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1 CONSTITUTION TRINITY CHURCH OF SUNNYVALE, CALIFORNIA (Current through change of fiscal year approved on December 11, 2011) CONSTITUTION TRINITY CHURCH OF SUNNYVALE, CALIFORNIA (Approved on August 27, 2017) ARTICLE I NAME This organization (incorporated under the laws of the State of California) shall be known as TRINITY CHURCH OF SUNNYVALE, referred to herein as "the church". ARTICLE I NAME This organization (incorporated under the laws of the State of California) shall be known as TRINITY CHURCH OF SUNNYVALE, referred to herein as "the church". ARTICLE II PURPOSE The object of the church shall be to worship the true and living God; to proclaim the Word of God; to care for the saints; to administer the ordinances of the New Testament (i.e., baptism and the Lord's Supper); and to be active in the propagation of Christianity throughout the world. ARTICLE II PURPOSE The object of the church shall be to worship the one true and living God; to proclaim the Word of God; to equip and care for the saints; to administer the ordinances of the New Testament (i.e., baptism and the Lord's Supper); and to be active in the spreading of the Christian Gospel throughout the world.

2 ARTICLE III - ARTICLES OF FAITH Section A... CONCERNING HOLY SCRIPTURES 1. We believe that the Bible is the written revelation of God, and the sixty-six books of the Bible are the complete Word of God, given to man by the Holy Spirit. (I Cor 2:7-14; II Pet 1:20-21) 2. We believe that the Word of God is an objective, propositional revelation. In its original documents it is inspired in every word and is absolutely inerrant, infallible and God-breathed. (Exo 17:14; Isa 30:8; I Thess 2:13; II Tim 3:16) 3. We believe that God spoke in His written Word by a process of dual authorship, in which the Holy Spirit so superintended the human authors that through their individual personalities and different styles of writing, they composed and recorded God's Word to man without error in the whole or in the part. ( Isa 30:8; Matt 5:18; II Tim 3:16; II Pet 1:20-21) 4. We believe that the Bible constitutes the only absolute, final and infallible rule of faith and practice. (Matt 5:18; John 10:35; II Tim 3:15-17; II Pet 1:20-21) ARTICLE III - ARTICLES OF FAITH Section A... CONCERNING THE BIBLE The Bible is a divinely inspired revelation of God, which came through the agency of man, preserving both a divine and human origin. It is inerrant in the original manuscripts and singularly authoritative on matters of faith and practice. (II Tim 3:16-17; II Peter 1:21; Matt 5:18-19).

3 Section B... CONCERNING GOD We believe that there is but one living and true God who is infinite, eternal and unchangeable in His being, wisdom, power, holiness, justice, goodness and truth. He is absolutely separate from and above the world as its Creator, yet everywhere present in the world as the upholder and the sustainer of all things. We further believe that God is one in essence but is eternally existent in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, each having precisely the same nature, attributes and perfections and each being worthy of the same worship, confidence and obedience. (Gen 1:26; Deut 6:4; Psa 139:8; Isa 45:5-7; Matt 28:19; John 4:24; Acts 17:24-29; II Cor 13:14; Eph 4:6) Section B... CONCERNING GOD There is one God, who is Creator, and the sustainer of all things. God eternally exists in three persons Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Each are equal in divine nature and perfect in every way. (Gen. 1:1, Col. 1:15-17, Deut. 6:4; Matt. 28:19; I Cor. 8:6, John 10:30; Acts 5:3-4).

4 1. GOD THE FATHER God the Father, the first person of the Trinity, orders and disposes all things according to His own purpose and grace. As the absolute highest Ruler in the universe, He is sovereign in creation, providence and redemption. He created the universe without preexisting materials. He has decreed for His own glory all things that come to pass, and continually upholds, directs and governs all creatures and events. He has graciously chosen from the foundation of the world those whom He would have as His own; He saves from sin all who come to Him through Jesus Christ; and He relates Himself to His own as their Father. (I Chron 29:11; Psa 103:19, 145:8-9; John 1:18; Rom 11:33-36; Eph 1:3-6; Heb 12:5-9) 1. GOD THE FATHER The Father is the first member of the Trinity. He is a personal spirit, who has revealed Himself through His Word, nature, man s conscience, prophets and His Son. While some of His attributes are comprehended (e.g. his love, justice, and compassion), other attributes are incomprehensible (e.g. his eternality, omnipresence, omnipotence and omniscience). The Father has purposed all events in history according to His eternal plan. (I Chron. 29:11; Psa. 103:19, 145:8-9, John 4:24; Rom. 1:20; 2:15; Eph. 1:11-12).

5 2. GOD THE SON a. Jesus Christ, the second person of the Trinity is, the eternal Son of God and is the virgin-born son of Mary. He is God incarnate and thus is both true God and true man. (Isa 7:14; Matt 1:18-20; John 1:1-3; Phil 2:6) b. By His sinless life, miraculous ministry and substitutionary death, He satisfied divine justice concerning sin and provided for our redemption. The Lord Jesus accomplished our redemption through His death on the cross. His death was voluntary, vicarious, substitutionary, propitiatory and redemptive. (Rom 3:24-26; 5:8; II Cor 5:19-21; Heb 1-3; I Pet 2:21 24; I John 2:2, 4:10) c. The Lord Jesus rose from the grave, thus attesting to His own deity and confirming God's acceptance of His atoning sacrifice. This bodily resurrection also serves as a guarantee for future resurrection of all believers. (Matt 28:6; John 14:19; Acts 2:30-31; Rom 1:4, 4:25, 6:5-10; I Cor 15:20) d. The Lord Jesus also ascended into heaven where He is now seated at God's right hand performing the intercessory aspect of His High Priestly work. (Acts 2:33; Heb 4:14-16, 7:25, 10:12, 12:2; I Pet 3:22) e. Jesus Christ will return imminently. His return will be personal, visible, pre-tribulational and premillennial. (I Thess 4:14-17; I Cor 15:51-53; Tit 2:13; Rev 19:11-21) 2. GOD THE SON Jesus Christ is the second member of the Trinity and the perfect image of the invisible God. He is the Father s uniquely begotten Son, conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of a virgin. When He was born on the earth, He became fully man while continuing to be fully God. He lived a perfect life and died on the cross as our substitute to pay the penalty for the sins of the world. He was buried and rose from the dead on the third day. He ascended back into heaven where He currently is interceding for us as our high priest. Just as Jesus ascended He will return to set up His glorious kingdom (Col. 1:15-20; Phil. 2:5-8; Matt. 1:18-25; I Pet. 2:24; Heb. 4:14-15; John 1:1,14,18, Matt, 24:30).

6 3. GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT a. It is the work of the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity, to execute the divine will with relation to the world of men. We affirm His sovereign activity in the creation, the incarnation, the written revelation and the work of salvation. (Gen 1:2; Matt 1:18; John 3:5-7; II Pet 1:20 21) b. The work of the Holy Spirit in this age began at Pentecost when He came from the Father, as promised by Christ, to initiate and complete the building of the body of Christ which is the Church. The broad scope of this special divine activity includes convicting the world of sin, of righteousness and of judgment, glorifying the Lord Jesus and transforming believers into the likeness of Christ. (John 14:16-17, 15:26, 16:7-9; Acts 1:5, 2:4; I Cor 12:13; II Cor 3:18; Eph 2:22) c. This work in believers involves regeneration, baptism into the body of Christ, indwelling, sanctifying, instructing, empowering for service and perseverance to the day of Christ. He sovereignly administers spiritual gifts to the Church, not to glorify Himself or the gifts by ostentatious displays, but to glorify Christ and to implement His work of redeeming the lost and building up believers in the faith. (John 3:5-7, 16:14-15; Rom 8; I Cor 3:16-17, 6:19, 12:4-13; Eph 1:13-14; II Thess 2:13; I John 2:20-27) 3. GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT The Holy Spirit is the third member of the Trinity. He has come forth from the Father and the Son throughout history to convict the world of sin, righteousness and judgment. Since Pentecost, He baptizes and seals, regenerates, sanctifies, gifts, and empowers Christians and is our abiding helper, guide, teacher and source of power to help us live a godly Christian life. The Holy Spirit transforms us more and more into the likeness of Jesus. (John 3:8; 14:16; 15:26; 16:7-15; Eph. 4:30; 5:18, 1 Cor. 12:7-11, Titus 3:3-7).

7 Section C... CONCERNING ANGELS 1. We believe that angels are created spirit beings. Their purpose is to serve God and worship Him. (Col 1:16; Heb 1:6,7,14, 2:6-7; Rev 5:11) 2. We believe that Satan is a created angel and the author of sin. He incurred the judgment of God by rebelling against his Creator, involving numerous angels in his fall and introducing sin into the human race by his temptation of Eve. (Gen 3:1-15; Job 1:6-7; Isa 14:12-17; Eze 28:11-19) 3. We believe that Satan is the open and declared enemy of God and man, and is the prince of this world who constantly seeks to supplant God and to subvert mankind. Satan was judged at the cross; he was defeated through the death, resurrection and Ascension of Jesus Christ; and he shall be eternally punished in the lake of fire at the end of the Millennium. (Gen 3:1-7; John 12:31, 16:11; II Cor 11:13-15; Eph 6:12, 16; I Pet 5:8; Rev 12:9-10, 20:10) Section C... CONCERNING ANGELS Angels originally were created by God as sinless beings. Angels are ministering spirits, serving God and his purposes. However, some rebelled against God and are now fallen. The leader of these fallen angels is Satan, who is the enemy and accuser of man. (Col. 1:16; Jude 6; Rev. 12:9; Eph. 6:11-12; II Cor. 4:4; Heb. 1:14).

8 Section D... CONCERNING MAN 1. We believe that man was directly and immediately created by God in His image and likeness. He was created free from sin. He was created with a rational nature, intelligence, volition and moral responsibility to God. (Gen 1:26-28, 2:15-25; Jas 3:9) 1. The purpose of man's creation was that he should glorify God, enjoy His fellowship and live his life in the will of God. (Gen 1:26-30; Isa 43:7; Col 1:16; Rev 4:11) 2. Man subsequently fell into sin by a voluntary act of personal disobedience to the revealed will of God. (Gen 2:16-17; 3:1-19; I Tim 2:13-14) 3. As a consequence man became subject to the wrath of God, is inherently corrupt and utterly incapable of choosing or doing that which is acceptable to God, apart from divine grace. (John 3:36; Rom 3:23, 6:23; I Cor 2:14; Eph 2:1-3) 4. The fall of man was an historical and non-repeatable act, the effects of which are transmitted to all men of all ages, except to Jesus Christ. All men are thus sinners by divine declaration, nature and deed. (Psa 14:1-3; Jer 17:9; Rom 3:9-23, 5:12-19; Jas 2:10) Section D... CONCERNING MANKIND Mankind was created by God in the image of God, both male and female reflecting God s likeness. Adam, representative of the human race, fell into sin, suffered spiritual death and greatly marred the image of God in mankind. All mankind has subsequently inherited a sin nature and the consequences of sin. (Gen. 1:26-27; Rom. 3:10-18, 23; 5:12-14; 6:23; Eph. 2:1-2).

9 Section E... CONCERNING SALVATION 1. The salvation of man consists in the satisfaction of divine justice, the forgiveness of sins and reconciliation with God, the imputation of the righteousness of Jesus Christ, the gift of eternal life, the provision of every spiritual resource needed for life and godliness, and the guarantee that those thus saved shall never perish. (Isa 53:6, 10; John 10:27-29; Rom 3:24, 5:8-19, 8:38-39; II Cor 5:18-21; Gal 2:16; Eph 1:7; II Pet 1:3; I John 4:10) 2. Salvation is based upon the elective grace of God; was purchased by Christ by His death, burial and resurrection; is available to all men; and is received by grace through faith. It is apart from any virtue or work of man through the instrumentality of the Word of God as applied by the Holy Spirit. Salvation involves effectual calling, regeneration, repentance, faith, justification, adoption, sanctification and glorification. (John 1:12, 3:16; Acts 16:31; Rom 6:23, 8:28-30, 10:8-13; Eph 1:4,5, 2:8-10; I Tim 2:6; Tit 3:5-6) Section E... CONCERNING SIN AND SALVATION God's justice demands that sin be atoned through the shedding of blood. Because of mankind s guilty state, we are incapable of atoning for our sin. God s love prompted Him to send Jesus to the earth to die for the sins of the world, offering us forgiveness and salvation solely through faith in Jesus as a free gift. Because our redemption is based on the grace of God and the work of Christ on our behalf, we and all true believers everywhere, once saved will be kept saved forever. Salvation results in an increase of righteous living, good works, and the fruit of the Holy Spirit as its proper evidence. (Lev. 17:11, Ro. 3:23, John 3:16; 5:24; 10:28-29; 14:6; Eph. 2:8-10; Acts 4:12; 16:31, Heb. 7:25, 1 John 5:13, Gal. 5:22-25). 3. Salvation results in righteous living and good works as its proper evidence and fruit, and will be experienced to the extent that the believer submits to the control of the Holy Spirit in his life through interaction with the Word of God. The believer never achieves a sinless state; however, every believer must strive to be separate from sin. (John 17:17-19; Rom 6:1-22, 12:1-2; II Cor 3:18, 6:14-7:1; Gal 5:16-25; Eph 2:10, 5:17-21; Phil 2:12-13; Col 3:16; I Pet 1:14 16; II Pet 1:3-10; I John 3:5-10)

10 Section F... CONCERNING THE CHURCH Section F... CONCERNING THE CHURCH 1. We believe that all who place their faith in Jesus Christ are immediately baptized by the Holy Spirit into one united spiritual body, the Church, of which Christ is the Head. This body began on the day of Pentecost and will be completed at the coming of Christ for His own. We further believe that the members of this one spiritual body are directed to associate themselves together in local assemblies. (Matt 16:18; Acts 2:1-21; I Cor 12:13; Eph 1:22 23, 2:19-22, 5:25-27; Col 1:18; I Thess 4:13-18; Heb 10:25) 2. We believe that the local church is autonomous, free from external authority or control and has the right of self-government and freedom from the influence of any hierarchy of individuals or organizations. We also believe in the separation of church and state. 3. We believe that the supreme authority of the Church is Christ, and that order, discipline and worship are appointed through His sovereignty. The biblically designated officers serving under Christ are pastors (elders/bishops) and deacons. (Matt 18:15-18; Acts 6:1-6; Eph 1:22, 4:11-12; Col 1:18; I Tim 3:1 13; Tit 1:5-9; I Pet 5:1-5) 4. We believe that the mission of the Church is to glorify God by worshipping corporately, by building itself up in the faith by instruction of the Word, by fellowshipping and observing the ordinances and by communication of the gospel to the entire world. (Matt 28:19-20; Acts 2:41-47; Eph 4:11-16; I Pet 2:9) All true believers in Jesus Christ have been chosen by God to be members of his family, are baptized by the Spirit, and are joined together into one body - the universal Church, whose head is Jesus. Its mission is to make disciples and preach the good news of the gospel of Christ to all nations. The local church is a body of believers who associate together for work, worship and fellowship. The ordinances symbolizing this spiritual union are believers water baptism (symbolizing our death to sin and resurrection to a new life) and the Lord s Supper (commemorating Christ s atoning death for all believers). (Acts 2:41-47; Col. 1:18; Matt. 28:19-20; Eph. 1:3-6; I Cor. 12:12-13).

11 5. We believe that the Church, to fulfill its Godgiven mission of edification and evangelism, has been given spiritual gifts. These are sovereignly bestowed by the Spirit at the moment of spiritual birth to every believer. All believers receive at least one gift and it is essential that they develop and employ their spiritual gifts for the Church to accomplish its task. 6. We believe that since gifts are bestowed by the Lord in order to fulfill specific purposes in God's program that when the purpose of any gift is fulfilled, that particular gift is terminated. (Rom 12:3-8; I Cor 12:4-13, 12:27-41, 13:8-10, 14:1-40; Eph 4:7-13; I Pet 4:10-11) 7. We believe that two ordinances have been given to the local church: Baptism and the Lord's Supper. Christian baptism is the immersion of a believer in water. It shows forth in a solemn and beautiful emblem our faith in the crucified, buried and risen Savior, and our union with Him in death to sin and resurrection to a new life. The Lord's Supper is the commemoration and proclamation of Christ's atoning death until He comes. The Lord's flesh and blood are not actually present, yet the Lord's Supper is an actual communion with the Risen Christ who is present in a unique way, fellowshipping with His people. (Acts 2:41-42, 8:36-39; I Cor 10:16, 11:23-38)

12 Section G... CONCERNING LAST THINGS 1. We believe that the return of the Lord Jesus Christ is imminent. This return will be a personal, bodily return of the Lord to remove from the earth His waiting Church and to reward its members according to their works. (John 14:1-3; Rom 14:10-12; I Cor 3:11-15, 15:15-53; II Cor 5:10; I Thess 4:13-18; Tit 2:11-13) 2. We believe that immediately following the removal of the Church from the earth, the righteous judgments of God will be poured out upon the unbelieving world during a seven year period known as the Tribulation. (Dan 9:27, 12:1; Matt 24:15-21, 25:31-46; II Thess 2:7-12; Rev 16:1-21) 3. We believe that at the end of the time of tribulation, Jesus Christ will come back to earth in power and great glory with His Church. Christ will occupy the throne of David and will establish His Messianic Kingdom for a thousand years. During this time the resurrection saints will reign with Him over Israel and all the nations of the earth. It will be a time of peace and righteousness. Satan will be bound and Israel will be established in the land. (Deut 30:1-11; Isa 11:1-16; Eze 37:21-28; Dan 7:17-22; Rev 20:1-7) 4. We believe that at the end of Christ's glorious reign, Satan will lead a rebellion against Christ, but will be defeated and banished forever to the Lake of Fire. Christ, who is the judge of all men, will then execute His judgment on the wicked dead at the Great White Throne. The condemned will be committed to eternal conscious punishment in hell. The righteous will enter the eternal state of glory with God. (Rev 20-22) Section G... CONCERNING LAST THINGS We believe that the return of the Lord Jesus Christ is imminent. This return will be a personal, bodily return of the Lord. At the end of days unbelievers will be cast into the lake of fire for all eternity while believers will enter into the new heaven and new earth and dwell with God in His presence for all eternity. (Isa. 11:9; Matt. 24:15 25:46; Acts 1:11, 15:16 17; Rom. 8:19 23; 11:25 27; 1 Thess. 4:14-17; 2 Tim. 3:1 5; Rev. 20:1 6, 11-15).

13 ARTICLE IV CHURCH DISTINCTIVES Trinity Church is a Baptist church, and holds to these historic Baptist principles. A. The supremacy of the Bible for matters of faith and practice. B. The exclusivity of church membership to the spiritually regenerate. C. Baptism only of believers in Jesus Christ. D. The autonomy of the local church. E. Separation of church and state. F. Religious liberty for all. G. The priesthood of every believer. ARTICLE V - CHURCH COOPERATION Believing in the historic Baptist position of the autonomy of the local body, the church shall be self-governing, independent and free from interference by any ecclesiastical or political authority, but shall reserve the right to cooperate with others on a voluntary basis. ARTICLE IV CHURCH DISTINCTIVES Trinity Church is a Baptist church, and holds to these historic Baptist principles. A. The supremacy of the Bible for matters of faith and practice. B. The exclusivity of church membership to the spiritually regenerate. C. Baptism only of believers in Jesus Christ. D. The autonomy of the local church. E. Separation of church and state. F. Religious liberty for all. G. The priesthood of every believer. ARTICLE IV - CHURCH COOPERATION This church is autonomous and maintains the right to govern its own affairs, independent of any denominational control. The church shall be governed by a Board of Elders as elected by the membership of the church. The Board of Elders shall have authority to act on behalf of the membership in all matters, except where a membership vote is required as outlined in this constitution. This church is a non-denominational church but acknowledges our roots as a Baptist affiliated church. This church will continue to partner with the association of Baptist churches as long as the elders of Trinity Church feel such a partnership helps us fulfill our God given mission. The church also reserves the right to cooperate with other non-denominational and denominational Christian churches that advance our God given mission. This church also believes that the local church should obey and cooperate with all political laws and regulations as long as such would not violate the principles of God s Word. It is our conviction that God s authority is higher, and thus preempts any authority of mankind.

14 ARTICLE VI - MEMBERSHIP Section A... QUALIFICATIONS 1. Biblical. All members shall have received Jesus Christ as their personal savior and been baptized by immersion. 2. Procedural. All members shall have been interviewed by the Board of Elders, accepted the articles of faith, and been instructed in the policies and procedures of the church. Section B... APPLICATION AND ADMISSION 1. Any person so qualified may become a member of the church upon recommendation of the Board of Elders and a 75 percent vote of approval by the members present at any business meeting. 2. Letters from other churches of like faith and practice will be welcomed as a means of introduction and a gesture of Christian fellowship, but shall not replace the interview by the Board of Elders. 3. New members shall be presented to the membership and publicly offered the right hand of fellowship. ARTICLE V - MEMBERSHIP Section A... QUALIFICATIONS 1. Biblical. All members shall have received Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior as well as have taken the step of obedience to Christ by having been baptized as a believer. The normal practice of the church for new baptisms will be by immersion as the best representation outwardly of what God has done inwardly. 2. Procedural. All members shall have accepted the articles of faith, have been instructed in the policies and procedures of the church, and have been interviewed by a minimum of two qualified people (at least one Elder or Pastor and another Elder approved member) who will provide their recommendation of membership to the Board of Elders. Section B... APPLICATION AND ADMISSION 1. Any person so qualified and at least 16 years old may request membership. 2. An applicant may become a member of the church upon approval of the Board of Elders, and a 75 percent vote of affirmation by the members present at any business meeting. 3. Pastors & their spouses so qualified who go through the process of hiring and a congregational affirmation are considered members.

15 Section C... RESPONSIBILITIES Membership in a local church is a special relationship of individual believers who band together to evangelize the community and edify the body. As a result of this union there are certain expectations and responsibilities. 1. The church as a corporate entity expects that every member should: a. support the body with their spiritual gifts and abilities; b. actively pursue a life devoted to purity and show a loving concern to other members and fellow believers; c. consistently pray for the members and ministry of the church; d. attempt diligently to follow the "one another" commands of scripture; e. encourage the pursuit of family worship; f. attend faithfully the services of the church; and g. regularly support the church financially. Section C... RESPONSIBILITIES Membership in a local church is a special relationship of individual believers who band together to evangelize the community and edify the body. As a result of this union there are certain expectations and responsibilities as outlined in the STANDING RULES.

16 2. The church as a corporate entity is also responsible to the individual member to provide: a. spiritual instruction aimed at producing spiritual maturity; b. an atmosphere of love and encouragement; c. opportunities for service and fellowship; and d. an environment where correction and comfort can take place. The church as a corporate entity is also responsible to the individual member as outlined in the STANDING RULES.

17 Section D... WATCH CARE RELATIONSHIP 1. Members of another church of like faith and practice who are temporarily living within the attendance area of the church may be carried on the roll as "Watch Care Members". 2. Such members: a. are not entitled to voting privileges; b. may not hold an elective office; c. shall be recognized upon receipt of a letter of agreement from the home church; and d. must meet regular membership requirements. Section D... WATCH CARE RELATIONSHIP 1. Members of another church of like faith and practice who are temporarily living within the attendance area of the church may be carried on the roll as "Watch Care Members". 2. Such members: a. are not entitled to voting privileges; b. may not hold an elective office; c. shall be recognized upon receipt of a letter of agreement from the home church; and d. must meet regular membership requirements. Section E... TERMINATION OF MEMBERSHIP 1. Transfer of Membership a. Members moving from this locality are encouraged to unite with a church of like faith and practice in their new locality as soon as possible. b. A member of the church, in good standing, who decides to affiliate with another church of like faith and practice, shall, upon application from said church, receive a letter of transfer upon favorable vote of the church. c. When a member of the church desires to unite with some other evangelical church, a certificate of Christian standing shall be given upon recommendation of the Pastor and the Board of Elders. Section E... TERMINATION OF MEMBERSHIP 1. Transfer of Membership a. Members moving from this locality are encouraged to unite with a church of like faith and practice in their new locality as soon as possible. b. A member of the church, in good standing, who decides to affiliate with another church of like faith and practice, shall, upon application from said church, receive a letter of transfer upon favorable vote of the church. c. When a member of the church desires to unite with some other evangelical church, a certificate of Christian standing shall be given upon recommendation of the Pastor and the Board of Elders.

18 2. Resignation of Membership When a member requests his or her name to be removed from the church roll, the Board of Elders shall investigate. If the Board feels the facts warrant it and fellowship cannot be restored, the Board shall recommend to the church that the resignation be accepted. The church may act immediately upon such a recommendation. Section D... TERMINATION OF MEMBERSHIP 1. Resignation of Membership When a member requests his or her name to be removed from the church roll, the Board of Elders shall investigate. If the Board feels the facts warrant it and local fellowship cannot be restored, the Elder Board can remove them from membership with a majority vote at an elders meeting and the elder board will inform members of the church at the next business meeting. 3. Deletion from Membership When it comes to the attention of the Board of Elders that a member is not faithful in attendance, according to Heb 10:25, said member shall be contacted by the Pastor or an Elder concerning the problem. If the Board feels the facts warrant it and fellowship is not restored, the Board shall recommend to the church that said member be deleted from the church rolls. 2. Deletion from Membership a. When it comes to the attention of the Board of Elders that a member is not faithful in attendance, according to Heb 10:25, said member shall be contacted by a Pastor or an Elder concerning the problem. If the Board feels the facts warrant it and local fellowship is not restored, the Board shall recommend to the church that said member be deleted from the church rolls. A 75% member vote is required for removal. b. If a member dies they are automatically removed from the membership list. c. A member can also be removed for reasons of church discipline as outlined in Section E of the constitution.

19 Section F... DISCIPLINE It is our belief that the New Testament teaches that members of a local church enter into a covenant relationship with each other in which all the members are accountable to God and each other to live by the standards of conduct spelled out in the Scriptures. When a member of the congregation strays from the biblical standard, therefore, such a member is subject to the discipline of the church. Section E... DISCIPLINE It is our belief that the New Testament teaches that members of a local church enter into a covenant relationship with each other in which all the members are accountable to God and each other to live by the standards of conduct spelled out in the Scriptures. When a member of the congregation strays from the biblical standard, therefore, such a member is subject to the discipline of the church. 1. Basis of Discipline All cases of discipline, whether of private or public character, shall be conducted in the spirit of and in accordance with the procedures outlined in the New Testament. (Matt 18:15-20; I Cor 5:1-13; Gal 6:1; II Thess 3:14-15; I Tim 5:10-20) 1. Basis of Discipline All cases of discipline, whether of private or public character, shall be conducted in the spirit of and in accordance with the procedures outlined in the New Testament. (Matt 18:15-20; I Cor 5:1-13; Gal 6:1; II Thess 3:14-15; I Tim 5:10-20) 2. Reasons for Discipline Disciplinary action shall be implemented: a. to restore to fellowship those violating God's law; (Gal 6:1) b. to maintain the purity of the church; (I Cor 5:6-8) c. to discourage others from sinning. (I Tim 5:20) 2. Reasons for Discipline Disciplinary action can be implemented: a. to restore to fellowship those violating God's law; (Gal 6:1) b. to maintain the purity of the church; (I Cor 5:6-8) c. to discourage others from sinning. (I Tim 5:20)

20 3. Procedure Upon the disclosure of a need for discipline in the Congregation it shall be the responsibility of the Pastoral staff in conjunction with the Board of Elders to handle the matter. The disciplinary procedure is to be exercised in a loving and fair manner with the goal of restoring the covenant relationship. The Pastoral Staff and the Board of Elders shall follow the procedure of Matt 18: When the error of a brother cannot be corrected by private confrontation (Matt 18:15) or limited public confrontation (Matt 18:16) then the matter will be presented to the church. Should it be necessary, because of lack of repentance on the part of the member, the Board shall recommend to the congregation that the member be dismissed from the membership. 3. Procedure Upon the disclosure of a need for discipline in the congregation it shall be the responsibility of the Pastoral staff in conjunction with the Board of Elders to handle the matter. The disciplinary procedure is to be exercised in a loving and fair manner with the goal of restoring the covenant relationship. The Pastoral Staff and the Board of Elders shall follow the procedure of Matt 18: When the error of a brother or sister cannot be corrected by private confrontation (Matt 18:15) or limited public confrontation (Matt 18:16) then the matter will be presented to the church. Should it be necessary, because of lack of repentance on the part of the member, the Board shall recommend to the congregation that the member be dismissed from the membership. A 75% member vote is required for removal.

21 ARTICLE VII - OFFICERS OF THE CHURCH Section A... OFFICERS AND TERMS 1. Pastor Indefinite 2. Elected Officers a) Board of Elders 3 Years b) Financial Secretary 1 Year c) General Treasurer 1 Year d) 4 Members of the Nominating Committee 1 Year 3. Appointed Officers a) Church Clerk 1 Year b) Moderator Indefinite 4. All officers shall assume office on January 1st. 5. Officers may serve unlimited consecutive terms. 6. The specification for election of an officer at the Annual Elections Meeting shall not prohibit the Board of Elders from calling a special election to fill a vacant position. ARTICLE VI OFFICERS & STAFF OF THE CHURCH Section A... OFFICERS/STAFF AND TERMS 1. Lead Pastor Indefinite 2. Pastoral Associates Indefinite 3. Church Staff Indefinite 4. Elected Officers a) Board of Elders 3 Years b) Lead Counter 1 Year c) General Treasurer 1 Year d) 4 Members of the Nominating Committee 1 Year 5. Officers shall assume office on January 1st. 6. Officers may serve unlimited consecutive terms. 7. The specification for election of an officer at the Annual Elections Meeting shall not prohibit the Board of Elders from calling a special election to fill a vacant position.

22 Section B... GENERAL QUALIFICATIONS All persons holding office must be members in good standing of the church. No person shall hold more than one elective office at the same time. Section B... GENERAL QUALIFICATIONS All persons holding office must be members in good standing of the church. No person shall hold more than one elective office at the same time. Section C... PASTOR The office of Pastor refers to a single individual. In the event that Trinity employs several individuals for pastoral ministry, the Board of Elders shall designate one of these to be the Senior Pastor and the others shall be designated as Pastoral Associates. The Pastor shall carefully watch over and guide the spiritual interests of the church. 2. Qualifications a. The Pastor shall be a man called of God who meets the spiritual, personal and family qualifications listed in I Tim 3:1-7 and Tit 1:6-9. b. The Pastor shall agree with the "Articles of Faith" of the church. Section C... LEAD PASTOR The office of Lead Pastor refers to a single individual. In the event that Trinity employs several individuals for pastoral ministry, the Board of Elders shall designate one of these to be the Lead Pastor and the others shall be designated as Pastoral Associates. The Pastor shall carefully watch over and guide the spiritual interests of the church. 2. Qualifications a. The Pastor shall be a man called of God who meets the spiritual, personal and family qualifications listed in I Tim 3:1-7 and Tit 1:6-9. b. The Pastor shall agree with the "Articles of Faith" of the church.

23 3. Call of the (Senior) Pastor a. In the event of a vacancy in the office of (Senior) Pastor it shall be necessary to establish a Pastoral Search Committee. The Board of Elders shall be considered the Committee together with one member-at-large nominated by the Board of Elders and elected by the church membership. However, any Elder who is employed by Trinity Church may not serve on the Pastoral Search Committee. b. At a special business meeting to vote on the candidate for the pastorate, an affirmative vote by 75 percent of the voting membership present shall be needed to extend a call. The vote shall be by secret ballot. 4. Term The Pastor shall be called by the congregation for an indeterminate period of time. 5. Accountability The Pastor shall be accountable to the congregation through the Board of Elders. 6. Responsibilities See STANDING RULES. 3. Call of the Lead Pastor a. In the event of a vacancy in the office of Lead Pastor it shall be necessary to establish a Pastoral Search Committee. The Board of Elders shall be considered the Committee together with two members-at-large nominated by the Board of Elders and elected by the church membership. However, any Elder who is employed by Trinity Church may not serve on the Pastoral Search Committee. b. At a special business meeting to vote on the candidate for the pastorate, an affirmative vote by 75 percent of the voting membership present shall be needed to extend a call to the candidate presented by the Pastoral Search Committee. The vote shall be by secret ballot. 4. Term The Lead Pastor shall be called by the congregation for an indeterminate period of time unless specified by the Board of Elders before the congregational vote. 5. Accountability The Lead Pastor shall be accountable to the congregation through the Board of Elders. 6. Responsibilities See STANDING RULES.

24 Section D... PASTORAL ASSOCIATES Pastoral associates and other assistants deemed necessary by agreement with the Pastor and the Board of Elders, shall be recommended by the Board of Elders to the church. The pastoral associates shall assist the Pastor in watching over and guiding the spiritual interests of the church. 2. Qualifications Pastoral associates shall meet the biblical qualifications spelled out in I Tim 3:1-7 and Tit 1: Term Pastoral associates shall be called by the congregation for an indeterminate period of time. 4. Accountability Pastoral associates shall be accountable to the Pastor. 5. Responsibilities See STANDING RULES. Section D... PASTORAL ASSOCIATES Pastoral Associates deemed necessary by agreement with the Lead Pastor and the Board of Elders, shall be recommended by the Board of Elders and affirmed by 75% of the church. The pastoral associates shall assist the Lead Pastor in watching over and guiding the spiritual interests of the church. 2. Qualifications Pastoral associates shall meet the biblical qualifications spelled out in I Tim 3:1-7 and Tit 1: Term Pastoral Associates are hired by the Lead Pastor and Board of Elders, and serve an indeterminate period of time at will under the discretion of the Board of Elders. 4. Accountability Pastoral Associates shall be accountable to the Lead Pastor. 5. Responsibilities See STANDING RULES.

25 Section E... STAFF Staff deemed necessary by agreement with the Lead Pastor and the Board of Elders, are hired by the Lead Pastor or his delegated representative. Staff shall assist the Lead Pastor in running the day to day operations of the church. 2. Qualifications Staff shall have received Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and savior and shall agree with the "Articles of Faith" of the church. 3. Term Staff are hired (or chosen) by the Lead Pastor and are affirmed by the Board of Elders for an indeterminate period of time and serve at will to assist the Lead Pastor. 4. Accountability Staff shall be accountable to the Lead Pastor. 5. Responsibilities Responsibilities will be outlined in the ministry job description agreed upon by the Lead Pastor and Board of Elders.

26 Section E... BOARD OF ELDERS The Board of Elders shall constitute the official board of directors of the church, and shall consider all matters of importance to the church. Together with the Pastor, the Board of Elders shall watch over and guide the spiritual interests of the church. In the case of a pastoral vacancy, the Board of Elders shall act as the Pastoral Search Committee as prescribed in Article VII, Section C, Paragraph 3(a). The operating quorum shall be 2/3 of the elected Elders, except if seven members of the congregation are not qualified or available for election to the office of Elder, the quorum may be reduced to four elected elders. 2. Election and Qualifications a. The qualifications for this position are a radiant Christian life, the meeting of qualities presented in I Tim 3:1-13, and, except for the (Senior) Pastor, membership for a minimum of one year in the church prior to assuming office. b. The (Senior) Pastor is automatically an Elder and a member of the governing board, but he may not serve as Chairman of the Board of Elders. Section F... BOARD OF ELDERS The Board of Elders shall constitute the official board of directors of the church, and shall consider all matters of importance to the church. Together with the Lead Pastor, the Board of Elders shall watch over and guide the spiritual interests of the church. In the case of a Lead Pastor vacancy, the Board of Elders shall act as the Pastoral Search Committee as prescribed in Article VI, Section C, Paragraph 3(a). The operating quorum will consist of the greater of four elected elders or 2/3 majority of the elected elders. 2. Election and Qualifications a. The elder shall be a man of God who meets the spiritual, personal, and family qualifications listed in I Tim 3:1-13, and, except for the Lead Pastor, membership for a minimum of one year in the church prior to assuming office. b. The Lead Pastor is automatically an Elder and a member of the governing board, but he may not serve as Chairman of the Board of Elders.

27 c. In addition to the (Senior) Pastor, a board consisting of no less than seven members shall be elected by the church from its members at the Annual Elections Meeting of the church. Increases in the recommended size of the Board of Elders shall be based on the church membership as described in the chart in the STANDING RULES. In the event that the board membership falls below the recommended size, the Nominating Committee shall use all reasonable efforts to identify and nominate candidates for election to the office of Elder. In extraordinary circumstances, and for a period not to exceed one year, the legal size of the Board or its quorum may be modified by majority vote of the congregation at a business meeting. d. A Pastoral Associate or compensated employee of the church who otherwise meets the requirements of office is eligible for nomination and service as an Elder. However, the number of compensated employees, including the (Senior) Pastor, who also serve as Elders shall never exceed one-fourth of the membership of the Board of Elders. If this ratio is exceeded due to resignation or expiration of the term of an uncompensated elder, the most recently elected compensated elder, other than the (Senior) Pastor, shall withdraw from the Board of Elders until a noncompensated elder is elected to the Board of Elders. c. In addition to the Lead Pastor, a board consisting of no less than seven members shall be elected by the church from its members at the Annual Elections Meeting of the church. Increases in the recommended size of the Board of Elders shall be based on the church membership as described in the chart in the STANDING RULES. In the event that the board membership falls below the recommended size, the Nominating Committee and Board of Elders shall use all reasonable efforts to identify and nominate candidates for election to the office of Elder In extraordinary circumstances, and for a period not to exceed one year, the legal size of the Board or its quorum may be modified by majority vote of the congregation at a business meeting. d. A Pastoral Associate or compensated employee of the church who otherwise meets the requirements of office is eligible for nomination and service as an Elder. However, the number of compensated employees, including the Lead Pastor, who also serve as Elders shall never exceed one-fourth of the membership of the Board of Elders. If this ratio is exceeded due to resignation or expiration of the term of an uncompensated elder, the most recently elected compensated elder, other than the Lead Pastor, shall withdraw from the Board of Elders until a noncompensated elder is elected to the Board of Elders.

28 e. Only non-compensated elders may vote on matters of salary and related benefits, hiring of church staff, or dismissal from the church staff. Only a non-compensated Elder may serve as Chairman of the Board. 3. Term With the exception of the (Senior) Pastor, who shall remain an elder as long as he holds the office, the term of the office is three years. No more than 50 percent of the board members' terms shall expire in any one church year. 4. Accountability The Board of Elders shall be accountable to the church membership. e. Only non-compensated elders may vote on matters of salary and related benefits, hiring of church staff, or dismissal from the church staff. Only a non-compensated Elder may serve as Chairman of the Board. f. The Board of Elders may elect officers within the board in order better manage the affairs of the church and to meet legal standards of management (corporate officers) as described in the STANDING RULES. 3. Term With the exception of the Lead Pastor, who shall remain an elder as long as he holds the office, the term of the office is three years. No more than 50 percent of the board members' terms shall expire in any one church year. 4. Accountability The Board of Elders shall be accountable to the church membership to serve as God s Word commands.

29 Section F... FINANCIAL SECRETARY The Financial Secretary shall record and deposit all funds received in the name of the church, and shall provide reports of such funds received as prescribed in the STANDING RULES. 2. Election and Qualifications The Financial Secretary shall be elected from the membership of the church at each Annual Elections Meeting, and shall be an active member in good standing possessing the qualities of confidentiality required for the office. 3. Term The term of office is one year. 4. Accountability The Financial Secretary shall be accountable to the church in the manner prescribed in the STANDING RULES. 5. Organization and Responsibilities See STANDING RULES. Section G... LEAD COUNTER The Lead Counter shall oversee the recording and deposit of all funds received in the name of the church. 2. Election and Qualifications The Lead Counter shall be elected from the membership of the church at each Annual Elections Meeting, and shall be an active member in good standing possessing the qualities of confidentiality required for the office. 3. Term The term of office is one year. 4. Accountability The Lead Counter shall be accountable to the church in the manner prescribed in the STANDING RULES. 5. Organization and Responsibilities See STANDING RULES.

30 Section G... GENERAL TREASURER The General Treasurer shall disburse all General Fund expenditures by approved bank check, and may disburse special funds as authorized in the STANDING RULES. The treasurer shall verify the accuracy and integrity of bank statements and shall also review financial records maintained by the church staff to ensure that they are in good order for audit at any time. 2. Election and Qualifications The General Treasurer shall be elected from the membership at the Annual Elections Meeting, and shall be an active member in good standing. 3. Term The term of office is one year. 4. Accountability The General Treasurer shall be accountable to the church in the manner prescribed in the STANDING RULES. Section H... GENERAL TREASURER The General Treasurer shall disburse all Church Fund expenditures by approved bank check, and may disburse special funds as authorized in the STANDING RULES. 2. Election and Qualifications The General Treasurer shall be elected from the membership at the Annual Elections Meeting, and shall be an active member in good standing. 3. Term The term of office is one year. 4. Accountability The General Treasurer shall be accountable to the church in the manner prescribed in the STANDING RULES. 5. Organization and Responsibilities See STANDING RULES. 5. Organization and Responsibilities See STANDING RULES.

31 Section H... CHURCH CLERK The Church Clerk shall keep records of the business meetings of the church and maintain membership records. 2. Election and Qualifications The Church Clerk shall be appointed by the Board of Elders. 3. Term The term of office is one year. 4. Accountability The Church Clerk shall be accountable to the church in the manner prescribed in the STANDING RULES. Section H... CHURCH CLERK The Church Clerk shall keep records of the business meetings of the church and maintain membership records. 2. Election and Qualifications The Church Clerk shall be appointed by the Board of Elders. 3. Term The term of office is one year. 4. Accountability The Church Clerk shall be accountable to the church in the manner prescribed in the STANDING RULES.

32 Section I... MODERATOR The Moderator shall preside over all regular and special business meetings of the church according to an agenda prepared by the Board of Elders. 2. Election and Qualifications The Moderator shall be the Pastor. The chairman of the Board of Elders shall serve as Vice-Moderator. In the absence of either of the above mentioned officers, the secretary of the Board of Elders shall serve as Moderator or Vice-Moderator, as needed. 3. Accountability The Moderator shall be accountable to the church in the manner prescribed in the STANDING RULES. Section J... MODERATOR The Moderator shall preside over all regular and special business meetings of the church according to an agenda prepared by the Board of Elders. 2. Election and Qualifications The Moderator shall be either the Lead Pastor or the Chairman of the Board of Elders. The other shall serve as Vice-Moderator. In the absence of either of the above mentioned officers, the secretary of the Board of Elders shall serve as Moderator or Vice- Moderator, as needed. 3. Accountability The Moderator shall be accountable to the church in the manner prescribed in the STANDING RULES.

33 ARTICLE VIII - DEPARTMENTS AND COMMITTEES OF THE CHURCH Section A... Each department of the church is under the oversight of an Elder. Within any department the responsible Elder may appoint leaders and committees to carry out particular responsibilities. All leaders and committee members must be church members in good standing. The Elder may delegate some of the operating responsibility for a department, including appointment of leaders and committees, to appropriate members of the Pastoral Staff, but such delegation does not abrogate the Elder s ultimate authority. ARTICLE VII - COMMITTEES OF THE CHURCH Section A... COMMITTEES 1. Accountability Each committee of the church is under the authority of the elders. All leaders and committee members must be church members in good standing. The Elders may delegate some of the operating responsibility for a committee, including appointment of leaders and committee members, to appropriate members of the Pastoral Staff, but such delegation does not abrogate the Elder s ultimate authority. 2. Organization The forming of committees and the purposes they serve are determined by the Board of Elders and the needs of the church at the time they are formed. The Board of Elders may start or terminate committees as the needs of the church change (except for the Nominating Committee), but shall at all times try to maintain clear and respectful communication with existing committee members and the church membership. 3. Current Committees See STANDING RULES.

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