Tne Seasons Lai A GREAT GATHERING OF Dot Olcatbcr Garments ON'SHOW THli WEEK AT

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1 STILL MORE OF THE "OVERSTOCK SALE". Good. things You ill be ell paid for a look at em Your home may be beautified by them, all at little Cost; Cash Terms or open account. IOC on Every Yard Of carpets In This "Overstock" Sale! b9c Ingrains at 29c yard. 60c Ingrains at 49c yard. We All Wool Ingrains 59c yd. 65c Brussels at 52e yard. 90c Velvet Carpets at 69c yd. $1.10 Moquettes at 90c yd, $1.50Axtninsters at $1.19 yd. Hattingsf rom China and Japan 15c grade no lie yard. 20c grade no 15c yard. 35p grade no 27c yard, Wire Grass Mattings, Oilcloths and Linoleums in great variety. 100 PARLOR SUITS. 90 SIDEBOARDS, a.niece Reception Suits, no to alike, Golden oak, ith French mirror, $16.50, $20, $24, Vo M i $11.98, $15, $18, rth n, 0? e e ; thini 80 Styles Bedroom Suits, ne nnd popular in every detail, orth onc*third S13.98,$17.98,$20; 100 ENAHELED BEDS, all ne patterns, bard baked enamel, $2.89,$3.50,$4.S0, ortii r,v. tl " rd 40 EXTENSION TABLES, $4.98, $6, $8, $10,. orth one-third 90 COUCHES-ALL NEW in richly colored velours, orth one-third At $4.89, $7, $9, This Week, Refrigerators $S.98»Double alled, brass trimmed, cleanable. Worth $7.00, Every buyer ill get set of nickel-plated Ice Tongs, Chopper and Pick FREE! We ant to advertise this immense Refrigerator and Icebox stockl None to equal it! Amos H. A/an Horn, Ltd. \ tc Biirc its "No. 78 " and you see the first name " Amos " before entering our store.. #» ". J ^ MAKKEG STREET, DELIVERIES..^-"0- -*~ -. Hear Plane Street, West of Broad. A Private Delivery Wagon Sent on Bequest. "Telephom 880." Send for Ne 4S-Page Catalogue. HUNTER BALTIMORE RYE $1.05 PER BOTTLE AT H. D. MOLLERS, i Wholesale Dealer in WIN S, UQUORS CIGARS Family Trade Our Specialty. H. D. MOLLER, " N. SUSSEX ST., DOVER- 8, R, BENNETT, (SUdOKSBOR TO A. WI0HT0N) ESTABLISHED IN East Blackell Street, Dover, N. J. Plumbing, Gas Filling, Tinning. 1 Sfeam,. Hot Water and Hot Air Beating. All Kinds of Sheet Metal Work. Dealer in Stoves, Banges, Furnaoes, Zinc, Copper, Sheet Lead, Lead Pipe, Pumps, &o,, all kinds of Tinare and Kitohen Utensils, Befrtgerators, Ice Cream Freezers, Oil tod Gasolene Stoves. Give us a call. Satisfaction guaranteed in price and quality. At the oldest established business house of this kind in Dover. 0 0 Dover Trust Company stock, or hich e ill pay <i Per share. TR/\CY& CO., Bankers, 40 Wall Street, Ne Tort. K-tt n 0A5 >VEiia and machine hands anted, " stcloss. orkmen nood apply. Write Ula«. HoFK H&WLIAMflCOK, N. 3...FOR THE... FIRECRACKERS AND FIREWORKS a complete line. Caps and Cap Pistols. Cartridges antji Cartridge (Pistols, Torpedoes, large and small. 5C p1116 FLAGS AND BALLOONS AT 7 So. Sussex St., Dover, S. J. Super Sessions. Sutrme; sessions. The Ne Jersey Business College. No. 683 Board St., Neark, Opp. flilitary Park, I Continue; its sessions day and night, during the summer months. The rates of tuition are very reason able. The course of instruction is thorough- Us graduated pupils readilyfindemployment., Persons seeking a school of this character are invited to correspond, or call Phone, No C. T. Miller; President. C. D. Clarkson, Treasurer. Ef, A. Necomer, Secy &Vlce-Pres, X)VER, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1902, NO. 33 Commencing July 12, store closes Saturdays at 12 noon. Open Friday nights. COMMENCING Monday, July 7 For the tenty-first time this store brings forth a Summer Distribution that ill not be equalled for true and unquestionable value-giving. In its entirety the Sale presents a solid phalanx of under-pricings extending to each and every department ithin its lour alls. Not Merchandise bought indiscriminately to sell at a price, I Merchandise orthy at our usual charges standard values that made this store the shopping mart it is. Such are the stocks e shall cut into such are the goods you can buy here At 1-4, 1-3, 1-2 and at Even Greater Reductions From Former Prices. No Branch 707 to 721 Mailorders L S. PLAUT & CO., Neark. Stores, Broad St. free Deliveries..Free Dally Deliveries!)]/ our agons td Long Branch, Aaiary Park, Ocean Grove and nedrby resorts,, Tne Seasons Lai A GREAT GATHERING OF Dot Olcatbcr Garments ONSHOW THli WEEK AT Ed. L. Oickersons All the very neebt in SHIRT WAISTS, Dress Skirts, Chin Wrappers DRESSING SAGQUES and a great-line of small ear for THE FOURTH Parasols, Neckear. Hosiery, Gloves, Laces and Ribbons. Saturday, this eek, e sell an Extra Good Summer Corset for 21 cents. THE DOVER TRUST COMPANY, OF DOVER, NEW JERSEY. Capital,.... Surplus,... Business accounts received subject to check. $100,000 $15,000 Try to save money ith the aid of one of our Ne Savings Banks. Tiny coit only $t M money refunded on the return of the Bank. We pay 3 i-a per cent. Interest on savings accounts. Interest credited four times a yeaj. Open Saturday evenings, from 7 to g, to receive saving deposit! tnly, OFFICERS. JAMES H.smrsoN, President. HARRY 11. GEORGE, s«oy-trens, EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Isaac W. Soaring, tames H.Slmpion, tdln I. Ron, ISAAC W. SEM1JNOUV1CO Prislil E. W. ROSEVEAR, Ant Secv-Trea Edard Kelly,. Frederick P. Soaring, Jam««H. Nsfrhbou Harry If. Gtore«, IEWS LETTER FROM WASHIH6T0S. HIZIl-PINE BILL AZONE PJIErBltTB AbJOVBXitlSST. s Expected, Hoever, rhat Au;reement Will lie Rescued, Permitting Adjournment Ting W00K Isthiqlun Canal Question Settletl-Judlolory m Nome District to Undergo a Purifying Process-ocftor Matters of Interest. Washington, June 30, {.From Our Kegular Correspondent.! Rapid progress as made last eek in Coness and today the only matter hich stands tbe ay of adjournment is tbe Philippine 111, hich is still in conference. When the hillpplne BUI came to a vote, on Thursday enlng, it passed tbe House by a strict party te, only one Republican voting ith the lemocrate, Friday and Saturday conferaces ere held beteen the representatives tbe Benate and the House and several of 1 provisions of the bill ere so altered as meet tbe approval of both parties. The >o provision of the bill hich present the greatest difficulties are those dealing ith currency question and the local government of tbe islands, The Bouse conferees lave so far insisted on a gold standard for Islands and the Benate conferees insisted ipon the silver provision, hich passed the lenate lthoutdlvisioo. The representatives the House also believe that their course in itabllahing a Philippine legislature is to be referred to the Senates more tentative pro- Islon that a census shall be taken ith a ie to the establishment, at some subsequent,te, of such legislature. There is, hoever, general disposition on tbe part of tbe con- )he attacks upon all three proceed from the irees to meet each, other half ay and thosame source, tbe desire to discredit the polioy tore sanguine leaders predict that all differmces ill be met In time to permit of ad- Durnment to-morro noon, hile others set le date of adjournment as July 8. The earnest effort of Senator Quay to secure ctlon on the Omnibus Territorial bill has met ith partial success, inusmuoh as tho ith of December has been Bet for the COD- [deration of the bill in the Benate and the Senate Committee on Territories has been ithorized to meet to consider the bill during.8 summer recess. The conferees. on the Isthmian "Canal bill Id not take long to ramie to an agreement id no the Spooner bill requires only the lignature ot the President to become a la. lenator Morgan.tells me that he considers the prospeots of a canal better than they.,vo ever been before In the history of the agitation, notithstanding the tact that the anama route has been chosen. One day last eek the Benate nassed the ill providing for the establishment ot the.ppalachlan Forest Heserve and the measure aaa been approved by the House Committee in Agriculture and ill be reported for aclon early next.session. The bill carries a ital appropriation of 110,000,000. The Benate has passed the General Delliieney BUI, including appropriations of {500,- 00 toards meeting the deficit of tbe Buffalo Exposition, and $160,000 toards the deficit if the Charleston Exposition. Toe bill also ippropriates 145,000 to pay the expenses otlending the lost illness of President McKlnley. Representative Woods, of California, ralently expressed to me his extreme satisfaction at the outcome of the Cuban reciprocity igltation, saying that the refusal of Congress sacrifice the beet BUgar producers to a sentimental regard for the Cubans ould go far to Insure the success of the Republican party in his State, Mr. Woods believes that the -nil complement of Republican Congressmen ill be returned from California, hereas, he asserts, such ould not have been the cose had the Cuban bill passed. Speaking of reciprocity In general, Mr. Woods said thai many leading Republicans had been sadly misled on the subject; that the reciprocity advocated by Blaine contemplated only tho tension of the trade of the United States ith the countries of South America and the reciprocity advocated by MoKinley expressly provided that concessions ere to be made only on products hich ere not produced it home. - Ihave Just received nes from lalasba) hich reveals another chapter in the story of corruption that has already madi a trovebty of Justice hi that judicial district, and adds another link to the chain of evidendi an organized conspiracy to debauch tbit United States courts. The tad story of Judgi troyes is still fresh in the minds of the public, the unarranted conviction by the Unite? States. Court of Appeals of the Ninth District, and the subsequent pardoning by the President of young Claude A. 8. Frost, are matters ot but yesterday. The strenuous efforts made* by certain interested parties to secun the permanent appointment of Judge the Nome Federal bench havi hardly ceased and no comes the nes thai United States Marshal Richards, ho doubtless refused, oa did young Frost, to be a party to the malevolent schemes of the PaclQo coaal conspirators, has been arrested on. the cbargi of contempt of court, convicted of " packing a jury," on the evidence of detectives said ti be in league ith the ring, and is no aaiting the sentenco of the court. It 1B hardl; neceeeory to add that Wlckersham Is the judge ho convicted Richards, nor to oraphi size the fact that by bringing the charge 0 contempt ot court" the Judge found 1 means ot conviction ithout giving to thi Harebal the benefit of n trial by jury.. Fortunately, hoever, the men ho havi sought to pervert justice to tbelr on ends have over-reached themnelves, and tbe President has.grasped the situation and.takei steps to remedy it. Despite the pressun brought to hear on him to make Wkkenhaiui lomination permanent, Mr. Roosevelt has appointed his Buocessorin tho" person of M J, B. Moore, of Pennsylvania, ho is noi en route for Nome. Judge Moore Is a mi of unquestioned probity and had the endorse mont of Attorney General Knox and of Senator Quay. Mr. Roosevelt has also appointee as United States Attorney for the Nome district Colonel GrlgBby, formerly ot tho Rougl Riders, and It is safe to anticipate that tbi presence of these to men of unqueationei honor and unlimited courage ill remedy condition of affairs in the Nome ilistrl bloh has been a blot on the judicial systei of tbe nation, and it is not too much to hopi that they ill succeed in disrupting the li famous ring hich has done ao much to maki Home juitlce. 0, oartoature and a by-ord, A Jutit Panegyric. rom tile Ne York Times. -* The President is almost invariably bappy id striking in his panegyric, much more so, ideed, than in the invective hich is more mgenlal to him. This preference he naively iknoledged at tho military dinner at Bourn, here he characteristically said in effect.bat be as rather sorry to have to vindicate le army beforo an audience hich as prelared to agree ith him. Perhaps tbe differace is that he eighs and measures his orde ivhen he Is praising hile he Ignores eighte and measures hen be 1B denouncing. At all events, his compliments have cornonly tbe grace of accuracy as ell as slnirtty. What, for example, could have been appier than his praise of WeBt Point hen said, at the Academy, that not only had Academy produced more men eminent In 0 public service than any other American lace of education, but that tbe average ;raduate of the Academy had done more ortby public service than tbe average gradiate of any other public school? An equal ellclty attended him In Cambridge, hen he iobe three college graduates no conspicufn the public service for praise, chose lem because they had been made the targets ir partisan abuse of a particularly mean ind. He as perfectly aare that Messrs..oot and Taftand General Wood need no de- ense before tbe American.people. But it as not merely appropriate that he should lint out the personal sacrifices these three illege men had made to serve their country, as an incentive to tbe performance of ubllc duty hich as especially In place at academic festival. The especial meanness of the attacks upon iese public servants as made manifest by le line the President took In praising them. the Administration, hich has been so ilainly proved to be that also of the Ameripeople, in dealing ith the possessions and the responsibilities hich have come to us the result of the ar ith Spain. These iree men ore conspicuous objects in tbe line fire. And they are conspicuous because ley have been doing ork the doing of hich iflects honor upon themselves and upon their nmtry. And they have been doing it at a personal BaurlBce hich it as very ell for te President to mention and emphasize. For not tbe hole motive of the assault upon iesb men and upon the public policy hich iey represent the sordid desire, upon the irt of the assailants, to climb up by pulling iese faithful public servants don? It is he action of selflsh and self-seeking polltlcinb. What one of the anti-imperialists ho re snapping at their heels in Congress ever ade for his country tbe sacrifices that these ten have made and are making? The President forbore to dra this contrast and to tolnt this moral. He did nofc need to, The merlcan people are capable of doing tbat for homselves. But they are grateful to him, all the same, for pointing out that the men ho have made tbe sacrifices and done tbe rork are attacked " by people viho are inipable of understanding tbe motives that ive spurred them on to bring honor to the lepubllo." Wur 1axoM Repealed. Tbe ar revenue taxes imposed by the rational Government under the la of 1696,0 provide revenue for the Spanish-American ar ceased to exist on Tuesday, tbe act of Songress repealing the ar revenue act going into effect on that day. A year ago some of tbe taxes Were abolished or tbe rate reduced. All ar taxes not abolished last year are no repealed. Among the taxes repealed are those on brokers, dealers in grain and securlies, panbrokers, customhouse brokers, proprietors of theatres, circuses, or all other similar exhibitions, proprietors of boling alleys and billiard rooms, dealers in tobacco and snuff, manufacturers of tobacco and cigars, and manufacturers and packers or -epackers of mixed flour. All taxes imposed under sections A and B are repealed. In section A ia included tbe internal revenue tax on bonds or other certificates of indebtedness, stock certificates, sales or agreements 6f sale, on formb of association or copartnership, bills of exchange, inland and foreign, bills of lading, bond, contract, deeds of con- eyance, certificate ot entry or ithdraal of goods and passage tickets to any foreign ports. The internal revenue tax on legacies is repealed, except tbat tbe tax on any legaoy made by any person ho died during the period of operation of the act, from July 18, 1808, to July 1, 1903, may BtiU be collected and must be paid. Alusconetcong Council Celebrates. The tenty-fifth anniversary of the found, ing of the Royal Arcanum as celebrated by Musconetcodg Council ac their hall in thi Drake-Bostedo building at Netcoog on Saturday evening. The exercises ere conducted by Stephen Thompson, acting 89 cbairman. ho gave an interesting address, outllnluj tbe history, groth and ork of the ordei since Its foundation at Philadelphia in June, An excellent musical programme as prepared by T. H. Mabony, including d number of ell rendered selections by an orcbestri consisting of Messrs. F. M. Chamberlain, T H. Mahony and Miss Ada H. Mahony, songi by F, M. Cbamberaln and phonograph selec tlons by Samuel WUlgus. The refreshment committee, of hich A. Drake as chairman, provided an abundant supply ot ica oream, cake and lemondi hich as served by a committee conbistini of Misses Sarah Drake and Lillle Dill, Mn L. 8. Drake and Mrs. William Larison. Latei a sale of tbe unused cake as conducted b; P. M, Chamberlain,* acting as auctioneer.. resulted In some spirited contests and f urnisl ing the humoroub portion of the ovenlng exercises. There as a large attendance, taxing the seating capaoity of the hall, and thi celebration as not only a decided success such, but aroused considerable Interest in thi order and Its ork. Foep Uullons ; "Wears Toucan paint a building ith feer gallons of Devoe Lead and Zinc than ith Mi.u Faints, and il ill ear tice as long1111 loo and oii mixed by band. F. B. A. M. Goodale, Dover, and Costnei Rogers & Company, Wbarton, soil our pain Subscribe ior the ERA, SI per year. XEXT BVNDAVS ir.bbox. The GIvInKOf tho Manila," Ex. I 1-lB Kec. M. X. Slielford, We no leave the story of the development the church, hich e have been Btudying the Acts, and return to tbe story of tbe Ibildren of Israel, hich e ere studying ix months ago. In our lessons labt December e learned xmt the deliverance ot the Hebre nation om their slavery in gypt. We folloed lem until after they bad croed the Red lea, and their enemies, tbe Egyptians, had 3een droned hile trying to pass through sea as they had so safely done. After ilebrating their delivcrauce ith songs of aiae tbe people began their march through ilderness toard Canaan, their "Fiom led Land." Many diftlculttes ere before tern in tbe ilderness tbey ere to pass trough. At Marah (Ex. 15; 2»J the ater as bitter and unfit to drink. God directed loses ho to overcome this jdlfilculty. Their ixt encampment as at Slim, here there as plenty of good ater and cool refreshing ide. Here tbey probably -remained for a reek or to, for the distance tbey traveled as not long and e find that they reached "Wilderness of Sin," hore tbe events of ils lesson took place, JUBC one month after joy left their homes in Egypt. They Btarted the fifteenth day of the first month, the nsover being the fourteenth (Ex. 12 0), 3d tbey " came unto the ilderness of gin, bich is beteen Elim and Sinai, on the Iteenth day of the second month after their porting out of tbe laud or Egypt," By this time all their supplies of food ero bausted and tbey-ere coming to a barren rjuntry tbat could not support such a tnulitude of people. Starvation as staring lem in tbe face, They ere frightened at le prospect and naturally became disrour- ;ed ith tbe undertaking. They bad started it ith great expectations, to march to tbe iromised land, drive out or subdue the ininbltts and soon be comfortably settled in lefr on homeb in the land of Abraham, iaoo and Jacob. But this crossing a desert Ituout supplies of provision as something iey had not counted on. The children of irael began to murmur and flail fault ith loses and Aaron for bringing them Into tbe ilderness. In their extremity they forit ho God parted the aters of the 1a for them to pass through; * tbey Drgot ho the Lord bad seetened the itter ater at Marah and they seemed feel tbat there as no help for them. Tbey iven ished they had been left to die in Sgypt. It seems natural for human nature murmur and grumble hen things look discouraging. We think that they ought to lave had faith In God. After all the poer le bad shon in the pkguis.tbat bad visited Egypt and ttelr murvelous deliverance from Pharaohs pursuing army by the special irovldence of God e naturally think they had reason to expect still further help from \e God ho bad so onderfully BbonHli loer in their behalf. But tbey had no more eason to have faith in God than e have. We have Gods promises and have Been our irayers ansered again and again, yet hen he day is dark and the ay obscure,e gro " earful and ore often don-hearted and di»- oursged. Christs command to HIB disciples, Hare faith In God," is as much needed today us it as then, or as the children of Israel leeded suoh encouragement hen they mur mured In the ilderness. Then said the Lord unto Mo3es, "Behold, I ill rain bread from Heaven for you and ths ~ ]eople shall go out and gather a, certain rata ivery day, that I may prove them, hether ihey ill alk In my la or no. 1 In anser \ o their murmuring, God, in His love and ompasblon, promised them a daily supply ot bread from Heaven. Thus began a miracle that as to continue until the. children of these people entered into tbe promised land tarty years later (Joshua 512). Each morning, as Che de died aay, tber«lay spread upon the ground a small round lubstance, glistening Uke frost. Not knoing hat it as, they said " it is manna, 1 hich seems to have meant in their languaga "What is It!" Thus tbe ne food took 111 name, manna. It proved a thoroughly pal-" atable food and sustained the hole nation. There as enough for every person but it could not be kept over from one day to the next. It as A provision for tbeir needs that made them continually dependent upon God and as designed to teach tbe people to have mpliclt faith in Him, If any attempt as made to keep the manna over to the next day it spoiled. Their bread as given day by day. We,.too, need to learn the lesson that our bread is a gift from God. While o may labor ith our bands e are commanded to pray "give us this day our daily bread." The health and strength, tbe ability and opportunity to earn our livelihood are jubt as much Gods gifts as the manna. If e cut ourselves off from God e are sooner or later likely to find that e have cut off our base of supplies, Tho poverty of the orld is not among thv people tbat serve God, but among the poop]* t ho do not serve God. It is true there are poor people in the church, but not starving people. Their needs are met in one ay or r h another. The splendid institutions provided by.the liberality of the servants of God care for the poor of the church and thousands ^ besides. A very conservative estimate of the charity of to-day ould be to say tbat many more people are fed by the daily gifts o Christianity to-day than ere fed on the manna in the ilderness. And so o should acknoledge God as tbe giver and pray to Him for our daily bread. There as one exception to the daily gathering of the manna. On.the sixth day enough as gathered for to days, and on the seventh or Sabbath dayno manua fell. Thus God taught His people to remember the Sabbath day. t» keep it holy. Wo cannot leave this lesson ithout calling attention to the fact that this literal manna as a typb of tbe spiritual food hich e as Christians are to daily feed upon (see John 0 is-51). Jesus said "I am the bread of life." " I am the living bread hich came don from Heaven; if any man eat of this bread he shall live forever." Just as BUrely as the natural body needs food to sustain life, so the spiritual life must be fed on spiritual food in order to be sustained and dovelopedt So let us learn to be in constant touch ith Jesus Christ, the " true bread," hich sustains the soul. By,love and obedience to Christ, orship of and ork for Christ, e ill find our spiritual strength reneed each pasting day.

2 WHARTON. The school building is no in readiness to be moved. John Suling, of Ne York, is visiting Luther Kice. James Chegidden has put gas in his store on Main street. John McKenna is putting up a ne house on the ne Baker road. John McCabe is daily seen behind to of tbe finest horses in this section.. Charles PfeifTer ia building a ne bouse adjoining his residence on Main street. Dr. H. W. Kice aud Dr. Jobn Walters ere both ou the sick list this eek. The Wbarton ball team on Saturday de foated the Hi hernia team by a score of 8 to 2. Principal E, E, Potter, of this place, left on Wednesday for a three eeks visit at Provi donee, R. I. The Board of Education met the architect on Wednesday to decide definitely on plans for tbe ne school. Mrs. E. Matthes, of Uracoe, Pa,, is visit ing her parents, Mr. aud Mrs. Joseph R. Wil llama, of Wharton. Mies Nellie Gay nor has returned to he. home in Ne York after a abort stay ith her coutiiu, Mists Dolores McKenna. William Dortuau has taken a position at the L&ckaunua station at this place. Th force here no consists nf four men. If Landlord Dyer should charge for the telephone messenger service he furntebes daily bo could shortly retire from business. J, W. Dyer ill place a gas range in hi hotel and also light bis bar and office by gap. He expects to have the equipment in this eek. Richard Cbcgiddon, of Ansonia City Couu., la visiting relatives in this place, hert he formerly lived, Mr. Chegidden has been aay about five years Dr. P. B. Hanu, of Dover, fs doing con aldcrable prospecting at the Huff mine. Indications are good, but so far nothing bu Burface ork has been done. A pillar in the Hurd mine gave ay on Tuesday, carrying Joseph Tregenza ith it. FArtuuately ho as not hurt other than a renched aukle and a fe bruises. Tho committee appointed to appraise tbe Jobn D. King farm, oned by Daniel and James Walter?, across hich it is proposed to build a spur connecting tbe Morris County and tbe Port Oram railroads, met on Tuesday. Freeholders William Kinney, Sidney Munson, T. J. Quiialnu aud A. S. Bryant met at the Council rooms in this place on Tuesday and aarded the contract for the bridge over Birch Spring brook to Georgo E. Bunnell for $2 84 per cubic yard, the bridge to b» finished In thirty days. Tbe Wbarton ball team have thus far this Beasou put up some- excellent exhibitions of ball pluyiug and tbey should receive better ilunneial support from the people of the borough. Tho team ould bo justified In playing all future games out of ton If tbe Bupport is not forthcoming. Ou Monday tbe ork of renovating tbe interior of St Johns M. B. Church ill begin. During the interim tbe services ill be bold in tbe basement of the church. The senior classes of tho Sunday Bchool ill meet in Pythian Hall, and tbe infant classos in the church basement as formerly. Robert Ford, n bicyclist from Rockaay, ran into J. W. Dyers horse on Saturday nigbt and as badly cut ubout the face. Mr. Dyer as on the right side of tbe road and It as plainly Fords fault. Ford as driven to tho home ot Mrs. McDonald by Dyer, ho then ent to fetch Dr. H. IV. Kice, ho attended tho injured lad. IIOWJS SIMMONS. Fayetto Hoe, of Morriston, and Miss Jennie Simmons, of Wharton, ere united in marriage at the home of the brides parents, Mr. and ;Mrs. Joseph Sfnimona, at this place, ou Sunday afternoon at 5 oclock. Mr. Hedden, of Morriston, as best man; Miss Grace Simmons, a slater of the bride, as bridesmaid, and Miss Gladys P. Williams as lloer girl. The ceremony as performed by the Rev. William Blakeslee. Roy Hance, of Dover, played the edding march. Mr. and Mrs. Hoe left on an evening train for their ne homo In Morriston, here Mr. Hoe 1B employed. * Whartoii nigh Scliool Commencement Tho graduating exercises of tne Whartoa high school ere held in the Pythian Opera House last Friday ovenlng at 8 oclock. The class of 1002 consisted of Alice A. Grady, Elizabeth Landgon, Jennie Spargo, Ida M CflBtner, Fenfck Goldsortb, Helen Oram and Frank N. Zeek, The class motto as Jl Earnest in Purpose; Loyal in Deed." The folloing interesting programme as ren dored Chorus 1 Morn Rifse " Arr. by Manney Prayer Rev. W. E. Blakeslee. Salutatory Essay " The Development of Language," Frank N. Zeek. Recitation " The Vesper Chimes," Beatrice Saundry. Essay " The Inventlonof the Last Century, 1 Elizabeth-L. Langdon. Essay " Opportunity," FenlckGoldsorth, " The Silver Street Kindergarten," Oll7e M. Champion, y " Success or Failure," Ida M. Castner. Chorus " The Lilies Wake," QoCtU Essay " Patriotism," Jennie Spargo. Recitation " Tbe Ride of Jennie McNeal Mabel Opie. Address Principal A. F. Stauffer (Madison) " Mr. Dooley on the Education of the Youth, 1 Elizabeth Bray. " Local Jottings from the Wbarton Weekly, Helen Oram. Valedictory Eseay " Music," Alice Grady. Presentation of Diplomas Dr. H. W. Kice. Class Song. Saves a Womans Life. To have given up ould bave meant deatl for Mrs. Lois Cragg, of Dorchester, Mass. For years she had endured untold misery from a severe lung trouble and obstinate cough 11 Often, Bhe rites, " I could scarcely breattu and sometimes could not Bpeak. All doctors and remedies failed till I used Dr. Kings Ne- Discovery for consumption and as completely cured." Sufferers from Coughs, Colds, Throat and Lung Trouble need this grand remedy, for it never disappoints. Cure is guaranteed by all druggists. A. P. Green, of Chester ; R. F. Oram, & Co., Whar ton. 50c and $1. Trial bottles free. Itlcos "Slio Girl." Rices " Sho Girl" is tbe moat talked ol attraction no bidding for summer patronazb on Broaday and Wallncks consequently is doing the most profitable business. Thi Sho Girl "is one of the regular Rice congloinoratioob of everything that Is attractive In tbe ay of fine scenery,exquisite costume?, funny comedians, innumerable specialties, eood music and, abope all, pretty girls. Indeed, in this latter respect, Rice, the "Evergreen," has certainly outdone himself, for it doubtful if a more attractive bevy as ever seen on Broaday. The collection of girls as made hen tbe Bho Girl" as first produced In Boston, in March last, and Manager Rice as careful to select those of a universal height and ith regard to groupings as to eight and complexion, besides rejecting all ho had figured in other productions or bad been on tbe stage before. In this ay a remarkable lot of good looking girls itn fresh VOICCB as secured. Tbe Sho Girl," Kathery n Hutch in BOH, IS the most attractive prlma donna from a beauty standpoint that Ne York has Been ilnce the best beauty-days of Lillian Russell. Mies Hutchinson has the honor,and distinction of being the youngest prima donna at the head of an important production In this or any other country, and has surprised the regular theatre-goers and critics by the qualty and richness of her voice and her ability as an actress. It may be ell to mention that the " Sho Girl" is another of Rices clever alterations if Barnet ; s Cadet plays (performed by men entirely each inter in BoBton) into u regular attraction the same as he did "1492," Little Christopher" and others, and that ;hia one has turned out to be tbe biggest of all these successes Is most creditable to Rice, inasmuch as It an tbe poorest the " Cadets" ever gave. STATE or Omo, CITY OF TOLEDO, { LUCAS COUNTY. J FJIANK J. CHENEY makes oath that he 1B thesfiuinr partner of the firm of F. T. CnENET & Co,, doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that Bafd firm ill pay the sum of ONE HUN- DRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot he cured by the use of HALLS CATARRH CUUE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sorn to before me and subscribed In my iresence. this 6th day of December, A. D.!880. SHAL. i A. W. GLEA.BON.,., Notary Public. Halls Catarrh Cure is taken internally aud acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of tbe system. Send for testimonials, Iree, F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. "Sold by Druggists, 75c. [alls Family Pills are the beat. Cnnrones. Presbyterian Church Rev. W. W. Hallo ay, D. D., pastor. Services at V 00 a. m. and 780 p. m. Sunday Bchool at i-.oo a. nn P first M. E. Church Rev. William Baking, pastor. Services at 1030 a. m. and 7;80 p. m. Sunday Bchool at 230 p. m. Grace M. E. Church- Rev. M. T. Gibbe, pastor. Services at 1080 a. m. and 780 p, m, Sunday school at 280 p. m. RJBt. JohnB Episcopal Church Rev. O. H. S. Hartman, rector. Services at 730 and 11 a. m. and 780 p. m. Sunday school at 980 a.m. First Baptist Church Rev. M. T. Shelf ord, pastor. Services at 1030 a. m. and 780 p, in. Sunday school at 230 p. m. Free Methodist Church Rev. M, B. Meyer, pastor. Services at 1030 a. m, and 7S0p. m. St. Marys Catholic Church Rev. Father Funbe, pastor, Lo mass at 730 a. m. and high-mass at 10 a. m. Sedish Baptist Church Rev. O. J. Peterson, pastor. Services at 1080 a. m. and 73C p. m. Bible school at 030 a. m. Sedish Bethel M. E. Church -Rev. O. A. Nystrom, pastor. Sunday Bchool at 080 a. m. Services at 1030 a. m. and 730 p» m. Sedish Congregational Church Rev. Mr. Dahlgreen pastor. Services at 1045 a. m, and 730 p. m. Sunday school at 080 a. m. Subscribe lor the ERA, SI per year. SPECIAL VALUES -AT- - ROBERTS TinePotatoes, per bushel.,.. Choice Butter, per pound... 7 lbs. Granulated Sugar Salt Fork...ioc to 12c 35c Sirloin Steak c to 18 S lbs. Butter $1.00 Plate Beef...-..T quarts Beans..25c Pot Roast...ioc to 121 Cocoanuts.5c to 7c Choice Ham.., Peanuts Pure Lard... 3 bottles Vanilla...25c Choice Salmon, 2 cans Round Steak., 14c to 15 Porterhouse Steak 16c to 18 Rib Reast......ioc to 12..5c Leg Lamb -. 14c to c Leg Mutton... 12c to 14 Lamb" Chops 16c to 18 25c Lamb Chops 12c to 141 Good Tea. 35c, 3 lbs $ cans Baked Beans Coffee..;.. 13c, 15c, 17c, 2oc, 28c Best Tea,...50c, 3 lbs. $1.; FEED, MEAL, HAY, CORN, OATS O BERTS, THE CASH GROCER. and MOST COMPLETE STOEE IN THE WORLD. HAHNEiCO. CHOICE AS GREAT AS IN NEW YORK.. This Is a Comfortable Store. I A place here shopping is relieved of many annoyances and of I hich it may be said, " Tie truly a pleasant spot to visit at all I times " especially during the heat and humidity of Summer. When the plans of this great establishment ere dran, to features of the many appertaining to the interest and comfort of our patrons ere paramount, LIGHT AND AIR We thought, e planned, e studied changed a little hero, a little there, and the result of our labors produced for the people of Ne Jersey, a perfect store in every detail, The intensity of light is modified by a system of reflection so perfect that it reduces its force to a minimum and relieves the eye of that strain hich is so noticeable under different conditions. While this is an important feature, the problem of making it a OOOTJ STOEE as of greater moment resorting to artificial means to serve our purposes ere comparatively easy, but the perplexing problem of controlling climatic influences by the assistance of naturos methods ab indeed hard. The question of cost as not considered there as but one thought in mind, "Ho to erect a modern building and make it a cool one." That e have succeeded has been demonstrated ere this, and you may come here ith our assurance that the temperature of this building is 15 TO 20 DEGREES COOLER Than on the street, Spacious aisles and cozy overlooks are other features provided for SUMMER COMFORT SHOPPING Summer Closing On and after July 1st, our store ill be closed at 12 oclock, noon, on Saturdays, dur ng July and August. Open Friday evenings during the same period. Other days open at 8 A. M. and close at 6 P. M. Fourth of July Closed all day. Open Saturday, July 5, all day and evening. HAHNE & CO., Neark. Real Estate Transfers. Tne folloing reil estate transfers have recorded in the County Clerka oilice for,0 eek ending July 8, 1902 Julia S. Fierson to Louise Piereon Benjain, all of Verona; property in Hanover nship. William B. Bryant and ife, of Randolph hip, to Joseph Fugeley, of the Bame idbbip; property la Randolph, $ William D. Cole to Elizabeth A. Bassett, of Dover; property in Dover, $1,200. George Tollman and ife, of West Milford, John A. Henderson, of Jefferson tonship; act of land in Jefferson tonship, $880. Richard Roseborrough to Thomas Roseisrry, all of Boonton; property in Flue street, that ton, $1 and other valuable cohslcter- Peter P. Cook, of Rookaay tonship, to Samuel M. Doland, of Pequannoo tonship; tract of land in Jefferson tonship comprisig 03 acres, $3,000. FLANDERS. The small boy and his inevitable flre crnokers have been in evidenco for some days past. Mrs. T. F. Willet, of Bartley, spent Saturday ith Mr. and Ers. W. H..8bnrp and family.. Samuel M. Riker and James F, Slsserson, of Neark, spent Sunday at -the Homestead. Charles MoLaughlin, of Wharton, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William McLaugh- Jin, last eek. Floyd T. Woodhull has been hiving the fences on his properties in the cedtral part of jthe village painted. The Mission Band of the Presbyterian Church as entertained at ita regular. meeting at the manse on Saturday afternoon., The most severe rain florin of many eeks jasthat of Sunday. Hoever, services ere lield by both churches both morning and evening.. Ephralm B. Doland, et. al., of Pequannoo 1 W» Charlotte M. Smith, of Ne York, inshlp, to Peter F. Cook, of Rockaay, j 1 " "> i8 P la(!e last eek after a pleasant BOiroperty in Boontou tonship, $4,000. _ William S. Rigbter, et. BI,, of Neark, to Florence 11. Alsop, ife of R. P. Alsop, one if the helm of William A. Rlghter, deceased; iroperty in Boonton, $1. The E. J. Ross Manufacturing Company, a lorporation established in theborough of ort Oram, to Mrs. Garoline Rodda, of the ime village; property there, $250. The Ne Jersey Iron Ore Company to osoph Wharton, ot Philadelphia, Pa.; tract if land near Rockaay, tl. Hannah McConnell to Frank T. Davis, both if Rozbury tonship ; a parcel of land in that place, $175. Mary Lake to AugustuB Fleming, all of Washington tonship; property in that tonship, $830. Peter E. Cooper and ife to Ludig Pal ler, all ot Dover; property situated in that, ton, $100.. ; Emma Condiot, et. al., of Hanover, ton ihip, to Francis S. Kinney, of Fequannoclr tonship; property in Hanover, $1. Rockaay Valley Cemetery to Mary B. Marshall, plot of ground in above named cemetery, $10. Fhuibe Helnl, of Fassaic, to Ellen A. Roach ot Dover; property in the Ton of Dover, $i,ioo.... Catharine Meeker, ife of William Theodore Meeker, to EUls L. Foster, R. Bamantbs and ife and John V. Wine and ife, all of Morriston; property on Water street, (800. George B. Smith and ife of Hanover, to Francis S. Kinney of Fequannoo; property in the latter tonship, $1,208,25.. If n Man.Lie to. You, and Bay some other Balve,. ointment, lotion, oil or alleged healer is as good aa Bucklens Arnica Salve, tell him thirty years of niarver lous cures of Piles, Burns, Boils, Corns, Felons, Ulcers, Cats, Boalds, Bruises and Skin Eruptions prove Its the best and cheapest 25c at all drukblsts. A. P. Green, of Chester R. F. Oram & Co., of Wbarton. He Jersey Invontors." - C. A. Sno & Co., patent attorneys,ol Washington, D. O., report the folloing list of patents granted to Ne Jersey inventors this eek C. Biernbaum, Neark, egg separator; J. Douglass, Elizabeth, seing machine niillei or gatherer; T. E.Edison, Lleellyn Part, electric meter; A. Galllnant, West Hoboken regulator fpr controlling the r descent of "elevator cars; W. H. Griffin, Jersey City, indo shade and curtain holder; O. W. Hoelf, jr., Neark, carriage feed mechanism f OJ typeriting machines; J. T. HcCabe, East Orange, thermostatio -fire door apparatus W. H. Ollpbant, Mount Holly, auxiliary trol ley contact and Bleet and lea cutting device V. F. Slmola, Bergenfleld, bench clamp; 32. H. Smith, Ocean City, stamp; O. B. Waite, Hoboken,oenter contraction for floor arches W. F. Ware, Camden, medicine dropper; C. C. WortiungtoD, DunnQold, steam engine. For copy of any of above patentb send ten cents in postage Btamps ith date of tbi paper to C. A. Sno& Co.,WasMngton, D. O. Subscribe for the IEON EUA, ( l a ymat. journ ith her COUSID, Miss Mignonette Marin, of the Homestead. E. B. Wolfe, of Milford, Pa., tho builder of the ne Presbyterian Church building, as in ton on Saturday. The ork on the building is progressing finely. It is a matter of much regret that Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Wolfe and daughter removed from BartleytoBoonton, Their IOBS is keenly felt by their many friends, ho unite in -ishing them a pleasant future in their ne lomo. Mr. Wolfe has accepted a situation ivith Henry Salmon, of Boonton. A plea9ant and ell attended meeting of the Christian Endeavor Society of the Presbyterian Church as held at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bartley, at Bartley, on Friday evening of last eek. After the usual business session a programme of readings and vocal and instrumental musio as rendered and refreshments of ice cream and cake ere furnished by the hostess. An oiler- Ing as made to the fresh air ork of tho county union. -.. CAHO LYNNE. Need More Help, Often the over-taxed organs of digestion try out for help by Dyspepsias pains, Nausea, llzzlness. Headaches, liver complaints, ioel disorders. Such troubles call for prompt use of Dr. Kings Ne Life Fills. Tbey are gentle, thorough and guaranteed to ures5o at all druggists. A. P. Green, of Chester; R. F. Oram & Co., of Wharton. The Southern Hallays No En trnnce Into Jacksonville, Fla., Effective July 1st, By an arrangement for trackage rights over the line formerly knonas the Plant System, beteen Savannah, Oa., and Jacksonville, Fla., and Jesup, Oa., and Jacksonville, Fla.,- the Southern Railay ill be extended, from Savannah and Jesup; respectively, to Jacksonville, Fla., and ill, on and after that date, operate Its on train service into and out of Jacksonville. On and after above-mentioned date the highclass through trains of the Southern Railay from the East ill be operated into Jacksonville via Savannah and the ne Short Line, ibich reduces tbe distance from Savannah and from JesuptoJacksonville tenty miles. Through Fullmau Draing Kootn Sleeping Car, Ne York to Jacksonville and Port Tampa; also Dining-car servioe. Ne York office, 271 and 1185 Broaday.... Vacation. Pointers.,, Central Railroad has placed on Bale at many of its stations summer Excursion tickets good going May 1st to September 30, inclusive, and good for return until October 81. These excursion tickets cover points East and North, including Montreal, and as far West as" tho Pnolflo coast. If you are Interested send to the General Passenger Department of the Ne Jersey Central, Ne Tort city, for " BummerExcursions." Dlpntierla Rollovoa in tenty, minutes.; Almost miraculous. Dr. Thomas Eoltrio OU. At any drug store. CHESTER. Mrs. Hedges lost a valuable horse last vrk, Mabel Eomions, of Neark, as homo on Sunday. Miss Julia Sincock is visiting Mrs. Marks, at Neark. Mrs. James Van Dervere, ho has been very ill, is improving. Margaret Hovel!, of Paterson, ib no visiting at W. E. Careys, at Flandere. Charle3 D. Young, of Elizabeth, vibited bis parents in this place on Sunday. A. E. Thorp and daughter.attended the races at Hackettston on Saturday. Mrs. D. E. Horton, of.succasunna, spent Sunday ith her mother, Mrs. Sanderson. Mrs. George Praflter, of Neark, spent Sunday ith Mr. and Mrs. George Fraster. Mrs. George Praster and Mra. Jacob Fraster spent Friday at Ironia ith Mrs. Fred. Brluut. Mr. and Mrs. Pruden, of Morriston, ere guests of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Skeltenger on Sunday. Mr. and Mra. Frank Hughson have been entertaining Mrs. Hughsons sister, Mrs. Eldridge, of Jersey City. Mrs. William Collis and son Edin attended the commencement exercises at the Ilackettston Institute on Monday. Mrs. Laurence, of Forest Hill, ill move to Mountanvllle next eek and Mr. Heaton, of Ne York, ill take her home for tbe Bummer. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Skellenger and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hughson and children attended the edding of Miss Himn at Morris Plains oa Wednesday of last eek. Quite a number from here attended the birthday party at Fairmount on Friday afternoon and evening, celebrating tho fiftyseventh anniversary of Mr. Flemings birth. Caution t This in not a gentle ord but hen you think ho liable you are not to purchase for 75c the only remedy universally knon and a remedy that has had the largest sale of any medicine in the orld since 1808 for the cure and treatment of Consumption and Throat and Lung troubles ithout losing its great popularity all theseyears, you ill be thankful e called your attention to Boschees German S.vrup. There are so many ordinary cough remedies made by druggists and others that are cheap and good for light colds perhaps, but tor BBvere Coughs, Bronchitis, Croup and especially for Consumption, here there is difficult expectoration and coughing during the nights and mornfngb, there is nothing like German Syrup. Sold by all druggists in the civilized orld. G. G, GREEK, Woodbury, N. J. Cotton Sheeting. Cotton shooting is no considered far more, desirable than linen, and If sheets of the latter material are desired they should be in addition to tho regular Bupplj. Linen is often, considered a luxury In arm entlier and in cases of tllnesb is at times very desirable. One-third of tbe sheets may be of fine cotton, but the remainder should be ot-u heavier quality. Sheeting comes In many idths, the favorite size for a double bed being to and a half yards ide and to and threequarter yards long. Some housekeepers, hoever, prefer sheets three yards long as giving a better alloance^for head and foot hen making the beds. Ready made bed linen torn by 1 he thread, but machine hemmed, is popular ith the overburdened housekeeper, but nothing can equal the finish of hand hemmed sheets and cases. The iop hem should be double the idth of t he bottom one, and very line, sheets may have a dranork hem, using the simple ladder stitch If one has the time to do It Ledger Monthly. Vunts tho Secret oi Happy, vlgorus health t Simply keeping the boels, the Btomacb, the liver and kidneys Btrong and active. Burdock Blood Bitters does it. Tho Sanynalu of India. Popular belief in India still credits Sanyasls and other- holy vagabonds ith miraculous poers. Even the native journals often chronicle marvels like the instantaneous cure of incurable diseases or the feeding of thousands out of-a small measure of rice. One o these prints gives a description of ho a saintly Sanyasi saved the lives of a certain rajah and his escort from a ild elephant. As the paity as proceeding through the loer Himalayas a monstrous tusker broke out of the jungle and set to trumpet- Ing; The rajah and his folloers ere considerably seared and. ere giving themselves up for lost hen a uoblo looking SanyaBi appeared and,, standing in front of the travelers, told them to shout a certain order to the elephant. This done, the animal bolted- into tho jungle, hllo the isnvior of" the rajah and his party vanished ithout- ait- Ing to be thaukkfl.. "No Gloss.Cnriiilffo Paint Mndo ~ ill ear as long as Devoo^. No others are as heavy bodied, because Devoos eigh 8 to ounces more to the pint. Goodale. Sold by A. M Roady-to-onr llats at greatly reduced prices at Miss Weirs. 27tf Postal lmormaaon. Closing time for outgoing mails from Dover postofsce A. M. 710 Kast; via Morriston. 865 East, via Boonton. 8;55 West, via Ihlllipsburg. 855 West, via Bcranton. 980 Lake Hopatcong, Woodport and Edison (closed). 945-Mino Bill Morriston "(olosed). P.M East, to points beteen-morriston 1 and Hoboken. 180 East, via Neark. 829 East, via Morriston. 860 West, all pointaonhlgh Bridge Branch and Lake Hopatcong. 458 West, via Scranton. 458 Wost, to Hackettston. 590 Succasunna, Ironia, Chester (closed). 680-East via Morriston. A. K. INCOMING) MAILS. 080 From Ne York. 80O 800 " Succasunna, Ironia and Chester. Ilackettston. Mine Bill. East via Morriston.. West via Bcranton. Enst via Boonton. High Bridge. West via Bcrauton r. M ^ ^ B08-i West via Bcranton. Ne York, Noark and Morriston West via Fhlllipsbnrg. Rockaay via High Bridge Branch. Chester,-. East via Morriston..East via Boonton,.WeBtyiKHaokottston;. Bdlaon, Woodport and Lake Ho-..patcong, A Storage Battery The Prudential Insurance Co. of America. ill ork hen the dynamo that gave it poer is still. So ith Life Insurance. Are you storing up some of its poer for your familys future use? Home Office Neark N. J. JOHN F. DETDEN, President. LESLIE D. WABD, Vice President.., EDQAB B. WARD, 2d V. P. and Counsel. F0BBB8T F. DBYDEN, Secretary. H. H. E1NQ, Superintendent, 7-8 National Union Bank Building, Dover N. J, Telephone Number 06 F., v... Is it a GOOD SODA youre anting???? Come don anddrink one of our PURE FRUIT COMBINATIONS. If you dont say its good your taste isnt like other peoples. Killgores COffi DRUG STORE DOVER, N. J. I, F«Dover Water Loan Sealed proposals ill he of the said Ton of Dover, in of Ne Jersey,-uuiountniK In tin to 170,000. Bald bond, are iisned M Ton ot Dover under authority of au it. the Legislature of tho Stale of Meir lam entitled "Anacttoenable incorporated ton to construct ater orkn for the UU mentot UreB and BU ipl)lnk the inlmljtal thereof ith pure und holesome ater passed Maroh Stb, ibsi, uiul tho terrain! elements l t thet thereto, and d in i pursuance of a, lutlon of the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen u Common Gounoilnien ot Dover, passd JK 9,1002, andare non-taxable. tjnubotdiu In the denomiuatfons of $1,(100 aud beurdil July 1,1008, payable in 20 years from Juli 1003, at tbe National Unkm Bauli, Dover) J., ith three and one-half per ceut-. intern coupons attached, parable ecmi-iumiiillii the same place. Bald bouds ill be Issuut the Ton Treasurer at bm-li times nod uu sums as tbe Ton Council may require i one year from date. Interest to commi from time of Issue. The right to reject any and all bid* U hml by reserved.,. 1 Each r bid must be sealed and enddnd BondBid." T Said bids ill be opened liy the TciB Treasurer at the Council Itooius in the HU^BT House, Dover, N. J., on Honda;, July III 1002, at 8 oclock in the evening of mid dij.l No bid or bids ill be accepted for liifl bondb at less than par. Dated Dover, N. J., June 30, EmvAHDI).Ct Ton Treraroi ^.;; DALRYMPLE J. tradbrtaeer AND KMBALMER. Residence No.7 B, Susses street over. Chas. H, Bennetts Nes Store. s,"l OIHoeNo, 16^ S, Sussex street..- ;;" Telephone No. 16 A. FOB SALE BT THE DOVER BOILER MORRIS AND DICKERSON STREETS. We give Red or Green Trading Stamps ith air cash purchase ALEXANDER KANOUSE ^ 12 N. SUSSEX ST., DOVER H. J. D) JII Pianos«Organs. The celebrated BEHNING leads thelist of the hignest grade Pianos > and is at present the most popular and preferred by the.leading a»is > j The Behning Pianos are ithout a rivaffor Tone, Touch anduu, bility. It is the Piano to buy lor a life time. Here is a le ot a list ol the pa ofuhe famous Behning Piano eh«so d to, hich, it may be said, asneve as popular as to-day. Dr. Cumm» W. H E. Jacobus, Frank Zp H.D.Mo e; Mrs. Mrs. Annie Annie Drummeij,peo. Ml Drumj, Thom p Peer, J, H. Maloney, Thomas Michael Roderer, F. M Wi prices, im.""-t>, h. Tonk. Here is a fe patrons " Tonk H. D. Moller, John K«Ernest Johnson, E. Vanderhoof, Charles Doland, C. Orr, I. J. ul man and others, huvi n8 Call and see our Pianos and Organs. Our prices make the DUJ saf, conomical and easy. Musical Instruments ot all Kinds. We are agents for tne celebrated WHlTESeing Machine- M i ^ V ;vy;-v "-/,, MANUFACTURERS OF Ire JvPALL KINDS OF Castings in Irb^, Bi s;and Forgings of B h ^ Office and Works, No; ^8i ^rth ;;^.;-.;;.;;v..;;;d0yeil iij

3 THE IRON EEA, DOVES, ST. J., JULY 3, Triumph Teas. 40 Trading Stamps ith each pound. The greatest and finest Tea that has ever been offered. Mixed, Green or Black Teas. Our Store Closes Friday, July 4th, at noon. THESE SPECIALS FOR ONE WEEK, JULY 5 TO 11, GUESS. If you ill guess the amount of Tea sold in our seven stores last eek e ill give you a 3 Pound Package Free. The amount as in the thousands of pounds, so theres ^ tip to start ith." It certainly must be good Tea hen e sell so much. Try jt. SPECIAL BLEND TEAS. Oolong -m.k. Young Hyson WA Q A per Mixed f V L pound. English Breakfast " ~ 30 Trading Stamps ith each pound. TRIUMPH TEAS. 40 Trading Stamps ith each pound package. My guess is... lbs. Tea sold at your stores last eek. Name m n n Address Date...; 3 Pounds of Tea Free To the one coming nearest to the number ot pounds sold in our seven stores last eek. Cut out the coupon bring it to our Dover store. The name ot the inner ill be published in our next eeks circular and paper. Copyright, im; f. BrO. N. Lurle u n n ULY 4, 1777, the first anniversary o Independence 1 day, didnt mean, to the. people of Vermont hat it did to the other colonies fighting for freedom. The settlers of tho Green mountains had a revolution of" their mvn lo look after, and, according to the traditions met ith among the ever- Errn hills lying beteen the Connecticut liver nnd Lake Champlain, it as i.v for the rest of trie colonies that Etliau Allen/s boys", ere making Jviuon their on hook iu It as I" 1T77 that Burgoyne as beaten at Saratoga, The Vlctorjr saved the Hufl- «m valley and all Ne England to the Patriot cause. Although the battle as ""Slit almost in sight"of the Green "lountalns, no. Vermont troops" took Part. Iuey bad given Burgoynesmen J liiibbing at Bennington n mouth before. In this affair the Green Mountain uoys put tice their number of TOI* out of flgbt, enough to have iu<l Uurgoyne had they been on hand 1 tlio right moment. Hut Burgoyno lost more than his J,000 coldiors on tho field of Bennlng- <" Tho ttoops killed and captured BE OiiEujj MOBIWAIK nois APrEAliED TO." IN V A W, * f -. GRAND SPECIALS. Lea & Perrines Sauces Bottle 2IC Uneeda Biscuits PacKage 4.C Curtices Jam r Jar... l6c Hires Root Beer Bottle...,... 13C Knapps Root Beer Bottle 13c ShreddedWheat Biscuit, the great breakfast food 9 ^ Force, the ne breaklast food package I2C Podered Sugar, XXXX confec- tioners for iceing or berries, lb,. C Mennens Talcom Poder, / Soc orth stamps free, IOC Armours Corned Beef, 1 pound tins". I3C Corned Beef 2poundtins Roast Beef 2poundtins AFTER 4th OF JULY SPECIALS AT LEHMANS Kottaul 5 stamps free ith each cake. The very best toilet soap on the market. Miscellaneous Articles. Tooth Picks, box Toilet Paper, roll ITS UP TO YOU If you desire to INCREASE YOUR INCOME or not. When e say ITS UP TO YOU e mean B S i D l * s as others - Hundreds of ladies have" told "us" thahbey get ^ROCERIES for ONE DOLLAR at OUR stores than they do elsenere.i advant vr.itti V " E better " ave more money y for clothes and ad pleasures. plsu You Y have h the same snl/i» S V( JUR m oney is just as good your trade appreciated as theirs. The same eatables 7uV?JZ a ~ m T es ">? difference ith us, rich or poor ail receive the same consideration. We guarantee you a saving." Others do it. Just a trial to convince yourself. 4c 5c Cliquot Ginger Ale, made from the purest of distilled ater and imported ginger root. A drink for people ho are particular to have the finest, hatever it may cost. 10c bottle, $1.10 per dozen, «" ".1 Allens...By... W&ington Wa^yne into tutstjutinfalns by~burgoyne to seize borses for mounting n corps of his troops nnd to bring beef cattle and the military stores at Bennington into hl» enron on the Hudson. So tbo mountaineers had good reason to look upon Bennliigtou as their Sunttogii, tlie decisive battle of the Green mountain revolution, just us - Saratoga decided the fate of the American colonies. But July 4, 3777, ould not have been a day for rejoicing in the hills of Vermont bad the settlers there been in hearty.sympathy ith the congress, hich one year before had declured the American colonies free from the yoke of England. They had no love for congress. Ethan Allen as n prisoner in irons to the British, and the heroism hich on Tieomlcrogn had been unrearded. All this Is involved in the story of Vermonts.little revolution, her independence, her existence. Vermont became nn independent colony July 8, 1777, and maintained hci^ "sovereignty" until For the reason hy she did not cut loose on July 4 one must look to. the delays of legislative assemblies and the limitations of horseflesh. The settlers of the ilderness lying beteen the Connecticut river and Lake Ohamplaln, In convention assembled," formed an independent colony in January, 1777, and petitioned the Continental congress for admission Into the confederacy of states. No-York state claimed tbe territory as far east as the Connecticut and defeated the petition in congress. The case as decided-late In June, and the siftest couriers. could not reach the Green mountnins until after July 4. Then the colonial assembly promptly initiated tue defiance or tbe parent colonies nnd adopted July 8 a constitution hich had been prepared for the emergency.. Meanhile the fighting men of the hills, "Elhau Allens boys," ere on the arpath. The elders might look after diplomacy, and the sons ould back them. up. It as In vain that the spokesmen of congress appealed to the Green Mountain boys to Join the colonial armies in the field. They ould take no, orders from that quarter and In tills attitude did not stand alone. Ne Hampshire had a ar leader not less renoned than Ethan Allen, Colonel John Stark. Some of the Green Mountain boys bad fought.ith StaiU at Bunker Hill, and he loved them as they loved him. He as a man after their on heart, too, because hen congress refused him the rank of brigadier general he resigned to fight on j, on; hook. ^ cr BUTTER. BUTTER. The very Best Butter received by us eekly from Pennsylvania direct, noted for its delicacy of flavor, 25c per pound. Fancy Butterine, in one pound prints, 22c lb., 5 lbs. for $1.00. LARD. Compound Lard Best Compound Lard... Pure Lard 14 cents, 2 pounds for LARD. 10c I2G -27c, CHEESE. CHEESE. Best Full Cream Cheese, per pound, 16 cents. Siss Cheese, sliced thin, or as you ant it, 3Oc pound. Pineapple Cheese, Sap Sago Cheesei Edam Cheese. PICKLES. PICKLES. Heirus, e keep no other kind, Seet Pickles, per dozen..8c Sour Pickles, per dozen." 7c Gherkins, per dozen 14c We keep Heinzs 57 different varieties. HEINZS STRAWBERRY PRESERVES TEN POUND JARS $1.90. DRUGS. DRUGS. Patent Medicines. Kilmers Samp Root, Ji.oosize 68C Peruna $i.oosize 70C Lydia Pinkhams Compound tuiosize...; 72C Paines Celery Compound $1.00 size.. 70C Scotts Emulsion Cod Liver Oil, $1.00 size 69C Castoria, "Pitchers" 2SC Pierces Favorite Prescription and Medical Discovery, $1.00 size.. 75C Fellos Compound Syrup $1.50 size ft ft Hockstedder Bitters _ S1.00 size 75C S.S.S,.. Jiioo size 75C Warners Safe Cure $1.00 size 90C Burdock Blood Bitters _ $1.00 size 75C Kennedys Favorite Remedy _ $i.oosize.,.. 75C Greens Nervura $1.00 sixe 79C Maltine and Cocoa Wine J1.00 size 79C Ayres 1 Sarsaparilla " 1 $1.00 size.. 68C Hoods Sarsaparilla $1,00 size 74C Syrup of Figs v 40C Liquid Peptynoids 79C Beel, Iron and Wine small size 2jc, large size... 45C Jaynes Expectorant ~ J Si.oosize 79C Anhauser Bush Malt Nutrine bottle 18C Pabst, " Malt Extract 18C Atoods >. Bitters Dr. Welchs Grape Juice, the original, bottle 19C 21C Our Store Closes Friday, July 4th, at noon. Extra! special Bleui Tees. 30 Trading Stamps ith each pound. 49 cents per pound. Your choice English Breakfast-, Oolong, Mixed, Japan. THESE SPECIALS FOR ONE WEEK, JULY 5 TO 11. Our Pure Java and Mocha Coffee is the nearest approach to Coffee Perfection that has ever been attained. Enthusiastic users cant say anything too good in praising its orth. A pound of this most satisfactory Coffee, cost 28 cts. and 20 Trading Stamps go ith each lb. SUMMER DRINKS. The healthiest and cheapest drink of all is just plain Root Beer. We have the extract that mades five gallons of as delicious a Root Beer that it is possible to drink, and hen the cost gets don as lo as.get YOUR ORDER IN EARLY ON SATURDAY AND AVOID THE GREAT RUSH. fcothnson peril dre the settlers of the northern Ne England colonies together. The hole region as open to Incursion from Canada, to forays by Indians from beyond the Hudson ana to the march of Burgoynes army in case he on the battle at Saratoga. So hen Burgoyne WHS pushing his van eastard in June the mountain. eers rallied on the slopes to defend tbelr homes and chattels. Stark crossed the mountain estard ith a fe militiamen and fixed his camp at Bciinington. He had no food supplies, no cniiminltioii except the private stock of his men. But the colonists ere in for a light and didnt leave it all to prayers and resolutions. Their fame had crossed the border, thanks < to Ethan Allen. Static had friends, too, even if congress as cold to his claims. One of these admirers, ainierchant of Ne Hampshire, named John Langdon, offered his ealth tolhtiy poder for Starks men. "I haveuhree thousand hard dollars,", said Langdon, "and plate hich I can pledge for as much more, besides seventy (hogsheads of tobago rum, hich may go for hat it ill bring." This speech has become a classic throughout the mountain region to typify the spirit of the rude settlement in July, i"77, hen Burgoyne as just across the valley and his marauding eoldlers climbing the foothills.toard Bennington^ Even estern Massachusetts and Connecticut are proud,of the glories of Ilennlngton. Stark (as a character suited to the moroj rugged of the Yankee element, llke/putnara and Ethan Allen. Plain spoken patriots have handed donthe names of Stark and Fntnnni as "Old. Stark" and "Old Tut," and henever, one of the oldest inhabitants tells the story of Bennington he makes a climax of the incident of the Green Mountain bojs fighting and inning on poder scratched together for the occasion by the sacrifices of a private citizen. Another tradition in the mountains is that a parson ho had the blood of TlcondcrogaH hero in his veins a cousin, in fact brought all tho ablebodied men.of his flock to tho battle- Held ith hunting rifles in hand and, after aiting for tlio fun to begin until the patience of all the camp as nearly onrout, called on Stark to protest, against the Inactivity. Said he, "General, my people have often been summoned to (ifcht and have never b,e<m given a chance, and no if. you dont give them a fight theyll never turn out again." It happened to be raining at tho time, nnd Stark responded brusquely "Well, do you mint to tight no, in the niinv" "No, not just this minute," said the parson. "Then," snid the general "If the Lord once more gives us sunshine and I dont give you all the lighting you ant Ill never ask you to come out again." But Stark as not Idly talking hile nltins Tor poder. He built intrenchments around his camp on the Hooslck above lli-niiliiirton and sent scouts and eomicra throughout the mountains, even don into the Berkshlres. All estern Ne England as aroused, and, although soldiers ere scarce, for the army recruiting officers had gathered in the youth, every tonship had Its fe patriots able >o toll over the hills tojjonulugton.., "No ono~~ rifeu and very fe kne that the Green Mountain boys ere "DO YOU WANT TO 1ICIHT IN THE 1UIN?." "rebels" against the constituted author^ ity, the Continental congress. Vei-- nionts foes ere everybodys foes just then redcoats, Indians and Tories. All of Vermonts neighbors ere glaii. in the end that the little colony as" "revoluting" on her on hook. But for that her Green Mountain- boys ould. have been aay ith Gates at Saratoga or ith Washington in Ne Jersey. Bennington ould then have never been fought, Vermont and the region, east of her ould have been overrun, and victory might have gone to Bur-1 goyne at Saratoga. Bennington cobt Burgoyne one-sixth of his hole army. It as his first. check. And after Beunlngton no voice could bo found in congress or eleebera to deny to the Green Morntain State her sovereign Independence. A Maoli-Tnlkod-oI Imm-ovemont. Tho utir the Ne Jerray Centrals reoebt announcement made in regard to its hourly; trains beteen Ne York and Fhiladelptila as far reaching. Very fe cities can boast of such a train schedule and the beauty of [it is that its easily remembered a train every hour on the even hour, from 7 a. m. to 0 p. m. The locomotives, oars and Pullman carsnro the most- uoderu, the roadbed is rock ballasted, and aa only bard coal is used there is no smoke or cinders. Every train runs direct to Reading terminal, Philadelphia, ithout ohange and many of them cover the distance in to hours. The Reading route, by hich the Philadelphia line is often knon,1b not only a short ay to Philadelphia, but it< is llkolbb the scenio route, This eerviae goes into effect on May 18th, nut la no ay does it impair tbe fast and elegant service of tie Royal Blue Line, hich trill run independently of tbe Philadelpblo line. Pino Sets or Tooth Only $0700 at Dr. O. W. MoDavita Dental Pa<-Iors, Dover, N.J, To John L. Dunham and Margaret C. Dunbam and each of you and to hom it may concern Take notice that the Morris County Connecting Railroad Company, a company Incorporated under an Act of the Legislature of the State ot Ne Jersey entitled, "An Act to authorize tbe formation of railroad corporations and regulate the eatne," approved April 2,187S,.aaa tbe several acts supple-, mentary thereto and amendatory thereof require for the construction of the railroad by them surveyed, laid out and located the lands hereinafter described, and because they cannot acquire such land by agreement vritb tbe oners thereof, they have under the poers conferred upon them to construct a railroad and condemn land for that purpose presented a petition to Hon. Abram Q. Garretson, one of tbe Justices of the Supreme Court of the BtateofNe Jersey, to appoint three disinterested Freeholders residents of the County ot Morris and State of Ne Jersey CommlBslonera to examine and appraise the land hereinafter described and to assess the damages to tbe land and real estate of hich you are Bupposedto be in hole part the oner by reason of tbe taking and occupancy of the laud so required to be taken, and to fix the compematlon to be paid for said lands hich ore described as follos.. A tract of land situate partly in the Tonship of Jefferson, partly in the Tonship jof Rockaay andpartly in the Borough of Wharton, formerly Fort Orom, In tbe County of Morris-and State of Ne Jersey, and described ab foliotrb tbat is to say, a strjp of land extending from the line of lands of Josoph Wharton on tbe. north for a distance of about thirty-five hundred and ninety-six feet to the line of-lands claimed by James H. Neighbour on the south, said strip being one hundred feet in idtb, being (Ifty feet iu idth on each Bide ot the centreline ot the Morris County Connecting Railroad as no located and staked upon the ground and shon upon a map thereof filed in the office of tbe Secretary of State of Ne Jersey, said strip being bounded on its easterly and esterly.sides by lines parallel to and fifty feet from said centre line; hich said centre lihb crosses the lands required to be taken Is described as follos.. Beginning at tbe point here tbe said centre line cresses the boundary line beteen a tract of land described in a deed from John K Andrus and ife to Joseph -Wharton (dated April 1, 1003,. and recorded In the Morris County Clerks office in Book W-10 of Deeds on pages 403 &o.) and a tract of land of about acres described in to deeds from Sarah E. King to James Walters and Daniel Walters, said.beginning point being in the sixth line of said Wbartons deed and io the second lice of Walters deeds and at station,14 in Baid centre line, and from said beginning point running (1) ourving to the loft ith a radius of fourteen hundred,and thirty-to andbflven-tenthb feet for a distance of telve hundred nnd fifty-live feet to Btatlon 20 plus 45.S, as shon upon.said map; thence on a tatigent (2).south. tenty-beven.degrees and fifteen minutes east tenty-three hundred and forty-one feet to Btatlou.49. plus 80.5in tho middle of the Rockaay River as shon upon said map. 10 cents a package for extract that makes five gallons, e cannot think of a more desirable article. $1.00 in stamps free, CRACKERS. A very large assortment at 12c per pound and 5 Trading Stamps ilh each pound. Zu- Zu Ginger Snaps 5c per package, LIQUORS. Old Family Rye, 5 years old 75C quart 20 trading stamps free. Old Monogram Rye, 8 years <h r -._ old, quart. «. $1.UU 30 stamps free Largest assortment of Pure Wines and Liquors in Morris County. Hunter Rye _ bottle 99 C v Maybe you didnt kno that e are giving 10 stamps free ith 1 bottle Ammonia. 10 stamps free ith 1 can Cocoa. 10 stamps free ith 1 bottle of Extract, Lemon, Vanilla, Orange, Straberry, Raspberry, etc. Have you one of our booklets that tells all about our extra stamp specials. AN ORDER EXTRAORDINARY. Weve prepared an order that "e ant everyone to have, and therefore put in the most needed articles. When you can buy goods as cheap as these and get $10 orth of stamps besides, e cant see ho you can let it pass by. But you ont if you look over this one. 5 pounds Granulated Sugar. 1 bottle Root Beer Extract. 4 pound of the best Mixed Tea. X pound ol the best Black Pepper. 1 can of Fine Sugar Corn. 1 pound of Fresh Ginger Snaps, or Coffee Cakes. 1 box (3 cakes) of Fine Toilet Soap. 1 large pkg. of Best Washing Poder. 2 bars Best Laundry Soap. 1 large bar Best Sand Soap. 1 Childs Blackboard. Everyone of these articles and < > o _ $ro in stamps for V l ^ 5 Wine Department. All our Wines and Liquors are guaranteed pure, and sold at holesale prices 10 Stamps ith one quart POflT WtNE.. MONOGRAM RYE, 80 Btampa, quart PURE RYE WHISKEY, 10 Btampa, one quart... PURE ALCOHOL, quart.. 10 Btampa ith OUB quart SHERRY WIN13.. OLD FAMILY RYE, 20 Btampa, one quart HOLLAND OW, 10 stamps, one quart. BLACKBERRY BRANDY, 3 quart.., STAB BRANDY, j n n 80 stamps, one bottle 1.UU APPLE BRANDY, 10 stamps, oue quart C 75C 11 WEST BLACKWELL ST., DOVER, rc. J. Excepting out of. said strip of land above described so much thereof as is included in a deed from John D. King and others to tlio Morris and Essex Railroad Company/dated June 25V 185?,,and reoorded,in the Morris County Clcrt.i Office, In Book Z 4 of Deeds, on pages 0, &c. - And atao excepting thereout so much thereof included in a CBrtoln othor deod from said John D. King and others to the Morris nnd Essex Railroad Company, dated October 2,18CS,-Bmlrecorded in tha Morris County Clerkr Office, In Book L 7 of Deeds, Utt pages 313, &c. And also excepting thereout so much thereof as is included in a certain-other deed from John D. Kins and others to Madison Klag, dated October IS, 1864, and recorded in tho Morris County Clerks Office, in Book M 0 of Deeds, pages 110, &c.. Said lands above described are part of the second tract of 157 9S-100 acres referred to in a deed from Hudson T. King and ifeto Edord King, dated January 10, 1838, and recorded in the Morris County Clerks ofuce in Book B, 18 of Deeds, pages 512, &o, of some interest in hich said Edard King, died seized, leaving a lost ill and testament, dated September US, 1870, and recorded in the Morris County Surrogates ooico in Book Z of "Wills, page 193,-ond tho said Edard King at his death left him surviving his ido Sarah B. King, to hom by his said ill he devised.^ all bis estate both real and personal; and (besides other children) be left him surviving bis son Edard K. King, and his daughter Ida May, no tbe ife of Richard 8. Shooter, and said tract of acres is> described in a deed from said Edard R. King and Ida May Bhapter and husband to. said Sarah E. King, dated April 25,1902, and recorded in the Morris County Clerks pfdee May 9,1903, in Book of Deeds on pages and in to deeds from said Sarah K King to said James Walters and Daniel Walters, the one dated July 24,1CI01, and recorded in the Morris County Clerks Office, May 9, 1902, in Book of Deeds, on paces See., and the other dated April 20, 1003, and recorded in the Morris County Clerks Ofllco May 9,.1902, In Book ot Deeds, pages. Said lands are shon upon a map thereof hich is annexed to the petition presented to tbe said, JuBtice, and filed in tbe Morris County Clerks OQice, and to assess hatever the Commissioner; to be appointed are authorized by tbe said aota of the Legislature in such case made and provided to Tbe said Justice has appointed Saturday the tenty-first day of June nineteen, buddred and to, at ten oclock in tbe forenoon of that day. at the Court HOUBB in Morriston, Morris county, Ne Jersey, to hear the said petition and make the said appointment, and to llx tbe date on or before hich the Commissioners must file, and bas ordered that notice of tbe time so fixed for hearing said petition, making said appointment and fixing the date on or.before hich the Commissioners must flje their report be given to you by publication for at least one eek previous to the day so fixed iu THE IRON ERA, a nespaper^published in the Ton of Dover, County of Morris and State of He Jersey, and by mailing to your addresses, if the same can be ascertained, at least fifteen days before tbe day so fixed for bearing. And vou are notified to attend at tbe time and place aforesaid, and sho cause if any you have hy such appointment should not be made, and said date for Sling the Commls sloners* report be fixed. Dated, Morriston, N. J June 4,1902. By order of said Justice, THE MOIUUS CODNTV CONNECTING RAIL- ROAD COMPANY, By RIOHABD B. MOBUBTY, Atty. Post office address, 6 Washington St., Morriston, Ne Jersey. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. ESTATE OF CnAiu.ES C. DEHABT, DECEASED Pursuant to the order of the Surrogate of the County of Morris, made on the 15th day of May A. D. one thousand nine hundred and toj notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against the estate of Cborles C. DeHart, late of the County of Morris, deceased, to present tbe some, under oath oranirmatiod, tothesubscriber, on or before tbe 15th day of February next, being nine months from the date of said order ; and any creditor neelectlng to bring hi and exhibit his, her or their claim, under oath or affirmation, ithin the time so limited, ill be forever barred of his, ber or their action therefor against the Executor. Dated the 15th day of May A. s CUAHLES S. DEHART, Executor, 27-9 Rockaay, M. J. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. KSTATB OF WlLUAU 8nU)IANr DECEASED. Fursuant to tbe order of the Surrogate of the County of Morris, mode on the 17tb day of June A, D, one thousand nine hundred and to, notice Is hereby given to all persons having claims against the estate of William Shuman, lato of the Countyof Morris, deed, to present the same, under oath or affirmation, to the subscriber, on or before the seventeenth day ot March next, being nine months from*the, date of Bald order; and any creditor neglecting to bring in and exhibit bis, ber or their claim, under oath or affirmation, ithin the time so limited, ill tie* forever barred of his, her or tbelr action therefor against tbe Administrator, &c. Sated tho seventeenth day of June A. D CHESTER G. BUDDIKQTON, Substituted Administrator, 81-9 Dover, K. J. Subscribe ior tbe IRON ERA, cne dollar per year. SHERIFFS SALE. IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY. Wherein Karl Beret Is complainant and William J. Tippett and Uatllda Tippett his ife are defendants. Pi. fa. for sale of mortgaged premises. Returnable to October Term A. D B. W. ELLICOTT, Solr, By virtue of tho above stated rit of fieri facias in my bands I shall expose for sale at publio vendue at the Court Bouse hi Morriston, N. J., on MONDAY, tbe 7th day of J0LT next, A. D. 1902, beteen the hours of 12 M and 5 oclock P. M., that is to say at 2 oclock in the afternoon of said day, all that tract or parcel ot lands and premises, Bituate lying and belnk in the tonship of Randolph In the County of Morris and State of Ne Jersey, Bounded and described as follos Betas; a part of tbe premises hich ere conveyed to said William J. Tippett by dtod from James E. Carroll and ife bearing date -tbe eighth day of JunC,1895, and not yet recorded; and the part hereby intended to be conveyed begins at a point in the center of east Blackell Btreet, said point being In the first line of tbe hole lot and distant one bundred and to and elghty-bundredths (102.80) feet oa a course of south forty-eight (48) degrees and seventeen (17) minutes east from said beginning corner ; and runs thence along said road * (1) south forty-eight (IS) degrees and seventeen (17) minutes east one bundred feet (100) to a point distant, on a courso of north sixtythree degrees and forty-three minutes east, tbirty-three and eighteen huudredths (33.18)" feet from tbe north-east corner of tbe ne house of said Tippett; thence at right angles (2) south forty-one degrees and forty minutes est ninetry-eight-(08) feet more or less to tho Rockaay river; thenco up the river (3) one hundred feet to a point here a line at right angles to tbe first course from the beginning corner ould intersect said river bank; thence (4) north forty-one degrees and forty-three minutes east ninety-eight feet to the beginning, containing slxty-flve bundred square feet of land be tbe same more or less, ufter deducting the street. Dated June 2,1802. CHARLES A. BAKER, Sheriff, Jerseyman and EBA. S9.00 Notice of Settlement. Notico is hereby given that the acoounto of the subscriber, Administrator of Charles A GMlen, deceased, ill be audited and stated by the Surrogate, and reported tor settlement to the Orphans Court of the County of Morris, on Thursday, the third day of July next J Dated May 28th, ISAAO O W. SEABINa, Administrator, SS-S Dover, N. J. HORSES. SIRE BROTHERS, of Morriston have just; received and have noiv on sale 5G BEAD OF HoasEs^amongthem are Draught, Coaoh anu Road Horses and several ell matched teama. All ell broken and caa be driven in all kinds of harness. B. Smu&Bao. -SaleandExclmngeStables, Speedell, Morrlsto-n, N. J.. l&-tf BOARD OF HEALTH MEETING, Notion ia hereby given tbat tbo Board of Health of Jefferson Tonship, Morris County Ne Jersey, ill meet at tits Berkshire Valley Hotel on Tuesday, tho eighth day ot July next, at one oclock p. m., for tbo purpose of bearing complaints, and to transact any other business * properly cominc; before tbein. Dated 1 June Juno 25, ULYSSES O. DAVENPORT, 32-3 Clerk of the Board. J. J. VREELAND CARPENTER AND BUILDER, All orders attondod to. Offlua and shop 97 EAST BLACKWELI, STREET, DOVER, N. J,

4 THE IBOK EEA, DOVER, N. J., JULY 3, JLbc Uron Era, THURSDAY. JULY THE DOVER PRINTINQ COMPANY FUBUSBBBB AND P110P1UET0BB. TERMS OF BUBSUBIPTION ISVAK1- A-ELT IN ADVANCE. One Year»1.00 Six MouthH 00 Thres Months.25 REPUBLICANJOMINATION. FOIl CONGRESS, CHARLES N. FOWLER, OF UNION COUNTY, Optimistic mid Feyislrulstlt. Tbe Jersey City yes (Dora), commenting on tbe chronicling oe no lt*8 than nineteen marriages in a single issue of tb«nes, says " It cannot have escaped tbe general observation that this season is unusually rich in marriages. Tbo year 1902, e ebould judge from nespaper records, is far abead of auy recent year in tbo number of unions hicb are takiug place. It is a sign of good times, Tbe young men hove money and prospects, and ttiey are putting their good fortune to the best use. Tbe marriage market is alays a reflection from tbe marts of trade. When prices are lo and transactions Infrequent, beauty and love Hud no takers at auy pries; but hen money ie Hying and trade is rushing, tberu uro alays crods of eager bidders about Hymens stand." Our esteemed contemporary, the Fleming-, ton Democrat ic-adrtiser, in a recent issue, emitted this ait 11 The times are sadly out of joint, Suffering is out of all proportion to happiness and contentment." The Democratic-Advertiser should change its glasses, or is its calamity boling a sort of force-put, for hich political exigencies are responsible i Its vieh as to the " happiness and contentment" of tbo peoplo of this bleebed country are strangely divergent from tbo3e expressed in tbo above quoted except from tbe columns of tbe Nes, like itself, a Democratic nespaper. iuuxumplcd Prosperity. Tbe nespapers on Tuesday published a Btory of national prosperity the like o hich has uover before been seen aince Uncle Bam started in business on his on account ay back iu ITTtt. Thofiscal year of the United States Government ended on Monday ith a groator available cash balance In the Treasury than ever bsfore iu the hibtory of. the Government. It stood at t ,o^j, hile the years receipts exceeded the expenditures by OIIITOARY, CAUV. William S. Cary, of Succasunna, died 01 Saturday of lost eek on the farm here ho lived all his life and here bis father and grandfather lived before him. He as " years old on March 20 lost. For nearly years the Cary family bos been conned ith the Presbyterian Church at Succasunna in an official capacity, Mr. Carys grandfather, as a member of tbe Board of Trustees, having signed the call to the Hev. William Woodhull, the first pastor of the Presbyterian churches at Succasuntia and Chester. Mr. Cary is survived by a daughter, Mrs. W. Hoffman, of Lebanon ; and to sons, Lyman Cary, of Maudan, S. D., and L. D. Gary, of Corys Station. Tbo funeral services ere held yes terday at 2 p. m., the Rev. Dr. E. W. Stoddard conducting the services. Mr. Cary as tbe last surviving member of tbe official board hich elcomed Dr. Stoddard hen he came to Succasunna thirty-eight years ago, and there are no only six members of tbe then congregation left. 02,1O3(8W). The Treasury officials, press reports state, believe that the outlook for the ne fiscal year, hich began Tuesday, is entirely hopeful. The udditioual repeal of ar taxes, hich ent into effect July 1, it is estimated, ill reduce tbe grohs income from internal revenue by about $15,000,000 in the next telve months, but on the basis oe this years receipts and expenditures there ould still be a surplus on June 30 next of at least $17,000,- 000, As a matter of fact, the coming years surplus ill probably be much larger than that, this expectation being basedupon the continued increasing prosperity of the country and the probable decrease in expenditures in several departments of the Government. Queer Boycotts. " For probably the first time in the history of organized labor," says the Neark Nes, a cemetery and jail have been declared unfair. 1 Tbe institutions hich have been placed under the ban are the Riverside Cemetery and the local lockup in BaldinBville, N. Y. The boycott has been declared by the painters union, the only active organization of the kind in tbe village. The trouble first arose hen, a fe dayb ago, the cemetery fence as painted by a "scab" firm. The secoud boycott as declared hen the village trustees let the contract for painting the jail to another, non-union man. If the members of the respective unions keep out of jail it ill be a good thing all around. As for keeping out of the cemetery in question, this, it strikes the BRA, ould be carrying resentment too far. A dead man, and only dead men are burled as a rule, should not be BO finicky. OUR Democratic contemporary, the Jersey City Nes, figures out that "despite the frantic gerrymander of the Republicans 1 there are only three "sure Republican districts, the Second and to la Essex." "What nn aakening is la prospect for the Nes 1 THE balance in the State treasury on Mon day, hen the fiscal year ended,"as $2,093,- 202, an increase of nearly (500,000 over last SENATORS Carmack, Patterson, et. al,t to Admiral Deey "Et lit, Brute." Why Bias "Were Not Received. A special meeting of the Common Council as held on Monday night to act ou bids for the proposed $70,000 ater bond issue. No bids had been received, hoever, hich came abont In this ay Financial institutions, before bidding on municipal bond issues, like to kno allaboutthofinancialcondltion.etc., of a municipal corporation about tofloata bond issue and the usual course is to direct letters of inquiry to Borne official, generally = the mayor, requesting that they be furnished ith the desired information. This no less * than, telve intending bidders did In the case of Dovers proposed bond issue, the letters.being Mayor Peters, No, It so happened that Mayor Peters as at. the time on a bed of sickness and the telve letters o* Inquiry remained unopened until Monday o this "eek, -hen It WAS too late to impart the desired Information in time to be of any use.. The only recourse as to readvertlae, fixing another day for the submission of blda, and thls-toa Treasurer Clark as directed to do. Bids ill be received at a Bpecial Counci meeting to be held on the evening of July 14., An advertisement to this effect ill be found on page 4 of this issue. JLIst ol Letters Uncoiled for in the Dover Post Olflco, DOVER, N. J., July 3,1902. Rosa BaegUn, Tonadi Carmine (2) R. Car* ter, Alfred Ktnn, Mifee Lubocstna, James T. Moore, Mrs. Lizzie Pi or son, Henry Rodlim, Joan Smith, Antonio Saplo, E. Toling. To obtain auy of the above letters please say advertised and give date of list. G. C. HlHOHMAW, P. M. "Subscribe lor the ERA, gi per year. Hotel Breslln Ucmly for ISusluetm. The Hotel Breslin is again open under the management of J. B. Quinn, of Ne York, ho enjoyed a very successful season at this hotel last year. Mr. Quinn is the manager of the Hotel Plaza in Ne York and hence ill not be able to give much of bia time tc Mount Arlington. He has, hoever, a competeut manager and steard in the person ol George S. Force. Mr. Force is one ho believes that if you ant a thing done righf you must do it yourself and that is hat he is doing at the Breslin. He finds time to personally superintend everything and consequently everything is as it should be. Tbe hotel, alays knon as a high class one, it this year ell able to sustain its good reputation. It has been thoroughly renovated and tbe service is at perfect as it can possibly be made. The cuisine is most excellent. There ere last eek abou t fifty guests at the hotel and for the Breslin, hose season can hardly be said to be begun before July 1, this" as a good number, A good many are expected to-morro (July 4). MAllItlKD. It AED-FOBT At No. 37 McFarlan street, Dover, on June 19, by the Rev. William H. Me Con Dick, William Fracd to IIIBB Josephine Post, all of Dover. and everything in the millinery line at reduced priceb at MIBS Weirs. 27-tf The Dangerous Bare Leff Fad. Bare limbs of children gratify tbe -nnity of mothers, but tlieysead inultludes of beautiful children to premnure graves. It ould be safer to have,he arms, feet, hands and legs armly noised In double thicknesses of oolen flannel, ith nothing hatever upon the body but an ordinary nightgon, n the autumn. It in especially imporjant to keep the extremities of children and Infanta arm for every second of.heir existence. Whether a child is ill ell, hen the hands and feet begin o get cold it is nearing the grave, hecause the blood retreats to the inner irgans, oppresses them, causing puln- ul and dangerous congestion and inflammation, hich often induce death.n a. fe hours, as in croup, diphtheria, quinsy and the like. A young mother ihould. never go to bed until she lias loticed that the feet of her sleeping little ones are perfectly arm. To be ssured of that is to kno that croup icfore morning is impossible. Family Doctor. - Footear, Fe^omen are sufficiently supplied ith footear. There ought to be boots and shoes for all occasions, but to pairs one for common ear and the ither for best is the usual supply. Often one pair does duty for all time, f you find It necessary to supply a par- Icularly pretty and fine frock for evenng "ear, there should be shoeb to match. The care you besto upon them ill determine their time of usefulness. Frequent polishing, fresh strings once a eek or henever the old ones are shabby, attention to the heels hen hey first sho signs of uneven ear and a thorough brushing after each earing ill beep the feet looking tidy and attractive, no matter hat the size. A Vanar Onitom. It is the custom at.vassar for each senior class to furnish a room on the senior corridor as a class parlor, here seniors can receive guests. Bach girl in the class contributes something, either giving money or lending some choice picture or furnishing from her home, and the three under classes make some gift to the senior parlor. The hole charge of furnishing and decorating the parlor is put Into the bunds of a class committee, and no one else sees tbe room until It is formally opened by a reception to the sophomores. R EPORT of the condition of Tm DOVER TaosT COMPANY at the close of business June 30, RESOURCES. Loans demand and time secured by collaterals 8 57, mortgage Loans &.000 <K Notes Purchased 231,3001X1 Stocks and Bonds 48,28276 Interest Accrued Furnftureand Fixtures. 3,2082< Obecka and other Cash Items - j,10.7f Cosh on hand 17,004 (K, Due from Reserve Agents; 80, Due from Banks and Trust Companies. 9, Total... *. $303,8510! LIABILITIES. Capital Stock.,.,1100,000 Surplus Fund, 15,000 Undivided Profits Less Expenses and ToxesPaid 4,40401 Interest Accrued, 1, Individual Deposits 8101, Bavlnes Deposits 142,18100 Certificates of Deposit... 10,00088 Treasurers Checks 6500 Certified Checks Due to Backs and Trust Companies..,, 15,303 Total ; ; ,&ro! Stnto of Ne Jarcey, 1 County oc Morris, J aa - - I, H. M. George, Secretary-Treasurer c the above named BnnJc do solemnly «ear thai thi above statement Is true to tbe best of my knol edge and belief., H. M, GEonaB, Secy-Treas. Correct Attest JAMES H. HI urn ON, 1 JAMES H. NEIGHBOUR, > Directors. IBAIO W. SEAIUHO, ) Subscribed, and sorn to before me this SOI day of June, FRANCIS H. TIPPETT, Notary Public WANTED. Young man for our hardare department Apply to THE GEORGE RICHARDS CO, SS-l.Subscribe for the IUON BRA, $1 a year. USE OF THE PIN. The Important Part It Should Flay In u Woinnui DreM. A good deal ot scorn Is limped upon the oman ho, us tin- saying goes, la "lilnnvd logothcr." She is put don ae untidy and lazy and generally shiftless. The scornful critics do not stop to consider that the most artistic French dre.sse6 and hats are seldom ell made;" that, graceful and lovely as they are, the mere stitchery is very light and unreliable, apt to give at any moment. Mere seing Is not tbe artistic thing for hich one pays exorbitant prices. The great couturiere charges for deft touches, Inspired adjustments, graceful drapery, beauty of outline. Many of these effects depend on thi! pin. Clothes should be put on ith art as ell as made ith skill. There Is more affinity In the cunning fold placed ith the aid of n pin than, here is In ros of mere strong stitch-. ry. rersonulity cannot be expressed -n a frock that any other oman could duplicate. It must have.specinl touches of its on, and it cannot have these If the oman ho ears It despises he use of a pin. Many omen spend large sums on their clothes and never seem on good enns ith them. Their frocks are ery ell made too ell made to have ny subtlety or Illusion. Every fold Is In place. Every frill Is secured by a itrong thread. Everything Is so firmly ieed that no mystery can lurk in a old and no expression He in the curves >r lines of a skirt. When you have mce soon a toilet, there It ends. The second time you are deadly tired of it, _md ilnally It gets on your nerves. Ho you long to see a little difference a the bodice, a curve in the sleeve that ou had not noticed before! But all Ills ould mean imagination or pins, lonsequently the notion of a pin is aborrent. It is untidy. The dressmaker ias not done lier ork properly. She as been paid for something for hich ihe has not given full value. As to millinery, look at the French iats. The Paris milliners "blo" them ogether, and there is no doubt that the tltching ill not endure or last long, loni-equently foreign dressing can only 16 appreciated by tbe exclusive fe ust those dear, fascinating omen ho understand not only the art of resslug, but the nrt of putting on their lothes, herein the great mystery lies, hey ill have a supreme cut, but the >Ids and the hundred and one little lysterles of lace, chiffon, etc., ill be ift to their poetic genius, assisted by ns of various shape, size and design, nth tbe use of tbe pin e get variety, hlle In the solidity of thread and neele it is hardly ever to be found. TVoicn Bhould recollect that in the sordid duality of dress there Is neither art or beauty. Style is infinitely more dlfcult to procure than fashion. One is a iutnpli of tbe mind; the other is alays procurable ith gold. No other ittribute Is so necessary to those ho ish to be ell dressed as good style, <ut It Is generally inherent-and only o be found in the oman ho posesses imagination and can therefore le above mediocrity. You can call it!hle if you like, but neither style nor ihlc can be obtained In present day resslng ithout the aid of the dcplsed pin. St. Louis Star. Marriageable Girls InFrance. In France a man ill not or cannot marry a girl, Bays the correspondent of he London Times, ithout a proporlonate dory. This is the case from he top to the bottom of society, from he artisan to the tradesman, from tho tradesman to the financier and from he financier to the aristocrat. On the.mount of the dory depends the f acll- y of marriage. A girl ithout a dory finds no apreclation for her intelligence, culture, orce of character or even frequently aenuty, hoever great, if she cannot irlng her husband sufficient money to meet her on expenses, thus enabling man after marriage, as during bacbeorhood, to consider only bis on selfish necessities..... Hence arises not only the rareness of marriage, but the rareness of large families, for these ould oblige the husband to add to his ifes Income In >rder to maintain them. Ho to economise With Bara* Left over yolks of eggs if put at once into a tumbler of cold ater ill keep fresh and soft for several days. If dropped into a cup and covered, the yolks ould be unfit for use the second day. The left over hites of eggs may be made into macaroons, kisses or used for meringues. The hites of to eggs ith a quarter of a pound of sugar and the same quantity of almond paste il make to dozen macaroons. Where hard boiled yolks are anted It is much better to break the eggs, separate carefully the yolks from the hites and drop the yolks into ater that is boll. Ing hot Cook sloly for tenty minutes. In this ay you save the hites for another purpose. Mrs. S. T. Borer In Ladies Home Journal. Beat In tbe Home. Since it is the dry quality of the hea that is supplied in our homes thai seems its most pernicious quality, it Is orth hile emphasizing every moani by hich it may be lessened. The a. ter reservoir of stoves and- furndcei should be kept ailed, and In addltloj ater should be kept in an open vessel in the bedrooms and living rooms a least..,.;-.. ; -. Covered noaatins Pans. If you have a covered pan in hich to roast meat, never open It to bast the meat Keep it covered from first to last. The idea Is that tbe pan is full of Btcam hich penetrates Hie fiber of thi meat If desired to Dron the outsidi leave the cover off a short time In quick oven. A Good Scholar. A little boy as asked in the geogra phy class to name.some animals of thi arctic regions..... "The eel and other fur bearing nnl mals," he replied promptly. Asked to name four animals of thi torrid zone, he said "To Hone and to tigers." A SlKn of Fire. Little Luther came in the room bm flay hen the eather as cold am said "Mamma, there must be a fire In m; stomach. Every time I open my monti smoke ""W M ^" BOOM AH! Fourtb. The day e celebrate. The day of excursions imd picnics is just around tbe corner, itsonly a fe days aay. Are" you ready? Perhaps youll ant something in Clothing, Haberdashery or Headear. The best to be had for your money is here, alays, no matter ho many $20 suits for $4.98 are unfairly advertised by many dealers. JUST SUPPOSE e dressed you in one of our Sell Serg e or Flannel Suits one of our Ne Soft Shirts a Late Stra Hat a pretty Tie a pair of Fancy Hose for your lo shoes, ouldnt you be in fine feathor to enjoy the GLORIOUS FOURTH? The hole outfit ould cost you but little. Well ager that it ould cost less than you think. Come see, W. P. Turner & Co., OUTFITTERS TO - r^men, BOVS AND CHILDREN^V Cor. Blackell and Sussex Streets, DOVER, N. J, The Gco. Richards Co BLUSHING SMITH NEWNESS Our Suits are the Fresh Spring Products of the best makers. The sunshine is oven in to make bright, snappy suits for gentlemen ho have gron eary of Winter things. Our Handsome Suits are ithin easy reach of every purse. While they sing the Opening Stanza -of Spring, our hobby is to please our customers, and e shall do our level best to please YOU hen you corne in. C.N.POLASKY, No. 11 East Blackell Street, - - Dover, N. J. ip <$?- ip # O MENDMENTS TO THE CONBTITTJ- L. TION OF NEW JERSEY, PROPOSED BY THE LEGISLA.TURE OF BE IT RESOLVED by the Senate (the House Assembly concurring) that the folloing aendments to tbe constitution of this state j, and the same are hereby proposed, and hen the same Bhall be agreed to by a mairlty of members elected to the Senate and!ouee of Assembly, the said amendments shall «a entered on their journals,-ith the yeas and nays taken thereon, and referred to the ;islature next to be chosen, and shall be»blished for three months previous to the irst Tuesday after the first Monday of No- ember next (being the fourth day of said nonth), in at least one nespaper of each lounty, if any be published therein, tbe Bald leepapers to be designated by the president if the Senate, the speaker of the House of ibly and the secretary of state, ARTICLE V. irolse of the duties of their respective offices iccording to their respective commissions or Lppolntmeuts; tbe judges of the,court of irrors end appeals, except those first apoiated; the justices of the supreme court, he chancellor and the vice-chancellors shall _old their offices for the term of eeven years, and shall, at stated times, receive for their lerv-ices a compensation hich Bhall not be liminiehed during the term of their appointments ; and they shall hold no otber. ofilce under the government of this state or the ~Jnlted States; the judges of the court of irrors and appeals first appointed shall be appointed one for three yean, to- for five ears and to for seven years; judges of the tourt of common pleas shall hold their offices lor the term of five years. Strike out paragraph 2., 33-Sm EXECUTIVE. 1. Insert in lieu ol paragraph 10, ane paragraph,as follos. It). The governor, or parson administering tbe government, the chancellor and tbe atrorney-general, or to of them of hom the governor, or person administering the govern oient, enall be one, may remit tines and for- eitures and grant pardons, after conviction, i all cases except impeachment. ARTICLEVI.. JUDICIARY, 1. Insert in lieu of Section II, ane section,! follos, 1. Tbe court of errors and appeals shall condiet of a chief judge and four associate judges, >r any four ol them. 2. In case any judge of said court shall be disqualified to Bit in any cause, or sba11 be unable for the time being to discharge the duties of bis ofilce, hereby the hole number of judges capable of sitting shall be reduced belo four, the governor shall designate a justice of the supreme court, the chancellor IT a vice-chancellor, to discharge such.duties until the disqualification or inability shal" ibbq,... " <. ". 3 The secretary of Btate ^faall be tbe clerk of this court,. -, 4. When a rit of error shall be brought, any judicial opinion In the cause, In favor ol or against any error complained of, shall be assigned to the court in riting; hen an op pealbhaube taken from an order or decree of the court of chancery, the chancellor oi vice-chancellor making Buch decree or order Bhall inform the court in riting of his reanous therefor.. fb^wktu^; The jurisdiction heretofore oiorclaedby the supreme court by rit of error * Bhall be exclusively vested in tbe court of errors and appeals; but any rit of error pending in thr supreme court at the time of the adoption oi this amendment shall be proceeded upon as ii no change had taken place. ; " Section IV. ;.. i Insert in lieu of paragraph 1, a ne paragraph, as follos " The court of chancery shall consist of a chancellor and such number of vice-chancellor* as shall be provided by la, each of hom may exercise the jurisdiction of the court the court shall make rules governing thi bearing of causes and the practice of tht court, here the same is not regulated by statute.. J Section.V. 1. At the end of paragraph 1, add the folloing The court may alt In dlvleloun at tho or different times and places. Strike but paragraph 8..,.Section VI. 1. Insert in lieu of paragraphs 1 and 2, the folloing The court of common pleas shall be constituted and. held in eaoh county in Bucb manneras may bo provided by la, ARTICLE VII;.-. ButtonJO. 1. Insert in lieu of paragraph 1, a ne par agraph, as follos Judges of the court of errors and appeals justices of the supreme court, the chancellor, tbe vice-chancellors and the judges of thi circuit court and of the court of commoi pleas shall be nominated by tbe governor am him ith the advice and consent of the Senate; all persons no holding air office In this paragraph named,- oxcept tb judges of the court of errors and appeals a. heretofore existing, shall continue In tho ox- TBe Gco. Richards Co; SHERIFFS S/VLt.- ;.IS CHANOEBY Off NEW JBESET. Wherein Tbe Dover Building and Loan Association Is complainant ami John G. Funfeo end James J. Lamb, executors and guar dlans, etc., under the last ill of Hugh Mc- Donald, deceased, are defendants.. Fi. fa. for sale of mortgaged premises. Return able to October term, A. D FORD D. SMITH, Solicitor. B Y virtue of the above stated rit of fieri facias in my hands, I -shall expose for Baleatpublio vendue at the Court House in Morrlston, N. J. on, MONDAY.Htie 4tn day of AUGUST next, A. D..1902, beteen the hours of 13 oclock noon and 6 oclock in the afternoon, that 1B to say at to oclock in the afternoon of said day, all that tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Ton of Dover, in the County of Morris and State ol Ne Jersey, bounded and described as fol- Being lots Nos. 5 and 20 of the block ol building sites fronting on the southerly side of Blackell Btreet as shon upon a map of tbe lands of William S Phillips, made by Andre Hosal in November, 1676, and begins at the southeasterly corner of Blackell street and St. Marys avenue as shon on said map being also the northesterly corner- of Lot No. 5 and runs tbence (I) in asoutherly direction along the easterly side of St. Marys avenue to hundred feet to the northeasterly corner of St. Marys avenueand Elm Btreet as shon on Bald map ; thenoe (2) In an east-1 erly direction along tbe northerly Bide of ElnW street fifty feet to the southesterly corner of Lot No. 21 as shon on said map; thence (3) in n northerly direction along the esterly of Lot Nos. 21 and 4 as shon on.said map, a distance of to hundred feet to tbe southerly side of Blackell street j thence (4) in a esterly direction along tbe southerly Bide of Blackell street, a distance of fifty feet to the place of beginning, containing ten thousand square feet. And being the Bame premises conveyed to Hugh McDonald by deed from William 8. Phillips and ife, dated June 80th, 1888, and recorded in Morris County Records of Deeds In Book O 12. on 78, eto.,, -. CHARLES A. BAKER. L Dated June SO, Chronicle and Era. Sheriff. p. f, $7.20 ii luey ore not us strong and flno plants in the market they need SSi oepted - r, I J"" s ao»"red l3d Chester, N. J. be ac in damp Bochelle S2-4 FIRST NATIONAL BANK, MOUniSTpWN, N. J. ^ 74th CONSECUTIVE MOHKIBTOWK, N. J., June 2lf, 1002; ; it f hi i Jrectors of this Bank have, this daj declared a semi-annual dividend of five (5) per cent, and an extra dividend of to per cent, payable on and after July lbt next, Transfer books ill bo doted froin close. >UBinraa, Juno 20tb, to clone of bunlneas, Ju 1,1902. j.h.vakdohen, l Ladies Shirt Waists AT REDUCED PEI0E8. rices on all our Shirt Waists reduced. AVHITE WAISTS hat sold at $1.00 reduced to $.75 hat sold at $1.35 reduced to $1.10 hat sold at $1.50 reduced to $1.15 hat sold at $2.00 reduced to $1.50 COLORED WAISTS hat sold at $.50 reduoed to $.39 hat sold at $.75 reduced to $.50 hat Bold at $1.00 reduced to $ i 75 hat sold at $1.25 reduced to $1.00 hat sold at $1.35 reduced to $1,10 All this seasons goods. Not a r aist carried over from last, season. Jadies White, Dressing Sacks!hat formerly sold it 75c no 59o hat formerly sold at 98o no 756 hat formerly sold at 1.00 no 110 Sad Irons. Mrs. Potts sad" irons, detachable undies, per set of three, 59 cents. Lan Moers. Good, easy running moers. 2 inch. $ inoh., $2.50 G inch $3.00 Sale OP FINE PRINTED LAWNS AND All our fine l 5 H nled D Lans and Batistes that Bold] toforeatl5 o-tol8ep ei duced to 9c per yard,. Fine Printed Percales -Atniducod pricea. All 0Ur j ealos that have been 12c p er - reduced to 9c per yard. Parasols. PRICES ON ALL OUR PAR REDUCED. WHITE SILK PARASOLS. Plain, reduoed from $1.00 to $ jj Hemstitohed" " 1.35 to (IU With to ruffles reduced from $1.7J With colored borders, reduced frn $2.00 to $1.50. ro With Polka Dots, reduced fro $3.25 to $2.35 BLACK SILK PABASOLS, With one ruffle, reduced from I11 to $1.00. With to ruilies, reduced fro $1.75 to $1.25. Homstitohcd, reduced from Sill to $ Satin Stripes, reduced from to.$l.75. White Polka Dots, reduced Troi $3.25 to $2.35. COLORED SILK PAEASOLS. Hemstitched, Bluo, reduced $1.75 to $1,35. Black and White, Blue and and Drab and White Stripes^ duced from $2.75 to Blue Flame Oil Stoves,] The best made, safe aucl economics IHole, 2 Hole, 3 Hole, I $3.25. $5.39. $7.50. PUCEOF H LE TIE THE JERSEY GAS FIXTURE COMPANY, having established a branch in Dover for the sale of their fixtures, and ishing to further acquaint the public ith their goods, Will for a limited time only pipe all houses and Stores at one=half the prevailing cost. Itmustbe remembered that thisinducement is fora short time only and all those ishing to take advantage ol this generous offer should avail themselves of this opportunity at once. Jersey Gas Fixture Co. Orders ill be received at 51 EAST BLACK- WELL St., or p WEST BLACKWELL St. Dainty White Skirts and Shirtaists do not get proper handling by the cheap asher-oman. They should be sent to our nit* era Steam Laundry- Won* a specialty of them. Wo make thorn look just 1»«. ne so lonf? as they dont sho ear, and o see to it that W dont Bho ear for n long tune. JOHN K. COOK, PROPRIETOR, Dover Steam Laundry, 75 West Blackeli Street SPANISH TAUGHT. Will guarantee to toach you to speak or rite Spanish In all eeks. Also Spanish letters translated. WALTER J. BOWLBY, - ^ 06 Princeton avenue, or45 Academy etreet, Dover, N. J. Neark, N. 3. Sl-8 -j RICHARD P. WARD i;>electrical CONTRACTOR..;].Electric light and/poer iring, electrics; fans, bells, telephones, burglar alarms, electric gaslightinjr, etc No IA West Blackell street Dover, N. J. * " ; -.. ao-iyr... vmenry F. MEEKER,. UNDERTAKER, \ SUCOASUHHA, H. J... J. K, Dalrymple, undertaker and embalmor ol Dover, itlll attend to all calls and ill I tmt«full charge of funentlt,,. Mm Cent-a-VVord Column- AdvB. for tbh column mum accompanied by tlo cash. No be openod for these advs. Advortlsomonts under ttls llshedatonecentftord, but n montiu bo received for loss than for the Bret Insertion. BPBOIAI. BAHOAINS In llsnos»nd at William S. Bolbjs nreroom, Warren streot, Dover, H. J. - DOVBE - LUJLIBER COMPANV the three story store building Bladkell street. First story store or factory.. Second ator; or offices. Third story for hall or poses. Will be rented either "" in part.;- -T-j-,. FUBNISIIBD noons TO Bs!U East Blackell streot, Dove WOOD Ouivins ond machine lmnfls only first-class orkmen»e e l npl V for particulars. HOPKINS» PAH Neton, N.J.

5 ITron Bra JOTTINGS. overall factory shut don B» this eek resumed on.theno opposite the poatoffloe. Istor. Moulders Union, No. S08, il, «n «on to Lake Hopatcoug o liens meeung of the Riverside Missio;,k, m IB (lb e* to beld onsatord "y evening f Friday-. v, jjater has resigned thepoeluo of the Dover land and Driyini t j Burlco, tbe poitmaster at Mt. Hope, presented his resignation to the. depart-,,»t Washington. teitadt Engine Company No. 3 ill holi ^rtgukr monthly,;meeting on Wednea mening ot next eek, ft.tceular monthly meeting of the Board fireffardem ill bb held in theengin Woduesday of next eek.,eregularmonthly meeting of the Board 3iiosen Freeholders ill be held In Morris- \m Wednesday of next eek, delegation dom tbe Central Labor ttaioi illohlbmiia tho other day to asbtet li organization of a miners union. Mt misstte races at the Dover track on >, July 4. An automobile exhibition ijll ba a feature of the days sport, be Uilllirook Sunday school held a sue- Ira cream and straberry Boclal on Church lan on Wednesday of last eek. Ih Richard Mine started Monday ith a Iforcoof men otter a shut don of. sevrl days, caused by the accidents on Thurs- f- 1 social ns held in tbe Chrystal Btreel upel on Thursday of last eek by thi.jabcra of tbe Sunday school. There od attendance. fiie old Dover Band, hile no longer in 9 band business, has not disbanded altother, nod on Sunday the members ill go Hurdtona on on outing. Daniel J. Backoff last eek left the employ the W. II. Caley Bottling Company to e a position ith Berg & Company, comaim mercliauts, in Neark. >lractor Fritz began laying ater mains Wednesday on MoFarlan street. The jrts has besn considerably delayed oing delay In the shipment of pipe. Ut at. Hope ball team ill go to Wharto-morro (Friday) to play a match anirltb the Wbarton Club. The Mt. ipe team ill have a league battery for the isslon. rbeeumiuer meeting of tbe Dover Land ddriving Park Association ill beheld morro (Friday). There ill bo horse S3, bicycle races and an exhtbitionautorace. [ho funeral of Jolm Gay nor, ho as mned in tho Canal street look on Thursf night, as hold from St. Marys Church Sunday afternoon. Interment as in St. rjs Comotery. he services in the Presbyterian" Memorial iirch nill be held as usual on Sunday at 11 [o. and (tilight service] -T p,m.; Dr. Hal- rays subject in the morning -ill be, " If riit ere King." ;->D;r ;4".. ; i complaint a9 made before Justice J. H. era early this eek by Mrs. David King, this place, charging her husband lthnonipsrt. AarrantasissaedforhfsaiTest thehasleft ton. Sacs from the shipping and mounting derlments, respectively,"of "the!stoveorks, ""I tats last Saturday, the game, ending favor of the mounters, ho made W runs tbeir opponents lommunion services ljl beheld In Brace E. Church on Sunday "at 1030 a.m,, Sunf ichool at 2 S0 p. m. r., Eporth League flea and the regular preaching service II be held jointly at 730 oclock; ««Utica Globe, of tttieaf N. /SV, gives the traits and a short biographical sketch of «& Duquette and Edard MbCtothy. this * ThB Globe speak of McCarthy as being jreabst catcher on that aide ot the line. to Dover Land and Driving Fart Assoeia- * ten rejected H. b.mollera entry of Dr. nlel Walters horse! Dandy,"- claiming it tbe entry as. not made In time.. ; Tne "tary of tha assoqlition inii Hr. Moller claimed that it as, bnt the entry as alloed. i^! ; - ^;; ; "" ; r,i;i ; "» statem ent of the ^condition iof the "" Trust Company at the olpae of bubl- >on Juns SO lil,;i»;fblindin another "" The statement s T 3uite"a creditable shoing individual..deposite."to. the «ot of $104, and savirigb deposite to mountof B Berry started this mbrnlrig for Qettys- 81 accompanied by 1 his; brother, Titus TO, of Neark.,.The.trip ib one long ked forard to and long deferred. Titus E took part In thehattiedf Gettysburg aotber brother, ho as killed in.uiat. 1 f s buried on the fleldt "^;; >vv. ; krls Counoil, No86, Jr.6V.A;U.,iifled the recently elected officers on. Wedues-? ni Bbt. After.the bubinew meeting as r refreshments ;ere served.- This lodge V a mostflouribhing condition, having 202 lmu ere, anj ranking fifth or sixth iiith the \" "ages of this order! in the State 1Uc»Uyandinpoint ofmemberahip;.. tha Bov. M. T. Shelf brd ill preach aperies»»oday evening sermons at the First Bap- 1 durln E July on thegeneralsub-. Tbe Life to Come.",.The subject next J evening ill be, " The Condition of ooulbehveen Death and thejodgment." other subjeots lube, " The Judgment," El «rnal Btate of the Redeemed,""The "snmentof the vvlohed." V! -rr ; ; ^. Lukeiaanas last «k appointed y surrogate at asalary-.of «l,000per r v Six years ago Mr. Luliemnn, ho as sonof a Hibernian miner, entered the ra o Supreme.Court Judge (then Con- **M) Mahlon Pitney and four yoars no as admitted to the ban TJpon Mr. Ol! y«appointment to the Snpreme Court he became hia secretary.,. " J family of M.iiMuhson Bearingleft J cr On Wednesday for yineland, here? r Homo no Is, their fornltnfe and house- _ lonbiugs BenerallyJiaving been shipped»«nd last eet;;8earlng, ho re-. 1 to "over lost eek", to oversee the r v»l, left for Vlnelondjon Monday morn- *n hi«departure from Dover this ton "good cltiabnanivinaiana tocorres- "l!ly a gainer... TheibeB.iiishes ofv a "Mends go ith him and bis famuy; The Richardson & Boynton store or shutdon on Tuesday night for the us, summer repairs. Work ill be resumed to eeks. A regular monthly meeting of tbe Bern, firemen of Dover ill be held at tbe enki house on Monday night at b oclock Bu ness of importance demands the attendan. or every member. A school of nearly a hundred catush, vai Jng in length from 8 to 5 inches, as seen the junction of the canal and river eaat the Sussex street bridge, on Wednesday. Th, flsh lay perfectly still in the ater for.aom, time, sunning themselves. The Sunday school of the Sediah Bethl hem Church ill hold its annual picnic B. Btenmans grove on Chryatal street to morro (Friday) at 1 oclock. There ill bi a short literary programme, after hich freshments ill be served. John Roacb, a moulder employed at tbi stove orks, as badly burned by the explosion of a ladle full of metal on Monday afternoon. Roach had placed a skimmer, nol knoidg it as et, in the metal and instantly the molten iron shot up far above hi his head. He as badly burned about tlu face and head, but hile the molten iror Btruok him on the face near MB eyes they, b great good fortune, escaped injury. H. D. Moller had a successful day nt the Hackettston races on Saturday, inning first money in all three races. The230 class, purse tloo, he on ith " Flossie M,» onud by Dr. D. Walters, of Wharton ; 240olasss, puree $100, he toot ith bis on horse, " Harry Victor, jr.," and in tbe road race for a purse of $75 he drove Dr. Walters " Dandy to victory. John P. Force, of this ton, took third money In the 240 class ith "Bert, and- William H. Plerson, In the some race, took fourth money ith " Forecast," Tilight services ill be held In the Firs Methodist Episcopal Church during the hoi ither. These meetings, commencing nex Sunday evening, ill begin at seven and olose about eight oclock. The nrst half hour ill be given to the Eporth Loazue and th< second half hour ill be occupied by the pastor. A course of sermons ill be delivered by the paetor during July to young men on the folloing subjects " Danger Signals, 1 "In the Breakers," "Beacon Lights," and Sate at Last." A correspondent, ho Bigns himself, " High School B. B. Team of Stanhope," ants the readers of tbe EUA (particularly of Dover) to kno that the Stanhope toam defeated the Meleos in Dover on June 21. At the time very brief mention of the game as made in the EBA of tbo Meleos doufall and It as BO brief that It did not satisfy the above mentioned correspondent. The ERA. ishes to do ull justice to any visiting ball team and if the Stanhope boys ill notify the EiiA the ext time they come to Dover the sporting editor ill attend the game in person. Central Encampment, No. 16, I. O. O. F., and the White House Reformed Church, of White House, ill run an excursion to Asbury Park and Ocean drove Tin tbe Central Raiload on Wednesday, July 10. The fare for he round trip ill bo $1.75 for adults and 1.40 for children. J. H. Martin, of Dover, ill have charge of the lunch car on hich efreshments, consisting of ice cream, cake, 3tc., may be purchased. Thetraln ill leave ockaay at 030, Dover at 087, Wbarton at 142 and Hopatcong Junction at 040 a, m. ileturnlng,tbe train ill leave Ocean Grove it 080 p. m. An appropriation of $07,700 has been made ly Congress for the U. S. Poder Departlent at Ficcatinny for the current fiscal ear. This sum Is in addition to the usual llotment for this depot and is for use as a permanent improvement fund, for the build, ng of filling houses, a ne shell house and idditional storage houses. An appropriaion of t5k>,m as asked for this station and It Is probable that such an appropriation tbe one just granted ill be made each ear until the many improvements recom-* mended by the Secretary ot War are comleted. The Rev. Dr. Charles W. McCormiok, of Hartford, Conn., son of the Rev. William H, McCormiok, of this ton, sailed on Saturday the steamer Westernland.of tbe American Line, on hat is described as " A Little Tour Europe," in the prospeotus. Dr. MoCormlck, ho for a time as. president of the O. I. at Hackettston, as at the lost con-!*rence appointed to a charge at Hartford and ice his entering upon that charge his church his Instance has undertaken tho erection of ne church in a more desirable location.!he present church property, hich ill be id, is valued at $60,000.. If the Boulevard House does not have a iod season this year it ill not be the fault the bouso but rather of thb backard sumier, K J. Werner, ho has -managed this louse since the death of the late J. Werner, 1 as had the place thoroughly "renovated and conducts a " home-like place for particu- people.? The bar-room has been nely rnished throughout, ane bar and back bar ith large and handsome mirrors having been put in. Here Raymond L. Wall, the nnlal dispenser of et goods, from Ne ork City, is again to be found. -The barm is made very attractive by a collection stuffed birds and animals. ~ v \ The Rev. William H. MoCormiok thinks tat even BO innocent a pasttlme as hittling lay be carried too far. He recently erected 1 ne fence on his premises on McFarlan itreet, hich, counting In the painting, coat m about $00. The other day to strangers topped in front of hia house, ho, hile en- ;aged in earnest conversation kept up a connt hacking at tho Rickets ith jack olves, muoh to-the damage of the aforesaid ickets, Had these vandals applied to Mr. [ccormick he ould have been pleased to ipply them ith material for hittling Lther than have them indulge their propbnsint the expense of his fence. The annual camp meeting of the^me York ilbtrlot, Ne York Conference, of the Free [ethodlst Church, Is being held in CarpenirVGrove on Morris street hill this eek and 111 continue until Wednesday, July 0. Dally irvlces are held as follos "Lore feast at. m., preaching at 1080 a. m. and at 230 id 7S0 p. m,, children* meeting at liso p.,i young peoples service at 630 p. m. The reacbers are the Rev. Messrs. W. G. Hamicr, A.H. Miller, D. J. Santmier and J. vauangn.. Thirty-eight tonts are occupied present, AH necessary provisions are sold the ground. A very large number attended > meeting last night.. Edgar D Tlllyer, son of L. D. Tillyer, of the idea, Is don ith the measles at Washlngin, here he is assistant computer In the itloal Almanac.ottlce. His mother baa one on to Washington to attend him. oung Tillyer, It ill be remembered, some lonths ago passed a civil service examination ir the position he no holds, being thb only of quite a number of asplranta to pass, assistant computer being needed at once, left Rutgers for Washington beforethe immencement, having satisfactorily passed examinations, but came on again to attend! commencement exerclsaa both in No iranslolt and here. His many friends hope srhlmdtpeedyreooyery. THE IEON EEA, DOVBB, N. J., JULY 3, James Loughlfn, the elevator boy in th( dry goods store of the George RichardB Com pany, tried to close a indo hile ridlne paat it on Friday and in doing so hia arm as caught and badly cut, necessitating three atitchos. William Harris has placed a ne cherr stained all case, 24 feet long, in bis jselr store on Blackell street. Too ease has lit ing doors ith glass fronts, 4^x5 feet. J J Vroeland did the ork. Tbe Meleo ball team and a team from St. MaryaChurch ill play ball on the Institute grounds on Friday at S oclock. Clancy ill pitch for St. Marys. An admission fee o 10 cents ill be charged. The Knights of Columbus, of this place, ill go to Morriston on Thursday in a body to attend the orking of the third degree, About thirty membors of this order ill "do their third." A reception ill be held af rathe business of the evening ia over. Tho planking on the Essex and Bergen Btreot bridges is this eek being repaired? The method of repairing Is not the most sat Isfuctory possible. The fe ne planks pul In stand from an inch to to inches abov the old planking and a mort uneven roada] is the result. The services of the Eporth League in the Memorial Presbyterian Church on Sunday night ore of a patriotic character and keeping ith its character the lecture room as tastefully decorated ith the national colors. Tbe services this (Thursday) evening ill be on the same order. H. D. Moller and H. L. Schars have obtained permission from tbe canal company to erect a bandstand at the junction of the canal rod the river on the east side of the Sussex jridge. The Btand ill be used for open air ioncorts and both local bands are to have the ise of it. The ork of building the Btand ill?e begun on Monday. Walter Gill narroly escaped serious inlury hile at his ork at the McKIernan Drill Works last Friday. Gill and to others ittempted to lift a heavy chuck from a lathe.nd QUl let his end drop ith the result that lis left hand and leg ere badly bruised and ihe toes of his left foot mashed. He is going ibout on crutches in consequence of his mielap. L. Lehman & Company this eek have a inlf page advertisement on page 3 hich contains muoh of interest to the Eius readers. It shos you a hundred ays to save money on specials offered for one eek from July 5 to July 11. As usual ith this concern, a generous number of trading stamps, green or red, are given ith every ipecial, no matter ho lo the price has been ade. Tomorro (Friday) tbe store ill lose aii noon. The families of A, P. McDavit and Fred layberry, together ith George Richards nd William F. MoDavit, are no in camp at olnt Pleasant on the Manasquan river. The mp as set up by A. F, McDavit on Thurslay of last eek and the reat ent don on laturdny. They expect to remain at Point leasant until about the first eek In August rhen the v Calnmot Camping Club ill take lossesslon of the place and put In about to reeks " roughing it." The ork ot remodelling the Mansion HOUBC ras begun this eek. The older part of the lotel, that on the corner of Blackell and lueses streets, ill be raised to the level of lie neer part on the south end. This ill lake tbe ceilings on the ground floor tentyx inches higher than at present and ill Ing tbe floors on the second and third BtorieB j the level of the iloors in tbe south addition, he rooms over Prices Photograph Gallery ill be furnished as aparments for the employees of the hotel and these apartments ill so connected ith the hotel by a bridge. By loing this telve rooms ill be gained, eleven hichill be furnished as sleeping rooms ind one ill be equipped as a bath room. The [itchen ill be put further in the rear and he dining room ilt be enlarged to nearly ouble its present size.. A " porch party " ab given at the home of»e Misses Mabel and Lena Buck on West lackell streot on Friday of last eek hich»as attended by about fifty persons. It as ae finest affair in the history of the club and he evening as greatly enjoyed. The long eranda as handsomely decorated and lighted and here the party played hearta, using ten tables in ail. The ladies prize, a diver belt ornament for a atch fob, as ran by Miss Clara Dickerson, of Denviile. he other prize, a burnt leather card case, fas on by Lyman M. Smith. The fag end! the evening as devoted to dancing. Be- cehraents, consisting of ice cream, cake, and jfleoere served by the members of the lub. The house presented a very pretty ght ith its decorations of Japanese lanirns and electric lighta. Fourth ol July Knee M>et. The annual summer meeting of the Dover andand Driving Association ill be held a-morro (Friday) at 1 oclock sharp, olloing ia the programme 300 OLASB PUBSE $ Monk, G. W. Lance, German Valley, 2. Clara C, Leo Totten, Dover. 3. Jennie D., B. K, Atno, Dover, 4. George J., George Gardner, Dover, CLASS POT8E $ Bert, 1. P. Force, Dover. 2, Floradora, David Snyder, Dover. 8. Kitty G,, Oscar Jennings, Rockaay. 4. Kitty M., Oscar Bray, Mine Hill. 5. Blackstone, George Gardner, Dover. 6. N. B. Lance, Sylvester Mitchell, Morrlsva. ".. " \ ; -. Forecast, W. H. Plerson, Dover. 8. Flossie M., H. D. Moller, Dover. Besides the foregoing there ill a bicycle ice, open to all comers, for hich a number I entries bave been received, and an exhlition automobile race, the contestants being P. Hall, GuBtave Reinberg and, probablyf. Button, of Gsrman Valley. The assoollon promises a good days Bport and a large id should be in attendance... Annual July Bargain Sale, The great summer event atl. S.Plaut& ompanys, Neark, commences July 7. This the, tenty-first year of its existence and it irivea so ell because offering reliable qualties, not goods made up merely for sole pur-. IOSOB, but giving our readers unrestricted boosing from the best merchandise the conirn handles. This sale distributes surplus ocks at a reduction of }i, %, % and even ;eater reductions from usual lo prices, hough assortments naturally are remartaly extenbive. it ili be to your distinctive ^vantage to" come as early as possible, L. Plaut & Co. announce that commencing uly IS and continuing until September 1 lelr stores ill close Saturdays at 12 noon nd remain open Friday nights. Fnnoy Ribbons. For neck ear, a beautiful assortment at I cents, IS cents and 19 cents a yard at J. B hums, No. 0 N. Sussex Btreet, Dover. Bolts! Bolts I, All Che latest novelties of the season at J, GrlmmB, No, 6 N, Bussex itreet... ACCIDENT INQUEST. Cause of Fatal Full of Rock or On UnUnou to Jury, A coroners jury on Monday, after hearing tbe testimony of the three eye-ltneaees to toe to accidents at the Richard mine last Thursday, hich resulted in flve deaths, ell ss tbe evidence of a number ot other itnesses, rendered a vordlct to the effect that tbe five men, William J. Hooper, Richard Collect, Richard Branch, Richard Cook and Bernard David, "ere accidentally and by misfortune killed by a fall of rock or ore at the aforesaid mine, the cause of hich fall is unknon to this jury." The inquest began in the morning Bhortly after 10 oclock, but it as nearly 6 oclock before the verdict as reached. Marshal Hagan, in his capacity as coroner, as aom- Inallyin charge, but the itnesses ere examined by County Prosecutor Mills. Tbe folloing composed the jury John R. Mar tin, Andre Freeman, John Dalrymple, J. 1. Vroeland, jr., L. B. Hedden and George Heinl. The first itness as James Arthur, superintendent of the Richard mine, ho gave a general idea of tho conditions existing at tbe mine and told the story of the fatal accident of last Thursday substantially as as reported in the Em last eek. Phillip Wellington, general foreman of So. 2 shaft; James Bennett, timberraan; Reese Jenkins, former superintendent of the Richard mine; John Saundry and John Saundry, jr., miners, ere beard in turn, but as neither had itnessed the accidents, their testimony as of little importance. Both Wellington and Bennett, hoever, said that the place at hich the accident occurred as regarded as one of the safebt places in the mine. Thomas Treverthen, ho as ith Hooper, Branch, Collect and Cook, hen they ere killed by a Blab of ore falling over on them, lid not respond hen his name as called and as the to Hungarians, ho ere ith David hen he as killed In the first accident ere not present, the Inquest as adjourned pending their arrival, When the. inquest as resumed at ls0 oclock a Hungarian miner, Bustav Demcsak, as called to the itness stand. Charles N. olasky, ho acted as interpreter, told the jury that Demcsak had not itnessed the accident, but had gone don after it had ippened. He, the itness, did not kno the cause of it or the conditions existent blch preceded it and Demcsak as therefore excused from further testimony. The itness, hoever, gave the names of the to Hungarians ho ere present and ho escaped injury, and these men ere sent for. Thomas Treverthen, the shift boss, ho narroly escaped the fate of the other four men in his gang, ab the next itness and he explained that the men had reached the level before him and that hile they ere at ork he as spiking a rail about fifty feet aay. He supposed that they had fired a blast about a half hour before. Suddenly he heard the crash of the fall of ore. He ran to the spot and pulled Motnor out and took him up No. 5 Bhaft, bulng then unaare that David as under the rock. When he learned this at.the top he returned ith tbe four men ho ere killed in the second fall. The slab ot ore on David as about 16x4 feet, varying in thickness from six inches to three feet. They fired some dynamite on top of it to break it up and after about tenty minutes returned and fired a second shot. Again aiting al*out tenty minutes, they returned and ere removing the debris hen, ithout arning, a second fall occurred and the four men ere caught under it. Treverthen himself as bit on the head and Btunned. When he came to he ent up and told of the second accident. The slab of ore as about 0x4 feet. Treverthen as sounbtrung that he as soon after compelled to go to hia home. Tho bodies, he Batd, ere brought up by David Jones id Richard Wellington, ith the assistance 3f a number of other miners, Treverthen as asked if it as customary to UBe dynailtoto break up tbe fallen ore and he replied ihatititas. An adjournment as then taken nntll 315, xradlng the arrival of Michael Nocu and Foseph Koehoi... - When the inquest as later on resumed Michael Nocu and Joseph Koshoi ere on hand and. through Mr,.Polasky, ho had been recalled, they told ho the first accident had come about.. To facilitate the loading of ore they had." fired " to sticks of dynamite on some of. the larger chunks. When the ib of ore toppled over, Molner shouted a arning cry and the to itnesses jumped aside in tlmeto esoape being caught under it, hile Molner himself ab caught and-badly iojured and David*.as crushed to* death. When Molner as taken to the surface they, told that there as still another men under the ore. Hooper, Collect, Branch and Cook then ent.don to recover the body, only to meet alike fate as has been told. Upon the conclusion of the testimony of tbe io last itnessea Mr. Arthur as recalled to ilear upiome of the evidence that as not lulte intelligible, the Hungarians having proved poor itnesses and hen Mr. Arthur left the itness stand the case as given to tbejury ithout further ado, ith the result hat a verdlotab rendered as Btated.above. FIXE ESCAPES TO HE BE3IOTED, ho Board oi Education so De-orcos Other Matters of Interest, The Board ot Education, at-its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday night, by-a unanimous vote directed District Clerk Frank Self el tonotify the Dover Boiler Works remove, ithin thirty days, the four fire capes from the east-bide school house, rently erected by that concern, and to apirise the board of their Intention in the mater ithin five days. The matter came up vhenthe Dover Boiler Works bill for $325 or the construction of. tbe fire escapes in [ueetion as read. The bill as not endorsed correct" by tbe.proper committee, but, instead, Trustee Singleton submitted a report from George Bi. Jenkins, C. E./ho prepared ihe plans and. specifications, for; the fire ipes, to the effect that in some halt dozen ir more important particulars the fire escapes lo not comply ith the specifications. Trustee Pierson, as chairman of the Finance Committee, reported tho budget for the ensuing year and District Clerk Keifel as directed to post notices calling a district school mefitiog to be held at tbe north-side school house on the evening of July 15, hen proposed budget ill bo submitted to a ote. The budget is as follob Teacherssalaries.",.;. 1.$4,250 "anitoresalaries ,600 fuel jooks, stationery, etc 1,300 )ifltrict Clerk...! 200 "tepairsand cleaning 450 nsurance and miscellanies ; Total...$0,000 Trustee Crabbe reported the resignation as vice principal of the north-side, school of Arthur W. Collard and later on the vacancy as filled by the appointment of Raymond Chamberlain, a graduate of Columbia University, ith the degrees of A. B. and A. M. from that institution of learning, and ot Ph. B. from the Illinois Wesleyan University. The appointment of janitors as taken up id tbe three janitors no Bervlng ere reappointed, Mr. Opdyke, of the north-side school, at $50 a month, an increase of $2. Mr. Opdyke, it as explained, has additional duties to perform because of the fact that th north-side school is uaed as a centre from hich school supplies are distributed to th other schools, and because ot tho f urtbe-r fac that the north-side school is kept open practically throughout the vacation period. Supervising Principal J. Hoard Hulsart presented hia regular monthly statistical report, hich as ordered on file. At Mr. Hulsarts suggestion a proposed change in the course of Btudy and regulations as referred to the committee on teachers and President Ross. A communication as received from the district clerk of Rockaay tonship school district to the elect that the bill of $ rendered by the Dover Board of Education for tuition tor pupils from that tonship vrho attend the Dover schools had been approved and that the money ould be paid as soon as the tonships share of the State school moneys ia received. The receipt of the communication ill be acknoledged by the clerk, but hether he ill say that tho board as particularly pleased over the prospective long ait for the money due deponent sayeth not. Trustee Crabbe in a formal report gave the number of graduates and tbeir names, and the report as made a part of the archives of the board, The folloing bills ore ordered paid Board of Water Commissioners $10 60 William Cbambera DoverEIectrlo LightCo Jeorge Rlcharda Co 0.19 F. J.Keifel M. C.Havens 8S5 PEBBOXAM MENTION. The Rev, John Cavanaugh is again in ton. John HigglnB is visiting in Ne York city ihls eek. Otto A. Marquard Bpent Wednesday at Lake Hopatcong. William Bolitho, of Ne York city, as in ton on Tuesday. Miohael Murtha, ot Blaokell street, is visiting in Massachusetts, William J. Tippett and family ill move to Mt, Hope on Monday. Maurice Fairer and Fred Marquard spent Sunday in Ne York city. D. R. Hummer and family ill spend the Fourth at Franklin Furnace. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Aigrunn, of Bethelem, Pa., are visiting in this place. Mrs. John Gruudyke, of Port Morris, spent Sunday ith friends in ton. Miss Clarlsia Wolfe ill spend her vacation at her home in..salem, Fa. William Washburn leaves this (Thursday) evening for a visit in Massachusetts. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Cos on Monday elcomed to their home a brand ne baby girl. Miss Phoebe Pollard, mailing clerk at tbe postoffice, is on a to eeks vacation. Mrs. D. F. Calkins, of Neark, is visiting Mrs. M. O. Havens, on Prospect street. Miss Grace Thatcher and Floyd Travis, of Brooklyn, are visiting Miss Julia Young. Mrs. George W. McDavit, of Pequannoc itreet, is visiting her sister in Frencbton. Mayor H. S. Peters Is improving quite rapdly and is expected to be out in a fe days. The Misses Edith and Marie Cox have returned from a visit in Ne York and vicinity. Superintendent Poers, of the Morris Canal Company, as in ton on Wednesday. A. P. McDavltcameupfromcatnpatPoint Pleasant on Wedne&dav. He returns to-day. Mrs. O. Horton, of Maple avenue, left on Wednesday for aslx eeks stay In Brooklyn. Miss Cherry Thomas and Miss Davidson, ot Kearney, N. J., visited friends in ton this eek. Mr. and Mrs. Frank B, Merrltt, of Jersey, City, is spending to eeks ith relatives in this ton. J. W. Marcy, of Binghamton, visited hia sister, Mrs. John Vreeland, of Hudson streot, this eek,, MISB Loretto Grimm, of Randolph avenue, Is making a to eeks visit ith friends in Jersey City. James Poell, of Ne York city, has been spending a eek ith E, A. Kyle, of Princeton avenue. Miss Georgian* Clark, of the north-side nhool, is spending her vacation at her home!t Malone, N. Y. George W. Miller, of Morriston, Is visiting tbe family of J, Wesley Roff on West Blackell street. ;. Clifford Sheldon, of Falrvle avenue, ill spend the Fourth in Albany, N. Y., here he ill join his family. Miss Vida Smith, of Ithaca, N. Y.-, ill spend the next to eeks as the. guest of Miss Phcebe Follard. John Reger, clerk In the hardare department of the George Richards Company, has given up his position..., Mrs. Harry Raynor, of Brooklyn, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Freyberger, of Prospect Btreeti - Charles Weaver, of the Colonnade, left tolay for a trip to E«8ton and vicinity, here ie ill remain about a eek. The Misses-Harriet and Marjorle Hill, of Jold street, left on Wednesday for Paradise galley, here they ill spend the summer. Pending the shut-don ac the store orks, James Donovan is visiting in Troy, his old oome, for hich place he left on Wednesday. Mrs. Susan and Benjamin ODonald, of Jerly City, have returned to their homes after ten days visit ith J. H. Grimm, of this ilace.. Miss Elizabeth George, of Morris street,ha3 jturned from a "visit ith Miss Elizabeth Bagsha, at Neton, Miss Bagsha returning ith her.. CbarlesEddlngerstarted for Fittsbnrg, Fa., j Thursday. He ill attend a convention of the stove mounters as a delegate from the Dover branch.. - William Barnes and daughter, Mrs Ed- >ard Webb, of Detroit, Mich., visited Mr. ind Mrs. Theodore Cummins on Mt. Hope irenne lasteek,. Thomas Lindsley, ho as severely injured in Neark last eek, Is no at the home of lis ifes parents, Mr. and Mrs, Samuel J. tearing, on Sussex street. The Rav. and^ Mrs. M. T. Gibbs, of Dover, attended the commencement exercises of the Hackettston Centenary Collegiate Institute at Hackettston this eek. Arthur Coliard, former vice principal of the Dover High School, has gone to Ne York city here he ill continue bis studies preparatory to accepting a position as teacher in a private school. Miss Maisie Staunton, of Bayonne, and Edard Everett and P. J. McGratb, of Ne York, visited the Misses Edith and Marie Cox this eek. Mr. MoGrath left on Wednesday for Se York to sail for Europe. The marriage of Charles Giegler to Miss Lillian Doscher, both of Ne York, took place at the home ot the brides parents in Se York on June 17. Mr. Glegler as for number of years a dancing master at this place. JohnH, Bickley, of Richards avenue, this morning took Mrs. Bickley to Orlgsburg, Fa. Mrs. Blckleys health fan been failing for some tlmo and it is thought tho change ill be beneficial to her. They ill stop oil at Beading to visit their con, J. H. Bickley, jr. Serge Suits, Flannel Suits. We have a fe of these lines still on hand and ill offer them at seasonable prices. They are just the suit for this kind of eather and you cannot afford to be ithout one. Prices from $8.00 to $ pair of Blue Serge Pants at special prices Left from broken suits. 1 Pierson & Co ^ Opposite the Bank, 9 3 DOVER, N. J. 2 SUMMER GOODS -AT- S. H. BERRY HARDWARE COS., DOVER. N. J. Refrigerators, Ice Cream Freezers, SCREEN DOORS & WINDOWS, Water Coolers, Garden Hose, Planet Jr. Garden Tools. Summer Horse Clothing, FISHING TJLCKIvK. Eagle Bicycles, Bicycle Sundries. PRICES ALWAYS RIGHT. FIREWORKS! FIREWORKS! Sky Rockets, Roman Candles, Mines, Electric Torches, Colored Fire, Vertical and Triangular Wheels, Balloons, and all the latest Novelties. Japanese Lanterns, all sizes and shapes. Blank Cartridges and Pistols. American and Chinese Crackers in all sizes, at the loest prices. M.G. HAVENS, 15 S. Sussex Street, Dover, N. J. j. W. BAKER & SON. I 13 East Blackell Street, DOVER, N. J. Tour Furniture needing attention, upholstering and repairing ;. call ua. "We are connected by telephone. [ In Furniture and Carpets e Lead Windo Shades and Anings made to order promptly and ithout fault. CARPET CLEANING, LAYING AND ALTERING. j No is the Time to place Bpring orders for CARPETS. A superb line on exhibition at our store. SEE THEM, note their qual-. ity,finish, lustre, and above all LOW PRICES. FURNITURE )f every sort arriving daily, and our assortment for this season ill not lack for good pointb, quality, durability and style. Alays pleased to sho goods. Come in and look around. H. J, Misel. 6 East Blackell Street, Dover, N. l J

6 There exists often a very beautiful comperiiiun^tiip beteen the mother nnl lier daughter. The intimacy is frank, free and sympathetic, r.ut SOUK «lay the mother feels us if something had chilled thib intimacy. The cbiul is silent aid sad, and seems to shun her mother instead of seeking her. This change very often occurs hen the young girl is crossing the border Hue of omanliood. She is morbid, nervous, fearful, as she enters upon this ne experience. The use of Dr. Pierces Favorite Prescription at such a time ill do more than restore the normal balance of mind and body. It ill establish the omanly function upon a basis of sound health, as ell as improve the appetite, nourish the nerves, and promote the general physical health. "To years ago my daughters health begau to fail," rites Mrs. Dun Hall, of Urodlicnd, Grctu Co., AVis. "Kvcrytliitifj Hint could be thought of as done to bcip her but H as of no use. "When she begaii to complain she as quite stout; eighed 170 the picture of good health, until about the uge of fourteen;-then in six months elie as so nm don her eight as but 120. I felt I could not give her up as she as the only child I had. and I must say, Doctor, that only Tor your Favorite Irescnptiou my daughter ould have been in her pravc today. When she had taken one-half bottle the natural function as established and e bought another one, making only to bottles in all, and Bhe completely recovered, Siuce then she is ns veil us can be." - The Common Sense Medical Adviser, 1008 pages, in paper covers, is sent free on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. I STANHOPE= NETCONQ. TVilHam Stauton, of Sussex, as in Stan hope this eek. Frank Loue spent several days in Ne York tbia eek, MIBS Leslie Baldin, of Neark, ia visiting Mis3 Jennie Hancy. Mr. and ilia. Job Sha visited in Betlile hem, Pa., on Sunday, The scales alongside J. W, Roberta store ore being repaired this eek. Mrs. A. J. Drake left Tuesday for a visit ith relatives in Middleton, N. Y. Edard Jones, of Notcong, opeued tbe Forest House at Budd Lake on Tuesday. There as no service in the Baptist Church on Sunday, oing to tbe bad eather. Misa Margaret Helf, of Brooklyn, is visiting Mrs. John "Wills, on Church street. Mia. D. L. Best, of Stanhope, has returned from a visit to her daughter in Orange. James Van Vert, of Pearl River, N. Y., visited relatives iu Stanhope on Tuesday. Dr. C. K. Davfson, hose health had been failing for some time, ia much improved. John. Allen, of Pittston, Pa, spent Buuday ith hi9 parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Allen. W. E, Sauderson, of Indianapolis, Indiana, la visiting tho Rov. and Mrs. C. W. Demings. John W, Roberta ill shortly sell his grocery business to a party from Pennsylvania. Nora Vorhees and Henry Schubert, ot Netcong, ill spend the Fourth at Coney Island. Mrs. Jacob Simon and daughter Hannah, of Peterson, are visiting the family of Julius Levy. Musconetcong Lodge, No. 151, F. & A. M., have called off their meetings until September 1. Mrs, J. E. Cook, of Netcong, entertained her Bister, Mrs. T. H. Davey, of Dover, last eek. Mrs. E. G. "Weaver, of Brooklyn, visited her Bister, Mrs. Isaac Kiunicutt, several days last eek. The Kickapoo Indian Medicine Company ill begin a to eeks* stand in Stanhope on Monday, July 7. The Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Tremberth visited Mr. Trembertha parents on Searing street, Dover, tbis eek. The ladies of the Eporth League ill serve an excellent supper for 25 cents in the church on Friday evening. About 3,000 people ere at Cranberry Lake on Sunday. They ere unable to leave the train because of the rain. Mrs. Susan MoPeak, Mrs. Harry Glover, Miss Mabel Yager and Harry McPeek, of Brookside, ere in Stanhope on Monday. MIES Ada Lessner has returned to her home In Ne York city after a four eekb* stay ith Mr. and Mrs H. Hanoltz, of Stanhope. Tbe social aud entertainment bold by the ladleaof the Baptist Church on Thursday as successful. The proceeds ere abou f Alvin C. Smith and Jacob Levy made 8om<. splendid catches in Lake Musconetcong thi "eek. The pickerel tuey secured ere beau ties. Mies Maude Blssell and Miss Martha Sedgeman, of Stanhope, attended the C. C. I. Com mencement exercises at Hackettston tbi eek. Many strangers ore daily seen passing through Stanhope and the question they in variably ask is, "Ho far to Cranberr; Lake!" Stanley Babcock, of Wharton, and Mis Myrtle Ike, of Budd Lake, ere married b the-rev. J. H. Tremberth on Thursday, ; Juno 26. " Tho postponed childrens exercises ot th Presbyterian Church ere held Sunday even ing, hen, despite the raiu, a goodly number attended. The Stanhope High School ball team il play-to games of ball ith the Washlngto ichool team at the celebration on Frlda; afternoon. Netcong Couucil.No. l,357,royal Arcanum celebrated its tenty-fifth anniversary iu the lodge rooms over the Drake-Bostedo store ot Saturday night. About sixty members of the Boston Y. M,.C. A. passed through Stanhope on Monday.bound for Cranberry.Lake, here they l! camp for ten days. The quarantine has been removed from th homa of Miss Nancy Huyler, at Notcong, Miss Huyler having completley recovered from the diphtheria. The Presbyterian Church of Stanhope i be closed during the absence of Its pabtor the Rev. B. J. Morgan, ho has gone U Schooleys Mountain ith his family. A dance ill be held In Dells grove to mor ro (Friday) afternoon and evening, Musi" Will be furnished by Professor Decker orchestra. Refreshments and sof t drinks i be on sole. Tho Hacbettston Band ill give a ban concert under the auspices of Vigilant Hool and Ladder Company, of Hackettston, a that place on July 4. The concert ill be held afternoon and evening. ill be served. Refreshments The Rev. 0. V<. IV-ii.iuss, pastor of Iho lauhope M. E, Church, exiculs a cordial iviuitiou to the menibt-r* of tbt Htanhope Vosbytfiriuu Church iti>i Uio Netcong Bapiht CiiuiTb U (iltoinl t M..thodis-t Uburc-U uring the ahseiicoof thuir reflective pastors, Attorney W. I. ROSH npteaml ith n ne ej noat on Tuesday, hut it o3 a coat of miut, hich he received hile vr a telling a->xnv embers of the ball intrri paint a H Abe" Hunoitz hivl tlio paint in a can and u some immnor it foil and spattered on Mr, Losss fa, making hint look lite a festive i man. Lmis JJunlgp. atrttl 19 year?, died nt hib ithtiia home on Thursday of pneumonia heftincml sin-vieo as held nt tbe house on Sunday morning, tlie Her. C. W. Deming fllciating. Tho interment as at Grea leailof, N. J. Mr. F.urdgt; as e member.r Stanhope Council, Jr. 0. U. A. M., hich irganizution had charge of the funeral. Miss MargaretChanibeiiuin, aged 21 yenrn, laughter of Ainoa Chamberlain, died at her louie on tho I3u<M Lako road on Wednesday line *i>, rtf ter a lingering illness of consunip ;ion, Tho funeral cervices cro field nt. her era home an Monday, the Rev, B. J. Morgan, pastor of the Hlanhnjio IVesbyterian Ihurch, oflkiatiiif?, assisted by the Rev. H, A. Timbrcll, pastor of the M. E. Church iuternieut as in Stanhope Union Cemetery, David liird, conductor on the Stanhope drill, and nn old resident of Stinhnpe, had a arro escape from dtjutli CM Saturday pear ;ho Btanhoiio station. Mr. Bird, ho as Iilinp; on the back oe tbe tender of his engine, hich as being bnelied into tho sitch, at- ;empted to pull himself up ou the tank by a ;hain fastened from the dra-head to the top if the funk. Tho chain gave aay, throing him ou the track beteen the rails. Tbi ;ender struck him and knocked him flat on his stomach and the teuder and engine passed iver him. Ho as badly scratched and bruised and his clothing na considerably nrn. Bird eighs nearly 200 potindsandbi neaps from death is regarded as little short of the miraculous. * * Assaulted and Ilolibeil. Bamiu-1 Cooper, ho livpsnear AUamuchy, Warren county, hile in Stanhope ou Tlnirs day night, became soiuchat inebriated and oe knocked don by some young men aud hurfobout the mouth aud head. H«claimed thut they robbed him of $20 and on Friday io had Dallas Whltehctid.HiHtacli, a "HUD," nd Joseph Fleming nrre&ted, churging them ith assault aud robbery. Fleming gave iail for his appearance before the next Grand Jury and Bistacfc aud Wbitebead r ero committed to tho County Jail. Both of ;he latter bear hard reputations and hare ieen arrested before. J>ont Fall to Try This. Whenever au honest trial is given to Elec- ;ric Biters for any trouble it is recommended or a permanent cure ill surely be effected..t never falls to tone the stomach, regulate he kidneys and boels, stimulate tho liver, invigorate tho uerves nnd purify the blood its u. onderful tonic for run-don STBtems. Electric Bitters positively cures Kidney and ver Troubles, Stomach Disorders, Nervousieps, Sleep]eEsnesF, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, md expels Malaria. Satisfaction guaranteed \y all druggists. A. P. Green, of Chester ; F. Oram & Co, of Wharton. A XE\Y HEALTH JtESOItT. futures Strongest anil MostWonderful Iron MlncMnl WclJs. The Matchless Mineral Water Well?, tbe lost onderful discovery of the orld («s it?,nalysis slioe), is located to nnd a half liles from Greenville, Ala., a beautiful ton.n the 1-. &H. R. 11, foity-four mils south if Montgomery, and, ou the great through ine beteen No York and Ne Orleans. reeuvillb is 720 feet in altitude above sea ivflf ith many natural advantages ; on the ividlng ridge beteen North and South \labntna, here the air is genial, pleasant nd healthy, summer and inter, and proves pleasant resort for invalids ho may desire try tue merits of this ater, as it comes orth from mother earth, prepared by God lims&lf, ho made all things for good. The mineral ell discovery as purely aclidental; parties digging a ell near Greenille, Ala., for domestic purpose?, struck the eiu of earth hich produces this onderful ater. The vein is tenty-five feet thick, and ;o impregnated ith tua mineral properties that a touch of the tongue ill enable you to terceivo them at any depth of this ater. These aters are noted for cures of all dialases caused by indigestion. The hotel accommodations are first-class. The Wilkergon House provides a perfectly comfortable place to Use, attractive in its mrrouadings, complete but modest in its appointments, and carrying that air of refinement essential to the comfort of cultivated people. Although as nearly like a home as publii bouses can ell bo made, it is free from the highly organized service of the hotel ith its consequent bustle aud noise. For descriptive matter, etc., call on or address H. Z. Wilkinson, Greenville, Ala. foi routo and rates to Alex, S, Theatt, Eastern Passeuger Agent, Southoru Railay, 1185 Broaday, Ne York. Hives are u Xorrlblo Torment to the little foltcfj and to some older om Easily cured. Doans Ointment never fails, Instant relief, permanent cure. At any dru store, 50 cents. A Huco Success. The hourly trains beteen No York am Philadelphia via the Ne Jersey Central havi not only proven a great Bitccess, but have mi the demands of the traveling public in every instance. Hourly trains ere Indeed an up todate move, and hen the schedule is fast, the stops fe, and the time so convenient t remember, (a train every hour and on tbi hour) there is no onder at the hit they mac[< The Ne Jersey Central is trap rock ballastec the rails are no and heavy, tho trains an tho latest models, light by gas, the carpeted, the attendants courteous, hard cos is used exclusively, hence no dubt, cinder oi smoke. Every Philadelphia train has modern Pullman attached, and such conveni encobervo to mako the No Jersey Coutri tho model railroad of tho orld. If you aul time tables or other, information, rite to M. Burt, Geul Pass. Agent, Ne York. JTor n Dnys Outing. There ia noplace so pleasant as Cranberr; Lake, tho ne resort established by the Lad a anna Railroad Company in Sussex count] Fishing, boating, bathiug, carousal?, slngi large dancing pavilioo, delightfully cool ant shady. Churches, societies and lodges con teroplatiug a days excursionfiboutdcommunicate ith local agent or address Gu; Adams, Division Passenger Agent, 740 Broai street, Neark, N. J, 3Q-4 Summer Un tier ear for -TIC 11, lsdies and children, a full line popular prices at J. H. Grimms, No, C Nortl Sussex street, Dover. What hicli iilrju»uilu3!ti.*rtil tliii ft, is the bl-i=t JO lor nil h u m GERMAN VALLEY. The Athletic Club has adjourned for three niontha. Our church sheds have been given a coat of gray paint. Nelsou Wiley has taken a situatioa at ;< Dorincour-t." Samuel E. Caldoll, of Neark, aa in ton a fe days ago. -Leonard Philhoer has comnienced housekeeping among UB. Mahlon C. Van Nest is building a ne jam on bis property. Jolm N. Froue takes the premium for the flucst corn in the valley. Archibald Lance, of Dovor, has been spend tg a fe days at home. Misa May Bell, of Neark, is spending a e days ith her mother. Ernest Zepplin and HsRer Taylor, tbe inters, are very busy at present. Hiss Myrtle Dou is spending a part of her acation ith friends at Beattyston. John \\ Weise and family, of Morristotru, ave moved into the Homestead for the hot ie&son. No for challenges! We havo organized a st class ball team, ith William T. Sacklameraa manager. Miss Elizabeth Roaencrans, of Andover, it penitdg a fe eeks ith tbe Rev. anil Mre. \i, Preston Mclienry. Quito a number ot the farmers in this icimty have commenced to make bay. Tbe rop on the hole is a poor one, Amzy Lake, superintendent of the Floer Hospital in Ne York, ia spending a fe eeks on his farm at Naughrigbt. Dr. limard, Button makes good time ith is locomobile. He ran from Chester re ently a distance of over five miles in tbireen minutes. The croze for Panama bats has struck bis place, so the old jokes about milliners! ills for ives bonnets ill no longer pass urreut Of a sudden the male pcreausion iave shon that they too are susceptible to nery and tbe oily Jogifi of fashion. KERO C. NOLI. A UttlG Jjlfo iay be sacrificed to an hours delay. Cholera Infantum, dysentery, diarrha-a and come uddenly. olera Extract of Wild Straberry alays m hand. ipeclnl ^Excursion to Chnutnuqun, N", Y., July d nnd U5, Special excursion rates on tbe above dates n the Lackaauna Railroad tocbautauqua, Y. Bate for the round trip, $ All ckets must be deposited at general olbca of 10 Cbautauqua Afsembly immediately upon ie arrival at Chautauqua grounds. They good returning, leaving tbe grounds not ter than thirty days from date of sale hen lidated by authorized agent at Chautaua. Date of sole, July 4 and July 25, 1902, oiug limit commencing date of sale and for mtinuous passage only. - Ne anapost Groing Summer Place for No Yorkers. One of the most delightful places on tbe e Jersey Coast is Beach Haven. It is iparated from the main land, insuring a coninued coolness. The bathing has no equal id tho sheltered coveb make sailing a delight, he fishing is superb and likeise the shootig, Tho social characteristics are ithout mipdrison and in fact every environ needed make the resort ideal has place at Beach!ayen. The hotels are palatial homes rather an the ordinary houses, and ith the exoptional train facilities the Ne Jersey Central has provided there Is little reason hy ieach Haven shouldnt become ono of the tost popular resorts hereabouts. After May 0 the Ne Jersey Centrals Atlantic City Express hich leaves Ne York at 840 p. ra. ill make connection at Whitings for Beach Haven and the time consumed is but 2;55 minuteb. If you are interested rite to CM, urt, G. P. A., Ne York, for Beach Haven looks. A WOliTJIX BUOCESSOR. "Something Ne Under the Sun," All Doctora have tried to cure CATARRH >y the use of poders, acid gases, inhalers and drugs In paste form. Their poders dry up the mucuous membranes causing them to crack open and bleed. The poerful acids used in the innalers bave entirety eaten aay the same membranes that their makers have aimed to cure, hite nastes and ointments cannot reach the disease. An old and experienced practitioner ho has for many years made a close study and specialty of the treatment of CATARRH, has at last perfected a treatment hich, hen faithfully used, not only relieves at once, but permanently cures CATARRH, by removing the cause, stopping the discharges, aud curing all inflammation. It la the only remedy knon to science that actually reaches the afflicted parts This onderful remedy is knon as "SNUFFLES the GUARANTEED CA- TARRH CURE" and is Bold at the extremely lo price of one dollar, each package containing internal and external medicine sufficient for a full months treatment and everything necessary to its perfect use. "SNUFFLES" Is the only perfect OA TARRH CURE ever made and is no recognized as the only B&fe and positive cure for that annoying and disgusting disease. It cures BII inflammation quickly and permanently and is also onderfully quick to relieve HAY FEVER or COLD in the HEAD. CATARRH hen neglected often leads to CONSUMPTION " BNUFFLES" ill save you if you use it at once. It Is DO ordinary remedy, but a complete treatment hich is positively guaranteed to cure CATARRH in any form or stage if used according to the directions hich accompany each package. Dont delay but send for it at once,and rite full particulars as to your condition, and you ill receive special advice from the discoverer THE IKON ERA, DOVER, N. J., PORT MORRIS..Mrs. Jolm Grumlyke spent Sunday "itti frleirfs in Dover. Mrs Churlra Lfll, no (if Morrlrtop, as liore aver Bunday visiting friends and former neiglibrrd. Mrs. William Weiler is spending several daja in Ibillipsblirg und Kastnn visiting lier mother and sister and other relatives ho abound thero. Engineer Flnerty, for yean an inhabitant ot tbe ro, iu about to move into the house no bpinb vacated by ex-engineer Valentine on Centre street. A. P. Case, the boilerinaker, has been able to resume ork after laying oit ith a ounded hand for over three months. It as oncethougbt that he ould lose tbe hand or at least somo of the lingers, as poisou had got into the ound, but by careful treatment the hand as saved. Port Morris Lodge of the Grand Fraternity has suffered some by removals and bos given up its meetings in Union Hall but meets nt the homes of Its members until further orders. It has a fair number of members and as it has a sound Snancial plan of charging enough to insure adequate returns, it ought to bb successful In doing its share of providing for further contingencies. Charles Valentine, formerly locomotive engineer here, has taken a situation on one of the Black Line Bteamers on Lake Hopatcong and is moviog bis household goods to Dover this eek. His family expects to camp at the Lake during a pare of the season at least. Misa Hazel Valentice received a fareell visit from her friends and classmates in the school in hich she as one of the graduates nt the recent commencement exercises, The railroad company Is booming its ne junimer resort at Cranberry Lake and bringing a number of excursions to It by offering lo rates for long rides. The excursion of the ne "Lackaanna Relief Association" on Thursday as ell attended but not up to the mark of the old " M. & E. Mutual," hose place It has taken. Several excursions ere carried there last Sunday, but oing to tbe storm many preferred to Btay in the cars and goon to Neton. About thirty car loads came all the ay from Scranton and many more ould have come had the day been clear. Claude H. Warford presented some of bis pupils in a piano and song recital on Tuesday evening of last eek in the M!.. Church. Misses Edna Clift, Leila King and Mary Allen, of Ketcong, and Charles Baldin, of Stanhope, filled some numbers of the programme very acceptably and tbe rest of the numbers ore assigned to other capable home talent. The only regret as that sickness prevented Mrs. 8ohultz from being present and singing faer alloted part?, but Professor Warford supplied her place ith a good selection. Tbe proceeds ere for the benefit of the church. Woods College. 870 Broad street, Neark, N. J. First in America. Sevouty-elght positions ere filled during February; average salary $9.17 per Only safe plan la to have Dr. eek. Groing every day. Tenty no TEED "CAT ARRa CURE." Bent prepaid to any address In tbe United States or Canada on receipt of one dollar. Address Dept. EDWIN B. GILES & COM- PANY, 233U and 2333 Market street, Philadelphia. Isaac Einnicutt, THE CLOTHIER, is giving aay fine decorated china are -ith every CASH sale. Everything on exhibition at tho store. KINNICUTT, The ClotMer, MAIN ST., -- STANHOPE typeriters just added. Incorporated for $125,000 and extensive plans for improvement in progress. Business, shorthand, typeriting nnd English departments. No is a good time to enter. BROUGHT TO U(H1T. D0VEI1 PEOPLE BEOEIVINQ THE KULI. BEN BUT. There have been many cases like the folloing in Dover. Every one relates the experience of people e kno. The plain straightforard statements ill do much toard relieving the suffering of thousands. Such testimony ill be read ith interest by many people. Mr. S.-J. Morse, of Cbrystal street, printer by trade, employed in " The Dover Iron Era" office, says VFor sometimei had trouble ith a lame back and a dull aching pain across the kidneys. My ork requires more or less standinc; and bending forard, both of hich aggravated the trouble very much. I not only suffered during the day, but at night hen one expects comfort and, rest. I had to turn from side to side in bed trying to get ease, but very seldom found it. When I gotup in tho morning I as still and sore. The kidney secretions "ere very frequent and there as suppression, causing me much annoyance. I tried a number of kidney medicines but never found anything give me the relief like Doans Kidney Pills, hich I procured at R. KUl^ores drug store. The pain in my back has entirely disappeared and the otuer trouble has been greatly benefltted. I do not hesitate to recommend Doans Kidney Pills to anyone suffering from kidney complaint." Doans Kidney Pills for sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Mailed by Foater-MUburn Co., Buffalo, H. T., sole agents for the U. S. Remember the name Doans and take no substitute. + lieginning July 12 e Mall or Telephone Orders Promptly Filled I All^aoodTBeiivered Free of Charge. Samples Sent on Application. + So many little things are needed J be careful or vacation money T NORFOLK, Va.. illbe mostly spent before you start you really must!! OLD POINT ;; have some things come here everything needed in the ; RICHMOND, Va.!. ay of furnishings for men, omen and the young folks. You ill appreciate the price-saving in shopping at un- WASHINGTON, D. C. ;; questionably the cheapest house in Neark for reliable f merchandise.! Unquestionably the Cheapest House in Neark for Reliable Dry Goods. J DAVID STRAUS CO. * $ Broad. Street, TVT"TTTK7 1 " 7\ T"> T7~ D)an mill Ulatit a Pair of OXFORDS. More men ill ear Oxfords this season than ever before. We are ready ith ne styles, and theres a hole summers comfort in every pair. Oxfords in Patent Leather, Box Calf, Vici and Velours, $3.00, $2.50 and $2.00. MALONEY & RYAN, POST OFFICE BUILDINO, 17 BAST I1LACKWB1X STRBET, DOVER, N. J. Morris County Mortgage and Realty Company (1NO0BP0BATED ONDKB THE LAWS OF TBE STATE OF MEW JEBSET) C A P I T A L.... $ 3 6, Tides Examined.. Loans negotiated on Mortgages on Real Estate. Bogene 6. D rke ChtrlnK.Notito MORRiSTOWN, NBW JERSEY Acts as agent in the purchase and sale ol Real Estate. Valuations appraised by Committees oi the Board of Directors Presldeat * WILLABD W. OUTLXR, Vice President and dousae AnotnTus I>. Bivnu, Secretary and Treunrer WUIaraW. Ontler John H. Oapitlok HOT Minto. AnpiEtna tt Bevere FanlEevero William B. Bkidroon FIRST NATIONAL. BANK MORRISTOWN, N. J. CHARTERED IN Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, ALBERT H. VERKAM, President, RUDOLPH H. KISSEL, ist Vice Pres., ^305,000 JOSEPH H. VANDOREN, Cashier, GUY MINTON, 2nd Vice Pres. Interest alloed on deposits ol $100 and upard, subject to checks at the rate ol three per cent per annum, from date of deposit until ithdraal. That you can burn gas for light or cooking tenty-four hours a day,-the eather and coal strike to the contrary, notithstanding. COAL IS HIGH and the WEATHER IS HOT, therefore, BURN GAS! Dover, Rockaay and Port Oram Gas Co., National Union Bank Building.- BLACKWELL STREET. DOVER, N. J. Desirable Spring Trips ~ oft to five claysuuration are offered by the DLDD018I11 Steamers sail daily except Sunday i p.m. from Pier 26, North Ri» er, n >f Beach Street, Ne York. Tickets, including meals md «* oom accommodations, Si 3oo, d ards. For full information apply ta Old Dominion Steamship Co 81 Beach Street, Ne York, N. V, H. B. WALKER Traf. llgr, J. J. BROWS, Q, p, ^ DOM Steam Bolting its, THE W. H. CAWLEY Cl Bucceesors to W. H. Caulej 4 Co, SOLE AGENTS for and bottlera of iur turn DOluen of > H BALLANTINEI Beers, Ale nd Porters, andmanufa ttureolthebat Soda and M rral Water SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, Telephone Oall 49 A. Dover Lumber( Blackell Street,, Dover, N, J. BUILDM DEALERS IN MATERIALS OF AIL I > Lumber, Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mod Ings, etc.. Bracket and Scroll Siii done to order. Best Lehigh and Sera ton Coal. Split and Block Wood, Bl Stone, Brick, Lime, Plaster, Cemei Tile Drain Pipe, etc, TELEPHONE NO. I (JEO.O. CUMMINS. JO, BLAOKWKLL STREET, HKAB WABB DOVEB, N. J to 930 i. «O»«Hon. Jl»»* Malarial Diseases and Rheumatism TOT special attention. JJEWITTR.HUMMER, ^M ;,.,V BealKstate and Insurance Apt? OBoe over The Oeo. BichardslCctS 1 -;-,,- DOVEB H. J. R;T. SMITH THOS. FAKHfl ^SMITIi & FANNING, Contracts tor all W»* ot «**»BJ au materials furnished. Practical OF? In svery branch of mason on. JOBBIDO PBOKPILir AWU ;; ; ; ESTABLISHED 1890 GEORGE E. VOORHEE^. ". -MORRISTOWN, N.J. Hardare and Iron AGRICULTURAL / -SEEDS AND P. W. SWACKHAMER EaatiBtockell sl i!. Masons and DOVEB.N.J- DOVBR.N.J- Plumbing, Steam Fitting,,...; ;.."-Tin-and.Sheetlro"^ General JobbingPromptlyAtW^ THE NEW JERSEY IRON HIM^ rbffers for sale desirable ^V.Offers for solo bef lanjlsin Morris Countst and npsirds and several gooi In Port Oram, N. J. WGENE J. COOPER, ATTORNEY IHlBTHB AISD S0U0IIOH IB. ; Office in tl J.A.LTOBBBIOBB.

7 tjtbsttb8js8wb8t»t FOURTH OF JULY fe By... ^ PETER MARTHUR CoiiyrlBlit, 1002, by Peter McArtlrar tmmmmmmm ere happening, so rapidly to May Wellood Hint to bor-, «a pbrnse from the prize ring, she ns forced to "spar for,viml." Both Tom Murray and Harry Sinvtue bad managed to arrange for their holidays about tbe Fourth of July and had LotiJ descended ithout arning on tbe little seaside ton here,,«biilikling tbe summer ith her mother. From the moment of his t i,i cich uctcd in a ay that made It clear to both May and her discernotlirr Hint ho bad something on bis mind. The rivals kept such a eareuilel) otber> Itcli»n boever. tbat neither made any progress, and,,is mis iis as ell, for both Ttere fine fellos, uni] May found it very I iiidceil to niaue up her mind hich she ould accept While she as, ir over tbe hypothetical question a very bright Iflea occurred to her. Va) toini! t0 te " tuose to boys tbat tts tomorro ill be the Fourth mlr I n" 1 «oiug to celebrate it by being as independent as possible and I ttlicin iioth to help me. Then I can see hich one can think up the best me for celebrating Independence day." iviicn lliu rivals called, as usual, that evening to see May and keep an, O n ibicli otlier, she told them, hat she anted, liniiiciliiilly each young man sa ln-hls rniuds eye tbe development of clorions opportunity. As soon as they could they bade her good night, each had vainly thron out hints for tbe otber to go llrst, and then,,, (hoir different boarding places to mature their plnds. precise} nt five- minutes before sunrise Harry aud Tom met at the gate ns inline, nnd each bore a nice ne silt ju thinking matters over each had decided it lie could not begin his campajgn too early tlmt tbe character of tbe holldny ould liim In making sucb an early call ith lirescnt While they ere still glaring on<taiiotlior mid trying to pass-the matter off a good joke May appeared ith a servant aud cparcd lo run up the family flag on the staff tile front yard. "Uooil morning, Miss May," Bald Tom. "I louclit 1 ould give yon a little surprise by Indus.von an American.flag." Harry gurgled metblng inarticulate to the same effect "Ho thoughtful of you both!" May laughed to souls ltli but a single thought to uenrts it beat us one. But you mubt hurry if you are have them flying at sunrise.. 1 think it ould "TOO SOULS WITU DUT A srat a good Idea for you each to select a gatepost OLE THOUGHT." Bd nail your Bluffs to. them." At the command each brought a hammer from bis pocket, and May uslied so heartily at their evident confusion that she could hardly salute ic Hag hen the sunrise gun hs fired at a nearby fort She then nssuined modi gravity as she could command and Invited them to stay for breakit Once more each bad tbe same thought, and both declined. Kelllier liad tbe courage to return to her vicinity until the shados began Fall In tho evening. Then each gathered up the rockets, pinbeels ul firecrackers that he had bought late on the previous ulgbt nt the store in the ton. Again they met at tlie gate, and, tliougb May os inclined to sho her Independence by treating them coolly for having ift licr to herself all day, their evident cbngrln and tbe similarity of the imlles they carried ere too much for her risibilities. "I thought perhaps you might let me Bet off some fireorks don here,", i- groled Harry, ith a side glare at bis rival. "And you had tho same Idea, too, did you,.tom?. 1 May asked, noticing tbat be had apparently lost his voice. Then she added "But I cant let you keep right on doing tbe same thing at the same time In tbe same ay any -longer. If I did, you-ould both bo firing tho.rockets together, nnd that ould make the celebration end too soon." - When the shados bad fallen sufficiently," an Idea occurred to Barry. If be ould set off bis fireorks first be could get the sent on tbe veranda next to May hile Tom as giving an exhibition, and then Tom ould be obliged to content himself ith tbe mother for tbe rest of the eveniug. In doing this, hoever, be underrated bis rival. "UAYIUOPE, inssmay?"-?-" 1 11 «<* first," Harry said, ith as- ; sumed gayety. r 01i, thank youl" said May,and Tom chimed in ith a "Thank you" that in rather disquieting. He,ent don on tbe lan by himself and fastened ptmvheel on elthergatcpostttben he started Ills first rocket, and as it Exploded in bright colors 1 It struci hlm tbat the "Absl" from tbe end of the randa here May.8at.seeined;to blend. But.hile he as noticing these. Ings this ag the conversation he missed "Miss Wellooflr-er^May I may call you Hay, maynt I? No, 1 didnit sin any pun by that, but er Ive Deen thinking of a ay to enable you to oake this a memorable Independence day." "Ah!" said May asafaother rocket exploded. "You ere saying" "I WHS going ^ix>hiyl;ttmtit you ould er consent to be my ife you rould lie independent tor.the rest of your life. I ould do anything"- "But," said Mayr"I.dont-thinl Id be Bboing my Independence by giving Upon IndependenceddyVV.i-, 1 ". " "" "Ob, you ouldnt be, giving it op," Tom protested. "Our marriage could e one of tbe modern kind tbat has the ord boy 1, left out of the service?. May I hope. Miss At that moment^ Harry^returned from tbe mvn sucking a Lurned thumb and groled ectnticnlly f.-i ;o;> >." Its your turn ho, old man.". In the excitement.of tbevproposal Tom bad rasped MayB -hand,-. and"he.;;feit sure that slie a d given It a slight.pressurepso* he-ent to the n to set off bis rockets;in" the spirit of true duration. When; heias safely out of hearing, "I am so glad to get- a minute alone ith u nt last, but that.fello;seems to be-alays 11 tlie ay.". ]-.tssi< ".." "You are speakingifor. yourself, I presume," " I May, ho for fsome unaccountable reason sit it necessary to defend the attacked. Harry. "" "T c»l!zed tbat ho had}ttaden. blunder, but be thought tho best ay to get out r It ould be to hiirry "arid Bay. hat he bad on bis mind..., "lou. said, didyou not;-miss May, that you ished to make this a notable "dependence dayvrosiiofnbdded an assent that able to see by tho ilnxe of one of Corns jubilant rockets. " "Well, I have thought out. a scheme that"! think you ill admit Is "I shall be glad to hear It,! Bald May.... -,., "I thought if you ould lefme give up my independence to you mat I rould In that,ay make therest of your life one long Independence day. Vlll you-er-ilisfl May/ill you consent to be my ife?" lint Just at that moment Toms last rocket exploded In a blaze of glory, «1 he came back, ith-abop, skip and a jump to take a seat on the other ld e of May on the veranda, 1 When they nt last ent aay, May sbook lianas "til them atthe door, and one ent aay treading on air because to bis " ell May had added, a tender "Yes.".,. ;, Laughing and crying nfthe some time, May laid her head on her mother s lionldor aud began to explain "-... " -.,. "You kno.ho.they both came In the morning ith their flags/ "Yos, dear." " >-";,^ --.",..,. "Well, didnt you notice that they urrived at the same moment this! "lng and that both had exactly the same kind of.fireorks to set oat, "Oh, they could hardly help that," said the mother, "for you kno Were s "u, mey coulu uardly help tuat, saiu ua«uiu, >«* -»-» (l Only ntn,.» in innrzi-kr.t n>iia*ani>h thlncs. and»nly ono store ID ton that sellisneb things, nnd there is no variety. "Yes," Bald May, "but" there as something else they did-in exactly tbe "too ay. Each one thought that the best ay for me to celebrate inde- ideace day. ould be to consent to be bis ife." "And give.up-ybuf;independence?" asked the mother. "Ob, no!" said Mdy.V ;"They both argued it out very Drettily ana snoea J»t they ould "begiving up their independence hile I ould be simply snbllsbing mine; <-6h; *hey got. me all rattled beteen them.. «.iy t ^CalS ^1rep^Piien she^addeuly straightened up ith the lr of a tiaglc "queen; "On, mqtnerl" she exclaimed. "^ $ "li d tht I cant for the life. - as so confused hen theyere going aay tbat I "* f" ir mo remember,tvbetber it ns Tom or Harry. V hispered Laokaauna iabrjnrlngv Cranberry al! %W!herto knotrh among flsliermen only,» rrominenofr-by libsraradvertlaing,; Bx- ""VB Improvements have boen madu about b8 lakoto aoeommodatoiuidpleabo tho BI- "«ta trofllo, for hich it is designed. Ulra for Bheljor, brldgea"to iblanda, merry- Wounds, boataana roads along and around "lake are being.hurried to coinplbtlon and uralona aro to run, there about the middle "to present month." -/. AY.L^- -!!- _. CliUdrens Hats_ "% trimmed foroscenta up A MlfflWelra "lunery Parlor; aillrbukeu street, artf. /Vii;sj5/ ^if;ci ; ;>J > mhe Jersey.,. - J, Gold Alloy tbe UtB ANo Resort. For the accommodation of excursion parties from Sunday school*, -ret» other organisation thelaobaanna Kallroad L, eatabltahtng a Orst-ola*. reaort at Cranberry Eak"on its Sussex Branch In Bossex county. He Jersey, having ample «> f *T for any number. Largo P«l ^ and Artificial stone fllltars 75_centsat MopavlWDenWParlors, Dover, N. J. Dark Hair I have used Ayers Hair Vigor \ a.6 1 ; ea( ""my years, and although I am past eighty years of Be, yet I have not a gray hair in my head." Go- Yellott, Tospn, Md. We mean all that rich, dark color your hair used to have. If its gray no, no matter; for Ayers Hair Vigor alays restores color to gray hair. Sometimes it makes the hair gro very heavy and long; and it stops falling of the hair, too a bollle. If your drugctbt cannot supply ion, end us ono iioiw nnd e ill eipresa you a bottle, lie Buro ami clvo tlio name of your nearest cprcs» otllce. Address, J. C. AVER CO., Lonell, Mass. A Pretty Wall Pocket. This is a very useful pocket to hang in any room to hold keys, letters or any small article. The back and front are made on a foundation of cardboard, hich should be cut to tho shape of the illustration, about 10 Indies ide and 0 Indies high. The piece for the front Is the same idth and about five Inches high. Both these pieces are covered ith satin, either painted or embroidered ith sprayb of floers, having the A HAUDY POCKET.. Tvord "Letters" on the top. The ends aro of double satin four inches ide at he top and gradually sloped to a point at tbe loer end. The embroidered satin must be strained over tbe card, then tho back lined ith sateen, sllpstltchlug the turned in edges of lining the turned over edges of satin. Seam tbe satin for the ends to the back and front, then join the loer edges of back and front together, fold he end satfn sp that the fold turns in lo the center of the case. A brass ring Is seed to the top by hich to-suspend the case.. Modern Hallroadlngt. The Ne Jersey Central and Heading Railroads have gained a name as leaders In railroading through tbe placing In effect of an lourly service beteen the cities of Ne York and Philadelphia. These ne fast trains leave on the even hour from 7 a. m. to G p. m. inclusive, and better equipped trains THE IEON ERA, DOVER, N. J., JULY 3, ere never operated. The Btandard of excellence as long since established by these the general manager that the revenue cars to.connecting lines and.suggests to roads, and others follo. All trains ruin ould be increased by more favorable direct to Reading terminal, Philadelphia, and no change of cars ill be necessary. Tbe Beading route is a most pioturesque one, and the roadbed Is suoh that fast timecan be made beteen the to cities ithout fail. A number of the trains ill mako the trip in to hours, and this Philadelphia service ill be in addition to the Royal Blue service opeited beteen Ne York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington. The ne locomotives and coaches are up-to-date, having been built especially for this service, and the Pullman parlor cars are from tbe latest models. Hcnduciicfl. The (3ountess of Warick Is quoted is saying that a sure cure for headicbes and heartaches In a oman is ork any sort of ork. "Every, oman should do some ork," said the countess. "If it is unnecessary for her to ork for herself, she ought to do something for others. The sum of human happiness can be enlarged by omen if they ould undertake it. The oman ho thinks she makes people better by a perpetual hine mistakes the situation.".. Go to Dr. G. W. MoDavitB Dental Parlors, Dover, N J., for full sets of teetb for ODly $6 00, - XHE aohe GOLD CUBE. An Ingonlous Treatment by Whloh Drunkards are Being Cured Dally In Spite ol Thomselvea-No Nojcloas Doses-No WoalienlnK ot tlie Nerves -APlensant and Positive Care for tlio Liquor HdWt.,. ; It la no genorolly knon and uoaera ood that Drunkenness is a dlbeaseand noteakneis. A body filled ith polbon, and norvee completely shattered by periodical or oonstontuse of Intoxicating liquors, reqillrosali antidote capable of neutralizing and eradicating; tuts polbon, and destroying the oravne for intoxicants. Bnfferers may no cure SImsolves at homo ithout publicity or loss»& ba cffl"m 8 g^ ^6rofTeb r K paffls according to directions of this onderful dtaooverv is positively guaranteed to cure the fflortobkte case, no matter ho hard a drtoker. Oar records sho the raarrelous,fora»ttim of thousands _of drunkards CHILDMiN CUBE YOUR FATHERS I This remedy Is In no Benso a nostrum, but b«sdeclliofortblbdlsc=«eonly,audissobkillfally devised and prepared that It Is thoroughly Mluble and pleasant to tho taste, so tbat ft J»n hetciven In a cup of teaor coffee ithout SeKledgeo!tho P persontaklngit, Thousands of Drunkards Tu» onrod tbemselvea ith this priceless remedy, and as many more lave been cured and made temperate men by Lave oemi ^ CUBB oami n jt8redby loving coffee ojtezandbeueve to-day that they dtontfnued drinking of tnelr on fres ill. DOHOT W AIT. Do not be deluded by ap; iaront and misleading "Improvement." irlve out tbo disease at once and for au time. The-HOUE GOLD CURE" s sold at the raely lo price of Ono Dollar, tnus plaoflthln reach of everybody a treatment effectual than others costing $35 to too. Sliavico by Bkilled physlolans hen ested ithout extra charge. Sent oremhh&bbst, Philadelphia. THE EAILR0AD BOSS. A SAMPLE DAY IN THE LIFE OF THE PRESIDENT OF A ROAD, The T) lo D»aJ)d and One Detail* That ClaJm Ills Attention ana Try III* Executive Abllllj-ll.e Hall Hour "With the General MaiioKer. After being for a te hours ith a railroad president one lias a better conception of the magnitude of the Chiuese treatise on all things. The president perhaps has just return*! from a trip to Ne York, here he has attended a conference of presidents of allied lines. He has been on tbe road all night; but, thankb to that hrsineselike iustitutiou, the private car, often erroneously, considered a luxury, he appea- in his office fresher for ork than the suburbnuite ho has just oomo in on the commuters train. "While tho president is.looking over his personal mail ord spreads aboitt the big building that.the old man Is back." Gradually the private secretaries of the different chiefs drop into tho outer office to learn from the presidents private secretary hat business is most likely to come up Cist and hat chance there fe for actibu oil some pet measure. The bell rings, and for u fe minutes the private secretary is closeted ith the president. Daily telegraphic reports have kept tho president informed of events on -the line, but in a surprisingly brief time ho learns of smaller happenings, of ineskufccs left by prominent callers nnd oc the general behavior of his child, the niilrond. Then the president sends for his chief assistant, the general manager, and learns officially some of tlie things the private secretary has told him as gossip and many othei-b of greater moment, hut-perhaps of less real interest. The half hour ith the general manager nmy mean decisions involving the expenditure of hundreds of thousfldds of dollars. It may mean happiness or anxiety to hundreds of homes. For example, it may bo decided to move thecompanys shops from Dan to Becrsheba, This means a move for employees, a breakin&of homo ties and perhaps disappointment to engaged lovers. Again, it may be decided to extend the Utopia branch, hich means a fortune to investors in laud beyond Utopia and ruin to some la the old terminus. The president may tell the general manager that the demand for a dividend on the preferred stock Is becoming more clamorous and that they must get along another year ithout the 5,000 ne box cars that are badly needed nnd the building of hich ould affect many idle men. The president very likely calls the attention of the general manager to tlie auditors estimate of last eeks earnings and asks hy expenses cannot be reduced just a little The president reminds the general manager that the contract for hauling Chicago dressed beef is conditional upon a second morning delivery at the Beaboard to hours earlier than that previously given by a rival tine. lie also observes tbat the reliability nnd regularity of the passenger trains is helping tbe estern tourist business, that the delay to. the hotel mens special by a freight reck last eek ill hurt the inter travel to California and that the ne dining car must be made to pay expenses. He asks hy the ton mile cost of moving freight has not decreased In proportion to the recent outlay for big engines.» Ho ventures tbe opinion, that the su- perintendent of the- Slohurg division must havo. been asleep hile the citycouncll of Rlngville passed on ordinance, requiring the company to erect ten more electric lights at street crossings. He expresses polite astonishment at the failure of the* passenger department to book the headquarters train for tho next Grand Army, encampment. He makes no attempt at concealing bis disgust over a competitor securing ten tralnlonds. of agricultural machinery for. the estern prairies.. He then takes up the question. of a larger terminal charge for sitching terms hi the next "contract ith other r o a d s..".-.., ; - t..-...; ;.. _ The patient and loyal general manager, ho has taken all this In the Pickickian sense in hich It as intended, no has his turn. From the bundle of papers under bis arm he dras a condensed estimate of an elaborate plan for reducing the cost of transportation on a certain division by running around abluff and locatingfreight yards near a busy river Instead of climbing into the ton. The trained eye of the president catches the alient; points, nnd be tells the general manager hether or not funds are likely to be available, hether or not it Is politic to antagonize municipal or other In t t. e r e s s.;.- " ^-.--! " -; Tb&- general manager diplomatically shos the president that the Ne Oi 1 leans cotton traffic Is suffering becauseof the presidents order, to consider nil Minneota flour as rush 1 freight. He asks uthbrity- to increasethe pay ofa superintendent "hohas a. bntter offer from another road..from the bundle^of condensed reports, ho sho&-o saving of. 100 tons of ; coal the prevlqus eek by reason of! better" fuel furnished from the no. mines.. He tells of a ne gasolene, euglne at Tuinptou hich ill cut lo to the monthly.* bills for ater supply for locomotives..he reports n conference ith, themayor of a-big city ahout the smoke uulaadcehenrtlig freight yards., He suggests that it ould be eir for the passenger department to stop promising dollar excursionists a to hour schedule for a hord.three hour run. He urges conciliatory measures toard the city council of Buckton, hich ill ipea! the.speed, ordinance as- Soon as the old morning accommodation train is restored, nnd "No,.C" (the St/Louls express) can then get through the ton on time. In the-most nonchalant manner ho asks to be excused, that he mhy.; catch n train leaving in five minutes, as be has an appointment for the nest morning some GOU miles riay., -.,. - Before.tbe general manager-has finished the private secretary is entertaining to or three reporters of afternoon papers. The president sees them, comes out, Bhakes bands and tells them rates be stiffer than erer, that the stockholders are tired of hunting snipe for the fun of holding empty bags He then jocosely abks them for nes about his road, as he has been in Ne York bplnip? his ife to do. her shopping- Dont tlo the top of your lelly nnd preservo Jars In the old fasfiioned ay. Seal orn by the ne, quick, bsolutely eiirony by ti r roflned Pnrauno ax. Haa no tasto or odor. Is air tight and add. > proor. Easily applied. J XJBOIUIin ntlozen otber,, WBVH about tue hoaee. Full directions ith ch pound cake. Bold ovoryhoro,.made by STANDARD OIL CO- Boston Store. Great July Glearino Sale ia all Departments. Unmatchable Values in Summer Dress Fabrics 8c, loo and 25c per yard. Tb6 beauty, richness and desirableness of the goods and the exceptional littleness of tlie prices make Saturday, July 6th, attractions almost irresistable. Every line has been reduced and the folloing three great values, to hich e direct your attention are pre-eminently important. AT 8c per yard, Batiste Printings, in hite and linen colorings, all soru of stripeg and dots, " AT 10c per yard, Printed Organdies and Mulles, all most popular colors and effects. AT 25o per-yard, Imported Cotton Goods, embracing a large and choice selection. Printed Lans, Dimities and Sisses, 8c goods for 5c per yard. For Saturday, July 5th, Ladies Dressing Sacques, 49c kind for 19c each. TEMPTING MILUNERY BARGAINS, Special reduction on all kinds. Balance of Fine Pattern Hats, ChiffonB, Fancy BraidB, Shiit Waist and Suburban Hats at astonishing prices. All Untrimmed Hats reduced to One-half value, Shirt Waists and Shirt Waist Suits, Washable Skirts in Linen, Duck and P. K. Childrens Dresses, a grand line of hite and leading shades.. Ladies Shirt Waists in hite and colors at 49c, 79c value.. Shirt Waists at 89c> regular $1.25. Tucked and handsomely trimmed. Ladies Shirt Waists, lichly embroidered, tucked and hemstitched, different designs, regular Hundreds of other bargains of in- J3.98, very special $1.98 each. Ne line of Wrappers in LanB, Percales and Dimities. terest to every buyer. Shoe Items of Interest to Every Shoe Purchaser. Summer Shoes and Oxford Ties at Heavy Discounts From Regular Prices. These Shoes are from the beet and foremost factories and shoe districts, and are made of good leathers and best orkmanship. -. HIGH GRADE FOOTWEAR AT LOW PRICES. LadieB* Oxford Ties and Sandals 98c. Sandals, hite kid lined, 1 and 2 straps, sizes 2j4 to 7, good value. $1.10 LadiesOxfords, light and heavy soles, Cuban and military heels. Better grades $1.35, $1.65, $2.00 and $2,25 i& Patent Leather, Vici Kid, Velour Calf and Dongola Leather., Misses and Childrens Oxfords and Sandals.from 50c up. Boys Patent Leather Shoes and Oxfords at reduced prices. Ne line of Mens Oxfords, all colors in Childrens Sandals. Tennis ShoeB for Men, Boys and Children... * CLOTHING FOR MEN AND 0OYS, NEWEST MAKES, LOWEST PRICES. DEEP CUT IN PRICES. Mens Fine Blaok and Blue Serge Suits, absolutely pure Worsted, fast color, silk stitched, great $10 value at $5.98.". - "~ Special prices in Boys Suits, light eight orsteds, all styles. All kinds of Washable Pants and Suits GENTSFURNISHINGS AND HATS. Special lots of Balbriggan Underear at 25c each. Mens Negligee Shirts, all kinds, at 49c> better grades 69c and 98c. ; Hats and Caps for Men and Boys. Ne Belts 25o and 50c- BOSTON STORE, 16 East Blackell, Cor. Morris St, Dover, N. J.? ConrnleHocnec. / At nlno poor.tom as sick in bed, A toel rapped aboftt his head. - t At ten the pain la somehat, less,, But still he feels too ill tu dress. Eleven Thomas thinks that he.may ptissibly get up for tea... He takes some nourishment at noon And,hopes he may feel better soon. At one he groans and says perhaps ;. Ho may be ffetting«a relapse. "Its v.cndertul," ho says at to, "What good fresh air ill sometiroeb "ai" At three, to see him slide don hill. You ouwirt kno hed been BO ill, N. B. Thtallinesa, Ive, heard say. ", Need not boi feared on Saturday....., -.; Young Folks Herald. (tu*cr) Names For Girls. It is iiot uncommon for a Jn_ (girl to beqf.*tbe name of a floer. On itlio other/hand, hoever, many glrl» In Japan (bear, tho names of some do- mestie,utensu, us frying pan or dusti brush. I Doubtless this results from the custom) common among some people of naming a child from the first object that strikes the eye after tbe little one has) come into the orld.. A Strange Floer. A strange floer has been borne by a Matmalson rosebusli groing In a garden at Violet Hill, Stomarket, Tlifi bush ns close lo nn applo trco.innd on oue of the largest buds bursting,into bloom five perfect apple blossoms, each on separate stalks, ere seen groing. In the center. As the petals of the rose developed tbe apple blossomb opened, the to forming a curlous/contrast. Tlie Xjncebnrk Tree. The lacebark tree gros in the West Inaiea It is a lofty tree, ith ovnte, entire, smooth leaves and hite ilocrs. It Is reuinrunblo for the tenacity, of its inucr bark nnd tho readiness With hich the inner bnrk icny be sep-.arated-hifter macerauon in ater into lajers resembling luce. -A governor of Jumntai is uuld to have presented to Chiu-ies, II. n cravat, frill and rut fles made of It.... >. I WON T *= i BEND OR DENT Stiffened Gold Watch Cases re rccognlxed an tb«standard by all Jeelers.. They are Identical ith solid gold cases In Wappearance and else, but much loer la price. Dont accept any cnae said to be "Just as Kood"astbeBoss. Look for tbekeyatono trode-marlc. fiend for booklet. k The Keystone Watch Case Compitiy, Philadelphia. \ WATCH PROTECTION The Jaa. Boys StifTened Gold Watch Case* are an improvetnout on solid gold cases. They are stronger and ont bead or dent. Made of to layers of gold, ith a layer of stiffening metal beteen, elded together Into one solid sheet. The outside layer contains more gold than cna bo orn oft a case in 25 years, the time for hich a Jan. Bosi Case Is guaranteed. PROSPEROUS TIMES Means steady ork and ages for the army of orkers of all classes ho ant and need good atches, but cannot afford to pay a fori tnne for them. Our reliable lo-priced Watches satisfactorily fill this requirement. Having just completed large additions to our stock e are no in excellent shape to take care of our patrons. Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jeelry, Solid Silver and Silver PlatedjlVaro, Ricli Cut Glassare, Novelties, etc Our Optical Department is complete ith everything needed t* property fit eak as ell as old eyes. With every article e Sell goes the guarantee of many years of active business in Dover. YQH kno here to find us if every article is not just as represented. Repairing of fine Watches a specialty. J.HAIRHOUSE, No. 4 West BlackeU Street, Dover, N, J. STERBRBOK STEEL PENS Ctulna SlyieS Flne Brond > Medium and Points. CTCEI nru *n BJEMV SoId by A " Sl THE STANDARD PENS EVERYWHERE. STEEL PEN CQi 26 idhn SI., No York. Works, Camdon, N. J. J

8 ROCKAWAY. His* Cornelia Hal&j ta^ g-jct to Halt Late City on a. viiit. Edard Ujrarn, ot Morriitoo, &5 io ton on MoLlay. Mr. a-! Mrs. GatLercool are in Fater>jO fora fefckd visit- Ezra Iff.liy, of Hur.lton, * J in Rock- j a«ay on M^ai-jy. j Handera U hraaar.h have K;7feral piaoe-s to j piper at Hii^-rtia. j Mra. Mirtin I.. Cor, of Danville, a3 at this \>\&r,h on IVinluy. Woodruff Vance-, of Morri-toD, aa ID. thia Through GO Monday. j Mrs. fciinnn Col<?, cf Jackson avenue, ti con- j flned to bt-r hoint by sickness. j 3d fas Eva Mather. r,f Trenton, 1B visiting I Mrs. George Brocks, of this place. Mm. Lcaey, of >* «York, is visiting trirr.ds at this p!at-; for a fer days. Dr. Klins and hi* brother, of Portland, Pa., er«in rur borough on Monday. ^ 8 It 7K*. Oaxed pa for money. II" tbt-re isoi.e day iu the j<ar defor ihe sinall boy, it is July 4. 73i. Coast-d l-<a. 74(i. t;oi tbe money from ma SO IK* is up betlmc*. and often u-n ec-uts she bad saved to pay tbe free or fifteen minutes earlier than bill V«it to the sto for the tirerraikt-re. Set them all off comiu; MIM L*na Tirubro!), of Huffern, Z*. Y., is that, aid bit- patriotism and bis app^ti*e nt-vt-r iiil r until rlc ambulntic-e visiting friends at tli«place ihu eek. Tbe Hocfc&ay Club bfcj tbeir regular drive* over tiif; flv!d t*f battle and picks monthly netting on Kriiay evening of last up ihe vrourid-fl. A correct tram^ript eek. of bin jiroeetilirigs daring the Henry H. Dobbins bas tbe contract to paint the residence of lira, W. H. Dicker&on at j 4 a. Hi. ArohC. Itenrille lu-tt of the family O. A. I^mraone, ho haa been here for 4M3. Arose once Fa kicked some month", bas retumeii to fain home at Dadl City, Nebraska.... By... ; Douglas MsJloch 4_05 _ TLro a equib through the Manual Davenport, cf this place, sailed for v.--.j(t( anted Fome ne lac*; Cuba on Saturday to visit his sister hom be curiati]w!invw;lvf be* not «en la tenty-fire years. * <«!-PatinJ ouidoors. I rose for itbe marshals horse. He ought to fell Street Cornml-vlontr G=orge A. Tucker is ^ th-rd t!m(, ^ morni^ improving Ne street by taking out the 4,^_ r ij t a Hr--.-nick-r in sis room. i an1 cleaning out the gutters. j jjhfc..jr f J]1 fir.r Mri. OCoonell and family have moved ^ from tbe >orris hoo!» on Maple avenue to the j fir"e, C]TT~ Peter Crook boue on Danville avecue. tve it to her to play Henry K. Dobbins aud family, ho ere visiting Mr. and Mnj. Charl^a Chamberlain at Hurdton for the past *e=fc, retaraed i home on Monday. I L. Btaraet*, of Phillipibarg, ha? moved tia! family from tlat place to thia b^rccgh and j no lives in tfce house formerly occopi^i by j George P. GerarJ. j Mr. and llr?. James E-vjrif. of Piibdsl-; pljia, ho LaTe been Ti=ifi-g relatives and j friend? here for a fe»v davs. Tecum»i b;me ; on Monday afternoon. i Mrs. A^iretr Huber. ho ti= been vuit-! tdg her di-;itt«r. Mrs. H. >*. Miller, at FeajACa, fcr a fe daye, ha= retained to her borne en Maple avenue. Mrs. Miller returned ith her. Mr. and Mr. Eyram Freeman, -bo resided In tbe Slott flit, have given up boa3e keepi ng and gone to board ith Mrs. Freemani parents, Mr. ouil lira. David Wfggfiu, on the Dover road. The Mi^es Jiingtiaui entertained a number of their friends at their home on Main street on Monday evening, the evening as spent in playing Katnen and other finiubemonts, after hich refreshments as served. A Hock Hocial and entertainment as held in the basement of the At. E. Cburch for the benefit of the Eportb League on Thursday evening r f last eek. A goodly number ere present and about fifteen dollars over expenses as realized. A train order board has been placed at the Lackaanna station at Uockaay, This as done as the "Comet," bearing the road officials, recently ran by a red flag. The operator at the time uotified the euperintendent, ho acknoledged the error. A Berious accident happened to Robert, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ford, of this borough, on Saturday night beteen Wbarton and Kockaay. Ford as riding a bicycle toard borne and it being dark he did not see a agon standing on the side of tbe road and ran into it. He as thron violently to tlis ground, rutting his face and head seriously. He as removtd to tbe home of his aunt, here be received medical attendance. On Sunday afternoon be as taken to bis home. MORRISTOWN. Willard W. Cutler, jr., of MorriEton, has taken tbe final examination for entrance Jo Princeton University and ill matriculate in the fall James RuHedge, of UorrUtoo, ho covered tbe initial bag on tbe Beton Hall College cine, bus been engaged by the Madison A. A. for thesnmmer Ia said he ould sho me A magnificent display offireork*baaho to set off these big firecrackers been arranged by tbe greens committee of tbe Morris County Golf Club for the evening ithout danger. It us one of the histling kind that gives a signal just of July 4, hich promises to eclipse all former before it ih going off. Pa didnt kno exhibitions. that I forgot to tell him. Pa lit it. In On the evening of July 4, Lem Hfcg, a a minute it histled, and pa thought Morriiton laundry man, -ill let off a string of firecrackers reaching ocroea Washington street, suspended by a ire. The string ill contain about 15,G00 medium sized crackers. Morris lodge, I, O. O. P., of Morriston, through iu committee, H. J, Gregory, Frederick Babtr, George T, B&rnet, John Perry and Frederick R. GaeriD, has arrangements ell under &y for an raenraton to Coney it had gone out. He ent and picked t up; then lie put It don again. He iut It don more sudden than he picked it up, but not quite sudden enough, la put a bandage on his hand for him MaB big rooster came along, and I thre it a lighted firecracker, t grabbed the cracker and started to run ith It, but it didnt run far. It Inland Jaly27. Thomas JTast, th-5 veteran cartoonist of nat don kind of surprised and tbl-i place, haa been cornmisaioiil to paint ft full length portrait of tbe late Andre Keaaoner. Tbo painting ill sho the late raft road euperintendent BeaUd at bis desk and ill be placed in tbe memorial chapel being erected by Mrs, Iletuner, BARRELS OF_SAMPLES. Over To Hundred Tiionsand Trial BottlcH sent 1rrjo by Mnll. By special arrangement ith tb maaafac- tureni of tbat justly famous Rlidaey lnedfcine Dr. David Kennedy* Kavorite Remedy, the readers of the Inos ERA. are enabled to obtain a trial bottle and panopblet of valuable medical odrlea absolutely free, by simply sendidk tbeir full name and Doatofllce addrra" & the DR. DAVID KENNEDY COR- PORATION, Rondout, N. y., and mentiouink this paper, tbe publbhen of blcb guaranteo tbe genuineness of tbla liberal offer. Of course this involves enormous expense to the manufacturers, but they have received BO many grateful letters from those ho bave been benefited and cured of tbe various diseases of tbo Kidneys, Liver, Bladder and Blood, ld Rheumatism, R h t i DyHpcpsia Dyspepsia and Cbronic Chronic Constipation, and all eaknesses peculiar to omen, that they illingly send trial bottles to all saff arers. Upon Investigation It as found that 0 par cent, of those ho bad used the trial bottle bad received such benefit from it that they pnrchanod large sized bottle* ot tnel drnfrglbta. It matters not ho sick you are or ho many physlclana have failed to help you, irend for a trial bottle of this great medicine, it costs you but a postal card, and benefit ant core ill most certainly, be the result. Favorite Kemedy is the only kidney medicine that acts as a laiatfte-all others con Btl ut some urine in a glass tumbler ondlol It Btind tenty-four hours ; jf it haa a aedl ment or If it Is pale or discolored, milky o cloudy;, stringy or ropy, your Kidneys or Bladder are In a bad condition. Dr. David Kennedys Favorite Kemedy speedily cures such dangerous symptomb as pain in the back, mobility to hold urine, a burning, BcaldW pain In passing It. frequent desire to nrlnate, especially ot night, cbe Btainlng of linen by your nrine nrfne ani andall tbie unpleasanl and dankerons effects on the system produced by tbe UBO of hiskey, lno or beer. Dr. David Kennedys Favorite Remedy IE sold by all druz stores or direct at J1.00 for a large bottle jf bottles for $5.00. gubscribe for the IBON EEX, $1 a year.. m, 75O.-TVem don ton to s the d!,v I parade. The parade Is at 10 oclock,,s50._\vaih-d for the parade Waited for tbe parade, jn. <5ot 10 cents for holding a mans hors**. It as orth it. 10](i. Bought firecrackers Waited for the parade Parade paraded. 1] <*.;. Thre a firecracker under tbat iorse to a dog and pony sho. It can altz Just splendid Sa ma at a soda fountain, and the- L-ougbt me a lemon soda. Sh-? said it as a Eliame pa. didnt give me auy mouty to spend the Fourth and gave me a quarter Sa pa in a cigar store talk- Ing to nie men. Went in and braced him for some money to spend. Tbe men laughed. Pa didnt, but he gave melialf a dollar Met sis and her fello. Sis said it as a shame pa and ma "nyther" of them gave me a cent to spend. She gave me a nickel. Her fello gave me a dollar and a ticket to tbe ball game. To "good things!" Bought as follos Pink lemonade, 5 cents; peanuts, 5 cents; fireorks, $ Went home to dinner; ate a dish of Ice cream and a frankfurter. 1. Went to the ball gnme Found tbe place here tlie board is loose Waited for tbe game Game commenced Man bought me a bottle of pop. Drank the pop and thre the bottle at the right fielder. D20. We on The man gave me 5 cents for car fare another 5 cents for firecrackers. C10. Had supper. Ate some angel food and liver Began shooting off skyrockets. G30. One ent through the front door Firemen arrived. G47.-Fire chief says the lires out. Pa says hes out $ Pa mnle me go to bed Tore- my pants coming don the aterspout Pa caught me going out the back gate. He said I could set off the j rest of my fireorks, hut he "ould help AB03E OXCE MOKE, PA KICKED WE. me, so there -ould be no accidents. ith, but mn took It aay from her Pa dropped a firecracker in Ma is aful stings. among the fireorks. The display -as 420. Thre a torpedo against the one of thu largest and handsomest ever front door of the house across the B lven in tue clt 5- itreet. Pa sat don and laughed Set oil a Lunch of firecrackers under pas chair. Pa got up and didnt laugb Ilad breakfast. Ate a piece if eiiktard pie and an onion. 43i*. Set a cannon firecracker off on he fence. Only broke four pickets Hose again Got the milkmans dog to smell of a firecracker that us JuBt gong off. I thinkmaybe tbe dog heat.he milkman home. scratched the smoke out of its eyes Sizzer slzzed the rong ay and burned my fingers. Seems more like the Fourth no.- 5 SO. Ma rubbed itch hazel on my hand Pa said he -ould hold a firecracker In his hnnd until it as pretty nearly ready to go and then thro It high In tbe air. Just as it as ready to go I lost my punk, and I told pa I guessed he as sitting on It He got up kind of quick to see and forgot to thro the firecracker. It ent off all right, though Found the punk burning a hole in the porch. Pa Is getting itch hazel rubbed on him no Had another breakfast Ate a cold pancake and four oranges Shot oft my last firecracker Asked pa for money to buy Coaxed pa for money to buypupils hy e celebrate on the Fourth of July, and after a long silence one o Coaxed pa for monty t» buy the boys ansered as follos "We celebrate cause Its the only 625. Coaxedpa for money. day in the yenr e kin make a. nols C33. Coaxed pa. ithout glttln a HckinM" C40. Coaxed Found a firecracker that hadnt gone oft. Set It off Asked pa for money to buy 711.-Coaxed pa for Booey to hay Atlantic City, tlio No. Atlantic City ta the gem resort of the orld and the thousands ho visit this famous beach enjoy features to be found no here else. The great board-ait, the sevoral ocean piers, tbe peerless bathing, the onderfully complete hotels and the varied amusements constitute a life enjoyable and recreative. The Ne Jersey Centralfcas a flue train service beteen He "Sort and Atlantic City but three hoars aro consumed in the journey and trains leave Ne York at 1140 a. m., and 340 p m. the trains are vestlbulod and thorough! igbly up-to-date. Bullet parlor cars are attached Jhen to every train.. The Ne Jersey Central Passenger Department (Hectlon A. 0.) No York City, has this eek issued an Illustrated descriptive booklet on Atlantio City,- lilob U mat. free upon application to any address, HE JLEETB TWO "OOOD THnTOS." anges and pink lemonade and peanuts and pop and angel food and liver that did It 8. Doctor says Ill be all right In the morning Can hear the skyrockets don ton go sb-sh-bh-sh-pooh! 8. Gee, but Im tired, and sleepyl Why We Celebrate. A schoolteacher recently asked her Wouldnt This Jar Ton! Said young master monkey, "I ill not tell ma. But Im eolng to Bmoke A fine, fat cigar!" But a big firecracker He mistook for tobaccer, And he never got over the Jul Then the baby is most likely nervous, and fretful, and doesnt gain in eight. Scotts Emulsion is the best food and medicine for teething babies. They gain from the start. 2 Send d for f a free f sample. a i SCOTT Si DOWN I!, Cuenilftj, rear! Slreel, Ne York. 5oc. and %IJX)\ alt druggist!).. - «amakcn.aabisaa& L CHAS. DOLAND & SON v flu S. KOl.ka*s>. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ JEWELERS. conji?t fort Cram. assortment of WATCHES, CLOCKS AUD JEWELRY. «ith4e palest care and skiil,-.give us a call. CHAS. DOLAND SSON, C* This coupon hen punched to the amount of $5 00 in purchases at the NEW YORK BARGAIN STORE, 33 West Blackoll St., Dover, N. J. Entitles the holder to any one of the folloing articles for 98c in cash, regular price for any of the articles.thout th.s coupon $2,50. Silk Umbrella, Wool Smyrna Rug, Opera Glass, Clock, Boys Suit, Mens Worsted or Corduroy Pants, One dozen 15 cent Linen Collars, and many more different valuable articles to be seen at the NEW YORK BARGAIN STORE, To 10 To" PUBLIC SALE """WXW"*- -OF- REAL ESTATE. Notice is hereby giren that by virtue of a ^arrant issued by tbe Mayor and Council of ie Borough of Mount Arlington, in tbe County of MorriH, to make the unpaid taxes aese&ed on lands, tenements, heredltapienta and real estate, in the eald borough, in the ear 1901, the subscriber, Collector of Taxes >r the said borough, to hom the said arint 13 directed, ill on, tlie ElgHleeqili flag or flugust, ext, at tbe hour of to oclock In the afterson at the Borough Hall, in the said borugb, sell tbe lands and real estate bereunder escribed at public vendue for tbe shortest erm, not exceeding thirty years, for hich ay person or persons ill agree to take tbe [ne and pay such taxes ith interest thereon tbe rate of ten per centum from tbe tenieth day of December, A. D. 1001, together vith all costs, fees, charges aud other ex- >n ee. Lake Hopatcnng Park Association, tax due 162 SO. Description Block "A" map by L. ciry, Lake nopatcong Club, tax due, $ lescription Club house and Block Ho. 0. Lake Hopatcong Club, tax dne, $ lescription Lot 13, Block No. 7. Lake HopatcODg Club, tax due, $ CKriptloo Lot 3, Block 13. Lake Hopntcong Club, tax due, $ leserlption Lot 9, Block 10. Lake HopatconK Club, tax due, $ Jescription Lota 1 and 2, Block 13. ^ -»-i Lake HopatconK Club, tax due, $ description Lot 10, Block No. 7. Lake Hopatcong Club, tax due, $17 82.,ot«10,11,12, Block 10. George Flnck, tax dne, 49 SO. Description Lots 13 and 15, Block No G. Kierst, tax due, M 05 Descriptionacres adjoining Lettie Speaker. L. C. Lurk-, tax due, $ Description ) acres a part of the old Lurk Tract. W. J. Lurk, tax due IV 90. Description I acres, a part of the old Lurk tract. O. B. Speaker, tax due, $ Description -Cottage and lot, adjoins land of J. P. peaker. n; r^ei^t Lucrcta Speaker, t«x due, $9 90, Doncrip 730. Commenced to feel kind of ion Cottage and lot, adjoins lands of J. P. Leave funnj. Ipeaker. Dover 735. Guess it as the custard pie Payment must be made before the conclusion of the sale, otherise the property ^ " 440 A.M. and onion and cold pancake and orbe immediately resold. d5;20* Witness my band thia First of July, A. D FUBEUAN H. TAPPEN, 33-! Collector of Taxes. Incorporated March 3rd, 1874* MORRIS COUNTY SAVINGS BANK Morriston, Ne Jersey. PauiDUT HENRY W. MILLER. Vra-PBUIOENT AURELIUS B. HULL. StCflETAfir AMD THEA9URER H. T. HULL. ASSETS, $2^ LIABILITIES, ^71, SURPLUS, , f NTBRKST Is declared and paid In January and Jnly of each year from the profits of Ibe previous 6ix months bust-. sess. POSITS made on or before beoe the day of. January, April, l Jl July and d 3r*d Oc> tober dra interest from the nrst day of f said months respectively. Correspondence Solicited. GOING WEST?, If so ; ask your ticket agent to route you -via lines connecting -ith the. C..H.*Q... Our train service and equipment is the finest in the Oentral States. ; j D. G. Edards, P. T.M., Cincinnati, 0, COLtaSQEa Iffmndb Sff. J«Corner Academy and Halsey Streets, (one short block rear of post office), NEWARK, N. J. Is your penmanship all right? Are you tip in the English Branches? Would you not like to be a good Stenographer and Typeriter? We are thoroughly prepared to instruct you. Write for catalogue. Elevator entrance 45 Academy Street Daily calls for help. Business men kno here to find the best. Telephone 3712/ H. COLEMAN, President. NEW JERSEY i«central. Anthracite coal used exclusively, imrarint cleanliness and comfort. TIME TABLE IN EFFECT MAT 18, 19C2 THAINS LEAVE DOVER Afl FOLLOW- DAILY EXCEPT SUHDAT. For Ne York, Neark anc Elizabeth, at 629 a. m.; P-m- For Philadelphia at 629 a. m. 410,525 p.m. For Long Branch, Ocean Grove Asbury Park and points on-nev York and Long Branch Railroad 4;io p. m. For all stations to High Bridg. at 629 a. m.; 410, 525 p. m. For Lake HopatconK;at 9 48 a. m.; 656 p. m. Saturday only, 1138 a. m. ForRockaay at653,1039, a m. 607, 740 p.m. Saturday only, 145 p. m. For Easton, Allenton an< Mauch Chunk at (629 to Easton) a. m. 410 (525 to Easton) p. m. a. BESLER, QeniMgr.. C. M. BURT, (Jen. Pass. Agt. LAGKAWANNA TIME rable. RAILROAD. IN EFFECT JUNE 1, 1902 TBAIHB BXTWXSH DOTEB AND HEWXOBK d6;25* * * d843 C d918* 1114» -T dll20 P.M dl45 d244 S47» 550 d 033* d645«d655»» d 818* Arrive Ne York A.H ; P.M ii on Sunday dl205 A. M. JBoonto i Branch. Leave Ne York A.M * 810 dl200m P..M. 100* dl40 d * » d610* d800 d8;45* d Daily. Arrive Dovei A. H t P. M "T.508 S (1 955t ere. THB Dovei, WinB.and u p STORE, Depot, is the only exclusive holesale ine and liquor store here ines and liquors are sold by the quart or gallon, direct from the barrel for family and medicinal mrposes at holesales.prices. The finest of - Brandies, Whiskies, Gins, Wines and Cordials ARE ALWAYS KEPT IN STOCK. Ladies can and dovish this place as v there is no bar. - Dover Wine & Liaaor Co;,. K. HARRIS, Proprietor, 42 N. SUSSEX STREET, PXOXB BO. Opp. Centra! Depot, " DOVER, H. J, iitsipi PA, rj> mm^ THE LARGEST AND MOST PERFECTLY EQUIPPED MILORDER SERVICE Presenting uncqualed Shopping Facilities for thousands of out-ofton patrons. A thoroughly experienced staff of buyers In this department ill make selections for you, and satisfaction is guaranteed or money ill be refunded. We prepay mail or express charges to any part of the state on all paid purchases, and on C. 0. D.s for amounts aggregating $5.00 or Try our system, and- you ill not only save money, but have the additional advantage of assortments not equaled In Neark, or surpassed anyhere in the land. Samples sent post-. paid to any address upon receipt of postal card. L. BAMBERGER & CO. NEWARK. Will OThe Wisp, WOMEN WHO ABE LED A- STEAT BY MISCHIEV- OUS MAESH ITEES.. Illustrative of the baneful poer of the marsh fire, there is told the stcry of a oman ho lost her ay. She turned in this direction and in tbat, hopelessly puzzled as to her hereabouts in the murky night. Presently ahead of her she sa the gleam of a light. At once she sa in fancy the picture of home, the lamp in the indo, the cozy comfort of those under the Bheiter of the protecting roof, "curtained and closed and arm." Steadfastly she moved toards the light. But as she moved it seemed to change Its position. It as alays a little farther aay from her and presently hen she sank don exhausted in a samp the light disappeared altogether. Whatever truth" there may be in the forcibly illustrates the career of many a oman ho has folloed the marsh fire of love In the belief that it led to home and comfort and found herself at last exhausted and deceived. l t S A B I T T B R I. E S S O N... learned by many a oman ho thought love all-sumcient, that love alone cannot be the foundation of the home. It needs health. Strange as it may seem the beautiful loving omatr ho is eak may lose the love of the hnaband for hom she broke all home ties, hile on the other hand a oman ho has no greater doer than robust health may in and hold the love of her husband past all possibility of loss. Thefirstre- We are continuing to give aay, ithout charge, a bottle 0? Choice Black, first^necessity ja health. Health must quisite ol marriage is health. The ifes berry Brandy, Port or Cataba Wine be the mothers or she ill kno no to each purchaser to the amount of a happiness In her children. What makes quart V»S? e j V 0 co mon amon S omen? Why do they suffer ith headache, backache and pains past description? These sufferings are in general caused by disease of the delicate omanly organs, and they are in general curable by the use of DrPierces Favorite Prescription. «I take^reat pleasure in riting you - - & 1.!biu nave uune ine, say» Mrs. P. A. Graham, of 617 Race St Ne Orleans, La. -I have been a constant sufferer for the last eight yean 1^Tm e f ak. nebs. nervous and general debility, trying everything I could find to help me, but to no aval Have Been treated by several country physicians, and also had some of the best city physlcianb prescribe for me. They ausala my case ai incurable and as a chronic_disease of long standing, but thnnis be to God and vour nrpiti! icine, I have found refief at fast, ana soon ill be cured sound and ell aeain? I have taken three bottles of Dr Piercea ; Favorite Prescription and to of Golden Medical Discovery and to vials of his Ilensaut Pellete. 1 I cant describe in ords ho much benefit I have received and for the blood. I think Favorite Prescription ia the, best medicin for omen. I feeliafi Ing Dr. Pierces Golden Medial Ms eiy to any one suffering from the e8 ofimpure blood aud his Favorite I Crlption. for female eakness." "TH8 ^XsT SHAM, Mi FIRST." Ho niany times tbat Baying is ill trated by the use of Dr. lierce8 FJI ite Prescription. Ita the last H hich is tried and the iirst to Wp..often the last resort of hopeless mi &nd the; first medicine to claim tl gratitude by an absolute cmancipat from the thraldom of disease. Dr. Pierces Favorite Prescript makes eak omen strong, sick mm ell. It establishes omanly regutoi stops enfeebling drains, heals inftai tion and ulceration and cures fem eakness. "I suffered for six years illiom trouble," rites Mrs. E. Waite, ol (ti Vie Postoffice), Chicago, 111. "So times I could hardly alk, and mo had to cough it felt as though a h as cutting me. My hands and li -.. ere cold all the time., "had such a tired fed; and such a poorapptl -.. and hen Imnttota slept only about tmte at a time. A torn vised me to use Doc Pierces medicine!, f they hfid helped lier;«got a bottle of F««Prescription ond by t time I had used to* ties I felt so much be! that I continued m had taken eight botua Favorite Pres and one of Dr., Golden Medical W> en-, and no I «"" that my friends m to ell I inn 1«*»*.n go to bed no and sleep UlU* g. My appetite is splendid j«wj tired feeling has left me. ill do as I have done jut- ^ Pierces medicines a fair trial, aoa p ill be sure to derive much ben*» have. I am so thankful to ttom so ell." \y.".".1vbas WEM WOMEN 8AV.. Here a fe brief statements? from letters of omen cured by. - Dr.Pierces Favorite Prescription. "Ifeel likeadiffcrentbeuigand" ell.»-mrs. Haggle Spelts, 4»!$ Street,.Mount Vernon, Posey Cft, nvhenl think ho I as W«X ago and ho I am no, I say, ^""^ Dr. Piercee ork for omen. 1 ( had no return of my js-aja ell and hearty."-?irs. ire" ** Cambria, Hillsdale Co., MicU-, S -«To. bottles of Ff ori tion and one of G ome nj[f Jat Co., Oregon. There is no alcohol 1 scription"and it is alii opium, cocaine and all Do not allo the dealer. you a substitute for"favon» tion" claiming that It»«]?» The record of its cures odd ^rtie, ofthousandsofome"" vetn»t!. J --scription" for eak and Women suffering _ froji» ^ p " chronic form ure invitedtoc Pierce by letter,/c«.. " -. is held ns strictly pnv confidences set don guarded by the same * ls"jfr>e Sonal privacy observed by Dr. ^ personal, consultations at u ^ ffotel and Surgical» ««"&«N. Y. Address Dr. R- v - rl falo, N. Y. A 6DIDIN0 1KJHT. Hoever dark»^dev " S Se»*»; health Dr. Pierces Coniraon ^ ical Adviser ill prove a h W a0t aud happiness. This great Wj» ^ ico8 large pages and over J. j#» tionsan3isbenta^o,.rerf;j,^ to pay expense ot 31 one^ent stamps. f m^ volume, or only si f "j^br. H lu paper-covers. Adaresa.f Were., BufflOo, N. V,


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