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1 8d)( M284 \.' j '1..5- ~'6 ;L 1'.1ff" '::. t:l~~ ~~~n~,ml'r~ "'I~~,~"-t }'-r~ i ; I

2 A SERMON DELIVERED IN WISCASSET, JUNE 27, BEFORE 'l'hi: JiA.INE MISSION.4..KY SOtJIETY, AT THEIR TWENTY.}'IFTH ANNIVERSARY,; BY THOMAS WILLIAIUS, Pastor 'Jf the Congregational Church in Foxcroft. PORTLAND:.A.. SHIRLEY ~ RrN'l'ER EXCHA.NGE-ST - 18S:l rale Divinity library ~ew Haven, Conn.

3 ~~ t'v\ 28 't \t 2-5-~5 AT the annual meeting of the MAINE MISSIONA.RY SOCIETY, Wiscasset, June 27, 1832, Voted, That Rev. Dr. TYLER and Rev. Mr. CUMMINGS, be a committee to present the thanks of this Society to Rev. Mr. WILLIAMS for his Sermon delivered before them this day, and request a copy for the press. D. THURSTON, Bee. See.

4 SER1U.OX MAT THE W X: 16. lje 1, THEREFORE, WISE AS SERPENTS, AND HARMLESS AS DOV~I.!i ">' ~ '":... ) I~); MAN has revolted from his rightful Sovereign. In this revolt, the serpent, the Bible informs us, acted a very influential part. By looking over the details of that account, you perceive that he possessed wonderful sagacity. He looked through the character of man at once-saw the place which was the most vulnerable, and applied means admirably adapted, to secure the end he had in view. '\Visdom is a very important trait of character to be possessed. It is true, when under the control of a depraved heart, it fits it~ possessor to become more finished in the accomppshment of wicl}.edness. But when under the control of a pure heart, it is exeeedingly important and useful. There are traits in the worst of characters, which may be safely copied, and cultivated. Were it not so, our Saviour would not have said, Be ye, therefore, wise as serprnts. The instruction here given, evidently is this, be as wise in bringing man back from his sinful state, as was the serpent in leading hirn into it. The dove is an emblem of peace and purity. OUf Saviour addressed his disciples in the character of missionaries, and directed them to possess a combination of the prominent traits in the characters, of both the serpent and dove. The text, then, leads me to assig'ij- some reasons why mil.,ionaries, at the present day, should be both wise and harmlers : First. Tqey need wisdom to disc.ern those traits in the

5 character of man, which fit him to become a suitable subject of the moral government of God. Indefinite, or erroneous views of the character of man, as a subject of the government of God, are a prolific source of ru Inous consequences. That man is a sinner does not admit of a question. BQt what is the nature of his sins? how do they affect him? wheth er, in regeneration, he ceases to be a moral agent, and this be a work performed wholly by the divine agency; or whether the work of regeneration belongs exclusively to himself, and is perf~rmed, by the influence of ligh~, or moral suasion; or whether regeneration be a work in which divine and human agencies are combined, are questions which demand attention and prayerful considera!ion. What, then, is man '! A capacity of acting in view of a right rule, the enjoyment resulting from acting in accordance with it, and a conviction of wrong felt, after departing from it; is what principally makes the man, in distinction from other creatures, which God has created. This capacity man possesses in his fallen state. The nature of the fall consists in a perversion of the mind, rather than in any e~sential alteration of the mind itself. Man stiuhas a mind, discerns a rule of right, is a subject of mora] government. This rule of right, is the law of God, comprehending all that he has commanded in his word. Looking at man, possessing this character, you see him a s~itaj>]e subject of moral government; you have a hold upo»: his mind, which connects him with divine truth, and eternal realities; and by which, alone, you can bring him to feel his accountableness to God and enforce his 'obligations to obedience. This view. of the character of man affords light on the highly important and deeply interesting subject of regeneration. It makes regeneration a moral, in distincti~n from a Jlhysicalchange. It leaves the sinner entirely depeqdant, not upon light, but up~n the Spirit of God, for a supply of his ~ants; 'and at the same time accountable for his wants,, and. 4,

6 5 criminal for not possessing that new heart, which it is the prerogative of God to bestow. If he feels and acts as God directs him and reason requires, then conscience approves. If in opposition, conscience condemns. In a word, it makes man a moral, and an accountable agent in all that he feels, says, and does; but a dependant agent. In God he lives and moves and has his being. Looking at man, from this point of view, you see a propri 'ety in all the prec.epts of the Bible, a consistency in all its promises and threatenings; and intention in all the providencas of God. But if man be not an accountable agent, but something like ~ machine, why ma.y he not, without criminality, wait until he is moved? If his dependance 011 God implies that he is only a passive recipient, then until he is acted upon, under what obligation 1:S he to obey?--or how is he cr iminal for disobedience?- Or if regeneration be obtained by the influence of light, independent of any direct agency from God; wlty may he not glory in man?- To discern, distinctly, these prominent traits in the character of man, viz. that he is a moral agent, dependant upon God" and still accountable to him, does not demand in a high degree the aid of philosophical, or metaphysical acumen; but only a common share of that wisdom wh1:ch is from above. Still this is, a subject which may be darkened by words without knowledge. Secondly. Missionaries need wisdom to discern what particular doctrines are best adapted to profit man, possessing the.character just described. I do not design to insinuate that all ~cripture is not profitable for doctrine. Still much truth may be spoken, in a way, in which no salutary impressions will be made on the minds of those who hear. ~Iuch may b" said upon ;the divine benevolenc.e, and no distinct thoughts left upon,the mind of the sinner of the holy character of God, in the -connection, in which he stands with him. Much may be said respecting the passion of Christ, and th'j principal effect pro-

7 6 duced be, that the sinner is moved away from ally distinct views of himself, as a dependant and accountable creature. It is no difficult thing to excite the passions, without producing any material alteration in the mora) character. General views of the whole system of Theology may, from time to time, be correctly and eloquently brought to view; the assent of the minds of those who hear, gained; their applause, upon the talents of the speaker, bestowed; and yet no individual brought from all the guilt and danger of speculative' unbelief. The duty of the sinner to repent and believe the gospel, a correct import of these duties may be pre3ented, and yet no individual apprehend that he is the person upon whom those duties devolve. Definite and eternal truth, then, should be presented to the mind of the sinner in a plain and faithful manner. The sinner is at ease and in danger; it is necessary to disturb his repose. He is ignorant of God; it is neeessary to inform bim, who He is. The sinner is disposed to resist the right which God claims of the affections of his heart, and the services of his lips; and it becomes necessary to point out the reasonableness of these requirements. Indeed, would you have men profited by hearing the gospel, you must speak to them; and invite and persuade them to look at their own hearts and lives under the light of the requirements and promises, prohibitions and threatenings of the law of God. A sight of themselves under the view of truth will tend to produce a conviction of wrong and guilt. Ask them, how this wrong can be canceled, and guilt removed, and they will not presume to say, by pressing forward in their sinful courses. They are convinced that it is time to stop. Nor will they say that by future obedience th~y can make amends for what is past. This they know is unlike a civil process, in a similar case. Grace is the only source to which they can look, and from which bope, that pardon and acceptance can proceed. Persons, thus convicted, see that free pardon and justification, proceeding from the death of Christ, meet the exigencies of their case, and the dis-

8 " 7 tinguishing mercy of God is unfolded to their view. Those sinners, whose minds are thus brought into contact with divine truth, no longer question the fact of their own depravity; their absolute need of regeneration, in order to enter the kingdom of heaven; the value of the atoning blood of Christ; or the sovereign grace of God that he has made them all that they are. Not to themselves, but to God they give the glory. These doctrines may sound harsh to the ear, polished only by human art; and be disrelished by the taste, refined only by human science; at them the stupid minds of the ignorant and wicked may revolt and spurn; nevertheless they have Leen proved to be the wisdom of God, and the power of God unta salvation, in thern who believe. There is no time in which, if they are arranged as the grace of God teacheth, they may not fall from the lips of the' preacher. But if there be any time, in which it is more suitable than in any other, to preach these doctrines, it is when God is pouring out his Spirit, and a revival of religion is enjoyed. Divine truth, preached in a discriminating manner, it is believed, is the choice instrument, which the Holy Ghost uses in commencing a revival of religion. This some believe,. who question the practicability of preaching it, unless it be in a cautious manner, after a revival has commenced. But this is a subject which deserves mature consideration. At what time -can you hope that the discriminating truths of the gospel will have a more salutary influence upon the minds of sinners than when waked up from the slumbers of spiritual death? When can you hope that they will have a more powerful tendency in forming sinful characters into the divine likeness? Missionaries need not fear speaking the whole truth plainly,. at any time, especially in a time of revival; let them keep no truth back; the tendency of which is to give sinners an insight into their own characters, the character of God, or the way of salvation by Christ. Let them not forget that (he wisdom of this world is foolishness with God.

9 Thirdly. Missionaries need wisdom, to know how to speak l!ieasonable words to the various characters of their hearers. It is no easy thing frequently to find the place in the mind of an individual, which you can approach, with eternal truth. Your task is still more difficult, when you consider the different construction of minds, and the various circumstances under which they are placed. To adopt the principle that a bow, drawn at venture; will always perform desirable execution, would be the height of presumption. It might wound those who ought to be comforted, and comfort those who ought to be wounded~ Some insight into moral character t especially some knowledge of the particular circumstances, under which the character has been formed, is very essential in order profitably to apply divine truth. The preacher has before him two (',hildren ; one brought up in the nurtnre and admonition of the Lord; the other, like the offspring of the ostrich, has been neglected. The minds of these ehiidren cannot be approached in the same way, or affected with the same truth. He has before him two young persons, one who has followed the example of Timothy, and learnt the scriptures; the other, the. example of Gallio, and cared for none of these things: their minds must be approached in a manner corresponding with their" different views and feelings. The speaker has before him the man, whose thoughts and affections are habitually engrossed with the things of the world; and the man, whose attention divine truth has arrested; the same train of thought cannot, to the same degree, be profitable to both. He "has before him the sluggish and the active christian: One needs to be warned, the other encouraged. I do not say that the preacher must always, so divide the word, that all these various characters may receive their portion at the same time; but he needs wisdom so to discriminate that they may receive their portion in due season. Missionaries, also, need wisdom so to present divine truth to various characters, that nothing false should be implied in

10 -What they say, and no impropel' consequences drawn therefrom, unless it be at the risk of the hearer. The doctrine of human depravity, without wisdom, may be s? preached that hearers will say, if this be true, we are destitute of any thing naturally amiable and interesting. We can neither think correctly upon truth or error. Sympathy for the afflicted we can no longer feel; aid to the needy no longer bestow; and a contiriuanc~', for years, in sin will make us no worse. But when this sentiment is taught as consisting in a moral CharaCter, unlike God, and in a love for thai character, such inferences, if drawn, are drawn at the sinner's own risk. The moral agency of man and his e~tire dependance upon God~ may be so preached, that sinners will say, that they can and cannot, a~d speak in a loud manner of absurdity and contradiction. But ask them if they move without God-if they breathe without God, and you gain a victory over their understandings respecting the very subject, with which they contend, and may safely leave them to settle the difficulty arising ~om their own inferences. Bring to the view of wicked men the sovereignty of God over all his creatures and their actions, and that this sovereignty is exercised in perfect accordance with his own purposes; then, probably, they will deny their accountability, and attempt to roll off their criminality: but inform them that their freedom" of action, for which they contend, and their accountability for the nature of their act'ions, are subjects included in the purposes of heaven j and thus leave them to the pinching conclusion, that, \vhile they reply against their Maker, their Maker has reason to find fault with them. To preach' upon these subjects is the duty of ministers. But when they are preached, wisdom is profitable to direct, lest satan and wicked men get the advantage. Again, Missionaries need wisdom to speak in a known tongue to the variety of ch~racters to whom they speak. Good thoughu. not unfrequent1y lose their principal' efficacy, by Dot being pi'operly clothed. On no subject do IDlnistel's, probably, mofa 5l

11 10 frequently err. And yet there are but few subjects in wliicfi:] difficulty may be avoided with so little effort. When you aim' to gratify a few cultivated minds, you will, probably, speak in. an unknown tongue to a large body of your hearers. If you aim to accommodate your language to the uninformed exclusively, you will be ill danger of descending to that which is' triring and ridiculous. In these ways all your labor is principally lost. But convey your thoughts in a style easily comprehended by a child well informed, and the refined ear wilt not be offended, nor the body of your hearers misunderstand: what you say. Fourthly~ ~l\fissionaries need wisdom in managing the affairs of the church of Christ. The church is far from purity..many of her eorruptions proceed from the enemy. He sows tares. Christians sometimes fall out by the way, and greatly disturb her peace. In various ways is the church brought into a state, requiring much to be done for her welfare. Correctly and faithfully to manage her affairs, is not so easy as may be apprehended at first view. To discriminate between sins of ignorance and wilfulness, requires wisdom. To make it appear that errors in faith, as well' as in practice, are criminal and censurable, is important. In cases of offence, to know how far charity ought to extend, that the offender be not unjustly treated; and when censure ought to begin, that the cause of Christ be not more deeply injured; requires all the aid of human sagacity. To pass through a course of discipline, and find it necessary to bring it to a painful close, and not say or do any thing, orr account of which, you will receive the reproaches of the-offender, if not of many of his,friends and foes; will be a lot, which seldom falls to the' man, who pleases God. A clear perception of those traits of character which are eslie~tial ill; candidates for admission into the church, is highly important. Errors, respecting this subject, invariably result in. trouble. A lo~g.and wqud.erful experience,. a high state of re--

12 '~igious excitement, stroug resolutions and unconditional prom -:ises of future amendment, made in the strength of the creature, tell but little in favor of the christian character. A hostile state of mind, towards some of the plain, but important doctrines of grace, after they are understood, argue: much against it. When forming ajudgment of the character of another, to 'err, on the side of charity, may be, in some cases, as danger -ous, if not as criminal, as to err on the side of bigotry. A can- -.didate for admission into the church, who disbelieves those -doctrines, which, in a clear manner,bring to his view the holy character of God, the sinful -character of man and the free way of salvation by Christ, exhibits a temper, which is suffi.cient to excite strong fears, that he has never been taught by -:the Holy Ghost. Charity, in her lovely nature, is disposed to make great allowance in fa\tor ofthe hoslile spirit, on account 'Of ignorance, former habits and prejudice. ~ut are not these -the vcry s ns, which, with others, the Almighty Spirit of Grace subdues 'and removes? Ignorance, sinful habits, and preju {lice, are sins. But when the Spirit comes, does He not reprove of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment? Does He not _teach all things? 'Vill you admit that holy men lta'de spoken, as they were moved by the Holy Gholrt, and now the minds of sinners are led by the sarne Spin:t to disbelieve what they have ~vritten? Is not this char-ity unauthorized 1 Too much haste in the admission of members into the church is another evil to be guarded against. The -course which a persons rulls, a few months after his hopeful conversion, the moral character which he exhibits, during this time, more de -cidedly evince the true state of his heart, than au he ean say, for days and weeks, immediately following his hopeful conversion. The moral character of the views and feelings of a person, is the most sure index of the state of the heart. Is sin hated CJ Is divine trutlt loved 1 Is a disposition shown to,deny se~(, ana, if called to it, to suffer, while performing i7lcum~

13 j,eni duty 'J Such a person may be lafely tnuted and greeted G8 a brotaer, or sister, in Christ. ~a"ing assigned SO~ reasons ~hy missionaries need wi8- dam, I proceed to a consideration of the second part of the text,-barmlu. as doves. To be harl1)less, evidently does not i~ply, that, ~hen compared wjtb their fellow men, missionaries should sink below their level, as it respects mind, or attainmp.nts. Nor does it imply1that they must be perfect. An end of this has long since been seen. To be harmless, implies soml'thing more, however, than an exemption from gross immoralities. Painful ind~ed is ~e thought that Heaven, in so many instances, has had occasion to ~~p, ~e chul'~h to mauro, and hel1 to rejoice, because gross ~moralities have been found connected with the ~nist~rial character. But there are traits of character, from ~hich, although not grossly immoral, the m~nister, if he would be hannless, should be exempt. Is he idle in his habits, fickle while prosecuting his plans, rash in his measures, irascible in h!~ t.e~per, oyerbearing in his intercourse, or witty in his expressions? He will do more or Jess harm. Missionaries are harmj,e,a, when, if they suffer, it is not for their faults, but for well doing. ~ufferings are their lot. They,nn come. If you be faithful to your 1\-1 aster, nothing need you fear less, than that woeful case when all men speak well of you. Especially, should ministers and missionaries be harmless in order to sustain a happy and useful connection with each other. There is a onen~ss in their work, their object and end. 'TAey, then, should be one. Wben this is not the case, harm is done to personal feelings, if Dot to the cause of Christ. You do harm whenever yo~ obtain satisfactory evidence of the fault, ~ faults of a brother, and d~ not tak~ such measures as the gospel directs to remove the evil. You may do harm to a brother and to the cause, by judging unfavorably of his meas-

14 ~res, and speaking of them, which come to you by report, without obtaining, in person, a knowledge of the whole case. You may do harm by speaking of the talents or piety of a brother, if you either under-value, or over-rate them. You do harm, when you exhibit to the world, or even harbor in your own breast, envy at the success or popularity of a brother; or jealousy, lest by well doing he supplant you in the affections of your friends. You may do harm, when you make the impression, that no great and good object can be successfully promoted, unless you first secure to your aid the influence of certain popular and useful men. This conduct seems not only to undervalue the gifts and graces of a large number of your brethren; but is an expression of a feeble dependence upon the influences of the Holy Spirit. You may do harm, whenever you appear to act as if the enjoyment of distinguished privileges, or literary distinctions, make men; and not men, under propitious Heaven, make themselves. Equality in our ecclesiastical government is a trait, which should be dulyestimated, fully acknowledged, and never overlooked. There is a sensibility in the mind of a minister,,susceptive of feeling from the slightest touch. If you would do no harm to others, as well as to the cause, it should ever be regarded. I remark again, that no harm may be done, a happy connection should be sustained not only between ministers of the,ame denomination; but between them, and ministers of different denominations. Ministers of different denomina~ons, l;vbo agree in the essential points in Theology, are spread over the gospel field. They should hail each other as fellow laborers. N ever allow the desire that fire might come down from Heaven and consume others, because they follow not with you. But that your intercourse with them, may be pleasant. to yourselves, and' profitable to the cause of Christ, two things are to be avoided. Studied neglect and undue attachments. Should you neglect them, they will have a favorable occasion to make use of your neglect to the injury of the cause of Christ. Should

15 ,on be unduly attached,' a liwe more experience may give YOIl,'the unwelcome information, that it has been at the expense ot your own peace and Zion~s prosperity. As things now are, the only safe course is, to let christians of different denominations.(10 their own work, in their own way, and be 1cft amenable to their own master. You may love as brethren, and let it cover, what seems to you, a multitude of faults. But between christian ministers there should be!lostrife. In the connection in which ministers stand with revivals of religion, they may do much harm. Revivals, arc seasons, which they ardendy desire to enjoy. Your desires may safe1y be increased, rather than abated. Yet your actio1ls relating to ;revivals may do harm. You are in danger of going, either too ftut or too slow. Your zeal should be regulated by sound discretion. To follow the footsteps of the great Shepherd is much more safe~ than to point out the path, in which He must tread. An effort, -unaided by Heaven, to get up a revival, savors both of vanity.and infidelity. In that part of this work, which man perform" be is not the efficient agent, but only the instrument. Arid after a revival has actually commenced, much harm may.be done. When efforts are made to excite the passions to a :degree, to which sober truth cannot be used and made sub.. -servient; wben those wboare the hopeful subjects of 'Conver.. :siod, are immediately encouraged to believe tljat they are ;christians, and are brought forward to act in public, and their llumber, when speken of, exaggerated, and a most extensive revival foretold to be certainly at hand,-the result of such measures may be unhappy. When meetings are needlessly multiplied, and beld to a late hour, when health is exposeij, and the wants of the body disregarded, unbappy consequences will, unavoidably, ensue. Could you ascertain, to a certainty, what are the grand causes of infidelity in our land, it is feared, that the manner in which l'evivals have been conducted, would be found to be one of the principal. Minds welj informed,

16 i5 antf.into them as well as the illiterate, has Infidelity infused its bane, turn with disgust from those exhibitions of religion,. which fail to present her in her true light. Did you know why revivals,. in so many instances, are of so short duration,. would you not find that the misjudged manner in which they have been conducted, is one of the principal causes? The same danger of doing harm exists in our public religious meetings. The meetings of the several County Conferences in this State, of the General Conference, and our prljtracted meetings, God has,evidently, in a signal manner, owned as instrumental of great good. These are seasons to he highly prized. But prudence and discretion are all important when engaged in subjects of such high concel'll. When, on such occasions, passionate addresses take the place of a clear elucidation of divine truth, and man is treated as a creatureof mere feeling, rather than of intellect; then you may fear our public meetings will sensibly degenerate. You live at a period of religious enterprise. Inventions multiply. Mere novelty sometimes has more attractions, than solid worth. But David t'alued the sword of Goliath more highly, because it had been proved. I ask, may there not be danger of making too free use of the invitation to enquirers to rise, for the purpose of enjoying the prayers of others? And may not the door to the anxious seats be made too wide? That circumstances may require such practices, I do not doubt. That they have been, in some instances, blessed, I do net question~ But if the novelty of such scenes is what produces the principal effect, as soon as that passes away, may not dangerous consequences ensue? Is there no danger that they will press. some forward, who eagerly embrace these privileges, into pla-: ces where the Holy Spirit will" never follow them; and serveto fortify the minds of some others, who sit by, against the truth? All those practices, the tendency of which is to leavethe impression that religion affects the mind, like.a mechanical operation, or a dramatic performance, should be faithfully

17 16 It is no difti~uli ptoved, before brought into common use. thing to make a noise, and excite animal feelings. But the mountains may rend, the thunder be heard, and the fire may be felt, and still the Lord be so far off, that no soul will sink into d~p contrition. The magicians, for a timp, sucessfuuy counterfeited the miracles of l\foses; and had no fire come from heaven, the sacrifice of the false prophets of Baal, would have been as complete as Elijah's. Much may be said and done, and but little felt. In our public religious meetings, the proper place for man is in the back ground, while truth./wuld be pruented in all the boldness and harmony of it, featurei. But lest I do harm, I cease, by observing, that I know of no one's'liability to' err more frequently than the speaker's. REFLECTIO~S. First. This subject affords matter for thought to an present, living in impenitency and unbelief. Fellow sinners, do you know that your "heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked!" Have you felt that you are "in bondage to sin," and ensnared in the "wiles of the de\ril," and " led captive at his will?" To bring this state to your view, and this connection in which you stand, your miriister has exerted all his skill and has frequently repaired to the mercy seat and asked God for more. But I ask, to what have all his exertions amounted? Have you not frequently felt that he was unsuccessful; and proclaimed the victory in your own favor. Has there not been some secret ca vern in sin, as you had been driven out oc others, to which you have retired and felt safe and strong, while divine truth has played around you, and faljen powerless at your feet? Still is there OOl a tie, which connects you with some forbidden object, which the sword of the Spirit has never cut? Well, you may reirlaio unmoved while time. lasts. You may bid defiance to all the wisdom of God and power of God exerted in your behalf. But this tie to sin will be sundered. The dissolution: or the world will prove how weak it is. If the light of truth'"

18 17 does not, yet the light of eternity will illumine your dark cuern, and show you how dismal it is. Yes, there it one,trongcr than the strong man armed, whom you m",' meet and 'WAO Aolds you accountable for au that you M'De done under Au rigmeou8 government. Fellow sinner, think of this, and "prepare to meet thy God." Secondly. You see, in what a responsible place, those are, who conduct the affairs of this society. Fathers and brethren, far be it from me to insinuate that you have not felt, to some good degree, your need of wisdom from above. The success, which, from the commencement of this society, has attended your efforts, is happy proof of this. It is evident also that, from year to year, the usefulness of this society has been increasing. But would not wme measures, rather than those you have adopted, have been more highly beneficial in securing the great object you have in view? Had your missionaries been uniformfy, wise as serpents and harmless as doves, would not their usefulness have been greatly increased, and much evil prevented? and in our anilual reports we should have infonned you, not only of the buds and blossoms in our respective fields of labor, but of abundant fruit and plentiful harvests! But perfect foresight into the character of man is out of the reach of finite minds. You have, undoubtedly, sought for good men; if you have failed, the principal blame fails on 113, rather than on you. Still the choice of your missionaries is a subject which involves consequences immensely important. What IUJI been, I know, cannot now be mended. It is already closed up for future scenes. 1\ly principal object is to speak a few words to the wise, which shall prove like goads. While conducting the future momentous concerns of this society, may your responsibleness be so felt, that, sinking under its weight, you become overwhelmed with the conviction that only the Almighty arm of Zion's Friend can sustain you, and his wisdom guide you. Thirdly. You have before you the important fact that this 3

19 IS MISSIONARY SbCIETY has stroog claims upon the highl)', favored churches of Christ. I ask you, Christian brethren, to look at their claims and feel them. This feeling is'dot to be obtained by a hasty, or partial \Tiewof the subject. Several subjects should be faitl(ully -considered. Ascertain the value of your real estates. Believe, that with tbe whole amount in your possession, you are bound to act, only in the character of stewards. Recollect too that " the silver and the gold are the Lord's." Pt'ize your gospel privileges. Consider, with you the stillness of the marniug of the Sabbath is interrupted by the sound 'Of the bell. And do you not know how David felt when he said, "my soul thirsteth for thee, my flesh lo1tgeth for thee, to see thy power and thy glory, so as I have seen thee in the sanctuary." Do you not know by bappy experience the value of the beaten oil for the sanctuary? Feel too that you might not forget au that Christ is to you, and to the world, you have set before you, at regular and stated seasons, emblems of his dying love, of whicb you partake. But the consideration of all these subjects will not show you all the claims that this society has upon you. While calcu Jating, you shoujd not lose sight of missionaries. Think of the value of what they have left, in order to go out and preach the gospel to the poor. Cast in your minds the amount of their labors, hardships and trials. Connect with this amount all the gratuitous labor performed by the Trustees and Officers of tbis aoeiety. Especially take home to your own bosoms n sense of the auiety and solicitude which they feel in view of their responsibleness. Still you are not prepared to feel all the claims which rest upon you. No, you must lose the enjoyment of your valuable privileges. You must bid them a long adieu. You must transplant yourselves in yonder wilderness. You must know by experience what it is to endure the labor, privations aud discouragements incident to the settlement of a new town ; and although. deprihd of the privijegea of the gospel, still retain

20 19 a keen relish for them. You must be able to look back upon months, if not years, in which you did not hear the voice of a nuolster. You must look over years in which you never sat around the sacramental board. You that are parents, must look upon your children, whose minds are rapidly forming for active life, and for dernity, who have never learnt any thing of the privileges of the house God, or of the value of the sacraments of Christ, only by what instruction has fallen from your own lips. In these circumstances, with all this information, you are prepared to feel in some measure the claims of this society. But by thus speaking have I not erred? Does charity need these excitements to call her forth to action? By her residence so long upon earth has she become sordid? Is her lustre dimmed? No, verily she is HE.-\VFN-BORN. "She is kind and never faileth." " She is easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good [mils." Is she not alarmed because she has been thus distressed? Is she not impatient, while held in this restraint? Is she not eager to show berself in her own native beauty? Admonished, theil, by what I hope are her feelings and designs I say no more; but lea\re her to act in view of the highest order of inspecting spirits around her, and of Him who said, " inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the leaat of these, my brethren, ye have done it UDto me."


22 Repol-t, Of the Tru8tees of the Maine Missionary Society at their Twenty fifth ilnnual Meeting in Wiscasset, June 27 th, Beloved brethren and friends : It is now just a quarter of a century, since the organization of this Society. The number of its original members was not quite forty; only a small proportion of whom survive. It now comprizes a little more than a thousand. In the first year of its operations, it had but a single missionary, and sustained him only 8 portion of the time. It now has in its employ sixty missionaries. The field of its operations oi\:,ooinally was limited. Its infhlence was not felt beyond this immediate vicinity. It now extends its efforts and operations allover the state; from the Schoodiac to the Piscataqua, ana from the skirts of the ocean as far as there are breakings-in upon the interior forests. It has accomplished nothing very momentous, in any single year; but it has been gradual Iyand unintermittingly extending its operations, efforts and influence. It has uniformly " Held on the noiseless tenor of its way." The missionary labors furnished withi."l the last year, "'ith their obatacles, encouragements and success, ace the proper subject of cont.emplation, at the present time; and this will necessarily bring under review every section of the State. Lincoln and Kennebec Counties. Within these limits, 13 missionaries have been employed. Rev. Nelson Bishop, at Clinton, and Rev. David Starrett, at Litchfield, each 14 weeks. Rev. Joseph Underwood, Augusta, N. Parish, and Rev. Samuel Talbot, Wilton, each 11 weeks. Rev. John A. Vinton, New Sharon, and Rev. Josiah G. Merrill, Woolwich, each 4 weeks. Rev. Daniel Lovejoy, Albion, Knox, Unity and Washington; Rev. Jacob C. Goss, Warren; Rev. Orcn Sikes, Union; Rev. Henry Richardson, Sidney; Rev. Isaac Rogers, Farmington; and Rev. William May, Winslow, 7 weeks each. And Rev. Simeoll Hackett, 6 weeks at Temple.Mr. Gou, whose appointment WIlS at Warren t has been called to la-

23 22 bor at Woolwich, where arrangements nre making, with aid from this Society, to sustain the ordinances of the gospel, the ensuing year; wul hopes are entertained, th9.t this waste place of Zion may be built up again. In consequence of this, Mr. Merrill, who was commissioned to supply at 'Voolwich, has been requested to perform the labors assigned to him, in another part of the vineyard. Four of the missionaries, employed in thj~ section of the State, huvc, within the last year, been settled in the ministry, in the places where they wele respecti\'ely employed ;-Mr. Richardson at Sidney; Mr. ~.ralbot at Wilton; Mr. Underwood at Augusta, North Parish; and Mr. Vinton at New Sharon. All these are feeble places; but such is their desire for stated religious worship, wld such their zeal, union and eftorts, that it is confidently believed, with promised aid from this Society for a limited time, they will be able ultimately to sustain the ordinances of God. Although some additions are made to almost all the churche8,!lnd some of the parishes are gradually gaining strength, yet no very material changes have taken place, in these fields oflabor, except at Temple. In regard to this place, the journal of!\fro Hackett, under date of J8th instant, states; "'rhough J am not permitted to report an extensive revival of religion, yet I can say, to the praise of Divine grace, we have seen good effected here. Our protracted meeting, which.-as held in November last, was 8 season of deep interest, and attended with happy results. On the last day, we had the happiness to witness more than twenty cases of seriousness, and 5 or 6 of hopeful conversion. For more than 8 week after the close C1f the meeting, nol a day passed by, Oll which some one of the anxious did not obtain hope. 26 have been added to the church; 4 by letter and 22 by profession. There are some othel'l!j in the society that have indulged a trembling hope, but have not yet made a profession. And now, though there is Dot all the deep feeling that there bas been, yet our meetings continue to be well attended, and so far sa I have the mealls of ascertaining, a good degree of harmony prevails in the cjiurch. 1 trust we feel thank ful to tbe Maine Missionary Society for their t1.ssujtadcc in time past, 8M.en 88 a desire for the continuance of their help. BrellirM, P"II!J for... " Hancock and Waldo Countiu. ld dub section of the State, there have been 9 missionaries. Rev. FerriBFitcb, Belfut; 1tev. Abel G. Doncan,Jaeksouud Brooka; and i.ev.. Sylvceter Clapp, Hampt.oD aod AmJlerst; each 14 weeks. Roy. John Sawyer, Swanville, 3 weeks; and succeeding him, in the lame place andviciaity, Mr. Alden Boyntoa,8 weeks. Rev. BonjaminSaw

24 23 yer, in the islands of the Penobscot Bay, and Rev. Jonathan Adams, Deer Isle; each 4 weeks. Rev. Manning Ellis, Brooksville, and Mr. George Brown, Mount Desert; 7 weeks each. In these counties, under the missionary operations, no extensive revival of religion has been experienced. In Belfast, there has been and still is, more than usual attention. Some accessions have been made to the church, and an increase in numbers and strength to the parish; but the pastoral relation, between Mr. Fitch and this people, which had existed one year and a half, wus, the last month, dissolved; so that they nre again, "as sheep scattered upon the mountains, having no shepherd." Of Brooksville, Mr. Ellis writes; "I have at times been led to think that a. cloud of di,oine mercy was hovering over us. And had I not been so often disappointed in such expectations, I should feel a confidence, thnt such R time was the present. I have never witnessed a great!;'r degree of apparent solemnity, and attention to the dispensation of divine truth. There is an increase in the subscriptions ofilie people, for the support of the gospel, as well as an increased effort to attend upon its ordinances. Things never have nppeared 80 encou11lging here, as at the present. And I doubt not, that within a few years, a comfortable support will be afforded to a minister here, without foreign aid." The mission of Mr. Ad:uns to Deer Isle, has issued in" arrangements for the permanent snpport of the go~pel by the people themselves." The labors ofm:r. Sawyer, ill the adjacent islands, were performed previous to the peri~d we are 9un' >ying; but his journal was not rendered, nor account adjusted, till within the present year. " There are pr~feaaors of religion, scattered over almost all these islands, and their destitute situation, as also that of the people amongwbom they reside, jmperiously calls for help." The little church in Hampton and Amherst, over which the mi:ssionnry, Mr. Clapp, WitS settled. as mentioned in the Report of the )!l~t year, contiuues to be under the patronage of this Society. () hun' been adunl to it, by profl'~~ion, which constitutes one tjiird of thf'ir whole number. Small in its beginning'8, springing up in the wild(>tnc811, scattered over n large territory, and distant more than 20 miles from ouy other 8ettlement or tho gospc>l, of the same order, it will still need fostcringcnrt.!. Dut" situated in the mic.1st ofnn increasing population, it ghocs promise of being a growing ul!d durable f'sto.blishment." Washington and Penobscot Counties. Here 12 missionaries have been employed. Rev. Allron B. Churcfty

25 24 Calais; Rev. Wakefield Gale, Eastport; Rev. Bennet Roberts, Perry; and Rev. Gilman Bacheller, Machias Port; each 14 weeks. Rev. Robert Crosset, Dennysville and Pembroke, 13 weeks. Rev. Nathan 'V. Sheldon, Milo, 4 weeks. Rev. Josiah Fisher, Orono; Rev. Thomas 'Villiams, Foxcroft and Williamsburg; Rev. Stephen H. Loper, Hampden; Rev. Joseph B. Stevens, Hoult-on; and Rev. Joseph R. Munsell; Passadunkeag; each 7 weeks. And Mr. Cyril Pearl, 6 weeks at Di~ont. 'Vi thin these limits, the wonderful goings of God, in many places, have been seen. The Holy Spirit has come down" like rain upon the mown grass, and showers that water the earth." The journal of Mr. Crosset, who has the pastoral charge of the church in Dennysville and Pembroke, states: "The work of grace, which commenced here a year ago, continued to mo\fe forward silently, but gaining strength as it advanced, till the commencement of our protracted meeting, in August last. Something like 14 or 15 had obtained hope in Christ, previous to the meeting; but during the meeting, and a few days afterward, the work was very powerful and peculiarly interesting. Something over 50 persons became the hopeful subjects of the revival. This is but a small number, compared with what is seen in many other places; but it must be recollected that the population of both towns is but a little more than 800. At Dennysville, the revival produced a very great change. There are now comparatively but few adults; who are not hoping in the mercy of God. There have been added to the church, since the commencement of the revival, 42 persons; and there are probably 12 or 14 more, that will unite with us before long." Mr. Gale writes from Eastport: "The number belonging to this little church has increased to 57; which is about one third more than composed my entire congregation at first. During the past year, we have witnessed with pleasure a growing interest in the use of the means of grace, and we have been lvored, more than ever before, with the influences of the Holy Spirit. Since my last nnnunl communication, 26 have been received to the church; 1 by letter,25 by profession. Nearly 30 we Lope have been brought to a saving knowledge of the }ruth, in this society; besides those, (ilis not known how many) belonging to other denominations." The last commwlication from Machias Port, stated that "31 had been added to the chnr(;h, under the ministrations of Mr. Bacheller, and that the state of things was still interesting." Some additiolls also were made to the churches in Calais and Perry. Houlton is, in many points of view, n very important stand for mission8ry operations. The United States' troops stationed there have

26 25 no chaplain, and the place is more than 100 milel distant from aby t!s.. tablishment of religion, within our own territories. Sustaining the ordinances of religion there, may Lave all extensive and salutary influence upon the surrounding region; a region fertile in its soil, and rapidly increasing in population. Mr. Stevens 'was appointed tkere for the last year, and has yielded to their solicitations to return to them. The extract from his journal, which follows, will show more particularly the condition of the people. "Previous to my going to the place, the people had been, much of the time for twenty-five years, destitute of the preaching of the gospel. They were in the woods, and none came to break unto them the bread of life ; except occabionally some one tarried long enough to preach a single sermon. There were a few, however, in the place, that seemed to have some realizing sense of their situation; saw their great need of the stated ministration ofretigion; and were wi1ling to make efforts to secure it. By the assistance of the U. S. troops stationed there, they were enabled to obtain Bubscriptions, to the amount of about 300 dollars, towards sustaining the ordinances of religion, for one year. Some good has manifestly resulted from tills arrangement. It is seen in the increased interest in the preaching of the gospel, on the Sabbath; in prayer meetings j in the Sabbath School and Bible class; and in the temperance reformation. I have preached once on the Sabbath to the U. S. troops, during the year. The commanding officer of the post, with other officers, used their influence in introducing and sustaining meetings among the soldiers. Both officers and soldiers have appeared much gratified and interested, in having the privilege of hearing the gospel preached. A temperance society was formed among the soldiers, about a year since, amid much opposition, consisting of 13 members. It has since increased to rising of 100. Since the formation 'Of the temperance society, 6 soldiers have become hopefully pious; and a few others are seriously inquiring, what they shall do to inherit etemallife. The monthly concert is observed by a few who appear to take a deep interest in the meeting. There are two Sabbath schools in Houlton; one in the garrison, the other Ilmong the citizens. Both are in very successful opcration. tt Mr. Pearl's appointment was at Dixmont. Besides preaching, actending conferences and prayer meetings, and visiting from house to bouse, he "gave four lectures on Sabbath schools, one on Temperance~ and two on Education and Common Schools." His joumal states; " Although there is much diversity of opinion here, on the subject of religion, there is more union of feeling among the people, as citizeu and neighborliil, than is usual insucb circumstances. There is an ~1Nl- 4

27 26 sual degree of industry, order and prosperity, generally prevalent among the inhabitants; and an interest rapidly increasing in the edueation of the young. All these circumstances, viewed in connexion with the present desire 'Of attending worship, lead to the hope that the time is not far distant, when a temple shall be erected for the sen'ice of God, und a minister of Jesus called to officiate within its walls." In Foxcroft, which, together with 'Villiamsburg, was the scene of M'r-. Wlliiams's labors, the Lotd has appeared in his glory to" build up, Zion. His journal states; "Tlw Lord hath done great things for us, in this place. The whole number of those who have indulged hope. during the revival, is rising of 100. Upwards of 30 have joined our church." Somerset and Oxford Counties. Here, 13 missionaries have been laboring. Rev. Thomas Ayer, 14 weeks at Albany; Rev. Anson Hubbard, Monson; Rer. Hermon Stinson, Weld; Rev. Henry White, Gilead; Rev. Charles Soule, Hiram, Brownfield and Denmark; Rev. Josiah Tucker, 1\1 adison and Anson; Rev. William C. Greenleaf, Andover; aud Rev. Daniel Libby,. Dixfield; each 7 weeks; Re\'. Josiah Peet, Norridgewock and Mercer; Rev. Henry A. Merrill, Norway; Rev. Isaac E. Wilkins, Fairfield; and Mr. Weston B. Adams, New Portland, Kingfield and Freeman, each 4 weeks; and Rev. George W. Fargo, 5 weeks, at Solon~ In this section, two of the missionaries have been settled as pastors of the churches, where they were laboring; Mr. Libby at Dh:field, and Mr. Greenleaf at Andover. Of the latter place, the journal of the missionary states: "During the year, there has been a regular attendance on the means of grace; some have been anxiously inquiring, and a few have obtained hope. The Sabbath school has been well supported. and has received evident tokens of the Divine favor. All who have indulged hope in Christ, and au who have been in any considerable degree anxious in regard to their spiritual interests, were connected with it, either as teachers or scholars. We have received an accession to our communion, of 13;. 2 by letter and 11 by profession; and expect 8e\' eral others to join us soon." Some "tokens for good" have been witnessed, under the ministra tions of Mr. White at Gilead. "The work WQS powerful and glorious,. though of short continuance. Number of hopeful converts, about 30, of whom 19 have joined to the church." the churches of Hiram, Brownfield and Denmark, are under the,.toral care of Mr. Soule; who writes, under date of 20th instant; ""The ~ionar.r statior with which I am connected, has in commoll

28 27 )ltlth many other places in this vicinity, experienced Borne manuehtations of the Divine favor, during the past yelll'. The number of hopeful converts is about 40. 'fhe churches have received an accession of IS; 1 by letter and 17 by profession, and one stands propounded." The church in Albany, few and feeble, has not been wholly passed by, in this season of revivals. Mr. Ayer writes: "During the last year I have had some evidence more than usual, that I have not labored wholly ill vam. 13 by profession and 1 restored, have been added to -cur communion, within the year. There are several more who indulge a hope, and ~ome of them will probably soon come forward." In Weld also, "though they have been blessed with no special revival, yet a number of individuals have, during the year, been awakened in some good degree to a sense of their guilt and danger; a few of whom have'hopefully submitted to Christ. 9 have been added to the church j which it; the only change that has taken place, in regard to its numbers." Mr. Adams, whose appointment was at New Portland, Kingfield and Freeman, from want of health has not yet performed the labors assigned him ; and the churches in that missionary field have been left &1ll0!5t wholly destitute, having., hlld but two Sabbaths preaching during the year." At Fairfield, under the ministrations of ~{r. Wilkins, "during the past year, a part oft11e time, thp, state of religion has been quite interesting, though no special attention exists at present. A number have indulged hope, and a few have joined to the church." l\lr. Tucker's appointment was at Madison and Anson. Of the former place he remarks: "Though we have not had a revival of religioll, several individuals have become the hopeful subjects of renewing grace. There are 6 or 7 persons of this description; though but one of them has yet united with the church. During the past yeu, moreover, my people have made efforts to have preaching three-fourths of the time, instead of one halt; as heretofore. Our little church and society were never more united, than at present. On the whole, therefore, though we have much to lament among us and around us, still we are encouraged to go on our way rejoicing, not despising the da,y of small things." In Solon, the journal of Mr. Fargo records a work of grace, under his ministrations. "The past year has been a year of the right hand of the Almighty. He has remembered his Zion, in her low estate. There appeared no particular manifestation of the special presence of God, till the latter part of August. Soon after this, several were found deep Jyanxious. A meeting for inquiry was appointed, and continue~ fr~m

29 28 week to week, increasing from 6 to upwards of 50. A few were l'ejoicing in the hope of pardoning mercy, and many were borne down under a Bense of guilt and exposure to eternal ruin. A protracted meeting was notified, to commence on the 20th of October. This meeting was looked forward to, with great interest; it being the first of the kind ever held in the county. Of its nature, many among us were ignorant j and of its tendency many were doubtful. When the time arrived,neighboring brethren in the ministry, devoted to the work, afforded their assistance. As the meeting progressed, the interest increased. This held good to the close of it, which was on the 4th doy, in the concluding services of the Sabbath. Many had their strength renewed; many had their dying graces revived and their souls refreshed; many thoughtless sinners were awakened; and about 20, during the meeting, were hopefully brought to see, admire, submit to, and rejoice in, the truth and salvation of the Redeemer. Between 40 and 50 are the hopeful subjects of conversion. 29 have united with the church and several others will probably soon offer themselves for admission Among the' hopeful converts, there were 3 teachers and 10 scholars, in the Sabbath school.-i have spent a part of the time, in the north section of the town. A few here have been sharers in the work. Also a portion of time, at Madison Mills. 4 or 5 persons there, were made partakers in the blessing. And a few Sabbaths I spent at Cornville; and assisted in the organization of a church, and administered the Lord'ti Supper. This few and feeble band seem willing and determined to do, what in them lies,' to support the ordinances of the gospel; but they certainly need, and earnestly desire aid from the missionary society." Monson is one of the out-posts of the Redeemer's kingdom. The organization of a church was at the first settlement of the place, and their first communion at the table of the Lord, as soon as there was a sufficient opening in the fore!t. Though ~few and feeble, with aid from abroad, they have enjoyed the stated means of religion, most of the time from that period. The last year has added to their numbers and strength. Mr. Hubbard, who has the pastoral care of the church, in n coliununiation, under date of 9th instant, thus represents their condition. ~Our County Conference held its meeting here, last August, and continued 3 days. Previous to this, we were encouraged to hope, from the deeper tone of piety manifested in the brethren, and from the spirit of prayer excited, that we should be favored with a special, reviving seoson. The impemtent also, seemed to look to the occasion, with unusual interest. Most of the converts, since, in giving the relation of their experience, have stated that they had fonned the resolution to give J;heir attention, at that timo, to the business of making their peace with

30 29 God.-On the last day of the meeting, the church solemnly renewed their covenant; and 5 were added to their number; 1 by profession and 4 by letter. When the communicants took their seats, and the rest of the congregation withdrew to the side pews, it was an awful representation of the final separation -at the judgment. All seemed to feel the imprdssion. This was more effectual, in fastenin~ conviction upon the minds of the impenitent, than all the preaching. It became now manifest that the Holy Spirit was in the midst of us. An inquiry meeting was appointed in the evening, ot which, 10 or 12 of our people, with others from abroad, attended. These gave evidence, soon after, that they had found a Saviour.-The results are, that 2G have been gathered into our church; 10 by letter and 16 by profession; some have joined another denomination, and some remain, whom we charitably hope are christians." The appointment of Mr. Peet was at Norridgewock and Mercer.- Of the latter place he states: "The church here is in a pleasing state, though it has not enjoyed a revival of religion. 3 or 4, however, have obtained hope, and 8 added to the church; two by letter, and 6 by profession, whose hopes were of longer ~tanding. They are making increasing efforts, from year to year, to supply themselves with the preaching oftne gospel." Of Norridgewock he observes: "A revival ofreligion has been in silent, yet gradual progress through most of the year. It commenced in a Bible Class, about a year since, and by various me8.ils was continued and increased till in the winter, when it received a new" impulse by means of a protracted meeting of six days, which was a deeply interesting, and it is believed, a profitable season. As the results of this work of grace, christians have been refreshed and quickened, the spiritual state of the church improved, 20 added to its members, and others still indulging hope in Christ." There remain only the Counties of York and Cumberland. Mr. Gunnison was settled at Lyman, under the auspices of this Society, in May of the last year. His journal, under date of 15th inst. presents the condition of his parish, since that period. '.rhe following is an extract. "For nearly two years past, the Spirithas been descending, like rain npon th('l mown grass, and showers that water the earth. But, it is only about one year since we have witnessed a general revival of religion. At the time to which I allude, our semi-annual Conference was holden in this place; to the exercises of which God was pleased to add his blessing, and to use them as a means of extending, 'Ilwakening and multiplying converts, through all this region~ Since which period, we have had occasion to say continually, 8UTely God is in

31 30 fail place. 'Ihe reswt, as it regards our church, is, the reception of 106 members, during the year; more or less having been received at every communion; 2 by letter, 104 by profession. Besides, there is hopeful evidence of piety in quite a number who have not yet made public profession ofreligion.". Tbe labots of Mr. Fuller at Kennebunk, have been blessed of the Lord. 'J.1he" addition of23 to the church, 5 by letter, and 18 by profession, and the number of hopeful conversions about 35;" as also some accessions to the parish, in numbers and strength; give them ground for confidence in their own ability henceforward to support the ordinances or~. The pledge for aid closes with the coming year; and we donbt not, as they have never furgotten, in their feeblest state, the sacred duty and inestimable privilege of giving, that they will, in eomingtime, doubly repay to the Treasury of your Institution, all thu has been expended, in enabling them to rise flom small beginnings to their present increased and extended establishment. To Limington also, the scene of Mr. Page's labors, pledge for aid closes with the coming year. Under date of 14th instant, he writes: "For six or eight months past, religion may be said to have been low; and indeed, 8uch it is at the present moment. Previous to that however, late in the "SPring and the former part of SUlDmer, we were favored with a short season of more than usual interest. A protracted meeting, held about this time, was blessed to the awakening ofa Dumber of souls; several of whom subsequently indulged.hopes of baving passed from death unto life. 8 have united with the church, anel a few others are expected soon to come forward. The people were never more desito~s of'having the ordinances of religion continued to them, than at present; and never more willing to do what they can to sustain them; but they are few in number and small in resoureec. Thougb the things that were ready to die, when your missionary came to this place, have been greatly strengthened by the blessing of God, yet I, am persuaded that the work.of building up what rna)' be called a large and flo~ishing society here,must be a gradual work. For the aid we have received, we are sincerely thankful; and it would heartily rejp1ce us, if instead of receiving, ours were the greater blessing of giving liberally to help fotw8l'dthe glorious enterprise. But as circumstances are, w~mustsubmit to,stand in the place of supplicants." In llebroji and West Minot, under the ministrations of Mr. Gooch, the progress of religion has been more marked, than at any previoub 8e880n.. Hisjournlll states:." Nothing unusual trlulspirecl,untilat the elose of a protzactedmeeting in September last; except-that there was an evident!waking up in the ~hprch. They began to be more engaged

32 31 and interested than usual; and seemed in some degree prepared for If blessing. During the meeting tht're was unwonted solemnity; but nothing further than this, till the last day, which was tht' Sabbath. Then the Lord was with us with his Spirit and his blessing. Sinners were now led to see themselves, to become convinced of sin, and with anxiety to enquire, what must I do to be saved? There was interesting attention, during the autumn; and from 20 to 30 indulged hope in Christ; 17 of whom have united with the church; and a few more, we are hoping, will join us in future. Of those who have obtained hope, several are teachers and scholars in the sabbath schools, which institution recommenced its operations with flattering prospects, the present year." In Poland, where "sickness and death have visited many families, there have also been signal favors. While some have died and entered into rest, others, it is hoped, have been raised from the dead to supply'thrir places in the church on earth. Ten have been added to the communion." Mr. Bacon writes from Sanford, under date of 22d inst.-" The Lord has blessed the ministration of the word hetp., the last year, Thirty three have been added to the church. Weare now holding a protracted meeting, and there are 8ymptoms of a revival again of God's work among us; consequently, I cannot be with you next week, 88 I designed, at our annual solemnities. The additions to our church have been few at 8 time. We have not had a communion, for over tw(} years, without some who have, for the first time, sat down at the tableof our Saviour." Scarborough was literally one of the wastes of Zion. In the settlement of Mr. J wneson, and since that time, during several years, the people have received aid from different sources, in sustaining the ordinances of worship. Promised aid from this Society closes with the present meeting. It is gratifying to the Trustees, as it will be to air who contribute to their funds, or are interested in the success of their efforts, to learn that the timely aid afforded has issued in the permalient establishme'lt of christian ordinances. The following is an extract from the journal of the pastor, of the labors and successes of thepast year. "With numerous other societies we would record, and remember with gratitude, the special goodness and merey of 'God manifested to us. We have seen a day of God's power; and many sinners, ~e trust, have become his willing subjects. I might mention many loteresting facts, conneeted with the work of grace, which has been wrought here; 'but it is not necessary,in this day ofrevivals. Some,farione in the ways of ruin" have been reclaimed, IUVl hopefuuy brought

33 32 to the feet of Jesus. The church has been enlarged by the addition or 45 members, 2 by letter and 43 by profession. The spiritua~ity of the church has been greatly increased. Within the past year, several family altars have been erected by persons who have long had a standing in the church. Heretofore, a religious meeting could not be sustained without the presence of the minister. Now, a weekly prayer meeting is kept up by the church, with interest and profit. Indeed, the faee of society among us wears quite a new moral aspect. The whole number of hopeful converts may be reckoned at nom 60 to 70. We expect to receive a number at our next communion. Our Sabbath School has received a new impulse. The teachers are all pious, and the number of scholars has considerably increased; several of whom have been hopefully renewed in the temper of their minds. More than two thirds of my ordinary congregation give evidence of a change of heart. A number of individuals, with laudable zeal, ha,,-e commenced and will complete in a few weeks, suitable buildings for the accommodation of a minister. The people are detennined to make an effort to support the gospel among them. Thus it is seen, that assistance afforded here has not been in vain in the Lord. The Maine Missionary Society, witlr other similar charitable institutions, has been instrumental in the }mods of God, of saving this church from utter extinction, and of bringing many souls, in this place, into the kingdom of the Redeemer." The preceding statements embrace the operations of the year. The whole number of the missionaries is 00. Of these, 11, (Rev. :M:essrs~ Thomas Ayer, Gilman Bacheller, Nelson Bishop, Aaron B. Church,. Sylvester Clapp, Abel G. Duncan, Ferris Fitch, Joseph Fuller, Wakefield Gale, Bennet Roberts, and David Starrett,) are commissioned and to be paid by the American Home Missionary Society; (to which this is auxiliary;) and the remaining 49 are sustained from the funds of this Institution. There appears abundant and gratifying evidence of the untiring labor3 and devotedness of those employed in the Society's service; and their success, in the number of bopeful conversions- and in the accessions totbe churches, has altogether surpassed what has heen witnessed at any former a.nniversary. The number of hopeful converts reported, under the missiooary ope1'atiolls is rising of 800 ; and the additions to the churches between five and six Imndred. Some of the missionaries, indeed, have been called to labor, where the field of their operations bas been like the mountains of Gilboa, where there is no rain nor dew ; or like the barren heath that knoweth not when good cometh; but a great portion of them have been uilowed to witness and record the wonderful goings of God. And these maplaya of mercy have,been in every aection of our territory. The fiel~

34 indeed, has not been all cultivated. Far from it. But or this Society, it may be said, (with the means confided to its trust,) "it has done what it could." It has furnished, in the period we are now surveying, including the missionary senices of the corresponding secretary, the amount of10 years of gratuitous ministerial labors. And by the contributions of the people in feeble places, to the same object, in aiding themselves, it has indirectly furnished more than twice that amount. But it would have done more. The 'l'rustees authorised the Select Committee, if in their judgment the funds of the Society would justify it, to employ, in addition to these appointments, three missio~aries for the whole time; two on the borders of the Penobscot, and one on the borders of the Kennebec; to take charge generally of the destitute churches, and also to extend their efforts up as far as there were any breakings-in upon the wilderness. The Committee neglected to do this, solely from the fear, that by such a movement they should plunge the Society in debt and embarrass its future operations. In the appointments they have made, it was seen in the beginning oflast month, that two thousand dollars were yet to be realized, to meet the present occasion. If what has been received since, and what is brought to this meeting, and what may be raised during this anniversary, shall enable the Trustees to redeem their pledges, it is as good as their hopes, and better thm their fears. But, a nobler spirit is manifestly waking up, in regard to this department of christian effort. One church has pledged itself to sustain some feeble stand, to the amount of 100 dollars, without lessening its contributions to other objects; and thus far relieving this Society from its responsibility. Another church has given encouragement ofsustaining one missionary, to the same amount. The missionary is ready to enter upon these services; and is one in whom the Trustees place entire confidence. And a third church has pledged still more than either, for a larger field of operation. Now, if these examples are copied generally by the churches that have wealth; and there are many that have wealth. Not rich, like the men of this world who count their millions. But they have wealth. The Lord has blessed them with an increase of numbers and an increase of substance; and they are abundantly able to carry forward, in its fuji extent, this noble enterprise. What it! wealth good for, but to do good with? If such examples are followed by all the churches that have ability; they, to whom this Society shall commit the direction of its future operations, will be able to accomplish far more; (it they do not depend too much upon their own increased exertions, and forget the declaration of their Lord ; " Without me ye can do nothing ;") they will be enabled to accomplish far more, than has been accomplished, in times that are One by. Already 100, of the 170 churches in the State, hnve received aid from the fundi of 5 Yale Divinity Library New Haven, Conn.

35 34 this Institution; and {llore than half of t.he pastors of the chuj'ehes, either before their settlement or since, have been in its employment. Of the 15 8ettlements, that bave taken place since the last anniversary, 9 look to this Society for a portion of the means necessary to sustain their respective establishments. We have been in the habit, hltherto, of depending upon the National Society for the support of a portion of our feeble churches; and we are the only state in New England that Joes this. "These things ought not, (auy longer,) to be so." 'Ve have means enough, and ought to have selfdenial and charity enough, to c8.rjiy forward all our own establishments. That Institution has many and loud and imperious calls upon it; many more than it can meet. Its resowces~ were they increased tenfold, ~re all needed to the West and to the South. The American Home Missionary Society, with its various auxiliaries, has between five and six hundred missionaries, in our vast extent of country. The General Assembly ofilie Presbyterian Church has, within the same limits, a little more than balfas many more. Bnt" what are they among so many?" These, with all the aid furnished by other christian denominations, must leave much of the ground waste and uncultivated. And when we look abroad in the world, of what vast portions of territory and countles~ multitudes of inhabitants, may it &till be said, "Darknpss covers the earth, and gross darkness the people!" The church has on]y begun its operatiqns. A new spirit must be waked up throughout christendom; a deeper tode of piety excited; more fervent prayers and supplications offered up to him who has " tbe balancings of the clouds" and with whom is '~the residue of the Spirit;" far more extensive efforts and sacrifices made; and much more treasures expended; in order to the fulfilment of the great command, to c, preach the gospel to every creature." The Trustees are unwilling to conclude tbis Report, without adverting to tbe affecting providence of God, which, has, within die last year, remo T~d two of their own body to the darkness and silence ofthc'grave. Mr.. P.ike,... though clothed with no professional character to give him influence, and having no superior advantages of education, was an efficient ~wojker in the vineyard of the Lord. Besides the inter~&t he took in this Institution, (and when his eye surveyed the wastes of Zion, it always affected his heart'and called forth his efforts,) he viewed with parent.also Hcit.u«e the cause of. Sabbath Schools. The rising generation, " the hope orman," shared largely-in his time and talents and prayers and influence. The schools in the place of his residence, and extensively in the vicinity, willlof!g remember hie wakefulness to their interests, and Ius efforts for their prosperity. Though busied in. the common cares of the world, his heart was eminently devoted to the interests of the Redeemer's kingdom. No man could adopt with more propriety, the language of an apostle: '~The life which I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of Daniel Pike, Esq. late albangor.

36 S5 God, who loved me and gave himself for me." As he lived, so he died. His expiring language was; (and it wa~ characteristic of his life; it was in keeping with the whole tenor of his course; his" ruling passion, strong in "death ;") his e1:piring language was, in view orhis Redeemer; "1 sluiu he like h~m,for I shallsu him as he is." The' nllme of JENKINS* is incorporated with all the benevolent operations of the day. His removal, in the midst of life and usefulness, will long be felt, as a heavy stroke, by the church of God. His efforts contributed largely to the formation and the sustaining of that system of County Conferences of Churches, which has, under the blessing of heaven, been the m strument of so much good; and which issued in the organization of" The General Conference of Maine," whose anniversary is celebrated on this occllsion.. His amiable disposition and "excellent spirit" commanded the esteem and conciliated the warm affection of many friends. A mind of a high order, a fine taste and discriminating judgment, under the dijectiqn ofa heart,,<arm!y devoted to his Master's cause, prepared him to exert an extensi ve and salutary influenct' upon the interests of our Zion. Buthe is gone; gone forever; lost to us and lost to the world. But not lost to God, and the ~htier interests of the universe. He has gone to" repose, to deep repose;"- " Far from the unquietness of life, from noise And tumult far, beyond the flying clouds, Beyond tbe stars, and all this passing scene, Where change shall cease, and time shall be no more." So we 8.!'e all wasting away. The places that now know us, shall SOOI1 know us no more forever. Let us be mindful of the wise mm's admonition: Whatsoe'Der thy hand findeth to do, do it tljith thy miglt; lor tl..en is no work, nor,u."ice, nor /..'1WVJlulge, nor wisdom, in the gran, vhiu&ar thou gout.".) Rev. Charles Jenkins, late pastor of the 3d ohureh, Portland.

37 lfta..lne 1tIISSIO!WARY SOCIETY. The following sums were received into the Treasury of the MAINE MISSIONARY SOCIETY,.since the publication of the last annual Report, July [NOTE. Wherever half cents occur in sums received, they are credited on the books of the Treasurer, but omitted in this Report.] From a friend in Kennebunk- land, dona. pr. hand of Mrs. Port, to constitute H. Clark, Isaac Smith, 6 of that town, a lifemem- From friends in Cape Elizab'h. ber, $20 pro hand of E. Webster, jr. Miss Sarah Little, Danville, to const. Rev. Caleb Bradannuity, 1831, 2 ley of We at brook, a life roo 20 Miss Hannah Little, do. do. 2 Mrs. Rebecca Hale, Bridgton, Rev. Thos. Tenney, Standish, dona. (sub. pr haud of J. to con. himself a life memo Perley) 1 rcontributed by himself and For divldend on stock in Comfriends] 20 berland Bank, 18 Mrs. M. P. Tenney, an. 1831, 2 Mrs. Lawton, Passadunkeag, 1 Miss Sarah Tenney, do do 2 Jacob McGaw, Bangor, alln. U Mary E. Tenney, do do , 1832 and part of Archelaus Lewis, Westbrook, Winthrop B. Norton, Oxford, donation, 5 dona. sub. to const. himself Wm. Lord, Portland, an. 1830, 2 a life member, 20 Elijah Wood, Winthrop, ann. Falmouth Female Miss. Soc. 1831, pr hand Elisha Morse 2 Miss. Betsey _Merrill, Tn as. Cont. in Rev. Mr. Hooker's pro hand of Mrs. P. E. Mersociety, Wiscasset, rill, donation, From ladies in Rev. Mr. S. H. For interest on Nelte V8. Jona. Keeler's church and soc. S. Fessenden, &. ai. pr hand of Berwick,lo constitute him W. Fitch, 12 a life member, 20 Mrs. Hannah H. Smith, Ban- Sam'l. Clark, jr. Gorham, an. gor, an. 1831, and Ditto, donation, 3 James Irish, do. an Joseph Decker, Alnat.~.1831J Toppan Robip., do. nnn.i828, pr hand Rev. Mr. Harris, 2 1~9, ll:i:30 and Rev. M. T. Harris, Alna, an. Calvin Edwards, do. ent , 2 D. W Lord, EsCJ,. Kennebunk Judah Dyer, GraYtdonation to Port, to constitute Mrs. L. Permanent fund, per hand A. Lord, hia wife, a member I orrev. Mr. Riggs, for life 20 Bath Fem. Cent soc. Mrs. El- Meur. G. &. G. Hark, Port- lingwood, Tr. a temiudual

38 37 I pa.yment, pr ha.nd of Rev. From missiona.ry box, kept In A. Cummings, 15 Henry Jackson, Portland, an. a family in Sebago, pr hand of Rev. Noah Emerson, , From Benj. Southworth, Win- 2 Rev. Noah Emerson, Baldwin, his sub. to constitute Dr. throp, ann. 2 Whitney, of Baldwin, a life Cont. 10 Rev. Mr May's soc. I member, 20 Winslow, 5 58!IRev. Isaac \Veston, Cumber- Horace Wilder, Dixmont, don. 1 land, ann. ]830 and 31, 4 Miss S. M. Wilder, do. don.] Contrib. in R~v Mr Duncan's IMrs Hannah H. Smith of Bangor, to con. Geo. Starrett of parish, Jackson and Brooks, 3 20 Bangor a life member, by John Greeley, Swanville, don. 1 hand of Geo. A. Thatcher, 20 Lady, do do 50 Female Benevolent So. Bath, Lady, do do 50 Mrs Phebe Marsh,Treas. by Farmington Fem. Miss. Soc hand of Rev. J. W. Elling- Mrs E. l" Rogers, Farming- wood, 23 ton, ann. 2 Mrs Hannah H. Smith of Ban- Friend, Rev. J. B gor, to constitute herself & Augustus Alden, Hallowell, ent 1 I Dan'J Pike of Bangor, life Contrib. West Gardiner, 3 12: members, by hand of Geo. Thomas Adams, ClWtine, an. 2 I Starrett, 40 Female Miss. Soc. Camden, Wm. Warren of Waterford to Mrs. Sanford, Treas. 7 95' constitute himselfa life m. Fem. friend of missions, Warren, 1 by hand of Rev. J.A. Doug- lass, 20 Timothy Carter, Bethel, an. 2 Rec'd in a letter post-marked Eli TWitchell do an. 2, Brunswick, April 11, 1832, Dea. Robbins Brown do ent. 1 I dona. 14 Levi Stowell, DixfieJd, ent. 1 Betsey Perkins,Topsham,dona Stephen Howes, N. Sharon ent 1 I by hand of Rev. lur Hawes, 5 Sam'!. Wyman, do. ent. 1 Bath Female Cent Soc. Mrs Contribulton in Pittston, 10 03; Ellingwood, Treas. 24 Female miss. soc. Edgecomb, 1 57 James Crosby, Bangor, an. 2 T. Phillips, amountofinterest Jacob McGa.w, do do. 2 on his notes for 1831, W.D.Williamson, do do 2 Female Miss. soc. Thomaston 4 John Barker, do do 2 Stephen Coker, Alna, (\liz. bal. Stephen Crosby, do do 2 of subscription,) 3 John Pearson, do do 2 In part to constitute h.ijnself Abner Tay lor, do do 2 8. life member, 10 Caleb Billings, do do 2 Mrs Rice, Winslow, to consti- Levi Cram, do do 2 tute herself a life member, 20 Joseph C.Lovejoy, do do 2 Wm. McLellan, Warren, to TllOmas A. Hill, do ana. up constitute himself a life m. 20 to 1832, 6 H. C. Fessenden, Bridgton, Mrs. Hannah H. Smith, Bano 25 gor, to constitute Rev. Asa. D. W. Fessenden, do 0 l~ Bullard a life member, 20 Wm. G. Barrows, do 0 12i Female Friend of Missions, Asbhel Cram, do 1 00 Hallowell, 3 Robert Andrews, do 5 00 Charlotte Cheever, Hallowell, John Perley, do 5 00 dona, 1 8arah A. Perley, do 0 25 Female Friend of Missions, Mary Treadwell, do 0 25 China, 25 Thomas Perleyt.. do 200 Cont. Congo 80. Pittston,dona (by band Gen. rerlef) Thomas Wilder, Dixmont,do 1 50 KI'II Hannah H. South, Ban- Arethusa. Wilder, do do 1 lor, to e01jj!ltitute Mr. D. Wm. Upton, do do 3 Greeley a. life member, 20 IIJoseph Jones, Camden, B.D. 2

39 o Rev. 38. :Wy2. Tho$uton,dona~.. 2, C. Meservey, cioent and an. Iddo Kimball,ThomiLston,dona , ' 3 JohQ. Lovejoy, do do 1 Thos. Chase.,jr:North Yilrmo. Wm. CJole, do.. do 1 an. 1832, '. 2 Jesse Page, 'Warren, an. 2 Wm.Hyde;Boston, ao.l832, 2 Wm.' Hovey, do do 2 Ladies in Congo Ch..and.So. in Cong.So.8loomfield for~~. Jackson and -Brooks, with a supply of desk, '. 14, few others in Dixmont, to John Weston, Bloonilield, an. 2 'constitute Rev. A. G. Dun- Damel'Snow,. do dona 1 can a life member,. '20 Pickard Jewett, do do 1 IFemale members of the Ch. in. Solom~n,~wv.rd, do do.) Kennebunk-port, to consti- Brooks Dnseomb, do do I tute Rev.Nathan Lord,Pres. Joseph Locke, do do 1 of Dartmouth College, a life Mrs Adams, do". do 1 member, 9..1 hand of Mrs. L. FeID.JLle F.riend of Missions, It A. Lord" 20.,.B!oo_ld, dona. " 50 Friend 1 of,missions, Portland, I Bryce. McLellan, Bloomfield, ~ an. 1832,. 2 tocollstitute himselfa 1. m. 20 Paul E~'Merrill, Portland,an. ;", "". ~ Henry Jackson, Portland, an. ~ 1832,,:' 2 "';.~..1832, 2 Monthly Concer~, Hampden, ~;:;~)loli. ver Everett, Portland, an.. by. hand of B~Dj. Crosblci 20, "(;:: 1632, '2 oungmen'sl\bs.80. S.Bn g- Benj Rice, N. Glo~C«!8- ton, I. P. Pea.body, Pre8't, ter, dqna. '...,5:> Rev. J. P. Fessenden, S. J.E.Fo'xcoft r N;Gloucester,don.5 Bridgton, an. 1832, S. SteVi3ns" do Sylvester Strickland, Wilton, Jere. AUe~,.;,00 do 3 I dolia. 2 Jona.... Ro. _.'"..'..,., do.~. do > 1 John BradJey of. Fryebur(, W m. Bridbury, do do 5 dona. 'to codstitutesam I Jacob flm;l,~ do, do 1 Bradley of Hollis, a life m. 20 L.... O~'POrtlalld, an ,,{Mrs. MatY.. S.. o.utb&r, Frye.bUr6r.' W.W.Thomas, do dodo, 2 I to consti1tl1te Mrs.Sophronl,\ O..B.DoJQ.DCe, do dodo 2 \I'P' :ijurd'a life member, ~ ~.ohl1 Ch... ute, do do 40, 2 I i Ladies.,yorking SOC.ie. t" Frye-.,''David:J)ana, do do do 2 ~ i burg, to constitute Amos G.. E. Hayes, do do do 2 /' Capk>alife member, 20 P..Qrooks, do do... do 2 From the same. tqwards con-.1.,adams, do do do 2,stitutihg Mrs. MIlfY Souther S.Chase, do do do. ~ I a life 'member, by: hand of N. Cram,. do 40 t3}~,'4.. Rev. O:',llurd f " 12 Nath'l,~r?Ss, do~ do~;52. ICont.,Rev/Mr. ~Pomr0y.'s Sq. T: 9.,rtaltbt... :do. do~... dq;.. 2 '.. L.. G.. orham. j by'.j; S. SIDl. ~ G. liy~,." '40....do' "do '>.2 ij.~! HanoaliMcDoupl \jot- J. Gardner, do. f.~ 'do. 2, 'L dlam, dopa. 25 J. M. Gemsh, do ;~o.do 2. 4Ham'lPainc,Gorham, an ' Wm. Wood, do, do:,.d.o -2 ~v.s. Clark, dodo. do 2- Edw. Howe, do~;: '(10: do :.2 'ij1.d.-af J.S. Slnitb. Joseph Owen;do.. ~o. d02... em.~l1~so. Bethel,.rs.F..)1. Quincy;, 00 ao '29,'32,-4 ';'j ;Buib,tLrlkt Treu. dona.... ~., Ul~, R.Liocobi, do do;j882,2. ~18'Feasenden, Pptt}ancLtw. las2,:2,: W;(J. Mitc4ell, do dotlo 2,'" dt:.~~eong. So;JVells,)y. WJU.~rd,do,do do',2 :haddof~~. Mr. Adams,,,/31 E.C. Stevens, do do do :2;' vi,wbitipanforianduold,41.. ~: Shirley,.do, ~ do 2 ;... ~ o~;.il1.~.. ~~.. ~. ~.il'ln~mel' loan.. ed, 5 86 J. Todd., do So do 2'.i orttandif4m. Mil. So. Mrs. Le",iOutter, do, Ao ~29,'2, 4.,' Eliz. ~ley Treal. doaa.81 Wm. Cutter, dodo,. tmi\2:;. Con,t. in Rev. Mr. Jo,bnson'. L. Dana, 'do do:,29:p1t~.~~, So. SacO, ~by hand of Rev..... "~ ~~~'!" S. AciarruI; 30 ;.;

40 39 COJ)t. in "Rev. Mr. Dwight's IIR. W; Lawson', do ' do 2 So. Portland, 33, Charles Williams do do 2' Cont. in.re.. v. Dr. Tyler's So: I,rr, bos. W: Smith, do. do 2 Portland, by band of E. Cont. in Rev Mr Chapin's So. Wyer,. Sj} 59. Pownal, 975 Horatio Southgate, Portland, IIMonthlY Concert, Orono, 557 an. 1832,. 2 Annual Cont. do by hand Cont. in Congo soc. High-st. I of Jere Perley, 4 68 Portland, by hand of J. D. dcont. in RevMr Jewett's So. Kinsman, 35 OU i Westbrook J Do. in Phipshurg, by hand of i 'Fern. Mis. So. Litchfield, Miss Rev. Mr. Boynton, 12 25, ~sther Smith, Treas. 512 Miss Hannah Little, Danville, "jcont. in Rev Mr Starrett's So. arin. 183"2, 2 I Litchfield, 4 68 Miss Sarah Little, Danville, I!Horatio Smith, Richmond, an. an. 1832, 2 III 183"2,. 2 Newell soc.youngl&dies North Z.B.Smith,Liwhfield,an.l832, 2 Yarmo. 1st parish, Misll Lu-,iT. Smith, do.do do 2 cretia Cutter, Tr: dona. to jll. Smith, do ido do 2 const. Mrs Mary A. East- " 'IMrs S. Starrett, do do do 2 man a life member, 20!J,imon Page,Hallowell, 10 con. Fem. Cent soc. N. Yarmouth, II Mrs Frazaette C. Page, his 1st parish, Mrs O. Loring, Ii wife, a life member, 20 Tr. dona. to constitute Mrs I ilaban Lincoln,Hallowell, don. 2 Hannah Russel a life memo 25 54:Cont. Alna, per hand of Rev. Philip Eastman. N. Yarmouth! I :&I. Harris, 10 an. 1832, 2 "Jere. Jewett, Alna, dona. per Joseph ~bearman,do ~.1~32 2 I! hand of Rev.. Mr. H~s~ 2 Jacob MItchell, do 2 iirev.m.t.harns,alna, an. 32, 2 JOQn Cutter,. do h " 2 :;Prof. Wm. Smith, an. 1832, 2, Samuel Sweetslr, do" " 2 : j dona. 3,. 5 Cant: in Rev. Mr Shf>pley's l;l\fis~ Eliza Chapman, Brunssociety, N. Yarmouth j WICk, an. 1832, 2 Ladies in Rev. Mr Clark's soc. I:J:lCohJohnson,Brunswick, an. Wells, to canst. Mrs Eloisa I; 1832, 2 H. Clark, a life member, 20 II,A nnual Cont.Brunswick,I832, 33 3'1 Dr. Ruel Barrows, Fryeburg, IClement Martin, Harpswell, an. 1632, 2 an. 1829, 1830, 4 Cont. in Congo soc. Boothbay,,Joseph Eaton. Harpswell, an. by hand or Rev. Mr. Cook, 3 90' 1831 and '32. 4 Members of 2d parish, Brew.er, Cont. Harpswell, 4 to 001'1st. thell' pastor, Rev. uv. Sewing So.Wiscasset l L. Cbas. R Fisk, a life memo 20. J. Trivette, Tr.by bana of Joseph French, Chesterville, 'W. C. Mitch~lI, 2 aun. 1832, 2 Aaron Cummings;.A.lbany, an. Cyrus Pierce; do an. 1831& " 2 Luther Cary, Turner, an pbraim Flint,Albany,an.I832, 2 Cont.iIl,Rev r'rappan'saoe. Cont.in RevMr Ayers So.Al.. Augusta, " bany, '1 ~ LaAlies' Asso. do do Mrs. Ayer, dolla.,.' 2 Month. ly'.oonce.rt, dodo do ha1~. I'R.e,v. Thomas Ayer, dona of'yearly receipts~. 65 Gent. Aux. Asso.' Edgcomb, H. Sewall~ AugUsta, an. 1832, 2. dona. 5 John Eveleth.,,. do do 2,Joseph Sherman, Edgcomb, John Means, do do 2 I an. 1832, - 2 W!lls. Emmons, do do, 2 fg~dder Gove, "» Elias C,raig~ do do2 lcong. Cant.. ". 10M Barthol'w Nason, do do 2 I!Wm. Hunter,llratol, an. 1882, 2 Muk NIUIOD, do do 2 IICo~. ill 'RevMr Sewall's So. ' Wm. Snell" do do 2,' N:Castle,' Thomas LittIe t do do 2 I

41 2 40 Cont. in Dixfield, pr hand of Nehemiah Pierce, Monmouth, Rev Mr Sewall, Sumnftr, 7 an 1832, 2 Increase Robinson, Sumner, em. Friend, Monmouth, dona 3 aq.l832, 2, dona. 1, 3 D.M.Mitchell,Waldobo' an.'32, 2 Estate of Increase Robinson, A. R. Mitchell, do do 2 Sumner, dona P. Elwell. do do 2 Cont. in Congo So. Cumberl'd 7 63 Mrs Elwell, do do 2 Rev Mr Weston,Cumberland, \ S. Morse, do do 2 an. 1832, > G. Allen, do do 2 N. Rideout, jr. 'Cumberland, H. Rawson, do do 2 ent. 1 IR. C. Webb, do do 2 Reuben-Rideout, do. ent. 1 Capt. Cook, do do 2 Josiah Deane, Bangor, do 1 Mrs S. T. Webb,do dona 1 E. Adamp, do an 1832, 2 Miss H. Rawson,do do 1 Wm. Thurston, do ent. and Fem. Mis. So. do Mrs. an. 1,832, 3 Morse, Tr: 12 Eliza Thurston, do dona. 1 Cont. in Rev Mr Mitchell's Col. Black, Ellsworth, do 5 So. Waldoboro,' Joshua W. Hathaway, Ells- Mrs C. Hale, Waldoboro,' an. worth, ent. and an. 1832, 3 183'2, 2 A. Peters, Ellsworth, ent. and W.B.Ad8lIUJ, Bloomfield,dona 10 an. 1832, 3 Rev.s. Stone,Cumberland, do 5 Sam'l Dutton, Ellsworth, ent. N. Scales, Freeport, do 1 08 and an Fem. Cent So. do Mrs Mary Jos. A.Wood, Elfsworth, dona. 2 R. Bacon, Tr. dona C. Peek, do an. 1832, 2 Cant. in Rev Mr Hobart's So. David Dyer, do dona. 3 N. Yarmouth, T. RobiIllon, do do 1 IKachel Cleaves, dona. 75 Rev Jona. Fisher, BluehiU,an.!Henry Payaon~ do , 2 'Cont. in Rev Mr Wilkins So. Dr.Kitteredge,Mt.Desert,dona 3 Fairfield, 6 43 W.Kitteredge, do do 50 Cont. in Rev Mr Thurston's M.A.Kitteredge, do do 50 So. 'Prospect, 13 Ladies in Clinton to complete f8 Martha P. Tenney, Stan. sum cont. to const. Rev. N. dish an Oo 1832, 2 Bishop a life member, 8 Rev fhos: Tenney, Standish, Bucksport Aux. So. J. Buck, dona 5 Treas. 12 Churcnin Swanville pr hand Mrs Sarah Buck, Bucksport, of Rey Mr White, cont , 2 Mark L. Hill, Phipsburg, an. Miss Mehitable Thurston, do. 1829, '30, '31, '32, 8 dona. 1 Do.. do do do dona 2 Cont. in Rev. Mr. Blood's So. _ CJ88Ph<Decker,AIna, an. 1832, 2 Bucksport, hr~gentlemcn i~ Bath, per T. Adams, Castine, an. 1832, 2 ballcpqf,a. R. Mitchell, 11 S. Adams, do dona. 2 W~ll,Turner, an D. Little, do do 1 CooUo Rev Mr Greeley'. So. Jame. R. French, Prospect, Tumar, 4 ent. and an. 1832, 3. Tract So. Phipsburg, Jas; C. Samuel Wood, Winthrop, an. Whitmore, Treas dona and '32, 4 Fem.Mis. So. Thomaston,Mrs Cont. in Rev Mr Thurston's Caroline F. Swan, Tr. 19 So, Wintbroj», 12 Cha's Clapp, Bath, an. 1832, 2 Paul C. Sears,. Mis. apple Z. Farnham, Woolwich, _ an. tree, , '29, '30, 31 and '32,,10 E. Marrow, do do do do Rev Mr Adanil's So. Cont. '1 75 B. Southworth,do au. 1832, 2 LadY', dona. 1 Fem. AlSO. f<)r Eoreign and Mrs Mary Pay.on, Wilcuaet, Domeatic Mialions, dona. 10

42 41 S. Blanchard, an & '32, 4 Sarah L. Hill., do sub. dona. 1 W. Dodge, N.Castle an. 1832, 2 Ann B. Hills, do an. ]832, 2 B. Sheldon, do do do 2 Leonard Shurtliff, Oxford, dod 1 H. Lowell, Wl.ca.. et, dona. 25 Lydia Wood, "50 Geo. Lowell, do do 2G Sarah E. Falke. "1 Monthly Concert,.Helfast, 18 Emeline Parsons, "1 Cont. do 12W. Cushman. " 1 Rev Mr Bachelder, Machias- E. Trevette, "25 port, an , 2 Rev. Jacob Cummings. Strat- Fem. Mis. So. N. Gloucester, ham, N. H. dona. sub. () by Mrs L. W. Rice, dona Cont.af. ann. serm.wiscasset, Cont. in Rev Mr Rice's So. N. To be added to cont. handed Gloucester, 7 91 by Dr. Gillet, 12 Stephen Sewall, Winthrop, to Rev. Wm. Harlow, Harpswell ("onstitote his dau. Matilda entrance, Sewall, jr. a ljfe member. 20 Rev. N. Douglus, St. Albans, 1 Green RichardsolJ, Bath, an. donation, ,2,00. -dona. 3,00 5 Weston B. Adams, Bloomfield Willjam Richardson, Bath,an. to con st. himself a life memo , 2,00-dona. 3,00 5 Benj. Weston, jr. Madison, pr John Stockbridge, do an hand of Rev. Mr. Tucker Gilbert'l'rufant, do do 2 N. Weston, Madison,an John Taylor, do dona. 2 Benj. Weston, do do Hartly Gave, do ent. 1 A. Boynton, Wiscasset, dona. Levi Houghton, do an Rev. Calvin White, do 2,OO-don.3,00 5 Jane Robinson, do Jona. Hyde, do do 2 Mary O. Taylor, do Wm. Ledyard, do do 2 Jos. C. Lovejoy, Bangor, do David Stinson, do do 2 Rev W. Harlow, Harpsw'l do David Sewalt do do 2 Rev D. Libbey, Dixfield, do Charle" Sewall, do do 2 --Sewall, do John.Marsters. do do 2 Ijames Barker, ~do Tileston Cushing, do do 2 ISam'!. Sewall, jr. Pero, 110 Eben'r. Arnold, do do 2 jrev. Dr. Tyler, Portland, 110 Henry Hyde, do do 2 i " Mr Storrs.Braintree,Msdo Freeman Clark., do an I'RObert C. Webb, do 2,OO-don.3,00 5 N. B. Mitchell, do A. R. Mitchell, do do 2,A Friend, do' William Donnell; do do 2: E. P. Parsons, do Isaac 'frott, do do 2 [. G. Gove, do Wm. B. Sprague, do do 2 /:Eunice ~cales, do Peleg Sprague, jr. do ent I ibetsey Nelson, do Cont. in Rev Mr Ellingwood's ' Susan Jane Nelson, do society, Bath,'; 40 I:Sylvanus Blanchard, do Rev J.W. El1ingwood,do don. 20!J. C. Whitman, do Eben~ Arnold, Bath, dona. l'() l7gfles Shurtliff, do Peleg Sprague, do do 5 E. Hilton, 40 Joel Mitchell,. do an. 1832, 2!'Abigail Hilton, do Peleg Spraguo;, do do 2 Ijames G. Huston, do Re~., C. Bradley,Westb'k, don 10 jr. Barrows, do Rev. C. H. Kent, Freeport" 4,Olive Morse, do N.1'.Knigbt, Boothbay," 1 SewaU Tenny, do Mrs C. Hale, Waldoboro', U 5 Rev. David Starrett, do Friend, " 1 Rev. Benjamin Rice. do Rev M. T. Harris, AIna, (I 5 Friend to the cause, do Payne Elwell, W nldoboro," 5 Lucy Lincoln, do Rev J. Sewall,jr N.Castle." 2 Jane T. S.,Clapp, -410 Charles Clapp, Bath, "10 Betsey Brooks,' do Jamel Hills,Cornville, an ,Sarah E. BrooM, do () () ) :

43 42 Mrs. Prudence B. Tltlolraton, II ou8ly.::paid, ' 6 5~, Wiuthr.op, dona, 2,. Mrs Esther White, Gilead, an. A. U-a. do , 2 A Friend,. do 1 Rev Isaac E. Wilkins, Fair~ Mi.;M. Sherman,Edgc'tt. do 1 field, an. 1832, 2 J. Cook.. do Rev Jona; Belden, AuJOsta, MarthaE. Harriman, do' 3 id part to oonstitute hlmself. ;,Ammi R. Mitchell,do 5 a life member, 10 )felindac. Mitc~lI, 'do 5. Wasson,Brookaville, an. '32 2 Wm. C. MItchell, Portl'd.do 10 J. Wasson, do do 2 - :.Zilpha Stew~t, do I Ladies Asso. do dona 6 i 5 Rev. William Atlen, do 20 Mrs H.C.Ellis, do an; 1832, sa Mrs. Eliza B. T.Tappan, do 2 T. C. Ellis, do '. do 2 Rev. John Sawye!, do 1 vm. Ellis do sub dona. 2 Eben. Chase, do Mis. So. Warren,Wm Hovey Polly ~A:Den, do Tr. dona. by, hand of War- Rev. Josiah Peet, do 1 ren Rice, Wiscasset, ". S.' JJaciet, Temple I do 1 Individuals in Ch. & So.Mon~ John Fly,. do 425 son, cont. at Monthly Con- Elijah P. Lovejoy, do 11 2 cert pr hand of Rrv Anson William M(~rse,do 1 Hubbard, 6 33 John.'CpusiDS,. do 3 at. in Foxcroft, Rev Mr :"~., ';f~,turner, do William's Cb. and So LiWra handler, do 1 Rev. Thos, Williams, Fox- W. Dodge, New Castle, do 2..croft, sub. dona. 2 Wilmot Wood, Wiscasset,do 2 em. Anx. So. Temple, dona Mary Averill, Alpa; do r: individuals, do do 50 :Y~\JDg Jady~ by hand of Rev. onthly Cone-ert, East Ma- MrEastman, dona. 1 chias, pr D. Garland, ~ Misa L. Smitb,Wiscasset, don 1 em. Aux. Mfs. So. Brown- N.Greene,Farmin~n,an. '32 2 II ville, 550 J.. Ximball, Bloomfield,. do 2 I Cont. BroWllvjJIe,' J. ~orc, Nonidgew'kdo 2 MreS. S. h.e'do!11 dosnb. dora. 1 D. FUDSworth. do do 2 Cont. in Rev Mr Gooch's So. Con,t. in Rev. '1& Peet'. soc. Hebron, {) Nonidgewock, 7 Rev Hr.Gooch?B.pd wife He- Ladies' Association, do blon, snb. dona. 5 Cont. in Mercer,' 3 71 Cont. in Rov Mr Jones's So. by band of Rev. Mr. Peet. Minot, 9 _ Sarah B. Tappan, Wi&- Sam'. Pooles, Minot, an. 1832, 2 euaet,,ub. dona. I Ladies Anx. So. Minot, Miss Cont. in North parish. Augus Irene Freeman, Tr ta,by'hand orrev. J. Un-,Widow M. Sawyer, donn. by derwood,..' 8 01 hand of-rev J.Stwail, 2f, Joshua Eaton, Weld. an Rev Dan!ILibbey,D.~me1dient. 1 Mre E. F. Rogen, Farming- 2 Cont.:' in. Rev l'rjrljay'b So. ~ ann. 1832, WlD810w t....':, '.' 9 13 JolmBarker,.Wilton, an.~832 ~ P. Talbot.:W~10w~Jin.,~B32,;2 "em. aux. Dl188.~. Farm ton 15 Rev,R.Woodb~U.Thom~ni do do do do. S~,.13 sub. dona. :n,:. '..'. 10 cjo do do-. ~o Wilton, 4 Mrs Salah F~Wooclhnll, do do 16 pr hand of Rev. Mr ~r~_ Gent. AIJI,O. Ul:iion,. dona. by Fem. Mia. Aaso. Solon,:)flB,<~ harid of'~evi,lfr Sikes, ~.C.Farp-, Tr. towardscobt' Coat. atmdllthly Concert, stitutidg Rev G. W. F.-go... Weld,,,', ' a lite/member, Cont. Weld; dona R8v G. W. ~.. Fargo. '..' ba.l.. toeon.. ~...trev.. H... ~. rdl. orrstinson.,wcjd, wtule himself a life ~n;.. ". '. an.lsa:a 2 Ntidueha"jn, ~4m' pre:vi.. '... te,pben eo"en, Alna, bal. 10

44 (''Onst.itute bimself a life III 1 (I ILaurit;tull Ward I do do Rev Nath'l Chapman, Bristol, Samuel Hartley) do an. ]831 to constitute himself a I. m. 20 J83'2, 4 Ladies Aux. Mis. So. Bristol, Jona. King, do an by hand of Rev Mr Chap- J. P. Mellen, do Qnt. and man, 216*3 an. ]832, Cant. in Rey Mr Chapman's A. L. Lyman, do do do 3 3 So. Bristol, H1 62 Josepb M. Hayes, do dona. 3 Wm. Chamberlain, Bristol, S. Merrill, Biddeford, an. 183:l, 2 an. 1832, 2 Mrs Cleaves, do dona. 10 James Drummond, Bristol, an. Miss 1\1.. Cleaves do do and 32, 4 Friend of miss'ns do do J Henry Ewins,do an. 1832, 2 Charles William!!, Kennebunk A widow, by band of Rev. G. ans. up to 1832, 3 E. Adams, dona. 25 James Titcomb, Ken'bnk don. 4 To be added to the contril>. by Burleigh Smart, do do 5 hand of Rev. Mr Ellingw'd, Hev. Daniel Kendrick, Edge- Ladies in. Kennebunk, to constitute their Pastor, Rev J. comb, sub. dona. 5 FuUer, a life memb&, 20 Cont. in nev. ~lr. Bacon's soc. Lady Hallowell, dono.. 6 Sanfurd, 4 26 Henry Davidson, 'VaJdo, an. Do. in Rev. Mr Pago's society ]832,. 2 Limincrton, 4 Elisha Bass, Wilton, do do 2 Do. in ~ev..mr. Freeman's Fem.R(>lig.So.Hallowell,dona society, Limerick, 12 i.lo.ladies Asso.dp do 14 J. Drummond, Bristol, Bub. Rev. W. May, Winslow, do 5 1 \ICOQt. ill Rev. MrShepherd's So. Hallowell dona ,I A. Bullard and wife, do 5,Month Concert,iiallow J dona Henry Clark,. do 3 IEben. Dole, do an. 1832, 2 Hannah,B.Sho.ltuck, do I Iwm.Slickncy,oo. do 2 ~ara.h S. Cushman, do 1 Elias Dond, do do 2 Sara.h SlJeldon,50,Chas. Dummer, do do 2 Fern. miss. soc. Gorham, Mr". Ijames Gow, do do 2 Mary J. Lewis, 'I'relLS. :.! IS. G. Llldd, do do 2 I. Kimball, Lyman, cnt.,banj. Wales, do do 2 J. Moody, jr. Lebanon, do I,Ladies Assn. do dona Joseph Grant, do do. Mrs Mary Ann Nelson, Alna,.I. M. Hayes, do do I lin. 1832, 2 Mrs. Weston, in part to consl Mrs Huldah Perley, Lisbon, hereelfa life member, 10 dona. C. E. Norton, 8. Berwick, cnt i LadJCs in Bucksport,to consti John P. Lord, do do 1 tute Mrs Blood a life memo 20 Jordan Goodwin, do do J James Starrett, Warren, o.n:. J. P. Yenton, do do and '32, 4. John Plummer, do dona.. 2 Orphan Mis. So. Tr. residing Timo. Furgutlon, do do 6 I in Swanville, to constitute W. Emerson, Sa.nford, do 1 Rev. Jos. B. Stevens and Thomas Dirman, do do 1 Rev Alden Boynton, late Joshua Hobbs, do do 1 Missionaries in that place, J. Dow I do do 50 life members, 40 E. H. Beaver, do do 50 L'dies in Dennysville & Pem. John Powers~ do do broke to constitute their.!ohn S. Keeler, do do pastor Rev. Robert Crosset John }t"rost, do an. It::l31 I a life JUember~ 2(1 Bud 1832, 4 Avails of gold neokla.ce,{found Miss Eliza Hodgdcn, Parsons- I with an. cont.) 4 50 field, dona. 1.:\ vails of an old silver watch, SII.'!'uel,Moody, Saeo, an dona from ~ widow by hand Joslah Caldf, flo dn 2. of Rev. J Sewall, 3 50

45 44 'Anilsofa gold ri~. 37 Fred.A.Butman,Dixmont, don. 2 Eben. Webster, jr.cape Eliza- 1 Horace Wilder, do do 3 beth, to constitute himself I M. S. Wilder, do do 1 a life member, 20 MrsA.L.D.Bradstreet,do do 1 D. Dunlap, Brunswick, dona. 10 Mrs. B. K. Upton, do do 1.J.S.Barrows,Frye~urg, an. '32, fl 'Miss L. Butman, do do 50 Nilth'l Coffin, Wisoasset, 8Jl. Miss S...&1. Butman, do do ,2,00,. dona. 3,00 5 Miss A. C. Butman, do do 50 Avails of breast pin given at A Friend, do 50 an. meeting, 1 25 Cyril Pearl, Bangor, 5 Avails of silver buckle, given Cont. in Rev Mr Woodhull's at on. meeti!!i, 75 So. Thomaston, 12,Fem. Mis. So. Falmouth, Miss Int. on note against Bucknam Betsey Merrill, Tr. pr hand & ai. 3 of P. E. Merrill, Of Bucknam & a!. in part of tcont. in South Bridgton, pr principal of note, 15 hand of Rev J.P.Fessenden, 19 Thos.Browne, Portland, dona. 50 Cont. in Rev James Weston's Cont. in Rev Mr Greenleaf's So. Lebanon, ' Rev C.Marsh, Biddeford,(sub) 6 37 So. Andover, North Bridgton Fem. Cent So. 7 to constitute Eliz. Pearson Marsh, his eldest dan. a life Mrs Nancy Farnsworth, Tr. Henry Goddard, Portland. an member, 20 Rev Tho's Jameson, Scarboro' 1832, Miss Thurston, Bucksport, 2 an. 1832, 2 dona Cantin 2d I Co~.So.Fa1mouth lmembers ofmrdodge's school pr hand ofc. J. Dyer, 4 79 Brunswick 6 Samuel Stickney, Brownfield, IA Friend in North Yarmouth, an. 1832, 2 dona. 5 Miss Sally Stickney, Brown From ladies in Rev Samuel field, 2 Johnson's So. Saco, to con Cont. in Rev Wm. Clark'. So. stitute Mrs Johnson a life Wella, 7 25 member, 20 N. How, Portla.nd, an. 1832, 2 _ W. STORER' Treuurer M. M. Society_ Portiud, Aug. It 1832.

46 DR. WOODBURY STORER, TREASURER OF THE MAINE MISSIONARY SOCIETY. CR. For balance on hand as per account settled} 9 84! IBy. ca~~ paid o~ders of Trustees to various} June, 1831, mdlvlduals, smce last settlement, For this sum received of Levi Whitman, Esq.} By cash paid postage of circulars, for Land sold, By this amount repaid N. Cram, for his an-} For this sum received of Judah Dyer, Of} nuity of 1831, paid twice by him, through J\ 2 Gray, donation to permanent fund, mistake, For two dividends of stock in Cumberland} By amount of cash on hand disposa- } Bank, bie, For cash received since last settlement in} By am't of cash on hand to be vested, } June 1831, for entrances, annuities, life ~ the interest of which only is avail membership, donations, interest, &c. as able, per items in general cash accoullt, ~t)44 67 I PORTLAND, JUNE 23, Errors excepted. WOODBUR Y STORER, Treasurer M. M. S. PORTLAND,.TUNE 23, J832.-We have examined the foregoing account and find the same correctly cast, and properly vouched-and find the balance in the hands of the Treasurer, one thousand and seventy-four dollars and nidety cent.. LEV I CUTTER, } A elit 'rhomas BROWNE, U ors.

47 T OFFICERS O the ltialae 'Mhsionary Society, ELECTED.JUNE 27, 183'2. Rev. WILLIAM ALLEN, D. D. PRBSIDENT. ", WILLIAM SWAN, Esq. VICE PRESIDENT. Rev. ELIPHALET DILLET t... Hallowell, COB,. SEC. " DA VID THURSTON, KEC. SEC. WOODBURY STORER, Esq. Portland, TREA.:5. Rev. E,.GILLETT, D. D. 1 " DA VID THURSTON, " BEN'.JAMIN TAPPAN,. " J.<W. ELLINGWOOD,' ',' " BENNET TYLER, D. D. I TausTEE. " DA VIDM. MITCHELL, t s. " ASA CUMMINGS, J " SAMUEL.JOHNSOJil, " S. L. POMROY, W. STORER, Esq. THOMAs BROWNE and, LEVI CUTTER, Esqrs. AUDITORS. EXECUTIVE eo '17l'-.-Rev. Me8Srs~ Gillet, l.'hurst.od, Ellingwood, Tappan, Tyler and Cummings.,. Amlual Meeting. The De", xtjnee~ng o,fthe Boc~~)',',iS!LPr.>intet! to be, '. held in llle Meeting House of, the Third";~gatioDa1 SQPiety, 10 Portland, 00 the Fou.1'tIr W~of.fune.:l833.. The.". Swan L. Pomr91 is the first pteacher,ancll.he Rev. Chllf1es.cFreeman~ "second preacher;?for.am occasion. \:i~,;~:,:'~";omem BERS [It waa' irtte~j.(ledto ';';bii~h' in this place ~ co~plet.ejiat ot all tbe membersof the' Maine MiRsionary SOCiety; but it was 800n found tbaht could Dot ~ dode;without delaying too loog the al'lj8aianee of this Report. J.t wiljprobabl1. be dono lhenext year. The names of Life. Member, were more rcadhy'accb8sible by the Oommittee.of pubnoat~on, and are aceordiflglyinserwd. The list is~lievedto:ootolerabl'y complete. If omissions should he dimcovered, a nouce of them would lie tjiadkfully received by any member of the Board of Truatees, 'that tbey may be supplied in the next report.] Life Members. 'Rev; Wm., Allen, Brunswick, James Bri~.Au~, If Tho"s Adams. V assalborou&,h, Edward W. Baker Portland ' " George E; Adams, BrunswIck, Az.ariab Baker.Edgecomb, " Darwin Adams, Camden, Charles Blanciaard,POltland, u Charles g, Adam~1 \Vens, 'l'bonmsbrowne, do., Mr. Catharine L.,Adams, Vassalboro' Rev. Mtghlll Blood, Buckflport, Weston B Adams, Bloomfield, H,Ionaf.banBurr, Boston, Jobn Bradley, Fryeburg.. I Am/)s]Jarrett; Winthror. I

48 47 fj'heodo~s. Brown', Vuaalboro', ';Oliver Fales, Thomaston, Rev. Asahel Bigelow, Walpole"Ms. 'Rev. Chvles.Fr08t, Bethel, " John Boynton, Phippsburg,,: "Jona. Fisher, BluelUll, It Elisha Babcock, formerly of Wm. F~int,.New Vineyard, ~ WiBcasset, Rev. B. Fowler, Nortlifield, Mass: Mrs. Sarah S. Browne, V1IBIlaiboro', "Geo. W. Fargo, 80101\, Rev. Elisha Bacon, Sanford,,Mrs. Betsey Far1~.,Waldoborfil',' H Caleb Bradley.! Wesl.brook, " Phebe Fessenden, 8ridgton, " An Bullard, t'ortland, Rev. Jona. Greenleaf, Boston, Samuel Bradley, Hollis, " Mrs: Blood, Bucksport, U miplialetgijiet, HallowelJ, Allen Greeley,.Xurner, Rev. Alden Boynton, Benj. Brown, Vassalborougb, " Wm. Gregg, Freeport,.1. '&cob C. GOBs, Woolwich, Rev. Nelson Bishop, Clinton, " Wakefield GaJe,~Eastport, " Perez Chapin, Pownal, John Gleason. Thomaston, H Jona. Cogswell, formerly of,rev. Beriah Green,formerly Of. Ken- Baco, nebunk, Prof. Parker Cleaveland, Brunswick,. " James Gooch, Hebron,. Rev. Ass Cummings,N. Ya.rmouth, IMrs. Mary G. Gillet, Hallowell, " George W. Ca~pbelJ, formerly :David Greeley, Portland, of S. -BerwIck, :Joseph 1\1. Hayes. Saco. " Samuel Chandler, Elliot, IRev. Carlton Hurd, Fryeburg, Mrs. Phebe Cummings, N. Yarmo. I It Caleb Hobart, N. Yarmouth, Henry T.' Cumminga, do.,john E. Hyde, Boston, Mrs. Jonathan Co:swell. formerly 0 'Rev. Jaceb Hardy,.8trong, Saco, Mrs. Cleaves, Biddeford,. " Simeon Hackett, Temple, Mrs. Sophronia P. Hurd, Fryeburg, Francis Cook, Wiscasset, Rev. John H. Ingraham, Augusta, Rev. John Crosby, Castine, "Samuel Johnson, Saco, 'Samuel Cordis, Winthrop,. Mrs.:Samuel Johnson, Sacq, Rev. Jllmes Carruthers, Portland. Rev. Elijah Jones t Minot, u A.B. Church, Calais, "Abi:-ahamJ~,W. Machias, "Wm. Clark, Wells, Mrs. John H. lndaham. Augusta, " Ebcr Carpenter. York Rev 'Henry C; Tewett, Westbrook l Benj. P. Chamberlain. Portland, *." Fifield Holt, Bloomfield, Henry Clark, Kennebunk-port, *'~ CharleQ Jeakins. P~)ftJand, Amos J. Cook,F~burg, Mrs. Eloisa. H. Clark, Wells, " Daniel Kendrick, Edgecomb, " EJijahKellogg, Portland, Rev. Nath'l Chapman, Bristol,f'".S. H.Keeler"S. Berwick. " R. Ol'OFset, Dennysville, Idd«); Kimball, Thomaston...' Wm. W. Dinsmore, Norridgewock, HE'YoiCephu H.Kent, 'Freeport, Davi.~ Donla!!. Brunswick, *.,,: Harv~y ;L00IDl. 'I!J; Bangor" Na.thl Dana,BoRon, Wm. Ladd,MU)ot". Rev. John A. DOUllass, Waterrord, John Loring, Norridgewock, " Moscs Dow, formerly of York, Rev. Levi Loring, Buxton. Oliver B. Dorrance,'Portl8.lld, " C. J~ Lawton, Prospect, Carlton Dole, Augusta, " Valentine Little, Lovell, Rev. A. G. Duncan,Brooks,.. Sam'l C. Lee, Winthrop, Payne Elwell, Wlildoborough, Rev Wales Lewis, East Machias, Rev. J. W...,ElIingW. oed, Bath, IIMrs. Phebe. LOrd.,Kennebunk-port, " Manning }~11i8, Brooksville I Dan'] W. Lord,...(10. - U Noah Emerson, Baldwin, Charles A.,Lord,do. u- Eben. Eaton, Mt. Desert, JMiss Susan Lord, do. )Olrs. J. W. Ellingwood, Bath, Mrs. Lydia A. Lord" do. Mrs. Mary A. Ea.st.mnn, N. Yumo J~ph'H. E. Lon,g,-. - Rev. JOBe.. ph F. uuel~k6nncbunli,,rev. Stephen A. ~~r, HamP!i~!. If Char}esll. Fisk, Brewer] un. Lord, D. D. Hanover, N. H. ~: Cba.,I.FlFrpemao, Limerick, I It David M. Mjtche\l,Waldoboro;.. Josepll P Felilsendtm. Bridgton, F:amuel MorsE', WaIdoboro\ighJ.

49 48 Wm. McLellan, Warren, I Matilda Sewa)1 jr. Winthrop, -Rev. Asa. Mead, East Hartford, Rev. Nathan w. Sheldon,BrowDvUle Bryce McLellan, Bloomfield, " John Sawyer, Bangor, Ellza Pe.arson Marsh, Biddeford, Wm. Swan, Portbmi,. Re~. Enos Merrill,. Rev. J. Sewall, jr. New Castle, ~hos. S. Ma.rsh, Bath, " Charles Soule, Denmark, Rev. Wm. Millimore, Falmouth, "Sam'l Stone, Cumberland, " Stephen Merrill, Biddeford, Mrs. Jenny Sewall, Chesterville, " Henry A. Merrill, Norway, v. George Shepard, Hallowell, I. Wm.lfay, Winslow Mrs. George Shepard, do. Mrs. D. M. Mitchell, Waili\oboro'l Rev. D. Shepley, N. Yarmouth, Mrs. Napo.y W. Marsh, Biddefora, Mrs. H. H. Smith, Bangor, }Irs Jane G:Mead, E. Hartford,Con. Stephen Sewall, Winthrop, Mrs. Elizabeth P. Marsh, Biddeford, Mrs. Stephen SewiUl, do. Rev. Daniel Newell, formerly of ev. Oren Sikes, Union, Bridgton, Mrs. Myra. N. Shepley, N. Yarmo. " Peter Nourse, Ellsworth, Winthrop B. Norton, Oxford. Rev. Prof. John Smith, Bangor. George Starrett, Bangor, ItRev. Edward Farson, 'Portland,., Josiah Peet, Norridgewock, iev. Benj. Tappan, Augusta, ohn Taylor, Bath, " Thaddeus Pomeroy, Gorham, Hev. David rrhurston, I, Samuel H. Peckham, " Stephen Thurston, Prospect.. " SwanL. Pomroy, BllDgor, " Josiah Tucker, Madison, " Dr. Packard, foj'merly of Wis- MrB. Benj. Tap~an, Augusta, casset, Rev. Dan'} D. Tappan, Alfred, Ezekiel Prince, Eastport, II " B. 'fyler, D. D. Portland. Rev. Freeman Parker, Wiscasset, *Vaniel Pike, Bangor,. j"i'benj. Tappan, jr. Augas1&,.Geo.A. Thatcher, Warren, Simon Page, Hallowell, ;'Rev. Joseph B. Stevens, Mrs. Simon Page,.do..: " Thomas Tenney, Standish, Rev. Lincoln Ripley, Waterford, ;:T. L. Winthrop Tappan, Augusta. Thos. T. Robie. Gorham, limrs. Stephen Thur"ton, Prospect, Rev. James P. Richardson, Poland, limrs. David Thurston, Winthrop, " Bennett Roberts, formerly ofll;mrs. Mhrtha Trask, Portland, Durham, Prof. Thoa. C. Upham, Brnnlwick, " Isaac Ror.rs, Farm~ton, j;rev. J. Underwood,New Sharon, Isaac G. Reed, Waldoboro,. " James Weston, Lebanon, Thomas Rice, Winslow, II (l Thos. Williams, Foxcroft, Mrs. "ho'.rice, -do. 1/ " St-neca W,hite, Wiscuset, Rev. Benj. Rice, N. Gloucester, l,nenj. Weston,jr.M.adison, Rev. Jotham Sewall, Chesterville,,Dan'l Williams, Augostn, * " Jon/1' Scott, Minot,,jRev. Henry White,Ja.ckaon, Henry Sewall, Augusta., I: " Daniel Weltnn, Gray, Woodbury Storer,PortlllDd,. Wm. Warren, Waterford, Rev. Sam'} Sewall, Sumner,!lRev. Abijah Wines, Deer Isle, Calvin Selden, Norridgewock, /,Mrs. Jane W. We.ton t Eaatport, Rev. M. Steele, MachI", (lrev. Sam'} B. Witherell, H David Starrett, Weld, " Calvin White, Robbinston. S. Sweetaer, North Yarmouth,. Samuel Williams, S. Strickland, Wilton, Rev. R. Woodhull, Thomaston. Rev. Thos. M. Smith, Catskill, N.Y. Dr, Whitney, Baldwin, Ether Shepley, Saco, Eben, Webster,jr. C. Elisabeth, Mn. Hannah Russell, N. Yarillouth, *Rev. Nath'l W&lee, Belfut, Deceased.

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