Bible Quiz Fellowship John Questions UPDATED 4/21/10

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1 Bible Quiz Fellowship John Questions UPDATED 4/21/10 1:1 When was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God? (In) The beginning 1:1 With whom was the Word (in the beginning)? (With) God 1:1 Who was with God and was God (in the beginning)? The Word 1:2 With whom was He (in the beginning)? (With) God 1:2 When was He with God? (In) The beginning 1:3 What were made through him? All things 1:3 What was made without him? Nothing that has been made 1:4 What was in him and was the light of men? (That) Life 1:5 What shines in the darkness but the darkness has not understood? (It) The light 1:6 Who came who was sent from God? (A) Man OR John 1:6 From whom was a man sent (was John sent)? (From) God 1:6 What was his name? John 1:7 How did he come? As a witness 1:7 Why did he come (as a witness)? To testify concerning that light, so that through him all men might believe 1:7 Who might believe (through him)? All men 1:8 What was he himself not (he came only as a witness to)? The light 1:8 How did he come (he himself come)? Only as a witness to the light 1:9 What was coming into the world that gives light to every man? The true light 1:9 To whom does the true light give light? (To) Every man 1:9 Where was the true light that gives light to every man coming? (Into) The world 1:10 Where was he? (In) The world 1:10 Though what was made through him did the world not recognize him? (Though) The world 1:10 Who did not recognize him? The world 1:11 To whom did he come? (To that which was) His own 1:11 Who did not receive him? (That which was) His own 1:12 To whom did he give the right (to become children of God)? (Yet to) all who received him, (to) those who believed in his name 1:12 What did he give (to all who received him, to those who believed in his name)? The right to become children of God 1:14 Who became flesh and made his dwelling among us? The Word (the One and Only) 1:14 Who came from the Father? (The Word) The One and Only 1

2 1:14 What did the Word become? Flesh 1:14 What did the Word make among us? His dwelling 1:14 What have we seen? His glory, the glory of the One and Only 1:14 From whom did the One and Only come (the Word come)? (From) The Father 1:14 How did the One and Only come from the Father? Full of grace and truth 1:15 Who testifies (concerning him, cries out)? John (he) 1:15 Who has surpassed me because he was before me? He who comes after me 1:15 When does he come? After (me) 1:15 When was he? Before (me) 1:15 Why has he who comes after me surpassed me? Because he was before me 1:16 From what have we all received one blessing after another? (From) The fullness of his grace 1:16 Who have received one blessing (after another)? We all 1:17 What was given (through Moses)? The law 1:17 Through whom was the law given? (Through) Moses 1:17 What came (through Jesus Christ)? Grace and truth 1:17 Through whom did grace and truth come? (Through) Jesus Christ 1:18 Who has seen God (ever)? No one 1:18 When has no one seen God? Ever 1:18 Whom has no one seen (ever)? God (the One and Only) 1:18 Where is God the One and Only? (At) The Father's side 1:18 Who has made him known who is at the Father s side? God the One and Only 1:18 What has God the One and Only made him? Known 1:19 What was this? John's testimony 1:19 When was this John's testimony? When the Jews of Jerusalem sent priests and Levites to ask him who he was 1:19 Who sent priests and Levites? The Jews of Jerusalem 1:19 Whom did the Jews of Jerusalem send? Priests and Levites 1:19 Why did the Jews of Jerusalem send priests and Levites? To ask him who he was 1:20 How did he confess? Freely 1:20 Who am I not? The Christ 1:22 How did they say? Finally 1:22 What give us? (An) Answer to take back to those who sent us 1:23 Who replied (in the words of Isaiah the prophet)? John 1:23 In what did John reply? (In) The words of Isaiah the prophet 1:23 What am I? The voice of one calling in the desert 1:23 How make the way (for the Lord)? Straight 1:23 What make straight? The way (for the Lord) 1:23 For whom, make the way straight? (For) The Lord 1:24 Who had been sent (now)? Some Pharisees 1:24 What had some Pharisees been (now)? Sent 1:25 Whom are you not? The Christ, (nor) Elijah, (nor) the Prophet 1:26 With what do I baptize? (With) Water 1:26 Who replied? John 1:26 Who stands among you? One you do not know 1:27 Who is he? The one who comes after me (the thongs of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie) 2

3 1:27 When does the one come? After (me) 1:27 What am I not? Worthy to untie the thongs (of whose sandals) 1:28 What happened (at Bethany)? This all 1:28 Where did this all happen? (At) Bethany (on the other side of the Jordan) 1:28 Where was John baptizing? The Jordan 1:28 Who was baptizing? John 1:29 When did John see Jesus coming toward him and say? The next day 1:29 Who saw Jesus (the Lamb of God)? John 1:29 Whom did John see (coming toward him)? Jesus OR The Lamb of God 1:29 Who takes away the sin of the world? The Lamb of God OR Jesus 1:29 What does the Lamb of God take away (Jesus take away)? The sin of the world 1:30 Who is this? The one I meant when I said, A man who comes after me has surpassed me because he was before me 1:30 Why has a man who comes after me surpassed me? Because he was before me 1:30 When does a man come? After (me) 1:30 When was he? Before (me) 1:31 Why did I come (baptizing with water)? (The reason was) That he might be revealed to Israel 1:31 How did I come? Baptizing (with water) 1:31 To whom might he be revealed? (To) Israel 1:31 What might he be (to Israel)? Revealed 1:31 Baptizing with what did I come? (Baptizing with) Water 1:32 Who gave this testimony (then)? John 1:32 What testimony did John give (then)? This testimony OR I saw the Spirit come down from heaven as a dove and remain on him 1:32 Whom did I see come down from heaven as a dove and remain on him? The Spirit 1:32 As what did I see the Spirit (come down from heaven)? (As a) Dove 1:32 From where did the Spirit come down (I saw)? (From) Heaven 1:33 Except what would I not have known him? (Except that) The one who sent me to baptize with water told me 1:33 Who told me? The one who sent me to baptize with water 1:33 Why did the one send me? To baptize with water 1:33 Who is he who will baptize with the Holy Spirit? The man on whom you see the Spirit come down and remain 1:33 With whom will he baptize (you will see come down and remain)? (With) The (Holy) Spirit 1:34 Who is this? The Son of God 1:34 What have I seen and do I testify (that)? This is the Son of God 1:35 When was John there (with two of his disciples)? The next day OR Again 1:35 Who was there with two of his disciples (the next day, again)? John 1:35 With whom was John (there, the next day, again)? (With) Two of his disciples 1:36 Whom did he see passing by (look)? Jesus OR The Lamb of God 1:36 When did he say? When he saw Jesus passing by 1:37 Who heard him (followed Jesus)? (The) Two disciples (they) 1:37 Whom did they follow (when the two disciples heard him say this)? Jesus 1:37 When did they follow Jesus? When the two disciples heard him say this 1:38 Who saw them following and asked? Jesus 1:38 Turning where did Jesus see them following (and ask)? (Turning) Around 3

4 1:38 What means teacher? Rabbi 1:39 Where did they see (and go)? (They went and saw) Where he was staying 1:39 What did they spend with him? That day 1:39 About when was it? (About the) Tenth hour 1:40 Who was one of the two? Andrew, Simon Peter s brother 1:40 What was Andrew? Simon Peter's brother OR One of the two who heard what John had said and (who) had followed Jesus 1:40 Who heard what John had said and followed Jesus? The two 1:40 Who had said? John 1:40 Whom had the two followed (Andrew, Simon Peter s brother followed)? Jesus 1:41 What was the first thing Andrew did? (Was to) Find his brother Simon and tell him 1:41 Who found his brother Simon and told him? Andrew 1:41 Whom did Andrew find and tell? His brother Simon (him) 1:41 Whom have we found? The Messiah OR The Christ 1:41 Who is that? The Christ OR The Messiah 1:42 To whom did he bring him? (To) Jesus 1:42 Who looked at him and said? Jesus 1:42 Who are you? Simon son of John 1:42 What will you be called which, when translated, is Peter? Cephas 1:42 When is Cephas, Peter? When translated 1:43 When did Jesus decide to leave (for Galilee)? The next day 1:43 Who decided (to leave for Galilee, the next day)? Jesus 1:43 For where did Jesus decide to leave (the next day)? (For) Galilee 1:43 What did Jesus decide (the next day)? (To) Leave for Galilee 1:43 Finding whom did he say to him? (Finding) Philip (him) 1:44 Who was from the town of Bethsaida? Philip OR Andrew and Peter 1:44 From where was Philip, like Andrew and Peter? (From the town of) Bethsaida 1:45 Who found Nathanael and told him? Philip 1:45 Whom did Philip find and tell? Nathanael (him) 1:45 Whom have we found? The one Moses wrote about in the Law and about whom the prophets also wrote, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph 1:45 Who wrote (in the law, about the one)? Moses OR The Prophets (also) 1:45 In what did Moses write (about the one)? (In) The Law 1:46 Who asked? Nathanael 1:46 Who said? Philip 1:47 Who saw Nathanael (approaching)? Jesus 1:47 Whom did Jesus see (approaching)? Nathanael (a true Israelite) 1:47 In whom is there nothing false? (In) Nathanael OR (A) True Israelite 1:47 When did he say of him? When Jesus saw Nathanael approaching 1:47 Who is here? Nathanael OR (A) True Israelite (in whom there is nothing false) 1:47 Where is a true Israelite (in whom there is nothing false)? Here 1:47 What is in a true Israelite here (Nathanael)? Nothing false 1:48 Who asked? Nathanael 1:48 Who answered? Jesus 1:48 When did I see you? While you were still under the fig tree before Philip called you 1:48 Under what were you (still)? (Under) The fig tree 4

5 1:48 Who called you? Philip 1:49 Who declared (then)? Nathanael 1:49 Who are you? The Son of God OR The King of Israel OR Rabbi 1:49 Of whom are you the Son? (Of) God 1:49 Of what are you the King? (Of) Israel 1:50 Who said (told you I saw you under the fig tree)? Jesus (I) 1:50 Why do you believe? Because I (Jesus) told you I saw you under the fig tree 1:50 What did I tell you I saw you under? The fig tree 1:50 What shall you see? Greater things (than that) 1:51 What do I tell you? The truth 1:51 What shall you see? Heaven open and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man 1:51 Whom shall you see (ascending and descending on the Son of Man)? (The) Angels of God 5

6 2:1 When did a wedding take place (at Cana in Galilee)? (On) The third day 2:1 What took place (at Cana in Galilee, on the third day)? (A) Wedding 2:1 Where did a wedding take place (Jesus mother was there)? (At) Cana in Galilee (there) 2:1 Who was there (a wedding at Cana in Galilee)? Jesus' mother 2:2 Who had been invited (to the wedding, also)? Jesus and his disciples 2:2 To what had Jesus and his disciples been invited (also)? (To the) Wedding 2:3 What was gone (OR What do they have no more)? (The) Wine 2:3 When did Jesus mother say to him? When the wine was gone 2:3 Who said to him (when the wine was gone)? Jesus' mother 2:4 Who involves me (Jesus)? (You, dear) Woman 2:4 What has not come (yet)? My time 2:4 When has my time come? Not yet 2:4 Who replied? Jesus 2:5 Who said to the servants? His mother 2:5 To whom did his mother say? (To) The servants 2:5 Do what? (Do) Whatever he tells you 2:6 What stood nearby (each holding from twenty to thirty gallons)? Six stone water jars, the kind used by the Jews for ceremonial washing 2:6 Where did six stone water jars stand? Nearby 2:7 To whom did Jesus say? (To) The servants 2:7 Who said to the servants? Jesus 2:7 Fill what with water (they filled them to the brim)? (Fill) The jars (them) 2:7 Why did they fill them (to the brim)? Jesus said to the servants ( Fill the jars with water ) 2:7 How did they fill them (six stone water jars)? To the brim 2:8 To whom take it (some)? (To) The master of the banquet 2:8 Draw what out and take it to the master of the banquet? (Draw) Some (it) 2:9 Who tasted the water that had been turned into wine? The master of the banquet 2:9 What did the master of the banquet taste? (The water that had been turned into) Wine (it) 2:9 What had the servants drawn? (The) Water 2:9 What did he not realize? Where it (the water that had been turned into wine) had come from 2:9 Who knew? The servants who had drawn the water 2:9 Though what did he not realize where it had come from? (Though) The servants who had drawn the water knew 2:9 Whom did he call aside? The bridegroom 2:9 Where did he call the bridegroom? Aside 2:10 Who brings out the choice wine first and then the cheaper wine (after the guests have had too much to drink)? Everyone 2:10 What does everyone bring out? (The) Choice wine (first) OR (The) Cheaper wine (after the guests have had too much to drink) 2:10 When does everyone bring out the choice wine? First 2:10 When does everyone bring out the cheaper wine? (Then) After the guests have had too much to drink 2:10 What have you saved (till now)? The best (wine, the choice wine) 2:10 Till when have you saved the best wine (the choice wine)? (Till) Now 2:11 What did Jesus perform (in Cana of Galilee)? (This) The first of his miraculous signs 2:11 Who performed the first of his miraculous signs (in Cana of Galilee)? Jesus 6

7 2:11 Where did Jesus perform the first of his miraculous signs? (In) Cana of Galilee 2:11 What did he reveal (thus)? His glory 2:11 Who put their faith in him? His disciples 2:11 What did his disciples put in him? (Their) Faith 2:12 When did he go down to Capernaum (with his mother and brothers and his disciples)? After this 2:12 Where did he go (there they stayed)? (Down to) Capernaum (there) 2:12 With whom did he go (down to Capernaum, after this)? (With) His mother and brothers and his disciples 2:12 When did they stay there (Capernaum)? (For a) Few days 2:13 For what was it almost time? (For) The Jewish Passover 2:13 When did Jesus go up to Jerusalem? When it was almost time for the Jewish Passover 2:13 Who went up to Jerusalem (when it was almost time for the Jewish Passover)? Jesus 2:13 Where did Jesus go (when it was almost time for the Jewish Passover)? (Up to) Jerusalem 2:14 In what did he find men selling cattle, sheep and doves and others sitting at tables exchanging money? (In) The temple courts 2:14 Whom did he find in the temple courts? Men selling cattle, sheep and doves OR Others sitting at tables, exchanging money? 2:15 Out of what did he make a whip? (Out of) Cords 2:15 From where did he drive all (both sheep and cattle)? (From) The temple area 2:15 What did he drive from the temple area? All OR (Both) Sheep and cattle 2:15 What did he scatter? The coins of the money changers 2:15 What did he overturn? Their tables 2:16 Out of where get these? (Out of) Here 2:16 To whom did he say? (To) Those who sold doves 2:16 What did those sell? (Get these) Doves (out of here) 2:16 Into what did you turn my Father s house? (Into a) Market 2:17 Who remembered? His disciples 2:17 What is it? Written 2:17 What will consume me? Zeal for your house 2:18 Who demanded of him (then)? The Jews 2:19 Who answered them? Jesus 2:19 Destroy what and I will raise it again (in three days)? This temple (it) 2:19 When will I raise it (this temple)? Again in three days 2:20 Who replied? The Jews 2:20 What has it taken forty-six years to build? This temple (it) 2:21 Of what had he spoken? His body OR The temple 2:22 When did his disciples recall what he had said (then they believe the Scripture and the words that Jesus had spoken)? After he (Jesus) was raised from the dead (then) 2:22 Who recalled what he had said (believed the Scripture and the words that Jesus had spoken)? His disciples (they) 2:22 From what was he raised (Jesus raised)? (From) The dead 2:22 What did his disciples recall (after he was raised from the dead)? What he (Jesus) had said 2:22 What did they believe (then)? The Scripture and the words that Jesus had spoken 2:22 Who had spoken (was raised from the dead, had said)? Jesus (he) 2:23 Where was he? (In) Jerusalem 7

8 2:23 At what was he (in Jerusalem)? (At the) Passover Feast 2:23 When did many people see the miraculous signs he was doing and believe in his name? (Now) While he was in Jerusalem at the Passover Feast 2:23 What did many people see he was doing (while he was in Jerusalem at the Passover Feast)? The miraculous signs 2:23 Who saw the miraculous signs he was doing and believed in his name (while he was in Jerusalem at the Passover Feast)? Many people 2:23 In what did many people believe (while he was in Jerusalem at the Passover Feast)? (In) His name 2:24 Who would not entrust himself to them for he knew all men? Jesus (he) 2:24 Why would Jesus not entrust himself to them? For he knew all men 2:24 Whom did he know (Jesus know)? All men 2:25 What did he not need? Man's testimony about man 2:25 Why did he not need man's testimony about man? For he knew what was in a man 2:25 What did he know? What was in a man 8

9 3:1 When was there a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus? Now 3:1 Who was there (now)? (A) Man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a member of the Jewish ruling council 3:1 Of what was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus a member? (Of) The Jewish ruling council 3:2 To whom did he come (at night)? (To) Jesus 3:2 When did he come to Jesus (and say)? (At) Night 3:2 What do we know you are? (A) Teacher who has come from God 3:2 Who has come from God? (You are a) Teacher 3:2 From whom have you come? (From) God 3:2 Who could perform the miraculous signs you are doing if God were not with him? No one 3:2 If what could no one perform the miraculous signs you are doing? (If) God were not with him 3:3 Who declared (in reply)? Jesus 3:3 How did Jesus declare? In reply 3:3 What do I tell you? The truth 3:3 Who can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again? No one 3:3 Unless what can no one see the kingdom of God? (Unless) He is born again 3:4 Who asked? Nicodemus 3:5 Who answered? Jesus 3:5 What do I tell you? The truth 3:5 Who can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit? No one 3:5 Unless what can no one enter the kingdom of God? (Unless) He is born of water and the Spirit 3:6 To what does flesh give birth? (To) Flesh 3:6 Who gives birth to spirit? The Spirit 3:6 To what does the Spirit give birth? (To) Spirit 3:7 At what should you not be surprised? (At) My saying 3:7 What must you be again? Born 3:7 When must you be born? Again 3:8 What blows wherever it pleases? The wind (it) 3:8 Where does the wind blow? Wherever it (the wind) pleases 3:8 What do you hear? Its sound 3:8 With whom is it so? (With) Everyone born of the Spirit 3:9 Who asked? Nicodemus 3:10 Who said? Jesus 3:10 What are you? Israel s teacher 3:11 What do I tell you? The truth 3:11 Of what do we speak? (Of) What we know 3:11 To what do we testify? (To) What we have seen 3:11 When do you people not accept our testimony? Still 3:11 Who do not accept our testimony (still)? You people 3:11 What do you people not accept (still)? Our testimony 3:12 Of what have I spoken to you? (Of) Earthly things 3:13 Who has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven, the Son of Man? No one 3:13 Where has no one ever gone except the one who came from heaven, the Son of Man? (Into) Heaven 9

10 3:13 Except whom has no one ever gone into heaven? (Except) The one who came from heaven, the Son of Man 3:13 Who came from heaven? (No one except) The one OR The Son of Man 3:14 How must the Son of Man be lifted up? Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the desert 3:14 Who must be lifted up? The Son of Man 3:14 What must the Son of Man be? Lifted up 3:14 Who lifted up the snake (in the desert)? Moses 3:14 Where did Moses lift up the snake? (In) The desert 3:14 What did Moses lift up (in the desert)? The snake 3:15 Who may have eternal life? Everyone who believes in him 3:15 What may everyone who believes in him have? Eternal life 3:16 Who so loved the world that he gave his one and only son? God (he) 3:16 Whom did God love? The world 3:16 Whom did he give (God give)? His one and only Son 3:16 Why did he give his one and only Son? God (so) loved the world (that) OR That whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life 3:16 Who shall not perish? Whoever believes in him (his one and only Son) 3:16 What shall whoever believes in him have (in his one and only Son have)? Eternal life 3:17 Who sent his Son into the world? God 3:17 Whom did God send into the world? His Son (him) 3:17 Why did God send his Son into the world? Not to condemn the world but to save the world through him 3:18 Who is not condemned? Whoever believes in him 3:18 What is whoever believes (in him)? Not condemned 3:18 Who stands condemned (already)? Whoever does not believe 3:18 How does whoever does not believe stand (already)? Condemned 3:18 Why does whoever does not believe stand condemned (already)? Because he has not believed in the name of God's one and only Son 3:18 When does whoever does not believe stand condemned? Already 3:18 In what has he not believed? (In him, in) The name of God's one and only Son 3:19 What is this? The verdict 3:19 What has come into the world (Instead of what have men loved darkness)? Light 3:19 Where has light come? (Into) The world 3:19 Who loved darkness instead of light? Men 3:19 Why did men love darkness instead of light? Because their deeds were evil 3:19 What were evil (darkness)? Their deeds 3:20 Who hates the light and will not come into the light? Everyone who does evil 3:20 What does everyone who does evil hate (OR Into what will everyone who does evil not come)? (Into) The light 3:20 Why will everyone who does evil not come into the light? For fear that his deeds will be exposed 3:21 Who comes into the light (has done)? Whoever lives by the truth (he) 3:21 Into what does whoever lives by the truth come? (Into) The light 3:21 Why does whoever lives by the truth come into the light? So that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God 3:21 What may be seen has been done through God (plainly, that)? What he has done 10

11 3:21 How may it be seen? Plainly 3:21 Through whom has what he has done been done? (Through) God 3:22 When did Jesus and his disciples go out into the Judean countryside? After this 3:22 Who went out into the Judean countryside (after this)? Jesus and his disciples 3:22 Where did Jesus and his disciples go where he spent some time with them (and baptized, after this)? Out into the Judean countryside 3:22 What did he spend with them (his disciples)? Some time 3:23 Who was baptizing (also, at Aenon near Salim)? John 3:23 Where was John baptizing (also)? (At) Aenon near Salim 3:23 Why was John baptizing at Aenon near Salim (also)? Because there was plenty of water and people were constantly coming to be baptized 3:23 What was there? Plenty of water 3:23 Who were coming to be baptized (constantly)? People 3:23 What were people coming to be (constantly)? Baptized 3:23 How were people coming to be baptized? Constantly 3:24 When was this? Before John was put in prison 3:24 Who was put in prison? John 3:24 In what was John put? (In) Prison 3:25 Between whom did an argument develop? (Between) Some of John's disciples and a certain Jew 3:25 Over what did an argument develop? (Over) The matter of ceremonial washing 3:26 To whom did they come and say? (To) John (him) 3:26 Who was with you (is baptizing)? (He) That man OR The one you testified about 3:26 Where was that man with you? (On) The other side of the Jordan 3:26 About whom did you testify (and everyone is going to him)? The one (him) OR That man who was with you on the other side of the Jordan 3:26 Who is going to him (the one you testified about, that man who was with you)? Everyone 3:27 Who replied to this? John 3:27 Who can receive what is given him from heaven (only)? (A) Man 3:27 What can a man receive? (Only) What is given him from heaven 3:28 What can you testify (yourselves, that)? I said ( I am not the Christ but am sent ahead of him ) 3:28 Who am I not? The Christ 3:28 How am I sent? Ahead (of him, the Christ) 3:29 Who belongs to the bridegroom? The bride 3:29 To whom does the bride belong? (To) The bridegroom 3:29 Who waits and listens for him and is full of joy and is full of joy when he hears the bridegroom's voice)? The friend who attends the bridegroom (he) 3:29 When is the friend who attends the bridegroom full of joy? When he hears the bridegroom's voice 3:29 What does he hear? The bridegroom s voice 3:29 What is the friend who attends the bridegroom? Full of joy 3:29 What is mine and is complete (now)? That joy 3:29 When is it complete (that joy complete)? Now 3:30 What must he become? Greater 3:30 What must I become? Less 11

12 3:31 Who is above all? The one who comes from above OR The one who comes from heaven 3:31 What is the one who comes from above (OR What is the one who comes from heaven)? Above all 3:31 Who belongs to the earth? The one who is from the earth 3:31 To where does the one who is from the earth belong? (To) The earth 3:31 How does the one from the earth speak? As one from the earth 3:32 To what does he testify? (To) What he has seen and heard 3:32 Who accepts his testimony? No one 3:32 What does no one accept? His testimony (to what he has seen and heard) 3:33 Who has certified that God is truthful? The man who has accepted it 3:33 What has the man who has accepted it certified that God is? Truthful 3:33 Who is truthful? God 3:34 Who speaks the words of God? The one whom God has sent 3:34 Whom has God sent? The one 3:34 What does the one whom God has sent speak? The words of God 3:34 Why does the one whom God has sent speak the words of God? For God gives the Spirit without limit 3:34 Who has sent the one (OR Who gives the Spirit without limit)? God 3:34 Whom does God give (without limit)? The Spirit 3:34 How does God give the Spirit? Without limit 3:35 Whom does the Father love? The Son 3:35 Who loves the Son and has placed everything in his hands? The Father 3:35 In what has the Father placed everything? In his hands 3:36 Who has eternal life? Whoever believes in the Son 3:35 Who will not see life (eternal life)? Whoever rejects the Son 3:36 What does whoever believes in the Son have but whoever rejects the son will not see? (Eternal) Life 3:36 Why will whoever rejects the Son not see life? For God's wrath remains on him 3:36 What remains on him? God's wrath 12

13 4:1 Who heard? The Pharisees 4:1 Who was gaining and baptizing more disciples than John? Jesus 4:1 What did the Pharisees hear (that)? Jesus was gaining and baptizing more disciples than John 4:1 Whom did the Pharisees hear was gaining and baptizing more disciples than John? Jesus 4:2 What was it? Not Jesus who baptized, but his disciples (who baptized) 4:2 Who baptized? Not Jesus OR His disciples 4:3 When did he leave Judea and go back to Galilee? When the Lord learned of this OR Once more 4:3 Where did he leave (when the Lord learned of this)? Judea 4:3 Who learned of this (left Judea and went back once more to Galilee)? The Lord (he) 4:3 Where did he go (once more, when the Lord learned of this)? Back to Galilee 4:4 Through where did he have to go (now)? (Through) Samaria 4:5 Where did he come? (To a) Town in Samaria called Sychar near the plot of ground Jacob had given to his son Joseph 4:5 What had Jacob given to his son Joseph? The plot of ground 4:5 To whom had Jacob given the plot (of ground)? (To) His son Joseph 4:5 Who had given the plot of ground (to his son Joseph)? Jacob 4:6 What was there (OR By what did Jesus sit down)? (The) Jacob's well 4:6 Who sat down (was tired)? Jesus (he) 4:6 From what was he tired (Jesus tired)? (From the) Journey 4:6 About when was it? (About the) Sixth hour 4:7 Who came? (A) Samaritan woman 4:7 Why did a Samaritan woman come? To draw water 4:7 When did Jesus say to her (a Samaritan woman)? When a Samaritan woman came to draw water 4:8 Who had gone into the town (to buy food)? His disciples 4:8 Where had his disciples gone? (Into the) Town 4:8 Why had his disciples gone into the town? To buy food 4:9 What are you? (A) Jew 4:9 What am I? (A) Samaritan 4:9 Who am I? (A Samaritan) Woman 4:9 Who do not associate with Samaritans? Jews 4:9 With whom do Jews not associate? (With) Samaritans 4:10 Who answered her? Jesus 4:10 If what would you have asked him and he would have given you living water? (If) You knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink 4:11 Who said? The woman 4:11 What do you have to draw with? Nothing 4:11 What is deep? The well 4:12 Who drank from it (the well)? Our father Jacob (himself gave us the well) OR (Also) His sons 4:12 What did our father Jacob give us and drink from himself, as did also his sons and his flocks and herds? The well (it) 4:13 Who answered? Jesus 4:13 Who will be thirsty again? Everyone who drinks this water 4:13 What will everyone who drinks this water be (again)? Thirsty 4:13 When will everyone who drinks this water be thirsty? Again 13

14 4:14 Who will never thirst? Whoever drinks the water I give him 4:14 When will whoever drinks the water I give him thirst? Never 4:14 What will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life? (The) Water I give him 4:15 Who said to him? The woman 4:15 What give me (sir)? (Give me) This water 4:15 Who give me this water? Sir 4:15 Why give me this water (sir)? So that I won't get thirsty and have to keep coming here to draw water 4:15 How won't I get? Thirsty 4:16 Call whom? (Call) Your husband 4:17 Whom do I have (OR Whom did you say you have)? No husband 4:17 Who said to her? Jesus 4:17 What are you (when you say you have no husband)? Right 4:17 When are you right? When you say you have no husband 4:17 What do you say? You have no husband 4:18 What is the fact? You have had five husbands and the man you (now) have is not your husband 4:18 Who is not your husband? The man you now have 4:18 Whom have you had? Five husbands 4:18 Whom is the man you have not (now)? Your husband 4:18 When is the man you have not your husband? Now 4:18 What is quite true? What you have (just) said 4:19 Who said? The woman 4:19 What can I see that you are (sir)? (A) Prophet 4:20 Who worshiped on this mountain? Our fathers 4:20 Where did our fathers worship? (On) This mountain 4:20 Who claim (that the place where we must worship is in Jerusalem)? You Jews 4:20 What do you Jews claim is in Jerusalem? (That) The place where we must worship 4:20 Where must we worship, you Jews claim? The place OR (In) Jerusalem 4:21 Who declared? Jesus 4:21 Who believe me? Woman 4:21 When is a time coming? When you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem 4:21 Where will you worship the Father (a time is coming)? Neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem 4:21 Whom will you worship (neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem)? The Father 4:22 Who worship what you do not know? You Samaritans 4:22 Whom do you Samaritans worship? (What) You do not know 4:22 Whom do we worship? (What) We do know 4:22 Why do we worship what we know? For salvation is from the Jews 4:22 What is from the Jews? Salvation 4:22 From whom is salvation? (From the) Jews 4:23 What is coming and has come (now)? (A) Time 4:23 When has a time come (and is coming)? Now OR When the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth 4:23 Who will worship the Father in spirit and truth? (The) True worshipers 4:23 Whom will the true worshipers worship in spirit and truth? The Father 14

15 4:23 How will the true worshipers worship the Father? In spirit and truth 4:23 Why will the true worshipers worship the Father in spirit and truth? For they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks 4:23 What are they (the true worshippers)? The kind of worshipers the Father seeks 4:23 Who seeks (the kind of worshipers)? The Father 4:24 What is God? Spirit 4:24 Who is spirit? God 4:24 Who must worship in spirit and in truth? His worshipers 4:24 How must his worshipers worship? In spirit and (in) truth 4:25 Who said? The woman 4:25 What do I know (that)? Messiah called Christ is coming OR When he comes, he will explain everything for us 4:25 Who is coming (will explain everything to us when he comes)? Messiah called Christ (he) 4:25 When will he explain everything to us? When he (Messiah, called Christ) comes 4:25 What will he explain to us (when he, Messiah called Christ, comes)? Everything 4:26 Who declared? Jesus 4:26 Who is he? (Jesus) I who speak to you 4:27 Who returned and were surprised (just then)? His disciples 4:27 Why were his disciples surprised (just then)? To find him talking with a woman 4:27 How were his disciples surprised to find him (just then)? Talking with a woman 4:27 When did his disciples return (and were surprised)? Just then 4:27 Who asked? No one 4:28 Leaving what did the woman go back to the town and say to the people? (Leaving) Her water jar 4:28 Who went back to the town and said to the people? The woman 4:28 Where did the woman go? Back to the town 4:28 To whom did the woman say? (To) The people 4:29 See whom? (See a) Man who told me everything I ever did 4:29 Who told me everything I ever did? (A) Man 4:29 What did a man tell me? Everything I ever did 4:30 Where did they come? Out of the town 4:30 What did they make (to him)? Their way 4:31 Who urged him (meanwhile)? His disciples 4:31 When did his disciples urge him? Meanwhile 4:31 Eat what (Rabbi)? (Eat) Something 4:31 Who eat something? Rabbi 4:32 What do I have that you know nothing about? Food to eat 4:33 Who said to each other (then)? His disciples 4:33 To whom did his disciples say? (To) Each other 4:34 What is my food? To do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work 4:34 Who said? Jesus 4:35 What do I tell you? Open your eyes and look at the fields 4:35 For what are they ripe? (For) Harvest 4:36 Who draws his wages (harvests the crop, even now)? The reaper (he) 4:36 When does the reaper draw his wages (OR When does he harvest the crop)? Even now 4:36 What does he harvest for eternal life (even now)? The crop 15

16 4:36 Why does he harvest the crop (even)? For eternal life so that the sower and the reaper may be glad together 4:36 Who may be glad together? The sower and the reaper 4:36 What may the sower and reaper be (together)? Glad 4:37 What is true? The saying OR One sows and another reaps 4:37 Who sows? One 4:37 Who reaps? Another 4:38 Why did I send you? To reap what you have not worked for 4:38 What did I send you to reap? What you have not worked for 4:38 Who have done the hard work? Others 4:38 What have others done? (The) Hard work 4:38 What have you reaped? The benefits of their labor 4:39 Who believed in him? Many of the Samaritans from that town 4:39 Why did many of the Samaritans from that town believe in him? Because of the woman's testimony 4:39 What did he tell me? Everything I (ever) did 4:40 When did they urge him to stay (with them)? (So) When the Samaritans came to him 4:40 Who came to him? The Samaritans 4:40 When did he stay? Two days 4:41 Why did many more become believers? Because of his words 4:41 What did many more become? Believers 4:41 Who became believers? Many more 4:42 To whom did they say? (To) The woman 4:42 Why do we believe? (No longer just) Because of what you said OR (Now) We have heard for ourselves and we know that this man rally is the Savior of the world 4:42 When do we believe just because of what you said? No longer 4:42 When have we heard for ourselves and we know that this man really is the Savior of the world? Now 4:42 What do we know that this man is (really)? (The) Savior of the world 4:42 Of whom is this man the Savior (really)? (Of) The world 4:42 Who is the Savior of the world (really)? This man 4:42 How is this man the Savior of the world? Really 4:43 When did he leave (for Galilee)? After (the) two days 4:43 For where did he leave (after the two days)? (For) Galilee 4:44 Who had pointed out? Jesus himself 4:44 What had Jesus himself pointed out that a prophet has in his own country? No honor 4:44 Where does a prophet have no honor? (In) his own country 4:44 Who has no honor in his own country? (A) Prophet 4:45 When did the Galileans welcome him? When he arrived in Galilee 4:45 Where did he arrive? (In) Galilee 4:45 Who welcomed him (had seen all that he had done in Jerusalem for they had been there)? The Galileans (they) 4:45 What had they seen (the Galileans seen)? All that he had done at the Passover Feast 4:45 Where had they seen (for they had also been)? (There, in) Jerusalem 4:45 Why had they seen all that he had done in Jerusalem at the Passover Feast? For they (the Galileans) also had been there 16

17 4:46 When did he visit Cana in Galilee? Once more 4:46 Where did he visit where he had turned the water into wine? Cana in Galilee (there) 4:46 Into what had he turned the water? (Into) Wine 4:46 Who was there (Cana in Galilee)? (A) certain royal official (whose son lay sick at Capernaum) 4:47 When did he go to him and beg him? When this man heard that Jesus had arrived in Galilee from Judea 4:47 Who heard (went to him, Jesus, and begged him)? This man (he) 4:47 What did this man hear (that)? Jesus had arrived in Galilee from Judea 4:47 Who had arrived in Galilee from Judea? Jesus 4:47 Where had Jesus arrived? (In) Galilee OR From Judea 4:47 Why did he come to him and beg him (Jesus)? To come and heal his son 4:47 To heal whom did he beg him (Jesus)? (To heal) His son 4:47 Who was close to death? His son 4:47 To what was his son close? (To) Death 4:48 Unless what will you never believe? (Unless) You people see miraculous signs and wonders 4:48 Who told him? Jesus 4:49 Who said? The royal official 4:49 Before when come down (sir)? (Before) My child dies 4:49 Who come down (before my child dies)? Sir 4:50 Who replied? Jesus 4:50 Who will live? Your son 4:50 Who took Jesus at his word and departed? The man 4:50 At what did the man take Jesus? (At) His word 4:50 Whom did the man take at his word (and depart)? Jesus 4:51 When did his servants meet him with the news that his boy was living? While he was still on the way 4:51 Who met him with the news (while he was still on the way)? His servants 4:51 With what did his servants meet him (while he was still on the way)? (With) The news that his boy was living 4:51 Who was living? His boy 4:51 On what was he (still)? (On) The way 4:52 When did they say to him? When he inquired as to the time when his son got better 4:52 Who got better? His son 4:52 As to what did he inquire? (As to) The time when his son got better 4:52 What left him (yesterday at the seventh hour)? The fever 4:52 When did the fever leave him? Yesterday at the seventh hour 4:53 Who realized (that this was the exact time at which Jesus had said to him, then)? The father 4:53 What did the father realize that this was (then)? The exact time at which Jesus had said to him 4:53 When was this? The exact time at which Jesus had said to him 4:53 Who had said to him? Jesus 4:53 Who will live? Your son 4:53 Who believed? He and all his household 4:53 Why did he and all his household believe? (Then) The father realized that this was the exact time at which Jesus had said to them (so) 4:54 What was this that Jesus performed? The second miraculous sign 17

18 4:54 Who performed this (the second miraculous sign)? Jesus 18

19 5:1 When did Jesus go up to Jerusalem? Some time later 5:1 Who went up to Jerusalem (some time later)? Jesus 5:1 Where did Jesus go (some time later)? Up to Jerusalem 5:1 Why did Jesus go up to Jerusalem (some time later)? For a feast of the Jews 5:2 What is there in Jerusalem near the Sheep Gate which in Aramaic is called Bethesda and which is surrounded by five covered colonnades? (A) Pool 5:2 Where is a pool? (There in) Jerusalem near the Sheep Gate 5:3 Where did a great number of disabled people used to lie? Here 5:3 Who used to lie here? (A) Great number of disabled people OR The blind, the lame, the paralyzed 5:5 Who had been an invalid for 38 years? One who was there 5:5 What had one who was there been for 38 years? (An) Invalid 5:5 When had one who was there been an invalid? 38 years 5:6 Who saw him lying there and learned that he had been in this condition for a long time (asked him)? Jesus (he) 5:6 What did Jesus learn that he had been in for a long time? This condition 5:6 When had he been in this condition? (For a) Long time 5:6 When did he ask him? When Jesus saw him lying there and learned that he had been in this condition for a long time 5:7 Who replied? The invalid 5:7 Whom do I have (to help me into the pool, when the water is stirred)? No one 5:7 When do I have no one to help me into the pool? When the water is stirred 5:7 What is stirred? The water 5:7 When does someone else go down ahead of me? While I am trying to get in 5:7 Who goes down ahead of me (while I am trying to get in)? Someone else 5:7 Where does someone else go (while I am trying to get in)? Down ahead of me 5:8 Pick up what (and walk)? (Pick up) Your mat 5:8 Who said to him (then)? Jesus 5:9 When was the man cured (he cured)? At once 5:9 Who was cured (picked up his mat and walked)? The man (he) 5:9 What did he pick up (the man pick up)? His mat (and walked) 5:9 When was the day on which this took place? (A) Sabbath 5:10 Who said to the man who had been healed? The Jews 5:10 To whom did the Jews say? (To the) Man who had been healed 5:10 Who had been healed? The man 5:10 What had the man been? Healed 5:10 When is it? The Sabbath 5:10 What forbids you to carry your mat? The law 5:11 Who said to me? The man who made me well 5:11 Pick up what (and walk)? (Pick up) Your mat 5:11 What did the man make me? Well 5:12 Who told you to pick it up and walk? This fellow 5:13 Who had no idea who it was? The man who was healed 5:13 What did the man who was healed have? No idea who it was 5:13 Why did the man who was healed have no idea who it was? For Jesus had slipped away into the crowd that was there 19

20 5:13 Who had slipped away? Jesus 5:13 Into what had Jesus slipped away? (Into) The crowd that was there 5:13 Who was there? The crowd 5:14 Who found him at the temple and said to him (later)? Jesus 5:14 When did Jesus find him at the temple and say to him? Later 5:14 At what had Jesus found him (later)? (At) The temple 5:14 What are you (again, see)? Well 5:14 When are you well (see)? Again 5:14 Stop what? (Stop) Sinning 5:14 Why stop sinning? Or something worse may happen to you 5:14 What may happen to you? Something worse 5:15 Where did the man go? Away 5:15 Who went away and told the Jews? The man 5:15 Whom did the man tell? The Jews 5:15 What did the man tell the Jews (that)? It was Jesus who had made him well 5:15 Who had made him well? Jesus 5:16 Why did the Jews persecute him? (So) Because Jesus was doing these things on the Sabbath 5:16 Who was doing these things on the Sabbath? Jesus 5:16 What was Jesus doing on the Sabbath? These things 5:16 When was Jesus doing these things? (On) The Sabbath 5:16 Who persecuted him? The Jews 5:17 Who said to them? Jesus 5:17 Who is at his work (always, to this very day)? My Father 5:17 At what is my Father (always, to this very day)? (At) His work 5:17 When is my Father at his work? Always OR (To) This very day 5:18 Why did the Jews try all the harder to kill him? For this reason OR Not only was he breaking the Sabbath but he was (even) calling God his own Father, making himself equal with God 5:18 Who tried to kill him (all the harder)? The Jews 5:18 How did the Jews try to kill him? All the harder 5:18 What was he breaking (not only)? The Sabbath 5:18 Whom was he calling his own Father (making himself even with)? God 5:18 What was he calling God (making himself equal with God)? His (own) Father (even) 5:19 Who gave them this answer? Jesus 5:19 What did Jesus give them? This answer 5:19 What do I tell you? The truth 5:19 Who can do nothing by himself (OR Who does whatever the Father does)? The Son (he) 5:19 What can the Son do by himself? Nothing 5:19 How can the Son do nothing? By himself 5:19 What can he do (the Son do)? (Only) What he see his Father doing 5:19 Why can he do only what he sees his Father doing? Because whatever the Father does the Son also does 5:19 What does the Son also do? Whatever the Father does 5:20 Who loves the Son and shows him all he does (will show him even greater things than these)? The Father (he) 5:20 Whom does the Father love (he will show greater things than these)? The Son (him) 5:20 What does the Father show him (the Son)? All he does 20

21 5:20 How will he show him greater things than these (even)? To your amazement 5:20 What will he show him (the Father show the Son)? (Even) Greater things than these 5:21 How does the Son give life to whom he is pleased to give it? Just as the Father raises the dead and gives them life, even so 5:21 Who raises the dead and gives them life? The Father 5:21 Whom does the Father raise and give life? The dead (them) 5:21 What does the Father give them (OR What does the Son give to whom he is pleased to give it)? Life (it) 5:21 Who gives life to whom he is pleased to give it? The Son 5:21 To whom does the Son give life? (To) Whom he is pleased to give (it, life) 5:22 Who judges no one but has entrusted all judgment to the Son? The Father 5:22 Whom does the Father judge? No one 5:22 What has the Father entrusted to the Son? All judgment 5:22 To whom has the Father entrusted all judgment? (To) The Son 5:23 Who may honor the Son just as they honor the Father? (They) All 5:23 Whom may all honor? The Son 5:23 Whom do they honor? The Father 5:23 How may all honor the Son? Just as they honor the Father 5:23 Who does not honor the Father? He who does not honor the Son 5:23 Whom does he who does not honor the Son not honor? The Father (who sent him) 5:23 Who sent him (the Son)? The Father 5:24 What do I tell you? The truth 5:24 Who has eternal life and will not be condemned? Whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me 5:24 What does whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me have? Eternal life 5:24 What will whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me not be? Condemned 5:24 From what has he crossed (over)? (From) Death 5:24 To what has he crossed (over)? (To) Life 5:24 Where has he crossed? Over (from death to life) 5:25 What do I tell you? The truth 5:25 What is coming and has now come? (A) Time 5:25 When is a time coming and has come? Now OR When the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God and those who hear will live 5:25 Who will hear the voice of the Son of God? The dead 5:25 Who will live? Those who hear 5:25 What will the dead hear? The voice of the Son of God 5:26 Who has life in himself (has granted the Son to have life in himself)? The Father (he) 5:26 What has he granted the Son to have in himself as the Father has in himself? Life 5:26 How has he granted the Son to have life in himself? As the Father has life in himself 5:26 Whom has he granted (to have life in himself)? The Son 5:27 What has he given him? Authority 5:27 Who is he? The Son of Man 5:27 Why has he given him authority? To judge because he is the Son of Man 5:28 Do not what? (Do not) Be amazed at this 5:28 What is coming? (A) Time 5:28 Why do not be amazed at this? For a time is coming when all who are in their graves will hear 21

22 his voice 5:28 When is a time coming? When all who are in their graves will hear his voice 5:28 Who will hear his voice? All who are in their graves 5:28 What will all who are in their graves hear? His voice 5:29 Who will rise? Those who have done good (to live) OR Those who have done evil (to be condemned) 5:29 Why will those who have done good rise? To live 5:29 Why will those who have done evil rise? To be condemned 5:30 How can I do nothing? By myself 5:30 What can I do by myself? Nothing 5:30 How do I judge? Only as I hear 5:30 What is just? My judgment 5:30 Why is my judgment just? For I seek not to please myself but him who sent me 5:30 Whom do I seek to please? (Not myself but) Him who sent me 5:31 If what is my testimony not valid? (If) I testify about myself 5:32 Who testifies in my favor? Another 5:32 How does another testify? In my favor 5:32 What do I know is valid about me? (That) His testimony 5:33 To whom have you sent? (To) John 5:33 To what has he testified? (To) The truth 5:34 What do I not accept? Human testimony 5:34 Why do I mention it (human testimony, John has testified to the truth)? That you may be saved 5:34 What may you be? Saved 5:35 Who was a lamp that burned and gave light? John 5:35 What was John? (A) Lamp that burned and gave light 5:35 What did you choose to enjoy (for a time)? His light 5:35 When did you choose to enjoy his light? (For a) Time 5:36 Weightier than what do I have testimony? (Weightier than) That (testimony) of John 5:36 What testifies that the Father has sent me? The very work that the Father has given me to finish and which I am doing 5:36 Who has sent me? The Father 5:36 Why do I have testimony weightier than that of John? For the very work that the Father has given me to finish, and which I am doing, testifies that the Father has sent me 5:37 Who has testified concerning me? The Father who send me (himself) 5:37 What have you never heard? His voice 5:37 What have you never seen (nor)? His form 5:37 When have you heard his voice (nor seen his form)? Never 5:38 Whom do you not believe? The one he sent 5:39 How do you study the Scriptures? Diligently 5:39 What do you study (OR What testify about me)? (These are) The Scriptures 5:39 What do you think that you possess? Eternal life 5:39 Why do you study the Scriptures (diligently)? Because you think that by them you possess eternal life 5:39 How do you think that you possess eternal life? By them 5:41 What do I not accept from men? Praise 22

23 5:41 From whom do I not accept praise? (From) Men 5:42 What do I know that you do not have in your hearts? The love of God 5:43 How have I come? In my Father's name 5:43 If what will you accept him? (If) Someone else comes in his own name 5:45 Do not what? (Do not) Think I will accuse you before the Father 5:45 Before whom will I not accuse you? (Before) The Father 5:45 Who is your accuser? Moses 5:45 What is Moses? Your accuser 5:45 On whom are your hopes set? (On) Moses 5:45 What are set on Moses? Your hopes 5:46 If what would you believe me? (If) You believed Moses 5:46 Why would you believe me if you believed Moses? For he (Moses) wrote about me 5:47 What do you not believe? What he wrote 23

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