Printed in the Spirit of the Mid-Town Journal and Dedicated to Preserving the Pride, Integrity, Tradition amd Memories of our Beloved West End

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1 tr :l Printed in the Spirit of the Mid-Town Journal and Dedicated to Preserving the Pride, ntegrity, Tradition amd Memories of our Beloved West End 1 l VOLUME 13, NO 3 CRC: 4,150 FAMLES -BROKEN PROMSES n A 40 year trail of broken promises leading to the Archdiocese of Boston This time there is nobody to blame but Father Groden and the Planning Office of Urban Affairs, n2 Rappaport n2 cntof Boston Just Father Groden, Father Groden Father Groden of Bostons Planning Office of Urban Affairs: We have blamed the City of Boston and HUD but they are only doing what Fr Groden wants The planning office had 5 people on Meninos transition team that we know of, including Mark Maloney They have stiffened Menino so that he would not let us get a majority of West Enders in the building (un- der 50%) The magic number is 50% am continuously asked why that is the magic number Not 20% or 70% - why only 50%? Because ifthey gave us less it would sound unreasonable Most of the 50% are market value units, which most West Enders cannot afford Much like the ploy Charles River Park used to shut us out of the area Fr Groden seems to be a Rappaport clone The carrying costs at,west End Place for a $100,000 unit are artificially high at $1400 a month Too much for most of us to affbrd By pricing us out of the market West Enders have been picketing the Planning Office of Urban Affairs which is headed by Fr Groden Shown ( 1 tor) are Paul Joltki, Arthur Venditti, Francis Rothwell and James Campano in front of the office at 185 Devonshire Street in Boston value apartments we will end up with only 20-30% of the project This allows Fr Groden and company to keep control of the management and service contracts The planning office and Fr Groden claim by suing for preference in Federal Court that we have broken our contract with them and they dont have to hand over the museum and offices to the Old West End Housing Corp and 4t tsf nber P 0 BOX413 SOMERVLLE, MA (617) lace a The West Ender They also have stopped funding us We probably would have done better with Rappaport Their lawyers have been proactive in the preference suit nstead of sitting on the sidelines trying to protect their interests if anything spilled over, they have fought tooth and nail to stop the preference from going to West Enders while the city and HUD have sat complacently on the side in an exact reversal of what should be happening They have poured money, time and effort into the fight to make sure we would be pushed out of this project This is not about religion, this is about politics on the Archdiocese level t is a throwback to the Msgr Lally years, who was more interested in politics than cleric duties Fr Groden is cut from the r same cloth a power broker want to make one thing perfectly clear This is not about being Catholic or parish priests There are plenty of good priest on the parish level Father Bucke at St Josephs is one whom deeply respect Fr Bucke took me to task Q{ef,JPY lasr,article aboot Father Groden and the Archdiocese t hurts me to be chastised by him Father Bucke is an example of one priest who always tries to do the best for his community But must speak out about the abuse of power on the Archdiocese level Power politics should not be on a clergymans agenda Please do not take this as a condemnation of the Catholic Church, only a condemnation of Archdiocese politics on the secular level dont know if people remember but Msgr Lally was head of the BRA in the 50s and 60s A priest who led the charge to destroy the West End, and if Fr Groden is listening, WEST END PLACE WAS SUPPOSED TO BRNG CLOSURE AND RECONCLE WEST ENDERS AND GOVERNMENT OFFCALS AFTER THE HORRORS OF THE FFTES THAT WERE DONE BY THE GOVERNMENT AGENCES TO WEST ENDERS (continued on page 2)

2 PAGE TWO FR GRODEN (continued from page 1) Know When m Not Wanted went through the process of applying for an apartment at West n the 50s the Archdiocese End Place After going down, and going through their screening, my PO BOX413 turned its back on the West End wife and signed all the pertinent papers did not hear from them for for the promise of affluent parish- quite a while Theil got a call from a former West Ender who told me SOMERVLLE, MA02144 ioners who would inhabit the West Lowell Square Associates asked him to bring me with him when he TEL (617) End That never came to pass and went to look at apartments for himself St Josephs became a virtual thought this a little strange but went anyway When got there ghost church just barely function"- was informed they had lost my paperwork and that -if didnt sign a ing The Archdiocese also backed purchase and sale agreement that night the cost of the apartment would Staff: Msgr Lally, who as head ofthe increase by $10,000 _ - BRA receved certain perks for told them roy wife wa8 leaving for California for 3 eeks early Editor JAMES CAMPANO the Dioceses This _is a scenari9 t he next morning and could not do anything until s_he returned Publisher -: : ; RCHARD J MORELLO that _seems to be repeating i_tself, Besides; they lost my papers, dido t lose theirs told them!could n9t CoJitribu,or ; _:;JOSEPH LoP-CCOLO only this time with Fr Groden as do anything for 3 wks - _: > our antagonist He is replaying received a certified letter two weeks later saying tharthey_ were CoFounder ; -:, : RAYMOND J PAPA Msg_r, Lallys deceptive strategy taking my name off the waiting list because had not shown interest in of pr<>mising them anything but the_apartment _ : give them nothing _ When Lowell Square Assoeiates cal l ed me during the permit and All letters, articles and photos submitted to this P,ublication The Archdiocese of Boston environmental p Qcess they dido t think hadnt interest in the project : become the property of The West Ender advocates compassion a_nd under- then spent countless hours going to permit hearings and never got standing except when it comes to paid a dime, my time was free They all got paid When they needed me former West Enders Then it only they got me, and was free of charge nd understands the bottom line and,this shows you what a bunch of hypocrites they are They got punitive measures Fr Groden is my time for noth_ing over the last l 0 years fhey on the other hand rould ts been quite a summer so far, #3} The sales personne_l refer a priest and should adhere to not hol4 im apart_ment for me for 3 weeks to lhe complex as a "Conoorp", the tenets of the Christian co _Jim Campano, Somerville, MA full of mixed e motions just returned from the West Coast short for Condo-Cooperative responding to conflict by turning ** where got to visit wit_h my Uncle This means that interior decorthe other cheek ot at least a try at Willie lmonti and Aunt Jennie ating such as painting and compromise Musi (Bertucci) down in ElCajun, CA; wallpapering need approval from nstead he tries to hammer the lam happy to report that both are the BOard that controls the complex: opposition ith power and n About a moth before the gr9undbreaking atlowell Squre doing well and my ai;lnt will be: Resale of the unit(s} included re arrogance that borers on hate Peter Gelzinis of The Boston Herald decided to qoa :story on the West turning 90 next March My Uncle siorijtg itto its original-condition: A definite non-christian v;llue He End Petednterviewed us and wrote in his c olumn-thatthis was the #4) The units that have washer/ clooks himself in the robes of the Archdiocese of Bost<;>l}s "mea culpa, their "making &ood o fon)lr _ Willie jokingly reminded me that Auntie Jennie t:abbed the cradle" _ dryer hookups have no dryer Catholic Church but uses them to West Enders when "stie"rna ed tiim They are -; exha_usts; this mear1s purchasing- flim flamneigbrhqoos: rnfsft;",---_a_ ed a : very happy, travel to as Vegas _ spectl ventless dryers for _use tom li e seems!o be power and man think his naine waswalsh He was upset that said sue a thirig 9 quarterly, and send thetr best to 5) None of the kitchen money just like any non-priest told binddidnt say tliat; it was Peters take on-thishe then tol me any and all West Enders ho cabmts hve nobs or handles developer guess compassion, shouldnt have let him write it told him l had no control over what teme"r them _am enclosmg meamng dtrect contac between humility and tuming the other reporters write, th!;y write what they want He insi,sted l was to blame a donation on thetr behalf and your hands_and the cabmet faces cheek are not part of developing About three days before the groundbreaking t got a call from the ask_ hat _they be added to your #6) Layout of many uits affordable housing same man and he tells me if sayanything bad about the Cardioid, mathng hst allow doors!o contact cabmet g;ess all the values 1 was the Cardinal will leave the festivities told Walsh had no intention On the other stde of the com faces for posstble damage taught by the nuns and priests at of saying anything bad about anybody and that it was a time of am "happy" to report that was #7) Each heating/cooling unit St Josephs are nonsense or only celebration, not invective He again admonished me reiterating if we accepted at West End Place y serves two rooms and only one to be!sed by low levc:;l parish said anything bad about the Cardinal he would walk off the stage lottery nun:ber was _76 nd m room has an air return to the unit; priests -and pastors On the day of the groundbreaking the Cardinal gets up and gives this suggests to me poor circula- say this because this is the the invocation and speaks for minutes instead of the alotted 5 July received notlftcation of my acceptance went down and tion and temperature control in second time 1 have seen the minutes The ceremony proceeds: The politicians gjve their speeches look at no less than six uits one room _ hierrchy of the Archdioces and when it CQmes time for Joe LoPiccolo and myself to speak, which (2 and 3 bedroom stzes) and wtsh #8) Cost of units is locked in steamroll us with the insensitiv- was next to last, with only the Cardinal left to speak after us, lo and to caution any other West Enders at 30 years for 9525% and ity of the German Blitzkrieg behold the power to the microphones is cut about flaws uncovered therefore individual financing is Fr Grodens actions seem hatewe gave our speech without power or amplifiers The Cardinal #) The heatinooling units eliminated ful, maybe because he,wanted art- gets up, gives a 3 minute good-bye speech instead of the keynote speech recetve the condttloned water There are too many more to ists lofts in his original proposal, and leaves ask you who cut the power? _Jim Campano, Editor suppl from a central source, include in this letter Bottom line not West End housing He was emg ab_solute contrl of is "Buyer Beware" got the forced to change his proposal and would end up as good or better The housing market has mdtvtdual umt temperature S not feeling that these were time share 1 dont think he has forgiven us with his planning office as we bounced back with a vengeance possible units which you occupy year would have with H&D Then, he Lowell Square Associates has #2) Although the heat and A/C round as they are subject to We-had a contract wtth H&D used the housing downturn to say special assessments when the Dvlopment, the develope w_ho there wasnt any money in the raised the prices dramatically but is included in the monthly fee, devices are in place to meter "Board" feels necessary onmally on the BA estg- project and it was bare bones and there is no mention of giving us some of the excess profits dlvd ua1 hope this helps other West nat1on but two the umts ror poss1ble m 1t was rescmded he couldnt give us any money or billing in the future A small Enders This was not for me! monts later and given to the benefits Of course as soon as he - Fr Groden used his collar to deceive our neighborhood and Archdiocese t was rumored to be paragraph m the hterature wh1ch d th C d 1 got the soft cos money for the feel violated feel like Oliver states th1s can be eastly overbo b Rou1usoms ue to e ar ma s mtercess1on h H&D project he moved his office from Twist going up to the head of the 0 ur contract Wit 100ked So Boston, MA was for museum and office space as a ratty space in back of city hall orphanage with an empty bowl set forth in the BRA designation to a suite on Devonshire Street He asking for more! This project is about making PLUS $500,000 SEED MONEY gutted social program in our original proposal to integrate West lots of money and Lowell Square AND $200,000 A YEAR FOR 3 f you are a former West Ender and missed the initial Enders back to the neighborhood Associates will make plenty YEARS application deadline and are still interested in an apartment -To Fr Groden: When we asked Fr Groden A social program that the former at West End Place, it is not too late! to sign a similar contract after head of the BRA Steve Coyle VENGEANCE S MNE SAYS Applications are still being accepted if you call the we were grafted to his proposal, said was one of the reasons our THE LORD West End Place office at Become a priest again! Fr Groden said dont worry we original proposal with H&D was so strong My Observations On West Place ; The DayThe,ext ts Not Too Late For West End Place a Died

3 PAGE THREE HAPPY 90TH BRTHDAY Enclosed find a donation to The West Ender in honor of the 90_th birthday (June 13, 1997): of our mother, Mamie (Mary) Manevitch Shultz We are looking forward to the continuation of that letter from a reader who reminisced street by street about the families of the West End We hope to see mentioned my mothers family, the Manevitch family, who lived on many streets in the West-End at one time or another, and also our late fathers family (Morris "Moe" Shultz), who owned "Shultz Dry Goods tore" on Brighton Street, where they also lived Keep up the good work of keeping the good old West End alive -Bennette and Henry- Shultz Nancy and Carol Shi1/tz (Granddaughters) CHRSTO MKT CALENDARS Janice Christo of Somerville provided the three highest bids for the 1954 calendars from the A Christo Market in the West End 50TH WEDDNG ANNVERSARY all The West Ender thanks Janice for her donation as well as Charlotte Ploss of Roxbury for her generosity in making the calendars available GREAT CHWHOOD DAYS Pleas_e accept this small doriation wish it could be more as your paper brings so many pleasant memories of those great childhood days in the West End that are gone but certainly not forgotten Thanks look forward to the next publication -Theresa (DeLeo) Wheeler Medford, MA DO YOU WANT YOUR ADDRESS PRNTED? Recently a number our readers have suggested that we print the addresses of those submitting articles so that friends may contact them directly concerning their th<>ughts Dp you like that idea? fi you do, when writing your next letter, please state whether or not you prefer your address of phone number published - The Editor Thank you The following We sf Enders have contributed $50000 to our cause for 1997, aimed at keeping alive the spirit of the West End Would you be interested in joining this elite group? Mr and Mrs Eugene Pelletier of Everett, formerly of the West Eililcefebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary on june 22, 1997 Gene and Gerry (Russo) lived on Allen and Auburn Streets in the, West End They are the parents Of three children: Gerard Pelletier; Joyce Simeone and Jeanne Valeri and the proud grandparents of Jennifer and Mark Pelletier FRANK PRVTERA BLL SHARRO Your Donations Keep Us Going! 1997 \\EST ENOER GOLD CLl R CLUB ALUMNL? m trying to reach the 24 (or so) members of the Club The club occupied the store front at 14 Leverett StreeJ from around re1946 to the mid fifties We member that the clubs name was deriyed from its address and the fact that it had 24 charter members, but Ed Rossi remindd me that the clubs name before that was "The Venus Club" and it was located over the Bowdoin Suare Theatre Now thafs REAL;Y going back! Tl1e l4-24 Clu was absorbed it;tq t)l Mrrcyry Ciub of Boston, hie whicn was deated on Cambi:idge ; Stee{beteen (:hambers and North R ssell Streets : The Mercury Cfblkbasl been having annual sit-down qinner reunions each_trf}ears The recent ) 996 reunion, held at tqe Hilltop in Saugus, Jts well attended by appr6xi,mately 60 people, if you include - te wives )NhO attended, t!ler own sparate affair,, ; There were oni}; two J4-24 alumni present at the Qqober, 19% reunion, Toy Si,c i and me would like to contact the remain ing alumni to see if we :ar get a better attendance at the,next reunion f anyontr knows the address and/or telphoq, n,umber and/qr emil addres of any of the alumni, plesjt meknow at 32 Massapoag Ave, North Easton, MA or at my addresses,nonusar@aol:;ojll or at nonusar@junocom Youcan also telephone me at , mailbox #4 Here are, to the best of my recollection, the names : Richard Alexander, Gerry _Bibbo, Busto (?), Mike Christie, Phil Coronella, Sal DiSalvo, Julio Falcione, Sam Fortuna, Gerry the (?),Sal Giliberto, Bob lanazzi, Joe the butcher, Lou Leece, Dave Leone, Ron Madigan, Cbuck Noe, Joe Noe, Nat Noe, Doc Paci, Sam Petrella, Ed Rossi, Dom Russo, Tony Salmeri, Mike Scimeca, Johnny Silvestro, Jim Silvestro, Sal Solimene, Joe Spicuzza the younger, Joe Spinale, Sal Spinale, Ric Stanchi, ony (the Tony from the Troika of Tony, Joe Noe and Sam Ursino), Frank Troiani, and Sam Ursino And God help me if have forgotten anybody What great memories these names conjure! _Jim Sarcia No Easton, MA CHRS GEORGE BACHELOR PARTY Chris Georges Bachelor Party was held at Blinstubs Village in South Boston in April of 1953 Those in attendance were (1 tor): Chris Kondell, Gene Pelletier; Mike Sergei, Stanley Bielski, Bill Kowasan, Domonic Tuffo (deceased), John Fumera/o, Stanley Tkuchuk, Chris George (deceased), Tom Theodes, Nick Peters, Joe "Chick" Schochat (partially hidden), Gabe Tuffo, Jerry Jarvis, Leo "Bundy" Sherman, Victor Chohan (deceased) and Henry Rudzis -Photo courtesy: Joe "Chick" Schochat, Cambridge, MA, DONATON ENCLOSED Enclosed is a donation to help defray the cost of publication Thank you and keep up the good work -Albert J Cohen Ratidolph, MA

4 PAGE FOUR Old North Russell St Synagogue Lives On WEST END REUNON AT J) AMATO WEDDNG "Up from the ashes like a phoenix rising above the sea," is the way a 1972 Newsweek article decribed it The ashes were the rubble of the old West End _and the phoenix was the new Boston Synagogue at Charles River Park Like the rest of the West End, the North Russell Street Shut lay in ruin, bulldozed by the forces of urban renewal The Shut had once been considered the crown jewel of the West End t had been there for over 50 years, but not anymore The congregants were told that their building had to be razed for the purpose of "progress" The North Russell Street Shut congregation was only going to be given a mere pittance of what their building was worth The last remaining members decided to fight After their building was destroyed, they found a temporary location at Smith Court, in the Old African Meeting House They knew that in order to have a chance of winning their battle, they would have to keep the congregation going The few remaining men, led by their President, Mr Hyman Slate, finally got their day in court They went up against the powerful government and developers Of course these adversaries did not want to give them a new building, and land, or even just compensation Somehow these men, most having never even graduated-from high school, won in court The developers would have to set aside land for a nw syngogue and tie government would have to pay for the new building "And thus the phoenix rose from the ashes" _ Thedding: tj/ti/jpghter of Mario D Amato at Caruso in Saugus on June 1i#th was the setting for a ini West End rtunion FrQnf row (kneeling, to r}: Eddie Krupwich Mario D Amato (father of the bride) and Tonyumgo Standing: Danny Zenga Tony LoVuolo, Frank Pagano, Mike Celata, Yanno Viola, Sammy Bottari, Joe Ramasci and Frank Storace - Photo courtesy: Tony Longo, Wakefield, MA s NOSTALGC PAPER am the youngest of five children have three brothers: Mendy Peck of Chestnut Hill, MA; Morris Becker who was the Mayor of Eastlake, OH, for appr;<;>ximately 18 years, just recently retired; and Myer Peck " of Chicago, L Myer never -mamed and just turned 75 years old My sster, Gerty Botman, lives in Chelsea and, Freda Peeker Kravetz, live in Peabody am still very friendly with my West End girlfriends, Marilyn Chaletzsky from Allen Street, Frances Silver form Poplar Street, Edna Lampert from Auburn Street, Anette Hurwitz from McLean Street and Lillian Greenwald also from McLean Street Recently, attended my 50th High School Reunion at the 57 Restaurant There were over 50 women t was a wonderful reunion, especially when matching The BOston Synagogue, formerly the old North Russell Street Shut, r eceptly celebrated its OOth anniversary of the congregation and the 25thanniversary of its new building During the 100 years, the congregation merged with the Wall Street Shul and changed locations many faces with our 1946 Year Books times Since the new building was completed in 1971, the congregation The memories were priceless has faced many of the same problems that forced all the other synaenclosed is my donation for gogues in the old West End to shut down Young families were moving a super job that you all do to the suburbs The congregation was getting older and smaller n the would like to leave you with a past few years, however, times have changed New families have begun wonderful saying herd on to move back to the area A Hebrew School has been started The conchannel 2: gregation holds services every week As part of our tooth anniversary "esterday is hist,?9 to- eetebration last year,moy visited thl; SJortlle fist row 1s a mystery, t} 1s a g1ft time He was surprised to find his parents and grandparents names on that is why we cal it the our memorial board The congregation was surprised to learn that he present " was Bar Mitvahed in the old North Russell Street Shut -Freda (Peeker) Kravetz Peabody, MA , The aoston Synagogue at Charles River Park We would like to invite all West Enders to come visit the Synagogue located in Charles River Park and see the memorial plaque with old West Enders names on it We are sure you will find some names you reeognize and maybe even -&ee your own families! Call Robyn at if you would like to stop by The Boston Synagogue exists entirely on donations f you would like to help out, you may send a tax deductible contribution to the Boston Synagogue, 55 Martha Road, Boston MA, 02/ \\EST EDERS CE\Tl RY CLlB is proud to offer 1;2 Price Memberships to all former West Enders for new members ( The Boston Synagogue, formerly the old North Russell Street Shul, proudly remembers its West End roots Call Robyn at The following West Enders have c ontributed $10000 or more to our cause in 1997 We salute them! Now is the time to send your check in the amount of$10000 if you are interested in becoming a memberofthe 1997 West Enders Century Club Alec Alexander Joseph Leece Carol Belcastro/Rocky Paoletta Harry Lentine Salvatore Bramante John & Pat Locatelli George Brenner Assn William & Karen Macauley Robert G Camilla Hugh & Arlene Mattison Jack Carroll Kevin McGrath Michael Cataldo Patricia Nogueira Sonny Cataldo Nino Parisi A Cohen Louis Pokat Bernard Condelli Frank Privitera Sylvia (Weinerman) Rosen Joseph Condelli Francis Cuddy Joseph Russo Laurence Goodman Ralph Saya Sy Gottlieb William J Sharrio Alan Gropman Rick Solano Joanne Holubiak Robert Vatalaro Louis Kane Lillian & Herbert Wein Charlie LaRosa West End Bowling League

5 ST JOSEPHS - CLASS OF 1946 (THEN) Back row (1 tor): Robert Moccia (deceased), John lngeme, Charles Payser (deceased), Robert Vatalaro, Salvatore Bonacorso, Richard Whelpley, Edward Antonius (deceased), Joseph Bartholomew, Charles Sicuso and Frank Fisichella Middle row (1 tor): Natale Noe, John Connors, Charles lntravaia, Stanley Zwirble, Paul Barbera, George Leary, Charles Auditore, Vincent Spinale, John McGrath and Dominic Raso Front ( tor): Joseph Paci, Santo Aurelio, Alfred Beauchesne, Father Powers, Father Quinn, Raymond Zazulak, John Kizilowski and James Jackman -Photo courtesy: Santo Aurelio, Arlington, MA Lorraine Kalil: Serving Up Smiles For 24 Years PAGE FVE ST JOSEPHS REUNON (NOW) The 1946 graduating class ofst Joseph Grammar School for Boys held its 51st reunion at the Chateau Restaurant in Waltham on Saturday, May 31st Eleven "boys" attended, plus seven ivives: They came from as far away as California, Florida and Georgia, and as nearby as Arlington And each one came with a desire to have fun - and, boy, did they have fun! n the recent photo, the participants are: front row, (left to right) Stanley Zwirble, John, fngeme, Charles ntravaia, and Robert Vatalaro; 2nd row, Dhw Zwi,rble, Ginny Noe, Kathleen Leary, Carol Fisichella, Lorrain Auditore, Dotty Raso and Josephine Aurelio; 3rd row, Pau Barbera, George Leary, Frank Fisichel/a, Charles Auditore,) Dominic Raso, Natale Noe and Santo Aurelio Later, all attendees received a videotape of the evening sfestivities from Vata1aro and 8 x 10 photos from Aurelio Everyone truly had a great time talking about the past and the present The future? Some of the "boys" are already planning for the 52nd reunion next year A few days after this reunion, Robert Vatalaro was told that Vincent Spinale is making a remarkable recovery from the serious stroke that he suffered recently All of his fellow graduates wish liim a complete and speedy recovery of service have directly contribseasoned bartender Lorraine uted to the success of their (Kozensky) Kalils specialty is organizations and to the hospitalbringing a smile to the face of each ity industry as a whole person she serves at the Samuel The award is named after Adams Brew House the Fotfitd e r of Les- Dames A native of Boston, Lorraine descoftier of B oston, Grande was born and raise(! in,the West Dame Eda Saccone t is an End, though she now lives just outside of town in West Roxbury organization comprised of more ROBERT TESTA JOSEPH STANCATO than 100 women dedicated to the n 1973, Lorraine joined the Joseph Stancato of _the)lorth Robert L Testa of East Boston, culinary arts field staff of The Lenox Hotel as formerly of the West End, died on End, formerly of West End, died waitperson and bartender in the on August 24th ---, August 9th Pub & Grille Then, in 1985, she He was the beloved son :Of He was the beloved husband STEVEN DeMARCO began bartending in Diamond of Linda (Sousa) Testa and cher- the late Eugene and Carme\la Jims Piano Bar where she quickly Steven DeMarco of Medford, ished son of Alma (Venti)Testa of (DiLeonardi) Stancato and the developed a regular following age 20, died by ac_cident on Revere and the late Alfred Testa loving brother of Mafall:la Over the years, Lorraine has When Diamond Jims closed two "Muffy" Mastro of Revere, Arthur played host to a large number of August 24th Mr Testa was the dear brother years ago, Lorraine began charmhe was the beloved son of of Alfred of Peabody; Richard of Malden, Anthony "Chubby" of local and visiting celebrities She ing people from behind the bar in fondly recalls the year the Red Celeste (Zannelli) and John of Medford, Eugene "Geno" of Dorchester and the late Vincent, the Samuel Adams Brew House Anna, Frank, Rocco and Mario Sox were in the championship and DeMarco and cherished brother of Boston and Joseph of Revere Stancato pitcher Rick Wise was a regular Celeste DeMarco, all of Medford He is also survived by many Steven DeMarco was the loving nieces and nephews Mr Stancato is also survived in the Pub & Grille She also reby several nieces and nephews members when the cast of Miss beloved grandson of Nicholas and many loving friends Saigon frequented Diamond Jims Sullo of Boston almost nightly, performing their favorite numbers from the awardwinning musical Most recently, shes had the opportunity to host Law Offices of the New England Revolution, including star player Alexi Lalas, and the castofmtvsreal World Looking for Lorraine? You can - Auto Accidents Work njuries find her behind the bar at the Samuel Adams Brew House on Wrongful Death Slips and Falls Monday, Tuesday and Thursday Real Estate Closings nights Her recommendation? Honey Porter, for its hint of sweetness and chocolate flavor FREE CONSULTATONS Lorraine received the very first Saccone Award for Best Bartender at a Reception at the Westin 99 Walnut St, Suite A 30 High St, Suite 200 Hotel on May 30th The award Medford, MA Saugus, MA recognizes the "unsung" heroines (617) (617) in the hospitality industry whose dedication, expertise and years Thomas F Colonna

6 LEAl CAMP GANNETT REUNON Dear Jim: Ever since you started the Camp Gannett picnic and reunion in Sharon, many people have en joyed a great day with their families and friends One of the highlights of the day is the athletic events we have for the children We usually have wheelbarrow races, tug-o-war, baton races, etc Each and every child is asked to participate and more important, each participant wins a trophy regardless of how they place The trophy is givenmorefor their spirit and enthusiasm This year, we had the event on an extremely hot day and decided to have our events at the waterfront As usual, the day was a great success thanks not only to the participants, but the many West Enders who help supervise the game and have done so every year will not name them as might forget a name or two and they might feel slighted But they know who they are do want to give a 11 "special thank you to the generosity of John Russo, the owner of - u,;_, Awards Unlimited of Somerville John has donated every trophy since we first had the events Not only has he donated hundreds of trophies, he has never asked for any compensation or even acknowledgment f he could only see the faces of the many happy children who have received his trophies, know that would satisfy him greatly John Russo is not only a West Ender, but he is a good friend to all of us He really does have a heart of gold and for one am very proud to call him my friend Thank you John :_ Sonny LoPresti Stoneham, MA ST JOSEPHS MASS Fr Gerald Bucke, Pastor of St Josephs Church in the West End has announced that the Annual Mass, offered for the response of the souls of former West Enders and for all the spiritual well being of present West Enders, will be celebrated at St Josephs Church on Sunday, October 26th at 11:30 am Also planned for the same day is the blessing of the new elevator which was purchased through the generosity of many parishioners and friends A reception and buffet will follow for all who attend in the Parish Hall Those who would like to have their beloved dead remembered in the Mass are invited to send in the names to Fr Bucke at St Josephs Church, 68 Cardinal OConnell Way, Boston, MA02114 Stirr WEST END SUMMER MEMORES KeepT t has stirre My name is Francis (Giunta) Johnson ve written before and you have published my letter My sister; Martha (Giunta) Johnson passed away last November She was a very good writer and you published two of her letters, which made her very happy She also sent you some pictures of the old West End when they were tearing down her house Martha had a lot offriends in the West End My family and /lived on Poplar Street Reading all the letters that people write brings back some great memories The above photos are some of the fella s grew up with Maybe some of your readers will recognize who they are Good luck in your fight for the new building -Francis (Giunta) Johnson, Somerville, MA my sisters more pleas ing thasd others, ar communic whose live ours Our fan West End eight ha< School kir one and tw reme1 LeverettSt and see said "Clos No one col or how lo remembe doors ove togetah for Sun

7 d PAGE,SEVEN LACES THE WEST END REMEMBERNG THE BURROUGHS NEWSBOYS FOUNDATON Tile Foundation had many activitie&;such as, ping pong, regulation pool tables, arts and crafts, moves every Friday night and guest speakers, one of many being Maurice Tobin, Mayor/Governor Many members enjoyed the wonderful and excellent library run by the lovable Mrs Plastow consisting, of mahogany panels with captains chairs and an ample supply of bool):s West Enders studied and completed homework, finally realizing their goals in the world of employment As teachers, professors, scientists, business people, and Administrative positions Counseling was available with excellent pr sonnellike Bill Fishman, Harvey Campbell and Mr Burke We had practical experience in a democratic process The boys would elect a mayor and council membej:s with excellent and serious -campaigns to elect candidates Rivalry between candidates during election time was conducted in By Hy Escott an orderly harmonious What about me - my needs and desires pale in comparison to the manner of true sportsstrong and vociferous voices of the anti-smokers, thos nouveau manship -regardless of champions of pure and clear air outcome Had they had their way, they wouldnt have permitted Sir Walter The many members Raleighs servant to douse him with water They would have tarred and enjoyed summer camp at feathered him, so violently have they become Agassiz Village Their rationale to me when had kidney stones removed, troubled Todays youth would with peronis disease, crohnes disease, to cartilege operations would be welcome a place like the smoking caused it suppose if had an ingrown toenail they would Burroughs Newboys contribute the cause to the aforementioned rationale Foundation How about getting into a crowded elevator with the scent of heavy Enclosed is a donation perfume; do rebel and begin a crusade to eliminate perfumed people to keep The West Ender from riding in the elevator? going Davido, Nellie and Elisabetta Gelsomini on the rooftop of their Lets make separate elevators for those wearing perfume - Leo S Cipriano home at 6 Wall Street And what about the neighbor that is warming up his car so he could Melrose, MA drive his child to school? The fumes from that car more than equal the These memories were reinstanding smoke from thousands of cigarettes Should walk over to that car that forced with visits back to relatives Enclosed is a photograph of is idling in traffic and tum its ignition off? who continued to live in the West my West End grandparents on The tea that was dumped into the l:tarbor - the same treatment HELPS End: with participation in and each side of their daughter in law, should be given to those ministers of purification attendance at Boston Garden my aunt They are on the rooftop HELP$$ events; and then, in the very late of their 6 Wall Street home Enclosed is a donation from 1950s, with an occasional drive Left to right: Davido Gelsomini, HELPS$$ - William J Pepe through the leveled West End with Nellie Gelsomini and Elisabetta The children of Giuseppe Pepe Weymouth, MA and Giulia Gelsomini" only St Josephs Curch still Gelsomini Memories Restored Communication_ West Ender coming nemories for me and t has made our lives 1t and more interestte the same for many mre t has restored ions with relatives have diverged from y moved out of the 1943 when was ttended the Mayhew :irgarten and grades t tier walking along ctduring World War : the store signs that 1 for the Duration"!explain to me what Ci "duration" was :ping "a couple of nd down the cellar" made bottle of wine inner THE OTHER VOCE

8 PAGE EGHT FRANCES VENTRE Mrs Frances Ventre died March 19 in Lawrence Memorial Hospital in Medford following a short illness She was 84 Born in Revere, Mrs Ventre lived in Medford for the past 28 years She is formerly of Brookline and the West End, where she attended Boston public schools Mrs Ventre belonged to the Medford talian Club She was preceded in death by her husband Michael Ventre, father and mother Frank and Sera Puccia, and sister Sally and Rose Puccia and Josephine Pace Survivors include daughter Margaret McDougall of Medford, son Michael Ventre of Somers, NY, brother Phillip Puccia of Dorchester and three grandchildren WEST END BOWLNG LEAGUE The West End Bowling League, which was established in 1938, is still going strong The teams bowl on _Wednesday ghts in Kenmore Square, in the shadow of the Green Monster at Fenway Park The four teams have taken names of the streets of the West End Brighton -Street, regular season champions (upper left): Sammy Pirri, Captain Joe "Chicky" Shochat, Tommy Healy, Richie Papa and Mike Sergei Pitts Street, playoff champions (upper right): Paul Papa, Pat Salvato and Bobby Roulusonis Missing from photo_is Captain Tom Meriano Auburn Street (lower left): Eddie Tobin, Pat Vendetti, Stanley Kostka, Eddie Piper and Captain Karol Kostka Wall Street (lower right): 1 :Bobby uvine, Captain John Sergei, Joe LoPiccolo, gnatius "/ggy" Rol/ka and Richard Morello: The league banquet was held on May ::2Jrd:ai htttnljirlosrestaurant in Malden where those in attendance were "atedlo-karol Kostkas rendition-of "f /Were A Rich Man" from,!!eiddleo on;the Roof A great time was had by all Special thanks to Bobby Levinefor all his efforts-as League Secretaryffreasurer - ; WtlATA JFFERENCE, My wife an attended the Memori Mass at St Josephs r and it was wonderful but what a difference between serving Mass in the late 30s and early 40s in,te lqer Ghu,r:ch nd then sitting there having coffee in the middle of the 90s! How the years have flown Enclosing a small donation tl?_pe _it helps your great work ;:,MY;fathers last West End home [;j,w-as on No Russell St next to the i% nagogue Just for information, Fr Joseph ; F Gill OSA passed away Nov 21, 1995 He was 69 years old His father worked for Feeneys for years They were a real old West End Family -Donald A McLaughlin Medford, MA BARTON ST RESDENT Enclosed is a check to defray the mailing cost ts wonderful to walk down memory lane As we get older, all we have is memories The friends and relations are all slowly going lived at 49 and 52 Poplar St Everyday wake up is a bonus God bless and keep up the good work -Albert J Cohen Randolph, MA West Enders Meet Again After 55 Years Leo Fivozinsky and Harry Lentine WVE NEWSPAPER Time to send in another donation - enclosed is a check love your paper -lived all my life in the West End but hardly recognize some of the names -Lillian Krafsur Boston, MA 145TH GRLS HGH REUNON Girls High School Association ( ), formerly located on West Newton Street in Boston, will be holding its l45th Annual Reunion Luncheon Meeting on October 4th, 1997, at the "57" Restaurant, 200 Stuart Street, Boston, MA Ours is a unique reunion of all graduates, usually attended by ladies from the early 20s through 1974 when the school closed- The spirit is alive! Dont miss the heartwarming camaraderie a_nd ambience that this annual event offers Please contact Maryann Foley, 4 Wright Street, Peabody, MA , (508) DAVD KUSHNSKY David K4shinsky of Natick, formerly of the West End, was entered into rest on July 18th He was the beloved husband of Shelly (Goodman) and devoted father of Bertrand J and Tammy Kushinsky of Ashland ad Hilary Alyse Kushinsky of Upton Mr Kushinsky was t loving brother of Dorothy Sudenfield of Hyde Park and the late Natalie Victor He was the dear ;gtandfather of Jillian, Matthew, Mykal and Daysi -- got a big surprise recently when got a call from an old buddy We were members of the West End House, and we both belonged to the Wm Blackstone Club The last time we saw each other we were 18 years old Then got married at the age of 19 and went into the service He also went into the service, the 82nd Airborne and went with the 29th Division When arrived in Agoura Hills in California, south of Ventura, he was at the gate waiting for me He was staying at his daughters house We hugged each other and were very happy that we could meet again We are both 73 years old t took 55 years to meet again still have pictures of us at Norumbega Park still havent mentioned his name ts Leo Fivozinsky We had a lot to talk about, especially about the other members of the Blackstone Club Also our Director Myron Burnes believe he is still living in Detroit Last year on July 1, 1996 my wife Charlotte passed away t happened so quickly and unexpected miss her very much We did make it to 53 years married had known her since she was 15 years old To me she was an angel, she cared and helped other people -Henry Jgnazio Lentine Pasadena, CA N MEMORY OF ram sending this donation in memory of my Uncle Biagio Roti who passed away June 4th He will _be missed by his family and - friends, who loved him Keep op the good work -Angie (Alessandro) Blaney Jacksonville, FL JOHN GUNTA John M Giunta of Medford, formerly of East Boston and the West End, died on June 13th He was the beloved husband of the late Josephine M (Spinale) who died on May 15, 1997 Mr Giunta was the loving father of Marie Randall of Arizona, Lois Giunta-Cimeno of Wilmington, Michael Giunta of Florida and Philip Giunta of Revere He was the devoted grandfather of Arielle and John Cimeno and brother of Joseph Giunta of Cape Cod and brother in law of Connie Spinale of Medford, Domenic Spinale of East Boston and Sal Spinale of Hull Mr Giunta is also survived by many nieces and nephews He was retired from the MDC and the postal service and was a World War Arffiy Veteran

9 CATHERNE DOR Catherine "Dolly" DembickiD or of the West End, formerly of Philadelphia, died on May 22nd She was the devotd daughter of Sarah (Cucinotta) Dembicki of Boston and the late Julius Oembicki Ms Dor was the beloved niece of Leo Cotta, Joseph and Peter Cucinotta and cousin of Leo and Anthony Cotta, Anthony and Peter Cucinotta, Rosemary (Cucinotta) Costello, Catherine Thorgenson and Peter Cucinotta PAGE NNE CAMP GANNETT s JOHN LaCORCA John A LaCorcia of Medford, formerly of East Boston and the West End, died on May 24th He was the beloved husband of Pia (acono) and son of the late Rose (Comito) and John B LaCorcia Mr LaCorcia was the brother of Edward of Watertown and the late Francis and Anthony "Doc" LaCorcia, Katherine Mazzola and Theresa Trembley He is also survived by many loving nieces and nephews Mr LaCorcia was a late member of VFW Post 6880 and Boston DAY Chapter 10 and was a late US Army Veteran of World War Pictured at the Elizabeth Peabody Houses Camp Gannett in Sharon in the 50s are: Jim Campano, Billy Macauley, Andy Sarno, Stanley "Choochie" Mirowski, Johnny DeMarco, Jimmy Smith an Billy Cochran JOHN PROCOPO John Peter Procopio of Revere, formerly of the West End, died on THANKS FROM OW-TMER July 3rd Hi, m an oldtimer from the He was the husband of Patr!cia _ West End ts- wonderful to see (Minton) and father of John A and read about our familiar and Michael P Procopio, both of Revere Mr Procopio was the brother LNK TO THE PAST of Francis Procopio of Lynnfield, The West Ender is my most Alfred Procopio of Haverhill and important link to thepast Beatrice Procopio of Virginia Enclosed is a donation for The He is also survived by several West Ender Keep it coming t nieces and nephews and was a late fuels my nostalgia kick member of Local 03 NRA and - J "Bomber" Almeida Reading Rifle and Revolver Club East Weymouth, MA L \VEST ENDER l\e:\orals n memory of the DiStefano, Stavre and Amaro families from Angie and Sam DiStefano n memory of Carmela and Carmelo Gulino, Joseph Gulino, Jimmy Gulino and his wife Jean (Meagher) Gulino, Mattthew Gulino from Mary Gulino and his wife Sarah (Manganaro) Gulino from Mary Gulino n memory of Martha (Giunta) Johnson from Frances (Giunta) Johnson n memory of my parents Vincent and Anna and my dear brother Charles from Frank and Stacia Ternullo n memory of my brothers "Rudsy" Freni, Joe Freni, Nick Flammia and my brother-in-law Steve DeMarco from Anne Flammia n memory of my beloved husband "Snowy" Herman from "Tootsie" Herman n memory of my cousin Joseph Purpura and my husband Joe Purpura from Tillie (Corso) Faretra n memory of my brother Norman (Laibel) Markowitz from Nathan Markowitz 0 VNCENZA GRAVNA Vincenza R "Zina" Gravina of -Wayland, formerly of the West End, died on May 18th She was the devoted mother of Maria C and her husband Leonard A Paolillo of South Natick; Paul R Gravina of Framingham; Carolyn M and her husband Mark G Sullivan of Medfield Mrs Gravina was the loving grandmother of Jonathan Paolillo of South Natick and Christopher and Jeffrey Sullivan, both of Medfield She was the sister of Salvatore Spatola of Smithfield, R, Dominic Spatola of Medford, Joseph Spatola of Carlisle and Domenica Cousineau of Whitman She was the sister in law of Josephine Sharrio of Florida, formerly of Woburn - friends Thanks for the memories -Dora (Kaslcavigi) Christo Medford, MA MARTHA PNTO Martha E (Rooney) Pinto of Everett, formerly of Somerville and Winchester, died on June 14th She was the beloved wife of Joseph Pinto and devoted mother of Joseph of Marlboro, Rachel Manzi of Medford and Mark and Philip, both of Everett Mrs Pinto is also survived by one loving granddaughter She was the sister of Melanie Diamond of Winthrop, Debbie Ulm of New Hampshire, Mark of North Reading, Rachel of Medford and Greg of Wilmington MONEY AND MEMORES My check is enclosed for admittance_to the Century Club Just a reminder to all the students who had Sr Agnes Marie for a teacher She is in her twilight years and would be more than happy to hear from her pupils Sr Agnes Marie, 54 Jeffries Rd, pswich, MA, Leo (Cucinotta) Cotra Medford, MA GNO DANELl Gino Danieli of Braintree, formerly of the West End died on June 4th He was the beloved husband of Frances R (Ternuilo) and loving father of Louise M and her husband, James E Hatcher of Braintree Mr Danieli was the dear grandfather of Corinne Menadue and Scott J Hatcher He was the devoted brother of Elizabeth Stella, Lena Danieli and the late ltalo Danieli * * * MARON SAA Marion (Conlon) Saia of East Boston, formerly of the West End, died on July 3rd She was the beloved wifii f the late Frank and loving,motiuir of Frank, Lisa, Dianaand N#_hcf ; all of East Boston --J>_ ; rim:,, qf,,--- was the dear stster M r Sma 1-; Edward sonny" Conlan, DorO- i< thy Puleio, Gertrude McDermott N MEMORY OF would like to donate the and Diane Squadrito : enclosed check in memory of my She is also survived by:"fiv parents, Paul and Mary Navarro loving grandchildren, Angel4, We lived at 16 Ashland St, where was born also have a brother Francesca, _Marissa, Natalie an Michael l Jim and sister Camille remember going to the Mayhew School * * * JAMESGOUN and my brother went to English Ralph James "Jimmy" Golini High My father owned and-operated of Boston, formerly of the West the West End Auto Repair on End, died on June 14th _ He was the beljtvcd husband of Leverett Circle for many years My mother worked at Coreys Maria (Resta1do) and loving fa Cafe as a cocktail waitress She ther of James A OOlini of ArizOnlti Mr Golini was the -devoted was one of the eight Lamberti grandfather of Maria, Brian an!; sisters whom everyone seemed to Robert Crawford 1 ; know He was the brother ofwilmy sister and Vere members liamina "Billie" Mandoro and of the Elizabeth Peabody House uncle of Gerald-Mandoro and loved going to Camp Gannett Mr Golini is also survived l:)y every summer Keep up the good work you are 2 great grandchildren and nu doing on "The West Ender" - merous cousins arrd relatives in Providence, Rhode siancf love reading it He was a late member of the -:Virginia (Navarro) Bellitti Boston Lodge ;208, Order Sons Medford, MA ofltaly 1997 \\EST E:\DERS :\E:\ORL\L CRCLE! \ The following West Enders have made a donation of $10000 or more in memory of their loved ones in 1997 Now is the time to send in your donation to be included in the 1997 West Enders Memorial Circle n memory of Gaetano Privitera n memory of Joseph and Anita Russo, Donald Grey, Joe Solano and Moe Guarino n memory of Ruth Kligman n memory of Vincent and da Bellissimo from the Bellissimo Family n memory of Ernest Patturelli from Rose Patturelli n memory of Ralph "Duffy" Valentine and Richard Valentine from Marie Valentine n memory of Joe Postizzi from Charlie Savas n memory of Giuseppe Pepe and Giulio Gelsomini n memory of Rosena "Rosie" DAngelo and Paul J DAngelo from John "Johnny Da" DAngelo n memory of Henry "Ecky" Ectman from Esta Ectman A tribute to Freda Rogolsky & Frannie Goldstein from Myron Burnes ",_

10 f PAGE TEN Bob Catalano BARTON STREET GANG Various Locations Top DJs Free Snacks Prizes, etc Couples Welcome Proper Dress Appreciated For Ages 28 and Over 24 HOUR DANCE NFO: (617) t (ONSTAf\[T SERVCE wit!j l Connie (Giuliano) Slauenwhite; CTC Presirknt Some of the Barton_Street gang near the comer of Chambers Street and close to Barton Court]ar{:, shown in tht; group At left are the Martyniak sisters, Louise, top row, right; Josephine, middle row, second from right; Dorothy, middle row, left; and Patricia, bottom row, right Photo on right inclu_des Maryann Kachoris, top left; and includes each of the Martyniak sisters The Martyniaks lived at 66 Barton Street, JOSEPH SANTORO DOMENC GUERRA - JOHN FTZGERAW, JR Col John Jack" Fitzgerald, Domenic Guerra of Medford, Josph Santoro of Medford, a retired custodian; died June 19th formerly of the West End, died on May 17th -at -Lawrence Memorial Hospital He was the beloved husband of following a brief illness He was Maria (fntagliata) Guerra and f, 83 devoted father of Josephine Pierce [ 19"\r; ;,rrt!lrw i:o_ston" he Jived in,ang Qomeoiej GuetQ,i,Jr, h of, trtedfsiqce 1:924! Mi Santoro retired in 1980 Medford Mr Guerra was the loving P, from the Belmont Post Office as grandfathej of Christine, Micha cutodian for 13 years He was i )i"aiso acar loader for the Boston & ael and Matthew Pierce, all of Medfqrd :: _ Maine railroad before entering the He wa:s the brother of Seservice bastiana Coniglione and Frank Mr Santoro served in the Guerra, both of taly, Marines during World War Mr Guerra: was a late US He was a member of the Army Veteran of World War ForeverYdung Club of Medford, l, the VFW Post 1012 of Medford and the BPO of Elks Lodge 915 ANGELA RECCHA of Medford Angela (Repici) Recchia of He was a 4th Degree Knight of Revere, formerly of the West End, the Knights of Columbus Coundied on July 19th cil 141, the Marine Corps League She was the beloved wife of of Charlestown Navy Yard, the John of Revere and devoted American Legion Post 45 of mother of Kristine and Michael, Medford and the South End both of Revere talian Club of Woburn Mrs Recchia was the dear Mr Santoro is survived by sister of Joseph Repici of Saugus his wife, Lucy (Peluso); a son, She is also survived by many Eugene of Medford; a daughter loving nieces and nephews Marie Bova of Medford; five brothers, James of Brockton, Leo * * * of California, John and Paul, "SUSY" GREENWAW both of Medford, and Charles The enclosed check is being r, of Wollaston; two sisters, Lena given in memory of Shirley Accolla of Medford and Mary " Susy" (Victor),Oreenwald, who \ Meano of California; seven granddied on March 6th- children and three great-grandsusy was a supporter of The, children West Ender and, though a resident of New York for over fifty years, * * LVNG THE OW DAYS never forgot her West End roots Just to say thanks for all the Her memory is cherished by all memories The articles are like of us who knew her as a true < Jiving the old days again friend -Robert Murphy -Janet Goldberg Lipsitz Fredericksburg, VA Savannah, GA i 1! * 25 ussell St, WobJ;lrn MA Res (617) (617) Fax (617) (617) Roh Settipane _(ltxuc _(fnujurl"e -C: tpet!atl tltolce of the Wesr End, died on June 22nd (Available For All Occasions) He was the beloved husband of Alic(Rearqo_n) andloving fat_ her of John Fitzgerald llnc{shila F ({;ronn}:-?2ja_ - Mr FJtzgr d"was e granofather pf:isixanai:brother of Ed:a!ctlf- Flt:zgeta:ld and Jane One Longfellow Place- Suite Boston, MA A Fennell He is also survved by many nieces and nephews Mr Fitzgerld was a late meinasphalt NATON: her of the Ancient and Honorable Corps, First Corps Cadets, How the Automobile Took Over America Founder a,nd st President of the Ancl How We Can Take t Back 1st Marine DivAssoc, Citizens Military Training Corps Alumni by Jane Holtz Kay and Past President of Boston Latin School Association ;, He was also a late commander,f Crown Publishers, nc of Joseph P Kennedy Jr VFW j Post 5880, Past Grand Knight :& - :: :_ of the Knights of Columbus, $2750 hardcover ($3850 in Canada) West End Council, Alumni of Dartmouth College, Member of Yankee Div Assoc, British _ Officers Club, DAV, American DEANO MESSNA Legion, Marine Corps Reserve OffiCers Assoc and the Naval War College Alumni Mr Fitzgerald had a 43-year affiliation with the Armed Services Jr,USMCR(Rt), > -,,, - C"" - -, i ANNEWOLAN Anrie Marie N(Switlekowskic) Wolan of Hanover, formerlyofthe West End, died on May 17th She was the wife of Richard R Wolan and mother of Andrew and Jonathan Mrs Wolan was the aunt of Hanna and Haley and _niece and godchild of Anna Narenkiewicz of Las Vegas, Nevada The West Ender Survives On Your Donations!, \ J - :c " \

11 PAGE ELEVEN Former West Enders Business Directory Z>tUNUUed f { & } LOUNGE AND RESTAURANT 225 TREMONT STREET, BOSTON, MA (Across from the Wang Center) Tel u,,,, DANCNG EVERYNGHT DJ OLDES & GOODES FRDA)S AND SATURDAYS Residence: REW Coordinator Christophr J _B arrett Realtors { 73 Albion Street Walleftekl, MA 77 Boiway BEST SANDWCHES AND PZZA N TOWN Marilyn J (Longo) Barrett, GR SaiJlerville;-M US t, Pistachio Nuts Edible-Seeds Dried Fruit Baking Needs mparted talian Specialties (617) (61-7) 625-Q100 - (617) _66-, PERUGNA TALY CHOCOLATES Funeral Planning Before the Need Arises :DARY FRESH CANDES L:argest Variety of Frsh Candy & Nuts in New England Established 1957 The Malara Family (617) 742-:l639 MA Only Wholesale/Retail Salem Street Boston, MA On The Freedom Trail - -- DELLORUSSO FtJ N-ERAL SERVCE, NC John usso HOME OF THE WET ED VDEONEWSLETTER 306 Main Street Medford, Massachusetts 021S5 rm _ : tj@ Complete Packaging De$Qn Service Point Of Purchase Displays Serving Boston An Nw England FAX: (617) MAN STREET MEDFORD, MA OFFCE (617) RES (617) :o We Stock All Printers Sizes ROY J SCARPATO SOMEVLLE PRESDENT Sales Residential Commercial Rentals Management Appraisals ELECTRONC SPACE SYSTEMS CORPORATON Old Power Mill Road Concord MA Telephone: 508-: Telex: FAX: 508= COMMUNTY ACCESS TELEVSON Many Other Sizes n Stock Catalogue On Request CONTANER 346 UNVERSTY AVENUE WESTWOOD, MA (617) Union Square Somerville, MA (S17) (Voice/TTY) PC BURNE/SHARRO/MAVLLO, --Accountants for Small Businesses - - Albert Cohen Chairman WLLAM Esscoal J SHARRO 27 Water Street Suite 113 Wakefield, Massachusetts Telephone (617) Fax (617) A World Leading Supplier of Radomes and Antennas "Dedicated to Service" (617) FOUR rs FUEL STOP, NC 24 CYPHER STREET SOUTH BOSTON, MA AM - 6 PM MONDAY - FRDAY PAUL THEODOS National nsurance Concepts Malcolm Zimmerman Director of Marl<eting 24 HOUR SER(CE COASTAL AR, HEAT & REFRGERATON NC AR CONDTlONNG CE MACHNES SALES SERVCE RESDENTAL COMMERCAL East Brook Executive Parle 20 Eastbrook Road Suite 103 Dedham, MA (617) 32D-0770 FAX (617) C»540-06J6 JACK SPNALE President Director of Operations P 0 BOX 2009 QUNCY, MA

12 PAGE TWELVE SEPEMBE 1997 Form r est Enders Business Directory TRusT T To T-iE SPECALST We offr safe individualized are of Oriental rugs, an alcernative co harsh commercial cleaning Scocchguard Mochproofing Pee Scains and Odor Removal Pickup and Delivery Cash & Carry Discount Member of che Association of Speciali cs, in Cleaning and Rescoracion GRLlO l liz! - \ U l, l \1 1 CUANNG RESTORATON APPRASALS OHPH F SPNALE, CPA GREGORY F HUGHES, CPA SPNALE & HUGHES CBTFD PUUC ACCOUNTANTS (617) TEN HGH STREET MEDFORD, A 02t S5 -ALUMNUM & VNYL SDNG Revere Aluminum Window Corp MEMBER NASD SPC REPLACE OLD WORN WOODEN SASH WNDOWS WTH OUR NEW VNYL OR ALUMNUM REPLACEMENT WNDOWS Aluminum Windows, Doors, Gutters Porch Enclosures- AWrilngs Extended Time Payments JOE DE SANTS Call Day 01 Night 774 BROADWAY, REVERE, MA FAX EMAL: LMSECCO@TACNET Elizabeth Peabody House STLL GONG STRONG AFTER 100 YEARS! ELZABETH PEABODY HOUSE 277 Broadway Somerville, MA (617) Your $2500 donation for an ad on this page will allow us to continue to keep alive the Spirit of The West End! Full Time Day Program for Adults Theat r Arts Certificate Program TV Commercials & Fencing, Stage & Camera Acting & Speech * Self-mprovementfor "Non-Actors" DAYS AND EVENNGS aecome pert of the world of Film, ThMtnt a TV Commerclllla" Call for a FffH Brochure ACTORS WORKSHOP 40 Boylslon Street, Boston, MA Tel (117) ,, sw-, DNc:tor PRVTERA, PRVTERA & PRVTERA ATORNEYS AT LAW FRANCS D PRVTERA JEANNNE PRVTERA FRANCS D PRVTERA, JR PHLP J PaJta SoupJ SalaiJJ SanJwicbeJ GrilleJ d RoaJt«J MMJ, FiJb d VqJdaiJ!eJ Frubly GrounJ Co/fa Muffuu TEL (617) BARRSTERS HALl 59 UNON SQUARE SOMERVLLE, MASS SpuntiniJ bliukboard Jp«ialty menu cbangu ijaily Open 7 imy O:J(} am - 10:00 p,; 141 Salon Strut (Nortb EnJ) Stevie (Langone) GallmJJi (Corner of Prince Strut) Proprietor CHARLES J AUDTORE GENERAL MANAGER 33 Years of Service DSCOUNT STOCK BROKERS 969 MAN STREET, SUTE 206 WALPOLE, MA CHARLES SCMECA CBmton tfomato Co, 9nc Packers - Distributors Commission Merchants ;: ft: : 117 NEW ENGLAND PRODUCE CENTER CHELSEA, MASSACHUSETTS (617) JOSEPH RUSSO Funeral Home, nc Since Spacious Chapels Centrally Located Air Conditioned Ample Parking Pre-Arrangement Counseling 24 Hour Service 814American Legion Hwy Roslindale, MA (617) (6 1 7) !5 FAX (617) 648-2!544 RES Tel Fax ASTAMember DAVD A LEONE ATTORNEY AT LAW LEONE & LEONE 637 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE ARLNGTON, MA MAN STREET MELROSE, MA02176


ARCHDIOCESE OF BOSTON SUPPRESSED AND MERGED PARISHES All Saints Parish, Roxbury 1973 St. Patrick Parish, Roxbury Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish, Lawrence (German) (S) 7/1/1994 St. Mary of the Assumption Parish, Lawrence Assumption Parish, Bellingham

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