at the home of Arthur E. Slattery, 107 Mcldren street,. The meeting will start at 3 o'clock. Mr. Slattery is reunion chairman. William Nevlus, new national president of the organization, will attend. m e> OPEN MEETING. a meeting of New Rainbow Division The Independent Order of Foresters will hold an open meeting tonight at 8 o'clock in their meeting rooms In the Odd Fellows hall on Monmouth street. The purpose of the meeting is to aquaint all those attending what the Independent Order of Foresters lodge consist of. All Interested persons are cordially invited. A delegation from the High Court of the State of New Jersey will be present. Refreshments will be served. MASONIC GAME PARTY. The Masonic lodge of Atlantic will hold a game party in the basement of the Masonic temple at Friday night, November 15, at 8 o'clock. Frank Martin Is chairman with George Schmidt as assistant chairman. There will be prizes for each gams,.... i Program Series For Children To Open November 6 Better Entertainment Committee to Start IU Seventh Season The Better Entertainment committee Is ready to begin its seventh Mason of better entertainments for the children of and the surrounding communities. The first program will be presented Wednesday afternoon, November 6, at 2:15 o'clock, at the Mechanic street school. The Fundsy Puppeteers will present the "Frog Prince" for the amusement of the children. It has a typical fairy story plot. The large and life-like puppets are directed by Dick Kraus and Judith Orleans. Miss Beulah Breckinridge, principal of the Mechanic street school, Is general chairman of the committee. At a recent meeting of the committee, a program was selected for the Season. During the past six years the committee has endeavored to bring to the young people of and the outlying communities, a series of programs that appeal to the artistic and scientific interests of children and at the same time contribute to their cultural background. The increasing interest on the part of the children has made it necessary to offer two performances of each program except the play which will be given at the Carlton '.heater through the co-operation of Morris Jacks, theater manager, early in December. A special committee, under the direction of Mrs. Leslie D. Seely of Eatontown, has been appointed to interest civic, fraternal and character building organizations in providing tickets for many children who are unable to buy tickets even at the very small admission charged. It is the hope of the committee to bring these programs to the largest possible audience of school children. Season tickets are available in all schools or they may be purchased at the first performance only. The enthusiastic approval of the children last year encouraged the committee to seek wider community support. The Clare Tree Major players will give the play "The Secret Garden," early in December. The play will be presented In the morning on the stage of the Carlton theater. The settings and costumes for the play are authentic in period and, design. The January shew consists of a chemistry show to be given by representatives from the Franklin Institute of Philadelphia. Last year the institute gave a show.on aviation. "Adventure of the Under Sea World," is the topic of the February program. Vincent Palmtr, who accompanied Dr. William Beebe on his expeditions to the South Seas, will speak. He will show moving pic- { tures and slides taken in Beebe's' bathysphere, Cleveland Grant, former curator of the Field Museum of natural history, Will present a lecture on "Bird Life," using colored slides at the March program. Lions Arranging Annual Dinner To Football Teams, School Teams to Be Guests December 10 The annual football dinner for the members of the and high school football teams will be held Tuesday evening, December 10, by the Lions club. Announcement of the dinner was made st Tuesday's meeting of the club by G. Howard Lippincott. The speaker will be announced later. The meeting Tuesday, November 12, will be In charge of Rev. William Reed, chaplain of the club, who will present an Armistice program. Tuesday, November 19, has been set aside in honor of District Governor Bensinger. The attendance prize was presented by Theoaore Labrecque, the question being, "How many miles did I. cover on my recent trip to the West." The answer was 8,272, and was won by Abram Kridel. Three visitors were introduced by Russell Jackson, manager of the Little Falls laundry; Harold Buckalew, executive secretary of the New Jersey Laundry Owners association, and Nicholas Vander May and Lambert Pet/.inger uf Little Falls. Mr. Buckalew gave in Interesting talk on the history of the laundry business. He told of the first laundry established in 1827 up until the present day machinery age, the different clasfies into which clothes are represented and the different ways in which they are treated. The laundry business has grown from a business of $100,000,000 in 1901, to a $541,000,- 000 business in In New Jersey alone there are 260 commercial laundries, employing 12,000 persons. Fiftyfive per cent of the laundry dollar go Extra Police For Shrewsbury Tonight Special precaution against damage to property in thr borough of Shrewsbury will be taken tonight, according to Police Commissioner C. A. Osborn. He is placing ten extra police in plain clothes on duty beside the regular police snd special police. Commissioner Osborn has ordered all children and young persons off the streets by 11 p. m. Any person caught In the act of damaging property will be summoned to court. He Is An American, Proud Of His Birth And His Nation Allen H. Vanderhoef 1. Family Tree Is Open for Inspection for wages. Outside of the lumber Garden Club To Decorate Hospital Group Will Give Fresh Flowers to Riverview The Neighborhood Garden club will furnish a vase of fresh flowers to decorate the reception room at Riverview hospital every Friday. The flowers will be arranged by a member in a container, donated by Mrs, John J. O'Shea, a club member. Announcement of the proposed project was made at a meeting of the club Monday afternoon at Uie home of Mrsi Walter W. Gosling on Blossom Cove road, Middletown township. A home-made pie, donated by Mrs. Cornelius Aller and awarded at the meeting, netted the sum of $3.05 and this money will be used to buy flowers for the hospital. Mrs. Matilda S. Rounds, horticultural department head, announced that the club horticultural group will meet the third Monday of each month at the various members' homes. Mrs. Rounds will go into the various gardens and give actual demonstrations as to.the planting, planning and pruning of various bushes. Mrs. Rounds also reported that she will secure invitations for club members to attend the monthly flower shows given by Shore Garden club members during the summer. The next meeting will be Monday, November 25. George Kim Leung of China will lecture on a rock garden at his home in China. Mrs. business, the laundry business Is the second in New Jersey doing a $15,. 000,000 business. Mr. Vander May then gave a Short talk on the establishing of the Little Falls laundry, of which he Is co-owner. Roll Call Drive Chairmen Named Chapter Workroom Receives Supplies The various chairmen of the roll call for the chapter of the- American Red Cross have been named by Mrs. Ralph O. Wlllguss, branch chairman. Roll call will officially open Monday, November 11. Craig C. Hill Is chairman of the drive at. Mr. Hill held that position last year. Other chairmen are Mrs. William B. Harding of Holmdel township, Walter C. Fields of Atlantic township, Mrs. Elliott Wlllitts and Mrs. Ada B. Nafew of Eatontown, Mrs. Irving Feist of Fair Haven, Miss Anne Lawrence and Mrs. Frank Horan of, Mrs. Charles Ely of Holmdel, Mrs. Clark Kemp of Little Silver, Mrs. C. Frederic Nellson, Jr., and Mrs. Will Ward of Rumson, Mrs. Ella Mack of Sea Bright, Mrs. J. H. Niles of Shrewsbury borough and Mis. Wellington W. Wilklns, Sr., of Shrewsbury township, Mrs. Willguss has announced that materials for various articles to be Yesterday afternoon Allen H. Vanderhoef, proprietor of Vanderhoefs bakery at 21 West Front street, called I at The Register office to seek our co-operation In bringing to an abrupt ending certain propaganda which Is! giving him much annoyancp. ] Mr. Vanderhoef informed the editor of The Register that there are rumors circulating in Fled Bank and vicinity to (he effect that Nazi propaganda has been inserted in packages going out from hi«bakery, He has no knowledge of where such malicloub rumors are emanating and he is greatly perturbed to think there are those who would even class him as anything but a loyal American citizen. Mr. Vanderhoef Is of Holland descent, born of American parents in America and hag never had any connection with any German society, in accordance with a signed statement which he has placed on filed with The Register. He hopes this will set to rest these malicious rumors, and he further states that his family tree Is open for Inspection at all times. Mr. Vanderhoef, former proprietor of the Dutch Trio restaurant on Broad street and now proprietor of Vanderhoefs bakery, Is a most respected citizen. He is a member of the Brotherhood of the First Presbyterian church and on many occasions has been instrumental In bringing to men and women of prominence who have had special parts on the Brotherhood progwim. The Register feels very sorry there are people in this vicinity who have belittle? the ch!ietsntp*'^f~mr. Vanderhoef and we are only too glad to render this co-operation In his behalf. m ^ m 14 Members Are Initiated By Club Little Women's Group Holds Ceremony at "Y" Composer Pianist Is Concert Guest Artist Erno Balogh Plays Two Of His Own Compositions On Varied Program - ERNO BALOGH The Little Women's club initiated 14 members at a meeting Tuesday night at the "Y" house on Riverside avenue. The ceremonies were in charge of Miss Betty English, Miss Edith Wright and Miss Ruth Dclatush. New members Include Mrs. Michael J. Lorenzo, Mrs. William Hoffman, Mrs. Robert Matthews, Mrs. Fred Wyckoff, Mrs. Stanley Parker, Women Reporters Endorse Game Club Planning First Anniversary Party Members of the Monmouth County Women's Press club will give their assistance at the football game and army exhibition of anti-aircraft guns being sponsored by the Monmouth County Press association Sunday afternoon, November 17, at Asbury Park. The proceeds will be given to a mess fund for Monmouth county men in military service through the national guard at Fort Dix. The club endorsed the project at a meeting Friday afternoon at the Wampum tea room, Eatontown. The group gave Miss Jcannette Lyon of Belmar, a club member, a linen dinner cloth with matching napkins. Miss Lyon will be married Saturday, November 9, at the First Baptist church, Asbury Park, to George Gregory, Jr., of Asbury Park. Tentative plans were discussed for a vlju to New York In January when the club will celebrate its first anniversary. The next meeting will be Friday, November IS, at the Strand restaurant,. Those present were Miss Ruth M. Straus, chairman, Mrs. Elliott R. Brainard, Mrs. Ethplyn Mora, Mrs. Monte B. Jones, Mrs. J.' Seymour Siegel, Mrs. William D. JMIdgley, Mrs. Harry J. Carlin, Miss Betty Yard, Miss Helen M. Mnzza and Miss Louella Frcy. Erno Balogh, composer-pianist, was guest artl3t at the first co-operative concert association concert Tuesday night at the Long Branch high school auditorium. Balogh, who is Hungarian, present' ed a wide and varied program. His four encores included two Spanish dances, one which was popularly known last summer as "Ths Breese and I," "The Dance of the Dwarfs" by Liszt and a concert arrangement of "Der Fleder Maus" by Strauss. The artist, who has appeared on i concert tours with such artists as Lotte Lehman, Grace Moore and! Frieda Hempel, opened his program I with Hummel's Rondo in E flat ma- ; jor. Hummel was a contemporary of Beethoven and was considered at I that time as his greatest rival. He j followed this number with Beethov- I en's "Moonlight Sonata," which met with much applause. The second half of Mr. Balogh's program consisted of Chopin musie and included Fantaisls-Impromptu, waltz in A flat, Nocturne In F and Polonaise in A flat. The third part of the program featured two of his own compositions. Dirge of the North and Caprice antique. The third part of the program was closed with Rhapsodie hongrolse, which is based entirely on the Ra-. koczy march made popular during, the revolution In Hungary. The : Rhapsodie was written by Frani Liszt, but the composer of the march I is unknown. I Erno Balogh closed his program with "Whirligig" by Beryl Rubinstein, contemporary American composer and Strauss' "Blue Danube" waltz. The "Blue Danube" walti arrangement was by Schulti-Evler. A block of 100 seats was marked off in red, white and blue ribbons, and soldiers from Fort Monmouts) and Fort Hancock were guests ot the association. More than MO ai< tended. John F. Simpson was chairman as) the following ushers: Julius Gillf} Harry Evans, Frank M. Taylor, RoS / ert F. Topping, Bruce Hendrleksoel Jacob Levin, Benjamin P. Morrli, S] Wolcott Morris and Frank J, MaM Mrs. Frank J. Maps of LongBranM is chairman of the association anf Mrs. Emllio Fanjul uf "MB? M*Ve» is chairman for this district. made by the branch has i Misses Alice DeLanoy, Margaret been received. This material Is be- Fahy, Doris Swift, Ruth Rogers, ing delivered by the transportation ] Eleanor Bennett, Gladys Soderholm, motor corps under the direction of Mrs. Zaie Dillon, chairman, to the Alene Patterson and Anna Brill. The club will hold a Christmas The branch chairmen. A large number dance. Saturday night, December 21, of materials are being cut for dis-jat the Molly Pitcher hotel. Plans trlbution daily and knitting supplies were completed for a covered dish have been received. supner to bo held Tuesday night, Thursday night 30 members ot the November 12, at the home of Miss Little Women's club, under the su-1 Marion Force at Lincroft. Miss Force pervislon of Miss Marlon Force, is adviser to the club, worked in the chapter headquarters! The club members meet each Tueson Monmouth street. Some members day night at the Red Cross headare doing Braille and others are sewing for the organization. Increased Demand For Small Housas Stuart Robertson of the John T. Lawley real estate agency, Route 35, Middletown township, reports a greatly increased demand for small nouses during the last two months. Mr. Robertson said that "this otiice has sold practically all of the small houses that we have had listed with us In the past six weeks and still the demand continues. "We recently ran an advertisement in The Register, offering hd quarters on Monmouth street and at the workrooms at the West Bergen place school. Some members j are sewing for the organization and I others are doing Braille. There were ' 30 members present at the meeting '. Tuesday. Rumson Group To Hold Dance Young Woman's Club Event at Old Orchard Mum Exhibit To Open Tomorrow Flower Sho^ Will Be Held at Long Branch Quiet Election In Middletown No Hot Local Contests Looked for This Year Rounds and Mrs. Joseph K. Honlg- i man gave reports of the recent state federation of garden clubs meeting at the Berkeley-Carteret hotel, Asbury Park, last week. Others present were Mrs. Alfred j Mathiasen, Mrs. Philip H. Walton, Mrs. Samuel G. Hausman, Mrs. Donald LaweB, Mrs. James H. Mattenlfe, Mrs. Theodore D. Parsons, Mrs. F. J. Ficker, Mrs. Walter Bruyere and Miss Ahbie V. Strickland. Surprise Store Sale Held Over The sixth anniversary sale being conducted by the Surprise Store on Broad street, "The Store of a Thousand and One Items," Is holding Us sale over for a few more days, according to William Gerstenfeld, manager. An advertisement pertaining to the sale for the week-end specials will be found elsewhere in this edition of The Register. 's Surprise store Is one of the largest of tta kind la MoMMNlk eswfltk F na i plans have been made by g lhc R Umson Young Woman's club a small house at $2,800, and we had {or the semi-formal fall dance Sat- j 15 bona fide inquiries and sold the urday night of this week at the Old house within a few days after the Orchard Country club. j advertisement appeared. Miss Charlotte Lockwood is in j "Mr. Emanuel London of Newark, charge of decorating and is being j owner of a real estate advertising I assisted by Misses Kathcrine Sin-1 concern and an expert on real es-, clair, Louise Hiltbrunner and Fran-' tate, recently spoke at the Piping ; ces Carhart. The rooms will be! Rock restaurant at Rumson, to the j decorated with aut mn leaves, glass- j effect that real estate values in Mon-1 es, fruits and vegetables, lolly pop mouth county would show a substan-1 dolls, which members of the club ] tlal increase due to many factors." I made last week, and crepe paper I continued Mr. Robertson. "And it! representing the club's colors. > appears that this prediction was not j Bobby Wilson of Rumson and his j too optimistic. Small houses are in band will supply the music for dancgreat demand and we feel that the i \ n g, which will begin at 10 o'clock, next six months will sec a great Miss Gladys Niederer Is general number of sales, especially of this \ chairman, assisted by Misses Char- The Monmouth County Horticultural society, the Elberon Horticultural society and the "78" Craftsman's club of Long Branch are combining their efforts for a large chrysanthemum show to be held at the Masonic temple, Long Branch, tomorrow and Saturday. From the number of entries received, the show promises to be the largest chrysanthemum show to be given in this section. Charles Rice of Rumson and Eugeno Warden of Middletown township, both members of the Monmouth County Horticultural society, are committee members. Charles M. Jameson of West Allenhurst is show secretary. All exhibits must be staged by tomorrow noon. There will be 40 classes in the show. The schedule calls for exhibits of large blooms of all colors and varieties, anemones, singles, pompons, cascades, thread or feathery varieties and Korean hybrids. There will also be classes for arrangement of chrysanthemums for effect and for table centerpieces. Other classes for exhibitors include classes for orchids, ferns, palms, carnations, roses, potted plants arranged for effect, collection and strings of gourds and gourds used as table decorations. The show Is open to all including amateur and professional growers. type." RED BANKER HONORED. lottc Lockwood, Katherine Sinclair, Louise Hiltbrunner and Frances Carhart, decorations; Edna Wool- Harry J. Stevens, president of tho j man, music, and Mary Mnlone nnd New Jersey Association uf Heal Ks-, Kntherlne Sinclair, tickets and puatate Hoards, has mude Ills appointments on the newly formed National Defense committee of the state association. One of the committecmen is Percy A. Gnddia of Union street, president of the Jersey City board. Mr. Stevens states that the men chosen by him arc the ones active In hoards whose territory will most likely be affected by defense activities. leis. STATE OFFICER'S VISIT. Fred Pelovitz of Somervllle, district deputy grand exalted ruler of the state organization will pay his official visit to the Lodge of Elks tonight nt the Elks club. George H. Roberts, exnltfld ruler of the local lodge, has urged all members U> bt present, Grange To Hold Auction The next meeting of Raritan grange will be held at Schcyichbi hall,, Thursday night of next week. It will feature the annual display and auction of fresh and canned farm produce. This event has proven so popular that it has become an annual affair at the November meeting. The proceeds are turned over to the grange lecturer's fund and are "sod for worthwhile causes both iii nnd out of tho uruunuutkm. Slii. Agnen Cult, lecturer, 1ms announced that the meeting will be open to the public. Refreshments and dancing will follow the auction. "No Gunning" Sign* on sale at The Register olllce. Cardboard, 50 cents per dozen; muslin, $ per dozen. Owner's name imprinter! at small extra cost. Advsitaht The local election in Middletown township this year has been overshadowed by the national election. The offices to be filled are that of I one member of the township commit- tee, collector and assessor. Captain Albert Runyon of Belford, chairman of the committee, Is a candidate for re-election. Captain Runyon was born and brought up alone the bayshore, where he Is engaged In the pound fishing business. He has served as a member of the board of education and filled other positions of trust in his locality. His opposition Herman Frenchman of Ideal Beach, who ran against Captain Runyon in the Republican primary last spring. He was defeated by Captain Runyon, but was nominated on the Democratic ticket. Mr. Frenchman was defeated last year in the Republican primary by Philip Leonard of. John M. West, the present tax collector, is running for re-election. His opponent, Herman Doran of Belford, was also defeated in the Republican primary last spring. Mr. Doran conducted a garage and service station until a short time ago, when he secured a job in the federal shipyards at Kearny. Mr. Doran's candidacy has been rather a mixed-up affair. He first ran as a candidate on the Republican ticket against Mr. West and was defeated. Then he filed as a candidate on the Democratic ticket, later filed his withdrawal as such a candidate, and then on the last night for riling vacancies, his reinstatement was filed with J. Russsll Woolley, county clerk, by Mayor Walter J. Sweeney of Sea Bright. William E. Ralph, the present assessor. Is running for re-election. Mr. Ralph has had particular training for this work. He was at ono time employed by the National bank, and later left there to become assistant cashier of the Keansburg National bank, which position he relinquished to devote all his lime to his job as assessor. His opponent Is Nicholas W. Kaiser of, with lnw offices at Newark. Local Physician* In Auto Accident Dr. William D. Sayrc and Or. Walter A. Rullman of fli-d Bank, whlli crossing 10th avenue and 40th street In New York My Sunday in Dr. Sayre'jt niitomoblle, were hit «nd turned completely around, by a Gt'i-yiiuund bun. Dr. Rullman wa«thtuwn from th«car nnd received a wrenched knee mid abrasions around the face. Dr. Sayre's cur *v««damaged con slurrably and hud to bo left In Na* York for repairs. The doctors hai atundrd the New York Glanta-Chl cniin Beam football Kama and wan returning horn*. Dr. Aayrt ia that legal»ct«jb V«U>4 *4 Mi

14 PartTwtf RED BANK REGISTER, OCTOBER 81, McCampbell Makes Public Statement For Newspapers Does Not Want a Singl Vote That Ia Bought by Party Workers Theron McCampbell of Holmdsl, Democratic candidate for tha Assembly, haa issued to the newspap*>«of the county tha atattmant Mow; On four election days about S2.000 citizens delegated me sa their representative in the stale legislature. By their voles they authorised me to work and speak and vote for tham on the floor of the General Assembly. If my S2.000 political friends wish me to rapraaant tham again I must ask tham to persuade 8,000 other citizens to vot«for me on November 8th. It ia my ruaaa that It -Hill take 40,000 votes to elect an Assemblyman thia year. THERON McCAMPBELL I will need a big majority of the votes cast by the thoughtful citizens, those who go to the polls of their own volition and vote ae their own minds dlctite, to offset tba 10,000 and more votes In Monmouth county that will be bought to vote against ma and Mr. Edison under the thin guise of having the vota sellers hauled to the polls by the paid workers who ara but agents of the vota buyara. Neither Mr. Edison nor myself want the vote of a single person who receives pay for hla or her vote, whether the pay la mads to them direct or through or to the man whs hauls them to the voting places. If the Republican legislature had provided an election system that prevented tha buying of votaa a* easily and safely as buying eabbags heads, both Charles Ediaon and Theron McCampbell p would receive a hhandsome d majority jit la l Monmouth M t h county next Tuesday. Shrewsbury (The Rail lank BaiUter can >* bought in Shrewtbury it. gherabba's Marktt and nt Gratnwood'a Markat) The Lawrenca Kalna family moved from Shrewabury laat week, They had resided in the Igoa house on Sycamore avenue, Mr, and Mm. Charles Broadly of Eiverton have moved Into the Guenther house on Broad atreat, William Klrlunan, who was proprietor of the Antlquarium at the corner of Sycamore avenue and Brc-ad street, haa moved Me collection to ths Soho houee on Shrewsbury avenue, Red Bar.k. Lieutenant Raymond Conntlly and family havs moved into their new home on Borden street. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Slattery of Deal have moved to Borden street, James Van Hise has returned to his studies at Staunton Military academy, West Virginia, after being confined to his home for more than a week by Illness. The Democratic club will meet tomorrow night at tl.e fire house. Vincent McCue is chairman in charge. All Saintj day will be observed tomorrow at Christ Episcopal church with the celebration of the Holy Communion at 10 o'clock. Sunday morning services at Christ church will be at 10:18 o'clock and Holy Communion will be celebrated at 11 o'clock. Christ church rectory is being repainted by Paul Ryder of. Sunday-school service at the Presbyterian church will be held st 9:45 o'clock. The morning service will be at 10:45. Norman Stofflet and John Haigh will sing "Take Time to Be Holy'' by George C. Stebbene at th«morning service. William Fiost, a xtudent at Rut- Rfi-s university, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mre. Walter Frost. Herbert Stubbn of Monroe avenue lin.«enrolled in the fifth grade of the borough Hchool. A card party, for the benefit ol Christ church, will be held at the church parish house Thursday night, November 14. Mrs. Pierce N. Poole i» general chairman, and Mrs. Evan F,.lonea and Mrs. Louin Hayward, cochairmen. Word was received early thia week (if the death of Rev. Alomo Q. Bailey of Collingiwood, who waa rector of Christ Church 19 year! ago. Rev. Bailey served In Shrewsbury for two years and then moved to Collingswood. He is survived by Eatontown (Til* Red BunL lurlatar can W kourht at Eatontown at Darla* ater* and «t Snocl'a #tore) Mr, and Mrs. Anna Emmons and children spent Sunday with friends t Brooklyn, Hiat Jean Miller, daughter of Mr and Mra. Ely Miller of South street will entertain several of her friends tonight at a Halloween party. Mrs. Florence Knight spent the week-end with friends at Perryville, Maryland. She waa accompanied by Mr, and Mrs. Leslie Potter of Aabury Paik. The Shepherds of Bethlehem will hold a game party next Friday night at the borough hall. Thia party will ba open to the public. The Gleaner's society of tha Presbyttrlan church will hold a chicken salad supper Wednesday night In the Presbyterian chapel. Tha Sons and Daughters of Lib erty h«ld their monthly Pollyanna and birthday party Monday night at the borough hall. Mrs. Myra Fox, tha guaat of honor, received a large crocheting basket. Games ware played and refreshment aarvad. Tha Red and White Food shop on Main alraet, owned and operated by Jamea September, haa closed for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Polhemue of Freehold spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Watklna. Daniil Morris spent Thursday and Friday at Newark. Mr. and Mra. Arthur Flledner vis- ited Mrs. Fliedner'i parenta Sunday at Caldwall. Mra. Ralph Lawia waa able te return to her duties Monday at Lovett's nursery, kittle Silver, after being confined to her home for more than a week with a heavy cold. The Order of Esatern Star will hold a eovarad-diah luncheon Saturday, November It, at the home of Mrs. Anna, Kruegler. Mlsa Mary Dennis returned home Monday after spending the week with her slater, Mrs. A. A. Paradls at Brooklyn. The Eatontown division of the Women's Christian Temperance Union mat yesterday at the home of Mrs. George B. Whltfleld. The Order of Eastern Star held a eovered-diah luncheon and game party Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Kathryn Smith of Oa.khuret. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert S. Thompson spent Sunday at Barnegat. The Henry Allen house on South atreet U being repainted, The Epwortfc League of the MeLhodlat church wul meet Monday at Waft Long'Branch. Tha apeaker will be Rev. W. W. R#ed of New York. Rav, S. A. Milter and a large delegation from E«tontown will attend. The MeUiodiat church will hold IU annual Harvest Sunday, November 10 and will accept all donations for the ehureh home for the aged at Ocean Grove. Harlet Mra. Barrow McNulty and Mrs. Flora Jackaon of Woodbridge were Kailst visitors Thursday. Mlaa Marie Plunkett of New York vlaited her aunts, Mra, Kegina Cheval and Mies Blanche Brailley, Sat- ""M! Emma T. Rudlger and Mrs. F. Howard Lloyd of Matawan attended a meeting of the'monmouth County Executive board at the home of Mre. George M. Bodman of Red Bank Friday. Mr. and 'Mrs. Erneet E. Peseux and son Donald were visitors at the World's fair Friday. Members o[ the Haxlet Girl Scout troop met at the home of Mre. Edmund Carhart Friday afternoon. Hazlet Boy Scout troop held its meeting the past week at the Hailet public school, due to a meeting In the Harlet fire house Thursday evening. Mrs. Harry S. Cowles spent several days the past week with her lister, Mra. Arthur Chadwlck on Long Island. Mrs. Chadwlck returned home with her for a visit. Edmund Carhart, John H. Bahrenburg and Ernest E. Peseux attended a chlefa meeting of the Monmouth County Firemen's association at Allentown Monday evening. Mri. James F. Ward was hostess to the members of the Crescent club of St. John's Methodist church Thursday evening. Miss Vera Tombleson was elected a new member of the club. The dark horse waa won by Mrs. Curtis Clayton. Those attending were Mrs. Frank McCleaat«r, Mrs. William Barnes, Mrs. William Lsmbertaon, Mrs. George Emmona, Mra. Roland Emmons, Mil, Cyrus Rosa, Mrs. John H. Bahrenhurg, Mrs. Theodore G. Bailey, Mr«. William Ursts.dt, Mrs. Elmer A. Bahrenburg, Mrs. Leonard Lufburrow, Mrs. Helen Olse, Mrs. Peter Quarloyg, Miss Peupy Ward, Mrs. Mary Hopla. Mrs. Maitland Walling, Mra. Jowph Marine and Mrs. Walter Smale. Mr. and Mra. Lawrence Arnold and daughter Joyce Marie and Mrs. Sophie Stuti of New Cumberland spent the weak-end visiting Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCleaater and family. Mra. Stuti; remained for a fe.v weeks' visit here. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tintle of Pompton Plains spent the week-end visiting Mr. and Mrs. George Emlona. Mra. Norman White of his wife, four sons and d spent the week-end visiting Hazlel a da.ugh.ter.,., Illtiv,. Rev. Carroll Burck of Christ church, lel " mm - Miss Ruth Parker, Mra. George Sllvei, Jr., and MIM Emma. Holmei attended the funeral yeiterdey. Burial was made In Locust, Wood cemetery. William Seely of Monroe avenue was treated at Rlvervlew hospital last Thursday for a bruised wrlit. He was Injured when a door slummed nn him. Thomas Buckalew of White ro»d received a fractured right wriat Friday, when his car backfired while lie was cranking It. He w«i treated nt Rlvervlew, hospital and roleaard. MIM Mary Brower of Monroe avenue wan admitted Friday as a medical patient at Rlvervlew hospital. John Valentine, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. John Valerttin*. has returned horns from Rlvervlew hospital after an operation for appendicitis. Stewart VanVllet, Jr., a student nt LehlRh university, spent the week-end with hla parent*. Mr. ant! itra, Stewart VauVHei.. Mrs. Harry Hughson waa hostess to the members of the G. C. Sewing club at the home of Mrs. William Urstadt last week. Mrs. Roland Emmons was given a bouquet of chrysanthemums In honor of her birthday. Refreshments were served during the afternoon. Those attending ware Mm. Frank Haunr, Mra. Walter Ackeraon, Mrs. Jamen Neldinger, Mrs. Cyrus Ross, Mrs. William Barnes. Mrs. Roland Emmons, Mrs. Frank McCIeaster, Mrs. William Urstadt, Mrs. Davy Emmons and Mrs. Hendrick L. Bennett. Donald W. Peseux, a member of the Hazlet Hard Heads 4H Poultry club, will be heard in an Interview on atatlon WJZ from Radio City Saturday at 12:30, on the Farm and Home hour. There will also be other 4H club members to speak. Your needs may ba apparel, furnishings, autoa, electrical appliances, etc. Whatever they are, buy and aava through rougl The Reglater'a wsnt ad aatusua Adwtaaaaeat. a. A Marines Recall Origin In 1775 l^ong years of service to (he Nation will In- remembereid by the IT. S. Marines, who celebrate their IMth anniversary cm Nnvpiiibrr 10. Above: their Aral rendezvous at Tun Tavern In I'hlladelphin and Inn»< ;< soldier* nf tint itevoluhon. Below: detachment of Marines aa thejr appeared at the»vv Vork World'* Fair, Thumbing their way through their logbook to the date of their origin, the U. S. Marines will turn bnck its fading pages to the year 1775, when they pass their 165th mile-stone on November 10. Dimming records reveal that the Continental Marin«s (fathered in old Tun Tavern in Philadelphia when they rallied their members to fight for the freedom of the colonies. From this quaint hostelry, now no longer a landmark,' the Marines sallied forth with rattlesnakes painted on their drums and with high hopes In their hearts to win recruits for the "Cause." Those were the daye when the tavern was amous for Its broiled steaks and tankards of ale, while sturdy patriots (fathered In ita upper rooms to smoke long churchwarden pipes and to discuss the rising tide of public opinion which eventually rolled Into the overwhelming flood of that Revolution. Sailing vessels on the Delaware Belford (IK* lufisur can ba bouiht In Slfd Sslferd from H. H Cliy Biir, Vincent Walling, I Waaaarman' a wilting room and Jack O'Ktll'i) Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Golden have purchased a new Plymouth car. Misa Elizabeth Schnoor attended tha rodeo at Madison Square garden Saturday. Elmer Maxson was treated last Thursday at Rlverview hospital for an Injured right eye. Mr. Maxson waa hurt while working with a drill press at the Lenapc aircraft factory 1 in Matawan. John Schanck returned home Sat- River pointed their jlbbooms straight at the tavern, while occasionally a stagecoach clattered over the cobblea to drop patrons at is doors. it was an Ideal spot to enlisrt men "able to serve to advantage by sea when required." This waa one of the stipulations made by the Continental Congress in 177f> when it authorised the formation of two battalions of Marines on the day they observe as their birthday. AH during the Revolution they performed loyal service on both land and sea. With the struggle for independence onlv a memory, the Corps wa.s permanently organised In 1798 now guard our shores against tho to follow in succeeding years the IIhiflrloua example set by Its fore- assaults of some possible enemy, for bum's. Stirring chapters of the Marines' logbook reveal that they were aboard Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Douglaa Cook visited Mr. and Mrs. Glass'a son, John at State Teacher'! college, Trenton, Sunday, Mrs. Thomas Pettltt of River Plaza and Mrs. Clara Cottrell of Belford spent Thursday with Mrs. Herman Doran of New Monmouth. Miss Gloria Halsey has recovered from m&asles. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Havens spent Sunday with friends at Summit. Miss Lydia Meyers spent the weekend with relatives at Jersey City. A Halloween social will be given by the Willing Workers at the Methodist church annex tonight, Henry Halsey of Paaaaic spent the urdsy after spending three weeks wcek-encmvith k i his i family, with hla daughter and family, Mr. Mrs. "" Clara "'- - " -" Cottrell and George and Mrs. Charles Foster of Oceanside, Long Island. Mrs. Bertha Pease and daughter, Old Ironsides in her days of glory, helped to sweep piracy from the seas at home or abroad, mounted Old Glory for the first time on the battlements of a Trlpolitan fortrea*, carried their banners to the uttermost ends of the earth and fought in all the big and little wars of our country. Scores of countries have witnessed the prowess of the globe-trotting sea soldiers who on nearly 200 occasions have landed on errands for Uncle Sam. They have performed every task from chasing seal poachers in the Bering Sea to fighting our Natlon'a enemies, or guarding Americans in distant lands. It la a far cry from the creaking sailing frlgtes of our Hrst fleet tu the floating fortresses of steel which the Marine* have come a long way In the intervening years. Yet no marine could turn the pages of the Corps' well-tilled logbook without a quickening pulse and a heartfelt response to the words of the sea soldiers' hymn, "Wo are proud to claim the title of United Marine." Leek. Sr., spent Sunday with relatives at Dunellen. Mrs. Irving Roop sang a aolo at Mies Lois Pease, spent Sunday at the World's fair. Leroy Henry of the Bronx spent the week-end with his mother and the Sunday evening service at the Methodist church. Jack Higgins, a member of the Methodist church choir. Is ill at hla IJC.HTS FOR POULTRY. Do not be in a hurry to give the laying flock artificial light. A good brother, Mrs. Libbic Henry and East Keansburg home. rule to follow In the use of artificial lights is not to turn them on Everett Henry. William Fox spent Friday and Miss Aline Runyon and Robert.Saturday with relatives at Oak- until your laying flock reaches 50-B5 Newlands attended the football game I wood Heights, Staten Island. per cent production and then give at Princeton Saturday. Saturdy. Rev. J. J. Messier Is spending the them much light as to provide a 13- Miss Laura Runyon attended ths i winter in Florida. hour day, says Richard O. Rice, aaistant County Agricultural agent. World's fair Thursday. i Mrs. Bertha Poole of Belmar ia Mrs. Elizabeth Novak and Miss visiting her parents, Mr. and Mra. It makes little difference whether Victoria Morz of spent G. A. Lee. morning or evening lights are given Friday with Mrs. Clara Cottrell of Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Dreher and as far as results are concerned. The this place. daughter Marilyn of Newark wers Ightlng system used, whether it be Mr. and Mrs. Charles Foster, Mr. morning light, evening light or a and Mrs. Edward Bernister and combination of both, will depend Leonard Howell of Oceanside, Long Ialand, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. William Fox. Miss Louise Leckie and Edward Runyon spent Thursday at the World's fair. William Sutherland and daughters Carol and Barbara Ann, Mrs. Lena Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. E. Volkland and family. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Angley motored to Washington Crossing with Mrs. Bertha Bruder and son Ralph of last week. States Mrs, F, Powers of Jersey City spent the week-end with her sister, too long a period. Following the Mrs. W. C. Benning. recommended practices will materially reduce the electric light bill and Mrs. Charlotte 'Cully of Roselle, Sutherland and Mrs. John Helns park spent Monday with Mra. C, B. thua- the cost of production. spent p Thursday y at Trenton. Roche. Captain and Mrs. John V. Glass, ' Miss Doris Schnoor and Miss Ar- It oa.vs to advertise In Tho Resrlster. line Brown of Rider college, Trenton, spent the week-end with Mies Schnoor'a parents, Mr, and Mrs, Charles Schnoor, William Benson is confined to bed with grip. Mra. Evelyn Langa is on the alck Hat. The Junior Thimble club held a theater party Monday night. A meeting of the Belford Parent- Teacher association will be held Monday night, November 4. A book talk will be made by MIM Ruth Adams. The boys' chorus will be directed by Mrs. Clayton. The Thimble club met at the home of Mrs. Helen Grobe Tuesday evening. Mra. 8. Hllliker of New York city spent Thursday with Mrs. Edna Whitney. upon the poultryman and which system he finds most convenient. Most poultrymen make the big mistake of giving lights too soon after th«pulets are housed and giving them for FOWLER'S QUALITY MEATS Enjoy Our Fresh Spring Poultry - Delicious Eating! TOM Long Island Fowl ««'** ore TURKEYS DUCKS 18f, FryingChickens 0lb 251 SPRING LAMB! LEGS - all sizes 25c 1 * LOIN CHOPS 33c '" SIRLOIN STEAK - Finest Quality FRESH SEA FOOD! Delaware Oysters -'"" rt "" en<ld pt. 29c Fillet of Sole rt». 29c Large Smelts tt>. 25c FOR HALLOWE'EN IVINS SPICED WAFERS GROCERY SPECIALS! Snider's Golden Bantam Corn '"" 10c (Whole Kernel - Vacuum Tack) Babo Silver Dust with Towel Heinz Tomato Juice Kirkman's Soap Granulated Sugar 7-oz. Pkg. Tender Leaf Tea IVI-OI. Pkg. Tender Leaf Tea.2 ""» 19c P k *' 19C.4 "»" 25c 7 rake. 25 C...5 "» 23c nolh for FRESH JERSEY PORK! PORK LOINS Fowler's Homemade Sausage 37c tfe. FRESH FROSTED FOODS! Asparagus Cuts pkg. 25c Tm mm Blueberries pkg. 23c Ocean Perch Fillets tb.25c 39c FRUITS and VEGETABLES! Fresh Washed Spinach 3 tbs. 14c White Mushrooms, large tb. 19c Iceberg Lettuce head 8c Idaho Potatoes 10-tb. bag 29c Small Sweet Potatoes 6 tbs. 19c Cape Cod Cranberries tb. 19c Florida Grapefruit...4 f M9c New Crop Mixed Nuts tb. 25c DOUBLE KAY Mixed Salted Nuts... 49; SPECIALS KNDING SATURDAY, NOV. Ind FOWLER'S BETTER FOOD FOR THE TABLE 1 Broad Street Phone FOR THE PRICE OF ONE + ONE CENT THE REXALL DRUG STORES S»a«i 1/,-TMe 60 BROAD ST., RED BANK, N. J. PHONE My letjular MM ftroh.a^.1» / TAKITWOI nisr"! dw mry of * Oat Cm Salt la s am S)MU. Yo» Mvaan*. iktliy i/t sctmliy 49% M tvtty Oat Csm Salt puidiait j«* mait. Salt tnds Ssnirtfey night Hurry! 2 M 26 \ \TFSm II'MUMEM, Jtt-M//, 2 umtn._ WITMNflll Afltr Sfaiw". WMitisvur "Ckrrrj svsr" FOR*** 2I«RLEIML14IL 2 4 * Horn* Dry CUtntr KM** 2»< CHI TWITS»'*»0» 22$< W MMl JULY 2 Uitk»*# ><»«FOR WMMNIIT 2 TtUHi, w, ror!l< HTCEIII 2 wziics turtttu, i I mut tilt. WSIMELITMI Ktxtll, 4 <»*'" WTMTI PASTE ishalek,''"» _ KM KM 2 f t 2 A ITT BOQUET MMEE «.» USB" mshkuii KM Air Air 2 sat tqwitr»r Cryilth, 4 it. KM I V 2 M 20* I II«CCMI }>/i", im Ittlbn Ci$t^. tot V 2 M IV I! MiriirMbrMN 1 4 ( 2% Solution, 1/2 ' *"» at I 2I< I0IIIE TtetL 2 fit uill) Afflilitm, I»*._»ORe*l W CIMTMI 2 (Spirit) I»«.«_ tot? 2 M 30 tmimme 2 Dr. MIL f»-ni C«. K)R W TOOT! WWII 2 "Purr KW 2 h 31 SOAP. 2% flnlm 2 4 ( FOR C«nf Sal* RADIO SHOWS FMtolf thi t>ray felt Cts«Umt Orcfttifra Also Tony Martin and the 3 Ridio Rogues from the Broadway Hit "Hellupoppin." See loctl psper for daw ana station. wmmn originm, inilf IIT SOLE a CM _ KM «l wtmrnm "Cum Btntm" 2 fit KM*I It* OTII MM 2 KM LOTION, Slat, 4 M K» «l KM KM VI 2 Kit M 91 wmxm BALM, Until, WNMHK 50ILASOL WMnetvtms i cir "l*imim" _ f O«WFMf MUMS KM 1 Kit ItUMTIMITI 'CmitnU 1 ' Mi-il, fary WFMEMWKI I* Mil Ml "Pttrtlfmm" WMMJAITIIE KM 2 51* ton VI 2 SI* von wl. K>R g f tog, wumum!im 2 SI 1.FOR CUAM, 2 M 36 1 WNNaM»' S l f H * II<NIIW "Hmmiuf, a imitii tl<kmmait '.Itct»O» VW 2«ft< Piwdtr, "OsW«<y",j» K)R W II* KIM 35c REXAL 2]t( Tooth Powder ^im 4$'-\ wmm Ptrbtr*: PmHM 4 u. W IIMIT Htm w nine looth 4k eamar* AROMATIC Fluid Ettrtil, 4 *.. 4 c ITCIRIN A RMtwator 9 *" "' 4k CASTOR Oil ia>^aaa*aa** 2 46*.FOR 2 FOR 4f«ANTIIimC "RtofaW" 16 " -" FOR50* *49c ALMOND' A _*» NAN* LOTION 2 KA< "SUirtlt", 16»r_ FOR W 4f«AMIRieAN "Mktr'i", IS OJ._ 4»«ASNIIN TAIIITS "rmtltit", fc ANTISIPTIC SOLUTION Mi il.»"" 4fc "ACIAl MoittH Clfm FOR 2 FOR tlm FORW HALIBUT LIVER OIL CAPSULES Box of M CapsulM for 1 2lc ftlycerin SUrPOSITORIIS \n\muir AMtt, 12'i!26 ( I ^retieitf WEEKEND SPECIALS.SA Phillip* Milk Magnesia BARBASOL.UHiunphrar* PILLS DOAN ; SP1LLS31< Epiom Salts fj TABLETS 43<.WDr. Tooth Powder Toothpaste ItSLydla Pinkhtmi.» Hills Cold Tablets Kraml Hair Tonic» 26 c j ^sw ^s^ ^ m 84c Haley's M < SERUTAN Ironized Yeast 53 ( 2 3 ^ FOR AbsorbineJr. WWW Any 5Oo PIPE 25 SO Book 2 JAt MATCHES.IOOISUM ASH TRAYS st% t% Candy Bars 2 for Q It Warft «f AntlnptU Ur Me. 4* Ml 31 SOLUTION i Its. Motiik wish $ SYMBOL WATISt IOTTLI 2QI.UU 2 lyr.gtwmlm HI $1.19 FOUNTAIN SYRINGE 29*. y 2 2 1'^ Attsthmtnlt H, I 7Se THIATRICAL COLD CREAM POUND Tm 2 7iV SOe STATIONERY UUtrtiu orntttpipr telv 2 Cl^ h, Vl 5c CHOCOUTt ARS HMMDMld Cboitt»l Sov* Me wltt Mil UGGITT COUPONI 33* REXALL Milk of Magnesia TOOTH PASTE" 3-39" Three tubes Tor just Sc more than the "regular price of one} 99c value Tlmri, Trl, S»i. only. Register Want Advertisements Bring Quick Results

15 Here And There In Monmouth County Personal Notes, Sales of Property, Building Operations, Lodge Doings, Births, Marriages, Deaths and Other Notes of Interest Catehet) Mas Alter M-MUe Chat*. Patrolman Albert Isola of Belmar captured Leroy Brown, a Rahway reformatory parolee, after a nightmarish 80-mile chate last Thursday night, Brown had attempted to return to his home at Millvllle in a car he stole In Neptune. Itola had heard the description of tht stolen car broadcast and spotted it on F treat. Telling the driver to follow him to the police station Itola aaid Brown followed a short distance and then turned off before reaching the station and sped away. caught»t Berlin. He was Man Injured by Owa Truck. Alfred Parker of Bradley Beach uffered a fractured ankle Saturday night in a freak accident. Parker operates a truck replacing burnedout bulbs for the Jersey Central Power and Light company. He was standing near his truck when it moved and pinned his ankle against a curb. He was taken to Fltkin hospital. Aalwry Park Merchant Dead. Paul Burkhardt, 75, a pioneer Aabury Park merchant and one of the early superintendents of the Aabury Park boardwalk, died Friday night at the home of his daughter and sonin-law, Mr. and Mrs. Milton M. Stein of West End. Mr. Burkhardt operated a millinery and fur business on Cookman avenue for 30 years, retiring seven years ago. Hetlred Conductor Dead. Orandln Sickles, 77, a retired conductor on the Pennsylvania railroad, died Tuesday of last week at hit home at Long Branch. Mr. Sickles was employed on the railroad 45 years, retiring eight years ago. He was known to many patrons of the line as "Pop Sunshine" Sickles. Surviving are a widow and four daughters. Church to Burn Mortgage. The Freehold Methodist church will hold a union service next Sunday night at which the remaining mortgage of $2,220 on the church will be burned. The drive to raise funds to wipt out the mortgage wai begun several months ago. One member of the church offered to con tribute $1,000 if the balance wai raited by other membert. Lone Branch Pastor Weda. Miss Elizabeth F. Leroy of Elizabeth and Rev, Arthur H. Stalnbach, pastor of the Long Branch Baptist church, were married Saturday afternoon in St, James church at Elizabeth, Mr. Statnbach has been pastor of tht Long Branch church six weeks, going there from Scotch Plaint. Jailed (or Threatening Wife. Fred Teti, 22, of Long Branch waa arrested Saturday on a charge of threatening to shoot hla wife and then attempting to escape in an automobile. Mrs. Teti said her husband came to her parents' home with a gun and threatened to shoot her. The man waa arrested a. few blocks from the parenta' home. Learnt of Sister's Death. Mrs. Aloyslus Foy of Freehold juat learned last week of the murder of her sister, Mrs. Charles Carltdeo, 27, In a New York apartment laat August. Police did not notify the Freehold woman and she did not learn of the death until her brother-inlaw ttopped to see her enroute to Atlantic City. Celebrates 87th Birthday. Emerson Yard of Allentown celebrated hia 87th birthday Sunday of laat week at the home of hit nephew and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Steward of Robbinsville. A large number of frlcndt called and offered congratulations and Mr. Yard received several bouquets. Shadow Lawn Still Borough Property. Shadow Lawn, the $4,000,000 estate of the late Hubert T. Parsons at West Long Branch, which is being operated as Monmouth Military institute with five pupils, is still the property of the borough. Negotiations are still being conducted with John P. Pasztor, operator of the school, for the sale of the property. Plan New Scout Troops. Plans are being made for the forming of three more Boy Scout troops at Freehold. The new troops will be among Jews, Cathollct and Protestants. An American Legion and a Negro troop are already In existence at Freehold. The new troops are made possible by legacies from the late Samuel F. Forman and B. Van DuBols. New Elks' Home Dedicated. About 500 Elks and guests from lodges in New Jersey attended the dedication ceremonies of the new home of the Asbury Park lodge Sunday. Former Governor Harold G. Hoffman wan the principal speaker, The now home Is located at Eighth and Park avenues. Fingers Cut by Fan. Jacob Swartz, an employee at Joe Crlne's at Sea Girt, almost lost two fingers Sunday when his hand waa drawn Into a suction fan. Swartz wai playing ihufho board and put hit hand up to find out If the fan wai turned on. It wai. He waa treated at Fltkin hospital. Spent $1,855 for Paralysis Cure. Roland J. Hlnes, chairman of the Monmouth County chapter of the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, haa reported that fund raising activities In the county the past year resulted In $1, being made available for the treatment of the disease In the county. Scalded at Gas Plant- Milton Longstrect, 37, of Long Branch, suffered second degree burns of his abdomen and side last Friday when he was scalded in hot water pouring from a valve in the boiler room of the gas works of the Jersey Central Power and Light company at that place. He was taken lo Monmouth Memorlnl hospital. Kryport Woman Willed $l,(h)0. Mabel G. Weat of wai named as a legate* In the will of her father, the late Frank L. Newton of Lake Ronkonkoma, Long Is land, which was probated last week. The estate waa valued at more than $15,000. The woman receives $1,000 and a parcel of land at Lake Ronkonkoma. Peatetmaa natal Twe Days' ray. Patrolman RIohard Bowman of the Long Branch force was fined two days' pay laat week after a hearing on a charge of having left hi«post of duty. Patrolman Bowman had been assigned to guard property near the high school football stadium but it la said he left his post and wltneased the game In the stadium. g Let Ctosed. The free parking lot which had been In use the past several months on Main street,, waa closed to the public laat week when the owner, a Cheestquake reaident, fenced It In and posted the tract for salt, A plan Is being pushed by tht Ktyport Kiwanls club to buy the land. * $I,M* Award for Brldg. Kmatoyae. Harry Qray of Laurence Harbor waa awarded $1,500 laat week by the compensation court after hearings at Newark. Oray, an employee of the contractor on the Bdlaon bridge, suffered an attack of "bends" In July of laat year and later was injured In an automobile accident as a direct result of thla attack. WUI Wed Sunday. Invitations have been issutd for tht wedding of Mist Minnie Pack, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Iaaac S. Pack of Belmar, and David Steinberg, ton of Mrt. Morrla Button of Freehold. The ceremony will be performed next Sunday afternoon at the Hotel Elumenkranz at Lakewood. T» Collect BoMicrt' Vote*. J. Russell Woolley of West Long Branch, county clerk, and Lew Tannenbaum of Freehold are among those appointed by Governor Moore to collect absentee ballots from men In the military service next Tueaday. Most of the B.2O0 ballots tent out went to Fort Dix. Shore Girl Learna to Fly. Miss Betty Jefferit of Bradley Beach is the lone girl in a class of 10 at the Montclalr Teachers' college primary flight training course, a government aviation class, which she hopes will eventually qualify her to bt an Instructor In tht primary program. Student In Pharmacy. Jacob Alpern of Freehold is among the atudtnts registering at the inauguration of the 119th annual session of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science, the oldest Institution of Ita kind In the United States, He Is registered In the department of pharmacy, Dinner for Employee*. C. R. Butcher, ssles manager of the Jeraey Central Power and Light company, entertained employees* of the Freehold diatrlct office last Wednesday night at a dinner In the American hotel at Freehold In appreciation of their work- in a recent Frigldalre sales campaign. Long Branch Man Dead. Stephen Perri, 82, of Long Branch, died last Thursday In Monmouth Memorial hospital after a long illness.' Mr. Perri was born in Italy and had lived in this country many yeart. A widow and tlx children lurvlve him. Officers Transferred. Major Harold P. Hennessey, who has been public relations officer and adjutant at Fort Hancock for some time, has been transferred to instruction duty tt Fort Sill, Oklahoma. This it the great artillery school of the army. Farmlngdale Olrl to Wed. Mr. and Mrt. William H. Thompson of Farmingdale have announced the engagement of their daughter, Mtaa Helen Thompson, to Roger W. Allen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Adelbert Allen of Manasquan. No date for the wedding haa been set. Award of *»,!«. Abram D. Allgor of West Belmar has been awarded $2,147 by the workmen's compensation court for hip and back injuries he suffered while operating a tractor on the Delphlne and William E. Roescben property at Belmar, Woman Get* IMM. Nettle Nichols of Oceanport p was granted $1,276 last week by the compensation court for a fractured arm the suffered in a fall at the Methodist Home for the Aged at Ocean Grove. Testimony showed that she slipped on a soapy floor a year ago last August. Freehold Man Shot In Brawl. Nathaniel Brodie, 22, colored, of Freehold, waa ahot in the left shoulder with a.22 revolver during a brawl Sunday night. Randolph Ruffln, 26, of Farmlngdale waa held as his assailant. Brodit wai not seriously hurt. Burned by Gaa Explosion. Mrt. Audtlty Vanderveer of Freehold waa badly burned about the face and hands last week in a gaa exploalon at her home. derveer did not know the gas was turned on and lit a match and an explosion resulted, Neptune Girl to Wrd. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Lewis of Neptune have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Elizabeth W. Lewis, to Charles Weddle, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Weddle of Neptune City. No date has been set for the wedding. Engagement Announced. Announcement haa been made of the engagement of Miss Lois Brown, daughter of Mrs. Lois L. Brown of Manasquan, to James M. Bayles. son of Mr. and Mrs. James M. Bayles of' sent t In Allenhurtt. Oceanpoii (Th. Bad Huk lugliur can U bought In Octuiport from Carlos Masai and E. W. Wortblty) Mrs. E. H. Carey of PorUupeck will be hostess at a luncheon and social afternoon for th* benefit of tht Women's Organization for Christian Service at her home November 29. Miss Marion Cook was a week-end gutat of Mrs. Agnes Tlltson. Mrt. Louis Hayward attended a card party given by Christ church guild at Shrewsbury recently. Mrs. Charles Prothero is chairman of a covtred dlth luncheon to be held at tht Mtthodltt church hall November 14. Mrs. LeRoy Dnmn of Port Monmoutii gave a birthday dinner for her mother, Mrs. John Silvers, Friday. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Brighten and daughter, Mr. and Mra. John Silvers and granddaughter, Mitt Lorraine Slivers, and Mr. and Mrt. Doran., Samuel Torchla and family havt moved from Portaupeck avenue to Oakhurtt. Mist Dorothy Franks visited her mother, Mra. Marie Franks, recently. Mra. Elizabeth Loper is chairman of the annual turkey banquet to be held at the church hall December 5, Mrs. Julia Medler is doting her home here and will spend the winter in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Silvers, Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Wilson, Mrs. Mary Hall and Mist Lorraine Sllvtn motored to Lakehurat Sunday. Mary Gaskell la opening a hairdressing parlor on Main street. Mrs. Thomas Rosa, Sr., has returned from a visit with her daughter, Mra. Frederick Kane, at Philadelphia. Mrs. Kane accompanied her mother home for a visit here. The Ladies' auxiliary of portaupeck Are company held a card party last week. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sickles, Mr. and Charles Gullltdeau, Mr. and Mrs., Mrs. Howard Rogers, Mrs. K. P. West, Mrs. Louella Lockwood, Mrs. Charles Prothero, Mrs. Katherlne Morris, Mrs. Joseph Tober, Mist Dolores Tober, Mr. arid Mra. Walter Drills, Mrs. John Marchettl, Mrs. William Dllsner, Mrs. H. Goffran, Mrs. John Murphy, Mrs. R. E. Gllllam, Mr. and Mrs. William Fleckner, Mrs. Emma Fleckner, Mr. and Mrs, John Reich, Mrs, A. Schoepplln, Jr., Miss Lillian Wlnant, Mrs. Adele Frame, Mrt. William Sheehan, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur RED BANK REGISTER, OCTOBER 31, RIO. Taxpayers' Group Oppottt lulling Blank Check Voters Urged To Defeat County School In a bulletin mailed Monday to al taxptyera associations In Monmoutl county, A. R. Everson, executive vie president of the New Jeraey Tax payers' association, called the atten tion of the local taxpayer units an taxpayers committees in Monmoutl county to the proposal which wll appear on the ballot at the Novem her election to vote for or against the establishment of a vocations school aystem in Monmouth county Thia bulletin points out the ltrgi lncreaae in day school costs In Mon mouth county since 199$, the add! tlontl teachers that have been addec and the large decrease in pupil en rollment during that tame perloc and asks:. "It It not reatonabl therefore to require that If vocation al training is desirable it should be arranged within present facilitlei and existing budgets? In the llghi of thtse facts voters would do well to refuse to sign a blank check foi this propossl and vote "No" on the referendum." October 28, Special bulletin to Monmouth County Taxpayers associations vocational school-referendum The educators propose a vocation al school for Monmouth county. Citizens have been Influenced ti sign a petition placing the question upon the November 5 election ballot. Little information has been given to the general public for proper consideration. It is even doubtful II many of the petition signers fully realize the financial problem involved and the practicable side of thi proposition. Even the educators In their survey admit "it is impossible to determine the initial cost of a county vocational school program." (Item 12, page 14 of survey by the vocational division of the state depart ment of public Instruction). Thi question as It will appear on the ballot, however, gives the 1940 cos of vocational schools In Middlesex county as over $200,000 for the year. Citizens are being politely asked Wright, Mrs. William Neuberger, lo issue a blank check to the educators for an unknown value. They William Edwards, Mr. and Mrt. Howard Flrehock, Mrs. R; C. DeNyse, j will be told to pay the taxes and Mra. H. W. Conrow and Mrs. Fells;' "'No" M "" to «the * < tax - "collector «-«iii.i.»m. Is i. Impos- in, no.. Foggla. Mrs. Louis West, Mrs. William The question being asked today is, VanPelt, Mrs. Marguerite Lawson, Mrs. Cecil C. Crawford, Mrs. C. Kenneth Riddle and Miss Jennie Van- Kirk attended a card party last week sponsored by the Republican league of Long Branch at the Qarfleld- Grant hotel. Michael Ryan and family have moved from Arcena avenue to Oceanport-Eatontown boulevard. Mrs. Dawson Olmstead, wife of Brigadier-General Olmstead, wat hostesa Saturday to Daughters of tht American Revolution at Fort Monmouth. Guests reviewed a dress parade and were guests at the commandant's quarters at tea. Attending were Mrs. William H. Martin, Mrs. Bruce Campbell, Mrt. Richard Lawlor, Mrs. Theodore N. Parmly, Mrs. William Hugh Ryder, Mrt. Jacob Rue, Sr., Mrt. Paul Ryder, Mrs. Ernest W. Swingle, Misses Ruth Dlbben, Miss Sadie Childt and Mrs. Fred Moller. Mrs. Marguerite Lawson, Mra. William Ullman, Mrs. Louis West and Mrs. Henrietta Johnson attended a fashion show and card party last week at the Garfleld Grant hotel, Long Branch, sponsored by Long Branch Eastern Star. Mrs. Dllly of Bridgewaters has closed her summer home here and returned to Chatham. Mrs. Rutledge is substituting for Mrs. Flora Laverty, principal of the school. Mrs. Laverty was injured recently In a fall down a fight of italrt at the school. A meeting of the Stardusters wat held at the home of Mlases Grace and Helen Gullladeau last week. Attending were Misses Dorothea Sentman, Clara Meadows, Mildred Clipplnger, Muriel Sickles and Helen and Grace Gullladeau. A party will be held Wednesday at the Methodist church hell for high school students only by the Reverend Wolstencroft. Mra. Louis Hayward attended a stiver tea, cake sale and Imported linen display Friday afternoon at Christ church paruh house, Shrewsbury. Mrs. Hayward will be cochairman of a card party to be held at the church hall soon. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carroll were injured In a five-car accident at Llttle Silver Sunday. Their son Joseph escaped capd Injuries. Miss Ethel Eh Davis, Mrs. George S. Klnkade and Charles and Eugene Kinkade visited the World's fair Friday. Mr. and Mrs. John Wood have rented the Wemple bungalow on Dwyane street. Mr. Wood Is employed on Amory L. Haskell's farm. Mr. and Mrs. P. Rlccardl visited their son Thomas at Rutgers Sunday. Thomas was hurt playing football for Rutgers, but is improving. Mr. and Mrs. George Wilkinson, Jr., entertained at a tea recently for Mrs. Wilkinson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lautz of Topeka, Kansas, who have been visiting their daughter for the past two weeks. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. John Bltl, Major and Mrs. Ferrleter, Mrs. George Wilkinson, Sr., Mrs. William Snyder, Miss Anna Frittche, Mr. and Mrs. Fred erlck Blel, Miss Llla Hallmark and Howard and Richard Wilkinson. Antonls Aufuso Is building an addition to his barber shop. Mrs..Van- Mrs. John Silvers and Miss Lorraine Slivers attended an entertainment of the Lakehurst school Parent-Teacher association last week. Donated to G. O. P. Fund. Contributions of $1,000, eachc by Bernon S. Prentice of Holmdel, Clifford Hemphlll and Mrs. Margaret M. Ritchie of.spring Lake to the Republican' campaign fund have been announced. CJCC Boys Sent West. Joseph DeFrance of Long Branch has been transferred to a. CCC camp at Boca, California, and George F. Dool, also of Long Branch, has been Nevada. a camp at Wlnnemucca, "What can be done to relieve the tax burden on real estate?" Placing a greater burden on the taxpayers will complicate the problem. Larger counties with great Industrial plants have hesitated to even suggest this great annual expend! ture to taxpayer* already heavily burdened. Taxpayers will soon feel the heavy cost of the national defense emergency which Is running Into billions of dollars and the end is not yet In sight. They will meet that cost cheerfully because It Is necessary, but all unnecessary costs must be eliminated If the economic strength of the people Is not to be impaired. What have the educators of Monmouth county done to merit further confidence of the citizens? "Let's look at the record." Monmouth Educational Finance The last eight years' record of Monmouth educational coat* wil cause citizens to ponder well before turning over more money to the educators at this time. Monmouth Bmmrd Since 19SS Increased day school costs $374, Additional teachers 70 Decreased enrollment 3333 It Is significant to note that the cost for less pupils has increased more than the Inferred cost of the proposed Vocational school. That is not all however, the cost of manual training has risen $12,000. It it not reasonable, therefore, to require that If vocational training Is desirable It should be arranged within present facilities and existing budgets? Would a good business man engaged in a highly competitive line approve putting on more help and Increasing the coats when faced with a declining demand? It Is plain that in spending other people's money there is less restraint. Aside from the question of costs let's consider the practicable application of the proposal as it is relat- ed to Nationl National df defense. The propoi is no doubt put forward at sition this time with the though that the national defense emergency, which cannot be stressed too much, will influence citizens to vote more money to be handled by the educators. The educators will handle It, not the Freeholders, but the $200,- 000 or more additional cost will Increase the County tax rate. No information Is available as to how much will be added to the county debt by a new bond Issue. Expert Opinion The national Industrial conference advisory board boad hash expressed the opinion that what Is._ needed..^_,.vu to» quick special training for special tools. The national defense Industries of the country will be best served by short, quick training courses and not a long range program. School boards in other parts of the country are arranging such courses with available facilities. Prudent caution suggests this procedure until such time as the.need of a permanent vocational school has been demonstrated. In the light of these facts voters ould do well to refuse to sign a blank check for this proposal and vote No on the referendum. MANAGEMENT OF DAIRY SIRES. Proper feed and care of dairy sires may determine the period of usefulness and breeding efficiency. Overfeeding coupled with a lack of exercise are common causes of shy breeders In bulls. Bulls should receive quality roughage at all times for best results. The amount of grain necessary to feed will vary with individual bulls. After a bull Is past two years of age, overfeeding on grain should be voided. A bull needs lo be in just medium flesh for best results. Exercise Is also important. When more than one bull Is kept on the farm, the practice of turning bulls together In a large exercise paddock la a practical way of providing ample exercise. At the University of Tennessee seven dairy bulls are pastured In a 20-acre field the year around. As a result of proper feed and sufficient exercise, they have been p.ble to lower the services per conception lo approximately 1.2, The group of article$ $houn below may be quumy/convenienlly and eattty ordered by mail. They have beetya$sembled for thit particular purpote.. Jutt cut out the coupon and indicate what you want. You can be ture of getting it/the way you want it. If you with to order by phone, use B/nmherger** Suburban Telephone Service. Watch for Bambcrger'$"R.S.V.P Special*^ every month and $ave contijterable U) BAMBERGER'S OWN "MARLESE" SLIP tested by Bamberger's Bureau of Standards jor material and workmanship. Four-gore tailored style in tea rose or white rayon and silk satin. 34 to 44, regular length, 31 to 37, short length. Lingerie, Fourth Floor (O) BAMB1LT' BROADCLOTH SHIRTS When you buy Bambillyou get: Guaranteed triple-ply collars and cuffs. Sanforized shrunk fabrics. {Max. shrinkage l c,',) according to Standard Tests. Regular collar attached. Neck sizes' 11 to 17. IQ 3/CTI'J Store, Street Floor I.lW Page Three SPECIALS! (B) CHASE THE CHILLS in snug, warm knitted undies, light as dandelion fluff, but so cosy. Fit smoothly under sleek dresses. 70% cotton, 25% wool and 5% silk. Vests and panties in small, medium and large sizes. Knit Undcruvar, Street and Fourth Floors. 3 FOR 1.25 (E) 11OILARLF. KA1SSOOK DRESS SHIELDS Comfortable and absorbent, for complete protection of winter frocks and sweaters. Gin be boiled without harmful effect. Comes in regular and crescent shape, in uhitc only. Sizes 2, 3 and 4. Notion Dept., Street Floor..7 VR. /.Ofl.E (O DOIBLE WJWQW SHELF Makes an in. door garden of your window. Two glast shelves 4" x 18" and 4" x 24", securely, supported pair* of uhite metal brackets. The brackets fit ftrmly over top of loner sash. Garden Center, 7thFloor. 2 FOR 1.75 i REG EA. IMPORTED SARMfiES Boneless o/iii skin* less Portuguese sardines, packet! in pun vlive oil for snacks and Sunday night suppers. Tender anil firm irilh a delectable flaror. Save by buying in quantity. Fancy Groceries. 7lh Floor. Ill Si 07.. T/.V, REG. 25c, 6 for 1.09 L. BAIHBERGER& III..ONE DF AMERICA'S GREAT STORES!

16 r ifoqf Final Draft Numbers H»4 Donald Cherlea Mjera, lot 117, Oeeahport JJ** Walter Paul Htrailn, Little Sflv»r '* *«fi Francis Blevin, IB Silvrrbrook road, Shrewsbury»TM Frank Thomas Guarlnr., U Wtnta street. tim Wjllim Edward Will. Jliv.reide drive, Rad B*nk 1T»I John Gatta, Hi Shrewsbury, avenue, ITU Sidn.y Mtvear., 11 Bread ilral, ljll Kermit Hrown, 47 rh«rry street, Had Bulk If 11 John Francis Leo, Jr., 1 Wttt street, Kunason JTM Treses ftarmund Reclus torchio, iv Jtardin*- road,!714 Walter Reid, 116 Chestnut a<rr«l. tilt Meur r Johanna* itakvr, Irving plaea, Eatontown 2T1I Louis Louie Abnto, 1(2 Leitjhtun avenua, Ked Hank 2JII Frank Joseph J-aaallt. 483 from atreel, ll.d Hank IT1I Frank Louie Lens, Buttonwuod Ian*. Butnion T1I Jo»epa Cashmere O'Beirns, 20 Hurl atrail, Sea Bright 2721 I-awrtnre Etnerldee, 17 Iceond atract, Kumion J721 -Albert John Dudley, it., II Waat street, Kumaon 3721 Herbert Knight, ) Ferest avanue, K union 2711 Francis Xtvlar Mur»h», II Whlta etratt, R«d Bank ST24 Stanley Ward Nurnham, Sycesnore avenue, Shrewaburi" 2711 Gel-aid Germane, Laeuit avenua, Eatontottn 3T2I Ruaa'll Edward Tunes, It *urf street, Spa Bright 1717 David Woloott, 122 Riverside avenue HaroU James Stokae. Jr., S3J River road. 27)t A. Fargo, M Bridge avenue, 278* John Joseph Binns, Jr., Broad atrett, Shrewsbury 2711 Sidney Mettcer, 2S» Liberty street, Lone Branch, e/'o Fort Monmouth, Oeaanport 2711 C'arlton Hughe Connors, KID, 1, Asbury Perk 2111 Charles William Diion, RFD, 1, Asbury Park 2714 Abraham Wainstein, lit Hance road, Had Hank 273S John Thompson Uivtlt. Srd, Branch avenue, Little Silver 27SI Donald llavli How. Tinton avenue, Uatontown 27IJ i'aul Krancle. Rattl, it Main street, Eaton town 27»l Malachi Binajleton, ar'l), 1, Wajralda, Aabunr Park 1711 Jamee Kurd Johnson, Ird, Rumson Thursday. Mrs. Raemussen, a guest at the Courtesy Houae for several weeks, road, has gone to Matawan, Rumaon 2861 Coletlo Marrellus K >.», 1» St. S74» Thomas Thas Ferdinand Vrselanil Jaraine, Mary's place, Several children are out of school ID Alston Court, Had Bank 2741 tfeoige Balne, Jr., Ill Mehi atraat. Fradson Red Rd Ba, 28,17 Kenneth (trover, 51 Foster street. due to chicken pox. chanic Red Hank Bank Bnk Marlboro firemen were called out 2741 Jacquca Rodney Cisncr, 2858 Edward Monroe, 2*9 Shrewsbury Wednesday afternoon but were unable to locate a fire, supposed to be \ 2741 Theodore R. Martin, 41 Willow street, Fair Haven near Wlckatunk. 2T44 Patar Joseph Coyne, ( River road, Fair Haven William Miles, Jr., la a patient at 274a Milton Alan Mauaner, US Maple the. Long Branch hospital. avenua, 2741 Porter Henderson Evans, Jr., 14 South atraat, Rod Bank 2T47 Elmer Sherman, 431 Itlver Hlver road, Reel Bask 2741 Harold Dean fialdi, H Brown ' place, D. D. I., 2741 Ah Wli M-W-.nrV.'irb^r.'.'u.!'Wa ird JIB* William avanue. Rwneon mi William Lee Roblnawi, 110 River atreet, Besi Bank StM Maeio Webster Id wards, Bright It New 2!M John Thomas Luiiwis, Jr.. 41 River. dale avenue, Monmouth Bcaia 2TI«Ruaeell Haywood Taylor, RFD, Hamilton road, Pine Brook 2711 Robert Truiwell, 24 West itreet, Red. Bank 21H Herman Harvj Komar. Branch ava* nue, Little Silver 211? John Ralph Gordon, Cherry street, Shrewsbury ITSI Frederick Brown Williamson, 2 Alston Court. leodore Grandln Hose, II Eaat front street, SIM Douilaa Arlelntton Crosbj, 171 Leltrhten avenua, Heel Bank 27«1 Philip Lev Die, II Linden llaee, 2 af,_w'aher*ajlo»elua Carney. I Meadow M avenue, Monmoutb Beach Jill Raphael Suoiso. < Orummond plaaa, 2T«4 Harry Benjamin, etraet, Shrewabury 27J8 Charles Wilson Case, Cnerrjr Box 242 Loeuat avanue, Eatontown 2881 Ezra Matthlejsen Thompson. 25 Clay 27*s Howard Ferdinand Fabry, Ri U, I, atreet, Fslr Haven.Front avenue. 2B82 Charlei Nissman. IS Hay street, 21«7 Edwin Clark Gilland, Jr., 76 Hardini road Eugene Otto GlittenrnTK, Wyrkoff Rumson jjjg_aithur John Mooney. 114 Shrews, road, Katontown bury avenue, 27*9 Jchn Joseph Brandauer, li Linden place. am Chester Edward Reill), 312 River road. 271 I John Edward Attrlitae, road. 159 Hance 277a Arthur Wllhelra Schulj, II Peach street, Rad Bank 277J John. Wardell Parker, sycamore avenue, Shrewsbury 277* Joseph Samuel Johnston, 1 Richardson avenue. South Katontown ;77S Whitfield George Taylor. 242 South atreet, Eatontown S77J Lloyd llean Williams, m Broad atreet, Eatcntown 2777 Christian John Anelien, II Beech street, Sea Bright 2771 Nelaon Stanley Eyles, 21 Hudson avenue, Red Benk 2771 George Kenneth Cooper, 182 Leigh. ton avenue, 271,0 Clarence Jamerson Teed, S3 First street. Fair Haven 2791 John William Helm, Jr., Central road, Monmouth Beach 2712 Ralph Oran Gant. Meadow avenue, Monraouth Beach 71! Walter Melvin Morris, Kumsou road, Little Silver 2784 Joseph Isaac Pearsall, Riverview avenue. Little Silver 5715 Leonard Silverman, 12 Rector jlacs. 27H Francis Henry Glaiebrook, Ji,, Rumeon 2787 Jacob Paul Halperlu, Prospect avenua Hev. Thomas Francis Nolan, 91 Broad street. 278«Richard Lowell Auten, Avanue of Two Rivers, Rumson 27»«Arthur Cecil Turner, Sycamore avenue, Shrewsbury 2711 Frank Levy, J16 Shrewsbury ave. nue. 578: Percy A. West. Jr.. 24 Center center street. Rumson I71JI John Joseph MeLaughlin, hi Car. ton street, Rumson 2794 Harry Gilbert Eekerl, Oceanport avenue, Oceanport 2716 William Gardner Jrost, Broad atraet, Shrewsbury 2711 Arthur Donatn Jianntns, 81 Bridge avenue. Vift Frank Francis Mastronlacomo, Loeuat avenue, Eatontown 274t James Clark Laney, 12 Harvard : road, 27»l Carl Ivan Cogglna, RFD, 1, Box H7A, Eatontown 3801 Everett John Reid, RFU, 1, Asbury Park 21(1 Jamas Harper, RFU, 1, Wayside, Asbury 1'ark 2S0I William James Vanttota, it Westside avenue, 2S0I Andrew Marcelius Egeland, 66 Fair Haven road, Fair Haven 2804 Lawrence Matthew Kramer, 11 Wai. lace street. 28OS John V. Cousins. 31 laet Sunset ' avenue. Aed Bank 2llt Norman Fairbiother Sickles, 2>S McLaren otreet, 2107 Pierre John Baruue, 1060 Ocean aver.ue, 5c. Bright SflOB Harold Raring Churchill, Rumson road, I.lttlr Silver 28( Barnard Alexander Kellenyl, 1114 Main atrael, Eatontown 2811 Edward Louis Koiirky, White street. Batootown 3811 Robert Martin Lamborn, Button. wood Fark, 8hrawa.bury 3S1I Nelson Jonen, 24 Teach atraet, Ked Bank 2818 William VanBouuil Holier 1.on, IS Rfverelde nvenue, lted Bank 281t Edward Josetih Cogan. Woodblni avenue, Uttla Silver 2S1I Joaeph Paul Peyton, Jr., U3 Hub. banl park, Rad Bank 2811 Jack VanDeman, 3 Wardell avanue, Little (Silver SUIT* John Haynee Porter, Alver road, Rtimson 3*ll~Anthr)ny Stanley S'rnlnsll, 1«Broad straalfjled Bank 2Mlt Tswl»r r Schttmann, S6 Grant place, Karl Bank bury avenue Lawrence Taylor Green, S2 Sunset 2889-William John Sweel. 51 Washington atreet. the auditorium of the locnl grammar avanua, Rad Bank 2S21 James Marshall Hall, H 1-eiirhton 28PO--Sam Jxrph Turineie. RFI>, 1. avenue, Katontown.schonl yeeterdny. They presented a J»22 Norman Rlohardson, 189 Kiver 2891 Hubert Frank Allison. 27 River pageant on activities of the Girl street, Bed Hank avenue, Monmouth Brach. i.scouts in celebration of Girl Scout, 2828 Raymond Wnlcotl rary, Jr., George Laird SUen,»:' Hi th.-treef. Beach it reel,.sta Bright Eatontown week. The girls In uniform marched company held t HUCCCMIUI Halloween 2f2< Walter Jame. Ken. :<2 Lafajette William Robert llowlen, 29 Church into the assembly In a body. Those street, ItumMtn street, Rumaou dance at th* fire house Saturday who took part were Ida Moun, Lorraine Darlm, Patricia Gavin, Gertrude 2*2,1 Theodore Anton Plllld, Box H, Eali Peach Box 47. Fair Haven 2894 William Fred Olsen, 145 Branch night Coftuma prizes were awarded avr-nue. to Joeaph Wackar, Mrs. Rtwe Rauch, onto 289J ("arl Julius Jakubecy, Third street. Gould, I'atrlcia Berntsen, Helen 2S2«Elbeit Deny mm 1, Mr, and Mrs. William Dennlg and Gould, Mildred Mead, Shirley Blschoff, Pauline Noble, Marlon Goneler, street, Shrrv.sluny 2*96-Jacob Fred Perl. 52 Allen place, Mr. and Mra. "Bud" Richmond. The 2M27 Valintine 'i'homns AndtMfi IS Sat- : Kumson mora avenue, l'int«ui>erk l 1 walti eontaat was won by Miss Johanna Wucht* and Frederick Lelb- 897.lames Irving VanRrunt, Fair Haven Edna Rfilly, Marion Murdock, Agnes Veth, Ruth Freibott and Eleanor 2828 John Thorniis Hl»ck, 21 Washington street, Kunir-nn 2898 Claude Thomas Paaton, 11 Nttw hauser. The door price was won by 2S2» Peler Kolt.ln, 1" Hulihard avenue, fttrrt't. Set Bright Brennan, who was the reader. MiM Mrs. Charles Rogers, Jr. The auxiliary will hold a Halloween party for Red Hank 2S»9- I'hilllpe Cook Stryker. 79 Willow iiila Quail and Mrs. Helen VanBrunt, 2SSI1- timer llai riimlon, K Richardson street. Fair Haven leaders' of the troop, avenue, Katontown Jh John Hd HowardMcGregor, Box 96. children Saturday afternoon. Mrs. wore in charge of the program. 2KS1 Leon Holim* Hauls, 262 Snulh Katontuwn K to 1'icrre Hanford Rosa, Ird, Ward Mr. and Mra. Willard Boyd and ^^82 William ll«r..ld Bennett. HH> 1, amiliuc, Humson Mr. and Mrs. Harry Boyd of Tottenville, Btaten Island, visited Mr. and Kiitonlownn Ji'02- Harry Kussel Allgur. 72 Thiurkn' 28S8 Allicrl WeiiiFti'l 23 l'rosrfrt ave- ton iivt'iiui-, Eatontown nur, Iteii Knuk 2VV2- Jamt-x Joseph Uulnn, 27 West street. Mrs. Henry Walling Sunday Frank render Kldrrilire. Rumion Katontown 2815 Klwood Alexander Dunran, 21 Sll. 2V04 -Kvrrelt Forrest Nichols Wolf Hills. verbrook road. ^hrewhhuiy Oceanport 28J4 Marshall VanNert Wolcott, 7 (>n-281)5lei- Flix-el, tlceanpoit road, Rumson llaniel Kdward Shay. 101 River 111" Ralph llarii - Whilst fill, 1M) Monmoulh street, Red Hunk atreet, FsirHsten 06 Leslie Peter Stmil. H Church 2888 (,'hailes Joels Fisk Waring, Rumson J839 John Andrew Carney, 29 (leorse Marlboro I reel, RH'er i'laza Edward Henry Fallon, ID North stree 1. Rumson The fall conference of the Wom Merrill Edwin Richardson, S Richardson avenue, Entontown 2Sl2 Ulysses (irant Allen, t Allen ati«al, Fair Haven 2S48 Leo Lee Clolh, 18 Washington street, 3814 John Albert Honry, 6S John street, Red Hank 2S«5 (Jeorite William llowlaml, Jr., Waterman avenue. Rumson 2S(«Robeil Hagerman Clark, 139 BsiKen lilace, 5847 Charles Lee Harrington, 74 Bank street, Red Dank 2848 Max B.itto. 216 River utreet, Red Hank 2849 John Walter Swnnson, Jr., Riverlawn street, Fail' Haven Cheater Arthur VilliHiunt, 62 Bluck I'olnt rntui, ltumfon 2S,i 1 IrvInK Stanley Vaiillritnt, R6 l^wik street, Katanlown 2k,i2- l^eonide Snvltsky, Klin Coltaice, Itumsou 28n8 (iaoike Howard Soiithwurth, Cunover lane. Hed Hank 2864 Peter Hentley, 4th, 22V Hruad street, Red Hank 2865 (iue.ln Todil, Jr.. Shrewsbury avenue, Red Hank 285» William Kugene Clear}, 172 Mini, mouth atreet. Red rlank 2810 David William Poole, Newman Springs road, 28«1 Frederick Hush Wood, 12S Brnnrl street, S8I2 William Joseph Spence, Jr., 24 Lake avenue Paul (Justav Peteraon, K Surf street, Sea Briifht 28(4 Helm William Ewald, 141 Shrewsbury avenue. 28IJ Edward Paul Fix, 28 Monroe avenue. Gen. Del., 28««Meyer Herman Halperln, 53 Prospect avenue. Red Rank 28S7 Donald Welcome White, 11 Wash. Ington street Robert Emmett Hlgginbotham, 345 Broad atreet, Red BanV 28SI George Gilbert Ashwell, 404 WMI Front street Harold Jay Berk, 132 Spring strert, 2811 Bruce William Crlspell. 20 Chestnut atreet, 2872 Mauro Melvin Mandcllo, lofi Shrewsbury avenue, 2878 Henry John Canonleo, 8 R«r*or vlaee Bernard Michael McDonald, 1» Wallace street. Red Rank 287! Harold Carl Marks. U Marlon atreel, 2871 Percy Wallace Weaver, 112 W«-st Front atreet, 2877 Joseph Holden Turner, Orange avenue. Fair Havan 2878 Frank E. P. South, Jr., 118 Lewis atreet, Eatontown 287* Carmine Eugene Garofalo, Pinp Brook 2888 Frank August Schultz, 210 Mon. mouth street, 28B4 Otto A. Gil liar. 2 Beattie Fark, Red Bank James Joseph gammon, 18 First street, Bumeon HIS Ilr. Kmely G. Wingerter. 70 Pincknry road.!ss7 Thilton Williamson, Sycamore avenue, Shrewsbury 288S Dennie Bernard Arnone. 166 Shrpws- Miseionary Union of the Classts of Monmouth was held In 1he Re- formed church of Long Branch Thursday. Early Monday evening John *C. HeiBer was gtruck by a car while Jewel Theft at. A lady's gold watch, «. wedding ring and a platinum stick pin were stolen from the home of Asbury Mount of last Thursday night. The burglar gained entrance through a side window. RED BANK REGISTER, OCTOBER 31, (The Red Bunk Register can be bought in Irom Larry Gerald' Charles Meyers and Edward Liebhauser) The Girl Scouts of this place and tiie East Keancburg troop were in charge of an assembly program in Michael Moun, who is employed by the J. Howard Smith company of thu pluce, will work for the company In North Carolina this winter. Mrs. Margaret Maclntyre of Newark is spending a. week with her mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Quackenbush, Sr. The winners of the Merchandise club for the past two weeks have been Mrs. Harry Dovey and Mri. Frank Levering. The Ladies' Aid society of the Community church will hold a luncheon at the home of Mrs. Claude Harris Thursday afternoon, November 14, tending w*re Grace, Gladys and Edna Lee, Audrey Thompson, Helen burning leaves along the atreet. liesides a scalp wound, which requited attend a football game at Rutgers The Boy Scouifi of troop 88 will Freibott, Gloria Mangold, Betty several stitches to dole, Mr. Heiser uni'. ertlty Saturday afternoon. Gough, Claire Collins, Peggy and waa badly bruised about the body. Anne Ji-anette Paton, daughter of Margaret Crosbes, Dorothy Franklin, Misses Ida and Augusta Smith of, Harry Paton, held a Jeraey City were recant guests of' Mr - and Mrs Muriel Muller, Claire and Alice FlUgerald, Eva Eckcrson, Beatrice Ben- birthday party - In celebration of her their cousin, John Tiernan. ninth birthdny Monday afternoon. nett, Kay Miller, Robert R,Unge, Alex Alfred Conovcr and family and Attending were Mary and George Walker, Crawford Johnson, Rudy, Leon Conover, Jr., of Bound Brook Jones, Jeanie Travers and James Harold and Albert Quackenbush, William Miller, "Buddy" Muller, William spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. L. Paton. B. Conover, Sr. A chow mein dinner was served a\t Treiger, Raymond Eckerson, Frank Mrs. Michael O'Hara of the home of Miss Marie Klieber at a- Jensen, Mr*. Charles QUkckenbush visited Mr. and Mrs. Chris Meyer meeting of the Do-ette«Girls club and Mr*, Wilbur Wlllett. Thursday evening. Attending were EYE Misses Lorraine Peto, Irene RelUy, June Scholield, Helen and Gertrude Root, Johunna Wucht*, Doris Poole and Marie KUeber and Mrs, John Lanza. Mr. and Mra. Carl Lee and daughters, Gladys, Grace and Edna, motored to Teaneck to visit relative! Sunday. Michael Roche of New York city spent the week-end at hie summer home here. Mr. and MI-F. Henry Walling will leave Friday for their winter home In Florida. A Halloween party for member, of the Sunday-schpol of the Community church was held at Cedar Beach GLASSES? The latest in modern scientific examining equipment and the most up-to-date lens laboratories. Most prescriptions and lenses can be made the same day. James F. Smith OPTICIAN Sportleigh Coat* have rh* verve, the volatility, the casual good looks that maka thorn fit right in with the American scheme of things. The heavyduty ftbrie is all-round favorite too. It'* Winston Tweed. Loomed exclusively for Sportleigh by the American Woolen Company. In wine, heather-brown, or black and white. Lined with Rayon Satin Superb* of CorWnasV yarn. Sizes 10 to 20 and 9 to IS. ESTABLISHED 187S Broadway Dr. E.Trachtman OPTOMETRIST Glasiet Fitted Eyes Examined 77 BROAD STREET, RED BANK (ABOVE THE NEW NEWBERRY STORE) ' PHONE CLASSICS... of Winston Tweed INCORPORATED Long Branch last night. Mis* Rita and Mrs. Helen VanBrunt, leaders of the local Girl Scout troop, attended a leaders' meeting at the Ketnsburg. school Monday night. A Republican mass meeting will be held at the Ore house Friday even- Ing. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Gavin and daughter Patricia motored to New York city to vliit relatives over last week-end. The Ls^dlM' auxiliary of the fire John Montag U In charge. Russell Poling, who has been confined to hi* bed for several week, ia Improving. The local Red Cross unit, under the direction of Mils Helen Coe, will meet at the Are house Friday between 2 and 6 p. m. Richard Anthony Homan, son of Mr. and Mr*. Frank Homan of Long Branch and formerly of this place, was baptised at the Community church Sunday afternoon by Rev. Ernest Foi, pastor. Th* fltltch an' Chatter club met at th* hems of Mrs, Russell; Sampson Monday afternoon. A Hallow**n party was held by the Main Str**t Boy* club Friday evening In a barn on Carolina avenue. At- Bam and Car Burned. Fir* dtatroyad a barn and an automobile on th* Woolley dairy farm at N*ptun* Saturday afternoon. Thr«* other vehicle* in the barn wer* drlv*n to safety. estimated at 14,200. Th* loss is LIBERAL ALLOWANCE FOR YOUR USED ROOM SIZE I RUG or CARPET In order \u Introduce the iiumta to our new floor Covering Department, we offer our entire tuck of rug* uud carpeting In thl* trade la *a*n at our regular price*, ronltlxlv no uilvanrn. Hero la our plan: (iiinr In, eelrrt the rug or rarpetlng'you wish at regular prlrra, 1 licit nur appraiser will cull at your honv and make you a liberal ajtowanfe for your old rug or ciir- M'tlii». Kviry rug lii thl* sale I* tint (juallty, ourreat pattern, all ajtea, 9 x 12 AXMINSTER RUGS 29 UP In our regular (took you will And Blgelow, Mohawk, Alexander Hmilh, Karafhcuslun, IVghUtown and other*. Price*» Url at for the Hxl2 *l«e. Term* inny he had If desired. STERLING FURNITURE SHOP 21 WHITE STREET OPEN EVENINGS he pleaded.."you don't know what this means to me. This dinner must be just rightl The steak > must be as tender ai the mashed potatoes. The Boss is a what do you call it cbnnoisseur." "Relax," I said, "I'w got the answer." s Where She Bought TENDERAY Yaej e«n hey Itfoal Tsmteray Reef in your neighborhood «t HM Maratt Martjol f Big Chief Market. Wilkin- MM, Gaddi* & Co., vwiieri and aaerarort of Hiete great markftt, GUARANTEE rnat the beef you buy at Mutual or Big Chief Market* will be deliciously tender and i.ticv nr YOUR MONEY BACK! TENBERAY Gaarantoed Tenider or Your Money Back! That w u my comeback when Charlie tried to impress on me how paittanlac hi. Boo would be about dinner. Well, what a pin doe. to a p«nny balloon i. nothingtowhat my teasing did to Charlie. 90n..10* * \ Mm* f WHAT 1 MSAN" I told iho butcher. "1 want the steak that's always tender, always at the peak oi flavor. I've got to wow my guests tonight, so make sore you give me Tenderay beef I" 919 ryf CAT IT UP! When the BOM left he wore a smile that hooked on both an, like eye-glasses. He was flattered to pieces,, because; he considers well-prepared food a compliment. Did my Tenderay steak make a hit! LOOK FOR THIS BRAND ON THE BEEF ^ 1 ^ " ' "- m^^mm JBM*^ ^ " * V ^s^&jc^^»to»uct OV WlltlNINOIII

17 Donate $100 For High School Band At an executive board meeting of Middletown townjlllp High School MBoclatlon at the home of the president, Mm. Frank S. Wadsworth, Monday night it was decided to glvo the board of education 1100 toward tho coat of capes purchased for the use of tho high school band. A card party Saturday night, November 16, was agreed upon. The party will be held at the high echool gymnasium. Refreshment* will be terved and prize** awarded. Carl Helwig and Austin Johnson will be In charge.. Mrs. Wadsworth, Mrs. Harold 8. Morford, Mrs. Merman Doran and Mrs. Curtis Walling were appointed delegates to Inn fall county council meeting of I'arent-Teachers at the Howell township nchool yesterday. William G. Thomas was appointed chairman of membership, replacing Mrs. Rachel Field Mount, who was unable to serve. High School News Candy I'roflU. So far total proflta of the senior class football candy sales amount to $86.46, $24.45 of which was handed In after the game, September 28; $33.19 after the Linden game, October 5, and after the Suuth River game, October 12. The committee consists of Alex Belchok, head; Mary Jo Garrison, treasurer, and the following salesmen Jnnct Holmes, Carolyn Sutphln, Mnry Lou McDonald, Dorothy Wood, Betty Mageo, Jane Mason, Anita Kirschbaum, Carol Apgar, Rebecca Seibcr, Mildred Hendilckeon, Marjorlc Jeffrey, Mildred Marx, Rose Bunin, Helen Herman, Dorothy Hendrlckson, Doris Rice, Mary Murphy, Enid Willy, Florence Soden, Marie Do Lisa, Hetty Rollly, Carol Ford, Eulalle Fimncis nnd EISIB Mullen. Ruth Slalght. Nun to Hell Cards. The senior class meeting w»i held In the "gym" on October 17, to draw plans for selling more Christmas cards. Frank Long, president, called the meeting to order. Gerald Russell, adviser, talked to the students about selling the cards, and why it was necessary to sell them. Opinions and arguments were expressed Sarah Figaro. Hold Skating Party. The Ctlrls' Recreation club gave a skating party at the Hinging Wheels Skating Rink October 23 for high iichool students only. There were special skating numbers with prizes. Amelia Gcronl. I'lun Year Book. Gerald Russell, senior claai adviser, Mrs. Russell, "Mickey" Long, senior class president, and Rebecca SelliRi- recently visited the Edison Engraving company, New York, for yearbook estimates. They went nil through the plant to sec tho engraving work that could be dono for the 1041 yearbook. Elizabeth Haskcll. Sin* at Assembly. The senior assembly Friday, October 18, wos spent singing songs led by A. LeRoy Baker and accompanied by Donnld 8. Klopp at the piano. Slides of the songs were flashed on the wall of the stage. In the junior assembly Thursday, October 17, Jane Helm read the history of tho high school hand which Inter played selections 9-43» ELIZA M. STEPHENSON Horn* Service Direct* Juuit CcNtHAl?0««* LKHI Co. RULES AND TOOLS 1'art I EW of us realize how important F a part the proper cooking utensils play in the game of successful baking. Inasmuch as baking is a game, and every game lias its rules, these rules must he considered if the finished product is to be tasty and presentable. The rules are tiniple but very important. But since they have come to light with the modern viewpoint on cooking, some homemakers feel that they can disregard thrm entirely, bclicviiir that the old-fashioned ways are good enough. On the other hand, many homemakers have founu that the right utensils are as necessary in their kitchens as Rood tools are in the carpenter's shop. We are being asked daily by liomemakcrs what kind of utensils to buy. We in turn are interested in their experiences for they are valuable o us in solving; our problems. The nrw ranges are Kfeatly improved by insulation in the oven with the result that there is very little loss of heat into the kitchen. This very fact makes it possible to have accurate heat control, eliminating constant peeking into the oven. Of course, no one vould expect an oven to do a Rood baking job if steel wool is placed in the steam vent. To play the rules fairly, please remove it., Another important rule to follow is to use light colored baking utensils. Fans that have darkened with use c age absorb heat unevenly making an unsightly cake. The outside will be crusty, and if the under the leadership of Mr. Klopp. Then Mr. Baker suggested that the junior high learn the school songs, "March Down the Field," "Hall Red Bank" and the "Alma Mater." This was followed by the four majorettes, Rose Mary Fan ell, Vivian Rosattl, Rose Bottagaro and Bunny Dillon giving a swirling exhibition, and two solo performances by Audrey Atwater, head majorette, and William Conovcr, drum major- Ruth Slaight. Start Tournament. The first period "gym" class recently started their 1040 class basketball tournaments under the supervision of Mrs. Herman Leckner. The squads that played against each other were first playing the second, third playing the fifth. The squads thht won were the second and fifth. Yolnnda Ciambrone. Riding Club. Mrs. Hermla Leckner, girls' gymnasium teacher, is in 'charge of a Girls' Riding club that goes riding every Wednesday after school, weather permitting, at Foale's Riding lan ii very dark- may burn the edges, while the inside o' the cake will br doughv and soggy. If the bottom and tides are baked too fast the center often cracks and tails, living the cake an under-baked laste. Usually, when this occurs, the cake is not as large as expected.and isn't just what we want ai finished product. Perhaps someone is thinking that if we use dark pane, why car'i the heat cortrol be let at a lower temperature? It can, oi course, but the cake batter need* the lime and temperature suggested in the recipe. Homemaker! get their best results when they use light take pan:,.o that the entire batter is receiving even, accurate heat. Of course, we must also be careful not to let our cake pane touch each other or the sides of the oven for this too will make our cake uneven and often causes it te> hum. Again we like to change the shape and size of our cake, padding, or pies and then wonder wro they sometimes don't come out just right. It is difficult, we will admit, for when we make our pastry thicker o thinner cur time and temperature chart seems to mislead us. This nay be illustrated by cooking pancakes on a griddle on the surface of a range. The thinner the pancakes are, the more heat we can use and the shorter time it takes them to bake. This also Jiolds true when the oven is used. If we use a cake recipe that is intended for three layers and we hake it in two layers, we will naturally give it longer time and lower temperature. A deep-dish pie or pudding will vary accordingly for it requires slightly longer to' heat through the thicker quantity of food. Recipes that suggest the size utensil, time, and temperature, are the most satisfactory. However, if you have a favorite recipe and you do not have this information, make a note, for future use on the size utensil, time, and temperature that you find the most successful after experimentation. Due to its length this important article has had to be divided into two parts,.^-.rt II to be published next week. Be sure to clip both for your cooking notebook. Stables. A few of the firli who go riding are Mary Ruddy, Betty Delatush, Doris Kislln, Doric Brit ton. Girls who wilh to go riding may get in touch with Mrs. Leckner In the gymnasium. Audrey Doughty. To Give "What a Life" is one of the terlei of Henry Aldrich plays heard regularly over the radio. The play U to be given Friday evening, November 1, In the Cathoiki high school. This play le being presented for the first time by the Brotherhood of the Preebyterian church. Most of the cast Is made up of the memberi of the Brotherhood, the alumni of the high school and school pupils. Alumni and students taking part In the play are Fred O. Comstock, John Ritter, Betty Doremue, Jan* McCue, Helen Clay, Harriet Jones, Helen Shomo and Sam Harvey, Helen Shomo. When you want to realize cash for something speedily you can count on The Register want ad columns to do your selling for you. Advertisement FIRST BECAUSE ITS FINEST! Featuring 3 COUPLE ROOMIMS so ail who ride mu have space and space to span! ind there s cmo f more shoulder room, in rhis largest cor the Even three couples AREN'T a crowd in this big, roomy, wide-seated Chevrolet for 1941! All sedans are sized for six, widened out to give "3-couple roominess."... All models, regardless of type, have big, generous, oversize capacity.... And all of them are styled, 'tailored and appointed to bring you the modern /MHEVROLETS the LEADER maflmum in lusurious motoringat the lowest '-*"-'»'ZZJ? 1 cost! That's why we're convinced you'll say Chevrolet's "first because It's finest!'? Better eye it, try it, buy It today! McKIM-LAYTON CHEVROLET CO. 29 Mechanic Street,, N. J. RED BANK REGISTER, OCTOBER 81, Centerville lira. Charles Crawford of pent Sunday with Mrs. Harry Cur-». Veronica Menosky Is viaitlng relatives at New York. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Monteiano and Patrick Slano of Brooklyn spent Sunday with Albert Siano. lire. Harry 8. Willey and Kenneth and'peggy Willey spent Saturday at the World's fair. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ambroslno and family motored to Newark Friday. Miss Elizabeth Woodward of Freehold win school visitor Monday. Stephen Troflnov and Peter Poluhovlck of Brooklyn spent Sunday with Mrs, Ann Menosky and family. Mies Anna Potoeky of Newark OWNM AM» OPIIATID IV " wnyh"" visited Mr. an<< Mrs. IgnatzPotosky. Mrs. Joseph Granato, Sr., spent Sunday at the Bronx. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stilwell of Freehold returned after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. William Boughmer Sunday. Jacky DenOuden, a student In higrh school, is building a work shop in which to build model airplanes. Albert Slano is redecorating the Interior of his house. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Dennis of Naveslnk visited Mr. and Mrs. George Thome Sunday. Mrs. Salvatore Straniero celebrated her birthday with a party of friends Saturday. Mrs. Loretta De Marco and family of Brooklyn and Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Sportelli of Freehold spent NEW LOW PRICE! Sunday with Frank Lucarrelll and family. Misses Lucy Nlcoletta, Marie and Anna Straniero spent Sunday at the World'* fair. Mrs. H. S. Willey attended a meeting: of the Executive Board of the Monmouth County Women's Republican clubs Friday at Freehold. Mrs. Tony Sportelli of Freehold and Mrs. Loretta De Maco of Brooklyn have returned after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lucarrelll. Mr. and Mrs. Amello Malpconlca spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Baldino of Long Branch. Frank Allocco, Salvatore Straniero and William Oremond are on the sick list. The road to better Rnd blecer business leads through The Register's advert lslne columns. Advertisement MOIItll or HAMWHOLE EZ CUT EITHER HALF Aster 0. P. Tea Aster 0. P. Tea Codfish MAiMur 2 15c 29c 23c Codfish..v.'r'^v.r ",:: ioc Icy Point Salmon *'J 16c Wet Shrimp ITANMW» 1 Oc Hash csttfts 2'..t29c Wilson's Mor U..V 23c rrauencc HASH em '» SprjT IHOtTfHING ««i IOC Spry thoarinino 3*,, 4? c Heine Soups. 2,. M 25c Baby Feeds SS&V&T 25e Baby Feeds«StVtt3 4 ::r 25e Armour', Treet '..V 23e /<- _- J _» 11-»i. 1 #* ^OaTOCG DMI ARMOUR'S I V Huh c».7«2'st 25c Pott«dMe.tA^.3 H,V.. H 25c ' Vienna Sausage A«MOI»I W. 9C MwshBaUews» v M A T!?2U:.25c Pilbbury Flour»».». 17c Pilbbury Flour,* 32c Pilbbury Fleur.. 45e Pilbbury Fleur M»-». 87C IDEAL COFFEE 2-29' Cake Fleur S&HS85 *«21c Cream Farina >«.».* 14,;.9e Cream Farina PM*«T *T 17C Mahex Cereal "Jff 22c French's Bird Grarel 2 ;i k,-,9c a-j C--J WINCH'S «Vi-oi. f». Dirs seed» HSCUIT pin. oc *U:_-- lesivillaha S\i-n. C, UsiTCS SUIIN lar 13C Asstd. Pickles r p e,?s lu ;, 10c Ideal Salad Dressing I. 9c Ideal Salad Dressing.!:15c Ideal Salad Dressing V.. 27c Desserts UN^ 3 ^ 25C Grandma's Meksses 1^ 17c Mustard >MHCH > *", 8c Lava Hand Soap 3,. hn 17c Brillo Seap Pads 2 ^. 25c Windex2 k '.^.25c %S 31c Clorox,,M. 10c w. rt 17c Lux Toilet Soap 3 <. km 16c Ply. If f» HMlM M«h Noxon PoKsh "i, 19c Noxon No-Rub Wax '.^ 19c Toilet Soap OCTACOH4 uk«15c Palmelive Soap. 3,.kn25c Soap IWIITMIAUT 4 nk«l 16C Borax Soapm«KMANi7 c. k,,25c Second National Bank & Trust Co. KED BANK, NEW JKR8EY COMMON STOCK (new) PAR VALUE II.M BOUGHT AND SOLD Write or Fhone FIRST NEW JERSEY SECURITIES CO., INCORPORATED INVESTMENT SECURITIES «03 MATTISON AVENUE, ASBURT PARK, X. I, Phones: Anbury, Park Shrewd, careful buyers read The Register' Cl ified Advertisement*. Here you find the seller wh*> wants to sell and the buyer who wants to buy. ' SUPER MARKETS CHOICE GRADE SOFT MEATED SPRING LAMBS Legs o/ Lamb FRKH CAUSNT BOSTON MACKEREL..7c softf ONE PRICE ONE QUALITY MtAT, PROOUCf, FISH» DAIRY PRICES EFFECTIVE FROM OCTOBER 3Ut UNTIL NOViMBEK 2nd FRISH JUMBO SHRIMP it. 1Se Stock I/out Pantty Qt "Thait JLow Ptletil GREEN GIANT PEAS DEL MAIZ NIBLETS DEL MONTE PEACHES FLAWLESS, LUSCIOUS FRUIT TOMATOES CORNED BEEF HASH IDEAL WRINKLED PEAS SWEET 6 SLICED PEACHES PINEAPPLE PINEAPPLE JUICE OREGON PRUNES TOMATO SAUCE EVERYONE LIKES PEAS STANDARD ECONOMICAL FOR COOKING TEMPTING! TASTY! DIFFERENT! IDEAL FULL RIPE IDEAL CRUSHED DELICIOUS WITH IAKID HAM LUE DIAMOND FIMSIDE FOR THAT QUICK MEAL! IDIAL FRESH, VAL VITA ADDS ZEST TO MEALS cani 23c :on JV 25c No. 2 com 5«^ c 45c 69c 25c»ACKID IV GMIN CIANT FOLKS ef*. af% P" PHILLIPS BIUCIOUS J% A * ARTESIAN PEAS 6 " 65c IBIAl SPINACH OXYDOL GRAN. SOAP lot. pkg. FLAKES or Ige. CHIPSO 9 nh'lu IVORY SOAP 3 Lei. 79. IVORY SNOW ;:,9<;r 19 GRANULES pkg. 18* EGGS LEG GS icon Mr ** 25* LOAF CREAM CHEESE >23c LOAF AMER. CHEESE -23c GOLD-N-RICH CHEESE >35e Gem Nut Margarine 2«19c EARLY JUNE PEAS 6 1:3 9 PHILLIPS DELICIOUS All-GMIN ASPARAGUS. SELOX CAMAY SOAP ll'/l-oc. <.k.» e P&GSOAP 8-23 Jtu.it5 and POTATOES " U. S. Ne. 1 SELECTED 15-19' 100-LB. SACK - $1.09 NEW CROP YOUNG TENDER _ STRING BEANS 5 FLORIDA THIN SKIN GRAPEFRUIT 310' 95 BROAD STREET, RED BANK Free Parking

18 ei RED BANK REGISTER. OCTOBER 31, Draft Lottery Results: Order WhichMen...'.«,.,»; ^ T n T,,8S5)14IU (««3)iO9i,884)1751,(1393)632 (1394)815 (1395)3343, Number. 1M1 to J«00, (2410) 2451 (2411) 1143 (2413). Tile Register is pleased to present herewith the list of draft numbers in- ofar as they apply to the various district bonidf In Monmouth county, lumbers beyond the iiist number j given here as drawn in the national lottery are not carried because no j uch numbers have been assigned to j tfegistr&nts from Monmouth county, j The Register is indebted to the As- j t>ury Park Press for this co-opera-1 Hon. i For the convenience of the reg- I latrant, the serial number, the first ; tuimber shown in the parenthesis, is i lh«drsit number ilxed as a result! M tile drawing, and the second is the j tone which appears on the registrant's I eard and which was posted at the ' ocal board headquarters prior to the (361) 228 (364) 3557 (367) 2005 (370) 1421 ( ( B ( (382) 3053 (385) 2831 (388) 165 (391) 747 )4) 2912 (39 (39 (400) 1362) 3453 (365) 612 (368) 3052 (371) 203 (374> 196 (377) 3304 (380) 3571 (383) 3319 (386) 3014 (389) 3068 (392) 3123 (395) 3647 (398) Numbers 401 to 500 Local draft boards, following the quaoce of order numbers, will begin mailing out que-stionaires to registrant* at the rate of 30 a day. Then begin! t))e task of classifying the Mgiatranta, whether in class one, available for milifary service; class Wo, deferred because more needed t* Ma job than in military service;! ttiret, exempted by dependents, M clou four, physically, mentally or tmralty unfit or further exempted by law. It has been estimated that those!*rlui draft numbers above 1,500 may fcot «V«n receive questionnaires until aome time next year. Of main aigniflo&nco to draft registrants is th«flnt 650 numbers on the draft i»t. In all probability the first draftee* to be called to the colors by n«xt June will be selected from thes«first 650 numbers throughout the nation. Registrants knowing the erial number given them by their local draft boards and the total registration of their district as printed in The Register last week and this Week will be ab'.e to tell with a very eloe«degree of accuracy where their place* are on the draft list. Numbers 1 to 100 (1) 153 ( (402) ) 3155 ( ( (408) (411) 78 (413) 45 (414) 3793 ( ( ( ( ( (423) 2786 ( (426) 3764 ( (429) 3477 (431) 3767 ( (434) 391S ( (437) 3492 (438) 15* ( (441) 77 (443) 160 ( ( ( (449i2558 ( ) 2418 ( (455) 2772 (456) 2569 (458) 3512 (459) 2658 (46D 3494 (462) 190 t4li4> 2536 (465) 3225 (467) 210 (468» 1431 ( (471)3725 i473) 2069 (474) 3669 (476) 2505 ( (480) 3176 (482i 3888 (483' 2042 (485) 2594 i486) 2662 (488) 1925 (489) 2* )3388 (492)3559 (494)3805 (495)2916 (497) 3261 (496) 246 i500) 3700 Numbers 501 to 600 (363) (366) 231 j ( ^ ( ' 1375) 1803 (378) 2596 I (381) 3458 : (384) 21 j (387) 2037] (390) 768 I (393) 3835 : ( ( i (403) 2544 (406) 1476 ; ( , ( I 1415) (418) 1869 [ (421) 3635 i ( j (421) 2554 (430) 3905 (433) 2599 (436) 3457 (439) 2466 (442) 3737* ( (448) 2743 (451) 2702 (454) 3822 (457) 3784 (460) 2402 (463) 3019 (466) 3597 (469) 67 (472) 3762 (475) 2706 ( (481) 2862 (484) 74 (487) 3578 (490) 3613 (493) 2995 ( (499) 2720 (882) 1484 (885) 3269 (888) 3858 (891) 822 (894) 144 (897) 123 (900) 1239 Numbers (883) (889) 3268 (892) 2931 (895) 301 (898) to 1000 (901) 2806 ( (904) 1182 (905) 967 (907) 3431 (908) 82 (910) 2860 (911) 2632 ( ( (916) 3249 ( (919) 2535 (920) 266s) (922) 261 (923i 23 (925) 1999 (926) ) 31IH ( ( ( (934) 2869 (935) 860 (937)1896 (938i 2602 (940) 3912 ( (943) 3180 ( (946) 1620 (947) 58S (949) 155 (950) 1342 (952)3748 (953)3807 (955) )3305 ( (959) 723 ( ( (964) 29 ( (967) 2910 (968) 3827 (970)3753 (971)2937 (973) 1 (974) 331 (976)3534 (077)2704 (979)3546 (980)3876 (982) 3350 ( (985)2814 ( (988) 776 (989) 2421 (991)2530 ( (994) )3804 (997)3570 (998)3641 (1000)2808 Numbers 1001 to ) 1751 ( (887' 695' (1396) ' 732 (893) 3678 (896' 1343 (899> 3596, ([4O4) 2513 (1407) 1191 ( (1413) 1341 (1416) 3821 (1419) 2737 (14-22) 2750 ( (1428) 610 ( ( (1437) 1981 (1440) 221 ( (1446) 3327 (1449) 539 (1452) 2463 (1455) 3372 (1458) 3049 (1461) 3910 (1464) 1453 (1467) 3177 ( (1473) 1643 ( ( (1482) ) 3(tfl (1488) 8 (1491) 604 (1494) 775* (1497) 1952 (903) ) i912i 2957 (915) 3106 (918) 1097 (921) 825 (924) J537 (927) 94 (930) 2P16 ( ( ( (i)42l 2465 ( (948' 111 (951) 3627 (954) 2856 (957) 2154 i960) 2155 (963) 170 (966) 3612 (969) 3326 (972) 2006 (975) 636 ( (981) 2863 (984) 3688 (987) 419 ( (993) 1328 ( (999) 2281 (1394) 815 (1397) ) ) 2533 (1400) 3649 Numbers 1461 I* 150* (1401)2759 (1402) ) 34 (1405) 1558 (1406) 3452 (1406) 1418 (1409) 2968 (1411) 3179 (1412) 3332 (1414) ) 2430 (1417) 1237 (1418) 1322 W420) 1875 (1421) 1876 (1423) 87 (1424) 3811 (1426) 579 (1427) 2930 (1429) 2647 (1430) 2818,, (1432)2183 (1433) 2054 j,1940 (1435) ) 791 ' (1438) ) 179 (1441) ) 3465 (1444) ) 3562 (1447) 2915 (1448) 762 (1450) 313 (1451) 751 (1453) 1884 (1454) 578 ( » (1459) 3449 (1460) 1507 (1462) 720 ( H8 (1465) ) 3794 (1468) 152 (1469) 3375 (1471) 2262 (1472) 3603 (1474) 3240 ( (1477) ) 3109 (1480) )3315 (1483) )1498 ( ( (1489) 3129 ( (1492) 1335 ( (1495) ) 202 (1498) ) 1573 Numbera INI to 2600 (1901)3885 (1902)3387 (1903)2801 (1904)2263 (1905) 66 (1906) 212 (1907) 1655 (1908) 1352 (1909) 99 (1910) 1180 (1911) 750 (1912) 374 (1913)1170 (1914)2884 (1915)3216 (1916) 3496 (1917) 3047 (1918) 1511 (1919) 119 (1920) 1452 (1921) 1684 (1922)3732 (1923)2239 (1924) ) 3061 (1926)2009 (1927) 602 (1928)2245 (1929)1156 (1930)3791 (1931)2139 (1932)1047 (1933)1129 (1934)1408 (1935)2133 (1936)2488 (1937i ) 1387 (1939) (1941) 93 (1942)2206 (1943) ) 143 (1945)1131 (1940)2841 (1947)5410 ( (1949) 1102 (1950) 3058 (1951) 1030 (1952) 352 ( (1954)1026 (1955) 1308 ( (1957) 3643 (1958)1372 (1959)3365 (I960) 707 (1961) 1162 (1962) 719 (1963) 1004 (1964) 1650 ( (19116) 334 (1967)1533 (1968)3582 ( (1970) 89 (1971) 1612 (1972) 98 (1973) 1796 (1974) 1400 ( ( ( (1978) ) 11 (1980) 2141 (198!) 1014 ( (1983) 1448 (1984) 42 (1985) 949 (1986)2553 (1987)1228 ( (1989)3091 (1990) )3471 (1992)1616 (1993) 232 (1994)1587 (1995) 361 (1996)2583 ( (1998)258! 0999)2987 (1500) 1939 Numbers 1501 to 1600 ( Numbers 2001 la 2100 (3 (11 zu: i:o 3048 (20' (4) 35CS u> 188 (10) 2670 (11) 3495 (1O2698 (19)3461 (23) 3294 C5) 3259 (2O2439 (31)3440 (34) 3001 (37) 2437 (40) 2534 (43) 2684 (46) 3670 (4() 2810 (53) 2792 (55) 2514 (58) 2780 (61) 172 (64) 126 (67) 2767 (70) 2892 (73) 2423 (76) 2765 <7«) 2922 (82) 3686 (85) 167 (88) 3039 (91) 3381 (94) 3843 (97) 2567 (100) N (lumber* 101 to ) 3470 (;»> 3-! :6 (29) 25C2 (32) 2524 (35) 3694 (38) 3252 (4!> 3200 (44) 2988 (47) 19 (50) 2559 (53) 766 (56) 3550 (59) 3809 (62) 3169 (65) 3473 (68) 3510 (71) 2857 (74) 3151 (77) 2877 (80) 3416 (83) 3783 (86) 3626 (89) 162 (92) 2447 (95) 3776 (98) 3083 (101) 147 (104) 1355 (107) 3016 (110) 3444 (113) 3226 '(116) 2527 O19) 1295 (122) 1234 ^125) 3107,(128) 3034 ' '(131) 2928!(134) 3689 (137) 3182 (140) 3445 :'(143) 3322 (146) 112 '(149) 3433.'(152) 2403 {(155) 2406 (158) (160) 2963 ;(163) 1362 '(166) 3254 '(169) 2545 '(172) (175) 2739 (178) 3864 '(181) 3521 '(184) 3658 '(187) 2954 j(190) 2703 (193) 116 (196) 1801 '(199) 2975 (11) (105) 2510 (108) 3644 (111) 689 (114) 3469 (117) 2657 (120) 2572 (123) 31 (126) 3105 (129) 3674 (132) 3530 (135) 676 (138) 3620 (141) 3195 (144) 3438 (147)2679 (150) 3423 (153) 3046 (156) 2875 (159) 2634 (161) 3320 (164)3625 (167)2570 (170) 3895 (173) 3172 (176) 2648 (179) 3132 ( (185) 3137 (188) 109 i3> 105 i (6) 2563! (9) 2914 (12) 3470 (15) 2748 I (18) 2764! (21) 3011 i (24> 14' (27) 2771 (30) 3675 ; (33) 3466: (36) 3408 : (39) 3432 { (42i 57 (45) 153 (48) 3045 (51) 2540 : (54) 3558! (57) 3522 (60) 3162 (63).3663 (66) 2974 ( (72) 187 (75) 2546 (78) 3814 (81) 1854 (84i ) 1369 (90) 3746 (33) 2484 (96) 3655 (99) (103) 1300 (106) 2638 (109) 3279 (112) 2976 O15l 3504 (118, (121) 3634 (124) 3175 (127) 156 (130) )2467 ( (139) 2689 (142) 3842 ( (148) 185 (151) 3183 (154) 2970 (157) 3173 (162) 3795 (501) 3685 ( (507) 176 (510) 3698 (513) 3483 ( (519) 2548 (522) ) 3481 (528) 2615 (531) 2782 (534) 3080 (537) 1349 (540) 370 (543) 1375 ( ( (552) 3852 (555) ' 703 ( i (567) 3709 (570) 2479 ( (584) 716 (587) 2837 ( (593) ) 1354 (599) 2900 (502) 3407 ( (508) 3168 (511) 2636 ( (517) 2462 (520) 3340 (523) 3609 ( (529) 2443 (532) 104 (535) 2573 (538) 2997 (541) 3701 (544) <550i 2953 (553) 2476 (556) 2727 ( (562) 2859 (565) 656 ( ( (506) 3325 (509) 781 (512) 2913 (515) 134 ( (1004) 1472 (1007) 1475 (1010) 1460 (1013) 2757 (1016)1542 (1019) 3220 (1022) 829 (1025) 3853 (1028) 1345 (.1031)2440 (1034) 3447 (518) 3035 j U037). 808 (521) (1040) 2229 (524) 3357 (527) 3385 (530) 2526 (533) ( (542)3421 (545)3273 (548) 225 (551) 3037 (554) 3727 ] ( ) (1076)2528 (1079) 2640 (1082)3160 ( (1043) 3213 (1046) 773 (1049)2803 (1052) 1466 ( U )2557 (1064) )2135 ll07o) 66i (557) 642 j (563) 3529 (566) 128 (569) 2452 (1085,2735 O088) 2639 US)-) 0 tuo. (bmi. 1 ; ays (165i 3345 I (685l 206 (168) 108 I ( (171)3082 j (691) 2651 (694) ) 2843 (17'.) 3621 j ( (180) 2532 i (183)3482 (186) 3900 ; (189) 1443 ( (195)2726 (198) 3790 (582) 2068 (583) 276 (585) ' 1015 (588' 883 (589' 346 (591) 692 (592) 341 (594) 3165 (595) 1998 (597)3450 ' (600) 2435 Numbers 601 to 700 (601)1000 (602)1187 (603)2889 (605) 2967 (606) 2631 j (608) 412 (609) 436! (611) 1053 (612) 904 ( (615) 3548 (617) 3313 (618) 3601 (620) 2687 ( (623) 1784 (624) 1064 (626) 809 (627) 3887 j (629) 3318 (630) 2266! (632i 1116 (633) 859 : (635) 1074 (630) 584 j 1638' 1411 (639) 309 (641(3823 (642)1152 (644) 536 (645) 1252 (647) 3899 (648) 1662 ( (651)2313 (653) 3800 (654) 3680 [ (656) 2878 (657) 2962 (659) 1367 (660' 1417 (662i 1960 (663)1902! (665) 2549 (666' 2087 j (668) 1879 '669' 69B 1671) 1089 (672) 3588 j ( ( ( (678) 2716 j (680) 617 (681)1916 (683) ) 3439 : ( (687) 2064 : (689) 2755 (690i 3441 \ (692) 317 (693) 3451 ' (695) 2082 (696)1471 (698) 1849 '699) 2422 (1002) 1943 (1005) 3565 (1008) 1363 (1011) 733 (1014) 3205 (1017) 3525 (1020) 2083 (1023) 715 (1026) 2001 ( (1032) 3116 (1035)1709 (1038)1602 (1041) 2776 (1044) 1048 (1047) 988 (1050) 3615 (1053) 2556 ( (1059) 3434 (1062) 2983 (1065) 1957 (1068) 794 (1071) 3706 (1074) 480 (1077) 674 (1080) 1312 (1083) 3489 (IO (1089) 2902 (1092) 2016 (1095) 1008,1098)2844 ( ( (1507) 1467 (1510) 331 ( (1516) 1634 (1519) 3218 (1522) OP03) 2978 '1006' 2224i (1009) 3863; O (1015) 2210! (1018) 1044i ll525) ( , I' 5281 (1024) 675 [ < 1531) )1656^ 0534)2897 ( I (153i) 1608 (1033) 2738! ( O036) 287! * O039) 1146! (1546)2231 ( d549> 342 ( * 15 2 ' 153a O048) 2990 ' ll555) ) 2464 (1561) 3599 i 0564) 828 ' 0567) 2770 i (1570) 1663 (1051) 3925 (1054) 3442 (1057) 749 (1060) 1415 (1063) 3598 (1066) 645 ( ( ( 0573) ) 2624 (1579! 3797 (1075)2287 (1582) )2722 (1094) 757 (1097)2728 (1100) 894.Numbers 1101 to 1201 (1078) 2893 (1081) 3287 (1084) 1917 (1087) 1301 (1090) 3594 (1093) 3501 (1096) 3742 (1099) 3467 (1585) 2722 (1588) 2623 (1591) 2077 O594) 3244 (1597) 3237 (1502) 1473 (1505) 1840 (1508) 2288 (1511) 1881 O514) 2955 (1517) 2410 (1520) 64 (1523) 1433 (1526) 307 (1529) ) 178 O (1538) 1337 O5fl) 3792 (1544) 2993 (1547) 3817 (1550) 3840 (1553) 353 ( (1559) 3398 O56J) 3544 (1565) 869 (1568) 780 (1571) 3676 (1574)8337 (1577) 818 (1580) 3248 (1583) 1385 (1586) 3514 (1589) 2747 (1592) 386 (1595) 323 (159S) 1994 ( { ( (1503) 1885 ( (1509) ) ) ) ) ) 3523 ( (1530) ) ) 1248 (1539) 2113 (1542) 2416 (1545) 1942 (1548) 1392 (1551) 1159 O554> 448 (1557) 875 (1560) 3399 (1563) 835 (1566) 834 (1569) 2642 (1572) 3351 (1575) 1901 (1578) 1871 (1581) 1124j (2088) (1584) 1851 i (2091) (20O7I 1642 (2010) 2949 (2013) 3426 (2016) 3591 (2019) 558 ( (2025) 903 (2028) 1356 (2031) 3704 (2034) 1423 (2037) 3851 (2040) 2221 (2043) 1633 (2046) 547 (2049) 991 (2052) 1005 (2055) 2023 (2058) 1450 (2061) 1603 (2064) 3070 (2067) 512 (2070) 266 ( (2076) 1559 ( (2082) 163 ( (2002) 3114 (2005) 2496 (2O08) 32 (2011) 2176 (2014) ) 1579 (2O20)1149 (2023) 1049 (2026) 2062 (2029) 3418 (2032) 1135 (2035) 2182 (2038) 1955 (2041) 2504 (2044) 3654 (2047) 1915 (2050) 514 (2053) 2253 (2056) 1353 ( ( (2065) 971 (2068) 2213 ( (2074) 486 (2077) 2413 (2080) 643 (2083) 1380 (2086) 897 (2089) 2851 (2092) 2938 (2095) 3872 (2098) 293 (1587) 3631 (2094) 495 (1590) 3897 (2097) 2219 (1593) 3409 <2100) 1203,1596) 3824 Number to 1200 ( (2006) 3000 (2009) 3395 (2012) 3607 (2015) 2603 ( (2021) 837 (2024) 2774 (2027) 3702 (2030) 858 (2033) 1351 (2036) 1150 ( (2042) 291 (2045) 1069 ( (2051) 3718 (2054) 406 (2057) 3349 (2060)2185 (2063) 663 (2060) 421 (2069) 444 (2072) 1054 (2075) 2908 (2078) 658 (2081) 3156 (2084) 2768 (2087) 2124 (2090) 3227 (2093) 3552 (2096) 3425 (2099) 3520 (1599) 1403 (2101) 1548 (2104) 1906 (2107) 2150 (2110) 542 (2113) 3736 (2116) 1299 (604) 1850 (607) 1314 (610) 175 (613) 3743 (616) 226 (619) 1285 (622) 2950 (625) 1241 ( (631) 1613 (634) 2104 (637) 1163 (640) 1765 (643) (649) 1611 (652) ) 251 (658) 3296 (661) ' 3845 (667) 659 (670) 863 (673) 3025 (676) 3636 ( (682) 893 (1101)1255 (1104)1122 (1107) 2499 (1110) 1969 U U 3 ) " 7,1102, 195 (1105)2661 (1108) 1302 (1111) 3773 l U H ) )3819 (1120) 1933 (1123) 2832 (1126)3768 (1129) 12 (1132)1808 (1135)2945 (1138) 2078 (1141)1965 (1144) 1185 (1147)3368 (1150)3027 (1153) 622 (1156) 3267 (1159)2646 (1162) 864 (1165) 653 (1168) 380 (1171)3679 (1174) 3857 (1177)2883 (1180) 3554 (1183)2887 (1186) ) 1862 (1192)3866 (1195) 3346 (1198) 730 (1103) 2075 O106I 3 (1109) ' 3630 (1115) ) 2036 (1121) 3062 (1124) 218 (1127) 2444 (1130) 1320 (1133) 3031 (1136) 779 (1139) 230 ( ) ) 2797 (1151) 892 (1154) ) 1366 (1160) 118 (1163) 3120 (1166) ) 2791 (1172) 2508 (1175) 2495 ( (1181) ) ) 3154 (1190) 1485 O193i 149 (1196) 2817 (1199) 481 (700) 3300 Numbers 701 to 800 (101) 184 U94J 174 (197) 2683 (200) 131.! Numbers 201 to 300 (201) 3485 (202) 3516 (203) 1904 I (205)3102 (206) 2455 I ( (209) 125 i (211) 2149 (212) 3400 (214) 3904 (215) 3339 (217)2871 (218)3566 (220) 142 (221) 2474 (223) 3707 (224) 166 (226) ) 3198 (229) 135 (230) 3013 (232) 148 (233) 1373 (235) 3856 (236) 2718 (238) 2459 (239) 2472 (241) 2723 (242) 2733 (244) 2424 (245) 3018 (247) 198 (248) 3915 (250) 146 (251) 2442 (253) 2585 (254) 2685 (256) 2924 (257) 122 ( (260) 3217! (262) 2906 (263) 3022 I (265) 83 (266) 3043 (268) 136B (209) 2460 (271) 3335 (272) 1905 (274) 3336 (275) 3472 (277) 3428 (578) 2523 (280) 169 (281) 3637 (283) 277S (284) 3914 (2B6) 2678 (287) 3796 (289) 2468 (290) 1398 (292)3787 (293)3280 (295) 3064 (296) 3006 (298) 2610 (299) 3104 (204) 3078 '(207) 2635 (210) 138 ' (213) 1937 (216) 2653 :'(219) (222) 3446, (225) 2724 f (228) 1843 '(231) 183 ', (234) 3605!(237) 3549 (240) 3033 '(243) 3057 : (246) 2454,(249) 139,(252) 3029 ' (255) 6 (258) 3541 '(261) 3673 (264) 2725 (267) 3758, (270) 3479 (273) (276) 3348! (279) (282) 1950 '(285) 2713 (288) 3040 (291) 3194 (294) 3138 '(297) 2D42 (701) 683 ( (704)3142 (705) ) 2680 (708) 399 (710) 3405 (711) 103 (713) 220 (714) 1364 (716) 1133 (717) 753 (719)3533 (720)2959 (722)3690 (723)2257 (725) 1946 (726) 1071 (728)3334 (729) 724 (731) 694 (732)2149 (734) 1863 (735) 2B48 (737)1456 (738)2218 (740) 1219 (741) 3251 (743) 1449 (744) 693 (746)2933 (747)3739 (749) (752) 3009 (753) 1291 (755)2821 ( (758) 1956 (759) 2S73 (761)3711 (762H454 (764)3184 (765)2408 ( ( ( (771) 1043 (7T3) 1474 (774)3223 (776)1358 (777)1457 (779)1866 (780)2571 (782)3422 I7B31242I) (785) 3480 (7B6) 2905 ( (789) 1153 (791) 1860 ( ( (795)3247 (796)3367 '797)3389 (798)2517 (799) 804 ( Numbers 801 to 900 (1119) ) 3295 (1125) 355 (1128) 3785 (1131* ) 2278 (1137) 2432 (1140) 2994 (1143) 1846 (1146) 46 (1149) 3171 (1152) 3751 O155) 90 (1158) ) ) 2781 (1167) 3211 (1170) 756 (1173) 624 (1176) 878 (1179) 606 (1182) 2414 O185) 404 (1188) 472 (1191) 817 (1194) 1576 (1197) 1892 (1200) 706 Numbers 1201 to 1300 (1201)2891 (1202) 985 (1203)2947 (1205) 3613 ( ) 3518 (1214) 3147 (1217) 37 (1220) 3404 (1223) ) 2178 (1229) 3808 (1232) ' 2911 (1238) ) ) 1996 (1247) 3616 (1250) 2584 (1253) 783 ( ' ' 52 ( '1268i 2143 (1271) 214 '1274)1993 (1277)1677 ( CC (1283) 3648 (1286) ) ' 3f!f)2 0295' ' 186 Numbers 1601 to 1700 (1601) 1211 (1602) 3687 (1603) 1512 (1604)3098 (1605) 389 (1606)3491, (1607)2981 (1608)1480 (1609) (1610)3158 (1611) )1893' 0613) 2939 ( B29 (1615) 644 (1616) 2023 (1617) 680 (1618) )3288 (1620)3879 (1621)3209 (1622) 117 (1623) 3564 (1624) 303 (1625) 3786 (1626) ) 1118 (1628) 959 (1629) 3579 (1630) ) 3228 (1632) 3185 (1633) ) 441 (1635)3867 (1638) ) 1561 (1638) 664 (1639) 2031 (1640) 553 (1641) 26 (1642) 1670 (1643) 1482 (1644) ) 501 (1646) 3135 (1647) 80 (1648) 3234 (1649) 1173 (1650) 2020 (1651) 1435 (1652) 3166 (1653) 1865 (1654) 3264 (1655) 1151 (1656) ) ) 288 (1659) 3406 (1660) 3093 (1661) 381 (1662) 3377 (1663) ) 13G0 (16G5) 3118 (16G6) ) 1298 (1668) ) 3383 (1670) 3309 (1671) 3302 (1672) 367 (1673) 1279 (1674) 1622 (1675) 3617 (1676) 3038 (1677) 371 O67B) ) 3134 (1680) 3197 (1681) 1967 (1682) 1220 (1683) ) 2419 (1685) 1088 (1686) 870 (1687) (1689) 3619 (1690) ) 2920 (1692) 966 (1693) 2660 (1694) 1243 (1695) 1212 (1696) 3763 (1697)3386 (1698) 490 (1699) 2874 i,.,, _ 1 (/IU4) 887 (3122) 3802 (2125) 1024 (2128) 1260 (2131) 528 (2134) 1096 (2137) 819 (2140) 3839 (2143) 2213 (2146) 1877 (2149) 2094 (2152) ) 3108 [2158) 1813 ;2161) 3721 (2164) 2796 (2167) 948 (2170) 2820 (2173) 3911 (2176) 909 (2179) 68 (2182) 2842 (2185) 4681 (2188) 1272 (2191) 2043 (2194) 2405 (2197) 2763 (1204) 60 O207) 321 (1210) 3362 (1213) 3710 (1216) 75 (1219) 1596 (1222) 3898 (1225) 2174 (1228) 296 (1231) 3528 (1234) 1886 (1237,1 9(i (1240) 2018 (703) 262 (706) 1189 (709) 217 ' (712) (715' 561 ' (718) 3801! (721) 3474 (724) 2240 \ (727) 755 : '730) 3085 (733) 3539,,1243) 3735 (736) 1837 (1246) 2061 (739) 1371 ' (742l 784 (745)2590 (748) 129 (751)2775 (754) 157 '757) 275 (760) 270 (763) 799 (706) 1377 (769) 2296 ( ' 3205 ( (784) 2074 (787) 2507 (790) 3100! O300) (793) 1271 I (1206) 2964 ( ) 3284 (1215) 497 (1218) 1839 (1221) 1810 (1224) 240 (1704) 1894 (1707) 3723 (1710) 3140 (1713) 1938 (1716) 2019 (1719) 3883 (1722) ) 2839 (1728) 2145 (1731) ) (1227) H734) 2873 (1230i '17 3 " 3021 (1233) 91 (1236) 1500 (1239) (1249) 2404 (1252) 734 (1255) 1278 ( ) 1339 (1264) 397 (12G7) 1570 (1270) 1164 (1273) ) 2072 (1279) 3832 (1282) 2672 I (1285) 403 ' ( ' 350 H294) 3884 H297) Numbers 1301 to 1400 (1242 (1245 ( , (1251)2587 (1758) 1240 (1254) 838; (1761) )3454 O2C3) "60 O26S) 718 (1269) 770 (1278) ; H281) 2012 I 11284)2482! (1287) 744 j (1290) 3157! (1293, 29S1I 11296) ) 3891! () (1700) 1316 Numbers 1701 to 1800 (1701) 3798 (1702) 1831 (1703) 3103 (1705) 3088 (1706) 1504 (1708) 830 (1709) 2108 (1711) 608 (1712) 839 (1714) 385 (1715) 805 (1717) 3403 (1718) 3463 (1720) 322 (1721)3642 (1723) 140 (1724)2070 (1726) 3188 (1727) 3692 (1729) 2819 O730) 485 (1732)2688 (1733)2944 (1735)1853 (1736) 54 (1738) 3859 (1739; 3017 (1741) 332 (1742)3246 (1744)3604 (1745)1095 (1747) 258 (1748) 304 (1750)2475 (1751)2940 (1753) 508 (1754) 2926 (1756) 2760 (1757) 3324 (1759)1822 (1760)2525 (1762) 1254 (1763) 652 (1765)3437 (1766)1051 (1768)1132 (1769)3861 (1771)3274 (1772)3513 (1774)3487 (1775)2574 (1777)1510 (1778)3253 (1780)2611 (1781)3012 (1783) 297 (1784)1326 (1786) 1673 (1787) 898 (1789)1410 (1790)3353 (1792)3131 (1793)2173 (1795)1530 (1796) 957 (1798) )1222 '1740) 2654 fl7«> 342 «<1746) 1446 (1749) 3749 '1752) 1483 H755) 3066 (1767) 1628 (1770) 1659 (1773) 132., : 0776) ) 182 i <1779J )3556! <1782) G6 (1785) ) 3283 (1791) 937 (1794) ) 3829 (1800) 2982 Number. 1,801 to 1.(100 (2102) 2010 (2105) 2123 (2108) 800 (2111) 852 (2114) 3778 (2117) 1497 (2120) 3311 (2123) 294 (2126) 896 (2129) 3448 (2132) 956 (2135) 1424 (2138) 328 (2141) 1154 (2144) 209 (2147) 314 (2150)1257 (2153) 557 (2156) 885 (2159) 2697 (2162) 2543 (2165) 2491 (2168) 1557 (2171) 3714 (2174) 298 (2177) 1434 (2180) 3756 (2183) 2160 (2186) 1491 (2189) ) 302 (2195) 1062 (2198) 3050 (2103) 3573 (2106) 273 (2109) 1700 (2112) 1589 (2115) 1815 (2118) 1988 (2121) 1487 (2124) 2795 (2127) 3178 (2130) 3659 (2133) 3221 (2136) 2979 (2139) 1018 (2142) 3241 (2145) 2579 (2148) 1823 (2151) 915 (2154) 1262 (2157) 205 (2160) 3153 (2163) 1181 (2166) 281 (2169) 908 ( (2175) 2547 (2178) 205 (2181) 1101 (2184) 2961 (2187) 503 (2190) 2295 (2193) (2196) 2268 (2199) 2520 (2200) 1250 Numbers 2201 to 2300 (2201) 20BO (2202) 741 (2203) (2205) 38 (2208) 1532 (2211) 1522 (2214) 357 (2217) 3684 (2220) 1598 (2223) 3204 (2226) 2580 (2229)1293 (2232) 982 (2235) 461 (2238)1569 (2241) 1605 (2244) 679 (2247) 2347 (2250) J502 (2253) 1017 (2256) 3G91 (2259) 2822 (2262) 3820 (2265) 2439 (2268) 2762 (2271) 413 (2274) 576 (2277) 2014 (22BO) 2815 (22B3) 1251 (2286) 3600 (2289) 2357 (2292) 253 ( (229B) (2206) 842 (2209) 1814 (2212) 3128 (2215) 1032 (&<d8) 1419 (2221) 731 (2224) 1951 (2227) 171! (2230) 172! (2233) 174: (2236) 289; (2239) 339 (2242) 203: (2245) 202 (2248) 104 (2251) 4 (2254) 55 (2257) 329 (2260) 1G2 (2263) 302 (2266) 2B3 (2269) 121 (2272) 52' (2275) 253 (2278) 92 (2281)212 (2284) 28 (2287) 52 (2290) 184 (2293) (2296) 311 (2299) 2 (300) 3S15 Number', 301 to 100 (301) 145 (304) 2973 (307) 9 (310)2655 (313) 765 (318) 27B3 (319) 625 '(323) 1305 (325) 660 (328) 3775 (551)2512 (334) 3277 (337) 3424 (340) 3873 (343) 3290 (346) 2S50 (3(0) 3871 (3*3) 3133 (355) 3299 ^351) 206 (302) 3222 (305) 2946 (308) 3462 (311) 3517 (314) 121 ( (320) 181 (323) 2608 (326) 2007 (329) 3881 (332) 2958 (335) 2665 (338) 2990 (341) ) 2668 (347) 3289 (350) 3498 (363) 3417 (356) 3360 (358) 2041 (303) 3697 (306) 3919 (309) 2858 (312) 2578 (315) 3705 (318) 2591 (321) 3531 (324) 36(51 (327) 3632 (330) 3219 (333) 3553 (336) 702 (330) 3230 (342) S19G (345) 86 (348) 114 (351) 136 (354) 3682 (357) ) 3394 (801) 177 (804) 200 (807)2998 (810) 1382 (813) 2960 (816) ( {i'jil 1063 IB28) 3622 ( ( (837) 3381 ( IB43) 688 ( (849) 3716 ( (855) 2671 (858) 47 (8C1) 1470 (864) 3C60 (867) 2909 (870) ) ) 164 IB70J 1B19 (802) 1310 (805) 728 (808) 900 (811) 3555 (814) ) 1583 (820) 3243 IB23I ) 2471 (829) 2907 (832) 811 (835) ) 13B1 (841) 1797 (844) 345B (847) ) 649 (B53) 711 IB5GI 2003 (859) 2040 (B62) 3563 I8G5, ) 2170 (871) 3870 (874) 1D40 (877) 2018 (880; 2985 (803) 3007 ; (806) 721 i (809) 2552! (812) 2227 : (815) 3329 I (B18) ) 227 ( (827) 3189 (830) 474 (833) ) 92 (839) ) 3281 (845) 3729 (848) 1556 (851) 3728 (854) 2G43 (857) 2729 (860) 3488 (B63) 1420 I8GG) ) 28B2 (872) 115 (875) 3715 (878) 3359 (1301) 17 (1304)1296 (1307) ; 3364 (1313) 3862 (1318) 3328 (1321; 2088 (1324)3120 (1327)3059 i 0330)2539 (1333) 30 (1336)3889 I O339J 1911 (1342)2024 (1345)2855 O348I 1436 (1351) 102 (1354) )3417 (13G0) 41G (1363)3119 (1366) 41 (1369)3701 ( (1375)3547 (1378)1641 (1381)2999 (1384) 3391 (1387)2,1881) 3208.^1390), "l (1302) ) ) 3131 (1311) 2614 (1314) 10 (131lii L'OM (1319) ) 2779 ( ) ' ) 3747 '1337) 3411 O340) 2848 (1343) )1 4 (1349) 3087 ( ( (1358) ) 110 (13G4) 3239 O367) 3611 (1370) 9 (1373) 401 (1376) 3256 (1379) 2542 (1382) 463 O38SI 1384 (1388) ) 1261 (1303) 475 O30<i) 3193 (1309) 428 (1312)3584 (1315) 3800 ( '1320) 1345 O323) 3430 O326) 1275 (1329) 3084 O332) 1280 O (1338/ 2017 (1341) 1(154 O344) '1350) 3314 (1353) 3900 (1356) 1530 (1350) 3093 O3C2) 3419 (13(15) 3338 O3C8) 2656 (1371) 1247 (1374) 375'J 11377) 38G9 (1380) 3094 (13e3) 3352 (1801) 3003 (1804; 3286 H807; 247 (1810)3076 (1813)1172 '1816; 699 (1819; 2789 (1822; 1985 (1825) ) 290 (1631) ) 714 (1837; )3638 (1843) 379 (l»46l 777 (1849) 237 (1852)2446 (1855)3130 O85B) 1267 Iiaciil ) 360 O8S7) 802 (1870) 243 (1873; 27 (.1870) ; 2045 (1882; 1825 (1885; (1891; Ifl98 O386) 163! ) 1686 (1389)3233 (1897) 623 (1392) 1432 (1300; 24 (1802) 15 (1805) 874 (1808) 2492 (1811)2509 (1814) IS (1817) 235 (1820) 1479 (1823) 1365 (1826) 3841 (1829) 3B2B (1832) 295 (1835) 3095 (1833) 2409 (1841)2561 (1844) ) 1908 O850) 2034 (1853) 763 (1856)3206 (1859) ) (1868) 998) (1871)3828 (1874) 2039 (1877) 939 (1880) 407 (1883) )2209 (1889) 3020 (1892) 1361 O895) 974 (1898) 2324 (2207) ) 283 (2213) 2179 (2216) 3121 (2219) 849 (2222) 3545 (2225) 3127 (2228) 1394 (2231) 930 (2234) 2244 (2237) 3722 (2240) 219 (2243) 1110 (2246) 2107 (2249) 1155 (2252) 515 (2255) 2167 (2258) 3699 (2261) 372 (2264) 1006 (2267) 3110 (2270) 2574 (2273) 2117 (2276) 1221 (2279) 3366 (2282) 1225 (22B5) 466 (2288) 934 (2291) 2894 (2294) 498 (2297) 2809 (2300) 207 Numbers 2301 to 2400 (2301)2060 (2302)2777 (2303)387 (2304) 2131 (2305) 2861 (230G) 13D (2307) 1399 (2308) (2310)3392 (2311)1922 (?312) 183 (1803) 254 (2313)3770 (2314)2097 (2315)207) (1806) 312 (2316)1575 (2317)1773 (2318)24 (1809)2490,2319, 337 (2320) )227 (1812)1213,2322)2260 (2323)3724 (2324)194 (1815)3698 (2325)2714 (2326)3874' (2327)121 (1818)2866,2328)1734 (2329)3333 (2330)37' (1821)1978,2331) 936 (2332) 685 (2333)271 ( (2334)3415 (2335)3507 (2330)15 (1827)2415 (2337) 801 '(2338)1941 (2339) 2' (1830) 278 (2340) 3B94 (2341)1331 (2342)16 (1833)2966 (2343)1084 (2344)1761 (2345)27 (1836) 972 (2346) 865 (2347)2112 (2347) 4 (1839)2784 (2348) ) 891 (2350) (2351) 831 (2352)1477 (2353)12 (1845) 194 (2354)1699 (2355) 378 (2356)22 O848I ) 700 (2358)1660 (2359)22 M851) 046 (2360) 2 (2361) )1277 (1854)1882 C363) )1953 (23H5) 564 (1857)2516 (2306)1966 (2367)3733 (2368)1478 (1860)2481 (2369) 911 (2370)3181 (2371) 737 (1863)1207 (2372)3145 (2373)1592 (2374) 746 ( (2375)3056 (2376)2096 (2377) 78G O8G9) 327 (2378) 18B3 (2370)1834 (2380)1757 (1872)3741 (2381)2059 (2382) 241 (2383)1204 (1875)1827 (2384)2099 (2385)1971 (2380)2589 (1878)1880 (2387)2197 (2388)3028 (2389)2007 (1881)1058 (2390) 51 (2391)3397 (2392)3855 (1884)2305 (2393)1442 (2394) 264 (2395) 973 O8B7) 850 (2396)1391 (2397) 222 (2398)3371 OE90) 853 (2399)2228 (2400)2824 (1893) 1858 Numbers 2401 to 2500 (1896) 1108 (3401) 3055 (2402) 833 (2403) 3356 (1899) 2058 (3411) 1143 (2414) 156 (2417) 6M (2420) 903 (2423) 1770 (3436) 1520 (2429) 951 (3432) 1121 (2435) 3836 (2438) 204 (3441) 1738 (2444) 1826 (2447) ) 3430 (3453) II (2456) 3270 (3459) 1459 (2463) 1075 (2465) 3760 (2468) 331 (3471) 171 (3474) 21S (2*77) 785 (3410) 3312 (24(3) 3267 (24)8) 3628 (3489) 350 (2493) 1794 (2495) 2965 (2498) 607 (2410) 2451 (2413) 807 (2416) 1130 (2419) 1039 (2422) 1307 (2425) 2066 (2428) 1649 (2431) 384H (2434) 2144 (2437) 2393 (2440) 3056 (2443) 2081 (2446) 3193 (2449) 257 (2452) 3734 (2455) 525 >458) 2073!461) ) 650!4G7) 2100!47O) ) 2*9 476) 3032 >479) ) 3170 '485) ) 2941 HIM) >497) 722!500) 1002 Numbert ts«l U i«m!501> 826 (2502) 496 (2505)1109 (2508) 2611 (2511) 910 (2514)2565 (2517) 729 (2520) 618 (2523) 2301 (2526) 3063 (2529) 3262 (2532) 2675 (2535) 3750 (2538) 3613 (2541) 641 (2544) 3122 (2547) 2835 (2550) 2453 (2553) 995 (2556) 3708 (2559)2190 (2502) 2827 (2565) 1167 (2568) 3073 (2571) 3740 (2574) 435 (2577) 265, (2583) 1333 (2586) 3071 (2589) 1891 (2592)3239 (2595)1111 (2598) 1889 (2412) 3167 (2416)3534 (2418) 2598 (24J1) 1714 (2424) 2847 (2427) 1308 (3430) 1531 (2433) 3144 (2436) 16(3!504) ) ) ) ) ) 914 >522) 3414!525) 3639!52B) ) ) 284!537) ) ) ) 3275!549) ) ) ) ) G4) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) 1638 (2591) ) ) 244 (2439) 3736 (3443) 385 (2445) 917 (2448) 1624 (2451) 1684 (3454) 3030 (3457) 471 (2460) 1215 (2463) 975 (2466) 3092 (3469) 630 (3472)1081 (3475) 3373 (2478) 533 (3481) 189 (3484) 1073 (3417) 3146 (2490) 464 (3493) 1793 (3496) 3382 (2499) 3666 (3301) 36*2 (3506) 1937 (2509) 1713 (2513) 1365 (2515) 76 (2518) 3569 (2521)2616 (2524) 430 (2527) 1560 (2530) 2172 (2533) 3708 (2536)2215 (2539) 491 (2542) 395 (2545) 2986 (2548) 2711 (2551)3369 (2554) 2284 (2557) 3370 (2560) 2345 (2563) 1289 (2566) 1263 (2569)2193 (25.72) 409 (2575) 1610 (2578) 3355 (2581) 1968 (2584) 3231 (2587) 2298 (2590) 2135 (2593) 3519 (2596) 1463 (2599) 2270 (2921) 121 (2931) 2052 (2934)1586 (2937) 1<92 (2940) 1567 (2943) 3755 (2946) 3341 (2949) 1194 (3953) 3119 (3955) 1543 (296*) 1554 (2961)1776 (2964) 34* (3967) 3703 (2970) 1510 (2973) 1061 (2976) 1114 (2979) 2130 (2983) 484 (2985) 1094 (2988) 3890 (2991) 3838 (2994) 2131 (3997) 550 (3000) 3390 (2929) llll (3933) 4139 (3935) 1136 (2911) 1155 (2941) 242 (3(44) 1963 (2947) 719 (2950) 1402 (2959) UO (395O 11(1 (395O 117* (2M1) IM (3915) 797 (2961) 11M (3971) 41«(3974) IM1 (3977) KM (2980) 30IS (2913) 1651 (3911) 3717 (3919) 937 (2992) 911 (3996) 1047 (39N) 941 (3910) 375 (1911) 1317 (3911) 1«47 (3999) 1506 (3943) 617 (3945) 3494 (3941) 131 (3(61) 1074 (3154) 110 (3957) 11(3 (1M0) 30(1 (1M1) 1104 (MM) 1137 (1(M) 11(9 (1(72) 31S6 (3(75) 571 (3971) 430 (3(11) 11(0 (1(14) 320] (3(87) 3427 (29(0) 1(97 (3993) 1269 (39(6) 3771 (19(9) 1137 (3428) 1777 (3431) 961 (3434) 3854 (3437) 727 (3440) 347 (3443) 3777 (3446) 1750 (3449) 2333 (1452) 3601 (3455) 2250 (3451)1441 ( (3464) 1751 (3467) 2265 (3470) 2436 (3473) 1121 (3476) 932 (3479) 3765 (3413) 2136 (3415) 736 (3488) 3351 (3491) 3048 (3494) 2163 (3497) 2153 (3001) 3331 (3004) 3375 (3007) 614 (3010) 2929 (3013) 1035 (3016) 3119 (3019) 1(59 (3023) 1545 (3025) 1657 (3038) 2050 (3031)1107 ( (9031) 3001 (1041) 3(18 (3044) 157 (3047) 1(21 (3050) 1112 (3053) 1235 (3056) 788 (3059) 3813 (3062) 670 (3065) 1118 (3068) 479 (3071) 241 (3074) 3357 (3077) 155 (3080) 546 (3083) 2183 (3085) 2091 (3088) 141 (3091) 1926 (3094) 3298 NuMken SMI U I1M (3002) 2741 (3006) 1427 (3001) 793 (1011) 1561 (31)14) 2337 (1017) 3196 (1020) 17(0 (1022) 1410 (3026) 2390 (3029) 147 (3032) 179 (3035) 3219 (9017)1699 (3039) 3191 (3043) 3130 (3046)1711 (3041) 1110 (3051) 1263 (3084) 1177 (3057) 2341 (3060) 3210 (3063) 1147 (30(6) 311 (3069) 651 (3073)1(06 (3075) 1(12 (1071) 1455 (3011) 1762 (3014) 1044 (3086) 566 (30(9)1544 (3092) 2394 (3095) 1145 (3095A) 3371 (3091) 3(21 (100!) 1(70 (1006) 1761 (1009) 14(1 (3013) 2105 (101!i) 3(51 (3011) 30K (3031) 600 (3034) 10(6 (3037) 1506 (3030) 3448 (3033) 1067 (3091) 614 (3040) 63 (3049) 1059 (3046) 1253 (3049) 1143 (3053) 2749 (3055) 113 (3051) 405 (30(1) 1658 (3064) 3633 (3087) 3051 (3070) 476 (3073) 207 (3076) 431 (3079) 1127 )30(2) 2607 (30(7) 657 (30(0) 1026 (3093) 1571 (3096) 1085 (30(9) 704 (3429) 611 (3432) 3744 (3436) 1033 (3438) 2921 (3441) 3850 (3444) 1148 (3447) 2248 (3450) 3515 (3453) 3019 (3456) 622 (3459) 1287 (3462) 482 (3465) 2118 (3468) 1440 (3471) 923 (3474) 629 (3477) 2378 (3480) 3497 (3483) 2813 (3486) 459 (3*89) 761 (3492) 368 (3495) 1785 (3498) 315 (3430) 1113 (3433) 2168 (3436) 3672 (3439) 1217 (3442) 1651 (3445) 1037 (3448) 935 (3451)1732 (3454) 1697 (9457) 2852 (3460) 596 (3463) 3026 (3466) 133 (3469) 97 (3472) 3506 (3475) 3480 (3478)1633 (3481) 996 (3484) 1876 <3487>3201 (3490) 1977 (3493) 49 (3496) 640 (3499) ) 556 Numbera!6«1 to»70(t 2601) 2165 (2602) 3S03 (260S) 25fi 2604) 3741 (2605) 524 (2606) ) 2445 (2608) 3(95 (2609) )2331 (2611) 369 (2612) ) 1068 (2614) 122S (2615) ) 1407 (2617) 1404 (2618) ) 847 (2620) 285 (2621) ) 2269 (2623) 411 (2024) )1691 (2620)3297 (2627) ) 1539 (2629) 3769 (2630) ) 965 (2632) 3844 (2633) ) 938 (2835) 1282 (2636) ) 631 (2638) 854 (2639) ) 3713 (2641) 1376 (2642) ( ) 2473 (2(44) 1134 (2845) ) 1805 (2647) 20G3 (264B) ) 1680 (2650) 3390 (2651) ) 336 (2653) 1752 (2654) 402 (2655) 1531 (2656) 1425 (2657) B) 3484 (2659) 1932 (2680) ) 2274 (2662) 48 (2663) ) 1276 (2665) 1645 (2666) ) 867 (2668) 1900 (2669) ) 953 (2871' (2672) ) 2038 (2674) 2028 (2675) ) 1028 (2677) 589 (2678) 1029!679) 1023 (2680) 639 (2681) ) 1627 (2883) 1982 (2684) ) 2433 (2686) 759 (2687) ) 2804 (2689) 563 (2690) ) 3067 (2692) 1920 (2693) ) 3602 (2695) 1009 (2696) 3(93 2(197) 2168 (2698) 39 (2699) 3509 (3097) 3566 (3100) 3255 Number. 111 t* 1!M (3101)3015 (3102)3913 (3103)3188 (3104) ) 647 (3106) 1191 (3107) 926 (3108) 2786 (3109) 2145 (3110) 1(2 mil) 3628 (3112)3171 (3113) 2103 (3114) 1(46 (3115) 806 (3116)1679 (3117)3610 (3118)3136 (3119) 1198 (3120) 1634 (3131) 1701 (3122) 677 (3123) 119 (3134) 390 (3125) ) 626 (3127) 1114 (3128) 597 (3129) 3097 (3130) 1106 (3131) 325 (3132)2(17 (3133)2249 (3134) 1160 (3135) 172 (3136) 1630 (3137) 2100 (3131) 1619 (3139) 1735 (3140)2377 (3141)1131 (3142).333«(3143) 415 (3144) 745 (3145) 1373 (3146) 2000 (3147) 1137 (3141) 40 (3149) 2111 (3150) 499 (3151) 1780 (3152) 1833 (3153) 1723 (3154) 429 (3155) 1329 (3156) 338 (3167) 3538 (3151) 3745 (3159) 42( (3180) 1464 (3161) 16(5 (31(2) (52 (31(3) 344 (3184) 417 (31(5) 1661 (3166) 1116 (3167) 3363 (31(1) 1742 (3169) 3149 (3170) 3503 (3171) 791 (3173) 2102 (3173) 1013 (3174) 2411 (3175) 916 (3176) 1746 (3177) 605 (3171) 1139 (3179) 2984 (3180) 1168 (31(1) 494 (3182) 191 (3183) 2411 (3114) 1821 (3185) 890 (3186) 454 (3187) 1836 (3188) 2180 (3189) 1077 (3190) 3124 (3188A) 267 (3192) 351 (3193) 1701 (3196) 1724 (31(6) 1224 (3191) 70 (3199) 2927 (3500) 50 Number* 354)1 to MM (3501) 2309 (3502) 1171 (3503) 65 (3505) 33 (3506) 1756 (3508) 1082 (3509) 1145 (3511) 445 (3512) 53 (3514) 2129 (3515) (41 (3617) 2751 (3518) 3146 (3520) 2033 (3921) 359 (3523) 3354 (3524) 844 (3526) 1664 (3527) ) 2195 (3530) 489 (3532) 171 (3533) 1009 (3535) 1553 (3536) 1648 (3538) 23(2 (3539) 2373 (3541) 1594 (3542) 1309 (3544) 450 (3545) ) 2151 (3548) 1903 (3550) 2383 (3551) 594 (3553) 1374 (3554) 2339 (3556) 1745 (3557) 2694 (3559) 1974 (3560)1288 (3562) 523 (3563) 599 (3565) 249 (3506) 598 (3568) 2395 (3509) 3478 (3571) 3880 (3572) 2936 (3574) 1140 (3515) ) 1070 (3578) 1245 (3580)1179 (3581)1141 (3583) 2184 (35B4) 2291 (3586) 613 (3587) 193 (3589) 2781 (3590)1232 (3592) 1591 (3593) 424 (3505) 1591 (3506) 424 (359B) 2242 (3599) ) 462 Numbers 2701 U MM 2701) 2166 (2702) 1818 (2703) 11 (2705) 3016 (2708) 3581 (2708) 1857 (2709) 21(1 (2711) 740 (2712) 1414 (2714) 358 (2715) 3781 (2717)1987 (2718)3115 (2720) 3141 (2721) 562 (2723) 433 (2724) 432 (2726) 3148 (2727) 1675 (2729) 500 (2730) 1884 (2732) 905 (2733) 509 (2735) 574 (2736) 1731 (2738) 1934 (2739) 1890 (2741) 803 (2742) 1694 (2744) 708 (2745) 2273 (2747)1748 (2748)2425 (2750) 3788 (2751) 3818 (2753) 1107 (2754) 1439 (2756) 1303 (2757) 1304 (2759) 1060 (2760) 1962 (2762) 796 (2763) 1311 (2765) 1103 (2766) 635 (2768) 1973 (2769) 2617 (2771) 3042 (2772) 1035 (2774) 2044 (2775) 437 (2777) 2162 (2778) 1370 (2780) ) 2>65 (2783) 963 (2784) 1562 (278.6) 1837 (2787) 310 (2789) 8709 (2790) 2890 (2792) 2085 (2793) 920 (2795) 2035 (2796) 1097 (2798) 3455 (2799) ) 1200 (2707) ) 1019 ;2713) )2189 (2719) ) 767 '2725) 2686 (2728) 25( ) ) ) 1318 (2740) 487 (2743) 1897 (2746) 1708 (2749) 3459 (2752) 2137 (2755) 1619 (2758) 3799 (2761) 208 (2764) 990 (2767) 1093 (2770) 2597 (2773) 585 (2776) 544 (2779) 3646 (27B2) 1266 (2785) 3930 (2788) 2386 (2791) 1395 (2794) 1083 (2797) 339 (3191) (21 (3194) 2310 (31(7) 1011 (9200) 1463 Nunben 11(1to 11M (3504) 1887 (1507) 1(24 (3510) 2150 (3513)1076 (1516) 2365 (151() (97 (1522) 710 (3525) 2374 (3528) 2264 (3531) 2051 (15(4) 410 (3517) 2(25 (3540) 2256 (3543) 1733 (3546) (01 (3549) 339 (3552) 172( (S555) 31(2 (3558) 626 (9581) 1010 (3564) 1731 (35(1) 1336 (3570) 1020 (3573) 1065 (3570) 2477 (3578) 521 (3512) 2431 (3516) 442 (35(1) 394 (3591) 1259 (3594) 320 (3597) 320 (3600) 1635 Nui (3601) 1508 (3604) 3293 (3601) 3075 (3C10) 2013 (3613) 2690 (3fil6) 2389 (3619) 2368 (3622) 1623 (3625) 2500 (3628) 531 (3631) 520 (3634) 2360 (3637) 3759 (3640) 1998 (3643) 2810 (3646) 1795 (3649) 1760 (3652) 1111 (3655) 2934 (3658) 2109 (3681) 2116 (36(4) 239 (3687) 541 (3670) 2254 (3673) 1423 (367G) 739 (3678) 3358 (3682) 2110 (3685) 665 (3688) 1737 (3691) 975 (3694) 611 (3697) 2620 iben 3M1 «1106 (3602)1513 (3803)3577 (3005)1779 (3606)3075 (3608)1727 (3611) 551 (3614) 1678 (3017) 881 (3620) 1660 (3623) 2B52 (3626) 2840 (3629) 2004 (3632) 1919 (3635) 3712 (3638) 3010 (3641)1588 (3644) 468 (3647) 1340 (3650) 560 (3653) 549 (3656) 2338 (3059) 687 (36G2) 201 (3665) 1274 (3668) 028 (3671)2222 (3674)2330 (3677) 077 (3680) 1600 (3683)1404 (3086) 22 (3689) 493 (3692) 2272 (3696) 1030 (3698) 2214 (3609) 455 (3012)2385 (3615) 2327 (3618)2691 (3621) 1001 (3624) 913 (3027) 2550 (3630) 1809 (3633) 408 (3036)2111 (31139) 1165 (3642) 736 (3045) 222G (3048)2121 (3651) 1072 (3054)1868 (3057) 17fll> (3660)4505 C)<(13) 1350 CK66) 3081 (36G9I2120 (3672) 1547 CI075) 1740 (3078) 1921 (3081) 1244 (3684) 3303 (3687) 3308 (3090) 2363 (3093) 130S (3G96) 964 (3099) 260 (2800) 1468 Numbers 2(01 l«2900 (2801) 2629 (2802) 1870 (2803) 8(1 (2805) 132 (2806) 1451 (2808) 1644 (2809) 2(8 (2811) 2537 (2812) 2238 (2814)1976' (2815) 836 (2817) 1258 (2818) 1090 (2820) 1593 (2821) 3101 (2823) 2879 (2824) 1702 (2826) 318 (2(27) 384 (2829) 1551 (2830) 2021 (2832) 425 (2833) ) 1979 (2836) 2002 (2838) 3486 (2839) 2277 (2841) 431 (2842) 2541 (2844) 1874 (2845) 1444 (2847) 3909 (2848) 917 (2850) 1572 (2851) 3771 (2853) 899 (2854) 1895 (2856) 2048 (2857) 306 (2859) 2202 (2860) 3833 (2862) 1581 (2863) 1787 (2805) 813 (2866) 1B78 (2868) ) ) ) ) 2223 (2875) )-1379 (2878) 480 ( ) ) 969 (2884) 1541 (2886) 1798 (2887) 1188 (2889) 2481 (2890) 1144 (2892) ) 460 (2895) 3005 (2896) 2712 (2898) 907 (2899) 396 (2804) 62 (2807) 3877 (2810) 343 (2813) 2814 (2816) 3143 (28)9) 1502 (2822) 2641 (2825) 3133 (2828) 601 (2831) 1196 (2634) 2320 (2837) 73 (2840) 1638 (2843) 308 (2846) 1100 (2849) 954 (2B52) 1125 (2855) 1147 (285BI 919 (2B61) 591 (2864) 1174 (2867) ) 2188 (2873) 483 (2B7GI 151 (2B79) 1719 (28B2I 1753 (2885) 1929 (2888) 2932 (2891) 2159 (2894) 2522 (2897) 1509 (2900) 671 Numbers 2901 to 3000 ) (2404) 840 (2407) 1935 () (2405)1585 (2409) 1231 (24U6) 1852 (2409) 3U (2901) 912 (2904) 1203 (2907) 2220 (2910) 3810 (2913) 2279 (2916) 101 (2919) 2200 (2922) 2630 (2935). 893 (2902)' ) 2655 (2908) 2101 (2911) 654 ( ) 473 (2920) 2384 (2923) 2J53 (2U36) 1015 (3201) 1847 (3202) 2201 (3203) 456 (3204) 311 (3206) 1046 (3306) 3977 (3207) 180 (3208) 2181 (3209) 1722 (3210) 2376 (3211) 615 (3212) 1703 (3213) 951 (3214) 961 (3215) 652 (3216) 2456 (3217) 2175 (3218) 1297 (3319) 555 (3220) 3361 (3221) 1526 (3222) 743 (3223) 2366 (3224) 2396 (3225) 1098 (3226) 911 (3327) 595 (3228) 2896 (3229) 313 (3230) 1799 (3231) 2592 (3232) 504 (3233) 572 (3234) 2071 (3235) 1614 (3236) 588 (3237) 3719 (3238) 1720 (3239) 792 (3340) 3816 (3341) 377 (3242) 233 (3243) 1713 (3244) 2207 (3245) 2361 (3246) 2247 (3247) 1577 (3248) 2104 (3249) 3882 (3250) 1193 (3261) 58 (3252) 2225 (3253) 1027 (3254) 330 (3255) 2588 (3256) 586 (3257) 848 (3258) 36 (3259) 1445 (3260) 701 (3261) 2326 (3262) 2397 (3263) 616 (3264) 1739 (3265) 1674 (3266) 518 (3267) 1461 (3268) 3717 (3269) 1617 (3270) 2575 (3271) 1105 (3272) 468 (3273) 1681 (3274) 1668 (3275) 2529 (3276) 1031 (3277) 2019 (3378) 3356 ( (3380) 580 (3381) 941 (3283) 2334 (3283) 901 (3284) 1126 (3285) 176 (3286)2140 (3287)1166 (3288) 1524 (3289) 1717 (3290) 1396 (3291) 977 (3292) 1246 (3293) 2303 (3294) 2138 (3295) 3760 (3396) 3147 (3397) 2518 (3291) 1923 (3299) 2310 (3300) 1197 Ntuaben 3301 to 340* (3301) 2699 (3302) 999 (3303) 1169 (3304) 587 (3305) 713 (3306) 1400 (3307) 477 (3308) 3650 (3309) 980 (3310) 3344 (3311) 336 (3312) 543 (3313) 1767 (3314) 1419 (3315) 506 (3316) 3334 (3317) 2885 (3318) 2S91 (3319) 754 (3330) 3730 (3331) 3807 (3322) 2659 (3323) 488 (3324) 423 (3335) 3575 (3335A) 2161 (3336) 1121 (3337) 3169 (3328) 1995 (3329) 2103 (3330) 2315 (3331) 1538 (3332) 1268 (3333) 944 (3334)3215 (3335)1055 (3336) 978 (3337) 583 (3337A) 2349 (338A) 976 (3338) 168. (3339) 2106 (3340) 1665 (3341) 2362 (3342) 1667 (3343) 1347 (3344) 1050 (3345) 2341 (3346) 3374 (3347) 1390 (3348) 3378 (3349) 530 (3350) 2312 (3351) 517 (3352) 3892 (3353) 565 (3354) 1052 (3855) 516 (3356) 1157 (3357) 1315 (3358) 1961 (3359) 2325 (3360) 16B5 (3361) 1713 (3362) 1991 (3363) 1249 (3364) 577 (3365) 1980 (3366) 3490 (3307) 376 (3368) 3667 (3369) 2811 (3370) 3609 (3371) 851. (3372) 1229 (3373) 61 (3374) 2318 (3375) 465 (3376) 2089 (3377) 1578 (3378) 3731 (3379) 1759 (3380) ) ) 1359 (3383) 2354 (3384) 510 (3385) 2C44 (3386) 962 (3387) 1517 (3388) 1007 (33B9) 2504 (3390) 106 (3391)1176 (3392) 2379 (3393) 478 (3394) 843 (3395) 2311 (3396) 2399 (3397) 2157 (3398) 2098 (3399) 1620 (3400) 2132 Numbers 3401 to 3500 (2903) 1409 (3401) 3342 (3402) 1401 (3403) B23 (2906) 2693 (3404) 2307 (3405) 1800 (3406) 1113 (2909) 1766 (3407) 1639 (3408) 2286 (3409) 2352 (2912) 449 (3410) 2355 (3411) 3812 (3412)1130 (2915) 439 (3413) 1704 (3414) 1736 (3415) 1104 (2918) 1073 (3416) ) 970 (3418) )1034 (3419)1130 (3420)3896 (3421)3511 (2934) 645 (3422) 816 (3423) 3434 (3424) 3203.(3128). 155*. ilijlj.lloj (3700) 2833 Numbers 3711 to 3100 (3701) 1793 (3702) 1038 (3703) (51 (3705) 2280 (3706) 1168 (3108) 1518 (3709) 2743 (3711)1795 (3712)3243 (3714) 2304 (3715) 3136 (3117) 1705 (3718) 2342' (3720) 607 (3721)2633 (3723) 1754 (3724) 2255 (3726) 440 (3727) 758 (3729) 2828 (3730) 3940 (3732) 940 (3733) 2141 (3735) 28 (3736) 3538 (3738) 538 (3739) 1429 (3741) 672 (3742) 393 (3744)2134 (3745) 567 (3747) 288G (3748) 3499 (3750) 1631 (3751) 2450 (3753)1036 (3794)1(48 (3756) 1629 (3757) 2259 (3759) 2373 (3760) 1781 (3762)2092 (3763)2216 (3765) 1177 (3766) 1582 (3768) 2562 (3769) 2766 (3171) 2187 (3772) 2233 (3174) 2285 (3776) 1383 (3777) 2799 (3778) 335 * (3180)2127 (3781) 2346 (3183)2371 (3784) 358 (3786) 2626 (3787) 1087 (3789) 2412 (3790) 1730 (37S2) 3332 (3793) 2604 (3795) 1199 (3796) 3782 (3798) 1503 (3799) 2335 (3704) 3000 (3707) 1671 (3710) 2261 (3713) 137 (3716) 3163 (3719) 588 (3722) 979 (3725) 1788 (3728)1640 (3131) 1519 (3134) 2300 (3137)1317 (3740) 1744 (3743) 2302 (3746) 1270 (3749) 502 (3752) 960 (3165) 511 (3758) 613 (3161) 1601 (3764) 2317 (3787) 1123 (3170) 1824 (3113) 1330 (3776) 1986 (3119) 333 (3182) 1292 (3185) 492 (31B8) 1951 (3791) 168B (3794)2211 (3797) 3125 (3927). S4I / 628 (3800) 354 Numbers 3801 to 3900 (3801) 3527 (3802) 3666 (3803) 2017 (3804) 772 (3805) 1721 (3806) 2825 (3107) 2971 (3808) 2353 (3809) 1601 (3810) 1764 (3B11) 1447 (3812) 1693 (3813) 3542 (3814) 1119 (3815) 2387 (3818) 3758 (3817) 2388 (3819) 662 (3820) 1872 (3821) 1206 (3822) 2393 (3823) 1899 (3824) 581 (3825) 1768 (3826) 1013) (3827) 1747 (3828) 1528 (3829) 1983 (3830) 2027 (3831) 2241 (3832) 1590 (3833) 824 (3834) 1790 (3835) 984 (3836) 20B4 (3B37) 943 (3«?3) 654 (3839) 3232 (3840) 1771 (3M1) 1193 (3842)2138 (4843) 570 ( (3845) ) 983 (3)47) 2246 (384B) 1003 (3849) 3272 (3J50) 299 (3851) 1183 (3854) 3229 (3853) 2351 (3854) 2332 (3855) 2230 (3856) 422 (3857) 17B ) 2350 (3859) 2323 (3860) 1786 (38G1) 3540 (3862) 1066 (3863) 1568 (3864) 1741 (3BC5) 1405 (3B66) 1688 (38G7) 3202 (3868) 1648 I38G9) 752 (3870) 3410 (3871) 1568 (3872) 1904 (3873) 263 (3B74) 2321 (3875) 1984 (3876) 2191 (3877) 1214 (3878) 2787 (3879) 3150 (3880) 2370 I3B81I ) 1552 (3B83) ) 1G ) 9B9 (3886) 2710 (3887) 3532 (3888) ) ) ) 2294 (3892) ) B27 (3B94) 2367 (3B95) 696 (3896) 9B ) 1728 (3698) 1841 (3899) 2343 (3900) 3330 Numbers 3901 to 3935 (3901) 513 (3902) 1604 (3903) 1595 (3904) 3060 (3905) 3079 (3000) 2316 I30O7) 742 (3!)O8i 1989 (3!)O9l 368(5 (3910)2364 ( ' 2337 (3913) ) ) 1838 (3916) 925 (3917) 2359 (391B) 1652 (3819) 3887 (3B20) 637 (3921) 2025 (3922) 1386 (3923) 2067 (3924) 1492 (3935) ) 2322 (3927) 1778 (3928) 682 ( ) 1175 (3031) 3002 (3932) 8BS (3933) 1040

19 Howard Stokes To Address GOP Rally Republican Clubi to Meet at Shrewsbury Howard Btoku of Newark will be the principal speaker tomorrow, night at a joint meeting of the Bhrewsbury Wlllkle for President club in the Shrewsbury borough school auditorium. Mr. Stokei cornea from the Wlllkle for President club'a Official headquarter*. Van R. Halaey of Rumaon will apeak In behalf of the county and tate Republican candidate*, and F. N. Lawrence While will apeak for the Shrewsbury municipal candidates. Refreshment! will be nerved by a committee headed by Q. Harold Neviua and Elmer C. Walnl-lght. The atate and county candldatea will be on a tour of the county tomorrow night and have all alfnifled their intentlona of attending the Hhrewabury meeting. The Hat Includes Senator W. Warren Harbour, Robert C, ilendrlckaon, Joaeph C. Irwin, J. Stanley Herbert, Harold McDermott, Joseph Mayer, Alfred N. Beadlenton, William Layton, F. N. Lawrence White and Mn. Ortrude C. VanVliet. Sea Bright (The lied Hank IleKlnlcr can In bought In Sen llrliiht from Morrli Welirnxn, II. Lefkowllx uiut Cnnnell'a cigar store) George Bclz of New street, who cuffcrcd a back injury last week in a football game, ia still confined to MonmouUi Memorial hospital. X-raya are being taken daily, although nothing has been discovered. HIB back still pains him considerably and it la nol known just when he will be able to return home. He wu» Injured while scoring a touchdown in the game between the freshman teams of Long Branch and Neptune. Paul Peteraon has resumed his duties at the postotflre after a threeweeks' vacation. Mr. and Mrs, Peterson and son vlhlted relatives In Canada. Mr. and Mrs, Jerome Welch are spending a week with relatives at Great Bat ringer, Massachusetts. Sergeant Frank Flannelly and fajn My have moved from South street to the Kelly house at North Beach. J, L. Galcf has closed his Hummer home at South Beach and has returned to New Vork. One of tha quicken waya to find s Job Is to advertise In The Register'* Want Department Advertisement. M IDDLETOW MARKET 8 E. FRONT ST. Phone 820. Open Evenings and Sunday Sirloin Round STEAK 391 Bottom Round Fresh Pork Specials! 4 7* FRESH HAMS Fresh PORK 4 S* SHOULDER Sausage Meat...20c n or 2 "» 35c Italian Sausage Hot and Sweet Prime Mi-iitu of All Kinds Fresh-Killed Poultry Corned Beef Special! Plate 10c 1 * Navel 12c 1 * Boneless Brisket 29c n Boneless Rump 35c m (Tha Bad Bank JUiliUr can to bought In Atlantlo Hlghl.nd. (ram William US. 1. Lamburf, A. Kata, Kubin'i juwstand and Romao s gas station) Harry VanNeai Eldrldgt, aon of Mrs. Edna B. Eldridfe ha* been elected vice president of the Footlight* club of Moravian collage at Bethlehem, Pannaylvanla, where he ia a senior. He is studying for bachelor of arts dagr»e. He has been active in football, band, Comeolan Literary society, studtnt publication! and the education club, and ia a member of the Phi Dtlta Epallon, national honorary Journalistic fraternity. A turkey supper will be held aest Tuesday night from S:S0Uo S o'clock at the Methodist church under the direction of the Women's aoclety of Social Service. Mrs. A. H. Bush entertained the estcutiv* committee of the society Tuesday at her home at Locuat Point Mr*. Zarle 8. Bnydar is confined to her home on Lincoln avenue with an Injury received In a fall. Mr*. Bnyder li chairman of tha district for tha Red Croaa roll call, which begin* November 11. Mr, and Mr*. Joseph P. Dander are the parents of daughter born last Thursday at Monmouth Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mr*. C. L. Roloson have returned from a motor trip to New York slat*. Members of the Red Cross group are planning to attend a tea to be given Wednesday, November (, at the Garneld-Grant hotel at Long Branch for Red Croai workers In the county. Mrs. L. O. Galloway returned home Tuesday from a visit of several days at Manchester, Vermont. Mr. and Mr*. James VanUater and Mr. and Mrs. John M. Plllabury attended the Cornell-Ohio State football game Saturday at Ithaca, New York. Mr. VanMater Is an alumnus of Cornell. The board of health will meet tonight. Mrs, Ira Antonldts has bought a new Bulck sedan, Miss Lillian Clark will close her home in.maswslton park within the next few days and will return to Westcheater county, New York. The annual roll call of the Central Baptist church was held last Thursday night and the attendant* was the largest in several years. Jeanttte M. Knight opened the program with an organ prelude and a hymn was sung by the congregation. Rev. George A. Riday of the South Amboy Baptist church gave the invocation and this was followed by a icrlpture reading by the paator, Rev. William R, Schllllnger. Visiting pastors eitended greetings. A duet was sung by Rev. Ralph Carr of the North Plainfleld Baptist church and hi* son, Ralph Carr, Jr. A prayer waa then offered by Mr. Carr, who ia a former pastor of the church. Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Marson sang a duet. Mr. Maraon, who I* paator of Mount Pleasant Baptlit church of Newark, gave the principal meaaage, The service closed with benediction, and afterward refreshment* were served by the women of the church. Holy Communion will be observed next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock at St. Mary'* Episcopal church. Special music will be rendered by William Leonard, the organlat. (Th> RodsUr can be bought *n from I. Urtanipan, Mr. Multtor, Bedle'i drus stora and Jostpa Stamm) A stork shower was given Friday night for Mrs. Roy Maxson of Washington avenue, at the home of Miss Gertrude Creltn on Barberie avenue. The guests were Mrs. E. C, Crelln, Mrs. Mabel Naughton, Mr*. Bert Maxaon, Mra. Millie Auflerl, Mrs. Anna Hemhauaer, Mrs. Alice Parker, Mrs. Leon Martorano, Mr*. Viola Bush, Miss Emma Quast, Miss Florence Kohlenbush, Mn, Hattle Walstrom, Mrs. Violet Anderson, Mrs. j Evelyn Vaughan, Mrs. Vivian Sandborn, Mrs. Juanita Gilbert, Mrs. Helen Maxson and Mrs. Sarah LeCompte. An election dinner and supper will be held next Tuesday In the dining room of the Methodist church. The principal dishes will be oysters and roast pork. The Girl Scout troop went on a hike Saturday to Canlewood hill. They cooked pancakes over a campfire and took a number of photographs. In the party were Mrs. Hattie Walstrom, the leader, Lou Moody, Joan Walstrom, Marilyn Russell, Ruth Monahan, Mae Doll, Betty Wai- The Importance of the Purpose of a Loan IN MAKING loan banker is lending money which belongs to the bank's depositors, and so hit primary responsibility is to see that the loan will be repaid when due. Therefore, the banker is entitled to know how the money ia to be used. He asks the purpose of the loan in order that he may determint the Mumfneai of the purpose. Banks are prohibited from making certain types of loans, so they must be sure that your loan is not this type and that it will not get the borrower into legal or business difficulties. The borrower should be frank about the purpose for which he desires to borrow money it makes the granting of credit easier. The banker of course will keep this information absolutely confidential. KNOW* THE MERCHANTS TRUST CO. OF RED BANK, N. J. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation strom and Laura Maxsoo. The girls are fixing old toys and will distribute them to needy at Christmas. Services next Sunday at the Methodist church are Sunday-school at 9:SO a. m.; morning worship at 11 o'clock and ayenlng worship at 7:30 o'clock. Week-day atudy and worship will be held tonight at 8 o'clock. Sunday morning a group of young people of the Methodist Sundayschool organised an orchestra and gave their flrft presentation at the Sunday-school hour. The orchestra Is recruiting new membert. Rehearsala are held every- Monday evening at «:S0. The Olrl Scouts will attend aervlce next Sunday morning at the Methodist church. Rev. Leon Martorano, the new pastor, will preach on the topic, "Working God's Works." In the evening his subject will be "God's Annolnt/d." The Ladles auxlllnry of the First Aid squad cleared $42 at a game party held laat week In the American Legion rooms. Mra. Dorothy Lleser of Bay avenue has returned home from Monmouth Memorial hospital, where she underwent an operation for maetoldltls. Mrs. Ambrose Liming and Mrs. Charles McCall and son spent the week-end st Hoboken. Mr. and Mrs. Albert (Schweitzer were on a motor trip to New York stat* over the week-end. Leonard Hardy, who recently completed a cruise In the officers' naval reserve and afterward passed an examination for the rank of midshipman, Is home for a short stay. He will then go to New York for a three months' course of studies on the battleship Illionls, which Is stationed In New York harbor. On the completion of this course he will take an examination for ensign. Supported by Merchants. The Register Is supported by local aa well as out-oftown business men. Advertisements appearing regularly tell the story. Advertisement. RED BANK REGISTER, OCTOBER 31, George Oftrov Observes Birthday George Ontrov of William atreet celebrated his 18th birthday Sunday. The party was given for him by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Ostrov. George Is a student at Rutgera univeraity. Guests were Miss Helen Ostrov and Harold Ostrov of ; Harry Zohn and family, New York; Misses Helen and Esther Ostrov and Abe Oofltrov, Brooklyn; Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Mezey, New Brunswick, and Chester Hirsch, Bradley Beach. OfJWr Guru.South. First Lieut. John Harvell, Mrs. Harvcll and two sons of Cllffwood left last week for Georgia, where his family will stay with relatives while he Is stationed at Orlando, Florida, with the U. S. Army Air Corps. THANKSGIVING ONLY 22 DAYS AWAY If you are entertaining at home and you want your room* cheerful and coiy then consider your floors and have GAY'S esparto rennith them now. 5i«e 9x12 room and up SERVING ALL OF MONMOUTH COUNTY GAY'S SERVICE FLOOR MAINTENANCE ENGINEERS Phone 1336 Last Three Days - 44th Anniversary Sale All Other Ann.iver.ary Specials on Sale. Last Day, Saturday, Nov. 2nd DOLLAR SALE Thursday, Oct. 4 Linen Towels B*r sse Irish Unen, for kitchen or pin try ust; red, blue, green or gold borders all around. Bath Matt Bcff x34 Sis«, wnih fast, heavy ch.nllle. New pattern In very "wanted" color. Lid coveri to match, 69c. 4 Yds. Rando Spun R«V. 39o Yd. 39 H wide, In every wnnted fall color, crown tested; washable Sensational Sale! WOOLENS Values 1.M to t.m $ yard Just received from the manufacturer. LeriKtha ".tillable for skirtb, dressed, suits, coats *.. plain col* om, plaids, checkn and tweeds. Only ROD yards available. Come early. Fancy Linens -Reg- to 2.00 Salesmen's samples, all high irradt imported pieces. Scarfs, Center Pieces, Doilies and many others. Embroidered Pillow Cases 2 pr. R*H\ 6»c Pair AH hand embroidered with cut work and scalloped edge*. Full nlxe; im< ported from China. Knitting Worsted 2 hanks Milady, full 4-oi. hanks, good nuiorlment but not nil colors. Formerly 70c hank. NOW I 2 hunk* II. Curtains "FOR ANY ROOM" $ pr. Regular to 1.50 Ruffled or tailored In ninny styles. From 72" to 90" wide to the pair. Cre fancy nets. Seven Women's Handkerchiefs Value* to 19o Each Good quality llntn, white or fancy prints. Hand rolled. Bucilla Cotton 3 for $ Reg. Site Skein Ecru, blue label crochet or knitting cotton. goo.yard skeins. 31 it, Friday, Nov. lit, Saturday, Nov. 2nd While They Last! It All Wool Skirt* _^ 20 Silk Blouses TM 4 Dftlbricran Pajamas \B * Bayon Negligee* M ITs. Wool Gloves Two PAIRS Each 2 Stamped Linens Value* to ttc Each Belgian Linen Scarfs, 36 and 48 Inches Ions: all hemstitched; new designs. 12 Notions All Reg. 10c Notion Items From Regular Stock. 4 Stamped Towels Value S5c Each Quality linen kitchen towals. Gold or green strtpad border,. Blue, Tapestries! Inch $ yard Values to 1.0S AH patterns woven through and through. Mostly all Imported goods, no longer obtainable. Sox 5pr. Bee. S5c Pair Lars* assortment In attractive colors Sites 9 to 10H. Flannelette Pajamas Value to 1JW Full cut for comfort; pastel shades; In regular and extra sizes. House Dresses Values to 1.89 New prints In stylish models. Sizes 14 to 4«. Uniforms Values to 1.60 Nurses, Maid*, anil Beauticians, in white and rolorn. Slips 12 to 46. Slips Always 1.19 "Syltvillp" and "Fanhlon Stride," In crown tented rayon and rip proof seams. 6 Pillow Cases Value 25c Each Site 45x36. Made from ends of rheetinjr. Over 960 nold In it dollar days. Come early. Flannelette Gowns Value to 1.60 Finest quality, white,.tea. ro«e and attractive flower and Htrlpe patterns. 2 Turbans Value to 69c Each Newest styles, Jersey and Vaneorn, wrap arounda; latest fall colon. 4 Shoe Bags Value S5c Each Special purchase rhinti; 12-nocket linns; ashorted colors. Lace Table Cloths $ Reft-ular 1.69 Domestic fillet, woven in U. S. after imported styles. Beautiful dainty patterns; size for new oh' long table, 50x70, 2 Ladies' Neckwear Value to Each Collar, cult sets and vestees. lace and pique; new styles. Bed Jackets Re? Also Shoulderettes; ill wool ideal holiday gift. 2 Pair Curtains Silk, Makes Ree;. to 79c Pair Tailored or ruffled; cream or ecru, in & variety of styles; also 6-piece Cottage sets. Philippine Gowns $ Regular to MB AH hand made in attractive whits, tea rose and floral prints with artistic genuine hand embroidery. Full cut sites. "4 Ticking" Cases Reg. S5o Each Made of g-oz. feather pt-nof stripe ticking. Full site and well made. 4 Yards Brocade Drapery Reg. 39c Yard Rayon Brocade for Drapes or other uses in all th«wanted colors; 36" wide. Large Tablecloths Re?. 139 Ivory roloreil rayon with d*ma*k design; Bize JBx78, Hemmed for use. IN Page Seven FACTORY STORES IN THE FRANK GARRUTO BUILDING 42 West St. (JUST OFF MONMOUTH ST.) USE OUR EXTENDED CHARGE PLAN NOW! Men's and Boys' Clothings Furnishings ON OUR W PAYMENT PLAN Men's Winter Overcoats MEN'S SUEDE JACKETS $.95 MEN'S REVERSIBLE TOPCOATS AH Wool Twwd on one side Gnlmrdlnp on the nthrr. Can be worn as a ralncont or topcoat. CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY. 134/683 To- SYLVIA F1NKELSTBIN. BIKO ml now known» SYLVIA FHANKEL: By viituu of un order of the Court cf Chancery of New Jersey made on thfl - 3r" 1 dny of'octobei, In a certain mu*e wherein Herman FinkPlMr":. «Ino ind nnw Inown M Herman Frankel, Is petitioner r Heavy, warm winter o'coats, in all new winter shades and fabrics. Also a group of fine zipper coats the popular all weather coats that can be worn as a topcoat or overcoat. Just like 2 coats in one. Zipper lining can be removed. All the smart new styles. SPECIAL! MEN'S FINE TROUSERS OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK unit you, Sylvia FlnWtlsteln, uluo and now known as Sylvia Frnnkel are defendant, you are required to nn»wi r tlie ii>lltlnncr'4 petition on or before th«jllh IIHV of inult thurf'f *urh rembci. 1H li). or in >ltf decree will be mude B ln»t you n th«chanrellnr rhall think e< ull.'.lc anil i'i-> The object of said full l«to obtain a decret of divorct dissolving tht marriage $195 T t you and the lalil petitioner on tiif i of de.brtion. CAlITON A AHIIAMOITt Solicitors ol l'ltltlon«r, jl Iliiiml Hlrxt, lud (lank, H, JT, Boys can make nxtra pocket taon selling The Kejjlnter^ A(lvirUa*IM

20 Pace Eieht RED BANK REGISTER. OCTOBER 81, NEW JERSEY INVITES Y0U-No. 44 ^Hll. J- iili.- R» G. A. ^ "rr- J "ft" a " NOTICE. AMENDMENTS PROPOSED TO THK CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF NK E H L R E OF STIION OF THE STATE OF JKRSEY BY THE LEGISLATURE Meeting House At Arney's Mount On the road to Juliustnvrn, in Biirlinirdni County, about threp miles off State UouU- No. 30, stands this old Quaker Meeting Jlmisi. Built in 1775, of sandstone quarrir-d from the mount it is in a fine Mate of preservation. The meeting house was burned in 1800 and grain in ISOfl, but the original walls rrmaincul standing. The land was deeded to the Trustees f the Meeting, "for the purpose of building a meeting house thereon for the people called Quakers and for a place to bury their dead." It was named for Arney I.ippincott, who once owned the farm on which the mount is located. It is now owned by the Hick?ite Bz*anch of the Society of Friends, and is used only two or three times a yer.r. (Photo furnished by the Department of Conservation and Development.) AVKJ Jertey Council, State House, Trenion WAS»Y CONGRESSMAN WILLIAM H. SUTPHIN BUy Amend Motorhont Laws, Th«many residents of my district who own or operate motor boats j either In coastal waters or on the rivers Inland will be intcrcstntl to' know that a set of tentative refrul-; atlone hnvt been prepared by the Department of Commerce to amend existing motorboat laws. The regulations, which are hems etudied and submitted to boat owners for comment, will not, 1 nm informed, require the inspect inn of craft nol now in^pphprl by law, bin ' th«y will cover flre fighting an ( l ]jf c ' saving equipment, on all uninspected jnotorboata and motor VPSFCIS. rest of the world looks on. America will be giving actual proof that the democratic form of government is practical and is the best, ltadio 1'KOGKAMS. Staff Appointment I The recent appointment of General Arnold, Chief nf tho. Army Aair Corps, an deputy chief on the War Depart-j merit General Staff is more than an-j other routine placement, It Is being hailed by everyone interested in military aviation, as a definite sign of recognition for the important part that flying is playing in national defense. Th promotion of Arnold to the Staff job and other subsequent changes raises Air Corp ranks to the! same level as that occupied by the chiefs of the fiold armies. While tt is still felt in many quarters that creation of a separate air branch of the.service would he poor strategy, this recent appointment of an experienced army air chief to the General Staff, is definitely a.sign that the government is prepared to coordinate air power with land and sea! forces and is not underestimating the! value of F^'ns In the suv. In Thp Headlines. Sonit headlines recently nottd on financial pages which tell their own atory seem worth repeating here. They read: "Auto Production at a High Level," "Week's Textile Orders Up," "Steel Wills Increase Output to 100% Capacity," "Heavy Exports Expected to Continue to Boost Trade," "Many Firms Show Gains in Piofits" and "Brazil Argentina Pact Cuts Barriers, Boosts Freer Trade.' 1 Election Flpirrs. Statistics compilrd rorarding Tuesday's that, twice as many voters will go to the pnlls nn Tuesday as cast votes in the 1920 Harding-Cox election. It is estimated that in 1920 fourteen inillion votes would have been sufficient to give a enndidato a popular majority in a presidential race. This year Uie man getting a popular majority must have twenty-five milliua or more ballots rast in his favor. Of singular interest in the gieat. Increase in voters is the fact that the number of people of voting age 1B increa.sink in the country at a greater rate than* the total population. But more important, and more ; pleasing to all of us who are devoted! to the cause of democracy, is the! fact that each presidential campmgn j In the ln«ht two decadns has brought n largei' number of those eligible to ' vote, to the polls to exercise that privilege. And this year it is expected that all records will fall by the boards as a greater number of Americans than ever before take advantage of their voice In the national government. Forgetting local results and national outcomes for the moment, it U gratifying to note that there is certuin to be one winner on Tuesday nd thnt will be Democracy. A* Uie Station WBRB, 1210 Kilocycles P. M. Thursday, October 31, S:t)u Wax Parade, 5:30 Music For Today 5:45 Dance Parade fi;f>0 Timp Piirnal Rrei] Jewelers, ti :ni Pan-t 1 Parntip, continued. t'i:u, Cilrrrnt K\eiit c. 6;!K-r«'ler. 6:30 Mootli in Music. Theaters. Promv Onpir, Mirthilay Club. 7:00 Resume A. M. Friday, November 1, 11:011 Morrlt Mi'ludiei. 9:15 Tho.New Mre. 9:30 The Little Shop: Matnwnn Social Security. Hirlhrlay Club. 1 0:0(1 1.uuL-u Powers. 1 0:;<n- Kadin Shoppnr. 10:4',- In c hi(i[i llevuc, Co. Piano. Cooper, 11:00 Resume P. M. 8:13 -WI'A MUMCKIC. 3:3(1 Mcrrie Molci'lies. 4:00 i'lulii and l-'iisliioiis. 1:30 Music for You, 4:45 Chuieh of the Air. 5:00 Wn.\ P.-mide. >:l.i Itnppinrs* Vlllace, r,: 1.-, Jlirth.lny Cluli. r>:on Parade of Stats. No. 3. 0:1*1 (Uirrcnt Event:, ci:»0 Cart.-r. fi:31 Mmit < in Music. 7:00 Time Signal. Iter-d Jewelers. 7:01 MelnclUs l-'or You. 7:l.'i Sports Kcview. 7 :30 Chaniher of Commerce, 7:4,-j_Wnttz Time. S:00 Hnmp Philosopher. S:K,- I'nint Pniir llrama. S;^0- ()(T t!i<. Hn-onl. P :nil IliTil Time Signal.!i :lll - Cay Ninety TuneB.!):nn-A & I". 9:31 Aie Maria Hour. 1 0:00 Mnsir by Request. 10:30 Hirthday Hub. 10:31 Mu^ic ny Rrnuopt. 10:15 Mti-ic You Want. '. 1 :3 0' Res'imi 1. P. M. Saturday, November 2. 1 :UO~IMIM!IW1! irune, Asbury Park vs, Phinilithurir. S:nn \van 1'nrail'i. r,:30 "1'imc Siclial. It< cd Jewelers. :, ::tl.luncrle.lim..'i:l", Dante J'anidc. G:00 Dilinrr llanc. Frown-Cooper, nirlhilay (Tul,. r, :1 r. - <'urri-r1 Evnt-. ri::;n TumWi-wci-il Unmblers ti: l.'i Tinif Si.:ii:il. R^IM! Jewelers. dili'i MnmU in Milsir, nirthilay Club. 7:00 rlcasiuit Wcck-ciiil. A. M, Monday. November 4. 'J:li(l Mcrrlo Melodies. '.':1." llaln-e Hits. '.'ilio I.ittlr Shnp. I'rown. l'rderal (nuntv. Pi-mo, tlirthdsy Club. 10:00 'tune Sipnml. Reed Jewelers. 10:liI I.nuisg l'owrrs. 10::U) - Radio Shopper. 1 0:1',-!-ashi,uiH in Rhythm. 11:00 Ilcsumu. P. M. 7:11(1 "M,-In,lies Tor You. 7:1 t Time Signal, Heed Jc\vclcr3. 7:15 Cinnilv Sl>nfts News. 7;^;i Ciuter. 7:30 Hhytiim Uevuc. S:0fl Your Viivontc-5. S:30 Hirthday Cluli Oil Tin'. 1U-M,,J. >:i:, Ruth Kllis, Soniis. J;00 lieuinie. P. M. Tuesday, November 5. t ;:s 0 Hand Wafon, 5:00 Wn.\ Parade. 5:1 I llirthilny fluli. 5:15 Yespriji. Rev. Thunn. 5:30^- Ilalu-i- r:u-:nif.. «:0(l- Parmle of Slurs, No. 1. fi :1 4 Carter. d:15 Ciincnt Events. (i:3(l Un'd Tim" Signal. c,:31 Monds in Miuic. Prown-Cooper. C'uinty. Piant,. Matawan, Birthday Club 7 :00 Itc.-tinie. P. M. Wednesday, November 6. 5:0(1 Wax J'maile. S :IS Vu«.n.-. 5:3(1 Itiithday Club. 5:31 I'atH-e Timi'. 5:}:. Ov, : the Tea Cull'. f.:0'l "liinr Siunal. Reed Jeweler!. d:l.i Current Events. C:_»!l- -Cart,T. G:30 Mimd- in Music. Hirthr!:ty Cluli, Cnut.ty. Piano, Muta-.van. Social S'lMlrilv, 7:00 Tim.. S:i:ii:il. H 1 Jevclcri. 7:01 Mi-Ei.ilifi For Yuu. 7:1' \n-i-nt On MiiFir. 7:'lll llhythm It-vue. 7 :15 Cu vein rum t IlL-portn. s;,,( Rr>ume. A. M. Thursday. November 7. '.':«(! Mrrrie Melmlic.-. H:l,', The NVw Mr=. 11:3(1 Turin of Tomorrow. 111:0(1 Time Sicnnl. Heed Jewelers. 1(1:01 Parade of Stars. No. >, Hi:15 MornlriB Monds 1(1:30 l'ashiuris in Rhythm. Prown- Cooper, Hirtlulny Club. 11:00 Itrsume. Found r.uilty uf Drsprtinn.* "William A. Goorpo, Jr., of Keypnrt, wns found K^i^y last week of desertion and non-support hy Judge,1. Edward Knight sitting in special sessions. Mis. Marguerite George charged that her husband, a South Ambrjy tavern proprietor, deserted hfir April 4, Mr. George testified that he found it impossible to support his wife at the hotel and had a?krd her on several occasions to malte her home with him at his parents' hume at Matawan. Know Your Government Educational Costs. It is extremely pigninrani that organized taxpayers, striving to keep governmental expenditures under control, have become increasingly critical about the cost of education in New Jersey. Taxpayers realize, of course, when they question educational costs, that they may become targets for severe rebuke for "daring" to "interfere" with a project so "noble" as education. When "laymen" taxpayers ask for particulars about the purposes and results of the many millions of dollars they pour into the educational "system" they are not surprised when the men and women engaged in the field of public instruction begin to shout "heresy." While it is very true that public education is vital to our democracy that a sound educational background is important in building good citizenship and wholesome ideals in our children, it does not follow that taxpayers must view education as a "sacred idol" immune from examina- :ion and criticism. Rather, a searchng analysis of educational costs, and an earnest attempt to step up the cfflcicncy of education and cut down ts cost, should actually increase tho value of public education. The cost of education is the largest single item in the cost of government within New Jersey. The total state and local tax levy is more than $350,- 000,000 a year, and more than onethird of this levy is spent for education. It may not be generally realized, that while school costs continue to rise pupil enrollment is getting smaller each year. From 1935 to 1939 pupil enrollment in the day schools decreased by more'than , yet day school expeditures increased by more than $12,000,000. During this same period 1,076 day school teachers were added to the teaching -staff find the average annual salary of those teachers increased $ Even though pupil enrollment is declining steadily, and is likely to continue to decline for a number of yrnrs, thorp is no evidence that educational leaders are making any effort to reduce the total cost of education. Rather, they seem determined to create new tax levies in New Jersey, which would permit oven greater expenditures in the school system. With these facts in mind, the New Jersey Taxpayers nssocition is leading an active program to curb the constantly expanding cost of education, and has placed the issue squarely before educational leaders. "It's time for educational leaders to stop meddling in the field of taxation," declared the association in a recent bulletin to local taxpayers associations, "and, instead of devoting their energies t.o political maneuvers for increased school expenditures, to transfer this energy to a sincere attempt to cut down school costs, while maintaining high stantlarde of education." This i.«timely advirn..educational lrnrirrs should rrcocnizr the increasing public arepptance nf the taxpayers' viewpoint. They should make a real effort to cut out thn "fads, frills and novelties" of education, and to weed nut wasteful or non-essential expenditures. They should stop trying to influence'legislation for their own selfish ends, and apply themselves seriously to the task of teaching school. ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 2. Concurrent Rrtolution Proposing Amend' menu to ihc Constitution of tht State of New Jersey. Be It Resolved by the House of Assembly uf the State of Mew Jersey (the Senate concurring) : 1. The following amendment* to the Constitution of the Stale uf New Jersey are heieby proponed, and when the same ihafl he agreed to by a majority uf the members elected to the Senate and Home of Assembly, the laid amendments shall bt> entered on their journals, with the yea* and iiai* taken thereon and referred to the l^^i^liitiitu tlien next to be chosen and published for three months previous to th* tint Tuesday after the flut Monday of November next, in at least one newspaper of each county, if any be published therein, tuirh newspapers to be designated by the President of the Senate, (he Speaker of the HouKe of Assembly and the Secre. tmy of State; payment for such public to be made by the Treasurer on * arrant of the Comptroller. PROPOSE!) AMENDMENT. 1. Amend parattraph one, section three. Article IV, of the Constitution of the State of New Jersey, to read as follows: The General Assembly shal! be composed of members biennially elected by the ' ik'al voters nf the counties, respectively, ho phnll be apportioned among the said unities as nearly as may be according to he number of their inhabitants. The pi Bunt apportionment shall continue until the lext census nf the United States shall have >cen taken, and an opportionment of mem- era of the General Assembly hall be mnde hy the Legislature at its first session feer the next and every subsequent enumration or census, and when made *h«ll emain unaltered until another enumera* ion shall have been taken; provided, that ach county shall at all times be entitled no mem her; and the whole number of members shall never exceed sixty. PROPOSED AMENDMENT. I. Strike out paragraph seven of sectioa ur of Article IV and insert in lieu there* a new paragraph which shall read as 7. Members of the Sennte shall receive dually the mm of two thousand dollars < I2,0UII.0O) during the time for which they shall have been elected, and while they shall hold their snid ohires. Members of the General Assembly shall receive annually the sum of two thousand doll an ($1!,000.00) during the time for which they shall hnve been elected, Hnd while they shall hold their paid oflices. Members of the Senate mid General Assembly shall receive no other allowance ur emolument, directly or indirectly, for any purpose whatever. PROPOSED AMENDMENT, 1, Amend paragraph five of section two. Article VII, to read as follows: Clerks nnd KurroRtites of counties shal! be elected by the people of their respective counties, at the time elections for members of the Sennte or Gene ret Assembly are held in the Stnte of New Jersey. They shall hold their offices for ftvi years,,i> AMENDMENT. 1, Amend paragraph six of section two, Article VII, to read as follows: Sheriffs and coroners eh All be elected by the people of their respective countiei, at the time elections for members of the Senate or General Assembly are held in the State of New Jersey, and they ihall hold their offices for five yearn, Sheriffs shall annually renew their bonds. Filed July 2, ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION No. A. Concurrent Resolution Proposing Amendment to the Constitution of the State of New Jeracy. Be It Resolved by the House of Assembly of the State of New Jersey (the Senate concurring): 1. The following amendment to the Constitution of this State be and the same Chancery SHERIFFS SALE. By virtue of a writ of II. ffl. to me directed, Issued out of the Couit of Chancery of the State of New Jeisey, will be exposed to sale at public vendue, on MONI>AY, THE JTH 1'AY OF NOVEM- BER, limu, between the hums of l'i oviurk und & o'clock tut 2 uvluck) in the itfteniuun of said day, at the ivuul Hnuse iti the UOJough of Freehold, (,'uuiily of Montnoutii New Jersey, to mtiufy a di'i'tee uf»uk coui t amounting to n ipro.\imutely f-,'.'l- All those certain lot*, tracts or pit reels of land and premises hereinafter particull l i b J i d hi p larly ilest-ribcu. in the Township C f M MtutUe, Jyii of Middiet e p and i wn, in in in the Townshp f M d, County of Monmouth and the Stale of New J ouy Jersey; i at a point in the easterly line id i bi d of Mercer Avenue, said point being dmaut one hundred beventy-n" ve feut northeily from the intersection of the muthi'rly line of Orchard 1*1 aie and the easterly line of Mercer Avenue; thenre {1) Easterly, nnd along the northerly line of lot numheied Two Hundred Thirty-three, one hundred feet to th* houthwesterly rurner of numbered Two Hundred Eighteen; thence i'i) Northerly, and along the webti'ily line of lots numbered Two Hunched Eighteen and Two Hundred Seventeen, fifty feet U the southeasterly of lot numbered Two Hundred Thirty; thence (3) Westerly, and along the southerly line of lot Numbered Two Hundred Thirty, one hundred feet to a point in the fiiaterly line of Merrer Avenue; thence (4) Southerly, and along the easterly line of Mercer Avenue, fifty feet to the point mid place of beginning. Be in ^ known and design it tptl as IJOU Numbers Two Hundred and Thirty-one, and Two Hundred Thirty-two, in Block lettered "H." aa shown on map entitled, 'Map of Homestead Terrace,, N, J.," made February!i0, 192S. Seized as the property of 11 ami!tun Wright, taken in execution at the suit of Home Owner*' Loan Corporation, a body corporate of the United Stntpn, etc., nnd to be sold by MORMS J. WOODIUNC, Sheriff. Dated September 26, William Hartshorne, Sol'r. <s* lines) $21.78 NOTICE OF REGISTRY AND ELECTION. Borough of RuMHm. N. J. Notice of the time and place of holding the General Election and of the. officers to be elected and meetings of tha Hoards o Registry and Election In the Borough oi Humsnn, In the County of Monmouth. Notice is hereby given* that a General Election will be held in and for the Hurough of Rumson, In the County Monmouth and State of New Jersey, on Tuesday, November 6, 1040, between thtt hours of seven o'clock A. M. and elgh o'clock p, M., at the respective polling places in said Borough. Said election will be held in the said municipality for' the purpose of electini electors of a President and Vice Preti dent or the United States; a Member u (he House of Representative! from the Third Congressional District; a Member of the United States Senate from this atatc a Governor for the State of New Jersey ivo Members of the General Assembly of New Jersey from thi mouth; L'lumeu one Member County of Mon of the Board of Freeholders for the County of n is heieby proposed, and shall he agreed to liy b l d h when the name majority of the members elected to the Senate and House of Assembly, the said amendment shall be entered on their journals, with the yeas and nays taken thereon and referred to the legislature next to be chnaeiit and pub* lished for three months previous to the first Tuesday after the first Monday of November next, in at least one newspaper of each county, if any be published therein, to be designated by the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the Home of Assembly and the Secretary of State. PROPOSED AMENDMENT. Amend Article VII, section two, paragraph six of the State Constitution, so that henceforth, as amended, it shall read as follows: Sheriffs and coroners shall be elected by the people of their respective counties at the general election and they shall hold their offices for five yearn. Sheriffs shall annually renew their bonds. Filed July 2, Court Test tin Mr-ters. Samuel Botwick, operator of a dress shop nn Cookman avenue, Ashury Park, has appealed from a fine of $1 imposed upon him for violating the parking 1 meter ordinance and the case will come up in the common pleas court tomorrow. Mr. Bohvick in his appeal claims the ordinance is invalid because it has never heen approved by the atate department of motor vehicles* Monmouth County Surrogate's Office. In the matter of the estate of Samuel Rnymond Stelle, deceased. Notice to creditors to present claims against estate. Pursuant to the order of Joseph L. Uonahay, Surrogate of the County of Mon* mouth,'made on the thirtieth day of Sentember, 1040, on the application of John H. Rolfe, administrator of the estate of Samuel Raymond Stelle, deceased, notice i* hereby given to the creditors of said deceased to exhibit to the subscriber, adminibtrutor as aforesaid, their debts and demand» ngainst the aaid estate, under oath, within six months from the date of the aforesaid order, or they will be forever barred of their actions therefor against the saitl subscriber. Dated Freehold, N. J., Sept. 30, JOHN H. UOLKE, fis Graham Avenue, Metuchen, N. J. Hickd, Kuhlthau, Thompson & Dcahler, Enqn., 330 George Street, - New Brunswick, N. J., Proctors. Chancery SHERIFF'S SALE. Hy virtue of H writ of fi. ffl. to me directed, UPue<l out of the Court of I'hunrery of the State of New Jersey, will be exposed to sale at public vend tie on TUESDAY, THK IUTH DAY OF NUVEM- IIKK, KM", between the hours of 1 - o'clock ami 5 o'clock (at 2 o'clock) in the afternoon uf said day, at the Court House in the Uuioutih uf Freehold, County of Monmouth, New Jersey, to satisfy u ilccreu of»uld court amounting to approximately $3.6ii5. All those certain tracts or piucel«of land and premises hereinafter particularly described, situate, lying and being In the Township of Middietown, in the County of Monmouth and State of New Jersey. Beginning at the north weal earner of said lot it the southerly edge of Claypit Creek, it being also the northeast corner of Eliza Hralnaril, formerly Monmouth H. (Iiten's land, and running thenre aa by A survey made November lat, A. 1). 1 S.'iX, (1) south fifty-four degree* fifteen minutes west four chains and thirty-eight links to a stone in the northerly edge of the road leading from Nnvcsink (formeily Kiceville) to Mounfa Dock (now Locust Point) ; thence easterly along the northerly edge on the aforesaid load one chain and fllxty-nint links to a stone in the aouthwest corner of Charles Lufburrow, Jr.,'fl lot; thence northerly along laid Lufhurrow line pi.\ty-five links to a ft one; thence northeasterly along suifi Luihurrow's lino two chains and ninety-three links tn the southerly edge of the aforesaid Claypit Creek; thence westerly along the southerly edge of Claypit Creek to the place of beginning. Being intended as the same premupa conveyed by William Y. How den and wife to Ellen Deans, by deed dated the seventh day of January, 1870, and recorded in the Clerk's office of Monmouth County In Book '1'1\ of Deeds, Pngu etc. Also all thnt certain other tract of land situate fn the Township. County iind State last aforesaid, BKfJINNINCr at tne northwest corner of Ellrn Denns' line at the southerly edge of Claypit Creek, and running thence n«by n. survey made November 1. A. D. 1S5S, along enu\ Ellen Deans' line (U south fifty-four degrees fifteen minutes west four chains and sixty-three links to the center of the road leadinz from Naves ink to Mount'* Dock (nnw LocuHt Point) thence (2) westerly along the center of the aforesaid road twenty-five links, thence (3) northerly four chains nevcntynine llnkn to the edge of the aforesaid Claypit Creek passing on the easterly Hide of an npple tree near a utonc wall on the bank; thence (4) easterly along the edge nf the aforesaid Claypit Creek six feet to the place of beginning. He tho dimensions aforesaid more or less. Meing Intended :IM the same premise* conveyed by Jame«II. Bralnard and Eliza J-, his wife, to Ellen Deans, by deed dated the eighth day of April. 1872, recorded In the ClcrkV office of Monmouth County In Hook 24 0 of Deeds, Page 2r>5. Also all that certain other tract of lam] situate, lying and heing In the Township, County Hnd Stnte aforesaid, HEfJINNINfi Monmouth for three yttkit, and for th«following municipal officers, vli,: Two Council men for the Borough of Rumson, for the full term of three yerr>, and e Tax Collector fur the Ilorough of Kuimon, to fill the nncxpircd term of Charlei H. Want, resigned. Ho unit mice of the Election Dlitrlcti in the Ho rough of Rum ion end the polling place in each district are» followi: Flrel Election District- All that portion of the Borough of Rui son ttltuate north of Ridge road, bounded in the east hy Ditigham avenue and on [he west by Huena Vlita avenue. Thu polling place for the First Election )litrirt is Oceanic Fire Company's Houtc, corner Itiver road and Allen street, Rumion, Second Electlaa District. All that portion of the Borough of Rumon situate north of Ridge vottd, bounded MI the east hy Navetlnk avenue and un he west by Bin ah am avenue. The polling place for th» Second Election District it Rumson Fire Company's House, Center street, near Ridge road. It um son. Third Election District. All that portion of the Borough nf Rumtton situate south of the Ridge road mid past of Nrtvewink avenue and bounded on the west by Hance road. Tho polling place for the Third Election District Is Oscar Anderiou's (inrag«, Washing ton avenue, hctween Waterman avcuuo and Ward avenue, Rutnion. ALBERT A. KERR, JR., Clerk of Rumaon Borough, Dated April 22, 1940, unu of Representative! from the 'ongreuslonal District; a Member uf NOTICE OF REGISTRY AND ELECTION Uttle Silver Borough, N. J. Notice of the time and place of holding the General Election and of tho uftlccri to be elected and meetings of the Board* ol Reglatry and Election In tha Borough ot Little Silver, In the County of Moiimuulh, Ni I h b i tht G l ttle Silver, n the Couy of Notice Is hereby given that ft Election will he held In and Ul Sl I C General for the Horouyh of Uttle Silver, In th* County of Monmouth and State of New Jersey, on Tuesday, November fi, l(u0, between the hours of seven o'clock A. M, and eight o'clock P. M., at tho respective polling places In said Uorough. Snid election will be held In th* said. lutilclpallty for the purpose of electing electors of a President and Vic* President of the United States; a Member of the House of Representatives from the Third Conftrensional District; Member uf the United States Senate from this stales a Governor fur the State of New Jersey; two Members nf the General Assembly of New Jersey from the County of Monmouth; nne M»mt»*r if th* Hoard of Chosen Freeholders for th* County of Mnnmouth for three years, and for the Two...., SII for the full term of three years; ^ Mowing municipal officers, vis.; *ouncilmen for the Borough of Llttl it A stone In the southwest con of the Tax Collector for the Borough of Littl* Silver, for the full term of four years, nnd an Assessor for the Borough of Little Silver, for the full term of four years. The polling* place fnr Uttle Silver Borouuh is the Little Silver Volunteer Fir* Company's House. FRED L. AYERS, Clerk of the Borough of Little Sllvar. Dated April 22, Monmouth County Surrogate's Office. In the matter of the estate ol Mary Sage White, deceased. Notice to creditors to present claims against estate. Pursuant to the order of Jdaeph L. Donahay. Surrogate of the County of Monmouth, mude on the twenty-seventh day of September, 1040, on the application of Alston Iteekman, executor of the estate of Mary Sage White, deceased, notice l» hereby given to the creditors of aaid deceased t" exhibit to the subscriber, executor aa aforesaid, their debts and demands against the said estate, under oath, within nix months from the date of the aforesaid rder, or they will be forever barred of their notions therefor against the said subscriber. Dated Freehold, N. J., Sept ALSTON BEEKMAN,, N. J. Alston Heekman, Esq., Red Hank, N. J.. Peoctor. Monmouth County Surrogate's Office, In the matter of the estate of Elizabeth M. Noble, deceased. Notice to creditors to present clainib ngninst estate. Pursuant to the order of J"*eph I* Donnhn.v, Surrogate of the County of Monmouth, made on the twenty-sixth day of September, 1940, on tho application of Emily Conley and Isabella Carlson, admin- 'araticcn of the estate of Elltabeth M. Noble, deceased, notice in heieby given to the creditors of said deceased to exhibit the subscribers, administratrices as aforesaid, their debts and demands agalnm the naid estate, under oath, within six months from the date of the aforesaid rder, or they will be forever barred of their actions therefor 'against the said subscribers. Dated Freehold, N. J., Sept. 26, EMILY CONLEY, 461 Highland Ave., Arlington. N. J.. ISABELLE CARLSON, 212 Argyll) Place, Arlington, N. J. Snyrler, Roberts & Pillsbury, Atlantic Highland*, N. J., Proctom. NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT Estate of Ada U Stout, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the accounts of the subscribers, executors of the estate of t>ald deceased, will be audited and stated hy the Surrogate of the County of Monmouth and reported for settlement to the Orphans' Court of paid County, on p Thursday, the fifth D. 1940, at 10:00 lii ill h paid County, on day of Decemher, A. m., at which time f h ll, 0:00 a. m., at which time application will he made for the allowance of commissions and counsel fees. Dated October 15, A. D RANSON V. R. H. STOUT, 258 Rrond Street, Red Bunk, N. J.. HARRY R CLAYTON. 3fil Shrew-hury Ave.,, N. J., Executor*. Howard S. Higginson, Eeq., Bed Bank, N. J., Proctor ( said Ellen Deans' lot on the east aide nf the road lending from Nnvenink (formerly Rlreville) to Locust Point (formerly Mount's Dock) ami running from thence north fifty-one degrees and thirty mlnuteii, east.sixty-three and a half links to a j fitone In said Dean' line, thence (2) north sixty-four degrees and forty-five minutes east two chains and eighty-nine links along the said Deans' line to a stone on Clay* pit Creek, thence southerly nnd wenterly on a straight lino to the place of beginning. Jlelng intended an the same premises and real estate conveyed by Charles P. Johnson and wife to Ellen Deans, by deed bearing date the twenty-fifth day of April, 1872, and recorded In the Monmouth County Clerk'n office In Hook 240 of Deeds, Page 253, June Being Intended an part of tho premises conveyed hy John S. Apnlcgate, Jr., funmarried ) to Jennie E. Yallalee, by Heed dnted July 17th, recorded In Cletk's office of Monniouth County in Book 63.1 of Deeds, Pages 10, etc Seized us the property of Joseph K. Bnnfield, et als., taken In execution at the suit of Mnry Applegafe nnd to be sold by MORRIS J. WOODRINfi, Sheriff. Dated October A, Applegate, fitetens, Foster h Reim-Ille,' (107 lines) Solicitors. Docket 132, Page 818 IN CHANCEP.Y OF NEW JERSEY. TO: LYMAN A FORD. Trustee for Certain Members of the Water Witch Club, and THE EMPIRE TRUST COMPANY of the State of New York, One of the Executor* of the Last Will and Testament of S. Roswell Shepherd: By virtue of an Order of the Court of Chancery made on the Thirtieth clay of September, 11)40, in a cause wherein the Township of Middietown, a municipal coimportation of the State of New Jersey, li complainant, and you and others are defendants, you are required tn appear and answer tho Mil of Complaint filed hy the complainant on or before the Second day of December, 1040, or pnitl nil] will be taken a«ronfeised against you. Said bill in filed to foreclose n tax title ten nf the Township of Mtddletnwn, County of Monmouth, and Stnte of New Jerncy, on premise* known nn Lots R and 9 In Blork "K" on a map ontitltil "Mnp of Lands of Water Witch Club, in the of Navesink, Monmouth County, New Jersey, made hy F, A. Dunham, C, E.". whirh mapj* filed In tho Monmouth County Clerk's Office, tlficate Is recorded Snid Tnx Sale Ccr- Ihe office of the Clerk of Mnnmonth County, on thp Twenty-fourth dny of Fehrunry, 1926, In Hook 787 of Mortgages, pate 202. And you, Lymnn A. Ford, are mnhe a party defendant beratisp you me solp «invivinrt trustee for certain members of thn Water Witch Club under the provisions <if a certain agreement referred to In the Deed from Richard Lamb to Frederick A. Mandevllle. et al., Trustee*, whlrh Decrl I«dnted December is, lolfi, nnd recorded In Bonk Hi 36 of Deeds of Mnnmnuth County, 322, eic. nni! nrr or nppcnr to be the owner of nnli premises. And you. the Empire Tru-t Company, as one of the Executors nf tho Last Will F R l l Shhd and Testament of F. n so has nr claims i n so has nr claim title nnd Interest in nnd to and H right to redeem the f h M! t h f tho Last ell Shepherd, some right, snid premise* and H right to redeem the snid premises from the snm *n!e thereof, are nl»o mnrte a party defendnnt bemuse ymi are the holder of record of a certain mot tgiiec covering the premises mentioned in the aid hill. And by virtue thereof all of yrm claim to have some Interest in the snm premise*. Dated October 10, 104n. DOREMUS & MANSON. «Broad Street. Red Bnnk, N. J., Solicitors of Complainant. When you want to r(.-ar<2g cash for something speedily you can count on The Register want a.d columns to do y o u r fflflldg f o r y o u. A d t i t NOTICE OF REGISTRY AND ELECTION. Holmdtl Townihip, N. J. Notice of the time and place of holding tho (ieneml Election Hnd of the officer* to lio elected nnd meetings of the Board of Registry and Election in the Township of Holmdel, In the County of Monmouth. Notice U hereby given that a General Election will be held In nnd for the Township of Holmdel, In the County of Monmouth and State of New Jersey, on Tuesday, November 5, 1H40, between thu hours of leven o'clock A. M. and eight o'clock P. M., at the respective poll Inn place in an id Township. Snid election will be held In the said municipality for the purpose of electing electora of n President and Vice Preiiilcnt of tho United States; a Member of the House of Reprenentatives from tha Third ConnresHlonul District; a Member of the United States Senate from thii state; a Governor for the State of New Jersey; two Members of the denernl Assembly of New Jersey from the County of Monmouth : one Member of the Board, uf Chosen Freeholders for the County of M on mouth for three years, and for the following municipal nfllcein, viz,: A Township Commltteeman for Holmdel Township, for the full term of three years; an A*. BCPfior for Holmdel Township, tn fill the un ex pi red term of Alex L. McClces, deceased, nnd two Justices of the Peace for Holmdel Township, for the full terra uf fiv > tit is. The polling pi a re for Holmdel Township Is nt the Township Hall, Holmdel, New Jersey. SIDNEY V. BRAY, Clerk of Holmdel Townihip, Dated April 22, NOTICE OF REGISTRY AND ELECTION. Tom*klp al Mi*Ml*tow«. N. J. Nolle* of th* tlm* and place of holding th* General Election, and of th* ofllcer* to be sleeted And meeting* cf the Board* of Registry and Election in the Township of Middietown, In the County of Monmoutb. Notice is hereby given that General Election wilt be held in und for thu Township of Middietown, In the County vl Monmouth mid State of New Jersey, on Tuesday. November [i, 104U, between thu hours of seven o'clock A. M. and eight o'clock P. M., At the retpectlv* polling places In laid Township. Said election will bo held In th* said municipality for the purpose of electin elector* of m President and Vlc«PJ**I dent of tht United States;» Member c the Houm Third the United States Senate from this mat* a Governor for the fcjlute of New Jemey. two Members of the General Assembly uf New Jersey fmm the County of Mon mouth; one Member of th* lluard of Chosen Freeholders for the County of Mnnmouth for three yearn, and for the following municipal officer*, viz.: On* Member of the Township Committee, for the full torn of three yearn; * Tax Collector for the Township of Middietown, for the full term of four yearn, ami an Assessor for the Township of Middietown, for th* full term of four years. Th* following Is a description of th* Election District* In the Townihip of Mid dletown and th* polling places In th* cam*, viz.: First Election District, CoiUMonly Knows s tha Midfl-letowi District. Th* boundaries of th* iam* ar* aa fol BEGINNING at the Keunaburg Gateway on Stats Highway HouU No. 36 and frum th«nc* running (1) Southerly, along tb* boundary Hue of th* Township of Middleown and th* Township of Holmdel to 'he :ted Hill Road; thence (2) Uaaterly, following ths Red Hill Road, to the Daw Hollow Kuad; thenca (3) along tht llttui Hollow Road eatterly to the New York nd Long l)r»m:h Railroad right of way; he net* (4) Northerly, along the N«w York nt] Long llrnnch (Inllroud right of way i> McClees Creek) thenc* (M Kastarly, along McClee* Creek, to the Chapel Hill KUMIJ f thence (6) Northerly, along th* ::hui>et Hill Road, to thu Mountain Hill iioftd; thenca (7) Continuing in a straight Ins stiil northerly along the Mountain Hill ItoBd to Park Avenue; thenc* <8) West- ly, along Park Avenue, to ths County road running from New Monmouth to known as County Rond No. 7; thence (9) atill Westerly, along County Knud No. 7, to ths point or place- of beginning. The polling plar* fnr the Flrnt Election District is the poitohve building on State Highway, Middlotown Village. Middietown, N. J. Second Election District, Commonly Known a* tb* Navesink District. The boundaries of tho iime aie» fol* HEC1NNING at the intersection of Uia boundary line uf the Uorouyh of Atlantic and Seventh Avenue, and from thence running (1) Southerly, cnth Avenue, to " (2) Westerly, al South Sid* Avenue: thence (U> Southerly and Westerly, along South Sidu Avenue and Old Woman's Hill Komi, to Mountain Hill Road; thence (4) Southerly, alcjiig the Whlppourwlll Valley Road, to the road leading from the Mountain Hill Road to Ilrown'a Dock Road nnd along said road until it Interaects with the Brown's Dock Roadi thenre (5) Southerly, along th* Hrown'i Dock Road to the Shrewsbury ur Navesink River; thence (6) Following th* Shrewsbury or Navesink River until It* Intersection with the boundary line of th* Rorough of ; thence (7) Westerly and Southerly, following the boundary Una between the Rorouuh of Atlantic nnd th* Township of Middletown, to the point nr place of Beginning. Also Included in the naid District U the t**ct of land or territory known at Handy Hook or Fort Hancock, The polling plare fnr the Second Election DUtrlrt [n the Navesink flr* houss, 1) Southerly, along H«v* IHIUUIQ Avi!lie; thence lonir Hlllsldu Avenue, to The polling pi nee for tha Seventh fclectlon Dlitrlct li the fire houio of the a>t Kcatuburg Fire Company, Thornp%on Avenue, Eatt KeeniburijE, N, J. Eljfcth Efoctioa District, Commonly Known as the Rivrnidt Drive and Htadden'a Corner District. Tba boundaries of the utni ara at fol- JiEGJNNlNG at the Intersection of the right of way of the New York and Long Branch Railroad Company and of tha Nsveeluk or Shrewsbury River, and tium thence running (1) Northerly, along tha aid Railroad right of way and along Election UUtrict No. 6 and Election District No. 1. to Mill Urook; thence (2> Eaatarly, along MID Brook, to Chapel Hill Roadi thenca (8) Northerly, along Chaw! Hill Road, to Mountain HIM Roud; thence (4) Continuing Northerly In a straight Una to 1'ark Avenue} thence (fi) Easterly, along Park Avenue, to a private road lead- Ing through tha Hoafnrd property; th«n>!a (6) Southerly, along the prlrate road leading through tha Hosford property, to Mountain HIM Road; thence (7) Easterly, along th# Mountain Hill Road, to tha boundary line of Election District No. 2] thence (8) Southerly, along Election IMitrlct No. 2, to the Navealnk or Shrewsbury River; thienca (»> Westerly, along the said River, to the place of Beginning. The polling place for the Eighth Election District Is the flre house of Middle* town Plre Company No, 1* State Highway, Headden'a Corner, K. J. * Ninth Election District. Tha boundaries of the iamu art follows. vu.: BEGINNING at the mouth of Win Creek J «« to Hosford Avenue; thence (3) North* rly, along Hoaford Avenue, to thn New Monmouth and Roaclj thence (4) Easterly, along aaid road, to Leonard Avenue; thence (6) Northerly, along Leonard Avenue, to Ririlsn ar San* dy Hook Bay; thenre (6) Westerly, along Rarltnn or Handy Hook Day, to the point or plare of Beginning. The polling place for the Ninth Election District U the Community flra house, Ap- (>leton avenue,, N. J. HOWARD W. ItOHCRTH, Tow-mhii) Clerk, Dated April 22, 11)40. NOTICE OF REGISTRY AND ELECTION. Borough ef Fair Haven, N. J. Notice Is he ruby iflvcit that u (loncral Election will h hld I d f B f F y ifcit that u (loncral Election will he held In and for the Borough of Fair llavun, In the County nf Monmouth and Stute of New Jurat-y, on Tucnduy, November (i, 1041), bet wren the hours of seven o'clock A. M, and eight o'clock 1*. M., at Urn respective polling plnrea In an Id Borouuh. Suld ulectlon will he hclil In tho said unu-inality f th f ectlon will munu-inality for the electors f F d n tho said of electing Vi Pi y the jmipose of electing electors of FiCKldunt und Vice Prehident nf the United States; a Member of 'he HOUHB of HepreKentatlves from the hi nf ConifrenBtomil District; a Member of he United Stntes Henri to from thu state; a Oovernnr fur tho State of New Jersey: two Members of the (ieiifmal Assembly of New Jersey from Ihe County of Monmouth ; one Member of the Board of Chosen Freeholders for the County of Monmouth for three years, and for tho Allowing municipal officers, viz.; A Mayor r "- the Hnrniiffh of Fair Haven, for the term of two yearn; two Councllmen for he Borough of Fair Haven, for the full enn of three years; an Asaes-or for tha Borough of Fair Haven, for the full term if four years; * Justice of the Peace, for he full term of live yearn, unit a Justice if the. Pence, to nil the unexplred term of Charles Mast, deceased. Boundaries ot thu Election District* In the Borough of Fair Haven, and tha poll- Ins P'«ce In eich district, are aa follows I First election District. All that part of tha Borough lying east h)fh begins sit that point wher* Navesink, N. J. the, center Una of Cedar svanu*. If Third Election District, Commonly Known u.idedf would Intersect the Hum son as the Belford District. I..i..... The boundaries of the enme are a* fol lows, vh.: NOTICE OF REGISTRY AND ELECTION. Shrewsbury Borough, N. J. Notice of the time and place of holding tho General Election and of the officers tu be elected find meetings of the Board uf Registry and Election In the Borough of Shrewsbury, In the County of Monmouth Notice Is hereby given thnt a Getiertil Election will be held In nnd for the ftorotirh of Shrewsbury, In the County-of Monmouth nnd Stnte of New Jency, on Tuesday. November S, between the hours of seven o'clock A. M. nnd eight o'clock P. M., at the respective polling place In said Borough. Said election will be held In the said municipality for the purpose of electing elcctom of a President and Vice President of the United States; a Member of the House of Representatives from the Third Congressional District; a Member of tho United States Senate from this state; n Governor for the State of New Jersey: two Members of the General Assembly of New Jersey frnm the County of Monmouth ; one Member of the Board of Chosen Freeholders for the County ol Monmouth for three years, and for the following municipal officers, vlx.: A Mayor for the Doroujth of Shrewsbury, for the full term of two years; two Councllmen for the Borounh of Shrewsbury, for the full term of three years, and a Tax Collector for the Borough of Shrewsbury, for thn full term of four years. The polling place for Shrewsbury Borouch in the flre house of Shrewsbury Hose Co., No. 1, Broad street. Shrewsbury. ORTRUPB C. VANVUET, Clerk of the Borough of Shrewsbury. Dated April 22, BEGINNING at the Intersection nf th* old right of way of the New Jemey Southern Railroad with tho Northerly line of Raritan Bay; thenc* running (1) Southerly, along the said New Jersey South* Railroad right of way to Comptan'* Creek; thencu (2) Snutherly,~along Campion' Creek and Mill Brook flowing into Cumpton's Creek, to County Road No. 7, being th* toad from New Mnnmouth to ; thence (It) Easterly, along the ' County Road No. 7, to IU Intersection with Park Avenue; thence (4) along Park Avenue. Kastcrly to Iho head waters of Waro Creek; thence (B) Northerly, nlnng the said henrl waters of Waro Creek and down Waro Creek to lta mouth In Raritan or Snndy Hook Ray; thence Westerly nlnng the northerly line of the nald Bay. to the point or place of Beginning. The polling place for the Third Elec tlnn IHittrlH In the fire house of the Belford Chemical Engine Company No. 1. Belford, N. J. Fourth Election District, Commonly Known at the District. Tha boundaries of the same are ai follows, viz.: at tho Intersection of So* enth Avenuo with the boundary lino of th< Uo rough of, and run 1 iilnk thence (1) Southerly, and Westerly, along the boundary of Klectlon District No. I, to the MounUin Hill Road; thence (2) Westerly, along Mountain Hill Road, to an angle In said rnad In the property formerly known AS the Hoaford property; thence (3) Northerly, along the private road through the Hosford property, to the Intersection of Park Avenue and Hosford Avenue; thence (4) Northerly, along Hoiford Avenue, to the County road running from to New Monmouth, being County Rnad No. 7; thence (S) Enntcrly, along said County Road, to Leonard Avenue; thence (6) Northerly along Leonard Avenue, to Sandy Hook Bay; thence (V) Easterly, and Southerly, along the naid Bay and along the boundary lino between the Township of Middlotown and tho Borough nf Atlantic to the point or place of Bebgh line; thenc* running; north along the center Una of Cvdar avenue, to that point where the center Una of Cedar avenue Intersects th t li f Ri d ginning. The polling place fo tlon L the Fourth E!ec: Is the Rrcvent Pnrk and A L NOTICE OF REGISTRY AND ELECTION. Atlantic Township, N. J. Notice of the time and place of holding thu General Election and of the officer- to be- elected nnd meetings of the Bontd uf Registry and Election In the Township of Atlnntlc, In the County of Monmouth. Notice Is hereby given that Election wilt be held In nnd General for th Township of Atlantic, In the County of Monmouth and Stnte of New Jersey, on y, November fi, 1940, between th«hours of ieven o'clock A. M. and eight o'clock P. M.. at the respective polling place In snld Township..Snid election will be held in the said municipality for the purpose of electing electors of a President and Vice Preiilent nf the United States; a Member nf the House of RcpresonUtives from tha Thin! Congressional District; a Member of the United Stntcx Sennte from thii state: Governor for tho State of New Jeney: ivo Members of the General Assembly of New Jc mouth; from the County of Mon Member of the Bonrd of Chosen Freeholders for the County of Monmouth for three yearsu following municipal ofluers,.nd for the,,.,._. vli.: One Township Committeoman for the Township of AUantlc for the full term of three years; nnd one Aasessaor for the Township of Atlantic for the full term of four years. The polling place for Atlantic Townihip i the Ton-nahlp Hall, Colt's Neck. JONATHAN H. JONES.. tlon Dliitricr Is the R e t nr nd fire hnuie. Center Avenue,, N. J. Fifth Election District, Commonly Known as the Llncroft District. The boundaries of the same art aa follows, viz.: BEGINNING at the Intersection of the right of way of the New York and t^ing Brunch Kail toad ar.d Naves Ink River or Shrewsbury River, and from thence running (1) Northerly, along the said right of way line of the New York and Long Branch Ilollroad out to Bam Hollow Rond; thence (2) Westerly, along the Bam Hollow Rnnd. along the boundary line nf Election District No. 1, to the Red Hill Rond; thence (3) Westerly and Southerly, along the Red Hill Rond and along the boundary line between the Township of Middietown and the Township of Holmdel, to Swimming River; thence (4) Easterly, nnd Southerly, along Swlmmlnu River and along the Shrewsbury or Naves ink Rlvtr, to the point or place of Beginning. The polllntz place for the Fifth Election District In the fire house of the LIncrott Wre Company at Llncroft, N. J. Sixth Election District, Commonly Known as the District. ' The boundaries of the umi are as follows, viz.: BEGINNING nt the high water line of Raritan or Sandy Hook Bay and at the Intersection with the Westerly boundary line of Election District No. 3; thenca running (1) Southerly, nlnng the houndnry line of Election District No. I: to tha County road leading from New Monmouth to, known AS County Road No. 7: thence (2) Westerly, along enid County Road No. 7 to the Harmony Road; thence (3) Northerly, along the Harmony Road, to Daniel (J. Htndrlckion'i Corner: thence (4) following the road to Ralph'* Corner: thence (R) Northerly, along Humcstend Park, to the head waters of Pew's down Pe 1 PaUd 1*40. Creek; thence (6) Northerly, 's Creek, to Raritan or Sandy Hook Bay; thence (7) Easterly, along *-h* Bay, to the point or place of Beginning. The polling place for the Sixth Election District Is the fire house at. N. J. Seventh Election District, Commonly Known as the East Keanaburi District. The boundaries of the lamo are K\ follows, vli.l BEGINNING at the mouth ot Pew's Creek and In Sandy Hook or Raritan Uay: thence running (1) Southerly, along the boundary Una of Election District No. 6, to the County road from New Monmouth to, known a* County Road No. 7; thence (2) Westerly, along County Road No. 7. to Palmer Avenue; thenc* (3) Northerly, down Palmer Avenue, to Its intersection with tho boundary line of the Borough of Keamburg; thence (4) Northerly and Easterly, along the boundary line of the Township of Middietown and the Borough of Keaniburc, to the high water L*»*> «..-J.,~~, - line of Raritan or Sandy Hook Bayj Townihip Clerk, themes (6) Euterly, alone the laid Bay, '-a the. point cc place oc Btjin&inf, the center Una of Cedar avenue Intersects tha cttntci line of River road j tbenc* east along the canter Una of Klver road to the point where the center line of Battln road Intersects tha center lint) of River rondt thence north along the canter line of Battln road to the Shrewxhury river. Tho polling place for the First Election DlHtrlct Is nt Willow Slice I. School. fecund Election ijistrlct. All that part of the Borouirh lying west of the line as tnld down In the First District thovi) The polling place for the Second Election District Is Augustus M. Mlnton's gaintce, East Side Pnrk, 432 River road, near Lincoln avenue. M. FLOYD SMITH, Clerk of Fair Havei. Borough. Dated April 22, 1:140, NOTICE OF REGISTRY AND ELECTION. Borough of Eatolown, N. J. Notice of the time and place of holding Ihe (ieneral Klcotion and of the officers to bo elected and meetings of the Boards of Registry nnd Election in the Borough of Eatontown, in thn County of Monmouth. Notice In hereby given thnt a General Election will be held In and for tho Borough of Katontown, In the County of Monmouth ami State of New Jersey, on Tuesday, November fi, IP40, between the hours of seven o'clock A, M. nm! eight o'clock P, M., nt the respective polling; plnc-on In fluid Borough. Said election will he held In the said municipality for the purpose of electing electors of a Prealdent and Vice President of the United States; n Member of the IIOUHO of Representatives from tha Third Congrenslonal District; * Member of the United Statex Sonate from this stats; R Governor for the State of New Jersey; two Members nf the General Assembly of New Jersey from the County of Monmouth ; one Member of the Board of Cho-pti Freeholders for the County of Mnnmouth for three years, and for th* following municipal nfticeri, vis.: A Mayor for the Borough of Eatontown, fnr the full term of two years; two Councllmen for the Borough of Eat on town, for the full term of three yearn; ft Tax Collector for the Borough of Eatontown, fnr tho full term of four years, and «Justice of tha Peace, for tho full term of five years. The following. In a description of th* Election Districts In the Borough of Eatontown and the polllne places In same, vl*.i First Election (District, Election District One In hereby defined and described as that section and territory of the Borough lying cast of a line det- 'mnftted a- follow*: BEGINNING at the point whnre center -Ine of the Stnte Highway Intersects Lafctrn's Brook: (hence alone the center lino nf the State Highway to tho point where South street Intersects with the Stnto Highway ; thence along center line of South street to the point where the center line of Richardson avenue Intersects tho center line of South street; thence In n ntraljrht line to the intersection of Hopo road and Cranberry brook. Place of meeting of Hoard of Reirinrration-nnd polling place for the First Elec* tlon District in Rnrnugh Mnll. Second Election District. Election District Two U hereby defined nnd degrrlbpd tin that section and terrlory of the Borough lying west of the lino in set forth above. Place of meeting of Hoard of Rettlstra-.lon and polllnc plnco for the.second Election Dlntrict Is former Schlck Buildng, Lewis Street. ANDREW BECKER, Clerk of the Borough of Eatontown, N. J. April 22, NOTICE OF REGISTRY AND ELECTION. Shrewsbury Township, N. J. No! ice of the time and place of holding he General Election and of the officers to ie elected nnd meetings of the Board of Renlstry and Election In the Township of Shrewsbury, in the County of Monmouth, Notice is hereby nlvcn tht G l u Notice Election the Cunty f, hereby nlvcn thfit a General will be held In nnd for the hb e hed In nnd for the Township of Shrewflbury, In the County of Monmouth nnd Stnte of New Jersey, on Tuesday. Novemher B, 1 Si4(), hot wren tha hours of seven o'clock A. M. nnd tinht o'clock P. M., nt the respectiv places In said Township. Snid lti ill b d Snid election municipality electors of d poll the»nld p n will be held in h»nld for the purpose "f electing President nnd Vice Presi- Mb dent of the United States; a Member of the House of Representatives from tho Third Congressional District; a Member of the United State* Senate frnni thin etate: a Governor for the State nf New Jersey; two Members of the General Assembly nf New Jersey from tho County of Monmouth ; one Mem her of tho Hoard of Chosen Freeholders ' for the County of Monmouth fnr three ynars, find- for the folio win IT miiniripal n Mirers, vl?.: One Township Commltteeman fnr the full term of three years, and two Justices of the Peace for the Township of Shrewsbury, for the full term of five years. The polllne plnce for Shrewsbury township Is the fire house at Tinton Fulli. MARGRETTA L. REED. Clerk of tdn Township of Shrewsbury» Dated April Ut IBiQ,

21 Novena To End At St. James Church Five Masses On All Saints Day Th«novena In honor of the Holy Souls In Pudgatory being held this week at St. James church will conclude tomorrow night. A special novena mm Is being said mornings. Tomorrow 1* e. holy day of obllgotlon, being the fenst of All Saints. It Is also the flint Friday of the month. Masses will hn at fi, 7, 8, 8 and 10 o'clock. Saturday la thn feast of All.Souls. Although it Is not a holy day of obligation, nms.wjj will be said ill the >ame hours as on Friday. Masfies on Saturday will be offered up for the intention of the soula In purgatory. Confessions will be heard this afternoon from 3:30 to 6; and tonight from 7:30 until all are heard. (The lied Hank Hetfkter can I* bought In from Cc.-tr Hrottierii, Mm. 1-lorence Meloi', Gus Seniten, Mri. Clara SuBsmnn and Mm. IIAIIH JMofsky) Mr. and Mrs. John O. Hartzler and aon spent the week-end with Mrs. Hartlzer at Terrc Hill, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. M. Lester Terry entertained Mr. and Mrs, Howard Hyer of nrooklyn over the week-end. Mrs. Hophla Htutz of Ciinmbersbui'K, Pa,, hns been vultlng her «>n- In-lnw and dniighter, Mr, and Mri. Frnnk Mc:Cleafiter. Mrs. Mlchnnl Funnro of Pntchogue, Ji. I., has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Dey. Mr. nnd Mrs. Tony Oranato have returned from a trip to Washington, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. Stockton Hopkins and son William left last week for North Miami, Florida, where they will make their home. Mrs. Jack Wilson and daughters and Mis* Marion Slcben accompanied them. Miss nosa Ann Varca, Miss Constance Uodlo and Mrs. M&tthew Foldman guvo a surprise shower in honor of Miss Lnrralno Dey at the Old Dutch tavern Friday evening, MISH Dey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roland C, Doy, will bn married November 30 to nougla* MncEwan, «on of J. Arch. MacEwun at Uio Heformcd church. Mrs. Kocco Brlccso and daughter Patricia and aon Michael are spending the winter in Florida. Members of tho Yacht club held a Halloween dance at the clubhouse Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Farry, Jr., reprenented the local Parent-Teachers' association at the slate meeting of tho Association In Atlantic City last week. Mrs. Dorothy Stoonburgh In making a trip to the West Indies on the S. S. America, Mlsa Murjorio Pries is on a crulso to New Orleans, La. Mr. nnd Mrs. Wnlter Baldwin havo been ontoi-tuinlng Mr. and Mrs. LouU. Rnlle.s of Warrcnvllle, Mrs. Charles W. Moore will entertain members of tho Literary club tomorrow afternoon at Calvary church rooms. Program on International Relations will b«in charge of Mrs, Henry Fell and Mrs. Herbert R. West. Mlsa Agnca Ademy, a Hungarian student, will speak on "How a Student from Hungary Found Life at N, J. C." The annual bazar and food *a!e,of the Ladies' Aid roclety of the Re formed church will be held Thursday, December 6. Members of the Thought club will meet Monday evening with Mrs. Daniel A. VanPclt. The program will be in chargo of Mrs. Carl Bitter. At the election Tuesday, voters of {the borough will select a mayor and ' two councilmen. Albert M. Haigh is candidate for mayor on the Republican ticket and George Birch, Jr., on the Democratic llckot, Mr. Halgh it, a New York business man and former prosldont of the borough council for several years. Mr. Birch is a member of the borough council and his term will expire this year. Although he In running for mayor on the Democratic ticket ho was elected councllmnn on tho Republican ticket two yciir.h <IRO. On the Republican ticket Harvey O. Hartman and P. O. Wclgnnd, Jr., nro the nominees for councilmen. Mr. Welgand is ono of the present Incumbents. He is a state motor vehiclo inspector. Mr. Hartman is associated with the law firm of Applogate, Stevens, Foster and Reusslllo of. Democratic nominees for councilmen are Harry M. Aumack, a state employee, and Norman J. Curric, a lawyer, who is a former member of the council. Locnl progiiostlcntors predict the election of Halgh, Hartman and Welgand. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hoke entertained Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Parish of Philadelphia over tho week-end. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. HnlHster were week-end guests of Mrs. W. S. Holllster of Oswcgo, New York. Mrs. Charles Johnson has roturned from the Mnnmoulh Memorial hospital, Long Branch, where she was a surgicnl patient. Mr. and Mrs. J. Leon Schnnck entertained Mr. nnd Mrs. William Rodman of Wilmington, Delaware, over Sunday. Miss Katherine Dunham, a student In the Montclnir Slate normal school, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest F. Dunham. Tinton Falls (Thn Rod Brink RcBlatnr rnn bo tioulht In Tinton FnlU nt Scott'n ntoro nnd from ThomnB Cnlnndrtello nt Pino Brook) Mrs. Bortha Holmes of Medford rturned home last week after spending several duy«with Mr*. Wellington Wilkins, Sr. Mrs. Holmes also visited friends nt Eatontown nnd Long Branch while In tills vicinity. Donations for the Homo for tho Aged at Ocenn Grove will be received tonight nt the Methodist church service or nt the home of Mrs. Wellington Wllklns, Sr. The Ladies' aid society of the Methodist churcli will meet next Thursday night at (he home of Mrs. William Bennett. Mr. nnd Mrs. Allen Crawford have, returned home after spending laat week with friends In tho New Eng- 'and stales. John Osborn and daughter Vlrflniii spent Friday nt the World's [air. The Ladies' auxiliary of th«lire department fcvive the children of tho township a Halloween party Saturday night in the ilie huiuc. Moru than 50 perwon.i attenrlrd ;itid jirlzra were awarded )o Mirhnrl Hrmvn flor the funniest co.miiine; Jiunr-.s Klehlner, moat original, and N.'incy Burns, prettiest. The ilre company was called out last week to uxilngiilt-h a glass tho, covering about one (juiirtcr acir, on tha Dr. Sterling Robinson properly on Sycamore avenue. J}r. Robinson is proprietor of the Twin Hyramnro Poultry farm and alsn the Twin Sycamore shooling rnnge. 'Dorothy Scott, old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. DnVId Si-otl, slipped and fell on» broken fruit Jar last Thursday and received M 1 - VITO culs on the Inft leg. The child was treated at Rivorview hospital. Twenty stitches wero taken to cln.-i 1 tho rut. Tlin special meeting of the fire company scheduled fur '1'uemlny night was cancelled anil *ill muttcrs expected to havo been discussed will bo brought up ut thn regular- meeting Tuesday night, November 0. Plans have been completed furlhi! variety show of the lira company which will be given tomorrow night at Pleao.Tnt Inn, Red Hank. Allan PatteiTon motored to Philadelphia Saturday and spent the day with friends there. Mrs. George Gibel spent last week in New York city. The Ladles' auxiliary of the fire department will meet Tuesday night, November 12, instead of Mondny. November 11, bnrausf? of Armistice Day falling on the regular meetlni; date. Jack Stier of Red Hunk visited Miss Margaret Demi, Sunday. A Halloween party will IJH held this afternoon for tho school children of Pino Brook. It navk to advortlso In Tin* Ttoelster. STORE OPEN FRIDAY NITE Quality Beef Shoulder LAMB Gem Bacon It's In Monmouth County QUAKER MEETING HOUSE RED BANK REGISTER, OCTOBER 81, at Wrig-htsvllle, a little way out of Clarksburg on th«allentown road. Hero In 173X, Friends who had settled In the neighborhood, finding it dlhlcuit to got to the Chesterfield monthly meeting!»t CroMWIcki, built their own house of worship. They called It Robins IlMtlnf House. Later it became, known as the East Branch Metting Houst. The original frame structure succumbed to the ravages of time and, In 181(1, the devout Quakers built the brick structure picture* above. still used for occasional meetings and In the yard about It arc many graves of simple, Industrious, peace-loving people who were among the first lo establish hnmer in the upper wllderneil ruchei of Old Monmouth. MONMOUTH COUNTY PRESS ASSOCIATION RELEASE. JCVKUKTT MAN IN.IIKKO. Joseph Wright of Everett, 60 years old, was severely Injured Sunday when a cartridge exploded in a tool case. He received lacerations and contusions around the right ltg and left hand. He was admitted to Rlverview hospital and his condition is said to be good. EVERYBODY SAVES IN CHNEIDER Cash and Carry Market 21 West Front Street. N. J. 2 Free For Christmas Armour Cloverbloom FOWL Mb. average Fair Haven Child Five Year* Old Carol Jean Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard W. Smith of De- Normandie avenue. Fair Haven, was five years old Friday and a. party wai given for her that afternoon. The decorations were pink and white. Carol received a number of gifu. Present were Shirley Perrine, Connie Perrine, Jeun»n Lalonde, Joan Sparling, Larry Schilling, Carol Ann Kreger and Freddie Smith. NEW PEACH VARIETIES. Celled 20th Century peaches, 11 of the varieties developed by the New Jersey Experiment Station are offered to Monmouth county peach growers through the New Jersey Peach Council this fall, according to an announcement from County Agent M. A. Clark. Peach varieties devoleped by the New Jersey Experiment Station need no introduction to Monmouth county. They are feat taking the place of some of the old standard varieties in our local markets and make up tha majority of new peach plantings in Monmouth county during recent years. In season they range all the way from one month ahead of Elberta to a week later than Elberta., Trees of these new varieties are available only through the New Jersey Peach council. The majority of them cannot yet be aecured from commercial nurseries. Descriptions of these new eorts, including the approximate season of ripening and the comparative quality In relation to ome of the older sorts, are available at the county agent's office. The growers Interested In obtaining som* of these new varieties should place their orders early because the supply is likely to be exhausted before the season advances very far. m. 21c THIS IS IT Rib Roast All Cult LB. Sirioin, Round or Porterhouse STEAKS *. 33c Fresh HAM Smoked HAM Top Round, Bottom Round, Sirloin ROAST Whole Halt Whole Halt ft.»>. 29c -^ ^ - GROCERY SPECIALS - In Effect Oct. 31 it Till Noon November 7th Heinz'i Strained Baby Foods 3 for 19c Heinz'a Assorted Soups with exceptions 2 for 23c Heinz'g Baked Beans 3 for 29c Italian Cooking Salad Oil C-B Orange Marmalade Polander'g Assorted Jam 2 pt. cans 25c jar 22c 1-tb. jar"l9c Tetley's Orange Pekoe TEA SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS*SSSSSSSSSISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS1ISSSSSSSST^~'^^*" Colossal Ripe Olives Silverdale Tomatoes, large can can 33c 2 cantjjc NBC Shredded Wheat 2~fo7l'9c Blue Tip Matches ; JfoTSSc Fancy Selected Eggs doz. 33k Johnson's Paste Wax White Rose Coffee *^^*^i>^ill1il " 11»"""""""""""ssssssssssssssssWs»»sssssss*ssssssssssssssssssssssssJsssssssssss»ss^ Libby's DeLuxe Peaches, large can Libby's Pineapple Juice Red Heart or Pard Dog Food Scot-Tissue \, b. pk,. 21c Kansas Scouring Cleanser S-W Red Tail Plums WEEK- END SPECIALS!? ib. pkf. 39c Kitchen Charm Wax Paper, 125 feet Mueller's Noodle Spaghetti Armour's Baked Beans 2-Ib. can 79c l-lb.can23c 2 for 25c 2 cans 19c 3 cans 21c 3 for 21c 3 cans He 2 for 23c 13c 2 pkgs. 17c 3 Ig. cans 25c Lux, Camay Z7 Soap 3 f,, r 16c g Armour's Tomato Juice c s an* 25c Jersey Potatoes IISKT. 2no 100-lb. Bag- Fancy Juice Oranges 18 for Fancy Sprouts 2-qt. Bakt. Fresh Washed Spinach S lbs. for Red Yellow S Ttoi. for Octagon - Kirkman's - P. & G. - Fels Naphtha Soap 6, A 10c Loaf of Bread for 5c'With Every $ Meat Purchase 10-tb. Fancy Onions 19c WHELAN'S FIRST OF MONTH Wh9lco COMBS Hard-as-flinl, hard rubber combs that arc hard to break.., with teeth scientifically spaced so they will not snag or break the hair. Assorted Styles Whelco HAIR BRUSH Strongly made in the professional style with strong but comfortable handles, In natural wood finished backs with black bristles chat stay firm. (Otters ITM 49c to 1.98) Single Edge BLADES Unconditionally Guaranteed Our Biggest Selling Cold Cream Soap SALON SOAP or1 &i Box of k lol MM. 97* FIRST AID KIT Contains absorbent cotton, adhesive" plaster,'gauze bandage, waterproof adhesive bandages, sterilized gauiermercurochrorne. 23c Valu* I O C ce New 3-Way STUDENT LAMP 1,2 or 3 turns of switch gives soft, medium,brilliant light. Page Nine OCTOBER 31st, NOV. lit &2ri D RIJ li STIJ H V. S 46 Broad St., V/ E DELIVER LARGE SIZE Colgate Tooth Paste 2 <«2$ PEROXIDE Strength Full full pint 8 C TOILET TISSUE*. 3 "««10* fl.25 SIZE NOXZEMA 37c Box of SANITARY NAPKINS 12 Lifebuoy Shav. Cream 2 >» b «33 C Dr. West Nylon Tooth B U 25«POPCORN io-oz.size 3 cans ENO SALTS CONTI CASTILE 19c PEPTO BISMOL.. *" 47c VITAMIN PLUS,. 36, HIND'S HONEY * ALMOND CREAM TWO 50c Bottles of thie NttieaeJir.aeVenaea favorite for.oolyilc' more than you regularly p«y,for oe* bottle.) R«.5leSizt39* 2.40 s HRIRIKL ^.esi 2 for 5c COD LIVER OIL Concvnfraf* TABLETS Cod liver oil in concentrated, easy-to-take form. Bottle of 100 Reg. 89c VITAMIN,..'r* ABDG ELECTRIC HEATER 1.29 Guarantee* Ideal for Any Koom Imported Norwegian COD LIVER OIL Plain or mint flavored. Biologically assayed for vitamin standards. U. S. P. product. 4-oz. Size 43 C 8-oz. Size yqc 16 z- Size 1.39 CAPSULES lox of 25.. Reg. 59c.. Whetan W««k FOUNTAIN iu BOX OF 100 Reg a HIGH GRADE rubber bag... durably moidcj I'MOOM piece. Absoluiely Itak proof...«nd tuntnltti for oat jtar! SunditJ J QUART SIZE...SI sn unusually low price 33c (or a good quality bottle. Standard Ttv» Onrl Bit*. %,

22 Ten SIDNEY SNOW Will be Qlad to Answer Any Questions on Food Economical One Egg. Nut Loaf Cake Proves Blessing To Budget Three Meals A Copyright BY SIDNEY SNOW, IMS On* of til* nicest, mo«t economieal cakes that can be made is asmall amount at a time. Beat after Add egg ati.i beat very thoroughly. Add flour, alternately with milk, a But loaf cake. It can be left unfroated or frosted aj desired and vanilla and nut meats. Bake In aat the table or in the kitchen. each addition until smooth. Ada soft scrambled egga over it. Cook will literally "me.'t In your <" ""V greased pan 8x8x2 inches, in a modirate erate oven (350 F) for SO minutes, In these days of frozen fruits that or should we say actually melt in your mouth, because that«just are available all winter long, try or until done. what It does: a dish such as this: Place slices of If you should desire to frost tnii canned pineapple on round slices of NUT LOAF CAKE cake, do so with this: sponge cake, add a few sliced strawberries, cover with meringue CLEVER JUDY FROSTING to U teupoon salt 1 cup sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla 2 teaspoons baking powder i tablespoons butter or shortening 3 cups flour vi cup milk 1 cup chopped walnut meats lift flour once, measure, add baking powder and salt, and sift tottlher three times. Cream butter thoroughly, add sugar gradually, and cream together until light and fluffy. LFMON SAUCE 1 tablespoon cornstarch I cup sugar ltt cups boiling water Juice and rind of 1 lemon 1 tablespoon butter His the cornstarch and sugar. Add the boiling water, stirring to make smooth. Boll together and add the rind and juice of 1 lemon and 1 tablespoon of butter. Stir well. Serve hot. ' Not Off the Griddle» : v Bvraza oonruut! >MMM MHMMM For an informal snack use your waffle iron and chafing duh to make a waffle and scrambled egg dish. The idea is to spread deviled ham on a hot waffle section, then pour 1 cup sifted confectioners' sugar which cocoanut has been added. 1 or 2 - egg yolks " Sprinkle with additional cocoanut and brown in a slow oven. Chill. Garnish with whole or sliced strawberries. h*t teaspoon vanilla U cup milk 1 tablespoon softened butter 2 or 4 squares unsweetened chocolate, melted As a general rule, every dish that Combine Ingredients in order includes eggs requires salt. And given, beating "with a rotary egg i speaking of eggs poached eggs beater until blended. b l d d Place bowl should be done In well salted water. In a pan of cracked Ice or ice water The salt keeps the whites from and continue beating until of right consistency to spread (about three minutes). running all over the place and so spoiling the appearance. Salt added to the water in which eggs are boiled (in the shell) will keep the shells from cracking in the boiling. Food, of courts, must be well seasoned to be worthy of its piquancy "Eat Watercress And Get More Wit" HEALTH FOOD IS DELICIOUS By SIDNEr KNOW 1 Dining Abroad At Home A Touch of TartMM m Austrian Potato Dieh cause their blossoms are shaped like water 'or each 8 cups berries. Strain In all parts of the world one is a crane's neck and head, but Inthe juice through a jelly bag. very apt to run into fine recipes true American manner, their name Measure Juice and heat to boiling that Just seem suited to the American taste/ We, like so many of the was shortened. These cheery red point. Add one cup sugar for eacff berries have become as much a part 2 cups Juice; stir until sugar If foreign countries (and this probably of the Thanksgiving dinner as thedissolved; boll briskly for 5 minutes or until a drop jells on a cola due to our foreign ancestry), flnd turkey itself and are now appearing sour diahes much to our liking, even in fully a. dozen or nice ways. plate. Pour Into glasses, M crock* if this bit of tartness Is served in There are pies, cakes, jellies, sauces, the potato dish. This Is a bit unusual to us who are used to having salads, puddings and goodness knows how many other ways. However, for Thanksgiving dinner we tartness In vegetables and meats, but it is well worth trying and a are usually interested in only two great favorite in Austria: recipes, the sauce and the jelly both of which are made like this: SAUERE KABTOFFEL. CRANBERRY SAUCE A few freshly boiled potatoes Rind of 1. large lemon in S or 4 strips 1 tablespoon finely chopped onion 1 or 2 tablespoons vinegar POTATO FRITTERS LEND A LITTLE ACCOMPANIMENT Pork chops are excellent when VARIETY TO A FAVORITE AND SOUP BECOMES browned first and then cooked en of bread and two or three pies and casserole with vegetables. This How many times during the winter months we bless the person who cake or a pie but more often we a cake or two, we perhaps bake a FOOD PLEASING REPAST thorough cooking brings out their rich, delicious flavor, had the grand Idea of canning foods! bake ccokies. We leave the rest Ths sound ef fritters will make A plain and simple bowl of soup There are so many things like asparagus, that are out of season, yet ner, except for now and then when to the reliable baker on the cor- everyone come running and thecan easily be made into something Cream of Watercress Soup F go into the making of ao many fine we get the urge for good home aroma they create while cooking IE LITTLE PHRASE about watercress making us smart Is from dishes. Thank goodness, that all wsbaked bread. Here is something will tax paople's patience while waiting for them to be done. So prove any soup. Sprinkle Greek proverb. The word in Greek means "head subduer." All this have to do is open a can for ourto try come next baking day: many nice meals can be planned Croutons: Cutstale bread into pears with grated cheese and finely is as it may be, but know that watercress is richer in iron main ingredient, Canned vegetables, around vegetable and fruit fritters, cubes, place in a pan and brown chopped nuts, if desired. han any other green vegetable and that it is super-rich in vitamins that however, to be at their beat, need a CHOCOLATE MACAROONS little something to help them along, so why not Include potatoes among In the oven; or butter the bread, make for healthy nerves, sound teeth and vital appetitie. It is particularly good for young children. Many an infant who sneers at spinach a salad, here Is a good way to do 1 cup sugar them like this: cut into cubes and then brown The grayish scum which often ao, if serving canned asparagus as 2 egg white! Soup Sticks: Cut stale bread in forms in the tub or boiler and sometimes adheres to the clothes is duehas been known to take watercress up in his-fingers with real pleasure. it: 14 teaspoon salt POTATO FRITTERS H-lncfi slices, remove crusts, spread hi teaspoon vanilla S eupi grated raw potatoes with butter, cut In %-inch strips, i' i the t action of soap p on hard water. Most of the watercress that reaches our markets comes from West 1 agg brown In oven I To Prevent this, either an an excess Virginia. The cress is cultivated like any other staple crop. It grows In ASPARAGUS IN JELLY 1H cups shredded cocoanut 1% squares unaweatened chocolate rutted Crackers: Split 1 teaspoon onion juice round of» oa P mu8t b e used, which is a artificial ponds which are drained once or twice a year so that the beda i tablespoons gelatin crackers, cover with ice water, t let lt *«'? *«'.? w^'muit be softened before the soap Is added. It iswatercress' vitamin content is affected by the soil in which it grows. 1 can asparagus (1 pound I 01.) then fold In sugar, salt and beat loften- may be enriched with lime and fertilizer. As with all green thing*, V, cup cold water Beat egg whites until, stiff and tt teaspoon baking powder 1 tablespoon chopped parsley stand for 8 minutes. Dot with bits Vi tablespoons bread crumbs of butter, place in a hot oven 45 difficult to state the exact amount % teaspoon salt minutes at 300 F., until browned of soap necessary to make a rich Watercress, while perfect for salads, has many other culinary usea t cups asparagus juice and again. Add vanilla and cocoanut, and puffed. suds, because of this difference in less known such as the great French watercress soup. If you have one water, heated then work In chocolate which has Drain off all moisture from the Caraway Potato Wafers: Onequarter pound or 1 cup boiled pota- such as rain water, takes very much and mix it with other fruit or vegetable juices for home "raw vegetable 1 cup diced, cooked or canned sheet and bake in over (275 F.) water supplies. A very soft water, of those new blending machines, make your own fresh watercress juice Salt and pepper to taste been melted over hot water. Drop' 1 tablespoon lemon juice by teaspoonfuls on greased baking (rated potatoes, and add to them the egg, salt, onion juice, and parsley. Beat wall and add crumbs pound) creamed butter; lhi cups a water which contains a great deal Watercress sandwiches, in the English fashion, are a treat, too. t or 6 strips pimento roons. toes, riced while warm; hi cup C,iless soap to make a suds than does therapy." beets about 20 minutes. Makes 19 maca- and baking powder. Drop the hatter flour; 1 teaspoon salt; 1 tablespoon of mineral matter such as lime. And, a spoonful at a time into deep hot caraway seed; 1 egg, slightly beatn WortTthe nrs? fc four'?ngr'edrenu ---'-»? «to keep a good suds up watercress, add mayonnaise, paprika and black pepper. Try adding the Mayonnaise CLUB SANDWICH then again, the amount of soap Just spread brown bread with plenty of butter, lay in the stalks of Lettuce fat and fry a golden brown. Drain minced leaves of watercress, stripped from the stems, to sweet butter for «D unglased brown paper and serve ightly with a fork to a smooth during washing depends on the debadly soiled articles break down delicious and always successful: carefully from the bottom, remove de- Set aside hi hour to chill.? r " ot d 'T t ' neb * f, tne «lo "! e canape spreads. Here is a recipe for cream of watercress soup that la G minutes. Open can of asparagus Soften gelatin In cold water for round beefsteak if desired. dough. «- Very suds more quickly than less asparagus stalks without breaking Roll tt-inch thick, place in a pan, brush tops with egg mixture with milk, sprinkle plentifully with salt and caraway seeds. Cut with hot I,, knife into narrow strips, 1 to 31 A S as * " orange marmalade, one The Ethel Mount Mozar School of Dancing Statio, 117 Project AT*BM,, N. J. PHONE BED BANK «M. 9lXt achool AND DANCING CLASSES NOW IN SESSION. AH Tjpee ef Dancing tor Adults and Children Beginners or Advanced GO TO THE Good Housekeeping Shop 46 Monmouth St. PHONE Monmouth County's Most Modem Appliance Store" When in Need of a Radio * Range Refrigerator Vacuum Cleaner, Etc. SALES and add enough water to Juice to make I cups, Heat this Juice and water, add salt and pepper, mix inches. Place In oven at 350 F., i cup of with softened gelatin and stir until raisins and one-half to one 2 bunches watercress. % cup flour J.._II i -,_ ***** ^-^ *^ i P11H nf lira I Tint rviaa t ta m a\t Vt^ A,1A A>1 gradually Increase to 400 F, Bake cup of walnut meats may be added dissolved. When cool, add lemon S cups chicken broth I cups heavy cream, sprinkled with salt 15 minutes or until crisp and ato gingerbread batter. Spread thinly in a greased pan lined with wax- lulce. Arrange asparagus in bottom of wet mold, add beets and On a slice of toast place lettuce, delicate brown. Serve with soup. Vi cup butter X teaspoons salt ed paper, bake and when partly cover with gelatin mixture. Chill spread thinly with mayonnaise, ar- slices of chicken on this, and Cut stems from watercress and wash thoroughly. Place leaves In cooked mark in squares. Continue and arrange a second layer of as-rangparagus and beets, fill mold with cover with another piece of toast, three cups chicken broth in a two and one-half quart heat resistant glass Turnips, carrots and onions are baking until done. Remove from teakettle. Simmer for about 20 minutes over direct heat. suggestions for vegetables lii aut-paumn stews. Okra and tomatoes, too, pan; blend in flour. Add chicken broth gradually, stirring constantly to leaves and garnish with pimento Trim edges and cut diagonally when cold. gelatin mixture and put in refrigerator to chill. Turn out on lettuce naise, bacon, and slices of tomato, On this place more lettuce, mayon- Melt butter over direct heat in a one-quart heat resistant glass sauce- make a happy combination. With a sharp knife make an Incision at one end of a dill pickle keep from lumping. Allow to cook over very low direct heat for about strips and serve with mayonnaise. across each sandwich to form triangles. Garnish with radish roses and scoop out as much of the center as possible using an apple corer. Add white sauce, cream and salt to broth in teakettle. Heat thormento, or green pepper. Makes t five to seven minutes or until no starchy taste remains. or stuffed olive slices, strips of pi- Fill the center with a softened oughly. Garnish with watercress and serve at the table from the glass TIMELY TIPS ON club sandwiches. cheese and chill thoroughly. Slice. This makes a good hors d'oeuvres or STORING VEGETABLES a garnish for meat. Washing Machine SERVICE Menu Of The Week MONDAY for five minutes. Serve on six hard Breakfast Baked apples with cream, ready to eat cereal, ham and boiled eggs which have been cut eggs, rolls, coffee or cocoa. Lunch Bacon rarebit, carrot salad, apple In quarters. turnovers, tea or milk. Dinner Steak and kidney pie, parsley potatoes, buttered peas, cucumber salad, prune whip, cookies, coffee or beer. TUESDAY Breakfast Grapefruit, hot cereal, buckwheat cakes, sausage, syrup, coffee or cocoa. Lunch Split pea soup, cold cuts, pineapple slaw, muffins, tea or milk. Dinner Hamburger patties, riced potatoes, escalloped corn, sliced sour beets, dressed lettuce, butterscotch pie, coffee. WEDNESDAY Breakfast Orange Juice, ready to eat cereal, scrambled eggs and bacon, griddle cakes, syrup, coffee or cocoa. Lunch Canned corned beef hash with pepper relish, asparagus tip salad, stewed pears, cookies, tea or milk. Dinner Pan fried liver, au gratin potatoes, lima beans, chicory salad, lemon chiffon pie, coffee or beer. THURSDAY Breakfast Stewed prunes with cream, ready to eat cereal, French toast with marmalade, coffee or cocoa. Lunch Cream of tomato noup, combination sandwiches, cole slaw, cocoanut custard pie, tea or milk. Dinner Braised veal chops, hashed brown potatoes, creamed celery, lettuce salad, apple cobler, coffee or beer. FRIDAY Breakfast Sliced bananas with ready to eat cereal, plain waffles, maple syrup, coffee or cocoa. Lunch Spanish omelet, hot rolls, fruit gelatin, tea or milk. Dinner Corn bisque, creamed salmon in rice ring, buttered spinach, pineapple salad, egg custard with caramel sauce, coffee. SATURDAY Breakfast Sliced oranges, ready to eat cereal, griddle cakes, broiled bacon, syrup or Jam, coffee or cocoa. Lunch Crabmeat salad, Melba toast, stuffed eggs, bread pudding, tea or milk. Dinner Baked sausage with pineapple rings, smothered cabbage, pickled beet salad, cranberry pie, coffee. SUNDAY Breakfast Grapefruit, hot cereal, ci earned finnan-haddie on toast, fried potatoes, coffee or cocoa. Dinner Oyster cocktail, roast goose, mashed potatoes, baked stuffed onions, Waldorf salad, steamed date pudding, coffee. Supper Qrapefruit-shrimp-celery salad, hot biscuits, cup cakes, tea or coffee. Idne/ Snow will be pleased to supply any of thess recipes. Just writ* care of this paper. Add chopped hard-boiled eggs and a little cayenne, mace, mustard and Worcestershire sauce to creamed sea food. Put into ramekins. Cover with buttered bread or cracker crumbs and bake until the crumbs are brown. For a holiday appetizer or dessert, hollow out an Edam cheese: add generous dashes of Worcestershire sauce and prepared mustard to the mashed contents. Heap the mixture back In its crimson bowlserve on crackers. When choosing sandwich fillings, choose ones that are neither too moist nor too dry. Brown three thinly sliced onions slowly in two tablespoons butter add salt; stir In one tablespoon flour smoothly; add one-half pint cream and stir mixture as It cooka Onions require thorough curing and drying, and they must be kept In a cool, dry place. In a frying pan, melt 2 tablespoons of butter, add 1 tablespoon chopped green pepper and onion, 3 tablespoons tomato catsup, 1 tablespoon water and hi teaspoon salt. When hot, add 4 slightly beaten eggs and scramble. Sales Service 16 Monmouth St.. Phone R. B. 39 CREAM OF WATERCRESS SOUP (ILLUSTRATED) teakettle. No ladles to fuss with, and the soup stays so hot! TIME: Cook soup about 20 minutes. TEMPERATURE: Direct heat. AMOUNT: Eight to ten servings. DISH: Two and one-half quart teakettle. VARY MEALS WITH SOMETHING SWEET- SOMETHING SOUR A company dinner, no matter how well prepared and served can It's the simplest thing in thealways he Improved by the pres-1 have found only troubles and waste. world to let ourselves get In a ence of hot breads. The aroma of Here are the rules: "rut" when planning menus. We some bread baking in the oven The best vegetables for storing too often let our meals goflatand will act as an appetizer In Itself are carrots, parsnips, salsify, beets, tray surrounded with forget all about making a contrast turnips, potatoes, onions and cabbage. All the bruised and broken between sweet and sour foods. Here Is a beet recipe that will add that vegetables should be rejected. At bit of variety to the dinner: least one Inch and a half of the Cook apple balls In cranberry Juice, sweetened as needed, for five tops should be left on beeu, carrots and turnips. They should be minutes. Combine with Bllced avocado, pineapple tidblu and grape- SOUR BEETS '" " fruit sections. ens. Serve as a fruit Wash the beets thoroughly and bread Is a nice thing and most unexpected. Now, we've all eaten burled on their sides in rows and stored in bins or boxes of sand and cocktail or on lettuce cut off the stems to within an inch with your favorite fruit dressing. of the root. Throw in boiling salted popovers and there are few people surrounded with enough sand or water and cook until tender, thewho don't like them. But com- popovers with ryeflourandbelow so they will not touch each garden soli between, on top and time depending upon the age of thebine Stuffed duck with mashed sweet beets. Small tender beets require you really have something worth other, and the soil thorough be kept potatoes to which raisins and pineapple tidbits have been added. 3 to 3hi hours. When done, cut off one hour's boiling; old beets from raving about. slightly moist. Too much moisture causes the vegetables to rot. Spread fowl with lemon Juice, honey the stems and rub off the skins; RYE POPOVERS Just before the frost comes, tomato vines which contain a good and seasonings and roast as usual. slice Into a pan; pour in a half cup % cup rye flour With this serve buttered broccoli of cream and two teaspoons of!± cup when flour many green tomatoes may be pulled creamed onions and spiced melon lemon juice, one teaspoon of butter, salt and black pepper. Let boil up once or twice and serve. It Is often nice to boil more beets than required for one meal and pickle some like this: PICKLED BEETS 1 quart cold, boiled beets, sliced 1 tteaspoon salt hi teaspoon pepper 1 teaspoon brown sugar 1 teaspoon caraway seed 1 pint vinegar Place the sliced beets in a crock in layers, sprinkle with salt, pepper sugar, caraway seed and cover with vinegar. Let stand a day or so before using. A SNEAKABLE SNACK FOR LATE EVENINGS In the middle of the afternoon or late in the evening after the theater, a snack sneaked from the pantry tastes ever so good. There is quite an argument all the time as to whether it is good to eat before going to bed or not, but these little tarts wouldn't hurt a eoul they're too good for that: RAISIN TARTS 1 cup sugar M cup butter 1 cup chopped nutn 1 cup chopped raisins RYE POPOVERS ADD NOVEL TOUCH TO FINEST DINNER and more than stimulate the appetites of everyone present. And when they appear on the table In their golden brown complexion can anyone praise them enough? A to'irh of tl)e novel even in!4 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon sugar 2 eggs 1 cup milk Sift dry ingredients. Beat the eggs and add milk and stir gradually into the flour mixture to make a smooth batter beat with egg beater until full of air buddies. Fill hot greased gem pans two-thirds full of the mixture. Bake In a hot oven (450 F.) for 30 minutes until brown and popped over. DENVER SANDWICHES FOR "OFF FEED" DAYS There comes a time in the lives of all men, women and children when the appetite just won't be satisfied. Nothing sounds good, yet they are hungry. This is more apt to take place at lunch than dinner and when it occurs, the housewife is at her wits end to think of something rest her mind however, for here Is that will just hit the spot. She can a suggestion that la sure to please: DENVER SANDWICHES 1 pound chopped raw ham, not ground 2 oggs 1 teaspoon onion juice 2 teaspoons chopped parsley 1 tablespoon butter Pepper Hot buttered toast Mix the ham, onion juice, parsley, 1 eggs, well beaten Juice of 14 lemon beaten eggs, and a generous amount Pastry of pepper. Heat the butter In a frying pan; pour in the mixture; Combine the sugar and butter and fry. Spread on hot slices of and cream thoroughly. Add thebuttered toast and serve immediately. nuts, raisins, lemon juice and ezes Cook in a double boiler over hot water for 25 minutes. Stir frequently. Set aside to cool. Make Chocolate Bread Puddng pastry and cover Inverted muffin tins, prick pastry with fork and bake in a hot oven!450 F.) about Soak»i cup bread crumbs in 1 10 minutes. Cool and fill with the pint of milk until soft. Beat together 2 egg yolks and 1 cup of raisin mixture. Top with whipped cream before sp.ving or serve plain. sugar. Add enough cocoa to darken to a chocolate color, or add 1 ounce of bitter chocolate melted over a double boiler. Add a pinch Cream cheese balls are a nice of salt,»a teaspoon of vanilla. Fold addition to any salad. Mix U cupin beaten egg whites. Beat until of finely nhopped nuts with 1 package cream cheese. Add salt and a buttered custard pan until set, about foamy. Bake in a hot oven In a little butter. Roll into balls the M hour. Serve hot or cold, plain or size of butter balls with butter pals. with whipped cream, custard sauce, The nut* may be omitted If desired. or hard sauce. Serves ( people, V, cup stock bayleaf gait and pepper lielt a little butter in frying pan and fry the chopped onion until it begins to brown. Sprinkle with a little flour, and when this browns add the hot stock gradually, and finally the vinegar, lemon peel, bayleaf, and salt and pepper to taste. Simmer for one-half hour. Add the hot boiled potatoes, cut Into small cubes, and simmer for five jninutes. Remove the bayleaf and lemon peel and serve. CANNED ASPARAGUS IN TASTY JELLIED SALAD There are quite a few women who find that the prices asked for vegetables during the winter months are just a little too much for their budgets. These women have learned the value of storing vegetables and saving a certain amount of money. Now there are a great many who would like to store vegetables and who perhaps have tried it In he past without much success and up, roots and all, and hung downward In the cellar where they will ripen gradually. Boys can make extra pocket money selling The Register. Advertisement Cranberry Sauce. Jelly And Steamed Pudding Cranberries, according to legend were once called craneberrles be- To make Cranberry Jelly: cook cranberries until soft using I cupa ery molds and cover with partfllik If one is so inclined, and woulj like cranberries In another mannea. here Is one of the best: STEAMED CRANBERRY PUDDINO 1 cup flour JV4 teaspoons baking powdlr 1 pound *r quart of cranberries >/j teaspoon salt 2 cupa water % cup bread crumbs Hi to 2 cups sugar hi cup brown sugar Boll the sugar and water together % cup finely chopped suet for nve minutes; add cranberries 1 cup chopped cranberries and boil without stirring (five minutes is usually sufficient) until all W cup milk or water 1 egg the skins pop open. Remove from Mix the ingredients In ths order the Are when the popping stops, and given; turn into a well greased allow the sauce to remain in themold, cover with wax paper and pan undisturbed unll cool. For asteam two hours, never allowing thinner sauce Just bring the water the water to come more than two* and sugar to a boil, then add berries thirds of the way up the sides of and let them cook until they stop the moid. Turn out; serve with popping. hard sauce. MODERN BAKING DAY PRODUCES MACAROONS Baking day at home just Isn't what It used to 5x>- but we still nave this day on a small scale. Instead of baking several lop.vcs 1 loaf bread, thinly sliced and toasted Crisp lettuce K cup mayonnaise 12 slices cooked chicken 12 strips bacon, broiled 4 tomatoes, thinly sliced and' Sicily, Italian possession nearest to Malta, I* 80 miles distant. THE PIANO INSTRUCTIONS JOE MARINE Popular >r Cluslcil AVAILABLE ALL DAY. N. J, J-hone s«>t-s«. LARRY LOGIC 'MUCH OBLIGED FOLKS. FOR YOUR SPLENDID! PATRONAGE//< YES, WE APPRECIATE THE WAV IN WHICH VOU RECEIVED OUR BARGAIN OFFERINGS YYfc WILL OPCOURSE CONTINUE TO MAINTAIN FIRST QliMITVAT PRE- SENT PAVPAlCfi LEVELS. Praline Sundae Cake Plain Loaf Cake Slcea...tlcea. All baking done on th«premises Molder's Bakery 49 Bro>d St., R«d Bank, PHONE 152. WAY Quick heal right when you coal' - clean, even warmth in want it-without fusi or bother, every room with least attention Thai's what you get with "blue and st lowcit cost. Phone V* Today! H. B. SHERMAN A SON'S FRED D. WIKOFF CO. HENRY ALLEN CO. Phona Long Branch 3SQ Phone 552 Phone Eatontown 49 JUNE IN ON THE S H A D O W EVERY SUNDAY AFTERNOON Fuel Headquarters 'blue coal 1 FuelOUs Koppers Coke * Caniiel Coal Cord Wood Charcoal Kindling Wood Fuel Oil Burner Service FRED D. WIKOFF CO. RED BANK. N. J. TEL. 552.

23 RED BANK REGISTER, OCTOBER 31, Fort Monmouth Wins Battle of Army Teams Winners Remain Unscored Upon Dave Smukler Gives Great Show WIDE ASSORTMENT by MUN' fort Ilonmouih'* football tun wea Iti fourth atralght gam* of the season tn the Monmouth county grid conference competition Sunday *fternoon by defeating Fort Hancock «t* 0 at the Oceanport post, It wu alad the 11th victory for Fort Mon mouth In the 21-game aerie* between the two cluba for the mythlci "championehlp of the Atlantic Cowt." The game, which attracted th* largest crowd of the grid aeaeon, more than 7,500 people, waji the sec on* in th* battle for poaaeeaion of th* Brigadier General Dawson Olm- tatd trophy, placed In competition laat year and won by Fort Hancock. following the game General Olm stead, poet commandant *t Fort Monmouth, preaented the cup to.steve Snelaon, Monmouth captain and congratulated Captain Dave Smulker of Fort Hancock for hie own splendid performance and that of hie squad. Smulker la a former all-american and Tempi* unlverelty an! profeaslonal football atar, having entered the army about three month* ago. While In collage the great Pop Warner, then coaching at Temple, «aid that Dave wu one of the greateat fullback* of all time. Smukler put on a great ehow In the ahort time he wae In the gam*. He played the entire Drat quarter, took himeelf out and then returned to action midway In the aecond period, While dashing around hi* right en* he waa brought down by John Haa*. Both playeri were farced to leave the game, Haaa wu admitted to the poat hoepltal Buffering from a pair of broken ribs. Smukler received a knee injury which kept him out of the game until late in the fourth period when he returned tu the game and threw aevcral futile pateea. Lou DeFatio, Long Branch high school graduate, wu th* hero of the game. Making hi«flnt appearance thli season the ahore youth gave a great demonatratlon of peai receiving and defensive play. DeFatio aeored the only touchdown when h* caught a pas* from DeSanetls In th* end zone In th* aecand quarter, Th* drive on which Fort Monmauth eearad waa the only threat f*r cither team throughout the gam* whoa* Interest waa marred by constant penaltlea against both team*. Th* gam* waa heatedly argued ana overantiousness made a hard Job far the official*, Frank Plngltore, Lou Jacob* and John Cittadino, Fort Monmouth penetrated to Fort Hancock territory In the flrat quarter when It took the ball on It* own 42. DeSanctls aklrted left end on third down for 26 yarda to Fort Hancock 32. Nunn, on an and around that clicked for a touchdown agalnit in a previous gam*, wae atopped after gaining one yard. Raguia made three yard* at center and Maraschiello threw two incomplete puses and Fort Monmouth' had to give up the ball. Falling to gain, Smukler kicked te hi«own 49, but Fort Monmouth waa pushed back 15 more yarda for clipping. DeSanctia punted into Fort Hancock 1 * end zone on second down mi4 the Sandy Hook soldier* toek over on It* own 30, Smukler ran 12 yarda, lie picked up nine more crossing over right tackle and then passed to Shabler on second down wtlh only a yard to go for flrat down on the 46. Shabler shoved his way into Fort Monmouth territory before being tackled. Then Smukler wai stopped at the line of scrimmage on a fake reverse and Bradley failed to gain aa he fumbled but recovered on th* aecond down. Bradley made four yards at center and Fart Menmouth was paaallied five yard* for being off-eld*. ImukUr passed to Capoblenee on the»'. Two line plays sued* four yards and than Smukler was chased te tne *» on the third down before getting *«a great pas* to Ca*)k*y on th* ivs-ysrd lln* which the Utter Just missed. Versatile Dave tried a Arid goal which was partially blocked and «/*nt to the left ef the goal potts. DcSaactai dashed It yards la th* second period to felt own»t ta what aeerimd ta be the start ( another threat. luguea kick*d te midfuld on third down aad mukler, having rttlred at IntermlNlon, came been into the gams. Lieutenant Richard Bradley, tb* only oactr In th* asm*, reeled off three yards and Imukler picked up U around right end. A clipping penalty a*nt them back to mldfleld, however, and mukler took the alrlanea. Ms paassd to Hlgglns on third down en the M and thsn to Bionsgur* on tb* 33. Bmuklar brok* into th* open around his own left end, when Haas threw himself at Smuklar't lags and both crashed to the ground. Haas was carried from the field and Imukltr limped off, aided by two teammate*, Fort Monmouth *Urt*d rolling In the eloelng minute* ef the half and resulted In the only seor*. Ragusa started th* drive on his own nine and dashed outside ef left and ta the 2*. Maraachlcello mad* on* at right end Hambergor, alao In hi* flrst gam* for Fort Monmouth, mad* five yards at right tackle. Barbarinu made thra* yards at right end and Fort Monmouth waa given a Drat down on th* *» beeaue* of an offside. pesenetl* paused t* Dunning on Fort Hancock's «1. Fort Monmouth waa penalised IB yards and Barber- Ino drove over right tackle for eight yarda, A pass w*nt wrong but Barbarlno made a flrst down en th* nine after battering through th* lln*. Passe* from Hamberger and Delanctis to Dunning fell flat but DeSanetla tossed on* to DaFailo in the end one for the acore. Higglna had n chane* te knock It down for Fort Hancock but missed th* ball completely. DeJLanetla mlsstd th* con' version. DIFaslo took a pass from Meraschlallo midway in th* third period on the M and ran te the 11. How. ever, this got no further aa penalties and Incomplete paasea gave the ball to Fort Hancock, Later in the third period Maraachiello brought th* crowd to Its feet with a brilliant run back of a punt a* he stepped be tween and around half Fort Hancock's eleven before being brought down after picking up more than 10 yarda. The game was slowed up with penalties in the last quarter. Fort Mon mouth had a alight sdge In total statistics, making ten flrst downs to even for Fort Hancock and gaining a total ef 1M yerd* to 12T for Fort Hancock, Fart Haneeck LE. Capoblanco LT ' JCsufman LG Kornunf C Conlento RR Merolla RT Roeisler RR Casker QR Prior LH Bradley RH Shatter Ft smukler CALIFORNIA " OREGON STATE NORTHWESTERN " MINNESOTA ALABAMA vt KtMTUCKV POROHAM vs. NORTW CAPOUV4 NEBRASKA * OKLAHOMA CORNELL*. COLUMBIA Rumson Wins Easily From Point Pleasant rer Nunn Mulver Kchelrl Snslao* Rlffel Mara Dunning DeSanctla Maraachiello Haaa Rasuis Touchdown DtFail*. lumtltntuim Fort Monmouth, DeFaao, Gerdnar, Hejs, liaasmen, Montsomtry, Young, Barbarlno, Leibowlti, Hambarfer. Fort Hancock, Rennt, Rronagure, Lloyd, Lavelle. Mlcltr, Fuehs, Greco, York, Hlgglm, Myer. Referee. Frank Pins Here of Rtd Bank; mantra. Lou Jacohi of Rumson: haad llneiman, John Clttedlna of Long Branch. Freehold Beaten By Toms River Indians Win With First Half Scores Two touchdowns in the flrat half paved the way to victory Saturday for Tom«River high school over th* Freehold high school eleven 14 to 0 at Freehold, Torn* River remains unbeaten, although twice tied In thk Shore Conferenco competition. Al Slca set th* stage for the first Toma River score In the first quarter when he recovered a Freehold funmble on the county sealers' 43- yard line. On third down Slca then caught a pass from Applegate ana moved to the 22 before being stopped. Slca picked up ten yards on th* secdown as he went through the right aide of the line. ApplegaU made two yards at center and Chadwick dashed around right end for» yarda and a touchdown. Toms River marched 44 yards In the aecond period for Its final touchdown. Applegate passed to Slca for seven yarda on the Freehold ST-yard stripe. Mellllo shifting from bla guard position to the running wingback made six yards. Applegate then passed to Slca on the 21 end Slca picked up four more. Mellllo dashed the remaining 18 yards In two runs. Freehelal Toaaa River Diddons MaFetra Mellllo Tunney Qallnkln Paneher Carrlker DeQraw H. Applegatei Chad wick Slca LR LT LC C itr, RT RE QH Hi RH Ffl Olt Mill! Cottrall gasowikl Anna!! AllihmiH C. ArP'esete Hence Callsart TnUrlnchlk MusgreaYS) 7 I» 14 0»» «Tomn Tllvar 7 FrMhold 0 - Touchdown Ohaitwlek, Mulliln. Tolnt aftiir tourhdown. Fanrher, Carrlkrr (r-ltrrmcnu). Suhitllullona Tom. Rlvir. H>»i«. Hrovc, '/.i^m'r, Gabrltl, SprnKita, Burton,, Glhunn, Lpai>. Vwdar, Hunlon. Freehold, Martin, Hnntf, Urbiin. Brown, FiUn. Conway." Ref>rr<, ThlnPi; umpire. MoBOvlch; head linesman, Dobrajnakt. m *» Olve your irant ada a chance. Eoa that you Insert them In The Register. Your advertiiemant may be ever to good but you cant expect result* unless they are placed In a paper with a real circulation. That's where The Register can serve you. AdmUs* ; ment. ' Highland Park Tops Third Defeat for Monmouth Eleven high school football team went down to lie third defeat of the aeason Saturday afternoon when a fourth-period touehdown handed the victory to Highland Park high achool to 0 at Highland Park. The winner* marched M yarda In their touch down rally. held a slight advantage In statistics over Its heavier opponents until the fourth period when the big drive was launched. The whistle ending the flrst half appeared to be the only thing that atopped from scoring In the aecond period after a passing attack hud brought them to the horn* team's two-yard line. drove to Highland Park's 15-yard line in the Drat quarter after Waffenfield recovered a fumble for on th* 42. In the second period Buttonbach intercepted Highland Park paaa on hla own fiveyard line and thus atarted the 's advance. Four successive passes by Leon Sadowskl, one covering 43 yards to Frank Mirror on the Highland Park five-yard Una, were reeled off. Selllck dove over the line for three yarda but the half ended. Highland Park scored Its touchdown in the fourth period on a 21- yard run by RUBS Smailey. Th* advance started on Highland Park's 20 and was highlighted by a 30-yard run by Dick Murray. Keyiort Brunell! Wallace Conway Terry Casoy WaltVnfleld Mlrro Charnentler Ruttonbarh ' SeTlkk Scores 47 Points and Its Fifth Straight.Victory of the Season Hlialaad Seave Bolce Vc-ieliani tirody Raipa Merrill Murphy Orhs Affirbarh Murray R. Smitlay LE LT L<3 C, R«RT RE QH 1.11 Rll FR Kryport... Highland rark t 0 «o c Teurhdown, R. Smailey. SubatltuMoni-vXejpe-rt, Kruaer. Johnon. Sajiertnn. _ Sadkowikl, Hoditi, frani. KliMuia'?atk. Oeiiditcln. Bnttem Russiart: umnlrv, Patke; head llnaiimaa, Auanatlna* More than 98 per cent of all electricity generated for sale in Canada.... "to jjrestoead bjr ay^rcjimeetris flufe Pleasant doing MeaatMMt fdaab- Saturday afternoon Lou Jaeoub* and hia powerhouse Rumaon high school eleven traveled down the shora and crushed the Point Pleasant high school football squad 47-2, thereby hanging up their fifth atralght win of th* season. Rumson's win keeps the Purple and whit* on th* top of the Short Conference standing. Th* Jacobuamen were held score 1 leas In tha flrat period, while Point Pleaaant scored their flnt points of th* season on a safety after Eveland and Abernathy brok* through and knocked Ed Peters' kick in th* nd»one and downed th* ball for the ecore. Point with th* aid of a strong wind blowing against the Rumson team held the Purple and White team down In their own territory most of the flrst period with Rumson getting the ball out to the Point Pleasant 45-yard line one* uring the flrst 12 minutes of play. After having their backs forced to the wall in the flrat quarter the Rumson players atarted to roll at the start of the aecond quarter and didn't alow down until the game ended. Rumson chalked up IS points In the second, slowed down to 6 points in the third and rolled up 26 points in the final quarter. Coach Ed Boell'a Point Pleasant team jumped out in front for the first time thla aeason following a punt by Howard Morris which pushed the Purple and White team down to their own 10. Falling to gain any yardage, Ed Peter* was forced to punt from his 1. Being rushed by Abernathly and Evelend, Peters' kick waa low and the two Point Pleasant players knocked the oval into the end son* with Ivcland recovering for the score. Being two points behind and re memberlng that 0 to 0 gam* of last year the Rumson team decided to do something about It. Coach Jacouba' warriora took posvuaalon of the oval on Point Pleasant 30 after a punt and rolled down the field for 70 yards for their first score, Paoed by Roland "Sonny" Boyd and Howell "Milky" Harris the Rumson eleven moved down to Point Pleaaant'a 10- yard marker. From here Tony Mellael took over and in three playa he added another touchdown. Ed Peters sent a perfect placement between the bars to make the score 7 to 2. It wasn't long after the flrst acore that Rumson forced Point Pleasant to punt from their own 10, with the ball going only to the 35. After two playa which netted 15 yards "Milky" Harris skirted around his right end and tallied atanding up. Peters' placement was low when Mellael lost control of the ball. Rumson's last score In the second period came about when a pass from Abernathy went past the Point Pleasant backfleld into the end zone snd Martin VanBrunt, left tackle on the Purple and White team, fell on the ball for a safety, Point Pleasant held Rumson to a single touchdown which was made arly in the third quarter on a 35- yard run by Frank "Bud" Boyle, who Intercepted a pass and headed down th* sidelines for another score. Roland "Sonny" Boyd thrilled the spectators with hla wide end sweeps and scored the fourth touchdown on a right end run of 35 yards after RuniBon xot possession of the ball when Jack Ford recovered a fumble on Point Pleaaant's 35. Boyd's score, which came early in the final quarter, sent the Rumson team on a coring rampaee and the squad followed by blasting the Point Pleasant teem for 20 additional polnta b*fore the contest ended. Boyd tallied R*ln a few seconds later when he took a 30-yard pass from Ed Peters and romped 10 yards for the score. "Mem' placement went low for the attempted conversion. With Point ling because of the charging of the Rumeon line the latter eleven took advantage of Parker's poor pas which waa recovered by Art Jack on Point Pleaaant's 37. On the first play "Sonny" Boyd went around his right end and scored. Ed Peters finally mad* the point good by placement. Ed Peters, whoe punting Is a big factor in the Rumson string of victories, also took part In the scorin spree by taking a long pass from Tony Mellael for another Rumsoi touchdown. On an attempt for th conversion ths Purple and White wa penalized 15 yards for holding and Patera' try from th* longer distance fell short. On* of th* queerest plays ever to be pulled in the Shore Conference was completed by tha Point Pleasant team and meant a touchdown for Rumaon. Point Pleasant, attempting a reverse play, gave the ball to one man, but as the halfback heard tha pounding of feet coming his way ha made a pivot and sunk the ball right into the man's atom ach. Much to his surprise the half back looked up and saw the towering Joe Smith, Rumson end, who broke through and received the bal on the second attempted pass heading 30 yards for the pay dirt. Boyle went wide around the right end for the extra point. Seven Rumson players took part in totaling up the 47 points, with "Sonny" Boyd leading the team with 12 points. Peters totaled eight points Harris, Sith and Boyle six points each and Martin VanBrunt two points. The Rumson team was guided on the Meld by Frank "Bud" Boyle, who kept hla team pounding at Point line ~ and when was expecting a the line Pleasant's opposition plunge Boyle would call for an end run, completely surprising his opponents. Point Plaaaant Evaland Jacohion Charry Abarnalhy Wolfei-iberffer Whealer Strickland McLauKhlln Morris Homer Dunn Rumson LE r.t LG C RG RT RE QH ItH l.h KB Rumaon I. Peters VanBrunt Toon Watt Cameron Jakubecy H. Peteri Boyle Harris Boyd Mellani < o U Pt. Pleasant 2 0 Scoring Rumeon touchdowns, Mellaci, Hnrrifl, Boyd 2, Peters, Smith, Boyle. Van- Brunt 2 points (safety), Petera t points. (Placements), Boylt 1 point (run after touchdown). Substitutions Rumson, Fanning, Smith, J. VanBrunt. Little. Ford, Jacke, Minton, Taylor Kerr, Henderson. Slckler. Point Pleasant. Hanklns, Wardell, Anderson, Messrrole,.Tohnson, Brower, DurT. Parker. Wilson Bradley.Jones Tllton nirdsall. Referee, Morgan; umpire, Holmes: head linesmnn, Stohl. Rohrey-Emmons Duo Win At Norwood Peggy Rohrey and Win Emmons captured the scotch foursome Sunday afternoon at the Norfood Country club with a round of 88. Mrs. Samuel Helper and Jack Rohrey, club pro, placed second with a round of 88. Joseph Ghezzi won the club blind bogny Sunday when his 79-5, 74 hit the drawn number on the nose, George Rabin was low net at 61 while Mel Smith waa high net at 117. At Swimming River Sunday Arthur Mercer and Dr. Michael J. Lorenzo tied for first place In a kickers handicap with net scores of "!). Mercer's card read M-17, 79 while Dr, Lorenzo turned in a , 7!>. Head* Education Board. Mr*. Mary R. White, vice president of the Freehold board or education, has been elected president of the board to succeed Earl E. Dix, who recently resigned after a controversy, over the policies of Uje fewrd. Trims Neptune High Huber Scores Twice and Bolger Once Boasting nf IU greateit turn In years, Middletown township high school scored three times in the second half Saturday afternoon at to crush the Neptune high school eleven 19 to 0. continues unbeaten, untied and un- cored upon, while Neptune Is seeking it* first victory. Trying to spring an upaet after their four straight defeats, Neptune battled the big aquad to a scoreless deadlock in the flrst half but could not cope with th* power and versatile attack launched by the Middletown squad. Neptune advanced into territory only twice and waa thrown back within th* 30- yard stripe on both occasions. Early in the second half atarted on the march. Jerry WiUon ran back a punt to his own 3* and five playa later a score waa mad*. A 22-yard pass and line plunge* by Bolger, Bonnette, Huber and Bolger again at* up the 61 intervening yards. Roy Ooclon Intercepted a pass on Neptune's 25 and set up the aecond touchdown. Bolger passed to Huber on the 14 and Huber went through center for 10 more yafds on the next play. Two downs later Huber again Bows To Asbury Park's Undefeated Team Netcher Scores Twenty-Six Points in 32-0 Victory Jack Netehtr, though a junior I. high school, proved hi* right to th title of th* outstanding backflcl man of Monmouth county and look in on stata honors at the conelusion ef th* season Saturday when he scored J* polnta as Asbury Park high school footbal eleven deflated high school 32 to 0 In Asbury Park stadium. Netcher < pletely evarahadowed the performance of th* cntlr* shore team which now has chalked up six atralght victories without a lot* in on* of its beat seasons. could do nothing trains the powerful Asbury Park line, an its passing gam* netted them only five yards. Asbury Park, on U». other hand, wae always doing th right thing, tatlstlas show the outrushed 131 yard* to ' in th* entire game. made two flrst down* against 18 for Asbury Park. Netcher took a Red Bsnk punt on his own 10 in th* opening minute* and went back to the 35. Ehrlgh moved to the 50 and on second down Netcher dashed through the entire R*d Bank eleven for 50 yarda and a touchdown. waa forced to Its own goal line later in th* period when Neteher made anothe drive. However, the Maroon lln halted the attack on the 13. On the third play of the secom quarter Bob Davis, fullback, tried to kick out of danger in his own end sone. Jim Wilson, trying to block for Davis, only succeeded In blocking th* kick. Husto, Asbury Park right end, recovered on th* five and we* downed on the three. Tony Falco mad* two yards at center and Netcher crossed the goal Una on tb* Mcond down. Netcher returned th* kick-off in th* second half from th* 15 to hia own 33 and started the assault onee again. Dugan dashed M yards. Two plunges gained a yard and than Netcher passed to Dugea on the 32, Netcher want far to hi* right en fourth down and threw a pas* to Musto on th* R*d Bank five but tb* play waa called back as Nsteher was not far nough behind the lln* of scrimmsga, Although Asbury Park lost the bal It only postponed th* touchdown. After two passe* failed to gala any yardage, VaccarelU kicked to Asbury Park's M. Ehrlgh picked up thr** yard* and then Neteher mad* sis on two drives through th* line. He then made five yards around th* end gained four mor«right aid*. Netcher and Ehrlng through th* charged over canter and was momentarily stopped but broke away and out-sprinted Btevtna for hi* third touchdown. took th* ball late In th third period on it* own 36. but then fumbled on th* flrat down and Asbury started moving again. Th* drive was halted on th* 1* as two sailed incomplete into the end con*. A poor punt set th* stag* for Aabury Park'* fourth touchdown In th* fourth qusrter. Dugan brought back a Jaw kick from Vaccarelli te the Red Btnk II. Neteher ran 21 yards to the eight-yard line and scored moment later. Petillo Intercepted a paaa from after the kick-off and ran from '* 45 to the seven be fore bting brought down. Petillo went over center, this time for a PMS,d to Win*a on th* on*-yard lln* touchdown. After an exchange of punts gave the ball on the Neptune 35 in the fourth period, Huber dashed inside his left tackle and twisted hia way for 35 yards and the third touchdown. Neptune McDermott Rosenthal B. Moser Raaanstein G. Moser Franklin Hurley Packard MeDonald Slocum Thompson N l.e l.t LG C RG HT UK QB LH RH FB pn FB Neptune 0 0 Leonard* r'oulka Koleda Adubato Goelon McGouih Connett Smith Wilton Bolger Bonnette Tarlay IS 6 11 Touchdowns Bolger; Huber 2. Point aftr touohdown Adubato (placement). Subatltutions, Huber, Brower, Simpson, O'Neil, PelU. Mahnkan, Murphy. Dabele, Grimm. Hamilton, Peloie, Watson, Gilea. Naptun*. Danker, Barte, Ilayton, Martusceill, Shlhla, Toombe. Referee, Makln; umpire, Gerber*. head inasman, Limonelto. Wins Initial Game Pleasant Stars As Toms River Bows on third down and then fumbled on laat down a* h* tried to score. Red Bank recovered and took th* ball on its own one-yard lln*. Davis, desperately trying to complete on* pass, threw from th* end zone but Bobby Le* Intercepted on the line of scrimmage and stepped Into the end sone for th* last touchdown. Asbury Park concluded th* game after they had atarted another scoring march. Th* gam* was halted with Asbury Park In possession of the ball on 'a 2*. The gam* waa tha worst defeat of the seaaon by the eleven and thr fifth atraight loss and th* fourth game in which failed to acore. Sakowiu Galatro Esposlta. Truex Simond* Ilendrieka Mler lacobua.steveni, Wilson Davis Asbury Park... A. A. won its first game f tha Monmouth County Grid Conerence schedule Sunday afternoon on its home field by defeating Toms River A. C. 12 to 0. Abe Pleasant dashed 70 yards in the opening perod for the winner's flrst score. Toms River moved across the mldeld stripe but once and that was n the first half when a forward pass :rom Norcross to Whiteman was?ood on ' 47. Norcroaswas injured later In the same and had to be assisted from the field. Pleasant set up the second score n the fourth period when he re- :urned a punt from the 35 to the from whers Jim Keyts took it in on* try. oma River Holmes Wilbert, Llnnell MeTamany Irons Norcross Vt'hllemnn Miller LE LT I.G r u R RT RK UK LH RH FB «M River A C Erhlands A. A H! ftlan«a Kwik Cottrell Pitta Johnson Minor Davlee Robertson Vsufthan Pleasant J. Keyes E. Dcmpsey 0 0 It a n n e l: Touchdowns Pleasant, J-. Keyes. Substltutions Toma River. Benium, user, Reift. A. A.. T. Keyes,, Dempaey. Waters, Rubley, Qua"'. Van- Kirk, Anderson, Andrawa. Referee, MeGonlffle; umpire Gillist head inesman, Conover. Drowningx in New York City have eereased 40 per cent, a. year te toe laat tu y**n, I.K LT LB C it a RT RE QR LH RH FB Aekury Park Layton Mertorella Wills lieillano iutphln Rein Mueto Seott Ehriwt Duvan Xateher» e e 7 ( «IS»2 Touchdowns, Netcher 4. Lea. Point after touchdown, Nateher 1. by placement. Substitution! Aaburr Fark, Luaardl, Quatrann, Brown, Farsalla, Falco, Smock, Nobile. Vetrano, Goldfarb. Sulll'in, Leet, Gtoll, J. Petillo, Manser, Baroska, Wlnaa, Morris. Manson. Satsman. Savoth, Mautner. Johnson, A Petillo, Jordan., Hammer, Howeil, Price, Woleott, Brandon, Tomatno, O'Connor, Dana«r. Raferee, Raid: umpire, Storer: heaa linesman, Mldklff. Dinner Party At Pleasant Valley A surprise birthday dinner party was given Tuesday night for Mrs. John Fallon of Matawan In Pleasant Valey inn at Holmdel. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Scanlon, Sr., and daughter Bernadette of Jersey City, Mr. and Mr«. Frank Scajilon, Jr., of Irvington, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Strickland of Cllffwood, Miss May Lyons ef Laurence Harbor, James C. D'.y of and Mr. and Mrs. George Miller, Mrs. Richard Erdrrun, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Strickland, Miss Mildred Fallon, Raymond Tallon, Harold Thorson and John Glvens of Matawan. He Vpa«t a Theory. La Jolls, Calif. (AP) Contrary to popular belief the hot summer days are not the time when water (vaporates most readily, aays Dr, H. U. Svardrup of Scripp* Institution of Oceanography. He believes that aea water evaporates fastest in the late fall and early winter because the air must be cooler than th* water for evaj» *Usa itj MM alts*. Rumson Athletic Field Dedication Saturday Flag Raiting Ceremony Before Teams Battle On the Gridiron - Field Club Loses To Nutley_Dukes Vcrn Bennett Stars in Last Period Bid The Field club was defeated 12 to 7 by the Nutley Iron Dukes at, for their second loe* of th* season agalnat three victories. Nutley scored in the first quarter after marching 56 yards. Zuiiio intarcepted a field club pass on his own 46 and dashed to the 35. A series of ground playa advanced tb* ball to the 20 and two passes brought them to the two-yard line from where Giron scored the touchdown on a center rush. Three passes and a line buck s,te up 41 yards in the last two minute* of the aecond period and resulted in the Iron Dukes' second touchdown. Giron took an eight-yard pass from Evans on the two-yard line and crossed over th* goal. Late in the game Vern Bennet started doing some passing of bis own for the Field club and it appeared that the home team might come from behind and steal the game away. After returning a punt ten yarda to his own 46, Bennett pasted to Halllday on the Nutley 29. Halliday, pushed forward and wss tackled on the 16. On the next play Bennett passed to Dayton Wilson on the oneyard line and the ex-boxer stepped into the end sone. Bennett converted with a place-kick. was on its way to another score in the closing minutes of play, but the Iron Dukes hurled them ba«k on the Nutley 6-yard line. Nutler Fisher Nuient O'Neill Smith Arthur Mannlna Wooddoth Giron Evana Rithardson *>!«!" Leenara*»» I T T Nutler I I I 0 12 Scormai Touchdown Giron 2. Wilson. Pslnt after touchdown V. Bennett (placement.) Subetltutlons: Halllday, Wallace, C. Bennett, Carmen, Alverson, Maek, Adubato, Lohsen, Corbett, Lisk, Koster. Officials: Referee Frank, Umpire Gummina. Heao. linesman Esldlo. Kennel Club Shew. The Jersey Shor* Kennel club will hold it* flnal match of th* seaaon Friday night of next week at the North Solarium on the boardwalk at Asbury Park. The judge for all breeds will be Bain Cobb, well known gun-dog man and manager nf Leonard Buck's Blackstone kennels. LMnara** Yore; Hellish lembert Gettla Mowbrar Kelly Brown Mooner V. Bennett Wilson Dike; LE LT LS C RP, RT RE QB LH BH FI It pays to advertise in The Register. Th* Rumson board of led by the president, Bertram H. 1 den, will hold dedicatory eierelaea Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock o* the new athletic field when Rumson high school opposes th* Atlantis Highland* football squad. With th* high school football tasaa making a name for ths Rumses) lev stitution with five wins and no 4e» feat* the board of education plekael an opportune aeason to hold the es> erclses with an undefeated team tak> Ing part in the affair. The dedication on the beautiful oval field will present a colorful picture, with the Rumson band, drum nd bugl* corps, cheerleader* anal football team parading en the grounds. After numbers by th* band asset bugle corps, the cheerleader* wtll join in a flag formation. At the eoncluslon of the Sag formation the spectators and students will sing ' "Star Spangled Banner," with JafUl Briggs leading the singing. John Delanoy, board member, wtl then take charge of th* flag raising on the new flagpole recently areeted on the west end of the field. Mr. Borden, who Is president ef the board, will glv* th* dedicatory address. Jack Ford, president ef the student council, and William Jakubecy will respond for the atudenta and footbaal team, respectively, Muriel Briggs wtll follow with a solo, God Bless America." Ths raisins of the school banner by th* Atlantis) and Rumson football teams will elimax. the affair. Mayor James C. Auchincloss aael Councilmen Robert C Illsley, Leula M. Hague, James P. Bruce, heme* T. Coleman, Francis Nary and J. Idward Wilson have been invited to attend th* dedication and football game. Barter Tea To Aid London Children ' Mrs. J. Ritchie Smith ** Eetatw town will be hostess at a British barter tea Wednesday aftemaea, November It, at her hom* en Tlntm avenue. The proceed* will b* given to th* "Save a Child Federation," and Mrs. Smith and her committee hope te raise at least WO te ear* for London children. The float tej take care of one child In London la 130. Mrs. L. Gray Marshall ef Deal will assist th* hostes* In receiving; guests. Mrs. Frank L. Ganter of Middletown will be auctioneer. Tea, and English trifle will b* served to the guests. Others assisting are Mrs. W. I* Wardell of Eatontown and Mrs. Howard S. Hlgginson of Fair Haven. About 1,300,000 persons in the U. S. are employed In public education. at a SAYING Its Time to Try mflrvcls The CIGARETTE of Quality TOrUNO a.othmj, NillaseltM*, fa. YOUCOULDNT ASK FOR 8ETTERBEER MAKE MINE RUPPERT RUPPERT UaHll UlmM-l i?!nl>*»s»*hfl Brewed according» <h* rsmowf "Old Knickerbocker" fonnnla... WJZ5 rootmu SCOW br Ruppart awry lemrdar I»e»lsa :JO WBAF 3:53 WEAF «;» WOR 7:00» WJZ t.00

24 D. A. K. HONORED. The members of the Monmouth County Chapters of the Daughters of the American Revolution were guests of honor at Battalion Parade, at Fort Monmouth, p'riday. Following the parade, tea was served by the members of the "Oceanport" Chapter at the quarters of the Commandant, Brigadier General Dawson Olmstoad and Mrs. Olm- Thls Chapter is composed of wives and daughters of officers stationed at Fort Monmouth. "Safety" Brake AdjiMtinr, See Norman SHERMAN'S TWO-DAY SALE Friday and Saturday Only! GENUINE AdjusU-Net LACE CURTAINS Lowest Price for This Season Regular $ Pair 69 C Pair 3 pair O.00 for «FOB THIS SALE ONLY! The Sherman Shop M BROAD ST., HEP DANK River Plaza Club Honors Members Cortaget Presented to Past Officer* Past presldenti of the River Plaza Woman's club and Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Mecklem were honored at a reception given by the club Saturday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Thompson of River Plaza. Mr. and Mrs. Mecklem have returned to River Plaza after living In Nova Scotia. The Mecklems were welcomed home by Mrs. Addlson Sanborn. Mrs. Mecklem, who Is a, past president of the club was given a bouquet of autumn flowers, and Mr. Mecklem received a boutonnlerfl from the club. Mr«. Clifford W. Stiles, president. Introduced the past presidents and gave each a corsage. Past presidents are Mrs. Mecklem, Mrs. Sanborn, Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. Edwin Brasch, Mrs. Frank F. Curtis, Mrs. L. Percy Stout, Mrs. Harold S. Allen and Miss Florence Brand. After the presentation of the (lowers the club members sang "Auld Lang Syne," and according to an old Scottish custom joined hands while singing. Bridge was played and a supper was served at midnight. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Slllcs, Mr. and Mrs. Sanborn, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis, Mr. and Mrs. Mecklem, Mr. and Mrs. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Brasch, Mr. and Mrs. Stout, Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Legg, Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Searles, Mr. and Mrs. George Voorhis, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Wells, Mr. and Mrs. William Mumford, Mr. and Mrs. William Gaughan, Mrs. Thomas Paul, Mrs. Conant Speer, Mrs. H. C. Mecklem, 3d., Mrs. Ben- Ijamln A. Crate, Jr. and Miss Florj ence Brand. i Boys can make extra pocket money ; selling The Register. Advertisement THERE MUST BE NO THIRD TERM! How can the citizen today fail to fulfill hit responsibility if, on the question of a third Presidential term, he but follow* the judgment of the founders of the Republic and of those great Americans who have preserved it through a century and a half of glorious history? GEORGE WASHINGTON WOULD HAVE VOTED AGAINST THE THIRD TERM ' There cannot, in my judgment, t» tht least denier diet the President will ever b«abla to continue himself one monunt in office, much leu perpetuete himself in it, but in (ha /ait tttfr of corrupted mora/i end political dtpnrity." THOMAS JEFFERSON WOULD HAVE VOTED AGAINST THE THIRD TERM "Should e Fruident content to be e cmdliat* *r e third election, { tnut Ae Would be niected on this demomfrifion of unbitiaut 1 GROVER CLEVELAND WOULD HAVE VOTED AGAINST THE THIRD TERM "When we consider the patronaie of thle frett office, the allurements of power and, more than all, the aveilability a party finds in an Incumbent when a horde d officeholder! Hand ready to aid with trained politicel aeelitance, we reco alia in the ali(ibility of the Preiidtnt for reelection tht mot eetioue deafer to that calm, deliberate and infllifrnt act ion which mutt characteriie e toreminent by tht people." W00DR0W WILSON WOULD HAVE VOTED AGAINST THE THIRD TERM "It is intolerable that any President should be permitted to determine who ahould succeed him-himself or another-by pitronage or coercion, or by my tort o/ con!«; o/ the machinery by which delegetei to tht nominating convention an choten." Whatever your opinion of the candidates or your judgment of the issues; whatever personal interests may be involved, isn't it your clear duty to say "No" to a third term and to VOTE FOR WENDELL WILLKIE FOR PRESIDENT -AND HAGUE RULE UST END! In this fast mounting surge of national opinion against the concentration and perpetuation of executive power is New Jersey's chance to rid itself once and for all of Hague bossism with its ballot corruption, poll book burning and arrogant disregard of our right to free elections. Are you going to let Boss Hague continue to rule the whole State from his Jersey City roost or ARE YOU GOING TO VOTE FOR THE NEW JERSEY CANDIDATES WHOSE RECORDS SHOW THAT THEY WILL SERVE-NOT RVtE-YOU? Vote for the fearless man who has gone down the line to protect the liberties given you by our Constitution, a free press, free speech, freedom of religion and of assembly W. WARREN BARBOUR FOR U. S. SENATOR Vote for the man whose experience and record in the service of the State is an inviolate promise of an efficient, sound administration in the interest of the citizens rather than politidana-the man who leads the fight against Hague and the sinister voting frauds in Hudson County ROBERT C. HENDRICKSON FOR GOVERNOR And vote for your Republican candidate for Congresi JOSEPH C. IRWIN nd for the State Republican ticket (TWs Mlrt, paid lor by Ike New Jersey HermblicM Cempaip, Conmitle.) Announce Betrothal Of Shrewsbury Girl John W. Ellis of Shadow Brook farm, Shrewsbury, announced the engagement of his daughter, Miss Catherine I. Ellis, to John Attridge of Brldgeton, formerly of, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Richard Attridge of. MISS CATHERINE I. ELUS D BANK REGISTER, OCTOBER *0. Makes Statement > About Chryslers Maurice Schwartz Says They Have Eye Appeal "Eye appeal," according to M»urlce Schwartz local Chrysler dealer, "is a very important factor in automobile sains and we have that In «h«1941 models as never befor*. W«have so much of it that many who never before have bought or «ven considered our products are bound to be attracted at first glanc*. "Another feature that is sur«to stimulate interest to the new 'multiple jet' carburetor, which will «iv«the 1941 Chryslen a graally Improved performance plus greatly Increased economy in fuel consumption. Finally, Fluid Drlv«registered uch a tremendous hit In the 1MO models that it if certain to bring us new business," aays Mr. Schwarti. 'It is standard equipment In all our eights for 1W1 and ie offered 1 optional equipment on the remainder of the Chrysler line. Thle feature waa Introduced two year* ago but was available only on our cars in the higher price brackets. In 1940 we made it available on modrate priced models and thus enabled a large number of people to Kct acquainted with It. 'Our records show that owners The bride-to-be is a graduate of St. Vincent Ferrer business school of I without exce'ption'iire delighted'with New York and Is employed a s secretary to Jack Arnold, Sr., of Bridge ler corporation engineering. They this exclusive achievement of Chrys- avenue, distributor of Standard Oil have 'talked it up' among their products. Mr. Attridge Is a graduate of Catholic high school Incalculable good. We feel certain friends in a way that ii doing ua and is employed by.the Prudential Life Insurance company at Bridgeton. University Student Undergoes Operation Donald E. Asay, son of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Asay of Rverside Height, is recovering In Watts hospital, Durham, North Carolina, following an emergency operation for appendicitis. Donald, who ranks amontr the best in this locality in handling sailboats and iceboats, Is a student at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, North Caroline. He was stricken one night last week and rushed to the hospital at Durham for the operation. His parents upon being notified left immediately by car for the South, a distance, of 507 miles, driving all night. They renmihiid several days until they were sure their son waa out of danger and then returned that both actually and relatively the number of fluid drive ealei will vastly increase in 1941."»» i e»i NATIONAL FARM AND HOME HOUR. The achievement phaee of the 4-H club program on the National Farm and Home Hour to be broadcast over Station WJZ from 12:30 to 1:30 next Saturday will be presented by several Monmouth coijnty 4-H club members and County Club Agent Howard J. Stelle. The program, which has been planned by the itate 4-H club leader, working in co-operation with the Monmouth County E«- tension oftlce, will emphasise achievements of 4-club membera In various activities sponsored by the Trl-County Auction Market association during the past summer. In connection with this, John Frudden of Clark*- burg and Donald Feseux of Hailet will tell of their experiences in a discussion with Robert M. Dllatuah, home. Mr. and Mrs. Asay expect to i j,. p president of the. board of dlrecleave again Sunday for Durham and tors of the Tri-County Market, and bring Donald home until he has ful- j Howard J. Stelle, county club agent, ly recovered. Achievements of garden club members will be represented by Jamei SHREWSBURY SCHOOL NEWS. DeHart of Mlllhurst, who ha. carried one of the moet successful garden The children In the sixth and seventh grades of the Shrewsbury school presented an original play entitled "King Arthur Rides Again" last week projects this year in the county, which haj contributed to the lupport of the family table thli summer and also canned vegetables for n assembly. Based on the old leg- winter use. Poultry club achievements :ndary story of King Arthur and his \nights, costumed In papier-mache lelmets and armour of tho period, he play was realistic and humorous. The cast of characters were King will be represented by Gui- tave Schmidt of Engllshtown and his dad, which represents an outstand-1 Ing father-son partnership whereby Gus has built up in retail routes in \rthur, John Jeffrey; Queen Gulne- the metropolitan area which provide /ere, Bernard Marx; Lancelot, Bob j the outlet for hia own 4-H club pro- rench; Lady Lione3, Joe Scott; Sir ciuce, plus eggs and poultry produced ay, Melvln May; Sir Ector, Albert by his dad. Tench; Black Knight, Frank Cur- The 4-H hybrid corn projects and :y; Guinevere's father, Charles dairy club work will be represented : 3uckalew; Beaumanls, Park Lam- >orn, and a horse, William Stubbs, ho did double duty as Sir Bedivere. by William M. Patterson of Ardena, who Is finishing his final year as a 4-H club member and he la now assuming the leadership of the Free- In recent spelling contests to deermine the ultimate winners of the hold, Jr., Dairy club. The New Jersey _ delegatee\on _ - the eighth grade spelling championship,' Farm and Home Hour will be heard Alice Gallivan and Betty Dolan I from to 1.15 apeciflcally. All emerged the winners. The winner of 4-H club membeie, parenta and jach match Is awarded a letter of friends will be interested in hearing the word "Champ." A winner's first this broadcast, which will take the award is the letter "C," the second award is the letter "H, 1 etc., until a contestant wins five matches, thus ipelllng the word "Champ" and earn- ng the title "Champion Speller of The Southard Friendship club at he Eighth Grade." A cash award their meeting on October 18 at the f $2.50 Is presented to the winner. Grange hall, with nine members, one visitor and the two leaders, Mrs. Le- Diana Fetter of the first grade won Compte and Mrs. Mick, and the the weekly contest for the most work County Home Demonstration agent, I accomplished In reading. present, adopted the planned program for the club year. A pattern Robert Patrick of the second grade demonstration was given by Alma j recently won a writing contest. Mar- i Robblns and Mildred Clayton, and ion VanPelt and Harriet Madnlck re-1 -work for the next meeting to be held ceived honorable mention. form of an impromptu discussion. SOUTHARD FRIENDSHIP. Charles LeValley placed first the weekly writing contest held the third grade. Richard Berger and Elaine Marx were second and third. The children of the first grade are decorating the room for their Halloween party, which will be held this afternoon. The reception grade will also attend this party. An assembly program will be presented In the auditorium Monday by the members of the fourth and flfth grades. The Major Boys' Blue team, led by Quarterback Park Lamborn In a touch football game last Thursday on the school field, defeated the Major Boys' White team, 12 to 0. The Blue team consisted of Barney Mare, Mai Novlns, Bud Molony, Park Lamborn, Jeff Jeffrey, Flash Stubbs and George Lange, -while Gene Miltenberger, Clarence Berger, Francis Sagurton, Ed. Sagurton, Charles Buckalew, Hank Miltenberger and "Marble" represented the Whiles. Last Thursday Captain Betty Dolan's White team defeated Captain Kathryn Molony's Blue team 9 to 6 In a Softball game. V. T. A. SKATING IMRTV. The Mechanic Street School Parent-Teacher association, held a roller skating party at the Singing Wheels area at Shrewsbury Thursday night. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stoothoff, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Chadwlck, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Van- Ostenbrldge, Mrs. Harold K. Howard Mrs. Albeit S. Graullck, Mrs. Alfred Beck Mrs. E. F. Heyman, Mrs. Frank Hurst, Mrs. William Chadwick, Miss Bess Green, Miss Edna Manps and Miss May Plerson The road to better and bigger business leads through The Register's ad. fertlslne columns,-advertisement. tomorrow at 7:30 in the Grange hall, was planned to be potholders for the beginners, slips for the juniors and the fitting of skirts for the seniors. A new member, Ruth Weppler, also attended the meeting. SUMMEKFIELD JUNIORS. The Summerfleld Junior club met October 24 at the home of Dorothy Zlckler, with six members and the two leaders, Mrs. Polhemus and Mrs. Zlckler, present. During the business meeting Patsy Mclsaac and Mary Jane Shafto were appointed as a by-laws committee, and cards were sent to the sick. Also plans were discussed for the annual 4-H club rally on Saturday, December 7. Following the business meeting, candled apples and baking powder biscuits were made by the girls. Salads will be made at the next meeting on November 14 at the home of Gertrude Stum. WAYSIDE 4-H CLUB. On October 18, nine girls and three of their mothers met at the home of Mrs. Edward Roche at Wayside to organize a new home economics 4-H club. Mrs, Roche Is to be the leader. Temporary officers were elected at follows: president, Betty Schumann; secretary-reporter, Mildred Voorhees. The County Home Demonstration agent was present, and after some discussion it was decided that this club would also make the pot bolder, dish towel and apron unit. CHURCH OF THE AIR. A Christian Science program under the direction vl the Christian Science Committee on Publication for New Jersey, will be broadcast over Station WBRB, tomorrow afternoon at 4:45. Harold A. Johnson, a former Reader of First Church of Christ, Scientist, Red Bank, will have charge uf the program and "the subject will be, "Unl- versal Love.". i.. Send JOE IRWIN to Congress It has been many years since Eed Bank had the opportunity to send one of its own citizens to the Halls of Congress, This year our nation faces a multitude of grave decisions. The ballots of American citizens will decide next Tuesday whether the American way of life., and the time-honored tradition against a THIRD TERM, shall be continued, or changed. is proud of Joe Irwin. He was born and raised in, entered business with his father in, and has served the community in many ways. In 1984 we elected him to the Borough Council. In 1937 the voters of Monmouth County sent him to represent us in the Legislature at Trenton. At present he is serving us as a member of the Board of Chosen Freeholders. Now we have a chance to send Joe Irwin to Congress. Let's get behind him, Red Bank! We know where Joe stands on the THIRD TERM. He's agajnst it. We know Joe won't be a rubber-stamp New Deal Congressman, but a vigorous representative of the people of this Congressional District and the people of. As.friends and neighbors we urge you to go to the polls Tuesday and SEND "JOE" IRWIN TO CONGRESS * * * * CHARLES R. ENGLISH EUlf A VAN BOHOIOK GEORGE W. BRAT IfAUDB BRAT LOUISE CREE ETHEL VANINWEOEN CORA MINTON HOWARD HURLET HELEN IMLAT D01IINICK PALAIA JOHN GALATRO RICHARD APPLEGATE JAKES A. CURLEY E. E. MORRIS GILBERT HANSON A FRIEND W. A. CLATTON A. M. MINTON A FRIEND M. V. BROWN HARRT B. CLATTON FRANK F. GROFF B. L. ATWATER WILLIAM WELLNER J. A. VANBCHOICK J. EDGAR BRAT JOHN P. MULVIHILL LESTER ROSS JOHN C. ROHRET LESTER LOVETT HOWARD LIPPINCOTT THOMAS COOK THEODORE DOREMUS A FRIEND ROBERT N. MAIDA FRED BROWN WILLIAM BOLTON FRANK CRAWFORD JOHN CALANDRIELLO NICK PIZZO TOM GOPSILL J. C. PARKE3 B. T. DOREMUS JOHN PETILLO JOHN GATTA TONY MAZZA DR. R. BROWNING WILSON JAMES S. PARKES FRANK E. PRICE CECIL C. CRAWFORD VICTOR PARKER HARRY ARCHER MRS. MRS. MRS. ELIZABETH SMITH FRANK E. PRICE ENID CUNNINGHAM CHARLES E. HAMMELL STEPHEN H. LEQUIER MRS. STEPHEN H. LE QUIER COURTLANDT WHITE JOHN HANSON HARRY MALCHOW WILLIAM WIKOFF CHARLES SCHNEIDER MORRIS J. WOODRING HAROLD E. HECKMAN CHARLES E. APPLEGATE' LESTER E. MCQUEEN LEO R. LEVY ALLAN MACLEOD CHARLES H. MORE WILLIAM TOMANIO, SR. ARNOLD SIMON RICHARD HACKSTAFF EDMUND CRELIN WILLIAM COSTELLO NANCY B. HACKSTAFF. JOSEPH CALVER ELIZABETH LANE CLINTON F. ELLIOTT CHESTER ROGERS GEORGE ALLEN ALEXANDER E. WILDE WALLACE JEFFREY' A FRIEND JOSEPH SERPICO T. P. DOREMUS ' EDWARD W. DOWNS KENNETH R. SMITH HARRY KLATSKY SHERMAN MANNING ROLSTON HAROLD ALLEN WATERBURY EDWARD W.ISE, JR. JOHN BAILLY HERBERT E. EDWARDS BERNARD KATSIN (, '., THEODORE PARSONS WILLIAM BLAIR, JR. SAM TANKO LEO GOLDBERG MARTIN WIODORWIW GEORGE OLMSTEAD JACK KIRSCHBAUH WILLIAM KLATSKT/ HARRT C. 8EIBER HARVEY HARTMAN BURTON C. DOREMUS GEORGE A. GRAT MAXWELL H. KLARIN JOHN MAIDA THOMAS J. PRESTIE PETER MUSTACCHA TONT PRIVITERA FRANK SCONDUTO TONT PINGATORE LOUIS TRIPODO FRANK GALATRO^ CLARENCE HARRIS WILLIAM COOPER RAYMOND BATTLE FRED DUDLEY P. L. JONES RAYMOND MARK YOUR BALLOT AS FOLLOWS: MEMBER HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Exl JOSEPH C. IRWIN McGUIRE CHARLES ROBINSON JOHN WESTBROOK JAMES DUDLEY HARRY WILLIAMS Vote for One Paid for by Friends of Joe Irwin

25 BE A BOOSTER M M your merchant*, Booct your organlulloni, Daoct your officiate. Boost your nelfbbort and your Community will BOOM you. RED BANK REGISTER SECTION THREE VOLUME LXIII, NO. 19. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, PAGES 1 TO 12. Democrats Probe Middletown Township Charge Illegal Registrations At Lincrot Voting Place An attempt ii being made by Lawrenco A. Carton, Jr., attorney for Mrs. Mabel Curtis of River Plaza to put a. halt to hearing* being conducted by the county board of clectiona on the Democratic probe ot alleged registration Irregularities in Middletown township. The first hear Ing was held at Freehold Friday and was adjourned until tomorrow morning. Mr. Carton will apply to the «u ' preme court this morning for i writ of certiorari to set aside» resolution and proceedings taken pursuant thereto Friday by the county election board. A complaint signed by John II. Kowler of lllvcr Plaza, Democratic memben of the llftli district election board at Lincroft, was filed with William F. Leffcrson, chairman of the county election board, last week. John J, Qulnn, Democratic state commttteeman, and Cecil S, Ackerson, chairman of the Democratic county committee, requested Mr. Lefferson to call an immediate meeting of the election board and subpoena witnesses "su that the true facts of this district in Middletown townbhlp can bo disclosed for the purffoao of preventing illegal registrations and illegal votes on election day." Mr. Fowler chained that Mia. Curll«, a Republican member or the Lincroft eletclon board, refused to let him examine the registry books for the purpose of making up his lists: that the names of persons who did not appear personally to register have been written In on the regis try books; that the board lias not been organized and there isino judge of elections; that hanging lists showing tbn voters of!rmt district cannot be found and have not been hung publicly. It was brought out at Friday's hearing that the names of Mr. and Mr*, Earl Hcnschel and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hcnschel of Atlantic, who have just built new homes at Llncroft, were registered, although they are not yet residents of that place. The question of whether or not the county board of elections had jurisdiction in the matter was the storm center of Friday's six-hour session. Verbal battles between members of the. two political pauics spiced the proceedings. Qulnn charged the Republicans with attempts to cover up disclosures In the township. He»aid: "They resort to the usual bugaboo by charging Hague politics." He declared in one district alone In Middletown township there were as many as 100 persons on the registry books who are either dead, unknown or who have moved away. Some, ho said, have been dead ten to 15 years and others moved away five or six years ago. "In Hudson county," he continued, "they wouldn't dare put as many dead persons on the registration lists." Carton declared that the action was peanut politics designed to smear Middletown township. "Fowler," he said, "had no right to take action," terming the Democratic election board member a "Charllo McCarthy" operating under Hague tactics. Carton declared that Fowler, the complainant, In his complaint admitted Illegal acts as a member of the election board. On the county board the two Republicans, Frank Price of and Mrs. Emily Woolley, lined up against the two Democrats, Mr. Lefferson and Joseph Hahn, and all votes resulted in a two-to-two tie. The following resolution was adopted Friday by the executive committee of tho United Women's Republican clubs at a meeting at Mrs. Louise Bodmnn's home on Naveslnk River road: "WHEREAS: H has been brought to the attention ot the executive board of the United Women's Repub Mean clubs of Monmouth county, at tho homo of thn president, Mrs. Georgo Bodmnn, assembled nt their monthly meeting on October 25, 1040, that Mrs. Frank Curtis of Middlclown township, who Is a member of the district election board, lately has been subjected to an unwarranted and vicious attack for alleged irregularities In the pursuance of her duties on the last registration day, and "WHEREAS: leaders of the Democratic party have wantonly disregarded all decenclca and proprieties and have shown discourtesy and spito In an attempt to discredit it ml hurt iv moflt highly respected and dignified lady a leader in her church nnd community; and "WHEREAS: Thn use of such tactics In an attempt to gain unfair political advantage in a contest In which they are facing defcal; "BE IT THEREFORE RE- SOLVED: That wo do hereby express our abhorrence and contempt of such methods and desire to record our respect and admiration of Mrs. Curtis' well-known Integrity, grnclousness of personnlity and unfailing adherence, to all that is highest nnd best In personal and political life. Signed: The United Women's Republican Club of Monmouth County, By Mrs. F. Howard Lloyd, Chairman, Mrs. John T. Lnwley, Mrs. Lewis S. Thompson. The fatiswitir statement mas nuulo by Captain Albret Runyin of Belford, cliairmnn of tho Mi:Idletnwn township committee: I have read in the papers of an nltack ngalnst tho election registration In Middletown township, made by John J. Qulnn, Democratic leader of Monmouth county, claiming fraud, and to^uso his own language, "an appalling and ntroclous situation." 1 also note that he lias directed particular vicious nnd unwarranted attack against a member of the - board of registry and election of the fifth district, Mrs. Frank S. Curtis, who is a lady of fine reputation in her community, a lady who is most conscientious In anything which she undertakes. It Is ijulu: significant, that after spending an entire day before the Monmouth county board of election, the only irregularities charged a#all, was that out of a total legist rat Ion of 807, there is a question raised as to whether four persons were registered properly, no claim'being made that they are not legal voters of Monmouth county. The people of Middletown township resent the slur cast upon Its fair name by the false charges by Mr. Qulnn. I personally wish to protest In uonnectlon with the reflection upon the members of the election boards. We have nine districts in the township and Tour members on each board, or 36 In all. Eighteen of these people are Democrats, and 18 of them are Republicans. Jf there is fraud in connection whh the registration of voters, all S8 must he guilty, Including 18 members of Mr. Quinn's own party., I know- that this Is untrue. The election qfjlcials, both Democrats and Republicans in the township, are men and women who occupy positions of respect In their locality, are people of integrity and have given yeara of conscientious devotion to duty and service In connection with this work. The late Albeit S. Sickles was planning (his year to observe his BOth" year as a member of the election board of his district, half a century, mind you. Mr. Qulnn seems to rant upon the Increased registration In the township this year. This Is the case throughout the entire county of Monmouth where there is an Increase of over 14,000. Thi i the nation. e i an Increase of This is true throughout In New York state the registration hap Increased to ouch an extent that they are passing a law to extend the hours of voting in order to glvo people an opportunity of voting. Mr. Quinn has no doubt made chile politicians are making,' they overlook the fact that the election Warning! The Second National Bank *. Trust company has again asked The Register to warn holders of the bank's new common stock not to sell their stock at a loss unless it I" absolutely necessary and then they should consult officials of the bank. The Bank also requested The Register to announce that it hid no connection whatsoever with postcards being sent out by Investment companies advertising the fact that they buy and sell the bank's new common stock. Junior Club To Give Fashion Show And Play 'inn Skytop" to 0e Presented at Molly Pitcher Next Month No Dental Work In Schools At Freehold Nurse Brings Matter Before Social Service Health and Welfare Group The Junior Woman's club will present a play, "Inn Skytop," combined with a fashion show, at. the Molly Pitcher hotel, Friday, November 22. The play was written by the co-chairmen of the event, Audrey Willis and Betty Rltter. Last year the club presented Its first fashion show and it met with such approval that a special performance was given at Long Branch. Tickets have been distributed and may be obtained from any club member, or Catherine Findlay, ticket sales chairman. Rocelia Ashumn Is in charge of programs; Virginia Havlland, ushers, and Muriel Kalomyck, publicity, Vogels of and Long Branch will display clothes for all occasions at the show, Models for the first scene are Dorothy Woods, June Smith, Ruth Kubll, Muriel Kalomyck, Janet Holmes, Rose Bottagaro, Ruth Jackson, Dorothy VanSauter, Ann Reuther and Joan Llpplncott. Models for scene two are Rocelia Ashumn,...g. «r. wu.nn nas no doubt made T** ^? lly ' M "?, er) ; P»wer B, Judthc samo mistake that so many ma- uh Smlth and Virginia Havlland. -.I,... '. Models for the final scene Include Carol Apgar, Pauline Mason, Peggy Rankln, Caroline Sutphin, Jane Mason and Jane Harvey. Leading roles will be played by Lillian Lamborn and Doris Perry, Dancing will follow the show. Bruce Cobb's orehtitri will furnish music for dancing. i an Alien* Voting In ~ Good Old Monmouth? The November issue of The New Jersey Voter received at The Regthis year is not a ward politicians election, but a crusade of the American people to save America. Charles Champlin Leaves Hospital Former Stage Star - Making Recovery Charles K. Champlin, having been a patient at Riverview hospital since September 21, was discharged Sat- lowing paragraph In urday and his condition described as greatly improved. Mr. Champlin is now convalescing at his home and making plans to return to his sign painting business In an active position in the near future. Mr. Champlin, nationally known figure of the legitimate stage, resides on Broad street, near the Elks build- "There is absolutely no dental, work In the schools In my section of the county." This extraordinary statement, made by Miss Katherlne Duelle, supervisor of the Freehold Health Center, was the basis for a lengthy discussion at I the monthly meeting of the Health and Welfare committee of the Monmouth County Organization for So-! cial' Service Tuesday afternoon at I 131 Pearl street,. Even though a few scattered communities have made feeble efforts to Institute some kind of a dental program, no adequate service exists in the county as a whole. Medical statistic* show that a large per cent of chronic disease* In adjilts, such aa heart trouble and arthritis, is caused directly by neglected teeth. For this reason Dr. Wlsan of the State Department of Health and Dr. Bluer, president of the County Dental society, are trying very hard to work out some kind of a plan whereby the children of this county can have proper ilen- I tal care. The state is willing to assure a certain proportion of the financing of this undertaking if the county and private agencies will do likewise. Mrs. George Dwlght of Rumson presided in the absence of Mrs. L^bn Cubbcrley, chairman. Reports were given by Mrs. W. B. Harding for the tuberculosis committee and by Mrs. Arthur White for the mental hygiene and parole committee. Miss Lucy Thompkins, executive secretary of the Monmouth county chapter, American Red Cross, emphasized the importance of this year's annual roll call. She said that the organi- zatlon In this county will be severe- I y laxfri due to the opening of the various military and naval encampment*. The question of the proposed referendum on the erection of a vocational school was discussed. It was felt that the wording of the referendum was unortunate, ai it will not give the electorate the true picture of the actual needs in the county. Miss Evelyn T. Walker, director of public health and welfare, stressed the «xc«ll«nt co-operation of public health agencies In the county. Ister office yesterday has its the fol- "Around the Counties" department covering Monmouth county political activities. "It will probably surprise the good people of Monmouth, as it surprised us, to learn that there may be aliens voting in this County of good, oldfashioned American stock. Here's the story as this columnist gets it: "In making up a list of prospect Ing and has conducted a sign paint- ivo jurors, the Jury Commissioner Ing business on Mechanic street since his retirement from the stage several years ago. In an interview with the Register man yesterday, Mrs. Champlin said that her husband wanted to thank every one who had been so kind and considerate to her husband since his illness. The many cards, flowers and gifts that he has received in tho past few weeks arc but a small tribute to one of s' best known citizens. Italian Clubs To Hold Public Rally The Lincoln Italian-American Republican club and the Italian-American Republican club will hold a large mass meeting at the River street school auditorium tomorrow night at 8 o'clock. The meeting Is open to the public and all Italian American people of this vicinity are urged to attend. John Gatta and John Pctlllo, presidents of the organizations, have stated that all Republicon candidates will attend. Salvatore La- Cortc, judge of tho district court of Elizabeth, will speak in Italian. Other speakers will be Everett Abbott of Newark, Christopher Pedltto, counsel for Burlington county; Cheser Apy, Basil Bruno, Thomas Sheboll nnd Gulsseppo Trimboll. ^ i Radio Singer Is Traffic Violator Oliver Stewart of New York city has paid tho price of charity. According to Shrewsbury's chief of police, Otto Hcrdcn, Stewart, a radio singer was motoring to Allenhurst to lake part In a charity show Saturday night and In his haste to keep his appointment, neglected to slop for a red llcht at the corner of Buoad street and Sycamore avenue, Shrewsbury. Stewart was arrested by Hnrdcn and fined $5 by Recorder Elmer C. Walnrlght. Linen Window Shadn 29c. Last call for the best buy In town. Regularly 30c; get your quantity j while they last. Free installation on ] side hemmed shades for the entire hnme. Morris Becker's Hardware Store, 197 Shrewsbury avenue, corner Catherine street, phone 465. Advertisement. I/ively Floor* Look Swell. Put a cont of ft-lb. shellac on them; flfc cit.; Johnson's Glo-Coat $1.59 for half gallon, with applicator free. National 5 & 10. Prown's. Advertisement. Frofmftlonal Rug Cleaning Is thn (inly safe cleaning that removes imbedded illrt that lodges deep in rugh. Icon's, phone Advertisement follows the procedure used in all counties', i. p., his office selects names from the voting lists. Persons so selected are called for examination as to their qualifications to serve on a jury. "An Important qualification is that they be American citizens. Strangely enough, every so often they are found not to be, and are turned down for jury service. Yet they vote. No criticism of the Jury commissioner. He does his job. And the sheriff, of course, does not come into the picture. "It does seem as If the board of elections should arrange to see that these aliens are removed from the voting lists. Maybe they've done this by now." Physician Opens Office At Rumson Dr. Joel Feldman of Brooklyn has opened an office for the practice of medicine In the residence of the late Dr. D. Harold Karp at the corner of Rumson road and Ward avenue, Rumson. He Is married, and has two children. Dr. Feldman was graduated from the Bellevue Hospital Medical college of New York in 1930 and has been connected with the surgical staff of Greenpolnt hospital, Brooklyn. Dr. Feldman Is also affiliated with Monmouth Memorial and Fitkin hospital. Democrats To Meet At Little Silver The Democratic club of Little Silver will m.'pt tomorrow night in Mechanics hall at 8:30. The meeting will be the last before election and final Instructions for the party workers will be given. Harry J. Sullivan, only local Democratic candidate, running for the council, will be the principal speaker of the evening. Refreshments will be served. Eight More Pass CAA Flight Test Group Re-examined at Monday Twelve students who took the second Civil Aeronautics authority ground school course for private flight training and failed In one subject were re-examined Monday night at the chamber of commerce offices In the Carlton theater building. Eight students passed the test on the second try. They are Theodore Joseph Flynn, Jr., Floyd A. King, Miss Elizabeth A. Moller and Franz Frederick Moller of ; {George Cole Toop of Rumson; George Edgar Carver of Belmar; George Schupak of Wood Ridge and William Francis Sheridan of East Orange. The examination papers and marks have been submitted to the civil aeronautics board at Washington, and If approved, these students will receive certificates of aeronautical knowledge. AN OPEN LETTER. "No Gunning" Signs on sale nt The Register office. Cardboard,,10 cents per dozen; muslin, $ per dozen. Owner's name imprinted nt small extra cost. Advertisement. $1 Itlltnion- Radiator Cover*. each; Ivory or walnut, in the best selling size; air molstene'rs, three for $1. Save your walls and curtains. National 5 * 10. Prown's. Advertisement. Florence Heaters. Many specials lit this time; a few American heaters at close-out prices for quick clearance. National Sft10. Prown's. Advertisement, October 29, An'Open Letter to The Honorable Haydn Proctor. Dear Sir: Your open letter to me of October 22nd was published In the Register on October 24th. You open your letter, as you closed your last! one, with two palpable inaccuracies. ' My first open letter to Mr. Irwin was published in The Register on October 3rd, not October 10th ns you say, and your first reply for him was dated October 10th, not October 17th as you say. Please note, therefore, and I sincerely hope that the readers of The Register will also note, that you and Mr. Irwin have had from October 3rd, not, as you would appear to wish people to believe, from October 10th, to accept an Invitation to debate with Mr. Sutphin. I am sorry to note that "Mr. Irwin has so many meetings to attend that it will not be possible for him to get lo all of them," and that, therefore, he will not have enough time between now and election to debate with Mr. Sutphin. I hope that some time before election he and the rest of the local Republican machine will find time to attend at least one or two Willklc meetings. Mr. Willkie's election is fairly Important, too, Mr. Proctor, but for all the help that has been given him by many of our local Republican machine politicians they apparently are not very aware of that fact. However, Mr. Proctor, I want to SO on record once more to the effect that you have had since October 3rd to make up Mr. Irwln's mind for him. As you say, the people of the Third Congressional District will determine on November 5th their choice of representative. I sincerely hope that they will. In making their choice, remember that Mr. Irwin for n matter of more than a month was too busy attending these meetings to ptve them an opportunity tn hear the two candidates debate the issues from the same platform nt the same time. Respectully yours, I Gardiner S. Haling. GSH:NS Advertisement^ "No Gunning" Signs on sale at The Register olllcc. Cardboard. r>0 cents per dozen; muslin, $ per dozen. Owner's name imprinted at small extra cost. Advertisement. Boards Await Master List Of Draftees Expected Today and Then Questionnaire! Will Be Sent Out The boards of the and Middletown districts for selective military service expect to receive the master list from Washington today nd upon Its receipt will Immediately begin to send out questionnaires to draftees. How many will be Included in the first call Is not yet known as this Information is supplied by the state board. No. 158, now a famous number because it was the first drawn in the lottery Tuesday, was held in the Red Bank district by Harry A. Dangler of Church street, Sea Bright, and In the Middletown district by James Dempster Crothers, R. D. 1, Atlantic. Sea Bright also figured prominently In the World war draft. Sapp Claims He Was Taken For $90 Thomas Sapp, Negro, of West. Bergen place, has taken a lot of kidding during; his lifetime because of his family name, but there is a limit to the amount of kidding any man can take and Sapp has found that his ability to take has almost reached the saturation polnl. Saturday night Sapp had Miss Elizabeth Jackson and Miss Neona Johnson of Cherry street, Shrewsbury township, and James Green of Catherine street,, hauled into Justice Elmer C. Wainright's court at Shrewsbury on charges that they literally "picked him for a sap." Technically the charges -were pickpocketing, the amount involved was allegedly $90 and the victim was Sapp. The case was dismissed for lack of evidence. Voting Lists Full Of Many Irregularities Sample Ballots Mailed to Dead Persons and to Others Unknown Here Having names on the registry list of folks who have gone to the great beyond and others who have evl- The holder of 258, the first number Uently moved from respective voting drawn then, was Joseph Levy, then districts without giving a change of residing at Sea Bright. The drawing affects all 17,000,000 who registered October 16. November 18 the first 30,000 are to be ready for army. By next induction into March 400,000 the to be under arms, with a total of 800,000 by June 15, The draft act, expiring May 15, 10-10, envisages 5,000,000 men with a year's training; the act allows only 900,000 a year to bo trained. There are 6,175 draft boards throughout the country. The highest number of any board area is 7,836; but to provide for any late registrants and revisions the total number of capsules is 8,500. Thus If number 8,499 is drawn there may be. no youth with that number. The master priority list in Washington will have the full 8,500 serial numbers, but each with a conseciij address has been a common thing In certain sections of New Jersey. This morning The Register learned that the polling lists are full of names of persons who do not exist and others who have long since moved out of and have no voting rights here. At the poslofilee this morning there are two huge cartons filled chock full of sample ballots which tho postofflce clerks or carriers cannot get into the proper hands. There Is evidence of gross negligence on the part of the canvassers who are supposed to make a house to house call previous to the first registration date in order that the registry list of voters can be accurately made up. It is very evident, as shown by certain pieces of mail in these cartons, that some of the registry lists in tive order number; hut ^ \\THTi.MS* l«fal»iajiss»uni mthrtn in Red will have only order numbers equal have not been revised in years. to the number of registrants in that area. Each board adjusts its numbers to the master list and is expected to start mailing questionnaires, 50 daily, November 7 to the men In order of their number on thc list. On a national average the first 50 men classified should produce enough to fill the first quota of 30,000 for November 18; the number of volunteers from thc draft bracket will determine how many draftees are needed. On the basis of the questionnaire the draftee is tentatively classified by the local board according to his fitness and availability, and notified. Those in Class 1 (fit and available) will be called upon five days' notice for physical examination in order of their numbers. Men found acceptable are to be given five days' notice to settle their affairs for induction into the army. Normallj', 15 days may be allowed for men to comply with various board orders, but there will be only 11 days between November 7, when the first questionnaires are to be ' sent and Induction of the first 30,000. I Dwight Answers j Ickes Statement Tempo Increases As Campaign Nears Close Betting Favors Roosevelt But Poll Shows Willkie Coming Up Fast, As the election campaign swing* along at an ever Increasing pad In the final week the betting odds an [3 to 5 that President Roosevelt will be re-elected. According to Wall street commissioners, the. President land his Republican opponent arc an even choice to win in New Jersey. The President is still a betting favorite In Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, North Carolina, California, Oregon and Washington, while Willkl* Is, leading In Massachusetts, Pennjyl-' vania, Michigan, Indiana and Kan-, sas, Nebraska, Illinois, Ohio and Jowa. Rated at even money along More than 200 attended a recep- with Nnw Je e y a «New York, Contion given for Rev. and Mrs. Ken- nectic "t, North Dakota and Wisconneth R. Perinchief and Rev. and Mrs. sin - Albert L. Baner by the Women's so-! Political observers wno are trying to ciety for Christian Service at the ' look at the Picture in the light of Methodist church last night. Rev. Perinchief is the new pastor at the church and Rev. Baner is the new Society Gives Reception For New Ministers Methodists Entertain for Pastor and District Superintendent district superintendent. Those in the receiving line were Mrs. Howard S. Higglnson, society cold facts and are not given to wishful thinking, say the election looks like a photo finish. Who can tell? The election this year Is a mixed up and grandma's fruit cake Insofar as party lines are concerned. W> have president; Mr and Mrs. Charles C. Willkie Democrats and Roosevelt Re- Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Le-! publicans, we have the war crisis and Quler, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Clayton I tho injection of ancestral influence, and William Bennett. I we have many shouting that the Reception committee members in- ' Tnlrd T " m is t he on 'y ' as "e and we eluded Mr. and Mrs. Luther Good, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Boyd, Mr. and Mrs, Melvin Morris, Mr. and Mrs. Harold H. C'oddington, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Warner, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Whiting, Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Thompson, Dr. and Mrs. Samuel W. Mrs. Hausman, Mrs. Jessie Supp, Mlnretta DcMott and Miss Allen. Mrs. Frank Kuhl was general chairman. The reception was held in the Sunday-school auditorium. Deenrntlnn.o consisted of autumn leaves and chrysanthemums. The room was illuminated with floor lamps surrounded by palms. Mrs. Donald Crawford and Mrs. Martin VanOstenbridge presided at the refreshment table. Members of the refreshment committee were Mrs. Roy Inscoe, chairman; Mrs. Kelby Warden, Mrs. Warner, Sr., and Mrs. Good. Decorations were in charge of Miss Allen, assisted by Mrs. Supp and Stanley Brown. have many others shouting that the social reforms of the New Deal are the paramount issue. We have John Lewis of the CIO going over to the Willkie camp and we have William Green, AFL president, declaring that Lewis d Bank There Is something "rotten in Denmark," not only In Hudson county, but here In old Monmouth, right at our very front door. These canvassers or members of the elections boards are paid to serve the people faithfully and there Is no reason why their work should not be above criticism, but certainly whoever the person or persons rc 7 sponsible for this carelessness should Immediately be removed from public service insofar as serving on the election boards is concerned. The Register wonders who will step up to the ballot box and cast a ballot In the names of these folks to whom sample ballots wjll not have been delivered. Challengers should keep their eyes wide open all day next Tuesday. An investigation surely should be in order. Ministers who attended the local churches were Rev. and Mrs. who atten Christian H. Walvoord of the Ren formed church; Rev. and Mrs. John Alexander Hayes of the Presbyterian church; Rev. and Mrs. Charles A. church^ and is a "general without an army." From all accounts It will be Grace ja great fight. Willkie will wind up his Jersey campaign tonight at Camden. The Gallup poll reports that Roosevelt is holding 58 per cent of New Jersey voters. Republican leaders surely don't believe that, and even some Democratic leaders are not quite»0 optomistic. In his latest report, Dr. George Gallup states that Willkie has "whittled down the President's popular vote this month." According to the latest survey, the results are: Roosevelt 53^f, Willkie 47% "The new Willkie rise puts Pra>ident Roosevelt in a position mora precarious than would seem apparent at. first glance," says the report. ' " "' '" ' P»»I"«MH for th«p H ht President is actually the equivalent of a neck-and-ncck race because, owing to surplus Democratic major- IRumson Class To Proceeds to Be Used for Trip to Washington i The senior class of the ] high school will present Rumson Claudia Hariss' three-act play, "Adorable," iat the high school auditorium Friday night, November 15. The play is being directed by class advisers, Miss Charlotte Lockwood and Henry Dawkins, Proceeds will hplp to dpfray expenses of the class annual trip to Washington. The plot of the play concerns the search for a lost diary with a rn- Dwight at a meeting of the Rum- manti c theme. Grayce Kelly is in charge of the play. Jack Deisler Says "Dictatorship" Was Shown at Chicago "If ever a dictatorship was demonstrated it was at the Democratic Chicago convention," declared George son Republican club last night, in answer to a statement made by Harold L. Ickes, Secretary of thc Interior, that Wendell L. Willkie "stole" the Republican Presidential nomination at Philadelphia. "Mr. Ickes," declared Mr. Dwight, "had better not talk on that score because if ever a dictatorship was evident it was his own candidate's voice, that of Mr. Roosevelt, at the convention. Nevertheless it burns me up." Tho Republican candidates for municipal offices, Mr. Dwight and Robert G. Ilsley, candidates for councilmen, and Miss Mary T. Murphy, candidate for collector, were introduced by Mayor James C. Auchincloss, and spoke in behalf of their candidacies and commented on the ability of each to hold public olllce. Others who spoke were former Mayor Van R. Halscy, in behalf ot Mr. Willkie; F. Howard Llovd, In be-. half of Senator W. Wa, ren' Barbour, I ^P "B.l^1" * Thunn of the Baptist cnurcrr ana j Ues in thc Sou(h a Democratic Rabbi and Mrs. Arthur H. Hcrshon p residcnt normai v requ lres about 52 per cent of the nation to win. "The Willkie gains have been»o widespread thnt later reports from the survey will probably show the two candidates about even in electoral votes or with Willkie slightly ahead. "The greatest Republican gain's have come in places where Wlllki. needed them most in New York, Pennsylvania and other areas in the Middle Atlantic section. Even on the Pacific coast, which has for many i years been a New Deal stronghold, the increases for Willkie have been sufficient to put that area in the doubtful column. "It must not be forgotten, howof the Congregation B'nal Israel. Eatontown Club Meets In Willkie Headquarters Final Session at Same Hall Tomorrow Night More than 125 persons attended the Republican club meeting last night at thc Eatontown Willkie headquarters on Main street. Several candidates spoke and are expected to be nn hand again tomorrow night when the club holds Its final session before election. Fred G. Steelman, organization president, "was unable to attend because of illness and Leslie D. Seely presided. Walter E. Green, candidate for local council, was also unable to attend due to the death of his sister. Speakers included Assemblyman J. Stanley Mayer, Herbert, Senator Freehold Joseph Haydn Proctor, Frank Durand, Acting Mayor Robert H. Htgginson, who is seeking election as mayor, and Robert Maida, eandidatn for the council. Edgar I. Vanderveer of Freehold, guest speaker tomorrow will play the part of John B. Stoddard; Anne Stommel, Mrs. Vera Hanna; Sarah Wolbach, Ruth Hanna; Muriel Brlggs, Ruth Noble; Phyllis Boyce, Betsy Bogart; John Woodruff, Alex Cameron; Harold Sheehan, Ray Norton, and Thomas Egan, Jlmmie Hester. Chairmen of the various committees are Dorothy Sllbcrstein, publictickets; Mildwill he night. Fred Wilman Is Hospital Patient Fred Wilman of White street, president of Liberty Hose company, was admitted to Monmouth Memorial hospital last night as a medical patient. His condition was described this morning as "fair." Mr. Wilman, who is employed hy Mar n. «.«Aspdln Paint company on White Betty Macintosh, Sith y Brenda Smith, progrnms. West, ushers; stage crew, and TIIKY 1IAVK OUR THANKS. The shearing: of a key on the motor gear of the large mechanical ad second deputy ch fire department. Chamber Bulletin Out lzing the senator's campaign, two counties, Middlesex and The November Bank Community issue nf the Red Chnmber of Cornsetting machine at The Register of-. mercd bulletin made Its appearance aui'itik I...*...-..,. a -- nierce Dtiueiin maue us ap: flee last night caused a serious de-, ast n gnt It ia chock full lay of operation in the advertising esung pa, agr aphs featurin and Harold McDcrmott, who is running for re-election to thc assembly. Assemblyman J. Stanley Herbert, who is also running for re-election, and Freeholder Joseph Mayor, who Is a candidate for another term, were introduced but did n"l Mr. Lloyd declared that election of Senator Rarboi enable him to become more influential on committees as the result nf the seniority rule and Rivr Monmouth county and New Jersey greater prestige in thc Senate. We Got Your Number! Draftees and students can now buy brand new Royal portable typewriters for only $23.95, formerly $-14.50, or rent any 1941 model for $1.95 per month. Tetley's, Brond street. Advertisement. pg p Thanks lo thc quick and efficient service of Frederic Moog, electrician for Harold S. Allen, repairs were made and we arc able to be out with today's edition on time. We nre exceedingly grateful to proprietor of Qulnn's peak I Hairy Qulnn, IIIL' re- I finln se on West Front street, for his, woll j co-operation and timely assistance in supplying Mr. Moopr and The Register with the type of gear key needed for the repair job. NEW AIlItlVAK Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Welch, Jr., of Headden's Coiner are the parents of a son born last night at Rlverview hospital. Mayer's Tnveni. Kinnsnii. Kelt Gaul at thc Novachord. Advertisement. matlon about chock full of interg Infort-he American Red Cross. Election day. C. A. A. Ground School course, Local Private Telephone directory solicitation, Christmas lighting and decorations In business districts, new residents in this locality nnd a short history of St. j ttocson James Catholic church. I 50 am During the past month 20 new res- j t no pul idents have been reported to the chamber headquarters and during ever, that President Roosevelt's intensive campaign speaking has just begun and that his forthcoming radio addresses may halt and reverse the Willkie trend. Moreover, the new crisis in the Balkans the Italo- Greclan war may be a factor,ln Roosevelt's favor. Surveys in the past have shown that the President tends to gain with every fresh emergency abroad." Barbour vs. Cromwell, "United States Senator W. Warren Barbour will carry 19 of New Jersey's 21 counties and win reelection with a lead of 200,000 votes," states his campaign manager, John D. Osbourno in a statement summar- Only Hurtson, are conceded to James H. R. Cromwell, tho Democratic candidate, by Mr. Osbourne. Senator Barbour will make his final appeal to the electorate In a radio speech over WOR next Monday night. He Is accompanying Wendell L. Willkie on a tour of the state today, he will invade Hudson county tomorrow and will be in Atlantic county Saturdny. "Senator Barbour has campaigned solely on his record," declares hie campaign manager, J 'n record which includes support, of all legislation to benefit the workers, and social reforms such as unemployment insurance, old age pensions, bank deposit insurance, aid to home owners and work relief. He has likewise supported all bills for a strong national defense." Mr. Cromwell, who la relylni chiefly on Mayor Hagtin and the Hudson county vote, said that Senator Barbour's record In Washington has been thnt or a reactionary. "If there is any ha.sis nt all to hi* claim of liberalism," ntiitpj thr Democratic candidate, "how happen that the President does it has endorsed me nn>l r.nt following Wendell him? It he i«willkie. why he be man enough lo any quit playing hnlh nldrs of fieri I :it rrr! "" chamber hqur a g the month three new members joined tho association. The new members arc Dr. Frank K. Goff of Maple avenue. Leon Rex of Hope Road. Sutpliln-lru in. The Sill phinlrwln Shrewsbury and Robert J. Patrick of White street, Shrewsbury. Sale of used books from our library, odds and ends of stutlonriy, tnllies nnd books. Book Rtnre, 0 Linden 1 ment. nntnst fnr W H be a rare between n seasoned Democratic campaigner tind 11 young, up-nncl coming Republican who Iviu demons! rated hia* volc-gettlng t unllllp«by bsing elected councilman of, nut* ns-ienihlymnn tint! freeholder. Two yrars J<K» William II, Rut' nlaco-advertise-' nnln " f M.tlawnn dnfonuil JamM K. jalleidlc* of Ocean county. Four

26 Paee Tw» RED BANK REGISTER. OCTOBER year* ago he defeated Albert Hermann of Middlesex, county. In both contests he lost Monmouth and Oeettn counties, but his majority in Middlesex carried him to victory. This year a Monmouth county man la opposing him and many pollt.loal observers say that Joseph C. Jrwin of -will give the congressman one of the toughest lights he has ever had to retain his peat In Washington, Mr. Jrwin has demonstrated his popularity in other \ elections, and the Republican lenders are pinning their hopes on a large enough vole for him in Monmouth Farmers Exchange To Cease Active Business Matter of Final Liquidation To Be Decided By Stockholders in December Directors of the Monmouth County and Ocean to overcome the Middle- j Farmers exchange at a meeting Frisex vote for Mr. Sutphin. Support.- day decided t,o recommend to the stockholders that the concern cease era of Mr. Sutphin contend that he has a larger following among the Republicans, that hl.i record in Washington will appeal to many non-partisan voters and that when counted William H. be on lop once more. the, votes n Sutphin will Aisemhiy Candidate*. J. Stanley Herbert and Harold Mc-Darmott, running for re-election to tho utate amembly on the Republican ticket, atand on their records at Trenton, In speeches both have pointed out the numerous hills they have supported for the benefit of Monmouth county. Opposing them on Ihe Democratic ticket are. Theron McCampbell, who has been in t''» assembly before, and Joseph P. Hinlelmann. Mr. Mc- Campliell has always followed an independent, course in governmental matters. He speaks his mind and lets the chips fall where they may. Mr, Hinlelmann recently Issued a statement supporting the political views of Charles Rdlson, Democratic candidate for governor. Freeholder Fight. active business and liquidate its af- ; fairs. Officers and management were instructed not to make further pur- ; chases or committments for the future and to proceed to convert assets i Into cash so that obligations of the corporation may be paid in full at ] the earliest, possible date. The dlrec- Rutgers Plays Host To Scouts Bundlei for Needy Collected by Troopi Several hundred Boy Scouita Weddings SAVAGE BAUER. Mis«Lillian Mary Savage, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Savage of Kim place, was married Saturday to Frank Joseph Bauer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bauer of Rumson, at a nuptial mass at St. James Catholic church. Mcnaignor John B. McCloskey performed the ceremony. The bride, who waa given in marriage by her father, wore a blush satin gown made with a sweetheart neckline, fingertip sleeves and a court train. Her veil of blush colored tulle was draped from 4 sweetheart hat. Her bouquet was of gardsnias and white carnations. Miss'Helen Savage of New York,! the bride's sister, was maid of hon- chools. Mr. Vaccaro attended As bury Park high school and Is em ployed at Asbury Park. TOTARO FIOLJUOtO. Miss Ro«marie Totaro of Oakland strett and Leo Figliuolo of Astoria, Long Island, were married Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock at St. Anthony's church by Rev. Salvatore De Lorenio. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Montano of Oakland street and the bridegroom la the son of Mrs. Rose Figliimlo of Aatorla. The bride waa given in marriage by Louie Montano and wore a white prlncees style satin gown trimmed with silver headings and seed pearls. Her tulle veil was attached to a crown of pearls and her bouquet waa gardenia* and lilies of the valley. ; or. She wore a baby blue velvet I *!** Ann Totaro, the maid of honor, I dress with a hat of matching color j wore a rose taffeta gown made with and rallied a bouquet of bromeand I a wine colored velvet top and,,.r,..,,,...,<-,.,.<: - -, --., of..vellow chrysanthemums. ) trimmed with flowers of the same tore after a very careful and thor-1 ilonmouth county, will be the guests ' Ro >' Bauer of Rumson, the bride- msterlil. Her bouquet was of pink ti d ough canvass or the situation, decided that an orderly liquidation of the concern, while it is still solvent, s the only safe course to follow. During the past decade or more, a lai j;e part of the working capital of thc exchange has become frozen of Rutgers university at the Rutgers- S'oom's brother, waa best man. The University of Connecticut football! ushers were Thomas Bly of Shrswt- ' Stl S b in the form of notes and account* receivable from farmers, which makes it very difficult to obtain sufgame Saturday as a part of the state wide delegation of 3,000 Scouts who will attend the game. Each Scout will be presented with a souvenir program in which there is a special y; Stanley Savage, a brother of the bride, and Harold Hounihaa, both of lied Dank. The bride's mother wore a dubonnet velvet gown and Mrs. Bauer I had corsages of orchids. Boy Scout article by Dr. James E, wore a lo J; al blu e velvet gown. Both West. Last Saturday, us a "good turn" flcient credit to properly finance the! to the needy, hundreds of bags and roste and she wore a rose tulle headdress. Frank Figliuolo was best man. The bridegroom'* mother wore a black crop* dress with a corsage of pink roses. The bride's mother wore black velvet with a fur jacket and a corsage of pink roaes. A reception wae held at the home Legion Post's New Home Ready For Dedication Ceremony Armistice Day New Commander Makes Appointments Kenneth R. Smith, newly-ekjeted commander of Shrewsbury post, American Legion of, eonducted his flrat meatlng of tha past home on Riverside avenue, Monday iht night Commander Smith made the following appointments for tha eaau ng year: Byroa Aspdln, chairman of the house committee; Mortimer VanSsuter, chairman Sons of the American Legion; Daniel Bedford, hl i i helrman MacCloud, sick committee; chairman ways Cecil and A wedding breakfast and reception i of the bride's parents following the business. Farmers have been the bundles of warm clothing were eolfor 100 guests followed at the Rosevelt tea room, Little Silver. The ceremony. Roaes and wedding belli were used as decorations. The couwhich has lasted twice as long as the general business depression. While government reports indicate that farm Income has been increased by legislative price-fixing and by direct payments to farmers from the public treasury, it should be remem- '. bered that all such figures are. only Joseph Mayer of Bcimar, Republi-: estimates of gross income. They do can, chairman of the finance com-i not reveal the more vital net income, mlllee and director of the depart-j only from which farmers ran malnment of finance of the board of tain their families, pay their bills, refreeholdera since 1936, will be oppos- duce their farm mortgages, and meet ed for re-election by Vincent Keu-'their taxes. This last item alone abvictlms*of an agricultural depression lected by the Boy Scouts in each of I C0U P le left. on»<>* wedding trip lpie left for a trip to Washington. The...,.:.i. t._ I...J...!»!» flu. ;.u..,_...-_ni,,i m_..n..,_ ' slid on their return will realde at fi.1 i bride wore a soldier blue dress with per of Asbury Park, Democrat. Mr. Mayer Js best known as a freeholder sorbs from one-third to one-hnlf of the average farm net income. New through his work in the finance de-! Jersey farmers are more wickedly partment. When he became director, taxed t.han those of any other state In of finance, January 1, 1936, the I the country. county was paying all its current j New Jersey farmers, according to hills by scrip. The bonded Indebt-' exchange records, have received an edness of the county at that time average of but 72 cents per 100 was J3,996, Shortly after Mr. weight for potatoes during the past Mayer took over the direction of j ten years, the market having reached county finances, scrip was sbollshed. ;»1 in but two years during that decthe communities in Ilonmouth county to be distributed to the various organizations such as the Red Cross, Salvation Army, Bundles for Britain, Visiting Nurses association, etc. Bundles were collected at central, gathering places and transported to j "*","J. 8,, the headquarters of the above agencies where they are being sorted and reconditioned for distribution. The Long Branch District Court of Honor of the Boy Scouts of. America will be held at the Garfleld school, _ Monday night. LeRoy Throckmor-^'^des Mr Bauer.,^ l o v. d on their return will reside at 63 East Front street. The bride's traveling costume included a black dress suit, trimmed with black velvet, black felt hat and accessories. Mrs. Bauer is a graduate of Red and and is employed by the Mainstay Building and Loan association. Mr. Bauer is a grad uate of Catholic high school and Georgetown university. He Is a member of the St. James on the finance amount raised by d Today the bonded debt of the county has been reduced to $5,842,492,17. Through the efforts of Mr. Mayer committee the taxation in the year 1940 was reduced $130,000 In comparison to the previous year and this year's county taxes m*ere the lowest In the pest IB year*. Mr. Keuper has been practicing law in this county since 1926, He was formerly a member of the law firm of Keuper, Proctor A Fisher and now has his own practice. He ade; wheat has remained the lowest in history, and while there are Individual exceptions, the past four years have been financially disastrous ones for all of the six groups of farmers with which the exchange deals. Business credit agencies have said that the exchange has the fullest data In H* filer, relative to the per- W. Irwin, sonal worth of individual farmers, head. ton, chairman of the district advance- I ment committee will preside. Scores! of scouts representing each of the I tioops of the district will receive ad-! vancement in rank to second class, star, life or eagle grades.,, * c f'v"* n8 '* mellt tion at New York. Party Worker* Speak To Club John J. Qulnn, representing the Democratic party, and Haydn Proctor, representing the Republicans, vonl.rngkrke BLAISDELL. Miss Marie vonlengerlce, daughler of Mr. and Mrs, Ernst vonlengerke of Orange, became the bride of Frank Ferren Blaisdell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ferren F. Blaisdell of Bridge avenue, at Grace church, Orange, Saturday. The rector, Rev. Lane W. Barton, performed tht ceremony. The bride wore a gown of ivory pid tl ith gown of ivory satin made in period style with a were speakers at the annual pre-elec- tight-fitting bodice, long sleeves tlon meeting of the Little Silver ; yoke of lace studded with seed Woman's club yesterday. The program was in charge of Mrs. Edwin legislation department pearls and a train. Her to be found in this state. A study of that data reveals the alarming degree to which farmers are being compelled to live-up the remaining served on the county tax board «1 ul 'y in thelr ca P' tal P«>P«rty and homes. Local banks, as well as many other from 1938 t,o 193S. Mr. Keuper has specialized in tax work and up to his entering the campaign for free-! bank * of Central N, ew. J f ">; h^ holder he represented the Home j K one ^ "a«ond mile m helping th [ exchange with It* financial problem Owners Loan corporation in Mon mmith county. He has been a staunch.advocate of a vocational school in Monmouth county for boys and girl, of high school age and of a N. T. A. resident center for boys and girls of past high school age. The Vocational School. A public question to be voted on next Tuesday l» the proposition to establish a vocational school in Monmouth county. It Is the opinion of many that the decision to put the proposition on the ballot was made too near election time t.o give It proper consideration.. I exchange with its financial problems. I However, the exchange directors now feel that the weak financial condiitions of so many farmers has injvolved the exchange to such a degree that they do not deem It wise to ask the hanks to go further. Nor do the directors feel that they should again offer to Individually endorse notes for so many fellow farmers as they did during the early years of the exchange. Without real net profits for farmers there appears no way for the exchange to do a profitable business. The directors of the exchange are unwilling to gamble further on the future, thereby risking the present A iaxpayers' committee has come "Ivency of the concern t in opposiuon to tne scnool at i, ; -- la time. Thomas B. Harper, coun- be P lac<lrt before the stockholders at out in opposition to the school at th! ty superintendent of schools, told his audience at a meeting of the Taxpayers' association Monday night that Monmouth county needed a vocational school. He said students now receive no vocational training and pointed to the fact that 3,000 non-residents skilled in trades are working in Monmouth county. The opposite side was taken in this discussion by A. L. Slater, executive secretary of the. Bergen County Federation of Taxpayers association. Although he declared he was not opposed to vocallonal training, he did not favor the erection of a. separate school, which he sairl would cost the taxpayers $200,000 a year. He said he favored a short course in schools located in different parts of the county rather than a central school teaching many trades. Mr. Slater also said that this was no time tt> add additional taxes when the people are being called upon to pay for the increase caused by arming the country for defense. The vocational school proposition will ho discussed at a meeting or the Little Silver Parent-Teacher as- The matter of final liquidation will a meeting in December. St. Mary's Guild Has Supper Party St. Mary's guild of St. George's Epscopal church, Rumson, held Its annual Halloween covered-dish sup per last night at Ralph hall that place. The hall was decorated in with the Halloween motif. Mrs. Lida. Ramsay of Sea Bright, dressed as a ghost, won first prize in a grand march which was held before the supper. Mrs. Raymond Pullen's costume was judged funniest and Mrs. Edward Jeffrey's prettiest. Mrs. Harry VanBrunt, guild president, Mrs. William Vital and Mrs. George Johnson were judges. Mrs. William Coulter was chairman of the parly, assisted by Mrs, George Johnson, Mrs. Charles Kuper, Mrs. Stephen Johnson, Mrs. Joseph Lease, Mrs. Pullen and Miss Josie Ligier. Others present were Mrs, Harold Various department chairmen announced coming sessions. The drama department will meet Monday at the home of Mrs. Cheater Alberts at Little Silver. The American home department, under the direction of Mrs. veil fall from a pearl Juliet cap and covered the train of the gown. She carried gardenias and valley lilies. Mrs. Alexander Williams of New York, the former Miss Frances Blaisdell, the bridegroom's sister, waa matron of honor. Miss Firtaa von- Lengerke of Orange, a sistsr of the bride, was maid of honor. Both wore v l t George Ivlns, will hold an all-day I wore velveteen gowns, trimmed with meeting at. the clubhouse Monday. ' buttons down the back, In gold eol- The literature department will meet \ ored velveteen, and coronets of the Monday, November 18, at the home of same color, trimmed with net Mrs. W. J. T. Getty of Little Silver, j The bridesmaids were Miss Oer- The next meeting will be Wednes-, trude vonlengerke of Orange, inday, November 13. A representative ' other sister of the bride, Miss Marfrom the Pan American Union will ion Gordon of West Orange Miss speak. Betty Schultx of Short Hill's and Miss Bette Jarohsen of Pleasantville, New York. All wore gowns made like those worn by the matron of honor and maid of honor, In hunter green velveteen. They Anti-Aircraft Guns For Highways Two of Monmouth county's major i l[' *?* "TTl ' th»~» m «*«>'- highways, route, 35 and 33, have ' chrysanthemum *"*' " """' been designated "military objective." j Z wmzt.\. h by the war department and plans his broth.r^i.j iv, btit u mi are being perfected for their protec- Gene WorthUv T J "J""' " " i, :_,L. -. * - - n r, _ I ^ene worthley of Shrewsbury; John Boyd, Jr., and Dr. Douglas Hoyt of ; J. Edward Howland and bride wore a soldier blue dress with a fur Jacket and matching accesboriea. i Mr*. Figliuolo la a graduate of St. Patrlck'e school of Astoria. Mr. Figlmolo Is a graduate of East Side high school, New York, The couple will reside at Astoria, Long Island, mean* committee; Robert Kennedy, chairman civic and public relation* committee; Jacques Norell, chairman membership committee; Wiliam Naulty, historian; Morris Miller,.Americanization officer; John Day, service officer, and Vincent Moyes, adjutant, Byron Aapdin, who Is also chairman of th* temporary commltt**, reported that th* post's new horn* Rumion Man Held On Two Charges ; Bdward Fellon, Jr., of Rumson, waa held for the grand jury Saturday by Recorder William P. Irwla of on a charge of stealing a car owned by Russell Phillips of. He waa arrested by Policeman Kyril Parker of and turnsd over to the Atlantio police. Later he waa arraigned before Recorder Alfred F. King or Rumeon on a charge of stealing an adding machine owned by William Maare of Rumeon, and held onca more for (he grand jury. Sutphin Commends Press Group For Backing Jfenefit Proceeds of Football Game for Mess Fund of Local Guardsmen Mis* Virginia Parker, daughter of Mr. and Mr*. Henry Corlles Parker of Maywood, former Little Silver residents, was married Friday night to Robert Harold Rice, son of Mr, and Mre. Charles Irwln Rice of Hackensack. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Edgar L. Cook at Christ Episcopal church, Hacken- *Ae bride wore an ivory satin gown and an She carried a heirloom lace veil. ' prayer book. Mr. py Parker gave his daughter in marriage. She was attended by her sister, Miss Alice Cornell Parker of Maywood, and four bridesmaids. The bridegroom's father was best man. A reception followed the ceremony at the Hackensack Woman's club, clubhouse. The bride's mother, the former Miss Alice C. Ryerson of Little Silver, wore a gnwn of Victorian rose velvet and a corsage of gardenias. The church was decorated by the bride's cousin, Russell Hodgklss of Shrewsbury. Decorations consisted of white chrysanthemms. Attending from this locality were will be in readiness for the public to lnspeci Armistice day. Dedication exercises will take place at the horn* at 3:S0 o'clock Armistice day, Monday, November 11, There will be speaking, music and entertainment appropriate for Armistice day. Vincent Moyes, chairman of th* ball commute*, reported that dancing at th* dedication ball at th* Molly Pitcher hotel Armistice night, will begin at t o'clock. Music will be furnished by Thomas Haekett and his seven-piece orchestra. Commander Smith reported that many donations for the furnishing of the new home had been mad* by business men and private citliens of. He alao asked that members or anyone els* having relics of world war days, auch a* pici tures, guns, medals, helmets, flags, etc.; if they would donate them to the post, he would see that they were put ln a vary (la* ease and kept on exhibition at the post horn* at all time. Anyone wishing to donate such article* kindly call Mr. Smith at his horn*, 2407-J, and he will call for them. Mortimer VanBauter, chairman of the ticket committee, stated that Legionnaires will canvas* th* business houses of Saturday asking each merchant and professional man to buy at least two tickets for the dedication ball. The ball and ceremony eommltt** will meet at th* post horn* tomorp Mrs. M. Henry Parker, the bride's! row nl * nt t0»»«pl» for grandmother; Miss Julia Parker,! Armistice day. A ful aeeount of Douglas and Stanley Parker, Little I the dedl < :» llon ceremonies will be In Sliver; Mr. and Mrs. Hodgklss of Shrewsbury, and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ryerson, Mr. and Mrs. Harry McQueen, Mrs. Lura Smith Miller, Miss Jeanette Ryerson, Miss Gertrude H. Norman and Frank L. Smith of. JCEEGAN GRANT. the next issue of The Register. Wallace Jeffrey of Linden place waa accepted as a new member of the poet. James Degun was reported doing very well. He Is undergoing treatments at the Brooklyn Naval hospital for Injuries he received in France during the world war. Dr, Wylle O. Pate, who underwent No lea* an authority oa army life than former mesa ssrgeant William H. Butphln, who may be recognized aa the third district's congressional representative, today commended the Monmouth County Press association for Its thoughtfulnms* in sponsoring a benefit program for the mesa fund of th* Monmouth County National guardsmen called to service In' the army. Congressman Sutphin, who started his military career In 191B at Plattsburg, was a mess sergeant with th* troops. He later saw service on th* Mexican border and reenllaud for the World war on May 2, 1»17, going to Francs the same year., "No one knows better than I how the little extra luxuries and comforts this fund will provide will be appreciated by the boys who have been called or will be called to the colors," said Congressman Sutphin. "I most earnestly urge every Monmouth county cltlxen to attend the football game and military program whleh the Monmouth County Press association has scheduled for Sunday afternoon, November IT, at the Asbury Park high school stadium," he continued' "and I shall do everything within my power aa a cltlien and member of congress to further this noble program,,' Meanwhile plans for pr««entlng the monster military display and football game, which will bring together teams from Fort Hancock and Fort Jay, are rapidly being whipped Into shape by the committee headed by Harry M. Tellmedge of The Dally Record, Mr. Tallmadge announced that the money raised through the benefit would be sent to those encampments wherever Monmouth county men»re stationed. Three Youths ui Admit Looting Many Places Boys Held for Grand Jury After Confessing to Thefts Three youliu are beln. held for the grand jury after having confessed to a series of robberies la Red Bank, Sea Bright and. Two of the boys are Albert Duncan, 19, of Mechanic street, and Burton Rochell, 18, of Hudson avenue. Th* third is a lft-year-old minor whose name is being withheld. The trio waa arrested Saturday night by Detective Captain Joseph Bray and Lieut. George Clayton. While cruising In a police car the officers saw Duncan hiding behind a hush at the corner of Mechanic street and ThrockmorLun avenue. Duncan threw a package into the bushes, rn the package th* police found a valuable pesrl headed hag. Duncan was taken Into custody and the others were arrested later. The youths confessed to Polios Chief Harold Davlson to ten thefts in, quantities of other artlcln They admitted taking clothing, radios and from the homes of Mis* Anistaela Ursula Meegen, an operation several weeks ago, was daughter of Mrs. Anastasla and the ' present and Commander Smith and tlon in the event this nation is Invaded by an enemy force. Route 35, which runs through Red k t Bank, connects the shore area with John ; dward Howlan Dr. Anson Hoyt of Rumuin ini,. «!, ""'" "n, North Jersey and New York. Route I L h " f^na!,, ana na " """"*' GocLschiu.i, Mrs. Harry Robertson, Mia. Axel Forsman, Mrs. Walter Johnson, Mrs. Edmund Clinc, Mra.. John Smith, Mrs. May Coffey and s'oclationncxt Monday"night'at the I 1 ' 1 *' Harry Ely. Games were played Little Silver school. The principal aftrr supper. speaker will be John N, McCarthy T "c " pxl «uild meeting will be of Trenton, assistant of education. commissioner Wednesday night, November 6. HAS EARNED THE RIGHT. 34 Olin Street, Ocean Grove, N. J., October 30, Editor, Readers' Page, Register,, N. J. Dear Sir: 1 believe, that the record of William H. Sutphin as Congressman from Ihe Third Congressional District Is one that thc voters of the district, can be very proud of; he has served us well and faithfully. Today In these times of need, the experience, of Bill Sutphin Is needed man. at Washington. Tho Naval Affairs Mrs. committee needs him at his post and it. Is our patriotic duty to send him back to Congress on November 5th. As a veteran, one who knows thc I Society To Sell Clam Chowder of war, 1 ask the. readers nf The Register lo nonslder the (Hinlinrntjona of Bill Sutphin and measure them against his Republican opponent. Congressman William H. Sutphin Is of another term In the House of -Representatives. He has nirned tho right. Sincerely, W. Douglas Handlty. "No Gunning" Signs on sale, at. The Register office. Cardboard, A0 cents per dozen; muslin, $ pur ijorril. Owner's name imprinted at small extra oosl Adver- Uaement. The Women's Society for Christian Service of the Methodist church wiil meet. Monday night at 8 o'clock in the church auditorium. Mrs. Henry L. Conover will speak on China..Members will bring fancy articles to be sold at a church suppei in December. The society will hold a clam chowder sale and luncheon Friday, November 8, at thc church at 12 o'clock noon. Mrs. Fred W. Boyd is chair- Ordeis are being taken by Elizabeth Allen, Mrs. John Many and Mrs. Howard S. Higglnson. Others assisting are. Mrs. heth Wood, Mrs. Kate Messercau, Mra. Donald Crawford, Mrs. Lester Smith, Mrs. Cooper VanSant, Mrs..lark Mnny, Mrs. Roy Mitchell, Mrs. Jessie Supp and Mrs. Roy Inscoe. KNTKK NOUS CARD 1'AHTV. The Entre Nous will hold its annual welfare party Monday afternoon, November 2.1, at Rod Bank Catholic high school auditorium. Mrs. William Decker Is general ohalrmnn. Tickets mny bo secured from thc. chslrmnn or any club member. Proceeds will be used to purchase food baskets for needy families of Red Bank and vicinity. 33 runs west from Aabury Park to Trenton, skirting Freehold, and is one of the main cross-state highways. Because of their communication value, the war department lists the roads as target* that would be bombed from the air by an invader. These roads would be protected with anti-aircraft batteries located at halfmile intervals at the sides of the highways, It was explained. The guns would be camouflaged and located in "nests" of various types, from specially constructed pits to corn cribs. College Alumni To Meet November 7 The alumni of Lafayette, Lehigh and Rutgers will hold a get-together next Thursday night at 7:30 o'clock at Rumson Country club. Louis Hague of Rumson, president of the Lafayette Alumni association, will preside. Charles A. Wolbach, supervising principal of Rumson schools, will represent the Lehigh Alumi, and William Thompson of Asbury Park will represent the Rutgers alumni. The speakers will be Dr. R. C. Clothier, president of Rutgers; Dean Distler of Lafayette, Kenneth Smiley, director of admissions at Lelilgh, and Robert Herrick, secretary to the Lehigh Alumni association. MRS. EMMA T. NOSTRAND. Mrs. Emma T. Nostrand, widow of William G. Nostrand, died this morn- Ing at her home at 13 Applegate street, River Plaaa, of heart trouble. Mra. Nostrand was 74 years old and was born at Newark. She has been resident of this locality for the past 11 years. She is survived by onn daughter, Mrs. Charles Meeker of River Plaza, with whom she made her home; two sons, William A. Nostrand of Bloom- Held and Elbert L. Nostrand of Elm- A reception followed the ceremony I at the Rock Spring club, Orange. The bride's mother wore a rose crepe dress with matching velvet hat. The bridegroom's mother wore a dove blue velvet ensemble. Both mothers had corsages of orchids. After a six weeks' honeymoon In Jamaica the couple will live In Red Bank. Mrs. Blaisdell is a graduate of Miss Clark's school, East Orange, and thc Beard school, Orange. She attended Skldmore college. Mr Blaisdell Is a graduate of Red Rank high school and thc University of Pennsylvania, and Is associated with his fnther in the lumber business. CLKMENTE-VAOCARO. Miss Ida Clemente, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Domenic Clemente of Herbert street, waa married Sunday afternoon at St. Anthony's church to Louis Vaccaro, son of Mr. and Mrs. Patsy Vaccaro of Asbury Park. Rev. Salvatore de Lorenzo performed the ceremony. The bride was given in marriage by her father. She wore a white satin gown made princess style with a court train and sweetheart neckline. Her long tulle veil was held place with a tiara of seed pearls in and rhlnestones. Mrs. Frank Grassro of Asbury Park was matron of honor. She wore a rose taffeta gown aiid a shoulder length veil which fell from a tiara of flowers. She carried a bouquet of pink roses. The bridesmaids were Mias Vera Vaccaro and Miss Ginger Narle of Asbury Park; Misses Vivian Fazzone. Dorothy Clemente, Sophie Ciambrone, Mary Lou Sampoll, Caroline De George and Rose Ricinelli of Red Bank. All were dressed alike In blue taffeta with shoulder length veils. They carried bouquets of yellow roses. Gloria Giglio and Angine Gambalate Joseph Meegan of the Bronx became the bride of William Bailie Grant of Richmond, Virginia, Saturday in the rectory of St. Patrick's cathedral at New York. The bride and her parenta w*re summer residents of Fair Haven for a number of years. The bride wae attired In a brown woolen suit. Her cousin, Evelyn Ennls, was her only attendant. Jack Ennis wss best man. The couple will reside at the New Holland hotel, New York. Mr, and Mrs, Harvey M. Little, Jr., of Long Branch, attended the wedding. CUSHMAN MOUNT Mrs. Mary VanDeVeer Cushman of New York, and George Andrew Mount of New York, son of Captain Alvln B. Mount of and (he late Mrs. Catherine Mount, were married Saturday, October 19, at Christ church, New York. Mr. Mount Is a Rutgers university graduate and a member of Beta Theta PI and Phi Betta Kappa. He served In the A. E. F. and Is a lieutenant colonel In the field artillery reserve. He is manager of the Otis Elevator company. WI1XOX MURPHY. Miss Fae Wllcox and Jay Murphy of Honolulu were married Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert K. Dalton, Rumson road, Rumson. The ceremony was performed by Judge J. Edward Knight and Mr. and Mrs. Dalton were the attendants. Mr. Murphy Is the manager of the American President line. After a short honeymoon ln thla country the couple will return to Honolulu, where they will make their home. t BRECKENBRIDGE BURGESS. Miss Loretla W. Breckenbridge, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Breckenbridge of Lincroft, was married Saturday night to Leyman H. Burgess, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Burgess of West Bergen place, by Recorder Silas F. Cronk of Shrewsbury township. the post members gave him a hearty welcome. The Ladle*' auxiliary will assist the post at the dedication of the new home. Young Women Form Social Club A group of young women of Red Bank and Long Branch met Monday night at the home of Mrs. Joseph Marks on Shrewsbury avenue and formed a new social club to be known as the Friendship club, This was the first organisation meeting and tentative plans for the coming months were ma'de. The officers are Miss Rosa Sacco of Little Silver, president; Miss Rosa Giglio, Long Branch, secretary, and Members are Mra. Mrs. Marks, treasurer, thc sick, committee of Harry Lehman, Mrs. James Gifllo and Miss Mary Cittadino, all of Long Branch. The group will hold a game party next month at St. Anthony's church recreation rooms. The proceeds will be used for welfare work. The nsxt meeting will be held Monday night at tho home of Mrs. John Arnone on Chestnut street. Members are work- Asbury Park Fine Art Society Exhibit Miss Leola M. Robinson and Miss Helen R. Lockwood, both of Red Bank, and Miss Jean W. Morrow of Philadelphia are exhibiting their paintings at the annual membership exhibition of the Asbury Park Society of Fine Arts at the Berkeley- Carteret hotel, Asbury Park, tomorrow. The exhibition, which is the eighth annual one to be given by the society, will open with a reception and will celebrate American Art Weak and National Art Week. The paintings will be exhibited until January 2, Miss Clara Stroud of Herbertsville and Mr*. W. H. D. Koerner of Asbury Park».re director* of the exhibition. Charles Savoth and Charles P. Irwln, the home of John Oalatro and his place of business on Wharf avenue; Thompson'* garage and another vacant garage In Hubbard park. They also admitted looting tha Allaire and Costa garage, the home of Thomas Jardlne on Alston court and the residence of James Chadwick on Prospect avenue and a motor boat anchored In the river, whose owner la unknown. It was this trio that stole three gallons of paint from the home of Cornelia Hoyt on Mechanic street and threw the paint on cars In the Wlllkle parade. In Sea Bright the trio admitted taking clothing and other articles from the homes of Benjamin O. Paskus, John L. Kemmerer, Katherine Dowllnp; and Dr.,T. W. Vance, and they also said they broke into the m«rry-gcwound on Buy avenue,, and stole trinkets. Ing to ship. increase the club's memberhurst, Long Island; and a sister, j corto were flower girls. Both wore Miss Minnie Schroeder of Irvlngton. white, taffeta gowns with poke bon- The body was removed to thc nets and carried colonial bouquets. Mount Memorial home, 135 West Frank Grassro of Asbury Park was best man. Ushers were Ralph Clemente, brother of the bride; Fred West, Front street. Funeral services will be announced later today. TRAFFIC VIOLATIONS. Edward Scudder of Rumson was fined $3 Tuesday night by Recorder Walnright for passing a red light at tho corner of 3road street and Sycamore avenue, Shrewsbury. Arthur Turner nf West Lonff Branch wan given a suspended sentence for speeding on Broad street, Shrewsbury and paid the court costs. John Parllapiano of Elizabeth was fined $ 1 for careless driving on Broad street. All arrests were made by Chief Herdeo. Andy Nayolitano, Ralph DeCaesar, Ernie Annecherlco Geralomo. The bridegroom's Bp.nny Tony Camusso, Mellach, and Joseph De Rumson Women Saved From Gas Fumes Mrs, Mary Desmond and Mrs. Mary Holcflcld escape of Rumson had a from asphyxiation early Saturday morning. Mrs. Desmond, companion for Mrs. Holeflcld, 82, awoke from her sleep and smel- Shower Given Former Resident Mrs. F. L. Dix of 1»2 Mechanic street was hostess last week at a shower for her niece, Mrs. George Plttman of White Plains. Mrs. Pittman is the former Mlse Aleyene Johnson of. Decorations were in pink and blue and Mrs. Plttman received many gifts. Cards were played and prizes awarded to Mrs. Robert Voorhls, Mrs. William Truex and Miss June Truex. Others present were Mr*. Allen Johnson, Mrs. Victor LeValley and Miss Louise Davis of Long Branch; Mrs. Forman Sutphin and Mrs. Russell Bray, Holmdel; Mrs. John H. Sutphen and Miss Carolyn Sutphin, Colt's Neck; Mrs. Charles Bucklln, Phalanx; Mrs. Edward Johnson, Mrs. Robert Matthews, Mrs. Charles A. Johnson, Misses Jane, France* nnd Alice Dlx,. RUMSON CO-Y MEETS. Improvements In Finances A communication was received by th* mayor and council Monday night from the State Department of Local Government stating that the borough's financial condition had Improved to such an extent that It may be allowed to operate on its own next year. An audit will be made to determine whether or not this should be done. For the past year the borough has been operating under the supervision of the state department due to poor economic conditions brought on by delinquent taxes and unforeseen emergencies. Costume Party Held By Nurses Corn slallu, autumn leaves And pumpkins formed the decoration* for tho recreation room of the Monmouth Memorial hospital school of nursing, which wsa the scene of costume dance Isst night. The party was given by the clan of 1M2, Fay Hancock waa chairman, assisted by Margaret - Silvers, Jean Campbell, Madeleine Shannon, Lois Quackenbush, Eleanor Shore and Eleanor Ebeson. Harriet Applegate was chairman of the refreshment committee. Ducking for apple* and other Halloween games, including dancing, were enjoyed by the students and their guests, Mias Anne Hahn is clsas adviser. The students were) not the only ones to have a Halloween celebration, however. The pediatrics ward also gala party. Tha children, as of the occupational therapy had part program, made colored lanterns and other paper cutouts with the Halle* cream and oak* loween motif, was aerved. Asbury Man Victim Of Hit,'Run Driver George VanWInkle of Summerfleld avenue, Asbury Park, a WPA worker, who was struck by a hit and run driver Monday night on Ocean avenue, Sea Bright, Is still in a critical condition at Monmouth Memorial hospital. Mr. VanWInklc Is 59 years old. VanWInkle was removed to the hospital by the Sea Bright First Aid squad. Officer Gilbert Boyer of Ssa Bright Investigated. SEA BRIGHT CHURCH. black chiffon velvet gown with a corsage of gardenias. The bride's mother wore a dark blue chiffon velvet gown with a corsage of gardenias..a reception followed thc ceremony at the Belmar, Community center. Thc couple are on a trip to North Carolina and upon their return will reside at 1521 Summerfleld avenue, Asbury Park. The bride's traveling ensemble was in black and beige, Th* bride attended led gas fumes, mother wore a! Policeman John Connett and Dr. Edmund Kanses went to the Holefield home In answer to a phone call from Mrs. John Lemig at Mrs. Desmond's request. Both Mrs. DeFmond and Mrs. Hole/teld received medical treatment, but their condition was not serious. Officer Connett and John Lemlg found the leak pipe ln the cellar and shut off gas. Later a crew from the County Ga,i company repaired the leak. The Co-Y of Rumson met Monday irht at the homo of the leader, Mrs. Kennoth Bruce of Rumson. Group officers are Barbara Carpenter, president; Barbara Sergi, vicepresident; Marylyn Jordan, secretary; Mndelyn Carew, treasurer, and Marion O'Connor, reporter. Carol Bruce was In charge of the devotional period. TO SERVE SUPPER. A Hungarian goulash supper will be served to the patron* of Gui's Silver Bar on West Front street Saturday night, November 2. Muilo Holy Communion will be administered by the pastor, Rev. Walter B. Williams, Sunday night at 7:30 o'clock at the Sea Bright Methodist church. The sermon topic will be. "Blest, Break, Gave." Music will be rendered under the direction of Mrs. Eleanor Lindsay. Ohurch will be held at 10:45 a. m. school The official board will meet at the parsonage Wednesday night, November 6, at 7:45 o'clock. TROOPER JOINS ARMY, Former Residents To Open Gift Shop Mlsse's Mary and Martha Dodd, former realdents, will open a tearoom and gift shop tomorrow at the home of their aunt, Mrs. Thomas W. Collins, Atlantio avenue, Harmony, Mlddletown township. Tho shop will be known as "Old Harmony." The proprietors will specialize In luncheons, afternoon bridge parties and all other private entertainment usually given In one's home. Tea will he served Friday and Saturday afternoon from 3 to 7 o'clock and all persons Interested as well aa friends and acquaintances are Invited to visit the new place of business. Among the gifts Is a valuable collection of shawls which have been exhibited abroad and at the World's fair. State Trooper Frank Jury of the barracks will enter regular army service tomorrow at Fort Monmouth as a first lieutenant. Trooper Jury who has been a state trooper for the past 10 years returned recently from Fort Perry, Ohio. He Is a member of the army reserve rifle team and is regarded as one of the best rifle shots in the state, When you want to realize caib tor something speedily you can count on The Register want ad columns to do Republicans Meet At Pine Brook The Shrewsbury Township Republican club met last night In the Pine Brook schoolhouso and held Its last meeting before election. J. Stanley Herbert, candidate for general assembly, and Joseph Mayer, candidate for freeholder, wore the principal speakers. Other speakers were Dr. F. Hargreaves of, Isaac Johnson of Eatonlown and Morris Miller of. Leon Shafto was master of ceremonies, Edward Carney, Fine Brook Republican, was chairman. He was assisted by Jamas Parkes, candidate for freeholder, who was unable to be present last night. Refreshments wer* *erved following tho speeches. KNDEAVOR UNION PARTY. Members of tho Monmouth-Ocean County Christian Endeavor union held their annual Halloween party Tuesday night at the Como Methodist church, Spring Lake, Heights. Those attending wero masked and ln costume. Attending from were Miss Mary W. Holmes, Misses Alberta and Naomi Youmanis and Harry C. F. Worden. Other guests were present from,, Perth" Amboy, Elizabeth, Spring Lake Heights, Lakewood, Asbury Park, Manasquan, West Mantoloklng, Bradley Beach, Brlelle, Freehold and Long Branch. STECIAI. ItAltlO PROGRAM Another ln tho radio program aer- les "Union Now," will be heard over radio station WBRB tonight at 5:45 o'clock. Mrs. Douglas Cralk heads the group of residents of and Rumson who are Interested In this movement which tends to keep and dancing will follow the supper, your sailing for you. Advertisement., the publle Informed oa^«lu4 Issue*.

27 Successful Card Party And White Elephant Affair Britiih War Relief Benefited by Local Activities As» result of the card party held by the member* of the Stona Church choir of Navcslnk and the, at the Stone Church Parish house Friday evening, William Stryker, chairman and Mrs, Martin Connor, co-chairman; announce that $100 wai raised for the British War Relief Society, The parish house was beautifully decorated by the members of the choir, with autumn leaves and British War Itelief posters. J. Sanford Shauley, chairman of the Monmouth county committee of the British War Relief society, Joins with Mr. Stryker in expressing hi deep appreciation and grateful thanks to all the members and workers through whose efforts and donations this successful benefit was made possible. Through thu kindness of the officers and trustees of the Naveslnk Library association, under Edward M. Crane, president, the NaVealnk library building, erected in memory of Hermanns liarkulo Duryea, Is being used as a receiving station for clothing donated to the British War Relief society. The directress, Mist Janette Smith, has an exhibition at the library of posters made by enthusiastic school children, and also a collection of garments, knitted and donated by Mrs. Adelaide McKeever of Iioeust. A "White Elephant" party was held last wim'k at the home of Mrs. A, 8. Klnncy for the benefit of the Aabury Park Chapter of the British War Relief society, and after a box luncheon, an auction was held with Mrs. 8, Herbert Anderson and Mrs. R. E. A. DeBow as auctioneers. Sixty-seven dollars and twenty-live cents was rulst-il, which was gratefully received by Mrs. V. P. Lotcher, chairman, and her committee. The Monmouth County Committee of the British War Relief Society, Inc., through Mrs. D. E. Cralk, and Miss Audrey Proddow of the clothing committee, wish to acknowledge donations of serviceable, used cloth- Ing from Mrs. Ernest I* Brothers, Naveslnk avenue, Rumaon; Mrs George V. Coe, Rumson road, Run> son; Mrs. John Crowcll, Little Sllvel Point; Mr*. K. J. Dlbbell, Maple avenue, ; Mrs, C. L, Despard, Buena Vista avenue, Rumson; Mrs. Nlelson Edwards, Little Silver Point; Mre. Irving Foist, Cooney Terrace, Fair Haven; Mrs. Norman Hoyt, 180 Maplo avenue; Lieutenant Colonel and Mrs. Inglla, Fort Monmouth; Mrs. John Mauser, Phalanx; Mrs. Carl Mlgh, Valentine avenue, Monmouth Beach; Howard Phipps, Hance road, Fair Haven; Mrs. D. J. Rnitisden, Little Silver; Janetta Smith, Navcslnk Library, Navesink; Miss Trask, Farmlngdale; Mrs. Ralph O. Willguss, Elm place; Miss Evelyn Walker, 131 Pearl street, as well as for many anonymous donations. Anyono wishing to give serviceable, used clothing, may call the Monmouth War Relief Workroom, 157 Broad street, 3361, or Mrs. D, E. Cralk, Hance road, The Increasing need for donations of warm winter clothing for the peonjo of Great Britain is effectively illustrated in the following excerpt from a lcttoj roceived several days ago from a London suburb:. I "The quiet endurance of Anne and Harry is an example. At 3 a. m. on Saturday morning their house had a direct hit. They were In bed and the bomb came through the bedroom just above the window apparently made a gaping hole In the floor beside the bed and exploded in the hall. The whole house was wrecked, but apart from some bad cuts on Harry's head, my cousins both miraculously escaped. Everything was In darkness of course, and nothing could be done until dawn when the clearing up squad rescued an old suit of his and cleaned it up for him to wear, but she had not even a dress to put on. They later found his glasses unbroken, also both their watches, also with the glass unbrokun. These and their piano are the only possessions they have l«ft/ HotpiUl Aids Hold Card Part/ Mrs. Henry C. Mecklcm, 3d, was hostess at a card party Monday afternoon for the benefit of Hiveiview hospital. The party was «nanged by Mlddletown auxiliary of the hospital and held at Mrs. Mccklem's home at River Plaza. Towels and washcloths were table price* and a number of special awards were donated by Mrs. Lester Sherman and local merchants. Committee members include Mrs. li. H. Decker, Mrs. Henry C. Mccklem, 8r., Mrs. H. S. DeCamp, Mia. R. It. Ceres, Mm. Charles 13. Meeker, Miss Florence Brand and Miss Nancy Meeker. Others attending were Mrs. If. 8. Maher, Mrs. F. W. Warner, Mrs. II. R. Weilbacker, Mrs. Joseph Dillon, Mrs. Michael Ifyniin, Mrs. Charles Hawkins, Mrs. William Gaughan, Mrs. George T. Llnton, Mrs. Grace E. Hasteadt, Mrs. Clinton Kraug, Mrs. Frederick Freibott, Mis. H. Lawrence Scott, Mrs. Robert Oreisenbeck, Mrs. Blanche Melville, Mia. C. W. Humphrey, Mrs. iiidwarl VoiKtlander. Mrs. Wylie G. Pale, Mrs. Kenneth Robinson, Mrs. Lawrence A. Carton, Mrs. James C. DeLong, Mrs. Harold Morford, Mrs. J, T. Lawlcy, Mrs. C. A. Getty, Mrs. Charles Orossinger, Mr*. F. 8. Curtis, Mrs. W. B. Cunningham, Mrs. John Hubbard, Mrs. James H. Taylor, Mrs. J. B. Woodcock, Mrs. E. H. Scattergood, Mrs. R. A. Cooper, Mrs. J. W. White, Mrs. Edward Johnson, Mrs. Benjamin Crate, Mrs. El wood Searles, Mrs. J. B. VanWagcnen and Mrs. Charles Thompson. Society To Hold Peace Meeting The Ladies' Hebrew, society will hold its annual peace meeting Tuesday night at the Jewish Community center on Riverside avenue. Captain Lewis C. Belssig will be the speaker. Captain Beissig Is chaplain of the 245th coast artillery at Fort Hancock. He entered the army in 1018 and for seven years served as secretary of the United Y. M, C, A, at Fort Jay. He was rector of a church at Richmond Hill, New York, for several years, and is a graduate of the General Theological Seminary of New York. His topic will be "The Trees Do Not Grow Up to the Bky," The general theme of the speech will be peace. Mrs. Samuel Cohen, general chairman of the fifth annual Monte Curio to be held Tuesday, November 28, will announce further plans for the event, Reports will be given on the recent rummage sale. Refreshments will be served under the direction of Mrs. Mae Newman. The road to better and blcccr business leads through The Register's advertlslne columns. Advertisement. Matawan (Tlio R«d Bunk Rtitlater ran be bought In Matnwan from J. * J. Tasslnl) Mrs. William Tichcnor entertained the Tuesday Afternoon Contract club at her home this week. Postmaster Raphael C. Devlin, Mias Elizabeth Devlin, Jack Shepherd, t>r. and Mrs. Wallace McCue and Miss Anne Mull of Fair Haven attended the Georjjetuwn-N. Y. u. football game at the Yankee stadium Huturduy afternoon. Bruno Yancarella of Long Branch, an employee of the Lenape aircraft factory, cut his hand Saturday while working with an electric drill. Mrs. William Pcngel entertained her bridge club at her home Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Raphael C. Devlin and Mrs. Wallace* McCue were guests. Prizes were awarded to Mm. Devlin, Mrs. Marguerite Laird and Mrs. McCue. "The Apron and Necktie" dance sponsored by the Matawan Young Democrats.Saturday evening in the American Legion hall wss very successful. Over 400 attended. Michael Kldgus was general chairman of the affair, Mrs. Joseph Haley, Mrs, R. C. Devlin, Mr. and Mrs. James Powers of Holmdel and Mrs. Margaret Harvey of Oakhurst spent Monday at New York, where they witnessed the parade in which President Roosevelt took part..they also attended the Madison Square Garden in the evening when the President made a speech. Miss Mabel Brown spent Friday and Saturday at the home of her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Conover of Maplewood. Saturday they attended the P-lnceton-Rutgers football game. Sunday Miss Brown attended the World's fair with Mrs. Ralph Herrick. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Blalsdell of Hartford, Connecticut, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Askiey of New Haven and Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Osnato of New York spent Friday and Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Herrick. William Tichenor hat just returned from a business trip to Milwaukee. Mrs. Winston Shaffer entertained her bridge club Thursday evening. Miss Mary Devlin was awarded first prize and Miss Muriel VanPelt second. Miss Nina Hotallng substituted. Miss Helen Cartan has returned from a week's visit at Washington, D. C. The American Legion auxiliary held their annual dues-paying supper and installation Wednesday evening in the American Legion hall. Mrs. Mae Vaugoln, county president, Installed the following officers for : Mrs, Mae Wallin, president; Mrs. Catherine B. Sutphin, first vice president; Mrg. Margaret F. Devlin, second vice president; Mrs. Alma Kattner, treasurer; Mn. Norms Fountain, secretary; Mrs. Mary Banley, scrrcant-at-arms. Mr«. William Donnenworth, out-going president, presided. Speeches were made by Congressman William H. Sutphin, Mayor Edward W, Currle, commander Thlxton, PoBt 176; past commanders and officers of the Legion and auxiliary. A covered dish supper was served. Seventy-five attended. rabty GIVKN SERVICE SQUAD, Five members of the River street school Service Squad gave a surprise Halloween party Tuesday afternoon for squad member!. Games were played and refreshments served to 22 members present. Hostesses were Harriett Dwyer, Pauline Patterson, Dorothy Hoffman, Loi«Macintosh and Edna Wilson. MANUFACTURERS CLOSE OUT HURRY! HURRY! FOR BEST SELECTIONS As They Won't Last Long at This Low Price! 67 OF 500 LADIES ASSORTED HATS 67 Many of These Hats Were $2 and $3 Values The'most becoming hntu you've worn In ages! Beguiling young pompadour* that show off jour shiny curls! with wide-eyed appeal! back on your head! new tall and winter shades. Back-flung beret Tricky new bonnet* that perch 'way Colors dusky black, chocolate brown, other Come see, como buy! Felts! Brims! Pill Boxes! JRED BANK REGISTER, OCTOBER 31, Army Officer Speaks To P. T. A. Lieut. Colonel Albert Evans of Fort Monmouth was the speaker at a meeting of the Oceanport Parent- Teacher association last week. Rev. A. S. Wolstencroft gave the invocation. Gerald Clapper tang vocal solos and Francis Hawk rendered piano selections. Both young men are members of the Fort Monmouth band. Those present were Mayor and Mn. Sidney Beers, Mr. and Mrs. H. W, Conrow, Mr. and Mrs. John D. Patrick, Rev. snd Mrs. A. 8. Wolstencroft, Mr. and Mra. Patsy Tober, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dalton, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hyman, Mr. and Mrs. William Fleckner, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ludwig, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Grillo. Mrs, James Karl, Mrs. Lloyd Sickles, Mrs. Matthew Hudson, Mrs. George Coventry, Mrs. George S. Klnkade, Mrs. Louis West, Mrs. John Whiteside, Mrs. Emma Fleckner, Mrs. Felix Foggia, Mrs. Howard Davey, Mrs. Richard S. Ranson, Mrs. August Wittenberg, Mrs. Ruth Gunderson, Mrs. Helen Blerdman, Mrs. Walter Jackson, Mrs. Thomas Williams, Mrs. Gertrude Davis, Mrs. Edward Minton, Mrs. Thomas ROM, Jr., Mrs. Milton E. Lamb, Mrs. Mary Morris, Mrs. Peter Jarvis, Misses Helen Jarvis, Dolores Tober, Lorraine Silver, Helen Guillaudeau and Romana Patrick, George C, D. Hurley and Frederick Wood, Holmdel The ball room above Max Lefsky's general store, scene of many dances and celebrations, la being remodeled and will soon be converted Into livng quarters for Mr. Lcfsky and his family. The exterior of the building Is being repainted. The bowling schedule for the Holmdel league Is as follows: Tonight, Giants vs. Cards; Friday, Phillies vs. Cubs; Monday, Cubs vs. Giants, and Tuesdays, Cards vs. Phillies. The Young Fellowship group succesafully presented its one-act comedy, entitled "Buddy Answers an Ad," Friday night in the Reformed chapel. Members of the cost were Kenneth Wilson, Paul, Marcella and Ted Mofller, Margrctta Sctllthorpc, Richard Francis, Ethel Clausa and Barbara Reed. The show was coached by Rev. Marshall Harrington. Carol and Kenneth Mollicr and Hannah Sculthorpe were in charge of the stage and properties and Eulalie and Myra Francis were usherettes. rummage sale to be held by the Reformed Ladies' Aid society. Contributions are being accepted at the He- Rev. Marshall Harrington Is attending the state Baptist convention (formed chapel. at Paterson this week. Mrs. Jonathan Holmes was present at Tuesday's session. Mrs. William Pitcher, Mre. Bernard Frawley and Mrs. Nicholas Harvey Molly Pitcher spent Thursday at the World's fair. Miss Leila Schanck is living with Mra. Anna Ely and Mrs. Emily Patterson. Food Market Mr. and Mrs. Holmes Ely are stay- 18 MONMOUTH ST. Ing with Mr. and Mrs. Garret Longstreet. Fhon«Jb-d Hunk H Mrs. Taylor Hance and Mrs. Best Bologna George Schanck attended the World's Hamburger Steak fair last week. Mrs. John Jeffrey and Mrs. Joseph Country Sausage Phillips spent Saturday at New Lum»«' Liver York. Hill Lamb Chops Misses Carol and Marcella Motfier Shoulder entertained Saturday night at their Pork Chops home for a group of friends. Games and dancing were enjoyed and refreshments served. Those present included James Purcelll, Charles Applegate, Tyler, Margretta and Hannah Sculthorpe, Barbara Reed, Ethel Clausa, Kenneth Wilson and Myra, Eulalie and Richard Francis and Paul, Phil, Donald and Kenneth Moffler. Services of the Holmdel church Sunday morning will be held at 11 o'clock In the Reformed sanctuary. Rev. Marshall Harrington will deliver sermon entitled, "Above the Crowds." Armistice Sunday will be observed jointly with Red Cross Sunday, November 10. Members of the township are urged by the clergy to join the Red Cross when enrollment is started November 11. The junior choir began rehearsals Wednesday night In the Reformed Sanctuary under the supervision of Mrs. Charles Ely and Mrs. Harold Holmes. The young boys and girls of the congregation are invited to participate. The Youth Fellowship organization will meet in the parsonage tomorrow J night at, 8 o'clock. A Community Thanksgiving service will be held in the Reformed sanctuary Wednesday night, November 20. Plans are being completed fur a LAMB SHOULDER BREAST > iws. LAMB J '" r Fr.»li-KIH.d' JERSEY FOWL 23! LEGS 22, LAMB Boneless 25; Veal Roast Breast Veal 12c 1 Pajre Three WEEK-END SPECIALS Home Made Candy FRIDAY and SATURDAY ONLY! All Three FOR 89c ALL HOME-MADE CANDY Made Fresh Dally In Our Own Modern Kitchen 1 lb. Home Made Ass't Chocolates 1 ft. Buttered Peanut Brittle 1 1b. Mixed Hard Candy EXTRA SPECIAL! FRESH ROASTED MIXED NUTS THIS WKKK-K.NI> ONLV 59,1 AT OUR FOUNTAIN Delicious Sodas and Sundaes We Invite You to Try Our TASTY LUNCHEONS and SANDWICHES THE TALK OF THE TOWN Forsgate Farms Ice Cream Sold Exclusively Caramel Sweet Shoppe (SWEETEST FLACK IN TOWN) 29 BROAD ST., RED BANK To the Voters of Monmouth County Re-elect Monmouth County's Native Son W. WARREN BARBOUR UNITED STATES SENATOR EXPERIENCE PATRIOTISM A' native and lifelong resident of Monmouth County, our friend and neighbor, Senator Harbour, possesses a more intimate knowledge of its make-up, industries, interests and needs than most men who could he sent to Washington to represent the people of our county and State, making him in a true sense "New Jersey's own Senator." FOR UNITED STATES SENATOR COURAGE STABILITY 'I' Vote for Our Friend Warren Barbour, on Tuesday, Nov. 5 (Paid for by Frank E. Price)

28 Page Foitf BED BANK REGISTER, OCTOBER 81, THE WRIGHT STORES, Inc. 30 Monmouth Street Phone 2404 Plumbing, Heating, Electrical and Sheet Metal Contractors HOOVER WORKMANSHIP IN.THESE Church New* BAITIST Missionary Sunday will be observed n th* Sunday-school which convenes ai fl:45 Sunday morninp. fosters mode by members of the school, Th* Ioctl W. C. T. U. will m#«t next Tuesday at 2:30 p. m. at the hom«of Mr*. Harry Oaborn on Bersen place. Thimble club meeting will be held Wednesday, November 6. at thp home of MM. Many. Mid-week prayer service Wednesday evenings at * o'clock, with Rev. showing the dappers of alcoholism, Ferlnchlef in charge. Come and share in this hour of inspiration. All members and friends of the church are Invited to attend. Anccbea to Brery Hoover Special is s Hoover guarantee tag, muring you that the rebuilt cleaner you buy has been reconstructed not by some un< known firm but by the great ted responsible Hoover Company itself. Old parts hive been replaced by genuine Hoover parts. In choosing a rebuilt cleaner, be sure to select a Hoover Special. Guaranteed to give ONE FULL YEAR'S efficient service. Hoover Special Model 105 can be boughtioio!!ly*19.95, This month only. A Real Buy FOR WINTER NORGE 'Whirlator' OIL BURNER $169^2 Regularly Would Be $314,511 Completely installed with ;i 275-Gallon Inside Tank and MlnnenpnlN Ilnifpywell Controls. Subject to local regulations, SEE IT TODAY! MOTHERS! Bring your Kiddies to our Store to see our Pre- Showing of Christmas Toys. We have a most complete line and all are made in the U. S. A. will also be on display. All those interested in the Sunday-school orchestra are asked to meet, at the church at. 3:3(1 Sunday afternoon. Service of Holv Communion will be observed at the 11 o'clock hour of worship. Rev. C. A. Thunn wil preach on the topic "Power." The nmslc will include Ihe prelude "Barcarolle" hv Faulkes and the anthems "The 1-ord's Prayer" by Malotte and -I Will Love Thee, O Lord" by Wooler. The young: people -will meet At 6 o'rlork at the. church. Jeanne Van- Drirn, Joy Mason, Charles England, Charles Rehriir and John llillyer represented the young people at the youth conference in Plainfleld over the week-end. Rev. Thunn led the conference In the devotional periods speaking on "Trails For Chilsllan Living." A Halloween party for members of the Sunday-school anil Boy Scout tmop of the church will he. held at Ihe church tonirht. Prizes will be awnidert and refreshments served. A small «d mission charpe will be Several members of the World! Wide guild are. planning to attend the state guild rally at Ashury Park : tomorrow, Saturday and Sunday. : Sneakers will include Miss Bessie Payne. Miss Sara Chow of Hang- ; Chow, China, and Miss Elsie Kap- 5 pen, national guild secretary of New ' York. A candle-light service will follow the banquet at the Hotel Saturday evening. Monday Mrs. Russell Purdy. wife of the pastor of! Asbury Park Baptist church, will be! in charge of a consecration service. The Women's Missionary society will meet this afternoon at -':30 at : the liome of Sirs. W. A. Truex, Hudson avenue. Miss Grace Beith will p.-rrsent the devotions and Mrs. Ellen Burgess will be in charge of the program. Special evenu for November include a cake sale by the Baptist Women's league Saturday, the 9th, (if which Mrs. Harry Chamberlain is chairman; a turkey supper Thursday, the 14th, by the Philathea society and a fair and entertainment the 28th by the Baptist Women's lfague. Mrs. Elmer Cottrell Is general chairman of the league event and has appointed the following committees: entertainment, a play j by some of the members, Mrs. Al-! hrrt Hassell, Miss Ruth Scattergood and Mrs. Homer Methot; tickets, Mrs. Everett Brower; food table, Mrs. Elizabeth Magee, Mrs. Warren Fowls..-, Mrs. W. W. Kennedy and Mrs. Stewart Cook; fancy articles, novelty and gift booth, Mrs..A. W. VanNostrand, Mrs. W. C. Beith, Mrs Chris Bcrge and Mra. Harry Chamberlain. MKTIIOIMST The Sacrament of Holy Communion will bo administered at the morning service next Sunday by the minister, Rev. Kenneth R. Perinchlef. Musio will be provided by both vested choirs under direction of Mra. Willey. Prelude, "Prlere Suite Gothique," Boellmann; processional of choirs, "Holy, Holy, Holy," offertory anthem, "Father, Whose Will Is Life, and Good," Tails; anthem by senior choir, "Bread of Heaven," Berwald; postlude, "Duke Street," Whitin);,, communion hymn, "The King of Heaven, His Table Spreads." "Spiritual Insight" will be the theme for the evening sermon by Rev. Perinchief. A hymn sing will open the evening hour. Prelude, "Salut D'Amour," Lemare; offertory, "Grant, We Beseech Thee," Harker; alto and tenor duet, "The Vesper Hour," Nevin, sung by Mrs. Mildred Morris and J. Russell Woolley, and postlude, Donahue. At 9:45 o'clock next Sunday morning the church school will meet under the leadership of Harold J. Coddlngton, general superintendent. Worship service for combined adult and senior departments will begin at 9:45. Mrs. Lois Wilbert is pianist and Kelby Warden song leader. This Sunday will begin the new World Service year and each class will make their pledge to the World Service fund. A men's Bible class has! been started with A. A. Whiting as teacher. All men are invited to share in this class, meeting in the auditorium each Sunday morning. The Younjr Peoples 1 Fellowship at 6 p. m. is open to all young people nf the church. Bring a lunch and I enjoy this hour of fellowship followed by a worship program and 1 topic discussion. Tomorrow the women of the church arc asked to assist with the Red Cioss work at their headquarters on Monmouth street. Miss Flora Will- NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT KflUt* of Julia P. Fimi. dereai-etl. Notir* IF lltrnhy [,'jven thut tho.term 'if 1h«6ubf<:i ibn, sole c.mttitur of tint»ta of said (ierea*e'i, wili he audited etaled liy the.s-ji!0>.'utc nf the County of Monmouth anil reiirirttil lor settlement to th«orphans' Court of snid County, on Thursday, the fo'ittccrith ikiy of November, A. I). 1840, at 10:011 n'tlnrk a. m,. at which time amilirnt.inn vill liy made for the allowance of i-nmmi*ti<inh and counsel Hated October 1. A. T'. l'.uo. HARHY II. fold). 84^ Mnple Ave., Wnoohri'lj-c. N..].,?.<>\e Kxccutoi. Altion Ttfekmnn,»']., Bed Bnnl., N. J., Proctor. I""*""fl i R uss directs tho group. Friday is j known as "Methodist Women's Red I Cross Day." The district charter meeting of the '- ; Woman's society of Christian Service will be held at First Methodist church, New Brunswick, tomorrow, with sessions at 10:30 and 2 o'clock. Mrs. Henry D. Ebner is district chairman. All women are invited to attend this district meeting for the New Brunswick district. A group Monmouth Cnunly Surrogate*! Officr. In the miitu'i- uf the e«tate of William Harry Fletcher (\V. 11. Fletcher), also known HS Hairy Fletcher, deceased. Notice to rreditora to iirefiont claims nvftinkt estate. Pursuant to the order of Joseph L. l.)onahay, Surrogate of the County uf Monmouih, made on the twenty-third day of October, 1!>4<). on the Hjii'licntion of Mftry W. Blood, ejn'riitrk of the emnlp of William Jlurry Kletrher '\V. H. Fletcher), alio known a* Hairy Fletcher, deitlked, notice is hereby uiven to the creditor* of Bnirl df-reanml to e\hiliit to the PUburibrr, rxecutri:; nh nfme^aid. their dehtn and demands ncain't 1iio Kaiil t-m.-itt, umler tilth, within *l.\ months from Ihe dale nf Ihi aforcalii order, or they will In. forever barred of Iheir action* thrtefor mralnit the»ld miwrlhpr. l>atnl Krerholil. N. J-. October 23. l'.mo. M.MIV W. IM.OOII. NaVMlnk, N. J. K.lmw.l \V. WI.e. Jr.. KM,., Kill llnnk, N. J.. rrr>rlnr. m liy Mcrcluuits. The fled Bank Register Is supliartad by local as well as out-oftown business men. Advertisements appearing regularly tell tho story, Advertisement. ; of women from the local church plan to attend and will report at their society meeting November -t. Choirs of the church rehearse Friday nights, young people at 7 p. ni. land seniors at 8 p. m. Mrs. Willey I urges faithful attendance as new I music for special occasions is being j prepared. I The Woman's Society of Christian Service will meet next Monday even- ing at 8 o'clock with Mrs. Howard Higginson presiding. Business meeting will be followed by a program I under the direction of Mrs. C. C. 1 Rogers. There will be a guest speak- cr and special musical offering, sojcia] hour and refreshments. I A rummage snlc will bo held In Union fire house by the Woman's society of Christian Service next Monday. The committee in charge comprises Mrs. Lester Smith chairman, Mrs. F. W. Boyd, Mrs. F. Kuhl, Mrs. A. C. Smith, Mrs. J. Valleau, Mrs. F- Warner, Mrs. H. Higglnson, Mrs. Mildred Pryor, Mrs. Helen VanSant "nd Mrs. M. VanOstcnbridgc. Those having rummage, to give will contact Mrs. Higginson or Mrs. F. W. Boyd. numniagc may be left at the home of Mrs. F. W. Boyd, 15 Hudson ave- Morricey meets at the pastor's residence. LUTHERAN The annual Halloween party wti held Tuecdny evening In th* Sunday school room. The committee In charge comprised Mm. Henry Franz, chairman, Mrs. H. A. Hendricluon, Mrs. Schwind and Rev. «nd Mrs. Walter Cowen. Mrs. Martin Dougherty, Mrs. Wal- At 9 p. m. following the mid-week Her Hanson, Mrs. Fred Wllman, Mrs. service the finance committee will I Harry Asay and Mrs. Walter Cowan meet. H. H, Bsynton, chairman of attended the 12th annual missionary the committee, asks that svery member make»n effort to be present. There will be discussion of important, financial matters. convention of the New Jersey Conference, at Good Shepherd Lutheran church, Weehawken, yesterday. Mrs.! Co welfare secretary of the District stewards' meeting of the (Conference, submitted a report. New Brunswick district will he held The order has been placed for the at Asbury church. North Long Branch Wednesday,- November 6 at 10 a. m. There will be helpful program of district interest. covering of the Sunday-school floor with terra cotta tiletex asphalt block. The new flooring will add to the tippcarance of the room and be a The Cub pack of the church will j distinct improvement over the presmeet Friday evening, November», In jent concrete floor. The work in extlie church basement at V:15 o'clock. ] pooled to be completed during the Parents are uked 1o co-operate with! first week of November, the committee in presenting this! Mias Dorothy Agnes Kissel of moat worth-while program for boys R,, mson was recseived into memberbrtween nine and 12 years. ship of the church Sunday by certlfl- The official board will meet Tues- cat e 0[ transfer from St. John's day evening,. November 12, at 8 i Jtllheran church, Union City. o'clock. Matters pertaining to the future program of the church will be presented for discussion. All members are asked to be present. The mission study class of the Woman's Society of Christian Service will hold their first meeting (n he church Monday evening, November 18, with Mrs. Minretta DeMott in charge. A chapter on the text book, "The Migrant" and one on "China" will be reviewed uy a member of the group. Mrs. Fred Boyd will be chairman for a clam chowder sale In the kitchen of the church Monday, November 18. Advance orders may be placed with Mrs. Boyd. Alpha Kappa Pi class meeting on Thursday, November 14 at the home I Miss Grace Allen. Many members and friends of the { hurch attended open house Sunday ifternoon at the newly acquired Kinler estate on Broad street, which has been purchased by the church for an educational building. A service of raise and dedication wu conducted iy Kev. Perinchlef. Members of the irticial board and Quarterly,confernce were in attendance. The guest of honor was Dr. Elbert M. Conover, director of the Inter-denominational Bureau of Architecture. A committee was on hand to answer questions and show friends through the building. Th. met Monday evening with Mrs. Hnr. ry Hftyea on Brunch avenue. Mrs. E. C, Runyon presided at the meeting. Following the business meeting a social time wajs enjoyed. FKKSBYTKRIAN. "That They Might Have Life" will be the pastor's sermon topic for next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Richard Lowry, Rumson road, Little Silver, was in charge of the Junior Christian Endeavor meeting Sunday afternoon. A supper meet- Ing was held Sunday at S p. m. in the social hall by the members of the Intermediate Christian Endeavor society. Miss Gladys Cottrell was In charge. Th* Monmouth-Ocean County Christian Endeavor Union held a Halloween party Tuesday night»t 8 o'clock in th* Como Methodist church, Spring Lake Heights. Several members of the local Christian Endeavor groups attended. This week will be the last chance for the purchase of tickets to the Brotherhood plsy, "What a Life," a comedy In three acts, to be given tomorrow night, November 1, at 8:30 o'clock in the St. James auditorium. Dancing, to the music of William H. Crawford's orchestra, will be held following the play. The home department held a meeting Tuesday sfternoon at the home of Mrs. Edmund Bruce, Buena place. Delbert Delslnger of Wallace street, presented a brief summary of the Bible before the members of the Sunday Morning club Sunday. He.spoke In the absence of Rev. John A. Hayes, pastor of the church, who was to continue his weekly series of talks about "The Life of Paul." John B. Allen of South street, read the morning's scriptural lesson. Rev. Hayes will speak before the young people next Sunday morning at 9:45 o'clock. Those present were John B. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Emll Slngdahlsen, Mr. and Mrs. Clark E. Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. Ross E. Wiley, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis R. Lowry, Mrs. Douglas H. Ring, Miss Naomi Youmans, Dr. Lawrence R. Burdge and Edwin Lusbv. GETHSEMANE LUTHERAN. The 24th Sunday after Trinity will be observed at all services of Gethsemane Lutheran church with church school in Keansburg at 8:45 a. m. and church school in at 9:30 a. m., followed by the service in at 10:45 a. m., with sermon by the pastor on the subject "The Fruit of Faith." Vespers will be held in Keansburg at 7:30 p. m. with sermon by the pastor on "The Larger Outlook." The church choir will sing at both morning and evening services. The s-hore district Luther League will meet next Tuesday evening as guests of the Lutheran church of the Reformation, Long Branch. Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock, the pastor will meet with the class of young people who are preparing for confirmation. Palm Sundav 1Q41 n,.., nt ounuaj, ivii, ovtiweus ijinx-iua, wr. ana inn me following persons are enrolled I lei H. Taylor of Bergenfleld. in the class at the present date; - " The women of the church will meet this afternoon at. the home of Mrs Walter Cowen on McLsren street to lew. The Sacrament of Holy Communion will he administered Sunday, November 3d, 11 a. m. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST. Services in First Church of Christ Scientist, at 209 Broad street. Red Bank, are held Sundays at 11 a. m., and Wednesdays at 8:15 p. m., Sun day-school, 11 a. m "Everlasting Punishment" is the Lesson-Sermon subject for Sunday, November 3. in all Christian Science Churches and societies throughout the world. The Golden Text i«: "Righteousness keepcth him that i«upright in the way: but wickedness overthroweth the sinner." ((Proverbs 13:6). Among the Lesson-Sermon citations Is the following from the Bible: "For thou hast maintained my right and my cause; thou sattest in the throne judging right." (Psalms 9:4). The Lesson-Sermon also includes the following passage from the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy: "Divine Science adjusts the balance as Jesus adjusted it. Science removes the penalty only by first removing the sin which Incurs the penalty. This Is my sense of divine pardon, which 1 understand to mean God's method of destroying sin" (p. 40). Brief ItemsOf Fifty Year* Ago Additional Newt On Page 2, First Section Donald Kraus, John Bayne, Robert Hopler, Jack Wetjen, Betty Dangler, Edward Kaftan and Harvey Boyce. Another class is being organized for its first year of instruction preparatory to Confirmation and atlll another class consisting of young people 14 years nf age, and over is being organized for confirmation. Tht regular meeting of the church council will be held Thursday even" Ing, Novemher 7, at the pastor's residence. The intermediate Luther Leugue will meet Friday evening, November 8. at the congregation's meeting quarters In East 'Kcansburg under the leadership of Mrs. J. Russell Hapler Friday afternoon at 3:30 the chilf th ler. dren of the church meet at the pas' tors residence and Saturday morning at 10 o'clock the children's choir under tile leadership of Mrs. Elsie ST. MARK'S, KEANSBURG. Holy Communion will be observed tomorrow, All Saints day, at 10 a. m., arid also Saturday, All Soul*' day, at 10 o'clock. Services next Sunday morning will be Holy Communion and sermon at 9 o'clock and churchschool at 10:30. St. Marks' Men's Fellowship will meet next Monday night at 8 o'clock at the horn* of W. J. H. Stokes on road. Choir rehearsal will be held in the church next Tuesday night at 7 o'clock. LEONARDO HAITIST CHURCH. The Baptl»t church, Rev. Ellwood S. Wolf, pastor, is conducting a successful loyalty campaign in whicn residents of the community are urged to attend the services of the church and Sunday-school regularly. The World Wide guild of the state is holding its annual convention at the First Baptist church, Asbury Park, tomorrow to Sunday. Members of the Edna Woodward and Elsie Ktttlltz chapters will attend. Sunday-school will begin at 9:40 Sunday morning. Morning worship will be held at 11 o'clock and the pastor will bring a sermon on "Aspirinf? to God's Plan.' The high school and Junior Christian Endeavor societies will meet Sunday evening at 6:30 o'clock. The evening worship will take place at 7:45 o'clock. The Men's choir will sing a selection and Mr. Wolf will preach on "The Glimpse, of God." The annual conference of the Woman's Missionary society of the Monmouth Baptist association will be held next Wednesday from 10 o'clock In th'e morning until 4 o'clock in the afternoon at the First Baptist church of Matawan. The women of the local church will meet at the church at 9:30 a. m. in order to attend In a body. The mid-week service will be held Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock and will Include a forum period and Bible study. The annual roll call of the church will be held Monday, November 11, beginning at 4 o'clock, Everett Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Chamberaln of Omaha, Nebraska, visited relatives in this section this week. Mrs. Chamberlain is the former Miss Beatrice Kelly. Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Pfaltz of Newark were week-end visitors at their summer home here. David Hendrickson Stilwell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Stilwell of Packanack Lake, was baptized Sunday afternoon at the En^'uwood Episcopal church. The sponsors were Miss Shirley Stilwell of this place and Joseph, Gill of Bcrgenflcld. A reception was held after the ceremony at the home of Mrs. Stllwell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan- Mrs. Stilwell is the former Miss Dorothy Taylor. Miss Mary Toomey of Philadelphia spent the week-end at her summer home here. Miss Toomey spent last week at Garden City, Long Island, as'thc guest of Mr. and Mrs. Fred O. Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kelly of this plnce and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Creevey of Holmdel were Sunday Buests of Charles Rumph and family of Locust. The Rumphs are former residents of this place. Mass will be celebrated nt St. Catherine's church tomorrow morning at 6 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Miller have moved from this place to Keansburg. Sunday night several mail boxes and street signs in the village were pulled out of place by hoodlums. Before the damage was done the The people of Middlatown subscribed $700 toward rebuilding th steeple on the village Baptist church. The ladles of Laedsvllle held a very successful fair and festival In thi chapel and realized nearly floo. The money waa to* bd used in repairing and refurnishing the chapel. Promt nent on the commltte were Emma Thompson, Mr*. Joseph Thompson, Mrs. William Cole, Mis* Anna Thompson and Deacon James Gray. The public school at Leedsvllle had an average attendance of SO pupil*. Mr*. Frank Hyer of Colt* Neck was he teacher. Frank Walcott and Fred Elston went to Oceanport and again defeated the whist players in two successive games. George P. Kuhl and hi* daughter Annie returned from Germany, where hey went to visit Mr. Kuhl'* moth- >r, whom he had not seen for muny yearn. Arden Smith'* great melodrama 'The Eagle'* Neat" wis scheduled to be given»t th«opera House and seat* were *elllng rapidly at Adlem and Cole'* ctor*. Majchow, Fisher and Morford were engaged to furnish the music at a reception given at Concert hall under the management of Fred Flick. Notice of the coming election was advertised by Albert C. Harrison, township clerk. The polling place* were William Curchln'* shop at Fair Haven, Naveiink Hook and Ladder company's building on Mechannic street, Spinning and Patt*r*on'«building at Front and Pearl streets and W. L. Borden'a shop at Shrew«i bury. The fire department of entertained the firemen of the county and a feature of the day'* program was a proce**lon headed by the Chemical Engine company of 60 men, with Thomas L. Sea brook in command. Mrs, Louisa Jack«on of Monmouth street had a narrow escape from being seriously burned when she attempted to polish heratov* with some patent blackening material while the stove was exceptionally hot Her clothing was nearly destroyed and the carpet and wainscoting burned, but she escaped with only minor burns. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Mlnton celebiated the fourth anniversary of their marriage at their home on Bridge avenue. They received a large number of present* from their friends as tokens of the occasion. The annual conference of the Methodist Protestant church of New Jersey waa held at Penne Grove. Rev. J. H, Clark was sent to the Fair Haven church. The Young Women 1 * Temperance union gave an entertainment in their rooms over Chadwick's drug store, charging five cents admiaslon. Those who had special parta on the program were Mlsa Clara Cooper, Mr*. Ella Cadoo, Mary Nichols, Japhla "layton, Frank Conklln, Alex Edgar, Emma Mills and Frank Storck. Fred and Geo;ge Burd had an Impromptu bath from their canoe. Their calls for help were heard by Harry Payne, who went to their assistance. The boys suffered no Injuries from their ducking. Professor Frederick A, Jones, a skilled optician, was brought to Red Bank by L. de la Reussllle and he waa examining eye* without charge and prescribing proper fitting glasses. Mr. Reussille did a thriving business while Mr. Jones wns In town. Professor Heymann's dance and reception at Liberty hall, Fair Haven, was a big success. Mra. Eliza Osgood, daughter of the late Commodore Vanderbilt, bequeathed In her will $10,000 to Lambert Wardcll, formerly of Long Branch. Mr. Warden for a long time waa Mr. Vanderbllt'a private-secretary. Miss Martha Clayton and Charles L. McQueen, both of Colt's Neck, were married at Freehold by Rev. I. P. Brokaw, Mlsa Annie Smith of Browntown and Enoch B. Scobey of Freehold were married at Matawan by Rev. S. C. Chattln. Rev. Charles D. Buck of New Monmouth officiated at the Wedding of Mis* Emma L. VanMater of New Monmouth and Robert K. Young of Wellcsboro, Pennsylvania. Obituaries MRS. KUIKKNCE M. TICEIIUK8T Mrs. Florence Mary Tlcehurst, wife of Dr. Harry Ticehurst of Sycamore avenue, Shrewsbury, died Saturday afternoon after a long illness. Mrs. Tlcehurst wa* a resident of Shrewsbury for 12 year*. She was born at City Island, New York, a daughter of William and Mary Bush and later resided at Tenifly. She waa a charter member of the Eastern Star of Tenafly and was past worthy matron of the. order. Beside* her husband, she is survived by two sons. Robert Leonard Tlcehurst of Bed Hank and William Harry Tlcehurst of Langhorn, Pen-: nsylvanla, and a daughter, Mrs. Ruth M. Perry of Fair Haven. The funeral was held yesterday afternoon at her late home with Rev, Carroll M. Burck of Christ Epl*copal church officiating. The Eastern Star held its service previous to the funeral., Interment waa in Christ church cemetery under the supervision of the J. Frederlo Sllcox funeral home,. Bearers were William Adam Joseph Turklnglnn, Bernard on Hagen, Dr. Harry C. Miller, Dr. A. B. Randall and Dr. D. 8. Ely. MHS. CATHKHINK MAXWELL Mrs. Catherine Maxwell of Middletown avenue, Atlantic Highland*, died last Thursday at Monmouth Memorial hospital at the age of 79 years. She suffered injuries In a fall downstairs in her home two week* ago and complication* set in. Surviving are a son, Joseph Maxwell of. Mrs. Maxwell was born In Ireland and had been a resident of many years. Her husband, atrick Maxwell, died a number of fears ago. He waa employed by the late Dr. Edwin Field of and during thn smallpox epidemic many years ago he assisted Dr. Field In nursing those who were stricken. Mr. Maxwell had had the malady when he lived In Ireland. The funeral of Mra. Maxwell wa* teld Monday morning at St. Agnes hurch. A requiem mass was celeirated by Rev John Tormey. Burial by A. M. Ponten & Sons was in Mount Olivet cemetery. funeral some at. Rev, Dwigbt L. Pai*ons of Little Sllve officiated. Burial was in Fair View cemetery. Mis* Adam* waa bora at Maw York, She It a coueln of former Mayor George Silver of Shrewsbury- She ha* resided moet of h«r IK* In New York and Northern New Jeraey. Mis* Adam* waa a member of First Presbyterian church at Roaelle and wa* a former teacher of the piano in Elizabeth. Miss Adams la survived only by her cousin, Mr. SHver. The funeral wa* held yestertfsy afternoon at the late residence^ Interment was In Alpine cemetery, Perth Amboy, under the. supervision of the H. 8. Bedle Funeral home of, BRKNT H. LEWIS. The ftlneral of Brent Harrigan Lewi*, uged 19 month*, son of Mr. and Mr*. Loren C. Lewi*, North Edgemcre drive, West Allenhurat, who died suddenly Wednesday mornning of last week, waa held Friday t th* residence, with Rev. Otto I,. 1 F. Mohn, pastor of the Asbury Park Reformed church, officiating. Bearers were Robert C. Brandt of nterlaken, Vernon Harvey of Avon, dgar Ostrander of West Long Branch and Edmund J. Canzona of Red Eank. Burial under the direction of the Worden funeral home, as in Glenwood cemetery, West ing Branch. The child'* father I* recorder of Ocean township and associated with the law firm of Parsons, Labrecque nd Borden at, The Red Bank law firm remained closed Friay morning during the service. Brent was the second of three ihlldren in-the Lewi* family. He is urvived by a brother, Loren C. Lewis, Jr., 4 years old, and a alser, Linda Hawkins Lewi*, 7 month*. MRS. THERESA WOLF. Mrs. Theresa Wolf, 68, widow of Frederick Wolf, died Friday morning at the Hilltop Convalescent home, Mlddletown, after a long Illness. Her husband died last June, Mrs. Wolf waa born in Germany nd Is survived by a sister, Mr*. Ellzbeth Pate of Switzerland; a brother, lbert Klee of Germany, and a broher, Peter Klee of Kcansburg. The ^funeral waa held Monday orning at 8 o'clock at the H. Lawrnce Scott Funeral home, Belford, nd later at St. Ann's Catholic hurch, Kcansburg, where a high fi of requiem was celebrated by Kev. John J. Lucitt. Interment was n Falrview cemetery, Bergen county. HERMAN CABL TABNOW Th* funeral of Herman C. Tarnow, alate ahellaih Inspector, who died uddenly Monday of last weak, waa neld Thursday afternoon at hi* late home. Rev. Henry R. Fall, paitor of St. Clement'* Episcopal church, was in charge of the service and waa assisted by John Xuler, reader of the church. Burial in charge of th* Worden funeral home was In Fair. View cemetery. Th* bearera war* John Wermert, Bernard Kaplia, Albert Langford, Arthur Undland, Han* Tennenson and Fire Chief Stanley Cook. The numerous floral tributes were conveyed to th* cemetery on the Belford Hose company'* apparatus. MM. LUCY TBiHKU. Th* funeral of llrf. Lucy Finner of Shrewsbury av«nut, who died of a heart attack Monday night at Little, Silver while waiting for a bus, waa held Friday afternoon at the Worden funeral home. Rav. William Hebron, pastor of Emmanuel Baptist church, preached a sermon, John J. Gamble, Go*pel preacher, assisted. Mrs. Frances Stevenson, leader of the High Point Iplrltuallst church, also Conducted a brief service. Burial was In the Red Hill cemetery In Mlddletown township. The bearers were Duffy Fisher, Roland Fisher, Gerald J. Fisher and Fred O, Biddle, nephew* of the deceased. Firemen To Hold Memorial Service Th* memorial committed of the Fair Haven fire company is making arrangements for a memorial sei-v- Ice for the deceased members of the company Sunday evening, November 10, at the Fair Hnven Methodist church. Rev. William I. Heed, the pastor, IH the compnny chaplain. The program, which hns not yet been completed, will consist of an address by a prominent person and rocal and instrumental music., Th* service will be, attended by relatives and frlenda of thn deceased firemen, and thn gonrrnl publlb I* Invited to Join with them. River Plaza. The- River Plaza Women's club will hold ' dessert bridge party WHITFIRLD DANGLER WhitneU Dangler, St-year-old retired butcher or Katontown, died Sunday at Monmouth Memorial hospital. He was th* son of Jacob R. and Hannah Dangler, Mr. Dangler wa* born in New Jersey and spent all of hla life in this state. He wa* a widower, hi* wife Mary A. Dangler, having died in 1(18. He Is survived by a stster-ln-law, Mrs. Sarah Davis of North Long Branch, The funeral was held yesterday afternoon at the John W. Flock Funeral home, Long Brunch, with Rev, C. H. Witts of Simpson Memorial church, Long Branch, officiating. Interment waa in Woodbine cemetery. Wednesday, November 13, at the. Red Bank Y. M. C. A. Mra. Harold H. Allen 1* chairman. Further plans will be announced at a meeting Thursday night, November 7, at the hime. of Mr*. William Mumford at Shrewsbury. Mr*. C. A. Thompson has been called to her mother's home. In Hayonne. Her mother Is Buffering from Injuries received in a recent automobile accident. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Paul ntlended the World's fair Saturday. Mrs. Thomas Unluml hns hern named chairman of tho annual Red Crosa roll call drive for I his section. The campaign will get under way on Armistice day. Oreste DeFerro of the U. S. S. Wichita, formerly of (his place, vlslled here over the week-end. Saturday he attended tho rodeo nt New York, accompanied by Dunlol Gordnyrhllt, Jack Fowler and William Stohn. The school children will hold a Halloween party this afternoon at khe school. Printing of the Better Kind. The Register Is equipped In uvery way to turn out printing of the better kind and prices aro reasonable, Ion. Advertisement. ALUMNAE CONVENTION. Arohlblshop Thoma* J, Walsh of Newark, Bishop Thomas H. Mc- Laughlin of Paterson, Bishop Bartholomew J. Eustace of Camden, Bishop William A. Grlffln of Trenton, Auxiliary Bishop Thomas A. Boland of Newark, and Abbott Patrick O'Brien of St. Mary's Monastery will attend the fifth biennial convention of the New Jersey Ohaptcr of the International Federation of Catholic Alumnae November 2 and 3 at St. Elizabeth's College, Convent. Mrs. Edward Fitzpatrlck of Newark, retiring governor of the chapter, will preside. Tine theme will be the life of Mother Seton, who founded the Sister of Charity in Rev. Salvatore M. Burgio, C. M., of Emltsburg, Md., vice postulator of the cause for the canonization of Mother Seton, will be a speaker. The convention Is part of the program opening this fall In the cause for Mother Seton. There will be addresses on education, literature and social service round table discussions and election of state officers. A banquet the first night will precede a reception for the helrarchy and honor guests. Mrs. Ernest P. Tibbltts of Scotch Plain* Is banquet chairman, Mrs. Joseph F. Igoc or South Orange receptlott chairman, Mrs. Frank Bator of Union Communion breakfast chairman and Miss Elizabeth Amberg of South Orange reservations chairman. m i m Union Bench Girl Weds. Miss Mac E. Coffey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Coffey of Union Beach, and Francis J. McCarthy of Nutley were married last Saturday week in St. Rose of Lima church at Newark. The Register Da* the material and the workmen to turn out first class printing of all kind*. Let us quote nn» ih.,. ii u printing oi an Kinas. v«u= ^""" «. B tar! * i,v n y Ur ""' Job - Advert1 '*- MRS. MARIA COLEN. Mrs. Maria Coles of Belford, wllow of William B. Colea, died Monlay. She. was born at and iad lived at Bolford for the past 25 ears. Surviving are a son, Herbert Arrowsmlth of Fair Haven; a daughter, Mrs. Herman Granderath of Belford; live grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. The funeral will be held OIIB afternoon at 2 o'clock at the late residence. Interment under the supervision of the H. S. Eedle Funeral home,, will be In Fair View cemetery. MISS MARGARET ADAMS The funeral of Wins Margaret Adams, aged 72 years, who died Saturday after a long Illness, was held Monday afternoon at the Worden NATIONAL ELECTIONS By JOHK E. DAY The parties huve. their candidate* for head of tile United State*. Thn Presidential battle. l«here. Wn wonder which man we will cheer, when the final day appears; to nerve a term the next four years; to keep u* free In prare and light; and out of war eternal night. We wonder which man wli! be most Milted to talco care of funeral details when death takes a beloved ono from us. For a complete and comforting service you can rely upon the John IS. Day Funeral Home, 85 Riverside Avenue. RICHARD LANGHAGEN. Richard Langhagen of died suddenly Wednesday morning of last week. He wa* 56 years old. Surviving ire hi* brother, O. William Langhagen, of, and two ciater*, Mr*. Meta Newman of, and Mrs, Charlotte. Bteinmets of New York. The funeral wa* held at H. B. Bedle'* funeral home Saturday afternqon and Interment wa* In Cedarwood cemetery,. KEV. R. C. G. JONES. Rev. R, C. O. Jones, a former pastor of the A M. E. Zlon church of died Tuesday at Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, where ha had been pastor for a number of yean. He was transferred from to Matawan more than 12 years ago' and later moved to Bethlehem. The funeral will be held Saturday at Bethlehem. HARRY R. BURKARD. Hnrry R. Burkard of Harmony avenue, Middletown township, died Sunday after a short illness. He was the widower of Anna Brogger. MONUMENTS! Your Expression of True Remembrance No other act of a normal man's Uf* glvea him more complete. aoul satisfaction than th* building of a Memorial to his loved ones who bava gona on. Our select Bane Memorial* bear the Guild mark of approval your guarantee of a finer Memorial at no extra. coat Visit our showroom and ee our display of these certified Memorial*. JOHN VAN KIRK N»l la Ml. OllvM Cemttirr Phone 319 R. F. D. Box 109. Ask Those Questions Do you wonder about certain phase* of our work... the purpose of a funeral home... what you thould pay for a funeral service... thing* of that tort? Well, don't wonder any longer; we'll welcome the opportunity to live you, without obligation, complete and honest answers to all your question*. One of ut is always here for consultation. Qk/en Funeral.Home fllberl W. HflRRVC.F. JRfTlESR. ; \ 6O EAST FRONT ST. Phoned? TRAINED PERSONNEL... We offer tho nervlw* of a personnel trained In thn hlghot stai)darrin nf Mil* profes-ilmi,., assisted by a complement of Ihe lateet equipment. Telephone 22(1 R. R. MOUNT &L SON FRCDEfnc K. ADAMS. MANAS** Funeral Home West Front Street

29 Auxiliary Earns $80 At Recent Sale Member* Will Monmouth Memorial Shrewsbury'auxiliary of Monmouth Memorial hoiplul earned $80 at the rummage sale conducted laat week In. Mra. Monroe V. Poole and Mra. Frank Gregory, MI«cochairmen, gave a detailed report at a meeting Monday afternoon at the home of MUa Ann B, Hailer at Little Silver. Auxiliary members will inspect the new hospital wlnga Wednesday afurnoon, November 6. Tentative plan* were made for the annual Christmas tea dance to he held Sunday afternoon, December 15, A penny envelope fund railing project wu approved. Tea. wai nerved by the hoateu, assisted by Mrs, Gregory and Mrs. V. A, De Tarr. Mrs. Ernest Fahnestock and Mrs. William Lynch prealded at the tea table. The next meeting will be Monday afternoon, November 29, at the home of Mr*. Evan F. Jones, In Las Gertrude apartments on Broad itreet. Three guests present war* Mrs. W. L. Waxdell of Katontown, Mra. R. B. McDonnell, Jr., of Fair Haven ana Mrs, Warren Brugulere of Elbtron. Other members present war* Mra. W. Ross Chapman, Mrs. Lester Me- Knlght, Mrs. Anthony T. Wooltoy, Mrs. J. C. Williams, Mrs, James Bnrlght, Mra. John F. James, Mrs. John D. Brandll, Mrs. Forrest SmIUi, Mrs. Elliott n. Bralnard, Mrs, Marion If. Stommel, Mra. Walter H. Frost, Mra. L. G. Marshall Rchaeffer. and Mrs. H. P. PTA Girl Scout Troop Hat Meeting Middletown Woman Named Troop Leader Mrs. Ray Laubmelster of Middletown township has been named leader of the Girl Scout troop of Mechanic street school Parent-Teacher association. The troop held its first meeting yesterday and th* new leader was Introduced to troop members by Miss Beulah Breckinrldge, principal of the school. The new troop leader has been active in Scouting for the past 11 years and has obtained the Golden Eaglet, which is the highest award In Snouting. Mrs. Laubmcister has also been awarded the silver stripe and a gold tripe, representing ten years of service and seven service stars given for perfect attendance for seven connecutlve years. Mrs. Laubmflister was elected vice president of the Girl Scout Leaders' association for the Northern Shore council of Girl Scouts. Mrs. Martin VanOstcnbrldce Is president of the P. T. A. and the troop la a new project with the association.this year, Troop members are Constance Bowen, Olga Mae Brand, Carmella Cltarolla, Georgians Clayton, Carmela D'Anthony, Margaret and Mollle Eccleston, Gall Garrison, Patricia Hall, Isabella Kunek, Catherine Manuel, Marls Manuel, Joyce Portlier, Betty Promlnskl, Elaine Badditr, Lleaclotte Schwab, Lois VanOstenbridge, Emily M. Weeks, Dorothy I. Wolcott, Hope Wolfkamp and Dorothy Zellman. Institute Classes Have Luncheon The Secretarial classes of the Red Bank ^Business Institute enjoyed a luncheon yesterday at the Rosevelt tea room in Little Silver. The school is divided Into two teams the winning team being the guest of the losing team. Interesting piano selections were given by Jane Guptil and Hilda Swenson. A character sketch was given by Dorothea Perry. Short speeches were made by the outgoing captains, namely, Hilda Swenson, captain of the winning beginners' team; Svea White, captain of the losing beglnneri!' team, Virginia Pruden, captain of the Advanced winners' team, and Edna Rabone, captain of the Advanced losers' team. The ctected captains for the next session also spoke. They were Edith Klnafcr, Betty Anderson, Jan* Guptll and Ruth'Wise. Fortunes were told by Mrs. Mac Intash of Humsox Those present were Anlts. Miller, Marion Russo, Betsy Ross, Edna Rabone, Carol Bergman, Carol Jannarone, Jane Guptil, Betty Anderson, Harriet Lewis, Joyce Hance, Edith Kinafcr. Clfllre Flassconnerl, Ida Goodspeed, Phyllis Mathlason, Angle Cranmer. Jeannle O'Hearn, Helen Maker, Martina Healy, Mary Maher, Harriet Lewis, Betty Anderson, Svea White, Dorothea Perry, Ruth Wise, Marguerite Carlson, Hilda Swenson, Joan Muxzy, Jane Guptil, Jo Kelly, Helen Power, Sidney Newman, Betty Moore, Bernlc«Morris, Jean Willis, Helen Herring and Mrs. Maclntash and Mrs. O'Shea, principal of the school. Keansburg Man, Is 86 Years Old Joseph VanBrunt of Keansburg celebrated his 86th birthday Tuesday of last week. He was surprised that night by a party of friends and relatives. A feature of the refreshment table was a, large birthday cake. Mr. VanBrunt received many useful gifts. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Rockafellow and sons Joseph and Wilbur and Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Kxvelenko of Keansburg, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Patterson and children Arthur, Harvey, Edward and Phyllis of Engllahtown and Mr. and Mrs. Irving Roop of jword. Plans Progress For "Y" Open House The committee snaking arrangement! for the open-house tea to be held at the "T" house on Riverside avenue Sunday, November 10, met yesterday at the "Y". Mra. Ralph Eckert and Mrs. J. Daniel Tuller are co-chairmen. Other committee members present were Mrs. G. M. Olsen, Mrs. Harold DeVoe, Mrs. J. L. Montgomery, Mrs. Russell Samuel, Mrs. Ensley M. White snd Miss Elizabeth Rogers. Theodore N. Parsons, attorney, will speak on "T" activities at the tea. Mrs. Robert C. Brown will review the book, "William Lyons Phelps." Edward Grlesenbeck'a "parade of bands" will furnish music. The members of the Boys Hl-T will serve as ushers and show guests around the "Y" house. Members of the Girls' Hi-T will serve refresh mtnts. Methodist Class Elects Officers William Mumford It New President William Mumford wu elected resident of th* Married Couples' Bible class of th* Methodist church t a dinner meeting last week at the church. Other officers are Edwin Burdge vie* president, Mrs. Frances Ayers secretary and Mra. Grace Carhart treasurer. Rev. Henry Pine of West Long Branch spoke on "This Dangerous Age." Rev. Kenneth R. Perlnchlef, new pastor, spoke briefly. C. V. Bennett lad devotions. Those present were Rev. and Mrs Perlnchlef, Rev. and Mr*. Pin*, Mr. and Mrs. Mumford, Mr. and Mn. Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Burdge, Mr. and Mrs. Wed Bucherer, Mr. and Mra. Robert Perry, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Wymbs, Mr. and Mrs. W.F.Brad ley, Mr. and Mr*. Ralph Teed, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Otten, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Woodward, Mr. and Mra. Kenneth Woodward, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Dudderer, Mr. and Mrs. John VanSchoIck, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Frlck, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Valleau Jr., Mr. and Mrs. John Pohl, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Harold Perry, Mr. and Mrs, James Olsleion, Mr. and Mrs. Rus- 11 Steel, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Turklngton, Mrs. Frances Schild, Dr. Samuel O. Hausman, Marvin Richest, Walter MeCoaeh and Charles MHtwagon.. New Members AcceptedBy Club Welfare Party to Be Held November 19 Th* executive board of the evening group of the Woman's dub voted all outstanding bills be paid at a meeting Monday at the clubhouse. Mra. Herbert P. Bohaeffer, presided and reports were given by standing committee chairmen and department heads. Mrs. C. C. Perrine, membership chairman, announced the resignation of Mrs. William Klsselman which was accepted with regret. Mra, At bert Dielman and Mrs. Carl Smith were accepted as new members. Mrs. Perrine slated that a public card party, for the benefit of the welfare fund of the club, will be held at the clubhouse Tuesday night, November IB. Mr*. Henry R. Carpenter, co-chairman of the welfare department, said a rummage sale would be held Saturday, November It, at the Union Are house on Shrewsbury avenue. Mra. Edgar V. Denlse, program chairman, announced that American home night will be observed at the next meeting Monday, November 4. Mrs. Philip T. Smith and Mn. Stanley A. Havlland are co-chairmen of this department. Mlas Clarice Toung of Bambergers will speak on "Accessories In the Home." Mrs. Harvey R. Smock is chairman of the hostess committee for Monday night. Others assisting are Miss Evelyn Porter, Misa Doris Johnson and Miss Helen Fagan. All club dues must be paid at this meeting for the 1MG-1M1 year. Members will bring groceries for a grocery basket to be awarded at the Christmas fair to be held December 2. Church To Observe All Saints Day All Saints day will be observed at St. George's Episcopal church, Rumson, tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock at a special service. Holy Communion will be administered by Chaplain Lewis C. Belsslg of Fort Hancock, who will deliver the morn- Ing sermon. The church choir, under the direction of J. Stanley Farrar, organist and choirmaster, will present a special program at the morning service. The choir will give a special program at All Saints church, Navesink, tomorrow night. Members of St. Mary's guild of the church attended donation day at Christ church, Helmetta, Tuesday. Those attending; were Mrs. John Humbert, Mra. Harry Robertson, Mrs. Charles Rose, Mrs. William E. Coulter and. Miss Louise Truax. The guild took a gift of groceries to the church. Luncheon Held By Eastern Star The Order of the Eastern Star at Eatontown held a covered dish luncheon Tuesday at the home of COUNTY Y. W. C. A. NOTES Mrs. George Smith at OikhursL Members of the organization aided Mrs. C. V. Shropshire of Hudson In making the affair a. success. avenue will bo hostess Friday nfght, Those present Included Mrs. Agnes November 15, at a covered dish VanBrunt, Mrs. Mary VanBrunt, supper at her home for the Business Mrs. Ella Meyers, Mrs. Farley, Mrs. Girls and Young Married Women's Dorothy Kirkegard, Mrs. Catherine Y. W. C. A.. All those Interested in Bennett, Mrs. Ellen Dingman, Mrs. tho organization arc requested to attend the supper. The county com- Jesii Smith, Mrs. Augusta Martin, Alice Hill, Mrs. Belle Sickles, Mrs. mittee for Y. W. C. A., will meet Mrs. Dorothy Kirkegard, Mrs. Anna Friday afternoon, November 15,».t Kruegler, Mrs. Ruth Crawford, Mrs. thb hoir c of Mrs. John Ballantlne of Rumsogr Plans for the year will be ] Wilma Wllklns, Mrs. Selma Schultz, dlscusaeri. in. Adelaide Emmons and Mn. Enuna Ranek. Couple Celebrates 55th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Charles Quackenbush, Sr., of, had a surprise dinner on the occasion of their Both wedding anniversary Sunday afternoon at the summer home of their daughter, Mrs. Samuel Crosson. Before moving to the couple lived at Newark, where Mr. Quackenhush was employed by the Hatzcl RoolInK Co. for X yeara. Mr. Quackenbush is 82 years old and his wife Is 81. Tlu-y make their home st. They have had ten children, five of whom are living. They also have 12 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Present at the dinner was Mrs. Margaret Maclntyre, Mr, and Mrs. Samuel Crosson and Mr. and Mrs. John Luff of Newark, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Crosson and daughter of i RED BANK REGISTER, OCTOBER 31,1940. East Orange, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Simons of Sterling and Philip and June Maclntyre. The couple received many gifts. BENEFIT BAM.. Long Branch chapter, Bundles for Britain, will hold a charity ball Saturday night, November 9, at Joseph's Hunting lodge at the Norwood Country club, West Ixing Branch. Mrs. Philip J. Shsheen is chairman and Mrs. Anthony T. Woolley Is chairman of the patroness' committee. JOINS VOGUE STAFF. Miss Hilda Bizzarro of Matawan, who formerly operated Hilda's Beauty salon on Mechanic street, has joined the staff of beauticians at the Vogue Barber & Beauty shop at 16 While street. Nunzie A. E. Ranieri is proprietor. Eight O'Clock Bokir Coffee Tomatoes Tomato Juioe Tomato Juice "M»«". 3 ;;17c Pineapple Juice w» Campbell's Beans... Ann Page Beans "TNaw-Ctakt." On Green Giant Peas.. Del Mail Corn Miblets Whole Kernel Corn Cranberry Sauce MPIm. FMMI Qrtvi A 217 oi. Cans 12 oi. I Can 20 oi t Can Radio Stars Visit Mayhew Family Mr. and Mrs. Len Holllster are house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mayhew of Harrison avenue. The Holllsters have returned to Red Bank after spending the summer at their home on Sebago lake, Maine. Mr. and Mrs. Hollister are the stars of the radio serial, "The Holllsters," which ran for several years on radio station WOR. Mr. Holllster has written and directed the radio sketch "The Red Star Rangers," and a series of juvenile crime stories featuring Don Macy, the boy detective. His current program feature is "Superman" and "Gang Busters." Mrs. Hollister has composed several popular songs about the Maine country and recently a patriotic song, "One Hundred Per Cent American." This new number is now being published and will be featured by a well known orchestra at an early date. D. A. R. To Complete Card Party Plans Shrewsbury Towne chapter. Daughters of the American Revolution, will complete plans for their annual fall card party at a meeting Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Morris Miller at Shrewsbury Gardens. The card party will be held Friday, November 8, at the Garfleld-Grant hotel. Mrs. Jacob N. C. Pies, stato chairman national defense, will be the speaker. The pupils of Madame Hermlne Hudon will give the entertainment. Mrs. Edwin Irwin, Mrs. Joseph C. Irwln and Mrs. H. E. Thaw will be the assisting hostesses. The road to better and bigger busl- Little Silver Mrs. Clark Kemp has been named chairman of the annual Red Cross roll call drive for Little Silver. The drive will open Armistic day, November 11. Mrs. Maude Adamson and Misses Gladys and Mable Thompson were hostesses at an open house party Saturday afternoon at their new home on Little Silver Point toad. Guests were present from, Fair Haven, Long Branch, Freehold and New York. Mrs. Harold Botkin of Fox Hill is confined to her home with illness. The Woman's guild of St. John's Episcopal chapel will meet Tuesday, November 12, at the home of Mrs. Daniel S. Weigand. The meeting was changed to November 12 because of election day falling on the regular meeting d.itp. Mrs, Oliver Lane.ind son Belize of Lakewood visiied Mj.«. Lane's If You're Looking for Values, Here's Where to Find Them! Tht ejictwnarv elefinei "value"» "a fair ralurn in mency.. far lamatniitf eichanaeev' Vaur Air* Super Marital Ufinee "valua" ai "Daiciau* faaal far an aitaniihinajy law price I" AtP ii jam-packed with luch values in every cernerl Valuei in tender, juicy mcalt, Jelicieui Page father, William H. Carhart, ir., tfaa) past wepk. The children of the community attended a Halloween party las* night at the Little Silver school. BEET AND CAULIFLOWER SALAD 1 head cauliflower : 1 large beet, boiled A heart of lettuce French dressing Mayonnaise Mix flowerets of cold cooked ea»liflower, shredded outside leaves ot lettuce, beet cut In slices and tie* in fancy figures whlth liny cutters, and chopped beet trimmings, sack) separately with French dreeslaa;. Place shredded lettuce in enter e* a salad plate and the flowerets carefully between the leaves, and showing above. Sprinkle with th* iaures cut. from the beets, and plae* lemaining chopped beets inpolata around. Serve with mayonnaise. fiiji, fielem reih vegetables, f r*i rant bakee) feeds, cream* dairy precjucti, tatty ejroccricil Peettlc whe ihep at A4P take name nvinu six dayi a week I Sarva mare Una faadf far leu money! Get your there af the favinfi AAI* makei by buyint direct, eliminatinf neadlctt MEET UP WITH OUR BIG MEAT VALUES! PORK LOINS LEGSOFLAMB DUCKS CMHOfiti TMfcr Stri't Lb. URI PRIME RIBS 0FBEEF Naturally Aged Cm fran Ut Six Ribs No.2 Cm Rolled Oats S S S Golden Bel Monte Corn Bantu *. 2^ 21c QnakerOats I ^ 15c Golden Bsnlan Corn Atl> Brand-Gride A.3-25c Keeker's Farina \\V 9c 1c 17c Bole's Pineapple Gems 3 1 c 4.:;25c Mello-Wheatp,..^^ 2 28oi. lrapejnice^2 B 123c Set. lie Kellogg's Corn Flakes ft* Sinsweet Prune Juice..Po, Qt 17c firapefnit Jnice iw. 3^ 20c 2 lb. silt Bel Monte Pewhes^:2 J ; 25c 5 Del Monte Fnit Salad Fnit Salad Bartlett Pears Dole's Pineapple Grapefruit Sections. Light Meat THIII Fish. Wet Shrimp SVLT Z* tni Fancy Lobster Pink Salmon col S.^r M CRUSHED 23c 2 co '27c 3--;25c 2c:n d,'25c 53/ A. Can ' M c ; d n 23c - 2 & 25c WHITE HOUSE EVAPORATED MILK 4 25 Safe and part?,.. accepted by the Council an Foodi I the American Medical Association for cv«rr nlik «ie. Bavis Baking Powder. 2 V." 23c Baking Powder 2 1 c! r 19c C l Condensed Milk S 1 ': : 10c ot Salad Brassing ANNPAGE Jir Gulden's Mustard..."1; Uatlara! ANNPAGE 79 MHSIIII American Style * j ti. Salad Oil ANNPACE... ft 17c Wesson Oil :89c Heiiz Soup X i S i : 2 25c TiiaitA tftllll ANNPAGE 10MIIO 90UpD, ickll,,,ri ch Campbell's Tomato Soup 3 <» 20c Fruit Cake PA^R1 33c n., 59c Jane Parker's SE A CA P KE. E-19C Sweet Cider FJL. v $ 22c g 37c Jell-o or Royal Desserts 2^ 9c Sssill'lflsl GELATIN DESSERT si IAA wpainic ANNPAGE aj^o 1 ' IUC PUNTERS Peanult %ib.17. acanllu CecktaS Pesnuta Tin " " Corn Flakes SnnsMreet Prnnes Calif. Prunes Wheaties. Wheat Flakes Lb. 15 Fresh Small Loins from Corn-Fo- Porkers Lfe. Whole or Either Half 22 C POT ROAST I,.?." 29' 1? BROILERS SffSS 23' Sutf t I* 1V4 *> M Lb. e DA AAV SLICED 0 boqe DM V VII SUNNYFIELD-Syiif-Curial.t Pfcgs.f V Finer Loin Pork Chops Center Cull it. 23e Quality Seafood Pork Sausage Frosh Calls ^ 14c Fresh Mackerel. b "> 23o 7i 7c Smoked Calas -17c Froth u 18c Fresh Shrimp 17c Smoked Butts 28c Smoked lk "c FaioySmelts. 19c Sirloin Steak o Loin Lamb Chops ch*.c*.i. 35o. /, Chuck Steak or Roast*? b 23e Fillet u, 19c Round Pot Roast i***** * 33e Salmon Steaks..» 23c chopped Beef F^G,^. i. 19e Fane; U*r.. Fowl Mft-M4i/,n». Boiled Lobsters. -29c Brisket Beef, r;! ;.. 31c 25c ft» 19c 2» 15c SPAGHEHI* NOODLES.. C» ^Macaroni ANN PAGE ** 9Q Pea Beans»«NNYFIELD., 2 ^- 13c Karo Syrup -«--«"..2 CvrUsl ANN MCE «MJAH-A Blmd *]12 ou J'"F ef h». Case and Maph Synip. Boti. Pancake Flour SUNNYFIELD I. Buckwheat Flour 9HW» UABAW ANN PAGE 8 oil MIC nohvydeliihthilflam Jar ' Swans Bown Cake Flour pk 3. 7c "KMBe A NATIONAL FAVORITE! NECTAR TEAS Orind-Pekte, 1/4 lb. Pl< 9. P&6 S M p N;- F u c Octagon Laundry Soap 3 «*» 10c Ivory Soap &«.s«.. 6=-25c Camay Soap c... 5c Chipso... l v;; 18c Oxydol lo p^ 17c Kirkman's Soap Powder la z 15c Lux Flakes l ;;;19c Soap Flakes T ^ 2 1^9r25c Lux Toilet Soap... 3 <"«16c Lifebuoy Soap... 3 «16c Fairy Soap 3 «* 10c Gold Oust 2 :'27c Rinso l z: 17c Diff 2» >19c Diff Hand Cleaner...»< 15c Scratch Feed ^...! L' b g 49c Laying Mash ^... % 58c UApdabkL COOKING APPLES EATING APPLES GRAPEFRUIT "«*- «STRING BEANS Florida Fresh, Qreen 4 15' 3 9' 3 10' Pctatoes"^; 1.10 "13c Yellow Onions U$ - M > 5c Orangessw. l.!r r i n j',,. 15F25C Spinach H -«G " c Table Celery Bunch 6c California Carrots... ^ 6c Emperor Grapes»6c Sweet Potatoes c Quality (Dmity fimjodudu. Lirje Sileeltt Mixed Colors Eggs CRESTVIEW BRAND Lirp Selected Carton Wildmere Eggs Mind Colon Muenster Cheese Swiss Cheese ^ Sharp Cheese Hutley Margarine. SHVERIROOK CREAMERY SUNNYFIELD-SALT OR SWEET Our leii Tub lutter Dv.nt D t Aa.SUNNYFIELD-OurlMt 1 doz. 97- Carton * VI* Idoz. *.. Lb 19c. Lb 29c,. Lb 23c 1 lb. Carton 9 C Print Butter h^il-im. Dated for Freshness! 1 jiiiiihiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiitiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiyiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniii^ 2 Lb ' te: 11 < Loaves I V + THORO-BAKED g -^ ETenly baked from erusi lo crust every slice firm, yet j tender. A red top quality lonf at a down-to-earth price! niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniii ^lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllinilllllllllllllllllllllllllmiiiiiiiiimuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu JANE PARKER DONUTS Plain, Sugired or Cinnamon doz. Dnled for Freshness New 100% Pur* * Hydroftnetcd Vefetabre Sh*H*ninf dexo i 14' 1 SUNNYFIELD CAKE FLOUR Guaranteed to Please /4 OI. A N.tionsl Mafsiintl j Woman's Day Read by \,ih,m Women. AiwtherACPlirpn 1121 MONMOUTH ST., RED BANK FREE PARKING ADJOINING STORE fl:!hiihiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiihii!!lllllllllllllinillllhihiiiiiiiiin Only IIIIIHIIItNW IIIIHNMJ

30 PLATTEBINQ ButlNotUnnatural The utter absence of anything simulating artificiality is one of the characteristics of our Waves that has contributed substantially to the popularity that has been conferred upon us by an ever-growing follow-,~z nf particular women. JOHN'S Beauty Salon P u R E J U I c E 67 Broad Street,, N. J. Bible Class Hat Halloween Party Mrs. Harry Hayes of Branch avenue was hostess Monday night to members of the Woman's Adult Bible class of the Methodist church. Mrs. Everett Kunyon presided at tho business meeting which was followed by a Halloween party. ' p The next meeting will be Monday, I November 25, at the home of Mrs. William Bonnrtt of Tinton Falls, officers will lie ekcted at this time. Those present were Mrs. H. s. Thompson, Mrs, Anna Bray. Mrs. Harriet Longstreet, Mrs. Marvie Hubbard, Mrs. John Many. Mrs. Eliz* abeth Allen, Mrs. Mlnrctta De Molt, Mrs. John Chamberlain. Mrs. Harold Stout. Mrs. Walter MrDoujjal, Mr. anil Mrs. Henry Voorheej;, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen LeQuler, Mr. and Mrs. William Bennett. Mr. and Mrs. nrpo White, Miss Jean Holmes and C. V- Bennett. ST. AGNES CARD PARTY. Mrs. William Maack. Mrs. Morris Josephs, Mrs. Julia Horner and Mrs. Thomas Chevalier were in charge of the card party held Tuesday afternoon by St. Agnes Parent-Teacher association of. High ; score prizes were awarded to Mrs. i ' Beginning tomorrow American Art Hannah Jrffers, Mrs. M. Johnson and week will ollk'lally open In town* and Airs Margaret Smith. I cities from coast to coast, Art week No card party will he held election is planned and furthered by the day. The next event will be Tuesday afternoon, November 12, Route 35, Between Middletown and ^ WILLEY'S FRESH PRESSED APPLE CIDER Cider pressed to order for individuals, clubs, banquets, Thanksgiving' parties, ctt 1., at reduet'd priros. Hrlng your own container and save 10 conts, Also on sale at Cape Cod.Market, Upper Broad Street, Red Itank. It Costs No More to Buy the Best at MARKET EST. 16O2 123 West Front St., PHONE 343. FREE DELIVERY, N. J. FREE PARKING SPACE IN REAR OF STOKE A Few of Our Special Low Prices! Armour's Evap. Milk,. 4 cf ns 27c Dietz's Coffee 2 i ta. 35c Maxwell House Coffee «.. 25c Ivory Soap '2S15C JellO Flavor* «5 l'kffs " C Campbell's Tomato Soup 3 «>» 20c C_, Q Measuring Bowl AQc Opry O lb. can FRF.FO * Vi ' Ivory Flakes or Snow Silver Dust LOINS or FRESH KILLED ARMOUR'S STAR T,S' B E N Z 0 A. T E iar B o P k S. 19c *. 19c PORK::; 19 Mb. FOWL 5-lh. -Avg. c lb. RIB ROAST 27 c II). Our customers save Time, Money and Energy by phoning 343 or 3H for our dally freo delivery to Rumson, Fair Haven, Llttlo Silver, Shrewsbury, Middletown. VENETIAN BLINDS FOR A LIMITED TIME! 100 BLINDS IN OUR STOCK In Ivory Slat and Mingled Tape All Sizes Up to and Including 36" Wide {J Xo nulling come In and K<'( them ty An opportunity you shouldn't miss f) Come complete ivilh brackets Simple to Install t Genuine, wood shits ('loanable manic* finish <) Full slio tapes Worm gear tilting 9 Decorative fasria heading no extni charge Q Rustproof Hardware Cord lock 9 ALL FOR THIS THRIFTY THICK NATIONAL 5c-1Oc-1 op STORES TEL UKL1VKUY RED BANK REGISTER, OCTOBER 31, National # Art % Week American Artists Professional League and Is for the recognition of American art by American artist*. Clara Stroud of HerberUvllle, vice ( chairman to the state director for art j week in New Jersey, has arranged I an exhibition of water color* at the I Molly Pitcher hotel. These paintings 1 weye executed by artists living In I Monmouth and Ocean counties and i are of familiar scenes of this local-! Hy. I Miss Stroud Is chairman of art for the Asbury Park society of Fine Arts, a member of the New York Water Color club, the National Association of Women Painters and Sculptors and the New Jersey Water color and Sculpture society, She ha«i exhibited her work in the Jury j shows of New York and Philadelphia ' and throughout the country. Besides the exhibit at the Molly Pitcher a number of flower subjects, done by Elizabeth Landsdell Hammell, are being exhibited at th» Red Bank Book store on Linden place. Mrs. Hamniell and her family live on Spring street and her work 1* nationally known, The exhibition at the Molly Pitcher nnrl at the Book Store are open to the public and there Is no admission charge. The exhibit at the Molly Pitcher has been made possible by the hotel manager, James A. Rogers. Art week closes'thursday, November 7. Others exhibiting at the Molly Pitcher hotel are Ida Wells Stroud Runuon i (Tha Register can b«bought in Rumson from Harry Barkan, Fred Fin r.eit yand Waller Torbera) I The proceeds from the card party ' held Friday night at Holy Cross hall ; amounted to $ A turkey wa* awarded on the co-operative plan and ' was won hy Andrew Strohmenger. I Prayers were offered at Holy Cross i church Sunday for the late Mrs. Rose i Conway, who died last week. Mrs. ' Conway was housekeeper at Holy Cross rectory 25 years ago. Anne Mario Trafford of Rumson road celebrated her seventh birthday a few (lays ago with a party at her home. The room was decorated in Halloween colors. Among those present were Eleanor Kuhner, Sue and Billy Toop, Philip Poole, Dorothy Carle, Anna May Murphy, Mary Ann Stout, Karin Astren, Katherine Mazza, Norma Hoffmlre, Frank Mnzza and Carol and Frank Trafford. Anne Marie received many gifts. Joseph J. Hayward of Oakland, Colifornia, is visiting his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. Edmund Linzmayer of Ward avenue. Masses tomorrow, All Saints day, will be at 6, 8 and 8 o'clock at Holy Cross church and at 7:30 o'clock at Holy Rosary church, and masses.saturday, All Saints day, will be at the same hou,rs. The first meeting of the Confraternity of Christian Biotherhood for pupils who attend public high school was held Monday evenlnr following the novena devotion. The confraternity will hold services every other Monday night. Barbara DeVito, 6-year old daughler of Mr. and Mrs. Dominick De- Vito of Center street, was treated last Thursday at Rlverview hospital for convulsions. The youngster was CLARA STROUD of Herbertsville, who for many year* wo* instructor of painting and drawing at the Newark Art School; Edgar L. Pearce, Manaiquan,'who 1* well known u both a painter of water color* and oils; Mr*. Ruth V. Geiser, Manasquan, who not only pain!" hut la known as a mnker cf dolls; Bernard Townsend, Manasquan, who I* known for his window decoration* and in the field of antique*; Barbara Osborn of Wanamassa, who will *how four water color* and Marguerite Driver of Asbury Park, who will also «how several paintings. pushing a baby carriage when she was taken 111. The Ladles Aid society of the Presbyterian church ii making plans for a covered dish luncheon Wednesday, November 13, in the parish house at 12:30 o'clock. Mrs. Albert Nlederer Is chairman and will be assisted by Mr*. Frank Benson, Mrs. Charles Alias, Mrs. J. E. W. Kuper, Mrs. George Mellish, Mrs. S, F. Stevens, Mrs. Charles Rice, Mrs. Edgar Seaman and Mrs. William Rankin. Dr. and Mrs. George Hamiltou will move from Washington street' to Maplewood this week. Mr. and Mrs. John Bergen of Jersey City visited Mr. and Mrs. David Hogan over the week-end. Miss Kathleen Bohan of New York spent the week-end at the home of Miss Rita Sammon. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bauer and daughter Dorothy, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Aumeller and children Bernard and Pearl spent Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bauer. The visitors were from Grantwood and attended the wedding of Frank Bauer. The Junior Hl-Y of this place met Thursday night at the home of Evelyn Bennett at Fair Haven and discussed plans for distributing welfare baskets Thanksgiving day. Attending the meeting were Barbara Harding, Adeline Robinson, Tina Smith, Katherine Brlggs, Doily Anderson, Jean Boyle, Peggy Sinclair, Dorothy Cadman, Ruth Thompson, Marian Bcllcy and the adviser, Miss Helen Sinclair. Harold Kerr, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kerr of Lafayette street, arrived at Miami, Florida, last week on the S. S. Algonquin. Mr. Kerr will spend the winter in Florida where he is doing sales work. It navn to advertise In The Kcelster, Farmer Jones, being color blind, hoi deviled this Ingenious method of making Hiro that he gets genuine RED Trademorfced Coal. You'll find those RED trade mark spoti only on Famous Reading Anthracite. They are your guarantee that you're getting the low ash, laundered hard coal that's as nearly 100% pure as money can buy. Try one ton of Famous Reading Anthracite, and it will be your coal for keeps. You'll find the reason in your furnace. Yes, and in your coal bill, too. LAWES Coal Co., Inc. SHREWSBURY, N. J (Tha Ked Bank Keitister ran hi I,ought In from Kri-d \V. Meyers, K. X. KililulT, Balkan's newstand and Neu'a btnre) Mr. and Mrs. John Pederson of Tottcnville, Statcn Island, and Peter Pcderscn at Bloomxlllc, New York, were Sunday visitors at Ihe home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ureen. Mrs. Green Is recovering- from a recent operation on her nose. Mr. and Mrs. James C. spent tho week-end with friends in New York state. Mr. and Mrs. John Burton spent Saturday with friends at Ml. Tabor. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Hammerspliar, former residents of this place, are mnking their home at Johnson City, New York. They were Bursts at the home of their daughter and son-inlaw, Mr. and Mia. Hnlph Pense, from Friday through Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mokli-r entertained a party nf friends from Irvington for a few days. Mrs. Frank S. Wadsworth, chairman of the section of tho Red Cross, attended nn executive board meeting of the township nt the homo of Mra. Alvln Swenson at Locust last week. Mrs. Wadsworth advisea that knitters aie badly needed and asks that those who will volunteer to knit set in touch with her by telephone or at her Monmouth venue home. Nick Kaiser is general chairman of the annual stag supper to be given by Community Urn company nt. the fire house next Saturday night. Mrs. Otto Krause, president of the Ladiei' auxiliary of Community fire company, was in charge of a bus trip to the World's fair Wednesday. There were 37 ninklng the trip nnd they Included Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Larsen and daughter, Miss Lillian Larsen; Mr. anil Mrs. Milton Mason. Mrs. William AM nnd son Billy, Mrs. Hcnzey Frye, Mrs. Elsie Krause, Mrs. O. Albertson, Mrs. Joseph Rheln, Mrs. Jack Shane, Mrs. William Lawler, Mrs. John Burton, Mrs. Arthur Ruhnke; Mrs. Frank S. Wadsworth, Mrs. Louis Volgel, Mrs. Howard Mallen, Mrs. Arthur Mnier, Mrs. Emma Lutze, Mrs. Alfred H. Groves, Miss Sadie Eckert, Mrs. Caroline Schmidt, Mrs. Adolpli Bosch, Mrs. Edward Hauff, Mrs. Richard E. Ncu, Mrs. Felix Plitnick, Mrs. villain Hoclck, Mrs. Leo Hcrhster, Mrs., Eduard Durarulo, Mrs. George Dei Long, Mrs. Otto Krause, Mrs. Morris Joseph, Mrs, Edward Bruntz, Mrs. Fred Krebs and Mrs. William A. Maack. At a business meeting of tho Ladies' auxiliary of the Brovent, Park and fire company 1 Friday afternoon it Was decided lo hold a Halloween parly this afternoon Instead of Fit night. A luncheon will be served at 12:30, after which cards will be played. Each member will be entitled to bring a friend. Each Individual will be required to brine a prize, and an old-at Monmouth Memorial hospital, tho'extraction of two teeth last week fashioned "White Elephant" card where he was a patient for a day. party will be held. The menu will John Sutphcn, who had been confined to his home with a sprained consist of chicken salad, potato salad, apples, celery, rolls, cider, back, is'again able to bo about. doughntus, crullers, pickles, ten, cof- Carton Mnher sprained his leg last fee and cake. nual trip were mnde by Mrs. George Kovelesky, who was chairman of transportation. It was also decided to continue the Tuesday evening card parties through November. Tho 2 o'clock. Mrs. Al W. Cross presided. Mr. and Mra. Fred Williamson entertained a party of their wedding ship high school Parent-Teacher association at the high ichool auditorium at 8:30 o'clock. Kenneth Meinert, chairman of motion pictures and visual education, will show picture*. William Lybarger will be in charge of the program. A card party for the benefit of the Brovent Park and Loonardo flre company was give* by Mrs. James J. Gisleson Thursday afternoon. Mr*. Rose Knight held high score and received a cottage ham. Refreshments were served afler the games. Mm. Olsli'sim will give another party tomorrow night at the Brcvent Park and tiro house at 8 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nowmeler, who recently celebrated their golden wedding anniversary, relumed home this week from an automobile trip to Canada. Mr. and Mrs. George Piltzecker spent from Thursday through Sunday at I ho World's fair. Mrs. Arthur Ruhnke and daughter, Miss Helen Ruhnke, will leav* fur Miami, Florida, November 2. Miss Ruhnke Is secretary to the manager of the Flamingo hotel at Miami. Mrs. Peter Green 1* recovering from an operation for adenoids. Koderic Walter and Joyce Ann Schoelner, twin aon and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schoelner, celebrated their birthday Sunday. Mrs. Otto Kreusser and son Richard of Indianapolis, and Mrs. Louis Larsen of Dayton, Ohio, visited Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Larsen and daughter, Miss Lillian Larten, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Larsen and daughter, Miss Lillian Larsen, were among those who attended the World's fair last week, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Olsen, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Olsen of Brooklyn nnd Mrs. Charles Olsen, Sr., of Eltln)?- vllle, Staten Island, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Martin Nelson. Mrs. Olsnn Sr., and family are former residents of this place. Mrs. Bernard A. Scanlon Is confined to her home with a sprained ankle which she sustained when she stumbled when alighting from a train Monday. Colt's Neck (The lteglntcr enn ha boucht nt Louis rlotkln'i tore) The first aid class that started at the fire house a couple of weeks ago met Tuesday night. Those taking the course include James Morcau, John Riley, Mrs. C. H, Decher, Miss K«- telle Goldfarb, D. F. Chamberlain, Jane Conway, Edwin Sherman, Nancy Rlordan, Connie Cerrato, Mr. and Mrs. Harold G. Gunther, George Polloch, David TimktiilfiUl, CIIHIU-H Crlne and Mltzio Kangas, Franklin Dechnr, son of Mrs. C. H. Decher of this place, has been confined to bed the past few days because of hemorrhages resulting from Reports of the an-week whilo at his work, but is much improved. The ftro company will.hold a business meeting at the fire house Tuesday night. The Lndies' auxiliary will meet at the fire houso next Wednesday evening. hostesses for the coming month are Mrj. -Leon Boeckel, October 2!)th. The Ladles' Sowing club of the Reformed church held a business meet- Mrs. Olaf Christy, November 5, Mrs. Al W, Cross, November 12; Mrs", Peter Grcon, November 19, and ifrs. ing at the home of Mrs. Peter Boel- Chester Guttormsen, November 20. The next -business- meeting will bo Friday afternoon, November 29, at houwer Tuesday afternoon, when a discussion of the election day luncheon and fall supper took place. Mrs. Mary Tower, former faculty member of the Atlantic township school, who has been 111 for some time, is slowly recovering. The first session of the Freehold attendants Friday evening 1 at dinner. Mrs. Williamson is the former district council was held Tuesday Miss Anne Meyers, daughter of Mr. night at the Reformed church. Sunday-school teachers of the church at- and Mr*. Fred W, Meyers. Mrs. Mary Sullivan, supervising tended. Dr. Louis H. Holden of the nurse of the Middletown township New Brunswick seminary spoke. Health Center, will be guest speaker The weekday Bible school will meet at a meeting Thursday night, November 7, of the Middletown town- noons at the church. All parents Tuesdays instead of Friday after- of KEAIIE'S STRAND RED BANK TEL LAST TIMES TODAY 2 BIG HITS! ROBKBT STERLING In I BORIS KABLOFF In "MANHATTAN HEART I,,-,, n ; BEAT" I Doomed to Die FRIDAY & SATURDAY - 2 Excellent Features HENRY WILCOXON I ROY KOGHRS CAROLE LANDIS In I JACQUELINE WELLS In "MYSTERY SEA RAIDER" "RANGER And The LADY" SUNDAY - MONDAY - TUESDAY FROM THE LIBERTY MAGAZINE STORY BENNE LEDERER 4-NOLAN STEN OTTO MAKIA KRUGER-OUSPENSKAYA LDDWIG 0H1IIIY STOSSEL RUSSELL children in the fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth grade*, who wish their children to take this course at the Reformed church, are urged to have their children excused early from school Tuesday afternoons. The consistory will meet at the. home of Sidney VanSise Monday, November 4. The Helping circle of the Reformed church will meet Wednesday afternoon, November 6, at the home of Miss Edna Netter. The Young People's fellowship held Halloween social at the chapel last night. All those, who were not masked or in some way disguised had to pay a fine. F.G.JAUDYINC HEI) BANK J'HONE 170* You'll want to ropoat this "doluscious" troat! Looks liko homemade chocolate cake but is made of double-rich chocolate ice cream with a layer of creamy, tender marsh> mallow, lavishly topped with fresh, nutty "macaroon crunch. M Inresistible! HESSE'S BED RANK. FIIONE 12fl» PATENT KNDIMO RKADE'S CARLTON Request Feature Saturday Night at 11 P. M. 8 Generous Portions GLORIA JEAN - ROBERT CUMMINGS "THE UNDER-PUP" SUNDAY - MONDAY - TUESDAY Robt Cummings Mischa Auer Henrf Slepletuon y Bulch i B«dd ^ She'll delight yon as a country girl who goes to town... PLUS A SELECT PROORA5I OF INTERESTING Short Subjects ADDED ATTRACTION THE MARCH OF TIME PRESENTS On Foreign News Fronts ELECTION RETURNS AS AVAILABLE YVIT.T. BE ANNOUNCED FROM THE STAGE TUESDAY NIGHT.

31 Personal* MIsa Barbara Sopp, daughter of Mr. and Mra, Alfred Sopp of Lake avenue, la listed on the Duke university doan'b list for the fall term. This distinction is baaed on a high scholastic average for the previous semester. Mlas Barbara Frederick* of Red Bank, Miss Anne Reeder of Fort Monmouth and Mlaa Natolia Moreau of Freehold are among tho first year students at Wheaton college, Norton, Massachusetts. Mr. and Mra. Major Garrett of Bank street are the parent* of a daughter, born Sunday at Monmouth Memorial hospital. William B. Anshro of Bergen place, a conductor on the Central railroad, Is recovering at Riverview hoapltal from pneumonia. Ha was taken to the hospital Friday. Mra. E. W. Clayton of Hudson avenue was tuken to Riverview honpltal Monday In the ambulance after she had a fainting apell at the corner of Broad and Monmouth streets. Mrs. Bertha Rice of Clinton, street Is a surgical patient at Riverview hospital. Rov. Thomas Nolan, assistant rector at St. James church, has had a two weeks' vacation. Mlas Elizabeth Sloyan, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Jerome Sloyan of Broad atreet, will return home tomorrow for the week-end from New Rochelle College for Olrls. Monslgnor John B. McCloakey and Rev. Francis Dwyer of St. Jamea church attended the "Information Please" radio program at New York Tuesday night. Miss Ixila Cook, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart B. Cook, Jr., of Hudson avenue, has been elected president of her house at Edgewood Park college at Brllrellffe Manor, New York. Mlas Cook Is m. senior at the college. Donald Asay, son of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Asay of Riverside Heights, underwent an operation for appendicitis last week In Watts Hospital, Durham, North Carolina. Mr. Asay is a student at the University of Nortih Carolina a.t Chapel Hill and was stricken while In Uie dormitory. His condition wns said to be much Improved this week. Mrs. John Hammond of Elm place la a surgical patient at Monmouth Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Smith of Cedar street were recent visitors to the Endless Caverns at New Market, Virginia, while on a motor trip through the Shenandonh Valley of Virginia. Harry Coppcrthwalte of Pearl street, ft student, nt Georgetown dental school at Washington, D. C, In ;oi] >t'0iw, WHM: thej^reatcst Independents ever to al spent the we%k-end at his home hero, "Jen Nhould be sent to Congress Timothy Holland of Hudson avenue hociuse they can be of service, and has returned home after a week's havng proved that they are of service, wisdom dictates that they should motor trip to Plnehurst, North Carolina. to lie of service, and It may be con be Itept here so long as they contlnui Mr. and Mrs. Albert T. Curtis of fldently asserted that the value o Wallace streot spent Sunday with the services of a man of capacity, Mr. Curtis' parents, Mr. and Mm. I. cha-acter, Industry, and good hablt.i P. Curtis of Plalnfleld. Incieases in exact proportion to his Mrs. Mary Alexaj\drov of Broad length of service." street entered Riverview hospital Congressman Sutphin has been dl Tuesday night as a surgical patient. redly responsible for the many grea Mrs. Harriet Moncrlef of Westslde benefits that have accrued to his dlstric. He Is held In high esteem by avenue suffered a fractured left wriat Saturday afternoon when the car In which she was riding was involved In. a collision with another automobile In Spring Lake Heights. Mra. Moncricf was treated nt Fltkln hospital and later released. Lincroft (The Bed Bank Reglater can he bought In Linnroft at th«llncrufl Vlllag. Market) The Lincroft Flrcmen'a ' bowling team defeated tho Fair Haven No. 3 team Friday night at the Recreation hall In two out of three games. Tomorrow night the firemen will meet West Long Branch at Perry's Bowling center, Long Branch. Miss Lillian Sprung, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sprung of this place, has been accepted into the Aphcsteon Mathematics club of Montclair State Teachers college. She was one of six members of the Junior class accepted into the club, A Halloween party will be held at the school this afternoon for the pu- Comes Out Strong For Bill Sutphin In Press Release Ihiid District a fearless, courageous pils. Tho pupils will dress In costume. Games will be played and re- and honest administration. He has served his country as a soldier in the freshments served. Miss Lillian Ryan of Grasslands hospital, Wcstcheatcr, New York, is spending two weeks with relatives at this place. Mrs. Kenneth Vrceland of Englewood spent Saturday with Mrs. Katharine Kelly. Miss Constance Colt of Tennessee was a week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis S. Thompson, Jr. Archibald Taylor of Brookdale farm has returned after spending three weeks at. Lexington, Kentucky. Mr. and Mrs. Walter M'ueller of St. Paul, Minnesota, and Mlas Elsie Zodach of Minneapolis were recent guests of Raymond Reid. Susan Anabel celebrated her third birthday Tuesday with a party. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Williams of Cranford were recent guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. Georgo Rlchdale. The Ladies' Aid society served between 150 and 200 suppers Thursday night at Its 20th annual chicken calad supper at the chnpel. Mrs..Tennlo' Dahlgren was chnlrman. Mrs. George H. Rlchdnlc will be hostess at the next meeting of tho society- Thursday afternoon, November 7. New officers of the Gra-Y are Stanley Stllwell, president; Harold Perry, vice president and presiding chairman; Gerard Domldlon, secretary; Charles Toop, treasurer, and John Olsen, field mnn. Henry R. Dwlght Is an honorary member. Middletown Village (Thn Red Rank llpglntcr tan he bnught In Mlilrilcton-n from,1. C. Knight ami Wll Hum n. Wnters) Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Wood entertained Miss Ruth Beckwlth of New York last wtek-end. They gave a dinner party for their guest who observed her birthday Sunday night. Other Rueata were Mr. und Mrs. W. Irving Matthews. Mr. and Mrs. William c. Bohn and Mr. and Mrs. John Masscy Rev. and Mrs. George \V. Young are attending the Baptist convention at Paterson this week. / I. you want printing done on time give The Register a trial. For over 60 years The Register has been delivering printing '*hen promised. I. Advertisement, ALEXANDER D, COOPER the candidacy of Congressman Wll llain H. Sutphin of Matwan, who I seeking re-election to the House o Representatives from the Third Con grcpslonal District: The Importance of the re-election nf lion. William H. Sutphin as a representative to Congress from the thiid district cannot be over-estlma ed, The fact remainn that In order t accomplish any real benefits and to reciiva recognition as a Congressman, In order to be useful to his constituent i, a member of this honorabl body must have served a number of terjns due to the very large scope and atu y that must be given to so many Imiortant matters that affect both the county and the district which he rep esents. A statement by the Hon. Champ Clak, who is recognized an one o all Df his colleagues at Washington, and at the present time Is a very lmpor ant member of the naval affairs conmlttee and also a whip, which males him an Important member of one of the greatest and most impor ant committees of this bod p. grea A; tills most critical time, when so much Is at stake, not alone for the district that he represents, but also for the country and nation, and because of the very fine record that he lias i mode at Washington, it Is most Important to every one concerned botl Democrats and Republican* thai he be returned to office by the voters of the Third Congressional District, and a vole of confidence given ilm so that when we send Congressman Sutphin back to Washington,! he will feel that he has the people ;n his district in back of him by the fact that they have expressed theif confidence In him by a vote so large that he will fearlessly exercise his duties f6r the district that he rep resehts. Congressman Sutphin has always demonstrated his courage and ha«constantly given to the people of the World war and a public servant with thatj true American spirit that has made America what It Is today. The people of Middlesex, Monmouth and I Ocean counties should back up " r - IS'itphln by giving him one of the bxcuteit votes of confidence ever Si G. t0, a ca n"<date who has served his plstrict so well. "STUPID POLITICS." Mm. Kathleen Breslln Schweers DencrJe* Tactic*. Editor, Register, N. J. Deal Sir: I Received this week a political artlcle addressed to me as a Catholic vote: and which I know has been id throughout the nation. This has so Incensed me that I am writing you, in the hope you will give me ^pnee ipnce n In your paper p to t declarel that any such "below the belt" tac- S s pitifully stupid politics! The article referred to is a distorted pnrtla! reprint of an editorial by father Glllls, from the "Catholic Word, and acoks to gain Catholic votes, for Wendell Willkie. Whoever was responsible for malling,mt the article shows an amazing ignorance in pre-supposlng that an iitelllgent Catholic would look to a cl rion tical liglo rlc for his political creed any than he would look to his pollleader for guidance In hla res beliefs. Very truly yours, Kathleen Breslln Schweers. The Point Road, Llttl. Silver, N. J. C LAO TO HAVE HELPED. Nor h Shrewsbury Rowing Aas'n, 10 East Front Street, ed Bank, New Jersey October 30, 104O. Mr. Thomas Irving Brown, Editor, The Register,, N. J. Dear Sir: Wo, would like to take this opportunity to inform you of the success of ou- dance held In the Molly Pitcher ho el last Saturday evening. Yoir co-operntlnn through the medium of a splendid news story In last weeks edition aided us materially and tor this assistance and your always willing support, we are sincerely grijteful. Cordially yours,, Clinton Thompson, North Shrewsbury Rowing Ass'n Corresponding Secretary, Fair Haven RED BANK REGISTER, OCTOBER 31, New Monmouth bulance, suffering from pneumonia. to New York Monday, November 28. Yesterday It was reported at the hospital that his condition was steadily fire hoube Monday night, November Bus reservations may be made at Uie {The Rid Bank KtgiBter can be bought In Fair Htv«n irom Joneiih Piccolo, Garden State Grocery and Mr. Welntraub) Mrs. Ruth Block was admitted Lamberson and Mrs. Pearl Rosen- Aid society will be held Wednesday improving. 18, from 7:30 to 9 o'clock. Mrs. Helen A meeting of the Baptist Ladies' All registered voters In the lirst Sunday tu Riverview hospital as Aberg are In general charge of arrangements. George H. Roberts. Mrs. Norman of next week at the home of Mr*. election district of Fair Haven should surgical patient. acquaint themselves that the pulling Mr. and Mrs. Percy D. Bennett and Mrs. William B. Little, Sr., and Roberts and Mrs. James Griggs will place In their district for the general daughter Evelyn and Mr. and Mra rf Mrs. William B. Little, Jr., and Mrs. assist with the hostrs.s duties. Prominent election next Tuesday will be at theoscar Becker and son Carl spent the William Spence were the merchandise club winners In the firemen'3 injured some time ago in a fall, Mrs. Emma Penterman, who waa Willow street school and not at Cameron's Service. Htatlon as heretofore. cono Mountains, SeranUm and auxiliary last week. The auxiliary Is showing steady improvement. week-end on a motor trip to the Po- Insurance Man Gives The voting place in thn second election district will be an usual In per. last week from Riverview hospital, Wilkes-rJaire. cleared $75 at the recent turkey sup- Stephen Kosloski returned home Hit Reason* Tonight's community Halloween where he was a mediral pationt. Augustus M. Minion's garage in theparade, will begin at 7 o'clock at the lexander D. Cooper, one of the rear of hi«residence on River roa/l, Mrs. Ralph Klnderman was soloist Sunday morning at the Baptist corner of River road and Lake avenue and will disband at the firemen's ANNUAI, LADIES' NIGHT. outstanding Insurance men of Monuth county and who is also recog- fair grounds, where prizes will be council. Royal Arcanum, near Grange avenue, rolls will be open between 7 o'clock In the morning and 8 o'clock in tho evening. The World Wide guild met and service. nlred as one of the local leaders fo awarded and refreshments served. will hold Ladies' night in the lodge enjoyed a covered-dish supper Tuesday night at the home of Mrs. Kola Democratic party, has made the The Episcopal guild will hold a Councilman Tony Hunting, who Is in rooms In Odd Fellows hall Thursday owing statement In relation ti game party Friday night, November general charge, says he would like night, November 7. Moving pictures Compton of Bayside Heights. 8, In the parish house on Church tu see adults in the parade along will be shown and a musical entertainment given. Refreshment com- Griggs attended the Princeton-Rut- Miss Elizabeth Roberts and Albert. treet. with the young folks, and that everyone should be on hand at the point mittee members include S. Fontana, gers football game Saturday at Alan Minton, son of Councilman and Mrs. H. Lynnwood Minton, was where the parade begins at 6:30. Charles Senion, Lester Scott, W. L. Princeton. taken to Mnnmouth Memorial hospital Saturday In the Fair Haven am- company Is arranging for a bug ride ence Beck. It pays to advertise in The The' Ladies' auxiliary of the fire Bennett. Leonard Compton and Clar- Register. Bread Page Seven TIMOTHY R. HOUNIHAN Contractor and Builder SPECIALIZING IN JOBBING SCREEN AND STURM ENCLOSURES TKI M. 2< HUD8OJ' AVE, RRII BANK, M, I, PREMIUM COAL - FUEL OIL Absolutely the Beit Frank B. Lawes Newman Spring* Rd. Tel NORTHERN NEW JERSEY'S FASTEST GROWING FOOD MARKETS \ Enjoy th«dtpendabl* high quality of Acme Meats; every pound guaranteed to give complete satisfactionyou never risk a penny when you shop regularly in our Meat Departments. PORK LOINS bcientific research proves lean park extraordinarily rich In Vitamin B-1, or thianine. overnmeiit Graded and Stamped "U. S. CHOICE" \ C. Crisp Green Spinach 3 10 CHUCK ROAST 19. Ukl I %A#I af% I ^fe. #%* Selected an NoJ White Potatoes IO»12 y E -Tr Tokay Grapes Radn<1 "* *5 *BAL ;Grapefruit Juic * " '"» 3 p IO C ;Yellow Onions 10 I9 C Selected and stamped "U. S. CHOICE" by the Government. Legs 6* Rump Veal SkouMer Veal Chops Government Graded "U. S. bnuibl CHOICE" 29 Vb Fancy Yellow Sweet Potatoes 3» IOc p ot R oas Fresh Green Cabbage g * 2 C Juicy Calif. Oranges 15 25c Fancy Apples ' c Q. Jaw uuialaacfoig (baihu (Dspi. UcduuiA Celebrating National Week! See Our Special Display. BUTTER Dorrydale Farm Roll SlVM'l Crenin BuHer car?o,, 36c : Richland Butter» 34c! Store Cheese» 23* Leu Sliced Bacei ; Kraft Velveeti Cheese 2 X- 49* Tisty y Monster Cheese Kraft White American 2', h, c 49* Fancy Swiss Cheese! Italian Grated Cheese ^ n 9* Sharp COM Cheese ;Pabst-Ett Cheese,,!, 2.-2S* Priieess Margarita Purely.LonghorR Cheese *> 25* OSCO Margarine Center Cuts c s ; Puritan Marshmallows H 2 IZ 25 C C & B R^. 2 ^s 25* La Clioy Chow Mein Bisquick %? 15*: ^ 25 r Green Giant Peas Wheaties 2 *«. 19* OSCO Saver Kraut NBC Varieties «15* $15.10 Majestic OXO 11 '; 1,', 1,!:^,,'r^ 25* Light Meat Tuna Fish I Evaporated Milk B?z le 4 n 25*fiorton'sCodfishCakes \OSCO Evap. Milk "ESJir 3 r 19* Wet Pack Shrimp ^ NBC Old Fashioned n> n> Large Smelts Large Fresh Shrimp Chowder Clams I2c 15c each R«.at 9Veal Pockets Veal Cutlets Loin Veal PerkCh«pt :;: Sliced Bacon 2 Loin Lamb Chops Roasting Chickens Fresh Ground Beef FRUIT COCKTAIL - IO C Fancy MIXED NUTS No. 2i/ a can tb a ^ lie! n> 39c 35c, A 5. 0 '" 33 G,' 27c! I6 c : I9 C : Emeratd 20c Value» 21* SuRshineKrispyCrackers', Faiey Brazils 2-25* SuRshincHydroxCMkies? ' U> l5c' Almonds W * 25* OSCO Pumpkin SSSSL 2» *15* 19* Lighthouse Cleanser 3 ~ 1 0' Golden Blossom Honey,,23*; 4 <. 33* Sweetheart Soap - 5* Sun-Riyei 1 Tomato Juice 4 a? 25*; 33* Weodbury Soap 1* S? «V-8 Cocktail 2 ^23* : 4 *.n29*. pound Sweet APPLE CIDER Vegetable carton Comninntlon Offer J7-O7. 2 cans No. cans 2V,\tt 2 * I <l r. $ " 25* 2 23< 10 c er Snaps P?gl9 c ihershey Chocolate Syrup 2 :15< Vogt's Phila. Scrapple ;None Such Mince Meat 2. ^ 2 1* Wilson's Beef Stew igold Medal Flour? 17 C : L'5 32* Cudahy's UN6 s T c 'S r 2 2 Bring Yonr gallon Own Jug e""!",;:."" *? 17*: q r32* Rob-Ford Beets ii Glass B & M Baked Beans 2 -"25* Qttd'Seal Spaghetti HEINZ lakedbeiis 1 ':- V 11«OSCO Pork & Beans TomatoJyices,. ie c 2r, l 29* TomateJiiee 25C Gold Seal Prune Juice 2 ";r 29* OSCQ Tomato Soup 23 * DOLE Pineapple Juice 3 ^ 25* Domestic Tomato Paste Vine or..l. Buffet Fruits 3 «20* #SCO Noodles Wide ' * 25* -25* ; Junket Powder ri ;^';:;r 3. ^ 25* «^ Horm.r. #% ^ &SCQ Tea Misw!or M-^IQ?"^- 1 *^* BPJWPHI H* ^M ^^, Kin«e"" i"" 'lw imppa'" A +* 4SC0 Possible only becausp COFFEE we bur direct. Superb blend world's 2 tlnest 29 coffees. Win-Crest Banner Day 2»< 25* Mother's Joy Acme Coffee OSCO Fancy f hoettriitf Beets4 25 Broadcast Corned Mother's Oats % : 2 ;r: 15*. gxds** Rolled Oats 2 =?^ 13*1 &SCO Pancake Flour 2 ;,^5*; Mother's Joy Pancake Syrup ';,' ',' 17*1 Vermont Maid Syrup 'IT I Cc Log Cabin Syrup ^ ' 1 ^ i Brer Rabbit Molasses (,^:- S< :J,'' 13*,' 7) Broad St., 8-10 Front St., 752 River Rd., Fair Haven * No Meats Sold Hers OPEN ELECTION DAY UNTIL 1 P. M. n. 1Q( HI V pound J0$ Open Monday to Thursday, 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. Friday Till 9, Saturday Till 10 P. M. vacuum con mv crorcry prices effective to WciliK-Mlay, Nnv. (I; utlu-rs to Satunley nl(tht, XOY. a.

32 Pace Eipht RED BANK REGISTER, OCTOBER 31, Catholic High Plans Eleven Boxing Bouts James Marley, Three-Time Champion, Meets Jack Doyle For Third Time R«d Bank Catholic high school will open lta fifth iitinn-ii intramural boning tourney Fiiil.iy nicht of next week In tlie srhnol nuditnrium with > 11-bollt card, jinuts have, been scheduled in "lasses ranging from th«80-pound division to the 147- pound rlnss. The fentnit limit of the evening pits Jim Mnrlry ;ichin.=t.lack Doyle In the US pound class. Marley, having boxed in Ihrrr of the past journeys and pmrrtred a champion on all occasion.", hn* yet to laste defeat. In his first bout last, year he battled in a draw with 1 ho same Doyle, tabbed as the "Terror of the. Bayshore," but went on to defeat the Atlantic!nd when the two were rematched. The margin of victory wag light, however, and was gained in the last minute- of the third round when Marley let loose with every ounce of power In both hands and peppered his opponent from corner { corner. IXHI srhnnh, defending champion nt the. HO-potind class, will battle ' Charley nancy, whom he noted out la a close bout. List year, Schaab Is a protege, of Hus TC;illinrh and a fine boxer for hi.<? sjzp. Harvey is more unorthodox hut packs a good wallop. I*tt year his chances to hit were few but. the story might have been different had be heen able to land I solid blow. John Alvafor, third in line of the four ngnting Alvntors, one of whom hat graduated, will meet John Murphy in the 135-pnmiri class. Brother dene, last, of the brothers, meet* Warren Rnttino in the 128-pound class. Ben Begcnrlorf, a new comer to Catholic high, will box in the 140- pound class, but his opponent has not been announced as yet. Charlie Konowitz, brother of the famous John Knnowitz, who graduated two years ago, will also box, but his opponent has not hncn selected as yet. The bouts me heinjr arranged by Joseph Onus, local hoxing promoter, assisted by Hev. Francis J. Dwyer, ehool athletic director. Mr. Cross has heen rnnnphph with the houtfl lnce their inception at Catholic high '- school five years ago under the supervision of Rev. Thomas Carney. The boys are rounding into good physical condition and have had several workouts In I he ring. Sparring. is conducted several times a week in the school hall. The judges will be Cecil MacCloud and Robert Nicosia of the American legion. Joseph Koch will be announcer and Thomas Cusick, timekeeper. John Candiano will referee. The schedule of bouts follows: d.i. Vincent O'Nlel YS. - Rohrey Makes University Team Billy Rohrey, son of Jack Rohrey, professional golfer at Norwood Country club, qualified last week for the No. 2 position on Oeorgetown university golf team. Young Rohrey, former state junior tit Hist, and graduate of Catholic high school, scored a 74, to finish behind Jack Donahue of Sioux City, Iowa. The team will not begin intercollegiate competition until spring. Penguin Class Introduced Here By Stewart Cook Hit Boat, Built by Larry Olten, Given Trial Spin Saturday Another class of sailboats has been added to the registry list of the Monmouth Boat club and the first Surf, Field and Stream Timely Notes on the Great Outdoori STEW VA.WLIETa As long as the king of the surf, striped bass, remain with us this column will give it first place in Ihe weekly review of sports activities. And how they are with us! The reports that have reached my desk Good Hunting For This Season Large Diitribution Made of Wild Game wetting last Saturday afternoon. The boats of this class arc known as Penguins and the first io be introduced to Ihe waters of the North Shrewsbury is owned by Stewart Cook of Hudson avenue, a member of the j well known plumbing firm of Cook &. Oakley, whose craft hears the official registry number of 224. The Penguin class, like the classes of Lightnings and Comets, arc offlcally registered as an international class and the boats must he constructed upon dimensions furnished by the Penqtiin designers who have the dimensions copyrighted and release them only upon proper application and registration. 80-poiiml Bruce Ander 90-pound rift Carvey. 110-pound pla*? Joseph SUfftn w. CharleH I-offler. 126-pounfl rln«s Wurren Bottlnw Ti. G«ne Alvntnr. 13n.ponn<l ' In** Pete floldiherir TS. Doualns rrniv. 133-pouml rlnpn Al Powd TS. Harold Hollywood. 135-pounrl 'ANntor. 135-pnnnfl rlass Charles KonowltE T«. (opponent iinnnnnunccf! pmiml rla«p Rrn Btscndorf»». (oppnnoni, nnatinoiin^prl t. 143-pnuml rln-r> -Jnmes Msrley vs. Jack Iloylf. H7-pounrf rln«s Put Brown va. Ert. Miinnlx, Hunting throughout New Jersey this year should provide unexcelled sport for the army of hunters preparing to take part in the annual open season on upland game from November 10 to December 15 because of the large distribution of rabbits, quail and pheasants in all sections, the State Fish and Game Commission announced today. Because November 10 occurs on a Sunday, however, the actual hunting season this year will get under way November 11. Last spring 30,240 rabbits were turned loose by same wardens in the fields and woods, as well 9,32) pheasants and 5,517 quail. This fall the spring stocking program was augmented by the distribution of 26,866 additional pheasants and 7,900 quail under the direction of the State Fish and Game Commission. This conslitutes one of the largest game distribution programs In the history of the state. Latest reports received from game wardens concerning: the condition of the liberated birds and rahhits show that all game species are doing unusually well this year and unless the state experiences inclement weather conditions mental io Sehnab v«. Chirles /i John Murphy vs. John Matawan Trips Bayshore Team By Single Point Fails to Convert After Touchdown Matawan school won Its which will prove detrithe existence of wildlife within the next few weeks, the 1940 open season should reach banner proportions. Wardens also report that a good nesting season considerably aided the natural propagation of game birds and nnimals. Until 1943 there will be a closed season on quail in Passaic, Bergen, Essex, Hudson nnd Union counties. It is also unlawful to shoot female pheasants In any section of New Jersey. In addition to quail, pheasants and rabbits, the season will open on Novemher 10 on gray, black or fox squirrel, ruffed grouse or partridge. Use of rifles is prohibited, by law In the fields and woods of New Jersey. It is al3o illegal to take any game except by the use of shot guns holding not more than two shells, or by bow and arrow. Laws of the stale also prohibit persons from having a loaded shotgun or rifle In any vehicle. The dally legal bag limits for the upland game sea-' son are six rabbits, two male pheasants (30 in season), 10 quail, six gray squirrels, three partridge or ruffed grouse. Local Jay-Vees Trip Long Branch Maroon and Gray Scores Second Win this week of big stripers turn me green with envy. I am unable to _-,u u i f ishake off the most perslstant jinx of these boats was given it* Initial \ 1 havp cvor had A,, P seilson, l h J ave arrived just too late or left just too son. Listen to some of the catches! The only one which 1 have not been able (o verify Is nf a 51-pounder reported taken at Sandlass Beach In on a lead squid. It this Is so, and 1 have every reason to believe it is, as my Information comes from reliable sources, it is the largest striper taken on the New Jersey coast in a number of years and is tho largest one on the entire Atlantic coast this season. Next comes a 38-pounder taken on an eel from the surf in Long Branch by John J. Cozze of Elizabeth. This fish has been entered in the Great Long Branch Striped Bass Derby and holds the number one place. Cozze was fishing with a partner who was also fast to one that they estimated would weigh around 50 pounds. Altogether they caught seven over the week-end. Harry Stille, president of Long Branch Rod and Gun club, took a 21-pounder, using a plug; Earl Clark of Long Branch one 12 pounds on eel, Sam Jeffrey of Long Branch, three up (o 12 pounds on lead squid. George Russle of Long Branch had hard luck, as he had ten strikes and missed. Stan Cranmer, Sr., of Cranmer's Tackle Shop, Long Branch, hooked a buster which broke his line. From the small boats which are launched from the beach at Takanassee Jack Campbell and party caught ten weighing from six to 19Vj pounds. Also trolling Russell Freeze, took one, D. Scllgman one and Carman Ventreseo of Long Branch one 13'i pounds. The majority of the fish have been taken after dark, At Shark River the largest bass STEWART COOK The. boats of this class weigh 140 pounds complete with sail and necessary equipment. They are 11 feet, 5 inches in length; have 4 feet, 8 inches beam, «20-Inch freeboard and carry reported weighed 32 pounds and ounces and another one weighed pounds. Stripers are being taken at Manasquan and North Point. Bill Lyman, who spent the week-end working on his shack at North Point, stales that the fellows down there are moot spa, ThT^re-a i iled to a 72-square feet mainsail, without jib, which is loose footed to the boom, with a haulout that can he handled from inboard to give the sail more draft if necessary. The boat waa built for Mr. Cook has made a building fast!omets. The Margloo owned by Ted Moore and which captured the big by Larry Olsen. who name for himself In Sunday there were a number of boats trolling the surf and three of the boats were fast to fish at the same time. There have been no reports of blueftsh or weakfish from the surf although they should be getting a few as the Fulton Market reports show that on October 24th 4,600 pounds of weaks were shipped in from New Jersey and on October 25t.h 2,492 pounds arrived. The Octonternational race last year at Puerto I ber 24 report also shows that 11,233 Rico with Charles Allaire at the helm pounds of striped bass reached the and with Monmouth boat club's bur- market from Massachusetts, Rhode gee at the peak, as well as the fast Island, New York and New Jersey, model Spirit, which made such a good showing: in local waters the past season were built by Mr. Olsen. The Penguin boats are limited in certain expenditures, the cost of the sail not to exceed a certain price and there are certain restrictions on the cost of other equipment. Mr. Olson informed a Register reporter that the Penguins are being built at a cost not exceeding The boats are.made of wa.terproof plywood with mahogany hull and trim and by virtue of their light confourth foothall game in flv» staru Friday afternoon on high chool field when it defeated Atlantic high school 7 to 6. All scoring was done, in the last period. Matawan dominated the game for three quarters and then scored the first touchdown in the final quarter. However, led by Mike Cassone Atlantis scored a touchdown but miss the conversion. Cassone put his team in scoring position but La- Mura ended the thieat by an interception on his own five-yard line, Frank LaMtira, outstanding back of the team, made the score on a ix-yard rlunge. Tho conversion was a pass from Hultin to De- Atlantic Highlanda HsKaman Dih made on vino. MaUwan Ball W!ndn«J.E LT l.r, C RCi RT RE G. Dwight Bcdle Zddinits Vasto Anderson Rellinirhim L VanSant ' Colot Brown Plk«Rado««U y Harris I.H Caafione LaMtira RH Kerrigan I'll Tracy Matawan 0 fl Atlantir Hifhl:.n<)= 0 n 0 B 6 Tourh4own"--I.iiMiii'n. C,. Dtvijht. Point after tnurhil'>n'n--devinn (pain). SuhRtitiiiinn* Matnwan, Moorp, Rtlcer. Kavanmiph. Tlpviii". Atlantic Highland!, R. Dwiptit. MrMitnl.ln, I-'iclflintr. Carhsrt, Dltia. Refpri'f. Thii'P*; mnpitr, SI nil; head li high school junior varsity won its second encounter Monday afternoon from Long Branch high school jay-vee eleven 12 to 0 at. The locals scored in the first and third quarters. Long Branch went on the offensive in territory only once and then an intercepted pass ended the rally. Bill Howell dashed 30 yards in the opening period to mark up the first score. Early in the second half the Maroon marched 90 yards for its second touchdown. Paul Ralph tossed a pass from the Long Branch 26 to Ed Wilson on the two- J'ard stripe and the latter ran into the end zone with two visitors on his back. Long Branch battered its way to the 30 in the last period but Crosby intercepted a pass for. Long Branch Campbell Kocheller /ambrano Setrln Uneratti Dinen Ollvadotti Yanrrella Pasano Msrra Branch.T T.T ],(!" C RG RT RE - QB LH JIH f'b V n MONMOKTH COM' Siindio r.v. I Mi.nnn.iil Hlr/nlati.j* ]._ LOOK Hremh 1 IV Frefhnl.l R. So, C0I7NTV ICKKNCE 's KCSIIIIK r.rid c. I-'nrt. H»nro i:n«ilivir (1 I,:ikc«or> 1 ih Amtiny 7 0 RTANIllN'i; OF THE TEAMS Fnrt Minimum 1 Umuirdi. 1 i.l.l MrnTi.l, A Korl llnnri.rk Krw-hi.lil Cnliu Hllllllitn.l. \ A Tnnin Hnri- A < Ijikr.nm.l ;1outh Ai'iluu T RAMPS Nf taonar.l.. nt F.M Hlthlrni.)* *1 T.n Tom* Kivrr si! FrrehnM nt l.-n - 4 Hub _ 3 f 3 2 'n» (1 m 0 irem. 0 II II J 3 4 XT SUNDAY Mitnmouth Vxrnrhl.Ml Hantrork r Branch rli 0 T II 1 II 1 0 II Dell 'Omo.VeilMn Marino True* Talarlcn Howard Wichtmnn Nojilow Wilnon Howell Rnlph n (i n 0 12 Rsd Bank J. V Touchdowns Hnweli. E. Will Sub»titutlon», Smith. MOBS. Sanhorn, Farrow, Crosby, l.nnc Rranrh. Randall, Boyd, Coylr. Refprpp, Glllilnnil; umpiro, Wiley; head lincrmnn, Mmzn. Shower Given Society Member Members of Ihe sewing group of the Golden Hour circle of the Presbyterian church gave H shower for Mrs. Alfred Berlow of Long Branch yesterday at Mrs. Berlow's home at Long Branch. Those present were Mrs. Edwin S. Close, Sr., Mrs. Russell Blackman, Mrs. Leroy Bergen, Mrs. Elizabeth King, Mrs. William Dean, Mrs. William Waterman, Jr., Mrs. John A. Hayes, Mrs. Walter Avery, Mrs. Jane Castle and Mrs. Joseph Daviurday, the boat was hauled out of the water and housed in the clubhouse in approximately four minutes, In housing the boat the head stay is unsnapped from the stem, the port and' starboard shrouds are slifl aft on a track on the gunwales and the spar and sail Is taken In in one operation. Mr, Cook, who Is one of the most active members of the Monmouth boat club and who looks after much of the club's sailing program, allowed I several friends to take the boat out 1 for trial spins Sunday morning. Among these were O. Edwin Davis, Jr., a member of the coal and wood firm of Hance & Davis. Mr. Davis was loud in his praise of the boat in the way she handled and the possibilities of having a fleet of the Penquin class here. Mr. Olsen has made application for the next nine numbers in the Penquin class ao that a fleet of ten boats here will carry consecutive numbers from 224, that assigned to Mr. Cook's craft, to 234 inclusive. A charter has been applied for so that a Penquin class can be formed here for official recognition and it is hoped that Number 11 will be assigned to the local group. The local Comet and Lightning classes both have eleven as their respective charter numbers. When the Penguin class boats are sailed in official races they must have a crew of two and the combined weight of the two skippers must not be under 250 pounds. Even In the lightest of airs the boat must carry two men whose combined weight must be at least 250 pounds. It felt right good to set my feet down on the sands of Barnegat last week after a lapse of over a year, even If Bill Hancock and myself failed to connect with the big school of stripers which have been hanging around there for over a week. Although we reached North Point at 7:30 a. m. we were too late. As we arrived at the end of the road we ran Into three fellows lugging a swell siring of fish, some of them were still alive, but by the time we got to the beach there wasn't another fish caught the rest of the morning. The next morning I drove down again, alone, reaching there before sun up. When I left the house there was scarcely any breeze blowing but when I finally stepped out on the beach t found a strong northeaster and a heavy sea and was unable to cast against It. Just a nice 80-mlle ride before breakfast. However, I did see a heavy flight of broadbill and a number of flocks of Canada honk- It nav«to advertise in The Register, iadvertisement, ^ ft'^withtimimriltis inn*, i Mr. Olsen expects to begin the construction of two more of these Penguins at once and he hopes to have a mid-winter race hero with the Penguins during some time when the local ice boats are unable to be used on account of open water. Board Members Visit "Y" Meeting Howard Ungerer, president of the board of directors of the Little Silver Y. M. C. A., and Anthony I,. Mc- Klm, a board member, were guests at the meeting of the Little Sliver Junior Hi-Y last week. Both outlined plans that the board has for the "Y" this year. Robert Robson, croup leader, conducted the life problem discussion on "Ohedience. a Necessity in Daily Lifp." Ivan Lyons prepared a report of Ihe meeting to he sent to the county Y. M. C. A. olllces. The "Y" will have a parents' night meeting later this fall. On Sunday I made a trip on the back roads and on every section which offered good cover, there were cars parked by the side of the road. At first I thought the gunning season had been advanced, but on looking closer I could see the fellows tramping around but not carrying guns. They were out training their dogs to get them in shape for the opening day. Some had setters and pointers and some just the 'ov hound dog.' 1 stopped and talked to some of them and they said that there appeared to be an ample supply of birds and rabbits this year and predicted good gunning. There has not been very much activity among the duck hunters this week as the weather has been entirely too good. What they want is a heavy blow accompanied with snow, sleet or rain. That's the time the birds fly. An unsigned letter reached my desk this week. It is quite a jumble of words and after reading it over several times without being able to get head or tall out of it I have come to the conclusion that perhaps this fishing business finally geta a fellow. I would not say that the writer of it is a violent case; I think he Is rather harmless. I don't believe he has reached the stage where he should bo put away, but he certainly should bear careful watching.. The letter goc3 on to state something about a striped bass, "Old Joe," he calls him. "Browsing the other evening at the beach waiting for something to snap at a nice calico crab I had placed with due care at the outer edge of a bar, something happened that I shall never forget. After lighting my pipe, sitting there in a half dreamy attitude something seemed to stir near the edge of the undertow and gazing with strained sisters' and brothers' hostory. Ho his mother strayed away from he little family In search of food for th< babies, and never returned. How h 'Old Joe,' being the oldest in the fan ily took up the duties of raising h brothers and sisters, and how or by one they would disobey his o ders, and fall prey to a temptln juicy calico crab or a shining met;i squid until he was the snip survivo Kven he had many narrow escapes The letter then goes on to ulat. that"'old Joe' opened his mnuth t show him an old scar where ho hn torn loose. He told him thath< found it safer on the bench thnn I Ihe water. Then as it was gettin late 'Old Joe' slipped off my lap an with easy jumping motions was soo near the edge of the white water an as he made his last lun^o over th breaking wave he hollerod: "So long, I'll be seeing yon next summer, if I survive the infernal netting season down Mullica River way'." My advice to the unknown write of this letter Js thnt when you reach the stage of holding a conversation with a striped bass, It Is time to giv tip fishing and take up knitting. The writer attended Ihe regula meeting of the Monmouth Count; Federation of Sportsmen's dubs that splendid organization made up of 25 Monmouth county sportsmen's clubs all working as one unit fo the conservation and good of tin sport. The Federation in turn helongs to the New Jersey State Federation of Sportsmen's clubs, making a solid and ever-growing unity of sportsmen throughout the en tire state of New Jersey. This group of earnest, conscien tious hard-working sportsmen are the backbone of the rapidly growing movement for the conservation of our wildlife, resources. Oenerallons sportsmen to come will hnvn o lhank the present generation nf sportsmen for preserving a hr-ritnre which rightfully belongs to them, for without the efforts of the present sportsmen, commercial interests, in form or another, would soon destroy all forms of wildlife. The meeting was held October 24 at as guests of the Sunrise Rod and Gun club. Owing to the ness of President Herman Johnson the meeting WHS presided over by Herman Kathe, vice president. The following clubs answered the roll call: New Jersey Fish and Game Protective association, Belmnr Fish- Ing club, Neptune Sportsmen's club, Twin County Rod and Gun club, Sunrise Rod and Gun club, Bolmar Hunting club, Highland Anglers club, Scabrlght Fishing club, Twin Sycamore Rod and Gun club and the Shark River Marlin and Tuna club. The following committees reported: Vermin control, Chairman Fred Huber reported that the hawk migration appeared to be less than last year, which should give us more game in the fields rather than In the stomachs of these vermin. Legislation W. S. Applcgate stated that we should form our program as soon as possible in order to advise the State Federation of our desires. Said he expected that the Seaboard chairman would have a new bill on striped bass. That any bill which would take the fire arms out of our possession should be opposed. Applegatc said he would call meetings as often as necessary and. he hoped that his committee would be very active. Tho application of the Morganville Rod and Gun club for membership was favorably acted upon. Publicity and Education Ed Leaycraft requested that members send to secretary any Items that might be of value to the press, both of a sporting or educational nature. These items will be sent to the chairman of the state committee, who will in turn send them to the committees In each county. 1'lahse send in your news, whether of a meeting, club report or the activity of some member. We want the news. Deer Ed Leaycroft reported on the present deer situation and said he thought the farmer and berry grower would soon have to have more protection, as the deer were doing considerable damage to crops, Conservation S. VanVliet and Ed Leaycraft reported on the proposed new plan for the 1941 National Wildlife Week whereof text books will be Riven to the pupils In the 3d, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th grades. These books will contain lessons Ih all phases of conservation and will he bought by organizations having a conservation program and presented to th» scholars. This program met with enthusiastio support of the members present. The next meeting of the Federation will be held November 22, as guests of the Neptune Sportsmen's club. News of the George Ruppert Fishing Contest Striped bass, blueflsh, sea bass, a codfish and a walloping big halibut provided the excitement during the past week and produced two new leaders in the George Ruppert fishing contest for 12 classes of Atlantic coastal salt water fish. The halibut doesn't count. We have no class for him, although he was a 62- pounder, 4 feet, 3 Inches long, caught on a herring hy Dr. Leon Storz of Worchesler, Mass., at Bailey Island, Maine. But those striped baas. Oh, boy! No matter of mere ounces separates tho new champion and second place holder from the previous leaders. The new champ weighed 48 pound* 4 ounces, was SO Inches long and had a girth of 27(i inches. It was caught by Howard Flnrkq of Woodside, New York, surf casting at Montauk Point, with a tin squid. But right behind him, for second place, came G. Newell Hurd, nf Milton, Massachusetts, with a striper of 48 pounds even, 51 inches long and 2S Inch girth, caught at Cuttyhunk, Massachusetts, off Southwest Bluffs, on a jointed plug. Things are improving a little among the blueflsh anglers. Buck in February we received the entry of an 11 <T 4-pounder caught In Florida by P. W. Hine, of Madison, Connectl- ut. Then for many long months we waited for other entries. Now they arc beginning (o arrive. Here arc two: a 6 pound, 8 ounce blueflsh, 24 inches long, with 13li inch girth aught on a metal squid surf cast- Ing at Montauk by Frank J. Leurea, of Montauk P.^nt, rating second place in the same manner by George Hawkes of Rlverhead, New York now ranking fourth. Rumson Coach Named On Athletic Board Louis Jacoubs of, athletic director and coach at Rumsor high school, was appointed to the advisory board of tho New Jersey Slate Interiicholastlo association at a meeting of the executivo committee last week at Trenton. He succeed* Nathaniel S. Dctwller of Toms River, us Monmouth-Ocean repro sentntlve on tho board. There are many persistent reports that blueflsh have appeared In large numbers off the coast of Spain and Portugal this season. Some of these epnrts come from men who have spent their lives at sea. However, nm a bit skeptical about this and liave written the Bureau of Fisheries n Washington to check up on it. Frosh Beaten By Rumson Ilumson high school's freshmen 'ootball team won its second game f the year over the high chool frosh, 6 to 0, Tuesday after- >oon on the municipal athletic field.!ulmlnatlng a 00-yard drive down the leld in the second period, Monk Minon skirted right end for four yards ind scored the lone touchdown of the ;ame. Rumson drove to the Rod Bank 8 In the early moments of the secind period hut the Re! Bank line leld tightly and took the ball away, n turn, the Maroon staged a rally if Its own and ploughed up field ind down to the Rumson 10 yard it ripe before losing possession. From here, on seven plays, Including a 'orty yard run by Mlnton, Rumson Irovo Into the end zone. Rlimaon lepr..._ ;ifkicr!!."i!!l'!z Vent ion' _ [rifitlannen milh _... 'nnnlntr..._ /Ind _... illntnn Taylor _ Ilimsnn led Ilank I.K... L.T... Rfi... RT, RO. Qll... LH... RH..., FB... Summnntn IVAIny. Palmlrann Pnpo CrMcntinn Hoyd - Sorien.... VanNesa Stmpkinn Cntnlinn Jackson.. a <t n (i B.. 0 ( Tide Table supplied t>y Uliltwt Rtatea Cowt and Geodetic Survey Federal Offict nuilding, church and V»scy Streets, NEW YORK MTV SANDY HOOK IliKh Water Low Water A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M 8:20 8:43. n :10 9:33 10:01 10:27 1«:M 11:24 11:50 LOUIS JACOUBS Others nnmed on the board were Charles Steele, Teuncck; W. Ross Andre, Bernnrd-svllle; Walter Gardell, Elizabeth; Ray L. File, Ocean City; J. Dale McKlhhen, Paulaboro; William S. Black, Dover; Charles Schneider, Newark, and Dudley Meiers, Jersey City. Rumson Ready For Atlantic Out to Avenge Last Year's Game With five victories to ill credit, Rumson high school football team Is prepnring for what It considers a game that hns to be won Saturday afternoon when tho Furpln team meets the high school nt Rumson. With the dedication of their new athietio field tailing placo on this dny th".tnroiihqmpn will lin nut for a victory to climax the day's program. Tho Purple nnd White tenm has yet to win a victory from their opponents across the river In the six years the two schools luivo been engnged in gridiron battles. Expecting to have his squad whipped into tho best of shape for Saturday's game Conch Lou Jacoubs and his squad will be out Io break the jinx the hns held over them since the two schools hnvo boon competing ngainst each other. Itur.ison will bo gunning for Atlantic In order Io protect their clean sheet to date and nlso will be out Io avenge thn fi-fi defeat suffered at the hands of tho Red and Black last season. Coach Jacoubs hns brought his squad nlong with wins ovor Neptune, Freehold, Mctuchcn, Knyport nnd l'olnt Flonsant. Atlan-i tic lost their lnst l\vo gntnos to Matawan and Freehold, won over, was defeated hy Manasquan and held Toms Rivor to a scorr-leas tic Ċoach Jncoubs In nil probability Harry Neuberger Wins Billy Brook Trophy At Everett Mrs. Allison Stern Hurt in Fall at Hunter Trials Tht Billy Brook trophy, donated by Mia. L. U White of Shrewsbury, w u won Sunday afternoon at tht annual hunter trials of tho Mon* mouth County Hunt on tho E. Mhiripen Geer estate at Everett by Town Crier, owned and ridden by Harry H. Neuberger of Sunnyslde farm, Everett. Tho Neuberger horses also won two seconds and a fourth in the three other events on the day') card. Colonel, owned and ridden by William H. Fuales of Shrewsbury, was second in the Billy Brook trophy event; Molasses, ownod by Mr., KnrUMra. W. H. JlulhraurT was third nd Brocade, owned and ridden by William Barclay Harding, was fourth, The Sunlight trophy, presented by Mr. and Mrs. W. B. ltuthraufy for the opening professional class, wag won by Jamea Reynolds on Flay Vote, owned hy Mr. and Mr«. Allison Stern of Scobcyville. James Hannahane on Mr. Neubcrger's Golden Blaze was second, "Bud" McCue on Miss Kathleen Taylor'i Haps Rebuff was third and Harry Wells on Mr. and Mrs. Ruthrauff's Footloose was fourth. Mrs. Alfred N. Itaidleston of Shrewsbury on Wallop won the Festoon Farm trophy, donated hy Mr. and Mrs. Stern, In the class for hunters under saddle. Miss Elizabeth on Mr. Ncuberger'a Town Crier was second, Mrs. Stein on Play Vote was third and Mr, Neuberger on Golden Blaze was fourth. The team of Misses Florence Ruthrauflf and Ann Haskcll and Allison Stern won the hunt team trophy, presented by tho committee. The team of Miss Audrey Walker, Bourne RuthraurT and William Foales was second. Although there were several falls in the various classes, Mrs. Stern, who fell in the Billy Brook trophy event, was the only casualty. She strained the muscles of her back and neck, was badly bruised and Is thought to be suffering from a fractured rib. The proceeds nf lh«trials went to the Hunt Servants fund of th«master of Foxhounds association. The judges were Miss Deborah Rood of Wilmington, Delaware; Lewis Waring of Ruin sun and Raymond G. Woolfe of Llncroft. Dr. Harry Tlcchurst was tho veterinary in charge and Harry Wells was superntendent of the course. The committee In charge was Mrs. Ross Mocker, Mrs. Itaulleston, Miss Florence* Ruthrauff, Miss Louise, Finch, Miss Nancy Heller, F. B. Ruthrauff and Mr. Gecr. The ndvisory committee was Amory U Haskcll, M.F.H., Edwin Stewart, W, B. Ruthrauff and Rufus C. Finch. FOKKIGN FOLICY UISCU8SION will use the plowed under snmo lino the Point up that Plftaaant 3:03 4:40 5:34 11:35 7:44 2:50 3:40 5:28 7:16 8:10 ritiny turclay unday... lomlay... upnday. /edlleeday 0:22 12:45 humday 1:18 1:41 Illk'h and low water at Atlantic nigh,.nds, and Keansbura IRIS an Randy Hook. For high and low natpr at. add i mlnut.r* to Sandy Hook. For hitch nnd low water at. Red Rank Id 2 hours and 5 mlnutei to Sandy Hook. If you want printing done on time ve The Register a trial. For over!0 years The Register bas been devering printing whe.n promised. Advertisement. COMMUTERS WINES-LIQUORS 184 MONMOUTH ST. FUEE ClTARELLA'S MARKET OPP. DEPOT high school eleven. With Lester Lleneck back in tho lineup after a two weeks' lay off because of illness the triple threat back will bo Atlnntic's mainstay. Boys can mnko extra pocket money The New Jersey Committee on lh«liiusc and Cure of War will hold an all-day round table conference on the "American Foreign Policy in Orbits," Wednesday, November 13, at 10:15 o'clock at Jnmnson auditorium at the New Jersey Collngo for Women, New Brunswick. The diaon what steps might take in cussion will hinge the. United States lino with these policies. Prominent women's organizations of the stntu will send representatives to th«meeting. Canada's hydro-clecttic system rep»' resents a total Investment of approxselling Tho Register. Advertisement Imately $1,665,000,000. FOOTBALL FORT MONMOUTH vs. Field Club at Fort Monmouth Sunday, November 3, 1940 MUSIC BY AHMV BAM). Wnr Birds Will Be RclctiAcd Between Halve*. Admission 35c GATES OPEN 12:80 P. M. GAME STARTS O:<N) I". M. Fran Parkins; Children Free SPORT SHOP 1 z I] IT'S RIDING TIME DEL1VEBY Bonded Reserve 4 Ycar» Old BOTTLED IN BOND FullQt. $1. 95 eyes bass I beheld stretching nice sized striped itself around Two-thirds of the entire population of Australia has savings accounts of I about 41,000 p»r capita. though looking for someone and then observing that I was the only one In the vicinity it slipped and quivered itself right up along side of me. "I was at first amazed at, the feat and nerve of the fish, for wasn't I sitting there waiting to slaughter one if It. grabbed my hook? As If this wasn't enough to have this happen II started to speak and the tale It told would break any fisherman's heart. Thpn 'Old Joe' goes on to relate his life 1! history* hi«" ' Wilson s OLD SAGE KING RICHARD SCOTCH 10 Yenra Old A Q fifth 2**' ROMA WISES 29 LA BOIIEMK TORT SHERRY fifth RUM PASCUAL PUKRTO RIPAN White - Grdd fifth ]59 tenth 85 C TEL. 556 Leg of Lamb 23f, VOGTS illy Cooked - Beady ' Io Eal HAMS 23'. whole ITALIAN HOT and SWEET PURE PORK SAUSAGE 29;,, PREMIER COFFEE Vacuum Packed 19; TEL. 942 Let us outfit you completely, but inexpensively, with the best in Ridinjr Habits and accessories. We have a complete stock of Children's, Men's and Women's sizes in riding clothes and footwear. WE FEATURE "OVER THE TOP" SPORTSWEAR AND COLT QUALITY BOOTS Our Made-to-Ordcr Department can handle any of Your Special Requirements KISLIN'S SPORT SHOP EAST FRONT ST., RED BANK Open Evenings

33 RED BANK REGISTER, OCTOBER 31, Page Nimi Leaders Vie In Conference Game Fort Monmouth to Play Field club's high icorinn football team will travel to Fort Monmoulli Sunday afternoon to meet the Army eleven In a Monmouth county grid conference game. Although the Kleld club has dropped two games this year, It la unbeaten In league competition. Fort Monmouth'a record In a bit more ImpreBslvn as 11 ia not only unbeaten but unscorod upon. The conference leadership 1«shared by Ibreo tciling, Fort Monmouth, and the Long; Hranoh Athletic club, Monmouth him marked up four victories while I ho olher two Hquadi have won thren. Conch Uanna McUrlde of Fort Monmouth appeared satisfied la night with the showing of hla team in last Sunday's Rime wtih Fort Hancock and aald ho was hoping to aiirprlsn Arnlo Truex with an upset over thn Field club. Truex la head coach of, McUrido said hla surprise was wrapped up In Lieutenant William Prlckett, a varsity playor of the 1931 Oklahoma A. * M. grid team. He has not played much alnce hi* col-. lege daya and will only see a ahort period of action. Prlckett ia the second player with college experience to Join tho- Army team. Bill Hnmberger, left-handed halfback, who made, hla debut againat Fort Hancock, waa a member of the Cornell university varsity two year» ago, although he did not hold a flrat-team position. Fort Monmouth's physical condition la not u good aa McBride would like to have it, John Hiaa, halfback, who waa Injured lait week has recovered and, contrary to reports has no broken ribs. However, he will not sec action for another week. Richard Nunn, regular end, ia through for tho season as a result of a shoulder Injury. Church has recovered from his ailments which confined him to the»poat hospital Inflt week and ho will probably play for a ahort while Sunday. Bowling Activities Results, Standing of the Teams and Individual Averages KEI) BANK BOWLING LEAGUE CKNTEtt STANDINGS OF THE TEAMS W I. AVE B. B. B. C Chummy - 9 Bay * Chrli Airport H.. 8 Glob. 8 Munch» Peln 2 High To Meet Princeton Brandon Injured Unable to Play With spirit high, in spite of lie five successive beatings so far this season, high school football team Is working doubly hard this woek in prepurlng to moot Princeton high school at the municipal athletic Held Saturday afternoon. With the exception of one player, the Maroon Is at thn peak of physical condition. Jack Brandon, victim of an illegal clipping play In last week's game at Ashury Park, hns his leg In a cast and Is suffering from a serious knee injury. A slight change In the starting line will take place If Coach Richard P. Guest sticks to his present plans. Jnck Aillor and Phil Sawowitz will be ends, Jim Richardson and Steve Hcmlrix, tackles; Al Toniaino and Bob Price, guards; Ksponlta, center; Jacobus and Howell, halfbacks; Dnvls, quarterback, and Vaccarelll, fullback. Howcll, who has been running wild for tho Junior vnrslty, will make his drat stnrtlnp nppcarance In the varsity line-up. Richardson la returning to piny nftor three weeks' rest, nncossllntcd by a shoulder Injury. Hnndrlx, the other tackle, gained his vnrslty berth In the Morristown game nnd has bolstered the line consldcrnbly. Jone , K5S.r, > 0 12 INDIVIDUAL AVEHAGES G AVE F. Palandrunu.._ ) Hfi 972 HOI IM1K K58 B21 (I, Colmor. R. Kruaer «n J. Tuttla _. 12 L. Aterra 8 N, dentlle U F. Jons* - 6 C, RurTtnl _ 6 B, Smith 12 A, tiurdlco 9 E. Andarion 11 W. a F. Kacco - 7 O. Crob 6 <i. Wilman 9 J. I'alandrano 1» T. Parla 12 M. Stemni «L. Smoek I), UfsrttU - 12 J, (jentile - 7 K. JefT«ry J. Talarleo P. Bruno «... T, Arnone J. RuHllil - V. Sacco - R. J'ark.r GLOBE PETROLEUM Murdlco Tomalne B, Bruno C, Bruno 828 GENTILE'S Andcraon 20 Smith J'J J. G.ntlle 16J It r.entilo N. Gentile 2Vi 11(1 1!<2 188, :ta 184, S B IX l'j L. BAMflElUiEK CO. Cononlco 181 Glunro 172 Garta Mahoney Malta Eelman PeliKo. Hue Claitlla Mcrria. Smith G 854 RED BANK DAIltY Johnalon Maraitclo (iufinfhei- Baker Gordon... Jackaon... Crl.wll HelUar Cluna, Clune Ellin Bieltenbach Buckllaw LITTMS KALUS I,AUNI)RY ~.'Z'.Z'.'.' BALLANTINE8 208 jgg ion , 1J1 1(0' <;. Dtcker It. Hoatty A, Uiborn* A. Manna... J. Turnoek II lleatty M, HUarna... PBTB'8 CHATTEltUOX _ ';z'' i6i 178, 890 RAY-CRIS BAH 140 T. Parla J. KulDnl 18» D. UffayatU 149 J. Palandratm ls9 J. Tuttla _»>» 832 MUNCH BAKERY Munch 198 Alvator Schuktr., Dummy V«a N.aa Emll K.lly Morrla Hanoo PlnKltore _ ] JONES' SERVICE 188 1J8 J»J Kirkegard Wins Shooting Tourney Chief Captures Paul Lee Trophy CHUMMY'S Kan JafT.ry 194 M. Aumarlt.. Smock... H. Aumack. Fred Jones., H. A urn ark BOWIJNO OENTEH V. Sacoo Weinman 202 BOKHI McKIM.LAYTON GARDENERS W. Schroadtr 194 J. Him Flatcher... E, Tuuitr A. Turner «~ ! GENTILE'S MARKET, Allan J. Gentila '...T.1Z.Z A. Menna Sterna N, Gentllt."'..' G BOYNTON Klnic Fruncla Bradphaw Pattaraon O. Mlnton BOYNTON S87 01 BAY8HORE BOWLING LKAOUE STANDING OK THE TEAMS W I, AVE Brown'a Market 11 t Nat'a Jewelen 10 5 llnnniitea(lcr«_ 8 7 Koxy Flaah i'leet 7 8 Komeo'a Filling Sta 5 10 Mlddletown Towmhlp S INDIVIDUAL, AVERAGES O AVE Agnimt 15 Strlgh 6 Manzi..._ _ lo Tomaino 14 Anthony -._. 15 liohr 11 Hflliaon H l l Hi 935, S , »1 83S.1 90 n 6 Harwell..» ~. 15 Walling -.., 12 Poitn A 7 Wllin Poiton _ Collano.... Woodward Slelnhardt 3.A Pnlandrann Cntmortran B u.a HOIJWDEL 1-15AOUE STANDING OF THE TEAMS W Beei 14 Plrat.a...._,..1O Dodsera. R Olanl«_ 0 PlilllloB 5 Carda _ 4 Iteda 4 Cuba S (Tu.ed.r'a Match) PIRATES H. Maher / Dummy Conovnr G. Rchanck H, Holmes m Chief ot Pollco Harry N. Kirkegard of Eatontown gained his second leg on tho Paul P. Leo perpotual trophy Sunday when ho won tho annual Eatontown shooting tournament. Andrew G. Becker, borough clerk, finished first In a special contest and won a gold modal. Tho contest for the trophy Is restricted to.38 and.45 caliber. In tho feature match, Ben Van Keiircn was second nnd Chris Angelbaeh was third. Other competitors wore Mayor Robert P. Hlgglnson, Spencer Patterson, Rny Stlllman, Charles Holtlt, Russ Elgrlm and Ted Lewis. In the added attraction, Ray Stlllmnn was second and Harry Kirkegard third. HiRRlnsnn, PnMiirsOn, Angelbnch, Hcldt, Elgrlm, Claude Malone, CHIT Brower, Lewis, Van- Kcuren and Percy Dangler also competed. Mr. Lee donated the trophy In 1028 when ho was serving on the Eatontown council. After two years of competition the tournoy was discontinued until 1939 when Kirkegard was tho winner. Ten shots nre allowed each man and the number of bulls eyes nr«recorded. Thin la the only menna of scoring. HALLOWEEN PARTV. A Halloween party will bo held for members of tho church-school at St. Clement's Episcopal church, Belford, tonight. St. Clement's Red Cross unit meets overy Thursday morning at 10 o'ciock at the parish hall. Holy Communion will be observed tomorrow morning at. 8 o'clock nl the church. A pork and snurrkrniit. supper and rianro will bo held Saturday night at J. C. Hallldny's Mendow View Inn. Hamlet W, Hammond W. Hcnnatt... Ely Pitcher Dummy DODO Ens 709 7« ? J' IS IS HI IB ,IS , , S ,13 20' B 179,1 20* HIGH ONE OAMB Strlgh - HIGH THREE GAMES Btrlgh HIGH TEAM ONE GAME. Browna HIGH TEAM THRJ Browna BROWN'S MARKET. Shamoun _ 178 Brown 152 Anthony 165 Karwell Agnime oUZo - >«Brown....._..» I...,...,.,,... Baker».... MCWB..- Shamoun.... Boxy....'. Paratlno 12 Powell t ( HOMESTEADERS. Komelakl [Jahr O'Rourke 177 Powell 186 Woodwurd. _.,, ROXY'S ROMEO'S FILLING STATION. Shtlly ' Romeo It, O'Rourke 202 Monahan 885 NAT'S JEWELERS. Baker Garlflna Coaentlno..._ ~ SoUUo 177 Tomaino S4 (Mondar'a Match) BEES VoorheCH. *?r M. Bennett Thneker, Jr Sindllmi-r...1. Mailer RUM Kaney Voorhcas, Sr Kuehn rhllllpa. Mount (Thuraday'a Matehea.r. P1IIATES Dummy Drmmy. Dummy Mnher G Srhanctt VnnCtaran G Thnckcr Hlckey R Bennett... Tramm 684 (Friday 1. Match) BESS V Thacker 132 Slndllnccr 106 Voorheca J Maher 163 Bannrtl CARDINALS nton 162 inott 141 Sutphln 119 Rhtrtu 147 Appleente MIDDLETOWN. Mejer... _ 144 Quackenbuah.. Kellly v - m Neu.7. Henry 184 Murphy 202 Gcttla IB _ RED BANK BOWLING LEAGUE. Viercck. Bolcn Warner Wooater... Dtnnla COMETS 156 1G CITARELLA'S MARKET Grob Elgrlm, Cltarella Smith.._....i Moyett fanner BOKOORE TAILORS Anderaon Crlmwll _ 133 1X6 Stevn Pnppaa Merrill A RAY-CRIS GRILL D. Arnon C. Jones a 202 J. Arnone " p Gcttla T. Gottla SHREWSBURY reksonals. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dinbrow attended the Fordham-St. Mary's football gnme Saturdny In New York city. LI, and Mrs. Raymond Connelly and Mrs. Connelly's mother visited relatiyo^fln Brooklyn over the weekend. Gibraltar has been esslon»ityn j7 71 British poi- REI) BANK COMMERCIAL LEAGUE SEABOARD ICE CO. VanDorn _..._ 181 Brown Tiirker Frnnk Miller Reynnlda Mndupky, BOO 7M VAN 8YCKLE AGENCY Hanaen nurna 145 Mauner _ 116 Kiel, Mauser... Grover Bott < B67 KK11 BANK Decker - L. Schroader Mlnton Grooma... Posten RECREATION PETE'S CHATTER BOX PETES CHT Smith _ 170 Zambrano 170 Ping-ntore Dohrn. 152 Ehlo.'.'. 198 CLOTHIERS * INSURANCE Tninx _ MorrlB _ Woodward..._: 204 Straua. 180 Mcnxzopano 222 Nordy Murdlco. V Jonea Choaey... L. Arerra LOU'S PIZZERIA _ 19( 'V7VT'" '' LONG BRANCH Taylor... Tomalne Roberta Pntkcr Tuttle Coles HIGHLANDS WOMEN'S LEAGUE STANMN0 OF THE TEAMS W 1. AVE Hi Drama fiantlea _ S. Brownie Chickadeea INDIVIDUAL AVEHAGES G AVE Hi Parker ,10 17 Voorneea _ i McDonald - " Brown......«.. l)rak«] ', Kohlenbuah... N. Johnaon Kendrlck Schwind Axulion.. «...,. White Kadenbach 16 1>. Johnson..._ , ,5 Kb Adalr 12 Brennan - 12 R. Kohlenbuah 14 HIGH INDIVIDUAL GAME Parker ~ Urake. HIGH THREE GAMES, Drake _ - HIGH ONE GAME. Drama - 54 HIGH THREE GAMES, Drama : 1688 BROWNIES. White _ 119 \)t Johnaon V. Kohlenbuah _ Brown, _. DRAMS. Schwind Dummy Draka Kendrlek...TZZ.'Z BANT1ES. N. Johnaon H6 Axelaon 12B Adalr 79 McDonald...I CHICKADEES. R. Kohlenbuah 104 Dummy. ; Kadenbach. [in Voorheea S » HG 877.U IIG , ) ,'! !i ! HIGHLANDS BOWLING LEAGUE, Division "A" STANDING OF THE TEAMS Mohn Tavern 15 8 F. H. Hall 13 6 Swedish Hop 9 fl Hlghlanda E»so Stn 8 10 Railway Expresa 6 12 Roxy'a s INDIVIDUAL AVERAGES C. Dillon. AVE Agnlme Anthony _ Emmons -. Wllkena Mey«- Hanson Raat. 14 Mew" - 18 Adalr.. 9 S. Julius. 15 M. Juliua : 15 Monfthan 'arwell.'... Hi iluneo _ 14 Murphy 14 Romeo 18 Ho»y HIS "olsam _ G HIGH ONE GAMK. Anthony! 262 HIGH THREE GAMES, Anthony 646 TEAM HIGH ONE GAME. Mohra 1015 TEAM HIGH THREE GAMES. Mohra _ 2812 Division "B" W L AVE HG Ideal Diner ) EBSO Jr'a orsgate Farms S88,lon«Club eon's Cleaners C2. 4t H. Market G AVE HG Drown Xornek Innagan _ Ldalr iloran !) 101 illnor tloody.. H llubley Mahler larrlgan _ iiubley, Sr )8 UodeU ffatrra ;; enn IB McDonald lavlea lltt,, ioberta'on {ohlenbush 12 15G '0" tr.._.._ Writer 15 "2.8 ISO livlm.."." HIGH OrTE GAME. iowier 265 'HIGH'THREE GAMES 'TEA'M'iliaH'oNE GAME. 'oraeate - ~ TEAM HIGH THREE GAMES. 'oraeate DIVISION A ROXY'S. r _ ISO Jrlnkwatar 2SS irey - l fi3 lenry htonnhan ivllkena 'olaom... lauuherty fwler... ound RAILWAY EXPRESS ' :tl!nro.,nthony larker. lucaa... tleyer.. ~imaon rturrhy Julius ii..lullua liming dews Rnlme... MOHR'S TAVERN. 1S7 16B : _ _ ISO HALL ASSOCIATION. 142 ISO 1SS 170 lii:t 17fi, 1S7 isa._ ins SS 156. Dlllone ulnco lovrren... loaahach.. 'eternon.. Dlllone : ine "mmona ~ B4S SWEDISH HOP. 200, ISO 879 SSfl no 191 eller umco 959 HIGHLAND ESSO ISO 172 1SS 190.elbhamer _. 157 tadanbach 189 'arwell 207 1S8 17! 831 S DIVISION B J. 4 H. MARKET. ISg G. Quaat Dummy C. Quaat Flanagan Minor Dlttcs. Perl pr. Burke Mahler LEON'S CLEANERS, 14K McDonald Fehlhaber Johnson. Davles LIONS CLUB _ UK " n v "" lt>4 Brown ESSO JR'S. Waters 151 Rynn 170 Hr.nt. O'Mrlen J9D Moody 211 Hodeti 146 Itllterman Moody ~m ' FOItSGATE. Kornek 181 Dummy Jor»t«r 129 Robertson 1G1 "ubloy bo Adnlr IDEAL DINEIi <~'<"> 187 Anem 156 Kubley, Sr."..'".'.'"I"" 12H Jf ' 147 Can-ignn HMD BANK BUSINESSMEN'S LEAGUE. STANDING OF THE TEAMS W 1 rill! Contracting Co, ID fi Ualrd Davison Co, 15 6 Morrts Service Station H 7 Arnone Jirolhcrs 13 g Anthony's Clothlera Kibitstelli'u Market I'etk'y'a Sport Shop A. &. p Super Market iidupeiulent Rci-iflng 9 12 tarsus Krolhrrs. I'urftan Dairy* ".."..'. Ind..Home Modernizeri >hi*ewsbury Dairy Cusatfrnnde United... m Big Dip I 9 12 II AVE 8C , INDIVIDUAL AVERAGES G AVE rooms 8 Nurdy 16 I'iBCher 21 'attpi'hon lecker.... " l{. Hchroeder HG S U Allen 19 iv Schroeder 2." 17 'otter '..Siinccia '. Arnono 18 u "o 21 Colmorgan 12 ''"" ' - 16 Miuzarroppi Emmons 20 U. Aumack 11 I 1 '. Bublin 20 Warden Ward...j;'.*.!!'."!"""!*" 18.Sutherland 18 I'urker g NoKiin *"'. g towcll. 21 Tunis...!'* 16 )uncim 21 -'nsu'llnccio - 21 tarrasao _ ' io iv. Evnna. _ 21 Munlico. _ 21 HG Gettis S , II TETLBY'S SPORT SHOP. R. Aumack Parker Humphreys 210 Gage Nordy RASSAS BROTHERS, Hlrat 163 Calandrlello 168 Swannell Franeh 180 Calandra SAVAGE. M. Arnon*.. _..._ Calandrlello 189 Savage 170 Pa ige }}5 i Fowler.. )»J igordaychlk m! 1 "' ! 452 QUESTION MARKS GRILLI CONTRACTING CO. D. Arnon«179 C, Barrasso Sharabba 166 Flcaro Suozto Mazta _ 188._/_ ) SHREWSBURY DAIRY, Grooma Hoffman 167 Antrim 161) 203 Sweeney 1*3 210 Decker Slmpkina. - U8 SS6 320 CLAYTON AND MAdEE. < Worden fiettia !Ayrc» ! ' i RIVERSIDE BARBEKS. Nicoletti _ ] V. Arnune y32! Dummy KING PINS. Menzzopane 186 Dennett 187 Aivator 176 Murphy..., J I SHORE FIHKMKN8 LEAGUE, ii 9 K Ii DIVISION A Friday's Nlfhl'a Resulta Belmar Vols. 1, 2; Neptune City 1. Uncelled 1, 2; Deal 1, 1. Wast End 1, 3; Eatontown 1, 0. Oakhurat 2, 2; Bradley 3, 1. Independents 1, 2; Eatontown 2, 1 Oakhurat 1, ti Oceunport 1, 0. Spring Laka 1, 3; Sea Girt 1, 0. Freehold 1 va. Phil Dalya 1 poeliioned. STANDING OF THE TEAMS W Oceanport 1 11 Oakhurat 1 - «Neptunt City, Belmar Vola. 1 West End 1 - Indepandenta 1 Spring Lake 1 Phil Dalya 1 Oukhursl 2 Sea Girt 1 Hradley 3 Fieehold 1 Unexcelled 1 Eatontown 1 Elitontown 2 Dial 1 DIVISION B Friday Nijht'i Reaulta Freehold 2, 2; Eagles 1, 1. Wanamaasa 1, 3; 1, 0. Wanamaasa 2, 3; 1, 0, Goodwill 1, 2; Sprlnk Lake 2, 1, Washington 3, Brlelle 0. Lnkewood 2, Avon, 1, 1. Fair Haven 1, 8; Deal 8, 0. Union 1 vs. Little Silver 1, postponed. STANDING OF THE TKAMS W Fuh Haven 1 WanamnsBa 2 Fieehold 2... EaKlea 1 Lnkewood Washington Avon 1 Little Sllvar I Wanamassa 1 1 Goodwill 1 Hluhlanda 1... Spring Lake 2 Uu J oil 1 Deal 3 Urielle - DIVISION C Friday Night's Remits Unexcelled 2, 8: UakhursL i, 0. West Long Branch 1, D; Sea Glt't Exempts 0, Sen Bright Hook at Ladder 3; Manaaquan F D. 9 (forlelt). Allenhursl 2; Goodwill 2, 1. Independents 2, 2; Manaaiiuan VOIB, 2, 1. Fair Haven 2, 3: Spring Laku 4, 0, Uradley Juniors 2; Unexcelled 4, 1. Sth Girt 2 vs. Belmar Vols. 2, no report, STANDING OF THE TEAMS W L Unexcelled Manasquan Vols, Oakhurst BED BANK RECREATION Crawford Smith _ Yore (09 RED BANK FIREMEN'S LEAGUE V. Sarco F. Sacco Hcndrk'kB Marascio B. Mazza LIBERTY J. Whalen C. WhHlen Abott Holiday H. Coimorgen A Grob G Colmorgen » Munch.. Forbes.. Clenry... Hubbard I Smith... I Sloye... Hartman... Dummy C. Ilennett : Cnlnndriello I, A. Menm 2 10 ', Arnone. Evnns -. Inlnndia.: >!. Aumack Uohrn HA1K DAVISON CO, W. Schrofder utherland IVnrden Invlson tvard A * P SUPER MARKET. STolan 131) 185 it. Schroeiler " ce MERCHANTS TRUST CO. B.. ^utmby /annote MS " Gettia Mien... tterson t ayton 162 urchin V. Evnns 160 ottcr MORRIS SERVICE STATION.. Morria 141. Emraons clson.~ unter. Savage. Emmons. _ ANTHONY'S CLOTHIERS. Vymtis 184 I'totl 16!) Evans rooks iohrn _ 155 'olmorgan PURITAN DAIRY. 'uncan eidman nglcr - infayptte teams S INDEPENDENT ROUWNG. lella icpletro iccol ie azznrroppl. _... urtllco _... RIBUSTELLt MARKET. nwcll 170 1B9 arruto S 1S3 llublln Ila 107 Uublln (1 'njtetlarclo Scaccia 76r ARNONE BROTHERS elterys _ l":i 193 Arnone 147 Aumack _ och seller 150 Arnone... 80S BIG DIP enkea _ 221! ^ ^.. icdy - _ 131 usano 170 S25 IND. HOME MODERN1ZE11S Grob _ ufllni ins Citnrrlla ISO Ivatnr rhucker QAS AGRANDE-UNli ED. nnry IBS colli lummy mendt '.errltt Weat Lona Branch Sea BriKhl. Hook I Ladder 9 6 Sea Girt 2 s 4 Allenhurat s 7 Fair Haven Independents Sprint; Lake 4 6 Sea Uirt Excmpta Unexcelled 4 Bradley Junlora Belmar Vols. 2 Goodwill 2 Mnnnsquan F. D DIVISION D Friday Nifbt'a Resulta 8, 2; South Belmar 1. Manasnuan H. at L. 2; Sea Girt 3, 1. Avon 2, 8; Daal 2, 0 Freehold 3, 3; West Long- Branch 2, 0. Unexcelled 3, 2; Spring Laka Goodwill 1. Wall 8, 2; Oceanport 2, 1. 2, 8; Ocean 1, 0. STANDING OF THE TEAMS W L Freehold Munasquan Hook ft Ladder South Belmar 9 6 SlirlnK Lake Goodwill 9 6 Avon Avon Ocean Sea Girt Uccanport Unexcelled 8 ~ 6 9 Wall 6 9 Weat Long Branch Spring Lako Heights 4 11 Deal DIVISION E Friday Nlfht'a Reaulta Union 2, 2; Phil Dalya 2, 1. Bradley 2, 2; Oakhurst 4, 1, Wanamaasa 3, 2; Hazlet 1, Lincroft 2; Fair Haven 3, 1. Little Silver 2, 2: Hlghlanda 2, 1. West End 2, 2; West Long Branch 3, 1. Point Pleasant 1, 2; Point Pleasant 2, 1, Eagles 2, 2- Fair Haven 4, 1, STANDING OF THE TEAMS W L Little Silver Phil Dalys _ 11 4 West End Brudley Union 2 - ' 8 7 Oakhurst 4 _ 7 S Lincroft 7 8 Fair Haven 'nlr Haven Point Pleasant 1._ 6 1) Wnnamassa 3 fi 9 llurlet _ 5 Etiglea 2 5 West Long Branch 3 4 I'oint Pleasant INDEPENDENT UNION Pearce Snlffen '. Hopkins E. Murphy Jioltrnnn... J, Murphy 836 WERTSIDE Won by Forfeit NEW JERSEY BELL LEAGUE WIRE CHIEFS. N, Mazza 177 I,. Morrisey Y, Xellman _ 181 C, Whitehurst 141 J. Burner - _ 144 H. Gage _ ( LONG BRANCH CONSTHUCT10N. P. Waltt _ 117 Novak J. Costcllo L. Herbert G. Van Winkle _ It. HibbittB HOLMDEL LABORATUHIES. Hammond I Chlnnock " I Morrell.. J Desmond Angerole HEM BANK I, H, Rowell White. _ Slocum Clayton... Mulder Johnson DEAL LABORATORIES. Klenk Lewis" Z;Z owcrs _ Gerbig Twecdle _ S74 BRANCH 1. R. 16B LONG Batei - - Spranger Poole - Dummy Dummy QUADRANGLE CLUB LEAGUE. STANDING OF THE TEAMS PTS ".73. '. '.'.'. *!'. *.* 16,, Buzzards. Hoot Owls Penguins Mud Hens BUZZARDS. Holtnian - Lake - 11' Hoehme - I 41 Hutchison...- " "» Osborn..._ - 1» 2 Carey 1» 80S HOOT OWLS Aumack JOLLY FIVE D. Hyan F. Hanavn. P. Schuckar U7 A. Gage Itl P B P. Borden. 184 lil 711 (>4 MISFITS M. Jon«s. Ml D Webb _ 171 B. Aumack 144 A. Harttell 112 E. Dean HI-JINX Evana 12» E. Mtnzzopant 111 D. Aschetllno - _ lao F. Aumack _ 117 D. Meglll 171 no Its 184 ill lit U4 lit 10T J# Iff 111 IK lit 6»» 771 Til WOMEN'8 MTD-WKF.K LEAGUB. LUCKIES. Schwart* 129 Travers VanVliet 178 m CHALLENGERS. Jonea. _ Ellison 134 Hammell, HIT AND M18S Inglia 182 Williamson Menzzupane 155 SK6 TEAM THREE. Bucklin 11!) EvBna 154 Dummy 100 Schuker _. 171 TEAM FIVE. L. Molnar _ 146 M. Jeffrey _ US P. Brown UP AND ATEM. L. Hendrlcka 168 F. Aumack D, Aachettlno. UH I t J»C US IIT Bowling Sidelights L More than 25 five-man teami from this locality signified their Intentions of cometlng In the state bowl* ing tourney on the Newark Recreation Center alleys next month. L*at year's tournament was held on the Recreation hall a!eye end Burlew's Lobster House of was -winner In five-man dlvlaion. Wardy Grooms, although bowling only three games, Is leading the Individual list of averages in the Red Bank Businessmen's league. Groom" has a mark of while Nordy Aschettlno Is second with 197.1, for IS games, Gua ColmorgEtn had an unusual series Monday night on the Bowling Center alleys when he recorded 231, 211 and 231 again, for the Relief Engine company. However, his team dropped all three games to the Liberty Hose outfit and In the entire match for the winners only Vlnee Sacco went over 200. That cam* in his opener, when he roiled 202. Dorothy Ajchettlno and Helen Braney had the highest gimee for he week in the borough's women'* league. Both bowl in the Friday night loop at the Recreation hall and turned In scores of 191 and 1*0. Mary Mazzoccs, reporu that (h* new restaurant service at the Recreation hall Is meeting with the approval of the bowlers that make uee f those alleys. Yorg lllhkely Wilson Dummy.153 ;i*.~*.~ 126. MUD HENS BECRKATION JUNIOR LEAGUE. 10 HacWithey j SchulU 179 HIMcKenna ""' 11 i Colio _ j Gierseh. Schwtmker 15U INDIVIDUAL AVERAGES G HG Murphy 3 Clunco 3 Menzzopane 7 M. Arnone Worden 8 Aivator 7 }lhrt..._._ Savage, 9 Pound Calandriello 8 Smith 6 V. Arnone. 6 Forbes - 9 Yore 3 Parker Ayrps 9 Crawiord 6 (iettis - 9 Folnom 2 Nltoletli 9 Bonn Paige - 1 1SI 177 j PENGUINS. AVE j Turnoek - j (Yordaychik 7 Fowler t Bennett ' Foster ' Reynolda J Fournler J Stobo ' Southnll - - j Alexander STANDINGS. Clayton and Magte...- Pins - Savage Kiverside A. C ~-~ Riverside Barbers duration Marks Hed Bank Recreation - Rnllway Express RAILWAY EXPRESS. round I'D Foster Fnlsom Alexander ISO G1 19R 15'.) i G4.4 If, S Ml j I 'libry Plngitore.. Dummy WOMEN'S COCKTAIL HOUR LEAGUE 155.S! Stout I IltndncKson... j Travers I Fcrsrh -... ] Hr.ndlcap ) MS.5 14S IS- IS" OLD FASHIONS.. ^ Z'.Z 109 r.'..7..r".' 52 w RIVERSIDE A Southall - Fournler «Forbes ~ 439 CAR1OCAS Connnr - }»» Francis l l\ Van lnwegen Tullcr - Molnnr HHlper. Wilde... Dummy Rurklin Williamson Moypn Hnndicap -. llclknnp 477 MANHATTANS ALEXANDERS FRIDAY NIGHT WOMEN'S LEAGUE H, Braney E Uarhart A, Travers. M. Vnnllrunt P. Mattel FIVE BELLliB, : _ 124 _ If, Reek Tomaino topped all soerc* or the week with 275 Tuesday night n the bowling league. Dick Parker, number tour man of the Globe Petroleum outfit In the Bowling Center City league, tallied a ew three-game high last night when e rolled 166, 243, 218, for a total of 627 a, the Globe defeated Gentile'*, two to one. Tigers Bow To Freehold Eleven Former Champions Suffer Fourth Lots The once powerful South Amboy Tigers, former champion* of Monmouth County GriU conference, lost Its fourth sucessive game of the current campaign Sunday when Fr«ehold Gulistana won 8 to 7. In spit* of a great Rama by Georga StAder, veteran South Amboy captain, tha Tigers could do no better than«cor«a single touchdown. A blocked punt which rolled out of the end zone In tho third period gave Freehold a safety. The Tigcra kicked off from their 20 and Georg* Eeirs returned to Amboy 30. On»ix plays, Including two end runs that saw Belrs pick up IV yards, and' a forward pass from Domchanko to Bclrs In the end zone scored th«guustans' touchdown. Freehold LE LT I.G Be Ira Plkulic Llpachuti Vatenczlua Mironchik Thompson Klrby KG KT KF, UM I.II KH Fll South Ambojr II u I law Kaiwiterakl Myera Milt Inrnan Masfl«14 Mlltor HlMiUr Whltmqra Quinn 1'utoa Freehold South Amboy TourhdownB <Uader, Hoi (1 *»» Point aflar touchdown O'Le-i;- I'drmi-klckh Safaty Lnyton. Sukalltutliina 4»uLh Amboy, lilt, Zlnla. Fuehold. F. Srarlir, II. Soarby, Ft, Vr- Ixlls. Malwnkll*. I.»nt>. I'.IK.n, Laytnn, nuyle, Dftmrhsnlvu. Roteren, P. llrmli: iimiilra, J.inllji head llnenman, Mnlutli. SKW UKSIIJKNT. t "UU. Biul Mm. John Kelly tt, East Keanshuru. are tho parent* pt m daughter born Saturday at KUvaf> 407 t<! isa 7U view hospital,

34 m Page Ten RED BANK REGISTER, OCTOBER 31, Sale For Woman's Exchange Nets $300 Event Held at Home of Henry E. Butler Y. M. C. A. New. ATTEND GK1U GAME The Princeton University Athletic association was host to more than 7,000 boys of the Young Men's Christian association Jersey Saturday. Through the co-operation of James H. Mattcnlee, chairman of the boy's work committed of the Lions club, and William L. Russell, president of the iioro Bus corporation, a bus transported about 50 members of various Y. M. C. A. clubs of to Princeton to witness the football game between Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Butler of Fair Haven "were hosts at a sale Tuesday afternoon for the benelit of the Woman's Exchange of Monmouth county. The sale was held early in the afternoon and $300 worth of various articles was sold, A (jreat deai of interest was shown Princeton -and Kutgers. by the guests in the exchange. The j by t at no The boys left at noon from the exchango conducts a shop on Lin- "Y," 40 Riverside aven under the den place in" back of the Strand supervision of Wilmer A. Robbins, theater. j general secretary of the Those present were Mr. and Mrs. y o un(; Men's Christian association, Ford Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas j ;imi j. William Helm, Si\, principal N. McCarter, Mr. and Mrs. Gurdon 1of. un> jtiver stl- et. t sc i loo i. Maynard, Mr. and Mrs. George Werleniann, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Joseph Borelli of Mot-ford place L. McKim, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur B. was recently elected president of the Ruthrauff, Mr._and Mra.fjay Craw- j Ti'JTors'Xc! at"the"'y'"hou s VVDom ford, Mr. and Mia. Clement L. Despard, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Geer, was in charge of the election. inic Christopher, retiring president, Jr., Mr. and Mr«. Harry Wilson, Mr. Henry tjarruto was elected secretary-treasurer. John Verange waa and Mrs. William M. Gamwell, Miss Honora Knapp and Miss Janet appointed manager of the basketball Douglas. team, Joseph Blake, captain of the team, and Dominic Christopher, cocaptaln. Billy Bedford was appoint- Honor Roll At ed sergea.nt-at-arms. Plans were discussed regarding the schedule of bas- _,, ketball games for the season and The honor roll of the Atlantic tentatlve $ ans wcre brmlg ht up con- Hartcorn, Doris Lunetta, Joan Pillnbury. Louis Rouse, William Trench, Donald Jungham, Fifth grade Nancy Forson, Klchard Scharihoret, Klchard Stryker, Khodn Zelrhntr Ṡixth grsde Charles Atlee, Pauline du Buic, Robart Martin, Hnrbnra Melnert, Charlea Ray. Seventh grade Dorothle Weller. Eighth prade Matilda CHBCIO. Frnnces I.ybarger, Prlscllla Marek, Florence Ploger, Jacqueline Snyder. TO ATTEND FLOWER SHOW. Members of the Garden department of the evening group of the Red Bank Woman's club will attend, in a body, the chrysanthemum show at Long Branch tomorrow afternoon. Those who will make the trip will meet at the clubhouse at 3:30 o'clock. Mrs. Irwin D. Campbell and Mrs. J. O. VanNostrand are co-chairmen of the department. (Curd of Thanks. We wish to thank all friends and relatives who sent flowers and loaned cars; also the Mlddletown First Aid squad and Independent Fire Com- born, Robert Howard, Mortimer pany for their kindness during our j Gree'nblatt and George Worthlev, adrecent bereavement. Mrs. Dora Tarnow and Family. Advertisement. WANT ADVERTISEMENTS Too Late for Classification WANT to buy i Guernsey cow. Call Red Bank 3209.' BOOKS 5c, andirons 11.60, gun cabinet china cloieu $3.95, odd tables and Btands 60c, china, glassware, art ob- Jccti, noveltiea, etc. Ruscll's Auction GflU lories, 29 East Front street,. RUHSON, alx-room frame house, sun room, oil burner steam heat, screens, xtonn Bash, one-car garage; grounds 100 feat by approximately 80 feet In depth. A acrinc* at S Dennis K. Byrne, 18 Allen street, Rumson, phono 576. TRAINED rabbit hounds for Bale; also tins pair of Pei.nnylvnnla bcakleb, eight months old. Walter Field. Wilson avenue, M*w Monmouth, N. J., R. F. P. 1,.' ONE HUNDRED Indian Runner ducks for sale. Also wood cut In any length; t«j> soil and gravel. D. Patterson, Chapel Hill road,, box 606.* GIRL or woman wanted for general houmwork; sleep out. Apply 94 Silverton ar«nua, Little Silver. America's Finest, Safest Tire F.G.JAUDY. INC RED BANK PHONE 1709 Hlghlanda grammar school for the cernlng the annual Christmas party. first marking period is as follows: Second grade Janet Parker, Eflther Peluno, Burke Kay, Richard VanKirk, Ethel The girls of the Tri-Y group met Williams, Ronald Woods. Tuesday night at tho "Y" house, 40 Third grade Norman Conover, Earl Riverside avenue, with Miss Mary Lange, Leo Kofse, Extelle Pitts, Rodney Cannavo presiding. Routine busi- Kruat. Fourtii grade- Domlnlck Casclo, Ann ness was transacted and tentative plans were discussed regarding the purchase and the knitting of jackets for the members. The organization attended the Carlton theater recently in a body and witnessed the showing of Mickey Rooney's "Strike Up ATTENDS HADASSAII DINNER. The Band.". Those attending included Mary j Cannavo, Edna Wilson. Elza Corbln, Josie DiP&ola, Frances Bizzaro, Kita Manclni, Josie Caprioni, Eleanor Pel-, Shore chapter, Hackissah, attended lati, Dorothy Lalletta, Quindl Vac- [ a dinner given by the president of carella, Verona Pulloy and Miss Bea- the Northern New Jersey Region of trice Spinney, adviser. Hadassah Friday night at Newark. Mickey Long presided at the weekly meeting of the Rho Beta Hi-Y group at the "Y" Monday night. Routine business was discussed and ways arid means for the raising of neces-! sary funds w«re reported. The boys ' will meet again next week. ; Among those present were Mickey Long, James Wilde, Jack Mass, Alex I Beichek, Wallace Heyer, Robert j Donald Birchenough, Peter j Noglow, Robert R. Blackman, James Danser, Helmer Martens, Robert Hoist, James Bundy, Raymond San- GEORGIA CLUB OFFICERS. Election of officers was the principal business transacted by the members of the Georgia 4-H Forestry club which met in Freehold! township school Friday. Those elected to guide the activities of the club for the coming year are: president Arthur Madgei vice president, Alice Koenlg; secretary, Edward Koenlg; treasurer, Elinor Koenlg; reporter, Rita Cuddihy. The group re-organized with ten members, this being their first meeting since the early part of the summer. They plan to meet on the first and fourth Friday), of each month in the Freehold township school after school hours, with Mrs. Harry Barkalow, local leader. After record sheets were distributed by County Club Agent Stelle to those members enrolled last year, suggested project activities were discussed.' At the next meeting of the club, which will be held tomorrow, members are to report their specific projects for the year. Program and record books will then be distributed and the members will work out their plan of activities for the coming year. NEW MUSIC AT INN, The Pleasant Valley Inn at Holm< del has added a solovox to its piano for the entertainment of its customers. Bob Brittlngham, formerly connected with Paul's at Asbury Park can be heard nightly at the Inn, SANDERS Broad & Wallace St.., RED BANK Delivery Berries Until» P. M. Hon. to Frl. Sat. to 10:30 P. M, Call SS40. Open Evening! Until 11:00. Maryland Rye pt. 79* 4 Yean Old 90 Proof Full Qt. $1.49 Barclays Gold Label Rye Distilled by Hiram Walker. Full Vz-Gal. $ 2*9 9 Galverts Special Gin 90 PROOF ALI- GRAIN ful qt. $1.39 Bonded Rye and Bourbon 100 PROOF 5-YEAK-OLD... &«%«**#* Gooderham & Wortz ful ' * 9***5 Finest Bonded pt. $ 1 15 SCOTCH f u n fifth $2.49 LLOYD'S SCOTCH V*** 1 *^ Roma Wine Co. Port Sherry Mun-atel MANTECA Brand 3 ful qts. $ 4-H Club Plants Trees At Rutgers Mrs. Harry Roman of, president of the business and professional women's division of Jersey SOCIAL DATK CHANGED. The date of the harvest soci-al of the New Monmouth Baptist church has been changed to Thursday evening, November 7, instead of November 8 as originally planned. The program will include entertainment, guest speaker and refreshments. RPQ MA.5 Worltinff with precision match!..* that of the m*chantsm of their weapon, thne artillerymen serve an antiaircraft gun during 1 rapid-fire practice. With sensitive sound -detector* for can and powerful searchlight! for eye. at night, this type of high-range gun is deftlgmd to protect military and Industrial areas from attack by enemy aircrnft. ll 1> operated by mrmbers of an Antiaircraft Regiment of.he Coait Artillery Corps, How to cut the cost of Heating Your Home AMIIICA'S HOMI HEATING IK HUT How To Obtain Heating Satisfaction NOTHER heating season will A soon be upon us. When tending to the furnace, let us resolve not to follow those habits which waste money, coal, and cause inconvenience and discomfort. There are ten such bad habits which every homeowner would dp well to avoid: 1. Excessive shaking of the grates: A gentle shaking will serve the same purpose and save fuel. Shake only until the first red glow appears in the ashpit, not until live pieces of coal drop through the grate. 2. Using ashes for tanking purposes: The only place for ashes is in the ashpit with the exception of a thin layer upon the grates. If you fire ashes on top of live coals, you can expect clinker trouble and poor heat. 3. Burning rubbish or garbage in your furnace: Your furnace was built to bum coal, "and you shouldn't put any foreign substance in it, as clinkers often result and fuel is wasted as a consequence. 4. Operating dirty boiler, Heater, flue pipe or chimney: A clean heating plant like a clean automobile engine will give better service and greater comfort. Remove all snot and fly ash at least once a year. 5. Connecting Uvo heaters into same chimney fine: This practice retards the draft and causes poor heat. If two heaters are connected into the same flue, make sure the draft on the one not being operated is completely shut off and all leaks sealed. G. Operating hot air furnace without water in the humidifier: Dry air is both uncomfortable and unhealthy. You will get much more satisfaction from your furnace if the humidifier pan is kept filled with water. This is an important health measure. 7. Carrying thin fire bed: The firebox should be filled flush with the lower edge of the fire door. Contrary to the belief hold by ninnv people that a half filled" firebox saves coal, it actunlly burns up more coal and at the same time causes much unnecessary inconvenience. A thick fire bed burns better, i lasts longer and saves money. 8. Operating your furnace with damper controls disconnected: Strange as it may seem, some people do not bother to keep their damper controls in good working order. These controls are as necessary to your furnace as brakes are to an automobile. They are simple to operate. If handled properly they -will save much fuel and add greatly to the comfort of your home. Your fuel dealer can instruct you in the correct use of dampers. 9. Using incorrect sized coal: For best heating results always use the size coal best suited for your heater. Today coal is prepared in several sizes, ono of which is sure to give you best results. If the coal is too small it packs too much in the fuel bed. When this takes place it is sometimes difficult to bring up heat quickly. Other troubles may also be caused from a fuel bed that is* "packed." Because of the blasting that is necessary it is sometimes very difficult to have the draft pass through this bed of coals, fhe heat may be retained to such an extent that there may be a possibility of clinkers forming. If the coal is too large in size the air will pass through it too quickly and actually rob hent from the fuel bej. Be sure the correct size of coal is being used. 10. Incorrect Methods of firing: Always fire the coal so that the fuel bed assumes more or less a level position. The depth of the fuel bed will vary depending upon the size of the fire box. Fire the coal level with the bottom of the firing door, always leaving a strip of red coal exposed to act as a pilot light to ignite the gas that will come off from the fresh fuel. Follow the above suggestions and you will be sure to get more heat that will result in comfortable and healthy conditions during the Winter. If you are in doubt about the correct operation of your healing plant, call on your local fuel dealer. He will he more than pleased to render this service (1) TERRACES INCREASING. The concensus among leading farmers of Alonmouth. county is that our chief erosion problem comes during the middle of the summer when tho farms are under intensive cultivation and when this part of the country is likely to be visited by heavy thunder showers. Monmouth county farmers do s Rood job of protecting their land during the winter. Probably few counties have a greater proportion of their tillable acreage in winter cover crops than does Monmouth county, says M. A. Clark, County Agricultural agent. With the removal ef fence rows and enlarging cultivated fields, summer riilhs tti'o a leal prublem. Muie attention must he given to controlling excess surface water in order to prevent gullies, washed out plants and loss of topsoil. From an engineering point of view the most effective method of safely removing large amounts of surface water is a system of terraces, or ono or more diversion terraces at wider intervals on the slope. If tho terrace can be made to tit In with practical and economic farm management the problem is easily solved. Over a mile and one-half of terraces have recently been constructed within the Freehold Soil Conservation district, using the farmer's equipment, says James J. Fellett, district engineer. Thcron McCampbell of Holmdel, Charles Erwln of East Freehold, Tunis D. Smith of West Freehold and Howard Maghan of Wlckatunk havs recently completed terrace jobs on their farms, with the help of the district engineer. FINE BROOK MEETING. A campaign meeting of the Democratic club of Shrewsbury township was held last night at Pine Brook. County and local candidates attended. The affair was marked with a barbecue. Leon Williams was chairman. EARLY COPY We are thankful to our patrons not only for favoring us with their business but for getting their copy In two or three days before publication, as is being done by a large number of our advertisers. Early copy is deeply appreciated. Many Wills Are Admitted To Probate John T. liatemon, Eatontown, left all his estate to his wife, Suaan Myles Bateman, 43 Clinton avenue, Eatontown, with the Freehold Trust company executor of the estate. Nelson Black, Valley drive, Matawan, willed all to Patsy Sarabuchello, a friend, who is named executor. Mrs. Anna M. Coble, Asbury Park, bequeathed everything to her husband, W. Frank Coble, and appointed him executor. Frederick A. Bealc, Sr., West Long Branch, left all to his wife, Clara for life; then to their children, John E., Maria P., Frederick A, Jr., and Daniel Beale, and Clara B. Vail, Bella U. Burke, Elizabeth B. Iglehart and Lillian S. Barnes equally. Mrs. Bcalo was named executrix. John Horner, Monmouth Beach, left his estate, to his son, Clarence Horner, and appointed him executor. Elisha E. Borden, Manasquan, left all to his wife, Loretta, and appointed her executrix. George 11. Sexton, Upper Freehold township, devised his estate as follows: Harry W. Sexton, son; George W. Oldrey, grandson; Lillian Dorothy Chafey, granddaughter; Laura R..Golden, daughter; Helen K.Hamilton, daughter; Stella P. Ewart, daughter; Oscar H. Sexton, son,and J, Norman Sexton, son $10 each. The residuary estate is left to Mrs. Eliza T. Sexton, his wife, for life after which Lillian Dorothy Chafey is to receive $1,000 and the rest is to be devised equally among the children nnd grandchildren named above except as to George W. Oldey'a ghare. If Walter Oldey, the will stipulates, has paid to the testator what he owes him, his son, George W. Oldey, is to obtain an equal sharo in the residuary estate, if otherwise, the amount of the debt is to be deducted from George W.'a share. The will was made January 29, A codicil dated June 14, 1937, alters the inheritance of Oacar A. Sexton, who received from his father in the interim the house in which he lives at an agreed value of (2,000. Bequests to this son are revoked except as to the residuary share which is decreased by the value of the property occupied. Thomas W. Ridgway was named executor. Harry Fletcher of Middletown township executed his will September 27, last. After all his debts and funeral expenses are paid he left the rest of his estate to St. Agnes Cathullu chuich of Atlnntio. Mary W. Blood waa appointed executor of the will. Philip Guckert of Asbury Park made bequests of jewelry to hit nieces, Lillian C. Dunn and Lillian C. Bianco, and his nephews, Philip Prang and William Guckert; to his brother, Willlaiu Guckert and to John Blanco. The rest of his esate waa ordered divided Into four alater, Elizabeth Prang and her four sons, Philip, Adolf, Matthew and William Prang; one part to William Guckert and his iwo children, and the remaining part to his nephews, William and Andrew Ceder. The will waa executed September 5, 1939, and named Adolph E. Guttscll of New York as executor. Edward C. Hlckman of Belmar left his entire estate to his wife, Ida M. Hlckman, In a will he executed November 18, Mrs. Hickman was appointed executrix. The will of Anna A. Dieter of Keansburg was executed February 16, 1M0. She directed that not more than $400 be expended for her funeral. Five shares of stock in the Jersey Insurance company of New York were left to her sister, Anna R. LeU of Newark. The residue of the estate was left in trust. Ten dollars a month is to he paid to her mother, Caroline A. Dieter, during her lifetime. The National Newark and Essex Banking company was appointed executor of the will. Mrs. Lulsa Paslno of Matawan township left all her estate to her children, Teresa Rossi, Frances Paslno, John Pailno and Frank Paslno. Tim will was dated June 21, 103D, and named her son John as executor. Navetink (Ths Rad Bank Rairliter can l>«bought In Naveilnk from Wllllim Keeihan at ih. BtoffiCC) The Women's Republican club of Naveslnk wih hold a card party tomorrow night at the home of Mrs. Charles L. Jones on Swan avenue. A group of Willkle supporters will journey to Plalnsboio today to hear speech by the Republican candidate for President, The Epworth league held a Halloween party Tuesday night at tho lire house. Mrs. Annette Papo la visiting relitlves at New York. RULES ABOUT STATE-GROWN TREKS. The State Department of Conservation and Development has set ua the following requirement! relative to the purchase of forest planting stock produced In the state forest nurseries: A purchaser must own ten acrts or morn of land In tho state. The trees must be planted In New Jersey for reforestation only and must not be removed from the plantation for use or sale for ornamental purposes. The term reforestation means tree planting for the production of timber crops, cut Chrlstmfl" trees, for the protection of watersheds and soil erosion control. Orders for less than 1,000 trees cannot be accepted and that not leu than B00 trees of any one kind can be ordered. It Is believed that these requirements will not discourage any legitimate reforestation but will discourage the use of this state-grown stock equal parts. One part was left to j for purposes other than reforestaillllan C. Blanco, ono part to hla tlon. WEEK-END SPECIAL! BOX OF FALL for FLOWERS $1.50 DEAN'S (This Special for Friday and Saturday Deliver; Only) LITTLE SILVER. N. J. Tel. R. B THIS IS NOT A DISCONTINUED MODEL NEW ROYAL PORTABLE Typewriter Reg. Price $44.50 Now TETLEY'S SALE 17 BROAD ST., RENTALS *ZJ>^ SERVICE RED BANK RED BANK FRUIT CENTER 69 BROAD ST. PHONE 2149 FREE DELIVERY RED BANK N. J. -THE BEST FOR LESS - IN FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES Seedless Florida GRAPEFRUIT 3 f«r 10c Sunkist Juicy s LEMONS J_c each WEEK-END SPECIALS! OUR DAIRY DEPARTMENT CARRIES A FULL SELECTION OF THE FINEST DAIRY PRODUCTS OBTAIN- ABLE AT LOWEST PRICES Fancy Mclntosh APPLES 3»»14» Young, Tender Strlngless BEANS 5L New Green CABBAGE Juicy Florida ORANGES J^c each VISIT OUR POULTRY DEPARTMENT! FRESH-KILLED CHICKENS DAILY WHOLE OR IN PARTS JEWELRY REPAIRING WIXICDM, Clock! and Javalry CUanaa Repairtd at Raaaonabla Pricaa. All Work CuaranUtd (or Oom Y<ar.. H. ROSIN. Jeweler IS Weal From St., Rid Bank, N. J, Tel 72-M. i Help Wanted! CHIEF EXECUTIVE. To head largest business and industrial organization in the world. Muithave exceptional record of tuccciiful organization, management and sound financial direction of large anj small enterprises. A man who can find jobs for men in industry, who can put men back to work. Must be a man who has worked with his own hands and is a true friend of labor. Must know the meaning of economy. No theoriic or visionary need apply* tlfaja MI... aa _ }l mmmm -* ftm Hmtttt tun iwm mil WINDELTLWILLKII for President (PsM for liy Mon. Co. Friends ef Wlllkla), USED CARS 1038 FOHIF FORDOH J9C** SEDAN with Hmter. I&w 1»3» FORD DELUXE fohdoh Low nilloiiiru; excellent C9C-W shtine. A real bargala»«? > 1037 FORD CONV. SEDAN Mark, new top, fully reconditioned. 19SS FORD TUDOR SEDAN Motor reconditioned. A good ij.n serviceable cur. Only Itv 1938 FORD DELUXE COUPE with South Wind Ga* Heater. Very clean car FOHII DELUXE TUDOR New tlrei, Ford hot water COCMt heater. K»< epllonally VLO clean, Inside nnd out 1939 FORD CONV. COUPE Radio, lioukr, spotlight and CCA-W W. S. W. tirt'h, low mileage. * « PACKARD "120" MIR. SEDAN Radio and healer. CQC"* Clenn and low mileage. " 1039 FORD 5-W. COUPE (Black) with radio. Very clean CHEVROLET TUDOR SEDAN Very clean. Low mileage FORD MODEL "A" PICKUP Exceptionally good. QCOO 1937 FORD PICKUP (IUMI.) 250" 1931 FORD PICKUP Ready to go. lift 0 * 1938 LINCOLN-ZEPHYR 4-DR. SE- DAN New paint, re- JA/l 00 conditioned throughout»» An excellent huy at 1938 LINCOLN-ZEPHYR 4-DH. SE- DAN Radio and heater. Many Other Good Buys Mount-English Co. RED BANK TEL Chancery SHERIFF'S SALE. By* virtue of n writ of f\. la. to tn«directed, limiieii out of the Court of Chan* eery of the State of New Jersey, will b# exposed to sale at public vendue on MONDAY, THE 25T1I DAY OF NOVEM- BER, between the hours of 12 o'clock and $ o'clock (nt 'Z o'clock) in tho afternoon of eald dny. nt (he Court House In the BorouKh of Freehold, County of Monmouth, Now Jersey, to nntiflfy a decree of satid court amounting to approximately All that lot, tmct or parcel of land and premises hereinafter particularly de-crlbed. sltunte, lylnk ami being in the Townnhlp of Mlddletown, in the County of Monmouth nnd Shite of New Jersey, and numbered and dutinu'jifht'ii an Lot Numbtr One Hundred nnd Sixty (160) on th» Pouth side of Washington Avenue, on «Mop of,, New Jtwcy. Jtevlxed lasa. by ClnuieH T. Leonard. IlEHINNlNf; at n point ID the South Aide of Washington Avenue, distant two hundred and neventr^n feet and BIX Inches West of North Leonard Avenue, the naid beginning point being almj the Northwest corner of Lot Number One Hundred and Fifty-Nine on Piild Map, nntl from thenca running (1).Southerly, along the Innt mentioned lot, one htindrrd feot to Lot Number One Hundred and Sixty-Nine; thenc* (2) Westerly, nlong Mime, fifty feet tn the Southeast corner of Lot Number One Hundred and Sixty-One: thence (3* Nn-'herly, ' fliong Lo\ Number One Hundred and Sixty-' One, one hundred feet to the South nldt of Washinitton Avemjp ; thence ( ^ ) Easterly, nlnnp Wn-Mrivrtnti Avenue, fifty fe«t to the place of Hcginnlng. Peixeii M the property of Mabel B. Leonftnl. et nla., tnvrn in execution at'the iuit of (jeo/ge \V\ Kinney, anil to be-laid by MwititiS J. WOOmtfNn, Sheriff. Dated O-''ibcr 21. liun. Apiilesrntp, Stevens, Fustcr ft' KctiH-illp, Sol'm. - (52 I.) - ' 2 *)L ***

35 RED BANK REGISTER, OCTOBER Pace Eleven CLASSIFIED RED BANK REGISTER WANT ADS LOST AND FOUND LOST, pats book No Ftndi pleat* rstun. to Second National Ban! antl Trust Co.,. COMBT Mercury mode) plane, powered li Ohllon 1> motor No. 64«; lost In Mill Silver. 11.ward. W. Carlle, U Hlllild place, Tuctahoe, N«w York." I/OST, brown lilirakln (love. Hiiht Imid in or near Oakland itraot, list week I'hone Red Hank 232(1 or leava at Refc-lsler office. luward.* FOR SALE "NO GUNNING" signs on nala at The Her liter office, Cardboard, to canti pe Hoiant muilln II.01 per dosen. Ownlr'i name Imprinted Bt amall extra coat. RADIATOR covers; popular -lie ivory o walnut, thr«<e for f 1: air moisten*, three for VI..Have your walls tnd cur tains. New Judd curt sin rods Kic. Natlonai I 4 it. Prown's.* SEED rys and leap's Prolific wheat, grown* from certified seed; alao hsled hay, straw and potatoes. Conovtr Bros., Wir.katunk, N. JL phone Holmdel BE PREPARED Cold wtathsr is near. Msn'i suits, IS.fiU up; topcoats, 1 up; overcoats, $3.59 up) msn's pint*. It rsnu up; men's felt hats, 75 rsnu up. Wi i-an outfit you at very low cost. Repot ntsted clothing bought and sold, Oerr'i llarg-ln Store. 11 Third avenut, Long Ht-snch. N. J., (olt Broadway). CINDBRS, sand, gravel, stone, top so! nil dirt I grading*, drivawaya built am repaired; drainage and overflows Installed iliiht and reasonable. C. Slochl, Tlnton avenua, rail Katontown tsl, FURNACES New plpa lurnacas, ll«,»v Including installation. Complete sy«terns, Including furnace, registers, plpei dampen and all Installation labor, 9«up Daniel Mills, 92 Highland avenue, High lands, phone 1IDI-R. TAKB NOTICK We cirry largest stock of. Inlaid linoleum. Cotifioleum and rugs Full' line of btdi and bedding. Lowia prlces In town. Ham UP I HwsiU, 14 We* front street, phone Krd Hank 1387.* Ilroadtail Per aim lamb eoat, site Call Hed Bank OAK WO6ir~foV~sai«; stove and ft replace AK W ; lengths; pet- load. burg, 789-W. e np Phone Keens- IIIN1NC room eulte, bureaus, bids, babr roach, antique lirlc-a-brac, plattera, tires two ledjr'e winter coats; large gentleman's overcoat and eult. ill) Second avenue, Atlantlo, N. J. OIL STOVB aalij we have real values on heitera; f4.9g, regularly Ifi.QG. Come In and cee an actual demonstration of the 389,95 Co I em an heater; hums one gallon of oil every 16 hoiim, heats three targe room*. Morris Becker's Hardware Store, 137 Shrewsbury aventie, corner Catherine street, phona 415. SAORIFIOE-Tires and radio*, fin% off IliL. battvilei 2.06 u,> with old j uifii tires for sale cheap. All slsss In stock. Car healers at very low prlc«. Charlie's Tire Store, llfi West Front ntrcet, phone MPBUBSS hot elr furnacee, II, It, JO, 8s- Inrh sluts; good ehai>e; reasonable. Also kltrhon and parlor stovea. Bock's Stove Kxchnntce, 34 Hay avenue,. Open Sundays, phone KNTIRB Htock and equipment of well- qulpperi service shop; Uear wheel alliniment marhjus, giu tuiallior, scuff machine, brake retiring 1 machine, brake teetlng mi> rhinc, wheel balancing machine, (.uid* lieailllg-ht tenter, fluid*, output tester, electric drill, tire grooving machine, electric welder, electric testing machine and other items too numerous to mention. Call William T. Jones, 281 Maple avenue, Ked Dunk, phone 1U6, r., or at Filling Station, corner Maple avenue and Bergen place. 10-PIBdB dining suite for eale; also chest of drawers, sewing marhlne, disheh and Kelvlnator refrigerator. Sproas, Deal and Milton avenues, Oceanport Park, N. J., phone Ixmg llrnnch 1U7<. ELBCTRIO blower outfit for salt, com' plete with controls and wiring; for burning Htirkwheat coal; reasonable. O. Box 445, Belford, N. J.* COLD WEATHHR needs: Stove pipe, S-in, 17c, f-ln. 10c; rotary ash slfteri 2.5l), r««. 2.K9; anh cam, -O-Kallon, 11.26; furiiac» rthoveln 49c; rubberised felt 10c pkir. We Mock sit Id in)«of wick In* and peru for utovpb. Morris Becker's Hard war* Slore, 137 ShrewpilMiry avenue, corner Catherine street, itlmne 465. GIRL'S bicycle #6.00, cook stove, coal, $8.00; boy's bicycle $5.00, rook stove, coal, $10; net alork and die* $4.00, standard thread, and rook stove, wood, 112. I'hona HitrhlaruU 1231." ENAMELED kitchen rangs, warm in u closet, hot wate: Phone Ked Bunk Z7C-W. new, rvolr. OOW,BEBTS for nnlc. Phone Mr*. J. K. Miller, Erwin Mnnor, Oreanport, phone Eaton town 100. MOTORCYLK for Hie. Kood Haiicy-llavl.lnon, '29; $25. Joe Wrlitht, Everett, N. J." condition; Apply to AUTO radio, good tone, good condition, Call Ked Bank D61S.* VERY fine Dachshund pupplei, registered American Kennel Club; also toy Manchester terriers, K. U. 9lannbtrry, Campbell's Junction, Del To id, N. J., phone Keanahurg 312-J. SIDE-HEMMKD Clopay ohndeii, 16c each; look like real shinies; best, nixes In Block. AJso shade mo re shades Uu eauh; crocheted cotton n ill In throe for fir. National 6 J 'rown's. VICTORIAN chairs, eight HutchUwt chaim, desk, pine kitchen table. French bayonet*, Winchester rcpentcr.-2 illle; dropleaf newlnti machine, kitchen range, thrcoburncr oil stove, diup-leiif kitchen tables, dlninir table, four cnnlm, solid mnitla bedroom set, bed, Aprlnit. mfturem, dresner. table, wanhstanil, $2U: tcn-p!cce (ilnintc room set and S»xl2 plum color run. Stansb«rry Thrift shop, CnnipbrM*!. Junction, Helford, next to beauty shop. FOR SALE STAIK carpit eiiily Initalled by your*al( Choice o( plain or figured broadloctnt made by Bigeiow Carpet Co.; $5.95 for average utalrcate. Sterling Kurnltura Shop, 21 White street, lud Bank. A POINTER In wnomy: Try Old Company '» enthraclte. It la«ti longer Jamei A. Ryan ft Som, phone tie a Bright 20. "NO <4JNNIN(,", gni on»! at Tfae R later offire, Cardboard. 60 cents per doitn; muni in f 1,l>0 per doien. Owner'. name Imprinted at imall entra coit. ANTIQUES and brlc-a-*rac bought snd sold; open evenings. t_we udolyn Malonsy, 133 Broad street, Eatontown, phone Eaton town 614. WOOD Fiitplace and furnace wood, $10 per cord, $fi load; alto lociiet poiti and top soil. Ordtn taken ftftir I p. m. Prank Mannino farm. Laurel avenue. Mlddletown, phone Uiddletuwn 111. CURTAIN RODS, 10c earh for gcnulnt Judd ivory or gold curtain rods; new swinging cranes 21c pair; ta.t. rods fie; tie backs 6r, See II. I'rown'n.- ui first. National 6 ft LUMBER Storm sash. Juit raeelv«4 laig lot 1x4x8 flr flooring, earns as new, ex cept few mil holes.!>ry and well matched; m. bargain at 8'Ac square foot. Large clock standard two and four-light storm HEEII - better fit your window* fur winter before price* advance. Combination doori at right prices. All kinds of new lumber. Perhaps wa could supply your needs In second-hand lumber, Hoofing and rooina* lupplieis Interior insulation; Thrlftex and Kellty planter board. Ut us figure an your requlramanla. Wa btjieve wa can fave you money. No obligation on your part, of course. The Haslet Lumbar Yard, at Haslet Railroad station, phone several good uieil combination coal and gaa stoves, coal itovti, coal and oil heaters. We also carry a complete line of new stoves. Samuel Swarti, phone West Front street.* PERSONALLY racondltlonid pianos and reproducing pianos, tuning, repairing the best* Ulrhan's Piano Shop, Drummond place. Red ilmk, phone 981. FLOOR covering, l«c iquaiv yard; lovely new kitchen, bathroom and room de* ila-m! «i«rugs I1.9H, SxU ruga $8.1.8; lovely new Una of throw mats. National t ft 10. Prawn's." BUY direct from factory and sava 10 per cent on all materials, paint, varnil he i, wall textura and wall paper. Atlantic Paint Co., 1U Wait Front strest,, phone 1211.W. SEVERAL hundred locust post and chestnut rill fence; 60c to 1 psr pans). Write Rails, box 611,. TWO badroom suite*, pool table and bar, ping pong table, hook cafe. Call Red Bank 2*96-J after M30 p. m. 20 Second street, Fair Haven, N. J. OIL HJGATER for sale, J 6-Inch squire base, 21 Inches high; looks like a cabinet; uied twice; Address Oil Heater, box 611,.' LAJKiE divan for sale, cheap; very good dii Ph Rd Bk fcw condition. Phone Ked any time Friday." ep; very good Bank 3f.Ci.-W BELGIAN rugs A few left; hall runners, scatter rugs and room site runs. You must _ee our new linen of woven rugi. Actually the largest selection at bargain prices. National 6 _ 10. frown's.* PURITAN four-burner ivory and black kerosene stove, with warming shelf; new our yearn ago. Alao four-pouter rope bad ind child's large size otk crib. Mm. Carl WUion, Holmdel. STOVAS, radio, china closet, oil heaters, chairs and tables, CofTw grinder, bird cage, kitchen and laundry stoves, with oil burners. 110 Shrtwsbury avenue, Red Bank.* TWO hound dogs for sale, 160 bushels carrota and one farm horse, work double or ningla, Edwsrd Acker, box 93, New Monmouth, N. J. v RUMMAGE sale Thursday, Octoher 81st. and Friday, November-Jut, at 12 Went Front street, from 9 i. m. to 6 p. m.; given by junior group, Monmouth Chapter D. A. K. WINTER will soon b* he is. Order your stove and fitrnsee repairs now. Full line itove pipes in stock. We also repair stoves and furnaces..samuel Swartt, 14 West Front street, phone 1887.' 982 INDIAN TWIN motorycle, good lire* and battery; very economical to operate. Will sell vary reasonably. Motor need* minor repair*. Communicate with Millard W. Fouler, Campbell avenue, Belford, N. THATCHER coal stove, $5.00; also enamel _is range, $2.01. Apply Frank Frink, Tlndall road, itecond house on left from Five Corners. Middlctown.* 9AL15 of used books from our library; odd a and ands of ntatlonery, tsllien nnd jooks. Book Store, S Linden place,, SALE rubbish burners A good, big wire burner with tld 98c; anh can anil rover 11.25; largo coal scuttles 49c, furnace scoopn 60c; dampers 16c. National fi ft,0. Frown's.* HUNTING gun for Kale; cont $30, will sell for 110. Mrs. John Kondzon, 67 Applegale street, River Ptaia.* ANTIQUE Queen Anne Chippendale grandfather clock over 200 years old; in perfect condition. Mrs. Randolph Beadlcnton, Rlvar avenue, Monmouth Beach, phone X)AL BLOWER will sell blower, hent control and thermostat reasonable. Call Middletown 7«'J." FOR SALE WANTED, furniture, modern or antique pictures, allvar, bric-a-brac, Singer sawing machines; old cum, stoves, caih rag* Uteri, store and office equipment. Friedman's, $& South Main street, Asbury Park, phyne bl48. TURKEYS, state certified, blood tastad, young breeding itock. White Acres, Nutawump road. Sydney Hamheiger, superintendent, phone Kid Bank 1H0H-M. DALMATIAN (coarh dog) puppies; Hollow Hill and.3trathgli.1t strain; blue ribbon winners; seven- wc«k» -old. Whit* Acre*, Nuttiwamp road, Sydney Hembergcr, superintendent, phone 1808-M, NEW ALL-WOOL bunting American flag. 10x8; beit quality, half price. Mueller, 112 River road, Red Hank. VIOLIN, price $10; in good conditi Hudson avenue, Red Hank.* CASH for your old typewriters, adding michine, check writer or other office equipment; will mil Joseph H. Serplco, J 07 Monmouth street, phone 486. WATKR PUMPS, new and rebuilt, for tale. Pump repairs of all kinds; plumbing and heating. F. <i. Hurst, Mlddletown, phone Middletown «6. 20D HUSH BUS carrots; excellent horse conditioner. J. Forrait, K. F- D., No. 2, Freehold, N. J.«AUTOMOBILES MAUHICE SCHWARTZ, Chrysler, Ply. mouth and International truck sales and Phone Ked Bank muth and Internati service headquarters USKU CARS bought, sold and exchanged. PontJac isles and service; terms. G. M. A. C. Kanai Brothers, Mechanic street, phone WK HAVE the following bargains which muit. move regard lees of price: Compare 19HI Chevrolet half-ton canopy top curtain truck $46; Ford 1984 VH daluxa Tu dor $49; Chsvrolct 1934 Malter deluxe four-door sedan $78; Chevrolet 198$ foardoor trunk isdan, heater, $24G; Plymouth 1'JKfl trunk ssdan, radio and heater $26$, Open evenings and Sundays. William J, Levhie, 875 Broadway, Long Branch,* SHE OPPOSITE page for many used rar bargains. Mount-English Co., Ked Bank, phona 171. BU1CIC 1937 inudal 41, touring aedan; liuilt-ln trunk, radio; low mileage; one owner, in excellent condftion. Must see to appreciate. Act quick, $896. William J. Levine, 376 Broadway, Long Branch." ANTIQUES and modern furniture, rugu silver ware, jewelry, coins, s lamps, ctu registars, lewfnjf machines, guns, fun, golf balls, etc., bought and sold. Town Furnltura Exchange, 35 Mnnmouth street, phon r/js, RH Hank. TRACTORS and equipment, new, used and rebuilt. Conovsr Bros., Wlckstunk, N J. Phone Holmdel 4121, OIL BUKNEKfl Ut us Install an ol burner in your cook stove or heater. See demonstration in store..samuel Swart Phone 1S87, 14 West Front street, Re< Bank.* SELLING OUT -Lumbermen, boat builders, farmer., anyone needing oak and poplar for building, mlllwork or planking ppar udg, millwork Come In, pick out your own; hd ft l lt pg and lest e I, p out yur own; l, c and lest par hoard foot; also locust posts, hoiittlng ih d ISZT t t bildi Ph pa o t winch and new Rad Bank 446-J-2. C Middl p, tg i toot building. Phone hl ( B d a Ba J Cha Co., Middletown, N. J. t b u g. Phone Charles (.. Bennett snd FLOWER plants: have my usual variety of re-rooted plants; will be plsased to sea my old and new friends at any new place of builneis. Prices as usual, 1 So doxen, 1 per hundred. Rue's, Hance avenue, (rear airport). RAILROAD TIES Hava left on hand 7s sconda, 7 by 9 Inches by 8'/it faat; &ea< soned oak; will sell 60 cents a piece. Ben nett's Saw Mill, Middletown, N. J., phona 44G-J-2. GAS STOVES, hot water tanks, hot water gas heat en, laundry tubs, toilets and haslnfi, etc. Apply W. T. Jones, 281 Maple avenue,, phone 196R. FLORENCE heaters; lorna naw reduction* Also reduced pricn on American htaters for c.ulck clearance; 500 wicks, three fur fi; all kinds of wlcki, stove pipe, etc National 5 * 10. Frown's. 1 DOUBLE barrel 12-gaugt shot gun; excellent ronditiun j price reasonable Ralph Morfoid, New Monmouth, X. J., phone Middletown 467-M. SAUDI-US for sale, second hand Whippy. Hermes and other*; also Mcond-hand bridles. Efclate of D. C. Wood, 19 Wharf avenue,.* UIUNG your rollers We, will put naw Hoiland window shades on whlla you wait, l h f i d So mo *s lo stork a yu ai. jis three for $1; afiades in 54 ih i to 54 inches. (Jive us your ihnde prublum. National 6 ft 10. Frtwn'i COMPLETE house furnish.!?s, Including Victrola-radio, marble top Kitchen table with flour bin; washing machine, glass top maple dressing table, ash wood sofa and chnlr, mahogany chlfforobe, Queen Anne ove seat, antique green double bed. teikof tables, mahogany Windsor wood chnlr, Wilton rug and blunkcth fur Uowser's phone IS. gy raccoon coats; llnena tale Monday. Can ba Garsge, S«a Bright, FARM PRODUCE FARMEliS and truck growers will and a ready market for their produce by advertising in The Register's classified col- COW HBETR for sale. Thomas r.arvey, Ohi>]«et Hill, Atlanllc 222-J. S1X-WBEKS-OLD piga for sals. Call Ked Ilnnk 3.S71.* COW BEETS, carrots and hog corn for sale. James P. Desmond, Colt's Neck, N. J., phone Freehold J29-M-2." HAY FOR SALE, nixed; also first and secnd cuttings. P. C. Oonnar Ferm, rlolmdel. Ask for Mr. Cook. Phone lolmdol FARMERS, nave money this year by hiuling your coal from our yard at $ a ton oft*. Use of conveyer for loading. W. D. Swartzel, near Hailet station, phone Keypoit MISCELLANEOUS BICYCLES on the budget plan, no money down, easy monthly payments. Your old bicycle taken In trade. Mahns Bros., Hitrhway 35, Eatontown, or 316 Main street, Lakewood, N. J., phona Eatontown 30 or Lakewood 930. SOY'S Iver-Johnson bicycle, balloon tires, head and- tail lljrhtn and mirror; good OTiditlon. 26 Wallace street, phone Ked 3ank 48-W.* HOY'S three-piece blue ssrge knickor suit, site 14; also boy's raincoat, cheap. Call mornlntra, 268 Sprintr street. Red Uank. JtADY'S brown beaver cont for nale, nlte U 1 I dii Th on beaver H Ui 18; In perfect lied Bank S3&&. c, condition. Thone ODORA closeu, new wood design nlylei just, arrived; K.'JK and %S. l 3a Tor the double size; moth balls, flnkex, tar paper, Odora chest* fiflc. Call un. NRtlonnl 5 * 10. Pfown's." EAR CORN, also stalks for Dale. W. C. Patterson., A. V. Slout Farm, R«4 Bank R. F. D. 1. TOINTER sun dog, thorounhly ti-alnetl on pheasants and quail; m months old; registered. Demonstration on name by appointment Phuna lied Hnnk 3KH. SCOTTIE puppies, three months old; blue ribbon stock; tnalea $^5, females $U>. Alao young fora ale bred to winner. S3f>; h f b y g ora ale b rhance for breeder. Drenser, 11 Front itreet., rhone 1742 Weit WHITE PINE twin beds for nalr, *nhvtanlial; mnttrardea and MprlriEH; other articles. Phono lied Bank 321)2-W. VBNKTIAN blinds all sites up to 36 Inches; trenulne Columbia bllnils; ivory lints and mintzlad Up*. For a. limited tlni" (Hilr. XNme a deposit while you ran K<*t then). Natloiml & ft 10, prown's.* ry s nnm mil tea, upholstered settee, of fire ind filing rabinet. New Iloantyipfl matt re-sec. I1& and $18. Petirt oil l.urner nnd W>!«tlr.Hhouii«? motor J2K. Albert nurlge k Son Warehouse, 12fi Bronti otrest..* HOUSEHOLD furniture for sale; large!< _- box, Komi eomlitlnn,»if»; buffet, bent rn million, $1(1; china clonet, lame ulie, J10; clfht-font solid nnk extension table, cell for "10; pnrlor lump, Blinding tin floor, cost J-D. Nell for 110; canter table lamp, parchment shade, sell f 10; beat metal bed. linen, mattress, and sprlngi, cost f7_, uwtl nnly short time, «ell $35; china U>a set, rnut 130. sell,4^0; chain, rugi for bed- nil burner Installed, complete $5. Call rrmm, new, fin; radio in. Call three Saturday morning, October 2: moving. <! frnm M. E. church, Bedford. N. J., Stiphenson, oppoiits Rubin'*, Wilson, road, a-it for M. M. VanBrnat, Churcfc street, Matawaa.' ISCONTINUED Imperial wanhshle wallpaper for every room in your home; values to 110, on iale for $1.98 per room Int. QusntitieH and patterns are limited. Klarin's Paint Store. 26 Monmoulh street. HOUND DOGS for sale, neven and nine weeks old; also one dog, yonr and a half; reasonable, H. Maxion, Hilton Park, Hlhld" FLAT-TOP Rollit oak office de*k, 112x34 Inrhss, with plate ITUM top; typewriter disk with ch>ir, mahocany ftlin? cabinet. GeorRe R. Brown, 36 McLaren street, Red Hank. BOARD your dog; large, well ventilated kennels; heated or not heated; excellent, food; fenced-in exercise Melds, no small runways. Reasonable rntci. The Canine Kitchen, Rumson tond, between Bel lev ue and Binghatn fivenue. Look for the sign, H. F. DowBtra, phone Rumaon I AM L.EAV1NO for California between now and the 15th of November; will share expenses as passenger. Will act in capacity of chuuifeur or deliver car. Write Travel, box Gil. Ked Hnnk." MAN to drive car to Central Florida for expenses. <,. kief, 32 Crandview svetiue, Keansbuijr, CAS STOVE for sale. In good condition. IS.00. Mn. Craig Finncgan, Eaut End avenue. Belforrf, N. J., teleithono Kennitburir SIR.' VICTOR records, 50r each: hear ill the latest hits; also Dfcca, Blue Bird nnd Okeh at Itfic. Hear Tommy Horsey, and all the big band*. National h & li). ASSORTED slien of runners and rntrs; l-xlli run, mulberry and bflgt; modem and practical fins»tovr., pi a no* for $_. r i up. Refrigerator-, imill (leak", single nnd double beds, odd bedroom pieces, fircpthrc equipment. Infnnt basket an'i bmsinet, itiinie top dinette walnut ami maple bedroo itivanx, overstuffed nulte LiverM'.ifTcil chnlr«, btiokr library and fimall table lo nges ultei. ntudln d Individual secretarli 1 *", miriorw. dining THREE-UURNER gasoline range, large oven, tilt small rait Iron heater, with WANTED; have you a garage for rent close tu railroad station; IJ.OU p#r month? Car tibed week-ends only. Write GniiiRc, bov 611, Ked Bank.' MOKTCAGES Investors: Opportunity to purchase 13,000 6% first mortgage for S/.-'JO, Two'family house with Income of JGfio ii yem-; taxes JJH. Thomimon Agency, SI East Front street,." BOAT HULL wanted, 16 or IS feet long, FkilT type. C'HII.Skldmora's garage. Oceanport avenue, Little Silver, phone Red Bank 2843.* HAVE YOU trisd It? Saving money on RBflolin* and used cars at Maurice Srhwnrtz'a Used Car Lot Service Station. (;anl It, wont ping, 12 9-lOc gallon; ran grenfted, oil chariked, anti-freeie; H- HT-.ifi-Ufi PlymouthB $286, %UAh\ iy,18 ChryKlt'in, Chevrolet, Dodges, 1037 Chrynler«, liod^e*. DeSotoa, IJncoln Zephyrs, H«- dann; I il36 deluxe DodRe trunk t-cilan I29B; Plymouths Z76, 1936 Chrysler Dodges, Fordn, 4R-96fi. Chevrolet! $35. Buy better value, nee Ue and Ucwey at Muurice Srhwnrlz's Used Car Lot. West Front at PfHil street,, phone 787. Open H a. m. tn 9 p. m.* DEPENDABLE uied rsrs: Dodge, Ply mouth, Chevrolet!) and other makes uf cars; convenient time payment plam to suit your budget. Oarage, Valley Drive and Appleton avenue,, N. J. Phone 46it. Dodge ft Plymouth Sales and Service. BUSINESS NOTICES FLOOR sanding and refinlshlng; Ic a square foot and up. Myron E- Momon, C Monroe avenue, Shrewsbury, phone Red Bank H16-J. PA1NTRH and papir hunger, over 80 years' experience, wanth work, day or contract; prices reasonable. J. Morris, P, O. Box 13:i, Keatmburg, N J. VACUUM cleaners repaired; any make. Alien Electric Shop, 18 White streat,. SEPTIC TANKS and ctsipools e!ean«d, alio dry wells; drains installed. Esti t i O Bk 17 S stree ; a Et s given. Oicar Becker, 17 Second t, Fair Haven, phona Red Sank "NO GUNNING" %\gnn on nale at The Register office. Cardboard. 60 e«nta per dozen; muftlln II.00 per rinten. Owmr'n name imprinted at small extra cost.«mabel COLEMAN School of Danclnir; beginners and advanced classes, ballet, tap, toe, character and ballroom dancing; for children and adults. Phone 2011, 16 Rector place,. ATTENTION, Public Do you need Inmranca of any kind 7 Have you a house, store or farm for rent or sale? Want a mortgage loan or bond? If so, consult an agent with over thirty years' experience, Call or write R. V. R. H. Stout, a Llndan place,, phona PAINTER, paper hanger and decorator; estimate! furnished; 28 years' experience. All work guaranteed. Averast room labor for papering S3.50 and up. Joseph Hoffman, SI Drummond place, Red Bank, phone MADELON and sold. Bank. PROAL, antiques bought 101 West Front «tr*et, R«d B3TELLE Decorating Service; paper hang- Ing, plain and decorative paintings; best materials and workmannhip at moderate prices. Phone 602, 20 Mount street. Red Bank. HOQVER cleaners repaired, brushes rebristled. Allen Electric Shop, 18 Whit* street, phona 612, Rad Bank. I BUY and sell second-hand clothes; must ba in good condition. L. Ksrber, 209 Shrewsbury avenue, 468-W.. Phone JOB PRINTING When you ne*d aualnasi eards, lattarhaads, envelopes, billheads, booklets, posters, prograau, announcaments or anything In ta* Una of printing try The Register. Work of the bstur kind dont whan proanisad and at rauonabla prices. GENERAL CONTRACTOR aad caespoola cleaned j carting and grading, top soil, manure, fill dirt, cinders, gravel and sand..sttliqates given. Phon* Rad Bank 1464, Oicar Becker, 47 Second street, Fair Haven, N. J. CESSPOOLS and septic tank* cleaned in a sanitary and odorless method; top soil, gravel, grading and moving dona; trucks for hire. Louis Becker, 18 Worthier street, phone 1224-W. SIMONIZ TOD AY I Protect your car from lt d lt O e y rlnter snow and sleet. Our men a perts and our prices are reasonable. l' A Ld Pi Tayp p na y lor's Auto Laundry, 29 Peari street, Red Bank, phone 22ol-J. IARPJ2NTER work wanted; now is the time to have that jobbing attended to. Marvin, 21 Worthley street, Red B(ink, phone 1298.* HELP WANTED U. S. GOVERNMENT jobs; commtnes 1106 to $176 month. Men, women. Try next examinations. Prepare immediately at home. Sample coaching; full particular*. Hit portions free. Apply to d Wit U 3 <i b HI R p day sure. Bank. po ree. Appy o Write U. 3. <i., box HI, Red WANTED, whit* woman 'or general houssl l I Cll R 494.* D, * sleep In g O>JU Call Rumson VARNISH man, experienced in cooking and mixing vatnuhek. oils and re ulna for textile co at ing plant; knowledge of formula procedure preferred. Steady employment with young progresniv* company. Write full experience and salary desired. Writ* V. M., box 611, lied Bank. MIDDLE-AGE]) woman wanted ax huuieketper. Apply Aston Hyer, Cliff avenue, Morgan, N. J.' STENOGRAPHER, female, plant near Matawan ssles department for, hamltal-taxtlla h»* npentntf in jls personsble high Pfl ssles depa persons gh school or college graduate. Preferably come experience; five-rtay week, no Saturdays. Write futly education, experienre, salary derired, Stenographer, box 511, Red Bank. YOUNG MAN, over steady job, good right man. Second Ah 21, neat, reliable; future. Sslary to floor. Tin Co ok man N g. nvenne, Ashury J'urk, N. J. SALESMAN -Shoie resident, acquainted Monmouth county, ta call on hotels, restaurants, Hubs, etc.; good opportunity, right man; walary and commineion; rar ai- Hentinl; write f]ualifirntlon«. Addrens S. S. n., hox 511, Red Dank.' GIRL wanted, while, nursemsld-houketvorker-; two adultb, child of 29 months; refeienrea. Phone Deal fifil or 6 Parker avenue, West Deal, N. J. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT REAL ESTATE FOR SALE GARAGE for rent, 2.U00 square feet; with or without steam heat; 274 Hridge avenue. Call at Joseph l^entini'i, 2'JS ^hrevitbury avenue, phone HOUSES, apartment! and bungalows, fur* niihed and unfurnished, In Ixmii Branch and vicinity; 136 month up. B. C. Coatea. Agsnt, 49(1 Bath avenue, Long Branch, N. J.. phone 8599 Long Branch. 826 BROAD itrset., for rent. Inquire Lewis Lumber Co., Asbury Park. phon*_6j 1 or an, broker. "li'ii KIVBRSIDK avenue, seven-room hotus and bath; laundry and lavatory in cellar; oil burner, hot water heat; garags. Apply W. T. Jonsn. 231 Maple ave* nue, Rsd Dank, phons 1955; or your own hroker. AN ATTRACTIVE seven-room hous*s for rent by the yeir; alt modern improvements; Broad strs*t, Shrewsbury. Can be i h ll Rd seen any morning or on phone call. Bank 1319-J. Red SIX-ROOM house for rent; bath, gar Central location, I*o K M<-Ke«\ 1«Mr. Lartn_itreet,_Ii Sd_Bank, _phona_22»0. ON BASSET pfacs,, semi-bungalow; poisaeiion November 1st; luluhl* for offlcem; two-car ffarage. rhone Red MODERN seven-room house, in restricted i&sidential section; breakfast room, den and large recreation room, automatic heat; conveniently lor a fed for commuting, M-hools and churches. Call Ked Bank 346. y(')ll SALE, Rumson, Ijjht-room houses with two sun rooms, fireplace; all improvements; two-rar garage; grounds 100x160 feet approximately. Priced for quick gale at M.i'.'O. Dennis K. Byrne, 18 Allen Rtreet, Butnion, phone 576. FARM of 125 acres in Holmdel township, two milea from town; some woodland and meadow; iix room nouns; price 17,500. W. A. Hopplnpr Agency, 8 Linden plsca, phona 897." HOUSE for rent, six room* and jjarsge; all improvements; newly decorated. 73 Oakland ntrett. Inquire at 63 Oakland street,. ROXY luncheonette for rent, furnuhed; licenne for bar; $15 per month. Koute Sfl, Union Beach, N. J. SAM&LADY wanted, line ladles' fipeclalty -hop; good puy,.steady work. Write in full, stating a«e and experience. Write K., box 611, Ked Bank. EXPERIENCED rook and general houceworker wanted; sleep out, Phont Red Bank rive-roow house for rent In Middletown ; improvements; one minute from railroad station and l>us line; pond neighborhood; near postofflce. Rent?2. r >. I'hon* HOUSE of «U rooms, all Improvements; [ furnished or unfurnished; near station, factory and bus lines. Wilt rent to couple 'or adults. Inquire 78 Oakland street or ona 71S.* ^ LARGEST distributor of household commodities has lifetime opportunity for one or two neat appearing women of local territory. Position affords income of 60 weekly, baaed on two Hales dally of home neeemlties which can be paid in deferred manner. Car an aaset, but not essential. Aj>i>ly to Frank S. (Jilson, Friday 1 0 a. m. to 4 p. m., 28 Mechanic street, Ked Bank. COOK, female, white or colored; muit be excellent cook; for three days a we«k only, Kridsy, Saturday and Sunday. Writ* Cook, box 511, Red.Bank. PART-TIME girl wanted, white preferred; t b bl t k Cll Rd Bk UNFURNISHED bungalow tor two, four rooms, bath, sun parlor, hot air heat; all improvements; available November 15; Ha rage. Ilusnes pass door. Reasonable. Eatontown boulevard, opposite Monmouth road, letter box No. 66. RENTALS Furnlihed, ilx rooms, 30; fieven room*, modern, oil, %h&\ five room*, oil, 145; six rooms, hot water, ; river front $76; Ray VflnHorn Agency, Hiver road. Fair Haven, phone 2 SIX ROOMS and bath, all improvements; steam heat; nun parlor; two-rar garage; t'zh a month. 87 Willow street,, Kair Havtn, near school. Call BHI-W." E^TAI-S Fiva rooms snd bath; convenient location, $30; six rooms and bath; double garage, $45; eight rooms and bath, oil burner, $60. Thompson Agency. 81 East Front street, phon* 700.* mujt be able to cook. Call 2l5fi-J. or come lo 6_ Hubbard avenue, THREK rooms and hath, 212 WeM Front River Plaza, Saturday momiiifr.* WE NEED first rl«#«domestic hetn for positions in the best households. Apply at once at Mnnmouth Employment Agency, 22 West Front street, phone S600.' SIX-ROOM house, bath and garaae for rent; located at M h i rent $40. Inquire Rd Bk HOUSBWORKER wanted, colored only; knowledge of cooking; winter months In New York City; occasional week-ends and holidays in. country. Phon* 263. ROOMS FOR RENT PLEASANT, comfortable rooms In quiet re*lilent!al section; moderate price; parking. Phone 1790, Klasien, 172 Hudson avenue,. WOULD like to rent five rooms in part of house to couple; also room for one car In garage; rent $20, Write M. A., postoffice Fair Haven, N. J.* COMBINATION living room and bedroom with private bath; attractively furnished. Ideal for young couple; gar a ire. Phone Long 1 Branch 1361.* Rtreet, phone rent $40. q, street,, phone nd ga ZOO Mechanic street; Owner, 238 Spring SIX ROOMS, attached garage, town location, $42; bungalow, hot water heat, fireplace, tile bath, $45; house of rive rooms, all Improvements; village location, S2ri. Frank B. Lawes, phone Red.Bitnk 287 K. FIVE-ROOM bungalow and bath for rent; all modern Improvements; two-car garage; plenty of space for Hardening; located on Riverside drive, phone 2043-J. IN RED BANK, six rooms and bath, hot air heat, just completely redecorated. $40 per month; November 1st occupatiy. O. Howard Lippincott, Realtor, 31 Mon mouth street, phon* 221, THE MAPLES, 58 Maple avenue, one of 's most convenient location*; attractive rooms, rates reasonable. Phone 1684, Mrs. H. F. Dowatra. TWO BEAUTIFUL large rooms for rant; board; excellent meals. 81 Wallace street,, phone 93I-M. TWO furnished rooms, large comfortable front room; suitable for business couple; smaller room for _ingle person; S3 and $4 er ro ge pe per week; good location.." ; $ 4 3 Elm place, FURNISHED rooms for rent; centrally located. 26 West Front street, Red Bnnk. # FOR RENT furnished, larflt- sunny room, uitabla for one or two parsons; houxekeeplnjr If desired; garage. Apply 77 Oakand street, Ked Bank,* FIVE ROOMS over garage, $ 12 per month. Mann, South street, Eatontown, east of Neptune highway on hill.* 10 WALLACE street; rooms, with board; reasonable rates; home cooking. Meals nerved; day or week.* LARGE, Runny furnished front bedroom, oil heat, hot water. 73 West Front treet, Red Hank. APARTMENTS 51 CHESTNUT street, first floor apartment; five rooms and bath, k'arace; S25. Vacancy October IE. Lewis Lumber Co., Asbury Park. N. J. IN MIDDLETOWN village, large old Colonial, Including five bedrooms and two baths; $100 a month. G. Howard Llpplnrntt, Realtor, 81 Monmouth street, phone Ked Bank 321. PRIVATE gaihge for rent, fireproof, foment driveway...1 Eait avenue,, phone Atlantic 2«7-W, VERY CHEERFUL house In Alston court; four bedrooms, two tiled baths, attached Kara (re! hot w_ter heat. Available now, River location. Phone 76. * SIX ROOMS, locaud In Eatontown; newly decorated, gas, improvements; Rome ground and near bus; rent $25. Phone MODERN brick house, with six rooms; sun parlor; tile bath with stall shower; oil burner; fireplace; beautiful grounds. See Waterbury, 22 West Front Btreet, phone 3600.* BUNGALOW of five rooms, hot water heat; two-car garage; large chicken house; two acres land; one-half mile from station; rent $40. See RoUton Waterbury, 22 West Front street, phone 3600,* FURNISHED house, near Broad street; seven rooms and hath; garage. Rent $4 0. See Wnterhury, 22 West Front street, phone 3500.* REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ARTHUR E. BOYCE, painting contractor, fall painting; eatlmates cheerfully submitted. No job too large or too small. Wallpaper hanging. Phone 666 Rumson. CESSPOOLS cleaned, collar* dug, scooping and Kr_iiinjr at reasonable rates. How-,rd Maxson, phone 77i>. REPAIRING Furs repaired and restyled at moderate prices. Storage free. Vo- Kcl's, _4,Brond street, Ked Bank, phone 474. SITUATIONS WANTED WHITE WOMAN wlihn day's work tu do. or woild do laundry, in or out. Call at 276 Mechanic street, after 5:00 P. M hone EXPERIENCED white chaulfeur wishes position; Hged 36 yearn; ran handle all TB; knows New York. Willing to go anywhere. Best references. Write Box Highland*. N. J. WAITED, child's large playhouse. Write Playhouse, box fill. Red Bunk." WANTED, furnished room or two unfurnished mumi; reasonable. Write Room, box 511, Ked B.-nk.' WANTED, winter type large baby rnrrlago and bassinet, in good condition; rennonab!e. Phone Atlantic HighlnndB 263. WANTED, child'*, rrlb and mattress In nood order uifd clean; price around f.1 or?4 HS jmrly cannot pay any nmre. Address Child's Crib, box Sll. IteJ llnnk.* MAMBERMAID-WAiTKESS desires position; experienced;' good worker; excellent references, Selma Jacobson,.14 Whalepond road, Oakhurst, phone Long Branch, 1461-M.' CUSTOM plowing by acre or day's work; first class equipment. Phone Ked Bank 510-J-l, or call at C. Larkln>, Red Hank. R. F. D. 1. BEYOND DRAFT age. dependable man, 36, single and of good character, detlrea poiition K3 male attendant; experienced. Hnvs preference for this type of work in private home. References exchanged Write U. J.. bo_ fill,.' FOUR-ROOM apartment in private dwelllrir; electric, oil heat, refrigerator; tin* age; $32 a month; furnished or unfurnished, 13 Center street, Rumson.* TOR SALE, 9>_-acre farm on VVyekofT road, between Highway 35 and Long Branch-Eatontown boulevard; large barn, two-fitory triple garage; could easily be converted Into house or bunpalow; al«o a tile bulidinjc 25x60 feet with cellar underneath, suitable for chickens. Farm has been heavily limed and fertilized this year and Is now planted in hay. Thin in an flcirant investment at $5,500. Telephone Eatontown 20 4 after 4 p. m. APARTMENT for rent at Shrewsbury, un- i ; ; ; furnished; three rooms and bath; nil FOR SALE, house and bunpalow on larpe Improvements; Karate. Tlus passes door. I lot on Main street, Oceanport, all mod. Phono 1013-J.* APARTMENT for rent, five rooms; all improvements; on the river. Joseph Sei*- ta, 134 Riverside avenue,. WANTED, complete four-room apartment In private home or two-family house; heat and hot water supplied; in residential neighborhood; convenient to school. Rental not to exceed $35, Address Box 17fi.. RUMSON Four rooms and bath, furnished or unfurnished; f20 monthly. Apply John L. Mlnuph, Rum son road, phone Rumson 716." FOUR-ROOM Bpartment, $30 per month. Ildi h Ri Rd p Including heat. Bank., $ p 8 Riverside avenue. Red RIVER FRONT apartment nf three ronmn and bath; newly decorated; rent Mn. See Waterbury, 22 West Front fltreet, phone 3500.* THREE rooms Rnd bath, furnished or unfurnished; private entrance and bath; plenty of hot water: oil burner; rea*nnble. Elsie lteckwith. Chnpin nvenue, off Newman SprinK* road, before bridre. FOR EXCHANGE WIL1. PNchaiiKc 1.1-acre etchnroom hnure, for farm, all fiv hrook. LKAVlNfi few Juin-t yiorldu shortly; room for MM. I'hone Keansburg 534,* I EXPEUIENCEU double-entry buokkceper. = ntenowrapher and typist d_f>lre_ poitltion; I best of references. Write I). E., box fill. 1 room home near shore. Lamson. lfi West Main street, Freehold, N. J. REAL ESTATE WANTED AUTOMOBILES FORD 193_ pick-up, four cylinder-; has been n«-d hy plumber, equipped for carrying pipes; will sacrifice for quick action. ISO. Open evenings and Sundays. William J. Levin.,.175 Broadway, Long Branch." POSITION waited as working housekeeper for elderly couple or motherless home. Write S. W., box 511. Red Bnnk." MATURE woman, housekeeper-companinn, 11'rira help with small hotel or private home; wan > four years last position. Phone Miw II. fiade, phone 6417 Aibury Park, or address HOUSE wanted to purchase,."mall home in township, muit have two or three bedrooms, hent and bath; jjarnuc. I Soniti trees nnd cround. Maximum prire, $_,6nf). Terms. Write, ftivins I 401 Second avenue, Asbury Park, N. J. and Inratlnn. N. J. rte. t P. O. Box 23fi, Mala- WOULD like to purchase home in Red Bank, -within two-mile radius of Hed k ild i T l f l«t on Main e, p, em improvements; Income from rentb $55 per month; a 15 rfif cont investment at Jo,000. A fair down payment will «ecure thin property. Telephone Eatontown 294 after 4 p. m. HOSHTATJZATION insurance, two cents a, day; fur *ickne«i_ and health, up to age 65. See Waterbury, 22 West Front street, phone 3500.* H-ACRE fsrm with old Colonial house, which nerd" repairs; corner property, four miles from ; price $2,500. Waterbury, 22 West Front street, phone BERGEN place, six-room house, larse lot; price $3,000. half c&jih, Kolstnn Waterbury, 22 West Front street, phone 3500.' RUMSON road bungalow; five rooms, tile bath, fireplace; two-car garage. Price 14,000, SI,000 rash, balanre on first mortgage, phom Waterbury. 22 Weit Front street. 360O." SEVEN-ItOOM house with all improvemcntu In business section of Fair Haven. Will sell for $2,000. $800 rash, balance on martgiikc. Wntcrbury, 22 West Front (itreet, phono 3500/ OCEANFORT. on Main»tr«et; five rooms, hath; all iinpiovements; price $'J,7oO. Easy termn. Rolston Waterbury, 22 West Front street, phone 3500.* COMFORTABLE home for small family at River Plaxa, living room, dinigjr room, kitrhen, two bedrooms, bath, lot 50x100; price J2.750; $250 down; low taxes. W. A. Hopping- Agency, 8 Linden place, phone.197.* El CUT acres of excellent BOII, brook, elevation, electricity; good location, junt oft main road; low tax rate; J Thompson Agency. Rl East Front street, phone Reil Hunk 7(10." LARCIE six-room house on main street. good condition; hot water htat with oil burner; plot 60.\2O0; 15,500. ten per cent down. Thompson Agency. Si Eait Front treet, phone 700.* Bank railroad station. Total cost of prnp- NINE-ROOM house. _t«am heit; large lot, erty not to he more than $4,000. Henry located in Oceanportj rrice»_.000.^i r n A n _ r "* li: pri " AMERICAN woman wishes portion._ -.w uu, _......»..,_, rcwonablt. Call 17 Mount street, hoiii-keep«r or companion. Writ* Aratr- Hui.y. 65 Uventhal avenue, Irrlncton^ WsUsrbury, 12 W«t Front itreet, phom kao, box ill, K*4 Bank, H. J.* M03.* e n a e Serf Bank.* liome bargain at 101 Maple avenue, frame house, seven rooms, detached garage; hot wat«?r heat, parquet floors, completely modernized. Cont us f 15,000, will sell for $7,500; easy terms. For further Ihfinjuiitluji t'-ll Ked Bunk evenings S03. Stlverwhite Realty Company, P. O. Uo_ HOUSE, overlooking countryside, three bedroom., oil burner, $6,500; eii-room Hemi-bungaJow, fireplace, all Improvements, $2,000; half cash, Frank B, t*wei, phone COUNTRY estau, 22 ecrsb, 11-room house, barn, all improvements; } 10,000; 87 acre*, neven-room house, him gal ow, near ; $1M,000. Frank li. Lawes, phone Ked Bank POULTRY FARM, two acres, one mile from Ked Bank elation, new five-room bungalow with hot water h» a t, bath, water and electricity, large poultry house, garage; landscaped grounds; $5,000. C Howard Mpplncott, Realtor, 31 Monmouth street, phone 321, HEAL ESTATE", INSURANCE Kay U. Stillman, State Highway No. 4N, Eatontown, New Jersey. You will be received eourtoouuly and your real estate and Insurance problem* handled with dispatch and sffiriency. Twentyfive years in the name location. A staff of competent salesmen assures prompt and adequate service. Complete listing of all available properties for sale or rent. Fifteen brand new homes for Hale in and around Ked Bank. KUer front and country homes. Monmouth County farm., estates. Telephone today for an appointment* Eatontown 7 and. INVESTMENT properties; three houses, Buitable for conversion into two-family or apartments; excellent locations. One, $1,500; two, $4,200; three, 15,800. A large return on investment can be ehown after conversion of sny on* the of these properties. C, Howard Llpplncott, Realtor, 81 Monmouth street, phone 321. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE MONMOUTH COUNTY farms, wr njeet»rr Ml Vour qulrieb will be given persons! attention. (1. Huward Lipplncott. 31 Btrset, phone Ked Bank 821. OCKANPORT, beautiful plot mi»round; river location; one acre; two-car gar***. slka, shrubi. See Marie Coi, Comanehe Drive. Port-au-peck, or 138 Rlverilde *vtnue, Ked Bank. 326 BROAD street,, for s*i*- Inquire of Lswis Lumber Co,, A«burr Psrk, phone RSI. or any broker ACRE Holmdel farm, ae fen-room farmhouse, back from road ea small hill; shade trees, electricity, telephone; gsrage, barn; pasture land, woods; large, level field; baltnce fn rolling fsr_o I*n4 sloping to brook; iuit_bls for hors* railing; eaiy commuting; 18,000. Othtri. Booklet. Paul R. Stryker, Highway M, Holmdel, N. J., phon* HOLMDEL foreclosure, ont hundrsd acrai* good poll, houbs and outbuildings fair condition. Priced for immediate ssvle, 17,600. Charles E. Sweeney. Monmouth avenutv phone Rumson HOLMDEL farms: hlllsite, 13 acrei, six room houae, outbuildings. 13,760; 121 acres, brook, woodlot, fertile soil, iht room houae, outbuildings; IS.000. VsnHorn, Fair Havsn, ohone 289.* FAIR HAVEN. Ukc avenue, new Colonial home, oak floorn, til«hath, bower, oil burner, fireplace, Karage, I8.SS0 ; low payment*. Kay VanHorn Agency, Elver rou. Fair Haven, phone 283.* RUMSON, seven acrei, fine residency of It rooms, three baths, fair condition; large garage and apartment, outbuildings; m*f«nlflcent trees and grounds; Hsf VsnHom Agency, Rlvsr road, Fair Haven, phone 283.* SHREWSBURY river, three»«, m«4«rcountry home, eight rooma, two btths; extra lavatory; automatic heat, Insulation, oak and walnut floor*. Ray VanHorn. Agency, River ro«d, Fair Haven, phone 283.' COUNTRY home at Mlddlstown, Un rooms, two baths; three acres, plenty of *hade trees; rental 1100 per month; sale $12,000. W. A. Hopping Agency, 8 un< den place, phone 397.* HOME on best residential streat betw#ea Broad street and Mapt* avsnue; six rooms, large Ilvlns room, automatic heatj lot 60x137; recreation room; price 7,00t, W. A. Hopping Agency, 8 Linden plaea, phone R«d Bank 187.* BEAUTIFUL English type home, locate* in.silverwhlu Gardens, offered for sal* at halt of building coat for quick disposal. Stone and stucco exterior, slat* roof, Craftex walls, four bedrooms, two colored tile baths, atone fireplae* and many other unusual features. Price 118,500. Easy terms. For further Information call 2440, evening* 803. SilverwhlU Realty Company, F. O, Box 263,. NEW four-room bur>galo*t, steam hs«t* tilt bath, modern kitchen; imajl downj>aymint, bslance FHA. Curley and Braffc phone The Community Bill of Fare "Life Is something'.ik«a cheap restaurant," mourned a. forlorn-lookinj man the other day. When I a»ked him the cauae at hli gloomy observation, he an- «\vered, "Well, the thingi you really want «eem never to be on the bill cf fare." Thl«fellow didn't live In Monmouth County or hi would have known that here life il NOT like a cheap restaurant. And he would have known also that the things which people in this neck of wood! really want, ARE on the bill of far*. They are la almost every iaiue of The Reglater'a Want Columns, where the little and big want* of thl» community are made known and gratified each week. I suggested, the next time he wanted anything, ha hould advertise for it In The Register'! Want Columns and life would assume a more cheerful aspect. And I MEANT it, too. When he arose to leave he said, "It matter! llttl* where you are from, you advertising men are a bunch of optimists, aren't you?" To which I replied, "Bet your life, those of us who represent REAL advertising mediums have neither time nor causa for pessimism." Every man, woman and child within reach of Tha Register's circulation ihould know that The Register's Want Columns are the quickest and most economical means of bringing people together for their mutual benefit and satisfaction. Folks who have something to sell are put in touch with someone who wants to buy that very thing. Others who wish to exchange something for which they have no further use, arc brought in contact with someone in the same position and a fair exchange pleases both parties. Many a man or woman has located a good job through a Register Want advertisement, and many a good job has likewise located the right man or woman to fill it. Then when a person loses anything and makes It known through _ Register Want advertisement, there are 95 chances that the lost article will be returned aa against five chances that it won't, because statistics havo proved the gratifying fact that 96 per cent of the people are honest. The whole secret is simply a matter of making your wants KNOWN at the right TIME and in the right PLACE. There are hundreds of ways In which everybody who reads thia could employ The Register's Want Columns to advantage, and at a cost of only 30 eenu for thirty words, carrying your message to our thousands of readers. If you happen to want something unusual and are In doubt whether a Register Want advertisement will fetch It, phone Lucky 13,, and I'll tell you frankly just what I think about It, because I'd much rather you would keep your SO cents and remain a friend of Tha Register, than to advise you to spend one red cent and possibly feel afterward you weren't treated fairly. Don't hesitate to put your advertising problems up to The Register's Want Department. It Is hero to SERVE and we both loso if you fall to accept the Invitation.

36 V AccM*orl«t I'hont J«U BURDGE'S CONOCO Service Station WHITE STREET, Waihing RED BANK, N. J. Poll.hlni Wauns Funds Available For Investment In Straight Mortgages On Owner Occupied Properties In Monmouth County Interest 5% No CommUiiont Charged Inquiries should show sire of land, location, and mount required. ADDRESS INQUIRIES TO Post Office Box 151 Atbury Park, N. J. SHERMAN'S TWO-DAY SALE Friday and Saturday Only! Fine Tailored Window Length Curtains Lowest Price for This Quality 54 In. OJc Her. 1.0» NOW O M 63 In. A At Rer NOW < pr. pr. 72 In. $4.04 pr. Rer. i.» NOW M. FOB THIS SALE ONLY! The Sherman Shop M BROAD ST., RED BANK WINNERS Will Collect $3500 In CASH PRIZES SEE LIFE MAGAZINE October 28 ISSUE FAGE 5 LEON'S IVORY LAUNDRY PHONE 2800 Expert Repairing OF WATCHES, CLOCKS and JEWELRY Accuracy, skill and experience enable us to do the most delicate repairing. We guarantee satisfaction. Our prices will please vou. Silverware Repaired and Replated Like New REUSSILLES' 36 Broad St., Red Bunk Tel Lodge Honors State Officer At Reception Mrs. Luella Kean Receivei Gifts From Daughters of Liberty Members of Pride of Monmonth Council, Sons and Daughters of Liberty gave a reception Tuesday night for Mrs. Luella KeaVif, state inside guard. The receplion also marked the official visit of the state councilor, Mrs. Amanda Griener and her staff of officers. Mrs. Kean, who is a member of Pride of Monmouth council, received many gifts. Roland Scott was general chairman of the reception. He gave the address of welcome and led the group in singing the national anthem. Representative* attended from lodges at Fair Haven, Sea Bright, Eatontown, Oakhurst, Long Branch, Asbuiy Park, Belmar, Manasquan, Point Pleasant,, Perth Amboy, New Brunswick, Woodbrldge, Jersey City, Newark, Hackensack and Rldgefleld Park. Officer* who gpoke briefly were Mrs. Griener, state councilor; Laura Chapman, state vice councilor; Mildred Dean, state guide; Madeline Erlckson, state associate vice councilor; Edna Ralph, state associate treasurer; Pauline Thompson, st«te associate secretary; Clarence Dodd, state outside guard. Edna Brown, national vice-councilor; Edward Wolfklll, ex-natlonal councilor; Margaret Wolfkill, exnatlonal associate councilor; Bertha Holman, Margaret Beam, Margaret RED BANK REGISTER, OCTOBER 81, Republicans Hold Big Rally ' Photo hy Johnson Broi. Above, left to right, ore former Secretary of War Patrick J. Hurley, Mrs. W, Warren Barbour and Senator Barbour. Photograph was taken at the Republican rally at the Asbuiy Park Convention hall Tuesday night. Clubwomen Hear English Appeal Letter From British Mayor Read at Session At a meeting of the international "elations group of the Little Silver kvoman a club Monday, a letter was read from the mayor of Shrewsbury, England, to the mayor of Shrews- >ury, New Jersey, appealing for as- Fette and Marguerite Barkelew, state committee workers; John Red Bnnk Taxpayers association Brown and Grace Sieasel, state committee members. Her committee was composed of lias lost $5,000,000 In ratables in the Service was chairman *»f the affair. Monday night. While the borough Jack Keans, Charles Siessel, Ed- ] sistance during the war' Mrs, Wil-Mrsward Hansen and Carrie Anderson, son T. Smith, department chairman, Stackhouse, Mrs. Willitts, Mrs. Arth- that period has been reduced from Richard Huberts, His. Joseph past ten years, the borough debt in national representatives; Christina read the letter and announced a ur Chasey, Mrs. George Davis, Mrs. eight to three per cent, the mayor John, Lillian Irwln and Helen Kesslnger, ex-stats councilor; Sylvia Shrewsbury and vicinity to be h.rkl Brunt, Mrs. Harry Dennl.-!, Mrs. W. This state of affairs can not be meeting of interested residents of James Vanllise, Mr*. Kenneth Van- stated. Simmell, Barbara He'yer, Olive llne, Dorothy Holman.Chester Hoi- Christ church, Shrewsbury. Mary Dennis. Alin Blown, Barbara borough receives a higher return of Jo- Sunday afternuon. November 10, «tlester Whllollrld and the Misses maintained, lie warned, unless the man, Mae Rhodes, Etta Thome, The purpose of the meeting will Scely, Helen Gianudls, Harriett Fary the revenue that now goes to tho Camella KlotibacW, Nan Hannah, b«to decide what the Shrewsbury and Alice Holmgren. slate. Jn a number of Instances, he Henry Quast, Florence, Reynolds, group can do to bp of assistance to Also, Mrs. Charles KallicnburR, said, municipalities are the tax collectors for the state. At present Red Margaret Gordon ant) E=ther Crelln, the residents of Shrewsbury, England. Members of the parishes of Parker, Mrs. Arthur Taylor, Mrs. Bank, the mayor said, has a double Mrs. Annie Reynolds, Mrs. Harriett deputies. A program of entertainment was Christ church and St. John's Episcopal chapel of Little Silver and thebrown, Mrs. William Davis and Mrs. municipalities in the state. Eleanor Winning and Mrs. Emma. A rating, held by bnly three other presented following the remarks by the officers. Barbara Holman, did a tap dance. Margaret tend the meeting. sociation are Mrs. Elizabeth Wood, Little Silver Woman's club will at- Vcrna Frazier. New members of the taxpnyeis as- Gordon, tiliffslde, accompanied at the Mrs. Anije K Nielsen read letters Y. W. C. A. CLUB MKKTS MIjt.H Said R. AimhtraiiK, Miss Ilnzel piano by Helen Vanderbilt, sang from relatives of hers living in Norway and Sweden, Mrs. Smith read a The Younsr Women's Y. W. C. A. frey, William H. Douglas, Theodore. C. Erriek.snn, Miss Florence B. Jef- "Only a Rose," Following this number Miss Gordon gave the guest of letter from France and Mrs. Richard lub of met last B. Getzler, David F. Sheridan, Frank honor a bouquet of red roses. Brax- C, Bicknell a letter from a relative week at the home of Mrs. Clarice C. Storck and Nathan Cohen.' ton Roundtree, Headden's Corner, living g in the Dutch East Indies, Mrs. Fetter. Mrs. Fetter and Mrs. Ruth sang solos. Warren Tyrell reviewed an article on Borden are group leaders. Ofllcers CKMETKKV SEKVICK. Miss Ida Goodspeed conducted a I "Contemporary Europe and Its Meanshort business meeting. The lodge ln K for America," written by Gladys Hammond, vice-president; Mae Monsignor John B. McCloskey of arc Juliet Gardella, president; Helen will hold a Halloween party Tues- M. Graham. Mr?. Lawrence Iverson Hammond, secretary; Mary Shapo, St..Tames' church will celebrate benediction Sunday afternoon at 4 day, November 5, at the Jodge rooms. reported on Japanese activities. treasurer, and Mao Hammond,' reporter. Klizabeth Schnoor and o'clock at Mt. Olivet cemetery In The party Is open to the public. Following the business meeting Prizes will be awarded for the var-mrsious costumes and refreshments letters she has received from meeting. urday. Henry L. Conover spoke about Margaret Snale were guests at the connection with All Souls day Sat- will be served. Under the direction of Mr. Scott a committee of members served refreshments. The lodge hall was decorated with red, white and blue flowers as well as crepe paper and ribbon streamers. Oceanport Woman Hat Three Parties Mrs. Jennie Feakes of Oceanport, who observed her 71st birthday Saturday, was given three birthday parties last week. The first party «ai held last Wednesday, October 23, at Colt's Neck Inn, and was given by Mr. and Mrs. Ira Wolcott. On Friday Mr. Madame Chiang Kai-Shek. Mrs. Dawson Olmstead, wife of the commanding ollicer at Fort Monmouth, invited the members to visit the post Friday, November 8, and see the field kitchens. The next meeting will be Monday, November 18. Refreshments were served by the. hostesses, Mrs. Bicknell and Miss Marion Force. Bell Tel. Employee Attempts Suicide Fray Hardwick of Little Silver Point road, Little Silver, 37-years-old father of three children, attempted to commit suicide yesterday afternoon at his home. He was discover- and Mrs. Harry Wolcott gave a din-ener party for Mrs. Feakes at their himself at the wrists, arms, chest by his wife after having cut home. and stomach with a pair of scissors. The third birthday dinner party Mrs. Hardwick was able to wrest was held Saturday night at Pleasant inn. Mrs. Feakes' son, Leesummon Chief of Police Fred Zicpc- the scissors from her husband and Fenkes, who was unable to attend, ler. The ambulance took sent his mother a corsage of or- I bim to Riverview hospital, chlds. Those attending the dinner I Mr. Hardwick received first aid were Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Smith, Mr. treatment and was later taken to and Mrs. James Beade, Mrs. L. E. the Marlboro state hospital. River- Creevy. Miss Mary Lambert, Miss view auhorlties stated that his con- Helen Hackett and Edvard Feakes. $130 EARNED FOR RIVERVIEW. nervous breakdown. He is employed More than H30 was earned by Redat the Bell Telephone Laboratories Bank auxiliary of Riverview hospital at Holmdel. at the tag day conducted for the hospital Friday and Saturday in the business section of. A report of the sale was given by Mrs. "Y" Charles M. Hilton, auxiliary president. Mrs. Thomas Doremus was Reports Activity chairman, assisted by Mrs. James H. A large and complete program R. Stephenson, Mr.«. William A. Mil-oler, Mrs. James Davison, M"-s. Henry recreation has been taken over H: Kohl, Jr., Mrs. William Fraser, Mrs. Robert Reussille, Mrs. Edwin Conover and Miss Alene Patterson. Notice to the Shareholders of The Second National Bank and Trust Company of Certificates for the shares of the new Common Stock of The Second National Bank and Trust Company of are now ready for delivery to the Subscribers. Shareholders residing within the trade area should call at the Bank for their certificates. Holders of the original Common Stock of this Bank are also notified to present their certificates for exchange at their earliest convenience. WILLIAM B. LYMAN, Cashier. dition was good. No cause for the man's action could be learned yesterday but it was believed to be the result of a by the combined Y, W. C. A. groups of. The main project is taking "Y" boys to college football games. Last wcclt the boys at- ] tended the Princeton-Rutgcrs game. j Meetings of the "Y", groups have shown a iarge Increase i of membership. The junior Hi-Y ' club of has been advanced i to full Hl-Y status as members have 1 advanced to upper classes of the j high school. Harry Saurman is leader. The Junior Gra-Y, under the leadership of Charles Davi?on, has held two meetings this fall ami will elert officers at the next meeting. Tho Senior Gra-Y, under the leadership of Seabrook Schanck, has started work on Its winter progiam. The Arrow Hi-Y chapter will hold a Coed party early next month. George Search is adviser to this chapter. \ Selma Club Fetes Mrs. Amy Cotgreave The Selma rlub nf Eatontown met I Monday,it Chummy's Grill where j they celebrated the birthday of Mr?.. Arny Cotgieave with u. turkey and I chip dinner. Mrs. Cotsrcave received many useful gifts from the j members who planned the party as i a surprise ;,ffair. During a short i business meeting thn ''Revealing of ' the RelniH Pals" took pl.ire. Those present were Mr. and Mis. Walter Cotgreavp. M.-. and Mrs. Milton Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schultx, Mr. and Mrs Louis Schultz, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth VanBrunt. Mrs. nniuthy Kli-kfgaril, Mis. Marie Wiilf, Mr*. Anna Osbmni'. Mr. and Mm. Arthur Vimenl, Mrs. Maiy Kegler and Clarence Ji. Runck. Eatontown Church Holds Turkey Dinner Tho official board of the Eatontown Methodist church held a turkey dinner in the church basement Tuesday evening with morn than 200 persons beinjj served. The dinner was considered one of tho most successful ever hflld by the organization as it cleared over $S0. Mrs. Elliott Willilts, secretary of the Women'} Society of Christian ii JT Mayor Explains Borough Finances Lois of Ratable* It Serious Matter Mayor Charles R. English explained some of the financial headaches of running a borough to the DAVIDSON BROS. Wines & Liquors 45 BROAD ST. RED BANK PHONE American GIN full qt. Bourbon Kentucky Spangle quart $1-49 Richwood BLENDED WHISKEY quart $1-49 Plantation Pennsylvania RYE 4 Venrs Oh: - 9(1 Trnnf qt. $1.49 KING WILLIAM SCOTCH fifth $2.59 OLD Davidson'* Blended Distilled And Bottled hy National Distillers 51% 4 Years RYE QUART $1.99 MATURATY IIVE BOTTLED IN BOND 4!-i-YR. OLD rroof $1.95 A. J. CUMMINGS BOTTLKD IN BOND Kentucky Bourbon 100 Troof t. $1.95 " WHITE or GOLD Full Quart Porto Rican -HUM- Full Fifth $1.39 SCOTCH McANDREW'S Blended "--loll Typo Whiskey Full Fifth $1.75 Vanderveer Bonded APPLE Bottled In Bond 4 Yrs. Old UIO I'roof quart si.9 5 Wainright Fines Traffic Violators Oliver R. Stewart of New York city waa lined $5 Saturday night by Recorder Elmer C. Wainright In Shrewsbury traffic court for passing a red light at the corner of Broad street and Sycamore avenue. The arrest was made by Chief of Police Otto Hcrden. Anthony DiBella of Astoria, Long Island was fined $8 for careless driving on the complaint of Mort Cohn, stale motor vehicle inspector. Hayward Rawllng of Oold itrmt,, m fined $15 for ipstdlng and passing can on th» right band side of til* road. Tbe arrtit wai made by Inspector Lloyd Smith. Inspector Smith alao armted George B. Friebott of New Monmouth, Arnold Strauieman of Asbury Park and Benjamin Bernitein of Long Branch, for speeding on Broad street. Each waa fined 10. Chief Herden arreated Harold Petert for speeding and he wai fined $5. Earhart Lefke of Newark paid a fine of J15 for reckless driving. The complaint waa mad* by Chief Hcrden. "Sunnycrest n BRANCH AVE., LITTLE SILVER BY COMPARISON GREATEST VALUES IN NEW FHA HOMES IN MONMOUTH COUNTY *4990S 33S5W COMPLETE PAYS ALL OKF1CK OPEN A. M. TO t P. M. DAILY American Home Builders and Development Co. TEXAS Sky Chiefs*,/ Fir* Chid Gasoline F.G.JAUDY. INC BICD BANK l'honk 17W) F_ If It Swims W* Ha»«II _ ^ Hennessey's St. Market Bttiki IIIat IIIat n N. J. All Our Be* road FntH, N* Cold Slorafs. Pbiel377 We Deliver WEEK-END SPECIALS WHITIMO 10c Ih. Hmail WKAKFISII \C t POROIKH *«lb notion MACKEKKI. Me Hi. 25S,. Medium Smelts. EELS COD STEAKS. rulet Haddock shtuurs.. Larie SMELTH... HAI.MON TKODI. SCALLOPS WHITE rinii :35f b :40f b Special CHABMKAT Mtotti. STEWING OtHTKKN _.. Uopt. SHYING OV8TKHH Me»t. OYSTERS an >i Nhell.Uedot. CLAMS on 54 Shell 25odoi. Striped Ban Hluennh SwordAsh Halibut SUIIUM DAVIDS ON'BROS FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND MONDAY, NOV. lit, tnd, 4th. APRICOTS»= 3td29«IN PURE OLIVE OIL REG. lse 3-29' SARDINES IMPORTED, MILK ASPARAGUS FRUIT COCKTAIL PINEAPPLE JUICE BABO 2 CM " 19 C Special, TUNA FISH 2 can* 29 FANCY, LIGHT MEAT PAGE BRAND 4UH cm 25* TALL CANS ORANGE JUICE 3-25 NO. Z DR. FHILLirS CORN 3 vam 25 DEL MAIZ CREAMED Peanut Crunch 21 l-lb. JAB POP CORN 2 c "" 19 Ready to Eat Bird. Eye WwUly Specials! SPINACH b «l c Brady to Cook. No Waste. Box Serves 4. Haddock Fillets..'» 23c Sweet, White, Ocean Fresh. Box Serves 4. Raipberries * * 21c Kod Rlp<\ Delirious Flavor. Ilox Serve* 4. FLAKO 2 pkfi 19 C i-le Crust PUMPKIN 3 c " ni 29 HURFF'S Supper Steaks 2 lot 25c Tender, Julry, Individuals. M-H>. each Roast. Chickens 1.42 Tender Grade S-!o. each hax 53c Lobster Meat MAINE COOKED Box equals 3 Hi. ng. Lobster NIBLET ALL BRAND GREEN 23< CANS MY-TFINE 3 lk " 13 C All Flavors CRAB MEAT 2-45 C GEI8HA Grapefruit Juice 3 23 NO. J DR. I-HILLIPS PEAS 2 «29 GREEN DROP CHERRIES 23 NO. J SOUR FITTED Mince Meat 25 Mb. Jar Borden's Cheese CHATEAU or AMERICAN Kirkman's Soap 7-25 Soap Flakes 2 *» 39 C KIRKMAN'S NATIONAL BISCUIT CO, Ritz.. 21cPK, SOCIAL TEA O OC«BISCUITS J pkgii LD FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES! FRIDAY AND SATURDAY I CALIFORNIA SQUEEZING or EATING ORANGES IDAHO POTATOES IA lli. bar (IPO 1U for 25 TENDEB STRINOLESS GREEN BEANS 2-13 FANCY LARGE FLORIDA EGGPLANT c 15' cuch FANCY FRESH TICK RADISHES A bunches A /VC LARGE BUNCIIKS FANCY JERSEY BEETS A bunch LARGE CALIFORNIA SQUEEZING or EATING ORANGES c 33' doz, SWEET - JUICY FANCY LARGK CLUSTER TOKAY or MALAGA GRAPES 2-13 FANCY GREEN SPINACH 3 > 14 EXTRA LARGE FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT 5-25 C FANCY CALIFORNIA SUGAR PEAS 2-25



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