Grade X Act II Scene 5 Shylock s Leave-Taking of Jassica

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1 Grade X Act II Scene 5 Shylock s Leave-Taking of Jassica 1. What changes will Launcelot find when he works for Bassanio, according to Shylock? Ans. According to Shylock, Launcelot will find that he will not be able to eat as much as he was in Shylock s house, or lie so long lazily slumbering, or wear out so many suits. 2. Why is Shylock calling out to Jessica? Why is Launcelot also saying, Why, Jessica!? Ans. Shylock is calling out to Jessica impatiently as she is not appearing after being called repeatedly. He wants to give her the keys of the house before leaving for Bassanio s house. Launcelot is also calling out to her as he has to give her the message from Lorenzo. 3. What reasons does Shylock give for being invited by Bassanio to supper? Ans. Shylock says that Bassanio and his friends have invited him not for his company, but merely to deceive him into thinking they esteem him highly or to coax him into being indulgent to them. 4. What reason does Shylock give for his acceptance of Bassanio s invitation? Explain. Ans. Shylock says that he will go as their enemy, and eat the food of the extravagant Chrisitain, Bassanio. This is one of Shylock s plot against Christians. He will dine with them to make them spend money and make them poorer. He will return hatred for hatred although he had resolved not to eat, drink or pray with them. 5. Why is Bassanio called the prodigal Christian? Ans. Bassanio is very wasteful, and he is now spending money extravagantly which he has borrowed from Shylock. So Shylock calls him prodigal Christian. Prodigal is a reference to the prodigal son described in the bible who wasted his share of wealth by lavish & careless living. 6. Why is Shylock unwilling to go? Ans. Shylock is unwilling to go as he feels a prenomination of some misfortune about to take place. The previous night he had dream about money-bags. To dream about money and all kinds of coins is a bad omen. 6. i. Give the meaning of: a. I am not bid for love: I am not invited out of love. b. I am right loath to go: I hate to accept the invitation to dinner. ii. How do Jessica and Lorenzo take advantage of Shylock s absence from home iii. during dinner? Ans. Jessica and Lorenzo taking advantage of Shylock s absence from home makes a plan to elope. Jessica uses the occasion to leave home with her father s money and jewellery. Lorenzo uses the occasion to arrange the masquerade in which Jessica will be the torchbearer and thus easily elope with him. What sort of a bad omen did Shylock have which made him think that there is some evil being plotted against him? Ans. Shylock had a dream about money bags on the previous night. To dream about money and all kinds of coins was considered as a bad omen. This made Shylock think that there was some evil being plotted against him. 7. What is the disaster that is about to take place in Shylock s life? Ans. The disaster that is about to take place is the desertion of his daughter and her taking considerable wealth from the house in the shape of jewels and ducats. 8. Explain Launcelot s words: My young master doth expect your reproach? Ans. Launcelot means to tell Shylock that his young master, SigniorBassanio, is looking fo his approach.

2 9. What is Shylock s reply? Ans. Shylock plays on the misused word reproach. He says that he expects Bassanio s reproach if the scheme against Antonio succeeds. He knows how hw will reproach him. Shylock s remark is significant. 10. Why does Launcelot say that his nose fell a-bleeding? Ans. There was a superstition that if the nose began to bleed it was a sign of bad luck. Since Shylock speaks about the penominations of evil that he has had, so Launcelot makes up a prenomination, just to make fun Shylock. 11. How does Launcelot make fun of Shylock s superstitious beliefs in dreams and omens? Ans. Launcelot says that there is a plan afoot among Bassanio s guests to get up a masque. He is not quite sure if it will be actually carried out. If it is, he has got an indication of it in the bleeding of his nose which happened last Easter Monday early in the morning, occurring as it did on the Ash Wednesday four years ago in the afternoon. The Latter part of his speech about Easter Monday till the end is full of absurd contradictions. He first says that this event, the bleeding of his nose, happened last year. Then he says, it happened four years ago. At first he says it took place in the morning, and then he says, it happened in the afternoon. He deliberately talks this nonsense just to make fun of Shylock s superstitious beliefs. 12. Explain Ash Wednesday. Ans. The first day of Lent always falls on a Wednesday. Lent is a period of forty days, a period of prayer and penance in preparation for Easter. On Ash Wednesday, Catholics smear their foreheads with ashes to remind them that man was made from dust and he will return to dust. So this day is called Ash Wednesday. It is absurd of Launcelot to talk of Easter Monday and Ash Wednesday falling at the time as there is period of forty days between them. 13. How does Shylock react when he is told that there will be masques? Ans. When Shylock is told that there will be masques, he is alarmed for fear such revels may become unruly. Moreover, he hates their silly frivolity which he feels is alien to him and which he identifies with the Christians. He immediately gives a warning to Jessica. He tells her to fasten up the doors of the house securely. He tells her not to go up to the windows when she hears the drums and the shrill notes of the fife. He tells her not to stretch her neck out over the public street to gaze on Christian fools with painted faces. She has close up all the windows so that no sounds of foolish, displays may enter his serious house hold. 14. Explain they wry-neck d fife. Ans. Wry-neck d means crooked-necked. This phrase has two meanings. The fife, a small flute, is played sideways like the flute. So the phrase may refer to the player who twits his head to one side while playing the fife. The phrase may also refer to the instrument which in Shakespeare s time had a curved mouthpiece like a bird s beak. 15. Explain varnished faces. What does Shylock reply. Ans. The word varnished means painted. So varnished faces refers to the masks which are painted and worn by the actors in a masque. Shylock is implying that a person who wears these masks is deceptive and double-faced since the painted faces cannot show the feelings behind them. 16. What does Launcelot whisper to Jessica as he leaves? Ans. As he leaves, Launcelot whispers to Jessica, that in spite of all that has been said by her father, she must surely look out at the casement, for a certain Christian will by and he will be well worth her looking for. 17. Explain Hagar s offspring. Ans. Hagar was the maid of Sarah, Abraham s wife. She was taken by Abraham as his wife, and had a son called Ishmael. When Ishmael mocked Isaac, Abraham was compelled by Sarah to cast out Hagar and her son Ishmael from his family. Ishmael became the ancestor of the Ishmaelites or outcasts who were despised by the Jews. Shylock is alluding to Launcelot as Hagar s offspring because as Hagar was Abraham s bondswoman, so Launcelot was a servant to Shylock, a Jew, one of the descendants of Abraham. Also because, as Ishmael was rejected by Abraham, so

3 Launcelot leaves Shylock s service for that of Bassanio. Shylock s service looks upon all Gentiles including Christians as outcast. So Launcelot, the Christian, is called Hagar s offspring. 18. What is Shylock s estimate of Launcelot s character? Why does he tell Jessica about it? Ans. Shylock says that the fool Launcelot is good-natured enough but he eats too much. He is as slow as a snail.. He is sleepy-headed and sleeps during the day more than the wild cat does. He is lazy like the drones who do no work. He tells Jessica about his estimate of Launcelot s character to give her the reasons why he is parting with Launcelot. 19. What are Shylocks s parting instructions to Jessica? Ans. Shylock tells Jessica to go in, to remember what he has told her and to shut the doors after her. He quotes the proverb which says that if you lock a thing up, you will find it safe. (Leave secure, you will find all secure) Act - II Scene VI THE ELOPEMENT 1. Where are they waiting? For whom? Ans. They are waiting under a shed near Shylock s house. They are waiting for Lorenzo. 2. Why is Gratiano surprised that Lorenzo is late? Ans. Gratanio is surprised that Lorenzo is late because those who are in love generally rush to the meeting place long before the appointed hour. 3. What is Salarino s comment? What does he insinuate? Ans. Salarino comments that the doves that draw the chariot of Venus, the goddess of Love, fly ten times faster when they are journeying to bind new love more firmly, than they do when love is once pledged and certain.salarino insinuates that now that Jessica is his, Lorenzo is not so faithful to her, therefore he is late. Lovers are quick in making new love and are ten times more ready to bind their love, but when love is certain they are slow 4. Explain: All things that are / Are with more spirit chased than enjoy d. Ans. The above lines means that the pursuit of any desired object is a more enjoyable task, and gives far greater pleasure, than the enjoyment of it after it has been attained and enjoyed. This is the case with everything in the world. 5. By what different comparisons does Gratiano enforce the truth of the above maxim? Ans. Gratiano says that no one leaves a banquet with the same hunger as when he sat down to it. Secondly, he says you will not find even a horse travel again over the same road on its return journey with the same energy and animation with which it set out.. Thirdly, when a vessel with its sails spread and its flags flying, sails out from the harbor, it looks like a high-spirited and spendthrift youth setting forth in search of pleasure, with the wanton breezes playing amongst the sails. When it returns to port, like the spendthrift youth, it has torn and ragged sails, its frames is battered. It is like the returning Prodigal Son of the Bible, lean, ragged and penniless, ruined by the same faithless gales. These are the three comparisons Grantiano makes to force the truth of his maxim. 6. Who enters the scene now? What does he say to his friends? Ans. Lorenzo enters the scene now. He tells his friends to forgive him for having stayed away so long. He tells them it was entirely on account of business matters that he was obliged to keep them waiting.. He says if ever any of them wishes to do what he is doing that night, and steal away a fair lady to be his wife, he will wait as long as they have done, to help them on that occasion. 7. What does she say? Why? Ans. She asks who is there. She would like to hear who it is, that she may be absolutely sure, though she can swear that she recognizes the voice. She is making sure who is calling because all three are wearing masks.

4 8. What does Lorenzo reply? Ans. Lorenzo replies that it is Lorenzo, who loves her. 9. How does Jessica retort? Ans. Jessica retorts by saying that it is certainly Lorenzo, and therefore he is most surely her love, for he the one she loves above all. Then she says she does not know whether he loves her as much. 10. What does Lorenzo reply?? Ans. Lorenzo replies that God in heaven and her own heart are the witnesses of his love for her. 11. What does she throw down to Lorenzo? What does this reveal? Ans. Jessica is throwing down a casket to Lorenzo telling him it contains valuable things and worth taking trouble for. This reveals that Jessica is robbing her father deliberately. 12. Explain: But love is blind, and lovers cannot see the pretty follies that themselves commit; Ans. The classical god of love, Cupid is always represented as a blind boy, with bow and arrows. So here, it means that just like Cupid, lovers are always blind to each other s faults. The use of but is significant. Jessica says at first that she is glad that it is night and that Lorenzo cannot see her clearly. Then she says but meaning even if it were day, lovers are too blind to see each other s faults. 13. What does Jessica say about Cupid? Ans. Jessica says that if lovers did see the foolish acts they themselves commit, Cupid, the little blind god of love, himself would be shocked if he saw her dressed like a boy. 14. What does Lorenzo tell Jessica about the part she has to play that night? Ans. Lorenzo tells Jessica to come down into the street quickly. He tells her she has to play the part of his torch-bearer in the masque that night. 15. What is Jessica s reaction on hearing this? What does she say? Ans. Jessica is shocked and embarrassed on hearing that she has to be Lorenzo s torch-bearer. She asks Lorenzo whether she must hold a light to show up her shameful acts. The words shames means acts of shame, that is, her elopement, her attire and her theft. She continues to say that her deeds themselves are truly apartment and do not require any further light to be thrown on them. To take the part of a torch-bearer will reveal her to the sight of all and she ought to be concealed. 16. Which word does Jessica wittily pun on? Explain. Ans. When Lorenzo tells Jessica that she should be his torchbearer, Jessica replies with a quick wit. She puns on the word light. One meaning of light is bright. The second meaning is of light behavour or frivolous. Jessica means that her shameful disguise of being dressed as a boy is too frivolous, and Lorenzo should not ask her to light them still further by carrying a candle in her hands. 17. What does Gratiano say? Explain the pun used by Grantiano? Ans. Gratiano vows by his hoodthat Jessica is too good to be a jew. She is a real Gentile. The word Gentile is punned on. It means (i) a gentle woman (ii) a Gentile, that is not a jew. 18. Why does Gratiano swear by his hood? Ans. Gratiano is wearing a masquerading dress which has a cape or hood. So he is swearing by his hood. It was a common custom among the Elizabethans to swear by various parts of their dress. 19. What does beshrew me mean? Ans. The phrase beshrew me means course me. It is a mild oath often used by Shakspeare.

5 20. In what high terms of praise does Lorenzo speak of Jessica? Ans. Lorenzo says that he loves Jessica deeply. He says that if he has estimated her right, she is wise and sensible. If his eyes tell him truly, she is beautiful and constant. Thus, he will keep her image in his faithful heart, as constant, beautiful and wise. 21. Which word does Jessica wittily pun on? Explain. Ans. When Lorenzo tells Jessica that she should be his torchbearer, Jessica replies with a quick wit. She puns on the word light. One meaning of light is bright. The second meaning is of light behavour or frivolous. Jessica means that her shameful disguise of being dressed as a boy is too frivolous, and Lorenzo should not ask her to light them still further by carrying a candle in her hands. 22. What does Gratiano say? Explain the pun used by Grantiano? Ans. Gratiano vows by his hoodthat Jessica is too good to be a jew. She is a real Gentile. The word Gentile is punned on. It means (i) a gentle woman (ii) a Gentile, that is not a jew. 23. Why does Gratiano swear by his hood? Ans. Gratiano is wearing a masquerading dress which has a cape or hood. So he is swearing by his hood. It was a common custom among the Elizabethans to swear by various parts of their dress. 24. What does beshrew me mean? Ans. The phrase beshrew me means course me. It is a mild oath often used by Shakspeare. 25. In what high terms of praise does Lorenzo speak of Jessica? Ans. Lorenzo says that he loves Jessica deeply. He says that if he has estimated her aright, she is wise and sensible. If his eyes tell him truly, she is beautiful and constant. Thus, he will keep her image in his faithful heart, as constant, beautiful and wise. 26. What does Antonio tell Gratiano? Ans. Antionio tells Gratiano that he ought to be ashamed as it is late. It is nine o clock and he is keeping the rest of the company waiting. He informs Gratiano that there will be a masque that night, for the wind has changed and it is now favourable for sailing. Bassanio must embarkimmediately. Antonio has sent twenty men out to look for Gratiano. 27. What is Gratiano s reply? Ans. Gratiano replies that he is delighted to hear this news. He says nothing will given him greater pleasure than to set out on their voyage at once. Act - II Scene VII 1. What two things have been done morocco undergoes the rest of the caskets? Ans. Before morocco undergoes the test of the caskets he has already been to the church and taken the oath that he will never love or marry a lady, in case of failure. Also Portia has entertained him at dinner (at noon) 2. What does Portia ask one of her attendants to do? Why? Ans. Portia asks one of her attendants to pull apart the curtains, she says this so that the different caskets will be revealed to the noble prince 3. Why does she call him noble? Ans. By the word noble she means illustration she is also being very courteous to morocco and treating him with due respect and dignity. 4. What were the exact words inscribed on the silver casket? Ans. The silver casket had these words inscribed on it. Who chooseth me shall get as much as he deserves. 5. What were the exact words inscribed on the lead r casket? Ans. The silver casket had these words inscribed on it. Who chooseth me must give and hazard all he hath

6 6. What question does Morocco ask Portia after reading the three inscription? What reply does he get? Ans. After reading the three caskets. Morocco asks Portia how he will know if he chooses the right caskets. Portia replies that her portrait will be in the right casket. If he select that one then she is in possession along with it 7. What are Morocco s reasons for rejecting the lead casket? Ans. Morocco read the inscription on the lead casket which states that whoever selects it must be prepared to give all, and to risk everything. Morocco declares that no one except a fool would risk everything for the sake of a piece of dull lead. This casket bore a dismal warning. Those who risk everything only run that risk if they have good reason to think they will reap a rich reward. A man of a noble mind and high spirit will not lower himself to consider a worthless thing such as the leaden casket appears to be. He rejects it as he decides he will risk nothing for so poor reward. Later, he says that it is too crude a metal even to enclose the winding sheet when she is buried in the grave. 8. What are Morocco s reasons for rejecting the silver casket? Ans. Morocco looks at the pure white silver casket and reads the inscription which says that the one who makes a choice of it will be rewarded according to his merits. Morocco stops there and examines his personal worth. If he takes his esteem in which he is held as a standard of measurement, his merits may be very high indeed. When then, they may not be high enough to deserve the lady Portia, as her reputation in greater than his. Yet again, if he is too backward and too ready to depreciate himself he will loose his chance. According to his merits, he is sure he merits the lady. He deserves her because they are both alike in rank, in wealth and in manners. Above all, he is worthy of her in his deep affection. He almost decides on the silver casket but takes up the gold casket again. He says that such a rich gem can never be set in everything less than gold. It is a sinful thought to think that Portia is contained in the silver casket because it is only a tenth of the value of pure gold. So, for these reasons Morocco rejects the silver casket. 9 Explain: Virgin hue. Ans. The color of silver is pure white. It s symbolizes the purity of a virgin. It also symbolizes the white robes of a bride. The phrase Virgin hue refers to the cold chaste appearance of silver. The silver light of the moon and virgin purity of Diana, the moon goddess are also referred to. 10. What extravagant language does Morocco used to describe the extensive rivalry for Portia s hand? Ans. When Morocco reads the inscription on the gold casket; it tells him that whoever chooses it will be rewarded by obtaining what many men wish for. He says, that is Portia, as everyone wishes for her. They come from every quarter of the globe to worship at the holy place which enshrines this living object of adoration. Even the far deserts of Persia, and the immense wildernesses of Arabia are well trod highways now, as the noble gentlemen are thronging to Belmont to see the lovely portioa.the ocean itself which rears its haughty crest and flings its spray to the very clouds, is no greater hindrance than a little stream to those adventurous strangers who come from other lands to see this lovely maid, the fair Portia. 11. Explain: To kiss the shrine, this mortal breathing saint: Ans. A shrine is a place where any sacred relic of a holy person or the image of the saint is kept. Christian pilgrims kiss the relic or the image to show their respect. So Portia is compared to an image in a shrine as a she is enshrined with so many excellent qualities. A saint is a person of exceptional holiness of life the Christian church formally declares such a person as having attained an exalted position in heaven after death and as being entitled to veneration on earth. The phrase mortal breathing saints means Portia is regarded as a saint though she is still living. 12. Explain: Hyrcanian deserts Ans. Hyrcanian was a province of the ancient Persian Empire on the south and South east of the Caspian or Hyrcanian Sea. The Hyrcanian desert was a desert region to the south of the Caspian Sea.

7 13. What low thought would be worthy of condemnation? Why? Ans. The low thought that the lead casket contains Portia s portrait would be worthy of condemnation. It would be so because lead would be too crude even to enfold the winding sheet when she is in the dark and gloomy tomb. It was the custom in Shakespeare s time to wrap dead bodies in waxed cloth and then encase them in lead. 14. What would be sinful thought according to Morocco? Why? Ans. According to Morocco, it would to a sinful thought to think that Portia is contained in the silver casket.this would be so because the value of silver is one-tenth of that of gold (This was so in Shakespeare s time). 15. To what does Morocco compare Portia? Therefore in what will she be contained? Ans. Morocco compares Portia to a valuable precious stone, which is fit only to have a setting of the finest gold. Therefore, Portia will be contained in the gold casket. 16. What type of gold coin did they have in England? Ans. In England, they had a gold coin in which the figure and Archangel Michael standing upon and piercing the dragon was engraved on one side. The coin was in fact called an angel. Its value was about ten shillings. 17. Which word is punned on? Explain. Ans. The word angel is punned on the first word in figure of an angel refers to the coin called angel. The second word in angel in a golden bed refers to an angelic being that is Portia s portrait. 18. What does the Prince see in the gold casket? Ans. When the Prince unlocks the golden casket, he see a skull and in its eyeless socket a scroll of writing. 19. What is the writing on the scroll? Ans. On the scroll is written that things which make the most brilliant show are not always the truest metal. Many times has that waning been sounded in our ears. For the sake of mere erected but they have no real value. Decay and death are all that they contain. The message tells the prince that if his wisdom had equaled his courage and if he had united youthfulness of body to the wisdom of riper years, his answer would have been a living woman, not a written scroll. He is told to depart for his wooing is over. 20. What is the Prince s reaction after reading the message of the scroll? Ans. After reading the message scroll, the Prince is overcome with disappointment. He says that his wooing is truly over, and all his pains are in vain. He bids adieu to the warm-heartedness of the lover and says he most accept the cold comfort of the rejected. He bids Portia farewell by saying that his sorrow is too great for many words. Those who have lost their heart s desire depart thus sadly. Saying that, he departs quickly with his train and a flourish of cornets. 21. What expressions does Portia use to convey her relief at his departure? Ans. Portia is relieved at his departure. She hopes every suitor who is like him may make a similar choice. 22. Which word does she pun on? Explain. Ans. Portia puns on the word complexion. One meaning of complexion is appearance. The second meaning of complexion is disposition. Portia means that all men of his physical appearance and mental disposition should be equally unlucky in their choice. 23. What does this scene reveal about the Prince of Morocco? Ans. The Prince of Morocco praises himself with regard to his birth, wealth and breeding. This information is accepted by us an accurate. His breeding is revealed when he praises Portia s grace and by his protestations of love for her. In spite of his good qualities, he is very materialistic. He only sees to the outward appearance and value of the caskets. He thinks the whole affair to be a

8 lottery. When the Prince pauses before the silver casket, he weighs his own value and exaggerates his own worth. He finds that in birth, in fortune, in outward graces he deserves fair Portia. Act - II Scene VIII 1. What is salarino telling salanio? Ans. Salarino is telling salanio that he had seen Bassanio when he sailed the previous night. The ship had gone, and Gratiano was in it, accompanying Bassanio. Certainly Lorenzo was not saintly person like Portia. 2. What news does Salonia give salarino? Ans. Salanio tells Salarino that the old rascal shylock roused the Duke with his complaints against Lorenzo and Jessica for robbing him and eloping and made such a disturbance that the Duke was obliges to attend to his demands. He even accompanied him to serrch for the Lorenzo and Jessica on board the vessel bassaniosailes in. 3. Explian : raised the duke? Ans. One meaning of raised is Rouses,that is Shylock awoke the duke from his sleep. Bassanio had sailed after 9.00 clock has stated in scene 6 lines 65. Another meaning of raise is that shylock stirred up the duke ti his authority and arrest and punish Lorenzo and Jessica. 4. Did the duke search the ship? Why? Ans. No the duke did not search the ship. He was not in time to search it for they had already put of from the land. 5. Who assured the duke that Lorenzo was not with Bassanio on the ship? Ans. Anotinioassured the duke that Lorenzo was not with Bassanio on the ship. 6. Which other person was sure of the same fact? Ans. Salarino was also sure that Lorenzo was not with Bassanio 7. What information about Lorenzo and Jessica was given to the Duke at the seashore? Ans. At the seashore someone informed the duke that Lorenzo and hoe Loving Jessica had been seen sitting together in a gondola 8. What is a Gondola? Ans. A gondola is a long narrow, flat bottom boat with a tall ornamental stern and sometimes a small cabin for passengers. It is rowed by a single oars man, known as a gondolier, who satandata the stern facing forward. The gondola is used on the canals of venice, which take the place of streets as venice is built upon a number of islands 9. How does a shylock feel and behave when he discovers that his daughter has eloped after robbing him? Ans. When Shylock discovers that his daughter has eloped after robbing him. Shylock is wild and furious with grief and despair. He gives vent to it by and exhibition of passionate amd excitement and anger which is stranger, excessive and frequently changing. He makes an outcry in the public street.. He utters confused cries of his daughter, his ducats, Christian and justice. He says his daughter has fled with a Christian. Then he cries over his Christian money. He wants justice from the law, He cries again over his money, his daughter his sealed bag and two sealed bags of double ducats. She has r taken away carefully preserved bags of gold and precious gems, most valuable gems which she has robbed shylock of. He asks for justice and for Jessica to be found and punishes, she has them in her Possession his gems and his gold 10. What is Salarino scomments? Ans. Salarino says that all the boys in venice are his heels, mocking his cries for his daughter and his ducats

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