Adventurers with Jesus Online Activities. 1 st Quarter Lesson 1. Bible Quiz. Multiple Choice

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1 Adventurers with Jesus Online Activities 1 st Quarter 2016 Lesson 1 Multiple Choice 1. Whom did Jacob want to marry? A. Leah B. Rachel C. Zilpah 2. How many years did Jacob work to marry the woman he loved? A. seven B. ten C. fourteen 3. Which of the following is not an important trait in a relationship? A. patience B. love C. greed 4. Which of the following displays an example of patience? A. Joey s mom made an amazing cake. She told him not to eat any of it yet, because she made it for dinner. But when his mom stepped out of the kitchen, Joey grabbed a fork and took a bite out of it. Then he tried to cover the area with extra frosting. B. Sophia s sister, Norie, kept asking her questions. Sophia thought it was annoying and told Norie to stop, but she didn t. In a fit of rage, Sophia kicked Norie out of her room. C. Dillon s parents promised to take him to Splash City after lunch. As soon as lunch was over, Dillon got into his swim trunks and stood by the door. Dillon s mom said that the family wouldn t leave for Splash City until the dishes were done. Dillon happily helped with the dishes, even though this meant that the trip was delayed. 5. tricked Jacob into marrying his older daughter. A. Laban B. Esau C. Abraham Net Check: Jacob s Family Jacob married both Leah and Rachel, and he had a total of twelve sons. God later changed Jacob s name to Israel, and as the family increased in numbers, they become the nation of Israel, made up of twelve tribes from each son of Israel. These tribes were the fulfillment of God s promise to their forefather, Abraham: I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you, and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed (Gen. 12:2 3, NRSV). God brought redemption for all people through Jacob s family because Jesus is a descendant of Jacob.

2 Lesson 2 True or False Write the letter T if the statement is true or F if the statement is false. 1. King Solomon and his bride loved each other deeply. 2. Solomon s bride compared her husband to a sheep. 3. Jesus is our good shepherd. 4. A shepherd is willing to give his life for his flock. 5. Love is important in a marriage, but it s not important in every friendship. Net Check: Song of Solomon King Solomon did not write just Song of Solomon. He also wrote the book of Proverbs in the Bible. King Solomon was known for his great wisdom and discernment, as well as for his riches. When Solomon was a young king, God appeared to him in a dream and told him to make a request. God would give to Solomon whatever he asked for. Solomon could have asked for anything. He could have asked for success in battles against other nations. He could have asked for long life. He could have even asked for riches and a happy life. But Solomon knew that they there was something better that he should ask for. He asked God to grant him wisdom to rule in a godly manner. God was pleased that Solomon did not ask for something with selfish motives. God did not only give Solomon the wisdom that he asked for, but He also gave him incredible riches and a long life. Solomon s great wisdom inspired the writings of both Proverbs and Song of Solomon.

3 Lesson 3 Fill in the Blank 1. Hosea married a woman named. 2. God used Hosea s marriage to show that the Israelites were to Him. 3. Hosea and Gomer s children were named, Lo-ruhamah, and Lo-ammi. 4. One day the Israelites would again be called of the living God (Hos. 1:10, NRSV). 5. If we our sins, he who is faithful and just will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9, NRSV). Net Check: Hosea Hosea was one of God s prophets to Israel. As a prophet, Hosea s mission was to share God s messages with the people. Hosea specifically prophesied to the Northern Kingdom of Israel, and his ministry lasted approximately forty years and spanned several kings, according to Hosea 1:1. The book of Hosea is the first book listed of the Minor Prophets in the Bible. These books are called minor not because they aren t important but because these books are shorter than the longer books of the Major Prophets. Although Hosea is not mentioned anywhere else in the Bible, this book provides important information on God s desire for His people to be redeemed. Even when we sin and are not loyal to Him, God creates a plan of redemption so that we can be saved and have a close relationship with God once again.

4 Lesson 4 Short-Answer Questions 1. Why was Mary concerned about the lack of wine at the wedding? 2. When Mary asked Jesus to help, how did He respond? 3. What were Jesus instructions to the servants? 4. How was Jesus miracle received by the wedding host? 5. Will God give us everything we ask for? Why or why not? Net Check: Jesus Miracles Today s lesson discussed Jesus first miracle of changing water into wine. Jesus continued to perform miracles throughout His ministry, ranging from the time that He helped the fishermen catch so many fish that their nets began to break, to the time that He fed five thousand people with five loaves of bread and two fish, to the time that He raised Jairus daughter from the dead. These miracles not only showed the power of God and His love for all people, but they also showed that the Kingdom of God ushers in healing, peace, and restoration. Jesus miracles were an invitation to follow Him and to join Him to do the work of the Kingdom.

5 Lesson 5 Multiple Choice Circle the correct answer. 1. Mary and Martha sent a message to Jesus about. A. their brother, Lazarus B. the death of a cousin C. their desire to visit Him 2. When Mary and Martha called on Jesus, He waited a few days before He traveled to. A. Jerusalem B. Samaria C. Bethany 3. Why didn t Jesus heal Lazarus earlier? A. Jesus did not have the time to do the miracle earlier. B. Jesus did not have the power to heal him from a long distance. C. Jesus wanted to reveal God s mighty power. 4. Which of the following is not true? A. Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. B. Jesus will give us everything that we ask for, no matter what, because we follow Him. C. Everyone who believes in Jesus has eternal life. 5. Jesus prayed, Father, I thank you for having heard me. I knew that you always hear me, but I have said this for the sake of the crowd standing here, so that (John 11:41 42, NRSV). A. they could hear your voice B. they may see the light C. they may believe that you sent me Net Check: Mary and Martha Jesus was good friends with Mary, Martha, and Lazarus. Elsewhere in the Bible, we read about Jesus encounters with this family. In Luke 10, we find that Martha opened her home to Jesus and His disciples during His travels. This is a special story that taught Martha that listening and learning at the feet of Jesus is more important than making preparations for the guests. Of course, Jesus did not say that making those preparations was unimportant, but He did say that taking time to learn from Him was the better choice. In John 12, we learn that Jesus arrived in Bethany to visit Lazarus, Mary, and Martha again, after Lazarus had been raised from the dead. The family held a dinner in Jesus honor, and during this time, Mary poured expensive perfume on Jesus feet and wiped His feet with her hair. From these stories, we know that Mary and Martha had a close relationship with Jesus during His ministry.

6 Lesson 6 True or False Write the letter T if the statement is true or F if the statement is false. 1. The Israelites had been in slavery for seven hundred years. 2. The last plague caused the death of the firstborn of the Egyptians, including animals. 3. The Israelites who put the blood of a pure lamb on their doorposts were saved from the plague. 4. The lamb s blood on the doorpost was a sign of the Lamb of God, Jesus, who would come to shed His blood and save us from death. 5. After the Passover, the Israelites were still enslaved for twenty more years. Net Check: Ten Plagues The Israelites were enslaved for more than four hundred years. During this time, they called to God for help. God heard their cries and remembered His covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. God then used Moses to speak to the pharaoh and show many signs to him. When Moses showed signs to the pharaoh, he told him that God said to let His people leave Egypt. Pharaoh did not listen and refused to let the Israelites leave. Because he did not listen to God s instructions, God sent ten plagues upon the Egyptians. After each plague, God gave pharaoh another chance to obey His command. First, God changed the water in the Nile into blood. Then He filled Egypt with frogs. He also sent a swarm of gnats and then a swarm of flies. Then God sent a plague on Egypt s livestock, causing them to die. Then God caused boils to break out on the Egyptian people. God also sent a plague of hail and a plague of locusts. The ninth plague brought total darkness on the land, and the final plague was the death of all the firstborn in Egypt. After the tenth plague, the pharaoh allowed the Israelites to leave Egypt.

7 Lesson 7 Fill in the Blank 1. The Festival of Weeks is a time to give to God. 2. The Feast of Weeks happens every. 3. The Israelites brought to God. 4. The edges of the crops were left for the. 5. God had given the Israelites a bountiful. Net Check: Feast of Weeks The Feast of Weeks had a few different names. It was also known as the (Feast of) Pentecost or even the Feast of Harvest since the feast was a celebration of a bountiful wheat harvest. The feast was to start on the fiftieth day after Passover. This date would be on the sixth day of Sivan, the third month of the Hebrew calendar which is during May and June on our calendar. In 2016, the Feast of Weeks will be from sundown on June 11 to sundown on June 13. Over time, the feast has come to mean more than just a time to give thanks to God for the harvest. The Feast of Weeks has also become a celebration of God giving the Law to Moses on Mount Sinai.

8 Lesson 8 Short Answer 1. How did Jesus become the supreme sacrifice? 2. Why was Jesus the perfect sacrifice? 3. Why don t Christians make animal sacrifices to God? 4. Why were animal sacrifices not good enough? 5. What do we have to do to be forgiven? Net Check: Jesus Sacrifice Jesus sacrifice was no doubt a very difficult sacrifice to make. Jesus lived His entire life knowing that His purpose was not only to preach and guide people while He was here during His years of ministry, but most importantly that He came to die a brutal, painful, and merciless death. He knew exactly what was going to happen to Him, and He willfully submitted to the pain and punishment. Jesus had done nothing to deserve punishment. He was a sinless man. Jesus was accepting our punishment for our sins. He paid our debt so that we could be cleansed of our sin and return to having a relationship with God. Jesus did not particularly want to undergo such pain, asking God to remove this cup from [Him] in Luke 22:42 (NRSV). Even though Jesus prayed for there to be another way to redeem humanity than the painful sacrifice He was about to endure, He showed obedience to God and followed the Father s will.

9 Lesson 9 Festival of Booths Across 3. family history 5. temporary homes like the Israelites lived in for the forty years of wandering the desert Down 1. Today s Scripture comes from this book. 2. another word for celebration or party 4. Something that happens once a year, like the Festival of Booths, is an event. Net Check: Festival of Booths The festival of booths, also known as the festival of tabernacles, was to occur at a specific time of the year. On the Hebrew calendar, it runs from the fifteenth to the twenty-second of the seventh month of the year, Tishri. On our calendar, the holiday falls in the middle of October. The festival has also been used to mark the end of the agricultural year or the time of harvest in the fall, and an extra day of holiday is observed at the end of the seven days of the festival. John 7 8 depicts Jesus observing the festival of booths.

10 Lesson 10 Multiple Choice Circle the correct answer. 1. Jesus emphasized the power of. a. Demons b. Sickness c. Prayer 2. The boy was not able to do what? a. Hear b. Talk c. Both 3. What happened when the evil spirit saw Jesus? a. It ran away in fear. b. It seized and tortured the boy. c. It talked to Jesus. 4. Why was Jesus upset? a. People didn t have enough faith. b. He twisted his ankle coming down the mountain. c. He was tired of having to repeat himself. 5. In Mark 9:23 Jesus said, All things can be done for whom? a. Those who work really hard to achieve their goals b. Those who believe c. Those who have a lot of money Net Check: Power of Prayer Prayer can be a very powerful thing if done in a sincere and humble attitude. Prayer is the Christian s way of talking to and with God. Throughout the Bible are endless examples of individuals praying to God in times of need and asking for help for a variety of situations. Because prayer is a connection to God and God is all-powerful, we can have access to mighty power through prayer. This power is not exactly easy to gain access to, however. Only a sincere prayer, one in which the person praying displays true faith and belief in God s awesomeness and power to perform all works, has this power. It is important that when we pray we remember to honor and glorify God, to come before Him in prayer with a humble heart, and to have absolute trust and faith in His ability to fulfill our needs and answer our prayers as He sees fit.

11 Lesson 11 True or False Write the letter T if the statement is true or the letter F if the statement is false. 1. A camel can easily fit through the eye of a needle. 2. The rich man followed all of the Ten Commandments. 3. Jesus loved the rich young man. 4. The rich man was happy. 5. The disciples were not surprised by Jesus statement about how hard it would be for the rich to gain eternal life. Net Check: Eternal Life Something that is eternal exists beyond the bounds of time, meaning that it existed before the beginning of time and will continue to exist after the end of time. The only thing or being that is eternal is God. God existed before the universe was created, because He created it. He will continue to exist forever. Having eternal life for a human does not mean that we will live on earth forever as though we had drunk from a fountain of youth, never aging or dying. Our eternal life can only be gained through a sincere relationship and devotion to God who is the only source of eternal life. By dedicating our lives and spirits to God s work, He grants us eternal life with and in Him after our earthly life is finished. This is why we do not have to fear death. We as Christians know that after death awaits a wondrous life in heaven with God where no harm, pain, or suffering will ever exist. We will instead be surrounded by only the loving goodness of God and joyously worship and praise Him for eternity. Eternal life is one of the many benefits of being forgiven for our sins through Jesus sacrifice.

12 Lesson 12 Fill in the blank 1. Jesus told His that they would abandon Him. 2. Peter said that he would rather than deny Jesus. 3. Peter denied Jesus times. 4. After the third time, a crowed. 5. Peter when he realized what he had done. Net Check: Peter Peter was not named Peter at his birth. His birth name was Simon, which is why he was sometimes referred to as Simon Peter. Peter and his brother Andrew lived in Galilee where they had a fishing business. Peter was married and had a family, and Jesus even healed Peter s mother-in-law of a fever in Mark 1: Peter s wife and possibly his children would go with him on missionary trips. Simon Peter s brother, Andrew, was also a disciple of Jesus and even brought Peter to Jesus. It was then that Jesus renamed Simon as Peter. His name is important because it means rock. Jesus knew that Peter would be very strong in his faith, making him very useful to the growth and develop of the early Christian Church after Jesus death and resurrection.

13 Lesson 13 Short Answer 1. Who were the three women that went to Jesus tomb? 2. What did the women have with them and what were they going to do with their supplies? 3. What did the women see when they arrived at the tomb? 4. What did the angel say to the women? 5. Why is Jesus resurrection important to Christians? Net Check: Jesus Resurrection We know that Jesus had power over death even before He died because He brought Lazarus back to life in John 11. Jesus resurrection is not unique then in it being the only resurrection that ever happened. The importance of Jesus resurrection comes from the fact that Jesus was God in a physical human form. Lazarus resurrection proved that God had power over death, but Jesus resurrection proved that death did not have power over God. The fact that Jesus, God come to earth, overcame death is a source of great hope for all humanity. Because of this great victory, we know that when God tells us that we can have eternal life in Him, we can believe Him. Only God has this power, and only He can give us this gift. Jesus died to give us forgiveness, and He was resurrected to give us hope and life.

14 Answers Lesson 1 1. B; 2. A; 3. C; 4. C; 5. A Lesson 2 1. T; 2. F; 3. T; 4. T; 5. F Lesson 3 1. Gomer; 2. unfaithful; 3. Jezreel; 4. Children; 5. Confess Lesson 4 1. A lack of wine may have embarrassed the wedding host because the shortage would appear as a lack of hospitality. 2. Jesus said to Mary, Woman, what concern is that to you and me? My hour has not yet come (John 2:4, NRSV). 3. Jesus told the servants to fill the six stone water jars with water. Then he instructed the servants to draw some out and give it to the wedding host. 4. The wedding host was impressed with the quality of the wine. He said to the bridegroom, Everyone serves the good wine first, and then the inferior wine after the guests have become drunk. But you have kept the good wine until now (John 2:10, NRSV). 5. God will not give us everything we ask for, but He will give us everything that we ask for that is a part of His plan. Sometimes what we want is not what is best for us. Like a good parent, God gives us what we need. He provides for our needs and also uses situations in our lives to make us more like Him, which is better than anything else we could ask for. Lesson 5 1. A; 2. C; 3. C; 4. B; 5. C Lesson 6 1. F; 2. T; 3. T; 4. T; 5. F Lesson 7 1. thanks; 2. year; 3. sacrifices; 4. poor; 5. harvest Lesson 8 1. Jesus became the supreme sacrifice by dying on the cross for our sins. 2. Jesus was the perfect sacrifice because he was sinless, pure, and perfect. 3. Jesus sacrifice covers all our sins, so we don t need any other sacrifices. 4. They only covered the sins that had already been committed, not all sins. 5. God offers forgiveness freely. All we have to do is accept it. Lesson 9 1. Leviticus; 2. Festival; 3. Heritage; 4. Annual; 5. Tents Lesson C; 2. C; 3. B; 4. A; 5. B

15 Lesson F; 2. T; 3. T; 4. F; 5. F Lesson disciples; 2. die; 3. three; 4. cock/rooster; 5. cried Lesson The three women were Mary Magdalene; Mary, mother of James; and Salome; 2. They carried spices, herbs, and oils to anoint the body of Jesus; 3. The stone was rolled away, Jesus was not there, and inside was a man dressed in white; 4. The angel told them not to be afraid and to tell others about what they had witnessed at the tomb that day; 5. Jesus resurrection is important because it shows that God has power even over death so we can have hope for eternal life through our faith in Him.

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