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1 Ätuth w a r s no masti, ùoirs at bo human stirine, Sffhs nrittirr piare or applausr: shr only asfes a hearing." VOL. XXXVI. CHICAGO, JULY», 1884., KiAdfn of lh«j ocvhal i r t M *ctallr n < )u n N to k d<, in Items of news, iw n't ear " 1 can1! writ** for m* p r W send the fart., imlto liain whnt Tmumril to if, and cul ft abort. All aucb (otrmunlcnuoia trill be fropfrlj nrrangtri for jiabtlealton bjr the Editor*. Node** of Hm Uhw. Inform.-»tlon eoncrm lu thr orgun nation of now Societies or (bo eon4!tlon of old o n «; movement* of lecturer» and medium», loter*»unir Inei- denti ol ipfrlt communion, and well authentic«teo account* of eptrlt phenomena are elwaj» to place and will be pabtlibed aj *eon a* sowlbte. OONTBNTR. r i a i r P aaa Oo to* K*tr*aittii»arr upan» Cooum a n o JU»reo «tp iiaterialiuuod*. **>» f> * aa-rro ia fn m u n u w i* spirito*n>m. t i l l - H i t Sptrtt Children Vital» L'enieterj. an d en * SM*A* ta BUarandmoUirr. K rau (ram Hew Sooth Wale* A Tt*lon rretried. T a n s F * «a -W e a u t and tit* Hoo»*h«d, Mlauk** of ln - m u tato r*, ta c tic * *t CuMtaAt* I a l e ItcepUon to Dr. and Wrv B ri. M jta ito n far Jal* not before Mentioned Hook* 1 la n in o. KtaMltAomta AdrertUe toeot*. Fotrarw P*#«. ip w iii H*U«a Motto* to Solweriben U t l lieor* Oribodol and Heterodox. To to u r Tenu, O K n e lt lb * im monal U l t Tb* M ule* of T ol oj. ral*e Coaiemtl*«). A U o n len r Uose lo Jr*u*. orner Al Motee. TìTTm pasta Call for ltn> Aucun M edica of Ute Ameritan bplrtlualut Anoriatlon T ^C oenne»l L aie tonai«ci Camp Mortine Auguri Ulta, fubtunrr'«notice. Uta. cetlanema A dnttuem raia. j 1 ''q r i r a 1 U t - K w 11/ and»/a t i n»lew from IlrtmiiM» Contar, L eiter m an lb* a n t^u o o n ialu State. Unwk. Ijn (N. Y ) Spiritual fraternity. Ttadfee' Splrttumllit Aid Soctaty, Inainoli. LetU-r froa our Hallan Correspond, rot- Ilia Concituloaa, I» UalerlalUaCon Proof of Mplr. It Identity T Motee and Extracte no MKo»Uan«xu SuU- J"11, X a t i n t i I tea-tm «-LK * ta w n u We H ate It A LtaUnlca Calculator. Mlacellaneoa* AdTerttaemenia E tetat llfaata Tbe Hew Rndaivd Splilluaitil* earnp M rft to* Ita M b lk e. Klrrrntb Annual ConTOfatlon at L ate iteaaant, Montague. U m On tlooaae Tunnel Houle from Aug. 2nd In Auguri SUL ISSA UltaWllaneou* Ad! rm ltemeau. Poe lb* HetlglO Pbilmcphleai Jom-naL On the Extraordinary Spare-Content with Be Term co to Materializations. BY SURGEON-MAJOR JOHN K, PDttDON, M. B. The high and representatlve position occupimi by the UKi.iitio-PiiiLosoriiirAi, Journal must compel It in justice, alike to the sup' porters anil opponents of the great body ol fact mid theory, for which It «lands sponsor, to disease the phenomena of modern Spirit- tutllseu from all possible -point«of view. Assuming, then, as a matter of course, that the account of the glance, written by Or. Charles Holland and published In the J o u r n a l of May 3d, la substantially correct and physically trne so far as regards objective details of the appearance of visible and tangible figures not produced by any of thetiu- merouh methods at the command of the conscious or unconscious deceiver assuming, In fact, that those honost. truth-seeking Spirit uallsto were engaged lu an experiment, and no more, the present writer asks for permission to lay before the scientifically educated Spiritualists, some thoughts to which he has been obliged to turn, aaailordlag acer tain amountof eat Infection in peculiar cases. The editorial comment upon the manifestations question, is guarded, and concludes with the following sentence: We wilhsay, however, that tbe experiment as written out, was not free from defects, and that tbe record has no particular value from a scientific stand point, as data In tbe study of spirit phenomena." The present writer begs respectfully to differ from the editor-in-chlcf. nod to point out that Dr. Holland has, in his account, perhaps unwittingly, afforded internal evidence of great moment to the physiological psychologist, and that bis written statement possesses a very particular value from a scientific stand point, as data in the study of eplrlt- pheuomena. Dr. Holland says: It may not be improper to state here that the night previous (to the day on which tbe adanee was held) 1 was suddenly taken with an extreme,hemorrhage of the bowels; it was exceedingly profuse and weakened me greatly, so much so that I was somewhat alarmed. 1 involuntarily, as It were, called upon my spirit friends, to stop tbs flow of blood, and It ceased as suddenly as It came I woe alone in my room at my hotel, and did not take any medical remedies, but obtained very tittle rest during jhe night. The following morning, the morning of the day of o f f seance, I consulted iby spirit friends upon tbs propriety of attending the stance in my present condition. They directed me to dd so, and my unde said he would materialize himself and care me." The account goes on to yav that among the numerous materialized figures at tb* stance. Dr. Holland's uncle appeared and manipulated him,saying: Charles, this l# worth a hondred magnetic treatments by a mortal. I have great power in this direction; besides there are several spirits in the cjrtil urt-who are assisting me. You have too/jbttfn blood you have been making bloodtoo fast recently; change your diet for a while to cereals; but 1 will care yon." Dr. Holland here makes tbe remark;. His hands produced a burning sensatlon> which seemed to penetrate clear through my body. ~ Dr. Holland, from bis public description of those minute and private details, invitee discussion, and, therefore, regarding all be nyx in bis printed account as so much evidence in support of hie thesis, that open communion *w!lh the departed Isa physical possibility (a metaphysical or ultra physical possibility is to US, while still necessitated to realize through the agency of a physical brain, n mere abstraction, whatever il may imply to those occupying a It-ss restricted sphere of existence), the present writer will venture to conuect some of his own investigations, by the aid of analogy, with the purely physiological mutter of fact Introduced by Dr. Holland. Hemorrhagic fluxes from the nose, bowels and otherwise, in the cases of both males and females, have been repeatedly observed by him in illm-t relation with psychic manifestations, the connections being so close and evident, qs, for Instance, In the case of the celebrated medium of ten i earn ago. Florence Cook, studied by William rookes, K. K.9., that the writer has obtained from her, when she was stepping ont of the cabinet after a successful materialization, a handkerchief saturated with blood; the seat of the congestion on the brain bsldgdetermined by an optical analysis, which showed the organ of color sensation to be profoundly disturbed. By the aid of a judiciously selected aeries of cases, the writer has been able, link by link, to construct a chain of psychical sequence, the Individual members of which were more or leas medlumlsllc In temperament and expression. The extreme links of this chain may be taken as represented by the above case on the one hand, while on the other the type case was that of a young man suffering from a functional neurosis of the sympathetic system manifested by a periodic hemorrhagic flow from the bowel», treated as u case of dysentery until it was shown by the present writer that the periodicity of the attack and the absence of the graver symptoms of dysentery (by the light of sex analogy) pointed more particularly to a derangement of the sympathetic, that department of the nervous system presiding over the emotional side of conscious existence, a diagnosis which was confirmed and acknowledged to be correct from tin» subsequent study of the case for a period of eighteen months. This case is taken as the inferior limit of the chain of extraordinary psychical manifestations; for though notbidg at all of what might be dalled either objective or sub- I eetive spiritualistic^ manifestation wad mown to be related to the case, the trained naturalist will appreciate the fact that fits of unconsciousness, preceded and accompanied by marked Intermittent action of the heart, were a common feature, directly related, of course, to the sympathetic tension, and so far ^apparently, purely organic in Character; but having great light thrown on its Inner nature, from the fact that during true sleep, and the suspension of consciousness, proper, the action of the heart became normal, no matter how marked the intermissions may have been before tbe, patient went to sleep. The s u b je c tiv ity o f the o rg a n ic n ervo u i system Indicated by this case (a subjectivity which cannot be dismissed by clawing the rase as ep ilcp to id. or by making useof any descriptive term whatever),constitutes its great value to the psychologist; It indicates the phenomenon of deranged force«in the nervous operations, induced by to m e definite d is tu r b in g cause, which il appeare must be the fundamental postulate in the phrsioiitu 'F a case os related to the general subject of medium,ship, the writer has little doubt. In support of this view ho may mention that one of the most powerful Loudon mediums of his acquaintance, whose ease he studied professionally, informed him unsolicited, that he suffered from periodica] fluxes of blood from the bowels,his ease being analogous in many ways to that above described. Between theee limits the writer has studied tbe cases of male aod female snbjects, where undoubted relation existed between the appearance of subjective, visual and anral Images, and (he occurrence of cougeetlon, which was relieved by hemorrhage, and he believes that in all the case«so studied neurotic variation in the behavior of the heart could be traced. Borne of these persons could not tell whether the appearances presented were real or otherwise; there is here, however, always to bo considered the difficulty of determining.the existence of the real by the action of the senses alone. The writer feels justified In fat any rate provisionally) considering Dr. Holland's special rase In reference to his own special «tody of the «abject of physiological Spiritualism and, therefore, since Dr. Hoiland-has put himself before the public as a 'professional Illustrator of a profoundly important scientific truth, he must be content to excuse any re'f- erenee to what the writer considers the moat important part of his communication. ' The present writer discu»^d the question of solid dreams some years agio in the London.VpirifvoJi*f, and it was there pointed out that it might be quite possible, without vlo- latipg any of the recognized analogies, to conceive that tbe establishment of stream«lu the ether of space, depending on the radiation from the body of a less degraded form of aneny than that of beat, might.be the physical cause of the formation of what may now be called a spiritual or psychic field, the direct consequence of this nenrie Induction being thepiwctlcabillty ( so-called mate rial- i; it was hinted that, in certain states of thi nervous system, tb* blood might directly furnish what may now be called, to fix Ideas, tbe p tych o -p ta m n a, or stuff which constructed tbe materialised figures; and It was shown that such a stuff might be compared to milk la its physiological properties (L Capable logical treatment of tfie problem of medium- ship. That he is right in Introducing such of being re-ahxorbed by the organism ] If the nrocc*«wiif-reby it was secreted were reversible. By this, ii was intended to to* ronvpyed tfiat n trem endous am ount of m anifestation of spore-occupancy m ight t»»ke place with Very little true irreversible dissipation of energy. if the reader will toke tbe trouble-'to calculate the equivalence of the burning of a few grains of hydrogen in the living bodv. In terms of furniture moving about, he willfind that, the possibility of a reversible process being granted, one «uch as has just been hinted at, very little true physical exhaustion on the part of the medium need appear under the form of work done or matter moved. Constructions maintained by stresses In the space filling ether, L e.. materialized figure«, would certainly demand for their longer or shorter continuance an expenditure analogous to that Incurred when a mass Is held In position against the earth Hattraction, when, though no work is done In the technical sens*, 1, matter moved, or resistance overcome, yet " molecular work " under the form of tension maintained, has to be accounted for with a necessary expenditure of energy. Within the ordinary conditions of animal activity between the expression of energy under tbe form of work done, and its expression under the formof radiated heat, mechanical science lias Uttle knowledge of possible vital activity. Mechanicians have yet to inaugurate the birth of a new branch of their science under the heading of transformed vitalities, the resnlt of the inductive method applied to the empirical Spiritualism of the present day. It in claimed by the present writer as a legitimate induction, from the data offered by modern Bplrltnallsgi, in extension of recognized physical and physiological principles, that between the above two modes lies an expression of energy not so completely reversible as mechanical work, and not so completely Irreverslbly-as heat energy. and that this expression furnishes the condition for spiritual manifestations; physical. where the accompanying form of intuition Is that of the external, end mental or impresslona). when the form of intuition is that of the Internal world of the sense», and mixed with, or partaking of. the nature of both, when both the external and internal forms of intuition are available to the subject. Some interference with tbe ordinary system of nsrvotis controls and Inhibitions, would account for the unreduced energy tem porarily placed at tbe disposal of the individual, or of some other Individual acting upon him, so that mesmerism and Spiritualism must in lime be recognized as departments of some grand science of homan enlargement, tbe science of the nltlrbate solidarity of the race. The new reality, tbe result of perturbations, manifest«on the external world of the «en«ee. taking npou Itself the properties of matter, if only a condition for such manlfe*tatioiis be furnished, a condition which, in He' purely mechanical aspect, the great mathematician and electrician. Clerk Maxwell, proves might be given In the assumption of strseseq and rectangular pressure«inaspaee-fljhngetber; the practical gffcund or working hypothesis upon which Faraday accounted for the results of all his experimental researcheirin electricity. Space is the plen u m to the mathematician and to the physicist, and must be resorted to wherever dearness of Ideas Is desirable In tbe discussion of psychical problem«. Why. when an attempt is made to work at Spirit- ualism on ita real and objective side, should the metaphysician decline to make use of tbe «ame bountiful «npply of energy as is placed at thb call of other naturalists? Since verbal metaphysics have given place to experimental psychology, why should the student, who «till pursues the introspective method, longer refuse to recognize the fact that substac.ee and space are correlatlvely the uni versa! p}6- viders, outside of which- nothing can exist; feeling and motion being In a last analysts the respective properties of their contrasted contents, while matter exists but in sensuons recognition, according to permanent rules of a normal organism, and energy hot the guon- fust, tbe reality at tbe basis, of all possible effort? The writer calls attention to Kant's distinction between space and time, his external and internal forms of Intuition; that whereas only the real and permanent exist in space, all things whatever most exist in time, since time la a condition of their being perceived by the»abjective consciousness. It may.be said that both the trie and the false, the real and unreal, may exist in a conscious lie««, and hence that the content of the Internal form is more general than that of the external. The fact seems to he that the content of the external form is a restriction, a projection In fixed terms of the variable content of tbe Internal. Berkeley said that the space content as given through the sense of vi»lon was the fixed form of tbe spirit; or, to uae his own words, that Mvision is the language of the autbor'of nature." When this id- a is grasped, either in Its general or It«more restricted sense. It 1«seen that the mere external Object may have its spiritual essence so completely cat off from that of the observer, that the sign may entirely replace the spirituality which it repreeeute. the sign plus the consciousness of spirituality being present when the subjectivity la active. Tb# opening up of the subjective caasdouaneas Into the otherwise merely space content, lu Itself a mere sign. Is tbe great achievement of modern 8ptritualism from the point of view of agen- erallxed Berkeleianlsm. The vlvlfieation of tbe sign, tbe recognition, through perturbation, tu t we an still In direct, though sleep- lug ffdatiori'hip w ith.the en tire space con- j tent,' i.c., th e universe, is the tru ly grand outcome of the despised physical Tnnrmcsla- >linns, w hen properly interpreted, in the term s of modern psychology we may say that the ' sign given to consciousness 'a n d, which (» laneuag» in its com pleted process employs! quite a difterent part of the organism from th a t working out the detail«of th a t jixoces*), becomes Itself endowed w ith life when corn- I m nnirations ore opened up between those different parts of the organism ; but this, as before rem arked, involve«an interference w ith those conservative restraint«known to- the physiologist as nervous Inhibitions. It 1«most respectfully submitted that there is no proof of the Identity of the Individualities manifesting themselve«to Dr. Holland- at any rate In the scientific sense of the word proof. We are «Imply Jiffered physiological disturbances on the one side, with a presumably related extraordinary space content on the other. It 1«not attempted to controvert or deny what he knows to be true. Love orarleapa tto rlu language and natrktkmm of science, and. therefore, no reference whatever is intended.to be made to those of bis own flesh and blood, who have so frequently appeared to lilm. But oil the grounds of edmmon sense and as a matter of mere probability, the writer, as one of the public, feels that he is justified lu raising the question of psychical waxworks with regard to the Kmpress Josephine," "Queen Bess," and such like fantastic portraitures." a«shelley has it. of wandering human thought." A* a Spiritualist, the present writer decline«the Invidious posijlon of appearing to kick against the existence of matter of fact, or of endeavoring to explain It away. " The true contention 1». that Dr. Holland was in such a condition as to lie himself a prolmtde factor in the production of the manifesto Hon*, and as such, accountable as a causal agent, to au Indefinite extent; i,t-, not only to some extent the source of the physical energy involved In the manifestations, tut to some extent al«o the source of the guiding Intelligences. One* the nervous system, (lithe existence of mind stuff as a molecular «ubjectiviiy, too low In the order of its complexity to be gras pub)«in tergnsnf conecious- ne-»«, though from analogy Ji may be Inferred a«the fourth term in»»iruple proportion. -Tiie present writer prefers to' consider (wy- chnloglcal paradoxes from the analogies of. fered by the science of quantity, and to regard the invaded and distorted personality, as expressed by the interpretation of the second term of the equation of personality, viz.; normal action founded upon normal feelings, plus zero action, tbe result of inhibited or otherwise completely quiescent nervous.system, equal to conduct to personal individual! - tv: that 1«tosav.theactual plus tbe poneibls is the true equation of individual conduct. The second term or psychological zero remains so as long as the molecular force«of lbs organ- ism'are allowed to neutralize each other and result in an ezpresnlon of physical energy lower than that which 1«tbe essential basts of conscious feeling; but when the energy thus permitted to pans through the organism without conscious expression, awakes, as It were, on account of the withdrawal of eon- Mtr xponent of the Individuality, is invaded, the subjective as well a* the objective eotj*»*- quenee of such invasion*, have to be considered; and here attention must be drawn to the Immense difference existlng between the term««abjective and conscious. ' Consciousness Isa mode of the subjective attitude of existence, but It is by po meanstts measure and its standard. AH. that we can say i«, that It Is for us, bgthjits highest and lowest mode, since It is the (rwtre of onr personality; but we may say Hurt It is our final court of appeal, for in St wevtjdge by evidence of tiipexlstenc«of something like ourselves In the world around us. of whatever order of magnitude, the infinitely great-or the Infinitely small. The first doty -of the investigator.who follow«the views of the present writer wilt» regard to tne apace content, Is. as fur as In him llee./to eliminate»elf ns the living factor. We are obliged to acknowledge a separate Individuality to other men; but where the artistic faculty Is present, as )n the case of many noted mediums, we must be on our guard against it«spontaneous expression. When seif walks abroad andftoges over unfamiliar ground, finding thereby unfamiliar physiological data' for translation into the language of jnealltf. too much circumspection cannot besbeerved to guard against it- possible blunders. The use of the term.aubjectirlty, without the preeenceof a corresponding personality. It may. be objected, Is an abuse of language, hut not more so than to Implied In the Inference that a community of ant«, when contemplated otherwise than as a very complicated machine, Riant be thought of as having a spiritual or subjective sloe to 11«-existenee. The conspiracy of all the bodily functions to the expression of a single and definite personality, indicates the existence of what may be called a higher order of quantity to the my- ebieal unit, and hence the attempt to differentiate psychical qualities of such an order in terms of self-cooscir'h»ne«s, must necessa rily rwolt In fallare. Neverthelww, tbe exist,-' ence of the lesser order of psychical quantities 1«an assured fact if we acknowledge tliat we require a composite body and brain to move and think. Just aa'the anatomist cannot directly dissect and microscopically rtady hia own nervous system, though be may do so Inferentlally from the examination of a similarly constituted being, so correspondingly, on the psychical rtde. the elemente of a personality may. without InvoJr- --.rtradlction, be placed at thediq anntbefr'who-through command of the d-- Ing evnlj posai of _w.. the d- tall* or component parts, may canse that In vaded or forced personality,* as expressible futn of will, to throngk the medium of will, to appear, even to itoelf, to vary, alnw its conduct, ita only tost of Identity, ts not eonsonint with its usual.practice; but how Kts Influence Is exerted in detail onr faculties do not enable ua to judge..% > can only fall back d j» d an aha logy.aii) picture to ourselves on audience or a nation moved to new and unexpected action by tbe Influence of the orator a t states- shut, who can so deftly handle the emotive «id* of human nature as to take men out of their proper wive«for tbe time being, and lead them tv 'p tiv e to m single dominant thought it may fa# for evil a* well pr,. or good. The fa tla. all chiral science i l l the difficulty of real of a dboadottorflm elements. Tbe lat# Froh learned Agnostics _ I ifiu i di (Ten 1tie* orpij- it time, Center in ^ the eofistraetiol it out of aocottodoos ord, or.e of tbe mort eentary,»ervative Inhibitions, a different state of af fairs arises with a nrc^qry'modification of tiie personality through modification of the behavior of the body. The causes at work Jn the removal of thewt Inhibition«are various, viz.: emotional, qnasi-vnlitional moral, pathological. and. In face of\the every-day occurrences we read of. extraordinary that is to»ay, spiritual.' To a full understanding oft he theory of spiritualistic manifestations MU-e sketched out, it is necessary to offer the rvader a few remarks on the Berkeleian philosophy of objective existent«in ihe word* of the great Irish mathematician, Sir-W. K. Hamilton: "Physical science treats of the causes of facts, the rationale of observed appearance«, It alms to discover laws of nature, which are. to us, only law«of human thought, such that by submitting to them we can foreuse appearance«, that is.correctly anticipate and expert involuntary states of our existence. Among these laws of nature or laws of thought, those which relate to force and motion are eminent in utility and interest. We are çonscfous of sensations, and irresistibly attribute them to some cause out of our setve»; this conviction being as strong as the eon«clou«qmi- of th«v Henaationa which it ae- cnmpaiiie«. But Berkeley maintains that we have no proof noi; analogy to make us believe that the cause of our sensations 1» different In ««nee from onraelv#«, from the beings on which it arts. Indeed, this cause of sensation appear» from al] ordjoary experience to art not only without caprlc**, but with perfect and underrating regularity according'to dtocoverable law«: and so far this cause or power seem«different in kind from our wills. But the experience of miracles makes Ible the before unseen analogy of this ower to will, by giving example* of an interruption In the usual connection «of jme- Ypmeûis, or sequi-nre of sensations. Miracle«do more; they»bow that tbe being or powèr which the study of our aensahuns has led us to acknowledge as the physical governor of the universe, b also the moral governor, tbe power which' produce«in u«involuntary emotions of remorse or peace; of blame or approbation; and mlraej««have shown that certain men were commissioned by the Great Baler to make known by word«and books his.will and his intentions to ns, on many important aubject*. on which we could not otherwise bave discovered that wilt and those intentions so clearly, if we eonid at all have discovered them-----he (Berkeley) only attacks the doctrine that tbe cause of our sefi- aatlon Is something quite unlike ourselves, unlike all minds, inert. Inactive, unthinking. Thb» doctrine he considers as not oft] destitute of ail proof, hot in a high di improbable; and I confess I think so too. And i am well Inclined to adopt the opinion which he substitut* although one might admit the former reunite, and yet reject or doubt of this; that the immediate causeof all onr sensations U the Supreme Spirit, lo whom we lire, move and have our being, acting on subordinate minds according to rule«which he has allowed them to discover." It will be seen that the aathte mind of Hamilton perceived that the Immediate intervention of the Deity did not provide tbe only possible solution to account tor interruption in the usual sequence of senaatiooe, asm study of tbe last paragraph la the above quotation will «bow. He would not have denied ihe intervention of Intermediate agencies, provided they were of tbe same nature as tbe finite spirit of man on tbe one hand, and the infinile gpirit of the Creator on the other. The writer will not enlarge upon this»abject, but b^wul at once claim this modification of thé d*ft#l»lan theory of causality as tbe necessary and sufficient basis upon- which to rear a cou»!»ten; theory of Spiritualism. T&* prime postulat* 1» that niin. in tor median: spirits and the Dtvlae.Spirit, are of the same nature and that, consequently. substance being one and eingle,.a possible subjective continuity may exist In varions decrees and to as indefinite extent In the mean time we mart by prepared to ealargt our knowledge by an -xtenrioa of tbe rational methods of»rteoc-*, and to accept an explanation u»nairiest, not because toan or angel aayg so, but because soeb explanation la found to fit In with the established and accepted body of natural knowt- * edge. Fc/temost among thaw methods is 1 that of»hjrtoiofrteal ita tt at all mental c k_ i are accompanied by, and is c

2 KELIG IO-PniLOSO PH ICAL JOURNAL. JU L Y 5,1884. For lb* UoiUlolTtU ntjhilü jotjm* From Puritanism to Spiritualism BY RILES B. STEBBIN'S. CHAPTER U. SAUCKL L. HILL When the Association broke tip. Its financial afin 1rs were In bad condition. line of Its lendine members, Samuel L. HUl, felt morally bound to we its debt* paid. Ho was not bound legally, but his name had helped lie credit, and he felt that he must make nil jrood. To the creditors lie said: "Give tue time and I will pay yon ali; if you disturb me I cannot do It. In len year* every dollar was paid, thousands more than he was worth on the start. He was a simple nucljmpretending man, plain in hfs mays, of remarkable sagacity and tire leas Industry, ills Integrity and sincerity the highest, his moral courage unsurpassed, his kindness and wise benevolence beautiful, his sound judgment remarkable. He became the leading owner and manager of the Nonotuek Sewing Silk Company, enlarged their works, filled with finest mechanism and employing over four hundred persomi. All that he took part tn must be honest and thorough. There wan no shatu In him, and there should be none in his mills. His word was his bond, his credit undoubted, ills promise unfail lug. j As the village grow tha school house was too small. He said to the town committee: "Givwjne the old house ami I will build a better one, In a year his building was comp le te ^ cost of $35,000. The upper story of a wing was a neat hall, for the use of the Free Congregational Society, and a library and reading room freo to tile factory workers and others, and he paid largely to sustain both. At a later time when all the school house was wanted, he paid over $20,000 toward building Costa Inn Hall for the Society, and helped to sustain this nnseetarlan effort for the presentation of different opinions In religion, the advocacy of practical reforms by representative men and women, and the moral instruct 1ob and innocent recreation of the young. He also paid $1.000 toward a kindergarten school, open to all children. Other men have paid money freely for public purposes, but few have been so unwearied as he was in well doing not known of men or so fatherly in their constant care for others. If sickness or misfortune came to any, ills help lighted their path as quietly and cheerily as the sunshine. If weakness or vice brought the trial, his warning was as faithful as It was kind; hi» sage suggestion was help to a better life, and not self-righteous rebuke. He helped the deserving to help themselves, and opened ways upward for the faithful and capable, Instead of nslng them, and Ihen pushing them down as Belll-di men oftetrdo. He was singularly tboughlful of all that might help the comfort or cultore of the people. The factory girl had from him the same quiet respect any lady of the *t»nd would have; boarding houses were planned for comfort and good bobarior; the atmosphere was everywhere permeated by a fatherly in line nee, a sense of protecting kindness. In his good efforts he had the ready help of co-workers of like spirit, hla son Arthur, A. T. Lily, manager in the mill, and others. The skilled labor needed called for good wages, and this helped to build up a tasteful village or some 3500 people, intelligent and well behaved beyond the average. A few years ago a Christmas party,was made for him In the Hull, Not far below the village was a large cotton mill, owned by another company on the rivfir, and many Irish Catholics were employe^there; but they bad felt a kindly wisdom that knew no limit«of creed, and they camé to tieef Prates tanta and heretics in all good will. They asked Father Hill to go to the foot of the stairs, and there was a nice sleigh, the gift of warm and honest hearts. -~ He whs so quiet and unpretending a* not to be appreciated by Btrangere, but his goodness and greatness grew with intimacy. In the " martyr days" of early anti-slavery, he wa* an abolitionist; among rigidly orthodox people he was a heretic, but with fidelity to conscience aa firm as that of any Pnrltan. Thought of reputation or business prospects never turned his course or sealed bis lips, and by this nobleintegrlty he won the respect and confidence of all; nls success a lesson to all time-servers and moral cowards, hla bravely persistent Industry aud courage a lesson to all weak and aimless soni». Ho was eonio- what above middle height, with a serviceable body built for useful work, a high and noble head, a serious aspect, plain and kindly manners, and tha quiet ways that we often see ta men of largo power. Hours and days ay his hospitable homo, quiet talks In his last years when illness kept him from notlre work, are well remembered. UBS. STETSON BELT-CONCEIT «TUTE». One of the best things for a young' man sometime# Ls to find out bow little be knowb. It take# down bis self-conceit aud settica him Into deeper thinking. At the Association I had that lesson. I was at the ago when self-. esteem is active, and was looking forward to the study of theology. Of course 1 felt wise! A Massachusetts youth who was a Whig, a Unitarian, and a prospective clergyman would naturally have a fair share *of complacent belf-satlsfaction. I had a room In a house G irtly occupied by Mr. Stetson and his fam- y, from Brooklyn, Ct, Mrs, Stetson was & superior woman, a personal friend of Samuel J. May, and other early anti-slavery leaders. One evening in their room the talk turned on antl-«lavery, and she quoted nome Bible text«favoring freedom. Gravely and with oracular aspect I spoke of Paul and Ones) mus, and of the apoiitfo sending the slave back to hla master. I can Bee yet the shade of amused pity that spread over iter fine face as she heard me through. Then she took up' the matter, and expounded the scripture In the light of liberty. As she expounded I became utterly con founded, perplexed and ashamed at my want - of knowledge and moral Insight. That l.one of the lords of creation, should bo made to feelk? by a woman! T, who hoped some day, like Bcott a Domina Sampeon, to wag my paw In the pul pi t,nshou] doe so hum I Hated by this woman, unlearned, as I supposed, in clerical lore! She was kind, but that made tall the worse. My conceit was,alt gone, r id there really seemed nothing left of mo. could not sleep half the night, thinking of my confusion atidt chagrin, -but at last It dawned on me that it was all right, and the next day. I went and heartily thanked hor for her words. We became cordial friends, and haring 'come into a teachable mood, I learned a great deal more from her. A VITI 13 EXPERIENCE THEO LOG ICAL STUDY ENDED. Another experience of that year la yet vivid. It woe one of those gleams of41the light that Dover wa* on Jand or sea. I boarded with my nods, Calvin Slebblnt, who came only tostay a year. He was a reader of realty great boo«, and one day he asked me li t bad ever seen Barelit b Apology," a Quaker work. I did not know of the book, and bad never met a memher of the Friend's Society. He handed it tome and told me how It* author. Harder of Ury his baronial estate near the Scotch bor- dpr wah a brave fighter, a chivalrous gentleman and a ripe scholar, ami became a peaceful Quaker, and addressed this hook to King Charles and tile priesthood a* tm apology or justification of his views in the days oi George Fox. I read the book with greal Interest. Its quaint language attracted me; Its noblesplr- lt and clear argument and insight held me and stirred my soul. 1 read It again, omitting some minor part«, but atudying his views or the inner light, of present inspiration, «f forms and ceremonies. Sabbaths, set-prayers, holy places, and ordained priests. A tide of new thought seemed to fill my whole soul, A Hood of light seemed to Illumine my inmost being. It was a lovely Juuo afternoon when I reached the last page of the book. I sat alone In that large, square, west chamber Its low ceiling and hare floor, with my pwa- table covered with oil doth, and my old Boston rocking chair In th«centre, I can see all; not us through the dim haze of years, hut as of this very hour. I paused ho If-way down the page, sat and thought, looked out of the windows, as though the grass and fiqwers, the sparkling stream, thp great hills beyond, the hum of the mill, and the blue sky, might Help... I read on slowly to the last word, aud then came au inward assurance, a new tide of spiritual life and light, i closed the book, luld my hand on 11, and spoke out with firm voice: "There! 1 shall never be an ordained minister. From that hour all plans and studies for a clergyman s career were given up without hesitation ortegipt, I have some good friend«among tliri clergy; good and true men, but my own pajir is clear. The world will need, and wilt -have, higher religious teachings In the future. Jluw they shall como la not for mo to say. We can air work and wait for the divinity that shapes our ends." \ CHAPTER III. * ANTI-SLAVERY GARHI80N WOMAN-BOT/BAGE TEMPERANCE. While at the Northampton Association 1 first knew William Lloyd Garrison, and began to understand tho anti-slavery movement. There was to bo a convention In the old church nt Northampton, aud notices wore sent to the towus near, to-be read iu the pulpits. This was a good way to test the clergy. The ttboll- tioulsbi said their effort was religious In thu deepest sense, their aim " to Drench deliverance to the captive, and that the church and clergy were In duty bound to help, if a clergyman read a notice from his pulpit it showed his sympathy; if not, he was held os blind or time-serving, practically au ally of slavery. They said to the ministers: "If our way does not suit you, show us a better, hut do something. Don t bo like dumb dogs. In this histones a notice vyas sent to Hatfield, and I was at home with my father thu Sunday U was read In the pulpit. It was handed to the young pastor by one whom he did not like to offend, yet he knew its reading would offend others; so ho coupled It with u warning not to go, as dangerous men and infidels were to be there. This facing both ways Bulled nobody. Before we were fairly off the Hieps of the meeting house, one of the best church members said: " I shall go and hear for myself," The warning was au iuvltatioh accepted by him and others. My father'd advice to bear all sides, sent me there, and 1 found a go- d au dim ice. whose general intelligence ana decorum surprised me. Among the group of speakers on the platform in front of the pulpit was one quite bald, with a genial face, strong and hopeful, wearing gold spectacles, simply but neatly dressed, of substantial clean-cut form, rather above the average slxe, his attractive and inspiring presence giving an impression of a clear sighted man who would go straight to the mark. This wa* Harrison, the incendiary, traitor of politicians, the arch-infidel of pro-slavery preach- orat He spoke with intense earnestness, and great moral power, but with entire self-poise, and In the beat spirit. I thought, "Verily, the devil Is not so black as he is painted. But the old prejudice was not gone. The next day my friend, Mrs. Stetson, my Paul and Ouesimn* expounder, asked me; "How did yon like Mr. Garrison? I replied: "Ho spoke well. I guess be wasn t in one of bis black moods." She laughed nnd Bald: " You will never see him la a black mood, and 1 never did. Soon after this came a great convention In Boston, and I wanted to go, but did not wish to ask my father for money to pay my expense«. Fortunately, Just In time, a message came to me from the great button- factory store at ilaydeuvllle, tocotueand help them take tho yearly account of stock, I w«dt, worked hard a week or more, came away with twenty-five dollars in my pbeket. independent as a millionaire, and went to Boston for a week. In the old Marlboro chapel I heard Phillips, Garrison, Abby Kplly. Parker, PHUbury, Pierpont and others. Such impassioned eloquence; such moral and spiritual power; such bold rebuke and warning; such exposure or iniquity in high places such tender pleading for the wronged and plundered! I felt that they were right, and went home under conviction. But I thought that possibly this splendid eloquence had swept me of! my feet, and resolved to wait a fortnight, think it over quietly, and then decide. The resolution was good, but the end of my appointed time found me an avowed abolitionist. This avowal la easy to tell of now, but It was not easy to make then. The rising generation can form but a faint idea of tha sway of the «lave power, the prejudice against abolitionists, and the contempt and hatred of the negro nt that time. Tho pest reached everywhere, like the frogs of hgyot in the plague of Pharaoh. The majority of the cler- B t of oil sects and sections, from Texas to nine, held slavery oh a1divine institution, sanctioned by the Bible, and those who did not, were overawed and «Dent. James G. Blrnev tells of a " PaetoralLatter of the General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church in 183d. lo their churches and minister«, exhorting them; * To abstain from all abolition movements and associations, and to refrain from patruu- Itlng any of their publications....from every view of the subject which we have been able to take, and from the most calm and dispassionate survey of the whole ground, we have come to tho conclusion that the only, safe, prudent, and scriptural way for ns, both. ohministers and people, to take, is icaoiig to rtfrain from thu agitating M»y«f. The political parties were It* tools. Dgniel Webster made his great opeech in favor of the fugitive slave law, aiid Whittier sold of khai..... So Mien. *o lost! th«haiti withdrawn. Which once be won: The clou from hie fm j luln p>ne, Forever nont Of au we loved end honored, noucht A tsll«juw3tps^sihoolllt. Edward Everett, when governor of Massachusetts, recommended the legislature to pass a law against anti slavery agitation. Grave orthodox doctors of divinity In New England, were the clerical defenders of the slave system, and a ünlulriau Alvino would send his mother (or brother) back Into slavery to save the Union. The lesser lights did their part. I remember once giving an anti-slavery talk on a packet boat on the Erie canal, at the request of the passengers, and after Us close noticing a serious looking man. with the clerical white neck doth, talking quietly to single persons, book In hand. A mnu came to me and said; That s a preacher defending slavery from tho Bible",Of Biich a* these Whittier aald: rad hypocrite*, who turn Iwicmcnl wide. Ana tob the fcpif book,,, _ or those high word* of troth which March and tram, la naming and retake, Their «lory nnd ihetr mlgkvahalj perlah, And tbrtr very nature «lull be Vite before nil the people. In the lljthl Oí a wrortd'n Ilbertf." Garrison was once expostulated with by hla friend, Raquel i). May. a man mild but fearless, on hlastrength of expression. Mr. May aald: " WhÿrnarrNon, you are a perfect volcano.'* and the answer was: " I am surrounded by monntalns of ice, and It needs a volcano to melt them." On the first of January In the first number of his Li hern for, in Boston, Mr. Garrison said: " I aot aware that many object to the severity of my language; hut Is there not cause for severity? I will bo as harsh as truth imd ns uncompromising as justice. I am In earnest. I will not equivocate I will not excase I will not retreat a single Inch and I will bo heard. The apathy of the people is enough to make every statue leap from Ils pedestal, amt to hasten tho resurrection of the dead. It Is pretended that I am retarding the canse of émancipation by the coarseness of my Invective, and the precipitancy of my measure. The charge la not true. On thla question my Influence, humble as It Is, Is felt at this moment to a considerable extent, and «hall be felt in coming year«not perniciously but beneficially not aa a curse but as a blessing; and posterity will bear witness that I wa* right. The soldier from the confederate army, glad of the death of elavery, will Join with the soldier from the army of the Unlon.tobear wllness. that this trulh speakiqg pioneer was a true prophet. To day we see verified the poetic vl«inn of Whittier: The am»» crew creen on tattle-plain*. On swarded war-mod!«!* graced the cw, The»Isvo «nod forcing from hmcnaini, The spade and ptuugh." The pioneer abolitionists were devmpd. plain In speech, uncompromising and stern in rebuke. To make out judgment of them complete, to discern clenrly, not alone the spirit nod temper of Garrison, but of the early anil-slavery advocates, whether Garrisonian* or liberty-party men, we mustkput In connection with these stern rebukes of wrong Komethlug'to show their feeling toward the wrong-doer, n feeling void of all ygirgeance or haired, and ready lo overcome evil with good. Here again Garrison^«words are In place:. "The slave-holders have impeached onr motives' libeled our characters, and threaten' ed out lives, No Indignity is too great to be heaped upon us; no outrage too shocking to be perpetrated on our persona or property. And now wo will have our revenge! God helping us we will contlnae to use all lawful and Christian means for tho overthrow of their suicidal slave system. Ours Is tho agitation of humanity in view of cruelty, of virtue iu opposition to pollution, of holiness against Impiety. It la the agitation of thunder and lightning to purify a corrupt atmosphere, of the storm to give new rigor and freshness to field and forest. Ours ls the incendiary spirit of truth, that burns up error, of freedom that melts the fetters of the bondman, of im partial love that warms every breast with-the sacred fire of heaven. Could any men. bht those ot extraordinary moral courage and endurance, sustain unflinchingly a contest which requires such toss of reputation, and such hazard of property and life? They'are tho wtuuowlng of the nation. When that slave-system falls^ra' fall It must we will repay them with rich blessings. We wilt remove from them all source of alarm, and the cause of all, insurrection; increase the value oí their estates ten fold; give au Eden-llke fertility to their perishing soil; build up the old waste places aud repair all breaches; make their laborers contented, grateful and happy: and Ilia dormant spirit of enterprise; open to them new source# of affluence; multiply their branches of Industry; erect manufactories, build railroads, dig canals; establish schools, academies, college* and all beneficent Institutions; extend their oommerce to the ends of the earth, and to an unimagined amount; turn the tide of Western adventure and Northern capital into Southern channels; unite the North and the South by indissoluble ties; change the entire moral aspect ot society; cause pare and undefiled religion to flourish; avert impending judgments and secure heavenly blessings, and fill the land with peace, prosperltkand happiness! Thu*, a n d rkuton/tf. will we vie revenged upon them for ail tha evil they^re now doing, or may hereafter do to us past, presen t and to comer i tinned. 1 Spirit Children Speaks us past, pres (To be continuo a Vl.lt i W i to HI* Grani.Cemetery, and One dm o tti ft. grandmother, who doe* not claim to be a Spiritualist, says that about 4:30 or 6 p. or about the hour tho school children find the vision, while out Id the door-yard, she happened lo cast her eyes tdward the house. As she did so. she plainly saw her little grandchild sitting on the door-step. He got up and ran toward and near her. She says she saw him so plainly, and ho looked so natural, that for the moment sbefforgot that he waa dead. Addressing him she said; "What do you want, Willie? I want my mamma. replied the child. At this he turned around and started toward the house, and In n moment after vanished. \ Tho grandmother, I learn, persist* In declaring that she caw the child plainly and heard him sneak audibly. It is further stated to me that ene has, on one or two subsequent occasions, seen the same spirit grand-child. The above are the' fact* substantially a* stated to mo by a credible and in evejy way. trustworthy gentleman. Tlio Incidents at the time created considerable comment In the neighborhood where they occurred. And now a few word* of a general D&ture: A few days agu I followed the mortal remains of a friend to their last resting place. A* I was leaving the cemetery my attention was attracted to a woman who was weeping bitterly over a newly made mound the grove of her child. Moved by a feeling of sympathy, I hesitated a moment as I passed her. Her lamentations wore not loud, hut were deep and agonizing, I did not question her, bat I know full well that «he had received little or no consolation from the orthodox religion, III whose schools she had been taught and whoso dogma* she conscientiously trie* to bellevo. How I yearned. to say to her: Como away from that grave; your darling child Is not 'Imprison«! there. The grave cannot hold the Immortal, divine part of man, There Is no death. So-called death is bnt a temporary separation of friends; nay, it Is not always a separation, for the departed can atid do visit us, bud sometimes wo can hold sweet communion with them. Lookup! Look within! Turn away from the dry husks of a dismal theology formulated in the dark ages, and embrace the soul-elevating truth of spirit communion and the Harm on I al Philosophy, If a man die,' he «AaH li ve again. Million* have proof positive of this; nil may have the evidence. Respect and beautify, without oatentatloua display, the cemeteries the lost resting place or the departed, but think not of your already resurrected friend* as residents of the narrow, cold grave. They are not there, unless like the spirit children mentioned above, they go for a brief visit or from motive* of curiosity, or are led nnd directed by wiser minds for study and Improvement.". " Doit them art to J u t retum eth, Wu not cpolaa or tho *<kil" Osceola, Iowa. June R. A. D. r o r Uw 11*11*10 I bllaw vuul Jnarnil. ITEMS FROM NEW SOUTH WALES. Cavkcaoh April Mb, at Marrfekrllle.ol Uphold (ever, Cbarltt ivm-na^h, in hit uatb rear. When I rehd the above announcement in the S yd n ey M o rn in g H era ld. I did not think It could bë yo1îî\n. S. W. correspondent who had thus " given' up tha ghost/' He was a fine, manly fellow; tall and proportionately framed, and was noticeable on account of his dark. full, flowing bqnrd. To judge from outward appearances, he was a most healthy peruon. sound In body and limb, and good for a lengthened term of physical life. His. too, was a cheerful and genial disposition. Occupying'# responsible position Iu the General Post-office here, he wa* well-known to the Î ubhc. After some association with those oldlng freethought views, his attention was attracted towards Spiritualism, and latterly he was known to be decidedly spiritualistic, nor wa* he afraid of publicity being given to that fact. On The contrary, Jie freqoyntly appeared upon onr platfoimh, either në lecturer or chairman for some other speaker. He wa* n msn of ready Bpeech, possessed of a n iron g voice carrying with It tw ring of sincerity, and of good presence, with no lack of self- command nnd confidence. Aud nallbe some who posse#* those grand natural gifts, lie knew the value of "golden silence;" he didn t Inflict himself too readily upon the attendants at spiritualistic gatherings. Therefore, when he did venture to hold forth," he seldom failed to find a patient nnd attentive audience. Atone period he manifested much Interest tn the Children'«Progressive Lyceum, and when acting aa conductor, was a very ef ,... Aden t and nuvdi respected officer. My prlnmake up the entombed genius of Invention,«^ pal reasoi/for doubting whether the obltu- Wb#0r S Î Ü a ttjà botwr <a** To u * junior«uw llettau-itdlcmcaicaj Jw m iii One of tiy townsmen, Mr. P., a gentleman of the strictest integrity, who. till a year or bo ago, resided on nls farm In this county, relates to me the following, which occurred in bis neighborhood a few years ago. I heard of the Incident at the lime, hut bad forgotten it till my memory was refreshed by Mr.P*. recent recital of tho particular«. The story is substantially a* follow«: One summer evening, a number of children of both sexes and varying ages. whue oq their way home from school,and aa they wore nearing a county cemetery, saw a cloud like ob- E :t ascend from the grave-yard. When it d reached an altitude higher, perhaps, than the tree-tops, they Raw a number of angel» or children or what to them looked like child- ran emerge from the vapory cloud, and, af- ter a Httle apparent hobluuion, float away, going singly, or in two* or threes, in nearly every direction. My informant saya he interrogated several of the school children in regard to their vision. He learned that the com puny who witnessed the phenomenon con- si«ted of five or «lx. all of whom saw what I have described, aud were poeltive they were cot deceived. In all essential particulars they agree In tile utatcmeat they make. Bat this U not all. It appear«that»mr. who reetrfee lu the neighborhood, ha* lost, by death, a few weeks before, a little W aged live or alx yean. On the day the above men- Honed Bight was witnessed, M{. and Mr». J. were absent from home, bnt tbe mother.1 Mrs. J: (or mother-in-law. I do not now.«* member which) remained at the bouae, The ary notice l have quoted applied to him was that I thought he lived In another suburb, a healthful, thinly-populated place called An- bnrn. But I soon gathered particular* of his removal to Marrickvllle. so a* to be near friends sharing hi* religious opinion*, and I eaw the house in which his last breath had been drawn. As 1 anticipated, sanitary negligence on the part of the municipal authorities was apparent at a glance, and when I turned in disgust away fro m the reeking filth lying in the street channel, the wonder tome was not that fever had euddenly deatroyed the mortal life of Cavenagh. but that thb other residents In the vicinity were uot occn- K nta of grave# too. Death taking place on lurday. It was not made known until Monday, so that -the funeral, which occurred on Sunday, wan not at all numerously attended. But your late correspondent was too far advanced to deem It of any moment that hi* remains should have a large following when finally put away. Mr. Caveuaglrs letters hare acquainted you with the presence here of the Newcastle (England) niaierlnhxlng medium, Mis* Wood, j am gratified to report that she 1«meeting with mote success thaa at flcit. that is, in regard to phenomena, if not financially. Your late corespondent was not fully informed re* spectirfg her unfortunate surroundings and.circumstance* upon her arrival in this distant land. Being the first professional materializing medium to comii to this colony, great expectations were indulged in by many anxiously seeking for the crowning evidence of a future life, but quite unacquainted with the best mode of arranging sittings and providing (he necessary conditions. The matter of proper conditions ia very Important with some mediums, and of each Mis* Wood None. Having sat with her more than thirty times, occasionally with very gratifying result«, an deratrict and eatlsfactory tests, yet not In frequently without the occurrence of anything beyond simple trance, I think I am In a position to Bpeak «omewhai confidently. She needs the psychical assistance of an Inner circle, the sympathy of tbe major portion of her sitter«, and the exercise of patience, with the repreaeinn, for the time befug, of a tendency to active, ont-epokon skepticism. Upon more than one occasion have I been present where undoubted materialised spirits bare presented them selves, and lo! -Adverse comment has bean openly made, when tbe form«bare retreated predpltantly, perhaps with a remark upon the destructive effeet of the " cold biaat proceeding from the querulous spectator; and that baa been-the end of the night's phenomena. Her «lance* arc mulnly held at tho residence of a gentleman, fresh in the spiritualistic ranks, who with great kind, nesa has mada her a welcome guest and placed rooms at her service when nccded/'ratret, tho ' Hitting* wore held In the dining-room, au office communicating therewith nnd extending upon thu veranda, being made uso of ns a cabinet. Netting was fitmly secured to the door-way giving access from the cabinet (tho door itself having been removed) and 1 have «een six or «eveu different materialized form* come out thence, one after another, two aud three of them being In sight together. A gn at hnbbab wa* made about the cabinet. It was alleged that accomplice* entered from the veranda, although Mias Wood is á stranger, having neither relative nor acquaintance here, but how either medium or accomplice penetrated through tha netting wa* nut deemed worthy of explanation. Now, however,. when sitting at the house in question or elsewhere, MJaa Wood dispense* with a cabinet, and is tied, or tied and wtltched, lo a chair, need In a corner, with blank waits on either ind, aud curtain* a couple ot pace* away, in froojof her. Her principal control, nu Ainer- lcan-rm)laü girl, named Pocha/. very often materlaíhqw. when she comof oat a littlo over three ÎNJ In height,a llttie, dark-bodied little croatur«*1, wearing white robes, and»peaking with a thin, reedy kind of voice. The ekeptlc* *ay ilis either the medium upon her knee* or a rubber doll Inflated with air. Doll* can't walk about alone and write with pencil and paper, as Hpcha does; and if Miss Wood were playing fhe trick on her knee#, there would be n luck of duo proportion* In body and Umb, which there Is not. Besides,. this, I have seen Pocha go through the process of dematerlabzatiou; lu front of. bat away from, tbe curtains; and she has several times drawn aside one curtain while materialized, so that we might see tho medium as well oji herself. These excellent proofs of the separate Identity of spirit and medium are only afforded when conditions are good, and that state of goodness seem* not to prevail coln- ohnntly with the presence of nnfeaflonablo and very skeptical individuals; consequently they give no heed to what others witness, of which sight to them is denied. I have been more or less mixed up with tho advocates of Spiritualism for the past twenty years, and am somewhat susceptible to mental impressions coming as Lthluk from tho Spirit-world. Some three,weeks or so after your late correspondent'«'decease, at an extemporized sitting for physical manifestations, at which Ml*» Wood was present, l felt that friend Cavenagh was Indeed by my side, nnd was moved to make a declaration that ho was determined to appear to us soon as a materialized spirit. Subsequently at one or two séances rocha described a gentleman with n long dark beard a* making great effort* to build himself up. and what purported tq represent him was indistinctly seen projecting n short distance fropj the curtain. On the night of the 10th May/ when the circle was not it Nrgn^HlefinilcniiiprNed five or six olüa-'who-were well acquainted with Mr. Cavenagh, he materialized himself Hufikient- ly to obtain instant recognition; and unlike many of the forms seen at MN» Wood * sittings, he could apeak, perhaps not sn volubly,.. but quite a* clearly aud emphatically, n s when he walked among men. Acting upon one of those peculiar Impulses which move pie now and then, I Inquired if 1 should take ñp the work he had relinquished a* com- Kpondent to the RELiGtoFiitUnKirtriCAL Jnt R* nal, and the reply was a forcible and distinct YeB. This letter is tho sequel; and If agreeable to you, I hope It will be bnt tho first of a serie», not always so lengthy. I promise you, for 1 can well understand the limita- tiocn of space even in a paper of such generous dimensions as yours. Just uaw we have no professional lecturer hero ou the spiritualistic platform.mr. Charlea Bright being still away in New Zealand, where he ia doing good service. Dr. Hughes, the whilom Christian minister, and Mr. T. Wu Iker.tln* rege nude Spiritu n 1i»t ( r>u c e k n o w n as the boy orator ) occupy two of our theatres on Sunday evening», giving utterance to atheistical sentiment*. A* iconoclasts they may do good, but with their atheism 1 have no sympathy, although U Is not a thing to bo ashamed of, if It he too outcome of Individual thought and research. Our Children s Lyceum 1* nerw held In a commodious building, with large room» most elaborately and elegantly decorated, belonging to a profchsorjif dancing and deportment, 1 a Mr. West, whom I lake to be nn American. An excellent entertainment of an exclusively 1 secular nature, was given there last Sunday, and wa* much appreciated by a goodly audience. Sabbath freedom Is $l*o uphold by an afternoon promenade concert, every Sunday, a) the hplel grounds ou the shores ot the once famons(or notorious) Botany Bay. The Sabbatarians are much exercised In mind at these Innovations, and It Is said that Htep* will be taken to.pnt a period to the "desecration " of the holy day. George We ig h t. Stanmore, Sydney, N. S. W May 21st, A Vlelon Verified. L The St. Louie S ptctator gives tho following account of a vision which the wife of a, Confederate soldier bad: " During the siege of Vicksburg the wife of a Confederate aololer was living with her parent«in the interior of Mississippi. One night she bad a vision, in which she saw tbe fortification In which her husband was on duty. In iront was an earthwork where tha men were protect#«from Ihe fire of the enemy,.but in tbe rear was a rise of ground which was exposed to bullet«. She saw her husband 'attempt to pass over this small eminence, saw him fall, and saw hla companions carry hint to an.un exposed pm III no. and there he died. She saw the preparations for burial, the coffin in which he was laid, distinctly noticed the knots and marks upon It* uu planed lid, and all th«soildutle* connected with the burial. The vision.made ench an impression upon her mind that she related Hie story to her family, and her father wrote down all the particular» aa she saw them. Bbe had not been in Vicksburg since it woe invested, and consequently knew nothing of the situation of tbe wbrks. and had received no letter from herhnsband from the time the Federal forces cloeed around It. Several weeks afterward Vicksburg surrendered and the Confederates were paroled and returned to their homes. A* young soldier, a friend of the other soldier, came borne and brought the news of his death, and every incident connected with his taking off. the situation of the works, the manner in which he wa* shot, the circumstances of his Interment to the minutest detail corresponded to the vision of his wife aa recorded by her father." Hertford» Add Phosphate As a R efrigerant Du in i in Fxvraa. Dr, C. H. 8, DAVia/Mertden. Cono,, says: "I have used It aa a pleaaant and cooling drink in fevers, and have been very much pleased with it

3 JULY 5,1881. RELIGIO-PJ3ILOSOPHICALJTOURNAL. Woman and the Soniifhold BY HESTER M. POOLE. IHBTUCIIBN. N. J,> THEY DESIRE A BETTER COUNTRY. I would not If I could undo inj («At, Though for I In Mkr my fullin' 1«n Hank: My re t for which I Lam in ju r If lo thank, For nil I In faults and folllwi fir at a ml last. 1 would not ret anew llie tot fitter ret. Or Launch a second ship for one that sank. Or dtag wllli swart* lh» Utlrn>ws I drank, Or lircjk by f re tilt ft my perpetual fust I would not if I could, for much more dear Imtiic rememhruiior llutu aim Mr ml Joya, More Ilian a thou wind hop«in Jubilee; 11mrer ttm music at one tearful role* That unforgottrtt calls and calls to me, ** Follow me here, rise up,and follow here.". What seekast thou, far In the unknown land? In hope I follow Joy gone cm before; In hope and fear permilent more and more, A* the dry desert Iriigtlisn* out IU sand, Whilst day and night 1carry In my hand The golden key to op# the golden door Of golden home; yet mine eye w«<etli»ore, For long the journey L* (hat make«no eland. And who la this that retied.htlh walk with thee? Lo, this Is I/rre that wiiikah at my right;. One exile bolls us both, mid we are bound To eeir+iune home Joys In the land of light, Wrejdng thou walkret.wllh him: weepeth be? Borne sobbing weep, soma weep and make no sound, A dlmne«or a glory glimmer» here Through cells and dlataoca from the «[tore remote, A falutest far rlbrnllou of a note Beach«to ns and eeems lo brine tts near; Causing our face to glow with brarer cheer, Making the serried mist to stand afloat. Subduing languor with an antidote. And strengthening lore almost moist c\ul f«ur; Till for one moment golden illy walls ' In Denmark woman hat e been permitted to enter the University of Copenhagen for nine yearn, bat the standard of scholarship in so low that none hate yet taken advantage of it. In the law they are simply the vassals of their husbands. In Sweden, however, women vole with men for the lower office» of Slate. Much more liberal laws prevail, and In 1870 girls were admitted to the university, where they can take university degrees. It is against the custom, though, and the?*' old countries are curiously averse lo leaving the beaten path. There are now but two girl-» at the two foremost universities of the kingdom. It is considered mi feminine for girls to study with boys, and Mr. Stanton says that the ideal of womanhood is to be remarked as little as possible and never to leave the beaten path. Holland, Belgium and France are about equal lo bestowing privileges upon woman. In the latter country, the universities have been open since 18*11 to women, but Inasmuch as they were unable to secure the necessary preparatory training, U was of little advantage to them. Switzerland, proverbially free, Is niggardly and sever«upon women. Most of those yrho lire educated at Geneva and Zurich, are from Russia. Still farther behind is Germany, which lets every other country outstrip her. In jnstiee to women- The Universities of Heidelberg and Lftlpeie are open to them-in examinations, but closed in regard to degrees. Yet there nre.many aspiring intellectual women In the Fatherland, and. even a few years must work great changes in these regards. itliic toomingou un, golden wajl*of bruire, tmr e y «unllflire <!wkn»s fall*: tlirotigli UnumU-r darkn«a hurdm*wne I bear egani thè tender voi» tlu»t calis Light of our uy«un Thea... Follow me hither, follow; ri*s*, and rotue." Chrlttlna U. /foaartff. MiaCELI-AKEOrS. In England ml Wales more than 108,000 women as householder» po&sess the municipal suffrage. Miss Arabella Kenneally. daughter of the famous lawyer, has obtained the license of thu King and Queen s College of Physicians, Ire- laud, and special license in midwifery. There were forty male candidates, and Mfss Ken- neally s papers were adjudged the best, A lady has lately, tor the first time, been appointed us one of the lecturers to the Oxford Association, tor the Education of W'o- mru. Her name is Mrs. Marshall, and her subject to Political Economy, under the subtitle of MLabor, the Economic Condition» of its Well being. Mme, Carla Serena, the explorer and writer, has been made an honorary corresponding member of the Geographical Society of Mar sellles. She to the first woman ever thus distinguished. Mme. Serena began-to travel under the auspices of King Oscar of Norway. Her first published work was Scandinavian Letters:" Afterward she visited Egypt. Ferula. and was the first woman who interview* ed the Grand Luma. She was absent from Europe six years. Dr. Sarah L. Welntraub, who lately sailed from Philadelphia ana medical mto«i"itnry to Damascus, was born in Jerusalem twenty- three years ago, and speaks Arabic fluently, as well as English. German and French. She ha» been thoroughly educated in this country. Mrs. Gladstone, wife of the great English Premier, makes her first appearing as a writer. In a little volume entitled, " Healthy Bedrooms and Nurseries," WOMAN IN KtTHOPE. Theodore Stanton, the youngest son of Ellz abet It Cady Stantoti, 1» a resident of Paris. - where he married a Frenchwoman. A brilliant and versatile writer, he has adopted literature tor a profession, and counts it-no unmanly thing to sympathize with lito mother in her views upon the advancement of wo- ninn. Mr. Stanton has Just Issued a large book, entitled "The Woman Question in Europe," a series of original essays, with an Introduction by Frances Power Cob be. Its object is to present a review of the history aud condition of woman In alf European counrar tire K»ll«t*!' iire«u>mcal Joareal. Mistake* or Investigator». (No. 2.) BY CHARLES DAWBAHN. The prehistoric savage trembled before everything that eoctnoil to exhibit a power greater than his own, arid the manhood of today Is uncomfortable before the knowledge that the unseen contains greater powers than that which to visible. People have been afraid of ghosts, because the apparition was supposed to wield these unknown powers. In reah-. ty their fear was of some harm to themselves, since no one is afraid of being made happy. Nowadays familiarity with spirits soou destroys fear of spirit power, but there to a wide spread belief in the ability of spirits to do a great deal In earth life, which to impossible to mortals. As I deem this one of the most serious mistakes of investigators, i propose now to Inquire into that phase of spirit power which constitutes what is called roediumship. " The eye of God Is upon yon," ha» been an ec clestottical thxoaptrom the days of the uredl- ciue man to khat of the Pope of Rome; and Investigators children of pious ancestors have a feeling Intentor expressed that unseen intelligences see nil that they do and hear all that they say. Having this belief they an constantly wonderlbg at the failure of spirit controls of mediums, to give them the exact truth they are seeking. It seems to me that it would be wise for the investigator to determine where spirit power begins and ends before jcryltig fraud or growing disheartened over mistakes. Of course we know that Sensitive organisms respond to a will power stronger than their uwn. The mesmerist proves that upon the public platform, aud the unseen mesmerist signally proves it through the mortal he entrances, who becomes his medium; but the power of the niesjnerlzer Is limited to a use of the faculties posseispd hy his medium. He cannot make the dumb speak nor wield any spirit power, lor which hto medium does-bot supply an organ, Whilst here on earth the mortal is dual. The vitalized form hy which we recognize one another, and which form we mark as our.friend or foe, to nutted to a form unseen hy Meeting at (jmsadaga Lake. The annua) meeting of the Uaxsndnga Lake Association was field on June 71 h and Kth. The weather was lovely, and on Saturday (tie meeting 1vas opened hy O. F*.K>nqgg, who spoke of the "Law of Compensation. He alluded happily to the generous friends who had built the amphitheater and a pleasing group of cottages, lie thought that the consolation derived from our religion would compensate them for all their toll? Mrs. R> S. Lillie followed, and with inspired words she gladdened and cheered many hearts. On Sunday morning the»on looked down upon us from a cloud less sky, Damon's band, of Dunkirk, N. Y., enlivened the morning with sweet music, and at an early hour the worshipers began to assemble, and at the appointed time a large audience was convened in the pavilion. Mr. J. H. Randall, of Jamestown. N. Y was Introduced, and in a few well chosen remarks, lie showed that lie was a thinker, and comprehended the vital Issues of the day. We were then addressed hy Mr. Kellogg ami Mrs, Lilli«?, and nobly they did their work. They Are BjdriluultotH, with the right ring, and all who heard them will remember their efforts with pleasure. ' I can nut speak too highly of the marked improvements that have been made on the camp grounds during the last year. The devotee of the new faith has built so wisely and»o well here that, for years to come, a benign influence will gn'-forth from this consecrated s i s t o hies* the world, and thousands will be attracted hither to listen to the gospel of love aud purity. It was easy to note a satisfied took Upon the genial face of Brother- and Sister Skidmore, as they stood and " viewed the landaqnp» over, so full of promise of the good time coming, PERSONALS-. Mr. D. K. Bailey, of Buffalo, N. Y-hfis Just completed 0U«of Die finest houses on -the ground; it is on Cottage avenue m-ar the entrance of the ground». As we pass «long the avenue we come to Sister Loti s cottage, wjtidt Is completed, and awulls it» venerable and respected occupants. Next we meet Mr». Judge Cook, of Jamestown, N. Y.;,*h«has opened her cottage homafor the summer, and will have a word of welcome for her many friends. Mr. Lynn- Sure I m given,* new coat of paint to his house, which adds greatly to Its original beauty. Brother Whittaker Is adding a new veranda and fresh paint, which is a marked improvement. Next, we see Mr». Putnam's ami Raynor's, two little Gothic cottages, which are situated on the same lot, and we must say that they are ornament» to the grounds. Mr. Walter Wait; Mr. Wadsworth, of Randolph, N. Y.; J. V. Mather, of Bear Lake, and J, J. Akin.C. W. Judd, and B, F. Webb, of Blooming Valley, Pa., have fine cottage». A. J. Damon ha» put up the largest house on tire grounds. Mr. H. L. Rowe and Mrs. Ldrlna Baker hate also built» very handsome cottage, and so the improvements goon., l,he o f f ic e r s of the Association have neither spared pains uor money to make the camp meeting which commence» July "ii ith.a grand success. Damon's band lias been engaged for the entire meeting, and It will not dtoap point the high expectation of their friends. Mr. 0. P. Kellogg wilt have charge of the grand pavilion. The best talent in the country lias been employed as speaker», and we feel that an appreciative public will respond- hy coming up In moss to the worship of the living God. nnd this year will be a glorious Magazine» for July not before Mentioned. "Wide Awake. (D. Loti trap & Co,, Boston.) Contents: Frontispiece; Grandmother"» Pie- tors; My llomwpun Gown; A Bong Without Word»; Tire Washingtons' English Home; A' Brave Girl; Grace*» Objection; ills Three Trial»; The Happy Spring; MollyCrowrteVRlrte; The Queen» Little Skye; Making Poems; Intimation» of Immortality: Masks off; The Prize:.Ksop s Fables Versified; An International Episode; The Procession of the Zodiac;- An Argentine independence Day; The Youngest Tell» Her Story; In No-Man s Land; The Village Hero; Tangle»: Music; Tale» of the Pathfinders; In Case of Acfldent; Little Biographies; Way» to do TWftgs; Anna Marla"» Housekeeping; Days and Nights hi the Tropic»; What-to do about It; U. Y.. R, U.; Post- Office Department. The Popular Science Monthly. (D. Appleton & Co,. New York.) Contents: The great Political Superstition, by Herbert Spencer; Colorado for invalids, hy Samuel A, Fisk, TESTYOURBAKINGPOWDERTO-DAY! flrimi Mverti pcff C O W T A I7 Î A M M O IV IA., THCf U C f l fljpw ae*fl t->p rj.-wn na Afart Itorr»fjtll h»a{#ij,fh»a 1l# rv l UMpfltW of MDIRHIiA, >y fvlng C year for Cassati aga. Jamestown, N. Y. Reception to Dr. and.mrs. Britten. Tu CM IWaur of Use lietlflo.ftillireciddcret JuuruO One o f 11,1*1* j r ie a s d J it o p to.il»». which is far too seldom enjoyed, look place at the res- Jdeuce of Hon. A. U. Dailey, on Bu»hWick Ave., in Brooklyn, N. Y.. Tuesday evening trie», each being treated by some competent woman Jiving In that section. The facts presented are obtainable from no other source. and the book will be an authority during this generation. The five chapters devoted to England are specially valuable, headed, as they Tire, by a report from the wife of the blind Postmaster General. Mrs. Mellicent Garrett Fawcett. Mr. Stanton exhibits the fact that women have come nearer to political emancipation In Austria and Hungary, than In any other /continental country. Iln that empire a duly authorized citizen casts a vote for them in municipal, provincial and national elections,.whenever their tax rate reaches a specified amount. In Bohemia, although the number of females exceeds the males by 200,000. the chief institutions of learning are closed against them, though within a few years high schools for girls have been established at Prague. In Russia similar law to that of Austria exists In regard to women who own property. The peasant *omen bear heavy hardens and hove few opportunities. In the middle clasa. gymnasia or Intermediate school» do not afford a sufficient course of Btudies to enable girls to enter the universities whietr have Adopted co education for several years. So eagerly do the daughters of the better class avail themselves of this opportunity, that 900 girls annually matriculate at ln*\bul venmy of St. Petersburg. At the first exftm- iuntion for graduation, two year» ago. nlu'e tv-nine young women obtained degree» In the literary and historical department, sud sixty-four in the scientific. These degree» bestow bnt little practical advantage oth-r than the empty honor. Bnt the brilliant Intellects of the Russian Empire seek more genial openings in Other dime«, and the schools of Paris, Berne and Zorich are great ly frequented by self-imposed exit»». In the Iberian Peninsula, women are in a state of semi-darknees. In Portugal, by the last census, only ten per cent, of- the women can read and write. Twelve toripr^v«'ureu. nlafruai vend ties. friend or foe, Is united to a form unseen by atc, in on»*»»,.v. iyi nrfji 1ava whirl I Wi* Cull anlflt, Thl$l spirit I littl. Jlliffft1' D» Wi IHVltO*1 J)f* WOi» K»wf «L 'Jnr thglmmnrtal manhood which Britten and his esteemed wife, Mr». Emma only, have entered the Span! WOMAN IN ITALY. - The situation here ia more promising, though it has always been bad enough. In some State» the illltorato number one half the population, and in the TwoSiciUee pine ty-lhree per cent, can not read. Those who have seen the utterly hopeless and degraded women who toll In the field like, and frequently with, beasts of Harden, wilt realize how much there Is yet to be done for one half of humanity. There is no law to prevent women from taking any degree In the universities, and we ihay expect a good deal from this liberty, when the state of development has reached a higher level. is Dip true self, the Immortal manhood which play» upon Die wondrous instrument we call human, and nil through earth-life acto a» control to 11«mortal medium. This spirit, though bound to the earth form by a magnetic chain, whose»everance means death, ha«a freedom of movement of which most of us little dream. The oft-repealed appearance of the double, and the control of trance medium» by the spirit of a mortal, are sufficient proofs of this. We are thus facing two fact# of great Importance: first, that our spirits Have the same menus of acquiring knowledge pofl»e»ned by spirit»out of the form.and on the same sphere of aspiration aud development; and, second, that spirit«, whether In or out of the form, are dependent upon the susceptibility, of a human brain yet In tbs form, for passing this spirit knowledge down into mortal life. Bat I hate already shown in a previous ar.u- -cle that the Spirit owner of a mortal brain has a faf more complete control of that sensitive organism than can he wielded by any foreigner, and I wish now to point out the very limited power of the spirit out of the form to see into the details of our daily lives. I have recently tried a very InterestingExperiment Intended to put this to the proof. I proposed to the control of a trance medium that she should come to me in the quiet of my own room and. If possible, manifest her presence. She was to take careful note of what ehe might see,»o as to report to me through her medium trie next day. To my surprise she claimed to bare rocked a- chair Id my room.and then to have palled my fingers apart one by one. Now, to my mortal sight Die chair gave no evidence of motion, and my fingers were not consciously pulled.although I did experience a burning sensation In the palm of my hand. We hers discover a very important fact, and may leam an equally Important lesson. The spirit believed she v u visibly rocking that chair, and tanaibiy grasping my fingers, one hy one. Most likely a spirit chair and spirit fingers re»jxmded to her touch: bnt»lie not only overestimated Jier power over material object»,but absolutely failed to realize-her own relation to myself and to the objects around me Of coarse she might have discerned more accurately had I supplied medial power, but that Is not tb»*point here. I learn as a positive fact that the communication between the two worlds.to-far leas perfect than many enthusiasts believe. I note that my dearest spirit friend yea, my guide nr guardian angel can, under normal clrcum- ptancesjwe only my spirit form, and is unable lo judge as to the effect he I* producing upon TU» hy his utmost effort; although my earth form niay be practically invisible to him, it *1* quits possible be may at a glance discern that di-'hxrmow ofepirit w ih matter. wwch w» critl diseaserafid It la tj&ry probable onr kcnfsl troubles sretsfleetad upon our interior form. But weshonld notice ihat the spirit, part from a medium's organism as an Instro- Hsrdluge-Britton. to spend a dtty and night iu his home, and the spirit moved hjtu to invite i) few friend«, to join him in bl«hearty welcome to Die«eearnest workers iuour faith: Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Lillie, Mi»«A. M. Beecher. Mr. mi! Mr.«. A. G. Kipp. Mr. and Mrs, S. B. NicholH.Mr. and Mrs. Harris and Mr. and Mrs. ( iaggett. Judge Dailey said that he Jiad invited Mr. and Mrs. Britten to visit him. aud it was an afterthought that he bad extended the invitation tp a few other frieiijk He paid a fitting tribute to the many yearsoftaithfill public work that Mr«. Britten had given to the cause, and invited Mr, J. T. Lillie to give some rnuilc, both vocal and Instrumental, which he did with fine effect, and it received a hearty appreciation by all present. MRh A. M. Beecher made a short address, and iu word«well spoken, she gave expression to earnest appreciation of the work of Dr. and Mrs. Britten. Mrs. Britten, under control, spoke of the trial» and difficulties which surrounded all true and faithful mediums, and more particularly Dio itinerant lecturer, wjio often nret cold, unsympathetic audiences, and when they found kindnese and love and were taken Into the homes and hearts of earnest and Bvrppathlzlug friend*, like Judge Dailey and wile, It diode a red letter day Qj their live». The epeaker said It was in 'sodal. Informal meeting», such as this to-night, that welded onr hearts in closer bonds of sympathy ami Jove, and she said that on her western journey, she could look back to this evening with I tender memories for* those who had greetedj her with the warm heart pressure of the'] hand, and beaming smiles of lore and friendship, Mr. and Mrs, Lillie eaog Over There, "and while they were singing, Mr*. Britton * m entranced, and gave an improvised poem on the chorus of thesoug. * Over There. It was one of the finest poems ever listened to by the writer, and persons pr*wnt who were better able to judge correctly than he. said It was equal to the best effort of Edgar A. Poe, whose spirit gave it to as; at iewt so we were told by one of the control* of Mrs. J. T. Lillie; others present»eased the authors ip by ito reoembftnc* to the - Raven." The measure and rhythm were perfect; it was like balmy ^zephyrs from supernal shore». Mrs. J. T. Lillie was entranced and gave the right hand of fellowship to Mrs. Britton and to Dr: Wm. Britten. In words fall df love, kindred sympathy. and hearty appreciation. It waa one of Mrs. Lillie's noblest eflorto, and found a generous response from ail that were preseu t. M. I).; The New^Theology, by Rev. George ({. Lynn; UirDehlto lusects, by Grunt Allen; The Fruit* of Manual Triilhing. by Prof. Ç. M. Woodward, l*h. lb: Are Science and Art Antagonistic? by M. M. Guyau; Thé Volcanic Eruption <*f Krakatau; The Prevention of Hydrophobia, by M. L/Jtii«Pasteur; The Mur- I ailty of Happine. hy Thomas Foster; Dis- eases of Plants. Ivy D. D. Penhaltow; Adaptation of f liniate, by Dr. A. Berghans Glasgow's Bundy-1.egged Children, by George Hay, M, D.; Sketch of Avérroe»,.by George Jark»«u Fisher, M. I*.; Editor's Table; Literary Notices; Popular Misveliany; Notes, Ht NicilbLA». (The Century Co., New York.) Content«; Frontispiece; How the furies broke Up " Meeting "; "First cottie, First Served"; The Scarlet Tnunger; To a Katydid; Onr Top Brigade; Jersey«, or Hie Girt» Ghost; The Brook's Hong; A Fourth of July among the Indians; The Flower Girl; Gold-Robin; The Youngest Soldier of lire Resolution; A Way to grow wise; A Good Druggist; Marvin and ht» Boy Huiliers; N»hby Hlarkliigtou: The Egyptian Bird-Mouse; Historic Boy«; A Stranger; Picnics; The Giraffe» Kuurson; The Barthohti Statue; Summer Trials; Dandelion; For Very Little Folk: The St. Nicholas Almanac; Jack-in-llie-Pulpit. The Eclectic Magazine. (E. R. Pelton, New York.) Contents: Fashionable PJiiiosp- phy; Our Debt to luseets; Romance In the Suppression of Book»; Cardinal Newman; Some Neglect I Period«of History; The Mad Craze; Diary of the hist European who rode through the Desert ^frum Berber to Soakin; Wordsworth and Ryrou; A Strange Story; Emerson; Louie Louise b>* I.a Valliere; Mu JorC. G. Gordon. C. B.; Circe in Medieval Soqjr; Fragment from a Lay of Modern England; Marriage from the Chine««Point of View, Literary Notices; Foreign Literary Notes; Miscellany. The Center y Magazine. (The Century Co., New York.) Content»; Portrait of John Bright; Recent Architecture in America; Nine Graves in Kdeubro; Lady Barharlua; Calnll- ] tia's Betrothal; Cruising around Cape Breton: To Sleep; Academical Degree»; Peace; Choral ode to the North RUer; Scenes of Hawthorne's Romance«; Captive; The Kn j Klui Ktan; A Greek Play at Cambridge; Dr. SevW; Kate; The United State» Pension Office; The Reverelbfe Landscape; The Story of Myra; Topic«of the Time; Open Letters; Brle- A Brae. * the Phrenological Jqcrnal. (Fowler and Weil.«Co., New York.) Content»: The Repub Cerebration ; J.R.Dodge; Sicily and Its Ancient Bean Candidates for the presidency; Organic Memories; Hints on Child-Training; Fashion and Nature; Summer Living; Note» lu Science; Etc, y Book«Received. * "T* WENDELL PHILLIPS, ByUreirge William «àrli», and THE WAR F*>K THE INI"N. Hi VréiWil Phillip»- New York: #Ahu it. Aldeo. >-**Ui boirpd, one volaaie. Pi ice, S cent*. ON LIBERTY. Bj John Stuart Mill...Sew York; John li. Alden. Price, doth Lm.md, 25 cento:' A new Mormon Temple ft*» been erected a Logan, C. T. We Cuiden»» from tire Hall I.akt Wet kin Herald DOOM account of (he construction and dedicatory ceremonies. The site of the new Temple is L «0 feet above the level of he sea. The building 1» 171 feet long. H6 feet wide and hfi feet high- At east andsjveet end» are large tower«, that on the east being I To feet high. Hie on son western end a few feet lower. Tjjere are oser4h room* in the building, the main or aaefqmy room being NOfeet wide. 101 feet fobpahd near I y 30 feet high. It 1«elaborately decorated and the ground* belonging to it are to be laid ont n most ornate manner. rnent. InIgnorant of onr appearance, and can know bnt HtDe of what to going op around ns. Tbs special value of onr knowledge of this fact is that It throws light upon the entire subject of spirit Intercourse. New York. (To to* Mrs. Britten wa» again entranced end go log to the piano, she 1m; n pm vised put* lc typlcal of the post, present and future of modern SpirttualUm. Good judge* who were present, said a* a musical effort it wa* wonderful. Mrs. Dailey, as nsnal was ubiquitous in bar efforts to make every one happy and at home. It was a late hour when we fell we must say. **Good night,-" and go to onr home«, but It will Jong be remembered as a fitting welcome by eoeb earnest workers as Mr. and Mrs. Dailey, to public laborers, who are honored and respected wherever Spiritualism *ls known. May their future work be pleasant and remunerative, la the hearty God speed 8, B. Nichole. IT WORKS PROMPTLY»«*!,* amr% I Mslnv.l USE IT AT ONCE. wi iu, v i h M r a*«*n^»cwmar W«lw»t*a stows u i f * W I hretlw. n u t i l>,n iin e arm m m co.. r-r*rm»m.». l» MOLD BT AU, D*r titr e r a. DOES NOT CONTAIN AMMONIA, m H M it iiv ru tw in * n e v e r h u «i m M i * tn amill'* hem«for Aqnxrtar of it r+ntufy Jt La* TH E TES T O F TH E OVEH. PRICE h a k i m ; POWDER CO,» Dr. Price's Bpek f\m m Eitracls, Dr. Price s Luputin Yeast Gems r, r l i«u. u.*iii*r i j. i^ re * r.. t re * FOR SALE BY GROCERS. CHICAGO. - BT. LOUIS. LIGHTHEALTHYBREAD S Y E A S T M Th«trevi dr 2LICÎÜ, In ili# world, Ireld n red -re*at H llqhi. whito «nd whotoiom«ilk«mir Brandmalhf*» <>llelwit b a il CROCER3 SELL THEM. O < I»» Price Baking Powder Co.,.. j?..: I;.: li. In.;1:, Ctuc*ao. lit. S t U u it.m o. KIDNEY-WORT T H E S U R E roa C U R E K ID N E Y D IS E A S E S, L IV E R C O M P L A IN T S, C O N S T IP A T IO N, P IL E S, AND B LO O D D IS E A S E S. PHYSICIANS EMOOBSE ft HEARTILY* D JtLO&OF-Wisrt» tb» OM-, iaarewtü rssredji I r r e r u ^ d, " Dt. T, C. llw ^ u. Itiu a io s /T» - Kldnrv-Wort I» reum**.'* I t, JB- if. eufk. So, Hrro, VU 'ricdiret.w tréi Are«cwd mr iltolreyi»" IH. C. H. S u u re ru «, Sire I tin. Cto. IN THOUSANDS Or CASES It tre* e r e i l «U n ail.u - lt*d tmiibi. l U im lli. bu-.ctserem. r E U T AD» i» 1 I * * C T 1 M, H * ttnlretireuae*. Cr,l«M m tw IM êm ti.rt IJte (««Il lb»'l(up>.rt*kt otsusu of ttm b o d,. T V w b n l 't r e u i a t tli» XidireT» ta r ista ra i, T im L i n r la auiw a«d ot «ai «tiare««, -aed i r e f c n J»T»* ttk ijr «od XrentifaMjr. l a u na w a r tire y re «* d r e u r e m a «rrefvrewe A*» tire inimie- * m b i nre reeti^ is m i. m l p sv Htwam. Dr,4aUtn}V,alll. W Z L t*. lu C ÌA M M *!! *». B «r t l «* * * V l. KÎDNEY-VW3RT r - lilla TK fl L AO lv O B T m -. EPPS'S COCOA. MMCA n r AMT. l i, «W urm an i m w W ì " or tire u r e m i «n u h i co ««a ara IX* avroo ub«mi «lareclm «od n«.vitreo, «od 1««car«f«l «pjd ln tu rei O» tm Bere K & seru reof o m - alretad U H M. Mr. t u r e Ire» pr*»ld«d m i bnoxtrei reòlre o tto «O-IlCOLO, B anifnl taw aral» «hhcai» * / in nuus, tre»», tìar»«v buia, li L» b, tire iwuduire o re v> r e t «riletto re e trt uree «m o a tlta u m n.*r tre enre««tlt b o lli e«n t d l M m l N W» to fra irt a m rt V iav o r, u dlatore H audfada a t aomto o a t- id ito rea B o a ri., reoaod o» n o d i tre «Ito ci «n i n o ( t o n I»» m i pota;. W» alito! atari br *to la «m ir e lr e «m ll (o n is to «H * bora BUM «Od * I V O o.irl.lw tram a." C trl! S e m a VammiU. Madre M fnpi, ott& treulred v a ia r o r b ì ix. Sold ta ttaa * U ito Iti. «ad tv ; Ih «n o n. labatod vmm-, JAME3 EPPS a CO., Homeepathle Cbemlata, London. Kttgiand. A rio IT T «and Ih canto tmr t rua.aoc racata* tato P R IZ E ammtiwbaareaauomretatoreluwvfmto srer reoajrw bt a ara, t* «o maw Ud a«na«la tato retold. Ü1- «A tbar «n i n n ili t r m - road to f ia ta s i apaj» trefort Uva reorttoa, I «t a n» l i v r e, t a t «k C o,. Aareuato EVERY WOMAN. Xtakunr ran. Co UTIL IUIETËMTit LlFE-FOtTTAIS ay g». H»m. REPaVOUS diseases JMAö ITMTIG' T ^ l B A P l t J T I O B k u n i ^ v i r i i M f. u

4 r IELIGIO-PHILOSOPHICAL JOURNAL. JULY 5,1884., -L- * I M i f li ö - f hilouaphinü onxm \ robluied WLEILT IT 91 Li SALLE STBEET. C3ICÍ0Ü By JOHN O. BUNDY- Terms of Subscription in Advance. One C opy, one yea r, $ ** ** 6 m onth«,......$1jib u M U M n n io m sru in icm n ix. R n m ^ n o u should be mule by United Bute* foaul Money Order, AmeHcsn Express Company'«Honey Order, ftefflstered Letter or Drift on either H«w Tork or Ch!c«*o. Ik, not in any cap tmd «M kt on local 0«JU.,..-p. All letters end communication» should be ed- dressed, sad ill remittance* msdo payable to, JOHN 0. BUNDY. Cwicioo. I u. Adwrtelng Bates, 20 cents per Agate line. Besdlng Nolle«, 40 cents per lino U ttered at the poetoffico In Chicago, 111,, aa second dies malter. SPECIAL NOTICES. The EULtoiD-pKiuMonncAL JoraBALCwlrw It to be ffisttnctij understood that It can accept no responsibility aa to the opinions expressed t>j Conlrtbotom and Oomis pomtetst*. rnw and open dtmiualon within certain IIml 1st» United. and In these circumstance«writer» a rt alone r&pdnalble for the article* to which their name» are attached. Exchanges and Indlrldual* In quoting from the Rx- ueio-iluicsoiincxi, JomxsL, are requested to dl*- Ungulih between editorial articles and the oocnmimlca- Uons or cones pondrnu- Anonjmoru letters and communications will not be noticed. The name end address or the writer aw required as a guaranty of good faith. Rejected manuscripts cannot he preserved, neither wui they bo returned, units* sufficient postage t sent with the requmt When newspapers or magazines are sent to the Jociuiah, oonlotnlng mailer tor special attention, the sarder will please draw a line around the article to which be desires to call nolle«. CHICAGO, ILL.. Saturday, July ft. 1H&4. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBEBS. Subscription* n o t p a id in advance a re charged a t the old p ric e o f $3.15 p e r y e a r. To accom m odate those old Subscriber«w ho through force o f habit. o r in a b ility, do not keep p a id In orf- thtnce, the cred it system is fo r the p rese n t co n tin u ed ; but it m u st be d istin ctly understo o d th a t it is w h o lly as a fa v o r on the p a r t o f the P u blisher, as the term s are P A Y M E N T I N A D V A N C E. Last Hoars Orthodox and Heterodox. Thomas Carlyle well said: " To die decently In a small thing; to lire truly Is man s highest work." Lif^ia a bettor tent of char actor than thb change which we call death, and to prepare to live righteously each day is the best preparation for that great change which awaits as all. Pitiful, It 1. toseo what large stress the Christian world puts on the death of Jesus, and wj^t little on hie life. Ills death was bat tho rrealtjuid completion of bis earthly career. That prayer on the cross: " Father forgive them, they know not what they do, was tho sweet utterance of the spirit that had animated and inspired his dally actions,and wltliont thoae actions wonld not hare been possible. A good beginning, a faithful persistence In;well-doing and a peace- fnl transition will come in natural succession, the last largely dependent on what transplr, ed before it.. Why, then, make the last so much and all the rest so little? We can judge a man by his life fa? better than by his death, because that life tells a long story of persistent faith and tenderness, of courage and Adel' ity If It he a true life that la; If not, the story Is of weakness and darkness of faith while hta death only telto the mood of a short hour In which pxlu or dullness of bodily senses often play a large part. Other things being equal the death of tbs righteous Is moetpe&ce- f nl, yet sometimes the bad man may seem to sink calmly away, while the good man s last breath may be drawn In agony. Moat absurd la It to think that none die peacefully except those who believe in Jesus," In the narrow evangelical bo use who have been "redeemed by his atoning blood." Doubtless glimpses of the glory beyond tbe veil and the spirit presence of frlende gone before, often light up tbe last earthly hour with a heavenly radiance,, bnt these do not some to the orthodox Christian only, but to Pagan, Jew'and Christian alike, In all ages and lands. Tho assurance of a blessed future Is not for the follower of Christ alone. The hymn reads: Jesus can oak«a dying bad. Feel soft as downy pillows arts' but Cicero, in Pagan Rome, in his charming essay, Dt Senectnte Of Old Age tells ns how, aa he draws near to death, he seems to be getting eight of land, and about to enter a pleasant harbor After a long voyage. Looking for the delight of a reunion with friends he toys: " 0 glorious dayl when I shall go to that divine company and assembly of spirits." To him his frienda are in an existence more truly living than when here. Socrates, quietly waiting for the fatal cup of hemlock, serenely told to his weepiug friends: No evil can happen to a good man, either 1n Ufa or after death." Those whom orthodox professors count as tost heretics and luqdets, die In joy unspeakable. Alexander Pope, In his wonderful hymn, said; Hark, they whlsperl angels mj, Rtetsr»ptrtt ooroe swayp What la this «tootle ma quite, Stasia my unsaa, shut* my tight. Drowns my spirit, draws my breath, Tell ma, my tool, ran tbla bedeethr Bnt the spiritual opening of the inner life which these* golden words give some faint lest hour on earth. Bnt they come with dearer light where there le natural spiritual culture and education. Nat long since we heard of the last day of a veteran Spiritual- let, a man beloved and honored by all, and greatly loted by his family. Hie Illness was sudden and unexpected, hie pain at times severe, hut in intervals of bodily ease he told hts children he must leave them, asked them to be of good cheer for their own Bakes, and that his passing away might be cheerful, lie gave directions for hto funeral, told them.he should bo present to see and hear all that was done or said, and ehould ever do voice failed and he Bank Into a trustful rest like a weary yet happy child no fear or i loom, yet "the blood of Jesus " waa of no loment to hlm^he had no faith lif atone, lent, or Trinity or an Infallible Bible, but he illd have Inspiring faith and sustaining knowledge of the future life and of Spiritualism. Of him on Ills deatfi bed. as of many of like views, It might bo said: a HThe lowly chunter of Uiy rest Shall beam Willi many su angel-gnost. And Nature lay her tribute sweet Of health and beaut; ml thy feet. No creed»hall hind thy froe-born might Nor shadow veil the heavenly highl. Rut sorrow from thy soul shall cease, And God» own preeeunvglte thee peace." A young man passed away some years bidcjj lit Western New York, a Spiritualist, and tho only eon of a widowed mother. He was of excellent personal character, apd was the skill ful m anager^ tlieir largo farm, f bought- fulness for others was hla marked trait. On his bed. when he felt he had bnt a few brief hours to live, he was quietly suggesting plans for the future good of the family, and told his mother be wished to see their hired man a person.whom he respected and trusted. The man came, and his dying friend said to him: I owe you a hundred and fifty dollars; when I am gone It may take yon months to get It, and you Bhould have It now." His mother,brought the money and paid it over- The duty done so quietly and pleasantly on his part gave him new peace. In two hourb he had entered tho llfo beyond as easily as one would pass into a lighted room. He was not helped,or hindered by any thoughts about "salvation by Christ," for Bueh Ideas were no part of bis education. A Persian poet, far from Christian teaching, centuries ago on his own death bed gave a golden poem In which he s.tld: v Let the bouse forsaken perish; Let the shell decay: Break the cage, destroy the garment*. I am faraway. Call not this my aratb, I pray you; Tis my tlfo of life, Goal of nil my weary wandering«, End of all my strife," Tho Immortal Jlfe Is In aa, and gleams from the regions beyond the grave, come to the good and true of many creeds. We would not dim their radiance In life or In the lost hoar, but let ns pat aside tbe false conception that none save those " ransomed by tbe blood of the Lamb, can live religiously or die in sweet peace, or In such Joy os no words can tell. To Your Tents, V Israel! This was the universal war-cry of the Jews, When an obnoxious law was made, a tyrannical act done, tho gathered people looked In silence from under bent brows, till some one voiced their unspoken thought- and shouted, " To your tents, 0 Israel." It meant war, rebellion, letting loose Qerco and bitter passions. We have changed all that. The cry to hosts of people in alt oar cities, with every recurring summer, Is hot a call to flerco and prolonged activity, to dally combat, but to peacofal rest, to social enjoyment. The dwellers In tbe cities discover that their thoughts are getting less clear, their motions less elastic than they ought to be. and turn from the noise, dust and smoke to the pure and peaceful scenes of tbe country from the fierce antagonisms, the Intense rivalry of trade or polities, to new and quiet thoughts; from the care and orderly arrangement of home to the free tent-life. In tbe shadow of the woods, where the summer breexee whisper of peace, and restfal communion with nature restores 'wasted energies. The camp meeting Is a purely American Institution. The gathering In scenes of na tnral beauty of a mass of people with similar tastes and purposes, tbe free, unconventional life, where the very want of some accustomed things even seems to add a east to life, is an experiment never tried out of the tinned States, and not even here by the very rich. The different religious denominations learned from their early efforts the eed and the use of camp meetings. While the country was yet young, when no large buildings eouty be had, camp meetings for a few days at a time, were a real necessity. But soon It was discovered that health to the body as well as a new life to the eoui could be had by a little wholesome neglect of business, a lutle suspension of accustomed activities, a little dt. version of attention, If not to new thoughts, at least to a study of the bearings of old ones In new directions and under new Influences. All over the land, as summer comes, la provision made for the assembling of tho crowds needing health, restand recreation, and every year thousands go for a shorter or longer perl od, and return refreshed, better fitted to take, np the burden of life, stronger, happier, wiser because for a lutle white the/ have communed with Nature, and shaped their life more In accordance with It, The Spiritualist doe*not like the ordinary a Whose supplications, seem too >a renewal of the excitements they tlons, tbe much like have (led from; besides other vital objections which exist. But a Spiritualist camp meeting is, not only to thousands of Spiritualist*, but to other thousands.oueof the most delightful spots upon earth. No long rows of dingy, silent tents, all alike, no gltom or stiffness, but each cottage or tent made os pleasing In exterior, as comfortable wllliih, os Is possible for (he taste and means of tis occupant. A walk through the ample, well-kept street» of Buch a meeting Is full of pleasant surprises, kaleidoscopic changes of color, and new all he wisely could for them, and then hi«fo'ftos of decoration continually presenting themselves. Then, too. such a camp meeting Is not meant for the mortification of the flesh, but Its building np. There Is always a good hotel, alwyjys excellent.provision for physical needs. Ilis not strange that, year after year, people who don't want to have anything to do with Spiritualism,.visiting one of these camps on business with some tent dweller," with grim resolve to leave as soon as the business Is done, forget their resolution and stay to tho end of the meeting* and come again the next year. Nowhere are men and women more natural and unconventional, nowhere does Spiritualism take on a more varied aspect, nowhere does tho enthusiastic prophet of the good time coming, meet with such spontaneous, hearty appreciation. Are there any evils springing from these gatherings? Yes ; what mortal thing can be free from evil? Have not orthodox camp meetings Keen denounced sometimes? There is something In tho freedom of the tent-life, the relaxation of the bonds of city restraint that la easily taken advantage of by those of the baser sort. In.some of the Spiritualist camp meetings they have sometimes been plagued with the presence of men.and women who were morally foul, and there did not seem any way to cure the evil. But the better class were determined their pleasant summer gatherings should not be under the control of a class whose teaching and example were vile, and most of the Spiritualist camp meetings are now as free from all offensive things as those of the rigidly orthodox, while they nre far more pleasant to dwell In. Die gathering of the clans will soonbegla; the people are already preparing to flock to the camps. On every hand ijiay be heard-tho modern equivalent to the old Jewish cry: Are you going to camp meeting?- The Immortal Life, religion* camp meeting. The atmosphere to Idea, U no partial gift bestowed only on o r-: apt to seem slightly sulphurous when some tbodox pietists. Even through the murky flerce-eyed soldier, of the eroes" tells of "slncloutto of creed and dogma these experiences come tinphltaal-mtnded men in their highest hour» of life or dsath-eapecully at the non In the bauds of an angry God f the real or stmulsted spasms of sepedtauce, or oul-etonus at conviction, the fiery exhoru- Very Interesting and remarkable Indeed is the world-wide thought and questioning on this great matter. This is called a materialistic age, sud it Is, but It la also a spiritual age. The foundations of faith are shaken by new Inquiries, the supremacy of the senses over the soul Is proclaimed, the agnostic doubts all that his hands cannot touch, or hla dim eyes see; but ever the soul assert* Itself, the old questions are asked with new light to help their answering, the old fono- datlodh are shaken, and thus settled down firmly to solid bed rock, and so the lloht of. Immortality etili shines all the brighter In growing nnmber of open souls. John W. Chadwick, a gifted and earnest liberà! Unita rian, writing of man s origin and destiny, eaye: 7 " - ' But does the argument for Immortality peritb with thocollapm ofuienew Testament legend of the neurreclion of Jesus from lire dead? It doe«undoubtedly for mao; leader soul«, whose faith has been»toyed entirely on this legend. It may be that, opart from Ulte, there ore abundant and concinni re reason* for "a hope full ot Immortality/ II Is my own oodticuoo that there ore. But the majority of ('hrlauasa bore to long regarded the resurrection of Jeans u tbe exclusive ground for such s hope that a long acd weary time must necmsarily elapse before the force of other argument«cod be apparente- Nor Is this ill. In order to Inert«*# the rettene* of mankind upon the.rwurrecuoo of Jeaua as tbe pledge of personal Immortality, the Church hi* studkmaiy and pendfteuuy depreciated the vaino of all other arguments.....the eon of s Unitarian minister, himself one of the noblest of our younger men, told me not long ago that reading carefully his father*» book» and manuscripts he was astonished to find that the total»tree» or hla argument T O on the despair of any knowledge of God h r Immortality without the B3 bte revelation. If a Unitarian minister, of date so recent, esteemed hr hto contemporaries one of the (Dost spiritual of liriraect, ooulft thus disparage every nolani argument, the overage tone of Christian thought «down tbe cantari«is not difficult to imagine. \ In view of these oooatderatlootlt may well be that tbe deep lr of Immortality whlciaha* of late settled upon *o many mlsite, la not a etetewf mind that wtu penm for any length of time. It only marki the violence or the reaction from the Unsubstantial pageant of the popular creed; this anitre inability to at once economize * field ot argument which has»long teen «yetenulucally disdained or disregarded. The reearrectlijn of Jean* may be a legend, or It may be a natami occurrence, far there are those living to-day who know that their friends have arisen. Bat how painfully true la the statement of Mr. Chadwick, that the Church has sthdloualy depreciated the vaine of all other arguments." The church does not give man faith In his own soni or In hi* healthful senses, only faith la a book which they ciato as infallible, but cannot prove the claim. In this transition stage of thought, we want **to economi» a field of argument," and gala facts aa well o* argument to emphasise \ n d put on sure foundations tbe trutfi of personal Immortality. Here let us say that we think such Spiritualists as base their (kith solely on phenomena, and Ignore the" voice within," ara bat shallow and a l ternai la their thinking. The facte of spirit presenoe are of great value, bat tbe eoal tea- timqny to that fatore life, which It feel* and know* by spiritual^attrition to also of great ach helplnj gy, with clairvoyance, magnetism, psychic phenomena, wonderful yet natural, and Its great philosophy of life. A glimpse of this we gain from a word ot A. J. Baris (Great Harmonía, rol. fí, page 4W. etc.): This beautiful world Is bat a workshop... When obtaining our teal pnmpecte and Impression* of creation, w» Outlook through the basement windows of the great eternal Temple. Admirable and desirable a* I» this earth. II I* but a factory, where ibo soul la made capable of its Sight' to a tetter bom* and a healthier latitude....spirit rid«the chariot of nutter. Side by side Uiej Journey t*> the human organization. Then spirit being debwhed and Individualized, transcemu the material vehicle, and become* the marier-dower Is the garden of God. Nothing In more philosophical and leoullful than that Lbte world Is the Incipient school, the rudimental plane, where the spirit 1* educated and prepared to enter naturally upon a higher existence Will you not eat, drink and sleep intelligently? Nota K hbla mark» your pathway; not a flower spring* noath your feet but hold«a private relation to the thoughta which you entertain concerning It. Do you y rani for a purer nature? And to be dad with a teauuiu: spiritual body at death? Then feed wlaely upon better luitatauo«, drink of better fluida and habitually think letter thought*. For everything which your digestive functions a**finflate, 1» to acme degree; manufactured into the fabric of your spirit * iedy; nnd every unworthy thought of your mind will long Unger about and darken the vestibule of wisdom'* Immortal temple.. Millions of spiritual being» ore daily helping humanity By these inspiring «ladles we shall seo that we are made to last; that our interior and spirit as I body to not touched, save to be re leased bydeath; that our personality survives and endures; that our work goes on. Spiritualism has, sod wilt have, large and leading part in these coming atadles of man s origin and destiny. Lot tu be ready to ilo our part la this nfeeded work. The Battles of To-Bsy. The accounts of great battles will always have an Interest few other themes possess. Bright nnd glowing things, terrible and ghastly ones, belong to a battlefield. The enormous coa cent ration of power la the moling masses,the pitiful weakness of the wounded, the tlaah and the sraoke, the triumph and the death, human passions, hopes and fears, raptures and tortures, are all represented by great battles. It to these that make up the fascination belonging to tho memory or the description of a battle. Yet we see only a part of the picture. Bo many killed, so many wounded, a great cause won or Lost, helped or retarded, those are ull that remain In our thought when the smoke of battle has cleared away, when the thunder of the cannon has^eosed, the ehot-torn flags have boon furled, &hd the llfo, the glory, the furore of the deligfitvof conflict hare passed away. Yet for long years after, from Bhat tered hearts that stood not In range of bul let or bayonet, will go up a wall of agony; desolation will brood around crushed homes that were far away from the battle field. No one can tell where the effect of a great battle may reach, or where Its Influence shall ceaf^. All this to true, too,of those battles of opinion through the ages. Not nnseidom has the conflict of Ideas been transferred to the field of perainni combat.^ It Is not hard, perhaps, to trace how the conflict began; not djfflcpu to find record of the Incidents of the campaign, but we must wait long before alt the results of the contest can be-^athered up. Tho shock of the battle we know; we cqn tell how tho forces wavered or rallied, the victory or defeat to perceived; but wo-do not know all the wounded, nor all that are saved; we cannot toll of the myriad live«of those, seemingly not In the flghi, which have been modified, or wholly changed ny two schools of thought coming lato collision, and tho ran- qulshment of one of^jhem. Conservatism The act of cleaving to something that to loss than perfect, because a greater evil would,follow its abandonment, to commonly called conservatism, and within reasonable limits (measured on one side by the greatness of the evil perceived and on the other by the greatness of tbe evil feared) It ho* Us use,»«a sort of balance-wheel, preventing violent or sodden changes. Btohop Bedell of the Eptoco pal diocese of Ohio, is evidently a pronounced conservative; one of those who would Bather tear tho ltl* wt tare, Thao flj to «then that m (too* not ol1 There to a passage in the First Epistle of John, reading a* follows; Uw? to*t bear record in barren, tftj Father, lb* Word, and tbs Holy Gboat. and ilea* Hire* are on«. J, jozm 7«This passage to appointed to b«read on the first Sunday after Easter, bot there to snch a weight of evidence that It to an interpolation, that the revisers have omit ed It. ip deference to the aimoet'unanimous Judgment of the highest scholarship of the day. Apart from the decision c/fthe revisers, it hoe been almost universally rejected. Because the learned ministers of tbe Episcopal Church know this, a custom bo* grown up of omitting this verse, or accompanying the reading with some statement of Us donbtfal authenticity. Bishop Bedell forbid* both the«* practice«. He says: ^N o w w d o f U» prom t East lab Wbte which iru» btota lot in to tuuctied timer bj erttleujb or w sseplleuoi without dlsteraltv io tire church, daomr to Ure truth, and hares to tea soul. The creation ot doubt Is the hredottifi* ot modeutj." That la, it to less dangerous to quote an admitted forgery as divine troth than to omit It or question It. It wlu harm the eoal" If they do not believe what they know to be false. Why? Because the church bos permitted itself to be deceived, admitting a forgery as a genuine writing; to proclaim' this to to proclaim the chnrch was not Inspired in value-each helping and confirming the ^faer endorsement of the Serlptnree; a more ofher, and both foil of beauty and power. ' J* jl * " M m Strong; and triumphant, to a height seldom Teach ed, was Theodore Parker's faith in Immortality net because the Bible told of It, but because bis sool greater than any book, declared It. But the Held of fact and argument opens to new breadth and wealth os we come to Spiritualism, w*th Ha new psyeholo- deadly error, he thlnko, than acceptance of tbe false words as true. This 1«conservatism run mad,' a sort of radical conservatism. What danger to the truth " there coa be In refusing to countenance a falsehood, is not readily discoverable. "Disloyalty to tbe church which proclaims itself "the pillar and ground of the truth," there may be, but " a «* '1 ' with all due respect for tbe Btohop we think It better to be loyal to truth, cien If la doing saws should seem to be disloyal to all the churches. The " creation of doubt may be a terrible thing to a Bishop, bnt an honest man will not be too much afraid of it. - There Ile» more truta in boo#*t doubt, Defleve me. Urea In bail tbe creed*/' A Murderer Gone to Jeans. Borne months ago a man named Luke Phipps, shot bto wife In a ferry boat on tbe river between Detroit and Windsor, escaped, was caught at South Chicago, taken to a jail, tried In a, Canadian court, sentenced to deatljand bang a few days since. His wife was nhad woman, and ho a bud man. He shot hehjn a passion, and their fonr children are left Ho was of a good family, lisd help to cftvct on honest baseness, bnt ooems to have iilwu^/alled in that, (ind gravitated to some mean vocation and to dissipation. A "minister of the gospel visits him in jail, prays with him, prays on the ecaffold in the presence.of a company^if opeu monthod spectators; alt this fnisomo parade of devotion gets Into the newspapers, and the miserable murderer Is saved by the blood of Joans." Csn any thing be more absurd and demoralizing? If Jesus could return and speak, he wonld surely make earnest protest agalust such shameful use of his name. Tho murdered wife, not having been prayed for in this ostentations way, nothing is said qf her future condition. W e are loft to suppose that, having died without benefit of clergy, Jesus has not saved her. What degrading folly Is all this? GENERAL NOTES. Jesse Shepard, the musical medium, Is now In England. Mrs. J. W. Still, trance and test medium, has an engagement at Copenhagen, N. Y. Dr. J. A. Marvin, of Detroit, Mich., to at Lansing, Mich., where he will remain a few weeks. Capt. H. H, Brown s address until further notice will be at Qneen City Park, Burlington,'Vt. A. 1^ French IfrioTiptJak at the LanBtng camp rfierfldgtsatarday and Sunday, Aug. Oth and 10th. Lyman C. Howe ha* dosed his engagement at Indianapolis. Ind.' He will lecture at Old Mission. Michigan, during July. Mr. M. J. Burr, Chariton, Iowa, bob kindly remembered us, and sent his photograph. It to good, and we place It with our collection. Mr. N. L. Norton, of Austin, Tex., has juflt written that Dr. Henry Slade has been there for the past week, and given satisfaction. Mrs. Emma ilardluge-britten will lecture at Republican Hall. N. Y, July Oth, 13th and 20 th. Dr. Deuu Clarke has just returned from California, and will visit his brother at Sheboygan Falls, Wto. Mrs, Sarah E. Allen, Geneseo, 111., has sent *2-50 for the poor fund. This to a worthy object, and she honour thanks for her contribution. Mrs. Marla M. King finds her Western home at Breckenrldge, Col., to be very pleasant, although there has been more rain there this year than to usual. James MeDowal, injjm and Daybreak, claims to have conversed with Jesns through the medlumshlp of a mesmeric clairvoyant. He asserts that the Bpirit of Jesus to only one of myriads. Mr. W^ILBJotr ityll speak before tbe Peoples Sflrifualist Society In Marline s Hall, 66 Ada street, next Sunday evening a t 7;t5. Mis subject will be: Who are the real Infidels." In Dr. Joe. Rode* Buchanan s Essay, The Rational Aspects of the Mind-Cure Craxe la Boston," he was made to say In fifth paragraph. thirteenth line, the" Dominican Monk Foules," when he meant the Dominican MoQk Taoler. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Grove, of Ohio, spent several days In the city lost week. Mrs. Grove 1s developing as a medium; already she has given flue teste of spirit "pre«d«, and will undoubtedly aceompltohdnuch good through her medlumshlp in time. The speakers for July at the Everett Hall Spiritual Conference, will be aa follows: The 6th. Judge Good, of Plainfield, New Jersey; the 12th, Judge Dally; the 10th, Albert Smith, and the SQtb, Deorun D. M.Cole, all of Brook- b n. We are requested to state that Prof. Buchanan * promised work. Therapeutic Sar- eognomy, designed a* a guide to magnetic physicians and to electric practitioners, baa been delayed In publication by the enlargement of hie plan, to Include a fall expoaltloa of modern eleetro-therapeutlee, and the new methods Introduced by himself, which revolutionize Its applications to disease, and develop lte applications also to ethlcql culture and to Spiritualism. John B, Aiden, the Irrepressible and wideawake New York publisher, U about to visit hto boyhood home In Iowa; he hopes to find the old patch of wild strawberries that supplied hto wants In'hto younger day*. We fear he will be disappointed; he to more likely find an A 1 creamer/hf a thousand-cow. capacity on tho spot. If he can invent a method to supply flret-elass butter a* cheaply as he now does standard literature, the victims of oleomargarine aad butterlno will blase hto memory and plant wild strawberry rinw over hto g rave, should he ever find time to die ; I : ;. i.

5 \ JU L Y On the eighth page. If the reader e«nisi carefully, may be found an advertisement of hake Plea»ant camp meeting. Editorial reference la made for fear the diminutive elze of the notice may cause It to bo overlooked. The J ournal's Editor-in-chief expects to occupy hie quarters at that camp during August, and hopes to meet thousands of his old friends as welt as thousands of now acquaintances. In the opinion of expert investigators, an alleged medium passing jjnder the name of Edwards has been fooling tho^oyple in Brook- ' lyn. A slight modification of stale tricks with cards, and the old rope-tying swindle soem to be his stock In trade. An explanation of bow he operates is hardly necessary at this time, and wo forbear using valuable space therefor. We can name a committee of prominent Brooklyn Spiritualists who are able'to cope with this dabs ter. Mr. Richard Arnold, an old and prominent Spiritualist, and city passenger and ticket agent of the Grand Trunk Railway at Toronto, Can passed to spirit llftf a few days ugo, from tjiat city. The Toronto Globe says: "He loaves a widow and two daughters, one of whom Js the wife of Mr. William W.uinwrlght. Assistant General Manager, and the other of Mr. James Stephenson, General Passenger. Agent of the Grand Trunk Railway." The funeral took place from his late re sid e n t 253 Parliament street. The arrangements were under the charge of King Solomon Lodge A. P/and A.M, "The Proceedings qf the Illinois Press As-, sociatlon " at Us nineteenth annual meeting, held January 30th, 3l\t and February 1st, 1884, at Urbana, 111., has come to hand, gotten up In fine style, and containing a large amount of matter of especial interest to the Journalist. Among the many valuable productions which the pamphlet contains, is an essay by Fred L. Alles. late of tlio Pontiac «sfinrt, on " How to Make Money in a Prlnt- IngOfllce," and which has special significance to newspaper men generally, as it points out the method whereby the Impecunious country editor may avoid the necessity of sitting on the 11ragged edge of poverty, and be enabled to accumulate all tbo worldly riches necessary for his earthly happiness. Mr. Alles, however, did not nnfold his numerous.devices and scheme* to enrich bis coffers until he had made a fortune himself, and was ready to make his home on the Pacific coast. Ruing himself a practical illustration of the truth of his own theories, he thought he could on the eve of his departure, safely present them to the world as a sure guide to a competency. The SaibalA.S'rnfmrf, a little monthly paper published at Hattla Greek, Mich., at 35 cents a year, claims Sunday Is not Sabbath, but a heathen Innovation. Its purpose is to restore the seventh day to its ancient character. ('all for the A nnual M eeting ot (be A m e r lm n H p trltu a llj it A am oelailon. T* (««um it ULi rvtuuu r.»f Lsysnl 1*1.. Tbe American Spiritual!«! A «nodal Ion. urgiolted at StUrgis. Michigan, In June, 1883» hereby under Die authority ot be hoard of Tnubjw then vlfcled, 1«* uee tbe following call for tbe next annual meeting of mid Association, to awembt«at Lake Pleasant in Uie town of Montague, Mam., on Thursday the 31*1 day of August, lbdlt to continue by adjournments for three days. The told annual meeting will be for the purpose of perfecting the organization, by the making of It a legal body corporate, hy lacreulug tin* number of tin members, by effecting anlty and co-operation with other organized bodies of Spiritualist* and in every proper manner enlarging Its field of Influence and practical executive power for good. The constitution of lb* Association ( ever open to orderly amendment i. Its objects nud alms, and an addreas to the general public, have been already circulated amewhat widely. In pamphlet form and otherwise, and o n pmbably well known to Spiritualist* at large, and will continue to become more and better known. We trial, therefore, that the cause of an organ lied rational and purified Spiritualism, the need of which, has been long lg felt, may * be balled and J responded *"* ~ to with Joy by lb tbe Visor thousand* whose lita bare been enriched hleoed by this Modem Splritnnd that all inch wlu unite heartily al d m trip place It -S Its reception, uencro tiriti» en and (laten the knowledge luted to afford. Tbe Nsw-F dati on licm» month of-august, be the largest and iforo tbe world la a light favontbl* aiding to spread its benign In-, bereo thousand* of our broth- tor the light and Joy which a philosophy npby la eo so well Calcuplritnallst Camp Meeting Aetoat Lake Pleasant through the 'leoaant Camp Is known to >polnted Spiritualist camp to the world. Bere, dui tbe camping eeaaoa, may be met thousand* of r*p«mentauva spiritualist* from nearly every Slate end Territory In the Nation, as well a number from different foreign count dr* consideration«, among others, seemed to point to Lake Pleasant as a the beef place Jo bold oar anno al meeting thta year. Tbe Board dfthroctar* of the N. E. S. Camp Meeting Association have extended a cordial Invitation to the American Spiritualist Aaeodallon, as a sister Association working for tbe onmmæ good ot Spiritualism. This act of courtesy does not, or course, commit the Lake Pleasant Management to the alma and objecta of the American Spiritnsu«t Association, bat many ot It* members are known to be favorable thereto, and it la hoped that a thorough exposition of the parpara» of the A. 8. A. will make apparent to all who attend the Marietta of our annosi meeting, the need of ffganliaüon for *ff«sire-work on a oommon boras and to a bmlaess W* t la desirable that all aseodatlooe of Eptritaaltata Uon with o> to rifeci consolidation or otherwise promote tbe (maral good ot the caom. Aoeommodaikma can be procured at rcaaonable talea for such delegata* and other* from a distance ; Information on these matters can he obtained to due Meon from the official Announcement* of Lake Pleasant Camp, whid) will appear at least taro month» before the meeting, - w a ü s L ï U m Bockemto. Del A Nxw Ramis Ackwi KUOUU Rivto baa been opened within a few weeks which make«an Important Hah In a great railroad line, and 1» Itself reckoned an engineering wonder. ItM situated a few hundred feet sooth of the old suspension bridge, andw*«built to rive tbe Michigan Centra] railroad a completa Une between SeSÏw YortCÿottml andcbkago. Tbecocnectlon 1» over tbe Canada Southern, now a part of tbe Michigan Central, between Niagara riser and Detroit, and whole tasto* aro now run through between tho end# ol Vanderbilt'» famous four tracks and the Garden city. The new route will prove specially attractive lo pbsssngsn because of the opportunity It give* tar ««tog lh* grral ejuraet There ta a flue view of the tells from tbe bridge Itself, and then traiua run ap by the river on the Caoadtaa aide and stop at a station called Fill* i lew, where la a platform from which all can take an ohwrvauoe^sprtwfwd {Mas*.). itapumlam, April L «-«BUDosd froui nm p»$* wilb, chemical change in the ultimate particles of the brain anil nervee; m that it must be accepted aa flnnl that the etudy of the organic aide of living nature, biology, is the necessary antecedent to any eatiafactory theory of subjective enlargement. -As a corollary from thin prhpohttiou it would follow as a matter of course. If we have to acknowledge the reality of an unseen uni verse around and above uu.on independent grounds, that the normal and nndisturbed conditions of the nervous system is the index of the fact that the doors ore locked agninst Incursions from the worhj of spirits; the uu Invaded personality being the psychical equivalent of the undisturbed innervation. Hi conclusion the writer would remark that noaccount of a spiritualistic stance is worth anything, scientifically speaking, without phyeical and physiological data'to assist the speculative reasoner, since spirit cau only be grasped by us from the material side of law and order. Publisher's Notice. This number of the RKLioio-PtULGaoPfitcal Journal will reach the attention of not leas than forty thousand readers and thinker«who me not regular subscribers. The publisher and editor would respectfully commend the paper to thesefriends of progress _ aud he asks them to give It a fair trial. If they are at all interested lo Spiritualism and wish to take a paper which represents the higher aspects of religious, scientific and philosophical thought in connection therewith, the J qpknal 1b the paper they want. To all who are not now and nner Am - bten subscribers, tbe Journal will be Rent Twelve weeks, on trial, for fifty cents. At the expiration of the trial subscription the paper will be stopped unless previously renewed. The rapid Increase of interest In spiritualism among the educated, both Inside and outeidfi the various religious denominations, makes the need of an nnsectarian, Independent, fearless, candid and high-class paper a greater lueiilenitwm than ever before. The Journal will be kepi np to the highest standard possible with tbe facilities of tbe publisher and edltor,mnd he hopes for the hearty and continuous patronage of the better and more Intelligent class of the stfeat public,both within and without.the Spiritual 1st rank«. We hare a fresh supply of Dr. Dean Clark' oration and poem, "The Significance,Scope and Mission of Modern Spiritualism." Price, 13 cents. Do Not be U taro u ro srd wen if you have tried many for your Kid ney disease or Liver eoinplsjut without success It.!«oo reason wby you should think your disorder Incurable. Tbe most Intractable cum readily yield to the potent virtu«* of Kidney-Wort, lita a purely vegetable compound which neta on the Kidney* Llv-r and Bowel» At-the «une time and thus deans*» the whole system. Don t wall, but get a package to-day and cure yourself. Tm; Bleepers between rhicago nnd Toronto, running through without change vi» St. Thomas, which the Michigan rentrai and Canadian Pacifie put ou In May. have proven a groat soccwml teael ng Chicago at 4:13 r. *. on the Michigan Central Fast N. V. Express, the traveler arrive» In Ontario s busy metropolis at half-pnut ujue belt morning. Returning lie leaves Toronto at 1 -#) p. M, and arrlree In Llilcago next morning at 73SJS.NThe round trip thus consum» hut two nights, leaving tbe day time (or butldcm. Theoe faculuea exerctas to little effect upon the increasing cotnaserctal and nodal relaucau of the two dries. As soon as the necessary arrangement* can be msd» after the opening of tbe new Canadian Pacific Una between Toronto and Smith's Fall* in July, this valuable through car system wilt be extended to Ottawa and MouUeni Origin ot AsninonTw. Ammonia U obtained In large quantities by tbe patretectloo of the nrine of animat* Kneytloialia Every housekeeper can test baking powders containing Uita dlagnstipg drug by placing a can of the Koval" or Andrew» Pearl" top down on a bot stove until heated, then remove the cover and smell. Dr. Price*» Cream Baking Powder dew* not contain Ammonia, Alum, Lime, Potash, Bone Phn»- phatee. It Is prepared by a Physician and Chemist wlui special regard to cleanltoem and healthful- Totlee ta Nubserlbers. We particularly request subscribers who renew their eutwcrlpuoqa to look carefully at the figur«on the tag which Coo Ulus their respective names and if they are not changed In two week«, 1st as know with fall particular»,» it will save lime and (rouble. $uiim s gritos. Mr. Charta* Dawbarn will lector» for Spiritoaltat and Liberai Bori rita» within one hundred mltaa of New York. Addi», «3 Wart 33rd Street, New York a u. lecture* on «objecta pertaining to reform and tbe edeooe of Spiritualism. At- unwak, Tetagraphlc addrera, Ceylon, 0. P. a addita*. Berlin Heights, Ohio. Dr. 1. Y. MarBflKL.it, 100 Wert 66 St.. New York. World renoarned Letter writing Madlam. Tarma, 3. and IS c. Rvgtater year Letten. SiuiXTD. Lxrrnia answered H. W, Flint, No- 1S27 Broadway, N. Y. " 1and three S cent portage stampa Mooay ratumtad If sot Answered, Sand for explanatory rircular. Ayer's Ague Doro I» w trru tsd to euro all «"»tartat dtaontan, when tbo dlncttooa are Jalthfully followed. J ob Tw Cswn. Tb» PL Lotos M aoaitn*. dtali octiy Western to make-up, DOW to Ita HftosnUt year, ta brilliantly Illustrated, rapiate with storto* poams, Umelr reading and humor. Sample copy and a art of gold colored picture card* soot for tau»ota. Ad- TTf f- ***- *1---o-. M T, Ja: b»d m uí n n a Mnd* la IMrMfea Iterada aod OaUnlo.) T U poem.-t a n e l> M DMta. was ra te a t t ~ apmlrasf Osi teltst. LAZE GENEVA SEMINAEY. Laak» OeQsvS) W ai Worth Oo., Wta. A ealtand tauirtu STOertfsr vsuctsdlra. Tk * h «-* M i^uu' i *raeto"wtej i*ms. ad. tato terra wmsm fvtem tm ina. ApaOfw J RELIGIO-PIIILOSOPIIICAL JOURNAL. & T A I N T E D I -Clicmiets of the nation charge the Royal Baking Pow-' der Coinjriiny with the use of the powerful drug AM MONIA in their Powder; that no article of food should he tainted by this unsafe drag; that it is unlit for appearance in any human diet; that its long continued use in any form will derange the blood; that it is only found in the natural foi»d and drink of man as an accidental impurity. /. 1 That NATlTHK ABHORS arid exjiels it as an excrement.,, That in a Baking Powder it has not even the virtue of necessity. If the charge is unjust, would it not be an net of justice to themselves, as well ns a polite concession to a deeply interested public sentiment, to answer th e' charge* To answer iirynedtattdy; To answer honestly f Oily evasion won't do. Oily dignity, oily plausibility, oily hon-coinminnt won t do. Ridicule won t do. Come forward in a manly way aud give the public evidence that justifies its use. 5 per cent, of Ammonia. * - 1«(Hi filters cksak ham no ruwmt * *nd arariso»«abiauton 'if I CHEKATXRtAL». >ntlr*lz fr*» tnw>ammonia. WhtrhUr<rt)Ut>Wvt IbHiri'»r all «Owr llitrltaurt* Uw 1 llo ju," la «u c ti I HAVE ro C M J A - JIIOH AS MVK. f l t i l C ltift vf I t l l s u n n a q la M U K r " June, 14th, l**l Prof. CHARLES.E. DWIOIIT, ChemlBt, Lalmratory, Whaling, W. Va. PROTECTION. Every housewife can try the Royal,* or any brand of Baking Powder, by placing tbe can, top down, on a hot'stove till heated. Remove the cover, and if there, she will smell AMMONIA. After which she can change it for Price s Cream that has nothing base t, f o 1 0 0, AKQRÏ HOUSEKEEFEHS. Wish to know why the Royal flaking I'owder Company withhold from the Public the simple Intelligence that their Powder contains AMMO?» 1,1.? Eminent Physicians and Chemists AMMONIA IS A DANGEROUS DRUG In any human diet. ITS USE IE FOOD IS A-V OFFEXSE TOjiATCRE. Tartrate of Lime Ihfound in all Cream of Tartar. It J* a Da^ural product, of vegetable origin, derived from the vrinee which produce Cream of Tartar. It ie a coartlluent of the grape, an Well u other fruits. X. The idea that Tartrate of Lime can be converted into lime at the temperature of the oven la the rankest nonsense, and could only originate In the brain of one totally devoid«! chemical knowledge. Tbe Royal" contains It. It ha<, no injurious action opoallbe system. The crying of Lime " in the way the Royal Baking Powder Company do ta another trick to extricate themselves from the one of the powerful drag Ammonia In their powder. 1)0 N O T T A K E O U R W O R D F O R I T. \ _. Every housekeeper can prove tbe troth of our statement* by placing a can of the Royal " top down on a hot store until heated, then remove the cover andy%meu-- AMMONIA." This test wttl show that ths - Royal Mcontains AMMONIA; that DR. PRICE'S CREAM BAK ING POWDER does not contain Ammonia. The strength of oar powder can be proven by tbe consumers' reliable test, THE TEST OF THE OVEN. Dr. Price's Cream Baklag Powder is superior to tbe Royal." It contains no Ammo' hi a. The " Royal contains Ammonia. The use of Ammonia In articles of food I believe to be injurious. ELIAS II. BARTLEY, B. S., M. D., Chemist of the Department of Health. Brooklyn W. Y-h May 30,18S4. Price Baking Powder Co. / WRITE a kuwtiss,!»»ai. m r*c*rrtiia raiaáiosui» C A V IC I U W E MILITA* V A CAA* EUS Y, t e n i r. Mac. w. a tuet, O x A O a a s x Lb* Jorm sat arad po^ t» «KO. *«to km e*n- pía»» ai i* m i b*ra o»«- tirar «kl- sutate* nu m- D9» All AU (o* (O* B»I*» f«rraa r«t»» I Lacrrara «raotraiio ~ ~ ~r *04 ItalWilHM M ta twomi b o ta i** ii**4u» B ran a s t a t a to ioms» tm gratterai ME tasi mite w» on tastai SbtasdJ *r»t" ned **t Chicago Magnetic Shield Co., No. G C entral Muaic HAH, Chicago, HI T H O S E Ò H ' OUR CUSTOMERS WMOa*«atarMstnil«artatatattta»rt a* Colite» STANDARD RAILROAD TIM E, And ias«a«raaep an* ta*od stessa «opt m» t e t o l t a C li«ta I» l will k m as* l i t e I raertta rt newt «tararti «r aa atti s*o4 h» aiaraitart 10 mai* la nra*»» L O R D A T H O B A H, N e w c p a p a r A d v e rtialn g. Chicago, CL I.Jnw* UHJ. to»a R C FT U R K C U R E D *%&. - m-tnus into. o u t KW»M «f lu Ptara u t * M - Jteod i ta ia n lot clttoi+r inner, n j * AtKHa At. lìil'w». tu. MO jh Js a CO HALL T Y PÊ-WRITER-840. Vurtrinly tu» ss n.j rata to o*r«yntan «end tot dnuura A*»nt * V'f~>I«rtrry [..wri n<»i«, TVfE. wwtnui Aoxrv.r»«mwii*«n $250 A M O X T H, A TU n n l á d loot to ti. UK anidra Io Um»9,14. 1 ramata i two*. I Arttara. JAT HHON.ejN. DsutaL Mlcb Curine lllwa** ll> «pirli Power, Hy I /tlf «.. IHü h c m o» r.ij*:.cira to co m. Ail msiutar ot Iw»» trtiw. lta«d fra fln Tlif at riblmimrau kite " T i n :.., V r flodtiiiï, M iu alteare Boats. jiulmijt 'isuriw Oral -HrmiaH MI tou. ' I PI ML, II --- lb«with »Ufi. tertio JlUftMlRNkr Nn!I V M liaffib ffa( toiijfartttfrf«powëll -,.f wlaimilk ADOUGLAS* Tlistu etc. * P A T E N T S i t : ä ruttete jhef'ir«tjbr (lot#mttwi»l. ahsufur l«far< Wiihington?1}t ac45 P E N S I O N S iut VTW :n n i mc unti.lu h.l I l) Arfto «Yoo Itoobtai h i Du«.;, Adorn* tr. S u m f-utity Ktsss. WANTED AWOMAN or il i r fun^' if ha I.Hf.liiyjtitedif rahpnfd. Kalary H its la BOO. ltotcnlu * lic-uii*^,1. 0,1 ijttu. ^ 11 iiltctajr M, a. X, D Y K E S 'S U R E C U R F B S E E U r t A (ì I \ [ S " * ^TCtitDHUATM-tin 1 n n i.u rt," t,m ixirj an. m o riste te u to n AJ«u, tar our - H o rn B ó rra»,» i-jo w im - ta 6» Îfc. pr to on Om lira, *nd chnopnt tcmdirai» «ri t«r *f«a(*ra. Wi i j ON Hiu>T xubr M r s.». i n. l > m J K T X E I f Traître M r tí tutu, M ttffnrtir H e a t e r, So Modici**«ri «arriirai. 425 W. MADISON STREET, CHICAGO.1 DR. JOS. RODES BUCHANAN, Ü F ort Apen tir. Hont on, no» d d w»ttactlfin to Ih* IflMarat Ot Outmlt. ste-fl S WdwnWi! m ifste, *od Uw urn at ora, rmol tete* dtmnrarte ht fclmwlf Hi. rrald.ne* I* In [b* auwt teraite Itaolrny sad ptotarrarju. locoltoa 1» UodM *ad b* rooraewra*rra.mraite. m w-f*m,ir t,* te t* Ttarttaiillf NtrafTiMiir Pdll tataonl art! IiiipK a tel «tof.ora ta* yrasi«teacher. A com petent Teacher for a College or advanced school Is open for an eng ag em en t Can give th e JtF.ST o f referenced. A ddress W ALL ASTON, care Lord A Thomas, Chicago, 111. B U INE A m u «ulte f»r aaumtoc tel. Don at hk Ut», Putii»Ute at An- rat*, u k n a o» L arerar, natte--»orara» tlrap** ara», h, ta* ra n o v a t e b a b v l H u» M o a ra a n e r. CW. Ctevrii.»Ira». Uta «i (JirS-ld aublk&te by w. act told ura t m l y ocn o y by OO OWi. uuurlta rarry litote In till* aorta; many wot, *r* wltln» Buy dally A * «ik * «BuAUic Alise Í t.-rt IUO*» A.V U ^ n*» W ltit.ir, *urcrartuì» -T N Aland ctìatks* V e tom i; S*V io m *d- i,y * i*4 j u * bi (Ita era, d*/ T m iit m an Uiwrrt l'v tl'-u i». fra* Un (or m o d jli cent* tra M u r. H e, oa tym «ntat, b o a rtte y, It- *" Un» pu»(tacili* bo-a. rate a n vyiasim* llm. ALLEN St CO.. Aogurta, Maine. To E o * * o d W oo»* o f r a t e el m m neue««a *-»/»ui «ta M I I M r a M r i te fra U, i m a ta It a n raitalaetora It U lo# «od a»l> rar«- A Uvoeraod t»( < Wrafera t* U»*»Wie. *r - I Wa*r Acts T3 io SELL TIER M IS S O U R I S T E A M bsher NEW, HANDSOME, ARTISTIC. A C O M P L E T E H IS T O R Y * Vr-aia lb* «arlter d*y* ot N IA CA RA F A L L 8 THKUKUAT C A T A K A O T W i s h I m p n w * l u n * i i r P r n n l l n * n t M * n. F orty-b ight Full Page Engravings. by pranlaenl *ru* U. Wrtte «p ra lrtlr far I til*»or«. ALL POINTS OF INTEREST ILLUSTRATED. ASM <a rm l»» *f I t WOW by x tu n y» si. rs*.. is MRS. H1RD1N6E<BRITTES w m teswra lataaorau tram., tonds*. J m issa, t l X» fismlny Vili*, risa* Pira*»nt. rate gerat Bar Camp tasto tata* la Ancata, s a * la Uotawi Is rapraralw E r» Ite ira prat» -* to Iratar* la orti UH* CWy. DUO, atad Sto r n t e t a C rt, la Dctotor. aste *oy M p l r l t u a l l s t M oeletie* «ris» tra rarrtera m r e n t frocs Untato te te* tate de C an of J. WT. UM S U. Fabltoter, I«lern t tanta Itea Tra*. havuu or UOET o m c i tataro«sarah L DA2TSEIH, FHYSIOlAK ow TBl NEW SCHOOL," rag b *f Ur. Bacteffits BtoO. Office; 481 N. Gilmore St, Baltimore,ffid. Durte» StaBto»asra tota taa* tutodia as* bsto te* papu ta to *testa StottsitorlttaD». Mtoi Otoa. ta*a» «Has E J! T H E A M E R IC A N.L U N O H E A L E R, t N t t a t a l g u i M I r t a ta ta. ta *P startiiac atolli tra au tuiraira «ritastwwbaaa risata» Ti»toiiu.!«(XMia u sia tato s m M te tota tatto ts-00 ta» Statt* Tbrra tatotat ter (DU«IS«Il T i Ä Ä S t M S & S J K Ä» r r

6 6 RELIGTO-PHILOSOPIIICAL JOURNAL JULY 5,1884. Voices from the people, AID [VFOfil&TETI Gl UW 0S SCBItCTI. Sw rfc H j n n d II}. BTHX ASLI RETITATinS 1IYSlMK-NK j. iiali». Tbere Art» face* we fall dir recall. That bail* vanished away from this vale, Like llie Junvre o( the (ureal that fall, That float from our gaw no the gale. There ure farm* Hint barn gbuhleued aur nighl That are mojderiug uodre the sod; Tb*re are loved imea that walk In the light The glory ami splendor of God. In tho sweet by-*qd-by, by-ind-by, We shall meet on that beautiful shore; In the sweet by-and-by, by-and-hy. We «ball meet on that beautiful «hare.'' Therefa the form of a beautiful child, V That Cornea at the eet of IJieaun.. ThereV a f that once mot me and smiled When my weary day's labor was done;. I tee her, lu dreams,.nt the door, Again, when the green Ivy dingo, I hat to her laughter once more, I hark whit«she Joyously sing*: There's a bind that l* fairer than day, And by faith we may see It afnr. For the Father wait* orer the way To prepare us n dwelling-place them In tho sweet by-and-hy, by-and-hy, Wo»lull meet ou that beautiful shore; In the sweet by-and-by. by-and-by, We shall meet on that beautiful shora." LIM a Illy Hut Woe ins by my way, TbatJirigbtens the path where I roam, She eyne to. my presence rma day The sonsy I ne nod Joy of my home, Like a Illy that wittier» and dim, She drooped nt the coming nt night, And, closing her beautiful eyes Sim peacefully passed from my sight In the sweet by-aod-hy, by-and-hy. We shall meet on that twaulifiil shore, In the sweet by-and-hy, by-an'1-by. We shall meet on that beautiful»bore." I know on that beautiful shore She is watching and wnltlug today, I know she will greet me once more, No matter what other* may say, I shall lay down my liurden of woe When I enter the valley she trod; She will sing tho sweet song that she sang long ago. Again In the presence of God. To our bountiful Father nbovo We will offer the tribute of pralv* For the glorious gift of his love, And the blesnlugs that hallow our days. In the sweet by-and-hy, by-and-by. Wo shall meet nt) thatbeiutlful shore. In the sweet by-and-by, by-and-by, We shall meet no that beautiful shore." T h e V iew fro m llr lm s lo n e C o r n e r," Park Street Church, opposite Boston Common Is the stronghold of Puritanism, and of oh) CaUlnlsIic Orthodox Congregationalism, and U famous as the place where the minister* held a prayer meeting In Theodore Parker's day, and one nf the pious brethren petitioned tbs Lord to put a hook In the Jaws" of Uut heretic nod remove him out of the way." The Ro#fen llerald' talks plain tod stroug about a late sermon by the Park SLreel preacher under lire heading quoted above. It says: The Perk Street Congregational Church, oi It I* known in eecto-lasilcnl circle*, or BrimstoneCorner, me It Is spoken of Iij the unconverted, has recently published n written entitled Some Permanent Truth,* which was delivered by the pastor, Pr. J, L. Withrow, oir the occasion of Its seventy-fifth odd I venon, nod deeerm some notice. Pr. Withrow la the leader of the men In hls denmnlnnllgn hereabouts, who atnum* theiuselrra eml the religious public by striking at windmills, intrenched In their secure CalvinIvu, they are as ronfm/mt or theirposluoa as Uie people tarn In liostoii wh«do not feel the necessity of being born again. They stand looking backward and think (hey vire looking forward, nn>l are»mazed because men do not accept their leadership. There Is something ludicrous lu the position and In the seemingly sober earnestness omhora who have declared their adhesloh to IL I'iitJ«Street Church was,uot started originally to ptesentthe whole gospel, but, In Hr. Withrow s words, to * build together certain great truths of the Bible and the Christian system, and thus give the church a creed which should be as»acred as Ihe memory of the Just aud as enduring In Its'Integrity as Ha doctrines are unchangeable In their truth fulness. This (selected gospel he again stowks of os these dearly bought and much beloved belter«. In nnolhst place, he says that the Puritan fathers * were not so, ranch concerned to include all religious truth In their creed os to exalt and emphasize certain leading doctrines of grace which were at that time ei *need to great despite and dishonor. In neither cruel nor covenant aid they name regeneration, sanctification, repentance, prayer. the resurrection,or the Dual Judgment. They put their stress upon the liability to future punishment. This explains why, md bow Jmtly, the church got the name of Brimstone Coiner.' It was built an eulpluir, not on 1 he full truth which Jesus taught. I*r. Withrow soma years ago recast I hls creed, making the Bible the only infallible rale of (sithand/ practice,1putting In the resurrection and the final Judgment, hiding his doctrine of damnation under tho cloak of Scriptu rtf phrase«; hut In this sermon, which U chiefly remarkable for lie reading of the signs of the Urnra backward, he throws aside the veil and'reveals enough sulphur stored away In the sccre- sfastlcal t h IU of" Brimstone Comer1 to damn the whole world. If taken lu urge done«, or, If gtvon In homeopathic pllla, to be something more than a mild cathartic. Hr. Withrow deserves to be called a follower of Don ( ulxote, nod to be pronounced a striker at windmills, When he soberly urges that ttmh a narrow creed as he Is tied up to, one in which Calvinism Inspires both thought and action, Is a fair rep-, mesa tattoo of Christianity or deserves the attention of LnteJHgnl American Christiana, * #. The Intelligence of tho CongregatlouiiUst body to-daj I* almost entirely It) one direction. Tbe leading men are like chickens that have Just broken thetr slietla They do not any longer propose to hug th d r Isolation from the rest of Christendom and rail It superiority. The attempt to hold up Calvinism at the present day, or to main lain n religion which makss eln the centre of Christianity, la a solemn ro- cleetssucal fart», If Is too ridiculous to be esrloualy entertained,.religion Is from above, and reaches through the Christ Into nun's Ilfs. It does not find Its chief cause In the alienation nf men from Gad, although the restoration of m u to God Is a large factor In the work of Christianity. When Dr, Withrow suggest» that hls brethren or* contradicting tho fundamental truths nf evangelical religion because they do not stand with him, or that they tak* money for deceiving the people In their religions bellefe.be need* to be reminded that, on hls own confession, Ua creed'is no bearer to a statement of the whole truth about Christianity than theirs may 1» and that he la not In a position to impute unworthy motives to hls brethren. If Us eves and the eyes of those who agree with him could only be restored from tbe back part of Us head to tbe place where they naturally belong, hs might no longer see men Os trees walking. " Tbe use of catgut nftures and chicken-boos dralo- - age tubes'll among the latest devices for mercifully healing wounds, catgut, being an animal substance, Is absorbed, and does not have to be withdrawn «a does silk or stiver wire, wbteh has heretofore been used for sew ing'up or stitching cuts together. Wounds drawn together with catgut, therefore, do not have to be laffamsd by. taking out the stitches, and are In consequence more likely to bool by what is known as the first intention." Tbs lane bones of a chicken are decalcified and mods Into transparent tubes. These are Inserted where wound* most be drains! and, a dike the rubber tubing formerly used, need not be -removed, thus aggravating the wound. Being animal substances they become d!s- «otrwl-^swr«r* F.u * in e F o tl * Why was'the first day or Adam s Ufa the longest a m known? Because tt bad do Kv*. l e t t e r f r o m t h e t i r c e n M o u n t a i n S t a t e. To tut KOlOirof 1C«lUJISl.-rtlll' 'EihkVU Jiw ull! You will «so by my address that I have changed location since I last mrutnu clouted with Ihe Jotilt- Kal. In lim meantime other change* have chronicled the disci vee, ami my lire he* been so full of rare that there h u been lull lltlte chance for continuous thought, nod much 1 for writing. There hate t*ru month" of weary watching by the bedside of a sick friend anxious day* and hopeless night* until them ram«through «uttering what will com* to most of ua, a wllllngnres tn go Rnd I* at real. Then the tried spirit went out Into the beyond' with a firm trust In Rupreme Good. Through It all, dear JutiRUAL, I felt the beauty and usee of the hplr- llual Philosophy, and I know IU iism arc commensurate with the needs oflh«soul. Now I find myself In the Green Mountain State, three thousand miles from home; but I was transported so quickly»cross that stretch of lbs world, with It* panorama of mountains, valley* nod plains; U" cities wjlb their teeming thousands, Us rarrtl districts and Us desert wilds, that I can hardly realize the fact. Today I ntti dreaming «f that far-off spot Uie fact. T o d s /I nm d ^ l n g o r Utti r ^.T.pn ^ ^ s h ^ to fo w M r f i t t a s H * I rail my bom«, on the sunny slope or the uroam froni RQtH>rnsl shores miy bo felt; that all E f f i d i t a t e r«r T f w J S. woril ami Hro*tilyn (S. Y.) «tplrltnal F raternity. TO Uw ECUnr «1 tl» luslxlel'tdlhwobiuc«jbiimai I Tim lecture before our Fraternliy on Thursday evening, June 12th, was given by Mr. H hlj- brook, of Jersey City, and Urn puldmier of a semimonthly paper calleil Problem* o f Suture. Mr. I. took for the «atjecl, Uui hone (what good) of oplr- HuaUsml1" It was a carefully prepared lecture, and such a brief synopsis as I am aids (ogive will hardly do ll Justice. He argued that the relations of the two worlds were very close, and that nil reform* In Urn past bad originated In spiritual realms, and that men, active [n all ages lu the line or progrens, had been Impelled to action by direct spirit Influence; that ell events In Ilfs were largely shaped by thsee unseen powers and Intel llgenwa..11«argued that old creed* and form» of faith must give waj to a natural religion hosed upon human rwuoo, man s Intuitions aud the direct Influence* that nrisever coming, from the Spirit-world; that these Influence* from the Spirit-world have been of vast good to Individual«ami the race; that orthodoxy can not satisfy the demand* of the human soul He urged bright New Italy" of the Western world; aud more particularly' am I dreaming of Berkeley, the Athens of California, for there U my borne. Berkeley has the moot natural Lwuly of any town on Iho W with verdant foothill* that rise by gradual [elopes until they Blend with the grey mountain peaks on the rent, while to tig* w «t we overtook a line»weep of the tiny, and out through the Golden Gale into the lirood ocean, which stretches to the horizon an unbroken view. Us sunset* are. without doubt, among the finest In the world. During the summer months the eun Is lost I* our view a* U sinks G low the summit of a lofty mountain which rises, cleer-cnl, against the western sky. The waters of the bay that sweep the grassy»lopes on lls shores, both east and west, reflect the setting sun with IranHCendeM splendor, lighting op the heaven«with beautifully Mended lint" of rose and carmine, which iti turn jelled u;«ui the foolbllli and- mountain ;leaks to Ihe wret prismatic shades nf every hue. One has only to give play to (lie fancy lo feel that this fleeting glory Is a living, breathing reality., But a* ihe summer glldre nlmosl Imperceptibly Into the fall ami wlntec; the sun sets to the south- wrel of the town, and seems lo dip into tho ocean Just off the Goldeu Goto, nud sometimes when 1 have watched t ha Illumined horizon Will Its kslemwopc of dissolving Views, which would Is* welnl or otherwise, os fancy made them, 1 hare felt a wonder akin to awe. and could fancy the - Gate* were ajar, and that I was getting gllmjwceof the glory bejoud; but enough of sunsets. Berkeley Is the site of the Stale l Diversity, and with Ha preparatory gymnasium, Us graded public school, It" kindergarten, imd lls many private teachers, It 1«literally- a centre of learning- Kveii from this far-off spot, lu my dreams, I «nee the odor of the rose*, and hear the whir of the humming Nrd*. as with tireless wing they sportma the sunshine, qr gather the swntu from the bloom about them, Has It ever occurred to you that tu three mental pictures of the long ago and the far away, only the good and the beautiful come Into prominence while that which-we (wrongly, perhaps,) term evil com«a* a shadow, which by th«contrast makes the whole more beautiful'.' So lb«shadow* that com* In my home-picture to-day seem like far-off note* In n strain of music, wfdch ring» through the soul amt makes the harmony complete. - Burlington, Vermont, where I find myself located for the prreent, l* situated ou u gentle»lop** lending to a line»heel or water, known to Revolutionary fame a* lake Champlain. This town has many natural advantages, and at this season of the year Is a very Kden or beauty. The early spring has passed, that Uuw when nature calls out her forces from their winter sltep, making one glad refrain of bud- iliijg, "prlii,ring, Pe.uily, wlieuvln'.ilr I* fragnipt with renewed fife, and the bloom that foretells the fall fruitage! Hm! brief hour of enchantment I* over and summer ha» taken the reins and nettled down to work. The new iwtres are taking on a deeper tinge* the foliage I* thickening cn tree end shrub, so Ural the nests with their pronhecy of!u- ture song are hidden from tho too curious gaze of the boy «, nnd the direct ray* of the sun. Are they not beautiful, nil these wl*e, provisions of Mother Nature? " Of court» you have thought (for who has not?) how much the nature around oi 1* e reflection oitiie liuiinu life with It* budding Infancy, lu summer of prophetic bloom, II* Tall nf rii*enlng manhood, nnd Its winter of gnrn«nnl wisdom. To mo nature hut voices tho beauty of the soul in liriug, breathing forms, ami syllables an Infinite love through nil till* wondrous universe; and this fleeting human Ilf«, this swing of Time's pendulum between the past and the future, this moment In time between two eu'ruuios.is-riinply an Incident in the soul's existence, which. In make the continuity, must loin tho last and future, llow small the point In time, yet Low pregnant with powimhuiw. What though we wander, lone and sad, through tbl* earthly pilgrimage, not knowing the why! Do you not know that in the great tieyond, where the law of life Is love, that under the while light of truth we shall look Lack over Lbw*> weary Jlvse and read the manning clwtr? Even though bur upward,^ path has tel through tangled, winding ways of human bittern*», over the steel«of human progress, and «cross barren, loveless dreeris of human endurance, In that clearer light of the soul we shall»ee that no «xj»ri- enc«his been to vain; be life a failure In lie mission, and no soul stranded in It* struggles In overcoming material conditions. Then, too, a* now, nur retrospect will picture the good and lire beautiful lu the past, while tbe lasohs learned will he the soul s wealth In garnered wisdom; the discipline required to bring those leesoos lo ui will fade Into dreams, end the good which ts eternal will be onra forever. This tnu'l be true else there Is an Infinite evil. If good does-pot finally come to etery Individualized soul,then good la Die lesser power, and evil supreme; that cannot be, for only In good Is found the key to harmony. Burlington Is railed a " conservative town," and Spiritualists wht«per with bushed breath three vital truths that should peal forth a glad anthem of Joy, Several who In former times w*r? pronounced In thell- viewa, have withdrawn from lb* enemy*«firs behind the Inlrenchtneuta of the' church, nod under the protection of the gospel gun*, because all the respectable people ore there." Funny, Isn t It? Au Association of Spiritualist" some time since, bought fins grounds near th)«city, and In the course of the summer It hold» ramp meeting* here. I hope to have tbe pleasure of attending tny first meeting of tho sort. I am told that the Spiritualists of the town do pot give these meeting* even Ihe moral support of lb sir presence. You should see (Vo nppredats It) lbs hasty retreat behind soma conservative dodge, when In my ontspoken California way, I dare «ay what I know to be true In regard to these thing*. There are sick people In Burlington, u elsewhere, and not a few know Ihe valti* of magnetic healing. A few days since I chanced to meet au Individual who was being treated, and benefited, too; In that way. InadverteoUj I asked If tho person giving the treatment had any other phase of medlumstilp. ion may Imagine my surprise to V *r In reply, My grad oca no! He Is not one of tisa*«things people call mediums. Ho say*. It Is the BnbWing Cure another conservative dodge, you sew! well, I suppose a rose would smell Ss sweet by any other name till to roe there Is something in the assodatioa-of a name, aud It seems as though tire power that Christ used in healing the rick, and which has been used Ln tome form m all time to alleviate human sufferings, Is worthy of something bettor than being dubbed tire RubUng Cure. I expect to remain East several months, aud I Intend to study the subjects of Heredity and the Mental Cure from a spiritualistic stand-point. 1 earnret- ly solicit correspondence ou these subjects. 1 hall divide the time between Burlington, New York, Boston and Cincinnati, Dot without hope of acc«mplt«h- lng good both to myself and other«. I shall stop lu Chicago oo my return, for I want to take Uie editor oftbe JocroXAt, by th* hand. SaXaH A. Haxklj. 1B1 S. Union SU Burlington, VL T h e D e e. Naturalists say that lbs feet oi Ihe common working bee exhibit the combination of a basket, a brush, and * pair of pincers. The brash tire hairs of which airs arranged la symmetric*! rows, are only to be seen with toe microscope. With this brush of fairy delicacy the bee brashes Hi velvet robe to remove the pollen dual with which It become* loaded while rifling the flowers and sacking up their nectar. Another article, hollowed like a spoon, receive* all tbe gleanings which' the Insect carnal to tbs hire. It Is a pannier for provision«. Finally, by opening them, one upon another, by means ol a hinge, these two piece* become a pair of pin- cere, which reader important servlos la the cooelnio Uqq of the combs. I n g e r e o ll. Ingereoll we regard a* lb«eloquent platform orator of pbpular protest against theological creeds and thn herald to the crowd of lire greet revolutionizing chaugee which science and rauomrilsm are producing. Hi* Irclurm, abounding in witticism* and homely hut graphic Illustration«nnd wircdnlncaiid Tiring evrr and anoit tnlo genuine eloquence, Into a lyrical enthusiasm which «how* that lit* heart Is la what he say*, are especially adapted lo stir the He has a vivid, poefcal mind, and some of Ids short addrwwea are among the most beautiful prose-poem* In the English language. He has no faculty nor tost«for abstract or aletrosn subject*. He thinks in linage* and talks In word-plcturee. He keep* always within thn comprehamdon of Hie multi Ludo, and by Ills «toquenea Imbues and magnetize*, os It were with tho idea o f mental freedom, timuwuids who have neither the Urn*; nor ilia Inclination -yeaemblanc* to «noth*. A «pirli may, It latro*, ti» Investigate for themselves. Even Hio m who are... * ' not Instructed br hls lectures are entertained by till suit In direct personal communication* from our own Immollate spirit frieml*. He argued that these Influence* from, the Spirit-world had struck tire drath-knell to allwreebt forms of religious faith, and that lire rellifnojjf the futura would I» one of wnrk, and not of faith. Mr. J. A. Wilson sabl that he could see how Spiritualism had aided him In brreklng away from Ibo Methodist Church In which he had been brought Up, and ho spoke of tbe orthodox way of praying w God ami telling hlin what poor miserable sinners wit arc, and that any God who would create such being* ns religious leocbers mails of their, converta, I» not worthy to bo worshiped. He argued that Ire blm- milf was a jwrt ntid purel of tire Divine, and hence ho could not pray that Ire was a poor, miserable sinner. Mr. Win. Bowen «aid Hint he waa*urpf1«"d b»*«* an announcement that George Bib«, a prominent lawyer and politician, In! recently been converted to tire Roman Catholic Church. Ho thought Mr. TUP* was rondstent, for Ire must either take thn Mother Church, or become» ratlonallti. Hs thought too much proenluenco had been given by Spiritual- Iti" to Dr. Tabling» * altari, upon 8plrlt*in1Um. 11«thought the domina believed more than he was willing to acknowledge, for In lib* sermon ire had sold that the two worlds are very nmr, and lbs veil might some Unre tie lifted. He said that which Spiritualists need ifltmt to convince the world, I» honest mediums and gnnuino phenomena, nod Ire argued Hint no reasonable man nnr,jwoman could wllnees tb«phenomena without accenting a belief In «pirli communion, and h«juu leu with Joy tbl» Inter-communion with thn««who tinsi «ilervd another sphere of life. With tire thermometer nt ninety-five detrrev* III Iheshadr. wo could expect only a fair audience at oat Fralmilty meeting, June Ibili. Tho opening nddrre* was made by Brooklyn s «llver-timgutd orator. Mr, Wm, C. Bowen, flro. 11 took for hi* subject: Vagarle*. Hs said that men lo *11 ages bad been troubled with vagaries, and he cit-d among oilier*, that of George Fox, tire founder of the sect called Ouaker*. II» «aid hi? vagary was: Tho Inward light," tire theory being that Jwus Christ entered the soul of roan when tho right degrw of religious un- fotdnrent had been reached. Tire speaker argued at some length that there was no such thing os Ilio inward light.- H«cited thè case of Dr. Pussy, of tire Church oi England, and hls theory of Transuhetantiatlon, Ynd referred to a correepondeuco tin t Dr. McDonnell, of lire Catholic Church, had with Dr. Posey. The Catholic clergyman argued that tire bread and win«of tire sacrament I* Ihe veritable body andolood of Jams Christ. Thu speaker argued that lb«*«theories are vagarle*," which can have no foundation ln fact, nod could not tie proved. He referred to Swedenborg and some of hls revelations, and ctoaaeed them as vagaries. He also paid hi* eompli- tqmt* to Oahvpe," Hi«new Bible, that spoke of a second reeurractlnn. He clawed Dalispe " as among other vagarle*. He sai l there was a clwa of Splrim- sluta who Ignored phenomena, nnd tiod built up theories, and they desired to ho pope" and bishops til tbs promulgation of Uieoo theories, which ho deemed vagarle«." Tho speaker said be heard n lectors, *Snnday evening, June 16th. by Dr. Fred. H. Willl*, when he allempled to prove tire exlsleoca of r perenna) God. The sneaker classed this theory' os one of the vagati«that could not be proved. Another of these vagati««i* prayer," In which some Splrlloall«l" believe, and he deemed this one of the vagaries Which bad wine to us from other form* of faith. Mr. Albert flmlth «aid that Ire thought Mr. Bowen did not tigliwy understand the teachingsof Emanuel Swedenborg: that while ho admitted that tire flwrd- Inh seer'» pubticnlion«were Uueluml with the Hie-, olriglcal bias of the ago In which he lived, tre argued that th» revwfmenta now coming from tire Spirit- world substantiated in the main what hod been given to Swedenborg. Mr. D. M. Cote, who had been out of the ritv Tor several montili, wo" w arily ^weìoomsd. Ho said; All men have vnkaric*."-^,ntf no one I* more troubled wttb them than Bro. Bowen. He said what might be a venerateli troth lo him, might not be a truth to another., The difficult/ was not to dotai that wo had oil the truth, and that our hfollrer nr neighbor was wholly wrong. He said ho bodered in prayer, and that he also believed In the personality of a Cron tor, hot hs condemned no man or woman who could not see what to him was so dear and beau tifai. Hemilclired SpIritualUtsfor their tack of irai and slipshod organization» He nnnwduwt It would never bo a power to lift men out of despair, poverty and eln until Spiritualista were Imbued with the self-sacrificing spirit which wa* ever found arnoug Christian believer*. Mr. and Mrs- J. T. Utile were present and favored us with some of tlrelr spiritual rouga, Mr*. ULIe, under control, gave the clwlng address, nnd took up the several arguments of the previous» wakens and for forty-nva minutes *h* gave a vor7 able address, claiming that the Spirit-world, under tiiu most ad- verao circumstance*. Lad gtren to Individuals nod the race evident«of a future Ufe which had been of much benefit; that every earnest aspiratine of the human»oui was a true prayer,. Tim spirit tnnlrnl said the time would r im when the spirita.oed Spiritualista would orgifitiefor the better promulgation of th««spiritual truths, «tal urged upon all presepi to be earnest and coostatenfnworkers. It was 10:30 l\ *. before our exwcts«doied, and jt wsa a»roso u of rail growth and eojoyniint to all prreeul T S. R NiCHOLa. L a d le» ' Npl r i t u a l i s t A Id S o c ie ty. To u>* Editar «i uwn*risi0'plui0heiii«i Joaro^: The Ladle»' silriluali.t Aid Society oi N«w York City present the following report for the year ending JuDeCth, 1884: Oar faithful and efficient Treasurer, Mr*. Jeffry, givre lb«following tiaras; Received from opllecllons at *0*1*1», f 130.8b ; ladle«weekly duro, f do- n»tiou\ MAI ; making a total of *309.(12.. Cash paid b»r good* purchased. *71.Wl; cash paid dlitributed for rent, coal, etc_ wonderful wit and eloquence, which on«must be extremely pious nnd prejudiced not to enjoy. He bos considerable acqualnlance with modern thought, although hi* knowledge of scleotlflc and philosophic subjects Is fragmentary, anil Ids view«are uot always will I thought oul Hls»plrit and manner nf criticising theology are of tbs past, tbole or ValLaire and I'olne. in tbe beat and excitement of hi» declamation, he eometimre talk* as though he had»tormed the redoubts of Intolerance, and given the world the liberty of thought It now enjoy*, when, in fact, he elm- ply present* In a manner peculiarly hi* own the views or thousand* at a Uiue when decay of the creeds he denonnero, due fa a multitude of causes, make, hls denunciation acceptable to large crowds. No such fluent eloquent declolmor was ever other than a conductor or Idwu. Hn li really a poet and an orator rather than a deep thinker or great reasoner. As an oratorical Idol of the multi to dr, he must be an Indiscriminate aowlhint of what ho opposes; for a caterer far the crowd canaol have a judicial mind and Is not likely to have much sensenf rim historic pmpectiv*. The same wa* hardly lass true of Won- dell Phillips, although different from lugersoll In almost-»very respect As a lawyer, an advocat«, an Iconoclast Ingereoll Is essentially cr-p-irtr. The mao* of American* are not familiar with mrwl- phi thought in sny form; Indcssi, they are lee" fa- mllllar with modern thought and the undermining of orthodoxy by modern science than are the manses of Euraiftans wen of the common close. Orthodoxy has not been progressive here as It has t>e«n across the water. Matthew Arnold sold lit hls Word about America that the religion of the American *enpte Is le» tuvnim by ige modern»ikrit than 1* tiie religion of the middle d a «In England, British clergymen visiting their evangelical brethren here have been surprised to find that orthodox Christian prop]«in America are lees troubled by attack* oo the orthodox creed than U>» Ilk» people lu Eugloud, that they seemed to feel sure of their ground, am).to show no alarm. And It I* true that n largo mure ber of our orthodox dergymeu talk aud act ns If Hie world, instead of lielug lu a «tateof LnuMitloa from tho Old to tho New, were moving or rather standing stfll tn the rut* and groove«or ihe old theology. And how many proidn still flock to hear exhortar* like Moody nud il«]a1iuera like Talmagel When these facts are considered, one ran see important work je t to 1» done by loouoclasta. If Ingeraoll had the ability to present the positive side of lire Ixwl modern thought, and to do constructive work Id the liberal field, the quality of his selfless would be greatly Improved. But, with this abhllj. ho could uot be the popular orator ho now K and would fall lo reach the crow4» be now addresses. Io this period nf trantllion, ho i* doing Important work, even though there Is much In bis lectures more wllty than wise. Ho has mads no original contribution to liberal thought or criticism; but lie has brought to tho Aid of tho liberal movement In this country what It greatly needed, sentiment, poetry, and eloquence, aqjjtawakened more or lero Interest In free tlioughl lo the mind» of large numbers wilt) never here been row-bed by hard.loglcal reasoning. The majority of men have not accepted opinion* becau*» tliey were roasooed Into tliein; and, wh0d.tbeyabandon them, U Is noi because they have Rieivroasooed onto! Jhem. I'sopl«generally are moved through tiielr emotions; and the man who ts himself ctnoqonal. nod nt the same time a man of gentua wit and orator Ilka lugersoll. will ever have a direct Influence upon the masses, which thn DarwliriC the Huxley», and the Spencer* of the world would strive hi ralo to exert. 2 A* hulex. I,O tte r fro m o u r H w llntt C o r r e s p o u d r n t. 1«ire Editor ni tbe lutlaw-rtsueetziim JouraU, 1 again address you with feelings of brotherly af- faction, as your J ournal affords in«ihe luxury of ujoylng many hoursrof ounfori whilst qiedltattng jt»r Ita ages. I wish we p-roeaeed ra^-j^xl yours in ltd* old country, but as yet wo Are In M atevlollzatiou J'rool oi N >lrlt Id entify? v To tlwlmlliir oi a«kell*k>q till'w>ihte"l JaarOAti I cannot agree with your cormpcmdeiil» Mr. Daw- barn, that one spirit way personate another, M ng initertallzwl If w* believe that splnta do return and communicate with us, why not allow theqi lo deride this point? The writer ha* always acted upon tho principle which recognize«the truth of spirit return. True, spirit» differ ns to many points, but do tliey differ on this? Since reading the artlclr, the writer ban again consulted (lie not bring the medium) a spirit whom he has cogent reason» for believing has Lind stun«fifty >eare'*xp«1*uc«in spirit Ufa, and who was a scholar when he went there, IIo not only denouna» the doctrine of prreoiisllon as absurd, but seems to think we ought lo ere 11 ts. II«tell» us that one spirit cannot even assume a cjmw materialize a part of himself, thus appearing maim- - «Lete.; hut lire point Is that some spirit Uni way* for the moment Inrarnatod; that It I* the contour of the spirit which la coverol, that stand» ls fare ns, nod Hint another ran not take hi* place In that «sports] form. Apropos nf this subject, upon what authority do so manyroi our fileuds^dtscu«" questions as ousettleil, whenlhey have already been answered try spirits wlthnuicontradlclioq by them, aud appear reasonable, an Ugh en, too, we must see at a glanrajhat spirits inusninow? Every»plrit know* whether there l* ptinlslriqcnt lu tho next life for ernire of this; whether splriu f a t we matter: whether there are full-farm lualerlatlziitfqp; whether splrita rail personate ouo another wired appearing in knaterialtzed form. Those are not queetlo»«which might implex them. I beg leave lo assure the reader ttiat t am not forgetting that smne splrita will 11«, ami Hint eomo are piejodlced, etc. None <>f these objections Guar on tire subjkt. If the point Is open to their recognition nt all, a little putiurree will noon settle It, When the JOURNAL has rirnounced soma so-rallwl medium os a fraud, or some principle Wrong. I have Invariably called upon lire «am«source fur Information, aud wilt say. eu p<want, that 1 hare never found tho J opknai, wrong. If, Indeed,»om» one should say those answers are all rcfracus! through the medium s brain, I shall then lie todllied to je*r- suade him from following on Investigation proven to be so worthlose; for It would follow that there is no spirit communion; «11 are hut reflections of our own thought. It may not be au unpardonable digression lo suggest that tire wrltar believes that the purest spirit communication* ootire through Indciwndcnt v for work, f ta.ed; cash ,»IM55; minting expensw, iliso, making a total of $&KXP), and leaving a cash balance of J lltatfl. Mia. KIdd! %Chairman of Executive committee, -repn^rt* as follow«; Ulstributed to tire Five Point» House of Industry." 'Society for Prevention of Cniriiy to Children, Howard Mission " aad "Home for FrGndleaa," M8 garments; also 71 garments gtren-to Indigent famlllra that come under tbe Immediate super vision of Ure commlll«, making «total o f te l garment» presented to the many d«u- tutaaf onr city. M e have held forty boslom mectingi and seven shrink Out have been vsry'enjoyable. Our regular meinberahip is Incrraslng. Wa return our sincere thanks to tire many kind Wends that haw ro ganer- oa3y aided ua, amf hops they will still continue to Join bauds with tire Invisible friends that promise to co-operate Id this labor oflovewe are endeavoring tb perforin. Mhl Y. P. Stocni, Secretary. Ixloedhuatl, which, next to Popocatepetl.!* tire highest Vnlraon la Mextoo, U untveraally called the white woman "Ja the land of the MoulHtuma*. Ita hope, a* vlewstfrom Popocatapeti, some 160 mtfee away, 1»»aggtwtiv» of a dead gtantee* rohefftor burial the while.broad «bowing the contour of breast and Itmba Tbefaoels pertect In outilne, and long hair»eeaw to stream tn silvery lock* from the snowy forehead down o w the sm*e pr tire W«r. H*c feet ore tamed toward Popocatapeti, and between them ties a Hue of low hills, brown tad treehw., i «S 9, iorlt. The prirelly rule, under which we have been groaning for centuries, though tt has now lost Its hold, has hail the effect or dryingnp our vital power* In ptant-ef btdirvlug. We hi»«been f»l so fang Intellectually with so much nonsenseond fooler! w, that wo ore Instinctlrely afraid that *ny new food may possibly be no trelter.aml our skepticism 1» consequently now os strong, and stronger, even, than onr credulity has born. Tire old notions, though rapidly passing away before the healthy light of freedom, will Dot so rosily find a fit tuteutut* In our minds, because, as tho saying's, a dog ones scalded with boiling water is afraid of even ditch water." The reaction has, therefore, a» h mostly the rase, overrrached the desirable llntita, and blind unbelief has generally stapywun, lilting up the gap produced» bttire waning of hlffid faith. If people would but relntl, however, tliey would find that our cause do** not demand belief or unbelief, being based oo facts and Dot oo theories or dogrqas; but people will not relied, and the feeling uppermost In the mind of the sverage thinker Ls not to allow thought to be ham pare) by any new doctrine, and to bide resigned, accepting, tinea all Ls»brooded by mystery, the theory that God I* (til and all 1» God, which U next akin to materialism, or. Indeed, sheer materialism expramd with other word«. We»re making pmgreas, however, aud thousand* there are bow la all our greet towns, who silently take In tercet In our cause, and who, when drcuin-»taucre become more favorable, wilt come forward and give us the weight otlbetr Influence, os I have told you before. Uur Society," or.ioraciemio per tnrauvare ( /m om ent sjrfr-moo," Is bopefut to levue a paper In the course of the year,.and 1 being at the head of It, will endeavor lo follow as close a» possible on your footaleuaand fight lu the name of truth and humanity. Of courrethe little new-born will be small In comparison fa your ilia of paper, but 1 hope It w)u do Hs work with zrol and low There Is herein Florence a Protestant preacher who bos been a* severe aud os oobiwhlngly slanderous as Talmas*, Ln bis sermon against Spiritualism. My wish bos taco, neverthelem, that our brethren who should go RDd bear him, should ba Very pollta and not «bow lo the tilgblest way thaubej approve oc disapprove. The rant af these poor priest*, who ore fighting for their bread and cheese, cannot lu any way affect rib and we can Duly pity thslr fruitless efforts which now can but lead astray children and old women. - Florence, flair, ' BxiusnajiO F**W. Ilia C ondnsloiu, re Lb«E iu* of mblwuxlo-pulwock&l Zouiuli After a candid weighing of all sides of the disputation touching the matte? of frauds In the spiritual rank*, and their exposura, my reason formulate» or con elude* tbits: If jve cherish the cause as of value to tbe human sdal, we must strive to have 11 kept frea from eomjptiog Influences; I, therefore fully subscribe to the neceetityof giving boned aud unyielding battle agaldst oil the deception and frauds which are being practice.] in this, the grandest dispensation ever Inaugurated on earth; ooe, too, grand ln IU diorader, and involtlua iuucb of «deeply lnterewtlng nature to all who lure been obliged to part with dearly loved our*. The nan or woman who «aorta tochrotiog.a bumble and devout searcher after the whereabout» and condition of departed loved on, tod that, too, for tho wwdld and British pun**«of making moo», should be classed with midnight thieves end high way men, and for such blackhearted villainy should be spurned from such black hearted villainy should Ite spumed from society and Shunned by alllovera of Justice and honesty, until they (the defrauders) give full nod satisfactory evidence of complete repentance and reform. Go right oo. then, my brother, In year plea for honesty on the part of all, saperi ally mhdlums, that this beat of all esose» may be eeea in ell Its own In- trinalo 'beauty and attractive glory by tae hungry masse*, free from any dark shadow placed thereon by thoae professing to be Ita daffari««airi sopportare, Blair, Neh. M, E. T. raiqilugs iiml tabi» lipping*, itacrot pn«wnrd«nu<1 sclietu«may I-- luvenfal with n fluiti ingenuity which renders fraud nearly inipossllita. t'ouoordla, Kana II. R. Ah hkhh ok. N oto* tim i E x tr a c ts o u M leccillniiooti* N llb jrrt*. A IsshlonablH New Y ork barber told a reporter the other day that Utero oro men wbó bave worn wig» for years and their wives do not suspect U- A Brooklyn clergyman declares that tho eternal glory of heaven would 1«incomplete withou 1 n background of Infinite wo* fa set It In retlef." Ml*«Jenni» Ballontinr, of flochcater, and Mr*. Palmer, of Utica, are mcutloued as lady shorthand writers at Wavhlngfau who earn $6,000 and fs.000 l>er year respectively. Not very fang ago tomatoes were known a* love apples, and were regarded aa poisonous, Last w-ason the canning rotaburiiuionta of the Unitesi State* put up 6H32ÌU52 cans of faniafaea The Salvation Annyueopte-terie got even with their epeiny^ the pohceman, hy Imbedding him Id their sifljsfttojtbttik» tho fly In lire nmber. Here is a stanza which they sing uproariously when they ore arretted: There ll bo on policemen there, Tnere li I» qn»ollcenien there, - In the mansion«above. Where all Is fave. There'll I» no ml icemen there," Prof. Huxley stated recently that the term Literature should be applied fa no work that " l«s not contalo the expression* of soitie noble trait in language that faoches th» heart* of all men. tt I* almost distnwdng,' roy* the London Staivlnrit, fa think what a Baraccale clearance would ic made of our libraries if this limitation were accepted." There Is a llltle ground mole which has for several yrore hml its hale close fa the station nt Devon, on the Peflqpylvaula ftaltroud. H tins never been m<^ tested, and accordingly go» at-oot with great free- 4t.rn, it!, -.ii«i Gì r-m i unfailing barometer, nnd for several summer* It ha» never I teen seen fa conte out without min occurring within twelve hour* afterward-'' A tend was seen fa enter the chicken yard of Andrew White, of New «risile, N. IL, dltnh Into the feeding saucer of som» young chicken*, aud roll himself over and over In tii» inrol. Ho h.\d noticed that (lire «warmed about the dh>h, and they soon tiegan fa do so»built him- Whenever n fly pawed wlllitn two Inch««of his no«* hi* tongue darted out and tire fly disappeared. A Houston doctor bad n mock lug-bird which lived Id the garden; Whenever he returned hotne the bird wntild fly fa a tree In front of the dopr-etep and slug for hours. It appeared to be ln an ecstasy of [teligli l whenever the doctor was nt home. The doctor died of yellow fever, and after tbe funeral the family opened the doctor? room and f. und the mock- lug-bird tying at thè hjfhof^h» tad, dead. Daniel Goodsell, of Hornby, N.Y., whodtel recently, won about a hundred years old. He had been in feeble health for a long time, and death was expected at any moment. HI«grave was dug while be was UH «Uve. and a coll)«obtained, tha tatter lying about the premise», Il l* said, for»ever») week» previous fa hi* diw«sej3 >.kfiat when the old man died ol last ewyhildjfwas ready fa receive the body. The shaft of tbe Washington Monument lack* only forty feet of the point where tbe pyramid of tbe roof will begin- The work,1s progressing at the rate of nearly four feet a day. The wall at the upper course Is now only a little over two (eft thick- The (ouoda- tioo ha* that far bran compressed about an Inch and a half with the addition of about 'JfiO feet of abaft. This settling has been so nearly even that the g re a t, rat deviation from an exact level I» m«mured at on«of Ih«corner» by a thlckneas tea than that of a hone hair. When ladle» at a bom chow go fa the extrema of klwlng the b o n a that they most admire, there con be oo duration aa fa the sincerity of their admiration. This method ol beefawlng volumes of praise without words was not uncommon at tbe recent show at Madison Square Garden, New York- The aiuo] spot o f Imprinting the kiss was on the side of the gloeej, arched neck, though some' of the creature«which gave evidence«of gvntigaca were rewarded with Usare on their velvety noire. A recent publication on the presence of Lrichlnlas- ta In the American hog contains some officisi statistic* gathered by the German government. It appear» by the offlda) report lb«t in Schleswig, during 1880, out of l.itn j American»Ides, fit were found trlchtnous; of 3,900 bòa», fifi were thus affected, and of IS shoulder», 3. During the reme year. In Stettin, out of 72,- 3 0 American «Idra, 1,121 were Infested with Ulchlmr. From Hamburg rame rame comparative statistics which will be «pedslly Instructive. Thus, we learn that In 1878, of 33^10 American hams officially examined, 897 proved triehlaoui, white of 17,113 Ruro-.oean bams only 8 showed any trace of trichlolaria. lo 1879, of 79/54 American hams Inspected at Hamburg, LH07 revealed trichlmn, while of' 21,710 European barns subjected fa the some Inspection only 2 were triehluou* An even- more portentiout difference was displayed In 1880,wbeo, of W.008 American him«wtamifirit Mfi revealed the disease, while of 49,949 European bam*, tries, nod hogs examined oak a single one was trichlnnoa. A G r e a t F e a t. The feat of talking over nolle* of wire oomtebting two telephone«, with do perceptible loss of power by Induction, has hren performed Id Cl adunati. A telephone was placed ln tho operating-room of tbe Baltimore A Ohio Telegraph Company and.another la the cellar. The lo- «trume.it» were flrat connected with wires to and from ChlUJoolhe, nearly 200 mi ra, when the conversation w»heard dletiuctiy,ihoogh carried on Ina tone not dlstlugulsbabie a few feet from tb«instrument. A like floe wis then formed to Graffaci, W, Vo, GOOmltea. with the «am* resull and then to Baltimore, mltea, with no percept! W«dlffi In the distinctness with which the oonvsrsatiod heard. There was absdlmely do apparent lore by Induction, though fourteen tetagtapb-wirra siofigstfle Were lu fall operation. No sound of on Instrument could be beard. Tbe Instrument used was the new Hopkins transmitter.

7 A. Cmlarwnnd ML«W A iiraiuare. TP* tisi ut TU t i t ' t Iato mere»** oxrevra lutriitarr-r* rata rrapret U> reninoci; Te f a l n > infilar «Urti u d iio lr tn 0 filature porpora. h t t li» Ura tod.pt» un! In Eira Individuo! ; Te «utptuutp ki»«wf«*la» tur Imreura*. r l i t t fra»reti*, im a ter tu im lu lw i frred-xh Int t l it n f. thxrnrtrt tot enea, O fto tw lifn f W r «i,t» w fra liete f dff,*ntfu1*ntatb (or w lu leu iu B, itneooa lo u e ttfn tl rtnìt tur e te n O to la riniti trbram. In belar, In bei tra Ile da» wbm f m end riu tctl tbouatn Iteli Ufi* Ibr pi*-* ut (hennellm uni reelpolmtidjoi UmaclKHit UM m rm, end «Im i u.«m U in ti te B U llt bare u d o ra Mirai li* Ifia «Ita at eli prlrain aed pumlc a* H o e t<> rear Mini tnanajcr, l 'u u l l r j. i Spini» Itile«! 3 pirtf tu E. B. S u in i H alford, C*4, for cup* et re* M i c h i g a n C e n t r a l Tbo re la th w o r HrlloVue In M edern g e m e r, end 0 M «I gemer end nuuervpt. in» wtuw. of M w ii tumiw to Umi «r e le í Hellclone. end U r relaudiw of Weilelno to Ut* Kelp, *UI «d» particular l a m k n Tim«. J3 pò- etmani In atteinte, Tft tur» ut larri tire*. (1 ta r Ili Iwffilt» Streunen cupi*. e n t c re d e Addrera- TM f * tlie ffo prenerellao. brad ollb Maf drea cwnforuerk- ln r any Citric. I'opnle c fu# «Irrora«Mirnfk_«i linca, Kk ' I t«! f» eure * «ir» on linen. W«'1T«.,.,,,_ t. univi» r j > A l. * I H p I f f w, ECrablirludSOyaiwr». n.-, t j etl llrrnciflilr.stet«uno n tü io i ir l k.kz LIKE SELECTED DY THE ü. 8. OÒVT TO CA3SY THZ FAKT HAIL ÜAlGkuAJi TIME-TABLE. C H ICAGO, ROCK IS LAN D AND PA C IFIC. ' OfpoC. onrner Ten D una *j«i Si reinen s m o ta c itr Tick«u ser H Clerk Street, Siterai en limine ESiE Sitiera f lîaopm t I l io p in t I l AO e tn > 11:00 am b 4:45 P ra t Oit. f rni: p mil 10 AO prati» J ip a n A ffin t Stupra t» O p r a t T a o p ra * sim p e b COOpra tut 1 lera t 4X0 am I «s n e r a T s a o a r a t «A ffata lianopnrt end f e d i i «.,... Coimdl EUtifi» Alvurï* Feet Kl prra* «arra* IT j, l«ate lm ru i e u AP m m l L i t n n... MUtnrapttEleefidBlPam b w.. Kenne n u, L u n o «t d i end AP entina Eipreeeitfiiadej»,. Pera Aaeoranradedao..,.. OoabCft Blad* Meli t Erpcra*... If ano*«cis, LracmnarUi and AP cbuoo Wollt Eiptra*... P m l a Hiebt K e a iw..,,.... MliuHWpotU and SL Taut reel Kl G O I N G W E S T. ONLY LIKE BUJiHIKG TWO THAO If OH TSAI MS DAILY FED* CHICAGO, PEOKIA A 8T. LOUIS, Tnrocuti U.p H eart o f U r Conti neat li> way of r»da c je a c ik ra tif o w ' i w DENVER, o r via Kaaeae C iv and A le h in a to t» nv«rr n o - meet!at IB Untun J>poUrat K eiree U iy, Aicl.iooa, «D a le and beater AC i throaffi m tie ta t SAN FR A N C ISC O, and all potnw la Ura Far Wrap trafcrtaai U na in K AN SAS CITY, And all point* lu Ui* Buclf-W«*u TO U RISTS AND HEALTH -SEEKERS Mtmald no* fnraer the fact that JVxind Trip Uckwta at ridmrrd rrara ra n 0* poroaemd d a Utlt l.rrra l T h r e e «b 1,1b«, m a il Utr H ealth and TTeeiure itnrfese of the w a i and Ik w tt-w a t, Itelm lini the Mountai a t of CO K l I t A IMA. U r V iu n oi ifie Toeoraila, Uw CITY O F M EX IC O, aod all pclala In the K u i e u t ip e U lc H OM E -SEEKERS bhoom aleo rerarrabrr (Hal U»1j lia r Irad* direct to tb a b ra rta f tb ro o n n ira e s t and Keliroed Laid* In Ndireeee. Koran«, T erra. Coinrad«aod W re d o s ton Territory. H ie known ra Uraorral TEUUJCuH CAJt U S X a t America, and la ( in :r n a lly ofimluad to be the F U ew l E n a ia m d k - l l r. o d l a t h «W o r ld fo r a l l c la e a r a a f T r a v e l. ThroorS Tlekna via Uite 1lop for aalo a: all Kail- BITTÄUI r IRON TO N IC K adiec Iack v( b» «k i a, ETtre [FaaM aai «r a r a «a n d. H o i«., au ral«* aera K a o rv ra r aaocffa Tra ara K Enliven* tho «d n d a a d «opti U p* Iteti» r o m 4L K SWoHwhbpra «draramb 9 1paradla?»» S a l i m «h M a c T ora» a i i t i d I WM kflllcusl will» kl4u»y iumomu and raiflorral Inlatnwlj1. I WM iodnoed lo tir HusTrt [KHupf aod Llrer) Behebt, and before I bad uwl ten» t«-a Ilo* I {wan rtitlrrlj- cuml Rlcbokood ProTtdcuee. R. I. Thousands of painted aporrowa are»"lit In Loudon for canarie*, and Us* fraud I» aeldotn dsksctrd until Iha bow fratbeti begin In aproul DreEgMa in malufal diatrlct* aajr that LjdU E, Pink ham's Vegetable, Co to pound b as n u d i the standard reroedr for female weakoesaea aa quinine la for Ibe pretailing ehlue and feter. The lîuhrsp of Uoooln. Cngtand, laid recen Uj that EnytenA bad bees pualahed by the Lord wttb bad banasta Tor tba peak few reare beeu»e»on»# peopl* have been trying tn legulit a mantag* wllb ad#- cxraaed wlfa a dater lilü GOSPEL OF NATURE BELIEF OT ÜQI0ETALIT7, PAYSDNS ^ I N K <+ JUJLY 5, mia ltj i/l ig iu -rm jv U D u ru u /A L okj u iti> iyjü. T ills I.ilr In W lm l TV#,H*l<r K, Let'» oftener talk of noble deed* And rarer of Us# livi dues, And «lug about our happy day» And not about tba and ones Wf tvero liol in.'tde to fret and sigh \n«l when grief slreps t«t wake it, Uriah l liappities) Ustaadlng hjr, Thb life U what.we make it Let s find the sunny aide of man As h«isdler» In it. A light there U la e*ery wwl That lakes li* iaias to win it Oh! there*» a slum taring good In nil And we perchance tuny wake it; Our hands contain ih*.magic wrand. Tills life is What we malie it. Til««, here s to thalpi who««losing heart*, Shr«l light and joy about them. Thanks 1«to them for countlera gems W«ne er hod known wilbniit them. Oh, this should be a happy world To all who may partake It The fauu s our own. It it Is not; ThU life U what w* make It /{. E. C. TK trm pten, ChitayO,.i L ig h tn in g ( a l r n t a t o r. A leinarknliietnshidce of rapid rnenlal calculation has W o iwoven»i In ii young i'ollsh boy named Foul Zilx sky, bring In Ijwt Bridgeport Conn. Hu hain low forehead, with hair growing down to hla \ eyebrow«, l* rather»luv-py-looking nud shambling In his ini«senieue*. But, wheuever h6 father ask» him a question rdstire to nuuiliere. he at once brighten«upand becomre eiclle«l A r^iorler found him iu a grocery-store lu East Bridgeptirt llih morning, and asked his f,ith«-r, wh«i was w lh him. If It w.w true that bis son was a llghtulng calculator. Mr. /lliisky, Who Mieaks p<mf English, arid who U now n *ior uiau, liavlug lost much of ills «arnlugs hy the lain Fk*ry«fcSou cutlery failure, said In answer: Paul, how many beaus nr» there In this handful?" The boyatobce commenced to dance around the store, and W ant«greatly excite«] us bis father thrust bis baud Into a barrel of beans, took a handful, and - threw them down In a corner, where they lay, seal-. tered about.. The lad l«a >«d Into the air, nnd nluiosl before the l«e;ins had touched the floor nhoutoj l,7ish. Th* Ismus were carefully gathered an«l counted, and wlille this was being done the boy grlrtui-'! and waited. The result showed him to l,.t correct lo l tsun. He relaiws! IuPj his usual»[**py manner again. The father-then *tdi«a handful-of oats and threw them In a heap ujam the counter, Paul." sold he. * how iiinuy oats?*' Tba b,>y again - lumped to hi* fret, devoured the oals mentally, and instantty shouted. 2^41." It look a loug lime to Count them, lull the number was again found to be correct. Next th* father s*lie«l n half-mini [Kill of water and inked the l»y, " How many cubic laches Of water In the w»ll? The l»*v sire,! it up with Ills eyre and quickly stioiil«d 110." A Mrefill compn. Ulion proved tin- rretiu to I*«right, i ither wonderful answer* were given, always iu nu «xritol man- Lrr. nnd no comparison of his manner at this time aeetrw to ts«as npl ns of tb# eiritement of n dog when set on "I* his master. At each and every aucccpaful answer the same doleful «-xpireslon re- turueil. Horton I Urn 01, \V :i» liin g io ii.lln n im iriji. A large fore* 1»! now ut work pnsl.lag up Itie Washington monument j to compleiiou, A corrre[s>udeut arys that U is now j higher than lh* Church of SI. Peter's ut Home, and before Christmas It will t«e forty feet nearer the clouds tluiii any known structure. The luarblq blocks of which it Is conslnich»!, which cost about fw eucji as (liny come from the I)uirrlre, rough asmera,' nud ^'Ji mere when drew«-, are brnuglit from the store-cutters sbo «s oil trucks Into the elc- retor which occupies the Interior of lh* monamenh Each stone weighs about tbre# tou«, nnd the eb- Vator can easily accotumimlale two of them. "The man nt the wheel consnine«*»even nr eight tnlnuuft la hoisting them. I >n reaching the lop, the crane, on arm of the derrick, lakes hold of each stone, ami, by a little guiding, tli* imineu»» wrigbt 1» aa jsaally ptac#d la fioeluun as If it were a brick. The cornerstones vre always set first. Thu two stoau setter«hxv# each tour mason«waiting on them and one cement jnan tor the two. Three eleven men make up the complement working each dtyon the tup, and who, if seen at all by'people below Lhein, look about the «lie of Infant*. A H u ll If A m o n g Sim In-««..Mr.TutUe, who haa killed «eveutem reiue «nakre on hla farm In thla orunly since Christmas, vouch*«for Ibis: Thsl he and an old negro cleaned up a fence row whetn many snake* raise every year. While at work they heard a noire In an old stump close by, and knew, that there was n aretof rattle snakre inside. Presently 'they nulioed a huge king snake approaching the «tamp, so they were quiet and.awaited hlstimtion, old man Ingram remarking, H im, das gwiae to la* lively tint* In dal»lump torectlj. Sure enough, tii«king snake went In, l«it s o n hounded out and (truck out a bee-liu* lor little hill hard by. In a few minute* he returned and had two other king «nakee with him. Then ail three descended Into the hollow. stomp and there followed a most tremendous noise. After «ome fifteen minute«the three kings cam* out and went o(t. and Mr.TutUe with old Ingram dug up Uta «lamp. They found fire dead rattle snakre. >/«- Icdoeritu C hronicle, A very wise thing was done hy that great corporation, LheCltlCAIJO NuKTIt-WjMTKHS Hah.way Co» when It opened ui> to the people of this country lh«celebrated James Hirer valley of Pakota, It did this by the coneinjeliou of a branch from Huron. In Beadle county, Dakota (on iu main line from Chicago), to I ltd way. lu Miner c maty, HI mil»«north of Huron. A passenger to that country bn«only nn«change of car*, and that at Huron Irf broad daylight. Furibei la formation about this desirable Mellon tan fat obtained free by addnmslng Up? (tenera! Passenger Ajrdalofllie CHICAGO k Nimpt-WE.'iT- kks IU ji.wat, at Chicago, 111 ; For cold«, fever» and lullammatory attack*, as well A# for cholera Idorbua, diarrhoea, dysentery or bloody- llux, oonc or cramua In tomoch, use Dr. Pierre's Extract of SoUrt-Weed, composed of brat Urape Brandy, SrniivW**d or Water Pepper, Jamaica 0 lager and i'ampbor Water. A Short Creed. Aj skeptical young man, on* da y conversing with Urn}.celebrated Dr. Parr, ohaerved Dial ha would belief«nothing which he could not understand, at which the doctor grimly mhl. Then, young man, your creed'will be the shortest of any man's I know. T i le T u m o r*, however large. Internal or ex!emal_»peedhy. pal l- limly and permanently cured, without khlfe, causuc, salve or powder, or no pay. Pamphlet wlth refei- cnore, two letter etamut. World's Dispensary Medical Association, MS Mala Street, Buffalo, N, Y. An Irish man, with a heavy bundle on his shoulders riding oa the front of a hone car, was asked why he did not *et the bundle down on the platform. ** Be jabera,'' said kind-hearted Pat, lb# b o n «have enough to drag me; I'll carry the bundle. t S r i t u T w e i n W a l Y e l i In the Diamond Dyes more poioriag 1» given than In any knotrn Dyes, and they give faster and more brilliant colon. 10c. at all druggist». They are a great auc- eeaa, Wells, Richardson k Oo Burlington, Vt. Twenty-right years ago Henry Clark, of Hankin«- vllle, Oa, put a catfish In Ida well, and U ha«grown from two Inches la length to sixteen. Every year when tho well Is cleaned the flrij is carefally caught and replaced after toe cleaning. Worth Thinking Of. W hat Aye r s Cherry Pectoral does. # It prevpiits the growth, lo serious Illness, of a (luiigi-ntu* flu of <l re»«*» * that Ixgln ns iihtutrlvhilalhnirnts.aiul are t(«a npt to Ueu'hvlnt it* such. It alleviate«fv«-i> ilic uin-t d«-* H:rul«' «res of putnkiiiary < Kca*cs, ami afford«to tlln pático* n last ami the only chance for restoration to health. Il break«up a coki, and stop» a coutil.., moro?»cdlly, rertoinly. and tborough- Iv Unni uuy olncr >ii(«lh lni. H epa rea im ilh ir» m uri» p a n f ili an x b -iy obout i In Ir c h ild re n, am i»ave* th e Unta one«. live*. Il cure«all lungarni ttmrat rli-i-are«hai con he reuched b>- human ahi. Kow Ayer s Cherry Pectoral Does Such Good* It expel* the mucus from the Iliront and tlm air [Kusoges of ibe Iliad, and cteanre* 111«.- mucous membrane. It q liar s lolla in mallo n : ml* a stop lo lick ling in th e th ro a t and ro u g h in g, and enables the pot lin t to rr» t. It heal* aure throat, reduces lhe swollen toit«it*. end m to e * natural toyic lu the aflcftnl vocìi cord». th e w a.li- modi: by th e c o r r o d o q o f r,nl inotiurv dl*<-ase. \ It put*» «top to the cankerous decay of Catarrh. Why Ayer s Cherry Pectoral is so Perfect a Medicine. It aoolhes to natural find refroriiln1.'»lumber, during widely Nature regain, strength to rombai disço?. It clear* out umi Iw-al«lily ax* I air <II. In Ihe lung», and help«naturato r>![,.i 1> the wa*i>* made by thecorro»l«*qof pul- iixitmrv dlreaih!. \ lie c a itv it Is a *c ienlifienlly a nit-red ro m - pour»!, o f g n at p o te n c j'. th e p rorluri o f y iiirs o f»tu d y. o b re rv a tlo u. a n d ex- p erlfu en In th e tre a tm e n t o f thyoat am i i u u g d t* care*. ^B evaure It I* p re p are d fro m th e p u re st form * o f I hit d rug* rm p k iy rd in ii, chenil rally c o tu b h ifd hy y [ i r o m i o f such i* rfrchnn nii«l accuracy a* w ould ' I * u n slla ln n h lc. even b y ib " riio -t f sk illfu l p h ju iu o d iit, dealin g w ith sm alt ; q u an t it les. Her mi ve it I* n o t o n ly tbo roo*i rtt««-mi.> umilcili* for the lire* to ivlilrli It i., dolgm d, I Alt. owing to tire enonn ii ijimjiiiti«'«in whieh it I- m i-li-, I -...'tt i so low a prii i- that it Is plm-ed within live reach of every household. Br«-atifl! It I«an activ e film i I ve n g fn i,, Hint lu u -t J*- ta k e n by drop*, a* pr> - M-rih«*l iu th e ill n e t ton* aci-oin pallivi tig n o Ii»««rile, am i m il a m ere [ lllnti««' sy ru p Hint m ay h e swalfo\v«u bv 11,-1 Ui Ilf u Where Ayer s Cherry Pectoral Stands Before the World., lt 1«populariy known lo bc n medicine limi Ita* t urni lari ligi..il. broiifbial, and pili inolia ry uffcctioiu whcro nll others had fah,-il. Jt 1«il favorire liousrhold renntly fo-day wlth «copie who*o Uve* wiireiaveri hy it, wbrn iht y were yuung, a gcnt-ra- IJun ago, l t ha.» beli! the firet-place In poputar rsliiuaiion for m-srly bali w («nlury; In Ibi* country, a n d }» more au«1 more litghly np irecialf«l. ycar nfti-r year, bolli at buiuu ai»] ubru;i<l. I t evokes doily* fro m nil o v er Ih* w o rld. exprrumkm» o f g ra titu d e fo r live*»nt «I by H» u»e. It I» everyw here recommended by reputable druggist*, w ho knów, from conv ersativ as vvilh th e ir pw lrom, ami fro m Un ir o w n e x p e rie n c e, how ulnm*t magical are lu effect* toy good. It I«regularly prrscrlljcil by many phy-i- rlans of II,.- i«'. *Un«hng. and I* ru ime mentii»! by Frefe*?or* of Il- ili, al t *,i- Icgc*, lo thrir student*, a* Invaluatil«- for ali discare* of the throat nud Jutig-. A y e r s Cherry Pectoral, PK EPA It EP tir Dr, J. 0. Ayer & Go«, t A nalytical CbomiaU ] LoweUj Mass. Sold by all Druggists: Price Ç1, six bottles for $5.» C A T A R R H And D i m o i of the HC40. TMHOAT t LUNGS1 lir»,t, r.«utn«ktr.),oki^ arjuhttu I n n t o n e n o Ckierifillerx ( f i ß f f > V I O \ T l l tu l H O A I ttl to- ff'lltc O U U 1 oung Men or la.lies tn raehcounty. To I _ u k. unlffraleir lh* IJ,- i nf B l a i n e d b L o g a n.... w / H i l l t f.i i' i/,,. in HUR FAMOUS WOMEN. i^ ^ Ö B T T U l rei'mu-u'i Aiitlkinhlp. hiu«luntlrwcliu. Ij»» JmJo *ndfirv.ti'i,hdm i j. A M U m a iitf m p e i i i.»u* w C lit ah i., T*rra*. s «m n Hair, m t : * Ao. Miri'LZTOs a co,, Chicago nr, L Y D I A E. P I N K H A M TS * VEG ETA BLE COMPOUND * IS A POSITIVE CURE * * # For all of (ho## Painful C eraplalnia and * W f i k c r u c t a o m ra ra o n In o a r h r* ( *. "FEM ALEPOPÜLATIIJS.*,, * l r wtu, ceme m im r reni» o«st ro n x o r F e - a i u C o v r u u m, «a Ovahm* T ra,fa rc i, I*. ru u x A T to a * * o U p rn u T io a.» P ai.mxv *> n 2>i*. r u c i B r a, asro T ite co.v ik o ü X x r» rtsat " n t -» ra s, axu i» r i n i i f t u i a r aoattsd t o t u a (.'Ha n oi o r Li r i. *, *, *,», * I r will B a w i t i ax» k k rtt, T r e m a n u n m e U r i r n in ** da f i r «TAoeor iitric u ira sjit. T n * v re im tc m C A X c tiid ri l l r e t u u n i t u i a c a o u e v a ili i m u i L r > r it«w «, * «", * * I t ask ore* FAJxysrA», F lati-lxhct. r e n u i i i Ahi, CKATINa rem «TtKCUNT*. ASTI«KCUAVX» W r it -»DU o r TUSÜTOKAfa.. I t Cl'IM*IIU!ATtX<I. icai>~ ache. A xnvoi'«p a o m u T lo x, Ul i c i i u p u i u n, Iic n u r a io a and in D iosanox, * * * * «* fitat THUN«] o r IJCAJUXO lk)w«, CAOINO PAIN. IV VIOITT AXO lladcacux, I» ALSVAtl CUBA XZa TIT * I tum 9T IT* IX -» * * * * I f WILL AT IU. T lu l ANO UXOfU «l. CI3MTL'«- R ix C U ACT IN JlAhaoNT SVITI! TU* LASS! THAT UOVABN TUX rulalx. «TUTS*- * «* *»i^irm m iro * i ui SOLELY tor the t i o j r u u t i MBAMNO o r timeai* and THE a r u t r r. r i-a i*. and THAT IT- DOSI ALL i r CRAIJU TO Do, THOl*A»M OT RAhlXB CA* OLAXU.V TCATIVT. 'S ««* * * * * Fox TUI cuna u r Kirn et C o x ru w r-» in arena» «ax Tilt*» m u t i* trs*cara*»ad. * LTDIA t S-IKKOAM-a Viri ET ASM! COWOCXD 1* p«s. *f«*j at Lj ea. Km Prfc» U, JUt bouira tar #L Sotti Off «U d n T7UÌA 8. ai brmasi, arasa*«ya(d. la fnrra of n a. (ir U.-tire* un necls» of pel««,ra Abov*. Mrv, noktuunv -OuH. lo ll«ulli"wtll lo Bulini f n v l o u r l a i J arsuun* M ir a m a n» U a t a i l r u u r e m l * Nii toeiiit i l». «u* *»iv«rt i.vrta r n s c i t u r s UVEI! t m» They (V * i;<in«up*u-o, tuurkiio,*. sa# Torpid;:? f t th* lim. B c*au per brat, i A M A H A D V A N T A G E S + N o r B U R N T H E H a i l. 0 N D E T A C H A B L E. WALNUT HANDLE. DOUBLE POINTED.IRON BOTH WAYS. b e st'; cheap. O NE H A N D L E AND A STAWO TO A S E T. F O R S A L E B Y T H E HARDWARE TRADE >ri, made nelllng cimi* fine Monk*. A 1111,1*. i'rite to <f. J llrf 'u rd y A ( hlr-hni,.li[uvnla. p a t e n t s : Hand-Book FREE. _ R. S, A» P LMCET, Taux a ii'vb. W**Alaji«a.h- 0, B a r i W * «n n «;» k m t. hu i^d' A4 è warm Rii i fc fih M M U *4 h.rerluw rtf, Y>A OfM «inw^i it hif- -h idi- r - J : j *wf fr * fr in a a ire»uu. re, ii,*.. w i. **» at. n,m*<atiia»iw;*! :«MCSHANE BELL FOUNDRY Manufacture (Ir*, relelrrated t i r i l a arai ( h i u.-* ( u r C ltn r r b v a. T a w. r I lo ri* *. * r., * t. l-rlm ai.il catakotuo* aro tlia* Aihlrma B. MCirttSUC«JMiumure, Mil "Anakesis» a n ill inhjjuh* mirr n-r Plica. tt lc * 1. <K «tcvijíelal*, or «cat erfpanlt'lm - ra, A«l ak.f«,ti rii i n f i. Itl 'IK " JU*.'Teff Tilt: LEJDI.IU C l I N I U I B O O K!! U n id a uk ireulh. Dav*t-«iuuot oral Itewurc*. i f the *»e- u u h l l r. It. «real» m ira i (n«l tarlai i r-t, n u. Kmraw nf o-ait A<lii,,u«Mratl-*,. U liifm iilit-h >>r «^ ' f I W i a a i o! r e u r k, s id ljita l. Ar«, rum i.. M»n iifrat-ifl-v.r-unu*. Ilailr urt.,c fum ire. rara*h., etc- %oo t a * r *. F l u r I I I n al r a l la u *, lumi i«)n * l»*)t fur Aa*«it*. H c j.d O oc.a prr tail cvutl and train itoti- ' r ir cutan free Albires J. t, M rl I H I lv «I «f 'b l r «* o. I l l ALL DR. SOMERS1 Turkish, Rus-Un, Electric, rintphur. Mercurial, Roman, ami other M*dlcAled Baths, tlsfif FIXEST in the conntry, nt the GRANT«PACIFIC HOTEL, en trance on Jacksou-st.. near La Balle. Chicago. rh e lr Inniranc* *b«n prepari* atiralnl.lar««!. AU «W It» U-ru, or* with u * rflref h w u n m Ii fff «or beat duu-naeou Iraur» to U rir areat cuntir* prt-trruoa Ti» If *u, at «ne* oral i«ul«a U<r»oun«i r. K fr C T H ielt V A «T H T A L T Ï. gl* Brelre TTrarxnal Hath, aa sitati 'jju s.i i par rtcvurtum tn»arreo# rcraaara rant <j*o*r»l fiaum». Own tar Ladina oral Gratia jaratare I f 0.0 )12. T H E I N D E X. i t A D W A L W E E K L Y J O U H N A L. PUBLISHED «T 44 BOTLSrON ST. DOLTON KUSS IW. J- l y r t f i L.»more, j a y WOOJ, ( '(»» T H I J I U T O l I r o M*tirurr [I Cull«,-, raid Cl«*«* Jra*Jt> R rijia lr, Sf LflOdOB. will wrirafur TO Imir* rwr» rakiu durlui 1 :»v. Ajumu to«other c o irli,up*, are Iv«* r. i u Adire, J»bo W, m art wick, M- J. «rara«*. If. M. HolinraL W.H Spaliere, Mm X. If M E N G I I lö W - PfïfiCÊRDS, A MAX WILL 4 CO, SoekîOlan k StiUsMvt, JM & IX Wabari, A t.', CI.» i- ti r s o r s i h o r THE BOOK OF LIFE. nv H I I M 14'J 'l f A. Tbabatane* al tba artici*, recanti» pufttrimd lathe i K i m wltll rlef}! aaarjatnra- Satit tael paid lor iu rema Andrea* SL A afu Alti HA la* «ii I». Tribud* lluiiillnc. T.,r***. DI SM ITH'S DI Corticelli Spool Silk, U A D ie G, T u r IT. T h e S a a t S e w l r f c f i i l k Mail* f u l l L a n c ili, S m o o th a n d S tr o n, Asie your Storekeeper for C0r.T1.EUt ó New Tacoma, U A M IIX L T O.Ì T F.U U IT O U V. W oatara treim nui mi Ih* praidc t j «t nf Ui* OvM trai ti (ire tal S'irltiret, fralfie tuureral arai The Future.Metropolis of (he Faci fir Xorllnvesl. - 1 A hidlcfraa pea** at lu m iio n ii M- U-J l<«fi«*l reratn» a t I (trcvul arai IH pre c r a i por munui. «retina» M i o( Cod* of VaMUratf* l *n ttre» «a»k. * An» ral* if Iniovoat airrr** nprai a» praiw vt a era,»rat, tp*rei)i<ur Ih* «ans* la >»riunii, «fiali t* itile and maxi tufwinalxdi i ti*refnll» idvrej lo u *k* wbm wi 11-TOffl-re 4 ( r a p luvrepl» l a u r a AIJJC-S < MA*u», Ural»itala luakre. Kasr Tae-.nsa.-W, I. WONDERFULLYPOPULAR,ÄSSS m m m Jn ErrtUtnt /tonav/unii/y, tra# Y/rtr, and I0 O P h o t o g r a p h s o f Y o u r s e l f rannud n i t*i-p.rt «ari>-1 >rt» *y-****^ - - -;;v U T Z ^ ~ «r-ptaaima.,*» Vi ;fi.-«w. J-Y. Ira H P t r S L S p.c ia r ^ J Ä r Pub*. Kon«, Farm A Faclory. lhjcarsar.jf'f. Ln-m, ito. The JHagara, Fails Tìcnttc. TUE SHUKTKVT AMDf MOtfT VUOtCt. Thrraiat o.mf.i«al>l*. and Uwf-fii^ roma (iadamooja rasa. ith H B l bacwaca CHICAGO, BUFFALO, ANO NIACARÀ FALLS ci a* tnq Cara tira* ora) «lui* n a r a o k a *; all jonn:«* p-ti U nferasrup& m TUAI» imllt T HE A tl A S n e x n t x «o u t «paw inula <l«:ua*r Ora* liraa Pinarel» fin» k WW«, P»»a» ï 'r t rara Uraf ui. arai Uhi FAXT SAW TOUX KX - lit-»*. l*a«sa S t L««m at TAU AM- " t r e u ffssdaj rf tr a r«at 4X0 r. l u k * (*ra*r UBM taon on» <Ab#v lina Irma Ht Uxiln (u -Vrw ( «1. raid «Uk tnerawhid adaantac««. ara Ore»» l u i *» * n o t pupola# IfoUa outracbknou h r ta* Xoot lu* Eaprora tr e lu a#«raad*upof m» oral»farai: lu.sim,.»mukinu. f'akjaih ara)»ljtxhfmi «AA.* IB Elici, nu poralbl* recr (ore «r ora- avai*b«la «tsluad. i l» ra te lu r «)> a wiicn u * DIXDID tlalt» are AbMî*4 and rare! lirai t* «-u.parra.ra uni» 1 4 u>r «teriloore at tira mera* idre i*r.*d f i l m la treat uf MIAOAR* Va LL* tfi* M id i tri AN d» - THAL Ma Tara bran a no» tl**l. iraura» tract 'ira ta a n an a lu ra (rtvbipk ra anamaarinc remonx Ail MMEHWAll CÏN r*a L trainul» o n ronat-udmre li, «hwwnalowa «rai«*h i* *««iraraocreff tu* b*»i i*wi ot tnr»rara cataract WUUvut addilli.ara driaulkin or rei*»'«*** T.» WHfTSK, fi. W- KfOOLE» A*rt OOCL l are A at. cran- f lu n ra rtr*y

8 8 r et i g i o -p h i l o s o p h i c a l JOURNAL. JULY^jS, Tins NEW ENGL lîfl> SPIRITO LINTS Camp M eeting A ssociation, Eleventh.Innuai fom-utiiiton al rite /'/ asant, AfnisffltfMr, Man. Os llootnc Tunnel Route, from Aug, 2nd to Aug. 3l*f, mi. ARUANti EHEST0K IKHI. In making th* Urn Annusi Anoeuncemrnt Anoouncsmrot to lite thousands who yearly Day»»l*lt to this notad Caini» onnd. th* mauager* feel to ear, that at no Um«In Ka OMi have they breo aid* to preedit to lb* public a mor* talent»! talentasi list of speaker*, speakers, or a mors roots complete comp! programme through ont, (nr the intellectual and dal enjoyment of the#* who wro* here, than I«presented for the season of lhs, and trust that it will meet with lb# appronti of all. Suais/, Turadsr. W«dn«4»/,.TUaïvlS/. rti.ui. Stdmbr. Suedi/, SPEAKERS. AuciU 11 M rs Sirat» A. B/rllei, Uratoo, H su, * s i Hr. Chis. Diwtum. N'rwTurk, S. Y>» ita. Mrs o. r. AU/ti,»lonehsin, M»»i, «Ul Mn Harsh A Ujrnes lìùswn, K au (Cl Mr, Cli u [He bai li Nr«York', N Y, 1th M rs C. V, AD/n, Sfcn»h*Bi M is, PUS V rt U. & U nir, t-w ladrlphlay t HKh, Capi H. li. Urewn, llreotl/n. N-iV. iota. Mrs 11 & u n ir. PhUidrtpbU, IX Titania/. t u a M rs A. N. llurnham. Ih # >n, Ma»* Wrdn radar, ISth. Hr, L. C, H oir, VmJanls. N. 1. TO a rida/ U th, Caps It. Il A m a itrootl/u, N. Y. m ia /, insta- Mrs N - Urla ham. ß m ü n w, Maas Balordi/, tblb. Hr. la C- Ilo«* rreduhlâ. ft. Y. Sued»/, [Tilt. Uri, E. I'. FoweiJ. cilniao, N Y, lìllà' Mr C. H- Lin». Uw»«.- Maas Tu«#! a/, tuia. Mrs rann/ ti Umita. Itraodilo. VS WmeBSÜj,... ÏOia- Mr. J. U J l i Inin. K hclh ils Mei. T h * n 4 Ï ^ J M fridaj. Bâtard»/, Su oda/. T unda/ wednudar. Th arnia/ Ft kit/, (taluni»/. bund*/. ÏI»L Mr SUisDe/Dentu», Wslleal/, M us aid. Mr. C. U. M ae. Boatno. Mai», 13*. Mrs 11. TutU*. llerlln Urliti lv U. J4 th Mr. II. TotU* * ailla Boa. A H. tauez. BrooU/ü, N. Y Ml b. Hr. H. Tullir. Berlin Urtiti U, O' Yllh. J. Frana B uter, L bi-lws, M au Mrs Kmma II. Brillen, EO l*0« Mr. Il, Tullí*, Berilo HrttllIU, U, BOtls Mr, Waller Uewell.FbllSdMpbl». P l, Blas >- Frank B a il.r Chriwa, Maas Blas M n. km ni a H. Brillen,»misad- FPBI.tC TEST MEDIUMS. J. Pronk Baxter. Mr. Editor W. Emerson. I)/. W. B. Milk. Hr. J. V. Mansfield, the world renowned Spirit Poet Man ter. Mr* Im Wilson Porter. Mra. Mi ltd E. Lord, ond Dr. Henry Slade, are also expected to be with us. MUSIC.» The Pitch bürg Military Bond ot tweoty-four plecee will arrlve Salurdsy, August Und, nnd remslu udlii Mondoy September lat, gültig dolly two concert» al pao A. H, and 1 r. u. AlLhough Uila bond tids tuet wltli a great lose In Uiedealbof thelr late Inoder, Mr. Russell, wa feel asmirrel timt Itn repulollnn will be fully austataed, u d th it Ih««m e care whldi l«i them to eplect Mr. Huwll für thelr Irodrr im yror», hiw bren exerttaed In Ibe cholc# of thelr new leader, Mr. (I. A. Poti, ot th* Harvard Symphony Drchralrn, nnd formerty a leader ot Ibe fiiuou» liilniorv'a Band, of Boston. Mr. Patz lo a Rn* performer, composer, xrnmgfr end coil' ductor, and with a tumi componed of the beet inolerlal as to the Fitchburg, we elmi! expect steady Ito' provemenl notier hie talon. The Russell Orchestra wilt furnish munie fur the dancing assemblies at the Poylllon, afternoon and evening, For r the L flrrt two weeks of the meeting we lake u announcing the engagement of Mr. J,. xm, of Philadelphia, to lead th* slngldg by the audience, with nuuäc by the band. Mr. Bacon will also organile a choir of mixed rain«, and a chorus of children to sing aa opportunity affords. From the 17th to the Slat of August Inclusive, the Atnpbton (J lee Club oftrpj, wilt be In Attendance at all the meeting* This Club Is a quintette of male slogete; John A, Clifford, manager; N. 11 Ferguson. mu*lcnl director; A. McUown, 1st tenor; Ja* Palmer, 2nd tenor; J, W. Lyon* nrgs/si> The club will alno give two evening ilng concetta cono In the n>i dito ri o in. at which a coltre lion will he Utyn. Mr. J. Frank Bailer wilt also be priwmit the fast two weeks of the ineetlug, and will frequently slug upon the platform. - ENTERTAINMENTS. Evening concerta, reading*, etc, will be given In ÀModstlon H*n. Dancing aroeuiblles at the pavilion even- w «k day afternoon and evening. Friday evening August 22, Table board #11 per week; mrolv served on the Hull plan. grand fancy drew parly, H. I- Barnard, of lirronfiem. with his usual charkafaclatlivani.riirlwi eiivrprlso, hinu a t hnill built a r atilirw skating r Hnlr <ms #1 per day and upwards according to Inca- acterlstlc rink ÎPxl70 u Fm feet, I for tnv 4I># the nlaaaasr* pleasure nf of tkh> the Lirur# lovers of «,F fl,«f that fuc^tnufin/r fascinating art, which will ha opened to tho public July 4th. Special trains for the accommodation of dancing uarum, and for the rink, will bo run from Turner's Fall* and Grrenflatd on Wwlntkdiy evening«, August 1 3, and 2V andf rum Athol on Thursday evenings August 14,21 and IS. TEST;* AND LOTS. Those who wish to secure lot«for lent* or collages, lumber for lent floors or building purpose#, nr bave tents ready for ocorpaney r upon their arrival, should correspond with the Hhairman ot the Committee on 11 rounds and Tenia, Mr, N. 8. Henry, Lake Pleasant, Montague. Mass. P arties holding ; receipt«for lot«, and desirous of 1 please notify Mr. H enu as «any leasing them, wl as possible. The price for a 10*12 tent for the season will be $7, and #1 extra for fly roof; Co be paid for a» soon as occupied. Oroond rent for cottages, f 3; tents, 12, and ante«paid annually oo or before January,th, the claim will be forfeited to the Association. An axtie charge wilt Iw made for lots on which more than one Uml Is placed. CAMP KQUIPAOK AND BAGGAGE. ' Camp Ejuipag# Freight cars for the tranaporlatlo n or fn d g b t to L ik e p leasa n t w ill ru n aa follow * r the Fltditm rg Railroad. Leave Boetoa Wedoeaday mornings, July 9th d id BUb, sto oping at way elation* on the'msln n and east of Fitchburg. The same car will leave Fltcbl F itc h b u rg <m Thunday mornings, July 10th and i7th, stopping at way «tallona Betweenauly 21st and August 9th, Inclusive, leave Boston and way stations on the main road each week % i #n August 12Ui and 23d, Inclusive, leave Boeton each I Tueedsy u i and Frlilsy morning, stopping... nt way stations on the main road east of Fitchburg. Th* Mm* cur will leave Fitchburg on Wednesday and Saturday morulags. stopping at way station* All freight from Boston for the nbove mentioned care should be delivered at Freight House No. 1 one day In advance. Belween July 22ml and August ftoth, InclnsIvA n freight car exclusively foe freight from Boston will leave Boston each Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, altar 4 P, M. and will be due to arrive at Lake Pleoe- Ant eatiy the following morning. Fr-lght for this must b* delivered at Freight House No, 1, at or before 3» P, M,. (in the Connecticut River Rail -ood, between July IHLh and August let, Inclusive, a car for freight will leave Springfield and way stations each Friday morning, arriving at U>* Like the next morning. All freight from Springfield for these oars must be loaded on Thursday*. Camp equipage will be Inniferred from the car* to any pan of the old grouod* at the folio wing prices; Ooe-hore* load, 23 roots; two-bore* load, AO roots. New grounds, ooe-hone load, 35 routs; two-horse loflbdt 60 CflDtl Baggage from paroenger trains to the old grounds on# trank. 15 cents; two or more trank* for the aao# or different partie*, 10 wots each, Toth* new grounds one trunk, 23 unta; two Or more Uuoks lo the mom or dill erect partire, IS cents roch. Valises and satchel* to all part* ot the grove, 10 conto roch. BOARD AND LO DOING. Th* hotel, under the management of H. L. Barnard, of QresotitAL the genial and popular landlord of last season. M l b* open for guest* June 15. *'* "* Boon! can also be obtained oo the European plan at Mr, F. E. Ptrdmsn «, Lake Shor* Catf, In con neolion with which will be found a tirsi-claie bakery for the accommodation of campers. 'ampere will furnish lodgings In their toots and cottages at 23 and 3*3 cents per nig right Cot beds, maurres**, and blanke«, can bo had of N, S. Henry, on Montague street RAILROAD AND STEAMBOAT FARES. The rales given are for tickets to lake Piensan t and return, good from July 13 to September 15, uniros otherwise specified In tab tro, PftQïtDENCE AND WORCKffTKlI RAILUOAD. Round trip from Providence, f-va. BOOTON, Rahrk A Uandhrb B. R- will Issue.excursion tlcketa. From Worcester, #1.90, W o b citrrk n A N ashua R a il r o a d will Issue #i< cursion tickets. From Nashua, *2.79. Bcrurotor A LAHOU.IJI RAiuiOAD. Belurn checks will be furnished over tills road. Purchase excursion tickets at Easex Junction for Lake Pleas* oul Cheshihs Railroad. Ten or more wreons from any station on this road get can re reduce«) fare by, op- plying to the General Ticket Agent of the road. TMnC. jh GoNHKcncrr Rtter Road will sell excursion tickets tu Lake Pleasant from all stations between Springfield and Windsor, Vt., at old ralea. Return tickets not valid un tree stomped at Lake Pleasant ticket o(uro. Old Colonr Railroad, Excursion ratea; CUn- New Bedford, #5.10. Passum w e Railroad, All pereona from this road buy tickets to White River Junction and there pnrohase irchase excurelon excursion tidn tickets for Like Pleasant. The HvcreUiry ot the camp tc imtlng will give you tree return checks from White River Junction lo your dea- UnaUon.makIng half fare overall th«northern road». Nkw Havrn A Northamptdn Raileoap will BtU tloketo at all stauons at redneed ratoa. Trains from the South»re all exprroa from Ijew York, gtriiig u short Urne and dt/lance as any compellng llne. l o r Mhedule of Urne and farro for we«k day and Sunday trelos. see July nowspapen and poaters. Nxw London Noktrerh Railsdad. Exlaw on Tickets will be»old front all the Station» at niwriy half fare These tickets mnsl be exchanged nt the I,rice, on the day ' of " Issu«, for a return ticket leset wlilch will be good until September 15, Excursion train* will ran August 13th and 3«th. Leave New London aboul ÖÄJ A. M. Leave Die U ke about V JJ P. M. Rates about ooe-thltd regular. From Rete York ría Rete London : B teamen of the Norwich and New York Transportation Company trove New York dally at 5 P. H, connecting at New London with the New London Northern Railroad. Train leave* New London al 5 A, ML, and arrives al th* Lake at VÆL Fare only #422, round trip. Tickets good from July 25lh until BireNiNOTON A Rutland Railroad, via Hoobao Tunnel Rout*. Rutland, #4; Clarendon, #4; Wallingford, 4 ; South Walllngfofd, f t ; Danby, (4; North lionet, #4: East Dorset, t t ; Manchester, #3. *5; Suoderlarni, #Í75; Arlington, *350; Shaftobury, #3; Booth Shifishurg. #OW; North Bennington, fk io ; Beonlogtoo. *2.75. Arrive al Lake PlroaanL-al about 11 A. i f andfif, M. Czntsal Vermont Railroad. BartocwiH#, #250; Chaster, #2.43; GasssU'a. RAM: Ludlow, #;LW; CutUngwille, t&do; Rutland, f 4.00; Btindon, #4.79; Middlehury, #533; B'lrllngt/m, fit/**; White River Jun ell cm, #3213;.Suulh Itojohloo, jaluii; We*l Randolph, #4:n): East Granville, #4.73; R^xbnry, #i.!jo; Northfleld, #3.13; Montpelier, #3.50: K w i Junction, via Rutland. #8.69; SL Altat», #7.to, Montreal, " ' flfto at ÿ-v> NKw r York CkntnAl RaimioAD, VIA Tuoi A Boteros is JLaii.hoAd, Ticketo for Laki ;» Pievani good from July 15 to September II), round I rip. Buffalo, #12.75; Rochrotor, #10.75; Canandaigua, #10113; tieneva #9.75; Auburn, EH.75; Syracuse, #7,73; On«- da,. #3.75; Rom«, #023; Otli Ùrica, #5.75. _ Trains.. leaving. Buffalo at about 5 A. it., and 8:40 P. M make close connection to I#ke PlrosanL Tsoy A Boston Railroad, via Hoosac Tunnel Hoosac Falls, #2.05; Iraroc, #L95;PetoraburgJuDC- Don, #1Æ0; Nortli Pnwnal, U 0 ; Formal, #1.50; Willisnwtown, #IJ0; Blacklolon, #1.45; North Hoosac, #2:13; W'aUooinroe. #22». From Rete York ria Rete York nruf Troy C it tun'* Lint SUamen; Saratoga and C m o r T*oy. To the Lake and return, #I2 5. L«ve Now York dally (except Saturdays) al 8 P. M, Pier No. 44 loot of Christopher Street; arrive In Troy at 0 A. M. Leave Troy at 7:45 A, M, by Troy A Boston Railroad (Hoosac Tunnel Routo), and arriva.at Lake peasant at about 11 A. ber 15.. F rim e vau R ai I.ROAÍV Excursion Ucketo will b«iseued from all etatloos on'ìhs» road at reduced rates. NOT. Camper* are requested to ikgtotor at Hrodqoarten on lit avenus, oo Ibelr arrival, In order that lelegram«, expreee pack»gw or lo lulling friends may be directed to thelr cottage* or Me«is, poullr; y, frroh vegetal... \ berriro, milk, fl»h. oyster* and lot wtu be brongfat through the - camp. mch mornlnglby Franklin County dealer* and farmer*; and bulmr, cheese, egg*, fruit, groceries of alt kind* tin and wooden ware, crockery, etc, cab be found at C. P. Wise** grocery, on Montague street, opened June 15. The Post OIBca Telegraph Office and Barber Shop will be opened Saturday, July 23. The Lake Pleasant Stablro have been snlaiged to meet the growing demand for board, and will bo Id charge of Mr. W. E. Dudley, as heretofore. A camp meeting paper will be pqbllehed bv R. Wdl Waterman, of Athol, who so awy conducted the Ijtk t PUaeant Sifting» of last aroeon, End will b# devotol to tba best Intorwto of lb* AseodaUoii. re porting lectnrro, leciuns, giving news ItooH, Items, and s general loformauon rmstinn for riaitora, eto Laws, Rules and rjmclatïone, «itisi to good order, safety from fire, and strict sanitary condi iuona are In force and will he duly postod about tb# romp. The laws of th* Slate relating to camp meeting* will toy strictly enforoed, as well as th* ajtodal nil*» of ju ic u n ^ r _ *- NO indkpkndknt OONTEEENUI» allowed. AU conference meetings to be appointed and controlled by the Aroodatlon, CONDITION OF MEMBERSHIP Any person of good moral character, in sympathy with the AjeocUUan. and desiring to promoto its object*. and not under 18 year* of age, may twonma a member by subscribing his or her name to R»e Constitution and By-law*, and paying #1 JO annually to the AseocUUon, or añtharixlng aucbaotocrlptipn and paymeol All memberablpa expire ai** tfclod: A. r Ä W f f l i Ä Ä L.H. List of O lh cerrf«^ 1ÑS4- P r e s i d e n t. I)«. JOSEPH BEALS. Gheenfield, Mans. V l e c - P / e s l d t a l s. NEWMAN WEEKS, Rutland, Vt. S. B. NICHOLS, Brooklyn, N. Y. SILAS MASON, Hahtwellville, Vt., C l e r k. N. S. J^EÍIBY,- MoNTAOtra, Mann. T rv -a e n rttr. M. V. LINCOLN, Bontos, Mass, D ir e c t o r s. JOSEPH BEALS, Grkxhfikld, Mann, 4. W. COBURN, SpRiNunEi-n, Mass. DAVID JONES, Utica, N. Y. JAMES WILSON, BainoxroBT, Conn. A. T, PIERCE, Providence, R. L W. H. GILMORE. ClllcorKK, Mass. ' Hon. A. H. DAILEY, Brooklyn, N. Y.. M. V. LDíCOLN. Boston, Mass. f o n m i l t ( r e o n G r o u n d» n n d T e n t a. N. 6. HENRY. J, S. HART. FRANK REED C o i n m l t t r e o n T n u s a p o r t n t l o n, Da. N, D, ROSS. DH. E. A. SWTH. D.R GERRY- C o m m i t t e e o n S p e a k e r *. Dr. J- BEALS. D b. E. A SMITH. Mas. A. PIERCE. C o m m i t t e e o n M u s ic. T. W. COBtTRN. Mss. J. BEALS. W, H. GILMORE. C o m m i t t e e o n P o l i c e, U # l i t a a n d H a u l- ' t n r y B e g u l a t i é t». J, a.hallt. FRED GALLUPtr C o m n f l t t e e o n R e n t i n g P r i v i l e g e s, T. W. COBURN. N. a HENRY. WM. H. BYSUB C o m m i t t e e o n R e e e p l l o n n n d E n t e r - f a in ns r u t. MBA N. D. ROSa Mea M. V. LINCOLN. H«s.M. H. FLETCHER. Mai a K. KINGSLEY. Mils. H, P. MORRELL. C o m m i t t e e o n A u d i t i n g A r M s s t a, A. T, PIERCE. W. H. GILMORE Committee on M em bership. N. & HENRY, CHAIRHAN. C ustodian. N. a HENRY. I f yo u w a n t to be H ea lth y, W ealthy a n d W Ue, a d w rfd e y o u r b u /in r/s th ro u g h th e A d v e rtisin g A gency o f L o rd A T h o m a s, o f Chicago; a n d sp e n d thb m o n th o f A u g u st each y e a r a t L a k e P le a sa n t C am p M eeting! L A K E PLEANVXT.V ISIT O R S AND CAMPERS A T T E ST I OX! T b f l l m W» / tm It r a t'll LnW r P N U» B 1 F r o m H ult nlu a m t iht> f f «1 a n il F r o m F a in t«i l n u r, h H u n u lo a n d A lb a n y, 1«b y live W est Shore R oute. T/tt Rew York West Shore tp Buffalo Hail trag In tho onlyroivd' Irim d running through car«from Buffalo to Lake Pleasant Camp. E xcu rsio n liâtes. i» «boat SSU F. H Trala m i a i Maa*to» 1 * SO P. M m dm U Ii Flu«*nt O» m /ll aboat «: 10 A M. 1»«W n l l h e r / fio a l- "H <» DISSUV/ *ualpmedt «JuorpaMM b/ u i la tue Woria. and d m oot p n / m lo b ouvd'rn#lo «tiutfriv nr faciliti«b / Mi/ OUVSVilo* \ n -! AU VIHtor* io u t ) fresa W «t of Albini»od wl Utili KnYlryr dmanm or Ut* - W al S K n " wllì, lf l&r/ t»«/ cantali m u n ti a IbHr consfnrt s s reo/mlsoes i*t* W» aartrailed ro si* / \ c u r a to /»««Liti-r* m a b* isodvd et UwO»m Q n e t t C ì n U l l i u : iu r U lu Q r u d T n m L " if u sfe ) n fnoooe or oonvwileae«1«bruer lolud b / u x iaf c etbw lm v/ lllchicui drotrat or *nffi«*uier imo t a n wm. u so serreable hour ai inn d u, Ctua** C iri at b u filo f «j a s a y #» périmé- d UiTnitn prefer-m b» «x n c* ra th «u i» noto pie» lem* trip tu Ihe lin i a r. srerlded U» rhaots U sud* Bt» ira**j»ì * Pour»od viuxxìlw orn anorane«. u H I b e case In Lbb InnUDra. L A K E F L E A IS A N T V I S I T O R S S T A R T I WG F n o n CHIIAUD, ma «HMD recnlsv rtia/sloii ne»*t» io beffalo «od return orar a «/ of in» read» ro a u 'n *» lladilo foe IXLOa TU» «CTiriaO Ucm* lew» Cnkaco» Bon»» STO on I z r»d be *0 '>». but a ciuauto i O m ni» «roads and» m ir» l, I,m io Psi LosorxictL J d v a u t, i,. t* ** remit to Lake Piraran' jmfit ClVb l imp 10«Um* will t* *iiend4d too days, ranirosi in» tho HcSrV toad for l«r«y days. Hava... Tais ray Iv oer r FFor o r R HU ff/i r c s f *. a n e o t / m i frlrod«mo/ be culo«i* Ls*s Flssssot u res mnw* Çuticura r '» 2 R CURE swry form e f I SKCX4BI & BLOOD D IS E A S E. n im u to g ciarb u TTCHR4Q, am i/, Plaply, Serefolsm, Inbjrttrd. OroUdkHU 1 «04 uoppe* CMorsd b u m s«of III* lunwt Min, end Seri* wits one of lisle, see peala te l/ c a /.d b ; tb* o u n e v u ceri essa, uw»rasi eki. CiirolMuShl/siisM nehios sud mre lb* Bkln in a Srolp, basi» m e m snd. fssimmnr. > 'if. sa «d a ta i» SUR be satin ri sud Tedi«. n eear»4 /ma èuncuat, n indii %ini» ni» baili» svici Duessra, «a b / H iin m. s t ia B in a lih «. Cbipped anaouvaam. wnenu luaspin»re sbshedel/ pure «od ras oeiy la- tslll»» BJood f-artieri sod SUa BeOottm OaU Mbivro» Frisa, csucura, SO reni»: aro* fi essili *s»elro»a 11- lìia ie lby Putto» nano i» c m l lesi, uo, nana, Miss. f or How te Care «Un P isiom«. /

9 ^,u t e r a t ^ Sruth wars no masfe, boirs nt no Uumnu sbrini, Sffbs tmthfr pia«nor applausi: sbi onlp asfes a bearing. V O L. t X V l : CHICAGO, JULY 12, No. 20 Reader# of ttie. i. are e*pccta]lr i*au«t*<1 to (Fi>u In Item* or ni H on't mij! can't writo tor the prew." fiend the f. take plain what r*t want to HT.antl "«it Haiti., U! tuch coirmurtlcallona will to propeflr flmnjfi * ' publtaiunn bjf the Editors. Notice* of Ueetlntri. Iniormitlori «oiicemlrw the ontan tcatlon of new fiocletlcs or the condition of old one«; nontacauoflecturer* and mediums, intcrwtlri*incident* oluptm comniuniun, and welt authenticated accounts of spirit phenomena are ojwaja In place juid.wljj be puhluhed im soon os noaalble. / CONTENTA, n u t PASa Tb* * Mind Cur*" Wlul'* lu * N«U«T SaeosT» P ie s.-f ro m ImrUaotam (a apiruu.m m, Tti*c*n>hJ soduplrttaatlam. Tb* Sapnmi» K**d of (tie Ifidlftdaal tjusnih to Inliv Him to </«mptewneea oi SpIrUual Lite *od U u n c tf f. t e n r u t - t r a u u d Uw UwurtraM. Boot Berlewi- llooki IMoelTtd. Neoropoobla, >1. s u l dm for Ju lj ao< beton Healluord Mlecellaoeoa* AdeertlieiBenia. * r o o m p» e a dpeclai Hen cm. NqUc* to 9u berti ben. Summer t empelrii Ineptrstlou. Om nuauea. Voj**- lac «A n r d u r r tt d a n n i MM. Bom Ulte Mean You? FIfim C m - T h e Return ef tie I n e d - k Woodcrtul Stw r ftr U N b on Ammcaq llen-or-wet'i Men, The P m plrr SpURuii Mertili*. Thet emp M«*U*t W M utiti«mi«*. ICeceUawKiuj AdnrtnerorTitiL «HTW pa«a-mr,m1n*. HiHrttuell.m In Kerne* -Pimionl Uon, Medi lune. TieSetinole, 1* RSaieT-Iteptr to Dr- nptuner T t* n u c l e i <H thr H 'lrriu. Went, en Kt plane Uno. I b n r l n of S lte W iiu o r Trete or H pirli R m tllr Ttirousb Ine K te ln ild lp et W. A- MemBrlil. A SpUIL'e Retane TreltHn«and Perelepment cf CUI' d m bote* and Extract* on M lmtleoeoui Habjeru 8 r r i* n i P i e r TbS Heart'* llnkneertr. Canine I rm p llo o - of Spirit* end P in Ltgbur.g. MleeelleofMie AdierU»*. mente E m m f i e t -TO. fteerenlj World. ttacoadltloneoru- pedotve and Rn.emUl'Jix - - A Oendoo Itreartied at the Christian C ia n i. Mem p ile 'rena,, i t lie Rev. Mr. Stree- D*r. tlefon a L ari* end Inlem ied evitisieolb.ri. Idle oetlaneo** tiim u w o r d x s? THE MIND CURE. A Dtieription o f the Venial Froceteof Healin g -B o w Wonderful.C*r«s Claimed for fae Method in Hoiton Hutory of the 8ye- tem and the Manner oj He Practice. (Boston Dalit Journal The "mind-cure " la called by people outside of New England a Boston craze; nooilier city ha» developed the system to each an extent as Boston. and probably In no other place are there so many disciples of mental healing.- Four recognized heads of a«many different schools reside In this vicinity, while dozeoh of practitioner» of more or leas»kill, and hundreds of followers swell the list of believers. A system of healing, claiming so many adherents, and recognized so largely by many eminent men, deserves at least to Be better understood than it 19 at present by the large majority of people. The system la a difficult one,to explain. Even those who have»ladled it lougest admit that they do not comprehend its full force, and are unable to describe the exact method of the healing process. The process Is essentially a spiritual work. It Is held that there la p part of ns that 1» never sick, and this part Is mentally worked upon so as to-control the. sick person's consciousness, and this destroys the sickness, for Mmind cores flatter." A disciple oil this school Ih sick no, he Is not sick, for that Is something which he will not. admit; he hoe a belief that he Isalck; he then says mentally to the rebellious body, **What are y6u? You have no power over me; you are merely1, the covering given to me for present purpose?: tt Is an error to suppose that I am alck; I recognize the great truth that I myself, my individuality. my pereouallty, my mind, cannot be sick, for It In immortal, made In the Imageoitiod, and when I recognize the existence of that truth there Is no room left for the existence of error; It Is unequivocally proved that two (things cannot occupy one and the same place; error canoot exist to the earns place with truth, therefore error fs not J n existence, and I am therefore not sick." And the mind, thus utterly Ignoring the ex * ' * «, keep«matt Is leu co of error, of slckhess, > a state of health. It Is hot similar to Will :e«pe matter tn Jm tlar to will power, for will power admits the existence of sickness, but drives It away by the superior fore«of the will, while the mind core denies the existence of sickness, and Instead of con-, q tiering merely Ignores It entirely. It 1» not similar to faith care, for faith relies on the action of an outside jxhver, the God-power, while the mind cure relies entirely on the power, or more properly speaking healthful- new, of the Individual's own mind. Uany and remarkable cures are said to have been performed by this mental healing process. The practitioners themselves say little about them; they are reticent to an unusual degree on this matter except when talking to their own followers, and declare that they do not wish to advertise* re doctrine in any way. Their patient«, however, tell marvelous»tori«. One young girl, for Instance, bad b«n- sick for twelve years, unable to lgh*«nier room; a lady mind practitioner treated the girl, and in a short time she was able to go out, and now Is apparently In the best of health. Another lady, who la only a student In the doctrine, nude red for years with the severest rheumatism. She became convinced of the truth that mind roles matter, and declaring to herself, " 1 hare no rheumatism; I have only believed that I had rheumatlem; bow can 1, my Immortal self, be 111, that is, be in errort I am not sick, «ovlneed herself that she did not have rheumatism, and dace than baa not suffered the least. This eque, like ninny others, is one in which there In no motive fur lulliug anything except the truth, as the self-curer in hot engaged in the practice of mental healing, and is moreover a lady highly esteemed in the social circle where she uioveh, At ijulncy Market are u number of markelmen who willingly testify os to the results of this treatment, one man said: " I suffered for weeks with the most acute rheumatism, and any one who has bad that'knows how painful It Is; 1 put myself uuder the mind doctor's treatment and be cured mo completely. The cure«are not confined to such light cases as transitory pains, but are claimed fo effect contagious and hereditary diseases as well, In fact every kind of 111 to which mortal man is susceptible. One patient hod a limb so diseased that! t had turned black; three doctors were consulted and decided that it must be cut off. but a mind doctor held otherwise, aud after a longer treatment than it-oiil; for the rane wax severe, brought the JUnb back to its perfect condition. In Chaflea- town resides a gentleman whose eyes were covered with cataracts, and who had been told by on.e of the most eminent eye doctors of this city that he would be blind, that nothing could help him. The patient went to a mind doctor at that time being so blind that he could Dot-~c iid,l}i -'stjins on the streets through which he paused end In a 'ew weeks both cataracts had disappeared. Auother lady in Medford, after a treatment of 123 sittings, was relieved of au even worse blindness; tlie cataracts gradually disappeared, and lire returned to the eye. Cases or diphtheria, ulceration of tlie brain, cancer, asthma. Indigestion, congestion of Mie brain, fover^ were curdi by the influence of tile mind. In many of these canee the patient bad been given up by the doctors of the regular school; in fact.'if was a common saying of Dr. Quirnhy, the founder of the mind school, that people would send for him nod the undertaker at the same time, and the one who got there first would hare the case. The method of treatmerit Is a simple one and likely to try the faith of the patient to the utmost. It consista in silling qnlet and doing nothing. The practitioner faces thp person who believes himself el«,'for about half an hour, silently communing In his own mind the same as he would dola caso he himself was supposed to be ill, or else explaining to thtr patient what the truth really is tn regard to disease. This is all that Is necessary. Sometimes a harmless, outward application is made, merely to give the patientconfldence, since tue test of belief l.i hard when nothing Is apparently done, but tills has no bearing upon the method of enring. in Boston there are four schools of this»y»- tem.nnd all of ihwe hold as their fundamental Idea that disease does not come from God, and that he has mqhlug to do with Its perpetuation, but that It la one of the errors of man which can he cured by truth; the application of this truth Is not by faith, but by an Intelligent understanding. The schools, however, disagree in regard to later developments, some claiming to be farther advanced thau the others. Of the few heads of these schools one, Dr. Evans, now residing In East Salisbury, Is a venerable gentleman of GO odd rear i of age, who was formerly a clergyman for twenty five years, before he visited Dr Qnlmby as a patient tweiity-ooe year» ego, and foliow'ng which he left -preaching and practiced healing the alck, employing rub- blnffand manipulating os a part of his system. Another leader and head of a school la Mrs. Eddy, who reside«on Columbus avenue, and who was a patient with Qnlmby twenty- two yearn ago. Her assumed title Is Christian Scientist," and her followers bear the same name. A third le Dr. E. J. Arens, residing at Union Park, who practice«and teaches under the name of ' metaphysician.' The fourth leader Is Dr. J. A. Dresser, residing on Columbus avenue, a pupil or Dr. Qulmby, who follow» out his teacher's system, pure and simple. Besides these four practitioners there are about a dozen other», who practice the 'mind cure as a profession, and who-teach to classes of yonng and old the methods of curing. Generally, free instruction Is given once a week to alt who wilt come- Among fools who have attended these lectures are many Boetonlans, who, though decidedly averne to having the fact publicly known, for fear of ridicule, yet are Imbued with, faith some with a little, some with a great deal In the truth of the system, and who often practice at their homes on the husband, father or son who bappepa to believe that be is afflicted with a headache, toothache or «ore finger. And they claim Bucce Su curing. Ab an lllu»tratlon of thè ground covered In this instruction given to educate tbs mind up tq a position where It can grasp the Idea of troth, a* conceived by the mtad-curers, the following questiona, asked with masyothera, of the scholars at a recent lecture will serve well: 1. What le Being?, & What la metaphysics? 3. What La science r i. Ia **whatever la right? L. What is the accept«! vie w of '* what la"? 6. Is wrong an entity?»?. What la a concept? 8. Are right an^ wrong inseparable eon- (T of mind ilnd practl an: "The credit of Iti discovery and edentlfle development In mod era times i due to Dr. P, P. Qaimby. native of Belfast, Halo*, who practiced hie ayatem for the cure of Uta alck for many yean In Maine, and waa located In Portland from t8w to lvw. Dr. Qnlmby was n man sonii-what peculiar in bin muk*> up. With u ml rid of largo romprehen»iou. he >ia«i a wonderful power of conceniratian of.thought, and he was so extremely practical and mathematical in hit mode of reasoning, that it vfa» with difficulty thdt he could entertain an opinion, or any proposition that wai hot fully demon-»trated by proof. Such a mind, being of an Inquiring nature, would certainly find out the truth of thing» If It were possible, before entertaining n mere belief. I witnessed many of Dr. Qnlmby'» cures, of auclr caw» as paralysis, cancer», tumors, con sumption, rheumatism, ncrvoua disorders and other minor complaint». Upon opening a cto-set door in the doctor's rooms, at one time 1»aw an armful of crutches and cane«that bod been left there by.people who had como to the dobtor In various crippled condition», and had gone away without the need of the««support». It wo«viewed as a most»peaking eight. Dr. Dresser was asked to explain the theory of Ms process, **Perhaps,»aid he. **I can tell you better by,means of an illustration. Only the other day I saw In tlie Joum alan aeeonnt of a man in Nashville, Tenn.. who was accidently hurled toward a circular»aw. The saw was hi motion, andthe fear of being thrown npon it ho affected bls mind that wh-u he fell he was dead. Vet he fell several feet distant from the»aw. and when picked up had not a single»cratch on bis body. Now,. If the mind can kill, wbv can it not cure? You yourself hate heard of people sick in bed, who, affrighted by the house cafehing Are, or by some sudden cry of alarm, have risen from that bed. where they were supposed to be lying helpless, and hastened oat to a place of Safety. The mind cured matter." "And you bold that the system can be taught to others. Doctor? "Certainly. The mind can be educated to realize this truth of lla superiority, and the more thoroughly it realize«this truth the atronger Its power," A lady practitioner of IV.i city, who, though not at the head of any particular school, yet has won considerable attention from her almost miracmons cores, tell» In these words her history In developing the mind: " l was jmbjeet to cold» from my childhood up, she»aid, " but finally I realized that I was made in the Image ana likeness of God; God Is spirit, and man, his Image, Is. therefore,spiritual and not material; this mortal body of mine had no power tobe III, for matter cannot know pleasure or pain; when I supposed I had a cold it was merely an m o r of the mint in n I lowing a belter of power in matter. Bo l held myself entirely aloof, from any belief of having a cold just as you sometimes, listening to magniilc-nt music, become so wrapped up in It that you forget your whole bodily eilot- enee, and when touched by a friend are suddenly and rudely called bark to earth os If from another atmosphere. I oaid: I have no cold: and since then I/have never had a cold, excepting two or three thne when, t rough sympathy with another, my mind allowed the Idea of cold to penetrate it," " And yon find the satire power of curing others as you did of curing yourself?" Yes-. I will tell you an instance. My little boy had broken bis leg. and after it was set 1 relieved him, by the mental process, from all pain so that he did not suffer at all." Did you keep him from pain while it was being set? That I did not try. We gave him ether. I could have relieved him if Ihad been anyone except hie mother, but frar would take pos- eesslozi of my mind at nueh a time and then I could, of course, do nothing. At another time I remember the little boy awoke In the middle of tdf night suffering terribly from the colic and hacking in an awful way. Under ordinary rircnmstancea one would be grestlywlarmed, but I quieted all fear and cured him so that in an hour he w*s fast asleep. No one In the house knew by his appearance the next morning that he had been sick." "There ia no difference, you Bay, In treating any dhwkne? They nre all alike due to fear. It la fear that kills. The great demand for all the«e quack medicine» comes largely from people who read tt e descriptions of the disease symptom-s and then imagine they can detect the symptoms In theouefves. I read recently the statement of an eminent English nhysf clan who «poke of the large number of spe- Mied; " Frankly, I do not know. That there draws the veil from the Holy of Holies of the» something in it cannot b*- doubted,* hut»»id system, and u>v«>his the»uerrd place us a dalle 1«who die by the very disease which Is their special study; this fact, be held, was doe to their»tudying and brooding upon the symptom» so much." *, " What, theu, «trf you sty of death? W"by should not a man live forever? Why should be die?" " Hb do«not die. His mind, his self, cannot dtb, just as it cannot be 111. Death 1» merely the easting aside of the material «hell, which baa aervaa Its purpose. We throw H away joet as we would an old1suit of clothes for which we hare no further use. Tbs life continue«, and that which can live, livqe. This question of mind ovsr matter has attracted the attention of many eminent scholar» oi Boston, prominent among the npmber being those clergymen whomre broad minded enough to look Into a system which though they may feel cannot be accepted by them in Tt«entirety yet borders npon ther-tog.eaf E and so closely that It ought not to be care- ly ignored- Bev. Dr. Bariol's opinion has been freely given la reesot eermooi devoted to the «abject, fiev. 0. P- Gifford is equally candid in stating bis opinion. Is a conversation last night. Rev. Mr. Gifford when «eked what there really was is the system, rs- Isughter say», her mother started no, ng»he would go to church. Thedaugh- I her it was absurd, she could not reach what that something is remain» to be, devel oped. " I believe you have studied into the eys- tetn. Mr. Giffordr *' Yes, some; aud I have seen a number of my friend» apparently cured of such III» a» catarrh and headache, by It» application. Such result» cannot b«lightly brushed aside. The method of curing seems to be like the use of will power. I know they deny that It is will power, bat still it seeius akin to it. Doubtless you have heard of many case* where a strong will has exerted Its Influence. Dr. Parker, for Instance, had such will power over bis wife that he could call her tint or ten mile». One time he preached at a church iu Washington ; It was raining that day. so his wife decided not to go with him. After the doctor had reached the church,oome five mil««away, he found a relative there whom he knew his wife would like to see. 8o he sat down and willed her to come. At that same time, so his daughter «ays, her mother etarted n declarlu ter told the church until service yras over, but th lady persisted lu going! and reached the church just In time to meet her relative a» they all were coming out. Then I know of a gentleman who (msseesw the will power to make his wife sit In a chair, Incapable of rising, or make her stand, Incapable of Hitting. The mind care se«m» to have some relation to this power. " But the mental practitioners hold tliat their cure He» )u believing that the Illness doe» not exitu." " Ten, 1 know they say that strychnine, for Instance, kills, because we believe D will kill. If it is taken-unknowingly and kills, then they say that Is because the strychnine holds lu itself ttrts long establi»hfd belief of death dealing properties, a belief which comes from It» former results. But, what about the (im time It was taken; It could not then hare pos- Dewwd any established belief, for Its qualities were not known; If It 1» not death dealing in Jtself, how did that belief ever become e»tab- lished? If we went back to the Supreme Giver of all this power and effect, then perhaps the truth might be approached. In another case, when s boy is playing br working in a field and suddenly become«stricken with severe headache from the effects of the»tin's rays, bow did he acquire that headache, acy cording to their theory. Inasmuch os be had. no belief of a headache, and perhaps never' b e f o re knew from experience what a headach< was F* "They would say, hnwaxer, that thi? we.«all an error of the mindfuist the material body had not power to feel the painful sytria tion«-" " I know they hold that matter has no-sen-' nation. Well, tt ha» none in Itself o» mere lifeless matter; but when vitalized Into the fchape of a dog, a horse or a g u n then it does have sensation. 1»trlki* thl«chair, und the chair certainly doe» not feel-the blow, put doe» not my habd feel It?" " Thl» new theory is certainly attracting considerable attention, and appears to bare given sotmt. benefits at least. It Is a great mystery. Their philosophy 1» a mixture in Itself; a part of It is good and a part of U is unlutelligltile. SonyHirtfte practitioners acknowledge a God; oqtprs are»aid to corse and»wear, and-ye* seem to keen on curing. As to the whole question, I know that some ministers are mortally embittered against it; they would rather seethe! r friend«die than subject them to this system. I do not feel that way. I mm glad to see it taken up so extensively, and whatever there is tn It brought to light."n Temple of Daw, into which all -humanity are Invited to look nnd wek for a solution of [to mysteries, officiate at it«altars, a» devotees of wisdom, not of mystery. This philosophy, basing the principle on the known law«of Nature, and well understand facts of science regarding the Interaction of natural forces In the production of phenomena of every character, mental os well a» physical lu the natural world, together with the. experience of the'race in all ages, and revelation» from the spiritual realm, reveal the fact that revelation or inspiration Is ever by tin* sarn«law, operative in alltlme through the Interaction of grade» of mldds In the spirit with each other and with man in the flesh. It cannot be one thing in one age and another thing In another age, and God rul«neqnal ly in his nnlvermvby equal laws. If thepr ' eto of ojd were inspired of God, It was by God expre««fhg,himself through grade«of spirit» ihrvt QU K«UCVa-rtiU*MDC Si O n ll. What s in a Name I b y MBfi. Ma r ia *. XING, The world has been and is continually being misled by reverence for name«and for authority. It has been and still Is the' habit of people to believe or profee«to believe thus and so because some divine teacher has said so or requires it some Christ or holy prophet commissioned of God to lead men in the way of salvation. The consistency of the doctrines taught, or their adaptability to the need» of moaklndrmust not be taken Into the account, only the status of the author, if a prophet said the world was created and clothed with all manner of vegetation and peopled with all the various orders of living things, in six litoral days; that a woman was made from the rib of a man; that the ran and moon actually stood still at the'command of a prophet, and that the watts of a city fell at the sound of a ram's lion], those statement» most not be questioned, because made on the authority of a prophet 4f God, and of a- book revered *» God s book. In which no error cab have place. Mankind have plodded on. bampervd by this sort of mental and religious siavefy, until the spirit of the present intellectual age has uttered a protest against this sort of servitude; and the dry bone«are shaking premonitory of a complete resurrection of mind into a freer world of life and thought. The Spiritual Philosophy has taken tbs field w an opponent to the reign of authority, that founds >is claim to domination over the minds cf m b on tt* name it bear» Its pretension* todivinawufu-, orsblp. The time has come when the explan-- > attend given by this pfchowsphy, of eptrikiaj laws (he law sf spirit istereoaz alien and of «gensfatbo. etc., lively seeded to break the epvli whte old theology exercises over mind. It ministering spirit» to a human subject, fitted by «pfrilual nnfoldment to receive inspiration«of truth such a» his nature could be qualified to receive through this developed receptivity. Perfect expressions of the mind of God or of truth these Inspiration» could not be.»inee the instrument wx* Imperfect, The All-Wise could not Inspire a clod to speak hi» divine truth, no more could he inspire a hb- man being with intellect but jnstdawningto ' utter hi# truth unjperverted; the law of bis being aud action forbid both. Herein there appear» a provision of Nature worthy the inception of the Intelligent Ruler thereof, for the protection of man against the disposition he 1# apt to cherish of relying on authority in matters of religious faith. How ha» the intellect of the present age been startled and thrown back upon Iteelfjor a solution of the Important problem» theology presents, when it h»«taken the trouble to look intotb«why«and wherefore«prevented by theoiogi-, an» in these matter#! It ha# Inirliactively set aside authority and subetunted reason in the matter of dogmas which contradict science, human experience nod justice. It curs«little for the anuthemos which may be showered on the unbelieving, whatever their source, so long as belief lu the impossible lu Nature or revelation Is impossible to the intelligent aud-wet I instructed. Let it be comprehended that Inspiration is by a law similar to and as natural a«that by which the hud enlightens ami energizes physical Nature, whose beams ar*' transmitted through ethereal space into <an atmosphere liable to be loaded with vapors Whlrb W ill obetruet the clear ray, only permitting the diffusion of a clouded light, then tlie thoughtful will cease to oppose the idea of all revelation, and consistently consider the teachings of Inspiration, as they do other important tttatter#. The My of man against the danger oretunification of his Intellect ia in understanding the Ikw that stands at the foundation of all inspirklion. Troth Is ever authoritative, and it is tor man by the exercise of hi» reasoning a» well a» hi«intuitional power# to discover what is tfulli. A«inspiration wa# in the olden time, eo It i# to day, and mu#f ever bu. If a prophet was sacred by virtue of hi» office then, he is the same now. The blbles written and compiled in the olden time as the teaching«and prophecies of prophet# and <*eer# of former age», are to be judged as to their truth and value to mankind the same a# blbles that might In this age be complied from the.multitudinous writings of modern Inspired person#. God by bis law of inspiration and in service of a hu- * ' his freshly of old.give«hi H i hqilri making' ms he ever did; and the bibielhat might now be compiled would be a» much more or MS authoritative than the older one* os they were more or ie** clear and correct in toejc enumeration# of troth than the latter, relativ«to all departments of Nature. God. the same yesterday, to-dsy and forever." tbu#, by his discovered laws, strips the dl«guise«from name» and thing#, and place«them In clear light before intelligent man.and asks him judge of them by their merit# or demerits~- not by the halo# with which it edition and superstition have crowned them. ThC deltlee of the aariente were mostly men and women, who, by virtue of some exalted characteristic or by extraordinary ex, plolte, had merited exaltation to a seal among the gods. Christian# aarly began to Imitate this as well a«many other custom- of thuir heathen neighbors, and exalted their Jesus, bis mother Mary aud many saints and fathers in tbe-chureh. to high places among th* heavenly host. What claim these personages had to this distinction, enlightened peoplem this d»y should careful ly judge. Tbs m^tb- r of God has been' assigned ber true posi- i by th# moose«of Christendom outside of church. Not so her son. Jesus 10 "the equal whh God, the " second person In the * nr-m* - * * ni» isw oi inspiration ana in servi manity just a# much in ue-d of inspired word as were the people u to day the same authority for tot»er of Go«Ittoh by 1 Vjr cbui Godhead." or "he l# a supernatural being In some incomprehensible sea*», endowed above all human belugs. the anointed of God. to deify J Spiritual into, w fatte Jesus C h rir*. place him act a pedastti above otfee' hoxtaa being«, to be g ta rtiw as,a superior bein'/, without stating hoar tote freon he wsotoslint with tto ir j... V r

10 RELIG IO -PniLO SO PH ICA L JOURNAL. JULY 12, Tv* imwitottilliikptilau Joarnul, From Puritanism la.kplrllualhta UT UILE8 B. STEBBINS, CHAPTKH Ul. II would hardly bo possible to put in Ian* guage a better statement of the benefits already beginning to be «allied in the new South benefits nailed and helped in fraternal spirit by the North. In the support of slavery all sections of our country had their «hare of guilt and blindness, and all can now join In repentance and reconciliation. In the ttp building of right and freedom. Wisdom la Justified of her children," and the good which we begin to realize from the downfall of chattel-slavery shows that the abolitionists were right and wise. That downfall to«by a terrible civil confli.because tite*. people - paid no timely heed to the noble company of men and women whom Garrison fitly called "the winnowing of the nation." These few glimpses of the early stages of the anil-slavery movement, uro all that chn be given. It Is mainly of Garrison as b bi- loved friend that 1 would apeak. His remarkable history, from tpelng mohbed In Bcntour imprisoned lu Baltimore jail, and called by all manner of evil names, to walking dally. In the very streets where the mob sought his life, as an honored citizen, and being seen and heard everywhere with marked respect and reverence, is written elsewhere. 1 met him first at the Northampton Association, and his buoyant happiness surprised and delighted me. He had the heroic cheerfulness that CO111US-from unwavering faith in the couqner- ing power ol truth, and from tlevptedness to a high purpose. Good health, a happy temperament. and a well-ordered home, full of sympathy and affection, helped this unfailing joy of the spirit, which grew brighter amidst trial and abuse, and became a flame of heroism lu hours of danger. The play of a fine humor, the brightness of a sunny heart, and the strength of a great soul, gave varied Interest to bis conversation. He used to apeak uf owing much to fils mother, who was turned out of doofs by her Episcopalian parents In New Brunswick, because she Jollied the unpopular BaplUt Chnrch, In obedience to- her own convictions. To know that anything was right was to be sure of its triumph In Jit time, and to be ready to endorse It. To fiu'd an error, no matter how sacredly revered, was to know that U must die, and to bear testimony against It, at whatever cost. All this was without empty boast or vain scoff, but with eelf-polsed assurance, taking no council of *' the fear of man which bringeth a snare." Orthodox in bis views from early education, he paid less heed to creeds and more to deeds as years went on. The wicked use which the clerical upholders of slavery made of the Bible, as the bulwark of that "sum of all villainies" as John Wesley Oily catted thesis ve- eystom led him to study It more carefully, and to use with great power Us truly inspired utterances In favor of freedom. Many times I have heard him read: "Cry aloud and spare not, rebuke my people for their transgressions and the house of Jacob for their sins," and other like warnings of the Old Testament prophets, and the New Testament words: I am come to preach deliverance to the captive, and the opening of tho F irlaon to them that are in bonds," in a most mpreoslve and beautiful manner. It was worth going miles to hear his Bible readings, yet the book was not Infallible to him. Ho said that bis new and rational views gave mors force and meaning to its nobler parts and made it of more value. His moral power with an andience was groat. Hi old FatienU Hull, lu the presence of three thousand people^ I once heard him read a resolution severely condemning an eminent State official for acme pro-slavery act. This mm was popular, a good tuan In many rwpecta, hot tacked fidelity and courage for the crisis. The hall rang with outcries and hisses. Garrison meanwhile standing with folded arms, erect, resolute, quietly waiting hie time. At last he was able to say: "Hear my reasons. The.tumult quieted, and for an. boar bis wordb were like cannon balls heated at soma glowing fnrnace. In closing, hesald: If any one questions my statements, let him speak, and he ehall have fair hearing. All waa quiet as the grave while be waited, standing like a strong tower, and his final word rang out In the «Hence: "My charge 1b true; no man dare deny It," There were able men In that audience, ready in speech, and who were In sympathy with the person denounced. But for the ablest to take up that quarrel would have been as though some rash knave, without horse or armor, had entered the lists against Richard the Hon hearted, on bis war horse, clad In steel and armed with spear and sword. Tho blows of the sword of the uplrlt are more resist I eds-and terrible than the sweeping strokes of king Richard's trenchant weapon. Emerson well said: " Eloquence is cheap In anti-slavery meetings." This visa true, forlhe theme was an inspiration; but in every meeting where Garrison waa present bis word was wanted to give completeness to the work. An early apprentice in a printing office, type-setting was always an enjoyment to him, end he was a rbpid and correct printer. I have seen him.set up Ills editorials without manuscript, as he often did. Ills home in Boston was in Dix Place, nedr Washington Street, Its rear windows looking out on Hollis Street Church, where John Tierponl preached.,, It was a hospitable home, and the pleasant days there are well remembered. He was very thoughtful of the comfort of others, and hts wife equally bo. In that household, so full of cheer and of simple and genuine kindness, one would not dream of the storm of abuse without, of the $G,000 reward of the State of Georgia, for the person of the happy husband, or of tho mobs howling at hie heels In the streets, bat a few years before. It was a clean homo, simply furnished and beautifully wall ordered. There was no taint of wine«or tobacco In its air, and a fine sense of moral purity, pervaded Us sacred precincts. The children.four sons and a daughter, were fuu of life, and their buoyant spirits were never crushed.bnt they were admirably trained and dutifully obedient. While of necessity, the great work of bis life waa for the abolition or elavery. he waa not Of narrow mind. His delightful home talk showed healthy and wide interest, and enthusiasm for freedom of thought, the equality of woman', non-resistance and temperance, and his early public Advocacy of these and like reforms is well-known. In later years, since the abolition of slavery, his home was in Roxbury a part of Boston the house high up on a pile of granite rocks, with the wild pines rooted in their crevices, yet the street ears not far away. There I made several visits, and had hours of Inspiring talk. His wife was an invalid In her room, his own health uncertain, but his mind as clear, and his spirit as noble and sweet as aver. We talked ranch of Bplrltuol- Im d, wlrich he bad believed tor more than ' K ^ S K d to bis faith, knowledge, and that faith became, as an Intimate friend told me, absolutely unshakable, ' and was o 'or brother«living secluded from tho world source of great light end peace to him. Many incidents of Ids experience be gave me; one of them, as he told It to me, may Interest many persons. Henry C. Wright, Ills old and valued friend and co-worker, had phased suddenly away, and Wendell Phillips and himself were made executors of his will. His body was put In a vault at Pawtucket, awaiting a permanent burial, and several offers came from friends who wished to erect monuments In Mount Auburn and elsewhere. These were not accepted, as Mr. Wright was known to be averse to any funeral display. Mr. Phillips had said to Garrison; " Bo oh you please, and I shall be satisfied." One day ho visited a medlnm near Boston, with ns thought of Henry C. Wright in his mind, but with a hope that another friend might bo heard from. A spoken message came through the medium, purporting to be from Mr, Wright, and Garrison was told he would aoiik be sick and would go to Providence for medical aid. He was naked to vhlt the cemetery of that city, to buy a certain lot carefully described. mid bury tho body there. He was 111 soon after, and went to Providence as foretold. There ho saw another medium, n stranger, and n message was uttered, purporting to be again from his old friend, describing the lot, the trees and scenery about It, and n single tree on its border exactly as the other medium had done, aud he^was again urged to buy the lot un1 hasten the burial. He went to the cemetery, found n young man la the office. and asked to be shown the corner tnorth- east,i think) where this lot had been described. They went out to the place, and no such scenery or lot was there, llo wept away thinking It all a strange mistake, and gave it up, yet was not easy 1u mind, *A few days after he went again, found lhe Superintendent; ogked If any small vacant lot for a single grave was for sale, and waa told there was none. He then asked to see the north-east part of the grounds,, and. as they started, policed that they tootna different direction from that of hla former search. As they reached near the borders of the grounds, he began to recognize the scenery, soon saw the very tree, ah described by both mediums, and just then the Superintendent said: I had forgotten. There Is n single lot for sale under that tree. Tho lot waa exactly as described; the former guide had taken a wrong path, the Superintendent's correct guidance led to tho right snot, thp medium'«words wore Verified, the lot bought, and the mortal remains of the veteran reformer rest there. Peace to III«dusl, and joy to his arisen spirit! In many minds religion is associated with conformity to popular outward standard«with belief in on Infallible Bible, a holy Sabbath, a church creed and the word of it«ordained teacher«. These are held as Its bulwarks, to weaken them Imperils It; to destroy them would be Its ruin. Ho who conform«is religions. He who does not -in Irreligious. Garrison was a non-conform 1st, yet one of the most truly religious men. He had knowledge and Insight of spiritual realities, rational faith, natural reverence, noble inspiration, n daily life, beanllful and heroic, a transition to the higher life, sweet and peaceful. Whittier s tribute; sent to his funeral and read there, Is «Impte truth in golden words: The «tuna and peril overpast. The ho* Una hatred shamed and still, (io.»out ot freedom! take at la*t Tbs jj)«*; which thou alone const nil. are the doctrines of certain asserted adepts Not for thraeir. hot tor the slaw. Taj word» or thunder shook the world; No setllsh grids or hatred gave. The strength wherewith tlijr holts we» hurled. From lips that Sinai's trumpet blew, W*h«sni a tenderer imdenmng; Thf very wrath from btlj grew. From tore ot man tnj hubs of wrong. Co. leave behind thee all that mars The work below of man tor man: With.the white legion* of the stars. Do service such as angetsean. Wherever wrong shall right denj, Or suffering spirit* utge their plea, - Ho thine a voice lo smile the lie. A hand to set the captive free! Tli ir ml ««Ion and life-work of William Lloyd Garrison was to denounce chattel-slavery aa the shame and peril of the laqd; to emphasize the sacredness and the safety of human liberty, personal mental and religious, and to demand that liberty for all; to set an example of danntleas courage; to kindle a flame of moral heroism; to teach anew the posltlveand conquering power of right, whereby "one shall chase a thousand, and two Bhall put ten thousand to flight." His task was like creating a soul beneath the rlbsof death," but it waa well done, aud the country aud the world owe much to him, and to his eo-workers the pioneer abolitionists. fto t» eonunusd,! Far tbs Br]tiK>FMhwot>hic*l Jonmii. Theosophy and Spiritualism, BT Wlf. KMHETTE COLEMAN. Wkwnoit. Whit are the random ratal principle«ot Theaaophj, or more partlculvrty. wherein lies ihe greatest point of dlltrrence between It and hptrituallsmr-jociuiil Btra- wnnieh. Jr From the Inception of the Theoaophic movement under Ihe leadership of Madame Blavat- sky, some ten years ago, tt baa been brought in opposition, more or less, with modern Spiritualism; and at present, through the publication of Mr. A, P. Blnnett s works aud the progressive and aggressive nature of the Tbeoeophlcal brotherhood In India, the field of Spiritualism Is being intruded upon, and its fundamental principles antagonized by the later school of philosophy. In view of the inevitable conflict between the twb, It is well that the Spiritualists be informed of the precise nature of the principle«of their antagonists, and tho vast differences.imminent In the two philosophical ay stems respectively. A brief outline ot this is the object of this paper. Owing to the ever-shifting andveon- dlctlng character of the Theoeophlcal doctrines, It ha«been no easy task to formulate them and point out accurately their specific variances from those of Spiritualism. At least four different expressions of Theoeophic doctrine, each In contradiction to the othiiv have been given to the world by Madame Blavatsky and Col.Oloott. Soon after their first meeting at the Kddys* home In Chittenden. Vt they published the first edition of their peculiar theories. In a year or two, the second edition, widely differing from the first, appeared. In Isis (Jn eilm we have the third, largely discrepant from the other two, while In Mr. Sin nett s two books and lathe articles of Blavatsky and others In the Thoosophist. the organ of the Society, now published In Madras, India, atlll another is found. This Utter (the fourth) tsso much lu contradict!po with that la f»l» Unvoted, that a new edition of that work I*announced, rewritten from the new or,fourth stand-point. In which tbe contradictions between ft and the now Theosophy will be expunged, aad hanneey be established between It and the teaching of Mr. Bin- nett and Scot Hoorn 1. MUetow cwnedthm the beelsof Theosophy in tho Himalaya Mountains. Olio of thorn, Koot Hoornl, has selected Mr. Slnnett as the exponent to tho world of the sublime troths of their philosophy, sad a summary of their touching«is found In Mr. Slnnelt's books, r iarllcalariy in Ksottrie Buddhism. The ex- stence oftneae Brother«1«ah yet unite in on- h!rated, and there 1«much ground for believing them mythical. M. D. Conway s statement of the possible derivation bf Koot Hoomi e name from tho last syllabi» of Col. Olcott 8 name united to that of Mr. R. W. Unme, a leading Tlioosnph, 1«suggestive and i dnuslble. Mr. Sltmelt has never boon at- owed to see Koot Hoornl, and no positive evidence exists that any one else has over seen any of thee» mystic recluses. These adepts, Mr, Slnnett tolls'ns, are omniscient as regards mundane affairs." Their clairvoyance.furnishes them with a knowledge of everything on Hip mirth; and an udiqit cun project his soul from his body " to any place ho pleases with the rapidity of thought. From her first enunciation of Theosophle principles in America, te n, years ago, Mad. Blavatsky hips been theageutand mouthpiece of these Hiiuaikyan Brothers, wo are told; and her hook, Isis Unveiled, was written In New York by dictation of the Tlbetityr Brothers, parts of the manuscript being actually written by them through magic power while Blavatsky was asleep at night. Pertinent to this, the following queries arise: If Mml. B. studied under the Brothers «even years, in a Himalayan retreat, a«hh-erted,mid came to America as their mouthpiece,how can we account for the widely contradictory character of her four revelations? The Brothers are omniscient, and have a perfect knowledge of nil philosophic and scientific truth. If the fourth editioa be the true philosophy, whence arose the sorlous blunder«in tho three preceding editions? Especially, If "Isis f/n- rei/m " was inspired and partly Written by them, how Is it that It contains so much In contradiction of the present Koot-Hooml- Sinnelt philosophy? Fro» Mr. Sin nett s Etoteric Buddhism, the authorized exponent of the latest phase of Theosophy. I summarize Its teachings con- eornlng mankind, Hi".Spirit-world,»ml Hu: epiruunlphenameiitt. Man has seven principles; (l)tlie Body;(2) Vitality;(3)AstraI Body; (4) Animal Soul; (5) Human Soul;((1) Spiritual.Soul; (7) Spirit. The first three being altogether of Hie earth, are done with by man at death; tho other four pertain to his higher nature, lu most men the fourth Is prominent, the fifth not being yet fully developed, and Ihe sixth Is in embryo. All men pass through a series of lives on a chain of seven planetary worlds, or rather a number of series of lives on an endless chain of worlds. Through the cl)alu of seven worlds each human monad makes seven rounds, that is he live«a number of live«nn each world for seven successive times. After finishing on* round-through ul] ilhi1world-i, h" come«hack to tho first world again and gees another round all through,and so on seven times. Each world develops seven races, all of which each soul passes through, and each race has forty-nine, sub-races, through all of which man passes more than once, aggregating on an average nearly 800 lives or incarnations each soul experiences on each iror/cf, or nearly 5,000 lives In all. Between each Incarnation, each soul lives an extended period In a peculiar spiritual condition, to bo described hereafter, the shortest possible length of each period being 1,500 years, while to most souls its length is many thousands of years. It appears from this, that while mnn only Uvea m his 5,000' material bodies something less than half a million years, his duration In the spiritual state between the successive Incarnations, may run up to a hundred milllqli years; children dying In Infancy are, however,re-incarnated at once; for others, 1,500 years is the shortest possible time elapsing before re incarnation ensues. The conditions of each of man s spiritual existences between the re*incarnation aredeflti-, ed by the use that he baa mode in his noxt preceding physical existence; so that the Spirit-world is the world of effect», aud the material world the world of cause*. Man Js now making his fourth round in our chain of worlds, and od our ntenet, the earth, the fifth race-ha» been evolveotttfa white Aryan race. The true Chinese are of the lost or seventh sub-race of the fourth root race, whose highest civilization wasattained millions of years ago. The evolution of the fifth race began on earth a million years ago. The proper home of the fourth race was the lost Atlantis, which began to sink In the Miocene period, and finally disappeared only 11,000 years ago. We are told that Greek, Roman,and Egyptian civilizations were nothing compared with the civilisations that began with the third race many million years ago. Although man 1«now on his fourth planetary round, yet there are a few artificial fifth-rounders. A fourth- rounder may, by process»» of occultlo training. or by virtue of the total number of previous incarnations, convert himself Into one having nil the attributes of a fifth-rounder. I presume Mod. Blavatsky and Koot Hoornl are fifth-rounders, while Ulcott Is in training for that desideratum. At the commencement of an objective life, or re-lncarnatlon, the Karma of the previous life determines the state into which be shall be born. "Karma Is a Collective expression applied to that complicated groupof affinities for good and evil generated by a human being during life, aud the character of which inheres in the molecules of Ills fifth principle all through the Interval, which elnphcn between his death from one objective life and his birth Into the next." At death man» four higher principles recap* Into the world just above our own, the astral plane or kama loka. Man s fifth principle Is a complex entity, separable Into superior and inferior elements. Tbeslxtb and seventh principles draw the fifth In our direction, while tho fourth draws It bock earthward In the other. The best and f rarest portions cling to tha sixth, and the ower Instincta, etc., adhere to the fourth. The latter, associated with the fourth, floats off in «Orth s atmosphere, while tbe best element«, the real ego or individuality, follow the sixth and seventh into a spiritual condition called Devaehan. Devaehan ta a state rather than a -Ideality. It (»subjective, Ideal, unreal, though seemingly objective and real; It ut a state of eohmlete subjective Isolation, In which the prreomtnant Impulses and predilection of the mind are ideally enjoyed and developed, a rosy sleep,a peaceful night with dreams more vivid than day, Imperishable for many centuries"; Ut fact, Devaehan seems to be a dream-ilke existence of tbonsands of years duration, at the termination of which rebirth takes place into objective life, with loss of all recollection of Devaehan and previous Uvea. At death the soul does not pas* at once to Devaehan. After the division. In Aama loka or the fifth principle, the real ego passes Into a period of aaeonacdotu gestation, of lo ajr'or abort duration, In proportion to tbe ««o «spiritual stamina. At Its Mom it eaten Devaehan. la antfunalx to Devaehan, which la a felloi- tona condition. Is Aritehl. a state of the moot Meal spiritual wickedness, akin to that of Milton s Lucifer. Very few, however, reach this condition, the mass of mankind entering Deraclian. Tbe bulk of mankind lu kama toka and ail lu Devaehan are deprived of all objective consciousness,- os at death man s consciousness leaves him, as the (lame leaves the wick when It Ls blown out. In certain exceptional cases consciousness 1«revived )u tamo lokti, nod in this we have tho secret of much of the spiritual phenomena, which are the production o f" elementarles. " Elementarles " are of two clames. When the lower elements of the fifth principle remain behind In kama ioao,united to the fourth,»semblance of consciousness inheres therein. These floating elements are called astral "shells * or "elementarles." Coming in contact with a medium on earth, a "shell" is liable to be galvanized Into a state of consciousness and life, of a confused, bewildered character. A medium "is a person whose principles are loosely united and susceptible of being borrowed by other beings or floating principles" having an attraction for them. These "shells" assimilate part of the medium?» fifth principle, and with it In conjunction with their own fourth principle, they produce phenomena, rapping, slate-writing, etc., and give messages. The "shells" are not Immortal, and gradually fade away intq non-individuality. The "shell of a lonrnpd, unspirltnal man will IasI longer than those of weaker mentality, and the shadow of his memory helping, ho may deliver through tranco speakers creditable orations. A second class of elementarles" are these. Person«committing sul- hlde or killed suddenly are not liable td hhvc their fifth and fourth principles sepa rated. They are not shells, but are, as a whole, tho same persons lately alive, minus only the body; they are not dead at alt. "Elementarles " of this cl a««use mediums extensively. gratifying their desires and low passions vicariously through tho medium's. In addition to these, many phenomena are caused by the " elemental»/ entirely distinct from the luiuinn kingdom. Many of the greatest physical phenomena of tho stance room are occasioned by them; and by command over the " elemental»," adepta accomplish some of their greatest feats. Hesldes the inhabitants of fcamofoan above mentioned, another class is sometimes found. Persons totally devoid of spirituality, having lost their sixth principle by the time death comes, cannot enter Devaehan or remain in Aomo fojta; so they are relegated to the eighth sphere," the earth'«moon, whence they never return. It is Impossible for the soul in Devaehan to be cognizant of what Is going on on earth, so Us Inhabitants never communicate with earth. It happens rarely that clairvoyants have vi«iocs of Devaehan, but those In Do- vachan are unconscious of it. Distend of tho Devachanlc spirits coming to earth, the clairvoyant s spirit ascends towards Devaehan. In some rare cases of psychbgrapliy, the spirit of the sonslttve becoming ouyllzed by the aura of the Devachanlc spirit, become«for a few minutes that departed perdona 11 ty, nnd writes In his hand-writing nnd in his language and thought during earth-life. At the end of each of the»even rounds of planetary life, the soul passes into a higher forra of the Devachanlc life, or state of partial Nirvana, In which for periods of Incoirtbivabie duration It reata before resuming its klrcnlt of tho worlds. At Ihe end of the last round, the perfected spiritual being reaches a condition In which a full recollection of ail lives lived at any time in the past returns to d iitn. Tills state Is tho threshold of Nirvana. From It ho emerges into Nirvana, described as a snhllme state of conscious rest la omniscience." Every'Spiritualist can readily perceive the wide dissonance between these theories and the spiritual philosophy. If trne, they overthrow the resentía! principles of our beautiful faith. It behooves the Spiritualists to be prepared to meet tho encroachments of our roe. The charm of novelty will attract some from our ranks, And the intellectual vigor of its propagandists will secure ttaratieution and favor of others. Let Spiritualists consider tho many startling contrasts between Theosophy and Spiritual ism, and ponder well the reasons for the faith that is within them..theosophy tells us that this world is^he realm of causes, the Spirit-world of effects; the groat hulk of mankind at death pass into a dream- state of thousands of years'duration, in which they are totally unconscious of everything on earth, and never communicate with earth; the only completo spirits that communicate with earth are those óf «nlcide» and persons suddenly killed, who obeess mortals for selfish purposes; ^11 other spiritual phenomena nre caused by ncut*!)uman *' elementáis " and tendering- shells," ihe debris of ascended spirits in De ruchan, except in a few rare cases of delusive clairvoyance and psyehogrnphy, caused by temporary rapport with the De- vochanlc region; there la no progress in tbe Spirit-world, only protracted dreaming between nearly fl.000 different incarnations; all f irogresa pertains to the snccessive earth lirre, n each of which we develop a new karma, with which we start again at onr next rebirth. I know not what others may think of this complicated and ingenious system of philosophy given us as highest truth from omniscient sages, bat for myself I am convinced that it is destitute of foundation', n figment of the imagination, the offspring of the fertile fancy of Mad. Blavatsky, and a few oriental mystlca I bare no faith in the existence of Koot Hoornl and the other Hítflñ- Jayan Brothers. It is possible that there are some so-called adepta possessing some weird occult powers, and perhaps Mad. Blavatsky may be so endowed; but much of the assorted occultism Is charlatanism and trickery, and the greater part of the marvels narrated anent Mad. B. and the adepts are on a par for troth with the veraclona chronicles of Baron Munchausen and Lemuel Gntlirer. Presidio ef Ban Francisco, Cal appear such in his estimation, and which ho will not disapprove in other«; yet notwithstanding his perception and judgment In such case», ho foots little Inclined to deny himself the gratification incident to such Tor IB*HtttOo-raiBtnlilal j,,«mn The Supreme heed of'the ludí vidual Human to bring Him to Completeness of Spiritual Life and Character. BT JOEL TfEFANT. What Is the supreme need ot the lndlrtdnal human, which, if supplied, will canoe him to seek and to find bis tros destiny, bringing him to the B tatu ra of complete manhood? Is man so constituted that be la sabjoct to any Influence which can be mode soto affect him, that he will Invest all bis faculties and powers In an effort to beeotne perfect In moral and spiritual character? Can ho bo canoed to seek earnestly to know hi«whole duty to himself, his neighbor and to God, that he may strive with all his power to do such doty? In simple language, is man so constituted as to become the subject of an Influence which wul cans* him under all circumstances to act up to his convictions of tu rn an experience teach«that,it Is less difficult to cause ope to perceive tbe true, the right and the good In any ease, than it Is to cans«him to conform therewith In purpose and in a d. There a n tew it any vices fn the Indi vidual, which cannot bo'made to Indulgence. Few, Indeed, can be found who will aot acknowledge, that wo ought, at all times, and under all'rircnnistances, to be governed by the spirit of truth, uf purity, of hollures, of Justice, fidelity aud love; and yet. lu our Inmost soul», we do know that we are not always faithful to our conviction»; but dn the presence of «elf, and under tho Influence of appetite, passion and desire, we are quite liable to swerve from the spirit of tho virtues, and thus bring upon ourselvesasense or condemnation, railing for some disguise, like tlio fig-leaf apron. Those who engage la the commission of crimes, and who live lives of criminal Jn- S ence, know better; know that they are ding every principle of justice, goodness and right livlug; aud, while they have any moral sodse, parry with themselves a con- Mfousness of guilt, which deserves reprobation, and which Is at war with the best interests of society, and which deserve pun* IshniihiL Few. indeed, engage in. vicious or crlmlrianjiritctico«of any kind, who do not know that Daso doing, they are at war with every prlucipotaswullal to the well-being and happiness of mankind, and they also know that one, who Will thus engage in that which 1» evil and. false knowingly, 1«not to ' bo trusted any further than self-interest prompts. Those who engage i/a n y kind of business which tends to demofallze the individual or society, us In Hip business of manufacturing, or selling intoxicating liquor» as a beverage, do so for tho purpose of self-gain and selfr advantage, and not for the benefit of their Individual customers, or for the benefit of society. Every intelligent and reflecting dealer know# that he ts doing more harm than good to every one who patronize«him. Ihat among his customer», very many of them are quite liable to become ruined In property, la character, in their domestic relations. in their social «tending. Of this there is no room Jeft for doubt. Evidences of such a tendency and such results are tod abundant on every hand to admit of question by the dealers themselves. Why. then, do men engage in such euterprlare? As morn), upright, good citizens, what excuse can one offer for opening o/llquor saloon in any community? What 'good to tho individual citizen, or to society can be promoted by It? What evil to the Individual and to community, can be equal to it? No morally thoughtful and religiously conscious man can engage in any sncii enterprise; and, therefore, one will not expect to find hucii characters in such business. Then. let us look to these men as n class, and ascertain the motive which prompts them, individually Aud collectively, to engage In the liquor traffic. Whateverthe motive, w&can be assured that there Is nothing of _vlrtue. of morality, ol religion, qt-pstriofisui, of humanity; of churityfimd-tfood will to mankind, entering Into it. There are some tilings which they do know in respect to the results of their traffic; aud that is, that many, very many, sober respectable nwn, will be made drunkards by it; that many happy families will bo ruined by it; that many loving and trusting hearts will ho crushed by it; that many crimes will be committed under lls Infla- ence. and much of poverty and wretchedness and woe will be gathered a» Its legitimate harvest, and that there will not he for all this one redeeming influence, one saving virtue, one foyotis blessing, conferred upon tbe individual or upon community as the legitimate fruit of snch traffic. Why. then. I inquire again, do men engage in this business? and what must be the moral and religions status of those who do engage in U? It can not be said that it is because they do not know any better, for they do know better. They do know that every drinking saloon In a community becomes a center of influence tending to poverty, vice aud crime in such community. Thev do know that ike whole business has to do with men s appetite.«and passions, stimulating to Instfal conditions and practices. There Is not a man or woman of common sense Uring, who believes that the practice of drinking, fostered and encouraged by these saloons, tends to promote order, pence, virtue and happiness in»oclety. There is no one who does not know that the legitimate tendency of all tippling Is to vice, crime, degradatlom-dlsease and death. And yet men of standing atad of influence in society engage In It; Invest their millions in It; do everything in their power to bring Individuals and community nutter Its influence, and form associations to streagthen and perpetuate their power for evil overall men. KnostHurlhese thing», why do they do it? why does community permit them to do It? * The answer ta plain. Mankind are wanting la that quality of Impulse, which demands that one shall, in au things, act np to his highest conviction» of right. They are wanting la that which comes from supreme loyalty to the true, the pure, the holy, the jubt nod good. They are lacking In va high resolve to seek the kingdom of God and his righteousness, by striving to te-come perfect in moral virtue». Mankind are in bond- age to, self, and its pleasure«and gratifications, and In its presence, the virtues go to the wall. What Is said of the liqnor traffic ts also applicable In some degree to many other occupations and professions. Mankind,in their rush after facie, woahh, power and aggrandizement. are In bdhdage to eetf-intereet, selmndnlgeoce, self-gain, and solf-gratlfle*- tlod, in some form; and, hence, habitually fall to act tip to their convictions of right. In respect to the virtues, they are saying continually, I pray thee, Lave me excused. Therefore the great need, looking to the end to be accomplished fn bringing the human soul to tiomphtenesa, to the stature of perfect manhood, Is that motive «power which will cause the Individual, at au times, to be religiously conscientious for the right, the true, pare and good; and which will canoe him earnestly, to seek to know, and strive to do, bl«whole duty as a loyal subject of the heavenly kingdom. Is man, con a tl in t tonally, tbe subject of such -a motive impulse, one which will command hie obedience according to his eodvte- lloae of duty and right, no matter how great tiis sacrifice required; even If. It b* a right hand, a right eye.*or even life lte«h? There is bnt one source from which snch an Impulse can come to command the obedience of the heart, for any other than the obedience of the affection», will not be sufficient. The obedience which Ismbeolute for the right has Its source in the suprems love of the soal, and that love mast be colled Into existence by means of faith and trust in the Absolute Good. Tbere must be to the soul that which 1«dearer to It than ita own pleasure, enjoyment, or Individual good, or It can not be made to make the sacrifice sometimes demanded. This loyalty of tbe heart matt find a supreme and perfect one, clothed with the perfect attributes of tbe affections, be- I

11 JU L Y 12, RELIGIO-PHILOSOPIIICAL JQ/URNAL. fore it Clin res[m>iid with its absolute affection tosuch mi otic. Hence, religiously, the only hu Met out motive impulse which can, under all circuntnlanre«, cause man to obey l»i^ convictions of right, is to be found in a supremo lovn of the perfect attributes of a supreme and perfect.being. Without faith in such ii Being, urn! without a supreme love of the character of such Being, the sou! can not be made absolutely loyal to the right, the good anti the true. Snch faith and such love, then, become the supreme need of the soul, and without which, Jt will not become entirely loyal to the eternal right, good and true. It In this need width Hes at U*< basis In man, of all Ida religious aspirations, and which Inducea In him. a desire to ascertain and to know the Infinite and tyerimi Why? How? and What? of all things A* soon as the mind of the child Is capable of perceiving any relation between cause ami effect, Jt becomes a standing interrogation point; and it commences that search which will never end, until it finds its ultimate answer in the revelation. to it, of a Father Spirit, who has given tolls spirit, a destiny which Is to be accomplished by an attainment of oneneas of Jlfe nnd character with that Father Spirit. Therefore, the religious nature in man Js that which has supreme control over the individual and which causes him to&eejt completeness iti every department Of his existence. It is that supreme nature which can not be Huthdled with anything that Is mutable and perishable. No amount of wealth, or fame, or power, or honor, or aggrandizement. can satisfy its aspirations. All sublunary pleasure*, no matter how ex rjuh'ue, fail to giveji rr-t and pence, content nnd happiness. It must know all there is to be known, it must become, iti»talus and recipiency, receptive of, and responsive to* all 'that exists and Is, In Its love, as the foutt- tain of affection. It must embrace the universal being, and thence, universal existence. Therefore, the religious nature demands that one become perfect as the Fattier ip heaven is perfect; and hence It is to the Individual the only source and fountain of that power, which can compel se f to surrender to the right, the true, the pnre and the good. Men mistake the nature of religion, and the part it performs In those who are subject to Its influence. I grant it ii the moultiou of this nature, which causes the devotee to make such terrible sacrifices of self and It»' enjoyments, ns are seen id the Pagan, Hindoo, nnd sometimes In the Christian world, so-called; that It is the religious nature which enables the Individual to rise above self and it* present enjoyments, and to submit to such sufferings as are self-inflicted by Ignorant and blinded devotees. I grant that if is under the Influence of this nature, that the Hindoo widow burns upon the funeral pile of her husband; that the Hindoo mother give» the bubo of her bosom to the crocodile, or drowns it in the Ganges; that the Hindoo devotee throws himself beneath the juggernaut, and that the thousand other forms of self-tortore and death are submitted to. The power of one to cause self to submit to these denials and afflictions, 1» from the religious nature; but that which gives such direction lo It, Is not of the religious nature. The directing agency In all these cases proceeds from the Intellectual nature, and becomes n revelation of the intellectual status. It Ih according to the dictation of the individual intelligence, that places the Hindoo.widow* upon the funeral pile of her husband, rather than to tell her to be trail inspirit, pare in heart,holy-anil self-faithful in life, if she seek to please her heavenly Father. It is the weakness and unreliability of her intellectual and rational faculties which tells the Hindoo mother to feed her babe to the crocodiles, or drown it in the sacred river, rather than to obey her maternal instincts and affections, and care for it tenderly, and brllig It up In the nurture and admonition of that which Iq true, pare, holy, Joet and good. The supreme power of the soul, misdirected, can not fail to bring ruin, misery and death. Upon the principle in physics, the greater the power wbefi directed E rpperiy, the greater the blessings conferred y It. but misdirected, Its power to destroy Is commensurate with its power to bless. The power propelling a train of cars while everything la In order and the cars keep the track, is the same power that hurls everything on board to destruction, when a broken rail or an opposing train are Interposed. AH the powers of the universe work to bless the orderly and'obedient, hut the name powers most work to curse the disorderly and disobedient. Therefore, in the religious nature Is to be round that power which, when properly dl rected. giv< i losl the spirit dominion orer self and its loam* and enables It to aay with an- premo authority to every tempting influence, "Get thee behind me, Satan/' The power of this ultimate'patnre most be Invoked by installing that nature in the soul as supreme. And that, being supreme, it mast have for counsel the pest, most Intelligent and rational adviser possible. Instead of suppressing the Intellectual and rational faculties, as ha» been the jsnstom Of the theologian, they must be cultivated with the most scrupulous exactneea.'so Ah to be qualified, under all circumstances, to act as the moral and religious engineer of the soul on its way to the kingdom. To me, such adviser and engineer la Jesus, of Nazareth, when«life and teachings reveal the union of the Intellectual, themoral and the religious, acting lu perfect a'ceprrt; bringing the son] by a straight line, directly tw completeness, and hence into the kingdom of heaven. Taking his life as an Illustration of the way leading from the earthly to the heavenly. I find both chart and compass, with every rock, shoal, sand-bar and dangerous coast; plainly marked, and the signal of danger timely given, so that the earnest seeker, the honea navigator, the faithful traveler, -can pursue his course without danger, and be sure of reaching the heavenly haven at lost, to enter upon the possession of his spiritual Canaan, and find' It a land (lowing with milk and honey. The religious unbeliever, therefore. Is not Justified in making his war upon the religions aspirations of the soul. He may make war upon the theologian, who denounce«the intellectual and rational faculties, and Is striving to bring the mind Into bondage to authority, based upon the commandment of men, but he should not be guilty of as an error, and as mischievous an one, confounding the dogmas of the theologian with -the supreme Impulse«of the soul, calling the Individual to completeness; demanding that, in all things, be become loyal to the spirit of every virtue, and with all his powers, strive to become perfect as the Father In heaven is perfect. H ereford 's A dd Phosphate- Vi e t Sx tib tícto b t in Peoöteation. Dr. P- P, GtuuBTiN, Detroit, Mich., says: I have found It very»a Ils factory In Its effects, notably in the prostration attendant upon alcoholism. ' B Y H E S T E R M. P O O L E. (UBTUCUKH, W, /,) T H E F A U L T OF THE AC E. The fault of th* ag* I* the tnad endeavor To leap I»* tirlgtita that were insd* tocltiiiti; By a burnt of strength or a thought that Is clever We plan lo outwit add funwlnlf Tim*. tv* aearn u> wall fdvihe thing worth having; W* want high noon at tliedny*«dim dawn; We (Ind no (ihwirelri tolling sod Kiting A» oar forefather* did in the good time» gone. We forms our roar* before their season i To bloom ot d bb*»om that w* ritajr wear; And then we wonder and nek the reason Why perfect bud* are so fete and rare. We crave the unin tmtdeaphethe getting; We want wealth, not a* reward, hut dower, And the strength that la wasted In uaele*«fretting Would (ell a forest or build o lower. Tocovet the prize. yet in shrink from tbs winning; To thirst for glory, yet fear the fight Why, wliat i-.tn It h«;id lout lost but inning. To inenul languor and moral blight? (letter the old slow way of»trltlng Amt rottiitldgsinnll gain* when the year is done, Thau to tuw our force* all In contriving And to grasp for pleasures we bare rfot won. f/ftrt Whaler,' 1U3CJ3.LA SLUtto. In the month of April it mi tuber of invention» were patented by women. Among them are a cultivator, ash-siftor, a fence-post, etc. Verily, women are out of their»acred sphere. It is --aid the supply of trained women Dtints Ls not eqaal to tits demand in any of the large cities of the country; yet it is but ten years since the first school for nurses was instituted. Mrs. Gillespie, a granddaughter of Benjamin Franklin. 1» herself alone the " upturn U- tee that sets going and makes arrangements for the Thomas concerts In Philadelphia. She ittttuiw Jill responsibility for expense«and pays without grumbling when she loses. She desires to promote musical culture in Philadelphia. The editor of the HorW i woman column 'wittily says that: "Among great men, past and present, who have favored the right«of women, suffrage and all, may be mentioned Plato, Victor Hugo, Abraham Lincoln, Sidney Smith, doirti Stuart Mill, Charles Kingsley, Alexander llamas, Herbert Spencer, and Emerson. Longfellow and Whittier. On the other side. Morgan Dlx and Mrs. firtrody. Miss Maud Howe hast become art critic of one of the Bdfttmi paper«. She is author of The San Rosario lunch," just published by Roberts Brothers. She is the youngest daughter of Julia Ward Howe, the well known author, poet and friend of woman. Mrs. Roger«, the cattle queen of Texas, was the wife of a man who had worked Ills way up from one cow to a herd of before death overtook hint. She then married Mr. Roger«, who at the time was a Methodist eir cult rider with a family of seven chiidteyi. She took them all in, but continues to attend to the entire business herself. Mrs. A. 8. Dun I way, to whose untiring efforts the Kuccess of suffrjtge In Washington Territory 1» mainly due, has a true appreciation of the value of the home. After months spent In arduous labor«lu Oregon and Washington, ehe write*:. " I have learned anew, and by sad experience. that the [tower of the hihne I* the only redeeming possibility In store for thn salvation of this government, which as now run is In the hands of a lawless element of both sexes, who, whatever may be their difference of politics or creed, are a unit In their opposition to the virtuous mothers of American men." One ohiie great disadvantages which women labor under, In entering any avocation, is generally the want of steady drill and discipline. They are amateurish, fitful and not persistent. Yet they are no more so than men would be with, the same want of training. The success of-^hoee who have passed through regular preparation, show«that the difference is in the training and not In the character. Elizabeth Stuart Phelps, la the.vi. Nicholat for May, says some timely words on thla subject. We have only room for this; But, gtrle. if you don't mean to make a thorough business of the occupation you have choeeu, never, never, iwwr begin to be occupied at all. Half-finished WOTk will do for amateurs. It will never answer for professions. The bracket yon are sawiug for a New Year's present can hang a little crooked on Ita screws, and yon will he forgiven for the love s sake found therein * by the dear heart to which yon offer It; but the trinket carved for «ale in the Sorrento rooms must be cat an true a* a rose-leaf. Y'ou can be a.little shaky as to your German declensions In the Bchifler club, which yon Join so enthusiastically after leaving school, and no great harm ever come of It; but teach Schiller for a living, and for every dative case forgotten yon are so much money oat of pocket. * People.who pay for a thing demand thorough workmanship or none. To offer Incomplete work for complete market price. Is to be either a cheat or a beggar. The terrible grinding laws of supply and demand, pay and receive, give and get, give no quarter to shilly-shally labor. The excellence of your intentions is nothing to the point. The stress of your poverty has not the slightest connection with the case," ASADSTOKY. In what I have written for young women about farming a taste for some avocation or bqrsnit in which they attain skill, it has be^n chiefly that they might have the mean* of self-support, For life is so foil of change every one is liable to reverses, and a large percentage- of women at some period are placed in position«where tho power of self- support would be an Inmtimabie blessing. Bat there Is another powerful reason why each ahould how somp»peeiajty." Blessed be he who has a bobby and sticks to it, said a- man of keen observation, not long ago. An ordinary woman s life 1«so shut In from the Interest* of the world, so bound up In her domesticities and -affections, that ieu these fall her and they are rare io find no failure here that she i* sad when left without them. Like a «hip stranded on a desolate shore, ah# feels utterly loet without her native element. If her husband Is a man of genius, bo much the worse. He need«no companlonshiiu or selects his own, while all the health of her affection jruns lo waste., Nothing can com] dividual culture. with the nearest and dearest, can suffice In the great crises or sadnesses of life. We are alone,after all that can be said or done. Alone In our dutiee, cares, hopes and lores, just aa we are alone in our union with the Over- Soul which, only, can Oil and»lace oar own. Let os train our faculties to report and gafb- D p eneate for tbetack of in- No association, even that er up useful intelligence, and direct it to some one pur-mi t for which WP have UtttS and might have skill, and make ourselves capable of doing one thing well. The year* will be few, indeed,before the training be not needed,». / y These thought* are Riten*ifled by iipvnj,il of the Letters and Memorials of Jean Welsh Carlyle, which are bright a* they ore sad..lean Welsh wjts jui only child, reared in afllneuce and affection, and with an unusual amount of mind and culture. These she.sacrificed in marrying a genius., Her most intimate friend writes of the result of this union;.she wax miserable; more abidingly and intensely miserable than words can utter. In marrying»he undertook what she fell to be a grand and noble life-task; a task which, as *ei forth by herself, touched all that was noble and heroic, and Inspired tier imagination from,us difficulty. Hhe believed In Car lyle than; no one else did. Well, she was to be the companion, friend, help meet; her own gifts were to be recognutd and cullivateti by him. She was bright and bekuliful with a corialu stnr-llke radiance nnfl grace. She had devoted to him her life, which so many other itieti bad deaired to share. She had gone off into the desert with Mm.' She bad taken up paverly, obscurity, hardship, even, cheerfully, willingly, and with an eutbiirtl- Ji»rn of eelf sacrifice, on asking to be allowed totninlster to him. The offering was accepted, hut like the preciottrt thing* flung by Benvenuto into the furnace when hi* statue wo* mol ten, tla-y were all consumed lu the flame?,; and lie was so content and occupied by what he was bringing forth, that he run Id tpke no heed of her individual treasures, -In her case it was the living creature in tty* midst of the fire which felt and suffered, lie gave her no human help nor tenderness. Bear in mind that her Inmost life was solitary, no tenderness, no cariv-es. no loving words, nothing out of which one * heart can make the wine of life. A glacier on a mountain would have been as human a companionship.. «Site had only the desolation nnd the barrenness of having all her love and her life laid waste She did not falter from her purpose of helping and shielding him, hut she became warped. It la but just to Carlyle to say, that after her death, he realized the *elfl*tme*s of hi«career, and, to some extent, her sufferings. ".My poor darliug. he often exclaimed to (*>0110», " If I couid see her but for five minute* to mwure her that I realty cared for her through all those year«! But «he never knew it! She never knew i t r It caunot be wondered that»he recorded this passage in. her diary: * Mr, B. «ays that nine-tenths of the misery of human life, proceeds, according to his observation, from the Institution of marriage. He should say from the demoralization, the desecration, of the Institution of injuring#, and then 1 should cordially agree with him. The moral of Mrs.A!arlyle,8 fife Is.that every woman who baa a mind and a heart worth mentioning, needs some avocation a» much a* a man. There should be an outlet, in a worthy way. In case* of isolation or bereavement. The cultivated understand lug, the enlarged soul, can surmount all common trial*, find consolation in toll and duly, and continue on her wav unsubdued by that which would crush a narrow nature. Nor will «he allow her heart to grow arid and barren. For there is always a fountain of love»ml hope unsealed and ever flowing, to those who have strength lo climb to it* source. BOOK REVIEWS. CAU books noticed under this bead, are for sale at. or can b* ordered through, thcotnoaof the Rauot'>f'aiu> SOl'HJCAl. J u t'll* al.] AN ESSAY ON MAGNETIC HEALING ANB SOME Wonderfu] cure«, liv Georg«Milner Stephen. Tb* Australian Hoalcr, BarTUter-tHaw (MiddleTemple i: F. G.S London; F. N.«, DiW eo; and F. ft. Sydney, etc. Publlabrd hjr Joseph tlraiui- walte, bookseller, Dunedin, N. /- This mnaj demonstrate«ihil the genuine beater, poesesees s wonderful power over disease, and can often cure the afflicted instantaneously when all other means have failed. Mr. Stephens is recognized as on# of the most powerful healer» now before the public, some of his cures being so remark- abl«that one Is Inclined sometimes to call them miraculous." THE BIBLICAL AND THEoLorllCAL OBJEC TIONS to Spiritualism answered in a colloquy between a clergy man and an ax-nartshlonec. New York: 1884, Tb* facte set forth In the above named pamphlet are familiar to every Spiritualist. To Investigators and skeptics they will undoubtedly be of value and Inter«;. It U published by the Secular fines Bureau of the American 9 pi ritualist Alliance. THE HISTORY OF FRANCE. By M, Golzot and Midair» Guizot D* Witt N*w York: Joha B. Alden. Price, eight Vobu, $ttjb per set, 76 cents per vol The second volume of this magnificent work Is to band la the same style as the first volume. It is the only complete American edition yet published of this,work, which h codridefed the most popour history hf France. It Is unabridged and Includes more than tour hundred Illustration«. Books Received. THE DIET QUESTION, UIVING THE REASON WHY. By Suasuna W, Dndda, M. D, New York: Fowler and Wells Co, firlee, ilhnos paper cover. 2T>cents. GOSPEL MELODIES. By H. Millard. New York: S. T. Gordon. Price, board cover, 30 cent*. THE HIBTURY OF FRANCE. Vol. IL By M. Guizot and Madame Gulp if De Wilt. New York: John B. Ald*n, Price, per vol. eight vola, "j cent*, per set, TRAVELS AND SCENES IS FOREIGN LANDS.By tb* bit* Alexander Sttijibe. Richmond, Ind.: John Macawy Wmason. T rurepbobia,. It Is announced that a new disease ba» been discovered. Not tbit It wav never beard of until the prehedt moment, but U is comparatively novel and toexpllqiliie. The late Dr. Beard baptized It Deuro- phoma. U aftecie women sometimes, but slightly, bat It m*b*r mmeta men. Tb# victim conceives an unoontrtillgble horror of me very commonplace sx- perleoce/aa riding on a particular stnwi-e»r line, crowing a particular river at a particular point, pao»- Ing beneath the shadow of a certain ( ullding. passing by scene one statue, «. Kcuropbobia has bo w- a uabje cause. It la a monomania, on a scale so tbt that the pslieat can hardly be called a moqc- maniac and certainly not a crank, One case recently reported was that of a llteeary geatlesnan who could no more Writ# eh tn«p be could face a fire engine. He knew It wsa very absurd, tot be omim not help IL For church, patch, niratch. match. etardir must tai smm synonym. H* would tremble so before the unogaadous thought of writing those two cocsouauia that be felt compelled to go by eome other route to the end In/lew. The dread of death ta not mate un- cooquvtable than neuropbobta. The proportion of minds tainted with disease is modi greater Una is MMtaUy suppose* for eccentricity is T'KitoRkUl Bf WoEXk&n. tration la probably a Buie off lo the u LmsgtniUoc makes more In raid* than all lb* doctors can outcl A wholesome frame of mind is the bmt medidne, attd a aonod bead la a general to n ic to the d. Many a crotchet which paesas really Insanity In a modifieddegrse. an who complains of nervous pras- Magazines for July not before Me at toned. The Homiletic Monthly. (Funk & Wag nali*. New York.) The Sermon!*- department of this number I» tin usually rie.fi with the contribution of our.ablest rrenchpr». The Living Issue*, Helpful Data and tire other editorial d«phrlnx-ut'«are up to the high ttlanilard which be monthly aims at. and present* fresh and forcible thoughts In great variety. The American Monthly. (American Mng azine I'uh. Co.. Chicago.) Content*: BJanrhp; The Gordian Knot, orttif Ihtian (tun fiaultsm; Within and Wit howl; England a* Reflected In Chaucer; Why tb# Democratic Party should not have the next ArimliiDlration; Reasons why the Republican Party should not longer be continued lit Power; One Happy Bay; Katharine; Lord of Creation; Editorial Memoranda. MlSCET.LAXKurS VuTF-rt \ Ni> O f ERIK». (S. C. A L. M. Gould, Mntichevte r, N. H.) Thie magazine wilt he found ertpeci ally instructive to Teachers, Pupils ntid Stud eut», a* it contain* atuiwer» to Notes and tyuerie» in, all department* of Literature. Tub Herald Or Health. (M. L.Holbrook, M. R..New York.) Interesting article» under the following lead» will be found 111 tiff* number: General Artlele* ; Answer» lo Qiieri- tiutis; Topic*of the Month; Studies in Hygiene for Women. The Season. (The internal ionsi New» Co.. New York.) An illustrated magazine containing the latest Pari* fashions and the moot I elegant designs in Needle Work, Embroidery, Fancy wtirk. Crotchet, Etc. Quit Little ones and tux NThsert. (The Russell Publishing Co.. Boston.) This nnm- i her, as usual basa table of contento that will plea.se the children and the illustrations,n"dd much to th«interest. Golden Days, (Jame-? Klverson, Philadelphia.) A weekly, paper for hny* and girls filled with - tories from lit# pens of the best writer* for the young. The Pansy., (Ü. Lothrop & Co., Boston.) A monthly for young rendir*, edited by the popular writer. Pansy. (Mrs.G. R. Alden.j "The gain on n flock of sheep may be cal led n wether,profit, says one. Good for ewe," says the other, " What Js a lake? asked the teacher. A bright little Irish hoy rant'd his hand. " Well, Mickey, what 1«ItT " Surejt's a hole iu the kettle, mum." An old agricultural correspondent write* ns to know whether hog* pay, Some hogh pay and Home do not. Quite a number take the paper several years and then send It back marked Refused." Sel., NO POISON IN T H E P A STR Y I F M Hi 1 i M d l l 11 i a w & n o t ZlA C I T S O L D M S Î S A nn ITC *»** ill <«U imixmuur*. r*ömt»rr*> r iill L a (o<ul tntirf!o!i»ltd! >UI Mp IM ta TTi-'TT-) * lv S a v o r ( n k n, I f f» «". l'l»llsi»v...v r, d r l l r u l r t l «M l a «t- u r a lli I itllir IVull frum n lilrb lb.» u r. 0 * 4 «.. EOlt STRENGTH AND Tltt'E FRUIT FLAVOR THEY STAND AMINE. P r i c e B a k in g P o w d e r C o. f C» C4«o, lii. a t. t-.ui*. Mo. * AlfH Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powdir Ur. i'rlce HI.upnlin Yeast Gems, H.. 1 l> r r l l» i *>«- ro ss. s a l t : zz~z sn o c ^ E ia e. WK»ukE CUT UXUWLZUTT. LIGHT HEALTHY BREAD w T E A S T G E M S T h a Jirit^ rlrj hijp yr.m Jn tji«w orld. Braid vom«i'ke our qfxndm ethy.'j JeU ckul bryjid. GROCERS SELL THEM. - Price Baking Powder C o.f l a i T f i o f Dr. i n e r t i j t t u i r i i T c n n E x i n c a, Chicago. Iti, 6 1. Loo»*, Mo. C u tle r" DESK [ib«l l l T O M k in th * W o rld Ool*. W a ts Av-i W M. HAYDEN, In O *»ICC fu r n itu tm A F ining«nf «il lund«. )M WAJZy i l AV jobictg* KIDN EY-W O RT D O ES W O N D ER F U L C U R E S O F It IDHEY D ISEASES AND LIVEB C OMPLAINTS, o it»rt» tb* I.ITKfl, fmwels m4 k lllitls *t U. U»v. * «It *' n. n tb* ef 4b*paO>m, ou* btuuan ib*t drr*3«** so IOmt Urt- 1*0 t» ««>«*«. alignrr. Jxu----- U N, FUn, or la im tu u tia a, m 2 ZtaU-4, CUHM- «o,rnnÿ>,z«. >1* Ocnnplalal*. an ur soup moot or rah. IT W IL L «VOJG.T C t n u coaatipation, p il e s, and RHlUMATllM, n u n ACTION *t *U A* Wgaei C L E A N S IN G the B LO O D M«* t*f tiw a e n u lp a W rto ckrcnr r f rl... THOUSANDS OF OASIS n w t. b n g * r Um Wntbl» qomdr n u i< u < iiii M w io n v OVSCD. m e a, i L f g m M a*v. g w i t «k m o t *. V fj «U b* m l k r «MUL W X L U. SJCAa O S K W * Co, SnriImfUm. TL f f* Utff AJjim t* ML K ic N EY-W O R l TO EMBROIDER CRAZY QUILTS W KnJuwU *"4 AnwtfliOfV fvt-vj ru!t rj{m - Wult 1 KliU.ruUJ.i7 -_*nm M I*** lb*«b»if prw* SO **nu «ell b*z nil«* «11111 «*[ un* t-.ii.r ta Ail ut <»ilk u a [ UiMOfol ortufv. Iras im* lo O n. jtrli Jo««- b*od I 111 0*OU la *t*n>m or mat*] nau b> ihe esainum a ARssTHoac to., Ytn X iitm sc, lsuj*a*l ibi*. p *. or 4«ft llf* d m r. X. T, re R 'P 0 W N c o u. b g.» pkjsicians &Sargern lot ( I I t l AL-O. R r i i l t f m bdi» u s-ftij, WM.jrn» Mr.a hrmt irruí*: Ottirgt i iiwr k* jou ««un. X4- IprrvoAa rimitj. lu g f i [CJlBhTU «*ruiút*h\ 9 r r C*ü).jvthi«.Our r. P**C B«Æ jga The G r e a t I I p U T Church L lb llli b u s t o b» f w «b*4*rirsu 7>j-ALnrk^ D"p&Xr Ml Krw*ad. *>- i> * <»* Vfwl tu# W n u Cm JCWwlA- AM* «fmsema A WotoAl - r í r r t S t s í V w. ft Hi N Y CATARRH A «w ifif Idr lb* a» at ihi* um«. * baa lm * 4 n rw,i«s. Tb* * v * o r> >!in * i*,p a ln fu l«a d J o n g «t e n d i n g u m rrmtllj 7 *UrJ t* U i n M l d.,»tr 1 11 f mai «*Tl.it ut»* U* m * rj «. *««n ifa * u «.Y c m.» p n o n n ( f t. inibltal n «U. a t lb* aim««* or u n» l u l i w l ( l.* ( n p a n «**» in b r f M * I la «b. F o t* lorn dklcuani «*4 If «.III cur* vou. *a*r*m th * o o m H i j ij r r f «* a n. i M M / i > r» * u g v r rr»nt*bwaa* r>r. «f «arorua. ti I* o*rt*ctl* Y«, agr*«*bl* an') «aaljjr appuad. 'Jnr pa<b H au l da iba mark. In i rub rail ituaivlgaa, By rotara Mail la any «U n * la ttv* C l M JWala* Upu* n a il* «rax tnnm<«.i».ío»miiubudi»il Gmidlndi««K. C B. CAJU U A S 1 L. U S i.. C b U a «*, I U. SUTE HD ÎETEITE TBCülilDTB [MUES D*. Un Em u Karliaf* krlliia a Gnat Ira R ot, SPIRITS AID TIIEIKWOKEIIEIEKI COIJTBÏ OFTHE EIKTI. A Ù5s ; l r - j B lfc ru i; Ï s s îc U & b g tk* K t r t s a t I k O h " K e im îîîrin L iim.'* I Tbia M l Yarn«a rail «i«j «xbaaad** l a n d af au tb* 1 n u is laeldnsta a i a SX rjiaaim le rb a n c ta r «U cfi baaa Ers* E-tiMÎ tu *r*ry r-jutiîrf af tb* «n k trata iba t*«te«b9«t t Ut* Nlrmtaadlk (aetury la Ut* p n m! O n* Tb* SplittoAUM *ll( Bad ta ml«w arb * datnpicta BtftMAl of «vary pbagabmkmb 0* M B m Sa «Sag g H É f U. or 4a- acrita l* ulbia «Tb* lormslaaw «ui «Male a «csupeom* «f assry mm af vaioa b * Baad* «a stodz Tb* Srrpoe»UI b* barrio «**.»«. aag b f alad at mort notât. T a *p*t7 M adaaf of. ifebniagy, FpErUoat Bacaac«, S a tu ta m Xaf<aw, kaammrtnd.»fsm naiu u! and tvnasw W. tb* Aa U H r - ts da*7 «am m um sa of p w a a c and la (b* u b * «f Iba «Ja«txMtrrjtaat»pinrt, *b* bava manwand- d bar Msfb. ab«i S * r ^ d 6 * t o T 2 i i * u g B js ^ * ir o w e ^ " ^ w n S i! l* A um«i *al w wlu pro**» O o i M r O b ra n at tb a aobwmm «a a lt *)». aad a b a w l <4 IbaaieaiaJWa»«la* far id cñaa 1 THF PLAN UF T H f W K K INCL-FDE8 x*m«oa n m (MbwlMMLCbb =.. I. Ja g a a. T te b a k U * «. JbfA MaUbad, tu a c b Gatoalm. BaaMa. «a a taq. «artomtibms MbMUcMWb «gala. Ilaiy, Aaattla. S alg to a. TnrU». M. Ow. SAÇE,CUf ECIFIC." nd s SPECi I t C T H E r t a i l P i a a a a r a a C tb a X is ta s y *. Uv«r, HtoSéa* «M t r ib a r z O r m P r a v a r. G r a v a i. t N a b n «, B r i g b f 'a ta^a* Barb. LaSaa, t r nu>, R na iiaa *r N a a -K a ta a 1 1a a o f (T ri«*. V A AT bcfccut*. AF-TAKE NO OTHER, "SS HUNT*» U U flo T CO. * FlavtéaMig. K. L. b a»aw g «M y,af fbb PM l u IM W MtwOSag I r m i t M to ta b ta (ba f e?.s i m e w a as^airtyftap o p ia a m» b e r a r * Caca«, ibaaaisalmnlagwyi badlvmad u b m a b a s b * n c ac ba aaiiblmd a n DWt af Ib a IBM. s la tbf» lavalnabla a r t t s M f t b d J k i M «M trlbashia, Dr wm. Brtmm. u» B«b«*>b*r. ba* p ar Iba pria* a l Iba ataiafa coat af tb n b aafc lirai Mr. $tj&0. I Jv age, 25 cotta. tataarm cb a M «l b á W M i- J S a a L a tib a «b a n * af *la'jta,iljïm flw.. DS. WM. BK1TTBI, - Cbrartf A W.LOfKU. F.BSi«g. î U YESK Y S T E É E T, S E N J YO K E

12 fte LI Gl O-PHILOSOPHICAL JOURNAL. JULY 12, 1ÍJ84. Mi0io-ghiloiiopbical tourna ru BLU HED WEEKLY IT ÎÎ LA SALLE ST BEET, CHICAGO By JOHN O. BUNDY. Termi of Subscription In Advance. Orvo C o py,one y e a r,...$ " " (1 m o n th s,... $ i k u torna i ran. irecim ton ru t. R n u T m c u abould be made by United State* P«l*l Money Order, American E iprcri Company1* Hooey Ordar, Registered Letter or Dralt on either H«w York or Chicago, jdq *«< < * any r.u* htui r Atei* on loea! fanjfcj All letter* and communications ihonld bo ad. dneaed, and all remittance* made payable to JOHN a BUNDY. Cuicioo. IlV. Adrertlelnit Rale*, 20 M u ta per Agate line. Reading Nolle*, 40 cenia per line.1 Entered at tha poatofqce In Chicago, 111», aa second data matter. \ SPECIAL NOTICES. The Rn.ioio-l im/m iran'ai, Jot'KKiLilrelrf* It to be dlrtlnctlr undent«*! that It win accept no reaponafliti tty a*, to the opinion* e*prr*»«l ti/ Contributor* nn Correspondent*. Free and open dlicuuloa within cer tain limit* I* invited, xml la there ctrc«miitanorji writer* am alone responsible fur the article* to which their name* are attached. ^''Exchange* and Individual.* la quoting from the JlK t-ionvl'inirimu'mi jit. J ocioui.. am resumled to dl* UngtiUh between editorial article* and the emninunlen Mona of comitpohdrat*. Anonymou* letter* and coinmunlcatlmi* will not be noticed. The -name aad address of the writer are re qulmd a* a gnamnly of xcnxl fnlih. Rejected mariu acrlpts cannot he preserved,* neither will they be returned. unit**»utoclent pom-upi 1* *ent with Ibe re.juwt When new* pa per* or nuisiulne* am sent to the JOCK**!., containing matter for»peel«! attention, the gender will please draw a line around the article to which ha deal»* to call notice. CHICAGO, ILL.. Saturday. July 12. I AM, NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. Subscriptions not p a id in advance a re charged a t the old price o f $11.15 p e r year. To accom m odate those old Subscribers tt'ho through force o f habit o r in a b ility, do not keep p a id In a d - vance, the credit system is fo r the presen t co n tin u ed ; but it m u st be d istin c t ly understood th a t it is w holly a s a fa v o r on the p a rt o f the P ublisher, ns th e term s a re P A I'M E N T. I X A D VANC E. Summer Campaign. To all who arc «of now and After hate been flrbjicrltiprs, the«journal will be sent Twelve week«, on trial, for fifty cent». At tlie ex plrntion of the trial subscription the paper Will be stopped nn less previously renewed. The rapid Increase of Interest in Spiritualism among the educated, both Iruide mid outride the various religion» denominations, makes the need of an ansectarian,' independent, fearless, candid and hlgli-closs paper a greater dciideratf/ntuim ever before. The J ournal will tre^kept up to the highest standard possible with the faculties or the publisher and editor, and he hopes for the hearty and continuous patronage of the hotter and more Intelligent elasa of the great pablic,botb with- la and without the Spiritualist ranks. Inspiration. Shallow and narrow is the self-styled orthodox view of inspiration, limiting the gift, In Us highest sense, to a few Jews in a distant age; taking It for granted, and not to bo denied, that God spoke to man then and there through prophets and apostles, but has not Bpoken since and will not again; that all troth needed for guidance hero and for reaching heaven hereafter was there given us; that It 1» hot possible to odd " one jot or tittle to that ancient * word of God," and that the thought qf doing so Is evil, the effort blasphemy. What difference between the Hindoo Brahm brooding over Infinity but withdrawn from all work and from all intercourse with mankind, and this orthodox Deity, who will never again speak or reveal himself? No more divine truth or 'inspiration! No more angel visitants, or trances, or visions of the Ufa be- yond! for ail these were in a day of miracles, and of an open heaven of which mortals could get glimpses, and' that day has gone, never to return. Gur dim light comes from that Hebrew past; none to-day, none In any to-morrow, and that to which alone we can turn, growing fainter In the increasing distance. Where there Is no vision the people perish* No wonder that waiting souls tarn to Spiritualism. No marvel that the churches are honeycombed by donbt. Bonis must grow or die, Light, more light!" is the instinctive cry. Not merely such quantity or Ught as the words or a few Hebrews can give us, but light from Pagan or Christian; light to day; light.from the Splrlt-world; Inspiration fresh ifid dear from an ever-opeh fountain; the unity of our souls with the Soul of Things, now ab In oldea days, not by miracle bat under unfailing spiritual laws. This broader and mors vital idea of Insplr- atlou makes the Bible more and not less to us, or rather tdore in a true and rational aetue, but less In a dogmatic and belittling way. Its Teal Inspirations, its trances and visions that reason and intuition can mecept, glow with new light, because not obscured by It«errors, and then we reach oat beyond Its pages, and look within our own souls, Hading everywhere what we need. The absurd conception that the Bible la infallible truth, without mixture of error, truth mlraeplouriy given and peculiarly of anlhor- lty each as no truth has elsewhere, must fade way. The hopeless and chilling error that the day of open vision and of Inspiration as full of dlrlrio power as ever came to any Hebrew prophet, is past forever, mast also fade away. As these disappear the world will be the better. Put Bible trnth above all other, Bible inspiration alone as divine, and how much we lose. Put all truth on a level, hold all Inspiration na a world-wide gift, and we gala greatly. The old Hindoo, of the Vodlc age said; Die vulgar look for their godi In water; the Ignorant thloi they are In wood, brick or atonre; men of more extended knowledge aeek them Id ml ratio! orb»; but wise men worth!p the Universal Soul. That Alt-pervading aplrlt, which gin* light In the vialbte Min. non llie tame In A-fodam I though Infinitely distant In degree. The way. to eternal beatitude U open to blm who, without omlaalon, sprekelli troth." This 1» Inspired truth. Just as dlvln? as the words of Isiiah or J psuh, uttered centuries later. Buddha taught: Better than sovereignty, better than going to heaven, better than lordship over all worlds, 1» the reward of the first step In holiness. Let a man overcome auger with love, let him overcome evil with good, let him overcome the greedy by liberality and the liar by troth.' Surely no word of {jlble teacher Is higher than this. The wise Socrates aaid, while waiting cheerily for his la*ri hour soon t<> come: "The soul, returning Intoherarlf, relied*. Than be {xiam* into lire realm pf purity, end eternity. And ImmortaiLh, which are her (ludrrd, and with them slio ever litre when abe a by bereelf amt not let nr Voyaging to V Erdarctt. hlndetrd ; then *lre Venae* from her erring wav«, atid bring In communion with the unchanging la uuc hanging.' Here Is a clear loner-vision, an introspective right ot the soul s capacity to know the trutji when iu fit condition, all aa good, and oh really inspired, from Socrates as from Moses or Paul. Harriet Beecher Stowe says: Wby do the children of a plmi* mother, whore gram has grown green and smooth with yearn, twin often to walk Ihrougli peril* and danger* fearful ntul Imminent ns 111» crossing Mohammed* flery gulf on the edge of a drawn»word, yet walk unhurt'. Aht could we tee that glorious form, that face where the ang«] conceal* not the mother, our uurouon would bo aniwe red.", Here 1«open vision, glowing witfi'thesame celestial light which inspired the Hebrew prophetess, and just as precious from this daughter of the Puritans as from the child of some ancient Rabbi. Achsa Hprague comes through Lizzie Dot on to any; I tlvf! O yo who loved me! Your fnlih was not In vain; Hack through the shadowy valley t come to you again. Sab* in Ibelove ihat guide* me. With fearlew feel I treed - My home i* with the angels I), «ay not 1 am dead!" Not dead, U in*, but lifted A Vivo all earthly airlfe; Now find I know lire meaning And feel the power of life." Here Is the realization of Emerson in *" The Soul s Prophecy:" Angel* on the slanting ray*, Volos* from the opening aklre." Heavenly inspiration is as real in Boston as in Judea, the 111 vine Life sill).pulses In human hearts, gospels are being revealed daily. Slowly Hi«Hilda of the raca la writ Karb age, each kindred add* a vers* to It" * words Organization. There comes to this offico three papers, geographically w ide-separated, but In close, agreem ent as to th e needs of the hour. The Pacific Leader, a new S p iritu a lly paper, published at Alam eda, Cal., and edited by '. S. Ingham, has the following editorial: Could Spiritual!*!* fnllr redi re the erred Importa n» and perfect practicably of acting uj*on lire old mnxloi, "In Union there la aireogih? andtinlle lo- golbt-rlu organization* haring for their object, lire promotion ot the cauae of Sid ritual lain, by Intelligent, persistent, commendable action, Urey would be urprtwd and gtaufled at Ure remit; for. in Ire* than twelve-own Ui, la uumbereand lufluen«s ttrespir-.uali»is would lead all the other deuomlnations or the l ulled State*. Strange aa Umay nppcvr we believe It to be luendljr true Chat, In proportion to their numbers, there are flro orthodox to ooe Spiritualist, connect».! with organization* who««dlatlactive object la the ptofüuuaa of the riewa or briiet of Uioee th u# ualt«l together. Let us, Uien, remember that la Union there la Strength," Inglr- ' and act accord- Liyht fo r Xkinkers, published at Atlanta, Ga.. says In an article on organlaatlon; W* are told that the spirti* say w# should not organize; and # raln we brer they ebould do ao. Some i «vllldo only and whatsoever the spirt L* pereopa R aay, while U would seem Utal wiser eplrua would know beat the need* and proprietlre of the better development of Spirituattam, yet, we are dlspoeed to uae our own lodgment In the matter of mortal organization. We jib not think the eplrll* drain» we should lee to the work entirely wllb th e m.,. We ooraider the great work ot orjpmbauon to b# for, flr»l the derriopmeot of the Spiritualist*, In order that they may be able to teach before Urey assume to do ao, and. aeoond, to give opportualuw for sock- era to LnveaUgate....The tlmre demand some nuloa of purpose. Good and genuine medlucna suffer for the protection of organization. Splriluatlsts suif.-r ridicule from the reaulla of charlatan medlnn», be- cauae no organized method of protection eilat*. There la every reason to hold upa superior claim for organization. The Clfff&r^Jjove, published at Oakland, Cal,, aitya, treatlngof orgaulmtlon: Without this combination of force* no effort, however praiseworthy, for Utp general public good would 1» ittoceeeful We Me thef reaull of combined effort In Ihtf power of the churche* Not through any Intrinsic merit In the cause they npre- sent,save the riergy obtained the vloe-llco grasp they bold upon the tnaama,and upon all the Inatllu- Uona of our oountrj. but through efficient orgaulza- fijn. Tu the political world we ofteo see principle«of right and Justice mode subservient lo party nd- vanrenvani through the united efforts of an unprincipled few wbo wield Influence Lit unlly of action. Ou_ every hand we rm fra lentil order«, trade*, uniona, workingmen s «gust, brotherhood*, of various kind* for U»e advancement and protection of people, remit!ng In good to three for wbom benofit they were established... When Spiritualist* aa a body cau drop-peraonal ambition»,» tty grievance and Jealousies auffident to uadle their fort «{"ovvaniralloo,0^ «*r e aults will be astonishing. Instead af «handful of P0** bw* and than to open door*. *P public attention to *» there would be we!i-tilled balls for public meetings which would command Tha world do«a mova, let tha Ppnner of Light oppose organic effort aa it may. It la gratifying that ao much attention la being directed to tha Indlspensabloneas of organization. Soon we hope tha need will ba felt au through this and every other land, and Spiritualism present an nnbrokea front to every foe, aaaoclaud help for every need. " Let ua get out of town on the Fourth, away from the Intolerable Chínese fiend, the Irrepressible nmall boy, and tho mob of noise producers who, with aspiring politicians, compose the army of patriots la time of pence! " That la exactly what I would like; where shall we go?" "Our old friends Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Drury, of New Boston, have Invited us to visit their home; that I» the thing to do now." " Agreed! wo can be off at noon to-morrow." Had tho conversation of two rellglo philosophers been overheard on Thursday of lost week, the above would have been very nearly a verbatim report, " High twelve " on Independence Day, saw-tho couple heading west by south with a hundred and ninety miles to make before the aun should set and they bo landed beside Jhe " Father of Waters," whose broadycurrfent Is the congenial home of the catfisithho gambler, the raftsman nu-1 other useful living things. The Chief of the Weather Bureau had most fortunately turned'on the sprinkler tho night before, and there was no dust. The Chicago Burlington & Quincy Railroad runs through one of the finest sections of farming country In the world aud taps many of the liveliest mamifacltirlng towns In nearly a half-dozen States, While the J ournal folks are eating nn excellent meal lu tho dining car, the train whirls through Hlnsdulc whore Jives the good old veteran, Joel Tiffany. Aurora Is reached, Fox River crossed,and away we fly. rapidly entering the region of corn aud cattle. At Giilva, one hundred and forty tulles from Chicago, wo collide with a considerably animated section 0/ the "Glorious Fourth; the symptoms are strongly suggestive of a mixture of corn Juice and patriotism. Here we change cars, and It is In tho local train that the need of Miss Frances Willard and her Temperance Union is apparent. The cars fill up with a boisterous, hut fairly good-natured crowd, who having helped to make Galvá merchants and enbxm-keepers happy, are going home, leaving a few behind who have become Inspired with a desire for a big drunk, or in the more expressive language of the gentletexim cow* boy, are bonhd to paint the town red before morning!" Tho face* In tho cur are not at- -ttactive, scarcely nn intellectual ot spiritual one among them, line glauco from Mary Davis s eye», one smite on her Vweet face, evolves more soul-force than this whole train of undeveloped humanity pos»gp*es. While these reflections ate passing, tho train man yells out, " Woodhulir und li> wlnit a change; In two minutes the train 1* nearly em pty. This sets us to querying: Can there be anything In a name? At each station beyond the passengers pour In, and they are a brighter and more attractive class. At last In the edge of the evening the two hundred miles less nine, are accomplished without fatigue, and wo cli&p hands with one who landed at this identical place fifty years ago, before UiU land had come Into market, before the county (Mercer) whs organized and while tho Indians still abounded. In a moment more Mrs, Drury, who for forty- four years has been a faithful helpme^and adviser of the old pioneer, greets us vkhh a hearty welcome and cheery»mile, and soon we are two miles away at Vlrdnrett. the splendid estate of Mr. and Mrs. Drury., In tills congenial horns on the Mlsalealppl bottoms, In thftjcqmpany of these earnest, philanthropic Spiritualists, surrounded with a profusión of hooka on science, philosophy and religion, the- familiar names of Davis Tuttle, King, Watson, Deaton, Stebblns. Crowell, etc,, appearing on the heavily laden «helves, oae of the company could not hojp contrasting It with another scene ou " Fourth." three years ago, when he was far away among those uslng.a strange language, and counting, their bead«; where the hot wind* from Africa aometlme» parched hi«/ face, where after three hundred years of Catholic rule, the seeker after health found the women plowing the fields with a crude plow, drawa by cows, and the people general ly In groes Ignorance and almost squalid poverty. Here on the banks of the Mississippi, within the. naturallife of a single man, greater progre!^ has been made than can come In all UmfrAo priest-ridden Madeira under the regime orrome and royalty, Saturday was epeut in looking over Mr. Drury's largo estate, inspecting hi* blooded etock of horses and catije, and also his private park and collection óf wild animals, consisting o^.' buffalo, elk, deer of severalspecles, etc. We piso learned something of "farming made easy wheu we saw how ho had harnessed the wind to his hay-cutter, corn «heller, wood saw. and water pumps. 'Year* ago," said friend Drury, "the farmers here about«complained of too much wind, and wanted to move to a conntry where there was less; now these»ame grumblers complain sometimes because there 1«too little wind to ran th*$r windmills, la the evening, Mr. and Mrs. Drnry took us to town and Introduced us to a number of pleasant people, some of whom are Jnst com- jq g Into a knowledge oí the troths of Spirit- ualihtos Later in the evening we attended a circle at the home of Mre. Gore, a widow lady.who has lately been placedlo communication with h^rhuaband. Hero we met Mr». Ballard, only recently widowed, and who has already developed strong medial powers, through which she Is bro tight Into constant Intercourse With her boaband, after having bean restored from an almost hopeless condition of chronic Invalidism by a magnetic healer. Hand William». a modest yonng girl of fifteen, wbo baa been a medium since her tenth year, was lao controlled, mnch to the edification of the elttero. She was entranced, and in that condition used by the spirit friends to write on a elate and also to talk. We shall watch with great Interest the farther development of this most promising young medium, and we hope the kind friends who now have such a deep lnt«rq«t In her, wlil continue to surround her with their protecting care and encouraging sympathy. A third medfiim present at this a^anco was Mrs, Willard who, entranced, aud with eyes covered, was controlled to write on a slate, messages which the control «aid he heard uttered by other spirit«, A spirit purporting to be our old and esteemed friend Capt. D, C. Densmore, lata editor of the Voice o f Angel», came to ns. Tho slate-writ lug was as follows: Tie (Densmore) eays that over here and over there he often looks through your paper. He says to you: Be firm In your work of giving light to the worljl. The conflict now riiffin re ttxrill ho ononp-. _v_ GENERAL NOTES. raging will be severe fiirrf purcham round-trip ticket«at one-third fare, Z7.t r X o T IL 'p 2 1,,0, n -?"»»** M3<b andi * with their shoulders to the Wheel.' The control then wrote: "Do any of you know a good man named M, K. Wilson?" To this query we replied that we knew who he was, whereujktu there was written: He «ay» he Is your friend and that he loves peace. * Sunday wan a perfect day.elear and bright, yet not uncomfortably warm. In the afternoon quite a number of friend» and those Interested In.Spiritualism came out to Mr. Drury «home; among the number were Mr. and Mr». John Roberts, Mr. H. H. Roberts. Airs. Gore,.Mr. and Sir«. Ives, Mr, Frank Ives, L.Mr. ami Air». Edward Drury, Capt, Kcuddcr. Dr. Wllllls, All»«Aland Williams, Air. Hunt Mr. William NIcoJ will speak before the Peoples' Spiritualist Society next Sunday evening at 7:15, In Alartlne e HaR. 55 Ada St. It is said that Rev, Dr. Bartol wrote the article on the Mlud Cure," which Is republished In another column from the Boston dally Journal. Rev. F. Hopklnson recently told a number of English conservatives that lie thanked God dally that he has no children, because Mr. Gladstone is rapidly bringing tho country to destruction, and he does not wish any of the family to see It. Those who wish to attend the camp meeting at Lansing, Mich., commencing August 7th and continuing until August I7lh, can AIrVilorse-Baker has [been loctnrlng at Saratoga brings, N. Y. She took for her subject: "The Law of Compensation. After her lecture»he answered questions from the audlquce. She wa«followed by W. D. Mill», who described sprits, many of whom wore recog u I zed. R. S, Reynolds of Utica, Now York, waa In town last week looking after his large interests hero. He Is preparing to»pend August at Lake Pleasant. " Heavenly Court Will and some score or more whose names escape - Army, has evidently found leading Urn hosts our memory atthl* hurried writing. Under the plentiful shade, in front of the farmhouse. we enjoyed a spiritual feast (n exchanging view«with these Intelligent and progressive friends, which will be loug and pleasantly remembered, Mr. Drnry Is now nearly seventy-five years old. Air», Drury some younger, but both are full of vigor and vivacity, and both have always been noted for their philanthropy and public spirit; tlieir home has been a resting place for many speakers ond mediums in years gone by, und had the generosity of the people of Alercer county equaled or even approached that of this admirable couple, an institution of learning, which would have been an honor to tho Slate aud a lasting benefit to the community, would long since have' been In operation nt some eligible point In that vichmy. Monday-Thornlng came all too soon, and willi it the etrd of our visit, with hearty mu tual expressions of.pleasure over the season of happiness and Jnterihango of thought, we headed toward the Gnrden City, where In the middle of the afternoon, we found the J ournal office in good order and many friends taking advantage of the Democratic conven-* tlon to give us a call. So we hastily scratch off these Hues as printers wait for "copy." soon see most of It» old occupants. S. B. Nichols will he missed part of the time, but will be on bund about election time. Gen. Booth, tho founder of the.salvation a very profitable business. It seems that Adelina Patti has long wished to soil her «pat in South Wale», desiring to reside near one of the Italian lakes with Nfeolini. Gen. Booth,.society Journals say. Is Jn treaty for the estate for hh own private residence. The Sunapee Lake (N.H.) Spiritualist Camp Meeting wljl commence Friday, Aug, «th and continue until Sept. 8th,- Thg qwffier of the grounds, Mr. George W. lilodgetl. has com pleted and furnished the Forest House l fine building W OxSfericontaining n dining hall with a seating capacity ofjlh res hand rod, and also about thirty capacious rooms for lodging purposes. A fine pavilion, near the center of tho grounds, overlooks the lake and grove. Already twelve cottages, have been erected on tip» grounds, and many more are in process of bunding. Since the commence, meat of the season of 1883 tho grounds have been surveye^jand eighty-six lota, 32xW feet In eln*. hav-e beeh laid out, and sixty have been leasfd. Dr. Pozzl. in an article In the Bevuc et An thropologic tie Parti, dwells on tho third frontal convolution of the brain In man, which he says waa first definitely shown by Dr. P. Broca to he the seat of the organ of speech. This function In thirteen out of fourteen cases, Is associated with the left frontal, and In one case out of fourteen, with tho right froptai, as has been proved by the loss of the faculty of syeech known as aphasia, or more accurately, as aphetnla, which la due to lesions of that portion of the brain. It Is suggested by Dr. Poxzl, that as a recognition of the scientific importance of the discovery made by Broca, the third frontal convolution should henceforth be named after the man wbo had determined its function. Charles Dawbarn, whose able lectures and articles have appeared from time to time In the Journal, will lecture at the Lake Pleasant camp meeting. His «objects are: "Nature and Man, and The Science which Nature T^ches." Air. JJawbarn lately lectured la Brooklyn, on **Unborn Man. He has been delivering several free lectures lately, and Is doiog a good work generally. In another column will be found the e_d* vcrtluemcnt of the Casaadaga camp meeting This camp Is oust pleasantly located, and with the Increasing experience of the zealous workers, who have it in charge, is rapidly becoming a popular place of resort for those Interested In Spiritualism. The attendance thleyear, despite the political campaign, will likely exceed that of any prevlons season. The Pop««toe, which the faithful have kissed with veneration, 1«now the object of annanal Interest His Holiness la suffering from an Ingrowing nail, which renders the least pressure of the foot so Intensely palatal th at UUrally pattlng bla beet foot forward, the' left Is now presents? at an audience Instead of the right, which has hitherto done dafy upon such occasion». At a Baptist mlnlfder*' meeting In Chicago lately, several of the speakers severely condemned the New Congregational creed as lacking In definiteness relative to the doc- trlui*» of tha atonement, inspiration aud probation, One speaker, the Rev. Dr. Edson of Englewood, thought that the endorsement of the new creed by Prof. Swing should prejudice Christian people ^gainst It, while its being ridicule 1byjieb lugersoll was In Its a vor. Tnnrng his sermon last Sunday morning, Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, referring to cremation,»aid the Idea of the resurrection of the body would prov.* alasting ohstnclrf't the Pugau custom of burning the dead. There inlirht be sanitary reason» In crowded populations or reasons of convenience In favor of the custom, but all lire beliefs of English speaking ond German streaking were violated by the Idea of u cl aeration. Dr. Sturgo, a medical missionary to Slam, relates how a native doctor administered an emetic to a love-sick lady who had swallowed n quantity of opintn wrh suicidal Intent, The scientist of»slam took a live eel, clipped off a part of his tail to make him squirm In a lively manner, and then pushed him. tall first, down tlie romantic damsel s throat. When the eel returned to the stream of running water near which the girl was made to recline, the opium quickly followed hltu. The Salvation Army has just found an opponent In a new religious»ect called the Hallelujah Lasses. The title la not dignified, but tho aim is modest. The leading spirit Is known aa nappy Josephine." She takes the ehaipjt the meeting und explain^ what she and ttu> other laasles mean to dp. They are opponents of no creed or church, but poue as humble preachers of the gospel to the poor, the chief object being to get these samo poor to attach themselves to wmo -eharril leaving them to chooso which they prefer. On the night before the recent dedication of the new Mormon Temple at Sait Lake, President Taylor claimed to receive a revelation direct from God that ho accepted the temple,/"'* the grounds, and sacrifice of the SalotL. Alii waa pronounbed "good," as at the «tlbit of the world, and the next morning it took the "Almighty's mouthpiece" thirty mia- utes to bless every stone, stair, window, door, pane of glass, etc., pertaining to the edifice. This prayer was so "complete and perfect, declares a good saint,as to "seem to comprise every thlngon earth and In heaven pertaining to the offering of the temple." The clergy in the west of England, were formerly devoted to whlat. Abont the beginning of the century there was a whist dub iu a country town of Somersetshire, composed mostly of clergymen, that met every Bun- day evening In the back parlor of a barber's. F ur of these were acting «os pall-bearere at the funeral of it reverend brother, when a delay occurred from the grave not being ready, aud the coffin was put down la th* ohanccl. By way of whiling away their time one of them produced a pack of cards from his pocket and proposed a rubber. When the Sexton came to announce that the preparations were complete, he found them deep In their game using the coffin as their table. Do«this XeadMfeof A large amount Is doe ns from subscribers whose accounts have been allowed to run. In most Instances at their special request. Thl* money we need,and If each one of those Indebted would make a tltoe of the effort to pay ns what la justly onra^bat ws do to publish a paper In the beat interests of ourjatrons, nearly all these delinquent aeoeunts would A company of 450 French priests hare JostJ be balanced before this month goes by. In rt out for Jerusalem, preparatory to a rone- kindness we ask those to whom these remark* what extensive tour of the Holy Land. apply, make a determined effort to pay up

13 JU L Y R E L I G I O - U U I L O S O I M I I C iì/ l JOURNAL. v _ The Return of (he Brail. A Wonderful Story elated by an Amerinin Afan-of- liar** i/an. Concerning the history of the subjoined curious narrative, the original manuscript of which, written (n now faded Ink on the rough, dingy paper of sixty years ago, wan pieced In my hands In the course of a recent visit to America, only a few words are neces^ sary. The uarratlve is addressed to "Airs. Rodgers and sister," and appears to have been written at the request of the former Judy, after author's return from sea on the termination of his services as surgeon on the President frigate, the famous ilghllug cruiser of the American republic 111 the war with England of ^812-i-L Commodore Rodgers, who commanded the President during the war, and who was the husband of the lady for whom the account was written, gave to Dr. Turk's narrative his endorsement of Its perfect accuracy. Or the authenticity of the document there can be no possibility of doubt. Some lime In the latter part of December. 1813,*' says Dr. Turk, a man by the name of William Kemble, aged about 1 (a seaman on board.of the United States frigate President, commanded by Commodore John Rodgert», on a cruise then near the western Islands, was brought to me from one of the tops. In which he waa stationed, having burst a vessel In hie lucgs, being at the time In great danger of instant death, the blood gushing in great vloleuci froiu his mouth and nostrils. Wjth much difficulty 1 succeeded in stopping the discharge, and he was put upon the use of remedies suited to his case. I visited him often, nnd bad the (wet of opportunity of becoming acquainted with his temper, habits und intnliectuni attainments, and under all circumstances, during Ills Illness, found hts language and behavior such as stamped him the rough, profane, and illiterate sailor. It is my belief, although i cannot positively assert It, that he could not either read or write, it is certain that hid, conversation never differed In the least from that of the Croat ignorant aud abandoned of his associates, constantly mixed with oaths aud the lowest vulgarity. Rad he possessed talents or learning he must have betrayed It to me during bis iortg confinement. In the early purl of January (1111),. a vessel boro down upon iw with every appear ancs of being nn English frigate. A11 hands were called to quarters, and after a short And animated address by the commodore to the crew, all appeared to do their duty. Before 1 drscedded to t}ie cockpit, well knowing Kemble's spirit aud bow* anxiously lie would partake in the glory of the victory (defeat never entered our thoughts), I thought It best to visit him. After stating to him the peculiar situation lie was in. and the great danger he would be exposed to by the least emotion, 1entreated him uzid entered him not to stir during the action, which he promised to ob serve. Wo were soon obliged to fire. At the sound of the first gun he could restrain blmfor a few hours my llfehw* body, commissioned by God to perform the work [ am now J engaged In.' He then in language so chaste aud appropriate as would nut bave disgraced The Camp Meeting at Lansing, Mich. To liw Bailor nt liire llrlkjun-t-buuai^mrrer Avurosj The present Indications are, tiiat the camp the lip«or pen of a divine took a hasty view meetlftg of the Alichigun AWs&iitlon of Splr* of the moral aud religious duties incumbent Dualist*. to be held ui Lansing, from August on (he commander of a ship of war. He re- 7th to ihtji next, will bo nne i,f tin» best ever proved the vices prevalent on shipboard, held 111 the Stale. Excellent speakers have pointed nut the relative duties of officers add been engaged, among whom ore A. H. French * men, and concluded by urging the necessity oi.reformation and repentance. He did not. as was feared by our brave commundftr, at- tempi to prove trie sinfulness of fighting and warsp but. on tho contrary, warmly recommended to the men the performance of their duty to their country with courage aad fidelity. His speeches occupied about three-quarters of an an hour, and if the whole could have been taken down at the time they would have made' a considerable pamphlet, which would, no doubt, have beeu In great demand. Dr. Birchmoiv, now" at Boston, heard all the addresses, 1 only the last. *' When he finished with theroaimodore.hlh head dropped upon hi.«brenst, his eyes closed, and he appeared to have passed through u HCColld death. No pulsation nor the least degree of warmth could be perceived durlbg the time tlmt he wu* speaking. 1 ordered him to' be laid aside, and (eft him... I retired to bed, deeply reflecting upon the jiust, nimble to sleep, when.abouto'clock II. P. Kalrlield aud Giles U, tjtebhlns. A. H. French will be with us on the first Saturday mid.sunday aud possibly Monday. The public test medium and inspirational singer. Mrs. f)l e Child Deuslow will probably be with us during the meeting. Nearly all, if not and every effort be made to enlerlaln and accommodate those In attendance. It will Ire a profitable n s well as pleasant place to»pend u few days. As aoon as rates from all the railroad«are obtained, posters and Circulars will be Issued giving details. 4, A. AUluiv, Secretary. Lansing, Mich., Ju^y otb, ikkl many hours after Kemble luid been laid self no longer, but regardless of my Admonitions and his own danger he rushed upon deck, and tlew to his gun. laying hold to help run her out. A fresh aud tremeudous dis- charge from his lungs was the consequence, and he was brought down to me again in a most deplorable state. 1 apprehended immediate death, but by the application of the proper remedies I succeeded once, more in stopping the Iisuuirrtiagev.^y which he was reduced to a state of /the inospextrerae debility, Doing ri.-ur l!... iilu<t an 1 «ufforlinr much from heat, Ris hammock was swung on tho gun deck botvieen the ports affording the best circulation of air. "He continued for some time free from hemorrhage, but was under the constant use of medicine, und was confined to a particular diet. This made hiiu fretful and he would frequently charge triy mates with trying to 'Starve him, at the same time damning them in sailor fashion. After some time, being agoiu called to quarters at night, he was necessarily removed below to the sick berth, commonly called bay. This was followed by another discharge of blood from his lungs, which was renewed at Intervals until bis death. "On Jan. 17, In the afternoon, Dr. Birch- more, my first mate, came to- me on deck and reported Kemble to be dead. I dlimttd him to see that his messmates did what was usual on such occasions preparatory to committing his remains to the deep. About two houra after this Dr, Blrchmoro again called on me. Ho said that Kemble had come to life, and was holding forth to the sailors in a strange way. 1 directly went down, where I witness* P of the raikt re markiib b^ind unaccountransactlons that, perhaps, had over full- be tot of man to behold. Kemble had awakened, a«it were, from Bleep, raised him- self up. and called for his messmates in particular and those men who were noton duty, to attend to his words. He told theta he had experienced death, but was allowed a short «pace of Ain» to return and give them, as well as the officers, some directions for their future conduct In life, la this situation I found hlm.'qmrrotmded by the crew, all mute with astonishment, and paying the most serious attentioa to»very word that escaped from his lips. The oldest men were in tears; not a dry eye was to be seen, or a whlsaer heard; all was oasolemn as tho grave. Ilia whole body was aa cold as death could make It. There was no pulsation In the wrists, the temples, or chest perceptible. Hls volce waa clear and powerful, his eyes uncommonly brilliant aad animated. After a short and pertinent address to the medical gentlemen, Fie told me in a peremptory manner to bring Commodore Rodgers to him, a«he had something to say to him before he finally left us.. truly : indescribable, and calculated to fill with awe M L oa*>i when a scene was presented, truly novel and indescribable, and calculated to Oil with awe tbe stoutest heart. The sick bay (or berth) In which he lay 1«entirely set- apart to tbe use of those who are confined to their beds by III- ness. Supported by the surgeons, surrounded by his weeping and astonished comrades, a crowd of spectators looking through ths lattice-work which Inclosed the room, a common japanned lamp throwing out a sickly light, and a candle held opposite bis face by an a t tendant, was the.situation of things when onr worthy commauder made his appefipawce; and well ooea he remember theefleefprodac- ed by so uncommon a spectacle, especially when followed by tbe utterance of these words from the mouth of -one long supposed to have been dead: " Commodore Rodgers, I have sent for you, air, being commissioned by a bjgtw power to addre«you for a short time, and to deliver the message Instructed to me when I was permitted to revisit the earth. Once I trembled in your presence, and was eager to obey B ur commands; but now I am your superior. log no longer an inhabitant of tbe earth. I am not permitted to make known what I have beheld; Indeed, were 1 not forbidden. language would be Inadequate to the task; 'tia enough for you and the crew to know that X have been sent back to earth to reanimate by. I was called out of bed to visit a man tukeii suddenly la bis hammock, hanging near Kemble's apartment, it was nu hour when all but the watch on dock had turned I In; general silence reigned, and all the lights below wpre put out. with the exception of a single lamp In tho sick apartment, whore lay the remains of Kemble. I entered the sick room before 1 retired to n-plaru something, lin'd was turning round to leave It, being alone, when suddenly 1 was almost petrified upon beholding Kemble sitting up in Ills berth, with hi«eyes (which had regained their former brilliancy and iiftelllgeiire) fixed Intently upon mine, 1 became for a moment speechless and mot Ion lens. Thinks 1 to myself, what have I done, or left undone, la this man's case, that sllytild cause him thus to stare at me at till«late hour, am) alone? I waited a Jopg lime in painful suspense, dreading some horrid disclosure, when 1 was.relieved by his commanding me to fetch him some water. With what alacrity 1 obeyed can cosily be imagined. - 1 gave him a tin mug containing w ater, which he put to his mouth, drank of the contents, and returned It to ink; then laid himself quietly down for the Inst time. His situation was precisely the same iu every resppet as before described. The time was now expired which, he had said, was given ijtift hymnal n In the body. The next day by nooval) hand«attended as usual to hear the funeral service read, and see bis remains ronslgned to the grave. It waa an unusually solemn period. Seaman are naturally superstition«, and on this occasion thejr minds had been wrought upon in a singular manner. Decorum Is ^always observed by sailors at such times; but now they were all affected to tears, and when the body was'slid from the plunk Into the sea every one rushed lust!actively to the ship's side to take a la-t look. The usual weights had been uttached to the feet, yet, as if in compliment to their anxiety to see more of him, the body rw perpendicularly from the water, breast high, two or three times. This incident, added greatly to the astonishment already created In ibe minds of the men. 1beg leave to remark that It was not thought proper to keep the body longer in thf warm latltthje we weroln. " I have now given a short aud very Imperfect sketch of the important events attending the last Illness and death of William Kemble. At is submitted to the ladies of thlsstate.beg- glug they will excuse haste aud Inaccuracy. The change produced upon ths crew was for a time very remarkable. It appeared a«if they "wotild never smile or swear again. The effect wore pitby degrees; except when the subject was renewed. * W. Turk. A. Fori** in London Ilebjrai-ia. Th* following Is «ne of many of lire InUtnreoiaU fecei»r*l l.j tu-, K II. Hlnglaiel, Proprietor of Hlrer- N<le Sani tartina, H luilii/id, J it Mr*. Urv. L, (> D*;. lilt, Bowen, Ili. writes lir. IL»her buying Peen ex- A mined hr one hundred and fifty physlcum*. «year opinion «ctaklmird your ability to disgnoive dlreim correctly. Your farli III«* fur *mti»lug lire thimuicl energie*, -pi U lf 11Ing the tango..i Vital for<-»n mio u - cuirefiitlve BCliftt), I mtrel-bt of lire lugliral or er, while ychir gill of door «tglit «recurre«an la fiado ad- TRump-oWr lire ordinary inre-ihodre. It I* m<-*t *»- ure>]ir a-llvlire enitowipmjt. for wlildt imi Oreo Id Ire devoutly g ratefu l, in. I lodge'» itu-gireti-m I* of lire highest order. Í judge from urnrh experience." A Ni;a filtiie.tt Armed. Nio.aiu Rivum ha» ture«vrillilu a few week» which makes on import- mil link lo a grr.it railroad Hue, and j» ireeir reckon-' ed nn engineering wonder. It l* rii nato! a few hundred tret «mili -if (Le old Miijretiri-n I.ridge, aad ww Mit to (five fire Michigan Out ml railroad, a com- i'lete Ihre helwwti lire New York Or,trai and UMcn- K >. The connettimi Ss over the J'ancuta.Somlieru, now a part of ihre Michigan <>i-trai. Mw-reii NUg.iru river arai fjetroit, and whole Imiu nr«now run th ro u g h betw een th e ejid«of Yua-lcrUll'«... four Uack* and th e (la rd e o city. T b e now route will prove»»reiahy attractive to j^w enger* Irenru-re of Ure opportu n lly Jl giure for ««dog fire g reat rau m cl I here k* a fit«) view o f tlie fails from Ihe bridge it- relf.ami tlkrt) train* m n Op 1))' Ihre riv rr on file i a n - a-jiaa ride and elo p al a»liu.in ralle-j Falls View, w h e re t» n platf..rui froiu w hich nt! ra n lak e a n ob- Mrvatkm. Hyrlnoñttd (JZ-rs-. HetmUienn. April ll.lksl tire It m m -. If. ilir-tui Í», Mjixtield. fonuetlj of Silver Soring», R I- ban no doubl about tbe wonderful connive ouw- «>» of Hid Urey-Wort. H» waa «< Spiritual Meetings Ijj Br<wltJyu and New YurV. TO» L'Ourvh of Ure s* * Spfrit*») tssoei.uu.re t r e u at Ilruotlrd Ir..nit«-, near Utrere.rd *u«< ite ri suido.»( a»>.)i ; tr. r X. b c. r, Ikn IOBI,idre»u t y.toreó. R U P T U R E C U R E D vool UE* n e l vita.» red *l»«bp (.< cirtretv. ; j-i.iio A- u,.aura- - Ljerunt (arrvunc»od ul.i, Rind*/» baca i, Kloo.»uree Mlen.lna. 2 bjalre*a(.lmttj «ul«i«j Relief /f e tt Utili. WreJacredJjr. it Qwvctk SneJiJ nerf wennd itxl fmflb Woiiredsf, Ici w ft reeeiuww«r.w, PlJCWC rco rtültj for deteietimrat «iiledjuiro t ieri ) TharvUf»T»alci*.M l lin n - Vin T, Ii. SUfVer. Í IVreldeuL. Jt.e-k.nlh renna If U «ptrltuai Sort-If ureru M r r r e n k l l n I U«h. i-nuec 3fd aeeeiue *tet ISO, Street, rte Cf We-JrreuUj I re n i«««i» o el1<*. Mr. U-vrrt Preildenl; Dr. pelcu! W ctfu if and Tr*»«cirr A Pre«rwlreS Srllu»l Mrefla» will Ire held errrf Sandtf a o -iw e»i f u d iel, la f ru t.tti H C ).nner«( tn l nm iir *od 1h:h_«!!trt üreth ito-fljn t» t> h -r. UCRJlItil fc.mjtlj;.«. tlk»lrl»»u.! j a r B rw tl«s S e lu it I ui.tnfitce inerte»i fcronru IUU aya rallen Street, «e r ; «eniouf «e tiln t»t S arelwfc, W. J Cmlkto«. rm tdei«; Ire»«J.,hf.»nn. Vre«-r»*ldrttt. The Urtutl/ti SpieItu») rria-rn R f retll m*cf»( je Smith twodonr» fono ra j ton, n u.e lief; uf fnk.ii far ChraUün Work «e r f T tiu r / rfrnlknr. i r. V... «I t aicuom. J^*»m*nt, J.-Ub Jr(T»rj> h-rcharj t A >) Kipp. Tm lkurr.! Srw Torli hilf t red len *;Jrkmc.Wct AM Sodrtf. uieet «eerf W edimcv.»t 4».» t: Ï 1 Eren! «Viti Slrret MJl* % X. Mrr.'K».ltMr,N, Mer«c»rf. ' Um«J«niÿ[* i f-hruu»i Mrrtlm eeetf MjtMlaf»t a ;jo r n»ns Mali. >- W>n! ÏAÜ«corti Kansas L'Hy, Mo. th e «n t Strilli «al Sor* > r nf JUruku Ulte M.i, *aikd*r eeenttwai 7 joe,ri jothlan Jfjil o.n Main S fw ), lo K U Ofeuklite I're.-dnli. \ SeereUr;.. HALL XY11E*WXtITEIt-340. h» l li* l; fire real Sjrerko rate U> rlerrfireen. Send tot u m iiu i Aifrrit wcc.x) in eeern (.rern <ri «Ice, jr*ll flrnt. witrrkitaijkv.-v, i-. «*«>.., «*, * t t O f v A A a o s T i l. * r v n i H M M l e i r i a u - W * U V / InsartlrW a In tire world.» m ale rrere. * Ad-lrerei JAV JIJg-pn-kN, IriJ/,,«. Mien. ( T irin g D Im-h w lt> S p i r i t P o w e r, IJr freu-m. l-ulareo-n h nol»u rf«c7 earn. AU miireer «UiriM rmtenl. smd fat orator ot etputn*ama read ler.«milliis AUJtS 1IIIX P ellet* Are.. IMle1ri liu. J-» P A T EN TS J, ps U U E WEMM -ri^illm. " " Send >.(«!.), foe Usfar- Wuhlnrien^: V* P EN SIO N S wwtr»*-a«>* cxaie i,:scou o u *3-1. rffij* Ml A! if Hi If-Ml tit t ' A4*TTr*o U i Z M it VTlStiSf So«*. WANTED A WOMAN Oi»«i.-«*.ru-TC> u.i o >«.rtnw i4j tor w o 0-MriErM IB MV! rjjaj.i.r., 0 *!..t«f -. NreCfir* H.'l. V u> g r, o. liel ITU Me * Ik. Ire w ri. t i l l llm. ft t IMrtUf AC. a, Y. Alt After. X!;t Chicago, ID. A ( i I- \ T <» a A m - ; «1^,,r WBM.«M I-H1CJU Tl»r fkrirltoal Tram r»- «.n-ierj haw me.. *and«f I). Mnrlkn- n II-.H. AC* nie I, irete Mwf le m n e jl l(ra-a. w, {.»eruhi f..r... a,,j,:,i * ïre«rire «M s» V., >!e UKU.a. frire. *»*n rrer A f r - reinr t,i.rlltlil.n--, Ur«l W*diren«itf «nrnkli^ in r.i. lj rmo In in - i- u I- r, liti J i t V. Saratoga Springs. X. Y. J E T i y i i ** s rirt«'*p*u *t Steal.«* S p r l S. Y-,»iftln MrrtirjMvi ever) *s»irir4aj a.rbptde«hk ud **»rtjrg Hi Ure Suirirnre o m rl i * t1 * jj; *!, (J,e a -u Mon Turalaf et ruin*» ut neu tu re««, ut wtotiih X n, j li«r *»d..... ) ed bf tll- prent O. Ire ftre treni irn M im. Sena fur «rru ta o. AC. Urret«,». Mare.»r44.TR*-[.in ' tue ur.lf»u..re, aemhiqa»..--i eh-jpmr ux-dlcal» B t WJLSOX IMUrei. Ol Mlt-r Cernì im b l r*ret f. r W W. W. IuImiw«!, IV U * Ire [ p «UKEl.KIt A MAWIÜIKA * t Paul. MM v«i t i I Ire inlurauum f rraarc lu» ifitnltirei.u. ti «in nv. em or hldiiry.vvort, ilo «a. *,, arilich*) with Kidncy ( Ofliplaüit tbal Le cuulil Udt»Lind. q lita fret GTJÎTS Í âi. îl","'." ' " F7 JhTh VJ ffoîii (alo uul WfaktH»!. AAMiEi,vliif(Xiitimerirffi i îllxjnj rsiaîsi ce t - w Miflff k'lirvoi.un.rt lire.vpw.i...»_i I ^dlrereé^ J P -e 1*M». I CAM S. I P. P I i m i B / Trtttir r M riu ntu. *, Metrjnrtir i f ruler. 42.', M. MkIHNG.V STREET,CHIL'AGU. DR. JOS, RODBS BUCHANAN, 2U Fnrt A rrii nr. Itemfoi,, ' l"'crt i1. 1'1' «I" 1-re Err-t imt *4 ritranlr iunm «w 1 lmn hy lwfrl»«niet»le.lk*ret*re, *.) ti.r ire r ijemtuzz. erne. klmrueeeref I,, blmwsfliii«rrmdrenj«^ «, are 2. I l i >n trmllf f.r rna<lreal r a n t IU* wnrkori ffret.treuiie v f f. v,,,,,, - lit irettlu A i ti-lt l u e w t ; M W'»lA-«AVre*m,^.lil*,J! S CARBOLIC PURIFYING POWDER K f u m l a m l l l i w l n i, -» ( a n {. The Ueoplr*.Spiritual Meeting. 1» tire u t t e r uf Um>R r a e o i n a w i r a a i t o g n s : I am happy to Inform tha nuraerom readers of your valuable J ournal In this city and vicinity, that our IlUtc association, The Psoplea Spiritual Meeting.'' Is still progressing. and the friends say that It Is the means of doing much good for the cause. Onr exercises, in a large measure take the form of conferences, where mediums and others hare the privilege of expressing their best thoughts, or those of their inspire«, without being subject to unjust criticisms, it being the aim of the conductor of tbe meeting to carefully'exclude everything tending to- Vards discussion or acrimonious criticisms, so liable to creep In and spoil the harmony of Spiritual conference meeting#. Mediums are being developed; those mure advanced, strengthened, lecturers and Inspirational speaker» receiving a new impetus, aud all who attend those meetings are being quickened in spirit, and Jratdbing the new fresh Impulses of our spiritual philosophy. Our valuable lecturer. Mr. Charles Dawbaru. ha«been prominently before tho public, by his Instructive and hlghlyentertalnlng lectures, some twenty of which he gave during the winter and spring while we were convened in Frobisher Hall. I am glad do know Mr. Dawbarn Is receiving colls from abroad to Instruct the,people, a«he Is so well qualified to do. Mr. Dawbarn Is also one of ths finest psychometers In this city. Our tittle me< ting has also made its power felt for the benefit of tho sick, by sending Its combined strength and magnetic life, coupled with tbe angel powers, out to those prostrate«) on beds of disease and suffering, we receiving their testimony a,«to the efficacy of the power received on such occasions. We celebrated our first anniversary Sunday evening, June first, and had a most interesting and harmonious meeting, large numbers ti'.tlg hmn-j-worl he Mperl-tir.il un usiti ut e rellef a»ii al ouc* U'gau tire crow ttj-.iig,iad w** febei«*! o f all pala and iiikplisuaiiltinui. I(<- «ay»; ** J f.,w,r b i i f t w i i r u t e ) t>y K ldnei-w ort,'' Mr. W. T., fitnri.wlll Contributo a pi per nu l ht- liww 'ìordoa Pj tb» fcntboopiaig t'enturi/, Mr. Stoini 1» a personal friend <jf thè stm lririifiw nil, uni Uierci'jfe w ribi wiui full koowwjg*. ( Irls lu al A nim i.jii,i. A m aino la i»oluuned la Inrge «luabllile«by tb e l>ulr«twlbiu of tl.e arine o f anlnreul». h't,'udotmlta UrlUannka. Ev«wy hou*ekra]s)r crii Usi Laklug ih)wii«i i cou- t-iia!ii liii» «baguatlng drag by piaci ng a can of Uie Etnyal "o r - Au«lrew» i'rarl P.p «Pjwu m ia boi»bue aulii l.eauvi, tbeu reumi* Uie cov4 rii«1 m eli. Ur. l'rlce'a Urraiu tuk ng U.iwder ilota uni coo- Ula A io ii vn. la. Aliti», Mure, Uota»h. Bonn Ph- Httk--. U i* preporti) by f'iqnkiao «ad Ulreiulat wilh»perlai rogard to ckaujìaeaa tual beallbfol- dmr JoU ee lo S n b w rlb rr», We paructjlarljf re«]uu*l wiinerì Ler» wbu teoew Iheir iutncr.ptloar to look «refatly a! ih* figurn. r.o thè log wlib h coutaliui Ibelr rtepecllvr uarura and If Ihey are noi ebanged lo Ino weeka lei uè kaow wilh full porri colar», a* il whi nave lime aad Doublé. Defer ih e Sewerage, Small Pox, Tvpliold Fever, DIpRtJierBi, OCEAN AIR s*ud t«r.-tri-, OKKUp'loRl UI.V.ls SII.-. IV U«*. U.ir*,-, in Th f o u l a i b S I C K p ^ L L I, S ä i I I -pp *«*«*».!,»a. LAKE GENÉVA SEMINARY. l a k e G e n e v e, W i ù w o r tb C o., W l«. A rulm m l vpreiltan «riki». Iw»-.un» IW1J-1 Tire Ire,Hire j, J btlcl Uff p u f, i «wn li-jt-d, n> ki/iir-'d. MiiJtwf ere-ll* * tlikca *rr tku-«i3juire* Tu- Bill 1«hh::j w-; 1»{.p.*jfi» r«l f *ll IreriH ui«fki «* S*inW ITle Apr-U r-.r >reuii,i-ire NEW, HANDSOME, ARTISTIC. re«f -.u U - Ana ritr itili, kl I ru tr. I -ilrej J,, JlkUij Lantübw m,.. A m illll AY j R lrern S«n>l«. *weri ciikoittt. m. /»Uif-rrent»erat, u Wrfal ure* BuU ty»kl V M T litl IV S o n it lo V. a rtllmu-^fii!sa4i4rt RUDI*«- I.i testifying to the benefits received from their q/moclating with us. For ths present we are ffoovcnsd in Arcanum Hall, G7 West Twenty r with n«. F«ir the present we are fifth street, corner Sixth mvepue, where we intend to keep up our meeting# daring tbe summer, eo that those who cannot have» vacation, or go to any of the camp meetings, can find an agreeable Sunday resort for conference and communion with the risen ones. Judge Nelson Cross, of the AflDrare, gare ns an off-hand talk on Mediants and tbalr Mediumship," Sunday evening, the 29th alt., and Madam Deleseluae, an elocutionist and lecturer of ability, spoke on Snnda; Ing, Jn]y flth, faking as herrembjed.... Mad World, or Troth." Thus, in our bumblb way. wf are trying ttrdc whap we can for tbe odvaucemeat of true SbtrftuaUsm, and we ask for the Co-opermtton of ail harmoniously Inclined people, not especially connected with another society. F. W, 23 Groat Jones it. New York. nday even iject, The. Jones. Rev. Dr. Washington Gladden declare# that no man can honestly beep np tacit fortunes as have been gathered by tome of the great financia) bandits of onr own time. g u sittf5 $ S o tiffs. Mr. I'hirlw IMwlmni wilt lecture for SpirituaiiaL and Jjtrera: SocMMa Wlllilo one bumlred mitra ot New Yurk. Ad-Irene. * fi Wert 21r«l Street, New York aur. HtmeoK T u rn * lector««in subjecte pertaining to geoeral nform and tbe arieooa of SpUiiualuiiiL Al- teuda funeral«. Telegraphkc addree* Ce>k»,D. F. 0. adilrwe. Berlin Kelgl.V Obi*. D a J. V. MAssriEUi. Ii»> W«*t 5«SL. New York. World renowned Leller writing Medium. Terra», #;l, end 12 c. R.gliier your Lettora- SXALXlre L i r m i answered by R. W. Flint, No Broadway«N- Y. Terrna; $2 and three 3 teat paetage»tampe. Money refunded If act answered, send for explanatory areolar. S a fe, awiri sad tor* to regulate lb» bowels, are Ayer» Cathartic Pill*, tl-co in mended by emlneat phyxlclails. * Fun Tax C an#. Tbe 8L Louis Maoettiru. dl*- Uncity Wantoni In make-up, now la Ita fifteenlh year, 1«brlllianlly illa»tnt*d, replete with storiea, poems, ilttitt/ reading and humor. Sample copy and a ml of gold colored picture cand seat for toil cent». Ad- drees J. Gilmore, 213 North Eighth «Deel. SL Louis, Mo. The Rsuoio-Phujosoi'Hicai, JouRmr, and Maoatim trot one m r for i3jkl L A K E P L U A N A X T VIN1TORM AND t'a M PK IL H A T T E X T IO X! T h e H n i i H riy l a I t rear B L a k e V l H t t a l V n n B n f f i i l «a n d ( b e U f * l a n d V n a F» l s u Hrelwrerea IlnW rilo a n d A lb a n y, la by Hire uwest Sliore* Route. The.Yew York HV»f Shore it tuffalo ail- tcay Is the only road running through cars from Buffalo to Lake Pleasant Camp. FsCUrnfon H ates. Tlbnu if* LRU-lUWUt. P i J-Jlr I tin U>WTWolinr 1 <Oí. m u í- u n o N u We 1 u * IV. T 4 j R t r h I* r» I O TS ; ltr.a t o lv> «X ih* J i.i. -. m, areni Í-M. Ire«Vrt. Mreri n al t * J>**1 uf Unire, tr a Our Uwrelr adurema «111 i*. r.-w mi uv- U * I j r t n lacm a * otn:i;*jtii *n. «ti-1 «itafijoa U t u v p l n lv - '. w rvalrlrd t«y <li «-are [ ( ir v M l* tru ll, titan rearer 4»«ikn4 ui».n finito ir.lntf W br m* I n t n t i r t i r and Sud «oí «kw M a u s t ritlreida erre * n«-i ->l em -ibln««b><u( tkre li.tctitwr vt Ifiaa» Sklrlda. - Da nt«««mirer UiM reuljeet *iu> a trrerereib«nuire - ' TUlsaWaM I» M l r»to «a t a «ubi KDWMaerai k neat# fruta Datan to-ure PaMRc ( t i t a n ï.f* ; «Trais irartn* nuirai* ai 9 10 * K, ai reîxwil )AU R K T rata Ira d a «h a ïv - i M «AO y U, raactm Urei* PWMaot Carat! at aixxu 6 :10 A- TM» %* real n ito r» Il» O l- " K f i l a i eocooqa ta tntorvnar <«tarolim by any «t o i K u ^ AU V lu tan ta L a i* n-aaaru. troia W*M of A lbani aad «KR ib W nktoc «M ato» o í tire - W»a( (tore» - «ttt. If (M y o» nil lireir aomlùrtmaû urarsolear«la in>* unrureklad roula....dp «K a o st Sa reta tire ijrasd Tr«Bi UU w trfr*. 1* tok*r to lled <S ta tto ««d ito ito KkOtRM Cmtwal or an«* «rito* fin» (to y «Ut, a i u a e ra» M* H aar a l Ito day. CBAU» c ara atb ax ato Vrery to to y r i tortoacdtrarereton p rtirer-ash a «lam pa ra tto * laao cw»»>aia * I» marre M «n a «CDaac* «r C a n if urey y» n a ito O ra to a Iona trip to i t o la m a c ar iato im ahn toar nod «lito L A U B P L R A N A K T V I B I T O M a T A B T I X O V R Q I C B I C A O O. a» a K t t l W H H IIIM V IlV a sf er u»««darat»-itolo irexata l l w l i M» S>«ainwWiifi Bu m tra w CkKagareltoB torean m n «s-fi rar»o am«, bat o e» grato««ida»»«utommrntom CMCB6V couaa «4 a rererei*br*t» l u a r d By I m areta a «d a i c u re d b y J - C. a a a S r. H H i alni raw eaiiìiir am t- «xtoltal Ito fill ««ao.la t o nware to L ake n a «i ( b to f I to Wma «U I t o w >» < dtoto«a«6 far t o i ; dre ya. r to codi«n» ire» V ALL POINTS OF ENTEREST ILLUSTRATED. Marini <m irr-ih ot ÏS creai* by *- LSIUTXSSZ. yak., tî ÎIMÎKS S irte, tk lajs, mlârwwpbritteï Will rectore ai.««nitanil«y V»Jl«, Irei- fknwa-.t, aad Otorei i..f ra i. ; H*. î. - Ï 1! B!" Iri ä -1m :. r ; v i - r. Mra Uri lad p r i t» - i ta tortura la to i t Jrear i K ;, t u a. and San D t w w a Cal. ta Orteùrr. and u-r N p i r l t n n l i s t N o r l c t i i *» dreal rlnl tor rerntu r Cuaret. «are»ddrraa bar - crevé «r J. W. M J «E L U r o M «) l r r. U Vaarey Harare«lire«X M X p f T Dfi ta Riwpai. Aliar tarert u u a i u t o r u o i r r o r n e e. D us r u s m a» ~ SARAH A. DÁKSmT, P H Y S IC IA N o r THE * N E W S C H O O L, Pnpil ef Dre, M aju lg Sreto, O f f i c e : I f. G i l m o r e N t, B a l t i m o r e, M d. «rii Ito I I Mfi«f praaeab cni bopreto«barre bees g t r i a i n a i l ; a m : H a n d tor laretramabiamr S to la flajraurflrn! and eu lrm yant Ik n rii U.re t»l»rtar a n U d M i of lb* pa»»«- worein- r p n w : or : a (Urtane«, and Dr. Uaab irw au (to cm* a im a fl- a*lll wbl-fi u a barn ( n a t i ; m l i a i a i i by bla flflj freai-r n «r t n n r e Iu IM «nrt«! of «pirtt«- * ; :.irretì"!, ot lattar, ren ö o alu CatoaltAOc«Vrere. 1X00. and treu rta a y a, will rrerelrere yrnrayi actobuou. T H E A M E R I C A S L U S U H E A L E R, * T in srsitil Xif.rtK i: ky Xn Itiiri :. k aa unfaljinc raraedy fnr au -Ila**** of tto Ttoral ared U n a T d w t u i C M J r a r n o i bare t o o curw l by i t ITI IJ.OO pa* UAÜ* Tbrrea taauare fur AU4r«m SA KAM A. KAMSAIX UalBraw*. M l M O O g i Mb m t Uredart aod r r m ta a o e u bf ra p n a a pay able (a tu» «wdrer ot S a n a A. ' ; Shield Co., *, C hicago, HI. T H E SedgwickStBel Wire Fence m b i t o yi n r toredfw to l ito to 6 r a» I U t o a. n ii crei I U ireâaperto la l i n k reaanrtod WW» * > «'I m i l * l e a * «I " a _ > «a tr r ë i..a i^ M J* «*» S S S A a bw at Z altoaal. to X u i yta^ n juj Z Z X Z X ä i Z Z X Z & t i ä i rsmrïr.- ^jttfl'xr, r re L V N.I T E E W A R I N H S A ' SEII ITI ALISTS V ur W estern New T or», N o rth ers P esm rlv a n lr, * and Eastern Ohio, W U ItoM itow 5 T H A N N U A L C A M P B Œ E T O J G. v» TBr P e o p l e ' n i ttu ip -C rè r o u n d s AT C ASSA R AG A CHAUT. CO., S. F, r n is u o M i i r r u u. ACLT K. t u m «u u n, «r r, i. Da noi Orari «a* ito toarens «Kbnvt a r P e o p l e *» C f i m p - i X e e t i D g CASH A D A li A L A R E. 8 P K A K R K 8 1 L IS T. -U. r KrelbiCS, «Rto t f. A renato. S n. B a U lto. Vm A HKD aia Maadrey. J S ; H i t - H «rafi reaa rre and V reautr**»preaaln«. Ttoaday. July y s U - K r a t R Ulto Wredaraday, July O f XalbwS- T bunday. Ju ly H a t Mr» R» L une: n s f r e s T a s t g. WKbmvm «t Matotoau*. > H Friday. Area. lac -L y ro an C Kito* rra d o a to. tl t. S alo m a, A n s î n d -JJ F. Krll«w» ; Mr*. C lara «U n s, JS h w reb ^ B T ; FtreUvrem Trai» b* O- W t a s w a SB ndw a u * S e l ljtiirec C M a«*: Mra. IL B u l n a : Trat«m an (na pire!:,«-» s i i a d w of a i laro aura laceara by B W t o n a r.» ra c la ; Abc. «torefbet M artin«toracaj, Au» t l b - U m a a r i Hower. 7 «t M b a i S laduf*. by B W. r i ï r i c u «redare (drey A arefilb -W, F.»rt'reraalr«F ra e d lo. Fa. H s T n r a PM a l d a r «f t o n a», Pf E. W B a r m e. Tirami*; Aare 7UI -I blrarren, day. Br* R fl Lu Us, rirelbwm r«b by B W B arrato. Fr!.»y Acte PUS J 11 RremúalL Jamaretoirb, B. T t Mra. B ri wreudruf. Saret» liaran. M k * : M H T«b m. ' W. Xilina m Suaday. AUX. t o u i- K Manda.,. I t o r. C W s e r a s, t W. m arerwe. ptotínrm irato ManSay, Aac U ift-fart Mreettb«. TwraUy a a *. m a «n, M i. W iid ra a. Wredmamy. A to } * ta -M n. l a r a Xtocireaü. t o a i recia Mire CattfrerriK* Tyrerertay. * m 1 Srtîi R '4, BrCwartc«. rraoam s, FR. W K ia n C y ABC J «b - VJ*, «la ra W aaaaa Thunday. Aa«lia i MaraareiM Cto M ra B-S. fill»a J :M ra Ratto J 7 ñ enday. AUC «U A^iB Frarrab Clyd». O bla; M ra Ito J T OrtsW ibifkam raw -TH W M toara «f k to iwa R J t a nuis«. Hartare, r FMday. M OBaO-to F. B» d L iria i.tj s n rt- B R I E S S i t t i r t  - r / Î Â, r a a r t r a : M i t o Tra» by ít w w r w w ir a. J., ( j y e.» r t S S - l to jltljp>»}aal

14 RELIGIO-PHILOSOPHICAL JOUI^NAL. JULY 12,1881 ^oiff-5 from ifie people, 110 nroeklttoi [Il TAHI0ÜS SDHIECTS, F<y tbervlitflo-rbnoh'l hint Journal ' M o r n in g. bt <». W. HAHNAMD. O n«more lb* nrwj M»rn appear* And a n ilth e laud trope o'er, Arnl Darkness seeks hi* raw* a train For on the Klyglnti fin up. The dancing golden twain«of Mora! WIUi Joy for every heart. Awakes Ibe world with gentlest touch tliila death-like el rep depart. She break* Uni my*tic f pell of dreams ' Enchantment welnl ami wild! Then reigns In over»11, With radiance «west and mild. She bri ngs us from the h lui of peace, Iliad zephyrs, frreh and sweet. And bids the warbler» of the wood, Their matin»train* reisrai. The glowing eratrm ^ky ahe paint* With rainbow tinted rl>«-v Then tips the mountain tut" with gold A* o er the»ale»he tile#. Thews glories of the rising Morn That gild the mmintalnv brow. Sink *oflly o er Ibe smiling plain* And tlood-the valley* now. The King or Da; thrn mount" the sky Ami from hla urine«* bright, Sends smiling Ghilnee* o'er the earth On wjyy Ixuim* of light. To kl«s with Joy the opening tlower And Lethe the leaflet's face, Just risen from the lap of Night In all Its tender grace. And to the malden'sho;** Is brought, A thrill of sw-etest Joy, And from Ibe face of Angutoh "»opt Dark»linden that would destroy! Tim sons nf toll»iep forth again Their labors In pursue, And cheerily with ringing mice Their matin songs renew. S p lr ltu n lle in I n lin n v n e 1 r n a o n l l I o n. Tb Ibe kdltw ot tlvt I 'Bll'-e. ibhlcal Journal; "The third quarterly Meeting nf the Western Kansas, Spiritualist's Association, was held at Pleasant Valley, June 7th and bib, Bro. Joy Blanchard, of Delplios. acting u President. The time was well occupied with nurtures, slnglug, lecture» and conferences. Dr. A. D. Ballou delivered two of his grand scientific lecture«, which were well recelred. Sul«Jed»: -.Matter and the forces governing H;'' Tbs Spiritual In the Untvrrae," Chas. H. Moody. nf Jewett county, addressed the meeting in tbs afternoon of each day. Bro, Moody U on inspirational speaker of floe Magnetic power;" he reofchw down, Into Use souls of his audience, touching the floor feelings of man s heller nature with the inspiration b* receives from outside forces, HU lectures were prefaced by reading from Lizzie Do ten's beautiful poems, which I wish had a place in every Spiritualist household, Bro. Moody remained with us ten days, and succeeded to creating more harmonious and charitable feelings among the fraternity than existed here before. In departing we can but say: Ilay God's gtsd angels hires him In hl» work for humanity., I often read In your paper of premonitions of danger. I will relste Bro. Moody's exiwrtence on Sunday, the 15lh of this month. Wien ready for me«ung, he objected to ride in the buggy because be bad a premonition of danger, but having perfect Confidence In my hone, I joked him out of his granny notion," by promising to lead another home I «hind to my mother's ptare, and then hitch to the two-boras wagon, which would Insure bis safety. He»till said be didn't feel safe, hut hod the same feeling he bad a year ago while riding with a friend, when he was Impressed to Jump from,the buggy. His friend assured him there was no danger, when suddenly the hone shied, tipping them over, the wheel running pcenito head, cut off his ear doss and clear as with 4 knife, and bruising him nearly to death. He hid scarcely Ilntobcd bis narrative, when the horse w i wet* leading became frightened and Intuited Into the wheel of the buggy, throwing us out and hurting Bro. Moody severely. He related that two yean ago he was called away to make a political speech, on reaching the depot the train was Just starting. He and a mend ran to catch on. Aa he reached out fats hand to grasp the railing some unseen power suddenly seized him and the words Stop, Charlie," came Just as bis companion slipped, and was instantly crushed to pieces by the car wheala I know w» might often avoid danger If we would listen to our Innilbt* guides. Our cause It progressing here, We expect a grand rally at our August camp meeting, ' Minneapolis, Kansas. JS. A. Sharp. M e d iu m s. -to IM EdlMr ot u>e IMlcko-Ptdlabonhkat Jounrtli Allow me to ask: Most mediums necessarily be more perfect than the average human being? It they are not so, but poesess organizations that spirits can control to demonstrate the fact ot Immorality, should even three Imperfect agents be ignored when the knowledge of the after-lire,» strongly desired, can he obtained through them? In every department uf life we find venr crude material used for the production of essential things, and while It would be very gratifying to the honest luresugator to know that the medium 1* pore, would he or ins be willing to sacrifice the good obtained because the Instrument Is an imperfect one? There are none perfect, no nob one," and my plan would be to surround lb» medium with truthful, honest purposes, thereby giving a backing that good sense always should give to Ibe weak. Mediums are not always subject to highly developed controls and If there Is djaeoead mentallly or corrupt habit*, an effort should be mads on the part ot the more favored to assist the belter class of spirits, so Uiat lbs agent as well as sitter may receive mutual benefit* I do not believe In encouraging dishonesty anywhere, or In any place, bat I think substantial truths ran be gleaned from every grails of life. AH hare their good qnal- luea aa well as had one*, so far as my knowledge of bnmauuy is concerned, and If eadi Individual would cultivate his own Utile garden of self, there would be Imb weeds everywhere. Toledo, Ohio. Mil*. M. A. Notehax. T h e S chool*. We mentioned'last week the decision of Mr. Boggles, New York State Superintendent of Public Instruction, that all religious Instruction, and exercise* most be excluded from the school room during school hour*. This decision was male upon the application of a school board that stated a number of Catholic families bod asksd that their children be allowed to remain <wt»id«until tb«devotlonal exercises are concluded"and that tblainterference causes much disorder outside qf the room, and the subsequent entrance of thaw pupus causes a la* of time And disturbance to clan w ort The fallowing paragraph from the CtIAoUc Examiner, shows lit at the efforts of the New York autborlliea to make the public schools acceptable to Catholics are not very successful: "State superintend eat Buggies hue decided that the only proper course for the school author! lire to pursue (a to exclude all religious teaching, whether Protestant or Catholic, from our school*. Prom this, wo lofsr that Mr. Boggles has drunk of (be trerhlugs of Paul Bert deep and to some purpose. Even Protestant» vrili now admit the schools to be godless. Evidently, Hie Examiner destrre Ihe public schools to be neither Protestant* nor godless," but Catholic. TAs Index, 1% It S a le? IIr > ly to D r. N p jn u e y, ru in# EUILiir^I tie ltrll»-1o ttillwinilrat Jm rctl: Hr. Spinney asks some pointed questions In the Jopn^At. for June HI si, and though not, perhaps, qualified to-naltofy thenuesllons, I offer«few suggestion». 1.' Mir good doctor ackunwlnigen that ac- curale dlagufirti to possible III some cases where the medium or rne*m«no subject Is In an unconscious trance, and seems to Imply a doubt If ncmireer can lx; allalued when Ihe clairvoyant Is conscious. I have mvii ispully accural* result* when the patient wav far away, ami the medium perfectly conscious; hut neither one or the «liter Is proof ositlvn that such examination» are «Sways reliable, or ItiiidlrlL mist in them 1» always sofa I know of nothing that Li always reliable and- safe hut dtwth. I hnve trover known drelh to fall or make a inl»takeln Its victim, although there are cas» where It parleys too long for the (ntlimre of the people, ntid they resort to allopathic hemp, or rold steel to hasten lb* cure! After the trusted regular»* had settled upon the location of the nsearolu'» ballet'la the body or tiro late lamented President tiarflelij, ( Apt. A. L. Jeukvof AVaveriy.N. Y went one day quickly to lit" room saying Ibat he was going to take a look at Garfield and see how he was getting on. A few hour» later be ratne Into Hr. G T. Lyon's drug»loro and de- >rribed what he had seen, and put til«hand on the W tor, eaytng, The Iwllet Is,right llrore." "Jmpn»«i- hie," said the doctor; lh«surgeons have found It, and you arodeciiledlr wroug. But the Captain was firki. ami said lluit he knew, for he had seen It and ila track in the patient'» body. and the autopsy dls- coturml U exactly a» Caph Jenka had stated. 1 saw In the same drug store % part of a large fibrous tumor that this «m * CnpL Junks had removed from n patient simply and only by tnagiieuc treatment. But h«might not remora every tumor, nor «cat* disease or a bullet «1 «dlstnnig willi an old, anc»of His B e(r> and have beua I am slxty-thros 1«Spiritualist svef «In «the knocking** reached (ha Car Idar my tallh grows atroognr Wsst, and aa I grow older my raith grow» stronger Id tb«rause. The coarte tí» Jocks At. has pursued to rid Bplritaallso of bog«mediums meets my «n- tlre approval, aod hoping year bands nay be held up till tbs battle tanta In favor of truth aod right, I am «ever yourw for Use victory. inrklhide accuracy, oediber ran the bt*! physicians and surge-ms, won whit* the patient Is beforo theta and Ml* them of «very palm It may not be in nnler for mo to offer nny exids1 mili'in of the case rilwl, as examined by Hr. Willi«, from a lock of hair, though 1 can suptnee a number of conditions which might Intervene to make this an exceptional rase, and I have good reason to think this Is exceptional with Hr. Wlnls, for I hare been personally cngnlxnnt of quite n narnlwrof his ex- amlnailous (myself and wife among them) that Imrn I veil sliikingly accurate, and also of ra«e» h* bos treateii and cured, which had Jong defied the IhjsI medical skill. Now, frotn my unsclentllic slamh [h) til, I answer oitr goo«l brother's durations^ 1. "Can the dek 1«safely iroilol by an educated nr iiomlneitisi clairvoyant physician at a d! lance'.* I think they can tw, and are; not with Infallible result», nnr without the po«dbility of mistakes and failure«; but l do not see much danger, except front fraud«, unprincipled pretender»; for, If from any cause lh«near Iras fallisl to get rn rup;»rt wlllithe right tutient, and sends the diagnosis uf some other one, unless there were a dose similarity between the raw«, the jwiurnt would likely call It a failure, nod lose faith and refuse lo be treated, A«meet likely was the cam) with II. H. Taylor. But If the diagnosis be recognized as In accordance with all the [«tlent know» of himself and his dbtraso, then the physician, if euliahteueal and educate;), would It* as likely to present» correctly as would the family physician who trad made a careful diagnosis from the symptom* apparent, and If a true seer. Ilk* Hr. Willis, would likely prescribe with better success Lban the regular who depends on Iris books and hla creed, an. Iran not or will not, deistrt therefrom. A "Are we not Is danger, u Spiritualist*, of building up a lujeratltlon Ural shall maketba Blinking scientific mind disputed with that which might stand for rnilhv Houbtlnw we are, and have done so lo some extent, and may still more, guard as we will against it, but I do trot think clairvoyance Isa superstition, hut there Is much superstition manifested against It hy those accounted thinking scientific tninda.'' Suj"*rstlllon Is definwl as a belief In something nnt real, or a fear of»dmethlng which. Is purely Imaginary, jmd It fosters all sorts uf false- Ii;xk1 and prejudice. Many so-railed thinking scientific minds" claafl all Spiritual phenomena clalr- V(..y.v.:,r<i l-.'.'l'i I :ii ill-.uu*, bnllu'.-'iuntl.m, ir:«.ililly or diabolism. They have written learned" eways from the "scientific" stand-point of lbs regulars to proto that mediums tip 1» a nervous disease, hysteria or hallucination, and can bo cared by a liberal dose of scientific allopathy. They do not select exceptional experieoces Him Mr. Taylor's case, and put II beside Uie wisdom of the regulars" who diagnosed t rreidout Garfield's care, and *ay: Th«o are bad mutakeo, bul they do not Invalidate the uses ot surgery nor the facts of clairvoyance. They ought, bowerer, to teach us that our knowledge 1» limited and there Is nothing sure bul death. Umpire all the frauds and Impostors, and the occasional mistakes of genuine clairvoyants and mediums, there are mountains of facia and proofs overwhelming that clairvoyance Is a reality and can correctly locate and describe events or.diagnose disease at a distance, and these facts have been Ignored and ridiculed by so-called thinking scientific minds" as a superstition, while the real superstition has been with Uioee who assume Irrational premises and Impossible powers of matter and mind with do 'adequate evidence to support their Quixotic theories. 8. Is there not danger of opening the door and Inviting and sustaining much fraud/" Manifestly there 1«, and fraud has flooded Spiritualism with wretched mockeries and prostituted Us facta aod principles to ibe basest ambition aod invented many subtle theories and absurd or impossible explanation* to cover the tricks of mountebanks and canonize Impostor» as the martyred saints of the new dispensation. When a medium ts delected la fraud and the mask and ghostly apparel la rudely tom from the body In the glared the light, exposing the medium as tbs only ghost, B Is raid to be a personation, traosnbstantiatlod, or some manifestation ot occult force known to the spirits and used by them to execute their work, while the medium Is entirely Innocent, and unconscious of what wta done. It 1» difficult to prove that this is not to, for we can hardly prove a negative; but we can prove B is a fraud, whether perpetrate 1 by medium or spirit, since It I* not what It 1«claimed to be and accepted for by the Investigators, Against InvIUngand sustaining much fraud" In our ranks, the HKUtno- PmucaopHICAi. J ocuh At, baa done great and efficient service Id Ure Interret of genuine mediums and mediumshlp, and honest mediums are the stronger for au ot this unpleasant lifting. I know Ur. Spinney Is an earnest and glorious worker for the good of all, and hla queries are worthy of careful thought Dr. Willis l.know Is equally sincere and true to hla convictions, and while I regret that hit name should hare appeared in this connection, ritioe the principle could bare been discussed upon Hie fact* Just as well, while It may damage Bro. Wilis, and give many an impression that he ts not reliable (while I truly believe he Is,as a rule) l know that Dr. Spinney has none bat Ihe goo4pf all at heart, and has no wish to Injure any human being; but U persons are In the way of principles and the Interest of truth and a great cause requires that they be. hurt for the common good, and, therefore, for their own good, the blow* must fall though tender heart» should bleed at every blow. In Ibts light I accept the strong work and regressive determination of the editor ot the Rxuoto- PitiLTOOFiticax. J ouhhal, whose motives and self- sacrificing efforts Id the interest of rg pure, hon ret Spiritualism have been widely misjudged, afld outrageously belled, But ever the troth comes upper- Ltman G Howk. V T he Kingdom ot the Heaven». ITut J. EL Turner, of Jacksonville, HI, a man by the way, who la a most thorough scholar and n biblical student of rare attainments, ha* lately written a paper for a Chicago magazine, the American Monthly, In which he calls attention to a translation of a Bible phrase which t*, to say Ibe least, carious. He boldly asserts that there is no such phrase In the Bib)«m The kingdom.of heaven." A correct reading of what la set down In the Greek, be «ays, is The kingdom of Ibe havens. He even goes further, and rays that the Lord's Prayer doe«not, or should not, read, Oar Father, which art In heavsn," but rather Our P ath«, which art In the beavena. 8o far aa Hi a Greek form or the word» goes," Prof, Tomer la surely right In both casra referred to, the plural and not Uie lingular la used. Thu*, Jesus said, Repeat, for the kingdom of the heavens I* at band.' Aod the same words are used wherever this phrase occurs In (be Scripture*. Why ft riwuld be translated 1» the singular rather [ban la the plural as lh«greek words have it, Frol Turner ra n la a mystery. It certainly assoas to make oousldsrsbls difference In tb«real meaning of lh«phrase, aod what tb«people are anxious about Is to get at just Ibe Idea Uiat was originally conveyed. Hurt, and ever la justice done. Indianapolis, June 2L It has been remarked In thl" connection that trar- Lb mthe change from plural to singular 1«required In translation by pome demand of a figure of speech, but such n resolution of llie nuesllun U hardly satisfactory, It puts one In mind uf the reply uf "Father Toni" lo the Pope, under much the enrne circumstance«, a* follows: The Pope was troubled about a translation out of which hp was forced to get n meaning exactly the reverse of w bn ho wl»hed. "Father Tom" ramo to hla relief will; ths asentan ça that U wo* a figure of speech Uiat was at fault, and that a word should be Inserted lo make the desired sense or sentiment, and ho closed Ills opinion to the Pope with these remarkable words: When translating any of those old fellow* you hare got to treat them handsomely to figures of speech. Indeed, It Is not much Ui say that figure* of ef#cch are the pillars of the churcht The kingdom of heaven" for "The kingdom of the heaven»" serin* to have I «sen worked by this rule. A'tifurrfuv Evening r am, W a n ts a n B ijila n a llo n, TulhetriUnr Ilf tiw JU,IUrtrt,Ml.»oplUnU JmintM : Il I* dal moil by Mr. (Viletium that McLeUan s and. tone1* slate-writing Is shailow tricjteryjj will give you «sampleof Slon«*i%and If Mr. Coleman will furnish an exptabatinn of llie trick or how it Is done, I Shall feel rrally under obligation for the favor, nnd your reader«generally wllhhank him. Mr. G H, Seeley, then otr county clerk, was surprised atone of Mr» Heinolds** s-auces hy Gruff calling him by name fromdhecabinet, as be thought noon«in tb«house knew him. H was before Gruff liad got in Urn babil of nulerulixlog and standing out In plain sight of the audlaootj an>1 connsrelng with them. Gruff said: I want you to tetritr. C. that I have visited his new bouse and found a defective Hue. and he should rectify It." I call»*! on Mr*. Criadle lu the day time and asked Groff to ex- Î ilaln further about thtt Hue, She wrote; " Go to rolshut«'*, and I will write It on a «Ule, and giro you a good test. James Gruff, Ksq." I found Slone alone, fh.nl never heard of him before. He washed and closed the large slat*«. He said; What do«this moan? Th«sound of Hint pencil Is much louder than any made by toy control Da opening Ihe slates we found:, " I tnhl Mr. Seeley your tine was wrong, nnd an 'Insurance agent ha» rince been Hiere and convinced you I was rightabout IL Jame* ( ruff, Esq." I bad held the slot«lirrnly together during the writing In blight day-light. The statement about the Insurance agent was literally true. The next experiment resulted In a characteristic note from my deceased wife, In a fine delicate pond, signed by her fall name. I.simply kuots Slone bad never beard of her, nor «4b her name In print or by pen. Th* Groff writing was roar»«*. Then came* greeting from an esteonied friend, in writing broadly different from that nr either of lb» other two, with his unusual name and profession plainly written. Now." said Stone, here Is a spirit wishing to communicate hy the name' of well, I can t (rot it B begin* with G anyhow." We pnt the slate«tof ether, hut could not get n scratch. The next morn- ng I called and G. wrote: I have much to say to yon about Ihe publishing of my manuscript in your powsdon. Go to a trance medium. When Mi*. Breed altero pled 11 she made a jumble of my namtx It w*» her, not me. You will yet see your departed friends in plain bodily form. Lovs to flits former wife.] Signed I had utterly forgotten the»bung with Mm, Breed six months before, where the boo* waa referred Lo, but lb«1, wrong InlUaia given, nnd the writing topped; hut Ibis brought It alt freshly to mind. Now If the mechanical result In this process was achieved by "shallow trickery," the raouul fact» involved most indubitably call for a different view o \ the question, for it is utterly Inconceivable that a total stranger to each and every on* of lh«parti» concerned, visible and Invisibly could have been, normally so familiar with my donimtlc, social and l,usine* affairs a«the occasion Indicated, The theory of halluclnalloo will not acoount for 11«. mystery, ns three thing* are witnessed by miscellaneous crowd* of people at one and the rame time. I/wd Bacon claimed that Hie "tricks" of Ihe Juggler were sufficiently phenomenal to challenge ln- vmllgliunn by philosopher*. In our day and generation we have " trick»," if the above can be Justly so called, Immeasurably more Inscrutable and past finding out, by the common mind. Iban any pmctlctid In the days of (Juren ElizaU Hi.and they are claimed to be of easy solution by Hra aslutenere of onr fraud- hunting philosopher. Bat you have a close of readers who do not accept mereareerteon for proof, men and women who are unwilling tamely lo rrelgnthe privilege Of thinking for ibetnselvra and pin their faith on the sleeve of any authority, however learned or oplnloaed. For myself, until I ^an be made Ip comprehend the modus operandt by which n slate writer. who had never heard of me, become* familiar with my family and harinera relations, im Indicated by what I lave witnessed, I «hall be compelled lo believe Uiat the writing between cloned elates is executed by ontalda, supramnndane, thinking entitles, poe- sesatvd of physical power* which Ignore or disprove the Impenetrability of matter; but Inis does not beo- eerarlly Imply a belief In the Infalllbllly of three Invisible Intelligence«, nor perfection of the machinery through Which they hold Intercoms* with mortals: but, In spite of this Imperfection common to all things human, I bold that LhiiK*l*ic writing akme 1* uffldenl to demonstrate lb«efiaunuou* existence of the Individualized man, possessed of hla moral and Intellectual activities, ev«d while the preacher is reading at bis yawning grave the stupid old lewo» till llw SL Helena, CnL j "cl early imnllw a suspension of conadouanera i«resurrectiou. G. B. G Theoriev of (tlrntw-wrlllng. The quertlon as to the modus opera wtí of state- writing, raised br the Hon, Mr. Wyndbam, b of touch psychological Importance. My first Impression, when I rat wlhi Mada, some six year* ago, was that the Intelligence present might be that of Slade'«entranced sou] acting aa a disembodied spirit. This autoptychlc action I tuu believe U not only a poaelbl«but a probable method In certain rasre, but It do«not oxptaiu the method In Mr, EgUnion's pnwt'ucp, for he anuir» mo that be I» in no way entranced during the operation. The spook or elementary theory I dismiss at oooe, beca-jee the Intelligence Is not only often beyond that of a Madame Blavatsky spook, bat sometimes beyond that of all present, andnomellm» «veo beyond that of ordinary wetbedurateitgentíemdh. I thus, find myself more and more forced to admit that the operator I* iisually a spiritual bedog, a disembodied human eouj, although the qaeshou-uf Identity still remains difficult to solve. \ One message I got through Sladk was most apro- jwa, and w>s signed with the ChrlilUn nature of my father and mother. The nature of the mreeage was In no way previously In my thoughts, and Hie structure and ton«or the message Were quite nn- Uke Slade*» and equally unlike my own modes ot expreasion; but Uinj/ were exactly like what my father and mother would have used on such an occasion, and yet I did mot feel that they came direct from my parents. These feelings or Instinct* are worthy of much consideration fn spiritual matter», but must, of course, themselves be subjected lo a discriminating reflection- WUh regard to theories bhtd oil the Idea that onr actions and.thoughta are photographed on the rastra! tight," I think It wduld be w«l In these days, to discard misleading term* founded on unscientific view* The term att m l light, as applied to spiritualistic fact*, has no foundation. When the term wo* first used, light was regarded a* a substance, but it b now known tobe mode of motion/and notion can not fix on Itwlf apbotographlo- lik* ImprasJnn nf (be mind- The Babbage theory, that our thoughts may remain as eternal vibrations of the ether, would afford * more scientific baab tn that direction, bnt that theory b quite urmereinary as an explanation of the thought-reading theory of slate-intelligence, if we admit that departed souls Uve as»pints, and then see and know the thought* of like spirits to the fireh. With regard to the other itself It U Important to know that some authorities regard lies a substance having a quality Immensely more solid than that of eo-osiled solid {flatter. If so, then the Spirit-world. If U exists to the ethereal medium, must partake of that soudlty, and ta this direction it may be a significant b e t that out«seers have said to tue, " We know spirits from human beings, by the tact that they «eem to us, and tb«world Uiat surrounds theta seems to ui very much more souq aod real than the world or the eases. So Indeed one might «ay U most be: be- rause. so-called solid matt«lsbotaroeenooas and patulous, while the BptrU world of mind is a bomoge- neoai unity, and thus, not only more consistent, but Incapable oí disintegration; and thus, The thing* which are seen are temporal, but the things which are unseen are «lernal Gsobos Wil d, M. D Id Light, London. T rsta ol S p irit Id o n llty T h ro u g h the Ulrdliiinslilp o f TV. A. M suafirld. Tn rjjfl rosuir»r n# itwtm» >iim,*.>nhim jnumait Will ynu per in 11 mo through the columns of jour valuable J ours a i. Co Iny before your.many renders a description or ain'xnco held in my own home, with Mr. Mnusfluld. who came lo our dty by sjnxdal Invitation, The day ofu r lie cam«, a worthy lady, who I* n member of our Baptist Church here, cam* In me and rniureted a i*ranc* with him. Her request was granted, at id tog«ui«r we r«milrol to (he room appropriated lo Ills uiwv Mansfield lialrucu-1 her how to write the questions and fold them, end then left Ihe room, i snt tuck from the table until she had wrll- tvn Kivt nil q rim thins, arid then c.iucl tln> medium, Who came Into th* room and commenced walking wihi rapid stridre, and then stopped In Tronl of. the table and commence! to laugh.' The questions were all rolled up by themselves, and lay on the table together. He gave her a pencil and told her to touch them one hy one. She did no, and as Ui* pencil touched omt,he raid, Pick that up." She pul the question In her band, and the medium lightly touched her fingers and began to Isugh, saying, Excuse m*. 1 must laugh." I raid, Well laugh; probably lb* spirit Is rejoicing in gelling n chance to communicate, and Dial affect* you. He then eald: There is a spirit here who givre her nnrne as Vtqlette Donnelly, St/e Is your shier, and rays she would like to write, hut WiIJiam Is hern, and be I* so anxious sbo Will give him a chance to write nn I rid «pendent message. Then he said; I (pen the q ups; Ion you hare lit your hand She did so, and found written; vliibkrrx Don.xkm.v I'kttrEUUr: Dun you come lo pie, and nr«yon here now?" Mi«thrn took another queetlon, ami Mansfield cleaned lb«slates with a wet sponge, nnd put the two together and placed thorn flat on the table without a pencil, and we pul our fingers lightly nu Ihem. Presently we beard the penenta. moving between Ihem, A took of astonishment pa.%*» over tire lady's face, nnd then three rap«on the slate told us (tie writing was finished. She nnemxl the *lnh-\and with tearful «yes but joyful countenance read: My Dkar W ire: You know I told yott, years ago, that If I passed away first, and if I found Spiritual- Ism to be trua I would return and tell you the first chance fcmrld get; nnd, my dear wife, this is the first opportunity you hnv* given me. and here I am. Y«. I remember my promise well, aod have I not ih mon»trat«d Ur you Ihe fact of spirit communlou. Ynu Vlolelte, is here and so is Charley, who wants to write an Independent meesage to you. This Is n liod- glven truth. * He signed tils name In foil. The tody opened the paper In her hand ami read: " My DitAH HiiaiiASti: Are you here, and da you remember the promise you male years ago?" Then Hie tody took the slate* herself, and knowing they were perfectly clean, she put them together and placed them on the lust, six feet from the table, Ibe medium hot touching them *1 all. We sal down by the table, and preseotly we heard the writlngjrad after a moment the three rat» came, telling us tho massage was done. I gave her the slate«, nnd she opened them and read: J Dkak Mothkk: Don't worry and frel about faui- He Is wlhi me, and *o happy. I havo seen them all. auil many friends are here to-night, nnd nil nrn rejoiced that you at last have found the light of spirit communion. Yes, we are all here, Vloletle; but don't (ret any more about father, for ho to ell right, and we are together. CllAHLKY." Aftef this my husband had n edauce with Maos- field, nnd thinking or onr aged Presbyterian ctorgy- tnad, who passed to aplrit life several years «go, wrote this: R kv. Mu. G: Are you still preaching Christ aod Him Cruelfleil?" Tho answer was written between the slates immediately; "M y DkahOLD Ftiixxi): My (iod, n oli have not seen anything of Christ, and 1 have found Spiritual- tom In be a fact, and does not this prove it to you?" Tho message was signed with hit full name. This to only a short description nf Ibe many wonderful communications we received in the presence of Ihls wonderful medium- Every)'ji'lUwl In resrtigator pro- nounml Mr. Mansfield a grdulne mimlum and court- eous gedtieman. M Its. M. J. Mkak Mason, Mlchlgnm A NpIrlt'H B e lu rn. Borne time ago, a* announced In the JuUHNAL, Ilr. B. 1\ Kay nnr officiated at the funeral of Alexander Andre w^ at Joliet, III Shortly after, he trailed upon Mrs, Pirnie, medium at L3 W a t Ma,11- eon street, this dty, when the deceased controlled her, giving bis full nonm, and entofliig Into conversation with the Doctor In regard to various matters. Br. Kayner giro«the following account of the sitting to Mrs. Andrews: *. I bad this day. May tftth, a sitting with Mrs. t'lvnle, and the first one to control was Alexander Andrews. He said: 'I do sincerely thank you for What you did on the laying away of my body. I mm not the Alexander who mount'd for another world to conquer, but I am the Alexander wlio desires lo qpd a message to my wife, and request her to' stop her senseless mourning, and not give unbelievers the opportunity to «sy that Spiritualism to of do use, if those who claim to know Us mlftlee mourn a» those who have no hope.* He says he can coma through this medium or myself and Con vers* with yoo, and wants yoa to feel his near presence with ^otirash; that while the home he has entered I* beautiful beyond description. Ita beauty Is marred by knowing that you wq) not bo reconciled to bis departure. He thanked me for hesitating In my dtoopurte at time*, so a* to give him «(^.opportunity unmpreei me with hts own Ideas, aod fie has pronflsed dm that he will always be by your tide and enfold you in hto spirt Par au when you wlu be calm enough to allow him to got near you. 'Now, my dear sister, do for your own sake, for Ihe rake of the sacred cans«we have at heart, aod for the (rood of the one you so dearly Jove, and whoso progress, as well as your own you must binder If you do otherwise, try to bo calm, patient and resigned, and a halo of peace, which passe lh knowledge, shall co circle your pathway. T rain in g a n d D evelopm ent o f Clill- d r e w To Uw Editor ot the Betlxto-prUkaopblcst Jocraal; In your editorial In the Issue of June 21st, under heading. The Children. yoa moke some very pointed remark* on the training which Spiritualists giro their children, and ask: " What are they doing for their spiritual 00)1111«?" You urge as a necessity for such culture, the holding ot horn«circles for their Instruction and development, and you close bg saying: "No parental duty is»nro sacred or more Important than the spiritual culture, of chudreo," Id alt of which I heartily agree with you; but after reading the sentiment* as therein expressed, I ran back In thought many years to a family whose parents espoused Spiritual tom lo It* earliest day, became advocates of, and worker* for, this cause. They had a family of four boys and one girl: with them they ew lablisned a eeml-ranekly homo circle. Various man- Ifretatlons w*f* bad. The children'became Interested and looked forward to each drcis-olgbt as to a pleasure party. ' *ry soon all bad.so me pits*«of me-, diumahlp, and as a consequence thoee meetings were very interesting, many of which will never before gotten. Alter some Lime the phenomena w h o of each a character that neighbor» and frien.r were admitted, resulting In the ngltaring of much thought. At tbl* II me, however, there to little or no evidence that the children's development. Which was th«inspiring thought of the parent* for bolding these circles, has been accomplish«!. While they are air good business men aod woman, not one of them to intareated In the spiritual cause or movement, and With the exception of a rortraiuing Influence that this S training had over them while children. It to to see wherein B has done tb*m nny good,»0 that the old scripture qantauoo: Train up a child Id tbo way be should go," etc, does not always bold good. I think lha Influeace on lh* child before birth is to great that, In many Cases, any training thereafter to cot sufficient to overcome (1. lo ' ordqr to ao- oompltoh what w* desire In our children, we must begin their training long before their birth. Detroit, Mich, Wx. G Clu t c h. Thereto a sect of Christians In Bomb Who bettor* that all of Christianity constats In going about and doing good. They a n denounced by th* church as te n u r e and tchltmaiica. It has recently been proposed to prevent 'petroleum Area hy ptacln g a bottle of aatnocla In each bar- rel of the ot 0 Ignition, by seddeut or otherwise, tb* bottle would reek, «ad the effect of th*ammon- lanal vapors would ba to extinguish tbs film.lo to s n n d U x In set* o n M to r r lla n f o n s S itb je r le, Charlie Br of Cljile, N, Y, caught a twe-headfd mouse In a trap, A Virginia cat I* reported to be rearing two foxes along with her litter of kitten* A party of Pacific coast Indians ale fifty sackfuls of grasshoppers nt one ot their recent tenquel*. Major Booth rays to bis Salvationists: Shout! Those who can t stand the noise will Dover get lo heaven,' There to a rumor In England that lb* Salvation Army Is f Unit to organize a hallelujah bicycle and tricycle eorpa. The da ugh tor of Mr*. Jacobs, of New Philadelphia, Weighed when a week old Friday, exactly fifteen ounces. Under th* laws of Maine a person who procures a divorce cannot marry for two year* without permission of Hie court granting tbs decree. U ihmencht. aa Amiens paper, Iras discovered that nuxt year Is the i.tovltti anniversary of the Virgin Mary s birth, and mivoc.it*» a celebration. At u recent sale,of moths and butter Hire- In Ixm- don some sped mens were sold at ^15 and ^20 each, and on «-'While butterlly from Hie Hebrides brought fffi, \ I rofiesolllangley, of tit* Western Pennsylvania University, isfjqilb* observatory at Pittsburg.is rendered useless b)*ihe smoku which hangs ov>r th* city., Artificial dimple«nrto^tydng in*d» lo cheeks and chin hy a clevrr Frenchman who has estsbltohed hlmselr In New York, and only operate» upon ladies who can afford lo pay liberally. Walt Kin, a ('«Iratial laundryman of Philadelphia, seeks to recover hi» child from lh* Society for the Frigrctton nf Uhlblren. Mrs. Wall Kin U a full- blooded uegrens. _ J ' H must be»ad for th* Mawichuselt* Senators, after their tight against the Louisiana ioltoriee, to learn that Fanuell Hall, the Cradle of Liberty," wav built with funds mired l»y n lottery. A Chinroe doctor to practicing with gn rt euccees at HeadwtHsl. Dakota, Patients come from nil tho surrounding towns, and thtdr remain* are often sent home to their woeping friends by ex pie* a It is rai<l Hiat only one herd of buffaloes, the remnant of what wo* known ns th e great Southern herd," remains in Texas. Throe nto Iwlng killed as fast os their flesh can be disposed of. A noticeable feature or th* well-known picture of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, by Breughel, the original of which to In the Academy at Brussels, to n shaggy skje terrier curia] up at Eve s trot. Abouttwen'y-flve hundred Uhinem coins, sotneof which repreeenl mintage iff thirteen or fourteen centuries ago, are to 1» added lo the coin department of the BrillqB Museum. They nxe from the Taintn collection. - ^ The l^indon Telegraph, rejoicing -In Hie decision of the Urilvereity of Oxford to admit women to degree*, ttys the life of " married home«will be hippier when equal Intellect and culture are lobe found In husband and wife." A now sect has been started In Boston which holds that disease ts caused by the uleeace of God from rite human body, nnd that a man who has (iod in hto body can cure those who nre UI by touching the spine of hto tuck against thelrv Ad operation was performed on the heed of n child In Wwtrilie, Conn, lately, for dropsy. A pint of water Is drawn off dally, and the head, which was swoitoii to three times its natural «fie.ts gradually resuming its normal shape, A shoal ofjuxlfi^toinemile In superficial extent contains )dvtm,toii Itoh. Yet no more, than half of that number of llifee Itoli nre taken in one yritron the coast of Norway. The cod lives on herring, and «ueb a shoal will ent 10,toJO.iXXi herring In a week. When the body of Miss Hazard, of Cincinnati, was taken from lh.,- Hudum at Hasting*, the undertaker was assisted by Thomas Mooney, who sold that all would have to come to that, aod as for himself he did not care bow»non. Thirty minute* afterward on hto way borne, he was killed by a locomotive. A lady living at Berwick, Me., <1reamed three nights in «iccreslon that there was a roll of bills under a certain pile of stones, and upon going there and turning the atone lbat she raw In Iter dreams sbe round the money. Who put It there or why sbo should have the dream to to bora mystery. A correspondent of the London Timet denies tbo latemeat Ural camel*can go ten days without drinking and twenty days without eating. The Bedoul&s water their camels every fourth day si least, and give each animal from six to sixteen pound* of dry food daily, according to the condition of the pasture over which the march I* made. Mrs. Gillespie, a granddaughter of Benjamin Franklin, to herself alone the Committee that sets going and makes arrangement» for the Thomas concert* in Philadelphia Sbo aaaumro all responsibility for expense* ana pays without grumbling when the lose*. She desire* in promote musical culture in Philadelphia. When a Mormon wife renounce«the authority ot her husband eh«to-at one«deprived of all mean* of earning»livelihood. To counteract the effect* ot neb ruling it to now seriously proposed to os tab- Itoh at Balt Irak» City home of refuge for all the women who may be brave enough to defy polygamic doctrine*. The great divorce questutffth France may aow he regarded a* settled. The Senate has repealed the law passed Id 1810, under Louis XVUL, for tho abolition of divorce; which bad been decreed thirteen year* previously, under the Consulate ot Bonaparte. Od the Senate dividing, the repeal of the law was carried by 160 to HA I t now remains only to settle the deujto of the bill In WoHTW uii W. T, a model dty of 7,000 inhabitants, a municipal ordinance prohibit* any girl or boy under fourteen yeans of age froth being out lone after dark. Another regulation to that a child ent for a physician muift be given a permit to do»0. No tobacconist can eell to children under fourteen year» of age, and Bnnday liquor selling to pun- lvhablo hy a heavy fine. In Morocco, when a thief to caught In the most -trivial offense they poll lily request him lo hold up both band* Then they ask him what band be would prefer lo have in hto poesesalon, and when he has made hto choice they cut off the other. When a thief hoi thia lost both hands, and also hto feet, bo ioeee hto head, and quits stealing. The tolcet novelty In church entertainment* ha* truck Cedar Rapids, Iowa, It is an evening of cradle»onga, tn which the different customs of nations In singing their bauee to sleep- wul be (old In song and illustrated In 'paiilomltney Each representative mother and child will be In thl costume of tlie country, and the lullaby wilt be sung in the native language. The faith cu re'cu lt seems lo be spreading. A I nung woman of Norristown, Pa., who was far gone n consumption,threw away her patent medicine* and lust believed she was curri, and she my» she»till believes she It cured. All of Which to interesting, but the question still remain«, Is she cured, and if cured did sbe realty lu te rotutmipumi what physicians certify that she was afflicted with, phthieit pulmo- naiur A curious result of (he recent Earthquake shock In Esses, England, was that the wells In and around Colchester exhibited a rise In LbWr water level uf about five feet. This gradually Increased for five days after Ui» pbsuouwnon until a height of eight feet was attained. The wells at last accounts had apparently permanently rested at the height at ««Mb feet above thetr old water mark. Sir Joeeph Pnyrer, who baa been investigating snake poisoning, say* that lo bits one of Ihe greatest mysteries to that a potoonqusanake cannot poison one or ita specie*, ecaroely Be own congener», and only»lightly any venomous snake; but jt kllto innocent nuke* quickly, A vigorous cobra can kill several dog», or from a dozen lo twenty fowls before its Ule become«impotent, and then the immunity to ot brief duration, for the Tints 1«rapidly re-secreted. I t to a curious cotorideno* that tho earn* day that Gen. Baboook WAa drowned In Florida, Mr/Myrou Ootcney should die suddenly in Jacksonville, Flo. During 1876 both of throe gentlemen were cttlteus of Louis, and Mr. Colonev wo* eiucied by Secretary Bristow to act for the Government in breaking up the whiskey ring. The tworag«n, so antagonistic 10 each other, not only died the»ante day. but thtr mow bands embalmed both bodies prior to Choir being sent North for Interment.

15 JULY 12, 1884, T ilt* I l i - i i r t 'f a I n h u m m, (New York Independen!. fhrtt.) IM1*!* dow n w llhln Urn labyrinth of Hut bceiut, <'km> talle«) in *11 allow«black na mirlo Iglii air, A tempimini«; by human art ne er drwml; F o r (JotJ sn w ti m ighty faaod lias reare» I It th ere. Uçon Ita walla no m ortal»y«may nate ; J o foouuu o er Ila aorrrd vlolaler* mom; Nor Found may penetrate the rayatln maze Tbal shrouds lu aecrocy the spirit» bora A. An aliar high ihow* lempiri walla contain, (»n which life * «uteri licm oft are mode: I la aurftvrn *tr«\iko>1 will* many a blood j ala In, That tuarknl the cruel «urlflclftl Unde. W ithin that Bloomy, shadow-]rap'd atvxl-, The/n/noat tout, utmretiand iiiu uowd, dwell«, And hear* about in solitude It* load n i i f imrrrl ktv«and g tk f. It timer tells, T l* there,ofiiltihw l*ui -cherished liopre mu at ilk ; Th» brightest ptauum earth ran gif* expire; Our Joy«, Tllm Autumn's withered rovo, lie Befoni misfortune'«biiter-ejurntoe fire. Th* far» may wenr the brightest, happiest amlte. The brow 1» calm asihe sere»«! heaven. The voice sound lend with merriest tom e; awhile, The heart w lo fiiihbet, det>i*-»l woe* 1«driven. Deride not, when 1» heard the sort-breathed rich, Nor when 1«seen tlm Inuel)-trickling t*nr; F ar hidden from the lien of mortal eye. Are secret grief» that norm may ever hear; And often, wh«*n Ihe ev riled.hour 1«ajienl. And thought* hold courefiu* with themselves alone, Ah! who can cntinl the Mdsoiu» inomml* «neat Within Dint dark retreat The Heart's Fo- knnw n'.'" Another kind of Ilf«each there niay lend. Where Henson proudly hold*supreme** «way; May talk with angels; on Ui<higlil-manii.i f«wn ; Or, happy, dream the heavy hour* away; TT"* Or in i hat «acred b k>i, Tim Heart «Unknown," That wondrous, strange, mysterious abode, Th*r*plrll, all In silence au«l alone. May hold communion with it«maker, fowl. _ li, W. s, Jr. Clinlivn Avenue, Rronklyn, December, ISdl, [Since these. Hum were written, nearly a year ago, the beloved youth who cotop ms] them ha» gone to hi* reel, Ho died the ( *wth of a I hrliuan In July last, eg») IP, and left to hie mourning M eads the ewoet consolations of the tinepel. A'rfj..Yets-Fork Independent, ] C n n lu «- I V r r e p l l a u o f S p i r i t * a t t i l l ' l r c / I. l g h l l u g. In my record of fir«lighting id my own house, I alladeil Incidentally to the fact of my large dog barking whenever I win watching on the su l re, and 1 woumaftfÿniur human belug to m ss by tkiedoor which shuts him In the housemaid*» iantry, where be eleetw, without hts tier king. Hut In thla'pauliy Is a large gas»tore, which Is now more frequently lit by our spirit friends than not In the early luorof mg. and Into which room kettles are frequently nu- ne*l by them, the door Is-lng closed, and pat on to boll. Never on the»«occasions hoe he been kndwn to bark, hut freijuently he U found Intently looking on and wagging hit tail. We nil know what that means. Hat let us call la another testimony to the good terms he 1«on with our «pirlt helper*. Our cialrvoyniil Inis seen him held hy the collar on Hies«occudons by one of our spirit children, and once ehe aw Mm stand on hi«hind leg» ami put hi«front pawe on either shoulder of n tall»pirlt, while at the same time another or our family who Is not rlalrroy- antsaw hlm standing thus and Eooklng lo her as though h«was («lanced In mtd alrl nhe Could not e* the shoulder» upon which his paw* rested, although Ihe clairvoyant could, and the position looked absurd! Almost without an exception during this mouth have the Gres been III, and often one ia Uie muddle of the day. in a room used only In the rasing. This morning the process was Been by my daughter, under lhe»e circumstances. <mr servant Mary and «he went downstair«together. I had I wen InU) the kitchen bi<iweed twelve and one the night before, when I retired, leaving the fire laid wlui wood and coal, with a hollow ready to put paper under In the morning, hut no paper was there, nor wan there anything but wood and coot In the grate. Mary went straight to the dog, and took him out Into the garden. My daughter went alone into the kitchen, which wn* dark, and saw bluish «parks moving atwul the 0replace. Thinking It was the Iultlal procw oi lighting she took her eye* off, m we have been taught Dot to fix our eye«on any phenomena too doeely. In a few seconds the fire was blaring up as it never do«under ordinary lighting, and was one maw of tin in-. If my daughter is trustworthy, ibis, to my mind. Is preor of the abnormal power. She was the next to go Into the kitchen after I had been there «lx or «even boor«before and cwrsfully examined the grate. Korku, Thkobaiji, in Light, England. I t W h» l * OI«l F r i t * M airi. anhortsra of Frederick the fi rent s that Yacte are divine things." An undisputed fact!» that Dr. Pierce «-tioldrti Medical Discovery" ia the most powerful liver rttajlxer extant, and by lla characteristic and eearctdng action Will cure dyspepsia, coniupaliou, dropsy, kidney disease, Ick-hwvUcke, and other maladies which, popular opinion to the contrary notwithstanding, are directly traceable to a di««*ed condl lloo of the llter, by which Us work a* porifler of the btood I* made Incomplete. All dnig- B *ts. A committee of aome of the heat surgeon» In France has been appointed to verify, at M. Pasteur1«rwiumt, the succws of bis Inoculation of doga with rablr*. Tw?nii_ ie^ li,ir **$ to be inoculated with Uie protective virus, and twenty more to be kept uclnoc- ulatod. The whole forty are tbeo to be bitten by mad dog* and the result* noted. The anu-rlvlsecuon socl- eu«are furious, but the French people are not squeamish In a case like this. The wotmtttwho seeks relief from pain t j the free am of akobôuh «timounte and nircobe drain dodu what she aeekij only so far as sensimiuy Is destroyed or temporarily»us pended. No cure was ever wrought ay auch mean*,p o l the longer they are emptoywl the more bopelew the case becomes. Leave chloral, piornhl* and belladonna alone and use Mrs. Plnk- hamv k egrta b ^ Compound, A man tjurlng ai ilreuaio of fifty year», acomllog to apaper recently redd before the Academy of Science* *wül*l a ^!«lle r * > ^ works y 5 4* í? (Kn. walks.w aym O dtyvh lii.dortog EOn days, kadamuwe himself with Uie remainder of his half-century on W U i* ±, O h : H u t I N all wart it H m I** was the actual exclamation «Lan boneat phyalclan. spoken of one of his pausnu to whom he ha* given calomel for the cure of biliousness and a diseased Uten And he had êautatâd Mm for certain, from which he never recovered. Ali these dlstrerelng coc- sajoeoms are avoided by the tree of Dr. Pierce «. - - hy U P le asan t P u rg ati vs Pelleta,1 remedy that will not salivate, but produce the most a purely vegetable pleasing effect, invigorate the liver, cure headache, dyspepsia, Uliousoess, constipation and pile* Hy drag gist». If an overseer on the Hawaiian Island* Gog* his laborers within an Inch of tbeirtlres it Is allrighl but If he should lake a short drive on Sunday he would be meet severely puoisbed. The Fourth Commandment is considered to be of more Importance than all the rest put together by the Hawaiian». HtrjrriB [Kidney and Liter ] Rkjudv la do" hit or miss compound or au woman!* mixture. Ills prepared by a scientific pharmacist, with a full knowledge of the power* and virtue* of each Ingredient In the chua of dtaenaes which It cure*. It la purely vegetable and can not harm the youngest child or the moat feeble Invalid. A youog man ftmjuamly dremed and Mlowadhy- hb vajet goes Ihroogh Uve Street* of London >&ftog a barre! ornan. He 1* Lord Somervet. and he Ukca uria m ela«of ralring money fot thè London peor.» " A H I n d i «* S h o u l d K w v T b w t Booda, araría, ribbooa and all faney artici«rao be inade any ootor waated with Dlamood Dyva. Ailthe {»palar colon. 10c. at druggbta. None equa! Ihem. Weiia, Bichardaon & (Jo, Burtfogtoa, Vt, Tb«w ont ohm cared fay Dr. Sags'» Catarrh Bem- dy RELIGIO-PHILOSOPHIC AL JOURNAL. " ff A SURE THING. Hshln* 1» only Incurable wberf the h air root* are dead and absorbed, which I* a. ram condition. In nearly all case» th-y are simply torpid, and can be stim ulate] t o - put forth a new grow th of hair by th - u o f a y k ii'h IIaik V ic o u, the only tuvpara»- lifju that cure* halilncut and restore» youthful color to E ra/ hair. - Baldness Cured and A ge R ejuvenated. J. W. IfAitMo.vp, L a ke P r o to n,d.t., w hen ho w n but 40 year» old found blv hair grow ing gray. A t G0> hi* liair and whliker* were entirely w hite, bo they continued-until ho rcacficdix) year* o f age, when tm began u*lng A yr.it * H aiu Vig o k, three bottle» of w hich eufficed lo rretoro lliclr original rich, dark brow n color. W r*. At'otfST V a l e n t in e, o /Itu ffa lo, A. Y., had become,nearly bald, and though she made u*o of m any of the *o- calleil iialr restorer«, non- hml auy effect, A vjth e H a iu VjTniit did w hat nothing cimj m u Id do, and now the lady again hx* a Hue In ad of hair; thank* entirely* to it. _Gyo, M.tv rn. F la to n ia, Texas, pre- sen tent an apparently bopd<- a w. UuM- ne«* k m hereditary In hi* fandly. Hy (ho tlruu he wav * t year, old ho had scarcely any baft' left. One bottle of A y k í!'* H a iu V triim started «*nfi, de'vuy grow th all over hi* ai alp, and in a few inontli«bis head w ai covered w ith _»ofl( dark and ubuudaut hair. Medicinal Virtues. The rare medicinal power*. cmolhont. stimulative ami tonic, p,,. *-rd by A v «n \s H a iu V tduit enable it to euro * «<diiy Halt Rheum, 8calJ Head, Teller m -. Dandniif, H um or, o f variou* kind-, nud oth er ducaiw* of the acalp liable to ouu-o bau tie-i; It i» not a d )c, cunlaln* no coloring m atter, and effect* It* njuverci- tton of fad -dor gray halrairaply by bringing back dm vigor o f youth to the ro u t, and color gland* of the lu ir. The w ife of D r. V. 8, L o v r u r r. /.o rth e e, K y had v-ry h*d T etter Bore*on h er head. AVKB 8 Ha ir V ig o r cured than, Thu son o f ja itr.a X. C a R T m, Oeco- onoii, I'n., wav eu rn i of Scald-Head by A ych * H a ir V ig o r. likiidkht B o r t t, M in n e a p a tts, M in n.. wo* cured by A y e h h H a ir V ig or of latolc rabie I telling o l (he bealp. M r s. 0. D a v e n p o r t, llw in m aio ten, V t., became entirely batti *1 the age o f.2d and reiuatned so 88 year«, during which time»he tried many Lair restorer." without euccciu, Evcnlually she u>< d AYr.ii n H a ir V ig o r, four botile* of which covered b crjiead with n fine grow th of *11 Ly brown bulr, twelve luche» long. M rs. O. O, P r esc o tt, t'kartestaieuf* Ma**., bad tout tw o-tblnl* of her hair, by it* falling out, when she oppili! A W it's H air V ig o r, and one Im iti-of It c a u -d Jut hair to grow out even morti hund-ome than before it began to fall. M us. D. N, P a rk*. (Tin, M ie h h a n, 1» 67 year* o f ago, und h er hair wits ùullc gray, but one bottle o f AYER'S J I a t he V ig o r restored the color it bur- Ju rwuih. and»he now lias a* fine a htad'of LJ!r u w hen»hu w u but IQ." V in c e n t J o n e s, R ichm ond, Jnd.. lo*t nil lil* hair in consequence of a Hwpreat- isekpfhralafevcr. A v e r '* H.u i ivigor bo-light out a new growl h in u ft w week., and It.{Kidily grew tong aud thick. A Toilet Luxury. IV hcrc.tbo hair Is hriitle, dry, liar«ti, w a k. o r thin, the u of A y er's H air Vn.u u ig»stilly, render* it Jdbiir. *<.fi, gio«*y, and Etimulatcs it to a* rich up>! luxurious grow th! it alto keen* (he»<.dp free from dam!ruff, and afford«a js-rftef n«*uratico against (ho hair fulling.out <!r tiirolng gray.! No olher dressing I* clean or bus eu tb a dellrat-»wmdt'iigbtfitl perfume. W ithout It tbo toilet cauuot Ik* complete. Ladle«w ho havo oner made (rial of A y e r 's H a ir V ig o r ni te r after prefer eny other liair-ilrt">«tng,iuid rnuny of Ibnn vuluntarily offer»urh lesilnionial* a* the following, from Mm* Kate: Ho se, f n j- r - aotf, Util., w ho write*: While keeping my I 1 rk*r of DwvJrrdT. nod pi[tc«ud< Rcald l-* d, It Its* ilw e.u» d my futlr to ( tow lu itiri.m l;, rrsulung Id i»y now iju.*r*ilri { h*1r forty.t»'n l»cb<* lung, sad u thick a* any cw could vrlib lu" A y e r s H a i r V ig o r, PREPARED b t Dr. J. c. A Y E R A CO., (A nulyllcal ChciulaU ] LOWELL, MASS. Sold hy all DruggUts. «C A T A R R H And D i t e t t t of Ih* HE*D.THROAT A LUNGS! C.. U ; " *'«-. H. -m ton»»'!' -be. nur» (» *''!< rurr-d. K m aat, T. r. i iiimuxt» «,b.uj TM f BEST IS CHCAREST." B(1'r th.reshebs» itrxftim I s t n ( A t i a lv lfjp m IT 10 pm * * ;p :r. t»-t a p m o l i li» proli LYDIA E. PINKHAM S VEGETABLE COMPOUin) * IS A POSITIVE CURE F or «11 of Ibaog P aluf4 C om plalats aod W n k f r f l c r M co m m o n i s o a r b e a t * a F E M A L E P O P U L A T IO N.* * *. I t will c u m rstiaxlt m a w - a rr remit o r f «- JtALX C o i m u i l. ALL OVAOlAS r s t v t u «, f*- FLABMATION ASD ULCXnATI«N. FALUKO AMO fit». ru c am am re, a» o tiftoc«a«cutik»t Hm sal W cax- Etaaa, jx d t«ra jm ev'ta*lr u u r r t a to th e Ci iu u e o r Lrrx, * * * # *, It WILL I>!J»rtLTE ASD EXCEL TCMOJU rbojt THE U r ia c a w aneably i t i o i d p ncrk Lorm csr, T n* T1NDEKCT TO l/anceimi a ftokok. TUOAS U CMECOED veet arxewlt mr m no*. I t maaiwe. F aintse*«, F la r e u s e r, narraot * ALL CEAV1SQ EOB *TIJt CLA NTS, AND BEUXTE» WEAK- «o r to e Stoxacu. It cram s Bloatimo, TIicai Acn*, riam vousl'nnm ut ion, goneiial B u il it v, JlEt-aililoN ASb inoioestion. * * *, T»IAT rie L iso o r Dxaiuno Down, cac*jno P aw, XVEIGHT AND UACKAClim. tl ALWAT* rebucajiajttlt e e o E D a r m uae. * * * * Ir WILL AT ALL TIMES AMD UMUEIi ALL CUICVX STANCE* ACT IN «1*10X 1 WITH THE LAWS THAT OOVqiN TBS TEN ALE rvutea,,,, w i r e ruareea i* SOLELY robtiia LiGrriXATi MXAMNO 0* DISEASE AND THE MMUEr o r TAIN, AND THAT IT 1WIA ALT, IT CLAIMS TO DO, T I K lr im o r LAMES CAM -ULADLT TUTVI. * U # O # * Fun th e ream o r Kldk*t Cumelaint* in t m m»sx Tltt* AtSMIDT a CRIUarAASED. J.TDZA T- nnkjiam* VEGETABLE OOMPGCKD la pnpam l A1 to«*. K w Prto. i a ll botllm far OL Noll* kt «Udr-»w LK,. Beat b j in*jj. *MtAS* paid. Is f «n of fm* or L o L f i i GO rftvli* ot fatoaeatott. Mm nakbam'«quid, to H««Uh- will In nuilod freale an r Ladr wthua«mamp, LetMn w n a m U ar r answaird. - ;jftjh«5.ld be wttlwmt LTTUA r n a n U IT B ijfih oam bpnrl and O m it Expnna... Ooaacll muff* APrr.r» r*ji Expro R ea««n ix. I a* * «,Wurth «mi * chimo K lpran... MtoowpnU* ondülpmii Mrpnm... Kama««tut. Lasrwiwurtii «od al chimo E ipnastb O fidìl*),,.,... Paru AeeumiDcdAtScn... CtoancG (tini* NI«ht Zlprww... Aaosjw CU*. LASTfBworth «ad Al cataos Nlsht Exprrw... P*orIa Nlaht K ipm a.... MlBiimpolu Md BL Paul r u t Kl penne in M A H No forni tjveh l'l TurpUNy ja» ß P T irs P e m l m C T H E B P :S T TITTXG 'K N O W N worn Washingaitd Bleaching In Hard or Matt, Hot or Cold ITi Ut. RAVES L A B O R. T I W a n d S O A P A W AR. MOLT, apd *Wm BDlrmal **G>f*<-tloa. No larnilr, rteb os poor, sjbould b* w itaout i t Sold br all Grocer«UEWAKk 0>TImiUttoC» Wat) dodgond to mlitsad. PEARLINE >* U».-O N L Y Sa n k l*hor-a*«nm ootopirynd a o J op way* bear* tba atxrre»jmvjf. and Dam* of JA M E S m r, N E W Y O R K, OBICAQO, BOCKÍSLAKD&PACIPIÖfi'ï T ta* g» a ü. pestuea of n. Ilo., h u m u «ho m l i b SnL* W est 6* VA«M onom ro s i., u d t u - p w M e o n. w i i t a «o h «* * o f cat., tn -.w ^ n C 6 i e «a i c i ï, t i u i : : / r \ r...oli Llu.'j l m 1 i5 - PATENTS 0-? ^ A I rn«uu'ji VnUiibi.p t MCSHAHEBELL FOUNDRY M.halActurn III*-» mtotirawd l i d i, aod S T itm en f o r C k a r a h n. T o w e r H u t - k r. - A r,. S r, T-rtce»ou*l CALAIOCXH. lent Irne Addita* IJ. Mi»nana A Co Baiti (aure. MA.. _ r»a</, «ed I«taU A U m r, f.,r Pile«. Price C I, a l ilnigxista.o r will pr-ti*:,!>«otar r*bipl* \ftet. a J ANA K EHI li 3 PILESH et-f. Il, - lift NrwTorV THE LEADim; CIHPAIGS BOOK I! Itot/KT Gf G rowth, fm e liifrünnt Aitd K ew o rtei «t tfte H e - liu tr llr, lu re ta l roüürat «id v<i»f leuhwni». Itm - a Ìn u T adm lhlm m h I H.f r «,, i, i,.. r l a u i t n i - r e.. *r.* *íírt,n P*rtl<* : BUUrtlc. *d Ama».irai*. H a» uf Ulte mera* Itelir-*1-, WJUrrr»«Hcteeilr. rtc. Ano r - F " I « MSIBM Dei» r-f Asnal. Rei«!»Orto V / R»*VR**ultepte IOWÍ. tir. N rd I I I U Y A C O., l i t i» * * « RAILBOAD TIMK-TABLK. CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND AND PACIFIC, Ueprx, «raer Vad Bureu OOd Bberoiào »te, CIU TtclAf omet so Clark Street. StaerœAh Unum. Arri ta t ft pò t ZiftOpm fa IXTOpln nonfta» I ft ftuant DR. SOMERS T u r k i s h, I(tiM su t), K le c tr lc, s q l p h t i r, M er c u r ia i, R o m a n, a n d o t h e r M e d ic a te ^, B a th s, I h - F IN K S T I n t h - i-o u n try, a l Un* O R A M I F A C IF ÍC H O T E L e n t r a n c e o n J n e lw o im t., n e a r L a Fall**. C h ic a g o. rn w h A tlu o r» ajcrrst lunrrr ano mmi paesi,«enraaw e* 1- ' 'f t «1 fikiat «f liw tw ItspddJjf l»t«m-f*r Ladre PW,perir»dnilnuternt! AU wfah Dl um» sw Mimi, («4 trim u,. *(f<v-t. taoumneu nt -af rillt»*,* f a, t«u rr tn U.nfr «mat c u m in Frape*U-i Ir» thrin»i nace sud mdjf* fut Marwdf.. K L a it W I C l T V A «r W l A I T V. The E litr e ninna*1 UU, h alfa» tif ut, Ia t-*f imsurimw la Nerivt«IdUMam atrf li-ari*t ft-mlltr. Irp-n I,ir I U *nd q w u a» o tropi T A M. lo B r a boimiat* I l i. a n W ED D IN G CARDS *"n irrered o r p rlalta B est rtfi-a, nod«- r*te prier*, S \ H*JognlvB bmlilnl oa*«^lc4uflf, * A. MakWClL it CO., Btektsfisn L Slihensn, ft.t W * I» Wabwb ATr.ChK.gn,, RY SOPHtH TH E BOOK OF L IF E. BY. *-.1 l* A l l ' l l l A. The «tilwtati et tlw u t l c t - m fliu / {luhtuhrd to III* tournait, with rimai roreitla«*, h-dl J*r.i M*i*l t*jr lu w iih AddreM A M A- SÎDAKTHA. Hormi t*, Triboh* liotidloc i'fatr*mo,itl New Tacoma, U A K l f l. 'f L T O X T H U t l T G R l. Weeiera lennlaiu ao tl»*>»riv C,>o»t of Vw»rest tr*omuo- UhriitAl Nqr-. jerll tw litr lymllra«*]. ou*l T I i c F u t u r e M f jtro]k>lis o f th e P a c ific.v o r H n n sf. A JoUdwH I'lL* of lu m tu in it Ui*a**r t. uni rnofilr A! 1 per c a t Aral 11, per cent p*-f tadulh S-rTloti 2AAB of (" le r d W*»*1 ri(rtoii te n Hurt tar«* A 4*» (Ate [ laterm rik d Ut->n to M I«>I MbMLdpcHm UmMM* U wrillom, *1)0 11 f - redd «Ml I-mat." Iu*firn)*tl>h riim tu tlr rerrolollh rab*> will nrin 4 m il- r.rr - i.i 1 r u le A lim * C MAO IN u, i KHAte New TiiêrilvA * T Light for Thinkers. 1 auubrd W an at AUsaia, DA «. w. katju Mttsr. a. a laud, fummm*, Trice fl.ftij p-r annun. LIC H T. A weefclr JilUrijAl Jur SpHlUmlUtA»0*5 ethers tadrnla ci Mctilt m ionophr, PotdKIwst M 4 Are Marin la n e.r^o in>a,w LONDON AGENCIES OF THE Reljgio-i liiltisopliical Journal, JUS O rr«fertland Sl. L*nk!«l W, C..»1* J J. Morre A«rat; «1» Ji4w «(»Ariu-r, ilfanw of LdpAf. AA Marta Line, SotoeripUatu rncelttd. Nprcllsea aijil**»4, piled at dim, peace * > Am-ft-an Nclritnail tne( 1 «afi- T H E V O I C E O F A N G E L S. A K E fli n o M li E V PA PER. DEVOTK0 TO -SEAltCUIXG l>l"t THE FRIXCH'LES rm ie R M lni. THE SPIRITUAL f-hilo:»* OWIV, AXIi THKIH juia K fa W t.- tt TO KVKKY-HAY LIFE ; Row In lie Dili **4 u ran. eteht { «in. will b* tmiied t t atnre at Sh la-il-j strcrl Nuui-rxllle. A t», t'rlce, ft ceni* for jiomin eople*. per rear, in Alrence.»1.60 Jew time In propnrilao I A* Iters end m»uer tut Ihe twpnr hiuri he sddrreeed os Aleoe. In tike aiet nlmbed. 8j>*c ini-s,!nn fra*. J F t l A A, DAW KEY, PublUher. Mic h io a n (Tenthal C A R D / 1 ih rro G JlA i'liri EPES S A R G E N T, Ih* rshosnast Aatliar and part, trite. putpom 3ft Q whutem»:- tu ä retri* hr the iuthlgh-pnilcwormlcal ren'bxbdiu Hunx. cueomu, «tù. 1 U I M». Mlftn p<an u 4 Blw Vud. coli»«** Va tfoi«a Itepev. with»jj the prinelpal t í a» el rood t e l e ««its Attuti*) u d Lb» r menda A N E W B A S IS BELIEF y DÜÍORTAIfTY. ÍOMf. ttnu. ^ ds book ara «oewif idmömsa to O» OfaMwhorerewri- HsreUi Th*< f «ari a ««fas m e m t s mi ' rimfwmsmr ad.lu.«t fa SB«WlfeaSoriMBl of B ) b rsttn i cieca. PPL lix^rtew T S iect», palam eli f r m. H u d a t f U l - L V <J.mi irt.il» n.nd _ l «n t fter a t B a r t «B s J a a r f a n, T s l l a u S r m u a i V a lu» C «.»f-d th* «h i Lian «r D ía la s C *r. Ü ih» w e r t». T i m T rrie. bevwm a C h iu s e nos M inutan Kirn» Voinin. Two Trota» Pevwees Caie «ad Äteae«patin «d *1. *1* ihn Mnuow ALBERT'LEA ROUTE." 6 A N ew u l S tre e t L la e.e t* l a t H i u d I b i» ri-faaa rn u a u r Sreo «p e o «M. w «lu ebaaad. órlela,» r e p o r t» m. tu U M o o r«. A xlutn. A s. «viatn.nuh»;.t«, Lv j L«t.L-, L -rir c. 3.C t d ^ i ' L Ä S-Ä irïïix,ab~*~ T A 1 r h ro a m» M u n e n s e r i T r a s e t od T u t X ap ree e ut&^^ï^tcair1t i** *-,a iu m sh f c a A n d ih ra u sii u d a u * of f a».l S t «** iä " eoarpeuiar«that Ber le u **Jt u» ««" I S f *0 ' to r u «r W * to a»» D e ««1 F e l». h ea t r o c k is l a n d r o u t e. At ro a r hnereet Tvehnt O fflu, or addrw a p - M. O A B te, E. B T, JO H N, v-nfim. ft U n i a«-r, Dei it i v t h a * A C H IC A G O. THE HISTORY OF THE CONFLICT ir r e e x a RELIGION AND SOIENOP >i Jtu ir m m,». I T i l., I l a «, n o t t i. P r i r r. a i. f i. The rooatei nf wm-ti he treat» ban tom a mlmhtr tree-dr trf hiknaistr Ui«h*n dreexwl aatjon- Into w v i ood 1 arol red. tto foie nf res pine. The «tart 1«fall of iamrurtl-s) rewvrdlnm tfae rtre of fato *re*l tileon nf «rirn-p or.it phllwnp&r; *ad d crltre In An ImpeMlre tn*r.n-r ta ti wuh dretaaue rtf-ri, the trer retlsl.jvu auworilr ho» -mplnfed Ito reruiar poerer to «faw ^ttoprareeri Of koowledm* «fid rrtwfa owl the rpwvw l or u e. wtolaote and retati, tir the lucuotopmiiajnvrml Cil. tri«u«mlm> Hues*. Ch «*«n: S piritual u upio.mksr Cwialhlh«aeorir pgptlvar flraw** *M '>sw * -aut tt# BELIEF, OF SPIBITUÀLISTri And rvadlhs* ieutri*ie for rim erei GecaAtima., If BN, J. M FEESLES TWA to o l S33T to anaw erec mattare re /»«*»-, reofikbta. i* * todojurei of DUriUinJ I *m - Ih* lewuits d etrs n are SpRtlnalHIi - r sadtnss U d rret*-hm -*l-iui noe fi SMlrfcl populat to te» and wags adnpeed u* Camp M-clJjiei55iww Meet!am*. Kplrtiuol toon-re, 1 1*1 Orde» sod * * lu.1»ositi«, tnceuarr nrtui raaerel lleodm««.<*riaiaaj J d i r l M «L pppeaprtrie foe la lu K CfaUdren. and ito Am-d The Miagara Falls (Route. n iz stirm rt.fr a r r M urr i>tn» Tr Tlw aval osaf*irtat4*, and the nolf reuts t»o»ur sin«ie man. M raeot. totween CHICAGO, BUFFALO, AND NIAGARA FALLS moklns f*m lime and cj (unneouuns at ali jdixtlna pulii K rtvk»a?r tx rtifte t r a in s» a u.y each as; tots' THE ATLANTIC EX IU ESI toa«re ft nr tour* -jat-i-r ftma ttw Inrtorli In «I til**4 n v < Sew Viri nini *pd th* Fa st Ne w rouk t x i ictat, im m.c -c l**«i* * ; ju» At*. >-i<wt*iw1i!. tm-asd at 4.vri r a., c.aaref«rier Unie IIUII «} ulfter line fr*en «, t>.uu ft* N e a -tla, Mat tin ibcreen-d e liu lw r*. b e «reren 1*1 to Lbe OK** p p d i r in to noi of CfiloUen far the Kam. Tue r ipiew trifto a*w mwle Vipof hsm Sod et-ssut tunrnii, M**t;i»r. l AHJJJH and HLEEPUm CASA Ul wmen'n» lem-ime n*b ftirt or ran- r iletiä* l/i.b tiltot r l e **ip--h*r «Ule th whirl) ih -»ISING' CAIN are flnl*h-d and forni b*d I* treiiparal>[» nult by Lh nitri ( e n e e Um mesi* I arti *0 ) Risia Ip freni o* NIAGARA i.lu.h Ud MICRH1AS CEN TRAI. hoe ]n»l to u t «hear «ter!. <t,*uhi* Iri-S toxine, that (* a liiritrlniis Irtllrnph uf ensllmeflus «-iene* All MllllMAAtl * EN r «AL Ir airi* all I wn*r* nih «*ilsd **«rr II. $*-p p lr^lons er-hish u* atre pamense«* ito tori * lew«,4 lim creai ratarmv wltlpoit additi*41*1 deteauon re Mi*--*-» F.J WHITSKY. u. w.ncgglu. AM: Ge«. Ytm Ant. Gen.»xerenser A st. nuriuta, >birasn. «i r r TBE0FLÎTEU8 IRON r o N i c La d i e s ^ *od R BOTOOS l i t t and VIOOK o f YOUTH. inf T tred Fe«IlnMalreotaufr U i «. Ilu iiu, niete]#«and nersen receive lic e f o n a Enliven* the m in i and lies liralii Fow er. i* from eutnpulnl* Frw ihent auem nt* a t c re ri-ifrll!» * t \ l e l ie p o p o l r r í r e f U n rn lrlm j. Du not u n i t. ^-icl~tl*t Ute *>h I'il» a l/s>»» e *T. "5*nd «e ( * «* a t s u - l v. IfarimrM edrtav wv-lonn, i l e. fur oav "iir L /.M ROOK-'B FaUnf ettm tow l V r - l " - : -.I r e a # THE GREAT SPIRITUAL REM EDIES. POSITIVE AM NEGATIVE POWDERS.»y* H, J ^ _ S*B»av»Itredtr.--iw *0 1«a trismsm. M Bssrer Boo.»1*.^ so m«* sesrytoft,. smiaocoras PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION ni J-, AN13IAX ^AGXETJrSM mj i'ssîk-îe-ïïïissr Smtuumtoumn «od tie cm to to m a ie r i k I f J. F, F. OEU UIE. TxssEaM irts tta ff «ü Dr TYîmm ' lartstort. r a t» J o s Btee there bm to ra a «rrrelnn tau-nwt la Ito Î?»!! 111? * f 60 «Itrjfeil «chi ik M *t03tf S L.*_w. *! IW AWT* PV1 ta tj'-jbrtwl Ut K Lfj FJÜIÏ mufatp LM ictoueür.w rel eotkam lbstw treii««artd» *?to d ** t4*tm WlUl U ï* l******** priât TtopractRM triture «Y Uw* work con rredux to mes. and ttik 11 la am of sreai «Al o - loali who o f i S r e m ; ea who w ooldknowaaneuanm diiw. «h to s a l reattrol B la q nuom of Itoftrs* «dtrtrei «to i t o v.. u J * *1 Journal «aid -A«Ue iras *r.j wmroealnr feeltnia of d u o «or pertlatft» toe Urn sohj f a T y S n S m t. candor obllsre tu to *cta*reledse Uri* thin «vept^-t * wit raputoobs priejnesai, Tfaerw t* «aacnnar ttua^mlb Oat,,4 t i w «r le tto auttme. Pho«rr1le» «e u t o r to initovonaoji, tree, wtitonr M r rvsvsraee to tto tto world. Bovine tm ra il, titamlf, to The Slgni &anc«t, Scópe and Miardou MODERN SPIRITUALISM. >1 to.»f.u CLtttk. Ao ABolversorr Orma*.««mi Forai, flit». pompluef fora I ft pen!«. h e ule. wnnmorie amt retal!, by tto MnUalu f*jl*rioe^i. *L m u s i t i aw Hue»». Cfalcacn. NORA RAY, THE CHILD MEDIUM. A CAPTIVATING BOOK. Thl> 1«s Ihm nf Xraartofate Sptmasttole pmwwanâ ) i Or, d-plraiyf In npreui* imunus* the wudderfti) ameni» I«Um to S sh aw ri^?*1 ***** n*duutotdü w*r*»«í-t, ITüposre. I-rice, fifi «otj, p e ia p rrew r Fl-ift pfar. «J n » Urik, prim «toc stritoli. (unu.iuratztotow ft M R S. M. M. P N O S Inspirational^ W orks. PRINCIPLES OF HATURE. a se!?sssay S ^ f s a s!'5 ÄS I <t K ou frm frtmrvw M Î5 î?s e *ÎÎ!i?î rretemä«! of *wn» «od»t«vmn* Ito Salar a Ä,3 ^ 1^ f t Ä Ä 5 s a f s v M l to t far Mher««he [.a re ^ U " J whether IntoMtofL *»t. est " J l A I I T J f.. I * Sfato! from tl* tost easmue stace threawfa su tu «Malfa Oto-optotupripetaerriacT r a r e a a a u... f.tn o ^ u r ta e with Ito Arri pvatourr r a t* af r a t a * 7? tt t4/0r* «.«?*( U» *.a «K Trat n - T Í e, «, : ^ (f tb a tw lid to d i U lr. Speri*-««od 'Bon. T fa s lm a f 2 tod forre I«eVarlr atated aia» IH retratad to «aun pi ' stow «ari MaSTomi» «t r t d U t o f < farevareuete w hu O iiriraicc. t o FREE CIFTì r a t o a m a to w ui t o ssm la to» «m ora i t m il wwa ó r a I J a m I 11 fa. tifare ta uro* to ad a s m s itoti re s la to ra I T Ä Ä Ä ri le pressa- «to rta «re U sía IMM U A N D B A R L Z E S E». N fm W IO* 0«**» tot Fra*. «CLW M.BMue.Mktr... ottdtototoftk. lsktoee,xtoff.,tototoay.. UtUa. K. T.. maeltoiy.... Afilfsrttr SRAksn, K-T.. toouhl Wtot for Ttnatoe». AQAate.fi«... ß Ú>. to ÊO OC ^ i r s a s y 1 M A G N E T I C F O l l C E S. to ri-ta l rad»mrltrej. km tows a* aurrinof tuotoamtmre g y? *?? tom lam talp. an d tto lm a k f w to w *** fa*totali» 4 Ha Ito Itarittori' a f i r Ä s s id s s i * «s S P I R I T t Ì A D I a l F E. àcn 1 1 «SKI» ir* VQtlBH. REAL U FE IN TÍÜ SPIRIT-LAND.» n - r i «- w e r e r e o r e r e. eivtpanvs er to s a ti red o» Pere-* atm ai aatoptt

16 R E L I G I O - P H I L O S O P H I C A L J O U R N A L. JULY 12, CüoUa o*d Irota fin i PU * ince Id Nature In the realm of Intelligent Sedngs, for a being endowed as he IsHiipposed to he, God the Father, until Ills cliild where Is the place for another order ol being between these two. Tbetvon of God, the anointed of Üod, tho superior In the heavenly kingdom in what consists this soiihhlp.this superiority by the true lawï Every mail Is an heir of God by virtue of sonxhip, nud as such is joint heir with Jesus, who could have been no more than a child of God, ns every human being K This superiority over others of his race, if he possessed ally, was in coll sequence of spirituality. which is ihe legacy of every human being. in the measure in which he will receive it. Spirituality is the anointing oil which initiates into the priesthood of God which confers the function of prophet, or teacher of spiritual things. The Christ of God, then, can only mean one spiritually developed to the status where he is fitter! to *o comprehend spiritual things, and so conform lit* nature to- spiritual laws, ns to he aqnaltfleil teacher and exemplar of truth; one who 11vas In such ah atmosphere of spirit that hi* nature Is nbov<\ contamination by unholy desires, that Is, while the effort Is to maintain this status; and he is pure in heart, and sees God in alt things as un une of Inferior»pirUu.il»tutus Bees him. What was Jesus s conferred " status of unrlinn," as referred to by Brother Tiffany in the JotutsiL, which gave him the character of the Christ of God," but that which every subject of splrltiisl powers, in striving to conform his nature to spiritual laws, receives us n baptism of spiritual Influences, which ill reality, elevates him above his former MlatiLis? Jesus lived up to the law of spiritual untoidment and hence, lie wa* spiritual in all lifkjiajure. and tilted as a teacher of spiritual truth; possessing within himself by nature Ihe Inherent cavabllily of being so developed. lie received the baptism of the Holy Ghost when he became so susceptible to aplrlttial forces that he could receive Into hi» wliute being an overwhelming influx of spiritual influence from the fountain of divine light and love,and henceforth his nature was turned to godliness, partly, and»elf-ubncgatioii became as hi«second nature, and he was a light unto nil that would heed hla teachings. This experience In all this, judging by the record wo have of him, and by the knowledge we now possess on the subject, was but a type of that of every one who devotes himself to spiritual unfoldment, prompted by his own dpflire or by the powers above, who over stand ready with spiritual gifts for those wild seek them, and who choose from among men Instruments, upon whom they will, by their methods, confer the gift of a high spirituality, as a preparation for teachers of truth mediums tor the use uf spirit teachers. Admiring, as I do. thé spirit of Brother Tiffany's articles, and agreeing wilb him aa to what constitutes Urn true religion and the truly religious power, 1çannut find lu Nature and reason any authority for making of Jjwna the head of. or superior in, the heavenly kingdom. a* he seems to make him. I cannot conceive why be, with his rational views, hla fin«apiruual Insight, should hold to tfie super natural lam that makes Jesus * word'niore authoritative than that of any other one developed as a prophfct.eeer, or teacher In any former age or in these days. Admitting that the Neurone taught the pure ami exalted truths that are calculated to elevate mankind by their application toevery-day life,as thebroth-, or believes, how many others have there been and nre there at present that teach the same things. Inspired as lie was to utter the same truths? These truths are iulultlve with the spiritual minded of all ages and people. The nomenclature of tue snlritual philosophy. aa I believe, should contain no names or æ Hâtions that mislead,or tend ton perpet- >n of reverence for n&mw and authority, or of the mistaken noting that God has made of Jesus a special -mediator or high priest between him self and mankind. The appellation, " the Christ of God, applied to Jesus is misleading, as It is a term belonging to the old theology, and meaning more to mankind In general than wo as dissenters from that can concede. Were we to apply it according to brother Tiffany s explanation of its meaning, to every one spiritually exalted, we should he styled blasphemers by a class of believers. Tne unction conferring this tille we can style, while dropping the title, a spiritual unfoldment by the application of certain lawd the adoption or a certain mode of life and certain practices which spiritualize the nature. This will be a pjaia statemeut of what Spiritualism proper demands as a fulfillment of the taw of perfecting the belng.of bringing nlsnit true regeneration. We can revereuce the character, of one bo single-minded, so s e lf; sacrifie in g and devoted to good works, and reverence the truths he taught, but we cannot make either more»acred at deserving of imitation aud ac- jwas this everlasting law of vlcariousuess ceptation, by making of the man Jesus more that gave him bis own rank or degree In the than God made of aim; more than nature scale of exaltation. The apostle said lu made of him.when lie w«x conceived and born by the samo law by which all men are, living by th,e same law, sustained In his double na-, ture oh all men are, and dying a martyr to h(a fidelity to truth and his fellow men. aa myriads of his race have before and since Ills time. If we call things by their right names, names which we all understand, give ing honor to whom honor is due. we shall he doing a service to humanity, by helping to loosen the chains with which superstition has bound men, and helping to disseminate'' the light of the true, the natural religion The Heavenly World, Its Conditions, Occupation«and Recognitions." A Sermon Preached at the Chrietian Church, Memphit, Ten»., by the Pep. Mr. Sweeney, lief ore a Large and Intereited Congregation. ' TOal» i atari Urn» pm tocu to lb* U llm r of live f o il«armso, Ur. t m n had dailfarad»)» u i l r s i SpIrHMilam. tao tab lr b* k r tr m r ta r*«rttf«l inch «Id * of tla trutfc. tin t hla m a d tnoblml atm. h n n ha c a n cxpnatloa to 10a n«w lltiti ba bad fnu'nd. In ardor (a cmuiioract ala pron o oa «iw u w w rc m XDtxaa JoraJUU ] T ill; SKUMOff. In mr toj-bar*«houae are nuuy manalona" For ho hath prepared tbem adlj.". And God «ball wipe away all tear* from their ye».**. But now they desire a better country, a heavenly. 1 Those and many similar passages are foregleams of the future. We do not have dear ones, we have the glimpses and not tbo.details.. We have area from which to describe the circle«; ai Agassiz described the animal, given one of Its bones, or the fish, given onn of Its fins or i^ale«. Necessarily our idea of onr future condition must be vague. It is due, first, to the..narrowness of our sense*. A man reared in a cave In not fit to entertain extended views. Our perception* of the future are not clear, and our environment I* also against ns. It Is largely matter not vary good data from which to study mind and spirit states. We know men In organised forms, but the disembodied state is not eo easily comprehended. It U difficult for an Infant to describe or rtallse manhood states. Our presei. stale 1» to the fntnre what acorns are to oaks, and whnt eggs are to eagles. An eagle In the egg is not prepared to npprerinte a hlg world of cliffs and skies, with depths for soaring and lofty flights. In this world we are all unhatched. Here we fio not see things as they are. We see them as we see the rainbow ami the sky as we pee ships In the fog and slicks in the water. "Bnt there we shall see him as he is." Wo see here as through«glass, darkly. We see things os in enigmas or riddles half solved. The most rational way to hop the future is to project the present life over there. Make heaven much as earth Is, only of belter material and more beautifully wrought. Think of this world and the soul as passing on amt no higher, ami you are the best prepared to form ideas of our possible and probable future. The Scripture* represent by correspondences tind "laws of correspondences;" hence they «[leak of heaven under the thought of a country or Canaan;" under the thought»f mansions of a great city decked with valuable minerals and precious1 stones, as the new heavens and new earth," or a heaven of fairest Bowers, loftiest hills, grandest oceans and most beautiful rivers, many believe tills earth, when* purified and perfected, will he. the home of the redeemed. ir. Dick believes It will he in the Pleiades, which our astronomers believe to be tlie canter of the universe. ( believe with the most lecentaml rational school of thinkers, that our heaven pill be the universe, ami our earth the Pleiades, and that an the planets are our many mansions. The whole universe Is God s house, and all worlds his mansions. In the future world we shall have Immortal bodies. Incorruptible and glorified. Hence an improvement on the bodies of the present ami baby life, ap advanced state; and it is reasonable to believe, tt prefore, that the power of»nr faculties will correspond to such bodies there. We shall have exalted- senses, and, therefore, more noble ami exalted conceptions over there. Our lowness on the earth and heavy atmosphere impede onr vision. Now, matter of'tho courser sort is an Impediment to our seeing. Then ami there we shall see, it may be, with ease aud without limit from world to world. The telescope allows us In our present slate to see the moon as only 300 miles away. To the perfect eye there are gems and beauties yet to be revealed in blade, and leaf and flower. Huxley tells us if onr hearing were more perfect we ' could djscern the music of the ripples In the running sap of, every leaf aud flower. A body without Bears, blemishes and weakness will, with the harmony of all its faculties perfected, revel In the consciousness of perfect health, strength and heauty forever; A body not weighed down hy gravity can rise through an eternity of worlds of surpassing grandeur amlscenesof magnificence and brillianry. Without doubt we shall carry our minds wllh us through the gtave and into that future. We shall have, therefore, the powers of learning, reasoning and memory over there. These faculties carried over there, God will complement with the things that feed and gratify them. Reason feeds on cause and effect, and on cause and effect mathematics, philosophy, astronomy, mt»lc and science are founded. H Is reasonable we»ball have all these over there, and with our powers of learning aud memory almost Infinitely increased, what stores of knowledge are awaiting the future man possiblo and highly probable, over there. These facts give man something to do In heaven. For man, hnman nature, must be aptlve to be happy. The Savior gave us the earn» thought when ho taught us to pray; "Thy will be done-on earth as It is done in heaven." I' love to think that lu the future 1 shall grow forever; forever lay hold on facts, truths, loves, beauties ami harmonies, and grasp and hold them in Ihe grin of a deathless mind nnd memory through the endless ages. What thoughts and joys, and loves and experiences will be treasured up In a memory that shalt ftfrget nothing through the everlasting years. These powers will appreciate accordingly as they have been developed lojlt and understand and enjoy; and tills is the principle that shall "grade" iih and make our "degrees" uf happiness In the future. The Savior himself recognize«this great principle of prepared receptivity in order to enjoy heaven. It Is not for me to give yon a place on the left or right hand of my king dom. God gives them to those for whom they are prepared," and they are prepared to receive them who have drunk from his cup nlid been baptized with Ills baptism of suffering. And hence Christ replied to his disciples, if you would have high place» of rank In 'degree" above others, you must fit yourself by experience and suffering love. It view of Christ s sufferings: Wherefore. God hath highly exalted him and given him a name above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that he is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." (Unnatural that there nre degree* In heaven. Vegetable aud animal Hie exist lu varying specie» and hence of degrees. There are some 3U0 species of the rose; some 200 species of the dog. Men are made differently one superior to the other. Food, climate, soil, sky and education have much to do with the different types of men. But as to genius and native faculty, some men are euperior by creation to others; anil It Is not In tne power of education to make the inferior man by creation the equal of tho superior genius. Yoii can not make eagles out of geese. God l* the author of their degree* and grade*. This law of variety we witness in the star«. "Ono»tar dlffercih from another in glory," and the holy Scriptures teach that men shall ad differ in the resurreiuon, The old theology taught we should all'be a'lke o* so many moulded caudles, one scarcely distinguished from another. The Savior»aid to bla aponues, that they who should foffowjln the regeneration, when he should sit on the throne of hi* glory, should sit upon twelve throne* Judging the twelve, tribe* of Israel." Here la a remarkable superiority affirmed, and hence degree«of prominence In the everlasting kingdom of God; and that they of his disciples who should rule well over a few cities,»hottld be made rulera over many cuies. And here he puts in a figure, degree of trust and prominence among men in the life to come. Men in heaven, a» they are on earth, are like sponges of varying capacities, Each bolds till full, but some being larger, hold more than others. And the eame great law measures our.enjoyment* here when epplisd to mueic, painting, architecture, oratory, all science and philosophy. ~ Thsre are "weight*»eight* of glory" In la that world. But Paul Iron a hi* great Buffering* and eacrl- Dee* and thei consequent capacities for' enjoyments.lool... fced "forward "to T a far more exceodlog and eternal weight of glory. Batnt* and alaggirds will not, by virtue of their differing culture, r«elve the «m e glory. God hang* premium* on Industry and faithfulness here, nud he Hay* he will do It hereafter. And Ulsjnet that he should do so. We shall Uko our heart-life over there, ne slinfl love over there a* we have heart capacity, Big heart* will love more because capable of more; heiice there will be degrees and nlonen of affection nud friendship* there. The Uw ol " nfllnlty will, therefore, obtain there ns here. We will love some people more because they nretnore lovely nnd more of them to tovet There men will love right forth«love of right. And it will be w> of truth, goodness, righteousness, liberty, justice and the eternal beauty. The loves of life will be carried over there, and somehow and in same wav we shall know each other there. Our Savior said: I go to prepare a place for you." If we shall realize that promise, we must know ourselves a* ourselves, and tint a* others. and others will do the same; and. therefore, income sense, there wilt be mutual recognition. lu the son*» of personal Identity, This fact obtained at the Transfiguration. TJifro Moses nnd Elias from the Spirit-world appeared, and were jn-nonihly -recognized, and talked with Jesus Christ, and ho himself said: "Many shall come from the Kart and West, atid North and South, and sit down in bis kingdom wlfh Atonliam, Isaac and Jacob. Hives and Lazatns 4 uslrate the»am«fnct. There was then littue Hplrlt-wnrld a recognition of personal Identity and individuality, fives also remembered the world he had left, and desired that messenger* should be sent to wnrri hie five brothers " noj to come to that place of torment, lnstluft demand* that we»hall In some sen-«renew our friendship nnd love» over there. InstIJivt you know, I* the word of God cut in the-constltutlon of the human soul. God ha* /complement» for instincts, else why did he make them? Did he make them to deny their demand* that lie might work cruel disappointment ill the»mil» of Ills creatures? The law of Identity will not he found In the flesh. " Flesh and blood «hall not enter the kingdom of God," Well, then, How can such thing* he?" They can be as the resurrection can lie. The Corinthian* denied the fact, tor they could not eee " liow it coaid be; and Christ'* disciples could not see how these relationship* and recognition» could be! They were told that "they erred, not knowing the Scripture* and the power of God." 1 confea* 1 coold not fix up the difficulties, for 1 am not capable of running a world." Bnt the power of God can bring them nil about. Wo cannot seo how. Bnt there 'are many thing* that exist whose philosophy nod reasons we do not fathom, and yet they are and will be! Our»plrltual, worshipful natures we shall take over there, for we shall take ourselves over there, and the religious factor Is a part of man. This fact mental philosophy aud universal history attest. Man is naturally a religious being. We»hull worship, therefore, over there. This fact also the Scripture* teach us. HI* redeemed people will unite in a song of blessing, glory, honor and power to him 'that sltteth upon the throne and the Lumb forever and ever. Thy will be done on earth hh it I* in heaven. The will of <ivl is done in heaven, It will be a great, active world. We»hall have more to do than stand ill long, white robe» about the fhronejmd make bow* and sing anthems, it will bo an eternity of thoughtfulne**, love,_frltindshlp. purity, art. architecture, oratory, poetry and worntep. There, with strong, healthful, 5maiorial bodies, and minds open to truth, and heart«free to the sweet dictate* and Impulse* of love, and with spiritual natures ever drawing vis closer about God and his great white throne, we shall live through endless age» of progress! Here we have not time to travel and study the records of all nation» and tribes and tongues, There, we shall have time for enjoying the finest libraries nud largest galleries of all worlds. We shall meet tho travelers from qll' planet*, and the pure hearts, great thinkers, artist*, historian«and phllanthroplhte'. Socrates will be there to tell u* more of virtue, immortality apd tho moral law, and God grunt that Beethoven may be there to lead tho chorus of heaveh. " Holy, holy, holy. Lord God Almighty! God grant that the Apostle Jo'iu^ may bother«to teach more of the infinite love, the law of gravitation lu tho world of purified spirit* and redeemed soul*;jind that Paul may he lliuce to explain to us the providence. plan, purpose, and mystery of God exercised over us while wjfttve here. and. then, we shall see that It was all wise and well. There we shall study without limit. There I want to study astronomy millions of years till 1 have traveled and made friends wllh men aud angels in all planet* aud worlds. I want to study there, to wander through groves and «it down by rippling streams and listen to sweet voices that may come from other planet*, to sing and fill me with Joy amid the endless year». Ob! far-off shores add Summer-land of the non II God -grant that this world may be your* and mine when the gates shall open for u* to enter in. Such reflections should lift up our longing heart* nnd point them to the abode* or the holy and good, where at length will burst forth on onr enraptured vision the city ol God, which will ever unfold new beaulles and forever impart freah delight*. Oh! the raptures of ouch a vision! To the poor it Is infinite wealth; to the weary It is unfailing strength; to the wanderer a blessed home, and to the dying an ahpot»tfength mightier than death, hell and the grave. God grant that we may all share HteCtdn the boundless light of that eternnl day. \ "Beautiful Valley of Edpo. it««* Is thy noob-ude calm, orer the hearts of the w«qry Breathing thy wave«of team. **Beautiful,Valley ot Rdeo. Home of fie pure and bleai, How nmlf tee wild billow* I dream of thy rest sweet lost! There U the home of my Havlor. Therewith the blood*washed throng, Over Use high lands ot glory Rollelb the greet new soog." I aw e m y R e stora tio n to H c a lih a n d B e a u ty to the CÖT1CÜRA REM ED IES. hr* pvlsrw riu N G ilanrari R u m i n a t i l i * Jteblaf I J T srtam, Sr/.!fnt» Sait Biswam. iniaoui* Rum en cune tjt it* i-rro-t»* m u t u i» - f c T K T t i. B M O K Uk M W H M.p w m w, btwd Ind prnipttmu» «r Impari Una Md F u ta» frinì ih it fwfnrrmt iti# miuw cvncvw. u - m e stia Cnrt iceuftur»lun ricata* ud iaflamautloü. rinn (ta AU ata «>*. taafr mwn and s s ü M s r Ä S - E E a j f t, «î» r r f ^ Æ ï 3 S ^ & " Â S S P < s s s! a n taowfrrjgir«. and «ta-tal* ftlilbt* Stood r-niitan im MU IxaalUcn. COME, GENTLEMEN! You have for year* BL ACK LINED and UNDERVALUED PURE, WHOLESOME and BETTER BAKING POWDERS than your own the "Royal." By blackllii«, alleged "Government Chemist* " who do not exist, uud utidor tho garb of " absolutely pure " you have forced Into unsuspecting families a powder Which contain«the active drag AMMONIA. Eminent' physician«and chemists condemn It* use in articles of dally food. You cannot longer evade the Issue, AMMONIA. The.public will compel you to defend it* use. DO NOT TAKE OUR WORD FOR IT. * s Every housekeeper can prove the truth of our»tatjhmtots by placlug a can of the " lluya l" top down on a hot stove until heated, then remove the cv.ver nnd smell " AMMONIA." pils test will»how that the " Royal " contains AMMONIA; tliat'tiq^price s firean^ Baking Powder does not contain Ammonia. Tho strength of our powder* can be proven by the consumer«reliable test, THE TEST OF THE OVEN. In my opinion " DR. PRICK S CREAM lì A KINO P O W D ER" IS SU PERIO R to the Royal Raking Powder IN E V E R Y RESPECT. R. OGDEN DOREML S, M. D., LL. D., Ifig. ni I'lirml'U ; loilrotofff la Ui«K*w Tufi B SIm * I In* pi til MMIul Coll«**." Price Baking Powder Co. B rooklyn s Great C hem ist. This is to certify that I have made a careful analysis of Ur. Price» Greiara Raking Powder and also of the Royal Baking Powder. 1 find that Ur. Price «Powder Is made of p ars' materials and mixed in-tho best chemical proportions for tho object to be attained. It contains nct^arbonate of Ammonia, but one-half a* much starch as the Royal Baking Powder, evolve» more carbonic acid gas. both by analysis and by a practical test in the preparation and baking of biscuit«, make» a lighter, better flavored, and, In my opinion, more wholesome article of food. I regard the Price Raklag Powder as superior to the Royal Baking Powder for the following reasons; 1. It contains uo Ammonia, a substance which I* not advisable In articles of food and unnecessary. If It I* not positively injurious. 2, It contains l«starch and, therefore, weight for weight, contains mare of the active ingredients lyid I* a purer article. * a. It evolves more carbanfc ncbl g^s and therefore more efficient, aa shown by analyst* and by experiment with a weighed quantity of biscuit dough. 4. The Ingredients aro-mlxed in better proportions, so that there 1«less free alkaline carbonate remaining in the dongh to ijnpalr digestion by neutralizing the gastric jaice. u gives a lighter and better flavored dongh, owing to the facts stated In Nos. 3 and 4 above. I know of no respbet in which Dr. Prlee * Cream linking Powder is Inferior to the itoyai Baking Powder. I aw very respectfully yours, V ". ELIAS H B A R TtEY, B. S., M. D.. 1 (. nrrntx tn IS* l»f1. nf CUf nf Urwtljn. U tturw <>n J-tiJ*lo)nlr«J tnd 1-wUral Itirm liuj In Ihn l^joir»11*1 H U ZW. l a s t I * Colli*» UotplUl. llrdle»! Cnlltg*. Do $ot take our Word for it. Let everjrsousekeeper Prove it. PLACE A CAN OF THE ROYAL, TOP DOWN, ON A HOT STOVE UNTIL HEAT ED, THEN REMOVE THE COVER AND SMELL. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. TEACHER. A com petent T eacher for a College or advanced nchool la open for an engagem ent. C an give th e ItE 'it o f oferonoea.44droes W ^ ijl-i.bton.oaro Lord èc Thomaa, Chicago, I1L A**cu n a iw l (or aratacele «u Usa ol ai* lire r«t>n*iw<i a t a u costa, bis tame. L-nr-st. nano BLAINE i CoL CmwrlL alm Ut» the turn If csmer* bl BO.WU. une «--- Il Uni In AH morlrt; man, janctt ana acllu* tlftr dall, A*tnu an toaku* funuan. TÏU nnr bsclomn uteomtfnh '(Îuwih ; (ts. yj mn» ta lad* acarit un am ds. T-rma iwutvtarai. rartieuun l i t a t e m > «ia* «o u r«rm u ta«*,«, «6 ««.tn t.«w rtad r.u - CIU4U* Un* pnatafrta bi*. and mra nlsaeiatlmn ALLEN A CO-, Auguste, Maine. JW aiitac ilt *w «m MISSOURI S T EA M Washer. «Sana a JjrtaTS S S jk.'itavjê. t TM retali, a** sa I ta»* MK, Mm aji Pleasare Beats, S C M irn l-liia AfoodCIla Jk w b v lll tn ai H 1 «l«w, 3* Utfc IfM. walafcl» to H Dm. Willi oaja.am Jirtatalroiotomdcr, AMvdrtampfor T H O B H O F OUR CUSTOMERS WAakaTa^otnefrvtaonrackMUtaaf im Caitad Maun pctbtta la Ooicn, itawu* tta mw STANDARD RAILROAD TIM E, and tta aiaw sm atatnaaob U cdart aod R u i t a e la a tltta c U M M lta O M itfa a n t wul M n o c a m aned l e tta m o g a c n a r i p t a r n s t a M t a F a f r a l! o r «a «UI a a o d fr M anp ackiram» rwaukm looaela Uatacupa. IjO R D a t h o h a m, Newspaper Adverttfllng, Chicago, HL

17 t à.u T E R A T ^ É a & K E r C ^ Í a bearing, neither ptarç nor SnitU «rears no tnnsln hoirs at uo human sbrinr, No. 21 C H I C A G O, J U L Y l i t,. v o l. x x x v r. F lradtr, <>r ttm Jtm tüa f. «ie «ip w U llj n* u «it«t to ten:, in titm s o f m m, D on't **r I can't writ* for 1 0 * t>rrvv" rñ 'tn ltimi rati*, laak* l'iato w hat o u m m t to M r, and "c u t It strait-" II *ufh eoim ntratratlou* will, bo p ropfrlr itm n i n tor publication b j His Cillton. Notices of JtwKlriB*, Jniormutloii eo o w m li«ibc nrxan tratton of new Boclrtto» or th e cou-lltlon of obi one*; movement«of Ircturers and medium*. Intirpitin# luci- detti* d spirit communion, «u t well authenticate! ae- euunu of spirit phenom ena arc at wars in place an d will be published os a m» as passible. C O N T E N T A. W iaat P s a r-m a d s in th * C «M n «t, or U n Muudni* sod «aperas! Spiritual tun. A PUcuMloo u t It «* fa b ric Heed»*, WaoosB Pio*. fto m imrtisnum lo spirita* ll*nj, ISIT- lsg4 A Cssmnoolcabou from Andrew JSftson U»tU oaonm lnv 10«United Stain* Minile«&*Ue*«C<*v*l- Sng tuai» h '.irw ln g [trois oí uptrltnal im rrcounr. T n u P s o a Womao and UM HousMkiKI. The Old Un»* school House, uaeprtn, WLM tu r* Wo LrArtWd T J uda. Ism In C hican, W sm nl br a Dream. A Hala Msenior. A T v* lu splrltc'jomiualcatton. MtsceUaoiwU Adsp». tuemeota r o e s m t»*«*. Sped*! Untie*. Notice to Biitwcriben. SumoWT Cacopsisn. WLo makm the lusdtlsr U tsile T im a s, tlooilib Adrice. Ttw Iw oocratir in o vent tint. Hr*. Latistrr aad the E le ttile Olrf. MTIC»»'«" Tirar. A PrasbftrrIaD Slew of UetllArlardsm. fleoeiml Mmes, r n r s f i s i - l e. O, W. Mn*'* Kept» tn tlqdsnn Tuttle*«n*Wi In Jlsiereneo to tbs Invo! «i-r*cuj*t,:im Stlsoel- t*l,com AilrerUsemeuu. * Birra Then U rei Mrs. ciara L. Held and Ilrr ModluiLiitdp. Uruohlsn (H- Y.l Htrlrilu«m ie tu ti;. A Sfceker EiutorsemeuL A T m tb ln t Tributs. The ERect eí Tobares a«( pudren. Miss I,ulo Hustsda Proem * In Oreet -Cmii Spirto» percelre a ltir>l«l Hull Head' - Inc Waite s Startllac Tarts, and Ib t l l m h Spirit Tuto». Notas and Hi traci* «MleaeUeoeoo* subject* g m t t T i i l- W t u o H r» I p comas In. Mlseeliaoteus Ad. m t l s e m s n t * El BUT II Pipe. Then a n no Dead. Miscellaneous Adrarümomií F riiidi In the Cabinet, or Lies Mundane and Knpt-rnnl. A Lecture JJelirvred by Charles I hue barn at Frobit her Hall, Sew York City, r[{sported forth* lm tcurl tdloaopblf«journal.) Mao ou earth must lit» true to his conditions or he will pan«out of exigence; but he has conditions of the body and conditions of the soul. The perfect man Is one grand harmon-, lal whole, but the cottage In which that uip known one resides, has not yet been discover od. if we are not fanatics we are ready to acknowledge that man s duty to himself and the world demands that he shall so live os to remain on earth as long as possible. It is at once obvhus thaj the conditions of a nation surrounded by coarse, grasping, sensual foes, is very different from that of a people seeking the greatest happiness of the greatest number, and with neighbors of similar desire. If we as sensible men and women acknowledge self-defense as a necessity under the first named conditions, It la equally obvious that oar dqty is to defeat our foe at the least pos- «1* le coat to ourselves; and bo we lay our plans to make him believe our attack is to be by daylight upon yonder fort, while we mean really to surprise his camp In midnight darkness. Just as the quail runs before you with drooping wings and halting stew to lead yon front her young, so we with the lie of deception entice onr foe to his ruin. If the conditions of our life fee such that the horrtjrs of war be a necessity, then all but the fanatic Will see that with shot, shell and bayobet. Ilea go aa a part of the paraphernalia of ^ar; ana the greatest general will be the one who moat successfully 11«the enemy into deadly ambosh and total defeat. But mark this: It 1«only becaaae war la a brutal necessity that lies become justifiable ns weapons in the conflict. As soon as your object tie pepce instead of battle, your lies must be pnt sway with yonr shot and your shell, or peace becomes Impossible. If your opponent be deceived into peace by a tying treaty, war is sure to again break out. It Is irtvii good; hut when the patient discover«this lmbit, lie will place the doctor an tt professional liar, in the same school as the Jesuit and the i hrlstinu Fathers. The coming physician will scorn a lip ns much as he will avoid blood Idling, or impregnating a healthy child with rotten pus, to save him from small-pox. True manhood means honor lu word and deed. Give me only candor. Open-hearted sincerity of word and action, and my friend ami I will clasp hands through life, even though differ Ing tastes bar close companionship. The true man Is full of charity. He will not hastily impute untruth and deceit when a statement is made that seems Incredible. It 1«well for us to remember that truth Is many sided, and like the Obelluk (n Central Park, though the writing may vary, It over stands on the same pedestal. Now, remember to what we have committed ourselves In the beginning of this lecture. We have acknowledged that if war be a necessity, we must no more object to lies than to shot aud to shell, because they go together, and are sworn brothers In arms. Hut notice, the lie works harmoniously with war, a Imply because war la itself an outburst of manhood s hell of passion, and therefore the lie accompanies It every time. The lie not only springs from man's lower nature, but U proves that for the tlrtnrtkat lower nature is uppermost. The only possible' Justification of a lie, as of murder, ib that it is a horrible necessity springing from man s Ignorarce how to accomplish hla purpose m a belter manner. Some hate a Ho, as we hate war, disease and everything that pulls mao down to heaathood, It Is also well for ua to notice that the world furbishes greater variety in individual manhood shown In separate races. The lower- down the man, the inore certain aud/natural the He. J^he more elevated the manhood, the more repugnant becomes every variation from truth. * The wondrous bond of sympathy existing between mortals and spirits Is based every time on mental level, and not at alt on education or social refinement. That la one grand fact, and another Is that death does not necessarily effect any change in a man s nature or disposition; so thn earth liar becomes the spirit brother of all who iove a He and glory In deception. It seems to me that thongh- our subject he with reference to lies we are already extracting from it some important truths, of which I propose to make practical application. The Spiritualist Is blessed with the grandest -flluiosodhy to which human nature Jim aspired. No grief need merge into hopeless sorrow now, lor the loved one lives, and can assure you of continued love and a natural immortality. This is the truth the human heart has sought from the beginning, and It Is the joy and glory of the llhh century. It is asserted that Strae human beings now on earth are so horribly at war with themselves aud society, as to delight in making fun of the holiest feelings of the human heart. We can understand the position of the man who demands the easiest possible living and ehooees fraud to accomplish that end; bat the other seems so horrible, so positively devilish, that we have to listen to the confession of the miserable wretch. In order to believe it. A work has recently been published by one Truesdeli. of Syracuse, N. Y called " Bottom Facts in Spiritualism, actually written to establish hls/own eminence in fraud, or to exhibit hla lore of practicing deception upon mothers, daughters, husbands, wives, brothers and slaters, who have sought, or hare been Invited by, this wretch, to hold holy spirit communion through his medlumahip. He takes os the matter for hla book: If I am deceived, 1 pray that I may not know it: but If I kuowttt, I pray that I may be able to laugh at the whole affair. In nls work, he not only magnifies the long exposed frauds of real or pretended media ms. but casts a lying slur on the thoroughly proved facts of Spiritualism. He describee, for instance, most minutely, how he got the memorandum in war that man? lowest propensities come- book out of a gentleman s pocket, who bad to the front, and it is with just those faculties of human nature that a lle ls in harmony. Aa he gradaally rises Into a nobler man hood, truth comes to the front, and it is an essential of this progress that the lie be Ipft b e h ld d r- Notlee how some national disputes have recently been settled by arbitration Instead of by war. This has been a grand advance towards crowning the soul as sovereign over the body; but arbitration demands truth as^ the first and all-lmportaat condition of success. It has been discovered that lies of trade and commerce don t pay. Yon will find every large buslncim In the world conducted on priociples of honor; only the huckster and the pettifogger lie now a-days, because they or* too Ignorant to tell the trn»ji. whea yon wish to proclaim a man as honorable yon say: His word la aa good as hla bond I What do we find ourselves proving? la It not, first, that the lie 1«the product of the animal In man; and next, that as man progress- ea he outgrows the.he, and discovers that troth la an element of advanced manjiood? Our definition of a He U very tm p tf: **A misrepresentation with Intent to deceive. The early Christian Fathers preached that It U right to He to the glory of God. Aa a necessary consequence onr thinkers of to-day count them as professional Liars. A similar principle is attributed to the Jesuits, and. they are always suspected of working la the dark for an unlawful end; yet they five self- sacrificing, devoted lives, and possibly accept the brand of suspected liar aa an element of martyrdom. Not long aloes a learned doctor told ma that be often deceived his patients for their called for a sluing, and need the names aud information so gained to forge spirit communications which delighted hla visitor. I merely speak of this as proving to yon that there are human monsters now on earth, who.have no respect for the **Holy of Holies *TIn the human heart, and who rejoice with fiendish glee, as they publish their Infamous deceptions to the world. If there be now tn our midst men aud women, living like ghouls, feeding upon human hearts, remember that they pass unchanged Into spirit life, and watch-eagerly for conditions which will enable them to return and ridicule human affection. We have now submitted two facta that will assist ua In getting onr subject Into clear and distinct form. First, that a lie is a necessity of those gross conditions that force men Into war, quarrels and bloodshed, and Is just as true to Us conditions as the noble development which impels a man to sacrifice his life that others may be saved. Tbs second fact is: There are men even -to-day In clvllixed society, whose life Is on that low level, that a lla>ls positively truth.to their conditions, and accords with their sense of enjoyment. We will now add an equally important fact: There are amongst ns, men and women, who love truth with their wusle tools, and whose lives are beacons pointing io the grand possibilities of true manhood. ATYof-vtia know such men and women; and with all your admiration yon have to acknowledge that they are better fitted to mingle with angels in heaven than to match wits with the wicked ones of earth. They may have gained the harmiesa- ness of the dove, but they have lost all the wisdom nf the serpent. Truth! <ih absolutely an effect nf the sphere in.which they ilwqjl as a " lla " 1«In harmony with the lowest conditions of life. Ho here we see two distinct «pharos of life opposite as. the poles each true tn itself and each unable to understand the other. The higher sphere sees good In all. things, puts n charitable construction on thedmibtfnl, and bsttfvss in the Inherent «r-, 1ri t i.f Unman- nature; the lower speaks, act«and believes lu the virtue of a lie, and considers human nature as one vast field of fools, tn which the smart can find»port and great gain, Kxtreinlsts are unsafe counsellors at all times and under all circumstances. Fortunately forth«world the most of men In which I modestly Include yon and myself straggle for a foothold on a plane midway between these extremes, which we believe to be the realm of common-sense. We recognize that there are those thoroughly unprincipled by organism and conditions, who are lying In wait to swindle ns at every opportunity; and we claim the right to protect ourselves and repress the scoundrels. On the other hand, we listen kindly to the appeal«for universal charity made by our brothers of the '* bright extreme, * for we admire, respect and love them, one of tha objects of this lecture Is to show these gentle souls onr true stand-point, and prove it to ba founded upon justice both to ourselves and to those w*> blame. Notice the old troth: "All men are In harmony with spirits of their own nature«. The " Truesdeli" sphere, outside earth-life, 1«tn eager harmony and accord with the " Tnies- deh*' nhedlum«in cabinet aud circle. On the other hand, there 1«no Influence so bright and pure that it will not be tn lore and fellowship with natures-for instance. Ilka those of our brothers, Thos. K. Hazard and the late Robt. Dale Owen. Yon and I are. of coum-. particularly disgusted with the "Truesdeir sphere of falsehood, and mean to protect ourselves; but we are compelled to acknowledge that many of t lmf earth saint«live In r, sphere altogether too angelic and unpractical for earth life, under the conditions of. to-day. We crave communion with the Spirit-world, and are willing to submit to any reasonable condition«to attain our object; and we now propose to have a talk with spirits and mortals from this platform that shall «bow just what we require, acid prove that we are dwellers In the realm o r common sense. Spirit«have claimed for a long time that they have the power of matenallxatlou; In other word«, can now make themselves visible and tangible to mortal«. I am one of those who beljet«this phase to be a truth, as welj attested u«most other facts of earth life, necessarily rare and exceptional. Yet we all know, and none can deny It. that there are continually exposures of outrageous fraud, perpetrated by mediums of great notoriety, spirit«give u«a clue to thl«, for they always tell ns that the more gross the spirit, the greater bis power over crud> matter. Necessarily such spirit«will find.(he most harmony In worklug through mediums of their own moral stand-point,which you perceive Is the claae In which man «lowest propensities are uppermost. Therefore, as common sense Investigator«, we know that when we enter the public miscellaneous Inharmonious dark circle or materiahzation stance, we are placing ourselves in thatspbereof sensualism which reeds war and fra lid. and where "Trnes- dells are particularly at borne. It Is at this point that common sense comes to the front, and «ays to the medium: "We don't accuse yon of fraud just because you are a medium. We do not accuse your spirit controls of frand until such a charge 1«grounded upon suspicions clrcufnstances; but aa both medium and control, by the very necessity of the case, belong to a sphere wherd fraud -Is possible, we intend, to take every precaution against bfingfopted by a Truesdeli." 8o far 1 am snre I have your warm approval, and you will agree with me that any Instrument capable of being used by the Bpirit-world Is of too great value to be lightly trifled with. On the one hand, onr friends of the "brightextreme-are shrieking, "Sacrilege!" when we count the medium as a responsible mortal; and on the other, we have "Trnee- dells" watching every opportunity to mark ns aa "plucked geese. With singular Inconsistency, we are told atone time of the necessarily unprogressed spiritual standing of the medium s band, and almost in the same breath we are exhorted to leave everything to the sagacity and wisdom of the spirit*, and when a bare-faced fraud is exposed, It is always the modi am poor thing who has been the victim df "TrueadeH" spirits brought therp by the sitters. A*ay with such atrocious nonsense Away forpver with the aksertion that the Justifiable and necessary suspicion of dishonesty felt by tbs investigator, Is be cause of any fraud in which the medium may be detected! Gentlemen of the "bright extreme," we have shown you that you regard us as fools when you aak us to give up our auspicious under present circumstance«; but we will meet you in the ance on a platform of perfect candor. We have a right to our suspfeioos. and ao we avow them. Now, we demand of the rsplrlta that they meet ns with equal candor. Gentlemen controls from the Spirit-world. word with you, and It shall be the word of candid, honorable men, First, allow as to place your medium Under each conditions that be cannot commit fraud os bis own ao- count and charge ft to you. We will not dictate bow thla «hall ba done, bat done It m att he to the satisfaction of every bo«' % skeptic. Next, we wi-*h you to nolle«that yon are constantly accused of tran»'!lgiira-!l<»n; that into -ay nf using yonr medium to personify spirit-ret urn, Thai may be an interesting phase worthy of utteutioli, but we d e m a n d th a t >you «hull p ro cla im the fact from the c a b in e t every time, under p e n a lty of being justly Accused of fraud if we detect your m ed iu m m ad e up a«a spirit, Further, we have no objection to your manufacturing lace, shaw l*, and dress««by supernal method* neither to bejrslg. to the "bright extremists." nor to the "Truesdeli frauds; we, who aspire to live n-eful. honorable- live«, adapted to the year.lwh, we have duties to ourselyes Hiid to other* which should impel as, as Spiritualist*, to take «decided stand against pos-ubjhtie* and probabilities of fraud tn medl.timshfp. Though honoring every true medium the world over, to be aided in times of trial and dlstre*.«. yet let u* v l our foot firmly down, aud demand reasonable fraudunknown to us. In fact, we will welcome proof coaditloris every time, or else boldly such exhibition of your power; but If you proclaim that fraud being possible, we will need any white muslin with spangle«; or gar- nave nothing to do with U. ments and ornaments of mortal manufacture, ; Let ti* ever keep before u# the striking we demaud that they shall all be on exhi- scientific fact that in the public stance on billon before the stance commences, under stated day«and hours, it is Impoaslbje but penalty, once again, should they be found that fraud must be the rule, «luce the medl- fn possession of your medium, that you be I urn cannot supply conditions to suit a pob- joatly pointed to with scorn as "Truesdells" i' lished advertisement. The Trueedein coo- of the Infernal region. I tro! knows this; the medium knows it. too. These are vegy reasonable requests, and yet ] and tby result Is u disgrace to ouraacred absolutely necessary for your»ucee** and for j cause, not by the exposure, but by the fact our satisfaction. Give ns fraud-proof eondi- that Spiritualists deliberately leave iligm- tions.and we will not murmur though the selves open to fraud, thereby throwing sunlight be low, and when a vivid imagination pidon, on the genuineness pf all spirit phe* claim«a long lost friend, we are not going {uomena. to quarrel with the IdwitlOcotlou. If you j Sb I repeat In conclusion, let ns ever do- need a cap and curls, a'heard and paper of raatid: pin«, «ay m with candor, and we will hand 1. Bach conditions that a "Trueodell m»- them In through the curtain to the spirit, dlum cannot rtieat if hit wish to. dreaming room, nut remember. If you decline 2. Lei us demand that the control declare our honest aid and prefer to " T r u e a d e H " whether he Is exhibiting materialization, or them into the cabinet, we shall hold your 1«using the medium a*» make-believe spirit," medium responsible. In other words, we will 3. Let us also demand that If any material is needed for make-op. let the control sayao, and have it on exhibition for the sitters. And, then, ah ' Spiritualist*!. I beg and prny-on behalf ofvour sacred cause, that you will help to relegate all fraud-caught medium«back Into the ranks of honest labor for daily bread, In this work-a'-day world of ours. SPIK1TT ALMS* A Disc nul on About It lu a 1 ubllc Meeting., Mr*. J.,/. IAllie and /-.'.r-.surroÿaîe Dailey in -the.iicm aftri, and tin Ktv. Etka*, Whitney in thesejjatir* " Manifcitationt o f Spit it /'over " by Mr». Lord and Mr, MOttkevi Some Eeeult» Thai Attonith the Çkeptir» and Other» thpt Attonith the Medium». ihrookljn. N V,. Colon.;, Central Hall, in Fulton street, was crowd- ed to snffocation last night by an audience composed partly of those wtjo believe in nio- ytern Spiritualism and partly of those who do not. and who had come to listen to a continuât ton of (lie discussion began aiweefc ago on Spiritualism. Colonel John D. Graham, who said he was a Spiritualist, presided, aod the meeting wa>-opened with a prayer by the Rev. William Werandia city missionary. The question reported by iqe committee for discussion was: Are modern spiritual manifestations sustained by science and revelation?" The discussion was opened by Mrs. T. J. Lillie. Her address wan quite interesting to listen to, bat It was far more-eloquent than It was argumentative. Bhe claimed that Bpir- ttuattsm Is a science and that tb* power which produced the first rap was a spiritual power. She also claimed that the writings of Andrew Jackson Davis were as much a spiritual revelation to hlm m were those of St. Pan! and St. James to them, and said that his writings were as sacred to the Spiritualist as whs toe Bible to the Christian. Revelation means the Christian s Bible aud all tbé spiritual revelations, of to-day are foretold by the revelations of the Bible. Had she.time to cite chapter and terse Bhe could prove that the revelation of God was the revelation of a spiritual power, and that the revelations of to-day were sustained by the revelations of the Bible.' It Is the old revelations that need the'sustain lag power oflhe new. sad not the new that need the so-rtaiolng power of the old. If she were asked if modern spiritual revelation was «ns- tained by tb* om revelations,»he should answer that they were sustained by their own merit«and by ancient revelation as well God. Mrs- Lillie said, le a spirit: or to make it a little plainer. God 1«spirit. If there is any revelation that sustain«the power of God ft [* the revelation of the power of spirit, and that revelation Isaabrosdand comprehensive now as ever. Every revelation of the power jof God Is a revelatioq'of the power of eplrll. She might epeak, she» id, of all the révéla«j tiens given a«, but on* Is as good os a tfaon- come«oat Into the world where rent pres*«w. ouad. Tb*y take this book and claim It as an expenses worry, and money must be bad, rotire revelation throughout; ahe took th* and when, under such circumstance«, one or «atne *ad.*aid It was a mistake. Its bis- two'genuine material i» i ion«a week are all tories l record«, do not coïncida with d'cn* that I» possible. You and 1 go to a stance revelation. There an. in it recorda of ware and detect fraud, we are at once grossly J gad terrible deed* that Not Us pages.and. she insulted by "bright extremists, ai haring!,*w Ured. with all reverence, she skid, that brought condition«certain to manufacture H^he sooner these tbinga were expunge 4 from fraud. Ielalm there are just three probable j the book tb* batter the day» that are eutolng. meet you with honor and candor every time, and hurl back with worn th* insinuation* of the "bright extremists thntweare the cause of yonr acting dlshouretly. Does truth beget a lie? Can candor bring forth a "True*.! el I?" Once again common sense triumph*. As for the public, miscellaneous, inharmonious davs circles, held by physical mediums, you. my hearer*, know from my previous lectures, that I hold-them tn abhorrence. There 1* little or no chance for protection against fraud, but it Is when they are genuine that I hold them 0«most dangerous, for the gate of hell is opened, and Truesdells" of the pit can hold their orgies. Would yon have your pure wife or daughter placed in the dark, in a crowd of licentious ruffians, when one could ebme and whisper, I am yonr grandfather; ' another call himself T aele. and a third pose as a cousin or a school fellow each offering an insulting^ cares*? Y ou know the very thought Jill* you with horror, yet this Is constantly hap-j peniug In dark circle«where "Truesdeli* reign supreme. They have an extension of the faculty beyond the portal, and gain information that you think «acred to yonreolf I and family, and then u*e those very faffs to falsely convince you of their Identity; aud so you sit. thrilled with joy, when ft is a thousand to one that you are surrounded by "Truesdeli friends. The momentary insulting embrace might, perhaps, he of little consequence; but if your wife or daughter happen to have a aeusitivs medlumistic organism. they cad follow her and make life a bell for months and years. We punish the pimp and the procures* who begbile girls to ruin; but- here are actually noble men and women ofto-day*living lives of the "bright extreme," who aid encouraging and aiding these -tityjeqdiir spirits, because in their own innocence they cannot realize the possibility of such devilish propensities,. Yet It seems to us, of the. common average, that the fact of an earthly Truwdeir proves the existence of the spirit Truesdeli" with ilk* propensities. We have now but two more facts to engage onr attention in this lecture, leaving a broader generalization of spirit-frauds to our next lecture, which will be upon Difficulties and Dangers of^bpirtt Communion," One -of these two facte 1«, that the "bright extremists do get in some cases genuine manifestations when the iw'-aaee Is not, fraud-proof. I believe that angel purity may at time«be-welcoroed by ' Truesdeli spirits, giving gteat credit thereby to the cause of materialization; but 1 Insist that this is necessarily exceptional, and that even Hazard, Miller or Colby can command no Immunity from deception, for thety angst friends.must tread earth s stage with a "Trcesdeir as manager every time. In the privacy of home, where the medium know«no unrelieved necessity, and need never ait unless she so desire, the "Truesdells find every inducement to aid the true appearance of spirit form. The second fact Ls that this same medium and possible frauds In every uusceuanwas public stance: Flrtt, from Trtwdell." control«; second; from *Trne*dell" mediums, and, third, from Truesdeir sitter» who may manufacture an exposure just for fan and to create a sensation. Now candor between sitter, medium and control. such as I have pointed out, would render all this impossible, and secure either a genn- 1b* m aterialization, or e l** a gaasune tran»- figuration; and If neither t>> poasibh! thru let tb * m *dlom w ith ouy knowledge and auction, show aa a "geonine fraud.'' up the spirit appearance from tb * we will opaalyfurnlah him. A n d, now, ladle* aud g m common average of mom, w* Who Looking at tfi* past «e-find mediums tor every phase, and revelation^ that are ou c par with the intelligence of the day. There OU beta amevetopaient of spiritual manifestation. and ae men have,b*»ne bettor able to comprehend tb * light higher manifestations have been given. Mre.'Lillie referred to the matoriauxing «Trance» of to* present day, which arrecofiél at by *o toaoy. end comp a rti them to the handwriting oc the wail ' feevt. whtob. eb* c at Belshazzar's MfUhg Botri Utoliem- Tbe guette n tb* faett sew * hard Write b* M to H l. Uto materializad thorgtt there were

18 RE LI Gl O-PII I LO SO PII I CAL JOURNAL. JULY 19, For U»s ItflUloPtilldKOblm JoortmL From Puritanism to Spirituu11"rti m BY GILES B. STElllJlSS. CHAPTER HI. HELEN E. BENSON UAKltlSON. Of Mr». Garrison, I transcribe this tribute, given lit her funeral by Wendell Phillip*. Up knew lier far better than 1 did, but my dear remem lira uce of her nd nil ruble character nml thoughtful kindness makes Ills every word true. He said: **How cheerfully»he took up the dally burden of life and effort. With what werene cour* age she looked Into the face of peril to her own life, and to those dearer to her tluin life. Trained mining friend», with the blood of martyrdom and se)f-«acriflce In her vein», she came m> naturally to the altar! Sheltered in th i jail, a great city hungering for his life, how strong her husband must have been When, they brought him his youtig wife's brave words: *I know my hunbaud will never lie- tray liie principle».' Helpmeet, indeed, for the pioneer In that terrible fight! The most nose I fish of all human beings, she poured her strength Into the lives of those about her A youug mother, with the cares of a growing family, not rich lu means, only her own hands lo help.-yet never fulling In cheerfui welcome, with rare executive ability, doing a great deal, and ho easily a» never to seem burdened! She made a family of their friend», aud her roof was always n homo for all; yet drtidgery did not check thought, or caia narrow Her Interest. She was not merely the moturt or the head of a borne; her own life anil her husband'» moved hand in hand In eurii loving accord, seemed so exactly one. that It was hard to divide their work. At the fireside, la the hours not frequent of relaxation, in scene» of stormy debate, that beautiful presence of rare sweet ness rind dignity, what an Inspiration and power it was! And then the mother fond, painstaking and faithful...she Is not dead. She Is gone before....s he ban joined the old band that worked life-long for the true and the good...we can see them bend over and lift her up to them, to a broader life. She works on n higher level; ministers to old ideas, guards loving-' ly those «he went through life with." PERSONAL INCIDENTS AND ACQUAINTANCES Tbe anti-slavery movement was a signal illustration of the power of truth. Here wa» the slave-system, strong In Its control of over 11,000,000.4KX> Invested in human beings a great and hideous monnpoly. Parties, sects, office holder», and pulpits were In It» hands. The people were Inert, unless aroused, ami then their prejudices were largely with Hie slaveholder. For one poor man to demand the immediate overthrow pf this system seemed absurd. Daniel Webster denounced Hie anti-slavery movement as a " rub-a-dub unite Hon." Tbe poor world, then even more than now. saw power only in money nml iu the machinery of'party and sect, and had tynall thought of ii mightier power, spiritual ' ami Invisible. A few saw deeper; James Russell Lowell said: " Men Ot a thousand»hi Its anil wiles, look beret Bee one MmtjrhMorwrjnl eonielenee put In pawn. To win a wurtili sen the obedient *pb*n\ ifr bmtenr's Simple irmvitatl»q Urawu.*' Conscience won: politicians and pulpits f ave way; parties broke In pieces; gold was tit dross as against justice; shivery went down, and the planter in Georgia joins lhe abolitionist In Massachusetts in rejoicing at its downfall., In the pioneer anti-slavery lecture field, from Maine to Missouri and Delaware, I spent J eare In cities, towns, aud country byways. great book coujd be mortrthhn filled with Stories ot hospitable homes, mu) warm welcomes, golden conptinsnhonf for prejudice and contempt elsewhere, and Inspiring helps in the'great contest. Misunderstood and disliked or hated by the outside majority, the abolitionists had a warm side for each other; and this, with their Intelligence, moral courage and fidelity, made their society both delightful and Instructive. I hnve often heard It said, and truly, that if their efforts never freed a slave, the benefit* of moral education ana the culture of character for themselves wonld more than pay for all their troubles and trials. People marvel at the growth of Frederick Dougins» from the Ignorance of slavery to his present eminence. He had twenty years of the best education in America. ho University could have given such scope for mental ahd moral culture as the society of the eminent anti-slavery advocates, the hearing of their great speeches, and the reading of such books as they, or his own genius, might BUggeat. In the light and warmth of «neb an atmosphere his large faculties gained wealth and freedom. One of my first Journeys in this field was in 184ft, from Hatfield to, the Western Reserve In Ohio, to Join Stephen 8, Foster aud Abby Kelley, for three months. I reached Ashtabula with five dollars in my nurse, and with the supreme Independence of youth, which made much or little of small moment. The great grove meetings were full of novel attraction. Eq one place 1 remember, where thousands gathered, a farm wagon used as a speaker's stand, was taken to piecesju the night end its wheel«and frame scattered over the ten acre lot. In thecwornlug, after it was again pat together, Mr. Footer stood up la* It and said he had seen some courageous act«, but the bravery needed to mob an old wagon In tbe dark was most wonderful!" There was a great laugh, and tbe wagon was thereafter safe. A young man once came to me, led me carefully aside So a fence-corner, and asked anxiously: "Does Mr. Foster believe in marriage?" 1 answered that I never asked him, but he had told me he was to marry Abby Kelly lu a few months, at which Hie young man was greatly relieved. Prejudice breeds strange fancies. All that Foster had said of marriage was to rebake ite.vlolation in slavery. In private life 8.8. Foster was gentle and true; one of the very kindest of friends;, in G blle hie word» had tbe directness and an- tiding sternness of the Puritan. He was a Puritan, in grain' and temper, nml early training; and study for the ministry in an orthodox seminary in New England deepened his Inherited quell ties. Their creed he did not believe, bnt he scourged the upholders of slavery, aa John Kook In bis Scotch pulpit scourged heretics, aud like John Knox he called thing» by their right names. The communion tables of Presbyterians. Methodists and others, reached from the sunny south to the Dine woods of Maine, ail were "brethren In the Lord together. The 'Southern brethren" held and bought and sold slaves, were "man stealers," the Northern brethren fraternised, with them, kept silent as to their crime, aud called them Christian», He charged the American Church and clergy with being u A brotherhood of thieves, and made that the title of a widely-read pamphlet of fearful facte. This terrible logic startled the duuect, and.was hard to escape from. If a good church member or preacher denied it, and wished a bearing, he was fairly and fully heard, hot than earns the crushing vejoiatier. In Marlboro chapel, Boston, I saw him go to the platform carrying a pair of heavy slave-shack les and au Iron collar, Lhree- protig*h and ugly looking, in due time he spoke, rattling Hie shackles he said: " These are your bond* of Christian fellowship:" holding up-1 he great collar arid clnspltig ft about his neck, with its prongs standing oat above ills head, he continued: And this 1» one of your token» of Christian lover and told where these carue from, that iioue might doubt their genuineness. He was nn agitator aud did a needed work. Ktnerson s description of a strong orator well applies to him: "He mobbed the mob, and was more audacious than they;" but ho was not recklessly destructive; he wn» only smiting down the had, that the Í ;ood might live all the belter. Few did more or the final triumph of freedom than Ihis strong.and excellent man. In New Lisbon one night s hundred of ns stayed at tho (junker homo of Mr. Garrolson^ sleeping in row» feet to feet on Hie floor, which' was strewn with straw covered with coarse cloth- About midway in the rows were two \lall Virginians, slaveholders, who had come Over to Sear tbe abolitionists. Their feet almost touched, anil-one laughingly said: "Gen- tlfimen. this Is Mason and Dixon s line. No man crosses this in safety" They were manly characters, greatly interested, ami well-behaved. The next day a riot broke up the meetings for a time, and filled the streets with dire threat». In tilts the Virginians took no part, hut expressed a lofty and genuine contempt for it. Boon came a reaction, and great audience» kept the best order. Soon after this 1 visited Massillon alone, and a mob crowded the entrance to one hail, with tar kettle and a bag of feathers ready for nse, us I came out. A group of men guarded me. I walked near enough to tbe kettle to tourh it; oaths were plenty, but no act save ii fusliladoof bad eggs spattering the side walk, but hitting nobody. I never feared a mob. I have no courage to boast of, but have several times walkedtanletly through groupsdf angry men, shaking their fists in my face. A ludicrous Yiew of It always came up in my mind, which kept fright away, ami It Is almost impossible for a mob to touch a fearless person. In I hllilpsville, now Belmont, among the hills of Alleghany County, New York, an egg thrown through the church door, struck me in tho left eye. All night long a kind Presbyterian minister, Mr. Van Antwerp,watched by me ami kept wet and cool cloth on tho swollen and bleeding eye, and in two weeks I wns happily well, and past what seemed a serious hurt. There was great indignation among the people, and that poor egg was as good as h dozen able speeches. Going back to Ohio, a visit to the home of Joshua K. Glddlugs, nt Jefferson Ashtabula County, 1» well remembered, lie entertained U» ami others, and took part in our meetings, giving frank assent, and criticism a» frank and fair. He was a strong, brave man. unpretending and genuine, his manners those of a plain countryman who luid seen enough of the world to be at ease. A strong man physically Phi, with an aspect and carriage showing that he knew no fear. Au elderly mail came to his door on a warm afternoon, whom he greeted a» a friend. He seemed a little weary after along rid«from his farm. Mr. Biddings asked: "Where is your horse?" "At the gate," was the answer, "and I'll put him In your bam if there's room." "You don't know about the stables. I ll put him In for you," said Mr. Glddings, and the good man rested while the really honorable Congressman stabled ills hóree. It was a simple act- of neighborly kindness, and showed what manner of man ho was. Ip tho morning our host said after breakfast:' Wo have family prayers, but,if any of you prefer to bo in your rooms, there is entire freedom here. This was probably said, because he.thought that Abby Kelley a (junker education might urake stated seasons of prayer distasteful to her. If showed a largeness that we liked, and we all stayed through the sincere family worship. He after wards became a Spiritualist, and his daughter Marla, who was with him In bis last days ot Montreal, told me that his faith and knowledge gave him great light and strength, to the last. I liked the Western Reserve the northeastern Ohio counties. The really^best blood of Now England went there emigrants from the middle olas», upright and thoughtful working people. On Lodi plains, Ju Michigan, five miles south of Ann Arbor, lived Captain Laurie who found a new way of preaching the gospel. Over the gate to hi» yard, fastened to posts high enough for a load of hay to pass under, was a wide board, on which was painted a white man at one end, and a black man at tho other, holding between them a scroll with these words: Are we not all brethren?" This sermon, ba he called It. went far and wide. The daily stage would etop for passengers to read it; travelers would go that road to see it; every neighbor's child talked about jt, and so the gospel, which the pulpits failed to preach, went fprth from over that gateway. Had he been a weak mao, it might have been torn down, hut he bad a sturdy will, and broad acres and full barns, and was an upright man of a sort not safe to tamper with, and so it stood for years. One man at least, enjoyed it greatly, if I could jndge from Hie satisfaction wrti which Captain Lourle fold me of the talk it made. Id an interior town In Michigan, I gave their first antl-blavery lecture to some thirty men in a small hall over a store, while a larger number were in the room below, to bear through the open doors. The next day the talk on the streets was that the marriage institution bad been attacked, while only slavery, aa destroying marriage, had been-al- luded to. Fifteen years later, I went to that town by Invitation, spoke in a large hall filled with its leading people, audtfutered the same sentiments with their hearty applause. Odd great leason the kntl-sjavery reform Impressed upon me never to advocate or fek lows hip what 1 did not believe. I saw thir shipwreck of character, the trifling Instability. the toss of all moral power and self-respect that borne with such Infidelity the dry rot eating ont the heart. ITobe «mttaimhu A Communication from Andrew Jackson Davis concerning the United States Medical College. Conveying Some Intereiting Itemi of.spiritual Tnterconne, lit II» EtUluf L.JUi«l-tiUu»,t40au Juurakb About four years ago, while delivering a discourse before Hie ilarnionlal Association of New York City, I was "Impressed" to explain the nature and importance of human magnetism. At that time Allopathic Medical orthodoxy had succeeded in obtaining r proscriptive law, bearing heavily inni with tbe wide-spread tyranny of injustice upon all "Healing Mediums." "Clairvoyant Physicians," and Magnet 1st.» generally, practicing in tho State of New York. If they had not a regular orthodox diploma, and if this was not properly recorded In office of the County Clerk, then r o The Rev. Henry V. Plummer, of Maryland, who was appointed by the President to the Chaplaincy of the Ninth United States Cavalry a day or two ago, is a colored man, an ex- e lave, who was a field hand lu Prince George s County, Maryland, till he was emancipated. He wee appointed to a position In the Post- Office Department by Postmaster-General Cresweil, and remained in the place till be had saved enough money to pay for a course through Howard University. He woe graduated from that Institution with unusnai honor«. aud well merits the office that has been given to him. The Ninth Cavalry is composed of colored men. The Qoraford Almanac an i Cook Book nailed free oa application to the Romford Chemical Woks, Provideece, R, L the unlicensed practitioner was >peuly published a» " a quack doctor." being fable to arrest, One ami Imprisonment. In explaining tho principles and therapeutic application hf human magnellsm.aml advocating the emploraiprit of intuition and Induced culrvoyancem the treatment and detection of disease, I urged the desirableness ot trained faculliet oa the part of mediums and magnetic physicians. I suggested and urged the establishment of a Chair of Psychological Science and Magnetic Therapeutics Jn some college of liberal medicine; and the United Slates Medical College was designated by'meas the institution most likely to entertain sucha novel proposition. In response to a committee of application appointed by the Haruionlnl Association, tho College accepted our proposition with the understanding that the salary of the Professor would be annually paid by tbe Association. Thereupon I commenced exerting my influence among mediums and clalrvoy an Is, counseling them to avail themselves of practical instructions in each of the essentia I branches of a medical education; especially to become educated lu physiology, chemistry, pathology, psychology^«? the brain and nervous systems), nml lastly, to understand the history and uses of magnetism the whole effort in the college to be crowned with «legal diploma, which would give each a firm footing Independent iff the proscriptive medical law instituted by Allopathic orthodoxy. Iu substance 1 «aid; "Como with me! I will go into the College myself; I will.become a fellow studept with you, and If I can I will graduate." Thus encouraged. autt thus companionntcd aud stimulated by my personal example, a large glass of magnetic healers, mediums and clalrvoy- ants, matriculated and became students, nnd finally they graduated creditably, and with much satisfaction to themselves, being thereby armed with a legal right to practice us physicians on a footing equal to the most or- tlmdoxlu the profession, Luting the collegiate term, the old school opposition to our Eclectic corporation corik- tueucod lu earnest. First, the euemies induced the Commissioners of Charities and Correc lions, who had legal management of RelUvue, Blackwell island Hospital, to refuse to the United States Medical College, the bodies (of paupers, etc.) for purposes of disxertion. We were all In great trouble. The oilier Colleges could get their quoin of cadavers without difficulty. The President of our College being a personal friend, naturally asked me If 1 could discern a way out. One morning, about day break, I observed a group of faces in the air. (These faces. Jet me say in passing- are artistic productions. Symbols and prefigura- tlob-s of events come W ore the vision of "seers" and sensitives out of the mental energies and will-power of superintending celestial Intelligences). Apiong these faces that I beheld were twowhlph beamed encouragingly into my eye»; one was the kindly countenance of ex-judge F. J. Fithlan, of this city, and the other was the energetic face of my old friend. C. 0, Prole, of Metuchen, N. J. Immediately! visited the President of our College (saying nothing to him of what 1 had seen), and said: "There are two men who can overcome our troubles with the Commissioners of Charities and Corrections." I named them. Together we went to the office of Judge Fithlan, and made an arrangement to put our case in his hands. Atoxice I notified Mr. Poole, and he did Rot need urging, for he proceeded immediately to write and visit our counsel, and to encourage him to take hold of the case, giving him hint«from hta own store-house of legal knowledge aud practice. In a word. In due course of some legal transactions best known among lawyers, we obtained all the bodies required for purposes of dissection. * Our College was duly incorporated under the general law of 1X48. a» amended iu 1870; and we had no reason to doubt our legal existence, ButThe Allopathic New York County Medical Society instituted a suit against us, which was argued anil decided adversely iu the Supreme Court, Special Term. The ground taken wns that the law of 1848, with its subsequent amendments, was not broad enough to include a Medical College, From this Interpretation we appealed to the general term of the Supreme Court, arguing that tho additional law ot'1882, which provided for tbe incorporation of\literary-and Scientific Colleges," did cover, and was meant by the Legislature to cover, a^iedical College, Inasmuch as the very foundation of ail physiological, anatomical and pathological knowledge la based upon what Is, nnd has been scientifically demonstrated. \ Bnt just here, dear reader, in order that you should understambmy own private and personal relation to all these struggle» in behalf of the moat perfeqt medical principles, ideas and p ra c tic e s system oh broad and a plan free as the most liberal Institutions growing ont of our American Government I must relate to you another ««/mhofir vision, which the providential guardians artistically constructed in the air, early in the morning of Jniy 4th, The scene was this; Amid a rushing and crushing flood of many waters, was a prick building, which was shaken and tottering almost to its downfall, while the volume aud terrible energy of the tides increased every moment. Meanwhile i seemed to be standing upon a higher»trip of ground, a little elevated above tho raging, roaring torrents. And beside me, both to the right and to the left of me, I sawmany persons who also where looking withe threatening flood. Some of these persons were acquaintance» living In this world officers ot the College and members of the Faculty but others In the group, whom I him recogoueil. were citizens of lute skies in the Summer-land. Suddenly, and while looking at the building, which was seemingly about to fall and disappear in the overwhelming waters, I saw one ot the front wln- dowi quickly thrown up. A man appeared at ed Dean, Professor Robert A. Gunn. Recognizing this fact, and taking in at a glance the entire situation, the vision ended. Where was I? When this symbolical representation wa» given me, 1 was in Orange, N. J. I had nestled down in the family circle, enjoyiug the first few days of u very much needed vacation. What did I do? At the breakfast table I related tuy vision. Next I prepared myself as soon «4 possible, and took an early train Into this city. -Then I proceeded straight way to the office of the Dean. Knowing him to be intellectually a full-blown scientist, with a decided agnostic tendency to gravitate away from things ami symbol» spiritual, 1 said to him nothing of my vlalon. But he was very glad to see me. He handed me some important papers that a gentleman had left with him for me. Instantly, I saw my work nnd, in a word, I gave up my entire vacation, to engage iu its accomplishment. Pending the decision of our appeal from the Special Term to the General Term of the Supreme Court. 1 proceeded lo raise? an endowment fund of #50,<i00, with a view, in case of an adverse decision, to going before the Board of Regent» of the State of New Y'ork, asking them for a charter for our College under a new name. By much personal influence, some traveling, and a good deal of visitation, I succeeded in obtaining (with Prof. Gunn's indispensable aid In some Instance»} tho amount«which each friend of tbecoliege had subscribe ed to tho jmrehane of the handsome property, No. 0 Kost Twelfth Ht., for the uses of the College. The nmounts for thl» purchase were originally subscribed as au Investment for a profit at six per cent, per annum. But in ob- lalning from each subscriber the ftihnmnuat of his subscription as n free gift to the endow- ment fund, the Trustees received a property which a prominent real oatate dealer in tills city estimated at 125/00. This work was proceeded with during July and August of last year. Thus wo«ram i the College building. whliffi could be appropriated to the uses and benefit of the College, hut which, otherwise, would Inevitably have-beeu put upon tho market and sold, aud-the money returned to the original subscribers, for this proceeding was the avowed purpose of the three Trustees to whom the title was conveyed lu trust for the College, The decision last autumn of the Supreme Court sustained the Court below; and thus our only course was next to appeal to the Court of Appeal»; and, in the meantime, lo work hard to procure a charter from the Board of Regents. Hoping that we should certainly obtain a charter with our #50,000, which had been partly paid in. aud the balance subscribed; nnd, pending thpse effort«, and not wishing to be " shut up " by the dominant Allopathic County Medical Society, which held the Supreme Judges under its thuinb.we resolved.to keep the *oliege "open" to a small, class during last winter and until the usual time of commencement. In the meantime Hie Hoard of Regents met in solemn session; Kiev duly received and acknowledged and considered our application; they lifted up their hands, and said: " YVe require the #50,000 Mia I) be. not In property, etc., but in muney>qr It» equivalent, etc.; therefore, a» your moirpy is already invested, except #7/100 represented by a bank certificate with the affidavit of the Deau to that effect, ice deelinef which Is another way of saying that the Regents, like tlio/judges, live and move and bare popularity' among the tnog- nates and nabobs of tbe distinguished Allopaths, with a Homeopath thrown in now and then just fontbe sake of spice, pellets, and good fellowship at the clubs. Rut a new trouble confronted the Board of Trustees jnst here and now namely; If we were not, aud If we had not been, duly Inrnr- K rated as a College, then we coaid not con- r diplomas of legal value. The Clerks of the Counties in different States would not recognize our degrees ns legal; hence our qjie hundred and twelve graduates, truly educated women and men. would hpve no legal stand - -lug, would be subject to arrest, and thrown head long out of practice. To meet till» exceedingly serious trouble which, if not remedied, would lead bo'h tho Trustees and our graduates into endless con filets we resolved to introduces bill Into the Legislature asking for the legalization of all degrees and diplomas granted by the United State«Medical College. But we did not wish to introduce this bill,' until our case had been argued before tho Judge«of.the Court of Appeal«. lu order now, dear reader, to understand the force of wligt follow«, you should bear in mind that Ufteitimtlon was this: (I) The wfard of llegegts had refused n«a charter. although we had the required #50,(100,for the most part In money and in property; (2) the case of our Dual appeal from the lower Courts hod not yet been reached and argued by Judge Fithlan and Senator Clinton in the Court of AppeaLs; (3) and, although, we had a bill prepared to legalize our diploma» to go betere ihe Legislature and Governor, we hesitated, waiting and hoping tho Judges would decide in our favor, aud thus settle with one stroke all our troubles. And yet It was already late,in the session of the Legislature to Introduce a bill, with hope of getting It passed. This wa» the situation when the following communication was vouchsafed. It was imparted psychophonically;that is, by impressions of voice, or sound«conveying words, plainly heard by the internal ear. It occurred oa Bundav and Monday mornings, between five and six o'clock in the still hoar before sunrise. I was at tho time in the home of Mr. C. 0. Poole. MeAuchen, N. J., March 2nd and 3rd The reader will pleaae observe that I place quotation mqrks only around the language imparted by the communicator. **A word wubjfou. beloved Jackson from your no longer pld friend, William Green." Why no-iongdr my old friend? (I mentally whispered.) * ' v - " I am now living iouthfkug, in the fulnera of that unpartlcled life, which changing perpetually. 1» iteelf unchangeablt." After a prolonged silence, I a«ked, mental- 1ly: What is the trord yon would speak to uie? Educational lntererta have greatly permit, as If looking for some means of escape, Bis eye looked squarely into mine. He gee - lured toward 0«all appealingly for relief. Again bu eyes came back to mine, and they add plainly, "You«an raw, If you wilt." I now Observed that this man was our reepectplexed you of late. Too deeply they have stir- red beloved friend F Other* associated with yon. suffer needless anxiety." Why needless? I thought, MForecasting wisdom sees it 1«needless, except only as all honest agitation 1.» educational to the agitated." Wilt all our efforts end In defeat? Jackson, believe me you are on the wrong path. It is ancient to deal with the people through their judicial raters and leg- Ulatlve agents. The*«, representing the stability and resoeetablllly of the repiesaive class, wilt continue to blockade your efforts. By private conference Regents concur In a decision not to grant yonr charter, gents refuse It we turn oar propert-7 Into money, etc., and thus fulfill the very tetter of tbelr specified condition»? He answered; They can and they will evade all fulfillments on yonr part, so long as by you tbe people are kept la Igntwaace of tho superior educational ends contemplated by your College. They hnve the lognl power to circumvent your compliances by declining to 'approve,' and so on and ««forth." Mentally I said; 1 do not understand you. Please explain. " Regents (he replied) have Indefinite, and, therefore, unlimited power, embodied and concealed in these word»: *//ir ihall appear to the latiifactlan o f the Urgent«' also in these: In»ueh manner at the Urgent* mag approve.' With these phrases they can keep you out standing a life time at their closed door returning for answer, not to our «atis- faction: therefore, ice do not approve, Yes, believe me, Jackson, you all now walk in liie wrong path." Mentally I asked: Shall wc take no more steps to be legally organized? " It may be done In iho wisest way in response to the wishes of the people. To the people present, explain all the superior educational ends sought by your system, aud exhibit te them all the trial» yon haveencount> ered,"m'ou should know this: Judicial and Legislative functionaries, when at times they meet in^irtvate social conference, agree with one anothevslo oppose the inception and the muluphcatlolivm more orilinarg/ medical Colleges of any sjsirtol or class. Many Insti- tullons of inedicinehnw existing they desire to obliterate. I sympathize with them In this desire." Do the Judges regard our College as of this ordinarg class I asked in thought, * Bo you not. all of you. mean that, in ultimate development«, your Gbllege shall be superior to those exl8tfng?'r I answered: We certainly do mean what you say. " Then," he rejoined, "Why do yon not ex- plcltly and fully «furate fa<r jwopte teach them to grasp and to adopt your plenum of meaning. Before Regent«you appear asking them to institute another ordinarg College ot un'dli ijie (trut r-urgery; nml they uw m, that, seelug nothing in your avowed purposes bfr- yond selfish and ambitions tntereets nothing out of the usual path of collegiate education (in -which they wisely conclude too many medical HChoots already exist), they easily find something In your application for a charter which they do not approve. [Mr. Green was silent here. Next morning the subject was resumed as follows): Jackson! I say to you npw, fear not, because clouds of Injustice have gathered over your chosen word ' Eclectic!' Retain it. You mean Hint you (ail of yon) have discovered netr light, freedom of choice, liberty of judgment in prescription, The new light, your higher liberties, your better ends in medical research, you should offer to the people in public ashomnllcs; In free conventions called for the purpose, you all should combine lo signalize and emphasize your superior system and purposes. Instruct the people. Go to them. Tell them how, at what time, and by whom, you have been and are opposed. Explain tbe principles of unteeraat selection in Hie making and j)5**'t?f-'mt:aieine. Inform the peopla-fntiyr^expladi to the people the well-ascertained principle» you 'adrfpt.- Kx- pore the errors of your opponents. Conceal nothing. Secret things shall be revealed. Say your College Is needed because it is really E'cltelie; because It is. iu all departments Vo-educational: because It is vitally pro- ( retlive, and will eventually overthrow the Allopathic corporations In Ite onward march. Do you not soe that such a College cannot ho at this time incorporated in the State of New York? And still the people are ripe for a positive step with determination to Light. Take the advance step without concealment. Move openly among the people with perfect faith, nonsuit no policy born of fear. Love your fidlowmer. Appear iu no disguise, instruct the people. At some time, the Legislature of your own State, influenced by the people, will give you an act of Incorporation approved by the Governor. Take tho path I show you. Do not turn either way. Thus yonr trouble.» for your graduates will terminate iu a pronounced victory. Yonr uuccesafnl work for them will be the first triumph over organized and influential opponent*. They are strongly entrenched. Y'our own scattered forces will be far stronger and more uni led as you advance." In thought I asked here: Shall we go before the Legislature with our bill for benefit of our graduate»? *' Yes, he «aid. " But do not appear wjth arguments in Court of Appeals pending efforts in the Legislature." What do you say about our money-effort» *f last summer? I asked. 1 - And he replied: Do you not discern, Jack- son. that you all possess a property of value, which, as you all will see, can be disposed of or held to promote future use»?". Thus MUlilbepHychophon ie interview. Now, since that communication was received the Court of Appeals has decided that we are not an incorporated Medical College. But on tho 23rd of May, 1884, the'people of the Empire Htate in Legislature a»semuled declared, and the Governor approved, that all degrees and dl- K un* granted by the United States Medical ege prior to tula year, are equal in legal.value to the diplomas*conferred by any law fully constituted university or College in the State. This act of the Legislature became a law by receiving the Governor» signature. Bnt Jr Mr. Green from his high home is a true "seer," then we mult conclude that neither the Board of Regents nor the Legislature of this Stale, can be induced to place our College upon a corporate foundation. In conclusion I will say that Mr. Green's communication to me last March, I have not divulged to the Trustees, or to any member of the Faculty. They are of all shades of belief and doubt fa both politics and religion. 1 am, perhaps, the only thorough bred Spiritualist among them. So I intentionally concealed from them all the words of wlsdpni given from the supernal life. My own conduct In the '.premise*, I confess, has been largely Influenced by the spirit'«faithful Instructions. In justice to the membent-of the Harmonial Association at Steck Hall to show the world that they are true practical friend«of liberal medical education I will say that to sustain the Psychological Chair In the College, they have paid the Professor tbe annual amount promised: they have purchased and paid for #ljooo of College stock; tb*y bare subscribed 12,000 toward the endowment fnnd, of which sum they have paid in cash nearly #8,000; and beside«* this they generously aud cheerfully sustain the meetings at Stock Hall from September to June, now for several years. Of myself, allow me to eay a word, since the LogisUture Ind Goverbor have ie^atteeil my speelal degree and the uaualdlploma. Candid ly speaking, for personal uses and benefit*. I hod no need of the college discipline or study; but I had need of jnst sbeh a schooling for the sake of more effectiveness in matter* which in the near future may ennge some or my time and energy. My sta g in g os a student was only fair; nevertheless the Faculty an-d Trustees felt lawfully Justified in conferring upon me two degrees one Doctor of Medicine. the other Doctor of Anthropology. Au-

19 JULY li), HE LI GI O - PH I LO S Ö PIII CA L JpU R N A L. 3 thorlzed by th e se docum ent?, hut w ithout ati- m ittin g th a t they add or eigwlfy any wiper- lor know ledge on my part, I w ill eigu tny nam e In full, w ith (the flffit time!) th e letter? for these collegiate degree?. Andrew J ackson Davis, M. D A. D. New Vork City, Box uw, Station A., Woman and tint ^oujsdtolil BY HESTEB M* POOLE. lmetl*cfibnr N. J.) " TO THOSE THAI1ARE BEYOND THE RIYER OF PEACE. Wlieu heath had rlrw<l your eyw, iw rrl friend, afnl nrighliore eoiihsito borrow Some «rtrurim-nl from apmtrlili-m clay to prove Heav- vu's brlgm-wmonow, They #cano«l itwhilb your noble face, and marked racli wit*t«*l finture. And then one said, with bated breath Sire'» M ter off, in wr creature, She hail no gif I for eumuioti life; *b* wove her whim» «round lr. Nor was content to lake the world exnctly m.he found II. On man's depravity.he lri«l to graft the grace of Heaven, But nil her wit could lint nyail to make odd numb«* evep. Sir* had no call to storm lire world with her Herd.. of beauty, Ot break her *ml upon the wheel to torn) her **mo of duly. She *nw Uh»»(might forhappinew,»he told (be truth too plainly, So here.he spilled the lea* of life, ami loved am! mi (Tend vainly," Oh! fool«and blind!" of old He said. Ob! Joots anil Mind, to lwrier The Inner light for policy, and make the Irutli a martyr! I count her wasted virtue more than fraud s sucre**- f fill glaring, And her more honored in your tdmuc than ill yrnir meagre praising.' She twnl in» knee hoary sin, of elmiiualaiice or fashion, Hereyee t,«> level with the «tare lose«the light«of passion; She dwelt ajiart from dwarfish souh who called theiu-elvrs» her Irettere, Tobrcnk Hi* bread to fainting heart*, and make the l»»ur her delilor«. She deemed tlmt lust defrauded love; that wedded love i w purer Than even maiden Innocence; the Judgment wailed surer For him who dared io marruge rite a filthy heart to carry. Than for the wretch who merely rol»* a prleetljwnc- toary. She walked upright, os If that way her bruw to Heaven wm nearer; She lifted hoiirat eye* to find tw if to we him dearer; So, when ourdwett manna here no inure sufficed to feed her, God breathed u»oa her upturnnl face, and beckoned home liie pleader, He set* His»tor* above your reach; they will not unit their «bining; Hts truth eternally abides, draidte your underuiitilug. Tlien leave the.hallow plummet here, you brought to gauge your *t*ter, Nor breathe reproach uixiii the brow where bite tbe Visaed her! [ Mar)/ V. I ttkham. angels her! «OOP TESTIMONY. 1 have received several letters regarding the culture of the body n* a basis for'notil- developraent. which are of more or less Interest, The following testimony from the principals of an excellent boarding school Is In order; We consider yotir view* In regnrd to the importance of wholesome diet, excellent. We fully endorse them, nud know from tong experience In the care of the young, that a healthy development of mind aud body Is. In a great mea-ure, dependent on wholesome food and good ventilation. '"Two years ago, there were seventy-five eases of diphtheria, scarlet fever and measles, In our town of two thousand inhabitants, and all public schools had to be closed for three mouths. Hut we had not a rase In our f&ml ly or school, and were not Interrupted in any way by sickness, nor have we had need of a physician for over two years. We have our table always supplied with good, plain food well cooked. The baking we do ourselves, If our help cannot do it well,. We use the grains aud fruits and vegetable* of the season, and as little meat ns possible, though we recognize tbe laws of heredity, and provide meat for grows natures when their syaterus seem to demand It, "_W> stay at home, attending to onr nearest tlutu'-v and are not anxious about wonders opany kind. We belteveein a religion and a Sdlrftuallsm which Is firstpure, then peaceable, that thinketb no evil, and worketh none to one s neighbor, but seoketh the fruits of Hgbteousness, which are justice, patience, long-suffering, kindness and mercy, shown toward all the children of our loving Father. In brief, we eat, sleep, work, watch, wait and-pray for the highest good of the greatest no toners. Shch are oar teachings from the immortals why are as angels leading the way to a larger ASM of labor and usefulness." Mrs. Catharine A. F. Stebblns of Detroit, is active as ever in every work affecting the welfare of woman. In an open letter to the Detroit Journal, just before the Republican. Convention In Chicago, slie appealed for a suffrage plank In the platform of principles. The letter dosed thus: The higher and humaner civilization can never be reached without the recognition aud the help of woman. Morally yon perceive this, intellectually and logically vou acknowledge It, but practically, heretofore. In a place like this, jrtnj have stood dumb before the question, which' IW'V BM/WJ UUUIV Uv IVIP Mir UlivollDUi WUlvU., «ria0 i. it *». Is no longer a question. We have proven the I ff ' R? 1 *now right and justice of òur claim this many «. iîll Years, finca morn w» strive to movn the errant WOS Cold and Wintry. Edward fei years. Once more we strive to move the great heart of hamanlty In yon and through yon. After the convention and the bolt from the party by the Independent Republicans, Mrs. Stebbins sent to the Detroit 1 oit and Tribune, a letter on the " Inconsistencies of Certain Reformer'. which was pertinent and timely. These reformers, Geo. W. Cartls, George F. Hoar, and others, who hare long been believers In suffrage for women, were silent when they bad a golden opportuoltytor raising their voices In the InterestsotAajtArilo One-half the inhabitants of thelr^uuntry. The Soeiologlc Society of Brooklyn, N. T- regarding which one of its.officers, as well as a friend and correspondent of the Joi'fi- NOL, Mrs. Llta Barney Saties, ha» written, deserves fitting mention in these column». Mre. Imogen«C. Fates, the President, is as well known for Interest in social reform, as for ability and culture, and her addresses upon this and cognate subjects are comprehensive and deserving of attention. Mrs. Say lea has presented the chief features of the association In letters to the Jofrnai,, with her usual clearness and force. Tbe motto of tbe leaflets. Co-operation Is the Law of the New Civilization, declares the underlying principle nf the association. It must not he confounded with couitittinlsm, though that Is frequently done by those who give the sul>- ject mere cursory attention. There Ik, without a doubt, a grpat social ferment taking place within society, n ferment which is only partially visible upon 11» snrfilce. This Involves such question* as are treated under various lo ad-, ilk»- labor ami capital, progress and poverty (see Henry GporgPTTifTr-Kellogg, and others), social reform, etc. Among these most important ones. Is that of the relation of woman to the State. It Is too late in the day to keep her ont. Sh? is an Important factor; in truth, hone of these tiling» ran be satisfactorily adjusted without woman's keen intuitions are given free scope in organizing a better ntate.of society. It goes without saying that there will he much useless dlsciisslon-and many mistakes. It cannot be that society will ever result from n mathematical arrangement, as figures moved upon a chess-board. For there is the outgrowth of the soul within, which constantly puts out surprises. Like a shoot at the top of a young tree, no one can tell at what point a leaf nud will develop into n strong branch, or where a whorl of leaves will nt first give great promise only to wither and drop off. The tree Itself grows on, ready to breast the storms of centuries the tree of humanity but no ar tint, however Inspired, can sketch Its perfect form- That is only the work of Deity. But jwe can study the tendencies of its organic growth, and learn more uud more of the heav. only plan which*must be archetypal in the spiritual realm. Whether the Soeiologlc Society is to do all its founders hope, time will tell. This is what it teaches: "That low governs every Ihlug In life. "That society h an organism, mid, like all organisms. Is subject to the law of growth.. **That, inasmuch as the social organism i«composed of individual units, ami these units are forever changing old ones dropping off amt now mid better ones taking tl\etr place the growth of society is always toward a higher, liner, and more complete expression of life. **Thnt all development is by differentiation, variation, and the lulrmnirtion of new types and orders, and is toward stable equilibrium, *That this Is a sociological ns well as biological law.. That society ha» reached a stage in which the transition from a lower to a higher industrial system must occur, and that tills transition Involves danger ;» the extent of liie mm-uiljiihliiienl of social forces to the re qulretnerits of a new civilization, rettobjtrliino et)llwpl»lc*j Joure»! The Ulu Brook School House, Mnsfwth. There Is something peculiarly soothing in the Military reflections of elderly-and spirit- iiully-nilnded people, which I am certain the mere church creedlst and worldling cannot aud do not enjoy; or. in other words, the Spiritualist Itl his woliutry rambles never feels alone. Of late I treated myself to n solitary stroll in the suburbs of Brooklyn. EJl».. glad to escape the noise and bustle of the city. I found myself again, hut with Infirm footsteps, treading the same grassy sward of my boyhood. My rambles brought me in the vicinity of the obi " Brook.School House, still in a good state of prtttrv&tlon, owing, no donbtrto ItH having huig since been occupied as a humble dwelling. Now, there is nothing In it«present appearance to attract the attention of an ordinary passer, hot to me, the.reminiscences they reproduced after seventy-six years fi80i>>. were very Interesting. I could* tell Incidents of the boyhood of the elder lliixpers, James and John; of their wrestling within it» sacred walls with the difficulties of Noah Webster'»»pelting book, and the arithmetical problem* of Dilworth. But no! HuBst not tell tales out of school. James find John have tong since gone where the good printer* go. Hut the incident that struck me most forcibly on the present occasion, was the following, as it certainly had a»ptr itual basis, now belter understood. It was one of those pleasant oay* la autumn, when sminner, as It were, wa* making».spasmodic effort to prolong her waning supremacy. The hour of twelve bad arrived and the school for the morning wa» dismissed. and the window* were thrown open for ventilation. The boys, myself among them, had betaken themselves in a cluster, to an adjacent apple orchard, to gather falleu, half-frozen apples, and the girls to gambol on the still remaining sward surrounding one portion of the school house. Looking In the direction of the house, one of "the girls exclaimed: Now, look at that. Now, that is too bad; there Is Edward Jones walking ovt*r our desk* with hi* muddy shoes, and now he Is looking ont of the window and toughing at uh! f t would like to know what right he nas on the girls side any way? - **1*11 just go lh and give him a piece of roy mind," said Marla M., and all the girls followed, no donbt, nursing their wrath to keep It warm. Arrived at the school house, what was their surprise to find it noiseless and empty, and hoys nor Kdward Jones within; but they osed he Was in, hiding somewhere. ie afternoon school gathering brought the -boys and girls again together, and the girls opened nnsparlngly upon my playmate, Edward Jones, accusing him of disobedience to school discipline. Dispute* ran high, the boys, with myself, testifying that be had never left our company In the adjacent orchard, and the girls os stoutly asseverating he was laughing at them out of the raised window. The old Quaker lady with whom 1 was boarded, and to whom these wordy contradiction* of the children had been rehearsed, solemnly remarked to her neighbor: * 1 have heard of such things before,*' and shook her head and I know it-mean* some- next day wintry, fid ward feeling seriously sick. the teacher improvised a las) for film near the store. At dismissal at school* he returned home to his widowed mother, about a mile distant, and wa* found.lead in bed by her side in the morning. Their family doctor announced that the bor had died of mortification of the bowels induced by eating excessively of frozen apples. Another spiritual evenjconnected with tbe recollections of this humble, unpfetenuons seal of learning, was the magical core of one of Ita pupils, Richard Burrows, who, through some Injury to bis foot, was stricken with this stubborn affection, lockjaw. Tbe elder Dr. Mott, father of the distinguished Valentine Mott, trad tried for several days perweveripgly, but\ln vain, all (the known, remedies of the bookstand Burrow» with fixed jayrs wit* absolutely itorving In the midst of pleffty. Half In deepal/.tbe serriees of a colored conjuror was evoked. It should he understood, a "conjuror" In those godly days would rat«as a healing, mccittm now, and wia as much shunned as one dealing in direct diabolism! The conjuror cam* and placed himself opposite the boy, closed bis eyes, said a tew inarticulate w>»rd*. then aro-<- aud made a few passe* over Dick* jaws and neck, and in about five minute* he could again gratify lih now ravenous appetite. But time* have,wonderfully changed since the period uf which I-have written. The thinker I* compelled to know IhaUbc domain of spirit i* vast and it!» no longer that undiscovered country, ami the richne*» of H* fact* increase* as we advance in age. Doubtless It would Interest you to kno>v we have two weekly conferences In this section of Brooklyn, E. D among which, with other weekly spiritual publication*, your Rxirrao- Pjjiukophical Journal i* much in request. Brooklyn, E. D. D. Bum:, r«w ra* l-ft] I'wij,h(ca! Jmiftul tyhat Have We L earned f UY THOS. UAltniNl». It may tie well for each of u* to Inquire what our life lessons and spiritual experiences have taught us? Each one must answer the question for himself on matter* which relate to hituself alone; for as no two organism* are exactly alike, po two experience* are n- Uke.etii a* each aonlposap.-scscmvacterlstic» peculiarly Its own. so it» relation to tin* wml- worhl must, In some particulars, differ from all other *mil*; hilt there are, at least, a few tiling* of general import ami application, about which it might be profitable for us to compare note». Now, the first fact which ha* been impressed upon my understanding through Investigation and experience, is that in the present, physical life our own Intelligence should he nor guide ti tiling* which pei-taiii to our material welfare; we iun*t, In all matter* of business take thought for to morrow, and not depend upon Invisible aid in affairs of every; day life, lie who altond* to hi* legitimate business ill this world is thereby fitting hlai- eclf for the next. 2. The soul-world, proper, i* an intuitional sphere, materially distinct from tills, ami soineftme* in conflict with It. " These are opposed, a* Haul sir*, "the one to the other, so that we cannot (always, do the thing* that we would. ami farther, that those wh<> ar»' despised here often stand high there. It. The first condition realized after dissolution or death is intermediate, and * death * or dying is not necessarily **crossing the Rubicon. The spirit 1* seldom Uhed for life, proper, at death; there is a period,he It tong or short, wherein the spirit I* finally Prepared to take its own place. aud the Bible, though scientifically nud historically valueless.contains many expression» of truth, spiritual, and great value a* indorser* of onr own conviction* of aplrlttial verities. I. Nothing of special significance ha* been revealed of spirit life, and for some reason reliable spirits are reticent on the subject. Wo have learned that It l-xlst»; that it 1* a Summer-land to most spirit*, but particulars a* to how they live.ihelr manners, custom.» and methods, are still unknown to u*. A long life on thf* side i* very bench A Fart ia Spirit Comm (miration, A.much-Moved daughter of mine (Laura), who passed awny last April, vfa* very fond of domestic animals, and had a favorite black cat. A few.night» ago, a friend of on re. u good clairvoyant nl> diuui. visited us, and after a while said: " I see Laura sitting In tier usual place..she has a black cat In her arms; she is pointing down the garden. What does It mean? We-thrn told otir friend that the rat hod Ubi been» ell since the day of the funeral, and we should like to know what had become of it. Our friend then»aid: She»till points down there, and Ithinkshe wants to say it i* somewhere next door (which has been empty some tiip?)- Thfi clrcnmrtaucn wa* llien forgotten, but a few day* after I wanted a little mould, which I had thrown over Into th<( next garden some three week«or so ago, and ln llliiug a pall from the heap, came across the cat dead, T think even onr greatest scoffer* and disbelievers must admit the information given so rorreetly wn* at least singular. That the spirits of the "gone before did retnrn Jo earth and were «hie to communicate will» their friends, wa* hard for me to believe at one time, but i^have had such ( roof given me ut our family *litlngs, that such i* the e$se, that I sincerely wish all who will not believe would only try tor themselves, amongst their relative* and friends; they would then noon find out the troth. K. A. Hicks, in Alnlium and Daybreak, Eng. TEST YOUR BAKIKG POWDER TO-DAY! IfranOt (doni** m ttwlt»*/ pm c o w ' i ' A i r r a h m o w i a. VM TCSTi (vl mi» mill h-lucol* -nwo. PU1 V *I«* W.-'-'O U>ti,«*«* U» pni» b»j1ui.,nw, clal, and generally speaking, the more tuten««the experience the s-winer and better 1» tbe soul fitted for spirit life. ll. Spirit or mind coutrol* and govern» according to law. commensurate with degree of wisdom and adaptation, and thnt when we establish a corresjtfmdatice with the higher world, through solicitation, aspiration and general fitness, we can obtain ffuccor in distress. 7. Day by day our live* here nre seen and our acts, thought* and motives are comprehended by Spirit» who are tn rapport with U*. H. The law* governing medlumshlp are not understood by us; the beat tesla come un- ex pectedly (*. Not our will* or act* In thl* life determine our statu*; we doft'l makeour own fu-. ture, but law, guided by wisdom, make» it for us. 10. Being creature* of law, and possessing no indepemlenceofcholce, we i i derail other*, but learn humility and snbmi*- *ion onrr elvi-. (, t It Is quite possible that others hatearrived at different conclusion* from the above, and It i* not improbable that I may change rnloe when I discover more of my own ignorance. I fear that we who believe In communion with the world of spirits.rtattorourselve* too highly- and think we are whieryitxftit things in gen ral than we really are. Tne vast field of investigation and discovery which Spiritualism ha* thrown open, ha* scarcely been entered? 'et, and in the word* of Socrates: " No man * wise who has not discovered that he 1» a fool. Indeed, beyond the fact that a future exists for u*. we know but little. Sturgis, Mich. Jadui'in in Chicago, The Occident, of Chicago (Hebrew*, thus laments the attitude of Judaism tn this dty; "The total membership of the three of our most prominent congregations. Sinai. Aaohan Maarah. and Zion, together, does not reach 3oO! We have no J. M. Hebrew association, our Jewish lodge* and elute«take no Interest at alljjx Judaism; outside of the three named congregation* our Hebrew Relief asipciatlon is not liberally supported, and our hospital had to be built by outside capital and bears the name of a rorehgionist who wa* a citizen of San Francisco. These are alt facts which we can not deny, although It l*. Indeed, very painful to u* to belittle oar own community. We draw thl* parallel only for the sake of showing our coreligionists of this city who shirk Hreir dot!«* a* Israelites how grave and unpardonable an offense their indifference become* when our community 1» compared to those of other cities, even of a smaller Jewish popthatlon." W arned b r a D ro n n. A sod accident oocpnml al Huntsville, six miles north of Beliefootaine, iblo,late!?. Lewi* Murpfar, marshal of Ihe Iowa anil wife, were mil riding So a' I 'u m behind a video».texas ponj. Tbe bor*»* became uoniaaageable, throw ing out Mr. Murphy who-ts a crtoplfl Wearing S cork lag, hre^king hi» bockyad te Ttblf Injuring hi* bead. Plunging forward, the frightenw( animal brought the buggy Into contact with a heavy gravel wagon jusi a* Mr*. Murphy was prepariiijf to lam p backward, fibs thrown on 1and'lustantiy killed, her beck'being broken. She and bar husband were bmd side by Jde tn a yard, and bis screams, o* be Implored his neighbor* to kill him were heartrending. He said bs bod dreamed tbe night before that be wan thrown.from tbe buggy and bis eyes gouged out, and that he was accountable for bis wife's death, as be bad coaxed her to ride with.-mm. A I te li. M a c h in e. If a contrivance, a design of which hoe been submitted to the Australian Minister for Water Supply, be successful, cue of tbe greatest enemies of the farmer drouth will to s o m extent he avoided. I t h a amcbtne far bringing daws rain, ood is to lbs form of a balloon, with t charge of dynamite uoder- aealh it Tbe balloon is to be sent loto tbs clouds, and the dynamite Is to be fired by a wire ooodccud g tl with the earth. It la the Intention of the ioveotor tom éis atrial of the appantw oa Um dry districts of Nt w South Wal«, Tire Snturdíiy afternoon liohrtay I* on? of Hie fixed lti*utnll«h* of lire South. In the lays of slavery the lenient masters were ar- cuntotneil to reward Dm inrlirettou* field hands by letting them leav- their work lit.noon on Saturday to go hunting and fishing, much to the envy of those who belonged to harder owner*. Now that «II are- free, the fin If holiday i* always taken, and buxines* and worldly affair* are forgotten. Recently the town of Trumbull, Bonn., in order lo avoid expense, left a human'burly lying in Hie lielik exposed to the weather, fur three w<»>k*. C A I N Health and Happiness. 3 & 5 > O DO A S O TH ER S < y & c r u t * S * h a v e DOME. Are your Kidneys disordered? KMlw-r W.r* M (run,r (ill. Mil > i..... i,i bavk.- M.%nv,ft»ut.ll«uuun;.lwu».lbt«- Aro your norvea w eak?. KMlJrf ff>rt rr;h pmffdfl Bmrew hfhknrnv A r r Afirf U*,. tn»1v *,U*r. - Jf«, X. M. & <>«jdiréa*. 4; t ArtklMh M"+Ut OwTrUMl, U, Have you B right's Disease? "líi Ihff H*. )f»,j i i,- - t,ru uaww*,ut tiilimt 4-k- r.iud# AU-1 ía. n W s4- Jr^.k Sufforinii from Diabetes? 'Killn T-iVi.r J l,. 1 u^l,»fitrifr-wrtei-j^turhr3r t tk*w* m f lui-l f.kvh. v-«imrim^'toto Dt. Ill,1 >C. IUUTUp HwiiWIpthe Vt Híyíé you Liver Com plaint? Mill*..jr.-i» u.. r «hns-ki L»k r ft. r I IflTrl (. djr - lirtn-y Va>(. Ml*,- CSS S»( 0-J*f(.Si. r. Ib your Back lame and nchintf? t* tri. t «rtrf r-iri WtooO1***** 1f«b I L»a tw lúll.1 >-t Irej.J.' C. 51, TvLiuwc". Have you Kidney Diaeaee? flk*d * Bn O Kl Ifl U»rf Diwl ks-lfiwv. wivr Tf»M rtf bamifvv-i?(iil dretnfifi*. ll«wflrta $: (ile x í!ira JíúdtfN, b rrt Vfc. Aru you C onstipated? KWn j'w.irl flu«* r-xstt' rv»*-y*i isns* Aful Rnd V* *ft* r Vj) nit * heffi-hk-':«" > lx» * xknliiu,. l p i» u, VC. Have you M alaria? TCMft.j.w.rl W d»«m»u-««lh»* Mf otlitr rtt^n-xir i Ut y rf 13*1 *»'n tny enprilrw-."1 ilkrcta«vyftjoujlvro,r«. Are you Bilious? ^ CUnxTW.trt h». d,tsfi»,.»i gw>4 IUa *fif ouo nxwlt I tox>»(»ftom - Xn. Z. >f. Hk rw. Are you tormented w ith Pilé»? Kstd»» Wort «w e l 1 rurol dm d t*va llr.v.u Cl,» T-,.o!.n*o l((x«l».- Otv. II H. fxt. t >,[ r X. li-»x, F». Are you Rbeunmttom racked? tw/k-» Vort <-ur»* t»u cl*-» Sp-U, dim if *rnl(lxv«d J»»-I ow'^wrtffw*,' abode* XxKubu, w o» iutii, asín» Ladies, ore you suffering? - iidx»f *Wartom* Ui of t»o,tur irottblx» «V»xny ff*m»»x*»m «rvlt* IL'* Mr» a Uto,,UI. U KvUx. VL If you would Baniah Disease and gain Health, Take». KIDNEV-W OkT Th i Blood Clcansen- DOES M >t CONTAIN AMMONIA. ih m uuim ubm hi* wxvkw m»v «(rernnib. tx Xml tit) -n ih-fo-»» < uftr««r of x fintnrf it bw - TH E TES T O F TH E OVEN» PRICK BAKIN» PmVUKK C0.T Dr. Price sspecial Flaiorüfi Extracts,* Dr. Price s Lupulin Yeast Gems For Jgbl. lli xiti,, itpxwi. -. iti U j, TOR SALE BY CROCERS. CHICAGO. - 8T. LOUIS. LIGHT HEALTHY BREAD -YEASTGEMS r3i-..,l hy rh,s yra^i lojhr woitx ar.d wliqle- tr,rni> lil»«t. ir nr.uplnt-'thrf't -1r 11- It..,* t.f r.»tl. CROCERS SELL THEIR. Price Baking Powder C o., garni at Dr. ftict itjuui nawiaa Ciuam, Chicags, III. St. Louis, Mo. A R M iw '» n a i i t a i m.i'e L -----tciu.tl.nltl,*mmdb*däi. B «LTviilildjAto O U R FAMOUS WOMEN.. Ä & Ä Ä i ä y r *3lái, - S-w- Pa- 4 1.VWdxvx( ifteiht lidfwr i i A O KETTLETOIl è».' VHica o'o ' l i L e e c v s o x T ii».ni im» a iti» tar a «** O D O Ywing Men Of Ijulkx Iti eaeb roudlj. To f - (bfutmof B i n i n o d b L o g a n. I. Addita«r,W,xrw>Ck«fcfa.catetere.tu V - l*«w tiè rrnr k<»tlury, 1... i {? B B. Sudili ri V Ha-ford, Ct., for * tiw Poultry Worlif, Ut*ILr PAYSONS IN K <+ [la fix«biät, fra i. t I In* muy (* fx aljrewnrtotl.sx*. Jteni*r.lC>». *. «M iti, * MI,,lo«*. r..rev.j.i,..i*«y#«rs. fui 17 ut IbfBßÜU^tWg»«. esèwt Agl*«. H O P E D E A F. NICHOLSON'5 l-oprowlaruvlale*«dnbms Ih* ani. njr». M»r, t»a un**««df.ke u»rg lo ««nrantniff mían twsbng. Ir, scientific awn el IX t to J. H. * S I mr 7 Murray S t h*w S A M p t Æ H rtixk Met*«TMiMHUk ìtm tliflii Pi r- r *rrk «Naiiht I ty. -y-tnevlmf huniu*. t ;.r$3free! A.iiirtP. I K Mentii*Ok, CUMkb r \ c o b i / B o a PirysiclaBs & S u rg e o n M M M feritn, Çuaie*j vlâniiùf. J M M f c m m m m Mt» ras èt CU«XUCZOT. u * toosa- * c b a u d I» *» l t epaaa U r ««gaia tlwer i r a i f l k, aite U. U a x ô t a p a l M. boadfsddevuva h a i doeesrs le b-, tbe OM- X.r CDBÎ tir OQ k led--et X - d w Di*. Srl5ti>o >IMI beau, 'ju g,. i EVERY WOMAN. T O K O L O G Y..'r *;.ro (! «au k.»,] lj. A ixfrxalar.tnisuwsbw pnfm»w end AWttSb. prvrln* plain rr baa data, fairly IMI Hla *ad axfmw rail be tnum. axlukmuaoul Iraltraf 0»f of ier r*r»6xr< t«x*a UMtfea tx>pel lafotfiabaodxef * *i,l qraiam^w- B»Nwtpafcl, f k<n *i MuV. OUW Best TSffn«VOAcants. lonttarx Pub, Ce. lsv US* 11«Su, Cbicaga, UL (.K A m C L -C O M P O IT f» ). EPPS S COCOA. B R E A K F U T. B) * uom fb >w sf tb# u b erai l e n wbl cb gar UtprfsUeH uf di«nobs *sd twuiune. end W * e_ fat apuncmbw te U>* 0»r pr-jp«tb»«te esuateatead tetase - turnóla«tabâxa whbbdteteeeæ nr Kb»a baa anted*««u fla. UMt baxrnwr eclfli axu rsar*duso ega ro m i ra te r tn attark wban isrln lx a wrak point W* wav «acate w*df a tats, abaft *v d d - to * «il *» seti f,urlarci enti pur* técute And awfvpwi} tuurm w«fra«*, C iri/ S em e* VoateW m t e i B i i i a W U te N i «! a r w ag. «A w i t e w i r rlj lb. find Ib I *T Uracera. iato*nteibca.'james EFFS it CO., Hom«p*thIc OremiMte, * London, EsrIiMmL WMDEHfüLir P O P U U R.iiS S A n g r a c e s «g te e A N a f U r, O ut T e a r, mm* ICO P h o K grsph* of Yourself, r * t * - r - y ' ' ' " -V a d U l M ^ Ite f *a S t e g a lm > *. M Card., Lxau* Hx*x.e a * o r. - -* (r.«b*lk«aa,w Wa«V--*- 7or 11.56, Awnaabta«HaasiiVii tel. I. ** a/ T.iC.»** r«bl. H«M. Fan. T KrtCaia Af.,ft., tarsi*. Mo, muotn.

20 RELIGIO-PHILOSOPHICAL JOURNAL. JULY 19, fmigto-g bilouop hind goutna f Dilli BEDIEEILÏ IT M Li ULLE STBELT, CB1CA&0 By JOHN O, BUNDY. Terms of Subscription In Advance. OtM C opy,o n e y e a r,, ,$2.50 ««0 m o n th s,... $ iiu u (onu i calm, n e u n tin ru i. Rw it t a k o h should be made by Hulled fits tea Posts! Hooey Order, American E rpress Com pany s Mousy Order, Registered Leiter o r Draft on either Haw Turk o r Chic ego. Do not In ahy rose send <A*<Af chs local fwnii. All letten and coamaulcstlons should be sd dressed, sod all remittance! made payable to JOHN C. BUNDT. CiiKteWi. III. AdrerUslu; Batea, 30 canta per Agate Her. Heading Notice, 40 cents per line. \ Entered at the postofilce to Chicago» IH-, I» second class matter. SPECIAL NOTICES. The B x u o io l n il o o riiiril J ociinai. deal pm It to be distinctly understood that u can aoeept un re*[«n«11,11 tty as to the' opinions eipressad by Contributors and CorrespendenLa Free and open diseussion within oer- tain Umita D Inri led, and In these circumstances Writer* are alone responatbte for the articles to which their oameanrealtached. Exeturnees and Individual* In quoting from the Ha- L tiio P k t u ta r n r u. Jooiucai. are nsiueated to dla- tineulsh between editorial articles and Us a communi ta ttoos of correspondenta. idonymoti* letters and comm ttnleatlons will not be noticed. The name and address of the writer are re- qaired as a (unreal; of Rood faith." Rejected manu- scripts cannot bo preserved, neither will they he return rd, unices sutbclentpostace tssent with the request. When newipapere or macarlnes are sent to lite J ockmal, containing matter for special attention, the sender will please drew a line around the article to which he desire» lo coll notice. CUIOAOO, ILL,, Saturday, July in NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. Subscription* not p a id in advance a re charged a t the old p ric e o f $3.15 p e r yea r. To accom m odate those old Subscribers who through force o f habit o r in a b ility, do n o t keep p a id in a d vance, the credit system is fo r the presen t c o n tin u e d ; But it m u stb e d istin c t ly understood th a t it is w holly as a fa v o r on the p a r t o f the P ublisher, as th e term s a re P A Y M E N T I N 'A D V A N C E. Summer Campaign. t. To all who are not noir and never An re been subscriber*, the Journal will be flout Twelve weeks, on trial, for fifty cents. At the ex* ptratton of the trial subscription the paper.will be stoppod unles-h previously renewed. The rapid Increase of interest in Spiritualism among the educated, both Inside and outside the various religious denominations, makes the need of an unsoctarliin. Independent, fearless, candid aajhiigh-class paper a greater desfrterafum than ever before. The J o u r n a l will be kept np to the highest stan d ard possible with the facilities of the publisher and editor, and he hopes for the heartyand continuous patronage of the better and more Intelligent class of the great ptiblic.both within and without the pplritualfst ranks. know of nature, violate our deepest convictions of right It matters not, H la divine, ever and always right, infallibly true. The church has taken no note of advancing knowledge. Geology, evolution, psychology and Spiritualism, with their knowledge so deep and high are all denounced, because, it Is Bald, they prove parts of the IHblo to be false. Men demand that their questions bo answered, their doubts removed, the authenticity of tbe book proved, the Tory right of the church to an existence to bo tested and the church is silent. It answers all questions with a text still, and only admits debate about the meaning of such text, when tho questioner Is known to bo orthodox. The Inquirers do not generally leave the cbtricli, but they doubt, always doubt. When 6Bms one like Ingeraoll conies, they gladly pay to hear a clear, vigorous statement of what they have already thought, and then back to the church again,- believing no more and no less, but really afraid to leqve It. Though reason condemns the dread, they are tinder the Influence of the old teachings; but their faith has gone; their delight in the church Is now only the support of a party; the Christian hope has become more and more shadowy; they are Christian Infidels, the natural outcome of the church's false teachings. The church teaches doctrines that cannot be true, proclaims as facts things domonstra: lily false, glories In a materialism which It calls spiritual; and he that doubts is d&fnn- ed. la all the answer given to open-eyed observers of facts in external nature and In their owwjconsdousnoss, men who want those deductions tested and error pointed out. If error there be. Right there the church leaves them. It will not answer because, perhaps, it cannot. It Is true as Mr. Beecher electrified the church by say lug a few years ago, "The chief hindrance to the apread of the Gospel, has been'the Christian Church. The Democratic Convention. Mosaic Varnish. Who makes the Infidels? Probably the best abused man among the churches to-day le Robert G. Ingersoll; for he Is, deemed a power In the land. It la as nothing to the church that here aud there In this and other countries, ministers hitherto orthodox, reject this or that doctrine, doubt this or that Interpretation. These are only Isolated outbreaks of a deep-seated disease. The entire supporta oî the church areliodey-oombei^ with skepticism, ready to yield tinder the fluperabundeut weight of dogmas quietly ignored by many church members, openly rejected by many more, contemned and derided by those whom the church would win from the world. Universal skepticism reigns, a paralysis of faith outside and Inside, the church 1b beset with active and passive foes. For this the church wrongly holds Ingeraoll and his school responsible. It Is a mistake; for as one preacher said recently: Where Ingeraollmakeson^ infidel the church makes five hundred." Little use would It be for the genial orator to laugh or sneer; vaip alike bifl hamor or hie pathos if ho did uot volco the unspoken thought of hh hearers. Because he does this, and does it better than they could hope to do, men and women flock to bear him. lugereoll and every one who has power over the people, only has it in proportion to the degree in which he ntterathelr unspoken thoughts, or brings chaotic perceptions into something' like order. Hence the huge crowds that flock to hear the great Agnostic may well appall the church. Church members are there, already mors than half lufldole, mads so by church teachings, and alt the orator has to do la to group their thoughts, and give them a reason for the unbelief that Is In them. The church begins the work, lugersoll only shows the reasonableness of their doubts, and he does It clearly, mirthfully, pathetically, effectively. What has the church done to thus destroy lia prestige, what have been the instruments of Its moral suicide? It has taught errorl Tea, but chiefly It bis refused to answer attacks on the errors it has taught. Looking ever away back to the dim past for Ha Illumination, pinning Its faith on records of doubtful authenticity, known to have been BOmetlmea ** theologically translated, re. vised again and again, bat, la their English drew at least, always doubtful; then insisting that no absurdity, no contradiction, nothing The warning given by the J o u r n a l to the press and people of Iowa, together with the circulation of the Personal Experience" letter from Woodhuli s UrrAfy, made It highly necessary for the freo-iove Invader«to attempt to break the force of the crushing blow. Through the efforts of Hull, Severance A Co., and another brass baud, a motley crowd of curiosity seekers and small boy«, Including Dobson, D. P. II., and his squad, were gathered at the opera house on the evening of June 10th, where thsy were harangued at length by Hull aud Severance. Referring to the "Personal Experience" letter, Hull concluded the best way was to declare ft had been mangled aud made to misrepresent him a barefaced falsehood, not a word was changed. Then after rambling over a field of falsehood, he seemed to think he.must further varnish the letter, and this is how he did It as reported verbatim In the Makouol^eta Excel Hot; She (Mr*. Wondbullt wax am * ted for telling what everybody now knows was the. truth about H, W, lhiih-her nod Mix. Tlreo. Til to a. She went latocourt lo barn h er trial. She fainted, and the n e w «was dispatched xll over the world, Victoria Woodbiill is dead/ \» rerj won got another that»he was not dead, lmt that she was better. Twent to New York. Victoria (tied like bal*», and wild: Moses, Urey will kill are; I thought l w udead. I said: Vicky, they will not kill you; they can Jdll me. I looked upon her a* one of my own family. 1 said, Victoria. I can writ««a letter that will draw the enemy * Are. You will find youixelf called upon wherever you go to defend the mfamous Moeee Hull; you will -.1 arrninat Vi^Trirli W jtuul 1. i I I Last week, Chicago hotels and boarding bouses were again well filled with patriots, not one of. them acknowledging a selfish motive, but all Intent on saving the conn- try." The desirability of, even the urgent necessity for, a new deal wss unanimously urged; but os to who should bo the leaders la this saving work, there was great diversity of opinion. The Convention woe made up of bh lino looking a body of men os over came together and the proceedings were In many respects a vast improvement over similar gatherings In the past. The platform baa some good honest planks, and some that are oak or one side and cottonwood on the other madd to suit the varying tastes of voters. Grover Cleveland for President and T. A. Hendricks tor Becond place was the result, as all the worionijwb ere this. Now the contest between tlioitwo great contending parlies will begin In earnest. There 1» just no^- more " kicking" among tha wire-pullers of the Democratic party than there was among their Republican brethren after Blaine and Logan were nominated; whether this disaffection will culminate In open rebellion against the machine " remains to bo seen, but probably when November arrives It wijl see these recalcitrants repentant and with the straight ticket In hand inarching up to the ballot box. Cleveland was not the choice of the fossils, and this very significant fact will make him etronger at the polle; forfefhe average voter, whatever his politics may be, ts dally growing more restive nnder the party whip Bnd more inclined lo assert his Independence. The strengtji of the ticket 1«questioned In many quarters, bat the J o u r n a l believes It will poll more votes than any other that could have been mode, and that the result cannot now be foretold, The only sure thing in, that It will he a harvest rich and rare for the political press. will attend a camp presided over by a man who Is os trad red at other camps, a man who Is unqt to roam at large, a man who Is reeking with moral miasma, then they most take the consequences. Many people are likely to be attracted to this show of moral monstrosities through morbid jurloslty. His aggregation of spiritual dwarfs and frauds will excite the same zest for a sight as does the side show of a circus, with Its two-legged donkey, boa-constrictor and trick monkey; and the average standard of Intellect and morals of the patrons of the two shows wilt bathe same. A few decent people may be drawn in once, bat they will get enough, as they did of Dor- us Fox, the dead beat. A Presbyterian View of Un I tu rían Is m. The interior of this city Is nn able and aggressive exponent of sitdoti pure orthodoxy. Here is what It thinks of a Unitarian preacher s plan of salvation for. his sect: Tire f/iodon SverXotsr reviews sermon of Rer. Stafford. Brooke, In which that eminent Unitarian proach«trftpnnal ri»rollon lo Christ u the only Miration of uallnrunliun w a sect. It i*n narrow neck of land they elan J upon. Personal Ioto for Christ lend» man lo orthodoxy ImJIgemnoe lo him leads to nlheisiu and thus the sect 1» kept reduced lo \ few skillful rope-wxlkeri." Mrs. Langtry and the Electric Girl. never hear another word»girinrt Victoria Woodtaill. 1 will give you a key to Lbe letter and a month afterward we will make Dial letter da clear as day, and the people that disowned me will t*' Mharaed of theinsrlvt«. They can (ire away at me; f am willing to endure their m a Hete 1» noe they can kill with nothing softer than a pistol ball. 1 have bled for my cause eine«! Dial, I have been knocked down and taken up for dead. Victoria said: Thai Is just what 1 want; when will jou give It to me?" Whenever you will promise joe," mid I, lo give me «me or two columns of your paper every week, should 1 need It to defend myself, and I will come ont as clean and bright as an angel in heaven." Victoria enhl: " Mcwea what do you take me for? Did 1 ever refusé lo publish a line yon ever wrote? I never will r*- fow to pub]lab anything you may write." Wltb that promise I let her Imve the letter, it ran through I eaw Victoria li Auguvt, September and October. October. Saldi: Thè lime bua come to explain all of that Irtter. She»aid: Moore. 5 won t publish IL I loet 5/JÙ0 mheoitwr» by you, and I can t publioli anything more for you.". Saldi: ThtsU a game of beinoti and Pythias, with Lire Damon nil on one side. I «id no more. " Vicky " now swears she never, no, ncrer.' was afre«lover, and that the irne lore articles in her paper were written by Col. Blood and Stephen Pearl Andrews, aad Inserted against her protest. Hnll takes his cue from her tactics and plays tha same trick with variation 8. It is stated that on the afternoon cf July 12th, Mrs, Langtry tested the powerq of Lula Ilurat on the stage of Wallack s Theatre, Now Yo^k City. She stepped upon the. stage wear* inern-wiiito dress and a sea-green tinted sun shade, with green trimming. She was gracious Bnd stately with the Georgia girl. *W1I you give me a mild test of your power?" she sold, after a little space. Yes," sabl'miss Hurst s manager, thegentlest test wo know of." Mrs. Lanotry held n chutr-wlth Its back against her cheat. " I am vefy strong, yoq Jl find," she said. Miss Hurst put her hand* over Mrs. Langtry, touching the chair with the tips of her Angers. The women looked Into ouch other'«eyes for an lurinnt, then there wss a rush. Mrs. Langtry was forced backward, and before she bud time to cry ont, she fell against the lower upright In the ballustrade In the stairway leading np ont of the kitchen scene In,May Blossom. The column broke, and Mrs. Langtry fell to the floor. Half a dozen men, supposing she was badly hart,' ran to her assistance. She wo«quickly on her feet again, however, and when noted If she would like any further test, re-" plied that she was satisfied. Meeting a frieifit ut the theatre exit on tho way home, she exhibited her torn dress, ripped acroos the back aud on tho right sleeve. " I ve been with that girl just two set^nds," she said, laughing. > Dr. William A, Hammond says that the performances of Lula Hurst, the young woman from Georgia who mores heavy objects against tho efforts of several strong men to press them down, are dne largely to theinfla- enee of suggestion In the minds of the men, and to uncommon mascular strength. Before attempting to explain what occurs In her presence, It will be well to ascertain definitely just what does take place. Dr. Hammond Is something of a theorlzer, and Is liable to adjust his facta to his theories rather than hlb theories to his fact«. Index. Yes! Hammond Is more " than liable to adjust his facts to his theories; he is not worthy of credence In these matters unless supported by thestrongestdollateralevidence. GENERAL NOTES. Tlcky s».vicar. Romish Advice. The Rr liíiio-fhilosofhical Joras al. Spiritual- Ut paper, m uta to know what good le acnotnpìulicd by the blearing of the Church." (toe good is «wily pointed out. _ When the devil getatnui eonre of this paper s trader* sud they begin tó spirili»," It would be advisable to call In a print end bave I «pel the evil one. CatlioUe Mirror, BalUiminv t him Exactly bo! Wo are as ready to recelvelhe assistance of a priest in casting out a devil as onr «temporary could desire, and If an expert davll-espalier wo be supplied, we will famish him plenty of work, but not among onr subscribers. He will be greatly needed at Moeea Hull s free-lovepow wow at Clinton. Iowa. Bat how la It, If the priests are each capital hands at managing the devil and hu imps, that the Romish charch Is Infected with more of the brimstone fraternity than any other sect. Possibly a large Btock la required to bait gudgeons whose hard eamlnga are needed to build eathedrale and palaces, and furnish fat priest«with champagne and tenderloin «teaks. MaJ. E. A. Burke, of the New Orleans 2Yiwt Democrat, presented to the National Democratic Convention, by request of the Nat. W. C. T. U., its memorial for coast!tatlonal prohibition, representing forty-eight States and shall stand in the way of that book it shall»territories. The memorial wax referred to override all aelenee, be contrary to au we j the committee on reflations. Moses Hnll Is the same unconscionable libertine and falsifier os whfn ho openly advertised his libidinous practices in 1873; the only change in him 1«6ne[ of policy. When he published his shame in he freo-tove HYrt- ly he evidently believed, as has many another canting ex-tulultcr. at times, that a moral Interregnum had set ln;and he made haste to advertise himself as vile as the harlot.who had been crowned queen of tho fraternity. It took several years, owing to tho peculiarities of his large brain,", before he found ont his error. Now he Is somewhat more discreet with bu tongue.tihttully aa vile In character. He thinks the wbrlo\not yet ready for his advanced " views, and he hedges and squirms and falsifies outright, to Varnish his reputa^ tlon. Through the IndifferenceWnd carelessness of a few, and the weak, maudlin sentimentality of others, aided by bis own cunning, ho ha«been foistepl upon the Iowa people before they were convalescent from the dose of Fox- weed they had been swallowing for several years. Ills career will be short, and he will kill the concern that Is backing him, as lie baa about every thing he has ever had to do with. The Maqnoketa -E-rwittor, the leading Republican paper of the county In which Hull Is now making his tettfporary home, has done a good* work In airing' the gang. In a late is- sne the Excel»,or publishes several columns and thus speaks of its reasons therefor; We devote cooridermble pace this week toeklowe devote codvmerableepaoe Uri» week to»kinnlog e»klink. Onr inveeugalloo» of Moeee Hall» hbtorrhxv» Imi] ai tbrougb a morase of filth. It hui Dot been a Job to oor liking, and nothing but eeom of duty to Uh public hw preveo led oí from htrklnglt. We bave oot printed a but r r luodredtfa part of the evidence.ot hie beeuilitj and Innate depravity that lain our hand», but We think w e, hove done enough lo give Ure community an Idea of hi» true character. In the same Issue the Excelsior republishi» the order silencing Hnll at Lake Pleasant, aa follows: The Board of Director» of the New England Spiritualist Camp Meeting, at Lake Pleasant In the tows of Moo Ugna, Mom,-voted as follow» Aug. 29th, 1S7A: w Yoied, that Moeea Hall, Mato» Sawyer, Mr. and Mix. Manchester and Channcaj Baro«be prohibited from (peaking oo the» ground* daring tfaeeo meet- of Pohoeba taatrosedinamthat K ; and the O laf vote la compiled with Immediately. J. H. Smith, Secretary. If the Spiritual Ute and Liberalst» of towa Henry Slade was In Texas last week, working towards the Northern and Eastern camp meetings. Mrs. Emma Hardlnge-Britten has been lecturing to excellent aildlcnces at Republican nail. New York. A. B. French is nt home this month, repairing his fences, probably. During August he has twenty lecture engagement-. Sir. Delos AliWi will speak betoro the People s spirituursa Society In Marline «Hall, 55 Ada St., uexf^nnday evening, at Conference arid mediums* meeting 10:30 a. si* Mrs. Helen T. J. Brigham Is lecturing at Greenfiejd, Alas«., this month. She haa been engaged Tor another year by her old society in New York City. On another page will be found interesting and Important InfornuiUon In n communication from the pen of Andrew Jackson Davis, M. D.pA. D. It will be of historic value, and should 1» preserved by all interested. Capt. li. H. Hmwn gave addresses at Queen City Fnrk, Vt., camp ground, ^ 1? *Rb and 13th. He will be at HiclivilJo, \% U&20th, and thence goes to (Inset Bay. Ho Is ready to make fall and winter engagements, Address hint at hi* appointments. Is Mrs. E.C. Hatch a genuine medium for materialization?" asks a Southern correspondent. We do not know! Dr. Holland's account of hi* sf-ance with her as published in the J ournal, doe* not, in the.fnce of the evidence in onr possession, establish her mcdlumship. A very large part of what Dr. Holland saw what It purported total, a*d whether aij/of it was, can probably never bo positively determined. Ml** A. M. Beecher, abousln of Henry Ward and a brainy woman, of course, has been lecturing for tho Spiritualist^ of Newark, and is to speak at Saratogn. Miss Beecher hr slx- ly-two years of age, but haa all ths vigor of a much younger person. Tho Brooklyn friends who liave been familiar with her ability a* a speaker, are greatly delighted that she has at last seen1her way clear to public woyk. She should bo kept actively engaged. Wo need many more «neb able advocates. The latest news from France will not serve to.reassure tho public mind in reepoct of the supposed limited area of the cholera visitation. Dr. Koch, the eminent German physician, summoned to the aid of France in resistance to the spread of the disease, now proclaims that tho scourge raging at Toulo» and Marseilles Is undoubtedly of the true Asiatic type, and that ho has abandoned all hope* of confining the ravages to tbe Toulon district. H» expresses tho conviction that the dlseasons!)i spread nut only into Germany, but all over Europe; and If so, how long can we In America hope to escape? A special dispatch to the Globe-Democrat, from Slater, Mo., June tulf, says a ynrmg man wearing a large watch chain and other Jewelry to correspond, who gives his name as Fred. Joyce, and residence Trinidad, Col., la creating no little excitement and winning various soma of money here on tbe strength of being what he calls a dreamer, claiming, for instance, that a person can hide on article and he will tell them where It Is. So far he has been successful, and no little wonderment la the result. To-day Joe Peabody, a prominent merchant, made a wager of $100 with him that be coaid hide a legal-tender bill so that Joyce could not locate it. The money was pat np and the bill hidden out bock of the merchant s store, wh&re Joyce not onl^ found It, bat'told tho number, date, etc-, correctly. Various other Instances of a like character the young man won money on, and 11 la said, mads a big banl over la Marshall, tbs county seat, on bis dreams. i Tho KdUor-In-chlef will leave for tho East after this Issue goes to press, and reach Lako Pleasant camp ahont the first of August. Telegrams and letter* of a personal nature may be addressed to him care of Bates House, Saratoga Spring*. N. T., up to and Inclusive of tbe 27th; alter that at Montague, (Lake Pleasant camp). Mas*. All matters relating to the Journal should be addressed as usual to Chicago. Goo. F. A, Illldge and wife expect to pass the last two week* of August at Lake Pleasant. Mr. Illldge represent* the Clough and Warren Organ Co of Detroit, Mich., and will, os a special concession, furnish any 8o- lety In need of a high grade organ, a Clough and Warren at wholesale price, lie can bo Interviewed In reference to the matter on tho grounds at the time specified above. Apong tho prominent visitor* wljo have reglscfy^jd at the office of the Relicio-Philq- soriiit'ar, JtjLTRNAr. the post week were: W. T. King, PeoifisL. M. Rnrson, Pi-nn.; E, Ksto- brook, Neb.; J.G, McNutt. Ind.; E. W. Bond, Ohio; W. W. Birkhend, Mo.; Lucfen Prince, Mass.; G, F. Lewi*. Ohio; Rev. J. F. Banting, and wife, His.; II. B. Norton, Cal.; P. H. Bine, Ind.; F. A. SmlGfr Ind.; Geo. W. Van Waters. Jr., Dakota: Thomas Hilton, Dakota; C. Ropp, Jr., HI*.; Lizzie S. La Rue.. Ky.; Kate W. FJetcher; Ky,; aud M. D. Smith. Ind- Air. Jacob Fulnor, corresponding Secretary of the Jamestown, Kan., Grove uieoting.writes us that the meetings will be held la a beoh- tlfnl grove five miles west from Jamestown, and that It is just the place for persons seeking recreation. Tho surrounding country abound* in Hire scenery and the climate Is delightful. The man tig oment ha* made apod al arrangement* with the railroads of that section, and a large attendance Is expected and a good time anticipated. Good speaker* have.been engaged, and good mediums are expected to bo in attendance. The prediction of Prof. Kocb. the cholera expert, that the French scourge would reach Germany and ultimately spread throughout Europe, was partially verified on July bth, by an official announcement that one death from the dread disease had occurred at Constantino, in the Duchy of.baden, and two other cases have been reported. The announcement has created considerable alarm throughout Germany, nndiyrira sanitary pro- cantionaandjjtrirt^lm rahtlne rule* are being KHtfoFcTir In order tp prevent tho Introduction of the epidemic In other parts of the empire. At a Into meetliig of Spiritualist* at the Court of Appeals room, Town Hall, Saratoga Spring«, N. Y President Horn delivered a fine Inspirational lecture written by Mrs. Horn In an entranced condition. The address gave n rations! and delightful description of heaven from a Spiritualist stand-point, sharply contrasting with the current theological view of the great goat toward which humanity i* «trnggllng. The Saratogn Eayle says: "Mrs. Horn has reason to feel proad pi her fine development, as the lecture throughout was an able and scholarly production, rich In imagery ond vividly descriptive." The exercises were admirably supplemented by platform testa through the mediumshlp of Dr. Mill*. Boston has had In court tbe case of a gentleman of high social friending, the son of a great Jurist anil an eminent lawyer and scholar, who had been Imprisoned in an insane asylum, but had regained his freedom. Hi* relatives wished to make his confinement perpetual and obtain control of Ills property, on the ground tbalaia was a lunatic. The only delusion under vvhleh ho tabored wan his belief that he heard Incessantly the voices of unseen penkers. Two men. he declared, whom ho had disobliged, had conspired to annoy hint In this way, and by means of elec- trlc&i-twwef'conveyed the sounds to hi* ear. Ho conducted his own defense, and made a plea bo powerful aud seholariy that it convinced his hearers of his sanity. He was dismissed a free man, But ho persisted on his discharge that the voices still sounded in hta ears. 1 A new crematory has been erected In tho Camp Verano at Rome, and recently the first body wo* Incinerated therein. A correspondent of the Now Orleans rimrj-i>ocraf speak* of this building and the Italian process, as follows: In Rome the body, enveloped In a specially made shrond, rest* on an iron frame above a firtvof wood and coal, and It Is believed that no other method of cremation Is so simple and at the same time so cheap and so anobjectionable. The new crematory 1* s handsome buudlng, In tbe Egyptian style, and conslsta of three chambers, two of which are above ground. In dne of these latter ths- aetnal Incineration takes place, and In tbe other Is kept»register for the preservation of fall particulars for every corpse that is burned. Beneath these rooms 1* u spacious vault, In which on shelves arc ranged ornamental arnsof porcelain, bronze and Oliver to contain the ashes of the dead. The Thcoiophut tor Jane Is at hand, containing articles upon Oriental Philosophy, Art, Literature and Occultism, embracing Mesmerism, Spiritual Ism and o tw science«. For Sale at this office, price ft; cent«a number. Lightning recently «track a tree on Governor Stanford s California ranch, and tbe Chinamen employed on the place could not be Induced to pick np the debris, a* they considered that It waa the work of an evil eplrlt We have received eoplee of the ThsotepMst Supplement tor March. 'Aprll, May and'j type, with interesting table«of contents. For sale at this office, price twenty-five cento, each. Web«tor's Unabridged dictionary 1«undergoing revision by Yale professors. > /

21 JU LY r e l i g i o -p h i l o s o p h i c a l 7j o u r n a l. For ft* Baílalo Fall wiptilcal Journal. Ur. tí. W. King1* Itcpljr 1«Hudson T attle» Ylews la Reference to tlio Regular Practitioners. I join Brother Tattle In hln Hregret that we do not more fully accord In our views, and am with him against anything distinct lrelv personal, 1 am sorry, however, that he has "neither inclination nor tim e to tully discuss what he has provoked and called extremely detrimental to public welfare." If a system, theory, practice or organization, which has, in the opinion of many sound pcof )Ie, been the direct dr Indirect cause of sen ting several presidents of the United States and millions of other cltlzemt to premntnre graves, and of the death of more union soldiers than rebel# caused, and of plncing moro upon tjiepensionlist than the combined hardships of'tiaftdoefl not demand the attention of a writer, what should? I will close this paragraph by stating that 1 do not wish him to take oil or put on any qualifiers of his wonlh, or do anything lo particularly Í fleas«me; but 1 desire him to do all be can, or the public welfare. I do not wish to bo understood, as I have been charged, os claiming that ail improvements in medicine came from the Irregulars." if 1 know anything abont myself 1 cannot be ao unjust. When I ask. What the condition of regulars'* would be,if the Irregulars had not caused a change iu public opinion? I expect the same answer that would he given if I should ask. What would orthodoxy be to-day If there never had been any heretics? Mr. Tuttle has expressed a great point when he says that * the great body of regular physicians are governed by a stringent code of ethics. fie should be equally as well informed about homeopathic and eclectics. as classes, having no more secrets than allopathlsts. The published transactions of their societies are proof In this mat- 'ter. The great body of regular physicians" do not test a physician s worthiness of professional fellowship by asking; is he honest. moral, intelligent, successful and quail- fled? bat ask: Has tie subscribed to a striu- gent code of ethics? With such code and unreasonableness, such body of regnlar physicians walk Into legislative halls and a-jt to monopolize the medical business. They profesh to have conscientious scruples about advertising, yet want to be legally advertised at the public expense, now can Brother Tuttle not favor Doctor's Laws, and bo opposed to 'selfish greed "ashe claims, and. at the same time, praise " a stringent code of ethics for.doctors, which embraces neither love. Justice uor the- public welfare? It is not fair to claim that a party of men are not selfish, secretive nor wrong, who will not consult,. at the request of a third party, with other men who are morally, intellectually and legally qualified as physicians. As I wish to have the readers of our articles compare the pharlftalcal code of the American Medical Associating, which Is againjt consultations with irregular practitioners and has received the approval of Mr. Tattle, with the liberal, courteous codes found in the transactions of the homeopathic and eclectic medical societies of the State of New York, I quote from them as follows: No difference in views on subjects of medical principles and practice should be allowed to influence a physician against consenting to a consultation with a fellow practitioner. The very object of a consultation Is to bring together th o s e who may, perhaps, differ in their views of the disease and its appropriate treatment, In the hope that, from a comparison of different views may be derived a just estimate of the disease and a successful course of treatment," " We believe that knowledge makes Its possessors liberal and fraternal, aud not partisan dr exclusive. We accordingly accept no code of ethics which Is at variance with the golden (UFixitu, Whatsoever ye would that men should do to yon, do ye oven so to Ibein;*" Mr, Tuttle claims that at the best medical colleges" (without doubt meaning those that endorse a osle of ethics which is too stringent for human beings) hydropathy, homeopathy and all other systems are reviewed, and everything permanent aud true In "them is retained and forms a part of regular practice to doy, as before being drawn out of ft. Bow, yes how did new sects or systems spring up If the old one possessed and practiced everything permanent and true? My dear brother must have neglected or overlooked quite a chapter In medical history. He should think that reformers of every kind have helped to make the beet part of history. To claim ail reformatory or progressive measures for obi school physicians. Is as weak as his claim about their stopping lift» practice of blood-letting without an Imperative public demand. The bleeding lancet was laid Bálde becaqse its ban effects were made so apparent, and while its friends were contending for Its/ nse. I do wish Brother Tuttle had told-our. readers, when on that point, what Injnriousor depleting agents (which he calls 'remedié* ") his style of doctors " discovered " abontl the time they gave up the practice of killing with the lancet without -» '" t to the 'Meast change " in their theorv " of killing. It Is an just to not glte reformers or irregulars" the credit of substituting curative things for the killing lancet. Reformers did not become reformers merely for opposition, any more than Spiritualists become such In order to tear down orthodoxy. If the students rrom Mr. Tattle s best medical col* -'leges" have learned all about everything permanent and true" In medicine, why do they not manifest more*common-sense In their practice, or notecase the slaughter that may be noticed In th e lt pathway? Take quinine, whisky and morphine away from the mwt of them, and they can do bnt very little in the practice or their profession until they get some Instructions from reformers; True reformers will profit by sad experience, bnt regular bigots or stupid conservatives will stick to their blunders on no better gtound tban a He well stock too Is as good as the truth, and because they are governed by a stringent code of ethics * which never relieved a pain or prolonged a life. Such are bad facts to look at. and did Irregutars cause them? I f IftufoAn TrtttlA ivilltri hflyb tuvan w h a t I rejected and curative articles should be put In their places, even if the huge saddle-bags are required to hold them. Too powerful drugs are foolishly called curative because patients often endure them. A child once swallowed a quantity of hooks and eyes without any bad effect. There was a planing result, as they caused the expulsion of a large quantity of worms, yet, who would think of prescrlbingjiooks and eyes os a vermifuge? A physician should*not prescribe what Is very liable to injure or kill If It does* not care. With a hammer, when a boy, iu trying to kill a fly upon a jng. I spoiled the Jug. Such leason of experience 1have often thought of since I became a physician, and consequently have kept from Retting desperate and spoiling diseased bodies while trying to aid nature In the removal of disease. I have been thirty-four years in the practice of medicine niiif never Have prescribed a dozen doses of morphine. I prefer to quiet than to kill pain. Pain never killed a per sou. It is the cause of pain that kills, if the patient dies without taking morphine or any other deadly drug. 1 am satisfied that it does pot cure, but weakens the recuperative powers of the system. By noticing tha good effects of nervines and removers of obstructions, and observing many cases like the following! I have objected to the employment of opium, except in incurable cases; In Decern ber, 1881, a *regular " and trained.physician " who votes every time he has a chance to In favor of " a stringent code of ethics," gave a strong man two hypodermic injections of morphine for neuralgia, who was consequently put to sleep and slept abont forty- two hoars. lie has been a physical wreck ever slues, without enjoyment and of little use except to demonstrate false science. May, IS83,»pother strong man died from the effects of an overdose of morphine because It was not prescribed by a physician. In July, 1883, a lady fell from some steps and was unconscious for a short tiqie. When consciousness returned there was some puhi/ A doctor, who never learned nor practiced the theory that pain better be'endured tban to destroy the power of the system to remove the cause of suffering wnacalm, and he gave the patient a hypodermic injection of morphine. Quletand sleep followed,which proved to be the quiet and sleep of death. After receiving the morphine she had two Injuries to endure and could not endure both. If the physician had done what some Irregular physician, who thinks moreof common sense than he does of the nonsense taught about pain and morphine in most of the regular colleges, would have done, probably his patient would not have dlpij. If most ql4rugg «le were to speak out about opium, they would slate as one did In New York City id a newspaper reporter, and from whose report I extract as follows: "You would be greatly surprised if 1 should show you a list of my customers who are in the habit of purchaslug'tbls drug- I do not mean those for whom -it is prescribed by physicians, but thocqnrho use It as regularly as they would tobacco. These slaves of, the opium habitcoiiiprise lawyers,artists, Breach- ere, merchants and all kinds of mechanics, tradesmen and laborers. Women, as well ns men, are slaves to the opium fiend. 1 think physicians nre much to blame for people acquiring the opium habit. They are so willing to prescribe it to patients who could get along without It, Should not the world awake to the importance of such testimony, and not remain for ever stupid about the effect* of opium? Where Is the evidence that "At the best medical colleges, referred to by Mr. Tuttle, there Is anything being done In a permanent and trne"form to stay the ravages of the "opium flen<tr Although Bro. Tuttle s views and mine do not fully accord." I hope we hqve excited some-gopd thought* among our readers. - - fi. W. Kin»;, M. D. Saratoga'S prl rigs. N. Y. Mr. Franklin H. North, author of tbs recent article lo The Century, on Sailor* Snug Harbor," fias written for the August St. M rm ni io account of the Central-Park *b«>u and tbelr f..nr-ir»4h t'uar- dlan the Scotch colh<ktoz Shep" The» p e r Is llliutratrd chiefly by J, A Monk*.. ' ' v Spirit Tetchluip." By M. A f t >x«n.). Thle work ronalat* of a laree number or Mewagn communicated by automatic writing and deni* with a variety or Religion*. Ethical and Soda! *ub]«cte or general Inter**!. For»ale at this office, price, doth, flloo, postage, 12 centa extra. "Nineteenth f'etitury Miracle-: or Spirit«and Uirir work Id every country of Ute Earth." A complete Historical Compendium of lh» great movement known 1m Modern NpirUualUm. llr Emma Hardiuge- Brlllen. Tbl* 1» the laieet work rrom the pen of tbt* popular writer aud «bonld be In ibe limne* of all KplrRuaJLxl* and thinking people. For sale at Lhi* office, price, haodaome cloth binding, postage, Z5>cent* The Pioneer* of Urn Spiritual Reformatio)!.* Life and wr.rk* of Hr..lusllnu* Kerner and William Howitt By Mary Howltt Watte, Thla Interiwttog work, lately JufiU*li«fl. hie «idled grent admiration from Hi one who have read U and 1* baring a rapt!»ale. It l* a standard work and furnish»* a vast amount hi good reading. For «ale at till«office, price, doth bound, $, 0, postage-, 15 cento extra. "The Identity of Primitive 0>rl»tUnUy and Modern SplritualUm. By Eugene Crowell, li.il. This U one nf the moat Important work* on Spiritual [km ever published. We hare procured a limited number and are selling them atone dollar per copy, postage twenty cento extra. It Is published in two volumes, but each one la Independent of the other and will be «old separately. The former price of this valuable work was per volume and well worth the price, - At the-low price of AtdJJ per copy U Should tie on the shelve» of all readin g people. A Nkw Bmi*)X Ai-arwH Niaoaha Rivhh has town opened within a few week» which iuak««an Important link is a great railroad Hni-.pnil 1» Itself reckoned nn engineering wonder. It U situated a few hundred feel south of the old suspension bridge, aad was btillt to give the Michigan Central railroad a complete line between the New York Central and Chicago. The connection 1» over the Canada.doutbern,' now a part of the Michigan Central, between Niagara river and Hetioit, and whole train* are now run through between the ends of Vanderbilt'» famous four tracks and the Gardeo dly. The new rout* will prove «[«dally attractive to jiossengers because nf Uie opportunity It gives for seeing the groat cataract. There 1* a fine vjew of the fail* from the bridge itself, and then trains run up by the river on the Canadian ride am! stop at a station called Falls View, where is a platform from which all can Lake an ob- aervallon.-nprfihrrfcw {Mae*.} UeyubUam, April IJ. J8HI. W H I T K WMJUtUUC II i u w a r n a t Pan). Miml.I w TV f i t 1 IsIn U K s ragù diti* lyjvraftmnta. ç A V t t I A L A H R M l LITA OS Y A C A O U Y, Aufnfa. n y. K u w. a. r u x r, i-n4.ct.p*l G U N S. : ; ; Inform ation 1 V U.» «* * I s e l «n e F ï l S E, V J rtxjrii meati: ti iw&y et, if r. OCEAN AIR rtiiy t Produced to Honte* for BtonlJw («r i 00. Tend t e circulât. Ts* aiutitirriie ix ). o r ti. UMUt au: w.umit» nu*, eli tesso, ni T H E S I C K W E L L T b c U nti WH» X e trr T o b t of the wonderful powers and virtu«* of that lw»l of aliiuedidnea, Kidney-Wort. It has tgwu tried and proved. Its cur«are number)» and the reenrd of i»uppcn«j) Incurable cases that have yielded to It* Influence, Is astounding. If 0u have trouble with your Kidnrja.'fJv>r rr Bowel*, if you suffer from Coniti patton and Plies, if von are u victim of Rheumatism or Malaria, take Kidney-Wort. You will find It the remedy you nwd. Joel Benton will contribute to the Auguri St.Vlehoitjsa poem «aliti«! Tbs Curions House, for which Mrs. Cella T lux ter has preparisi an 11finira lion.. N g u s iu r s s ilo tiff 5. Hin «son Turn.* lecture«on subjects pertaining to generai reform and tb««den» or Spiritualism. Attends funerals. Telegraphic address, Ceylon, O, F, 0. address. Berlin Heights, Ohio. - Oh. J, V. Mamnkiki.il 1(0 West Sri St., New York. World renowned Letter writing Medium. Twins, fit. and 12 c. Register your Letters, Skalxd Lirm tas answered by R. W. Flint, No 1327 Broadway, N. Y. Terms: $2 and litre«s cent postage stamp«. Money refunded II not answered. Send for «xplanatory circolar. If your nalr U getting thin, ib«application of Hall s Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer will promote a thick new growth. leas BUbetltnt*«. I judge him to bo too honest to longfir claim that there was a vary great ad van co made when " a large bundle of Peruvian bark was reduced to a few grains of quinine, and a large m i«of opium to a small quantity of morphine." I will not eon- demn all concentration, bnt am «allsfi»«! that there 1«more In thee«word» of Jeett» lo the Pharisees with their high moral code than many persona admit: What God bath joined together. let not man put aanoder- Mr. Tuttle wrote mneh more of truth than, perhaps. he intended to whin he wrote that the pocket ease now contalne far more, of the deadly drugs than the large saddle-bags of former timee." The deadly drugs should be Fon Tea Carro. Th«.8h Louis Vagatine, diali ncuj Western in make-up, tmw In Ito fifteenthy«ar, 1* hrilllantty Illustratali, re-plsto wlth stori«*, poema, tlmriy rsaillog and himior. Hamptn copy and a «et of gold colorai pletore- carda seni for ten cento. Ad- dr«e» J. (3Umore, 813 North Elghth Street, St. Louis, Ma The RatJoto-FMtlAMOKHiCAi. JaoarAL and.vagatine seot ooe T*«r for g3j0. B A R E F L E A N A S IT V IS IT O ItN ANB C A R F E R N A T T E X T IO JÌl T» r W est W S ) t o R rn e J i l a k * K l n u s l K r* a* B s O S I* a n d «ho» M I s s «F r e s i P o tili. W o tw o rw B a lt sl* s s» A l k s s y, Is k y ili* *v ^ \7e s t S lio re R o u te, T h e S e te Y o r k H 'e sf S h o r t <1 b u f f a l o b e iti- teay la thè onlj road running through cara from Ballalo to Lake Fleaaant Camp. * K r c u m l o n latri*. Tirasti toc U «l VWsunt, *vat trota Jiilr lid i U> SfpcMUt r Ima,ruatvd uip ir a i *! «,» : lu r k M t V r».» : U a M S s t i s * * l o. u O r e r e s a s. J»! S lv ra c a s * mr.fi ; «nota* ra re ; n ico «a.ri. Trsln toarinc UuSjU*>st fi 10 A. M. irsches Lsa# i' -in».,: K s t m u i a u P. K Trsin ic c ra ««turala si p. IL resdiss Lola ttsssaalcsffip»1 *l»ut * 10 A. M fart sai) «u re alcn» tot* tb)s actnv*ll«3 root», ^ Vs**n««n eoa b* im dh M I H U u * «D M ail cxtsbcstif r a n tr Ihrer «d *t» ut» ureo«trento. Ir Uwtr pro k w mmá sstwe bj uim» «Kksr uw LAHK KLIASANT V U IW O B STARTIXU F R O S C H IC A G O. c*n d tu la resalsr rim t* a«e»k< Md retsn orer sny W tbs nrets raaduu rov»3)100. Tb* nrar*tis3 Ucartn f m C'SIra«* lo alrw S tarlo rai.m w < l CM inw aom of s r e n l i a. r e s» «a n d t l s <S k y 'A m u w a iru re w irti. J o n u i. * li as r o w ts Lsks r i *»» s t, Iks Ueb. wui bs * - «/, teas tsskiiw to* <*cx*t r «o fw t r a r e T kls ) O r i g i n s i A in m u n lik, AmmoDia is obtolaw l la targ e q u an tities by rhe putrefactlun o f th e d rln e of an l7tuik S u e irciok'lfei JtrlUannleti. > Every housekeeper cun test taking powders containing this disgusting drug by placiug a cau of the Royal " nr Andrews Hk ui top down on a hot stove until beslisl. then remove the cover and amelh Dr. Frier's Cream Baking Powder doss not conta in A m m onia, A lum, l.ltue. Popish, Rune Fhos- pbales. I t 1» p repared by a Physician and Clieinlri with special regard to cleanllnree and hretluiful. l a l i r r l o N u b s c r i l i r r e. We particularly r«jurat lu la a itie n who.renew their aubncriplluus, to k>ok carefully at the figures on Ute tag which cooulns their respective nato«* and If they ju<- not duinged In tuto Weeks, tel us know with Ju li particular)», aa it will rav«um«and trouble. JameHtown. Kansas. TbeSpIrituslUlSacletlre «( me HepuWksa s M M 'e v «Vs»«* «tu bald S «TI1V meetlos mini AKS-Jit ysth In Seni. Tth tlietuijre, 111 flottalo n w t VSUey H*e Irille«* r,[,«f Ssoretosn, K sn, «e tn e i. IL K P. H, H. Trsiiw emine«st JtfflH lrttj»un lh* msln lifternnntn*ta*u rob'l*r»*l ««I m esti I aniutwd i t Jk M U Vtudsv Ut tirto* tent* sad U ri am* ks ter M punible. JACOB ivl.mi.lt lur. Net S p lriltu tl M eetin g s iu Brooklyn and New York, m«ctmre)i «C in* Mow spirit ust IHapeiunUria e n t i Braatlr» iu>»i lute, W M ld ftiin.m W CoOCuCd SWeri, even SuswSsr. st 9 sod 1-AÖ V. M. Ijerucn for fw iif sad old, Nouilsre SI 10 X 0 1, a, Jtiu* lista J. Klpt>. 9utXVlRt*o>J*tit. * I ts d k s Aid sod ktatusl Keltcf rrete fa in. W edowisr. st ÏJM), enureb fk*3*) every seiuod sod (uttrto Wedsredsy. In ssch taccili.» «r. a. * «-»rente jrvsnvnttr for Oevelopuvent Of wed! cun*. * Thoradsf **ei>üuf, te B «'etoev. esurp. Mrs T, B. NUjXer, Pres) deal. The Nuìiìii ilrnoairn Splmus) Society n w p si FTsolll.. ttsll, u r n * 9rd Avenue sad 1 Nth 8w*et, every Wntlnevd*/ «reñirá s t a o'ejoes. Mr lh «ert V-resIdeut ; Dr. peten racretery sod T rese torr A Frocreaelre sp in ta li MreiiBX all] t*i hrk) er err Sander B a s r a»t > o eines. In rvshbu rh sl). esreer or 3rd sienne SOU IS in»uvei doom llrtnklyn. Miele Irre UXILSHt) X.VJXLX.V l -elrtnea. TheUrooktyaSpIrUus) luaferetwe moots st *f»reu Hill B»S T ultoii Ntrwr. otery Seturdej eveutau el No cliwx. W. J Cushing. Fvestdent; l««u JiJmo-«. vire-pre-ujeot The B aokjfijsptntsil F n tf r s ln vtl] meet M 'ldsm U ti m. two Soare from Fulton, In tlw bill of VnHe f o re n neuen Work, every Tburtdsy evening, t r. * 3 «SICH 1)1», President. John Jeäfrrjv Secystsry. A. U, to y, Tressurer. Hew TortClty 1 Adieu Spiritosi let Aid Suctoty. iw *t every Wodnosdsy, st k r. w. et J 71 Keel BStn Street Mil» a A. MCCbATCHZH, SsèreUry n» Peopled Spirituel Meeting oí Maw Tort City, eonrew* very Huodsy st I» 0 r, w end 7-Jo eroding. In Arcar tuii, No. 57 Wret a tm S t. corner Rich A recur. K a n s a s City, Mo. Th* First Nidrilual «««f of Aerase City, M a. meet* every g n sd ir evento* et 7 -xo in pythtsa Hsll, ram er ] Uh sod Mito «resi, Pr. K It UrsQilUe Prewdent; A. J Volby Chicago. III. The Splrltusi Truth Seeken' Society bold meeting* every suodsy IB MArtUW* «rii. 11 Ads (tree*, u s e MsdMoa. O n (rrrr r r s t lox'i A. * Ijneum ) * yuung sod old st 2 to r U. Lerture-K 7 *5 t M Mr. WUIMm. Nicol, regnur ite s i r. Seste Ire*. A Fres SoUel FnterUJnment erery Dm *w) bird Wednmday eventsg la epett moout u s e.». to F. T8XFBV. Secretary, Saratoga Springs, N. T. Tbs Fleet Socleiy nf SnliitasUit* s t a s n tra s Sprtno. N. F wtu bold S w B a p eeefy Snodsy slteramm seri eveotso. «tlw Suirrraw Court Hoorn. Town Hsllj stao oe Uw I m Moo- dsy so d / Tuesdsy «vtnlngs «f escb toon tb. at wblcb Mrs. Nettle J. T Brighe«! wùl osclsìc. a J l u w rari IL J. HORN, Pres, G U ID E -P O S T S, ON D O f O t t T A L R O A D S. By MRS JACOB MAJETUl * Tb* sntfenr *sr>: - As» Orekly sraong Ifee cere, se s ftp««^ - rarawreireb Price 35 ocote, perasg* 2 NERVOUS DI8EASES AkW M A G N E T IC T H E R A P E U T IC S. ÈT ijímt W2TU txoqt, R, g. Aíra. (Ora rand for free cl renter of XUTVrvMr Needier Hus Msgferiir raed lab Muvrmeul Water C itrr, iterdtltun, Jj _, Opts KsofcnA, tows, A { ; \ r s Vv A «'»- J - *> re»n e w. t h r f,iyg 1 o r W«b«U. UIHJB," ira only*" toorirad edlllno Alw, I * mtr " Huns ptiumtoo. Vircnisre wi LAKE GENEVA SEMINARY! Lake Geneva, WaJworUi &>, WIb. A cultured Ibrerisn tklxni for young 1idles Tlw house 1» Ijrtfl, Brt p rk Mp w fm uiil^ ri ei«ii 2 5 ^ * «TU# u*tl U n^iujtr WIJ t'iw.-i tit- _ *^*jl u,r1l> ^ptw»c*r l Tip acit11\* taui^u<t. HEW, HANDSOME, ARTISTIC. cbj trlf.rf:nm roitr Flfotn IS* earlier d sn of NIAGARA FALLS THE GREATCATARACT M l t l i Iii.,r«re M» li..in t.rx * rrm ii» M.-ril M e n, Forty-E ight Full Page E ngravings by prunlueut SrtlsU. made evperlslly r * mil wort ALPOINTSOFINTERESTILLUSTRATED. Muled «receipt of 29 cent«by Z LXGftFASSE, t o, (9 w t i n itftrt, Ctittgt. Wlil tectorr stvieifesmlny FUI*, irai* Phessnf. sud Uosit '» J f- *rl ' Meeting» la A ligule, end In fpwtixi In Heptecnber.» re Hrm*n 1>to h**< to lecture In kut bs«v city, t u l i and Nsn Francie««tisi. In Odorar, end soy SpiritonliNt Morleticw i re«)* troni Bratoo to Uve PsctfiC C a r e o r X. W. L O V E M L F e h l U k e r, U t e r i Street.New Jo rt. tip to AuguiT. Alter Uni 1UMNFJC OF UQHTUFFJI K. BUfltlJt MA'** M rs. S. 3F*. PIXLRTIB, Trance M rifui ut, * M a g n e t i c c a l e r. No Mnllctse* Pieecrtord, fe«w. MADISON STREET, CHICAGO. DR. JOS. RODES BUCHANAN, ' ft " 'o r í j l m u t e. H u n t o n, 1 * T i,.t,a* jefim-n lo the iresttneoc of rhrtwie A. I? 1 ^ peyclmiioetrtc disgnosli and the uve of n. odile dlk W W l by tta w tl HU reeldence li m the mod el rested IweJlby ami ptctuiwiue location In llustnn, and fee can.recel re» few Intuida In hi* family for nurilul care. HU wort on ThernpnOc SarCntraeny will b* Inuad urtta nguat - «rira two dollen. MUA it ICH AN A N eon limi** the orsrue«nf h f t l i im d ^ SARAH A DANSKIN, PH Y S IO IA N OF THE N E W SO H O O L.. PupU of Ih. U*n amln hrati. Office: 481 X. Oli more St, Baltimore, Md. Onrlng Sfleet, reir«psat M ie P i V ili s ha* tm n Uw jmpll of ami medium for Ita «pirli of Ih thnf, kw e. M i-1 tr a * prureunced lujpraeea ha»' tmmn permswiitljt com i iferuugb feo- InstrumetitULly. Kb* li clstrsudlent sml cturreysat. L o d i tb* Interior rnrelulun of tfe* petlent. Whetlire m n e il iw st sduisoc», and Ih- Knalt tre all tfe* ras* wlth s sr lenirne ikllj wfelch *** beffi grésbly n tu o c n t by tu* Bit) yesn' eirartenra In nrld of aptrìls APpUcsOuti by lelter, enriralng CuneulUU«* Fé* l'j.o». and two stampa, *UI renrl** prorapt snecitloq. T H È A M E R IC A S L V J iii E A L E K, h i j v i l n i X i f s r l i t i ^ g r j t i ti l l i. la SA unfuiing reru iy for all alamaro of tfe* Tferist and b i u i Tv»kart' u i C o u rv e to re ha* f**n rytred by ft Prie* irti per tkiiti» Tbree bnulm for 7 (*i AAdrevt' 5AKA1I A DANSKIN, BatUmor* Md PmtOBC* M.rcej- Orlar* and remltisncu* by rxprww paysble I* ut* radar ni llsrsfe A. UsnaAln V S P I R I T U A L I S T S j» ur W e ol of n N e w Y o r k, Northern P onuylftol», u n ii B a s t e r o O b lo, WIU trilli Ut»Ir ÖTB A N N U A L CAMP 3VU3 BTIKTO- ON THE > > P«*0 iie HCam»-4sronimIh AT O A SSJJJA fja. C l/a C T, VO., X. COMMKNCIKO i i T t u i i. J i n ' ja, f tonne n m t,»lft. i. Uu»wt Conci 11,l* III«beAniS wills,ut surading the People s Ca»ají-TI«-«*t,ijp AT ( A s s A I ). I a A. L A H E. 0 PEAKEKä' LJBT, Sstardsy, July ÏBtfe-O f. Kellogg,Obi«. y J S S S ^ A e l r 27lfe -» 1.1> Arlinggj Mr*. U a til»*. Fwj. Monday, July tv Conference and Volunteer Sp*rtlhg. turwuy. July y«tn Mrv K. * I lili». ^ Wnlnredey, Jaly arati O F Kellogg, Thursday, J a lta Iri-M r. It s l i l i i a, flraform T eds b I I Frnrnnn of Msnctanire, N If. Friday, Aug, let Lyman 0, lfi«wr, F redenta. H y. raturdsy. Aug. 2nd O, Y KeU'gg; Mm, I isr» ararâzi Jamourem. N T ; filati,*m Treu by y. w F.n.cr*,,,, *ti * Sunday Aug kvd-lyman f. «,m *: Mrv lt.a.liu l*i K**Wr n iu^jt'u1/l*m *l t6' rk*' uf srasnsww («ture oi M *day,aiìg fui-fsct MreUng W f l í r í y 't Î vu' kj ^ BW1 C Mo* * 1 T" ' Wednreday. Aug. Alb-W. >*, Mrf xirmk*, Franklin Fa. K ilt orni»ret st cirer rg Lereur*. by K W Ijw -rnt Thurttlaj Ao* Tth OilHreu. <J*r Mrs ft. s u r.it flail ram Tret by it. W Kaicrs'i,. 1 Frilay, Aug eth J If llanda», Jsmrwp,wo N V - M rs Kmíre * M*m i i Treu t w "«dsy AU*. loth J. H, Banda»; Mrs ft < Wrarifulf- ft W. tmrrsnti. plstf'irm treu Monday, Aug. Ilth Fan Martin*. TureiUy. Aug. m b Mn 1 1 Wowlruft, Wednwday, Aug. l*vh_mrs Ann* Kind Tbareday, Aug. U th -Ö re W T uler, Brooklyn, K. f. Friday, Aug. Ub- J Frank lu illr, i i* n r e Mire*, «sturday. Aug t Alb'-J. F. H u m ; Mrv f t s U m * Sunday Aug. ] ftb -M ra f t d U nie: J, F ftstier ktotiday. Aug le ft «orartik-* JwwdM. Au* 1 D ft-r a McCramlck. Frank;m V*. Wedneraas Aug. ï t i f t., 1 -,«. rw rs Wat*,«TburwUy. Aug. i l w -M m u ra Kay. Mri R, X Lulls. Friday. Aug, -.- tut n V, ltogfüffimhaes** 23rd,L 1 wrntrt; Mrs H*UW. T... '* * M «)-A a French Clyde, 0*1.7? Mr* Bri. W n. r i r Ä, Ä T rk* f «J. Mraulsy, Aug. Xk»H V,i unleer ppaaklng Tureday. Aug 7 Aft- A- ft. Frencfe Wrdmwday, Aug ï ï lli- J. Wn Fietefwr, Tharwlsy. Aug **th- A. ft Fmrah Friday, Aug. SfiffrtJ. Wtn Fletcher r >i:» **" * «Ä Z i ï X ï S S J ï 4 1JJ' ^ A-n * M-wday. Wpt H IP re lw d i; For I Ventai*. Add resa JOHN W. U k u, rm freila. M. r. Hl'I Tl HK CURED A Ì,» 5tg «.?i.aaa^. n, œ  3Æ: HALL TYPK-W árrk H ^.S T 0 " 50 «e r r i Bra* head fw rlrrol«*. Agerjt»silted in evrry. v,,,f, I, If «r i r v i *.» lilff.lt ArtKN.T, 4M Ma.ll*re kirrag,"iïr e g ill ^ Q O l f e O V N O S T R, A fto W U e l M t r e l l g l. w a D V lug artici«* ft ft* World, I asuipl* f r e e, Addrnre JAY BBuNSOS, Detroit. Mich. I f ih n s Wiwt'ara- K> «p i r li E o w s r.»y Iraners ItUftferre no nraiu-lre ft rurre All m ahon rg Marear* Trent*.! Baud lor ctrpu ar uf repftnatlrare sad rv v : J.. v t d w d e l f S Í Ü 'A1AJaf- ^ P A T E N T S * g g» J S S S S ^ g PEN SIO N S l / T l T f i WAVTcr inwii zzlzis u;r?i l U l f t l I ty! t * r SflU nl 2'tfii F''«d«tft *y «w ^»**»» Addr re ti. CU»* I Prlstli*l(wt. CAMP 3MCE3 TITüra-. T h * x i r l i l i a n / U e * r l* l l e * o r S y l r l f t a l l s i «W ill h e l d t h e f t» m u i l f a r e p W e a rin g hi* y r u e u n lb «F a i r ««ro u n d * a t I g a d S l..* ( < 7«It IM h. Three ground* *r* rastutful ty locste-l. wltk a Hhe f iuv* nel r a i ) retivrawnrr w r r e i ri fra n u u ^ i g u d rare* mart lug pan»»«*. The bulkdlfeg* on Uwgrusnd* will b* Ehrawu opeo Ira fta scc ciubriatì. n Of U ret etto mayrirairera SpaaSrrv rnuag-d A 1) French, «Ila» li «shfehti H fi Fai rile Id, Mrv ft A- I rarval). J. It. fisimar. M jfcgsh üravre. Chas. A. Andrus Öftere «peded t ft French will o p a s * sat u rd ir fend l u u U r the Mb ana loft O iftt liudi rtenslunr. ft* lavpirsonbii elnger Sad pnbuc laet tt.rauu.tr.. will p* present and take part ft all tb* men llkgc Tlw Lapeer <hair will sretuc In fartdibftg raunte. l-uttue trete Wtu re, g u m f nun ft«rootrum»vary d sf. f t eluding ft* lire trat. Nearly all pesare «g medlumsblp will bf reprw ntad re Iba gro-joda, f-srare wishing to lin t lend will g ir a r adam a tfe» Seem tan st JraovU g, «IM efb sh i: LaréUsg Hna*r * : li, t. li» :.»;«v diy; (hspatsn Hoo**»J.7S p rrd iy ;» v e ril Hora» and Cira marcisi Haue*, f l 00 par dby Arrstiir[.»*Me btv* b**c» nuula with Itevarr f t n r t 1*4 Ofrririclt. tenia sad b ies Un* fra m ond tn p lirh m rrere dapou U> lh* gyaofed» or M4*t* ai SO <wn*v^.lbrtadlng nrdln ary hsggsa*ifa» on* way «aly. an cant*, fare from botala u o n ; ground*, io tente. pftiog m e» un tua gnuoda; tie. lodgings fra a Limited B4imb*r. BsUrred*. Tb*Michigan Canti*; sud D, L i a II lu. will rail rechd trip tlc s ru f«august 7. v. 19. and to. guod te return outil I Iftb. rira U O H * M ft f t will «Ire re turo timet* ovw o»*lr road at I cam per mil* certificate of Secretary of AsHctatP«. ft S. A ii S, ft It remad trip Urtai» I itere from At* ft toft. I^netnghrinch; *t latftrw on main luw lame rata* by apotieacbui t* h c m i t f. C k l i T. By lv «parted ftgtvw m I t r s i r round trip, but as y d MHM IR U i raí No charge for tenting pi tvurgr* AcCfitcmudatlnn sad lead for treroro * «y b* had ire Ifeagrunods Araran Urtata 11.On ; etnei* adtabrefte. If) renia. (hot nsale fra ametog partira every evening eicec» fetta irra d ia ; ftvuauon Is «leaded I* ML m iiftn kddrara raerriarf1 SK LA MARVIN. Sac retir; I. F. W MITIRC. FmidSttl, Adderai ftânilug. MlCh < ( ca» Chapman Mense» K ( \ T H O S E O F OUR CUSTOMERS Who h ire I)*«reestved wir fiurtaf Map of the r a il'd BLalra. printed ft Outer*,-tfewwtug Ura new STANDARD RAILROADTIME, And ft» difference between Maral I d and in n Tima In all ft* ttftreo n the Coultnenl will hare ao* mailed la them i n -reeriptof tv.;arai-t, I'retai; or Wewuiraad It to ray arilrrae -n receipt of Itfnesii ft itainpe, i«oki> A. T H O M AN, Newspaper Advertlsicgr, OLioakro, in. F w *^raial Inter- J YnsT ACÎNT5 T9 SELL Tua M IS S O U R I S T EA M I W I Agi. ter I A I ) «F r a e in. A *4- lia i t, Me. BUFFALO LITHIA WATER. I f d i a n o l i r s t e o t k T h e B r a t a n d «u l j h u o. n j s o l i c n i * f ftfw nr i n ik e B la 4 4 < -r. U ir I* Mow plan to- a n d A rid H t d i n r i L Cb»e *f Mr. C ef B «f t CttreUM. ««- I by tb.o, H*!*te«d fiogund. p n f u w r g Mcrgre* BWOmra* Medica lera: ta la lrguos Frnutb Array febril«; Mim bre «f ft* Medics t CMrraglcBj r Z ilt» ef fta k w g uunl Ile * TTie rara i f Mr. C. of Perth Caroita* wfto»meed s t ft» kprinsr LM* lie f affi rte a Buffai* Ulfela * ater, straft* Nn 7. ) * A *>a*i M C rtaery ;«., uimttacly cajied year prerim» h» wg* opm tea opre f<ra 9*eoe. a» otafamun affrading b*a prertai and i pain Is tlw Lsmbar Baden, and pstn and Irrnabtliu ai tb bkrt ef Uw R*~ ~ ineraann ; and t a svaaral eeratltrao «ray n*~ Urinary Irapoalt ef Uw Triple /iw jf e,«, ' L s rw te W*n»«c ree Mlf gailm buttere. Nk-OO pe««nre n ta* apriate epun L«n* 1«. IPSA Wasra fra re» SfUnrertM temi

22 RELIGIO-PHILOSOPHIC AL JOURNAL. JULY 19,1884. Yoke s from the Prople, M I IirOBIATlOl 0 1 TiBIODS SDBIECTB. For Uw It»llclolullannoblokl journal, I>o T h f j ' I-lw r. Rt N. V. StBOKO. Do they Her, the friends of by-gone itars. Who Walked earth's path* willi me, Who hxve full«*! bright flower» la youthful plays, And Join«! Ip childhood» cl»? Trll me, ye txrigbt-robed seraphs of the sphere*, Do they live, atul lore the friend* of youthful year»? Do they Her, thoee dear, deported soul» That passed death'll river o'er, Who» ixiate went down 'mid the hidden shoals, Tliat gird earth's stormy shore? Ob! tell, ho* life,eo bright, so pure mid fair, So full of thought, vanished Id view!«** air? Do they live? Ob! tell inn ere iuy heart Beat* Its List pulse on earth; Ere hope «siiarkling Joys aud dreams depart \ I d night of endless dearth; And life sinks down IwneiiUi the mldnlchl gloom. Who» shadows close around the silent tomb. They live, for 1 bear a whisper tow The deathless an cel * lone; lie still, my soul. If limn yet wnutdst know The light of urmlds unknown; That land where light and lore in sweelne* hlend. Where we. shall clasp, for ay. each cherished friend! They lire! for I feel I heir gentle presence. Lilt* a summer's Wooing brew«; I hear thijr voices In softest cadence Llktrrfluarmur In the trees, And mjr beldg willi their presence ««0»» aglow, As tturtvsw» of life in rhythmic mmure* llow. Fredrlcktown, Ohio. rortke it» Hi lu-jti iiiiwt-mcai Journal. M rs. < I n r ii 1.. Ito lil m ill H e r.v lnlliiiii- s»lll»_ BV W*. KMlIICrrE Oil. KHAR. The JtiiKMAl, Is correct In saying tliat If Mr. Coleman hiw made slatrmniil* concerning Urn. Reid which he caunot sulnlnuilate, we hnre no doubt bo will cheerfully correct them, and uuldidy apologize for his mistake." In all that I publish I slrirs o say naught hut truth, nud am always glad In correct, or Pi have corrected, any error found therein. I lb ink that I never prepared any article with more mn«cl- euunim care than the one relative In the phnfiome- n.i manifested through Mrs. Held and.miss Itngur- dus. As I gavo In It such positive testimony to the genuineness of the phenomena, I felt ll my duty, a* an Importlsl chronicler, to state plainly Uni unfavorable circumstances connected with their pro- daction, in order that my reader» might be In pna- Meelon of all the facts hearing on the cas\ and be enabled, accordingly, to Judge more intelligently of the value of my evidence To their favor, and to form n correct estimate of the true nature of the phenomena. I fell that If I only testified to the genuineness of the phenomena, suppressing aji reference to the unfavorable light in which the I k ro n ls lj l!f. V.) N p i r l l u a l F r a i e r n l t y. rn (h* editi«of Ih* Urtigli...'lUosorililcal Jiwnilt The dosing sierel»«before our slimmer vacation were held on tho evening of June VMlb, The opening address was made by Mr. Charles Pawbafn, of New York City. Subject: "The Future of Modem Spiritualism," Heal some length traced the various religious Ideas id pest ages, and ho held that such a step forward was owing to inan'a own exertions. He held tbnl them Is not a possiidllty of the human h ma ' soul acting except through matter, sod it I* thus that the spirit or man, after ll shall hats passed to another condition of life, must ever act. Ha A T o u c h in g T r i b u ts..tdrirew o f Oto, F. If aim er at the (irate o f Hie Ktete. The following Is from tho fa ilin g Wlecontln, of Milwaukee. Mr. Westover Is a prominent lawyer of this city: ^ The following touching address was read by eioulient tribute to lier memory: life, must ever further argued that atty form of faith to be successful, must lie one of Ideas; that lie facts must be demonstratable once. He aald that a century ago John Murray advanced a new problem nr Idea In religion, tliat every human soul will progrem la a future life and ultimately become happy, and tliat the Fnlveranilrt denomination hail dung to this one Idea. Intrinsically true la lleejf, hut not having any other truth that essentially differ» from orthodoxy; In the last i uorter of a cealurr It had wen lla cardinal dogma accepted almost generally by various orthodox clergymen, and ns a power Unirep«]Ism ta> *th«intricate strai fast succeeding among other eltele forma of fakir: He argued that Spiritual!«!* would neter Ire a powerful ecclesiastic organixatlon; that those who attend our public mewling* are compose«! of people who have become dissatisfied with the dogma* and the creed* of orthodoxy, and n epiril of unmet had led them to our spiritual meetings to «eo If there was any truth In Die claims of 8 u ritual I»in. Many of those, he contended, are met Ly the exposure of fraudulent mediums and enthusiast* among Spiritualist*, many of the latter among people of prominence, who now defend medium* who have hewn caught In llielr Imposture, and are ready to certify to the geuuinenn* of the manifestations so «hmc1. A large proportion of those who allenil the public meeting* uf spiritual lets are wonder-seeker* going hither and yon, seeking for some n*w marvel. Ho argued that if Spiritualism I* to be respected Jn the future ll must eliminate from it* fold all per- eons who shnulat- mndlmtvdiip, and not encourage or endorse such ;terson* in any way. He mid that the public had common sense, and he urged upou hie hearers to use that In Uidr e(forte to ausbilu mediums. He nrgur«that man's advacrementuid pot depend upon the Hat of Omnipotent* tail man evolveij higher conditions by (lie will and spiritual forces He eald the Chinese had accepted spiritualrisorge 1', Wrelover, a well-known Chicago lawyer, at the funeral of his 1 l-year old nlec«, Frida West- over, who died at the residence of her uncle, K, (Ï. S Ä are regarded by many -Spiritualist«In Jan Francisco, 1 would be deceiving my reader*. In a ca*«like this. I felt that the whole tniih should be elate«!, or uooe, It Is an undeniable fact, tbit a Hum tar of Ibfl better daw of SplrilHjiJLittji in San Francisco are very susplrimis of the phenomena occurring In presence of these two ladle«, anil are of opinion that I wo* deceived by I Item. Prior to the publication of my article, I was cautioned by several to l* careful in my endorsement of [heir iiie>tiuro*)ii[i1the manifreliition* luring In their opinion fraudulent; and «luce I la publication others have told m* Hint, In their opinion. I was impoaedupon J»y their hum buggery. In every case I find, though, that tho» so asserting hare never seen the phenomena characterized by hem at 1>ogus. They J udgtt lb e parti» according to Ihrlr past associations, which' have not lieeit of an eminently favorable character, oousorltug, a* they have, with the fraudulent ele- mcnlsor San Francisco Splrituall*in, Fonrfnced as I was ofttin genuine character of Ihe phenomena «n by me, It tiecame my duly to publicly avow the fact ami glee the parch In«tturtvlMilch wa* Justly duo them. Justice to Ihetn demanded this, but justice to the nubile and to mysrif domaodsd IhatUio unfavorable «Id* of the matter be also unseated. and «o I slate] both; the favorable luring given In detail and the unfavorable, In case of Mr*. Reid, very»lightly, omitting much of the details. Examining my article. It is seen that the only thing narrated of Mr*. Reid, lured on my own knowledge. Is the proceeding» or lb* n-anos therein deecrll<e«l H r «oilier few Hu m cuicftmlug her a re simple statements of thing«told me by other*, and I uulinclty»tale that I had been thus inform**! My words are three: **I have been credibly Informed that Mr*. Jbrid has been known to personate spirits,... Other things,seriously reflecting on her moral character. arecoufldenuj alleged against her." Th*ee sulemeuu are true, I have been no luforme«!," and such are confldenuy alleged against lier." 'Wbellier the allegations are true or not, it waa Im- ihiwdble for me to elate, as I «lid not and do not know. I simply stated the fact of their existence, and did not vouch for their truth. Almost any one of the leading worker* of the hell«cloaa of Spiritualists In this dty con testify to the existence of these allegations against Mr*. Reid, nod an subs Lon Hale" what 1 Bid concerning her. Parties whom 1 had sver fonnil truthful, and In whom 1 had confidence, bad told me, In a positive manner, of various mailers reflecting on Mr*. Held, and I had found similar narrative* largely current In the community both among Spiritualists and noa-splrituallsts. I knew nothing of her of my own' knowledge, and. very naturally, the wide prevalence of.three unfavorable opinions concerning her, rendered me very auspicious of her t«ychic power* In spite, however, of liieae unfavorable circumstance*, 1 Wo* convinced of her genuine nee* u a psychic, and In Ju*ile«to hot ao etatm, at the earn«time making brief reference to the unfavorable accounts in circulation in tbe community, and which had reodfred me-very suspicious of her genuineness. I purposely -refrain*-1 from giving the details of the thing* alleged against her, merely making a general statement I presume n<> one will deny the existence of these opinions ana stories about her In Han Francisco, ana that existence was all I stated aa true. Therefore my state- men la need no aubetanuatlon, as I never vouched for.the truth of the allegations. Tbe iadj 1st«be congratulated upon having such warm champions In Han Jo»' where she bos lived so long, ncnl such positive testimonials to her good character. It la much more satisfactory to believe good than evil of any one, and I am always pleased to learn of the good conduct of any medium or psychic, especially of a lady. I am sure I sincerely hope that the excellent diameter given her Is rully deserved, and that the same may lie truthfully ascribed to her daring ail her future Ufa. It 1^ well that the JocuRAl, baa published the statement of the allegations (gainst h*{, though they may be unrounded, sin«* Unas afforded an opportunity of their public denial and the presentation of rebutting evidence In her favor. These stories are certainly In wide circulation In this city, greatly to the lady * disadvantage If nntnta and by thl* means the bae Iwen given the fit of a widely-read denial. Since the denial has been made I have made diligent term Irle* as to the ertesi facta In tbe matter. Those making the allegation* adhere to their truth, and otben have repeated and cred-. I P 1...>ie partita to San Francisco tel! me that they ara positiva that them, evidencing an extensive circulation enoe. On toe other hand, other reliable pirtlm In they are false, and that Mr* Retd Is a good, tone woman. In this conlllrt of evidence I find It very duucull to arrive at any decided opinion, 1 aineere- r hope and wuh that the latter are correct, and the 'Iona false. In the matter of tbe charge i _t her character, we should, I think, render the hvetdirt,"not.proven." If ebete Innocent, it Is probable that tbe nature of her awociauons baa bad much to db with Ux origination and circulation of Um stori» about ber; tbe' elemento surrounding bar were bad, though she, herself, was not of that character. My reference to ber aepanmon tram her husband w ianot intended M atty reflection upon bar, sin«many excellent women are similarly situated. Having spoken of ber husband's trendalance, to state that ibe had separated from him waa more to her credit than otherwise; and If the aseertod MM* of her leaving b in bo to*, she did right. Presidio opsanfnarisoo,t L Ism many thousand year* ago, but thvy Imd mad«' no real pmgrkee In spiritual ecieuce, and lie argued if N(«1rllunlriHiii in tho future Is to Ima ;iower for good, we must do nil we om to make Us central facto caiable of demonstrable proof. We must l«e careful of our fncto, must not lu any way endorse fraud, or countenance any jwrson who «mul.it«rnedlum- ehlp, or who for gam Iiiiikm««* upon Ihomt who desire to kuow <>f the evidsucee tliat prove a continuity of life. He cloned with a glowing perora- Iion, picturing Uoi race frrvd from creedafbondage and the»uperelltionnof Uie luwt, evolving n natural religion through natural taw* nml force* created for a purpose Li> the divine and all-creative power, by eome cull«*! the Great First I'auee. Mr. Albert Smith anfl H. R. I'hUbrook mail* ehort addressee. At HiU parllcni.tr lime there seems to be an unusual Interest in Spiritualism In Brooklyn: all the meeting» have been well ntt*ud»l, and the ITiurcti of the New Dispensation has decided to continue Its Sunday larrices through Hie summer. Tbe Ilrookiyu lushlule, a solid gnu:ho building, le one of tho coolret places In our cily. Mr*. Lllile will speak there tho Hist two Sunday* In July, and will return for a year's engagement In September. Mr. W. J, t ushlng wni recenuy elected chairman of the Everett Hall t'onferefipe. which will mutlnue to meetings through the summer. In Hie Eastern district a new conference was organized ta*l winter, which held their meetings In Masonic. Hall, Seventh street, near Grand, Sunday evening*, Mr. J, C. Ih Fooler to it* Frealdeot and Mr. N. S. I'onklltt, Secretary. They Will continue their meetings during the...ter, Mr, Fooler was formerly a member or the fraternity, and It stand* upon the earn* platform that, we do. At the Everett Hall Cooferetwe, Saturday evening, a young lady, Ml** McCnmi, gave a very Interesting account of her developuu-nt a* n lunlium, ntwl told of lier conversion from Catholtcisia In the glorious facto and phiiowiphy of Spl ritualism. Her mother and sister «a**-j to the Spirit-work], and her soul was not eausfted with the teaching* of the Mother (Jhurch. Some three years kgo she beard tbe truths of Spiritualism exidalned by Mrs. F. O. Bywr. anda new light dawned oj-m her aoul. Nfie nifraded meetings and v-ine«: the feeull was Lirat eiie Is- came a clairvoyant and ctolraudlent m nllna. Her father will not permit Stdrlluatlsto to «««her. nor do» he know thirl she 1» a medio ml she refuted her ex «erieiiee iu a motto*, rarumt way, telling of the Joy that irtuinlneit her soulliy the prbsenreof her mother amt slater whoee face*» lie mw, and wfmee loving tuemgtw she covim bear. It waa to Ihe writer an intensely tatererthig narrative. «Home two weeks ago or wore a public»juice v m held at Centod Half by Mm Shod E. l«onl ond Mr. P. 0. Matthew*, who gave many testo to per*ntis k> theaudleuce. At Ihe clone of the exorcise*, a Wnr. Mr. Whitney, ao ex-buptlsi tjergymon, lh«i liware of the hall, said that SplriHnltom'"irteiM not he proved; that when a s a o died, he died like a dog, an, he chaltenged Spiritualist* to meet him on Hie following Mmulai evening ami discos«tbe subject,, he taking tbe portion tliat spirh-cetarn could not be proved by the. BIN*. IN* riialleog* was promptly accepted, and on ktonday evening, June HVJ. the hall was densely park»!. Tlw nwemnl prenrher argued from «luotauon* frore the Blbto, that deeding with familiar spirit* was forbidden. Judge A H. Dally replied to Litre, aw] hh argniwnit was exhatisl- tveand convincing, and so much Interest was manifested that a collection was taken to pay tor the ball for another meeting, and a committee was ap- 1 -limit! to preparen ni««s-. i f. id h 'w h.n on Jinn-' day evening, June NAtaaod ll was voted that one hour be given for tbe demonstrable proofs of spirit return through the OMsXal powers of Mrs. Maud E. I,ord and F. 0. Matthew*. Central Kali was pocked solid tong before Uie hour cailed for this discussion. Tho committee bad selected the subject: "Are tbe facto.of modern Hptiitwaliim sustained by science and revelation?" It waa arranged,by the committee that Col. John D. ikraham sho'ihl prr*ld^ an l Uial Mrs. J. T. Lillie should open tbe discussion, having 80 minutes, and Itev. Mr. Whitney should follow, and Judge Dally would sum up, to bo followed by spirit nuinifeetationa throngh the medial power* of Mrs. Maud E. L>rd and Mr. F. O. Matthew* After a prayer by an orthodox clergyman, telling Hod what be did not know, Mr*. Lillie *tepi«d to tl by Aston Comstock, of thl* city, and waa hurled at Ocono- inowoe laid Monday. The lltue girl, who«* parents, Mr, and Mrs. farlo» S, Westover, formerly re*ld»1 io this city, hut moved to Graham county, Ka*s even year* ago, wo» brought lo Ulto city last week to receive medical treatment for her falling eyehere,»be died within fortyi-lglst hours of a brain trouble tliat tallied the sklu of the beet physicians in the city. At her grave her uncle read trie following It requires a lofty heroism to succesefully meet ja Intricate struggi«* of llfepbiitjn death Ihero Is but one solace it U human love. The brave man and the brave woman grows stronger and braver, when unaided and atone they contend with the ad- versluee of life, but when Hie end conns*, they loan uihmi the tearful syiirialhy of thoet who are dear. To Ihe man, th<\woinlsn or tho child, upon the dying b«l, and to the grief-breaking heart*, tliat orerllow with a new tender lire» toward tho sulferer, there to really but ono present into Wiring God; That god 1» love." 4 The little one who ha* Just toft ns, Ifred n life of devotion to that one spirit the emt*kltinent of nil that ts most holy and most pure the splrtt of love. Hhe knew nothing of *>tiiu!ar snper»ullone. Tho horrors of a faith that send* grand men and swisd- e*t women to eternal misery, for the color of their opinion*, never for a moment blighted her fair young soul. Free from hatred, free from bigotry, free from snpersthlon, free from *ln, hernngcl spirit lias gone to the eternal source, spotlre* as the In flnlly of love Trem whence ll camo." Sine* her infant day* till* dear child h u lived In the far frontier, nu the Imntor of Ihe Great American Desert, with no surniiilulhigabiit the wild illimitable pralrire. How mis t nml bow pleasing that as the peaceful end drew nigh, nod tutors durknree cover»i her failing vision, she wa«r«rinlu»1 to gaze upon Ui«mighty waters, to behold toe hrllllant eight* of the great cities, to listen to the Immortal strains of grand orchestral tnmic, mid at last in lie down whun the birds were singing. In aland of llowera, and to mingle her dying spirit with the breath of rose«. Emulating tbe spirit of love and tenderness of her, our departed treasure, we will now return the sweet casket to the dust of earth, but thb jewel that gave It life and beauty, shall ever lw a slur la Ihe Imaveas, nlong our Journey, teaching us auew Hi*' unspeakable value of loving kindness and wwnring us of the match lens Joy of n aoul, uuhurden»! by superstition And unknown to sin." T h e H ir e d o f T o lm r r o o n C h ild r e n. Dr, ii. Itocahne liaa submitted to Hie Society of Public Medicine the reeulteof eome Interretlng observation* concerning the effect* due to the use of totaceo among boy*. Thirty-eight y out ire were iff.. placed In hi* charge, whose ngre varied from nine to fifteen, nnd who were in the habit of smoking, though, the abuse of totacco varies In each cbm. The'effects of oouree, also varioi, hut were very emphatic with twenly-eeven out of Ihe thlrly-elghi boya With twenty-two (vulent*. there waa Alls- tlnct dlsturtauire of the drctihitjmi, broil at the carotid*, palpitation of the heart defidendre of digestion, slugglshnem of the Intellect»nd» craving more or Ire* pronounced for alcoholic etldifilants. In thirteen instance* there w** an Intermittent poire. Analysis of tbe biresl showed, to eight ensre n notable failing off In lire normal nnrober of red mr)m«d**. Twelve levy*»nffited frequently from Ideedlng In the Does. Ten dun plain»! of agitated sleep nnd renvtant nightmare. Four boy* had nlcer- nt»f mouth*, nnd one of Ihe children became the vktlrn of polmonary [>blhw& a fact which Ih Ito* cnlsue aftribuled to Uie greet deu*rtora1joo of the front of the platform. Hhe was. i greeted by a storm of Applaus«. Never did her guide* have their Instrument to bettor control, and their argument musk have been eonriuchig to every hontet, fair-minded peraoa, that epiril phenomena to-day are caused by the same taw and force* which have always existed; that God * love to humanity Is ns great now as in past age*. Hhe concluded With a grand peroration, picturing the bteeetogs which would come to the world by the general acceptance of the facta, pfadoe- ophy end religion of modern Spiritualism. K Nicihka. A N h a k e r E n d o r s e m e n t. When an editor can encourage truth nnd den o te«error, fearlessly and consisteatiy a* we And in the columns of the RKUOlO-FuiUfflormcAt, J oushai,, we may then look hopefully for a belter phase of Spiritualism to spring up In the land. We are Interratoli laburni In this ueliluf mystic IntluenoM,and accept with pleasure all that emuslie* light or Inemue* our Intelligente upon this most valuable subject. other gift*, our Inherigeuen upon this most, Dream* and vtaons, and diver* among the Mwlng» Hint bate fallen to o u r lance, hut they should be reported to all truuifui- neeo. That there may be spurious or sham demonstrations con joined to the same company, or that the credalou* or over-anxious should sometime«to deceived by a false light, 1* not a subject of surprise. In the exposure of then spiritual magicians and their sham manifestations we mast heartily commend the courage of the J ücumai. u fair to Ila treatment, and aa aa able advocate for the truth NAafcer Manifttic for June. J a ro ll B u m m e l writes: A lato number of the R elio i o-phux» o f h ic ìi. J ocjhkai. w b to me a olio* of manna" upon which I can feed Hie remainder of my life. The Icoo odavi» hare about completed their work, and the builders have come to lay tbe foundation* of tbat g n at spiritual temple, at whob shrine humanity may worship together, to Ito banda of universe I brotherhood. Boon tbe A h wit) reverbnle wtth songs of triumph by thob "redeemed" from theological environ menta blood prod ore I by prolunged and esocnslv» w*e nf tobacco. A* theee children were nil more w teen lymphatic. It was net jonetblb h> retabheh a comparison according to the temperament; but nf cooree Uto younger the child the mere marked were the eonploiut«, and tho tatter fed children were rim*«that suffered least. Eight of -tire chlidrn In ra**- ttou w«ri'mvd from nine t/» twvlre yearn. Eleven had smoked for rtx monthy, eight for one year.am) sixteen for more Hmii two years. Out of Ok«eleven boyi» who were indue»! to Cease smoking, six were completely restored to normal health otter six montke, white the ethers continued to suffer slightly for n rear. Treatment with Iron nud quinhio rare no BlMurtotTrrault, ard It seem» tolerably evident that the most rtfecllre. If not the onl> cure. Is to lit once forswear tl«habh, which to ckildren lm any ewe Is nodpubtedly peraictoos. //om-jcn /.oncar. M l K td u I t o l e i» I^ ro g rraw k * (te re U. Classical' teariwrs, «epsrtto'hrookljm rnfow, are znueli loiwreeted to the «reek record raade the poet school year at F ret West* Seminary by Ml»* tubs Hu-ted, daughter of W. A. Hush'd, of S t Jntnne place. The reguter preparatory course- tor Dullegns rovers three yeani,and uciudtw hut Ibur books of Xenopiiouf* "Annharie* and three of Hmoer'e I Iliad."" Beginning Inet October with the Greek alphabet Stae Hretat toe sinew not i*»ly done all the required work In one jearyinclullzig AmolUTi First Greek" book and' JoueeV Compesulou.^but has al«o real critically the wboje tweoly-fhur boeke of the Dltad." Iter Inntmcior was Mb«Cera THwnseml, a gradwabe of Michufan uuteersny, Azin Arbor, who-is the irt»cte*er of Greek at Dr. WratT» school. Mint Huetod will enter SmUbT College In the fail. Ik!* beitesed her record haanever been equaled by any Aaacvlraa young laif.-c H lm a* Doriy Ncrra. M entis to m W v n e a W h o M w d T l H j - tlsa e e D a y s W i t h o u t E t o d. Lizztn Dtasley. of White Cloud, Ilontphan coanty, Eoa, the woman who started to commit suicide by stamttoh.secceedeirhsnwiay mrtmlnjft June Utah, nt X o'clock- She wholly\brtalned from food ter a period of Ifty-thr»» daymjurlng wklch tiro»»lie also stubbaruty refused to stalk- Ueforo tagiuusug setr-stanatiod sto had tain enven weeks bn a bed of slcknee*. eod her systow was Hikyefore much reduced when she begno- Au,euto[*r. her organs s a t ill perfectly bl verdict ef tbe phyviriao* was d Wbea she took the strange fn an unpimmul quamd with her of a aal» niece Avhom she had. reared dfceoi her. She reeoli chloral, and that She rawiliki upon suicide. " l... rented toe tact that filthy. Tbe fbn&al bath by starvattob, a*., she had been iu ier, nod the I«m ed luecouraged She tre l tried ling, quit enling. u C s n N p lrlt«p e rc o lv «Pteywkrtsl B o r ty r t 1 T- rhtflinr ivilir l irliii Mill.iififirrir Im iii I w m very much Interested In the iaoulnr of R R- Andereon. of Concordia, Kansas, lu jour Iseoeof June Tth: G ana spirit prreeive phyacal h n d y r I have beeu Inve*ligating epiril phenom ew for tbe last nine- tear» la my ow n family, my wife being a table-tipping imsuum. The quoeliou asked by Dirt AtiftanSm, Gen you fee i a? r a to u h i u y s nearly always answered lu the negative, has beeu u k» l by me many liuire, nod almost Invariably answered lu tbe-affitmatlve. I am, indeed, very much surprised at Bro. A s ex per H ire tliat Spirits ran neither see n o r hear us. 1 could relate ecorra of lustauc«* to tbe contea^f, hut knowing my epeoe le limited, I will nveotfoq but.few at preeent. On one ocasloo the question was w kel: Can yoh eee us aa plainly aa we eee each other; If to, tell us what Elmer w as doing to-dayt The reaponm cam«: I saw him throw ing out/rock. My eon woe quim ylng rock that day, about a mile from borne. How did they know be w m quarrying rock, unless they either b v him nr heard us talking about it? On another occasion my daughter being In poor health, we received a meeostge purporting to be from my mother, In which ah*said: You ought to take better rare of EfBe." Alter telling her we.hud done all we «Old lot hw, ** then raked If advice to giva She Immediate! Upping: Put In Uie window In flannel»." The question naturally arises. Bow did they know those lights were out, or that she wra not ci re«*»! in flannel, tin lew they ether taw they wet* out or heard some on» talk about It? WeliavIHe, Kansas. E. A. Carpextek. ted If they had sire answered by Ja fe fhta, and drora her le It w N c lc u c v '? A ti K rro u o o u w f> lu g - n o e te e l D ls e a i e. Dri C. A. Taft, a leading homeopathic physician of Connecticut, died recently. It was supprieed for years tliat he had but uae Tung, the other, it wnn old, having been exhausted in early IIre by a pulmonary dllhctilljr, Very soon after txvlnnlng practice he was sickly nnd puny, and Dr. Willard Darker of New York, exainlned him and said that one lung wm about gone, and that he could not live over six month*. A leading Boetof physician confirmed till* opinion. Dr. Taft reeolutely determined to live ns long as po**lble,aml began a course of generous living to make blood and lleeu«. Speaking of this period he «aid, some time ago, to afrlead: I had a bottle of brandy at my plate alevery dinner, and lived chietlyon rare beefsteak. I hot the reputation of being n confirmed drinker, but l eaved mr life. I have gamed nearly alxty pound«, now weighing IH8, He did. Indeed, live uncommonly well, and had the reputation of -providing the inort bountiful dinners lo Hartford, Upon his death the newspapers remarked upon bis tow or one lung, and rxprewed surprise that he could have lived lo the a:re of AL Yesterday, as Ihe result of an autopsy, it wan found that boll: of his lungs were In n perfectly healthy condition, nud that Hie trouble nml cause of death wav In tho stomach, which had not assimilated gastric Julnss, so Impeding illgentlon finally lliat lie literally starved to death. It 1» coiuiderel n noticeable case, showing that a well-educated physirlan u >on his nw«knowledge, and aided with the diagnosis of the host physician* In Hie country, was wholly mistaken os to tbe cause of Ills Ills, atid by a course of living designed to dure one serious difficulty, an he supfejsed, which did not exist, brought <>n gastric trouble* Which caused dealh at last. The ilortors here and the people generally who have for year* known about the on* lung" only are ttstoul*bnl at the result of the autopsy. li e ru lin g IY diic' s N ta r lllu g F a r t s, n n d (Ito I t r s i i l t, to (Im>Editor rt Om ttetk!'. l'oii' e. 'iriitrai Juumvl: Home Wtv'li» since I loaned n copy of Wolfe s Shut- ling Facta to a family, and a lad of twelve years became»v tiiucli Interested n it, that lie induced bis father ami mother to sit with Idtu nnd id* younger brothers aged ten nnd eight at the table. They soon I1.-14I rapping» mul tipping«, ami once or twice tbe table Intv taen taken to the celling of the room with Hi* eldest (toy. A little indt-[m-ndel]t slate Writing has aleo taen bad. Wo are try ltig to have tires Imy* carefully deretofie'j for the-work they are Nvit lilted tor. They are rou*c enllou*. gool levy», and I look to riiolr t'scmnlng reliable medium.». They have walk»! from their residence, some two roll««and n half from the village, once or twice a week, for tho oast Hire«weekA to hold *>:ancra and are allearntet investigator*. The father Is n (»unloncr, arising from a disabled arm, and tbe controls so far purports to be Ills brother», who lost their lives ae soldiers. 1 ine evening at my house n mouth organ wm taken from the jwcket of ono of the hoy*, And when repine»!. It was laken out again nml thrown across tbe table, whizzing by the head of a girl opposite the boy.ljwt Hutuiday night Ihr instrument was taken from Hie boy s pocket and dropped on tbe tloor. Saratoga Springs N. Y. E. J. Hem. S p ir it T e lrc *. a ( >the KUIUjr uf tbe Itellirlo-l'lUlwopUinl Jmjrn*]: Within alsiui two miles of roe there reside»* gen- Llemau of undonbt»! veracity and upright character, a raemlier of the Mellmdbt Oinrcb, who conc«lv»l Hie idea last winter of building 11 house of worship for his own and other sects. After the thought wan (iwtored, lia put forth a strenuous effort to raise the necessary funds byvfabecripuon, to accomplish the project, but meetlnirwhh such poor succere lie resolved to return hou^and for the present»hunduti the ache roe; bat on tta. way to his hmee, as he woe In the art of pausing n fork In the row!, a voire from afi uiilanwn realm appealedto hu Inner ear and distinctly said: Tnke that m d,' WhLBt tiauslng n motneut for reflection. R qontluu'»!: Take that road and luu will get all Huy money yotv w antrr Ho iinumllately otay»l, and to Ills great Mtlsfactlon s *id hod Ore requisite subscription, and m the result the house h now nearly completed. HiealmTels sutatanllniiy se he retated the cnee to me. He further lnforme«t me ttsat at Intervals all tile life he has heard voices *f an Intelligent character. *>ritetiinra Tittering a single word, at other times afufl sen ten re. Now. If those wjce* are not ibe result of spirit Influence, what 1«It that r.tuww them? If the voices heard are the voices of splrite, and orthodoxy Is correct in nw rtlug that they are from Uie ilevll, I wan! to know who the devil 1» working for.or whose side he le 011?- WHI the»iltor of Uie.VorfJli»stern. Chrkibzi>,(«!- wrote plrnro shed»line light upon It? Gbanton, Iowa, M, J Bi'Hk. Mr. J. Boulter, at Toronto, ttjpada, a prominent Spiritualist, wrlttw as follow» to deferent» to Uie rath of It. Ariwlti: ' Uur friend. III Arnold. 1» tvs more of lb» world; be passed away Ju n e ttwi. H e-hail disease of the heart, end although he had been confined to the tataw tor Hire«nioeths, he died very suddenly In fact, he had no idea his efid woe»0 near. Jfe was» trae specimen of a good roan In every ecu» of the word honest ami u ptight In ad'his dealitigva friend to the jw or and a fniuifui belleerr to the Iwt In the beautiful philosophy which teiazhea man how to live ae w rit as how to dje. Our friend w ot Til year» old. and bad Iro n 31 jsaw rin fhe service of the Gratia Trauk K. it. Hla remains were taken to 'WhUIngton Rrasnre, near Hamilton, tho spot where he bail passed hie early days, fit* w m burked with MamwLc honors and followed by a large num ber or frita la to hla ' rt resting placet"-, Thy following, wftlch are a rumple of hundred* wo are receiring, *p«nje tor themselves; C. M. U Hill writes: Your [«per Is admirable II aakee Spiritualism a respectable religion. though not an avowed Spl inü tone and Ite-apparei drobng wltii tbe great qui linai Ist. I like It tor Lte ml honesty and faims» in C. Marble write».' I like jeer paper very much, al- ditb s o t, «haling wltii tbe great quoettoii of Spiritualism and caher kind tod subjecta, L. F. Darling wrtlea; Though not yet a convert!» year doctrine of Spiritualism. I read your taper with a great deal of Interest, aud nothing would gratify me no much m to obtain eome convincing proefof the truth of that belief or religion which yon eoably advocate In yow paper. A te u ro g re u s Oagan. Spiritual!*«, true nr false, lias hi ouropmeo, nw more able and courageous organ than ihe licuiizd- PiilLoaopmcju. Jicn»AU published at Cblcugn. This paper le the one paper to which to go for a sensible exposition o! spiritual phenomena, and tke last one to which frauds may reaort for whitewashing par* poses. It end terror» to put SpkrltualUm on a edeatl!- Ic basis, am! courts Uie revmsf teste, and oar spiritual friend* are nrting very unwisely If they are not gidberifig foq[3 from Its colunui«. ThoSemt-fTeetl}/ Reporter, Some net, Ky. "K ap i'e 1*1** writes: All ray Ilfs I hare nod great fear of dee Hi. Uf lightning 1 hare eeer beeu eepedouy afraid, because of aposribje unprepared ushering Into tbe preaeum. of Ihe Omnipotent. Biaoe reading SptrituaUellc tv-oka, I do longer experience that awful dread thav-wm won t to come over me when the aruhdrist* of the sklra seemed to be practicing at me. Forme-!y 1 had a great dread of ghosts, and of the grave-yard* as their capcctal t'aunts; now gbosta or spirits oeam to me to be Mends, and no feeling of dreed oppreosm me when In the propinquity of graveyard* during the close of the day, A. E Ntanley writ«: Very glad to ba able to end another name. The Jotmsxt Is a thoroughly good taper, high-toned and sensible, and Hus la praise enough, and certainly It la entitled to that much. H r. Ant hour CoDm, In renewing bis subscription, says: I am most HO yean of age, and have a pretty hard struggle to gel along, but It without the Joumrau* would be harder to g» if. K~ P e r r i e r write»: I like the JoffkXAL, and moat heartily approve aud earnestly ekltorae jo u r position on pu n Bpirltoallsm,». W. J S r H w M write*: We look forward with pleasure for the Jotm.v Art and wa always Und words of comfort and cheer Is IL K a l e s m i cl l U t m r t s o u.m i s c e l la n e o u s A u b j c r u, Galifonila has more suicides than nny other State la the Union. Patti claims that she wm once asked to marry Brigham Young. The old Garfield Memorial Ghurch at Washington bos been sold tor $]!( A whleky bottle and some human hair were found In Uie stoniach or a drod shark reoently washed ashore on tho California coast. It te said that a substitute for genuine human hair Is now made out of the bud of tbe palmetto tree. It ran be made of any length and dyed of any color. Tbe St, Louis Call asserta that several caaea " of cbotera have been discovered in that city, but other popero of the dty say ll 1«getting up a Mnseftw scare. Among customs In Siam te a method of deciding a law suit by putting the litigants under cold water, the one remaining the longest being declared tbe victor. At (lie New York Convention of Deaf Mute* a pair of patent ears wra shown. With them partially deaf people would hour belter than wttb tlirlr ear trumpet, Ankstronomer who believes that the future of the ecten«re{*rpi nds much upon photography, rellinatch tliat U wobw take ten years to photograph the heavens. %. California, havn l-rg(lift,to cultivate th i opium-) let j- iug tioppy. As they are making a success of It, It te likely that others will follow in their steps. White Mark Nutter, a negro, twenty-eight years of ng«<, wits driving a bull In to a stable near French town, Oiiln, li e aiituail lunu-d and faced him with a ferocious look, and Nutter fell died from fright. The London Hospital aiknorillea recently caused placard* to tie pceusl up outside warning ;>eciple against rating mackerel U title tsmon of Hie year, aa they ere salij lo coutaiti some parasite Jnjuriuus to heal Hi, A goei-el tent capable of accommodating I.Nk) people has been «^ecte-1 near Lincoln park, Cincinnati, in which meeting» are held each afternoon and evening uuder the au«piece of the Society for Promoting mile Holiness. A broom of royal hair te used to «weep before Uie shrine of Buddha iu the Buddhist College at Gnlom- bo. The halre cam«from the head of the King of Cnqihoctia, who wa* purpoeety shorn for this pious duly. Captain J, Gotjljorougb Bniff, an old West Pointer, now nearly elgtily, still works without *pi<ctartr* ae a draughtsman lu the Treasury Department. He 1s In the beet of health and hue been all his ilfo an en- IhuslAellc eotoyer of dout'iikvui rum, and the strongest and iwet Virginia tobacco. Joseph Cook propliesliwa scbisbi''ln the Congrcga- HonaJ Church, lie dlvldiw Uie set. Into two cf;l«eee, one of which takes Plymouth Rock ns a corner stone," nnd the other enustele of those who float In.he tides which rise and Tall lu (he marshes a tout Plytnniilli Rock." Says the Ottawa t O nt) t'rre i'rtiu: * It Is us»- lean to argue with a woman, we are told; hut a woman, at the examination in moral eciences at Cambridge, in competition with mates, wa* the only candidate who attained a place In Ihe first clam. Tim»abject was Logic and Political EMpnomy." Tliere is lute nee feeling against the Jews lo Wrot* ero Ruesta, nnd they are greatly ataymed, Some of ige the anlhtemluc people. tafricbto to Jew* and Chrlathe Start e organs eoenwrage the 1 declaring that to gireyqugfriirivta to Jews and Christian» would-j«* a j rvser mis fori nne for Huseta than the fofnrfr Mongol la d yoke. Lord Coleridge «civnelrucuon or the English law of MnapVmy and blasphemous Khel" Is that tbe offense conslste in scunti'ius attacks upon religion calculated to offend and outrage tbe *en«lbiuues of Mlevera, aud not In a respectful <ie»lal of the tenets of religion. Sir Jam «Stephen pute the offense In any mitirk on tlie fundamental«of religion. Dr. Wanfcel, of Olmuta liellevee be bas discover»! nror Prerau the remain» of prehistoric men coeval with the extinct an I null» of the Ice age. The remains of the men and animals were found 1» a dllnvialsbicbt with tool» of tame, Ivory and Hint, awl sign* of fire. The interest of the re malms Is Increased by the discovery of hnmau lower j*w under n gigantic llilgli bone. Tire poason of the First Baptist Church, of Philadelphia, qjfiued fervently ou a recent Sunday that ihe b«arena would wear «11 unclouded face on the day a prorated for«cliurck lawn party the following iseek, [nit, nolwilhstandldg that the vburcli Is a fine Gothic structure and the eongregadoa on» of the most foabtonable and Influential In thecily, the heaviest rain for years fell on die fete day. * At Ure present lime tire L'nlted States turns ou* more manijfaetjured prodixta tlmn ooy other nation in lb-» world, lb* total In IHho, as gives, Udng M lu ) W.)j«Xk while tbwe of (irwit Britaia were vaiu»! at in 1SM2. Fy tl,«ronro authority the total Industrli» of (he Colt») Slates la JKWI were f4'l.4«x»,l*vv«w. those of Great Britain a,3s),ou0,0ot)l thoee of France #UtHfo,i<t*eOui, Hioee ef Germany id,- «RUM 1,000, and thoee of Ikuaeta.*1,*»!,{»I.ljllt. A number of peculiar Insects, known aswventaeo- year loctitta, have made their appearance I u Immense number»hi the woods a tew mitre»*uth of Mana*- quan, ou the Jersey coast. The twro are literally tow red with tlieni, amltae notao rood* by their Jaws m they rat the twig«!«so (. great as to prevent one from bowing a ijerson speak at a few yards' distance. The woods have been visited by thousands to see the strung» toeecte. The in vy to the trees will be con- sfderabfe, ae the locust» eat the fresh shoots of tttto year's growth, It b told of Ur. McCoeh, of Princeton, that onoa, h etortot betof» tbe eenter cion ou Leibnitz's theory uf Uie reason of evil be waa Interrupted wlui tbe queehtu: Well, doctor, why wa* evil ever Introduced Into the world, anyway. ' " Ah,* bn replied, 7 0 U bare naked the bardrot- qaeeuon la all philosophy. Socrates tried to answer It, but failed; Plato tried It, and be failed; Kant attempted It. and made bad work of It; Leibnitz tried l t, u l have been telling you, and bo haggl'd tbe whole «nrotlon; nnd I cooferaldonu know what to make of It cuyeell 1 main tain," toy» Mr- Walter Ttesant," that flcuon te a fine art, governed by general rules, like any other art; that these rule* san be taaght like thoee of any other art: and that the teaching breaks down just where tliat of pointing^ music or eculptiue break* d aw n-at thoee pptata, namely, where natural apti- tad* la required, and fad* to appear. Tbto 1«the nidi mentary oondluoa of tbe oil, just m an eys for color, form and drawing In other words, natural epll- tnde Is required tor the {winter s ait* Miss Helen Gardener dope not speak reverently of the prayers offered at dgittlcal convention*. She writes thus: BL«hop Fallows told tied at Ihe republican convention that if He (God) would help them elect tbe nominee of tbe cooveahon, that He should have the hooor, praise, and glory, work! without end. But just waft until after Lbs election mod see who gels the honor, the prater, and the glory of the victory. Whatever share God expects to get he will have to take during the prayer time of the convention, toe the.republican party will gather In all that Is afloat after the election." m Tbe Ilnfato F.xjrta says: "One of theteteet femtnlno pleasantries te to w.rar a tiny gold and silver plated money bo*aa a chatelaine ornament. Hie.jiiliM Hie thing for young ladle* to weer charttj boxes, m they are Calied, an< man friends delight In b e in g 1 to h«l 7 support tbe cause. The most striking pel and, aa a role, their gentie- ) bring wheedled out of B nickcultarityin coonecuon with this oddity ta that no ttenuemaa ever knew one of these boxes to be quite fill!, though el most no one of them will hold more than a dollar In nickels. The good cause I be in a flourishing condition joet at present, 1 con jectured that quite a fund has bteu eccumulated "* * 1 of the glove and ribbon The-good cause1 te oajdto lost at pr L and It Is be In a flourishing condition conjectured that quite a * principally In ihe odili dealer*. Dr. Monroe of the Iron-Clad Affe, who hre a decided am nion to tobacco, auended a political gathering recentlyrat Indlaoàpolte, and waa driven to the open»tree* for respirable a ir " three times by tobac- cn smoke, Uie last timo in a dazed condition." Hie experience leads him to rem ark: " A man may not rightfully poison th e air that soother ta compelled to breathe. Tbs smoker ah mi Id go to the woods or the woodshed or behind tbe baro." He relcs: Win men never become eo kind afid considerate for the comfort of their fellows a«to forgo smoking Hi public ptaoeef Shajl w s never hkve a race of genttemen with too much delicacy and taste to.gratify their ap-' petites to the annoyance of their associate»?" Index. I

23 JULY 19, W lifu M y M i Ip Co h i o I n. Summer «tul winter are an«la ran And Uie ilai in bright, be It ilarm nr»him*, Fto fur away o'er a»tarinj w i ialts a trrj.»[ir<-tf^5,.. nail nil Is mine, I *** lb» rl >ij< «Hint r«t away, As the rlmvm lbs a/ur«i wave* Iwfnre; ' An>l nrarer, nearer, d;ty by «lay. Draws the lnijr ij. i«ur wh»n»lie mm* ta «lint«. 14 But what If»li» never earamv" yon any, " Jf you never the lionnr, Uio treanire L'alB','" It ha» inajfl me Inkier, Jay by «lay, It hm *in*«l full man; an aching italn; It ha» kept th> jtplrii fcoin-eovy free, Ha» dulled the ear In the world» rud»* din. Ob! beat of WmlDip It'a been to me. To loejrfor Hie hour when ray»hip cnrnes In. 1 AVfiprmf N. Jin,id, A W ild.hun In 4 Im rr li. Ixinilonderr),'Ireland, is gv«ttly t*xdiep! over the ilkwl arjndnlotja affair whu'fi liwyel cruj>i»r» out irotn the UraniifrJralbitta] feud*. ijttrlnu veeiier» on one ooculon lately in one or the Catholic church re, and While the firient wiw rhaiitiug the»maiznlfl- cal, a man, wild with excitement, enter«i the church door and yelled at the tot» of hi»»tronif voice: Look out, ye damned p o p la r ThU hwri- hie Invocation paral>z«d the service» and caused tbe startled wnrshi ier» to turn to the dr*»r. The lutrii- tier ran with ail his might down the aisle, bowling and cursing m Ira went. He rushed Ui«sanctuary rail bflforo unj of tbe frfghteoai 1* 0111* could lnl*r- «p t him. With a bound lie pans«! over the rail and ran uii the stairs to the altar'. This he attack«! witli the vigor of frenry. and succeeded In hrroklng to fragment* the lwtie>hctlon piece» standing mil it.i* the lalieniacle. He then leaped upon the altar Lil.l* and cursed the people and prteah [>larol>ing himself of hi* r.oal, vest, and tvmlaloou*. lie (>ou need Upon the alter and then snatched up the commuu- Iftn-cloth and proceeded to tear It to latter» with bla teeth. The «eae lu the church wan one of terrible excitement, and during the (slnlc several women swooneil. Finally tbe nfllmllng priest and a number or men recovered their eel f-i»mlon and«rushed. upon lira - a vert legion» criminal. He wo* hufried from the altar and would have been torn 11 mb drum umb hut for the Inlerference of the priest, The man raode a deepen*«resistance, and was not overcome iralh tome policemen arrived ami handcuffed blnn He liad taken surh a firm liohmriul hi* teeth on lira corntmmlon elotfi lhat It had to be cut away from bis mouth. It wn* ascertained tint he was an Orangetnan of weak bind who liad bemtim hone- iceely demented during the recent «idling polll- tcol event» In Derry. He was removed lo an asylum.,tf rn m i r in g tt I> rrn u i. In i<jur Dane of May -'lib Is an article on ipeed of ThoughL" showing the rapidity of Uiougbt a» sliown, r drwvmlng a long dream while traveling ill feet in four second*. A cas* liapp'meal wherein the dreamer bod an «ually long dream in lew than one second, A telegraph operator was ono night during the Turco-ltuwlaa war receiving a press dispatch regarding the vrar, lu which the name of GorttohakoiT was H o g telegraphed. Cnru- ebakofr* uarae appearing»o nft«u In such <U*- ti vi8 110 a»»«on as he heard the flret syllab.e of lira great premier's name, w «n p* sleep and dreamt he went to his mother» hone- In tbe In- dhui Territory; went hunting with»ram Indian friends; had a gtml deal of sport, and went lb rough an experience which would rake days to perform, and final]), nftrr returning from, the hunt during the division of th«lr game, he woke up in lime lo ba r the final syllable of liortachakoir«name, and aucceedod lu making a complete " copy ** of the uie»* sage. At the rate of forty words per minute, at wnicn telegni[>hing 1» usually done, you will *ee that the II ran or Uie drearu, which Cnmiueyce-J when the middle syllable of HorDchakofTs name was being made, was ».-third of one and onietfalpi of a second, or forty-four one-hundredths of a second. Seknttjk American, A K q u aw s I rw y rr. Mrs. Maria E. Holmes, of our lown, sold on Tm»- day last a tract of land, pari of the original tract of land known as Mills' Point, on She Wilcoralco river, which bits been In the Milk family doc«the esrllmt seuiemsdl In Maryland. Some generation» hock, it.. ir.f0?1 the male poaaeaaora of tbli original tract killed an Indian woman *» n, wh»reuia>n she pra/rd heaven to ileny the prmeevwor* nod their (je- aoendrnte tb* bapploe»» of a male heir for raativ gen- erailons. whether there 1«any truth In HiDsUite- raeutornot. It Is very certain that this property ha* always been owned by, and tranarulldsi through. «male branch, and that n*> mate Iwu«bas «rer hvetl to attain the age of 21 urftjl Hie t»resent g«n*- ratloq^and of the prenenl it is true that of nineteen children, six of whom were bay», but one lived to attain the age of 2 J c tf. V ic*'» (Std. p i-uittrprue. D o n 't H a w k, N p lt. 'T r u i i suffer dixxlntw, lodlgestlon, InfUmmatlon of the eye» headache, Jaiwllude, Inability to perform mental work w d iddiipn*lilija forlk>dilf labor«nod nnddlv 7«>ur frlnbda and acjiaalntaiw with jour nasal twang and oftenrire breath and constant effort* to CJoan your nose and tbreut, when Dr. Stage s Catarrh i! -. W U r»hc*e yr«nr discomfort ond uffertog, and your friends of the disgusting and needlem indlctioos of your loathsome disease I' K a th v r t f u r c r, Tliere Is a clpltd down lb Vermont that la rather queer. Every effort to have it use lu leg» was made by ID parents, but It bad no incltoatloo that way. It will raise IteMf upon 1U bands and inore rapidly aeroaa tbe Hook, and, when It baa picked %» tlra object It *e*u bdre U lietweno ID feet and again more away onllu bands. The cbucf» mother soya «he attended a fctrepa about three yean agra at which tbe nerohauc fmu nude a atrong frapremtoci on her mind. T:>re remembers conunuaily djearn!ng about the men walking on their bands. I would not hre al way." No; not if4iera.se is to mak» ray Ilf* a daily burden. Hut it need oot, ; friend, and will noitf you be #U1 be wise in lime, now tu n y of our lokwl on are mouldering Jo the Ji**11 bllt^ been spared for year». The aught congb waa unheeded, the many sraiptoras of dlaeoae that lurk'd within were slighted and dralh rame. Dr. Pierce1* (iolflen MedlcarDlMwera " eao- not recall the dead Ifaortfti It baa snatched numbers frera the rerge of the grave, and will cur* eoamuim- Jn ID earlier stage*. '.tioo Northeastern Nebraska la now attracting *Ne jatteohon from land seekers, the Sioux n iy * Facliic Hallway Co. having been receuuy very serin? IrvAntending Id Hum into various raxtlons of that covntry. TheCHtcaoo A Nobtn-Wx:rnatjc lathe only Hoe from Chicago Hint will take you there without detention. The secret of the large and conaunt mlw of Mrs. Pin khanes Vegetable uunponnd prol obly Ilea q the fact that whereas there are many HlUers" and " Tontea" of equal Tain*, be it vuore or lew, tho Vegetable Com pound Ls so completely superior to alt other preparations specially recommended for the need* of women that It baa practically no rivals.. Western wholesale coflin dralers are tal king about forming a morjriec tycdlc.it* of ootun-mak«r* in order to crush out the small dealers and jobber*. T h e L a r g e s t r i l e T u r n o n, speedily and painlessly cured without knlf», cimsric or aalve. Send two letter alampa for pempbm. refer* ene» and reply. World» DDpenaary Medical Aawvl- attoc, Buffalo, N. Y. ^ Th«crop haring b*ea Mimed, the people o mona now eat watermelons tree!). % W A P l a t o t th e F in e s t Ink-fnr famille» or acfaood cod be mad* b o o a lû t package of Dia- mooddyra Try them. All dnigglsukeep them. Walla, Hlcbvdwn A Cox, Burlington, VL Sample CM, S2 colara, and book of directions for flg, stamp. A calf that waa born without eje» or tail I» Making around la Simpaon County, Ewtucky. B riuaorw ux Moxo- April 10,1883. "F or dlaeoana of Hie kldoer». Hver. nun-rar,sm nrlaary cagona I received groat beceat Irwa H trart Trunks etc, 447 Moia St. R E L I G I O - 1 ' I t I L O S O l l I I C A L j J O U R N A J,. P A T E N T S M 7 IN D IG ESTIO N AND CON STIPATIO N *iih cuneo n r ^AYER S PILIS. Dusprjisùt 1* one of (lie mo*t ilnugermi«of the «II*. v ast-» caused by lti< *o ciiiuplainte. Affecting a* it «toe* lljt- em iro of life the»i nmaclii II quirkly tie range* a in I i nna ril* Ihn whole ay slem, pliysirahund rueiilal. It»vntptoni* i,rr manifold, and m any of- «i,,.. lerlous IJiat ih.-y *vo geimrallv Si lu I 4n»e«I...I n a I I» * 1Í0 regarded an d trea ted as»jjccial m a b d le t The O nly Cure For the various form«of dyspeptic di- 1» In n medicina IM wilirenxive it, p rim a ry ra u w, by restoring the stornarli, liver, kidney*, ami tmvvrl* lo n ) <altbfiil ««udiiion. Any «tfln r Irratin«nt I* a* u-«. J.*»n* an effort Wnukl!««to m»k<< n w» e» keep timo by»imply gliding Us cii-j. when it h a d a broken main-spring. A yer'* Villa Are the I» *t hn-dtdne to m'romptbh the neveawfy w««rk of «-leiunliig,»ilimibilliig nod iv-torlng. Tire» are mor«- I borough In Ih* ir purgali«< ff. et ihun any oilier». y«t are m.t violent in Un ir aclión. «>xvt* «J*«í a powerful Infiumr* for g«w* u h*h Jim ««tiler viral urgaix as w dl ju the -boweis, and effectually lia n t «h D inm se. F o r lim onane*»,. I n u m i i r e, a m lo lh e r vvil consci]iii*n«-e» f bepaib- disorder., there is no remedy so pmniitt an<l lh«. rorig] i»«ay»; I'h,id. The vare»1-«., byllnlr ffitncj lu regulating the digerirte fumtloti». of lb«greah'st value lo women in Ihti most critic»! singea of exl*teure. IU tìney i ) iaeft ara Also spring from disorder* of the dl -rs- livir fuik-tlaii., and are'not orile rxi-e,sfingi)- painful in lltermw-lve,. i ir UI,»voijitoins,, ni l) n» D ropsy and Iflren- riiutisni, vrlih-b are of the grav. -t.1,,r - ts r. T im w o rk o f ih r kldimy», n... purifying of Hm M?k i. Wh- o, through «i*ca»e, tlicy cesse lo do this,, P ro m p t Jlctlcf Must Ira jsrrorded lo av«-rt most serious e<itlih'«ueil«k, MeUidnes that lull lh,,r pain l*y dulling Mu ir retislbilitv,,,r lb»tiniulato them to unnhiuf.il aillviti,,, Infiultiiy morn burnì (luti r<>»i, T,, «store tlram lo healrh. Ihn klifin «s rmi-t i eu ijum.i, their iutluiimialiuu alia led. #L. t iht lr strength restored. A y e r s P ills Ihis moro eff'viually than'any oihrr. heir «liur«lie rffeet Is not. -s nwrk- l flnrilmin-ni-ial than their purgali ve pmv«r. Not only do they, at once, hy a lirai in tlose^ free Uie e!ygg«d, nml roii-e tb<> tf.r- pm organ*, but tin-ir L-oiithiunu» «ff«if, vvlirntaki n til small doses, I, tu rt -ulaî.- I ho inuchiucvy of life, and ltesto rc H ealth und Vigor. For al) the aevrral varhilrv of *iio», nml for the many Lutniieoii* Disorder* Produrrei by Iftooil Impurirics thro; into Hie e ln-u! Hanri-Book FREE, _ ft. S. A  P LAC tr. esisti All»»,-WtsXliJM, o, c. Me SHANE BELL FOUNDRY >»!» r-l.l.r*o-l are ll> «nil fur < > tire hr*. T,r P rlrre tr.d «s u i.e ii» AiiOrrs» *»»»* k Cu imiumisrr, >,i. A d d i 7 c ^ij,î *** «ni», v j"*«*»«-, *»i m n» r»» r l i l a. L» e-siif to * ««r*. s,»nirj, * m uria i m a»«re miwi tipiitsu liiu tni ibu» *H fl, <«f rtîftrr r a suremjiroro tre: b s a r u reo«reí-re Oír sii.rkm «tossiotri) o u In o»w. i ru»0 Ul fi-ttun. Al «ereohtdres««in (lu rk *. reni ires* II. Mr r rere ei>f»vit. aya i a A l 'o. Anjtireto Msln» N i A o r S / > "Ana Itesi s " f lï î.'i i ï î î» tnfiliniiit n rrr tor P ile s. ITi«-o $ I. at i'rucir*!», or re î'/'m ra rf» W t- r e ilo s u a N r»-/(,ri,. u Hit lop during attack* of eon-» tip n fio n.n o o u re l» s * < ubk am i ra re A y k h s P i I.IJI, w h ic h fre e th e bow el» u ri aid nature., He Who Lives Learns, and Who Learns LiVes. I am u sin g A v r.k ii p iu g v In m r p ra r- licvi, ami find Urani rseelkm i,'* J jk. J U iio w x, faccnn«i, IF. )*ir. " fin e Of I h e Irast rom rellrs fo r bilion* «b-rungi-iim-msunti......o n. ^vj{, I HEiHXiTT. C oncord, jv. If, *'A c tiv e, w a rcliln g, an d eltre-tual. Mit tm t g rip in g o r <lns»lk-. -P a v rt>. J, 3 1. IsUCK«;, Cincinnati, O. A* n lillfrl am i th o ro u g h p u rg a liv r t h r r canne.t Ira rx c i lk x i.p - J. o, T u o m ih o n, JJoiini Croi», F a, \ Adanirel to all the dlsqnh-r» which ean Iw» s'iircsl by lira Juilii-tous u«* of» t. «v i,-.- Dn. ísam'l Me c o s.xeu,,.if'.jilpt1 irr. I 'f. _* A safe nml rrllnble r.»lhartle'."- [lu.»v. C. KlXci,,S/*r«c rr, i t ich. "Tlic^ hare i-nl Indy corn-ii dibc rostiré barili nml va.ilv improved mi generai health,** Ittfv. F, It. Ilatibrewi 6 fl. Relier Iban any olher fa t hart r. riruvikm m. Anttín, Treu». The Best Cathartic Medicine in the World. A yer s Pills. inr D K. J. C. A V E R A C O, f Aunlytlftol C h c m b ts] LO W ELI-. MASS. - * SoM by all Druggists. Ä,1 CATARRH ftn* Dl******»* «i» HEAP. IMRuAf &LUKCSt C u to l.i. s t o». N,,TSH STt'î'I'".. *2** lut, I. KSIUUn, to il»» ; m B t8t 18 CHEAHiBT.»"^ THRESHERS Clòlri Salim In*, o,««of,f-t KAILHÒAD TÍMK-TAIILK, LYDIA E. PINKHAM S,* V E G Z T A B L E C O M PO U N D e ' M * IS A POSITIVE CURE *. *. * Fax al) of (tose Falafal CamptaJat» and * W riksrssrs so cemmos is «ar b a t * *.. "F IS M A L K P O P U L A T IO N.».. * 1 t wvxi, e r m tstvaxxt m *» o i«t r a u o r F t- WAt«-Com-LAtoT».-*1* OvaIOA» TRoeui E», I*. rtamxatiox ASB LTOcVnATlOX. paxumi *vo ). m r r i im i, akd tuavu»>xqexxt hitwai. IVo«.»M». ako ts rahrraulaolr adai-tejj to tue Cranoc or birx, " * * «* *, It WIM. mvaolte Afft» «xrxt. Tt aor.«n y rar u tia rs pva.veahlt «taueor ntveloear^t ta t T ironfüvtnc»««oii llcaiiu» tueäaiiu aeemen w.nr»riecilt av iv» t-ss.,, * # It»EioifE» Fawtnv;»». PiATtuwcr. nwrrwrr, iucuviv) r«i»>riai'la»ts, AXOIIAUXTXS IV tn- MEn or TI» Stomach. It etttts üioaroto. U tio- a«re, Ne»vovs PuiraTaATtf, Uceekai. Debiutt llkroeauo* AMD labtukatsom.» ^ That rielijva or Heam»q Do» m, s-arrrs o PÄx» VV«OIIT AMD DacCACOB, II ALWsVf ru»*»tvtlt 11iiEztar»t» tir, lt» ILL AT iu in «l AMD UMDCR AU. CIACL* *V*Hi» ACT»» lumuiir «Sitil TUE LASS TlUV «ravuui tri Marale»tstim * *, «*r-jt» rrrnro.«u BOLELT roatiittwiitimat* OEALtau or NUUe AMD THE llruir or ralj«. AMD TRAT IT POE» ALL IT CLAIMS TO DO, TSOXSAMDS or LADIE» CAMULADLT TESIirr.'fc* *, * * Fmt tue cra«or Bxdxet Coxtuimtn jm arraxa»ex tuh hebeut i* rasca^asted 1-TMA L 1 l.villixv VEaETASU! COXKÄTto I» prepurel»1 l.jec, Mm Prire U, Eii bcstl-s fdr «L «?MH«ll* a WteA IWfiU.j»A.I. r at ot o»f J S;?' lins er t. enurre ob rarelr* of (stnsia tn.. Krt. txaktom's Oo»Ir to IlfAlth- All) to tnsurd Vre» lo so» lady wikua» r(a»jfi. tosisrs «wsibib-aüaür annreret. C H ICAGO, ROCK IS LAN D A N O PACIFIC. bstot. (W Mf Vau barm tu ] ätormaß «Krsru, n y Tlct«t UVB«SA d u r* street.»lisrniau Moma Loare. BAS am 13 mina U rto pm * 4 S p m t i r' ei ad» IOOO P In Psrenpnrt and frasi s Riprre«, Uoundl UluT----- A iusaclir, dvtowkxpnas... MlnibWApulls a«h! sl ì aui Ks if«w Xacuascxci. Uinnwortl uà Ai- Ehbob Klpcra«(»uiu]A)if... Preu AcoemilxsUUeo... Ojsioä) BlaCf NULI Hi; Psortm Nlirh[ Kurares... muh»»i-.ji*»nit sx p*ui rasi t i pres s..... * balli t DsUf Xtorpc SuimIa i. n ru lli E x«pt SaIiu- OAI t IlAll» EirepV Mh1a»». 3UIWIM «rail Arri»«, firtbpm f 2;S0pm b E:00 pai tjo IS sm t 8:60» PILES Tin: u r n s «a n n u a b q o k h i»%'s ' ' " v - p h t o - 'i r s *.. d M s l».,11*l("vn.«nf I srtlre. i(a«l,iir, uf are» 1'iraois. Man t. 1.*, ' «',,M V brat u r t i c b.-.* re, A«r»ts_ H ru d ar. a /ut!fa,ylt «a WgKi -rl «1i, ErV I B IIV A «.. I M r««,. j DR. SOMERS' Tnrkiwh, R uffian. Klectric, m uphur. JMrr, rurlnl.-h otuan. and othpr M dlcílt««, ftatfii«. liie KIN Ki^T In the country, at thogkand PACIFIC HOTKL. entrance on Jackfiou-at., near La BalJe. Chicago. * Vi0»t (MiUbl rerreum 5S*f hltftu srf IlltfMW tattumm Voter Uwtn iradh Ijbtftl «life th# PlfarL T!/riW al ftf t*lt bttl M l tt It* tm r t S U ^ lb 14*w -,*i?!'lf'?' ba«5i««aims G*fi(t«awa from 7 1, R u> 9 r» THK HOOK OF LIFE. Joe A Vài. «mil risili snnm Ui^, tr*! 1-aSàl tof lu reni. Ami,««>1. A- MOAI.tJlA. ]» TitEi'jîj» liutlijtri». f'hicsa«*, XiJ New Tacoma, H l M I. 1 b T O I T F I I K I T I I I I %. T I i p F u t u r i *.M e tro p o li* o f t h e F u e l Île X o r t J i w e s t. A *1klhut kiy# Mf lra*p4rtmint Mi«>+f rrntur AC 1 crtil **M i f i*r r*t)t^prr muocxk Hfct*'* 2Anfi ot I.4K1* Wwlilfìfllldi Trarrlr.-ray «m * hf ÎhififMt * Acrml UlJarf» Ci* (y. A Rl^rfrikri* llw» U tnllo Aitili I.-* «Ufi *t»il lr«ln idlamati#«! rfuajf Bns œ,'3 r Aî i g h i g a x ( T e n t r,u pr-rtsj» I». M- b» J. *tit PunUI t ifi.ct* tnfajnf>> rvutf jf uprnlcvl. Rnoi.«ffiili biÿtu BtMififlwritlrw AA -,_ ^«04 «lowtwísnraátbl# ncirr H r r ^ a ig u *. W»i)in»!1. Schlicht a rislfl, p «. ir,, N.v Sre.fM.svA Assire. Lsllss DW. fsmreto As. SIXTH AID StïEITH TBOHUSÎiTR ISiUU t f» l Si» t e l. SPIRITS t\d TIIEIIt WOEt IIEÏEEV Ctl'iTKV «F Till! EARTH. A îioflv.i ::a ;,iâu a ;f tt, Uses u Kîîstt îftrissril*»." t o i. «is t bums * fall a««l,ib b u u «, Auisirit of si r tn. m«l«i lueim-nt- -f a «iptfltu.1 1-tTAfAftsr «sium iat» fren. "Me«U" «w ff osmut u lira «a tr i., tira Iraalunlnif af ILie Mn*l#Brtifh <mluff u* Uw pt Mio#. IfraspfriuiAlUl mil ft-wl tu iut- w,,,*, rotarirt«mtnaal Iri^OMftireTiM* b# «L*lw î- ' n*»4 «sf.tttrt t Of d#» criktem iirri * r Ta- InsretlMAle, HUI "Mar*» ent» ramlluni «f re m *site# he titrycff Ut 1 pmcahlm fat* I U a U â U Ä W Ä Ä J 3 H s jm ltrs u s ü n r.»cretapsttox *,, a s? CRICADO, ROOK 1SLA8D8 PACDTC F ï Ar va» «búa] postan ar u. n u omuhu tjw * «Abd «as WraTbr res.bcn ir% í?^ á & í ssjsnsr «r «b, Alofiliün, JS. ra*u»u lí O ílm!*(*>«wlu. au ta» p^ndire) ha»» af read bslwreo u>. Auoaua acci t u Pk Ias OareaàL lia s^alpmant ts u«lrisalto aad cia fc ii- ff»**.uib : aowpfiaad ss Mirai.CatoartAbl* and» U g W if «einpmd &Uam%*Cai*Iart*ÛÏ u d L-. ^» u va* P-sl ton* «f D isia i Care 'fifia. Tfare«Tr sut. totw s.fi r ó s i l o Ab* roíais. Two T rato, bsswren Cbi- at, Vwl.sts (to Mai ALBERT LEA ROUTE.1 A. H r e «od Direct la a*, n * U o»d Bra-Offi iw m U f treao opaato M w «Morralle If fii ^ - al»aia. fir firefl, 1«stud). Tira -tcrptna, in to trarrlo Afiswsrto, nod lira < je outra lutto At re»»f MM- d,'' were «surttol ol IT),toi-aji, SptrtdiAl Hclrare. MfilUluv» Bef-fm, Koiiiirt), BplrUa»U«m. aihi UreutBua, lira An «- I n dren rer ira-tre-., uf purrare,»in! lu [),. «f tfi, yet.lfilliuf, tfrlia Whu luis«çntfilhafiii««i Irai rat tta Mstni.1 û M -u io ii; to aid Ito rxreoúiia»«m um t*»ffiriu Ui»t. tolto fl», ici» Ane msn) m rerem nf» n*r«tloak tfcl. -«tain* will p r w» imudrtto libret) qf «wr suoisct» d «H lut. anrt a Bi»(m»i r.f lure leu iabn- n iü, U*» 11 dnra T H E PLAN OF TH E WOK K IN CLFHEfi SpirituAllsm in fra-rmsüi,» tau«-. Orre* urltaui. Aovtrell» >««w Z retsto _f'.jfunrtsr, ItiAiult, EAAt AUd Wret tiwll»«, c»to> Lewa >«iia A rira, k a. Mi-tko. Ufilns. J»p»n. liiltrav. Indis. J ais. Mutuai]. Dateti Ctoinlar, Uiuap-Switirti, to f t o r i u f.»toi^amreire P*la' Jt*T All*ut* nelrtum. 'M ito,. S e. k t. «ratod ««<! to * «. rti»j «O s». Bf»- Unito pafraf, UrA.iiw t) toread li dota. A«tow If to»)- af UH- perm ito <t IlillAtrUss, Jlplilliullïls «1»rn la lb* ftrst Kuropreti lutre-tlptlon enplre rem tra rrp «. «tocto. Tlitre rem si a tua wuj tra ai» hito tuí.r iwc, rei» af T i Ir. «Wto sto l ureliarer» can Ira supplito»lu. lists uf lira IH ora LraiPsis In nss-li toso«i h rradrr to riw if«to» b [omtutiaast-rav» Wirt,»to rspirt dimriboll.kii Dr, Win, llfltlrei Ihripufcinb«, t u res' tira prie* Al lira nmpm cito of tira to-i». usui.!) ^ Vantage. 2if rents. A row Càiptras ooauinlbm tonfi «*u «jf 10«orlratusl Illesi Uunv cao ti» pfitscbfto.»x Ui«covrir* ni «ba.rsvi.. r im ia if «, do, «JtorTs b) Itot«In 1st»rtrtriwato tu. J DR. WM. BRITTEN, «Art of/. W l/lt tl L, 1-ubllAbsr. 14 TENET S T R E E T, NEW YORK CITY. O '.lto* i*0 tra f.iuiul.j«sai*;» to Ai UrefiOlOw» Ul* ipirttuaf Papera sad a: all J" THREE PLANS OF ÍTusto If) SeiretiMi» from Ura Jf«w Tratament am t;»too, tofitonre Cram Ura axs» wurianwstoal [» (to at «ubyst» A ItotiT knawlto«* «f t o i f i Mcfiliw» of lira Now Treu, ramt ren t* «Malato frasa Ulto nal* werat la erra boar truc la /ran b) tbe ofliaar) rneuita) af Mtola* Ltm Dcrtpam» Wrts-*, I o rraat» : ifosia fà f f r e, " ABSENCE OF DESICN IN NATURE. The Niagara Falls (fienile. rut; Niioiir»,rar and iitnrr Mimer. T»<* m-»i cusufiirtabi*.»od u» o n ii ruma ututo«pma;* p.«. q aanaebl tratwtofi C H ICAGO, B U FFA L O, AND N IA G A R A F A L L S aurina fast Uta# acá rios«fiahrilum at»tl Juiraffire psrtata nvk VASI KXI-ttJEW THAI Ns I JA ILI THE ATIAStm* KHJUÇW nuura»f.qr turers jiilrtre Umc llu a binafifl) fieni i im-aau. U m y-rx aurt fpalret. aod u ra ra irn E H Vu iik KXi itras. i n i n s «n. Lreti- at ; m«j * «n» * t Snwfiif, I fii.-istu a r.s au r w. mirti*, fiwrar UnraiAMl so»»in*» (lira freni At Ju.uU lu A*w l,ra*.»ort with Itftr a M total,tost«, lia* Arven! >Ira Ih- tir. 1 «.-(«lar irslb mit at VìiKa*-. f.ra t,ra kamt tu r r m n re Iran» are mart*aprir ira* sire r l-o i.l Di Ni.Ni, -M llkiso 1 AlliJiH»ori MtJlKJ-IMl «Alto, ili stip-fi p..,.««.11,to i. ut utv r ims- S to ilrw is ASnltted. I fra PHiprePra stirale staici. i»u- IrtMfHÌ «A l» sre fl nid! «1 ami f arili brad la «... ipsrs-'.r.rei, o j fira» «IlAvra* ut Ulr nraais r«,nlij,*t H4»M In frani wf MAH A IlA VALI» Ura M iriti», AS «TEK- THAL tua loaf built a rraw»(-ri iluutriralrack bruì.-, inai ira* a uiarrelism triruuih >if «uriraraib»» rem,«a». A4» H il itivi AM «fc.srnal Irsin* *Hi*. u run - fu..ptc* M» i-oougn io i w pare.nere«tira Irei r a n is tp - f i r i ;»-.araci wlulnul Allrtlflr.bal dfitfiplbil». / filprnprà r. J w in rsm w Ititr.h» A» t Om Pare A*i, rpm, P.re- >*re Ari.* «Mr*ap. <aie»»«. TH EO IìLTTROB IRON ronic wo* TIII \ t.-.* v ia o a t rvoct H. Un. i ra p ili, M AT-t Of Al J. > I i LU". I-to Olili 11. J,i (t c.f «Ir» Tirili, t - --_ I b v U tb, bori Tir«ri»< s Ufi* a bm lutclr CUferi. Itviir», tcusrlr a u t»««««rr«toü»fi u* w force. fc u IIi ì p i Ih» mi ad a r i a. -1*,, - T. I A 1 E r NS Peti- rtr.fi frum «mplalnt»' t e ^ i ^ B i O j u c. i i i r a i o u i n r u i P i a C od In P X f U K T X E T r s O M T o m e «p a i. a t o ip.firty cara, ulve«citar, iirai-.li* ron.pierion,» rr*.jn*nt»».is,pi. al c*.unir riti tin «ont rads lo Iba pupo U r*y i,r tba ut Ifilnal. D o o o lc ip n rt- n «cp -fpti io «ipietiài. a> u ]irit, M?*to ruar atorre. Lu i h«i -r Hato«S tlàrai, U n.ta f oar 'PkXAM V p I I si camp» p a d u r f -,1 Ji ^ r S S g ) ORTHODOX HASH, W m F CHAHCc; OF DJET.»} «m u HMlíY JULUiW. Ambre «f Tifi T C rer - f. TÍiÁi. A»»rt»«Tren - l-rerarre. *' 1 **n lavretív «auipüt THE PHILOSOPHY O F JE A T H. i rrstii f M i í u. i. b kolbr* uf Irienai) a Prtmllls- ixirimlaoiq ato >r, w. írihluajum,' -tiraapiri: toirari.' m ADVANTAGESi riot BU RN THE H a DETACHABLEh^^O WALNUT HANDLE. DOUBLE POINTED.IRON BOTH WAYS B E S T J - - r sc H E A R ONE HANDLE AND A STAND TOA SET F O R S A L E B V T H E H A R D W A R E T R A D E T H E G O S P E L»P X A T U B E p By «I A u M ) i t o Tte W U wiibíimp beck -raras-, o a»»wuld Hw Ibai are caimldrel udtoiral to*.n r P d f l r e ^ L ^ î ï t r S nwaaaw atate a»»»towns». a *M «C tonauo rriaaaoiki "cfurtu b) s Hi* 1MI< r s ü s s n ä t F s z? m * * ^ * r i y v j tora AAl* * t aft principal Tririrt Oeiufi* ta Ou Ubi tort»tax.» Afid cload* "fl*««abfickfiri Ibifififib Afid nop of fare al *»_! aa U w «««pa iàt^tbaï pttre iia a d '^ - i of'i f1ll*d,b,wm»ua.a^ Map. aod firid- CR EAT ROCK ISLANO ROUTE, *».««d d» r e K. IV, JOHN. A i n,. t o p i T n - t f u. «f t. CMICACO. - ' LI T H E G R E A T SPIRITUAL REMEDIES. XK& SUXStT* POSITITE H i SEOITIVE P#«M KS. Òwr fa su lli tr i a * ( b u e, a patatai U te U u f it o O i p S to MvCMIp* IvpwdfTp so paj«j R WIcxIm. of Dearer Mir. Wia, aod soaen eisribud),»»^ f rrtin. Ol uli* aatbnu. PwteWU. Hu ubai. íterrbmk l a w D M» KMtaw CMtftefnu. te» remato laraasre, lujeiimaöare. Jtorr-wi oriau aao uäad s o m dtoáuw. ÄH UP» M entire«um parrinia 1 Smtoa.atoTgj toii May a t e r i « etowrififi baif aal fia«, ira calila»to r«*«, titoli lteiua.iiamteu.lar IU»o i l n i r a i b R H f v u «{ arise Atod marra, * uur flri te tedupfito l a t e. te U,««r r r. n sr. s. s, s m is ti. tu Ibis, LfiCtyre. wbleb s u «lellsfirto bwur«tte C U o c o PSlbswpblexi Sncn-t) cae Aalbee Pirase, Ural iqe. erottoredf ae - usfir-raun* IT-,irt*rfi canno«be pruren fruto».car» P f if f IO C este. ra* PSTCHOGRAPHY, ILLUSTRATED WITH DIAGRAMS: STíí«1l*MaOfi 00 STENTS UaCuf Wurb traaetr.fi fib urè Rnb)e»T rárs-íaíra InLnal ficurfi. - Ps,- tootafifi» lb Uwfaac: Ualdenpiubtra CfnOBea Vwiuhri KspreVmere id VrisMa a to P rie -«- I <> C e n t». 'teisimje ato rete), ißt Ifie iltriaurpllloloexi- IWaale cu.n su au > «awsl p-prieflr-i HOSG. " W H E N I G O. M s t, rt. S» Va* B ljice «. - 4 B rw o n f tli Snuii ar» Sllfifirt Um Lira PVaira r e O rcb fi F r k * 2» «"Ito. tt orda wluwuf Muatc.1 «ROS» ' D E A T H, I I m Ii&HT C f TIE l i O D I U l rhlosopht K A U r.t e t B - 1 Mjals Valsar af PkUnppa'al Trat* to Cateatfto lato Uto LttUrVaatUrt. Mn. t e f i f l lu «d r e e b t e d wich ra r e r al LMu ln a re» a rt a «tbe -mffi prtbdsb» *.f o-j» spultuaurra. Toe»urrrerfiii aar G«fi ato tb* dorbcfri a f -u loan. mua i*u bl le f-sfclrtea GENERAL CORROBORATIVE EVIDENCE. L Ttral aîs/oîesl tx tira Serras» -»tr»» tte WrUSOfi af f P«ga«fiei irakfiowa ta 10e h t «n-x.siili GustefW* co tercttori te» *»- u taœ ) sf XmlasAit parano*. Adriea la Lacairre*. Prit», psper eover, 60 cemn, pottlpsid. Parade. wvrtosaj» and ertali bj (teäjuft.t>uwt jm e rs v cal PrauMPte H em cat«sp>. «:X.-'rai'iEkii* St>i2s: ^ dl.. F R E E C IF T! f^<5isâa teas** te*«s mu teaaaa tassa tetera.»slrtac wlibofi«- wrapvlo», l e»m p. t o t e a. Io n Tteoau. wr Kami Otte rrà Uto «tocasu) prttcto ato r laacraíari; TU tttew. IteAirV II ha» teto (te c.eajra «f urta» klad* rarubto Uem Bato ium» ato bstedlc» arideerp. wttb S- naota.m'wf r» fw cori fia*- Tte be»» a. fjtdaabs» (o braaob» awamm» «I P poi «Irep ip r i t t e M«w p. T te o w P mr t o s p DB. Ma WOLfiX. aaraf.afl. OMb Mr* teria Iba telmr IB wtrite tan tew ana adntessuaaf 4i n - w g - V F W 8 P A F E B 8 A lt» B A fia Z IlE B. Par Bate al Usa «Baa at IMa Pattar. for Lifitt. test«. w i m j " and Darbraak. Lautes. Dc.-maktr... a Bttaa.K. T.BaaatUr... io L - Y.» âteaukir, 10 z r m e r. f i n s i «p a i d, t a f ie ra». K I f i k l «. f i r e t e e 1. «a s b» fiu d. M r. H O M E C IR C L E S. Bow to Investigate Spiritualism ^UCOOESTIOXa A S H B U L E S, Toavnua wttw LtUnauai nr ln M o ítn, îiirîtutüü im XtqQo. OFFER TO IXPOSARS AMOCONJURtW OF $ r.ojtrt.rra. mm» o «U*»& aredrtim c u» Tasti», ü.fttepj n o m

24 RELIGIO-PIIILOSOPHICAL JOURNAL. J U L Y 19, Continual from rim Po#* day u e the same hand write n likecondetnoa ttod of thtwo who were «coffers of modern Spiritualism. Mrs. Lillie asserted that she had seen six mediums, controlled by six different spirits, «peaking In six dilterent languages, and atnof them uneducated in any of the language» which they ^ *oke. Table tinning was another roan If es.latio u of modern spiritual power, and it wan ii manifestation or the «ame power which enabled one of old to spit upon the day and upply It to the eye* of the blind man. thus reuorlug his eight. It was not the mud I hat worked the cure, hut the spiritual power of the operator There was not a Christian present, Mr*. Lillie said, who did not believe that story, because It was old enough to be believed. Hut hnlrlluallsin is said to be too new to be believed. 11 must be laid away between the leave* of a book for 1 soil years or more, and then It would be easy of digestion. "Who rolled away the wloue from the door of the sepulchre?*1 asked Mrs* Lillie. 'Some say two angels, some say two young men. I believe both, because 1 believe' that they were the ministering nugels ap- polnted to roll away the stone." Mrs. Lillie closed by assuring her hearers that the day was coming when they would be glad to clasp the hands of the Spiritualists and would eagerly ask for an explanation of. the mystery of materialized manlfimtation*. The Hev. Ktban Whitney then took the pint- form and look up the argument for the negative-side of the question. Ho began by m - nounclng his adherence to the command of Fajit, who hsim, "Preach the Word, am! wdd he pro M»*edtn try the arguments they hod heard nytîiè-word of God. He did not deny the' manxestjitions, but claimed that there were two Kinds of spirits. The Hlble said there were false prophets, and these are they that have gone after false prophets, misled by false spirits. "Let us go back/ said Mr. Whitney, to the creation of man. How did God make man? In Ills own Image, out of the dost of the ground. And there ho lay, a ner- - - * l - - *- la, fc body, and the clairvoyant sees, the angel hands of those who are (driving to release the spiritual from the natural body.until the work Is completed.and the spirit Is carried away to rest in the Spirit world." This closed the discussion, and the Chairman aputfunced that Mrs. Lord and Mr, Matthews would give a few manifestations of spirit (lower. Sirs. Lord, after a brief address, stepped down from the platform and said ehe would speak to a few only In the audience. She asked those who wanted her to tell them about their friends in tho Spirit- world to raise their hands, saying she wanted only those who were strangers to her. Dozens of hands went up all over the room. Stepping In front of an old gentleman, she "Seven spirits come here tonight to see you. a father and six children. One died of consumption, one by accident, one of fever far awiy from home, and one went away ami was never beard from afterward. Your uioth-^ er wore her hair very plain, llkoaljuakcn.1».- nnd a little apron." The gentleman said the lady was right; that he did not know her, and that he was hot a Spiritualist. To a Indy Mrs, Lord said: ythere comes the.spirit of a man who says he wants to talk to his wife. He bring* a beautiful child with him-»that has not been long In the spirit laud. Here comes four of your father s family. The original family consisted of eight. There are five in the gplrlt world. n v,, Tho lady said it was all true. Mrs. T.ord spoke to a number of others, la most of which cases she wns said to he mainly correct, but in one or two instances she failed, notably with an old gentleman who bad been invited forward from the baek part o r the room by the Chairman, and with whom she labored long to convince hint that fthe could tell him nil about seventeen of his friends, some ui whom lilid beeu dead twenty-five and thirty feet man-head. body, limbs, eyes, hands, feet, heart, lungs jnst as perfect a man as he was before Godureathed into him tho breath of -life and he became a living soul. And wlmt did God do to set the machinery in motion? Breathed Into his nostrils tho breath of life. That was all. Take out the breath, and what i# man? The body returns to the earth Just aa It was before the creation, and the breath returns to God who gave it. That to where Adam Is to night-mingled back with the dust of tho earth.",... Mr. Whitney, proceeding, declared that there was no hope for mankind except In the resurrection of the body, and said that there was not a single sentence in the Bible that said that man ever died and went to heaven, or ever will go. Yet ministers tnlk of friends, tn heaven, while the poor, heart-broken mother weep» for them In the grave. Christ died and was burled. After three days he arose from the grave. At the tomb of Lazarus he said, Roll away the stone. And when the atone waa rolled away, he said to Lazarus. "Come forth." If Lazarus had been In heaven, and not In the grave, would lie not hav^said, Come down." Instead of "Come forth? bo with the resurrection of the widows son a genuine resurrection. And what said Jesus to his sorrowing apostles? "VYhlther I go ye cannot come." in the acts, it is said of the good David, who had been dead hundred» of. years, that he ww not yet dead. Mr. Whitney Baid that the word soul, which waa synonymous with body in the original, occurred 3o0 times in the Bible, aud that it waa applied to men, fishes, birds, beasts, reptile», and every living thing. It was also said in the Bible that Christ gave hla soul aa a redemption for Bln. Abraham afeo took wltb.hlm all the sonis he had gotten. Th«r-word immortal, Mr. Whitney said, occur/ed only once In the entire Bible, and that Was ia the first chapter of Timothy and the sevinteenth verse, yet In prayer meetings men were continually talking about ''immortal souls never dying, immortal souls," and all the preposterous nonyefhen Mr. Matthews took the platform and closing hl» eves he «aid; The first object l see is the spirit of a man with light hair, blue eyes, and prominent cheek bones. He says he passed away with con mint pt Ion. He brings the spirits of three children with him, and says he has left three behind for Ills wife to care for. And ho says he wants to say to her thgt he is satisfied with the steps she has tbken for the children, and Is glad he was able to Impress her mind so os to cause her to take the step. 1» there any one here who recognizes the picture? A lady dreased m deep mourning said she recognized it, all but the description of her husband. Mr. Matthews modified the description somewhat, and said that when her husband died she put her hands on his forehead, and that was the first she knew he was dead, l!e asked her If that was true, and ehe buried her face in her hands, too much overcome to answer. Subsequently the lady told a Union reporter that what Mr. Matthews said was all true, that he could not have known about It and that she was not a Spiritualist. She sahl it was not so much the description of her husband as U was the telling of the exact number of children she had lost, because nobody bnt herself Bnd her dead, husband knew that. Mr. Matthews then described two more " intelligences which he said ho saw In the back part of the room, bat In both instances when he called for tho recognition of the picture. ho was told that such a person had been there, but had gone. There will be another similar meeting next Monday night atrthe same place. man Is to He In tbs grave, or In a seml-som- noient state, until the last great day. when our hid frames are to he brought forth from the tombs, or nut of tho depths of ocean, or gathered from the winds ami element«, and quickened by tho return of the long absent spirit. Hence has arisen the dread of dentil. We are chilled by the prospect of the gloom of Hades, a dismal region of shadows, with no real life, nor aught of the joys that make life a pleasure au abstract existence- mere self-consdousnefis, and nothing more, a memory atnl an anticipation. But wo do not so understand eternal truth. We never really cease to live. Death Is not an accident which has befallen the race. It Is a process as purely rial oral as when the butterfly emerge» from the chrysalis. It Is no more fraught with strangeness or mystery than when the grain bursts forth Into the tender blade. It may. indeed, be unduly precipitated by accident, violence, or disease. Hut when normal, it comes not until the ripeness of age, when all tftlftgs are ready and nature Inis riwrlls course. The spirit Is ripened and the form is dropped, like the husk from ripened fruit. But even when the change comes iu the earlier years of life, thi' I in iiriturei spirit is received, nurtured and fully tovelppeil In conditions favor- Htile lo progreh/«.n'and may we not hope that the sins and folllea of life may ho finally overcome by that divine love which ncvertaileth, even In tli" world to come? All of u* have friends upon thflfjrilter shofiu to greet us as we. In turn, gather with them there. They are hidden from our view, bnt still they live hi the sunny dime of the Morning Laud, In homes beside the streams that ever flow upon the heavenly landscape. There Is no death. Perhaps a few days or mouths of sickness, in which tho outer man periaheth perhaps a tenumrary unconsciousness, from which we awaken to sleep no more. It t* difllcnlt to dwell upon this theme In a tame and prosaic strain. The spirit Is elevated aud inspired oh we think of human do«tiny in all its greatness. How carefully sjiould wo live, that wo fall not to gather the best fruits of our immortality, bo that when our work Is ended, we may be up and away. "Wlieje Ihe faded flower «tall freshen, freshen never more to fad«. Where the shaded sky «tall brighten, Brighten never more to fade. There Are Xo Dead. But M touching the resurrection of tho dead, have you out read that which was ipoken unto you by I indorine, I am the Godot Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jnoob? God Is not the God of the d«d, but of the living. Word» of Jetut, sense Mr. Whitney s half hour expired before he had got half through, and he wanted more lime, but the audience refused to grant it to him and he was compelled to stop. ' Kx-Surrogato Abram H. Dailey closed the argument for the Spiritualists, The entire argument of Mr. Whitney, he said; was hut a repetition of the arguments he had used h week ago, and might be summed up In the one idea that all of man died when the breath left his body. Two thousand years ago. Mr. Dailey said there lived aman named Julius Crnsar. He was an ambitious man, and he carried the prowess of the Roman arms all through the surrounding country, and conquered many nations. For fear that his fame.would not be known to future generations, he wrote liis "Commentaries. In, the opening of Ills book lie declared that the world was divided into three parts-- Kurope. Asia and Africa.- That was true of Cwsar s time, and C*sar was Ignorant that there were two sides to the world. Mr. Whitney was very much like Crosar, and was Ignorant that Spiritualism bad discovered another slde-^the spiritual world. It reminded him of the man who had one talent, who buried It In his, own eoncejt. wrapped It up'lnthe mummy cloths of euperstulon.ftnd let it lay In the darjcuhis of benighted big- _A.. It I it,. G»a«b nl it! rn.ri Its 1 1ITil "nulirifil There l»n<» dealt) The»tare go down To i l» upon some fairer «bore, Amt bright In heaven «Jewelled crown They ehlne forevermore. There Is uo death) The leave* may rail, The flower» may fad" and paw away, They only wait thro1 wintry hours Tbe coming of the May. There 1b no death) An angel forjn Walk* o er the earth with ilient tread He bears our dear loved on», away. And then we call them -dew. Rn leaves our hearts all desolate Re pluck* our fairest, eweeleat dowers; Trmnported Into biles, they now Adorn Immortal bower*. Where the *un-blare never scorches,»to chill. Where the elar-beaira cease t Where no tempest etli* the echo» Of tbe wood or wave or bill; Where the daylight die* In fragrance Mid the hurst of holy song; Where the bond 1* Derer severed, Partings elanplogii, «ob* and moans, DRIVEN TO FRENZY. The Royal Raking Powder Company ure driven to frenzy in their efforts to extricate UiemselVM from the charge mado by the chemists of thu nation against thefiintu, the tafrty, anti the cteanlincti of the Poirer/ul Drug A MM ON I A In their powder. Ridicule and abuse, bombastic statements, extravagant assertions, crying dirt and lime will not answer. Though they paint it alt inch thick, to this complexion will It como at last, " if an evil drug Vis the Secret of the preparation so painted. Dr. Charles A. Pauly, a well-known physician of Cincinnati, said to a reporter of tho Commercial Gazette: " Amtnouia i» a drug of great and sometime» dutigerou» power." *Its use in tho subsistence of mankind. In any of Its forms, is dangerous and Improper. The Royal Raking Powder contains Ammonia, and He manufacturers D ARE S O T D E S X IT. Kor the purity, wholesome ness, and freedom from lime and Ammonia of D R. P R IC E 'S C R E A M B ^ K IN O P O W D E R, anil tho impurity and Ammonia In the Royal Baking piheder. we refer to the following chemist» and physicians of the highest national recognition aijlsnulliorlty: / Ituf, It 0*0*11 Drearem, M- ft, I.L. I).,»Vulr»* nl UboCItf uf N«w Vmk. IVuf. 14. ti Whlla. Ivtat* ChrenlU, IT hloir.ll» «ojnrla. Atlutu 'luf, il «. Knlal*. MklLlKtn Stale CillfCr. Lamina. Mid». Prof. II M. Setn-ffrr, St- LmiU, Mo. tool. C'liarl«*» i m Vi. * Prtif. C hum K. DwlJiliL Wfcwlln*. W. Vi * 1 -Hif Jam** K. luthnirk Siai* Amarer, liatmi. >I null r. d i d u lurltpf, It S,. i'hriiil»; at tlw Ikrt arlrartit of llrtlth. Urooklfti, N. X. ljr.il I'm u ic. H'runnj. J - fit Slatllii* Mod leal C.itlr«*, tv.lumlm*, Milo. itt'f.»1. D*t*ri»'tiln*. I lilraio. ill. J*o>r. O A- Marloi-r. chlrapt I*rt'f It. A U. 1*100. ltralth Un'Ortnt. <'Meo«o, 111, j-rot. r. U. Ollk*Ki, I'oUpbp esjnlctaht arid Sutiw at. Cliteogv, lit. Prof. John M. nril»»;. Mu* lint, of Trclinoton. UoMim. 1'n.if, It. A, Wlltbaut. A. M M. It., ITBlreOUr of UuSatu, S. Y, I'mf. A. it. sot,in. Stale Clumlit, Itqrlln#!"». vt * Ptof. Allwrt. M*li**..l fof t'ltrinlilur Ki-nlBckjf Stall» CollFjt*. Lrilnilim. k, Dr,J. Hob land rr, Jr, Prof. C tiintlitr, t'oll««* m KoIIbIi» anil Surttrrr, atrf CbomWI of lit«h*alth D ip w a tfll, Tnelnna 1. Ublft Profi- Aurtrn A WUper, llunrr entire«. Sew Urutuortek, N. PROTECTION. Kvcrj lioiiscwlio can try the Royal ** or any brand or Unking-''Powder, by placing the can, top down, on a hot «tore till hented. Remove the cover, and If there, she will amell AMMONIA HARTSHORN. After which she can change It for Price s, that has nothing Imac In It. Lduping*, * Midnight waking, twilight weeping, Heavy noontide all sre dono*. Where dear friend* lu kingly glory, Such as earth has never known. Shall each lake the rlghuvm* aceptre, Haïra and wear the hrevenly crown. -Rv.v, J, G. Mru.KR In The llumnrtk tteeklv Journal. M orthjr of Pntroiiage. Samuel Willard, M. DI LL. D., who hiw for the past fourteen years been teachor of History lu the High Schools of this city, wlfl in September, open tha WlllardSchooi for young ladies, 15 and 17 South Sheldon-street. It will he a boarding and day school, and will fit pupil» for any college to which women are admitted. We have known Dr. Willard for years and regard him as a man of broad culture aud liberal view«, thoroughly coosden- tlous in alt his work nnd especially adapted to make»och a school In many respects superior to any similar Institution In the city. Dr. Willard will, from his nature and training, be very critical In life selection of assistants. His institution will be a safe home, as well as a good school, for young women, and this feature Is of the utmost importance. The Doctor may be addressed at 15 South Sheldon street, Chicago. A SHOCKING A m m o n i a, Ji.in n e, p o t a s h, a n d F l o u r s o ld.f o r y e a r s a s a n,u A b s o l u t e l y P u r e B a k i n g P o w d e r. Rut evw near a t though uo*e«o, Tire dear linmortol spirit* tread; For *11 lire bound tre* uniter» 1* lue There are no dead! Let ns raise a solemn protest against the use of the epithet " dead," as applied to the departed. It has a chilling, ugly sound, and must be as repulsive to them as It Is to us. Let us drop its use henceforth and forever. To the disembodied, existence is as real os with us ye«, even more so. The earth-life Is superficial, arbitrary, accidental aud conventional. The life of the world to come lsreal, spiritual aud substantial. Here we may plnck the shadowy semblance of a roe«, constructed by the forces of nature out of juices and elements of earth, and colored by the soblows bis trumpet In the morning-' He thought he heard the-trumpet of Gabriel blowing, and that the crack of doom was coming, for such as Mr. VUiltney, at least. My friend says "continued Mr. Dailey, that Mono» wrote the first five books of the Bible. But he cannot prove tt. What were the people for whom those five books, were written? A poor, miserable tribe or wanderers, who went down Into Kgypt. where they were taken Care of for -too yearn, when they repaid their benefactors by plundering them of all their Jewel» and making a bee line for the wilderness. They talk about the pillar of cloud that, wont before them by day and the pillar of fire by night. Thex were nothing more than the Ore«with which any euo- ceeefnl General of to-day would guide his army on a march through a wilderness. Everything In nature is Indestructible, and God himself is but the highest manifestation of nature. He Is God of tbe universe, stretching millions and millions of miles away. That is the God we would have.. Tho S wer that sustains the universe, the light at put# vegetation upon it, and nbt the little Individual God, fashioned alter the pattern of the little man my friend is blm- eeir. God is indestructible. The sonl of man lathe spark of divinity pat Into him by God Almighty Himself,and it Is absolutely indestructible. Theri are Invisible force# In nature, and Spiritualism is one of them. Yon are held on your own -seat by an invisible forte. Yon cap feel it, but you cannot see it. There U no such thing aa nothing, and no each place ee nowhere. Space Is» f»7* spiritual Body that forms over the natural A N A L Y S I S XIST l Q ^ S. LIME (Phosphate of)... ; M per cent. PDTABSA. (Sulphate of) per cent. AMMONIA (Car boitte of)... -, M per cent. POTASH (Bltarlrate of) *1*3 per cent, -Soda (Bicarbonateof).....W VTT......IG.64 per cent. J j lour S2-30 P«r «ont. ' T h e a b o v e la t l i c m u l t o f m y c h e n iim l am n ly aia o f K o v al B a k in g 1 *0»«1er. r t. G IliR K K T W H E E L E R. M a rc h 3 0, JP rofeaaor o f C h c m b t r y C h ic a g o I n i v e r s l t y ^ ^ J S T - A J L. Y S I 3 n x r ,....; per cent per cent....sojoo per cent, per cent.... y h P.O0 per cent V - * b. i»e l a h )X t a i x i ; J h a c I I, A n a ly tic a l a n d C o n a n ltln g C h e m la t. The above showb tho uniformity (?)0f the Royal Baking Powder advertised as a " mnrvel of pnrity " that never varies." ** sold only In canb." "8 «W hat Cutlcura Doe# for 31e Î p V A V T IL K and lari* IUm»rv MU* Um Ù Ecumo*. u d ir ttf lana of lltwiif. IT.SoW aloraao4 intuirti» U tse ta»» U m «col««ito r>m0 Di Hoir, (u rta b j i m cu iicd»* a*a*x>i». AHiiuUlT pur* and t xft l^uucar», lb* (tre«lh*»i 0«r*. OU eta : CtilîcuVa Soap, an «raulil» 8*ln BcaoUfler J «f 'J MiJlclnal Jlabf Hoop.»5 «a, ao4 Uuücure K»(»*nL to* m utaad i-urtoer.»i. are *a)4 bt d r a «U ia P o«m U»u* and L'bAta!eo.! Do. ILatia. Will Send for One Dollar, forces, upon a higher plane, burst forth In the foliage and b lo s s o m in g of paradise. There Is no death.....,,. The superstitions which wo have Inherited from a darker age, haveburrounded the death bed with anguish, and decked tho hearse with tho sombre trapping* of unutterable woe. This, a better philosophy seeks to dispel. The heavenly world 1» drawing nearer to garth, and wo feel Its influence more aud more clearly from year to year, Itia rather a matter of knowledge than of faith, that our departed loved on«are living still, living In all tho exuberance of eternal life, and that the veil 1b bnt thin that divide» us f om them. For ages the world has lived between hopes and fear»! feare of death as the grim destroyer, and hopes that after all, there might be a life that outlives the silent tomb. In remote age«, when divine Inspiration first waa felt, a dim and uncertain light began to shine upon the pathway to the tomb. It has proved to be a light that shineth more and more unto the perfect day. The seers of antiquity saw and spake their-vlslons of that which Is to come when death shall have broken the seal. The same was more lutly revealed by the Prophet of Nazareth. Before him tt waa dimly shown to the few whose hearts were attuned to the melody of heaven; but he was the first to demonstrate openly and unmistakably, and in such a way aa to enlist the affections of the race, that death baa no chains for the Immortal nun; and since bis time a well defined assurance lia# existed in the hearta of mil- llona, baaed upon faith in him. Bnt we have not perhapa fuuy understood tbe import of hla teachings. From a misapplication of the word resurrection we have f«u«n into the Idea that the immortal part of UonMr o( trei-j oatln, *(aap«dn]hlb. -«Ill Ilf*" S «ti4 ire*»brer, «ire urn* pvmcaaif«*! and mai»rt«j< for rm- *nd fluid «lampiuf ani! lo* mäkln* Ama AKT ZHIHUMOEUT CO., Look1 Colo., j. Tins». And clidal direi Ilona ter poirt*/ i poliere* Ad Sosta ftablo. U n io n C o lle g e (if L n w, GÖICAOO, ILL- Th» ra n T «rn «-ilbretn Sept Ï410. r o t circular addire* I t UOOTtl, L-hKay^lU LIME (Tartrate of)... AMMOM* (Carbonate of). POTASH (Bitartrataof)... Soda (Bicarbonateof)... Starch HOUSEKEEPER S TEST. 1*1 hoc ft c a n to p d o w n o n ft h o t a to v c t i l l h e a te d. R e m o v e t h e c o v e r a n d» m e l l.- A 3 1 W O M A -H A K T M JIO ltx. THE ORIGIN OF AMMONIA, L. Anusunla > u probablf urtili» preparai {»m putrid «uli»" t'aüai Su>U$ ih tp n u a u rt. )«<n IUT. X O T I.- T i» ti «round b» Pmi. Dilof entai w in tt» H*ial I r e tìir la tiw Uni«Uni Uw Ib>T*l B t l t t l PM flw Ou. ««VrtlH O* - a careil«*0pam rtui that U I«uart Lj tan n»r» lu rat Lb* hair (ran Lrwbldre «I animal» and Ut a^rereua* rann* lu fjujckl» rot lb* SMb rrem Kir b-nc* «! dead»iiuireu.'- HmiüiiÊ, Fisting ani Pleasure Boats, mikhk»b,iiti«i"au," n». - llh rer«. *-» H,*t» bell I BynitjiaiBP f CARBOLIC PURIFYING POWDER. T h e N U o n i l a r d I > U l i i» e «i» o t. * atr*i»«mctiom *n*uwr Dcf«live Setierage, Typhold Fctcf, Small Pox, Diphtheria,»T> iu, win»»» u m w i z F o r r X j a i r - dnm toto. Hanutacuind Oulrtl b» A M F.B U A V N A y it A B Y A S S O C IA T IO N. ««in i m Ii roujfti a»tna tt aonaoti* se**vcai«uw lit. THE BASIS Or THE ETHICAL MOVEMENT. THE SOCIAL IDEAL. WHY UHITAR1AHISM DOES MOT SATISFY US. t n SUCCESS 4IB FAILCU OF FlOTEStAlTUi. m FtcuxY el forjuit. 0 *1- y imureab«w. w.aom»b*mr*ia*y tare oc cane m m«* io P n w fto«k. on) retail hf to* itaudto-nuoaorto- $500 CASH FREE! otter the atm * amount ot mow» uul lm < l«m W M c k a A «Io Um flnvt'u! I ^ T V ' ac CT' hiff lb* fnlijirljiir (litre quotem: W Jnt 1* Ike ward l. minim other round Wlb* BlblrT Men UU!>Tb* lln* Uiiirpì*T «iì^ìniìt'iha*qare«iar rerrecu». rei re brtre» Anrw» rtt. U w» reart«* more l i r e c a r e n d anrare Ih* i m a d i r u l n n l n *1U, Ih* third O f t Ih» fovrlb **>1: th. Ann f io ; lb*»iith «U5 Ih* a-n n tb 130; «IphihflS; Mcih «IO. ta c th»«rt**reih *«, twrtllh»i ihirtrenili * J: tm la d r e (Md W tu M in tk* omet Irei r e m» anrawa. ami cm* dollar rech U» «h» Ml l imimi vxbple anratk n II orerreu». 11»«ï are lui Uw flu*. rro*idtra that }uu ma» l* th* ValniJ of JC"*-' E S iî' r. 0. a ri*. nreol'oou re mgrere«* M4*r. U ral Ä t. fli» iü c tliïïr 'u re* b*,om tcÿ jl ire, «4 THE POI LTU V KKEPEU will t*3»re» ho* ta tmo»*1.000 jw»rerfrooi TEACHER. A, com p eten t T eacher fior a C ollege or ad van ced aohool to open for an an- gaam nent. Can g iv e the B E ê T Of ref- orenope. A ddroae W A LLA STO N.oare Lord A Thomaa, Ohioogo,. A a agtaig!» CHAUTS Ag **tl n k a ***«*», CAM«c.,7«Airê*iiî2i! cik^i î1 f i t A A***»l*a fre anils«uc «dt U t A I N I i banolisum «. PhbUabal at An- DLAIliC not. Ownll. wbrea Ilf* of uw tarnet» o«h Uth«d tn «it. Adret» are mona isatoiimwws noremd BMreton and M ^rutar, r a s s g n r a i Ita M m a d a hr a iad» arem Um UbwaL.Particular» Om. B rew ALLEN ft CO.. Augnata. Maine. M M N ^ S I

25 S i a t im-; rr.~, g œ sà ' f 0 T E Q e iu T E R A t^ - "***«, / ,. - ruth urrarst no mash, butts at no human shrtur, stfhs nrithrr plarr nor applause she only ashs a bearing VOL. XXXVI» CHICAGO, JULY 2«, 1881.' No. 22 Beoders of ih«j ì*h * j.l nrr ejpcctallr reut*e»tod Ut mju in itemi of nitw*. Ixtn't m j " I ean't «rito for tb* Itti» " idilli Un* fiteti, moke pl»ln «tuli jou wunt tu» tj, aiiil cut «short." Alt *urb eoirtminjcatkms «ili t» protetti arrangisi for (luhltcatlon bj Iho Editore. NoUcr-it of Meeting*, I riforma!!on fono-mln* ibc oranti utuoti of new ftoiittiipj o< ili»» condii ioti of old un**, cnutcmrr.u of fveturen And medium*. IntcreaUng luci- denta ot»pirli eommuiuon, and nell AUthcnllcatni Account* of «i-lrtt [i he nomina are alwaji In place and wljj ha to bliibal aa Htm a i pusillit*. C O N T E N T A. M r P * s a W til e«n n id o wltii Sur SpirituULire Blu» ' boro fid i. A B urtbir «fier Trot». sceme f i s a fnitn l'uriuoum l» spirim i II» *4. AH Addrew Dollwrsd At the rutrtfu of lludair Tower. flndiiia U ddv j a Unsm. Csnvoa snd l'jtu n. H a i Pa s s Wuuad u l Uh Hautebùul. U lilttw of In usurate*». Boot Im i***, Hook» ltec*tl<*t l'arual LUt «f MAgAAlnn fnf Ab*uaì M u tu a «for J u if not»«fon M rationed. ThiCbotrr* MiaoiUAoasua Adw,* tu a sc n ti. OCATS PISA «OSdAl tloom. N oti» «Sutsrrltjsrt. isaisedft CAOCSlpn. CooitmtllTT» ilrlwiluœ Tin* Tote* of * Spirit UlrlAkso fsruiatsl Ood. WbAtAteUie Limit**f ttplftl InBUmeei SJnipl» Hole* I* 1«<ftn*rr*d la ru e * of A*t*He C&oterA. T l» ' Ejectrie Otri. A Vo am Lsdf who WAlki, T aiaa. WrttH AB» luire» Iti ber Strep. Oeneral N<*r*. PtfTS PfSA- A Mnft of rid *. Th* üntied Will* MolleAl t ollrc*. UlseellKtewu AdiirtlnmeoU. I n n p m a - I I s JubiHit, r lt*ltii«i ri. TMdlsgj. IC*w U strlxm A serin*»*. Candemni And Eipo*r> TrtcArrr A L onactciukuu And r.uerloornl Buio*. C auûi* ab» Viger. A Kind Word lo l i t r i BdlAMiUU A Uetbodlit litinit «tir* Tniaiiut»04 p*f*1opawnt or n ill4 r«i. Tbs imtnliia Imd. T tu «or* Ooe* ou. Sou* u d n " mtu on AUmliAoeuui sitijkti BATAsm P**S Lula H unt, lb* Uectrtc d irt " fe.it'i O ' eoa»* a l ' i i j t l e t i u ' l'ncsiic A l L abofa lory. T t» U m l tien of Loodon. HtuHlacwsaa AirrrtltemenU- E l i n s PASO. UAbApe. Krotultoo. LrUcf from O H MftoMM TIIaI Pure* h A U«AM af l u n Atln II*** n»ùd rialeomm. MJamUaoiolu AdrsrtueaieutA. 1VHAT CaS WE HO WITH 01'K Sl'lItITLALINM î A l aper litad before the New York Conference at h'epublican Hall,-New York, on Sunday Afternoon. June 2fitA, by MRS. KM MA HABDINGE lituttkn. Tim first question that present* itself to an lu this connection lu: VYhal 1» the worth of our Spiritualism, either lo ourselves or to huomtihy nt large? WIioii we remember the impenetrable myetery lu* which all uubjeete of ati occult or epiritual character wen* Involved. before the udveut of Spiritualiain, 1 think we need pt> uo further to prove the value of that great uioiemeut. The mere conversion of our dim faith in immortality into eettled knowledge, the solution of the awful problem, Want has ileutli done to ~*us *y the restoration of all we have mourned art dead to a better inn! higher life, utid the complete elucidation of our owu, den liny beyond the portal«of the grave, are subjects of eucti luime&hurablo grandeur uud importance, that I have scarcely any patience to listen to the platitudes of those who, from any motive, strive to depreciate the value of the, spiritual movement with the imbecile cry o/: What Is llu-use of it"v Hid time serve, f con Id»how you that the greatest revolution that has ever been effects lu public opinion hra been due to Spiritualism, ether religious 'bodies have produced a certain amount of, influence on the few followers who accepted their oplolous. Spiritualism has produced au Influence upon all sects, and all peopjml Other reforms aud other sciences have appealed to special classes of thlnkars. Spiritualism by demonstrating the truth of tban e personal responsibility here and hereafter, stimulates every reform that makes mah wiser and better, whilst its phenomena, by' engaging every aenae, Involves eïery phase of science and by connecting intelligence with phenomena, covers the origin of all causes and stretches away into the realm of all >ffeçta In the universe. Volumes would fail me to expatiate upon all. that Spiritualism is, and could do. All I can now find space to say Is. that I know beyond, a peradventure that it has. partly by open. Influence and partly by psychological contagion. effected the most profound revolution In human opinion that the pages of history have ever recorded. n Leaving these statement* for further elaboration. 1 next proceed to call your attention to the fact, that this gredt rerelator, liberaliser and stimulus to mental progress, has, within the last few years, manifestly and injuriously deteriorated in He beneficent influence upon public opinion. I do not propose to Illustrate this statement by referring to other countries than America, where the genins of the people is essentially different om that of auy other land. In America, the spirit of republican lem Induces a tend eacy to a comity of * " oat ' thought, and opinions and ex STM tl is Uaged with the spirit of repabuggirtsm, hence, whatever In new or unprecedented most at once become the property of the community. and people rush Into print or proirope rt family elrcle. It la, a rl believe, this specialty of the American character, which has tended so largsly to popularise the facts and Philos' opby of Spiritualism, and hence It Aos been, and still It, to America that we must look to see the most striking effects of Spiritualism upon the life and conduct of Its votaries, and yet 1 grieve lo notice, since my return to this country, a greater amount of apathy Indifference prevailing amongst the Spirltu î and alists themselvea to the advancement»f their CitlBe, than 1 have observed before in a missionary work of nearly a quarter of a century's «landing. In this remark J desire to emphasize the words mno*(/*f the Spinhutltilt thrmeelvee, for I have good reason to believe, that with the general public, the doctrines of Spiritualism were never so well received as nt present, whilst the development of phenomenal powers see ins to be making greater Inroads than ever Into the acceptance of the thinking part of the community. U may bealleg- ed that If these assertions are true, 1 have nothing to complain of. " Spiritualism fa progressing," you say, and if it does not move onward In the ranks from which it originated, It matters nothing, provided it la doing its work with other clasbes of the human family/ it may be that lu this very remark [ have answered myself, and that I ooght to pause here and cease lo urge any other plea. A* one-out of the very few remaining now of the old guard, who in this very city helped to raise aloft the standard of the faith, I am free to say. I am not satisfied to rest here. On the contrary, if I could make my voice heard by. the united sense of every Spiritualist -itr'amerka. Î would cry: Are you then satisfied to see the standard of your faith plucked out of your hands and given to the strangers, who have hitherto only labored for Us downfall? Bat, again, my listeners may nay 1 exaggerate the Imminence of the danger and I answer Xo! 1 do ngt. The phenomena on which we Met. and ever moat* rest to prove our spiritual authority, is so thoroughly honeycombed with shsuis and fraud/*.that the publier are beginning to lose all confidence in medlumlstlc revelations, and honest mediums suffer alike In consequence, with the dishonest, in reputation and means of living. For myself I have always maintaln- intthe use and necessity of public and professional mediamshlp. Those who have traced out the history of the movement as I have, will acknowledge, that but for the patience, fidelity and high endowmehp* of onr public mediums, we should never have had any spiritual movement at all. Private medinm- 'liip and family circles are the sequence and outgrowth of public Investigations, and even when they precinte them, ft is at last to the public medium that the perplexed Investigafon tor most resort to obtain guidance, direct.. and t -oolutloi] of many of the mysteries of the early communion. It Is In view, therefore, of the highly Important position occupied by the public medium, that we must all notice With equal rei gret and surprise the continual recurrence of chargee ami Cjiynterchargcsnu the subject of fraud, with whifch our journals are filled. To the Sjdritnallst tills must be n subject of humiliation as well as regret; to the public it Is one of disgust and repulsion. Letters full of rancor and recrimination occupy the space that shonlil be devoted to philosophy and spiritual communion, and Imbecile attempts to cover ap palpa1jp exposures of fraud, are only rendered more Injurious when the writers descend to violence and abuse. It la only when public propagandists like myself are compelled to meet the scorn and sneers which these repeated exposures excite frotnjthe world, that the ill odor In which the name of Spiritualism Is held, can be fully nnderatood; It Is only then that we can begin to comprehend why thousands of earnest minds that would rejoice In the assured facts of eptrit communion, are repulsed from the investigation of the subject, whilst scores of really honest and capable mediums are branded with the disgrace which virtually belongs only to the few. As to the doctrinnl portion of tbework.lt Is even worse off than the phenomenal. Whilst the public wi/l come, do come, and would cotne In «till greater numbers than ever. If fair opportunities were afforded them to hear the beautiful teachings of Spiritualism, cither tlje apathy or meanness of too many of those who once upheld th«cause, ha- become so universal that scores of place* In which the public listened every Sabbath In serried masses to soul Inspiring doctrines from the splrltnal rostrum of former times, have either now ho such gatherings at all, or else sustain them by the aid of a few zealous workers of the old school, many of whom are tin- able to make financial sacrifices- themselves, and hence throw the bnrden of both work and expenses on the luckless speaker. I know whereof I speak, when t repeat that in at least twenty, or even more, of the prominent cities of America, where spiritual meetings used formerly to be held with unbounded success and benefit to the public, there are now no meetings at all, and that, wbilsthundreda of believers In the spiritual cause are paying liberally for pews in churches-and listening to teachings wbleh their burn ascended spirit friends have proved to be false or worthies*. Iu the meantime, when those mediums and speakers who really love their work, realize the stupendous mark It has made on the age, and the good that might be effected by ft, attempt to carry on tbelr labors of propagandist» alone, they mnat either be prepared to pay outtheipselves, sthgle-handed. ill the expenses that used formerly to be undertaken, knd hhired -in by large cbnmn{i.tee«or they are driven by sordid necessity to malntain their meetings in small stifling balls, unattractive locations, and with each marks erf poverty labelled on tbelr attempt«as serve to repel, rather than attract the refined portions of the community. 1 know at this present moment of at least twenty well educated, highly inspired and capable speakers, who are positively barred out of the Held of usefulnpssthey might have 111led so Wi ll. I know of others who are about to retire, and that from sheer lieceswily, and all the wlii lo the world 1* eagerly seeking for just such a standard of fallhias these willing missionaries could give; and all the while when their last cent ia exhausted iu attempting to niept alone alt the expense* that were formerly divided amongst large committees, und they, the unaided medium*, seek for means of support in other jllrections, a loud outcry is raised by the do-nothing lookers on, and Mrfaud Mrs. illauk become the subject of universal spiritualistic denunciation, because they have abandoned the cause. I do not hesitate to shy,moreover, that nine-tenths of the frauds that have been perpetrated amongst mediums, and that by highly gifted and genuine mediums, have beeimrinuced In many instances by the insatiate appetjte of gaping wonder-seekere for spectacular display, but still oftener by the desperate necessity of Ill-paid and iil-rnstaiued workers in a field of effort which did not yield them dally bread. And thus It Is. that though the Spiritual- 1st* have th&nobie*t doctrines that were ever preerlied, and are the only set of people on earth who have the means of practically demonstrating the truth of what they preach, yet are they also the only set of people holding religious views, who allow their workera to scramble for a living as beat they can, who make mi provuioti for those who lire worn- oat iu tl eir service, who have uo scientific organizations for the Investigation of the wonderful phenomena in their midst, and who trust wholly to the single-handed efforts of a few brave and noble men and women, here and there scattered through the land, to uphold a cause, which it -hnuld be the per eonal interest, honor and glory of every believer In Spirit nil Hm throughout the world to help support, strengthen and advance the Interest* of. Now. friends, let it not be supposed that In complaining or the amazing apathy and.cu Ip- able Indifference of the wuisy tu our ranks. I am ungrateful enough to forget the indefatigable efforts of the fete. For example: in this very clly. the Empire t'jty of America, I find Habhathslay meetings, conferences, a Spirit tialists Alliance, aud a Lady s \ld Society; hut oil the other hand, how are these efforts sustained? The whole of Ihese undertaking«lire carrier! forward hy the personal efforts and personal sacrifices of those whom vou could count ou your fingers, whilst New York City numbers lo my certain knowledge Us thousands, if not its tens of thousand«, of believers 111 Spiritualism. 1 have trespassed so long on your time, friends, that although t am hound to say 1 have not'made one tithe of my charges against the present broken, effete and scattered nm dltionof our cause.yet I feel ldare not claim younndulgence any fnrtl»er- AH that 1can now aek permission to add, lsra few word* of very concise stateinent concerning the means by which I deem our noble cause might be placed on a belter basis befoie the world, and by. which Spiritualist* might. If they would, right themselves, and do Justice to that world of spirits from whom mankind has derived euch inest!mahle privilege*. My first proposition will, [ know, be equivalent to sounding the trumpet of war..still it will have the one merit, at least, of promoting unity of thought amongst an immense array of the Spirltualiati-even if that unity is mauifes ed In unsparing denunciations against the propounder, for 1 prop»«nothing less than wide-spread and national organization. I shall say nothing. at the present time for or against organization, save to claim that it Is nature's law. whilst disorganization Is the Snlrltoaltst's failure. Briefly, to state the mode In which I wojild de-1 sir* to Me organization operate, I wolild say. flret, that we should found a college where young persons trained in the highest school j of moral«and educational attain men ts.«hou Id be taught how to unfold the gifts of medl- nmshlp, and prepare to become the prophets and spiritual teachers of the fntore. Next. I would form an American Spiritualist Mis «Senary Society, from which well qualified speaker* should be sent out to fill the rostrums and educate the people in town, county, village and hamlet, throughout the length and breadth of the United States. To save these devoted laborers from the sordid necesjiuy of starving, beggiug, or diriractiog mind and health from tbelr'dutie* In the effort to procure dally, bread, 1 would have them decently provided for, and decently paid, from the Central Bureau of the movement. I wopid, next, have a well conducted and thoroughly efficient Healing Institute, deeming. that If Beth-shans amf faith cure* can perform the beneficent work of healing at- tribnted to them without the much vaunted aid of medical -plrlts or spiritual magnetism, those who do claim to b*tbo* endowed ought to work with leu-fold power, and doubtless would do so. If they would only follow the example of the Beth-shans aud faith cure* in the ardor of their work, aod the rasults accruing from unity of force aod purpose. Let If be rememembered that although 1 dp not continue to extend this over long paper by entering into detailed plans for the organizations I propose, I do not talk Utopia when I thus concisely al polntment was an agreeable one, and I am truly (lad to say to you, my friend. 1 still live/ Your friend, as of yore. Wm, J. Knox" Now. this medium dlil not come to thl* State until some three years after the death. of my friend. It l* not lit all reasonable that he should have known him, a*! am confident he did not, and certainly not reasonable that he should have known of our compact. And then there I* no question in my mind as to the Independent alato-wrltlng. It wa* positively written In the manner stated. In addition to this, the writing wa* found opon comparison to lie a perfect far limiu ot the hand writing of my frienff, the signature especially being most perfect, and wa* no recognized at the bank of which be wa* former* ly president. Thi of the grand possibilities I have shadowed forth I* illimitable; my hope of realizing these possibilities grows less and Jess, and beautifully Jess every day. Of one thing at least. I am assured, which is, that I have only done my duty lu attempting to answer the momentous question of the hour, one which should occupy the heart, mind and brain of every earnest Spiritualist, namely : What cau,wc do with our Spiritualism? r Stubborn Fact*. to lb* Z4iU* of lb* ikliahi- Hkit.rt «Idol JournAT I Ooe well attested faet I* worth more than b whole volume of speculations. With most believer* in the modern evidences of a future life, faith ha* been supplemented by an experience grounded upon many facts, all pointing with, unerring Unger to the affirmation of the question; **If a man die ahull he live again? It was the writer*«privilege, when a young man, to reside near neighbor to the Fox sj'lers in the city of Rochester, New York, and to frequently witness iu their presence the strange physical disturbances that were the beginnings, or rather the modern unfolding«, of phenomena and a philosophy that were rfe-tlned to revoliftionize the church and the world. From that lime to the present. a* oporlunity occurred, nod time could be borrowed from an otherwise busy life, Thave been a careful Investigator of spiritual phenomena, always on'the lookout for fraud, and often fiot without cause;aud never accepting aught of the phenomena as a fact without the most conclusive evidence. My object here la to present one fact or what was irresistibly *«i to my mind, and leave those who discredit the spiritual nature of the phenomena to explain it as best they can, «Some twelve years I numbered among my Intimate iwreoual friends a distinguished Stale Senator, and banker of this city -Dr. Wm. J. Knok to whom, by the way, California L* Indebted for the law taxing church property. He was a deep thinker, a close reasotier, nod a confirmed materialist, lie bellrved with Job that the grave was the end of all consclou* existence that there was no individualized entity beyond. l>r. Knox was a frequent mid welcome via- Unr at my office, and the stibjvet of Spiritualism was a common them** <>f discussion between us I meeting his hard-beaded logic with staggering fact* In my own experience and the experience of others. My friend»yns an invalid. That fell rtt*1 ease, consumption, had marked him /or his own. He knew that his days were numbered, and he often «poke confidant ly of the etid as an eternal sleep. He wa-stbrave and hnu**st man. I do not think he h id the slightest feii^f, death, nor a doubt as to the oblivion it would the columns of that paper, side by side with bring him. Oij occasion after a lonjesamh the prospectus of the Inreitiffatur. The old pleasant discussion of.otir favorite topic,! said r*t liber at paper in The /nr«fiikjfor to him; *Doctor, you are well aware that Die denies the taking place Lf rhe*«* occurrence*; Ume 1* not distant when 'ynp wilt solve this defile* the fact of spirit,«tistence outside the problem of a future fxlstetrce. -So confident physical organization. anm toll* it* numerous aui 1 that yon will find yourself mistaken readers that euch thing* cannot lake place. here are, doubtless, thosq who would a t tem pt to explain,aw ay this faet upon the ground of unaw scious cerebration, in voluntary m uscular a c tio n /'' mind reading/* or dow nright hum btjggery. And yet my grain o f positive knowledge i* w orth more to me thau their pound of doubt. J. J. Ow en. Ban Jose, Cal, ^ v A Searcher after Troth. Tu U» Z«ttlat at It# IWtlOuT'MkRneblCAl J JUTOAi! A* a twrer after truth and Investigator of the philosophy of life I ask for a «mail»pace In your column*. For many year* 1 have been engaged In the practice of the law, and during that time haytr learned the great value of what L* called Cfos* examination, which I* nothing more than an inquiry into all the circumstance* connected with the occurrence : -I tu by tnkstffltlmaf in cfcief. I have also for some months pari been, a reader of the " itanner o f Light" a* well a* the In- reithjator." papers published at Boston; the first spiritualistic, the latter materialistic. Both these paper* claim to he eye-opener», tx- poeert o f Jr aud, and liberal exponents of science and truth, and as mucii exponent* are sent out broadcast us exposers of Chririlao fraud*, Christian scheme* to monopolize power and enslave the human mind- The banner pulilishe«weekly, marvelous account* of wi at it calls Spirit Materialization*," which are nothing more than the evolving of human forins.lxuu grown, clothing and all. out of the atmosphere in the r»*>m; that these forms laugh, tylk, sing, dance, aud.move object? fr<mi pin«-» to place in the room, are recognized by friend* a* person* tong since dead, iold conversations for a time, manufacture ych, «bawls, hair. Jewelry, «words, flags and Imost everything conceivable, all of which tre tangible and real. These, remarkable oc- irreure* are said to take place daily aud ghtly lu the city of Boston, are public la their character, yr are advertised a* such, in t vo. _ that you will awaken to conscious, bring be- for the simple reason, * that they are Irnpo*- yond the portal^of death-that I waul to ex-! slide, and Iaipottibrittle* never do occur," act a «ecret. solemn promise from you. it D A f tp r reading these Awo paper* for a time. I en t thus H l j Hade to them, Practicat and efficient designs both from the bn man and spiritual aide of onr movement would not be lacking, if the drat groat pre- requialtm, namely, the heart and will, were forthcoming. As it is, my faith In the value this: thatrif. after death, yon find that y sill! live,' and the door of npirit.-eorntnunion is open to you, you will. If possible, come back to me through some medium, and the test of your Identity «hall be th«?d1miaui- eatlon of these word*: 1 still live!/" He pledged me seriously, with the understanding that neither should communicate the nature of (be pledge to any mortal being. A few mouths later my friend "passed on." os peacefully and resignedly a* those who *' fall asleep in Jesus. He died as he bad lived, without hope or fear of the future. Then followed some three years wherein 1 had scarcely any opportunity to ** try the spirit*;" hut with sdcfi opportunities a* were afforded me my friend *made no uign." Then a dearly beloved younger brotffer passed o*>r the river, who is now. by the wny.-the principal control for Independent slate-writing through the mediumshlp of Mrs. Clara L. Reid, now of San Francisco. I Was hungry to-hear from him. when the opportunity, as t thought, wo* offered through the tnedi- umshlp of a materialixing medium then newly-from the Eaet. I had fnuy levied this medium and found him genuine. He said to me one day that he sometime* received communication* by Independent elate writing; that hi-- guides would not permit hjru to sit often for that phg*e of manifestation; bat that he would be pleased to try It with me and see what we could get, 1 gladly consented. Taking a slate which I had thoroughly cleaned, f placed thereon a small bit of pencil, and then pressed the slate close against the undersldp of a small table, the medtnm- presslng mv hand with one of bu, the other hands joining above Ilia table.. After a few minute* tiny tape were heard open the «late. With my thought» fixed upon my brother,,* asked if the rape were made by him when one rap, the signal for no. wa* c«eunctly beard. Wondering what It «ruld.be I asked If f should calf the alphabet. The signal came ye«,"and K ao g"wa»given. Then the moving of the pencil wa» heard scratching over the «late, and the following com manleation wa» written: F ries» Owes: The fact» that nature present» u» are stubborn thing», aud the would-be wise man and philosopher otter, counter* moat began to fee) like inve«ligauug.the matter, to see whether the banner told the truth, or wag, from week to week sending nut under the semblance of truth a hatch of He*; merely a* sensational article«to pander to the ta»te of the extremely marvelous, or to advertise fraud*, that they,might make money -oat of the holiest element of human nature, affection* ]n order to gaiu some evidence more satisfactory to my mind, and to determine which of those paper* told the truth, 'knowing (hat th* affirmative and negative could not both be true), f, wrote to the Editor of the banner asking him why he did not call Upon the Editor of the Inrextigator aud demand that he should attend the**»f aaee*anff expose the fraud perpetrated, or admit the truth of tbelr occurrence: a«the fart» were taking place in hi* own city under his eyes, If he would only open them and took at them, and if he would not investigate and publish the result the name of hi* paper wa* a fraud, and the same should be called the Boston Bigot. I asked him to publish my letter with hi* comment* on the same. But to this letter ( t mine no notice wa* taken. After waiting some time and beariog nothing. 1 again wrote to the Editor calling his attention to hi* lack of courtesy in not noticing my request in *om* tangible way. either by a refusal to publish, or inwome other manner. I called his attention to th* matter at iasue between hls.paper and the Instigator; also to our desire here iu the We«t. r«o far away from Boston and the wonderful occurrence* aid to be taking place there) to learn all we could, a* to the troth or falsity of these»tfta- menu. But I am sorry to eay, that this latter oummuiiieation called forth no notice, note qr comment- I then wrote the Editor of the fkteetigatar a statement j»f What had trjten place, asking him. if be would publish nay statement If written in a-candid, gentlemanly manner. I enclosed»tamp» for reurrn postage ou the repjy, which could have been coached lb a simple " ] i sa.i will phblishr or : but this also was treated with the ennlempt- it do doubt merited, a* we lo the West have Do right* either of these grand old -xponents of the truth are bound to respect: 'Had T wrltieo a aoft Ukd,. MHly letter, telltog the Editor of the " era ooe that completely cemollshestile that we could out Hr* without hi* cherished theories, and, leaves him. a r -ft wa» the It were, adrift upon a wide sea of donht»td maflii uncertainty. Thu ha* not been my case exactly; for though my riewsnpon th# AT jture existence'were nrthtomlyqverwbel and tom from me, yet I most l# quest ton won rqverwhelrum 1ous n y n iij diaap- grand old defender of pm» ted the friend of the boifed down and stricken lo grief. I have no doubt, my tetter would have been ioaertad ls'óofne < place, etco. if some avveri ;i«ccrri oénl ne B züta Tag -.u

26 R E U GIO-P HILO SO FH I CAL JOURNAL. JULY 26, Fur tlw ltf*lltfin.) tilliw>pllle*l Juiuntl From Puritanism tn Spirltuall'tit u BY CUIJCS B. STK1IB18K. CHAPTER lit. _r_l TRUmUNOK. I wall rpnutibar holding my father's hand when a child. a«we walked tip the hroad street of Hatfield to the uuvtiiig house one pleasant summer afternoon more than fifty yearn ago, to hear a la (»per mice lecture by I)r. Jewett, tha flr«t ever Riven In the town. It made &«trong Impress km on me, because Borne of the neighbor*»ncerod at my father for going. Ami no marvel for drinking distilled Bplfltn was reputable, unt the most pious Indulged in It without rebuke. The old minister and the deacons kept pace with the wicked, nod the toper quoted Hcrlpture and held up the preacher as his pattern in moderate drinking. A substantial townsman strongly opposed these now temi»trance notions," ami told me his boyish experience. The minister then had a) farm the parish properly, which lie worked and used after the old fa*>hion«-mid the stout old Squire said to me; When 1 was a boy I used to work for the minister some times. He drove,things sharp, but he used me well. I used to turn his fanning mill while lie shoveled In ami took away the grain until my arms ached. Hut about eleven o'clock he'would set down his Imtf-hiisheJ on the barn lloar-nqd say; 'Come Elijah, let us go Into the tpms4 and take something to cam fori our heart*/' 1 knew what that meant. and was glad to go. I would sit down in the kitchen while he went to the old cupboard to get out the black bottle and the sugar, and tiled a mug of toddy. Then he would say; 'Come, my lad, take hold,' and that was good stiff toddy, nnd plenty of It. I slick to the old way." And stick he did, with the story of the minister's toddy as a stronghold. Cider wo* freely used. I knew farmers who drank up forty or fifty barrels yearly reputable citizens, not at nit intemperate! It was bard work to make these men give it up. They Would plead against the great waste of apples In their orchards useless save for rhler-tnafe- Ing-aud make that waste,an argument for their llery thirst, growing as crabbed as their old elder, if too much urged. But h temperance lecturer reached their hearts by turning their stomach! He told them that the nine bushels of poor apples knotty nnd wormy that made a barrel of elder had a goad half peck of worms In them, which were ground and pressed in the pumice,' nnd made about two quarts of worm juice (ogive thclc elder n smart iangl There was no getting away from this, and it made more impression than all other arguments aud appeals. They had an Internal sense'of Its truth when they heard It! Years before my parents had taken the old fashioned square cii**» bottlesof liquors tlien a part of the outfit of every hospitable family from their sideboard, nnd ended the drinking custom In utir home. When we moved to Hatfield it was the common custom to offer mm to neighbors when they called, and our omission was a great rudeness, about as marked as hot to Invite the caller to sit down. They found that f was piled with rum and sugar in this vvay, and were obliged to forbid my tasting liquors or cider, which was thought a queer prohibition. But a change came. The young minister was a temperance man. Habits altered, so that the son or on old farmer, whd had nsed up a barrel of elder weekly," tofd me ho did not use a barrel a year, with a farm and family larger than li by-fathcr's. The temperance movement had wrought tins change. Its farther progress, must he on broader ground and with more knowledge. ^ The Idea of self-control, of the supremacy of ' will over nppellto and passion, leading to pure life, not only in driuklug habits, but In the use of tobacco Iq diet, and h r other ways, must he made prominent. A study of physiology in schools arid homes. In which.the ruhi of body and mind, wrought by drinking habits and by all violations of physim] law,shall be made plain, must be a great help. E arcuf* mast teach their children the duty of making the pure body a consecrated temple for the spirit, and the wrong and shameful weak- n«w and degradation of being controlled by pprverted and abnormal appetite and passion must be emphasized with grave decision. leg islation has Its work, but tu all and through all, must lie the guiding and inspiring Idea and aim of a race well born, well bred, oml strong In self-government. The word of Buddha, spoken twenty-five hundred years ago. 1» worthy of all acceptation to-day: "If on«* man conquer a thoilkand times ten thousand men ill battle,and another man conquer him- self, the last ts the ffreatest conqueror." WOUJlN-StJiVtUGE. '' In 1871 the question of woman-suffrage was aubmiui J to the people of Michigan, and we had 40,000 vote» in Us favor, after a short but excellent campaign. Hits was a good beginning. The liquor interest arrayed itself against us. Instinct Is a great matter, and tt leads the liquor sellers to see the handwriting of doom on their walla in this larger so of the moral power of/woman. I have rarely seen a Spiritualist opposed to woman- Buffntae. and have often spoken In Us»favor before them, always with cordial approval. It la a remarkable and commendable fact that, from the first, and through thirty-six years, they have reeoghized woman's equality, as speakers and In other w ay s. There are noar- S laments worth a straw against it only pre- udlcas, ot which men in a republic hind should be ashamed. Prejudiced men and women, often not gifted with strong minds, conjure up strange fancies of shabby house- keeping and family trouble in the homes of strong minded women. I have broken bread at the tables of Lucrelia Mott and Etizabeth Cady Stanton, and can testify to the Important fact that It wad excellent bread! Their famidas seemed fomented and happy, -and their homes beautifully ordered! Mrs. Livermore arid Lucy Stone are on the best terms wtfh their husbands! Susan il. Anthony le an excellent cook, and (Ikes it too. She la a skilled a ml faithful nurse and tenderly cared for her aged parents in their last years, set he Is suspected of having a strong mlud! Verily, this la a poor, foolish world. If we only look <m its weak aide, but Its stronger and braver side wins a t last the true " survival of the attest," What a Toad of cruelty and contempt le being lifted from womanhood! There can be no true civilization, or unity in the highest sense, without equality of rights. This great reform wilt-go on, and will succeed. Womanhood and manhood, home life and public affairs, will be the. better for ft, 1 the change will come ao quietly that the I,will look back and wonder at their j. BobMe and lmh finable lathe difference. In mind and son], between womanhood and hood. The IntnlUon of woman sees in _ nce, and lltnminatee paths which the on of man'pnnmee and works out. We d both In all Ufa's dull*, that the perfect '» may be rounded out In fall harmony. " TUB FLEAS o r CONVENTIONS." So Emerson wmily names the odd character«that hang around all reform move incut* In their phineer day«,,811a*«[.ainwtn white haired, wlthdong beard. clad In unbleached tlatmel, scythe snath in hand anil a loaf of brown bread under Ills arm used to «11 in anti-slavery meeting«lit Marlboro Chapel in Boston. Auby Folsom, too, was thefts a good woman, a monomaniac ou free speech, who would talk, in kpamaii and out. especially nut. Often have I seen them, and tiieir like in such pi lice«. 11 seems a«though every new and «weeping wave of spiritual life, not only stirred up the depth«ot thoughts, hut that the folly and P tsrdon of poor humanity are al«o hwept along like froth on the wove. The froth comes to naught, hut is troublesome enough while it lasts, Paul luul a deal of trouble with contention«and evil men, and with babbling and shallow women, for whom his Corinthian Epistle«were meant. Luther Wait greatly vexed hy foolish Protestants hone In moral«. Wesley wa«annoyed hy canting nonsense among his methodht people. The "flea» duiik to anti-slavery meeting«, and they «lick to the Spiritualist«yet, Season«of marked rnenlal mid moral activity, ajtri of noble and Reeded reform«, also stir to new lift* ilw* folly null perverted desires of u it toil u need people. In old anti-slavery days the pious nnd respectable pro-slavery conservatives look the Lain- son«and Abby Folsoms iih types ortho movement. foolishly ignored the self imlne ami moral f tower of Harrison, tier rill smith and others, nnd were blind to the great value of their aims. Blind conservatives and thought less people to-day hold Its "crank«" and frauds as types of Spiritualism, Ignore Its real teacher», and lose the beauty and power of its great truths. False prophet«can be traced from Judea to Boston; from llm days of Christ to our own Him* bad men have been full of the cant of piety, nr of reform, that they might steal the livery' of.tin* court of heaven to servo ^ he devil In. But I he world, «true prophets and great reformers «till Jive. Not to discriminate between the»cum mid froth nnd the pure strong wave; or between pretenders and the prophet«and seer«. 1«to rank Paul nnd Luther, and Wesley, Garrison, Seidell J. Finney, A..!. Uavla. and their like, among the shallow or the fraudulent, and *o Ignore their great nnd genuine work. (To Isi cool luued.! An Address Delivered ut the Funeral of Itodney Tower. <Rmlm-v Illinium. Ml.., pauaj to HpIrH-llfr June I2 tu. 1*H4. 74 jc-ir» and l-'l day*. Three learn ego the Orcn-t il wrot *ttinaieoiiucinjifiii ml ness, to lw delivered «t bln lunrral. Ills rt» iieit «a. compiled BlttlK It is one of nature's immutable laws that the living forms of earth must,sooner or later, return to dust whence they came, and man's mortal body is not un exception to this rule. It must dissolve, crumble back to Its mother earth. This process of nature, the taking down uf our earthly tabernacle, is called death, and II is that death which the apostle speaks of when he sqys: "It is appointed unto mint mice to die"- pot throe time«as some have taught, We believe that nothing which transpires on our earth has been more misrepresented than the change callpd death. No oilier scene has been represented ns being so horrid and heart-rending. The death of man*«hotly la designed In ho a blessing, and not a curse, and it is reasonable tu «oppose that his condition will biftaltcr in the future state than it was during earth life. The scripture represents man as having ;i body,«soul or spirit, and we are taught that Hit* physical organism Is only a tabernacle for the soul or spirit to occupy during the time of Its sojourn on earth. It la of the earth, earthy, and cannot epler the spirit abode. The spirit ik immortal, and nnturally belongs to the spirit-realms, and when the garb of llesh shall have been laid off, the spirit-laud will appear toth«enraptured vision. Thus truth robs death of its terrors, and converts the so-called dreadful monster into a smiling angel, and then the change becomes simply the door through which we enter the spirit land. If the future slate is bettor than this, death 1«a blessing Instead of a curse, as some would havens believe. We die, as il Is called, that we may live in a more exalted state of existence. We cense to live here as men and women, that we may begin to live as angels in the celestial regions. By dying one emerges from his mortal, suffering body, and at once possesses a more glorious one, like the resurrected spirit-body of Jesus; one that is not subject to suffering oy dying. We lay off our clay-tenement«, which are consigned to the grave because they cannot be of any use to us in the Spirit-world. Our physical bodies aye only needed while we remain on earth. They cannot he taken to the spirit-land; they could not exist there, lind we do not need them in that world where all In spiritual. Let them perish, t lieu, will unit mg rot. rouhzlug that they arc only the casket that held heaven s Immortal jewels, the ungels of the hereafter! We learn from nature as well as from the blhle, that mankind are progressive beings, and will not lose their identity as they pass from ilia mundane to the,spirit-spheres. They will bear the Image of spirits, and their course will be onward nnd upward forever. The immutable laws of oar'own being will transfer us to the ever green fields of the Summer- land, and we do not go beyond tha proof of»scripture and nature wheu we say that all wilt be taken there to live eternally, for all are immortal. The blble states that all will be resurrected, and Jesus tolls us that the resurrected shall die no more; and nature maintains that 1( one lives on after the death of bin mortal body, all will, for God work* through the instrumentality of natural laws. So we see that what we call death» is. only a change. Panl nays: As to AdanYkll di?, ao In Christ shall all he made alive." -Thus he speaks of man's resurrection, proving that all will be raised. Jeans says of the resurrected ones; "Neither can they die any more, for they are equal unto the angels, and are the children of God, being the children of IhertB urrectlon." Now. that the dead are raised, even Moses showed at the bush when he call- rd the Lord, the God of Atnilmni. I-mie run! Jacob, for he la not a God of the dead, but of the living, for all live unto him. Jceua and Paul hare thus plainly told «that all will be resurrected; all advance beyond death, and are Immortal, for remember Jesus said they «halt die no more. Thee«words of Jeatpi show that those patriarch«had already been resurrected, proving that the resurrection taken place wnen each one lays off his mortal body. The following' words of Jesus 'prove the same thing: "The hour 1«coming, and now la, when the dead shall hear the voice of the adn of God, and they that hear nhall live.". Mankind are dying every hour, as Jesus well knew, and he said this to teach os that the resurrection takes place in the very hour the body dies. Be assured, than, earthly ones, that your departed*friends are not dead; they have risen to a higher lire, and noware numbered with the angels, are the children of God, Incorruptible and Immortal, M Pan! has said, and as Jesus said, they will die no more. Thus we have the proof that we do not lose our consciousness by-tlie death of our mortal bodies, nor does the grave hold the real man, the spirit, that rammt he cmfined in the i rave, that cold dark place set apart for man- liid a perishing bodies. We onty leave, then, in the grave, our wornout bouse, or tabernacle us Pant regard* tt, and enter our spiritual house, which i.e said Is eternal In the heavens; for which cause we faint not, hut though our outward man perish, yet the inward mail will be renewed day by day; that 1«, lives on. The learned Paul, in beautiful language show«that the resnrrectloi) simply conaista of the inward or spiritual man passing from Its earthly tabernacle to the spirit-realms. Speaking of the death and burial of the out-, ward man, he says: "Thou sowest not that body that shall be." Certainly thenotir earth* y bodies are not the resurrected ones. The im morinl spirit of man only «urxivehj)l which JF«fis said. It shall die no more. "For we that are in tills taberuaclo do groan, being burdened, not that we would he unclothed hut rlollu-d upon, thstmorlality might be swallowed up of life. \ 1 our earthly hodiouna often a burden to ns, for they bring pain, sorrow, disease anil Uriah ly what we call death. But Paul say«that we are to he elotheil up'it wtlli a spirit body, which has no disease; pain or death; therefore we are always confident, though while we are at home tn the body, we are absent from the Lord. These passages show Hint the spirit,of Hum can he absent from the mortal body, nnd tie conarinusly present with pome one else. He «peaks of Ills change ns a happy even!, mid that it would bo (o him a gain. Moses and Kllas appeared to Jesus, Peter, James and John on the mount. They n>n versed with Jesus, wliieh prove«rnnclindvely That those we call dead are alive, and that there I«no rent death. Tlmusniid«of earth'«departed have returned and identified them selves, as did Mose«and Ellas, and a«did Jesus among h$a disciples In that supper room, the doors being ahnt. lint they knew him, conversed with him until he vanished, -and by tills appearance, ho proved his resurrect Ion. a«all «la who appear to mu rials. As we have proof that [here is an endless «tato of existence for the human family, it Is right and propf r for us to inquire about that state. Wilt the greater part of, mankind suffer endlessly the keenest torments, a«many of our teacher«bau* declared.or will God annihilate some, as others have declared he will? -Such doctrines appear to me ns Inconsistent and rontrary to reason, Justice. Mble and nature. Is It not better to assume that all will be finally happy? From lublft quotations we learn that the resurrected are the children of God; that ail are to he resurrected, and equal, finally to H i p nngejs. and cannnt die any more; conse- quently hll are immortal, and cannot be annihilated. Vfocanuot believe It possltilethnt John s God of love can he mi cruel as to punish hl«children endlessly in hell torments as has been preached to ns. Lately, hell has been left out of the revised blble hy able scholars, who lu. their work of translating dare not render the Greek word hattet, hell, as did King James s translators, for It la well-known now that haikt means the grave. There are many texts which prove that ail mankind will finally become happy, but for the sake of brevity I shall quote but few: "And 1 heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold the tabernacle of God la with men, and he will dwell with them, and be their God.".' And God «hall wipe away all tears from their eye«, and there will be no more death, neither sorrow nor crying, neither «hal I there be any more pain, for the former thing«have past away, "And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold I make all thing«new,'" If this text he true, what becomes of the hell of torment, when there is no more pain, neither sorrow nor crying. Says Paul: Behold I show you a mystery: wo shall not nil sleep, but we shall all be changed in a moment, in the (winkling of an eye, at the last trump, (hr the trump Bhall sound and the dead «hail he raised, incorruptible, and we shall ho changed, for this corruptible must put on In- corrupllou, and this mortal must put on Immortality; then shall be brepgljt to pass the saying that Ihwritten, BootTr Is «wallowed up In victory!'" / AH thus get the victory over death, for all are resurrected. If they were not resurrected, then death would hold the victory over them. Thus denth becomes vanquished, amt the victory of mankind 1«complete. Those we call dead are not rtea<j. They are free from death, free fromaheir tijmrtnl bodies, free from pain, trials and temptation*, free to roam over the fields of Paradise and to hold sweet communion with natntal and angels. We thus find proof that out friends who have passed to the spirit realms are more happy there than they could be here. Let ns, then, be comforted with such gtorloos thoughts, ami Hlrlve to he goed, that we may he Ifuppy here and hereafter, for goodness brings happiness. For God linth concluded them all tn nnbe- lief, that he might have mercy upon all, unbelievers as well a* believer«..and the Lord will destroy Iti this moitotaln the face of the covering cast over all-people, and.the veil that'is «oread over all nations. He will swallow up death In victory, anu^he Lord God will wipe away tear* from off a lf faces. From these quotations we see tlw the bibte does not sustain the doctrine of endless punishment nor that of unnlhllatloox Wonder not that the earth's Inhabitants have stood terrified and troubled before the tomb, for the reason that the beyond, or what Is called death and (he eternal hereafter, hn«been described to be so terrible. The doctrine of endless punishment, though not real, has made man miserable because of Us Imaginary suffering, which he ha«ao mach dreaded. Thus, with bigoted infatuation mankind have been led to believe in a religion of fear In- tstead of a religion of love, which la the only true religion. Religion founded upon fear has canned a vast amount of sorrow and af. fuctiod, and made death man s greatest dread, though it was designed for his greatest good. Oh! how dark and dreadful death hasswtaed to many of the suffering ones of earth. IIow cruel to paint the beyond In *nch false colors. No longer believe such horrid doctrines,which are an outgrowth of the dark ages. To belie ve and teach the tmth Is much better, and give«a more dialled View of God and his-works. Panl, understanding what man's future would bo.sald, for me to die Is gain." If It were galh for Paul to die. It will also be for ail bthers, for he confessed hlmaelf to bd the chief of sinners. Our change from earth to spirit life may well be compared to -moving, as many do, from tpeatony, sterile, hilly land* of the tin t, and locating nnnms on the beautiful add fertile nralrle* of the Wüst; but, the change of the former 1* greater and far more for our gain than the latter. Our friends move Waal, and then Inform us of a tatter country that they have found, and they are anxious that we should come there too. So friends who have passed to the spirit abodes, have loform- «1 us of their Improved condition and beautiful country, and are auxlmi«hint we should come to litem. They ataud with open, immortal urn* to receive us to their spirit homes, ami tell us of the blessing«of the change. They even come to pilot us, the departing one«, to the-land of Hie blessed. Wo expect wlion we move to other bind«, to part wllh many good thing«that wo cannot tukn with un; so It will be when #re depart from earth to spirit life. But If we have the loss Incurred more than mode up to us, will it not be, a«paul said, a gain? If we leave mortal friend«and society, and join the Immortal on.es, will not the change bq a great advantage. especially as the friend«wo are!leaving, will soon join us in that belter country? But «oitie may ask: Is not death to be dreaded on account of the terrible manner in which it comes, cruelly destroying our earthly bodies atid consigning them to corruption? Ifearth life constitutes all there is of man's existence, or If the future la all dark, or if endless torment Is to he expected ns our future doom, then it might be so; but we hate good evidence that the spirit or real man 1«Immortal; (hut the mortal Isjdy only perishes; that the immortal will he glorious, nnd that earth life with Its experiences, good and evil, will xesnlt in endless gain. Educate mankind to know these great truth«, and induce them to banish, their traditionary errors, nml they will neither dread nor object to the change. Death 1«hilt a progressive step, simply putting off mortality ami putting on Immortality, a change from corruptible to incorruptible, thus fitting us for the spirit abode«. When we lay the earth iy remains of our friends in their graves, let ns realize that we bury only their worn out bodies. The real man. woman or child 1«not dead, for being imhued with»nirlt life, one cannot die. Such is the condition of the resurrected. those whom Jesus said should die no more, being equal to the angel«, and really the children of God. and heir«of God lit hi* kingdom of felory and endless dominion. What an exalted destiny; heir«to an inheritance which 1«Incorruptible, and which fadellmot away; «niritnally-considered.-sous and daughter«of God! We know, however, that death bring«one real sorrow, that of parting with friends, hut the trial ia harder for the living than the so-called dead; yet we have a balm for the wound. O iit loss J* their gain. They go hut a short time before n«, and we «hull meet them again. Still this doe«not fill their vacant chair, or make up for the loss of their absence, flnr sorrow i* that they ore gone, aud we are led to n«k, Where are they? The departed ones have often answered Uita inquiry. They have told u* Dial they nre now dwelling in the spirit land. There are luapy reliable records of their reappearance on earth and communicating with mortal*. and i hi«has been taking, place In all age* of the world, and there are thousnnd* of living witnesses of these fuels, and witness,-m.cm no other qtiosuou are more reliable. ' Never look down on Hie grave with sighs; mourn not, nor feel sad, for the spirit 1«not In the cold grave, nor anywhere nearit. The dear one«that loved m are beside u«, around ns, above \ Finding (ioiitftj a Dream. The {emarkable Luck of a Caur tt' Alene Miner feeing H'Aife A tlerp a Valley (HUlening Kith the yellow Mejal Firu\ing It H Aen Awake -The Tale of Dream dutch. Many gold-hunter«believe in dreams, say«an Eagle City correspondent of The Sun, Like the gambler«, they have a great respect for luck, and anything that partakes of the supernatural finds with them the most ready credence., To dream of finding a tula is to them conclusive evidence that such a mine exist» eiuctly as «een In tha vision. If they fait to locate It, that is tfieir misfortune- They never doubt for a moment that they Jin v«}/ been made the medium of some commnnlegation from ou high to Hie children of men. The Droam Gulch, one of the few payuik mining properties in the new Crnur il' Alene district, was so named because its owner, one David, claim«to have been led to search for gold In tliese parts by a vision, A year ago ho was u farmer np in the Falouse region, having no thought of riche*, and well content to grub out a living on hi* not over-productive claim. He look no newspap«*ra,^nd had no mrans of knowing anything about the rumor then in circulation to the effect that the Crnur d'alene country was rich In gold. He put in til«crop* last year a» usual, and awaited the harvest. One fcttufferabty liofn ighl In the latter part of August he had his wonderful dream. He went to work as ifual fa his field, aud thought nothing of his night'«experience until nearly noon, when something brought to hi* mind the first fragment of hi* dream. It seemed to him then like some half forgotten story, and he seated himself, intent upon recalling it all If posnlble. Slowly the whole dream wa* revealed to him with marvelous dlatluet- ness, and he went over It again and again in his mind as something that he was loath to dismiss. At dinner he told hia wife, bat «be, h matler-of fact soal, waa disposed to rally him a little for h k folly tn paying attention to It. Ho said no more on the subject to her. He made np hln mind that the first chance ho got be would scud for some newspapers and see if they contained anything wldch would help hliu to solve the mystery. Iu the meantime he committed hi* dream to paper eveu to the minutest detail, and made drawing* of certain loc&ikiro which be hsd seen in bis vision. In talking about it since then he said: I have drowned many times, as everybody has, and some of my vlnfons have been very vivid, but this one w.'w unearthly. It marie such an impression npon me that I could not begin to make you understand my feelings if I tried: 1 could think of nothing else. Somethlngseemed to be urging me all the lime to do something, but-what to do I- did not know. I actually began to fear that my mind wa* beginning to tatter David's dream, as narrated by himself, was as follows: I found myself In a most desolate locality in the mountains, where to all appearance«no human foot Kcd ever been. Something impelled me on, and I fought my way through thickets tbkl were Intensely dark, oven at midday, over rock«, and through raging torrents. My course was upward, and. though I could see no end to my Journey, and my feet were bleeding and my clothing torn, 1 well remember that 1 was not In the least discouraged or alarmed. At length, when nearly exhausted, I reached the top of the mountain and looked down for miles into the valley below. Aa 1 nee It now It was not an Inviting sight, but I pushed on regardless of the pels the exertion gave me. When I got to the bottom I found myself In a vast solitude, shut in by mountains on either band, and not a human habitation in sight. It 1* flogeai tn hie now fhat I tremble to think of We condition I wa«la, bat at the time I know I felt no concern for myself. I lay down and dreamed again a dream within a dream. I saw the adjacent mountain peaks surmounted by palaces of the most gorgeous description, some of them made of marble, others of pearl, nnd «till others of gold, «liver, and precious sinn>-*, Their Infly Hpiri««ami dnim** pim-i-d tin* «ky and the nuuv rny* wore reflected with dazzling brilliancy from their riwplendont column«. Out of tfistr great gate* cnuie processions of muguillcengy attired horsemen, who rode down Into the valley and gathered' g old and silver In chunk*, aud carried them ack to the iiiuuutalu«. One party came to the point where t w&«sleeping, and being already well loaded they counseled -together whether they would <>jieu the mirth at that point that riay or wait until another time, 'There 1«gold here, «aid one In a voice that I can never forget, *bat we had better not bother with it io«!ay. Let ti* mark tin* place and come again to-morrow.' Under a cedar shivered by lightning, they plied up several atone» and rode away. "I nwoke, looked hastily about me, nnd, though the palaces had vanished, I»aw the bloated cellar and the pile of «lone«. All around in that part of the gulch I saw bits of gold nrptrnding through the *od or the gravel. ^The very rock«seemed burnished with it, aril even the tree* glistened from root to topmo*d8«qiiich. ] «eenieri riveted to Hi»* spot. I wnnteb^i full on my knees and.dig. dig, dig. Did imyvpii** els» ever have'*ueh Wealth ut hi* disport*? My brain reeled with the thoughts of whet I would do with my po*- se<«lon<i, and I became weak aud intensely Agitated. In mi Instant the hceno wasshiftei, and 1 iuu«t have»lept from that ou a dreum- lf*h«sleep, or elhc* qiy thought* were on other thing«, for win»!! f awoke f huiwiio immediate recollection of all Hint I liadiven." In the cuur*e of time Davlfl got a hundleof newspapers, aud almost the first ttihig he saw In them wn* n report of the Cunjr il* Aleiie gold excitement. He rend everything relative to the new place* and sent for more. He believed that lie had found a key to hi* dream. The more he read bout the topography of the country the stronger became hi«conviction that it was the «nine'locality he had visited In his dream*. When his crops wen* gathered he set out alone for this place, then hut just founded **id» mere collection of tent*. HI«wife-undertook to persnade him that Id* mission was a foolmi one, and even hinted that *h» believed he had gone clean drift, but nothing could «top him. In describing Id«experience David say*: 1 found that nearly everybody who had gone in had taken the Trout creek trail, and I resolved to try that first, 1 thought I would «emit nrdtind the tnoniilalne, ami If I found a place (hut looked like the one I began to climb In my dream, I would keep on. Imagine tny jriy when I found the Trout creek trail, the very ronte that I hail taken, ft wa«a«familiar to me «.«though I had been over it many time* before. Every once In a while I would see aoitie very familiar object, and, doubly impressed with the Idea that there was Homethlng In my dream, I pushed on. All the way over the mountain I wo» buoyed up In this "way, ami when on the summit I saw the distant mountain peak* and the «ntnber valley* intervcjrihg, every doubt left my mind, ibw»wffieiiumo view I hnd had beiorerd-eouid locate the very place» whore the palaces which had filled me* with such wonder hud stood, anil caught myself several times looking up. expecting to see them again. When 1 got down Into the valley I was disappointed. The tents and other property of the early comer* hud changed the aspect of affair* somewhat, but I soon got my hearing«_aud pursued my journey. A few mile* away I came upon ground that was growing more aud more familiar 1 knew I wa» near the place where gold whs to be found If there was anything in my dream. My heart beat like a trip hammer, aud I felt a faint- ne stealing over me. I leaned acalust a tree for support and brushed my eyes with my hand*. Tlnvtillne*«iwa*oppressive. A wild bird (lew up from a hush at my-feet with a startled srream, and I Involuntarily littered an exrlamation of terror. Right ahead of me was the blanted cedar utirt*»r which I had reclined in nty dream, and at It* base was a pile or rough rock*, mi** grown and crumbling. It wa* the identical «pot. 1 am ashamed to say that I looked for the gold in Hie gr/i««and gravel, and wa* disappointed at not finding It. I entered a claim at that mint and named it the Dream Gulch. Any one around Here can tell you what It i# worth." The Dream Gulch I* making It*owner rich. He doe«uot exactly pick lumps of gold from the surface, but he ha*»«cured a very 'rich product under Hie crust. The»lory of the dream I* a famlilat one here, and no one pretends to doubt lta ahsolutearutli. David has begn offered big money Aodream again, hot he declares that he cannot do It to order. llamon and Prthla*. Year» ago, when the Weddell house In Cleveland. Ohio, was being lmllt, Thomas Potter and JamesHenry (masons) were at work aide by side on oue of the upper wall*.. One of the. men «lipped and wqtiid have fallen had not the other caught him and held him until help came, From that day onward the old»torv of Damon nnd Pythias was recalled in the close friendship between these two men. They were companion* nud chum* in the closest meaning of the term*. They bought places In Solon, Ohio, and lived «hie hy side, and people got ao that when they «aw Potter they knew Henry wa«not far off. Said ell officer of the Oltvelhnd Society for eaving*: The two kept their account* with ««for year*. When one came in we knew the other was close at hand. It became a standing joke, and the men enjoyed tt as much a* we did. They often»aid that when ohe died the other would soon follow him. k wa«prophecy. The tw6 died recently within five week* of each other. It «truck me a* a unique thing that snch friendship ebon Id ran through so many years without a flaw, nnd that the two ehontd travel over the dark river almost in company. E?. - The Spirit-world it demonstrate* Is real and beautiful, wheroea«!i one goes to bin own ilace" and enjoys freedom and light*- or Is ottered and dark, according to the degree of spiritual development gained in contact with the material world through the Instrumentality of the spiritual and natural bodies, lint by effort,self sacrifice, and compensatory and loving action«, each spirit, however dark or low in the apa«res of that world beyond the tomb, may, nay mail, eventually rise to higher spheres, and Into freer and purer condt- tioui*. Herald o f Progrtu, king. \ In skinning calve«, the French moils is to make a tale. Insert the noxzle of a bellow*, and blow the skin from the flesh. "For this reason alone. It is sold, French calfskin 1* superior to that made in-this country, where knives are used In the skinning process. There are newspapers and periodicals in Japan. New York City feans another water famine. Hanford's Acid Phosphate. Beware of Imitation». Imitation* and coanterfeltthave again ap- - eared. Be sure that the word " HORBFORD'fl ",s on the wrapper. None genuine without 11. ; * : B H... T i. &. /, *;* I. I 'i. - :

27 B Y H E S T E R M. P O O L E. (M UTUOIIKK, N. J.) MY BABY. Ob, the world I» a-brini wllh Hi«iweeDiM* of eu aimer: Tliftnfcy I» <bn»p blue. ami Uio will l* dark gwn; But the Mill Illlje check of the irrriuu* newcomer I» deam tymiie lltaa alf\tu*is, I wem! Till* h-ft little cheek, lam to mine, no Ion* kmeljr. Muli * lb«world neeiti os bright sut if nil were new made; For this «but human tiowkr fa for me aud me on If. To bring It In beauty. to wnl.'ti bel U fiole. Lie close., lit!!«b«*atl, to tin- heart that you lighten! Hills fimt, little hninlln the liiilmlyou make itti<nig! Intertwine, little life, wltli the life that you brighten, For tlie invent you bring* Iwek the aecr«t<ir»oug! O my Imby! my baby! there'* much you inurt teach me; t There lire problem* that only jour dimple* nm \ wire; / And 'tie only through juu that the b«l good can reach me, And It h aruuuj you Huit suy beet lbou {lilt resolve! All! dear little fret! 1 muni»it down Mow you, AttdLUy to unlearn all my trouble and pain, For what I» there led lit to ilio* you. My rtilid, that has made me tutti childlike again'.' Hoittt ni Ji lyntfott. NKItVtH> HTilAlN IN CHILDREN. A valuable paper with the above title, «ft* read by MUh J. H. DourLorn ill the hint Wo- ^mail'd CougTt *. tu Chlrag«. It Itu**»luc, 'been repealed before the Wimiaji a L'llilfof Orange, N. J. It N ho timely that we make, aoine extract«from (he Orange Chrouttlr, I In jivhich it wue printed at length. Alxive all, W0 Hhniihl eiirpha-1/.e the necessity; for eclf- conlroi, training of thenierai nature and life, inculcation of cheerful, helpful view* of life. - **Tne possibility of Vrvntmhlratri H a fact only recently recognized. lie prevention in children by mean» of their cilurallon Is tmw talked of vlgoron-ly and attempted feebly. The feebleiif H* coiihihihin limited judgment and lack of lborough new, The judgment of j what constitute.» health tw limited to mi Idea J that the application of one or two hygienic Jaw». Inelead nf all. will e»tulill»li and maintain It; the indifferent manner In Which even these recognized laws are carried out complete» the evil. "Many pereonu will»ay that certain kind» of food, or good ventilation, or sleep will In* sure perfect heullhfultipr». Very few see that all tit** necessary ctdiditiuu.» of right living muni enter Into one*» life in due proportion uurj right relation to eacholhcr before n perfect physical system can bu built up; and s c a r c e l y any recognize the eiiurnjou» power of dim lie-i i la I over the physical. Ah soon a» a child I» born the strain upon il» nerve» begin». Jt h trotted up and down when it should be kept quiet, i» c< axed to laugh, to lock at thi» and thill, to do pretty trick», mol i» shown off to every visitor as If It were on exhibition. The more excited ll become» the prettier amt brighter it appear», and the fuoll-h pride of the mother I» gratified and paid for out of the nerve force of her baby. A» children grow older tlm untram- meled life demanded by boyish animal spirits counteract» In u measure the 111 effect» ôf the home training or tfie lack of It. WRONG TRAINING. The girl«suffer uioet from till». Fashion deiimnil- that girl»hli»uld be lady like that Kweak in nerve and uiusdc.and only carefully strong in Intellect. It require» darkened rooms, tight-lacing, and high heel», Depraved - appetite.» crave cotree, tea, sweetmeat», highly HCusotied fowl. Youthful spirit,» beg for late hour», «eijsntiounl stories, Rbriurmal amusements. {toys do not, at ho early uii age, cuter into the excitement of life. Physical exercise constitutes vhuir pleasure long after their sisters are too old to run." For this rt-ason they escape litany of the lind effects which come to girls for want of air and exercise; are not mo much luiured by an nn- jfilwe use of tea and coffee,.and care nothing for late parties at an Hge when their sinters are beginning their career» os belles in society. NECESSITY OF BELF-CONTROL. The mental and moral nature are at the same time almost entirely neglected. Self control, that which 1» the mo»i direct of the powers of the mind ffi Its effect upon the physical,.j a very little thought of in our nomes. N \ virtue Ib possible without this one force to bring It into existence. Yet children art allowed to fret, cry, scold, get excited in many ways, with only a rebuke, and wlthouttany real Instruction In the gaining of ftelf-cdntrol. A fit of crying, even when a ternporary/relief,la only so after the temporary cihaumlon cauaed by it has passed away; and crying as a habit becomes a permanent-trying Ip the nervous system. Even the milder formé of faultfinding expressed by "Isn't that horrid?" "I think it is real mean, when Indulged In as frequently as some young girl» do, brings the mind into permanent state* of dissatisfaction and discontent with every thing around them. There is no health in dissatisfaction and discontent. Sooner or later all these various forms of uncontrolled emotions show their III effects upon the physical system. The moral nature Is as'hule trained In filgh. cheerful, hopeful views of life. That relating to sex needs special attention.,... LOWAIMS AMD ftistlmentauty. «The moral nature is also depraved by low aims, by se f-piiy which leads to hypochou- drtaclsm, by certain klud* of aell-glorlflca- tlotl which indulged in tdl* dreaming and an aimless life, by m-utlmenulity which weakens the mind. All that lends to self-brooding. whether In pity or laudation, tends toward physical weakness. Whatever throws the mind bnck upon Its own state», to brood over discomfort» or waste, or unattained longings, or to dream of Impossible happiness founded upon supposed virtues pictured by a morbid self-love, will at some time weaken the physical nature and bring It* po**es#or Into invalidism. Such states are largely cultiva ted by the unhealthy novels read by young glrla. Most of the so-called bayfjalest stories appeal to the emotional nature; The heroine» are represented u awakening the admiration of every one by their wonderful quail tie», or are secretly suffering from a lack of being understood. This \ie w of character Is most false. Honest, true people neither receive nor live for unlveraal admiration; and, on the other side, none ever suffer from being misunderstood by everybody except those who misunderstand everybody. FREEDOM FOB DEVELOPMENT. «The freedom given to the boy has resulted in bis finding much wholesome pleasure for himself, while the false Ideas of womanly delicacy have ebnt off his sisters from many useful sports. She has been driven to seek amusement In several injurious ways, among them the reading of the frivolous stories befnra s[token of,* If mother» would avoid for their daughter» otie nf the most prolific can»* e«of utsrvou» debility, they ruu»i inform lhetn*elves more thoroughly than they do how how those daughter» are learning, from the hook» they rend, to look at Ihelrnwri characters, and lln-tr own relation to life's duties. " Wf do not need u profound p h y - iojnglc knowledge To Understand the resent jnunf hygienic law. A lltlh'comrnon'ssnse shows us that the first month of a b a b y s life should he passed in quiet, not excitement. A little thought will [mint out the moat prominent needsof the diy»lcnl nature; air for (he lung»»applied by good ventilation and.plenty ofoui- Hoor life, and not limited by corsets and tight clothing; food ti»l only In «Ujjiidiiuce.biit huc)i n- will nourish, and»applied at short enough Interval» to prevent always any furling of faintness nr want; exercise for the muscle», for which also loose clothing Is needed, ami well fitting, broad-houlcd boots, with low and broad heels, sunlight In our room», because nothing will grow vigorously in the dark, and plenty of sleep ami rest at regular litlwr vals. and especially during the hours of the night. The htihil» of alrefi are perhaps the most neglected of any. Children go to [days and concerts, or sit up Inte at home every night, or a few time» a week, or onfe a week, and weaken all their bodily power» for two or three days every, time this Is done. And the mother wonder» why they are not strong, for they exercise out of doors, ami eat whole some food, they are stronger than they would he without any good habit», hut Hie Indulgence in this one irregularity, must prove an Injury. AT MJlIUOL. " Hut the*studies mu»l be pursued, Hint so much is required iiow-a-duyig the mothers argue. Itequired by whom, by whirl? lie- qaired by ilia mothefb*and teacher»,by the shfi*h ambition of l*»th. The leacherfor her own glory, tile mother for that of her child bemuse it t» her child, urges this growing girl, to try to he first. And so common Is it to set before pupil» artificial motives for sludy. Unit others.are not considered of any value. Hot as far as a,1 earlier fail» lo interest her pupil- in.a study, because,it is It-elf Interesting, she is not a true teach'er. The Mibfert.pul prize», should absorb the thought of the student. Her aim iii»o should he her own highest His»lh i* development, not the comparison of herself Wilh some one el-e. it i» the glorv of :i garden that out of the material roses and lilies, and Powers of infinite variety develop their own peculiar beauty. Why in thill garden of minds, tlrar*chj(m»l,-do-<we insist ii >on the frutlle-s effort of''t/ilum g all Into roses, or lilles.insteadoflmrifftlu peculiar beauty [*»<- slide to curb mind when I mined in freedom? When we leave out of sclionl» any stimulus except the natural Interest in the studies, then we shall leave out of children» live» one cause of nervous debility. The school yenfsof a girl's life arc also too few ; add three or four, mure, and she could then do easily wliut she now gain» by nervous -l^ijn. " Hut gnwfykchnol training inu-t be»upple men ted by good home train mg. The law of variety necessary to health demand» that children should have recreation. Not only encourage but provide for every social enjoyment which is entered Into tu the daytime, which excludes the thought of dress, which associate» boys and girls on u purely friendly footing, and which admits of the presence of the older member» of the family. Dlsronfage all that >4hlch demands late hour» and gay dressing, which encourage» the exclusive attention of one bay to one gixl uulil image proper for marriage, and (hat which exclude» older members of the family. This is the kind of social life our children need.. IblME AM( HEMENTS. " A very great evil in the home 1» the leaving of the choice of the amusements to the young people, or supplying them only with unhealthy ones, Instead of providing them with wholesome one», ^ "The home»jinny not be considered a home unless its arrangement» embrace joyous, free day-time, 'g<iod times' for (he younger members. These enjoyment» ahould Include the a»- socialiou of both sexes. The companionship of boy» is of more. Importance to girl» than 1» usually supposed. The love of the other sex is natural to every human being. In it«purity, this quality iu girls Is sweet ami womanly. But because It haa been left without guidance and without pure means of expressing itself, it is repressed by (hp right-minded girl, and degenerates Into sitllne»» and even immorality In those of more uncontrolled emotions of coarse instinct». Let us, then, mothers and teachers, never cease to search for the weaknesses of our ways in the training of our children. Not by one or two good habits shall they become strong. Not until every physical and mental necessity ts supplied shall we see growing up around uh sound bodies which «hail be tbe material forms of strong aud vigorous souls. and make serious mistake» when they think they do. Iluw often we, notice.eager appeqlsifrpm spirits recently passed over, begging fjrjeibl» to give them un opportunity of offering advice. It t» quite pohhible that Mime fact, such, for instance, as the finding of a lost paper may he communicated; but we nm»t remember that our spirit friend cannot now keept ttfirk of earth-life's everchaiigiug events; he cannot even see n» a» we are,, and will make most serions mistake» If we look to him to guide us through the detail» of out basine trouble». Ituman-nRtiire is so organized, that its first thought about every new fad Ls: * fo what use ran I put this fact for ruy own advantage?" No sooner Is the possibility of spirit communion a fact to (»sir humanity than the demand is for some immediate persona) profit or advantage. We have-sen that spirit» will respond to this demand; and the ali-inifhiptaiit b-s-on 1» that We can'uot make the selfish use of thl«fact of nature that we desire, for the Jaws of iportal life and epirit-exi»lence d» not rome into tlyit close relation that most mortals ond many spirits have seemed to suppose. Nevertheless every experienced Mpirlluali-t will give us instances, uppurently proving Unit spirits do sn- that which we see, amt hear that which fall» upon your ear and mine, and have thus been < ( great nervlcc In the affair» of earth-life.- So fsj a.» this maybe done by tbespfril s.tlseof iijedlunislilp (his may be conceded; but that limitation Is little heeded hv many who seem tu iliiuk thl'splrit >f the arisen all powerful iu tbbt jife. That would mean slavery to the mortal; and by way of nunne]pillion J projhise to (ry and prove in following article-; that very "much now credited lo spirit*, out of the lindy, Is really effected by spirit» lodongiug to iiihu- IioihI upon earth. New Y'ork. HOOK JtEV ik W S. I All biwifc* n o ticed W ider th is b ra il, a re lo r w ile a t. n r can ("- ordered thnawh, ttwrrttlm/[lie- Rbi Cilo-PNlLOsoi'tiini, Jock* *1.-1 ANIMAI. MAGNETISM." - r Me-m>riwii and ll* tùnumniena. tiy I be bite William Gregory. M. I>_ l. it, S. E, Fn»rnw<rof 1tieniotry it t>!int-orgb I'mIver»it.id. J)«sfiiat«*l b,i the uiitlier by tieniti»- slim to His rirare Hie Duke of Argyll. TocHlter wiilt on liitnelui.'tbrti by >1. A. nevnii.i" l'oirqdete In six Paris, l,oi*d<d*: I be l**ycboli<gl-, rai l'os» A--«t;itiori. u si K. \V, Allen. I Ave Murui lane. Price Sixpence, Part J of Die M pn has jar! none to baud, and It contain* a Unge un imi ut of in b-n oui ion wlficli ruu-!mt fail (r. finite of great v a lu e to file»(oiletlt of Auiitni Milgnelùm." The variou* Ports will 'be kept fur Kilt»t Ibi* ulln-c. KmiT IlmiMI rnvf,n.t;ii: or, in«tlleiaii Hud* didst» tej-u» the UuddhW* of TibeL II) Artliur UiUe. >MelldeT of the Ftojiil Aligli' S-cirt) i. b u s don; Tin* jvjclinlogica! Pfe~ A-w-iaU ui. and tl W'. Allen. " Ave Malia fame. Price one Siili ling. Tin* pamphlet Is a critical itial)-i»of an individuai win* ha* W u tiroiiglvt itilo»liecbit prouimience through the n.sliimieiiurlli) of Madiluie Hlav.il»l> alni Col. I lieult. mid I-* whom lire) l«ve Uedgned re- niiukalde urenit MiW<-r*. M. lallie uuteil* Id* Ime i cliarwcp r. Tor UM HeUfM-PlUI«KiDWe*l - Mistakes of Investigators. (No. U.) ' BT CHARLES DAWtlJjlN. In my la«t 1 gave au account of an interesting experience,'»bowing a marked limit to spirit [tower. Such experiments throw light upon tbe entire subject of spirit intercourse, Oli* who Is mediumj*tir may supply power to a certain class of spirits, to come very close to earth-life, whilst another class may find no medium-hip la his organism, We must remember that they who return witli the greatest material power, are»pirita of the threflholrt who have nut yet outgrown earth. In this class of spirit» we are aecessarily exposed to trick»teis. but eveu if we cape them we must take note, first, that the mure cluee- ]y any spirit is c«rapport with earth-life, the leed advanced Is that spirit in true spiritual growth; and, secondly, we must remember that without epecial medjumtihip the spirit does not actually perceive the material forms that go to make our life oh earth what- it Lb to-day. Those who are seeking to.make Spiritualism what they call practical" may How learn a lesson of tremendous importance. First, those who run to the Spirit-world for advice lo their buslnees, either come into contact with advanced intelligence«who hare long outgrown 'remembrance of earth business, and. therefore, gan only advlae aa to general principle«; or, eecobdiy, *hey attract f<jbluh and m)-»cbievou3 epirtta, whope motive la purely «elfish; or, thirdly, [hf>fitid spirits who hare not outgrown an interest In the details of earth bnsioe««, and yet remain Interested In stocks, bohda and merchandise, haunting the aceoea of their former life, and u far as may be continuing mortals rather than spirit*. We have already aeen from the recorded experiment that advice from such spirit«, no matter how kindly meant, mneb result dteaa- trousiy, sooner or. later, since they cannot come directly In contact with earth matter, A cnrlfrtj* ts»»k, which jiroiu1 n< I*- on» of gtrsit int*-rr»1, will * ra lm Mblta)»») by M»-y<r». S. r,- GtJgg* A <'<i rbloig'k, ealltl>*i - Woinl«iiinl fuil-»ilimil the Rallwaj; nr,»irntr* <.f tl«- IjochuujIIvi- in n n j Ijiivl, l<y W, 8rr»u>«Krutinly, it.ha* lwmly»f»or i-ngiaviui^, and t* bil<it with mudi vab tab!«infuruialkna bllbel» liikccmtlil«to IU» gi-n- <*r«i ll lrnc»»i tb*»«-, gr«\*ih, *n-l -ri>gn»* otali«tuliway, (fom it* origin III lb- rally ntnigglr* of SP(iIihi*iii arid tiiahwociatc*, lo it*.ri**. nt tnlbj- -nllal >u»iii.in In Ihecuttmcfc«an.i cit llimtloii *<f till- ng«; tli* KWttir bmfiiimtiv«i ->f t>li- *»iu and tjafl. tin- Mountain ttullway* of tb»alj»*, tin* Miliiiiariu», Altt»*jib«-ru\ Elevated. Vertical aud ifltih* Italiwer*. from India do lb» And»* and rto* GoM«u (rats, ll coulaiu» a sketch of lb» KalUvay Fo«ial Srrvltt) and K;ulwny Telegispt>y, tog.ui»r wilh excitiugdem-rli>tlnn< of railway iicndeul*. train robbrilv*, etc. Many of tbe Moile* *urt* la Interest the wildeut dreuiin of tbe novelist, but (ire uaict/* ed fur it* atwolut«bbturteni trulb. Prof. Matthew* * New and Kntargnt *»lltk>u of Word*; Their Lee aud A how. announced in *[» f wir In May. ha» twen unavutdatity delay«!, Imti* m»* ready rarly III AugtMt, lo d volume of over 'SVJ page*. Tbe pubtlsbefn M e * y *. S. V, Grtgg* A ( fll, will Issue, at tbe name time, 4 tt*w»dith-n 1The l!h j of I'rof. Webb* great work on liie ltevetopinerh of Foglbb l.iirramre uiid Language," bniver-uy «IIIkm, compleie In one volume., Hooks KccHved. MAN. WOMAN AND CHILD. Hj M. J. Savage. iv*ton: Geo. H, Kill*. Cbicagu; Jansen, Me Clurg A Co. Price, doth $ IW THE HISTORY OF FRANCE. By M. Guimtaud Siadame fluiiot De Will, Yol. III. New York: John B. Ald-u. Price p»r *«[, H Yol*, per Vid. 75 cant*. MliS LYDIKUTON'S SISTER. By Edward Bella- iu j, kr*uio; lamia R. IJagiin! & Co. Chicago! S. A, Max Weil A Co. Price, cloth bound. Sr. Lons Magazine. (St- lyoufs Magazine f'n St. Ijiuis. Mo.) Tin* content» of tfil* 14- sir- i* 0 [i to the excellent standard of the pre- cmlitig olire, and wilt bfsfound Interesting. Mn gazi nr* for -inly not before Mentioned. The Km, I,I'll l),l.t dthatebma<;a/jne. f Macini ila» & Co., New Y'ork.) Contents: The Seine Hunt A Peritomi Moment ;. The Hoyal roil set Ion of klniiatiir.es at VMmtsor Cu-ile; An FriweiiiliiiejilaJ Journey through f orn* will); The Measel mid Ills Family; Martin l.)gbtf(h>t * Hong; The Author of Heltrafi]»; Huw a Hone I» Built; Tlio Armourer's prentices, THE Pc».PIT Trexscry. (K, H. Treat, New York ) Th» July number wit! lie welcomed by Preurbers of il) demiaiiliallkli», The first sermon i» by l«r. Moses ), lloge. and wilh It hi» portrait, also u sketch of hi» Ilf**. There are timely and suggest ve neriuou» hy the foi- lowing well known writer»: Dr. A* lironk», i'rof. F.!.. Pattuii. Hr. Witherspoon. Dr. Phillips Brook*. Sti'linp Clo-ney unit other». Every department la filled with the best thought* of well know u w riter*. T h e lu.r * r r a t i ut. (publi«hed q uarlerly l*y The Mo»* Engraving t*o,,ô;tô Pearl Tit.. New York City.»eoittiitii*»everul engraving» which are executed in the highest etyfe of the art; they are really beautiful. The process hy j whirh the work i* done, is known Ai» " photo-! eugravilik-" thr Iltuntrator will I»* sent to subscriber- for fifty emit» per year. Hold on, lloy, Hnld'oti to your tongue when yon are jn»t rejidy to»wear, lie. or speak liafslily. or n-e iioy irnj'rrqot word. Mold on to your band when you are al*mt lo pim-h,»trike, i-ult-jr. steal, or do any. nu [»roper act. Hold on lo your feet when you are on the [s»int of kicking, ruoli log away from study, J <*r pursuing the path»! error,»hame.or crlni«. Hold on to your temper when tot» are angry, 1 exciter), ór iui(** ed upon, nr other» are Hltgry with you. * Hold on to your heart when evil, »oriate» I seek your company *ii!d invite you to join in j their games, mirth,ami revelry. Hold (fit to trulli, for it Will serve,y till well ami do through a!) time*. T h e M i lc n i. Tbe chelem [moie in France recuit* an incident of tbe elder (piioa-v Hi*»errant Hiddeaty i u*tu-t tut,» lii* mrao noedjj, erylng: Tie-eluderli r* in Part»! A man Ini* [od Etile,i <tnel wfili It In tie«fine * lone : et.ai;'' iurt»;i.» Uin;l»«!.4r cretini,m»,!«il 11.» i«*r- fn-fiy true, M>H»»ir«irP Ml-i!t,e»ran«t il'>hie*<ir', liei*! IllllgsUrk «lei M ill»ed,1* bllleka» «0,'gfi-. tl.- Otrli 'fe-r have rold«*i (4m f«r m»«rv- than an b-sir." * Humpb! I'ertmtw tbrty have mld-d J,.o> will, n I4.irkt0g-bln*lj,,*le iitte'i loioii".earel*s*tl ;l«nl wltii- LOa Week be!.:>! (I.e rledeoi I4nr*elf. sereret}. and I V mid prnlml-l) (, > -d ic i bad le d th e serv*li! giteli id u i ju«>ver<t *«i>f «doer I,;. u im A r.» Ire g a te 1dm ti./»»«.fui id el lie/ w ill, a f e w iir o «u f w aier, io*vnd <d ll,««<rie«tl1«sl g k» f n l *d w a te r w ith a few <li«>t«* nf el tier. Doma» «wai:«o»r,l it. Uy t.m -.iwbni* b.r wo amutiea»w.>[-. i-kinaw-ent. N O P O i S O I M IN T H E P A STR Y IF ^! l. P p ( C f ÿ. V jr lila.i^ m e n.o ra n», r f r.. J rttn r l '> li«l f rnmu.cwsii»/.. A f..e, I.I.I, I.n.l (- n r a R >... I U i r» w w h i r h U,r, u r e * *«. FOB NTKEM rl 11 AM» T H II. FHUIT FLA VOH THEY NT AM» ALONE. Price 3aking Powder Co., Chicago. Hi. Or. l ols. Mo. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder D r.! l i r e s L iijiiiliii V riin t (iefur, I I.. I H r, l l o ^ - V f ^. l. wi, nasi iili ont (jv'aurv. LIGHT HEiLTHi BREAD i. " Y E A S T O E M S Tu* bevi rirv h» I the Wvfld Bread nimd by i 1 liflhl while And whol*- v.ffli likw cue nr»wtmmhee*» rfi-lki-nt, hrrwt. CROCERS SELL THEM. Price u rfisi CHiceco. D iikir. IH. "N " Powder Co.,. Sic Louiaie Mo» Partial Llat of.hagaiinra for August. T he Atlantic Monthly, (Hnughiou. Mif- lltu & Co,. CoutcnU; In War Tfine; Ciirpe Diem: The Twilight of firerk and Homan Sculpture; The Zig Xag Telegraph; The llo~e and the Oriole; A Cook's Tourist in Spain; Dinky; Nathaniel Parker Willis; The Edda among the Algonquin Indian*; The Thunder-t'loud; Bug* and Beasts before the Law;Ao old New England Divine; The Ytui- utilizing of William..Shakespeare; Where tt Lt»lelh; Jdklge'-* Historical Studle*; A Modern Prophet; The Contributor's Club ; Book* of the Mouth. CasRRLL's F amily Magazine.) Ca«eell A Co. New York.) Couteote; M rbin the Clasp; Tame.Holike*; A Musical Feast; Genius; My Johnny; CouliuerilaJ Trips a* a Mean^ of Education; From Raw Flax to Finished Thread; Talks with my Patient*; Our Amateur Art Kxhlbi- tipn; Home Life In -Bengal; What to wear; Concerning Derby Chius; The Gatherer; Etc. The Sfihitl al Record. (Hay. Nisbet & Co. Glasgow. Scotland.) Cob tents: Testimony of Robert {tell and William Makepeace Thackeray; Cardinal Manning on Spiritualism; Ghost of a Beggar; Manifestation» without Mediums; Tramdtiou of Mrs. M. 9. G. Nichols;*'Wonders 1 have seen ; Bom«Parting Words; Editorial Notes. Choice Literature. (John B. A Idea. New York.) This number contains the usual amount of good reading matter. With Jt Is received a special extra number containing 210 page» of choice matter accumulated within*! Fte past five months, far which room wo* not found io the regular lasuee. it Includes also a very full )odex of tbe volume which closes with the Issue. The Vaccination DramnB. (114 Yietoria Street, Westminster. 9. W England.) The organ of the Loudon Society far the Abolition of CamntUsory Vaccination, and Health Review. GonXT's Lady's Book. (J. H. Haalenbeefc & Co.. PhlfadelphU.) This Dumber contain» tbe usual amount of good reading. Fashion Plate» and Engraving*.. '. K I D N E Y.. V U V E R ]'.; I s t e a t.r.»; -»e* g;wien»» B i n, r i - r arc ^ 1» ; { irw»ire.w Y wu c«o^#miidsia»m ìu il trv-1 1,rai t ie W* BIB# «wwl M \ lifip e -l All ÏT.TD «q p u t l e *r I tir ^ U l f d è li, ill» \O H H t l I /.4 Kea'esT A Ài Uem fuk* B n l «T ir» ture KwrlPe ein-ikr»! Mitili I nr1nw/«r A tirn y v ln c n n t e r. r J raa4-.ee f 4iffirttM Ak 1J C<fe*r li!.-' V ta, J 1-f f t f i»04j 1*4-11 urti Ufft I t i WKIXiU li'-m a a J v BT«. le». Gutler" DESK W «EST D«**Min Vite Wofld *ot* W ntc A rt w ot. HAYDEN, d**l*e In OFFICE Furnteufe a F.tf Ji Aia«i*. luj wahaah-av.caic*«* " V IT IS A SP EC IFIC»cm Kidney A Liver Troubles, ffj «o4 Um ) Drop»/. Qrarid lad. S U M «, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. It eon* d»«h». JU«r, Bcw Btesuab. Ivi^udL ConetipsUan udzu«. IT W ORKiTpROM PTLY --! vmnr mftt4 TO EMBROIDER CRAZY QUILTS V«IVilvr» ud 1n*BW«Ix-turf * wit nil*4 -Wh U X o G f iu S ; -*1>I»1 I««U illi lv»lf «rv * 4 0 ten «IU M r I W,UK *«>aw e «( o n e O u jlaro i «aeltiil All * 4 ' w l «'I* M S, heauufm c u lm, tu ( w m I r M w n i U H W u n l i luus- b«bd j 40 (f»u 1* MMH II* P*ui luitr 1«1HE BRAiaERD A ARIUTROau CO.. *»31 UArtel St. IIOOelHXiU, F a, or 4*3 S n * 4a* e H. t. S A I f i lr K H rræe a nduvaubi M» U»n F» r«t MemWoy our nenwr'ineabn* (*Mli Ci>jo(«t<i(ilMi SftiTirj USE IT AT ONCE. n i e i m um xn ivtn. u m ud BOW- JHA. to * b * tl«a r'j K U»» M O tlll B e «fe n ili o d w w d M w b l l. H u d n d * b a n b * n M ind «M h * n been d m * p to di» b j M ead* u d ' ÿajatefene. 1 rte. *1 Ai. SndtarntiumiedFanpAietls HVSTS KrXEliT, CO.,' kratliom-e. 3. L Î SOLO n r ALL ORtttHiMTH.»ME Pbfstcius &Ssrpin of tli It At*. ' MiapeOi Srpt STltK Flo* '*et fij*} IrietArrMfldafeM ttlv * If) lìti# CWdAtfj a - M r*r«hr iinj ii M a t A dw sruees. r w C T T w jts r, I Mete et.(.y»med«.» CATARRH A d M>rtQr> tur li Cel» twfl KIDNEY-WORT T H E SURE FOR C U R E K ID N E Y D IS E A S E S, L IV E R C O M P LA IN T S, C O N S T IP A T IO N, P IL E S, AND B LO O D D IS E A S E S, [ PHYSICIANS EXDQBSE H H E A B T i r J *nu O M F-W w t A* th e a Zm tm i).*' Be, Kaaijca-Vi. K.Jd&ey.W sr, le a i t a i «iiew e.-* Vr, H». Clerfe. hinun Vu V X id a tt - W e r tlu a w d m j «IttW Vu M t j e u a tte la «" D r, C -». e u o a æ r a s. e r o B U. O*- I» THOUIARDI o r CAEIff O M FeaU ajb lm dfeju d. l i i e u H a, c n r T ii x I» XT» AcTiejf, ma _ taon---- t r i n i... h e ««n e t» au W e _ ' * - ikfì» U à le g «fim iwermt TM Mn4 o to a U i)*!«, p t i n f u l -i** {(> nf i t f i f f d i f t c o u» rwulóy y ri LI l»> I t s r u n t i f l fw w rl IV ih M in R iu r tii poi» li» m t r j k», hu»htb4>*»e (W ftulcifm ki «fw. mm bìow PeÉlta *1 I la rii w w or Uipne fgm idm ÌpJapV rjp grp «wil to i n m * \% f «' T a l lo w a d e r t o n e <u*' l i w i i r c u v o y o u. m a e re u * wa*, 1 a-1- -fj u W. f*d v, a m petam * u d n d i i r M i* * 1* II* * p a r f a e», a ir «, a g r e e a b l e» J e a e J»» a p p l i c a. ««**p * w - * * i:f d «u *»'..r» J k «l «U t ( a l l d * «e * 41, n m I w all t a n t j «d i n a In IM Cele*! t u i a n a i e *F» :«rtunrv*.»-< aiimhi ir, hnimf«. 11 hnl ttwl * HR. V. U. U D Ì. 4G K. I.»1 I IH- T H E J H A U l T l t t t E A l i K R. [ a SCRIVI et TRACTS «Y IQNd t. RE - - -mjwlu mrr aaw le i) Th* to m e * -4 r w t a - îkwsdüscia Vi. A J * e * ra n e» U M l w e. - L h l w u d w e w. - E Yfe* CtAUM «emmlt u d w. trem i» ; i m d u lin. 4 0 ( a a u ; par A D M E r i v i; «ar'a M w aod, Kto u* to to h»» a u. I! I» T o t a h «fedcaal* *as retali. to T to V c. ««. n m J M e m. F e e u a e i s e» «n e Q «ea KEDttJM SHTT. -A \J J B A P T E B O F E IP E R IK JfÇ B A. i s w. u u i i. a u. ' j s f f s s s i v a s s t s T m -m

28 ileligio-pbiiiosophical JOURNAL. JULY 2(1, fwtflto-f Iiilosophital outnai fubluhed WEEKLY i f 9Î L i ULLE «BEET. CHItKQC B y JOHN O. BUNDY. Term* of Subscription to Advance. OtM» C o p y, o n e y e a r,...$ ** «6 m o n t h s,...$ ifieuw nnicnm wttiaxi cm rut. Bo* ITT* sc»» tbould be W»d«bv United BUle* roau l Money Order, Americas Exprcst Company'* Money Order, Rotfirtcred Letter or Draft on either Haw York or Chicago, Do not in any toss mv? (A«A*On local frana, All utter* and comntnnlcailooa ahould be ad Armed, and all remittance* made payable to' JOHN C. BUNDY, CiicaoA. Ii.l. Adrertlaing Bates, 31 cent» per Agate line, feeding Notice. <0 cent* per line. Rule red at the poatooko tn Chicago, 111., aa cooed ejaaa tnatur. SPECIAL NOTICES. Tbs m ajotu-rn iu xorn iea i. Jock»*), drain1» It to he distinctly imderetood that it can accept no responsibility m to the opinion» npressed by Contributor» and correspondent*, Yes* and open discussion within certain»rail* ta Invited, ibid In these cl tctunilance* writers.are alone responsible for th* articles to which Ihetr names are attached. K icbauces and Indlrlduais In quoting from the H i- unio-pnnjokipxuui, Jcur sal. are requested to distinguish between editorial ankle* and (bo communications of correspondents. Anonymous letters and communion lion«will not be noticed. The name and address of the writer are required aa a guaranty of rood faith. Rejected nmrui- so lp ts cannot he presented, neither will they be re- tartied. unless lufficleiu «MUr> 1» sent with the request. When newspapers or mazarine» are sent to the Jnpiu(aL,eoolalnlnK matter for special attention, the sender will please draw a line around the article to which he desires to Call notice, CHICAGO, ILL.-, Saturday, duly 2d NOTICE TO HUBNCBIiiE&N. S u b s c r ip t iotss n o t p a i d i n a d v a n c e a r e c h a r g e d a t th e o ld p r i c e o f $ p e r y e a r. T o a c c o m m o d a te th o s e o ld S u b s c r ib e r s w h o th r o u g h f o r c e o f h a b it o r i n a b i l i t y, d o n o t k e e p p a i d fti a d v a n c e, th e.c r e d it s y s te m is f o r th e p r e s e n t c o n t i n u e d ; but i t m u s t be d i s t i n c t l y u n d e r s to o d t h a t i t is w h o lly a s a f a v o r on th e p a r t o f th e P u b l is h e r, a s th e te r m s a r e P A Y M E N T I N A D V A N C E. * Summer Campaign. To all who ir«nof note and never have been subscriber*, the Journal will be sent Twelve weeks, on trial, for fifty cents. At the expiration of the trial subscription (ho paper will be stopped unletta previously renewed. The rapid increase of interest in Spiritualism among tho odanued, both inside and outside the various religions denominations, makes the need of an uneectaylan, Independent, fearless, candid antt hlgh-clli«* paper a -greater desideratum than ever before. The J ournal will be kept up to the highest standard possible with the facilities of the publisher and editor, and he hopes for the hearty and continuous patronage of the better and more intelligent class of the groat public,both with-* in and without the Spiritualist ranks. Construct! Spiritualism. One great matter for Spiritunlluto to Impress on tbelr own minds, and then to atamp a trongly on the minds of Inquirers, is that our aim and effort Is not merely to demonstrate the truth and reality of certain alleged spirit phenomena, and then stop. These phenomena are of exceeding value, ns means to a great end. They not only lift the veil between this and a higher stage of Immortal existence, bat they point to a new Philosophy of Life; to a comprehension of our spiritual faculties here, as-well as to the great hereafter; to a finer knowledge of the psychological laws by which we Influence and control each other, for good or HI, erery hour, to the keeping a due balance between the outer and inner life-th e culture of all faint Hies and pow- ers of body, mind and spirit; to the natural, free and harmonious nee of reason, lodgment and Intuition la the discovery of truth a Harmonlal Philosophy; to the wonderful power of will, guided by wisdom and vitalized by lore. In making the rough places smooth and opening an upward path; to the blessed ministrations of healthful magnetism, in healing the sick and giving aurcease of pain to the suffering; to the wonders of clairvoyance our own spiritual eight; to the great truth that we are built to last, our personality to endure and to be still more distinct beyond the grave; to the death of all superstition, miraculous supematurallsm and dwarfing dogmatism; to' hopeful effort In the light of larger knowledge, for righteous dally living, understand- lag righteousness to moan righteousness- being right, and wise enough to live rightly. The world must understand that Spiritualism In this high and Inclusive sense Is a revolutionary movement; not through blood or violence; not by brute force or bigoted per- secuuoo; but by giving deeper Insight and calling oar whole being Into new and harmonious Ufa and liberty,giving us something better than the outworn dogmas and unphi!-, oeophleal errors that the world Is leaving behind. Andrew Jackson Davis (The Seer. p. 153, vol. 3, Great HmrmouU) wrote wisely and eloquently, more than thirty yean ago, as follows; This philosophy.,,.is fetal to all Uieotwkalss- sojbdood* of supenuftotallatn. It bsaotlfolly barm- ootsaaall dsvelopahatsof mind with theerisnwwd fens of Katun: thews lbs ptrbological ooodjuoo of Aprophet* sndnen to bsnbstuuarr Utaotle- a tbs ntariri luamfeatloo or aberration at asr- la this sgs; and Ums, most dtstlacuy aad a! wîtû l K raaoeouy, In* tare Uio *ta peodous area as or mjs- m of human Ilf* and develop*, without any virtu* at dlsnuhgetuent, tin* teal character, and Intrinsic excel Fran) and beauty of alt Scriptural account*, and other sacred d«f«topuienl* of prophetic power. The vast utility of such s spiritual philosophy 1* very tuantfeel In every thinking mind. It throws a new and beautiful light over the mental constitution of man. The aoal Is no longer s dreamy vaporous breath, a bubble tn the air, a thin and shapeless emu- tiloalloa of ethereal element* lloatlug otter death Into th* vortical depth* of Infinitude; oontdnu» yet lid destined, meditating yet unsubstantial aa th»i«ra- Ing breeae. Nor jet, a mere undefined nonentity, sleeping In tbe cold prison-house ol death: the mete comtonloti of dmt and corruption, until the tone* of the raided trumpet aha!i arouse It to unit* with it* cut-off body end ascend on high to await U* trial and final vrrulcl v Unspeakably suiwrior to all till* mythological teaching are the disclosure* of thl* philosophy. Tbe oijl la made to appear In It* true character as n highly destlool, tauiufuiij endowed, ande/tnmetrically 'aubstaniinl Individual, the Inheritor or an eternal Ufa nf Infinite progrveslon. And all «iperttlllon pamma awny beneath lie benignant Jolluenco, os tears of soryow before the Joy» of the Spirt M»in >1. It* leadiitu,k ore luextiteeelbly Important. If it free* oar mmd from certain!<wal attachment* to peculiar forma and Institutions of theology long-fostered household god» and revered perannage* -It, at tho same time provides u* with vaster fields of thought, with the profound«! disclosure» concerning the moral and Intellectual nature of man, wifjmbe moot stupendous attnlumeiit* In erery sphere of knowledge and with o new and divine development of tho hitherto hidden arcana of a world beyond the tomb! ~Jf the supernsturallsm of religious superstition 1» thoroughly stripped from the character of any deified personage. If tbe true philosophy of peyctiolo- S y remove from your mind* much unhealthy vmem- on for certain opinion* nnd doctrine* -what than?... Are you deprived of any mean* of salvation from ermr and Imperfection? Far from It! Every' new disclosure In science or religion U a new power placed In your possession. Every discovery of error adds another gem of wealth to Ihe casket of rour Intellectual knowledge. When error 1» remove! truth I* seen In It*native mnjesly.y.. -Tbe world wili prognwalve- ly learn to respect highly all prophets and eeers unit religious chieftains; not with that unnatural and unhealthy veneration whereby men are converted and deified Into gods, hut with that sound and healthy deference which Is due to all our brothers who stand, or hare stood, before the world la the pure character of philanthropist or moral reformer* T he \o J re of a S p irit M istaken for (lin t ot Hod. The Tribune of this city lately gave an account of a faith-healing meeting, held at the Adelphl Theater, at which a Mr. Kirkland bore testimony to the power of faith curing certain disease*. He wan followed by Miss Anna Wylie, or Mount Vernon, Hi., a very delicate, nervous-looking woman, who related in a tremulous voice how she had been healed by faith of spinal disease, -She had an injury to her back while young, and six years ago through overwork in a relative'«store tbe Insidious disease began gradually to steal upon her. For fon^ years she wo* very sick, and at.limes suffered the most terrible spasms, from whlel! none of her physicians could give her any relief. She gradually grow worse, and for the lost two years hud been quite helpless and the victim of the most excruciating agouy. She was carried on a conch tho house of a mag-,nolle healer, and his treatment gave her n Sittle relief for a time, but she soon became far worse than before. Her means were exhausted, and when every other hope won cut off site resolved to trust the Lord again for Iter cure. While she was laying'again or her bed praying she heard a voice sny, "Rise and kneel!" Sbp never doubted that it was find s voice, and, obeying the command, she arose and knelt. After she had been praying for about an hour the voice catge to her again saying, "Rise and walkp* She raised her head, but Just then aim claims that the tempter came and she was afraid that she coohl not walk, but site called on tbe Lord to help her, and raising herself straight up, walked a few steps. She had never slept two hours in succession for two years, but this night, in answer to prayer, she bad refreshing rest. Next morning she asked her mother for her clothes, and dressing herself went Into a front room, where she was able to sit in a large chair propped up with ph* io w v Her leg, which the night before had been all drawn up and shrunken, filled up and returned to its normal condition. In the afternoon the voice again whispered to hen "Arise and walk serosa the room, and putting her foot to the ground with her hand she walked three times across the room. Two days afterwards something touched her foot, and being In excessive pain she cried oat: "Lord, stop It, for Christ s sake!" In a moment the pain ceased, and all around her thero was a beautiful light, and she felt the presence of God breathing on her like a gentle wind. That night at 0 o'clock, when she was praying for relief from pain, the beautiful light again appeared all round, and site was lifted up in a floating sensation four or five feet from her bed, and heard the sumo voice saying; "Keep on praying; don t doubt, you will be heated." She.bos now given np all medical treatment, arid Is able to walk fourteen blocks without renting. Miss Wylie s statement was listened to with the greatest attention, and there were frequent ejaculations of HiHelujah, "That beats the doctor" and tbe like. The Trilm ne has lately contained many other marvelous statements In reference to the prayer cure, which show that spirit-power te at work among devout church members, as well as among Spiritualist«, H Is evident that the voice that U n, Wylie heard did not emanate from God, bat from a kind spirit friend, who was anxious to relieve her of her Intense suffering: Spirit influence Is probably otten man! tested la I falth care*" "prayer cukes" "metaphysical cures," and at Lourdes, France, at St. Anne De Deaupre, Canada, and other places where the Lord Is supposed to rale supreme. W«have received a beautiful picture of the Southern Exposition,, which opens at LoaLavllle,Ky., Aug. l<hb,add continues until October 25th. The view is of the main building. which is one of the largest Exposition buildings ever erected. It coven thirteen acres of ground, and wilt be lighted through- oat by five thousand,electric light«. s a n d e lt What are the Limit* of Spirit Influence) To what sect, society or class of individuals, Is spirit-power or influence especial bequeathed? "In order to Illustrate the Idea we wish to convey, wo give a few statements of an article that appeared In the New York Horfd, In relation to a prominent character In Utah Jacob namblln who figured conspicuously there several years ago. Odd day the Indians would try to All til* *kln fnr of arrows; on the next they would be around him asking him to make rain medicine. They would talk Momonlsm with him all ( ay and grunt approvingly; us nc.ni u night fill they would steal his horse, He wait always patching up peace between this tribe and that, yet every now and then they would CUtch him, have a rest ^mw-wow over him, ami, being unable Se-Bec I de whether he should be simply Hayed, or be roasted first over a charcoal lire, would let him go. with provisions and an escort for hi* home Journey. It is said ho began life ns a farmer near Chicago, but being baptized, he received at Once, as he claims, "Hie Immediate gift of the Holy Ghost," and then entered upon a curious career. Ho cured his neighbors of deadly ailments by the laying on of hands, and foretold conversions, deaths and other events with unvarying accuracy. By prolonged private meditation, he enjoyed what from his description one would suppose to be a pregiistation of the Buddhistic Nirvana, and after this so-called "miracles" became quite common-glace with him. He witnessed the "miracle" of the great quail fight«into the camp of the fugitive* and starving Sal nte In 1810, aud helped to collect the bird* and to eat them; he saw also the "miraculous" flights of seagulls that rescued the Mormons from starvation by destroying the locusts in But his persona] experiences, narrated with a simplicity of speech and unquestioning confidence that are bewildering, were, even more marvelous. If cattle were tost he could always dream where they were. If sickness prevailed he knew beforehand who would suffer, and which of th*%yvoald die, arol which of them recover. If Indians were about, he- asserted that angel«gave him, in hi* sleep the first warning of his danger. His sympathy with the Indians was, however. very early awakened, and being fully strengthened in it by the conciliatory Indian" policy of Brigham Young, he became before long the only recognized medium of friendly communication with them. Everybody, whether Federal ofllcink California emigrants, Mormon missionaries, or Indians themselves, enlisted his Influence, whenever trouble with the tribes was anticipated. His explanation of this inlluence is remarkable enough'. A* a young man, he say* he wm sometimes induced to join retributive expedition«. tout lie could never bring himself to fire at an Indian; and on one Occasion when ha'dld try to do so, his rifle kept missing lire, while the Lamanjte*," with equally Ineffectual efforts to shed his blood, kept on pin- cushioning the ground nil nround him with their futile arrows. After this, he and the Indians, whenever they met, saved each other * lives with punctual reciprocity. It appears that an Indian boy. whom' he adopted, became a stanch Mormon, and to the last, was In eommunlon^wltti the other world. On one occasion he was at St. George, aud one day when his, friends were starting on a mission to a neighboring tribe he took farewell of them "forever. "I am going on mission, too," lie said. "What do you mean?" Asked Hamblin. "Only that I shall be dead before you come buck. was the reply. I have seen myself in a dream preaching the gospel to a multitude of my people, and my ancestors were among them. So I know that 1 must be a spirit, too, before I can carry the Word to spirits. In six weeks Hamblin returned to St. George, and the Indian was dead. Spirit power or influence Is confined to no one Individual, eect or class. Among the Mormons, Indians, Negroes, CatJiolLcs. Id fact lit every nation artd-atfemg every class of people It exist*. exerting aff ^Influence that can not fail eventually to have'a rery beneficial effect, although the manifestations at flret may seem crude and nnsatlsfactary. Simple Rules to be Observed In Cases of irlfttlc^uholera.. At a recent meeting of the Chicago Eclectic Medical and Surgical Society, held at the Grand Pacific notcl, Dr. Edwin F. Rush presented tbe eobject of Astatic cholera, and the means of personal prevention and treatment, taking the ground that the public should be thoroughly Instructed os to means of prevention. diagnosing the first symptoms and early and prompt application of snltahle remedies, thus rendering It less dangerous and fatal. The Doctor claims that general measure«of prevention mast be carried oat by the municipal authorities, who should use deapotlc powers; ^Drinking water should be boiled, filtered, and led before use; food should be absolutely fresh and wholesome, animal food especially, which should be well cooked;-tbe person should be kept scrapa- lously clean and wholesome; all fatigue should be avoided, and perfect regularity In all habit* be observed; all excesses must be avoided,' Had liquor* shunned. The tiund should be kept at ease, aud the.dress be clean and adapted to the eesdon; the house should be kept In a perfect sanitary condition, the water-cloeet being frequently disinfected. With these precaution* there Is no more danger from cholera than from any other epidemic. The preventive treatment should consist of the ns«of add«which have the power of destroying the cholera microbe, such a* sulphuric acid largely dilute*), taken In small dose* In the morning; tincture of chloride of iron cool'd also bo recommended with great confidence. A fine combination to be kept tn the house i* a mlktnre of camphor. opium, Capsicum, ginger, and rhubarb of each one ounce. These should be mixed and taken In doses of ten to thirty drop«every ten to sixty mtnnten as soon as the firbt symptoms appear, and continue until profesnlonal aid is secured. The «Electric (Hrl. A short time ago we published aa extract from a medical Journal wherein the writer took the absurd position, that Lulu Hurst possesses no force that couid possibly cause the strauge manifestations that take place In her presence; but that the person who takes hold of any object that Lulu touches, " Knocks himself about!" Now comes a prominent physician of New York, who, speaking of one of Lulu s exhibit Ions there, says;" The experimenters seemed to be struggling, ami were struggling, but doing just tbe things they didn t want to. They don't believe It. of course. / don't deny the existence o f some unexplained poicer, but don t care enough about it to begin any investigation. The power Miss Hurst exercises 1«nothing more than concentrated muscnlar effort aided a little by her will-power.". Major Fond, a prominent lecture agent, tested her marvelous powers. The New York.Sun says: " He tried to hold a chair while she laid one hand lightly oq it. He could do nothing with It, though he is an immense and powerful man. He got red and excited over the effort, and she purred like a kitten a«she followed his genuflexions. The spectator!) roared at him for remarks. " What did you feel?* a reported Inquired. Oh, tls most wonderful, said the Major. *1 can t describe it. The pressure Is very great. It s like nn immense weight equally distributed over the chair. There Is no magnetic or electrical effect, but tho chair becomes absolutely un control table. Then Lula took another rest and sat behind the scenes with her mother, and the reporter talked to her. Her speech aud manner* are simple im>d unaffected. She say* she feels no magnetic influence, does not get tired after a Right * exertion«, and ho* no Idea what It Is 'that is making such ^fortune for herself and family, She notice* that the longer «he practices each night tfto\tronger the force grew*.»the reporter left her tn the hands of Major Pond, who was trying to convince her that she was gifted with odtc,, force, which was discovered by Dr. Beard. She giggled at this, and seemed to bo glad to hear it." Miss Jlursl hnh been thoroughly tested In different parts o f the country by those who cannot be easily deceived.aud the verdict ha«almost invariably been that she possesses remarkable powers. That man who is in possession of his normal senses.ought to bo able to judge whether he exists tiimelf or not, when he endeavors to move objects ugtfii which Miss llurst simply place* the palms - of jjei1hands. To suppose that those who have wrestled with objects that LulaApiiches, are such nincompoops that they cannot tel whether' they exert any strength in the on- conliter, would be equivalent to doubting the conclusions of the sense» in all the acts of life* A Young Lady Who Walk», Talk*, Write* and Drive* In Her Bleep. A Canada paper stateps'tlial the resident«of a littl^vlllage ribacwontreal, are greatly excited over the strange actions of a young lady who is at preeent stopping at the residence of her uncle, it appears that within the past t e f months she haa exhibited all the symptoms of somnambulism. While apparently asleep she would rise, and with her eyes tightly closed walk down stairs In perfect safety. U was found that after performing these singular feats she woutd.return to her bed, and on awakening In the morning could not recall the circumstance to mind. A short time ago her friends who regard her present state With great anxiety, tried an experiment. One evening recently, when she was found walking in her Bleep, a gentleman, procuring [ten and paper, requested her to write a letter. She obeyed mechanically, and Bitting down wrote a note to an absent friend, correct in every respect, although her eyes at the earns time were closed. A singular fact wo* that tho writing throughout wo* excellent, the word* being written, precisely along the line«,' At flmrshhe converses white in this state tfalte^reely and correctly. Recently,though exhibiting the same symptoms, she has kept her eye* open, which, howerer, only give a vacant stare. On one occasion,* while starting out tor a drive, she became unconscious and the next moment revived, only to be found In her old/tate. She was asked to drive, and at the bladlug of a friend took the reins. On returning home she became herself again, and when made acquainted with her strange action* felt greatly surprised. Tho young lady Is about eighteen years of age. Several doctors have expressed themselves as puzzled with the cose, and she will be taken to Boston to visit some of the lights of tbe medical profession to see if any relief can be afforded. «Dr. J. H. Rhodes, of Philadelphia, Pm, wruee: "The Journal Is working its way info the hearts of the better claw of Splriia- alists; it gives them the true spiritual philosophy 'which appeals to their reason. It also upholds ail good, true mediums. Spiritualism is on the Increase.here 1a this city. We now have five Spiritualist organizations, and each one is doing a good work, and its meetinga are w«u attended.1* GENERAL NOTES. Coi. and Mrs. Bundy, and daughter are now sojourning at Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Miss Lulu Hurst gave a private exhibition of her remarkable power* to Wm. 11. Vanderbilt, Prof. Lsllln and two friend». Mrs. Denton has onr thanks for an excellent photograph of our esteemed friend and former contributor, Prof. Wm. Deuton. Mrs. A. B. Heverance o f Wliltewuter, Wisconsin, Is vouched for by many correspondents who have patron I zed her for years, as a very superior psychoinetrist. Mr. William Nicoll will lecture before the Peoples Spiritualist Society In Martina s Hall, 53 A^a St., next Sunday evening. Conference undwdiums meeting at 10:30 a. h. Kind fri«nuktfl remember tho poor fund. We have received 0 from Mr. K, Tirry, New York City, for whlb^he ho* our thanks and thons not able to pay for their own subscription. W. J. Cushing, of Brooklyn, N. Y [s en* gagedjn the laudable undertaking of estab- Hshing a Free Spiritualist Library aud Reading Room In that city. We hope he will meet with success. Wo have repeatedly stated that Mrs. It. C. Klmpeon was on her farm in Dakota, and will not return to Chicago until September, yet inquiries are made dally by those who sup- potto she Is Id town. A correspondent write*: The annual picnic of Cleveland, Ohio. Lyceum and Society was held at Geauga Lake. Juno fiidli, and was a success throughout, some three hundred people attending, Mr. and Mrs, John Corwin of Five Corners, N. Y., and their daughter, Mrs. Mary C. Young, M. D of New York City, recently gavé Bro. Harter, the unsalaried pastor of thé Church of Divine Fragments of Auburn, N.Y., a call. The Lake Shore railroad tnnfeen a reduced rate to Cassadaga for tbe Spiritualist-) who will hold their fifth annual camp meeting there, commencing July 26th. Tickets aro now on sale, good during the season of meet- I Off- All the mediums In this city who are in sympathy with the Journal * stamjafilas to morals and mediiinvhlrip^-sfirtiept bu»y at fairly lucrah^f^flttestwhlle some others, we could name, have little to do, and are likely to hare less Ln tlu< future. Mrs. S. F. Plrnle has had most remarkable success both a«a healer and trance medium, since coming to Chicago a few months ago. Bhe in often obliged to turn away patrons owing to tho large number seeking an Interview. While not claiming to be a test medium. she does, ns a matter of fact, give many excellent tests, and we have yet to have any complaint made at this office. The SpirltuqliHts of Cleveland and vicinity will hold a three days meeting. July 25th, Sfith and 27th, at Geauga Lake, Ohio. Good jpeaker«will be In attendance, and an enjoyable time 1«expected. The singing will be furnished by the Grattan-Smlth family. The spacious and beautiful grounds are located on ttio N. Y., P. and 0. It. It., only Iorly- flve minute* ride from Cleveland. Fare w ill be at excursion rates, and thoje who attend will probably feel better for the rest. The press ha* reported the exhortations of the " Boy Preacher " for the last dozen years, and is doing it again at Lake Bluff. The ' boy preacher Is now a middle-aged man; in n/ew years more bis hnffwui be turning gray. Would It not bo advisable for the reporter* to substitute the word " man for boy," aud speak of this mature adult ns the " man preacher, creating a great awaking and much eubhuaiasm. etc. What a magnificent field of operations has opened in France for the faith doctors, There are now quite a number tn Chteago who believe that they have the gift of healing,though their presence has not diminished the death- rate. Would It not be greatly to the ad van t- age.of their peculiar opihlon were they to migrate to the South of France and exert their power* on the cholera patients? Were they to succeed In attesting the plague,they would establish beyond caril their ability to heal, and they would render snperflnoas onr medical schools and our doctors. False rumor* lu regard to cholera may bo expected la these days. The^eport that thto epidemic hod broken out In New York proved to have been unfounded. The same t* true of the statement that rags and paper supposed to have b«u collected hi the infected region had been»hipped to the United States via Canada. Other canard* of the name sort may be expected from time to tim e.* The State and Treasury Department* are cooperating for tbe enforcement Df stringent precautionary measure*, and we may expect that they will succeed tn preventing any terioue outbreak. Dr. Koch, the great expert in cholera, I* very positive that it la comparatively easy to prevent its spread. Two months ago Amos Barden, a well known citizen of the village of Barton,>N. T fell sick with fever, A week afterward he became totally blind. He was blind nlz Week*. Then he enddenly recovered his right; bat, although daring hi* blindas** bis general health Improved, and hi* mind was sound, with the return of his health he loet all power of recognizing the different member«of his family, hi* surroundings, and hi* friends. HI* wife appear* to him a* tome one be once knew and hi* actions Indicate That his home seems to him to be some pjoce where he must have lived at some former time. HU actions are apparently governed by imaginary surroundings entirety foreign'to the actual ones. His physicians are unable to account for his strange case.

29 J v_ J U L Y R E L I G I O - P I I I L O S O P I I I C A L J O U R N A L. A Myth or I'Uto. A Greek phhofwphet'tflliongtitaf the Bplrit- worhl limy he wen by thifl myth freni itaut* lílt-ptibllc, given by Prof. Good win at thecloae of a lecture et Harvard Divinity School: A certain Kr won «fiuln lu battle; but. after ten day*, his body waa taken home in «mud condition, and. aa he waa lying on h In fuller* a] pile, he came to life and told hie experience. This soul, after leaving hln body, went on with many othere uniti they came to a strange place, whore there Were two cliaame In the earth,and opponile to them twochasms In the heavens above. By two theee souls were continually arriving^ from heaven or from beneath the earth, amt by the other two firmili were departing^!,eamiwnrd or «itili- ward. Between the two yialra of openings, indges were eented, who judged each soul as it aame before them, and sent the Just to the right by the road that led up to heaven, and the unjust to the left by the downward road that led beneath the earth. The non Is. as they arrivisi from heaven or earth, met' and conversed, and told what they had experl- entjeil In tbelr journey of one thousahd years. Those who came from above, clean arid pure, recounted delights and visions df beauty beyond belief. Those from the earth had received punishment for tbelr crimes, tenfold for each, that is once In every hundred year», which period corresponded to the possible length of human life. What he told about children who lived but a short time from their birth. Plato says la not worth mentioning. He does not tell whether these Infants were sent Into even temporary pun- Ish'ment for nqt being Platouista. Great crimínala were sometimes selected for special pnnishment. He happeued to hear one soul ask another, *' Where la Ardiwus the Great?" This ArdiieiH had been a tyrant in Kr's native land of Pamphylia a thousand year* before, and had murdered his aged father and elder brother, and committed other unholy acta,. The replywas: *' Ho has not come. He won't come this way." Then Kr was told that, when certain souls tried to pasa the mouth of the chasm leading from the earth, the mouth bellowed and refined them a passage; and there was no fear so great as this, that the terrible voice might be heard when any soul tried to pass ont. There savage men of ilery aspect, ho was told, stood ready to seize any who were thns forbidden to pass. Some of these were seen to seize Ardía n* and others of his kind and hind them hand and foot, and then throw them down and flog them with whips and drug them on brambles along the roadside, declaring to the spectators what were their crimes and what was to be their fate. Though the punishments of theao great offenders were terrible, the blessings which were awarded to the just were correspondingly great. They passed on, and In foar days came to a point from which they saw a perpendicular column of light passing through the whole heaven and the earth, like the rainbow In color, but purer and brighter. Another day brought them to tilia pillar of light, aud there they saw fastened to the middle uf the pillar the extremities of the chains which hold fast the heavens; for this column holds together the whole convexity of heaven. Prom these ends of the chains extended the spindle of Necessity, about which were made.all the celestial revolutions; and the tower end rested In the lap of Necessity. The whorl of tills spindle had eight concentric circles, representing the died atare, the live planets, the son and the moon. On each circle eat n siren, who went round with it, singing h single note. From the eight together a perfect harmony was heard. Near by sat on thrones the three Fates, daughters of Necessity, dad In while, with crowns on their heads, singing to the music of the sirens, Lachesis of the past, Clotho of the present. Atropos of the future. There a number was assigned to each soul by lot {except to Kr, who was to return.os a messenger to earth). Then patterns of lives were laid before them on tile ground, from which each soul, in the order or the numbers, was to choose a new life. There were lives of all sorts, of both animals and men. An Interpreter made a solemn proclamation in the name of Lachesis: Ephemeral souls, ye are now to begin a new cycle of mortal life. Your fate is not to choose you; ye are to choose your fate. Virtue knows no master: each of you, as he honors or dishonors her, shall have more or less of her. The chooser takes all the responsibility: God takes none. He who had the first number at once chose the greatest tyranny; but. In his greediness, be did not see that it Included the fate of *ie- voarlng Ills own children, lie, like most others who made ffimllar mistakes, had just f from l)eaveui(but those who had passed reary pilgrimage beneath the earth did nake thhir choice so careleasly. Most chose with.reference to their previous The ooul of Orpheus chose the life of a swan, through hatred of the female sex. refusing to be born of a woman. Thamyras chose that of a nightingale, ttheaam e time, he saw a swan choosing'p human life. The twentieth soul chose the' life of a Hon; this wastba eon! of Telamonlan Ajax, who would not be a man again because of the Injustice done him about the armor of Achilles. Next Agamemnon came, and chose the life of an eagle. Last of all was thesoul of itlyesesj-he searched carefnlly nntll he found the life of a private citizen free from care; and he said he»ho.nld have taken this even If be had drawn the first choice. Lacheéis gare each soni the divine guide who was to accompany it to the new lire. The first led the soul beneath the hand of Clotho and the revolution of her spindle, and thùa ratified the lot which each had chosen. Then the soni passed on to Atroppa, who by her spinning mabe the doom of Clotho irreversible. They finally passed under the throne of Necessity, and proceeded to the plain of Lethe, where they encamped by the river of Cnmindfalness, whose water no reseci can bold. All were compelled to drink a certain measure of this water; but those who were not eared by prudence drank too math, and each as he drank forgot all that had pawed. When they bad gone to r*st and it wan midnight, there was thunder and an earthquake; and suddenly they were all carried upward to their new birth, darting like meteor*. Kr himself, who drank none of the water, was yet unable to say how h i came back to hie body; bat be suddenly opened his eyes In the morning, and fonal himself lying on his own funeral-pile. And thus, u I ancon, *says Socrates, "the tale was eared and did not perish. And It may u t «us. if we will hearken to it; and then we»hall safely pass Lethe's stream and not be defiled In soul. And If we take my adrice,belterjng that the «ml Is Immortal and can endnre all that Is evil as well as all that Is good, we shall «Ter hold fast to the heavenly road, and erer practice justice with wisdom, so that we may be dear to one another and to the gods, not only while we remain here, bat *h» when we shall bear awav the prizes of virtue, like victors at the gomes receiving their gifts, and that we may erer prosper hereand during the journey of a thonsand yeare which we have just pawed through," * >i* i t f Drlt«P>Pbllknopbleal Joqnsd. The Untied Alate» Medical College, Thè paper from Andrew Jackson Davi» published JU the llél.llilol HIWJSOPIIICAt. Jùtm- \Ai, of July m b. is on exceedingly interesting account of the experiences of the above college. Here we have an lu»titntion founded by philanthropist» as n public benefit, and not for private gain, and in which wo* recognized every know nor acce Died met hod of cure for human ailments. We find it hounded and persecuted before the courts by (not the citizens complaining of Injury done them) the old allopathic school-or "»elf-styled regular" medicai society of the county of New York, Its competitors in the healing art, and which trembled in fear of Its micce. We find the legislature of New- York; at two of its session», IHAl 2 and I8H2 3. passing by very handsome majorities bills which it Intended should legalize the charter of this Institution to the discomfiture of its enemies. The Governor (Cornell) approved the first bill, which the courts could not read as the legislature understood It. while the second bill, intended to place the charter beyond all doubt, wa» pocketed by fiovirnorf leveland for l he assorted reason that some other institution, Jess deserving, would be legalized under It. Next we find the legislature still determined that this college shall bo known as possessing Its confidence, passe* a bid declaring that the students educated at that institution shall be recognized over the length and breadth of the State of New York as thorough physicians, qualified to rank side by side wilh the highest and best physicians before the Court* aud before the people. This bill Governor Cleveland approved. Here. then, we have on the one aide theobt allopathic school. self-styled regular fraternity, attacking the college and its graduale». and on the oilier side both brandies nf the legislature at three several sessions endorsing aud sustaining them. Very well, what shall be the result? Shall the college die. aud with U Hie only medical "institution openly recognizing spirit power as u therapeutic ageney? It Is to be hoped not. There can be buttine logical result of another application to the New York Legislature fora pedal act legalizing the Institution. The legislature has asserted, three times, the competency of the institution and Ila desire to do justice. Let, then, the friends of the college again apply for a renewal of Its charter. The only objection which the legislature can take cognizance of Is that there Is a general luw for such purpoeesjtnd that It requires $00,000 capital to*^ -pa id-op and the sanctum of the Regents of iln> University. The reply to this may be that no medical college in the State possesses such a capital and that that feature was inserted In the general law, lid the law Itself drafted by the old school allopathic colleges to head oil competition; that there i* mil In the Statq a i ned teat college whlc.h Is not Incorporated by»pedal act, and that the State of New Yor.ksiili possesses the power to incorporate sudi a college the same way. t B R O N SO N M U R R A Y. N!Belemlh ivotory Miracle»: nr Spirit» and their work In every «minify of the Enith,*" A woijili-w Historical roiopsudluin of Uj» great akoreiimut known as Modern Spiritualism. By Kimiu Hardinge- HriUeu. This I* the lalmt work loan the pen of Uit» popular writer ami should tw in the homes uf»11 Spiritualist» ami thinking People, For*ale at this oflire, (nice, hsudwime r.kvln Uufilng. $'2:>i. postage, 25 cent* HeleiH'auipbell will coulrlbule to the August St. XMiobt* a short story fur girl*, tinder'the title el "The P. li. I\" A New Bh:i«.k acdwsh S iaoaha Rivkh ho* Irtb oiaum] within a few weeks which.msk«s an Important link In a great railroad line, and is itself reckoner! in engineering wonder. Hi* sltmled a few hundred feel south of the otd»ospetuuud ( ridge, and wss Infill In give the Michigan featral railroad a complete lino l«cween.llte New York <"e: tral aud Chicago, The connection is over the Canada Southern, dow a part of the Michigan Central, between Niagara riser aud Detroit, and whole 'trams at» now run through hrtweeu the eodv of Yanderhip'» famous four track* and the Garden cuy. The new rout«will prove specially attractive hi {«amingtra because of the npimiiu n ity it giv-w for seeing the great catarach There 1* a hue rlew of the fails from the bridge Itself, and then train» run up by the river on the "iitrad Lati side and stop at a station called Falls View, where is a platform from which «11 ran take an observation,-.vprfovrtcw (l/rier. i )/««idiom, April II.Dwl.. The medical profmeloi) are slow <*od rightly *o.i, to endorse every new medicine that 1«advertised and sold; but holiest merit convince«the mr-mln-tvl afier a reasonable lime. Lbysldau* In good standing rdlen prescribe Mr*, Pinkham'* VegebaldeCoHipoiind for the cure of female we«km we«, O r i g i n a t A i i i i n t i n l i *. 1 Ammonia 1» obtained In targe quantities by I be putrefaction of the urine of animal». Kt\ h i tiriltu n n lfii. K very h o u s e k e e p e r r a n t e s t b a k in g n o w d e ra co n - k iln in g UiD d is g u s tin g d r u g by t'u r in g a c a n u f H ie R o y a l" o r " A n d re w # P e a r l " to p d o w n oil a hot Alov«unlil hen ted, then remove the cover and»llll'll. Dr. Price s rm un Baking Powder doe«not contain Ammonia, Alum, Lime, Potash, Bone Phosphate*. It Is prepared by.a Physician and Chemist with»pedal regard to clean tine and healthful- Bee«, Mot Ire lan llh iw rllirr». We particularly reuueet suhecrita-rs who renew their eubscnptloue, to look carefully at the figure«on lbs tag which contain» tbelr ftopr-ctife niunesaiid If they are uni changed In two weeks, let u* know with full particulars, os It will save Urn«and trouble, Jam estow n, Kansas. Ttis *plrliu*l 1s t Societies < ( m e l>i»uw k*n aivl Setrauiai V» llf i w ill A dd a* rtiv i im tliii rm tg A u r a l islte u> SrH- 5Ui lo r U nite, in lluffal* Cirek V sllr)» - rail««s o l of I u n o I,e i t. X > u. on tile C, It. K, K It i t t n l m m n n rc t JU Jahimtmwn»Hli th e m ain line m u m p * l<-*ll point* r i a -?»d M il lurniahw l o i l n t l t VMVVi to i.rtntf teni«d ad bml- 4m * u lar a* twwibtf. JACOB VI I.VIKit for. See. b u s in e s s iu t ir e s. H iroso* Tutti,«lecturm un sub]sete prrtolniug io gemerai refortn and Ih* eden» of Spirituali»m. AU &tl ls fuueral*. Telegraphlc jpmtmm, <>ylon, (J, P, O. luldrev*. iteri iti Helghl», Ohio. Da. J. V. Mam uikui, Hj<l West ód Sk,'Hf*w York. World nsnowned Isdterwrltiug Medium. Tersi», Ad. «od 12 c. Regi»!«ynur I>aUers. Skai-Kk Litcikiu answertd by R. W. Flint, No lk27 Htjsulway. N. Y. Terni»: $2 and Ihree 3 cent poetag* stanile- M :.«y r-i-.:..-1 f noi wi-wer-1. Suiid Tur e ni lana tory clrculnr. Ayer's CatìiarìlcJpill* MMUpftr lei leve thè Spunach correct foni hreath and ah uuplessaot Uste, and cure consti patino. FoK Tjb» rsnts- The SL Loul» Mrujiuliie, dls- tlnctly Western in make-qji, nowinils Cfloenlb year, 1* lerllllirrttly Illustrateli, rrplete wllb storie«, poern», tiiuelr reading and htirimr. Saqiple copy and a set of gold colored plcture card» «eni for leu cent». AjJ* drem J. (ilimore, 213 Nnrtii Klghlh Street, SL Louis. Mo. The R KUfI irepim/rsnpir ica I. Jut HNAt, «od Attivatine seni ori e vmr for fx&l. C a ll lo r lln* A u n u s l M retliie o l th e A m e r i c a n N t l r l l u a l l «t A a s u r l s t i a i i, f* C»Bj*ir *t Ule flm ol f» f twiiir, lu»»i!l»l. The American Spiritualist Association, urgaulxed at Sturgl*. Michigan, In Juse, I88J, hereby under the authority of th«board nf Trustoes then elected. Issues the following rail forth«next annual mecuog of said Association, to asarmble at folk«pleasant in Hie town of Meotagne,. Maso. oti Tiiuraday the 21st day of August, 1884, to continue by adjmirnmenta for Mifee daya The said annual meeting will be for the purpose of perfecting the organization, by the making or It a legal body corporate, by lucresulrtg the number uf Its members, by effecting unity and co-operalloo with other organized bodies of Spiritualist«, nod In every proper manner enlarging Its field of infinenoeand practical exectillvo power for good. Tbs onustltutton of the Araocialloo (ever open to orderly amendment >, Us objects and alma, and an ad- dr e«* to the general puwlr, have Iw-en already circulated somewhat widely, in pompbirf form and otherwise, acd aro probably well known to Spiritualists at targe, and will cooiinue to become more and heeler knows. We trust, therefore, that the cause of an organized rational aud purified Spiritualism, the need or which. ha* been long felt, may be hailed and responded to with Joy by the manr thousand* who*e llir» have been enriched and brightened by this Modem Spiritual dispensation, and that all such will unite heartily to help pis««it before the world in a fight favorable for Its recepuoo. thus aiding to spread Tts benign In- lluenw» tu the unnumbereu thousand* of nur brothers sod sisters waiting tor the tight and Joy which the knowledge of such a phllooopuy is so well calculated to affitol The New Kcgtand Spiritualist Camp Meeting Association hold# lla camp at Lake Fleaaant through the month of August Lake Pleasant Camp is known to be the Largrat and brat appointed Spiritualist camp in the world. Her«, daring the ramping season, may be met thou mods of representative Hpi ritualist from nearly every State and Territory in the Nation, as well aa a number from different foreign onuntrie* These conakderaiiona, among others, esemed to polpl to Lake Pleasant a* the bust place to hold oar annual meeting this yrwr. The Board of Dlreetora of the N. K S. Camp Meeting Asaodatlon have extended a cordial Invltatiun to the American SpIrilgsliM Awo- datlon, aa a sister Association working for the com- 90d of Spiritualism, This act of courteey doea oourset commit the I-ak* Pleasant Management to the alma and objects of the American Spiritualist Association, bat many of it* member* are known to be favorable thereto, and It 1«hoped that a thorough exposition of lb* purpose«of the A. B. A. will make apparsnt to all who attend the aearioos or our annual meeting. Lb«need of orflan Imtion for rf- fecuve work on a comytoo base«ud In It Is desirable t i n V*11 sseeicsauorr* of Spil already mad«, w hi approve of oor objects, should appoint delegates Dr be In atteodanra In a m It should become desirable for them to act officially In Conjunction with ns to effect onpeoildatioa or oumrwlst promote the general good of the cause. Aoenuurwvditlons can be procured at rwssooabls rates for soch delegate*, and utbsn from a distance; infanostloa on the matter* can be obtained la due tmmto from the official Announcement of Lake Pleasant r *mp. which wfil appear s i least two month«before U>e ut-etlog. Signed under authority of the Board of Trust««, by Jso. G, J a r t so», PresMeut. Hocknsds, Dri. Spiritual Meetings tnr BruoKlyn and New * York, 7h* fljhfth nf U» N*WSpirti usi 1). «-i1»pii imtu»i llrimiklrn IrulJKil-. W u b lm rli«, jjrk r - u m, ever* > ;jttt«r.»1 8 sm l i d r.». Ije e u in J u e»od«4a Sun»*/»»! lo JtO * u *br»- bmn J. Kipp. V u lm n W iiln il, U<lb«AM u d Itulusl 1 relief Jm irrau f. W n tw lu. «I J» U biirrh V U t) n e r i necucul and fo u rth W nlorvlay, In each Dxitlth. a t S», M - h l t W t r o l f f l J U foe ilewkipmet,! <» u e llm u i, t w o T h ijh ilir «r m liw,a ls «dvcv, i t u r r U n. J U s tr r tw. P m ld e st. t t i f M i U ttx -A lru Spiritual Ih^trij m o t i at n t a l l l D HUI, M e r I r i Z m i u t m i l le ih M rr-u ev rrj nm rw w dar evenni«a! * o cloea. Mr, tw «ert l-rn M e o i; Ur. Paleo,!*vjrrtarr awl Tr-aaurer, A I'r.^ri'ulreS plrltuaj MreUo««U t le 3-etiJ evrrr sonda» MUDAI Ih EAUKUC.V. i h.vlrn>atj TI»«hnaAlxD SpZrltiMl ivmléèwuee m w u «t V w n tl Itali 3» l Polbm S u e rt, «ver» SaZnnU» eten ln «* t H J>'rl«va W.J (,'ualjtoc. Previde!,!; U n i i Jur.i.u.ji. v.re-i rv-hj-m. rive Itrooklju SpInlLiaJ m u e rn lt» arti! mei-t a l ]d Sm ltn St-, Inni doors from Pulì*, In Uve Ijall ut Lola» te r c b r w l w WurV, «n i Tfaurwla» evw&llik. 1». vi. A a MCHUIA PinUitenC. J«Ao J e f r e u S m v U I l A II tvlpp, Irrav arer. New Tur» CUI L w llei sp iri m al Ivi Aid Sodrt». mnei «ver» WedneaOa», a t 8» m, a! IT! KA»t *»th Street HUA SL A. MrCKKITHXN. SerreU /y. live IvonW a sp ln u ìa l U re lto s J.f New T arli U t», m o rn ie» «ver» w indar al X:10». «and T M i «v#oios. lo A rranuiu Mail, N.1, it W-»t Vf.UJ SO. ej.rs-r itllh Aveuur. Kaucuus City. Mo.» [ Dw MrvI Spiiilual»«sei» at Kaivta* City. Mo. oweu e»et» Sunda» «venia* at 7JKI in PrtOlao ball. e..roer Hin alvi jsicìa l>ee.l.1.xr / A f f'wi»w ' Chicago, ili. TOe SpplinaJ T rulli y» i» r v W i n» Dolo m eettriai ever» «Mia» id M artin«'* Dall, i l A ia street, near M u ««flute l e» í» M I O P I A S. Lj rem a tur»ouüj» t u i a U a l I J O r «a- L neture a* 7 45» sa, «r William UUeot. r-«a (a r apeak- er. J H I I Im e. A Préacial C nirrtatam ena ree»» f ln t a ltd «Irrt WXUwWla» m t l i» In ra to inoriuv at. K. D. r. TKEPHV. Sucre tar» Saratoga Spring!*, N. Y. The M M a «f Hpfmualuli a l 9arata*a J f r in tr. N T. will W d MeeUnaa ever» Sawla» a ftm o o o aod eveouj*. ai UsaHatpeana* Court fonasi. Tuwo Hall; al«a on in» Rrat Dno «a» aod Taawda» «eenln«a <4 avwb m unto, a i wblco M n. Natii* J, T. Uri*tAw «III..(Belale, IL J 1ID U SU S e t» t i, BUON. Pf*i- I.A K E P I.E A N W T V IS IT O RN AND C AJI P E R * A T T E f r n O N! The Sfewt Waj la hesck lake Pleaaaal Fresa VIulTala and «la«wrwi «ad Frasi Palíala lelmrea Sla (Vaia aia* Alfcaaf.il kf Ike M e s t S h o re R o u te.,, The.Veic J ori HV-sf S h o rt <( tuffalo Itali- kov ia th«only ronfi ranolng tbrongh cara from Buffalo to Laké rieasant Camp. I - lr e tm to ti J ia tr n. TVckaaa for L*Ae Plaaaaau. swa» (rou> J a if I LIO in «epiawoer IMU, roaus! Hip n a r r a l a * 1 t,t * : R a r h e a l e r M IO.TS t a n a a d a l n a a i o, a» ; D e a r t a S S. T l ; «r n o w e B 7. f l I» a r i d a : C l l k a WS.7 *. Traiti laa*w* D tigajo»1 > :10 A. M, reaelrai L U v p «aaant M aawjait H DU P. X T ralo l a m i DogUo *( d IO P ii. n a tìsa taar pi«la ani CJUII» aa aiertil 6 1 o A M I t a «gara b a r a H a «t e - lu i p sra a o rir aittlp w eot c a a u ipaaacu t j H» la ina World, and dora a ra pm pras l a t a MiLdone La *n ver pria* ar ladini* - ti» an» Dinar ito«all Tlatlurs La U t / n r i a U L l e n i Wm nf Alban» -nd «Uh In scnkincdlacancéat ih«- W e-lib n T e" arili, ifto e» m - o i t la-ir em iort and nmvsnlanea la U» lu fltalm raan*. tu ra *» paaaeoaera I H la» bando! at U n Uarap al-avout C ian ca «Z Cara ir tu ra u d a LOe Udaad T ranh. I-d v rirp re - terttvn» or eonranleoc«t* notar? -silted 0» t a l la» e-iaer tua DcOlsoo l enirai ae -orvemlir» line «w» w gi, al an aeree. M ie b e a r nf t«e day-c baaye Cara ai bsffniu Tee» m an» e» pedane dl rjteian prafer-aeti*eoari«e ra u v e m m coanpiete ' m * td p In in e aaaae «e, proemlwl Uve m ai.««n sta*? al aamnahl«a o a r «sd «ILtsml.-wrr» " i * u»»*dee r a la tb e a l a» M 8 S. vv k ì C a sh for cuori «lories, tk e lc b e *. «tc- P i» i r f i t*, E E l.in W < lilt li IvKtvsjIT, M lidl ' ELA UAWgtNd, -L pan), a rv rev aad in r uarraundlu. G U N S. C t ' - J T? t e F R E E, m a íz m nofis 11 n t- i r. OCEAN AIR S I C K UK W Z E i X a X y Ptaaiurad in Kuinra far a muniti* far l UH. imi L e rltd lar. TVf DXKHtriucru or fi. L ibrai» SOS Waoaali aar- ma*. Cùlcai». UL. -vervi far tir e Clmtlfct l i KlveraWe ilarvltar luna kliwcaroe s a n i lab M>rremret W ater Core i»laminalo. U t, wpplk*oku». I.ea \ I :. ' \ " K W A > - l i l a i.jsv.r.t. 1IÍV. i... * ' d o * I À7 «v» WtMrSLL P*TLt.lfv" fin* rrtil» aij. ILavrUert emiliani Al, for nave Hi iva- IkicTUA «nianiic. LAKE GENEVA SEMINARY. Lake Gonav«, Wn,scorti» Co., Wie, A Culi uteri C lfilu u ScIvJot tur iu w» ladle* 'Five bouse la lulek. Are p r o f, «tenui he-u-h. k» - trybted. iu n io r» rundí B f * tre ivi.e> u*lini. Tbr acliaii l.-jj la n n iallf «eli app>4nt- e l. radi lefia apean Kept «moer JJt», Appi» fur LAiaiocive, DlwrhiOxni, ai of LlHlbre J. K lin K P A T E N T S of' Deaertlun. ivnriori- Itwweaae«! J. III.,... s a f s w a p e n s i o n s W U l a r d S o b o o L IPwrdtOK and JW» delved fur Yuonc 1-adira TDivnvu«0 venerai r t w i t l r e or peepaeallon fi.r aav» rnlh ya lauuvraue V leo,;«, X ualr Mal Art. H i-in.wpi. 17. r b ttsdu. S Sta. BBeidoo S t seni] fot caialw ua. -.vamcxl WIM A III SI, D. U - * p d n d p d t. FITCHBURC RAILROAD. Laki* l'ii asanl Cani i.»celio)?. u n aw l after i o l r r.tb, M»i, noti] fu rtb er bodre, T U E S. i I t A r o t i. I S E E t 7. 1 L S, line tu (rara Jb»i<.n at lu.aw i, u. and lu para site L abe fui Do*t«ii at J. 9». li. WILL STOP AT LAKL l LKAMANT. JtiDN AI'AtlV Cimerai Superinteiiilet.- * ~ S V g f r o c r w x V H O N T H. A ara wanted* IMS beat arai. «9 m v w I '* a d irle - In tb ew arld 1 aai'iple» r e e, Addrea* JAV DIMi>WVN. OetroU. Miro MS. IIAIIDIYGK BIUITK^ Wtll Jerture et Nell laaolo» t ati-, l a t a PlraaaaiL a n i Uaacl Da» Camp 51 rei Ine- In Awjruat, aod In A alu» In Setueinter. X n llcvveo pruprw-a tu II»![lire lo sali Lek* avi». I tali, and M i F rane varo, C a i. In O d u ta r, and ali» M p i l ' i l l i i i l i n f S a v c j p t i c o UP f-r W e s t u r n N e w Y o r k, 'N o r t h e r n f 'e n m y t - a u l i i, a n d «a o r a O h i o, Will bold Ibetr 6 T H A N N U A L * * C A M P M E E T I N G - UN THE I V o p l c V i * «n i»» ( i! m i n i «I h *r ' V A s s a o A u a, r U A E T. (Ah,.V, COSI SCESICI A d - 1 MTtkMii m i íi. fimiu i*tstít*írr, i. Ilo navi CuoriIVIr toe be vami atukiut a Herví III» U>* P f<)»iìj h Cam ji-.m eding C A S S A I E W A L A K E. m o.» S P E A K E R S L I S T. Saturday. Ju l» gdto <j, p K ellnas, r?mu kutvla». «Ili» TÌH i-11 p. K elluca; i t n adel poi». Monda». Jlil» a» Ila CuB Ìem ire and Voi inviar» air.y Toeeal*», Ju ly -, pm Mr? J(.» i mie. Wediiewla», Jul» BUUi U P K eilusy TbunaM». Jut»,u 1 at Slra J l» U ln e ; plaiform Tari» b r. * tsanetwdi uf M anro r-in. Jf H. Frtila». ravg, l a i - L i m a n e luna», rraduiila, N. V a a t u n u r Au«ItMd-^O. p Kai:-«jr; 11.«, c ia f» W atasd. Jaiueeb.arn K T-f Plaiform Trat«I.»», w. Pinerafin M iela» An«st CU- I j i o «. r tluwe, Mt* IL A Llllt»; Ta*!«fnun tu* plautsvn ai Lbe rjrae f afiem uaa leetura Oy E W, Ansen, ui. Muavla». Au«i l l, - P a r t M erlin* riaaaila». Au«. f,us - D u a n 1. Ih Irci lire, la» SL W_ VlfrreSr Wi-livr-da». A b«. Atb W. P. McCnrmlrk,.Frkivktln, Pa. Ciati- riti tsm at rluae»«l erture. b» K, W, Punen mi TOitrala» Au«TUs-UvthLfeft» da». Mr» K. A Lmi» ; I CJlUe, p*hw*d Tra'» *1 dora ai rifui, front il ton fu Ua> Cadlk I _ P1*{T'-em Tara 0» A W Eatierum. Frida». Au«.» ilv -J tt Kaodall. Jum rrauw n N. T ; lira. A. I\ W aatrulf, taaifb Kavra M iro ; Piatile Te»u. t W. Korrauav HuruJs». A«* IfvtO J li tu n d a llj Mra E. i «W radrn g ; A. W. P.llieraaUl, ptaiforai te»u. Moavl»». Aia«lllb. - F a r i Meri le* twrwu» Au«I 2 tb - K ta P C*WwWru!f W rdb-atfa», All* J iu s - lf r.»m i* KUuIvaU TOurada». Au«!4l!v- Ciea» W Te;.'or, DfoofcJ»». Jf. V. Frida». Au«. ) r.ki jt p rie,«l u i ter. a helaea. M ara oacurga». Aiut J. P tu lle r; Mra II a ljioe. Wanda» Au«.!7Ua M ra K. H LUI le; J. * ' H ai» «. Monda» a u* la u -.-iu a fe re iie e rurada». Au*. l ld h - il A M rc annka F ran am i. P a W.suv v ia ; Au«. Ttitb S-r». Clara W n a ta - Tlvurvda». Au* T lu -M eiiv v rt-i Ita». Mra K. A U n ir. Fri'la». Au««Timi -4L > Arili««ram iti*». Ala«- t i r i l i s. Mri rim ir a. M re S em e J. T, Jtrlaoam. Mara. <miw1*>. Au«situi A II. Freocb Clyde, noi» ; M ra N*C- Ile J. t. flrtchrinrl-jad urm Trala *1 r l w t f U rta re b» J. WlB- V W itfr. L>ululi Ma, «cala». Au* «fan -V,vua.ie*r Rprakln«. T u esltu. A u«jlhli A K. Preueti W n liim ia»' Au* 5f7lbr-J> Vi IO PlrtrO er rt.linai»», Au«10. A «Pceivh -.Frida». Au«. T ulli-j Vt a, H -irlier sm unta», Au*. a m o - A N. P aruri ; Ma- K. S. LllUe; Pvit.Ur Tori!» J Wna Flelrlv-r Manna». Au*» I t W H i t K X UH le; A U F ra tiri., Pise- furto twu» 0» A Vfm. r i d d «Mucida», -ep e tm -Ciu-Vn«day ilara. A<Mirra JU»IJ* W>LAbU, Pred..(H Volila, x y. i 'i a r r a» J. W. M H F. L L. F a b l l - l i r r. 14 Vera» WeAri Kna Yurk. Cp tu Au«uat. Alter Ibac, DAS.41CKC F U O H T UPKP E. MMfOX MASS I M r s. S. P. P E S J V I E, T r t t u r c A it iti u m. M t iy itrfir I t r a l r r. \ N'* Sigillili«Tr»C7Ì!J«l 4i.» 11. MAI1I.S0S S T U F E T,CHICAGO. DK. JOS. KODES BUCHANAN, U F o r t.d 'em ie, ito n to n nd Uve ura uf new rem ecura itl-ortvrr-i li» O lnoelf'»ita rnddeivre I* In the te-e! eierare! Orali fi» ami (Uriurawjue urauon In UraCofi. and he can reren* a few Ibranda lo 01» rami!» far KrilCiUtN Hi* work no Iher-i-iiUr rarrrwreim» will o» Uvaed nei: Aura,! -prieavfwudullira. MP.s. nir.tiasah o. iu.-ra» iti' prariir* > fit Pafrivutnetr» I SARAH A. DANSKIN," PHY8IOIAN uf TUE " NEW SCHOOL," I plinti uf in bèniaiutn Duali. ' J Office: 4SI.Y. Gilmore St, Haltlmore, Md. m arta««rierii» ra n p u t K m. M v u i h** been Lbe puf* I at and m edium far lira «pirli of Dr. Meni. Muab. Man» eaera praeuunced tv * e1ee* b are b**ta«a*vnairani» curad tn ru u tb k«c l;v*trmiriit*il!» líbela «lalraudlei,! and - vira»an! J lead a th e I liter*.,r a m llu in of Ike patient) w hether preaent ra at a A n ace*, and tir D adi (rara* me ra»» wtm a acveniuvr a n i - u à n ai been arerai» enhauca-d li» H a BRI»aera* n p rrle o c e In tb r world of a ttrita A MiUratlnn 0» le-.trr, enriuate* CMaulWUdO F ra. I1JM, and tra i Mani w. will recele* promp«attacitloav HALL TYPE- \V K1TK j PiAttlrrlf live leta»penal rale V> eirr*»inrn. send fra I circular*. A i r i t» a iile l to e a e rj t-w n ic d i r HA LL TYPE- WlLriKJL A U K V V, 4 - Marti il Scree!, con-*«.., it. Curing H) Spirit i'linrr. I'" ' era IW* UMI of IM*r**na Irra te d, Send Iw c U ta la f uf eitviaaati-eta ta d term* MU.TUN A LULU Hi I t N Culle*» Aar POtlwIrtpOl*. P a i U 'L Y T C wasrejvtoaehtx!xa; i 3 ::sc t t z i r t I i l l la I 1 r t *501. A-K* ul ' V ( f «double» *aar.xv*«2.1 I LJ ae^ A ddira- J r. lia itt m s t l i y S itaa. j Ass AlML XlLk I W ant A C tx S U M IS SOUR I -I S T E A W Washer wf ebarrate* a*d tfltelll- I p «a - r i l e - u a e - t» l * U! t l v l, i e u M r i w a e il «u t avi. d t " 1 e* -n d an-p **r»e. tt tr th - «rral I ine.evatb- T U E A U E R W A N E U N O H E A L E R» Prrfa-aC t a l «i p i U i r i by X n l i u m. le tai unfaiu sc ra n w lj tor all dlaearaa at Uve Tte-iaac and L atón. T r m r c L U ( «M n i n»» iva* bann mural ti» IL Price UCfO pra!»uu* T7.rae b etura fra «ADO Addiraw ÜAKAH A UANCXIJt. Haiti roue*. M l PraLUffiee Morra» U rden aod rrretctaivcwi ti» espraae pafaole lav In* arder of karab A. Oauusui I K T I I K X. A X I ) r ííí THE DttTEUU OFTBE CHUSCB. *J * u tu «l i t i tixuv. JHW *r "nr Vefara/'aak-Mkrr r«wi. Al l wtw tiare n-at! Uve a a u w r -T»Se Tidce nf M i e t e - «TW S Ü, Í. * W A I ' * T I» T.Uee of Botr-T-tltl'W, and - M ' * * *J I la f - r ; ' «in D ia Ut., m e s Juet fb ltaú tai Ib* t t f C e n i». JtMaJr ^^»APr» IITLSP1UTIAL CHRISTI Ail ITT. A JIIA LVGl'E. > l U f HultaU* fra dwribuuoav a w ra m t L atidran. Price i o oaara». puata«e V«si* ' F w ra le. «tejewaie and retali, 0» I b a -m a ju iu -lm iu n o jm. CAL Pcauaauvo Moer» Cblown c a m p M E ^ r r r K T O. T h e X l f k l K M A i t * c l a l l - B mt a p l r t l u l l a t - * w i l l f c a ld C hec r A n n u a l C a n» I r r i t a i «Jala y e a a - a n i k r P a l a- Ciara a ra d» a t f r a n a l a «. A a f i - l f l k ( a lo a b. U K R PLIAIAJT V IIIT V U B T A IT lh r w o w C H f O A C io. cao aturan rnculbr «c o n k u v d d i n lo Duffaie and reiaarn erra an» ra in* n u l a m a p i» tu Ungala fra Kfa. 0-). W * a u s n í c ú n a n f n m Cuica«-» (a B uffale ara «J f «o d fra»0 n ata. Otri a p n pr«*** uilrav Uj erttier ra t i» C hiciav ad ra* at a r e r i l f l r a l e l a - a e * h y a b e H a l l - r a n d a a n d a t e n e d h j J a n C. M a n d e. Z dllra K a Lto-fV pg L o n n a r * i. M c u i L r i a u n e a u f tue imii n n * i ra -d farai«t» L a i» Plaw arri Cara» bae U n a am i b* m a n d a d le ra d a r», u n a aaau a» ika tleaet «raid fra l u i» d a» *, h r a e é T a l * P a p e r F o r Ü e l r r e a M. y i n ra n, fritad* u» Ira «ida«i» lab* PHaaaal f y««molaci«. HaurpñMa. Tb* bandín*» un ib» «rraaad* «til be to rn a n apee la r toe H c n a M a U r a af tosa* wb* ma» dentrr. ü p eaíer- eu«a* d A U Frene!., Olí«* H»tatvt.ln-, K P Falfflelil. Mr» t - A. pearsail, J. H. Paamer. Mr? «ara»i Un?, i naa, A A teiica «enera e ite rin l. A- D F renen wtil «pean -.ti Saturna» and «anata», tira U k and iwlr, IR I» l nuda Hrnaliaw. Ui» UvatrfraUaeaJ a to a n and puhue la l Bifdlam. wtu 0» p rw c! and take pari In atl me nraet in * tapeer inotr allí aradai lu rarnlahin«made. Pa-vllr traía w ül ne «raen frw n Ríe nratruia «w rj da», ta «ta M a g IW i r a leat. k a n» ail pbaar* «f inm Ium anlp wtu 0» reprraented no tb* ( r u n d a, P arné-analiliw UvidU le c u a l l l p iraaeaddraw UraSecrw lar» ai Laaalt«Hotel Datra L a ta U g H«*a*r and HudMin Knairas l.u» p ra da»; Chapaian Heora per d a». E ra m i H oim* aod i 'ma- nien-ui M ea» J! 00 yer oay. A rran m u rm a bar* traan mad* wttk Mraar» f w rtn arad {Jwjdrlcit. "Lúa- and k a r t Da* f e round In e ucbrt* fraan drpraa le Rra «round» e r iwceb ai SO e*nt». feriiidla«radm «r» L*****e; fare rtaaewa» 0*1». T-l eran*; farr Ira k IMaW te camp (roñad*. 10 MUtA Iv-alr-«ruvow m tb* «raonda; ai*u Jod«m ci f r a 11 nutra! notara. KaUrt-adi. T b * M 'e b ia u im ifra. atal». L k X k h L wltl aelt mana w p Uet*!* no A uroat 7. p, 1A and t a p e f l rri'irti onill IPtti Tfie Cl ti K A M K IL e u. «Ire ro ta ro Uckrta o rre tfieir r-rad a t t re.t per nid* «a eritld e a te «f.vera lee J of ARÉDriaRun. U a 4» A IL * rasnd (ri. tlcbeta 11. tare fama «Ib t* I SlP. Lan-Ca«Uraur L 41 : on raaln lañe arate» ralea b» aff-lleatka to «araetarr T. Dv- laeip eried tu «Ira 1, tare tn r 1 Ora iad reportad rata* fcu ejiar«* for ten t u «pr I? le p ra A O W B o * l< t and frad for barra* m a» be b*d on Ura p o t a d a M anan ockea- yj.iji*; an * i* artw iialaa. lo eaeia, >>mel w w dc IW danrtn«pranlra erar» eren la* «te e fi S u r "-dayra A u rd ía. InettaUne M a te o d rd u -all 0 AHSPE THE: NEW BIBI.E. la U t w é i o r - J E Í I O V J H and U* A j n t g r o i -A j m ld L s a a j C lo r ó v HISTORY OF THf CARfM «NO (N MCAVtNS FON TWgiirr.foüR THODSAkD YEARS.. W ritten ir W M iira l! u w a w i O'» hand «aa addert» a n - f l*»w Inri, Hoc tn aapplaa* f be eld tllbira la UK«.' l i k l H W r a and r -1a.tr«lav tb» fwaraol» i n r i - a» *f w (orafaibrara Nra Ao*7ÍI eevfnnaraaaati na», toar»; ItW vraa» M i r a n m»*a HLÍdra of jw r o * ) J-tárame*»raí 1«amata 1 cn^i -** - H O P E A H O C O SraO X da TIO I r o a n a > B E R E A V E D. b y n u n c a n t i t i, i l a Priee. p a ia a h M tram. I C t n b lalptawwk^mnw?csm ìr? r mund trip, boi a- m 1. F. VtMirmC PrdtidM f. otlier workfa. aavd a u l r a uve p*-t te-c.ey ut l i» n an o a* m ma«brade guano, la n e alar, pw M» ; Wmadtn WraapWW. Ubrar» at»fe. Prie* r, «6» d ra w II b» EW R B Lw PePnU M M iah cal m u r a i Bucai*, etica«-- - TEE MELODIES OF LIFE. A * m urato*» m WWW and M art««r (W EH ; CCÌS1ES4TÌ0I ID SEUL CHOU»y5.sf.rffa R trattar- w» bee* triad ta a I* by RttimvmuaaMß HOME CIRCLES. D o n t o l D v e s t i g a t f S p i r it u a lis m S U G G E S T I O N S A N D R U L E S, t f a i n t t a m üfiüniihi tu in sa n ita mntiüisa ixt «q a a AH» A* OFFER TO EX P Q S U S AMS COW UBEtS OF $ A /X H T r2 Lr * lytx^-rta-ae Ohailra. <i«aaaf I a - and B a h r t» S s ^? - S S S. a* Parat i «w all «Bara pria* la ó f t a f i dad w na a H k w i Rt. J a i r a S t a r a! l i art» i r r t r i b r t i d t W I itarami. Prie* t* aaom, > o rt^ rt J r t l M r t r t a k W W r t h a y «a Irte b ara tra Jd w a ia o r fc T J m m I 1 «w M w kreadrt

30 KELIGIO -PHILOSOPHICAL JOURNAL. JULY 2«; from tue gifopu, HD IIFOSliTlOl 01 T1RIPK IBBICCTl. rut iti. iimirtn i-iiii'miimm jaumu J im J iiiiiim iii, o r U rlliciim i re. T h o o lo g j. Jim Johnson win ao honest Wlmr Wb<»e rmly hair wa* almost yellow. Whose rbreka Were red af rtwii-mown row«, Win»*«nose pom pared with other iiaws Wm large filial Ionic; tint hen for <11(11 Dli1 Terr well, ami nulled Mni. Tw w net between two eye* that gared fver (Mature lan>b where rattle grazed And rhrwiil the cintltodda the brook, Far rffteirar thin In auy h>ok; * Blue ejes, that might be fuail of Dinning, Bui umrit ihowed malicious cunning. s. His bauds irilirlil be with rmuji ppecci) Compared lo three of Providence, To clothe lil* feet look an much leolher,, \ A yearling * hl'le all went together.' \ HU mire wit* rnilirr co.it*«nn<l low An<l In hi* * ie«-eli, ton, Jim wan *jow; Id hurt, h* bad what ran» would cull A kind of take-1 L-may drawl. HU face wa* grove, bul when a Joke Upon lil* understanding broke He hail a m<*l iiecuilar»mil«that might t*e heard near half n mile. Tlie rlght-haixl rorner of lit* mouth It first attack cl; then north and south It iliw lf spread from place to place With wrinkle. twisting u i hi* face. Until it remld n»l wrinkle more, Ami llien exploded with a roar That ronsuil Urn dngsaml seared lira call!«a ml faff l r iipiti* I lie win i low* rttitle. Now Jim was'jouug; hut yean had flown Kliice lie w»i left a b.v, nlone, Upon the hattle-fietd of life Engaged In irtoet unequal strife. Ill* father lie h.1'1 MUCrlf IlHoWU; And long Iwfore I he tad wa* [frown, HI* ninther closed her weary eye* To o[ien them In uutnli*e, Sn boxed nlniitl from plare. to place Jim grew 111stature uot In gras*," Ami though at lost he Iromed lo read He did nut know the A t'nwtle * Creed." - He'd spent no lime upon hi* knee* Before the d>»'ttllto ol Decree* And thoiijfli men of hut misbehaved. That they were totally depraved Wa* amnethlng lie lr.nl not auspectrel-- UK training had been *» neglected. But Jim lit memory till] Vouhl trace HU mother * Hwills, patient fare. And sometime*, wtien the loll*ome day With licat itttd mdse had ut**o<l nway, Aud ultfhl, from quirt skies let fall Her veil of.lienee over nil, He thought, ntunng the shadow* blent Her form ajf.ihi ubr* blm lent, And whuiered a* i»be used in do: -u )le faithful, dliu; my ) >y, lie true! Now Jim wit* kept frnm doing Imnn By»lead} lalor nit a farm. And 111 the «table [tacked away He slept at night atuoiiit the hay; And all hi* day* were much the name Excepting llial when Hutulay cattle He he! «*l t.e people off to chinch For»lr*>* the woodland then he d acarch; l Aud. Just tn prove he wn* n «Inner, They made lijii) pi without hi* illiiun. So Bring* went on until one day The iilnil* ie«i]e met to pray. Ami when the meeting neared il.hcloau The mill «Id farmer Skinuor tnm Cdim * imuiui, and remarked tfiat lie Was glad religltm wa* eo free;'* That wenre hail married Wit»un a (laughter, HI* own had ow him but n quarter." The lireihreri groatusl aud cried amen," t>h! Idem tlie Lftrd, and Skinner then kva* muted in nay concerning Jim, He thought Id* chance for heaven was film,, drile** he d come nnd Jltie the church And leave the ffrvil In (Jie lurch. He d talked it uvrf Mime with Jim Aud Ihu It " weim-d «u pulo *Vh*N ilm He rotildntmake tbs fellow *«i How * three wm one nnd/one w.w three." Then he *al down am I Wild tm aiiire, And a* no other look Ihe Boor HemlvInif soon o tackle Jim, The in*l>v lined the dcnliiu hymn. When m eel in broke lie told 111* Skinner," He'd mine uesl day and lake hi* dinner. And thro, when tilled will* ffmee and meat. The IP*pel llvutiijfe he d repeal To Jlui, who Je*. lie Wo* a dunce Would mine nod Join Ihe chiirrh nt once." Then with jpmd iilifhl lbey went Uitdr way "Tn tmvusifjilu Ihe follow!uc day. So when the next day time for dinner Had come, and captured-farm -r Skinner, Vi hen each the inlnuler had ifreeted ADd all were at I he table *etu«l. (KxmpUtig one bi scare the lllee) Ho rcvereutly rabid til* ejrw And thanked the nlver of all (pkul For that supply or dally food. And when hi* plat«wuaduly loaded With alt the lieat the farm afforded, The rest beffan their mouth» to till hike soldier* when Ihey **load nt will" The meal with pleasant jfoeelp paseoi. And when ibo jdatem were cleared at hut. The parson, calllqn Jim aslda To rain another convert tried, lie told him how Hie human h*#tl, Deceitful, will In every port. And loaded with Imputed sin, No favor for Itself could win, Thai spile all «Burts to do well Kncli human soul would Und in hell, U nice* by fnllti they ifot a share Of borrowed rlghtcousne«* lo wear. All tills, amazed, JI in stood and brant, Too much surprised to speak a word. - The preacher (old him of lbs lave That brought the Uhrlit down from above, Who Adam * ruined race to save Himself for ntneoui freely gave. And in bla hodr bore the stroke That slue had on tb*»inner broke! And e en while <m the croea be bled SUll for bis mnideren he plead, Asking for them foriflrrmw*, too. Because they know not what they do. True to hi* trust.,bi* latest breath Was Ioto triumphant over death. This, ton, Jim heanl with kindling eye. But»till be ventured no reply. The parson thro urged Instant haste Told Jim he had no time to waste; The hours of life would soon be iped And when he Joined the voiceless dead The Lord, who loved him now so wall Would straightway lanlsh him to hell; That where the tin* and worm die not He evermore should have hi* lot, And Jesut then would mock bis fear, Il»pl*e and spurn his falling tear At bla calamity would laugh. And he (hat Uttercup ohould quaff - And suffer on day after day While endless ages rolled»way. With deep amazement In bla tare Jim beard this statement of the case, v And then mode answer, speaking alow: R Why mercy,-what could ebaoyn blm so? Ho love«me now, yet when I m dead He ll pow on my defenseless bead Hucli awful doom; will lie In wait. Ills love, bis pity, turned to bale, When death «dark water» o er me roll, To spring upon my naked soul! Why, Pataun, were* h* but a man. When having lived my little»pan. The band of death bad laid roe low Though be had been my bltterat foe He d acorn lo smile or vengeance lake On one who no defease could make. Were He a father, one whose child While wandering through a tangled wild. Had failed to tread the narrow path Thai leads away from wrong and wrath. To each on firing, suffering child Would He no pore be reconciled? Would He, while entiles» ogee roil Still torture hi* despairing soul? Would He, tmamred, such anguish» And ogekand sp an hit ptteouv pies?? When tbl* ws* *ahi»1i in * *>k»t lio umir. But iu*'l a mometil nr) the tltmr Tiisu «lowly lnrm*l hlmwlf atn-uit And said, ifood-by, ami»urlcd nut That nlthl while Jim aa u*unl lay In t Ulet slsep ut>on the hay. A cry of wild t!l*ir<*«an«l fear Kang out u «m bl*»laitlnl ear, -And Ira[i1ng u;t, with eager gnie Hesnw tin* farm-hmi»* In a tilnre. And at nn uiuier wlodn w (Mtie The farmer» liltla daoghtar JanA Jim hulled no) Pi offer prayer That regal glories be might «hare. Hr I teg fur liny S«Uieh gill II - Through ouirr'* merit, thalli or pal n. He didn t even ask the Lord To crown his net with great reward. Nor bad a thought, that brnatb of fame One day might celebrate bis name, But wtien tu*saw the n* ffaiiiiwiurt A single nsnteiice smote 111* heart Anil thrilled hi* every llhre through: Be faithful, Jim, my le>y lie true! Ttieu leaning down he ru*hed mnalu The shaking htuiug «Pilr* (» g ilrt, \ And hoiintllng througti Hie»titling glmun He in nn limtanl ti,.)ch«"l liie romti Where Jane had falh'o oil the (lour Aud Ju*t lnwlde h«r near Hi«door Her fair laired «brother lay, Alive or dead, Jim mold not suy. The window wil* hi* only hope. But naught avuiled without n r<'[ *. One I'Hik arm uni the room liev-we It might soon I»* hi* fiery grave Tluui snalclitil ii Manket from the lic*i And lying up the lllllc Ned, Uuicfc from the window swung him out, Nor scarcely heard the joymt* stmut The people gave, while from thp (lain«that pouring through the doorway came He uditi'het the girl, hut turning round The tn'lghl>iri* slnutlr"! from the ground,, " Tome down, rnrnedown, or nil too late The falling roof will,seat your fate. Now life was swiv t lo this young lad. I ll Imp*, levnuse Iwds nil he had. But througti the nolw it seemed to him Tim VidceVlIII cried, " B*< fnlthful..lint: AikI though the fin- ragi*l bolter slill HI* fienrt ininteaihwer, Yen, I will:" Ami fasu'uing dntie lie let h«r down To where a farmer clad In brown, ( oilid teach her: hut that ln*intit emutt A»udiieii Imrsl of fiercer t!«iue, A rm*b. nmi with the falling Hour dim Johnson fell to rn- no urore. Next day they plaepl lit* b*1v. tiurre-l, Beyond all recognition chirred. With Pwr* aurl d>"iri vole* of itrayer In rntlli, and left it t«*tlug there. And liio*l who saw the yellow day Full on the ronin-lid timt day. Thought, in that pr.«m datk nnd c.«'j, Actual sijeuce.hill would hold Until, in nge* faraway. Some Imlf-expecte,! Judgment day Might com«, and liiil>:i«r* irmnth't round To call the e eej* t* from the ground. But others»torsi and saw the same. And knew lie prrished by tfi«flame; Who*«luinoel bi'nrt* cried nut add»aid: We know Jim Joliu»ou I* not»lend, hottoiiib«r* not l«'ueatli tho'mom; Such faithfulus** uo grave can hold; But hi«tb«prophet long ago, If** whom' j«are lamenting so, Hi* heard the voice Hal irttltm M* name And through the itirknet* and the llrtne Jin* rlieli; pi»( our imirlal sight To mansions where I* rjo more night- O. H 0. li o n It Slrilrr-s n b ln iiig i'r. T«Ihe M tufir llie ICelUtl'* crill* i'cisitcjij JpuituiI: The Impmitig tpjml I* ready lo look at every strange phenomenon that arrest» Id* attention a* be lame* through life with nil It* iuy*l«r1sa nn J II* mrotiing*, while the bigot end the Zealot»hilt thein*»elne up within the narrow Ilmll* *»f what tliey pr<*- leml lo know, nrd r«fu*«lo hark at anything that doe* not com«within their own narrow circle. The truly noble nnd honest tnlud,»»'king for truth wherever It may In* found. I* willirg to examine any subject, unbiased by previous opinion* or prejudice*, and accept the ilcdslmt of well proreit fact»,in preference to. the dogmatism of creed* without proof. IVeTntve dally llu*trallou*of th# two widely different -aud distinct clew* afmjte refemd to. The one say»: I will l<vokat nothing that appear* b* fume In conflict with my old, established opln* Ions. The other»ay»: 1 will took with au iinpartlul rye, nuda mind upen to receive tlie trulli when it i* fully demoii'tmled to me a.* such. This di* i«e4llnu wa* clearly IlliidrnlnJ n short tun* since la the caw of n stranger who had uul vl»ite>l ChWjvgo for nltuv tret) yrnnw He wave strict church member.aud ha* t**rn such for nearly fifty year». Ho reside* lu a distant State and lssfore he left lil* lioine in visit thli city, bo wa* requested by one of Id» uclchlior» to nxaiidtie nnd inquire Into the subject of spirit inaulfeslution*. and «-jieclasly His phem.uieuou of IndopendenUstat«writing claiming to lie done by spirits that once Bt&I Jn human bodies. Ho prtuu- t*ed to do this lidiuirtulty, ami report the reeiitl on hu return. Soon after lie arrived In the city lie visited Mrs. Kate Blade, comer of Throop and West Madison St. He Introduced himself a* a stranger wiuiout telling his turn«. Ttie»Iile wa* placed Duller th* tabta iireeoed closely to Ihe under part of the table by Mrs. Blade s right hand, while hsr left band rested on (bo table, in a short time communication» were written on lbs slat«, signed by a wife and two of her sister», cyg) a number of other friend» long tinea departed to the Spirit-world, Names were mentioned and mailer* referred to that rendered the chnneesof shrewd cmwlng out of the question. After every communication Ihe slab* wa* carefully wiped wllh a wet *[»mgo and replaced In the same position, and till* waa done In broad daylight, and so fiequenll/ repealed that 11» man from the country was convinced that It was not done by fraud nor trickery, hut wo* what It claimed lo be a message from loved one» that ore watching over us /In this life and w^lung oar arrival on the other S l l M l Till* man will return to his home and tell his Inquiring nsigtilh«t that be wuniwml something Uiat science can not explain, aud that give«poeitlv* proof of Intelligent being* existing around n* that cannot bo seen hr mortal eyes, nor detected by onr bodily sense* and that we can have proof of their existence only on some condition» which w* may not fully understand. IsVEsnUATOH. Chicago, BE ^ C o n d e m n * a n d K x p o x e i T r i c k e r y. Those who are Interested dthaf, as believers In the doctrine generally known a*splrfluall»m,or who dealro to l»come acquitub*l wlui It* hlghrr developments should take the &KUiiio-FiUno9QrHiCAL J ui'rmat., The J ophhat. condemns and ex io»«ii fiie trickery connected with Splrituxllsm while advocating It a» a religious system and attempting to explain Its phenomena, and If it does not alwayt glvo a astlafactory reason for the faith ft professes, It avoids a common fault of denouncing what It opposes or what It dor* not understand. If an; of our readers. desire a paper of IbU character we commend the Joint:* ai, to Uism. Oatetu^ Kankakee, HI A C n a s r ls a t lo n» n n d lu p e r l e n t e d. CSuldo. Tb«Bxuuio-Philosofhical JoutrsAL la entitled to the respectful reading of all liberal-minded free- thought idveotlgaton. Of all tbe expounders of the piritoa) philosophy, ft alone accept* os of spiritual origin phenomena, that Cannot bs explained on scientific mntertfdut hypothesis. It la iuelf an v«rn- est Inquirer after the bottom facta underlying the wonderful phenomena characteristic of the "Harmon lal Philosophy." Those who desire light on the subject will find ft a oonedequous and ex peri «heed guide and exponent. Ew, Oferttn, Kat. C a w d o r a n d V ig o r. Tlioso of onr read s o Who desire to reed a Spiritualist paper, should by all means read the best, and subscribe for tbe Rnuaio-PiuLoeur k icai. doom HAL. While we ore not convinced, end never shall be of the truth of Ua philosophy, we do have regard or condor and rigor.and no paper In the country xoeta U tn that particular, ^Caiette, Chenoa, tu. A H in d W o rd 1«U llrtt llolik lnnlatm. to u«joui'.f,4 ib# 1En)Urii>IVklUiM.)rural JeunuU i'rnlmbly the people InUmded by this illgnutlihj will be readily jjanugh r*ci*gutretl without any ex- teii'1i*l dcmcriptitiu. Til«)' ore nut iieoituqu ily the best (»"aple anywhere to be found when trieil by nn ethical»wiulsnl IbA iiuwt truthful. Just, honorable, pntlrut, forgiving and tiencvolerit tlmugli lhey may»«mu these high qualiue* lu nvsrr fair degree; but llir*»' m.p]e rest oil a religion which they conceive to he something wore, higher and tjifferoni, without which nil these eslimnljl«and luvrly quall- llr* would 1» cnaslilered ti; them a* filth; rag*. On the lasl* of a Bible, which. If not Infallible rather too absurd a claim nowa-days even for them l*, nt least, a* Ibelr I'l-ctrslastlcal masters have for some generation* pronounced It, Tb«only ami suf- ncienl rule of fnitli and practice," and which tti«y, tn noil» unknown way. can mi vindicate, and Infallibly Interpret, too; they hold lo the morat ruin of the rare in Adniu, and.toit* actio»«*! fiotulluun now end forrver. exc»pt so fsr as it may bo "re<t«eme<r by the aocrifidol death on ihe cro«* of ti.«! Incarnate1, and reg«!]eraled by a third perron" of tide Inmiicelrabte tbree-ono liod. Then«nrr, no doubt, other,;funiu!ii* tibrl» of their fattti.no which they stand, and fee] tost thyy must stand, to U<».wed; Lut the nuivo whliliifor the present to Identify them, «hi three they are sure of heaven. Ho!had with thu' lnipu[e*l rlgtiteousnes*," they will stand («store 11» great. White Tliron«," see with their hwn eyes the Intbdle Judge of all the earth, 1and hear hi* welcome to mansion* prepared for th«ra nt his light hand. The sublim e and bmuilful Imagery In which the Cbriiliutr ecripturi*» set forth ttie last things, lias Ijeoninetu them a plain matter of fart, and Ihey can now anticipate nil they»ball wltn< >* beyond the vail with n definltene»' un>1 a confidetir«that the rest iff the world inlglii well admire («mtudlmtly, did they not rest u «ou a fiiltti so palpably nl«*urd. But If Bier«I* ««no thing w hich Spiritualism ha* made ptalii. It ii that charnder, and cjiaiucter only, will 1» the!u*l* o f o«ir Hlloimertt In tb» next life. Dogma.*, tradition*, sacrament*, eerem oole». prayera, irenaiire«, vow s all Ih*««things w ill [«rove vatue- lese. except a* they titny have been available In some' tvny In our Imperfect «ullghteum eni to ssa ir s lh>t grr.il i'iki o f chnraeicr. Tbl* only w il]»tatnl: and the w oisl, hry and etutdite, o f wnlch th««. affohl- Ittg of our bouse may have In'part oon*l*(nd, will 1» burned, am? if w e have had t<«> much»f IM*rtit»hl*h, tnnril l" our Iom a o»s, not Iss-uuse It w as r«ally w dlb anything, hut l«enu*e w e so long thought It -»>. How do w«know atl tbl*',* do*** any ope n*k? By th«discernment o f our lln«*t moral intuition. In whirli the moral eenroul mankind at large yes toni, nnd nil tbl* simplemru!<»l by niulllluiljnoit» revelation*. It i* lire iiivsxiible teaching o f the Siitrit- world, What frightful Iom.-*, thru, mir ov< r orthinlox frieri'l* will some of tli«m rx ieriei>ce. it I* uiinful lo coiu«tiiplvu*. They have l-eu nccu«lum.«l to Ihlnk rdlutwl««; that their religion, if It had no'other merit, wa* at li'ust, snf«; tbnl H could nut bring damage In. the end. however fettering and burden- some It might l«e here. Hut let Iheiii take a -ecoud thought. All untriilli I* a damage in the eii>l It proves *-«widely in till» Ilf«. I (i ttie next, with 11» wider nnd higher ploy, f nil uiifjiawrir«, will It not surely «rote tjiurit more so? t.«l m e re trat!t ]e**oil 1 have just rer«lvi* through an nutoniatle writing medium o f tine git)», from nit em inent clergyman o f th«orthodox tuiil*. now for sum«years b th e»plrlt-llfe. H ew n * the pa*tur for m ore tbuu a quarter o f n century «ff a large tiietto[»]lutn church,nn«!.u man o f wlito-pew er md wide Influence, A* my frlrud nf m poyjisir* 1» It.i- iviitvu me ii! sell from Utogjadune, aud lalrly tlie following: "The stale 11» ultra religion!*!* tiutl tliemrolr«* In tie In on enlmce Into :ld* life, 1%indeed, n curious rare. As 1 meiittoned lo otienf my rtuiimindcritlot», there is a large clasa who are rarnsetly longing to enter the presence of J.-*u«. They consider Hint 1» hint they live, move und have their l««ing; that im- Bl they do 'see Idui they five to no purpose; virtually they me asleep. Thl*. many of them conclude, I* the sleep prt-dlrtod for all until tlie judgment day, r ft ben. think thl» ran nit 1» tlie Co*«*, mid beemim unsatisfied»extrhers for their Loci. Ttil* may cm- llnus for agrs wilh some. Ull»rii, l«elng drawn earthward, and either im«jluun*hc them««]vet*, or coming in coutnct with n medium, are awakened out of (heir dream. rrihorn Wiaty lng of this Ilf«, conclude It I* all n deceit, 4ml there I# no liod. Thi* thought nistanlly take* Diem to n class of iid- lwtlevbrs, amt from that elate they must creep up Into the Iruth. fur, nn over-confident t>ellef that ll»> hgve tlie truth ill ll*e earth life, le.rd* litem iubi a deplorable state here. They will not even receive th«nienm-ngers their Lord -send* I hern, but call, th an' anlk'hrist, whose teachings will I rad' them astray. Son» few will listen arid grow happier, and have IbU rlpclr. How Important, then," I replied, that those religion* err.its should I««corrected la llii* life." It Is lielug done," rrji^tij*) the Rev. f>octor fwlioro titles do not prolswj gratify him now so much a* Ihey onr*. did) Ivy an upheaval of all old beliefs. The Splrlb'world has brought no initiieh*«intlueiice lo t»-ar iijeiii the world of human lielng*, nnd not all of It has been In the manner nf Splnt- ualtain." [ need copy no more In Ibis connrictinn, hut I beg leave to suggest to all ultra rellgioidslb tbnl here, for then), 1» food for thought. J L A IHcthoilUl Olioi^t (story, one secret of the powsr which attended Ihu simple ministrations of the Methodist preacher* nf Ihe primitive type was Umt spiritual and unseen thing* were to them w lxt they are truly, more real, than the objects of mere rouse. The training of some of three men was favorable to this. An Illustration was once given by an old man with whom 1 used chat la the Deltfhbcrnmd of Boscastle. One evening, iia we sat by the firselde, I referred to the old Minster church, not far oft,ln a romantic valley, and»poke of the curious, ghostly legends that floated about JL Yea, sir. said he, queer things have been said, and queer things h a» been met with, say what we whl I can tell youtotm tblnghfaat I knoyr to be true. There was otm John Warden,»Ir-yeo, John Warden that afterwards gut to be a preacher. John Warden,sir, won a farmer1» boa «laborer, poor fellow. Tbe Lord touched bla Itaut, air, nod John Warden turned Methodist. WellXsir, his master and all about him turned upon biin. and Um poc«r boy bad lo bear all sorts of peraecullen. Unu night, as they were all allllog around the Ere In lira kitchen, and many way* had been tried topu^j«nor John out of temper, the master aald at last: Religion, eh? says he, What sort of religion host thee got, John, eh? Why thecvt It*afraid to go down to the church to-nlgbt *1 twelveb dodc. Religion, eh! This was. a sort of cballnug^ sir, tu try wh«ther John was good enough to be above fear. Poor John, In hi*»implicit), sir, thought that the credit of Id* religion was really at stake, aud screwing up bis courage, he mid quietly, No, I beaut afeared to go to the church by nlglil or by day,1 Will Hire go to night,'them and ti'l ssea what your religion la mode of?1 Yea, I will, They waited till midnight, and John started. Mr. Th* farm was not far up from Urn valley, Tbe qiiwtion was hew they should know that he bad. been to the church. A plan was hit upon. He was to take a large spike nail and a hammer, and to drive the noli Into tbe church door. John went off, air, wllh Ida hammer, nail, and lantern; and os he told me afterward*, yeara afterword«when he w u a preacher ye*, sir. he never forgot It As I went down among 11» tree*, say* John, and the Wind moaned. I fejt a little Queer. Bat I got to the cbufch all rlgth. though Just aa I wai going Into the porch lbs wind can» whistling round the church and out went my omdle. I declare I then wished Inside the church. The; sounded hollow. But I picked up courage, and htmiarred away till the nail wae a long way In. Then I turned and groped my way lark to tlie farm.' They loughedtat me, and mid they would go down In the morning to be tore before they wonfddmlevex bad been there. They* went down early, and there waa tbs noil But whevr they opened the door to aee whether the call bad gone through, oh, how they stared i t one another] There w** tbs call turned hack, turned lo, and clenched In the door u If tb«cleverest carpenter tn th«wand bad done ft. Nunddg SiagaUne. Da Von, the Haekstmck roeteorokwiit. ears the botlrot weather of tola summer w U lw b to e flnt weak to August. T r a i n i n g n m t B n c l o p i u r i i t o l f t i l l - d r e n. to I))«tjMvf nt be Ilfltafri 'bui<wtiuc*l Jnuxnaf: In your Issue of'jnly I'JlluMr. Win, C. Tlaxton, of Detroit, Mtcti., report* nn Instance of unsalhfactory result* nf tho early train mg of chit'iren In ttie practical Intercourse with the depgtfed, nnd lie ullrlhutos the fall urn nf such training to 11» iatluenc* on toe rldld [»fur" birth. Now, I think we cannot with Phi great wirnretuim wain»««pie not to believe that InllueDoe htffnr«birth cm easily detract from 11» efficiency of our educational lataim. No doubt, evil or gi*»d Iralta of diaractar mny be Inherited, but U 1* doubtful IT such evil or g<>oj would ever grow t<> Ikvoiii«of s-ilorn cou*fqtieaco udless dstelut»d by clucntlon; (. c., unlw» trained." Let educator*, chiefly the poranta,»tu ly tin* sdenrs of islucatlon and tourn how to understand the nature of their children s min i, In order to tw obi«to adapt their educational ui«a*ure» to nalum, nnd, I hats no doubt, there need 1» no miscarriage of tlm alms of «dilution, or, at any rut«, only few exceptional coses of evil men. But to return to Mr. H atton'* atory, let mu further say that habit 1» a most powerful menus of education. Those habitually accustomed from early childhood to consider thnilselvnt tbe subject* of lio l «unquenchable wrath, and saved' from perdiltoa through nothing but another Innocent M n g'* unde- e»ive<l <]eath, w ill not only sw allow llial delectable iltld t of crankum, but tire convinc«l that they are Ihs meu, aud wisdom wilt die w llh them. and B ut «very t*)dy w ho rejects tiial nonsense or theirs, is a fool, etc. Those traluisl in the»lurtiow rallonaldm tairu of iiuhleru science, w ill never eren exam ine into Splrliualtsrn because ll» lr knowt«*lgeuf the low* of nature enable* Ihein lo answer that question w ithout hearing il Their d lsm Ief I* :i* llilck a fog enveloping lti«lr reason ns Ihe ortholox fiilllj Is to the fir*t uaeiill»nt»l people. It Is the pr>»luct iff early habit Instilled tub«tt» mind and never <pie»- liour-l coocernliig It* title to existence. Hut true education ought not mere!) to pnxluco wholesotu* hiihit-; It ought at the i*a*ue tin» to train the mlod Into an ever active»(tidy *.f «elf, Into nil Irre-isllble haldt o f rot (-examination, which 1» the only mean* to preserve us from g«nlug «tuck fust in lire qtmgmirc of meutnl and moral Ahiguatlou. It I* no% MlUiflcTit, therefore, lo edticaln a child f<t ^i'lritualiam hy holding *-.uic«x will; him or l»r. What Is there seen should niro 1» exumluril and im- deretood. The feellug* ex(«rri.-ilc«l under llieltilli)- nice nf 11» guides timet be umi.lv r-l The chbd must 1» < uwli>mi«l atiout Its «Wu Inward exjrerl- «uces and 1» led to examine and understand them. Ilesldtn, our daily duties of fife must 1» more or less enonectmt with our «plrltuul prucrt-dlnp*,'rendering prnclii'al Nidrllmilisui a real guide for tail our thlnk- ingiind doing; L ul***s ««IrlDial tra1nlng"of child* hood altends to nil lt*k It re mud, but In exc«dlonal ca*«x of ro^f-dlurolioii. tail In lieu btilum. Ito riel ltdsurideiiimud in««, however. I mu tod in f.ivor o f Inuring chlldreu lust early In the study of ^plriiuhh«!n, My children w «ie ii«ari) grow n ui«i«'fore I errr iitentloiii«! the subject to them or Imld a teauctt w ith them ; t«ut my conversation, my rrllgi- oiih ti,ilulug of them, was apirilual, They never Weill to huuduy nclkail, und roarre-ly ever raw the lu*me of :i Cliurrli; tiul they learned a great deal nlxmt O itlstv nilrarl»** ntel, If «orolble. every.«ueh inlracl«w j* m u lc t e d w lttra corre*fhmdlng fact of modern ilato They got l, know and underataml all the more iiujmvrtaul *«f H m st's teaching* ( «'iiiiecie.l with sqlo'g* and fact* of Inter lim es. Tim s, Chris- Uunlsai and Splilluall*m have Ihhoiuo Irdiawtlubly connected in tfielr inlpd-. nml, in tiiat way, S t1r}tu- allurn odor* nil Ihelr I'le.Ts-nnd giihlm nil I heir doing*. Tii«y w ere fourteen year* old I before they were aril ilil It*I to a»iam'e. I do not mean lo *;iy,ih it " Influence liefore Idrili " gore for uollilitg. Main like ruiinials, ptanle, etc., I*, of coiiine, what uatumniitkes him; nut lialuhig I* rotund nature. Query: Which Is more «owerful, the find or the necond nature? According to my own experience mid. I Ililnk, In that-of must ol«*-rvuul men, frecnnil nature, training and habit, determine* inaii» coureq of lifeauil doing much more than his original natural gift*. ( hkaga, HU July, l«s l. A, II. H. T h e U iv in in g Ito tl, f ' to tbe 1/11:1'1,1 tbe lieji*lo nui ii^q Ma.1 Journal L I.'»«klug over the JorilNAl.of Mny Jllli, I find thl* paragraph: After driving a well to the depth of l.u fi-etat Trent, England, wifbrmtgetting wafer, a firm of firi«-*lim well engineer* wuemuolled. A»»l only a short dlxtancu from the old hole was located, and no immeiih«vein iff water vv a* found at n depth of lit feet. Now, t mu leiff that here. I pa* fuutej by the. Michigan Ventral ofliclals to try iqjcjuck'for, riiein at K x Center, Dfleeii iiilhi* routti of Detroit. Tiiey laid (»iied dawii nearly I..VXI feet without -pitall. A «take wa* «luck at my suggeallon, aud water wasoltaiucd at llu feet, fnrul.shlng n three Inch lniirtp, nnd tl» water,»oft aud phr«. At I tie county houro ml Way lie, eighteen mile* wist of Detroit. 1 was Invited to try mynklll after Ihe offlchit» had *i»mt con*mrrabloj onoy iu t-irlng. without uccom pushing Anything. 1»«tec to I a»pot, olid 11» W ater was o!>uin«<i at tl» depth of 137 feet. Thl* wa*. pei hap*, «even year* ago. So 'much wator wa* used that It tiec-mia riled. I was invito) to go there again last winter. I locale.) number; this Ume water was obtained at Ihe deplli of 117 feel. It rising within Ihree feet of th* top of the ground. The euglurertotd me that from IM to ISM turret* were Li*ed par day. 1 f il l mention nrugner cake, one near Nnrtfivllle, tbl* Cffunly. W7u. roy dug aud horwl to Ihe depth of Vi feet, and gnt nn.water, He «pent In the effort. 1 located him a well. «little dutance from 11» other. He obtained water at 3J feel from the»nfface. a* cikmi water ft* any min trawl to oak for. I have toixted a* near a* I can retlioxuv Iretweea ISO and -*>) well». Ail who have put down throe welu, at my «uggralloo, have obtained water. My method of locating is what U termed by Weto ater, Bletonlanv or tbe Divining rod, If you have the curiosity to know.who t am, Inquire of <»Hero B. StebMnn oi Detroit; onr acquaintance has been of thirty year*»taullng. I am now nearly 71 year«of age, and «till people ask me la locate wells for them when the dry tfmro come. I and my wife don t aee how we can get along without your paper. Expose, lb* frauds. Ctbus F ullul LIvduIa Mich. T h e W o r k <«ocn O n. To Uw EdLlar ct Use UeUclo-Phnosopfatcal JotuTUU: On Hatunlaj afteruoon and Sunday, Juoe INth and 2Vtb, in answer to a call from Mrs- t\ F. Campbell and other«of Arlington, Wa*litngion County, thl» State, between thirty aud forty believer* Id the ilor- montal l hlloeophy met nt tbe above lady» borne for tbe purnoeenf exchanging greetings of a mutual, fraternal character, and more wpeclall; to refresh th*m«ftlvroin the beautiful prloclplro of Uu* new dispensation. In this gatheylog,»mall as It was, no leaa than eight Statro aud <«oe Brlfisb province were rej>re- ronted, thut showing bow extensively Spiritualism ha* found acceroauw In America. In this Instance tbe call wa* Iinvromplu without puhtlahed or printed notice and ta, theferonv a «ample no a»mall cale of bow Nebraska I* tie ng aeltlwl.and developed. Mediums to the number c* «even or eight were present, tom«of whom are well developed In varioua phase*, and other* tu part, and all that la nweanry to bring tbe lauer to ton front la for thnm to come more frequently together In mutual aaaoda- tlve harmony., Among theapoikenonthk Intereatlog necaaiotf were Thomi» A Wentworth, of Oakland; Mrs. Ab miin Htgley, of Decatur, Bart county; Judge J, F. Migon, nud the writer, of Blair, Wrohington cuuuly. Mr. Wentworth is a trnuoe-vpwklcg and teat medium, and on Ihta occaalon did apleodldta, Mr*. Hit ley ta an Inspirational medium, and aa u*8al proved her- elf equal to tbeoccaalon in dear and logical aen- men. Judge Mason Is aleo an lnsplratlonalapeaker, and notwltbstandlag be ha» traveled by tbe fourth core nf year* la the Journey of Ufa, he U Tally abreast with tbe most advanced thought of the age. and wild M the «vertaatiog bills In thu spiritual phl- loaopby, and keen aa a Dauiaacn«blade when on tha roatrum. Our meetidgi were held at Mr*. Campbell «on Saturday, r. k and Sunday, a. w, and at the home of Hon, J. A. U nlbuk, to the afternoon, and they were Ititeraperrod with vocal and Instrumental mu- do of excebent quality and variety, and evidently ail were well pi rosed and went away wllh a detetnd- natloo to Inaugurate a grove meeting at aome convenient point a*»ooa as powdbie. Decatur, Burt Cn, Neb, M. E. Ta/txm. Nevada, which baa two senator* aod one repre- «eotailve In congn ea, broooteo large a populatloc fay «17 aouk aa the city ol New Haven, Coon..kule» ii m l E i l r u t 'l s sin.111 e r r I In it r On ^ N iid Jrrl«. l llgrim s I nigres* is to be translat«*) Into Zulu. Tbe British museum ha* purrhn»«d Mlltnr/«Bible. A woman of rireenwoo.!, M«la reported to 1» cutting her fourth set of Irelli, Ilev. Dennis Onljome. a nailve rniaslonary from India, any» his people have HJ.'t.'MvUX»)g»»l*. A girl pupil In the drawing r»w of nn Omaha convent acbool was puulah«i for hanging the hair of St. Cecelia, Women la th* churchee at Itowling tire«o, Ky, have to lake out boarding tiouse flrenros before they can give chart (a bio *up ier* nnd the like, A Unitarian minister Jn New England holds tljal every uilm.*l«r ought to have at least 25U famflie* In Iff* congregation, nnd that aud» u church should be run for In an Indian mound opened near Tower City, D. T were found lira ekeletous of three men In sitting tshlure. faring tiro East One had lira»tern of'a pipe In a* mouth. Bev. k ^ J. D. Newman wants the time to cpme when * croroyninu will 1» able to go fr*itn one church to anob^-j without being»ii»pectcd iff having clmnged hi* faltin*. 7 l»ndou cover* rtn Bvti of f»quarb miles, and yet land In several ttortforla of the city sells for»fixi a square foot. Over l/mxvwgo» light» are required to light lie»trout*. Experiment* mad«by M, Muolt with rnrlou* kinds of water-/sinlng. river, wa, aod mill wafer, ideo»now prove that nlodrol jouay I*, found In all, except in mre.»pring water. J Carpenter, tl» New York wife murderer. Is troubled idglil* by the gbo*l of Chastlue Cnx, wlio murdereil Mr*. Hull some year* ago. The unwelcome shade cornea Into fils cell regularly. Foreigner* now arriving In I/union are aubjected to tm-illcal «xn rn I nation. l'*r*onn Infectnl are taken to the lio*t>ltat. Three precaution* are taken to [ue- vent the t ntntnce of cholera iu tbe dly. An ftulliorlly on mechanic* M<* a munkev-wreurh I* not Nfw*,illed frnm Its»-ccenlncllle* or any re*em- bure to a monkey, but lire»use It wa* Invcntol hy one James Moucky, a cote-1 English uirohanlc. In New York, a* a gnstroiiomic dainty, the fat spring gosling 1» crowding out lb* scrawny spring chickm. It 1» said that by a proper eourae of fwsl- Ing, the gosling rnay 1» given uuy ilisdred flavor. Biscuit* without haven could!» made light nud delicious of dough tulxt-d with the firsh drawn water from Congrera Spring,.Saratoga, year* ago, «not when It has Io*t«jim *(reoglli offffrmvicetiw. Tlra DroU'shmt missionaries oa,ffhe South St«Island*, apprelimrive nf French 'aimrxailoii, are disseminating tract* deecriblug the French a* little short of monster* in their treatment of the atmrigi- ne*. Tlra Philadelphia /'/viu declares Brat the Srliujl- kill Hirer, from Whence I liltndelphla I* supplied with water, is simply au open server, tadug Ihe de- prnilory of all m.um.rof refuse from mill», iwwera nnd house*. A q x d rs n[ lizard called tiro hellliender I* now considered a dellbacy'hy ridiutee. It 1» almut ten lactic* In length, of a dirty mud rotor, and protl<]«>l with four legs and a tail. The fte/h, I*»aid to he delicious. It 1* Void that Herta^l-ipriTfTf; the philosopher, kindly ajf<ir»j/jl»..fldfl7w'lng i ii for unit Ion: [iiridenlal hue«tnttlfig on an aeiiregaie.containing (ijx«s and unlike unlta «grate» the like unit* and *«p«r«in> 11» unlike. Tlra Artec*, Ifefnri) Ihe oonqlievt of Mexico t»y tiro Spnluard*. rcrogolzts) rti«value of trees for the main talon nc* of moisture ami the promotion of irrigation. Prescott felt* ii* Hint their latv contained revere )«'ua!tjea against lb«deslnictton of It.rerts Tt»_pl«i«ant crenl tff tlm ta*t iw t dlscoven-l' lit Russia 1* that ft is the Ihiuii'Icu duly of the faithful to *ta) all those who do md agree with them In ilrair religion* view», and It I* «aid that number* hare already laid tb«death penalty for nou-cimveniiou. By an liitetillon In telegraph; Jn*l intro*l(ife.l ta- tweeu U'Wloii and Providence, It I* fctltl to lie pretdble lo»end»eveiity-lwo me*iu)gi*i m once uverune wire, or part of ihein In oppo+k«directions, and that the Ilf» canimi 1*. tupped fticiywffuliy to ahi-ertaln what it going over it. In tlie FrieudV aiitiunl meeting at Newport one of the younger member* iff tbe n<*odallon protested ngalusi th» custom of men aud women altilng apart, tml nothing was don«inward nt-olbblng i, MBbougU tbe reutiuient of lira mrellng 1» said to have beet) trengty ngalnst reparation. A i*»tal card was mailed In IKTlI from Dover. Ital, to WIIluingtou, railing for the Iminetliate dispatch of Last ihiunds "flee. Tlra card only reachi*! lira addressed the other da)*, having taken four years nnd eight month* to traverne the distance hy rail of forty-eight tulle*. A'Wesl Side Chinese Sunday-school wa* organized the LMUi of June. The «tchool ujiened under favorable nusplce*, haring been adopteil hy thefirst Congregational Church. Thirty-two Cblneae were enrolled as pupils. Tlie following Sunday there were fifty»cholor*. A ulght-schui-d will be carried ou Id iconuectlon wllh It. -s v When Albert ( Ilea wo* a small boy hi* father put him Into n half-orphan asylum In Virginia, though not compelled by poverty to do so, Albert lately retaliated by mmdlng bl* tampered parent to a poor hounft, though abundantly utile to take care of him. The case Is being considered by the church lo which tlie rerinrefiilwin belong«. A report was curredt in the Vatican world, lately, that tbe Potm had receive.] a itolaonnl letter, the smell of which caused. It* detection. The rvjxul probably aroee out of the fact that the Pope received a letter announcing that a serious attempt waa about to be made Again«tbe Vatican, which atrungly and painfully traprnwed him. Judgment was given for t-j damages with costa In Montreal lately by Mr, Justice MntElere In tbe Superior Gourl against Mr. Lxbwiu. rezpjii of KL L Hi- rent Catholic Dburch for deliberately paasing the jww of Mr. Turcotte and not presenting the collection box, for Jhe purpose of liuralling plaintiff. The amount of damages claimed w u $IIMX Bishop Simpson did not take any atock In whining humanity. Talking to a rlaaa of now preacher» on oue occasinn he la reported to have aald: I have heanl young men In the depth of Ihelr humanity, *ay: I am willing to be a poor, dreplrort Methodist preacher. Now. brethren, if you are poor It» your own fault, and If you are dfmptoed ft la becauae you are de*t»tcable, Berea College Ison tbe border Una between the blue graae aud the mountain* ol Kentucky. Tbe pnpilf are divided In about equal number» between uislre and female* and between whine and black». Etay* and girls, whilesainl black*, rlt aide by aide together nt a common table and recite tn the ram* claaem. On conimencemenl day the colore and the sex«* elleraatoofl u «platform. There nr* now Ahoqt twenty aodemea In ncllve operation In ( teat Britain and Europe In the Interest of ta«food reform movement, the «upporter* of which are oppuaed to eating animal food. Nuiner- 'lugland, rienmny and fowl nor fi*h la «erred, ireals, vegetables, and ndreda, and ranging In oui restauranbi are open In Eugland, (iermany and France where neither limb, fowl nor fish la e the varicuea of dlahee of cere*' fruit* extending to aeveral bund price from la penny upward. Some time ago a man In Edmonson county, Ky«tilled a rail)remake on his premise», cutting the Indy lo two, abort off behfed tbe head. About two week* afterward child ptaylngaroand uccmentallyatrayod Dear the head, when Uia: supposed-to-be defunct member madeaaprlog and buried Ita fang» In tha child» leg, and only tha prompt apptiaauoa of powerful anthotae raved Ua life. Beer la auppoerel to have been known to the early Egyptian«, bat no mention la mode of U In tbe Bi- hie, wbernaa In the Drat chapter«of tbe firat book of Mom* we are already made acquainted with the making and wub the effect» or wine. It la very natural that wine abould bare beeo tbe beverage to be fint-lnvented, for ft la made of a»ingle Ingredient, which. In It» natural «tote, la pleraar t to tbetaate. A man lo Denver b u a enrlov» fowl. It bra do eyea, ona foot la webbed andttro other ia nob I t b u a flat back, and one wing ta entirely without joint«. A writer recall«the fact that during tb* reign'of tb* cholera In Plttatmrg In the total number of death* wax aourothlng like IJkXk or aa average rate of fifty a day, Tkwe w u a a many denllta lathe hill district* as tn the low dlatricta.

31 Il E L I G I O - P H I L O S O P H I C A L J U U N A L JU LY 2(î, 1881 f i t t i l i lliim t Hit- W f f lr lr «tiri. Mr. Hur*t 1» a deacoc, and hi* wife say* flint wiiro Lutu'* i.hht fini luiiulfest! lt*,' f, a r<«w tn.mll>-> ago, li» fermasi t>> pav hmì allenii t<> II, and wniih r it Wall!) Jt nlllfti* rlt.iìr or tubi«. r>r Wrllms** fin* wn-ckuiit nf itpu «lift umfaella fi>r ll<r,- ibty*. Al Un» end «>f llrnl tinto he tubi t<i a lili.t limi thete tosi» fc nietliiiin alrmi^r' atomi ber, Init Mi* «Imi» f-imlli, im-n Jet, utili» lo semi tini; nny l>!»i ut S i(r- llioiluui, «r»f atij tbinif nmlr.if y In 111» ihiclrinen ni thè Li im«t riniti* li, llr. AlkiBMm, Ih» jnillui J!eu* tinnii» <>f»iikiji bulld, wti'i iiilrod'ic»* Mi*«Jlun-t in ili» evenirli:. ti>l>l liuw «li» limi exerciw lur pnwer* Uml intimi on a in-dlmn wl»i lived lo tli» Imu*». H» miti! t» ih1» «lini «li» emild il.> after l>r.-nlr.i-t, alili, «tllimii'li «il» ilnemi't Iftn tu do i.lijmillli: fin ui'mo a invai,»li» cnusruted, unii ili» ttusliunt wrfil spiniiloi; inni ini III» riami, hulillnji ijv» M>mti jf to mi» end nf S tfilu i,in», imiminali) Unitimi natili«! Ili» Wall, nt wlitcb *Uir» h v fltuvil: Tl*»r. *»liifit «f ili»oi, Hiilit»pirli* Imide lifr pusiiitijr m»." Timo he Uni. Mr. and Min. Humt tv»r» imlijttiiiql Miai any mi» Almulil :titn*» thar chlhl nf liemiij; «piriti* tallii ber, ami Mi** J,«ilil h«h' f Uiijilwl vrr> nimle- aily. and «ali! ILiM m u w n Ilio muti follili «f all IL» hipii limi «N» limi iiivl Wlion limilil i n, expre-wnl a* In Mie ^vniiiri»:nw* of MI«Homi'* imrfiiriimiir», none nf III«fallili? ni» imur In f»»l al utl nffeium. Mi«, Horst salii *lm nt- m«*l wlflini Imr J,nlii cimldii i dn alt th>in< tlilio;*, li«iitiiv* li «mui-iltiio» Hiiniul L»f, 1l»r fatti»r».li I : Tlion*'» mniotbìutf Unsi» Miai I cui! ex pilliti, uu>l ILI* generai Min tou't ipilnii l >»xi»ulu il unir inni«itimi I ani. SriwilhL. linai vvaul lo minili IL,I»ìCau they ilnri't iiinlrn.ljiri'1 II, ami *.» o l'r -nr w» cau l exp^l In in,»t any toit»kepllc*. Uni timi itnntj,re* vetit IL» fari Iloti IT llu-r» \v»r» fi»«lniielt-,1 {mutui* of ln>o mi limi rluilrmid l.utu >ut L»r itiind sugai ri*) Ilio *1-1«of II. Il wmjm lui» In Jli;»i. 11 Im l.ulu lauttin*! al IL» doniil>, au>l III» jmoii; lii.m nf biffi! titilli».itili.i!»i a w>ii«lt» *mil». li» lui* to-eu*iriu'k la 111» ejc In a oi i^ui-k/v-i uiuliotlaami 1»tlnirtiuglt- Ir olivini:» 1..Vr ir V vn Sun. * litim*l lli-rm iir ii l lij«!i Iu ii." Sodi U IL» tramin;i ut a ppiinlueat tibysicuti nf NVw York, whu La* mi extmisii» precllc-, ami utlin la fi l > coguj/.iml nf III» r.i : tlul lliniiitaud* ut ' «tcliirt* mily link» a Imr» «ubammo». Il ap{»*ir* frolli IL»»l il»intl«tilili*lii!«wlil.'lilivfiiriiulim, IL.it ifu r» i* un» >l>«-iiir In»v»ry r*vi t>nr*na«iu III» I um -l -'lai»«; min tver) ikfi in IL» >'l it» nf Nnw York : mi» In»r»ry M«i In ili» rlly. Thn r.tllo nf *i»k jwfi«iiu" l» if»ii»ral i»,]iiiliit.;oi nin*al»>urtw»tity»>r l.iniii. In lini»* uf. il<l'i«r, a lini» Llifli»r; In»* r»{illmnillj L»nUli>' itili»««>r *.ilutitinui flniut»*, n, lui!» [»**; *,«i mii tintiic*.!»>iutv mr»ntr»ti or»ij*l- l»eu {»-r ttutof ÌÌ«W 1w»iil) mar cmmt fi?» a* ra*»* nf n,l ;ii!» f>r iiicnralit».l(*».t*», aii>l tiv» or IIIrr» unir» a* unn-iioint; lun; >i* nf minlt.tlnni lo tliai fi far a- III» inaiti vii im-n»t 111» doctnnr l* oacrrui'.l, rtn iii»nv-»r.ilrr. tu N»w York Olir,»rrrj l,«m im't'no* numi fiirtiult lue.»mi* f«*r lur» ilwtnr*, TLal i*. If 111» «lek pvi >!» rrwm.lj p»r f.n(*) w»r-> illvl.l«'! i.i(n.ilì>' atiii>-m rii» (ilij«ii*i.iik. rii» ttonilmr awijtur»! in»idi vrmihl Ima frarlinn l»«t tfi.iu l»u,nf wliniit oiili flx in «vi-ti iv-.ul l 1«, {u> palimiui. llf Coni***, min«lim»»cnr»«nf Mll»nl*; «mu» bar» omi»; Lui tli» Birrai;» i* tini tlirrvlij arlvci»-!. fiat wlal L* mnr» ilw'rmni^liti *1111 U tli» faci, «tal 1*1 trally u.«r»r«lai lini ni*.*, tlial'nu llt»*v»raif.t ili» rtirr» nfai>lij- Idaii an. ili«!i»n*»<l «Itti In tvr»nl>*fnur r,t««i In rr»r> lunmt Un«dell Hat, Tli» filini»* n >w «Limi u* folinw*: rundanilr «lei. tw»niy»>r l.nuii nf vrlinm»{(flit Lrlont: in ili» *»iilj«v ItirumLt» alni ait»>r clamo-», uml ihr»» nr fruir itmr» grtuu i»lll unack iimlldn»* or Inuii» reim-ilt»*. IniTim' tu,! mur» llian t»tl {I»r l.i* «i In»u{i mrt Ih» twn ilncti-ts. A* f«r* nr» now r»"iilali*l, no I'»**»* Leiui; infurrml. lf all IL» (jbji ituiti'iit* w»r» tllil.ji*) firn niu anioni; tlin.iloc* lo«, tl»jr Ittcmnc» wmil"! noi ai»tak# in a Tilt: Sl.nti-KiLs W w r r o ('IiIril'o ami Toronto, roonlnff IIuoiijeL wiliinut rhntit:» ira SL TLmnn*. w li Idi III»,MIr Liliali ('»ntntl ntul f aitnduu l ad flr Ciif nu lu.ma). Ii.iv» {>rui(!q a Iir--.ll ^ lauvhu; l Iilraifn ni U à i-,».«n i ili» Midi tirili Ivnlrrtl Fa*i N. Y. Kx >ri**». IL» lrav»!»r airi*»* in <inluin'^ lui*jr iuelr»i»>tta a l hnir- u*t ulti*» nvxl lunrniiu;. H»torn- to c h» Imiv»* TiirmUn ut l.!to i-. m. aiiil urr r»* In i Tik-acn a»st uiorrtlttc ut ~J<>. Tli» round Irli* tlm» comuni»«loti l-an nlclp, Lutine Hi» day tini» fot lm*1n»**. Tilt-»** f tirili lì»*»x»fci*» un llllterffvct n}» nti 111» incr»;t*1nc rnininvithit and laudai r»t:iltor» o f Un Iwa dllit* A* «.Hiu a* IL» nocvewy hnanne* iiwiju inn t* auoio after III» mwnluj; n t tli» new ('aundiati Taci lì» Un» IwL w»«ti Tnrnfili) mid SmttL a Fall» In «lolr. Un* valualrf» lliroiu;l c u urlìi Le extrtuled lo i illuwa ami Mommi. Facts and Reasons D I A G N O S I S F R E E Effect? Produced by AYER S SARSAPARILLA and Nothing Else so Perfectly. T in : h o o k o r u f e W rrm Ì, f. Ill M. ULI.» *«t», iarlmun, Miri, It «Im iíilm «arnl ínvjjíoruio* *ti(r> r> r» fruta»ncrvntlon, Ln,'H»r, nrakut«-, at»l 1> < iifal i r ir> -«iotl. ' lililí* un iilnln*t it rucien I lt><l En i-urlti.- in tjillv» umlj-ijlamuu* ill«nr*lit-. Il (THllli-Uli * fjroim lll.«idrw ltlv lulnl nf tlint it-rrllly tk «m i»livo *J *< i\«\ IL rull* tury Svroful-i. Ir ftmn tlio *«toril (lio L,imfnl i,,l«mi nf M n vu rj, \vlioli J, tn «i'iiuu., a* lliatof Sortifulu, It jnirlit, * mol r- cotiorriti * lite llfu eu r- ront i»lliiti<l Ly rlt,<,.rii!jj,:io!i o f ton* ihcintm ilt«ou*.'. s* H miiiiuidi»* ti» *, ( f. jury or^un», i'fftrfs Un* rvnmvul o f ti'i ituiiurlrlo* frm ii iho liinmt und inakc* i n tw, ri»li, and fuir»., t_ n «io n *!*»'ultli lo Miir. rt ni fruta iliu LI.»«l und Lu{,air< d vltulilv. [r «>u, «, Ly li* (Lormifrli fm rtiw th n >,f tlio IdiHJtl, frutti tctioillit»ll«tli, l!t«um.itj.-_ rim iti lutti Tiilu foittar C'jn'uui <il><n, Jt f in,* jt.tnfuluu* uttovfojih o f tli-i I.Kor uml Kt-iiM.y*. and Unir «jtuptuiu«.,liiirrt*iì>**t miri ]>n> >*y,, t i in, «tsf rr.rul'ilh Cnlarrlr, It< Linr IItitn-.r.H..mi (Lo uriti, nt *S>r, * rau-.,l Ly»Tufitb. J ld.ìtr * unti lmj>roif «IL» r,.tiij,lxlun. It itcìrtrulix**«il«* (H,iMjii* L-ii Li ili- *y*lciu Ly DliditLcrlu uml ik a r lu Fi imi n-utorvu tliu <L Liiitat»il uij,*iit i>. [M rfcot Lo.ili li uml vlcur. Il 1«, in»>tont an iinfalllnx roti»,lo f,.» nli di*or*llf* ari«inc ft*,m liri *irii> >>( iti«liluu.1,»ut'li dt*iifil-r«luti! n.>t I nino n >l«. (dy it.ilcd a.i lo Le Lojoa-I tilt Luuiuli ni*!. / ;/,/> haut it un. ii /.s, Pettibons's?mPoint Resort. Ivi»ml r o t Il wir M iri* i,. rtvntiix, «t o# i ara r. «%i*. Tb*»nteUirw» t-f io th U M l.» lit. rr*-kt ri,!*rl,l i* -t 1* 11 for lu -M. A.fifllXlirM«. lu.vi.«thrf-j l ille*«, ftl widme»1- «we.il«: tj Me SHANE BELL FOUNDRY Light for Thin kers Advantages that A Y ER S SARSAPARILLA P o s s e s s e s o v e r a ll O t h e r s. L I C H T l t * criitlj-rr«.d o f III» m od»fllvjipfoik tiltit.ii ii*-. luim iii*, und l iti.- ilruy«known h r idiariiliiv., an to n : w hi.'ll nr» III.1 i!,ti 11 til» ILimlur. All 31 'll, VrOniy Ihark, SflHInertn, :.,»l t'».»li.if -,,f Futu.- fiiniti lirnl Innt. Il I* a lilytily *.«1> iitrnf.ll in. dli Ja-. u» nriilr-ull> and liutii»ili «millionml-, «! lu»«h ilt lu il tli» Lk-'I'. d <J'.,:r<o uf mtiijly and {* rf. i tinifornilty; Il fia* r.v»ii«d Iti«* 1» arty und,rm'tii-iit n f lit»..»litit Ini'll III It»' liivrltu-rt nr.-t. d u ll, w li.1 r* ru n>/»!l a*» «Inlid.u.l -L I', in.»*. niv al.r> inr»liuu. nnd iri-*cdi,-. it New Tacoma LOWELL, MASS ( A iu ilyllrn l ( Im-iilists] tyisl»: I rfa** ÿt.iju, «li Iv.;;] M A N l i n i. O n 1 i. u u i r o i c %. W-*lro, tvttmli.,«. ' I. -.» -.*-! -f in*n»at T/MáX«- tlim*t*t»«.rirwrii t ar,i-»u *ml ' Tlie Fill m o.mf 'in»ïkili< uf the P a r ili* ' N o i t I n v is i..tw in/ *l *rj (,HS nf r»i* rf I,itm ;»or in» «tu» la rtawrlmlr» rnu» Aik!,*** lurutti* W f. rolunilms. Hit Io.» ^ C A T A R R H And L irai*«of Iho HEBD. THHOti AtLNjîSf W hm rtii.lisruv *i,il i m r,-f «n u r» 4v*l utwrlef trurlr* ran i* wi>, mil br *»m Wr h iir ifc* It rm.t t.*ru,t«in Mir «>* it I'-r I, Bnt ri*m nini Mi NTifir * L'orto rlf W** Iti fcrm u'^mi fi fcfttuifcf, lunji Buggies, Phaetons, LIGHT MMIKIX Sl liltív «JSOÏS. ^fa^í.yvfc-jir > ' T h e C r é â t C h u r c h L I C H T rkjklkwptlrtl ifrffffm ^. *e >f r X m L PriiFrAil. tx M Imm»«.mm **> «wi«f çae *Y*r \it*l!* '«*r-rf'nl* tar Fueftwt# 'hhpfal Rr«t t^'hi hi«*«t-i di%ft k i. Mum, M*«*Wi«*Mn, ' Jw-i tut a *. <au r*. Y* 1 WH(rtll-iJp*, Th»*»#!, ÎVjA*i, t* «ml *Jr JfMutcVf at. fw-ftd Vi*/! i>( O» ír»r--kii# *r.i! k -.-ir.ikpr. A km-»ml klauit^.fr<ybj4iafit3..t I, V, F lu.n k, U ri P m H H m t f 1. \SI\LS. ' S*rt(Fa«m *«Jtfd'*nl1* THRESHERS ' Sl«1ÜLLS. 1CtoKrUtüdi ion*, «smarbui HAI I.HOAJ) TIM F-TAJíl,K. CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND AND PACIFIC. Wpnowwf TBillomi «fmj MwrrroJUi lit; fklh M ici M a u l K n H.«Mfuuu I!«tu»*,* ANO OUK POPULAR PLATFORM A- ril.le'j'll.\ ( ARTS. AJDw. > R.lf, pm f X-KUpm tnirvnwm bivi N l t l Kltm*w... tirisrij luuit.biwi* r«*i rjun-i«k«vh lia, L»*n>uw.irtb u a Ai' *td*ml fj(*m.,,. Xtiui*«potl* and Ht. Kaui b * w. Kmi»»1 ti, U«*»i flb *04 Al cbtwn U n **»,Bucal na i, J-nro Af«Miim>4all»n... OuubEll muß* Mil.: Kinrnw... lu H H d li. lw*ir*iwbfth Mil AtrM in Nl >, K ipn «... Houli*Situi tum-**... Mtnn»*nuil«UMf XL r»a! V i Ej iimuiii 1 1 :UU»tr. tj (.' iruairut f,;i IloriA lury. chouiical nl»,rntnty ii.** rcn-ntlj l»>»n lo d a i Ini on t i» «mnuiit nf I*i» «In Midi, in tli» l jr»u»*>*, ut un ajljt(id»uf unirlj W,S»i f»»t ni««iii» *ni. Il «Litui-, brtw w ji th«dw «lllui; Limi*«and Mi» w dl Siinw n nl>-»rtalnry nf III» *11 ninni. Tlu* d ilr f <«LJ»ct n f (LI* unli U» *d»nll!ic *!» i '* In ( «! IL», >ta]ily o f IL» siir fratti day in day la >>rj»f to lin i IL» litupuriinn* nf carlmiin: ud ì. iticiinuniu, nr otli»r *;» * In t, Tli» sai ani moti La» fnrtmsl Ly li^llniiu; and cirri,«! down Ly rato drop* i* clan «XAtuiDod, *n i* ili» umilimi o f a m o» pti-wnt.tl» pr t»irtinn nf cnrbonlcarld fmiod at Ibi* alunni» I*.(»«cui, «L ieti U iitucl Ih» «ani» l&f flint inumi nu III» filain* Iwtuw. Aiiinvniij. im \ ap{»*ar* (n I», pr»tty «ivcily iii*uilut«.1 io IL» {importimi of Iiid lli^ ria U i«to Iun rtitilc tnrtf«* nf blr. 'ifrrt *64 irr* li 4:tlpn t B: 5 pmît tono pint: to-oo pi» t:»dkpiaa» î fin ir» o u fhiraffu. Itirvi fn-ic 1i«r twit tlnl-rr -,"* * ri Iw itaiuril fluni tb» «til* «Í I i - t A-**!. c u rm tm Ifl'm.n i l eder.'r-r*l AU *+-<, Uf lui'ftaimfi m*t nur )Mif Ut- un-t-sìt»«5t7 T V. Tt* IU«« r'"«wl la Ko-r-,0*. Srrjlj * r tuaurt.-v *1 4" «t»tt*.,..rrt *tau :r~ti(t LYDIA E. PINKHAM S ;* VEGETABLE COMPOUND * *. # * * IS A POSITIVE CURE nitr AIS SEVESTH TH(!*AVETTE iîsüce M it, r r,»uj r,ì *i.( suiwtm tt tm n, d«y.! 11*111 Kl*»pt Si un ili» f>,»awìm olili. Ir*, fa * «f t lt in r L iiir ià irn t Ir* l «l Jor «Il of ( b o*ii Fu In fui { otntdnlnt* unit I V r i k a r u» «** c o in.n o» i o n o» b< *r *» F E J U L E W C U T I O N.*, *, Ir w i u c m * xhtiicei.t tits» quit ron* o r K i lt *lb Comi-laiM». a ia Ovaiuak tu.i ini*, f*. futhatio* Asti UlCtUATCOW, FALWVJ a m» IlfA- njlctmxjrr». AiruTrt#cus*rijtiIWT t-i-ivil Weak- MEM. AMD Id t-abtu tlb*h».r AOAITlD Tu TUE CHAME o r Lire- # *» * * * 1» Wta.»I«IK5L»E AMU KlIBL T l-*0** IMUXIiir U m t i t* asi cinr.r rfaum o r Detti >>r«rjt. Tu t, TESE EN tur tot, A XrE firn.«il cx ttti tueueiacueckei, v tn r creuiil r t f i m u. It restotej Fatutte:«*. Fu t t w î c t, defte jt» AIXCRA1IMO niadtimleast*. ASUlirilETM ivkjll. M twor TUE tifo «4 tu. JTIL'IU* ItUIATIM». lli.m» AL11PV MtliTUL* P&hlXAtloS, tiesteual ItU IU T t, Iu:i'i!i.««tosi amo Inuiutiiriox.» *, *, T l l l t t e ix im j o r.u ca iu stì IktvM, cal-í UM» P a ís. WrjulfT ASU 1ÌACKACUE, I* ALITAT* l'allll A.VàsTLV ll'lliu s r ttl L*E.» * «* * ir WILL AT A U TIME» AMD CSDEIt A U cim i S «TAM K* ATT IM IIAKMuNT WITH TUE LA» * TUAT VUiEBX TUE I I MAI L ST»TEM., #, «# d t» rt-bfiwe I» SOLELY run Tilt im.ittmatr: UEAlC.SU U» II»U«K AMDTUE IIEUtror raam, AMD tuât rr box* ALL tf claims tu oo, ra o t'itw * o r LADIES <>* IrLADLT TCsTir>,»44, *, Fou tue c r u * o r Kadk«t Cowmlaist»» CITHXii SEE (C l, AlEMItir t* tu K V A U U, * LTOiA r. ri,txii.ocs vcnctablk cou p oan» U pn:*»'.l»! L;n*. U* t PHt* IL 8J* ((Ir* ror EL Su,'d H att 4.-»irA4». bratur BAU. pa«c*r*p*(<>. ta ruera ef H a n i 1/ a»b i. i i.n rwtlpl ni t 4 n u «l< m ) Il rr. IrakbAin'* -stul.lv t» lt»*m. mn tvniall'» frr»d>ah7 Ud; «r mti*e iu** bum eoutumtluilt ib,*rrt.t * Ms fshillr «bmi'td V *r llw*il LtTOA K. -JjnrTrA3f» n v r s : ril p c t i. r r r*««- c- rjnir«,- n ^«v an d TwtMdtty A lb a IJwf, g tu prr tw. -», «M i c h i g a n ( T e k t r a l T h r f * n - id lin 'm««il I,i in i l u n. Tb«Errat iti»lro *,!i* i* wilhm it a rival for d z - ami pojitilaliiht. ii t-rìoliilti* l,'h.«,,mi f {hsi{i!p anti ( m m im ar»u uf LIT «rjuar» mil««. H» [»itmlsiluu I* alumst «uual Ut Miai nf fanadar It I* nuli» miniti tu timi nf IfollBti 1* Ki>dt*r il iati iti»,,.f SiiiUau. I ami double Mint ò f h m mark. It add» Tu.idJt) {tmjtt«, or n rily mon* Uixikliülf Ih» sir» nf T->tnni<\!-«:«m}*iiln- lion mutually. J Orvr ti* Iuíhíl'»*» n ty day :eti,i«fl j» - dntrlan* and TuflM) T»hii*lr*,a**. wlil!» Il» rnhwnji carry id iwiii» dally.- Lut»Inri I* ob«of the teujrr» of UjtjW». Toronto.Volt, SNIilTSA.\fiTlflllliÏÏORk»EVERY COIHTRÍ OFTHEEARTH. Z A CcsySW atitou jl ; c!:î s S t X;t.«ai " Ifrlrra ;;.?::ía..ie Tills * n,a (urini a (all u n i r i i i t u U v. Arr-m- temili ir.dil-l.l- of» i i itl* > lt«i-» ta x K in» b k pu id in n r r j rm..u t of tli- r* rlb Itwiy u» i to SlMmJt ixaurj Ut IL» rami tlm». Ttl» -*plrttu»lt.4 will Bod tu u l ««( IrtolrWUIlwb b» «fini h t Uw toirttw-t* Tft«luv»*:ln«(.if»111 «'.tatn el «Alu» t.» M*4* U> iili.it It:,r «r. l. «rllt I» b a i l s dr la u d * t n r n p t e t Ti, ««H < j»>r-m <4 tsjr-f,,.:, U rl.am. ) l - :i-n -,u, Mpdrlluki I!*-» Is S a b -BUi O na. i j j. ' *1*» t T.t'D'llIkE «I i l l s,» tu, li d**brl«,, ui>r»a*tti<ii ; *ki It, U n i, Unte i.+ lets Ami ti J. * 4 s jn * b tll r-rus» a r,.,nr.!»ií «Üb. k fd * CBAuUAl <4 l>ie»u'ii T H E P K I V OP ' T H E KUHsAIUlb lo 0 - r», l,. I rlr a, ( i m i W t w i, A ik b U lc,» - * Z»*J*n*t l'utycae*l*n H u r l -, L i *.n I U <«( «I la. la p t Town w*itb AnmD-*. M m e» *Mi»», 3*.«n Tbttwt. radi*. J a in. H>ai*n4. Imtcta it a-»** T *» ]«,, w t t o i k i i i l, ScadiUwjti* npalii. it* j, Au-Lrla b-j*?.tm'. t u t l r j. U. Id., *an a roerlo tta alus» omtalbi ikirti.sis) jura, mj*i gem. Di*> tir «4 ( i r Laure-in,-! j u m» i iu (H U, Am I»w If w,i, uf ib» ' ir-ru u t* 4 UUwS/Sa**i EptftCHlUdd ( I n S lo 111* E n l X u n s n s u ib «ilp lk j is.p n, u r Iw a p t * d»m d.!ir.«s" rruaolnintf»ul tur 1I1 UIT4 In i - tw ) W l wf XI In w b u t H i r e h u r n can bn»applied W ilt ii«ts 4 t o t i n» in tim» ln «orti N u r In «S n hr «n u i«lu tí. > lut aiuau * *. 4 a n.l* uwt rapid dtairlbutton, i l. w m U n it«, tft» ptibim ter, La» poi iti» prtee U Use «Uopi» mal <4 Usa hook, buml; ti,7 i-riiu..' A I* d (» «P «w u t s t u buch *»1«-4 Ui» icrwtaat illa» Sedi caci tío tnmns. ai to «Lora* m : i. n o. P u «i * t { p, t o «-» m o. U rden b r Jodler b> b* c d d ism n lo in petan i L ', - r j W o m a n i n tin * r i u n ì ow»n il tn tiriwli-iuid Imr fnniliy tu tale» «ri» o f ber UatIUl VVLea aì«; find* h»r hmlth Idillox, ond debili ly am i w«fiku»^f, uud«ririih»» h»r «tren^th. lier aun-rt ami b«*l reuiwv 1«Ktdiiej-Wnrt. I l builds up Ih«generai hmthiu k»» 4 tli» *»cr»tnrv oystem In perfecl nnt«r, ntíulabj* Min Klditej* nud Bowel*, nini «oabl-4 Míeme lmt*irt»ul oigan* lo perfiirni llirjr rm- tunil faol'muqn In Mimirlug u(f tbn wxmtiulaled iris- pumue* uf Mi» body, Crlrkels ej» ni bitineròu* In W astilaglnn TerrlUtry Mal they lat e been me a ecu.ctrg* Xh«y are ita inch and a half Jong, and are dormiring th»^trnp«. Th# people would like In Import Mime lu gger In dion* to eat them up. CHICAGO, B U F FA L O, A N D. N IA G A R A F A L L S P it* * AS! EXH.J/S» tn.il.vc DALL, íd E A r t.a M Ir-L U U E h sii.r*.^.: ur ti.*m.,il<arf m - Ujaii (..rr-r-r-f Ir, Sj I I,r-.*, I.. >»w l m t *o4!»»: «, aesd Ib» MAS 1 VDIIK h ll lte>-,rs «II4 X L ruh CIíJKl A-»A i m t U l w a U i.. - i -*»» *1 I J s i e. E. ib*k-» [w U r Ultt» iliae AUJÍ U r'l lltr- ( c u, N t o o, (,. V» t m i u n w nu l i i u w n l a ir íim c t«; br» c n «n : N tese tan.*: p p q t o Irats. U,il 4 U s o «, bar Ib r L u í To» l i. < *» IrAtu* *r* 1,1*4» U p e fu r» *un, 1 ( 1.1 l r t b i v.. - m u m n u t d u u i t t * «L t i w s o I ' i t a u* wlitcb!«> venable «m i I m t m M -, r u l r «r I* MntlíiHl i be n p n l ú a,» id witota Ib» DI M H CAJU e n SiM rd *04 lu U bm t, i* jp u» U «uolf o toe rin-tta-ure ^ th» m r u famwtaea lüejst lo (rubí at MlAUAUA KAlXn tire J lir Hlis AJÍ I X» TU A n tro* iu«l buli t * bes«ti t í toeilil» t o e s bi i,te - ELs4 1«* B m erek-u rrtnm pb <4 -e«ln r n»..y. * j t WtClUOAII OLÍ. Tn AL (n iir* «til emiw i m «S» m r r IL «cr-pto*«n*4t MNACEb 1» * pe«rru<-rr ib» uní leer*ul 1* - Mtrat ca lm e! K b w jl «M U lm ul s m s D s m n i e M n r. j w uitjffct. u w» K íu u tjc s, AMTitien. K*w A«, um i-twtgri id, niw» K (iiik i# E / to o o*oit*j poetti49 c l U* I I», ceaoeece Ib* S eal *04 UH W h I 1-/ Ib* liù rln l ro u le.a n d a*r- tiee peeeogm-r», e u k i i c S w n e f n o n, heiw een ru, i U. '. T. <; IUI.II. i rjf!r L - > rr:,- «n i, A lib ie c o, M ldu-epolia er.fi ML P eu l U * û M * e u tu B s io s pepoie w n ii «a lh e priunprij h o.» ol m a! M t a n s itae A uaou e a a d ib e Kaeia» O N U * l u N t a p w «M r s h n l c d a a d K o i, u n i r ocoipeeed «( M cal O om lenable aud >e ii îi Ci. ] Vey <Jo»eU-e. M u s ilu e a i H o n g B Me- e lle top, t o u r c u ra. ft> lta > s S r n t u o i Paies» d h e p im t o n, a a d ib e b e a t Lus# o r D is is c Car* 0 I*a W orld. T a re * T ram e be<w oab C bi«w aessd laeoiu) n te e r jro m u. T w o T rein eb atw eeitc tai- ooeo *04 M ifissaaÿdja ao 4 Eu P a u l. Tto t o f i a m ALBERT LEA R O U TE.- d R i * c c 4 B in e! Lus*. «* Seoeca a n d K t s i f koe.taaa u a a ü r m s i p r a K l e i e r e s X le lm e ss, N orlgl*. F eerpnrt Mewa, Cite I <i s ç - a i, A tlanta. Au» a u, ilaeht jit» L e s u v U r, L a i s t m «, O t o i u i i l. IbEtlanapatie an d to l a c t l l r. and! ) n U a X is H «p - oua a n d #i, n u l and n w r n e a n u pom ia. Ail T b ro u c b r a w i K i n T reeal or. y te l S ip re e e *r»ir-e T l«*»» ro r este BC au STiMlpMl T ic * e t p lfluaa m Use t)t Û 4 a talé* a n d Canada. N A k ' g * «a r d la m e E h a n d ra.u a e f far* al.» ) *e N e O* g w p d i l e n Usa: o s e r l a ««d n s - ^ ^ J t o d ' n u r n u i m n. u u u, X *» and F o ld - " CREAT ROCK ISLAM D ROUTE, AC /o u f noaroet TuMeiOmoe, or «d fia «K. R. C A S l C. t, R T. JO H N, V * fm e A b a ts > <T C n t n i d r t A i A CHICACO. A» lu r k 1.1st t«f dise** follow» au unhealthy cnoduloii o f the liter, ou» nf til«inn*! Imiairtant organs of tb«body. Im pure blood, bmticiiitik. a*thina. malarial ditrauta«. onoautnulloo. slrk-bewlache, iunnuuw nf the skin, kidney* and heart ail may lie traced to faulty action or torpidity of the liver. No other Jtuown pn-poratlon so rapidly ami Miofuughlj r-etud-s a iji*nr,len«l liter a* Dr. Piere» * (»olden Uedlral ritanit«ry.n II ta pleasant to Mi«last«, mild U il sut» In Us a -tifili, am i a gift to suffering humanity from one ç f Mio m ost Inan* of the age. DR. WM. BRITTEN. Care <=f J. W. U it E L L i-.ibl-a.vr 1* YEMEY NTEEET, NEW YORK ÇITY. w b -n a le o toe b»w o aa be l e n d o r «ale; t i n M t o c O n e '[besptrllaa l papers» 4 M all U n.llrllb -n sjeelu rv,. ucowafut physli A Sao Francisco paper advertise«for a minister of th* (Joepel who can preach tw o strictly original serm oni every gabbati} one id th«m orning for minia, mint oo* Id th«evening for (ioben. Î H B 9 5 L T T E 0 1 r i R O N T O N I C T H E B E S T T H IN G K N O W N r o a. W ashing and B leaching In Hard or»oft, Hot or Cold Water. H * U B O R. TTWK «e d ROAR A M A J- Y. u l Hives ul»!vernal s«fji«raru uu. No, rie b o r vota, stornisi b«w iliu ta i IL Bold b y «il M foöers l t e w A M X o f im iia tlo p * sveli riempss t lo tn w N w l, R K A K L IU K U>* fl.nly»al t la&orxavnlf oempoood ftol ah w ays L w tbjahot* «nalw.atol n u» ofl J A M À s n u, s t a r r o K K. / Od* reason w hy tllseosea of lb* bh'lder and urinary nrwuis ar* so dloicalt to curt; Is Meat they frequently Lava do pm ooaoceil symptoms. H n c f s [ Kidner-iínd liv e r ) R r u k h ï 1e peculiarly islapb«! to the Miese com plain ta, and g o * at ones to the seayof the trouble gfriag relief at ooce. F R E E C I F T Í tnti* L THE VOICE OF AN(^EJbS, A N E JII M O X T H L y P A P E R. R lehin) A Froctor, ttw aatmoomar, my* that Mr. WlRinas e new umicio Misery is not worth notice, and that the Canadian weather prophet la «Uber a o-v- lle or a roan«. d e y o t e h t o sil i e c u in o o tr r t h e p k in c ik l i s rsokrlttno THK SWEITCa L PHILOS- OPHT, AND THEtB ADaFTABILrr r t o e y e b t -d a t l i t i ; Slow la Ms Oto vsiam w edcm pagm. will Os lesm f «to w» at a s Lbuzel MTMt. Sonns-vttlV. Has*. K ile* B evwts lor sinew o o p l«: per rear. In U n i i,, «I.ÍO t - u U n e is p m n e ila a. L a to ri amt n a H w to r to* «p e v a M M b» «b i n a t o i «a b o», to tb s «ní*t *l«iee R p e e im æ no p i to -e. JÎJLIA A. DAWtEY, Pabiluhcr. " W A V J E 8Ü 8 D I V t S Ë? v K E c o b o io j Is W r v k ltls. No Woman re*i- ly practice* econom y o alees «be use» the M am uud Myea Many pou ad* can be aav*d every year. Ask your druggist. Only 10c- Sim ple to um. W eih. OBvi Bvarwb. UVc*. tl J.. tooothly... Tbelfliaker Manifesto Shakero, M.!.. ma The Tbeowt-tilat Mad»*, tbdla. asantbl;. labi tar Think*». A ttaeta.g a Then were over 400 sutddai in th* United States In tba montii* of March, April, and May. i w S t M Ê

32 RELIGIO-PHIROSOPHICAL JOURNAL. lül^ 26, rmiltoonllnmhi'i r» * bave io lin over n wp»k;but lo maki*inquiries after knowmgi' ou tu y pari, no «Uhi tit pi liciti uhi iu the rnnilltlon of the crank, mut minie me unworthy of notice. Now, let me nay to you In nil jjooil failli, that if the talea told troni week to week in the Hannrr. are true. they Tire Hit* grandest illacoceri the world ever saw, T.'u*y settle forever the fact of mi existent!?after iteatti. They heal «11 the i»< volitions of the mto, >n the manufartnre of lace, shawl*. garments; Jewels, lumers.ilrt*»»- trlmml urn, arid hair of all colors and fashions. When luce can be nianufifctured by the hit ml* reds of yards off uu did bald head. It is time manufacturers! begun to iuqiilro into the nature of (he power that does all this; that performs these mighty feats. In the placeof all this InventlgaUou, of an inquiry into the nature of these transactions, the two papers enter Into a word quarrel. Into a piny upon w o r d s ; they parley over the meaning of the word "Materialize" as dellu ed by Webster, losing sight of Urn chrloslty excited iu the minds «( their renders,, by the statement of facts, mult rest the occurrences as something unworthy of inquiry or Investigation. and when I ask for greater lighten a matter wi grand. I mu treated with the same t that Ood meted out to Adatn when lie desired to investigate or learn more lli)ni lie was entitled to. 1 hope the truth Will tiri* UUiph, and ttml the day will soon coiue wtivn llie honest linestigator will meet with encouragement in Ills efforts, ami not. with silent contempt \ ItosECRAN». Clear Lake. Iowa, July Pith, m i. OAHSPE. ILi'v-Weighed In Different Balance* i s. t Varying Itesults. un To Um<Kdttnr <4 lb* IlrlliWldilliM-riilLlc»] Journal: In your issue of June 2-lth, la an article from «Sldartha, criticising Oahspe, the new Bible. Tills criticism, we think, is unfair, untruthful, and exposes more self conceit than vre had niiy Idea existed lit one whom, on account of his many good articles in the Journal, we hud begun to admire for hi«wisdom and learning. Honest criticism, when free from selfishnc»». we like to see, and believe H should he encouraged, but when one misrepresent«, in criticising what 1«new, be cause pet theories are hurt, or Imagined to be, U sounds trto much like the old leaders of theology, and deserve» the severest censure. We have read Oahspe carefully, but fail to find in the first chapter, which Is the one Sldartha refers to, a»ingle sentence which could be construed to mean that the writer Intended Jehovlh*» symaollc signature to rep- _ hin ' *. In chiniti read: iigt resent any living tiling created, as Sldartha claims. In chapter first, verse seventh, we "Chief over all that live on the earth I made man; male and female made I them, and that man might distinguish me, I commanded him to give me a name;-by virtue of my presence com mu tided 1 him. aud man named me not after any thing in heaveuoron the earth. In obedience to my wilt named he me after the sounds the wind uttereth, and he said K-O-lh. which Is now pronounced Jehovah, tind 1» written thus:" (as set forth In Oahspe) Thin paragraph contains all that Is in dispute.'ond as will be seen. Jehovlh distinctly»ays that the symbol given does not represent any living thlug In, heaven or on the earth. Nearly tno whole of Sldartha*«arlirle was taken up In trying to prove this very point, which Itahspe ndmlts on the start; therefore his criticism was all unnecessary, and Oahspe remain«as good as ever. The writers of that book were not quit» «<> Igiinrurit as Sldartha would have us believe. Thpy probably knew what they were taking about after all, which would have us believe. Thpy probably knew canno! be said of all writers. G. F, W. To Ibe Kdltor of lb* l l S l i b w n ï w i J i J o l Jem r a il: lined to answer Sldartha*«I would feel idci criticism of Oahspe, which appears In your Journal of June listh, hud he no exhibited total Ignoranre of that wonderful book. He says: *Tn the Ur^l chapter of Oah-pe we ore assured that Jehovlh created the living thing«of this world lu his Image." His argument then proceed* to demolish the statement of tile text; but os the text referred to Is liut III Oahspe at all, so for as I can find, or conceive to be possible from it* general teaching, (iwul I have read the whole of it) it seems to me to be a notable non tri/uitur. Again, why SiJartha, who exhibits considerable * compare Oahspe g.. vlh, seems equally»image. 1» it possible that a man of ««much ability is unable to distinguish the difference between phonollza tlon and Image, nr «hape? I have read not only Oahspe. but Sldartha» k, "The Book of Wisdom, and while I work, commend much lu the latter a«of value to the student, it certainly seems futile iij.lt«i i i e p v u u p iii * i t ç p r t w H i / u u u u i i i / i t a author, to A ttempt to give It prom l ne nee over Oahspe. There.is no comparison possible between the works, either as loahelr purpose or methods. It S«not my province to expound Oahspe. and I do not feel called itjion to defend It; but I can»ay with perfect confidence that Sldartha'» understanding fall«immeasurably short of auy true conceptions of it. Perhaps Sldartha 1«one of the factors contemplated by Oahspe, for advancing the Ko* mon Era; If so, our amusement at his singular mistakes, will not he the only good we shall derive from hi«labor and learning. Alhkbt Smith. suiiartiia's answer. It Is not pleasant to find out that you have made a-mistake. My criticism of Oahspe has called out words of defense from its friends, Albert Smith»ays I have made a non sn/ui fur," for Oahspe does not say that Jehovlh created the living things of this world in his image. Well, here is the passage, from the Book of Jehovlh,H chap. I., verses (1 aud T. WHh these two eutits*», iu llkeneh«there by of Myself, made I all the living....chief over all that live on the earth 1 made man; male and female made I them." So Albert Smith lias made a non rend it ur, and he hail better read hi-* wonderful book" before he»«same«to defend it. If he will look iu the Dictionary he will find that likeness mean«image whenever, used In such a connection. But (this well-read critic continues) Oahspe only usee the figure under discussion a«a ( ihonetic symbol." To this I answer, that it a Just so much the worse for the gross ignorance of the author of Oahspe. If it Is a sound-symbol, let us compare It with the actual form of the waves of sound in the word E-O-IH. The adjacent engraving shows the form of these waves, as given in the scientific work«of Do) bear», Helm bolts, Blaserna, and others. Tb# lower line shows the form of the ware«of sound made by. the wind anion sound waves. the lea»««/' to S35 Oahspe refers. Whoever»ays that these waves could be represented by a circle, shows that he knows exactly nothing «bout ádrele. I ask my reader* to compare (hese MJiindwave» with the tt'iiibdl from Dnhsjie and see if one could rcptcscul the otht. My article wn* based partly Upon the idea that Oahspe bud used tile ligure in a symbol of form, but Albert Smith «ay» I have unirle a **singular mistake," He will have to read hi* Look over»gain. I mude no mistake, gentlemen critics. Iu "The lord»' pulir tb It-sik," I'hup.!.. you will limi these words: " A written word I* an Image of nn idea which, hath been spoken." * As every living creature bull] a name, so»hull the image thereof and the engraving thereof have the same name." " God said: Many tribes have I raised upon the earth, and, behold, they have all written the mimes of all thing«,save only the Creator. Go to, therefore, and write llioft hi* name nlso. Man said: Ala&O lay God! I know tiu mime,»avo the nume«i have already marie. If I could hear the Creator or see him. then could t write hi* nume. God»aid: Thou hast named the windtwh sh!) which thou, hast not seen. Name itimi thy Creator. And Hi* name shall comprehend all thing«, far and near, seen wid unseen. Then roan drew a circle aud called it O, for U represented that which was without he- ginning ur end, and which contained all within it. Then man draw* u line cutting through the circle from east to west, to rep resent the light nf the east traveling to the west. Then man drew a line from balow up* ward, cutting the circle at right angle* with the horizontal, to represent the one road of all things, from the W toul upward forever. The first II lie man called K, for it was the same as the wind eja'hketh in the leaves. But thè second line he called 111. for It reptase lit- ed that unseen»haft that cutteth nil thing* in twain. And when man had cumple ted the he culled it K-O-Ill! God said; In^his.dííy symbol, thou hast found the way of n trite Kqunre (true cross) aud the four quarters of the world, Now this passage fully Justifies my article in the Journal of June 3Hlb. It was on Oahspe'» own pretended explanation that I based my criticism. Till* passage nulrins that *' the circle represents lhat which Is without beginning or end, ami contains nil within It." But the sound of the tetter O has both a beginning and an end. Neither Is it a circle, as our first engraving shows. Neither do we place the lips ill the form of a circle when we pronounce the sound of o. And neither I* the tetter 0 a circle, but it Is an elli ise. The circle whs used for Its form and not for Its sound, by llshspe. *The horizontal line represents light. 1 ask my critics If light mid sound are tin* something? " The u'rtlcal line represents the one road of all things." Agaiu I ask if a road and a sound are the "some thing? " lit tills, thy, symbol. thou.hast found the- way of n tuie equare." Agaiu, for lite thinl lluie, Eusk iny dille», if a minare la a sound,or i* it a forni f hi thefirsl chupter, "Jehovih" «ay» timi thè wlnd.ultereth thu sound» E O ili But on p, 12 God says that Hie wind uttereth the sound* Wll SH. Now which of these told ft lie? But this *' God" of Oahspe 1» just about ns wise, and as smart, mid as exact in knowledge, a* my critic* are. For this "God" doc* not know that a circle include* the two straight Hues, lie says that man made these cross line* after the circle was made. No circle exispyor can W made, which does not Include, as essential and Inseparable parts of jtself, llie-e three things, a centre, diameters. and a circumference. The circumference 1» not even the most important port nf. a circle. A circle 1» a plane, it Is uot merely curved line. A circle include» nil of Us possible diameter». God professes in this passage of Oahspe to be discussing the circle philosophically, and I shalmudge him accordingly. The first Vi verse which liiave quoted above, shows that Oahspe uses the circle a» an "*image," just as ( claimed In my nrttelcof June 2uth. For that verso says: " A written word is an Image of uu idea which hath been spoken." 1 took this to mean what it says. The word image " is used nine thin'* in the chapter ffom which 1 quote. No one can honestly rend that chapter and think that..... Th(}, and chapter was written, had teamed his lesson about the clrclo from Ma- ^earnituf «hoù'la find* It needful to homiltl* tena 1,1(11 <,ia' l/'r Bn(1 1 <1 * 1 rehltsv mtedof the 1*111use with what' >my Brtlcle «Represented It* meaning. «v I r a T ih í nho ette svnibol of Jeho- Elderly Gentleman " by whose hand ^ airinlin V u It muddloií brain that chapter was written. sotiry aud from floating fragments of upecu ' ' ' ide of iation which he found lu a multiti]' shallow book*. He did not hare an idea -.. y thiit auy one would question the time-honored symbolism of trie circle. But just ns Kepler rejected the old Greek Idea o f the circle as applied to the orbita of the planets, and instead of that proved they were ellipses; so have 1 demonstrated lhat the ellipse Is the uihlhematlcnl basis of. the myriad forms of nyi plant* aud animate, culminating in the Imposition against the 'ahi If the Bible-styte were natural nud not as- sinned in Oalmpe, then it would and could treat all these subjects in the same style, iu any one look. ' ihilispe l» a largo t(onk, there was room iu It to say much that would be of priceless value iu Blowing man, to-day, the true and new paths of happiness. But upon all these subject«of transcendent Importance It does uot throw oue new ray of light. It doe» not add one Iota to our knowledge on any of the dark and vexed questions of life. Its wordy descriptions of past nges seem very realistic to Its mesmerized devotee*. But Gulliver s Travel«and the Pilgrim s Progress are quite equal to Oahspe In this semblance of reality. In every chapter, almost, the author» of Oahspe betray their ignorance of truths which have been rompfetalj demonstrated. But Oahspd never stoop* to furnish proof of anything Which Is best, to swallow H» mass of pretentious, big-mouthed assertions, or to hrrvpt the clear and ever Increasing light of science and uomini inspiration? Oahspe betray* ItabeáStlytfrigin and spirit hy It* frequent use of the number», tell,»lx and eleven, In It» proposed plans of organ iza- IIall. It does not know that the univero* 1» all fmmpinpn the basis of.sacred number», and that tv miuibers It ha«selected are those which DCli>ng to the lower and beastly side (if mnn, ] warn the deluded followers of Oulisjuj lhat I have only just begun my attack ou Its wretched Imposture*. It lias the brand of h counterfeit on its very fare. It bears the stamp of falsehood and Ignorance through to It» last verse. Its scribe accept«godfrey Higgins a* good authority lu Language and Sacred History. But there I* not n scholar living at the pres cut day who does not reject Godfrey lllggius a* utterly unworthy of trust on these question». The Sacred Book of the 5Ioruion* has one lulndred thousand devotees. Arnold'» Origin «f All Thing*. Nason's History of Pre-lhsloric Age», and other competitors were already in the field. Oahspe ha* come too late. Satan 1» divided»gainst himself, and he cannot stand. HIb trick wo* too clumsy, hi* mask too ttdn. Ill» word* of darkness will vanish dnk b or sink before th e d ea re r, sw eeter and purer light now dawning. Sidartha. Evolution. Letter from (>. It. Ntcbhln», You ask ffnffv reader* to tell when and how they bernuie advocates of the evoluti"u theory, and I have read In ybur column* some Interesting responses to your request. More than forty years ago that remarkutde book, The Vestiges of Creation, turned my thoughts In that direction, then the intuitive generalization* of Emerson gave rue more light, aud In Hid I read with deep interest the more elaterrate and complete statements of Andrew Jnfkfcon Davis, in Nature*» tbvimj Revelation», Tims, hy about I was ready to advocate the new view* publicly. Years afterward 1 read the vjy tiabte writings of Alfred It. Wallace and Charles Darwin, and found that the careful experiments of these eminent sclentlslb,iargely verified and agreed with my previous studies. This agreement of the result» of outward experience and scientific investigation with the intuitive arid detlucirve statements of seers and clairvoyants gave me new evidence of the discovering powers of the soul and of the far-reaching facultie* of the inner life of man. The Arcana ot Nature, and other remarkable book» by Hudson Tuttle. not then versed at all Itl science by any study of books or man brain Itself, 5ty pretended Jehovih of Oahspe, cannot be honi-stly met except by proving that the ellipse 1* uot the baste of these forms of life. If Yehovih mad«all thing*, he surely know* their fundamental plan, and could not choose a false symbol, it* he has done In Oahspe. - The itymbol used In Oahspe, except the Inserted leaf, 1* evidently copied from the old Chaldean symbol of San, or Sansl, the *un- god. This Is a circle with the two diameters drawn In it. It 1* found very frequently on the old day cylinder». See Hawlln-on'» Five Great Monarchies, vot. 1, chap. 7, page 128. It certainly was not used there as a jpaoitdfc symbol. My critics are horrified at my egotism and self-conceit. But their horror Is j u roach misplaced as their ignorance. I carefully measured the geometric curve* in 20,(XX) species of animals aud pf&nts. I critically examined the fundamental,plan of structure In 100,000 species/ Now who l* entitled -to have a positive opinion about this matter, f thirthin. who have examined and measured Unfitting» I am talking about, or my critics and the authors of Oalinpc who have neither examined nor measured? Oahspe professes to be the «um of all corporeal and spiritual knowledge, as at present." Therefore, If it* pretention were true, It could not overlook the fundamental plan upon which all llriog things ore constructed. Albert Smith says that there Is no comparison between Oahspe aud my Book of Wisdom (Book of Life). I should hope not. For Oahspe Is like one of those staffed and facd-patnt- ed lubber clowns In a circus. He looks very large and very carious. But watch him, And you will see that It Is only stuffing and a mask that make him look so. Oahspe wear* the mask of Bible-Ianguage. As»non as it tries to state any scientific question or any subject of modem discovery, Its directions' for organizing, for teaching In schools, and all this, It U obliged at onee to drop the mask and use the phraseology and idiom of the book» and newspapers of the present age. of nature and the life of man are also Inexplicable. The same Hcierittete who accept the ether theory coolly Ignore Dully, and Immortality, and leave out llie positive power of all pervading mind a* u factor In their method«. Verily they " neglect the wulghller matter* of the law," and their method* are but frng- ineutary and external. Emerson i* wiser and more truly scientific when lie say*:? Ever fn sb, the broad creation, A divino Improvisation, From the tra it of God proceeds, A «logie will, a million deed*." When science recognize* the Inner life and guiding»oul of thing», as well a* the outer»hell, It will bo far umre perfect la method and richer in result» than now. hi that name Hostcn sermon Just quoted from 5!r. Savage, he snyb of science: * It» grente'it leaders are agnostic they»imply»ay. *Wo do not know/ in personal conversation with Herbert Spencer, he has given to liie his opinion that, concern lug the matter of a future life, science can neither afiirm tior deny. *Evolution,1 be say», 1dm not necessarily touch the question, it stands jiint where It did before. Such In»ulMtauce. also is the opinion of Huxley, of Tyndall, of John Fteke and the other great exponents of modern thought, both iu Europe aud America. Personally they may believe nr doubt, hut no wise or cautious man among them will clulm anj? scientific warrant for positive affirmation either way." With their present external methods of course they have nustich 'arrant, the more'* the pity for their poor methods. Home time since ftiilg»aid in a brief paragraph that Spencer and Emerson agreed subs ta lit tally. There wn* agreement In s o m e respects between these gifted and excellent men. but Emerson planted himtfelf on great spiritual realities which heoloquenlly affirmed and which the Englishman blindly ignore». their method* were unlike and opposite. Emerson's deepest mid most conmh-te. But enough, though much juore can be said. I oniy wished to give my reasons for a long advocacy of evolution, aud my Idea of that divine procedure. G iles B. Stkbbikh In Unity, Chicago, IU K Vital Force a* a Mean» of Cure. I received some time ago, n copy of U n fit fo r Thinker», published lu the United State» of America, tho leading Article of which, writ teu by Dr. Wui. Baker Kuhriestock. 1» design- ed to»bow that what are known a«cures by "animal magnetism. "electro-biology." nr, as I call it, "Vital Force," are not made by auy virtue emanating from any of the operators engaged In the practice uf them, but by fnlth, or a belief upon the part of the patient*, which is an act of the mind." lu other word», the cares are due. not to the heallngpower of the healer, but to a process of Innervation on the part of the patient himself. Judging from a very extensive experience fir * hy any experiment». «howed the.same»tibiar.... stantial agreement, and showed, too, a wide knowledge and clear mastery of scientific principles anil researches. All Splritunliste ire evolutioi-isl*..most of tho representative and more thoughtful Spiritualists hold the theory true in a sense far wider and higher than inductive science. To them evolution must go back to Home Intelligent evolving power. A* S. J, Finney said: "The ascent of.matter implies the d*- Hcent of snlrit." It iun«t reach up to ilfilij, and go with him Hirough infinite bges of a progressive immortality. Through all thing» lu the world of matter aud of mind governed by law and guided by n po Hive und infill He mind, an imirawd tendency Irresistibly stream»; would bean Inclusive general statement of the r views. The great primal fiery vortex held in H*e]f the power* to evolve sun aud planet», mineral. vegetable and man; each lower type hold» In Hself a higher; Motion, Life, S'ensation velopment are tetideijme* inherent in all natter; mind i* iu All and through all and rule* all forever; manjthe.microcosm i» indestructible In his Npiritiial personality, thus one may epitomize the leadlug Idea* of Davis and others. William Denton «aid: "Leaving out of view, a* Darwin aud hi* school do, the spiritual side of the universe, I regard hi* theory a* radically defective. I could as hoou believe that a boulder rolling down a mountain stream could be fashioned Into a perfect bust of Daniel Webster as that natural selection would transform a gelatinous dot Into Intelligent mabv An infinite and Intelligent Npirit, In uiv\pinlon, presides over the universe, and natural law* are ita lnstru: tlm'llts,"' \ Darwin, Spencer, amfiothers deserve high pralso for their patient industry and Its rich resulte, and for their noble fidelity, but we must "press forward to t\o tilings which are before," even If they cannot see the wa* to go with n s./ Scientific evolution give* us the growth of finer forms of matter and life, and tell* us of force and law a supreme mind or uu Immortal life for man it»imply ignores, Spiritual evolution gladly and gratefully accepts the work of science, hall* It«conclusions so far os they go, and then adds to them the «way of mlnd,-from mote* to planet», from dew drop* to sun«, and adds also the iromortnllty of tuna and Ills endless evolution. The last 1* vastly broader; far richer and more complete than the first. I accept the last, and so include thb first, as the greater Includes the less. iu curing by the agency of vital force, I can most emphatically UBsert that tha theory of the writer I* erroneous. Can the cure be attributed to the action of the palleul s mind on hlrnsplf when he 1«quite opposed to llu> treatment? Or, 1» it baby thus influenced? Or Is a person Ju a state of perfect unconsciousness thu* acted upon? I have hail several cane* of these different kind* under my care, and have sncceede)!. In one ca*o I miic cessfully treated a gentleman of twenty-four, suffering from brain/fover. Hi* father, an eminent clvlt engineer, sent for me at the suggestion of an intimate friend of hi*, who know* me well. In till* particular case, the patient was in such a condition ns left little Imp** of Imp*«o f recovery to the medical atten d an t. Tin* sufferer knew nothing of what I was doing to him ; b ut In n few m inute* after I bad operated, he asked me when the operation would he finished. I cun-d him lu Hplte of his belief, and clearly agaiust HIh w ish; aud now, whenever J ib meets tuelm repents hl»i>x- presslnus of gratitude. - j I have a I ten fled several habics;. goffering from different complaint*. uu4 have cured them; and the»mne thing has happened in case«where the pat lent»-have been In an unconscious state. Aiming these I may m ention that *>f a gentleman who fell from'hi«horse, receiving a severe blow on the bead, and being»1 the time uiirousciiiue, and whom 1 restored In a very short time. Can case* of lhi* kind be attributed to faith, or action of Hip mind, or innervation? [ ani ready to prove in many similar c»»e*, which constantly recur. that 1 posse the power to efleet such cures. But ill till* Jiiatler. a* in others. Dr. Falgteestablish a* a fact that consumption can be cured by the action of the path-nt*» own mind. This would involve absorbing the tubercles. 1»lippa*» that lie Is not yet acquainted with the discovery of the «miuent Dr. Koch, of Ber... ferlln, on the etiology of tubercular disease; for It 1* impossible to know till«aud to make such a statement. F. OtfKRlN, in L ight, Hug. Mis* Rosamond Dale Owen. The, lyiikoifle E xam iner does not appear to be lu any way spiritualistic iir it* prude- lie Hon*, for itthu* closes a long and favorable iiollco of Miss Rosamond D <lt«owen s visit with: " We had meant to deal crlteally with the question of Spiritualism, but In the presence of this earnest personality, and her perfect faith, and the traditions behind her In the reputation hnd memory of her predecessor* for two geuerallous, we felt that we must forbear." Thl* lady seem* to bear a a [u-rhoiinl Influence that commends her inis elon. The same article thus open«: " It was a foregone conclusion that the granddaughter of Robert Owen would receive a warm welcome yrhep ahe elected to appear ou public platform«in England. WIh row thirty The whole range of experiment and in- " *' wn,' vesllgatiun by which wc reach the unduln tory theory of light, and the scientific conclusion that light and heat are mode«of tno- Aifita rèste on wnattyndall call» The bold theory according to which all space 1«filled with au elastic substance (ether) capable of transmitting the motions of light and heat " la a late sermon in Boeton,5L J. Savage gave a statement of Professor Jevons that thl* ether is "immensely more solid aud elastic than steel/' and that "we live and move amidst It. This ether is invisible and 1m- S tibie, ite existence 1» assumed and ae * ' because, as we ara told/the phenome- cable. j y > «.... To the spiritual sciential Deity and lmmor ua of light ahd heat ara Inexpilcanle^v^ithout it therefore science «ara «* I tallty mist be; without them the phenomena I Coming from such a stock, It need not be surprising that Mis* Dale Owen's lecture» have attracted a large -amount of attention. Her rotesion iu England maybe safd'to be threefold. She desire«to show clearly to her hearers what Spiritualism ha* teen to her gnutdfalher.and father, ami herself, and she wishes to place these remarkable -men Bnd their worjts a* they present themselves to herself. She desires. also, to aid In the extension of co-op- cratimi among the working classes, and to help lu other social reforms. Her powers as an advocate are very great. She is naturally eloquent, and her emotional, nature La bo strong that her face flashes, and her voice waxes tremulous and pathetic when she speaks of»offering and Ha causes. The sweetne«and earnestness of her nature give to her word«an additional charm, and her thoughts are clothed In «imple, bat powerful and peranaslre, language. We regret that we cannot' folly go Into her enthusiasm for Spiritualism, hat surely, U convert* are to be made, ahe Is more likely to make them than any of it* advocate* we ever listened to, A«" an example of her style," n long extract i* given from " Man's Spiritual Pan- sibilities." Another long extract I* thus Introduced: "Ktoru n lecture on 'What ha* Spiritualism done fur níe?* 1 cannot refrain from burrowing a passage. Flue os It I» on the printed page. It loses much that It po»- BPsHe* when It fall* from the eloquent lip* of Ml»* Dale Owen." We would say to all spiritual workers Hint the wider we make our theme, and the more disinterestedness and love fur mankind are manifest, the greater will be our»ucee»» In our work. Let u«all open our heart* and deepen our cultnre.l/edfairt and L ay break Eng. i* Ifl» u m iiir r r AVilrri th e I.CTCN b e t firtinr " Every denizen ot 11» liealcd and dusty town long* Tor the leafr «lindee, the rippling brookeldn, or lordly lake or river. aiouuulu cra^r or ocean *>irf, anywhere, in feet, for heaven's owl and unlocird brwz- reel from engrossing cures of buxloims, recreation lb a larger Uau ordinary eense, Waudering through gm«u Urtee, treading rorwt eolhudev, following Hie Uejifu With Tod nud line, climbing granite peak«, drinking In the *aity ozone of lb««a breere. he coyice Imck to hlv desk ft browner and healthier, hadpler aud n tetter uum. TrNifect his footatop«in tho test and mod exp«- dlllous mqnuer to mime of the AneeLiiud most plc- luremjue (ihoery on llie American continent ts the object of twinhaudiomcly Illustrated and printed folders recenlly Xsne.1 by n. \Y, Rugglee, General Passenger Aged of The Michigan Central. If he de- slroe to ej*< the beet and must charming as well ns most varied went*, In the l«ajit lime, at the least «x- pede, and In the tadst comfortable manner, and to avoid all piywlble ilel.iv* and annoyance*, lie will write to Mr. Huggins at GfdcAgo, for these folders. Iti them ho will Qnd eic/fc-nt map* and hlrd'* eye views, with Iderieting description* of MACklnoc Island. Niagara Falla, the Thousand Inlands and Rapid«of the SL Lawrence, the White Mountains,' the wonderful Muskokn I^k«reglonrand other delightful summering place«, with time card# showing how to reach them. The eqnipmenl of the Michigan Central and Its connecting road* 1» unrivalled and neither psiui nor expense have been spared to bring every modern achievement of acirtice to Increase the m m fori and safety of the traveler and Taci lits Le his Journeying. (uticura POSITIVE CURE f o r every fa r m c f SK IN k BLOOD DINE ASK, f ill PIMPLË1 to SCROFULA ftchixll, «e s q. Ptnipir.seraruinus. inboim, cveiuavuus, 1 and I topper O ftoo-a M ir i«-, er (he Ulnod. Skin, and»calti, «tin i» n or IU.lr, U T p fn tu felrenr-d lit t b s C r o n i l l l l t s o u r t CVTRtK* Uk s o o t s w. Uve lin t blood ro rtflrr. e t u n e n Um bk-xl and prn(ilr*tl,«i» / l a d r i l l o»od polsomi u» rlrto e n u D el rim a r r i tue r i ««, o c u r r e s, m e «m i sa lo C ure, laslm nllr»ju is K chlo«sud In lu m m ru 'O.rlrii-ib i' s ilo so d OCSJp, h u i r Olcer* sod Hem, «od rselnm Ine Unir CUTÍtT S i S o ir,»»» q u ie ti» s u o IMsotllUv end T n lln ftequintc. prepsred frfrm i m u r a i, m ndupcn» ]:.]* m traat- InsskLn U lu-ura, l u b f llu o w rs, NklB-'IKiBUltifi, l rnf.llf.1 sud (111» Woo. K f "v o ir * e r r jp -r* u fr ir pur# su d tm -o o ljln rellliile ilio.«! l'iirjacrtïtarskti, Ik m tin rn le fttl ^ 'frt m iìr* l'ilo e. UuUcorS, fto ern ia; huap, Ï 5 Re-idrent,. C o p im i b j f u m i U si.,» s u CilsM- ic it. Co HrerroN. M w, ìrurtid tor -llcm lo Cure Btlu DUeam'- CAM rair.y CUARTn.-A rrita «-M gio.ras reteltr, D«ll RHK» BE Affili» Datlt t) ttt. Wrue "* e.»unison, Ij«W iikiaguaf5t.c ltka»p)u, TEACHER. A com potant Toaohor for fi Oollogo or advanced school is open for an engagem ent. Onn g iv o tho J te S T o f references. A d d ress W ALL,ASTON, care Lord Si Thomas, Chicago, Union College of Law, CHICAGO, ILL Til# Vail Term «111 Il'ilio S eu l imto. Tur ( I r t u l u s IL UOO IH, Un ice«.,. III. Biuitisg, FistnûËait Plsaare Boats. % W «Mil rmial^riiw POWELL 4 DOUGLAS«w«nkfcÌKii.lll* UMfkctfifrraii'f nfikjmìli* ruiiipe tte. CARBOLIC PÜRÍFYINC POWDER. Tire N (wml urti lllsliiirrh u ii.» s e a s rao T K cn o s t U i \ n Itetertire Nevrerage» Tvplinld Fever, Small Pox, * Diphtheria, A i ' n i D»«at*»» a n i s a n u n A I R. TIm>moat r e a»tde and plfecilre d U la fe rtu il known I» i d enee. r-ih l b» man» «Mc#»»rnl u*e. Sold t j *11 dnunniu. Hsa'itsctuml Kdel» b» A.MKM1L ANSA.1 (TAU Y ASSOCI ATIltX. m e t, Cblcacn, III' / T H E BASIS 0 F T H E E T H 1C A L t l f l V EM E N T. THE SOCIAL IDEAL, WHY UNITARIANISM DOES NOT SATISFY U8. THE SUCCESS AID UILUÌL Oi PEMESTilTlSI. TRX rtoilxr Cf KTXXTT. lm C tom b» W.M - W in W n, (b * S o d (o r E ducai Ctil- (ur#ilf CblCSc-A Prie# IO Cauto Hoch. fu t U le. w tw d m l# and use. i t 'i u n i i v. H o o t imyllbj cynteo toe a «J ei o-p b j u w o riu - T H O B E O F OUR CUSTOMERS Wîvo Ji»r* IHX nertrta oar 1-ackqt oí Uu Culled Sutlw, priste» la Colon, ebowln«me aew STANDARD RAILROAD TIM E, Standard and Sob U n * lo all (be U rte* so lb* C outloeat will here noe n u lle d 10 tb«rsortp«of reqweat on P o iu i; «r w* wttl Arad II to «o» on noettdor to csoartn lu rap * L O R D * T H O B A N, N ew spaper A dvertising, Oh loa go, Itl. IM I. I l I M T U. - I TT

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