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1 BACK UP YOUR BOY Bay an Additional Bond Today Hfnkpenbent-leaber "THtYGWITKEII LIVES YOU LEND YOUR MONEY" Buy Mort Wor to Today I -No. 5 Knl.cr«d us unrnnil < lnim matter _ ftt '»» I'n«t Otrico, Wnoribtliiga, N,.!. WOODHRIDGE, N. J., FRIDAY JULY 2, FIGHTING MEN FOR (FREEDOM l;i;i ZoltAn B. H, ;IIK Mrs. B. -it.v Street, n,in ilct,c{l trnin-.,i-inlimu!(l from IIYCS Technical l School nt Cha Sparrow, of 6" R, is fttaircraft artillery ivis, North <}aroky, uf 72 Coley pi'lllllo ted to bomof sccnnrt" Kiirsinc/ky, who is rtuivilre Army Air :!lf, California, Mt ami Mr«. I ;. graduate of h^li School. He en-.- Corps in March,,;vilian life was em- nrniian for General v!. McDermott, :-. Klsic McDermott,,y Avenue, reported ;tl tuc WAVES at -,, New York City,, McDermott gradu.lames' School and il'li School and prioi nt WHS employed by,«;nl Company, Perth.,im:ui, 2, son of Mrs,. (iri'b, of St. George Ui niiib. Woodbridyo i ;K u specialist fron - livn'e School, Great ; a Machinist's mate im'i'd to the petty oflv ' I'nniH'ii, first class Only 50% Of Drivers PayU.S.Tax Deadline For Purchase Of Federal Stamp Yesterday Ignored By Many WOODBRIDGK Motorists stood in line yesterday at the post office to buy the new five-dollar Federal Use tux stump to replace the 942-4I stamps which had expired Wednesday at midnight. On the basis of-sales, more than one-half of the motorists in Woodbridge proper have stamps entitling them to drive their automobiles today. Postmaster W. Guy Weaver said that approximately,800 stamps have been sold compared with a total of 2,800 sold last year. Althoup the '(leadline had passed, a line began forming at the post office yent«day morninir and continued throughout the day, Although motorists whs put their cars in dead storage need not buy stamps, those who drive muot have stamps or face a stiff penalty. The lnw provides a $26 fine or 30 days in jail for failure to buy the stamp. It appeared that many motorists plan cither to walk or to take a chance on being stopped since it was obvious that all would not be able to buy sumps today. Mr. Weaver suid, however, tha Rales are being made more quickly than :i year ago since all that is required is to put down five dol lars with no forms to fill out. ;. unsung heroes of the,i member of the u liihn W. Finn, son Mrs. George T. Finn,..-> Phiee, Woodbridge,. ;iduiited from ar. is-.- t for aviation mev- Niival Air Technical n:er, Navy Pier, Chilli- iinw will be nail y aboard an aircruft months of last year and January aviation base an through May of this year. During planes of the Navy's ill be eligible for a potty officer rating IK further experience Mrs. James J, Routing, -!, left Wednesday by jiil the graduation of laniard, from Officers' limd at Camp Lee, i : uteiiant Keating and.! return here with Mr. - -iiing for u short visit i aves for his assign- 'I'lrs riajbe.il, Jr., who 'I in Maryland is- now ' ii-day furlough with ii Avenel Street. He i" Camp Blanning, II.IIUT, I ' 3c, stationed I!- I., is spending his '": parents on Woodii', Avenel. lulls Lichttmberg, of ih" weekend gues. ' Mrs. Andrew Shaffer, \vfiiue, Avenel. i! I- Seel, Jr., son of Mr. Fl;l "k Seel, of Dunham ""lliridgc may now be >t :«7 SU-ASTP, iiiuie of 'Technology,.. I'a. Alfred 'Lage, has re- '-'nip Kilmer after l ' M d"ys with his par- ""d Mrs. Alfred Lage, lwiigcl Avenue, Colonia. Mis. James Tutin, of Street, Port Reading, ' ' 'I from the War Dc- : "' 'iuple Heart which "'. posthumously to their Michael Tutin who was """ in North Africa. ku.i,: \ jiior Nemeta has reliimpa, Florida, alter ' "ds in Culonia ovqr the Drop In Relief Cost Exceeds N. J. Average WOODBRIDGE Woodbridge Township is one of the few municipalities in the state reporting decreases in relief costs in excess of the State's average for the year to date compared with the same period last year, according to Charlei R, Erdman, Jr,, Director of the Municipal Aid Administration, in his monthly report for May. Although relief costs went up lightly in May in the Township there was still a drop of 48.S per cent in Comparison to the first five that period, in 942, commitments amounted to $30,29. From January through May of this year commitments totalled $3,0-48, During the month of May there were 93 cases including 3fi persons with commitments of $:I,!I2'. The local relief office expects a cirop in rejief costs for the month of June and further decline in commitments for July and August due to the establishment of Mother's Aid by the- IS-tate 'Board. Hitherto the State Board just took care of children and the mothers were the relief office's responsibility. OCD Clarifies Ruling On Dimout Area Driving WOODBRrDGE In order to.straighten out any question of the subject of driving ut night in the dimout area, the local Defense Council announced this week that in the dimout area at all times.low beam headlights mflst be used. In blaekouu all over the staie those authorized to drivo must use low beam headlights only. Driving with, parking lights is prohibited. All ears or motor vehicles tliat drive in the iijtatii of New Jersey regardless of the state in which they are registered must have the upper half, of their headlights blacked out for night driving. million and a'half applications alphabetically by communities. In - it-tit. GIUBU Anthony ^"attle, Washington, dnys thig week with IliuijHinin Thompson, \vt'mie, Colonja. i % ''" st Class Anthony llil: ' i-eturned to Ten if W«ek with Mr. and Mrs, John "' Iniiiim Avenue. Hunry ha 6 returned to hiw Rev. Galloway, Avenel Pastor, Joins U. S. Navy As Chaplain Navy Chaplain Retired Westfield Minister To Take Charge Of Church In September AVBNEL ircv. Chester A. fialioway, pastor of the First Presbjfman Church of Avenol, reported or duty as a chaplain in the U, S. Navy at the College of William and Mm y, Monday. Mr. Galloway, who has been the.under of the church since Jun HMO, has been granted a leave of I.ibscncc by the congregation. He jwiia graduated from -Princeton i Theological Seminary in May 942 'and nnlained by the Elizabeth i Presbytery in his home church in ll'lninfield. He was installed as pastor of the Avenel church the.-inme month. Mrs. Galloway and daughter Terry Ann, will remain at the Manse for the duration of the war Rev. Galloway, Wai presented with a watch and a sum of money by Rev. Chester Galloway I William Johnson, senior elder of the church, on behalf of the soci eties HRd oongrogatipn, Sunday. The pastor gave an impressive Overseas Ambulance charge to the members in a short farewell sermon. Purchase Club's Aim The pulpit will be supplied by students from Princeton and other WOODBRIiDGE The Junior theological seminaries during the League of Woodbridge Wood-bridge today, today' summer and it ia expected - tha opens a campaign for funds with RoVl McKinney, of the Westfiel which to purchasj an ambulance for overseas duty. The ambulance will cost $,304.- ih and the League, through various projects, hopes to raise sufficient funds to purchase tho vehicle. Miss Anne Scliwcnzer is chairman 'of the campaign and slic is being assisted by the following committee: Miss Bernice Copeland, Miss Lillian Gillis, Miss- Miriam Janderup-, Miss Marie Larseri, Miss iorna JMacCrory, Miss Rita Ncbel, Miss Ellen Koncz, Mias M-arion ''onnell, Miss Vivian Stetin and Miss Virginia Anderson. Donations may be sent to any of!h<: above committee, A pro ^,'ram of projects, designed to r;\ise moneyy for the fund, will be announced in the near future. Woodbridge Girl Wed In Presbyterian Rites WOOiDRRIDGE Miss Constance Young, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Young, of Buckneli Avenue, became the.bride.gf Paul Pysarchyk, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Pysarchyk, of Jersey City, Saturday afternoon in the First Presbyterian Church. Rev. Kenitcth M. Kepler,.the pastor, performed "the ceremony and Mrs. George H. Rhodes, church organist, played the wedding music. The bride wore, a gown of white satin with a fitted bodice and a long train. Her finger-tip length veil of illusion fell from a coronet of orange blossoms. She carried ;: bouquet of white roses and baby breath. Miss Bessie Young, sister of the bride, as maid of honor, Wore u blue gown styled similar to that of the bride and carried a bouquet of ten roses. Stephen S h Kilj Krilj, off Linden was best num. FINED FOR SPEEDING WOO'DHIUDG-E Henry Weiss, C2; of 00 New Brunswick Avenue, Perth -Am-bqy, wis fined seven dollars and, three Hollars costs when lie appeared- 'before Acting Recorder James S. Wight on complaint, of speeding made by Motorcycle Officer Rudolph Simon- SI- H. Smith A. Bmwn, 45, of III8 Halsted Street, East Orange, was lined two dollars and three dollars costs on a similar complaint made by (Lieutenant (if'»rge Balint, Tardy Ration Book 3 Applicants Asked To Wait Until Aagust 3 73r>,»l& copies of Wur Ration Book Three have been mailed to applicants throughout the Slate, OPA..District headquarters indicated that u tremendous job still faces volunteers at the OPA Distribution Center here. The most formidable job still to be done, according to r»tionmg officials, is sorting and filing the addition to this, there art: stril approximately 250,000 books to lie mailed on applications which were put aside, because of errors, incomplete data and illegibility. An apneal was made for more volunteers to come to the Mailing Center <», he sixth floor of the Hrn Dehartm«nt«hir filing and mailing job. j JU the application -.form. ld^bu cally rationing % there will be some delay dey» l ku 4 resbyterian Church, who was re ently retired, will take charge in he fall. Almasi To Collect Tin Cans Saturdays WOODBRIDGE Through th«aid of John J^lmasi, who has thi Township garbage collection con tract, the problem of collectinj lin cans for the war effort ha been solved. Mrs,_,Chester Peck, chairman the Salvage Committee of the De fense Council, announces tha every Saturday morning, begil ning tomorrow morning, Mr. Al masi's truck will pick, up "prepared" tin cans if they are left a' the curb in front of homes. M Almasi is not Teceiving any re numeration and has arranged fo the collection as his contributioi to the war effort., The cans must be washed, th ends removed and placed in th can and then flattened. Volkmuths Celebrate nniversary and 'Mrs. John Volkinuth, Sr., of Fulton Street, were honored at a party to mark their fiftieth wedding anniversary. The -party was arranged by their daughters, Mis, Jacpb 'Hilt and Mrs. Peter Keating and was held in the former's home on Albert Street. Guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hilt and family; Private -Raymond Geiiity, Miss Margaret Gerity, William Hilt, Jr., Miss Margaret flilt, Mr. a-nd 'Mrs, Peter Keating and sons, Raymond and Donald, Mr. and Mrs. George Volkmuth and sons,robert and Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Keating, Sr., Mrs. Loretta lalamov, Mrs. John Lewis and daughter, Dorothy, and On Active Duty Seaman William F, Burns Jr. SEWAREN Senman Burm, ion of Mr. and Mn. W. Frank Burm, of Eatt Avenue, llm Completed hit training in Torpedo School, Norfolk, Va., and Submarine School In New London, Conn. He left Monday for active lervice. A tupper parly wa» held in hit honor Saturday night at the Sewaren Land and Water Clubhouie. A Bouquet Kilmer Provost Tosses One To Local Police In Escape Case ' WOODBRIDGE Police Chief George E. Keating was commended this week by Lt. Col. (-. A. Rycraft, provost marshal at Camp Kilmer, for his department's co-operation with military authorities. Lt, Col. Rycraft particularly spoke of the apprehension of- a soldier, a former Township resident, whose name cannot be released due to military regulations, who had escaped from Camp Kilmer prison. The arrest was made by Officer Horace Deter, who found the soldier swimming in a pond near Iselin. The letter to Chief Keating reads as follows: "The apprehension of Prisoner escaped from the camp on June 25 and captured in Woodbridge area one day later is an example of the success that can be achieved when civilian and military authorities work hand in hand. "Your unselfish und energetic co-operation was of immeasurable importance in our efforts to return this escaped prisoner to custody and Captain Wellington, Police and Prison Officer, and I wish to thank you in behalf of all this organization for the help you gave us." Marie Pellegrino Enters Pembroke freshman Class PORT BEADING Miss Marie A. Pellegrino, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas L. Ptllugrino, of lfi fourth Street, a graduate of Woodbridgo High School, arrived ed Kvi>ry»» It 8 <irfu>n St.. WinMlirlitgn, N, J. Pete Dunn Decoration To Army, Soldier Publication Concludes High Praise Of Local Man h Song By Writer For Camp Newspaper.\t til'i Mimilininnjnrcil "Inducted came tu th basic, WHS= tnnw tlw ', Pete. Dunn, i-d it BTIUV. n ni' John Dunn, of Edgar Street 'i-t he unite H guy, judging from iiiiv ;iho\it him in "The, Sky- II'' '."..ol'lier publication at Jcfi-"'i Hm racks. St. Louis, Mn. A Stuff SiTCTi-sint, Pete, must be vri llviu opor'.sman and a good Mir for his comrades certainly ivi- him H royal send-off, But, lei,!li le speak for itdf: "tyte Dunn is a man of action. "After slwithini; every better blown nook and gulch in the group i'(-r three days, your Skywriter reporter found him on the practice range booming out the parts of rifle to ii flight of obviously impressed rookies. "The comment tnat S/Sgt. Dunn is a mn -of-aetkn- isn't just to much key clicking. Since arriving at JB a year ago last March he hns; mustered every job'in tlie group from latrine orderly, to, top sergeant. And that ian't nil. He holds the 2st record an a topnotch hiker. Every day during April, Sundays exceptcd, he and n platoon of new men trekked cron? country on hikes from 8 to 28 miles, Since most oftjs have had cur feet scorched at one time or another on such hikes we can view a feat like that with awe. Hit 'Preparation: "But stunts.of (hat kind are Tight up Pete's ayiey., He's been an ' outdoor man, especially in aports, ever since he started play ing cops and robbers back nrime in Woodbridee, N. J. Until he injured a shoulder gn the gridiron, he played football in every college n the country well, four of them it least alternating as tackle and guard, "A rather violtnt distaste of academics accounts for the fiance's colorful educational career. Fur two yetus he stuck to the gruelling schedule at Washington and Lee and then transferred to VMI for the football season, Come Springtime he went to Davis and -Elkina college for the baseball season, Rothfuss Home Scene Of Tea And Musicale W-OODftRIlDGE Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Jtothfuw, of Green Street, were hosts Sunday afternoon at a silver tea and musicale held at their homo under the auspices of the combined women's units of thy Trinity Episcopal Church..Miss Susie H. Dixon arranged the musical program which included organ selections played by Mrs. Sigurd Svendsen, "Third Sonata in ic Minor," by Guilmant, "Echoes of Spring," Priml and "Gregorian Chorale" by Kreidle. A group of soprano solos by Mrs. Clarence R. Davis included "When the House is Asleep," Pagot and' Ilaith; "I Love You Kii-stcrn college he m sports and nt Kwt Hayes lie Imrracks after his ikiii"! to the old 27th watehfdond help- "He bus contributed mik'h to the welfare nf the il«t and is rightly mud of tint group's A- training piogfiim." Ration Board Recommends License Loss For Violator WO0DPftllK;K---A f t e r n liiuiring held this week the load War Price, and Ration Board tnday recommended to tho Enf«rcement Division of the OPA that the driver's license of-miehnrl Kiiminskli of \'.W Coddingtoii Avenue, be revoked. Knminski wits slopped in English town and when questioned nr. to his reason, for driving rparcnind." The reporting officer ulso noted that Kaminski h«d six loose A coupons in his pockct- t»o«k wlw«h ho tuud hu "had taken from his book." When he appeared before the local bonrd this week, Kaminfki chimed he hud lost all his ration books and had sold his car. Firemen s Rites To Be Held Sunday PORT READING-Port Rearing Fire Company No, will sponsor a fireman's memorial service combined with a presentation of u lag of the United States on Sunday at St. Anthony's Church here at the 0 o'clock mass. The flag is being donated in memory of the deceased firemen of the company and in honor of' members now in the armed forces. Boy. Scouts of Troop No. 24, Sewuren and Troop No, B0, Port Reading and the firemen will assemble at St. Anthony's rectory at U:30 A. H., und will march in a body to the church. Andrew Desmond and Joseph Doolan will be the Guard of Honor for the flag. Rev, Mllos, pastor of St. Anthony's Thurch, as fire company chaplain will present the flag to Rev. Edward Sfcllcy, D.D., chaplain of St. Peter's Hospital, New Brunswick, who will receive the flag for the church. The committee in charge of arrangements is Chief Andrew Superior, chairman; first assistant chief, Andrew Barna, second as- sistant chief, Rinaldo Lombardi, fiaibby-martino and Anthony J. Mc- Nulty. Mrs. Hayduk,63, Dies; Burial Held Monday PRICE FIVE CENTS Local Pair In Crash Killing 2 Drewien, Companion Injured; Soldier's Wife, Mother Fatally Hurt WOOiDimtDGF> Two. local r«ll. dents arc in a serious condition and two Point Pleasant women are lieml AS tho result ot'tn accident early yesterday morning on State Highway 34, four miles from Colt's Neck. The local residents are Eekhardt Drewien, 38, formerly of UelVh t>nd former proprietor of a tmn at 304 Fulton Street and Julia Kozi, 2'.t, of 7!> Mnwbey.'tree!, both of whom are in the Monmouth Memorial Hospital, Mis«Koii'n condition is.critical. She \t being treated for ft fractured ikull and u- ]xw»ibl» fracture., of ih J^.._ Drewein sustained a fractured lt% mid a possible fracture of tli? skull, The dead are Mrs. Rita Harfii, 2C, and Mrs. Lydia Harris, both of 47 Holly Street, Point Pleawnt. According to the State Pollee at the Furmingdnle Birrackt, a ' sedan driven by Corporal Willard Harris, 2, of Point Pleasant, binbum! and son of tho dead womtu, jwas proceeding on Route 84 when lit was struck by a car driven by Eekhardt. Both cars were badly damaged. Both Women Di«Mrs, Rita Harris and Mrs, Lydia Harris were pronounced dead upon arrival ut the hospital, Other Injured, passengers in the HarrU car, were Corporal Harris, lacerations and bruises; Sergeant Auttin Stevenson, 27, of Camp Shank, Oriingebiirg, N. Y., possible fracture of the leg; Virginia Stevenson, 26, SOS Grove Street, Point Pleasant, possible fracture of th«nose and lacerations of the face. Drewien is married, but according to the authorities he is not residing with his wifo. His last known address was in Runyon Park, Raritan- Township. Sodality Elects Catherine Campion ' WOODBRIDGE 'Miss Catherine Ciimpinn was elected president of the Senior Sodality B.V.M., of St. James' Church at the annual meeting held in the school auditorluni. Hie succeeds Miss Susan Pece. Others elected were: Vie preii- (U'lit, Miss Roberta Sullivan; secretary, Miss Ann Concannonj treasurer, Miss Alta Ryun. Miss Victoria Pesce and Mia Mary Matter 'were appointed to take charge of the Jmemterihip drive to start now and to continue throughout tho fall. A contest tot swell the fund for the Summer School of Catholic Action is being OA'RTER'ET Mrs. Mary Hay- sponsored by <( Miss Maher and Miss duk, 63, wife of Daniel Hayduk, Pesce. of 23.Mercer Street, died Friday After the business session, a Truly," ibotl <i> and - " T > Lor( ' s at the Perth Anlboy General Hospital. home of Miss Susan Murphy with frankfurter roast was held at the at Prembroke' College in Brown p ra ycr," Mallott. Tenor solos University this week for a full were sung by JameaE. Prescot and Besides her husband she is suf- Miss Ruth Cahill and Miss Marvived by six daughters, Mrs'. Alex garel Van Tassel and their bands program of Freshman Week activi- included "'Believe Me If All Those ties. 'Miss (Pellegiino is one of Endearing Endaring Young g Charms,", ar- 'is-zwed, of Port-Reading; Miss Nel- in charge. F,8 new students who are en- vanee$ ny Wakerlin and "All;lie Hayduk, in Europe; Mrs. Waitenngjembroke j b k f for the summer ^hrough the Night,". Welch :j«e ^ ^ S - fo fort DeVCM Ccffirony In High School she was on the' ' Mrs. William tfeebe and Miss Wn, Mrs, Stephen Wyckoff and Senior Executive Committee and Dinon tervod a«accompanists for IMis.s Eleanor Huyduk, of icarteret William Hilt. [ was president of the Junior Red j l dhildren nnd t^c program and the former play- eleven grandchildren und one SEWAREN Mr. and M'/s. Stephen Majar, of Old Road, an- Mr. and.mrs, Joseph Keating, Cross. -She also worked on. the ed tho following piano. selections,.. great-grandchild. She is al»o sur- Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Keating, year book, the "Baronet," and took "Claire ^m,v c de Lune," Debussy; "A vived by a sister, Mrs. Michael nounce the marriage of their and family, imr. and Mrs, Robert part in debating -activities.» Poem," Violin Mmfko, of Nowark ami a Brother, daughter, Auxiliary Ann Gloria Scotch MacDowell. K Ay Powell, Miss Elaine Kollar, Mrs, solos played -by William Neebe Michael Bid, of Camdun. Ms»r of the WAAC to Kenneth Fiigen, and Joseph Vulk- (Jgfflgj To Feature muth. Under Auxiliary To Give Citation To Local Defense Council -Kven though in K in to the Mailing Center with questions concerning specie up plication forms. They urged alt persons, with mistakes to be corrected or adjustments to be made to be patient, and promised that all letters and requests would be answered. They guve assuruuee that the new ration book would not be put into usu until later thi' year, Alked To Wait 'Meanwhile, persons who did not apply for a ration book were advised to wait until lifter August, and then maku application at local rationing boards. Persons who sent in applications and who have jiot yet received books were asked to wait until '5,'and then write to the OPA.. Newark,»ntl give the name of the head of the family an entered on the appu«^'«oii form, sad fch&sm'ltil narp&<h'«f >h«idantitkation stub, retained by the applicant. WOODBRIDGF All members of the Civilian Defense organization are invited to attend a meeting of the Defense Council to be held next Friday night ut eight o'clock at which tiqie William O- H. McEnroe, deputy administrator of the Oflice of Civilian Defense of the State of New Jersey will present the local council with a Certificate of Approval. The meeting will be held in the meeting room of the Township Committee instead of in the control room. The certificate ' will be received by Mayor Au-' gust F. Gfeiner, chairman of the council and Thomas Z. Humphrey, executive director. The certificate was awarded, to the local Council after a state inspection held here several weeks ago, Pocktt Of Man Swimming h Looted Oi Wallet, Cash Jr., of 66 Buckneli Avenue, reported to the police Siindny that someone stole his wtillet from his ti ouseril which he left on the buuth while bathing at Cliff Road, near Ferry Street, Sewaren. the waltei tpiilamud twenty dullats, draft e»rd, driver's license and registration curd,»«r.m OutfftJJ - Plans have ieen completed for the family picnic to be held Sunday afternoon, and evening on Columbian Club Grounds on Main Street, under,he auspices of the Ladies' Auxiliary Division No. S, Ancient Order f Hibernians. In case of rain the affair will bp Jschiakowsky; "ISerenity," Frajiz. her home and from St. Mrs T R Jones was chairman metrius Ukrmnmn Church, of tr Mrs. Edward J of the -flf imuu( -'- De- Ca> Port Mass, terct, Burial wns in the Roschill f The bride is Rationed with tho was in Cemetery, Linden., IJ HOth. WAAC Hjeadquarters Conicom. pany, Fourth WiAAO Traini lg SPREE COSTS '$20 Center, Fort Deven». fiergeaiit AVENE-L-^ohnFojc,of25Cor- York is stationed wrth Company " Street, this place, was fined Ci 2th Training Battalion, She- ON FURLOUGH W00DBBIOGE PFC Herbert $20 on a complaint uf dnmkei'^mul g 0 Personnel Replacement De- Moss Main Street optometrist, ness when he appeared before Re- oti Greenville, P». now an instructor at Randolph corder Arthur Brown. Officer held indoors. Games for young Field, Texas, is home on furlough. Henry Dunham made the a'.tcst. end old have been arranged and ~" 'ejresltments will be available. Connolly Among Freshmen Starting StudyJt Lehigh WOODBRIOGE Thomas R. Connolly, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. Connolly, of 49 Grove 'Street is among the hundred freshmen who matriculated at Lehigh University thia week. Under the accelerated wartime schedule Mr. Connolly will attend the classes the year round completing a full-length course of study in two and two-thirds years. Rudash Infant Christened At Congregational Church WQQDiBRlDGiE-^.The infant un of Mr. aud Mis. Andrew Rudah was christened Balph Andrew at wrvictw held Sunday at tho Firbt Congregatjonal Church. Rev..William V. D. Strong officiated. ijpoitswrs wi;rt; Mis. Joseph Autunes, of (Perth Aniboy and A, Lund, of tuwn. Victory Garden Head Advises On Mid-Summer Care Of Garden WOO'DBM'DGiE "Insufficient watering of victory gardu-ns creates shallow rootswhich will dry up in hot weathev. A good watering should souk the ground to the depth of from throe to six inches," lint wus the advice given this week to victory gardeners by Mias in condition to absorb water when it falls. ic.outiinlillk her advice to victory^ gsrdoners, Miss Hen'ricksen stated: "The Mexican bean beetle, browjiish bug with 6 black spots, should not be allowed to continue living on bean plants or the yield will be greatly decreased. If you Margaret -Henricksen, chairman of 'notice holes in the leaves of th the Victory Garden Committee of bean plants or yellow aggs l.rr elusters on the undcrjide of 'beau the Defense Council. M^iss Henricksen pointed out leaves you know the 'bean beetle is that if the garden is watered that present. SprayW, or dusting with less frequent but longer wiitmings Rotenonu powder, a non-poisonou. are better. She also stated that the cultivation ot the entire garden should be continued once a week throughout the entire summer us cultivation kill's wtfau and m&kfes it possible for air to entui the soil and guts tu escape for roots ubt^'b oxygen and give off noxious gases. Cultivation,also matu soil Felice Donato Is Bride In Chapel Of Army School AVENEL Mr,-and Mrs. Patrick J. Donato, of 60 George Street, announce the marriage o their daughter, Felice, to Andrew (. Kuth, formerly of Sewaren, on Tuesday, June 5, at the chapel of the Ai-my Technical School in Chicago. ' The attendants were Mrs. F. Warner Heath, the former Jean DeYoung of Avenel and nuw living in Oak Park, III, and Ted Kwnczala, of Buffalo, N, Y. Merrill-IMrWeldw Rites In New York Church WOiOiI>BlUDOK-JHr. and, Mrs, George R. Merrill, of Elmwood insecticide, i» the tyst remedy for A.venue, have announced the m»tliage of their davghtej^. Eleanor, the beetles. Rotenone powdar will also control cabbage worms. to Oakley B. Blair, son of Mr, and "Very often seeds are planted imis. John BUir, Jr,, of Qreen in hot, dry weathlr with lit,u«sue- Sheet. Thu wtidding took plw«wi because a kck of moijtiirc Saturday afternoon in the prevents proper gurmination of of the Transfiguration, <New studs, To eneouruge gentiination City. Only members of the on page I diate fumilieb intended.

2 PAGE two CLASSIFIED OPERATORS WANTED LOST "A" gasoline ration book issued to K. E. Derrick, :ifio Cliff Road, Sewarcn, S... Finder plciise return. G-2 6 '. 7 " 2 LOST. "" and two "U" fliispline ratiofl book nitd tire certificate istufii Qeorec Bennulock Jr.,. r i4 Grant Avi'iuii.', Carteret. Finder plaiwo return. C.P.6:2fi;7:2 ' Official BW CertilU.lM All 8Ut«s Finrt National Titla Co, Hobart Bid. - Room BOO 280 Hobart St., Perth Amboy, N. J. 6-8to746 HELP WANTED MALE MA.OHIWIOT. Apply r.olonia Machine Co., 20 Eleanor Place, Woodhridge, N. J. 7-2^0 HELP WANTED FEMALE WOMEN WBiitfd to operate»cre\v machines. Apply Colonia Machine Co., 20 Elenuor Place, Wood- 7 Mrs. Brady Hostess At PTA Card Party AVFNKI. Fi irmls and mt-mlioi To work on children's drwses. of tlir Pui'i'iit-TcnchiM' Assn- Steady work; one weelc vacation rinliim iitti'iidf'i! the first in n Kinpp of aflcrniir.n rnnl pnvtifvl.cld with w, good pay. Apply at the homo of the pivsiiimt, Mr. Eilwdril Brady, oil Prnspirt Oartct Novelty DrcaR Company, AKfnni', Wi'dncsdny. Mr?. Km nk R"imer wen the upstsln, 65! Roosovlt Avenue, prire fur fan-tnn; Mr. R. (!. Pfricr Curtenrt, M. J. Ifnr hitfee. Mr Cirl KlicliiiK :<:ui Mrs. Klm<M HIKIHIPII, iion-pliivn-?. Mrs. I'CTMT iilsii wnri I he spi-cinl WANTED MOD WASHING MACHINE. Othor-i pi'rsrill wiiv; Mr. Fnink Write Box k, r " ('iirteret 'onekv. Mr?. Arthur.Johnson, M"-. Arthur FriTfinti, Mis. Willinm I-.i ForRB, Mrs. Waller Cook. JN<" ' RADIO REPAfR Bob'n Radio Service 7 Sherry Strct't ("hnrli.- Mizci.'i, Sr., Mrs. FYiink Fclzmnn. The next parly will he held at Won-lbrUfjf. M... the home of Mm. William (irnhiim Telfphonr WO. K-(I44 -K 0-25;7-2,9,6 on!hul.«<m Boulevard witm Mrr-. Walter f'nok as ro-hoftc-i nt a time to he nnnmmrod later. George Lowe Honored At Farewell Party LOST liors" (if (iiorjic I.owe, of Avenel RATION' BOOK #2 issued to Mm. Stroet, linnori'il him ut Hirprisi' Veronica FuMn, 4 Coddinjrtcm farewell party at hi" honii' on ttiit- Ave., Averre], N. J. Finder puftte urilay iiiuht. Mturn. «-25;7-2 HELP WA.NTED FEMALE GIRL wanted to take euro of child one nir-ht a week. Mrs. Norman Dinnaen, 530 Olive Place, Town. 7-2 Mr. I.owc, whu U to be inducted^ into tln> Army Tui'stiay, was presented with :i pen and pencil set. Present weve: M\ irml Mrs. Robert WUJIH, Mr. mid Mi'ii.,tny.Swn?,- land, Mr. mid Mrs. Jolm Ionahu<,>, Mr. (tnd Nft' s. Orrin Miller, Mr, mid Mrs. Frnnk'Ciimpola, Mr. :md Mr«.,Iamc^ Nnznrro, Mrs. Ann Ti-rbceki and Mrs. Florence Ivmiestki. PREPARE FOR THE FUTURE! Learn A Trade NOW That will provide you with work i» K" ( 'd or had times. APPLICATIONS FOft LEARNERS ACCEPTED IJJOW GOOD PAY wmra LEARNING Consolidated Cigar 737 Cortlandt Street Perth Amboy, N. J. Summer - - And Dale Evans The bftthinpf-briiiily icanon ;ind Invrlv Hnlc Kviuis matte a grand combination, m \ho t;\r of "Swini Your f'nrlnf;r" nlinws us how A midriff»uit can look, with tlie- pi upt;i t uopf ration. FRIDAY, JULY 2, 943 Civilian Restrictions On Ocean Beaches Cited By General Terry WOODBRIDGE Major Genera' T. A. Terry, Commanding Central of the Second Service Command, today reminded residents of this aroa that the restrictirmr announced last year on the use of ocean beaches, are still in effect. Ho explained that the restrictions, proclaimed by the Eastern Defense Command, are required in the interests of public safety and security. The Coast Guard has been requested to assist in their enforcement, he said. WIRE AND CABLE MEN-GIRLS-WOMEN FULL SPEED AHEAD ON THE PRODUCTION FRONT. MORE WIRE AND CABLE IS NEEDED OtTTHE FIGHTING FRONT YOU'RE "HIS" FIGHTING PARTNER FOR VICTORY PRODUCE FOR INVASION NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY IMMEDIATE PLACEMENT PERMANENT INDUSTRY TIME AND ONE-HALF PAID FOR OVER 40 HOURS TOP WAGES PAID APPLY AT ONCE GENERAL CABLE CORPORATION PERTH AMBOY, N. J. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE DAILY 8:30 A, M. TO S P. M.. INCLUDING SATURDAYS BRING PROOF OF CITIZENSHIP «Thoie now engaged in W»r Work will no^ be coruiderwd ft t if 6 -k,' The proclamations require that jail persons on beaches must be able : to identify themselves satisfactorily at any time and to explain their presence at any time. No one may use cameras, binoculars or signal devices within the reftricted beach area. Certain locutions are posted with signs; against parking or lotteiing. 'Landing from boats, othet than at regular landing places, is forbidden. Normal traffic may continue, but no one may be in the teach zones between aun3et and sunrise. Reitrieted AreM Beach zones extend 00 yards inland from the line of mean high tide, except where a road, railroad or boardwalk is closer to the water. In these cases, the beach zone extends»"ly up to tho railroad or boardwalk. Residences, hotels, dance halls, piers or other public or private buildings that extend into beach zones or lie entirely within those zones are not restricted except that entering or leaving between Registered Firemen Plant Operators Steady Work Now and After the War Good Future ENDURETTE Corporation of America Cliffwpod, N. J, Those engaged in war work need ngt apply. oftortime SPEM f Avenel News - Mrs. IT..T. linker has returned In her hiiinc on Hyatt Strret after pprtidini; ipvcral days with her son-in-law :md daughter, Mr. and Mrs. ('. Wilbur linker, in Hosier. MIFI..Iiilin Dimahur and son,.lohn.h\, of Avenel Street, are visiting Mis. Donahue's parents in IVeM,il. N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Wukovetti, St. George Avenue, attended flic liis mass ci'lelirated by Rev. (ii-<n-(v(> (', Roaenkrans, C. S. S. H.. :i cousin of Mr. Witkovetn. The occasion was lasl Sunday in the I'liiirch of Our I,ndy of Angel?, Bi'ioKlvn. A breakfast and reception for members of the family followed the service. --.Mrs. Harry Sloan nf Madisnn Avenae was this week's winner in the flvess t'luli sponsored by thn Woman's C'luh. Mrs. William DetWeiler and Miss Mary petweiler, Avenel Street, have returned home after visiting in Atlantic VMy. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Waura and hildren, Mailinon Avenue, are the guests of relatives in New Haven, ('omi. -Mr. arid Mr.". (I. M. Hannen and children, Avenel Street, are vacittioning f.ir» month in Keans- Imrg. -Lieut, and Mrs. Joel II. Richards are piircnt» of «dftnghtprl Lynda Ruth, hrtrn Wednesday in Hahwav Memorial HospiUil. Liiuil. I'irhardf; i^ overseas and Mr". Riehards, formerly J»Ksalyn Hillier, is making her home for the duration with her parents on Woodl>ri(ige Avenue, Miss Frances Hillier has returned to her home on Woodli i<l(re Avenue after spending several months in Salt Lake City, Utah. The Vacation Bible School held for the past two weeks at the First Presbyterian Church will hold graduation exercises Friday at 0 n. m, Awards will be.!' '' ihiited and a demonstration of work will be made, The Every Woman's Bible- Class held its closing session until Septembef Tuesday at the Presbyterian Church with Mrs. C. A. Galloway as leader. IMiss Sophie:, Bebkowitz, of Linden, wns A weekend gueat of Mv, and Mrs. Louis Munkasey, of Smith.IStrcet. -Technical Sergeant and Mrs. Joseph Onuska, of Camp Pindaln, Fresno, California, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Gerakami family, Mr. an Mrs. James Westbvook, of Homestead Avenue, are in Boouton where they attended the unset and suririsn must be on the ndward aide only. All the beach ones are marked with warning igns that indicate the boundaries. /toy Does The Uncle Sam Hoe-Down The KinR Of The Cowhovs find» time, in spite of hi bu»y w»rworlt and production»ckfdule,(o take cure of a Victory Garden. Here Roy Rogeri doci a bit of hoping for Uncle Sam! funeral of Mrs. Wentbrook's Inther, Lawrence Melick, who died at her home on Monday e.veniiih. imr, and Mrs, Louis; fleni'gy and children, of Burnett Street, are spending a week jji Laurence Harbor. Mr. and Mrs. GeotRc and family, formerly of Fifth Avenue, now of Jersey City, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ferrante, of Livingston Avenue..Peter Psota, of the U. S. Navy, located in Ohicajrc, was an oveinight guest of Mr. and Mrs, W:iltei Cook on Livihgston Avemu, Wi'dnesday. -tot. and Mr.?. Frank Wukovat«, of Bt, George Avenue, ultendad the first mass sung by the former's cousin, Rev. George ('. Rosenkraus, of Brooklyn at th<' Church of Out' Lady of Angels, Sunday. Which? A Washington question and answers editor has this tii contend with: "I want to build a compass. What, arc the directions?" The Detroit 'News, Paradox. This is a funny world, Its wonders never cease; All "civilized" people are at war, All savages are at peace. The Christian Herakl. WE PAY Ready Cash FOR YOUR CAR Whether it it paid (or or not. We will handle nil of your automotire problems If you want lo buy, tell, finance or have your car repaired, ice Joa Janat. SPEEDWAY AUTO SALES Co. 823 St. George Ave. Woodbridge Phone Wpodbridge 8-0J49 We tell good transportation, not merely u«ed carl. -I.F.AH fcontinued ft^n /, after visiting with in, s sistei'-in-law, Mr. nini Dockstntlcr. (if Sc! Womlbridgp. onrt class, IHNI! W Wellington, I. ('.,, with her piirimik, \, Orvillo Barkcli'v-,' Place. Windsor., Lnij,, New Strrot, Wiiiidlir,,! I iittiiohcd to C.iiiiti (j. quartern at. Wii:0i'ni i: j whrm he is tnkinjf ;i,.,, : togiupliy. iripc Rdwnvd..!,?,»]},, nnd Mrs. Thomas /.ulln Avenue, IVili. Re:idii jii iiiluatrd from i\\ v ( (-h:\liics School HI l '.v -on KioW, Novth C:u,, Victory (Contimwil fnnu of summer sown,, M,i inj; method, is nrnm., i^ furrow 4 inche i.. fnrniw with wnlr,.,, soil with the wet..,,: until the di'sivi'd I,.,-I. thf seeds is iihliiin. tin n be planteil it, i WfiU'r from lr n>., Miflk the st'i'in, ilin and p {(uiekt'ivj^i'i in... GARDEN DiSAi- SL Juaeph,' M.i. ;; out.cf th winrinw, Garden, Jw Sutn Sieve his eyes when plained that a scwdenniued the soil. Hi^'l Every Repair Job F Guarantied. For i new parti or n>,'ulail bring your watch to ALBREN TnJ.. ; 33 Smith St. Perth Ambnv NOTICE TO ALL I HOLDERS OF CAS RATION BOOKS! OPA has recently released thousands of new Oldsmobiles for rationing, and has sweepingly liberalized rationing regulations NOW YOU CAN BUY A NEW OLDSMOBW your driving is essential. The new car rationing regulations are extremely liberal, as explained below under the type of gas ration you have. See us at o^ce for full information. your present car has been driven over 40,i> i»i miles, or if it is a 939 model or older, y<"i should be eligible to buy a new oar for essent i.il driving. i,et us help you 8 out yourappliratioii. it DAY AND NIGHT 'long Distance" weaves the wires that bring together voices of millions of Americans planning and producing to speed victory. it The volume of calling clfmbs higher and higher but we cannot build to keep pace because of lack of materials. Now more than ever your help is needed to make loog distance serve the Nation's wartime need to the utmost. Please avoid calls to war-busy centers in the South and Mid-west unless they are absolutely necesary. And keep the necessary calls as brief as poisible, in vat t ia Victory! Buy U. S v Wtr Btmdt tnd S T/W 6tMt» Md four help. NEW JERSEY BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY f ^ YOUR OLDSMOBILE DEALE ALL.'ROVND, ALL-QUALITY. ALL-CAR SERVICE WOODBRIDGJTAUTO SALES 475 Rahway Ave. Tel. U-000 Waodbridge,

3 Hollywood Notebook ( :l- war [ uiiicrii inc wil to whether bright rod. pictutm or r with some ve- ;ir that good, in-,,, irfctc(l pcr- i.icmirps will be well I, v the puhuc. while '.,,: emphaticblly de- es- I,,, niililie wantu form of'munlfnreea. It alli! well-balanced iliat a..., include 'both would provide films pnitnroriwta of each could choose, have a strenthc role of,,f "Frenchmen's,, ( girls are not pro-,, l;nly of the court of I,,, js supposed to im- i hii'hwuynmn ^nd hold i.,. pistol point; be cari',ii,iti' ship where she \ :]\, m hoy; swim ujder,.':,.,n three boats adrift; r:,vo differ villimi, not to menii!.;<'!mis exploits. changed the huir apam. It's now,,,, Congress»hll make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; ' or abridging the freedom of speech or of th press. v -U. S, Comtitiition tn hor seven years in Hollywood, her hair hns the ffnmnl of color from deepest black to lightest platinum not to mention a couple of pinks thrown in for bad meanurp. H cr current role in "In Our Time," calls for red hair and she obliged. Although the script called for the slapping of Gloria Holden's face for a seen in "Behind the Rising Sun," the Chinese actor playing the role of a Jap sohief Who was supposed to do the slapping refused to do the slapping, explaining that no Chfneses will ever slap, a woman or chilli even in acting. So, it became necessary for Director Edward Dmytryk to make himself up as a Jap and deliver the slap. Victor McLagleti is nnt the only big member of hjs family.- He has'six brothers who are all'well over Rix feet tall, and proportionately Well-developed; his son, Andrew, is 6 feet 7 inches tall and his daughter, Sheila, is an even 6 feet. When the location site of Judy Garland's newest film "Girl Crazy y was reached hd hear Palm P Springs, t was found thai there wns a hnrtnjre of the necessary cactus plants to Rivo It the right atmosphere. Consequently, the prop department went to work and produced two truckloads ol "phoney" cactuses. There was juat one thing wrong yet, though, the two species varied in color ftnri the technicolor was sure to show the difference up. So--thc prop department jrot busy with their paint cans and made 'em mutch. When George Sanders turned down the role nf the leading Nazi in "The Moon ia Down," it w:is offered to Sir Cedric Hardwieke, who frankly admits that he accepted it because he needed the money. He did so well, however, that he lias more offers of pictures than he can handle. It just goes to show that you can novcr tell! A'MISUNDERSTANDING Salem, Ore. Loading bis household gooda on a "drive-ityourself" truck, Uny Hctzer carted them to his new home 25( miles uwiiy in Klamuth Falls. Arriving exhausted, he hired two men to unload the truck while he went to bed in a hotel. The men misunderstood Botzer's instructions ami, instead of unloading the truck, drove it mid the furniture all the wuv buck to Salem. Your good will to us and our duty to you is reflected in a common bondship of Americanism. A free people and a united nation is symbolized by our flag: the key to our spirit of service to this American community. FRIDAY, JULY 2, IMS Three Yanks in 'China Thi«tHo William Bendix, LnretU Younn and Alsn i.udd mean buiinen ai they wave their prtcket nrtillprv in the powerful new wtr film, "China," to be at tke Railway Theatre, Sunday to Wcdneiday. OBITUARIES John Wetzel, Jr..services were held Tuesday morn ing at 8:0 o'clock from the house ISBLrN John Wetzel, Jr., r>3, and at! o'clock from St. James' <if Block Avenue, died Tuesday ght at his home. He is survived Church. Burial was in St. James hy his widow, AcMle Btcker Wetze! Cpmeitery, Woodbriilge. i.ml a daughter, rjc.len E, WeUo'.. Mrs. Elizabeth P. Miles Di Inrlili. y AVENEI, Mrs. Elizabeth Funeral services. W«re held last Mil»«, 70, af 964 Ziegler Avenue night at the home. Burial will be died Sunday in the Roosevelt Ho's held today at the Lutheran Cemetery, Middle Village, Long Island, pital. She is survived by thre sisters, a twin, Mrs. Grace Shield at the. convenience of the family. of Avenpl; Mrs, Anna Berton am Gennaro Zullo Mrs. Mary Thomus, both of I.o An eles, California; two brother: PORT READING Gannaro,j o hn C. Horton; of Chicago an Zullo, 79, of? Edwin Street, Carterel, William C. Horton, of Scattl formerly of this place, died Washington and a niece, Mrs. Jo Saturday at the Perth Amboy General nie Mulvaney, of Chicago. Hospital. Mr. Zullo was a member of the Miss Elizabeth. Murphy Italian ioolumbiiin Society of Port WOODBRIDGE Miss Elizabeth Reading. He is survived by his widow, Caimella; four sons, John, of Port Reading; and James, Carmine and Neal, of Carteret; two daughters,""mrs, Antfelo Pasquale. and 'Mrs. Joseph Foti, both of Elizabeth; a brother, John Zullo, of j'nrt 'Heading and sixteen grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Funeral services wore held Wednesday morning at i o'clock from his home a\id at 0 o'clock fron St. Anthony's Church, Port Reading. RuriaT was in St. James' Cemetery, Woudbridgu. Kathryn C. Kotzum. WOODBRIDGE Kathryn C. Kotzum,,'i, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kotzum, of 4 Main Street, died Saturday at tile Jersey Cily Medical Center. Funeral Murphy, of 340 Amboy Avenue, died Sunday nighl in the Middlesex Nursing Home, Metucbcn. She ia survived by three nieces, Miss Susan Murphy, with whom she made her home; Miss Madeline Kelly and Mrs. Susan Finch, both of -Palisades. REAL FILM FANS Los Angeles. Little Jerry Larrimore, (i, and his sister, Arleen, 5, went to the movie theatre when it opened in the morning. The janitor found them still there at midnight, after they had watched seven features, four nows reels, four Goverrtment shorts, four car toons, a,preview and a stage show. When police carried them home, the first thing Jerry wanted to know wai whether m- not he could go back the next day. Iff Open House Sided Each Saturday By Sewaren Club SR\V.\RF,N--Open \\a\nv foi nu'nirtcrs and the yoimgt>r resiof town was planned for i'iich S:it\mlny night nl the Lund and Wiitri Clubhouse by the Sfwuren Ki'iuiblican Club, Inc., nt n meetimr hold Monday night with President Diinipl V. Rush presiding. Michael Quinn win appointed i'haiim:in and will be assisted by Mri. ijiiinn, Mis. Harry Ilntsi«y and Mrs. William H. Willetto. It. wii ;n decided to hold a social each mr»day night with Elmer Krys, chairman of the "Ways aiiil runs committed, in charge. The iiiinual report of the trens Sewaren Personals By Mr. B«r»i, 4»0 Erftt AT« -Nine Troop No. 3 spent the weekend nt he scout cabin-in Roosevelt Park. -Miss Mary Constance Ctark of Cliff Road left Wednesday mornng far Chiuitauqun, N. Y., where «he will net us councillor for thf summer. - Mrs. Ward Bright of Wildwood wus the WK'kenil guest of Mr, nnd Mrs. Chester tfilamwitu ot Bant Avenue. Mr. mul Mrs. Richard Kruiff- IIMUI of WoodbrTdEe Avenue were ho«t<( to Sergeunt Chris Robinnofi of Camp Hale, Colorado, this week. I ]' Mrs. George LufTbiiny, wns (they also ontertnii^d.private <fc> ml. Mrs. Albert Anderson nml Th(im«i> IW ot Tfcjineisee at diuiier, Sunday, i<. I.ntTbiirry wci'p appointed tn irnish icfreshmonts for the USO ay from the club. Tin A supper party was held Sat. follow- i'rshi. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth utlcr. Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. rkeim, Mr. and Mrs. (. ',j',"' Harry Halsey of Cliff- Road wh<v 'ilarowiu, Mr. and Mrs. Albert 'I. v F. 'tpdrted for duty with the U. 8. and Mr. and Mrs. William Navy, Monday.norning and for During the social hourr-,, Seaman (sic Willinm F. Burns, Jr., efreshments were served by Mrs MIII of Mr. nnd Mrs. W. Frank ush, Mrs. H. D. Clark and Mrs. Burns,^rf Kflst Avenue Sean«n. B. Kankin. Ladies' Guild Card Party Held At Land,V/ater Club SEW-AREM The Ladies' Guild if St. John's Bpiscopnl Church idil a card party Thursday at the ittiid and Water Clubhouse. High cores were made as follows: Pinochle, 'Mrs,.. Oliver. "Mrs. Albert Anderson. Mrs. Joseph ivr Ai!. Thoraaa Dcrintr; rummy, Mrs, Borge Peteijpoii, Mrs. Arthur Tinnie; bridge, Mrs. H. P. Cooper Mrs. A. W. ischeidt, Mrs. Charles Klein, Mrs, F, J. Adams; fan-tun Mrs. Lillian -Morris, Miss {liars urday night at Oie Scwaren Land and Water Clubhoune in hemop cf Rnyniond Jemen, son of Mrs. Burns has completed hia training in Torpedo School, Norfolk, Va., nr.d Submarine School, New London, Conn., and 'eft Mond-ay for service. Stephen Mii7.ar, Jr., son of Mi nnd Mrs. Stephen Masar <lf Old liond is the fifth child of H family of six to enter the U.,.S. Armed Forces. Stcphun, iormer assistant cashier of the.fordj National Ban!; PACE THREE :neinbers of (Jirl Scout left Tuesday morning to re-port for duty with ihe I'. S. Navy, Thre? other sons are jcrvinir $nd on (' lighter, Auxiliary Ann (Jloria of the W.AAC, There is one daughter, Theresn, a high school «Uldent at home. Mis«GcraldiM Mc(i«rry of West Avenue is visiting her sis- Nelson; iioti'plnyers, Mrs. William B. Willette; door prize and special tuvard. Mrs. Klein. Mrs. illnrry Hnlsey. chairmiui, \V:IM assisted by Mrs. Michael Quinn, Mrs. Arthur Hanie and Mr?. Simon I^irson. ter, Mrs. Russell Smith of Vaux Hall. --jj-eon SullK'an. Jr., son of Mr, and Mrs. Sullivan of Pleasant AVH nue left last week to enter the U. S. Navy., Miss Dorothy Wooton has reurni'd to hcr hoitu in Plainfleld after visit with Mr, uml Mm. SU inon Lnrson, Woodhtidire Avenue. Private Charles Kiumn l«ft Tuesday for Camp Wolkrs, T«x«S, after ft fifteen day furlough apent with his parents, Mr, tind- Mr. iruolph Ku».ma of West Avriue. Mrs. Joseph Turek ami daughter, Miss Eleanor Macynr of Cliff Road hnve. vetnrned from B.trip td Florida whert l-liey visited Se»- man («Alex Mngytir who in st»- tioin'ifat Pens»u:ohi. Sew»rcn Day is being obiervi'il at the I'SO moms in Peith Amboy this afternoon jind eve- Ring. Se«iimn (sci ipeter Fenick spent the weekend with his parents n Robert Street. A class in first aid and u ICfre»her cowtsi' will In- held next Wednesday night in the Port Readini» School, ' Pmnte Steven Kopch of Tatt Knox, Kentucky, is spending a furiough with his parents, Mr, ah(t Mrs. Alex Knpcho, George 'Street. --The Sewsimi Police Keservii will niih't Tuesday night, 8 o'clock at the school. The TIRE of Tomorrow is here TODAY 'a Woodbridge Fruit Exchange 94 Main St., Woodbridge Free Delivery SS. Thrift Food Market Simon Schoenbrun, Prop. 80 Main St., Woodbridge Vivien's Baby Shop Main St., Woodbrid c Wo RAHWAY AVE. GROCER Q. Httg, Prop. Groceries and Delicatessen 525 Rahway Ave. Tel. Woodbridge 8-42 Save Your Coupons Have Your Shoes Repaired AMERICAN SHOE REPAIR Main St., Woodbridge Perth Amboy Hardware Co. 3 Madison Ave., Perth Amboy All Kinds of Fertilizer Allen s Department Store 85 Main St., Woodbridge' <>ur hot weather luncheon specials NANCY'S LUNCHEONETTE M Main St., Woodbridge Sandwiches - Soda Fountain Peter Tobak, Butcher - Groceries and Fruit i Amboy Ave., Woodbridge, N. J. Pkondt WOodbf. 8-23S GENERAL APPLIANCES JOSEPH KONCZ JR., Pf P- '»i» Street Woodbridge, N. J M s Family Liquor Store N2 Main St., Wocy b"dge Claire Garage 493 Rahway Ave., Woodbridge WO t t. k -K k Woodbridge Auto Sales t 475 Rahway Ave., Woodbridge WO SUNNYSIDE FOOD MARKET PRIME MEATS - FANCY GROCERIES Freih Fruitt and Vegetable! ^ 00 Main Street, Woodbridge ^ K» U fm«n, Prop. Phohe Woodbridge ^ Jasper & Son Fruits and Vegetables 96 Main St.. Woodbridge Service Hardware 87 Main St., Woodbridge J. P. GERITY & CO. Real Estate Insurance 2 Main Street, Woodbridge, N. J. Theatre Building Woodbridge c RAYMOND JACKSON & SON Druggists 88 Main St., Woodbridge Wood Chopers Dept Store Cor. Main and William St. Woodbridge, N. J. Dr. Herbert L. Moss Optometrist Woodbridge J. M. SCHLESINGER GROCERIES AND MEATS Shoe, Dry Good, Hardware and Pa AVenal St., near Super Highway, Avonel, 'Coppola Tailors 08 Main St., Woodbridgo. Wood. 8-73$ -( -t I I k t k ( iiiti ( N. J-< -t C ( ' ( ( ( SAVE AT SEARS on PAINTING NEEDS MASTER MIXED HOUSE PAINT ' Gal. In 5 Gal Lot. Hears best quality. (Juaran- U'cil fur'liinuesl wenr, t,'rentt'sl spreail, lowest, cost, ]ier year of wear. PURE TURPENTINE IN YOUR CONTAINER Pure wood distilled lurpeiitine. Specially reduced. Any quantity in your container. SEROTONE Gal. GAL. STEP LADDERS J.29 4 FT. One coat covers. Just add water. gallon covers an Strong; rein- 'orteti, laililerm average room. Cowers any in a sine to surface from wallpaper meet y l u '' on, All the newest pastel llvtl y need..shades. 5 ft.. Buy the Sears Eay Pay Coupon Way D«f«rr«d paymenh arranged on purcha»«of 0.. or more. SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO. 275 Hobart St. Perth Amboy OPEN.SATURDAY NICJII'S UNTIL 9 H. M. The ithove phutu^fiipli ihows Michnd Holohan of HololiAit Bro. Garage placing Mitltlli'irx County's first synthetic Rubber Tire on the car of defente woruer Henry C. Chctny, hrliii, N. J. THE WORLD-FAMOUS FIRESTONE Deluxe Champion TIRE Is Now Being Made With Firestone Butaprene THE MARVELOUS ffew SYNTHETIC RUBBER JUST as you'd expect,, Firestone is FIRST to build the tire of tomorrow for the car owner's of America. It is only natural that Firestone should be the leader in working out new processes, in creating new compounds and in building better tires from (American-made rubber, for Firestone has always been the pioneer in developing new materials, new methods and new machines that have resulted in tremendous advance ments in tire design, construction and performance. From Firestone have come such revolutionary improvements as the FIRST straight side tire, the FIRST rubber nonskid tread, the FIRST commercial demountable rim, the FIRST patented Gum-Dipping Process, the FIRST balloon tire, the FIRST Safti-Lock Cord Body, the FIRST Super-Speed Construction and the FIRST practical pneumatic tractor tire., c In 933, Firestone built the FIRST synthetic rubber airplane tires for our armed forces. In 94b, Firestone built its FIRST.synthetic rubber passenger' car tires at the New. York World's Fair and began the manufacture pf its own synthetic rubber, called, Butaprene, the same tyde that' was later adopted by the Government. In'942, Firestone became the FIRST company.to, produce synthetic rubber in a Government-owned plant and later became the FIRST to make synthetic rubber using butadiene made from grain alcohol. ' And today Firestone is making synthetic rubber tires for passenger cars, trucks, buses, airplanes, tractors, farm implements and alltypes of war vehicles. All of these years of experience, all of the knowledge that made these FIRSTS possible have been called upon in producing the new Firestone DeLuxe Champion Tire made with Firestone Butaprene. It is now ready for the car owners of America as release^ by the Govr ernment. But do not think that the crisis is past. America's greatest rubber supply is still on the wheels of its.27,000,000 cars. So you must continue all of the rubber conservation measures that have been so effective. However, if you are eligible and require new tires, remember this. in mileage, in strength and in safety the new Firestone DeLuxe Champion Tire upholds the Firestone tradition of "Best in Rubber Synthetic or Natural." SAVE TIRES, SAVE GASOLINE, SAVE TIME AND SAVE MONEY BY ONE-STOP SHOP- PING AT YOUR NEARBY FIRESTONE DEADER OR FIRESTONE STORE FOR THINGS YOU NEED FOR HOME AND CAR, FOR WORK AND RECREATION Holohan Bros. Garage 330 Amboy Ave. Tel, 8-0D64 Woodbridge, N. J.

4 PAGE BIRTHMY^OF A GREAT Celebrate the Fourth this Year By Helping to Build The 4 Shangri-la v BONOS t I I I 3 J V J J AMERICAN WOMEN ARE IN THE FIGHT FOR VICTORY today we p»y tribute to our Amoi-ican Hero«.,.», tn Uirrificei they h»ve made for their country, honor and dm y Today we alto pv tribuu tn tht brav«w9n>d of. Amr r ii-» ban joined in the ttrugfle, and an k]fsq> our. boyt i,, j bravely on to victory. Gel behind the bnv«behind the cuntl Victory depandi n,, \U at home a«well a. tho»e at the front. Thev are d,,,,,,,, iktmmt... can you do lei»? War, in any mun'i t,inij (( j uaai cnojuy and more money. BONDS irt YOUR vi< i., r Woodbridge Fur Shop 522 Amboy Ave., Woodbridge, N. J. IT WILL TAKE MONEY! The SHANGRI-LA will carry a message to Japan and you want to have a part in sending it, don't you? Then invert one extra dollar ill war ttamoa and get all your friend to 4o ike time, and you will be personally lealwf bmnbi to Tokio. Woodbridge National Bank e, N. J. Member Federal Depfttit luiuraac Give Wings Victory OUR JOB IS TO SAVE DOLLARS TIMS INSURAICfW k -i t t love our liberty! We love it enough to be willing to die to perpetuate it. We love it to much, that we want every man, woman and child on earth to be as free a«we! That' why we and the United Nations are fighting thi» war. Tfea^s why 0% of your pay should buy War Bonds and Stamps every payday... to rid the world of power-lusting dictators who would rob the people of true liberty! CLOVER GREEN DAIRIES, Inc. Spring Meadow Ice Cream THE GREEN LANTERN MARCHES ON - EVERYTIME Makers of o Pierre's French Ice Cream WOODBRTC, N. J. THE SPIRIT OF 943 Phone Woodbrids Pon't Let! Our BOY( DOWN! You can find i i dollar, can't r u? worth apendlng will buy 4n lire! carrier to bomb im't it? Wrll, your chjuic«to doll Buy War 5t»wp»! RUTHAL'S FINE SHOES Expemive brandi of Women's Shoe at Uwer pncci 287 MADISON AVE. PERTH AMBOY, N. V Juit off Smith St. Branch Storei, Etyuheth «4 TMntoo, N. J. RAPP'S BAKERY 96 Main St., Woodbridge, N. J. Roll Up Your Sleeves, and Let's Co! He need Ut» frf full of fi^ht «ed Ike will t«viiv but k tkkei more than tfcat to achieve Victory! Skips to transport -- planet to fly f WU hoot thai w it lako to «qltlj> dier. HOLOHAN BROS. CAKAGE and AUTO A««, & Sfcond fit, Wuodbrid «, N. J. W<M and Uncle Sam invite every Americ&n to do a con- tructive jab in the prei- nt emergcimyt Whether B hmiicwife buda Joworker or big bmi- B»i Uwler, heed the call 'lot'. Go America I" W. Uo ar«doing our part. THE GREEN LANTERN COCKTAIL BAR MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT 4 GrMn Street Cba. and Julia &<">«, Prop. MARCHES ON Tier wui a need for unity in the liard fought year of T74 to 76ft. Tb-Ki it a n««d fur unity now. Juit then, every Am«i#a(> it in wrrkt to hit cauntry: the aifcu who wrvat on Iwid w >««, in uuitorut; the wan who keepi faith in butlnom. tht worker Vb«prodvtei the «t>odi to viul to tb«(utfihmwrt of our preient Uik Now, a> tljtm, tbo ipirit of unopu «tit«d (Mrrhei u.i... DOYLE & CUNNEEN 63 Smith St. W«Klve u<l Opru Krldsj WEAR \ >ut H.4. ureeu, «,. J, Back 'em Up with Bonds They Fight for Freefa.,..,.. undaunted in worth any price led the i^l' [il \ ] 770, mid k«iiu Uie ftjfhtevp of '' your libefty fttid ypur (hilj'" '" s they're Bfktitntj fpi. Shift w" M ul> buying War Bao^'itt 0% "' v> '"" live» you l«nd yottr momey- PUBLTX TJRUG 95 MAIN ST., J, N. J

5 Edm Dalian,,ft!LY 2,04m BIRTHDAY J>FA GREAT DBMOCBAOT MMMIE GUARINO and His Boys Mimic, fur Dance and Snnn n«you lilir it! JOE'S TAVERN (formerly The Showboat CIRCULAR BAR and GRILL S MADISON AVE. PERTH AMBOY. N... thp new skippers j ott, p h Cocdn«o Skippy and Joe Hlll, (lnnrr CELEBRATE p? THIS YEAR BY HELPING TO BUILD THE SHANGRI-LA! READ THE STORY BEHIND THE MYSTERY SHIP SHANGRI-LA! The Shangri-La it an aircraft carrier which will be built to rebonib Tokyo and avenge the exetution of Jimmy Doolittle's flyers. 3,- 669,275 Americans every man, woman and child in the United States will be asked to buy at least $.00 in War Stamps to hetp build this ship. ^ SPFXIAL ON COATS and SUITS $ A QA VALUES TO I39.B0 "' Bur War Bortdl and St«mpi with thr diffrrrnrr yoti lire VOGUE DRESS SHOP 28 MADISON AVE., PERTH AMBOY, N. J. - '- " SHIPS This Uuk \hlpfi6hffattm u0i tkemmeyycumt " WAR BONDS! Roberts & Lieberman 88 SMITH ST. Quality Jeweler! Since 93 PERTH AMBOY, N. J. J Look here, folks we've been 67 years making our democracy a "going concern!" Over 30,000,000 free and nappy Americans are proof that Uncle Sam's way of doing business is a formula for success. But let's not sit back! Let's all get in the fight to win the war that will win liberty for all the world! roito Shall Light the TBOtfDS Rtilyle your fur coat now. Repniri and alteration! at low Mint' mer ratei. World Symbol of Libsrty for all who enter here, it the ivmbo] of Li!>frtv for all peopu of all Rations. Her torch Uffktt lh«way with a radiance so bright, it can be acrn wherever our men an fithtin^ with otlu-r landi' defender! who jeck to»ot thrir rople free! Ann Farkas Ltd. THE BEST IN FURS 274 Hobart St. ' Perth Amboy, N. J. PHone P. A. 4-2SW Give your extra change to BUILD THE SHANGRI-LA You iay you can't fight? Well, you l.now what you can do, don't you? i "ii can buy. war itampi and help luild the SHANGRI-LA. You can li<ivr a part in the blow that will da away with the Jap menace. GIVE! GIVE! G IV E! L. BRIEGS & SONS Full summer furniihinf (or men ' SMITH ST. PERTH AMBOY, N. J. : : r C c ( t t t Make nn army of money. Send your coins to Tokio in the guijr of the Shangri-Ln and.be proud of what you have given up. Be willing to give till you can't do any fenore and then you'll have the tatiifaction of bringing Tokio to iu kneci. WIRTH'S RELIABLE JEWELRY SHOP iewelry of Dependability 90 SMITH ST. PERTH AMBiW Lend your money to the government and buy the aircraft carmr Shangri-La. Be a real Yank and do your put BEHRENS BAKERY 387 School St., Woodbridge, N. J. ONE of the firmest and true»i cornevitones?>f our liberty i» freedom of the press. For that principll wm basic to h«signers of our Declaration of Independence. It is just a v >tal to millions of Americans today. Let us always remember America' ideology was predicated upon unhampered freedom of the press. In that- tradition, we renew our pledge of service to you. Everything For The Home Hall Ave. at Catherine St. PERTH AMBOY, N. J. i Mon, Iktti Thur». '»U «. <"> tl d blltl WHEREVER men gather of their own will to discuss in free assombly their beliefs, there is democracy. For that basic right America struggled to be born. Today, we pay tribute to these gallant, heroic founders attendant at this nation's birth: and renew our pledgfe that their principles of freedom will not perish from our land. Spivack Bros. NEW AND MODERN STORE FULL LINE OF PAINTS, WALL PAPER AND SHADES 334 STATE ST. PERTH AMBOY t THE spiritual values of men have determined the progress of all eras and of all nations. Our nation, wa& founded on the ideal that free worship is worth fighting for worth dying for. In this free nation let us today solemnly rededicate our united strength to tb pri> ciples established by our forefather. Christensen's Dept. Store Special Announcement.Store ho""» A. M. to 6 P. M., Friday and Saturday ft till 8 P.M. Cloted Wed. afternuoui beginning July 4 > 97 Main St., Woodbrtdge ' THERE is no greater homage that Americans can pay today to the forefathers of our coua-> try than to reaffirm that fr»«d«ti of speech is the most cherished possession of man. Never in the history of the "world has that right bwn mon pwwious. This July 4th message is a tribute to f ret men here to the hopes of all men everywhere, who bear the rlgtif to this inalienable b«ritaf«. PARAMOUNT SHOP Note.Our New Address 82 Smith St., Perth Amboy '

6 f PAGE SI Party h Given By Parents To Marh Birthday Of Son SRWAHfvN - Lawn-ncr Kv ; '" wax the jfucst of honor At :> P :il 'V given by his parents Mr. ami M rt Uwrencf (' Ky»". of Hr-'W-'n' Place to «'HehriHe In ^"ml birthday. Camps wen piny '! " ( H btifffft lunch was - rvi '!. GUPts wrn> Mr. and Mr s. ' Mrs. ford; f anil Lou and KoMh, Amlc ^efflnifton, and son, Uyan f Wnn.l lohli rrilr, M Kuthlrni; run of ("ranry, Kli7-nl>cth. llplnlicy nf Ml Pi. i M ul Mrs. E... v,, MM. I-illi««Uichard Bena, Mr. 0 sun, in in,. Aid 'Mrs. FJ. Lokur and son, Ed- Mid, 'Mrs. X. Pollack of Caiteret, pvplyn Chi-rvfi. CiiiiMancc Bi'iinn, ; Ailccn <Vt f, Miiry Lee Quinlnn, j John Peterson, Florence Watts. Jo- / scph and Peter Najty, 'Patsy and Joseph Hulas?, of town... _., Iff WATCH GONE WOODBKIlK'iF. man, of 4 (iiove Avemi', reported to Officer John (iovclitz Wednesday that hu home was entered and ii lady's watch viilued at $75 was stolen. The oflloei found ew /. ito/am/ Jlfeaikr 0/ 'Bernadou' Crew Local Man Took Part In Attack On Safi, French Morocco WOOUHRIWIK Rirlmnl J. Roland, sun of Mr. uml Mrs. John V. Finland, of Fulton Street, now attnehod Ln the receiving phip :.t in Navy Yard awaiting :, has been presented thr Truejpsi^n Presidential Unit Citation us a member of the crrrf of the United Ship Bernadou. The citation : ead? ni follows: i "For outstanding performance in leading the attack on Safi, French Morocco, November tt, 42. Under cioitsfire from threi enemy coast defense batteries an< machine Runs mounted on hnrhn< jetties, the.bbrnadou proceed injr through unknown waters in total darkneur, effectively coun' i ri'il hostile opposition with onl slight damage to her luill, beaehe J d discmlmi'ke WELL ClAD IN VEIVA LEO FILM Elizabeth Ard«n'.s Velva leg Film smooths on «asily, speedily, over bare SLEEK legs, and buffs down o n "won'l-rub-ofi" finish. You will wnor its fashionright shades morning, noon, and night. SUN KIGE (ligmi SUN BRONZf (m.jmb SUN COPPER (</ark.00 ond 2.00 Ui«Vtlva teg Film after removing overy VMlEg (H hair with lrogfonl,^t«sionho-ui«eliiob«ih Ardtn Sluk,.65 and.00 AH pnc«di-i IO.«I ELIZABETH, N. J. By Georfe Wri M- Onytime Srri.lt On»nd Off the Pun Other Airiilto Hipptninft (Jet three adultn into one Jiving; room and it ia dollars to stale doughnut that the moment they have finished their discussions of the weather and the Uuml Plan they'll embark on «n analysis of daytime serials. oops without personal casuulty loss of life. "Her distinctive fulfillment of u ifficult. and h.'usmlous missinr, >nti touted mhti'rinlly to the v'c-..rinus Hrhievement of the Southrn Attack Group.' Mrs. Frank Barth Hostess At Card Party AVKN'BI,.-The Touifl in a set- 's of summer cnrrl pnrtie sponsored by the Roman's f'lul of Avcni'l was lifld Monday night at till home of Mrs. Frank Barth on Manhattan Avenue with Mr?. Charles Brookwell as co-hostess, Mrs. William Geiv «as awarded the special prize and the non-playnrizm went to Mrs. Edward le and' Mrs. Bertram Van Oleft. Other prize winners were Mr?. John Cables, Mrs. Harold Monson, Earl Palmer anil Frank Barth. Others present, were: Mis, Hard Orausam, Mrs. Robert Rhode.-, DAMAGES HOUSE MJOT REAnfp?G-A life known origin sli^iitly Mamagod the house owned ainl occupii'd by John Miller of 228 Woodbridpi Avenue, thin place, Wednesday morning. 'Mem'bers of Port Reading Fire Company No, extinguished thv llaze. - VAGRANT WiOODBRIDOE Thirty days in the county workhousu was meted to August Clifford Rivera, neptro, of Fulton Street, on n complaint of vagrancy. Ofliters Horace Deter and John.GovcliU made the arrest. WOODRRIDGE PERSONALS iltland V. Reynolds of Linden Avenue is visiting relatives in Mitantilli-, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. H. Uufus Cook, of Asbury Park, avu spendink tlu' summer with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Briegs, of Tisdale Place. Mr, and -Mrs. Walter Kelly, of Baldwin, L. I,, have returned to their home after a-visit with Mis, Kelly's mother, Mr». Ellu Wheeler, of Ridgedale Avenue. THE RADIO FRIDAY, JULY 2, 943 SCENE Scoffers are most emphatic in their denunciation of daytime serials, American housewives, on the other hand, have come to regard these programs with genuine affection. As a rasult' of a recent article I in the Saturday Evening Post, I several individuals familiar with this type of entertainment, gathei'ed round a WF/Af microphone recently for A clinical appraisal of daytime serials. Present in the Radio City studios were Elaine Curringtnn, author of "Pepper Young's Family" and other creditable air works; Anne Seymour, loading lady of "The Story of Mary Mitrlin"; Axel Gruenbcrg, director of "Light of the World" and "The Right to Happiness"; Mrs. Karl Palmer, Mrs. Willard Lewis H. Titterton, Manager of Rnitkin, Mrs. Vornon liironir, Mrs. the NBC Script Division, and Mrs Arv'nl Winqiint. Mrs. A. J. Murphy Ida Rowenhagen, typical American r.nd Mr?. R. G. Pcrier. The next party of the seri.es will U held at tin: humt uf Mrs. Berti housewife. Mrs. Carrington spoke feelingly about the importance of daytime am Van Cleft on Woodbiidire i serials. She said she felt a trehousewife. Avenue, imnndny evening,.,inly 2. ON THE SILVER SCREEN Leadiw Players of 'Buchskin Frontier' ^ Richard Dix and Albert Jane Wv»tt cnjov» the altfiilions of, Frontier" which arrives Deklccr in the rniiroad fiayn, "Buckskii at the Strand Theatre tomorrow. cently revealed that WHS mo I mtndous responsibility toward her enthusiastic ;ii>ont tl niiinner iin listeners and observed that her Charles Dickens would have made which the latter delivered the perfect serial writer "In that commercial annotmcemtnth he wrote stories of everyday life me.,, hear the,,. neighborhood.:..ui,«,.i,,,, n, w lf so skillfully -"-- and - > -" so K^nn.hW honestly Hint that f 0 " hear th, ne 'f hbo " '' '^( " m0 "- pets people came back for more." It ff "J'Jf. y e '" er lll!ime lt -' tt wj,","""'"' almost like, "tuning ". ".'" in".. the «n used Pred the A "rewolwer" len s CBS program. not He so way they came back for - a contin- i; _ used the. rewolwer giir. not nearly so uatibn of lib stories, HaCarrinr V, ery u j "Z T\ lnn ui ( ' brought down the house.. do ton said. you suffer from falling tomato Rowenhagen Do your cabbages look When Mrs. Kowennagen «<» patcnes: uo yuui "'»»«"Plot asked if daytime radio is a good droopy? Then listen to tlu...-. thing for women to listen to, she for Victory" program over WfcArsaid with simplicity: "Yes, love Saturdays at :00 p. m. (LWT them They mean everything to f or the lowdown on how to raise someone like me who has to stay,, r,,hen.' Mert Emmcrt, WEAF m so much of the time... it is a f arm t lirector, is is on tthe air direct wonderful wonn thing s for older. people. _ f/om the maknificent ^ Charles M. and for shut-ins. It is as if friends Schwab estate on Manhattan's came in to tall on them every Overside Drive overlooking the < lllv -" ^ Hudson' River, with the latest offi- T cial news and sound advice for Here and there oirthe kilocy- victory jrardoncrs. "Plot for Viecles: old timers in radio mourn the tory" is presented by WEAF in loss of Vaughn De Leath, the cooperation with the CDVO. "First Lady of Radio," who diedi recently in upstate New York, HATCHES EGGS IN DESK Vaughn, a familiar and respected ganu Monica, Calif. The heat performer in Radio Row, was only generated by the radio transform- 42 when she died.,, Ted Cott, er on the (iosk of Fre(] 7 jc j sm(m., conductor pf the. "Sounding poi ice radio dispatcher, was suffi- Board" program on WKAF, wants cicnt t0 h. ltch rtll ul lhtkv (f ft to know if Lucy -Monroe has sung ton E m /jr, smei. in hl ami NO TIME WASTED the "Star Spangled Banner of- pl llee d in a drawer of the desk. Los Angeles. So you think tener than Oscar Levant has play-. «. you're busy. Well, Mrs. Dorothy ed the "Rhapsody in Blue." TRUK Rupo cooks for 2,000 telephone Studio Gleanings: Nina Wilcox.,.,.. employes, cares for two grandsons,,. i i» i A According to naval a officials, the tills a victory garden and does all l'ulilillll, i.oa... 'utnam, celebrated American! _ u, her own housework, She works writer, when interviewed by Mary ships at Truk, their important '... Japanese now have a number of from \ A. M. until It P. M. Be Margaret McBride on WEAF re-,base in the South Pacific since the beginning of the war, Uut no receivt information inrjjptes anything unusual in the way of massing ships. EXPLAINED Seattle, Wash. When Sergeant Vcrden Schow's motorcycle collided with air automobile, the sergeant jumped, cleared the car and landed on his feet on-the other Side.. "That 20-foot dive was u cinch," he explained. "I've done lots better. I'm tumbling instructor." Ditmat 'Slightly Hangcrous," now showing at the Ditm.is Theatre, brings Lana.Xurner and Robert Young together "for lauglim^ ' putpnst's only." although they also figure in u romantic love story. It provides the. maddest, merriest farce :ither has ever been seen in, Miss Turner plays a soda clerk in a store'of which Young is nmn agcr. He reprimands her for mixing sodas blindfolded so she leaves town and goes to New York pose: us an amnesia victim, and eon vinces a'millionaii'e. there that she is his long lost daughter. Walter ISrennan plays the millionaire.? is blamed fur her "suicide." nust produce her to save hi.-! job. Therefore he sets out to expose her amnesia ruse, and amid turbulent mid laughable episode" they discover that, they're in love. Majesf.c The whole town is heaiuing with anticipatory delight and little wonder! "-Coney Island," that wonder Technicolor musical, is duo to open today at the 'Majestic Theatre. ",; Stalling Betty Grable, George Montgomery and Cesar Romero, the pic I lire is icpnted to have everything! Sonus dances an entertaining and lively story, and a top-notch cast headed by Charles Winninger and Phil Silvers. Whether you like the music hot or sweet Producer William Peiihas included enough nf each. The new numbers, dreamed up especially for Belly and "Coney Island" by those t»jl> tunsmiths, Leo Robin and '.Ralph Rainger, m- WINES AND THE WOMAN" Anna Nagle Plu 'THE MAN IN THE TRUNK I,., Tllkl. It..From Thi-rc," i ;, mlliflll ronoy Man.l" i( and,li»s l,ulu From Louisville ALll( inlt l0 preview '-cports^these ;im,,,,s arc ni" jifty especially the which Betty sings in niie, Strand 'riiicli.diin Frontier" hits the kpo'. The Hurry Sherman railn:iil epic, which opens tomorrow I pi till. ihc Strand Theatre thru United rtists lelesiso, is loaded with nil, s John Farrow, the man,! inirt'edients important to an, I western adventure film; this ia he first westerner to feed plenty Dawn," f punchy action ami gunplay, n olid, exciting plot and a notable as! of such screen stalwarts. a.< Kichaul Oix,.lane Wyatt, Albert,er and Max Baer to the pubic, especially fans of outdoor piciii-es. "Buckskin Krontier" has he combination that makes you : it on the edge of youi seat, cheer-.r.it tin hero and hissing the villain. Crescent Alan Uidd, the smoothest tough tniy in the movie business, turn.' a hlav.ing tommy gun on three.laps in Pin-amount's speetac'ulttr war roniiince, "China," the picture that npi'us today at the 'Crescent Theatre. You'll love him for it. J.add's co-star is the lovely Lolettii YOUHR- and the main supporting player is William Rendix, who jumped lo fame as ii brawny, lov- :ah\v. Marine in "Wake Island." In iculen'.mlly, the director of "China" INDEPENDENT CYCLIST BITTEN TSBLIN-^While ridin K Oak Tree Road on his hicy,, [tienday, <!len Gerhard, \:\.,, Tree RoBd, was bitten on ii by n dog owned by ('-hnr. of Lincoln Hijrhwny, Colon,:, boy wna treated by Dr. I, T err, of Woodbridge, and M, was notified to keep thf ; tied for observation. SON ARRIVES WOODIB'RIDGE Mr. Louis Shornock, of Metu line, are the parents of at >he Pei^th Ainboy (ic CONJWUOUi ft,is "W.ake Island" and tli, i: The Commandos Si Nut, Stove & Pea Coal PLACE YOUR WlNTtR ORDER NOW For Better Service Call Mohr Coal Co. P. A PLIUH-AMBOY n t. SECOND BIG HIT Chester Morrii in HIGH EXPLOSIVE" Flvt CORKERS PHONl CONHMUOUS BART HQM FORDS pifwhouse ffobdb. N. I- P-» 34 FRWand SAT. Charles LBughton Maureen O'Hara in "THIS LAND IS MINE" also William B«yd in,"under«over Man" SUN. - MON. TUES. - WEJJ. f _ Continuous SUN., MON. and TUES. What is the Shangri-La? It's the symbol of America's power and trust in freedom. It is the airplane carrier that will take our planes back to Tokyo where they will avenge the barbarism of the Japs and leave their city in total destruction. It is the fulfillment of every American's promise that the job started by Jimmy Doolittle's boys will be thoroughly finished, in true American fashion. How can you help? You can do, your part by spending your extra change for War Stamps. It is your dollar, together with the dollar of every man, woman and child in the country that will pile up to the total of $3,669,275 and build the mystery ship. Ileade's Perth Amboy Theatres Majestic Strand Ditmas Crescent, Alice Fare, John Payne Jack Oakie in "Hello, Frisco, Hello" in Technicolor alio, The Falcon Stri ie«back' with Tom Conwiy WED. - THURS. Lionel Barrymore in Dr. Gilleepie's Assistant Al.o "Cowboy of Manhattan" with Robert Paige, Franco Langford Free ovenware to the Ladiet..WILLIAM BENDIX.' Plus Frank Sinatra Ann Miller "Reveille With Beverlcy STARRING THURSDAY "Thi Desperadoes" In Technicolor Randolph S?oti Plu. Allan Jonei "Rhythm of the l>l«nd> STATE THEATRE WOODBRIDGE, N. J. TODAY and SAT. "CHINA" with Lurelta YOUNG - Alan LADD plu Jean PARKER Richard ARLEN in "WRECKING CREW" SUN. THRU TUES. "The YOUNG MR. PITT" ituting Robert DONA!»l»o "DESERT VICTORY" produced bv The R. A,. F. Wed. thfu Sat. "CRASH DIVE" (in color 7 DAYS STARTING SATURDAY RICHARD DIX Jane Wyatt l.ola! R RM MOt'S 4 DAYS -STARTING FRIDAY l.urelu YOUIIB William Buyd Alan Ladd I in William Bendix in "CHINA" "LEATHER BURNERS" i DAYS STARTING TUESDAY Hcdy Lainarr Walt. Pidgeo in "WHITE CARGO" Richari Arlin«Judge in "WILD CAT

7 . NM fint LEADER FRIDAY, JULY 2, 945 PAGE SEVfflf I,, Ullllm n,l,,r, h H. H7S A.l«llM 2, B«hrlilur t,rtl«tt.... inilplll-lllifllt (9 pry Friday Iiy the Cnmpnny, Wondlirliinc, N.. I'rmlrll'llt; MllXWl>ll IiOgiin, Campion, Trpumirci ^H'l'OIII'O!'" ^,,i -'tnry.. I'Mllflr anil NKWHI'AI'KH The Race Riot /n Detroit hull r;ic(, not which occurred in Detroit (Wilting" in the death of more T of persons and the injury of thousand individuals.serves notl, ( > people of the United States relations are delicate and sensi- lief that it wan wise on the part of the Legislature to stipulate that the Rill of Rights be kept intact in the revised document. "It is entirely consistent," he said, "with the public opinion of the state. I think it wise of the Legislature to make it clear, at the outset, that there would be no tampering with our ancient charter of liberties. That charter expresses the funda mental principles and purposes of democ racy. Dctmit rioting is one of a group of ^.jdrnts which have occurred in the the fighting men deserve a better instru- of government to back up our efforts Sial,.s recently. They include thement n > l( ;iumont, Texas, and the rioting on the New Jersey home front, adding, "If,,!,,, Alabama, disorders are not restricted to the m Slates, however. Beside the Dei^ir, and the Los Angeles "zootimlbreak, a" clash recently oc- Chestcr, Pennsylvania, where 'Our world war for freedom, he went on," has united us as never before in our determination to preserve these principles and make them work. The general objective of revisionists is to modernize the ma chinery of the state government, for great er efficiency and economy and better service to the people. The people want a gpvernment that will defend and practice every-day principles of human liberty, equal justice and the general welfare set forth in the Bill of Rights." Commissioner Miller said he felt that Under The State House Dome By I. Jottph Gribbint TRENTON <Boya and girla of New Jersey will play a big part in harvesting much needed bumper cropo on Now Jersey farms this summer and farmers are asked by high State agricultural official! to icmomber they were once young fellows filled with a super-abundivnce of pep, dash and verve that nkps a fine American boy. State Secretary of Agriculture W. H, Allen, one of the finest o!, State officials, has the right psychological outlook when he advises 'farmers ax follows: "Remember otic boy Is half a Amateur gardeners are fulvish man, two boys equal half a boy not to net that inkl-sunimer leu and three 'boys are no boy at all The moral is, don't turn a bunch of boys looi{e in a" field wjthout supervision and practical guidance, or you're going to be disappointed. Work with the boys, and you will be pleasantly surprised how much they can do and how well they will do it." vironment. Former State Senator David II. Agans, Master of the State Grange, likewise a champion of boy workers on New Jersey farms, gives out with some good ad the people believe so, and I feel they do, vi c«- "Rcmembo; your own boy-,,.,, i IIV i, i, 4. hood," he says, "and that about they will vote Yes and proceed next year to draft a new constitution." Itood idea to brine out a P 8 '' of cold milk or'lemonade and some October, according to Prof. Frank G. Helyar, Rutger? University, and chairman of th«new Jersey Vic lory Garden'Committee. Unfavorable growing conditions in many parts of the country have made the need foi\maximum food production greater than ever, Prof. IJelyar says. He advises gardners to replant every foot of ground from which crops have been or soon are to be harvested; keep the garden free from weeds and in a good state of cultivation, and protect the plants from insect posu and <li»oiues. down feeling about their garden. Instead they should study the garden carefully to be sure thiit plan's sre making good growth and, rot, provide tho beat comliti possible through additional fe ing, watering or whatever else may be necessary to furnish good To provide an adequate fuo< supply for next winter, house wives arc also requested to en as, many products of the ganli' aa possible and to provide horn storage for other vegetables in served fresh from the table: B preserving vegetables andd fruii this summer, ration coupons wi be conserved'next winter, D L^i V n I j It ' ginger snap KOOertS for ITorJa Union Over 2,000 boys and girls, are ill.justice Owen J. Roberts, of the United already working on New Jersey workers, were shot by guards at States-Supreme Court endorses the idea of farms umler the '" '"'"" " """.,,., « Stat Student & '. ' OBI an international federation union and company. thinks that the people of the United States doing an excellent job>ifymi es- in_ the ; V(m 3..T,. U BI U HI I'tlVClr, the recent'rioting of school- such an nrirani- tim.to? _ that before the season is y,^ ffom '^[m. ms (f Newark, N. J., which resulted in zation if they would do so, participate in the farm work pro-,,h of at Jeaqt one Negro student, The idea of a federal union, composed,-lash between white and Negro of the democratic nations of the earth, was Realizing the importance of g^ui^t f ru tl after an interscholastic track meet. make Newark proposed by Mr. Clarence K. Streit, in his, Detroit disturbance originated, ac- BUJTEUERlRIES: A ITCH ueberry crop is in prospect fi New Jersey this summer.»r.ii j.. bilant growers expect one of their newspapcra and other prominent,. places to promote the sale of the Such advertising book, "Union Now," some time before the youth" to the fields Peddic ^V'bluebcTries.~ini' theh w " press dispatches, with a fist fight warb war began. The simple idea is tp tp persuade'~'' 'f 00. '»>K». Hightstown,» w nheadquar- e.u 4 u..- laril, Bril is ig f f t t Siprca(lmK Siprcadim l0, l0,,,, \«r leading to a recreational and,. ten.. ten for many city boys who are gections ^ m s Jthe ^ Mu coimlrv i.. u Ur.. QU ri uuriffi,, onh ine P e0 P le 0I ine woria w oo wnai tne ] mng on t ], e clim p U5 arl [i travel-...»,, Holly Ki; center. It spread.. swittly. ana thirteen,. American. colonies.. did,. and.,,,.. that is ing " to and,, from nearby,, farms, by A. few years, ago a Mt. r> -..-i- - n«.r -.. n,,t,,i n f n,.,, farm business man planning a ti vacation vi was added, according to some truck. Boy scout victory farm,. camps have'been opened at Ham- '" M, aine ' ""<!< <»«">» bo is ni ' rs, by an erroneous report that.rib. 8hou!d de t. tor m a union tsjtsls^x -f" - """..hvious that a fist fight between ^ng'\he'lnes"o7' ^ng\helneso7 our" own "government. T Z ^ ^ ^ Bill Of Rights To Rtmain frankly stated that some Americans will hesitate to advocate such a union because of the example set in the United States en citizens of New Jersey go to the I where a union of limited powerajiaa be ihnt November to say whether or come a centralized government of over, xy want the Legislature to prepare whelming power. While recognizing this invsciit to the people for approval or.danger we think the advantages in sight inn a year hence, a-revised constituiui- the state, they may be assured outweigh the danger. m; Hill of Rights in the present basic ill remain unchanged. This stipulai noted in the Feller bill, adopted by I ^isliiture, and which provides for the iniluin at the general election, this hutwsor John E. Bebout, executive president of the New Jersey Constitul-uundation, this week discussed the n..r the Bill of Rights in the constitu- :. its part of the Constitution Foundaprogram on constitution Bombs Over Rome? If United Niitionn forces ure now preparing a knock-out blow nrninst Italy, the question of liombinit Romp is no longer an TIME TO DO 4 SOME WEEDING Opinion Of Others undue criticism that might arise among certain groups both racial and clerical in the United States. Doubtless if sorties against Rome have to be made, they will be Arriving at his cabin, he emptied made by the combined forces. ticiuleinic one. The threat to attack the city from tho air ia an t Nr me boxes of Tru-Blu Berries into Whether the Italians are free..vhlto mt-ll or two Negro men 0 the N(j A merii can prou d o f his coun try and ith cently picked raspberries in Glouwmiid tu v,nnlfl v,e O. im r ouil fsr^o invniwerf CBStcr Countv - ^ ^ eir clothes and walked to the village a dilapidated pl, lll\:i\ nil wii..» --- aro dilapidated pail, dressed in old to make a choice about their capital, or whether the Nazis make de- would not have resulted in a racial m. n,,,i.u ahnniri uoa..mr nuii fn^a ;mmi«ori incvitiiblelpurt of sound military tn, giowm, snouia f iouia see any evil evu iorce involved i louse( j [; t ^e pi Pincwald ncw Hotel ^""o^»" u..«... w.... strategy This is transparently _.ufo is just one thing that cisions, is it question. It bus. its That an incident of this kind Should Qr feflr the resultg Qf enlarging the federal Toms River, so they may pie-k blue- storcl Thwe, hc true since the threat is accompanied by offers to treat Rome as an these days, and, that is the stab in really bothers most service men nonchalantly askoil' rioting and fighting is an indica- : jd. berries through the season. ed the proprietor if he wanted to proparandu value for the Uni litcd pathetic side. But i\ has adde', tenseness in racial relations which Mr. Roberts,, attention to ^ ^ ARMY ACTO,:-From,New % ^Z^>%& T rly open cily provided tho Italians can the back that some of the Labor Nations as each new crisis for the fulfill the condition" under which of the States has dealt. Of course, Italians drives home to them anew s further disturbances in the auto- onstrated ineffectiveness of treaties and S^nd I S B, this week proprietor', cities have ordinarily claimed such we will win this war, but I wonder how many have stoppod to mvtrupulis. leagues" and says that if the body of our nnm not ' B only tps the consequences of fallowing treatment. mate men, but also Mussolini into a partnership in they were picked, the Ml. Holly incumbent upon the leaders of -people have the "vision and daring of ourmakes Broadway actors The spokesmen for theiia F,renH?e.how many doughboys' lives man' described an almost inaecestyranny against tht interests- of The case in point is Corporal who have indicated the pohsibility could have been saved had production kept jjoing. Every hour, :s to treat unfortunate events as founding fathers" they will demand a un-. in tho nearby outa very short most of. mankind. Chriitian Irving W. Engleman, tinffieman, of 0 nanwav, Rahway, th;it Rome would he bombed have,,,. L,, time the Science Monitor. xplomons of human nature. Sure- j 0 o f au the peoples willing to cooperate who until a year ago agi was S deputy emphasized that the attacks would yes every minute wasted, delays lamls, a " d ln y " y sh( village?, H tlm< tll> '.stum- ilo not reflect an accurate picture \ n " an international federation, of limited director of Old Age A Assistance Ata and d center on legitimate military tarand not on monuments, an ' We bad had ideas that we must po P u l a lon " f thl! Stab In The Back- -At the outcome of this great mcsb.. f vi'a P e stam- familiar figure to relief officials p ets, t eded baskets u to u w f rd a(!d '} a cans. cd wllh buck - Home! relations and they should not be but supreme power and jurisdiction in in-i to ereat suspicion and discord any- ternational affairs." Engleman was a star at the certainly bo spared wherever pos- letter written home by Master (Continued on I &ie, b l.throughout New. Jersey.. \ The Mt. 3 ^d,, Holly c ' ans that veligioua monuments would This excerpt is from a V-mail watch for sabotage, but never resident -.. f....chuckles Tiin Mt. every Hollv time resident lie recalls tht still in the United States. This is a very fine idea but it must bedartmouth College players in his sible. Moreover the boirtbing of incident. undergraduate days, and more recently, did extensive work with the ABOUT JERSEY: Federal offican City, where it is said no mili- The New Books Rome would not include the Vati- Elizabeth Civic Theatre and other cials are studying housing conditions among migrants in the South There is a great deal of tary targets exist. Igroups in Union County strictly senti- I'lu' very first article in the New Jer- 'institution seta forth a well-drawn N' "I rights. It is practically as compre- United Nations And Peace It cannot be reported too often that when the war ends the United States will have to decide Hvhether it will cooperate with its- victorious Allies in the interest of establishing a firm world order. Certainly, it seems foolish to associate ourselves with Russia, Great Britain and China, for the purpose (if waging war', afld immediately disassociating ourselves when the peace of the world has an opportunity to become lasting. Our experience, after World War, 'radically everyone is familiar with should teach us something. In that strug-. ist ten amendments to the Constitu- gle we went in to help defeat the Central -f the United States, known as thepowers but immediately after the victory I Rights," he said. "Each state coninn has. a similar bill of rights of itsfor itself. We vfould' assume no risk was won, we decided to let the world shift in connection with viorld affairs. The result was that, without our assistance, the League of Nations became- impotent. The nations that we fought with, imbued with the same pacifism, disarmed and P'l-ivi' as that-ef-any'other state and it signed anti-war treaties while their potential enemies prepared for the present con- proved satisfactory. " ( Hit of all the recent discussion in New flict. >y about the need for re-vision of our Th'e hfutory of the past quarter century Constitution, there has never been a should convince, us that, in the event of a ^ stion that the article dealing with third world struggle, say in thirty years, In.; and privileges be changed in anythe Lfpted States will be involved, What [ :»<'i-iiil way. There is a general agreelum happened twice is apt to occur the third Uia.t the bill''of rights in our State time. Consequently, it seems reasonable to '""-titutiun is the best part, of the docu conclude that it is to our interest to do "" and should hot be tampered with." \H slate-wide organizations interested something to keep the peace. This will involve cooperation with our P" 'vvisiun in the state.advocated that no ''! wliat else is changed in the Consti- Allied nations. Together the United States, Great Britain, China and Russia will be '". the bill of rights should remain sub-ablilly to maintain the peace of the world as it is, agreeing with the Legw- { "'III against all challengers. They should resolutely set themselves to the task. New Jersey Constitution Revision Naturally, th^people of the United iioii aliifj contended there is iw States will be unable to' dictate to the three!' a revision of the state Bill of nations th,at now light the. Axis, We can^ not expect to have everything decided our Highway Commissioner Spencer We must learn the art of comprom-. Jr., chairman of the Constitution ise in the hope of securing conceded action in world affairs. "l"uon, in one of the Foundation 9 L y ladio broadcasts,,expressed the be as on an... amateur. US.. Jersey UU, food belt Creation of ment, and some sentimentality, Now stationed as a classification Social p rot(, cti(m Coordinating expressed whenever the White putting tlu finishing touches to a :im poem. > expert ut Port Monmouth, Enrfe- Commi. ttces in a nulnbel. of areas!.'ity appears among possible air man got involved in the produc- of New Jcrgey most affrete(, iy jirgels.,.ii» narrative poem called "Western, Star." In this poem, he told welt in!27, when t'jmy selected They had the same reaction The British have argued tion of an original one-act play for U.." lc " concentraof the question of bombing Rome before now, being mindful of the contest. The Fort Monmouth f- ",,' n the exciting story as only hu iieni't's narrative ' poem of the i c a I.- I. D t uom is planned,.. (pcr could dell it of the early colonisation of whtit we know today us :!rown's. Body." The folio-wing American Civil Waj "John lunch effect the attacks might huve fix entry was one of five which Broad-. f, place n, T,,r..., restaurants, cafeterias, woi'ld opinion. This was an im the United States particularly year ".lohn Brown's Body" was way Producer John Golden liked,.-. so much that he decided to stage rooim ilm, (lh^ e» porlant consideration when more l ' n B. the founding of the Jamestown awarded the Pulitzer Prize, and of that opinion was neutral than Street then, two Theatre weeks for ago a in benefit the 4Cth per-, are plaqes t Wa? sanitary «f, h. f. S. t anil Provincetown colonies. JVM since Stephen Vincent Benet Now Jersey at present. formance. «L... at $ r,_ top... k,,r, n fif,, ol. ttient of Health to keep... poem was shown to the has been recognized as one of our factories asked by War Man The only non-professional in the tahorles are ilblv In view of earlier hesitancy it it "f '"" - judges of the Hook-of-the-Month greatest poets. iow. Eneleinan, copped the notices P owev somewhat surprising th»t the lat Commission officials to skip Club while it was still in manuscript form, and they immediately ot (H bis poetry warned us of the Long, before Pearl Harbor, Ben- ll their - : usual ' '""-cnminpv mid-summer shut-down in all the reviews in the metro- tnel ' lls cst statement on this nuttier win ' mm-su.m... not made jointly, by the Britisl pblttan pblitan press, and shared his cur- P^iods vf > of two weeks - th }. A,. selected it (or distribution as onemenace of fascism i and d tid tried to - i tain calls with i Myrna Loy, Mrs. Mrs. " ^ There is and American air commands, t "«isolationist iltiitsentiment of the July choices. Rari'ly, the prepare us spiritually for the war Duke and Duchess Roosevelt, the in avoid In'-.w ar as possible Washington at.the present time an to come. Then when we entered according to Republican Stab the war, he threw all his energies of Windsor. Chairman II. Alexander Smith into writing poems and radio plays Last Saturday, the cast was sum moncd to Hyde Park for a com- Sigbold.tohannesson, the engint.., OUR DEMOCRACY to inspire the American people for mand ^performance before tho who designed the Pulaski Sky thi! gryat task on hand. President'and Queen Wilhelmina way, has been appointed aa Head PERSONAL INITIATIVE- Thai Stephen Vincent Benet. of Holland, ami?ran into a pr»b- of a new Highway Planning Bulcm. The play involved a rookie feau to meet post-war highway BASIS OF DEMOCRACY, j of his powers, was an inestimable died when he did, in the full tide played by'engleman who got into problems in New Ji-sey... muall sorts of difficulties because no nicipalities are warned to prepare, In was able to finish his loss to American literature; ThaV. epic one believed a story that he was for the need of large scale ru- 'Myrna Loy's boy friend. At the building of cities during the postfinal curtain, la Moy appeared to war period by Benjamin M. Taub, dispel all doubts in a traditional president of the New Jersey Fed- p eration- of - n«:.,;»l Official 'Plunninir Planning But, at Hyde Park, it was found i.. A warning is, again isthat Miss Loy had gone back to au(jj by, State Defense officials Hollywood, but the cast went on with the show, not knowing whit would happen at the, end. i^nd ut the end, when everyone turned to the door through which the missing a.ctress was to have appeared, in stepped Mrs.-RoobCvelt, wit'h a new line: "Myrim can't he here today, but won't I do?" ««.», : Arthur W. Magcc, State Motou Vehicle Commissioner, who is the leading exponent, of I pedestrian safety in the eountry, is in demand aa a speaker sim'«people began to walk with the 6un on pleasure driving. At present he hu holds invitations t to speak p at Los Angeles, Columbus, Ohio and Atlantn,Georgia beuuuse of his unceasing drive to make pedestrians realwo tho danger of careless walking. He has been chairman of the pedestrian committee of the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators for many years and is tt recognized.authority in his Held. Being of quiet but force fill disposition, Commissioner Ma gee has not decided whether "he will accept the invitations. VICTORY GARDENS: U is not too late to plant berries, snap beans, "beeta, rutabagas, abag, cabbage, Swiss d some other wops that the use of sirens on cn^irgency vehicles except in the case of extreme emergency, is banned I.in New Jersey... OperiVttnn of State cars during the first live months of lh4;i was reduced 4, 474,9 miles in an effort to con.serve gasoline and tires.,. Worn en should file&pplicatio!i:s for im mediate employment in war in dustries, Colonel Edgar N. Uloom er, State Selective Service Director, says.. ' A special Senate com mittee is at work investigating gasoline rationing situation New Jersey... Resignation of popular Senator Wesley L. Lance, of Hunterdon County, from, the Senate to enter military service, leaves a void in the upper house... A systematic program of roadside improvement along the,700 miles of New Jersey's State highway system is wnjfer way., "" The Legislature has seen tit toturbid religious exercises in the public schopls, Dr. Charles H. Klliott, State Commissioner of Education, reminded officials of Milltowu in ruling out weekly religious classes in that borough. CAPITOL CAPERS Cut worms, cabbage root muggots, aphis and flea beetles have reinforced the rabbit army invading New Jersey victory gardens, State i EU WHITNEV.OF COTTON GIN FAME, ALSO INVENTED A NEW METHOD OF MAKING <5UNS" ALL PARTS INTERCHANGEABLE.?O Ht6 ENTERPRISE " EMCOUBA6E0 BV OUR DEMOCRATIC SYSTEM OF REWARPlNtf INDIVIDUAL INITIATIVE -AMERICA CAW TRACE THE DISCOVER./ OF MASS PRODUCTION METHODS - SO VITAL A/OW TO VICTORY- When Stephen Vincent lionet died a short time ago, be was just EUZUR WRIGHT DEVOTED HIS MATHEMATICAL SKILL, TO THE STUOV OF INDIVIDUAL AND FAMILY WELFARE-SPONSORED SOUND PRINCIPLES OF I LIFE INSURANCE -WITH WHICH AMERICANS HAVE 5ET THE WORLD A STANDARD FOB FAMILY SECURITY THROUGH INOIVIOUAL INITIATIVS. Edward Mosko of Rarioverseas with American tim. troops: We're busy, anxiously awaiting the word 'Go' and eager get to the European theatre. The sooner we get there, the sooner some of us will come back, udges say, have they come acroa.nything aa thrilling as Benet'a "Western Star" ia something we cun all be grateful for. «r K n A hint for welcoming viaitiftg celebrities: Richardson Wright in, 'The Bed-Book of Eating a,nd, Drinking" tells of a state visit which Louis XIV made to Rheims. At the gates of the city he was met by the city fathers, who addressed him thus: "Sire, we offe,r you our wine, our pears, our gingvrbi'fad, our biscuits and our hearts." Mr. Wright's book, aside from 4'ontuimng many valuable hints about thii preparation of food.,, contains scores of amusing anecdotes. Such as the one about the cook of a friend of his who gave notice. What was the trouble? Weren't the wages- satisfactory, the bedroom, the time off? Yes, all these were, Then why was sh«leaving? "Because, Ma'am, there's too much phiftln' of the dishes for the fewness of the food." When.Winston Churchill arrived in Moscow for his visit to Stalin, (elates Henry Cassidy in "Moscow Dateline," be greeted the Russian guard by raising big hand in hi i famous "V fur Victiu'ii" salute, thtt Russians did notkit'ow wlwt he meant the word; fur "victory" i i Russian is "pobe-" da." They speculated among themselves and. finally decided: that by rauinfc his two ringers Mr. Churchill was i»romising them K> Second Front. " i

8 Jft'. PAGE RIGHT FRIDAY, JULY?>, 943 INDEPEND NT-LEATF,T; TRAGIC LEAP OF A HIGH-FLYING SNOWDEN By URSULA PETRIF. lost the (fl'( iitf«t i< hii" sister, Mo- The missive Imlk of thi "wunlcy ri«>n. lu'vnlcil si^tcrx. those two, Now York hotel rimvm it' iniprpsaive hfijfht into the dimmodout. sky above thp vast H<TPHKP th«t is Manhattan'i Central Park. And in the sultry Millness of thi curly Jiftitt ni(fht, even the ocrusiunol honk of a passing tuxi stocmeil amplified licynnd l>«lief. Fur it WM midnight and vnrtimi VfjtulRtloiw In tlif great metropolis had reduced traffic to a minimum. Ev the romantic couples who had «(Mi(rlii' the Moling hrtezi-s.uf the park had long left, so there wan practically no one nround when it happened.,.. when that lovely. lithsn young body came hurtling naked from ft naioenth story window. There wa no st-rpsm, no hhriek of huriiir.., only a dreadful (lull thud tw pretty Janet. Snowden's body landed on the extension>rpof on the.fourth floor of the hotel. That's how they knew she hnd falk'u. The aieki'iiiiiu thud hud wakened several.ileeping guest<... puests who had not the faintest idea that what they'd heard marked finis to one of the moft romantic chapters in the hook of New York's Cafe Society. can citizens on the home front share his righteous anger. Newapapers, great and small and in in- Hall, with the l'rinre and Princess I Little S'Mt\ B'l'iwifen was dead numbers, are turning... little.lani't SnoVden, who first their guns on those un-ameriran hit the headlines when, atarryeyed ard full of youthful illusions, days... broke up,.lanot said, Tlf ;,..unmre listed only' fivu eiswentfl Iti BShot to which he refers, and are demanding tta showdown that must come, and soon. slit- eloped with i d;i3liiii(t scion'of^ when her urdem Latin huslmnd Italian nobility... little Janet ulk'gcdly forjfut hi^ ardor long The Messenger-Gazette stands Snowden who stood loyally by us onough to suggest that if WHS time shduldar to shoulder with our a beloved M-ter romped through to see some of the Snowden cash. fighting men in decrying this treason against them and against Our one marriage after another.,. Both girls had boon left very conifortahle incomes from the estate littje Janet Snowden who finally Nation. Someritt Meuenjer married again, settled down to become the proud mother of three Snowden, wealthy oil magnate. It of their lute father,.lames II. Gazette. children and to happiness which i was too much for Janet, she said seemed, at long last, to have come. at the lime, and walked out of So terribly tragic were the circumstances uf her death that her entile family were prostrated and unable even to git to the police station to make formal identification of the body. A cousin, George ('. Snowden Jr., finally performed the sad task. There was no doubt about it, Janet, as the polite recorded it, had either "jumped or fallen" from her bedroom window. "I KNOW she didn't jump," insists her husband, Captain William Sherman (Jill of the U. S, Army Intelligence, who was taking a imp in an adjoining room when the tragedy (incurred. "We were ao happy... yes,., we had been soparated for a short time, but our misunderstanding was all patched up. Why Janet came all the way from California to spend my five-day furlough with me... And, look, our bags were packed. In two hours wo were to leave for Washington..." Then what did happen? Perhaps no one will ever know. Kor Janet left no notes, no clues of any kind. If she did jump, whatever strange promptings urged her will.remain ever secret... If she fell, how reconstruct the tragedy? For dreadful, soulsickening tragedy '' wa8 > aiu ' Q nl! likely to go down forever iu the annals of the unsolved.. Aside from her husband, porhapa the person who feels Janet's N. land in their ileluitante day? they were uinong the most popular member of Nvw York nociety, It wac in that jir.riod, intidentally, that imtli lirokc into the headlines with thi'ir titlcil marrwges and ilicir Kiilisi-qiK'nl divorces. "Mnrtrn i" Miirinn, an she wai known at the time, had met in Italy thi' dashing I'rince Girolamo Kospiclin-ii, had fiiilen madly in love with him and, despite the pleas nf her inn:her, the (li'tin- tlnalrty.. jiiimlk'd Mi''. Wiilti'i- Davidson, of New York nnd Wwport, had married him. -And shortly thereafter, the couple, siill hmcymooning in New York, luid n-i n guest another Italian Prince Friim'Bu'o Don er, hnnddnnn New York soeinlite nnd stepson of the fabulously wealthy Col, H. II. Rogers. Marion, now married to Dresser for six years, like her sister Janet, seemed to have settled dowrt in happy contentment after several disillusionmcnts. And for a long time the public has beard little or nothing of, "those he.iuttfnl S But tragedy lifu the curtain oifre ijnore-mhity to fall again, swiftly, darkly and with dreadful Opinion of Others (Continued jrnm Editorial Patje dreamed our fellpw-americans would sabotage, yea, kill our own fellow-men.. The morale of the In Hollywood she met Gill, who was an actor's agent and who had previously lioen married to two actresses Evelyn Fan-is and Rence Ailoi-ee. In two months they were married and Janet settled in Hollywood, and bore her husband three children. In the meantime, her sister had divorced Prince Kospigliosi, met, married and divorced, all in five montlisj l.nuis.. Reid Jr., son of a prominent New Jersey lawyer, and fifteen minutes after that divorce, which occurred in Reno, married liradley ("Brad" Dress- C'aravitt,.laiii'l acrompiinii'd hw sister and lirothcr-in-law to the liovs certainly has gone down, and pier to greet their distinguished j no mattar what the outcome of visitor ami hardly hud the ship the settlement offlw mine workers, there will always be that hat- (kicked when.huiet fell hopelessly and helplessly in love. "At lirst red of the service man against sight" both-of I hem said. My Labor.. " midnight that same night, they Master Sergeant Moskn, and the had decided they ouldn't live other soldiers abroad, may be wit limit t.'iu-h other ami at 5 heartontd to know that multiplying thousunds of patriotic Ameri- o'clock the following day, exactly 24 hours aftor their rwi'tinc. they vforc married in N<;\v York's City the door. She tried to obtain a i New York annulment of her marriafjo hut failed; finally came a Mexican divorce. Then she went to Hollywood, determined to make a try ut a film career. But romance intervened anil put an end to her screen aspirations. State House Dome (Continued from Editorial Page Extension.Service officials admit,... Children from twelve years up enn become efficient and prolific canners ar\d food conservationists if encouraged not to eat up the evidence of their proficiency, State defense officials claim.., Dr. Eugene E. Agger, State CommiMsioiier of Banking and Insurance, claims the United States will never pay off this debt of the present war. Who Is Frw? Who, then, is free? The wise man who is master of himself, whom poverty or death finds unafraid, who scorns unworthy ambition. Horace. GOB For Stunts Frequent criticisms have been voiced concerning waste of gasoline by the armed forces at a time when the civilian population in this area is having its driving sternly lrmited by OPA decree. A news picture from the Governors' conference at Columbus, 0., lends point to auch criticism. It shows an imposing array of Army jeeps, each bearing a Governor, a Waac and an Army driver. Captions explain that the Governors are starting on a sightseeing tour and that each Governor is escorted by a Waac from his homo state. Ohio is not in the section where pleasure driving is banned, but an official /example of forbearance, would have been much better than this rather obvious stunt. Some one should have said "No.", Both the Army and the Governors ought to have known bettor.- Newark Evening Newt. COUGHED TOO LATE Salt Lake City.- With a marble lodged in his throat, four-year old David Hartwell was rushed to the hospital. Just as physicians started to work on him, David coughed and up came the marble, too laie to save a doctor's and operating room fee of $5. "It Works Well Now, Madam" MUGGS AND SKEETER DIP YOU HEAR,THAT BlFP"3R0GAto IS GO TO PITCH FOR THE <( TWICE AS I PANTHERS"AGAINSTJ OLD AS WE USTOPAY? S v ' AttP a ELZA POPPIN SKIPPY OH' t A SPIDER. HOW COULD ASK A BETTER DEED KRAZY KAT NAPPY R IS HAVING HIS HANDS FULL WITH TUFFY AND HIS GANG, WHO ARE STAGING AN ANTI- NAPPY DEMON- STRATlOH.THE DEMONSTRATION IS BEING CONDUCTED IN THE MANNER OF A STRIKE. WE NOW FIND NAPPY AND THE BOYS IN CONSULTATION. iokay «2#(YEAHf BUT S'POSE [ FELLAS! t^jmose GUYS DON'T LEWE THIER M SIGNS. HERE? DETECTIVE RILEY AN AIRPORT CAFE IN COMPLIANCE WITH A STRANGE NOTE HE RECEIVES ABOARD THE PLANE.,.. AFTER WAIT- WSAFtW MINUTES HE VOICE 66- HINO HIM. V m vil i ( <y u\\ A&U5 WEIL NEVER SE TO TOUCH HIS 7 PITCHING r/ ^^LEt'S TALK ^~ TWSCVERMTH ^-r EFFIEKj AWRIGHT MEN! SPREAD OUT AN' START LOOKIN FERTHO&E SIGNS' I'LL TRV TO EXPLAIN m NOTE AS BRIEFLY AS POSSIBLE...MYNAME IS SANDRA STEVENS..WHEN I SAW YOU SAVING GOOOBYE TO TrtE COLONEL, I DECIDED TO TELL YOU MY STORY, HOPING YOU WOULD HELP ME! SHUXWUT MAKE THE BGG6R THEY ARE THE ^RrjER i m FALL! FALLi! WELL WE'LL A RINGER V ON THEM'MMTOStS'REGARDLESS ' XAK6 AK6 AND HE'S "N of SIZE AW BEATfeMFAIR ' < AS WEARS' /^~Vr~^tik. HEV FELLERS!! I FOUND EM!! JA HEAR THAT I GOOBER?? COME ON» SQUARE -By WALLY BISHOP...BUT JI6T IN CASE WE HSv ENV TROUBLE WIP 'EM AHJF GOT IT ALL FIXED UP Wif ;[- r TH' UMPIRE!.' < \ti By OLSEN & JOHNSON By PERCY CUOSU\ 4... tjipi. W3. KIIIB Fumifi Sjnjimr. liu. Vi RIGHT BEHIND l WAS CALLED TO CAIRO ON A FALSE PRETENSE FOR WHICH I COOID FIND NO EXPLANATION AT THE TIME... SOON AFTER,SEVERAL ATTEMPTS WERE MADE UPON MY LIFE... THEN LEAftMED.filRpUC-H AMERICAN NOrfSWER THAT MY BRDWf R WAS BEING TRIED FOR WRDER... A MURDGR Of WHICH! AW SURE HE IS INNOCENT! By HERRIMAN By IRV TIRMAN HURRY GOOBER" E THAT PAINT' GQSHID'YA THINK THEV'LL NOTIC H-M-M-N!' WOM06R WHAT Till :,; FELLA9ARE UP TO NOW -By BOB DART IAMOM Y WAV To fme SfAffS 0 CllW M i BROTMER,IFJCAN...l PlANE ON WHICH I FIRST CAME H Rt...I'«im T«$l$ftOR^ilAH MERE COINCIDENCE.. W I. H'^ BESTNOfBE «MTO«tfrt RAB0AKP(Hl HAM tesf Y0O BECOME INVplVEP! IF AN APPLIANCE doesn't operate smoothly, have it looked over. Those snorts and hisses mean something is out of order; electricity is being wasted and that's unpatriotic Electricity is needed to make the war equipment we're busily turning out iu New Jersey. I know for I'm on duty day and night, furnishing power arid illumination for production plant." QtO PARTS M(OT BtS TVHNSD J!V. It NfW, FACTS YOU NEVER KNEW jo5 PKTHOWSONAf PU6IC AUCIIOK.-Mt SWtitVM HHV StUtHNfiS eutflnallf DAMAGED TO KNOCK HER. OOWM (OA HENRY MtAKS OR TWEHTV SHIUI^S ANP A NE WUJNPt.m.oh,,y UBr, UTM!, STMtOf tt^essee HAS.ON ITS STATUTES At OiD IAWWHICH FORBIDS THE WCWmOtlltH PARWIN'S T«ORY OF EVOLUTION ' By RICHARD II PVBLIC SWi^fror Of DUMONlV (AOTM WULOMMt (b H f IGMf fiah US 0 MAKE ROOM fott 'V BUY UNITED STATES V/XR SAVINGS BONDS OR STAMP,V

9 LEADER Answers ^pukr Qae$tions On Rationing And Prices, ; nil..!!;' ill il "CllWS ".- M-e nearby onions? I,.,!" <! uiir which may :.. i'<i liy n»y clan rei, ii white onioni, 3 Utc; yrllow onions, 3 i.'l'.il maximum prim '.ululated sugar? ill Independent retail 7c prrponnj. -Irali'i' increase his f ii e cream?.!,. l.;,;h»t March, 942 i m.iins hii ceiling tpm fiir»hof stiiivp n extended? llu' rxpirntion date it. VIM mw 30, iv a special shoe ra-iiline situatinn due ;'!"V('incnt in the Hour i ocl the same holds for ' Christian Science Church Calendar, iirli nf Christ, Scieaii.!> a branch of I i!vli, tin- First XMi-iUis'l, in ('lunch Htistoii,.'lav services, A. M., "»l, 0-.SO A. M. VH- ' 'ay. muling room, ' to "iiiday, July 4, in a Sciciii'e Chun-lie and "" uikiiuut thu world. j i' n Text is: "The Lord '. Ihi' Lord is our lawy "id is Mur kinjf; he will.' U'SMon-Scrmon citnl'iillo\vin«from thi- ' he pei.ple praise ther. all ihe people praise ihe i:ations he (jlad : "i'.icy: for thou shall!" "I'lc tiiihteously, and V-Vi nations upon earth." "» Sermon also includes nf mwhuife from tlie SciciH-e textbook, "Sci- H'-alth with Key to tto> businessman, ' I'Himl an unconscious "If the road and hurried hospital. The next day, ; > police found the lifeless l; 'vid Garcia, 37, near the '"' vu 'tim u an unavoidable 'Ihe. mun Parrish took " pital --he was just deud '''"' l " ' ''ECULAR DUCK (: "lo When her pet ^«>, became grown, Mi»» Wood, its owner, decict-!l "uld be in the city park Sll ' k l.e launched him and he -V N0TIC88.vili ha received by'tha "(ilili-u In Ihe ToWii- i-lilt-f. New Jersuj', at Muiliri-pal Building, u < Ull, nt. 8 ji. lu. (W. ". V L ' iletlvarad qt UL8 ""»ii uf uua-rou. Ai MUWH: '" U-as No. Uuck- W ' Anil Uil. ' urn- in- m A- H on Cumiiilttee Woodbridgc Notes '""' 'inlaid, have rrtunu'd hnmo after spending several ( -u-0 n Point Stvecl rs Ailnms,Tr nf i, nt Ca,,p \Vn(r MC, tor the summer months. Ttt'fluisrnf the gasoline short- Inc t'arish llmisc Club inspecting.flooit dam.ike to her yard, found a hook in her beet patch. r. art.l Mrs. ]]my v. Kerr The hook was from a home in Fafrfield, Okla., twelve 'Ire av.-ay. The Hhnk's title war, "The Panning Storm," >IIIIIII-M'V Cuimiy NiirraKKt'H I'nurt \OTII n 'in t'iii-:nt'iitn luliii Klskn, Ailininlntraiiir nf Louis Isiskn ili, (.IIHI',, hy illroilimi ' I frniih A. I'nniiolly, SinriiKui,.,,;' llm «'..m,iy,,r Mi.l.llf-wK,,PIK,V FtlTDAY. JlTLY 2, 04 i'i( ill i ll i muni lihls Ki,nn (, rp. In tin' pninl nr ]>llli'4' nt bl'klnninit er>\ " Hit. li Street; I wo i.ill.mil twotity-ttir»» Cli nnr nf HIP IlnUliiled mi Mil- fiilltll l>\' bit number ll,"i, <m Ihf noiili by (lifpii- Tiv a.ill II it.' 'H 'i' T.iK Upon acrispinnrr,.,-;i,n minimum helve ( ii.mi liundreit illlih feet, UIAUC > ill <UIH} to Hlrch ftrcl ill'l i il, nr l i ahiu'o minimum, by tile ail III" illvll\v"iily I.inT Hln-h Strppl tlfl\ iltll fpi-i tn Hie 'if \l>. '. \ I'MI Pily ilntik the Kniitt«rl> >lvl» nf ',l..l. "i V\..., i '.., u- ITII»k Avpmi" nn,l on the pawl hy lot 'linviislilp Cnmiii(it(.,>.ii.i thr'inyni'iil tlii.rniif liy n,,, imnhnser acxlno Hill' of.. N'i s '.,' Ni w Iliinih,,' rl ;ls Illl'l llnkil on Sllld.' II il oil l\veiil\ the '.I cue Inlll - inilnt nr dj<-e nf HKIMNMNi I ^^V,.', l,\..h'mini,, Ircl (liui d-rl. (irdhig to ilic mjimifm nf imrclnihf.'"' i.! i tt e^t t'i' iiji nnvlmn p umnunt nf HIP IOPNI>R nn h«nnrlli liv Bin I, ('tvil ;ntnu.. I STUII -,, HI!. (i nccoriinnrr will, IITIIIR of snip.hdk he by y puld ly, pnnill In lliivli Slfei-I and Siiogl; mi Ihp w«l liy lot Mo. (W«n VI,i Vnih... \! wln- n inui' nn file, ilin Towimhlp will ilellvfir.ilmik il" divl'. '.ii l.ds Xo. is I to ('Mi. oil the Biiutli by lut-^"0 II ii i ', - 'Il ( a. ; k' j (H sale in ", mini nf Two lltmilred i burtcntn anil n:t\t Hen,\ for Bni(l KlRlilci'ii Hollars and Heventy-dvN three (S (Hid fdiir Ill llft.f (MM \'i>. Iliren 3I at\fl fniif Ii uml on:k Nm Unit, \\ k Mi"\v re\ feel: Ihe ire CD iiin'i erly al riicht i'ii> ea«i by lot No t«i>nn-»ftve list Tl." ' i'p; ii. 0 i.,i ('cuts ( 2»,7Si, icifmhrr Wllh the (uit'n i( lit imriex ti Illrcl Stri< i anil.il.'ii Keing lots No. iweiiiv-lhrt I-'I'.!.- r-.,,!,. l -i Dali'.l: liiii" '.I:,,,!, inin. cnslm nf Illl? SIllP. fl."llu ml the illvlx llili III' ' Nn, lucuu and twntv four (3d In t>rn, k in".i Is ll,.. 'Iin : TuKcilicr with all mid slnmilnr T'i. MHI id T.' Township Olork. Ihp rlkhis, pvlvllpups, h»rpi!uiineuts mid itnpurlcniincfts Ihersiiill^ Tn lip lillvovliicl,,,,,,, 2r. li lllld Inly L'h'l. l!li:i, i,,,,. inileprnilenl- hi'liiii«]n«nv In nnyivlsp apiiprtaln icheduled fni.,tu]y 4 ' ' - > " P " ' WIl.tiAM A. Al.l-OAIR. osf most fveof the of the Wnde Brown home ttrtrr Tin W-;!.Vii Dncfcft Uo (Till Hhi-rilT. SOt, KANTOI on llarrell Avpruip. IHt». 44, M"., OPA, VftTlt'F. OK I?. :ir Attorney.,,tV,, i:il OPA rulings Alfrr Tlauchmnn, son of Mrs To Whom tl May l 79.Iame< At n Teff\i\;,/ mrctliik of tho, iirailcin may suli- Ranchman, of Rmron Avehan entoi-ed hia ires illi ( n!nmniltt»o of tlit Township of mit> In rhnnprry nl NfW. fmr replies In Tvetiyei l : Rf'IWeeii.lolihnnn neltmcr, I'nmilnlnanl. and'.tolin \M, tlyder. Clar- '. I itih illi'i'i tod In inhvi-- '', mi,.,,, OPA, Trenton. at Temple University,.; Hr tllp fio I illill nil T(0Vl:l\ in'p- <le delphi iin, as a prc-dentnl student. nre A. llyiler. '! iilfl.. DplfliKlnnl, I UK, uly (in,, ii i :i, il,i''t>i\vii'ililp Miss Ruth I.ehor, teacw'in ninniilli'i. will mem. nl S P. M, i'i Ka fur Ilie.sale of murlgnged \V, T.l In llif I'ominiltn Clinmbprs. iieitiine.h daled.liini^ T, lim. the minion school fnr Indian ch'ill at North Fork, Culifornin, is.,.]- or ill ft Mftniovinl Munii l ial HniKHii [, Wood By vlrlue of the above stnicil Wril, in m«.llreiaeil and deli.,, nirccleil liy price Ml nt pulpilr >n\a an, (o Uie hlghhlddpt.'i^nrtdiiuj tu t«nn» uf le on \VI:HNK.HrAV..THK Ffint- will e\pine to.inl". public ven- linj? her vacation with hor pnrenls, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. t^hp'r, ' on file with tlio Township Clerk TKKNTlf».\V OF.IIMiY, A, U. l,,,,-,liol(i joodi, if not of n'pednle Avcmip, open to insp[>cti«n and lo Im pun- 94! -w iiiin,,vioek Htandiird Time,,, r<i.ilili«hmenl regu- " ly rc.iil prim- In naif-, inin 7. "S, o.l twn o'clock KaHlern War Him; n ihe afternoon nf ihe snld day, at,,,,i;ftl in the tale of' 'Miss Mary-,In Finn, of drove hi' HlierllT'n ntllee Ihe I'lty ol Avenui.,,,,..ire i-xempl from is spendiiik t (. Slim,,,,«Take f nfiyer niillco that tna New llniiiswli'k, N... nth,,,,,-al, except for mej her uncle and aunt, Mr. andtownship, Committee has, hy resolution ii ml pursuant to law, fixed a if liiinl and tiremisi'm liprelmifti"' All Ilie fnllnwlnn Irnet or Mrs.,,.. i rfi -i»ci'alor», vacuum f'arlton K, Hansell, of Fair minimum pri.-f :i ivhi'li sniil lnu In liaill'iiliuly ilcmiilidd, sltuati, lyilik ami IH'IIIK in '!"' Townaliip i'f Vi wishing machine! w Villajre, Ohio. il lildrlt will be wold ' together with nil other detail pertinent, said W Ihriihtr In tin- t'onnly nf Mrs..In me. I. Dunne, nf minimum price lieliik Jljliiuiii «us illi'sex anil Slati' of New Jernpy. re.cn Street, a surrical putitnt COHIH of preparing deed and advsr- ;iiiinli.v (liseontinup Melnn known and drslknutwi a» r the past ten weeks nt Rf. Fer's Tlnspitnl in Niw nnlnswick n down ikiynrnut jif i;.vail. the Iml- IIHIIIK Mils sale. Until Ints In Maid l.ois'niiinlicrs I'orty-eiKht (4«nnd block it Hold oh thm-m. will reijulre l''nrty'-iilme i-ioi-on mlip fintitlefl i i, m.iy not require a Hup»t l''ord«talk, Section Number ll, W'Hidliildtfe Townnlilp, MJJ- now convalesciiik nl her home' ruice of piirt'lmse price lo be plaid i m ixirclioie a similar io einmv numllily instnllinentb ot dtesex Co-unty, New.lerW, the 2(.mi IIIIIM smiti'mi ami oilier I.TIUS Involving additional Iti'dlierly ol.iiilm Hatwon, litoutre, lirnvlilftil for In contract ot sale. Si'iiteioiier -I, I!H7." Uiirson nnd Pot,,, ;il n higher price. APPROPRIATE TITLE, Tnkfl furtlier nnllcp Iliat at n&ld rivil KnKineers, Hurltan IlulldInK, :.! ceiling prii-e nn ANYWAY sale, or iiuy dale lo which It may b«l":i'!l Snilili Street, I'ertb Atnhoy, odjourne.d, the Township Committee Ndrt.lerHcy. \ \ l'i:mkfurtitp in Miami, Okla^ Mrs. Norn Wlli, renervp.n tlie rlkht In Us dlwiretlon Heln«tlie Hum lands nnd prom- lo reject any one, or all bids and to Hell wald lol In xalil Ulork to mich lii'mer AH It may upln-l, due regard of payment, In (Mine one or more minimum I»UH sliull bo waived. Upon ni'eppiiiiii'p of the minimum I'M, or bid alium winlir.iim, l>y Mm(if lieeds nil i'akl'h -!IT, etc. Townahlu CummjlU-fl and tlm'pnympnt thereof by Ilia piifchiiiftr Hinordlntr to the. manner of purchase The i ]> ir»\intitln.imiianl of the ilnervr to br anlitjjk"! liy Jiuld Haiti ia (he sum ut Two Thcu siin(l TWO in uiturdnncn with lerms of nnle on Hundred N'inely-t wo HiillnrB ($2,- Illc. lhi> Tnwiiahip will deliver a 'JIU.iili umellier with Hie costs of baibalu a#d nail! deed Tor said premlaps. tliiit sale. I'iitfd:.linn, 2Jinl mis II..!. l N, Townshln ClerSi. Tn lip :i,hvrli«,.,.hiiu- ;r,i, nnd ly 3It'll (3, In Hip i'h ii'.li., in (I,,. ITHIIIIII-K i,r HIP il l,i,nim Klskn In In-hijc in lih'lr ln. trllklll,l>, IIMI rl.lims, K;,,,^ ' I'-'i.lli'., III,. M.i.,,.,(,;iH.,, mi. lipf»r Tin w-auii KorUn i:i7/;tr«' Kiilli in- iillhlil.ili.iii, uiihin six NOTICI'l (>! fm'hi.ir KVI.K.tlDl'i i I 'MH Ihi i, t.v,v TO WHOM IT MAV I'liSCKliN: hirfvt-r lurivil i,r i my nctiim At a rpyulur meetlni; of tho ri'l'iir iik.iiinl r,,,,,:,i, ^, tri sship Township Committee nf the Town- «{ Wnmllirlilge held Manila', June iimi. ml?,, I iva-i dlreiie.l tn I'MwilPl.. SlllKiiM, l-lhii i-t ah., deiemlanis, l''l. Ka. I'm lh«i a pair of white Ihiiinlliiii lililx., IWT In tin- commlltpft Clinmliers sale,,f iiinrikakpil premlspb dated S'niili I'lulnllcM, N.., MPmor/Hl Municllial Hulldlnfc, Woodlii'Uge, New Jersey, and expose ami JIIIIP i,!h3. I'lminr.. v your No. 8 Mump l.-l, il-l.ll.ls,.'-,;;.; sell nl public sale and to the. Illghest bidder aiconling to lernvi of liy viriuc nf tl'e nhoye stntprt Wril, tu me dirpctt.il and dfllvpreil,, h rn USed. s.il«on lllc with I lie Tuwiishl i I will exposp In sale al pitlilli vendue nn WKHNMO-SliAV, TIN-: KOl'lt- emrt Coiinly SnrrikviitfN rottrt ' ilie dales' for the new c >-ck open In lusiir-rtlun and tn hi MlIK I', 'I'll( IIKIH'I'llltS luilillcly read prlur tn snip Lot K TKKXTII HAV Oh'.IHI.V, A. P.,,i! stamps? M.i i in it I'II I I»», admhiliiiriilrit of in Uliick s:i, WnoilbridKo Tnwnshli l!i ;!, at one o'clock Slandiinl Time I'll,nics K. l\ip i.is, ili'i-i'iisnd, hy diic'tl'jji ut l''rtt/ik A. Cnuiuniy..^ur- in the afternoon ol' the said day, at and two "clock Kastern War Time i Hiint; datei are: P, June i. luly 4; R, July ; S, Hie Sheriffs OHlee In I Ho City ot New rtrun.iwlck, N...,! IK. All expire July 3. rtikiile nf Ih,. fuuillv Hi' Miiidlfiev, ln'ii-liv KIVCS Mori'., id tin- creditor: of thi'.said ('h.irli.s K. Piippaa I" lirliir in iheir drhis, ilemamln and tlailni M^illllMl Ihe rstilie of tlie said ili-rciii-cd. uiiili.r i.alh nr attlr- -' I'. K'illlln Hi>. lootilliji flinii ti!m ilnle nr ttn-v will he fnrfver liiirred of any arilmi thcii'lur ak'iitiht tlic x:h'l mlininimriitn\, Marian l'ii i i!i-i, L..i.'n' i:. MCK'HU'V.' I K. Main Si. \V ll'ii'ltc, X.,, IT.,, u.r. rh^\ Cnniity H.irrtttciile'N i'onrl \ori( t; to (iiini runs Virginia F i a i u r s Aniliuny, surviving e x n - n i r U ol' Sar.ili ls.ihi- (i^i iciiiilcr. dt'ica.scil, liy iliicctinii ni I'liili!: A. i'u::;:i:!!y.' Hurpiu.Hi' nf the Cm nn nl Mlil'l CV, hvl-ellv In the i ri'dltni's nl the said I Is.liiel (Mlt'i, Inlel' In iirilln in II' deld-i, delllanils aiiil I'l.lllllS aif.ilhsl Hie relate nf Hi-,h!! - i'c.isi',. lllhli'l' n.llll (if' allil'lliat Inn, Uilllill ^l\ III, i lit [ k.s LI',nil l!n> ilill,, nf ihlverllsp I In- fuel, tli.it nn TileNilny eyenliik. Julv cili, i«ii::, tin- T.nvnh\V Cummliief, «-ill meet at 8 I. As.sessmcnt Map. Tuke fnrthit mil lee that th< Township Cnnimltlee lias, by redo lulloil and pursuant In htw, fixed r minimum price at wlii.h said l,it ii said WiMilc will he sold URetlie with nil oilier details pertinent,.said' minimum ir ie,,-itik Jrjri.00 plus costs uf preparink deed and ailvertlning this sale. Maid lot In tlu-v will lie tiii-i-vt-r bane,i m any liarguin Tunl Mile d I for said in linn Mieivliir an.llllst (lie.-i.slil pn mlses..' \'\\ ill^ exei-llt li\', I iatod:.lime J-nd, 33. A'll'Kluiii Frances Anllmny,.., DHN'ir.AN, Surviving Kx..-ill i i\., I'at.-'l,lniii- ;.'!, I in:!. flelllard \V. Villfi-'l, KS'., HI3 Stale.St.. Tellil Allllin.v, N... I'rmtnr. New HriinswU'k, N. I. "by Mary Baker Eddy: Iteler Tin \\-H»\ Ducket Ills I7 All the rlkhl, lit lo or lulpipst of ymir understainlliiff NOTICE O 'llhjt: SAf,K defendant, Cliarles Dallas, of, in and TO WrfOM IT MAY CONCEflN: to nil the following described prum- liviiie Mind governs, ijri'l At a regular nioetiutf of Uie Ues, to wit: >nct' mnu reflects God's Towiifchip Committee uf tjie Townslilp All that cciiulfi lot, tract or pul - uf Wonilbriilge held Mon- CP! of hinds and premises slt.uatcd "' " (p.»93 il;i.\, luile i; IVil, l!ll:t, I was direi'lcd in life Township of.wuodliridge, tn advtiiisu tin; lact that unciiiunty of Mirtdleites and Stute of H I'S WR0NG~MAN Tuesday evening,,lnlv lith, llhis, New.ler»ity. Ivnowu-aud ilesignalml (lie Tiiwushlp (.'unitiiktto will as lot luimber one hundred four-, Ariz. -Believing lie had!ne«t at 8 T. M. War Time In theiccn (IHI on a. mnp entitled "Map with his car, riimnilttiiu ('luinilia'!, Memorlnl Mimlcipul Buildlim Woodbrlilse, New Js-i'sijy, tilid exposu and sell at piibllc siilb II ml to the highest bidder accoifllnu tu terms uf sale on lllc with tho Township Clerk open to Inspection and to ho publicly read pnur lii Male, l.uis 3 to V.\3 Inclusive ItifHliiik ii«7, Woudlirldtfe Township Assignment Map. Tuko flirt her notice that the Township Committee Has, hy resolution and puthuiiiit to \AW, tlxed a minimum (nice tit which.sulil luta in said hlticlt will be said together With all other details pertinent, said minimum price In'lilK J6U0.OU plus costs oe uropuvlnt; Ueoit and au- V<M'IIHIIIK lhln sale. Suhl lots In said block If sold 0" terms, will require ii diiivn payment nf JliD.UO, I'm Iml- B«OB of purchusu iirice to be uuld in uiaial monthly installments of fto.m plus Interest and other terms provided for in contract of sale. Take further notice that at said sale, or any uule to wlil'h It may b» " ' '"wiird the other tluekb. " :il adjuurned, the Township Committee reserve tha right In its discre- '''"''k away when Alex flew tion to reject any ouo of nil lild» '' "owe, Miss Wood was '"' l and tu soil said lot.t In wild block "»\ settled himself on to sncli bidddi' iis.lt muy select,'due "ml ueoompunied her regard belli given to torms and ll( - evidently didn't like iiiiitiner of payment, In cuso "I " <" 'blue coal 9 you ctn't beat it 3AVB-buyit'NOW JOHN J. BITTING CALL WO ISCH conyeyed to Henry A. Kyder, John \V. Kyder and Olareri&» A. llydy by (leorge \V. Klthlnn unil VrH«, ' ttfuit ffit+wi.irtntk^pj lilt lttits, 4nd rciurdcil In the Clerks Office uf the. County nf Middlesex In Booh? 9 «ToKether with nil and singular the liklhh, prlvlle^cm. hcrcdlliulienth and appurtenances thereunto!>«- ikli'k»r In anywise appertain- " S ' li- l WHJ'ilAM A, AU-tlAjn. siti'i'irr. \l!!> V. VfKJHU Solicitor. SIIKHIKK'S SAliK In ( liniieerj uf New Jersey IJelWePii JOSP.loaqnln Hliyit nml Allilll.i Unse SllVit, lli«wife, '«f'' ciiiiiplaliiants, iind. Antonio domes', All the fnlluwitik tract or pareel of laud and premises hereinafter lkiiilciiliiiiy described, situate, lying utid IIPIIIK in Hie Towimllip of WoodhrldKc In the County ot Middlesex ami Slide of New Jersey. v said block if Mold on terms, will HKdlNN'lNf! on thn nurthei'ly side l a down payment of jlti.od, t»f Spruce Stroei al a point ttijprcln i i (lie balance of inir-.-hasf price to he'dlstant nne lintidl'tml and lll'ty lir.di I'.ild in Hi uiil monthly installments I feel westerly from His HitiTiiCctU'ii nf J.'i.no plus lulerest :in.l other nf Hie westerly side of Daniel titre<m trrtn.h pravtdnii' l'ur in cuhlraci (jl»wihi Ihe nuillierly. side of Spruei sale. ISlreel; llii'iice II nortlierb' at ri^ht Tuke further nolice that at said] angles to Spnic Street and almik suli<, or ;uiy (lute, to wlilcli It amy.the division line of lot No. Three, lie adjourned, the Township Cum-ten and lour III une hundred (( nilltee l-cseitoh the right in Hslfeet; Hieiii-n (ii westerly, imrallpl discrell'im lo releit nny nne or all in Sproci. Hire.pt and ahmg tlie dl- I'i.U and Id sell'salil lot in Bald lilock lo smdi biddtr as it may spied, duo rtj jard being given to terms and manner of piiyment, In unities to Spruce Street and casi one or more minimum bids ahmtf Hie divinion line nf lota No. shiill he I'eif-lvcd. I'l'un ii< replitncr of the minimum the til and six (Gl one hundred (lull feet; thence 4 easterly..and bid, or hid above minimum, by theuloiik tin iiut'tlierly side of Spruce Towushtp I'oniniitie(! uud the paymeiit Street titty (fid I feel lo the point thereof liy the imireliiiser ue- fovdinj; tu Uii manner of purchase In accordance with lenns uf sale on Hie,\lhe Township will deliver " Tutt unlil i I'lerk. To liu advertised. un-> jr.ili and Tilly 'iid, 9", in Hie ludclieiiilent- Leader. SIIF.IUI'K'S SAI.K I i.k.skx COMMON 'U'iAS CO I'I IT llet ween KMKAUKTIl C.SOl'VAK, I'lalutlff, and OHAliLES MilM i: N. J. TaUn liidicil tll.it JOHN VAl:- KAIIAS, lipl'pndniit, Pi I'II. forskconi TRACT; t<iia.s\' inleiiils In apply in Tinvn- Hie sale of piviulses dated M'afcli ^lilp ('(UniniiU'e nt the TnwiiHhip nt in, i:ii;i. Wnmlhrldt'e I'nr a Plenary lii-tull Hy virtue of thn above stated I'lillslllllplinU lirellme UV it'i'llti SI'H wril, to me directed and delivered,, silualfil al :;ni Fullnu Slreel, W'nmlhriiliif, will es iob(' In sale al public yon- TuWiisliin (if Wtivillii'idgc, due on WKDNIiSOAY, THE 2KT DAY. Olijerllons, if uny, sluiulil He made Oh' JU,V A, II, NINKTIOh'.N iiiiiiii-dialely in WL'UIUI; n>:!,.f. lirnhiikii voityy-tiiitki': iniuik-an, Tuwnstflii Clerk, W - al one o'clock Standard Time and l.ridni, X'ew Jersey. < two o'clock' Kastern War Time In isiku,,,i JOHN V.UtSHWNV, tlie nftcruuiui of tlic s-ilil ikiv, at.,.:-:',!>«wiimlhriilk!-, N. J. the Sheriff' Ollire ill Ihe city of nf KisiiHliy MclKlita situated n Woodbiidtje Township. Mliidleses I'ounjy, N.,I...April 97" surveyed and mapped Ly Larson and Vox, Civil Knelneers, ITS Smith Street, lvrtli Amhoy, N. J. Ucelnuing at a point on, Hie southerly slue of Ciioenbroo'k Avenue distant thre«liuudred CIO(I feet westerly from the southwest corner forined'hy the InteiHeciion of Highland Avenue mid (Ireeiilirook Avenile. liunuinir Hieivce/(ll soiilhcriy amj parallel wlili filililiiud Av.-uue one hundred (ltl«fvet. to a point; thelleu vcstiiiiy and parallel with Ureoiihrook Avenmi twenty-live (25 fi-et to Point; th«ncu CD northerly and parallel with the llrsl ile-»l'ril>eil eourae one liundred (00 rcot to the southerly line nf tireenbrook Avenue; Ihi'iieu ( easterly ajong tku auulhtlly Hue uf (iicenlirook Aveuuft twciity-fivu (!!!> feet KINDLING - FIREPLACE - WOOD - FAMOUS READING COAL KOPPER'S COKE MASON MATERIALS FUEL OIL Pfaout WooJbrldg« WARR COAL & SUPPLY CO. ST. GEORGE AVENUE WOODBRIDGE vislnii line ot lots No. twenty-two nvi'iit.v-tliree (2: fifty feel; llieiice (3 aoiltliel'ly at or place of likcinnlnli. Itniuuled on the aortli hy Ints No. IWeiity-twti ('22 and tweiily-lliree (i!:ii; on Hie west Ity lot Xo, six (Hi; on (lie smith by Spruce Street; and on the east by lot No. three <:n. BeliiK lots No. four (] and live (!i In Block ID"!- on a map entitled; "Map uf property of llagamun IfeiK'litK, situattd in tlie Township of WoodbridRe, County t>f Middlesex and State nf New Jersey, surveyed by l.armin and KoX; civil enslneers, ITS Smith Street, Perth Aniboy, RKHIKNINCJ on the Southerly side of Hlirli.Strtn't distant one hiinilieil and iwenty-tlve list feet westerly from Ihe' inktsechon formed by Hie westerly aide of Daniel Street with TELEPHONE 4-007S THOS. F. BURKE Funeral Directors 366 STATE STREET PERTH AMBOY, N. J. Joseph V. Costello, Mpr. "There It No Subitltule For Burke Sertloa" Feed "STEPPED UP" BEDFORD DAIRY FEEDS for Plenty of Milk! BEDFORD has jmt tha.ration to fit your individual feeding conditions, not matter whit kind of hay or rough«t you tufva. 6%, 20%»nd 24% MJLKOLENE... «34% FARM MIX... to aid Heady milk Cw I Tg AMBOY rtm co. 27U New Uruu.nluk Atr, Teeth LT.GAL NOTICES keady-to-serve HAMS Extra Fancy U. S. No. "Site A" New POTATOES 5 9«Imagine, selected size A nw potato ia law priofdl Smoked, Skinned, Whole or Round Half flflim In HJIII.MH, 'it.iliei ivlth the T-K, ',, w.! i i-i pri\h':i(i'i '! I tmi,(i'- ":! r ill I '!! -.. A,, VM,\ ii'itf... I ;.r'tl T, III ip i< (. I M.I (IMP.. Iff. MJc 9 Point! Per Lb. BHT Our Markets Will Be Closed All Day Monday July 5 in Observance of Independence Day California New Potatoes it s i 5»». 3c TOMATOES Selected JUMBO CANTALOUPES' 22 California Fancy W APPLES E.ch 29c» 0c Fresh Cabbage New Lb. Fresh Beets Jersey Fresh Mackerel WEAKfJ&LFres/i Tasty HADDOCK Fresh Whole PORGIES Fresh Delicious Supreme Enriched Bread 8 Large Loaf Bunch 5 Enriched by using a yeast high in vitamin B, nlacin and iron, Rushed FRESH Irom our own bakeries. FRESH RYE BREAD >0c Buy Enough Bread for tho Double Holiday HOLIDAY FEATURES pkg. of U Lily Cups ptg. Drinking Straws of A 00, H lunch Bags Paper Napkins NBC RITZ pkg. «( 40 pkg. of 20 of 80 Ib. Pk8. w OLIVER Brond Picnic Plates Peanut Butter Peanut Butter Social leas s Mustard PHEI Red Heart Dog Food CHEALS + Tasty lens Carton - -o U Flour WHEATiES Scott Tissue Ib. pka. Waldorf 7-oi. ar 3? pkg. of li Gold Seal Dated Eggs 54c Silver Seal Large Eggs co^no n50c gm> I»» ASCO Finest M Bottle 0c Cider VinegarF U U strength 24-oi. 2-0, 4c Gold Seal Egg Noodles Gold Seol Ib-ox. pkg. 0c Macaroni or Spaghetti Penn-Rad Motor Oil J^ 4 $.32 PRUNES Robftid Srsnd MB HM TolUl llnu«4 29c \m 5h»iti FRESH HAMS IV.,,i, Ibi j ic ROUND HALF Ib. 33c SHANK HALF Ib, 3c Slices Fresh H$m ib 36c0 PORK LOINS M.»-.33c 9 Pork Chops Center Cut ib. 37c Smoked Bacon Xff { g ib. 35c 7 BACON M S V 2 ib.22c 4 Dinner Frankfurters ib. 37c6 BOLOGNA or %L Pi«ci»> 33c 6 D»T 4 Pork Roll 2 7 < G Q SALT PORK - 2 Farmdale Evaporated MILK 3 Tall Cans c 32c Mild Store Cheese Colored Kraft Velveeta Cheese Oleomargarine D B7 ib. carton 9c Fancy Canned Shrimp ^ 3c Use Stamp No,. Get tu btit for y«uf vnluabtt coffea ilump! Feutura Granulated Sugar ^.? 5 b Qg 3c Sugar Stompt 5 and 6 Good for 5 lbs, Eoch (or Conning Blue Stamps K-L-M Expire Next Wednesday \t These Blue Stamps [R} Now Redeimoblt Most of the Best for Your BLUE Stamps OSCO mo "Grade A" A" TOMATO f^ Juice ^ 8c roinu 3 Pressed from selected luscious rip«tomatoes Campbell Tomato Juice Grapefruit Juice "L 0c 3c Grapefruit Juice ASCO «II.ox - Tomato Soup, M S D 3 IMPROVED ^ cons <XC Our finest condensed tomato soup, Try it today! V-8 Cocktail 8 J vt 3 :,l.^-3c Tomato Soup S 3 ^25c RATION CALENDAR Blue Stamps ixpiri WHJNKDAY, JULY 7 tttdetnulu Red Stamp IT S^cn, M, Sugar Coupon ra Uooa far B Ibi. Explrfi Ejfl Sufar Uoupon 5 Attd l(i (loud (or 5 Ibi. E»eh (or Hume <iuiilu, Ki[lre Ovlglirr!il, Coffee Coupon m Now Btdnuible. E» iir«j July :3iu I A 'I fi : IY IH6 AMERICAN STORES COMPANY ASCO frnuy Grape Juice ^ W ASCO runty Whak Stilitg Beans No w, Robfprd ASCO Fancy All-Or.«n Asparagus 3 Oomtltlc Tomal«Paste can H GUNWOOD Ot«d< A AppleSauce N >0< <3 I 2 U ^

10 i. \. PAGE TEN By The Navigator Here And There: I urn tnld that it win :i hum dingrr of a party Unit, the [fang threw fur Kddic Obroptil up «t the Kami lint Sunday... Scf-n around town: "Zigjcy" Tobnk looking Try much the sailor in his uniform... Tom Dunigiin and Axel Kji'llman, now of the Merchant Marine, stationed on Lang Island, were honu over the weekem! looliintc very fit... If you want n KOOII time don't forget to attend the picnic to he sponsored by the Ladies' Auxiliary of the- Ancient Order of Hibernians at the Columbian Club grounds on Main Street. Bur War Bondi Tidbits: Bernice (Lillian Terrace Uaumlin will IMT<HIH> the bride of John Snpiirowsi. of Perth Amhoi, July II at St, James' Church... Joe Campiun hup from hack to (yimp after spending an enjoyable furlough at hi lt<!>i«iwii;. -.. The gang at, "Little Joe's" are throwing a party for "Dubbs" Uerity umi Vic \h;icg:vn Saturday nipht.... After wwcral weeks of not hearing from their son, "Buddy," Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Grady received several letters from him -from North Africa. Buddy, it seems, was in most of the battles for Tunis and Bizerte Nevosettes: Buy War Bondi Winnie Finn's folks have recoiverl a letter from him from England... Charlie FiUpatrick married Betty Rogan, of Perth Amboy, while home on leave last week. Congratulations!... Moe Bernstein and Tommy Dee spent furloughs at home last week... Mrs. Berton- Dunigan and son left Wednesday to join Ensign Dunigan in Boston... A double column headline on page. of the Taunton (Mass. Gazette June 5 said: FATHERS WILL BE DRAFTED SOMETIME IF NOT BEFORE Mor«truth than poetry, probably. Buy War Bondi Operator 3 Reports: That Arnt Petcrsen, former policeman, is in the engineers at Fort Breckenridge, Ky. He writes that he, too, got his share of K, P.... That Jimmer Wight is taking Judge Brown's place as police recorder this week while the latter is taking a vacation... That the MV inspectorial : said to be instructed to check up on motorists that do not. have Federal use stamps... That the Grove 'Street section is so full of holes that the residents fuel its nick-name of ''Burma Road" is inadequate... Buy War Bond Operator XYZ Phones: That u Freeman Street lassie is about to make a very important announcement..,. That a Fulton Street girl has been shopping for a wedding gown... That it will he a very quiet 4th for Woodbridge (Township,.., That Chief "Dick" Keating will celebrate his birthday on the fourth 'but you will have to usk him how old he will be... That the George Molnar's are celebrating their second wedding anniversary... Ditto t>he Bob Leisens lie's stationed in Maryland... Buy War Bondi Atound The Township: A lot of Township residents are bemoaning the fact Unit they can't get to the seashore for a little recreation... Even though you work hard in u defense plant and feel the need of some recreation you don't necessarily have to go out of town for it... Ever try using your own backyard?.. Spread an old blanket out on your luwn, don your sun suit, relax and I assure you Lhat you will gel as nice a coat of tan as you would at the seashore or mountains.. Set up some lawn games like archery, croquet (sounds a bit old fashioned but its fun When you get started or table tennis and you will get plenty of exercise and fresh air at the same time, ffarbecues are nice and you donh rjave. to have an expensive outdoor oven... And you can barbecue the meats you get with your points {'or indoor cooking and it tastes pretty, good... And your kitchen doesn't get hot... Take my advice and try it. have and I can recommend it... Buy War Bondi Last But Hot Uast: Marion (Relief Office Dunham celubratus her birthday next Thursday. -Congratulations... Other birthdays coming up are Carl Siindi uist's on th«ninth, Ja«Grady's on thu sixth and Ed Rynyuii's on the 8th... Isn't it about time that the number und«r the gold star on the Township 'service Hag h.v changed?...,thttt even though we went on the pay- -as-you-go busrs yesterduy we should make every effort to keep on buying wartionds.,. Buy War Bund. A Couple Of Veterans Mary Lee, who'. \>rrn trouping iintc she wat Iwcltf and ii now itarring in "Shnntytown," viiid George "Gabby" H«yei, ictrrn yeterun, on the,tl of "Callinj; Wild Bill Elliotlt," in which the bewhiikcrcd comedian biritu a mw weittrn»erie» ilarrin Bill Elliott and Anne Jeffreys Iselin Personalities A, S. N'l'im.m FluiirissiT, of :he T. <S. Merchant 'Maniii, a-ml 'its'wife, Lrona, wrc the dinm'i nests «r Mr. and Mr?. Odi'.ll, of a Guanlia Avenue, Sunday. Mr. and Mr;. I'latencc Bower, if Sonora Avenue, entertained rclilivt-s from ic'ljifttir. last \vt".'k"rd A cunning demonstration sponsored by the Woman's Club of Istliii was given b?t t Mrs. S. Ser- 'ell in the First CHurch hall. William O'Neill, Thomas Kay nd Mi«s Loretta Grogan, of town,. ere the Saturday evening guests of Mi«s Ruth Jtaffncr, of Woodbridge. Private Vincent Kniffen has eturned to camp after spending i short furlough with his parents. Mr. and Mrs, Foster were visited by Mr. and Mrs. Jluasoll Furze, of Sonora Avenue, Saturday eveninx Army Man Announced ISBIJIN.Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Rapuciori, of Dow Avenue, announce the engagement of their daughter, Mildred Eleanor, to Private Axel Thomsen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Schaarup, of Fords. IMiss Kapacioli is a graduate of the Iselin School and was an honor graduate at the Middlesex County Girls Vocational School last month. She will enter the New York Institute of Dietetics in September. Private Thomson, who was born in Denmark, enlisted in the United States Army immediately after Pearl. Harbor. At present he ic stationed at Fort George Meade, Maryland.' No date has been set for the wedding. ; --Mr. Damerau, of Hillcrcst i Avenue, entertained a group of ; ladies of the Woman's Club at ft.luncheon last Wednesday. I The Misses June Bower, Rose TriiiTMnfgtlfrlte-Pwtrrt-nnri Robert i Bower, all of town, and Henry!York and Louis Lehmann spent Sunday at the Palisades Amusement' Part?. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Steeber, of Fiat Avenue, entertained a groupof relatives Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Buchelli, of Fiat Aveijue, enjoyed a theatre party and dinner Wednesday evening, celebrating their wedding anniversary, Robert Gilroy and Elmer Green, of town, enjoyed a skating party at th«dreamland Skating Rink Thursday evening, Misa Jean Duff, of Cooper Avenue, spent a few days visiting friends in New Hampshire. -The 'Misses Claire Bur, Hel- Wetzel find Loretta Groean enjoyed a picnic and swimming party with friends Sunday at Lake Nelson. WAR WORKERS NEEDED Additional wav workers for essential industries must come from the kitchens and from lese essential industries, says the OWI, which points out that the civilian labor force in this country dropped by '2,200,00 men during last year and that only,700,000 were added. Moreover, in the first two months of 943, 400,000 men joined the armed forces and only 300,000 women were added to the work force of the nation. This is not considered enough to kuep up the national effort. 943 KEEP FREEDOM RINGING! July 4, 943, find every American sharing one common purpose to keep that Liberty Bell ringing! And because we are all fighting to protect our freedom and Independence, this year'a Fourth will not be celebrated by the traditional festivity of parades, firecracker and' fun-making. No.indeed Instead, the factory whstle,s will cal our workers to a full eight hours behind the production lines... the bugler's reveille will herald another day of battle for our fighting men... and the barnyard rooster will do his bit to help our farmers to an eanly start harvesting crops that will feed the world. And perhaps, while working, we will hear the far-off sound of hfe and drum and feel more keenly the spirit of those men who fought 67 years ago to give us thevheritage we are t protecting today.. % The Emblem /SUPER-CREAMY/ of Quality PURITAN DAIRY The Home oi Modern Top Milk Fayette St., cor. WiUon St., Perth Amboy Td. \'A Members of tin Woman's C'Uib '; <'olonia enjoyed n theatre»ru limner party in Newark on Tues day. Those attending included Mis. Uiwrcncc Suit, Mi-.«. Albev Ohherg. Mrs. Joseph Hartos, Mi< Thornton Heise, Mrs. Kred Cavl -on. Mrs..loseph Grnwi, Mrs. l.es ter Kiiscern. Mr?. John Komias. :ml I he Misses Tijresn lorio mid Coin'i'tta Marchito. A public election of the Board if Trustees of the Colonia Library Aa.s'held Tuesday ovninjt t»t the iilnaiy. Thf board now consists»f Charles RnauiT, Hiirlty Me- Ciurc, Montgomery Kimtwll. Raymond Rohrio, Russell Keakes, Mr?. A. II. Malison and Mrs. W. C. As- ] bin y. The. elnsses for children on' Saturday morning will be dancing, directed by Mrs. Edwnnl Gunderon, at i»; dramatics, with Mr, Frank Pattison. at 0; and readinx nnd stories, by Mrs. John Lance, f Sewnreh, from to. -A successful (ttrawberry festi. ial was held at the library Saturday evening, with Mrs. Patttson ind Mrs. Sydney Beaujon in charge. Over ninety guests were served. The following boys served as waiters: Charles Vifh, Kenneth Jennings, Joseph Carragher, Rich-, ard_lflrsen l _John and Kenneth Johnston, John RollJe, TJeeT'fox, Frank Terranova, Robert Ellis and Clifford' Feak»«. A contest was FRIDAY, JULY 2, MU:t Colenla News By Mar «rvt Scott held u>r the most i-ft'ii-ii'ill mid well imt'inl wmtei, nnd Lee Fox nnd John RoMv ticii for first place. Mr. ami Mr..lunii'S Stsunton, of West Stifi't. I'litcrtaijied at a i»wrtl iimner for Kitward Ijongo, \v!u> left hut \\i l r!; for tho Army Air Corps, lliu'sts present Were; Mr. iuwl Mrs. ti, Aiuto, Mr. and Mi«. D^nimicK,!. Aiuto, James I" StiUiuton, Jr., iind Rosemary Aiuto, The persomu'l of Casualty tsstioii of Zone -A will meet nt tlc Inmali Avenue lliill on Thurpdsy evimimp. July Ifi at 8 o'clock, With Harold Bailey, of Fords, i«lester Kusceru. of Arthur cmh, celebrated his birthday Wednesday at rt family ""dinner party at his homo. dinner on Sunday to Mr. and Mrs. John Slater and son, John, of Newark. Francos Minchi'lln; A\&; son of Mr. 'Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin iind Mrs. Ross Minchella, of Dover Thompson, of Amherst Avenue, Road, has returfted to his home foe the summer vacation, after attending school at LiiSallc Academy in Canada. ', 'Phillip Botti, Jr., celebrated his third birthday Monday at a family dinner party nt the home of his parents, Mr, iind Mrs. Philip Botti, of Jnman Avenue. Mrs. >Scymour Olsen, of Inwood Avenue, entertained the Junior " CoTnTiTJnWrjs of th? Iirmari-Eft' tates, Wednesday evening. The members received war stamps, purchased through the s;\le of scrap collected by the men Saturdays. Present were: Amelia Almcda, Robert Beck, Marie and Georfrene anrt Marie Sutter, Lorrniijc and George 'Mapps, Jackie Schneider nnd Veronica Weber. Stamps were also given to the following: Lily Almeda, Paul Eek, William Beck, 'Patty Ogdc-n, and Theodore Kay. Mr. a.nd Mi.-i. George Tfnjjt- <iorn, of Dover Road, were hosts on Thursday evening to Mi', and Mrs. Kenneth Van Braemer. of Oolonin, ami Miss Helen Colmnn, of Runway. : Mr..and Mrs. August. Frazior, (f Florence Avenue, were hosts at announce the engagement of their daughter, June» to Michael Worotlyko, son'of Mr. and Mrs. John Wofotlyko, of Cnrterct. The young couple graduated from Carterct High School. No date has been set for the wedding. 'Mrs. Rudolpli Drinkuth and children, Rita and Walter, of Dover Road, arc spending the summer at Rockaway, Long Island. Mf.-ami ill'x. -IafliEa.Rlnelt, Qf Patricia Avenue, entertained Mrs. Roberta Jones, of Linden, and Miss QUALITY and STYLE for Little Money PRIZES-PRIZES-PRIZES PERTH AMBOY'S FOURTH RADIO SHOW THK PKIITI ( OMMI MTV IIOIH nv CHARLIE BALTIN Direct from ScHindel'i Saturday, July 3rd 3 to 3:30 P. M. WHOM. 480 ON YOUR DIAL EVERYONE INVITED Till II OI'lMIHTl'MTY I'D III-: ON Till! AIII Fun - Frolics - Prizes GIRLS' 2-PIECB Slack Suits.79. SIZES plecc slack suit in durable fabrics... solid colors with lar?e patch pockets in, dusty ruse, acjuii, royal and navy. Girls' Basque Shirts 2 for $ DON'T MISS IT! BOYS' 2-PIECE Slack Sets.69 Sanforized... they'll ihrink a mere % or leu! In or outer polo ihirtt with matching ilaeki. Teal, brown, tan, blue. Siwi 5 to 0 Sizei 2 to 8... $98 IOVS' DKI'T. -Mil Fl.OtUI,. ^. ;H,I,.'IH-..V-'^^-"^.H. LI'I--I! M, illlllilllilllllilillllll PLAY SHOES NOT RATIONED NOT RATIONED FOR WOMEN & GIRLS.29 They're colorful... they're, comfortable... so smart for street wear or the beach. A variety of styles to choose from. Sizes 4 to il..79 Ing'and comfortuble,.. with rubber or genuine leather Holes. In blue, white, or red.. $taeii 4 to 9. illlillllllffllllillllllllllililllbllliffllllflllllllilllllbhillbllilllllllwllilll Louise Allegar, of Newark, over the weekend. -^Misa Margaift Dey, af St. George Avenue, entertained Miss Florenco Kiehl, of Millersbuhg, Pa., over the weekend. Mrs. Charles Scott, Jr., of West Street, was hostess on Wednesday afternoon to the following members of the Coffop Club: Mrs, Lawrence ISult, Mrs. Fred flutter, Mrs. Charles Oliphant, -Mrs. William Ogden, Mrs. Bernard Heidgen, Mrs, James Tagjfart and 'Mrs. William Wels. Mr. and Mrs. Harold BisseH. of Arthur Avenue, were heats over the weekend to Mrs. David 'Mitchell and daughter,- Doris, of Cold Springs, New York, imr. and Mrs. Eugene Kunos. of East Street, entertained over HIP weekend Oscar Hitz, of Philadelphia. Mrs: Charles Loesch has returned to her home in New York INDEPENDENT. I.KAHI.,,, City after spending- t Wll with her son nnd dimjrhi,,, Mr. and Mrs. William I,,, Ettfield 'Road. ' Mr. and Mrs. Cliailc; sky, of Hawthorne Av( v(.,, u,, joyed a dinner and Ihatrr in Newark on Monday i,j L,i,' Mr. and Mrs. Paskcl \\, of Amherst Avenne, wm,- ii ner gueats Friday evening,,',- pud Mrs, Josepr, Mcii ;,.. Phoenix. JMisa Patricia O K,ii.,,.. wood Avenue, spent, a fj.,,.' this week with Misn Hai, :, l;i, son, of Roselle. Mr. and Mis. Heim;, n i <>!' EnflcW Road, (terini,-, i Sunday, Mrs, James Me\'i,'' Valley Stream, Lonjr ls ;l,, ( Mr. and Mrs. Cli;n- <.. East Cliff Road, vm-w n, Sunday of Mr. and Mis ] Futtcrworth, of Jeiscv i,: GAME SOCIAL Every Thursday Evening AT 8:00 P.M. AT St. Andrew's Churc% Hall AVENEL ST., AV&NEL, N. J. The New Smashing! Dress Valuesi FOR WOMEN SIZES 38 TO 44 2 FOR Worth Much More Lovely summer dresses in printed rayon crepe and colorful spun rayons, All the new summer colors, prints, dots and stripes. Every dress a beauty. and 2-pc. styles. Sizes 9 to 44. Any 2 Styles, Any 2 Colors Any 2 Sizes, Any 2 for $5 MEN'S FAMOUS MAKE SLACK SUITS Ueal for Sport or Work 3.94 J hi-nr-initer sport sttirls, Iind slacks with jj lie It to watch; washable materials; popug Iar shades;.strongly reinfo'iced seams and s strain points; nil sizes. A suit worth -S4.U4. Men's Tubfast Woven Sanforized Slacks Sizes 30 to 42 ALL LENGTHS Depend Upon It! 'I'bey'll Keep Their Ni/.e and the Colors Will Remain Fast When Washed! J.69 MEN'S B.V.D. AND OTHER FAMOUS MAKE SPORT SHIRTS -4 In-aiid-outer style und with convertible collar; so vou cu/'w > mmmmm ' '^^ SCMNDEUS OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT TILL 9 P. M. Ul " lyof " " leh!b ' v " ryslm ' " X \- FOR MISSES SIZES 9 TO 20 CLOSE-OUT DAVENPOM Slip Covers. Made of wwhaue cretomit-'' oil three, aides. Colors; brown, blue, i»id plum. Come early fur dioiu«election, UPHOLSTERY FABRIC yd. 49c B SATURDAY NIGHT TILL 0 P

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