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2 Quotes for Reflection The ld Testament temple its services merely form a part life work esus Christ. Alfred Edersheim The whole ld Testament pots as a loadsne Christ. But particular, temple worship, its rites, its rituals, its furnishgs, its arrangements are so ordered as delibly impress image esus upon every readied heart. Hutn Greaver The great splendor ld Testament temple, its liturgy rubrics, its implements furniture, its architecture adornments, are but a dim portrayal greater glory sacrifice Christ. ustian Halovec GD CALLS HIS PEPLE T WRSHIP It is God Himself who calls His people worship. We do not call ourselves, but it is Kg who opens His gates beckons us His courts. Gospel Invitation Ephesians 2:20b, 2:21b, 2:22b Christ esus Himself is cornersne a holy temple Lord a dwellg place for God. Introit Christ Is Made The Sure Foundation, Vs. 1 Christ is made. sure found-a - tion, Christ head cor - ner-sne;.. Text: Anonymous, 7 th C., Tr. ohn M. Neale, 1851; Music: REGENT SQUARE, Henry Smart, Chos-en Lord, pre - cious, bd - g all..... Church Ho - ly Zi - on's help for - ev - er, her con - fi - dence a - lone..... n one,. 2

3 Call Worship from Psalm 111:1-3, 7-10 Reader 1: Reader 2: The fear Lord is begng wisdom. Praise Lord! We will give thanks Lord our whole hearts. Great are works Lord, studied by all who delight m. Full splendor maesty is His work, His righteousness endures forever. He has shown His people power His works. The works His hs are faithful ust; all His precepts are trustworthy; y are established forever ever, be performed faithfulness uprightness. He has established His covenant forever. Holy awesome is His name! Hymn Praise Rise Up, Men f God! Rise Rise Rise Lift up, up, up, high Give Brg Her heart strength As foll' - Men Men sons cross un wers md day - e - qual. God! God! God! Christ!. Have His The Tread done kg Church where soul strength broth - er - hood Son her task, Man, less - - dom for His tar - you feet er ries doth have To Rise Rise serve end up, up, Kg night make Church her. thgs; long; wait, trod;.... kgs. wrong. great! God!.. Text: William P. Merrill, 1911; Music: FESTAL SNG, William H. Walter,

4 GD SPEAKS T HIS PEPLE THRUGH HIS WRD The Bible is means by which God graciously reveals Himself His people so we listen, read, study expectant hearts. Hymn Praise Be Still My Soul, Know Thy God.. Be Di Be still, my soul, know thy God; His light truth - spel, my soul, e - mo - tion bld; heat pas - still, my soul, know thy Lord; His life has made be sion e - hold. flee. live... With The With calm shad great con - tent pre - pare thy md To hear His wis - - ow a might - y rock His md shall be af dom for - fec - tion un - Christ, e - ter - nal prais - es ld. e. give!.... He is way, truth, life; The light men is He. w At - tend, my soul, see that light: truth shall make e free. Text: Gordon H. Clark, c. 190, Alt. Nathan George, 2016; Music: Nathan George, Scripture Readg 1 Peter 2:-6, 9-10 As you come Him, a livg sne reected by men but sight God chosen precious, you yourselves like livg snes are beg built up as a spiritual house, be a holy priesthood, fer spiritual sacrifices acceptable God through esus Christ. it sts Scripture: Behold, I am layg Zion a sne, a cornersne chosen precious, whoever believes Him will not be put shame. You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for His own possession, that you may proclaim excellencies Him who called you out darkness His marvelous light. nce you were not a people, but now you are God's people; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy. Elder: This is Word Lord. Thanks be God.

5 Hymn Praise Church, Arise 3.. Church, a - rise, put your ar - mor on; Hear call Christ our Cap - ta. ur call war, love cap - tive soul, But rage a - gast cap - r; Come see cross, where love mer - cy meet, As Son God is strick - en;.. now weak can say that y are strong, In strength that God has giv - en. sword that makes wound - ed whole, We will fight faith val - our. Then see His foes lie crushed be - neath His feet, Con - quer - or has ris - en. With shield faith belt truth, We'll st a - gast dev - il's lies; When faced trials on ev - 'ry side, We know out - come is se - cure. as sne is rolled a - way Christ e - merg - es from grave,. An This ar - Christ my will vic - ry bold, have march whose con - bat - prize tle for t - ues. cry which till is He died, day Love, Reach - g out An Ev - - her - i - tance 'ry eye those heart shall dark-nessna - tions. see Him. Music: CCLI Thankyou; Text Music: Keith Getty Stuart Townend,

6 The Readg Word Revelation 11:1-1 Then I was given a measurg rod like a staff, I was ld, Rise measure temple God altar those who worship re, 2 but do not measure court outside temple; leave that out, for it is given over nations, y will trample holy city for forty-two months. 3 I will grant authority my two witnesses, y will prophesy for 1,260 days, clod sackcloth. These are two olive trees two lampsts that st before Lord earth. 5 if anyone would harm m, fire pours from ir mouth consumes ir foes. If anyone would harm m, this is how he is doomed be killed. 6 They have power shut sky, that no ra may fall durg days ir prophesyg, y have power over waters turn m blood strike earth every kd plague, as ten as y desire. 7 when y have fished ir testimony, beast that rises from botmless pit will make war on m conquer m kill m, 8 ir dead bodies will lie street great city that symbolically is called Sodom Egypt, where ir Lord was crucified. 9 three a half days some from peoples tribes languages nations will gaze at ir dead bodies refuse let m be placed a mb, 10 those who dwell on earth will reoice over m make merry exchange presents, because se two prophets had been a rment those who dwell on earth. 11 But after three a half days a breath life from God entered m, y sod up on ir feet, great fear fell on those who saw m. 12 Then y heard a loud voice from Heaven sayg m, Come up here! y went up Heaven a cloud, ir enemies watched m. 13 at that hour re was a great earthquake, a tenth city fell. Seven thous people were killed earthquake, rest were terrified gave glory God Heaven. 1 The second woe has passed; behold, third woe is soon come. This is Word Lord. Thanks be God. Sung Response Chosen Seed Zion s Children, Vs. 2 Church God, But on Earth you Christ e - lect - ed, are a stran - ger, you God are per - se - cu - ted b re - con- ciled, re - viled. Text: ers Rutstrom, Sions Nya Sanger, 1778, Tr. Claude W. Foss; Music: WYCLIFFE ohn Staer, Sermon The Temple, City, Witnesses Pasr, George Grant 6

7 GD CALLS HIS PEPLE T CNFESSIN, REPENTANCE, AND RECNCILIATIN The People God respond His Word by confessg ir ss, repentg ir sful ways, seekg God s favor through reconcilg work esus, Son God. Confession S from Daniel 9:-5, 9-10, Lord, You are great awesome God. Therefore, we come confessg. You are Sovereign ne who keeps covenant steadfast love for Your people. We confess that despite knowg this we have sned done wrong acted wickedly. We have rebelled, turng aside from Your commments statutes. But you Lord belong mercy forgiveness. though we have rebelled agast You have not obeyed Your voice or walked that which You set before us by Your servants prophets, You neverless have loved us. Therefore, we do not present our pleas before You because our righteousness, but because Your great mercy. Lord, hear; Lord, forgive. Lord, pay heed act. Delay not, for Your own sake, Lord, our God. Amen. Assurance Pardon from Romans 7:2-8:2; Romans 3:23-2 Who will deliver us from our bodies death Thanks be God through esus Christ, our Lord. There is now no condemnation for those who are Christ esus. law Spirit life has set us free from law s death. This is promise God. This is Word Lord. all have sned fall short glory God, are ustified by His grace as a gift through redemption that is Christ esus. Amen. Sung Response Blest Is The Man (Psalm 32), Vs. 1 w Blest is man, for - ev-er blest, whose guilt is par-doned by his God; w Whose ss sor - row are con-fessed, cov-ered his Sav-ior's blood. Text: Isaac Watts, 1719; Music: DISTRESS, William Walker, 185; Arr. Gregory Wilbur, Greyfriars Press, Used by Permission 7

8 HEAVENLY GIFT EUCHARIST As God beckons His people bounty His table, y make oyous pression ir fealty Him. Pression Faith The Apostles Creed We believe God, Far Almighty, Crear Heaven Earth, esus Christ, His only Son, our Lord: who was conceived Holy Spirit, Born Virg Mary, Suffered under Pontius Pilate, Was crucified, died was buried. He descended Hell. n third day He rose aga from dead. He ascended Heaven now sits at right h God Far Almighty; From whence He shall come udge livg dead. We believe Holy Spirit; one holy church both visible visible; The communion sats; forgiveness ss; The resurrection body; life everlastg. Amen. Sursum Corda The Lord be you. People: also you. Lift up your hearts. People: We lift m up Lord. Let us give thanks Lord our God. People: It is right give Him thanks praise. It is right, a good oyful thg, always everywhere give thanks You, Far Almighty, Crear Heaven Earth. Therefore, we praise You, Triune God, we o our voices angels, archangels, whole company Heaven this hymn eternal praise: Ho - ly Ho - ly Ho - ly is Lord - - Text: Is 6:3, Rev :8; Music: Nathan George, God Al might y 5 Heav'n Earth are full Thy glor - y, glor-y be un - Thee 5 2 Lord most high Lord most high Lord most high A - w men 8

9 WRDS F INSTITUTIN AND THE LRD S TABLE Havg confessed our ss made a good pression faith, God's Table is open all those faithfully-fenced" members covenant community. Please come forward partake this means grace. You may take bread dip it eir cup we or grape uice. Hymn Triumph From Babel To Zion 8 6 Now Now Sg No To All n God s er ne God s With We eye glo long. ho - ly ci - ty faith - ful gath - eye be - hold - g way - marks on - ry Sav - ior, high o - ver all - er Bab - el s bon - dage bride Christ. er can Zi - on s mount glor - y songs oy y bound love - geth - er, y re com - g home Zi - on s heights for - ev - er His ban - ner is un - chil - dren now are ho - ly, free from Bab - el s. - u - sa - lem gold - en, er - u - sa - lem md mouth poss - ess - g, y speak one ac - church can be no long - er ob - scured from hu - man it is fall - en, fall - en, it shall rise no oy see, clg. - ful hearts heights voi Zi - - ces on y ran shout - on yon - der mount-a, a ci - a - lone e - sus, as did somed ty come praise filled sats. home; road, world; hold;. come. God: furled. fold:. free, cord, sight; more;. e. Lord. light! yore. Hymn Praise Lead n, Kg Eternal Lead Lead Lead Text: Thomas Nelson, 1907; Music: D.. Teasley, 1907, Arr. Henry C. Haffner, on, on, on, Kg Kg Kg e - e - e - ter - ter - ter - nal, nal, nal, till we day s s fol - fierce low, march war not has shall. come; cease, fears, Hence - forth ho - glad - li - ness fields ness breaks shall like con - whis - morn -. quest per g Thy wher - tents sweet e er shall a - Thy be men face our ap -. home. peace. pears. Through Thy days not cross is prep - a - swords loud lift - ed ra - clash - o'er tion g, us, Thy nor we grace roll our - has ney made stir - us rg its strong; drums; light; With The now, deeds crown a - Kg love waits e - ter - mer - con - nal, cy quest; we lead lift our heaven - ly on, bat - kg - God tle dom. song. comes. might. Text: Ernest W. Shurtleff, 1888; Music: LANCASHIRE, Henry Smart,

10 GD S PEPLE RESPND IN GRATEFUL PRAISE, PETITINS, TITHES FFERINGS ur prayg, servg, givg are essential aspects worship. It is here that our faith moves from our heads hearts our lives callgs. Prayer Thanksgivg Intercession The Lord s Prayer ur Far, who art Heaven, Hallowed be Thy name. Thy kgdom come. Thy will be done, n Earth as it is Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. forgive us our debts, As we forgive our debrs. lead us not temptation, But deliver us from evil. The is kgdom, power, glory, forever. Amen. Hymn Praise All The Sats Œ.. Thou But all wast may lo! ir Thy re sats, rock, sold - breaks who ir iers, a from for - faith - yet ir tress ful, more la - true glor - bors ir ious rest, might; bold, day;.. Who Thou, Fight The Thee Lord, as sats by ir tri - faith cap - sats um - be - ta who phant fore nob - rise ly world well fought bright con - fought ar - fessed, fight; old, ray;. Thy The Name, Thou, w Kg e - dark - m glo - sus, ness ry be drear, vic - pass - for - ir r s es ev - one crown on er true His blessed. light. gold. way.. w Al - le - lu - ia, Al - le - lu - ia! Text: William W. How, 186; Music: SINE NMINE, Ralph Vaughan Williams,

11 GD SENDS HIS PEPLE UT After callg His people His presence, forgivg ir ss, structg m His Word, providg a foretaste marriage supper Lamb, God sends His people world show His light darkness. Benediction from Hebrews 8:10 This is covenant that I have made you, declares Lord: I have put My laws your mds, written m on your hearts, so I will be your God, you shall be My people. Go refore, peace. Amen. Sung Response Glorious Thgs f Thee Are Spoken, Vs. c.. c Blest -hab - it - ants Zi - on, washed Re - deem - er s blood!. n.. e - sus, whom ir souls re - ly on,. makes m kgs priests n God.. n. Tis His love His peo - ple rais - es, o - ver self. reign.. as kgs,.. as priests, His.. sol - emn prais-es each for a thank - f'rg brgs.. Text: ohn Newn, 1789; Music: AUSTRIA, oseph Haydn, Announcements 11

12 Worship Notes: Rise up, sons God! The church for you doth wait, Her strength unequal her task, rise up, make her great! This week our hymns call church be church strugglg church be vicrious church bruised church be healed church church militant be church vicrious. It is temptg shrk back from glorious task that has been given us, yet we do not labor our own strength. Rar, we are chosen by Christ, our sure foundation. We arise, He leads us. ur Lord is our capta. A yet more glorious day will break forth, as His banner is unfurled on Zion s heights. We are Zion, Kgdom, Church, erusalem. We are Christ s. What can shake our sure repose Nathan Key Words: Keysne Verse: Measure, Temple, Witnesses, Lampsts, Power, Beast, Symbolically, Glory Rise measure temple God altar those who worship re. (Revelation 11:1b) Presbyterian Church America 150 Clovercrt Rd. Frankl, TN Web: / Church ffice: Teresa Sharp ( ), George Grant ( ffice), Assistant Cam Clausg ( ), Chief Musician: Nathan George (9-8831), Assistant Music Direcr: Henry Haffner ( ), Pasral Intern: amie Crampn ( ), Parish Nursery Coordar: Blair Crist (15-508), Elders Tom Goddard ( ) Mike Miserocchi ( ) ohn Scherrer ( ) Steve Nelson (83-101) Nathan George (9-8831) Phil Hutcheson ( ) Bron Good ( ) Matt Morrison ( ) Michael Mastroberti ( ) Louis Huesmann (Emeritus) Deacons Aaron erson ( ) y Clark ( ) ason Paroli ( ) eff Dokkestul ( ) Ry Sadler ( ) Nae Soundara ( ) Ben Crist ( ) Dave Gould ( ) Bron Blair ( ) Ian Kern ( ) immy Allen ( ) Tim Simmons ( ) Allan Douglas (513-55) Tom Milligan ( ) Charlie Snow ( ) All Biblical quotes taken from English Stard Version. 12


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