Initiations. (into the Circle of Light) Community of Light NEWSLETTER (A Publication of The University of Melchizedek)

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1 VOLUME VII ISSUE #9 OCTOBER 2014 Community of Light NEWSLETTER (A Publication of The University of Melchizedek) Initiations (into the Circle of Light) UNIVERSITY OF MELCHIZEDEK P.O. BOX 2481 GRANTS PASS, OREGON USA University of Melchizedek

2 Initiation and the Solar Self The University Papers Volume 7, # 23 The greatest step that man can take is from human to Solar Self. The beast leaves the system and the heart glows with the Christ Self, the illumined being I AM. You are in the midst of this Great Initiation from human to Divine. This is what has been called in Christian literature the Second Coming of the Christ. This time, O My people, the Divine Appearance is you. In the book Initiation, Human and Solar by Alice Bailey and under the chapter heading Diversities of Initiation, pages , you can read of the significance of the Solar step into the God Man or GodSelf. Alice Bailey uses the word individualization to denote the great moment when man passed out of the animal kingdom into the human. This she calls Initiation. Today, in this moment of writing, humanity is facing the next great Initiation: the call to the Divine where he or she must pass through the gates of mortal existence into the folds of Consciousness that we know as I AM, or the creative circuit of the Son of God. In the one case, Alice Bailey continues, we have initiation into self-conscious existence, in the other, initiation into spiritual existence. It is interesting to note that Mrs. Bailey has dedicated this particular book of wisdom to the Master K.H. (Kuthumi) whom we know with great love and affection as the Sponsor with the Master Saint Germain of the University of Melchizedek. It is pointed out within the pages of this book that these initiations come under natural law and will be experienced by every soul without exception. All must be Awakened. All must come to the Light. Page EDITORIAL TEAM Editors: Design/Arrangement: CONTENTS 2. THE BODY OF LIGHT 5. THE EASTER OF THE SOUL 7. THE UNIVERSITY OF MELCHIZEDEK Okey Ibezim Susan Hunt Karen McOuat Elizabeth Hunt Okey Ibezim More About the Second Coming The moment the Heart Center (chakra) opens to reveal the Christ Light, you have become a new being. The Light of the Christ becomes your being. This is called the Great Awakening and pertains to the Second Coming in you. Kundalini, or the Spirit Mother that has been waiting to rise and give birth through the Heart, is now actively engaged in bringing forth the I AM Presence, the Son or PRESENCE of God in and through you. At this stage of development you face a crisis within the self: a giving away of the creature we call human and a pushing out into expression of the Holy Self, that which is not separated from the God Spirit. The Solar union is complete when the Heart is open and the Sun bursts through the Heart as the individualization of God or the Divine. What I am explaining here is the next step in man's evolution, as he or she vibrates the Son (expression) of God Being. This is the great step from human into Solar Being, the resurrection of self. Higher continued on page 3 Page 2

3 Mind takes over then and directs the consciousness into the Creator's Divine pattern of wholeness and unity with all life. Every thought becomes in accord with All That Is. The concern for self is gone and in its place is the rhythm of I AM That I AM - the spiritual Being we know as the Second Coming of Christ, the emergence of the spiritual man. From Human to the Divine I have awakened you from your sleep and now I must become you. This is Initiation. Humility defeats the ego. (The meek shall inherit the earth.) It is critical to retain humility as you pass from the awakening into the movement of Spirit in you as a tremendous power. The Dalai Lama speaks often of developing and practicing compassion and kindness towards all life. To kindle and sustain such a selfless love demands humility of the soul. Without this humility, compassion cannot be expressed and compassion is the Seed of the soul, the very root of your secret Self, the Life I AM. A l i c e B a i l e y d e f i n e s individualization in this manner: Individualisation is the conscious apprehension by the self of its relation to all that constitutes the not-self, and in this great initiatory process, as in all later ones, the awakening of consciousness is preceded by a period of gradual development; the awakening is instantaneous at the moment of self-realisation for the first time, and is always succeeded by another period of gradual evolution. The Initiation and the Solar Self continued from page 2 University of Melchizedek Teachings are concerned with the evolutionary birth and the awakening not only of you as a spiritual being, but of the God Seed within your heart. For there lies the Christ, the hope of a New World, the degree of God Man. When Spirit becomes alive in you there is no turning back. The resistance you may be feeling is of the human self. Behind the human self is the emerging Christ I d e n t i t y, t h e c o n s c i o u s individualization of God as you! This is the Second Coming and this great Initiation is touching many who have waited eons for this moment in time. The Melchizedek Teachings through t h i s U n i v e r s i t y u n d e r t h e supervision of the Masters Kuthumi, Saint Germain and our Divine Director Lord Sananda are focused on the Incoming Christ Spirit and Its focus in you as the Solar Son-Daughter. For this reason, all courses and lesson presentations carry within their pages the Spirit of the Living God and the Melchizedek Order. The decoding of these lessons, the given teachings of Jesus, comes through the heart where the mind rests with the Spirit as the Higher Self. Live Prosperously In a time and age when the whole economic system on earth is being threatened by turmoil, greed and loss of balance (loss of consideration of the whole), the Mind of the Heart awakens to the realm that the Master Jesus taught as the Sermon on the Mount. If we can understand what the Master was teaching through that Sermon, we will consciously open to a whole new realm of Being where God in expression, I AM That I AM, vibrates as our world economy, as divine healing and righteousness, as justice and rhythm of All Be-ing. Such a world is waiting for you! We, in our human life, have learned much in the study of metaphysical law. We know that Like attracts like and As we think, so it is. All has been going well for us up to now. (I am speaking to those of you who have been successful in your metaphysical studies and practices.) Yet suddenly we find that what we have discovered as cosmic law no longer works! We are puzzled and seek deeply of the Spirit to know more. We are on the path of individualization, looking north and south, seeking help anywhere and everywhere. Then it comes, like a burst of Flame, the Consciousness of I AM. Now the Spoken Word becomes our Truth. And It tells us to look within, to seek the Kingdom within our heart before all else. And we do this. From the path the burning pattern that Jesus has made through the Heart - we feel the Truth of Being and the individualization of God, the Divine within us. I AM you. You are My beloved son in whom I am well pleased. Arise and walk with Me. Have the courage to walk in My footsteps. Have the courage to lift others by your consciousness. We are One. Now you sup with God. The world as you have known it continued on page 9

4 Initiation into the Order of Melchizedek The University Papers Volume 7, # 24 I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life The purpose of this Initiation is to bring into the consciousness of man the oneness of all life - that God is present within all life and is consciously realizing Himself as that state of being. He rests within. WHEN THIS CONSCIOUS REALIZATION OCCURS as God knowing Himself within His - Her Creation - the I AM THAT I AM - all life changes and becomes the formation of the BODY OF GOD THE SUPREME. The Melchizedek Brotherhood and Energy will accomplish this unification of Life by its master teachers on this earth. They are the ones who will begin the surge of Christ t r a n s p a r e n c y, t h u s encouraging the Planetary Logos as movement of God B e - i n g t o v i b r a t e t h e Consciousness of the I AM through every aspect of God creation. We will then become a lighted planet and a Center for the Melchizedek outposts in the realms of light. If you are of the Melchizedek Order, or have been given the ordination of the Priesthood of Melchizedek, be well informed now that your place in the Great Initiation of Humanity is vital. You must not only see the face of God in all His creation, but your conscious awareness must REFLECT and EMBODY the oneness of the God Presence. Reread both the Master Jesus' Sermon on the Mount and the New Covenant (Hebrews 8) that Jesus left for the Priesthood to explain and carry forth in His Name. The Original Sin The word sin means without. Thus original sin means without God. To be born in sin is to be born without the parents conceiving of the God Presence within the child to be b o r n. T h i s c a r r i e s n o retribution or karma. To be baptized, as John baptized in preparation for the coming of the Christ, is a prelude for the initiation of rebirth into Spirit or spiritual nature. Note that the Fire Baptism brings the individual directly into the Will of the Father. Jesus was and is the holy Baptism of Fire. All Melchizedek initiates take the Baptism of Fire. The High Priest Jesus of Nazareth initiates and is always present at the Ceremony of this Christ Initiation and Declaration of Universe Sonship into the Order. Thus, to be born again is to reclaim your birthright as a divine son-daughter of God. It means to be born consciously o f t h e S p i r i t. E v e r y Melchizedek goes through this initiation. The word evil means empty, vacant, without compassion and love. When the heart chakra/center opens, the presence of Love is made known. What was evil or empty now begins to be filled with the eternal love of the Creator for all children and all life without exception. This love is true compassion and erases evil. This process of God identifying Himself through the heart means that every individual, no matter how bad he or she may seem, must be given the opportunity and the exposure to be touched by the Spirit and opened by the light. Life is sacred and one of the reasons I say this is because God the Creator is waiting even as the Father waits for the Prodigal Son. When initiation begins within the individual, the Spirit of God begins to fulfill Itself through that one as I AM. This is the Consciousness that the Order of Melchizedek continued on page 5

5 brings to Earth. And it is with unity of purpose the Melchizedek Priesthood must realize, as a conscious unit, that in living Truth there is no evil, no sinful being and no death. My Priesthood, let God the Divine Presence flow through you now as the Creator emerged, the body of Christ and the Fifth Dimension. All the records presented through Crystal and this University point the way and can actually initiate you into the Sanctuary of Light and the body of the One. Blessed Are the Meek To be meek is to be open to God's Way. It is to practice humility. The world does not know this meekness, but you do. And the divine power will rest only in the soul who has meekness. For the power listens and moves on God's Voice, His will and the Mother's Grace. Be pure in thought and mind. Remain open to the Lord's Word. And sing praises always, even as the birds do, so that your heavenly Father can hear you and fill your life with His Presence. The Kingdom is within. The Power and the Presence What does it mean, For the power listens and moves on God's Voice, His will and the Mother's Grace? The alignment we are moving into as a New World vibrational energy field is one that serves the Creator only. When the Universe Creator Michael Initiation into the Order of Melchizedek continued from page 4 ascended following His Seventh Bestowal as the one we know as Jesus, he received the Universe Spirit or MOTHER as one with Himself. He was joined with Her and all Power was given to Him through Her as the BODY OF GOD. Please recall that the Universe Mother Spirit is also the Creative Daughter or POWER in the Universe. Her actual fusion with the universe Creator ordains and permits a full new Consciousness for Man - that of Consciousness of the Creator as the I AM. The Creative Power or Universe Mother only gives Herself to fulfill the Father's (Creator Michael's) Will. SHE WILL NOT OPERATE THROUGH THE MORTAL MIND. SHE IS DESIGNED TO ONLY FORM THROUGH MICHAEL'S WILL WHO HAS PROVEN, AS JESUS, THAT HE IS ONE WITH THE UNIVERSAL FATHER AND IS HIS WILL AS THE CURRENT OF THIS UNIVERSE! Thus, a new order proclaims itself to Earth and in this Order I AM. Now read the New Covenant, which Jesus has laid upon the ground, and seek revelation through this Covenant. Is something not working for you? Do you feel as though you are blocked? Reclaim your governance through the Inner Voice and listen. I will impart to you My Way and it will be done. So let it be that you have rediscovered you in Me. For this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord: I will put my law into their minds and I will write it on their hearts; and I will be their God and they shall be my people. And no man shall teach his neighbor, neither his brother, saying, Know the Lord; for all shall know me, from the youngest to the oldest. A n d I w i l l f o r g i v e t h e i r wickedness and I will no longer remember their sins; For he has spoken of a new covenant; the first one has become old, and that which is old and obsolete is near destruction. (Hebrews 8:10-13, George M. Lamsa Translation) House of Israel means those who love Me, who obey the Will of God, who are at one with the Love of God and reflect God's Image to Earth. The Lodge of the Masters It was proclaimed in an th October 5 release to you that the World Mother Sanctuary had been selected to be the Lodge for the Masters. Since that time those attending m e d i t a t i o n s h e r e h a v e actually seen the Master Saint Germain. He has been n o t e d t o w a l k i n t o t h e meditation hall and to seat Himself. We have been i n f o r m e d t h a t a s t h e vibrations rise even more at continued on page 9

6 Lines of Force The University Papers Volume 7, # 21 Triangular forces of energy dot the Universe and they are primary targets for the Son or Christ Energy as It moves through the Cosmos, finding Itself in the pockets of the created and uncreated. What you will be experiencing on Earth is an increase in Energy or Spirit Fire so that the Earth, herself, will commute to a place of vital distinction from the other planetary systems. Be sensitive to her many changes as she prepares to leave her present orbit and ascend. Consciousness must ascend with her or leave the planet. Higher Mind takes over the human condition. The path is strewn with flowers and dedicated to your Creator Son who once lived here as Jesus, the Son. May you be blessed with His presence and with the Light of all the silent avatars of the New System who are radiating Their Consciousness. Be quickened. Receive the Light. For this is the Hour of Awakening and God's Field is programmed into this planet. You have come to assist in this Awakening. Every soul you meet, whether behind the counter, sweeping the streets or running the store, is your responsibility. See that he or she hears My Voice as your own. It is My Voice that will tell each one the Truth and pass to them the Creator Son as the Light. All is in readiness. Take your place and Be. Hold the frequency of Power and Light. Be Divine Love in action. I AM now ready to lift you into My Song of the Universe. With your permission, I will do this. Consciousness ascends. (This is a step up in Earth's frequency. Crystal) I created all the heavens and earth. Now I recreate you. The power levels are going up very fast where death is no more. All t h a t t h e U n i v e r s i t y o f M e l c h i z e d e k h a s b e e n r e m i n d i n g y o u o f a n d a w a k e n i n g y o u t o i s mandatory for the New World Consciousness, the World of Light. What are these Teachings from the Order of Melchizedek sent to you by Father Melchizedek? Listen to your Inner Voice, the Christ Mind that speaks the Will of God. Be aligned with the Higher Mind frequency that is the Christ Mind, or Christed Mind in you, the Heart and Soul of the Word after the order of Melchizedek. Become that heartmind as you speak, as you think, as you live. Remain constantly alert to the corridor now open that is the Mind of God. Speak only with that Voice and have no other. Conform to no one save the Presence of God that is your I AM Presence, the Christ Vibrating Essence. Live prosperously as God in you for the Earth and all her children. Create out of yourself the Goodness of God. Let Kindness of Heart be your rule o f l i v i n g a n d b e s a c r e d i n y o u r actions. Consider all life when y o u s p e a k a n d always speak from the Silence. A Priest or Priestess after the Order of M e l c h i z e d e k continued on page 7

7 e m b o d i e s t h e L i f e Essence (I AM) of God and he or she never leaves the Altar. The following reprint is from Finding Your Inner Child, Lesson 4, page 3. It will add more to the understanding of the Teachings of Melchizedek. The spiritual journey is from illusion to reality or Home. Home is union with the God presence, the Christ within. The Plan of God is to reveal Him- Herself through all creation. This is a glowing planet then, a headquarters for the Christ in motion, I AM THAT I AM. This conscious Presence is c a r r i e d b y t h e o r d e r o f Melchizedek; and it is the Creator Son through this Order who will emerge as His creation, as the golden city of God. God truth or Being (awareness of Itself), as carried by the Order of Melchizedek (vibratory chords of the Creator), moves mountains. It is the Living Word. When you enter the Order of Melchizedek and consciously accept the Order of Perfection as your way, you are committed to Lines of Force continued from page 6 oneness with God. There is no other path for you. Jesus restored the Order on earth by His walk. He was the presence of this Order and its Priesthood, and He carried it as a living path for His disciples. Let us not forget this. Here is the sacred code running through your veins. God's Word (Understanding, Knowledge, Wisdom and Intelligence of God) within the Melchizedek Order is JESUS. T h e M a s t e r a t t a i n e d Perfection and vibrates that state of Be-ing through the heart center. As the Creative Intelligence emerges from the Innermost Heart, so does the Order of P e r f e c t i o n, t h e s a c r e d alignment with Jesus and His Mystery School of the Solar Son. Lines of Force Now the Mighty Son arises and greets you in the Heart after the Order of Melchizedek. You are the Christ Son of Me. Once you have stabilized in the Order, you have been Called, sealed with My Direction and Guidance. I will be glorified in you as the Son of My Self, the Living Organism I AM. There is no turning back. You are My Intended. And I AM you. The vibrations of the Earth have been altered to receive the new dimension rightly called the Second Coming. Meridians of force are being inserted and the powerful lines of energy that have been specially prepared for this planet contain the Life Force of the Universe Creator. They are connecting to the Temples of Light and Solar frequencies that are being held by the Lightworkers. The Temple of Sananda (Christ Jesus) that stands on the World Mother Sanctuary here in Glorieta, New Mexico, is a high voltage area. It is going to vibrate an issue of the Creator never felt and experienced. Thus, the workers and the keepers of this light-charged vortex, here continued on page 8

8 on the land or stationed in other parts of the globe, will change their bodies to light to facilitate the measure of conscious alignment necessary for this service to the planet and the Creator. This Temple and Sanctuary will serve as a watch guard for the incoming vibrations of Divine Love. It will also vibrate as a Melchizedek Energy Station and Teaching Center that will assist in the schooling of the Solar Life. Temple Teachings will enable those who seek to establish sanctuaries and temples of Solar Light to learn the way of Light and how to connect to the new circuitry of the Presence. This is a Mystery School Teaching and is being opened to all those who sincerely wish and seek the New World and its properties. The mortal body gives way to the radiant energy of the Christ within. The Solar Body emerges through the skin of the present mortal body after the Baptism of the Light Intelligence. The Solar Light frequency manifests through the body cellular thinking, and the one who has partaken of this Light rises into the immortal state of Be-ing: Christ in the Body form, the Second Coming of the Creator as Word. This Immortal Field is important now as it complements the Earth b o d y a n d h e r S o l a r Consciousness. Light takes form. Let go. Let Love. Let Joy become your radiant being. For you are now entering - crossing into - the New Wave of Solar Being. I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life. Lines of Force continued from page 7 In immortal language, the door has been opened to you; the corridor you seek is revealed. I AM the Presence of that door. I AM the guidance of that Spirit. The Events to Come: A Program of Light First, if you live near the ocean, stay alert to your divine guidance. Be sure that you are not attached to the ocean or sea where you live. And as soon as you receive the direction to move inland - and listen to where you are to live - quickly, and without turning back, go to your new assignment - for the seas may rise, even as the Light increases. Beloveds, let go of home and realize that Home is with God, the place of oneness in your heart and soul. You are citizens of the Universe. Fear not. It is I. Always seek the Word, not the ways of man. The Word is fresh, alive with My Voice. It ignites the heart center and frees the soul. The lines of force that have been drawn, as a plan for the upliftment of Earth and her people, are like a Law of Love inserted into the planet, a Christed Son Energy Body that will not permit any interference in the recovery of Earth and her conscious rebirth. As the lines of force (force field) are drawn in the sands of Earth, this planet will rise in harmony at the Solar level of Being into a radiant Son, a glory fed of the Creator. This is the Rapture when the Light becomes so strong it engulfs the planet in Love and all who are in agreement with this alignment are also embraced in the Creator and transformed into radiant beings of light who carry the scrolls of Melchizedek. As the last lines of force are released to the planet, the Earth will begin to rise and to emit the Solar radiation from the Great Central Sun. Friends and A g e n t s o f t h e L i g h t a r e watching. If the material bodies cannot absorb the Central Light System being transmitted and absorbed by the Earth Mother, there is a transport system in place. There is more to learn and more to be given about the union of Earth and the higher dimensions of Being. All will be given in its proper time. At this moment, open joyously to the Light and be responsive to your Inner Light, the Christ and the divine Spark I AM. Listen, Behold, and Be. With the Light of Christ with you, all is well. Crystal Seal of Melchizedek August 2, 2007

9 Initiation and the Solar Self begins to leave your consciousness. It becomes dulled to your vision. All that God IS, is yours. All. That is the meaning of the Kingdom of God within. Now God Being must express. There is no other way. All must come to this place of conscious realization where I and the Father are one. And from this awareness, everything that God seeks to be is your expression. And in this place, there is no poverty, no conscious disagreement with Divine Love. Because you and God have been realized as one. Son, all that I have is yours. We are forever bound as one being, one life. You prosper in Me. You have passed from human to Solar Being. This is your path now. There is no other way. And the Planet? What is occurring in your life as you face and experience the Solar Initiation from human to the spiritual man is also occurring within the Earth's body. The Planetary Logos awakens further in His Consciousness and all life feels and will experience this conscious awakening as we are all interconnected and one. Earth is preparing her body for you! This is the greeting she gives as you awaken into Solar Life and the harmony and the Light of such a life here and now. The Master prepared His body so that you could be His body. Mother Earth recognizes that divine pattern that has been planted, much like a seed is planted in her heart. Now she awakens to that Seed and knows it as the New Man, the rhythm of a new Earth, the Solar generation who are acutely conscious and aware of all life as a body in harmony with the Divine Master and in tune with His-Her Will. This creative circuit, now beginning to activate itself as Earth's consciousness and the atomic presence of the Planetary Logos, will be aligned to your sacred Self, the God nature you are, the Divine Son-Daughter on Earth! Thus, the Teachings of Melchizedek continue. The drawer is open. Choose consciousness-awakening material of your liking and contemplate deeply and prayerfully the words given, for they are of Me. Sananda-Jesus, your Lord. The Time is NOW. Initiation into the Order of Melchizedek continued from page 5 the Sanctuary, the Ascended Masters will become more visible and take on radiant bodies. This is happening. Last night as we were seated in the Hall, the Master Saint Germain delivered a glorious message through Crystal. In closing the Master wisely reminded us that when we become concerned over another's problem we lose our precious spiritual light and song. Thank you, Saint Germain, for this message! He speaks now to tell you: It is all illusion. Illusion has no vitality, no energy, of its own. Only you can give the illusion life. Please remember this and sacred is the thought I AM. The Omnipresence of God is all that is real. Go there in your consciousness and you will have the Creative Daughter, the sacred power of the Solar Life. You are all prisoners to the world. Let go! Now let us be That which we have come to be and ready ourselves for the Emanation of the Christ Child on Earth - a beautiful Child born of you. The sense of Goodness then comes and the Peace. A Vision I saw that through the Spirit humanity became at one. Human beings in the many nations embraced one another. They saw through the Spirit curtain to a new level where there were no boundaries created by possessions, national patriotisms, religions or cultures. Human beings finally realized they were brothers and sisters no matter what their country or beliefs. They understood that in order to live in peace and prosperity on Earth, they all had to love one another and give themselves to each other in love. I saw this coming to pass and a new order proclaimed. The Sonship of God, the Brotherhood of Man, and the Solar Union of Earth! Humanity ascends! And so it shall be. Crystal

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