Early Elementary/ Preteen

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1 Early Elementary/ Preteen The Building of the Tabernacle CHILDREN S REACHING IN LOVE LESSON Scripture: Exodus 25:1-9, 35:4-36:1-7 Lesson Goal: Students will thank God for providing a place for them to serve and worship God. Lesson Objectives: Students will be able to Describe God s purpose for the tabernacle. Identify how God provided the materials for the tabernacle. Realize that the Holy Spirit equips people with skills to accomplish His purposes. Identify Biblical principles related to giving Key Verse: Take from among you a contribution to the Lord. Whoever is of a generous heart, let him bring the Lord s contribution: gold, silver, and bronze Exodus 35:5 Application Praise God that he accomplishes His purposes. Praise God for the body of Christ at SMRBC and the ministries of our church that bring God Glory. Pray for God to give you a generous heart. PREPARE with the Truth Lesson Introduction Students have recently completed a comprehensive study of the Old Testament. There were three times in the Old Testament we see the people of God working together to build a place to worship God. Moses, under God s direction, led the people to build the tabernacle where they would worship God and sacrifice to Him. Solomon led the Israelites in the building and dedication of the Temple in Jerusalem. And the Jews returning from exile began work on rebuilding the Temple again. Each time, the work took sacrifice not just from Kings, but from all of God s people. They gave time, talents and skills, and other gifts to see the work done. God had a purpose for these buildings. God wanted the Israelites to have a central place to worship Him and remember that He was with them.

2 Since Jesus came and we have the Holy Spirit, we re now able to worship God in any place and to know He is always with us, living in us as believers. But God still has a purpose for us in Matthew 28:18-20 he tells us to make disciples of all nations. He wants people from everywhere to hear the news that He loves them, that Jesus died for their sins, and that He has made a way for them to be reconciled to Him. As a church we are reaching out to our community we want people all over Glen Allen to hear the message and to be able to be a part of God s people worshipping together. The last two Sundays in November will be a time for our church to renew our commitment to our building campaign. Pastor Jim will be preaching messages in our Sunday morning services related to need for more space and how a new building will allow us to continue reaching out in love to our community. It is the desire of our Church to do what is necessary to exalt Christ in our community. I have decided to use the building of the tabernacle as the focus of our lesson this week. The Generations of Grace curriculum lesson God Ordains the Tabernacle may help you in preparing for today s lesson. It will be available for download and reference on the smrbckids.com website. God had a purpose for the tabernacle, and He led His people to give and sacrifice to build it. God also has a purpose for our church, and has led us to look for ways to make more space for more people to come to know Him and worship Him here. Bible Background God s announcing the Ten Commandments was preceded by the dramatic, visible descent of His presence upon Mount Sinai. Sinai was covered with smoke because the Lord descended upon it in fire (Ex. 19:18). The Israelites were terrified as they heard the trumpet blast and felt the ground shake (Ex. 19:16 20). When God spoke the Ten Commandments to the people, the people responded by begging God to no longer speak with them and instead sent Moses to mediate between themselves and God. When Moses returned from the mountain, the people promised, All that the Lord has said we will do, and be obedient (Ex. 24:7). God entered into a covenant relationship with the people of Israel; they would be His treasure among the nations, a kingdom of priests, and a holy nation (Ex. 19:5 6). But God had more to reveal to the people about His relationship with them. The Lord called Moses to go up the mountain once again (Ex. 24:12). For six days, Moses waited below a cloud that covered the mountain while God s glory rested upon the mountain (24:15 16). The Israelites saw God s glory like a consuming fire (24:17). On the seventh day, God called to Moses from the cloud. Moses went into the cloud and stayed there for 40 days and nights (24:18). The Lord spoke to Moses and revealed to him the plans for a sanctuary, a sacred place where God would dwell among the people (25:8). Moses reaction is not recorded, but how amazing the very idea must have seemed. God was completely different than the people. The Israelites were not even allowed to go up the mountain because of God s holiness. The people had seen God s presence revealed in fire and smoke, thunder and earthquakes. They were rightly terrified of God. Not only was God unapproachable in His splendor and power, but also God s righteous commands would soon be broken by the Israelites. How could God s hatred of sin allow Him to dwell among a sinful people without destroying them? The tabernacle, as designed by God, was God s

3 revelation of how He would dwell among His people. The tabernacle was a continuous testimony to the holiness, justice, and grace of God. 1 Collection of Materials: Exodus 25:1-9 In this passage selection Moses is commanded to take an offering from the people for the purpose of the tabernacle. It was to be a voluntary gift as verse 2 emphasizes. It also lists specific materials that went into the building of the tabernacle (verses 3-7). The sanctuary (verse 8) refers to the holy place set apart for God to dwell. An important thing to remember is that the sanctuary was to be built according to the pattern that God would show Moses in passages to follow. Israel s ability to make a contribution for the sanctuary was most likely possible through the precious metals that the people brought out of Egypt. See Exodus 3:21-22, 11:2, 12:35-36 Contributions to the Tabernacle and its construction: Exodus 35:4-36:1-7 Chapters of Exodus explain the instructions for building the tabernacle. Then chapters show the implementation of building it. In this passage of scripture, the materials needed are restated almost identically to that which was listed earlier. This passage contains not only a call for the supplies needed for the tabernacle and the priests clothing, but also a call for the craftsmen (35:10). There is a repeated emphasis in this passage on the people s desire to contribute. God had commanded the building of the Tabernacle, but the contributions came from those of a generous heart (v. 5), Everyone whose heart stirred him and everyone whose spirit moved him was called to give (v. 21). This involved All who were of a willing heart (v. 22), whose hearts stirred them (v.26), and whose heart moved them to bring anything for the work that the Lord had commanded (v. 29). In 35:30-36:1, we learn about Bezalel and Oholiab and other craftsmen called to oversee the design and construction of the tabernacle. The Spirit of God empowered them for this task (v.31). Moses called for the craftsmen, and everyone whose heart stirred him up to come to do the work (36:2) The same emphasis is placed on the heart of the craftsmen as those able to give contributions. God desired a generous and willing heart in gifts and labor. Finally this section of scripture reveals that the people gave so generously that Moses had to tell them to stop giving because they had all the resources they needed to complete the work (36:6-7). POINT to the Truth The section includes ideas to prepare students for this week s lesson Activity: Principles on Giving: Assign students or groups a passage to look up that relates to giving. Ask students to report to the group what their passage teaches them about giving. What truth or principles can they conclude? Suggested passages: 1 Generations of Grace lesson on Exodus God Ordains the Tabernacle

4 2 Corinthians 8:1-7 (Giving should be an act of grace) Deuteronomy 24: (Giving should show mercy) 2 Corinthians 9:7-9 (God loves a cheerful giver) Philippians 4:15-20 (Giving meets a need) Luke 12: (Be on guard against covetousness; be rich toward God) 1 Corinthians 16:1-4 (Giving should be done regularly) Matthew 25: (Giving to others is giving to God) Activity: Is there a need?: Bring in pictures that depict a need. Examples might include a picture of a homeless man on the street, someone who looks afraid or sad, or a picture of a recent natural disaster. But be sure to also bring in pictures that depict people doing normal everyday tasks. Ask students if there is a need? Ask them how could they help? Spend some time with the students discussing the possible ways they could help. Try not to focus only on financial ways to help. If the children say no, after asking, is there a need? Remind them that people s needs are not always visible. When we look at our community, Glen Allen, what needs do the children see? Remind students that needs are not always physical. People may have emotional needs. People need friends. Everyone needs to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ. Activity: Using our Skills Together: Give each of the kids a part or piece that can be used with the others to make a whole. For younger children, this can be as simple as giving pieces of a classroom puzzle, or cut up pieces of one of the lesson pictures. You might even give them pieces of legos or blocks, and tell them to build a robot or house together. For older children, consider a project that needs different pieces to complete. For example, at the beginning of class, give different children a ruler, a pencil, a big piece of paper, different colors of construction paper, a pair of scissors, cotton balls, and glue sticks. Ask them to work together, using their skills to create a 3D scene. Variation: Have students create a scene from their favorite Old Testament Bible story. This would be another opportunity to review previous lessons. At the end ask if they each used their skills or gift. Ask if any of them didn t know what to do with it, or didn t like what they had, or thought that someone else got something better. Ask if they re happy with what they made, or if using someone s gift differently could have made it better. Ask if anyone didn t want to give up their gift for the group to use. Variation: Hide the objects/pieces around the room and let the students look for pieces to their project. Each child can only retrieve one item to use for their project. Activity: Giving From What God Has Given Us: (materials: Bag of skittles or M&M s, some kind of money ) As the kids come into class, give them each 3 coins, tokens, or pieces of paper money such as construction paper squares. Tell them that in a few minutes, they can use their money to buy a skittle. Each skittle will cost 1 piece of money. Before allowing them to buy, though tell them that you would like to share some candy with the teachers, Sunday School helpers, parents, or another class but you don t have any more money. Tell them that all of their money came from you, and that it would make you happy to see them share some of that money back to use like you want to Allow those students who wish to share their money to do so. After the story use this example to explain our church offerings giving back some of what God has given us and what truly belongs to Him. We give it for Him to use, out of gratitude, a desire to serve, and because He asks it of us.

5 Variation: rather than telling them what you want to use the money for, just tell them that you gave them the money, but it would make you happy if they shared some of that money to use for what you d like them to. You can then use the money to buy snack, or to complete an art project, or for some other classenriching task. Proclaim the Truth Introduction: Begin today s lesson by asking the students a question: What will you give God? or What can you give God? Instruct them not to answer aloud, but ask them to remember their answer. You might have them record their answer on an index card and put it away for later. Today we will learn about the construction of the tabernacle. After leaving Egypt, the people of God, the Israelites, were commanded to build a place where God could come and live among them. God gave specific instructions and the materials needed for the completion of the tabernacle. Some of the resources needed to complete the project once belonged to the Egyptians and were now in the possession of the Israelites. God had promised that the Israelites would leave Egypt with great wealth. (Read Exodus 3:21-22 and 12:36 or remind the students of these passages) Now the people would be asked to give to God a portion of what he had given them. Read selected passages from Exodus 25:1-9 and Exodus 35:4-36:7 Lead-Off Questions LOQ: What did God command Moses and the Israelites to do? Answer: The people were to give a contribution or offering and build a place for God to dwell, a sanctuary (v.8). LOQ: What was the purpose of the tabernacle? Answer: God desired to dwell among his people (v.8). LOQ: What were some of the items needed for the tabernacle? Answer: Gold, silver, bronze, blue and purple yarns, fine linens, goats hair, tanned rams skins, goat skins, acacia wood, oil for the lamps, spices, incense, onyx stones, and other stones. LOQ: How did God instruct the people to give these offerings? Was it mandatory or required? Answer: God desired that the people give with a generous heart. God began by requesting a contribution from the people. He did not command compulsory giving. LOQ: Where did these items come from? Answer: The Israelites plundered the Egyptians when leaving Egypt. LOQ: What motivated the people to give so generously? Answer: (Answers may vary) Gratitude was most likely a motivation. The Israelites had been delivered out of slavery. God had also renewed his covenant with his people (Ex. 34:10). The contributions were collected after the golden calf incident. God had been gracious and merciful to the people. The people gave out of a desire to obey. God had commanded the building of the tabernacle.

6 LOQ: God not only called for a contribution of materials. What else was needed to complete the building of the tabernacle? Answer: People; skilled craftsmen (men and women v. 22, 25). Emphasize to students that God uses people for his purposes. LOQ: Who were the two men called to oversee the design and construction of the tabernacle? Answer: Bezalel and Oholiab LOQ: What was given to these men to help with their task? Answer: They were filled with the Spirit of God and the skill, intelligence, and knowledge to complete the work on the tabernacle. LOQ: Did God only use Bezalel and Oholiab for this job? Answer: No Ex. 36:2 states that, every craftsmen in whose mind the Lord had put skill, everyone whose heart stirred him up to come to do the work. LOQ: Once construction began, did the people continue to give? Answer: Yes The people continued to bring freewill offerings every morning. LOQ: What did the craftsmen report to Moses related to the contributions from the people? Answer: The craftsmen reported that the people had given more than enough for what the Lord had commanded them to do. In other words, they had an abundance of resources. LOQ: What did Moses command the people after receiving this report from the builders? Answer: Moses had to command the people to stop giving. They had everything that was needed to build the tabernacle. Summary God commanded the people of Israel to build a tabernacle, so that he could dwell or live among them. A holy God desired to take up residence with his people. The tabernacle with all of its furniture and the process for bringing sinners and our holy God together is an amazing study. Today s lesson was intended to focus on one aspect of the tabernacle, its construction. In his book, Exalting Jesus in Exodus, Tony Merida says The instructions for the tabernacle began with a heart-check. God is first and foremost concerned with the heart. He began by requesting a contribution from the people.god does not force your worship and giving, but He calls for it. God requested specific materials. They were unique and valuable. However, God had provided and given the people these resources when they left Egypt. God was now asking the people to give back a portion to Him in order that His plans be completed. The same is true of us today. We are not building a tabernacle, but our mission, as a church, is to make God s Glory known. We have been given a command also. Jesus told us to make disciples of all nations- to make his glory known everywhere. To call others to repentance and saving faith in Jesus Christ. Application The apostle Paul said, Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver 2 Corinthians 9:7. This is the heart we need to pray that God would give each of us. The Israelites lived this out. The fact that Moses had to command the Israelites to stop giving is amazing!!! Generous giving comes from a heart that has experienced God s grace. Do you have a generous heart? Do you desire to please God with the resources he has given you? If not, what could be the reason?

7 The Israelites were not only called to give supplies, but skills were necessary too. The craftsmen used their talents, skills, and knowledge for God s glory. This required their time as well. Biblical Stewardship involves us managing that which God has given to us. When we speak of stewardship, we are not only speaking of money, but also of our time, our talents, our skills, our mind, our body, the Gospel, and much more. And we should care for all of the things that God has given us in the way that He wants us to, doing our best and committing it all to Him. We started today s lesson with the question, What will you give God? Yes, money is important to God s work. But, what were the Israelites giving God? They were giving what God gave them. Gold and fancy threads that they had received from Egypt. Children need to ask, What resources has God given me? How can they use those resources and return a portion to Him? Practice the Truth Highlight SMRBC Ministries: Ask students to recall or list the many ways that our church makes God s glory known in our community. Have any of the students participated in these ministries? Use this time to highlight a ministry or two of our church. Share with the children how this ministry is fulfilling God s command to make disciples of all nations. Spend time praying for this ministry as a class. If time permits, ask a ministry leader to come in and share with your class about this ministry. Here is a list of some of the outreach ministries of our church. Homeless ministry and Bible study English Clubs Johnson Elementary- food collection Lamb s basket-food collection Partnership with Richmond Story Fellowship Deaf church Partnership with Seed International Church African church Partnership with Kachin Fellowship Burmese church Celebrate Recovery Greif Share These ministries and others in our church rely on people s skills, talents, time and money. As our Reaching in Love capital campaign continues remind students how a new building would allow for more space and growth to our church body. This will require more resources but it will also increase our ministry capabilities. Class project: Brainstorm together as a class or in groups an idea to meet a felt need in our community or world. The students should identify the need and share how they can meet the need using the resources God has given them. If students elect to take up a special offering, ask them how they intend to get the money. Encourage them to do more than just ask Mom or Dad for the money. Will it require doing extra chores, or asking their parents not to do something special? We recycle cans at my house and place the money in our Lottie Moon Christmas Offering container. Our church has several different ministries that could always use extra resources. Students could do a sock drive for the homeless ministry, or bring in canned food for the Lamb s Basket.

8 What are our Skills? God has given each of us many things that we can use to serve Him. Ask the class to list things that God has given us that we can give or use for His glory? ( Possible answers: our talents and skills [ask them to name some specifically], money, food, homes, our minds, bodies, the earth, natural resources, cars, a church building, a church family ) Explain to them that God also gave us our minds and bodies, along with the ability to learn skills and knowledge to serve Him


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