9* n County, Michigan, Wednesday,

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1 yy 1 ^ap Vol. 45 r.- rs*e X^U^X < New Fall Fabrics Wool challies suitable for dresses, m a variety ot shades and patterns. Ideal wash dresses, a yd. $1.19 Flowered and striped broadcloth for dresses or lor pajamas. This sells at 50c and 5 ( Jc a yd. Malodora Crepes in plain colors, rose, red, brown, black, coffee, nile blue, peach, and tan. 36 inches 1.25 Silk and cocton crepes, ob' inches Fincksey, 95c yd. Chopak Charmelle in changeable colors for pillow:-, bed spreads, and curtains, 3<i inches 89c Maidrite Prints DON'T LET YOUR Mak.1! )V v:i :>nd iv.ncv patterns- Fa>t vd. 01 A11 n: x PROPERTY RUN DOWN those r pairs, alterations an. additions NOW CASH OR TIME PAYMENTS Plum ting and Heating Painting and Decorating Roofing and Tinning Carpentry Work Mason Work Call us day or evening for an.estim:.', without obligation. 7or a small dow^ payment and modest monthly installments vou can modernize vour home k NOW John Galligan South Lyons, Mich Electric Pumps and Peninsula Furnaces These Prices Are Good Fov One Week Only J KIRK'S FLAKE SOAP CHIPS ^ J&c I 1 lb NO. 99¼ COFFEE 44c! POST BRAN FLAKES 9 C I m 3 DOZ. CAN RUBBERS 21c 1 DOZ. BEST MASON FRUIT JARS 82c J 1 PKG. IVORY SOAP FLAKES 22c -r ' m. T^ Vote For Charles J. Hoff Candidate for Sheriff Democrat Ticket, Second lerm Y )ur Vote Will Be Appreciated J. i»ii 9* n County, Michigan, Wednesday, CHARLIE GEHR1NGER TO PLAY AT FOWLERV1LLE FAIR OCT. 34 A strong Ba.i? Ball program ha^ been announced for the Fowler, die Fair. On Thursday. Williainston will play Fowlerville; on Friday, l'l«a sa.nt I^ake will play Donovan's <'he<k era. The winners will play tn Sal ir day. Sonu- time ago the hov. U-rv:l!< t wis assart d by Charlie li.hr:' ;.' \ that hi would Oe with there at :1.. Fair. It will be recalled that i 1 'L! Williamston del'-ei'd hew!- ' ' a pitchers battle betv e. n "\.n<i\" Alessingur and Karl Whit.-hill Tiayt ars game promises to be t.cpedly interesting. Andy will a^ain be in ta box for Williumston and eitl., : \\ \. hill or- some one iqually em.-eie, will twirl for Fowlerville. Ah;, Me-^in^er will i>.supported hy ~>e of the talent from st'.'on;* I.a:i.-ie,- teams. l)n!!ovun'. ('heck- r u a - e- t :>, weakened by -layers r.-'.a "" ie t'-achinj: and co.uh'rej' \o hi-ea.-, a.: \ndrew Donovan promise.. t!,. er team in the fi dd than ha-..pu a* ed in any of th!; gainer-. It h -a in Owosso that he has se<-:nvd stiontr Keliojjr's team of Bat'.'e <"i' for this e\ent. 1'leasant Lak- MI^ ld>27 fair series and have a <i"i ;v te'-iir- this year, several of th.. i a' ers havim? (.nnrru't.- with, b ; team- for U»2!». KILLED BY AUTO Robert Draad. aea-d ni:a- y. ai-.. Detroit who has been making ia home with Mr. and Mrs. Jam.-- Arm strong of \V< hster was struck : a instantly Killed by an auto iriv. f'by Ralph Wheeler, Dexter Ha-h [Schuol student late Monday aft e noon He was on his wa\\hoive fro: the country school and ran in fron >i the car. The funeral wa- held n St. Joseph's Church Dext-r thi morning. TAKE MANY PREMIUMS W. C. Hendee have been v. in'-; many premiums with their Ida'k!' sheep. At the Grand Rapids they were awarded s firsts oi.it of 3 seconds, and 7 thirds. At the Xorthville Fair they _.,,.. ed 8 out of 9 first prizes, ) s ( and 4 thirds. FOOT BALL HERE FRIDAY :?yron High School footbnm t :: will play i 'iiickney at I i;ic-. r«;.! i'i da\ Sept. '1<. T'l e'illlle \v;'! ::! 1 :00 P.'M.The b'.>\^ deserve. M'OU!^1 nu-nt on account ot th* ir -;!:!:! showing a^rairidt Fowlervillle,,ml ; cro'e-i should turn out. r,."h \ ceit.i i ly have a lot of phiok and a 1 -:; 1,'"' ^ivnes,- if not size r.nd that ;< uii:' :> nnts. All home g'ames this year will b played in the new field ju.^l back e: the Congregational Church wl.icn ha,- been secured and pjt into 4n:ne. o DISASTER RELIEF Livingston County h.a- hi i,, ed >;300 for di-as^ r relief, T!.^ n ount will i)e ea-ily raided ' 'i e ha;>s oversubscrib 1 d if the n.t 1 r spond with their usual ;_' e-me,-: There is great nmi for furd- 'prompt payir.ent s nnv^-ary \<. prompt payment is nee. s 11 y ie li(\-e the imtntdiate vutfei'ine-. :> contributions to Mrs. Lmily l;.smi'. or leave them at the First State V, A\\ with Mr. A. L. Smith, Ho.v )\.y\'< Mrs. W. P. VanWinkle C 1 >> CARS COLLIDE SUNDAY La.st Sunday afternoon wiv-n!v : neth Wylic, Wallac*- Jacob- imd tr.'. Misses Ruth and Ik-rnioe V m Rlaricuni were on Grand River < n'-oit > Brighton in p. Whippet car driver, be the former thoy coillio'-d wit 1^ e'loc er "»Vhippet car driven by ' ;v.;i!i fie>-- Fenton by the name of William.-, Th' fotce of the collusion th'vw Mi-- Bo mice Van Blaricum thrijugh t 1 ' windsheild cutting her arm.-o b;ely that it was nece-^ary to t."k' fi^ stitches to chose the wound. The ei^ ers werf' not injured hut loth car were banged up. CIDER MILL NOW RUNNING The Dexter cider mill wall grind apples every Tuesday and Frio -y i.n til-further notice. Otte Wag-mer, Dexter Mich. 0_ REGULAR COMMUNICATION Regular Communication of I.' ing-ston Lodge No. "ft, F. & A. M. Tuesday evening. October 2, at whi. h time the M.M. degree will be < <.n forred on two candidate.-. Tms wi" be followed by a banour-t at which : ' is (-xpecu ri that a. numb' r of vi.-inre brothers will be present. Tims will also be discussed for attending the banquet and school of instruction at Howell October IS to wivich all county lodges are invited.the How< 11 team will conferv the M, M. dreree at this time. W. M. Kettler, Ser'v. -<3_ P. T. A. MEETING OCT. 2 The regular meeting of the I*. T. will be held at the school hou.-a Oct. 2, at ft o'clock. Topic for di-'a:.-,.- 'on "Health." Everybody invited. o Mr. and Mrs. Albert Joh^on entertained Sunday Mr. and y.r.<. Waldo Titmus and daupht<'r of Flint. Win. Hartwell of Detroit, V.p r>. ie Cochran of Arm Arbor, Mr. an-i Mrs. Frakn Johnson. Miss Helen Tip lady spent the week end with Detroit friends. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. L< land. W, F. Clark and wife wcic in Webberville Friday. DISPATCH c beplcmt THE DOPE WAS ALL WtfUNU ' r :\<- I'aakii' y I j :.e bal! t. am opened t :a : ' ' <e' -ijfi at FowlerYi!le ai'«i.-.i ; the wi>e ;^-ay - a ah Mjori :.-' ie.> by trimmm'j' * a. ;r < >a n. M'on- of 12 to 7. ' "oa>. 1 >u;, ilia O'' 1111 h -' \. '.::. ii;.-, f,^. v. :- -ra > t ( e e< e ',,...- ; i '. \ i te 'a r looked t'er a ^ Lilt the u-'ia OV - tile Ten >hd Mil te. Ki.,\* h-'-\ : h T. mad. a '_'e 'd.-h< on tile!;!d : a T h, and hit I. hi-rla lulll,' '.'I: I' A ' * Ml \' fui'ib! ( 1 V r. d t' b.\\ '> '<] ; ta r..,..,) U a-, a.' Ijr'. h a;. v^ettia-,n M-MV;..;; '[ua, i^i- 1 ' Keti'.! - nlac.1..:.;':.. ' }>' > i». t lfe,-;.j- v ;_ hack a.. t hy add.-ra! <:;<. e line _.,:, -, V.-' touch. In A r : a '. es hit tach f'.' i : 11 w' >' i. S e>:..ad v y, T!i a.- f o.,' )\\.-. ::--r\v/! I. Had! I. ;:, n. H.-.n ( Cil!: M. 1-. )! Staekab'. \"a-' ih 1.. ' e r,, e \' <;>. ; R M, : «1 ' Ket.-Lan K i.-tc!..11 i. '"ivi- (idr'iir Si P., ike. ''(,' for L.-hmaa 1^,. I :, - ( W M,,. 1^ roip-'. i 'i Me V NOTF" u.: >\,ii". ), t ' n ' i \ i-. i ii, t i 1' i n i k r \ ' him I- i-\ ';:, ei ;)' O f 1. ' 'i :: ' \ " ''apt- N-'i-- 1 K< e;i ",>, h Sheiiar. i'i e K i"un. J ', id.''".:', r-i;t- r, M,. ;. Sta'ili y Dii'i'-e-i j*i" '> 1 ' : "(-<.Je \ el'ial, I t > I.' /I ).:1 i.! :, F- SCHOOL NOTES [ I'" i e ' k S e Ci\'i, Sol)''',:!", all' ilep, -uiabl. Th'.-. i- \>y ''.< t.r.at e\.r.-,, but th b<-\ - ; i-, d!ow T ~, i r' K i-. v )- I ON' r,'m \ ;\ 't "'Ta-t'- ': ;,.. talk on tub- r( ale. - w school. Famra-t I he-,.. >. r <, d-rw.-nt ; r, f,p' a a' oa. the }li<rh School. DIAMOND DEWEY WiVS Diamond 1 )i-u,,. J fa-t steppir,-' ce!' -.n ; old trot ;it t 1 ' v, ^v> "kin n field nf i ' M'.rir;»Ti D.-. y.-, : pi' -e th f,.f JI f: ''.;< he- DANCE AT CHALKF.R'S Th^re will be dn. cine- at M"t Jhalker's Patt' r-or. I,as D.r.c-!;, \\ very Saturday eveiiine. Cnod n - -'-;.- tr^od floor and a -roori time prom.i.-.r i>. Music by the Fast lake Orch' -tra.... o WANTED LARCT.fJS Me- v ar^teit lo'u',: \ r. ; mint in Phickm-v. W, H. Ryai,,Cu:it;\u to/. «^ 3 i - I * 1 X J M n M a 9 ah. i 'r N.» '"A^v. v>. j& t^u^abectcp-rf.vi' 'Wr- *-9VT\1 i". 4 it a n J J s High in Quality w Low in Price. ) -am that there's a big..-.ii they all look pretty much i-.a skirnpy, short staple cotton. -o0=-.:- n; "liller" in the rubber of on i*eoks and short ezi 'H ci. ' n. toscope to be sure thai L d >. -J^L. i\jai me is a real buy. GooJ- : - ne -^ c. s. o * A v M x» n n e * T JT. a SJ B e B c m T T» V. "»» «.,>.-4 ^ -'-, A S. "J TA ilsvji&vc M ) ^isfactorily for my. > La/:..idbly come back not. * J K 1 '-'... dr,d fo.- another Goodye»;jr lite L'CUipmer.t. -. i ;-c-sh.!if^- stocks. fe& LAVBV PINCKNBY j for Sunday I itely.-riteil dinner, at -er perhaps to sen'e as kindnesses have promptaoeld be in truth repackage Th* "folates should be mhanting to the i he Pinckney Cafe 8 S. I *'! "W.1 S ^ ^ V f l G C U I I X I I I 1¾ Varf- 3 "'.. '..'J^.ii, J? % > '-J pecials r>>' U. I'i]' e I I»->*-«. **nm "1 N'T A IN SKRVICE.. t f'kkam. "* * m mmmmmmm ij'v/ Uf\ $1.03 iu ULX. ji^riijc >A :1 " '^ il A olilu C). ll»-!:e Can ar^e pkg. I MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE /v< - i O r;.s v_ O : V^*v.r* J,..'-') ^auce, 2 can: i iaklii, large pkq 'a ' 10c Tc.. 16c 39c 27c.. 23c *7c 25c.. 21c 15c 65c. 20c 19c 17c 47c 12c n. 9 K&i\P4BDYi

2 /f THE PINCk'NEY ni.spatth > * * * * * -z-/.-**-::-*-**^-*-*-*-;:-*-! HHHHSr***-3HHHHHHt-3 ******-JHHh»-* British Legion on Return Visit to Vimy Ridge 3F t Your Social Environment 2 By F. A. WALKER g ;KHKH>CHKH>a3*H>«^-&aOHa-^ BELL-ANS FOR INDIGESTION 'f I'erhaps th mom interesting; incident «>r 1 in* I'.nn.sli l.e-ions pilgrimage to the battlefields of Krnnce and I lei giurn was the visit UJ the Vimy nidge trenches, which have heen carefully preserved. Many thousands, of soldiers lost their lives there.! Some Favorite Recipes I r By NELLIE MAXWELL C Ai'.BA(l!'i shredd I ooar>e y aim cooked uncovered for ten minutes, then served wilh a htlle rieh Milk. butter and a few crnrkei crutnbs will he ;i brand new dish lo many. Cauliflower, that deiighc'ul "educated cabbage." will nev-'r hetome dark ened in cooking if prepared in this Way: Add the sail a Her the vei.-eta ble has been f >H rt ly rooked and re move the instant it is done. When cooking 11 cabbage whole, slit it down the cerder in hot h directions. Mayonnaise dressing is Hie favorite for all vegetable salads. ('arrets beets, peas are used often as a gar- ish in 11 vegetable salad, adding (lie eolor which makes rim dnh so attractive. Beets inn] carrots are finely ground when used in ihu manner. adding plenty of salt ro season. Watermelon Cocktail. Cut thick slices of 1 ipe water melon. remove rlie seeds and cur wiih small fane; cutters Into different shapes, or ose H French potato cutter. Place la chilled glasses and pour over a thin "i W (t bv M'Clurp Ni>wipaiipr Svn<llcHte ) HHHHfr#**********--X-*-:v*-X^^^ sirup n :ide of lemon juice, tieel and smj.ir. boiled to a heavy sirup..muskmelon is especially good pre pared iii nails and dressed witti a ginger sirup. CarantUd Potatoes and Chestnuts. Bee] and cut ini» halves eight sweet potatoes; cover with b. ii I i n L; water and lei cook until nearly done then (] 1:1 i: 1. look one cupful of hmun sugar in a saucepan until fuelled and hrown. a.id one cuptul of boiling water careful! v and cook un HI all is dissolved But t fie potatoes. a cupful of Munched, cooked chestnuts into a baking disr: in layers, with the sirup: S[irinkle with salt and bake until very fetifler. Ct.. ia.8 Wi'stcrn Newapaprr Unlou.l Some. Hints By VIOLA BROTHERS SHORE FOR THE- GOOSE XHXKKHJ A MAN II ^et awful sarcastic ahout a woman not keepid' a seer he told her in the first place. All men are jealous, hut It's no cnmplimcrr. Tlie.V'e Just as nfruid of losin" their hack hair or 1 he malu hint off tfieir suspenders. You're on'y rich when there's nothin more ymi want. I'm how ninny peo[)le starts pilin' up a forlune fro-o tfuif end. POR THE GANDER Kven dirt has its ^00J side to ttie street cleaner. "Dangerous Curve Ahead" ain't only a wurnin for the LTHV driving a car. If you done vvrou-.:. i:'< ti.ater not to talk ahout it I'' you done ri_ht, i! ain't necessarv.0. A UK you BM>'iU proper uttenlion * * u> }i»ur social I'livinniiiiHir, or i are >uu drilling ahm.; without giving ic a passing thought'.' Ar some unan; iupa'ed moment your social standing may change your whole future tor lienor or worse, the Just as prurlh-e nnpruve* capacity to [day the piano, or operate a sew m- machine, MI will rlie practice of mingling nnii associating with su pcrior men and women improve your chuiio^ to tilid the held of greatest usefulness, where you can work and transformation 1-11:1:111 Uke a thundei hold u*> vnur head in Die clear liyht clap from a 1 lear sky. You cannot Im'd relations with the vulvar, the ind'dent, ;hc inituora! or li.e depraved without h 'coming contanjinated. even ihoir.'l,n the begin you tiad tuj fear. There is always ibn^-r somewhere atiout our human houses tlmt a nit of gl.,ss may he broken, and in the s.ime -sense, there is to tic found in our spiritual structure a weak spot which under a certain Mow will yield when least expected. All evils work rh rough the forces which Mind man to man. They ar ever present waiting an op port unity iv overthrow and ru dtslroy in our passage through life, and es pecially in youtti, when character is forming and talents are fiuihjin.l;. we need the stimulation, the guidance. and the oii.irnl of superior mimis These mtluenct's are essential ro proper mural, physi<al and iulellec ami development. And in all the ramifications of life if you will look into the suhjivt with seriousness ;md anal;, ze it '.part ia lly. you will find Mint soeiul environment has much to do with success. The worst part of social influence ;s ill,it ii acts I'lidcsi^ned'y and without any intention of accompl ishiji^ Yot; can f leurn :' p!...v the riddle. results. no matter how hai^ >ou watch your hroiher j)rnctice. Yet the effect of contact of mind 0 'HI > t IK ru. > with mind is such that it invariahiy - - j produces yood or evil. Sleeping with their mothers was fa- j Discuss with lofty minded men tal to tw ntynine Virginia hahies in and women any conimon-place topic 1J)".!(>, ^ (U'dinu to stati-tics jnst an- and you will come away from their nounced hy Dr. W. A. I'lecker, re.uhs I [iresence with nohler thoughts and trar ' higher ideals. of day. Old Do- Tray was of e\cet!ent repute, and until he was found in t»ad company he was generally respe<*ted. but after thai, tie was doiihted and looked iifion with suspicion. (,c: 1J> M'-t.'lute Nt,-w>yjt[it;r Svmllcale.l No Putting 0(f "My hoy, ihiiik ol the rutti:e" **) cant; it's mv fill's tiirthda.v, and I must think of the present." New York (."cut rat lanes M.i^.izuie. "It's a good thing the road to destruction is broad, in a way," sayi Penitent Penelcpe. "It gives you room to make a turn." "i»r>;;*;>!>"»;>'»"*'>"»i'*"»"»"*"»"*"'":"":: v'^>>>''*'>'>*>'>"'*'v'v>"v^'v'»'v>'*'>'*:^>i>;>ij^>;>*ii^>i^>ii^>i>i>ii^i^i^^*>ii^i^i*i^^i*.. >i I Read the Dictionary I; :: :: >. jj; By JOHN BLAKE J :: V HE advice to read the dictionary is serious. I admit it is not just the hook to while away time that must be spent on a sick hed. It is not the kind of literature which gets you out of yourself when you are low spirited, and helpti you to forget your troubles. Nor is if the sort nf mental tonic you need after u hard day's work ut the office. But If is a very excellent book to read, nevertheless und by "read" I do nof mean to ylance at It to find the definition of a word, but to follow page after pus 1 ' for as much us half an hour at a time. If you will do that every few days you will hejjin to find it interesting and make a habit of It. I began dictionary reading by accident. 1 was looking up the meaning of a word which 1 had encountered in an other volume, and the definition of the next word caught my eye. I discovered that this word was also a stranger to me. I rein my eye a Ion 4 the pa^e. and learned that I was it, company about which 1 knew very liitle. Mr, Butterfly's Farewell MU. MONAKCH I'.l'TTKUKl.Y I liny black and white caterpillar. Hut tjazed up at the smiling, happv he had heen told that he had been a face of Mr. Sun Then he looked dear little baby caterpillar, and then down ar the mil!, weed plant upon which he was perched. "I'll have to leave wm," he said to the milkweed plant, "hut you "! l l come along, too," be added, as once more he looked at Mr. Sun, Mr. Sun blinked as much as to say that that was right. What a life his had been, the Monarch thought to aim.seit'. Did people ^ 2 "Bstldet, Every One Knows Me as 1 Air New." ver realize what a tlrriilins. exciting tweet life a butterfly could have? Me went hnek In Ids little butfcrlly mind -over the summer. tie hadn't remembered wh.'-n Do had teen hut n lifhe e-g on o-.e,,f these Ittllkweed plants. >'"" 'I'' 1 h '' ''ettieta ter when he had hatched 0111 into a life had begun in earnest for him. My! Me shivered as he thought ot it now that day when he had been almost trampled upon three times' What a day that had been. Then he had changed into a beau rifttl < 'tin.--a! is. wearing a gorgeou* green suit with golo decorations And ever since he had left off that suit for his present one he had de cided he would not change again. 'If I did." he said to himself. "It would upset ail the Uutes of Butterfly Air," lie spoke of it as Mufterfly Air instead of I'uifertly Land, as he spent so much time in the air. "llesides-." he had decided, "even one knows me as I 11m now. At least I tiope they know the Monarch 1 I hope when they see a handsome but lerily of brown with smart black lines and white-spotted black wing edges and head decorations that it is a Mob arch they are beholding. "Hut if they don't know that. I'd like to tell them a secret. We're always in the neighborhood of the milkweed plants from the time we're babies until we're quite grown up And If I could put up Butterfly sign = to direct people to our homes I'd print on the signs: "'To the Milkweed Plants in the Country Homes of the Famous Monarch Butterflies.' " Lately he had been very glad that butterflies could not put up signs tell ing people where their homes were for tie had had several narrow es on pes from but l ei lu nets. "And now I'm going on my jour ney," he said, "but before I go I shall pay a farewell call on my old friend Sir Clouded Sulphur Butterfly." The Monarch left the milkweed piant and took one last look about him "I haven't left anything behind." he said "because I never take anything with me. I don't need a toothbrush atirf I don't need a washrag. All I need Is myself. "And that I always have. I'erhap- I should not speak of myself in such a fashion, but when a butlerfly is about to take a great long journey he cannot think of such little trifles. "Ah, what a time I'll have And Mr Sun will go with me. Lor Mr Sun and I are the best ol friends. "But of course I must say a good-hv to Sir Clouded Sulphur Hutterfly Tbat I must do, and then I will be all ready ro start. "Helghdio," he said "I do believe," he added after n mo meat, "that I will sing a song about Mr. Sun " This was the Monarch's- song: The Sun Is hi«h and mighty. And yet he's no: a snob; Kor he doesn't turn his fnce aside. But will smile at any old mob" "Oh, that is a tine song." said Mr Sun after the Monarch had finished "1 am truly delighted." "You deserve It. you deserve It." said the Monarch, as tie started off for the last call he was to make before he took bis Journey south for the winter months. "Thank you. thank you," called Mr Sun after him. "1 cannot begin to tell >nu how plea --1 I a tu But per haps I'll be aide to s,i U you in tn.\ suiinj fashion icjpytik"' : ) * * So I kept on. and lend six or seven pages, and found all of them worth wtille. 1 knew, of course. >.lutt 1 would not acquire a vocabulary in any such fashion as that, hut it did help rne to think about the meaning ef words and to discover several which I thought I understood but which 1 had J not understood at all. These stuck in my mind, and some few of the others did. We use words as we hear them usually. Our vocabularies are mostly formed by those ahout us. to whom we listen. Unless we "have to be shown," which means that we have naturally inquiring minds, we take the con nectlon in which the words are used for granted. And glancing through the diction ary discloses ati astonishing number of mistakes which we have mad'' throng' taut. life. * * Exact use of vvonn j s very impor We must think e\.:ctly to think well, and as we have to think in words we ought to acquire the best possible equipment to think with, it I'iek up a good dictionary, and open anywlure. Kun your eye down the page. Note meanings, and derivations. Notice 'he use that is made of the words by author.-, who are quoted. That in itself is interesting, and you will be delighted every time you discover a quotation yob know, as a child is delighted by seeing a familiar face In a crowd. desk. Keep a good dictionary by youi Lse It to look up the strange word> von meet with and while thus using it, read on down or i p the page, and examine into twenty >r fifty or a hundred other words. You will be surprised not only at the mistakes you have heen making hut at the Improvement you will make in your own speech. (CoryrtRMA THE SUNSET HOUR By DOUGLAS MALLOCH DAY hi., been dark, aud stooped with care, But night is a roseate affair. Many a day has come and gone. The sunset lovelier than the dawn. And so I do not mind the years As my own sunset hour appears. The flags depart, the hugles cease. But evening shall have more of peace. Let youth go forth to battle; youth Cares more for triumphs than for truth. Let youth seek treasures it may hold: Age finds that there Is other gold. Let youth a kingly crown desire; Age tinds that fame and titles tire. Let youth seek other splendors, I Kind beauty in the westward sky. For one, the world *> really know,.must see if in the sunset's glow. Though down the road the shadows run, They point the pathway to the sun. And. wtien the sun ii is passed away You who are young will have to stay; For heaven youth will have fo waft, But we. the old. are near the gate. ecl 19 2«Dnijjrl.-i.B Mal'ocb > HUMBERT, MARIE JOSE TO WED Crown ['rime Humbert of Ital.v and I'rineesi Marie.lose of Belgium. If is learned, are engaged and the marriage will fake place la Rome wi'b almost unprecedented pomp. 4 > IP lt» r a _ No More Distress G&s, Sourness, Heartburn Sick Headache, Dizziness after eating or drinking 2Sc and 75c Packa^m* Sold Eotrywktrm Sure Relief Naturally, there are many deadletter laws; are we so vain that we think our law-making is perfect? When your Children Ciy for It Baby has little upsets at times. Ah your care cannot prevent them. But you can be prepared. Then you can do what any experienced nurse would do what most physicians would tell you to do 5! give a few drops of plain Castoriu. No sooner done than Baby is soothed; relief is just a matter of moments.*yet yon have eased your child without DM of a single doubtful drug; Castorla is vegetable. So It's safe to use as often as an infant has any little pain you cannot pat away. And it's always ready for the cruder pangs of colic, or constipation or diarrhea; effective, too, for older children. Twenty.five million bottles tcerc bought last year. C ASTORIA PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Rctnovrsri!indruflSStf>p8H»lrF*Uii»t- Restores Cdor and Beaoty to Gray ud Faded Hafe 60c. and $1 00 at Drujnri*U. 1T.ORESTON SHAMPOO Ideal for nw ia connection with Vnrkrr'a Hair Balsam. Makes the) hair soft and fluffy, so cent* by mail or at dm*. B*ta, Hiacox Chemical Work*, Patchogne, N. I. Slices Says Golfing is pie for me. Which I notice you always o«t plenty of slices. Vancouver Province. MOST people know this absohitt antidote for pain, but are you careful to say Bayer when you buy it? And do you always give a glance to see Bayer on the box and the word genuine printed in red? It isn't the genuine Bayer Aspirin without it! A drugstore always has Bayer, with the proven directions tucked in every box: AaptrtA t* tb«trade mar* of Barer Minnfietnr* oc Monoaeetleicid«tt«r at StUe/Ueusi

3 ms^^samak* THE PINCKNEY DISPATCH "JEST A QUESTION O' SENSE" k HO by L> J. \Val»h.J OSt'AK I.. KKKSM rulled u black ri^ar savuye/y Puck and forth between U:s teeth, at every motion ret»i>nn^ a desire to lute the tiling in two. lie felt like biting something in two, us if he didn't have «rief enough without Harry goin^ on like this. The hu.sine** needed him in St. Louis, he was needed half a dozen places, und here he was tearing across the country to Portland because that son of his could not keep out of mischief. It was a tight this time. Last time it»js a car wreck. Why the deuce couldn't the boy behave himself? He had everything. Hts futher had never denied hlra a thing. Harry h*d not the slightest ground for complaint, and yet he never seemed satisfied. Well, Ileese had decided he woultl show him tiiis time. He wasn't going to stand for any more of il He'd givft the young cub a dressing down he'd never forget. What were these youn* fellows coming to anyway? Now. in his day he didn't have cars and motorboats and money to spend, lie had to hustle for everything he got. He hadn't wanted his son to go through that, lie had Sk^n to it that the boy didn't have to. And what sort of reward was he getting? The tiling hurt Ueese a!<>t more than he would admit, even to himself. He had hoped a lot and dreamed a lot and oh. well- He shrugged his shoulders and glanced through his often window. He could make out nothing in the Hying darkness, but lie knew that the train was passing thronirh desert country now..lust us well that there wasn't any light to see the hare hills and deep gullies and cactus-covered tints. Reese did not understand what the desert had ever been made for. Of all the earth it was the most worthless. Without the railroad it was less than nothing, l.efore the railroad it had robbed men of strength and hope and often life, and it gave nothing in return. He never saw a stretch of barren land without a feeling of strong distaste and a desire to get away as quickly as possible. Iteese had Ids arms up to lower his window when the crush came. It was a very thorough spill. There were no deaths, but there were enough serious casualties to make railroad officials rub their chins thoughtfully for a good many weeks. A spun of the old wood en bridge over the Hrosky hollow gave way. It was the irony of fate that all material was at hand to begin the erection of a new concrete bridge the following week. Iteese was hurled through the window as his car left the rails. He lit on extremely lumpy ground and rolled down a steep slope in the company of sticks and pitch-smeared pinion cones, boulders of various sizes and the half of an ant-hill. He brought up on hard beaten ground in the circle ot Ikht from a lire, pawing at pitch and ants. He tried to get to his feet and fell hack with a grunt <>f pain. One fool seemed to he useless. A voice *im <»> close to him and he turned his head dazedly. "Where ynu hurt, mister'/'' lieese looked into the kindly eyes of a gray-headed man who was stooping over him. "It's my ankle, 1 think.'' He could hear cries and groans and screams from the wreck and concluded that lits portion had been light Still, the pain was increasing at such a rate that soon he was giving it all his attention. The old man daftly removed his shoe and sock and gently felt of the rapidly swelling joint. "Not busted.'' was his diagnosis, "hut a pretty bad sprain. Jest set still and I'll fix you up in a jifty." He stirred the fire, laid on more wood, and set over it a three-gallon pail half full of water. To this he added s;*lt and vinegar and some dried leaves whose pungent odor Iteese did not recognize. He was not in a eondi tion to recognize much of nnyrhing. He lay back on the blanket the old man had spread for him and wondered just bow much pain a man could stand without yelping. At last the water was heated to the old man's satisfaction, he provided a worn camp stool for Reese to sit on, and told him to lower his foot gradually into the "wafer. Rut Reese jerked up his leg at the first touch of the hot liquid. **I can't stand that! Can't we rub it with some salve or something?" -This's the best way to treat a sprain," was the repfy. "It's the onl> way 1 know that's tiny good. I got some dandy ointment, made out of balsam juice and herbs, hut this comes first. First bile out the meanness, then lay on the salve. That's jest sense. ' It took Reese ten minutes to get his foot into that pail and then the old man began adding hotter water until nothing but a sense of shame prevent ed the patient from crying out in pro test. Rut the pain had almost en tirely ceased and the swelling was already Koing down. "It works like H charm," he admitted drawing up bis pink extremity for inspection. "I've seen men laid up for weeks with a thing like this." The old man nodded. "Now for the salve." Kor nearly twenty minutes* be rubbed steadily and gently, working out the soreness, working In the heal ing compound. With t!ie relief from pain Reese had time to study this sirunger who hud come to his uasisuince as naturally a* his mother would have come. "One might think." he remarked, ~that you were used to having people pitched out of pasmng' trains into the middle of your camp at night." The old man glanced up with a twinkle. "I ain't never had it happen just this way before." "Are )uu what they cull a prospector?" "Yep. Keen up and down these Rockies for uigli onto forty yeur, now." Reese watched him curiously, wondering how far deseri etiquette allowed personal questions. The two could still hear people working about the wreck. They saw the flash of automobile lights and heard the authoritative voice of a doctor. Evidently assistance had been found in some nearby town. "Isn't It a pretty lonesome life?" Reese asked, "Well, now, moet any life is pretty lonesome, ain't it? I mean," he went on, seeing the other's puzzled look, "we mostly got to depend on ourselves, ain't we?" "We-ell, yes, I suppose that's right But there's not much in it, is there?" "Money, you mean? Rrob'bly they's different ways o' lookin' at that. How much you think you got depends on how much you want" "And have you all you want?' Reese's gaze traveled over the simp!* camp, the few blankets, blackened kettle and frying pan, two worn pack saddles, a canvas bag, of food probably, swung in the forks of a lowspreading pinion. A couple of gray burros dozed contentedly in the outer i rim of the firelight.! "Don't look like much to you," said ' the old man with a smile. "But you see, what I want and what I got go right along together." He looked up as if about to put a question, -then^ thought better of it. "I know what you're thinking," said Reese, "you re wondering if mine go together. They don't. They never did. I wouldn't want them to." The old man nodded placidly. "It'd be a heck of a world if we all wanted the same thing, wouldn't it?" He slipped a bridle over the head of one of the burros, saddled the animal and laid a thick pad of blankets atop. "We'll go find the rest, now!" "Rut, 1 don'? need to ride." iteese had an uncomfortable picture of himself astride the diminutive mount. "You can get off 'fore we come in sight o' anybody,'' the old man told him, understanding him so perfectly that Reese was embarrassed. "Rut you oughta keep off that foot all you can for two or thm> days. 'Twon't give you a bit o' trouble if you do that." Reese mounted gingerly, the burro standing solidly under his awkward movements. "Are they always as patient as that?" he asked. "Well, all of 'em's generally patient outside. And if they're broke right they're patient inside." Seeing that Reese was again puzzled, the old man explained. "Its jest a question o' sense. They're just like kids. You can whac.k 'em into mindin' and ^et the work done in a kind of a way. Rut ever' time they gel a chance lli^y'll run oit from \ou. Then you can be what you think is awful kind to em, and feed 'em too many oats. And ju-.t as sure as sin they'll kick - up their heels jirid run ott' flie same. What brutes needs and what kids needs is some dicypline and some pettin' and a whole heap o' understandin'. Rut kicks and ton many oats them two things don't gn." Oscar L. Reese, digesting this philosophy while he was guided through the vchct blackness of fhe desert night, thoughtfully muttered "11-mmp!" Few Trees Attain to Really Ripe Old Just One More Bite Richard, age three, was permitted at this meal to partake of the delights found in a roasting ear. So Interested was he in this new addition to his otherwise prosaic bill of fare that he preferred to make his entire meal on the vegetable. When his mother thought that he had eaten as much as he should nave, she asked for the cob, which <mo placed on a nearby bread and butter [date. In a few nrnufes Richard looked in temly af the cob and said: "Mother, please Jet me borrow my corncob again. 1 thick I see one more good bite." Class Age Trees live longer* than humans; but j a baby human has more chance of life than a baby tree. A forest at maturity contains about 5 per cent of the trees I that started life there. The percent- < age of human beings living from ten! to fifty is much greater than in rhe ( case of trees. About!>," per cen» of trees die before they are eighty years old. while only 87 per cent of persons i die before reaching that age. There are exceptional trees which live to an amazing age. The sequoia tree, for instance, sometimes attains the age of 4,'XH); so also does the cypress. At twenty years of ate a spruce tree requires about four square feet of space; at forty years ft will require 34 feet ; at sixty years, 70 feet, nnd nt one hundred years, about l.'o feet Bine trees need at least lo per cent more tight space than spruce trees. \ "Heard nbont that bote) de luxe?" "What about it?" "The lighting fixtures are solid gold." "Wen?" "All hardware Is platinum nlafed, and they make out your blil on embossed vellum." P0UL1KY a. POULTRY BREEDS AND HOW CLASSED Chickens are divided Into classes, breeds :uid \arieues. lu.ds with the tame general characteristics are placed in one class. Classes are then divided nilo breeds. Kaeh breed of poultry is distinguished from other breeds by differences in type. Breed'* are separated into varieties. The different varieties of the same breed are designated by differences in comb or color. All varieties of the same breed should ha\e the same general type characteristics. There are four general classes of chickens that are common and other classes less common. The American class consists of birds that are of the general purpose type. They have yellow skin and legs, red ear lobes and legs free from leathers. The breeds that make up this class are: Plymouth Rock, Wyandotte. Java, Dominique, Rhode Island Red, Rhode Island While. Buckeye, Jersey Black Ciants- and Chanticleer. The.Mediterranean class are smaller than the American class and are often known as the ejr'jr breeders. They are nervous in disposition, very active, compactly built, have white ear lobes and clean legs. The breeds that make up this ela^s. are: Leghorn, Minorca. Spanish, Andalusian and Ancona. Fowls that make up the Asiatic class are large and clumsy, have red ear lobes and feathers on their legs. They are often referred to as the meat breeds. Rrahmas. Cochins and Langshans make up the breeds* in this class. The Fngfish clavs, while not as common as the other three alreadv referred to, probably rank fourth In popularity. These birds are medium in yize, have red ear lobes, clean legs that are pink in the buff and white varieties and black in the black ' n- rieties. The breeds making up this class are < h-pingtons, Dorkings, Red Caps, Sus.*e\ and Cornish. Selling Squab Broilers During Winter Months Quite a number of the broiler plants make a specially of squab broilers, which sell best during.lanuaiy and February. They are grown in about eight to ten weeks, the hatches coming mif in November and December, and are successfully raised without any outdoor exerci-e, The greatest demand for squab broilers i^ in spring, when game birds are scarce, and a small bird is in demand in restaurants. They should weigh from three-fourths to one pound, and must be plump. Many who sl.;p squab broilers make a great mistake In sending bony, poor ones. Cood returns cannot be expected from poor, scraggy h.v'n, half dressed. The hroilc." fur the winter market must b" attractive looking to command a ready sale at good price*. I'luir.p chickens, neatly dressed, free from»in feathers, with uiisojtod skin and with perfectly clean legs, will find a ready sale, while poor sftilt goes begging. A fat broiler is quite H rarity. The best that can be done, generally. i> to have them plump, for the natural tendency of ihe chick is to use all nutriment for growth and development. The main point is to grow them rapidly. To grow good broilers there should be dry quarters provided, thoroughly cooked food, ' comfortable heat (not too high nor ton low), regularity in feeding, cleanliness and good light. The chicks must be induced to take plenty of exercise. Moving Pullet Flock "When there are many pullets to be moved it often pays to leave them in the crates over night and move the crates to the la\ing houses in the morning. Then the poultryman has a better light and can do a better job of culling and treating the birds for lice. As each pullet is taken from the crate, it can be inspected for weight, penoral health and vigor, and prospective laying ability. All birds that are poor prospects for winter profits can be inflated for future observation. Improve Egg Quality Much can be done to improve the quality of ecpa produced by careful selection of eggs used for hatching purposes. All undersized, misshapen, OtT-COlor, anil defective shelled eg', r s should be eliminated from fhe Incubator. By following such n practice for a few years the quality of eggs laid by a flock should be materially improved. Egg dealers are willing now to pay a premium for high quality eggs. It is well to assort them according to size and color. Feed to Help Pullets If pullets must search for their feed on free range they will probably find 'fiuflicient food for body maintenance, but growth will be slow and egg production will be impossible uiiiii late winter or early spring. Liberal feed ir.g of grain and mash containing 20 per cent o' high-grade tankage, or in place of tankage alt the milk the pullets can drink, will not only reduce the amount of emercl.se but will ha*ted grow'li and stimulate falj egc production So Constipated That Life Seemed Hopeless **In \'o\ember, li>l'<>, I wrote you for special instructions in the UM' of Milks Kmuision. I have been constipated for a number of years aud suffered with my bowls for a long rime. I finally had an X-ray made which definitely located the trouble in my bowels. An operation was advised, but I was afraid of an operation, and your Kmuislon had been recommended to me, so 1 derided to try it. "1 declined in Weight from 11)0½ pounds to less than HiU pounds, and became so weak that I could not turn over in bed without hell). I could not Hat any solid food* for months, but tanked up on liquid diet, until I rhrew it up constantly. Nothing passed my bowels except a dry, hard powder. "Finally when I was convinced that I had only a little longer to live, I resolved to try Milks Emulsion. This was in November, 102O, and after a continuous decline for two years. Now I am happy to say to you that I am greatly improved. At this writing my bowels are fairly regular with proper consistency. I have gained In weight and I am beginning to have an appetite. "I have taken 15 large bottles of Milks Emulsion and the results have been most satisfactory. I am 65 years old, and still Improving. I expect to return East in October and resume active business as mechanical engineer. "I heartily endorse your Emulsion and I am satisfied that it saved rny life." Yours very truly, C. B. RUS SELL. 149 Broadway. Denver, Colo. Sold by all druggists under a guarantee to give satisfaction or money refunded. The Milks Emulsion Co., Terre Haute, Ind. Adv. Gamblers Found Firm Believers in Jinxes Friday is widely a day of rest among the city's gamblers. It is a "bad-luck duy" and many who live by their wits will not bet a nickel on the color of their garters. It is also near the end of the week and many are "broke." ('amblers shun "Friday money,'' chase black cats, and give generously to street beggars particularly the blind. Among followers of "the ponies" it is bad luck to lend pencils and racing forms, (,'ard men sometimes refuse to sit down if their favorite seat is occupied. Several of the city's hustlers carry a rabbit's foot and most of them own "lucky coins." They have faith in the luck-bringing virtues of rings and other jewelry, 'hie refuses to touch H card unless he is wearing a favorite shirt.-- Pittsburgh l'o»t f Ja/ette. Use for Waste Oil Waste oil taken Iroin automobile crank cases is as effe<tive as a spray for killing flies as any other medium. Farm and Fireside. Tn charity there Is no excess, neither can angel or man come in danger by it.- P.acon. When you make jelly with PEXEL EVER had jelly fail? everything done according to Hoyle and the cook-book yet jelly like soup? Maddening but now unnecessary! Pexel makes jelly jell as upon, as it is cold. It is tasteless, colorless, odorless. Doesn't affect most delicate flavor or color. Repays from one to three times the 30c it costs by reducing boiling to a minimum and saving fruit juice, sugar, flavor, time and fuel. Not a liquid. Keeps indefinitely. Get Pexel at your grocer's. Recipe booklet in each package. 30c. The Pexel Company, Chicago, 111. PEXEL Hotel Men Very Much Law Unto Themselves The queerest hotel in liritaiu is now closed, it was in a village near Fury St. Fdmunds, and [hough it was fully licensed no traveler could quench b,- thirst there. Nor could lie get food or any kind of accommodation. The own er was a rabid teetotaller who adopted this method of asserting his principles. In the end the justices, refused to re new the license. They came to the conclusion that the public had no need of an urn vv hieh tiev er opened u.- doors. At a small I >ev onshii-e inn.the fou> and accommodation are good, hut the landlord refuses to allow his clients more than three drinks a day. lie declares that three drinks are enough for anyone. :md his plan seems to vv ork verv well. Two none of this MAKES JELLV JELL ' always this Cars "I'es.sie s,;i\ s I hey put fl second mori ua u>' on i he: r pho-e re< eni \." "Well, one reallv reeds 1 vvo cars." Imvs love hard Wnrk if it' Greate t August in ILLYS-OVERLAND history* 68% gain over last year! NOW August has added its sweeping plurality to Willys-Overland's impressive total for Eight consecutive months have broken every record for the corresponding months in all of Willys-Overland's 20-year history. Last month 68% more people bought Whippet and W illyt-knight cars than in August, 1927 a gain of more than two-thirds! Experienced motorists are quick to appreciate the superiority of the Whippet Four, with its many engineering advantages never before brought to the light car field; the WTiippet Six, the world's lowest priced Six, with 7-bearing crankshaft and other costly car features; and the W r illys-knight Six, which now, at the lowest prices in history, brings the unmatchuble Smoothness, silence, power and operating economy of true patented double sleeve-valve enpine within easy reach of thousands of new buvers. -pert. BOYS AND GIRLS Earn your Chrlscma* money Unw by si IUUK th«beautiful tit'*- Tri-Tv"" C, - hn»tma..s Shames, i,\ <-r> bo<!y buys* to i-rj oa«wants them. Just sell io i>k.ka. at loo «-ai- i. S,i),t us Jl! 50 iind kuep tor jour work. Srrui In your order with your name, nuun^s, und pimt-nt's or Kuan lian'a sirfhatur.-. TK1- Tl>NK STAMP f'o., Di'PU A. 43 Eirluinjre St.. f'urtbuid, Maine. If Vou n«xiw loiimelt to Srvrery PH Hell v r. i. 'I,-. I.fio:. reve.lun*: s.-crci-i of i-»u»r*«'t«p,(..,!> -.s r i.00 IIHN.MW.tliiK, SI K'LVVDOD s'l'i 1 K. 11 Liu 1^ Cjindrii s; t, Newnr*. N. J. <OM. VAIII) KOR SALE ; r. K.r-orn Hi ; iit> of <iu00, has Godfrey-. ii. 1 ^ '.:- v%. t h r, < M:>-I 11 tail ks ; KOO<J bifll- 1:1.-s. 111KU M.'JU.I., Walst'ka. III. Cuticura Does Much For Hair And Skin For promoting and maintaining beauty of skin and hair Cuticura Soc.p and Ointment are unexcelled. The Soap ift pure and cleansing, ideal for every-rf*y use, while the Ointment is soothing and healing to irritations which, if neglected, might become serious. Soap 2&- Ointmrn' 2T, and K*. T»lrom 2V. Sojrf rvirywh«tc. Snmple rich free Adttix-M ; *0tttt*»J» Ltturtten**, Irpt. 1, U*Jd«8, MJJL" * W Cno-ur4 Shaving Stick 25c RECOR RREAKIMG MONTHS! Whippet, WORLD'S rovest.priced WILLYS-KNIGHT eottttt (UtVt VM.VS SIX *995 COACH Standard Six Coop* I(H5; Sfxian tt<w5i Touring 995; Ko.d.trr»99.'>. Spwial Sit $1295 to Croat Six $1860 to $2695. Whppet 4-cyfinder 4 SEDAN 610 Trmrin* $455; Roister (2-paaa.) $4&5 Rnadata* (with rum Mr arat) $A2->i Cmio* SSASi CabrioUt Coup* (*. ilh rouarwiblc top) $59.<>i Oiarh $555. All Will v«-overland nricea (. o. b. Tol«do. Ohio, and pecifiratinnii iriihjrrt tn «hint«without notice* * nivd-ovrrlnnd, lr%r,, Toledo, Ohio. SIX SEDAN *770 SIX WITH 7-BEARING CRANKSI1AFT Touring $615( Rrwiditrr $*S5i Coach $69S; Coupe $69S. WILLYS-OVERLAND, INC. TOLEDO, OHIO Y

4 zsr: WASHINGTON THEATRE Brighton, Mi^higyji Drive to -Brighton for Worthwhile Amusement Operated by the Schulte Amuscaent Co. of Detroit SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY, SEPT. 30, OCT FAY WRAY AND GARY COOPER FEATURED IN Legion of the Condemned They Courted Danger and Laughed at Death! Flying by Day Plying by Night Always Flying and Always Fighting, these men of the Legion of the Condemned laughed at death and even welcomed it. A Last Whirl at Life And then may the whole world go hang. "THE LEGION OF THE CONDEMNED" is one of the greatest dramatic sensations of the year. It is a Super Film. The Daring Djrama of the Air You have betn waiting for. The thrilling story of a desperate band of war flyers whose only honorable discharge was a death certificate. Featuring the scret-n's new star pair of lovers. Comedy, "MARRIED BATCHELORS" And Fox News Sunday Matinee at 2:30 P.M. continues to 11 P.M. Monday and Tuesday, open at 7 P.M.; 2d show at 9 P.M. WEDNESDAY REGULAR ADMISSION, 15c AND 30c Jack Holt inthe Warning' Comedy, "BARE KNEES" ASK MERCHANTS Detroit News Weekly FOR 10c ADMISSION TICKETS THURSDAY A Real Picture Action Galore Sally Phipps "News Parade" "Yellow Cameo" No. 5. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY KEN MAYNARD in an up to the minute western Comedy "Old Swimmin Hole" "Canyon of Adventure*' in "The Vagabond" COMING: "The Last Command" Buster Ke&ton in "College" UNADILLA Miss Agnes Watson of Brighton spent the week end at her home here Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Hadley and Mrs. Cecil Teachout were Lansing visitors Mkmday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McRorie were "The Blood Ship" And Sporting Re J Friday evening callers at the home of Barney Roepcke. Mr. and Mrs. George Goodwin Sr. who are spending some time in Wash ington and California report the death of Mrs. Charles Cooper, a sister-in-law of Mrs. Goodwin. Mrs. George Hoffnjan was a Wrbberville visitor Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Aseltini- arm family were Sunday callers at the 42nd ANNUAL THE PINCKNEY DISPATCH Wednesday, September 26,1928 ^ICeorge Marshall home. Mr. and Mrs. Olin Marshal] and George Olin, wiere Sunday dinner quests of John Roepcke. Later accompanied by Mrs. George Hoffman and Margaret Roepcke hey motored tci Hartiand and visited Mr. and Sirs. Juliuo Roepcke. Miss Nellie Pickell of Jackson was a visitor at the home of Emorj Pickell Sunday. The members of the Chelsea band and thtir wives were eniertaintd at; andvmrs. Vance Miller and son Her a nine o'clock dinner and social evening atthe hall Friday evenirir. The band music was much enjoyed and it is hoped that they will return again. Unadilla used to support a good band. The Misses Esther Barnum, Ruti Conklin and Arthur Benoit were six o'clock dinner guests of Miss Maxine Marshall Wednesday evening and later attended a theatre party in Stockbridge. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Teachout and family of Brighton and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Teachout aad family of Jackson spent Sunday with Mr. and MTS. Charles Teachout. Chester Bennett of Flint is again the pastor of the M. E. Church here. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hadley and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Teachout wrc Sunday guests" of Mr. and Mis. L. F Hedican of Flint. Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Richar-s of Howell were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Hadley. Mrs. Warren Barton is on the sicv list. The Presby. L. A. S. will servo a boiled dinner at the home of Mrs. Sarah Pyper, Oct..?rd. Everyone invited. Mrs. Olin Marshall spent Thursday with Miss Allie Holmes of Plainleld. Mrs. L. E. Hadley and Mrs. Cecil Teachout entertained Saturday p. m. r.t their home in honor of Mrs.Claude Teachout, a recent bride. The home was decorated iu yellow and using fall blossoms was vety pretty.a mock wedding was a feature which was much enjoyed by all The bride received many gifts after which a luncheon was served. The many wishes of their friends go with them. PLAINFIELD Rev. anil Mrs. H.V.Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Boyce motored to Gull Lake Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. George Van Ho~n of How*. 11 called on Mr. and Mrs. A.L. Dutton Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. C.O.Dutton called Saturday afternoon at Mr. and Mrs. A.L.Dutton. Mr. and Mrs. Hurtis AlHs of Detroit spent the we< k end with Mr.and Mrs. E.L.Topping. Mr and Mrs. Ray Hadley of Gull Lake attended church and Sunday School at M.P,Church and took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. M.M.Isham Sunday. Fowlerville Fair OCTOBER 3, 4, 5' 6 EDUCATIONAL AND ENTERTAINING We feature all the Events that go to make up a Real Fair. Free Attractions of the Better Class Base Ball "Every Day Will Be Gehringer Day Fowlerville vs Williamston Donovan Checkers vs Pleasant Lake The Winners on Saturday V SPEED PROGRAM You are assured of as good a race meeting as we ever gave can you ask for more Quoit Pitching Stock Judging Horse Pulling Contests The Big Days are Thursday, Friday, Saturday V) Mr. and Mrs. A.L. Dutton were j ft DJtenyon. SundHV dinner guest* of Mr.and Mi Miaa Carlie Dyer speat Friday and Satufd&y at Holt with her sifter Mrs. Birney Roberts. Mr. and Mia. Vhitney of Stockbridge called Sunday on Mr.and Mrs. Will Lonjrnecker taking home with them Mr. Frye from Indian River who was visiting there. Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Hutaon, Mr. bert called Sunday afternoon on Mr and Mrs. George Bullia of Marion and Mrs Elpha Hutaon. Don.t forget the social at M.P. Church this week Friday night Sept. 28 lunch for every one, hot dogs and ice cream. Mr. and Mrs. Orla Jacobs were Sunday guests at Wesley J.W ltty's in Marion. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lillywhite with Mr. and Mrs. Hoilt Smith were Sunday gueste of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ullywhite at Howell Sanitarium. Mr.and Mrs.Russel Shaw and children of Stockbridge were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Floid Lillywhites. Ellp. Ruttman and Leo Chaplin spent Sunday in Flint Mr. and Mrs. John Cole of Howell, Mr and Mrs. Wm. Ruttran were dinner guests Saturday Sept 22, at the home of G.L. Adams in Fowlerville. The occasion being the birthday anniveraeries of Mr. Adams Mrs. Ruttman and Mrs. Cole. The Marion social circle was en tertained Friday at the home of Mrs. A.IXHecock. Arthur Rafbage and family have moved to his father's farm. MJr. and Mrs. Lewis Redwige and Miss Nettie French were in Lainsburg Sunday. Norman White accompanied freinds and_ relatives from Pinckney to the ball "game in Detroit Sunday. Irene Smith has entered the U. of M. as a student for the coming year. Mr. and Mrs. F.E.Beach announce the marriage of the daughter,myrtle, to Roy Rathbun on Sept. 20 Marion Smith acted as bridesmaid. Mr. and Mrs. George Gaffney of Detroit were Sunday guests at home of William J.Gaffney. Mr. and Mrs. L.M. Woddin, W.L. Parks and wife of Clare left last Thursday for an auto trip to Albany New York. Wellington White wife and son viited Mrs. White's uncle at Remus Mich, last week. Mr. and Mrs. James Featherly of Hamburg were guests of latters sister Miss Hester Hibner last Sunday. The Marion Farmers Club willmeet at the home of George and Wm. Ruttman Thursday eve Sep:.27 Light Refreshments will he served The following program will be given. The Corn Borer Situation in Liv. County... Co. Agent C.L.Bolander Violin Soto Ella Ruttman Address...R. G. Gumr of Mich.State sing Vocal Music...Mrs. Wellington P. White. George Ruttman, Wm. RuUman and wife were in Lansing 'luesda*.. Irene Smith was in Ann Arbor a couple of days last week. Malcholm Norton and wife, Mrs. Francis Lake and granddaughter of Gunnison, Colorado,have been guests of theirbrother H.W.Norton. Sr. John Lawe died at the home of his daughter Mrs. Bhester Yclland, Friday Morning Funeral services were held Sunrtay afternoon. The first meeting '"fft the sewing project was held Wednesday P.M. at the hnn e of Mrs. Howard Gentry. The next meeting will be held in Oct. at the home of Mrs. Basil White. Mrs. L.M.Woddin entertained the members of the Sunday School class of PresDytr rian Church last Wednesday P.M. The Royal Neighbors of Howell will hold a box social Friday Eve Sept. 28At the hoirhe of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Redwigcr supper will be served for all who do not bring a box everybody welcome. Mrs. Claude Miller and Mrs. Low Gehringer Mrs. Peter Redwiger and Anthony callted at Lewis Redingers Friday. Miss Gretchen Petterman, teacher in Wyandotte schools spent the week cdn at the home of Gus Smith. Mfrs. Frank K. White of Howell spent Friday afternoon with relatives here. Mr:. Howard Gentry entertained her uncle and cousin from Ind., last week. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Allison were Sunday guests at W.B. Whites Patrick Lavey ard son, Lee, Pinckney were Sunday dinner guests at the home of J.D.Whites. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Miller and children of Howell were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hendee. Mr. and MJrs. J. P. Doyle, Miss Loretta Dillingham and Calvin Hooker were at the Inverness Country Club, North Lake Sunday. The Wise Person does his Holiday Gift Shopping Early while assortment * are complete. You will find wonderful gift assortments now on display at either of the Line Stores. Staple Goods and Household Necessities at ever low prices,such as percolator tops at lc. LINES 2 Stores Mowah UUNUNG REASON has opened. Are you prepared for it by having all your hunting equipment in proper shape, If not let us help you in your selections. Why take a chance on using inferior shells when the best can be obtained at very reasonable prices. PETERS Shells and Cartridges We have a complete line in all loads and guages, also Revolver and Rifle Shells, Knives, Flashlights, etc. jteeple Hardware j «! BaiSSBt OUR WRECKER SERVICE is always ready to respond to a hurry up call. Expert Repairing Of any nature by mechanics who thoroughly understand what to do and how to do it. Try this service and we absolutely guarantee to give you satisfaction We Do Welding and can weld anything with our modern equipment a a very reasonable price. Rickney Senice W.H. MEYERS, Prop. Garage L1«HT AM* HEAVY HAULIN «OV AM. KINBS, MOVING MaaBMHMBBNflHHMBUnaBaBBiaaHB tietv sttfie An entirely new stheme of body lines and contours... the most costly oaneling employed on any automobile in the^ world... and the richest upholsteries and appointments distinguish ^BuickJs new Masterpiece BODIES by FISHER Tfce Silver Anniversary Buick is kindling more interest- drawing more people to the display rooms winning more praise -- and creating a demand so sweeping and so insistent that Buick'* vast factories have reached new levels of producin attempting to keep pace. all because it is not only the most brilliant performing automobile of the day, but also because it marks a new style-a thrilling new mode <>{ ear design-more beautiful. more luxurious and more graceful fo>n any the world has known! An entirely new scheme of body tines and contours- softly rounded steel panels, the most costly employed on my motor car a continuous moulding, with H-mM* bead running around the bo<ly p.,-.. I dividing the lower from the UIIJKT structure all impart an atmosphere of unrivaled beauty. If you want beauty if you want individuality if you want u;>-tothe-minute smartness - there's only one choice... the choice of America... the Silver Anniv< rory Buick with new Masterpiece i'< <;,f s by Fisher. It's the new stvlr the new mode in motor cars! THE SILVER. ANNIVERSARY BUICK With MwUrpiece Bodies bj Fisher Barker Motor Sales HOWELL, MICH. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Watkins, Mr. and Mrs. Del Swarthout and Mr. and Mts Floyd Lincoln of Detroit spent Sunday at the Watkins cottage at Swarthout's Cove. Mr. and Mrs. George Clark o f M r ^ M,. Graham BarcV it i* V 'V^

5 - \ '.:> A Store that Is Glad to Serve You We are always on the alert to please our customers. We carry a very complete and varied stock so that we ".vili h;>. e what you want and be able to offer new ideas for dilferenvmenus, but if it should happen that there is something in the foodstuff line that we don't have and you are wanting it- we will endeavor to stock it. We have your best interests at heart always. Gash Specials FOP this Week Only 6 BOXES OF MATCHES 17c 2 PKGS OF SUN MADE RAISINS 17t 1 ft CAN CALUMET BAKING POWDER 26c 1 BOX MOTHERS OATS 31c 1 BOX MULLER S SPAGHETTI, NOODLE OR MACARONI lie Reason 6c Reason aiiiiiiiiiillllllllllillipillllf SINCLAIR OPALINE MOTOR "Fits ihtbtgrec of Wear* How' thei Car? Does "'in ear miss or knock-or show any other u symptcrcs'." Perhaps you are not using the^ best oils for vour own car. Drive in and consult with us. Let us show you how SINCLAIR Or ALINE MOTOR OILS apply the Law of Lubrication to the requirements oi your tnutoi car. Sinclair Oils are the finest obtainable-consult us about them. SINCLAIR GASOLINE c the Grade thatmakesihe Grade L E LEAVEY Our Interests Are Mutual No matter wno you arc what you Tapper of Ann Arbor wer, 1 ^ it Whit.' Oak a-. \\ cdr.c.-day. ney callers Sunday., r,, A!i I: 'lauj/h A 1-, Janet Kliza'h.-ti'.i Mrs Edwards and ^ ^ ^ - 7 ' wa.> b.jrn to Mr and Mrs. Howar.l " Marshall at th.- I'inekn. y Sanitariutr Sept. "Jlird. S Otrs Wt-b v / and»\at'.- of Hou.-U ^.r ^ and Mrs. Louis Coyle --^-- Monday eaih-rs at th honv oi' Mvtained Sunday, M^, and M^O. o,. Fliza Gardn.-r. Vi^li^ and son, Thomns, an, _ d Mis-- Mrs. C. J. C'irt-'ii and N* - lrvii th Renr.edy v,.-:- [>.-\t.-r visitors hraiav l.illio Ricki of ^J^.nJ'ruJy'"^ afumoin. Alike Timn.ons Edna Spean Mr. ami Miv YY.H.Gardi: Brighton and Me.sdam.js daughter Kloise -.tended tla and Anna lrv, r in. \;!le Fair Kri<la\ Mr. and Mrs. Charles C:uupb a* W.H.Chirlv an 'W'.Ya;: Winkl. visited his son, /red Campbrll ma.d<- a bu,- in«-.- trip to D'-troit >.:. Ami 'Arbor Sunday. dav last \v>-k. Miss Nellie Uanln-r was a Detroit "Mi>s '.ma Me(!a>key has a.ndl <! visitor Thursday. a iruest in the M-dieal (LiDutnant of tm- I. Mrs.Jas.Fitch of Pontiac is a jruest of htr daughter Mrs. Bert Hicks. ao- or where you live. \ou cannot succeed permanently unless you retain a portion oi wiicu you earn and deposit it v, iui reltuariu. Dues u pay to create a surplus.' xuany a man's prosperity and success da4.es hack to the day he iiisi v^-^cei a baiik and made his initial deposit. Draw your own conclusions then act "Sipon your judgement. We invite your business and encourage account huildin O" Our Depositors Success Means Our Success The Pinckney State We Pay 4 Per Cent on Savings mwlett & SWEENEY j Norman Attorneys at Law Howell Michigan M. and Mrs. Glen Vanl'uruii and om jf Detroit spent Sunday with tar. aher,. H Bywr. 8 Bank THE PINCKNEY DISPATCH Wedne»day, September 26, 1928 ney J)i#pDtcn Entered at the Postoffice.. i J i..cknt-y r Mich, aa Matter. Subscription» l-25 a year in Advance. ptnusttu the J. L. Roche home Sunday i Mr. and Mrs. N. Pacey and -o:,! Floyd, wen: Fowl, rville visitors Sun I day afternoon M ait in Creitur ;md wife of lvtrua visited at the- horn.- of C. J. Clinton in! Monday- Mr. and Mrs. John Martin and family were in Ypsilanti Sunday the gue.^t.-^ of Mr. ami Mrs. Fred Bortz. Ahi.i Kd^rur and w.:> uf Ma>on -ita- I M--. and M.'i C. J. Clinton an sorts were Sunday visitors at tiu- home of Verne Fisk in Monroe. Mr. and Mrs. 0<_-orge Roc'ae arid son, JaiUeS, of Fowlt-rville Veiled a'. E. J. Drewery of Howell was town Monday evening. J. C. Dinkel and wife were in Jack son on business Monday. Mr and Mrs. Will Dixon and son, Maynard, of Dexter were Sunua\ i visiti-d at th«- Will ijoekaa i'j:m- ia.-t guests at the Mjark Swarthout cut- i Wi Mr>. dre >da\ W. C. H. nd.-e and ->o.,, C!ur. age at Portage Lake. and \ln>. Walter Clark and ^hildn-a Misa Francis Kraft of Detroit wen- in Howell Lnursday. spent the week end with the Misses Mr. ana Mi^ Roy Dillingham had Florence and Druiilla Murphy. Oi gu sts o-.ar th week end Mr. and' Dr. Hollis Sigle/ ana,* if e of Mrs. -'ohn llaym-s of Milwaukee,Wis. Howell were Sunday dinner quests and Matt Ihlia^aam and wife of of Dr. and Mrs. C L. Siglec Clare Hendee was in Ann v. Arbor Conway. Mr. and Mrs. Beit Hoff of How.-11 Saturday. called upon Mr-. KUza Cardee! Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. N. (>. Fry. spent Friday and Saturday with relatives Mrs lr.in K. mi.. dy, Mr. ami Mrs in Detroit. Patsy K.nn-dv w.-ve in How.'il Mun Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Morgan of day. Howell were Sunday guests of Mr. Mrs. Ko.-s It >.d i- in Amlu ia.tbir>>. and Mrs. Fred Burgess I - : Mrs. Fred Bowman and grand-! u.^i-tine; in t're.-an- of h.. moth. daughter. Barbara, and Mrs. J. C\ I -vho ;.- >tim - ncv.-k- i'.i. Bowman and daughter, Harriet, werj j /Mr-'. J a: - -.> Stillsyn o4 i'amburi' Howell callers Thursday. 'H'underw.-nt an op ration for app-md- Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Icita 'lav'and at tia Klg-T 1'a.ckney Kdgerly Sanitarium of Detroit aunua> R «" - -- n'rrien ana i 'lay ^111 r - ':-''- - vl T Vonme iroat- Will Shehan were Ld O bn. n a. ^ ^ ^ ^ wife of Detroit and Tho, ^ : Tu-.day morning t. Clare Hendee ^ ^ ^, ^ ^ ¾ Oerald KennM, V'LL- iii How. Monday to continue his studies at Frida\ Michigan State College. Mr- ~a. Ik. r a: d -or. M'-t a.t The Misses Grace and ' :. ml. d la- fa r.f Mr-.-Jc- 'b',. J Reason REAL ESTATE BROKER r arn\s,rcsidential Property and La.ke Frontage a Speciality I also have city property to trade Pinckney, Mich. Phone No. 17 Mrs. Mik Lavey was in Howell Tuesday. Erwin Monks of Lansing wib- ;-. mother. Pinckney caller Monday. The Haze family were vae red ah Bert Van Blaricum Jr. returned out the.-if. ty o 1 ' tin ir >i>i'a 1 ^d r Jennie S''_"" V, ':) ]i'-,,t '/.':. home Friday from a trip through thwestern states Yv\\\i.i\ that ahh<e,^h ;i hard : a i o an- Hills i-'loriiia an' il a-nrj wa- <(' i" < Mrs. Marie Dinkel spent th- w-.-k U'in, 'I,-t "i'ol <A; i!»:»'.-«'(1 til'-l'i 'oe M'li'. i n(\ with Jackson relatives. t inn- no e/p at <i i nau' A a - e >m. W.C.Hendee received word Tuesday of the death of his nephew, Clif Irnlt that hit Tampa,/e P h, J". ' - \><. they v on '. he ' dge of th«- stor-. ton Hicks At Jack on Mondav ni'/h^ north and a-t of tie e. a brief illness of uoperidicites. Jo> Martin of Flint,Francis >i;vrtit^ and family of Howell, Kdcir Martin and family of Lading and Miss Mae hr Btenomical Martin of Detroit were- Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ja>r,>s Martin Ernest rarr and fannly^ot D'troi' 1 vi>ited hi^ mother. Mis. ^arah Cur I Mrs. Clarence \lley and -rm. F.hv; K' win, of Dexter calh-d on M beth Curlett Saturday "Y-nim: \V"I''' Harold and Roy Reason Detroit Thursday. F!.-.V. I Guy Hall has purchased a :u v. s'mian. Rev. John Cro.ve a.mi Mi-- H Crowe of Howell were in tova day. Mr. and Mrs. Hi rbort son, Donald, "f Lansing w p Ai'e ar n S- _I-'h,ra Da..kiy with hermot+n~r. Mr row. Ai'bo; Roy Bird of Ai n town Fridav. Lv-i Mrs. Mable Smith of Soath! called on Pinckney friend? OIK I Uist week. A j Harlow Shehan left for Am j hor Monday to ivsum< hi<.tudi'-s the U. of M. C. A. Weddijre has -nl;\r?e-l lv- \ lunch room at the hit rsitinn < I M-4?» mid Dext* r '"orners. I A. H. and H. E. Murphy were v \ Jackson Thursday where the- fovrv-r i purchased a mm Hupp s' dan. ; M. J. R' -ison \. a. liam -, ::' ii ; on.- Awx Uv-t veek when im ed by a co-v lv,v is unlorwlim.;- friv: 'lis truck at*t,-.e I) 'roit ste.'-ky:irri Several of the ligaments in his, km; were torn. Devid Kelly Wt for Detroit M- lay v here he has a,.-c -pt< d a yio-it 1c v as accountant with thr- Bell T-l phono Co. Mr. and Mrs. J, W Bail, y whhav'-> been spending thr* suia.nn r a' thf-ir home at Portage Lak" haa-e re- I turned to Ann Arbor f or tlm wint.-. According to a Dispatch from Jackson to the Detroit News, P.rovmii Hollis, Stockbridge base hall player, has been signed for a tryout by the Df.troit Tigers. He played short stop for Pinckney here Catholic picnic day A. C. Watkins who has been working as engineer on one of V e great lakes boats this s'd/iim. r is visiting at the home of Ma k Swarthout A card recehed from Charles Spencer who formerly owned 'he Ja- Henry farm, states that he has left Detroit and is new located at Dryden Mich. Mr. aad J*"r>. Ruel Conway and cfii'dr -n of A»*n Arbor were Sunday pi,sts of Peter Cntl^cte Mrs. George Dernpsey of BitfTnlo, X. Y. and Will McQuillan ai d daughter of Howell wer" guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kelly last week. Mr.and Mrs.Brn Stickloy of flp.tth Creek and Mrs. /oa Maxw-11 of New Orleans, La., were guests of Mrs, M. T. Gray"-* tlie first of the week. M. T. Graves arrived hor,m ; ;1: -t Sunday from Topeka, Kansas and other western points. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Randall and sister, Mrs. Jewell of Pontiac vert Sunday evening callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James* DocKing. Mr. and Mrs. James Docking v?en called to Pontiac the first of last I week to attend the funeral of her neicc, Mrs. Gladys Walters, : 2 D e<'! \ee-t- iversitv of Miehiumn and Gerald Me Clu^kev in the I) aital. Mrs." S.J.!'.-ard>h-y was railed U Jackson last w.-ek by tie ilea'h of la i B B BH*BBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBHlBaBBBBjBlBB*% \\\ The Charm of a j Skin The charm of a beautiful skin is easily attained I liave many )' ii Is and preparations, easy to lil'i-ctlu, will give you a soft : i. cumplexion. Ask U8 USe, that 1! V;ia i< ami belllhii'tll about them. Do You Give Offence Tliis cai not dithei'il ' :d)aps atii. c Barr Knowingly w y's r.ricuine. Body odors are Krtjuinr use of the correct -1 r act- litis cause of self tii--.- remedies in stock. Drug Store Miniii»afc^»lB»in«iilillHllM r or.! m.i:.iu:..i ' :. [ ;. \ eel i \\. I'' ana!.. a enjoya hi' Transportmilon 7CHEVROLET Reconditioned to Assure Thousands of Miles of Dependable, Satisfactory Service Due to the great popularity of the Bigger and Better Chevrolet in this community, we have now in stock some reconditioned used cars that represent exceptional values, These cars have been thoroughly inspected by our expert mechanics and completely reconditioned wherever necessary. They are good for thousands of miles of satisfactory service. And because they are sold under the famous Chevrolet Red O.K.Tag system, you can buy them with the utmost confidence, assured of their dependability and quality. See these cars today. Edward J. Drewny 11.ii-. ir,v Re-Election e. m< it-rat Ticket for REGISTER OF Deeds on.ily solicits the support' meis oi' Livingston :iiv <>n Nov. 6th. rei-idvi'd here that IflK of M,arquettc, who tt*- ri.,-us operation at May* am Rochester, Minn6v«huing as well as eoom :-. < hire Skinner and ea. 0f Detroit WftT* >i Mr. and Mrs. B. B. A few of our exceptional Used Car Values "with an OK that counts" FORD FORDOR, 1924 Very clean. Has had unu.-iuilly ^00(1 a.-e.! u'-..\ < iiuipo< a are many extras. Will cheerfully O.l!< e demonstrate. Caah> or Terms. ef 111].' >' WITH AN 0. K. THAT COUNTS t\ n. <m VITH AN f i \' i" RKO COUPE, 1026 Goo<l stronp durable: car. Com i i (uu pletely equipped and with balloon tires. Will sell for small down payment and balance on easy terms. WITH AN O. K. THAT COUNTS J,; f WOdil Sma!!.- u, t. WITH V i ''+27.. a -, ;, ' ajiy * (piipped, ' <! ia fir.-t class me-..-'i'm/)!!. SI 4 5 down, 1, 1 ; ; : i;i. ;...^1.^7 1 OAC! 1,,.'d AC t< nns. :-,i - N O. \. THAT COUNTS j'>n:n TUDOR, 192G i,.\ ;e w. r.aaoon tiivs and nick- ' : raiiiataa-..\ rar that will satifr f\ th",nost ( i :tiaal buyer. Caah ar 4 (iti-s..n AT COUNTS SLAYTON & C ON. LOCAL DEALERS Dependability, Satisfaction and Iior:est Value

6 THE PINCKNEY DISPATCH :ks Taking on Two Waistlines New Fall Fashions Change to Conform With Nature's Silhouette. Contrasting Plaits Add an Interesting Feature was tin- dirof outcon)e of her own ['ails openings indicate a preference, w;t>v nf pr,, sf. nf j n «seliord fo him. She sllrl1 '"' 1Ul ' s '^ brr.adluil. mink, seal, p,,, h;), v (!i(j nof f, xpfl(. r t() he t, jkpn and karakul in entire coats and fo. >f.rjo lls lv. hut the child won is enter- slmared kimh. karakul and nutria, in;:.n unknown realm has no way of when used for trimming' discount in^ what is lold him about It. The Thekiut fur jroii;> em;di;i>izrs It is just 11s possible to present ''oadtnil in various shades. The foo school 10 a child -«H place where.n^ for color variation appears also in learning will be a jov and life will De seal, where ihe golden brown tone is : ooooocooooopooooooc Any \Vfoman Can LookStyiish ^AAAE MARTIN SOOOO ooooc l president roolid^e receiving an KiiL'lish st-ir.-r ruin from Claire N'ildner of Superior, Wis., just Imfore his return to Washington. _' -<\>mmander Donald 15. MacMillan -reared!.\ his jjlsrer..mrs. I'o^:;, on his arrival at Wisciisset, Maine, from his latest Arctic exploration trip. " Walter J Kohler, afti i Lal-'oilet (e 1,::111, nominated by Republicans fur governor of Wisconsin. NEWS REVIEW OF CURRENT EVENTS Maine Election Notable for Size of G. 0. P. Majorities; Smith Nails a Lie. By EDWARD W. PICKARD THOSE who still place faith in the, old saying "As -Maine ;(ics so ^oes 1 the nation" are now free to place their bets on Hoover; for I he Ilepub- llcan ticket won a sweeping victory in the state election last week. However, no one hud doubted that the <' O. P. would elect its candidates, and the significant feature* were the size of their majorities and the total vote. The former was a surprise to even the most optimistic Republicans. William T. Gardiner defeated K. C. Moran, Jr., for the governorship by nearly 8T>,000 votes; and Senator Frederick Halo's majority over Herbert K. Holmes was approximately SO,000. The Republican majority was more than double what it was four vears go and four times what it was In The total vote was about.'io,- 000 less than it was in the last Presidential year, but analysis shows that the loss was mostly sustained by the Democrats. The Republicans had made an especial effort to get nut their vote and the Pemoernts were frankly apathetic. The Republicans fleeted all four of the slates con gressmen. Naturally, Republican National Chairman Work rejoiced in ihe Maine outcome and found In it presage for a Hoover victory, asserting that ^hc campaign in the Pine Tree state was waged largely on national NSIKN. (in the other hand. peinoorulic ('hainnan Iiaskoh saw no omen in the result, saying his party had made no especial effort there i.nd no rational Issues were decided' by' the Maine election. He uris "surprised the Republicans did not poll a larger vote." The records show that since 1^40. In 15 out of '-'"J Presidential election years, the result In the Maine state election has correct]v foretold the outcome of the Presidential election. TMXAS provided an reciting incident in the campaign when in tate Democratic convention opener] In Dallas. A motion that only those delegates loyal to Al Smith ho seated started the rumpus. The anti-smith crowd, led by former Governor Colquitt promptly bolted, and a.s they retired from the hall there were innumerable fist fights. The regulars proceeded with their business, "cordially Indorsing" the national platform and Smith and in the same set of resolutions calling npon "all officers of the government and «11 members of the party" to rally for the ''destruction of the traffic in alcoholic liquors." The bolters, nbout,?00 In number. held a separate meeting and adopted resolutions characterizing the nomination of Smith as an unfortunate error. They left the direction of their future activities In the hands of an executive committee headed by A1 \ in S. Moody of Houston. WHILE Senator Robinson. Democratic Vice Presidential candidate, wns making a whirlwind speaking: tour through the South, Governor Smith pave such time us be could spare from state duties to conferences with party leaders and to further refutation of charges marie in the deplorable "whispering campaign." Informed that lie was accuse*!, in a letter, of helng "disgustingly 1: to\irated"?>t the New York state her ;( f Syracuse, he Issued n formal denial of the charge, which denial w.is backed tip by the statements of mn who were close to him nil during th" day of his visit to the fair, nne of his defenders was one of the governor's political opponents, State Senator Fearnn of Syracuse, others ineluded the newspaper correspondents who accompanied the governor. The letter wr.s said to have been written bf a woman Of Syracuse to one in Pnrkersburg, W. Va. Republican Chairman Work has strongly repudidated the whispering campaign as an offense to common decency equally aarmfu) to the candidate maligned l ' and to his opponent lie sc.r> Hoover is also the ohjeet "*f scurrilous and. false attacks. The Post office depart- J nient has tak»*ri steps to stop the send j ing of ihe vicious statements through the mails. In one instance a lot of j post cards were confiscated. Plans w< iv completed for Governor J Smith's tour of a fortnight. Scpiem her Id.'in, during which he speaks in six western cities. H :-;RPKRT IIOUVKR had. long confer,rice with President ('mil j idge immediately after the h.t'ej-'s re- j turn to Washington, and while there ; was no announcement of the pari the \ President would take in the campaign. it was said he probably would make one or more addresses in New l-ing land. Mr. Hoover is now directing the j organization work of his campaign, j The radio part is already in operalion. The candidate's first real campaign speech was ready ha- delivers at Newark, V.1., Monday. National officers of the national Woman's party met in Washington and decided to support Hoover because, they stated, his position is in advance of that of other Presidential candidates. They said Ihev opposed Smith "localise he opposes equal rights for women in industry and has had u long record of opposition to equal Industrial opportunity for women and has actively sponsored la\vs handicapping women in earning their li\ elihood." WIIKN Hoover, praising the Kellogg antl-w ar treaty, hailed it as one of (he great achievements of the Republican administration, Secretary Kellogg showed signs of displeasure for above all things he doe> not want the pact dragged into pailisan polltics pending adioii on it hv the senate. Said lie : "I do not think the I realy for! he renunciation of war should be made a party issue in either the campaign or Ihe seiune. and 1 cannot conceive that it will be." Reservations to the treaty, by the senate, will l*e vigorously opposed by holh Mr, Kellogg and Senator P.orah. chairman of the senate foreign relations committee. They believe there is nothing in the treaty that imperils the! Monroe I>ootriue or other vital interests of the I'nited States. [ Despite the fact that most of the 1 nations of the World have accepted I the Kellogg pact, Secretary of the Navy Wilbur believes the I'nited I States should go right ahead with its ; navy construction program. He said as much after conferences with naval officials in which both the Kellogg treaty and the mysterious Anglo French agreement were discussed. Other officials said the Navy department would concentrate on senate approval of the sixteen -ship bill and Inter would try for the adoption of u large building program. FORMAL negotiations looking toward complete evacuation of the Rhineland and final settlement of reparations were opened in Geneva by the representatives of Germany. Great P.ritaln, France, Italy nnd Japan. The first discussions of Germany's plea wore promising, although an earlier speech by Premier P.rinnd, attacking Chancellor Mueller's statements of German fulfillment of her pledges, had created some doubt of ultimate agreement. London dispatches said Great P.ritain and France were in accord on these points: First, perfect co-operation among the allies. Second, implicit recognition of the fact that the occupation must continue unless the Germans give other guarantees for the payment of the reparations. Third, a political guarantee by Germany that the plan for the union with Austria will not be pursued. Foujih, the consent of Germany to the nn:t'il of the demilitarized zone of the Khinehuid for L 1." years. Filth, t'.e Germans to take the initiative hv presenting concrete proposals. GKNLKAL f'rimo de Rivera, pre micr of Spain, uncovered another plot against his dictatorship and caused the arrest of several hundred revolutionists who were hatching n coup d'etat. The dictator in a statement to the press said those taken into custody were politicians and others who "live and prosper by provoking disorders," and declared the condition of public order In Spain coidd not be Setter in ail the country. Another dictator has been offered a crown, but probably will decline it. This one is Marshal Pilsudsky. who was offered the crmui of the "Polish empire'' by 1..><») delegates of the monarchists of thai < aintryr He already has refused a like honor several [,11.0^, C HARI.KX KVANS JH'GHMS was elected a member of the permanent ouirt of international justice b\ the League of Nations to succeed John Passett Moore, resigned. Mr. Hughes accepted, saving he deemed it a privilege to serve (ai the court. SiiK-e the I'nited States is not a member of the world court, Mr. 11 agbes hoes not oflicially represent this country on the tribunal. G I-.'N.KniN.1. FLUSHING celebrated Ids.-ivi\ eighth birthday last Thursday and Secretary of War Ihivis took the occasion 10 present to the famous soldier four foreign decorations conferred upon him since the World war. These were the Urder of the While Lion, class 1, conferred by the President of Czechoslovakia; a medal commemorating the tirst centenary of the battle of Ayaehucho, conferred by the President of Peru; knight commander's cross of the Or der of Viriuti Militari, conferred by the President of Poland; and a Venezuelan "Rust of Liberator," two lapel buttons and an album of photographs conferred by the Fi'oidenl of Veue- Ztlela. J ( >H.\ 1 '( H il.il»gf, son of ihe President and Mrs, Coolidgr, has obtained a posji ion as a clerk in the general nlfices of ; l>e X w v ' "' Haven & Hartford railroad In New Mil v en, Conn,, ami,i-, <, -, earning ins awn living, William Wood, secret service operative, will continue to act as bodyguard of the young man until Man h 4. M i-s pinreiiee Trumbull, daughter of Ihe governor of Connecticut, returning from a motor trip through Kui'ope. admitted in reporters that she w js> I ikely to become John Cooliilges bride sometime mwi winter iliough not before Ch risl mas. EARI, RnWLANh of Kansas won 1 hi si place in class,\ nf the aerial derby.across the continent from New York M ' r os Angeles, He drove a Cessna lie Hopbine and was in the air 'Jd hours aim.'10 minutes. Most of the planes- in all three ( hisses made the rran.si'oiii mental trip safely, and the I'mish was a -feat sfght for the crowds gathered -r the J.os Angeles Held for t he air races and exhibition. (if Ihe nine planes that started in the nonstop race across the continent not one completed tire trip except that ppnted by Art Goebel, and that noted aviator had been forced to stop at Prescott, Ariz. The contest was therefore declared no race, One of the aviators laking part in the loonl exhibition was Lii ut. J. J. Williams of the army. He crashed early in ihe week and died of his injuries, whereupon Col. Charles Lindbergh reported at army headquarters I here and asked to be assigned to take the place of bis' dead friend. Thereafter the "three musketeers" in little Roening lighters were led by Lindy In (heir maneuvers. HIGHLY successful tests of the new submarine safety device called the "lung" were held oft the coast nf.maryland. Three navy divers went down loo feet in a diving hell, and. eifliipped with the "lung," crawled out and made their way to the surface safely and with no discomfort. It. was made known that several scores of tlies-e devices are being constructed and their final test, that of being used for actual escape from a Hooded sub mar.lie it) g'j.i feet of water, will h< made next month by the sitiii' divers The n;ral officers expressed a belim that last week's successful test wil result in the equipping of al! of th 7s submarines in the I'nited State navy with "lungs" for each memhi of the crew to be placed in the esr>ai compartments of the undersea craft PORTO RICO was stnick by a tnr ical hurricane that caused damn;, of several millions of dollars, main! in San Juan which bore the brunt 0 the storm. Tornadoes In Nebraska an- South Ditkotn killed fourteen person : and ruined thousands of dollars worth of properly. A few years ago we 11 led [0 he boy ish. Now, as each new season ap proaches, ihere i> proof thai girls, alter ull. aiusl he girls. Soft lev! ured material."!. 'idlai - >, draperies and even softer hair curs indicate [bat the fall -styles wall >e more appealiugly feminine tl^aji ever, says Jane Warren Wells in the Farm and Fireside. For some lime waisi lines have been trying to tighten- n H to the wasp waist bur to conform with natures silhouette. Froj-ks. ill order to make the change gracefully, are taking on two waistlines -one al Ihe point where we were accustomed to seeing it, and another slightly higher I'.olero frocks and tiered waistlines bulb help us to accept tin new waistline without feel ing M radical change. The smart basque lines for evening admits a more slend j r waistline. This combined with the irregular hemline gives 11 dress resembling Hie fashions j of long ago. Some of ihe new sleeve-! less party frocks are made to wear! for afternoon as well. They have H i long slaev ed jacket ut matching mate- Blouse Effect Affords Attractive Feature in Fall Frock. rial to be worn w it h t hem for less, formal occasions. -Many <d' Hie sports dresses achieve a slender effect \,y titling quite snug al the top of ihe hips. Two snap fasteners at each side are sometimes used lo pull the dress more closely. This produces ihe slighirs' suggestion o' a blouse ellect, ji]s emaigh lo express a new fashion snin lei v In designing the trim street frock ', above the Woman's Home Companion fashion expert took a hint from Pari* where marly of the dres*es show a group of plaits extending from the left j shoulder to below the skirt hem. This ) detail has been used as a means o* introducing a contrasting color or per haps two tones of on- color and thi» has its practical side for you ma) choose the most flattering- tone in thav section of the dress coming nearer your face. A light-weight wool is an excellent choice for this frock although the design lends itself admirably to silk or poplin or a combination of materials such as rep and satin. On Rearing Children from CRIB to COLLEGE *»» Compiled by the Editor* of "CHILDREN, Th* Mifina* for PARENTS" A child of eighteen months or less can learn to let certain tilings alone, and should do so, l>u: there should he tunny things within reach that he doe- not need to let alone. Happy, well-direetitd activity i< the secret of good behavior boin in the school and in the home. Peiiiember that v our adolescent rerun res self-respotisibilily as well as fellowship. Some parents force themselves on their children and defend a mischievous, distristful intrusion by calling it fellowship, The modern youngster is guarded from every hearing of such things as ghosts or boge.v-men. Darkness holds no terrors for him. From the day of lis hinli he has been put to sleep, Spending of.sleeves, lashion is more l(uictly and alone in ihe comfortable, exacting, lliau cur ih.w Ujey simuld lit - soothing dark. No one has ever hintperfeeily. The shoulder line is shorter and the lop o Ihe sleeve ' 'g lh< shoulder curve with precise grace. For several seasons past too mati.v hav e depended upon a necklace or strand of pearls io make severe necklines he.'oining, These will continue in favor, bu! fashion has relented some what in regard to collars and encour ages soft folds of fabric iti ivory or ed to him that be might feel oilierwise tluii) at home in the dark, or suggested that it holds mysterious terrors. \i\(] low 1 i. behob,, he grows up without ever one" displaying this "ilisl inctiv e" and "hereditary" fear! I'l'ntii their early vears encourage your children to talk freely.about the things that happen to them. This wil],u ' sh r r ror the tieekline. These M H, ^ yo7 \iii(htst'and ' ihem ami will not only make the dress more hecotn save 1 hem from unnecessary suffering ing but give a trig fresh look. due to hesitancy in bringing vou their problems. Moire Is Being Shown for New Evening Wrap3 Moire is being show n by both In assigning work at home to the children, each individual's temperament and natural inclination* should French and Anferiean modistes in every type of evening wrap, One j s(m, (int;irv j ( 1, i s., - K. tive j >Si job be taken into account. There are g brought from Ihe Ptins atelier of Mag [h;tf lv<jmi,. H eoncentratioti and jobs daleine des Haves is of the dolman that require speed. An older child :IS ^'"l"'- "» ui,!e -"' ' ^1^011 j with sensitive nerves should be exvery b.w, to lift the WIMP mm a v]r]ll f n m i thp rrvil, K Ciire fliu, (]]sa. Moused effect in an upwar< ve- p, jlj() of sm<1, pr ;in(] nnisipr children. ment toward the front. To ibis fs Cooking conies under creative work. attached a circular flounce, dipping The oldest son may discover that sharply at the hack, rippling all "cooking is just like chemistry, only around ami ending with a large chou wil),,.,," jt Toast-making requires of Hie moire placed at Hie opening (. ( H -eti! rat ion and should be assigned in tror1 ' I to a stable member of the family. Transparent velvet in violet mauve is llji * i,l "" M " i:l,,(1 in il ''"^ '""""«" "hieh also I 0(Y, ism)n:lmv nillther fs sn n w I s e T h " u llj,rin «""' l,u,, " m i,mj ij s, '!,rf as fo tell a child ihat the teacher will m ' rk ' * : g'et even with him for all his sins. m w i t h ;,n,) ;M ' kt ' t - *"" j "Vou needn't think vou can behave out sieves and covered solidly with,, MS W;JV ^.,,,,,, V(M) _ f (() S(., 0() 8ne mlished scmuins. winch CHen.it in- s,ay.s. "the teacher won't stand for it." t reduced a.\ oa r ago, is much in vogue She may even go further and describe for wear wiih tulle dance frocks, and the dire things the teacher will be apt is being shown in vivid colors, Hold;,,, (J() Su(~ h a m ( ) t» e r Js usua, y ;ind hl;m k t j amazed if you point out fo her that I her chihl's unsuccessful start in school Collars Framing Head his reluctance to gm, and the diffl- Appear in Fall Mode! <,,,M - V!,e, ; i! usc ; d af r tpr h " ; (,t ( rhere ~ r r full of terest and enthusiasm, whe e 1'.'^'"''«' <'""<">' f"" lp fhf ' ^''"l I the rea,he, wdl he a new and'helpful.landing upright in a fasluon st.-es. )(]:]Ir f. J4. pf i nw], f f) fl lmf, rtin rt,,, i{r it. t i ve of the Medin lines. ful playmates. The child *ho enters.lane itecny a )pi - oves Ihe fur-lined school in this spirit has at least n fair coiit. employing mnskrat to line hei^'e show of finding what he is looking for. tweeil on a roat linislied with man Indeed, unconsciously he helps to erenisb cnlt :ir and lapels of heaver. This nfp t p sh)()0, llmfisp )prp he h eoimiriere indorses Mat furs for coat lf>f. n, lf, fn PvpprT trimmings. g, i 928,!iy Children, the Mag.wmr for Parenti) Most stylish-looking; women are just "yood tnanai r ers." They know simple ways to make lust season's things conform to this season's styles. Thousands of them have U how easily the-j- can transform a dnmr. or blouse, or coat by the quick mgfc4 of home tinting or dyeing. Anyone can do this successfully with true, fadeless Diamond Dyes. The "know-how" is in the dyes. They don't streak or spot,ike inferior dyes. New, fashionable cuits appear like magic right over the out-of-style or faded colors. Only Diamond Dyes produce perfect results. Insist on them and save disappointment My new 04-page illustrated book, 'Color Cruft," gives hundreds of money-saving bints for renewing ;dothes and draperies. It's Free. Write for it now, to Mae Martin, Dept. FM43, Diamond Dyes, Burlington, Vermont, A woman laughs in her sleeve every tfme a man talks through his hat. The Traffic Officer if every car owner used Champion Spark Plugs there would be fewer traffic jams due to cars stalling. Champion is the better spark plug because it has an exclusive sillimanite insulator specially treated to with* stand the much higher temperatures of the modern high-compres* ion engine. Also a new patented solid copper j gasket-seal that remains absolutely gas-tight unde? high compression- Special analysis electrodes which assure a axed 6park-gap under all driving conditions. CHAMPION SpavJCPlugs Toledo. Ohio en Dependable for Every Engine A Dispute Some argue that women dross for other women. We don't believe a word of Jt. They wouldn't dress the way they do if there were no men around. Toledo r.lnde. FARMER'S WIFE GETS STRENGTH By TakingLydia. Pinkham't Vegetable Compound Bchoolfleld, Va. "My mother had taken Lydla E. Pink ham'a Vegetable Compound and I decided to take It for my own troubles and found great relief. I was hardly able to stand on my feet eom* times and now I feel better than I nave for several years. I credit the Lydla E.Pinkham'a Vegetable Com. pound with my present good health. I have taken five bottles of It and I am now able to do all my housework and sewing, feed my chickens, milk the cow and tend the pigs, and feel fine." Mas J C BRADLEY, BOX 243, Schoolfieli Vir< ginia. ^ COMINC Tra\vlinjf scrvlrn rxporta; rppalrln^ and tuning [.liums, organs, phonofrraph* radio sots For t. rrr.s and appointment* ad- <ireas T;;,\^Z?,7. c'.aitral Sta.. Toledo. Ohio. r.lgtht KrnnnfartuHnr Marhlnrrr for 8nl«t.arpo oarnlr.k ca parity. Staple artlrlo K*' tnhlishocl mrrit. Cct In business for yourself "Shope." 612 Monadnock Blk., Chtcaifo. Ul CWSTIPAfiON RELIEVED. QUICKLY Carter'* LrrOe Uw FiBt Pw«J» V^ttabJ* Lutttn ^ move the bow*u free from ~*.~. TV.-11 pain L,nd ""Pie*** 0 * aft n effect*. THey relieve the ty«tetn of cotntitaatioo pobmi which catue that dull and.chin, feeliaj. Retr>amb«r xhty.«a doctor-t pr? CARTERS ESJPILLS W N. U. f DETROIT, NO. 3S

7 fi^ht ih THR PfNCKNEY DISPATCH ARE YOU I * "UPERSTITIOUS: +??? + By FRANK ELLIS. J^. % Legends of Rings IT has been believed truui earlesr * times that rings, enriched with certain precious stones of occult virtue. were supposed to influence the actions and character of individuals, and many are tlie superstitions to the wonderful effects produced by these charms. Solomon's ring gave him di- I vine powers by which be acquired in- I credible knowledge und iriumphed j over all obstacles. The wedding ring I of Joseph and the Virgin Mary was j an object of adoration. j Legends in connection with rings I were introduced from Asia and i Greece. The power of invisibility was accredited to a ring worn by an anl cient Ping. Kings once constituted the principal means for the preven- tion or cure of cramp. They were con- I sidered more effective if formed out * (TIttie given j> KaMern Standard; Mibiracr. one hou'- t i- Central aud l v\ o hours for.mountain time.) Sunday, September "It p. m. l.'mied K;i'!.o Curpo/aliuQ. 11:()(1 p. rn. Slei>oii Parade.!:(*» p. in. Lehigh *'uai A: Nav. < 'o. T:'i(J «J. ui. Major Kuvves' Family Party.!) :<»> p. ui. 1 >;iv id Lawrence. 'J :1.) [i. m. Atwaier Kent. 2:iXi p. m. Poxy Stroll. (> :;io j>. MI. Anglo I'ei'Ma n>. 8:1,") p. in. (i-lher's Kadio Hour. Monday, October 1. 7:(M) a. in. Tower Health Fxercises. ll:l."j a. m. Kadio Household Institute. 7 :<*> p. in..mutual Savings Hour.!)::;n i>. in. Ceiieral Motors Party. Id :00 [). in. Tiiu»'alnii 1 'oor. 10 :(Mi a. in. > 'opeland 1 lour. 7 :''.() [i. MI. Uo\y and IPs * ' nig. P:d<t p. in. PiverMdc Hour. P:';n p MI. Peal links, 1 1 :<MJ p. in. SI uniher M n-ie. Tuesday, October 2. 7:oo a. in. Tower Health Kvercises. 1 1 :1.", a. m. Paiho Household In>litute. 7 :.".(( p 111. So." '[l.v I j t:- Sketches >i;i*i p. in. National Padio Institute. S :11(1 p. in. Seiheriiiig Singers, i) : i x) p. in. Fv erre.nly "Hour. 10:0(1 p in. (Ticipiut ('ltd) K.-kimos. ARCH QUALITY FOOD PRODUCTS t tha scaiwwd. If you paid daumr it pauwl yuu cuulti oof boy bwnjtr fcn-d product* it AH the you (liuj pmckmd under the Uvtutrch L>b«l. Rrid, Murdoch SC Co. tuabiujud IS^i General CfCces. Chksgo, III- Believes in Variety The tlovver garden of F. L. I-ewls. Brandon, \ [., contains dahlias of l.'ks distim-t shades. The Lewis fruit orchard is of equal variety with 72 kinds o? aj'ple>, '_'_' kinds of plums. ]'J kinds of gtajies and IS kinds of cherrio. the <les of -American property. The ti^ht against Uiis menace, as exemplified in Fire prevention week. Is a nation-wide affair and it is tlie concern o.~ all American citizens, whether they be city or country dwellers. More than that, It involves a national problem, the ramifications of which ur*? far-reach in,v; and vitally important to our whole economic system. Fire Prevention week comes at the height of the forest tire season and when one considers the appalling dauia e e uone each year by woodland blazes, it is evident that the prevention of forest fires is cue of the major projects in the observance of Fire Prevention week. During the year 1926 there were n-, fewer than!)1,- OOO tires with a financial loss of more than $20,900,000. The record since then Is net much better, inas uch as v governm.'. estimates place the loss at an average of $100,000 a day. How that loss can be reduced is Indicated by the fact that 7'J per cent of the fires in 11)20 were caused by man. 12 per cent b. lightning and 10 per cent were of undetermined origin, Criminally careless smokers. who dropped matches or cigar or cigarette stubs without extinguishing them. W( re responsible for 10 per cent of those tires and sparks falling from engines of railroads aused 13 per cent. Due to the efficiency of our national forestry son ice wi:h i's air plane patrols and other means of gi.ottiny and checking fires in our na tional forests before they got a good start, the inexcusable carelessness of campers is somewhat counterbalanced so that the ravages of the Fire Demon tn the nation's preserves are reduced to a minimum. But this does not prevent a huge annua! loss caused by tires on privately owned lands. In I he state of Pennsylvania this year four times as many forest fires have occurred on privately owned lands as on public preserves and the burned area lias been 40 times as great. The principal cause is the inexperience of those who attempt to burn brush on private land. The flames get beyond their control and spread to r>oth private and public lands for the Fire Oemon Is no respecter of land titles. In the Southern states this problem lias become so acute that the Aineri- CUb Forestry association has launched SIAO.OOO educational campaign to prevent such fires in the states of Georgia. Florida and Mississippi. "In no section of the country." declares O. SI. Butler, executive secretary of the association, "are forest fires so currently widespread nnd so detrimental to forest regeneration as Forests and Taxes ' Tntt timber growing, not timber hoarding, will solve America's forestry problems is now the view of.those who hnvo su.veyed the question most carefully, whether as c."plains r' industry or as rpnsiers of science. No longer does Juiyone whose judgment counts look upon conservation as a locking tip of natural resources, hul rather 8 the most efficient use nf them. and. If possible, their steady replenishment. in the south. 'Die seriousness of the situation is reflected in the fact that SO per cent of all forest fires reported in the United States during the past ten years have occurred in the southern states. More than one-third of the entire pine urea embracing millions of acres has been so completely lumbered and so repeatedly devastated by fire that it lies idle and nonproductive. In addition, forest fires are wiping out the fame and wild life over vast areas throughout the South. "Woods burning arising from a traditional custom of great numbers of rural people, ignorant of the social and economic benefits of forests, places a tremendous handicap upon efforts to renew forests on millions of acres. To stop these tires and to make the growing of forests a safe undertaking is the great nnd immediate problem of forestry in the South." The menace which the observance of Fire Prevention week attempts to combat is of importance in tx>r11 city and country in this way: Forest fires reduce the amount of available forest products and city fires at once cause a new call for more forest products. Thus the ravages of i he Fire Demon immediately become a part of our vast economic system and a part of a nationa problem, Further light on *hat national problem and an attempt ai its solution is given liy a recent state mem of Charles Lathrop Pack, presi dent of the American Tree nssoeia tion, wliii for years ha* been the foremost exponent of a forestry policy which shall not on!v preserve our fast dwindling timber supply but guarantee an adequate supply for our future needs. In this statement Mr Pack says : With nno-twelfth of the- world's propie North America uses about nne-hnlf of nil the timber consumed in the world That is the economic situation this "ountry must solve sooner or later Ks- i mates show the population of the United Sta'es to h? increasing at the rate of a million n year. Th;- rtimtii >i population <»f ahfui two hurih-i) mil Ton m the year Raiironds use nbour 13,000. "oo new wood ties every vear. There are About 3,000 to the in: le. Something like f>,- 000,000 trees pre rut annually for tele. «raph and telephone wires; we!]>» M'lO.OOO.POO fence posts every year Mil- Pons of feet of pulpuood an* used every year to keep the nt vvspn pcrs of tht country pr ividin^ vnu u,rh the news of the day About two-thirds.f the population uses u ond for fuel A grent-r amount (,'ucs to (his than for any othr purpose There are eightyone million acres of idle land n, this count rv all of whirl: should be put to work growing trees The passage of the important Ntr- Certainly thi> holds true of our *itnher re.erves. To pioteet them ;tgainst fires and other wastes is a rime duty both of government and of organized industry. Hut protection alone will not suft'.ce. There must he a!sr reforest rat ion of InrnN now barren and unsuited to other purposes; and there must.<t such ;i system of taxation as will encourage, instead of virtually prevent in::, the gro\\,n_ r of timber on a lar'_'c scale as a money crop If the crop does m>f pay, it will not he pro ducod ; rjnd pay it ennnot unless re Sweenoy-M< Nary hill during the lata h'urs of congress marks for the first time a natiinial effort to provide for a Nfientifle prournm of forestry study through a Ion*? period of years We need this ri"-ean h because we foresters have really nb answer to many questions. fn-iipcrn t inn is''becoming the key word in forestry' today. t'nder the Clarke-.Mi'Nary -taw co-operative forestry has made progress. This law itself P'ovirtex a powerful impetus toward lirin^inn together the state and fed' e:al Government and the private ti'-i betiand owner in a Joint effort to promote forestry. It is just making a beginning tn providing for fideriuate protection afjaitisl forest fires. It is studying the perplexing problem of forestry taxation under a committee headed by Professor Fairrhild of Vale. It is supplying farmers, under certain conditions, with small trees to plant on their idle lands and it is advising farmers its to the best way to handl" their woodlands.. All this has not come a day too soon We a re a rapidly growing nation. An increase In population means an Increasing need for wood nnd the cer.-ois bureau tells us that this country is increasing at the rate of one million inhabitants a -enr. This p-<""'n s n popi>. lation or 1 :, in ]',<:,?. and au.-a;: 200,000,000 in the year '2'00 Over against this ir the stem tact that although our population may inirense. the amount of land.n this country <er- 'ainlv does not. Our on I y w, v out of the problem of supplying a continually increasing demand for v-nod a demand thai 's being tn.'vle upon a ro n t; n uallv decreasing forest is to put every a<t0 '-. f available land to work growing tr es. For the problems of forestry are hy no means all solved. Even though interest in forestry is increasing and effective forestry is being enacted, productive forests in this country nre still rapidly decreasing while the waste acres are growing larger. It is not unlikely that in 10,-)0, at the present rate, we may have an area of idle land larger than New York, Pennsylvania New Jersey. Delaware, Maryland. Vir g.tna and all the New England states How. in the face of all this wastage :-hall we satisfy the wood needs oj those hundred and fifty million peopl* 'he census bureau tells us we will have 1 We still fall far short of providing f*r The future productiveness of the 240,000,000 acres nf forest land that Ir in industrial ownership. In the life of a tree the year 200( I«I not very far away Indeed, in out nvn shorter human lives that dat* is not so far distant that we need disregard it. Time goes hurrying by There nre children in our schools today who will write that date. Today is not d dav too earlv for us to be thinking of the welfare of those who come after us For a shortage in our wood supp]\ IS in no wav comparable to a shortage n our supply of cotton and wheat. These may be grown )n a few months, but our great timber crop <m uho.se existence our civilization today is based requires many years to reach maturity Whether or not the >ear 2000 is tn be blessed with a supply of reasonably pno.'rt timber must tie decided within he decade We cannot nlwa.vfl reap without sowing. We must grow irees tor our glowing nation. lie\ed of lie;i\y taxes until its maturity and market iit', tit which rime it should contribute its portion of public re\ enue :. Atlanta. (C,u., Journal. Bugs Boost Lumber Cost It,sects and diseases directly jiftect the price - f lumber, t'or they cut down tlie supply by tens of thousands of trees iwr.v year. si\s the Forestry ['rimer of the Aniortr\-,n Tree nssnel.it.on. The trees, like children, UJUSl lie kept ir good tea 1th. ot the screws m nails taken frotu coffins. A special ring was worn to cure ' each individual disease. Superstitions connected with supposed cures of epilepsy, etc., by charmed rings still exist in our country. On which tinger the wedding ring should be worn was long the subject of learned discussion ; on the first finger, a haughty disposition; on the third finger, love and' affection; on tlie fourth, a masterful spirit. i In Sweden, glrl«place under separate pots a ring, a coin, and a piece j of black ribbon. If the ring is turned up the girl will be married; If the I money, she will get a rich husband; and If the black ribbon, she will die I an old maid. A gold wedding ring rubbed on a stye 1 is considered a good remedy. To wear a ring engraved with hearts pierced I through with darts shows a girl's gratitude and respect for tier lover. Marriage TWO weddings in the same family In the same year are unlucky. ' Marry in a snowstorm and you will, become rich. j The first to go to bed on the wedding night will be the first to die. Wenr out your wedding garments quickly and you will become rich. A laughing bride will make a weeping wife. Postponing a wedding day brings bad tuck. If you pour coffee from the cup you can siip from the picture in the cup wliotliet vour visitor will be a man or woman. A woman whose skirt turns no in the hack has a widower as n suitor Fin n four- lea fed clover over the door, and the first man to enter that door will become your husband. Count nine stars on nine nights In succession, nnd the hrst young per.tieman with whom yon shake hands will he your husband. If a servant girl falls upstairs <*he will have R new be.nu. If yon would have the admiration of the opposite sex. carry the heart of an owl in your pocket ( Y W.'»t*m NpwupnpiT t'nloti.) Raiting Snake* The Nathmnl /.oologlcid Park ^H.VS that It Is a difhcult matter fo rulse any species o f yoijnx snakes Their food should consist of meal worms nnd earth worma, grasshoppers ind such small insect k pan of milk. Into which a raw egg lias been beaten, should be kept in the ca^e. 10:0O a. in. ('opeland Hour. H:.",() [i. m. Puriis Frothers. 0::;o [i. in. Hutch Master Minstrels. 11 :(>o p. m Slumber MUMC. i 1 i 10 s 11 Wednesday, October 3. :0d ii. in. Tower Health Fxercises. :1.'> a. in. Padio Household Institute. :Od p. m. Vogue and t lie Mode. ;.",o p. in. The Tlif'e ( 'beers. :00 p. m. American Mag. A Worn mi's 1 Inuie ('otup. [ Ir, :0O p. TU. Ipana Troubadours. :.'io p. m. Paltsoliv" Hour. :()0 a. in. ('opeland Hour. :00 p. m. Jeddo Highlanders. :!{<> p. tn. Sylvaniu Foresters. :00 p. rn. Slumber Music. Thursday, October 4. :00 a. ni. Tower Heal tit Fxercises. 11 :1." a. tn. Kadio Household Institute, i :.'!() p. m. Coward Comfort Hour. 10 :00 [), m. llalsey Stuart. 10 :tm) a. in. Copeland H :00 p. m. Champion Hour. Sparkers.!) :'M) p. m Maxwell House Hour. 10 :()<) j). m. Miohelin 11 :0O [i. m. Slumber Hour. Music. Friday, October 5. :00 a. m. Tttwrr Hentth Hxrrrlses. 11 :P' a. m. Ktidio Household Institute. i :00 [). m Wonder Hour. 7 :.!') [>. m, Happiness Candy Stores. 8 :(X» p. m. Cities Service Hour. 11.".() a. m. Immrosch Concerts. :.'!0 p. m. Cold Spot Pals. :00 p. m. Interwoven Stocking Co. f :.'Ui [>. m. Hixies Ci/cus. S :.'^o p. m. Armstrong fjuakers. «i :00 p. in. W'rigley 1 1 :00 p. in. Slumber Review. Music. Saturday, October 6. :00 a. in. Tower Health Fxercises. ;]'> a. m. Padio Household Institute. :?,0 p in. II. C. A. Demonstra. Hour.'Id p m. Hodf'rey l.udlow. :0() p. in. Philco Hour. The following is n list of stations earning the above programs:.national Pronfif listing company Red Network: WFAF. New York; WKKI, Poston; UTIC. Hartford. W.JAK, Providence; W'TAC. Worcester; Wi'SII. Portland. Mnne; Wl.l'i' and WFI, Philadelphia; WPC. Washing ton ; WHY. Scheuec'.idy ; W(;K. Puf falo; WCAF. Pittsburgh; WTAM and WKAII, Cleveland : WW,J. Detroit : US \l. Cincinnati ; WCN, and WFIP, Chicago; KSIi. St. Louis; Will', havenport ; Wild. Des Moines; W()W, ( Unaha ; WI>AF. Kansas City WI'CO WltHM, Minneapolis-St, Paul WTMI. Milwaukee ; Louisville; (\(»A. WSM, i )eii v ei ; Nashville WHAS, WMC. Memphis; WSP.. Atlanta; WP.T. Char lotte. KVOO Tulsa ; WFAA. hallas ; Ki'KC. Houston; WOAl, San Antonio; WP.AP, Ft. Worth; W.JAX. Jackson ville. National Hroadcnsting company lilue Network; W.1Z. New York; WP./.A. P.oston ; WI'.Z. Springfield; WPAL. lialtimore; WHAM. Rochester; K!>KA, Piffshtirgh; W.JR. Detroit; WLW. Cincinnati; KYW nnd WFBH. Chicago; KWK, St. Louis; WPFN. Kansas City; WCCOWKHM. Mitinc;it»olis St. Pnul; WTM.l. Mil waukee ; KOA tviver ; WHAS. Louis ville; WSM. \:i«>hvillr ; WMC. Mem- [.his; WSP.. Atlfi'n : WTR. Charlotte; KV(Kl. Tulsa; \V".\A. Dallas; KI'KC. HotiMon; W(\Vl. an Antonio WP.AP Ft Wor'ii, WliVA, U'.ch nmnd ; \YJA\ Ji.^kiumvIHe. When Dr. Caldwell started to pr&ctica medicine, back in 1S75, the needa for laxative were not aa* great aa today. People lived normal lives, ate plain, wholesome food, and got plenty of fresh air. Hut' even that early there were drastic physics and purges for the relief of constipation which Dr. Caldw&U did not believe were good for human heinga. The prescription for constipation that he used early in his practice, and which he put in drug stores in 1H92 under the name of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pep»in, is a liquid vegetable remedy, intended lor women, children and elderly people, and they need just such a mild, aa/«bowel stimulant. This prescription ha.s proven ita worth And is now the largest selling liquid laxative. It ha* won the confidence of people who needed it tojyet relief from headaches, biliousness, flatulence, indigestion, loss of appetite and sleep, bad breath, dyspepsia, colds, fevera. At your druggist, or writ* "^y^p Pepsin," Dept. BB, Monticello, Illinois, for fi trial bottle. MADE HANFORD'S u &r i&46 Balsam of Myrrh IT MUST BE GOOD Try h for Cuts, Braises, Sores, etc AD 4MWI W tatwriud t» rdmmi rmt fir* k«ttb if Mi tmtai MHT to tu New York Episode ".My Imslmnd told me IIP WHS going out for an jifternoon's tishinc, was gone II week, nnd canic hack without any fish." "Ain't that the three-mile limit?" I.ouisv ille ('ourier-.iotjrnal. Makes Life Sweeter Too much to cat too rich n. dieter too much smoking. Lota of things cause sour stomach, but one thing can correct, it quickly. Phillips Milk of Magnesia ^ill nlknlinlze the add. Take a spoonful of this pleasant preparation, and the system is soon bweotened. Phillips is always ready to rellevs distress from ovc-r-eatlng; to check all acidity; or nontrnlize nicotine. Ren em her this for your own comfort; for the sake of those around you. Endorsed by physicians, but they always say Phillips. Don't buy gome-' thine else nnd expect the same results! PHILLIPS * Milk, of Magnesia REMOLA SKIN BLEACH IWnnd«rftl1 wnd mr» M«V»«feor «kl«tn«nmf»l. rtm Trlr* 11. 2K Proa boniwt, ^ iltu jo.ntmcnt moarr*.'r»-'k'm». tli«l O»»T toifp : I n.»atih6fcb *'k >v» <)»«i*f re wrm I Dr. CH. SIRS Ca»I»7» ~

8 I m No trip too long no hill too steep every mile you travel will be a pleasure if your tank is full of Knockoline Anti-Knock Motor Fuel Stops the Knock --Does Not Overheat -Delivers Maximum Mileage-Contains No Dope-Best ny C. A. WEDDIGE White Star Filling Station GET YOUR Fresh Fruit Here Peaches> Grapes, Watermelons, Cantaloupes Bananas. We always have them fresh & choice On these warm days come in and enjoy our COOL DRINKS. Everything is elictrically cooled, and so DRINKS. Everything is electrically cooled, and so TAKE HOME A QUART OF OUR DELICIOUS ICE CREAM AND PLEASE THE FOLKS WANTED! POULTRY & EGGS Will pay cash... for... poultry and eggs delivered... at... my ciots GENTILE. poultry plant, and will... pay all the market affords at all time*. E. FARNAM General Repair Shop James Shirey Pinckney. Mich. Howell Rd & M-i:- General Repair Work a Speciality Gun smithing, Blacksmithing an (, 0.ALBERT FROST Ju?tice of the Peace THE P1NCKNEY DISPATCH Wednesday, September 26, 1928 NEIGHBORING N1IVS Ann Arbor's oldest mail carrier pu.-su-d awaj recently after S3 years Ol' >r!"vic» J. '1'h pu.-toffii/r department states thiii.-warms of b'/es niay now be sent th-ou'-':! th»: mails providing delivery can b«- made in five days. \"i-rnon Locey'* new amusement builiiini; opened Saturday p. m. T: is tjuildint? houses bowling,billardi fu'.intairi service and u skating rirk. Dr.Ho 11 is SLg-le:- and wife are making a motor trip through New York sin* and will return via Canada. Tat home of Rex Dro^Ti at Howell (i;.y la-i we-^k but wii extinguished caught fire from gasoline stove one b. f-.w.j :iu ". daia--/<" wu«ik'i f.mr. u/id Mrs. 3. F. Hadley of Lynilui! announce the marriage of then I o i: burglarized last week and $140 tak i-n Jay I*.Sweeney of Howell has been appoint' d count> commander of tb. Ai'i''fiean Legion. I'h.i.aany freinds of Edw rd and ]."u He -y, who have spent the ^um-,rv r touring the West will be inter-. si, d to know that they have sailed fm!,. S«attle for the Orient.They will v. k. stop.- at Japan, China, the PM- ; : :pir:i > and Hawaian Isles, returning to San Francisco about the middle of N(,w'i:br!' Dexter Leader. \ and Mrs. Wm. Thompson and ll.-u'j r<, Rita and Zeta, of liridge- ;cat> r,-ia-nt Saturday night with Mr. :,nd Mrs. Frank Rattle. Fra' k Sharpey and wife of Dexter v.-.-rt- Tl'ursday callers at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Henrv Harris. AUTO TRIMMING Am prepared to do all kinds of auto trimming and upholstering at reasonable rates. Come and look over my new line of samples. Upholst'ring Will upholste* or rebuild all knds of furniture. All the 'at--l fabrics to choose from Satisfaction Guaranteed. J. R. (RAY; KENNEDY Pinckncy Phone 23F2 ^1¾¾¾ ~ AN ~ T ' - ') ' FOWLERVILLE FAIR PROGRAM ANNOUNCED FOR OCT. 3-6 All the buildings on the Fair ground* are wearing new fall coats of exposition white, the grounds have been put in front lawn condition and everything is in ship shape for the 42 nd annual fair to be held October 3 rd to 6th. Last year for the first tirae a Saturday Fair was announced, this gave 1 city residents and students an opportunity to attend and proved to be such a sucesa that the same arrangements will be repealed this year, the three active days being Thursday Friday and Saturday. Fowlerville always features a strong Agriculture and Stock show but has gained a state.wide reputation because of the brand of race programs and ball games put* on each year. Much of the success of the two events are dw to the late dates of uau^hti-r Marion to Claude Teachout fair, the m lament admit. At this laiiilla. time the ^BPr League season ha \. Donald, pastor of the Howell closed and tse big time players are M. K. Church has been transferred to available, always there are in the D. t.-oit. line-up player* like Ehmke, Veach, Chicken thieves have commenced Manion Whitejbill, Woodall and last Hair activities in some of the near bu* not least Ahe local heroes, Gehringer and Messinger. towns. Henry Giles of Sylvan had banvd rocks stolen one day last Being the last fair in Michigan A < >-k. makes it the round up of the best Thi- Kroner store at Brighton was horses racing in the Michigan Circuits, last year saw horses from Ohio, Illinois, Indiana and Canada racing here. The track record was broke at both the trotting and pacing gaits in Thursday Program A.M. Light and Heavy weight horse pullingjcortests Stock Judging. P.MJ. Baseball Fowlerville v S Williamston. Harness Racing- 2:2o Pace Michigan Three year old Trot, Quot Pitching. Friday Program Rase Ball Pleasant Lake vs lonevan's Checkers. Harness Racing 1::14 Trot 2:20 Pace 2:19 Trot Qaoit pitching. Saturday Program Base Ball - The winners of Thursday and Friday Games. Harness Pacing 2:2f, Trot - Free for all. o Mr. and Mrs. "W. H. Meyer and Rev. B. F. Esic were in Detroit Saturday. PERCY ELLlT AUCTIONEER ARM SALES A SPECIALITY r Inckney Phone 19F11 Drs. H.F. & C. L-SKiLER Office to well PINCKNEY Office.. Hours l:00to 2:30 P.M. HIRAM it SMITH LAWYER in Court Houte Don W. YanWinkle Attorney at Law Mich. Office over First State Savings Bank Howell, Mich. KINDNESS ahoud be a part of eve*y endeavor;it is an impo FOR SALF-Dining room suite.several pieces of used furniture, includng davenport and chairs, refrigerator etc. Frank Bowers. LOST-Pair of gold bow glasses. Finder please return to Isabel! Nash. LOST A pair of shell rimmed glasses. Finder return to P.H.Swarthout FOR SALE-Truck rack, 6x8.in good condition. John Dinkel FOR SALE Several rowboats at at the north end of Patterson Lake. Priced reasonable. Priced Reasonable Jack Reska FOR SALE-rigs and sows due to farrow soon. Also thoroughbred Duroc boar. * George Greiner FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-Good sedan for cash or cow; also good 18 ft. ladder. Inquire at this office. FOR SALE-Beagle rabbit dog, registered, for sale cheap, a good one. Gorman Kelly FOR SALE-Delco Light Plant,850 Watts, 32 Volts. 2 years old. 16 hew batteries. In fine condition. Have Edison service now. Girard's Garage, Lakeland, Mich. professional freshen Oct. 19 and one good Work Horse will trade Hairy Hess, Pinckney FOR SALK-No Hunting trespassing signs. Dispatch Office. and NOTICE-- T have horses for sale lone as this adv: continues. W. H. Euler. No FOR SALE Two Durham cows, are fresh and the other will be in in November. Emil Dryer FOR SALE--Saddle horse, wt. about Kind and gentle, sound and all right. James Fiske. FOR as SALE Antiques, Mrs. Marion Burnett, Lakeland FOR SALEL--A good team of horses at a very reasonable price. Inquire of Eugene Campbdl FOR SALE-Lo Black Top Ewes and 19 lambs. Mrs. S. E. Darwin 50 Sheridan St Pontiac, Mich. FOR SALE-Combination hay and stock rack. Also kettle and jaaiet for stock food cooking. Frank Haynes, Pinckney Such Comfort in Electrical Housekeeping FOR REMOVING D US T_ THE VACUUM CLEANER HAS NO EQUAL 1 ONE WEEK OF RECORD-MAKING, VALUE-GIVING, RUG SELLING! FEATURING EXCEPTIONAL 1 VALUES IN ROOM SIZE RUGS OF THE FINEST TYPES. DISCOUNT 15% DISCOUNT An event in which the finer grades of 9x1 2 Rugs are in the majority Cushion your floor against winter's chill with one of thes e fine rugs. Since they bear our guarantee of service and dependable quality they will be welcomed into the h ernes of a\\ practical lovers of the beautiful. == An unusual variety of pattern and of sizes insures a satis factory selection for all rooms and purposes. A FREE AIRPLANE RIDE VACUUM cleaner attachments make it almost effortless to remove dust from the hard-to-get-at places. Powerful suction draws dust into the bag instead of spreading dust anew. Everywhere in the household, dusk collects: on bare floors, along picture molding, on walls, behind radiators,in furniture upholstery but the vacuum cleaner draws it out. EASY. SPEEDY. 2c AN HOUR J Guaranteed vacuum cleaners may be purchased on convenient terms at any office of* Through the cooperation of Mr. Jack Hall, the first Howell man *.. ;,wn and operate an airplane in Howell, we are pleased to announce that with each $r>0.00 purchase we can give a ticket entitling the hol.-o to a free ride in his airplane. The plane is' piloted by one of the best pilots in Michigan and a good safe ride is assured all who wish to avail thom^elve. of this opportunity. THE A "» *S * *'j It El It Jl A \ ]?' DETROIT EDISQN COMPANY

9 ITEMS OF 16 YEARS AGO John McCleer and Miss Reithmiiler were married at St. Mary's Churck by worthy matron,mrs. Beulah Miller Wednesday by Rev. Pr. Coranrrford and the following program was put Several young couple gnvr : Beth on: Song "America** led b Y M*&. Svrauthout a surprise Thunil;iy evening in honor of her 16th birthday. Florence Baughn invocation, KrsJva Gardner; Presentation of the Flag, Mrs. Lucy Reason; Receiving Flag, The following prices will be paid Mae Rollison;, RoD Call, ^, Mrs, for milk delivered at the Howell i Boylan; Address of Welcome* factory for the next six months: Oct. j Nettie Vaughn; _. Response T.uella $1.15, Nov. $1.2i>, Dec. $1.35, Jan. j Rathburn. $135, Feb. 1.35, March $1.30. The following officers were elected by the O.E,S.to serve for the coming year: W.H, Mrs. Emma Crane W. P., Cary Van Winkle; A. M. Mrs Julia Van Winkle, S.Miss.Maude Teeple, Sec. Mi&s Mocco Teeple, Ada, Alias Mildred Gardner; Ruth, Miss Grace Gardner, Esther, Mrs. Emily Jackson. Martha, Mrs Laura Sigler Electa, Mrs. Georgia Gardner, Warder, Mrs. Myrtle Brown, Chaplain Mrs. Etta Durfee, Organist, Miss Mable Sigler, Sentinel, Mrs. Addie Mclntyre. ^1^ Putnam Farmers Club met vith Mr. and Mrs. Charles Campbell Saturday. The following ' program was put on. Inst Solo by Mrs John Chambers; Reading by Mrs. Joe Placeway;Solo by Miss Andrews; Recitation by Miss Mfable Fish; Song by Miss Iva Placeway; Reading by Mis? S J. Kennedy; Solo by Miss Addie Kice; Recitation by Miss Iva Placeway; Solo, Miss Florence KicejQuestoon Box. A?200 pursue will be put up for tiie ball games at thn Fowlerville Fair tlii> year. The Anderson ball team was defeated by Howell at Howell last Saturday by a score r f 15 to 1. Chas.Rose of Stoekbridge and Mrs. Lydia Buhl of Detroit were MarrkJ Thursday. Miss Tessie Sweetman entertained ed a number of friend? at pedro Monday evening in honor of lur coisin, Miss Man* of Detroit. Glenn Gardner has tnrolled in the Engineering Dept of the M. A. C. at Tiansing. The Debate at the North Hamburg Church last Sunday was largely attended. The subject was "Resolved that Fireworks Be Prohibited on Independence Day" Mr. MJartin and Rev. Myme took t!-o affirmative and Hiram Smith and Claude Rollison the Negative. The judt?(;- docided in favor of the negative, o EASTERN STAR MEET HERE The eighteenth annual mee'.ng o : the Livingston county O. E. S. wtu held at Pinekney last Tuesday. The meeting was called to ordei Lela Mrs. Rathb Following the business session the program was resumed. A History of the County Assoc, was given by Nora Cooper; Songs, Florence Burkhart; Reading, Alta Myers; Memorial Service, past matron of Pinekney; Address, Mrs. Mary Watson, The following officers were elected for the coming year: Pres. Mrs. Emma Watson, Ho well; First Vice, Mrs. Luella Rathburn, Brighton; 2nd Vice Mrs. Florence Baughn, Pinekney; 3rd, Mrs. Lela Boylan, Brighton; Sec'y--treas., Mrs. ML LaRue, Howell; Chaplain, Mrs. Minnie Neuman, Brighton; Marshall, Mrs. Mae Neuman, Fowlerville. Supper was then served to 150 at the Congregational Church parlors by the T'hilathca Class. The eveningsession was then called to order by the president, Mrs. Belle Cook of Brighton. Following the reports of the different committees the officers were installed by Minnie M. Rusie, past president of the Wayne county assoc.; opening service, Pinekney chapter, initiation by selected officers with school of installation by worthy grand matron, Mrs. Mary WaU>on; closing of chapter hv Pinekney, closing of assoc. by president. Officers of the initiation were W.M. Mary Dean, Brighton ;worthy patron, Ona Campbell; assoc. matron, Mrs. Beulah Woodruff.Howcll, sec'y-, Mrs. Mary Pinney, Brighton; trcs., Mrs. Viola Read, Pinekney: conductress. Mrs. Florence Burkhart, Fowlerville; assoc. con.. Mrs. Ethel B!ockmer, Fowlerville: chaplain.mrs Flte Moon Howell; marshall, Mrs. Mildr*»d K'ng, Howell; organist, Bessie Woods, Fowlerville; Ada, Norsine Peterson, Fowlerville; Ruth. Winnifred Graves, Pincknev; Esther, Vivian Russcl. Martha,* Hazel Philhs, Brighton Electa,, Vema Monroe Howell; warden, Flossie Chambers, Pinekney sentinel, Wales Lelnnd; Pinpkney. FIRE PREVENTION WEEK LOCAL AND GENERAL Thn we^k of October 1st to 6th has been desognated as Fire Prevention Week which all Americans, both ^ M M city and country dwellers, are asked Mrs. L. C. Rogers and laughter, to dbserve in helping check th^ ravages of an element which takes an Miss Blanche Martin were in Ann Marilda, Mrs. W, II. Bowman and an appalling toll of human lives and Arbor Saturday. property every year. Not the least of L. G. D«;\ereaux was home from the important factors involved in the Owosso Sunday observance of this week Is that of Sam LaBoeum and wife of Sandwich Ontario, spent the leek end in forest fire" since they have a direct bearing upon a great national economic question, which should be the Mrs Grace Crofoot left for Am Pinekney with Mrs. Anna Kennedy. concern of all of us. Arbor Saturday to spend the winter In this issue of The Dspatch there with Mr. and MVs. Fred Grieve. is nn illustrated feature article by Mrs. Roy Merrill and daughters of Elmo Scott Watson which offers an Webster were Sunday evening caller? illuminating discussion of *his question. Be sure and read "Fight the at the home of Mrs. Nettie Vaughn. Fire Demon!" in this issue. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Teeple had as their guests several days last week ELF FRENCH CARR Mr. and Mrs. Jamet Clark of Fucalo, Eli French Carr, son of Darwin N. Y. and Caroline French Carr wa* born Mr. and Mrs. Paul Chapin, the on the old Carr homestead, now owned by Ross Hinchey, on April 21, grove of Detroit were Sunday after Misses Virginia and Kathleen Cos As a young man he followed noon visitors at the home of Mr. and the profession of teaching and was Mrs. Lucius Doyle. granted a life certificate from the MV. and Mrs. S. H. Carr, Mrs. Michigan State Normal at Ypsilanti in He taught m various ' tier and daughter, Yvonne, attended Robert Jack, Mr. and Mrs. Milo Ket- schools in the county for a number a birthday party honoring Clarence of years until a serious illness caused i Smith at Ypsilanti Sunday. an incurable deafness obliging him to I Flovd Reason spent the week end give up teaching. in Ionia, In 1871 he was married to Miss Eva Walker, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Victoria Wedemeyer and Mr?. Leland Walker of Hamburg <ind daughter, Agnes, of Detroit were. moved to the farm where he has Sunday callers at the home of Mr. ' since resided. Three children wpre and Mrs. Frank Bowers, born to this union, Fred who died at Dr. Wylie of Dexter was in town the age of 13 years, Judge Leland Monday. Carr of Lansing and Gertrude of K amaxoo. Mrs. Carr died in lf»22. Since which time he has lived alone. He was found dead Wednesday morning, September 19 by Charier Bullig, a neighbor. The cause of his death was strangled hernia. The funeral wu held from the Swarthout funeral home Friday at 2:00 p. m., Rev. B.F. Esic officiating. Interment was in the Pinekney cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Dinkel and son, Junior, visited Mr. and Mrs. James* Alldson at Fowlerville Sunday. Edwin Brown *.vho has been working at the state sanitarium this summer left Monday to resume his vork in the U. of M. law department at Ajnn Arbor where he is a junior. The Misses Fanny Monks, Nellie Gardner and Mo*, and Kru. Frank Bowers were in Jackson and Lansing Sunday. > Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Mclrtyre entertained at a chicken dinner Friday Mise Blancae Martin, Mrs. L. C. Rogers and' daughter, Marilda iir. and Mrs. Ona Campbell were in Jackson Friday. HASKOB URGES WOMEN TO VOTE Points Out Gov. Smith's Welfare Record, His Legislation in Behalf of Women. ALL HAVE RIGHT TO BALLOT (This is the second of a series of campaign discussions by John J. Raskob, chairman of the Democratic Na- <+n*i Committee.) By JOHN J. RASKOB Never before has a campaign preented issues of such vital importance o the wives and mothers of the na tion. The American home should be represented In full voting strength at the polls. The nation In normal times make? tremendous demands upon the Amer lean woman. In times of stress the country calls upon its womanhood to rit.k a surrender of future happiness American womanhood can protect th home against unworthy official? by choosing worthy ones on election day. The- woman's viewpoint has become essential to the peaceful prosperity oi the nation. This viewpoint can only be translated into national action by the exercise on the part of the women of their voting right. In the 1920 elec tion only 37 per cent of the popular vote was registered by the women More than half of the women of vot Ing age refrained from casting their ballots. A particular appeal is being directed by both parties to the women for their votes. The Democrats are basing their appeal on the social welfare record of Governor Alfred E. Smith, the Presi dentlal nominee. His accomplish mente in behalf of women in industry, in the fields and tn the homes, the mothers and future mothers of our people, tebtlfy to his sincere regard for the home. The Republican campaign among the women consists largely of subtle, whispered suggestions concerning so cial and relrgious distinctions. Foreign-Born Women The foreign-born woman married to an American citizen from whom Amer ica has the right to make all demand? for services in time of peace and war. must not be deprived of her vote due to lack of Information as to her rights The laws of the country affect her home to the same extent as any other There are over one million foreign born women who are entitled to vote It has been brought to my attention that election boards in some section? of the country are refusing to registei such women on the ground that the> are not citizens It should be understood that an> woman, who, prior t September , married a citizen Is a citizen ol the United States by the very fact of her marriage. Further, any foreign born woman who became a citizen of the United States by marriage retains her citizenship though, divorced ot separated from her husband, as long as she resides in the United States. Election officials should be fully ac quainted with the laws in relation to citizenship, and those who have barred foreign-born citizens from reg fsterlng on that ground have commit ted a grievous wrong Offe>s Aid The Democratic National Committee is prepared to answer all questions on this topic and attention will be given to each Individual rase so that the foreign-born women will be fully in formed of their rights I will welcome letter* addressed to me personally by women who have been denied regis tration and 1 will see that such case? detely answered by the law <!ta*> of the Democrats. ' &t is one of the high eat" privileges of citizenship, and nc woman should have any sense of em barraaament about registering and vot lag. The vote came to our women after one of the greatest political cm s&des in the history of the world. The vote has a value to every woman Properly cast, it means a better home protected by a better government. It is at the same time a high civic duty and an important privilege. To vote is elevating, not degrading. Do not be ashamed or afraid to vote. Let your home express itself in the af r airs of the nation. See that you are on the Registration List so that you will be eligible to ote on' Election Day. 130V. SMITH VISITING WESTERN CITIES Citizens of seventeen cities between New York and Helena, Montana, will have had a close-up view of Governor Alfred E. Smith, at the conclusion of his present campaign tour through the West. The Governor's schedule calls for speeches at Omaha, Oklahoma Cky, Denver, Helena, Minneapolis and Milwaukee. Hlg Itinerary is as follows: Sept. 17, Chicago; Sept. 18, Omaha, Sept. 2u, Oklahoma City. Sept. 21, Newton and Dodge City; Sept 22. La Junta and Denver; Sept 23, Cheyenne; Sept 24. Billings, Butte and Helena. Sept 26, Bismarck and Fargo; Sept. 27, Minneapolis and St. Paul, Sept 'ID. Milwaukee, Oct. 1, Rochester, N.Y. Governor Smith's speeches will he Broadcast over a hook-up of radio.-actions reaching from coast to coast. Dyer of Indiana, and Reed of M.nnesota, Declare for Smith. RASKOB ADDRESCES FARMERS Democratic Chairman Stresses Need for Program Which Will Bring Farm Prosperity Urges Tariff Equality. Further evidence that sentiment for Governor Smith is sweeping the Mid die West Is contained in the announce mem that J. F Reed, for seven years president of the Minnesota Farm Bu reau federation, and John Napier Dyer of VlncenneH, Indiana, director In the American Farm Bureau federation will support the Democratic candidate for President Both Reed and Dyer have been life loiig Republicans Each has issued a it; merit setting forth that the Re publican party has turned a deaf ear to American agriculture and that the clnmpionship of the cause of the farm er hv Governor Smith now compels true friends of agriculture to enlist In the Democratic forces. Meanwhile, Joh-n J, Raskob, Chairir;;!i of the Democratic National Comm.ttee, was asserting the urgent need for a national policy giving the farmer prosperity and tariff equality 'The greatest insurance for our future prosperity." said Mr Raskob, "will depend on our ability to increase the purchasing power of the farmer. That can be done only through givhng the farmer tariff protection, thus putting him on an equality with Industry and enabling him to pay the high wages for farm labor which he is compelled to pay in competition with Industry " Cycle of Prosperity Putting our farms on a profitable earning basis, Mr Raskob pointed out, would give the farm population, "which constitutes 30 per cent of our total population, tremendously increased purchasing power. Norw pur chasing power means consumption and consumption requires production*- production requires labor and labor employed again means purchasing power and thus the cycle of prosperity Is Cor.plf

10 PICTORIAL LIFE OF HERBERT Ro.5 BySattcrfeU Hoover At Ten 1. After the death of Herbert Hoover's mother In 1884, he went to Uve witt> his Aunt Millie in Cedar Rapids. la. 2. He WM oo%\ ten years of age old enough to assume an important share In all manner of farm work. A photograph of the Republican presidential candidate taken at about i the time of his mother's death. -. >. -i Due for New Home 8. In winter Herbert and his cousin rode - horseback to school two miles away. THEY AGREE ON POLICIES 4. The future engineer constructed a mow hi R machine out of an old cross-cut saw, using «helper for power. Love Aids Hoover Herbert Hoover's favor,te po^ce dog "TrU" will acesrr.pany him to t'-.e Whit- Ho us: in l':2 event of his el-:ct'en to tho Free!:.':.-icy. Organizes Vets Withdrawing from the Derrccratic race for 1 eutcncmit ccvernor of Texcs in or-'cr to cv~i l-'s 6"~,oo"t to I'cover, Thomas B. Leo, of Crltrc, v.:red the Renfb'Ic^n cirdi^ate fiat pvy blunders c^n prevent him from carrying the Lone Star State. HDOVERI/M The Presidency is more than execu- The greatest government experttive responsibility. It has the iuspfr- } ment in human history was unive-sa) ing symbol of ail that Is highest In free education at public expense and America's purposes and ideals. it has been successful. The tie between the child and all adult life is at once the strongest and the gentlest element In human nature. If democracy is to secure lu authorities In morals, religion, statesmanship, it mus* stimulate leadership from Its owu tuass. Koover Docs Big Tilings Hoover Is the man of big doings. Tell thai to the young people. It r.'iil appeal to their imnsir.ati ar.d corner their ve'es. An-i it's trus, too. Orange CS. J.) Courier. Hoover ism National character cannot be built by law. It is the sum of the moral fibre of Its individuals. Herbert Hoover. Col. Hanford. fc^nlder, past national Commandar'ff the American Irtfnt «&

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